#i love a cute lil chapter where john is just loving on his girls
johnsbleu · 10 months
Hold My Hand: John Wick x Reader Chapter 156
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warnings: nsfw, john’s pov (i love how that’s a warning lmao) HMH Masterlist
The shop is always so peaceful and quiet in the mornings. The sun peeks in through the windows and shines on the the floor, leaving the shadows of the window panes. The plants that Y/N bought look so nice and green in the sunlight, and they add some color to the shop. I told her that the shop doesn’t need any more plants, but who am I to say no to her? She’s just too damn cute.
I grab the watering can and fill it up with some water in the bathroom, then I stop and turn around to head into the office to grab the plant food Y/N bought for the plants. I can already hear her right now telling me to ‘feed her babies’. I smile a little when I think about her, then I add a few drops of the liquid to the water and slosh it around to mix it up before I head back out to water the plants.
Looking over at the door, I see Tony knocking on the door to be let in, so I set the watering can aside and walk over to unlock the door.
“Hey, Mr. Wick.” Tony says, and I let out a small laugh. He shakes his head and laughs, “John, sorry. It just feels wrong sometimes.”
“No worries.” I grab the watering can and finish watering the plants that are littered throughout the shop, then I wave when Katie walks in, “Hey.”
Katie smiles as she shuts the door, “Surprised to see you here.”
“Yeah,” I laugh as I look at her, “Grace has to take her mom to an appointment this morning, so I’m just opening until she’s able to come in.”
“How’s the Mrs. and the little munchkin?”
I smile at the thought of my beautiful girls back home waiting for me, “They’re good. Both were fast asleep when I left this morning. Ro is cutting another tooth, so it was a sleepless night for all of us last night, which isn’t great since we have Ronan’s nine month checkup this afternoon.”
“Oh,” Katie grimaces, then she nods as she walks over to me, “My nephew is teething. I know how hard that is. My condolences.”
“Thanks. I’ll pass them along.” I smile, then I look over at Tony as he begins to go through a box of books we just got. I walk over to change to the sign on the door to let people know we’re open, then I take another quick walk around the shop to make sure everything is in place.
There’s a new shipment of toys and books for the kid’s section, so I walk into the office and grab it so I can put them out on the shelves. I smile when I open the box and see the stuffed animals inside, and I grab out the little pig and set it aside for a very special girl who I know will love it. I grab out several stuffed animals and clip them to the rope for toys, then I set books out on the display before I stand back and admire my work a little.
There’s a few things that I need to get done this morning; just some more shipments of new books and things, and I also need to make the schedule for next week, then I can finally head home to see my girls.
Since Grace came in a little early, I was able to get out early as well, which is great since Y/N probably needs my help to get Ro ready for the day. It’s only a little after 10, so I decide to call her to see if she’s eaten anything yet--I know Ro will have eaten by now, but Y/N tends to forget about herself.
“Hi, baby.”
“Hi, are you on your way home?”
I smile as I nod, “I am, I just wanted to call and see if you’ve eaten yet.”
“I just fed Bug, now we’re laying in bed just relaxing.”
I nod my head again since I know she hasn’t eaten, “Okay, well, I’ll be home in about 15 minutes.”
Y/N laughs when Ronan babbles loudly into the phone, “She said that she wants you to hurry up because she misses her daddy.”
“Well, I’ll be there soon,” I laugh, turning down the street to the bagel shop, “I love you.”
“Don’t take too long, I miss you!”
Nodding my head, I laugh a little, “I miss you too. I’ll be there shortly.”
“Okay, I love you.”
“I love you too, peach.”
Walking into the house, I smile when Bleu trots over to greet me, then he runs back to the stairs and looks at me, like he’s telling me that the girls are upstairs. I follow him upstairs and smile when I turn the corner and see Y/N standing in front of the mirror as she fixes her romper thing she’s wearing.
“Hi.” I smile, and she looks over at me and perks up. She has a little hop in her step as she walks over and wraps her arms around my waist, then she kisses me several times before she leans back and looks down to see that I have stuff in my hands, “I bought you breakfast.”
“What? Baby, that’s so sweet.” she smiles as she looks up at me, then she stands on her tiptoes to kiss me again. “Ro is napping right now, but she should be up soon.”
I nod my head as I hand the bag and orange juice to her, “Go eat. I can get her when she’s up.”
“Best man ever,” she smiles, and I pat her behind as she walks past. She turns around and scrunches her eyebrows, “Aren’t you coming with me? She won’t be up for another 15 minutes, I’m sure.”
“Yeah, I’m coming with.” I laugh, and she smiles as she turns around and heads downstairs with me behind her. She sits down on the couch and looks up at me with big curious eyes, and I laugh, “What?”
Y/N shakes her head as she shrugs, then she reaches in for her bagel and sees there’s one for me as well. She hands it to me and sits back on the couch as she begins to pulls pieces off. It’s a little habit that she has which I find adorable--instead of just biting into the bagel like most, she’ll pull off small parts and eat them.
“How’s the shop? Oh, did you water the plants?”
“I did,” I nod as I look at her, “I even put the plant food in it.”
Y/N smiles as she looks at me, “Thank you. They’re getting big, aren’t they?”
“They are. The one has really long vines that are starting to hang down.”
“Ooh, I can cut them off and make a whole new plant.” she says, and I smile as I reach over to wipe away the cream cheese on her lip. “The shop was good though?”
I nod, leaning forward to take a drink of her orange juice, “Yeah, Tony and Katie came in, then Grace came in a little later since her mom had an appointment.”
Y/N hums as she nods, “That’s why she was coming in late. I completely forgot. I wanted to send her and her mom some flowers because she’s starting chemo, I should do that now.”
“Baby,” I put my hand out and stop her from getting up, “Sit down.”
Y/N widens her eyes a little as she sits back down, “What?”
“Just sit down,” I laugh as she looks at me as her eyes grow sad, “I just want to sit with you for a few minutes.”
A smile spreads across her face as she moves closer to me, “You just want me to yourself?”
“Yes!” I laugh as I nod, then I pull her closer to kiss her a few times. I lean back to look at her as she keeps her eyes closed and smiles softly, then she opens her eyes and pecks me quickly before she finishes her bagel. “After Ro’s appointment in a bit, I have somewhere I want to bring you two. I just heard about it the other day, so I wanted to surprise my girls, but I knew you’d think it was weird if I started driving in the opposite direction of home after we leave the doctor.”
Y/N perks up and smiles, “A surprise?”
“Yup.” I nod, then I lean over to kiss her. I look over my shoulder when I hear Bleu whimpering at the top of the stairs to let me know Ronan is awake, then I kiss Y/N again before I get up.
“Give me a hint!” Y/N says as she kneels on the couch, and I look over at her and shake my head before I head upstairs. “Ugh! You’re the worst!”
I laugh as I look at her, “You just said I was the best man ever five minutes ago.”
“Okay, well, you are the best man ever,” she says, smiling as sweet as she can so I’ll give her a hint, but I shake my head and continue walking upstairs.
Pushing the door open to Ronan’s room, I smile and wave at her as she stands up and reaches up for me. I walk over to turn off her noise machine, then I get a new diaper out since she’ll need to be changed.
“Hey, Bug.” I smile as I walk over to get her from her crib, and I hug and kiss her as she stretches out a little. “You’re stinky.”
“She gets that from you.” Y/N says as she walks in, then she smiles and waves at Ronan before I lay her down to change her.
I make noises and faces at Ronan to keep her from getting fussy while I change her diaper, then I quickly put a new one on and look over to see what Y/N is picking for Ronan to wear. She holds up a little onesie that is a pale pink, then she grabs something else, but I don’t know what they’re called.
“Look at these,” Y/N smiles, holding up the outfit for Ronan, “Tess bought it the other day.”
“What are those called?”
Y/N scrunches her face up as she thinks, “Uh, I don’t know. I think my mom always called them bloomers. I just call them ruffle butt shorts.”
I laugh as I look down at Ronan, then I hold her as she stands up in front of me. Y/N pulls the onesie over Ronan’s head and gets her arms through it, then she snaps it closed before she pulls on the little shorts with the ruffles on the butt.
“So pretty!” she smiles as Ronan squeals.
“No bow today?” I ask, and Y/N scoffs as she shakes her head since we both know Ronan will just rip it off. “How was she this morning?”
Y/N grabs out the little sandals for Ronan, then she sets them aside before she grabs her things to pack for the day, “Uh, pretty good actually. After you left this morning, I went back to bed since she was still sleeping, then she finally woke up around…8. She ate, we played, then she went down for her nap. She’s been good. Still drooling quite a bit.”
“How are you?” I ask, and Y/N stands up straight and looks at me. “How are you, mom? Are you still hungry?”
“No.” she shakes her head and smiles as she walks over to me, then she places her hand on the back of my neck and pulls me down to her lips, “How did I get so lucky?”
I laugh as I shake my head, “I ask myself how I got so lucky every day.”
Ronan babbles as Y/N and I look into each other’s eyes, then we look at her and smile when she bounces in my arms.
“Who’s this big guy, huh?” Y/N asks, and Ronan giggles, “Is that your daddy? Your dada?”
A smile spreads across my face when I hear Ronan babbling and saying ‘dada’ over and over, and I smother her little face in kisses. She tilts her head back and giggles loudly when I tickle her, then she looks at her momma and reaches for her.
“Oh, I’ll protect you!” she laughs as she takes her, then she makes a loud chomping noise in the crook of her neck as Ronan giggles loudly. Y/N leans back to look at Ronan as she laughs, then she looks over at me.
“Man, she’s really starting to look like you.” I laugh as I look at them, then I shake my head, “I think she’s momma’s twin lately.”
Y/N smiles as she looks over at Ronan, “It’s the dimple in the right cheek. She still looks just like her daddy. She’s gorgeous.”
“She is,” I nod, then I cup Y/N’s cheek, “So are you, peach. You look beautiful today.”
“It’s makeup and coffee,” she says as we laugh, then she nods, “Lots of makeup.”
I shake my head and lean down to kiss her, “It’s not. You’re just beautiful, baby.”
Y/N leans back and smiles at me, “Thank you, handsome.”
“Now because of this surprise, the only hint I’ll give you is that maybe you should bring a change of clothes for bug.” I say, and Y/N perks up, “It’s an outside surprise.”
“Am I dressed okay?” she asks, looking down at her outfit before she looks up at me.
I nod my head and smile, “Definitely. I just thought you’d want to bring a change of clothes for her in case she gets dirty. I’m gonna need some pictures of my girls, but we can take those right away before she gets dirty.”
Y/N cocks up her eyebrow and smirks, “I’m very curious.”
“You’re gonna love it.” I smile at her, then I leave the room.
Ronan’s appointments always make me so nervous, Y/N as well. We both know that Ronan is a happy and healthy little girl, but there’s always that small fear that something could be wrong with her. An underlying illness we don’t know about. It stresses us out.
Y/N is holding Ronan in her lap as best as she can since she’s fighting to be put down, but as soon as she lets go of her, she’ll open every cupboard in here. She scoots her up in her arms as Ronan fusses a little, and I lean over to tickle Ronan’s belly and hopefully calm her down. The door finally opens as Doctor Marlene walks in, and I reach out to shake her hand before she sits down on the chair and places Ronan’s chart in her lap.
“Hi, Ronan.” she smiles as she reaches out to tickle her tummy, and Ronan cries as she squirms, “You can put her down.”
“Are you sure? She’s a handful.” Y/N grimaces, “She’ll get into everything.”
Doctor Marlene laughs as she reaches over and tugs on the cupboards, “Baby proof.”
Y/N lets Ronan off her lap, but she keeps her eye completely fixed on her until I reach over and pat her thigh a little to calm her down.
“Alright,” Doctor Marlene inhales and opens the chart as she sets it on the desk, “Is she eating well?”
“Oh, yeah.” Y/N laughs as we look at each other, “She’s been eating a variety of baby foods, but she still gets formula. She’s drinking from a sippy cup. We’ve even managed to get her to drink from a real cup a few times, we’re very proud.”
Doctor Marlene chuckles, “Oh, that’s always so exciting though. How’s her sleep? She sleeping okay?”
“Yeah,” I nod as Y/N smiles, “She sleeps through the night, maybe once or twice she’ll fuss a little and one of us will go soothe her, but for the most part, she’s doing good. Getting two naps during the day as well.”
“Good, good.” she nods, then she looks at us again, “How’s the poopy diapers? Consistency and color been changing a bit with the introduction of foods?”
I laugh as Y/N looks at me and raises her eyebrows, “Yeah, got a bit of a scare the other day when I changed her and noticed her…poop wasn’t the right color. Y/N had to remind me that we had been feeding Ronan peas for a few days.”
“Hey, we’ve all been there,” Doctor Marlene laughs, and we all look over at Ronan as she toddles around the room, “I see she’s walking really well. When did that start?”
“June 14th,” I say, and Y/N smiles softly when I look at her, “We were sitting in the living room playing, and next thing we knew she was walking over to us after she had crawled away.”
“Hmm, so she’s sitting with no support, pulling herself up, and walking,” Doctor Marlene smiles, then she looks over at Ronan when she says ‘dada’ and walks to me, “And saying ‘dada’.”
Y/N laughs and reaches over to pinch Ronan’s cheek, “Her first word, of course. ‘Mama’ wasn’t far behind though, I have to brag a little.”
Doctor Marlene smiles, then she inhales deeply, “Well, let’s get the worst part over with.”
I sit back and watch as the doctor lifts up Ronan and sets her on the scale, then she quickly jots down on her chart. She looks over her shoulder at Y/N and smiles when she gets up to help. I would walk over to help, but the room is small and I don’t want to crowd around them.
“26 inches.” Y/N laughs, then she looks over at me, “I think she’s gonna be short.”
“Just like her mom.” I smile, and Y/N looks over at me again as she smiles.
Ronan giggles when Y/N picks her up and holds her, then she squeals loudly as Y/N laughs and walks over to sit with me. Doctor Marlene sits back down and smiles as she looks through Ronan’s chart, then she looks up at Ronan and pinches her chunky leg.
“She needs one shot today.” she says, and I nod as I look over at Ronan in Y/N’s lap, “Just one quick little shot, and you’re free to go. She’s usually good with her shots.”
“She is,” Y/N smiles as she kisses Ronan’s cheek, then she hands her to me since I’m closer to the doctor.
I take Ronan and set her in my lap, then I hold her legs a little since she’s kicking them. Doctor Marlene starts to sing and dance a little as she squeezes Ronan’s legs and arms to keep her in a good mood, then she gets the needle ready and smiles at Ronan.
Doctor Marlene sings to distract Ronan, then she smiles and gives her the shot, “Boop!”
Ronan stares at the doctor for a moment with her wide brown eyes, then she kicks her legs and laughs. Y/N leans over to kiss her cheek, then she smiles as she looks up at me.
Doctor Marlene laughs, “Such a good kiddo. You’re all set!”
“Thank you.” Y/N smiles as she gets Ronan dressed.
“Enjoy this weather, it’s gorgeous today.” she says, then she waves at Ronan, “Bye-bye.”
Ronan looks up at the doctor and waves, then she squeals and looks up at Y/N as she pulls her little bloomers back on. She puts Ronan on her hip and turns around to look at me, then she smiles and leans down to kiss me.
“Yup,” I stand up and hold the door open for my girls, then I smile as they walk out and look at me.
Even though Ronan’s eyes are brown like mine, she looks so much like her mom when I look into her eyes. They both have this curiosity in them, and they both can bring me to my knees. I love them so much, and I couldn’t imagine my life without my girls.
“Now onto my surprise,” I say, and Y/N looks at me and grins as she squints her eyes, still trying her hardest to guess.
Both of the girls fell asleep on the drive, but to be fair, it was almost an hour long drive and neither of them got much sleep last night. I almost contemplated just driving back home since they’re so tired, but I know Y/N would probably be upset and feel bad since she’d think she’d ruined my big surprise or something.
I park the car and turn it off before I reach over and gently rub the back of my hand against Y/N’s cheek to wake her up, and I smile when she inhales deeply and opens her eyes a little.
“Oh god, I fell asleep.” she whispers, then she looks over at me and laughs, “That’s embarrassing.”
“You’re tired.” I smile at her as I shrug, “It’s okay.”
Y/N yawns as she sits up, then she pulls down the visor so she can check herself in the mirror. She rotates her neck a little and looks over her shoulder to check on Ronan, then she smiles at me before she looks around to see we’re in a parking lot.
“Oh, our surprise?”
“Yup,” I nod, then I pucker my lips for a kiss. She smiles as she leans over to kiss me, then she cups my face and leans back to look at me. I give her another kiss before we both look back at Ronan as she begins to make noise, then I kiss the palm of Y/N’s hand. “I’ll get her.”
Getting out of the car, I pop the trunk and open the back door to get Ronan out, then I kiss her cheek and bring her to the back so I can change her diaper. Y/N looks around as she stands next to me, and I smile when she stands on her tiptoes to get a look at where we are.
“Nice try,” I laugh, and Y/N scoffs and playfully rolls her eyes. “You only have to wait a few more minutes.”
Y/N points at the stroller, silently asking if we need it, and I nod my head since we probably will. I’ll push it if Ronan ends up wanting to walk, but most likely she’ll get tired from walking after a while. Y/N smiles when I put Ronan in the stroller, then she watches as I grab Ro’s bag and her purse and stuff them into the basket under the stroller.
“Alright…” I smile at Y/N, and I place my hand on her back as we begin to walk. “Have any idea?”
“To be honest…” Y/N laughs as she shakes her head, “No.”
I smile as I lean down to kiss her, then I look around before I move my hand down to her ass and squeeze it. I spank her a few times as we walk through the parking lot, and Y/N shakes her head and laughs quietly.
“You look so good today.” I whisper to her, and she raises her eyebrows and looks up at me. “Maybe mom and dad can have some alone time later?”
“I was really hoping for that.” she smiles, nodding her head.
I place my hand on her back again as we walk up to the gate, and I see Y/N perk up more as I walk over to pay for our tickets. The woman behind the counter leans up to see Ronan in the stroller, then she smiles before she slides two tickets across for me and Y/N.
I give the woman a smile and wave as we walk through the gate, then I turn around and look at Ronan, “You’re free because you’re so little!”
“Thank god…” Y/N laughs, “12 bucks for a toddler is ridiculous!”
Shaking my head, I let out a small laugh as I walk over to Y/N and kiss her. She smiles as she looks at me, then she looks around and perks up when she looks into the distance.
“Is that…”
“500…thousand sunflowers.” I say, Y/N gasps as she looks over at me, “And guess what? We can even pick some to take home. They have seeds too that we can take home and plant.”
Y/N smiles as she looks around, then she points, “There’s even a little barnyard.”
“See why I wanted to bring a change of clothes for bug?” I ask, and she nods her head and laughs, “I want to get some pictures of us all first, then we can change her. I should have brought Bleu. We could take some family pictures here today.”
When Y/N sees the petting zoo with goats, she gasps loudly and grabs my arm, yanking me along with her. I push Ronan’s shoulder, laughing as I try to keep up with my wife.
Pressing a kiss to Ronan’s cheek, I rock her back and forth, then I smile when Y/N leans up to kiss her too. She rubs her hand over Ronan’s hair and smiles, then she kisses her again before I lay her down in her crib.
Y/N walks over and stands by the door and smiles when I look at her, then she gestures to the kitchen. I nod my head and look back down at Ronan, then I walk over to turn on her nightlight and noise machine before I close the door behind me a little.
From the top of the stairs, I can see the slightest glimpse of Y/N as she cleans up the mess in the kitchen, so I head down to help her.
She’s been a little more quiet since we got home, and she keeps staring at me and looking away when I look at her. I feel like there might be something weighing on her mind, and I want her to be open and talk with me about it.
“She down?”
“Out like a light.” I laugh, then I reach over to grab the condiments on the counter to put them away. “Are you tired?”
Y/N sighs, “A little, but I feel like I won’t be able to sleep again tonight. She’s been good today and her teeth aren’t bothering her too bad, but I just…don’t think I’ll sleep that well tonight.”
“Are you okay?” I ask as I look at her, and she nods, wiping down the counter with a wet rag. “Baby…”
“I’m okay.” she says as she looks up at me.
I hold her gaze for a moment, then I walk over to put away the clean dishes. I bump into Y/N’s backside when she moves, and I spank her a few times as she quietly laughs.
Usually I’d get some cheeky comment from her, or she’d just bend over the counter so I’d spank her again, but she just smiles and moves past. Very unlike her.
I watch as Y/N stands at the counter for a moment and looks around, probably thinking of what she’s going to clean next, and I walk over and stand behind her. I reach up to move her hair off her shoulder, then I lean down and kiss her neck, hoping like hell she’s going to give me the invitation to take this further. She tilts her head back against my chest and smiles--that’s a yes--and I look down as I move my hands up to her breasts. She’s only wearing a tank top since it was a little warmer in the house when we got home earlier, and I can see she’s not wearing a bra.
Reaching up, I pull the strap of her tank top down to reveal her breast, then I caress it in my hand before I twist and roll her nipple between my finger and thumb. Y/N lets out a small breath as she leans back against my chest, then she looks down and watches as I pull the other strap of her tank top down. I suck and kiss on her neck as she leans back in my arms, then I turn her around and lift her onto the counter.
We maintain eye contact for a moment, then I reach up and pull her shirt off before our lips meet for a kiss. She tugs my shirt up a little, so I stand back and pull it off, then I’m right back to kissing her again. Cupping her face in my hand, I slide my tongue into her mouth and hum when I taste hers, then I pull her shorts off. She kisses my forehead and cheek as I help her get her underwear off, then she lays back and spreads her legs as I dive between them. I immediately dip my tongue deep into her pussy to get a good taste, then I suck on her clit as she squirms a little.
“Shit, yeah, keep doing that.” she whimpers, then she reaches down to tug my hair a little, “Oh, fuck!”
I reach down to pull my pants and boxers off, then I stroke myself as I continue to eat her out. I kiss along her thighs as she sits up and breathes heavily, then she watches as I scoot her closer. She reaches forward and takes me into her hand, stroking me a few times, then she positions me between her legs and looks at me as I slide in deep. My eyes roll shut when I feel her wet and warm for me, and I reach up and kiss her as I slowly thrust my hips.
“Wait…” she whispers to me, then she hops off the counter and leans over. I slide back between her legs and put my hand over her mouth since I know she’s going to moan loudly, and I smile when she does. “Oh, shit.”
“Ah, fuck…” I laugh quietly, “I’m never gonna last.”
Y/N chuckles a little as she looks over her shoulder at me, “I know.”
Placing my hands on her waist, I pull her down onto me harder and faster as we both pant loudly, and she puts her head down and moans against the granite countertop. She clings the side of it as I roll my hips, then she reaches back and places her hand on my stomach.
“Slow down…” she whispers, then she leans up a little, “Let me feel every inch of you.”
I lean over her back as I slowly slide in and out of her wet pussy, then I reach up and slide my finger into her mouth as we both moan. She sucks on my middle finger as I fuck her slowly, then she squeezes her eyes shut and nods for me to pick up the pace. I jerk my hips faster and harder knocking the breath out of her every time, then I lean down and suck on her neck before moving up to the spot behind her ear that always drives her crazy.
“John,” she moans softly, reaching back to place her hand on the back of my neck to pull me closer, then she moans when I begin rubbing circles on her clit, “Keep going, keep fucking me, don’t stop!”
Panting against her shoulder, I grip her sides tighter as she moans, then I let out a small laugh when I feel her rolling her hips to ride out her orgasm and letting out a string of moans, curse words, and my name.
“Oh shit, John, oh fuck…” she moans, then she leans over the counter and looks back at me as I stand up and fuck her harder to bring on my orgasm. She closes her eyes and leans her head against the counter, and I look down to watch as I slide and out of her wet pussy.
“Shit…” I whisper quietly, then I grip her sides tight as I lean over her and groan loudly, spilling inside of her as I squeeze my eyes shut and see colors dancing between them. “Oh, fuck…”
Y/N leans over so she can see me, then she smiles as she tilts her head back to kiss me, “Thank you. I needed that.”
I laugh breathlessly as I nod, “I did too.”
Y/N moves from in front of me and grabs her shirt from the counter and grabs her shorts, then she walks away as I stand there with my pants around my ankles. I watch as she walks upstairs to our room, and I furrow my brow a little by her cold demeanor.
I pull my pants up and grab my shirt, then I head upstairs to see if she’ll talk to me. I watch her as she walks around the bedroom and throws her clothes into the laundry basket, then she opens the drawer and pulls out a nightgown to put on. I slouch a little when she walks into the bathroom to brush her teeth, and I sit down on the bed.
After a few minutes, Y/N comes out of the bathroom and smiles softly as she walks over to get into bed. I raise my eyebrows when she looks up at me, and she furrows her brow and laughs.
“What?” she laughs, grabbing lotion to rub into her hands.
I exhale a little as I pull my jeans off and toss them into the laundry basket along with my shirt, then I walk over to sit on Y/N’s side of the bed.
“What’s going on with you?” I ask as I reach for her hands, “Are you okay? Talk to me.”
Y/N looks up at me and sighs as she closes her eyes, “It’s stupid. Like, it’s seriously the dumbest thing ever. You’re going to laugh over how stupid it is.”
“It’s not stupid if it’s making you upset.” I say, and Y/N shrugs a little as she nods. “Talk to me.”
Y/N inhales deeply and sits up to take my hands, “I couldn’t sleep last night because I just kept having such bad…nightmares.”
“Like when you were pregnant?”
“Yeah,” she nods as she looks at me, “I’m obviously not pregnant, I’m on birth control again, but…yeah, they were bad nightmares.”
I look down at Y/N’s hand as I rub my thumb over her wedding ring, “Is that why you’ve been staring at me all day?”
“Well, that, and you’re just so handsome!” Y/N laughs as she shrugs, then she rolls her eyes, “It’s so dumb, I don’t even want to say it but I know you’ll be upset if I don’t say it--just like I would be if the roles were reversed.”
Y/N takes a deep breath and leans back against the headboard, “I had a few dreams last night, and one was like…we were together, but we lived in an apartment and it was late at night. You came home at like, 3 in the morning with pizza, and you were…wearing a suit, and you were sweaty and bloody. You came home, we ate, went to bed, and that was it. It was just us in this little one bedroom apartment in NYC. We had nothing. Almost like we moved around a lot or something, like we couldn’t ever stay in one place. It wasn’t scary, but it was kind of like a glimpse of what our life would be like had we gone in a different direction. I just woke up and felt…sad and empty, and I can’t explain why.”
“You were sad because that’s a terrible life. Who the hell would want that life?” I laugh, and Y/N shrugs as she looks at me, “That’s certainly not a life that I would want for me or for you, especially not for you. The moment I realized how important you were to me, which was fairly quickly, that was the moment I realized that that old life wasn’t the one I wanted anymore. I want this life. I want to sit on the couch and do nothing with you, which we’re very good at. I want to go swimming with my girls, go see beautiful flowers, and surprise my babies with things. I want to raise my children with the love of my life, and I can’t really do that when I have a gun in my hand and I’m constantly leaving home, now can I?”
Y/N bites her cheek as she nods, “Right.”
“I also think you were sad because in this nightmare of yours, what’s the one thing we didn’t have that we can’t live without?” I say, and she looks at me, furrowing her brow, “Ronan Charlotte.”
She laughs as she nods her head, “God, I can’t imagine our life without her, John. She is the most precious thing to me. You and her are so fucking important to me. If I lost you or her--”
“I’m not leaving,” I whisper as I cup her face, and she nods again. “Was that your only nightmare?”
“I had another one where you cheated on me with someone at the shop.” she says quickly, and I furrow my brow and laugh. “I know! I know how stupid it is. I can’t control my brain when I’m asleep, Jonathan!”
I shake my head as I lean over to kiss her a few times, “I love you, but sometimes your brain is…”
“Dumb! I know!” she laughs, then she shakes her head and looks at me, “I know it won’t happen, so don’t even prepare your speech.”
Putting my hands up in defense, I laugh, “Okay, fine.”
“It isn’t anything you do or don’t do, okay?” she says, and I nod. “It’s not our relationship, it’s not how you treat me, it’s not you at all. I promise. It’s...it’s me. It’s my past, and it’s not fair to you. It’s not fair that I can’t get those thoughts out of my head and you end up thinking you’re not doing a good job at loving me. I promise you, John, I know that you love me, and I know that you love the life that we have. I know you’re not going to stray or find someone else.”
I reach over and wipe away the tear on her cheek, “There is no one else. There’s only you. Only you are on my radar.”
Y/N smiles softly as she leans into the palm of my head, “It’s unfair to you because you say shit like that.”
“I’d never leave.” I whisper as I move closer to her, “I’m not leaving. No matter what. Not unless you scream in my face that you hate me.”
“I would never do that,” Y/N sniffles as she leans up to cup my face and kiss me, “I love you more than I can put into words.”
I wrap my arms around Y/N and hug her tight, then I lean back and look at her, “I know that this is all because of your ex. I know that. Every now and again, you worry about things that aren’t going to happen because someone has made you paranoid and made you feel like you don’t deserve the life that we have. I’m the same way. For a different reason. But I’m the same way.”
“I don’t want you to get sick of me when I ask for a little reassurance,” she whispers holding my gaze, “Because I should know how you feel, but sometimes I need more reassurance than usual and you’re always there to give it to me, but I don’t want you to get sick of it.”
I let out a small laugh, “You think I’m going to get sick of telling you how much I love you and adore you? We’ve been together for almost three years, and I tell you every day. I will never get sick of it. I love telling you those things because I love you and I want to make you happy. You do the same for me. When I’m getting in my head about things, you pull me back to where I need to be: here.”
“I feel safe and secure with you, which is why I turn to you when I need a little reassurance. I have some self-doubt, I know you do too, and it bottles up over time no matter how well we love one another.” she says, and I nod my head in agreement. “And when it gets too overwhelming for me to handle, it spills over, and that’s when I come to you. Thank you for always being so patient and understanding, I know it can be difficult.”
“Loving you has never been difficult--nothing about you is difficult.” I smile at her, and she tilts her head a little as she tears up, “I was made to love you. I was wired perfectly to love you. And the way your heart was perfectly crafted to be so loving and understanding of me, it’s obvious that you were made to love me too.”
Y/N looks up at me with tears in her eyes, and they spill out when she blinks. She sits up and kneels on the bed as we kiss, then she pulls me down on top of her. She sniffles a little as I hover just above her lips, and she smiles a little as she nods.
“I love you.” I whisper to her, watching a tear slide down her cheek, “I love you, and that will never change.”
“I love you too.” she whispers back, then she lifts her nightgown a little as I pull my cock free from my boxers. She gasps as I slide between her legs, then she clings to me, her body shaking a little from the pressure of me between her legs, “I love you.”
I smooth Y/N’s hair away from her face as I hold her gaze, then I lean down to kiss her softly as I roll my hips, “The love of my life.”
“Love of my life,” she whispers, then she closes her eyes and clings to me as I lean down to make love to her.
As I walk past the laundry room, I see Ronan sitting at Y/N’s feet as she puts in a load of dirty clothes. Ronan pulls herself up on Y/N’s leg and squeals when she turns around and sees me kneeling down to take her. She walks over to me as she wobbles a little, then she reaches up. I pick her up and toss her in the air, then I kiss her cheek and walk over to kiss Y/N.
“This is the last load, and we’re officially done with laundry.” she says as she looks over to kiss me, “I think we’ve washed everything in the house.”
I laugh, nodding my head, “I did about 5 loads of clothes yesterday. I didn’t realize we had so many clothes.”
“Imagine what it’ll be like with another baby,” she laughs, then she leans over and tickles Ronan’s tummy as she talks in her mom-voice, “Lots of socks and poopy pants, and that’s just because of your dad!”
“Hey,” I laugh as she looks up at me, “I’ll have you know, I haven’t pooped my pants in weeks!”
Y/N laughs as she nods, “Ah, the potty training paid off, Ro!”
I reach out for Y/N’s hand after she shuts the washing machine and turns it on, then I walk with my girls to the living room. I set Ronan down on the floor near her toys, then I sit down on the couch with Y/N and wrap my arm around her shoulder to hold her.
“Thanks for last night,” she whispers, and I smile as I lean down to kiss her. “I slept really well and didn’t have any nightmares.”
“Good,” I smile, and she leans closer to me to rest her head on my shoulder, “I should run to the store in a bit, huh?”
Y/N looks up at me and nods, “My parents are coming around 5, and who knows when Tess will show up.”
“I’ll go in a bit then. I got a few hours to just relax with my girls. Oh, wait…” I lean down to kiss her again, then I get up to grab the bag from the kitchen, “I forgot that I got you girls something yesterday.”
“Ro…” Y/N calls out and claps her hands to get Ronan to come over to her, and she pulls herself up and toddles over.
I hand the bag to Y/N and smile as she leans down and opens it with Ronan, then I laugh when Ronan grabs out the pig stuffed animal and waves it around in the air as she squeals.
“Do you like it?” I ask, and Ronan immediately chews on the ear, “Yup, figured it would be in her mouth within two minutes.”
“Babies.” Y/N laughs, then she looks down at the bag when I gesture to it. She opens the bag again and reaches in for a journal that I saw and thought she’d like. Y/N looks up at me and smiles, “This is beautiful.”
I smile as I lean over to look at it, “It just came in yesterday, same with the little pig, but I saw them and thought my girls deserved a little gift. Ro has her stuffed pig now, and you can use this journal for whatever you want.”
“How about some sweet love notes between me and my husband?” she asks, and I nod my head and smile at her. “We already filled up the other one.”
“Sounds like a good idea.” I smile, then I lean over to kiss her.
Ronan walks over to us with her pig and puts in on my leg, then she reaches up. I pick her up and set her between Y/N and I, and she smiles, drool covering her chin.
“Think she’ll be up all night?”
“Oh, absolutely.” Y/N laughs, then she looks at me, “But we’re Team Wick and we can handle it, can’t we?”
I reach over and tousle her hair, “Of course we can. We’re a team.”
“As long as I got you…”
“You always got me,” I whisper to her, and she smiles, “And you always have Ro too. We’re not going anywhere.”
Y/N smiles as she looks at me, then she leans over and kisses me, “And neither am I.”
tagslist: @sakurachan-9​​ @ruby-octo​ @angie-20000 @beingnerdyissupercool​ @star017​ @perrysglasses​ @volcasaurus
is this the taglist? idk. let me know if u want to be added or removed!!
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Harrison Ford: 2020 summary
A year like no other, as you must have heard countless times. The pandemic changed almost everybody´s life on this planet and Harrison wasn´t an exception. Our lil´ bean is strong and healthy but also has to be safe at home, so this year didn´t deliver many news about Harrison. Still, we had a new Harrison movie, The Call of the Wild, released in February, and a few other events before the lockdown. 2020 was also marked by the death of 3 former Harrison´s costars: Chadwick Boseman, Sean Connery and David Prowse. May all of them rest on peace on Heaven.
A new year begins, and we all wish Harrison (and everyone by the way) a productive, happy and healthy 2021. Stay safe!
Early January:  Harrison Ford enjoying his holidays in the caribbean island of Bonaire
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25th: Harrison Ford with singer Carole Bayer Sager in a dinner in support of US Democratic candidate Michael Bloomberg
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28th: The Call of the Wild “Adventure Companions” Featurette.  Harrison Ford talks about dogs and companionship in The Call of the Wild’s “Adventure Companions” featurette.
28th: not sure where these pics were taken. Probably in Wyoming?  (pics from Rich Elali)
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3rd: Verizon Super Bowl Ad Features Harrison Ford And New Pearl Jam Song
Kathleen Kennedy Says Harrison Ford Is Still On For ‘Indiana Jones 5’
Early-mid February: the national and international promotion  of The Call of the Wild  begins
5th: In Mexico City:
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Harrison Ford: America Has Lost Its Moral Leadership And Credibility:  The “Star Wars” and “Indiana Jones” star calls out U.S. policy on immigration and climate.
11th: On the Jimmy Kimmel Show:
More here 
13th: Harrison Ford, actor and watch designer.  Newly adapted from Jack London’s literary classic, “The Call of the Wild” transports us to the snowy expanses of Alaska in the 1890s, with Harrison Ford as prospector John Thornton. The actor talks about climate activism, technology and why mechanical watches beat smartwatches every time.
14th: Indiana Jones 5 Starts Shooting In Two Months Says Harrison Ford :  The long delayed fifth Indiana Jones film is finally about to get underway, as Harrison Ford reveals that he will begin shooting in two months. (that was what they were planning before COVID-19 hit the world...)
14th: Harrison Ford: Indiana Jones 5 Will “See Part of His History Resolved”
17th: “A Force ghost? I don’t know what a Force ghost is…I have no idea what a Force ghost is. And I don’t care!“. Legend.
21st: The Call of the Wild is released in cinemas
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At the movie premiere in Los Angeles:
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More videos:
Call of the Wild Survival Tips!
SNACK??? (Kudos to that girl)
Find epic stories at your library! 
More news:
Of Course Harrison Ford Did His Own Call Of The Wild Stunts And 'Wore Out' The Stunt Team
Harrison Ford's shirtless chest is that buff (at 77) for his 'Call of the Wild' swim scene
26th: Steven Spielberg Won’t Direct ‘Indiana Jones 5,’ James Mangold in Talks to Replace  
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27th: Harrison Ford Breaks Down His Career, from 'Star Wars' to 'Indiana Jones'  (Vanity Fair)
Late February: Harrison Ford visits Google´s offices in San Francisco to test the company´s self-driving car. [x] [x] [x] [x]
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14th:  Harrison spotted in South Hadley, Massachusetts [x].  Apparently Harrison and Calista went to Massachusetts to pick up their son Liam after college shut down due to the coronavirus pandemic.
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3rd: Disney delay multiple release dates including Jungle Cruise, The French Dispatch, and Indiana Jones 5  
(…) Another big reveal is that Indiana Jones 5 – which will reportedly be directed by James Mangold – is being pushed back a year, from July 9, 2021 to July 29, 2022.
29th: Harrison Ford under FAA investigation after making a mistake while operating an airplane on the runway
According to the audio obtained by TMZ, Ford, 77, did not follow the direction of a tower operator to “keep short” on the runway because of “traffic”. It seems that the actor did not hear the direction. He nevertheless started to cross the runway, which prompted the operator to reprimand him for not following his instructions.
“Cross this trail now!” I told you to keep it short! You have to listen, “said the operator.
“Excuse me, sir, I thought exactly the opposite. I’m really sorry, ”said Ford immediately.
TMZ said there was no risk of an accident. The other aircraft was allegedly 3600 feet from Ford’s aircraft.
6th: Lucasfilm Reportedly Wants Harrison Ford To Return For Han And Chewie Star Wars Spinoff (Note: this hasn´t been officially confirmed by Lucasfilm)
15th: No news but I think this is cute: 
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From twitter.com/siikasele
21st: The Empire Strikes Back 40th anniversary. 40 years ago, TESB was released on theaters the 21st of May of 1980.
27th: James Mangold Confirmed To Direct Indiana Jones 5.  Producer Frank Marshall confirms James Mangold is directing Indiana Jones 5 and says he's only just begun to work on his own script for the movie.
28th: James Mangold plans to take Indiana Jones franchise 'someplace new'. 
Indiana Jones Writer on How Pandemic Will Affect Film's Script
Nothing happens but look at this
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You are welcome.
13th: Happy birthday king!
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23rd:  Harrison Ford dropping off his son Liam at College with wife Calista Flockhart via private plane (from tinyrebelstuff)
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28th: Chadwick Boseman dies of cancer at the age of 43
Harrison Ford Calls Chadwick Boseman "As Much a Hero as Any He Played" 
“Chadwick Boseman was as compelling, powerful and truthful as the characters he chose to play,” Ford said in a statement to The Hollywood Reporter. “His intelligence, personal dignity and deep commitment inspired his colleagues and elevated the stories he told. He is as much a hero as any he played. He is loved and will be deeply missed.”
24th: Harrison Ford Cleared by FAA in Runway Investigation. "The FAA has closed the case involving the pilot who crossed a Hawthorne Municipal Airport runway without authorization on April 24, 2020. The FAA required the pilot to take a remedial runway incursion training course. When the pilot successfully completed the course, the FAA closed the case with no additional action," the FAA said in a statement to The Hollywood Reporter.
19th: Harrison Ford & Ed Helms To Star In STX Seafaring Comedy ‘Adventures Of Burt Squire’ 
22nd: Actor and Pilot Harrison Ford Becomes Airlink Spokesperson. Video here
31st: Sean Connery dies at 90.
Sean Connery: Harrison Ford pays tribute to his Indiana Jones father and 'dear friend'
"He was my father... not in life... but in Indy 3," he said.
"You don't know pleasure until someone pays you to take Sean Connery for a ride in the sidecar of a Russian motorcycle bouncing along a bumpy, twisty mountain trail and getting to watch him squirm.
"God, we had fun - if he's in heaven, I hope they have golf courses.
"Rest in peace, dear friend."
2nd: Harrison Ford And Lincoln Project Back Anthony Fauci, Advocate Firing Donald Trump  
In the waning hours of the 2020 presidential election, the Lincoln Project has enlisted Harrison Ford to narrate a new ad that plays up President Donald Trump’s suggestion that he will fire Dr. Anthony Fauci.
The spot features a scene from a Trump rally on Sunday in which supporters began chanting “Fire Fauci! Fire Fauci!” and the president responded, “Don’t tell anybody, but let me wait til a little bit after the election.”
Ford then says, “Tomorrow, you can fire only one of them. The choice is yours.”
3rd: Harrison Ford and Bloomberg on Biden 2020
7th: Destiel becomes canon. Harrison doesn´t give a single fuck.
Also Joe Biden wins the US elections. Trump is defeated. Harrison, we know you hate Donald Trump. Congratulations.
21st: Harrison Ford back in Boston, Massachusetts, to pick up his son Liam for Thanksgiving Day.
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28th: David Prowse, who played Darth Vader in the original trilogy, dies at the age of 85. Sorry, I didn´t find any words from Harrison on his memory... it seems they weren´t so close. Also, Jeremy Bulloch, the original Boba Fett, dies at 75 the 17th of december.
10th: Indiana Jones: James Mangold, Harrison Ford Team to Close Out the Character  
Harrison Ford and James Mangold's Indiana Jones 5 will serve as the final chapter for the iconic character.
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Disney changed the Indiana Jones logotype. I have a bad feeling about this.
15th: Rare, behind-the-scenes look at 'The Empire Strikes Back'
Including this jewel:
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Gif from the @theorganasolo​
31st: And just at the very last day of this weird and strange year...
Disney Reportedly Wants Harrison Ford For Indiana Jones Streaming Show 
Thankfully, then, it seems that the fifth (Indiana Jones) outing may not be the last we see of the actor in the role, as insider Daniel Richtman claims that Disney wants Ford to appear in a series that’s being developed for their streaming service. Further details are unclear and the tipster doesn’t say if it’s an all-new show or a reboot of The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, but as one of the Mouse House’s most valuable assets, it wouldn’t be a surprise if they wanted to continue mining the property once Indiana Jones 5 wraps up the big screen stories for good. 
Thanks everyone! Hopefully in 2021 the pandemic will fade and the world will return to normalcy. Luckily the production of Indiana Jones V will start this spring, as well as other Harrison projects such the tv show The Staircase and the movie starring with Ed Elms. Fingers crossed for a year full of (good) news about Harrison. Have a happy and safe 2021.
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omg so I read this manga this morning called Sesame Salt and Pudding and it’s ab this 22 y/o girl who gets drunk and accidentally marries a stranger, who happens to be 42. it’s the cutest lil slice of life just a really healthy relationship and all i could think was this would be the funniest meet cute for Erwin.
Thanks for linking me the manga website anon omfg you're a real one💙🐛
Alright so below is my 1am thoughts while reading it as i listen to a daddy/mommy issues playlist i found online and drinking green apples monster energy.
Tw: mentions of sex | Tw: suggestive words
Chapter one
The girl is really pretty, I'm really gay.
Wait so she married him while drunk and now can't remember anything?
This lowkey does look like Erwin without gel in his hair
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...why can i see Erwin as the type of drunk to not only sign a wedding registration paper but also demand both of you must go get wedding ware, paying for your dress or suit.
Consent 👏yes👏100%👏the bare minimum👏Erwin values consent above literally anything else👏Erwin wouldn't touch you without permission even while drunk out of his mind👏again it's the bare minimum👏
An older dude that cooks & cleans while staying home as i go out and provide for us? This is my dream. Stay at home husband Reiner stay at home husband Reiner stay at ho
Ngl i think Erwin wouldn't know anything past basic cooking despite him reading all these cooking books and watching videos, i think if he really was dedicated he'd sign up for a cooking class go get high level skills just to impress you but treat it like it's nothing
...he didn't wanna stare at her chest so he went to clean the fridge- Erwin would def be that kind of gentleman to change his own attitude instead of ever telling you to change or cover up.
I love her job oh my god yes.
Ooo a love rival huh👀 is this gonna turn into a triangle situation
The only love rival I'd ever see for Erwin is Nile tbh, like i think if it was Miche, Hange or Levi then he'll talk it out and either him or the person backs off.
He gets gloomy when jealous huh~
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I can't even imagine Erwin's reaction if you said this to him, like he won't even be mad he would just be really taken back, standing there like 🧍🏼‍♂️...he'd even be amused.
Okay- okay this is a good reaction...I think Erwin would say something similar but rephrase it to he more subtle yet somehow making it sound dirtier.
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Something along the lines of, "well, if you're so sure then why don't you find out yourself."
And "after all i can't deny that i haven't thought about how beautiful looked last night...how the more beautiful you would've looked laying down."
"You looked like a really delicious treat"
"All pretty and alone, tearing about your worries, i just wanted to make you forget them all and leave the rest to me"
I should stop-
Chapter two
Oh shit he overhead them oh shit
Shit is going down oh god
Man if it was Nile in this hypothetical insert then he'd be hold this information like the petty bitch he is and use it at the date instead.
Chapter three
Ngl dude, i really hate it when they treat it like a women's reputation is all she has. I especially hate the purity culture of that a young women can't be a roommate with a man because "what will people say" like...if they're fucking who cares and if they aren't literally who cares? Do they realise gay people exist too and two women have an equal chance of sleeping together too?
It feels like they treat women as children, maybe I'm just projecting bc i live in a similar kind of culture where all these rules apply here if not more.
Anyway that manga is cute, it just angred me that these two men think they're responsible for solving her problem or as if they have any right to scold her or be angry like she's some kind of child and should listen.
It's her life, it's her problem and it's her who will solve it.
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DUDE SHUT THE FUCK UP. he's really acting like a bitch as if he has any right to be angry or even judge her oh my god.
"Impure background..." Get fucked.
The only ONLY reason he even can be angry is because she didn't mention being married while they were going for a date but they didn't even go on that date and nothing was official so why does she have to tell him her private life.
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"get divorced immediately" HUGE FUCKING RED FLAG
Controlling Insecure cunt.
I'm sorry anon that I'm really going off on him and I'm sorry if you like him- it's just that i really really can't stand these things
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Oh baby, oh angel I'm so sorry you had to go through that, in no way is it ever right to get angry and yell no matter what especially since you apologised and admitted to your mistake.
Especially since he knew it was something you did while drunk and deeply regret it but he still took out his angry on you like you betrayed his trust when you weren't even together or like you intentionally did it.
Narcissistic dick.
I'm not talking about the next scenes because it might be triggering.
Chapter five
4 is missing :( idk how her parents visit went
We just started the chapter and-
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Fuck her. Like what's up with toxic abusive people being too comfortable saying these things lmao like they actually take themselves seriously omfg.
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Imagine saying this about Erwin tho, like it feels powerful to say. John maloney was right after all huh
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So we doing this huh
....oh :( we were just getting to the god part, man Erwin wouldn't have let a phone stop him.
Also bless the translator for their note at the end, it's good we're seperating fiction from reality and clarifying things to people on how to act in these scenarios.
Like drama is fun and all, I'm a huge sucker being extra, but things are different in real life and using fiction as a guide to how to deal with these, clearly written to be extra, situations should never ever be anyone's first choice.
Well that's all the 10 images tumblr will allow me in one post, i hope you had fun anon because i sure did! And i can definitely see this as a sweet wholesome Erwin/reader story, and if i ever did a an inspired rewriting of that manga with Erwin i can definitely see it being really fun to write!
Although i will change some stuff like that guy, i know people have good and bad sides but the guy specifically made me uncomfortable for personal reasons, i also Don't like mentioning serious things like anger controlling issues without diving deep into them.
Imma go finish the manga, if you want a part two, or have a different thing to recommend, please let me know💙
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dahniwitchoflight · 3 years
Homesquared Chapter 16
Alrighty, that was a fun tangent, now back to John it seems?
Oh, no, Narration of John (So Actually Dirk, speak of the devil and he shall appear and all that etc etc)
“ leaving John with one final touch on the shoulder. John leans into it in response, though he’s a bit ashamed of chasing down a sliver of physical affection so soon after obliterating Karkat’s evening like he had. “
pfft lol so Im not the only one that thought it would be funny if that scene was interpreted in a Pale Romantic light, even though that really wasn’t what was happening
OIh! but we still get Roxy, just the other version of Roxy
Roxy subtly being like “hey!! shit has apparently gone down, were not exactly close atm but I feel bad about you dying to want to know if youre still alive so im gonna message you while trying to make it look like i dont care about it as much as I do”
JOHN: trying to align my memories of my youth with whatever is happening right now so
and the wonderful question is, what IS going be happening with you now John?
Roxy looking nice and casual, but also yeah narration, why are you making this ominous, its not like Roxy’s out here to double spy on behalf of Jane, I don’t think Roxys on her side THAT much
ROXY: may have to do a smidge more if my old bff decides im next on the list for bombing out
ROXY: but so far so good
ROXY: just a coupla exploded cars in the yard from some shenanigans our dear son and his friends were in but u kno it is what it is!!!
Roxy once again being a master of hiding how shes feeling, even when trying to open up, feeling pretty stressed about whats happening with Jane, understandable, the exclamation points give it away lol
The narration is really trying to make John nervous though
OH lol that was the implication haha no lol John it obviously wasn’t that
“John feels his shoulders unbunch. Of course. Yeah. He’s almost embarrassed by how relieved he feels. So what if his ex wife wanted to hook up? Shouldn’t that be a situation he could navigate? Don’t people like to find solace in human physical connection during dire times? Why did the idea of it make his mind white out in panic more than, say, any number of the traumas he just experienced? He doesn’t know, but he believes Roxy that he must look pretty haggard. He probably feels haggard? Maybe sitting down will feel better.“
lol once again, Dirk has no idea how to read Roxy at all and just trips over himself and his assumptions XD
Yeah, looks like Roxy not on the Jane train and is doing some takesies backsies, shes glossing over her feelings on the matter still though, I know thats par for the course of how Roxy tends to handle stuff too but I wish shed open up a bit more, but maybe shes playing the smart game, yknow, knowing that Dirk has a hard time reading her, so glossing over stuff is how you protect yourself against the narrative force, confusion and vaguery in the narrative and her actions only helps her to keep control over it, because at any point, you can decide to “clear up” any narrative “miscommunication” or “confusion” and lay down what is it thats actually happening with you any time you want
Void working in the behind the scenes to do what they want
JOHN: like it’s my HOUSE.
JOHN: but mostly it always felt like my dad’s house?
JOHN: and when i started living there after i moved out of here, it was like i crammed myself back into whatever was left of my kid self?
JOHN: and it didn’t feel good, but it at least was familiar, you know?
JOHN: like living there let me feel closer to my dad, trying to be like the way i remember him, or like how i remember him wanting me to be, or something?
JOHN: and i didn’t realize how much i hated doing that until i saw it all go up in flames.
JOHN: so i guess i could have used my powers to stop the fire and save whatever was left of the place, but i couldn’t bring myself to do it.
JOHN: like some fucked up part of me was glad i got there too late?
JOHN: so i just sat there, watching, trying to figure out why watching my house burn down felt like i was being released from prison.
JOHN: and even now i keep trying to explain it away, as though it’s because of how fucked up everything else is that it made me feel good.
JOHN: but that’s just bullshit.
JOHN: it DID feel good.
JOHN: i DO feel free.
JOHN: sorry.
ROXY: no need 2 apologize
ROXY: we just delved in2 my whole gender thing last time so it seems fine for u to have a turn
JOHN: i didn’t say it was a gender thing.
Im pretty sure you’re talking about a gender thing John, like, very 100% sure now this is what’s happening
because if you were actually a girl, of course you’re dad leaving all these notes about how one day hes gonna be so proud of the man youll become, yeah, that can feel a little pressuring, even if your dad didnt mean it like that, since he was unfailingly the kind of dad just bumbling around trying to understand their kid as best they could and leave encouragements everywhere, thats what his intent was, but all his notes come off a bit wrong in particular issues
remember the note under the fridge that was all like “SON. IF YOURE READING THIS NOTE, YOUVE FINALLY BECOME STRONG ENOUGH OF A MAN TO PICK UP THE FRIDGE.” not exactly that but that was always the vibe Dad’s little notes always had
Yeah, i can see how John would view it as a bit off, but if he hadnt the self awareness to realize it was a gender thing at the time, hed be understandly confused as to why such a thing would bother him
now though, he’s realizing, maybe, he doesn’t exactly want to be the man his dad always encouraged him to be
John does seem a lot happier here in his convo with Roxy than he did on his own when the house was burning, that conversation with karkat left me wondering if John was about to start dissociating he was so down, but here he says he feels freeing and happy about it?
ROXY: but like now that u mention it
ROXY: *meaningful pause*
John’s beginning to question stuff, or acknowledge that he’s questioning stuff, cuz it’s true, and hes feeling happy about it, in a way that he wasnt before, but he hasnt quite connected the dots here between the happy feeling and what exactly he has to be happy about
ROXY: aight then no wind bending just use your mangrit
Roxy flexes, the corner of her mouth pulled up into a familiar grin. John feels his guts, so recently calmed, twist up into knots again. Her eyebrows shoot up and the smile loosens. He must have shown something on his face.
ROXY: ok or just like push when i push
ROXY: we both got sick muscles
ROXY: no other adjectives necessary
JOHN: yeah ok.
Yeah Roxy’s 100% picked up on it, and maybe Dirk has as well if the narration is commenting on it
Alrighty then, to the secret lair under the bed!
oh I just noticed how kind of cute and interesting Roxy’s nickname for Harry is, “Lil H A” Harry Anderson shortens to Ha like laughter haha
and if Harry had Roxy’s last name, it’d be Harry Anderson Lalonde
lol what is Callie doing under Roxy’s secret bedchamber XD
This whole secret bedchamber thing is turning into one big metaphor isn’t it?
That thing behind the curtain kind of looks like the Attic Portal shape from Hiveswap though
that’d be neat if that was it, like obviously we knew one of the cherubs had to have something to do with that portal just going by the design of it alone
Honestly it makes sense that Callie is doing it under the curtain of Roxy’s Void, it’s honestly the safest place to do something like that
lol Calliope has grown past writing fanfic about shipping and being in love, now the drama of broken relationships and divorce is all the rage XD character growth? haha
CALLIOPE: besides, hUman divorces are even more fascinating than i had ever imagined, and being able to witness yoUrs in motion was an honoUr.
CALLIOPE: so i consider Us aboUt even at this point.
Calliope just burned him harder than his childhood home’s destruction
CALLIOPE: ah right, right. yoU're probably a little cUrioUs as to where the dickens we are.
have you been talking to Jake lol (I mean, probably Original Grandpa Jake tbh if that portal is actually the portal)
Alright so John is getting caught up on the major plot points, Earth C is indeed in the large black hole, his choice didn’t matter since both choices happened anyway yadda yadda
CALLIOPE: think of it like a coin flip.
CALLIOPE: the series of events that led to Us being trapped beyond the event horizon of an Ubermassive black hole could be considered "tails", while the events which would have occUrred otherwise could be considered "heads".
CALLIOPE: since both were possible, and paradox space is the way it is, they actUally both happened. and we jUst "happened" (hee hee) to get tails instead of heads.
yup yup yup pretty par for the course of timesplits in homestuck so far
CALLIOPE: not at all! since both possibilities depend on one another's existence, it really doesn't make sense to call them "right" or "wrong". they both just "are".
yup, this is true, the ending’s of both referenced the others, so it’s disingenuous to say one is “canon” while the other isn’t
one is simply in the realm of actual possibility, the other is in the realm of unlikely possibility
More than likely, John would have chosen to leave and go die and be the hero like in Meat, but there was still the possibility that he would stay, even if it was unlikelier than the other, but since both were possible choices for him to realistically make, both actually happened for real
CALLIOPE: anyway, the reason i went on this tangent in the first place was to explain that the space we are standing in right now has a special significance, in that it is the location which corresponds to the black hole's singUlarity
that’s interesting, so there’s the original meteor that crashed into the surface of Earth C, and it’s in here that the singularity of what I don’t wanna call the Green Hole to match the Green Sun when I wanna talk about this specific Black Hole lolol
but yeah, here in this meteor lies the crux of the paradox it seems, interesting, also interesting again, this is where that Hiveswap Portal is
Hiveswap does have a plot point of “Joey must do thing in 11 days otherwise Earth and Alternia will be destroyed” and the only known destruction event of Earth and Alternia so far in canon is the Green Sun’s Creation from the destruction of both universes (and then later Callie’s destruction of the green sun into the black hole) so is Hiveswap gonna be a factor in the green sun’s destruction/creation as well? (Joey has the symbol of the Green Sun for a reason, I’m super curious as to what factor Joey has in relation to the Green Sun’s Existence, We still don’t know what the fact those black monsters are too, they’re like nega-first guardians, the kind of things that look like would come out of a Black Hole that came from the Green Sun tbh)
It’s all inter-related I tells ya
ROXY: ur not gonna enter a weird time vortex and change the trajectory of a little girls life with the power of love
JOHN: aw.
You say that now but
CALLIOPE: it's not strictly speaking "bad" for Us to be inside of a black hole, mUch thoUgh that contradicts most of what anyone knows about them.
CALLIOPE: of coUrse, if we had fallen into it, that woUld be a whole other kettle of fish.
CALLIOPE: the tidal forces woUld have stretched Us all into spaghetti and then ripped us apart!
CALLIOPE: bUt the natUre of oUr arrival was more akin to simply "being" here, sUddenly. one moment we were not, and the next moment we were, and somehow always had been.
yeah that’s basically how this multiverse’s reality works, the future is a thing that already physically exists, just in a different location in the universe somewhere else
time travel and spacial teleportation could be said to be the same thing all along
that’s why violating the events of the future has actual consequences, because its like asking to go somewhere that doesn’t exist but how has to exist because it’s the future, too much of that and reality starts cracking at the seams to make room
same thing happens with sessions and playing sburb
the planets and dreaming moons and all that simultaneously have always existed here, and started existing only because the player played the game and the planets were generated upon entering a session, but to the player involved, it looks and feels like you are just being teleported to a different location in the universe, because you also kind of are
CALLIOPE: i mean, the natUre of space and time is a little finicky in here, bUt for the most part it doesn't seem to be anything too oUt of the ordinary.
CALLIOPE: bUt beyond that, it means that we are sealed away from the rest of existence.
CALLIOPE: oUr sphere of inflUence is limited to the sphere of the black hole's bounding horizon.
CALLIOPE: as far as everyone else is concerned, we might as well not even exist!
So you’re just in a little seperated bubble, that’s not connect temporally to any other place of existence, you aren’t anywhere in the past or the future of anywhere else
nowhere leads here, and here can not lead outwards either, theoretically, and yes it exists, so it must also
JOHN: is there no way we could let anyone know that we're in here...?
CALLIOPE: almost certainly not!
CALLIOPE: there are very few ways for anything to escape the kind of predicament that we are in right now. one of them is to be an all-powerfUl being with control over the very fabric of space, with the energy of two Universes at yoUr disposal.
CALLIOPE: in which case, escape woUld become rather trivial, if a little Unscientific.
JOHN: ok. i am going to assume that we can't just do that.
CALLIOPE: yoU've hit the nail on the head, UnfortUnately. U_U
CALLIOPE: the method i described was the one employed by my alternate self, who yoU may recall crashed through the event horizon in the body that once belonged to jade harley.
CALLIOPE: she departed through a pUnctUre she created in the black hole's surface shortly after consUming my brother, a deed which provided her with the necessary "oomph", and which was frankly rather breathtaking to watch. =u=
CALLIOPE: bUt Upon her departUre, the rift closed for good. as far as i can see, there's simply no way for Us to commUnicate with the world oUtside the black hole.
CALLIOPE: i woUld certainly be very sUrprised to find oUt that anyone had managed sUch a thing!
So someone else definitely has managed to do such a thing
JOHN: knowing that we're inside of a black hole... does that actually change anything?
JOHN: like, can't we just go on living like normal?
CALLIOPE: oh absolUtely not.
CALLIOPE: i don't know if yoU've noticed john bUt this world is on the brink of a total cataclysm.
JOHN: oh.
CALLIOPE: oUr exclUsion from the overarching coUrse of events which governs all reality means that oUr existence here is liable to dramatic and violent Upheaval.
CALLIOPE: to pUt it another way, becaUse nothing in here "matters", we are likely to be sUbjected to things which are a bit bats in the belfry, for no reason other than it's totally insignificant to the wider canon of reality.
CALLIOPE: and mUch thoUgh i am personally titillated by some of the conseqUences of this predicament, it is a degrading way for Us to live. u_u
JOHN: that's... certainly one way to put it, yeah...
yeah, so because here in the black hole neither affects the past or the future of anywhere else, being so disconnected, they are technically free of the reigns of the Alpha Timeline that exists elsewhere in the multiverse
the Alpha Timeline now being understood to simply mean, The Narrative
Things are the way they are because they are thus written to be so
CALLIOPE: at first, i believed that this was simply necessary. Us playing tails to oUr coUnterparts' heads, the black to their white, and so forth.
CALLIOPE: bUt over the years i have come to the conclUsion that this is simply not kosher.
ROXY: its total bs is what it is
CALLIOPE: right, yes.
CALLIOPE: a steaming pile of bUllshite.
CALLIOPE: and so we have decided that something needs to be done aboUt it.
Hmmm. It’s a dangerous idea to be playing with for sure, to decide all the black pieces in the game of chess suddenly become white, it is a very flip turning of reality upside down to be sure
To be honest, I’d think you’d need a powerful Doom player at your disposal to even try something like this
or actually, a powerful Doom user would be most likely to shut this entire thing down, knowing how bad of an idea it’d be, maybe it’s more you need a powerful Life player to do something like this instead
is that also why Dirk viewed Jane as an ally then? She would technically have the kind of power to upend the black and white doomy laws of reality if driven to her full potential, i mean obviously yes, we know this already because of the candy colored I-can-do-whatever-I-want-with-no-consequences lollipop
Is this what Calliope hopes to achieve with the Hiveswap Portal then? her goals for Joey and friends are to be the ones to prevent their universe’s twin destructions, and thus the Green Sun’s initial existence and then also the destruction into the Black Hole after the fact? that would be one way to prevent the Black Hole from existing, making it so the thing that creates the black hole never exists either
and that's certainly a canon event that would be difficult to tear asunder without major consequences
That would be a “Re-writing Homestuck from the very beginning” level of canon event
And if I’m correct, Joey is theorized by me to be a Mage of Life, if any classpect at their full potential was gonna do something like that, or have the impossible knowledge to something impossibly paradoxical like that, well..
ROXY: but u dont need to worry abt busting us outta space jail tbh
ROXY: thats not ur problem to fix
JOHN: oh.
JOHN: i'm... not sure i follow, then.
ROXY: i mean yeah ur gonna obvs facilitate it in a sense
ROXY: but only by going and busting the person who can actually help us outta normal earth jail
CALLIOPE: we need yoU to free vriska from the clUtches of oUr misgUided friend jane, and bring her here, to the singUlarity.
ROXY: weve been calling it the plot point
CALLIOPE: yes, the plot point is a key part of oUr plan.
CALLIOPE: as far as we have been able to sUrmise, the only remaining method for escaping oUr grim confinement depends on leveraging the UniqUe properties of this location to create an event of sUch catalcysmic proportions that it simply cannot be contained within the black hole any more.
CALLIOPE: something SO dramatic, so hyper-relevant, that it becomes ontologically impossible for anyone to ignore it.
CALLIOPE: for that, we need an individUal of sUfficient narrative cloUt, so to speak.
CALLIOPE: and to liberate her, who better than the embodiment of the aspect of freedom itself?
I mean yeah! makes sense! Johns major factor here is Freedom, Vriska’s is Importance
and yeah, I can think of no other wholly dramatic event that to mess with stuff with the Green Sun, everyone will have eyes on that, they have to, their whole existence the way it is relies on it
But, they could also mean something else, its only condition is that it has to be something so imflappably impossible, something so not-canon and so outrageous that it basically horse-shoes around to the other end of the canon spectrum to being something that truly exists again
and that could be literally anything and it’s nerve wracking and exciting to see what thing theyre gonna come up with to just directly kneecap Homestuck itself
ROXY: thx babe
ROXY: oh is it 2 soon for that joke or
JOHN: no, weirdly enough, that one’s fine.
(yeah that’s because Babe can be construed as feminine June)
so, I’m basically convinced they’re doing June Egbert now
that to me was like, pretty severely on the nose
John: Hey Roxy, what it does mean when you find a sense of freedom when all of the symbolism of the masculinity surrounding your childhood burns down around you
Roxy: idk It’s probably a gender thing man
John: I didn’t say the word gender-
Roxy: It’s ok babe no pressure, we can hash it out later
John: Hmm, later then. :)
Roxy: (Turns and looks towards the camera with a knowing smile)
shit all that imagery makes me think of Roxy as that picture of the small kid smirking at the camera while a house burns in the distance XD
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cosmic-lavender · 3 years
Stability Chapter 6
Otis Driftwood x Reader
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( I don't own these gifs)
Phones were ringing off the hook at the sheriff department. News of the house of horror being overthrown was the talk of the town. Mama was being held in custody while the rest of the Sherrifs station brainstormed a plan to capture the rest of the family. Little did they know that meant you too. Otis tried hard to keep you away from any kind of evidence linking you to the family. One of the many reasons he didn't take you to the court house when you got married was so you wouldn't be legally tied to them.Sheriff Wydell threw his pen onto his desk. He rubbed his eyes, tired and annoyed he looked to his deputy.
"All right, Dobson. It's about time we came here to do what the good lord says in the good book as "a cleansing of the wicked".
"Sir, you think we're gonna die here today?" Ray Dobson's voice shaken with fear looking toward the Firefly house
Sheriff John Wydell scoffed looking toward him "Dying's not an option. Now, you stick that back in that gray matter of yours and you make that stick. 'Cause any other thought is gonna get you cold slabbed, toe tagged, and mailed home to your mamma in a plastic bag. Are we crystal?"
Officer Ray Dobson looked at him taking a deep breath "Crystal, Sir."
Sheriff Wydell adjusted his hat,"Gentlemen, let's do what God made us to do".
"I'm sorry what did you say Ray? I didn't hear a goddamn thing you said I'm so fucking tired ask that new kid what's his name to grab me a cup of joe woulda ya?". "Um I was saying sir we aren't getting much information out of the mother, she's just spouting nonsense and well very vulgar things. Did you wanna try again in the morning or?"" Naw... naw I'll go have a chat with er' see what I can get out of it you know there's a way to talk to these backward sideways hillbillies". Wydell stood up putting his hat on the table and passed Ray " don't forget about my coffee".
"Well well well if it isn't the matriarch in the flesh" Wydell said loudly walking into the cell. Mama looked up at him, a sly smile creeping across her face. " Evening Sheriff".. Wydell grabbed a chair sitting across from her " well you are something
I'll bet them old farm boys love you."
"Everyone loves me. Don't you pretend you don't fancy me." Mama firefly said sitting up in her chair. "Oh why, yes Ma'am. I find you quite irresistible." He stood up and walked over to her setting a small scrapbook in front of her. " Now would you be ever so kind to tell me what you know about this?" He lightly tapped the book a few times encouraging her to reach for it. She eventually did gingerly reach for the book. opening the pages she scanned through and ran your finger over the faces of her family.
She stopped at a picture of Baby in particular, She recalled her as a child "she was such an angel my little angel baby". " Oh yes, yes she is now … can you tell me about this girl?" Wydell stood above her nas pointed to a picture of Baby and you from high school. " Oh that was her little friend back in the day, nice girl didn't stick around though I think she had kin out of state." Mama replied not looking at Wydell but fondly at the pictures. " So let's make this easier on everyone Mama and tell me where Otis, your angel Baby and this cute lil thing right here went". He tapped the picture again. "I don't know where my angel and Otis went and I already told you this girl ain't been around since Baby was a child". " Yeah I know you said that but…" Wydell takes the book back and flips to another section of the book, with pictures of you and Otis this time. It was you sitting on the hood of your car with his arms around your waist, this was taken last summer, your shorts riding dangerously high as he stood between your legs. He was smiling at you and you had your head thrown back in a laugh.
"You've been watching my house ?!" Mama angrily asked looking up from the book and at Wydell. " You've been spying on my family?!". " you do know her…" he turns and walks slowly around the room. "Now I think it's time we start being honest with each other any information that you know will be helpful and I promise not to take it out too hard on them but if you don't help me so help me God.." " I'm not telling you shit" mama snapped at him. He walked closer to her about to say something else when she spit in his face. "I ain't scared of you". Suddenly Wydell grabs her and pushes her up against the wall. "You listen to me, and you listen well! I am gonna kill every member of your family! I'm gonna hunt them down like the animals they are, and I'm gonna skin em' alive! They are going to feel the pain and suffering of every last victim! I am done playing with you and your fucked up family. You killed my brother, you killed those innocent cheerleaders and You've killed more people than we can count. I can only imagine the bodies that lay under your home there must be a thousand. You've been a plague on this town no longer".
Mama didn't flinch, she smiled at him. " Oh you think this is funny? It's not going to be funny when I catch up with your merry band of freaks. They're gonna crawl on their hands and knees, and they're gonna beg me for mercy! But all I'm gonna have for them is pain! Pain and death!" He roughly dropped as she exploded in laughter.
"Ray! Call up those two idiots and tell them we got a job for them" he angrily shouted to his deputy as he passes and grabs his coffee.
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deansmyapplepie · 4 years
The Masterlist
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Last Updated: 10/23/20
Enjoy and please send me feedback! I love hearing from you guys!
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     (Last Updated: 10/09/20)
          Who We Are: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Sam, Dean, and the reader are locked in the MOL bunker with Lady Bevell. Based on S12 E22. (Season 12 Spoilers!, sweet!Dean, protective!Dean, protective!Sam, protective!reader, badass!reader, mentions of sex, slight fluff)
[Status: Completed]
          You’re Always Worth My Favorite Shirt
When the reader is severely injured after a hunt, Dean stays with her until her last breath. (angst, reader death, worried!Dean, protective!Dean)
          Green Eyes
Dean escapes the devil’s trap in the dungeon, causing panic throughout the bunker. Based on S10 E3. (Season 10 Spoilers!, angst, demon!Dean)
          Happy Birthday, Baby
When Sam and Dean are away on a hunt, it leads the reader to believe that they have forgotten her birthday. (fluff, implied smut, proposal, sweet!Dean)
          Our Song
On Dean and the reader’s anniversary, they recount memories of how they ended up together after a bad fight. (fluff, angst, break-up, proposal)
          He Was Right
After hearing stories of how John used to treat the boys while raising them, the reader goes to give him a piece of her mind. (angst, mentions of emotional abuse)
          Sleepless Nights
The reader can’t sleep, so she takes a walk in the bunker, only to find herself at Dean’s door. (angst, nightmares, sweet!Dean, fluff)
          Only You Series
When a man who left the reader six years ago suddenly reappears on her doorstep, she does everything she can to stop herself from falling in love with him all over again. Little does she know that his seemingly brief return will open an entirely new chapter for both of them.
[Status: Completed]
Sam and Dean Winchester are still grieving from the loss of Castiel, and reeling from Mary being stuck in apocalypse world with Lucifer. With all hope going down the drain, the reader offers a shoulder for the boys to lean on. (Season 12 Spoilers!, angst, fluff, angry!Dean, depressed!Dean)
          A Father’s Blessing
A nervous Dean goes to the reader’s childhood home to ask her father for her hand. (proposal, nervous!Dean, sweet!Dean)
          Trick or Treat!
After years of hunting, the reader, Dean, and Sam are able to retire. The world is finally safe, allowing them to all live a normal life and enjoy Halloween night. (husband!Dean, father!Dean, mother!reader, sweet!Dean, Halloween, trick or treating)
Sam goes with the reader to the bar after a hunt. She has a little too much to drink, resulting in a drunken confession to Dean. (slight angst, drunk!reader, sweet!Dean)
          Bad Moon Rising
The reader and Dean watch each other’s backs on an intense hunt. After Dean is almost killed by a werewolf, the reader makes a confession. (implied smut, fluff, angst, badass!reader)
The reader is a professional volleyball player trying to get to nationals, and Sam and Dean are in the stands cheering her on. (athletic!reader, volleyball, very slight fluff)
          Play it Again
On a day in the bunker, the reader overhears Dean in his room playing guitar and is surprised by just how talented he is. (Dean singing, Simple Man, Dean playing guitar)
          What a Douche
Sam, Dean, and the reader are enjoying their weekend off at a bar. But when a man raises his hand against a woman, the reader steps in to save the day. (protective!reader, protective!Dean, chivalrous!reader, chivalrous!Dean)
          Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
When Sam goes comatose, Dean stays with him at the hospital, leaving it up to the reader to take care of him. (comatose!Sam, hospital, worried!Dean, worried!reader, sweet!Dean, angst)
          Between Timelines
Dean enlists Rowena’s help to use a spell that allows him to go back in time and see the reader before she meets an untimely demise. (reader death, mentions of death, angst, sad, bittersweet ending)
          You Bring Out the Worst in Me
Crowley asks the reader, a demon, to spy on the Winchesters and keep him informed. While she is living with the boys, Dean turns into a demon. (Season 10 Spoilers!, demon!reader, sexual innuendos, suuuuper dark and sexy vibe)
          A Little TLC
The reader suffers from issues of self-hate, and although she is getting better about it, she still has her bad days. Luckily, she has Dean to help her feel better. (self-consciousness, self-hate, sweet!Dean, fluff, comfort, light-hearted humor)
          All That Matters Is You’re Okay
On her way home from a grocery run, the reader gets into a car accident and ends up in the hospital. When she wakes up, all she can think about is how upset Dean is going to be about his car. (wounded!reader, protective!Dean, worried!Dean, car accident)
          Tiny Dancer
The reader is taking a drive after a long week when a handsome stranger in the car next to her starts singing along with her to the radio. (Tiny Dancer, cute, some humor, brief encounter)
          Keep Talking
When Dean’s life is on the line after a rough hunt, the reader takes it upon herself to make sure Dean stays awake. (wounded!Dean, concerned!reader, protective!reader)
          More Than Sex
After so many blind dates gone bad over the past two years, the reader finally decides to give up on her love life. That is until she meets a man by chance in the men’s restroom. (sweet!Dean, blind dates, bad dates, mentions of sex)
          Precious Moments
When Dean is having a rough night with his thoughts, the reader is there to comfort him. (emotional, fluff, comfort, emotional hurt, bittersweet)
          Beat Them at Their Own Game
The reader, a rival hunter of Sam and Dean, makes it a personal goal to solve the boys’ cases before they can. (hunting, irritated!Dean, amused!Sam)
          Gut Instinct
One night, the reader is closing down the store where she works when suddenly, she is attacked by a demon. Of course, none other than Dean Winchester comes in to save the day. (protective!Dean, stranger!Dean, flirting, demon)
          Plus One: Part 1, Part 2
Dean goes with the reader to the wedding of one of her old friends. On the drive home, they have a serious talk about what the future holds for them. (wedding, sweet!Dean, engagement)
          Seeing Double
In order to keep Chuck from suspecting that they’re searching for the Occultum, the reader and the Winchesters are forced to use the alternate universe versions of themselves as a diversion. Based on S15 E13 (Season 15 Spoilers!, AU!Sam, AU!Dean, AU!reader, confused!Sam, confused!Dean, confused!reader)
          Under the Weather
For the past few days, the reader has been really sick. Dean takes care of her. (sick!reader, sweet!Dean, fluff)
          Stress Relief
The reader sees her ex with the girl he left her for, and she gets a little pissed. When she’s taking out some of her frustrations on Dean, the conversation takes a sexual turn that she hadn’t been expecting. (smut, dom!Dean, angry!reader, rough sex)
          The Rescue
When Dean and the reader are on a hunt together, Dean dies because of a warlock’s hex bag. When the reader finds him dead, she has to perform CPR to bring him back. (angst, dead!Dean, panic, reader saves the day)
          Fateful Encounter
The reader has a dream involving a strange green-eyed man that she’s never met before. So, when she meets him and suddenly realizes that she knows his name, it becomes clear that the man had the same dream. (mystery kinda?, confused!reader, confused!Dean)
The reader has to flirt with a man to get information for a case, and Dean doesn’t like it one bit. (jealous!Dean, irritated!Dean, frustrated!reader, awkward!Sam)
          What Could Still Be
Several years after the reader has left Dean, she is filled with regret as her best friend informs her that she cheated herself out of happiness. As fate would have it, though, Dean walks into that very bar. (angst, heartbroken!Dean, sad!Dean, ex!Dean, guilt)
          The Kiss
When the reader’s ex-boyfriend reaches out to her, she has to convince him that she has a boyfriend. He asks for a picture as proof, and Dean just happens to be around. (asshole ex-boyfriend, steamy, shirtless!Dean)
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     (Last Updated: 10/02/20)
          Loud Arguments
After the reader saves Sam’s life on a hunt, they get in a fight, resulting in Sam saying some things he doesn’t mean. (slight angst, drunk!reader, angry!Sam, slight fluff)
          Please Don’t Leave Me
Sam and Dean allow the reader to go on a hunt by herself, and it doesn’t end well. (angst, sadness, grief, reader death, engagement)
          When We Start to Live Series: Part 1, Part 2 
When Sam is drunk one night, he confesses his feelings to the reader, leading to a relationship neither one of them was expecting.
[Status: Discontinued]
Lately, Sam hasn’t been sleeping, and it’s putting everyone on edge. He mistakes the reader for an intruder when she comes home after a night at the bar with Dean. (slight angst, paranoid!Sam, worried!reader, fluff)
          Night Off
Sam decides to take the reader out for a surprise birthday dinner after they didn’t celebrate her birthday. (shameless flirting, implied smut, sexual innuendos, sweet!Sam)
          Hotel Impala
When there are no open rooms in the motel, the Winchesters and the reader have to stay in the Impala for the night. (fluff, slight mention of sex, Impala)
          Without Me
Sam starts drinking demon’s blood again, and the reader decides that leaving is going to be the best thing for him. (demon blood, angst, not a happy ending folks)
The reader sits alone in the bathroom as she waits on a pregnancy test. (pregnant!reader, protective!Sam, angst)
          Lost Time
When facing an unusual monster, Dean calls the reader (Sam’s ex) for help, much to Sam’s dismay. (ruga-wolf, nerd!reader, sweet!Sam, protective!Sam)
          Late-Night Research
While doing some research for a case, the reader falls asleep in the bunker’s archives. Sam comes down to check on her and finds her sleeping. (lil bit of fluff, cute!Sam, tired!reader)
Sam comforts the reader as she goes through the loss of a close friend. (angst, loss of a friend, heartbreak, comfort)
          Near-Death Experience
The reader goes on a hunt alone, and it’s been a while since Sam or Dean heard from her. After she almost dies, Sam confesses his feelings for her. (angst, confession of feelings, protective!Sam, wounded!reader)
For a long time, the reader has struggled with body issues. When she starts to feel bad about herself again, Sam is there to lift her up. (body insecurities, self-consciousness, fluff, triggers, anxiety)
          Bad Decisions
After a night of dancing (and a little bit of drinking), things start to get hot and heavy between Sam and the reader. (almost sex, making out, dancing)
          Lean On Me
After choosing to become a hunter, the reader leaves her family behind in order to keep them safe. After discovering the last remaining member of her family has died, she finds herself in the bunker’s library in the middle of the night. (angst, anxiety, grief, comfort)
          Going Under
On a very cold hunt, the reader falls in a frozen lake, and has to fight for her life. Luckily, Sam knows just how to warm her up. (hurt!reader, near-death experience, worried!Sam, protective!Sam, drowning, hypothermia)
Worried by the fact that the reader isn’t at the bunker when he gets back from a hunt, Sam follows her to Wyoming. (worried!Sam, unconscious!Sam, comedy)
          Take Me to Church
After hours of researching, the reader is feeling hopeless. Sam knows just how to get her mind off of it. (smut, humor, cunningless)
          Feelings For You
The reader wakes up hungover, not knowing where she is, and with a certain Winchester in bed next to her. Unfortunately, she can’t remember anything about the night before. (naïve Sam, oblivious!Sam, mentions of smut)
Posing as the FBI, Sam and Dean go to the reader’s apartment to ask her a few questions. Sam is caught off by her beauty and finds it hard to concentrate. (awkward!Sam, subtle flirting, shy!reader)
          The Colt
After being in disrepair for so long, the reader finally takes it upon herself to try and fix the Colt. Sam (Season 12 Spoilers!, sweet!Sam, badass!reader)
          Musically Inclined
Sam, Dean, and the reader investigate the case that brings them to Supernatural the Musical, and Dean is surprised to find out through the stage interpretation of their lives that Sam and the reader have been sleeping together. Based on S10 E5. (confused!Sam, confused!reader, irritated!Dean, implied smut)
          Five More Minutes
The reader is tired from overworking herself. When she sleeps through her alarm, Sam has to wake her up, scaring the bejesus out of her in the process. (sweet!Sam, fluff, sexual innuendos, stressed!reader)
          She’s Got This
When Sam hears the reader scream during a hunt, he assumes the worst. Little does he know, though, that she’s more than got it covered. (worried!Sam, protective!Sam, badass!reader)
After Sam leaves Stanford without a trace, his girlfriend at the time, the reader, dedicates her life to a fruitless search of looking for him, only for him to reappear fifteen years later, when she’s finally given up. (Stanford!Sam, Stanford!reader, emotions, angst, hurt)
          Pizza Delivery
Between running on almost no sleep, being reminded that kids aren’t in the cards for her because of her hunter lifestyle, and dropping her pizza down the stairs, the reader is having one hell of a night. (exhaustion, slight angst, sweet!Sam)
          Close Call
The reader drowns on a hunt, and Sam has to perform CPR to bring her back. (near-death experience, worried!Sam, emotions)
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     (Last Updated: 10/23/20)
          Demon-Killing Arrows
When Dean decides to blow off the reader’s plan, she has to save him, and ends up doing so in the most badass way possible. (slight angst, mild flirting [if you squint really hard], badass!reader)
          Saving People
When the reader saves Dean from being killed on a hunt, he begins to question her recklessness, leading to the revelation of her true emotions. (angst, anxiety, depression, slight mention of suicidal thoughts, feelings of helplessness, trigger warning)
          Three Years Later
Several years after being saved by the Winchesters from a nest of vampires, the reader has become a hunter, and calls Sam and Dean for their assistance on a case. (protective!Dean, protective!Sam, badass!reader, Djinn)
          Rock, Paper, Scissors
After helping the Winchesters on a hunt, the reader teases them about buying her a drink next time. (flirting, teasing)
          Long Way From Home
After Michael took off in Dean’s body, spirits are low. When driving home from investigating a dead-end lead, the reader attempts to cheer Sam up with some music. (Season 14 Spoilers!, angst, feelings of helplessness, slightly depressed!Sam)
          Post-Hunt Therapy
After a long hunt goes awry, the reader is looking forward to a night in with her ice cream, only to discover that Dean has already eaten it. (angry!reader, ice cream, nervous!Dean, comedy)
          I Promise
In the midst of an anxiety attack, one of the brothers is there to comfort the reader. (angst, anxiety, panic attack, trigger warning)
          The Time of My Life
The reader doesn’t celebrate Valentine’s Day and Dean doesn’t understand why. When he finally hears her reason, the brothers plan a surprise to cheer her up. (slight angst, sweet!Dean, sweet!Sam, Dirty Dancing)
          Blueberry Pancakes
The reader and Dean work together to make pancakes, but when a small argument gets in the way, a food fight breaks out. (food fight, Sam’s bitch face, arguments)
          Unfinished Business
The reader is Ketch’s twin, and goes with him to Save the Winchesters from the agents after them. Based on S12 E8. (Season 12 Spoilers!, British Men of Letters, British!reader, slight violence)
          What is to Come
The reader is a reaper assigned to keep an eye on Dean Winchester. Over time, the two have become close friends. One day, on a bad hunt, the reader has to make a decision of whether or not to intervene (against orders) and save Dean’s life. (gender neutral!reader, reaper!reader, slight violence)
          Unexpected: Part 1, Part 2
When Sam gets knocked out on a hunt, Dean has to come save the day. Little do they know that the woman who captures Sam isn’t even the demon they’re after. (badass!reader, reader knows nothing of monsters, protective!Dean, irritated!Dean)
The reader is feeling lonely when her two favorite Winchesters come to save the day and remind her that she’s part of their family. (the end, comfort fic, sad)
          Without a Scratch
When a case goes wrong, it’s up to the reader to evade the cops while making sure the impala goes unharmed. (speeding, police chase, risky driving, protective!Dean, Baby)
          Who Doesn’t Love Karaoke?
Dean is drunk and singing karaoke, and Sam and the reader are responsible for getting him home. (drunk!Dean, irritated!Sam, slightly irritated!reader)
          There’s Something About Y/N
After all the time spent hunting with Sam and Dean, the reader still doesn’t have an anti-possession tattoo. Unfortunately for her, a talisman is the only thing protecting her. (possession, possessed!reader, protective!Dean, protective!Sam)
          A Daughter’s Revenge
On a tragic night, the reader loses her entire family to a rogue pack of werewolves. She readies herself for revenge as she relives the memory. (angst, family death, grief, violence)
          Dinner Time
Sam and the reader are both trying hard to get Dean to eat better. unfortunately, he isn’t very willing to give up his burgers and fries. (grumpy!Dean, comedy, healthy eating)
          Hocus Pocus
When the boys need to summon a demon, Rowena gives them a spell to do so. When nothing happens, Sam and Dean are confused at first, but then they realize that they’ve summoned something else. (goddess!reader, confused!Sam, confused!Dean, comedy)
          Stolen Goods: Part 1, Part 2
The reader (Dean’s ex) constantly steals Dean’s clothes thinking he never notices. What she doesn’t know is that Dean has been snooping through her room looking for them. But when he finds something else, all hell breaks loose. (irritated!Dean, irritated!reader, embarrassed!reader, amused!Sam, stealing clothes, fanfiction within fanfiction, I’m making fun of myself)
[Status: Completed]
          Fright Night Mini-Series:
          Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
On Halloween, the reader is in for much more of an interesting experience than ever before. (slight angst, Halloween, mystery, werewolf!reader, werewolf cure)
[Status: Completed]
          Sleeping Beauty
Cursed by a witch, the reader is slowly being killed through what seems to be a sleeping curse. (Season 15 Spoilers!, angst, protective!Sam, protective!Dean, reader death)
          Out of Her Element
When the reader is somehow placed fifty years in the future, she has to learn to live a new life and leave her old one behind. (married!reader, time travel, heartbreak)
          Movie Night
Sam and Dean are in trouble, and it’s up to the reader to save them. unfortunately, they were after an arachne, and the reader has arachnophobia. (arachnophobia, movies, badass!reader, protective!reader)
          Breaking and Entering
After a long day at work, the reader comes home, ready to catch up on sleep. She’s awakened in the early hours of the morning, though, when someone breaks into her house. (awkward!Sam, scared!reader, tired!reader, baseball bat)
          Midnight Snack
Sam, Dean, and the reader all find themselves unable to sleep. When Dean finds out that the reader replaced his pie with cheesecake, though, he isn’t too happy. (cheesecake, humor, tired!Sam, tired!Dean, tired!reader)
          Reckless Abandon
After a risky choice to save a boy’s life on a hunt, Dean gets angry with the reader for being too reckless, which causes the reader to reveal that she once had a sister. (angst, arguing, angry!Dean, irritated!reader)
The reader is awakened one night to find that Dean has been arrested, and he used his one call to call her. Unfortunately, things get complicated for two reasons: 1. their somewhat complicated past, and 2. the reader is a police officer at the station where Dean is being held. (irritated!reader, pissed!reader, cute!Dean, humor, Dean gets punched)
          A Drink With a Friend
Grieving for their lost friend, Sam and Dean honor the reader’s last wishes. (dead!reader, sad!Dean, sad!Sam, grieving, bittersweet)
After the death of Sam and Dean Winchester, the reader has become an empty shell, and stopped taking care of herself. She runs from Castiel to avoid her grief, but he eventually tracks her down to bring her home. (grief, sad as FUCK, worried!Castiel, protective!Castiel, angst, sad, emotional hurt)
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     (Last Updated: 07/31/20)
          Don’t You Dare
When the reader is fatally injured on a hunt, she agrees to let Billie reap her, so long as she is given time to say goodbye to her brothers. (sister!reader, angst, reader death, sadness)
          Hunter In Training
Wounded on a hunt she attempted to work solo, the reader’s brothers had to come rescue her. After seeing her so close to death, they become incredibly overprotective. (sister!reader, protective!Sam, protective!Dean, wounded!reader, comedy)
          The Talk
A young reader is along on a hunt with her two brothers, who are after a dragon. When the hunt is over with, Sam and Dean try to figure out why the dragon didn’t try to take her along with the other virgins. (sister!reader, protective!Dean, arguments, sex talk, comedy)
          Just Visiting
After a hunt gone awry, the reader asks her brothers if she can stay with them for a while, all while trying to avoid telling them that the police are hot on her tail. (irritated!Dean, protective!Sam, brotherly love)
          Helicopter Brothers
Sam and Dean finally agree to let the reader take on a hunt on her own. She’s excited to finally show them that she can handle herself, but when she realizes that they’ve been spying on her, she is not happy. (protective!Dean, protective!Sam, worried!Dean, worried!Sam, irritated!reader)
          Lay ‘Em Out
While on a case, the reader is sexually harassed in a bar while she is with her older brother Sam. When things escalate, he has to intervene, but the reader eventually knocks the guy out. (possible trigger warning, protective!Sam, badass!reader)
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     (Last Updated: 12/24/18)
          Our Tree
The reader enjoys a quiet Christmas Eve in the apartment she shares with Jensen. (fluff, cute, dancing, sweet!Jensen, Christmas Eve)
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     (Last Updated: 01/09/19)
          Blooper Reel
It’s a normal day on the set of Supernatural. The reader is trying to get through a serious scene, and J2 won’t stop horsing around. (joking around on set, bloopers, J2)
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     (Last Updated: 04/08/18)
          You Are Not a Monster
When the reader is struggling with her first transformation under the full moon Stiles helps her to change back. (slight angst, fluff, confession of feelings, werewolf!reader, sweet!Stiles)
144 notes · View notes
hh-rose · 3 years
James Potter and the Retelling of the True Story Chapter Four: Happy Days, Happy Times
Listen to the bells and chimes. Sorry, I had to. Anyway, seventh year passed in a flash. We all knew there was a war hanging over our heads, and we wanted to have as much fun as humanly possible. So, we went on double dates to Hogsmede every week. We skipped class. We played pranks. We just had fun.
On our last night at Hogwarts we all snuck into the Room of Requirement. Remus and Sirius were sitting in a large chair, Sirius in Remus's lap. Lily and I were laying on a couch with my head in her lap. Peter was sitting in a chair, ever the fifth wheel.
"Where do you think we're going to be in ten years?" Lily pondered. We all thought about it for a second.
"Well, me and you will be married with a bunch of little tykes running around," I said, smiling up at her. "I'll be a famous auror, and you'll be a potions master."
"Me and Remus will be married in the wizarding world but not in the muggle world because they're all wankers," Sirius said, and Remus kissing him on the cheek.
"Maybe we'll be able to find a spell that can allow one of us to get pregnant or something," Remus said causing Sirius to chuckle but there was a hint of sadness there.
"And hopefully I'll be married with my own kids because I really don't want to just be living vicariously through your families the rest of my life," Peter said, causing us all to laugh.
"I want to have a weekly dinner," Remus stated. "It's not going to be like school. We're not going to see each other every day. Well, we might see each other at work, especially with Order business, but I want to just have one dinner a week when it's just us having fun."
"Alright, every Sunday we can have dinner," Lily said, offering Remus a smile. "We can rotate whose house we do it at every week."
"What? No, I'm not going to have dinner in Wolfstar's sex cave," I said. They both glared at me.
"We told you to stop calling us that."
"You'd be lucky to be invited to our sex cave."
"We're not going to have a sex cave, Sirius," Remus chastised. "We're going to have a very normal, very mundane flat."
"Boing," Sirius responded, but he kissed Remus all the same.
"It's not gonna be that different though, right?" I asked sitting up. I'm going to be honest, I was completely terrified. Lily squeezed my hand.
"It's going to be different, but we'll all be fine," Sirius said in one of his rare moments of being sincere. We shared a look, and I nodded.
"We're gonna make it through just fine," Remus said. "We have each other, and we have the Order."
"We've got this," Lily said, kissing my cheek.
"We're all in this together," Peter said.
I could say that looking back, it's all very funny, but that would be a lie. I don't think I'm quite ready to laugh about being murdered because of one of my best friends and not being able to see my son grow up. It is ironic though that that's what he chose to say. It is also fucking heartbreaking that we were just kids with these dreams of the future and they all got ripped away.
We did stay true to some of those promises though. We had our dinners every Sunday, rotating between our three houses. We did that for two whole years. Then, on one special night, we had a dinner that was just a little bit different.
Now, I'm going to be honest, I'm a total romantic. I wanted more than anything to have the best proposal ever. Instead what happened was Lily and I were sitting on the couch one night, and I looked at her and said "Marry me." She looked at me and said, "I'm sorry. What?"
I got off the couch and knelt in front of her, and I asked again. She started crying, and so did I. She obviously said yes. We immediately flooed over to Remus and Sirius's to tell them. They both cried. Then, we told Peter. He was happy, but he didn't cry.
But, like I was saying, for the first time after two years we didn't have our normal Sunday dinner. That was because it was instead Lily and my wedding. We had the most beautiful wedding. I cried the entire time. As soon as Lily started to walk down the aisle I began to cry. Sirius, my best man, was practically wailing next to me, Remus, Lily's man of honor, was crying with a little more dignity, and Lily, my love, let a few tears fall but didn't blubber.
I'm not really sure how to describe a wedding. We danced and drank and ate. It was a party, you know. Well, our first dance was perfect. We danced to some muggle song called "Close to You." I'm kidding. It wasn't just some muggle song. It was Lily's favorite song, and I learned it all first year because I wanted to impress her (I didn't).
After our dance, the other couples were welcomed to the dance floor. I watched as Sirius dragged a blushing Remus onto the floor. Everyone knew about their relationship at that point. Nobody gave a shit, obviously. "Your Song" by Elton John was playing, and I knew full well that that was their song.
"When is it gonna be your turn?" I asked them as Remus spun Sirius around me and Lily.
"Whenever Remus wants," Sirius announced. "I've wanted to marry him since the moment I saw him."
"I have an idea," Lily whispered in my ear before dragging me off the floor to tell me about it. Did I expect her to shag me? Yeah, I did, but I was just as happy with the actual thing she wanted to tell me.
We left a dancing and laughing Sirius and Remus on the dancefloor when we went to talk about the plan. When we came back, Sirius's head was on Remus's chest, and they were swaying softly. I wanted to curse them for being a cuter couple than the bride and groom, but I didn't even have it in me to be mad about it. Then the speeches began.
"Hello, hi, everyone. I'm Remus Lupin. Well, most of you already knew that," Remus started. Sirius shot an assuring grin at him and Lily squeezed his hand from where she sat at the end of the table.
"When Lily asked me to be her man of honor, I told her that that was a made up thing, and it was completely ridiculous. In reality, I only said that because I was too busy trying to hold back tears because I was so overwhelmed with the fact that she thought of me to be such an important part in her wedding," Remus said, eyes welling up. Then, he chuckled.
"I'm sure most of you thought that me and Lily were the sensible ones who kept the others in line. The truth is, Lily and I are both just as crazy as our other halves on. I'm also sure that it took all of you a long time to figure out how smart Lily Evans could ever end up with our resident wildling, Mr. James Potter."
"Hey!" I interjected. Remus just kept on with a chuckle.
"James Potter might be the biggest prankster that Hogwarts ever saw, but he's also the kindest and most caring person on the planet," Remus said, and I immediately started to cry. I loved Remus so fucking much.
"He was the real mum of the Marauders, more so than Lily or I ever were. These two lovely people are genuinely the best-matched couple I have ever seen. They're both equal parts caring and crazy. They're quite literally soulmates. If you don't believe me, ask their matching patronuses.
"So, let's raise a glass to the best damn couple this wizarding world has ever seen," Remus announced, raising his glass. Everyone cheered. "I love you both to the moon and back."
Lily and I were both trying to keep ourselves together at that speech and that beautiful line at the end. He came over to hug both of us, and I sobbed on the poor bloke.
"I love you so fucking much, Moony," I said into his shoulder. He chuckled, but I felt a tear fall onto my shoulder. He then hugged  Sirius whose speech was next. He whispered a don't embarrass me in Sirius's ear causing him to laugh heartily.
"I said I didn't want to follow Remus up because honestly there's no way that I could ever top that," Sirius said with a chuckle. "My better half just stood in front of you lot and gave the most heartfelt speech I have ever heard in my entire life. I'm not going to stand here and cry though, even if that does shock you. No, instead, I want to take this opportunity to embarrass the fuck out of my best mate."
"Oh, Merlin," I whispered, putting my head in my hand. Lily squeezed my thigh with an evil grin.
"James first saw Lily when we all got sorted into Gryffindor on the first day of school. Lily first saw James when the poor girl sat down at the table across from us, which caused James to choke on his water and spit it all over the table. A brilliant first impression in my opinion," Sirius stated, causing everyone to laugh. "That night as we all went to sleep, James whispered 'I'm going to marry Lily Evans one day.'"
"Cute, no?" Sirius asked. "Well, I'll tell you what wasn't cute. Having to hear about Lily every single second of every single day for the next six years. I mean, I love you, Lils, but I was ready to kill your husband, I swear. Not only did he talk about her constantly, but at least once a week, he would ask her out and get rejected. The man could not take a hint."
"He was persistent, I'll give him that. That doesn't make it any less embarrassing," Sirius said. Lily laughed and kissed me on the cheek. "Now, Miss Lily, don't think you're getting away with anything here."
"Black," she warned. Sirius's eyes sparkled.
"During our fifth year, Remus, Peter, and James all got detention for doing their only prank that I wasn't involved in. That left me and Lily alone together," Sirius explained. Remus and I looked at each other in shock. We had never heard about this before. "Some firewhiskey was drunk, and some secrets were spilled. At one point, Lily looked me in the eyes and said 'I'm going to marry James one day.'"
"She what?" I asked, completely stunned. Sirius barked a laugh, and Lily turned a deep shade of red.
"Clearly, these two lovebirds are completely meant to be," Sirius stated. "Their love was written in the stars. So, let's raise a glass to these proper soulmates. I love you loads."
"Before we all get sappy and hug Black and get back to this party, we have something to say," Lily said, pulling me up to stand in front of everyone with her and sitting Sirius down. "Sirius very carefully left out the part about that night in fifth year when he said 'I'm so bloody gone for Remus John Lupin, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.'"
Remus blushed, and Sirius just kissed him on the cheek. I smiled and said, "They both just stood in front of you and said how perfect we were for each other, but Remus and Sirius are just as made for each other as me and Lily are."
"They've been talking about getting married for a long time, and it's honestly codswallop that they're not already together. So, we have a little surprise if you're interested," Lily explained. Remus and Sirius were both ridiculously confused. "We know you can't get married in the muggle world so there's no need for a marriage license, and we do still have an ordained minister here."
"Merlin," Remus said, his eyes going wide.
"We would like to extend this ceremony to include another betrothal if you're interested," I said. The look on Sirius's face was the best thing I had ever seen. "What do you say?"
"Rem," Sirius whispered. Remus was looking at me and Lily, shaking his head fondly. He looked over and Sirius with this huge smile.
"I want to marry the pants off of you," Remus stated, causing Sirius to laugh and snog the living crap out of him.
"I want to marry the pants off of you," Sirius stated. And, that was exactly what they did.
"James," Remus said, while Sirius and Lily were talking after the ceremony. "Thank you. You really didn't have to do that."
"Of course, I did," I said plainly. "You're my best mates, my brothers. I want you to be happy."
"We're going to be very happy," Remus replied, looking absolutely lovestruck as he looked across the room at Sirius.
A double wedding, how insanely beautiful. Now, the happy times are not over just yet, but let me just say something. If my four best friends had a double wedding and didn't include me, I would probably also have them killed.
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starrystarrybabe · 5 years
Oh, How the Mighty Fall [In Love] CHAPTER FIVE (OC x Ben Hardy)
Lily Anne Mercury is brought in to help with Bohemian Rhapsody at the request of her Uncle Bri and Uncle Rog, and along the way, she might meet someone to share her life with. The only problem with this is that while their friends and the world can see that they’re perfect for each other, they’re going to be fully blind to this for a while.
Hello, everyone! Sorry this took so long to write. I’ve been bombarded with work and I’m just sort of drowning rn and I’m not sure what I’m doing anymore. I sort of spiralled, but writing this helps me stay grounded. I’m glad that everyone likes the fic so far, and if anyone wants to message me about the story or the characters, that’s totally fine. I love talking with y’all! This is a fun chapter, so please, enjoy!
-- casey
DISCLAIMER: I’m fully aware that it would’ve been physically impossible for Jim and Freddie to have a child even with this method during the time they were alive, but the idea of Freddie as a dad and the idea of how his child would turn out to be was just too sweet for me to not write.
TRIGGERS: hint at sexy times and scene in rehab
Kelly Gale as Lily Anne Mercury
Sira P. Kante as Ezichi Adebayo
Erika Linder as Bronwyn Ryan-Hughes
Bree Kish as Madigan Ryan-Hughes
October, 2018
Lily Anne drives to the filming studio after months away from her BoRhap boys, and the excitement she feels is threatening to bubble over. She’s missed them so much, and even though Joe would facetime her or send her pictures almost every day, it still hurt not to be with them in person.
She steps out of the G Wagon and walks across the parking lot to the set, smiling. The sounds of a bustling crew can be heard, and as she approaches the set, she smiles as she sees that it is a perfect recreation of the one from I Want to Break Free, which is one of her favorite music videos of all time. She can’t wait to see the boys dressed up in drag.
Roger and Brian walk in behind Lily Anne, and she almost jumps when she feels a hand clap onto her shoulder.
“How was the tour, love?” Roger asks, grinning at his goddaughter.
Lily Anne smiles and hugs her uncle, closing her eyes. “It was great. I could’ve done with something bigger than a twin bed, though. It was barely big enough for me.”
Roger lets her go after a moment, ruffling her hair. “You’d be surprised how many people can fit on a single bunk when you try hard enough.”
Lily Anne lets out a disgusted noise before hugging her Uncle Brian, smiling. He hugs her back tightly, smacking Roger’s shoulder.
“Ignore him. He’s just being himself,” Brian says, laughing. “We missed you, but you seemed to be having fun from what we could tell.”
Lily Anne smiles up at the man after they break apart, nodding. “It was fun, but I missed my boys and Lucy. How have they been?”
Brian nods after thinking for a moment, satisfied. “They’re doing great! They did miss you, though.”
Roger smirks, looking down to clean his sunglasses. “Especially Ben. You should’ve seen his face the first day you weren’t at set. The boy looked like a hurt puppy.”
Lily Anne scoffs and crosses her arms. “You’re being ridiculous. Quit it.”
Roger shrugs, looking smug. “I’m just saying. I don’t know what you did to that boy, but I’ve never seen anyone look so sad.”
Lily Anne rolls her eyes and looks up at Brian, waving one hand dismissively at Roger. “Whatever. Now, where are they? I need to see them before I do anything.”
Brian points to a red door and smiles. “Right through there, getting their makeup done.”
She smiles and kisses his cheek before turning to leave. “Thank you! I’ll see you both later.”
As she leaves, Brian looks over at Roger and sighs heavily. “What did I say about letting them figure it out for themselves?”
Roger puts on his sunglasses and shakes his head. “If we don’t make it clear to them, they’ll never figure it out.”
Brian looks down, rubbing his temples. “Just be patient, Rog. It’ll happen eventually.”
Roger shakes his head. “I want to see them produce a child and walk her down the aisle before we become senile or croak. If I need to speed up the process, I will.”
Brian shakes his head, and the pair walks off to check with the director what they would be doing that day.
All they want is for Lily Anne to be happy. Ben can make her happy, and he knows it. But it will happen at their own pace, and however long he has to wait, he will.
Lily knocks on the door of the large trailer, smiling. She can hear Joe inside, going on about something, and recognizes Rami’s laughter immediately.
The door is opened by Ben, with his makeup on and wig pinned back, and her jaw drops.
She always knew Roger looked pretty in this music video, but Ben is on a whole other level, and she’s just-- wow. He’s already pretty, but in this makeup, with the wig, and the skirt--
Holy fuck.
“Lily! I didn’t know you’d be back today!” Ben exclaims happily, bringing her inside and hugging her. She’s silent, and when he pulls back, she’s just looking over him in awe. “Words, Lil. I need to hear words. What’s going on?” He frowns, concerned.
She blinks and shakes her head furiously, backing up. “This--” she gestures wildly to Ben’s get up, “--should be fucking illegal. Who gave you the right to look this good as a girl, Hardy?”
Ben laughs, shaking his head and heating up. “It’s just the outfit, really.”
Lily Anne scoffs, looking up at Ben with an offended gleam in her eyes. “No, it isn’t. It is absolutely disgusting how fucking well you’re pulling this off and you know it, Ben. Don’t be fucking humble about it, that’s even worse!”
Joe has been recording this, and snorts, prompting Lily Anne to look towards him and his camera.
“That’s what I was saying!” he says, just as insistent as Lily Anne.
She nods, putting down her purse and pointing to Ben. “Look at this shit! Just take it all in, and tell me that this isn’t the prettiest woman you’ve ever seen.”
Rami and Gwil can’t form words, they’re laughing so hard.
Lily Anne puts her hands on her knees, slouching over, and catching her breath. She regains her composure before straightening up and doing a deep cleansing breath. She faces Ben again and smiles.
“I’m sorry. I needed to get that out of my system. You look good.” She smiles and hugs him, before moving to greet the rest of the cast.
She hugs Joe from the back and grins. “I missed you all so much on tour.”
“We missed you too,” Rami says, smiling and squeezing her hand as his makeup is touched up.
Lily walks over to Gwil and gives him a hug, smiling.
“How was the tour?” he asks, smiling up at her.
She stands up straight and smiles, moving out of the makeup artists’ way. “It was great! We sold out almost every stadium, and the fans were super receptive to the new music. I had a great time meeting some of them as well. The only downside was sleeping on a tour bus. It wasn’t exactly easy to sleep with the movement.”
Ben speaks as the hair person begins to finesse the blonde wig he’s wearing. “What was your favorite gig?”
Lily Anne purses her lips, tapping her chin. “That’s a good question. I think… probably Madison Square Garden. Especially since my Papa performed there as well. It meant a lot that I was carrying on his legacy and returning.”
Rami smiles and nods, turning around in the chair as the wig is adjusted. “I loved the song you wrote that you debuted on tour.”
Lily Anne looks down and laughs nervously. “Thanks, Rami.”
Joe looks over at Ben, who’s making it a point not to face Lily.
“It had some really beautiful lyrics,” Gwil says, keeping still as the makeup artist reapplies his eyeliner. “Your performance of it was amazing.”
Lily Anne smiles, rubbing the back of her neck. “I hated it while I was writing it, but I couldn’t sleep until I got it out of my head and onto paper. Thought it sounded bloody pathetic at first.”
Rami frowns. “I didn’t think it sounded weak. If anything, it was brave. You were just putting it all out there, and that’s incredible.”
Ben nods, and speaks quietly. “It takes a lot of balls to perform something like that.”
Lily turns to look at him, and smiles. “I guess it does.”
The trailer falls into a comfortable silence as the makeup artists and hair people finish up, and pretty soon, the boys are escorted to begin the shoot for the day. Lily Anne sits back and watches as they replicate the music video, smiling to herself as she thinks about how Freddie would always take her to his video shoots.
The set of I’m Going Slightly Mad
Freddie bounces a two-year-old Lily Anne on his lap as he gets his makeup done for the video, trying not to smile as she lets out high-pitched giggles and waves her arms around. Eventually, he cracks, and the makeup artist huffs, shaking her head.
“Freddie, we don’t have time to waste! I can’t keep redoing this because you keep smiling!” she exclaims, putting down her supplies. “Let someone else take Lily Anne. She’s very cute, but right now we need to work.”
Freddie sighs, regaining his composure after cooing and hugging his daughter. “Alright. I’m sorry, darling. She’s just too much sometimes.” He kisses her cheek and looks over to see Deaky reading a book in his chair. “John, darling!”
Deaky looks over to his friend, closing the book. “What is it, Fred?”
“Could you take Lily? She’s making me laugh,” he asks, gesturing to the two-year-old with her hair in pigtails.
Deaky grins and walks over, plucking the baby from her father’s lap. “Of course! Hello, Lily Anne! We’re going to have plenty of fun, aren’t we, love?”
Lily Anne giggles, clapping her hands and cuddling into her uncle. “Unca John! Unca John!”
Deaky smiles, kissing the girl’s cheek. “Good girl! What’s that, darling?” He points to the penguins.
“Penguin!” Lily Anne exclaims, clapping.
“What about that thing on Uncle Roger’s head, love?” he points to Roger, who’s wearing his teapot hat.
When Roger sees Lily Anne, he sticks his tongue out at the girl, causing her to giggle.
“Kettle!” Lily Anne responds, sticking her tongue back out at her uncle.
“What’s the best instrument in the world, Lily?” Roger asks, smiling at the girl.
Lily Anne purses her lips before saying, “Guitar!”
Roger pretends to cry, sniffling and wiping away fake tears. “Not the drums?”
Lily Anne reaches for her Uncle Roger, and Deaky hands her over. She immediately begins patting Roger’s face with her tiny hands, pouting.
“No cry. Drums okay, guitar better,” she says, looking at Roger seriously.
He smiles and kisses her cheek, smiling. “I’m just joking, love. I’m not crying.”
Lily Anne huffs, hitting his chest with her little baby fist. “Not funny!”
“What do we call Uncle Rog when he’s being bad, darling?” Freddie calls out, smiling.
Lily Anne pokes Roger’s nose and grins. “Wanker!”
Roger cackles, leaning back and holding the little girl close.
To say that Lily Anne is confused by Gwil asking her to meet him in his trailer is beyond true. She has no fucking idea what he could possibly want from her alone, and he’s shown no attraction towards her, so she doesn’t quite know what all this is about.
Brian 2.0: Hi, Lily. I need to talk to you about something.
Lily Anne: sure thing. what is it, gwil?
Brian 2.0: Can you come to my trailer later? I need to tell you in person.
Lily Anne: of course. should i be concerned?
Brian 2.0: No, not at all! I think you’ll like what I have to say, but I don’t know for sure. Just come over later and everything will be cleared up.
Lily Anne: alright. will do!
Brian 2.0: Thank you so much. I really appreciate this.
After the shoot is over, she does as she’s been told to, and knocks on the door of Gwil’s trailer. He opens the door, looking nervous. She walks inside, frowning.
“Gwil, are you sure you’re alright? I’ve never seen you this nervous before,” Lily asks, looking up at the tall man.
Gwil takes a deep breath and fiddles with his fingers, trying to compose himself. “I’m alright, I swear. Just… sit down, please. On the couch.”
Lily does as she’s told, and when Gwil sits next to her, he turns to face her and clears his throat.
“I know I’ve made a rather… well, a strange request by asking you to come here alone, and it’s even stranger that I did it over text since you’ve been here all day,” Gwil says, fiddling with the cuffs of his sweater sleeves.
“Yes, that’s true. You’ve been off all day, really. I noticed that you were quieter than usual on set, less engaged than I’ve seen you be with the boys,” Lily says, looking back up at him.
Gwil nods, gulping. “I know, I know. I just… how do I say this?” He runs a hand through his hair. “While you were on tour, I couldn’t…” He moves his hands, trying to articulate. “I couldn’t stop thinking--” He huffs and drops his head. “I’m sorry, I’m usually so much better with words. You know that.”
Lily Anne nods, resting one hand on Gwil’s knee. “I know. Take your time.”
After a moment, Gwil lifts his head again, taking a deep breath. “I couldn’t stop thinking about Ezichi. I missed her so much, and even though we talked almost daily, it was still so hard to be away from her for that long. I never want to feel that way ever again, and I’ve most certainly never felt so strongly about someone as I feel about her.”
Lily Anne’s smile grows as he speaks, spreading across her entire face. “You love her.”
Gwil nods, smiling nervously. “I do. I love her more deeply than I’ve ever loved anyone. I don’t think this feeling will ever go away or fade, and I have to express it to her.”
Lily Anne laughs, leaning back. “Go ahead and do it, Gwil! This is great! Why did you want to tell me about it first?”
Gwil smiles and holds Lily’s hand. “I wanted your permission. She’s your best friend. You know her better than anyone, and if you didn’t think that I was the best person for her to be with, who could love her fully and make her happy for the rest of her life, I wouldn’t make a move.”
Lily puts her hand over her heart, touched by Gwil’s words. “Gwil, I… I don’t think anyone could love her more than you already do. You should go for it. She loves you just as much.”
Gwil’s face lights up, and he squeezes her hand. “Did she tell you that?”
Lily nods, smiling. “Yep. The entire tour, you were the only man on her mind. You had her listening to Stevie Nicks she missed you so much!”
Gwil pulls his hand away and smiles, nodding. He hugs Lily, and she hugs him right back.
“At the wrap party, I fully expect you to tell her everything you told me,” Lily says, rubbing his back.
“Don’t worry, I absolutely will,” Gwil responds, squeezing Lily.
Lucy and Lily are walking through London, enjoying their girl’s day. They had decided to go to brunch and shop, and as they walk by a boutique, Lily grabs Lucy’s arm and points to two outfits in the window.
One of them is a red velvet suit with an embroidered sheer collared top, and the other is a Twiggy-style dress with a scalloped collar and leather accents on the bell sleeves. They look perfect.
“Lucy, if you don’t try on that dress, I will literally kill you,” Lily says, looking over at her friend. “You’ve got legs for miles. They would look fucking fabulous in that dress.”
Lucy points to the suit, grinning. “Your skin against that color red? C’mon, we have to try it.”
The pair walk inside and are tended to by a store employee, who immediately starts changing rooms for them.
“What’s the event?” another employee asks, smiling.
Lily Anne smiles back at the employee. “A party. It’s going to be at the Ritz, and we intend to look just as classy as the ballroom we’re going to be in.”
Lucy smiles at her friend, nodding. “It’s going to be a lot of fun.”
The employee seems impressed, raising a brow. “The Ritz. Wow. Well, we can pull some more outfits worthy of the Ritz if you’d like. There are plenty here.”
Lily looks at Lucy, who smiles and nods. She turns back to the employee and nods. “Sounds great, darling. We’d love that.”
The employee walks off, and the girls go in to try on their outfits.
Lily Anne loves the fit of the suit, and walks out to see Lucy looking at herself in the mirror, checking out the different angles of the dress.
“Damn, Lucy! That looks amazing on you!” Lily exclaims, grinning.
Lucy turns to her, nodding. “I really like it. But I’m not sure if it gives off the right vibe.”
Lily frowns, crossing her arms. “The right vibe? What is that supposed to mean? You look hot, is that not what you want?”
Lucy blushes slightly. “Well ideally I would like Rami to ask me to be his girlfriend--”
Lily scoffs, rolling her eyes. “Don’t worry. He would date you no matter what dress you wear to this party. He’s been in love with you since you started filming!”
Lucy nods, looking back in the mirror. “I know I probably sound ridiculous, but it’s not screaming ‘I’m ready to be your girlfriend!’ to me.”
Lily Anne takes a moment to analyze the dress before nodding. “I get what you mean. Do you think this outfit would be good for the party?”
Lucy looks over Lily Anne and smiles, nodding. “I mean… you look stunning.”
The sales assistant from earlier comes back holding two dresses, and gasps when she sees Lily Anne. “Holy shit! Pardon my language, but that looks amazing on you!”
Lily Anne smiles at the sales assistant. “Thank you, darling.”
The assistant hands off the two dresses to another worker to put in Lucy’s changing room, examining the suit. “It looks very glam rock. I would wear the shirt with a nude lace bra, or just pasties if you’re brave enough. However, it’s a really good look either way.”
Lily Anne smiles as Lucy goes back to change, and examines herself in the mirror. She takes off the blazer, revealing the tattoos on her arms, and the worker gasps.
“Oh my god, you’re Lily Anne Mercury! I didn’t recognize you without all the glam when you walked in.” The worker turns red, shaking her head. “I’m so embarrassed! I listened to your music all the time in 2012, and I love the new album. I’m a huge fan, really.”
Lily Anne smiles, putting a hand over her heart. “Thank you, darling. It’s alright. I can be very lowkey when I want to be, and not many people recognize me on the streets unless I’m wearing something outrageous. I appreciate that you like my music.”
The worker’s smile is so wide and bright, and Lily Anne is touched that she could brighten this retail worker’s day with her presence. “It’s so cool to have such a powerful group of women to look up to. My niece loves you too. Her greatest wish is to go to a Room 301 concert and become a songwriter.”
Lily Anne nods, thinking for a moment. “What’s her name? I can get her a ticket to the next concert we do, and if she wants to go backstage afterward and meet the band, she can do that as well.”
The worker gasps, and covers her mouth. “That’s so sweet of you! Her name is Evelyn Kensie Wells, and I can give you her mom’s name and number.”
Lily Anne nods, and plugs the information into her phone. “What’s your name, darling?”
“Caroline Lewis, miss,” the worker responds, smiling.
Lily Anne grins. “I expect to see you there with Evelyn, alright?”
Caroline hugs her, and she smiles, hugging her back. She loves helping people and giving them nice things, and especially women and children. When Caroline pulls away, she’s slightly shaking.
“Can you ring up this suit, darling? I’m taking it.”
Caroline goes to ring up the suit and Lucy exits the changing room in a silky black gown with a turtleneck and a thigh-high slit. The sleeves hug her arms, and the backless detail just adds another layer of glamour to this look.
Lily Anne is speechless, and Lucy looks at herself in the mirror.
“What do you think, Lily?” Lucy asks, smiling.
“Rami is going to lose it and so will I,” Lily says excitedly. “You look like a goddess, Lucy. I love it. I’m getting it for you because you need this dress.”
Lucy frowns, shaking her head. “Lily, please--”
Lily shakes her head, cutting Lucy off. “Take that off and get into your casual clothes, because we’re getting shoes next.”
Lucy mumbles affirmatively, and the girls leave the store with their outfits for the party.
Lily sits back in an armchair, checking her phone as she waits for Lucy to finish getting her makeup done.
“Do you really think Rami will make a move, Lily?” Lucy asks, nervously playing with her rings.
Lucy looks over at the woman looking up at the ceiling as her bottom lashline is smoked out. “Look at yourself in the mirror, Lucy. You’re a five-course meal, darling! I’d marry you on the spot if you weren’t already emotionally involved with someone.”
Lucy smiles, letting the makeup artist do her other eye. “You say that as if you’re not also emotionally involved with a certain man.”
Lily rolls her eyes, and hears a knock on the door.
“Who is it?” she asks.
“Room service,” Bronwyn answers, causing Madi to laugh.
Lily opens the door, smiling. “I don’t remember ordering two raging lesbians.”
Bronwyn shrugs. “Sorry, love. We don’t come with a return policy.”
Lily grins. “Eh. I didn’t pay too much for you two, so I’ll keep you.”
Madigan smiles, and they walk inside, closing the door behind them. Bronwyn looks over at Lucy, raising a brow.
“Damn, Lucy. If I weren’t already married, I’d wife you the fuck up,” she says, smiling.
Madigan looks over and wolf whistles, joining her wife. “If it doesn’t work out with Rami, you can always come to us.”
Lucy blushes. “Thank you. You’re both very sweet.”
Lily smiles, and there is another knock at the door. “Hello?”
“My tit is about to pop out of this dress. Open up before I give someone a show,” Ezichi says, sounding panicked.
Lily Anne opens up the door and lets her friend, whistling at her ensemble. “We’re going easy access tonight, aren’t we?”
Ezichi examines Lily’s sheer top and raises a brow. “You’re basically flashing everyone. Don’t be a hypocrite.”
Lily Anne scoffs and looks in the mirror. “You can’t see that much with the embroidery, really. If it’s actually too much I can just wear the blazer over it.”
Ezichi rolls her eyes, picking up a piece of fashion tape from the box on the table and applying it to her dress. With Lily’s help, they manage to stick the fabric down, and Ezichi jumps for good measure, testing it out. The tape stays, and Ezichi smiles.
Lucy stands up from the chair and walks over to the mirror, and Ezichi’s jaw drops. “Holy crap, Lucy!”
Lucy’s eyes widen in panic and she immediately begins to look over herself for anything off. “What? Is there a stain on the dress?”
Ezichi shakes her head, laughing. “No! Not at all. You just look really good, that’s all. I’ve never seen you in a dress like this! I love it!”
Lucy smiles at Ezichi. “Thank you so much! I love yours too!”
Lily Anne frowns as her phone buzzes, and looks down at the device.
blind bitch: Help
She responds to Roger, sighing.
Lily Anne: what is it?
blind bitch: Can you sign tonite ?
Lily Anne: … sign?
blind bitch: Sing*
Lily Anne: what’s in it for me?
blind bitch: Are you kidding mr?
blind bitch: Me*
Lily Anne: nope.
The text bubble appears, disappears, and appears again over a span of ten minutes.
blind bitch: I’ll buy hte food for the after party.
blind bitch: The*
Lily Anne purses her lips, thinking for a moment before responding.
Lily Anne: sure. what songs are we doing?
blind bitch: Thank u !! Just we are the champions, dont stop me now, we will rock you, and borhap.
Lily Anne: got it. will warm up now.
blind bitch: Love ya, Lily !
Lily Anne: love you too, uncle rog.
Lily takes a sip of water and begins to do vocal exercises, causing Ezichi to frown.
“We’re not performing tonight, why are you warming up?” Madi asks, voicing what the band is thinking.
“Roger just texted me asking if I could perform with him and Brian tonight, and he’s buying us after party snacks if I do,” Lily explains, shrugging.
Bronwyn answers her phone as she gets a call, smiling. “Hello, Brian! What’s up?” She leans back against the bed she’s laying on as he speaks. “Alright. I’m down to perform if you have the bass. Which songs?” She nods as the songs are listed. “Got it. Easy enough. Bring up the bass so I can practice and we’ll be good to go! Thanks! Bye, Brian!” She hangs up and looks over at Lily Anne. “Sarina is bringing up the bass.”
Lily smiles, pausing her singing. “Sounds great.”
Ten minutes later there’s a knock on the door, and Ezichi opens it to reveal Sarina Taylor carrying a bass and wearing a low cut dress that fits her body like a glove.
“Hello, Ezichi! I love the outfit!” she says as she walks inside, kissing Ezichi’s cheek.
“Thanks, Sarina! I love yours as well,” Ezichi responds, smiling.
Bronwyn walks over and gets the bass from Sarina’s hands. “Thanks, mum,” she says jokingly.
“You’re welcome, love. You look dashing,” Sarina says, pinching Bron’s cheek.
Lily Anne smiles and hugs Sarina, grinning. “You look stunning, mum,” she says, smiling.
Lily Anne reclines in her bed, writing down the lyrics to one of her new songs when she hears a knock on the door. She looks up tiredly. “Who is it?”
A nurse responds to her. “You have a visitor, Miss Mercury.”
Lily Anne puts aside her paper, frowning. Nobody has come to visit her since she got here two months ago. “Who is it?”
“Sarina Taylor. She says that she’s your aunt. Do you want to meet her at the front desk?” the nurse asks.
Lily Anne blinks in confusion, biting her lip. Roger took it particularly harshly when she overdosed for the second time, but as a small gift, she received sequin slippers from the Taylor clan as a collective whole. She didn’t anticipate Sarina or any of the Taylors actually wanting to see her.
“Miss? Do you want to meet her? It’s up to you,” the nurse prompts.
“Y-yeah. Sure, just let me put on some shoes and a sweater,” she responds, clearing piles of paper off her bed.
“Take your time, Miss. I’ll tell the front desk that you’ll be down soon,” the nurse says before leaving.
When Lily Anne heads down to the front desk with a messy bun, gray sweats, and her slippers on, Sarina spots her and perks up, sitting up in her seat. Lily Anne walks over to her and the woman puts aside the bouquet she has in her lap to stand up and tightly hug Lily Anne.
There are no words that come out of Sarina’s mouth, but the love and relief she feels radiates from the warm hug Lily Anne recieves. When Sarina pulls away, she hands her the bouquet, smiling. “They’re from your garden. Mary helped me collect them.”
Lily Anne nods, smiling weakly at the flowers. “Thank you, Sarina. They’re gorgeous.”
Sarina picks up her purse and smiles at the girl. “Do you want to put them in your room and then go for lunch?”
Lily Anne raises a brow at the word lunch. “Lunch where? I can’t leave the facilities.”
Sarina nods. “I know. Jer and Kashmira made you some food, and I have it in my bag. We can eat it near the pond and have a little picnic of sorts.”
Lily Anne gulps back emotion and nods, smiling. “Sure thing. Let’s go to my room first.”
When Sarina sees the papers all over, she frowns. “Love? What’s all this?”
Lily Anne places the flowers in a plastic pitcher and puts them near her window. “The papers? They’re song lyrics.”
Sarina nods and leans down to pick some up off the floor. “Can I look at them, or are they not done yet?”
Lily Anne hesitates before nodding, helping her to pick up the papers. “I’m most likely gonna produce them, so I guess it really doesn’t make a difference, does it?”
Sarina smiles and nods, and as they leave the room and walk over to the elevator, she looks down at Lily’s feet. “I’m glad you like the slippers. Lola picked them out for you.”
Lily smiles, looking at her aunt. “Tell her that they’re a very good gift.”
Sarina nods, satisfied. “I will.”
Lily Anne smells the Indian food when Sarina pulls it out of her bag and nearly begins to cry. She can taste the love when it reaches her mouth and closes her eyes. A single tear falls because she can barely handle all this emotion she feels. Sarina squeezes her hand, and she squeezes it back, looking over to see the woman barely holding back tears.
“We all just want you to be okay, Lily. We’re here for you always, no matter what,” Sarina says.
Lily nods. “I know. I appreciate it.”
“They why don’t you take it?” Sarina asks.
Lily Anne takes a deep breath. “Sometimes I don’t think I deserve it. I’ve hurt so many--” She wipes away a tear. “So many people, so badly. I know that I’ve wounded Brian and Anita more times than I can count. My bandmates are so loyal, and I just don’t understand why. But the worst hurt has always fallen on Roger.”
Sarina nods, looking down. “He loves you so much. We all do.”
Lily takes another bite of her food. “I know that. He’s like a third father to me, which is why he can’t stand to see me destroy myself.”
Sarina takes a deep breath. “He’s hurting so badly. We all are. I offered for him to come, but--”
Lily Anne furiously shakes her head. “I don’t want to see the hurt in his eyes.”
“That’s why I’m here. He wants to know that you’re doing better.”
Lily passes Sarina a song she’s written. “Bring this to him.”
Sarina nods. “Can I read it?”
Lily looks over at her and nods. “Yeah. I want him to write this one with me.”
Sarina looks down and begins to read it, smiling. “Lily, you’ve never written anything this… this vulnerable.”
Lily takes another bite of her food and nods. “It’s my own form of therapy. I tried the group stuff, the meditation, the art therapy, but this is the only thing that really works for me.” Sarina nods, looking at the scrawled out lyrics. “Does it make you feel better?”
Lily nods, smiling. “Yeah. It helps me out a lot. I think I finally found a good coping mechanism.”
Sarina’s smile only grows as she reads further. “Oh, Lily… he’s going to love this. He’ll be so happy that you’ve found something that works for you!”
Lily smiles as her aunt kisses her forehead, closing her eyes.
Lily Anne leads the group of ladies downstairs, walking into the lavish ballroom and smiling as she sees the BoRhap boys together. As soon as she walks inside, Ben is the first to notice her, and smiles when he sees her, beginning to walk over. Gwil and Rami follow, and Joe tags along behind them.
Lily Anne looks over Ben’s suit, nodding in approval. “Black velvet with a red cufflink. I approve.”
Ben smiles at her and nods. “I see we both got the memo.”
She nods, laughing before looking over his cufflinks. “Are these real rubies?”
He nods, and Lily Anne’s jaw drops. “Wow. How boujee of you, Benjamin.”
He grins down at her. “What can I say? You’ve influenced my style.”
Her lips quirk up into a smile, and as he offers her his elbow to walk to their table, she takes it, walking away with him.
Joe looks like he wants to kill both of them. “How are they so blind? How? They even dressed the same fucking way without consulting each other!”
Gwil sighs, patting Joe’s back. “Just be patient, Joe. You’ll be his best man someday.”
Ezichi nods, agreeing with Gwil. “It will be a long time before she puts me in a bridesmaid’s dress.” She looks at Gwil, smiling. “I love the suit.”
Gwil smiles back at her, nodding. “I think that’s a gorgeous dress. You look amazing.”
She smiles as Gwil offers her his arm, and she takes it, walking off with him.
Bron looks over at Joe and sighs, offering her own arm. He takes it with a smile, and she grins.
Brian taps the microphone and the room quiets down, everyone turning to look at the man.
“Hello, everyone! Do I have your attention? Good.” Brian pulls out a piece of paper from his suit jacket. “First of all, I would like to say thank you to everyone who worked on this project, which is so important to Queen, to Lily, and to everyone who knew and loved Freddie.” He smiles at the audience fondly. “This project has been in development for so long, because we knew that it had to be absolutely perfect for Freddie. Everything, from the script, to the cast, to the set, to the timing. Everything just had to be perfect. I’m very pleased to say that Roger and I found that it was the best it could possibly be, and our goal of making sure the world knows Freddie and the band as more than just another rock band was met.” Brian wipes his eyes, smiling. “Queen is a family for me, and it has been since 1970, when we first got together. Just like a family, some people have decided to be less directly involved, but that doesn’t change that we love them unconditionally, and hold our arms open for them if they choose to return to the forefront. Also, just like a family, we take care of one another, no matter what.” Brian looks down at Lily, who blinks away a happy tear. “Everyone in this room is now part of the Queen family, and I’m so glad that we could extend our love to all of you talented, dedicated, wonderful people.”
The audience claps, and Brian nods, waiting for them to calm down.
“As a thank you, we’d like to perform a few songs for you all. On the bass, we’ll have the talented Bronwyn Ryan-Hughes, and in place of Adam and Freddie, the lovely Lily Anne Mercury.”
As the crowd roars, Lily Anne sheds her blazer, putting it on her chair before stepping on stage. She walks over to Brian and gives him a tight hug, smiling. He reciprocates, and when he pulls away, walks over to his Red Special. Roger gives Lily and Bron thumbs up, and the girls nod, heading over to their instruments.
Lily Anne takes her spot at the baby grand piano, angling down the microphone with a smile.
“I must admit, I was informed of this just thirty minutes ago, so I have no idea what the order of the set list is,” Lily Anne laughs, waving dismissively. “But I think it’s only right to start off with a song that truly encapsulates the legacy of this amazing band.” She begins playing We Are the Champions, and as the room claps, she lets the music take her, infusing all the heart and soul she can into the lyrics of the song.
She imagines that Jim and Freddie are watching her from the back of the room, smiling and holding hands as their baby girl sings, knowing that they raised a strong, independent, confident woman. In a way, she thinks they are watching her, and she could swear that she feels her Papa behind her, performing alongside her. As the song closes, she takes a bow before returning to the piano.
Don’t Stop Me Now gets her moving around the stage, at one point headbanging to Brian’s guitar solo. She owns the song, and as she begins the stomp stomp clap of We Will Rock You, she prompts everyone to stand up, causing the whole floor to shake. The power of the song causes the air around her to buzz with energy, and she sighs deeply, taking a sip of water and sitting down to catch her breath before the last song.
“You’re an amazing audience, truly.” She says, smiling at the people in the room. “I can’t help but feel like Freddie is watching this all from above. I’m sure he’s forcing Jim to sing along to all of it, and playing with the cats.” She lets out a laugh. “How about we close with a little Bohemian Rhapsody?”
The audience yells, and Lily Anne stands up to finish off the set. The song goes perfectly, and everyone screams once the song is over. Lily Anne feels a spark on her forehead and a hand on her shoulder, and knows that it’s Freddie, and he’s proud of her. She takes a bow with Bron, and hugs Brian and Roger, smiling.
Ezichi smiles and hugs Lily Anne as she sits down, grinning. “You were perfect, Lily! That was amazing.”
Lily Anne smiles at Ezichi and returns the hug, leaning against her friend. “Thank you, Ezichi. I appreciate it.”
Bron sits down and Madi kisses her cheek, grinning. “You looked so happy up there, B! I loved it!”
Bron wraps an arm around her wife, kissing her on the lips. “Thanks, Mads. I must admit, your dancing did encourage me to continue on. It was adorable.”
Madi blushes and shakes her head. “I dance like a chicken without a head, Bron. I’m so bad at it.”
Lily Anne frowns. “Madi, you’re a great dancer!”
Madi looks over and scoffs. “Not when it’s anything but Irish dance.”
Joe smiles, looking over at her. “You did Irish dance?”
Madi nods, smiling. “Yep. I’ve done it since I was five.”
Bron ruffles her wife’s hair. “She dances and I play Welsh fiddle.”
Gwil perks up. “How Welsh were your parents?”
Bron looks over and raises her brows. “My father had the flag tattooed across his back and my mother was a Welsh clog dancing champion. I grew up only speaking Welsh in the house.”
Gwil leans back, nodding. “I did clog dancing as well. I was pretty good at it, actually.”
Ezichi grins at Gwil. “No way. I have to see that.”
Gwil smiles at her. “I’m sure I can find my clogs somewhere in my closet.”
Just then, a slower acoustic cover of You’re My Best Friend begins playing, and people start to go to the dance floor in the center of the room as couples.
“Speaking of dancing,” Gwil begins, standing up and offering Ezichi his hand, “would you like to join me out there?”
Ezichi’s smile grows, and she stands, nodding. “Of course.”
Bron soon sweeps Madi to the floor, and Lily Anne, Ben, and Joe are left sitting there. The tension is thick, and Lily Anne sighs, sipping her virgin margarita. She clearly expects Ben to ask her to dance, but that’s not going to happen, so Joe steps in, standing up and offering her his hand.
“M’lady, could I have this dance?” he asks in a silly accent.
Lily snorts, putting down her drink. “I suppose so, my good sir. Please, sweep me away with your dance moves!”
Joe smiles and takes her hand, and as they walk to the dance floor and begin dancing, his hand on her back and hers on his shoulder, she sighs.
“Listen,” he says, becoming serious. “I know you were expecting Ben to ask you to dance. I get that I’m not him and this is a bit of a disappointment, but I will get that man to dance with you by the end of the night.”
Lily looks down, shaking her head. “It’s alright. I get it.” She looks up at Joe, concerned, and whispers. “Did I come on too strong with that song I wrote? I know it wasn’t subtle, but it wasn’t meant to scare him away.”
Joe sighs, looking down at her. “No, you didn’t. It was a good thing that you wrote that, because he called me up after he watched the video of it and asked me if you loved him.”
Her eyes go wide and she squeezes Joe’s hand. “What did you say?”
Joe smiles. “I asked him if he loved you.”
She squeezes his hand more tightly. “What did he say?”
Joe winces. “Lily, could you--”
She lightens her grip. “Sorry. I’m just really nervous.”
Joe shrugs, smiling. “It’s alright. To be honest, it’s pretty damn cute. Instead of saying yes or no, he said maybe, and before you say anything-- listen to me. I asked him to talk about you.”
Lily raises a brow and nods. “And?”
Joe smiles. “He praised you for almost ten minutes straight.”
Lily nods, pursing her lips. “Okay. But that’s not a yes or no answer.”
Joe nods, twirling her. “I then asked him that if you asked him to give you the world, would he do it?”
Lily looks up at Joe and presses her lips together nervously.
Joe leans in and whispers, “He said ‘Of course.’”
Lily smiles and sighs in relief, hugging Joe tightly. “Oh, thank God.”
Joe pulls away after a moment, looking down at her. “He’s scared. You’re scared. But I think if you asked him to dance, he would be less scared.”
Lily nods, smiling. “Alright. Thank you, Joe. You’ve been a great dance partner.”
Joe salutes her playfully. “Go get ‘im, tiger.”
Lily Anne walks off, going over to Ben, and the smile that lights up his face makes Joe want to squeal. Maybe, just maybe, he’s sped up this long and grueling waiting process.
Gwil is by far one of the best dance partners Ezichi has ever had. The height helps, but the firm hand on the small of her back and confident steps he takes are truly a wonderful combination. She lets Gwil guide her around the floor, smiling.
“You look really amazing, Zichi,” he says, looking into her eyes. “Truly gorgeous. I didn’t want the boys to tease me about it there, but I needed to get it off my chest.”
Ezichi smiles, letting out a little laugh. “I was going to say that your suit looks incredibly good on you, but I know Lily and Madi would have a field day going on about that. I’d never hear the end of it.”
Gwil smiles, but looks slightly confused. “I would think that Lily and Bron would be the ones making a big deal about it, not Madi.”
Ezichi nods, grinning. “I get that. Nowadays, Madi tries to contain her chaotic, nosy tendencies. She knows that Bron will immediately say something that gives away what she thinks, and she has to act like an adult to prevent that. But she’s a drummer. Drummers are inherently chaotic.”
Gwil lets out a laugh, and spins Ezichi. “All the chaotic energy is taken out on her drums?”
Ezichi nods, snorting. “Basically. She tries to be calm and collected and make sure Bron isn’t making a mess of things, but the one area where she’s still a teenager at heart is when it comes to gossip. She loves it.”
Gwil smiles and lets out a puff of laughter, shaking his head. “As a band, you all just work so well.”
Ezichi tilts her head to the side, shrugging with a fond smile on her face. “We have our fights, but we love each other. I couldn’t imagine life without them by my side. It would be so lonely.”
Gwil takes a deep breath, and looks down at Ezichi. “I understand the feeling. This project has been truly amazing, but I’m not sure how I’m going to get on once it’s all over. I’ll miss them all so much.”
Ezichi squeezes his hand, smiling. “Ben and Lucy will still be in London, and Rami and Joe both live in New York. It won’t be that hard to visit.”
Gwil shakes his head slightly. “I’ll also miss seeing you, Ezichi.”
Ezichi smiles fondly at Gwil, her stomach full of butterflies. “I’m in London. Lily’s in London. Bron and Madi are in London. We won’t be far at all.”
Gwil tilts her chin up so she’s looking in his eyes. “I know that, but I think I’ve become far too attached to you in particular, Ezichi.”
Ezichi’s eyes widen, and she begins to blush. “I-I… I’ve enjoyed your company as well, Gwil.”
Gwil smiles nervously. “If I’m being fully honest with myself, I’ve never felt so close to anyone before in my life. While you were on tour, I was so lonely. Every picture I saw of you just made me want to be with you, and I’ve never felt that kind of loneliness before, Ezichi. When you came back, I was just so indescribably happy. It was like a hole had been filled, but instead of making me simply content, it made me…”
Ezichi responds for him. “Happier than I’d ever been before.”
Gwil’s eyes light up. “Yes, that’s exactly it. Did you--” he turns red. “Did you feel the same way?”
His voice is so hopeful, and Ezichi is glad that she can make his hopes come true.
Ezichi nods, smiling. “I felt the same exact way, Gwil.”
Gwil nods, and as the song ends, he dips her, their faces mere inches apart. “I was so confused as to why it hurt so much, but I figured it out.” A new song starts up, and he lifts her out of the dip, his hand on her back beginning to shake. “I need you, Ezichi. You complete me in a way that nobody else can, and you make me want to be the best person I can be, because you’re my better half, and you deserve the best I can give you.”
Ezichi smiles widely as she’s twirled, and lets one hand rest on Gwil’s cheek, thumb stroking his stubble slowly. “I would’ve taken a simple ‘I love you,’ but I do love your monologues.”
Gwil smiles and kisses her gently, to which she reciprocates immediately. When they pull away Ezichi is flushed, and smiles as she move to wipe her lip gloss off of his face. After she does, he dips her again, holding her flush as his lips are at her ear.
He leans in to whisper in her ear as they keep dancing. “Now, as gentlemanly as I would like to be, and as much as I would like to treat you like the goddess you are, I am a mere man, and this dress is absolutely begging to be ripped off of your body.”
Ezichi smirks, leaning in to whisper in his ear. “Gwil, let’s get a few things cleared up.” She’s twirled again. “I appreciate the gentleman, but right now I want an animal.” They sweep across the floor, and she smiles as they turn. “I am your goddess. My body is your temple, and your temple only.” Finally, she’s pulled in again, and looks up at him with a wicked grin. “I want people to know that you worshipped me.”
Gwil looks down at her, pupils dilated. “Get your purse. We’re going to my room now.”
Roger watches as Ben and Lily dance, and Sarina sits down beside him, smiling and wrapping an arm around his shoulders. He turns to face her and smiles. “Hello, love. Enjoying the party?”
Sarina nods. “Very much. You sounded great up there, love. Everything was amazing.”
Roger smiles, sipping a glass of whiskey before kissing her hand and looking back at the dance floor.
Sarina watches with him, grinning into her glass of wine. “Lily and Ben aren’t going to admit their feelings for each other tonight, Rog.”
Roger looks over at Sarina, frowning. “Why not? They’re dancing. Lucy and Rami left earlier, and so did Ezichi and Gwil. How is it not going to happen?”
Sarina shrugs and holds his tattooed hand. “The timing isn’t right. They’re almost there, though. Be patient.”
Roger huffs and leans back, and Anita and Brian sit down next to them.
Brian smiles, sipping his water. “I know. I wanted it to happen too, but it won’t tonight.”
Roger shakes his head. “They’re so blind. It’s ridiculous that it’s taking this long for them to tell each other how they feel.”
Anita shakes her head. “They know how they feel for each other.”
Roger scoffs. “Then what’s taking so long?”
Brian smiles fondly. “They’re scared and cautious. They want it to work so badly that they’ll wait it out until it is fully clear that they won’t be rejected.”
Anita smiles and squeezes Roger’s hand. “When it happens, it will happen fast.”
Sarina nods, looking over at her husband. “Stop stewing, love. You’ll walk her down the aisle someday.”
Roger finishes his drink, sitting up. “I better.”
TAGLIST: @andtheytoldustotellyouhello @plethora-of-things @borhap-socials @everybodyplaythegame @i-the-fangirl @deakydeakydeaky @shisterfackisback @samanthadegaro @lv7867 @fatbottomedcurls @redspecialty @haisimsim @peterparkeroos @teenwolflover28 @ixchel-9275 @alessandra-elle @onexlittlespark @queenficarchive @leah-halliwell92 @rrrogah-tayluhh @maddistudiess @queen-fam @evrsncnewyork 
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megsblackfirewrites · 7 years
The Beginning of a Legacy: Chapter 4
Chapter 4
“Captain,” Malaha greeted as John and his group stepped into the briefing room.
“Major,” he greeted in return and saluted.
Everyone followed suit, except for Joel, who just tipped his hat like the typical Southern gentleman he tried to style himself as. The Major gave Joel a fond look before she shook her head. Leave it to Joel to charm everyone in high command into not caring if he saluted or not. He’d be charming them out of their wallets if they allowed it; he was good at getting what he wanted. John glanced past Malaha and took stock of the group assembled around the table. Young eyes stared at him, each one a little more nervous than the last.
“So, this is Overwatch?” John asked. “A motley bunch, if nothing else.”
“The best from around the world, Captain Morrison,” Malaha chuckled. “Don’t let their age fool you; they’re as dedicated to this cause as you are and just as qualified.”
“It’s not their dedication I worry about,” John replied as his eyes landed on an enormous young man with barely the beginnings of a beard on his chin. “Why the hell is there a teenager at my table?”
The boy in question grinned widely before he got to his feet, holding a massive hand out towards John. He was easily almost six and a half feet tall and by the looks of him, he wasn’t done growing yet. He wasn’t just tall, either; he was covered in thick muscles. Was it natural for a kid his age to be that ripped? It was sort of disquieting.
“Reinhardt Wilhelm at your service!” he boomed, making Laura squeak in surprise.
Kid had a good set of lungs on him too. At least someone’s voice was going to carry over the battlefield when orders needed to be shouted.
“Captain Morrison,” John replied as he shook the boy’s hand. “That doesn’t tell me why you’re here, kid.”
“Ah, I was nominated from my order,” Reinhardt beamed and puffed his chest out. “We Crusaders are the best that Germany has to offer!”
“Never heard of the group,” John said coldly. “And I question their motives for sending a child to me.”
“John,” Joel elbowed him in the side. “Ease up. I was runnin’ guns when I was his age.”
“Let’s not bring up your sordid past, Joel,” John shot him a look. “It is not a good example to use.”
“Why not? Best they know who they’re dealin’ with,” Joel smirked. “‘Sides, hard to call anyone that’s as big as Reinhardt a kid. Fuck, he’s bigger than I am and I ain’t a short-ass, unlike you, Snow White.”
“Snow White had ebony black hair; I’m more like Cinderella,” John shook his head. “Van is going to be so insulted that you didn’t pay attention to our discussion, Joel. And after she decided you were Robin Hood too.”
“Considerin’ the one she was talkin’ about was a fox, I’m sort of happy about forgettin’ it ‘til this moment,” he teased before winking at Reinhardt. “Little girls are usually pretty good at complimentin’ ya, but they’re just as fast to insult ya thinkin’ they’re being cute. She’d probably call you ‘Little John’ or Ballou cuz a yer size.”
Reinhardt grinned and puffed his chest out even more. Leave it to the kid to take being likened to a bear as a compliment. John did his best not to roll his eyes as Joel leaned on the table.
“How long you serve, Reinhardt?” Joel asked.
“A little over a year, sir,” Reinhardt smiled.
“Ah, don’t sir me; I ain’t the one with the shiny badge on my chest,” Joel laughed. “Just call me Joel. Or McCree; I’ll answer to both.”
“So they’re sending a private instead of an officer,” John growled. “They aren’t fighting their case very well.”
“John, breathe,” Joel shot him a smirk. “Decision’s already been made. Roll with it.”
“I could hit you,” John glared at him.
Joel smirked more and flipped him off. John reached out and cuffed the older man over the head, but all it got him was a gruff laugh and a hand in his hair ruffling it roughly.
“That’s ol’ Cap fer ya,” Joel crowed. “Cares too much fer his own good. Don’t worry, boys and girls, John’ll carry yer busted ass off the battlefield no matter how much he’s cussin’ you out.”
John reached up to try and fix his ruffled hair, glaring at Joel, but it softened at the man’s fond smile. Joel set his hands on his hips before he glanced around at the table.
“So, who else wants to introduce themselves?” he asked. “You know, before the Cap’ is forced to give his military spiel and we’re all reduced to numbers in some jackass’ book.”
A woman rose elegantly to her feet and bowed her head. “Shimada Miyu,” she said with a lighter Japanese accent than John was expecting. “It is an honour to serve with you, Morrison-sama.” She glanced up and smirked at him. “You can return the bow if you wish, just keep your head above mine.”
“I’ll settle for a handshake,” John replied.
“Thank Christ!” Miyu laughed as she reached across the table to shake his hand. “I hate having to deal with Americans that don’t know the first thing about proper bows.”
Joel cackled with glee at her comment and tipped his hat. “Ah, lil lady, I think we’re gunna get along just fine,” he teased.
“I should hope so,” she winked. “We ex-criminals have to stick together.”
“What?” Laura piped up.
Joel lifted his hat a little out of his eyes and squinted at Miyu. Miyu smirked and batted her eyelashes, shifting her shoulders back and forth. Joel threw his head back and laughed, reaching out to thump John’s chest.
“Well I’ll be,” he laughed. “If it ain’t the White Dragon of Hanamura! My, you grew up into a fine young lady, Miss Miyu. I didn’t recognize ya!”
“Care to fill the rest of us in?” John sighed.
“Deadlock and the Shimada clan had some dealin’s over the years,” Joel grinned. “Miyu’s the fine offspring of a powerful yakuza leader. ‘Though, I expect if yer here, that cousin of yers finally managed to wrench control from yer elders.”
“Exactly,” Miyu nodded. “I am here as a peace offering from the Shimada Clan to the Japanese Military.”
“So we’re working with criminals,” a man growled, glaring at Miyu and Joel. “Is this really the best the world has to offer?”
“Who the governments chose to send is out of my control, Sergeant,” Malaha said. “You will just have to deal with it.”
“You expect me to trust criminals to watch my back?” the Sergeant demanded, his dark eyes narrowing. “This is loco.”
“I have no reason to turn on you unless you give me a reason to, Reyes-san,” Miyu inclined her head.
Sergeant Reyes glared at her and said something in Spanish. John’s Spanish was horrible; he’d learned French in high school and the most he could say was “hello” and “where’s the bathroom”. Miyu smiled sweetly at the Sergeant before punching him across the face and knocking him flat on his ass. She gave her fist a shake and set a hand on her hip.
“You know what he said?” John asked as everyone shuffled closer to stare at the dazed man on the floor.
“Not a clue,” she shrugged. “But I know when I’ve been insulted.”
“Pretty sure I heard a puta in there,” Joel chuckled. “So he at least called you a ‘bitch’.”
“Typical,” Miyu smirked before looking at John. “So,” she smiled, “when do we leave?”
“So, you got anyone waiting for you at home, Captain?”
Joel glanced up. Sergeant Reyes still had a beautiful black eye from where Miyu had punched him, but the idiot had at least stopped insulting her when she was in hearing range. He had pitched a fit when John made it clear that Joel was his Second in Command over a “more qualified” military officer. Joel was still waiting for the right moment to pin the man to a wall and shake some sense into him. Now was not the time for his backwards, bro-military logic. They had a dangerous war to win.
“Kid,” John smiled. “Only seven.”
“Look like you or his mom?” Reyes asked.
“Him,” Laura smirked. “Damn near spitting image, if you ask me. Great big blue eyes and corn-gold blond hair. Such a little sweetie.”
“Thank you, Laura,” John shook his head. “I’m sure Jack will love that you said that. He’s always so scared people won’t know he’s my son.”
Laura grinned widely before she returned to listening to her iPod. Joel shook his head in amusement as Reyes lifted an eyebrow at Laura. He clearly didn’t approve of the scout being on the same team as him either. Whether because she was young or inexperienced with military protocol was something Joel still had to puzzle out. Reyes shook his head and turned back to John.
“So, what, you white boys just breed true or something?” he asked.
“Wow, asshole,” Joel called. “My kids look like me too.”
“Hey, I didn’t mean anything by it,” Reyes smiled. “You know that, right, gringo?”
John shot him a look and shook his head. Just like the big boss to let insults slide so that no feathers were ruffled. Kid better not think Joel was that nice.
“What about you, Reyes? Who’s waiting at home for you?” John asked.
“Brother, sister-in-law, and their kids,” Reyes smirked.
“How sweet,” John said icily.
“Oh, come on, Cap; I’m just playing around,” Reyes said sweetly. “What’s the matter; can’t take a joke?”
“Jokes should be funny,” Miyu said as she walked over and dropped down between John and Reyes. “Not meant to make someone feel small over something as petty as living family members.”
“I’d listen to the lady,” Joel commented as he readjusted his hat. “Ain’t gunna get anywhere if we’re at each other’s throats over stupid shit like this.”
“Hey, I’m just trying to make small talk,” Reyes lifted his hands.
“Then speak of something else,” Miyu replied.
“Fine; what’s home to you?” Reyes demanded.
“A village on top of a hill,” Miyu smiled. “It’s old and swamped by tradition. Tokyo is not far from us, so at night you can see the lights in the sky. It’s beautiful in spring, full of warmth and sunshine. There are cherry blossoms floating everywhere. I miss it.”
“How long you been away, Miyu?” Joel asked.
“Two years,” Miyu looked down at her feet. “I have been protecting the rest of Asia from the omnics. I have not held my cousin’s son since he was born. My cousin tells me that he is expecting another child. I want to be there to hold them at least once.”
“Home’s a farm,” John sighed. “Corn plantations as far as the eye can see. Wide open spaces. Porch with a swing seat. Tire swing hanging from the old oak in the front yard. Chickens running around and pecking at everything. Dirt road all the way up to the highway. Sweet ice tea on a summer night.”
“Sounds like heaven,” Miyu smiled. “What happened to it?”
“Omnics,” John sighed. “Don’t know how much is left of the old farmstead. Could probably save something of it when this hell is done with. What about you, Joel?”
Joel smiled as he tipped his hat back. “Wild west is what I call home,” he chuckled. “Hot sun, sun-baked earth, not a tree fer miles in any direction. Just you, a gun, and whatever mode of transportation you prefer. Used to drive an ol’ pick-up, personally. But, home’s also a warm house filled with the laughter of children. Never thought I’d be much of a family man ‘til my little rugrats were born.”
“Apartment in Bloomington,” Laura said as she pulled an earbud out. “Not overly fancy, but it’s nice. Just me, Dad, and Tigger.”
“A village in Germany,” Reinhardt sighed softly from where he was sitting. “The cool breezes of summer wafting in out of the forest. Homemade bread filling the house. I will never see it again.”
“I’m sorry,” Joel murmured. “Omnics?”
“Ja,” Reinhardt nodded his head. “It is what spurred me into the army so young. There was nothing left of my home and I could not bear the thought of others suffering as I did. I swore I would protect all that I could. I do not plan on breaking that vow ever.”
“What about you, Reyes?” Joel asked. “What’s home to you?”
Reyes shifted uncomfortably and looked away. “A home in L.A,” he grumbled. “Nothing special about it. Just nice and full of people.”
“Any of them actually miss you?” Joel growled in Spanish. Reyes looked at him in surprise and Joel smiled. “What, you really think you’re the only one capable of knowing two languages?”
“Didn’t peg you as being Mexican,” Reyes said. “Little dark.”
“Not Mexican; Navajo,” Joel shrugged. “Learned Spanish in high school and kept at it since it was useful to know. Regardless, you’re a right arrogant bastard. You think only Mexicans can speak Spanish? A good chunk of the fucking world speaks Spanish, jackass.”
“You don’t talk like a white boy, that’s all.”
“And racist to boot,” Joel snorted, wishing he could spit. He was pretty sure the pilot would gut him if he spat in her plane. “Fuckers like you give the rest of us a bad name.”
“Rest of us?” Reyes demanded. “You’re nothing but a half-bred…”
“Oh, finish that sentence,” Joel snarled as he got to his feet, “I dare ya!”
“Joel,” John got to his feet. “I don’t know what you two are arguing about, but it’s not worth it.”
“Yes, listen to your slave driver,” Reyes smirked.
“John, I gotta lot of respect fer ya, but let me handle this,” Joel growled. “This shitstain needs to learn a lesson.”
John looked at him before he gently pulled Miyu to her feet. “You don’t want to be in his way,” he said at her indignant look. “Trust me.”
Joel waited until Miyu and John had moved to a different set of seats before he attacked. The shock in Reyes’ eyes was satisfying as Joel slammed him against the wall. He recovered fast, driving his knee up into Joel’s stomach to make him back off. He underestimated how fast Joel could recover, however, and wasted the few precious seconds to smirk.
Joel surged forward and grabbed Reyes by the head, wrenching him around. He smashed his head to the ground and got an elbow to the jaw during the maneuver. He bit the end of his tongue, filling his mouth with blood as he stumbled back. He grinned, letting Reyes see the gory sight, before he spat on the floor. He wasn’t exactly going to swallow it; he’d clean it up afterwards so the pilot didn’t kill him.
He saw the combat knife emerge from Reyes’ boot as he looked up. He blocked the blow, grinning as he twisted Reyes’ arm under his. He wrenched up, forcing Reyes’ hand open and making him drop the knife.
“Next time you pull a knife,” Joel growled before his machete came free of its sheath, “make sure your opponent doesn’t have a bigger one.” He pressed the blade against Reyes’ cheek and dragged it slowly down the curve of his jaw. “Now remember yer place or yer gunna find out why they call me ‘Coyote’. I ain’t the big boss. I ain’t nice to shits like you.”
He pulled away slowly, running the tip of his machete under Reyes’ trembling chin. He pulled it away swiftly, nicking the skin just enough to make a thin line of red appear. He slipped his machete back into its sheath before heading for the medical supply cupboard in search of something that would make his tongue stop bleeding. Reyes got the message loud and clear.
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Make a Move (Chapter 13)
Fandom: Until Dawn
Genre: Romance, Humor, Tragedy, Hurt/Comfort
Pairing: Josh x OC
Rated: M
Warnings: Language,
(First) (Previous)
“Chris texted me a few minutes ago and said he’d swing by to pick us up soon.” Josh said as he walked into the living room to see Maxine looking through records. She sat sideways with her legs crossed over the arm of the chair. The recorder player sat on the table beside her. “Whacha up to?” Josh asked as he walked over.
“Just looking through your collection.”
“Yeah my parents collect these things.” Josh said as he sat on the edge of the chair next to her legs. “Not sure why. They’re kinda pointless nowadays.”
“My dad used to collect these.” Maxine said with a small smile as she looked at the cover of one. Josh grimaced. “He used to play them so loud. Sometimes we would dance until mom came home.” Josh frowned. He turned to the pile of records beside the player and started looking through them. “What are you doing?” Josh didn’t answer but smiled when he found the record he was looking for. He stood and took it out of the sleeve before putting it on the player. “Josh?” Josh put the needle on before he grabbed Maxine’s hand and pulled her up. Maxine smiled as Moonlight Serenade by Glenn Miller began to play. “I love this song.”
“Really, great.” Josh smiled as he put his hands on her hips. Maxine put her arms around his neck. Josh pulled her closer before he kissed her softly. Her face went pink and he chuckled. The two slow danced in the center of the room, content with just looking into each other’s eyes. Josh hummed along with the music as Maxine rested her head against his shoulder and closed her eyes. As the song came to an end Maxine pulled back to smile up at Josh before giving him a kiss.
“Awww that’s so cute!” The two looked to see Chris and Ashley in the archway. Ashley was grinning and had a hand over her heart.
“Never saw you as the slow dance type.” Chris said with a smirk. Josh rolled his eyes.
“I think it’s very sweet.” Ashley said.
“Who let you in?” Josh asked.
“Your mom.” Chris said. “She said there was something we had to see in the living room.” He added with a smirk. Josh shook his head. Maxine kissed his cheek before leaving his arms and walking over to Ashley.
“So we’re going shopping today right?”
“We’re hanging out at the mall, yeah.” Chris said.
“You guys are hanging out,” Ashley said. “The girls are going shopping.” Chris waved a hand dismissively.
“Alright, let’s go.” Josh said as he walked up to Chris. “Since you’re driving I can hold my girl.” He said as he wrapped his arms around Maxine from behind and kissed her cheek.
“Alright. The mall. So much fun.” Chris said as he got out of the driver’s seat.
“You guys can go to the arcade or something.” Ashley said as she got out of the passenger’s seat. “Max and I will meet up with the girls and meet back at the car later.” Josh and Maxine got out of the back.
“Nope, I’m staying with Max.” Josh said as he put his arm around her shoulders.
“You just don’t like the possibility of someone hitting on her.” Chris said.
“Of course.” Josh said as he pulled Maxine into his side. She smiled up at him. Ashley frowned.
“Aren’t you worried about guys hitting on me?” she asked.
“Huh?” Chris blinked. Ashley let out a sigh and started walking towards the entrance. “W-Wait.” Chris caught up to her and put his arm around her. Josh sighed and shook his head. “So uh, we’re meeting up… where again?”
“Food court.” Josh said. “Sam texted me, she’s there with Matt and Em already. Mike and Jess are on their way. ”
“Hey, I still don’t have your numbers.” Maxine said.
“Oh yeah, uh, give me your phone.” Ashley said. Maxine handed it over and Ashley added her number. “I added both our numbers.” She said as she handed the phone back with a smile.
“Alright, so eat first then shop or eat halfway through?” Chris asked.
“We could eat at the end too.” Sam suggested.
“Jess and I ate about an hour ago.” Mike said.
“So halfway through?” Matt asked as he looked around. Everyone nodded in agreement.
“Alright so we’ll meet you back in the food court.” Jess said as she and Emily took Ashley and Maxine’s hand.
“Hey, where ya takin’ our girlfriends?” Josh asked as Chris held his arms out in a what-gives gesture.
“We’re going to do some shopping of our own.” Jess said.
“For what?” Matt asked.
“You’ll just have to wait until later to find out.” Emily said with a wink.
“Later later or later?” Matt asked.
“The hell does that mean?” Chris muttered to Josh.
“He means later when we all meet up or later in the back of his car.” Mike said.
“Car.” Emily said with a large smirk which made Matt rub the back of his neck in embarrassment and Mike roll his eyes.
“You uh, you all getting something?” Josh asked.
“Don’t worry, we’ll find something for her.” Jess assured him. Maxine’s face went red as John grinned. “Ash too.” Ashley’s face matched hers as Chris’ eyebrows shot up.
“Wait- what are we getting?” Ashley squeaked. The girls only laughed as they pulled the two away.
“Well, I better go with them.” Sam said with a sigh.
The girls met up with the boys after hitting a few more places. To say they looked disappointed at the lack of bright pink little bags was an understatement. It was only when Emily rolled her eyes and pulled out a small bag from inside the larger one she was carrying did the boys perk up. Josh came up to Maxine and slipped an arm around her waist as he tried to peek in the larger bag she was carrying. He saw her face turn pink and smirked.
“Maybe we should have a lil fashion show when we get home.” Josh suggested quietly as he put his lips against her ear. He smirked as he saw her face become an even darker shade of red. Josh chuckled and kissed her check. He looked at Chris avoided looking at Ashley who was doing the same. Josh walked up to Chris and nudged him in the side.
“What?” Chris asked.
“What’s up with you? You and Ash have-“
“No we haven’t… not yet.” He muttered. Josh chuckled. “Oh shut it. It’s not like you and Max have either.”
“How would you know?” Josh asked, his smirk gone.
“So you haven’t either.” Chris said with a smirk.
“Shut up, I-I don’t wanna push anything on her…” Josh looked over at Maxine who was talking with the girls. “I’m more focused on making sure she’s happy than having sex with her.” Chris smiled. “What?” Chris shook his head. “What are you smiling at?”
“Nothing. It’s just… you really care about her.”
“Of course I do.” Josh said as he looked back over at her. A smile started to form as he saw that she was laughing with the others.
“You should get her something.” Chris said.
“Get her something? Like what?”
“Like a… a bear or…”
“A bear?”
“You know, a stuffed one. A teddy bear.”
“I mean I’ll go with you, I can get Ash something.”
At the food court Josh, Maxine, Chris and Mike got pizza, Matt, Sam and Emily got subs while Jess and Ashley got salads. They had to move two tables together. Of course the couples sat next to each other and Sam made a point to not sit next to Josh.
“Ah damn…” Josh hissed as he spilled his soda on his shirt while taking a sip. “Ah- Max could you get me some napkins?”
“Yeah, sure.” Maxine said with a nod before she got up and walked away.
“Alright, quick, before she comes back: I was thinking of getting Max a puppy. Yes or no?” Josh asked looking around at everyone. Everyone blinked at him.
“A puppy?” Sam asked.
“Yeah, a puppy.” Josh said with a grin. “What do you think? Bad idea?” his grin dropped.
“No no it sounds like a good idea.” Matt said. “What kind would you get her?”
“You should get her a cat.” Emily said. “Dogs are too loud.”
“She likes dogs… I mean she said she likes cats too but dogs always want to play.” Josh said. “I thought it might make her happy.”
“How’s she doing?” Sam asked.
“She’s better but sometimes she just stares out the window… If I’m being honest…It scares me.” Josh admitted.
“She’s coming back.” Jess said nonchalantly as she noticed Maxine walking back to the table.
“I’ll help you out, bro.” Chris said nudging Josh’s arm with his elbow. Josh nodded.
“Here you go.” Maxine said as she handed Josh some napkins from a handful. “I got some for everyone else too.” She said half in the middle of each table.
“Thanks Max.”
“Yeah, thanks.”
“So what activity are we doing tomorrow?” Sam asked. “Anyone up for rock wall climbing?”
“Yeah my upper body strength isn’t the best…” Emily said.
“Mine either.” Maxine said.
“Oh come on you did just fine in th-“ Sam stopped herself. She cleared her throat. “I’m sure you’ll be fine.” She said as she forced a smile. Thankfully, even though everyone caught what she almost said they chose to ignore it, but it didn’t stop the silence that followed.
“Why don’t we all come over to my place and play games on the big screen?” Josh suggested. “Max here has gotten pretty good at Halo, still can’t beat me” he chuckled which made Maxine roll her eyes as she lightly hit his arm. “Then we can hit two birds with one stone and watch a movie or two.”
“Sure, sounds like fun.” Mike said.
“Great. Max and I will pick out a bunch of games tonight.” Josh said putting his arm around her shoulders.
“So should hit a few more places before we go?” Matt asked.
“Yeah, Josh and I have something we need to take care of. We’ll meet you guys later.” Chris said as he collected their trash. They each kissed their girlfriends on the cheek before they left.
“You guy can just hang out with us.” Jess said with a smile to the two girls.
After about 15 minutes Josh and Chris saw the group walking in the opposite direction. They caught up with them and Josh brought something down in front of Maxine’s face. She jumped with a yelp, causing everyone else to jump and turn around.
“Josh!” Maxine gasped as she turned around and slapped Josh’s arms a few times. Josh held up the bear to protect his face with a grin.
“Ah- Max! Babe!” Josh laughed.
“Don’t do that!” Maxine said as she crossed her arms.
“I got you a bear?” he held out the bear with a sheepish smile. Chris turned to Ashley.
“I got you a bunny.” He said with a smile. She took it with a smile before she kissed his cheek.
“See that’s how you give someone a present. You don’t scare them with it.” Maxine said. Josh frowned.
“I’m sorry Max…” Josh said. “I’m sorry.” He put the bear in front of his face again and made it move side to side as he spoke in a higher voice. “Please forgive me.” he slowly peeked out from behind the bear with a sheepish smile.  Maxine rolled her eyes but slowly smiled too. She took the bear from his face and pecked his lips.
“Thank you.” She said. Josh smiled.
Next Chapter
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soulfood-fics · 5 years
Oreo - Chapter 1
Heyy! This is my first fic, hopefully its not trash!
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Pairing: John Boyega + Black!OC
Inspiration: John did an interview where he said a girl broke up with him after seeing him on a Star Wars billboard, this story is a variation of that but with my own little twist. 
I made it an original Character but I hope everyone can identify with it. 
Waking up to the Living Single theme song and the brightness of her TV, Akida feels the covers around her trying to silence her phone. Squinting her eyes to focus on the screen she realizes it’s not her usual alarm but a facetime call from her older sister Bianca. After letting it ring, she decides to answer and point the camera towards the ceiling.
“Hey lil sis!” Bianca’s chipper voice made Akida groan.
“It’s too early for this B,” rolling over so that only her forehead and eyes were visible on screen “…what do you want?” she says, rolling to the other side of the bed and hiding her head under the pillow.
“Girl it is 10am on a Saturday, get up and open the door.”
Slightly confused, Akida brings the phone directly to her face, “You’re here?” The question was answered by a knock on the door.
She’d forgotten she was supposed to do her sisters hair this morning. Jumping out of bed, turning off her TV and scrambling to make her room look decent, Akida put clothes and papers anywhere they’d fit. Just as she stuffs the last pile of clothes in the closet, Bianca knocks again. Rushing out of her room she makes a mental note to thank her roommate for cleaning the kitchen before opening the door. “What took you so long? You know I’ve seen your room before.” Grabbing each other into a tight hug, “I missed you, B” Akida whispers into her sisters hair. “Oh sure you did. You don’t call, you don’t write. I’m tired of being treated like a bald headed stepchild.” 
Closing the door behind her sister, she’d forgotten how dramatic she was. “You live two freeway exits away. Relax.”
~Only being two years apart they hadn’t seen each other much growing up, having different mothers and estranged relationships with their father. They reconnected sometime in high school when Akida’s relationship with their father had gone rotten. Both had been daddy’s girls but at a young age they became aware that the family dynamic wasn’t normal. The visits with their father became shorter and less frequent and eventually stopped. After high school graduation, Akida went to college in the Bay Area to be close to Bianca who had started a family of her own. Her long-time boyfriend Donovan and their adorable three year old son Jacob were the perfect IG black family goals~
“Ready to get started?” Bianca asks as she turns on the living room TV and gets comfortable on the floor in front of the couch. Akida’s mother made her learn how to do hair, especially her own. She’d become her sisters designated braider since she was the only one who knew how to cornrow. Grabbing the rattail comb and other supplies, she sits behind her sister and begins to part her hair.
“Can you do a little design in the front and a second row of braids in the back? That way it’s versatile.” Bianca asks, making Akida raise her eyebrows in surprise.
“For someone who doesn’t know how to cornrow, you’re making a lot of requests.”
Turning around to face her sister, Bianca says “I am a proud member of the BGWCB club!” They both laughed “The what?” she asks.
“It’s the Black Girls Who Can’t Braid club, we are underrepresented and deserve to be acknowledged” Bianca says between chuckles.
Still laughing she goes back to parting the hair into rows and starts braiding. A brief silence falls over them before Bianca changes the subject. “Dad called”, she says as more of a statement than a conversation starter. “He asked about you.” She adds. Not wanting to entertain the topic Akida stays quiet focusing on making clean parts and even sections. Turning around again, Bianca continues “Kiddie he’s sick and it doesn’t look good for him. I think you two should talk.”
Not wanting to hear any more of it Akida snaps back “And if you want these plaits tight I think you should turn around.” Bianca decides to drop the subject and they sit in silence as Akida finishes her hair, sharing the occasional laugh at the Insecure rerun.
Once she finishes the last braid, Akida puts coconut oil on the parts between the braids and shea butter on the ends, “done” she mumbled and moves to get up from the couch headed to her room. Bianca catches up to her sister and hugs her from behind, “Thank you Kiddie!” she sings “And I’m sorry for bringing dad up, I know it’s still a sensitive topic for you.”
“It’s fine.”
“Ooo why don’t we go out for lunch? Donovan’s mom has the baby so I’m free.” Just the mention of food makes Akidas stomach growl, reminding her she hadn’t eaten. “Come on. It’s my treat” Bianca pleads.
“Fine, it’ll be my payment”
Clapping her hands together, Bianca heads back to the living room. Before Akida closes the bathroom door to get dressed she hears “Oh can we take your car? I don’t want to lose my parking space.”
“Sure.” She says rolling her eyes
They decided to go to Akidas favorite Filipino street food spot on Fruitvale. She ordered chicken lumpia and 24 count of their signature G-Fire wings.
“So how are things with you and uh… um.. What’s his name?” Bianca asks before taking a drink of water.
“His name is Elijah and you already know we broke up.” Bianca never approved of Elijah or his relationship with Akida. When they had broken up a few months ago Bianca wanted to throw a party.
“Oh yeah Elijah, so y’all don’t talk still?” Bianca was pressing for answers that she already knew. Akida could tell she was up to something.
“No we do not. Why?” she answered.
“Oh no reason... So would you mind if I gave that guy over there your number?” Bianca tilted her head towards the end of the line to order. Akida turned, moving her braids from her shoulder and saw him. He was cute. Cute in a ‘nice to look at but don’t touch or else he’ll ruin your life’ kind of way. Since she had just gotten her life together, Akida thought it best to leave him alone. “Im not interested.” She said and turned to dip her lumipa in the sweet and sour sauce.
All while they ate Akida had tried to sneak glances at him. Unfortunately, she wasn’t as slick as she thought and they locked eyes for one second too many. Bianca caught their brief interaction also, “Lier, do you want me to get him over here?” she asks and raises her hand to get his attention.
“EXCUSE ME! You with the Africa tattoo! Yeah, Hi can you come here plea- OW.” Her sentence was cut short by Akidas foot connecting with Bianca’s knee.
“Nope! Sorry, big mistake. Stay in your seat please, Sir.” Akida’s attempt for damage control fails as the man continues to get up from his seat and carry his food towards them. “Oh god no. What did you just do?” she whispers harshly towards Bianca who’s already switched seats to make room for the handsome stranger. “I’m getting you a man. Now shut up and be nice,” she whispers back.
Smiling through the pain in her knee, Bianca stretches a hand out to greet him, “Hi, I’m Bianca. Nice to meet you.” pointing towards Akida and the open seat next to here “ my sister and I noticed you eating alone and thought you might want some company. Please have a seat.”
Putting his plate of food down on the table he shakes Bianca's hand, “Nice to meet you. I’m John.”
Oh god, his accent Akida thought, I’d let him hold me.
She continued to imagine what his arms would feel like around her until her thoughts were interrupted, “And THIS is my sister Akida, she's a little shy.” she hadn't noticed the hand in front of her. Internally yelling at herself for missing the opportunity to touch him, Akida strains a smile. He mimics her smile back to her, “it’s alright love, I wouldn't talk to me either.” he says with a laugh and sat down, continuing the conversation with Bianca.
Akida waits for an opening to interject into the conversation.
“I love your accent, where are you from?” Bianca asks.
“London but I’m Nigerian ” he answered. There it was, her opening.
“Oh really that's cool.” dumbass, she thought, out of all the words you know that's what you put together.
He didn't seem to care though, he was just happy she was talking to him. “Yeah, it is pretty cool.”
The just sit and smile at each other for a few seconds.
Not wanting the conversation to go stale Bianca interjects, “Oh Kiddie, tell him about the Jollof Festival.”
“Yeah Kiddie, tell me about it.” John was teasing. He turned in his chair to face her.
It didn't matter how many clothes she had on, the way he looked at her made her feel exposed and completely bare.
“There’s a festival downtown where different vendors have jollof from different places. But it's mostly Ghanaian and Nigerian vendors there, they're a little competitive.” Akida explains.
“And Nigerian Jollof wins. Hands down.” John said matter-of-factly
“I wouldn't know, I’ve never had it before.”
“You have a Jollof festival but you’ve never had jollof ? That's the only way to have it.”
Akida shrugged, “My ex boyfriend was Ghanaian so he only took me to the Ghanaian vendors.”
“Well he’s an idiot,”
“I couldn’t agree with you more!'' Akida and John had both forgotten about Bianca. She was quiet which isn't normal for her. “Sorry to interrupt whatever's going on here,” gesturing to John and Akida, “but we’ve got to go.”
“Awe do we?” realizing what she’s said, Akida quickly corrects herself, “I mean yes we do, sorry John it was really nice meeting you.”
“Nice meeting you as well, both of you.” John stands letting Akida move from the table, “ Akida I’d like to see you again, if that's alright. Maybe take you out for some real jollof.”
Before she could answer Bianca hands John a napkin with her sister’s number on it, “Oh I thought you’d never ask,” pulling Akida towards the exit, “Bye John.”
As soon as they're out the door, Bianca starts to yell, “DOYOUKNOWWHOTHATWAS?,” stopping in front of Akida. “I didnt recognize him at first but then it hit me!”
“You know him?” 
“Yes! You dont?” 
“No. I’ve never seen him before.” Akida gets distracted by a text, 
Bye Kiddie, Let me know when you want that jollof.
Looking up from her phone, shes met by another screen. Bianca held up a picture, it was John holding a light saber. Her heart dropped “There’s no way.” 
@ghostfacekill-monger @honeychicana
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