#i need a weekend so so so badly
aurazoo · 2 months
my workweek is over! I'm leaving work now, getting a bus home and gonna meet my gf at the transit center on the way :3
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ganondoodle · 12 days
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(new totk rewritten WIP)
yoinks your ability-
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munchboxart · 1 month
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burning-academia-if · 21 days
Also decided on May 31st for Chapter 2's release! June 7th if I find during playtesting I broke something beyond repair and need to fix it lmaO
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tisorridalamor · 2 months
I have been making this breakfast sandwich once a weekend for like... 5 weeks now? It's REALLY good! Read below for my BDG breakfast sandwich tips ✨
First things first, all of the ingredients for this freeze and thaw really well so if you're worried about buying like a bunch of sausage and not getting enough use out of it just cut patties and throw it in the freezer :) I've been keeping the buns, sausage, and bacon in the freezer and then thawing what I need the night before I plan to make it (the frozen hash browns just go straight in the pan, the bacon could too but I'd recommend thawing the sausage). The official ingredients list is:
Frozen hash browns
⚠️ INGREDIENTS ALERT ⚠️: There's quite a bit here and you can use less sausage and hash browns especially than you think you might need. This sandwich is quite heavy for me so I think less can be more for this one. Of course this varies person to person so measure with your heart 🫶
I don't have a nice long flat pan like BDG has in his vid, but I managed just fine with a standard nonstick skillet and had my smaller skillet on another burner be the "warming zone". I can confirm that after a few times this sandwich only takes about 30 min to put together (even for two people) + clean up. Just start with the bacon and sausage to get the juices flowing, then throw down the hash browns and finish off with the egg and toasting the bread.
HASH BROWN TIPS: Easily the hardest part of this is getting the hash browns correct so here is some advice:
Get em in the pan early and let them sit. They will take the longest out of all the items if you want to get em real crispy since you're probably taking them straight from the freezer
DON'T MESS WITH THEM. LET THEM SIT. Even with this advice though I had a hard time getting them to stick together in a patty (maybe it's the brand I'm using? 🤔) so...
If you're having trouble getting them to stay together, use a bit of egg or melt cheese on top to force them to stick :)
If they do end up falling apart, you can still use them on the sandwich: put the ketchup on the bottom bun as glue and sprinkle your hash browns on top and they won't fall off the sandwich, then top with the other ingredients.
My personal modifications: The best part of cooking is doing whatever you want so here's my personal shake ups:
Pepper jack cheese cause it's the best cheese
I don't scramble my eggs cause I love a runny yolk - the technique to still getting a "patty" out of the egg is to have the pan real hot then crack it at the edge of the pan and carefully flip it over itself so you cook the whites around the yolk, tilting the pan and using the wall to help maneuver the egg. Yes this results in a far messier sandwich. No I don't care.
PEPPER!!! Crank that shit babyyyy (for context I have a pepper grinder)
Genuinely don't remember if BDG does this in his vid but I like to toast both sides of the bun and kinda squish it down a bit. Due to the egg this has the potential to be a tall sandwich so this helps reduce the height
Overall an excellent breakfast sandwich to me as someone who is a breakfast sandwich connoisseur. I was skeptical about the hash browns and ketchup but they really do add some good flavor to the sandwich. I recommend making it once or twice matching BDG's recipe before getting silly with it (I think it's important to start from the beginning if you can to learn what YOU think works and what doesn't before making a bunch of changes. I would not have used ketchup if the recipe didn't call for it but it's a great addition and I always use it now). I think he also has some great tips - the one about letting the sausage patty cook a bunch on one side, then flipping and using the crispy to flatten it out is so genius. I ❤️ lazy cooking
FUTURE RESEARCH: I have some ideas for what to do next with my sandwiches personally. I'm looking forward to trying these and you should like this post if you want to hear about my future endeavors:
Using cheap croissants as the bread. I love cheap crappy croissants, they're SO GOOD on breakfast sandwiches so I need to try them here
Removing the bacon or sausage. Like I mentioned, I think this is a pretty heavy sandwich and I don't think both are needed (though they are REALLY good). I might get just as much enjoyment without both personally
Adding avocado. I love avocado + bacon + egg sandwiches so this would be perfect for me personally with the has browns
I should possibly try thawing some hash browns to see if they stick together better when thawed first...
(unrelated to the sandwich) I now have a massive bag of hash browns in my freezer cause these don't come in small amounts. I've personally never been a big hash brown person... but making them real thin and crispy for this sandwich has opened a new door for me. I will be cooking them more to see what else I can do with em
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aretarers · 22 days
they call me 007. 0 hours slept 0 tasks accomplished 7 tumblr posts bitching about various things typed up and then deleted
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memento-morri-writes · 4 months
Was talking to a friend, and we realized that most books with pirates in them are not sufficiently pirate-y enough to satisfy us. I'm not sure what would be pirate-y enough, but most pirate books aren't it. Like, I'm always apprehensive to read books about pirates because even though I'm fucking obsessed with pirates, they always seem to let me down.
Hmm, maybe this explains why I want to write a book about pirates, lmao.
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tvrningout · 2 months
you ever space out only to realize it’s hours later and you’ve done nothing you wanted to and you gotta go to bed and try again in the morning bc that sure is me rn 🥲
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violeteyedkiller · 9 months
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byanyan · 3 months
crazy how much better talking to someone can make u feel
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loptrcoptr · 4 months
If you're riding your horse really fast what song plays in your head?
I kept trying to take a video to post with this, but my horse was in Fire Breathing Dragon mode last week and could not be trusted to do anything but trot (while she attempted to figure out how to fly and to see how fast she could spin in a circle), and the week before my stupid faux pro wouldn’t work…
But the answer is: a lot of the stuff you would imagine haha. Usually it’s something like Battle of the Pelennor Fields- return of the king; homeland- spirit stallion of the cimarron; coming back around- how to train your dragon; we’ll be back- Silverado. These songs live rent free in my head at all times.
Lately though I’ve been experimenting with hype songs for her. Like, she sometimes enjoys listening to podcasts. She has certain music that she seems to hate for no apparent reason (she doesn’t like lord of the rings 😭). I thought it might be the strings being too high pitched for her, but I had the blue eye samurai soundtrack on a little while back and she was fine with it, really high pitched woodwinds and all. The last time we cantered (not even a deadass gallop) the album as on a shuffle and “for whom the bell tolls” came up and she was straight up vibing 😂 so I’ll have to see if maybe the key to happy speed for her is just… metal
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roses-and-elixir · 1 year
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seulgikisser · 5 months
i could feel bad abt my prof having covid or i could go yippie !! bc i can stay in bed two hours longer since she does the class via zoom now 🫂
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it's paste where he shouldn't be o'clock. sir you had to parkour to the top of the fridge and then across all my cabinets to get there. why.
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skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
*why are the sprint and sprint shootout so far apart 😭 wdym 9 am quali and then 1:30 pm race????? How do you expect me to live a normal day?????
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garlique · 6 months
god oh my god this sucks so fucking much, i knew today would be the worst day so far but holy fucking shit i truly just wish i was fucking dead!!
#i have a job interview tomorrow and there was ONE THING that i needed to do this weekend to prepare for it#and we were both going through withdrawals so badly that i DIDNT FUCKING DO IT#im literally just so angry at myself and at everything else in the world and i've been so fucking mean to the cats today and i hate myself#about it#i dont even WANT to go to the fucking interview tomorrow i just want to kill myself and cry and die and fucking give up on it all#this sucks so fucking badly oh my fucking god and i would bet you all like 500 fucking dollars#that ethan relapses on it today while he's at work and comes home fucking STINKING and making it worse for me#YET AGAIN#oh my god im so fucking angry im so fucking angry i just wanna scream and punch and throw and smash#AND I JUST HAVE TO KEEP IT ALL LOCKED UP INSIDE ME THERE IS NO OTHER OPTION NO FUCING OPTIONS NO CHOICES NOTHING#there will never be anything for me in this life and i dont know why i've been pretending otherwise#GOD it hasnt even been 72 hours yet can i please just be done#can i please find the first man who smoked tobacco and mass marketed it#AND FUCKING STRANGLE HIM TO DEATH????????????#im gonna kill and cry and die and hate my life my self my everything#ive just been crying so many fucking angry tears#like i'll be so angry and when it does come out it comes as tears and i personally???? hate that shit so much#makes me feel so fucking weak#fuck everybody fuck god fuck nice people fuck mean people fuck the normalizing of horrible drugs fuck addiction and fuck myself#just gotta keep telling myself i dont need it
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