#i smoked spun
clits-and-clips · 2 months
Do you see a difference in not smoking weed? I’ve been trying to cut down. I smoke like 3 spliffs a day if I’m really stressed lol and it’s going on 5 years since I started. I will admit, I have cut down a LOT imo. I used to chain smoke back to back like 6 or more a day especially when I was together with my ex. But what helps you get your mind off of smoking or trying to fight the urge?
Ah jeez, I quit the day he broke up with me because I thought maybe he would take me back lmao, but I wanted to quit for a long time before that so that made it easier. I'm definitely less agitated, less anxious but I still have anxiety. I was smoking all day every day for two years, before that it was every day but not consistent throughout. I've been reading a lot, but when I cant concentrate on that I just sit on my phone a lot or watch TV shows. To be honest I really don't know what's distracting me the most... probably all the appointments I've been forcing myself to go to. The main thing for me is my anger issues, I hate being an angry person and weed made it worse (because it stems from my anxiety) my advice would be I guess to find something that genuinely takes the focus off it. Reading (find a good series), TV, art, if you have pets play with them, reorganise your stuff and cull (did a lot of that moving back home), cleaning is a good one but I dont have the energy for it anymore. Sorry if this is long haha. Focusing on my pets is a big one cause I have to be more independent with it and do it myself. Gardening!!! Buy some plants and take care of them lol. My parents and siblings are a massive help and keep me distracted so if you have a good family or circle of friends ask for their help! Set small goals and work towards them
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brutalxlove23 · 1 year
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degenerate-kitty · 7 months
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Smoking section
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milkweedman · 4 months
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Made a ply ball to make this plying less annoying. I still have fiber left to spin, but I've decided to get started on plying anyway.
This is the suffolk/hampshire blend I've been working on, on and off, for the last couple months.
Nearly there.
Also, some snowdrops for your trouble.
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badazzlilblonde · 18 days
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Hey!! I need someone to talk too
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belfryprepz · 3 months
Me and my gf got into a bad car accident today
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10 years later
well I just got back into this tumblr account... thing is, I DID get into drugs. ALL OF THE DRUGS. Name a drug I haven't done.. that would be the hard part. I wanted to do drugs so bad according to my lame ass pist 10 years ago but it still feels like it was o ly yesterday. That's how fast time goes when you are actually on drugs. Not no bullshit norco ecstasy binge.. Haha I'm fully addicted to fentanyl and meth and I have an 8 year old daughter whom I barely see and she has no idea who her psycho father is. I haven't been in her life like at all. My husband on is her mom. I'm her sister. When she gets older and realizes what a piece of shit I've been, that's going to burn my insides with regret. I've lost everything that's good in my life. I'm literally at a point where I am so fucking miserable it's hard to explain. I hate my life. I look around so disoriented because everything is on a thin sheet of glass and it can all break through and I have nothing. I have no friends because my most recent relationship has become everything to me. He is everything to me. Even though he cheats on me with everyone who is willing.. including hookers. I still love him though. Hes locked up right now and I have to go back to jail soon I just want to wait until he gets out at least so that I can get a taste of him sober. But I'm going to get sober before he gets out, or hes just going to want to do drugs if I'm doing drugs. I should have a place for us to stay as well. And a car. Or hell just go back to being with my best friend. Oh yeah I didnt mention that yet? When I did a 14 month term in jail I got out and he was living with my best fucking friend. Some friend huh. Some soul mate as well. .y life sucks. I want to end it but then I dont because I know theres nothing after life. I've overdosed multiple times. Theres nothing. So I wont kill myself because even though I am miserable. It's betterthan nothing.
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absolutelytitfaced · 4 months
if i could take one thing back it would be meeting you.
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coffeeastronaut · 10 months
the shitscript is in fact a a a shitscript but crowley and aziraphale's 6000 years of crowley cheating at checkers every time and aziraphale never wins is seriously so insanely funny. like.
aziraphale is not at all stupid, let alone enough for crowley's literal "whats that outside!!!! [snatches his pieces]" but the fact that he KNOWS hes been cheating this whole time and has been LETTING him is so fucking funny.
not for the reason the script gives (something something its aziraphale's lame moral lesson that even he knows is stupid, but only after an 11 year old points it out to him) but for the reason ive invented in my mind, which is that this is yet another example of their looserman weirdo foreplay
#mi#fuck it. goes in my good omens tag#good omens#i am firm in my belife that they only have a. bad sex but lots of it or b. looney toons sex that gets interuppted by increasingly outlandis#incidents cumulating in like a stick of dynamite from a mining convention thats passing through town accidentally gets swapped with the cig#the cigar that aziraphale was going to use in their noir detective rp that theyve been working up to for 6 years (technically 8 but they#forgot about it for a few years in the middle) and when he goes to sensually smoke it he gets blowed up like columbo and when the smoke#clears all his clothes have spun around backwards like daffy's beak.#both scenarios cause power outages but for different reasons. in the first its bc even the lamest of sex has them like AWOOOOGHAAAA and#convinced theyve reinvented gods greatest gift to mankind and inadvertently fuck with the power grid and in the second its because#crowley tried to feed aziraphale food in bed but butterfingered the fork and as it slipped and tumbled and bounced between his hands like a#master juggler high on too little sleep and too many coworkers who say shit like 'egads!' it miraculously found its way into the wall outle#(the only uncovered outlet in the bookshop; every other outlet has one of those babyproof covers because aziraphale doesnt trust the wiring#to not make random bolts of electricity to come out otherwise; which means they really do do that purely bc he expects it)#and when he impulsively went to pull it out he got electrocuted but on account of him not being human it just felt a bit funny and then#they stood and took turns holding the fork in the outlet and giggling like old ladies do at raunchy operas; completely blowing out the#circuts in the bookshop and every other shop on the same wiring
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badazzlilblonde · 18 days
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Snapchat ^^^
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ditabondage85 · 8 months
A veces sólo quedan estas grabaciones como muestra de que YO SI FUI MUY FELIZ!
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fatasswhitetrash · 2 years
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Sooo I need to get something done about this which one of y’all assholes will help a bitch out collecting donations for some stupid scar revision shit
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fancypeachcomputer · 2 years
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