#i need to play it at least 5 more times before i figure thag out
sunbloomdew · 1 month
the way to the moon is about holding on (to the promise you don't even remember making, to the person you loved, to the life you never got to live but refuse to give up). it's johnny choosing to be with river time and time again, it's johnny holding on to all the paper rabbits river made even if he didn't know their significance, it's river keep trying to remind johnny of their shared past, it's river giving up her treatment so a place that means the world to her is protected, it's eva and neil trying their hardest to send johnny to the moon, it's eva taking the risk in hopes of making it
the way finding paradise is about letting go (of your mistakes, of the unrealistically perfect life you never lived, of the person who helped you through your darkest times but who now keeps you stuck in the past). it's colin letting go of faye despite being afraid, it's colin keep replacing pages in his book with new ones, it's faye knowing that colin never needed sigmund's help, it's faye telling colin he has to let go of her if he wants to live fully, it's neil and eva trusting faye despite what it means for them, it's neil taking the risk in hopes of making it
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trash----panda · 4 months
Another scenario
This has been playing in my head for days
Imagine, the world is ending, demons everywhere, they are massive, horrifying. You managed to break into a church as steal a holy weapon that's been working pretty well on the smaller demons, not to mention you knew this part of town well. Things were kinda going better than expected, until it showed up. This thing was massive, you wouldnt even describe it as anything but a demon. You'd spotted it a few times now, doing your best to avoid it, but now, now you were making eye contact down to road from eachother, you can feel it's eyes piercing your soul. The starring contest is broken by it's laugh, you dont know what possessed you but you felt like you were gonna throw up, at least your legs still listened to you. As soon as it approached you dashed for safety, hearing it grow near you dove down an alley, it's words seeming to taunt you, false promises not to hurt you. The fear is overwhelming for both of you, you on the verge of passing out and the demon drooling at the smell. You manage to get out the other side of the alley but it was waiting, pulling away when you drew the blessed saber, your hands trembling
"do it... i dare you" it laughed, trying to grab you once more, you slash it's skin which makes it recoil, you didnt stop to listen to it complain about the blade hurting worse than it thought. Sprinting for the subway you miss a step, barely getting a noise out before barrelling down the stairs, left a sobbing mess at the bottom. You werent built for battle, you werent built to fight demons. The ground rumbles, you can only hope it cant fit it's arm down there, your body doesnt even have the strength to tremble, all you can do is squeeze your eyes shut as your counsiousness fades. You hit your head way too hard going down.
When you wake up it's somewhere new, looks like an old warehouse, you've been surrounded in a nest of pillows and blankets, whimpering as you tried to figure out who or what was here with you, thag same cruel chuckle making your blood run cold "so you're awake? Was scared you wouldnt" the demon watched you across the room, finding it amusing as you searched for the saber, your face paling as he held it up, fidgeting with it "looking for this? Yah couldnt leave it with you, you seem... aggressive" you couldnt help but feel dread wash over you, you were trapped, defensless, with a creature at least 5 times your size. They must've noticed, your face had it written all over not to mention the smell was making them drool "geez" they mumbled out, wiping their lip. You tried to make a break for it, getting quickly pressed against the ground by the massive hand, it was firm but also ever so gentle. Not that you cared, it was attached to a monster who wanted to eat you. They sighed and scooped you up, hugging your squirming figure to their chest, you could hear all their strange inner workings, tensing up "see this aint so bad right? You dont have to worry no more ok? I'll protect you"
Not very reassuring with all that drooling but sure, whatever, you just needed to leave.
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back2themax · 3 years
Karate kid part II review -
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So this movie is…. Decent? Like it’s not bad but it’s  definitely not as good as the orignal. I don’t any sequel can do that. However I think it did have genuinely great moments that make it worth a watch, even if it drags in certain places. As they really chose to me romantic subplots more major plots in this movie, and that’s where it really tends to drag.
The good-
One of the highlights of this movie is that Daniel and Mr.Miyagi don’t suffer from the usual slump of sequels, typically the charecter’s will be written out of charecter , their potential wasted and so on. However they are just ss strong as the first movie. They’re  characters remain intact and their relationship, if anything is stronger! They both still get some really good lines in too. I think this is mainly do to it being a trilogy, it’s three parts to one story. Not all disjointed trying to recapture something
I like how it takes place literally directly after he wins the  tournament. It allows to see a aftermath thag most properties will just gloss over. I also love that Daniel is shuffling? Basically dragging his leg in a way, I do think it healed but I think it’d be a cool detail If he just… had a weird walk ever since? Also allows for Kreese to be even more of a manic?
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He’s very “don’t you see?! Don’t you get it? IM THE REAL VICTIM HERE” *Currently choking a 17 year old to death*
Also Mr. Miyagi just honking his nose will never not be funny to me.
I love that it’s implied Daniel will come over purely to bitch, he just kicks in the door YOU WILL NOT BELLLLIEVE THE DAY IVE HAD. Also forever living for the very very 80s prom suit. However kinda weirded out? The moment is hysterical but it feels very unlike Ali?
“How come every time I feel bad you got work for me to do?” “Cosmic  coincidence”
A refugee from Fresno 💕 the fact that not only was he going to let Daniel stay for the summer but that he would get his own full on little guest house?!
Both Daniels “your more important then anything to me” speech and his one about his dad?
“Dunno, never been attacked by tree”
“How new?” “About ten seconds
“Focus” “alright, what are you gonna do?” “Pray”
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seriously there’s some great lines in here
I like how the movie is really one mainly for charecter development and their bond? To learn way more about Mr.Miyagi and some good general wisdom as always. It also further establishes Daniel as genuinely being just a good kid, sure he’s stupid sometimes(which he  acknowledges) but he usually means good. I love that.
The meh-
When I tell you how fucking frustrating Sato and his  nephew are? Just hard headed people in general. Do not get me wrong, he does serve as a great antagonist when it comes thing things ramping up and ramping up and ramping up but he’s so one track it’s kinda hard to redeem him? Like he just turns around “I’m good now :)” ??? Idk I would have liked one more scene.
Are we completely ignoring His wife from the first movie? That he did marry at all (it seams much more focused on if SHE did or not). Like don’t get me wrong it’s a interesting plot point but I feel it sort of takes away from the point made in the orignal about his wife and son. Daniel is the son he never got to have. Now they do at least, in this movie, very much play on to how Mr.Miyagi is very much a father figure to Daniel and I love that.
Also the love side plot is more THE plot… which the scenes are still adorable but at least in the first one their scenes would be spaced out with SOMETHING going on besides a guy coming around and wrecking things every once and awhile. There was a bunch to potential that they really went no where with, like again there’s so many great scenes with Daniel and Mr. Miyagi even Kumiko but they needed- something to happen.
I said it before but to much Kid not enough karate. Again I was mostly fine with this NOT being about training or them fighting, as that’s not really the point or  principles Miyagi teaches- because it’s learn so you don’t HAVE to fight. Defense only. But I want- something to happen, they are give 3 days, which is WAY less then 2 months and somehow it feels longer. I’m not needing a fast paced movie Im not needing drawn out fight scenes just- a bit more then shoving THIS HUGE STORM AND A FIGHT INTO THE LAST TEN FUCKING MINUTES? These two things should be huge points in the movie but they are instead literally shoved in last minute. Im not kidding his fight is the last 8 minutes of the film, 5 of which are him absolutely getting his ass kicked. Which, again I would not mind if there was more then one fight and it happened in the first? Idk it just- it felt like it was a afterthought “oh oh yeah karate uhhhhhhhh the nephew comes back for revenge!” It’s just not it 😔
Great potential but a lot of it was underutilized , good interactions and strong charecters really save the movie
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classified-bluerose · 6 years
according the the big bosses at marvel, only two of the original avengers will survive 2019’s Endgame. while most characters are definitely in danger, i’ve decided to rank each OG avenger from most to least likely to die. these are my own personal thoughts and may be subject to change.
1. Steve Rogers , aka , Captain America
Steve Rogers’ is the most likely candidate for death in Endgame. His entire character is based on the understanding of why sacrifice is important. After surviving the travesty that was Civil War, unlike his comic book counterpart, it’s possible his time is running out. From the trailer we know that he and Black Widow have come up with a plan to reverse what Thanos has done, though we aren’t given any details. Popular theories about his death are related to the idea that if time travel plays a part, the Avengers may attempt to retrieve the Infinity Stones before Thanos has the chance. If this is the case, a sacrifice will be required in order to obtain the Soul Stone. No-one will be more willing to be this sacrifice (except for Tony Stark) than Steve. A section of the trailer also shows Steve gazing down at his picture of Peggy, and if this scene feels familiar to some, that’s because it’s a callback to the first Captain America film in 2011. The last time we saw Steve looking at that photo he was on his way down into the ocean, where he was considered dead, until he was found, decades later.
2. Thor
After Steve, I was debating which character should go on number two of this list. While Tony Stark may be another highly-possible candidate for dying, I really doubt it. But I’ll tell you why later. For now, let me explain the reasons why I think Thor is likely to meet his maker in Endgame.
Thor has suffered a lot. He has lost his entire family, his best friend, his whole planet. In Endgame it seems he will struggle with guilt over his failure to kill Thanos in Infinity War. He truly has nothing left to lose at this point. Thinking back on previous Thor films, he faces certain death in Thor and Ragnarok. In Thor he survives due to his finally regaining the honour of being worthy to wied Mjiolner once again. In Ragnarok a vision of his father pushes him to find the strength he needs to fight back against Hela. With films, there is a rule of three. Meaning certain things will almost happen twice, and then actually happen the third time.
Considering all that has happened to Thor, it would be no surprise should he become consumed with revenge and put himself in the line of fire in the upcoming battle.
3. Natasha Romanoff, aka, Black Widow
Look, in fairness, Natasha is not that big a character in the MCU. But she’s smart, sneaky, and if anyone can devise a plan to figure out how to turn the tables on Thanos, it’s her. I cannot really think of any reason for her to survive, nor can I think of one for her death. Unless she sacrifices herself for someone else. If anyone has anything to add for Natasha please let me know.
4. Tony Stark, aka, Iron Man
When we last saw Tony he was stranded on Thanos’ home planet, Titan, after failing to secure the gauntlet from the Mad Titan. He is one of two on that planet who survive the snap - the second being Nebula. Whether or not they leave together seems to be rather up in the air right now, though a short clip from the trailer leads me to believe they are together in the ship.
Tony’s rescue will most likely come at the hands of Carol Danvers. How/why that will come about, I’m not entirely sure. Once he is returned to Earth and reunited with the Avengers, I believe that, though he may suffer, he will most likely survive. The reason he is number four, though, is due to what could be foreshadowing in the most recent marvel films. Tony has been shown to have pain in his left arm a lot. This could be a reference to Tony possibly using the Gauntlet in order to stop Thanos once and for all. It’s heavily implied thag Thanos was severely injured by use of the Gauntlet, after all, true power comes at a terrible cost. It’s not a far leap to make to think that the cost of a human using the Gauntlet would be their life.
5. Bruce Banner, aka, The Hulk
Bruce and Tony are interchangable on this list. Due to The Hulk, I think Bruce’s chances of dying are rather slim. Then again, the Hulk has become afraid, is sick of being used as a weapon. If Hulk doesn’t make an appearance when Bruce needs him to most, it may be the end for our favourite nerdy scientist.
6. Clint Barton, aka, Hawkeye/Ronin
Before the trailer even dropped, we knew about Clint’s transformation into Ronin. It seems to be widely thought that Clint’s family, his wife and children, all were victims of the Snap, leading him to become cold, and ruthless. If/When the team manage to restore the dusted, his family would return and he could finally officially retire. Killing him off seems like it would make no sense and be just thrown in there for the sake of tragedy.
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