#i put my whole writussy into this
mooncleaver · 1 year
writers block is insane right now.. i'm 89% done with my namor fic but just can't get myself to complete it.
my only goal is to post this before the new years like that's actually embarrassing bye 😭
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cordeliawhohung · 5 months
Everyone needs to see how much you put into your writing
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(Also you are sexy and incredible)
i can't believe i'm just seeing this now my inbox was a mess for a second but this has me SOBBING
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ghost-proofbaby · 1 year
wait help no why is your writing so good and i didn’t realize the series wasn’t finished and i’m devastated i want to read the next chapter ahhH
im sorry!!! i promise i work diligently to update once a week and sometimes try to even drop earlier so it's more than once a week <3
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ghostingfee · 8 months
so i was bleeding sweating crying writing an eight page play for my playwriting class this week and I turned it in today, and it is torturous that i must wait a week until next class for feedback. also we don't turn them in digitally we print them out, and now i'm worried like. what if i accidentally turned in a copy that was missing a page and my professor didn't get the whole thing. gah
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shadowscrybe · 2 months
Rayven's Revenge- Chapter 1
Man I haven't made one of these posts in so long. Bear with me as I try to remember how to format this shit.
Summary: Rayven is the younger sister of Rhysand in the Night Court. She was banished 64 years ago for the murder of her sister. This is the story of Rayven earning her place in Prythian and finding out what it means to be family. We all know how her story ends...but how did she get there? I don't want to forget the demon princess with bat wings. Do you?
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: none-typical canon content
A/N: Uhhhhh. I have annoyed my friends talking about this fic for weeks and I think its time to start annoying all of you. I worked very hard on this, put my whole writussy into this, but feedback is always appreciated. This was mine for so long. Now its yours. Enjoy.
Morning light had begun to crest over the horizon when Rayven met with her returning shadow. Streams of warmth slipped in through the thin curtains of the small cottage, melting the coolness of the night off her wings. The long hours of the night had to be beautiful in the Night Court, but Rayven had found something special in witnessing its beauty while the rest of the court slept. The cottage she shared with her mother just outside of the Windhaven camp of Illyria was an inferior copy of the home her brother and his friends shared across the mountains decades ago in their youth, but it was the only home she knew. The Highlord had said it was more than the banished princess deserved. 
Rayven had the misfortune of being born a few decades after everything important, it seemed. She was a few decades short of her first hundred years, but that didn't matter to the boys- and especially not the Highlord- who would always see her as a young fae. The boys were completing their first full cycle the coming moon, and the bastards were getting their siphons later that week, something the Night Court heirs could covet together. 
The coming celebrations loosened her restraints with the Highlord and her presence in Velaris would be necessary for the next few weeks. Rayven was only to make appearances when it was appropriate for the court. The Highlord could only stomach the demon long enough for the required court affairs. When she wasn't galavanting at parties or silently simmering in council meetings, she was to remain in Illyria. 
Following the poorly executed coup Kallon’s lord and father organized, Rayven took Ironcrest as her own. If the Highlord wanted it back he was welcomed to try. She considered appealing to the Highlord to move closer to her camp, but her luck had been pushed and she enjoyed the flight across the other camps anyway. It kept her on top of the movements of the other camps, especially Windhaven. 
Her mother lived in Velaris by all official accounts, but after the boys finished their fifth decade, she found more and more reasons to be in Illyria. She didn't have daemati powers like Rhysand and Rayven, but she wouldn't have needed them to know the day would be hard for Rayven. It’d be hard for her mother too. 
Rayven focused her breathing as she straightened her leathers, hoping to the stars she strapped them correctly. She navigated the path up to her upper level balcony and stretched her wings in the open space. She loosely braided her dark hair down her back to give her nervous hands something to do. 
Her singular shadow, Rahne, returned from her morning scan of the camps, whispering about sentry positions, some kitchen gossip, but nothing out of the ordinary. 
She needed reports of her normal flight patterns to reach the boys in order to accomplish what she needed to do. Rahne had warned her a second too late when she had ascended her rail to plunge off the side of her nest when he appeared. 
“Going somewhere?” The shadowsinger said.
Rhane was quicker than his shadows, but his were silent. She raced the wing length between them to meet with his many shadows. 
Rayven groaned and fell off the side. He turned to level out as she caught a drift back up to him. His laugh carried over the wind. 
“Aren't we pleading our case to Devlon today, or did I get my dates mixed up again?” 
The rising sun kissed their wings in greeting. He’d at least let her fly to the Windhaven border. 
He allowed her a few strides before he said, “The Highlord asked that you stay here. It will be hard enough for us to convince him as is.”
‘Asked’ was a very nice way of putting it. 
The boys had lived a full human lifetime that lunar cycle, so they were certain they knew everything there was to learn and she was a naive first cycle fae. They were meeting with Devlon to discuss their participation in the Rite that spring. She’d been training alongside them nonstop for months. Rhys told her it was important for her to have the training regardless of her participation in the Rite. 
Of course, Devlon would never allow a female to participate. While Rhys had previously been denied for being a half-breed, as Devlon put it, he could still persuade the Lord of Windhaven. Rayven, on the other hand, had the misfortune of being a half-breed and a female. The worst crime to the Illyrian brutes with ways as archaic as the mountains surrounding them.
The drifted over the path to the camp only used by the clipped females. Rayven shuddered at the thought of losing her wings to these males. 
“Hey,” the shadowsinger said, as if he could hear her thoughts. “We’ll find another way.” The tip of his wing barely brushed against hers. She stopped the shiver in her shoulders. 
The males were always fighting over wingspan. They had more surface area, stronger for single thrust flight and carrying cargo, but the females were faster. Their wings were made for speed and agility. What took the males three muscle groups to turn on a pin, the females could do it with one. Sure, they were able to carry full grown males for miles, but the females were able to fly that same distance twice in the time it’d take them.
“Am I allowed to say it?” he asked. 
He tried to brush her wings again, so she folded hers in and dropped, parachuting her wings out in the final descent to land her feet on the stony path. They were within a few minutes of Devlon’s council tent. 
“Why can't I go and beat some respect into that bastard?” she asked. 
“You know why,” he sighed into his landing. 
“The Highlord can make them submit and listen.” Her frustration began to manifest in her movements. Rahne started whispering calm over and over to her. “Hel, I could easily change their minds.” She wiggled her fingers at him. 
He rolled his eyes at the violence she suggested. “We’d lose every Illyrian allegiant we have,” he said. He was trying. Really trying. 
Tears welled in the demon’s eyes. “This is so stupid.” Her gaze was set in the direction of the tent she’d never be inside, knowing this was where he’d leave her. 
“We’ll find another way,” he repeated. The hand by his thigh tensed, and then he was stepping back to take off. 
“I’ll fill you in when I get back?” He spread his wings to depart. 
She took in the mass of the shadowsinger before her. Even without the siphon, he was truly something to be feared. 
She mumbled a fine and met his eyes. He jumped into flight, sending one shadow back to lick at her wet cheek.
“Gross,” she swatted it away and could almost hear its giggle as it returned to Azriel. 
She watched as he grew smaller in the distance, until finally, he winked out of eyesight. 
She wiped her eyes free of the crocodile tears and turned to her real destination. 
Dumbass, Rahne snickered, expanding for their departure. 
Rayven smiled at her little shadow, stepping through her dark threshold onto the crisp lawns of the Autumn Court. 
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pinkrelish · 1 year
you don’t know but i’m fucking stuck with TYP
don’t know what the hell you put on that but it has me in a chokehold like no other fic. Never knew i had something for single dad’s until you came and put your whole writussy on this series. Let me kiss your brain and be the mother to your babies please
#i love you please notice me bc i’ll cry if you don’t
😂💗 i'm glad you're enjoying it so much! something about single girl dad!eddie got to me. then, on top of that, sweaty mechanic!eddie? ...i haven't been the same since.
pls kiss my brain. i don't want kids, but i have three cats, and you are more than welcome to take one. 😂
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riotcontrolmargera · 2 years
so... about that fic being done by tonight, i lied. but it will be up tomorrow, it's almost done, i've put my whole writussy into this one - so i hope that y'all enjoy it when it's finally up.
when that one is finished up, i will be starting a ryan x reader x bam fic... which is of the smut variety and im pysched for it. ♡
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sannirio · 9 months
i am working on part 3 rn im just burnt out asf so it’s taking a lot longer than i’d like but i’m putting my whole writussy into it cuz i want it to be good
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barnesafterglow · 2 years
it’s still cosmic love i refuse to be normal about this fic 😌
no because you’re correct i put my whole writussy into that fic
anonymously (or not) tell me your favorite fic of mine
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oqal · 2 years
oof this chapter has stuff. like overusage of medication as a coping mechanism. self-inflicted harm (plot wise to prove a point). having s-x as a coping mechanism.
does chapter 14 have........... Too Much
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chaosnojutsu · 2 years
reliance update: y’all i promise i am putting my whole writussy into this dinner scene. every time i think i know what i’m doing, a new detail stands out to me and i obsess over incorporating it into the story more heavily.
(my current life schedule is also Not Helping my case but it cannot be helped.)
this chapter is turning out to be much more important than i ever intended it to be, and now i’m staring into the beast’s mouth wielding nothing but a pen and a weary smile. the future of this story hinges on what happens here, so i have to be deliberate about what makes the cut.
i’m definitely thinking way too deeply about all of it and to be completely honest, i don’t know if all of the nuance— or what i’m hoping is nuanced— is even going to be noticeable, but i’m getting more and more words on the page every day. hopefully you’ll hear from me again soon ❤️
in the meantime, the little emails from AO3 telling me “so-and-so left kudos” is seriously what’s carrying me through each day. going back and reading old comments never fails to put a smile on my face. it truly means the world that so many people are enjoying 100k+ of self-indulgence enough to give it a read and feedback when it hasn’t been updated in nearly a month. you guys are the best.
the story is not abandoned. it’s being crafted with love and it’s taking more time than anticipated.
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letterstotheflre · 2 years
tina!! what you said in the tags about published authors - fr tho bc never have a once read a book and actually went wow nor has it ever made me feel the amount of feelings i do when i read fics
i just wanted to say bc i thought i was the only one who felt like they wrote kinda the same way and felt bad for thinking it lol 😭
no bc they’re literally all the same, there’s no distinction between writers. some are a bit more descriptive than others but that’s about it
fanfiction writers on the other hand… they put their whole writussy into their work. i can tell who wrote what just based on the writing, i don’t even need to look at the @. and fanfictions always leave an imprint on me (Books never tend to do that). like, i still remember the first fic i ever read, and i have little snippets from different fanfics stuck on my mind. idk i just think fanfiction is much more creative and impactful than books 🤷🏻‍♀️
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angel-fxced · 2 years
I'm not trying to convince you to pick Loona, just want to say there's nothing wrong with going canon divergent, even if it's just alterations to her design. Whether you choose your OC or Loona, do whatever you want and ignore everyone else that tells you otherwise.
Anon, I appreciate this but here's the thing.
People are EXTREMELY picky about things and I know I'm supposed to ignore debby downers trying to fuck off my parade but, it's really one of those " Is it even worth it." I just don't want to put my heart into something and have it quickly dismissed hence why I kinda just delete blogs after a while. It's also known how female ocs are treated then how some get ass hurt about canons being divergent either way it's equally wishy washy ; some people don't care for OCs outside of using them for promiscuity or strictly for shipping ( which is fine do your thing ig ) and disregard all means of growth, there's only.a handful of people that I know that have put their whole writussy into their characters just to have them overlooked or go null all together and with Loona in particular I can see how left everything might go especially as of late.
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