#i mean like. plants grow out of people wow ahhh
ruinationz · 11 months
anyways do you guys want to hear about my tadc au that I can't write about until the fucking show comes out? do you want to see my insanity? too bad you have to anyways see under the cut for the explanation
tldr: flower symbolism meets music based chapters meets this fucking circus show. runs into the woods
Caine has many underlying issues, and since we can assume he has control over the game his emotions end up influencing the environment of the circus. This results in mysterious flowers appearing on and inside of everyone (growing out of fresh and healed wounds, roots growing towards bruises n shit), appearing from physical and mental "hurt" (the types of flowers even symbolize aspects of their personalities and flaws!!!! isn't that neat??). These flowers, as they represent a trauma of some sort, can only stop "overgrowing" once the bearer confronts whatever the trauma may be. (They don't exactly stop growing nor do any scars actually disappear, but hey wow funky trauma metaphor) The group, however, does not know this, and immediately blames Caine for the situation (minus Pomni, who's just confused). At one point Pomni, who was sent by the troupe to try and figure out where the flowers came from, ends up getting off topic with Caine, Caine gets attached and things kind of spiral from there.
Yeah, it's a flower au. Don't look at me. It's kind of more canon divergent than anything but what can ya do tbh
did I mention it's song based. did I mention the playlist i made for this au?? it won't make much sense without the writing but if you want the character list for each song here you go I guess
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chocoflanysuna · 3 years
Chapter 1 Part uno
One minute you were smiling as you watched your dad's S13 zoom pass by you.The sound of the engine intensifying as he shifts up a gear and increases his speed.The way you watch the wheels so gracefully graze the asphalt as he drifted his car to the left. This feeling, the adrenaline you get as you watched your father do what he loved most. He loved cars! He was a mechanic who owned a shop in the heart of Tokyo. Everyone knew him as the best car tuner in town, his name, Ukai Keishin the owner of “Ukai Motors”. You grew up surrounded by the hissing sound of the exhaust, the sound of engines being revved, and the sound tires made as they carved their tracks on the payment. This was the world you grew up in, the only thing that made you feel alive, this was home.
“Shit his breaks”, was the last thing you heard before the weight of the world came crashing down on you, everything changed in a fraction of a second. Your eyes were fixated on the silver Nissan s13 that was spinning out of control. Your heart beating out of your chest as a chill creeped up your spine. You wanted to run to the car that was no longer moving, but it was as if gravity increased tenfold and the weight of your body became more than you could handle. Your feet were planted, your legs felt weak, no longer strong enough to hold your own weight. Falling to your knees you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding in. The image of the car flipping over playing nonstop in your head. What went wrong? Why? Why did the brakes decide to give out now?
“Call an ambulance!”, you barely managed to hear. Your ears were tingling, your body breaking out in a cold sweat. You watched as your aunt took a hold of your father’s helpless body and held him. You fought the weight of your own body and ran, you ran and didn’t stop till you came face to face with reality.
There he was unconscious, blood dripping from a wound inflicted on his forehead.“Dad, I'm here dad! Don’t you dare leave me.” You reached for his bloody hand holding it tightly, checking his wrist for a pulse but felt nothing. His hand grew colder to the touch. He was gone. You broke down, your eyes growing into a storm as you began to cry.
You jolted awake, feeling a tightness around your chest as you let out a sob.
“Not again”, another nightmare, it has been three years since your father died but the nightmare hasn't stopped. The image of his lifeless body haunting you all these years. Reaching over to your nightstand you get ahold of your phone. “7:02am”, letting out a frustrated sigh you flung your legs to the side getting out of bed. You had a class at 9am so there was no point in trying to go back to sleep. You headed to the restroom and turned on the shower, you turned the knob all the way to the side labeled “hot”.The feeling of the water burning into your bare skin beautifully painting red marks and the suffocating steam the hot water produced became a reminder to yourself that you were still alive. It has been rough for you since the accident three years ago. That day you lost two things, your father and your love for cars.
 “If you have any further questions regarding your grades be sure to reach out to me via email before the end of the day, Sunday. Now, with that said I wish you all a great and safe summer. Class dismissed.”
Right on time with the dismissal bell your professor wrapped up the semester. Flinging your bag over your shoulder you made your way out of class and walked towards the train station.
Egghead <3:
“Ayo y/n is your class over?”
“yeah?? heading to the station now, what’s up!”
Egghead <3:
“ahhh bet, c u soon suckah”
“wait what!?!?!”      -Read
“TANAKA”                      -Read
“ i swear to god if you don’t answer me i- “   -Read
“What the hell.” You let out a sigh shoving your phone into your pocket.
Arriving at the station right on time, you watched as the train pulled in and a crowd of people came storming out. Once the train emptied you walked in choosing your preferred seat in the corner. Taking out your headphones you shoved them into your ears pressing play on your, “on my way home playlist.” Joji flooded your ears as your mind began to play out different scenarios.
“See you soon?” What did Tanaka mean? He lived in Tokyo, five hours away from Kyoto, where you lived. There was no way he was here, alone? Was Saeko with him?
Tanaka Ryunosuke and Tanaka Saeko were your fathers younger siblings. Although they did not share the same last name due to the fact that they did not share the same father, that did not take away from the fact that they were siblings. Ever since Saeko was born your father and her were inseparable, always doing everything together, even after your dad got married they continued to work at the auto shop together. Ryu on the other hand, is only a year older than you. He is like a brother to you. Although, technically he is your uncle, you never refer to him in that matter.
After about 25 minutes the train came to a soft stop, gathering your things you rushed out. It was about a 10 minute walk from the station to your house, but you were practically running, hoping that Ryu and Saeko were waiting for you. You missed them so much.
“Hey hun, how was school?”
Stepping into the kitchen you tried to hide the look of disappointment on your face, like usual you came home to only your mom.
“It was okay, how was yours mom?”
“Pretty busy, work was a little chaotic. Why don’t you go get cleaned up so that we can have dinner. ”
You walked into the hallway and opened the door to your room. Walking in you turned on the lights and were greeted by the scariest thing to walk planet earth. There in the middle of your room you came face to face with a baldy- you let out a high-pitch scream. But, it was quickly canceled out by the sound of laughter.
“Surprise shawty!”
“I fucking hate you!” You swatted at Tanaka's chest. He scared the crap of you. You never expected to be greeted by Tanaka's egghead looking ass, standing in the middle of your room. Saeko was also there, she was seated at your desk.
“We wanted to surprise you kid, it’s been a while.” Saeko embraced you in a lung crushing hug.
“But! How? When? Why?”
“Ryu told me today was your last day of classes before summer break, so here we are.” Saeko smiled and when she did you couldn’t help but be reminded of your father. They had a lot of similar features, including the blonde hair.
“You should have seen the disappointed look on (Y/n) face when she walked into the kitchen.” The sound of your mothers voice echoing from behind you.
“Mom! Did you know about this?”
“Yeah, I've known for a week now.” She said, giving you a devilish smile. “Now come eat you guys, the foods going to get cold!”
You all walked out of your room and into the kitchen, taking a seat around the dining room table.You talked about everything and anything, about your classes, the fact that you did not have anything planned this summer, and that you missed Tokyo.
“Well, (Y/n) how would you feel about staying with us this summer?”
You stared blankly at Saeko, you had not been back to Tokyo since the accident three years ago. You missed it, you couldn’t lie. The night life, the view of the Tokyo Skyline on those cool summer nights, the sound of cars zooming through the streets, and just everything about it.
You faced your mom opening your mouth to speak, but before you could even ask a question she assured you, “It’s up to you sweet heart.”
“Look (Y/n), it would be sick if you came back with us, you could help around the shop. It’s the summer you know! Gotta live it up ma dude.”
Tanaka was right, you hadn’t really been “living it up”, you’ve just focused on school and helping your mom.
“Okay, I’ll go!”
“Great!” Saeko jumped almost tipping out of her chair, the biggest smile plastered on her face.
“We plan on heading back Sunday afternoon, that gives you a day and a half to pack anything you need.”
*Sunday Afternoon*
“Alright we’re all set.” Tanka closed the trunk and walked towards the passenger side of the car opening the door for you.
You gave your mom one last hug, then hopped in. Tanaka closed the door and circled the car towards the drivers side. Saeko was in the back seat, claiming she was too tired to drive. She had brought her 2019 Honda Accord, since it was more spacious than her other beloved car.
Five hours went by in a heartbeat, between singing at the top of your lungs with Ryu and Sae, taking a quick nap, and talking about cars. Tanaka filled you in on the fact that he joined a car gang, he said it wasn’t a “gang gang” but rather a group of boys racing their favorite toys. He mentioned he had a race coming up and would love it if you joined him.
“Ryu, you know I don’t feel comfortable watching people race, not after what happened. What if you get hurt?”
“Look (Y/n), I know what happened to your father was terrible and your wound hasn’t fully healed yet. Trust me. I know how bad it hurts because he was also my brother. The person I looked up to the most.”
“Hey! What about me”, Sae swatted Ryu's arm.
“I love ya Sae, but we both know Ukai was a beast when it came to cars! He taught us all we know. Although what happened was horrible I know he wouldn’t want us to stop doing what we love. When’s the last time you’ve driven a car?”
You couldn’t remember, It had definitely been a while. You stayed away from driving, much rather taking the train or walking.
“We both know “U” would want us to live our lives, he died doing what he loved most.  I’m sure he would want you to do what you love even if it kills you.”
“Wow! Tanaka what a dramatic ending”, you giggled but you understood what he meant perfectly. You missed the car world, you wanted to go back, experience the ever so familiar feeling at the pit of your stomach as you took control of the wheel.
“I’ll think about it”, you smiled at Tanaka.
It was now Thursday, you were on your way to visit your father's shop. You had not been back since the night before you left for Kyoto. Did it still look the same? Would it still bring you that feeling of being at home? You recognized the street you were in, a few blocks away from the shop. You were excited yet nervous, not ready for the memories this place will trigger.
Saeko slowly reversed her beautifully wrapped 1997 matte pink Honda Civic Type R into the parking spot closest to the back door. If you could not tell she had a thing for Hondas. Making sure the car was on neutral she pulled the handbrake up and turned the car off. Hoping out you placed your hands in your pocket and followed after Saeko. Once you were inside everything looked exactly how you remembered it.
There were two car lifts, one on each side of the shop along with Snap-on tool boxes that aligned against the walls. The front of the shop had three separate garage style doors. The backside of the shop had a second floor platform. The platform was aligned with more toolboxes and several different auto parts. Below the platform were several rooms and the door you walked in through. The first room from the left closest to the back door was an office, followed by the employee break room, and the room farthest to the right was a mini garage. It had a garage style door but also a small glass one. Through the glass door you could see that there was a car in there wrapped in a black tarp.
It was as if your feet started moving on their own making their way towards the wrapped car, you reached a hand out to get a hold of the platinum color knob. You turned it and entered what seemed to be another dimension. The air was cooler yet inviting, you slowly peeled off the tarp exposing what layed under it. There it was, in all its glory, a black 1996 R32 Nissan Skyline.
“Close your eyes (Y/n) no peeking!”
You did as your father told you and covered your eyes with your hands. You felt him grab a hold of your arm and led you towards a different location.
“Okay you can open them now.”
Dropping your hands from your face you were left speechless.
“She’s a beauty ain’t she! I got a great offer on her, so I figured why not buy her and fix her up.”
“Wow” is all you managed to get out, you always admired R32 Skylines, you dreamed of owning one of your own. Now that dream was two feet away from you.
“Wanna take her on a spin?” Your dad asked, while wiggling the keys in front of your face.
Embracing him in a hug you thanked him and took the keys.
“She’s a beauty ain’t she.”
Saeko spoke from behind you dragging you out of your daydream.
“I had no idea you still had this. Mom told me you were going to sell it.”
“What! No! I would never! She actually asked me to watch over it, she knew you would come back to it.”
Your beloved Skyline, the last gift your father gave you before parting from this world.
“Wanna take her on a spin?” Saeko offered swinging the key between her index and middle finger.
Shaking your head, you declined her offer.
“Not today Sae, soon!”
You both exited the garage and headed towards the office continuing with your day. You helped Saeko with paperwork and sorting a few things out. It was just about time to close when you got a rather exciting message.
Kenma:) :
“Sorry about the late response, I got caught up with work. Breakfast tomorrow?”
“YES! I would love that”
Kenma:) :
“same old breakfast joint?”
“yes pleasee!”
Kenma:) :
“cool, see you there.”
Kozume Kenma was an old friend of yours, living a few houses down from you during your elementary through middle school years. Right before the start of your first year of high school Kenma and his family moved to a different prefecture. But, you never stopped keeping up with one another, hanging out every now and then. He was glad to hear you were back in Tokyo, inviting you to have breakfast at a small restaurant on the outskirts of town. They severed the best fluffy pancakes. 
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darknessqueen16 · 5 years
Diabolik lovers zero floor 6 “Yuma”
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You can listen to it here:
TRACK 1 “Metal trees grow thicker.”
Yuma: It smells like dust, don’t anyone do the cleaning here? Hey, we’re gonna come in without permission! What’s it, there’s no answer, does this place still work? There’s no one here, what’s going on with this site? Hey, on that plate was written “museum”, right? Yeah? The place’s shabby, but there’s still light, so it still seems to be working. Did all the employees skip work? Well, we’ll enter on our own since the door was open.
Yuma: Yeah, from time to time I take some walks in the woods, but this is the first time I’ve seen about this place. I found it by chance, so I can’t give an idea, but since we’re on a date, and if you’re interested, let’s look inside. Okay, if my woman’s going to have fun, listening to her request it’s what a man would do. Oh, what’s there, isn’t that a map? Ah… this place is quite big… ahhh~, “statues”, “specimens”, it’ll definitely not be fun to see that. Oh? Is there also a floor in the underground? Oh! How about here, the place where it’s written “plants”? I have no idea what’ll be there, but it seems fun!
Yuma: Well, it’s decided! I wonder where is the entrance to go to the underground? Let’s go further inside.
Yuma: I wonder what kind of plants it’ll be exhibiting? The plants in the underground would wither, so could they be different because they’re Demon World’s plants, I guess? Oh? What happens? You’re pale. Oh? Which one? Wah?! What’s this?
*background music changes*
Yuma: Are those portraits? There's a lot of them, and they all look so real. *Yui hides behind Yuma* Are you okay? Anyone would feel disgusted after seeing so many faces. We’re gonna get out of here quickly and go to the underground, there should be better exhibitions there than here.
Yuma: UF, is this floor? OHH, WOW! Come here, get a look too! Ahh, amazing, there are a lot of trees and grass, it looks like a forest! Even the ground looks real. *touches a tree* Huh? T-this texture… is metal? Even the branches and leaves too, and even the flowers! Everything is false… ahh, are these science fiction exhibits? Damn it… making such weird things. The best are real trees and the flowers that are alive! Ah~ damn it. Oh! *breaks a branch* Uh, sh*t… Ah, maybe… I put a lot of force… hahaha… a branch broke… Uwa, don’t shout at me, it was very weak, it can’t be avoided! I have an idea, okay? Don’t move. Well… mm, the hair ornaments look good on you. The branch had a flower, so it suits you, you know? Everything is okay~, if they get angry with us, let’s think about what to do at that moment. Although if you use that branch, probably they’ll scold only you.
*Yui jumps and tries to put the branch on Yuma’s head*
Yuma: Oh! Haha, you’re not gonna catch me~. It’s alright, I’ll look at you very closely when you’re being scolded and you cry.
*Yui runs and tries again*
Yuma: Ooops! If you’re so clumsy, you won’t be able to catch me for the rest of your life.
*Yui gets entangled with metal leaves*
Yuma: ah? Hey, what’s wrong? Ahh, you cut yourself, blood is coming out, the tips of the leaves on this side are pointy. It can’t be helped; sit down for a moment.
Yuma: There’s not much light here, but even so, you were pretty clumsy. Geez, though it was also my fault for teasing you too much. C'mon, extend your leg. It seems that the cut it’s not so deep, well, it should heal right away if I do this. *Licks it* Hey, don’t move, endure the tickles. It’s the same as when I drink your blood, you know that your wounds close once you lick them, right? If you move so much you’ll hurt again with the leaves there, if you don’t want that, then stay still. *licks it* Good girl, you endured it very well. Oh… hey, you got a cut on your other leg too, even your clothes got ripped, damn it. *licks* ah? Why are you making that sexy voice? Is this insufficient? You won’t say you started wanting my fangs, right?
Yuma: He~ then… how about I do this? *bites her softly* *giggles* I just bit you lightly, why do you make that kind of face? I have night vision, so even though it’s dark I can see you very well. This stimulation isn’t enough, right? Beg me if you want them, C'mon, do you want me to make you wait longer? Haha, you’re still as Sow as ever, but it’s alright, I’ll do it as much as you wish. It’s a waste that your skin gets hurt with the tree, it’s better I’ll sink my fangs in you. *bites her* Mmn… hah… What do you think? It’s irresistible, isn’t it? Once you become addicted to it, you can’t be satisfied with just one stimulation in half. Your face’s melting, let your voice out more, let me hear it. There’s no one here, and there’s also no way you can endure it, I’ll show you *bites her* Mmn… mmmn… haa… see, you can’t help letting your voice out when you feel good, you don’t have to hold back. *bites her* Ahh, it’s sweet… your blood is the best… Well, I’ll just do this much for now. *Licks her* Don’t get defensive, you were the one who begged it to me. And you liked it too, right? Haha, it’s very obvious if you get blush. And? Is your leg okay? Yeah, this time walk with care, and I’ll stop teasing you.
Yuma: By the way, what were people thinking about making these exhibitions so dangerous? Ah! *smells* What’s this smell? …Let’s go deeper, I have to verify this smell, I have a bad feeling.
TRACK 2 “Share the apple mouth to mouth”
Yuma: This place’s incredibly big… but no matter where we go, it’s the same scenario everywhere. And that false forest was unpleasant. ?! What? They’re pipes, aren’t they? They extend to the ceiling, I wonder where they connect to. By the way, what could a pipe wider than my body carry inside? *touches the pipe’s inside* …! It’s not metal, it’s like a leather… or a thick wine… Why’s this the only thing that seems to be made of raw material? Also, *smells* this smell… Hey, hey, don’t tell me that this is… *Takes out a knife* Probably, it was the right thing to have brought a knife with me. I’m going to cut this pipe, so get away from here. And here we go!
*Cuts the pipe*
Yuma: Are you serious? This is the interior? Oh! Idiot, don’t look! That’s why I told you not to look… This was the smell I’ve smelt, I thought it was the smell of rotten garbage… heh, but who would imagine it was melted corpses. Yeah, there’s no mistake, they’re even left here without wearing watches or accessories, no matter how you look at them, they’re not rats nor bats… they’re demons, and there's a lot.
Yuma: Who knows, even I don’t understand it. In the Demon World, there’re plants that eat people and beasts, as well as carnivorous plants. But, they're not just one or two corpses, and besides, I don’t think demons can be killed so easily… Leaving such a thing here, we’re not talking about a place out of the ordinary, this museum’s totally insane.
???: Ah? Did you say insane? Do you want a fight?
Yuma: ?! Who are you?! Show yourself!
Yuma: I’m showing myself, are you sure you have eyes?
Yuma: Oh? What?? On the wall… huh, …there’s a portrait of me!?
Portrait: You finally realize… That’s right, I’m your portrait.
Yuma: Really?! The painting can speak? As I thought, this isn’t an ordinary museum… Haha, well, if you can talk then it’s better for me. Hey, you! If you live here, then answer me. What do the corpses trapped in these pipes mean?
Portrait: Is it okay to have that attitude when you ask that while you have a knife in your hand? I’m not going to respond to such a thick guy.
Yuma: What did you say?
Portrait: If you want to know, then let’s talk about how we can understand each other, of course, I also *comes out of the painting*. I’ll do it as much as I can.
Yuma: C-can you come out of the painting? What’s wrong with this place?
Portrait: That’s what I’m going to explain to you. Look, this is the hallmark of our new friendship. Try to eat it, it’s an apple made by this museum.
Yuma: Oh? THAT’s an Apple? It’s dark yellow…
Portrait: And what about that? Once you eat it you’ll never forget its taste… *bites the apple* Mm, it’s delicious. As expected from the grown apples in this museum, it’s very well-made. C'mon, *throw the apple to Yuma*
Yuma: You say I have to eat this? Sure, I’ll eat it, but in return, tell me everything that’s going on with this museum. And also, you’ll move over there and you won’t block us the way when we get out of here. All right? *To Yui* No, you don’t have to eat, only I’ll do it, don’t worry, my stomach is strong. Also… *to the portrait* If we put you in a bad mood you’ll surely not let us leave here, right? Right, Mr. Portrait?
Portrait: Good thing you understand. To make my guests leave without having received my hospitality’s the opposite of my style.
Yuma: Ha, what a thoughtful style. In that case, I’ll do what you say * bites the apple* Ughhh, this tastes awful… aaaaagh, it tastes like paint.
Portrait: He~? It seems you’re not such an idiot. You knew right away, that’s paint.
Yuma: What?
Portrait: I said that It had grown up in the museum, right? It’s part of one of the exhibits. Hehehe… it’s made with this museum’ magic.
Yuma: “magic”? Oh… ugh… what’s this? *Yuma falls*
Portrait: He fell asleep~, it’s because the museum’s magic entered his body. He would have the confidence to endure poison, it’s so pathetic. *picks up the apple* It can still be eaten, it’s a waste. You also think the same, don’t you? It’s useless to maintain your position, I’ll make you eat it right away. *catches Yui* I’ll make an exception for you and I’ll feed you mouth to mouth. *bites the apple and kisses Yui* Mmm… mmm… mn… ha… how is it? It’s the best flavor, don’t you think? As much as to make your conscience fly in an instant. Did you start feeling dizzy? Don’t worry, I won’t kill you so fast, before that, just go to sleep.
*… …*
Portrait: Hi, how do you feel? Ah~, you have enough energy to talk. I like those eyes that you make inside the cell. Oh? Of course, I’m locking my preys, if I don’t put you them a cage, they’ll run away, right? Don’t you understand it unless I say you many times? I’m telling you that YOU’re the prey! And you’ll be the food in a while… that man seemed to be a pain in the ass, so I locked him in another place.
Portrait: For nothing in particular, if you have an appetizing prey in front of you, you’re going to want to bite her, right? I’ve been collecting preys all this time. And that guy’s an idiot for getting into the game of that greeting friends. No, he was so careful that he couldn’t have done better. But more importantly, you smell delicious, it’s the smell of your blood. With just… rubbing your neck, your blood vessels accelerate the blood in them cheerfully, you know? It’s as if you were born with a body made to be prey. *smells her* He, can you feel pleasure with just this? Even if you want to run away… your body is numb and you can’t move, right? Of course, you can’t, since you ate that apple. With a bite, the effect will continue to work for quite some time. The apple’s paint was created by this museum, it’s a magic ball. Once you eat it, the paint comes in through your blood, and it’s transferred to your whole body. *string noise* It means that at the moment your body is dominated by magic, I think it would be good to eat while you can’t move *he opens the cell*
Portrait: What are you so scared of? The fun’s about to start… huh? I can’t hear you, where did your guts of before go? If you’re going to talk then DO IT CLEARLY. Tch… you get scared by a simple blow, I hate women who get easily frightened! Ugh… Entertain me for a while. Even if you can’t move, you can talk, right? If you want me to stop, then say something.
Portrait: The vampire’s claws are sharp, I’ll show you little by little. See? I’m tearing your skin, aren’t you going to resist? Oh? Are you getting excited by this? Now that I remember that man, he called you a Sow. Hahaha, how pathetic. Do intense pains make you feel pleasure? Such a perverted woman. What’s wrong? Don’t play innocent when you have such a lascivious expression on your face.
*rips her clothes* It seems interesting to suck your blood from the place where I scratched my claws. Pain is a kind of reward for sows like you, right? *bites her* Mmm… mn… *sucking* haa… it’s incredibly sweet… I love it… Oh~, it seems you’re also getting hot, your face’s melting. If you have a complaint then say it, you have a mouth here, c' mon. *grabs her face* Ch… when you finally speak what you have to say is “stop”? Don’t you have anything else to tell me? Your words are as insufficient as your body, but, only your blood is delicious.
Portrait: Your neck is softer than your shoulder, right? I’ll bite this skin to the bottom with my fangs. Whether I eat up this place, I wonder what’ll happen to you? I’m telling you that I got tired of hearing those words from you *bites her*
Portrait: This is sweet, I can’t stop. Ah, this is bad, I think it’s too much sweet, and I only had the attention of tasting you. *smells her* The best blood should be the one near your heart. Hey, give me that, too. *rips his clothes* What a bold mouth you have, even though you’re a sow who has this kind of body. As you say me not to touch you, your blood is overflowing very happy through the bite wounds… look, can you see? Just by running my finger through them, the smell becomes stronger. Haha, does it hurt? And, at the same time, you’re making a very pleasant voice, I picked up a very lascivious prey. That man has trained you very well. Hey… what has he been doing to you so far? You must remember it. Oh? Do you get excited by just thinking about it? So, have you ever bitten the place where I scratched you? If you don’t answer me, I’m going to hurt your skin. Hahaha, really? Then I won’t hold back and I’ll firmly stick my fangs into you. *bites her* haa… it sticks around my throat… it’s so good and delicious… ah, you have goosebumps, did you feel good? Oh? Hey. *clicks his tongue* Can’t you talk anymore? Don’t faint over something like this. I still haven’t drunk enough, so you’re going to accompany me to the end.
Portrait: I like that expression, it excites me in some way. Be quiet, I won’t be the one to eat you, I’ll just taste you. So I’ll just leave you on the verge of death, though… I won’t let you go, even if you cry and scream, I’m not gonna stop. I’ll do it even if you’re passed out so get ready.
TRACK 3 “Fangs sunk into the numb body”
Portrait: Haa… ah… I feel like, I’m going to become particular of this blood… Haha, I really don’t get tired of it… *giggling* Oh, hey, have you lost your consciousness? It hasn’t eaten you yet, you can still go on, right? Ah?! …Ch, you don’t even answer. But you’re still breathing… haha, which means that I can still continue eating you. No matter how much I drink. I won’t stop, I’ll drink the last drop until you dry.
*Metal noise*
Portrait: ?! Ah?! What the f*ck is going on?! Is that man running away? Ch, even though I put him in a resistant cell, he’s already escaping. I’ll go see what’s happening, don’t think you can run away. Oh? Oh, you can’t run away even if you want to, due to all the blood I drank from you, huh. *giggles* See you later, wait for the continuation of this. *the portrait leaves*
Yuma: Hey, hey. Wake up! You’re alive, right?! Wait, I’ll destroy this cell.
Damn it, those fang marks are terrible, I’ll definitely not forgive that bastard! Oh? Don’t be scared, I’m the real one. Sorry for being late, that imitator put me in a cell much more resistant than this, it took me a lot of time to destroy it. Ahh, haha …it happened to me when I tried to break the cell, but it’s just this, the blood will stop when I lick it.
Yuma: More important than that, we have to get out of here, it seems that the prison is inside the plant's floor, when we leave the room we’ll find the metal forest. I don’t know which the road is, but if we walk around we should get to the exit. Eh? Ahh, that bastard won’t come for a while, that noise was to draw his attention and to get him away from here. I broke the exhibitions that were around that place so it’ll fell to the ground after a while, it’s a trick that I used a lot when I was a kid. But, it’s obvious he would discover it right away, so we have to leave right now. I’m sorry, but I’m going to carry you. Let’s go, we have to get out of here before that bastard finds us.
*Yuma runs with Yui in his arms*
Yuma: Haa… are you okay? You’re breathing fast. You don’t look okay when you speak with your voice so weak… This floor is huge, but it doesn’t seem to be the way, it’ll take us a long time to get out, so it would be better to heal your wounds first. I’m going to put you down. Don’t cut yourself again with the plants, okay? We can hide here so it’s convenient for us that there are so many of them.
Yuma: Do your wounds hurt? …Oh? Are you numb? Why? Did you also eat that apple? By the way, if that apple was a magic power ball… it means that idiot had no intention of speaking from the beginning, damn it. I was prepared to endure some poison, but it was magic. To use such dirty tricks using my appearance and imitating me… But, why do you still have magic in your body? I don’t feel any numbness… I don’t get an idea even if I think about it. Anyway, what you have inside your body… um, magic paint? I’d better suck it from you. We don’t know what symptoms may appear in the future. That bastard said the paint came into your blood, right? In that case, I should just suck it all. Yeah, I’ll extract it by sucking your blood. Don’t worry about me, it seems that only the first time worked on me. Besides, I don’t care if it’s magic or whatever, I feel sick with the fact there’s something weird inside you. I want to take responsibility for this and erase all the bite marks you have. I beg you, leave everything to me. Yes, I feel in debt.
Yuma: The places where he bit were… your neck, and your shoulder… damn it, he bit you as if he was eating you… it made these wounds so deep to my belonging… I’ll overbite them, I’ll start with your shoulder. You even have nail wounds… *licks them* Don’t worry, I’ll make you feel good so you won’t feel pain. I’ll suck all the paint until you’re better, slowly this way… *bites her* Mm… mn… Haa… you are making a good face, just get carried away.
Yuma: By the way, the flavor of your blood changed, I like it sweet as it usually tastes, and it stinks of paint. Is this the fault of magic? Ah?? Hey, even if it’s mixed with something that looks like poison, there’s no way I’m gonna spit your blood. Besides, as you can see, nothing happens to me, worry about yourself. You may be trying to hide it, but all this time your hand has been trembling. Silly, you’re not going to fool me. You were afraid, right… sorry for leaving you alone. But I definitely won’t do it anymore, I promise. I’ll also make your hand stop trembling right away. I’m going to bite you in the neck, okay? I’m going to hug you so hold on to me. Feel me. *he bites her*
Yuma: Are you enduring your voice? *laughs* it would be bad if he finds us, but won’t it be hard for you to endure this stimulus? *kiss* Your face is asking for more.
Yuma: If we weren’t in this situation, I could tease you much more… I’ll do it when we return. The last place is this, I’ll suck the bad thing is inside you *he bites her*
Yuma: Heh, seeing you enduring this turns me on, ahh, I can’t control myself… but I’ll stop here, the smell of paint has already disappeared. Are you still numb? Well, I managed to suck it all. F*ck that garbage.
Yuma: Yeah, nothing happened to me, it could be that the reason why the paint doesn’t work on me… is because I’m not a purebred vampire, I guess. Blood is created by the heart, isn’t it? The paint must’ve worked on you because you have a pure demon’s heart. After all, it produces a bad effect when is mixed with blood. Well, that doesn’t matter, we’ve to run away from that idiot and get out of here, just that. Yeah, come, the problem would be how we’ll get out of this forest.
TRACK 4 “Do not distort its way of life”
Yuma: This place is brighter than the other floor, is it another building? Tch, we got lost. That forest was ridiculously large, what should we do? And, what’s this place? It’s full of things… ah? What’s this… object with a human form? They’re stuck on the pipe. Is this also an exhibition? They have too much bad taste.
Yuma: …! It’s beating… don’t you tell me it’s a heart?! Uhh… I don’t want to believe it, but, the heart is beating, it means that it’s alive. Also, this pipe’s the same as the one that had the demons melted inside, all the nutrients collected are conducted here. *Sighs* People are dying in order to keep this alive, this is sick.
Portrait: Why’re you here?!
Yuma: …?! Damn it, he came.
Portrait: Thinking about where you had escaped, dirty preys without value… don’t come to my important exhibitions! MOVE AWAY!
Yuma: …?! H-hey, come here. Why is he so angry?
Portrait: *Breathing angry* It seems… it has no injuries. Ahh, everything is fine now, it seems you’re quite energetic. You had eaten enough~.
Yuma: Don’t tell me that… are you the one who is making grow that disgusting thing?
Portrait: Oh? Did you just say “disgusting”? Don’t make fun of others. This exhibition is the most important of all if you make it a single scratch… I’m gonna kill you.
Yuma: His eyes aren’t honest… Really, what the hell is that? Hey, when you gave me that apple, you told me that in exchange for eating it, you would tell me what’s happening with this museum. I bit into that apple that stank like paint as you said, so keep your promise. What were those melting demons? And what’s that heart so disgusting?
Portrait: Don’t get carried away, stop saying disgusting, do you want to make me angry? I’ll tell you to close your fucking and blatant mouth. This is the museum’s heart.
Yuma: Oh? Is it from the museum? So that means this building is alive?
Portrait: That’s what I’m telling you! This museum has been living eating its visitors. Those melted bodies were visitors just like you, after entering here their destiny will become prey for this museum. They slowly melt and become nutrients to reach this heart. Look at it, it has a good color. But, lately I haven’t found a good prey, so it has saved me that you’ve come. After all, that woman over there’s the best, her blood was also delicious. If I feed the museum with her, it’ll grow much stronger.
Yuma: A museum alive… so that’s what it was about. I already understood that you’ve to cure this museum, we can’t live without eating neither, and I can’t say anything if its life is at risk. But, no matter what the reason, I won’t let her die, could you give up? I can’t give you to him, even if something else has to change. *to Yui* You already know it, this is the only thing I won’t give up.
Yuma: Hey, I can get you as many plants and animals as you want, so let her go.
Portrait: Don’t you understand that it’s an impossible request? That woman is special (different), she can’t be compared to other prey.
*bricks falling to the ground noise*
Portrait: Tch, the wall collapsed again. Right and as can see this museum is deteriorating. It must’ve died a long time ago, after all, when I realized I was waiting for the heart to move. If I leave it alone  It was only gonna die, and so I continued to keep it alive all this time, I won’t give it up either.
Yuma: You found him when he was dying, huh. It’s the same as.
Portrait: I don’t know what you feel compassion for, but if you understood then give me that woman. Since I’ve been taking preys and forcing it to live until now.
Yuma: Oh? “Forcing it”? What do you mean, you force it, this museum didn’t seek your help because it didn’t want to die?
Portrait: No, of course not. But if It dies it won’t be good for me, after all, we’re like spirits, if this place disappears, me too, that’s why I’m making It live.
Yuma: So… what is its opinion?
Portrait: What?
Yuma: What’s this museum thinking about it? Is it screaming desperately that It wants to live? Hey, what does it say?
Portrait: As I know, It can’t even talk. but I don’t think there are people who want to die.
Yuma: Yeah, you’re right, there’s no bastard who wants to die, but… Don’t do as you please with the lives of others! *pushes the portrait away*
Portrait: …!
Yuma: When I was a human, I was about to die! I still wanted to live, and the idea of dying frustrated me.
I had to become a vampire to survive! It’s the path that I chose, and I don’t regret it. I thought that this museum was the same, but I was wrong. In the world, there’re a lot of people whose life doesn’t agree as they wish. Children who still want to continue living are killed, and people who escaped from death, just end up living in hell.
It’s always that ridiculous sh*t. What you do is the same as that! She’s the only one who can decide how to use her life!!
Don’t disturb people life just for your whims!
Portrait: Ch, this museum wants to live! Isn’t it obvious?! Look very well, I’ll feed it with that woman and I’ll show you how happy it is!
Yuma: What?! As if I’m gonna let you do it!
Portrait: Look us while doing nothing. *he melts*
Yuma: What, did he melt?! Is he made of paint?! Ah… he escaped by ground… Damn it, where did he go?
*Paint noise in your right ear*
Portrait: Gotcha.
Yuma: Ah, you bastard.
Portrait: Too bad, it’s too late, I’ll make her go inside the canvas.
Yuma: A canvas?
Portrait: That’s right, those on the wall is the museum’s mouth, you’ll be eaten if you go inside. You’ll be digested just like the other demons, and you’ll become juicy nutrients.
Yuma: …! Stop!
Portrait: I’ll show you how it eats this woman!!
Yuma: STOP!!
Yuma: ?!
Portrait: Ahh? Where did those branches come from?! Why do you save the prey! Let her go inside the canvas!!
Yuma: Ch, I won’t let you do it! *Yuma runs* Hey, I’ll get you out of here right away, ch, you’re trapped between all these branches (of metal)… The branches are covering us. Oh, is this the branch I used as an accessory for your hair? Why did it protect you? It’s supposed to be one of the museum’s exhibitions… ah? What? Oh, I see, it can be as you say.
Yuma: Hey, damn imitator, you just saw that, didn’t you? Why did the exhibition save us?
Portrait: As If I know, that had never happened!
Yuma: If the heart is this museum’s body, it won’t realize what you’re doing unless you make a fuss. But now it’s very clear to you, isn’t it? Do you think the museum is happy being forced to eat? Of course it’s not like that, otherwise, these branches wouldn’t have got in your way.
Portrait: …!
Yuma: Don’t you think you’re not very aware of the true feelings of this museum? let it rest in peace.
Portrait: So… I… so far for what purpose have I been… *melting* Hey …didn't you want me? I was not necessary…? I was… just a nuisance to you…?
Yuma: It’s not like that, otherwise It wouldn’t have grown as many apples as it grew. Just… it’s enough, no matter what it’s, the time to die always comes. That is why you have to appreciate every moment in which you’re alive.
Portrait:  Every moment in which you’re alive….? Ha, since when is that I’ve lost my way… It’s collapsing again, that means it won’t endure more than this, huh. Then I also… if we’re gonna decay, then it’ll be together.
Yuma: …He disappeared. Yeah, he said he was a kind of spirit, maybe he didn’t feel any regret, nor he couldn’t set himself a limit, I don’t know. It seems that he’s no longer here. Hey, museum, thanks for having protected an important person for me.
*Breeze runs through the museum*
Yuma: *Laughs* the wind is blowing even though we’re inside a building. I’m sorry, but I can’t hear what you say. If I did something unnecessary then you can have a grudge against me, but if I fulfilled your wish… then forgive that portrait. The wish to want to live is something that I understand very well. *Wind blows*
Yuma: Mm, now everything is over. Here? This place falls apart slowly. Don’t make that face, it’s the wish of the museum. Maybe It reincarnates as a new life. The buds grow from the seeds, it grows and flowers are born, it decomposes and dies, and thus it becomes seeds again. And that’s life, right? You finally smile. Well, although I hope the portrait will be better in his next life.
TRACK 5 “That portrait returned to earth”
Yuma: Mmm~ the sugar is as sweet as always~. It’s okay, I have a dessert stomach. Rather, the dinner will be a war, I have to save my strength for Kou not to take the fried shrimp *eating* Ah, it’s sweet~ Oh, this sugar cube has a flower shape. It’s not that, I don’ hate it. The first sugar cube that I ate in the past had a flower, that person gave it to me. Since I hadn’t eaten anything decent until then. It was very delicious and sweet, I was addicted to that immediately. At that time, I liked fake flowers… Oh? Ahh, I remembered the fake plants of that museum and my imitator. Hey, don’t stand and sit here. Mm… he had a very arrogant mouth, but I understand the feeling of not wanting to die, not wish it, to the point of pain, and no matter for what reason. But, if the other part doesn’t want it, it’s wrong to make it live by force, that’ll only make them both suffer. Although I think I have no right to talk about it, I became a vampire because I didn’t want to die. *laughs* I see, if that’s what you think then maybe I wasn’t wrong, although I don’t know much about reincarnation. If they’re reborn, I hope that this time they enjoy the time they’re alive. Yeah. Well, the dark conversation stops here. I’ll give you this sugar as a reward for saying something great. C'mon, eat it. Haha, what a careless face. Taste it well and eat it. Oh, you’re honest, but, I felt like eating when I looked at you. No, I want to eat the one you’re eating. *kiss* Mm… *laughs* It was sweeter. I can’t help it, I’m hungry.
Yuma: Hey, let me eat more. Just telling you, I won’t be satisfied even if I eat dinner and this sugar. After all, what I want’s this *left ear* I want to drink your blood and I can’t hold back anymore, because of had saying unreasonable things I started to want to feel you. It’s okay? Hehe, I like it that way. I’ll suck your blood from my favorite place. C'mon, turn around and lift your clothes a little.
Yuma: I knew it, the back is the best place. Well, it excites me more when I do this *pushes her down* When I push you down I feel like I’m eating a prey, will it be the vampire instinct? And you like it, don’t you? *smells* Mm, the smell of your blood became sweeter. Ahh, you’re not honest, C'mon, say you like it *kiss*. Why do you jump? Maybe I bite this place too much. Your body reacts by just touching it. I know, I can’t hold back either, so I’ll stop teasing you. *bites her* This is bad, I can’t stop. Turn around here, let’s stay like this until dinner is done. Now I’ll bite you wherever you want. Okay, this is an important time I spend with you. There’s no way I know what happens in the future, but I’ll live fully these moments. I’ll make you so happy to the point that others will envy you. So don’t faint *kiss*
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franklyshipping · 6 years
Exposure ~ A Jacksepticeye Ego Fanfic
ANOTHER FABULOUS PROMPT FROM THE EVER LOVELY AND IMAGINITIVE @amazingmsme whose fic ideas are always awesome and honestly I think make up the majority of the prompts this blog has received! ILYSM FRIEND! NOW IT'S TIIIIIIME FOR A CHEEKY BRO AND A TICKLISH GLITCH! LET'S DO IT!
TAGGING: @anti-switch-glitch and @chase-brody-thelee
Chill days are good days. You know the ones I mean. The temperature isn't too hot, it's not too cold, it's the sort of atmosphere where literally any sort of clothing is a viable option, y'know? Shirts and shorts, onesies, pyjamas, nightgowns, cosplays, pinterest aesthetic jumpers, or just a simple combo of a plain t-shirt and some completely stylish ripped jeans. The latter is what you should focus on however, since it's the outfit that's been taken up by the one and only Antisepticeye. The other thing that Anti had taken up, was the communal couch. All of it. He was draped lazily, his limbs were stretched and haphazard; it reflected the man's relaxed, and slightly smug demeanour at present. He was smug because as of yet, no-one had interrupted him in his position and he'd been able to relish in some rare quiet time in the usually hectic household of septic egos. Usually it wouldn't be too long before someone came rushing in, babbling and obliterating any cool, delicate atmosphere that may have been existing. Anti sighed gently as he shut his eyes, maybe today was his lucky day. Maybe once, just this once nobody would-
'Whaddup glitchy?!'
Anti sighed....oh well. His eyes flicked open, but the septic ego he saw wasn't one he thought would ever be so energetic. His assumptions of the past were proved wrong however when he felt Chase Brody basically sit on his legs/lap with a grin that could rival the damn sun. Anti glowered at him....but couldn't bring himself to be a proper snappy asshole; that guy had been through a fuckton so Anti figured he'd cut him some slack and let him ride out the joy wave he seemed to have. Damn fucking new morals that came with friendship. Anti's voice was low, and rather than a sinister edge it had a playful, sarcastic one.
'The ceiling, obviously.'
Anti withheld a smile when Chase snorted and snickered before rolling his eyes, he didn't hesitate to give Anti's chest a soft shove.
'Oh haha Mr SarcasticEdgyPants! You're soooo funny!'
Chase copied Anti's sarcasm, but it was with a happy eagerness. This was a rare day for Chase where happiness was dominating his entire mind-set, and he was going to make the most of every second of it. Anti raised an eyebrow, decided to fold his arms as he tilted his head at the grinning man.
'Mr.....SarcasticEdgyPants? Where the hell d'ya get that from?'
Chase snickered again, grin widening as he descended into excited babbling. Anti just stared at him, trying not to let his smile turn too fond.
'Well y'know, you're a sarcastic duder and you're LITERALLY wearing edgy pants! Duh!'
Chase's eyes were bright as he withheld a few giggles, feeling rather proud of his own humour; he grinned when Anti pursed his lips and gave him a playful glare.
'Oh yeah? Then tell me, what makes these so ''edgy'' huh? What's yer justification?'
Anti teased, his already raised eyebrow somehow shooting up even more at Chase, which only made the latter have to contain his giddy mirth more as he came up with a reply. Anti felt a little proud of himself at how he used a bit of sophisticated vocab, he could see why people like Dark used it; he felt taller. It took Chase a few thoughtful minutes, but Anti was patient. Soon, Chase grinned and clapped his hands as he came up with his totally cool comeback and reasoning to boot!
'Well it's obvious! They have the number one edgy trait.....more holes and rips than ACTUAL fabric!'
......you really couldn't argue against Chase's point. The amount of rips and slits and gaping holes in Anti's jeans was staggering, only accentuated by how Anti's pale skin contrasted hugely with the black material. Anti had pursed his lips, bowing his head with slightly pink cheeks, because he knew it was true. He'd never say it, but he knew it. He was about to make an edg-DEFIANT comeback, but there was something he hadn't banked on. He hadn't banked on Chase emphasising his point by giving one of his bare kneecaps a playful squeeze; and because he hadn't banked on it, that meant Anti couldn't repress his reaction....a high-pitched yell to be exact.
'AHHH! Dohon't yohou dahare Brody!'
Chase was shocked. Anti was shocked. The latter with embarrassment, the former with a growing, playful glee. Both of their expressions were shifting. Chase's eyes were lighting up and flicking between his hand, resting on Anti's knee, and Anti's face. Anti was staring at Chase, his face slowly turning pink. They were both tense. Then suddenly, Chase's fingers were squeezing and pinching Anti's kneecap as he teased.
'You shouldn't have dared to expose such a weak spot then should you?'
Anti's face went from light pink to dark pink, then to red, then to wine; he was focusing all his energy on batting at Chase's hand. Soon though, he had to breathe, and that allowed his squeaky giggling to take hold of him.
'Shuhuhut the fuhuck uhup!! Y-Yohou dohon't have toho doho thihihis!'
Anti implored, NOT pleaded, implored as he tried to tug at his legs and hit out at his playful tormentor; but that only spurred said tormentor to settle securely on his shins and target both of his pale, exposed kneecaps.
'Sorry buddy but YOU made yourself vulnerable, you've only brought this on yourself!'
Chase snickered as he looked down at Anti's uncontrollable reactions, he thought it was so adorable that he'd tried to repress it all.....and failed. It was nice to hear Anti's real giggles for once too, not the maniacal theatrical ones that were tailored for public viewing. The real ones. The natural ones. The tickle-induced ones.
'Thahahat arguhumehent ihis suhuch buhuhullshihit!!'
Anti exclaimed indignantly as he tried to sit up and push at Chase with more frantic energy, and the glitch was glaring warningly at Chase too. Chase wasn't perturbed though. Now, either Chase was confident that he could use Anti's ticklishness to weaken him and break him so he wouldn't fight back....or he was insane. Thankfully, the former was the truth. Chase merely developed an animalistic grin in response to Anti's glare and changed his positioning at the speed of light, it was impressive. One second he was on Anti's shins, but the next second he was he was steadily planted on Anti's thighs, facing his victim's knees as he kept up his pinching and replied with nonchalance and teasiness.
'In any other situation it would be, but right here right now I think it's perfect! Awww look at these ticklish kneecaps! Are the backs bad too?'
Anti couldn't reply at first since his mind was trying to keep up a) with Chase's actions and b) with Chase's words as his embarrassment reached his peak. How the fuck had he let this happen? He couldn't get Chase off him, he couldn't even intimidate him! Had Jack or the fans given him newfound powers that he didn't know about? Anti had no answers.....even though it was actually quite clear; this was just the cheeky determination that comes with being happy. Chase was filled with it, and he eagerly forced his hands through the jeans' massive knee holes so his fingers could reach to scratch the bare skin at the backs of Anti's knees. Yes, he actually managed to do that. Anti couldn't even muster up a threat as his giggles transformed into cackles and he hit the couch in despair.
It tickled so bad. Anti felt like he was being electrocuted as Chase's blunt nails relentlessly scratched and scribbled.....but that wasn't the worst thing. Chase was giggling, teasing....fuck he was cooing at him like he was one of his kids! He was already embarrassed enough by his enthusiasm with tickling him, but talking to him like a fucking baby? Anti just wanted to hide away as Chase's playful voice filled his ears. 
'Wow so rude! Your wittle knees must be super duper tickwish! Kitchy kitchy coooo, or should I say glitchy glitchy goo?'
Chase was grinning like an idiot as he turned to look at Anti, and he was overjoyed to see Anti covering his face and not even trying to fight back anymore. Anti was thrashing as he snorted and wailed, feeling a wave of butterflies fly through his system as his grin switched from mirthful to insane.....dammit why did one tickle spot have to betray him so diabolically?
Chase snickered as he picked up the partially desperate whine lacing Anti's voice, he thought it was so adorable. He hummed to himself as if he was in thought, gently easing off his scratching....but not stopping entirely. Chase had more he wanted to do. As he slowed he looked over Anti's legs, then mused cheekily.
'Y'know, me talking about your jeans having more rips than fabric had started off as a joke, but I actually managed to fit my HANDS through them? How crazy is that?'
Anti was catching his breath with well masked relief, giggling and tensing as he decided to agree with whatever Chase decided to say; his ability to survive this onslaught was paramount.
'Y-Yeheah....s-suhuper crazy.....how abohout I show ya where Ihi bought 'em? Yeah? D-Does that sound good?'
Chase smirked out of Anti's sight, he could practically feel the desperation coming from him in waves. He let out a loud hum, which acted as a distraction so Anti wouldn't see Chase's hands moving and hovering over where they were destined to strike next. Anti's gaze was fixed on the back of Chase's head as he waited, he'd have probably done almost anything to get Chase to have mercy on him....that's what happens when you're ticklish. It switches something on inside you, something so pure and delicate that takes hold of you and makes you do things like begging or screaming; things you'd never dreamt of doing before. That's what tickling is, a gateway to your deepest self. Philosophy aside however, Chase decided that he'd amped up the anticipation enough....so he replied.
'Y'know Anti, that does sound pretty good.....but I can't get this thought out of my head....
Chase paused, and chuckled when he heard Anti's breath hitch.
'Now I've seen my hands fit through the knee rips....I want to see if they can fit through ALL the rips!'
Anti's eyes widened as he let out a glass-shattering squeal, descending into stuttery laughter as he felt fingers probing and scratching random portions of his bare thighs. The muscles twitched as Anti grasped Chase's t-shirt and jostled the man with desperate intent. Anti thought it had been torturous before.....but this was so much worse.
Chase snickered at Anti's cries and effortlessly cooed in response, not ceasing his rapid, random tickly touches even for half a second.
'But this is where all the rips are! I'm gonna have to spend quite a bit of time here-'
Chase pursed his lips, before narrowing his eyes and allowing his hands to squeeze the glitchy man's leg muscles. Not just at the top either, the insides and outsides of the thighs were equally as unsafe in terms of their ability to being un-tickled by Chase.
'I'm sorry what was that you asked me to do Anti?'
At Chase's teasy query, Anti felt like his cheery red cheeks were going to burst; the semi-reprimanding tone sent fearful chills down his spine as he hurriedly yelled through his bubbly laughter.
The words ''please believe me and be nice'' were circling through Anti's mind like he was Geppetto wishing upon a star. Anti couldn't help but shudder more in embarrassment since internal begging, internal though it was, was still begging in Anti's eyes. He wouldn't have to worry about that for much longer though, since Chase had whispered in a low toned, devious voice. Chase was going to make Anti pay for being so rude.
'Now you're lying too? Oh you really do deserve this....' 
Anti knew, right there and then, that he was completely fucked.
If you think you know what mad laughter sounds like, forget it. It didn't even sound like laughter, it was just this insanely captivating collage of shrieking squeals and snorts. As Chase's fingers had worked their ways to the fleshy, soft, ticklish backs of Anti's thighs, Anti had just lost all control of himself. You know there's that one spot, that one place on your body that can make you blush and whimper at the mere THOUGHT of it being tickled? This was Anti's spot, and Chase was owning it.
'Feeling that regret now buddy? Awww I bet this tickles sooo goooood!'
Chase teased with a broad smirk as he played with the flesh like it was play-dough, squeezing, pinching, kneading....he was being an evil little shit. He was listening to Anti's hysteria with glee, but it was about to be cut short via an act of desperation that is also, in my opinion, quite adorable.
Chase smirked when Anti screamed his name, but suddenly squealed when he felt two arms wrap around him tightly and pull him backwards and away from his ticklish prize. Chase understood soon enough though. Anti had grabbed him in a final attempt to bring mercy, and was now hugging Chase to his chest as he breathlessly giggled and whined residually into his shoulder blades.
'N-Noho more.....t-too....tihicklish....fuck....'
Chase couldn't help but feel a tinge of guilt at how weak Anti sounded. Chase found a bit of wiggle room in Anti's embrace and used it to shift so he could see Anti and check on him and make sure he was okay and not angry or hurt or upset....but when Chase saw him, he couldn't help but smile fondly. Anti had the ghost of a happy smile on his face as he nuzzled into Chase's shoulder, he was a flustered, giggly guy right now and Chase was beyond relieved. When Chase spoke he grinned.
'Heeyy hey there, I'm done buddy I'm done I swear. You handled a fuckton dude, you should be super proud!'
Chase was entirely serious with every word as he grinned at Anti, who glanced up at him with curious eyes. He mumbled, form glitching and twitching a little.
'Do....do ya mean that?'
Anti could feel himself smiling bashfully when Chase nodded, one of his hands patting Anti's back reassuringly. This not only made Anti feel awesome about himself in general, but it soothed him perfectly in the wake of the tickle torture he'd just endured; it was Chase's implicit aftercare of sorts, and it worked wonderfully.
'Hell yeah kid!'
Anti narrowed his eyes as he muttered his reply, sarcasm dripping from his words as his unique attitude rose up.
'Gee thanks dad....'
Chase pursed is lips as he grinned, then let out a dramatic sigh.
'Ahh, teens these days with their ripped clothes and attitude....'
Anti snorted and laughed, and Chase soon joined in with bright, happy eyes. Yeah, they were both happy. Yeah, they were both cuddling each other unashamedly. There are a few beautiful, serene and respectful literary ways in which you could describe the end of this scene, I imagine many of you already have verbose adjectives swirling in your minds, which is awesome. However, I find that I can only describe this in one way, a way that Anti would be proud of. Fucking adorable.
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alright so we’re back with chapter three - the Great Witch
i wonder how much of their memories Nick and Maya have actually recuperated 
the whole thing seems a little dodgy...
“This bench looks like a torture tool– shall we try it out on you, Nick?”
why is Maya so bloodthirsty in the game?? i mean she’s mischievous, but...
ahhh their widdle walking sprites are so cuuuute!
hang on– is that a picture-picture of Barnham with his dog?? if so, that should raise a lot of questions...
also why is the only person who *doesnt* comment on the painting Phoenix? he’s the art major.
you know, ive seen plenty of Phoenix X Barnham, and Darklaw X Barnham, but I’ve never seen any Phoenix X Darklaw 
i wonder why...
maybe Ive just never come across it
“Mr Wright, are you alright?”
(no response)
he's dead guys the fucking dog killed phoenix wright 
luke: I can talk to animals maya: haha omg cool! phoenix, laying in a pool of his own blood: hurgle
wait did maya just call Barnham adorable by proxy 
things layton likes: puzzles, stone lanterns 
oh fuck i forgot about the puzzles
also what the FUCK muffet
Patty: I believe in your Phoenix
Phoenix, trying not to cry: cool cool cool
aww. its nice to have a moment to just talk about feelings, especially between the sidekicks. 
...dont go into the forest you little fuckers
maya likes helms..??
“I used to come here with Nick. He’d carry the water pots, and I’d cheer him on!”
that reminds me, theres no plumbing. in fact, since its the middle ages, theres not even any outhouses. maya and phoenix have canonically shit in the streets
its 12:30 on a school night and I've spent over an hour trying to help a dog deliver mail 
oh maya solved that one! thats the first AA solve of the game. ...er, to me.
i dont understand how piccarats work
like, the previous puzzle was 30 piccarats and it was ridiculously easy. this one’ twenty and ive already lost ten points
maybe its to do with how my brain works– the 30 one was a pattern/colour puzzle, and I'm an artist. this one’s about directions, and I'm ASS at directions.
darklaw what are you WEARING
you look like a skimpy medieval furry
seriously what is with the metal skirt on bare thighs 
is that supposed to be comfy 
man these backgrounds are so beautiful 
why did she specifically tell Maya to be wary of witches
“You certainly both love your food. Personally, I’d just like a little more sleep...”
amen bro
oh fuck
Drosselmeyer wants to see Layton. dont let him brainwash ya!
“So this is the deathknell dungeon? Looks more like solitary confinement to me.”
considering the fact that she can see out the door, i doubt its solitary nick. solitary is a sealed box from hell.
Maya: you were just scared that nick would fuck up like always!! because he's an enormous fuck up haha!! Espella: i... no, i think he's really great
Phoenix: ...hey can i change assistants please
one does not simply
visit the storyteller
“come to think of it, during that parade, the storyteller did seem to be held in high esteem by all the townsfolk...”
guys have you not realized that youre literally meeting god yet???
ah see Layton’s got it
c’mon luke keep up
pfft they think Layton’s a hatter 
just wearing a tophat does not a hatter make 
ah the knights garrison
this is where Chucky stopped playing on his second third-space save 
I wonder why...
“And so the travellers finally arrived...”
yeah well first of all??? if you wanted me to get in there faster maybe dont make your door a fucking puzzle maybe 
fuck you old man you aint shit 
(btw i managed to solve it accidentally in the recommended 4 turns by pressing 3 random buttons and then realizing id somehow succeeded)
Storyteller: [farts suspiciously]
Storyteller: you guys are bad because you stopped me killing children
Espella: it’s true... that the towns folk look at me in a different way
well for one thing youre a different art style than most of them without being anything usually associated with said art style 
oh ok that i was not expecting 
she’s,,, jesus???
Maya spitting truths here 
wait hang on a second 
first of all– “the great witch is just a character of myth” yeah well EVERYONE is a character, Espella
also, she says she came to live with Patty 5 years ago... which is also what Phoenix and Maya said
when their memories all got altered to include phoenix and maya, does that mean they like, had a whole growing-up-together for five years roster of memories?
13 y/o Espella and Maya meeting, bonding over stuff, wondering why only Maya had to make bread and Espella didnt 
Phoenix–– hell, in the time frame, he’d be ‘Pheenie’ being their older brother. Acting like his 25 y/o self, or harkening back to those days and acting accordingly??
and how shitty it must’ve been when they realized none of it ever happened.
“Were these things... My memories?”
well probably not considering im pretty sure that tiny kid being flown over was you
i feel bad for nick’s... wherever is getting bitten, but this does lend credence to my headcanon that animals hate phoenix so 
also the inquisitor office theme needs to chill the fuck out
“Exactly what are you doing over there on all fours”
dont do that 
“He just sits back and lets his dog bite people, err... I mean, me”
he’s lucky nobody flips the fuck out and bites back. i suppose nobody would dare if they knew it was his dog, but still. not very responsible.
“Dr. Delduke” eh
well now
“He was no witch.” “Why?”
“HE was a man.”
( Welp, can’t argue with that. )
hey!!! equality to witches!! boys can be witches too!!
“Maya... can you get this mutt away from me? I can’t feel my leg.”
“Aww... So soon? I was hoping he’d use you as a blue chew toy just one more time.”
ok, seriously, what is UP with Maya? I can’t remember her ever being this violent in the original series. Like, she hit Nick over the head with the shichishito that one time, but she wasn’t constantly wishing harm on him??
as much as i appreciate seeing a tiny maya model i fucking hate the cloud puzzle fuck you for doubling up on it
oh i lucked into the answer awesome
this seems to be a running theme...
every time someone looks at the bell tower, they always comment on the bell never being heard. it must be foreshadowing.
wow Jean is very short
...also I'm calling it now, HE DID IT
hmm Greyerl’s voice actress is a little more noticeable than Luke’s...
also OH OK. the fucking bell tower just MANIFESTED OUT OF PURE FLAMES
“He reacted in a moster peculiar way. Unlike others who saw it, he seemed unsettled, as if he was truly afraid of something” 
oh i dunno, maybe the DEMON BELL TOWER???
Maya: only YOU can fuck up that badly, nick!
ok... genuinely, utterly, seriously, why is Maya so malicious in this game? She does tease Nick a lot throughout the series, but its usually in a more playful or goofy manner. A lot of the things she says in this game seem sort of unnecessary or weirdly hurtful... especially since phoenix hasn’t done much to warrant any of them.
well, I know what happens to Maya
but what the hell is he doing to Nick?
also I do hope there’s a reeeeeaaaaally good reason for all this...
layton flings out his arm to shut luke up skdgkafajkf
wait why did the owl bring them that
“Luke, my boy... We have the need... to rent a steed.”
oh and they fucking did
“You think that’s bad? You should see Nick try and do the laundry– Now that’s a major blunder!”
see that seems a little more in character somehow
especially since its something that seems like he would fail at.
still, weirdly insult heavy...
hey hey 
100 coins
“in an alchemy sense”
shouldn’t that be an ‘alchemical’ sense?
“I guess you’re more suited to small, dark, damp places.”
is that a reference to the mushroom thing??
phoenix, in someone else’s abandoned basement: oh no their house plants are dying :( ill water them 
this man??? is pure??
“Well well well. If it isn't a well.”
“Come to think of it... I haven’t noticed any plumbing here in Laborynthia.”
“As things stand, Mr. Wright is in serious danger!”
uh the story said Maya would die, not Phoenix. It said he’d be cursed, but Maya would be tried and burnt. You should probably be more worried about her...
great witch: sup guys I'm gonna fuck shit up
game: the following is too horrifying to look directly at; here, have some shenanigans with Luke and that other bard Bardly was complaining about.
fuck you perhaps
also hi Layton you’re looking a bit uh 
a bit 
...well this hardly makes any sense
doesn’t Layton appear not long after this? also, it’s easy enough to prove Maya’s not a witch; just hand her the staff and ask her to politely turn Layton back. 
that or just cry on him real quick; worked for Ash
bweuuuhhh dont cry luke pls
its ok luke magic isn’t real luke
...though from what I’ve heard of your universe, someone could have used Science to turn him into gold and that could be totally real so
c’mon in for a hug lil guy
also see yuh all next time for part... four? i think?
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22.) 29.) Nygmobblepot
Prompt 22) “Not to brag but…”
Title: Gambling, Sandwiches, and AdviceAo3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13132944Sorry, it isn’t nygmobblepot-centric but they are cute.
~○~●~○~●“I bet two PB&J,” He slid the wrapped sandwiches into the middle, with the three ham and mustard, a swiss and turkey, and the eight cucumber mini sandwiches. It had been five weeks since the spray paint incident and Harvey had been successfully avoiding his boyfriend ever since. Being away from him didn’t help stamp down his temper much. If there was something that Harvey could do incredibly well, it was hold a grudge. Oswald raised an eyebrow, it hid in his purple streaked fringe. He rubbed his cards on his skinny jeans before placing them back in front of his studded leather jacket and ripped purple shirt.
“Someone’s feeling ballsy today,” Oswald remarked, Harvey huffed in response, pulling at the cuffs of his long-sleeved Law & Order t-shirt. “You alright?”
“It’s Jim.”
“Ahhh.” the everyone nodded,  that explained pretty much everything.
“Is he being a hypocrite again?” Ed asked, rearranging their hand of cards. They were wearing a jeweled mesh sweater over a neon green tank top.
“When is Jim Gordon not a hypocrite?” Jervis asked before taking a sip out of his tiny, dainty teacup. He had a mini top red top hat on, it had a brown feather decal. And an Alice in Wonderland themed shirt under a tweed jacket.
“Fair point.”
“I just wanted to help him paint that ugly bike of his and he just starts on a rant about me being a vandal and how you’re all delinquent criminals, and how gambling is bad, and that I should stop it.”
“We bet with food,” Oswald said, gesturing towards the pile of sandwiches in the middle. Unimpressed by the ‘morals’ of one Jim Gordon. Who punched a kid unconscious and broke into a teacher’s house to see if his homework had been graded.
“That’s exactly what I told him, but no, he gets all high and mighty with his ‘holier than thou’ shit. That was like a month ago! I haven’t seen him or talked to him since.”
“Wow, that bad? …Not to brag, but dating a fellow ‘delinquent’ is fantastic.” Oswald said, pulling Ed closer, planting a kiss on their cheek and ruffling their brown and green curls. Ed immediately flattened their cards against their chest giving a suspicious look to their boyfriend before looking back to Harvey.
“I second that.” Ed agreed, leaning into their boyfriend.
“Maybe I should date a ‘delinquent’…” Harvey, Oswald, and Ed turned to look at Jervis, who promptly dropped his –thankfully– empty teacup.
“Don’t look at me, I’m not into thee!” Jervis looked mortified. There was a beat of silence. “Or  anyone  really…” More silence, then laughter.  
“That’s a funny idea! If J dated!” Harvey laughed. The lone couple snickered.
“The first date would be real classy: a tea party with biscuits and cake!” Ed teased, pantomiming holding a teacup, their pinky held up. Another burst of laughter started.
“He’d wear his best silk hat too!” Oswald cackled. Ed and Harvey joined in quickly.
“All of you can fuck off,” Jervis said smiling and rolling his eyes at his friends. It took awhile for the three to quell their laughter. “So, are you gonna finally dump him, or what?” Jervis asked, not attempting to rhyme. The serious atmosphere returned.
“I don’t know…” Harvey put his hand down. So did everyone else.
“Haha! I win!” Oswald shouted victoriously. He had a royal flush.
“Are you gonna share?” Ed asked, using their big brown puppy eyes to their advantage.
“Maybe… for a kiss.” Harvey and Jervis groaned, rolling their eyes at the kissing couple. Jervis even stuck out his tongue. Harvey smiled, his friends were great, and Jim Gordon wasn’t worth giving them up. No fucking way in hell. Jim would either have to learn to get over the fact that other people did ‘wrong’ things and that Harvey wasn’t gonna abandon his friends for him. Or Jim would have to be let go. That was it. So, which will it be, Jimmy? Will you grow the fuck up or will I have to leave?~○~●~○~●
Prompt 29) “I’m dead” Title: Then, why are you crying?
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13150068
~○~●~○~●“Do you love me?” The voice was rhythmic, smooth, with a music like quality to it. It was a lavish liqueur, making his mind tipsy and his knees weak. The hypnotic red light surrounded him, engulfed him. In the middle of the light was him, he was wearing a tuxedo, dressed impeccably, look complete with a top hat and white bowtie. His hair was slicked back and had a smirk that made Ed hot under the collar. The smooth jazz that acted as an ambiance wasn’t helping either. Ed panted as the man leaned closer and closer to him.
“No.” His throat was tight. He couldn’t say that to himnot after what he’d done… Ed couldn’t. Oswald had betrayed him…
“Oh, Ed, I can tell when you’re lying.” He wished he could hate the ease with which his former friend spoke. How he wished he could bury how much he liked that Oswald knew him so well…
“I don’t love you.” This time words came out as a choked sob. The words were a lie, or at least not entirely true. But he couldn’t love Oswald after what he’d done to him, then his death had been for nothing, then Isabella would be wronged and betrayed in her already unjust death.
“Then, why are you crying?” The whisper tickled his face and soft hands – too soft– cupped his jaw.
“My best friend betrayed me,” He hung his head, letting the hands support it. He wanted Oswald to comfort him, Oswald was good at that. But, he couldn’t, he was sitting at the bottom of Gotham River being eaten by something.
“And now…I’m dead,” Not-Oswald spoke, with a calmness that the real Penguin would not have possessed in this situation.
“You’re not him.” That fact gave Ed no comfort. It meant his friend was really, really gone. And here he was, unable to move on.
“But, I’m close enough, right Ed?” No. He wanted more, he wanted everything, he wanted the temper tantrums, the limp, his cold but soft green eyes, his overzealous hairstyles, and eyeliner, the sense of style, his presence, his bloodlust, everything. But he couldn’t have it, he’d ensured that by destroying everything, By killing him and dumping him in the river. Why had he done that? Surely living with betrayal would be better than this…
“Stop calling me that, you aren’t him.” Only Oswald called him Ed the right way, he made it sound like a special, precious name. Everyone else said it like they were trying to get it out as fast as they could. Not-Oswald said it perfectly, but he wasn’t Oswald, he couldn’t be…
“What if I were? Tell me, did you love him?” The red light went out like a flame and with it stole away his resolve. Alone, Edward Nygma cried. For the sting of betrayal, he still couldn’t understand, for lost love, for the confusion and conflict spiraling in his head. Why couldn’t it be easy? Why did he have to still care? Why did he have to miss him so much? Why did Oswald’s punishment hurt him so? Why couldn’t he just have a simple clean cut life? Why did everything have to be so messy and the lines so blurred? He couldn’t answer the questions in his head because he didn’t know those answers. But the question that Not-Oswald asked, he couldn’t answer that because it would make Oswald right. It would mean his death was just the cold-blooded murder of someone you love…~○~●~○~●
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jd-rush · 7 years
Chuck help me--I committed fanfic: Tony Stark meets the Guardians of the Galaxy.
TITLE: Units From Heaven* AUTHOR:  J.D. Rush FANDOM:  MARVEL, MCU--Iron Man and Guardians of the Galaxy PAIRING:  Tony Stark/Peter Quill kinda RATING:  R for excessive f-bombs and sexual innuendo  (I mean, it IS Tony Stark after all) SPOILERS:  a couple of minor ones for “Guardians of the Galaxy 2”, nothing too damaging SUMMARY:  The Guardians arrive on Earth with a dire warning.  Perhaps someone should have warned them about Anthony Edward Stark.  Takes place approximately three years after “Captain America:  Civil War”, and the Avengers are still estranged.  (I guess that's the nicest word for it.) DISCLAIMER:  Characters belong to MARVEL and Disney and anyone else who could sue me.  I also stole borrowed a couple of lines from “The Avengers”.  I’ll return them when I’m done with them. AUTHOR'S NOTE:  Humour, it's what I do.  This turned out more cracky than I expected, and while I poke fun at Tony, it's done with deep love.  Also, I don't know how long it takes Groot’s species to age or how the aging process works in space; for the sake of argument, let's say he's now the equivalent of early 20's, ‘kay? SECOND AUTHOR'S NOTE:  Many thanks to my lovely friend, Michele, for giving me the encouragement to write this, even though it meant putting up with my current Iron Man obsession and my crippling writer's block.  The XF joke is just for you, sweetie.
Italics mean inner thoughts
“Boss, an unidentified flying object has landed in the south corner of the Compound.”
“Unidentified?  As in. . .”
“As in a space ship, Boss.  It just appeared and. . .”
Tony Stark didn’t wait to hear the rest of what FRIDAY had to say.  With a flick of his wrist, his armor formed around him; in the blink of an eye, he was suited up and flying out to meet his ultimate nightmare.  He had been preparing for this moment for years, and he was ready.  Whatever came out of that ship was going to regret even thinking about coming to Earth, let alone being stupid enough to actually do it.
Tony landed about ten feet from the brightly coloured alien craft, the mid-day sun reflecting off its vivid blue and orange hull.  He barely had a moment to be thankful that he had stuck to classic hot-rod red and gold for his suit when he noticed a side door begin to lower and a shadow crossed the opened hatch.  Bracing his hands in front of him, Tony powered up his repulsors.  
Okay, Stark, here we go.  Showtime.  Shoot first, ask questions later.  Bring it on, you space motherfuckers.  You are going DOWN!
The invader appeared.  It was a large grey bald male humanoid; shirtless, his bare torso was covered in intricate scarlet scars.  He wandered slowly out of the ship, his red-rimmed ice blue eyes looking around in wonder, a big smile on his pudgy face.
“What the fuck?” Tony muttered under his breath.
The first visitor was followed by another male humanoid who was wearing some kind of metal mask with red-disk eye lenses which rendered his face completely unreadable and reminded Tony a bit too much of that putz, Ant-Man.  He was decked out in a long brown leather duster, two high-tech guns strapped to his waist like a genuine space cowboy.
“No, what the actual fuck?” Tony asked again.
At that point, two shapely female aliens made their way down the ship's ramp--one was a stunning brunette with green skin, the other was pretty with pale skin, big dark eyes and two tiny stalks protruding from her head.  Tony gave them the once-over and nodded.
“Okay, hot chicks.  Good.  I can work with that, even the antenna.  But I still gotta ask. . . What.  The.  Fuck?”
He didn't get an answer.  Instead he got a fifth alien, and this one was definitely not humanoid.  In fact, it looked like a raccoon, walking on its hind legs, and wearing a uniform that contained more weaponry than Black Widow on a normal Thursday morning.  Tony tried to remember if he had gotten drunk last night so he could explain all this away as nothing more than a severe hangover.
“What in the name of fuckitude is going on here?” Tony groused.  “I seriously don’t get paid enough to deal with this shit, and I get paid a fuck-ton, thank you very much.”
The words were barely out of his mouth when a tall tree-like creature lumbered out of the ship and walked over to stand with the others.  With a disbelieving headshake, Tony threw up his hands in defeat.  “You know what?  I’m out of fucks.  Seriously, there are not enough fucks in my data bank for this.  I surrender.  Take me to your leader.  What the fuck ever.”
“I am Groot,” the tree-creature rumbled, its arms--or rather limbs--stretched out wide in greeting.
“Yeah, right, you come in peace,” Tony snorted with a sarcastic laugh.  “I’ve seen that movie, pal.  Not buying what you're selling.”
“I am Groot,” the creature repeated, the tone of the words slightly different from the first time.
Hearing that, Tony lowered his hands.  Retracting his helmet, he glanced over his left shoulder towards the cluster of trees at the edge of the field.  “Yeah, I suppose she’s sexy.  For a tree.  I don’t know.  Elms never did it for me.  Give me a Northern Red Oak anytime.  Nothing like a redhead, right?”
“I am Groot?” the creature asked, curiously.
“Nah, none around here," Tony answered.  "Sorry, bud.  Get it?  I called you ‘bud’, because you're a tree and you sprout buds.  Or maybe you don't, seeing as you're an alien tree.  Maybe you sprout, I don't know, starfish or cupcakes or something weird like that.  Although a cupcake sprouting tree would be pretty fucking fantastic, now that I think about it.”
“I am Groot!”  Now the creature sounded miffed.
“Hey, not my fault for once,” Tony fired back.  “I wanted to plant some, but Bruce wouldn't have it.  He’s a big Earth Day kind of guy.  ‘You can’t bring in non-native plants, Tony.’  ‘They mess with the ecosystem, Tony.’  ‘I told you to buy organic, water-based lube, Tony.’  Do you know how hard it is to find that in Key Lime Pie flavour?  I mean, don’t get me wrong.  He’s a total honeybun.  Well, when he’s not turning into a big green rage monster.”  He gestured over at the green female alien.  “I can hook you up with him.  You two would make a good looking couple.”
“Wait a minute!” Cos-play Ant-Man cut in, obviously flustered.  Pointing at the tree creature, he asked, “You understand him?”   “Well, yeah,” Tony replied, “he’s a great conversationalist.  Much more eloquent than our current (sarcastic air quotes) ‘president’, I can tell you that for free.”
“I am Groot.”
Tony let out a loud belly laugh.  “You got that right!  I‘ve done business with that douche canoe.  *I* sure as hell didn't vote for him.”
The cowboy stepped forward and demanded, “HOW can you understand him?  I've been traveling with him for YEARS and I still don't get it!”
With a shrug of his armor-covered shoulders, Tony remarked, “Compared to Dum-E, he’s practically Oscar Wilde.”
Retracting his own helmet, Definitely Not Ant-Man said, “I have no idea who that is.  And what is a Dum-E?”
Tony was momentarily knocked breathless by the handsome green-eyed, artfully-bearded face that the helmet revealed.  “Whoa!  Wow!  Was not expecting that!  FRIDAY, take a note--the chicks aren’t the only hot aliens on that ship.”
“If you call me a chick once more, I'll pull your spleen out through your nose and make you eat it," the green chick, ahhh, female humanoid snarled.
“No offense intended," Tony quickly apologized.  “Seriously, I meant it strictly as a compliment.  You’re total babes.  Plus, I sort of don’t know your names.”
The green alien chick, ahhh, babe, ahhh, lady tilted her head and narrowed her eyes menacingly, causing Tony to take a step back in case his spleen was still in danger. (He wasn’t entirely sure what a spleen was but he certainly didn't want to eat one, especially his own).  After a moment, she conceded, “Okay, I'll let it slide.  For now.”
“She's getting soft,” the furry raccoon-like being chuckled.
She turned her glare on the critter, for which Tony was thankful.  “I’ll show you soft,” she hissed.
“I’ve seen her soft and it’s not half bad,” Hunky Not-Ant Man smirked, and Tony fell just a little bit in love with him.
Green girl took a deep breath, released it slowly, and started again. “I’m Gamora.  And this,” motioning to the bug alien, “is Mantis.”
Mantis smiled, making her already pretty face glow.  “Hello, you have a beautiful world,” she said, her voice soft and soothing.  “I look forward to seeing more.”
“So do I,” Tony replied, suavely, throwing in a wink for good measure.
“Don’t tell me--you flirt with everyone, don‘t you?” Gamora asked.
“Pretty much, yeah,” Tony admitted with a smug grin
Shaking her head in dismay, Gamora muttered, “Great.  Another one.  What did I ever do to deserve this?”
“You were an intergalactic assassin who killed many people and destroyed untold lives,” the big bald alien stated matter-of-factly.
“Yes, right I did do that,” Gamora admitted between gritted teeth.  “Thank you for reminding me.”
“You are welcome,” the big bald alien said, totally without sarcasm or irony. “However, I do not understand how you could forget something like that.”
Gamora clenched her fists tightly and took another deep breath.  The calming techniques Mantis had taught her usually worked when she was ready to kill her crewmates, though not always as the hole she had recently punched in the galley’s door would testify.  Pointing to the big bald paisley-printed alien she continued, “That’s Drax and the ‘other hot alien’ as you so obnoxiously put it, is our captain, Peter Quill.”
“I am Groot,” the tree announced proudly.
"You've already met Groot," Gamora commented dryly, “and last but not least. . .”
“I'm Rocket,” the furry animal creature cut in.  Looking up at Gamora, he snarked, “Sorry, sweets, but I was growing old waiting for you to get to me.  We’re The Guardians of the Galaxy. It’s what we call ourselves.  Sort of like a team.  ‘The Universe’s Mightiest Heroes’ type thing.”
“That’s my line,” Tony grumbled under his breath.
“Actually, they call me Star-Lord,” Quill corrected as he stepped forward, hand extended, pointedly ignoring Gamora’s eye roll.
“And you can call me anytime,” Tony crooned in his best seductive voice, which was pretty damn good.  His right gauntlet folded back upon itself effortlessly and he grasped Quill’s warm hand, shaking it a bit longer than necessary.  Quill blushed slightly, which made Tony grin.  'I still got it', he thought cheerfully.
“We know who you are, Anthony Stark,” Gamora said, interrupting the magical moment.
“It's why we chose this spot to land,” Mantis added with a nod of her head which made her antennae bounce gently.  
Tony stop shaking Quill's hand (much to the man’s disappointment) and regarded the two females suspiciously.  “You know me?  How?  ‘Cause if it was those damn YouTube videos again, I swear I’m just gonna buy that fucking company and burn it to the ground.  I don't care what my lawyers say.”
“Ain’t you Iron Man, the guy that blew up the Chitauri army?” Rocket asked, waving at Tony's armor.  “I mean, ‘cause your outfit is kind of a dead give-away.  Great suit, by the way.  Nice and shiny.”
“Thanks, I polished it today.  You wouldn't believe the amount of Turtle Wax I go through in a week, and that's not including the extra-curricular activities.  And yeah, I nuked some alien space ships, but in my defense, they were sort of destroying Manhattan at the time, so they definitely deserved it.”
“Your name is known throughout the cosmos,” Mantis informed him, respect and awe in her voice.
“They sing songs of you and your legendary deeds!” Drax boomed, excitedly.
Tony pondered that for a moment before saying, “Well, I suppose that weekend party at Hef's in ‘05 would qualify me as a ’legend’ but that doesn’t explain how YOU know who I am.”
“I am Groot.”
At that, Tony eyed the group skeptically, then shook his head.  “Bullshit.  You're pulling my leg.”
“That is impossible,” Drax declared emphatically.  “We are standing too far away to even touch you let alone pull your leg.”  Off to the side, Quill did a dramatic face-palm.
Tony continued to study the individuals in front of him, searching for any sign that they were joking but it was obvious they were serious.  He laughed uneasily.  “No, ah. . .see, I think you’re mistaken.  I’m not even a hero on this planet, let alone across the universe.  You can ask anyone.  I mean, Rogers probably has a entire notebook filled with my faults.  And I’m pretty sure S.H.I.E.L.D. had to start a second file cabinet.”
“That’s where you’re wrong, Mr. Stark,” Quill said.  “You actions saved many worlds from invasion.  Billions of beings, trillions maybe, owe their lives to you.  You are indeed a hero, and it is an honour to finally meet you.”
For once in his life, Anthony Edward Stark was truly speechless.  He just stared at the six beings in front of him as he tried to process what they were saying.  He couldn't remember the last time he had been told he did something good, never mind getting any praise for it.  “I, ah. . .wow.  Okay. Thanks,” he finally stammered.  “That’s, um, good to know, I guess.  It still doesn’t quite explain why you’re here, though.  I mean, you could have just sent me a cookie bouquet or something.”
“We're here because of Thanos,” Gamora stated simply.  
“Say who?” Tony shot back.
“He’s Gamora's father,” Mantis answered.
“Adoptive father,” Gamora corrected. “Intergalactic terrorist, genocidal maniac, menace to all life forms. . .“
“Big time dickbag,“ Rocket added, disdainfully.  
“Yeah, that, too,” Gamora agreed.  “He wants to rule the universe and impose his will on every living creature in it.  And Terra is first on his list.”
Tony huffed.  “I‘m guessing we‘re ‘Terra‘?” At Gamora‘s nod, he whinged, “Jesus Christ on a fucking crutch.  What did we do to piss him off?”
“Besides blow up his army?” Rocket retorted.
“You ever hear of the Infinity Gauntlet?”  Quill asked.
“Opening band for Black Sabbath?” Tony guessed.
Gamora just grimaced.  “Why am I destined to be surrounded by the biggest idiots in the galaxy?”
Quill quickly began talking fast before Gamora's sword made an appearance.  “Best as I can explain it, there’s this glove, and it holds these six stones. . .”
“Infinity Stones,” Rocket supplied.
“Right, Infinity Stones,” Quill continued. “They’re really old and super powerful and whoever has the glove and those stones can rule the universe.  Thanos already has four, so once he gets the final two. . .”
“The Mind Stone and the Time Stone,” Tony interrupted.
Mantis's already big eyes grew bigger in surprise.  “How do you know about those?” she asked breathlessly.
“Oh, that's easy,” Tony said.  "I've got them."
"WHAT?!??!" the Guardians all exclaimed, well, all except Groot, who exclaimed, “I AM GROOT!”
“Not ME personally," Tony clarified.  “My friend, Stephen Strange, has one of them.  Well, I SAY friend.  Sorry.  Bad ‘Sherlock’ joke.  Had to do it.  Anyway, it’s encased in this pendant called the Eye of Amaretto or something like that.  Tacky ass thing, but major league hoodoo I can tell you that.  We got drunk once and he used it to turn me back into a virgin so he and Rhodey could. . .”
“And the other stone?” Gamora prompted, not wanting to know where that story was going.
“Yeah, the Mind Stone.”  Tony chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.  “Well, it's currently embedded in the head of my accidental mystical android son.”
Gamora rubbed her eyes tiredly and groaned, “I really don't even want to know.”  Tony got the feeling that was her default reaction to most things.  “The point is, we have to get to them before he does or else. . .”
Quill mouthed ‘Ka-Boom’ while miming an explosion with his hands.
Tony mulled their words over before confirming, “So you're telling me that we’re going to be invaded by space aliens again.  Extra-terrestrial armies, space ships, powerful super-beings, advanced weapons, all that shit, right?”
“Exactly,” Quill replied.  “That’s why we journeyed across the galaxy.  To warn you and maybe help Terra prepare for. . .”
But he didn‘t get to finish what he was saying as Tony let out a sudden, excited shout, “That is fucking AWESOME!”
Everyone just stared at Tony in confused silence until Drax asked, cautiously, “It is?”
“Fucking A+ it is!”   Glancing upwards, Tony screamed to the sky, “You hear that, Rogers!  I was right, you sanctimonious twatwaffle!  You and Barton can both eat me!”
Rocket snorted.  "Twatwaffle.  I like that.  I'm stealing it."
"What else is new?" Gamora scoffed.
“Um. . .” Quill started, but Tony just talked right over him.  “For years I tried to tell them.  I kept saying, ‘The aliens are coming back‘.  ‘They’re gonna kick our asses‘.  ‘They’ll make New York look like a day at Disneyland’, but would they listen to me?  Oh no.  They were all like ‘You’re crazy, Tony.’  ‘You’re drunk, Tony‘.  ‘You’re being paranoid, Tony.’  ‘You’re talking out of your ass, Tony.’  Well, suck my hairy balls, you assclowns, because I fucking NAILED IT!”  He ended his victory speech with a couple of fist pumps and a happy ‘robot dance’, including some moon walking which looked rather graceful even in the armor, proving it probably wasn't the first time he had done it.
Quill gave a long, low whistle of approval.  “Sick moves, bro!”
“Like 'em?” Tony said with a saucy smirk.  “Had a private session with Beyonce once.  And then we did some actual dancing.”
Mantis leaned towards Gamora and asked uneasily, “Are we sure this is the man who will save the universe?”
Gamora stepped forward, determined to reason with this obviously eccentric (though desperately needed) man and get their mission back on track.  “Mr. Stark, if you would just. . .”
Tony held up his hand to silence her.  “No, no, sweetheart.  Wait a minute.  Let me enjoy this for a few seconds.  I’ve earned it.  And please, it’s Tony.”
“I like this guy,” Rocket announced, hands--or rather, paws--on his tiny hips.
“As I was saying, TONY,” Gamora continued, undaunted, “super villain on the way, imminent interplanetary war, millions of planets at stake, not much time.  Need a plan.  Is there some place we can talk?”
“Yeah, sure, you can all stay up at the Compound,” Tony replied, breezily.  “We’ve got plenty of room.  Most of the team is out on a mission right now.  I only stayed behind because I promised Parker I’d help him with his senior class science project.  Not that he really needs it—the kid’s a goddamn genius but he seems to like my input for some reason.  I think he does it for the hugs and the Double Stuf Oreos.  And Strange is mixing it up in the multi-verse somewhere.  He’s gonna be so stoked to meet you, Star-Lord.  All the awesome facial hair bros!”
Quill's smile was almost blinding.  “You called me Star-Lord!”
“Why wouldn’t I?” Tony commented.  “It’s much cooler than ‘Peter’, and cool’s the rule right?  Hey, I just thought of something--I've got TWO Peters now!  I really should make some kind of pervy sex pun about that.”
“Please don’t,” Gamora muttered.  “It’s really not necessary.”
“You don’t know me very well,” Tony grinned.  “Man, I can't wait until Rhodey gets a load of you guys.  He's gonna lose his shit!”
“Isn’t that what you want to do with sh--” Drax began but Gamora quickly cut him off before he could finish.  “And our ship?”
“Don’t worry about your ship--it’ll be totally safe.  Eject!”  With that, the Iron Man suit opened and Tony stepped out, dressed in the tight black jeans and even tighter black tank top he was wearing when FRIDAY had sounded the alarm.
“GUH!” Quill gasped as Tony Stark was fully revealed for the first time, noting that he DEFINITELY put that smoking hot Rajak girl to shame.
Tony preened a bit.  ’Oh yeah, definitely still got it’, he thought, but instead he patted the suit‘s shoulder and said, “52 here will watch over it for you.  He'll like that.  Will make him feel useful.  Sentry mode.”  At the command, the suit closed back up and raised its arms to chest level, repulsors at the ready.
“Fucking cool,” Rocket stated, clearly impressed.
Tony preened some more.  He liked it when people geeked out with him over his tech--even when those people were walking, talking raccoon-like things.  “I know, right?  You should see the awesome shit I’ve got in development.  I’ll give you a tour of my lab later.  You’ll love it.  Your whiskers may never stop twitching.”  
“That might not be a great idea,” Quill warned, recognizing the scheming twinkle in Rocket’s eye.  
“Nah, it’s a great idea.  I always have great ideas.”  Slinging an arm around Quill’s shoulders, Tony started leading him towards the Compound.   “For instance, there was this one time that me and Reed Richards--great guy, maybe you‘ll get to meet him if Disney ever gets the rights back from FOX--anyway, we had this idea to. . . oh wow, is that an actual Zune?  Cool.  Haven't seen one of those in years.  Retro-tech.  You'll get along great with Parker.  That’s my other Peter by the way.  Still haven’t thought of a good sex pun yet.  Seriously, you should see what that kid can do with a Nintendo Game boy, a roll of copper wire, and a box of Legos.  Here,” digging into the back pocket of his jeans, Tony slapped a cellphone into Quill’s hand. “Starkphone 8.0  Latest model.  Not even on the market yet."
“Why would I need a phone in outer space?” Quill asked, puzzled.
“It holds 50,000 songs, not including the entire AC/DC song library, which comes pre-loaded,” Tony explained.  “Cost me a fortune for the copyrights, but totally worth it.  Can you believe there are people out there that don't know the words to 'Highway to Hell'?  I mean, what's wrong with this world?  Maybe I should let Thermos have it after all.”
“Thanos,” Rocket corrected.
Tony waved his hand dismissively.  “Him, too.”
Gamora shook her head and admonished, “Is everything a joke to you?”
“Funny things are,” Tony shot back automatically.  “Whoa, déjà vu!”
“Did you say FIFTY thou--?”  Quill couldn’t even find the words he was so overwhelmed.  Throwing his arms around Tony, he gave the man a huge bear hug.  “I love you, bro.”
“Yeah, I hear that a lot,” Tony laughed, patting Quill on the back.  “Would this be a good time to tell you I fully intend to go old school Captain Kirk on you later?  Explore the final frontier, if you get my drift.”
“Just so you know, I don‘t put out just for a phone, even one as awesome as this,” Quill bantered back, caressing said phone as if it were the greatest treasure in the universe.  “You also have to buy me dinner.”
Tony squeezed Quill‘s shoulder and grinned widely.  “Oh absolutely, Star-Lord.  I know how to properly woo a guy.  Way to a man’s heart, all that jazz.  Hey, do you like shawarma?  I know this great place.  They deliver.  Well, they’ll deliver for me.  They’re back in the city so it’ll take a couple of hours but I guarantee it’s the best food you folks have ever eaten.”  Calling over his shoulder to the other Guardians, he asked, “Anyone else in?”
“I should like to try it,” Mantis said with an excited smile, hurrying to catch up with Tony and Quill.  “I like experiencing new things.”
“There are so many ways I could respond to that, but most of them will get me slapped,” Tony quipped.
“Or worse,” Quill said.  Leaning close to Tony’s ear, he whispered, “Drax kinda has a crush on her, and his nickname is ‘The Destroyer’.”
“Say no more,” Tony whispered back, happy for the warning, though truthfully he only had eyes for Captain Hottie anyway.  To Mantis he said, “Just follow me, my dear lady.  I’ve got a whole world of new things to show you.”  To the others, he gestured grandly towards the Compound,  “C’mon Treebeard.  You too, Crash Bandicoot.  Right this way.”
“I am Groot?”
Tony stopped, turned around, and dramatically clutched at his chest in horror.  “Are you kidding me?  You don't know who Treebeard is?  Fuck me sideways.”
“Do-able” Quill mumbled.
“That’s it, we're definitely watching 'Lord of the Rings' tonight.  The Director's Cut.  You’ll love it.  Oh, and don’t even think about stealing the suit, Meeko,” Tony warned, seeing Rocket making a move towards the Iron Man armor.  “First off, it’s coded just to me, myself, and I, and it’ll turn you into a smoking grease spot faster than you can say ’boy, that was a dumb fucking thing to do.’ And second, it wouldn’t fit you anyway. No sweat.  I can build you one.  I’ve got some odds and ends hanging around the workshop.  Should only take me a day or two.”  He motioned to the last two Guardians.  “You joining us, Green Bean?  Conundrum?  Shawarma for everyone!”
Drax followed along after the others, musing aloud, “How is it possible that he can talk out of his ass?  They did not mention that in any of the tales.  Indeed, he is a hero worthy of song!”
“Fuck my life,” Gamora muttered as she trudged after her team, knowing the hole in the galley door was going to have a new friend very soon.  
THE END *Title is a play on the phrase, "Pennies from Heaven", ie. unexpected good fortune, and as GotG use 'units' instead of money, well, there you go.
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Not-So Berry: Rose Tinted Lenses
Rose and Max spend friday after school together in the serenity of Rose Mint’s bedroom. More specifically, between the sheets of her bed. Max looks at his phone while snuggling in bed with Rose and notices the time. He leaps out of bed and slides on his previously discarded clothes from the heap on the floor.
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“Rose, I’ve been meaning to ask you this.” Max starts.
Rose’s virescent eyes glue to Max as she adjusts the straps of her top. Max reaches into his pocket and pulls out a tiny silver ring. Rose’s heart beats out of her chest.
“I’ve never been more sure about someone in my entire life. I love you, Rose Mint. I want to make this promise to you.”
“Max, I-” Rose lips tremble.
Rose stares at Max and back at the ring. It’s only been about a month since they first got together. Though when she glances back at Max, into those adorable puppy eyes she initially fell in love with, she couldn’t resist him.
“Oh, Max,” Rose sighs happily, “yes!”
A smile grows on Max’s face as he slides the promise ring onto Rose’s finger. Rose stares at the ring on her finger blankly despite her continued facade of utter joy.
“Oh god, what did I just do?” She wonders to herself.
Max plants a kiss on her cheek and hurries out the door.
The next night, Rose and Max go on a date. They decide to hit up a new local teen nightclub that opened up not too long ago. Though when they enter they notice something missing...other teens. The place is packed with adults and elders, the pair being the youngest sims there. They decide to stay and give the place a chance. Perhaps more teens would come later in the night?
“Wanna play?” Max offers, pointing to the arcade machine in the far corner of the room.
“Sure!” Rose beams, “anything to get away from the nursing home crowd.” 
The two saunter over to the arcade machine, Max inserts two simoleons into the slot and the machine springs to life with a chorus of boops and beeps. Rose isn’t the best at video games, so it is a shock to her when she actually beats the more skilled Max.
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“Wow! I won!” Rose squeals, dancing around.
“Damn machine is probably broken,” Max mutters, “there's no way a girl could’ve beaten me at my favorite game.”
Rose pauses, her grin disappearing, “What’s that’s supposed to mean?”
“It means...you only won because the machine is broken. You look like an idiot dancing around like that,” Max replies very matter-of-factly.
Upsetted, Rose goes to sit at the bar. Marcus Flex, not quite as young as he used to be, sits down next to her.
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“Hey, you’re Mint’s daughter, right?” Marcus asks as he sips his beverage.
“I am,” Rose blinks, he must her mother’s coworker. Her mother is always going on about the new setting she put on her Sim Ray and the tests she performs on her fellow colleagues. Rose wonders how he even recognizes her, as she’s never met any of her mom’s coworkers before.
“Ahhh, you look just like her...but with normal hair.” Marcus quips.
Rose forces a small laugh, officially weirded out.
“You’re definitely cuter though. Don’t tell me you want to waste your looks and follow in your mother’s footsteps,” Marcus continues, his words slurred a bit.
“Oh...well...I never really gave it much thought to be honest,” Rose replies, stopping to glance around the room for Max. He is nowhere to be seen.
“Come work out with me sometime. I could be your trainer. My buddy runs a photography business where he shoots a lot of fitness models for really big fitness magazines.”
“Oh, I don’t think I’m cut out to be a model.” Rose dodges as she scoots a little away from Marcus.
“Well, not with THAT body. You’d need some training...”
“Hey.” Max’s voice suddenly appears behind the two.
“There you are, Max,” Rose breathes, her body relaxing.
“Huh. Is this your girl?” Marcus smirks smugly at Max as he looks him up and down before returning his glassy gaze back to Rose, “you could do better.”
Marcus slides off his stool.
“If you change your mind, come find me.” Marcus says with a wink before stumbling out the door.
“Why would you run off on me like that? I couldn’t find you anywhere.” Max scolds her,
Max soon notices the frightened look upon Rose’s face.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Rose replies quickly, looking down.
“Are you sure? What was that man-”
“I want to go home.”  
Max sighs and walks her home.
Rose glances at her framed photo of herself with Max hanging over her desk.  She looks down at the promise ring on her finger, and wonders if she moved too fast. She wanders downstairs in search for parental advice only to find the rest of her family moving at 100 mph. Minnie Mint, with a piece of toast dangling out of her mouth, comes racing out of the kitchen, notepad in hand. Mumbling something scientific, she disappears behind the door to her basement laboratory, likely to invent...something. Rose never quite understands what her mother rambles about. Gunther enters through the door Minnie just exited, smiling as Basil skips next to their father.
“One more game! Please!?” Basil begs.
“Perhaps later,” Gunther replies as they pass by Rose, “ I must go work now. Good morning, darling.”
Basil sticks his tongue out at Rose as he passes, just steps behind Gunther so he wouldn’t be scolded. Basil runs off for the living room for his saturday morning cartoons as Gunther retreats up the stairs to his private study. Rose grabs a yogurt from the fridge and pulls out her phone. She stops as she clicks on Luna Villareal’s name.
She can’t tell Luna. Luna is her best friend and fellow Paragon. Knowing that Rose is, number one, dating a Renegade, and number two, dating her brother, she would never speak to her again. She needs the advice of a non-paragon friend.  
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Alexander Goth: a boy Rose had gotten to know over the school year. She sits next to him in their 3rd period poetry class. No club affiliation.
“So what specifically has you confused?” Alexander asks as he follows Rose into her bedroom. He slides his phone into his pocket as he lays his books down on her bed.
“Oh uhm...well it’s nothing specific...it’s just all very confusing.” Rose replies uncomfortably.
“Like what?”
“I don’t know,” Rose sighs, “I’m just looking for some guidance. The author talks an awful lot about the rushing waters of a stream he comes across in a forest and wanting the waters to just slow for just a minute.”
“But he’s too afraid, he loves the stream so much he allows for it to sweep him away. And as he’s tumbling down steam, his love for the flowing waters is sort of...swept away from him.”
“Right, he is nearly drowned. He is saved by a tree branch sticking it’s limb out for him.”
“And when he comes to dry land he wonders if his love for the stream was ever real or if he just liked the idea of it.” Rose responds, looking down at her promise ring on her finger.
Alexander looks at Rose for a minute curiously.  
“The author is so mesmerized by the idea of taming the stream that he nearly dies... but what is he trying to tell us? To those still swept up in the stream?”
“Perhaps those people just need to find their branch.” Alexander says as he takes Rose’s hand, hiding the promise ring under his fingers.
Rose looks up into Alexander’s eyes.
“You didn’t invite me over to tutor you in poetry, did you?”
Rose’s cheeks grows hot and as pink as her top.
“Let me be your branch, Rose,” Alexander whispers in her ear.
Like a magnet, their faces pull together as their lips melt into one. Alexander holds Rose unlike anyone ever had before...not even Max holds her like this. Rose surrenders into him as she presses her body against his. They pull away, slightly begrudgingly. Truly caring for Rose, Alexander decides to end it there, knowing Rose and Max still had something. Alexander caresses her glowing cheeks before gathering his books. He leaves but knows he’ll likely be seeing more of Rose in the near future.
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kitsune-ryu-neko · 6 years
Voltron Season 5 Thoughts
Look I just wanna know what’s going on on Earth, ok? Just a glimpse. SOMETHING!!! 
Episode 1: The Prisoner - Oh boy is this about REAL Shiro?  - I’m so suspicious of Shiro now since he came back because i highly doubt that is real Shiro. So for right now I’m calling him Not Shiro. Also, Lance asking if it was a trap just further solidifies to me that Lance is gonna step up this season or call Not Shiro out or find out he isn’t Shiro. - Lance then again says “Oh no, we’re trapped!” < . < - Things are also going suspiciously well and everyone knows it...hmm.. and who is their informant? - Allura follow that gut instinct! - Oh shit...I forgot they had Lotor....and he is their informant. well that makes sense. - Don’t trust Lotor. But damn is he not good at manipulation. - Thank you, Allura! At least you are catching on to this quickly.  - The only person I can think of that might be a special inmate would be either real Shiro, who I doubt would be revealed so easily and so early on, and Sam Holt. And now that the scene changes to Matt and Pidge, that’s the only person I can think of who it could be. - WOW I’m actually RIGHT?!?! - hmm...the cloaking device might not work because the barrier might have been made by Sam Holt.  - And Matt’s jetpack didn’t work. .....why only him though? - the guards have already been taken out. They probably aren’t gonna get their dad this episode. - My guess is either he was taken away, dead, or works for the galra of his own free will.  - Matt isn’t even dejected...he just looks angry or pissed - Ok so he is alive somewhere.... < . < idk Matt looks like he is hiding something - Oh they have Sam Holt probably - Oh hey they do! Dang....Sam Holt....you look a lot different XD Damn that was a good episode and WOW that cliffhanger at the end...
Episode 2: Blood Duel - I understand where Pidge is coming from but if you rush into things it can end badly for you. So I hope team Voltron thought this plan through... - What is Haggar even doing? These are flashbacks....probably before all this darkness consumed her. We get to see baby Lotor! - Wait.......is she just now.....idk...remembering?...that Lotor is her son? - What if Sam is a clone? That would be...disturbing....but it would introduce everyone to the clone idea. - After that look Lotor gave Sam...i definitely don’t trust this moment - ok so HOLOGRAM - Haggar....doesn’t want to retrieve Lotor.... Ok, so either she doesn’t trust Lotor, or she knows something about Lotor that Zarkon does not. OR Zarkon isn’t even around (just his body) and it’s all Lotor’s plan. - Operation Kuron Stage 4, huh? - So team Voltron did have a plan - ZARKON VS. LOTOR!!! LET’S GO!!!! - So Lotor has the black paladin bayard....did we know that already? - So they got Sam back! Yay!!! - Dead.  I find it hilarious that the episode ends painting Lotor in this savior light.  Also, Lotor calls Haggar witch. Haggar is wary of Lotor at all times. Zarkon was raised from the dead at least twice now? .....I know I’m missing a piece here. 
Episode 3: Postmortem - Well that title isn’t the least bit foreboding. - Ahhh there is that Not Shiro personality again. I swear he seems so detached from everyone and everything. - Oh he gave him the bayard....how did (Not) Shiro know it would even work for Lotor? I guess this is the episode everyone starts growing suspicious af against (Not) Shiro. - Damn he totally snapped at Lance. Even real Shiro didn’t do that.  - ....Haggar is controlling Not Shiro. Does Lotor know this? I think he knows this. I’m like 95% sure he does. So wtf is happening with this family? - There is a whole lot of switching sides in this series... - LANCE GOT A SWORD THAT’S SO COOL!!! - HOLT FAMILY IS BACK TOGETHER!!! - Wow they FINALLY mention the mom after FIVE seasons! - So they are gonna send their dad home and they’ll stay with Voltron. At least their mom will actually have someone with her again since her whole family LEFT - Interesting how Lance was the one to do the countdown, plus they are focusing on his perspective. Also....is Not Shiro not there? < . <  - IT DOESN’T EVEN SHOW HIS FACE - OH BOY. WAS THAT ACTUALLY SHIRO??? I think it was....he was trying to tell Lance something. Probably to warn him. - Damn, Lance - YES FINALLY SOMETHING ABOUT EARTH!!!! Galaxy Garrison covered some shit up and have some explaining to do - So Not Shiro doesn’t remember that hmm?? - Hey it’s the guy that looks like a giant mouse!
Episode 4: Kral Zera - Idk what that title means...maybe a name of someone or a place - I guess we are gonna get to see Keith finally - oh a ceremony - Lotor is literally giving them the biggest fucking hint right now  - honestly....watch KEITH be the person to light the Kral Zera. He’s in this episode and this is the episode to initiate someone else to be galra ruler. Keith is part Galra. Lotor is part Galra.  - and Haggar refers to herself as ...if she was talking about someone else. So I’m gonna take a guess and say no one knows Haggar is Lotor’s mother... - Also Keith wtf are you doing? You are gonna get yourself killed - Keith just saved Lotor... - this is the moment where Lotor probably betrays you guys lol Voltron for scale
Episode 5: Bloodlines - oh boy...that title - I love this goodbye?! Everyone is starting to have hope! And we might get to see Earth again...someday. - Lance has brothers named Marco and Luis. and a sister named Veronica. and a grandma. that’s at least 4 people we didn’t know about.  - gotta love Coran XD - WHAT I DON’T UNDERSTAND IS THAT YOU GUYS CAN LITERALLY GO HOME AND VISIT AND THEN GO BACK. i mean the temptation to stay would be great but COME ON!!! - KROLIA LEGIT LOOKS LIKE A FEMALE KEITH - LIKE HOLY FUCK - IS THAT HIS MOM? It has to be. I can’t see any other reason why they would look so similar. - of course he wants to sync their stuff with galra’s.....of frigging course he does - Pidge is gonna reprogram this robot......i think she is also gonna make sure to program it to be a spy for her. because she doesn’t trust people. and Lotor needs to be under surveillance. Watch this reprogramming thing come back. - *spins and twirls* TEAM PUNK! XD - ok so did ANYONE know that Haggar is Lotor’s mom? She barely knew! Lotor seems like he doesn’t know....sheesh people - SO ALLURA IS CATCHING THE FUCK ON! But.............Lotor seems to know but be in denial? maybe??????? ......although he acts like he just now realized that could be true...ugh - he totally didn’t plant that - welp....that wasn’t a surprise - there he goes!!! goodbye robot. i thought you would be helpful...
Episode 6: White Lion - OH BOY THAT TITLE - Whoa! Take that theoretical physics! - I swear to god if this pulls a Lion King and is all like “remember who you are”.... - those markings are “the mark of the chosen”??? (I might have slightly for a split second thought Lotor was blushing because his markings are pink)  - different kinds of alteans...interesting. I guess when the markings glow that also means something about The Mark of the Chosen.  - god that place is beautiful - poor Not Shiro doesn’t understand that he’s not Shiro... - lotor and allura are most likely going to solve this problem in very different ways - yep. lotor just embraced that violent galra mindset - Aaaannndd allura was willing to sacrifice her own life
And that’s about it! What a great season! I kinda wish we just got seasons all in one go again but in about another half a year, Voltron will be back!....probably. Lotor is doing great as an ally. I still don’t trust him. at all. But he has been proven useful for us. We got Sam Holt back and he took their messages and what he has learned with him to Earth. SO I WANNA SEE EARTH IN SEASON 6!!!! (Although I’ll take mentioning it at least a little bit for this season). This was very much another transition season. It was great and started to set up a lot of things for next season, and no doubt that season 6 will be amazing. Not Shiro feels conflicted and rightfully so. i feel sorry for him... IS IT JUST ME OR IS THIS SHOW REALLY TRYING TO PUSH THE ALLURA AND LOTOR SHIP? I don’t trust that one bit either. Lance also got a really good hint that Not Shiro is well...not Shiro...and it was from Not Shiro’s own mouth. I can’t wait to get Shiro back. We got to see Keith a bit, and we met his mother. So lot’s of things are coming together. All in all, loved it and am hyped for season 6! 
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