#i need like. bunker era lucifers back and sams doing bad and when he sees lucifer he snaps and tears him apart limb from limb
hellhoundlair · 2 years
i NEEEEEED a fic of sam like bashing lucifers head in with a rock or something. Sam boiling over and beating the shit outa late seasons dean for not knowing what free will means in the context of letting sam have some. Getting into a fight with cas over the lucifer shit. SOMETHING. i just want sam to be angry so bad.
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mlobsters · 3 months
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supernatural s13e20 unfinished business (w. meredith glynn)
taking a second to reflect i'm just about a year into this spn first time watch. first screenshot i took was in s1e2 and that was feb 1, 2023. inching closer to the end but damn.
wtf is happening with gabriel fighting a werewolf-esque whatever with a singlestick type thing. and this music? so cheesy 70s whatever. i see you jay g (christopher is also guilty of it when there's A Theme though so)
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aww he's got a list like arya. ok so, like kill bill. which i tried to finally watch here not long ago and i couldn't get past the first fight scene in the house. feel like i might have enjoyed it when it came out when i was 23, but my appetite for tarantino tanked somewhere along the line. also, we already did a reservoir dogs homage episode, did we need another one?
these massive motel rooms, what even
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haven't made a dean loves the magic fingers reference in a long ass time. reunion tour of references too
so this is a directed by speight episode too. ok
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the apocalypse is good for mary's hair apparently
GABRIEL I call that art. But yes, without me, you two chuckleheads never would've known how to throw Lucifer back in the Cage. DEAN But instead of giving us a hand, you ran. And you just did it again when you ditched us in the bunker. GABRIEL All right, Dean-- I have more important things to do than to join your little band of merry men. DEAN Hey, what you're doing? This? This is not important. GABRIEL Every day, Asmodeus tortured me. Every… day! He fed off my grace for years! He used me, he debased me until I was… What I went through… you don't forgive. Everyone who had a hand in it will die. Get me?
a) this weird explanation/retcon of loki actually being someone else and that's why gabriel was pretending to be him is... weird. b) i get the impassioned speech but talking to two dudes with many more years or torture under their belts, i think they get it
DEAN Not like I care about killing gods, okay? But this whole revenge kick? It's a waste of time. SAM What if it's not? DEAN You've seen it, Sam-- with me, with Dad. Revenge only ends one way-- ugly. SAM Well, maybe it doesn't have to. DEAN Okay, I think I know what this is. SAM Okay, what is this? DEAN You. You're you're so hopped up on this “Kill Bill” fantasy of his. SAM No, no, no. This has nothing to do with me. DEAN If you had a shot at Lucifer, you wouldn't take it? SAM Of course I would. But this is about Gabriel. He needs our help. [Dean rolls his eyes, but agrees to hear out Sam’s plan back in the room] SAM Gabriel, you agree to help us, we'll agree to help you.
and a throwback to revenge never pays. but like, why doesn't sam just go for the obvious, we need his help and maybe he'll do it if we help him quid pro quo. jay bringing the eye rolling music juice, wouldn't expect anything else
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GABRIEL Well, Sleipnir's a lot of things, but mainly, he is a coward. I will bet all the personal lubricant in the S.F.V… that after we killed Narfi, he ran straight back to papa's skirts.
and throwback to references i don't understand, that used to be a regular occurrence in kripke-era seasons. per the wiki:
S.F.V. refers to the San Fernando Valley in California, the center of the adult entertainment industry.
wonder how many people caught that, seems awfully obscure
MARY I know you've been winning all these fights, and you want to take him on so bad. I was just like you, with hunting. But I learned the hard way-- thinking you can win all the time, running in blind into every fight? That's how you make mistakes. And the people here, they-- JACK I'm doing this for them. MARY You can't help them if you're dead. And I can't lose another boy.
i'm sorry mary but i snorted. we just haven't had enough time to really establish this, and it's been backburner at best when it's around. #boymom 🤪🤪🤪
LOKI Yes, you do. Little bit. Our treatment of your friend is payback for a slight of a more personal nature. The death of my father, Odin. DEAN Oh, that wasn't him. Lucifer did that. LOKI Ah. But why was my father there in the first place? To parlay, to deal with Gabriel's brothers. When we first made terms, I had only one condition-- I would give him my face, teach him to be me, the trickster, if he agreed to abandon the more… volatile affairs of his family. Forever. When he hit that hotel, he broke that promise, and it cost my father his life.
hokay. never gonna retain any of this. i thought odin died another way but i think i'm thinking of zeus. big ask for me to care/remember the nonsense plot going on from an episode in s5. i can only imagine if i watched this as it aired. perpetually lost
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SAM That's not… I'm saying this has become a whole thing with you lately. DEAN A whole thing? SAM Yeah. DEAN Since when? SAM Since the last time we opened up a rift. Since you decided to sideline me and then head to Apocalypse World with Ketch. DEAN Okay, well… we talked about that. SAM Did we? Because I gotta be honest, after everything, you're treating me like I-I deserve to be back at the kid's table or something.
good on you, sam
DEAN Sam, I'm not gonna apologize for protecting you. SAM So that's what you think you're doing here? DEAN You remember what happened the last time we had front row tickets to the Lucifer/Michael show? 'Cause I do. You died… and went to Hell. But see, this time, the apocalypse isn't looking for us. We're actually looking for it. I don't care what happens to me. I never really have. But I do care about what happens to my brother. SAM Dean, we're going to that place, and we're gonna save Jack and Mom. Together. And if something happens, we will deal with it together. And if we die? We'll do that together, too.
on one hand it's like oh yeah, maybe dean is feeling the lingering trauma of what happened the last time michael and lucifer were in their lives. but also, they let so much of that slide it feels like it's just being used for convenience. but whatever. i'd rather this than no conversation at all
and damn straight, sam, everything together. dying is a little much, and you didn't get to follow through on that one anyway. read a fic the other day that was about dean being afraid once sam's blurry wife got to heaven, he'd want to leave to be with her. and they made the point that sam had almost the same amount of years with the blurry wife as he did with dean. and now i'm making myself sad again 🥲🫠 this is why i don't read much heaven fic
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SPN deserves flak for handling sensitive topics irresponsibly, especially since it has a teenage audience. Castiel confessed that he's suicidal in season 8 (written by dabb!), the brothers were in a toxic codependency, Sam was sexually harassed by lucifer, a little kid -Jack- was driven to self-harm/suicide. and none of those issues were addressed or solved in 15 years. instead, the message was that people with troubled pasts could only "be forgiven" if they sacrificed their lives (Jack) or died
Yeeeeaaaah that’s something it was always getting criticism for consistently as it went along as a case- by-case basis of the treatment... There were some woke episodes later on with the newer writers which did handle some subject better but honestly usually in a motw way with side characters proving better examples to the Winchesters’ messed up coping. 
I guess one thing that I was leaning on a bit was that if it was all going somewhere that the resolution would be okay because the writing was aware that they did have these issues. For example, Carver era was really heavy on the codependency stuff but it was painting it in such a bad light that it was beyond romanticising it in any sense and the message seemed to be that the writing wanted them to heal. I personally think this was healed a fair amount over Dabb era along the way... But the finale as far as I can tell let Sam move on with his life and break the cycle or whatever, but also was so wildly unsatisfying on every front it probably would have been HEALTHIER for the fucker to go straight to Hell and petition Rowena for giving her an eternity of foot rubs in exchange for Dean back. Just so he could be like “what the hell what that, you nearly married that BLURRY WOMAN? What’s WRONG WITH YOU”
(I don’t know the fine details on this death scene to know or care how the Sam and Dean relationship wrapped up because it was clearly garbage and in my head they’re both still happy and alive and have a normal freaking relationship :P)
In any case, I know so much was carried by these characters that, to be serious for a moment, I don’t know if they ever could have lifted the whole weight of what we needed them to be, even in an ideal end. But I do know that by giving the show such a shaky resolution, especially with bringing Cas back off screen and not giving any real closure and telegraphed final scenes with anyone - i mean even the love confession and empty yeeting feel like Dean’s supposed to have another moment with him later and it doesn’t feel death scene-y enough to me because of the complete lack of closure the confession gives it by opening the new possibility moments before death - vast amounts of character work which could have HELPED bring some of these things to a conclusion just never showed up, it seems. 
Like, Sam’s Blurry Life With The Blurry Wife seems like an even worse state than his season 7-8 hiatus time with Amelia because at least she had a FACE and BACKSTORY and LINES ON SCREEN. At least she and Sam talked through their issues and related to each other and they had a reasonable reason for it not working out and they got to see what they both needed from each other at the time and what they couldn’t get from each other moving forwards. 
Even ignoring that Sam got the perfect endgame with Eileen, a Generic Blurry Wife ending for him is such garbage because so much of his bad coping is bound up in his hiding and running away... Just because Dean once waxed poetic about wanting Sam to grow old and boring and live a normal life doesn’t mean it’s what his character was best suited to or what he would really have been comfortable with long-term, especially when as far as I can tell Dean dies and he just up and abandons his hunting life and goes to be normal. If for garbage reasons you were ditching Eileen a happy ending for Sam would still probably involve a hunting-connected life, even if it was a montage showing him holed up in the Bunker being the new Bobby while nothing else changed and Dean was having bad drinks with the original Bobby in Heaven. Like just that one change would make Sam’s journey make sense that he stopped running away and accepted who he was and that the trauma shaped him but didn’t break him, and that he had moved beyond the harmful relationships with women who he valued for their normality, who he then told nothing about his life, bottled up his trauma and dismissed his past and then lived a sliver of existence right on the edge of sanity and coping. Blurry Wife might have the benefit that theoretically the cosmic nonsense is over and Sam might not be called back to that battlefield but the toll on Sam’s life from his history can’t just... disappear overnight. Literally his entire mental health arc which was based on his trauma and addressing it and overcoming it, and how Sam learns who he is beneath it and how it has made him uniquely Sam and stronger for it is all washed away. 
And that of all the examples you mentioned is like the only one I can talk about with any coherence without devolving into screaming about how better endings were owed all around. If the characters are denied meaningful narrative closure than everything they’ve carried with them, from just the way a plot will feel resolved or not, to all the stuff we reflect onto them about our own issues that we see in theirs, ends up dumped to the side and it leaves painful holes. 
I don’t think a better ending in terms of just wrapping up the show as it seemed to be on track to, until it abruptly wasn’t in the finale, would have ever fixed all of it or meant enough to some of us when it comes to things we’ve carried alongside the characters for a long time. Like I doubt even a full canon Destiel ending by their pen could have addressed ALL the issues we put on Dean and Cas and in our explorations in fic and meta and headcanon and crackposts and whatever else, feel like they’d need to talk out or resolve to be fully content on screen with each other. But there sure were things that could have been done with a few meaningful lines here and there and obviously Cas visually on screen with Dean at the ending that would have made things easier, or provided the paths to seeing these things resolved in our ongoing imaginings.
A lot of the finale pain seems to be the abrupt wall that the story just STOPS like that and so much of this is all left hanging and we’re all feeling the pain of many things that we forgave the story for along the way because there was a trust in the way storytelling works that we’d get that catharsis and closure at the end, and that all the painful stories we were told were being told for that reason. Like, the main reason to write painful stuff and dark themes is to explore it and look right at the horrible stuff, but then to find ways to bring it back down and let some of it go. And most of why I’m refusing to watch the end of the show is simply because it sounds like none of what any of us wanted to get out of it actually happened and there were NO paths to get these things we needed out of it. And at which point many of the terrible things that happened along the way now feel uncomfortable in a way that it’s torture porn without any relief or reason for doing it. The feeling is so universal and the descriptions of that last episode so laughably bad on that front that it’s the main reason I don’t want to watch it. Like, I can get a better sense of satisfaction bitching about how it should have ended than I’d get watching it so why would I do that? :P 
Anyway. Guess you got me ranting but this really is something I think in hindsight that might make rewatches really awful way back into the show just because you’ll be watching something and realise that for all the character is going through, they’re not going to get a resolution that actually would do anything to make any meaningful comment at all on what they’re going through. So now you’re just watching them suffer for the hell of it? Idk, this fear haunts me >.> 
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verobatto · 4 years
Destiel Chronicles
It was a love story from the very beginning
You Are (Part III)
Hi! We reached the last meta from season 11! Yay!
As I disclaimed in my last meta, this is a Destiel centered series of analysis, so the rest of the topics could be taken superficially.
Hope you enjoy! Let's start!
You are back
Çhuck, God himself, was agonizing on the floor, the event most important on the entire Universe, but even so, Dean ordered Sam to go to check on him, because Dean wanted to check on his angel, his own personal universe.
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Gif credit @mad-as-a-box-of-frogs
So the relived and slight one side ways smile he showed when he realized his Cas was back, it was priceless.
So, okay, the world was about to end, but Dean has Cas back, so... 🤣🤣
And later, when Cas made a innocent appreciation about Dog's breakfast, Dean just feels so proud of him. Throwing to his brother "Cas is back."
But I know we are not here for this little scenes ... But the nefarious car talk... Okay, let's suffer now.
I for We. And you are a brother to Us
We all know there was plenty alcohol in that bunker when Dean decided not to die sober.
The camera showed us deliberately, when the hunter opens the fridge, we had beers there.
So the 'let's go to a ride to buy some beers before the world ends' was just an excuse.
He invited Sam to covered his intentions, knowing Sam would reject him for sure.
So, when Sam said no, as he was expecting, he calls for his angel.
Once in the road, the conversation wet from one point, to another. But the way it ended it wasn't pleasent.
DEAN: How you doing? You good? I mean, you know, the whole Lucifer thing.
So, this is what happens with Dean: he can openly talk about his feelings or other people's feelings with Sam or Jody, but he lost track of his own words when Cas is in front of him. So here, by this, he wanted to know about why Cas said yes, or... What was happening with him. Because he didn't see that coming. But he simplifies this whole ideas that haunting him for so many days and night without sleeping, saying 'the whole Lucifer thing'. The whole Lucifer thing means all of this, including his own deception of Cas rejecting to be saved by him. To come back to him. So there this wall between Dean's true feelings and Dean's words towards Cas. He is protecting himself from that pain, the rejection. So he is deeply concerned, but he needs to act cool.
CAS: I was just... so stupid.
Cas is still sad and feeling not usefulness.
DEAN: No, no, no. It wasn't stupid. You were right. You were right to let Lucifer ride shotgun.
Me and Sam wouldn't have done that.
By saying this, Dean is trying to convince Cas he was useful, and brave. Because he did something not Sam not him would do. Dean is trying to support him and comfort him, as a real friend would do. He could be yelling at him, and saying he did a stupid thing, as he uses to do when Cas takes this kind of decision, but this time is different, because he recognizes Cas said yes to Lucifer because he was feeling sad, and bad. And Dean didn't see that.
CAS: Well, it didn't work.
DEAN: No, but it was our best shot, and you stepped up.
CAS: I was just trying to help.
DEAN: Well, and you do help, Cas.
Dean repeats to Cas that what he did was useful, was very helpful, he is important in the fight. Now that he settled that point, is time to let the angel know he's not just important for the fight, but for him. Because he was terribly worried about him, not sleeping, imagine he could lost him forever... But his fears to rejection played Dean again.
DEAN: You know, l— You know, sometimes me and Sam have got so much going on that...we forget about everyone else.
He backtracked, but he tried, he tried to apologise because he didn't see what was happening with Cas. So he look for a shield. Sam. If he uses Sam, he won't be alone in his feelings... Because Sam loves Cas a a brother, a real friend. But not Dean. Dean is in love with Cas, so, Sam is the shield. Those feelings: BROTHERHOOD, FRIENDSHIP. Yes. Dean can handle that. But his true feelings? The first person talk? The L word?, He just can't right now... that's why he transforms I into WE/US/SAM AND ME. We didn't see you sad. We weren't aware of your depression.
CAS: Well, you do live exciting lives.
DEAN: [Chuckles] Yeah, that's one word for it.
But you're always there, you know?
With this Dean is trying to say another thing it was haunting his mind this whole time for sure. Cas always come when they call. Cas is always there for them. Cas takes care of him, all the time. He failed to Cas.
[Dean looks over at Cas]
DEAN: You're the best friend we've ever had.
Dean is feeling the cowardice all over him, using the shield, the safe WE and covering his own true emotions and feelings, to deliver a message to Cas: YOU ARE IMPORTANT, best friend, is wonderful privilege, a great place. But Cas is more than just that, even for Sam, so he adds...
You're our brother, Cas. I want you to know that.
Dean places Cas in Sam's spot: BROTHERHOOD that's the maximum place for a friend. So for sure, Sam considers Cas his brother. But is not the place Dean gave Cas in his heart. But is a safe word: BROTHER, there's not danger on that. Not feelings exposure. Not rejection.
Gif credit @mad-as-a-box-of-frogs👇
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Cas' sad and disappointed expression when he hears Dean saying this is so painful to see. That's not the place he wants with Dean. So is more pain for his angelic heart. Dean, heartbroken as he was for being rejected when he tried to save him, is heartbreaking Castiel now. Misscomunication, that will take a huge place in Dabb's era.
Jealous Cas
Just a few words about this, because I'm addition to the new rejection our angel had felt in Dean's hands, when they were planing the soul bomb, they needed someone to get close to Amara. And Cas, who had witnessed the way Dean and Amara interacted, that... Bond, he gave his own opinion about the plan...
CAS: We need somebody to get close to her, someone with a... personal connection.
Cas made a face here, not a good one hehe. He knew about this, about their connection.
Dean said goodbye to his mom the grave ( as a foreshadow of her resurrection), to his brother, and then, it was time for Cas...
Gif credit @spnsmile 👇
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The hug is tender, and Dean looks sad at the end. But then Cas throws to him his quote ...
CAS: I could go with you.
DEAN: No, no, no. No, I got to do this alone.
Castiel is always willing to die for Dean, so let him go alone to a certain death is not something he is able to handle, but because Dean is requesting him this, and then he even gave Cas a mission: to take care of Sam. That's why Cas stays. He has a new mission, to protect Sam and comfort him.
Finally, when the world was saved, the camera shows us Cas asking for Dean. Because his thoughts were with him the whole time. Just like Dean's thoughts when he wanted to get his angel back, or when they were planning to defeat Amara, and Dean asked what Cas thought about the plan, and Lucy mocked him, of course.
Gif credit @mad-as-a-box-of-frogs 👇
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Need vs Want
The writers presented to us the topic we will explore in season 12/13 and even 14. What do you want, Dean?
Want is not need. The quote I NEED YOU. It was used by Dean Winchester in the crypt scene, as a shield too, to avoid the fact that he needs Cas because he loves him.
But here we have Amara
AMARA: Dean, you gave me what I needed most. I want to do the same for you.
And she wasn't wrong, she needed her brother to be in peace, and after a visit to the bunker, finding that pic with Mary and Dean on it, she perceived Dean needed his mom the most. So Dean will need his mother to finally find what he really wants. It will be the start of his self knowledge, self acceptance and self love that will lead him to finally express his true feelings for Castiel, that we all are waiting to happen in season 15.
I hope you enjoyed this!! See you in the next meta! Season 12!
To Conclude:
Last episode from this season showed us an attempt of Dean Winchester to put into words all the things that he was struggling with. But using Sam and changing the I for We/Us is a symptom of Dean's fears of being rejected. He is not ready to express his feelings which is translated into a new deception and rejection for Cas. Misscomunication.
Ending with the Need vs Want, preparing the self knowledge path Dean will have in season 14.
Tagging @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weird-dorky-little-deana @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @authorsararayne @anonymoustitans @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
@shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73 @justmeand-myinsight @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname @teddybeardoctor @pepevons @helevetica @isthisdestiel @dizzypinwheel @jawnlockwinchester @horsez2 @qanelyytha
@imjustkipping @destielle @agusvedder @spnsmile @shippsblog @robot-feels @superlock-in-the-tardis @superduckbatrebel
If you want to be added or removed from this list, just let me know.
If you want to read the previous metas from season 11, here you have the links.
Buenos Aires, August 11th 2020 5:30 PM
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sarcastic-space-gal · 5 years
Archangel’s Bane (Part 3)
Pairing: Lucifer x Reader;
Word Count: 1320 ;
Warnings: Swearing, Angst;
Summary: What if i tell you that Lucifer was cast out of Heaven because of… love?
A/N: Hi everyone! Here is the third part of Archangel’s Bane! I’m really hooked on this, and i just can’t stop writing it. I really appreciate your lovely comments, thank you all so much! If you want to be tagged, just ask and i will add you❤️ Here is the Part 1 and Part 2 . Here is a Lucifer one shot Pay Me a Visit In Heaven . Love you all xo xo
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Never in his life he thought emotions would ever affect a celestial being, especially him.
He was Lucifer, Satan, the Evil incarnated, he couldn’t feel anything, only rage. At least that was what he believed. Yet, in that moment, he never felt more human: there are no suitable words to describe what he was feeling.
“Lucifer” she gasped, her voice was caught in her throat.
“Y/n, is that you?” his voice came out more weaker than he thought “Are you real?”
“I’m here, it’s me” she said softly as her eyes started watering.
Lucifer had no heart but he could almost feel, in his essence, the most blissful sensation he ever felt after seeing her for the first time.
He sprinted towards her and took his face gently in his hands, almost afraid that at his touch she would have faded away. His eyes darted to her features, soft but solemn, as he remembered: time didn’t deprive her of her magnificence, she was as beautiful as the last time he saw her, a very long time ago.
She placed her warm hands on his forearms and stared at him in pure joy: never ever she believed to be able to see him again, and now, here he was. They were together again. Eons, eras, thinking he was gone, dead or worse she would have been called to do her duty: being used by God to kill him. That would be the most disturbing and painful scenario.
“How is this possible? How, I-” Lucifer’s voice was just above a whisper.
“Doesn’t matter. I’m here now” she responded.
That was it, he couldn’t hold back anymore: he kissed her. She shed a tear and welcomed the kiss.
The two brothers, Cas and Rowena watched the scene in front of them with the most confused and surprised looks painted on their faces. Lucifer and Y/n were now in front of them, in their library, reunited after ages, and what shocked them the most was how quickly Lucifer’s attitude changed in her presence. It almost seemed like he wasn’t even Lucifer anymore, he was different.
“What do we do now?” Rowena whispered to the others.
“I-I don’t know” Sam responded without looking away from the couple.
Dean cleared his throat and the two of them released the kiss turning their heads towards the sound.
“Oh Winchesters, I almost forgot about you”
“Dean and Sam Winchester” y/n stated while glaring at them. They instantly tighten the grip on their weapons. Lucifer saw that immediately and appeared right next to her.
“Make a move towards her and I will burn you right in your places” he said with a deadly tone.
“Thank you” Y/n was right in front of the two brothers, smiling at them.
“W-what?” they both stuttered.
“You freed me from my cage, thank you” she repeated with pure joy in her eyes.
“What? You three and the witch, freed Y/n?” Lucifer was far beyond surprised “My blood, of course”
“Yeah” Sam responded quietly as Satan’s features softened a little.
The room fell silent, an awkward silence.
“Well, why don’t you tell us something about you Y/n?” Rowena suggested, earning the attention of everyone else in the library.
“Yeah let’s have a chat” Dean said sarcastically.
“Of  course. You will probably know more about my story...”
“Indeed” Castiel suddenly spoke up “and what do you know about us”
“I actually know everything”
Dean and Sam’s eyes went wide.
“What do you mean you know everything? You were trapped in a cage for… ever” Sam said.
“Yes, it’s true, but as angels do, I watch from above. I saw all the ages of this world running in front of my eyes through the years. I saw humanity grow, destroy, build, pray. I know who you are, Dean and Sam” she said looking at each of them “I know you Rowena, the powerful witch, Crowley’s mother. And I know you Castiel, Angel of the Lord, friends of the humans”
They listened to her voice attentively.
“So you know what happened on earth since you were trapped” Sam added.
“Yes” she then looked at Lucifer “I saw what God did to you, what he has done to you, Dean, Sam”
They looked at her with pitiful eyes and then looked down at the floor. There was a brief pause when suddenly Sam asked “But what God did to you Y/n?”
Lucifer stiffened at Sam’s question and instantly felt uneasy.
She took a deep breath and began.
“I was one of the first humans who ever walked on earth. We had everything we need, there was just bliss. When one day I met him. I fell in love with him. I didn’t know what he was, but I couldn’t and can’t care less, with him I felt complete. But for God that was forbidden… he trapped me in a cage and I became his most powerful weapon, ready to be used at his need. For ages I watched from my cage the years of this world passing by, feeling like an object. But those years didn’t go wasted: with the power I gained I became more and more powerful as time went by”
“But… how can God have control on you?” Castiel asked after she finished.
“With this” she shifted the fabric of her dress on her right shoulder, revealing something that everyone in the room knew far too well.
The Mark of Cain.
Lucifer quickly turned and passed his fingers on the Mark. His wrath could almost be felt in the room, his expression was grim and filled with rage. He closed his fingers that were still lingering on your shoulder in a fist and walked away for a moment, in complete silence.
“That son of a bitch” Dean said.
Few hours went by. Lucifer and Y/n were in the library talking as the others reunited in the corridors of the bunker to discuss the next move to do.
“What do we do?” Castiel asked turning completely to look at the Winchesters and Rowena.
“I don’t know Cas, this is, this is nuts” Dean responded while passing his hand on the back of his neck.
Rowena leaned on the wall as well as Sam, who had his arms folded into his chest.
“That is not right” Sam said.
“What God did to her? To us? Damn well it’s not. We are just pieces of his own personal game. And if something goes wrong, puff, he just starts over”
“You’re angry” Castiel stated.
“With God, yes I am.”
“Can we just mention the fact that Lucifer has a girlfriend?” Rowena mentioned.
“And she has a very positive impact on him” Sam added.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, did you see how he changed from ‘Winchester I’ll smite you’ to ‘peace and love’ in merely two seconds? What if he is not so… bad?”
“Sam seriously? You are talking about Satan!”
“Yes Dean I know! I know him even more than everyone else here. I know what he is capable of, and I can also say that I never saw him react like this towards a person, or anything in general.”
The others fell silent, Dean was glaring at his brother with a mixture of attention and concern.
“Lucifer was just another angel, who simply fell in love, and disobeyed to him. We perfectly know what he does to whoever won’t listen to his orders.” Sam added.
“What if he is just another victim like us Dean?” his voice was filled with sorrow and pity.
His brother didn’t had the chance to respond because the lights started flickering, and the floor shaking. They instantly sprinted towards the library, finding Lucifer and Y/n on their feet looking at them.
“What’s happening right now?” Dean shouted.
“Nothing good” Lucifer stated, dead serious.
All of a sudden, all the shaking stopped and the lights were again steady.
“Hello guys”
It was him.
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orionsangel86 · 6 years
Season 14 Wishlist
Alrighty then! As per the last few season’s, each autumn before the season premier I will write a wishlist of things that hopefully will happen in the coming season, which I will then go through once the season is over.
For those of you curious:
Here is my wishlist for season 12 and here is my season 12 wishlist review
Here is my wishlist for season 13 and here is my season 13 wishlist review
Now as a slight disclaimer I need to stress that this isn’t meta, or me promising anything to happen (since I’m not a showrunner nor psychic) and is purely meant for fun - having said that most of the items on my wishlist are at least somewhat realistic wishes and within the realms (at least in my opinion) of actually happening.
So without further rambling here we go:
A decent arc for Michael!Dean. Yes, we all expect it to only last 3 episodes. which I find deeply disappointing. I would prefer if things are not as they seem and it turns out to last far longer than that.
Scenes inside Dean’s head. Like we got with both Cas and Sam when they were possessed, I really want to know where Michael has got Dean stashed away inside his head - and exactly what kind of experience that is for him. I can think of a whole bunch of different ways that could go - will Michael put Dean through hell? Or will he distract him the way of the Djinn with his idea of heaven? I am extremely excited by this idea and hope they don’t pass on the potential.
The missing scene from 13x23 when Dean said yes to Michael. There was definitely more to that and I hope so much we will see it - though I don’t think this is particularly likely.
Cas’s grief. Obviously. Last year I was all about Dean’s grief arc. This year, I need Cas’s to be just as bad. This is 10 years since the original story. Stopping Michael and changing allegiance to stand with Dean was Cas’s origin story - Remember how he reacted in season 5 when Dean was thinking about saying yes to Michael? Oh ho ho I can’t even begin to imagine how this will affect Cas. I want this to be a mirror of last year, and far worse than season 10. 
Sam’s continued leadership role. Now where I want to see Cas absolutely broken with grief over Dean’s possession, what I think would compliment it perfectly is Sam’s fearsome determination and functional leadership. It would be a great way to show how far the brothers have come to breaking the toxic codependency which has bound them to each other - that Sam is capable of functioning without Dean and without immediately trying to sell his soul or give his life for his brother. 
Sam and Cas working together. One of the things that I really hated about the start of season 10, was that without Dean around, Sam and Cas’s relationship just fell apart, and Sam was made to look pretty much like a douche by the show implying he had kicked Cas out of the bunker and blamed him for breaking his shoulder?!? (I found the whole thing very out of character for Sam but then destiel’s continued refusal to become canon tends to make Sam look occasionally douchey - but that is a meta for another day). Give me Sam and Cas as a team. Supporting each other in their grief and acting like the brothers (in-law) that they are.
Jack and Cas father/son bonding time - I mean I saw the promo and it looks like Jack is gonna be grounded for a little while... >.> but once he has written 100 lines of “I will not suggest killing my dad in front of my father” I think Cas will forgive him. I’d like to see Cas trying to teach Jack human things or mundane tasks with Dean watching them with a fond expression!
Addressing Dean’s abuse trauma - this one has been going around on tumblr recently so I’m latching on to other wonderful meta a bit here, but since last season explored Sam’s Lucifer trauma (and to an extent Cas’s Naomi trauma), it would be fitting if this Michael!Dean arc is followed up with an arc of recovery for Dean, not just from Michael, but from everything he has suffered since the apocalypse.
More seeing “behind the mask” with Dean. I think he has already massively grown into himself and out of his fathers shadow, but I’d just like more examples like with the chick flicks and the cucumber water.
Cas truly breaking free from heaven. Now I think that the ideal situation would be that Cas is the one to fix heaven, and that he leaves the angels by choice, and with them all respecting him and being thankful to him. But Cas needs to start to break free from that duty and obligation that he still feels to heaven. Even in season 13 he carried that guilt, and whilst this is more endgame stuff, I desperately want to see more progress on this. 
More hints towards Cas desiring human things and human feelings and basically desiring humanity for himself (no jokes guys, this time I DON’T mean Dean). I am a staunch human!Cas endgame girl after all. The show spent a lot of time in season 9 and 10 building on this for Cas and then it went a bit quiet. I’d like to see those threads picked up again.
In fact, when it comes to Cas, how about he starts answering some of those hundreds of unanswered questions that have been thrown at him since Carver era? How about he finds his place, where he belongs and AS WHAT in general? Cas, you have a home now and a family. Stop lingering in doorways. 
Sam showing us more of his personality. I think now that his Lucifer trauma has been somewhat addressed, Sam should be a bit lighter and more carefree. I’d like to know some more about him other than his obsession with serial killers which is frankly a worrying hobby Sam!
Mary and Cas bonding - in fact I just want to see all of the rest of Dean’s family bonding with Cas more. I want more knowing looks from Mary and even a conversation about the topic - oh wouldn’t that be a dream!
Dean coming out of the closet. Yes yes I know I know. Every year... But it is 20gayteen and next year is 20BITEEN and dammit the world is full of rainbows right now - Bert and Ernie made it official... Why can’t Dean Winchester? I’m totally cool with someone slipping THIS to Dabb. I won’t even ask for credit. ;)
Last year I wanted Sam to build on his relationships outside of Dean and we did pretty well last year with that. But of course, I want more. Maybe some Sam x Rowena? I’m game. 
On that note WITCH!SAM. I am still a huge lover of Sam practicing magick. It’s a story line with so much potential.
More badass ladies kicking ass. Aww man we were kinda blessed with this last year weren’t we? Keep it up show. Please keep it up.
Billie continuing to play a large role as Death. I find her captivating and want more.
Wayward Sisters returning. It still hurts, but we need to know what happens next.
JODY AND CAS NEED TO MEET GODDAMMIT. Also I want Cas to reunite with Claire again.
As per last year: The return of the mixtape. BRING BACK THE MIXTAPE (yup I’m gonna wish for it until I get it).
Please dress Cas up. The closest we got last year was the cowboy hat and the dreadful nazi uniform of AU Cas. Why can’t we have him in plaid? PLEASE.
Absolutely no Lucifer, Lucifer vessel or any hint of Mark Pellegrino. Plus no Kentucky fried chicken pantomime villains either. I’ll be happy if season 14 is free from this nonsense.
Saving the best for last, what do I always wish for above all else? You guessed it - DESTIEL. Do I want it to be canon? Well yes eventually of course. But in season 14 my wish is for their story to continue as it did in early season 13. More obvious destiel content, more of destiel built into the narrative and ideally, made explicit. A love confession? Even if only to a third party? That is undeniably romantic. Zero “no homo’s” would be nice. I just wish for further development on the destiel narrative. That is all. 
As always feel free to add to this with your own wishes! 
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almaasi · 5 years
reaction post typed while watching SPN 14x13 “Lebanon” (300th episode)
in which i compare this episode to pumpkin soup, because I’m craving more Cas
all righty, thing is still downloading, and there’s a 720p version queued up so that’ll be downloaded by the time i’ve watched half. i have snacks, i’m gonna half close my blinds so i can see, but I DON’T HAVE HEADPHONES AGAIN which is the worst. why do headphones break so easily, that’s what i want to know. (just gotta pray there’s a good sound quality i guess. my laptop speakers suck)
...2 minutes left on the download c’moooooon
“dad’s on a hunting trip and he hasn’t been home in a few days”
i don’t know if it’s dean’s little baby voice (HE’S MY AGE CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?? I CAN’T) or the laptop speakers or the video sound quality, but dean sounds like a kid in a 1980s disney cartoon, with that vintage prickle in my ears and i love it
okay look it’s super hot 'cause it’s summer, and my fan is on, and there’s cicadas... i think i gotta shut the window and turn the fan off aND SLOWLY ROAST IN HERE BECAUSE I CAN’T HEAR THIS PROPERLY
i’m 9 seconds into the recap u_u
it’s gonna be one of those days i guess
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is that the monkey again?
yeah it’s the monkey again
dead black guy already????????????????????
are those kids meant to look like the kids from stranger things? because they kind of do. and the movie theatre as well
cas is in this episode, right??
if he isn’t i’m gonna scream
misha had a tv guide cover so maybe
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every single one of these kids is cute and i’m offended
“weird sidekick with the trenchcoat” i am further offended, but also smiling
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the plaid though. she’s a dean mirror 100%
edit: i did doubt this for a second but nope, i was completely right
i mean, she drives the car as well
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dean doing the puppy eyes is 
a) cute
the hand that popped out of the smoky cigar box
dean: “this is like the best/worst thing that’s ever happened to you. ‘cause you love serial killers but you hate clowns”
sam: “are you sure you don’t wanna call mom, or wait for cas”
“michael out of my head”
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john: “now you live in a secret bunker with an angel and lucifer’s kid”
he took that surprisingly well
 a little too well
probably part of dean’s wish that he takes it well
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the face he made when he saw mary sdjgfd
ahahah dean and sam awkwardly leaving while their parents make out
dean kinda looked like he was gonna stay, lil bean
the fact dean was so adamant that he said he wanted michael out of his head, but then is now defending the fact he wished for his dad back instead
says a lot about what dean says he wants =/= what dean actually wants
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john is much sweeter and more understanding than anyone remembers him (at least than i remember him, or could infer from all the stories about him)
i really do think dean brought him back nicer
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i love seeing sam have emotions, it’s so refreshing
sam kinda looked like he panicked when john touched him aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
there’s a sign for “castle storage” in the background and i think about that sometimes. hill of a forty dogs or something??? i forget, it was so long ago
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also switching to 720p now
never mind switching back, the sound was better on the lower quality video u_u
oh no, nobody knows them
this universe-sam: *kinda smug* “god bless kale, am i right?”
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zachariah: “c’mon, constantine”
cas: “i don’t understand that reference”
zach: “you wouldn’t”
i kinda missed this cas though. like. i’m not even mad
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life goal of mine: have a sign like that in my house as decor
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okay first off i got so involved watching cas beat dean up (again) and dean being unable to stop him (D: D: D:) (kind of expected dean to croak “i love you” but um no....... that didn’t happen)
and then mary’s egg timer went off 
and it reminded me i’m hungry again so brb
well actually i’m not hungry..... but my body is shutting down because i need fat and magnesium to function which means i need to eat or else i can’t see, but same difference
okay i’m back
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john: “i thought you’d get yourself a normal life, a peaceful life, a family”
dean: “i have a family”
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
sam: “did you see them, at dinner, the way they looked at each other, they seemed happy”
and then there’s the way max looked at the girl she was crushing on
it stresses me out when people wash dishes but only rinse using the dirty water not fresh tap water
they’re about to send john back, he’s holding mary’s hand
all the rainbows behind dean’s head
betcha he’s thinkin about cas
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john: “i love you both, so much”
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“i love you too”
he says it ......he never used to say it to anyone
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but also???????
so....... that end scene where john’s like “i’m on my way back, i’ll see you soon”
was that meant to be in the past, 2003 era? the flip phone would say so, but his visible age kind of confuses matters
i mean i get that it’s hard to make someone look 16 years younger
but still
unsure about that
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm it’s over
i dunno
that was definitely a special and important episode, and i appreciated seeing this side of john, this is gonna make it way easier to write fanfic of him without the story ending up as a trauma survival fic
i was kind of underwhelmed
things i rEALLY REALLY WANTED that didn’t happen:
john actually reacting to dean saying they made friends with an angel (and a werewolf, a vampire, demons, etc etc)
john meeting cas
cas being part of that family meal (i get that the point was he was 2003!cas and not there, but still)
jack being in this even a little bit??
and as the story went on and reached the end, what it really lacked, for me, was a comparison where we can then see how john/mary & max/her crush = dean/cas...........and that just didn’t happen
i think it just ended too soon, really
and there was a lot more they could’ve done with the altered timeline, could’ve brought a whooooooooole lot back from past seasons and just made it a smorgasbord of nostalgia
i get that it was focused solely on john, which gave it an emotional core, so there’s not actually a problem there, i loved that
but it felt kind of dull and slow and....... soupy..........?
(i just mean. the emotional feeling in my brain as i think about it. feels like soup. specifically pumpkin soup. warm and spicy and goopy and nutritious but ultimately not very filling)
then again, if the pacing had been sped up, i would’ve complained it was too rushed. so there’s no winning, it was probably fine ?
i think my favourite part was the kids. i loved the kids. i love the lil gay romance going there. i loved the fact it was a destiel/team free will parallel (even if that part of it was OVER SO DAMN QUICKLY MOST PEOPLE MISSED IT). i loved the kid in the hat, he reminded me a lot of the actor thomas brodie-sangster, and also johnathan byers from “stranger things”
also enjoyed sam vs. the serial killer clown, and that whole aspect of hunting that we haven’t seen in a while, felt very nostalgic
also enjoyed 2003!cas, but was both distressed and frustrated by him fighting dean and then NOT GETTING ANY CLOSURE ON THAT WHATSOEVER. the point was to make dean and sam realise they really needed to send john back, so essentially, in some respect, they did choose cas being their friend over john being around, but that part of the overall problem was never mentioned at all, cas wasn’t mentioned at all after the fight
i’m just looking forward to coda fics that start where this episode leaves off, and dean talks to cas, because i am craving that SO FUCKING BADLY i can’t even express. like. it’s becoming maddening. i just. want. them. to have. a conversation
and the black guy dying at the start?? and the other black kid running away from the ghost and never being seen again? and besides the unnamed diner guy offering info on skip day, being the ONLY PEOPLE OF COLOUR IN THE ENTIRE STORY??? NOT COOL, not a fan >:{ (still better than it used to be, but soooooooooo many white people. so many. so. many)
anyway. um
so that wasn’t my favourite episode, but not because it was bad, but because it didn’t live up to expectations. i tried not to have any expectations (i really tried) but there were just... basic things this episode needed that i felt it was lacking (*cough* cas *cough*), and i can’t really shake that feeling
HOWEVER, having seen 2003!cas be the thoughtless drone that he was, i can appreciate just HOW MUCH character development has happened while he’s been around, which.... i suppose, is a sort of nod to his entire existence ???
anyway, 9/10, and a big ol shrug
but yeah. seeing john be kind and understanding was amazing (and completely changes how i’m gonna write him in my fics in the future, since he’s probably gonna be in the fic instead of just mentioned) and having him say he’s proud of dean and he loves him was just a super nice treat c:
sam being emotional is the best, too. sam confronting his feelings 10/10
i just. i want aaaaaall of this. but with cas. i really want that. so goddamn much. ;~;
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nerdylittleshit · 7 years
Thoughts about Spn 12x19
First of all TRIGGERWARNING FOR A GRAHPIC DEPICTION OF SUICIDE! If you are sensitive to see such content skip the first minutes until 5:30 (basically what happens is Dagon keeping Kelly as a prisoner, telling her again that she will die and that her son will kill the world. Devasted Kelly kills herself in order to prevent this from happen). The suicide is mentioned again later in dialogue, but I consider this less problematic than actually showing it.
Overall I really liked the episode, mostly because it was Cas-centric. And as many others speculated before this episode was all about Cas future, while 12x10 was about his past and 12x12 about the present. I liked the directing, Amanda Tapping gave us some great shots (though I still think you don’t have to show a suicide simply because it is a trigger to many folks). I am really curious now where the nephilim story is headed and I wasn’t before. They definitely took a spin on it that makes it more ambigious and will now be a huge part of Cas’s fate as well, so we will see.
Speaking off.
Even though the episode is titled “The Future” Castiel reminded me a lot of the past, namely season 6 and 8, with him ignoring the Winchesters and going behind their backs in order to do what he thinks is the right thing. The reason he is doing it is because he thinks he fails at everything and that as well is nothing new. Cas is depressed and commits acts out of desperation since... I dunno, season 8? The difference is that in the past he tried to fix heaven and redeem himself as an angel. Now he tries to redeem himself to his family, the Winchesters. The episode made a point to confirm again what he said in 12x12: Sam and Dean are his family now. He corrects Kelvin that what he is doing is for them, not heaven and later when he tells Kelly that he betrayed his friends he adds the word “family” as well, as though he still gets used to this idea. The problem of course is that for Sam and Dean there is no need for Cas to prove himself to them. What they want is to have him around and be honest with him. What Cas sees as his failures is stuff Sam and Dean never blamed Cas for.
In that regard it is interesting to see the interactions of team free will and how different yet again Dean and Sam’s reactions are regarding Cas. (And speaking of team free will: I know this is a popular fandom term, but Dean said it once, 7 years ago in 5x13, and now he uses it again? Or does he think of them like this all the time?) Sam is just glad Cas is back, Dean is not. He is angry, he is pissed and just as in 12x10 he lets Cas know that his anger is born out of worry. Still, he tries to offer Cas an olive branch here, reminding him that they work better together. Just for Cas to leave again and on top of it, to steal the Colt. And sure, not good, but on the other side it gave us Dean slamming Cas into a wall and I myself will be forever gratefull for that scene.
I found the Cas/Kelly-dynamic interesting as well, and before anyone asks, I don’t think there was anything romantic about it. Cas wanted Sam and Dean out of the mission to spare them to kill an innocent woman, but of course in the end he couldn’t do it either. What a surprise.
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If anything I think Cas saw himself in Kelly. First when she mentioned that she was desperate enough to kill herself. The pain on Cas’s face... takes one to know one. And then of course Kelly’s believe in a plan, in fate, in destiny. I think it is no coincidence Dean mentioned team free will again, because right now the conflict of season 5 (or rather the whole Kripke era) comes back again: fate vs free will. Cas is our poster boy for free will and he learned it the hard way. He tries to spare Kelly the pain to learn that there is no greater plan and that her human life doesn’t have any value to the forces of heaven and hell. He also offers her a painless death, which reminded me a bit of Dean offering the vampire in 12x14 a painless death. Also, the fact that no human can walk through the gates of heaven without dying... I think this might become relevant again in one way or another this season.
Kelly on the other hand... I think she already trusted Cas before her child gave her a vision of the future. He had the chance to kill her but he didn’t. He listened to her. He cares about her. And the moment Cas asked who is gonna take care of the child if Kelly dies I knew the answer. Real talk: if I had a child I would totally make Cas the godparent. Also “What would Cas do?” is a question I ask myself every day. I think Kelly’s trust in Cas was a reminder to the audience why we fell in love with this character in the first place: because he is the epitome of goodness and kindness. Kelly saw that. And I think her child somehow too. If this episode was about Cas’s future than it told us what Cas’s purpose on this world is: to save it. To make it a better place. (Which of course the Winchesters do as well, but in a different way) And maybe to guide Lucifer’s child to use his powers for something great. Because power itself is neither good or bad, only the ones who use it. And Kelly said herself, no one is born evil. Also:
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The Nephilim
So how sure are we if this child is evil or not? So far we only know it wants to survive. Did he heal Kelly because he still needed her, as he is not ready yet to be born? Or did he heal his mother out of love? Was there ever a chance to kill this child? Would an abortion even have worked? Also, if nephilims are so powerfull why did Lucifer didn’t create on earlier?
Speaking off Lucifer: what is the plan here? He wants to rule over heaven, hell and everything in between with the power of his child? And as it seems the help of Dagon. I dunno if it was just me, but did it seem to anyone else that Dagon and Lucifer had a thing once? I can’t really picture Lucifer with anyone, especially not a demon, as he always looked down on them (well he looks down on everyone, so). He needed her to make sure Kelly is okay and of course to bring his child to him once it is born. But after that? And what was in for Dagon? Was it just that little power fantasy or more? And why did Lucifer had such power over her, when he was trapped in heaven and has no access to his powers? With her dead now we probably won’t get any more answers regarding their relationship.
The nephilim sure wasn’t a fan of Dagon. And that makes me wonder... of the child just wants to be born, he wouldn’t care about Dagon killing Cas or how Dagon treated Kelly as long as she was still alive. But the nephilim took care of both Kelly and Cas and killed the one thing that was a threat to both of them. He chooses his parents in a way. Now the question is if the child can really show the future. Kelly was so convinced she made sure her vision would happen, driving to the sandbox. And now I wonder what Cas saw. Or is the nephilim manipulating both of them? Remember how Sam thought he was talking to God in the beginning of season 11? Just to learn it was Lucifer all along. And Cas behaviour in the end of course gave me massive Godstiel vibes. We will see.
Some other things:
1. THE MIX TAPE!!!!!! You know who does mixtapes for each other? Boyfriends! This was right out of a fan fiction. And just “It’s a gift. you keep those”. Maybe I’m reading too much into this (arghhh who am I kidding here?) but it felt to me as if Dean was talking about something else as well. As if he wanted to say “I gave you my heart, you can’t give it back to me”.
2. Apparently Cas has a room in the bunker. *makesexictednoises*
3. Once again we are reminded that the Winchesters try to find a better way, that this is not the past repeating itself and even though we had a lot of references to past seasons the outcome might be different. And the grace extraction solution might became relevant again.
4. The Colt is gone for good. I’m not really surprised. It has always been too much of a deus ex machina, too good to be true. Not sure if it could have killed a nephilim but even if not every other hunt would have become way more easier and for this show more boring, so the thing had to go.
See you next week!
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this is just based on gut feeling but i feel like this season will end badly... (it'll come back around obviously). just, last season ended pretty good. Saving the sun / world, everbody survived, epic reunions (amara and god and Marys resurrection). IMO the pendum wil swing the other way. Mary (maybe Crowley) gone/dead, the bunker destroyed and Cas with the angels. the show loves Cas picking between heaven/bros he always chooses the bros at some point he's gonna choose the angel to keep tension
 I agree with the fact that the season won’t end on a positive end like the last one (I mean, Sam was shot and kidnapped but hey, your routine afternoon in Sam Winchester’s life). This season’s events are different in nature from last season’s after all - last season, there was a universe to save, and Dean managed to save it in the least destructive way possible, now things are more complicated. Remember all the ‘puppet’ imagery from the Carver era? They got free from the strings of God and the Darkness’ feud and fell into new strings - no, actually they went from strings to chains. Toni Bevell chaining Sam and then Dean up set the theme of the season, everyone is tied up right now but not in the way they expect. Lucifer thought he was restrained by the actual chains, instead Crowley was holding him prisoner at a more “personal” level. Sam and Dean have gone from Toni Bevell’s literal ties to Ketch’s invisible surveillance (although Dean senses there’s something wrong, I can feel it - maybe he had some way to know if someone went inside the bunker, I’m thinking something along the lines of Yagami Light with the mechanical pencil lead, if you are knowledgeable about Death Note). Cas - I suspect - has gone from outright antagonism from heaven (over the course of the last two seasons he’d had various encounters with individual angels and a moment of truce during the Amara emergency/Lucifer in heaven situation, but technically heaven’s general attitude towards him has been the one stated at the beginning of season 11 when he was captured and tied up and Hannah died) to “invisible” chains from the angels.
I mean, season 11 was all about ties and getting free too - after Amara was freed, and later Cas freed Lucifer from the cage, Dean was trapped in his ‘attraction’ to Amara, Cas was possessed, Amara was emotionally trapped in her complicated feelings for her brother, and eventually basically Dean was freed by his love for Cas, Cas was freed by Amara and Amara was freed by Dean (basically Dean-Cas-Lucifer-Amara was a sort of narrative love quadrilateral, until Chuck’s return on the board shuffled the cards).
I am not sure where I’m going with this. Anyway, this season is also about being ‘trapped’ but not in a way one expects. Moloch didn’t make the kidnappings, Pete in the Black Bill costume did. Moloch wasn’t inside the basement of the Bishop house, but he was in the fridge cell of the meat plant. Lucifer’s binds weren’t the chains, it was the vessel. The messages weren’t coming from Mick, but Ketch who wanted them out of the bunker to spy on them. 12x19 will tell us what’s Cas’ exact situation at the moment, and obviously it’s not just hopping around nice and free. Crowley thinks he’s the one with the power on Lucifer, but Lucifer has (at least) an emotional hold on him (then again we are not sure yet what Crowley has in mind, but Lucifer has been emotionally manipulating him at least about the Winchesters’ feelings for him - see the Colt thing)...
But I’ve digressed terribly so I’ll get back on track. Speaking of Crowley - I don’t really know what’s in store for him but I suspect (hope? expect?) a confrontation with Dean about the Colt (possibly then all the info with get on the table for them). At some point Crowley will have to find himself in a situation where he’ll see that the Winchesters Dean the Winchesters actually care about him to some extent (I mean, Sam doesn’t and Crowley knows that, but Dean and Cas do, in their own ways). I doubt they’ll kill him off so long before the end of the show, though, so I’d be oriented towards a ‘Crowley gets saved by Dean' scenario, but I don’t know if it’s going to happen at the end of this season or not. This show is good at making the paths to resolutions very very long...
Mary’s gotta go at some point, but only when her arc is complete. It’s possible that it’ll be completed by the end of the season - we know Dean will have a confrontation with her that is going to hit the buttons that need to be hit. Mary being alive is messing things up and at some point the ways things are being messed up are going to target Cas again, possibly at the conjunction of the BMoL and the angels’/nephilim/whatever arcs... I expect Mary’s departure will have some repercussions in terms of Dean’s and Cas’ story specifically - I mean, Mary came out of the resolution of that narrative love quadrilateral (pentagon if you count Chuck) so now the new players on the board (Dean, Cas, Mary, Ketch, Lucifer) will have to have some kind of dynamic together, if I’m making sense.
The bunker destroyed is a possibility but I don’t think it’ll be destroyed for good. I expect something more on the lines of the Impala’s destructions - see the season 1 finale, the car got messed up pretty bad but Dean fixed her up. Maybe like Dean fixed the car to deal with John’s loss, he’ll fix the bunker to deal with Mary’s definitive departure, and the differences in the ‘fixing process’ will enlighten the differences between the two situations - John’s loss something that broke Dean, Mary’s return to heaven something that fixes something somehow. Another big ‘I’m going to be here and fix the car’ moment was after Cas’ betrayal, so there could be a parallel/contrast situation with that too.
That brings us to Cas - I expect something that will make us write posts comparing it to season 6, but it’s gotta be radically different from the situation at the end of season 6, because the journeys have been different. @tinkdw has talked about a ‘break up’ moment that opens the chance of a ‘winning him back’ scenario - it’s possible, narratively, but I think the ‘break up’ won’t be caused by Cas’ choices. Cas chose heaven twice - the war against Raphael, boarding up heaven with the fake trials. Of course that didn’t work out because Metatron was lying to him, but his decision was to pull a ‘ET goes home’ thing. The Raphael thing was entirely made of Cas’ own choices and it was messy and traumatic, and pulled them apart; the season 8 finale thing was Cas’ choice but wasn’t - he thought he was doing something but he was manipulated, and instead of separating Cas and Dean like they were planning, it ended up pulling Cas and the angels apart. Now... the pattern should continue with something that is zero Cas’ choice, and doesn’t pull Dean and Cas apart at all emotionally.
Of course the pattern could instead be ‘Cas picks the humans over Billie’ ‘Cas picks the humans over Ishim’ ‘Cas does not pick the humans over [angel thing]’ but I think he won’t have full agency over that kind of choice, or it’ll be a ‘fake’ choice in the sense that the alternative would be worse.
It’s possible that Cas will end the season ‘tied up’ metaphorically, since he ended the last one freed from Lucifer’s possession. I have written enough already for now though, if you want we can make it a dialogue instead of a monologue of mine ^^
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neven-ebrez · 7 years
Hi! Do you really feel that this season is not very deep or "tip of the iceberg" as far as meta material (i.e. your tags about carver era being tip of the iceberg)? Cause as far as what's on my dash, it's been meta after meta after meta, and it all looks diverse and substantial. I was just wondering, what is it that feels different to you? I mean i guess it just depends on personal outlook, i've just been seeing LOADS of stuff.
Pretty much, yeah.  The difference in Dabb era and Carver era is night and day.  And whether you think that’s a good thing or a bad thing is entirely subjective but it most definitely is A THING.  
Season 9, in particular, represents a stark structural contrast to the hot thematic mess of season 12.  In season 9 one theme informed the other, which reflected another, which was given several beautiful visual short-hands, which all unfolded like flower in the morning sun.  I may not have *enjoyed* the smell of said flower (because I’m a bitter Cas fan that is also 1000% done with the Dean tragedy narrative), but to say that it wasn’t a work of art would be an understatement.  Season 12 on the other hand… it feels like season 5 trying to be like season 1 or something.  Going back to Carver era, Amara, visually and symbolically, stood for something in the structure: Dean becoming an adult too fast and the collateral damage the Dean/Sam relationship produces when you only truly care about one person, among other things…  The British Men of Letters?  Lucifer in season 12?  They really don’t symbolize into anything concrete as outlined by the narrative.  They aren’t painting a greater picture of a conflict within our characters (like how S9 dealt with Angels and illustrating Cas’ journey through Hannah into S10).  They are simply there because the story needs some kinda of conflict.  Sam and Dean aren’t currently being given any tension or “problems” with each other, so the antagonists are just *there* reflecting nothing deeper at all.  Sam doesn’t have a plot.  Cas doesn’t have a plot (we can’t even count Lucifer here because the honor of dispatching him went to Sam, who hasn’t had a B plot  with him since 11x09).  Much like Cas, Crowley is vaguely just there, not really worried about Hell, despite it still being shown that demons don’t see him as in charge anymore.  In fact, Dean is the only one with a B plot to another character, that character being Mary.  Sam and Cas are instead regaled to being support for this plot.
Conversely, everyone had their own B plot in season 9.  We saw Cas struggling with his place and that was informed by Dean kicking him out of the bunker due to how we are shown Dean will always put Sam’s life first, regardless of how it damages himself.  Crowley’s arc fed the greater addiction arc and also how Cas struggles with being in the between as well.  All this also reflected the civil wars that went on in Heaven and Hell.  See what I mean?  Every theme and character informs the next, a funhouse of mirrors.  Season 12 has none of that.  The only person driving the story is, well… Mary.  She gives Dean a B plot (but not Sam for some reason) and the theme of “questionable parenting” is the only theme that is really present in all of the 8 episodes thus far.  Lady Toni is given a child and we see her caring side wrapped up in her cold and dignified ruthlessness.  We see the split in her priorities, and she chooses the job first and foremost, otherwise she’d be at home.  We see the John Winchester mirror from 12x03, yet we do not see Mary face this reality in her own sons, the results of such parenting.  Mary then leaves and we see bad parenting again for 12x04 (it is here that you’ll have to forgive me because I really haven’t been paying attention to names this season since noticing the difference in structure).  This time it’s a mirror for the damage done to Sam, a psychic child.  The narrative again hangs John Winchester out to dry but doesn’t make Mary face reality.  How can it with her offscreen?  The next episode also deals in bloodlines and carrying evil.  A descendant of Hitler is needed to bring Hilter back (and omg I was so distracted by the horrible back and forth sway to the camera in several key scenes that I honestly can’t remember what most of this episode detailed, sorry).  At minimum, there’s something about a fate bound by blood that you don’t want there.  So that’s one bad parenting theme for Dean and two for Sam.  We then get to 12x06 and see twins born into the hunting life.  Their father is now dead but they now have the opportunity to bond with a new female family member, one who hated the hunting life but came to respect its calling.  Mary is both in this episode and and present throughout in its themes.  Even when she left the life, she didn’t leave.  She learned to make a life anyway and that it eventually landed in her death, leaving behind two children who become hunters.  This all serves into Dean’s worry over Mary as well.  Dean is worried that Mary will die, as the episode reminds us that all hunters are eventually killed by the life and that even when some learn to have happiness while still hunting, they are all still doomed to this fate.  The title for most well structured episode in Dabb era goes to 12x06 by a mile.  Then we move onto 12x07 and the theme is dropped, unless you want to count Lucifer talking about God’s parenting for a few seconds.  The Lucifer plot, from what I can see up to this point, only exists to explaining the contractual absence of Misha and Mark.  Lucifer is doing stuff just to be doing stuff and it really doesn’t fit anywhere for any good reason.  Then we move onto 12x08 and he finally fits back in as we are back to the parenting plot.  Lucifer, to keep his cover as president and instead of simply giving his assistant implanted sex memories, rapes said assistant and fathers a nephilim with her.  This in itself doesn’t really fit into Mary or John’s parenting history, but it does run along the theme of parenting in general.   And throughout all of this Mary does not once, NOT ONCE, textually confront how John’s parenting messed up Sam or Dean.  Thus, the theme goes literally nowhere and seemingly only exists to tell us what we already know about John.  This might change?  I don’t know?  But so far the season is mostly just a structural wash with its one and only B plot not coming to a head at all.  I’m honestly at a loss.  To be fair, the season ain’t even halfway through yet so my opinion on the structure could easily improve.  It’s just you normally shift beats midseason, text or no text, and Dabb seems to definitely be moving at a different showrunning pace than his predecessors. 
Now… can you write meta on any of the material from this season?  Sure, if you wanna beat the dead “John Winchester sucks” (and the hunting life sucks) horse some more.  Can you write meaningful flowing structural meta on it?   Nah, bruh.  There’s no compound structural foreshadowing that you can write on it at all.  I could not have told you the outcome of 12x08 if I tried this year, not like I called the midseason of S9 from several episodes back.  I suppose there might be a disconnect here with me also for what gets the term “meta”.  I actually can’t tell you the last time I saw or read a honest to Chuck meta essay on the show (because I’m old school meta community and don’t count discussion pieces).  Those to me are simply meandering discussions.  "Meta" to me is essay writing: choosing a solid topic and exploring the topic - writing about its different angles and having some sort of cohesiveness about it that stands on its own.  What a lot of people call “meta” these days doesn’t pass as meta by my understanding of the term when I entered into fandom.  And there’s certainly no one writing structural meta that I’ve seen.  Fluttie wrote season 7 structural meta, Sarah wrote season 8, and I wrote season 9.  I don’t know if anyone wrote anything on seasons 10 or 11 ( @dustydreamsanddirtyscars maybe?  I know Jenny’s wrote a lot of smaller meta pieces on Carver era as a whole), but a piece could be wrote on it… unlike with season 12.  That could change, however, if the parenting theme is brought into text, with Mary confronting and acknowledging John’s bad parenting (and her own unintended absent in facilitating said outcome or guilt therein) in a way that informs Dean’s repression in particular, but as things currently stand I wouldn’t count on it.  The mirrors are too weak and don’t tackle the central issue, just kinda dance around it. 
In Dabb’s defense, Carver has had way more time to tell his story.  Against Dabb tho, it seems Carver always kinda knew what story he wanted to tell. Dabb is almost running this thing like he has no idea what comes next.  And not in the way like how Carver wasn’t sure if Abaddon would possess Dean or if Dean himself would become a demon at the end of season 9, a decision you could tell was made late, but all the while it could be seen that both options were on the table.  Not knowing the route is not the same as not knowing the destination.  And I don’t think Dabb knows his own destination (and with talking to Berens briefly at Burcon this suspicion has only been compounded in my mind).  Up until the Nephilim plot, I thought the general destination was to have Lucifer possess Mary but now that option seems off the table (although I could have sworn I’ve heard Lucifer spoilers for later on in the season?).  And while I can definitely appreciate the dialing back of the world affecting mythos (YMMV), Dabb era has not been (structurally speaking) what I expected at all, especially since Dabb’s episodes under Carver always illustrated Carver’s structure so damn well (forever laughing over 9x20 tbh).  
Carver era felt like it made every move count.  Almost every pop culture reference informed a theme, every “C” plot character (even Cas and Crowley) became a mirror that told one cohesive story in which everyone was involved in. Dabb era?  Not so much.  Or idk… maybe it only seems that way because there’s no meta writer (that I know of) keeping track of it all and documenting it (that I’ve seen) in essay form.  I’m usually still pretty good at seeing it though (even when it’s something I don’t like), and I just don’t see it as things stand.  In fact, the only pop culture reference that has even stuck with me is the whole Beyonce and Agent Z thing, to illustrate Crowley and Cas’ antagonism towards one another.  Also, notably, there is the matter of Wanek’s absence for a good chunk of S12.  While his staff more or less continued with the general look of the show (doing Lucifer 5x16 visual call backs in 12x07 for example), his absence has marked a striking shift in the show’s structural presentation.  I’d say the Destiel B plot has particularly suffered, but tbh, there is currently no Destiel B plot (you can squint and Dean’s annoyance over Cas and Crowley working together maybe counts for .2 seconds and sure they are being defined as a definite team, there are no interspecies or same sex mirrors in sight telling their story).  Just like there is no Dean and Sam B plot for that matter.  A lot of the show’s visual subtext comes from transcribing the key themes between Dean/Sam and Dean/Cas, and without said themes present, there’s just nothing to work with honestly.  You’d think there would be some Dean/Mary stuff to make up for it (besides the pie stuff shifting from a Cas theme to a wholesome family theme I got nothing) but nah (or maybe I’m wrong?  I honestly don’t follow a lot of meta writers anymore because a good deal of them just too willingly disregard the shows more glaring problems or they are otherwise imo too optimistic in their approach to how the show will handle the repression of Dean Winchester as the plot point relates to both him and others for my personal tastes).  
I hope I’ve illustrated my point clearly enough, but I’m kinda rusty with even talking about these kinds of things.  My blog is not really a meta blog at all anymore (and honestly, thank Chuck because I would have nothing but the above criticisms all season long about the structure of the season).  And despite the above criticisms, I actually have enjoyed the season quite a lot (with the exception of 12x05) so I haven’t really felt the need to point out all the structural stuff on a regular basis!  But yeah… there’s just no definitive structure to it and the one theme that is mostly present (the results of absent or bad parenting) is just something that I feel has been talked to death even if it’s through a fresher lens (Mary’s POV in the future) than most.  
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13x13 watching notes
*goes to sit at the unpopular table*
Went to bed at 10, up at 7 for the ole watching Supernatural grind... *offers you all a chocolate biscuit*
*waves hi at Michael* *and Kevin*
All the PoC are shoved in an AU... Thankfully now Rowena is back I can't say with the SOLE major female character but
Oh gosh they're using Yockey's dialogue to explain everything, I don't know if I should laugh or cry
Why are you spitting blood... You weren't stabbed THAT badly were you?
*remembers stabbing Lucifer*
You know in AtlA where Zuko made a good decision and prompty collapsed in an angst coma at the inner turmoil of doing the right thing?
I have no clue why that all happened except to allow Lucifer to leg it.
Which, I mean, at least something happened to explain why Lucifer legged it.
I guess Dabb era means they're allowed to destroy expensive wedding cakes again now no one can tell him off for it
Is that an Observer?
Oh, creepy cupid
It can not be good for Lucifer to eat cupid grace even more than normal grace because it's probably a Voldemort thing about love hurting him blah blah blah
Marghe was talking about this episode being a potential 9x03 parallel and I agree - and Lucifer's already messing up by voluntarily stealing grace just to keep himself alive for his own wanting to be alive purposes at the first opportunity. And we have cupids instead of reapers
and also I guess Cas wants to go back to the Bunker and no one's gonna boot him out if we're lucky :P
Poor cupid. You only looked creepy as a circumstantial thing to watching these people fall in love with a besotted smile, no one understands your work :<
Omg we didn't even see if Cas stole a car to get back... I must KNOW
Anyway here's the sneak preview scene
Oh it gets worse; Cas is like "I met with Lucifer" instead of "Lucifer showed up and I had to hustle him off to a bar to stop the angels coming back and killing us, and then when I tried to contact you he stole my phone, and btw thanks for coming to my rescue in time."
Aka Cas can only be on the backfoot in this argument by his own social ineptitude at describing it/because the writers want him there
"She's alive. That's all I know, sorry." Yes, good. Because Jack's with her so he'll make it all good and honestly the fact we haven't seen what's going on there since 13x09 is kinda weird because this is all time passing that Jack is with Mary and they only have one clip to show us of that - this is stretching the dramatic irony writing of the season to breaking point by not revisiting them sooner, as it's a loose end that would have IMMEDIATE pay off aka they aren't just sitting there staring at each other for months, and we know off-screen since BEFORE CHRISTMAS that Jack would help Mary and whatever delays are keeping him and idk his new BFF Kev from busting back to our world are manufactured to fill these weeks. I mean not like they can't have delays and problems, especially as Jack is out untested learning what's up with himself away from all his parental influences, as his big test, but the storytelling in the main part of the show is relying on what's happening in the AU for tension and Lucifer telling Cas she was being tortured is like, the last time HE saw her, and WE know Jack is with her so things are probably different, and now Cas is lying to the Winchesters about Mary so as not to upset them while unintentionally perhaps backing up whatever is going on with Jack. Or not! Who knows! It's been long enough the one glimpse of them staring at each other is starting to wear thin to give us any meaningful dramatic irony in these moments and they really ought to have had at least a teaser in the AU in 13x11
Yep here's the parallel to the street scene in 9x03, except that Mark P is such a ham that he's doing a pantomime version of "I'm cold" complete with the directing showing us some warmer winter coats in case we didn't get the message, and then he starts staring at food... He can't be human so idk why without headcanoning hard about why it's affecting him so much when Cas immediately stopped caring about food when he stole grace.
Maybe, I headcanon, being stabbed was bad enough that all the grace he had and stole went to repairing himself but it's a finite supply and he's already to the stage Cas was in in 10x01
Oh now he's miming being hungry. "Hungry? Ew!"
The fact he was looking at burgers as a Cas parallel and not a fried chicken joint for immediate emotional pay off is honestly the biggest failing of this episode so far
Asmodeus is like "shit they got away as soon as my back was turned" Ketch is like "lol (but posh)"
They have a weird staring each other down moment which Ketch either wins or Buckleming think that Asmodeus won but Ketch still won because Asmodeus admits to being monumentally stupid before giving Ketch his orders.
I literally can not tell what the intent was here which is the most meta commentary on their dialogue I have ever witnessed and if it was not 7:30am and still mostly dark I would be howling with laughter. As it is, I feel a tear appearing in my eye as I take another chocolate biscuit.
Now HERE is a surpringly good use of dramatic irony from Buckleming which unfortunately is not actually betrayed anywhere in their dialogue (e.g. "I stabbed him but he seems to be fine") when Asmodeus tells Ketch an angel blade to the heart will down Lucifer at this point. Basically relying on that this happened at the end of last episode (and the directing reminds us in flashbacks & recap) to confirm the dramatic irony and with these writers I'm only like 63% sure they meant to do this because I have a strong nagging doubt that they don't even read anyone else's scripts.
If Asmodeus/Ketch becomes this fandom's Kylux I'm outta here
*Lucifer fails to learn basic human decency from the homeless man* I'm really hoping this is a metaphor which they actually stick to - that he's self-serving and mean and refuses to even adapt his behaviour as a guise to benefit from human decency by pretending to be nice to get what he wants then...
They could just be showing him to be hopeless now and then use a stronger inciting incident later - Jack is a motivator for him like basically nothing else, but none of this *so far* indicates we should actually care about him as a person regardless of what he might do for Cas's son later in the season
I also thought he might offer to heal the guy for food that didn't come from a dumpster but instead he's getting a tip off about Sister Jo
(Honestly, I've never dumpster dived but the stats about throwing perfectly good food away are so horrific that this seems like really misrepresenting dumpster diving, mostly because it implies the restaurant would keep food around long enough for it to go slimy and smelly, rather than throw it out while it's still completely good but no longer something they can sell, e.g. unclaimed pizzas, mishapen stuff, slightly burnt things, etc.
The fact that Buckleming seem unaware that "Next day pizza" is literally a thing and not gross and that fast food doesn't immediately expire but that you can eat left over pizza the next day without incurring any wrath of god speaks a lot to their privilege and Hollywood's impression of poverty, and this utopia where there's no waste and you can just throw out last night's pizza which is now skanky and rotten, and eat something better >.>)
Huh, Dean and Cas appear to be alone and Dean is apologising for not knowing he'd been kidnapped which is literally the sort of scene which I'd hope would mean no one is in my inbox saying he doesn't care this time around.
"I-I-I-We should have known it wasn't you."
Sooooooooooooooooooooo close. SO CLOSE. SOOOOOO CLOOOOOOOOOSE.
Awww they're making excuses at each other. "He's a shapeshifter. I got myself captured." "but if Sam and I knew..."
"I'm fine Dean." "You sure about that?"
in 100 years when I get here THAT's going in the "Dean n Cas are in love" meta series.
"I told Kelly I would protect HER son. I intend to keep that promise."
Interestingly, we're halfway through the season and Cas appears to have no idea Jack thinks Cas is his father, or any inclination to do more than protect him out of the goodness of his heart and another promise to look after someone in need of protection, making no positive affirmations to suggest he thinks of Jack in a fatherly way. Noted last episode, feeling the urge to comment this episode :P
I am not implying this is an entirely bad or ominous thing or whatever, but 1: Cas barely knows him so this is perhaps more healthy, 2: I am still dubious about how Jack originally nabbed himself a guardian angel and Cas has made NO comment on this scenario or, 3: discussed what it felt like on his end of what Dean has been accusing Jack of "sockpuppeting" Cas... I think it was much more grey area than that and Dean's mostly stopped accusing Jack of it, but it leaves massive questions. And 4: it means Cas is still doing this as a duty to Kelly rather than personal investment/parent feelings as his outwardly stated motivations, and it plays into the grey area of 5: we still thematically have Cas with a guardian angel burden just like I thought after 12x19 that this is what Jack wanted from Cas and after the presentation of how it was so bad for Cas to be the Winchesters' guardian that season, coming to a head in 12x19, I still think that his relationship with Jack is offering an alternative to directly critiquing that relationship anymore without damage between himself and the Winchesters, but still allowing some exploration of duty and the guardian angel burden, and perhaps the show is in no rush to have Cas leap into fatherhood when this parallel serves his arc so much better. Which also means 6: that nothing is over despite the progress he's made towards personal growth recently and all his old trauma and burdens are still hanging from him, he's just in a better place than he was with various new hopes and directions.
Dean says nothing, and Moose Interruption Occurs.
I have been wondering since the first promo clips revealing Donatello returning if they'd try and have a prophet-off with the AU and use his powers to either connect with Kevin or the AU... I wonder how right I'm about to accidentally be now we know a bit more about all this
"... Now, it's gonna be harder than it sounds"
you think.
So this is Dean completely ignoring Billie's warnings and going full steam ahead huh
*pulls out the demon tablet as well*
Oh boy you guys are really getting into the bad decisions
Not mentioning what happened to the angel tablet is a pretty good swerve around reminding us Cas destroyed it "all for one man" because he's "in love with humanity" but you can't get past me that easily *taps nose*
... this is a good time to remind everyone that Gadreel left all of Kevin's notes on the table when he walked out with the angel tablet.
You know
the notes where Kevin translated the entire angel tablet including the footnotes into ancient Sumerian
you know
a language
that maybe
someone who's been around
since ancient sumerian times
might be able to read
you know
*points at him for emphasis*
Also seriously why would the same spell be on both tablets. I'd be extremely Buckleming disappointed if it was, and much much happier if 13x12 was an ominous warning about going around reading strange tomes and tablets and just doing whatever freaking spells you half understand that you find on them.
Remember, Kevin is a super-genius Princeton applicant who even in the AU was nurtured by Michael to be super smart like his freaking COURT WIZARD, and did a lot of maths and theory to make it work that apparently even Michael couldn't. (Obligatory throwback to the intro of the tablets and the reminder that human creativity and genius can do what super-smart monsters can't, via Charlie, Kevin's narrative pair.)
Chicken wings, huh
(37 buckets tracks with how many bad hotdogs Kevin ate and gave himself a stroke over while translating the demon tablet the first time, I suppose.)
I mean we knew it was coming, because set spoilers, but you KNOW how much happier I would have been if it had been the Lucifer thing. You know.
Meanwhile: the extent to which I don't trust Buckleming is that I am wondering if the director cut an anvil line when they're like "who's killing angels!?" and it just cuts to the next Lucifer scene wordlessly
I also would have no clue how intentional the "who's killing angels" connection is to 4x16 where that was the line of interrogation on Alastair and it turned out the first angels to be killed on the show were by Uriel for Lucifer, meaning that question still at the end of the day is answered by "lucifer"
Hi Danneel
Query: if she is an angel, what does SHE need the cash for? :P
I assume that "for the fallen" sign is high irony about her being a fallen angel and she's pretending it's a charity donation in exchange for healing
I suppose she can buy nice outfits with it
*exposition crime scene*
tiny redeeming factor about Dean talking about how boned they are and Cas turning to look at him and agreeing "epically"
Also for the first time they're all in long coats together praise the lord
Okay I think her name is Eliel? I am not sure how to spell that at all, I'm just guessing because it sounded like "L I L" and then I angel-fied it, so tl;dr I'm gonna keep calling her Sister Jo and/or Danneel :P
Oh good some exposition. Well at least she has literally explained the money is for the nice outfits XD
I like her. She's not scared of Lucifer, and she's one of the angels who slipped notice after the fall and started living her life as she wanted.
"So... Ca-ching!" I really like her now :P
This puts her in direct opposition to Cas not just at the start of season 10 when he was rounding up fallen angels and sending them back to Heaven with Hannah - when his heart wasn't really in it anyway - but more directly and importantly with 9x22 where he had sent a large amount of his army out to local hospitals to perform miracles on the DL for no reward except,  you know, angels should help people. Their hearts are in completely different places, with completely different understandings of what angels can and should do on earth if they are to be here.
She bargains for her life with the same thing the wraith was going to do with Patience in 13x03, and how we've seen some monsters feeding in the past - notably the grigori angel that was eating soul energy in the place of grace but was essentially the same set up.
Lucifer's also found someone smart enough to help him who he might actually listen to (since the homeless man would have helped had he listened but he wouldn't respect what a human says vs another angel maybe giving him some pointers for surviving down here).
Sam, being the good wingman, leaves Dean n Cas to interview someone together while heading off alone
Sam's hair is ENORMOUSLY fluffy
Which reminds me, it's pouring with rain outside so I'm not going to get away with leaving my hair a day after getting it dyed, I sort of need to wash it BEFORE the sky does it for me and turns everything I own purple :P Idk if I'll be able to finish the episode before I have to go to yoga... hm. It's finally daylight-ish
Oh of course they have creepy sexy grace eating going on because this whole grace vampire concept wasn't sexy enough when it was bald little cupids.
*Dean casually in the foreground pulling out an angel blade*
That is your WIFE, sir
And you should hear what she and Lucifer were doing
Cas goes first :D
LOL Ketch
"Oh it's only you"
the original flavour TFW line up has just busted into the room with you, you are in the presence of GODS
"Isn't it possible that I'm simply trying to strike a blow for the good of humanity?"
"No, that's not possible"
Listen Cas's snark is weaponised now. How did Ketch not crumble into ASH
no one says Huzzah
Thanks Cas
Listen however many gifs there are of that move (omg Cas looking at Dean, Dean nodding to him, Cas Doing The Thing) there are not enough so I'm gonna just... make one...
Lol, just throw him in the trunk.
"I like that plan."
Oh the wall dividers from the fake 5x04 set are on the stage too. It's DEFINITELY being used for performances of Supernatural The Musical in between healing sessions
Aniel? Eniel?
Stop putting Cas in the backseat to moodily stare into the middle distance between the Winchesters! He's earned shotgun a million times over! He was in PRISON and you DIDN'T KNOW
A neon sign where all the letters are out except "AU" in "Restaurant"
At this point I'm assuming Danniel is seducing Lucifer for her own purposes and honestly whatever go for it I guess, if you win, and this isn't any creepier than it already is
The fact he ate a cupid and all that is probably relevant
Tbh them flopping onto the bed after is still somehow the least weird of all the weird crap Buckleming have made the characters do and I don't know if I'm numb to it or because it's Lucifer I have negative investment in his character anyways but you know, whatever floats their boat :P
"It's always so strange, that final moment, when I've lost just enough grace that I'm almost - " "Human." "I feel... emotions. Sensations. Things they must feel."
Honestly she's sounding more like Cas or Hannah than Lucifer going through his experience, almost like being a more generic angel, as soon as she loses grace she gets more affected than he does in the ways he's been affected where he cares only about being cold and hungry. And lonely. Bleh :P A concession to emotional weakness - he does love to be adored and surrounded by people who'll tell him how great he is.
He says he can't see how they go on but she says she sees how there can be pain, "but also hope. Love even. Angels can only imagine."
She's reeeeeally getting back to that Cas in 10x01 dialogue where Hannah was confused about human things, and Cas described to her what they were and that they were good things to feel on earth.
She envies humans, because they can "Be anything."
it's like we've come full swerve back to the stuff from the start of season 10 that was so exciting for Cas exploring the intricacies of humanity... Yikes.
Wow her job sucked :P I can see why she went and asked for change when facing an eternity of that... More suggestions that Heaven is not really something that can or should be restored, never mind how volatile it was and how the angels engineered the original apocalypse. The entire system is pointless and just makes dangerous bored angels... The kind of angels who hop on the Lucifer bandwagon as soon as it comes into town because being righteous on behalf of Heaven is pointless to them. Why take a stance against Lucifer in the first place if your moral alignment was always to Heaven first and Heaven sucked that much.
"Goodness" is not an inherent alignment for angels... Looking to a leadership they trust to be good is what they were built to do, and assuming their causes are good because they're on them is another pitfall of that. The other is just all the angels who turn against Heaven entirely >.>
Lucifer says he's "going to be a father" which, uh, seems like this episode was written last year and then re-written for THIS year because he really ought to be talking about how he IS a father and he's looking for his son...
He starts maybe feeling feelings, and hastily gets up to start posturing, at which point he does actually say he's going to find his son.
Lol, HERE'S Casmodeus in a scene that doesn't have anything to do with anything.
Donatello casually tells Casmodeus that he has the demon tablet. Honestly, they probably ought to have, you know... explained everything that happened to Kevin to him... Like oh hey btw this is one of the most desired objects in the universe being the word of god n all and wowweee we've had some problems with people stealing it and our prophets in the past. Maybe sit tight and don't answer the door?
Or go out and get huge buckets of chicken and chat to any of us who isn't where you think we should be
Please don't start talking about the ingredients for the spell in public
dear god the worst bit is they made a character plausibly dumb enough to drop the idiot ball for them to the point where Asmodeus is probably best served to just leave Donatello where he is and walk him back and forth from the chicken place every day
They become unexpected friends and at the end of the day he can't bring himself to kill his goofy prophet buddy
"I'm the only person on the planet who can read the thing"
Duuuuuuuuuuuuuude. Now he's just telling Casmodeus that Jack's in the AU and
*takes his chicken away* You're grounded. Just. Go to your room.
Asmodeus's voice coming out of Cas is wrong and bad.
Asmodeus is unimpressed with your offbrand chicken
aw crap I have to go
Last 10 minutes drama when I get home... They'll open 100 portals and it will be a Mess.
it never bodes well in a Buckleming episode when there's 10 minutes to go and TFW get out the car to go confront Lucifer.
Danniel is like "Castiel, what are you doing here?" like it wouldn't be blatantly obvious :P
I am pretty sure she's tricking them into thinking she's more of a hostage than she is but it's hard to tell tbh, given these writers and their history of writing sexy encounters between characters which should not have sexy encounters, and that sort of tension in the writing is not particularly where you want the ambiguity to be resting in character dynamics :P
I think maybe she is after telling Lucifer that she told them how weak he was, assuming that he's actually strong enough to take them out and has been snacking on her grace non-stop  somehow
Okay yeah she is betraying them for love, and I add a confused "phew" onto the end of that thought. I have no idea how I feel about them tbh and I never worked it out on the bus ride around town >.>
Ketch really wants them to stab him, huh? He hasn't said anything this conversation to de-escalate the situation, used a demon bomb on a room full of angels, including Cas so if it had worked it would have hurt him but it didn't even work so he just wasted something expensive, and then he's like, fine, let's all work together and Sam's like dude no and Ketch is like, fine, will you trust me if I tell you I'm working for Asmodeus?
Dean's like "... they don't let me say fuck on this network but how the fuck does that help??"
Ketch offers to pass information BACK to them from Asmodeus, which absolutely does not patch up the leak of their prophet wandering off to get fried chicken and coming back with KFC
"I'm the lesser of at least three evils" that isn't really very reassuring either mate
Also with the terrible sales pitch: Lucifer trying to convince the angels to let him run Heaven with Danniel as his queen
I can't even work out if he's pretending he can make new angels or not, but I sort of feel like he totally can't and it would go about as well as the Plum sisters trying to resurrect their mom, who in this weird instance stands in for God
"How would you like your wings back" baaaaad idea
Cut to Donatello munching a million chicken wings
How is he not dead
*Cas side-eyes the enormous pile of chicken wings too*
"We need him" Yeah, being needed still sucks and even if you need someone you can still want to shoot them as soon as they're not useful >.>
Oh dear, Lucifer got what he wanted. And Danniel is his queen, exactly as SHE wanted.
And Ketch and Asmodeus are back to sharing a drink like THEY wanted since they were on a holiday cruise together when Cas escaped and are apparently just an item now
Oh no apparently he was going shopping getting some artefact
An archangel blade which doesn't look anything like any sword we've ever seen any archangel ever hold before and also no one has ever stabbed an archangel with
I don't like this at all and it's entirely because Gabriel had such a good story in the first place and I really really LIKE him. And whatever they explain is going to have to be stupid by neccessity, they're not gonna bring Raphael back which is only somewhat mitigated by bringing Michael back in a black vessel but whatever, if you have all 3 of the others running around and never give Raphael another go, it just looks bad because now we have a forgotten archangel just chilling down in season 5/6 being completely ignored for another go around when all the others do >.>
ALSO HE DIED GOOD and 9x18 was great and all but uggghh it was good because he was safely still DEAD
I mean I guess since Lucifer got free again his sacrifice was pretty much in vain anyway so maybe he should get another crack at killing him but uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugghhhhhhh
I'm going to guess I'm the biggest killjoy at the party right now, which is weird because I actually like 99% of this episode as not being terrible and for Buckleming one of their best non-rapey non-racist, only a few random dropped idiot balls episodes... And I'm assuming the Gabriel decision comes at a higher level, or at least needed a lot of approval and working into other plots.
But uuuuuuuuuuughhhhhhhh. That just means I disapprove all over this place and this isn't a criticism of a Buckleming thing, it's the fact that I've had lukewarm to tepid interest in Gabriel coming back the entire time and now he's back and I'm gonna have to live with this >.>
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Honestly I'd rather have Sam, Dean and Cas have a conflict than being what they are now :( It's nice but it feel more like lipservice cause they arent adapting their format around them being team, it's just makes me angrier when Cas gets excluced now, when Sam and Dean contact others to work with instead of Cas, when they working on what Cas is WITHOUT HIM (Kelly). Giving them some issue would explain the sporadic seperations but still a shared emotional B plot with future resolutioon
I’m sorry it’s making you angry :( I can’t exactly say I’m super optimistic that 12x17 is going to do very well with this because it’s Buckleming and they’re becoming brilliant at writing episodes Cas should be in but isn’t, and not mentioning him - the only saving grace is he’s spared from being involved in some of their episodes, and contributing to the bad decisions :P After 10x21 and him fading out into the void to make way for bad decisions, and 11x09 where he was off idk getting his car tuned up or something after reclaiming it from Metatron, it’s always nice for him to have low culpability for their plot twists…
Which makes it really hard for me to judge all this fairly because all these Dagon and Kelly sightings are happening in Buckleming episodes, and they’re the ones who are full steam ahead on the Lucifer’s baby thing while the other writers are giving it a wide berth, but it also unfortunately seems like the sort of plot Cas would be attached to with his lingering Lucifer guilt, the angel connection, etc etc and they always need a reason to punt him into the void for MotW episodes… Just now we’re getting 2 in a row Buckleming episodes where after they connected Cas to this arc, they’re not using him for it… Normally I’d have some positivity about the writers doing this that or the other, but this whole subplot is happening in like, an alternate dimension, and I’m starting to feel like rescuing Cas from it is a secret side agenda from the other writers :P 
What DOES feel positive to me is that the episodes Cas is in HAVE been really good to him, especially the 12x10/12x12 stuff where they were absolutely all working with Cas and he was a part of the team, and everything was happening exactly as it was supposed to. To me this feels so much more like what Dabb era is supposed to be, and all the promises that seemed to be made and things we were hoping as far back as the middle of season 11 when it started to seem like Dabb of all people was about to take the Iron Throne… In all the OTHER episodes the season has absolutely delivered on everything I wanted and thought would happen, to the point where I’ve been kind of just sitting here stewing peacefully in season 12 like I’m in a hot bath, without a great deal of an agenda or much to say about it because I’m so content to just see what happens and enjoying the character development and so on.
I mean, ignoring Buckleming, and the Kelly stuff, we have had a whole arc about Cas’s belonging and where he calls home, and Cas finally being firmly embedded in the family, and then, with some random background reason for it to happen, Cas now going to meet the angels and have some sort of reckoning with his old family. Whatever nephilim stuff is powering it, the real importance of all that is going to be whatever Cas and Joshua say to each other about Cas’s belonging in Heaven and how THEY see him, with the nephilim just as a reason for Cas to be there, and some random external thing to motivate their actions and choices. In the overall examination of Cas’s arc when it’s all said and done, I think this will be the lasting impression. 
And I’m really genuinely happy for that, and enjoying where they’re taking Cas with all this because it all feels like finally paying off stuff that was set up in season EIGHT or season NINE. That’s, like 2 seasons of Cas’s arc just being teased and teased and drawn out before we get back to actual work on it, and from 11x23 onwards Cas has been making genuine progress forwards in pretty much every episode he’s in (12x02 and 12x08 notwithstanding because Buckleming where it was more like they were pushing the food around on their plate with Cas) on his personal arc.
I don’t know, I’ve not found any of the reasons Cas hasn’t been in an episode actually to be unbelievable except for 12x13, obviously, where he SHOULD have been there because it was his thing at this point in the story. But 12x15 at least has him covered now that as long as the heaven drama pays off when we catch up with Cas again; these absences are explained by him being on his personal quest to find belonging and in this case, work out where the hell he stands with Heaven after finally managing to confess how much he loves the Winchesters and considers them family, and having that reciprocated. 
The stuff at the start of the season made sense that if they were going to keep Lucifer alive, Cas WOULD have a stake in finding him, and in that case working with Crowley was used to, as you said, put some tension between him and Dean to create something interesting in the way they WEREN’T together, and the unity at the start of the season was challenged. Then that was all resolved and Cas spent a while hanging at the Bunker and quickly moving through a lot of personal stuff; if he wasn’t in 12x11 it was because Sam and Dean went to deal with a seemingly small matter, and then Dean didn’t want to worry him when it all got too real. Then 12x12 was incredible, and 12x13 breaks the streak, sends Cas out into the cold and there’s nothing to work with in 12x14 and he’s not meant to be in that one, and 12x15 manages to salvage him back onto his arc. 12x16 once again he’s absent but kind of watching over things (in 11x12 he was also sneakily present in details like grumpy cat and without a Gas n Sip, other sun imagery, and Dean was kind of mocked by the set people for not noticing Casifer yet, which I thought was great :P) and while I don’t like no one mentioned him in 12x16, I do think there’s pleeenty of room to headcanon that Dean went and prayed to him when he stepped outside, since once again Cas is out of reach, and he always seems to be now when we have Claire stuff, like, she comes up as a reminder of that >.> kinda sucks, but ALSO kinda points out the massive hole here made by Cas missing. Which is then a story element, since I don’t think they DID forget him, just wrote him as not in the episode, in the empty spaces. 
This is all just really weird having basically rogue writers on the staff who are somehow writing a completely different story, charging recklessly ahead with it, and their own subplots, and somehow being on a completely different level to all the rest of the writing staff. I still think Perez intentionally wrote circles around them with the 12x12/12x13/12x15 Lucifer stuff; that the pay off only worked so well because there was a godawfully obvious amount of lousy exposition and surface level Crowley characterisation crammed in between the reveal. It’s like a magic trick and I don’t reference the Prestige lightly but he literally used them to do the middle part of the magic trick, where the magician’s assistant walks around and around the curtain distracting the audience, while he’s waiting on the other side for the big reveal - the pay off only works with the frivolous bit in the middle because if you went from 12x12 to 12x15 there wouldn’t be enough tension that Crowley was being a colossal idiot, and revealing that Crowley has been ten steps ahead, and the Buckleming part was just part of the trick, that it actually is the prestige :P 
This is kind of off-topic to Cas by now, but, I guess, I’m waiting to see what other rabbits they can pull out of a hat to work around the bizarre plot Buckleming have introduced, and I feel like the *rest* of the writing team are genuinely the best set of writers the show’s ever had in terms of solidly written stuff, when you average it out between them (and ignore the spiders georg of rapey badly paced episodes writers - in other seasons I sometimes feel like you’re hanging on for the spiders georg who writes, like, 6x20, and is an outlier adn should not have been counted for overall season enjoyment because wow 1 episode can make or break a season, she says scowling at 10x21 again)… 
Anyway, so nothing else about what’s going on with Cas being left out of episodes has actually bothered me, and I actually like where he’s going so MUCH better than other seasons, like season 10 when he drifted sadly around in the background for most of the time, and when Crowley rightfully mocks him for doing so, Cas’s only retort is, well, so are you (in that 10x14 deleted scene, which if you ignore the Cas/Dean/Crowley love triangle stuff, is an absolutely depressing portrayal of Cas and Crowley’s role in the season :P)… 
This time Cas might not be around but he’s had a really good arc and I feel like everything makes sense, except for the fact Buckleming introduced this plot, attached Cas to it, and for 2 episodes haven’t utilised him in it after all, leaving him trailing after it to pick of clues of what he missed 2 episodes later or whatever. Basically as long as I separate what *everyone else* is doing with Cas from what Buckleming are doing I have genuinely got no complaints with what’s up with Cas. And in a way everything Buckleming do that annoys me, from bad pacing to rapey scenes and killing off faves pointlessly and insensitively, to leaving Cas out, all gets scrunched up and dropped in the recycle bin together in my head, so as an individual complaint about the season, I don’t actually mind in a weird way, where I’m now trying to be as zen as possible about having these rampaging writers in the middle of what’s otherwise the most fascinating attempt to fix something that was almost indescribably knotted up and broken that I’ve ever seen :P 12x15 gave me the confidence that perhaps on top of dealing with everything else historical, maybe the rest of the writing will ALSO manage to deal with Buckleming as they introduce new nonsense into the season? 
I mean, this is just how I’m dealing with it, but I hope my perspective helps. I’m very tired and don’t really have the energy to stress and wank about the show in a big way aside from acknowledging what bothers me. So here’s my peace with it >.> 
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12x15 watching notes
I actually finished watching the episode hours ago but right after I went and literally watched a big chunk of season 8 instead of this episode which is metaphorically a big chunk of season 8 >.>
this "expectations" thing is turning into a bit of a joke because I never know what to expect any more. This was much easier in Carver era :P From the previews it looks like a bit of a "monster of the week" with a hellhound and I sort of feel things are about to go up shit creek for Crowley and he's distracted with the Winchesters which is his life story, but MAY let them find out finally. Gonna make Mary working with the BMoL look like a good decision.
Also may be a way to un-Buckleming Crowley's choice with some better characterisation...
[rare edit to yell at past me oh my god. Also at Davy OH my GOD - note to self stop being so cynical about literally anyone but those guys writing :P]
As far as I can tell from the outside looking in, though Dabb's been working through a really serious important list of loose ends, this is from the odd pile of things that end up on his desk complaining about one of his episodes which is "we need more Winchesters in glasses!!!!" after he gave us a few minutes of it in 8x14, and he shrugged and went, okay, someone find a reason to put them in the glasses again. Why not.
Oh yeah we're on the monsters' side. Starting again with the cute vampire girl from last episode saying "they're dead. they're all dead" and Mary shown killing a vampire. Before any title cards. Mary's POV is on the other side of it. Telling us the world is changing and then Sam squinting suspiciously at Mick's briefing about exterminating all the vampires. And the "pick a side" thing for Sam - monsters on one side, mom on the other.
Awwwwww 5x20 Crowley and his hellhound. A simpler time. When they were trying to cram Lucifer back in the cage. Funny reminder now to have moments before Lucifer bound in Crowley's spare room.
Oooh right there's Kelly and Dagon stuff in this episode. I think Cas too? You know I completely forgot because the previews were avoiding them but I'm pretty sure one of the episode descriptions actually mentioned them... Whoops. I guess this episode is going to be split between all that. At this point I don't really trust the writing not to be ridiculously more complex and layered than I can guess from right here, so I'll just enjoy these cold open people camping and laugh that I wrote a Winchester family camping trip as the code to 12x14
I can't believe this guy is looking up bear attacks in the woods while they're camping. And she's a vet. Pfft :P How does he even have signal though.
Awww no they're going their separate ways. She seems unconvinced that it's going to work out anyway :<
He needs to stop asking trees to marry him.
Oh no now I'm invested in these people. They do not deserve to be eaten by hellhounds.
Oh no that was unintentionally hilarious with the puffy jacket throwing fluff everywhere.
Pfft some extras from the Walking Dead wander into the Bunker making obvious pop culture references. Do we even analyse that mention of Dad or do we just laugh hysterically and move on?
Wait so that time when they seemed to have it on set they weren't just fucking around with the baseball bat because they felt like making one but it was actually going to be in an episode oh my god
I wonder if Mary has been watching The Walking Dead or if she hasn't had time.
Being distracted by Mittens:
Wait - Sam is clean... is this meta or are we still in the pop culture reference?
mittensmorgul The things on Dean, "ghoul, wraith, siren."
elizabethrobertajones yeah They fought a SIREN WHAT HAPPEN I want to know everything
mittensmorgul I DON'T KNOW?!
elizabethrobertajones I bet if it was "back to back to back" they didn't have time for it to be complicated
mittensmorgul I mean, DEAN fought the siren, Sam is completely clean
elizabethrobertajones WHY IS SAM CLEAN
mittensmorgul And Dean's been wearing his underpants for four days People are screaming OOC
elizabethrobertajones oh god
mittensmorgul I have no idea
elizabethrobertajones Ahahahahah  "Frodo"
mittensmorgul Sort of reminded me of how he looked after he killed the stynes
elizabethrobertajones Is that a thing
mittensmorgul :D
elizabethrobertajones maybe they intentionally USE those code names maybe Mary talked to Sam wait if Mick is telling Sam where to go has he given them "back to back to back"
mittensmorgul yes...
elizabethrobertajones and Dean did all the killing and Sam was clean Okay THERE'S the symbolism I was looking for :P
mittensmorgul do go on... :D
elizabethrobertajones I am literally paused just at "Frodo" and his missing campers message so idk what happens next but yeah :P Dean's being used as the weapon here and Sam's coordinating Aka trying to turn him into Ketch or Mark!Dean Sam doesn't have any blood on his hands for these hunts and they're coming too fast for Dean to process them and work out shades of grey ....
mittensmorgul Yep
elizabethrobertajones which means the Negan thing is probably a reference to how bloody it has all been and not just a joke >.>
mittensmorgul nope
elizabethrobertajones they're trying to turn him back into a bloody single minded hunter like John this is awful I LAUGHED now I feel horrible about it all :P
elizabethrobertajones Also Dean not being a germ freak about it all is probably a bad sign >.>
elizabethrobertajones Oh no Sam lying epically
mittensmorgul yep
elizabethrobertajones reminds me of 8x01 when he tells Dean how he found Kevin but he actually did that Dean like Purgatory Dean Wait fuck that baseball bat is his purgatory weapon *slides under the table* Go away Negan This is worse than the Eliot Ness thing
this show is getting too meta for its own good... Is this what happens after 12 years?
Anyway Sam comes up with something to baffle Dean with his technology know-how implying Dean is too dumb to follow - Sam rattling off computery sounding things and Dean sitting there bloody and unwashed and the John-Negan baseball bat in front of him and Sam like "the computer told me" and Dean being like "lol computers are good at monsters and porn" - he really is in a bad way :< I think one of those things where they balance Sam and Dean out. But Sam is WORKING on Dean as he said he would last episode - he's intentionally wearing him out, letting him channel that need to kill things in a way Ketch couldn't get Dean to indulge in because Sam knows Dean better and where his lines are. Taking him back to back to back to back on hunts stops Dean from having down time and appreciating the finer things in life, so he gets less and less nuanced as Sam works him down >.> Because as last episode showed, Sam aligns with Mick, Dean with Ketch but, like, obviously NOT because they're both competent and kind and multifaceted. But Ketch is the Mark!Dean parallel, and wearing Dean down like this... yeah.
Honestly though baby wipes are so good they probably COULD get all that gunk off in an emergency
elizabethrobertajones Wait Dean is rejecting the Bunker's shower after flicking siren bits everywhere and being gross this is actually 8x14 inverted
mittensmorgul RIGHT?!
elizabethrobertajones we start with him loving the Bunker and bitching about Sam messing it up and in 8x13 he goes on about the water pressure and now he'd just be happy with baby wipes
mittensmorgul D:
elizabethrobertajones .... and in 8x14 he puts that pic of Mary down and it feels like home :<
mittensmorgul I think they really are doing their best to invert 8.14
elizabethrobertajones 10x22 also used that pic of Mary I hope it's inverted in other ways
mittensmorgul but...
elizabethrobertajones like signing up for crazy ventures to get rid of all demons/monsters
"You smell like roadkill" ominous.
"I'm using that fancy shampoo you keep hidden" I love that they read a bunch of fan fic before they joined the show
Okay so Mittens informed me there's mass hysteria about the next moment because of audio nonsense, which means I swapped from fuzzy bad sound to full crystal clear noise cancelling headphones with all the sound settings done properly, and caught Sam saying "love you too" to Mary and Dean like "catch ya later" to Cas. 
[side note: had no idea what she meant because I hadn’t heard a word of it before she told me there was hysteria] 
I'd already squeed just to see them pull up having these conversations because the set up is beautiful: Sam has picked a side and Sam and Dean are now at odds, and THESE are their sides. After last episode we could only hope/guess that it was logical that Dean n Cas might be a bit of a team in opposition to Sam, Mary and the BMoL but obviously that was just guesswork. Knowing Sam already IS a faction with Mary and Dean doesn't know it, Sam starting this with a mention of "mom" as they get out the car and this little, uh... symbolic diorama? unfolds shows very clearly he's communicating with his faction; Dean also on the phone shows that they have a split, that he's in contact with someone who could be HIS faction and even before he said Cas I kinda knew because see above, guessing, and also the fact that he IS in contact with Cas more. So yeah, lines drawn between them. Something about them getting out the car together but not looking at each other, talking to their respective sides is just... really really well done. Also the way they're talking over each other? They're distracted with their own things, and not communicating, not listening in on what the other's up to.
Of course then they summarise to each other - DOUCHEBUSTERS.
I am offended
Mostly because it's like "lol Brits"
I feel bad there are hunters they hate more than the Ghostfacers, honestly.
Dean has better news - something's killing angels in IDAHO. Specifically, the town that 7x15 took place in. So that's 9x06 and 7x15 all at once. Wheee.
"Diner waitress Sara Deshenski has met an untimely and violent demise at the hands of an irate alien, so says her diner manager, Herb Nelson"
Bloody hell another dollar in the space jar
they really are going for it this season
they're finally sending Dean to space :')
The picture of burned angel wings in a trashy newspaper is so sad though... Look at Cas being sad.
Look at him still not knowing how to do the badge thing. I cry. My heart is overflowing with love for Cas. He needs Dean beside him to turn his badge around and laugh gently at his mistakes.
It does suggest he's kind of stagnated as a hunter, because he hasn't managed to figure this out yet >.>
He's trying though - he's Solange now! He knows you rotate out the identity from time to time.
Oh dear, Cas dealing with a real conspiracy nut. In 6x21 we were ROBBED of Cas's side of the investigation into HP Lovecraft, probably because lovable comic beats were not how to make us think Cas was the bad guy but they’d be nothing else but, because that’s who Cas is, ALWAYS. Now, though, he's got to do all the social stuff on someone who's basically Ronald Resnik'ing this. I hope he has better luck not dying >.>
He has a pic of the Queen's head taped to an alien which just makes me wonder if this is a thing to do with the BMoL and their terrible terrible bad wrong intel... Sometimes they know a thing, mostly they don't... But they managed to scrape up a few grains of truth here and there. Obviously she's not an alien or lizard person but who knows what else she might be >.> I like the whole Torchwood thing where the Queen was a werewolf and that was a royal family thing :P
Cas hanging his head in despair that he's actually considering waiting to see what this guy's evidence is.
Poor Cas
*Cas attempts to smile*
this description of the alley fight is hilarious
Kelly as the brood queen - remember the season 10-11 hiatus stuff about Bugs as the mytharc after we spotted the little VFX insect escaping Amara's cloud?
Aw no the way he describes angel blades as "star metal" it feels weirdly poignant... Angels are cosmic - who knows what those blades are made of
(Zerbe knows, but aside from Zerbe)
"man in black - well, beige!" if this isn't foreshadowing Cas getting a better coat.
I love how yellow eyes is still like, actually really deep and weighty and dramatic and scary still. Most things on this show have been completely run down INCLUDING Lucifer into being over-done. Such a good pick for this season.
Obligatory bear or cougar reference. I know it's not hellhounds but 8x16 has Prometheus actually killed by a bear off screen and I find that hilarious and I'm thinking mid season 8 now. I think it was also initially reported in one of the cracky publications like the one Cas got ahold of (knowing he has to read that sort of nonsense to get a lead also is a sign of him developing as a hunter).
Oh gosh the perfect blurring of Baby's engine over hellhound growling. Listen to her, she's such a sexy beast :D
[edit at past!me: Okay I’m useless at predicting stuff but I wasn’t to know Dean x Baby would be a thing this episode so I’m proud of this at least... can you even objectify a car? She’s already an object]
Now we know that Gwen knows for sure about big invisible wolves coming after her, the promo scene where Dean jokes about what truth they could tell her and Sam describes how they lie (a lot) to her is even worse, because of course Sam and lying is clearly a huge thing this episode and he describes how the lie will "give her peace" and help her sleep at night. Dean's being manipulated by Sam (PS I did not sign up for this) is probably very similar - Sam thinks Dean will sleep better at night if he doesn't understand all the details of these jobs they're doing and he's keeping Dean in happy dumbed down hunter mode.
Playing INTO the top layer of Performing Dean, really.
Dean's only joking about the ridiculous truth because he doesn't know how important it is to HAVE the truth yet, and he's empathising with Gwen's position of being told the truth and finding it completely unbelievable because he's also at the point where he can't concieve of the truth.
Guys there is a hellhound sniffing your BUTTS
Sam n Dean are wearing black coats and hold their badges the right way up
Omg it followed them in.
AAAAH that's intense okay that's good writing. Thanks Perez. You are so good at tension. They all sit down and chill.
this completely changes "elephant in the room" to "hellhound in the room"
Anyway Sam does the Ronald Resnik thing with Gwen telling her with authority as the FBI that there was nothing supernatural about it
"You're no longer in any kind of danger okay?"
Also they really don't have the right approach because telling her there's no danger??? WRONG. They need to at LEAST follow the lead on her BF's deal to tidy up loose ends, such as the fact that demons often catch a dozen people at a time when they're doing the crossroads thing... They'd need to AT LEAST go back to where the deal was made and check nothing else happened?? Where is your instinct???????
Too busy lying to her
It's so horrible that their visit allowed the thing in and now it's in there with her
"Oh yeah she's gonna sleep like a baby" *cut to Gwen being stalked*
Oh no now she heard it
Omg she's okay
*heart slows down*
Some nice relaxing Crowley and Lucifer nonsense to chill with
Crowley is really enjoying having a proper nemesis since the Winchesters are more like friends now so it's not as fun to catch them and chain them up and taunt them.
Crowley says he's ten steps ahead of whatever Lucifer thinks he's doing. HM. Well he sure wasn't LAST episode.
Well he's behind on his paperwork anyway. The ridiculous windows also suggest peeking in on it - the sense the secret will come out.
This is such a great writing/directing combo
Cut to Sam and Dean actually telling the truth
Sam leaves out the detail about Dean being the cuter brother
Okay I nearly spat tea at Dean being like "make you feel better. It was his idea"
This whole lying thing really isn't working out for Sam. And Dean's reaction to it is killing me.
"Did you really want something like, a hello kitty backpack. or the death of an enemy"
Dean and kids... he gets them
- mittensmorgul tort reform
elizabethrobertajones what like the cake
mittensmorgul basically to eliminate the sort of "law suits" like that ridiculous baby nonsense torts are civil legal cases
elizabethrobertajones Aah so if he'd actually listened he could have got rid of all the silly petitions :P
mittensmorgul like suing people over EVERYTHING. Usually considered frivilous, petty, or vindictive nonsense yeah :P and it was item #42 on his list (which also made me think of Door #42 in Heaven, aka the "escape hatch"
elizabethrobertajones that seems like a fairly apt summary of the problems :P if they just listened and paid attention they would eliminate so many stupid problems by actually dealing with things like the bigger picture things like reforming the way things work
[here follows about 10 minutes of sending pictures of cake back and forth while we debate what a torte is in our respective countries]
Why is Crowley still clutching the key for Lucifer's Facilities room?
God dammit has Berens been chatting to Perez about Drowley
GWEN. She's like the ultimate outside eyes on their life, suddenly getting the whole truth when Crowley bitches them out for the Gavin thing on speaker phone
It's brilliant
how has this NEVER happened before
12 seasons and there's still new nonsense to explore
"have the kennel guards killed" YoU'RE STILL ON SPEAKER PHONE GWEN CAN HEAR THIS
Dean doing the "blah blah" gesture while they're all listening in on this NONSENSE like it's no big deal, overhearing a meeting between the King of Hell and his advisers
(Also this is a great way to tie the seemingly unconnected minions to the main story aside from having them deliver news since they didn't come specifically to tell Crowley about what's up with the MotW it's all completely incidental and if Sam and Dean hadn't already been on the case, well...)
(ALSO I love how in one episode the whole dynamic of Crowley and Hell somehow feels so much more like a proper court? And he's got proper assets and people and... I don't know, I love this depiction of his life)
Crowley dropping in on the random MotW conversation
Aaah it's all shaken up
eeep clear shot of the moose skull in Cas's truck. DO NOT WANT
Aw Cas has a friend. Kelvin! Do things EVER go well when he and random angels work together? NO. But I like Kelvin because he seems to like Cas for now, and they're working on the same thing... HOW CAN THIS GO WRONG?
Aside from the fact he mostly appears to be here to be a redshirt for Cas unless he has Vital Info or something because Heaven has much better resources to track her than Cas who is doing it the hunter way.
Mom Hellhound... What a shocking twist :P I mean, I wasn't expecting this backstory because I didn't think there'd be one, but the fact this is the Mother of All Hellhounds and she was preggers when she escaped and Lucifer took her in like... wooow.
*snorts at how cool Gwen is at Lucifer being locked up* Like, cool, well, at least he's not our problem. I mean I have the king of hell in my living room but he seems reasonable, and they're all reassuring me that Lucifer is safely locked up so I'll just... Yeah. Good.
Also Dean again repeating the lie that's been told to him and backing up the story etc, happily going along with the truth as he knows it while we - and someone in the room - knows it's a lie
God really sucks at making things though. Like, he put so much violence into the world? Eve and Leviathans were his creations too and they were... not exactly perfect. Pfft.
Crowley is excited to work the case... Oh dear, now he's learning to be a hunter
"Just when I thought this gig couldn't get any weirder" "Oh it can always get weirder"
Thanks Dabb
Aww the demon minions are so competent at being sneaky good for them. I have no idea who I root for here. I don't LIKE Lucier or want him free, but Crowley's minions being hilarious is like... my favourite thing. Whatever they're doing. I just love it. So... little bit conflicted about what I want here
Although making demands of Lucifer is a bad idea.
When Dean says sticking with Sam to keep her safe, he MEANS it I mean Sam once fucking GUTTED a hellhound SINGLE HANDED like dang he's the best bodyguard you could ask for right now
"Take care of her" "of course" or does he trust-
no he's just being precious about the car. A beautiful, beautiful woman.
I guess we know why Sam doesn't get to drive so often; Dean just is THAT precious about her
Sam is not here for Dean fantasising about the car
Crowley like "you."
"... why of everyone ever did I have to fall in love with YOU" probably
Uhoh Cas and an El Sol sign... He and Kelvin seem to be drinking water. The director appears to be like "how many angles of Misha's face are necessary? Better try one more just in case" *rotates camera to bask in him some more*
Heaven is stable in a way where there's nothing drastic to report. All the huge dramas since it was last a big plot thing itself have meant the angels have been trying to deal with everything and so busy headless chickening about all that they haven't really been in-fighting. The death of all the alpha personalities helps too I guess.
"This is an all hands on deck situation Castiel. Including yours" "Okay so you're here for my hands" Yeah that was snark. A grade snark. In a Cas way.
"you got more field experience than the next thousand angels combined" I don't know if I should be more sad for Cas or Heaven
El Sol over Cas as Kelvin asks him if he would go back to Heaven - all his sins wiped clean... And challenging him over what he feels is home. Earth is quirky and smells like hay (pfft Cas's truck) but does it FEEL like home to Cas? he already FINALLY feels welcome in his family with the Winchesters and has expressed openly that he loves them and they proved that he was family to them, so emotionally he's really tied down already. But what feels like HOME to Cas?
And yeah this is happening in Idaho. 9x06. The FIRST time Cas gets asks what he is, what he wants to be... Oh gosh. Finally. FINALLY. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH
*quietly takes off my Dean!girl hat and puts on the Cas!girl one*
Now this mission has a different hook for him. The angels know he's already working it but Kelvin offers him a different sales pitch because they know that Dagon is going around killing angels just as Cas does, or at least SOMETHING massively more powerful than the average angel is - his help is suddenly very necessary because they are SCARED and Cas is COMPETENT. So they can give him the resources he needs - much like the BMoL are offering to Sam and Dean. Do the dirty work for them and be rewarded with a platinum membership card
Holy fuck Joshua
I don't have the brainpower to hold together the threads of the show directly connected to Dabb
elizabethrobertajones "The Gardener's got a plan" this does make me think of Metatron though I like Joshua but... it's sort of ominous these small time angels with a big time connection to God and God is not so great himself
mittensmorgul yep
elizabethrobertajones in the 9x23 thing [rewatch; not currently posted because this is literally how far I am] I got distracted writing about Metatron answering to "God" because he's modelling himself AFTER god and later talks about how God was not such a great Creator and how Metatron saw behind the curtains like.. Metatron's plan is sneaky and awful and cruel but he was behaving like God??
mittensmorgul yeah, but Joshua was the gardner God talked to. Joshua just listened, and tended the garden Chuck thinks of as his "greatest creation
elizabethrobertajones who has some sort of cruelty in his own creation making hellhounds and leviathan
mittensmorgul yep
elizabethrobertajones Joshua seems nice and all but God related to him as a gardener just as he related to Metatron as a writer
mittensmorgul after he locked up the darkness, he was trying to create that balance on his own, but he really lacked the finesse to do it properly
elizabethrobertajones which is ominous :P
mittensmorgul yeah
elizabethrobertajones Hm and the writing is controlling the narrative on a BIG scale
mittensmorgul yep
elizabethrobertajones gardening, if you were controlling the world, would be clipping it into shape like just tidying it up taking out some weeds like say eliminating all monsters
mittensmorgul but if we're about balance and finding better ways, and Chuck's still talking to Joshua... now that he's reunited with Amara maybe things CAN be better now?
elizabethrobertajones maybe?
mittensmorgul hopefully?
elizabethrobertajones I haven't watched to the end of this scene don't know if Joshua is still talking to God :P
elizabethrobertajones yeah
mittensmorgul he put the earth in DEAN'S hands
elizabethrobertajones Dean gets to decide what happens and he doesn't approve >.>
mittensmorgul Dean's the gardener now
elizabethrobertajones :D And he tends to the garden in the traditional ways which WORK and keep a good sort of peace
mittensmorgul I think he likes the weeds
elizabethrobertajones eyah he relates to the weeds knows some dandelions can be pretty
mittensmorgul he thinks he's one of the weeds
elizabethrobertajones no need to rip them ALL up yeah >.> poor Dean
mittensmorgul heck, most of the "weeds" are food for the bees balance
elizabethrobertajones CAS SAW IT ALL back in 7x21 the whole plan it was perfect
Anyway Cas has some shit to think about while Dean gets his act together to just ask him to marry him and put an end to all this uncertainty
Awww this guy wants to be the king of the crossroads I'm rooting for him
ew the other demon wants to make hell great again. Kill the white guy. Leave the new king of the crossroads alive
I am disappointed.
Also annoyed Lucifer is free again
But blah I liked that guy :< This show sucks. Stop killing the great one off PoC
Thinking of which, I hope Gwen survives because she's brilliant and also incidentally hispanic which shouldn't be a thing at all except now I'm terrified she's going to be added to the show's stats because I just don't TRUST them
Dean in glasses! Crowley flirting with him... Dean being flattered (smiling to himself ew) but telling Crowley to shut up for appearances sake
Crowley saving Cas being the thing that finally makes Dean say thank you and feel like Crowley has gone a bit soft. (Also stop being genre savvy about saving the girl of the week, Dean :P)
Glasses give him +5 nerd points
"Maybe I've rubbed off all over you" *Dean comically shudders*
They're getting along. It's horrifying.
Berens definitely pulled Perez aside and gave him a talking to with diagrams and flowcharts about how this all happened
This is such a good scene I watched it like 3 times but the third time I went back too far and saw Lucifer kill the poor demon guy I liked again so my mood is yo-yoing around
I seriously appreciate the subtext for the whole bi!Dean project and the fact that they're exes who've now moved to this weird comfortable happy place where this all happens? The way Dean reacts? God, why did it have to be Crowley but now we're here, I am so appreciative for the sake of the bizarre way this show is running on and on and on past several points it could have ended and made Drowley less of a strange point of CONSISTENT data. But here we are. Dean is cheerfully wandering around with Crowley, deflecting flirting, smiling to himself, being nice about the whole saving Cas thing because of course this is a bizarre point in the love triangle too - I mean... So weird. God, this never should have got this far. So Crowley can make a joke about rubbing off all over Dean, and Dean just playfully shudders about it, and and... what the heck is this even any more? The show has been playing along with it for so long... I don't even know if they're DOING anything with it, except for their vague horror that they have to preserve this dynamic and are being faithful to the characters to move them through all this as realistically as they can.
Anyway in more current developments thoughts, Dean again being honest and emotionally genuine and friendly. Crowley might be lying about Lucifer but Dean, who is caught in the middle of everything but in a really good place of his own, responds really well to everything. Him being happy and sweet and OPEN is all the more crushing because you know terrible stuff may be about to happen with reveals of more deceit or manipulation, but Dean's being put in this "can do no wrong" place while he's unaware of everything, so reaching back out to Mary, not falling for Ketch's shit last week, thanking Crowley this week... Always being caught in the place of dramatic irony with lies Crowley and Sam are telling... yeah.
Sam in glaaaasses
can he even legally drive with the distortion of wearing glasses that aren't his prescription?
Gwen, don't puke in the car
Dean is so distractingly attractive
yeah that's it that's the entire scene
Gwen manages not to puke in the car, because Sam pulled over in time. I SWEAR it is the same place Dean pulled over to puke in in 11x10
She takes on all the guilt and responsibility for her boyfriend's death just for having invited him out to the woods, as their goodbye thing, when she never loved him as much as he loved her; she was going through the motions before breaking up with him and moving away.
"Why couldn't I just tell him the truth"
"I lied to make things easier!"
Ooh Mittens pointed out Gwen is a vet too - Sam and vets is a thing because AMELIA. (And a dog just hit them lol)
Poor Baby. And Dean was just worried Sam would fuck up her brakes! Dean's concerns again being based on small scale what he knows and not the big horrible truth, which is that Ramsey is gonna jump all over his car
Although not strictly Sam’s fault here
The car is almost sort of Hellhound proof? She's not breaking through the windows?
"We should leave!"
Can you drive faster than a hellhound? I'd LOVE to watch Sam try. But he decides to fight instead of driving off to try and prioritise getting Gwen away from danger
I love that the view through Sam's glasses showing us Ramsey is all fucked up and distorted because they're the wrong prescription glasses... BUT it gives us a similar "eye" back to her like the distorted view when the camera pretends to be her.... She and Sam staring each other down :D
Oh fuck if Sam kills her could he start doing the trials again? Like, working with the BMoL, casually bring it up at staff meeting and suggest that he's ready to go for round two?
Bad idea Sammy
Yeah I was getting Baby (the episode) vibes from Dean's love of the car and the fact that was the last time she got smashed up but now the green cooler is back in play I'm yelling :P She protects her boys and everyone who rides in her.
I LOVE THIS SO MUCH LOOK AT THIS *gestures the entire scene wildly*
Aw crap no the blood splattered Sammy in the right place and everything
Sam no
Don't even THINK about it
*Sam huffs his shoulders*
He did also get the blood all over him unlike how Dean was the one splattered at the beginning of the episode, so I guess all that stuff that wigged me out has a flipside - that Sam still is a great hunter who will get his hands dirty and take the burden onto himself. It was unsettling, yeah, but Sam's still Sam? Maybe? I'm not sure what this is saying tbh because it was SO clear in the opening but I don't know enough has changed right now, and ALSO in the next scene Sam is clean again like he washed off and changed before he even reconnected with Dean which just makes me think he felt guilty standing around splattered in hellhound blood because they remember what THAT led to last time... Sparing Dean's feelings or hiding what he's up to?
"And this is why you don't drive!"
AHAAHAHAHHA someone hugged Crowley
Best moment.
He's been thanked by everyone now, and got to see the gratitude of the random girl of the week... If Lucifer weren't waiting for him back home he'd almost have had a good day, if he could nurture something like that in his twisted black heart :P
"He seems nice"
"Yeah" *Sam and Dean pull faces*
Crowley like "welp that happened" when he walks in to see Lucifer gone
Lucifer wings!
Oh :P Crowley's got him on a leash or something. Nice. Lucifer underestimates how many steps ahead Crowley is even after he TOLD him it was 10, he remembered 2...
Wow he's powerful over Lucifer
Now the part where Lucifer doesn't have any chains but he's still trapped
Hah okay that was masterful
Perez owns Buckleming. He's 10 steps ahead when they think they're 2 :'D
How do you EXPLOIT their bad writing like that for your own diabolical ends? That's just
that exposition and set up for Lucifer and Crowley in 12x13 was some of the shittiest writing the show has ever produced about a major plot event and that's saying something. I felt my soul leave my body. And I was so upset Perez had that big spooky reveal at the end of 12x12 and Buckleming got handed the "here's how to explain it" brief and I don't care if they knew what was coming later, they wrote 12x13 as the shittiest episode ever, with no effort on their part. I was like, wow, this is stupid, and it FIT their style. It was part of their THING to make Crowley look like an idiot and make us question wtf he was doing and they presented it all so terribly, so boringly, so... unimaginatively...
we actually bought that was what had happened
so the actual reveal that Crowley is 100% in charge and always has been
plot twist
I'm sending Davy a fruit basket
Yay Dean talking to Cas on speakerphone
Oh no is Cas at the playground?
Oh dear, he's actually going back to Heaven... That can't end well
Dean: "Does he sound weird to you" YEAH OKAY it definitely IS dodgy. We listen when Dean doesn't think Cas sounds all right, because DEAN KNOWS. HE ALWAYS KNOWS. DEAN IS THE MOST ACCURATE COMPASS FOR TELLING HOW CAS IS AND HE ALWAYS KNOWWWS
How can Davy ruin me with Destiel in an episode where they talk twice briefly on the phone and there is barely anything about them in the structure?
Dean also has a better instinct for Cas working with Heaven the BMoL parallel/they a parallel for Heaven, than he does for Sam doing it apparently.
ANYWAY ET GOES HOME. We powered through season 8 just there I guess :P But it's not the end of season drama it's happening in episode 15.
The whole thing that this is the Question for Cas. The BIG question. The ENDGAME question... Of course we have to make him jump through a ton of loops and explore what he really wants, but if this is powering him towards an actual DECISION?
But he was doing well as hunter!Cas without their resources and he loves his human family and they love him, and unlike 8x23, since everything is being inverted, he is more emotionally aware now not to run off and leave in the same way he was planning to in 8x23
Anyway this did not go how I was expecting! I was expecting Sam to not tell Dean right away but instead we end another episode with Dean getting the SAME news in the same spot (hi table) and... taking it in about the same way over 1 conversation he did in 2 episodes. He already had to deal with Mary, and at this point it just seems like his family are going after the BMoL like lemmings.
Boy is he betrayed though.
Sam's compartmentalising things again. Because of HIM the alpha is dead. They were as helpless as the "girl of the week" if Sam hadn't been there. Sam saved all their butts from the alpha vamp while making it sound like THEY did it.
I suppose Mick made him the bullet
to his recipe
that he then magnificently got from Mick
and you know
actually shot the alpha vamp with
Also ARGH "How much you hate them" "No, WE hate them, us, together" - just, Sam. Sweetie. They tortured you. Even YOU felt upset to hear Mary was working with them and needed 3 days to box it all up enough to talk to her. 
Sam seems to be acting like Dean's just being over-protective now to hate them irrationally because they hurt Sam, while Dean can't even believe he has to make this into an issue which should be one of those unbreakable brother things they they do as a team. He's not even the literally injured party here, not in the same way.
Dean looks gorgeous while he's thinking it over. Flippin' heck. Stop.
Anyway he gives Sam the same basic talk he gave Mary, essentially, about not liking it. Admits Sam is right about working with people they don't like, and that clearly he's wrong. He TRUSTS Sam and wants to trust Mary. And she has given Ketch the burn it all down speech, where Dean now says they get out as soon as it stinks.
I don't like that Dean thinks working with Crowley is comparable. Crowley is someone Dean has learned to trust in his own very specific way after being burned MANY times by him but also having a sort of attachment they've grown through all the years of being nemeses. They're used to each other and can generally rely on each other for exactly the things they rely on. Saying, well we just worked with Crowley, let's give these guys a shot because we don't like either of them, does not BEGIN to cover the range of issues with the BMoL... Even the ones they KNOW about
"The second something seems off, we bail" Okay I haven't seen a promo for 12x16 but I know the synopsis so I don't think it'll last long :P
Dean's FACE in that last moment though
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