#i love you mr the hedgehog ! thank you !
rabbithaver · 5 months
"Whereas Silver, I would think, for all of his openness and naivety... is hesitant to make new friends, because he's used to seeing them die. You don't want to make connections after a point, but he is also, y'know, clearly desperate to make connections, because he's a people person. He likes other people, he wants to be around other people, he wants to protect people." -- Ian Flynn, on Silver the hedgehog
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(NOTE: this quote is from an upcoming Espilver BumbleKast Mini sponsored by @transmanshadow!)
535 notes · View notes
girlsonic · 1 year
just thinkign out loud and it might seem a bit silly but i think that my interest in sonic came at exactly the perfect time for me
11 notes · View notes
Steal Your Heart (Part 1)
When the calling card of the infamous Knave of Hearts arrives, he’ll rob his victims blind of their most treasured items on the appointed date. Enter ace detective Yuu accompanied by rookie cop Deuce Spade, both seeking to apprehend the Knave and bring him to justice.
Will they succeed, or will the phantom thief steal their valuables--and their hearts--first?
This was originally meant to be one fic, but it was getting to be WAY too long. I decided to split it in half and release this part now and the second part (which I am still working on!) later. This first part focuses more on Yuu and Deuce; the second part will be more Yuu and Ace.
(Please note: there are slight romantic implications in the form of an Ace/Yuu/Deuce love triangle, but those elements could also be interpreted as platonic or as just playful teasing with no additional meaning. It’s all in the eyes of the reader!)
Imagine this...
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The police station’s waiting room was a familiar sight.
With time, the shiny checkered floor had grown matte, marred with scratches and scuffs from the boots that crossed it on a daily basis. Someone had taken to attempt to pretty up the otherwise dull space by hanging out abstract paintings on the cream-colored walls, and a vase of white roses dripping with red paint at the check-in desk. There was as even a glass tank which housed a small family of colorful hedgehogs.
Maybe they were meant to be welcoming—but really, they were more clashing than anything. Certainly not a fit for the stiff atmosphere of the station.
Still the fluorescent lightbulbs buzzed faintly, flickering in and out on occasion. The sound distracted from the old television mounted in a corner to entertain guests. It seemed to play commercials on a loop more often than it played actual shows. Currently, an Olympus Corp. branded tablet was being toted as the next big technological marvel—though the TV’s audio was fuzzy at best, and the image half static.
A coffee table pushed to the wall, stacked with a new stash of magazines. Whoever updated the reading materials—most likely the friendly senior officer with orange waves for hair—was into the latest trends, often selecting fashion magazines with high gloss finishes. A dangerously beautiful man graced the covers of many of them, dressed in the hottest summertime styles while looking the part of an untouchable ice queen.
As usual, the station was scented with coffee and tea, the beverages of choice for many officers burning the midnight oil or working overtime. The chief demanded it at times to meet deadlines and goals—he was such a stickler for them—and the caffeine helped those under him stay sane as they went about their duties.
In the afternoons, most were either out on lunch or on patrol, lessening the foot traffic at HQ. There was only one man in uniform, seated behind the desk and filing some papers.
Yuu shifted in their own chair, adjusting the rim of the baseball cap upon their head. They were suited in an inconspicuous jacket and sneakers, fingers toying with a badge in a pocket, hidden out of view. To the common man, they were a jogger--but one flash of their lilac gemstone bound to a black and white striped ribbon, and there would be no doubt as to what their true identity was.
The smell of coffee and tea grew stronger, and Yuu glanced up from behind the bill of their hat.
The bespectacled man from behind the fro
nt desk had approached. He had a sheepish smile, bearing a paper cup filled with hot brown liquid and a napkin with a donut laid upon it. Bright pink icing dusted with sugared violet petals crowned the golden fried pastry.
“Mr. Clover.” Yuu nodded—a terse, polite greeting. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
“Please, just ‘Trey’ is fine.” He offered the treats, which they readily accepted. “Sorry for calling you in on such short notice. I’m sure you’re busy juggling your other cases—but I think I speak for the entire department when I say we’re thankful that you were able to make it.”
“No worries, I’m used to it in this line of work,” Yuu replied. “It must be something pretty urgent this time around. The Chief sounded frantic over the phone.”
Trey rubbed at his chin, grasping for the right words. “Let’s just say he’s not in the best of moods right now. You’ll need that sugar to get through this in one piece.”
“That’s very thoughtful of you.”
“Just trying to avoid any trouble. You’d better finish them before you step into his office. You know how he hates it when there are crumbs or spills in there.”
“Aye, aye, sir.” Yuu gave a joking salute before starting to pack away at their snack. The drink was the instant kind, and practically scalding, but it was easy to tell that the donut was homemade. The pastry, flaky on the outside and fluffy on the inside, dusted with sugar granules and sweet icing. “Wouldn’t want the Chief to be blowing a fuse again.”
“No, definitely not. He’s done too much of that lately.” Trey carefully eyed Yuu’s donut, now only half of it left. “Oh, but be sure to brush your teeth a thorough cleaning tonight, or I might have some problems with you. Cavities and staining are real dangers, you know.”
“Are you Assistant Chief of Police or my dental hygienist?” Yuu took a generous swig, then a bite just as big. “You worry too much about everything.”
“Ahahah… Do I? It’s a habit, I guess. Comes with the job.”
“That stressful, huh?”
“Well, I do what I can to smooth things over. Hopefully you can too. It’s been difficult on our department with the Chief all rattled up about the… situation.” He stopped himself. “I’m sure you’ll hear all about it from him.”
So the case is top-secret, Yuu concluded with the last of their donut. Not to be discussed in the public.
They ran their tongue across the length of their mouth, lapping up the remains of sugary residue. “I understand. The details are not to leave his office.”
“You catch on quickly. No wonder why the Chief thinks so highly of your abilities.”
“Flattery’s a part of your tool kit as well, Trey?”
He raised his eyebrows. “… You’ve worked long enough with us to figure these things out. Nothing gets by you, it seems.”
The remainder of Yuu’s drink sloshed around in its cup, set into motion by the bloodcurdling scream.
A familiar man with orange waves erupted from the chief’s office, hurriedly slamming the door shut behind him. His typically relaxed features were arranged in panic, his hair frazzled.
“How did trying to calm him work out, Cater?” Trey inquired half-heartedly. It was a courtesy more than genuine curiosity.
“What do you think?” the senior officer groaned, sinking where he stood.
Yuu quickly finished their drink, tossing their trash—the evidence they had been there—away and then stood, adjusting their jacket. “That sounds like it’s my cue.”
“Yeah, it is.” Trey sighed, frowning. “He’s in a tough spot right. Be kind to him, will you? That’s all I ask.”
“You got it.” Yuu tipped their baseball cap as they passed the officer. “Thank you for the pick-me-up. I’ll be seeing you, then. Officer Diamond—get some rest.”
“Good luck.”
“You’ll need it, Yuu-chan! Brace yourself.”
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The Police Chief was a small but serious man.
His character came through in his office space: books on law and order neatly arranged on shelves, papers and files alphabetically organized in their cabinets, and pens evenly spaced apart and arranged in rows. A crystal vase with deep red roses was poised beside his writing implements. A plate polished to a fine shine was propped up at his desk, reading: Riddle Rosehearts, Chief of Police.
Perched imposingly despite his short stature in his seat, he impatiently tapped a finger on an arm. Riddle’s face was a telltale red and veiny, proof of his earlier outburst, but was beginning to cool into a faint, smooth pink.
There was already another man in the office, sitting across from the Police Chief. He was pale and jittery in a suit the color of the night and sewn with blue sequins and glitter. A top hat rested upon his raven locks, the brim of it shading his hauntingly golden eyes.
Yuu removed their hat and, keeping it to their chest, gave a shallow bow as they entered. “Sir.”
One move out of line, one hair out of place, and they suspected he, in his volatile and vulnerable state, would explode anew.
“Welcome, Detective. I’m glad you could join us today.” Every word was a gruff puff of air, a leash with which to wrest control of his rage. Riddle gestured to the empty chair beside the nervous man. “Sit.”
Yuu obeyed, sinking into the seat offered. They casted a glance at the stranger adjacent to them, who was fiddling with his velvet-lined gloves.
“Mr. Crowley, this is the independent detective from Stray Cat Investigations that I had previously mentioned to you. The force has collaborated with them for a number of difficult cases in the past. Their wit and strategic skills have made them an invaluable asset. I thought it prudent to have them return to join us for your case as well.
“Yuu, meet Dire Crowley. He is the esteemed director and curator for the Sage’s Island Museum, and he’s come to us with his woes.”
“Hello, Mr. Crowley,” Yuu said politely. “It’s nice to meet you.”
He responded with a tired attempt at a smile. “Yes, you too.”
“Now that we’re all acquainted with one another...” Riddle produced a file from beneath his desk and placed it before himself. “Do you care to explain, or shall I?”
“I-I’ll elaborate!” Crowley crowed. He picked at a collection of keys belted to his waist, glistening gold under artificial lights. “The Sage’s Island Museum is planning a new exhibition on the Great Seven. As part of the exhibit, we are having many priceless artifacts flown in from all over Twisted Wonderland. We have donations from even Briar Valley’s royal family!!
“There will also be a great number of important VIP guests present for the grand opening of the exhibit. Royalty, wealthy benefactors, important diplomats, businessmen, celebrities... All individuals who wish to see their history on display! This is very important, you see!! M-My reputation--er, I mean, the museum’s reputation--is on the line here!!”
“Right.” Yuu nodded as they parsed through the information. “I’m following what you’re putting down. And where does your problem arise, Mr. Crowley?”
“Ah, now that,” Riddle smirked, “is the question of the hour.”
He opened his file, pulling out...
A single playing card, its back facing Yuu.
“I trust you’ve been keeping up with the news?”
“As any good detective would. There have been several robberies lately. Terrible, really.” Yuu’s expression clouded with concentration. “Hmm... but if it’s a potential robbery that you’re concerned about, Mr. Crowley... Doesn’t the Sage’s Island Museum boast a state-of-the-art security system from Olympus Corp.? I doubt the average thief would be able to bypass it.”
“That’s just the trouble,” Crowley loudly lamented.
“We are dealing with no ordinary thief,” Riddle clarified.
“It’s not?”
“No. Far from it.” The Police Chief exhaled sharply. “The string of robberies from before--they’re connected by a single thread, perpetuated by the same lone culprit. And now that scoundrel intends to continue his crime spree.”
“I’ve never heard of this before.”
“You shouldn’t have. It was a top-secret operation within my force since the first of its kind.”
“Why am I being told of it now?”
“Because, loathe as I am to admit it, the culprit has managed to outwit us and elude capture each and every time, He employs a bag of cheap parlor tricks and smoke and mirrors like the coward he is,” Riddle confessed begrudgingly. The blue-grey of his eyes were steely and stubborn. “A case as important as this needs the additional man—and brain—power, Detective.”
He placed the playing card down and slid it toward the detective. “This arrived in the morning at Mr. Crowley’s desk, the same as all the prior robberies. It gave him quite the fright. He rushed all the way to the station to beg for our assistance.”
“This is...” Yuu gingerly turned the card over, revealing a message scrawled on the other side in bright red gel ink. Each letter was big and bubbly, bursting with cheek and pomp.
Their heart jumped.
To the Old Crow that safeguards the Museum,
Your pockets look a lil’ heavy there, so I’ll help you out. (Aren’t I so kind?) Three days from now, I’ll claim one of your most prized treasures at the stroke of midnight.
Stand back and watch as I perform the greatest magic trick you’ll ever see... and make the portrait of the Queen of Hearts vanish before your very eyes. It’ll be a show-stopper!!
Until then,
Phantom Thief Knave of Hearts <3
P.S. Send the cops my regards, they can’t catch me lol (especially when their teapot tyrant’s patience is in SHORT supply geddit)
“They’re just flat-out announcing what their intentions are,” Yuu realized. They were half impressed, half shocked at the gall. “You said all of the victims received messages like this?”
“Calling cards, yes.” The fury had returned to Riddle’s features, causing his voice to spike and strain. “It’s infuriating!! What does he get off on, misappropriating magic as cheap parlor tricks for crime, writing notes in such a cocksure manner, taunting us to pursue him?!
“Not only is he poking fun at my height and committing a crime, but for mere SPORT?! For the THRILL of it?! He’s making a mockery of the good people of this island and of my men and our efforts to secure the peace!!”
The Police Chief slammed a fist down on his desk, rattling his glass vase and setting his perfectly straight pens askew. Crowley shrunk back in fear. “That Knave of Hearts...!! He must be stopped at all costs!!”
“Y-Yes, absolutely!!” Crowley chimed in. “For my--er, I mean, for the museum’s sake, this criminal must be put behind bars!! That’s why I’ve come to you, my good people!
“My taxpayer dollars help fund the police force, so I’ve come to collect on what its promise to protect and to serve the community!! Well, here’s the community at your doorstep asking you to protect and to serve!!”
“That’s why you want to put me on this case,” Yuu concluded, clasping the calling card to their racing heart. “To prevent this from going down tonight.”
“And furthermore,” Riddle added, “to investigate the identity of this so-called phantom thief once the museum is safely secured.”
“That’s a tall order, sir.”
“You’ll have access to our force’s resources, and to my officers. You will assist in overseeing this operation, with maps and outlines of the museum’s security detail from Mr. Crowley. We’ll cooperate to create a plan of attack to apprehend the Knave.”
“You misunderstand me. I never said I wouldn’t take the job,” Yuu coolly informed the Chief. Their mouth cocked upwards with confidence. “I’m always up for a challenge.”
“Oh, blessed day!! From the very bottom of my oh-so-generous heart, thank you very much!!” Crowley cried tearfully.
For the first time the entire briefing, Riddle smiled back at Yuu. “Hmph. That’s what I like to hear. Happy to be working with you again, Detective.”
“Likewise, Chief.”
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The sun had already set when Yuu exited the station, the stars blinking into existence. Several hours had been spent picking the museum curator’s brain with a fine-toothed comb, looking over layouts, and memorizing security detail. The information had been well-stocked, and now came the time to let it marinate and bloom into plans.
Stuffing their hands in their pockets, Yuu shuffled down the sidewalk and past rows of parked vehicles. Ahead, neon lights flashed in and out, and the trains rattled on their well-worn tracks, buses and cars honking at each other, the chatter of street vendors filling the air.
And something different than the usual tonight.
The city never slept, always buzzed with energy. Yuu had become accustomed to its sights and sounds, finding them even comforting. Their best ideas were conceived against the hum of the cityscape. It was just soft enough to not fully distract, but just noticeable enough to tug at their thoughts for long enough to stray into new territories and concepts.
Light from lonely streetlamps created tears in the darkness, illuminating the path to their favorite downtown thinking spot: the Mostro Lounge. A good (albeit overpriced) drink would chase away their tiredness.
Yuu continued with that promise in mind, every step catlike. First quick, next slow, then quick, moderate, slow, quick, slow, quick, moderate. Their speed, ever alternating.
Their ears strained against the sounds of the city, slowly parsing through the individual elements.
Trains, buses, cars, chatter… and the soft footsteps masked by them. Footsteps which matched Yuu’s pace.
There was no mistaking it now.
I’m being followed.
They didn’t look to see who it was—the first rule of tailing a target was to never alert them to your awareness. Yuu would know (as oftentimes they were the one in the position of tailer).
They cast their eyes across the street, which was busy with bodies. Once Yuu merged with the crowd, they could easily shake off their stalker.
Their feet picked up their pace again, hurrying to the crosswalk. It was a glaring red, advising pedestrians to stop.
Shoot, Yuu cursed.
They felt a presence step up beside them. From the corner of their eye, they could make out a dark form--clothes. Yuu pretended to check the time on their phone, and glimpsed him in the reflection.
He was in a hoodie, with the hood pulled up and head down to conceal his features. His hands, too, were out of sight, a sea of baggy fabric hiding identifying features, save for his frame. Lanky, but reasonably packed with muscle to keep up with Yuu.
The man shifted, and his sight grazed theirs. His eyes were hard and icy, a silent threat.
Yuu quickly focused on the crosswalk light. Their heartbeat became as loud as the surrounding sounds. Screeching above the vehicles, shouting from the rooftops. THA-THUMP, THA-THUMP, THA-THUMP.
At last, the light turned from red to white.
They started--and so did he.
“Excuse me.” A hand came upon their shoulder. The other pulled at something with a sinister glint. “Do you have a second?”
No walking, Yuu corrected themselves. Run!!
They sprinted down the crosswalk, jostling pedestrians with a hasty “sorry!” thrown back at them. As Yuu weaved through the crowd as fast as they could, they could not completely shunt out the man after them.
“Hey, please wait!! Where are you going?! C-Come back, I need to talk to you!”
His voice carried above the others. People jolted back, the crowd parting to make way for the man to charge forth. His volume swelled louder and louder as he gained on them.
Towering apartments seemed to bear down on Yuu. Their windows, glaring.
A shop. Find a shop and get inside!!
Yuu pumped their arms, pleaded for their legs to move more efficiently.
Again, a weight fell upon their shoulder. It was a clamp, fingers biting Yuu’s skin through their jacket as they dug in and held firm.
The other hand wielded the same shining object that it had before. Yuu looked more closely this time, and the unease in them dissipated. It was not the pointed tip of a knife, but the glint of a familiar officer’s badge wreathed in golden roses.
The man tore off his hood with a sigh--though Yuu noticed that he wasn’t one bit out of breath. Navy bangs fell across his forehead, his eyes a peacock green-blue, much friendlier under the streetlamps than the crosswalk signs.
He smiled at Yuu as though he were greeting an old friend. His grip turned into a tender squeeze. “I finally caught up with you!”
The detective awkwardly pulled away, confusion scrawled on their face. “Um... Sorry, who are you? I don’t believe we’ve met before.”
“Oh! Uh...” The man jumped, retracting his hand. “That’s because we haven’t! Er, not officially anyway, but I’ve heard a lot about you!!”
Yuu pointed to his badge. “That. You’re an officer?”
“Yessir!” The man offered the proof of his identity and stiffly saluted. “Officer Deuce Spade, sir!! I’m a new recruit...!! I just joined the force a few weeks ago!”
Yuu mustered a faint smile. The darned fool was going to give them away. “... Am I in trouble, officer?”
“Nossir! Not at all!” His entire face shone with eagerness, earnest, and a slightly nervous energy. Maybe Yuu would have found it adorable (in the same way that a child trying hard was adorable), were he not blasting your occupation to the public. “Why would you be in trouble, sir?! You’re working with...”
“Okaaay, that’s enough out of you!” Yuu slapped a hand over Deuce’s mouth, silencing him.
Curious onlookers murmured amongst themselves. Some had taken to halt and full-on gawk. Children pointed, adult narrowing their eyes with suspicion.
Yuu frowned, removing their hand to shoo pedestrians away. “Nothing to see here, folks. Just a misunderstanding. Move along, Wonder Boy and I can settle this ourselves.”
“Wonder Boy?” Deuce, in a daze, pointed to himself. “Is that... me?”
“Who else would I be talking about?” Yuu folded their arms. “I assume you’re free now?”
“I am, sir! I was just let off my shift a little while ago, sir!”
“First, drop the ‘sir’. It’s giving me a headache,” Yuu instructed. “Second, if you’re free, then you’ll be joining me for a drink and a chat. We have things to discuss--chief among them being why you were following me.”
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A bell sounded as the door to the Mostro Lounge swung open. Deuce stepped into a new world, Yuu at his side.
The interior itself was dim, but glass lights fastened in the shape of jellyfish projected swimming incandescent lights in purple, blue, and pink. Velvet booths lined one half of the eatery, the other, a glossy bar with tall, narrow stools, the shelves behind it healthily stocked with bottles in jeweled tones. Strangers poised with drink took residence in most of the seats.
The entire back wall had been repurposed into a massive aquarium teeming with aquatic plants and exotic creatures. Seaweed and coral gently swayed to the rhythm of the smooth jazz floating through the lounge, fish frolicking among them.
“Whoooa,” Deuce gasped, craning his head to drink in every detail. “I’ve never been to a place as classy as this. It looks so expensive. You think my salary’s enough to cover at least an appetizer?”
“Hang on tight to your wallet,” Yuu warned. “This place will squeeze you for every thaumark you’re worth and then some—and they won’t feel a bit of remorse about it.”
The detective raised an arm, flagging a nearby waiter.
Their uniform was simple yet sleek: dark dress pants, a white bow tie, spotless gloves, and a cummerbund and suspenders over a lavender button-up shirt. It allowed for slight variation—one waiter skidded by with his shirt buttoned as low as food safety regulations deemed safe. Another jotted down orders with a jacket thrown over his shoulders and a pair of glasses tucked into the crevice of his buttons.
The waiter Yuu called out to approached like a shark fin cutting through still water, neatly bowing to greet their waiting customers. He was prim and proper compared to the other servers, not a button out of place.
When he raised his head, Deuce marveled at his mismatched olive and gold irises, the teal of his hair marred by a stripe of black. Three diamond-shaped scales dangled from his left ear, as sharp as his eyes.
“I bid you welcome to the Mostro Lounge, honored guests,” the waiter said smoothly. He gaze immediately cut to Deuce. “I see you’ve brought a friend with you, today, Yuu-san. How delightfully rare.”
“Acquaintance. We just met outside under… less than ideal circumstances.”
“Oya, how quick you were to seize on that chance encounter. I may even deem you a bigger opportunist than our dear manager.”
“… Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” Deuce inquired.
“Perhaps you will find the answer to your question, should you act as a patron at our establishment for long enough.”
“Quit toying with him, Jade. You know what we’re here for,” Yuu grumbled. “My usual.”
“If that is what you wish. And for this gentleman acquaintance of yours?”
“Just ice water is fine, sir!”
Jade maintained his polite smile. “Very well. One glass of ice cold water for you. I will bring you a menu as well, in case you begin to feel peckish late into the night.”
“Oh, thanks!”
“Right this way then.” Jade gestured for the two to follow him.
“He’s upselling you, you know,” Yuu pointed out under their breath. “Hoping that you’ll buy something when presented with the opportunity to spend.”
“E-Eh, he is?! I didn’t even realize…”
“Fufufu. Please, do not let your worries consume you. You have come to relax, correct? We at the Mostro Lounge ask that you put your fins and your feet up and enjoy yourself while the night is still young.”
They were escorted to two empty stools in a (relatively) quiet corner of the bar. The glass jellyfish lights were clustered in the center of the main dining area, leaving the corner like a slice of dark, uncharted waters. Jass music and conversation filtered into a muffled melody.
Yuu plopped down with relief, followed by an apprehensive Deuce. He slowly sank into the cushy seat.
“I will be right back with your drinks. If you will excuse me.” With another bow, Jade rounded the bar and rolled up his sleeves—the transition from waiter to bartender. Presenting his back to the duo, he set to plucking bottles off of the shelves.
Deuce blinked. He still hadn’t taken to fully processing his new surroundings. “Are we really going kick back and have drinks when there’s a serial thief on the loose?”
“We can’t talk about that in public, or risk blowing my cover. It’s safe to talk here,” Yuu reassured him. “What happens in the Mostro Lounge stays in the Mostro Lounge. Say what you want about the slimy staff, but they know how to keep their patrons’ secrets. Client confidentiality and all.”
The young officer brightened. “Ooooh, I get it!”
“… You’re not the sharpest tool in the shed,” Yuu remarked bluntly. They slipped off their baseball cap, letting loose their hair. “So? Let’s have it.”
“Have what?”
“Your reason for following me.”
“Oh!! That.” Deuce nervously scratched at the back of his neck. “That’s kind of…”
The detective drummed their fingers on the polished counter. Methodical, deliberate. “You mentioned that you recently joined the force. However, only senior officials in the police department and myself were privy to this operation. How did you come to learn about it?”
Deuce stiffened, thrown off his beat (if he had any to begin with). “Th-That’s…!”
“I’m asking you a question, Mr. Spade. Please answer me truthfully.”
“I… um… Truth is, I…” Deuce stared at his lap, unable to meet the detective’s eyes. “I might have eavesdropped when I returned from my patrol shift…”
“Go on,” Yuu coaxed.
“There was a report I had to submit to the Chief, but it sounded like he was busy in his office. It’s hard to not notice him when he raises his voice, sir. I decided to wait outside until he was done, and… well, I got curious.”
“Wasn’t Assistant Chief Clover also present? He just let you do that without a single protest?”
“Assistant Chief Clover was very nice to me! He laughed a little and said ‘make sure you don’t get caught with your hand in the cookie jar’!”
Darn it, Trey!! You could’ve been a LITTLE stricter with this guy…! Yuu groaned, massaging the bridge of their nose. “Okay, I think I’m starting to get a better picture of what went down. You followed me wanting to learn more about the operation.”
Like a curious child chasing after a white rabbit. Still immature, still wondering, and still way over their head.
“Yes, but that’s not all!” Deuce insisted. He abruptly stood from the table. “There’s an even more important reason than just satisfying my curiosity, sir!”
Yuu quirked an eyebrow. “And what’s that?”
“I had to talk to you—without the Chief around. I had to. That’s why I followed you in secret.” The officer nibbled his lower lip, as if biting back something harsh and bitter from coming up.
“Out with it, Mr. Spade.”
“Pardon the intrusion,” Jade coolly interjected. His tone was nonchalant but his bemused smile was a telltale sign that he was relishing in every second of the hot gossip. “Your beverages.”
He slid two glasses between Yuu and Deuce before departing. One was tall and slim—a highball—loaded with carbonated water and fruity gummies. Yellow for jeweled pineapples, red for ruby berries, green for frozen mint, black for floral cacao, and blue from pure azure salt. It was Yuu’s usual, the famed Mystery Drink. The other glass was, by comparison, an ordinary drink of water, a single large, clear cube of ice floating in it.
A bead of sweat ran down Deuce’s jawline. Condensation forming and racing on his glass of water.
Suddenly, the officer slapped both hands on the counter, slamming his face down upon its surface. His navy hair splayed, forehead touching the table in a display of humility.
Yuu almost spilled their drink. “What are you doing?”
“I’m begging you, sir!! P-Please put me on the mission!!” Deuce pleaded, his voice shaky but resolute. “I… I want to help catch the Knave of Hearts too!!”
“If that’s all you wanted, why ask me? Go through the proper channels to…”
“I can’t!! The Chief would never allow it.” His expression creased with shame. “He says rookies need to work their way up from meter maid to working on cases.”
“He’s right. You need to grow into these things, not rush in head-first in a burst of passion.” Yuu made to take a sip of their drink—but the officer’s fist collided with the counter, the liquid inside the glass sloshing overboard. Seltzer water splashed onto their pant leg, leaving a sticky wet spot on a thigh.
“P-Please reconsider! I know how to handle myself in a fight! I’m fast, I could easily catch up with him if it’s a race on foot!”
“Look,” the detective said irritably, “I don’t know what you’re hoping to accomplish here. Fact is, no matter how much you ask, I wouldn’t want to take you on for this case. You’re too green behind the ears—and sorry, but I just don’t see you as an asset.
“You may be strong and quick on your feet, but it’ll take more than strength and speed to catch the Knave of Hearts. There’s a reason he hasn’t been caught yet.” Yuu tapped at their temple. “It’s this. He’s got smarts, and we need to combat that with smarts of our own.”
“I-I can be smart!! I can try to, at least! Please, just let me try…!!”
Frustrated, Yuu scrutinized the young man again. Their eyes roaming, searching, for detail wrong, a hair out of place.
Years of sleuthing had built up a great amount of cynicism and distrust in the detective. How many times had they pulled back the curtain, revealing the ugly truths hidden out of plain sight? How many bruised egos--both clients and coworkers--had they encountered? People seeking status or to feed their own pride.
Yet when they looked at Deuce, none of that ugliness or ego came through. Here was someone who stubbornly stared right back at Yuu, unwilling to back down, even when his dignity lay in tatters on the floor the instant he prostrated himself.
Another selfish bid for recognition? They ventured, toying with the idea. Maybe personal ambition, looking to climb up in the world.
“... One reason,” Yuu said, holding up an index finger. “Give me one good reason why I should take you on. Convince me.”
Deuce recoiled--as though even he hadn’t expected to have made it this far, or to be taken seriously at all. His brows creased with effort as he racked the recesses of his mind to find the right phrasing.
A second later, he let out a piercing shout.
With a grunt, Deuce grasped his cup of ice water and lifted it to his lips. He hammered the drink in a single swig, releasing a satisfied hoot. The liquid courage had revived the man, returning the spark to him.
In a voice as clear as the drink he had just downed, Deuce said, “It’s for my mom. She’s just about the sweetest, most hard-working person I know.”
He hung his head and slammed his empty cup down, shaking the entire table.
“She raised me as a single parent. Mom never once complained, only wanted the best life for me.” Deuce glared into his glass, speaking with scorn and anger--not at others, but for himself. “And how did I repay her? I... turned to delinquency.
“I acted out because I wasn’t man enough to do the mature thing and work on myself!! She blamed herself for my stupid decisions! I made mom worry for me so, so much...”
Plip, plip.
Deuce faltered, letting quiet tears dribble down his cheeks and landing on the cube of ice left in his glass. Once they made contact with the frozen block, it was impossible to tell what was water and what was salt.
“I swore to myself that I would turn my life around... to show mom that it’s not her fault, that she did all she could to raised someone who could contribute to society!! So I studied really hard at the police academy, and even though my grades were crappy, I managed to graduate...!!”
He choked up, a concoction of fiery passion infused in his stuttering words. “I can finally be that model officer and make a change in the community! But I haven’t done a damn thing...! I just play meter maid while bad guys are out there running free, when I could be out there making this city a safer place for mom and everyone that lives here...!!”
The noises of the lounge seemed to fade into a stoic silence around Deuce. His declaration reverberated loudly. “I have to do this. I need to do this.”
He bowed again, his forehead pressed hard against the surface of the table. The single word he uttered was hoarse, desperate.
Deuce pried himself up almost painfully. The eyes were aquamarine, wet with hot tears. Something shone through them in shades of blue and green, priceless as any treasure: an honesty that burned like an eternal flame.
Yuu startled, striken by a single, haunting revelation: He’s telling the truth.
“... I don’t think I’ve met someone like you before,” they said cryptically. “I don’t doubt your story—but as touching as it is, I don’t know if...”
Hesitation reared its head, and Yuu forced themselves to look away. Couldn’t bear to see him, that wide-eyed sincerity.
Emotion clashing with their sound logic. Two things that shouldn’t have belonged together colliding. 
Wait... things that don’t belong together? Things I didn’t expect, surprises and twists to the tale...
A ex-delinquent turned into a policeman. A selfishness turned selfless. An anticipated lie turned into a truth. Something there that hadn’t been before.
The detective’s mind raced, quickly outpacing the words leaving their mouth. A solution which subverted expectations, a trap laced with honey for a man with sticky fingers.
That’s it. We’ll pull a trick of our own.
“Okay, I’ve changed my mind,” Yuu abruptly announced. “You’re in on this operation, Mr. Spade.”
“R-Really?!” Deuce’s face nearly tore in half, his volume revving up like a motorcycle engine. “You mean it?!”
“I do.”
Yuu took a cool sip of their Mystery Drink. Flavors from all over Twisted Wonderland cascaded over their tongue—a triumphant, fleeting pleasure.
They set their glass down and bent over, gripping Deuce by the strings of his hoodie. Yuu tugged, bringing the policeman lurching forward.
His clammy forehead against theirs. Centimeters away, his eyes widened. A flushed heat climbed to his cheeks, his voice set in a stammer.
“S-Sir, what are we...”
“You’ll have to follow my instructions very carefully,” Yuu replied with a devious grin. “Listen up, rookie: cuz you’re going to be the star of this show. Here’s the plan...”
The ambience of the lounge drowned out Yuu’s whispers. From afar, their words could only be read through the shapes of their mouth, the increasingly confused and alarmed expressions that Deuce pulled.
Jade observed them patiently, chuckling to himself. “My, my, it seems like our genius detective has found yet another solution.”
A tray piled high with empty plates and dishes was slammed down. Jade’s twin peered around the stack, leaning lazily against the bar.
“Eeeh, but I bet against them this time.”
“Playing the contrarian runs its risks.” Jade picked up a glass, staring at his brother through it. The golden orb called his left eye was clear as a topaz. “As for myself, I’m excited to see how this plays out.”
A notepad came down on the table as a third waiter joined them.
“Both of you need to stop gossiping and get back to work,” their manager chided, sliding the notepad—scrawled with fresh orders—to Jade. “Leave the customers to tend to their own business. We’ll soon know the outcome.”
[To be continued...]
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thesupreme316 · 5 months
How aew men react to someone disrespecting their gfs
nick wayne x female reader, darius martin x female reader, hook x female reader, action andretti x female reader, dante martin x female reader, Eddie kingston x female reader, ricky starks x female reader
AEW BOYS React to: You Being Disrespected/Them Protecting You
Word Count: 1K
Supreme Speaks: hey sorry for being late. but thanks for being patient. you and another anon had the same request so i hope they also see this. i hope you guys enjoy this. Please remember that you are loved and appreciated.
Warning: GIFS AINT MINE, mentions of explicit language, slightly suggestive language
Taglist: @hooks-martin @sheinthatfandom @triscillal @cassie0sstuff @eddie-kingstons-wifey @hookerforhook @batzy-watzy @wwenhlimagines
Nick Wayne:
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Okay, in my mind NICK IS A BABY
So he’ll ask for an apology from the person and but they refuse…In fact, they double down
And he just gets to fighting; lunging and tackling the person
But I think he’ll blackout fight
Like he didn’t even know he threw a punch until you pulled him off the other dude/person
Nick would be in shock at his actions, he’s shocked that he was that angry
He doesn’t like physical confrontation HES JUST A BABY
Would definitely buy you anything after that to make it up to you
But if he sees them again, it’s on and poppin
Darius Martin
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Okay, tbh yall can go back (light years away) to find when I wrote Darius defending the reader against Sammy Guevara (ew)
But I believe that Darius is very diplomatic
Like he’ll fight with words first
He be like trying to create distance between you and the person
Constantly getting in their face and telling em to back up
Hates when you feel uncomfortable and tries to keep his anger at bay so that way you don’t get frightened
I do think that Darius would wait for your approval to punch the person or lay hands on them
Him: looks back for approval
You: sighs yea
He doesn’t care who is around, he wants to send a message that you should never be disrespected
Ricky Starks
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Okay like I always say…Ricky is a sassy and bold man
So I see him verbally assaulting the person before any punches are thrown
“You have the nerve to talk like that to my girl? In that outfit? Your parents must be so disappointed”
Ricky would just tell you to pay no mind to the person but they kept pushing his buttons
So he did what any gentleman would do
He calmly placed you at the side, turned to the disrespectful person, and calmly whispered in their ear
The person would then make a disgusted face and quickly walk away; mumbling an apology to you
Ricky wouldn’t tell you what he did, all he said was “Let’s go back to having a gorgeous day, beautiful.”
It was like you saw a switch go off…
But he then tells you the only disrespectful thing you’re gonna take is THAT PIPE IN YO-
Dante Martin (okay, idk why but Dante has been on the front of my mind recently….SO MY BABY)
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If you have seen various tag matches with him and Darius, Dante is more of a hot-head/impulsive person
I also think because of him putting on weight (HAVE YALL SEEN HIS BACK?? OMG I JUST WANNA-)
He has found new confidence in protecting you, a task he doesn’t take lightly
So I think he will punch first, ask questions later
But it’s so bad that Darius or any of The Lads would have to hold him back
Yeah, after that he’s quiet as a mouse
He’ll only be thinking about how he can better protect you
If someone tries you again, I think he would try to use his words
But that doesn’t work so he’ll just go back to punching people left and right
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Mr. Nice Guy
He’s a silent killer, we all knew that
So if anything he’s choking out bitches left and right
Without hesitation like it happens so fast and you didn’t even know how he managed to it
Like are you dating the cold-heart handsome devil or Sonic the Hedgehog
But what makes it funnier is that he’s choking out a person with a straight ass face
Like no struggling or strain on his face
He gets up and continues the conversation that you two were previously having
Like he didn’t wasn’t your shining knight
“So yeah I like Cool Ranch more than Nacho Cheese”
Action Andretti
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Andretti is a sweetheart and I think at first glance he doesn’t look that intimidating
So I think some people be underestimating him
But once he heard you get uncomfortable and disrespected, he quietly moved you aside before yelling in the other person’s face
You never saw him this angry so you kind of were in shock
And then you saw Andretti’s fist curl up so you were trying to pull him away but he stayed firm
“No, this bastard will apologize to you first. Then we can leave”
Although you were in shock by your boyfriend’s behavior, you can’t lie
It did turn you on
As soon as the dude left, you complimented your boyfriend and thanked him
He was trying to say you’re welcome but he saw that glint in your eyes and knew immediately how to show that you had the best boyfriend around
Eddie Kingston:
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Remember how he threw that TV at JAS? Yeah, he’s throwing everything in sight
I think everyone needs to understand that Eddie motherfucking Kingston is a ride-and-die friend
He will scorch the earth to ensure that you are defended
Any and all DMX songs are playing in his head while he’s doing so
He doesn’t tolerate disrespect at any time
So he and his friends will actively look for the person who disrespected you
Once he finds them, he pulls them aside
“Listen partna, you disrespected my girlfriend back there…don’t you think you outta apologize?” (Holds fork up to the person’s eye)
Would come back with a chunk of the person’s hair as a trophy and peace offering to you
To this day, Eddie would not tell you how he managed to get such a big chunk of the dude’s hair
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000marie198 · 14 days
About the ask game, the Friv.com special please I need to know what you're cooking
Oh. oh man. Target audience struck right where I wanted :) hello Brainworms
So basically, this is an au based on my most favorite Friv game that I used to play when I was little. It was just a silly, no story game but a few things I observed in it stuck with me over the years and a couple pieces of fanlore formed in my head. I kept it with me and finally decided to make an au out of it.
Here you go!
"Hey look at this one." He handed her an old newspaper article unclipped from Vector's notes. Amy compared it to the one she was looking through, her brows furrowing. "A sales advertisment?" "It seems to be the oldest one in the archives, a couple of months before the death of that Colen guy," Sonic elaborated, reaching to rummage through the scattered prints for similar ads. "Wasn't he the original owner?" Amy placed the papers down, a hand reaching to rub her temples. She was already exhausted from the travels and alongside having to deal with the gradually rising trepidation with each passing day of their stay, the simple case was turning into more of a mystery. "I don't know." Sonic sighed, also seeming on the verge of giving up, he couldn't comprehend how Amy had been handling it. "There has to be a hint somewhere of who this place originally belonged to. There's literally no record anywhere to suggest that Mr. Colen built it." "Tempering of documentation is a possibility too," the other considered, latching onto the new line of thought. Her demeanor shifted, exhaustion being swiped away in exchange of determination. "Maybe we're looking at this wrong." "Ya think?" "Shut!" Amy smacked her companion with a rolled up paper, fighting back a smile at his snickers. Could never stay serious with Sonic around, could she? "Either way, I think we should-" CRASH The two froze, quills flaring up at the terrifyingly loud shatter of what seemed to be china. It was followed milliseconds later by a familiar bloodcurdling scream. Adrenaline shot through both hedgehogs' veins. Sonic swiped around the table and rushed towards the dining hall. "Find Knuckles! Don't let him leave the house!" He shouted over his shoulder, disappearing around the bend. Amy forced herself to move after Sonic had rushed off, heart pounding and feet firmly rooted on the carpeted floor. Something really weird was going on with this place.
If you recognize the game, I love you. Thanks so much for the ask ! Now I'll be brainrotting about this little au
Wip game
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itbe-jess · 6 months
Rating my Raymen from favorite to least favorite!
Sparks Of Hope- 100/10!
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When Nintendo gave Rayman his comeback, they did everything perfectly! *Mwah* 👌 His design is so fresh and expressive. His face looks very kissable. And his hair... so floofy! 💗 Personality wise, he is possibly the most relatable Rayman of all. I mean, have you looked at him? He gives off so many depressed, tired millennial vibes. Despite that, he still has his enthusiasm for adventure. He also kept his kind heart, with a little adorable shyness to boot. Man, his voice is so comforting, I could listen to it all day. Thank you, Mr. Gasman.
Props to Nintendo for the recurring gag of Rayman's appendages coming apart. I love it when his limblessness is rooted in humor. What amazes me more is how this is the first Rabbids game that allows Rayman to perform his iconic feats, since he never did any of those in the previous Rabbid titles. There is nothing I don't like about this Rayman! It's so warm. He is the living definition of quality art! No, he is art!
Rayman 3- 10/10
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This is the game that gave Rayman his stunning new design that became the preferable fan favorite. (By the way, Rayman 3 is the best Rayman game. I said so, and I don't give a fuck on what others say.) He's funky, silly, and laid-back, yet still takes his job seriously, while being a loving friend we all wished we had. The over the top cartoony physics in his character certainly brings out a laughable charm, too. I'd say this Rayman is SEGA's answer to Sonic The Hedgehog.
The steady blend in his personality, paired with a badass looking design, truly makes Rayman stand out as a memorable video game character for all ages. Just looking at him, you know he's very welcoming. David Gasman did an excellent job providing his voice. He was even good enough to revise his role as the limbless wonder in SOH, cuz no other voice actor can do it better. Dare I say it: R3 Ray is pretty handsome, too. HUGE FEATURES.
Rayman 2- 9/10
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Sweet precious boy with a squishy baby face, I just wanna squeeze, and doesn't hold one bad bone in his body. (Does Rayman even have bones?) For some reason, he looks more cute in low poly than any of the high rendered art. I think it's because the outdated graphics make him look like a cuddly teddy bear. He's just a little guy. But under all that cuteness, he's a determined hero who never goes back on his word, and will go through hell just for you. Purest man alive.
However, he's a little too nice for his own good. That's his entire character in the game, which is the only thing I could nitpick. I would like to see him show some anger, or deliver sarcastic one-liners, but only centered on his earnest side. To be fair, the game does exploit on his playful side a little. He dances with Teensies, plays basketball with his torso, and performs somersaults on Clark the Giant. Rayman M/Arena even highlighted his playfulness more.
The Animated Series- 8.5/10
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R2 Rayman's cartoon counterpart, but with a more fleshed out personality. In my opinion, Rayman himself is one of the only watchable moments in this series. He's your stereotypical rebellious teen with a no-bullshit attitude, and will slap you with a good dose of sass. But at the same time, he still cares for others around him, and has shown to be quite considerate, as well as a wise leader. Billy West did a decent job voicing Rayman. I'm gonna be honest: The broken Boston accent is very amusing to listen to. lol Reminds me of myself, since I too speak with a broken Boston accent. And since Billy West is autistic, I officially claim AS Rayman to be autistic as well! 🙌
Sadly, as much as it pains me, I had to put him behind R2 Rayman. Despite being the titular character, the series doesn't offer much of him. It rarely focuses on Rayman at all. If you removed him entirely from the show, nothing will change. The only time Rayman ever used his powers is in the second episode, and a little bit in the first. He's got so much potential, only to have it wasted. They did my boy dirty like that.
Rayman 1- 8/10
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This little lad was Cuphead before Cuphead. (Their games have similar aspects, if you think about it) What can I say about him? Well, he's such a pure child, so small and cozy, who is willing to leap into danger with a smile on his face. I wanna hold him and spoil him. Give him dessert before dinner. The most interesting factor to admire about him is how he's meant to represent an old Golden Age cartoon, courtesy of Tex Avery's inspiration. Aside from being cute and wacky, he's a good fella who will make friends with some of his enemies. He also tends to have hidden depths, like painting and singing show tunes.
I'm sorry for ranking him very low on the list, but there aren't that many insights to his character. He doesn't talk (much), we don't see him properly interact with other characters, and the game isn't heavily emphasized on storytelling. The plot is just free Electoons, and kick baddie ass. I will give credit to the edutainment games, for expanding more on R1 Rayman's character.
Raving Rabbids- 6.3/10
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Here, we are given a more softer approach of Rayman. The RR trilogy portrays our limbless wonder as an awkward cutie who just wants to indulge a peaceful relaxing break, while still having his determination and heroic spirit. He will wear a dress to a death defying arena course, and he's a damn good dancer. He also tries to be a good uncle to Globox's kids. It's very satisfying to watch Rayman do mundae stuff, although in RRR 2, it only depends on who you're playing as.
Unfortunately, it's safe to admit that this Rayman is a mere joke. Most of the time, he's portrayed as a coward, lets the rabbids walk all over him, and doesn't think before his actions. He spent 15 days being the bunnies' bitch before he eventually escaped, when he could've just flown out of his cell, or fought the bunnies off! (That was the original premise of the game, after all!) He forgets to save Globox's kids in the end, which made his escape plan turn out to be a complete waste, then ends up getting stuck in a burrow before being eaten by sheep. We don't know if he stopped the bunnies in RRR 2, although TV Party implied that he failed. Needless to say, it's not his fault. He was intentionally made to look bad just so the rabbids could shine. Fuck you, Ubisoft.
UbiArts- 4/10
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Although the games did really poorly in sales and soon reduced to dumb mobile games later on, there's no denying that this Rayman would eventually spring back into stardom. Inspired by his original 2D counterpart, we're introduced to an adorkable, careless adventurer, with an attitude that will light up your worst moods. He's aesthetically wacky, and knows how to have a good time.
As fun of a character he may be, he's a little weak in depth. So far, all he can be is wacky and happy. He's happy all the time. Not to mention he's too immature. I know some of you will fight back against this argument with "But Rayman acts exactly how he did in his first game!" Well, yes, and no. R1 Rayman is pretty wacky and childish, but he had variety; Showing anger, fear, friendliness, classiness, and his wackiness is up to old-school Looney Tunes level. Whereas UbiArts' Rayman is one dimensional. It's even worse that the playable characters have the same personality and fighting strategy as him.
Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix- 2/10
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I was worried that Rayman turned out to be a greedy propagandist who has no shame in working under a corrupted system. As I found out, much to my relief, he's not a villain. Just an ordinary nice guy who wants to stand in the spotlight. All he wanted was to do some good in his life. He really means no harm in his actions. Because Eden handed him his stardom on a silver platter, the best he could do was be loyal towards them, making it easy for Eden to manipulate him. Once he discovered the dark truth Eden was burying, he then decided to fix what his influence had done. I really sympathize with him. I feel his pain. I admire that his heart is in the right place. He has every right to let out all his bottled up feelings.
He's a good character. But the problem is he's not a good character as Rayman. He doesn't even feel like Rayman at all. He's only Rayman in name and appearance. The rest of his character is BoJack Horseman clashed with Shadow The Hedgehog. The idea of Rayman swearing, drinking, and trying drugs is fun, but he's so oversaturated with edge, I can hardly recognize him, especially when he wears sleeves. I'm also not a big fan of his design. If "Ramon" wants to kill a group of fascists for using him, he could at least do it the more traditional Rayman way! Fuck the guns! Just beat them to death! Whip out the ol' lockjaw! Slice and dice 'em with helicopter hair! If you like this version of Rayman, I gradually respect that, and will support you. This Rayman just isn't for me.
Rayman And Les Moldies- 0/10.
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Kill it. I don't care if this is the only piece of artwork we have so far on the show. Kill it.
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pccyouthleader · 10 months
Hedgehog Hodgepodge: A Story of Espionage, Confusion, and an Evil Plan Gone Haywire
Chapter 11: A Surprise for Everyone
In the early evening, Aurora walked into the house completely worn out from the day. Wanting nothing more than to see her beau and go to bed early, she was surprised to find her parents anxiously awaiting her arrival in the living room. 
“Hello, Sweetiepie!” said Amy, opening her arms to greet her daughter. “How was your day?”
Aurora dropped her bag next to the door and stepped into her mother’s soothing embrace. “It was good… and interesting,” she replied tiredly. “How are you feeling?”
“Better than I’ve felt in awhile. I almost feel like myself again!” Amy took a moment to flash a knowing smile at Sonic, who winked back at her. She turned back to Aurora. “One of my colleagues at the museum was kind enough to bring us dinner, so we’ve invited Shadow to join us.”
Aurora brightened. Maybe her parents were getting used to the idea of her dating Shadow after all. They had already given their blessing, but she knew her dad still had mixed emotions about the relationship.
There was a flash of green light outside the window, followed by a knock on the door. Aurora rushed over to open it. She had to remind herself to exhibit control and not to leap into Shadow’s arms when she saw him standing there.
“Hello, Light,” he growled softly, a playful grin on his face. Aurora bit her lip as an electrifying sensation tingled up her spine. The amorous look he gave her and the deep tone of his voice were nothing short of… seductive. She thought of the near-incident on the road earlier, and his mouth covering hers with a passionate kiss. Suddenly her cheeks went red.
“Tiny, you can invite him in if you’d like,” Sonic teased. “Or not…” he finished quietly. Amy elbowed him in the ribs. 
“What?!” he whispered, feigning innocence.
“Be nice!” Amy hissed. But she couldn’t help stifling a giggle.
The spell was momentarily broken and Aurora moved to open the door wider. Shadow walked in, giving her a soft brush on the cheek. He was carrying a paper shopping bag. Reaching inside, he pulled something out and offered it to Amy. 
“For the hostess,” he said.
Amy looked at the vintage bottle of wine and managed a warm smile. “Thank you, Shadow,” she said. Placing it on the sideboard, she hoped he wouldn’t suggest they open it that evening. Sonic crossed his arms in annoyance. All hail Mr. Magnanimous, he thought, rolling his eyes.
“Why don’t we go ahead and have dinner,” Amy suggested. Shadow moved to hold a chair out for Aurora. 
“Thank you,” she said softly with a look that made Shadow’s heart leap. He waited until Amy was seated before taking the chair next to Aurora. Amy had set a beautiful table despite the fact that she hadn’t been feeling well. 
When they were all seated, Shadow turned to Aurora. “I have something for you, too,” he said, producing a small gift box. 
“For what?” Aurora laughed, gently taking the package and looking at the card. She began to read out loud. “‘To Light - I’m sorry for breaking your communicator this morning, although I’m not sorry for shoving my tongue…’” Aurora’s voice trailed off. She hadn’t noticed Shadow making small movements telling her to stop. She didn’t dare look up at her parents. Clearing her throat, she skipped down to the bottom of the card. “‘I hope this little gift will be a good replacement.’”
Hastily stuffing the card back in the envelope, she opened the top of the box to see her brand new bright green communicator. 
“Shadow!” she exclaimed. “I love it!” Aurora pulled it out and admired its sleek design, smiling as she noticed Tails’ trademark stamped onto the back. She opened the two side pieces to reveal a virtual screen with the words “Hello, Aurora!” scrawled in script.
“Thank you, Shadow,” she said, jumping up to give him a hug. She noticed Sonic and Amy looking at each other apprehensively. “Are you alright?” she asked them. Surely it was okay for Shadow to give her a gift this nice.
“Of course!” Amy said. “It’s just that your father and I have a gift for you too.”
“Wow!” Aurora laughed, sitting down again. “What’s the occasion?”
Instead of answering, Sonic walked to the kitchen and returned with a gift bag. Setting it on the table, he walked back to Amy and put his arm around her. Aurora dug into the bag filled with tissue paper and pulled out a shirt. “Oh! Very nice!” she exclaimed.
“Read it,” Amy said, nervously reaching over to grasp Sonic’s hand.
Aurora unfolded the shirt and smoothed the front so she could see all the letters.
“‘I’m the Big Sister.’” She looked up at Sonic and Amy in confusion. “What does that mean? Usually kids wear these shirts when their parents are having-” Aurora stopped and stared wide-eyed at her beaming parents. “You mean…”
“Yes, Tiny,” said Sonic, looking somewhere between excited and terrified. “You’ll have a new little brother or sister before too long.”
Aurora sat in stunned silence. She never would have expected this in a million years. Her emotions were in a tangle!
Amy broke the silence. “Believe me, your dad and I were just as surprised as you are! That’s the reason I’ve been so sick lately.”
Shadow sat blinking, just as surprised as Aurora. Then he shuddered to himself. The thought of Sonic and Amy going at it weirded him out. But he knew it was necessary to support Aurora and her family right now. 
Shadow swallowed the bile that was threatening to leave his stomach and offered his hand to Sonic. “Congratulations, Sonic. I hope the little one will be, ah, good.” What was he saying? He didn’t know anything about babies. And the fact that Aurora would have a brother or sister 20 years her junior was just odd. 
“Thanks,” Sonic said, shaking Shadow’s hand and giving him a strange look.
“This is definitely going to take some getting used to,” Aurora said, dazed.
Always the comic, Sonic attempted to insert some humor into the situation. “Well, at least we’ll always have a ready and willing babysitter, right, Tiny?”
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asordinaryppl · 17 days
A3! Backstage Story Translation - Tsumugi Tsukioka R: Rabbit Training - Part 2
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Misumi: Wah~! So many small animals! So cute.
Tsumugi: Small animals café… I didn’t know this existed. What a nice find, Muku-kun.
Muku: I was actually looking for a place like this because I wanted to pet a hedgehog. But I’m glad I could be of help to you, Tsumugi-san.
Tsumugi: Thank you. Café animals should be more used to humans, so even a beginner like me can feel at ease.
Misumi: But I don’t see any Mr. Rabbits?
Muku: Maybe it’s time for their dinner?
Tsumugi: Um, excuse me. I would like to pet a rabbit, but I can’t find any. Where are they?
Store clerk:  Unfortunately, only one of them felt like coming to work today, so…  Ah, he’s by the sofa
Tsumugi: Ah, I found him. Fufu, he’s so cute. 
Store clerk: He is. But… Among all the rabbits here, Rabita has the most difficult personality, so you might not be able to get along with him immediately. I’m sorry…
Tsumugi: That’s alright. Thank you for letting me know.
Store clerk: Feel free to call anytime if there’s any trouble.
Tsumugi: (The bar has risen now. But Misumi-kun taught me all sorts of things, I’m sure I can do better than I did during training.)
Tsumugi: (First, watch him quietly.)
Tsumugi: …
Tsumugi: (He doesn’t seem to be running away. Should I try feeding him?)
Tsumugi: Would you like some… Ah! He ran away…
Tsumugi: (Forcing him into a chase would stress him out, I should just wait till he approaches me from the other side.)
Misumi: Ah~ Hi, Mr. Rabbit! Let’s play!
Tsumugi: Misumi-kun!?
Misumi: Okay, okay. We can do whatever you wanna do~
Muku: The fact that he’s wagging his tail means he’s happy, right?
Tsumugi: I believe so. The internet said that when they’re happy, rabbits wag their tails the way dogs do.
Tsumugi: (Rabita-kun is pressing his head against Misumi-kun. If I remember correctly, that means–)
Misumi: You want me to pet you? Theeere, there.
Tsumugi: The store clerk said Rabita-kun is rather difficult, but you’ve become quick friends. As expected of you, Misumi-kun.
Misumi: He’s not difficult at all~ This kid just wants some attention. He loves playing around~
Tsumugi: Eh, is that so?
Misumi: Yep. It’s important to treat them with care so you don’t hurt them. But you have to pay even more attention to this one.
Misumi: There are aaall kinds of Mr. Rabbits, and they’ve all got a heart and different personalities.
Tsumugi: I see… You’re right.
Tsumugi: Rabita-kun, can I play with you as well?
Tsumugi: (Ah, he’s sticking his nose out. When rabbits do that–)
Misumi: “Before that, pet me,” he says.
Tsumugi: Okay.
Misumi: The front is packed with customers, but it’s lively inside too~!
Muku: Ah! The rabbit server over there is Tsumugi-san!
Tsumugi: Thank you for waiting, milady. I have brought you the carrot scones and tea set.
Muku: Wah! Tsumugi-san looks so cool…!
Misumi: He’s gotten better at handling the rabbits, too~
Muku: He has. This is all thanks to his training–
*Rabbit hops by*
Staff: Woah!
Muku & Misumi: !?
Staff: I-I’m sorry. I will show Usapyon-sama to her basket right away…!
Muku: Ah, this one jumped out of her basket.
Misumi: Ahaha. Looks like she’s enjoying the garden’s grass~
Staff: Usapyon-sama, please come here… Ah!
Customer: Come on, Usapyon-chan. Be a good girl, okay?
Misumi: Should I go help~
Muku: … Ah. Hold on, Misumi-san.
Tsumugi: ――Usapyon-san, is it not about time for dinner? I have prepared apples today.
Tsumugi: Did you enjoy yourself in the garden? You must be hungry after all this running. Dig in, by all means.
Staff: Tsukioka-san is amazing. The rabbit is listening to what he’s saying…
Tsumugi: Does it suit your tastes? Now then, please come here.
Misumi: Amazing, Tsumugi~!
Tsumugi: !? You two, you’re here. Thank you, this is all thanks to you–
Tsumugi: *ahem* … My apologies.
Tsumugi: I will take care of you and the precious rabbits both, young masters. Please leave it to me.
Tsumugi: So, how would you like some tea?
Muku & Misumi: Thank you very much!
part 1 | part 2
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viviwivipoo · 25 days
more general kitsune headcanons (made by my friend)
okay so i showed my friend the kitsune boys and asked for her first impression headcanons of them and she did not disappoint (thanks taylor)
most of these are like shitpost hcs but there is one nsfw headcanon for each character so beware of that
again if you dont agree with these please scroll lol
Fuyu : 
gagged at taylor louderman’s regina performance
secretly loves damian’s character (mean girls)
bought crystals and found out that it was mostly a ploy to get people to buy rocks and went ballistic (his fave was tigers eye)
needs reader glasses
probably had some sort of body piercing but it healed up
got snapchat to be “hip and cool” and a bunch of people added them, including haru and aki on spam accs (they trolled and loyalty tested him ☠️)
likes atari
terrified of the MacBeth superstition
likes starwars and transformers 
owns starwars and transformers figurines and has to keep them clean and dust free at all times
gives off a collector vibe
either plays as king boo or tom nook in mario kart
likes sherlock holmes
loves lana del rey and read her poetry book
his fave lana era(s) are chemtrails over the country club and born to die
a bit of a swifty
fave era is lover
would wear matching bracelets with you and never take them off
gives off allen (barbie, 2023) vibes
love language is physical touch and words of affirmation
loves cuddling
would want a hedgehog as a pet (sorry sven)
IF meeting your parents, would play the shamisen for them 
(NSFW) probably more vanilla / traditional in the bedroom
Haru :
plays an instrument
probably electric or bass guitar
possible yapper?
girl dad
probably owns a t-shirt with his name and face on it
keeps feminine hygiene products in his bathroom
sings in the shower
played soccer professionally at one point
practices pick-up lines to bottles in the shower
prefers mrs. pac-man over original pac-man
likes lana also, but prefers her sluttier songs (ex. Almost every song on ultraviolence)
HEAVY swifty, fave era is reputation but has a soft spot for her country eras
gives off magic earring ken / sugar daddy ken (barbie, 2023) vibes
love language is physical touch and acts of service
likes maroon5
likes to spend money 
goes to hot topic and spencers to pick up goth chicks
(NSFW) most definitely a giver / enjoys giving rather than receiving 
plays zelda
had his wisdom teeth pulled
likes pinball machines
prefers jake paul over logan paul
watches brent rivera
owns crocs
gives off kenough ken (simu liu) (barbie, 2023) vibes
loves charles boyle (brooklyn 99, 2013)
listens to a few icp songs
has minor anger issues
favorite girl scout cookie is tag-a-longs
unironically yells “burger king foot lettuce”
makes you throw up (from cringe) and holds your hair
LOVES impractical jokers
favorite joker is joe 
(NSFW) has some kind of bsdm fetish 
jesus theres so much
anyway hope you enjoyed 😜
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sleepyhead-poll · 4 months
Thank you for your patience! I have finished making the match-ups for Round 1 which will be under the cut. A little information first.
Round 1 will be posted between Friday, January 19th and Thursday, January 25th. It will be split between 4 sets, each set being posted on a different day. There will be a total of 128 participants (32 participants in each individual set) divided in 64 polls (16 polls in each individual set). By the end of Round 1, 64 participants will make it to Round 2 while the rest will be sent to the Shadow Realm where their souls will be tormented for eternity. All polls will be queued between 12 PM EST and 1 PM EST of the day it has been assigned. Each poll will last a week.
I've double checked everything but I am only human, so if you notice any errors or have any questions, the ask box is open :)
ROUND 1A (Will be posted on Friday, 19th of January)
Tanaka (Tanaka-kun is Always Listless) vs. Ayumu "Osaka" Kasuga (Azumanga Daioh)
Sanada Ryu (Kimi ni Todoke) vs. Ritsuka Uenoyama (Given)
Yumemi Nemu (Vocaloid) vs. Yokune Ruko (UTAUloid)
Ritsu Sakuma (Ensemble Stars) vs. Konoe Kanata (Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club)
Tsukasa Hiiragi (Lucky Star) vs. Snoozer (Hamtaro)
Yoshihito Usaida (Gakuen Babysitters) vs. Chayanne (QSMP)
Koshiba Kiri (Beauty Pop) vs. Yuuya Amane (Nukoduke!)
Panda (Polar Bear Cafe) vs. Towa Motosu (World Dai Star)
Jeff (The Wiggles) vs. Takenaka Hanbei (Samurai Warriors)
PJ Berri (Parappa the Rapper) vs. Budwin (Papa Louie)
Meguru Bachira (Blue Lock) vs. Nagi Seishiro (Blue Lock)
Judai Yuki (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX) vs. Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Sleepy Gary (Rick and Morty) vs. Sleepy Ernst (Destroy All Humans)
Vivia Twilight (Master Detective Archives: Rain Code) vs. Chiaki Nanami (Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair)
Snoopy (Charlie Brown) vs. Garfield (Garfield)
Peppermint Patty (Charlie Brown) vs. Shari (Wayside School)
ROUND 1B (Will be posted on Sunday, 21st of January)
Takane Enomoto (Kagerou Project) vs. Kuro / Sleepy Ash / Sloth (Servamp)
Howard Philips Lovecraft (Bungo Stray Dogs) vs. Saiko Yonebayashi (Tokyo Ghoul:re)
Belphegor (Obey Me! Shall we Date?) vs. Nanaki Kazuaki (Hatoful Boyfriend)
Kyoutarou Shuzenji (Cute High Earth Defense Club HAPPY KISS!) vs. En Yufuin (Cute High Earth Defense Club Love!)
Hotaru Yura (Magia Record) vs. Hyp (Touhou: Fantastic Danmaku Festival 2)
Hisoka Mikage (A3!) vs. Meitenkun (King of the Fighters)
Clorica (Rune Factory 4) vs. Mint (My Time at Portia)
Priscilla (Rune Factory 5) vs. Ryker (Rune Factory 5)
Dreamer / Protagonist (Melatonin) vs. Madotsuki (Yume Nikki)
Hypnos (Hades) vs. Clovis (Percy Jackson)
Talon (Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time) vs. Towtow (Super Smash Bros.)
Link (Legend of Zelda) vs. Usagi Tsukino / Sailor Moon (Sailor Moon)
Shota Aizawa / Eraser Head (My Hero Academia) vs. Olruggio (Witch Hat Atelier)
Shikamaru Nara (Naruto) vs. Agares Picero (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun)
Mr. Zzz (Batman) vs. Vooshvazool's Bat (The Neverending Story)
Enrico Pollini (Rat Race) vs. Unconscious Argentinean (Moulin Rogue)
ROUND 1C (Will be posted on Tuesday, 23rd of January)
Portgas D Ace (One Piece) vs. Denjiro Kyoshiro (One Piece)
Roronoa Zoro (One Piece) vs. Sans (Undertale)
Dino (That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime) vs. Midnight (Fairytale)
Ahito (Galactik Football) vs. Sloth (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Nemurin (Magical Girl Raising Project) vs. Laffey (Azur Lane)
Bedman (Guilty Gear) vs. Noelle (NieR Reincarnation)
Nemu (Haibane Renmei) vs. Sunny (Omori)
Siffrin (In Stars and Time) vs. Snoozing Carpenter (Sky: Children of the Light)
Aurora Sya Lis Goodreste (Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle) vs. Jade Harley (Homestuck)
Sakuma Fueko (Watashi no Sekai o Kousei suru Chiri no you na nani ka) vs. Eve (Eaternal Nocturnal)
Sleepytime Tea Bear (Celestial Sleepytime Tea) vs. Elle (Crush Crush)
Sleepy (Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs) vs. Hastings (Once Upon a Time in Space)
Sleeping Beauty (Shrek) vs. Briar Beauty (Ever After)
Silver (Twisted Wonderland) vs. Jing Beiyuan (Lord Seventh)
Ganyu (Genshin Impact) vs. Sayu (Genshin Impact)
Layla (Genshin Impact) vs. Wonderland Sekai Megurine Luka (Project Sekai: Colorful Stage)
ROUND 1D (Will be posted on Thursday, 25th of January)
Totoro (My Neighbor Totoro) vs. Snorlax (Pokemon)
Slakoth & Slaking (Pokemon) vs. Slowpoke Evolution Line (Pokemon)
Komala (Pokemon) vs. Musharna (Pokemon)
Caitlin (Pokemon) vs. Dreaming Nemleria (Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG)
Noddy (Kirby) vs. Kirby (Kirby)
Gudetama (Sanrio) vs. Nemukko Nyago (Sanrio)
Number 6 Floof (Monster Hunter Stories) vs. Citrus (Otherworldly Ravenous Beast)
Espinas (Monster Hunter) vs. Rainforest Dragons / RainWing (Wing of Fire)
Lazy Smurf (The Smurfs) vs. Bedtime Bear (Care Bears)
Paddi (Pleasant Goat and Big Bad Wolf) vs. Flower (Bambi)
Vampire Cookie (Cookie Run) vs. Dozer (Cookie Run)
Forde (Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones) vs. Haar (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance)
Mitama (Fire Emblem: Fates) vs. Trec (Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade)
Mirabilis (Fire Emblem: Heroes) vs. Durin (Arknights)
Linhardt von Hevring (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) vs. Sothis (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Judd (Splatoon) vs. Ladybird (King of the Hill)
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spinoskingdom875 · 9 months
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The Emerald Coast is a beautiful place to be during the summer. Located next to the Station Square Hotel, with the outskirts of the city not far, the coast is an archipelago of small islands, with beautiful clear water, wonderful sky, palm trees, everything to have a fun and relaxing day at the beach. It was hot at the coast, and everyone enjoyed their drinks, Ice Cream, and some shades.
Tails applied sunscreen on himself, and puts on sunglasses. Tails: Ah, how I missed this place. Sonic: You said it, pal. Beside him was Sonic, lounging on a chair under an umbrella. He sips his drink. Sonic: I really love this place. All the times I ran through here, including the time I found you when you crashed that one time. Tails: Yeah. I wonder if they discarded that heap of junk. Not far, Big sits down with his rod, and begins fishing. Froggy hops off. Big: Don't go too far, little pal. I don't wanna lose you again. Froggy hops and sees Amy and Blaze walk by. Blaze has a drink, while Amy enjoys her Ice Cream. Amy: I knew you would love this place. Blaze: Yeah, it's as beautiful as the new city in Soleanna. She looks down to see Froggy. Blaze: Oh, hello, Froggy. Is Big nearby? Froggy nodded. She sees Big fishing. Amy: Be sure not to wander off on your own, okay? Froggy: Ribbit! Amy: Oh look. They see Cream, Cheese, and Trikey building a Sandcastle. They saw Blaze and Amy and waved. The Pink Hedgehog and Lavender Cat wave back. Blaze: So cute. Amy: Yes, always.
Wave: Okay, time to catch some Waves! She heads for the water after waxing her surfboard. Above Big was a palm tree, with Knuckles hanging on. He observes the beach, as everyone enjoys their time. Down below. Cream: It's almost finished! Trikey: This is so much fun! I never knew sand can be so fun to use! Cream: Before we met you, Cheese and I would come here every summer to swim in the water, and build sandcastles. Trikey: This place sure is amazing. She looks at the first loop. Trikey: What's that? Cream: That's a loop. Mr. Sonic would run through here all the time. One time, He saved Tails when he crashed a plane here. Trikey: Oh dear, I hope Tails wasn't hurt, that sounded scary. Cream: He was alright. He wasn't really hurt after that nasty crash.
Trikey: Can we visit the rest of Station Square later? Cream: Sure, we can do that. It's not really far from here. A big wave rises from the water. Wave rides through it, water splashing on Big. He stared, then shook himself dry. Wave: Heh, sorry about that, Big! Big looks on, then continues to fish. Trikey: I hope she doesn't get our castle wet, it'll be ruined. Cream: I hope so, too. She'll probably surf further out. She grabs her bucket and notices Froggy inside. Cream: Oh. Hi Froggy, what are you doing in my bucket? He looks at the castle made of sand. Cream: Do you like it, we made it together Froggy: Ribbit ribbit! Trikey: What did he say? Cream: he said, "Yes, it's a nice castle."  Trikey: Aw, thank you. You wanna watch us build it, Froggy? Froggy: Ribbit. Trikey: Um, okay, I'll take that as a yes! Charmy: Cool, you're making sandcastles? Trikey: Hey, Charmy. Yeah, do you like it? Charmy: Yeah, nice job. Cream: We're gonna make it really big! Charmy licks his frozen treat. Charmy: Sounds hard, but maybe I can help? Cream: Sure. The more, the merrier. Trikey: And the bigger it'll be!
?: My my, what a wonderful sandcastle. They look up to see Rouge. Cream: Oh, hello, Ms. Rouge. Do you like what we made? Rouge: Why, yes, it looks really nice. Trikey: Thank you, Ms. Rouge. The Bat smiles. Chocola came by with lemonade. Rouge looks at his drink. Rouge: Ooh, Lemonade. This heat is making me thirsty. I should go get a drink. Charmy's Ice Cream drips as he licks. Trikey gasps. Trikey: Careful, Charmy, we don't want our castle to get messy. Charmy: Oops, sorry. Cream: Oh, that reminds me. I'm getting hot from all this building. We should go get something to cool off, too. Trikey: Yeah. Cream calls for Rouge. Cream: Ms. Rouge?! Rouge: Yes? Cream: Can we go with you to get some Ice Cream, please? Rouge ponders. Rouge: Well, I am heading over to the bar now. Alright, darlings. I'll treat you to some Ice Cream.
Cream: Yippie! Let's go, guys! Trikey: Oh boy, Ice Cream! Rouge: Follow me, sweetums! They follow Rouge to the bar. From the tree, Knuckles chuckled and smiles as he scans the entire beach. Knuckles: This place sure did change for the better ever since Perfect Chaos wrecked havoc. I'm glad everything is at peace here once again. It really is nice to relax once in a while. Another wave crashes down, nearly missing the red Echidna. Wave surfs by. Wave: Sorry, again! Couldn't help it! Knuckles sighs, then smiles. Everyone continues to enjoy the rest of their afternoon at the Emerald Coast.
NOTE: Don't re-upload my Pictures anywhere without my permission, please. Thank you. (Credits: 
Sonic the Hedgehog and Friends: (C) Sega & Sonic Team. Logo made by: ShadowNinjaMaster.
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bluebunnyears-08 · 1 year
Sorry for bothering you about this but I was wondering about if your doing your stories again simply because they are just great reads :)
I have a prompt for a story involving Nine and sonic.
1. Sonic trying to help Nine adjust to his new life with his friends because now he is able to exist with his twin and even taking him to the tree.
2. Nine being a little off put by how radically different Amy is here and her trying to comforting and even noticing how frayed and thin his Tails are.
3. Tails trying to adjust to having ‘Twin’ brother and both finding common ground but its still shakey.
4. A flashback of Sonic coming into the room and being like “Hey guys, so remember a few days ago when I shattered the prism” they acknowledge it and he just says TA DA and introduces nine.
5.Nine feeling like a fish out of water but doesn’t want to leave his brother, he thought tooth and nail to get this life and he’s not backing down.
6. Knuckles actually dulling out some sage advice to the young Kit.
Hello! I AM doing requests for stories again! Answering and writing them might take a while because I'm still writing my own things, and currently writing a story for the Nine series me and friend made, not to mention I want to practice my drawing so I can post it one day. And I'm so happy you like the stories I do!
And this is a nice prompt! One story coming up! I decided to try a different thing in this too! ^v^
Everything was filled with beautiful color in this world. It was like living in an antique painting, one full of pastel colors and extravagant forms that were foreign to him. He never would have gotten here if it wasn't for the vibrant blue urchin that was his only dear friend.
Sonic is a very determined hedgehog, and Nine couldn't thank him enough for that fact.
That's what Nine learned as Sonic continuously tries to get him comfortable and happy in what the hedgehog stated was home. Not another Shattered Space, but the main universe Sonic originally destroyed. Nine put it all back together, but it would've come at a cost of disappearing forever, going back to being a trait.
Nine was scared, he assured Sonic it would be fine, tried to steel himself for fading into nothingness, but he was terrified. Naturally though, Sonic the "Mr. Freedom is the Most Important Thing" hedgehog, wasn't having ANY of it.
Nine was...caught off guard to say the least when the urchin began to insist on him staying with him in his world, the original world, began to implore if there was another way without the fox disappearing forever. Nine knew he had to refuse, he wasn't tails, not to mention to potential effects it might have, but seeing the genuine concern and care in those emerald eyes, the fear and pain...he knew he couldn't.
He knew Sonic didn't want him to. And he didn't want to either.
So he didn't. He found a less, effective solution in fixing the world, but made it so he could live there as well without any problems. He hoped it would be stable enough to allow such a big change.
But those worries went out the window now that he was here, and after a few days, he forgot he worried about anything at all. This world was wonderful! Green grounds, healthy trees and wonderful lakes, it was paradise! And he was right here, right by Sonic, finally eating Chili dogs with him, and it became a heaven!
The only problem was...Tails. The fluffier, more cheerful, more healthy (both in body and mind) fox Sonic loved as a brother. The reason why Sonic was so caring and sweet to him in the first place.
It wasn't that the fox was mean, at least not intentionally, nor was it that the two tailed vulpine annoyed him. It was just...he was so cheerful and naive. Not to mention seeing how...healthy he was, and those eyes those fucking eyes-
Wide blue eyes always stared at Nine when he was around, watching him, both with fascination and absolute admiration. Nine found the fascination understandable, the feeling was mutual, but the admiration really confused him. It confused him very much.
He couldn't understand at all.
Why would anyone admire him?, that's what he was curious about. When he asked the fox, he found the answer.
"It's just, you're so cool! You have those metal tails and your super strong and formidable in battle! Your just so amazing!", blue eyes sparkled as they answered.
Nine didn't respond. So that was why? Because he had metal tails, was good at fighting, and preferred to work alone? Nine didn't find anything to admire about the latter two. The fox could fight too, Nine saw this, not to mention the preference to work on his own came from being used to being alone.
But he simply nodded and came up with an event so he could leave. He didn't hate the kit, just...wasn't exactly friends with them. As long the fox didn't bother him they could manage.
Nine kept their interactions to a minimum and very short and brief.
Then there was Amy Rose. At first, Nine didn't know what to think. So, this was who Rusty was before the Council...'enhanced'...her body. She was a lot more, well, alive. Her green eyes sparkled with cheeriness and youth, her body lacked any traces of metal, and a flicky surrounded her, chirping happily instead of being trapped inside her chest cavity, chirping with pain and despair.
Nine was taken aback by how...young she truly was. Made him wonder with horror how old Rusty was when she was roboticized.
Rose was...very kind. A far cry from the emotionless callousness of the robot he remembered her as. Then again, that wasn't her, was it?
No, this Rose was friendly, full of expression, and so vibrant with the soft color of pink. Nine liked her. She gave him motherly vibes, even though he knew that thought was humorous, and he felt rather comfortable in her presence.
The only problem was how much she insisted on caring about his well being; making sure he cared for himself, making sure he worked on being healthy again, and trying to get him to 'open up'.
The first two weren't that bad. It was nice being cared for, and besides, Sonic did those too. Although he was a bit more stubborn about it, dragging Nine out of his lab and making sure he slept and ate. Nine acted annoyed and frustrated, but really he felt...warm. Again, it was very nice.
The only problem was the last part. The "opening yourself up" part. He understood that she cared, and didn't mean any harm, but when she offered to listen to his problems - and by extension, his trauma - he gently declined every time.
He didn't want to open up, didn't want to explore his trauma. His trauma could bury itself and die for all he cared. Although, he knew it was bad. He knew that choice would only make it worse. He just...it wasn't...
He just can't. That was all. Sure he didn't want to pour out his chest, didn't want to cry pathetically in front of this girl he had only knew as a robot, didn't want her to rrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiippppppp open his chest and pull on his insides pity him even more.
But he knew he wouldn't be able to spill out his trauma like that if he tried.
He kept being polite to her, but like the others, he carefully kept his distance.
Then there was the echidna.
Nine found the echidna, named 'Knuckles', was someone he needed to keep and eye on. The echidna was as bad tempered as all the other counterpart Nine knew, not to mention how the echidna was suspicious of Nine when Sonic introduced the fox.
They weren't on the best terms.
However, Nine soon saw the echidna start to soften up. Knuckles didn't tense or stare at him whenever the fox was within proximity. But Nine still felt tense within the echidna's proximity, knowing the strength behind his namesake's.
So he was surprised when the guardian began to offer him advice. Rather odd advice. Telling him not to do things alone, to enjoy things while he's here, telling him that letting your feelings out doesn't make him weak, that it can help him.
He told him other things, but Nine tuned him out.
Why listen to advice that was utterly worthless? That everyone else has been trying to tell him, that didn't help him at all?
Why do they even care about him? Sonic he had some understanding but why do the others? To Amy, he was just a burden, a helpless person who needed to be cared for, to Knuckles, he was an idiot who needed to be taught, to...Tails, he was just a variant, just a simple reflection with a smear of gray.
Although come to think of it, Sonic probably only stuck with him because he resembled that damn soft fox.
But, even with that, he refused to go back to being a part of the fluffy fox, he refused to give up. He gave up everything to be here, he fought tooth and nail, and he wasn't going to go back because of a little difficulties.
He kept going.
Tails stared at him with those eyes of innocence and naive curiosity. Of admiration.
Keep going.
Don't give up.
Amy stared at him like a pathetic child who can't fend for himself.
You did so much to get here.
Knuckles' gaze softened every time he was within the echidna's sight
Ignore them.
Sonic must've told them.
Keep going.
A hand rests on his shoulder out of concern.
Don't give in.
Keep. Going.
Don't. You. Dare. Fucking. Cave.
Keep everyone out. Never yield.
Sonic is right there. He's in such a wonderful world.
So why wasn't he happy?
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strawmyberry · 10 months
hi strawberry!! hope ur having a good day!! i absolutely loved ur headcanons for the main 4! they are soo cute i literally re-read them all the time 😭💗💗 do you by chance have any headcanons for butters?? <3
AAAA!!! more headcannons!!! makes my heart happy!!
cute little fun fact about me before we start- im a very indecisive person! basically meaning ive never really been able to choose a favorite character in South Park- i have way too many-
but i LOVE butters with all my heart! he’s a little guy and i wanna squish his cheeks! so of COURSE i have headcannons for him!! thank you for the ask toast <3
i hope you guys like them!
— ❤️🍓 strawberry 🍓❤️
i am so certain he is just a ball of ticklishness!
i don’t know if he’s more ticklish than kyle though!
if anything- i think they’re tied!
has the cutest laugh ever ever ever!
his laugh 100% causes cuteness aggression
(i think someone intends to tickle him for only a minute- they hear his laugh- and they literally cannot stop. HE’S TOO CUTE!)
he’s a wiggly worm!
he leans into being tickled by accident- little silly guy <33
(he’ll lean one way to avoid it just to lean into the other side by accident!)
im so normal about this you guys!!!!
(butters is a human version of the pillsbury dough boy!!!)
his worst spot is his stomach!! but his armpits are pretty bad too!
like- they’re not superrrrr ticklish- but they’re ticklish!!
he learned to do his own nails for that exact reason!
(yes!!! butters likes to have painted nails sometimes!!! let him have it!!!)
he has a little hello kitty sticker on his index nail! he’s classy! he’s stylish! he’s chic!
he really likes being tickled!!
(he’s touch starved :((( )
i think he could ask to be tickled for the longest time
could being past tense!!! because- poor little guy figured out that not everyone likes being tickled!
he totally thought everyone liked it as much as he did
( [f]artman burst that bubble real quick :( )
so now he’s a little bit more shy about it!
but there are certain people that are already well aware- so they give him his fill to cheer him up <3
he makes a lot of noises- squeals, squeaks, hiccups, you name it!!
gah he is SO CUTE :(((
teasing is SO effective he can’t handle it
if you wiggle your fingers at him it’s over!!!
he already starts giggling!!
(and i means GIGGLING giggling! you’re practically already tickling him!)
he curls up like a little hedgehog!!
i also imagine he cries when he laughs too hard- and it makes his lers feel SO BAD because they think he’s actually crying
he somehow becomes even more southern when getting tickled
his faint little twang gets amplified by a billion!!
i hate to say it- but i feel like mr. stotch (i hate him >:( ) has made butters practically hate his own laugh
he apologizes sometimes while laughing :(((
he takes teases SO literally!!
“awww, does that tickle?” “yehehehes!!! a lohohot!!”
(i always think back to wendy’s “are you just an asshole?” line!!! this HAS to be canon!!)
raspberries are SO bad for him!
and the poor thing falls for it every! time!
“hey, you know what my favorite fruit is?” “ohohoh chrihihistmas- i knohohow yohou’ve tohohold me behehefore!! im sohohorry-i dohont rehehemember! …ahahapples?”
he is also very aware that tickling is the first resort when i comes to getting him to do something
“no! i won’t! ….oh hamburgers- you’re gonna tickle me, aren’t ya’? please don’t! im sorry fellas, really-!”
and he’s such a sweet ler too!!
that’s not to say he doesn’t go all out- he definitely does!!!
but he constantly checks in! makes sure he isn’t crossing any boundaries!
surprisingly, he’s super duper teasy
“Awww! You’re just the cutest little thing I’ve ever seen!” (thing pronounced thang!!! southern bell!!)
tickles are always his go to for anything
(sometimes he looks for excuses to tickle people- just to hear their laughs!!)
he randomly pokes at people! just for funnzies!
especially Kenny- poor Kenny gets poked way too much
(butters totally does the thing where he pokes and quickly looks away, as if he isn’t the only one standing next to kenny who could’ve done it)
he has a BLAST- whether he’s a Lee or a Ler!!!
hes such a good sport about it he’s so sweet :((
“that was fun!!!”
Professor Chaos!
oh no!!! who’s this evil, totally unrelated, fiend who’s invaded my butters headcannons??
well- i guess since he’s here! we might as well!
very ticklish!!! it really works against him!
he has a little maniacal laugh that he tries to keep up while being tickled
(but that only works for like- 5 minutes! then he’s all giggles and squeals!)
his minions tickle him from time to time!!
of course- completely on accident!
(or maybe those hamsters ARE evil?!)
but he just giggles a little, catches them, and puts them back in their little balls!
getting captured by Racoon & Friends/Freedom Pals is very common!
he tries to act all macho and evil
(it never works!! doesn’t even last five seconds!)
it’s the same song and dance every single time!
“mwhahaha! you really think you can get me, Professor Chaos, to tell you where I’m conducting my next evil scheme? you are wrong!” “…” “oh! u-uh- you think you can resort to c-childish antics, huh? w-well! i-im not ticklish! s-so, yeah!!”
hes very dedicated to his character!!
he does this little silly thing where…sometimes…he forgets what info he’s supposed to confess
sometimes he gets lucky! (mysterion or toolshed quickly whisper in his ear what hes supposed to say- and he goes along with it!)
but sometimes…he gets stuck with Racoon & Friends
(they don’t care if he can remember or not- they just tickle him until he remembers again)
this evil evil guy is the most evil evil ler in South Park!!
(ooooooo! scary!)
professor chaos’ super evil super effective interrogation!
(he calls it “Interronation”!)
wether it’s because he physically can’t pronounce it or that he’s just clueless is for you to decide! it’s both!
tickling is his only resort. if it doesn’t work?
…well- that’s never happened before- so he doesn’t have a backup plan!
but he goes ALL OUT
he has feathers, he has hairbrushes, he has a pair of The Racoon’s claws (he stole them >:D) anything that you think could be used to tickle a person- HE HAS IT!
he keeps it all in a little teal lunchbox (it has cute little stars!!!) that he got from his mom
(sure, he doesn’t use it for lunch, but it’s getting used!!)
but strawberry!! isnt it impractical to have to carry around a lunchbox?
yes! yes it is!
that’s why he also has a cute little tool belt with little slots to put everything in!
it’s made out of tinfoil! (he made it himself <3)
and he has spares in the back of his closet!! jusssst in case!
he teases a BUNCH
“i think someone’s gonna have to give up soon…you seem really ticklish here…”
he says the word “tickle” and all its many variations millions and billions of times
mostly because it’s super effective!!
(but also because he thinks it’s a fun word to say!!)
he also sings a little while he does- he’s silly!!
“🎶 i think someone’s ticklish! 🎶”
he makes every single time a new experience
(like, he starts every time brand new- as if he’s “discovering” each spot for the first time all over again!)
but, despite the fact that he’s an evil evil guy (ive mentioned he’s evil right?) he’s still super sweet
he stops every now and then, does a quick check in!
thats some of the only times you’ll see him break character- it’s so cute
“…ya’ good, Kenny?” “whahat?” “are you okay? can ya’ breathe-? do ya’ need water?” “…uhuh…nohoho?” “and what about here? is it okay that im tickling you here?” “uh…yehehah?” “oh! oh goodie! …round two!”
and he has waters on hand!! he buys the jumbo packs!
(you know? the little mini water bottles with the little motivational quotes on them? those little ones!)
the little evil guy doesn’t really have the heart to hurt anyone- he just likes hearing his friends laugh!!!
deep down he knows they’re gonna get him back a million times worse but it’s all in good fun! so he doesn’t mind!
all is fair in love and superhero civil war!
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sooooooooooo for the NRC family day interactions, i'm curious to see what would happen if riddle and step-dad ashengrotto met in the wild, because riddle has expressed that recently he's gotten interested in law. it would b cool for him to chat with the canon lawyer who taught azul about laws n contracts.
plus the whole, riddle being unsure actually because his whole life his parents had plans for him and planned for him on becoming a healer like them, but now he's interested in something else. n while i kno he reads about law, it would give him a lot of insight to actually, speak to someone who does this for a living, who maybe even suggests ideas of finding a way to combine both medicine and law, like medical law (branch of law) or medical jurisprudence (branch of medicine).
and other stuff too.
idk i just think a conversation between the two could be interesting, even outside of like, riddle's own interest in law; like another interesting thing would b his whole, family/homelife situation & the fact that riddle hints that his parents don't really get along that well + knowing that step-dad ashengrotto met mama ashengrotto while she was filing for divorce... just lots of ideas in me brain i think.
idk hopefully this isn't unintelligible sdfjsdklfd thank youuuuuuu
Thank you for submitting this really interesting idea ^^ This one is really long compared to the others, so I slapped a cut in to make scrolling by easier. This fic borrows ideas from a theory that I talked about a few days ago?
I don't know if I've ever mentioned this before, but I think it's cool that Azul not only has a stepdad, but actually gets along with him. Rarely do I see divorce portrayed as a positive thing (I mean, how often do we see wicked stepparents or a child that refuses to accept the stepparent), so Azul's family was really refreshing to see.
Not me taking inspiration from the divorce lawyer in Enchanted and various characters from Ace Attorney for stepdaddy Ashengrotto—
Family means Nobody is Left Behind or Forgotten.
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The cafeteria was packed, and the ghost chefs were working overtime to feed the influx of hungry guests. Staff, students, and their family members had been coming in and out throughout the day, leaving not many tables open and the food line long. Some had taken to sitting cross-legged on the floor or spilling out into the hallway to make space for new arrivals.
One look at the gaggle of people along the walls and on the ground, and Mrs. Rosehearts had turned up her nose. "I won't have you sitting like a barbarian, Riddle. We'll find you a proper seat. Look, there’s one now. You sit—I’ll see what they have available on the menu and fetch you an appropriate meal.”
“Yes, mother.”
Riddle shifted uncomfortably at a cramped table. He dared not falter in his posture. Back straight, head high, hands neatly folded in his lap. He was a rose among those deemed the weeds called riffraff.
… It’s noisy, Riddle noted.
Indeed, it was. The cafeteria buzzed with activity, students exchanging chatter and laughter with their loved ones. Sharing bites of food and stories, nourishing their bellies and their souls.
A memory clad in flowers filled his mind.
He was back in the Heartslabyul gardens, colorful decorations and card soldiers in every direction. Flamingos and hedgehogs at the ready, the roses painted red, a dormouse in the tea pot. Cakes, tarts, and finger sandwiches sliced up and served with tea.
Ace and Deuce were arguing over something silly again. By the sumptuous spread of snacks, Cater was snagging pictures before so much as a bite. In the memory, Riddle made to tell them off, only to be stopped by the vice dorm leader at his side.
“They have so much energy,” Trey had remarked. “It’s livelier than usual today.”
Yes, that was the right word for it. Not noisy, but lively.
How curious that dining at Night Raven College is like this. At home…
There was a lone platter set for him, a sad, limp little square of food in the center. His mother, arms folded, to the right. His father, trembling in his chair, to the lift. Raised voices and scathing remarks.
Some days the dining room was empty altogether, save for himself and stacks of textbooks. When he did crossword puzzles and sudoku, the vocabulary and the numbers kept him company.
His heart twinged. Riddle frowned and curled a hand over his chest, as if trying to soothe the pain.
What is this? Why… do I feel this way?
"Excuse me, young man."
He jolted upright.
An older gentleman in glasses was beside him. His hair, peppered with streaks of white, was neat, and he was dressed in an even neater suit. He smelled like salt wrapped in a sea breeze, faint citrus and sunshine.
The stranger gestured to the spot beside Riddle. “Pardon me if I disturbed your train of thought. I wanted to ask if this seat was taken. I need a quick place to rest my legs, then I’ll be out of your way.”
Riddle took a quick glance at the line—which still snaked around the room, but at least his mother had vanished from view. Relief. “It’s open. Please, sit.”
“Thank you.” The man slipped in next to Riddle. He sighed, just as relieved as the boy was. “Much appreciated. I hope I’m not stealing this seat from one of your parents.”
“Not to worry, sir. Only my mother is with me today, and it seems like it will be quite a while before she returns," Riddle reassured him. “My father is preoccupied with work, so he was unable to attend."
It was partially true. Whenever possible, his parents actively avoided each other. Strategically taking specific hospital shifts just so happened to be a means to that end.
"I'm here with my wife and son myself, they're perusing the food. A shame about your father. Really. Perhaps he'll be able to attend next year."
Riddle hoped not.
He looked away, dodging the man's eyes. Fearing that his own would betray him.
A glint of gold snagged his sight, and Riddle's heart leapt. Pinned to the stranger's lapel was a small pin depicting the scales of justice.
The man took notice. "I see you've spotted my bar association badge."
"You're a lawyer, sir?" Riddle's question came out small.
"That's right." He tilted his head to one side. His smile was slight, yet encouraging. "Might you have an interest in law, young man?"
"Ah, well..." Riddle instinctively looked to the line again before his gaze darted back to his conversational partner. "Y-Yes, I suppose you could say that. However, I'm aware that it is a big commitment, and I have already resolved to pursue magical medicine."
"A career like that can be fulfilling as well," the man said kindly. "I have colleagues that specialize in medical malpractice and negligence. We also sometimes work with forensic scientists for certain cases.
"There is most certainly crossover between the legal and healthcare sectors. You could consider looking into those fields as a middle ground between your two interests."
Riddle blinked.
"Did I overstep my bounds?"
"No, I just..." Hesitation. "I'm not used to speaking like this."
"About your future?"
No, Riddle wanted to correct him, it's being given advice and suggestions, rather than expectations and orders.
"About straying from the path," he said, a quick half-truth. "It's difficult to compromise, even if the options exist out there."
"Hmm." The man nodded understandingly. "Changing course can be scary, yes. I don't fault you for thinking that way. If it would help in any way, you are free to ask me questions about my own experience. I'm no medical lawyer, but hearing it from the horse's mouth has helped some of my clients before."
"You would offer such a thing...?"
The man's eyes shone with the trace of a contained laugh. "I don't charge for the first consultation," he joked.
"Then..." Hope crept into Riddle's voice. "Could you tell me about your own specialization?"
"My firm mainly deals with cases of divorce."
The word was bitter on Riddle's tongue as he swallowed it. But the lawyer spoke it with such ease, like it was nothing more than the weather forecast for the day.
Divorce, divorce.
It had always been an option for Riddle's parents since the first problems had started between them, but never seriously considered, never discussed. His mother would sooner die than confess she was anything but right, that she had made the mistake of choosing the wrong man. And what would the community think? What would they say?
As a child most foolish, Riddle had prayed to the Queen of Hearts to share her secret to a successful marriage. No answer ever came, and it was then that he realized: divorce was never in the cards for his parents.
The man carefully took in Riddle's frozen expression. "It happens. I see it a lot in my line of work—and it is one hundred percent normal. People are like castles in the sand, you see. They change, their feelings change. They fall out of love. Part of my job is to ensure that the separation occurs smoothly.
"There is stigma attached to the concept of divorce, that it ruins families and brings them great shame. But sometimes a family is better apart than together, and they can find new happiness once they've picked up the pieces. Cutting ties can be the most liberating feeling in the entire world.
"I speak from experience myself. I met a lovely, bright-minded woman while she was going through her own divorce proceedings. Now that woman is my wife, and her son, my own."
Riddle's brows knitted. Disbelief and confusion crowned his features. "It almost sounds like a fairy tale. Can such a drastic change truly lead to happiness?"
"For me, it did. It may not be the case for you, because you and I are different people."
"Th-Then tell me!!" Riddle stood, slamming his hands on the table. Food and silverware rattled, people stared. He didn't care, his volume spiking. "How? How do I do that...? Please tell me. I don't... I don't know how to do it myself."
"That, I cannot say."
"Why not?! You... You said you would help me!"
"I did say that, didn't I? I said I would help you by talking about my own experiences. Tricky thing, wording. It's easy to overlook the fine print." The man pointed at him. "The rest is in your hands."
"I can't do a single thing," Riddle protested. It felt like roses were choking him. "My hands are tied. My path was determined a long time ago. Change is absolutely unacceptable."
The lawyer regarded him coolly. "Let me tell you something, young man. The law is the law because there is a human element to it, no matter how impartial, how black and white, we try to be. We write the laws, act on them, and interpret them. Likewise, you, too, are responsible for that interpretation.
"What is right, what is wrong, and what role you must play therein... these are things you alone determine, whether that be in career, in love, or in life. You are your own judge, and the decider of your own destiny. It is something only you are capable of, and no one else but you."
Riddle reeled his head, reacting as though he'd just been decked.
Right and wrong... The role I must play... Something only I can do?
Someone had told him something similar not too long ago. The words harsher then, and paired with a sound punch to the face.
"Is that all you are?!" Ace had demanded, fist clenched, still raw from making contact with his dorm leader's cheek. "An extension of your mom? Can't you think for yourself?"
The twinge to his chest had returned. Stronger, sharper. Like thorns tearing into his skin.
"... I see," Riddle said slowly. "I think I understand it a little better now."
"I'm glad to hear it." The man's smile broadened. He looked at something beyond Riddle, then rose from his seat. "Well, if you'll excuse me... It seems my family has finished their business. We should get going now."
"Of course. Thank you very much for speaking with me, sir." He humbly lowered his head to the man,
A voice came from behind the redhead. "Oya, what a surprise. If it isn't Riddle-san."
He immediately bolted up in horror. The dorm leader of Octavinelle stood before him, lips cocked into a smirk. A woman with the same silvery hair was next to him, cut in a sleek black gown and with seashells in her jewelry.
"Wha--?! Azul...?! What are you..." Riddle faltered with both his words and his calm.
"Oh? Is it a crime to come collect one's stepfather?" The merman sighed dramatically. "I was going to come over sooner, you know—but it looked as though you two were having quite the engaging conversation. I thought it rude to interrupt and cut it short."
Riddle's head whipped back to the lawyer. "Th-This is your stepfather?!"
"Azul, I didn't realize this lad was your friend. We were just having a nice talk about career goals."
"Career goals, you say? My, that sounds so interesting." There was something unsavory, slimy even, about the way Azul emphasized his interest. "I'm jealous, Riddle-san. We've shared our dreams with one another before, but never on such an intimate level."
"And just who in their right mind do you think would willingly divulge that information to you? Don't act as though we're friends."
Azul smiled wryly. "Aren't we? After all, we've been through both hell and high water together."
"It sounds to me like you boys are good chums," Mr. Ashengrotto remarked, exchanging raised eyebrows with his wife, "though you certainly have a strange way of showing it."
"Why haven't you told us about him, Azul?" his mother asked. "I'd love to have him over for dinner."
"Riddle-san can be surprisingly shy. I wouldn't wish to cast a spotlight on him."
"Who's shy here?! All you've been doing since you showed up is put me on the spot!"
Mrs. Ashengrotto put a hand over her mouth, stifling a chuckle. “If you visit us, Azul could invite his other friends—do you know them? The Leech twins. You could all get to know each other, and that could help you get out of your shell.”
“N-No thank you, ma’am!!” Riddle said (perhaps a little too loudly, and too quickly). The farther away I stay from those sketchy brothers, the better!! I wouldn’t be caught dead trying to cozy up to them!
“No? Maybe another time then. The offer is always there. Come to us when you're comfortable with it, dear.
"I guarantee you won't regret it," Mr. Ashengrotto chimed in. "She makes the best food I've ever had under the sea. Azul could pack away an entire bucket of her fried..."
Azul loudly cleared his throat. "While this chat has been amusing, I believe it's time we stopped hounding the poor, unfortunate soul and moved to the next item on our itinerary. I'm sure that Riddle-san is busy with his own matters as well."
"Yes, my mother will be back soon with lunch."
"That so? We'll be on our way then. Wouldn't want to disrupt your time together." Mr. Ashengrotto tenderly squeezed his wife's arm. His other hand found its way onto Azul's shoulder. "Have a happy Family Day, Riddle."
"Happy family day to you too."
With that, Azul and his parents departed. Their mouths moved, their expressions changed, playing off of one another. Saying things Riddle couldn't hear, nor understand even if he could hear.
The rose-red ruler, entrenched in a sea of people, was left with many thoughts racing through his head. Those gathered in the cafeteria, Heartslabyul, the Ashengrottos...
One question lingered like the last vestiges of sunlight on a lazy summer day.
Are these... what families are meant to be like?
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biolizardboils · 1 year
heres a semi-liveblog i did while playing The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog! spoilers under the cut (both for this game and Frontiers!)
“We designed the difficulty of the THINK levels for experienced Sonic fans [...]” finally...a worthy opponent
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look at this cute little new employee!! im naming them Barry like in the trailer. them and the Forces Avatar just need one more member and they can form Team Self-Insert!
the Conductor is a big doggy!! oh hes retiring aww,
The Mirage Express, huh? i thought i saw a place that looked like Mirage Saloon in the traileSPAGONIA MENTION!!
okay im not gonna say the menu’s instant ramen is absolutely a reference to the 06 fandub, but i struggle to imagine what else it could be
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so they eat Pickies, but eating Cluckies is apparently too far? filing this under Important Lore Implications /j
everyone’s outfits aaaaa;;;;
“(Why can’t I be normal for one second...)” Barry calm down, your unorthodox yet charming response got you a wink and thumbs up from Sonic the fucking Hedgehog! id be over the moon if i was you
someone already left their ticket in a napkin holder, can’t have shit on my first day
Important notes on Barry: is intimidated by Knuckles, Espio, and Shadow, is Sparkle Gelatin Buddies with Tails, somehow cannot recognize Sonic in the flesh, and bows for royalty like Blaze
Wait... the train's robot arms look like something Eggman would make... Mr. Conductor sir...?
Why is Butcher!Vector stationed in the library and not like, the kitchen lol. And also why’d he and Espio leave Charmy at home
Amy proceeds to explain the rules of Among Us
Tails is disqualified from being the murderer, for he is both Detective and Babey
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At long last... the token evil Flicky
uhh why’s the train shaking
Amy refusing a chance to use her hammer...?
the stick behind her was def her hammer’s handle, wonder how it broke
how on earth can a Crack on A Shelf fit in someone’s inventory
how did that minigame help Barry think of an argument dfghj
oh the hammer she broke was a Great Value backup, thank god
the dead Sonic illustration still sends me hwoling sdfghj
i muted the game to play this real quick and now im laughing even harder
wait sonic can talk but he’s numb and can’t move. no longer laughing
he’s got wounds?? and NO PULSE??? oh my god theyre actually fucking doing it
what did Omochao do to warrant a wanted poster
Not Knuckles using Ye Olde English for his Sherriff rolefghjk
Omochao is wanted for medical malpractice??? sure why not
okay im gonna stop logging everything and just play for a bit. will type again if something REALLY funny or shocking happens
ooh the bg changed in the Think minigame! reminds me of Earthbound
everybody’s leaving they gotdam post, can’t have shit with this group
id let Barry tell me all about caves
all the options to get rid of the bomb gdsffhgjhkj thank god it wasn’t ACTUALLY a bomb
got caught up in the game but aaaa i hope Amy and Shadow have fun at the Hot Honey concerttt
the blowdart in the conductor’s car... what is it filled with, i wonder... a paralyzing agent... or poison
HE’S STILL PARALYZED/DEAD OH NO... the game didnt give me the option to tell anyone about him but i still feel like an asshole aaaa
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aaand now im laughing again SFDGHJ Amy what do you MEAN by that????
wow, im actually not sure who did it! the robot arm was specifically sliced through, so i imagine it was someone who could do that without a weapon. Vector could’ve bitten it, and Shadow could’ve used Chaos Spear... neither of those culprits seem right to me, but it’s all i got
ESPIO. idk how he did the slicing cus his shurikens wouldve been confiscated but he can camouflage why didnt i think of that
okay the camouflage didnt even come up in the accusation but still
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can you imagine if he’d said this when Mephiles killed him bhkvads
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wait the token evil Flicky is real AND relevant to the narrative??
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oh thats legitimately creepy
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oh thats even worse (even tho i still think hes eggman in disguise)
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okay ngl id have followed these instructions to the letter too. its an autism thing, your honor
holy cow i can’t believe there’s STILL more to do?? the production values....
E  G  G
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eggman has no tolerance for self-insert oc’s :pensive:
it’s canon now that Badniks have competitive wages sdfghj
oh no Barry... your self-deprecating dialogue options are worrying me buddy...
Sonic my best friend Sonic.....you’re right. we can do this
so between this and Frontiers i think this decade’s gimmick is gonna be “silly minigame actually prepares you for the final challenge”
“Don’t teleport us to the future!” Barry how did you correctly guess an event that happened in a destroyed timeline
Ohhh the Train’s mad that the Conductor’s retiring isn’t it?? lemme just plug a video real quick kjhgfdsa
this is fucking TOUGH HELP
“Your happiness comes at the expense of others. Last I checked, that’s called being selfish.” Tell ‘em, Sonic
100 rings??? have mercy
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oh no Train......
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god Barry’s been flabbergasted by this group the whole game dfghjk. is that how civilians tend to think of them? cus its hilarious
nobody even ate?? Barry didnt even get to do his ONE job mndbhksa
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“To the confident, unshakable, and radiant Amy Rose!” WAAAAAUGHG;;
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“...And that’s the story of how I met Sonic and his friends. Entangled in their lives for a fleeting moment, and then back to things as they were.” Living the dream, huh, Barry? I mean, besides being jobless again
oh wait we can choose their epilogue!! i made them stick with the job, practice their singing, and manage to fly to space. as a treat
holy shit that was WAY longer than i was expecting!! every aspect of this was exquisite--scenario, art, characterization, jokes, gameplay challenge?? holy shit
oh hey i guess some people got that Sonic Lore job after all!! congrats to them too!!
I think the moral of this is that sometimes the best April Fools’ jokes are the ones played completely straight, with much more than a simple lie behind them. and also don’t trust trains
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-The shutters to Tails’ desktop opens. Tails appears on the screen-
Modern: Hello everyone, and welcome to a VERY special episode of Tails Tube! I’d like for everyone to give a warm welcome toooo
-The Tails Squad logo pops up on the centre of the desktop screen-
-The instrumental for Believe In Myself plays in the background-
-Multiple more Tails’ pop up on the screen with varying appearances. They all give various greetings at once.-
Modern: I’m so happy you guys could join me today!
Movie: I’ve been looking forward to this!! It’s on my calendar!
Modern: brilliant enthusiasm as always, Mr. Wachowski. Everyone meet Movie! He’s from what we call the Sonic Cinematic Universe, or in short, the SCU. Tell us a bit about yourself, Movie!
-An image of the sonic movie logo appears on screen-
Movie: uh… uhm…
-Movie nervously looks around.-
Movie: hi.. I’m Movie- oh wait you said that already-
Modern: it’s ok, take your time!
Movie: o-ok! So uhm.. I’m from a universe where I was adopted by human parents..
-a family photo is shown-
Movie: and Sonic and Knuckles are my brothers!
Modern: good job, Movie.
-Movie beams-
-the images are clicked away.-
Modern: aaaand we also have Boom here, from Sonic Boom! Boom say hi!
-The Sonic Boom logo appears on screen.-
Boom: hi everyone! I’m so excited to be here! In my universe I live on an island…
-an aerial image of the island is on screen.-
Boom: …and defend the village from Dr. Eggman with Sonic, Knuckles, Amy, and Sticks!
Modern: welcome!
-the images are clicked away-
Modern: And now, you all know him, you all love him, everyone give it up fooor CLASSIC!
-The starting screen for Sonic the Hedgehog 2 appears on screen.-
Classic: hi!
Modern: tell us about yourself! For those who don’t know you.
-An image of Classic and Classic Sonic together are shown.-
Classic: oh-! I’m Classic! I’m called that because I’m from the past.. that’s it, really!
Modern: thanks for sharing!
-The images are clicked away-
Modern: X, you’re up!
X: h-hey everyone! I’m X.. I’m from the Sonic X universe.
-The Sonic X logo appears on screen-
X: In my universe we were trapped on Earth for a while. We made so many new friends there!
-An image of X and his human friends pop up-
X: It was sad to say goodbye to them, but then we soon went on another adventure! Watch the anime if you’re curious~
-the images are clicked away-
Modern: Thanks, X!
Adventure: OOH!! OH! OH CAN I GO NEXT???
-Adventure starts hopping up and down-
-Modern laughs-
Modern: of course! Go ahead, Adventure.
Adventure: Hey everyone!! I’m from the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog universe!!!
-A gif pops up of the opening sequence for the show-
Adventure: in my universe, my big bro Sonic and me protect Mobius from Dr. RoBUTTnik. He’s a sore loser!
-An image of Sonic and Adventure pop up. They’re posing together.-
-there’s giggles amongst the squad-
Movie: heh- RoBUTTnik!
-the images are clicked away-
Modern: ah, a classic! Anyway, we are moving on the Tailses from the Sonic Prime Universe!
-The Sonic Prime logo appears on screen-
There’s currently 4 that we know of! Only 3 could make it today, unfortunately.
-Classic frowns-
Classic: I wish Nine could join us!
-A picture of Nine pops up-
Modern: me too.. but Im not gonna push him if he doesn’t want to.
-the image is clicked away.-
Modern: who wants to go first? Prime?
Prime: hey, I’m Prime!
-an image of Prime pops up. He is in his workshop.-
Prime: Im the original of our universe. When my Sonic shattered the Paradox Prism, new dimensions appeared! Oddly, without a Sonic to be seen.
- Images of the different dimensions pop up.-
Sails: Ahoy, me hearties! I be Sails, and I am apart of Capt’n Dreads crew!
-an image of Sails and his crew replace the image of his dimension.-
Sails: we be pirates! Sword fightin’, stealin’, and makin ye landlubbers feel welcome is what we do! We sail the whole ol briney deep in search of a good time.
Boom: you make pirating sound like a good thing!
Sails: Why, rapscallion! Of course pirating isn’t good! Unless ye run a rig from time to time whilst squiffy in the sweet trade! Blimey, you act like it’s a sin!
-Sails looks offended, and Boom stands there looking surprised, then a look of acceptance.-
Boom: yknow what, if that’s what you think pirates do, then good for you.
Sails: Ye be careful with runnin yer mouth-
Modern: ok, ok, chill! Mangey?
-Mangey stares directly into the camera.-
Adventures: hellloooooo??
-Mangey sniffs the camera, and starts trying to eat it.-
Modern: Mangey, no, bad! Cameras are not for eating.
-Mangey whines and sits back down.-
-An image of Mangey and his friends pop up to replace the image of his dimension.-
Modern: Mangey here lives in the trees away from the “monster.” Foraging for food is difficult, but Mangey doesn’t let that kill his spirits! Ain’t that right, Mangey?!!
-Mangey pants loudly and nods enthusiastically-
-All the images on screen are clicked away-
Modern: and now, lastly, but not least, IDW!
IDW: hello!
-A cover for one of the Sonic IDW comics pop up-
IDW: I’m from the IDW universe! It’s been a rough going, but I’m happy to finally kick back and relax with the squad!
-An image of IDW fighting alongside Sonic pops up-
Modern: I was worried you weren’t gonna make it!
IDW: I found a way!
-the images are clicked away-
Modern: Now that you’ve met everyone, I have a couple questions here from our audience that we’re going to answer!
-Adventure starts cheering!-
-Modern laughs-
Modern: Ok, everyone settle down! You ready?
Modern: let’s do this!
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