#i love charlie and babe
sunshinechay · 5 months
For the shipping ask, JeffAlan?
AlanJeff my beloveds!
I love them so much. All we get out crumbs but hopefully that will change with this episode!!
They are really cute and it really feels like both might be falling in love for the first time, despite that Alan is supposed to be in his thirties (according to the book he’s 38 but I believe they may have aged him down slightly for the show) while Jeff is supposed to be 20. The age difference doesn’t really bug me, since both are shown to be mature and self assured. They match each other really well, with Alan being much more open to Jeff’s more reserved nature. They’re slowly building trust in each other and it’s so much fun to watch and so satisfying. The fact that Jeff was willing to tell Alan about his ability says a lot about the state of their relationship and much it’s improved and developed and I can’t wait to see their romantic arc properly start!
I also don’t believe Jeff when he says he’s never used his gift on Alan. Maybe not intentionally but I definitely think he might have done it by accident the first time Alan touches Jeff arm in one of the earlier episodes (I can’t remember which one haha). The only question now is what exactly did he see? Part of me really wants to it to be sickeningly domestic, the other part of me wants to it to be them fucking nasty. The romantic vs the horny I guess haha.
Also I’m not sure if they’ll actually say the word in the show, but I really love that Alan doesn’t treat Jeff any different even though Jeff is supposed to be an omega. So often in omegaverse stories, everyone wants to treat omegas like they’ll break at the slightly hardship but Alan knows his boy’s strength and he knows that he can handle it, though he’ll also be there to back him up. I think Jeff is starting to see that as well and it’s only helping their relationship :)
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gunsatthaphan · 4 months
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⊹˚. ♡ ⊹˚.
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heretherebedork · 6 months
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I love this show. I love them so much. I love that they just went ahead and said 'yep, Pit Babe thinks he's running from auction but is actually running from a breeding program he doesn't even know about'.
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I love this.
Who knew we'd get a breeding program in a BL in the year 2023? That the entire show would actually talk about the idea that boys can get pregnant and that everyone wants Pavel's Babe's babies?
No, seriously, this is the best.
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Charlie trying to protect Babe from thing she didn't know about and how love started from something else entirely and how much Babe loves Charlie despite himself and despite his own logic because Charlie showed him how to love.
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Charlie finally telling the whole truth to Babe and to the audience so we have at least an idea of what's going on but also the heartbreak of knowing that being close to and being loved by the person you love was stealing a part of yourself.
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Question: how does he know this?
But also Babe denying Charlie that, making very sure that he knows he has to live and that even without his senses he won't give up. Babe telling Charlie to keep living without having to say the words, denying the return of his powers because he wants this love and softness he's discovered.
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Babe is so desperate for love and to be loved and Charlie gives him that love and that softness and they reconcile so quickly because Babe needs to be loved, to be soft, to be cared for and held and pampered.
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pharawee · 6 months
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"Am I not doing well? What do you like?"
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tiny-feisty-gay · 21 days
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sorry i was just thinking about them during the final battle interacting and being so connected while fighting for their lives
the wives ever
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fan-fricking-fiction · 4 months
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Pit babe ft. commentary textposts
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ohmark · 2 months
No jinx but CHANGE2561 are really FOR THE FANS. Like each pairing/actor from Pit Babe is getting a chance to shine in a different show, with less characters than PB this time, so they will all individually gain more popularity. All 3 dramas are different from each other and match the actors. And then we have a S2 for Pit Babe. It is not often BL dramas get a S2, especially ones with different storylines and the S2 actually has plot - not just a “few years after” kinda thing (like 2gether or TharnType S2). On top of that, their new GL looks excellent. THANK YOU CHANGE!
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fortunatefires · 4 months
It's so funny to me that Babe is supposed to be this super stoic mysterious dude then Charlie comes around and he's like "Here's my apartment key. Can I see you after work? Meet up for drinks later?" They fuck like 6 times in the first episode. And the second Charlie threatens to not follow him around like a puppy babe immediately folds. Zero fuckin spine. Charlie just has to pout for 0.0006 seconds and Babe is tripping over himself to fix it
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istanchan · 5 months
I’m back again with my Charlie/Pooh agenda. Because I know he had less than 10 mins of screen time but I felt his presence permeate the entire episode.
I keep thinking back to what he said to Babe at the end of episode 9, “The only reason I’m here is because of you”
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It’s clear to see how Charlie brought purpose into Babe’s life, but no one really talks about how Babe did the same for Charlie. Although they both grew up in Tony’s household, Babe grew up in the spotlight, prized for his powers. Tony may not have cared for him, but he cared for his powers and for that he was never ignored.
Charlie grew up the complete opposite. He was always in the background, a fly on the wall. I didn’t read the novel and the show doesn’t shed much light on Charlie’s upbringing prior to entering Tony’s house. However, what if it’s just that Charlie didn’t have anything. He was most likely orphaned and trafficked before he was too young to form memories of his past life. He most likely didn’t have any siblings. And growing up not presenting any powers made him invisible.
He has never had anyone care for him, not even Tony. Even after discovering his powers, Tony lets him go. And he feels his life has no purpose, that is until Babe. When he hears of Babe, his natural instincts to care and help spark. This is what he was meant to do. To Charlie providing is what gives him purpose, even if that means at the cost of his own life.
That first day Charlie encountered Babe, he had no idea what to expect or what exactly he would have to do to warn Babe. That’s why he’s so shocked by Babe wanting to fuck him. He agrees for Babe’s sake. Even their first sexual encounter is Charlie caring for Babe’s safety and future. What Charlie didn’t expect was to fall in love with Babe in the process. Neither of them did.
But to Charlie, loving Babe comes as easy as breathing. He welcomes Babe into his life, and it gives his life a meaning. He wants to hold Babe and feed him and kiss him and maybe a small part of him longs for a future. But Charlie doesn’t think of himself. He thinks of Babe.
When he takes Babe’s powers away he’s completely willing to give it back it it means Babe will be happy and content.
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Charlie is the literal definition of I will die for you because I love. His emotions in the beginning of episode of 10, broke me.
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Even when he is willingly getting into a car that will lead to his “death” all Charlie is thinking about is Babe. He has so much he wants to say, but he can’t. He wants to protect Babe from any harm and he feel this is the only way he can.
In Charlie’s life he has two people. Babe and Jeff. He is willing to go to the ends of the world for them, that’s just the way he is.
Pooh plays his character so beautifully. I’ve talked about this so many times but his eyes are so expressive. His last look at Babe before crashing was full with anguish and a hint of guilt. He has to hurt the person he loves to save him. That is such an incredible sacrifice to make.
I feel like I have so much more to say but I’m at work rn so maybe later
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color-without-lines · 4 months
It’s how the kids “raised” by Tony are all affected differently as adults.
Babe, who believes his life is only worthwhile because of his special senses and skills. Who pretends to not need love but is longing for it. Who thinks that he cannot be loved because he is unworthy of love.
Charlie, who believes his life is worth less than other people’s and would rather sacrifice himself than see others suffer. Who thinks he shouldn’t be loved because it will put the people who love him in danger.
Jeff, who believes his life threatens anyone who knows his abilities, so he keeps everyone at an arm’s length away. Who thinks he cannot be loved because it will only lead to hurt and frustration.
Pete, who managed to escape Tony’s grip, but is still entangled in his web. Who saved himself and is now desperate to help others do the same. Who hasn’t given love a chance because he’s still only relying on himself.
Way, who believes he can force love if he tries hard enough. Who never considers life beyond Tony’s influence because he doesn’t think such a future is possible. Who is desperate for love but doesn’t realize that he is already loved and surrounded by a family of his own.
Kenta, who believes that if he does everything Tony asks of him, he will be loved. Who doesn’t understand that a man like Tony does not love but only uses. Who has lived in exile for so long that he’s lost sight of love and only knows loyalty.
It’s how they are all survivors and how they learn through the course of the show what love is and what it isn’t. And that they are capable and deserving of love despite what they were taught as children.
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bambooochan6 · 5 months
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Because I cannot express my thoughts and feelings well in English, I am happy that I find someone to express them instead of me ❤️
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anonymouscheeses · 2 months
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gunsatthaphan · 5 months
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"I'm not afraid."
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heretherebedork · 6 months
Pit Babe is one of my favorite types to trope that BL does not take enough advantage of and that is 'what happens when your only way out is hypermasculinity but you really aren't like naturally and so wear it like a shield again the softness so deeply inherent in your nature that your cannot risk it being exposed?' and the answer is... Babe. Babe happens.
A hypermasculine racer who tries to avoid any kind of sexual or romantic connection and pretends he doesn't care at all who melts the instant anyone shows him that they can treat him sweetly and loses himself entirely in even the tiniest amount of affection because he has never been able to safely allow himself that affection.
Babe wears masculinity like a second skin and he blocks people out and he snaps and he glares and he teases the friends he doesn't love because they are safe and they remind him that he will never love or be loved because he is not that kind of man and he scoffs and bets the first person who's given him what he wanted on a race because that's what men do. They don't care.
But the longer he spends with Charlie the less comfortable he gets in his second skin. Charlie peels him bare with a stroke of his hair, with a kiss to his forehead, with a sweet smile, with breakfast in the morning, by fighting for him, by protecting him, by waiting at home for him, by soothing him when he sulks and pouts. Charlie found all those soft parts that Babe has been protecting with his masculinity and exposed them so tenderly and so kindly and with nothing more than love.
And I love that. I want more of that. I want more toxic masculine characters realizing the persona they've crafted for themselves is not their true self but rather a mask, armor, a second skin for the world and to be able to expose the softness in the safety of the person they love.
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queersouthasian · 4 months
Since Pit Babe's end is knocking at the door, I am back in my CharlieBabe feels. I think no relationship will get to me the way they did. I will always be in awe about how human they are and how much humans can love if they want to.
I will never get over how pain shaped Charlie and Babe so differently. Pain shaped Charlie's kindness, his way of loving and caring, his want to give. He has grown up to be the exact person he wished he had growing up. A kind soul who cares so much, who loves so much. But Charlie isn't naive or stupid. Even though he is a natural caretaker he doesn't let people take advantage of him. He is careful and smart while being a giver. And there is Babe, who just wanted to be loved and wanted to love, but was wounded in the attempt to do so that it ruined the definition of love for him. He started believing that love can only bring him pain. This pain shaped his defense. Even though he had found a family of his own, he didn't let anyone venture into those parts of him which hurt the most. He was a desirable sexy alpha racer for everyone, the "Pit Babe", until he became someone's "Phi Babe",
Charlie's arrival was like a gentle knock, where he lets him in thinking he could kick him away anytime, until he could no longer do so, till he feared the idea of the latter's absence alone. It's the way Charlie buries his pain under his smile whereas Babe does it under his cockyness, smugness, so called ego. Charlie picked up babe's broken pieces, some being so sharp it cut through him, but he kept picking those up. And he caressed them. Whereas babe took Charlie's and made them his. They both shared each other's pain. Charlie is loud in love and silent in pain just like babe is the opposite.
But what makes them and their love so human is their flaws. It's the way babe wants to fight along side Charlie but Charlie pushes him away so that he doesn't even get a single scratch on him. But can you blame him? Babe himself wants to fight together but at the face of danger, covers Charlie with his whole body, pushes him back so he doesn't get hurt, so no one can touch him. They can't find equality to save their fucking lives 'cause they are each other's priority, at the face of danger, they would both die and kill for the other.
Their love brings pain and grief as well. Charlie lies and lies 'cause when it comes to his beloved being safe and happy, he would do anything. Anything. Babe may hate him but atleast he will be safe and in peace but Charlie can't fathom that. Charlie fears babe hating him, misunderstanding him. That's why instead of being happy after the "death" that babe is safe, everything assured, he is grieving and is in guilt. He has caused his lover pain again unintentionally. Whereas for babe this grief hits different. He thinks he deserved it, 'cause he didn't let Charlie know how much he meant to him, how much he loved him when he could. He lost Charlie, he lost that one thing he had which he didn't even dare to wish for before, a love, a genuine lover. It was like loosing something extremely valuable for him. He was supposed to keep him safe. But he lost him. He blames himself for not loving his beloved in the same volume. Whenever they locked eyes before, babe had this "I can't believe I have you, What did I do to deserve you" whereas Charlie has this "you deserve every piece of me and more" look on their faces, in their stares. Babe would look like he has found the most beautiful angel whereas Charlie would look like babe has hung stars in the sky. In the last ep, when Charlie comes in to save, even though still physically weak, driven by rage that people hurt babe, his face changes from anger to concern and love and guilt, "I am here for you" whereas for babe his eyes immediately turn red glistening with tears, bewilderment mixed with hope. A hope of finally finding that lost thing, a "finally you are here"
This relationship will last beyond generations and lifetimes, in which every version of them, will search for the other. A love so human it feels like a hope. A hope to love again.
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7-ate-9 · 29 days
It’s funny to me that people think Nick Nelson is the type to refuse to admit he’s sick. On a darker note, he’s seen in what happened with Charlie just how dangerous that could be, but on a lighter note, you know Sarah Nelson coddled her children when they were sick. Nick is totally comfortable with someone taking care of him. In the show, he admits at the bonfire that hes feeling unwell and they go home and Charlie makes him his tea. I feel it in my bones, Nick Nelson turns into a whiny baby when he’s got the sniffles and you can’t change my mind.
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