#i really went and deleted all the screenshots i dont need today
chynandri · 8 months
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found all the most soft babygirl looking screenshots i had of him so i can easily look at it again and again
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terraliensvent · 4 hours
i was mistaken
anons i come to you today with an apology, my previous post seems to be based on a metric fuckton of lies and misinfo
to start, im gonna link this post, which goes over the origin of this whole issue
im also gonna go ahead and be done with censoring red, since the cat's kinda out of the bag on their edentity and its necessary for proper proof. Red = legion in all screencaps
so after my post was dropped, Red was also making their own somewhat callout on TH. i dont know if it's been deleted since frankly I don't care to find it. anyways
my post and Red's callout were both dropped like bombs in terra server, there was a lot of arguing and zaga actually gave a screen recorded video of DMs they had on instagram with Red. this was pretty damning, and lots of people came back to Red to try and figure out what really happened, seeing as Red had presented the situation as:
they were banned unfairly and out of nowhere
they had no clue who could have made the complaint
the only person who could have made it was zaga, who had issues with them based on a debate months ago and they since hadnt really interacted with them
well this turned out to be a whole crock of bullshit!
first, red showed a screencap that their last interaction with zaga was actually a week ago as opposed to the situation they presented (link)
then, Red sent these screenshots that completely changed the narrative. we went from "this guy i had an argument with a few months ago is trying to get me banned everywhere" now to "i was saying crazy shit about this guy and now theyre reasonably upset with me"
here's the full gallery of proof against Red, courtesy of zaga
and here's a discussion a few people had with zaga relating to it, gives some good context and really wraps the whole thing up
as a small afterword i want to apologize for playing a part in the spread of misinfo, hopefully this post is proper retribution for that (i do consider myself more of a reporter above all else) additionally, while it's clear now who is in the wrong/right here, there are still critiques to be made on the handling of the situation on the part of terraliens staff. The caginess with any sort of proof makes it difficult for someone to truly know what they're even being banned for, and what accusations they're defending against. the argument could be made that if proper context from staff was given, this situation wouldn't have even unfolded, but of course hindsight is 20/20. in the future it might be better to give better context or evidence to the banned person so they know what they're supposed to be proving incorrect, as opposed to saying "someone said you're harassing them, prove you didn't."
As for the others who played a part in spreading my post, I don't mean to speak for them, however it does seem like many are regretful after now seeing the full picture. since the argument was made that both sides should be heard, it was a pretty big oversight to not look for the OTHER other side in this; i think most are painfully aware of that now.
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in conclusion:
do not harass anyone here. im gonna give all parties the benefit of the doubt and say that:
Legion is a misinformed, immature kid who really handled this like shit, and its probably best that theyre banned and blocked by zaga all things considered (this isnt a reason to like, pray on their downfall though. just ignore them at worst, sure they fucked up here but it seems they really just need to become more mature and learn more about best practices when interacting and dear god do not shit talk people like that)
Zaga was telling the truth about this situation. have whatever opinions you want to have about isopups or them outside of this, but there is no denying that legion presented a false situation and zaga was in fact being continually messaged and had rumors spread about them from legion
the outsiders/orbiters of the situation were given a false injustice and ran with it. personally i cant say i blame them a ton for wanting to spread the word about what seemed to be YET ANOTHER terra staff oversight, because so many people just want to bury their heads in the sand about every issue that goes on here. additionally, upon learning that the situation was severely different from how it was originally presented, many turned around and began critiquing legion for the shit they did.
i think thats about enough coverage of this, im gonna refrain from posting any asks i get about the situation since honestly it doesnt seem like it needs much more dissection. lets not beat a dead horse.
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diorjadore · 2 years
I'M BACK!! HAHAHHAAAA!! so yall thought you could get rid of me?! HEHEHEAHHA!! you are too funny! TOO FUNNY!
hiii its me JAMIE!! but the fun thing is, yall don't know who I am!
its great to anonymous because now I can talk all my shit and yall cant get me banned! I see that a lot of people quit writing because of ME?
Because I made the Tumblr Vinnie community toxic? HA! As far as I know I MADE the Tumblr Community what it is today! My likes and reblogs were the most any Vinnie writer had! I was in the thousands, I was posting every day, making content every day. Making new series, new imagines, changing the way people wrote about him. I did that!
You thought you could get rid of me just because I deleted my tumblr?! Nah! I have been planning my sweet sweet revenge and come back for a long time and NO ONE will see it coming!
I lost the love of my life because of you and this tumblr community ripping my name apart and I will be coming for you and everyone who has done me wrong! I have my evidence and screenshots, everything I need to ruin all of you!
And if you dont reply to this and show this to the tumble community I will just keep going from tumblr to tumble until someone posts this!
Be watchful my children, Jamie is back!
Guard, there’s a crazy on the loose! 🫵😂
Girl, you’re mad weird for making your re-debut like this HAHAHAHA sick in the head and full of hate if you ask me. After all this time, you’re still hung up on the shit you caused when you could’ve just apologized. Why is that? You don’t have a life? Aww :((
As far as I know, there were remarkable writers before and after you, with so much better stories and writing style (yes, I found your works subpar, rushed, and repetitive and I can hate on it because you’re a bad person), that held the community and people didn’t really give a fuck when you went away. You’re not all that, sorry to say.
And this isn’t a competition of likes, reblogs, and whatnot. If that matters so much to you, go join a writing contest! Maybe you’ll get money out of that. I think you need the extra cash? Or you really don’t have much to live for that’s why you validate yourself with the praise and engagement people give to you here? Surprise! You’re still mad insecure.
Mind you, I was kind to you even when I unfollowed and I even explained how I’m getting shit for what you did that’s why I’m unfollowing but you disappeared like a coward. I think you’d rather break your own back by bending backwards than apologize for, acknowledge, and right, your wrongs. And it’s quite funny how you’ve been plotting your comeback/revenge as if your boring life depends on it. Boo, you stink!
If you do come back, good for you Ms. Goofy! I really don’t give a fuck. I’ll be living my life in university while you do what? Take mirror pics at work? 🤣
I know I said to be kind but it’s okay to gag those who deserve it once in a while, guys!
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garfieldsladybird · 2 years
it’s all good!! i’m in bed rn and gonna do all my hw tomorrow so i can chill out for sunday and monday :))
what have you been up to??? x
thats amazing!! i need to do homework so bad its concerning. but i hope you have a chill day tomorrow! do you not have school on monday? cuz you say you want to chill that day.. if you dont have school that’s great!!
i havent been up to a lot, but i’ve done a lot this week. its been a long week. it was both good & bad but whatever.
i have nothing else to talk about except this, im sorry! also if you dont want me to talk about this then i won’t. like if your uncomfortable with talking abt relationships then i won’t, if you are ignore whats under this. — :)))) but go to the 2nd paragraph, im talking abt my sister in that. nothing super bad. just a lot of writing :)
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so me & my partner, we did kinda slow things down last week and it seemed as if we broke up but over last weekend we started talking again, being friends and then we slowly got back together.. i mean we made it official wednesday! which im really happy about! and we also kissed! omg that was so unexpected when it happened but im so glad it did!! <33 and yeah we are doing good!!
as for myself, im doing pretty good! so that was the good part of my week ^ with my partner, the bad was with my sister. so i made this post but more happened during this week. im not gonna shit on her tho. (like just talk shit about her and tell all of you of what happened bc i dont think thats necessary) but she said some mean things about me online to her friends in a group chat that i was in and also @ me in the message so i would see (notification thing) which i did and i also screenshot the message bc from what i learned when someones talking shit online take a pic of it for proof and so i did, and only a minute or two later it was deleted. but me, her and our mom talked, and my mom told us to tell her 4 things why the other person is bothering us. and the things my sister was saying of why she was mad at me was mostly her saying that she was jealous (my mom even said so) bc most of it went to one of our friends spending to much time talking to me and to me hanging out with my partner all the time. and there was also me telling her every morning to get a snack for school but then when lunch comes around, she’s hungry and i dont know what to tell her, so she goes and gets food, comes back complains abt having to wait in a line for 10 mins and im like, thats on you love.
but bc of this, our mom told us to ignore each other. and we did, for like a day but the whole week we have been ignoring each other really. so we did. and today we have talked, not about the situation and whats really wrong but we have a conversation about clothes, i was complimenting the dress she’s wearing today, its so cute!! but yeah, it just a sibling thing. i still think me & her need to talk about a few things tho. like from what im getting is that she might feel left out bc im not doing stuff with her and im hanging out with other ppl. but our my mom did tell her when she told mom the 4 things that i was allowed to have my partner (she said partner’s name but yeah) and other friends too, like she has other friends too. the only thing i dont get is why she says she hates him, she told me that before this week started but still i feel like she might be saying that bc im with him. but when i ask why, she doesn’t give me an actual reason, she just says she hates love.
also remember 4th period boy? yeah, so me and him are friends now, we have been but yesterday- well actually on like wednesday i got a flower from my girl partner and when i came into class with it, he asked if it was a gift and i said yeah, he asked from who and i said my partner, so he knows- and so yesterday he told me that he liked me // likes me and i told him that i liked him, and so he knows that he could’ve had a shot but blew it by friend-zoning me. LMAO 🤣😭 i can’t believe that but i am happy with my partner!
also basically i have two partners so i am poly but the relationship i have with the female is fluid and when i asked what that means, she told me that if we want something more in this relationship then something more can happen, so it kinda feels platonic but i love them!! i love both of em!! and they are both gender fluid, just to mention! :)) i dont think i will be talking about female partner a lot unless i do but ill tell you, as for down below, talking about male partner :)))
but as for today, its going good!! i am in my 6th period now, i started this in my 4th p. and at lunch i was busy so im finishing this now. i dont have play rehearsal today so i might just go home after school, do the homework i badly need to get done and yeah! at lunch, i was watching die hard which i’ve never watched and its his favorite movie, so we had already started it but its 2 hours long, and basically i was laying on him, back against chest, laptop on my lap, and he was kissing my neck!!! UHGGH I LOVED IT!! <333 IT WAS AMAZING!!!
im sorry! i have to geek about this tho, i have like no one to gossip too!! but ignore all of that if it makes you uncomfortable okay.
i love youu!! and i miss talking to you, it feels like it’s been a long week! it really has been though. and now the weekend is coming so ill talk to you more then!! yk ;) <333 im pretty sure this about the time you go to bed so goodnight lovie!! sweet dreams!! 😽😽💗💗 (also do you want to be my squirrel 🐿?)
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jamzandbamz · 2 years
For you guys 💗💗 Vibes were like... a hot summer day energy, but with a bit of a cool breeze, too 😂 Kind of wobbly, like he's been in another world mentally, angry but also friendly, wiped-out, sore from Murph workout, still himself, generally open 😆
-He talked for 12 min without realizing it wasn't on, said "ohhhh my God, ohh my f'n God, I been doin, I been on here for...it's not funny guys...now I'm starting off mad." Def got very angry lol, banged the table a few times 💣 😂
‐Top Q was about patreon, overall acknowledged they've been slacking, mentioned failed vids in particular, not quitting patreon, said he thinks they overpriced it in the beginning, went into this blind last year, said "everyone in here I need to treat like equals (referred to godfather sitch)," gave an actual apology, said he appreciates everyone
- (detailed if you want it) Deleted his Murph workout ig pic bc a female friend (of Mike's) texted Mike about it, he screenshotted the convo, and sent it to Jeff. Her text was, "Oh what does this guy do, just work out all the time?" Jeff said in the live, "I dont want to be like that, I'm not doing this to make ppl feel like shit, I'm doing it bc I'm mentally ill and I hope that I can motivate ppl." Deleted the pic last night. Later added that he was insecure about it so deleted
**Said he was with a "friend" earlier today who asked him "what the goal is" in his life, "why do you work so hard to where you never have a personal life?" Later was like, "then SHE SAID---" He immediately acknowledged he was "admitting it's a girl," so chances are this is Georgie today. (his answer was: legacy, influence, helping ppl, having a positive impact on the world 🌎)
-"I don't have a gf if that's what you're asking, I'm seeing a girl, she's got me in a hold (or hole?), she has mind control over me" (I wouldn't read into this too much, she's not doing anything, he just really has fallen for her, early, like we already knew, like a lot of guys do it seems)
-Asked if he's "in love" now: detached/sarcastic vibe: "I'm in love with all of you" "I'm in love with my own self"
-Went to "Laguna bc a lot of shit was -" then got cut off by a Q (arghhhh lol)!!! Breezed through a later Q about what was bothering him before Laguna (said "um" then replied to something else, not mad tho, energy was open/maybe he didn't want to say)
-a mental health Q, his response: "rough times over past two weeks, idgaf about skin cancer, they'll cut it off, go in with lasers and burn in off, I've done 10 surgeries in the past year and a half"
-In Laguna, found out about Ray Liotta, teared up after it set in, growing up he felt like he wanted to be him (like his movie roles) cried bc this he had such an effect on his life 😥
----- Other non-essential items: 😂
-Looking at locations for studio space to start shooting the shop in there! A "fantasy factory," front will be a storefront, have a functioning barbershop on set, thry msy build another podcast set, build others up (maybe) like Steven and Kyle. He'll take a cut ✂️ (hehe) ofc 😂
-Trying to find a place for LA meet up, more of a live pod/show
-They lost the memory card/footage from the wedding and after that day, Jeff is understanding (accident)
-New items: VINNIE ep in 2 weeks or less, did do a vid on the failed miami vid (ooh)
-Said he used to be insecure about his feet, used to jam them into shoes to make them fit 😆
-Said some if his fave content to make is doing these live streams 🔮, apologized again for the beginning, said "I hope you dont hate me"
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meetnombre · 6 years
I promised myself that would keep this blog sfw. That I would fill it full of things that would make many other people happy and to help them escape from the outside world. It was supposed to be my little corner of the web that would be free from real world politics. I guess, today is finally that time where I have to break that promise.
The whole thing started just as Hasbro released the last episode of the first season of My Little Pony. I discovered it all at once when I marathoned through the first season. For 6 months afterwards, I have been following the pony fandom with a passion, but from a distance. Checking out other peoples art, lurking in forums, sending anon messages to other people’s tumblrs. That kind of stuff. (what can I say? To this day, I am still a bit of a social outcast)
It wasnt until one fateful day when I came across a certain someone’s tumblr blog through another person’s livestream. Not gonna mention any names (SilverBlaze! XD), but anyways! It was through this person’s tumblr that I was encouraged very strongly to introduce myself to someone from the fandom for the very first time. What pretty much happened was that I whacked this awesome guy an anonymous donation through his paypal associated with his new tumblr. What immediately happened afterwards was that his OC absolutely freaked out. Maybe I shouldnt have anonymously sent the post: “Here! Have a bag of free money!” as an anon...oh well XP This person helped me to muster the courage to create an online identity that I could use to interact with the fandom a lot better. He drew me my very own pony! (I still remember the livestream, where Silver started drawing “nombre” without a reference…remember the “meet nombre” image that used to be at the top of my tumblr? That was a modified screenshot of what Silver actually drew for me XD. He then scribbled it out, and began drawing my very own nombre! He asked me if I wanted nombre to be a boy or a girl, as he already started to draw long eyelashes for nombre. I was like “Nombre is a boy! NOMBRE IS A BOY!”, and he quickly removed the eyelashes after that X) ). I eventually took my brand new oc, created my very own tumblr…but then decided to wait until a better time to reveal my tumblr, as I kind of accidentally got Heart Lift, Sparks, and Toast Lift to swap bodies on purpose XP
But yeah! Finally went public with my tumblr, and eventually met someone else (Kappa! XP). I visited quite a few of her livestreams (when silver wasnt streaming, obviously XP), and we just…talked. We caught up with each other so much…we really gotta catch up with each other some more. But what happenned eventually was that Kappa invited me to a group chat where Silver and so many other awesome people got to hang out with each other. I met so many idols of my time and so many new faces, all of which soon became mutual friends. I literally felt like one of the richest people on the planet. I even met someone (Andie!), who soon became my girlfriend!
I still remember bits and pieces of the first group voice chat that I had with this group. One of the guys first impressions was “Is this guy serious?” (Kaipo XP), and “I’m more concerned that this guy works with live explosives for a living” (Rainboom XD)
It didnt last forever. Nothing lasts forever. One of my close friends from that group was forced to leave because he kept on getting anonymous hate from someone else. He didnt know who it was, so he was about at that stage where he was going to shut himself off from ‘everyone’. Good job anon! Good job! *slow clap*
I remember very well the time when that group that helped me with my depression got themselves a new certain member. Things were all good for a while…until that certain member made a techno remix, and asked the group as to what they thought of it. The problem was the title that he chose for it, as it was completely unrelated to the music itself, completely unnecessary, and pretty offensive to a lot of people (I’m pretty sure it was something like “Retarded Austistics” or “Autistic Retards” or something simular…..yeah…). That person was eventually removed from the group, but there was a bit of mayhem in the process, as ‘every single member of the group had moderator powers’. The incident served as a wakeup call to the group, so what happenned was that everyone was disbanded from the old group, and a new group was established…
…but here’s the thing. Not everyone was allowed into the new group. There was one person, who apparently the slim majority at the time decided that they didnt want in the new group. A lot of dramas happened since this event, but this particular separation in my opinion was a pretty big deal, as she was kind of a big part of the group at the time, and a big part of my life.
So! The one big group of people who meant so much to me ended up splitting into 2 separate groups. I stayed silent about the whole thing since then, hoping that someday maybe everyone will let bygones be bygones, because we were all friends once. Instead the opposite happened. Years later, a lot of people started forgetting each other. I could have been more proactive at the time to try and preserve what we all had, but I was worried about hurting someone in the process. I didnt know what to do.
My girlfriend broke up with me, and it was pretty much my fault. After being together for 3 months, she approached me and said that she needed some time apart...and I absolutely flipped my shit. I ended up saying a ‘lot’ of stupid shit that sent her into an absolute chronic panic attack. This drove her to the point where she told me straight up that I was no different from any of the other horrible people in her life. I felt like a real asshole when she said that. I said a lot of things that I shouldnt have said that day.
I was very fortunate to still have her as a friend after all of that. ‘Very’ fortunate.
It was about 3 months after this however that she decided to close her tumblr and delete her skype. She told me that she found happiness outside of this world that she built up. Over 2 years passed since she sent me that post, 2 years that she went missing. That’s long enough to legally declare anyone dead (not kidding either. After all of the low’s that she had been through, my mind was really starting to wonder into some pretty dark places as to what might have happened to her. I was so scared). But everything was okay! I actually got a message from her after all of those years from her telling me that she was doing very well and has settled down with someone else.
All I wanted was the best for her and for her to be happy. Nothing has changed. Even if is with someone else, I dont care. She ‘is’ happy, and she ‘is’ doing what is best for her, and thats all that matters. Hell, I’d approach this guy and shake his hand if it wasn’t for the fact that it would probably make things awkward for everyone XD
But as for me, I’m stuck. I dont really know what to do with myself anymore. When you give someone your heart and things dont work out, most people would get over it. Most people would have found a rebound relationship right now or something, but I guess I’m just not like most people. It’s not just because of my past, but its also because of my toxic present and future. I work in a workplace that can be pretty toxic at times. It’s like, you go back to work after your rostered days off to be meeted by ‘many’ old fashioned people who ask you inappropriate questions like “Hey Nombre! Did you get a root on break?” or “Hey Nombre! You should go get a hooker! You might like it!” over and over because they think its funny to do so, it just puts me off so much. I’m fine as I am! I dont mind being single, even if its for the rest of my life...but there are a lot of people out there who think its okay to treat other people like shit because they are ‘different’, when in reality, my workplace is full of old dirty perverts.
Meanwhile, I’m hardly ever online anymore. Every time I do manage to return to eavesdrop on everyone, it feels like everyone is just becoming more and more isolated from each other. I saw a post on ‘that’ group from someone who said that they wondered what I was up to, to which someone else replied that I pretty much only use tumblr now...and that really hurt me a lot. I cant blame them for thinking that way though, given that I hardly appear anymore. I deserved that.
Every time I look into my tumblrs past posts, I always have dramas. This was supposed to be a place of fun, but because the peak of my tumblr career involved the misadventures between myself and my ex and a certain red horse, looking back always brings up a lot of repressed memories.
I dont want to quit tumblr. But at the same time, I dont want to keep going. I dont know what to do. I really wish that things could have been like they were back in the first quarter of 2013. I liked that.
Over 5 years since then, and I dont know how to move on. I really dont.
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peachsorbet · 3 years
Day 10
I almost forgot how many days it’s been since we ended things. Right now as I’m typing here while taking a short hiatus from work, I am still tearing up and blowing my nose on the tissue like a loser. 
A message from Red Cross came today as a reminder for blood donation, and you were the first thing that came into my mind. Because we went for our first blood donation together in Jan. And joked about how that should have been our first date, And how our next donation sesh would be in March... 14 March to be exact. Why do I remember so much specifics from that day? And other times we were together, I remember small comments you give, random statements you mentioned, and I hold on to them throughout, even now. 
It's true you know, when someone remembers the smallest details about you, they really care. 
And I think to myself, would I be a nuisance if I contacted you? You ended things, why am I bothering you? What would I even say? The day we ended things, I had the urge to go to your house - but I would probably be a stalker and unwelcome visitor. 
And I still do think of the hurtful words you threw my way, and I had to ask around me to get honest feedback if I’m really that kind of person you labelled me as. You must really have an ugly impression of me to label me a GTB. You couldn’t reconcile that I wasn't able to send you screenshots of my texts with guy friends, screenshots that mentioned you as my bf and shared about us. In actuality, I struggled to send you because while you were all I talk about, I sought my friend’s advice for our rs problems and arguments because I wanted a guy’s POV, I have no one else around me to be an objective listener. And that was the majority of our conversations. How could I tell you that? If you were able to attend that friends’ gathering I organised for us, would you have understood better? 
But all these unspoken words, I can only say them here. I had my faults, you had yours. I had my insecurities with opening up our relationship on social media “so fast”, you had your insecurities I didn't love you and wasn’t proud of us. The 2 weeks of turmoil for us, I was spiralling so badly, trying to juggle work, family, and us. You probably thought you were a burden. But you were the opposite, as much as I struggled to reconcile our feelings and intentions, I was hopeful. And I would willingly give up my work any time of the day, if that would mean I would be happier and more present for my family and for us. Because work would never be MY priority, but my mum and you. 
Everytime I scroll through FB or Insta you’re the first person I want to share posts to. When I hear a relatable song I want to send it to you. I know we weren’t perfect and had many ups and downs fast in our relationship, but they were never warning signs or stop signs for me. They still weren't, but merely signs to say slow down and be communicative and more expressive, and grow. And of course I wouldn't want you to be still stuck in that cave you told me you’re retreating to. I just wished you knew, that I would always be there for you. The way we ended things on text, I has so many things to say but I knew at that point nothing I could say would change your stance. And you didn’t even reply me. I dont even know for what Im blabbering here. 
Now its been 10 days, are you healing? Or are you as miserable as I am. Can I reach out to you, even if its just a How are You? Will that make you retract more? Or worse, delete our entire tele conversation? (which btw you dont have the right to decide to delete my copy of the convo). You dont know how afraid I am that one day I will open it to see you’ve deleted the chat for us. How I will open instagram and see you’ve removed me from your list. 
As usual I couldnt sleep yesterday night without taking any pills. I was so angry with myself that I kept thinking of you when that changes nothing and when I should have been sleeping instead. And while I’m having insomnia, you are in your bed, dozing off without any interruptions or any care about me. 
I shall stop ranting here, this wouldn’t be my final post anyway. Will it?
Logged in KR and saw you’ve removed me as a friend. It’s that bad? I wasn’t very active anyway, was it needed? You really can’t stand any mention of me I guess. You really want me out of your life. And here I am crying just because I miss you so much I typed a text to you and deleted it. I’m such a loser but that’s me. If you reach out to me again I’ll respond in a heartbeat. If you say you want to try again I’ll take any chance for that. I no longer have any pride or dignity left. But you don’t want me like how I want you.
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Before I begin, I ask of you to NOT witchhunt Lance/kins/yega/perfect/whatever username he has now, do anything to him that will hurt him, cause him to hurt himself or drive him off of any social media platform. I genuinely hate callout culture and the such, but I felt like this was needed to be done. He IS a human person with feelings and of course has rights to be on whatever social medias he wants to be on.
Although Lance is an abusive person, I do not want the purpose of this post to practically stoop down to his level. My intentions for this is to bring light to his behavior and hopefully help people not fall into his trap.
For some context: I met Lance on Vent. For those who don’t know, Vent is a social media platform to basically… vent. Possibly the worse place to ever meet someone in my own personal opinion, but that doesn’t matter.
Anyway, we met in the Dangan Ronpa Kin group. I was shitposting and then posted a canon call bc hey why not make new friends. Essentially Lance commented, we became mutuals and everything unfolds there.
We talked for a bit on discord. He brung up the topic of his now ex-boyfriend, Tord. At first I disliked Tord due to the fact that he was abusive towards Lance. And this fact is true. However, from my knowledge Tord has never excused his actions has told me personally he still regrets them. Tord has also said he’s working on changing his behavior and he definitely is.
Lance himself on the other hand was just as bad. He has told me that Lance has constantly berated him for certain things he cannot help, has brushed off Tord’s feelings, get unreasonably angry towards him, ect ect. Basically everything you shouldn’t do in a relationship.
Here are some links to back up my statement:
https://imgur.com/a/gQ2sO (Lance getting jealous of tords abuser)
https://imgur.com/a/fDrPM (more of lance being nasty)
https://imgur.com/a/ZCMdy (Tord’s friend givin him comfort abt the situation)
https://imgur.com/a/UegAC (Lance sending one of his qpps to deadname and call tord a whore)
https://imgur.com/a/9RYTc (other various things lance has done to make tord uncomfortable n such)
There is another callout post for Lance made by Tord’s qpp that can be read here. It provides more proof of Lance’s behavior as well as some other things. 
While Tord is currently trying to fix his behavior and actions, Lance on the other hand is not. I’m friends with one of his other exes, whom I will be calling H. H and I are pretty close friends and when I mentioned that I was dating Lance, they warned me of some of his actions. I was already sketchy of Lance from the first time we met. When I ranted to H about Lance, they said he hasn’t changed from when they dated. I dont remember exactly when they did, but it was possibly a few months ago. Most likely early in the year. Aside from that, that was their only testimony.
Tord has also mentioned to me that when they were in a call, Lance told him that he found no reason to change his actions/behavior and “that’s the way he just is.”
Another thing Tord has mentioned to me is that Lance dates people for very shallow reasons. In his case, it was only because he thought Tord was attractive. And as for my case, it was only because I’m kin with Kiibo. I recall this one time Lance mentioning that he loses friends quickly and I honestly understand why now lol. He treats people like garbage if they are not up to his expectations and either he drops them like flies, or the other party stands their ground.
As for my accounts; I did like Lance in a romantic sense for some time, albeit short. I’m avoiding using the term “love” since now that I think back on it, it wasn’t exactly love. Just a crush I happened to act on impulsively. Continuing on from when we first met, I mentioned to Lance that we can discuss memories. Lance replied with (his exact words. Not mine) “i dont do memories im gonna cry hhh.” Of course not everyone who is kin gets memories and I respect that.
Kin memories are not the main point of this though. Lance said this to lure me in to “be his kiibo.” I already knew this from the beginning and decided to play along. I’m a very analytical person and have a very strong intuition. Im not saying this to toot my own horn, but to back up on how I knew his intentions. I do not have screenshots of this anymore since I deleted the post from our first falling out (which i will get into in a bit.)
Moving on, all of this led to the events I stated earlier. On December 3rd of 2017, I started to talk to Tord. Initially my aim was to tell Tord to leave Lance alone since he made him uncomfortable. I told Lance that I wouldn’t be able to talk much since I was heading over to my cousin’s birthday party. I also mentioned that I would try to make the time to talk to him, but that never happened. Lance said it was fine but then proceeded to make vagues about me and then threatened suicide. The posts can be viewed here: https://imgur.com/a/QR6O9
Imgur messed up the caption for the last img but basically what went down was that I was already thinking of breaking things off with Lance. I was talking to Tord about this, as again my first initial plan was to get him to leave Lance alone but due to me thinking of breaking up, our conversation turned into the things Lance has done while he and Tord were together. Reading what I was sent made me feel revolted and gave me even more motivation to break things off with Lance. I wrote a message explaining why we (Lance and I) were better off not being together the night previous, much thanks to H’s help. The prewritten message can be read here: https://imgur.com/a/EFORS
Tord has also told me that Lance fakes suicide a lot. I wasnt worried about this to begin with since I used to know someone who used to pull similar bs as Lance did.
At this point, Lance blocked me on Vent and that was it. At first I was fine. However due to past experiences I got extremely paranoid that Lance was saying things behind my back, namedropping and all that fun stuff. I was pretty much having very bad panic attacks and HAD to at least end things on the right foot.
I asked Tord if I can talk to him. I don’t have any screenshots of this but Lance complied and we sorted things out. We were quite for a few days but things kicked back up again. Everything was fine until I believe yesterday (12/10/17). I was having a very bad mental health day and so was doing things to keep me from slipping. I was also very busy that day so I kept on forgetting to reply to people. Proof of this is here: https://imgur.com/a/k4dqr. For more added context, I made a small pda post about how much I loved my friends and that was about it. He was pretty much trying to coax me to say that I was ignoring him in that one bit, but I really wasn’t.
Today, 12/11/17, was the day we decided to cut things off for good.
The conversation is here as long as some other guilt trippy shenanigans: https://imgur.com/a/qHwwx
This was our final conversation: https://imgur.com/VPm7oKc
Him saying that I lead him on is kind of bs. I truly did like him. Funny enough he himself lead other people on but that’s none of my business 🐸☕
Anyway, thank you so much for reading! I would appreciate if you spread this around
Also, Lance if you’re readin this, my offer still stands lmao. Change yourself first and then come talk to me.
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Modern Animorphs AU (part 2)
@jollysunflora : The second half of my complete list of modern AU Animorphs headcanons, approximately one per book.  
28. “Ax,” Marco says, “How come you can roll out ‘venti dulce de leche dark-chocolate frappuchino extra whip’ without batting an eye, but you giggle every time you have to say the word ‘soy’?”
“It has so many vowel—owl?—sounds, in so little space,” Ax says.  “That long sssssssssss, so pleasant on the tongue, but then that odd oooyyy ooy-yah?  All in the back of the mouth.  Very strange.  Sssoooy.  Ssususs-oooyaaa.”
“Also, he’s moved on from the frappuchinos,” Tobias adds.  “Now he keeps spending all our hard-stolen bitcoins on espresso mack... mach...”
“Espresso macchiato con panna,” Ax explains.  “Doppio.”
29. Cassie feels herself sweating as she props the laptop across the room from her, tools laid out and Ax unconscious on the table.  She never expected to find a YouTube video on how to perform brain surgery—and to be honest, it’s actually about “how neurosurgeons perform an orbitozygomatic craniotomy,” not intended to be a how-to manual—but it’s the best she can do under the circumstances, and so she’ll follow along for now.  
MM3.  “That’s the kind of strong leadership we need.”  Jake gestures to the full-color television (this year’s latest model) where a program of their current leader plays on a loop.  “Keeping the wrong kind of people out of this country, saving America for the right kind of Americans.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Rachel says.  She and Tobias and Jake are the only three Animorphs, except when Melissa joins them sometimes, and listening to their “Supreme Leader” blather on gets old sometimes.  “All I want to know is whether it’s true that within a few years people will really have phones that plug into their cars.  That’d be cool.”
Tobias rubs his eyes against the silk of his wing feathers.  They itch constantly, since he doesn’t have a gas mask to wear every time he goes out into the pollution-opaque air outside the way that his human friends do.  Jake and Rachel take bets sometimes, idly, brutally, about whether he’s the last raptor left on the face of the planet.
“Magnificent!”  Drode appears in their midst, and both the Berensons immediately point guns at his head.
30. Marco is lying on his bed the day after watching Eva fall, staring at a patch of wall above his dresser, when he registers that his phone has been buzzing for a while now.  It goes off so many times he assumes he has to be getting a call, but when he checks his notifications he just discovers he’s gotten seventeen text messages in the last hour.  
The first is from “Smurfette,” and says “Did you know that there is a type of food that involves baking a cinnamon bun inside of a donut?  We must secure as many of these as it is possible for a human to consume, as soon as possible!”
The next one, from “Hawkgirl,” reads: “found out recently that apparently ax still thinks you invented flea powder.  i told him that if youd invented flea powder wed all be a lot richer right now.”
“Team Dad” (not to be confused with “Real Dad,” which is how Marco lists Peter) sent along several invitations to team missions on League of Legends this afternoon, along with a threat to have Cassie play Marco’s avatar if Marco doesn’t join in.  “we both know that by the time you get back you’ll have only healing attacks and she’ll have trained it to apologize automatically for stabbing people,” Jake adds.
One of the many texts from “Julia Butterfly Hill” suggests that Jake has underestimated Cassie’s diabolical streak, because it’s a screenshot of a clone of his account which has had its name changed to HarambeWasFramed.
The real surprise, however, is the single text from “Xena: Warrior Princess.”  It’s a link to an article about a disaster in the local national park and the efforts to clean up the wreckage of an as-yet-unidentified craft which went down in the canyon.  Marco has to read it a few times to understand the point she’s making, because it’s all about what’s not there: the article makes no mention of any human bodies being found among the wreckage.  
Marco gets halfway through typing a reply to them all which informs them in no uncertain terms that he sees through their transparent attempts to cheer him up and doesn’t appreciate it, but he deletes without sending.  He can practically hear his mom’s voice saying it: he can focus on the fact that he’s still surrounded by people who love him, or he can focus on the negative side of everything.  And being constantly negative is no way to live.  
31. “Sharing this again, because its been 3 months,” Jake’s cousin Brooke posts on Facebook.  “Anyone who has any news at all about Saddler, no matter what it is, PLEASE contact my family.  Big brother, I dont know if youre still out there, but I miss you.  I miss you like crazy.”
Jake turns up his Spotify’s Offspring channel a little louder to drown out the sounds of Tom and his dad shouting at each other downstairs.  His eyes flinch past Brooke’s post, but they can’t move fast enough to prevent the thought that flashes across the surface of his mind: Is this going to be me a year from now?
32. Tobias texts Rachel and Jake an article from Audubon.Org, where several birdwatchers are going into ecstasies of scientific fascination at the bald eagle and peregrine falcon seen flying in close formation in a cell-phone video taken near a highway overpass downtown.  His only comment is, “Told you so.”
33.  In the aftermath, Rachel does a Google search: “PTSD treatment symptoms outcomes.”  She reads through the WebMD site, the NIMH page, the Wikipedia link to a DSM-5 entry.  She thinks of Tobias’s withdrawn silences, his antipathy toward so much they used to enjoy, but she thinks of other things as well.  How exhausted Jake seems any time they’re not on-mission.  How badly Cassie flinches when the school bell rings and doors slam.  How Ax seems to be gradually losing interest in the things—cooking shows, new condiments, human history trivia, These Messages—that once drew his fascination.  How last week Marco flicked an ant off the back of his hand and then went white like he’d just kicked a puppy.  How good it had felt when she’d hurt David, spreading the pain around, giving it back.
She catches an Uber to the clinic downtown, filling out forms in the waiting room based on the checklist written on her phone for “how to get tobias an ssri”: Yes, she often feels tense and worried.  Yes, her heart often races for no reason.  No, she hasn’t thought of ending her life.  No, she doesn’t feel out of control when she eats.  
She gets as far as developing a cover story—it’s about how she’s never felt the same since her parents’ divorce—but in the hallway to the office she panics and calls Cassie.  “Am I doing the right thing?” she asks, after she’s explained.
Cassie is silent for a long time, never a good sign.  “I’m not sure an SSRI would work on a bird,” she says at last, “and that’s even if we could figure out a dose that would work without killing him.  I know you want to help, and I think you should, but...”
Rachel hears what she’s not saying: but what if her mom asks too many questions?  But is this risk really worth it?  But what if the psychiatrist (the receptionist, the pharmacist) is a controller?  But isn’t it them, and only them, against the world, and isn’t that just how it has to be?
“The war won’t last forever,” Cassie says weakly, and Rachel hates her a little for it.  “When it’s over, when we get to tell everyone what’s happening...”
Rachel hangs up.  She goes home, morphs, and flies out to the woods.  
«You know I love you, right?» she asks Tobias later that evening.
«Of course I do.»  He sounds exhausted.  She’s never felt more helpless in her life.
34. The Yeerk Peace Movement, as it comes out, has a Twitter feed.  It is rather painfully obvious that it has been set up and run entirely by aliens who are doing their very best to communicate with humans, and not quite succeeding. Most of the posts are couplets, for some reason that none of the Animorphs can fathom.  
“Want to be On Fleek? When you see someone’s rights threatened, speak!”
“Don’t be a Belieber anymore - end slavery and even the score.”
“#tbt: Remember when we were symbiotes?  Give taxxon freedom your sympathy votes!”
“Nickelback is super lame, and keeping involuntary hosts is just the same.”
“Respect your host’s rights today, and make your human into your bae!”
35. It’s Marco who comes up with the idea for how to take down William Roger Tennant.  This is a guy, after all, whose cockatiels have their own Instagram account: he runs his fame on the internet.  
“It's simple,” Marco explains. “We start a hashtag—#notsonicetennant—and we make it go viral.  All we have to do is film this guy everywhere he goes, and eventually the yeerk will slip up.”
It proves not to be simple after all.  Their gif of Tennant twitching madly mid-EPA speech gets overshadowed by the news story about One Direction nearly getting poisoned with spiders at the same banquet. Ax does not understand the concept of hashtag, and keeps adding #notsonicetennant to his retweets of what Marco calls “food porn.” They train one of Tobias’s repurposed GoPros to follow poodle-Marco, but that becomes a meme mocking the world's most obnoxious stray dog rather than Tennant himself.
The plan finally, finally comes off when they pull out all the stops and just confront him in morph.  The smartphones that Rachel rigged up in the surrounding buildings don't pick up the thought speak, but the audio of Tennant screaming at the aliens to leave him alone comes through just fine.
When the scandal breaks, the internet (in truly predictable fashion) drops #notsonicetennant and starts using #tennantgate instead.  
Ax reposts an old photo of Tennant eating a quinoa salad—zoomed in on the salad—and tags it #tennantgate.  All of his teammates assure him they appreciate the attempt.
36. “All right, that’s just weird,” Marco says, looking at the final entry in the underwater creepshow they’ve been walking through for the past hour.  “All the other ships have been getting more modern as we’ve gone, but this one?  Looks like it was made in the sixties, at the latest.”
«The world’s creepiest museum curators are getting sloppy with the placement of bodies as well,» Tobias points out.  «There’s no way that many people could fit on a boat that small.  They’re practically falling over the sides.»
Jake and Cassie look at each other, seeing the same realization reflected in each other’s eyes.  Neither one of them wants to say it out loud.
Jake becomes the one to bite the bullet.  “Don’t you get it?”  He points to the ragged clothes, the emaciated bodies, the modern smartphone tucked in among the antiquated radio equipment.  “They were refugees.”
37. Rachel shuts the window on the library computer as soon as she hears someone walk into the room, but she can tell she was too late by the look on Jake’s face when she turns around.  
“Roy Ludvig, huh?” Jake says.  “Heck of a name.”
“He was at the T.V. studio when we attacked.”  Rachel looks down, picking at her nail polish.  “No civilians were supposed to be in danger.”
Jake’s expression softens, as much as it ever does.  “And now you’re scrolling through his Facebook, looking for something that’ll let you sleep at night.”  
“He’s got a grandson,” Rachel blurts.  “Jordan’s age.  He...”  She shrugs.  He’s dead, and it’s more or less her fault.
“Shouldn’t be looking on Facebook.”  Jake sets his phone on the library table next to her, taps the screen to bring up an official-looking report.  “You should be, say, borrowing my dad’s computer.  Sending an email from his account to ask for the guy’s medical records.  If you had, you’d know that Mr. Roy Ludvig had a heart condition.  That he had maybe a year to live, at most, and doctors said he might die at any old time.”
Rachel looks down at the report for a long time, and eventually looks up at Jake.  “Doesn’t make it okay, what I did,” she says.  “He’s still dead.”
Jake shrugs.  “You don’t have to forget it ever happened, but you do have to live with it.  Live, and fight another day.”
38. In the aftermath of Estrid's visit, Tobias is flying over the boardwalk when he sees a henna artist who clearly smokes way too much pot to be a Yeerk. He gets Ax, they morph human, and both get henna tattoos of Elfangor's name. (Ax had previously expressed an admiration for the human tradition of commemorating a lost loved one by making markings on one's body.) They know the tats will disappear when they demorph, but they're both glad they did it. The artist asks how long they've been together, and Tobias says in a scandalized voice, “he's my UNCLE!” Thus, Tobias succeeds in both of his goals: making Ax laugh, and reminding him he has family here on Earth. Honestly, the reminder doesn't hurt Tobias either.
39. “You know, not all squirrels are like that,” Marco is fond of saying after a morph goes wrong.  “Not all termites are horrifying worker drones.”  Sometimes it’s, “You know, some of my best friends are fleas.”
It’s Cassie, however, who gets the last laugh out of that one.  «You know, Marco,» she says as they swim away from the wreckage of the helicopter, «Not all ants are like that, right?  I shouldn’t say that all ants are killers, right?»
Marco stares at her in silence while the others snicker, watching him war between the two impulses: to keep the joke going forever, and to express his honest hatred of ants.  
«Come on.»  And now Rachel has joined in on the teasing.  «You’re just going to let that kind of besmirching of the ant community stand?»  
«Okay, okay!»  Marco gives in.  «Ants suck.  Yes, all ants!»
40. “Our experts have examined the video extensively, and near as we can conclude, this footage is genuine and unedited,” the newscaster says.  “Given how viral this video has proven to be, with over two million views since it was posted to YouTube on Wednesday, everyone wants to know: is this footage proof that aliens exist?  Is this a publicity stunt for the upcoming Fantastic Beasts sequel?  Or, as one YouTube commenter asks, did a Smurf just have sex with a centaur?”
«Potential new ally?» Tobias suggests.  He’s already tapping out a search for the original video in his modified tablet.
Ax laughs.  «Of course not.  He’s crippled.  A vecol.  Useless.  We must respect the privacy of his isolation.»
“You know what?  Fuck that,” Marco snaps.  He shoves to his feet, posture tight with anger.  “Just... Fuck that,” he tells Ax.  “I have ADHD.  Attention Deficit whateverthefuck.  I take a pill every morning to help me function because my brain isn’t good enough to filter stimuli all by itself.  I got a fucking 135 on the world’s most boring IQ test and I’m still failing half my classes.  I’m a vecol.  You think I’m useless, huh?  You gonna start refusing to talk to me because of some bullshit about ‘respecting’ my ‘privacy’?  Huh?”
«That’s different,» Ax says.  «You’re not...»  He doesn’t seem to know how to finish that sentence.  
«If he’s an exception, I hope I am too,» Tobias says more gently.  «I got screened for anxiety disorders as a kid, and I guess we’ll never know if I qualify or not, ‘cause my aunt decided that doctors cost money and if the test said I needed one then she didn’t want to know about it.»
Ax doesn’t answer for a long time.  He doesn’t seem to know where to look.  
«Let’s go tell the others what we found.»  Tobias taps a button to send the video to himself.  «We can talk more about this later.»
MM4. Tobias flinches when his phone makes the small ping sound that means he has an alert.  The new kid is the easy target in every school on the planet.  He wonders what it’ll be this time: another Facebook post where the semi-anonymous account Toby IsALoser tags him in another meme about how he has to pay people for sex because the sight of his body would make any normal girl run away screaming, another unnamed Instagram ping telling him he should kill himself so that no one has to look at his stupid fat face anymore, another Snapchat image of a puddle of vomit with the caption “me when I think of you,” an email with the most disgusting gif anyone could find after a quick search...
It’s not, though.  It’s an invite to join a private Facebook group, called The Sharing, with several hundred local members.  Most of the names Tobias recognizes are cool older kids from the high school.  Intrigued, willing to trust for the moment that this isn’t some ridiculously elaborate prank, Tobias clicks “join.”  
41. Jake looks around at the enormous open field, concrete pitted with openings and low hovels of corrugated steel and rebar.  He can see for nearly half a mile in every direction before the smog makes it impossible, and the tallest things around are the hunched hork-bajir.  “Where are we?” he asks.
Cassie frowns.  “This?  Jake, this is downtown Manhattan.”
He gapes at her.  “What happened to it?”
“Tall buildings are targets for drone strikes,” she says casually, turning away.  “The only way to be safe was to go underground.”
42. Marco doesn’t bother going to the house of the guy who photographed them, nor does he try to catch the kid before he uploads the video anywhere.  Instead he waits for the image to appear on YouTube, then becomes the first commenter.  “Sweet manip!” he says.  “Is that Photoshop, or can you do that in free programs like Gimp?”
43.  “EarthIsOurs-dot-tumblr-dot-com?” Marco says incredulously.  “What does Taylor do there, post pictures of her pet taxxon?  Reblog plans for planetary domination?”
«Judging from her archive history, she’s had this blog for many years,» Ax says.  «She recently changed the domain name, but some of the content on here is from as early as 2008.»
Jake and Marco get caught up in debating with Cassie about what exactly to send to her, but Tobias just scrolls quietly through Taylor’s old posts.  She didn’t lie about being beautiful, he realizes, or about being popular.  There’s a long blank period in her tumblr account in mid-2014.  And then she posted one selfie—just one—after the fire.  
He can’t bring himself to read the names that the trolls call her, or the discussions about how much money they’d have to be paid to have sex with her.  But there’s no overlooking the suggestions that she kill herself.  The posts are too numerous, too vitriolic.  
“Every chick ever to wander onto the internet has gotten that crap,” Rachel says; clearly she’s been reading over his shoulder.  “She should’ve developed thick skin, not joined the Sharing.”
Tobias thinks of the Facebook page made at his old school just to discuss the fact that he’s a chubby zit-face, of the posts which eventually overwhelmed his Instagram with death threats.  «Yeah, I guess,» he says.
44.  It takes a long time for Cassie to get home from Australia, but at least they’re not too worried for most of that time; she texts them her location and a brief description of the insanity that landed her in the Outback as soon as she gets in contact with Yami’s family.
45.  “None of this makes any sense,” Peter says.  “I’m hallucinating, or you’re delusional, or else—”
Marco sets his phone in Peter’s lap. “Check the timestamp, Dad.  I took that six months ago.”
Peter stares at the phone for a long minute, and then slowly looks up at Marco.  At a clear loss for words, he tilts his head back toward the screen.
“I know.”  Marco laughs, the sound wet with tears.  “That blond wig looks terrible on her.  But it’s really her, Dad.  I swear.”
46. “So they’re going to get the U.S. embroiled in another war,” Marco says.  “And this one with a country that can actually fight back.”
«Seems like,» Tobias says.  «Only why bother with all the secrecy and political wrangling?  Why not just send a couple mean tweets to Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un?  That’d probably do the job just as well.»
“No, it wouldn’t.”  Jake runs a hand through his hair, looking around at them all.  “The yeerks need a total war.  Everything the U.S. and its allies can pull out, against everything China and its allies can muster.  Our military has gotten too used to sending drones to fight its wars, to ‘tactical strikes’ against insurgents.  If the yeerks want half the species annihilated, they have to do a lot more than poke a couple of egos.”
47. “News flash,” Marco says.  “Your average suburbanite ain’t gonna accept a seven-foot-tall alien for a neighbor.  You know the number of times my mom’s been asked for proof of citizenship before she was allowed to vote or cash a paycheck or buy a car?  How many times she’s been pulled over by cops while driving the speed limit with her seatbelt on?  And she’s a regular old human being.  Toby’s right—the hork-bajir have a whole other fight coming if we ever win the war.”  
48. Rachel feels the blood drain from her face when she opens the Facebook message and sees the name attached.  David’s Facebook account has been defunct for almost two years now; there’s no one left who would want or even be able to access it from the outside.  Should be no one.
Miss me? the message from David’s account says.
Who are you? she types with shaking fingers.  What do you want?
I know what you did.  I’m coming for you.  I’ve got friends all over the place and they’ll find you.  They’ll kill you.  Amazing the allies you can get, when you know where the bodies are kept.  On the internet, no one knows you’re a—
Rachel hits “block.”  She tells herself that the screaming nightmares she has all that night and into the next are the product of having a stressful life, she’s an Animorph for pete’s sake.
She doesn’t stop shuddering every time she gets a message for the next two weeks, but she never hears from whoever (It wasn’t David. It couldn’t have been.) it was ever again.
49.  They stagger away from yet another hopeless fight, all of them injured, half of them missing limbs or bleeding to death.  Dragging their damaged bodies behind the first dumpster they find, they demorph, remorph, and force their minds to focus long enough for the long flight home.  It’s only when Rachel is in owl morph, staring around the dimly lit alleyway, that she sees the security camera pointed directly at their location.  
«They must not check it that often,» Marco says without much hope.  «Or else they’d be out here already to come looking for us.»
«Doesn’t matter,» Tobias says harshly.  «It had a perfectly clear view of all your human faces.  And that building is owned by the yeerks.»
They all stare at each other in dull shock as the realization sinks in.  They always knew this moment was coming—they could only be so careful for so long—and yet, on some level each of them hoped it never would.  
«Take one more night to be with your families,» Jake says at last.  «We evacuate everyone in the morning.»
Jake loses his phone, again, somewhere amidst all the chaos.  This time around he doesn’t bother to replace it.  It’s not like his mom is going to be wondering where he is, not anymore.  
50.  “So,” Jake says, “this is going to sound crazy, but—”
“Aliens are invading the planet, and you’re the only kid terrorist who can stop them?” James suggests.  “We do have wifi up here, you know.  You’re Jake Berenson, right?  You’re all over the conspiracy theorists’ forums right now.”
“Um.”  Jake runs a hand through his hair, starts again.  “Yeah, pretty much.”
James nods.  “In that case, you’ve got thirty seconds to convince me your story’s not a load of crap before I call security.”  
51. Ax secures their wifi in something a billion times better-hidden than Tor.  With that reassurance, they all end up starting blogs.
Marco’s is a rambling string of wry comments about everything from the invasion to his parents’ science projects.  Sample post: “Insider source (aka my mom): Visser Three has morphed human and eaten AN ENTIRE BAG OF MARSHMALLOWS in one sitting, ON MORE THAN ONE OCCASION.  Pass it on!”
Jake’s is the place that people go to find out how they can help, and to get his reassurance that the help means something.  Sample post: “As Barack Obama says, ‘We the people recognize that we have responsibilities as well as rights; that our destinies are bound together; that a freedom without a commitment to others is unworthy of our founding ideals, and those who died in their defense.’  This fight will never be over just as long as we keep supporting each other.  I can’t tell you how grateful I am to you all for the KickStarter donations.”
Rachel’s has beauty tips for the American girl on the run, light and self-deprecating enough that you often don’t notice the undercurrent of desperation.  Sample post: “If you want to be able to look at yourself in the mirror, try fixing your hair using reflective surfaces such as pots, ponds, or pieces of Bug fighter wreckage.  Alternately, just say ‘fuck it’ and never look at yourself again.”
Cassie’s tells people how to stay safe, and how to keep their environments safe as well.  Sample post: “Everyone please remember, it’s important to stock enough food and water for family pets as well as humans when retreating to an apocalypse bunker!”
Tobias’s has a lot of good-natured grumbling about everyday life in the valley.  Sample post: “In other news, my girlfriend’s mom is currently arguing with the smartest being on the face of the planet about where to put the new latrine facilities.  Sorry Naomi, but my money’s on Toby.”
Ax’s has a lot of food reviews, of course, but again there’s that undercurrent of desperation, almost like he’s trying to convince someone else (or maybe even himself) that humans are worth saving.  Sample post: “Marco assures me that there are no less than 23 distinct flavors contained within every sip of Dr. Pepper.  Just think of the years of experimentation and innovation it must have required to produce a drink which can inspire 23 different reactions from human taste buds, all at the same time.  Truly inspired genius.”
52. They run drills upon drills for what to do in case of a drone strike.  Using any morphs they have that can dig or build—mole, taxxon, elephant, beaver—the Animorphs create an extensive network of tunnels and shelters, posting guards at all times to keep their eyes on the sky.  The hork-bajir valley doesn’t show up on satellite imagery, which they only know thanks to Peter’s definitely-illegal fact-gathering missions on the darkweb, but they don’t know for sure whether an overhead camera would be subject to the same strange perceptual distortions they all experience when flying there as birds.  They nearly lose their precious secrecy when Naomi sends several emails from her work account, claiming she’s being held hostage and asking anyone who will listen to come rescue her.  Eva generates a hasty follow-up from the same account asking people to ignore “the prank that I now realize was in poor taste,” but none of them are sure it worked for the next several days.  
53. Rachel makes one last post on her nearly-extinct Instagram account.  This time the scrap of paper she uses appears to be torn from the back of a food label, but the penciled script is as intricate as ever.  It reads “Who wants to live forever? —Freddie Mercury, 1986”  
54. After it’s all over, Tobias retreats, he hides, but he keeps a thread of communication open.  Cassie shoots him an email with the subject line “Hawk patient with intermittent aggression and lethargy—any idea what could be causing it?”  Marco sends him idiotic memes that now feature the Animorphs’ names and faces.  Ax asks for constant updates on the new wing of Taco Bell being built downtown, and repays the favor by leaking confidential information about the search for the Blade ship.
And then he gets one of the stranger emails he’s ever received.  It’s an offer of a full legacy scholarship to Harvard University (which has just found the means to explain some inconsistencies in the records of one “Alan Fangor,” who graduated in the ‘80s) in exchange for Tobias teaching one class per semester on any subject of his choice.  He agrees, with the stipulation that all his classes be online.
The resultant course (Ornithology 442: An Insider’s Perspective) is like nothing the students who participate have ever seen before.  Tobias will write out rambling treatises on Why Blue Jays Suck or All the Ways Hawks Are Superior to Eagles with a thought-speak-to-text recorder.  He’ll deliver online lectures from a shaky webcam pointed into a nonspecific tree, occasionally wandering off for hours at a time to go hunting.  Students who ask him personal questions about Rachel get regurgitated mouse skeletons Fed-Exed to their campus mailboxes.  Essays that don’t demonstrate much effort get feedback such as “even I can tell this sucks and I have a seventh-grade education” or “my grandmother could make better sentences than this AND SHE’S AN ANDALITE WHO DOESN’T SPEAK ENGLISH.”  Assignments include “find one bird fact in a textbook and explain why it’s a load of crap” or “go film a Boston pigeon until it does something interesting, I dare you.”
Nevertheless, enrollment is so popular that Harvard has a three-year waiting list and charges students an extra $500 just to sign up.  When Tobias finds out about the extra fee, he promptly video-calls the Intrepid, gives Ax remote access to his computer, and explains why he needs Ax to convert the course illegally to a MOOC.  Harvard University fires him for breach of contract; Yale hires him on that very same afternoon.  
part 1 here 
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whalefairyfandom12 · 7 years
Your Love's a Fucking Drag (But I Need it So Bad)
Summary: Dan likes black and leather jackets, Phil likes reading in solitude and playing video games. But they have one thing in common as new roommates at uni: They are both completely straight. Just because they like to get each other off every once in a while doesn’t make it any different.
A/N: We've been writing this fic for over a year now and it's strange to think this is the last time we'll be doing this. Thank you so much for all of your support and we hope you enjoy the final chapter <33
Chapter Nine
 *picks up after “true bros swallow” from chapter seven
don’t judge me makila
I’m 110% judging right now smh no homo just bromo
I came here to have a good time and im honestly feeling so attacked rn
Not as attacked as Dan’s cock amiright
...That's what he said and then Phil made him
My mind is literally blank rn jfc i have absolutely no comebacks whatsoever
On a scale of one to Dan’s mind during orgasm from a brojob how blank?
Like dan’s mind during orgasm and then some
Yet somehow Phil Lester’s lips aren't involved. I think he got the better deal, really. Also cuddles after
Im jealous of dan i want phil lester’s cuddles :<
I swear to god we sound so ace right now 100 to 0 real fast
*writes sex scene* “Wow i cant wait to cuddle the fuck out of phil” 100% ace
Seriously though Phil probably gives some of the best cuddles imaginable I'm jealous
My friend met him and she said he gives the best hugs out of anyone she’s ever met
You know what fuck Phan I'm stealing Phil for myself
“Hi do u have any philxreader fics” dats u
“I don't want the yang wang dang just the hugging”
Im fucking pissing myself im hilarious
I think my mom just heard that snort
Im literally laughing so hard and my dogs started barking bc of it christ i need sleep
Jesus Christ has very little to do with this conversation, trust me ;)))))))))))))
I hope he isn’t too mad that i started involving him in our crimes
We’re all going to hell anyway, what's one more crime really
Imagine if jesus went to hell with us JESUS READS TOO MUCH GAY PORN
“So what was your punishment?”
“I liked sucking cocks too”
“Same. Only bros?”
“True bros swallowed. Dat was me.”
Jeezy wheezy (sry i cant type wow) thats amazing and i had something to say but i dont REMEMBER
They say losing your memory this early means you're definitely screwed and damned to hell
I mean we already knew i was going to hell so whats the difference
I've spent my evening reading gay porn stars AU instead of studying that ship has sailed
Porn star aus are the best thing ever no ragerts
“Ragerts”-Rachel, 2016
The sin has clouded your thoughts
Im gonna get that tattooed on me “no ragerts”
You can say not only were you extremely drunk when you got it you were also drunk when you thought it up. A win win
“How did you get that tattoo??” “Well im always drunk man”
“Drunk on gay smut and memes”
I read too much about bros swallowing loads
You need to fire your autocorrect and get a better one
Im on my computer so looks like i just have to fire my brain
Our wordcount has upped significantly can we just keep this here. “Now presenting a short intermission from your writers”
Oh my god when we upload the last chapter (whenever the fuck that will be jesus christ what are we doing with this story) we should post this
Imagine the day when our inboxes will no longer be filled with messages of “WHEN THE FUCK IS THE NEXT CHAPTER OF YLAFD GOING TO BE UP??????”
That’s the day that the earth will truly implode
See the real question is who’s going to store all these screenshots on their camera roll? Forfeit those sick GBs
I can screenshot them on my computer hahaha
Way to ruin the moment Rachel wooooooow :(((((((( That was so low not even Dan could recover (get it because he’s a bottom? I'm so tired smh)
Sorry bro (*insert lenny face here bc im too lazy to do that*) i hope dans proud of me
He knows it's just about bros doing bro things I'm sure he’d fully endorse our fics. (And let’s be honest, I'll bet you one hundred dollars this hasn't happened to him at least once)
Oh him and phil have d e f i n i t el I GIVE UP fucked
Which will come out first? Dan Howell or Sherlock’s next season? YO MAMA’S SO FAT BY THE TIME SHE TURNS AROUND DAN HOWELL CAME OUT!!!!!1!
JESUS CHriST “How many licks does it take for dan howell to come out?” “The world may never know”
Oh he’ll be coming all right *insert lenny face*
╚═( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)═╝╚═(███)═╝╚═(███)═╝.╚═(███)═╝..╚═(███)═╝…╚═(███)═╝…╚═(███)═╝..╚═(███)═╝.╚═(███)═╝╚═(███)═╝.╚═(███)═╝..╚═(███)═╝…╚═(███)═╝…╚═(███)═╝…..╚(███)╝……╚(██)╝………(█)……….*
WHAT THE FUCK MAKILA NO the human centipede lol
ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ POOP
Ur enjoying urself aren’t u
FIGHT ME (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง (what? I don't have an entire wall of lenny’s saved to my notes for this very purpose that would be ridiculous haha ha ha ha…)
Usually when i use a lenny face i go back and copy it from one of my friend’s text messages so ALL THE JUDGEMENT HERE UR FIRED
( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° )ᕤ holy shit we broke 14k yay us #rakilaftwrioolymipcs2k16
(ʘ‿ʘ✿) we literally broke 14k because we wrote an entire essay about how much of a meme we are (why is this a different color text wtf)
All better. The perfectionist in me is satisfied.
Im proud of you makkypoo
JUST U MACKLEMORE (i think im so funny)
Macklemore I'm dying (right and Phil’s dating Dan. Oh wait)
I think your nickname is no longer makila but instead macklemore
Once we release these screenshots it will be THANKS RACHEL UR FIRED NOW
BUT ): A KOUHAI CANT HIRE THEIR SENPAIIIIIIII (also i hope you start getting messages about macklemore now)
WOW I FEEL SO LOVED :,(((((((((( a single man tear
A man tear… like uh i dont have a fucking comeback im So TIRED LIKE UR MUMS MAN TEAR
Cuz we all know dan thinks every man tear is attractive rip to dan’s heart (and his sexuality)
“Here lies Dan’s heterosexuality and heteronormativity. It will be sorely--screw it no it won't.”
Dan’s heterosexuality&heteronormativity,,, June 10, 1991 - Today (what is today) August 20, 2016
“We gather to celebrate with smut and Lenny human centipedes.” I need sleep so badly right now smh I'm dead tomorrow
GO TO SLEEP (honestly i do too i have to wake up early to move back to uni rip)
I will if you do. A bro pact. (A broct? Pacbro?)
Just… stop right there LOL lets form a broct(?) and just brosleep it out
I hope Phil brohugs you bro
Thanks bro i hope phil brocuddles u my dude, my bro
Aw you mean it bro? U r always there for me, man, I luv u u r like a brother to me, bro
Bro… oh my god bro, that’s the broest thing anyones ever said to me… i love u bro.. Like bromantically
Not as much as I platonically 110% heterosexually love u bro. Just bromo tho no homo
That’s the new phrase of this fic “just bromo, no homo”
*deletes summary and changes it to that* seriously why aren't we sleeping GO TO BED RAKILA
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