#i remember excitedly announcing it in the groupchat i was in
ditzydisko · 1 year
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0 notes
kpop-zone · 4 years
Twice reaction to their s/o meeting the members for the first time
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“What if they don’t like me?”
Nervously, you tugged on your clothes and Nayeon had to smile, because your nervousness was really endearing.
“Don’t worry. You managed to woo me; the others are going to be a piece of cake. And even if they don’t like you; you’re dating me, so their opinion doesn’t matter.”
Nayeon tried to calm you and although she meant what she was saying, she hoped that her members would like you, nevertheless.
They were almost as important to her as you were, so she wanted you to be part of the family. She had already told the members that she was seeing someone, but you had never met them before. It was tiring, however, for Nayeon to keep those two parts of her life separate, because all of you were essential to her. Therefore, she had told her members that she would introduce you today.
Together the two of you entered the dorm where eight pairs of eyes immediately fell on you. All girls were gathered in the living room, pretending to be occupied with something although it was obvious that they had just been waiting for you.
Nayeon had to stifle her laughter and confidently took your hand in hers, guiding you into the apartment.
“Girls this is Y/N. Y/N, I’m sure you already know all of their names.”
She introduced you shortly, while squeezing your hand lightly to calm you down.
It felt like a huge weight was lifted off Nayeon and she was looking forward to the memories that you could make all together. Jihyo and Sana immediately greeted you with a hug and the other girls followed their lead.
Nayeon stayed close by your side throughout the whole evening, making sure that you were comfortable. But she saw that you were getting along with everyone just fine, causing her heart to flutter in her chest. There was nothing that could have made her happier than to see the people that she loved most in life to get along.
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Jeongyeon had asked you from the start to take it slow. This was all new to her and she didn’t want to do anything to ruin her reputation. Therefore, she had actually also decided to keep her relationship a secret from her members. But her plan was ruined relatively quickly, because of her bad lying skills.
Her members had caught her smiling at her phone while she was texting with you. After that they had been bugging her till she told them that she was seeing someone. From that moment on, Jeongyeon knew that she had to introduce you to them if she didn’t want to be bothered by her members 24/7.
That’s how Jeongyeon found herself nervously sitting at the counter in the kitchen while having breakfast and waiting for your arrival. She hadn’t told her members that you were coming today because she didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. But if she was honest, she was almost dying of nervousness. What if they didn’t like you? What if you didn’t like them?
“What did I do to be gifted with your silence this morning?”
Nayeon suddenly asked sarcastically next to her, but before Jeongyeon could answer someone knocked on the front door.
“Who’s that?”
Jihyo wondered perplexed before shuffling to the door. Jeongyeon, however, quickly leaped to her feet and blocked her way.
“I got it.”
She grinned lopsidedly, causing Jihyo to be even more confused.
Jeongyeon took a last deep breath before opening the door. You greeted her with a wide smile, and she calmed down a bit although she still couldn’t stop shifting from one foot to the other.
“Hey jagi.”
She almost whispered causing you to look at her suspiciously.
“You have told your members that I am coming today, right?”
You reassured yourself but when Jeongyeon grinned sheepishly, you gasped loudly.
Before either of you could say anything though, Jihyo suddenly appeared next to Jeongyeon and peaked outside.
“Who’s the- Y/N!”
Jihyo gasped and all the other members were suddenly wide awake.
Sheepishly you greeted the leader, because you felt like an intruder after showing up unannounced.
Jeongyeon chuckled to calm her nerves, but when everyone was staring at her in disbelief, she felt even more nervous.
“Well, come in, Y/N. Let’s introduce you to the rest.”
Gladly Jihyo decided to take the lead and guided you to the living room where some of the members were lounging around.
One after the other greeted you and despite the initial shock, everyone quickly warmed up to you, much to the relief of Jeongyeon. They decided to have brunch all together and while Jeongyeon went into the kitchen to prepare the food, you were immersed in a lively conversation with some of the members.
“Y/N is really nice.”
Jihyo smiled at her and Nayeon agreed with her quickly while they were standing in the kitchen.
Relieved, Jeongyeon felt like jumping up and down, but she contained herself and simply thanked her friends with a shy smile. Their blessing meant more to her than they could ever know. With a warm, fuzzy feeling in her stomach, Jeongyeon returned to the living room where she sat down next to you while her arm automatically slipped around your shoulder. She could definitely get used to this.
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Momo hadn’t managed to keep you a secret for long. But if she was honest, she also hadn’t tried to. Sana was the first one to know and after that, the rest of the girls soon knew too. No one had a problem with her relationship though and so it was a normal topic that they often talked about over dinner or when Momo was going on a date with you. Nevertheless, there had never been time to officially introduce you. Twice’s schedule was packed to the max. Therefore, the formal introduction got lost in the stress and soon Momo forgot that you hadn’t met her members yet.
Because of that, the first time that you had met the members was by accident. Momo had forgotten her iPad at your place and asked you to bring it by the dorm. You had assumed that your girlfriend had warned her members, but when you eventually knocked on the door, Chaeyoung ended up looking at you with wide eyes.
“Uh Momo? Y/N is here.”
She yelled into the apartment, causing Momo to shuffle to the door.
“Hey jagi.”
Momo greeted you nonchalantly before pecking your lips, much to the dismay of Chaeyoung.
“Momo! You could have warned me!”
The younger girl whined while getting red like a strawberry.
Momo shrugged unconcerned while taking your hand and pulling you inside of the apartment.
“Do you want to stay the night?”
She asked you and you looked at her perplexed.
“Is that cool with your members? Do they even know that I am here?”
You glanced at Chaeyoung who was still standing next to you and Momo suddenly remembered that you had never met her members before.
“Guys, Y/N is here!!”
She shouted to catch the attention of the girls and her plan worked.
It didn’t even take a second before Nayeon’s loud voice sounded in the room.
She asked perplexed and when she saw you standing in the entrance, she looked at Momo indignantly.
“Momo, why haven’t you told us that Y/N is coming?”
Nayeon scolded your girlfriend who grinned sheepishly in response.
Soon the rest of the girls gathered around you and greeted you nicely. You seemed to click with the members instantly and the atmosphere wasn’t awkward at all. For Momo, this was the most natural thing. She loved her members and she loved you, so there was no reason that this situation should be awkward.
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The moment Sana had met you, her members knew about your existence. She had run into you in the company and it was love at first sight for her. Therefore, she returned to her members afterwards and couldn’t stop gushing over you. They were immediately informed about any step in your relationship and when you finally started dating, it wasn’t a surprise to anyone.
Nevertheless, everyone was eager to finally meet you in person. And Sana also couldn’t wait for you to finally meet her members. The actual meeting though was relatively spontaneous. The two of you had met up to spend a relaxed day in your apartment when Sana suddenly thought that it was the perfect moment for you to be introduced to Twice. She asked you excitedly and although you were taken aback, you agreed to her proposal, making Sana the happiest person alive.
Quickly she sent a message to Twice’s groupchat, announcing your presence in the dorm a little later that day. Nayeon, Jeongyeon and Momo instantly started joking about making the worst impression possible, causing Sana to laugh at first but then concern started to bubble inside of her. She loved all of the girls endlessly, but she knew that they could be a little much. Their dorm was loud and chaotic at times and she didn’t know whether it was a good idea to introduce you to all of them at once.
Nevertheless, she pushed her concerns all the way to the back of her mind and dwelled on the happiness that she was feeling instead, because she would have the chance to have all the people that she loved most in life in one room today.
The two of you kept spending the day at your apartment but when it was time for dinner, you made your way to Twice’s dorm. Sana almost couldn’t contain her excitement anymore, but she still tried to be a good girlfriend and to be considerate of your nervousness. Softly she spoke to you to calm your nerves and to ease your concerns. There was no way that the other girls wouldn’t like you. In her eyes, you were all-round perfect.
As the two of you were entering the dorm, Sana interlinked your arms and kept you closely by her side.
“I’m home.”
She yelled into the apartment and soon the members shuffled out of their rooms.
“Guys this is Y/N. Please be nice. Y/N is a little nervous, so show your best sides.”
Sana said while looking at Momo, Jeongyeon and Nayeon in particular.
They only rolled their eyes before stepping forward to greet you properly. All of you seemed to get along great and Sana couldn’t wipe away the wide smile on her face throughout the whole evening. She was even clingier than usual and pulled you and the members into a million hugs. This was definitely only the first of many times that you would be in the dorm.
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Jihyo had told her members pretty much from the start that she was seeing you, because she felt obliged too. Everything that happened in her life could affect her leadership abilities and she wanted to have the blessings of her members before getting serious with you. They didn’t mind though and so the two of you hit it off.
From the moment, Jihyo had mentioned you though, her members kept annoying her, because they wanted to meet you. So as soon as she was certain that you had serious intentions, Jihyo asked you whether you were willing to meet her members. You immediately agreed and pure happiness washed over Jihyo. She was excited for you to meet her members, because she was really proud of them and loved them endlessly.
She had decided to casually bring you along when Twice had one of their movie nights during which they ordered some takeout and just lounged around in the living room.
Jihyo was preparing some snacks in the kitchen when you knocked on the door. Excitedly she skipped to the entrance to let you in. You were standing there with some food in your hand and Jihyo immediately wrapped her arms around you.
“I’m so excited for you to meet everyone.”
She exclaimed with a wide smile and you let yourself be dragged into the apartment.
“Y/N is here!”
Jihyo yelled loudly and soon murmuring and the opening of doors could be heard. The members quickly gathered and were curiously eyeing the two of you.
“This is my Y/N, guys. Be nice and behave.”
Jihyo narrowed her eyes at her members jokingly, causing everyone to chuckle before greeting you warmly.
All together you ordered some food and eventually cuddled up in the living room to start a movie. Jihyo was sitting on the couch while you were resting with your back against her and she could oversee all her members. Her heart fluttered at the sight of all the people she loved sitting together like this. Quickly she wrapped her arms around you and pulled you even closer, grateful to have all of you in her life.
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Mina hadn’t even intended to start something with you. But because of inexplainable reasons she gave you her number and soon your daily texts developed to calls and Mina found herself crushing on you. She wasn’t ready to admit that though. Neither to herself nor to anyone else. Therefore, she kept quiet about you.
Unfortunately, though, she was way too close to her members to be able to have a secret from them. Mina tried to be cool about it, but she absolutely wasn’t. She constantly behaved like she was doing something illegal and in the end her lack of being able to control her facial expressions gave her away.
She was just lounging on the couch while being completely immersed in texting with you when Jeongyeon suddenly popped up behind her.
“What are you doing?”
She asked while trying to peak on her phone.
Mina almost threw her phone across the whole room in shock. Quickly she locked it to prevent Jeongyeon from seeing anything, but she looked highly suspicious by doing so. The older member looked at her questioningly before a smirk started to play on her lips.
“Ohhh are you seeing someone?”
Jeongyeon asked as a joke, but Mina felt caught and instantly started blushing.
She tried acting nonchalant, but she seemed to already have given away her secret, because everyone in the room stopped what they were doing and fixed their gaze on her.
“Are you?”
Chaeyoung questioned perplexed and Mina shyly looked up from her phone.
She answered quietly, catching everyone off guard.
For several second, it was dead-silent in the room, but then everyone started talking at the same time to receive as much information from Mina as possible. She cursed herself inwardly for not being able to be cooler but at least she didn’t have to keep a secret from her members now.
Of course, they wanted to meet you. But Mina knew that she couldn’t stand the tension of having an official introduction in the dorm. Therefore, she decided to invite you to one of their concerts and bring you backstage afterwards.
When the night finally came, Mina almost died of nervousness. She was still kind of shy around you and now she was supposed to introduce you to her members? Hopefully the meeting wouldn’t be awkward because she knew that she wouldn’t be able to lighten the atmosphere.
The concert passed smoothly that day, but then it was time to pick you up from the entrance of the backstage area. Mina already saw you waiting there for her and her heart skipped a beat. Awkwardly she hugged you once she had reached you, because naturally no one could know that you were seeing each other. Nevertheless, she loosely interlinked arms with you while walking to Twice’s dressing room where most members were probably still gathered.
Before entering the room, Mina looked at you and you had a soft smile playing on your lips, causing her heartrate to normalize again. She didn’t know how you were able to be so calm right now, but she was very grateful for it.
When you entered, you were met with chaos and no one noticed you at first. But then slowly one member after the other noticed the two of you and came over to greet you. Mina held your hand tightly, although she didn’t know whether it was to calm you or to calm her. Nevertheless, she made sure to stay as close to you as possible throughout the whole night; even when it showed that there was absolutely no reason to be nervous. You were greeted warmly by all of her members and you instantly started talking with some of them like you had known each other for a lifetime.
Eventually it was time for Twice to go back to the dorm. Therefore, you said goodbye to everyone. Mina accompanied you to the side exit of the backstage area again where you could leave without being seen by anyone. When the two of you reached the door, Mina hugged you tightly until she had the feeling that you truly couldn’t breathe anymore. This evening had shown her that you just belonged with her. She couldn’t wait to be able to bring you home to the dorm, so the two of you could have some cuddle sessions in her bed.
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All of Twice knew that Dahyun was very careful when mixing her private and idol life. Therefore, no one complained when she announced that she had started seeing someone but wasn’t ready yet to introduce them to the group. Everyone waited patiently. After a while though, it was too exhausting for Dahyun to keep you apart from her idol life. Especially because her members were her family and she felt like she prevented you from knowing her completely.
Therefore, she started to introduce you to the members bit by bit. At first, she only introduced you to the School Meal Club. They were filming for their show, so Dahyun just took you with her to the set. She was completely comfortable around the other maknaes; therefore, she wasn’t really nervous to introduce you to them.
Next was the Japan line. For a holiday, Dahyun took them home with her and so she invited you too. She knew that none of them would have an issue with you. Sana knew everything about you anyways, because she didn’t stop asking questions about you since the day Dahyun had mentioned you the first time. And Dahyun had been right. Mina needed a while to be completely comfortable around you, because you were still a stranger, but Momo and Sana treated you like they had known you all their lives.
Now that you had met almost all of Twice already, Dahyun decided that it was ok to bring you to the dorm. She didn’t announce that you were coming because she wanted you to see the real Twice. And when you entered the dorm you instantly were exposed to the whole package. Mina was lounging on the sofa after spending an all-nighter on her Switch. Nayeon and Jeongyeon were fighting in the kitchen about who had finished the milk without buying a new one. And Jihyo was singing deafening loud in the shower.
Dahyun grinned to herself when she saw you trying to take in all of the different things that were happening at once. Swiftly she took your hand and pulled you into the kitchen to be able to introduce you to the bickering, old married couple.
“Nayeon, Jeongyeon, stop fighting. That’s Y/N.”
She introduced you with a chuckle and Nayeon gasped loudly.
Apparently, her and Jeongyeon were doing some skincare, because both of them were wearing ridiculous masks.
“Dahyun you could have warned us!”
Nayeon scolded her while ripping the mask of her face.
“Hi, Y/N.”
She greeted you sheepishly and Dahyun had to try hard not to break out in laughter.
It had been right to introduce you slowly to her idol life, but now she couldn’t wait to finally be able to take you wherever she was going. Whenever she was together with you or her members, she always had the best time. Therefore, she was really looking forward to spending time with all of you. It was bound to be pure chaos, but Dahyun knew that she wasn’t made for a boring life anyways.
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Chaeyoung sighed contently as you were resting your head on her chest while watching some TV. Despite the babbling of the MC, it was quiet in the dorm. Finally. Sharing a daily life with 8 girls could be exhausting and Chaeyoung could often not spend as much time on her own as she wanted to. She was never really bothered by that fact, but since she knew you, things had changed. She wasn’t particularly trying to keep you a secret, but she didn’t have the urge to tell the other girls either. The times that she could spend just with you were pure relaxation and she wasn’t ready yet to incorporate you into her crazy daily life with the other girls. For now, you should just be hers.
“Do you want to keep watching that or should we start a drama?”
You asked and Chaeyoung pulled you closer.
“Hm I don’t care. You can decide.”
She mumbled before kissing the crown of your head.
You were about to protest when the sound of the front door unlocking suddenly made both of you freeze. Chaeyoung looked on the watch on the wall. It was only 9 pm. Her members weren’t supposed to return until 11 pm.
“If you hadn’t dropped your plate on the floor and caught the attention of the whole restaurant, no one would have noticed that we were there.”
“Oh sure, you were so lowkey with your Gucci sweater and Balenciagas.”
The loud bickering of her members could be heard as soon as the door opened, but Chaeyoung’s brain couldn’t come up with any emergency plan. Therefore, the two of you kept laying on the couch while looking at the incoming members.
At first, they were too distracted by their bickering that they didn’t even notice what was going on. But then Tzuyu met Chaeyoung’s gaze before her eyes wandered down to her chest, noticing that her friend wasn’t alone.
“I thought you weren’t feeling so well?”
She asked with a grin in her voice, causing Chaeyoung to look to her lap sheepishly.
Finally, the other members realized what they had just walked in on and loud gasps resonated in the room.
Jihyo scolded her, causing you to immediately leap to your feet and to fidget with the hem of your shirt.
“H-hey guys. That’s Y/N.”
Chaeyoung introduced you sheepishly while peeking from behind you.
When their initial shock had died down, the members quickly greeted you to make you feel a little more comfortable. Soon all of them were sitting on the couch, while the two of you told them about how you met and how long you were already dating. Chaeyoung could see in the eyes of her members that they were just being polite right now because you were still there. But she had no doubt that they would tease her endlessly once you would leave. Chaeyoung gulped thickly when she saw Jeongyeon’s smirk and she reflexively took your hand.
Life truly wasn’t easy as part of the maknae line.
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Tzuyu had been bugged by her bad conscious for a while now. She wasn’t the most talkative one. Even if she had learned to trust her unnies, she simply didn’t see the need to tell them every little detail. This time, however, a little detail had developed to a full-grown relationship. Tzuyu had met you in the café that Elkie and her frequented often. You started out as friends and she didn’t feel like she had to keep the members informed about every friend that she made. But soon your friendly meetups became so much more.
Now you were already dating a month and her unnies still didn’t know about you. She knew that they would become angrier and even more hurt with every day that she kept you a secret, so she decided to finally introduce you.
“I’m seeing someone.”
Tzuyu just blurted out one day when her and a few members were gathered in the kitchen. Jihyo only hummed absentmindedly next to her at first, but then her words sunk in.
All the members exclaimed in pure shock, followed by a million other questions.
Tzuyu had to tell them everything and although they were terribly sulky because she hadn’t told them earlier, they were supportive, but also a little cautious. After all, Tzuyu was the youngest and they felt like they needed to protect her. Therefore, they insisted on meeting you on the next possible occasion.
That’s how Tzuyu found herself standing in front of Twice’s apartment complex together with you. You looked up the huge and expensive looking building in awe, while Tzuyu held your hand tightly in hers. You didn’t need to tell her, but she could see that you were nervous. You were about to meet 8 of Korea’s most famous girls. Tzuyu saw why this could be intimidating, but she also knew that there was no reason for that.
“I know they always seem to be those gorgeous, untouchable girls on TV. But you don’t need to worry. They are actually complete dorks. So lower your expectations.”
Tzuyu said to you with a serious expression while riding the elevator to the right floor, causing a big smile to break out in your face. Mission accomplished.
“Ya jagi, they are your group members. How can you say that about them?”
You shoved her lightly while laughing.
“Exactly. I live with them. I have to know the truth.”
She answered with a shrug as you were already standing in front of the door.
Tzuyu looked at you a last time to assure that you were ready before entering the dorm. All the members were gathered in the kitchen where they prepared the dinner that they had planned in order to get to know you better. All their heads turned at once when they heard the door closing. Slowly and with serious expressions they approached the two of you.
“So you are Y/N...”
Nayeon said sternly with crossed arms causing Tzuyu to roll her eyes and squeeze your hand tighter. She knew that they were just trying to tease her.
“Ok guys. You had your fun. Please stop intimidating Y/N.”
She warned her members while throwing a death glare at Nayeon.
Suddenly all of them broke out in laughter before walking up to you to hug and greet you.
Tzuyu could feel how the tension left your body and only now she realized that she had been a little nervous herself. She would never break up with you even if her members didn’t like you, but she still wanted them to like you. They were her best friends and she would have hated all the drama that would have occurred if you didn’t get along.
After the official introduction, she guided you into the living room where you soon started to have dinner. As best as possible Tzuyu tried to save you from all the questions by her unnies that were way too personal while keeping an eye on you to see whether you would feel uncomfortable at any point in the evening. But gladly you didn’t. All of you kept sitting together until late at night while talking about old times. Mostly, of course, about embarrassing stories about her. But as long as you were smiling, Tzuyu happily accepted the torture and watched all of you with a smile playing on her lips.
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jenoptimist · 4 years
There was something to be said about Yongqin’s tardiness when neither you or Kun are surprised when he didn’t show up at the time that the two of you secretly agreed between each other to tell him. In true Yongqin fashion, he was late at the later time that he was given. As you and Kun flipped through the menu for the nth time, you traded plausible reasons as to why your friend was late. The last time he was late it was because he got distracted by Yukhei’s challenge to see who could stuff more jelly beans in their mouths, and the time before that, he claimed that he was helping Kunhang and Yangyang figure out whether or not the pavement was hot enough to fry an egg–their hypothesis was a bust and they ran away from the scene of the crime, leaving the raw egg behind until Kun berated them and made the three of them clean it up under his supervision.
Just as the waitress was about to approach your table for the fourth time, Yongqin finally made an appearance. As he beelined towards your table in a hurry, you shot an apologetic smile at your waitress as she suppressed a laugh, already accustomed to you and your group of friends, and nodded at you cordially. You would definitely be tipping her more than you usually did, she was always one of your favorite member of staff.
“Sorry! Sorry!” Yongqin said breathlessly as he plopped down onto his seat, placing his tote bag on the ear of the chair rather than on the floor. “I was actually going to be early this time!” He declared. At the deadpan expression that you shared with Kun, he added, “but I helped an old lady cross the street and then she started having a conversation with me.”
It was certainly unsurprising that that was the reason why he was late. Dejun must have instilled even more compassion towards the elderly in him as he did with the rest of you by volunteering your group at nursing homes and the like. Once you gave your orders and have settled in, the three of you talked about university and the upcoming movies that you wanted to watch the next time all seven of you went out together.
“Oh! Actually,” Yongqin spoke after a small pause, mouth full of pad thai, “that old lady from this morning gave me something.”
“Don’t speak when your mouth is full, you could choke or something.” Kun chided as the other man roughly patted at his pockets, grumbling to himself as he searched for whatever it was that she had given him.
“Sorry dad,” he replied sarcastically, coaxing a chuckle from you and a playful shove from Kun that was successfully dodged. “Ah ha!” He exclaimed, thrusting his left hand in front of you to show off a large white bean. “Tadah!”
You shared a look with Kun before returning your incredulous stare at Yongqin, who was still smiling excitedly. “She,” you paused for extra emphasis at your disbelief, “gave you a bean?”
“It’s not just ‘a bean’!” He huffed defensively, throwing you a mock glare.
“Uh huh,” Kun hummed, “what it then?” He challenged before taking a large sip of his water. You leaned back so that your shoulder blades were touching the back of your seat as you folded your arms across your chest, staring at Yongqin expectantly. He mumbled something incoherent that made both you and Kun lean towards him in hopes of hearing him better, but to no avail. “What did you say?” Kun asked, face pinched in confusion.
“It’s a”–Yongqin’s eyes swung back and forth between the two of you as he licked his lips–“magic bean.” Fortunately you weren’t drinking your soda because you surely would have choked on it, or did spit-take like in that one episode of iCarly, because the minute the words left his mouth, you keeled into yourself as you exploded into fits of laughter. Kun was quick to join you, unsuccessfully stifling his laugh behind his hand. “Guys,” the blond man whined, “it’s not funny!”
When your howls of laughter died down into small giggles you said, “so wait, is this going to be like Jack and the Beanstalk? Are you going to, like, steal golden eggs and sell them for tons of money?” Your statement had Kun slapping a hand on his thigh, practically crying as he continued laughing.
“Uh, no?” The fact that his reply sounded like a question made you want to laugh all over again. “Okay you know what?” Yongqin asked, clearly sounding like he had enough of the two of you, “if you think it isn’t magic then why don’t you grow it?” Never one to back down from a challenge, you agreed. “Awesome! The lady said it’ll bring luck which is good ‘cause you’ll need it to get your degree.”
You squawked in return, knowing that you were unable to come up with a witty comeback since you knew that the road to becoming an engineer was a tough one.
From there, the three of you obliterated your meals, paid and left in search of a thing of compost and a plain pot, which you made Yongqin promise he would decorate before you planted the bean, from a nearby garden centre.
You planted it that same evening, rearranging the items on your desk that stood against the window so that you could position the small pot in an area with optimum sunlight–a difficult feat since it was nearing November.
Unlike in Jack and the Beanstalk, you didn’t wake up to a thick, massive beanstalk that punched it’s way through your ceiling and into the sky. What you did wake up to was a cute little sprout that had you snapping a picture to send into your groupchat so that you could coo over it to your friends.
The whole situation had to be a dream. In fact, you were ninety-nine percent sure that you were still asleep. It was entirely impossible that your plant, which at that point had grown tall with a bud the size of a pistachio on top, had disappeared and left a tiny person in its wake. The little guy was still asleep, curled in on himself and blissfully unaware of the thoughts racing in your mind. There were numerous questions that you wanted to ask, the main ones being: if you weren’t dreaming, how was any of this real? Was the bean that Yongqin was given magical after all? And, also, how was he fully clothed? However the big block that prevented you from believing that the situation was a reality, was that it just wasn’t possible scientifically.
Your internal freak-out came to a screeching halt when he began to move slowly, eyes blinking away sleep as he stood up and stretched. Unsure of what to do, you continued to stare at him in disbelief as he scanned the room. When his gaze landed on you, a staring contest ensued. Neither of you looked away and you refused to melt at how cute he was with his tousled black hair and doe-like dark brown eyes.
“Uh,” what were you supposed to say when a tiny person took over your plant? “Hi,” you welcomed, hoping that your smile wasn’t as awkward as your voice. “My name’s y/n, it’s nice to meet you.”
The boy’s (or was a he man? how did tiny people age?) expression went from blank to wary. It was clear that he was fully awake at that point, hunching in on himself as he remained mute. Evidently, he lacked trust in you–if the way he frantically scrambled backward at the step that you took toward him was any indication.
Frowning, you decided to leave the room. You made your way to the kitchen and headed directly towards the fridge. Some sort of peace offering needed to be made. You needed to show that you meant no harm and what better way to do that then to feed him? The state of your fridge was sad but you grabbed the box of strawberries and diced them into tiny pieces.
“I brought you some food.” You announced gently when you stepped back inside your room. You waited patiently as he eyed you for a few moments before slowly making his way down the pot, jumping down your stack of textbooks before sitting by your laptop. “Um, I just cut up some strawberries since it’s the only thing I could find.” You explained as you placed the chopping board of fruit onto your desk.
He stared at it momentarily in curiosity at first before he hesitantly reached out and grabbed a piece. With a quick glance at you, he shoved as much of it as he could inside his mouth. His eyes widened comically, cheeks resembling a chipmunk, as he chewed. After swallowing, he was quick to shovel down the remaining fruit.
“So,” you began as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, “do you have a name that I can call you by?” When he shook his head at you in response, you frowned. “Okay, well, how ‘bout we give you one then?”
The names you stated from the top of your head had him shooting you various expressions of disapproval–the name Yixing had him blowing a raspberry, Yifan had him giving you a thumbs down, at the suggestion of Zitao you received a huff as he folded his arms, and Luhan ended up with him shaking his head violently. There were only so many EXO members you could name him after before you gave up.
“Alright, what about,” you paused. Unfortunately, creativity wasn’t something you possessed. “Sicheng?” It was the name of a kid you went to middle school with. From what you could remember, he sat beside you in a few of your classes and kept to himself. The silent nature of the tiny person reminded you of him. At first you thought it was going to be another fail of a suggestion with the way his face shrewd but then, to your surprise, he nodded in agreement. You couldn’t suppress a giggle when he bashfully pointed at where the strawberries were before making grabby hands. “Okay Sicheng, we can get you more strawberries.”
That had him smiling brilliantly, easily jumping onto the palm of your outstretched hand. You set him on your shoulder and then grabbed the chopping board before heading back down to the kitchen again.
Once Sicheng had gotten his fill of strawberries he sat down against your glass of water, planted his hands on his stomach and closed his eyes as he smiled serenely. Since he loved the fruit so much, you would have to get more of it in the future which would be difficult since they weren’t in season.
“We should go grocery shopping,” Sicheng opened an eye but closed it soon after. “So, what, you wanna just lay there?” His answer was clear by the way he didn’t move from his position. Mouth twisting you said, “we can get more strawberries.” That had him standing up in a flash, raising his arms in the air as he waited for you to carry him up.
Bundled up in a puffer jacket that layered over your hoodie, you stood opposite from your door as you thought about where you could place Sicheng. The pockets of your coat would probably suffocate him and you had the tendency to jam your hands in them at random times. If you placed him on your shoulder like you have been doing so far, other people would spot him in an instant. Unable to find a suitable spot to hide him, you suggested that he stayed at home to which you received a pout. Before you would swear that Yukhei and Yangyang had the cutest pouts but Sicheng definitely took the cake–especially with those puppy eyes of his.
Sicheng’s tiny head poked out of the pocket of your joggers. The only reason why you witnessed his movement was because you kept checking on him, just in case something went awry. He was peering curiously at the mini supermarket you were in, his head wildly swinging back and forth. You knew that he was probably curious and so, after a quick glance around the store, you lightly tapped the crown of his head with the tip of you finger. At your touch he immediately disappeared inside your pocket. You decided to stick two fingers inside his hideout, hoping that he would get the idea and climb onto them. When he did, you gently raised your arm and placed him on your shoulder.
The small sounds of amazement that he created surprised you because you thought that he didn’t, or rather couldn’t, speak at all considering that he only communicated with you using various facial expressions and body movement. Briefly, you wondered how his voice sounded; would it be high or low pitched? Would he speak fast like Dejun and Yangyang did when they were excited about something? Or would he speak similar to Kun, calm and slow? You hoped to find out soon–but only when he was comfortable, of course.
The trek home took longer than usual because you fed into Sicheng’s curiosity and allowed him to walk on his own rather than stuffing him back into your pocket. It was definitely because you loved the way he looked at everything in awe, head whipping back and forth as he took in the scenery. At first you were nervous about setting him down to let him roam freely, afraid that he would run away or somehow alert his presence to the rest of society. But you soon figured out that there was nothing to worry about because he was stealthy and would look back every so often as if he was afraid that you would run away from him.
As you neared your apartment complex, Sicheng climbed onto one of your sneakers and clutched the laces so that he wouldn’t fall off. The sight of him made you titter quietly to yourself as you adjusted your pace so that he wouldn’t swing side to side wildly. When the distance you walked towards the building shortened even further, you could see six familiar figures loitering around the entrance. Before you could usher Sicheng back into his hiding place, Kunhang spotted you and started waving madly as he began running towards you. Yukhei and Yangyang followed in suit and you were thankful when they took the shopping bags away from you, your arms aching at the weight your massive food haul.
“Why are you guys here so early?” You asked as Kunhang placed his arm around your shoulder while you subtly attempted to eye Sicheng. If you were hosting game night, they always came a little after four o’clock in the afternoon.
“We missed you.” Dejun replied as he smiled charmingly, his arm hooked around a box of Clue and Monopoly. Yonqin mocked him, swiping non-existent long hair behind his ear as he batted his eyelashes at him.
Arching a brow you said, “but we faced-timed last night.” When you tapped the electronic key onto the machine on the wall which opened the door, you added, “and we spent our break together yesterday.” Out of all your friends, Dejun’s lunch schedule mirrored yours the most which made university all the more bearable. As Dejun defended his statement, the others teased him like they always did. You didn’t know how he didn’t snap at them, just absorbed their words with a small huff of laughter or faux hits at their general direction.
It was a surprise that you made it to your apartment without the boys noticing Sicheng–he was still gripping onto your laces, peering cautiously at your friends. At some point you needed to introduce Sicheng to them since they were a solid presence in your life. You could already hear Yongqin saying, ‘I told you so!’ since he did tell you that the bean was magic. You already knew that he would reference it in the future when he needed to prove something.
Later on that night, when you all decided to take a short break, you took the opportunity to show them Sicheng. The minute you opened the door and went to remove your sneakers, he immediately slid off of it and zoomed in the direction of your bedroom. You followed him, muttering a weak excuse to your friends and found him shoving your door with all his might. The laugh that escaped you made him cast a playful glare at your direction, huffing as he crossed his arms. After you opened the door he ran to your bed, climbed up the leg and eventually made it up onto your mattress and then walked up to your pillows to flop on them as he closed his eyes. You left the room when you noticed his breathing evening out.
As you relayed your morning to your friends they all looked at you disbelievingly, like you had finally lost your marbles, which you expected. If you were in their position you definitely wouldn’t have believed yourself either. You led them to your room, silencing their words of incredulity by pressing your index finger onto your lips. They played into your request, mumbling something to one another giddily.
“Don’t freak out.” You said as you stood in front of your bed, blocking their view of Sicheng. When they gave you a chorus of affirmatives, you stepped aside to reveal your tiny sized acquaintance. The longer they stared, jaws practically touching the floor, you rambled and showed them the pot as evidence. Luckily you had been a proud parent of your plant, documenting it’s growth to them in your groupchat, as it helped strengthen your story. They knew you would never do anything to harm your beloved plant.
“I- So-” Yongqin struggled to find the right words before settling on exclaiming, “oh my God!” The others murmured something similar to express their wonder. “That means the bean was magic! Oh my God, y/n!” You prepared yourself as he whipped his head towards you, “I told you so!” Then, because he was Yongqin, he launched into a dramatic speech about how none of you should ever doubt him because he was always right and, nice old ladies never lie, y/n.
Yongqin’s lengthy rant was cut short when Kun and Yukhei cooed, followed by the others apart from you and Yongqin. You spun around to find that Sicheng had woken up, looking extremely disgruntled until he caught sight of your friends and scrambled to hide underneath your duvet. You eyed the blond accusingly before you lifted your duvet and found Sicheng huddled into himself, his arms around his bent legs.
“It’s alright Sicheng,” you whispered gently, trying to coax him out of his position. All you got were two dark eyes peeking at you in return. “They’re very nice,” you added to which he moved his gaze to your friends quickly before returning it back to you, “trust me?” 
It felt like a gamble to ask that of him because the two of you hardly knew each other but you had hoped that you showed him enough kindness to earn his trust or make him feel safe in your presence at the very least. Knowing he wasn’t quick to make decisions, you waited it out. Sicheng slowly stood up, arms out to try and balance himself on the mattress. He was quick to jump onto the palm of your hand when you reached out to him. Once you he was settled, you turned to meet the excited faces of your friends. 
“Sicheng these are my friends,” you announced as you used your other hand to gesture at them, “friends, this is Sicheng.” They spoke all at once, voices piling on top of one another, which made Sicheng’s eyes widen in surprise, probably unused to such a loud volume, as they introduced themselves to him. 
Game night was over, it seemed, judging from the way they enthusiastically tried to befriend Sicheng and show him the wonders of the world.
“Oh my God!” Yongqin exclaimed as you all ate some hotpot, which Sicheng adored if the way he was scarfing down his food was a sign. The rest of you looked at him expectantly as you munched your food. “This isn’t Jack in the Beanstalk, this is Thumbelina!”
Life with Sicheng was a simple one once he became accustomed to your daily routine that mainly consisted of attending university and hanging out with your friends. You were one of the few lucky university students that didn’t have to work a part-time job because your parents made enough income to support you financially even though you no longer lived with them. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to get one, in fact you did apply for several vacancies, but your parents refused and told you that they would keep giving you financial aid as long as you continued to study hard. They always gave you more money than you needed which you tucked away in your savings account. 
The large amount of free time allowed you and the boys to take Sicheng to different sights; you took him to the zoo and the aquarium with Yukhei and Yongqin, cooing over how scared he was of the tigers, hippos and sharks. Yangyang and Kunhang took him to the local outdoor basketball court where they played a few one on one games while waiting for their allocated physics lab time. By the time you found them they relocated to the arcade, Sicheng focused intensely on one of their games as he remained slightly hidden in Kynhang’s backpack. Dejun decided to treat you to some ice-cream, ecstatic to include Sicheng who ended up having so much of it that it caused a sugar rush which resulted in the rest of the day being spent catching up to him and his hyperactive behavior. Kun spent his time with him in the music room that was available for students on campus, playing him several songs on the piano and even composed on specifically for the tiny boy. 
Unfortunately, Sicheng���s sight-seeing trips were put on hold due to upcoming exams. Exam season was hell for everyone and you spent it cooped up in your room, frying your brain as you tried to learn off useful information and tricks that would help you solve sample problems that included math–which was everywhere considering the degree you were trying to obtain.
There were tears welling in your eyes as you tried to work out some sample problems that your lecturer heavily hinted would make an appearance on the exam paper. Eraser bits were scattered all over your desk, the paper rough and void of its grids due to the amount of times you had to rub out your frequent mistakes. An ugly voice in your head was telling you to give up, that it was your worse subject anyway and that the repeat paper would probably be easier to do. You were ashamed to give in but it was extremely late and you spent the whole day studying, so you thought that it was fair that you could go to sleep. 
When you woke up the next day, after your big breakfast with Sicheng, you reluctantly returned to your desk to continue the problem but stopped when you saw that it was already completed. Eyebrows furrowed, you turned to your small friend who was happily listening to an audiobook–he recently discovered poetry and came across a certain old poet that he came to really like. 
You hated to disrupt his peace but couldn’t contain the need to voice your question. “Sicheng,” you called, he paused the audiobook and gave you his full attention, “did you do this?” There wasn’t anybody else in the house except for the two of you and if it wasn’t you who completed it then it was clearly him but you had to make sure, seeing as having a secret fairy godmother or something wouldn’t be so far fetched considering, well, Sicheng. “Sorry for bothering you but I just have to ask. You did this for me, didn’t you?” A shy smile made its way onto his face as he lowered his gaze, nodding his head in reply. You took him in for a moment, eyed your copy and then returned your eyes onto him. “Wow,” you breathed, “you’re so smart!” He became even more shy as you showered him in praises. “How did you solve it?” You asked eventually, you were stuck on that particular problem for days.
Sicheng looked extremely adorable as he wielded your mechanical pencil in his arms, using his whole body whenever he wrote something. He hadn’t spoken yet in the two months that he’s lived with you but he was still great at explaining how solve the problem, smiling at you encouragingly after he gestured for you to work one on your own. It took you longer than he did to solve the new sample question but after he reviewed it and made some corrections, he smiled proudly at you and urged you to keep practicing by gesturing to several other questions.
From there, Sicheng listened to his audiobook on your tablet on the desk so that he could keep an eye on you as he munched on some corn chips. Once you finished the remainder of the problem questions, seeming easier and easier to solve the more you did them, he did his best to hand you a full sized chip but due to his stature he could only offer you a crumb from the end of the bag. You thanked him as he placed it on top of your open hand, melting at his cuteness.
In the following weeks that lead up to your exams, Sicheng became your study buddy. It seemed that he had an affinity for math, gladly helping you whenever it was involved (which was a lot) and although you questioned how he possessed such knowledge, you were entirely grateful that you had someone to help you double check your answers and help you whenever you were facing some difficulty. You deeply wished that you could take him with you in the exam hall but you knew that it wasn’t a good idea. 
When exam season was over, you and the boys decided to sleepover at Kunhang’s house for the weekend. The sole purpose of it being at his house was due to his projector, which was great for streaming movies on Netflix to create an indoor cinema type of atmosphere. As always, you and Kun provided food while the others brought over their portable heaters because of the poor insulation of the building. Sicheng was particularly excited about the sleepover since he hadn’t seen the others since the small New Year celebration that you guys had.
It was plain as day that Sicheng loved the boys just as much as you did. Whenever they were around, he was extra content, willingly participating in whatever mischief they planned. Though he thoroughly enjoyed their company, you observed that he evaded their frequent attempts to touch him. Touching him only seemed to be reserved especially for you and you only. You tried not to think about what that meant although it did nothing to suppress the fondness that it made you feel whenever he stuck closely to you.
Feeling a tiny poke on your thigh, you looked down to find Sicheng offering you a small piece of popcorn. Ever since he offered you some of his corn chips he took it as his job to present you with food whenever it was possible; bits of strawberries whenever you chopped some up for him, using all his strength to push gummy bears towards you whenever Yangyang had a bag or blocks of chocolate whenever Yongqin was eating some. It was endearing, especially the way his whole face lit up whenever you took it and ate it in one go.
After you took the piece of popcorn and ate it, Sicheng turned back to the wall where The Pursuit of Happyness was playing. From your peripheral vision you noticed Yongqin staring at you from where he sat on the opposite side of the room, a shit-eating grin forming when Sicheng laid on your thigh with his back against your stomach. It felt as though the private moment the two of you shared was invaded so you made a quick face at him before returning you attention back to the film. You didn’t want to know what he was thinking.
The end of your second year gave you a stress-free summer since you didn’t have to repeat any exams from either semester. The grades you obtained were phenomenal, closer to 4.0 this time around and there were some tears in your eyes when you saw it on your phone screen. It was definitely Sicheng’s doing, you couldn’t have done it without him. Yongqin was right when the old lady said that he would bring you luck. As per tradition, you and the boys packed up and went to the lakehouse that your parents owned–as a kid you would often go during summer when your parents wanted to have a getaway in favor for some family time. The yearly tradition was something that started when Kun obtained his full license and would drive all of you around until he decided that he wanted to go on a trip with you guys.
You and Yongqin laid on beach chairs as you watched the others swim. Sicheng was with them and although at first you felt your heart grip with anxiety at the thought of him going swimming, it chipped away when you saw the others taking care to show him how to swim despite his size. Now there he was, swimming in all sorts of directions as he paid no mind at the antics that the others played.
Your eyes on him were torn away when Yongqin spoke. “Do you ever think about what it would be like if he was a full sized person?”
Of course you did. You thought about it so much you started to dream about it–about what it would be like if he were human sized instead of the six inches he stood at. You liked to imagine that he would be tall, maybe taller than you, and move as gracefully as Yongqin. In your imagination he would speak charmingly and be quick witted, perhaps he would even have a loud laugh. One that was so contagious that you wouldn’t be able to do anything but laugh along with him. Sicheng was incredible in his pocket-sized form but sometimes you couldn’t help but think that he would be even better in full size. You wanted to hang out with him regularly but there were only so many things you could do with him at the size he was. It was getting increasingly difficult to shield him from society, especially since more people were out and about due to the beautiful weather.
“Yeah,” your eyes moved down to your lap, “I guess I have.” Is what you say in return, suppressing your thoughts.
“What if I told you that we could find a way?” You couldn’t look at Yongqin fast enough which made him laugh a little. “I’ve been seeing the old lady around more and more recently, and she keeps looking at me like she knows which is probably because she does.” He admitted and allowed you to soak in his words before adding, “I think we should talk to her.”
You kept silent as you thought about his suggestion. You would love it if Sicheng could somehow grow and live like the rest of you. Maybe he could attend your university or something, he could definitely major in math if he wanted to. But that was what you wanted. Sicheng had to have a say in the matter because for all either of you knew, he actually liked being his size. You passed on your thoughts to Yongqin who nodded empathically, agreeing that you should ask before even thinking about approaching the woman who gave him the bean.
Sicheng cocked his head to the side when you asked him later that night as the rest of the boys stargazed at a slightly further distance, although you were pretty sure that Dejun fell asleep which wouldn’t be surprising at all considering that he could sleep anywhere. What you got in return was an eager nod that made you release a breath that you didn’t even know you were holding. 
The remaining few days at the lakehouse were spent lazying about in the sun, watching as some of the boys tried their best at fishing although Dejun chose not to participate and reasoned that he couldn’t eat the fish he had caught knowing that he had to look it in the eye as its life was ending. Night was spent either stargazing or huddled around a fire as Kun played his guitar, the other boys singing in unison as he played their song requests. It had Sicheng swaying back and forth as he listened, completely enthralled. 
While you loved the time that you spent there, you were more excited when you returned to your apartment. The thought of Sicheng finally being able to enjoy hanging out with you to his fullest ability was building up so much anticipation within you. Yongqin teased you about the transparency of your feelings and was quickly joined by the others but you couldn’t find it in you to care that much, instead focusing your gaze on Sicheng who looked at you with eyes bursting of hope.
Yongqin wasn’t kidding when he informed you that she was everywhere he went, he sent you a flood of text messages every single time he caught a glimpse of her. They usually ended up with him asking you whether or not you wanted him to go over to her but before you even had a chance to reply, you would receive another text from him telling you that she got away. Catching her was more difficult than you originally thought but eventually when you, Sicheng, Yongqin and Dejun were having some coffee at your local café, she walked in. She caught your eye, smiling mysteriously as she made her way over.
“I see he’s sprouted,” she said as soon as she arrived at your table, glancing at Sicheng. “Hi there little one.” That earned her a small smile as he shrunk in on himself. “So, you want him to be regular sized. Am I correct?” Without even questioning how she knew that to begin with, you nodded fervently. She produced a small, purple pouch from the inside of her jacket. “Make sure he sleeps on this tonight and everything will work accordingly.”
“Really?” You didn’t believe that it was that easy. Not that you knew magic or anything, didn’t even know it existed pre-Sicheng days, but there had to be a catch or something. She inclined her head regally toward you in reply. “Is there something I can give you in return, or something? Like, I dunno, money?”
She shook her head as she said, smiling kindly, “you have given him love and that is all that I wanted for him.” And with that she sauntered away, turning her head back only once to wink at you.
That night you slept early, too excited about the events that were going to transpire the next day.
When you woke up the next day, you found yourself face to face with a man who was still asleep. Sicheng as a regular sized man. You couldn’t believe it. When he opened his eyes, slowly widening when he realized the situation, he shot up and immediately jumped off of the bed. A tiny gasp escaped you at his height–he wasn’t as tall as Yukhei, who was in a lanky league of his own, but he was easily taller than the other boys. You watched as he examined his eyes in wonder, moved his legs repeatedly before inspecting himself in the mirror on your vanity table. After he had gotten his fill of surveying himself, he turned to stare at you and slowly walked toward you. 
Once he was within touching distance, he held up his hand in front of you and waited for you to connect it with your own. When you did as he wanted, both of you marveled at the difference in size. Experimentally, he dropped his fingers in between yours and you followed in suit so that your hands were interlocking.
“Hi y/n,” Sicheng greeted, his voice scratchy from lack of use. “It’s nice to finally look at you eye to eye.” If you were immensely astonished by his sudden growth spurt, you were even more so by the pleasant sound of his voice–even though he sounded groggy, you could already tell that you were going to be enthralled whenever he spoke in the future.
“Wait,” you said, snapping out of your thoughts, “you can talk?! How come you never said a word before?”
Sicheng smiled shyly, his eyes wandering back to your interlocked hands as he said, “I liked listening to you talk.” A string of noises left your throat that made the tips of his ears a cherry red which made you noticed how one of them was adorably shaped like an elf’s. 
“You liked listening to me talk? Sicheng,” you called, tugging at your hands until you gained his attention, “I love your voice. I should be listening to you talk.” In response to your declaration he let go of your hand in order to cup his face, his smile was so beautiful, so pretty, and wide that you were sure you melted into a puddle of goo.
Later that day, when the other boys barged into your apartment as quick as they could after you told them the news, it dawned on you that the man in front of you was fatal because he had everything, not just a cute face but also the brains and personality.
When Sicheng laughed at something that Yangyang said, you recalled the shit-eating grin that Yongqin sent your way that night at Kunhang’s house because you finally understood. Your eyes widened although they stayed glued to Sicheng as he continued to laugh because oh boy were you in trouble.
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