#i missed drawing code people so much lmfao
yellowocaballero · 1 year
Are there any fic ideas that you'd want to see but don't want to write?
Oh boy! Of course!
To be honest, the Green Lantern story is one of the big ones lmfao. It would be a massive undertaking for an audience of maybe five people. A niche audience normally doesn't stop me, but for such a long story, there's other uses of my time. There is also the fact that it just feels made for television. Same with my Legion of Superheroes Zoobomafoo thing - it just doesn't feel right in a text format. It's webcomic coded. I wish I could draw sometimes!
Then there's the story ideas for my AUs and other fandoms I've moved on from. There's still a few ideas for the No Chip AU in my back pocket (Cody redemption feat. Boba Fett following him around Tatooine yelling at him; Fox as the vigilante sidekick to his insane PA) and my normal Roleswap (Luke & Leia embark on a Great Father Mystery Hunt and bother Fox in the woods). There's also the continuation stories/sequels I've started but haven't finished and don't know if they will get finished (Roleswap Obi-Wan meets his birth family; my Buffy fic Angel and Cordelia through the years). There's other unfinished stories there (the Frenchie story which is literally only missing the final scene, the Heroes For Hire meeting story which is literally only missing the final scene) which I'm pretty sure I'll finish when I feel like it. I don't consider those WIPs so much as 'when I care again I'll go finish them'.
Then there's the stories that I just couldn't make into a decent story (the Naruto fix-it; the roleswap(ish?) story with adult bounty hunters Boba and Omega teaching runaway clones Luke and Leia the power of family and incredible violence). Not every idea is good outside of concept lol.
TL;DR: If I have a fic idea but haven't written it, it's because of one or more reasons: a) the idea itself is too big, b) the idea just doesn't seem right for fic, c) I've moved on from the fandom and don't want to work on it at this moment anymore, d) it just wouldn't make a good story.
If you notice, these are all active choices on my part. I only mention this because a lot of my friends can't relate, so I don't know how common it is even though I assumed it was common, and it's kind of hard to describe: there's no barrier between me having an idea and writing it. Does that make sense? If I have an idea and it'll make a good story and I want to write it I'll write it, at least until I realize that it wouldn't make a good story and I scrap it. If I think about something for too long I write it [this is why I am easily egged on][this is also why I write things I swore never to write very frequently].
Writing is like. It's easy. You just write stuff. You just think something and then you write it. It's uncomplicated.
If it's bad. Writing is easy if what you're writing is bad. It's easy to write 100k if the 100k is bad. There's a ton of shortcuts you can take, which are really useful for beginning writers and was really useful for me a few years ago. I can describe those if you'd like. It's much, much, much harder to write something good. It's hardest when you need something to be good. Writing a good 100k is really hard. I am constantly telling people not to jump into the novels kjlsdf.
Double TL;DR that has nothing to do with the topic: You can write whatever you want if you're okay with it being bad. Making bad art rocks and is a lot of fun and completely necessary towards my emotional well-being. I highly recommend it.
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condomatsu · 6 months
this isn’t to attack you or anything but i think that hussie has been pretty explicit with kanaya being a lesbian in numerous bouts of commentary. the formspring response definitely could’ve been worded better, but hussie’s response to the question “is kanaya a lesbian” being “i thought that was obvious” followed by an overt over justification on how to conceptualize a troll being gay in a society with zero concept of monosexuality is far from what i’d consider a “horrific statement” that people are just “following blindly” lmfao. id honestly recommend rereading the formspring response and also. idk. talking to lesbians who’ve been latching onto kanaya for well over decade. i digress on people needing to lighten up with rose somewhat, but you should understand that lesbian readings for rose have tons of precedent and are FAR from invalid. hussie themselves called rose a lesbian in the book commentary for “[S] Seer: Descend” which i don’t necessarily think speaks for intent but like. it isn’t like the writing isn’t there. even in canon itself, act 6 especially (which whether people like it or not, is still half of the comic)
i think in general it just reads really weird to imply that people reading two very lesbian coded characters as lesbians is the problem with the current fandom reception for rose and kanaya as opposed to fandoms just being very male orientated and people generally being incapable of investing themselves in the inner lives of female characters. like shipping them with men would suddenly whoosh this problem away lmfao. i honestly think you’re getting mad at the wrong people, fandom is always ship-centric, you as a proshipper should be especially aware of this. and at least with rose i think this is very much a non-issue, in regards to people making plenty of content for her that isn’t just rosemary. idk, i probably didn’t word this as well as i could, but i think in general you should think more about how you talk about lesbians in fandom and lesbian readings, because it verges close to uncomfortably lesbophobic when you try to talk about it like it’s some plague ruining female characters
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I think you misinterpreted my ramblings? Or didn't read it all, or I just explained myself very badly.
If Hussie stated they're lesbians and not other sexualities, my apologies, I must have missed it. But that wasn't even the point, so I guess I'll clarify it now.
1. I didn't said that Kanaya being lesbian is 'horrorific', the WORDS Hussie used to describe her sexuality are. I can't believe I have to say this, but homosexuality is NOT a fetish for your same gender, and Hussie used those words to describe Kanaya's homosexuality.
2. I NEVER said that character being lesbian/LGBT+ in general are the problem, nor headcanoning them as such is. WHAT I SAID is that reducing a character to one single characteristic is bad, rosemary was a pretest to talk about this because - as I hope you've read after that - I talk about other female characters and the problem of seeing them as black and white and nothing else.
3. I don't want to accuse you, really, but you give me the serious impression you've read the first paragraphs and not the rest. Like, I've talked about Vrirezi (more or less in the same way I did with rosemary), Nepeta and Feferi too, yet you're focusing only on one part I've clearly used as an incipit and fandom complain. But maybe I'm in the bad mood idk, you can skip this point, I'm sorry for accusing you.
4. I NEVER said that 'pairing Rose/Kanaya with boys will fix them' or whatever bullshit you're saying. I really don't know where it comes from honestly. What I said is that everyone is entitled of their headcanon and that people should chill out if somebody shipped Rose or Kanaya with boys, BUT I've also said that you're entitled to feel uncomfortable about it and not wanting those shippers to interact with you. AND I specified that them being always paired together, posting/reblogging/drawing/etc about them only as a couple and not individual characters is NOT the problem - as I do it myself with a mlm ship I love, it would be hypocrite of me to say something like that.
5. I didn't specify it (my bad), but this is something that affects mlm ships/male characters too. I didn't write it because I don't think it's a problem, why? Because male characters are more viewed as their own person and with more complexity than female characters, both in fandom spaces and, unfortunately, in medias too.
6. Finally, THE problem I was trying to get across is the "black and white" mentality that kills characterization, reducing a character only to one specific thing about them - such as making rosemary "the lesbians" and nothing else, or Feferi "the good progressist troll" or the "bitch who used Eridan", etc (I made other examples but whatever). This IS BAD FOR MALE CHARACTERS TOO, but in a place where female characters struggle to be more than a little point in media, with less characterization then a vacuum cleaner, and are hated on in fandom places simply because they exist and being sexualized/objectified and nothing else, I think we should treat those few female characters that are well written with the same respect we do with male characters. This means seeing them as a whole and not limiting ourself to one part of them.
7. I also said you can not do that! Do whatever the fuck you want lol. BUT don't genuinely reduce them to their (romantic) relationship with others, wether they're girls or boys.
Hope that cleared up! I'm at school rn so I can't do much to respond :") but I'm obviously not homophobic nor against headcanons/canons of whatever type, I'm not stupid :/
EDIT: I'm at home now :D I can say other stuff I wanted before but didn't have time:
8. "Fandom always was about shipping" uuh nope? Fandom is about EVERYTHING fan interact with, create, etc. It's about memes, it's about fanarts, it's about analysis, it's about cosplays, AND shipping (etc). Shipping is a big portion, sure, but let's not pretend it is the whole thing, alright? But if you engage and want to engage only with that part, that's great! I do that too for the most part. Just recognize that's not the only thing present in fandoms and there are many many people who are not interested in it.
9. I can see why people might consider pre-act6 rosemary interaction as romantic, but that's not necessarily that. Many (in the past) never even considered the two to be "potential partners" and there's a reason. And yeah, I wanted to see their interactions more and see their bond deeping before going straight to the WOOP, MARRIED! But that's a canon complain, not really a fandom complain.
10. Yes, there are people incapable to invest themselves in female characters' stories etc, but I feel that's one of the consequences of the huge lack of well written female characters in media and such (but I'm not an expert and I didn't dig in it too much, feel free to correct me if you know more).
11. I'm sorry but "this is not an attack" but then you said I stated lesbophobic opinions, so are you mad?? Sorry??
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ruvviks · 2 years
and then 😭🎭👑💧 for ronan because i miss him
NOW THIS IS THE GOOD SHIT!!!!! thank you for asking about him i NEED to bring this man back i miss him too. god. need to draw something for him and john again soon AUGHH
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😭 CRYING - what makes them cry? do they cry easily?
ronan rarely cried before the events of the game and then. well. [gestures vaguely] you know LMFAO especially his trip to the mountains didn't go all too well for him :// it wrecked him emotionally to the point he was just teary eyed on the daily for a while, and the consequences of it all are still something he has to deal with nowadays
any kind of affection can make ronan very emotional nowadays, especially from people he had not expected it from (basically almost everyone to be honest). he tries to limit his crying a little bit because it makes him exhausted for the rest of the day and he hates it, so it's almost like. he just. schedules his crying sessions for the evening LMFAO so he can just pass out when he's done <3 while staying in the bunker he cries basically every week and it kinda depends on how much shit his brain is putting him through how Often during the week
🎭 MASKS - do they act differently around certain people? what's different between the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc.?
ronan tends to be pretty reserved around new people, taking a while to warm up to them cause he usually expects the worst for the sake of his own safety and mental health. he really wishes he could trust people more easily but has been taken advantage of like that in the past so he doesn't let people in that quickly anymore
when he's around his friends he is a lot more relaxed and drops his reserved demeanor and also his filter <3 says the most weird and random shit that comes to mind at any given moment of the day and his best friends know this about him and actively encourage him to keep doing it because it's funny as hell, other more recent friends might be a bit ??? about it at first. when ronan warmed up to john and began saying random shit, john initially thought ronan was speaking to him in some sort of code language LMFAO
nowadays, ronan tries to act like people expect him to act a little bit. he knows not everyone is very happy about him sparing the seed siblings and giving them a second chance so he kinda tries to appease to people a little bit as like a way to make up for it all ://
👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
ronan wants to be remembered as someone who never gave up. he doesn't care if people mean it in a positive or a negative way, but he doesn't want people to remember him as someone who did nothing; he gave everything to try and help the people of hope county and even after the bombs fall he tries to improve people's lives, and he gets a lot of shit thrown his way and could've easily just stopped helping out at any given point in time but he actively chose not to do that
💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon
ronan is terrifying of growing old :( despite really wanting to live, he also just. hates the idea of becoming old and losing physical abilities and needing other people to help take care of him and stuff, he doesn't know if he will have anyone when he's old and also hates to think about the fact his friends will eventually die and could even die before him. especially during the events of new dawn he sometimes wonders if he's just better off alone, and occasionally considers walking away from prosperity. he doesn't do it at the end of the day, because he has too many responsibilities there and loves his friends too much, but the future is terrifying to him and he prefers to not think about it at all <3
oc asks!
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madraleen · 8 hours
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Bungo Stray Dogs - Kafka Asagiri/Sango Harukawa Vol. 18-19: Basically just praise for Harukawa-sensei in commentary format. (*anime spoilers and manga spoilers up to ch.114.5)
-dazai, sigma, fyodor, why so pretty, guys?
-wait no, dazai can't have it right. sigma can't have learned of the Page from taneda since sigma WAS created with the page.
-fyodor looks so dreamy tho. if villain, why so pretty, man?
-fellas, is it gay to instantly create a code only you and your situationship can converse in, asking for dazai and fyod- errrr, asking for a friend. i kid, i kid, i don't ship them.
-fyodor. my man. calm down with the pretty, you're distracting me
-always happy to see dazai unprepared for what he learns
-wait, "a piece of writing in the book" created sigma? so fukuchi or someone has access to the actual book, regardless of this one page? you speak in riddles, asagiri-sensei
-"can he even be called human?" dazai said, and immediately felt a connection to poor sigma
-i do like lucy
-gosh, it's all drawn so beautifully
-ooh nathaniel is still inside anne's room? oh cool, we'll see mitchell soon then. "soon." in the next... few... years...
-ango needs a long long vacation
-princess fyodor is so goddamn pretty. "i just sat here and prayed and those prayers were answered" - if this is a hint on how he communicates with the outside
-ah man. no one draws them like harukawa-sensei
-the way teruko slaps her knee when she laughs omg, what a cute detail. DAZAI DOES IT TOO, SO CUTE
-gosh i love tachihara. i say that about everyone, but have you met this cast
-every single character design is a gem, i can't
-lmfao imaginary dazai is wearing his usual clothes in atsushi's vision and i was like "OMG YES HE DOESN'T LIVE IN THE WHITE FIT, I FORGORRR"
-the panel where gogol tells sigma they're going to kill dostoy and he holds his hat over sigma's head, chef's kiss, perfection, a masterpiece
-"why do people write? because inside that story you can see those you want to any time."
-ahaha the irony of ango disliking betrayal
-i love so much this line of thinking, that ranpo's saying 'no, i'm not asking you to believe we're pure and righteous, i'm asking you - wouldn't it be stupid if a master detective got caught like that?"
-ah man, yes, i've missed ranpo's lil face
-ranpo, i'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and say that you only need "kenji and tanizaki" to be an agency again because technically dazai is with you since you're in contact with him. i will overlook the fact that he's not in any of all y'all's thoughts and i will not insult you by calling you a child of your own preposterous father figure and the lack of dazai in his thoughts. i will do that for you. this once. (i mean, technically they don't mention fukuzawa either, nor is he present in anne's room)
-the fukuchi panels hit differently with 20/20 hindsight.
-"fukuzawa's golden child" yes, fukuchi, that's our ranpo-san
-watching ranpo deduct who kamui is in real time with 20/20 hindsight is like watching a train wreck in slow motion.
-i was about to scream at atsushi so hard for not including dazai in his agency image, but it's fine it's fine, dazai gets his own panel as he deserves. good boy atsushi. i always knew i loved you for a reason. wait. is that a good thing or a bad thing foreshadowing-wise? ...no no, i'll go with "good boy, atsushi, you know dazai deserves a panel of his own 'cause he's that special in general, and that special specifically for you."
-WILL atsushi's head grow back if you cut it off? uh... i don't want to find out, it's... let's not.
-atsushi: "i'm scared that i am alone." aku-kun: "you called?"
-AKU-KUN, MY LOVE! look at him, no one draws 'em like harukawa-sensei.
-LMFAO, "why do i look so flashy!?" SIGMA ARE YOU SERIOUS
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viciathief · 2 years
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hi i care them SO much
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taehyungsgrowl · 5 years
hey idk how the scenario would work out but i wanna tease hawthorne michael in a school girl outfit 🥵 he’d be SO cuteeeee
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Okay so I wasn’t sure if you meant reader in a school girl outfit or Michael. So, I’m going for reader but if you wanted Michael in a skirt HMU lmfao. Also, here’s my fic for Duncan feat. school girl outfit as a shameless plug. 
Warnings: mentions of religion, slight choking, mention of spanking, mind reading (?), dirty talk, finger sucking, hair pulling, fingering, sex, cum play, and Michael spits in readers mouth (not in that order)
I’d like to build this scenario into the Catholic School AU Verse we’ve talked about before. I’m a religion kink hoe and not very sorry about it. Fuckboy Michael in Catholic School:
Day after day Michael saw little miss Y/N on her knees, hands pressed together in prayer - the perfect imagine of innocence. He almost scoffed at how untrue that was. If only the priest that delicately placed the communion bread on her sinful tongue knew what it was doing the night before. 
Michael sat alone in the library attempting to study what he could. He fucking hated the hypocrisy of being at a catholic school of all places. But what could he do. 
Someone stood at his side, casting a shadow over his blank piece of paper. She shimmied her legs, antsy for Michael to look up at her. Antsy for his attention. His blue eyes looked to his side and came face to face with a pair of legs in a mini skirt that brushed against her thighs. 
So maybe he didn’t hate everything about catholic school. Of all the little angels that pranced around out of dress code, Y/N was his favorite. She always made it a point to show him how devout she was. 
Wandering his gaze up her legs, he was met with her knowing smile. “Hi, Michael.” she cocked her head to the side to get a look at his blank paper. 
Michael almost rolled his eyes at her little game. They’d been dancing this dance for too long. He reached out for her hand, holding her in place by her wrist. “Hi, Y/N,” he tried to mimic the same feigned innocence in her tone. 
“Need some help?” she maintained her focus, despite his hypnotizing stare, “It’s pretty hard.” she played coy.
“Oh, it will be.” he chuckled, squeezing his hand around her wrist. Her free hand grazed over her chest, toying with the buttons of her crisp white shirt. 
“We can alway go back to your dorm for some one on one..” making sure no one saw, she undid the top button of her blouse, exposing a bit of lace from her bra. 
“Come on,” he nodded his head towards the door, gathering his stuff. He followed behind her, his focus on the way she swayed her hips from side to side with each step she took. 
Y/N looked around his room. It was neater than she expected; most boys around here had a clutter of clothes thrown all over the ground or left overs piling up on their desks. However, there was nothing out of place in Michaels. His desk was cleared off, bed neatly made, drawers closed shut. The only indication of anyone staying in the room was the faint smell of weed and the burned white pillar candles that he burned by his window. 
She watched as Michael locked the door behind him. He was perfect. She remembers gossiping about him with her friends when he first transferred from Hawthorne. All the hushed whispers about him looking like someone out of a  renaissance painting like the ones that hung in the school were only a few of what the girls (and boys) thought about him. 
Michael could be a lot of things, but he wasn’t stupid. He didn’t need magic to tell him how people felt about him. Especially Y/N. Her thoughts were the loudest among all the other sinners. 
“Something tells me that little skirt of yours is gonna get you in a lot of trouble.” he flashed his teeth in a knowing smile, kicking his chair back and taking a seat. He looked her up and down with no intention to mask where his thoughts were. 
“Sister Kathy already punished me for it.” she pouted as she advanced towards him. Without warning, she swung one of her legs on to his lap, carelessly straddling him. 
Oh. Needier than Michael originally thought. 
“She said I’m drawing all kinds of bad attention.” She hooked her arms around his neck. “Almost thought she was gonna spank me with a ruler.” she giggled, her fingers finding the nape of his neck. 
“I don’t think you would have hated that entirely,” he raised his eyebrows. Michael’s voice was slow and dragged out - almost sounding unamused by her antics. Despite the cool exterior he had, he was envisioning little miss Y/N bent over his desk with her bottom a bright shade of red. He preferred using his own hand to spank rather than a ruler, but the nuns were set in their ways, he thought. He loved being able to grip her ass each time his hand came smacking down. Being the direct correlation of her whimpered noises made the blood rush to his cock.
“Not if you were the one spanking me,” she almost read his mind. “I think about it a lot you know.” she shrugged as her fingers found the buttons of her shirt, slowly and lazily undoing them. There was no hiding how erect her nipples became through the sheer excuse for a bra she wore. It left little to the imagination for Michael to ogle at her pebbled nipples through the fabric. 
“I appreciate the confession, angel.” he held on to her waist, “But I already know. I know all your dirty little secrets. Every single thought you’ve had about me - I know it.” 
She looked away from his piercing stare - just when she thought she had the upper hand in this little charade they were playing. Michael lifted her chin, making her look him in the eyes, “Aw, no need to get shy about it now.” he chuckled. “What? Was it last week during mass that you wondered what it’d feel like to have my hands around your neck?” the same hand he used to so gently lift her chin up, was now wrapped around her delicate neck. Her pulse was beating rapidly against his finger. 
“Do you like it?” the tip of his nose bumping hers, his warm breath fanned on to her face. Y/N rocked her hips into his. That was enough of an answer for Michael. 
“Naughty little thing. Of course you do.” Michael helped Y/N shrug her shirt off her shoulders, letting it drop to the ground. “But I didn’t need to sense your thoughts to know that.” he shrugged, “Not with the way you walk around me - always making sure I’m watching.” 
Michael picked up her wrist and brought her hand up to his lips, “Just know I always am.” he kissed her knuckles. 
He stood up with Y/N still wrapped around his waist and walked her over to his wooden desk, sitting her on top. As he towered over her, he bent down to cup her face, catching her lips in a feverish kiss. Y/N wasted no further time and allowed her hands to reach for his bulge as he kissed her. She felt him twitch through his pants. Feeling just how big he felt as she palmed him made her question whether she’d be able to take him. 
Michael chuckled into the kiss, “Don’t worry, angel. I’ll try to be gentle.” he winked as he bit down harshly on her lower lip - an indication of just how gentle he planned on being with her. 
The plaid piece of cloth that had day after day taunted him in the hallways now at the tip of his fingers. Letting his hand wander up her thighs, he could feel her heat radiating off of her. He hooked the thin string of her panties on his fingers and dragged them down her legs. Y/N felt a shiver run down her spine as the cool air hit her wet cunt. 
Michael held up her dainty pink panties up like a prize before slipping in them in his back pocket. Sensing the protest Y/N was about to make, he shut her up with a kiss. A kiss so slow and sensual it made her dizzy. His tongue ran over hers, exploring every inch of her mouth. 
Dazed and lost in his kiss, Y/N didn’t expect the sudden probing of her pussy. Two long digit ran up and down her slit, playing with her arousal and made her nice and slick. She gasped into his mouth allowing further access to her. 
“Gonna get you nice and ready for my cock,” his voice was low, just loud enough for her to hear. His fingers plunged into her pussy, feeling her spongy walls contract around them. He curled them up making her convulse and reach out to grab him. 
“Easy..” he cooed, bringing his fingers up to his mouth, getting a taste of her. “Sweeter than honey.” he winked. 
She caressed her own thighs, lifting up her skirt a bit for him. “Michael, I want you to fuck me.” 
He laughed, taking his cock out of his pants. He was unlike anything she’d seen before. It was long and carved with intricate veins. His cock pulsed in his palm as he began to align himself at her entrance. 
Michael eased his way inside. Measuring just how quickly he entered her by her breathing. It helped that she was so wet. Each time her breath hitched in her throat, he slowed it down. “Just fuck me.” she eventually cried out. The feeling of wanting to be full of him needed to be satiated. She’d been patient for too long. “I can handle it.” 
He groaned in response - even more turned on over how much Y/N needed to be fucked by him. For once, he did as he was told and rammed his cock inside her. 
“Oh, fuck.” she cried out, her nails digging into his shoulder blades. 
When he laughed at her reaction, his whole body shook inside her. She could feel each and every vibration to her core. Michael was balls deep inside her tight little cunt. He was breathing heavily as her warm walls hugged his cock. 
Living in the sensation of being filled up, her hungry lips searched his. Michael pulled away, only to grab her by the base of her hair, tilting her head back. She whimpered at the tug of her hair. “Open your mouth for me,” he panted. 
Y/N didn’t miss a beat. Her mouth dangled open, pink tongue on display for him. She watched with teary eyes as he collected his spit in his mouth. Her pleading eyes and silent whines made his cock jerk. Without releasing his grip on her hair, he spit directly into her mouth. She didn’t close her mouth - giving him a clear view of his saliva traveling down her mouth and into her throat. 
“Fuck,” he dragged out the word. 
He began to thrust his hips into her. Bucking repeatedly in a steady pattern. With every thrust her breasts bounced in synchronization.
Y/N reached around him, tangling her fingers in his hair and pulling him in as close as she could. “Harder. Fuck me harder.” she begged. 
Grabbing her hips, he slammed into her harder. Fast, forceful thrusts pierced into her. She pressed her forehead on his shoulder as he fucked her mercilessly. 
“Oh God.” she moaned.
“That’s right, angel. Fuck.” he cursed under his breath, “Cum for me. Cum all over my cock.” She swiveled her hips as best she could with his iron grip right before her stomach tightened. Her vision blurred and she swore she saw stars. Michael didn’t dare let go of her as he continued to fuck her until he was about to finish. 
As her orgasm washed over her, Michael pushed her back down on the desk, laying her flat. Her legs continued to shake in the aftermath of her cumming. He pulled out his cock, pumping it in his hand a few times until he spilled all over her body.
Her tummy and breasts were covered in his hot milky cum. Y/N’s eyes fluttered shut, trying to slowly regain herself. Michael used his thumb to paint a cross in between the valley of her breasts with his own cum. 
He pressed his now filthy thumb to her lips to which she instinctively responded by sucking it clean. Michael chuckled quietly at how dazed Y/N was. 
“C’mon, Y/N.” he spoke quietly, tucking himself back into his pants. He hooked his arms under her and lightly placed her on his bed for her to rest. 
Worn out Y/N smiled lazily at Michael as he cleaned her up with a warm towel. The hot fabric felt nice against her now sensitive areas between her thighs. “What is it?” Michael asked as he wiped her body down. 
“What happened to you knowing ‘each and every thought’ I have,” she lowered her voice to mimic his. 
He rolled his eyes at her tossing aside the rag and climbing over her. “Just wanted you to take a break before the next round.” he nuzzled his face into her neck, “Your thoughts are telling my just how much of a needy little thing you are..” he mused, his hand already snaking in between her thighs. 
Sorry if I messed up your request, anon! 
Tagging: @psychowriter2702 @lovelylangdonx @fckinsupreme @royalblueviper @avesatanormalpeoplescareme @sweetfayetanner @langdonsdemon @holl0807 @bloodsuckinvampire @alyssssagrace @langdondelrey @beautiful--kkryptonite @divinelangdon @langdonswhoreprobably @rocketgirl2410 @gurkmaster3 @ilovevangogh-blog @1-800-bitchcraft @lvngdvns @getdevils @satcnas @no-need-for-rules @venusxxlangdon @hecohansen31 @desertsunflower00 
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April 26th: Talk about special interests. Do you have special interests? If not do you wish you did? What do your special interests mean to you? What are your current special interests? What are your past special interests? idk like i know i sure have & have had Interests, some more of interest than others, and it's also like, oh yeah i guess the ways i held that interest / explored it pretty intently / extensively / at length didn't always seem to be the way other people always felt about things even if we shared the interest, but yknow, at the same time it doesn't necessarily seem as extensive or major as some of the aspects of defining a Special Interest(tm) can be, i haven't been too pressed about it, but of course it's like, i have my Things lol, i.e. yeah this thing is kind of My Thing....and then i can look back on Things like. well idk when i was really little and you're just gonna like Cool Stuff, i did have the thing of like, i like dinosaurs and did sorta casually collect dinosaur stuff, easy enough b/c they make that stuff for kids, memorized a bunch of dinosaur Names so that just being asked to recite a bunch was something i was known to be able to do, a big fan of a couple semi educational computer games we had, shoutout to 3d dinosaur adventure and this magic school bus dinosaur (and ocean) game, had pajamas ft dinosaurs, rip to when i had a sick metal lunchbox with dinosaurs on it and it just broke on like week 1 of first grade or whatever and i just had to go back to default lunchboxes. well and then but anyways but from then on it was like, well, i guess it's media time......read a shit ton all the time, was into some tv series / movies, played some pc / video games, there was stuff i'd be glad to revisit over and over, and yknow, as this went on it'd be like, well now when there's A Relatable Enough Character in something i also like just in general, that's a powerful combo, though sometimes it's like, yeah i like this thing enough even in the absence of any particular [and i extra go hard about this character] element, that's not Not at play as it's like "well and i guess i will think about this quant every day for years now lmfao," and i can sure always talk about stuff At Length too, which sure is not something other people are generally interested in, but if/when they are, it's like okay great, this is a great connection point then, b/c otherwise it's like, i generally don't know what to say about myself, didn't get much practice, did pick up a sense of like, well stuff is Wrong about myself and my life so i shouldn't share it and also i'm not picking up friends so it was generally accurate that no one was exactly interested lmao. small talk is really more of a barrier / test you can just potentially fail, yet anything more personal is Oversharing, but hey i would earnestly love to talk at length about This Thing, so great when other people are into that at all lol and then if we vibe it's like, obviously that's the sort of functional "small talk" route here lol to being able to be more familiar w/each other and talk more generally, even if yknow, wuh oh, i'm kind of cagey outside those Interests i will talk about in ways that's probably "too much" by most ppl's standards, worst of both worlds when it comes to forming relationships but oh well, it is what it is and i sure don't consider it a bad thing i have plenty to say about things i Want to talk about, and it sure doesn't impede on anyone else if i'm Not Talking about other shit.
also then it's like, "idk what it is when you just determinedly Pursue something that's maybe still not the hugest deal, but i don't really feel very pressed re: figuring it out" like, does it count like how i mentioned today i'd read bird guides for fun as a kid, and watch this bird documentary and be like "hey. check out this scene in this bird documentary with this bird mimicry" to friends i now realize were probably mostly bemused by this, and really liked birds just generally (still true), and thus have like, maybe more Bird Knowledge than the average random person but also am hardly some self taught ornithological expert. or how i'm big into linguistics and etymology and, in theory, language learning, always really latching on to the little i was taught in school, also perusing some Language Guides available, and like, not really self teaching a bit re: learning some of a couple languages, just learning via teaching resources outside of [directly through any academic institution], never took any language classes, sure have no fluency in fuckall.........how about that i just decided as a kid like "hm i want to be able to draw" b/c i felt that way (and yknow, still do in a way lol) about pretty much anything, but i just also liked doodling and took some art classes and it was always this casual thing and now i use this to make fanart for the Media Interests lol, and although this is all digital drawing and drawing was always my primary thing it's like, well okay also yeah there was like, some painting / pastels / sculpting other Visual Arts stuff, and then, like, i sure enjoyed dance classes and the Performing Arts aspect of that, theatre gay adjacent b/w that and choir lol, have regular dreams about being part of impromptu dance performances, including just last night, rip to the special thwarting of "oh no i'm going around trying to get food before the show, getting stuck in traffic or lost in stores, and i've missed my whole first appearance" lol. anxiety dreams never end........and idk, i've had a love for math stuff, physics stuff, space stuff, even felt that [!] for the little i was able to get into circuitry and coding, but yknow. learning that shit is kind of involved and i only had so much experience re: taking classes, also, unfortunately, i always hated school lmao, so it's just kind of there where i'm like oh i get Into this shit in the ways that other people who are definitely Into it feel about it lmao. but yeah, idk, i do have like. well here's this sort of stuff i think about Every Day, this sort of mental home base sometimes, that i don't get tired of and reexplore / reexperience pretty intensively, but at the same time like, sometimes i can just sort of have something be that Interest for a lot more of a temporary duration, and things that were that main shit is like, well Probably when i like it that much once i like it down the line even if i haven't been that focused on it in the meantime, more just latent, but then it's like, well, but probably could and would still talk So Much about it still even if it's not like, oh yeah i'm Into This(tm) right Now lol..........idk! but i sure get really into shit and like, if anyone else is interested in me talking at length / drawing about it, that's sure probably the most successful grounds for Connection lmao cuz yknow. even people who maybe share that interest aren't guaranteed to see that and go "yeah this is someone i'm interested in actually talking to though" like yeah here's your preview of my personality i guess lol
April 27th: What is your favourite form of media? For example, do you enjoy books? What format do you prefer for books (physical, e-book, audiobook)? Did you love reading as a kid but find it challenging as you got older? How about movies, tv, or video games? Do you have a favourite series? yeah i read all the time as a kid, on the bus, if i finished shit early at school, on the bus again, also at home plenty, not so much when i was in college when it's like oh i can just do kinda whatever now (also as people point out it's like. well gotta do all this reading for classes now so) and then it was like, i'll get into other Media i can freely experience at any time, and also hang out with people Some, which i can also just do whenever now, as opposed to at any point before this......still like reading but it can sure kind of be a Whole Thing, like i either can't focus and it's like well time to read like, a paragraph or page a day, or else i'm focusing Too Much really like, if i'm at all trying to see how something ends i might burn through it in a few days (still a fairly slow reader) which is like, do i want to spend multiple days on this One Thing, even if it takes me like, multiple times the runtime to watch a movie or something, that's still probably getting done in 1 day. plus that yeah, mostly reading new shit via laptop, which is kind of a pain as opposed to physical books or like, e readers in theory, i've never actually used one. the only time i used an audiobook was a few times as a kid to read along with longer books to sort of help with that momentum, such a hot minute ago that this was via Tape Cassette.....i do listen to podcasts though, great for like, doing Something Else at the same time, which i don't know that i could split up that focus and guaranteed successfully absorb a book, Maybe So but select podcasts are my Extensive Audio of choice. never really watched that much tv, there were some stuff me and my siblings might watch as it aired, but not really Narrative Series lol, never seen shit, haven't even really watched That many movies either, still don't Really even though it's like yeah w/e in Theory i enjoy these mediums it's like oh my godddd it's a whole thing to focus on one and then plus what if i don't like it but i've had to put in all that time to know i didn't like it lmao.......i can enjoy keeping up with a tv series like, oh boy once a week a half hour to hour installment, that's a great format truly, but i'm rarely getting that experience lmao like. with billions you could stand 2 weeks between episodes b/c whew but it's v Rare like oh thank god, a series with that weekly release........but otherwise it's like ugh do i wanna have alllll this material to watch, do i wanna go through the whole process of figuring out what movie i feel like giving a try........and that i like Revisiting shit i already like pretty endlessly so it's like, i might just do that. so it's like, audio wise i'll put on podcasts, if i feel like watching something i Might be bothered to try out a movie or smthing b/c yknow, ultimately more doable to consume something that's just a few hours, all that when i'm Thinking About a tv series every day for years lmfao, shoutout to billions which sure gets to be my fave b/c tf else am i keeping up with, literally nothing else, even if i haven't gotten around to actually watching all of it yet / haven't simply sat straight through even the episodes i have watched, i Could do it but it's like god formidable when it's sure more than a movie's worth of content and plenty of "i don't care about this and/or hate this" to make me put my head through the wall lmfao thank you billions........also sometimes i remember like "oh yeah, i guess in theory i enjoy video games as well" but i didn't have That much experience w/them and sure don't now, so that's like well irrelevant ig. media
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oliveam · 4 years
hiya  loves  !   i’m  so  pumped  to  be  here  ,  truly  can’t  believe  my  eyes  w  the  surplus  of  talent  all  around  me  !   unfortunately  capitalism  literally  has  me  in  a  chokehold  &  the  life  of  a  retail  worker  trudges  on  even  with  the  virus  rampant  ,  so  i’m  actually  at  work  ,  soz  ,  but  i’m  eager  to  spend  the  hours  between  shifts  eagerly  making  up  for  lost  time  (  &  for  once  i  actually  did  something  in  advance  to  ensure  i  wouldn’t  get  stuck  behind  the  current  . . .  clearly  i’m  love  struck  )  !  so  here  this  baby  is  ,  &  here  eye  am  (  amie  ,  9teen  ,  pst  )  to  love  &  be  loved  back   ;_;
full   name   :        olive   penelope   black nicknames   :        o   ,   olly   if   you’re   prepared   to   be   glared   into   an   early   grave birthdate   :        october   31 hometown   :        portland   ,   maine current   location   :        cape     coral     international   school      ,      maine languages   spoken   :        english    ,    latin    ,    some   italian distinguishing   features   :        pearly   white   smile   ,   runway   ready   hair   at   all   times physical   ailments   :        asthma sexuality   :        bisexual   but   in   the   closet likes   :        morning   crossword   puzzles   with   her   dad   ,   mint   chocolate   ice   cream   ,   amazon   prime   (  fleabag   &   the   marvelous   mrs.   maisel   in   particular  )   ,   the   comfort   of   her   room   ,   math   class   with   her   favorite   professor   ,   sibling   outings   where   she   can   force   them   to   pay   attention   wholly   to   her   ,   rock   music   ,   being   a   nosy   lil   witch   ,   pouting   ,   a   racket   in   her   hand   ,   pride   &   prejudice   (  2005  ,  obvs  ) dislikes   :        church   on   sunday   mornings   ,   the   radio   ,   facebook   (  the   social   network   on   the   other   hand   .  .  .  )   ,   feeling  /  being   out   of   the   loop   ,   martinis   ,   being   alone   with   her   mother character    trope   :        the   maiden   .    the   main   draw   to   this   particular   trope   was   the   analogy   to   fiona   from   shrek   ,   who   can   be   likened    to   olive   quite   meaningfully   ,   with   the   parallels   between   each   girl’s   youth   coming   to   mind   (  save  for  the  whole  ogre  business  ,  though  she  does  have  queen  of  the  swamp  noted  in  her  future  plans  )   ,   such   as   being   raised   in   a   coddled   ,   spoiled   home   ,   but   lacking   any   true   relationship   with   the   bearers   of   her   gilded   childhood   (  more  so  her  mother  in  olive’s  case  )   .   if   her   parents   could   have   stuck   her   up   in   a   tower   during   her   teenage   years   ,   they   would   have   signed   straight   up   as   a   clause   in   the   adoption   papers   .   moreover   ,   olive   believes   she   knows   best   ,   when   really   she   doesn’t   know   much   at   all   ⏤⏤⏤   about   the   important   things   ,   at   least   .   she   is   currently   unaware   about   her   family’s   involvement   with   the   collapse   ,   &   is   far   from   suspecting   a   thing   ,   though   she   is   nosy   beyond   all  else   ,   which   won’t   bode   well   in  her   future   ⏤⏤⏤   she   might   have   overlooked   the   whole   scandal   as   nothing   more   than   an   interesting   change   in   school   dynamics   at   first   ,   but   if   there’s   even   an   inkling   that   tickles   her   radar   ,   it’ll   be   tough   to   distract  &  throw   her   off   the   trail   .  
‘      .      ⋆        ❬        🎶      !
001.    stay    (    i    missed    you    )    by    lisa    loeb    .        while  olive  may  not  have  experienced  the  events  depicted  in  the  song  herself  (  nor  ever  been  in  a  relationship  )  ,  the  voice  of  the  narrator  speaks  strongly  to  her  ,  &  if  a  break - up  like  that  ever  would  happen  to  olive  ,  this  is  how  she’d  react  ,  but  more  so  than  the  lyrics  are  the  annotations  &  notes  on  the  song’s  genius  page  ,  which  if  anything  served  as  inspiration  for  olive  .  the  thing  that  really  cemented  this  song  for  me  though  was  this  :  “  you said that i was naive and i thought that i was strong  ”  .  a  perfect  way  to  sum  her  up  !  
002.    you    sexy    thing    by    zella    day    .        lmfao  ,  she’s  a  romantic  babey  !!!  but  fr  ,  this  is  how  she’d  act  if  she  ever  got  loved  up  .
003.    creme    de    la    creme    by    evalyn    .        this  song  just  . . .  gets  her  .  literally  every  lyric  is  a  tidbit  i  can  go  on  about  ,  but  even  the  general  i  don’t  know  what  my  life  is  ,  but  i  know  this  vibe  of  it  all  is  just  chef’s  kiss  . 
‘      .      ⋆        ❬        🕶      !
olive  was  adopted  as  a  newborn  under  circumstances  unknown  to  her  ,  but  her  dad  liked  to  joke  she  came  to  them  by  way  of  a  stork  .  she  thought  this  was  true  until  the  age  of  nine  .
introduces  herself  as  olive  ,  immediately  followed  by  “  my mom love’s a martini  ”  .  most  people  take  it  as  a  joke  .  it’s  not  :/
a  lot  of  people  like  to  throw  the  word  ‘ prude ’  around  ,  enough  so  that  it’s  basically  synonymous  with  olive’s  name  at  this  point  .  safe  to  say  ,  that’s  a  typical  schoolyard  insult  that  stuck  six  years  too  long  .  she’s  not  picky  ,  or  even  obsessed  with  finding  the  RiGhT  oNe  .  if  anything  ,  she’s  almost  desperate  for  love  ,  but  in  a  way  that  she  doesn’t  actually  want  it  .  or  is  too  scared  of  its  enormity  .  take  the  heralded  richard  siken  quote  for  example  :   actually  ,  you  said  love  ,  for  you  ,  is  larger  than  the  usual  romantic  love  .  it’s  like  a  religion  .  it’s  terrifying  .  no  one  will  ever  want  to  sleep  with  you  .  i  mean  ??  that  quote  just  strips  this  bitch  down  to  her  core  !  &  if  i  loved  you  less  ,  i  might  be  able  to  talk  about  it  more  !!!!!!!!!!  (  she  doesn’t  currently  love  anyone  ,  but  y’all  get  the  gist  )  .  it’s  overwhelming  in  a  way  that  she’s  scared  to  be  so  wholly  overtaken  by  something  she  doesn’t  understand  ,  yet  yearns  .  i  could  continue  to  yap  about  this  particular  subject  forever  ,  but  i’ll  save  your  eyes  .  
olive’s  got  a  head  on  her  shoulders  ,  a  sharp  one  at  that .  her  grades  aren’t  the  highest  in  her  year  ,  nor  even  in  the  top  ten  ,  but  that’s  more  down  to  her  general  lack  of  passion  for  school  than  might  of  mind  .  she’s  got  a  keen  eye  &  an  even  keener  mind  when  she  wills  it  ,  shedding  the  role  of  spoiled  brat  imprinted  upon  her  by  fortune  without  issue  if  the  situation  appropriately  deems  it  .
olive  is  a  sweetheart  at  her  core  ,  but  she  can  be  quite  callous  .  not  in  a  cruel  way  ,  a  la  a  regina  george  ,  but  in  a  harsh  way  she  can’t  quite  control  ,  when  her  filter  gets  screwed  &  she’s  not  prone  to  sensitivity  ,  or  is  moody  &  prone  to  a  swift  mood  shift  .  that  said  ,  she’s  as  warm  as  a  hug  from  your  nana  to  most  ,  while  being  unafraid  to  make  her  favorites  clear  ,  generally  paying  so  much  attention  to  particular  people  that  others  feel  iced  out  ,  when  really  they’re  just  not  on  her  radar  ,  as  brutal  as  that  sounds  .  for  her  friends  ,  she’s  genuinely  ride  or  die  ;  think  mike  from  stranger  things  (  she’d  jump  off  that  cliff  for  dustin’s  baby  teeth  any  day  !  )  .  she  was  also  raised  a  certain  way  ,  with  luxuries  at  her  fingertips  ,  &  may  unintentionally  be  tone  deaf  at  times  ,  though  that’d  probably  be  from  coming  on  too  hard  rather  than  being  ignorant  .  
if  you  lie  to  her  ,  she  won’t  ever  forget  it  ,  nor  truly  forgive  .  i  wouldn’t  test  it  .
seriously  .  she’s  been  coding  /  hacking  since  she  was  eight  as  a  playtime  &  since  excelling  in  math  courses  &  generally  sharpening  the  skill  through  hours  wasted  on  gaming  sites  &  html  that  positively  drys  the  eyes  right  out  a  la  spongebob  ,  she’s  gotten  better  than  she  can  even  objectively  note  .  she’ll  browse  the  school  system  for  fun  or  on  a  dare  ,  but  she’s  never  been  invested  enough  in  a  certain  grade  to  change  it  for  herself  ,  so  browsing  is  all  it  was  .  that  is  ,  unless  a  friend  asks  for  a  favor  ⏤⏤⏤  that  ride  or  die  life  baby  .  
she’s  a  fighter  !  she’s  a  lover  !  she  will  kick  ass  &  kiss  cheeks  !  
‘      .      ⋆        ❬        👯      !
i  like  to  really  delve  into  personally  forged  connections  between  muns  ,  so  unfortunately  no  wanted  cons  as  of  yet  ,  but  here  is  where  all  of  olive’s  established  connections  will  sit  !  for  now  ,  i  do  have  this  tag  :~)
⋆     connection    /     tba     .        blah  blah  !   
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simply-ellas-stuff · 5 years
Batwoman Episode Three Talk *Spoilers*
Are we not doing the normal Arrowverse monologue? I miss it. The diary narration is cool but... I miss the opening monologue.
Nightmare flashbacks, I wonder who the fuck Beth was living with? Who turned her into Alice? Did Alice live with a serial killer?
Who the fuck is running Wayne Enterprises besides Luke & Kate??
Hand puppets to get Batwoman's attention, childish.
Alice is blunt as fuck, Horny for Batman, did she take notes from Bo from Lost Girl.
Why does Alice have a boyfriend in the first place?
Negotiations? Innocent peoples lives for a boyfriend? Sounds weird but nice try.
Is Kate the Younger Twin?
Does Beth have split personality? Alice is the girl she became to protect herself from her hellish post-accident life but Beth is buried somewhere inside her mind??
Fucking commercials always indicate someone dying. Poor fellow.
Elliot Estates? Dumb name.
Training with your husband while thinking of your ex-girlfriend you never told him about?  Go. To. Therapy. Sophie boxing? With her husband? I guess that's healthy? I mean, if they were working on their own personal issues instead of Sophie's issues with Kate... maybe.
Commander must adore Soph to be that much of a considerate shade of Asshole. Also because Soph is too blunt for them to not be close in some way.
Why is Soph wanting to protect Mary? Its not going to get her closer to Kate.
Vesper, you beautifully voices woman!
Mary is a sweetheart, and decent at acting drunk/hungover to safe face for her clinic.
Mary is so fucking sassy to her sister's ex-girlfriend.
Why blame Commander Kane for your idea Soph?!
Kate getting defensive over the desk, aww.
Tommy Elliot is already a cunt before he showed up at that desk.
'Candy Kane' would be a cute nickname, if this guy didn't immediately give me a bad feeling.
Fuck Tommy for bringing that shit up to Kate like it doesn't already fuck her up. How the fuck does Tommy Elliot know Bruce is Batman?
Tommy Elliot wants to prove he's the most damaged, bigger ego-ed, richer, jerkwad of Gotham. And instead he goes psycho. Kate was right, Bruce's is bigger - He didn't go psycho. Even though, that comment was inappropriate but also forgivable given how she was attacking his ego not the physical aspects of Tommy vs Bruce. Metaphorical not realistical.
Wayne Tech, how the fuck is it still up and running?
I like how they reference weapons and explain them in a slightly normal way before Kate uses them later.
Pretty sure the dummy and faux blood and spray paint was Tommy Elliot, not anyone else.
Is there a Tommy Elliot Comic Counterpart that becomes a villain?
Vesper sassing Batman is fucking hilarious.
Mary checking out that guy and Soph interrupting it, cockblock.
Soph grilling Mary for information about Kate is fucked
Luke yelling while wearing the noise cancelling headset is cliche but funny. I wonder if they had to have Ruby say screaming because her accent came out too much when she said Yelling.
A gun that can penetrate the Batsuit? Why in the fuck would that exist without a fail safe?
Kate feeling the sting of being hit with a bullet while not actually being in the suit, she's already formed a relationship with the suit even though she refused to take up the mantle.
Kate sassily decides to go ask Tommy about knowing about Bruce and Batman only to be shocked about Luke telling her to put on the suit.
I still wanna know how Alice broke into the Kane house.
She messily puts in the lipstick, finds the perfume gross smelling, wears a crow uniform, Licks a cupcake and puts it back, downs a martini, reads the invite, smashes the family picture, kills a crow that knows her name with no hesitation but mocks Kate's disappointment. All of these acts seem to mean something to her, and I wonder what that is.
I still wanna know how Alice broke into the Kane house.
Why is Alice dicking around in a crows house??
Why did Alice kill him? and How did he know her name??
She messily puts in the lipstick, finds the perfume gross smelling, wears a crow uniform, Licks a cupcake and puts it back, downs a martini, reads the invite, smashes the family picture, kills a crow that knows her name with no hesitation but mocks Kate's disappointment. All of these acts seem to mean something to her, and I wonder what that is.
Kate looks hot as fuck - Hair a little less upwards, one singular dangle earring, p/leather leggings or jeggings, black over-sized suit jacket, a lacy shirt, heeled boots (that i'm pretty sure are from Hot topic? with the metal backing on the heels), Minimal dark make up, one singular shiny bracelet/watch, and her tattoos peaking out. Why did Sophie marry a man again?
The fucking shock, confusion, and pure "what the fuck" that crossed Kate's mind when she stepped into the elevator lmfao. Great acting on Ruby's part.
Mary's facial expression then Kate's "I’m sorry" makes me aww. Did anyone else think the conversation about "Go radio silent on socials" was actually code about the Clinic in a way?
Awkward fucking elevator ride, Love the broke tension Mary.
The blond is pretty. I think I have a similar, longer version of her dress. I'd definitely let Ruby Rose check me out like Kate did Reagan.
Tyler you poor unsuspecting fool.
I'd love it if Reagan is telepathic, like a meta human, and that's how she knew that stuff. Bartenders can be good but, she was a little too spot on with Kate.
I love how Kate was impressed by Reagan pouring herself a shot, like she didn't expect it.
Tyler and Kate talking makes me feel... sad for Tyler. Soph never told her husband she secretly fucked Kate Kane at the academy.
Reagan is hot, and if Kate doesn't fuck around with her - I will.
Daddy Kane and Kate Kane have similar taste in people, they both hate Tommy.
I love how Kate brings up twin intuition even though she made a deal, and her father walked a way uncomfortable because he can't bear the idea of Alice being Beth.
Kate setting her sights on Tommy, she looked hot albeit out of place.
Mary trying to convince her mom to let her have more elbow room, just so she can sneak out to her clinic.
Tommy is a fucking dickbag "took five years but I'm finally looking down on Bruce Wayne", You are competing with someone who you already won against - you have your parents, family, the weight taken off your shoulders, a fuck ton of money, and could have any girl you want. Fuck the fuck off.
Kate's "Here I thought I was his favorite cousin, not even a phone call" was so well said as to point out she knows Bruce better than Tommy thinks he does. It was subtle, sarcastic, but right on the money.
Nice lie Kate, make him find the gun even though your bullshitting. Nice, very 'Oliver Queen' of you. I'm proud, sure he would be too.
Fucking Bach. Can people pick another one of his songs, its the same fucking one in ever fucking movie and show. Pick something different, or fuck just pick a different artist all together.
Alice tormenting Commander with the instrument, the song, and just toying with the idea that she might really be his daughter makes me laugh for some reason, its oddly well thought out. She will get in his head though, eventually.
Alice bearing the disappointment and heartbreak Beth felt being left behind... heart shattering.
King of the Crows... he should become scarecrow... maybe.
Alice just casually waltzed away from the window, sifted through the box, and the likely promptly ditched the fuck outta there.
That box is all of Beth's life, and Alice still feels the pain of it.
Maybe Alice is to Beth what Frost is to Caitlin? At least she saw the search Map.
Aww poor Mary basically getting dragged away  by her guards.
Kate... you smart girl, following him right to the gun. That conversation about Tommy being less than. Tommy is psychotic in every aspect.
Tommy talked to the fucking Riddler?! The Riddler knows Bruce's identity? [If they follow the Gotham story line that kinda makes sense]
Tommy hates his mom that much? The fuck
Kate didn't expect him to have a contingency plan to draw Batman out... not smart sweets.
Kate immediately going to help the victims is why she's a good hero.
I wonder how many people actually did in that fall, we only saw a handful still moving during Kate and Mary's scenes with them.
Kate's concern for people is what makes her a hero, she even apologizes to the man she pulls attention too. Her obsession with Alice/Beth, her dedication to Bruce, her hatred towards Batman then forgiveness towards him, her affection of Sophie, all of that doesn't matter. Her heart does.
Tyler had the worst fucking timing, you are stuck in an elevator, have this martial spat in private in your home. Shut the fuck up.
Step Mom Kane doesn't seem as maternal as she acts, she also seems to be rooting for someone's death... get a divorce.
Mary and Soph would be cute friendship - if Soph wasn't in a triangle.
Luke and Kate having a heart to heart with honesty towards Bruce ever coming back.
Mary saves a life like a bawse!!
Where did they get the spray paint from? Did Luke spray it or did Kate? Where did they get a wig? Did they go shopping while this time limit is happening.
Dicking with Tommy by 'flying' around him, how "Flash/Firestorm vs Tokamak" of you. I fucking 🎶Love🎶 it.
Did she seriously Now get a voice changer? Her voice seems edited whereas with Dodgson it wasn't.
[[I keep getting Ads for The Tomorrow People, should I watch it? Is it any good??]]
Batman's side piece? Gross.
She forgot to charge the glove... cute. She's still learning.
She just stabbed him in the leg... I think they cut Luke's question of "What are you doing?" because her "Stalling" sounded like an answer not a confirmation.
She saves her Dad and Stepmom, without knowing whose in the elevator, but lets the other elevator drop... she didn't know it was empty??
She forgot to charge the glove?! LMFAO I'd do that!
Kick his ass Kate!!!!!
She saves her dad, but let the other elevator drop not knowing if there were other people in it???
He's so psychotic that he literally steps on her hand.
Alice to the rescue!!!
"and im the crazy one" I love that. She's literally insane yet the red wig is the drawn line lmfao.
Alice saving Kate makes me happy.
She took off the cowl yet has almost perfect hair... woman. really mess up you hair!! You'd probs looks hot as fuck.
Kate's appreciation of Alice saving her life only for Alice to crash the moment. Kate wants her to leave to keep her safe yet Alice is annoyed.
The red being the color of the birthstone is a nice poetic touch.
Alice ruined the moment again, jerk.
Alice touching Kate's face is probably because she hasn't seen her in so fucking long its a wonderment for her to feel her sister again when their Twins and have been connected their whole lives.
The laugh about the wig having roots, nice joke Alice.
Kate trying to talk Alice back into Beth.
So Alice wants Kate to stop thinking of her as Beth? But she was willing to prove she is actually Beth by cutting her palm? Alice really does seem like Season Four Killer Frost "Beth is gone"/"I'm not Caitlin"
Sending Tommy to Arkaham... Smart.
Reagan is cute, I love how she was worried for Kate whom she just met and Kate checked in on her. I love the bluntness between the two!! Please tell me she isn't a bad guy!
Is Soph really jealous?? She's fucking married?! Soph, don't be jealous, your married. Mary slap her for us.
Two of Hearts, Eight of Cloves, and Three of Diamonds?? What does Alice, Catherine, and those numbers/cards have in common?
Commander Kane is finally starting to believe!!! Yes! Catherine, you do not live up to the legacy of your name you dick.
Batlady? Batchick? Really?! Did Sophie call that name in? otherwise it won't stick...
I hope Soph phoned in that name, otherwise we'll end up with something stupid.
Sophie definitely knows that Kate is Batwoman.
When is the reference episode to the Arrowverse cross over going to happen? I need to know and understand the fucking timeline.
I kinda think that Alice is Beth's alter, like she had disassociative identity disorder and Alice is her protector. That's why Alice remembers being Beth but "Beth is gone" because Younger Beth is 'asleep' in their shared mind or too afraid to come out yet Alice is acting out with anger now because she had to go through the hell that she was made to protect Beth, Maybe as an alter she's resentful towards the host? Is that possible? Maybe she blames Beth but because she can't hurt her, she hurts her family via payback and revenge.
☆Side Note:: I watched this episode only twice instead of my normal three, I've been a bit busy -Which is also why this is a day later than it has been-, so excuse me if anything is wrong or they explained something in the episode☆
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alexanderblackwood · 5 years
So, I watched the miniseries
I spent my own cash dollars money on the 1990 miniseries last night, and I just finished part two of it. And I have some Thoughts.
I just... didn’t really like any of the kids?? Bill’s stuttering didn’t sound quite right, Bev wasn’t a red head (which would be fine if Ben’s poem didn’t require that),
The acting in general seemed kinda hit or miss sometimes. Usually it was good, and I got sucked into it, and then something would be wrong and it would throw me off. Think the stuttering from both versions of Bill, random bits of stiff dialogue,
This thing REALLY suffered being a “family friendly movie.” If it could be a bit more gory, or had a bit more of a budget, it could’ve been better.
I also think it would’ve benefitted from being longer tbh. The characters didn’t really feel too fleshed out for me. It works a bit for the bullies, not for the main characters. This isn’t detrimental, considering it follows the book fairly well, but I shouldn’t have to think back to the book for this to work. I shouldn’t have to think back to the book when I’m wondering why something is happening.
I’m going to be slaughtered for this, but... Pennywise is pretty ehh in this. I understand that this had to be toned down. I understand Pennywise is supposed to draw people in. But damn, he’s just not scary. My friend saw the clip of him taunting child Eddie in the shower and said he’s hilarious. And he is! But that’s the problem. He feels too much like a clown that sometimes murders kids, not an inter-dimensional alien that sometimes looks like a clown. No hate at all on Tim Curry; he was amazing in this role. I just don’t like the direction the character took.
Bev just... kinda sucks?? I feel like she’s there to be hugged and coddled by the guys. She’s of course the marksman of the group, and she’s who weakened It enough to be killed, but what else did she do? (Aside from leaving Tom. You fuckin go girl.)
I, Squid, like part two more than part one. I think the chemistry is better between the adults. I think the pacing is better. (Mostly. I’m looking at you, random bike flashback.) It has the best Pennywise bit: Richie in the library. You heard me. Pennywise in the library is better than the sewer scene. It’s better than “kiss me, fat boy!” Come at me. And finally? Adult Eddie.
omfg guys the ending ruined it for me though. I’ve seen the ending before but it just. It ain’t good. Just... just don’t watch the end. The movie ends with Eddie telling everyone he’s a virgin. That’s it, roll credits.
My positives?
Reddie. There’s not a lot of it, but there was a lot of coding for Eddie, and I loved the chemistry between them as both adults and kids. I’m so glad Richie got to use his stupid nicknames for everyone, and Eddie got a... well... he died. Not as emotional as I would’ve hoped. But Richie got him out, and that’s what matters.
Adult Eddie lmfao. Adult Eddie can be pried from my cold, dying hands. I wanted to hold him during the Jade of the Orient scene, when he first remembered Pennywise. Good lord, he’s precious.
Tim Curry, while I don’t really like this Pennywise, did amazing. He’s genuinely pretty funny. I think his performance is overrated, but it’s still a blast.
I think that’s it?? I’m clearly not too impressed, and I wish I’d watched this before the movie. It might’ve helped my opinion, but I also feel like this is a movie you need to have grown up with to really love it. I won’t say it’s a wasted $5, because I could laugh with some friends over it, but... I kinda wish I’d used that money on a ticket for IT 2019
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havenesc · 5 years
For the character ask: Wally West, Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne and Damian. Pretty please! 🥰🙏🏻😄
Favorite thing about them: Wally’s heart. His heart is HUGE and he is always determined to do the right thing and be the best hero he can be and do the legacy of the Flash justice. 
Least favorite thing about them: Honestly? Honestly??? Whatever the FUCK they’re doing to him in HiC. If I’m not being honest, then how they wrote him for the first few episodes of YJ. But boys are boys I suppose. 
Favorite line: “We both have a Martian on speed dial and you can’t give me the benefit of the doubt?”
BROTP: Dick & Wally, Shayera & Wally !!
OTP: Spitfire. But I’m also currently trying to find a good place to dig into the comics since all I really know is YJ/JL atm so there’s that. 
nOTP: Pretty much anything that’s not Spitfire.
random headcanon: i have a lot of headcanons for aus but. this is wally 
unpopular opinion: Wally West deserves better writers and better treatment by DC lmfao
song i associate with them: Ask Yourself - Foster The People
favorite picture of them:
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Favorite thing about them: Honestly? I definitely noticed that Jason has a lot of compassion and cares very deeply about people, even when he pretends not to. He loves his found family very much and would do anything for them, and that’s what makes a lot of RHATO’s stuff so much fun for me to read.
Least favorite thing about them: While I understand what his moral code is and how it differs from Bruce’s, sometimes he’s really impulsive and it gets him into some really bad situations. Take care of yourself, man. 
Favorite line: “Listen to the city on the other side of the walls. The cars racing to places people don’t want to go. The ambulances racing from horror to hope. Listen to the people shouting and laughing and loving and fighting and giving birth and taking lives. Listen for the heartbeat among the chaos of Gotham City... Like I did when I was a kid and slept on the sidewalk on more than one night. There is a world out there in this one city. Can you hear it?”
BROTP: the outlaws and jay!! and jay and his brothers!!
OTP: nothing really. 
nOTP: i get j.ay.ro.y etc, that’s cool, but anything within the batfam is a HARD pass from me
random headcanon: Jason finds himself liking the countryside the more he spends time out in it, even if it’s not really anything he’s familiar with. Gotham will always be his city, but sometimes it’s good to get away from the chaos and sit and watch wide skies and listen to the sound of the grass blowing or cows calling to their calves every once in a blue moon. It’s a whole different world.
Unpopular opinion: There comes a point where ripping someone’s family away repeatedly for shock value isn’t fun to read or watch the aftermath of and Jason is the poster boy pin cushion for it. Plus I’m not a huge fan of his new design (or the white hair streak thing either don’t slaughter me) 
song i associate with them: Fairly Local OR Message Man - Twenty Øne Piløts
favorite picture of them: miss yasmine putri does NOT have to go as hard as she does with the variant covers but i am GRATEFUL
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Favorite thing about them: He’s fuckin Batman but he also gives to charity. He doesn’t just beat people up and turn them in for criminal activity, he goes out of his way to supply funding for programs and welfare to help keep people of the streets and tries to give alternatives to criminal activity to stay afloat. Plus adoption man.
Least favorite thing about them: His distance keeping. His family worries about him and he has a whole nest of kids that really, REALLY need some empathy or a very active father figure, and Bruce is written as to be....not the greatest at that. Of course, luxury of comic reading that it is, we can retcon it, but I’m a bit tired of seeing Bruce only acting paternal in moments where it’s a life or death situation for one of his boys. I have a lot of shit to say about him and Jason’s relationship too but this is already too long as it is. 
Favorite line: Listen this is really stupid but the dry “yeehaw/yippe kai yay” in n52 I think?? where a goon tells him they’re gonna gore him like a fucking bull and he just coasts ON THEM down the stairs in resposne? fucking power move
BROTP: justice league and his family!
OTP: wonderbat wasn’t a bad idea during jlu ngl but other than that i don’t see anything that’s like “OH GAWD”
nOTP: anything with his family members. oof. big yikes.
random headcanon: Bruce can play polo and has some investments in the TB racing industry. Derby day is fun for the batfam. 
Unpopular opinion: jason is right more often than not idgaf what bruce and his moral code have to say about it
song i associate with them: drowning - EDEN project
favorite picture of them: MIZ WE HAVE THE SAME TASTE CAUSE OOOH
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Favorite thing about them: He’s a shit. But he is trying his hardest to follow in his father’s footsteps and not be what Ra’s decided he should be. He endures some awful hardships and still gets back up and steels his resolve. 
Least favorite thing about them: Ok so it was fixed with character development but sometimes hE REALLY IS MEAN AS FUCK TO JON AND HIS SIBLINGS PIPE DOWN BABY BAT
Favorite line: “Let me drive.” “No.” “I know how.” “No.”
BROTP: jon and his siblings /dabs 
OTP: nothing because he’s a baby
nOTP: da//mijon romantically and anything with his siblings, because that apparently is a thing too YIKES
random headcanon: everyone knows when damian’s falling ill because he becomes overdramatic about minor stuff and says shit like “guess i’ll die” and it pisses bruce off. he drops the whole formal language habit too so that’s how you know it’s fixing to REALLY hit him like a bus in the next day or two
Unpopular opinion: i still think it was ow that he got to be robin and tim got the boot ngl
song i associate with them: You’re On - Madeon
favorite picture of them: literally anything jorge jiminez draws of him is so good
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absoluteabsolem · 5 years
I used to have a 10km long queue and post regularly but as some of you probably didn’t notice anyway, I don’t post much these days.
I need to rant into the void anyway so bear with me if you decided to read whatever the fuck this is.
I feel like this trash website where everything’s wrongly coded is the perfect platform to talk about how everything's wrongly coded with me. Not necessarily with my life, more with me as a person.
I mean I have a job that I love, two adorable fluffy kids who hate each other but that happens with sibling sometimes, I have a boyfriend (some days I feel like killing him and then myself but everybody has their shitty moments I s’pose). I’m good at what I do. I think so.
But I’m not rly happy ? Some days I feel like there’s just no way it’ll happen one day, actually. Like waking up and taking a deep breath and be like “this is nice” ? I feel like that’s never going to happen to me.
I just had a week off and while I enjoyed the first two or three days at home doing nothing, it’s been, well, two or three days that I basically kept wondering all day long why the fuck I’m still alive ? happy!2019 sure af didn’t last long.
A friend told me I should probs consider therapy. I know they’re right but it still feels like a waste of time (and mostly money tbh) because I feel like I know what my problems are but I can’t seem to work them out ?
Also I’m not ready to hear a professionnal tell me whatever the fuck is wrong with me. I think it might be depression. Maybe it’s something else. Maybe it’s nothing ? Maybe I’m just afraid to hear someone tell me “it’s just you”. Fuck knows.
I’m just tired.
I long for the days when I enjoyed drawing and writing, now everything I do feels and looks like utter garbage, probably as a reflection of the maker I guess lmfao
I need to create. I need to share art and small pieces of fiction because that’s how I communicate my feelings to people. If I start talking well look at this mess of a post, I can’t seem to be able to stop myself.
That’s why I like my job. I make people happy with my work and it keeps me linked to the world. I make pretty things with my hands and they buy it because they feel like it’s the perfect thing for a present, or a birthday gift, or whatever the fuck it is they’re celebrating.
They make me a little part of their lives without needing to directly interact with them, and it’s the only way I feel like I matter, like I exist. I need to work or I’m just.. there. I’m nothing. I can’t see myself through my own eyes, I only feel alive when I look at somebody else.
Which is quite ridiculous when you know I spend most of my free time alone.
I crave and I hate to be alone at the same time, I’m conflicted about everything and anything and it’s just.. it’s exhausting you know ?
My mother always told me that if you didn’t love yourself you couldn’t love somebody else, but god knows I would throw myself under a train if I wasn’t such a coward, yet I love and cherish all my friends and bf and my cats
I love them and I suppose they’d miss me if I was gone, but god I don’t know for how long I’ll have the energy to stay alive and try to find a place in this world that probably doesn’t exist.
I’ve been dreaming about jumping out of a plane or whatever and taking fucking ages to fall, feeling the cold and the wind against my face, and when I crash on the ground I wake up.
The idea of jumping with a parachute and never opening it is all I think about these days. All you have to do is let go of everything, close your eyes and feel and I love it.
I don’t even know why I’m writing this, I suppose that’s the stuff you usually keep to yourself. I’m tired of keeping things to myself though.
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spider-bih · 6 years
Algebra II [Peter Parker]
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Traces Of You Series [P.4]
Pairing: Peter Parker x Female!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, implied sex (briefly mentioned by a side character), mentions of drug use (weed) (not condoning illegal drug use or romanticizing it), angst, shitty writing, etc
A/N: More editing. I half regret how descriptive I got on my OC lmfao.
Part 3, Masterlist, Part 5
"You are the most organized guy I've ever met in my life.", she said, looking over his old Algebra notes with surprise. He was more surprised than her though. He didn't think he'd have last years notes in his mess of a room and he didn't think he'd be able to make his notes seem organized and still make it here on time. He looked organized, but it reality, his room and notes were as hectic as his double life. Peter was just good at keeping up appearances- at least in this case.
"Oh- I'm-I'm not that organized."
"You have a highlighter color code."
"Alright maybe a little- I just.. got..bored." He cringed at how that sounded. Actual nerd.
Her brows furrowed, "Bored? How bored- I'd do anything before I color coded my notes- I barely even take notes, which explains a lot, I guess.."
He just sighed, "So uhm.. where exactly are you struggling?"
She looked over the notebooks he had sprawled along the small table in her apartments little dining room, eyes scanning the pages for a few moments. He just watched her, still wondering if all this was real. He was here, in her apartment, helping her with schoolwork. Three weeks ago, he didn't even know she was a she! Life was unfair- but it was also so weird. One minute, all he knew about his neighbors across the hall was that they constantly wore hoodies- the next, he knows one of them is a stunning girl his age, who needs help in Algebra. Wow-
"Alright, I'll tell you right now, I recognize absolutely none of this shit- except that the dates are from last year- do you even have Algebra II right now?"
He shook his head, "No, I take Advanced Calculus now."
"Calculus? I don't even want to imagine what that's like.."
"It's not that bad-"
"Yeah, for you maybe. Us regulars tend to hate math and usually suck at it."
Peter lets out a little laugh, "Really, it's not that bad. Look, let me show-"
"Parker. I only need help with Algebra II right now. I'm not taking Calculus next year- especially if I fail Algebra II because you wanted to show me Calculus."
He raised his hands in defense, "Alright! Alright. Strictly Algebra. Got it."
"Algebra II.", she corrected.
"Right. Algebra II.", he replied, moving to grab the first Algebra II notebook he'd used at the start of his Sophomore year. Thus starting the very long process.
"I hate this so much. Can't you just teach me enough to let me get a low C? I don't need an A. I'm just trying to pass, man.", she huffed, laying her head on her table.
Peter shook his head, "No. It'd be easier to just learn all you can so it's easier to-"
"I just want help on the things I'm being tested on, Parker."
"That won't help you in the long run and you know it.", he replied.
"It's not helping me now! It's just fueling my want to throw these damn books out my window!", she groaned into her table, hands balling into fists near her head.
So, Peter learned one thing about her by helping her with this. She was absolutely terrible at math- so much so she often confused even him. She kept mixing up problems with the wrong solutions and often got lost while she was solving said problems in the wrong manner. It had been hours and they'd barely gotten through much, if anything at all! The afternoon sun set long ago- and he knew he had to go soon, but by god, he didn't want to. This was frustrating, yes- but there was something about her. Something that made him want to stay- and no, it wasn't because he was seemingly enchanted by her. Yes, he found her to be stunning, but there was more to it than that. It was something he couldn't pinpoint. She was just different, but not in that cliché way. She just truly wasn't like any girl he'd ever met. She didn't go to his school, so she didn't know how much of a nerd he was or how low he was on the social ladder- if he was on it at all. She only knew him as a helpful neighbor- so far.
She was like a new start- a breath of fresh air.
She didn't know him as Penis Parker like everyone else did. Not as the guy Flash liked to torment or the huge loser that geeked out over Star Wars with his best friend. She only knew him as Peter from across the hall. Peter from Midtown. (Peter, the guy who color coded his notes when bored.) Peter Parker, her helpful and okay at Algebra neighbor. It was nice.
"If you throw them out the window, we'll never get through this, and then I'll forever be in debt to you for returning my mail.", he joked, hoping to earn himself a laugh or some sort of positive emotion from her.
She lifted her head to look at him, amusement flickering in her eyes, making him grin softly. Something. "My name is [Y/n]."
[Y/n]. "That's a pretty name..", he wasn't too sure how he didn't stutter through that- he'd just said her name was pretty. MJ would die if she'd heard- she'd give him such shit about it.. Ned too, probably..
She gave a small amused smile, “Thanks?”
Peter didn’t know what to respond to that with. Insist he did find it pretty? Make himself look and sound even more like some cli-
"So, brainiac, how are we gonna get through this? Either I'm really that bad at math, or you're an awful teacher. If both are true, we're screwed and you're stuck being in debt to me forever.", she said, pulling him from his thoughts.
"So I'm not Parker anymore? Bummer, I was getting used to that.", he shrugs, "I can just keep coming over to help you. Eventually I'll find some way of helping you learn this- I mean, if you want, you know. If-If you don't want me-"
"Sounds fine to me, Parker. I can't have you over everyday though. Sometimes my cousin has people over and they get really loud."
"You can come over to my place- if you want. My uh- my Aunt won't mind. It's usually quiet anyways..", he offered.
She stares at him for a moment, but for him it feels like forever. Was it too soon to make that kind of offer- "Okay.", she says. One word- something so simple, but his hearts so excited. "I'm not sure exactly what days he'll be having people over though.. so I'm not sure how we should plan for that."
"Well- uh- you can just text me.." Smooth, Peter. Nice job-
"Yeah. You can give me your number, I'll text you when I need to."
"O-Okay..", he responds, ripping a little piece of blank paper from one notebook he hadn't filled up entirely. He wrote down his number in pencil and slid it her way. Now he was wondering if she was going to give him hers or- his Spider-Sense was going off. Damn- someone was in danger. Now? Of all times?
"Uhm..", he begins, "I uh- I have to go. I have to go grab some things for my Aunt from the store and-"
She waved her hand, cutting him off, "You don't have to tell me your plans. You gotta go, then you gotta go. There's no need to explain anything to me. It was cool of you to even come by and try to help."
"R-Right.. well- you can keep the notes and stuff- you know, so you can go over them on your own if you want? I don't- I don't need them anymore."
She gives him a little half smile, "You just don't wanna clean up after yourself."
"Huh- no! No- I'll clean- I will, really quick-", he starts closing up the notebooks, but her hand grabs his wrist and he freezes instantly. His nerves are going haywire, and his Spider-Sense is not helping. For once, he hates his heightened senses. He hates how he can see, hear and feel everything about this moment. He absolutely loathes that he can feel her hand so intensely against his skin. How easily he can smell her sweet perfume and hear the soft beat of her heart. He especially loathes how this will be on his mind the entire night- or maybe even his entire life.
"You just said you had somewhere to be. I was only joking. Go wherever you need to go, Parker.", she tells him, tone softer than he's ever heard it thus far. Her hand drops his wrist and he finds himself missing her touch- stop being like this..
He just nods, "Yeah- yeah you're right. Thanks.. [Y/n]. Bye." Her name tastes weird on his tongue- but not in a bad way. He kind of likes how foreign it seems- is that weird?
There's something unreadable in her eyes, and it looks like she's fighting back a smile- but why would she- "See you around, Parker."
He's nodding again, and then he's leaving her apartment. His thoughts are racing, his hearts pounding and his Spider-Senses are screaming at him now. He's still standing outside her door- and then he's rushing into his own apartment. He's still thinking about that moment while he suits up. He still feels her warm hand on his wrist while he's webbing some petty mugger up for the cops to find. The smell of her perfume still clings to his sweatshirt as he lays wide awake in his bedroom.
What the fuck is happening? What is this?
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62 notes · View notes
activatingaggro · 6 years
SIPARA NZINGA | 8.3 sweeps / 18 years old
off the western coast of hamavet, the farthest continent
(6,161 words)
There's bubbles still in your flaps when the gate opens, and you can finally step out.
The first hall that Wilcox leads you down is surreal! It's not so much a building, as it is a dome: the walls are curved high above you, high enough that her horns aren't even scraping the ceiling, and they're glass all the way through. You can see the water outside, sloshing against the glass, and the fish trudging through it. (Floating? Swimming?) There's goosebumps pricking on your skin from the air down here, but when you place your hand against the glass, it's even colder.
"Come along now, miss," Wilcox says, and you startle, turn on your heel to follow.
When ID had told you that he had a proposition for you, you hadn't quite trusted him! You and him.. well, you're complicated, right now, that's the problem. He lied to you. He lied to you, and abandoned you, and he didn't care enough to fix it, not for an entire half-sweep. And what's an apology to fucking that? You'd cried over him, for fuck's sake, and you'd made Pheres deal with it, for perigees and perigees.
.. but a half-sweep isn't too long, when the two of you'll live for at least three dozen of 'em. That's what he keeps reminding you, each time you start to snarl. And how're you supposed to stay mad, when he gives you opportunities like this? Proposition, he said, but this's a fucking favour, more like. "There's a fuschia looking for geneticists, my little hellion," he'd told you, all coy over the husktop, just this side of cloying, "and she's under the Queenpin's thumb, so I could get you in. It's research, ashmote, and more technology than you've ever seen in one place. Isn't this the sort of thing you do?"
You'd been a little suspicious, but how were you supposed to say no to that? Research! Actual research, in a field where they needed you, and where you could work with people for the first time - properly, without having to hide what you know, or how you learned it. You don't know much about ID's boss, but you know plenty about his business. And what's one gray-eyed pupa's education source, when everyone here was probably illegal as fuck?
Illegal, or fuschia.
He hadn't mentioned Wilcox was so tall, though. Or that she was quite this fuschia.
"This is the main lab," she tells you now, peering back over her shoulder. You don't like looking at her, much! ID loves seadwellers, but you've always been with Pheres: there's something about the way their skin moves that makes your skin crawl. It's too dull in spots where it ought to be bright! The fat's too thick, in all the places it shouldn't be at all. And when she smiles at you, it wrinkles her cheeks, and right under her eyes, and nowhere else.
Her pink eyes.
"I think you'll like it. I enjoyed the work that, ah, monseiur Comedy sent our way. You work on helminths?"
She's really, really tall.
"I read your papers," she prompts.
"Yeah -" There's an octopus on the wall, watching you through the glass as you walk through the next hall. There's seadwellers everywhere, clustered together at the tables, and.. there's only ten or so, scattered throughout the room, but this is more than you've ever seen in one place before. You draw your arms in closer, and if you're half-cuddling your bag, fuck anyone that'd look twice. "Um. Wait, nah, girl, soz. I work with, like, ectoparasites! Annelids, mostly. My base stock was, like, nereididae, originally, but I bred 'em to be calcified, and ---"
BT: <))) I told Wilcox I don't need help > So she sent you anyway <
BT: <))) Charming > She's wasting everyone's time <
AA: loool.
AA: mb you don't need help, bb. mb you need   G U I D A N C E. >;}
BT: <))) HA >
BT: <))) Of course > Why wouldn't I need help from a hemoanon <
BT: <))) Sweeps of education > But all of that blunts in the face of .
BT: <))) What > Bootleg schoolfeeds? <
AA: bb, pls.
AA: it's stolen orn fucking bust.
BT: <))) Of course > What was I thinking? <
BT: <))) Empress fucking forbid it's not illegal <
BT: <))) Because the rest of this isn't bad enough <
BT: <))) I'm in the lab > If you fuck up my prototype <
BT: <))) I'm feeding you to it >
"And who," she drawls, peering at you over her nose, "are you?"
Rostik Taalik is a lot of things. She's the only other landdweller here, for starters, even with the fins behind her ears. She's the only person your size, with barely four inches on you. She's one of the only folks your age, and she’s got the longest eyelashes you’ve ever seen on a troll.
And all of that means she's your designated lab partner for the night, as you decided when you walked in. Unfortunately, as it turns out, she's also a huge bulge munch.
"Fuuhao," you drawl right back, spite so thick that it feels like it ought to catch on your tongue. Your eyes are gray and your horns are capped for the night, the blunted edges of the round-end chafing at your skull each time you move, but you're not a lowblood, right now, and you're not going to let some upstart indigo start acting like she's got anything above you. "We spoke online, nookmunch. Now, scoot over, I'm sitting down here."
"Wilcox said you're working on pupation. And I'm supposed to help out." The device she's been staring at is big enough that it takes up a whole corner of the room. It looks sort of like a recuperacoon, if someone made a coon out of sopor: it's ridged like one, with the gentle fall and rise of any healthy device, but the sides are slick with slime that seeps out of it with every passing second, sliding towards the vents on the ground with the careless viscosity of pudding.
When you touch it, the slime clings in strings to your palm when you tug it away.
"Brilliant," Taalik says from behind you, dry. "Should I wait while you lick it?"
"Nah, dude, hard pass on that shit." You wipe off your hand on your pants, then turn to face her.
She's got purple all the way through her eyes already, and more jewelry in her face than you'd see in a tongue. She's playing with the ring in her lip as she watches you, eyes half-lidded, and thank god she's one of those folks who can't hide shit: her ears are round, her face is finned, but she's low enough that she doesn't make your skin crawl, like the fish, and her contempt's clear.
You might be in gray, but you know that look. She's already making up her mind on what caste you are, and how she feels about that.
Well, fuck her. She wants to make decisions? So are you.
"So, like, lemme see if I've got this straight. You want to, like -" You wish you had gum to chew! But your fangs are too sharp for that shit: the last time you'd stolen a pack from Laledy and tried it, you'd half slit your tongue. So you settle for shoving your thumbs into your pants, horns down just to show her how much you don't fucking care. "Start a second pupation, yeah? Crack us open, scrape out the bits, and start it over. But slight problem there, dude. You gonna breed up new new imaginal discs? 'cause we're kinda all out."
"And if you don't have those -"
She clicks her tongue at you, then flips her braids over her shoulder. "Congratulations. You've read a book.” She curls her lip at you, all contempt, and.. you should be focusing on that, but her lipliner’s tighter than you’ve ever managed. You’re not sure if you’re impressed, or if you hate it. “But obviously not enough, because you're still behind. We can insert that shit with viral carriers, dumbass. Set it up however they want. Venomsacks, broader shoulders, a bigger rack, different chrome - it's all in the research notes. Or did Wilcox not share that?"
"I've read the book, dude." You should pop her, honestly! Establish dominance the old-fashioned way: flip the laptop, that coffee, and the table right onto her lap, and see if she's still going to sass you after that. But you don't want to start a fight in the middle of the lab on your third night here. "But never mind all of the spy shit."
(The spy shit. You can't believe you're in coon with a bunch of seadweller fucking rebels.. and this girl.)
"What about the disks for the rest of you? How the fuck are you gonna keep the bits that you want coming back properly?"
"Never mind. Did Wilcox send you to waste my time?" She looks like a land-dweller, but when she blinks at you, languid, it's like watching one of the fish. The way she does it is all fucking wrong. "Because," she says, flat, turning her attention back to her husktop, "that's shit we've already got covered. When you enter the cocoon, it'll pick up on your pre-coded disks."
"You mean the ones that melted in the second instar?" you mock, flipping your ears forward, and she looks back up.
AA: tweet tweet, mothernfuckern.
AA: do i gotta lay out, like, birndseed to get you to come out? bc if so: n/n/n, soz, am not doing it.
AA: you get shitty old brneadcrnumbs like evernyone else, and you will fucking like it.
LB: how could I refuse with that kind of an offering
LB: what’s going on?
AA: ty, ty. i knew you'd fucking love it.
AA: i'm tlking to ppl who arne kind of yrn ppl. i mean, not rnly, they'rne all fucking fish? but they'rne   Y RN   P E O P L E   kind of ppl.
AA: so i was wonderning if you can gimme any deets?
AA: and i'll give you deets back, ofc. >:}
LB: you’ll have to give deets to get deets tbh
LB: my kind of fish people doesn’t give me a lot to work with
AA: jfc, dude.
AA: 'kay, bettern way of putting it. >:}
AA: have you hearnd anything abt a nearn-tyrnian doing, like, rnesearnch? igenetics rnesearnch?
LB: hmm
LB: I think I know who you’re talking about
LB: been tapping up pre-ascension scientists for something or other right?
AA: lol, y.
LB: what do you need on her?
AA: uhhh. idk, dude, yrn the infotrnoll.
AA: how about..
AA: how likely is she gonna trny to shove me in a cocoon? >:}
AA: is that a thing that, like, ppl arne sayin'?
LB: she’s tapping you?
AA; lmfao, n.
AA: she tapped me like, a week ago.
LB: and you’re asking me this now
AA: looool.
AA: yeah, well, bettern now than nevern, rnight?
AA: she's a fish, i ain't exactly, like, supern wornrnied, herne. so chillll. i've filleted bettern folks than hern. >:}
AA: and i got info forn you in exchange, so, like, don't  F U S S.
AA: how would you feel if you could just totes change yrn face?
LB: ok well I haven’t heard of anyone getting ganked and so far everyone I know of has responded to quads
LB: but also no one has left
LB: does Hadean even know where you are
AA: 'kay, cool.
AA: that's abt all i need to know, lmao. like, i'm prnetty surne nobodies bailed, bc this is fucking wicked?
AA: but y, wanted to check. >:}
AA: and ofc he doesssssss.
AA: wtf kinda q is that?
LB: idk he seems like he’d be a little freaked out about you doing shit on a seadweller’s turf
LB: it’s a little different than taking a fish down in the ring
LB: do you have an escape plan?
AA: loool.
AA: he prnobs is, lbrn.
AA: but w/e, he trnusts me to handle my shit, and i trnust him to handle his.
LB: what will you do if things go bad?
AA: dude, i'm yrn doctorn, yrn not mine. dnw abt it, 'kay?
AA: but fwiw, i totes have a rnoute alrneady planned.
AA: and if anything goes 2spoopy4me, i will pop down a vent, get out into the shipbay, and follow the sewage outlet all the way back up top.
AA: nbddd. evernyone else herne is like, fucking six footerns, and it's a squeeze forn   M E.
LB: i might not be your doctor but this isn't medical. you did say that she was more my people
LB: and maybe delete your actual plan. are you sure things are encrypted on your end of things
AA: y, y. i'm just sayin' i know what i'm doing, losern. >:}
AA: and ofccccc.
AA: this entirne convo's deleting off my end aftern this shuts, dnw.
LB: what sort of stuff is she working on anyway?
AA: evernybody herne's into genetics. and fixing shit.
AA: like, she gave us a full hourn long goddamn lecturne on abt how grn8 it would be if we could just F I X ppl, instead of culling them.
LB: is there one big project you're working on or a bunch of smaller ones
AA: bunch of tiny ones. but they all feed into one big one.
AA: even tho idk if ppl arne rnealising that yet, lmao.
AA: wtfevernnn, waderns arne fucking dumb. >:}
LB: is everyone else there a seadweller?
LB: also do you know what the big project is yet
AA: y, me and m arne the only airnsacks.
AA: and y. loool.
AA: how would you feel if you could just totes change yrn face?
AA: it's that. >:}
LB: oh huh
LB: definitely useful
LB: literally no way the empire would like that
LB: also whose m
AA: the othern airnsack herne, brnah.
AA: so therne's yrn info. tyvm forn yrns, yrn aid has been apprneciated.
AA: we cool?
LB: yeah sure
LB: be safe
AA: loool. you too.
AA: don't get locked in any morne basements, bb.
You’ll give props where props are due. When you hit Taalik, she barely flinches. She just pauses, rubbing her jaw like she’s more shocked than anything else, and watches you.
It takes a moment to swallow the snarl trying to rip all the way out of your throat. But you manage to keep it down to nothing more than a rattle. “I’d, like, say now you apologise,” you sniff, “but obvs your lusus didn’t raise you properly, so what-the-fuck-ever.”
“And what,” she says, her fingers still resting on the pale spot on her jaw, “am I apologising for?”
If you’d had more time, you should've gone for her nose.
(But it’s a cute nose. You don’t want to break it, mostly, not until she starts talking.)
“We’ll just pay off the lowbloods,” you mock, “and get them to test it. Like - are you for real? You’re just going to pluck some poor kids off the street, and turn them into - like - fucking labrats?”
“Would you rather we didn’t pay them?” She finally lets go of her jaw, and part of you wants to bolt back when she steps in. She’s indigo. Even if she wasn’t high enough to make your skin crawl, there’s something uncanny about her, and the way she moves. The way she smiles, on the rare occasions you’ve wrestled one out of her.
(Dry, mean, at everyone else’s expense - but still a smile.)
Taalik’s the best out of everyone in this lab. She’s the only other landdweller, and when you’re surrounded by gills.. well, that’s worth more than just chrome, isn’t it? But you’ve watched when her sleeves slide up, taken in the tight coils of her arms when she’s getting annoyed enough to start snatching things.  She might be the only one you want to deal with..
But that doesn’t mean you want her in your space. She’s still indigo, and you’re pretty sure she could make a fair try at ripping you in two.
.. but that doesn’t mean you’ll flinch, either, as she steps in close. “No, I want you to be decent,” you snap, tossing your curls, and you let your shoulder clip her as you stride past. There’s a whuff of something that might be a laugh behind you, but you’re going to fucking ignore that. “C’mon. If we’re gonna start planning for test subjects, anyway, dude, we ought to do it right. Pay some olives - if we want this to work on everyone, we might as well start with the median, anyway..”
AA: pheeeeeern.
AA: wtf do you do when someone's rneally, rneally cute.
AA: but also, like, yrn prnetty surne they'rne legit 100% chaotic evil.
RS: / mmm / my assumption / personally / has always been to pile them /
RS: / but i think hadean might have some objections to that /
AA: hey!
AA: fuck off, i'm chaotic neutrnal at best, tyvm.
At the end of the second week, everything goes to fucking hell.
Pulling an all-day work session had been kind of dumb. If Hadean was here, he would've hauled you forcibly to your 'coon after the first six hours - but he isn't here, and you've got to take advantage of that. When Taalik had drifted off to sleep, you'd kept working with half a mind of impressing her.
Or, no - not impressing her. Proving her right! She's been leaning on you more and more over the last two weeks, and last night, she'd asked you if you knew how to set up a time-released enzyme package.
By the time you'd found out you didn't, it was too late to ask for help, and the only thing that mattered was fucking doing it. If the sun was up by the time you managed, who cared? You'd done it.
And now you were going to haul back coffee and waffles before she woke up, so you could hold it over her in the best kind of way.
Or, at least, that was the plan. There's voices drifting out of the cafeteria when you come up near, which's unusual enough to make you pause.
"I still think this is unneccessary," Wilcox says, and there's something strange enough about her voice that you stop mid-step. The hall's empty, but the door to the cafeteria's open, as always. And it doesn't sound like it's full. "You're not really allowed to be in here, you know?"
There ought to be the clank of forks and plates by this point. Or at least the rip of the nasty protein bars that half of the fish down here eat. Instead, when you flip your ears forward..
Under the whispers, someone's crying.
"Don't worry!" someone else says, and it's a new voice that you haven't heard before. Temasekian, part of your pan pings, helpful, but that's strange: everyone here's further north than that, and you're the last person that Wilcox hauled in. The gates, as she told the lot of you, had closed, and her party had been assembled. Every project had a team. All you had to do now was make them work. "Warrants procured, lah. Nothing illegal here!" A beat. "Hope there's nothing illegal," they - she - teases, and there's amusement soaking her words like salt. "Right, yeah?"
"I don't think you'll believe me if I say no."
"Probably not~!" There's a thump. You should turn and bolt. You should be burrowing deep into the vents now, and heading straight for the dockyard. You should be doing a lot of things, but it feels like your feet are lead.
Not quite lead. You can take a step forward, silent as a mouse, and when you do, around the doorframe, Wilcox comes into view. There's a girl standing in front of her, her hair shining as bright as bone in the dim of the room. Her horns are long enough that they're framing Wilcox's neck, for all that her head's ducked down. If she moved too suddenly, or turned her head, they could slice right into the skin, easy as butter.
Maybe that's why Wilcox has her fins pinned back, for the first time you've seen her. "There's really no need for that," Wilcox tries again, brisk, as the girl steps away. The lighting in the cafeteria is poor, as always: it's been a joke for longer than you've been here that it ought to be replaced, but half of the seadwellers were born in the depths, and they'd objected. (You don't know why you're thinking of this now. You don't know why you're still standing here.)
The lighting is poor, but when Wilcox shifts, it hits her wrists, and the cuffs shine red.
Farther out of sight, there's a shuffle of feet. Then a thud, and a shriek.
The girl pivots to look. You sink into the shadows, your pumpbiscuit racing, but her eyes slide right past you, off into a distance you can't see. "Hey!" she says, and at the same time, Wilcox surges forward, fins flaring out.
Then someone wails. You recognise her voice: Hoshio, you think, the one with the fins shaped like the summer sun. "Wrong answer," someone else says, light. Their voice's deeper than the white-haired girls. "Sorry, sweetheart! Want to try again?"
"Hdijah!" the girl snaps. "Be nice! Royalty!"
You turn on your heel, and bolt.
Taalik's awake when you slide the door open. (Slide, not slam: if everyone's in the cafeteria, well, the two of you've been overlooked. No point in drawing attention in, now.) She's half-sprawled over your desk, shoulders slouched, her braids half-out of the twist she'd pulled them into.
"What's going on?" she asks, barely looking up. She's got such a long neck! Every time you look at it, you think she ought to have gills there, but the skin's smooth as the skin of her hands.
"Really. Did Falric finally succeed in summoning demons? Or did you just get into the mind honey?" She drags her finger across the screen. The video scrolls forward. The girl is saying something peppily about mascara, and eyeliner, and the best way to repel an auspistice with both --
So you slap your palm down in the center of it, and Taalik jerks her head up so quickly, you think she's going to bite you. If it was anyone else, she'd have hissed at you. As is, she just stares, eyelashes fanning over her eyes, like she thinks that makes her look unimpressed. "I should break your hand for that," she says, but she doesn't so much as move. "What, Fuuhao?"
"Imperials," you say, slowly, "are in the facility, and they arrested Wilcox, and they snapped Hoshio's arm. Like, she doesn't fucking have one, anymore. So what d'you think they're gonna do to me and you?"
She considers you for a moment. Then she sighs, pushes back her chair in a scrape of metal on metal. "Well. You better go, then. Like hell they'll do anything to me." She's so brisk. "But you?" Side-long, she looks at you. "No point in hanging around."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You've got dirt in your veins, dumbass. Are we really going to argue about that?" She's bustling along, even as you're sidling back towards the bathroom. There's a vent you'd scoped out there, the first night. It's just big enough for you to fit into, if you duck your horns, and you'd spent an hour each night since then tracking it to the shipyard, and counting how many steps it takes. You hadn't had the opportunity to try it, yet, but. It can't be too hard. You know you'll fit.
It just won't be pleasant, but when you think of going back into the hallway -
You won't. Better the vents.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm leaving," you say instead, cracking the door.
She's shoving things into the bag, but she looks up. The look isn’t quite a smile! It’s more.. a curl of her lips, all dry and brittle, like that’s the only way she knows how to. "Try not to die."
That's about as friendly as you're going to get, you think.
The scramble through the vents is about as cramped as you expect. But if you keep your horns down, at least, they don't scrape, and there's enough clunks and sighs of machinery that no one thinks to look up.
AA: ico.
AA: are you here?
AA: because i kind of
AA: aw, shit.
AA: everything’s kind of fucked up right now, and i really, really could use some help.
You’re halfway across the shipbay when the door crashes open, and the girl saunters in.
(Not the girl. Nanako Bonjou, ID had told you, words rattling across the front of your screen so quickly that you’d barely had time to read them. Twelve sweeps, oliveblood with strong telekinesis, IPC --
Where’s the rest of her battery, sweetheart? Because fuck her, you’re going to have to worry about the rest of that, and at least some of them ought to be sick --)
“Où es-tu?” Nanako calls out. “Où es-tu, ma petit souris? Montre-toi! Montre-toi, où que tu sois!”
The ground is dry under foot, and you’ve had sweeps of practice. The first thing you’d done, back in the room, was strip off your boots: now you’re down to socks, and when you launch yourself across the pavement, it’s as silent as you can manage. Her ears are flat, inflexible little things! She can’t hear you, if you try hard enough.
If you can keep your pumpbiscuit from giving you away. It’s pounding like a drum, so loud that you can barely here her off in the distance. All you want to do is get to the sewage outlet, but that’s out in the open, right where she can see it. Right now, she doesn’t know you’re here.
So you dive underneath one of the ships, instead, wriggling and kicking. The metal scrapes at your skin, and you have to slow down so that it doesn’t tear. What if they spot the blood, and try to catalogue it? What if your name comes up? You’ve never paid that much attention to science. You don’t know what they could do with a piece of hair, or a scrape of skin, or blood --
Fear is hard. You’ve never been one to be afraid of anything, not really, and if you hadn’t spent so much time calming Pheres down, you’re not sure you’d recognise the way your hands are going clammy, or the tightness in your chest. But this girl could kill you.
This girl will kill you, if she can. Taalik’s an indigo. The rest of the scientists are all violets -
- and her partner had still snapped Hoshio’s arm like it was so much tinder.
What’s a neck, compared to that?
“Sounis,” Nanako sings, and you can see her boots as they step by. You don’t breathe. Your phone is on silent, but you don’t dare to check it: ID’s advice had been for you to get the fuck out, and not wait for him to do something to help you.
(”You’ve gone and buried yourself under a ton of saltwater, darling,” he’d said, distressed: “I’m going to try, but I just don’t know what you want me to do, here!”)
(Like he hadn’t been the one to tell you about this.)
(It’s not fair to cling to his coat-tails: you’re not seven anymore, and he’s not your quadrant. But part of you’s resentful all the same.)
THat’s fine, though. You’ll make it be fine. You haven’t relied on ID in a half-sweep: you don’t need him now, not when it’s just you and a single girl in the bay. You’ll fight her yourself, if you need to, and with that thought, you slink out from under the ship enough to look.
When you peer out, she’s standing in front of the sewer outlet, just waiting.
That’s fine.
You don’t know much about ships. But you know enough to recognise a HMS Starbruiser when you see it, after all the nights Riccin spent trying to explain them to you. “They’re the fucking best,” she’d told you, practically curling in on herself from enthusiasm, “and they’re pure magnesium, girl, that’s the best part about it. Pure fucking - you can’t get better than that, in terms of weight, in terms of goddamn quality.” They were so expensive that the two of you’d barely been able to understand the price, back when she’d finally gone and found a listing online. And then, barely a perigee later, they’d all been recalled.
Except this one, apparently. There’s a fuel line, right above your head, brushing against your ears. When you sidle back and give it a yank, just hard enough for your prosthetic to stir, the line gives.
Another yank, and it gives.
The spray of gas hitting the ground sounds like thunder in the silence of the hall. She must hear it. She has to. So you’re sidling back before it’s even hit the ground, and as soon as you’re back on your feet, you lean forward and give the back of the ship a shove. The fangs of your prosthetic biting in stings, more than it should after two weeks of healing. You can almost feel the siphon of blood as it pulls in -
- but it’s worth it, because a moment later, when you shove the ship again, the brake snaps somewhere underneath it. It lurches forward, uneasily at first, but with the minor slope of the ground rapidly giving it momentum. You’ve only got a second to fumble your lighter out of your pocket. A flick of the switch, then you toss it over your shoulder, hands shaking.
You don’t stay to watch. You’re already bolting when there’s a sizzle behind you, and then, a scarce second later, you feel the heat as the fuel line catches fire.
It’s when the ship’s hull catches fire that you hear it, though: the crackle of metal catching flame, and the shriek of the bolts, already beginning to protest under the new heat. Ducking behind a new ship, there’s a shriek and crumple of metal behind you, loud enough that it makes your soundflaps pin.
But you have to keep moving. There’s another ship that you give a shove, hard enough that it leaves you shaking, but it’s sliding right towards the flaming mess in the center. The air’s full of smoke already, black and billowing up at your feet, not at all deterred by the shriek of the sprinklers above flicking on. The smoke tickles at your lungs. It burns at your throat, and pulling your shirt over your nose doesn’t do anything to stop it. Pulling up the hood of your jacket helps a little, but not much.
It’s fine, you remind yourself. You’re not going to be here long, and the fish inside the labs -
- well, if they’re still alive, you hope you didn’t just blow up their ship.
(You hope Taalik’ll be fine. “Try not to die,” she’d told you, and you didn’t even think to say anything back.)
There’s crates along the side of the shipbay. You duck into those, and now.. all you have to do is wait. So you count to sixty, hidden neatly behind the cargo, and try to breathe in through your mouth. The girl will have bolted for the ships. IPC agent, ID had said, and an expensive model like a Starbruiser - well, it’s got to have been hers, doesn’t it?
And even if it isn’t, there’s six tons of water above you, and more below. A single crack in the frame of this place will drown the lot of you, from the fuschia on down. She’s a telekinetic. She’s probably securing a net over the flames even right now, siphoning out the oxygen and snuffing them before anything can blow.
It’s been sixty seconds. She has to. And in the meanwhile, the smoke’s burning all the way through your lungs, and you know the sort of damage that does. The sort of shit you’re probably breathing in.
(You didn’t get away from the explosion as quickly as you should’ve, you think. Your flaps hurt. Your bulbs hurt. Your body hurts, in a way you can’t tell if it’s from blood loss, or the explosion, and that’s doing nothing to stop the frantic patter of your heart.)
She’s going to be at the ship, and you have to go, you have to go now. So you take a shaky breath, you duck out of your hiding place, and you make for the sewage outlet.
She’s not there. It’s clear, and there’s a weight off your shoulders. The air is full of smoke, and your body aches, and she’s going to kill you if she finds you, but - she didn’t. She isn’t going to. And you’re half-way into the pipe when something snatches you by the back of the neck, and hauls you out.
There’s a burn on her cheek, shining a sickly green in the light. Her eyes are red, red as the cuffs around Wilcox’s wrist, and you’re twisting to swing a fist right in her face before you’ve even processed who you’re looking at.
It’s like punching a wall. You shriek, pulling away from her, curling your arm in on yourself, and she just sighs, shaking her head. There’s a thousand warning notes flashing in front of your eyes, wailing about damage, and the fangs of your prosthetic are sinking in, tighter and tighter, to try and fix it.
“Merci, ma sounis,” she scolds you. There’s soot on her nose. The edges of her hairs are burned black, frayed in the dark. “Hadn’t run, wouldn’t have chased, yeah? But you ran! And you broke things. Friend built ship! What supposed to say? Rebel blew it up? Shame on you.”
You want to say something witty. All that comes out is a snarl, instead, but all of your thrashing isn’t doing anything to free you: it’s like being held by iron, and the only result you get is an exasperated cluck. “Aah. How old you? Seven? Wilcox all wrong, wrong, wrong, shouldn’t be done. Should’ve known better. Bad enough, pulling guppies in.”
“Can no do nothing about guppies. But mice?” She shakes her head, sending the white locks flying. “Sorry,” she says, and maybe it’s even real. You don’t care. There’s brown crowding your eyes, blocked only by the way you keep blinking, and you - you don’t even know why you’re bothering, honestly. She’s going to cull you, and you don’t know what you’re going to do, and you didn’t tell Hadean, and you didn’t tell Pheres, and -
"Sorry,” she says again, and draws her hand back again. This time, you can’t exactly stop her, not with your prosthetic shattered. All you can do is thrash, but a heel to the gut doesn’t do anything - your leg bounces off of her psi like armor, and her grip is iron. Your hood falls back. All you can do is pin your ears back, and hiss.
(You’re going to die, and nobody is ever going to know.)
But when your hood falls, her face blanches. “Poivre?” she breathes, and then she takes a step back. A moment later, she seems to realise you’re still in her hand: she drops your collar, as quick as she’d snatched you up, and when you land on your feet, already staggering back, she doesn’t try to follow you.Her face’s as pale as her hair.  Only for a moment, though, and then there’s green flooding her cheeks, all at once. Her hand falls. Your pumpbiscuit is pounding like a drum, too loud for you to make out more than the shapes of the words that she’s saying.But there’s a hand on her mouth, and when your hiss fades into a cough, wet and raspy even past the thump of your blood, just like that, something in her crumples.She doesn’t turn away from you. She just takes a step back, and then another, her eyes taking you in like she’s seeing you for the first time.You’re missing something, here. You should figure it out - but all you can think about is the outlet, right behind her. When you take a shaky step towards it, one hand on your throat, she doesn’t move. And even the second doesn’t illict a reaction.So you dive into the pipe, instead, and run.
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politicalmamaduck · 7 years
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Ring in the Reylo 2017
Please leave kudos and comments for all of these hard working writers!
Fics under 100 hits and kudos:
Tall Tales of the Western Wilds by Anonymous for Vivien They say there’s three sides to every story: his side, her side, and the truth. No matter which you choose to believe, Ragin’ Rey Kenobi was the greatest bounty hunter there ever was.
Bound in the Balance by Anonymous for TheBridgeIntoYourMind He sees her struggles. He feels her frustrations. He senses her presence in the Force, a sensation that echoes his own. He feels compelled to help her, to tell her the truth about herself and himself. How much he ends up telling her, he didn’t expect. 
Take my hand by Anonymous for tyrantsandcreampuffs 
Fics under 100 kudos:
Convergence by Anonymous for Elywyngirlie Whatever the next steps are, I want to take them with you.
the hint of hope that is you by Anonymous for ReyloTrashCompactor (NextToSomething) Rey, Poe, Finn, and the rest of the staff at Recto et Verso Books are gearing up for the holiday season when a surprise mass shipment throws them off balance. Selling 742 copies of anything would be a challenge for a store their size. Selling 742 copies of pretentious, free form, emo poetry by some asshole named “Kylo Ren” is next to impossible…or so they think.
The Wheels Keep Right on Rolling by Anonymous for Hamliet Ben Solo is brilliant and handsome. He is also insufferably arrogant, a flagrant womanizer, and a total ass. On certain days, they get along as well as oil and water. On others, it’s more like ammonium nitrate and TNT. Which is why the prospect of spending the next 48-hours cooped up in a car–on a road trip with the man–has left Rey feeling a bit out of sorts….
desperado (where you gonna run to) by Anonymous for La_Catrina ‘It is my personal opinion that we cannot take Snoke down without you. Sorry excuse of a man that you are at the moment.’ Rey’s eyes skimmed him up and down as though searching for something, and coming up wanting.Kylo could not fault her for that. He’d failed at being a good man a long time ago, and a bad man more recently. He was adrift between two worlds, belonging in neither.
Gideon’s Sacrifice by Anonymous for Ceallaigh Since the loss of Rey, Kylo Ren’s pursuit of these new enemies has been relentless. Planets of no consequence, like Serpindal and Belkadan have gone completely dark from technology - there were no electronic subspace transmissions. Later his Knights of Ren discovered the planets were destroyed by space anomalies, such as the moon crashing into Serpindal, and an overgrowth of insects on Belkadan. His daughter has been left in the care of his mother, Leia. However, in this last visit, New Republic Forces have chosen to arrest him and try him for his crimes against the galaxy from the last war. The war the First Order lost to the Resistance. He was tried by grand jury of the New Republic and convicted of various crimes. His sentence was to be placed in Carbonite stasis by a new protocol that would cause him to be devoid of the Force. Leia refuses to let Kylo Ren surrender to them. Kylo Ren has other plans.
Love makes the galaxy go round by Anonymous for bittersnake Their masters make a secret arrangement behind their backs.
Family issues by Anonymous for Artemis1000 Rey tries to understand her feelings for a redeemed Ben Solo while his mother and uncle treat her like the hope for a better galaxy. It’s not easy when you have to be a jedi, a friend, a warrior and a lover.
In Balance by Anonymous for Fangirltrashbaby Kylo Ren arrives on Ahch-Too with some surprising news. Rey is hesitant at first but when Luke strands them on the planet she has to learn to get along with him.
soon I know you’ll see (you’re just like me) by Anonymous for KyloWren She crooks a finger. He kneels.
climb so fast to fall by Anonymous for LueurdeLaube Kylo Ren arrived at (crashed into) the Resistance base and fell in front of the general, broken and bleeding. No one was very happy about this development, least of all Rey.
i’m always in this twilight (in the shadow of your heart) by Anonymous for jitterygummy Coded on a secondhand datapad in a run-down motel room in Mos Eisley, deleted and never sent: Everything about us was a whirlwind.Written on a scrap of durasheet in a Tion Cluster outpost, the words fading after a while into air and ghosts: You shouldn’t have forgiven me for any of it.Scraped into the bark of an oak tree on the Argazdan homeworld: You won’t believe the dreams I have about you.
Two Comets Lost, Following the Trails of Stars Unknown by Anonymous for Karla_shadow He calls out to her as if through the Force, a pull that repels and attracts her in equal measure. He draws nearer to her as if he can’t help but follow that strange call. She backs away.“You can’t fight destiny.”
Exigence in Force Majeure by Anonymous for MostTulip This war has raged for ages and most of the leaders at its helm are long gone. It’s left to Kylo Ren, and Rey, his constant opposing force, whose minds have seeped so far into each other as to make planning in secret impossible, to come to some accord or else watch the galaxy burn in their futile efforts at mutual destruction.
Muscle Memory by Anonymous for thewayofthetrashcompactor (BriarLily) The war may be over, but Rey is still encountering Kylo Ren far too frequently for her peace of mind.
The Force Works in Mysterious Ways by Anonymous for agirlfromniima Sometimes you just know what you need to do. 
Jazz Night at the Jakku Philharmonic by Anonymous for SaintHeretical Rey expects nothing good when the Jakku Philharmonic plays an outdoor gig with weird and reclusive jazz legend Snoke. As for his backing band, they’re something else. Kylo styles himself as “the loudest trumpet player in the universe”, and his mic stand is right behind Rey’s chair in the woodwind section.
This Darkness Which You Know You Cannot Fight by Anonymous for OccasionallyCreative Rey gives in to her anger. It has been a long time coming.
Fight Like Me by Anonymous for SWAG_77 After mysteriously crashing on a moon, Rey and Kylo Ren find themselves Forced to fight together.
Quiet Words by Anonymous for RacheyMayBe She wants to take his heart in her hand and dare it to beat when its fickleness is the reason Han’s never will again.(She doesn’t know yet that this fury doesn’t wholly belong to her.)
One Thousand and One Nights by Anonymous for TehanuFromEarthsea Really, Rey ought to kill him. But instead she found herself fascinated by him
Trapped by Anonymous for PalenDrome (nerdherderette) Rey and Kylo get trapped on a shuttle in the middle of deep space. Inspired by ChroniclyFlaming’s “Revanche"
Between Daydreams and Nightmares by Anonymous for BeMyDarkling “Bring the girl to me.” Kylo begins to train Rey after her abduction; however, as he attempts to draw out the Dark Side in her, she ignites the Light in him.
Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit by Anonymous for SouthSideStory A diplomatic mission to Fest goes differently than expected.
Shadowed by Anonymous for Limra The war is over. It has been for years. A damaged Kylo is forced to face his fears when Rey tells him that she wants children, believing that the sins of the father would be passed on to the children – his children… much like the sins of Darth Vader ruined the reputation of his mother, then-Senator Leia Organa.Rey? Well. Rey thinks that it’s about time that Kylo faces what people really think about her husband.
A Ghtroc 690, Fully Restored by Anonymous for Chthonia This is the Force, Rey knows, trying to draw her to Kylo Ren, but she doesn’t care about whatever greater purpose a higher power has in store for them. She hates this man, and she despises any connection they have, no matter how divine its origin. (Or: the Force ruins Rey’s first vacation.)
Solace for the Damned by Anonymous for incognitajones Christmas Eve, and a lone priest of a tiny, isolated parish works feverishly in the snow until an old friend drops by. She misses him- what will it take to lure him away? When will he stop hiding behind the cloth?
The Planet of Fates by Anonymous for Juulna Simple scavenger Rey was almost ready to find Luke, to bring peace to the galaxy once again, until a mysterious force pulled her into the dreaded Kylo Ren’s path. Though this may be a trap, something bigger seems to be playing out for the two adversaries. And it won’t be like anything they’ve faced before…
Anchorite by Anonymous for momo_official It was right, Rey thought, that he had to bend so low to speak to her. Men like Kylo Ren were made to kneel. 
the one thing you leave behind (is how did you love) by Anonymous for diasterisms Kylo’s orders are to turn Rey to the Dark Side. His personal feelings may prevent him from doing so.
Clandestine by Anonymous for kuresoto She should have just done her job as a Jedi, should have remained detached yet polite, should have guarded Senator Ben Organa, and should not have jumped into bed with him.
Opposition in Vain by Anonymous for solikerez Rey is a factory girl living off of meager pay and the hope that her parents will return. She’s given a new chance at happiness when the parson Luke Skywalker (a former student of her grandfather’s) adopts her. Years later, the Skywalker-Solo merchant business is facing financial ruin. In order to save her found family, she enters into marriage with the prodigal Ben Solo, who became wealthy through betrayal. But there may be more to this arrangement than what meets the eye…
That One Time Rey Got Drunk by Anonymous for dungeoncrawler Rey is drunk, Kylo is impulsive, and neither of them can admit their feelings. They can, however, express them through physical intimacy. 
The Five Times We Met At The Train Station And The One Time We Did Not by Anonymous for the-reylo-void (Anysia) Exactly what it says on the tin(or the five times rey assaulted ben in some way lmfao)
Clockwork by Anonymous for Vickyshipsreylo He is young, and there are two things he fears above everything else: death, and clockwork.
Stay by Anonymous for Thelittlescrimshaw Prompt fill for Ring In the Reylo New Year’s gift exchange. 
Sins of the Father by Anonymous for Hormonal_Trashbag Unable to outrun the sins of his past, Ben Solo is faced with a ghost from that life that threatens his chance to finally find a peace he has sought his entire life. 
The Fickle Finger of Fate by Anonymous for OfHealingLove She should not be afraid of him. She does not understand. She will. He will make her.
such language holds the solemn sea (to sands upon the shore) by Anonymous for cassanah They only ever met in large cities where they could blend into anonymity. This time they were in a city called Tvell’ia on a bustling trade world in the Outer Rim. Kylo came here once when he was not Kylo Ren. He remembered how the luminescent algae in the ocean glowed in the darkness of the night here, and he wanted Rey to see it.
let the silver arrow fly by Anonymous for LarirenShadow Leia plays cupid, and fires a few misshots before getting it right.
Retrouvailles by Anonymous for NatMatryoshka : The joy or happiness of reuniting with someone after a long separation.Prompt from NatMatryoshka: “Padawan Rey and Senator Ben Organa Solo: Rey and her master Luke escort young Senator Ben Organa for a noisy party in Coruscant. What will happen?”
The most beautiful souls by Anonymous for dustoftheancients (The_Hollow_Bones) Rey is a Jedi, trained by Luke Skywalker, granddaughter of Obi-Wan Kenobi, another famous Jedi master. Kylo Ren has moved his first steps as a Sith: he’s sure of himself, stubborn. They have felt in love too soon.[Jedi/Sith AU]
Heart Craters, Filled With Light by Anonymous for KagamiSorciere Rey has never been able to celebrate Christmas before. Kylo can’t help but become a little invested.
His Desire by Anonymous for Ghostsdontdie Kylo Ren’s hopes and dreams are fulfilled with a marriage to Rey, but he remains uncertain and unsatisfied.“Which of us is happy in this world? Which of us has his desire? or, having it, is satisfied?” ― William Makepeace Thackeray, “Vanity Fair”
The Word of Skill by Anonymous for onstraysod When Kylo Ren kidnaps Rey from Ahch-to, he expects her to be a worthy rival and a pupil. He’s already seen enough to know she’s a girl who can match him in wits and in Force power. But it’s the other things Rey learned during her years of neglect on Jakku that will make all the difference; not only to Kylo but to the other inhabitants of the Finalizer, and perhaps the Galaxy itself. 
Love makes the galaxy go round by Anonymous for bittersnake Their masters make a secret arrangement behind their backs.
Fugue by Anonymous for Queronea Kylo and Rey keep their marriage in secret during the war, but in the final fight with Snoke, Kylo gets hit in his head and loses all his memories of Kylo Ren. Now he’s Ben Solo, balancing work in the Resistance base, his Jedi training with Luke, the disappearance of his father, and the constant fights with Rey, the only person in the base he cannot seem to get along with.
A wig and glasses isn’t enough by Anonymous for TheJGatsby Rey meets a celebrity in disguise, and things only get crazier from there…
Just a Dream by Anonymous for kmanion At night, desperate to sleep, Rey imagines an island.
we must be killers (children of the wild ones) by Anonymous for personalphilosophie He chuckles. He can’t help it. “You have to stop terrorizing the merchants, my love.”“I’m ‘your love’ now, am I? You were calling me ‘little idiot’ a few days ago—”“Who,” he snaps, “in their right mind would just drop down into the middle of a pack of Sith hounds?”“Element of surprise?” she offers. “Anyway, they were only Sith hounds.“There is refuge even here, in their little games. He can’t remember precisely when it started. It crept up on him like salvation, like forgiveness, like dawn seeping through.
Home Is… by Anonymous for Sydney508 “Building a life together” is more than just a phrase. For Kylo and Rey, it literally starts with building a home, one little step at a time (but please don’t let them play with electricity anymore.)
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