#i literally have like maybe 2 bowls left but i always do 2 bowls so like 1 more hit
bibleofficial · 2 months
so i’ve smoked a hz in a week
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addisonnie · 1 year
you, me, & mary-jane
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summary: dealer!ellie comes in clutch in more ways than one.
warnings: make-out sesh, cursing, terrible breaking bad references
a/n: surprise! another ellie fic because i refuse to do the schoolwork that i desperately need to finish! wooooooooo dealer ellie is yum. i actually kinda hate this! enjoy! oh god also listen to “meddle about” by chase atlantic while you read if you would like. ellie=chase atlantic okay bye
part 2 —> part 3
There are several things in life that you can live without. Weed is not one of them.
You’re huffing and borderline growling as you dig through various stash locations in your room. Closet, empty. Under the mattress, nothing but crumbs. In every single pants pocket? Zero. Zilch. Not one lush green nug was found.
What could be chalked up to a literal war cry left your lips as you sat on the floor with your head in your hands, “this is it. This is the end.”
Dina’s head poked up from the side of her bed, “what are you whining about down there?”
Leaning your head back onto the wall, you sent Dina a harsh glare, “you and Jesse smoked the last of it! And I’m flat broke, too!”
She sat up fully in her bed, eyes wide and crazy, “bitch! Don’t pin this on us! You said it was fine.”
“That was last night! This is today! Today I just want to smoke my silly little bowl and enjoy my silly little high.” You groan and knock your head against the wall a few times.
Fishing your phone from your back pocket, you open iMessage. Hopefully your plug isn’t busy right now. Last time you bought from him was in the parking lot of his youngest child’s soccer game. Maybe buying from a 40-something father of three isn’t always the best idea—at least he won’t rip you off?
Hey. You busy?
Tom usually responds right away. His clients doubled as his friends (you being his ex-babysitter) and he always loved to provide for them.
Who is this?
Well, that’s strange. Tom definitely has your number saved. And, Tom definitely knows who you are.
Don’t play, Tom. I want to buy!!!!
You watch the text bubbles pop up and disappear in the bottom corner of the screen a few times, showing that he’s typing out a response and deleting it over and over.
This is his wife. Don’t text this number again. He is married. And he does not sell what you want to “buy.”
You could really cry at this moment. Like, honestly and truly sob. A long huff leaves your lips and you knuckle at your eyes aggressively. Fucking bullshit. Tom’s wife was always kind of a bitch, to be fair. But you didn’t think she’d ever pull a Skylar White on you. What does a girl have to do to get some weed around here?
“Do you know any other dealers? I just got told off by Tom’s wife.” Dina laughed from her bed.
“My name is Skylar White, yo. My husband is Walter White, yo.” You couldn’t help but laugh, “that’s exactly what I was thinking!”
She sits up in her bed, hanging her tanned legs off the side, “here. I have mutual friends with this girl, think her name is Ellie? I heard she sells. Good prices too.”
Dina tosses her phone into your lap from where she sits and allows you to send the contact to yourself.
Hey. Is this Ellie?
Ellie takes a couple hours before responding.
It depends on who’s asking?
Your professor drones on about some random Shakespeare play and you can’t bring yourself to pay attention while you read over Ellie’s text.
Dina gave me your number, I heard you sell?
Man. I really hope you’re not a cop.
You chuckle at her text.
Not a cop. Twenty year old girl over here. I love One Direction.
That sounds like something an undercover cop would say.
Ellie made a good point. You scroll through your camera roll trying to find a recent selfie before landing on one you took a couple days ago. You’re clearly high in the picture, so maybe Ellie will take the hint.
Here. Proof. Not a cop :)
She sent her address in a separate text and informs you to meet her there around 7pm when she’s done with her night class. Your professor excuses the class and leaves the remainder of students to pack their things. 5pm. Usually you smoke before going to pick up. Clearly, that’s not an option today. What does one do while they wait if they have no weed?
Nothing. One does absolutely nothing if they have no weed.
You knock on Ellie’s front door and wait a few beats before stepping back from the doorway. The lock clicks before the dingy wooden door opens inward,
Oh, damn. She is fine.
Her auburn hair is short and rests about an inch above her shoulders. It’s pulled slightly up into a bun and several short strands curl lightly along the nape of her neck.
“Hey! Ellie, right?”
She smiles, “that’s me.” The door is pulled open wider and she beckons you to come inside. A botanical tattoo swirls along her forearm and you find yourself staring at her awkwardly before you step into the house.
She tugs off her flannel and slings it over the back of a woven couch, leaving her in a fitted white tank top.
You suck in a breath, “how are you?”
How are you? Really? Who says that to a drug dealer?
She chuckles and slouches into the couch, patting the open spot beside her, “pretty good. How about you?”
“Honestly? I’m suffering.”
She laughs fully this time, “that bad, huh? Your dealer die or something?”
“God, I wish. His wife responded to my text and told me to fuck off, basically. That he doesn’t sell what I buy.” Ellie cringes and shakes her head, her lips pressed into a tight frown,
“she Skylar-Whited you? That’s pretty fucking rough.”
“That’s exactly what I said! Call me Jesse Pinkman, I guess.” Ellie shook her head again and leaned forward to grab a small mahogany box.
Her long fingers opened the lid and scrounged through the container before she happily hummed and held up what she was looking for. A joint was pressed between her fingers and she quickly snatched a lighter off the coffee table.
After she placed the box back on the table, she leaned back into the couch and stretched her arm along the back of it, her fingers barely grazing your shoulder. Ellie turned to face you and held the joint to your lips, “open up.”
Your face flushes as you do what she asked—demanded. Her fingers place the joint onto your awaiting lips and she quickly lights the paper, still holding the joint to your mouth.
What is this girl on? You can’t help but feel as if this is strangely intimate. Tom never held a joint to your lips! On second thought, it’s probably good that he didn’t.
You inhale and she pulls the joint to meet her own mouth as she watches you exhale.
“We can smoke this and then I’ll grind up some for you.” She passes you the joint this time.
“Oh—you don’t have to. I can take the nugs. I don’t want to trouble you.” You pass it back.
She smirks, the joint hanging from the side of her mouth, “no trouble at all. Happy to do it.”
“Is that what you tell all of your clients?”
Another smirk, “only the pretty ones.”
The joint is placed back into your fingertips and you are very glad, this way you can explain the extreme blush creeping up onto your cheeks as just you being overly high. Ellie has somehow moved closer to you, her thigh is pressed up against yours and the arm she has outstretched across the back of the couch skims the back of your shoulders. A chill rakes through your body, leaving goosebumps in its wake.
“Here, take it.” The hand she has resting behind your head snatches her discarded flannel and drops it into your lap.
“Oh—thanks.” She hums in response.
Ellis is funny as hell. Each sentence that escapes her plump lips makes less sense than the last,
“would you rather be trapped in a locked room with a gorilla, or with…with a shit ton of cockroaches?”
She’s sitting opposite you on the couch, her back leaning against one armrest. One of her legs is bent and squished against the back of the couch, her other is sprawled off the edge of the couch. Bit of a man-spreader, this one. Your back is pressed to the opposite arm rest and your legs are stretched outward, resting softly in her lap.
Again, weirdly intimate.
“Oh. Fuck, probably the roaches? Just step on ‘em. Yanno?”
She gasps and latches onto your sock-clad feet, “sickening! Me and that gorilla are gonna be friends.”
You squint at her, “you gonna sell him some Mary-Jane?”
“Yup,” she pops the ‘p’ and passes you the remainder of the joint. Your fingers skim over hers and she blushes a bit, nudging your finger with hers.
“Hey—so how much do I owe you?” You immediately regret ruining the moment the second the words pass your lips.
“Well, flattery works with me—“ you cut her off, “oh yeah? I would’ve kissed you earlier, had I known that.”
She flushes, “you can—um. You can still kiss me. If you want.”
And, just like that, your eyes turn into hearts and start beating rapidly. You surge forward and press your lips to hers, smiling into the kiss when she flicks the joint out of her fingertips and grabs your cheeks, pulling you closer.
Her mouth melds to yours and immediately has you panting like a bitch in heat. She moves one of her hands to pinch at your hip, grasping and probing at you until you wind up straddling her lap. You press your chest into hers and squeak when you feel her hand push your hip down, effectively grinding you down onto her. A strangled whine leaves your lips as she pulls away and begins kissing down the column of your throat.
Her mouth is wet and firm while she sucks and nips on any naked skin she can find, moaning when she feels your fingers card through her hair. Your hips continually rut into hers and she quickly sets a different pace, gripping your hips and dragging you forward and back on her lap. Ellie moans when you grab her hair and pull. Her face is removed from your neck at the force of your tug and she pants to catch her breath before opening her eyes to meet yours.
“How’s free sound?” She gives you a crooked smirk and presses an open-mouthed kiss to your throat.
“Sounds like I’m ripping you off, Ellie.”
She groans and throws her head back onto the couch, “I love the way you say my name. And it’s not ripping me off, babe.”
And you’re blushing again. Babe. She called you babe.
She continues, “think of it as a little sampler. Free shared joint, some ground up weed, and some Ellie.”
You grab her cheeks and squish them together, “only if you swear this sampler is offered to me only. Can’t have anyone stealing my deals.”
She brushes your hands off and smirks again, “like I said earlier, pretty girls only.”
“You said ‘girls’ plural.” She laughs.
“I’ve got three clients. A grown man named Joel, one of the sociology professors—don’t tell anyone I said that. Then you. And I’m a lesbian, so…” She trails off at the end of her sentence and looks down at your lips again, hands splayed across your thighs.
You kiss her again. It’s short and chaste and it leaves Ellie chasing your lips for just one more. Two more. Three. How’s five sound?
She presses kisses to your puckered lips over and over, “all,” kiss, “the weed,” kiss, “you can,” kiss, “dream of.”
Ellie finally pulls away to fully look at you, “I mean it. You can have all the weed you want if you keep kissing me like that.”
When you finally clamber off of her lap and detach her hands from your hips it’s almost one in the morning. She sighs while she watches you stuff your ‘goody bag’ into your purse, slipping your shoes back on. Her fingers beckon you back to the couch and she taps your right leg until you bend it and rest your foot on top of her thigh. You were planning on walking home with your shoes untied, but Ellie’s nimble fingers quickly double knot each of your shoes; She presses a kiss to each of your knees before letting them straighten back out.
Her hands find your hips again—shocker— while she walks you to the front door. A kiss is pressed to your lips one last time and she gives you a firm squeeze when you lean in to hug her.
“Come back soon. Fuck that guy, I’m your new dealer for life.” You smile and step outside, “okay.”
She definitely tied your shoes too tight and you make a mental note to fix it when you’re out of her eyesight. As you’re walking down the sidewalk that leads you to campus she calls your name,
“Get home safe, yeah? Text me when you’re back!”
You will definitely text her.
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crystallizedtwilight · 4 months
Hi!! I've never been to Disney in my life but I'm going next month for a senior trip and I have no idea what to expect or look for, do you have anywhere you'd recommend checking out? Or any good places to get good food or cool souvenirs? Orrrrr just some of your favorite places? :0
Disneyland (CA) or Disney World (FL)?
I'm always at Disneyland bc I have a family member who gets me in for freeeee BUT there's some overlap with FL, so maybe this could still be useful! I also didn't realize I had SO MUCH to say so this got very long whoops!
TOP 5 MUST RIDES: 1. Space Mountain - Perfection. Best ride there. 2. Thunder Mountain - Fun and a decently long ride time! 3. Pirates of the Caribbean - Classic 4. Mickey & Minnie's Runaway Railway - Cute and clever! 5. Matterhorn - Bobsled only in CA, not FL.
Rides that are NOT worth it (imho):
Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run - Glorified VR you WILL be forced to share with strangers if you're not a party of 6
Star Tours - Gives many people motion sickness.
Teacups - The ones in CA have a SPEED CAP! So no matter how fast you turn they're just slow (FL doesn't though so go crazy).
Rides that are worth the wait, but the wait can be 2 hours and not everyone has that kinda time:
Rise of the resistance - Very impressive, even if you're not a star wars fan. However, the wait is usually 80-120 min and if you only have one day to spend at the park IDK if it's worth missing like two other rides
Indiana Jones - Very fun! However, always a long wait and BREAKS more often than any other ride I've ever seen, so there's a chance you could be waiting for an hour, it breaks, and then you don't go on it at all
Weird rides with a usually reasonable wait time:
Mr. Toad's wild ride - one the three original rides still left at the park (only in CA not FL). You DIE and GO TO HELL. Literally Hell!
Rides that are CLOSED or will be closing very soon: 1. Haunted Mansion - This one will be closing soon for about a year because they're re-doing the square and adding a new section of the park. So I'd say go on it if you can, but if not, I personally think it's at it's peak oct-dec when it's dressed up as nightmare before Christmas and I don't miss it too much the rest of the year 2. Splash mountain is still under construction but I don't like getting wet on rides so I never went on that one anyway
Best Places for Souveniers:
Biggest shop is outside the parks in Downtown Disney and it's called "World of Disney." They have everything and, if they're out of an item or size, "Emporium" on Disneyland's main street will have it.
Best Places for Food:
My fav place to get food are the bread bowls (broccoli cheddar) right across from the haunted mansion. However, Hungry Bear and Tiana's Palace will have decent meals as well. Jolly Holiday has passable grilled cheese. I DO think the pizza at pizza planet actually sucks so if you go right outside the park to napolini in downtown disney you'll get a much tastier slice
Genie+ (used to be "fast pass"):
Prices vary by day. I've seen it as low as $17 and as high as $35. This will probably double the amount of rides you can get on, but only if you get there early and you'll only start reaping those benefits during the second half of the day. So if you plan to stay late, worth it. (If you're going with a senior trip though you may not be able to get this, since everyone would need one I assume.)
Have fun!
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tabl3 · 4 days
ef incorrect quotes 2
skylar: What is everyone for Halloween? oliver: I’m superman. kaz: A clown. skylar: So I’m guessing we don’t need to get you a costume then?
kaz: Why are you smiling? bree: What? I can’t just be happy? skylar: chase tripped and fell in the parking lot.
kaz: What are you eating? oliver: You wouldn't like it, it's really salty. kaz: I like you, don't I?
chase: Don’t weep for the stupid. You’ll be crying all day.
chase: I don’t think the therapist is supposed to say ‘wow’ that many times during their first session with a client, but here we are.
kaz: I’m sorry for being annoying. kaz: It will happen again.
bree: kaz… I’m bleeding… kaz: Oh god… what’s your blood type?! bree: B positive… kaz: I’m trying to but you’re bleeding-
at 3am oliver: runs into skylar’s room and turns on the light Wake up sleepyhead! skylar: wakes up Dude! oliver: cackles bree: sits up from where she was sleeping behind skylar What the fuck, oliver? oliver: jaw drops Wait WHAT-
oliver: You are a solid 11/10. kaz: Aw, thank- oliver: Which is 1.1 because you look like shit.
chase: Why do you let me win when we race up the stairs? You’re the faster one. kaz: Erm… it’s nice see your smile when you win! later chase: He's probably just staring at my ass, isn't he. skylar: Yeah, probably.
(literally the first two books in the series (he was so unhinged 😭😭))
chase: Why don't I like this person? kaz: I don't know. Maybe it's because she keeps stealing your thunder. chase: Maybe it's because her name is "skylar". Don't you find that utterly ridiculous? kaz: No. chase: That's because your name is "kaz".
(The Trio That Always Accidentally Gets Into Shit In The Fillers™)
chase: I have a bad feeling about this, guys. skylar: Oh don’t worry, you’ll be fine. kaz: Yeah, what’s the worst that could happen? chase, being bailed out of jail the next morning: I hate you all.
chase: We'll talk about this later. oliver: Fine, I won’t be listening.
chase: Love is weakness and an evolutionary mistake. bree: You are literally making a Valentine’s day card for kaz. chase, pointing his hot glue gun towards bree: You’re on thin fucking ice.
chase: I left instructions for everyone while I'm gone. kaz: Mine just says "kaz no." chase: I want you to apply it to every possible situation.
kaz, hungover: Please tell me I'm imagining that I claimed I was king of the ducks. oliver: I would, but then I would be lying to the King of All Ducks.
skylar: Any idiot would know that. kaz: I knew that! skylar: See?
skylar: Advice of the day kids, if you ever meet someone who calls Gatorade flavors the actual name of the flavor instead of just the color then they are a certified nerd. oliver: Yeah but you have to specify, frost glacier or cool blue? You can’t just say blue because there’s more than one blue. skylar: Blue and light blue, nice try nerd.
skylar: My aesthetic is "would be suspected of witchcraft by small town citizens."
bree: Ah shit, I forgot. kaz: Forgot what? bree: How do you expect me to answer that?
chase: I feel like doing something stupid. kaz: I’m stupid, do me.
oliver, writing in his diary with a glitter gel pen: I'm losing my sense of humanity. Nothing matters. God is dead. There's blood on my hands.
bree: How do you type so fast? oliver: Anxiety.
kaz: Why doesn’t chase find me sexy when I bite my lip? bree: What do you look like when you bite your lip? kaz: bites lip bree: …Have you considered biting your bottom lip instead?
bree: All in all, a 100% successful trip. oliver: But we lost kaz. bree: All in all, a 100% successful trip!
chase: Why are you guys acting like this? kaz: Oh, we're not acting. We really are like this.
kaz: One time I went to hand oliver a bowl of soup. I wanted to say “Careful, it’s hot!”, and “Here’s your soup!”, so instead I blurted out “Careful it’s soup.”
chase: bree, you’re in charge! kaz: bree, can we start a fire?
kaz: holding a salt packet It’s just a little sodium chloride. chase: Actually kaz, it’s salt. kaz: That’s what I said, sodium chloride. chase: Uh kaz, that would be salt. chase: takes salt packer from kaz This is iodized table salt, which in addition to sodium chloride contains anti-caking agents and potassium iodate, which is added to prevent iodine deficiency. So not only are you being overly pretentious by insisting on using scientific terminology for everyday items, you are factually wrong. Your arrogance is your downfall, you annoying little shit.
bree, Entering oliver's room: kaz did it again. oliver: Peace disturbance? bree: What no- oliver: Arson..? bree: NO, JESUS CHRIST, HOW MANY- oliver: uh….Attempted murder? bree: NO, HE ATE ALL THE FOOD IN THE FRIDGE, BUT WHAT THE FU-
kaz: Good news! I didn’t screw up! chase: … kaz: I screwed up less badly than usual! chase: … kaz: Screwed up with less immediate consequences than usual.
oliver: What’s sexting? bree: I'm not having this conversation with you.
Everyone is giving advice to oliver chase: It's okay to ask for help. skylar: You're not a burden. bree: Murder is okay. kaz: Your feelings matter.
oliver: Alright, what pizza toppings should we order? kaz: Anchovies and pineapple. skylar: I like beets! chase: Have you guys ever had a cheese-less pizza? oliver: I’m disowning all of you.
bree: Where’s my chair? skylar: kaz broke it over oliver’s back while they were wrestling. oliver: Correction, kaz was wrestling. I was eating soup.
oliver: Sorry it took so long to bail you out of jail. skylar: No, it was my fault. I shouldn't have used my phone call to prank call the police station.
chase: We have to plan, we have to figure something out. bree: chase, when have any of our plans ever actually worked? We plan, we get there, all hell breaks loose.
chase: Dearly Beloved, we are here today to remember kaz, taken from us in the prime of life; when he was crushed by a runaway semi, driven by the Incredible Hulk. kaz: Aww, you knew my favorite cause of death.
bree: wow you and skylar are home early from the movies. What happened? oliver: We got kicked out because skylar wouldn't stop yelling diving scores as people jumped off the titanic. skylar: That last guy had a solid 8, I'm telling you!
skylar: People always shoot down my ideas and I’m sick of it. Two sentences in and everyone’s always shouting “what the fuck? that’s illegal!” and “you can’t do that!”. Like, c'mon, let me talk!
oliver: Can I get a waffle? bree and kaz: fighting and yelling at each other oliver: Can I p l e a s e get a waffle?
chase: What did you two do? kaz: oliver: chase: You’re not in trouble, I just need to know if I have to lie to the police again or not.
kaz: Okay. Hypothetically speaking, how mad would you be if I burned a hot pocket so badly it could probably fall off a ten-story building and be completely fine? chase: kaz, what did you do? kaz: Take a guess.
skylar, holding out a cookie for bree: Look! This one's a heart, that’s how I feel about you! bree: Ugly crying skylar, holding out another cookie for oliver: This one's like Michigan, that’s how I feel about you! oliver, throwing his hands in the air: What does that mean?!
kaz: Hoodie pockets are so great. I can fit like three sandwiches and a grenade in there and my hands are still warm.
kaz, texting chase: sends a voice message chase, texting back: I’m a little busy, is it urgent? kaz: No, don’t worry, just listen later. later chase: presses play kaz's voice message: THERE’S A FIRE-
bree: “I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy” I would. Pussy. bree: “I’m not gonna sink to their level” I will. Coward. bree: “I’m the bigger person” I’m 5'2 tall give me the gun bitch.
(more short jokes)
The Squad: walking at the mall chase: Hey, have any of you guys seen bree? She's been gone for a while.. oliver: Eh, nope. skylar: No, I haven’t… kaz: Probably ran off to McDonald’s or something. bree: Hey. chase: Ooh, there you are- oliver: What the fu- kaz: I- where were you?! bree: Walking right behind you guys.
Kidnapper: I have your partner. kaz: What? I don't have a partner… Kidnapper: Then who just called me a lowlife bitch and spit in my face? kaz: Oh my god, you have oliver.
bree: I’ve come to a point in my life where I need a stronger word than fuck.
skylar: What's worse than a heartbreak? kaz: Waking up in the morning and your phone wasn't charging. bree: Waking up in the morning. chase: Waking up.
chase: Look, skylar, if you can fit your head down the gun’s barrel, you can assume it doesn’t have a non-lethal setting.
chase: You have to apologize to oliver! bree: Fine! bree: Unfuck you, or whatever!
kaz: is visibly upset oliver: kaz, what happened? I haven't seen you like this since you found out candyland wasn't an actual country.
skylar: I'm not straight, and that's all that matters. Well, maybe that's unfair to the straights. Some of my best friends are straight! Well, one of them. Well, I know him, and oliver is perfectly tolerable person in small doses!
chase: I am the left brain, I am the left brain. "I work really hard until my inevitable death" brain. You've got a job to do, you better do it right and the right way is with the left brain's might. skylar: I LIKE OREOS AND PUSSY-
kaz: You know, when I first met you I thought you were a real bitch. bree: What changed your mind? kaz: Oh, I still think you're a bitch. I've just grown to like that about you.
chase: I am strong! I beat oliver at arm wrestling! kaz: Anyone can beat oliver at arm wrestling! oliver: Hey-
chase: oliver, I sense hostility. oliver: Good, because I hate you.
oliver: I have a bad feeling about this… kaz: What do you mean? oliver: Don't you ever get that little voice in your head that tells you if you're going to get into trouble? kaz: No? skylar: That actually explains so much.
kaz: I just wanna be called cute 21/7. chase: Why no 24/7? kaz: Snack breaks.
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amuseoffyre · 8 months
Some thoughts I had while drilling a rock along with some thoughts collated earlier in the day. The writers don't waste dialogue. If it's there, it's there for a reason. This includes stuff from eps 4-5 plus the teaser for 6-7.
These are the bits I want to focus on:
Can't tell what's real and what's the basket anymore
Artsy outsider was always your thing
Can't tell what's real and what's the basket anymore
I suspect Buttons didn't turn into a bird. I think this is entirely down to Ed's head still being vaguely-basket influenced. Especially since he sees the bowl and the bird, but Stede doesn't come back and see either. Plus we heard birds startled and scuttling in the bushes literally seconds before it happens.
Part of the power of the basket is that it lets you see what you want to see and in that moment, nervously accepting Stede's invite back to the ship, what Ed needs a reassurance that people - he - can change. And how better to have your still slightly-untethered imagination do that than let yourself believe a man can turn into a bird? If Buttons can turn into an impossible bird, maybe you can turn back from one?
I'm curious what was in that giant spliff-looking bundle that Buttons had him hold right before his transmogrification act, especially since we already saw him and Mary with smaller versions back at the house. Could've been sage or could've been Buttons getting Ed a wee bitty stoned which certainly would've let him see things a bit more oddly and would definitely explain his giddy, blissed-out look as he watched 'Buttons' fly away XD
Artsy outsider was always your thing
Will fully admit that this one is a bit of a stretch, but bear with me and I will get to my point.
1. Ed mentions that he has a record to break based on mass raids and leaving chaos and carnage in his wake in episode 1. According to Oluwande, he's never seen a wanted poster with writing on both sides before.
2. Ned Lowe appears in the new teaser, apparently very irritated at his record being broken. This feels very personal an offence.
3. Ned Lowe enjoys hurting people but specifically, he enjoys hurting people in incredibly creative and artistically pleasing ways to him: he enjoys the perfect pitch of a scream, he tortures people with musical instruments, I half suspect the horrors he's committing in a lighthouse will end up looking like the batsignal for the Aesthetic.
4. Stede and his crew have already come across a ship where the bodies were left arranged in a tableau which feels like it was done especially to garner attention and horror: a man impaled on candle-sticks, another borderline crucified, another with knives in his eyes, and a giant bloody pentagram.
5. This artsy outsider, a bit of a sadistic weirdo even by pirate standards, has taken it personally that Blackbeard has stolen his thunder and is making a show to steal his thunder back in the most dramatic and over-the-top showy ways, including coming onto his current ship to torture his crew.
6. Bitter ex, anyone? :D
All that aside, I'm also now happily gnawing on the idea that the real Hornigold is going to turn up in the season finale post-credit scene as a hook for season 3. The fact they have post-credit scenes feels a bit of a waste, when so far, they've added nothing to the story. They're bait to make sure we stay watching to the very end.
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sariahsue · 2 years
Let Me Count the Ways
Chapter Four - The Race
[Ch 1] [Ch 2] [Ch 3]
"Five minutes until you're on."
"Thank you, Luc." Chat Noir said.
Luc bobbed his head in acknowledgement and shut the door of the greenroom.
"Only five minutes?" Ladybug whined. "I do not need this right now. Why did we agree to do this interview?"
"Because Nadja asked us so nicely."
The greenroom wasn't very large, and Ladybug had been pacing from one end to the other for the past fifteen minutes. There were only three cushioned chairs, a loveseat, a square wooden table, and an empty bowl. (He'd eaten all the candy by himself when Ladybug said she felt too sick to have any.)
"I hate these things! I'm going to stutter and trip and everyone will think they can't trust us because how could someone so dumb protect them from evil?" She undid a pigtail, tied it again, and marched back over to the full-length mirror on the back wall.
"First off, they've seen us protecting them for years. We've done a good job, and they know it. That's not all going to be erased if you fall over one time." Chat Noir came over to stand behind her. "Second of all, you look fine, LB. Don't worry about it."
"Easy for you to say." She patted the top of her head to smooth out invisible stray hairs. "You always look amazing."
He opened his mouth and closed it again slowly, unsure how to respond to the compliment. It didn't look like she noticed his reaction or even what she'd said. She was checking out her hair from all angles and growing steadily paler.
"You're right." Playing it off as a joke was probably the best idea. And as a bonus, maybe he could help put her at ease. "Did you know that I was adopted?"
"What?" she asked, turning to him.
"Yeah, my parents paid the doctor to steal the most beautiful baby in the hospital for them."
She snorted and turned back to the mirror. "Did they? That explains a lot about you."
Wait. Was she still agreeing that he was good looking? If she kept that up, she wouldn't be the only one tripping their way onto the stage. He felt like he could float away he was so happy. "Yeah, my face is literally worth a fortune now."
"I'll bet," she said.
"Paris is lucky to have us," he said.
"Yeah, I guess." She picked up the tips of her pigtails and let them fall again. They felt limply to her shoulders.
Chat Noir swallowed. This was probably not a good idea, but he couldn't resist throwing in a compliment. "Lucky to have the two hottest people in this city for heroes."
Ladybug jumped forward and toppled into the mirror. He snatched it before it hit the ground and shattered. She wasn't so fortunate. She landed hard on her elbow with a yelp.
"Sorry! Sorry!" That had gone worse than he'd anticipated. He was expecting a blush or stutter at worst, and a playful shove at best. "I, uh– I shouldn't have–"
She rubbed her elbow and pushed herself to her knees. "R-Right, Nadja likes interviewing us so often because we're both so pretty. Sure."
"Attractive people are good for ratings," he said, trying to steer the conversation back in the right direction. "It's a proven fact."
She marched over to the table and picked up the bowl, then put it back down again in a slightly different spot, then went around and fluffed all the pillows on each chair. Anything to keep from looking at him and his dumb face.
Why was he so stupid? He should have just kept his mouth shut. Now she was more flustered. He was supposed to be helping her. But no, he had to make it worse for her. And she was already going through so much, even without the added stress of interviews and fame. She still hadn't been able to share what had been bothering her so much since the gala, and he knew that was still weighing on her, too.
Before he could think of a way to make her laugh or distract her again, Luc opened the door and poked his head in. "Time." He left, leaving the door open after him so they would follow.
Time. Chat Noir had run out of it.
"Sorry," he said again. He grabbed the door handle and held it open wider. "After you?"
"Let's just get this over with so I can go home and scream into my pillow and never see another human being ever again."
They walked silently down the short hallway to the wings of the stage. Nadja introduced her guests. The live audience roared applause. Ladybug squared her shoulders and set a wide smile on her face, leading the way into the blinding stage lights.
Two days later, the interview aired. Within minutes, it was the highlight of every Ladybug blog and chat room and tabloid in the city. A few details in particular had caught everyone's attention. Ladybug's persistent blush, how her eyes flicked to her partner every time he spoke, how mixed up her words seemed to be.
Instead of condemning her for her stuttering, the media found it endearing and were delighted. Headlines like "Ladybug in Love!" and "Has the Savior of Paris Finally Fallen for Her Feline Friend?" were all over the internet.
"I wish," Adrien said out loud. He was slumped in front of his computer, chin in his hands.
"You talking to me?" Plagg called.
"She was blushing during the interview and people are misinterpreting it, when it was really my fault because I made her uncomfortable."
Plagg shook his head. "You're right, kid. It really is all your fault."
Adrien didn't know what he meant. He just continued scrolling.
Tag list: @clawsout83 @trippingovermyfeet @tbehartoo
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zedecksiew · 10 months
Three Clerks
Last week I tweaked my back. It hurt. A lot. As I recovered, I found that sketching with pen and pencil was less strenuous than writing on keyboard. So that's what I did.
Sketched characters from an adventure I am currently writing for Colin Le Sueur's We Deal In Lead. It began as a homage to Wisit Sasanatieng's tomyamgong western Fa Thalai Chon / Tears Of The Black Tiger.
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SHIN SUL SHAP, SHRINE CLERK 4 Grit 10 STR 10 DEX 10 HRT Switch (d4)
Face hidden by a broad-brimmed bonnet and veil. Patrols the lines of pilgrims; like a schoolmarm she thwacks anybody chit-chatting. Piety should be silent!
A waif snatches a lead token from her pouch, and bolts. A chase ensues. He begs your help. If Sul Shap finds him, she will sell him to captive takers.
Sul Shap is a clerk at the Shrine To The Headless Sun: a bare plaza; a marble pavilion; a golden man, with an ever-burning flame where his head should be.
The Headless Sun is patron saint of the Admiralty, whose laws now govern both Ocean and Sea. He was its founder. The kings of old captured and beheaded him. He overthrew them anyway.
References for Sul Shap were basically Buddhist nun robes (mainly for the volume of fabric), plus an European bonnet.
Initially I'd imagined a conventional broad-brim hat---ie: her veil would be a cylinder around her whole head. But as I sketched I thought the bonnet made a more interesting shape? Also its rear was an opportunity to create a crest / halo of sun-rays. Religious iconography!
Alms bowl, because giving is a virtue. But the Headless Sun values ego-death, not asceticism---so colourful beads and gold amulets and pouches full of lead tokens (money).
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RIS SHAY NAM, RECORDS CLERK 2 Grit 10 STR 10 DEX 10 HRT Swung typewriter (d4)
In a wheelbarrow, pulled by a servitor, typewriter balanced on her belly, pockets filled with banana fritters. Greasy fingerprints on any document she works on.
Shay Nam thinks herself a moral soul. Will side with abolitionists and revolutionaries, with justice—until her own skin is at risk.
Shay Nam works at the Hibiscus Court. Princess Khur San, distancing herself from the old order, surrendered this palace to bureaucrats.
Clerks have filled its once-airy halls with shelves. By sympathetic sorcery, all contracts in the province manifest copies here. Rumour has it that this magic works both ways.
This was my first sketch. In pain and bored I just started drawing.
No references, and it shows? Skirt and stockings and boots because these were the easiest for me to do. In my mind Shay Nam was an archetypal overweight NEET. Here she looks to be a sassy layabout. I like her better, now!
Also: a servitor is an empty body. Created when you ritually touch a shrine-stone to the Headless Sun---your soul is obliterated. What is left behind is mindless, hence the harness and reins.
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KHAN YUL MIN, COURT CLERK 4 Grit 1 DEF 10 STR 10 DEX 10 HRT Sabre (d8)
A university grad and former marine. But his townhouse sits below Rose Hill, on Merchant’s Row, beneath the old families' notice.
Yul Min means to change this. He has his eye on the Widow Gon. He will hire ruffians to waylay her palanquin—then swoop in, to rescue her. Elaborate theatre.
Yul Min, like all these characters, live on the Sea of Sorrows, whose waters are literally the souls of the dead.
Roses always bleach within sight of it; to retain their colour they must be shipped in glass, then kept in arboreta—never once sharing air with the Sea.
Those who can afford red-rose gardens tend them on the south end of the city, where streets begin to climb Mount Go, in compounds walled like fortresses.
Drew Yul Min last night. Had tabs open for "Thai traditional clothing" & "military uniforms 18th century" & "krabi" & "Vajiralongkorn".
Given my inspiration, I think the referencing of Mainland Southeast Asian material culture is appropriate. Maybe a little to obvious, though? Ie: the visual forms haven't been composted well, into new and more imaginative shapes ...
Still: very pleased with the proportions and details.
I liked how the hamsa-esque icon of the Headless Sun developed over the course of these sketches. I would not have discovered it, otherwise; it's one of those details, too small for words.
Drawing is an intrinsic part of the writing process, I guess!
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aritamargarita · 2 years
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WAKE UP BABE ARITA JUST POSTED ATTITUDE!! BY POPULAR DEMAND! i keep lying y’all… im sorry but here it is. look, tinier text! i kind of like this better?? that’s right folks i revised this entire chapter LOL you won’t be sorry…
tbh i don’t know where we are omfg i just know what episode we’re basing this, which is smackdown 11/22/2001, (which now that i look back i really messed up chronologically but AHHHHHHHH) oh well, im gonna do shows randomly ill jump from november to august if i have to omg
HOWEVER, you are starting to get regularly scheduled matches yessss. also ive noticed i accidentally kinda made the alignment heel-ish but at the same time leaning towards face?? tweener? tweener… i would also like to add that your moveset is like a mix of like liv morgan and sasha banks? maybe a SPRINKLE of alexa bliss???? fuck what anyone says YOU CAME FIRST YOU WERE THE BLUEPRINTTT wwe 2k22 stays on during writing
IM SPLITTING THIS UP BECAUSE ITS A LOT! this is 1/2, so keep your eyes peeled for #2. get hype for your match + lita takin you out to get smashed. (there’s something she needs to tell you!)
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Upon stretching with Trish, you held up the letter she gave you with two index fingers. “This is yours, right?”
The women’s champion recognized the letter immediately and withdrew from her position on the floor, suddenly pacing around. “Yeah. I left it there for you. Didn’t know ya’ found it so easily, hahah!” She threw out her arms in a dramatic fashion.
..It was kind of easy to tell she was nervous, even if it was a little bit. But you couldn’t blame her. The anticipation of seeing if someone liked your gift was very heart-racing.
But rest assured, you thought it was a nice gesture! She had no need to worry.
“It’s very nice,” You comment, holding the letter in your free hand while stretching the other towards your foot. “—the design, I mostly mean. I didn’t open it just yet, but I’m going to get around to it. I have like a bunch in my bag, so I need some time to sort through.”
“Right, right...” Trish suddenly snapped her fingers, remembering something important. “I’ve gotta get ready for my match! It’s supposed to be messy tonight.”
“Messy?” You repeat, your interest piqued.
“Gravy bowl. Like, a pool of gravy.”
“Exactly.” She laughed. “Oh well. I guess if I can have fun, it doesn’t matter what I do.”
“That’s the spirit, Miss Stratus,” You chime, standing up from your spot. “I’ll cheer you on from backstage, then I’ll just go home. I have literally nothing to do.”
“Huh? Don’t you have things to do today though?” She asked.
Trish shifted around in her bag for a moment before walking over and shoving a piece of paper in your face. “Read it, but don’t weep.”
Your eyes scanned down the lines of matches....
Holy handicap match! Did they seriously schedule that? But considering the segment that happened between you three previously..you didn’t put it past them that they’d do that.
But not only that, your eyes kept going until you landed on some words that were in tinier font at the bottom of the paper. Your name was written in the “segment mentions” section. Was that always there? They must have just recently added it, because you sure as hell never noticed.
You had thought about one of the other matches too. How interesting was that, to see Christian go against Edge for his title...it was champion versus champion just to get another championship. You’d have to remind yourself to give at least the both of them words of encouragement.
But she was right. You did have a segment. They must have updated the list at the last minute because you had no clue that you were supposed to do something for your show TONIGHT. You thought it was next week, but instead they decided to push it earlier. Ugh.
“Huh, who would’ve thought, right?”
“Get your stuff together, hotshot.” She taunted, a smile on her face.
“Get your stuff together, champ.” You fire back, shifting to a much more comfortable spot to reach your own belongings. You shove the card (coupled with a heart shaped box) into her face much like she did to yours. “This is for you. Weep all you want!”
“Color me surprised.” She says, taking the card from your hand. “I didn’t know you actually got me something. Thanks a lot, I’ll take a look after my match. See you.” With a small wave, she departed the locker room.
You wave back. You also didn’t want to ask Trish to come in earlier than she was scheduled to, she already had enough on her plate with that gravy match or whatever. It was fine if she came next week. The question was what could you do in substitution for that?
Suddenly, it hit you.
You’re supposed to be a heel right? Sure, you switched sides and were supposed to turn face, but who says your mean streak has to come full stop?
Those letters could definitely give you some leverage, and of course give you fake heat backstage for the sake of cementing your role.
All you needed was fake envelopes, a lighter, and the acceptance from creative to burn stuff. Maybe even sign some sort of waiver. Doesn’t matter. You didn’t care if it was in a parking lot or during your slot. You needed SOMETHING to get the interest out of the crowd.
...Is this how villains think? Just thinking about how mean you’d be was almost hilarious! It was so unlike you but being the enemy was fun. Sometimes.
Thanks to your very rushed purchases, you noticed that out of at least 25 cards, 10 were duplicates of others. You were only going to return the favor of whoever gave you one, so the rest were just trash, technically.
You could burn those! Perfect.
Now that that was settled, you had to think about handing out more gifts. Whoever you saw first got their gift first. As soon as you exited the room with the bag, you bumped into someone.
“Oops, sorry. I was just going in there.”
It was none other than Lita, who seemed to have pop up at the right moment. At least you wouldn’t have to go too far. However...the Hardyz were nowhere to be found. You’d at least think they’d be a little ways from her. Either way, time to kill two birds with one stone.
But unfortunately, she didn’t seem too happy. You impulsively asked the first thing on your mind: “Are you okay?”
“I guess.”
“....” You frown, but give a small shrug. “I’m willing to hear you out if it makes things better?”
Lita says nothing in response, thinking about your offer. She let out a huff and drags you right back into the locker room. She did not let go of your wrist either. “I…..We got in a fight. All three of us.”
“All three?” You question.
“Me, Matt, and Jeff. Matt was yelling at Jeff for his “terrible decisions”, and that’s when I got mad and told Matt off about his.” She shook her head. “So stupid. I told Matt to leave me alone and I stormed out. Now here I am.”
“That’s rough,” You say. Was it really your place to give advice? The damage had already been done and besides, this wasn’t exactly your battle. “—I’m sorry to hear you guys were arguing. But I think I can make your day a little better.” You hadn’t even realized Lita’s grip on your arm until you moved it slightly. “First off, you have to let me go, haha.”
“Sorry.” She apologizes, letting go. She then used her now free hand to run through her hair.
“Funnily enough, I was actually leaving out to look for you and your little bodyguards.” You comment, reaching in your bag to hand over the loot, to which she looked shocked to see.
“...Seriously?” She almost thought it was a joke, eyeing you and the gift. But her suspicion immediately broke down into a smirk after realizing what you said earlier. “And my bodyguards? You don’t mean Jeff and Matt, do you?”
“Of course I do. But I guess I’ll find them on my own time. If you don’t make up that is.”
Lita wasn’t going to complain either. She wasn’t going to decline a present. “Thanks, [Name]. If you really want them to get these, then be sure to pass the message on to them too.” Much to her chagrin, she was happy to indulge you. It was the least she could do.
“You’re welcome.” You stare at her for a moment before walking forward and giving her a hug. She definitely deserved it. Even if she jokingly mentioned how clingy you were. Nevertheless, she accepted it and you two part.
“Hey,” She suddenly says, starting to open the box. “—are you busy after the show?”
“No, why?” You ask.
“I wanted you to go with me to a bar or something. I’m kinda stressed and I wanna have some fun.” She proclaimed, immediately digging into the chocolate.
An invitation to hang out?! You couldn’t decline, but if it’s a bar, you won’t be drinking much. It’s not like you were a lightweight or anything, it just wasn’t your style. “I don’t see why not.” You shrug, accepting. “Just us?”
“Yup. Just us. You want someone else to come?”
“No, no. Just was curious. I mean like...”
“I’m not inviting those two, if that’s what you think.” Lita clarified, closing the box. “Remember, we got in an argument, so..”
“Hah. Right.” You say, immediately shaking your head. It would be a pretty stupid to invite them after having a pretty hard argument.
If she wanted to hang out, then so be it. This would be the most action packed girls night ever!
At least you think it will be...
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As you were making your rounds through the hallways, you noticed someone that you’ve been meaning to spark up a conversation with. “Ah! Hey! Christian..right?”
You call, leaning over beside him to get his attention. “We’ve met before. You called me short I think.. or was it tiny??” You trailed off, trying to remember what he said.
Christian stares at you for a moment, before snapping his fingers. “Oh yeah.” He turns to face you, a grin on his face. “I remember you! You’re that fan, right?” He jested. “The one who wanted an autograph.”
“Not even close...” You roll your eyes, crossing your arms. The smile on your face didn’t help at all. “I just came to wish you good luck on your match with Edge. I know you’re champion and all,” You motion towards his championship, unsure if you should touch or not. Ogling at it seemed okay, though.
“Is that so?” He asked. Man, he was one of the cocky ones, wasn’t he? Oh well, it’s not like you hadn’t dealt with this before! “Well, I appreciate it. I think you can get promoted to...hm...” He looks at you up and down quickly, trying to come up with a new nickname. “Got it. You’re promoted to, ‘Cheesy.’ Congrats, [Name]. Or should I say, cheesy.”
You were confused. What kind of nickname is cheesy? What the fuck does that even mean?? “Seriously? Why don’t you call me by my name?”
“Hah. I’ll think about it, seriously.” He says, taking off his belt to shine it with a cloth. “Coming out to watch like you did last time?”
“Am I allowed to?”
“Guess so. You’ve been there before, so I don’t see why they wouldn’t. Besides, I need someone to accompany me to the ring.”
Accompany him too? You’ll have to ask if it was alright to do that. Maybe you could even speak on commentary! That’d be fun. “Okay, then I’ll ask. But don’t be surprised if I don’t show up! I’ve got things to do.”
“Pretty disappointing then.” He admits, putting his finger on your forehead. “I’ll keep my eye out for you. If you can’t come out, I’m counting on you to watch backstage at least.”
You swat his hand. “Yeah, yeah! I’m sure you will be. We’ll see what happens. I can’t promise anything!” You hold your hands up in defense. “Are you nervous? I saw your match on the list and was thinking about how if either of you won, you’d be swimming in gold.”
“Not at all. I’m pretty confident, actually.” He hit his chest with his fist. “I’m pretty sure I’m gonna win tonight. I’ve got a trick up my sleeve.”
“A trick up your sleeve?” You narrowed your eyes, unsure of what he meant. Hopefully he wouldn’t cheat and instead pulled out some devastating finishing move. “I’m sure you do. Just don’t do anything stupid, okay?”
Christian gives you finger guns, saying nothing at all.
Which meant NO PROMISES.
“I should probably get ready now..” You say.
“Heh, looks like you talked so much, time just flew by.” He chuckled, adjusting the championship onto his waist and walking past you. “Get a move on, [Name].”
You nod before shaking your head. “Wait, did you just say my name? Where are you going?!”
Christian was just glad you didn’t ask how exactly he got this match. It was champion vs. champion after all. You just weren’t ready for that type of information. Had you known he and a few others beat him up...
It wouldn’t turn out well.
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It’s time!
Your talk show segment was now. You jump in place as an attempt to ease your nerves in gorilla.
Personally, you never thought you’d get this far, let alone be so pushed. You prayed to whatever god that was out there that this would be all for naught, and you’d be left with little to nothing to do. People were a bit iffy on you and because of that, so it was VERY easy to incite a reaction from the audience.
Once you had made your way to the ring and grabbed a mic, you give a biiiig smile to the hard camera.
“Hi everyone!” You greet, and the crowd responds by roaring lightly. “Remember when I said something special was coming to Smackdown? Well, this it it!” You chime, taking a seat in your chair. “It’s me! I’m the special thing. No, no really. It’s this whole set, you see!”
‘Hey! It’s [Name]! And look what she’s doing..?’
You open your arms presenting the whole set, letting everyone drink it in. “Well, I hope you’re ready. This is...Time Out With [Name]!”
Upon raising your arms, balloons fell from the ceiling. It was definitely a pleasant surprise. What a fitting celebration! “I’m so excited! I hope you all are too. Now, you may be wondering, what’s in the bag, [Name]?”
‘..Sounds like she’s a little whacked in the head,’ JR says.
Jerry agreed. ‘Couple’a screws loose!’
“Well, I’ve got a lot of letters. I’m going to do the honors of reading you guys my very own fan mail.” You reach into it and pull out a letter. “This first one is from—“
Almost on cue, you were interrupted by familiar music. The lights dim, and you turn your attention towards the front. Here comes trouble.
Literally. The culprit was none other than Stephanie McMahon, the woman who was banished from the WWF the previous night. With a mic in her hand, she hastily makes her way to the ring. Of course, to make sure all the attention was on her, she wore the sparkliest garment possible.
She enters through the ropes, giving one look behind her one last time. You could tell she was on the verge of tears. “I-I’m not supposed to be here..but…!” Stephanie trails off, her voice cracking while the crowd had already begun to mock her.
All you could do was stare. Did she really just fucking interrupt you?! In the middle of YOUR talk show?!
She continues on. “..But I have to clear things up! And I knew you were going to have a talk show, [Name]! So please, talk to ME!” She begs, coming closer and grabbing your arm. You shake her off, but she’s still hopeful.
Some security they have, letting the “Billion Dollar Princess” in so freely. You scoff, holding up your mic. “Am I going to get in trouble for associating with you?”
“NO!” She squealed, immediately lowering her voice after she yelled at you. “N-No! I don’t think you will.”
You sigh, tossing the letter to the side for now. As it flutters to the ground, you exasperatedly threw your arm out. “Go ahead. Just say what you have to say.” You couldn’t believe she just walked out here. And to plead her case? This better be a good one!
Stephanie takes a deep breath. “I’m telling you, [Name]! No…!” She turns to the audience, doing a 360 as she points at everyone. “Y-You all saw everything!“ Then, she turns back to you. “You talked to my brother, he’s the mastermind! I just wanted to follow my in older brother’s steps!”
You hold up your hand, causing her to stop talking. “Uh, hey, Stephanie? What does any of this have to do with me? Genuine question.” The McMahons really were dragging you into this! You’re about to go kicking and screaming. “I know I was with you and Shane for a while, but you’d better go to someone else. I don’t think I can help you.”
Stephanie shakes her head. “You can! I just want my dad to see this. Him and everyone else need to hear my side of the story! Ask me anything! I’ll tell you the wholehearted truth!”
“Alright.” You say, shrugging. “Why’d you slap your own mother?” At this question, the crowd gasps. Stephanie was just as taken aback by the question, but bounced back quickly.
“Didn’t you hear me last time?” This time, she had a bit of attitude in her voice. “I said that Shane ordered me to do it. Did you seriously think I did everything on my own? I was naive, stupid. Everyone makes mistakes. Like you.” She says. “Remember? You took members of the Alliance out and joined the WWF? That was a mistake, right?”
“I mean…” You weren’t quite sure what to say. Well, you did, but you didn’t want to be too mean. “Those comparisons aren’t even remotely close. Besides, shouldn’t I be questioning you?”
Stephanie nods, letting it go for now. She’d do anything for forgiveness, and now that she’s hijacked came on your show, she felt like this could be her chance. “G-Go ahead.”
“Okay. Well, I’d like to just start with thank you for ruining what I wanted to do. I’ll just do it later.” You snidely remarked. “But now I’m curious. Why beg to stay when you know it’s over?”
She says nothing at your first comment, but walks a bit away from the center of the ring.
“I felt falsely accused and I felt as if I should’ve been given another chance. The thought of losing everything I have and…” She gags, covering her mouth. “Living in such..ugh, low-class ways makes me sick! I mean, can you imagine having to even drive yourself places? That’s what a chauffeur is for! [Name], when I got kicked out with my brother, we had to DRIVE all the way to the arena! Could you imagine having to do that everyday!?”
She’s..wow. Stephanie is definitely something. You just stare at her incredulously, but then bite back a sneer, instead replacing it with a smile. “No way! I couldn’t imagine that at all.”
“You get it! See, this is why I had so much faith in you when you were with us. You understand my problems and I’m glad I have the chance to talk to you!” Stephanie beams at you, happy that you’re sympathetic.
“Right. I’m sure it’s suuch a drag to y’know,” You pause, leaning on the ring ropes. “..do all the work by yourself?”
Double entendre? The crowd seemed to be laughing at how irritated you were and could completely understand. They felt the same way! Being so rudely interrupted after going to read the fan mail. Oh, the humanity!!
“Ugh, yes!” Stephanie walks towards you, fast enough so that you couldn’t even process what she was doing. “You get it! [Name], you’re the only one around here that has any sense!” She sticks out her hand. “Which is one of the reasons why I’ve come out here TONIGHT!”
What was she getting at?
“What do you mean?” You ask, looking at her in confusion.
“I want to be business partners!” There was no sign of tears whatsoever, her somber behavior quickly transforming into excitement. “You and me, kicking ass! I point, you destroy!”
“I don’t think that’s gonna happen.” You say, putting a hand on your hip. “I’m already partners Stone Cold Steve Austin,” Once you said his name, the crowd cheers. “Quite frankly, Stephanie, I have a feeling you wanted to ask that all along.”
She huffed, pulling away her hand. Her plan wasn’t going well and she knew as much. “No, it’s not just that. I really wanted to come here and plead my case. If I didn’t, you’d all think I’m some backstabbing bitch! I’d never do that. I’m really only…”
You join in on her sentence, the both of you talking in unison. “—A misunderstood young woman.” Nodding your head, you sigh for what must have been the thousandth time. “I don’t even know how they let you in here in the first place.”
“I snuck in.” She admits. “But c’mon. You’ve gotta think about it….please?”
And to make her happy so she’d literally leave you alone, you nod, holding out your hand. She shakes it, and that seals the deal.
Yeah, right. She interrupted your goddamn show!!
Letting go off your mic, you twist her around and tie her arms around her neck, giving her a Backstabber. The crowd pops at your attack, and you stand up from your spot, leaning over her.
“Try again next time.”
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The fact Stephanie had interrupted your talk show had made you upset. The thought of shaking her hand moreso. Once it had dawned on you, there was immediately a feeling of dread.
You had just “shook hands” with Stephanie McMahon. The witch, the conniving woman who’d rip your heart out if you ever made a mistake. And then you turned around and attacked her.
For some reason, you were scared. Scared of what she’d do with you in the aftermath. While she’d be out of the WWF for quite a while, you knew it would only be a matter of time before she returned.
What’s one way of relieving stress? By burning things, of course. You were going to set these letters on fire if it was the last thing you’d do. You had a cameraman with you in the parking lot. Your antics for the night were far from over.
“Before I was rudely interrupted, I wanted to talk about my letters. Unfortunately, I can’t do that.” You sigh. “I apologize to all my fans who wanted to hear my endearing voice read them out. Instead, I’d like to show an example.” You dump the rest of the letters onto the ground.
You go through your pockets, taking out a matchbox and removing ONE match. Quickly dragging it against the striker of the box, it flickers to life. You toss it over and the pile of letters are engulfed into flames. The camera turns over there for a brief moment, then back to you.
“I don’t think anyone understands that you’re all in my way! I don’t need any cheap ass letters to tell me that I’m great and amazing, that I am incredible and what have you.“ You say. “I’m not just some idiot who can’t work my way around the ring. I could out wrestle ANY of you, anytime of the week! And if you don’t believe me, come see me.”
While your message wasn’t long (you were told you had 10 more minutes), you thought it still got the message across. Anyone who wanted to mess with you was on their way to a world filled with hurt.
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And if it wasn’t for Stephanie ruining your show, the other devil on your shoulder had shown up just JUST THE RIGHT MOMENT.
Him. Yet again. Yet-a-fuckin-gain.
Jericho gives you a smirk, and the camera pans over to him. “Someone like you, burning letters. Never would have expected it. How’s my gift treating you? You must like it, given I haven’t seen it in the fire.”
“I wish you’d leave me alone.” You groan. “You’re always following me. And for your information, Austin actually threw it away for me!” It wasn’t true, but you just wanted to see his reaction.
You opened your mouth, but stop after realizing something important.
Back up a little bit. How exactly did Jericho know about your letters? You told no one about your plan and you made 100% sure no one was in the same parking lot while you did it.
"Wait a second." You say, waving your hand. "How'd you know what I burnt?"
His smug look turned into one of bewilderment. “I thought you knew already? Your best friend Torrie, she’s been running around talking about it.”
“She’s been WHAT?!” You look in awe and Jericho snorts at your reaction.“No, no, stop, what do you mean?”
“So much for being besties, huh [Name]? Well, she’s been saying you’ve been burning letters. She saw you do it out in the parking lot, now she’s telling whoever you’ve mentioned or whatever. I didn’t really care.” He muttered. “What you should be focused on, is our match.”
You simply roll your eyes. Oh yeah. You forgot that was a thing. Where’s Stone Cold when you need him?
Jericho comes closer to you. “And if you want, the Walls of Jericho doesn’t have to be the only hold you could be in tonight, sweetheart.”
You stare at him in disbelief for a second. How dare he say that to you?! Did he really think you’d go THAT low? And even try to imply you’d sleep with him? Absolutely not.
You had lifted your hand up to give him a hard slap across the face, resulting in the crowd gasping. Slapping him felt incredibly satisfying and he literally didn’t even know what hit him. The blonde brings up a hand to his now reddened cheek, scowling all the while you stomp down the hallway.
Him and his stupid match can sit in the back of your mind until the time comes. Until then, you’ve got some loose ends to tie up. Most importantly, you’ve gotta deal with Torrie (and maybe even Stacy, if she’s around. That’d just kill two birds with one stone. You technically weren’t “friends” anyway.)
So once you had seen a blonde woman just hanging around down the hall, all you found yourself rushing over there, ready to fight. “Hey!” You yell, setting your hand on her shoulder and turning her around roughly. “TORRIE—“
But this was not Torrie. In fact, it was actually Terri Runnels, who seemed scared that you abruptly turned her around like that. She held her hands up in defense and you can only sigh.
“Jeez, I’m sorry.” You apologize. “You’re…Terri, was it? Yeah, I’m really sorry.”
She gave you a nervous laugh in response, waving her hand. “Oh, it’s fine….” Before throwing her arms out. “Minus you scaring the hell out of me. What’s your deal!?”
“My ‘deal’ is that something really badhappened, and now I’m looking for Torrie. Have you seen her? You’re both blonde so I got you two mixed up. That’s my fault.” You felt incredibly bad for scaring her like that, but she should be thankful you didn’t just start beating her up first!
“Sorry sweetie,” She apologizes to you with a shrug. “Haven’t seen her at all today. What happened between you two?”
You sigh. It’s hard to explain what exactly went down. On the bright side, maybe Torrie hadn’t got that far. “Long story short, she’s been telling people something I did. And it’s a lie,” You add, which was another lie in itself… “One that might completely ruin my reputation."
“Well first off, you don’t go around threatening to beat people up.” She advised with a laugh. “Why don’t you try talking to her instead?”
“I feel like if talk to her, I’d drag her across the concrete.” You admit.
“Ivory should have put some of us into anger management classes…” Terri mutters. “Anyway, I still think you should try talking to her. No hostility, no…dragging her across the concrete.”
“I can try, but no promises.”
Definitely no promises.
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Unfortunately after talking to someone about it, you couldn’t go out there for the match. You were a bit bummed out but they explained that you had a segment already and you’ve got a match coming up. They weren’t wrong, yes, you’ve got a lot to do tonight, but it doesn’t hurt to go back out one more time.
…..You just can’t believe this is your life now.
You’re definitely not complaining, but you never thought you’d get this far. It’s been a nice ride so far, which makes you wonder if the journey coming up will be hard.
“Hey, kid.” A familiar voice calls. “The hell you’ve been up to?” Stone Cold Steve Austin looks pretty beat up, holding his stomach as he speaks to you. “Heard ya’ been burning shit.”
“Noooo.” You groan. “It got to you?! She’s faster than I thought! And why do you look all busted?”
“I look busted because Regal and his little minions set me up in that ring earlier. How’dya not hear?”
You shrug. “I was focused on this whole Torrie thing..and if you got all beat up, shouldn’t you be resting?”
“I don’t have time to rest when we’ve gotta perform.”
There was a silence before you just decided to speak up. Funnily enough, him standing there literally felt like he was judging you, so you had to come clean. The tension broke you. “Yeah. I burned letters.” You admit, rubbing your temple. “I feel really really bad. And I don’t want anyone else to find out, but who knows how many people Torrie’s told?”
“I don’t see the problem with that.” Of course he didn’t, it was literally Stone Cold we’re talking about. “Ya’ just were disposing of crap you didn’t need.”
Crap you didn’t need? That definitely was one way to put it.
Austin continued on. “Don’t worry about the consequences. If people have an issue about what you do, let em’….and if they try saying otherwise, you take it to the ring.”
His and Terri’s advice were pretty different. To fight or not to fight….
“I’ve been doing things the way I like for years.” Austin reminded. “The consequences don’t faze me. People don’t faze me. Ya’ gonna let them mess your brain up.” He points to his head. “They get inside your head and take advantage of it. Instead of letting em’ do that, you hit first. So, how about it?” He says, patting your back harshly. “We get into that ring, kick that little pretty boy’s ass, then go home.”
“Yeah!” You sure as hell were. It was a good idea too. Maybe that match would get some of your pent up anger out. “And that’s the bottom line!”
You waited for him to continue his own line, but he looked at you as if you were stupid. “Sorry. I couldn’t help it.”
He shakes his head. “We’ll have to work on that. Get it together, [Name]. We can’t lose.” And he leaves it at that, simply leaving you with your own thoughts. Did Debra tell him to talk to you?
His words made you nervous, rightfully so. What would happen if you did lose? Would he be upset at you? Worse, you’d lose a teammate! Even more scarier that Stephanie wanted you to align with the McMahons..that couldn’t bode well.
It would make sense with you joining out of spite incase he betrays you, but after that, then what? Would creative just shelf you for now? Would you have to do gimmick matches? They were already a strong “stable” on their own, so someone else being added was a bit crazy in your opinion.
The idea of not knowing what came next kinda made you uncomfortable. Even if you should have been used to it in WCW (where things were WAY more disorganized), the feeling just made you feel icky.
“[Name]!” You immediately recognize that voice as Edge. A smile grows on your face as he approaches, but he doesn’t seem happy. And here came those cameras you knew oh so well.
“What’s wrong?”
He looks at you incredulously. “You’re seriously asking me what’s wrong? That’s just great.”
There’s gotta be something you’re missing here. “What are you talking about?”
“You should know what I’m talking about. Burning anything ring a bell??”
Oh fuck.
You had no idea what to say, you open your mouth but quickly shut it. Okay, maybe Torrie was well within the right to tell on you, but that wasn’t her place at all, damn it! Now they’d know you burnt everything! That you didn’t care about them! The only person you cared about was yourself.
In other words, the seeds were being planted!
The cameras were on you again, so you wanted to make this as dramatic as possible with him. “I just…it wasn’t like that at all, you’ve gotta..I didn’t mean it at all.”
“You didn’t?” Edge looked at you and you finally thought he would understand. That all would be well. “You didn’t mean it. Okay. It just gets worse, huh? The least you could do was check on me when I got beat up out in the ring earlier.”
“Wait, huh?”
“Didn’t know that, did you?”
No, no you didn’t. You couldn’t even defend yourself, so you decided to pull out the next best excuse.
“I’ve got my own match to focus on! I didn’t know! You can’t blame me for not watching….” It was going to have to do. “I couldn’t come out..”
Yet, he still wasn’t buying it. “With what partner? Stone Cold’s already been ambushed too. You must have not saw that either. Maybe try paying attention more next time. Man, this day just gets better and better. Continuously betrayed by my own brother, then I find out someone I’ve been interes….” He stops himself, coughing into his palm. “Someone I’ve been friends with, couldn’t care less about me.” He stared at you for a minute before turning around to leave.
“Wait a damn minute! You can’t just leave. And besides, I already saw him all beat up! Maybe if you were as good as him, you’d be raring and ready to go!” You yell, stomping right behind him. “But no! You’re running away!”
“Just shut up already, [Name].” He says, continuing his way down the hall.
This time, you didn’t follow, a new feeling of anger burning in your veins. The moment you lay your eyes on Torrie, IT IS ON.
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hey! hey you! if you’ve made it to the end, YAY! thanks for reading and sticking around!! im working on fixing the spacer so it’s brighter pls bare with me. steve austin + reader duo is going to go on for a bit longer me thinks. *gives you both the tag team titles because i can*
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lunarriviera · 1 year
i have finished reboot & i am sad
it's bittersweet—i mean, it was time to be finished with it; i've been watching it literally over the course of the pandemic. but enough! all things must end, even the arduously dragged-out conclusion of a whacked-out chinese tomb raiding drama featuring poisonous gas, hordes of insects, zombies, hand crabs, flying carnivorous clams, and "coffin dew," which like all the rest of those things does not exist. ruminations and pictures and spoilers behind the cut!
1. so why is this xie yuchen the most boring xie yuchen out of all of them? i don't even know this actor's name because i never bothered learning it. also when the hell did he become a doctor and do sketchy operations on people without anaesthesia? he's wearing pink, he's rich, he has the same name; but there the resemblance ends. this is not the xiao hua we know and love. where is my bitchy swishy opera-singing organized crime boss? no wonder there's no chemistry between him and xiazi; this guy barely has a pulse. sorry to this man. nice sweater, tho.
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2. i was trying to prove that pangzi says "that's not your xiaoge" (which he doesn't, those are bad subtitles; he just says "that's not xiaoge") and instead captured this adorable picture of drunk bai haotian. xiao bai gets a bad rap—mao xiaotong is adorable and sweet and honestly kinda hot when she's not trapped in a bowl haircut and overalls. i appreciate that wu xie, busily dying of lungs, doesn't have time or patience to explain to her why he's not available, but zhu yilong plays it wisely straight down the middle, face impassive. ship it or don't, he seems to be saying; i don't care, it's not up to me anyway—the viewer can read it however they want. (but wu xie does manhandle her on more than one occasion and that's also kinda hot.)
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3. admittedly liu sang is very very pretty but i still don't want him in my pingxie, like mint in my chocolate chip ice cream. no thank you please. i have always considered myself a multishipper, a live-and-let-live fan; but this fandom has taught me i'm monogamous and i guess there's nothing i can do about that. still. look at liu chang's beautiful features. he made me care about jinx beyond just his function as a whump magnet, and that's an achievement. someday maybe his ouxiang will give him the hug he deserves.
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4. speaking of beautiful just look at these total idiots. i'm going to miss their stupid faces. xiaoge drinking water, so he can be sober enough to take his drunk husband home and put him to bed. wu xie so plastered that i have inadvertently captured the one (1) image of the most beautiful man in the world making a derp face.
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BONUS: whatever this beautiful cranky bitchy "doctor" has going on. which definitely involves feelings he still has for wu xie, after what happened in germany. (you know what happened in germany.)
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and that's it, that's a wrap. in the meantime zhu yilong has been in cannes being absolutely heart-stoppingly fucking divine, and i will bet you a hundred flying carnivorous clams that the next time he's there, his film will be in competition. the condé nast cover story didn't hurt. with each entrée he cements his reputation and, more importantly, protects himself from the increasingly nasty sweeps of china "cleaning up" c-ent. i honestly don't know what there is to clean up anymore; there's almost nothing left. immortality and the live-action of tgcf not being released; justice in the dark just abandoned not even halfway through. this doesn't end well.
at least as far as lost tomb goes, though, i've decided i'm proceeding backwards—so next i'm watching sand sea/sha hai, because i want to spend time with mob widow wu xie (qin hao has won me over via gifset) and ji chen's xiazi. until then, pouring one out for li jiale and chuchu. and wu erjing i guess. 干杯!
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jancys-blue-bayou · 2 years
The Byers and Wheeler siblings (except Holly lol) for the character ask
do I like them: LOVE THEM
5 good qualities: Incredibly brave, selfless, protective of those he love, incredibly caring, smart, funny.
3 bad qualities: putting himself and his own dreams last and down, not always communicating what he's feeling, and uh...early in s1 has an issue with boundaries that he grows out of.
favourite episode/etc: generally s1 but ep 4-5-6 is the peak. From him crying and hugging himself listening to Atmosphere when he thinks Will is dead and his mom is going insane to him and Joyce fighting on the street, to talking with Nancy at the funeral parlor, teaming up, target practice and talk, arguing in the woods, saving Nancy from the UD, comforting her, heading out with her again the next day, shopping for hunting supplies, rightfully beating the shit out of Steve etc.
otp: Jancy, duh.
brotp: Byers bros, duh. Excluding familial bonds, Argyle ofc.
ot3: Hear me out: Nancy, Jonathan AND Samantha aka Siouxsie Sioux from the party in s2.
notp: Stonathan
best quote: "You shouldn't like things because people tell you you're supposed to."
head canon: he went out on his own and literally talked his way into a job the day after Lonnie left bc he was perceptive enough to be aware even at that age of the family economics.
do I like them: yes ofc
5 good qualities: brave, selfless, good friend/brother, talented artist, sweet.
3 bad qualities: putting himself and his own wants last, hiding his problems from others, 15 but still hasn't stood up to his mom about the bowl cuts.
favourite episode/etc: s2 finale
otp: none
brotp: Byers bros, duh, the party ofc but want to esp highlight Will and Lucas together.
ot3: none
notp: passing this too since I'm not putting any otp
best quote: "Is that why you don't have any friends?" jc roast king Byers
head canon: when he's in college and Jonathan is an adult with Nancy, a career and responsibilities Will makes Jonathan a bunch of mix tapes of new good music so his big brother doesn't get too out of touch.
do I like them: LOVE THEM
5 good qualities: incredibly brave, smart, persevering, protective and caring.
3 bad qualities: retreating (between s1-2), getting tunnel vision and not fully considering others viewpoints at times, not always considering her own safety
favourite episode/etc: like Jonathan generally s1 with ep 5 and 6 the peak. Maybe specifically ep 6 for her then, from being saved from the UD by Jonathan, comforted by him, theorizing about the monster, bravely deciding to head out there again, shopping for hunting supplies, confronting and slapping Steve, her and Jonathan at the police station, linking up with Joyce and Hopper etc.
otp: Jancy, duh.
brotp: Max
ot3: Hear me out: Nancy, Jonathan AND Samantha aka Siouxsie Sioux from the party in s2.
notp: Stancy, duh
best quote: "I wanna finish what we started. I want to kill it."
head canon: Karen had to outlaw Wheeler board game night for fear of Nancy and Mike actually killing each other over Monopoly.
do I like them: yes ofc
5 good qualities: he's goodhearted, has leadership qualities, would do anything for his friends, is brave and caring.
3 bad qualities: gets tunnel vision, gets distracted, doesn't always think things through
favourite episode/etc: Prob 1x06 for him when the brave idiot jumps off a cliff for Dustin.
otp: none
brotp: the party as a whole, Will esp.
ot3: none
notp: passing this too since I'm not putting any otp
best quote: "If anyone asks where I am, I've left the country."
head canon: he and Nancy were closer when they were younger and get along better when she moves out and he grows up.
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ota-division · 2 years
Birds of Prey Drama Track 1 - The Future Is Now
Pt. 1
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— Ōta City, Streets of Ōta —
[A large target was seen at the end of a busy street in the market districts of Ōta. In front of it was a medium-sized apple, seemingly untouched and looking relatively new. About 15 yards away from the target, a blindfolded Chinen Taria was seen casually tossing a knife up and down and catching it with no problem. Everyone was watching her with bated breath as she was preparing to perform another trick to show.]
[After five times of tossing up her weapon and catching it, the street performer casually tapped the knife to her forehead, a small smirk on her face. She again threw the knife in the air, only this time, after catching it, she suddenly threw it forward. Nobody knew what happened, but somehow, the knife ended all the way to the target, where the pierced apple now stood. Still smirking, the young woman walked to the target, took a piece of the apple, and bit into it, before turning and bowing to the audience, who soon started applauding and cheering.]
Taria: *Pulls her blindfold off as everyone is still cheering* This never gets old.
[She looked as the people threw money into a large bowl in the middle of the street. After five minutes, the crowd then dispersed. When they all had left, the young woman picked up the bowl and looked at the money inside, satisfied.]
Taria: Yup, never gets old.
[Pocketing the money, the young woman headed off to another street. After all, the day was far from over and there were plenty more people to entertain.]
— Ōta City Police Station, Kira's Office —
[Chinen Kira sat at her desk in her office, busy typing away a report on her computer. She fought the urge to sigh as her eyelids were practically drooping.]
Kira: This is quite literally the worst part of this job.
[She was knocked out of her stupor as the door to the office was knocked on.]
Kira: *Sighs* Come in.
[The door opened up revealing a young woman with blonde hair and fair skin in her mid-20s wearing a police uniform.]
Dokuro Ema[1]: Hey, Kira. How's it hanging?
Kira: *Sighs, shaking her head* Could be worse, could be better, I'll admit.
Ema: *Walks into the office* More paperwork to fill out?
Kira: *Sighs again* Unfortunately. I swear, this is the most boring part of being an investigator.
Ema: One of many perks that comes with being in charge now, K.
Kira: *Rolls eyes* This is one perk I could do without. And I never wanted to be in charge in the first place.
Ema: Yeah, I've always wondered why you accepted the position. I thought you'd prefer being a cop.
Kira: It wasn't so much that I accepted it, it was forced on me by the chief and the mayor.
Ema: You couldn't refuse?
Kira: *Stares at her in a way as if asking, 'are you serious'* Could you refuse an order from the mayor?
Ema: *Scoffing* I've seen you do worse things than that, K.
Kira: *Shrugs* If it was just the mayor, maybe. But the chief was there, and I have too much respect for him to refuse.
Ema: Is that cause of the disliking the two of them have for each other?
Kira: *Shrugs again* Most likely.
Ema: Well, you can't really blame the chief. The mayor's been taking control of every part of Ōta. The only place he can't seem to get ahold of is this station.
Kira: *Goes back to typing on her computer* True.
Ema: If you ask me though, the chief's fighting a losing battle.
Kira: *Looks back at her friend* You think the chief should give up fighting against the mayor?
Ema: *Puts hands up* I'm not saying that! I'm just saying... the chief should be careful. If he's not, then the mayor may find someone else to replace him with.
Kira: *Frowns* Let's hope it doesn't come to that.
[The women's conversation was put on hold as the door was knocked on again.]
Kira: Come in.
[Opening the door, a young ginger-haired man with freckles opened the door.]
Nishikawa Utamuro[2]: Uhm, Inspector.
Kira: *Sighs* What is it, Muro?
Utamuro: Uhm... my father, uhh, I mean, the Mayor is on the phone. And he asked for you, specifically.
[At that, the investigator's face fell and she groaned as she stood up from her seat. It was never a good thing when the mayor called the station. And even more so when he asked for someone by name; that usually meant that he was less than pleased with them for some reason. And with the mayor, that reason could be anything.]
Kira: I'll be right there.
[She looked as Ema gave her a shrug and a slight grin. Kira frowned and sighed as she walked out of her office to the station's personal phone. As she did, she sighed again.]
Kira: I wonder if it's too late to retire...
— Ōta City, Chinen Residence —
[Chinami Chinen was seated in the family's living room. In front of her were two Chuohku officials. One of them was seated, like her. The other stood slightly by her side, a silver briefcase in her hand. Despite being blind, she acted as if she could see the people in front of her perfectly.]
Chinami: ...So, I apologize, but my answer remains the same. I hope you and the Prime Minister understand.
Chouhku Official: With all due respect, Ms. Chinen, I'm afraid we do not understand. Otome-sama has graciously asked that you accept her offer to become her personal seer. And she has agreed to pay both you and your family handsomely for your service. Why you still refuse, despite that, we cannot comprehend.
Chinami: *Still as calm as ever* As I explained before, ma'am, my powers are not meant to be used and confined to merely one individual. I use my gifts to help better the lives of everyone, not just one person. What is more, there is a specific reason why I cannot work exclusively for the Prime Minister.
Chuohku Official: And may we know what the reason for that is?
[The blind seer wanted to reveal that the reason was that she did not at all care for Otome Tohoten or Chuohku. But that probably wouldn't have gone over well. Instead, she decided to say something that wasn't exactly a lie.]
Chinami: You may not know this, but my gift for clairvoyance only works when I don't have to deal with the same person more than once. I have a rule that I do not give visions to the same person more than once on one given day. The longer I stay near a person, the less likely I am to be able to gaze into their future.
Chuohku Official: *Narrows her eyes* And you mean to say that you cannot gaze into Otome-sama's future if you work for her?
Chinami: *Shakes her head 'no'* I am afraid so. If I were to work exclusively for her and her alone, I am afraid I would not be able to help her. If she were to limit our interactions to once a week, then maybe. However, as it is...
[For a while, the two women sat there in silence, staring at one another until the official opened her mouth to speak.]
Chuohku Official: Before we can conclude this meeting, I must ask you once more, Chinami-san: are you positive you cannot work for Otome-sama for the betterment of Japan?
Chinami: *Again, shakes her head 'no'* As I stated, I have no issue giving the Prime Minister my advice or visions. If she chooses to come here to Ōta, then...
Chuohku Official: *Stops her* I am afraid such behavior would be unwarranted and untoward for Otome-sama to do.
Chinami: Then I apologize. There is little more that I can do.
Chuohku Official: ...I see.
[At the moment, the crying of a young infant was heard in the back room of the house. Chinami then stood up from her seat, grabbing her walking stick nearby.]
Chinami: If nothing else, I am afraid there are other matters that require my attention. *Bows to them both* Please give the Prime Minister my apologies. *Raises her head and turns to leave* Farewell.
Chuohku Official: Just one moment, please. There is one last thing we must say and do before we depart.
[Chinami sighs, and turns back around to the officials.]
Chinami: Yes, what is it?
[The Chuohku official looked to the woman who had been silent this whole time. Nodding to her, the woman stepped forward and placed the silver briefcase she had been carrying down in front of Chinami. Though she couldn't see it, the woman heard something on the floor, though her gaze didn't deviate from the women.]
Chuohku Official: We understand that you have refused to work for the Prime Minister, as is your right, of course.
Chinami: *Creases her eyebrows, suspicious* Then...
Chuohku Official: *Holds a hand to stop her* Believe it or not, Chinami-san, I hold great respect for your divination skills. They've helped me and my family tremendously. In ways that you can't imagine.
[Though she couldn't see it, Chinami could hear the truth and sincerity in the young woman's words. The seer had briefly wondered why the woman sounded so familiar. Now she knew why. She was a previous customer of hers.]
Chuohku Official: *She then sighs* ...That's why what I have to say and do next makes this so much more difficult.
[Reaching into her pocket, the official pulled out a white slip of paper that was neatly folded. Unfolding it, she cleared her throat and began reading what was on it.]
Chuohku Official: "It is with great honor and privilege that I inform you, Chinami Chinen of Ōta City, that, per orders of Otome Tohoten, the current leader of Chuohku and Prime Minister of Japan, you are, as of this very moment, an official participant of the Division Rap Battle Tournament.
Chinami: ...What?!
To be continued...
Dokuro Ema - One of Kira's underlings in the police force, and one of her friends. Despite her easygoing, friendly attitude, she takes her job as a cop seriously. She often invites Kira out for a drink when they have free time, which usually leads to drunken one-night stands between the two of them. 24 years old.
Nishikawa Utamuro - Another of Kira's underlings in the police force. The dimwitted son of Ōta City's mayor, his father forced him to join the police force, not content with having him lay around the house all day. He is often treated with annoyance by some of the other officers, and is usually found doing the jobs in the station that no one else wants to do. 22 years old.
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faggot-friday · 2 years
E-Flat Major // Sophiana Week Day 2 (Sun & Moon)
Sophie Foster doesn't particularly like music, but they love Biana Vacker's music. And maybe, just maybe, they love the person playing Biana Vacker's music, as well. And maybe, just maybe, ae likes them as well.
trigger warnings: swearing, mentions of homophobia/transphobia, implied physical abuse (a line about Fitz's scars), sex mention (a teasing line from Biana when Sophie asks aer to come home with them) (lmk if you need anything else added)
a/n: just a couple of throwaway lines about the sun & moon, but this doesn't actually fit anywhere else so I'm just shoving it into day 2
word count: 5.3K
Read on ao3
Sophie couldn’t claim they particularly liked music, but they couldn’t deny that they loved aer music.
Biana Vacker was a pianist, and every Friday night, ae’d go to the park, set up under the pavilion, and play aer music for an hour and a half. And every Friday night, Sophie would hear the E-flat major scale, rush from their house to the park, and sit on the grass with their eyes closed as the music washed over them and the cup of coffee in their hand went cold.
And no one could act surprised that it was one of those Friday nights that Sophie fell in love.
Sophie lived with their sister Amy and their best friend Dex, but Amy was moving out soon to go to college. For biology, if they were remembering correctly. Which they probably weren’t. But that would mean Sophie would have to increase the hours of their job at McDonalds, and they might miss the Friday night performances. And they didn’t want that to happen.
It was seven fifty-five, and Sophie was making their coffee. They always did at that point, every night. The old machine was loud and clunky, so Sophie didn’t hear the footsteps behind them. They also didn’t hear the rain outside.
“Hey Soph,” Dex said, planting a kiss on Sophie’s cheek. They weren’t dating, but Amy often forgot that. So did all their other friends. It got annoying.
“Hey, Dexie,” Sophie said, slightly distracted. “I’m going to the park again tonight.”
Dex frowned. “Did you not hear?”
“I can’t hear jackshit over this machine,” Sophie said, slapping the side of the coffee machine, which let out an indignant clunk. “Hear what?”
“Biana made an Instagram post the other day, aer show’s been cancelled indefinitely.” Xe leaned back against the kitchen table and opened the curtains. Xe and Sophie watched the rain.
“Oh.” Sophie was surprised Dex heard them, considering how small their voice was.
“Yeah, sorry,” xe sighed.
“Do you know why?” Sophie said suddenly. “Ah, shit, sorry, I don’t wanna pry in aer life, but, did ae say anything?”
“Yeah, ae did, actually,” Dex said. Sophie almost dropped their coffee in surprise. “Ae said family issues, but that was it.”
Sophie nodded. They had… a lot of experience with family issues.
“Oh, Sophie, you’re still here,” Amy called from across the kitchen.
Speaking of family issues.
“Yeah, the show tonight was cancelled,” Sophie replied. “Don’t you have something on? A party?”
“I’m literally walking out the door right now, jackass,” Amy responded. “Hey Dex, chuck me a banana?”
Dex grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl on the table and launched it across the room. It bounced off Amy’s hands and landed on the floor. Amy picked it up and shrugged.
“You don’t eat the peel anyway,” she muttered. “See you when I get back!”
“Make sure you actually get back this time,” Sophie scolded, blocking out Dex’s confused questions of “you don’t eat the peel?”.
Amy poked her head back through the front door as she left, one of Sophie’s old jumpers covering her dress. “By the way, you have a visitor.” She wriggled her fingers in a wave and then stepped aside so someone who Sophie slightly recognised could come into the house.
“Hey Dex,” he said, wiping the rainwater off his face.
“Fitz?” Dex laughed. “Haven’t seen you since… middle school?”
“Something like that,” Fitz said. “Can I crash here for the night?”
“Who is that?” Sophie asked.
“Old friend,” Dex said shortly. “Can he stay?”
Sophie stared at xem. Xe expected them to let in a strange boy to live with them for who knows how long?
Sophie avoided Dex’s question with one of their own. “Why does he look so familiar?”
“I’m Fitzroy Vacker,” Fitz said, with a smile Sophie recognised instantly, a smile they had seen every Friday night, with a cup of cold coffee in their hands and music still ringing in their ears. “You probably know my sister.”
Sophie finished making the coffee and handed it to Fitz. “We have sugar in one of the cupboards if you need it. Dex is the only one who uses it though, so no one else is sure where it is.”
“I’ll manage without,” Fitz said. “Thanks.”
Sophie and Fitz had begun to warm up to each other, and Sophie hadn’t missed the fact that there was a very specific shade of blue, pink, and white on Fitz’s nails.
“So,” they said, as casually as possible, “any specific reason why Biana’s show was cancelled?”
Fitz nodded, wiping his mouth. “Family issues.”
“I know that much, but, like… specifically?”
“My dad found out I was trans. And then he started screaming like a fucking banshee.”
“Hate it when they do that,” Sophie nodded. Their grandparents had done the same thing.
“My brother just gave me the cold shoulder,” Fitz continued. “Used to that, though. My brother’s a dickhead.” He paused, taking another sip of coffee. “My mother was nice, though. And so was Biana. But ae got kicked as well.”
Sophie almost spat out their coffee. “Biana’s been kicked out of aer home?”
“Yeah,” Fitz said grimly. “I’m… not sure where ae went, though. The only reason I know, or suspect that it happened, is because of the post ae made. I’m sure you’ve seen it.”
Sophie didn’t actually have Instagram (they found most forms of social media to be a waste of time), but Dex filled them in whenever xe could.
“Should we figure out where ae is?” Sophie suggested.
Fitz shook his head, draining the rest of his coffee. “Dad smashed my phone, and I don’t have any other way to contact aer. One of you could, I guess. No guarantee ae’ll respond, though.”
“I can try,” Dex mused. “Soph doesn’t have Instagram.”
“Just DM aer,” Fitz suggested. “Ae has a track record of responding. But I’m not sure if ae actually has access to Insta or not.”
Dex pulled out xyr phone and started typing the message to bi.ana_vackaer. “Uh, I’ve said to meet us at the park where ae makes aer performances, and that aer brother is with us. And we have free coffee.”
“Biana hates coffee,” Fitz called from the sink.
Dex backspaced. “Free food, then.”
“You can always attract people with food,” Sophie said. “Does Biana like cheese sticks? Because my ex told me she was only with me for the cheese sticks, and it was only half a joke.”
“I’m only with you for the cheese sticks,” Dex added. Sophie elbowed xem.
“Are you two dating or something?” Fitz asked.
“No,” they replied in unison.
Fitz’s face showed something like relief before he turned away. “I see.”
That was kinda gay.
“Just press send before your phone goes flat,” Sophie said.
Dex pressed send. “My phone’s on 74%, Soph.”
“Social media drains your battery.”
“Sophie, you don’t have any social media.”
“Lies and slander. I have Facebook Messenger.”
“That’s only because Amy doesn’t have a SIM card.”
Sophie elbowed Dex again and rinsed their empty coffee cup. “Do you need me to show you around?”
“Or I can do it,” Dex interjected. “I’m a very good show-around person.”
Fitz laughed. “I’m sure Sophie can do it perfectly well.”
“I’m also sure I can,” Sophie agreed.
Dex pursed xyr lips. “I have doubts.”
“Well, today I’ll prove my true worth to you, Dexie,” Sophie declared, “and I shall successfully show Fitz around the house!”
“I believe in you,” Fitz said.
“At least someone does,” Sophie muttered, grabbing his wrist. “I’ll show you the bathroom first. Seems important.”
Sophie stared at the ceiling, listening to the relentless storm outside. They wanted to stare out the window, but they were too cold to move from the bed, which at least offered a shred of warmth.
They listened to Fitz’s quiet sobs from the bed on the other side of the room, and they wanted to reach over and hug him, but their arms weren’t long enough, and also, they would be cold. They felt a pang of guilt at their selfishness.
They wanted to help both of the Vackers, but they were already doing all they could for Fitz, and they couldn’t contact Biana any more than they already had. Dex had checked xyr phone before xe went off to bed, and ae hadn’t responded.
Sophie forced themself out of bed and to the bathroom, feeling their stomach lurch, but they only sat on the bathroom floor and trembled, partially from the cold, partially from something else. They imagined they were Amy. Amy had confidence, Amy had a way with words that they didn’t. What would Amy do?
Amy would look for Biana.
But Sophie wasn’t Amy, and Amy wasn’t looking for Biana. Amy was partying with her friends, probably drunk or high or whatever it was that appealed to teenage girls these days. They wouldn’t know. They had never been a part of Amy’s crowd, or whatever was similar. They were busy at the park every Friday.
Sophie swallowed the excess saliva in their mouth, pulled on a jumper, and ran barefoot out of the house.
The rain was even worse now, and they regretted not putting on shoes. Sophie wiped the water out of their eyes and somehow found their way to the pavilion. They collapsed against one of the poles and sank to the floor, swallowing saliva and bile and the lump that was settling in their throat.
“You doing alright there?” someone asked from beside them. They shrugged, not wanting to respond verbally to a stranger.
“Why are you in the rain?” the stranger persisted.
Sophie turned to them, a witty response already forming on their lips, but it died the moment they locked eyes.
Biana Vacker was sitting cross-legged beside them, aer curly hair plastered against aer round cheeks.
“Bit cold to be out, really,” ae continued with a smile that flashed the gap between aer front teeth. “I’d suggest going home. Unless you don’t have a home to go to, in which case, feel free to join me in homelessness.” Ae pulled out aer nose ring. “Do you think I can get money off this?”
“No, I mean, probably, but that’s not necessary,” Sophie blurted. “Uh, you could come home with me, if you wanted.”
“Honey, we don’t even know each other yet,” Biana sighed. “We’re just two strangers sitting here in the rain all angstily. Bit too early for sex.”
Sophie’s face went tomato red, which probably didn’t help their case. “I’m not talking about sex, I’m asking if you want to get out of this shitass weather.”
Biana stared at them.
“I have cheese sticks,” Sophie said, crossing their fingers behind their back. They really wanted to get Fitz and Biana back in the same house. “I also have your brother.”
“You had me at cheese sticks,” Biana admitted, standing up and holding out a hand to Sophie. “I’m Biana Vacker, although you probably figured that out already. Also, you know I have a brother, which is a little creepy. Who are you?”
Biana talked quite a lot, which didn’t fit in with the person Sophie saw every Friday night, whose mouth moved little but whose fingers glided across the keys of the piano. They took a deep breath and responded to each of aer statements, one at a time. “Yeah, I did know. I listen to you every Friday. You posted it on your Instagram. I’m Sophie Foster.”
“There’s a musician called Sophie Foster,” Biana mused. “Are you one and the same?”
Sophie shook their head. “Unless I have a secret identity that I don’t know about.”
Biana laughed, flashing the gap between aer teeth again. Sophie thought it was cute. “Yeah. It was a bit of a long shot. You do look similar, though. Maybe you really do have a secret identity that you don’t know about. And you sometimes, secretly, unknowingly, go to Australia for performances.”
“I don’t even have a passport, I don’t think I’ve been doing that,” Sophie laughed, taking Biana’s hand and letting aer pull them up. “Follow me.”
“In the rain?” ae said, disdain creeping into aer voice. “Couldn’t we wait here?”
“It’s cold,” Sophie argued, gently but firmly, “and you’re not wearing anything warm.”
“This is plenty warm enough,” Biana argued, pulling at aer soaked-through tank top. Sophie stared at it. They didn’t recognise the logo: a circle with two 7s in it. Or were they Fs?
“Your limbs are about as bare as they get,” Sophie sighed. “You’re going to freeze. I’m relatively warmer than you, so I’m more likely to survive without it. Here.” They slipped out of their jacket, which was wet but drier on the inside, and handed it to Biana.
“You’re not going to homoerotically drape it over my shoulders?” Biana teased, slipping into it. “Wow. This is comically large.” Ae held up aer hands and flopped around the length of sleeve that hung over aer hands.
“I’m just taller than you,” Sophie said. “Come on. We’ll run.”
“Race you,” Biana said with a smirk, and then ae took off running, the jacket flying behind aer like a cape. Sophie bolted after aer, bare feet sinking disgustingly in the mud hidden under the grass, and they almost tripped.
“Biana, wait! You don’t know where I live!” they shouted after aer. Ae stopped and turned around.
“Not yet, I don’t,” ae challenged. “Where do you live? I need to beat you there.”
“Just follow me,” Sophie said, grabbing aer wrist through the jacket and guiding them both, holding up their other arm to shield their eyes from the rain. They hoped they didn’t suddenly forget the way now. That would be… embarrassing, to say the least.
They stopped just outside the door, and Sophie pulled their key out from their pocket and tried to get it in the lock. Their hands were shaking from a combination of the cold and other things they couldn’t even begin to name.
“Your house is so cool,” Biana breathed, following Sophie through the door and running aer fingers across the cracks in the walls. “So much better than mine.”
“Surely your house is fancier than this,” Sophie said, trying to feel their way around the house without the lights on so they didn’t wake Dex and Fitz. “Your family is more well-off than three teenagers, only two of whom have jobs.”
“Yeah, but my house is full of bad memories that fill the corners with extra shadows and make every turn dull,” Biana said gravely. “Your house seems to glow more every step I take.”
“Are you always this descriptive?” Sophie teased.
“Something about you just drags it out of me.”
Sophie was glad it was dark and ae couldn’t see how much they were blushing at aer flirting.
Fitz’s silhouette was in the kitchen when Sophie glanced that way, and they figured it was safe enough to turn on the lights.
“Why are you drinking coffee at three in the morning?” Sophie asked.
“Why are you walking around in the rain at three in the morning?” Fitz retorted, his eyes sliding over Sophie’s head to the person behind them. “Biana?”
“Fitz!” Biana gasped, a smile breaking out on aer face. Ae ran into the kitchen and jumped into Fitz’s outstretched arms.
“Oh, God, I was so worried,” Fitz whispered, putting Biana on the ground and burying his face into the curve of aer neck. “I thought you’d die out there.”
“I thought we’d both die,” ae murmured. “Ugh, I am so tired.”
“We only have the three beds,” Sophie said, mostly to Fitz.
“I can share with Dex,” Fitz suggested. Sophie hid a smirk and his obvious gaydom.
“Dex is asleep. I’ll just take the couch. You two should need your own bed.”
“We can share,” Biana said, gesturing between aer and Fitz. “It’s fine.”
“No, you’re guests, I can’t make you do that.”
“Why don’t you two share,” Fitz suggested, “and I’ll share with Dex. In case your sister comes back.”
Sophie had forgotten about Amy. “When did she say she was coming back?”
“No idea,” Biana said, wiping a combination of rainwater and tears off aer cheeks. “I wasn’t here.”
“Thanks for your input,” Sophie said dryly, casting their mind back to the evening, when Amy left. “I don’t think she said anything, but I also don’t think she’ll be back before morning.”
“You never know,” Fitz said.
“You just want to share a bed with Dex.”
Fitz’s face went red. “How’d you guess?”
Sophie sighed. “Look, I really don’t think you should be sharing with Dex while xe’s asleep. That’s a breach of xyr boundaries.”
Fitz pouted. “But I’m gayyy. This is homophobic.”
“And it would be very cute of you two to do that, but it’s my duty as xyr best friend to make sure that everyone respects xyr boundaries.”
“Sorry, Fitzy,” Biana said, hiding aer smirk. “You can be gay in the morning, when Dex is awake.”
“Speaking of being gay in the morning, we can’t be gay on no sleep,” Sophie said. “Fitz, put the coffee down. We need to get to bed.”
“Yeah, but which bed?” Fitz said, placing the mug on the kitchen table. Sophie glanced at it. It was still full.
“You can just stay in Amy’s,” they sighed, “and Biana can share with me.” Their brain caught up with their mouth and they blushed. “If ae’s cool with that.”
“Don’t see why not,” Biana shrugged. “Where’s your bedroom?”
“We only have the one,” Sophie said, jerking one shoulder as an indication to follow them. “I did say we weren’t all that well-off.”
“I don’t like what you’re implying,” Biana laughed. “I think your home is beautiful.”
Sophie smiled. “Do you sleep on the left or the right side of the bed?”
“I’ve never shared a bed before,” Biana mused. “Well, I have, but I can’t remember it well enough to answer.”
“It’s not about whether you have or haven’t,” they replied, “it’s about the vibes. Imagine you’re sharing with Fitz again. Which side would you make sure you’re on?”
“Is it really that important? I’ll just go on whichever side.”
“It sets the foundations for the rest of your life, Biana. It’s very important.”
“Which side do you sleep on?”
Sophie didn’t even have to think about it. “Right.”
Biana pursed aer lips. “I sleep on the left.”
“How convenient,” Sophie said with a smile, not even thinking about what ae was implying. “My bed’s the one in the middle.” They pointed to it. Biana clambered in without a second thought, sitting on the left side.
“Comfortable,” ae said. “Also, fair warning, I’m a cuddler.”
Sophie bit their lip to hide their smile. “Oh, no, how will I ever manage?”
Biana grinned. “I’m going to assume that was sarcasm.”
“It was.” Sophie climbed in next to aer and snuggled into aer chest. “You’re very warm.”
“God, you’re freezing,” ae responded.
“It’s because of my cold, dead heart.” It was meant to sound dramatic, but their voice was muffled by Biana’s arms wrapped around them. And when ae laughed, they thought they’d never heard anything more beautiful.
They slept more soundly that night than they ever had before.
Biana dumped the bags of food on the kitchen table, and Amy moved her phone out of the way with a yelp.
“Watch where you drop your shit!” she said.
“Sorry,” Biana said, not sounding at all sorry. “Oh, by the way, Sophie, Fitz and I are leaving tomorrow.”
“You told me yesterday,” Sophie frowned.
“Just figured I’d remind you.”
Sophie nodded and watched Biana’s retreating back. They put down their coffee next to the groceries and mumbled something to Amy about going to the bathroom.
Sophie ran into the bathroom and slammed the door behind them without checking who was in it beforehand. They slid to the floor and buried their face in their hands.
“Uh, Soph?” Dex said, and Sophie looked up to see Fitz and Dex intertwined on the floor, Fitz burying his bright-red face into Dex’s shoulder. “Could you possibly watch where you’re going?”
“Why are you two making out in my bathroom,” Sophie asked flatly.
“It’s my bathroom too,” Dex protested. “I can make out with whoever I want in it.”
“Well, I need to talk to you,” Sophie said. “Without your boyfriend eavesdropping.”
“Homophobia,” Fitz muttered, standing up and walking out.
“Put a shirt on before Amy tries to seduce you!” Sophie called.
“You think Amy would try and seduce this?” Fitz scoffed, gesturing towards the scars across his chest. Sophie could place some of them — top surgery, cat scratches, and Fitz told them about the one he got falling down the stairs — but others they didn’t recognise. Had that been left by his family? “I mean, come on. I’m scrawny as fuck.”
“Amy would seduce anything,” Sophie replied, at the same time Dex said “Amy and I have similar tastes, I’m sure she finds you hot.”
Fitz blushed, smiled, and closed the door behind him.
“You and Amy have the same taste in music, not men,” Sophie said. “Amy likes, and I quote, ‘bad boys’.”
“Fitz is absolutely a ‘bad boy’.” Dex’s exaggerated air quotes threw off the effect.
“Fitz is a nerd,” Sophie retaliated. “But I’m not here to criticise your taste in men. I’m here because I have a crisis.” They flopped on the floor and gazed up at Dex’s freckly face.
“What kind of crisis?” Dex asked, flopping down next to them. “Mid-life? Economical?”
“A gay crisis.”
“The best kind.”
“No Dex! The worst kind!” Sophie moaned, covering their face with their hands. “I think I like Biana.”
“I like Biana too.”
“Romantically, Dex! I like aer romantically!”
Dex laughed. “Yeah, I guessed.”
“I’m a gay mess and I don’t know what to doooooooooo.”
“Tell aer you like aer?”
Sophie sat up and crossed their arms and legs. “I’m a gay mess, I’m not legally allowed to do that.”
“If I can fess up to Fitzy, then you can fess up to Biana.”
“I’m going to revoke your gay mess privileges.”
Dex inhaled sharply. “You wouldn’t dare.”
“Ohoho, trust me, Dexter, I would very much dare.”
Dex leaned against the cupboard under the sink and sighed. “Alright, you don’t have to tell Biana. But do tell aer one thing.”
Sophie frowned. “What?”
“You know the old piano we never use?”
“Hey, Bee?”
Biana looked up from aer phone and smirked. “Bee?”
Sophie’s face went bright red. “Sorry, nicknames are automatic for me.”
“Well, if you get to give me a cutesy nickname, then I get to give one to you.” Biana leaned forward and pursed aer lips. Sophie forced themself not to look at them. “Hmm.”
“Oh, please no. I don’t want a repeat of my parents’ nicknames.”
“What nickname did your parents give you?”
“Soybean.” It slipped out before Sophie could stop it.
“Oh, that’s adorable. I’m using that.” Biana grinned, and Sophie took the moment of pure joy on aer face to memorise every detail, from the beauty spot just under aer nose, to the pimples across aer cheeks, to the patches on aer neck, shoulders, and face from aer vitiligo, to the scar on aer left temple that ae got when ae fell out of a tree ae was climbing, and everything in between.
Yep. It was a gay crisis, alright. Sophie was irreversibly, irreparably, in homoerotic love with Biana Vacker.
“Anyway, Soybean,” Biana said, aer grin fading slightly. “What was it you wanted to tell me?”
“I’m so gay,” Sophie blurted. “Uh, also, if you still want to do your performance in the park tonight, we have an old piano that Dex’s parents gave to us.”
“I’m also extremely gay,” Biana said, a quick laugh blurring aer confused frown. Sophie didn’t miss the way aer cheeks reddened slightly. “And that would be wonderful, thank you so much. I’ll play you something special.”
Sophie’s face went bright red. “No, there’s no need—”
“There’s every need, Soybean. I won’t mention you by name, if that’s the problem.” Biana frowned in thought. “Maybe I’ll say it’s for my soybean.”
Aer soybean. Sophie was so, so gay.
They figured it was useless arguing, so they enlisted the help of Dex and Amy, the two strongest in the house, to help Biana carry the piano to the pavilion. It was lucky the weather had improved over the week, and it had started acting like summer.
“Do you have a microphone somewhere?” Biana asked.
“Um, I think Amy has something somewhere, from her comedian days,” Sophie said. “Fitz, help me look.”
“Sure,” Fitz said, putting down his coffee and following Sophie. “Where would it be?”
Sophie grabbed Fitz’s arms to stop him and stared wildly into his eyes. “I’m in love with Biana.”
Fitz stared at them for a long time. “Congrats? I’m much better, IMO, but you do you, I guess. Well, actually, you do Biana, technically. Now, about that microphone—”
“No, you don’t understand,” Sophie moaned. “I’m a gay diaster, Fitzy. I’m in love with someone who won’t love me back.”
Fitz rolled his eyes. “This is basically the plot of a poorly edited fanfic. Sophie, haven’t you seen the way Biana looks at you when you’re not looking?” He mulled over the sentence as Sophie stared at him blankly. “No, of course you haven’t seen aer, you’re not looking. Well, ae stares at you like you’re the moon.”
“Isn’t the expression, stares at them like they’re the sun?”
Fitz shook his head. “Well, it is, but ae doesn’t stare at you like the sun. Ae looks at you like you’re the most beautiful, amazing, wonderful thing ae’s ever seen. Amy looks at you like you’re the sun. Kind of a weird, angry squint.”
Sophie laughed. “Well, maybe Biana can be the sun to my moon, then.”
“Averaging 150 million kilometres away from you?”
“What? No.” Sophie smiled, thinking of the way Biana and Sophie’s expressions were the same, but neither were looking at each other at the right moment. “I need aer to let me shine.”
“Ah, so you’re poetic and sappy,” Fitz said with a smirk.
“How did Dex fall for you?” Sophie said, only half serious.
“Because I’m extremely attractive. But xe first kissed me when I was spouting random science facts as a way of flirting. I pushed it over the line when I said I had 83 protons. Xe just laughed and said ‘Fitz?’ and I said ‘yeah?’ and xe said ‘I get it, you’re gay for me’ and then xe kissed me.”
Sophie was aghast. “Oh, God, I hope that doesn’t happen with me and Biana.”
Fitz smiled ruefully. “You never know.” He jerked his head behind Sophie. “Now, about that microphone?”
Sophie pulled Biana aside five minutes before aer performance to give ae the microphone.
“Its batteries are fully charged,” Sophie said.
“Thanks,” Biana said with a grin. “By the way, is there anything you want me to play for you in particular? Preferably something you’ve heard me play before, but I’m not fussy. As long as I can play it.”
Sophie smiled. “The only thing that stands out to me is the scale you play the moment my kitchen clock hits 8:01, and when the clock on my watch shows 8:00:37.”
“The E-flat major scale?” Biana said, eyebrows raised in surprise.
Biana smiled. “I’ll play you a song in that key, alright?”
Sophie nodded, and Biana rushed out the front door so ae wouldn’t be late.
Sophie sat sandwiched between Dex and Amy, waving their hand in Fitz’s face to shut him up. He was ranting about something to Dex.
“Ae’s starting,” they hissed, and the whispers that spread across the park were dampened.
Sophie checked their watch, and right on time at 8:00:37pm, Biana played the E-flat major scale. Sophie gripped their coffee tighter, feeling the hot liquid scald their hands, and let the music wash over them.
But the music ended there, and Biana cleared aer throat and began to speak into Amy’s microphone.
“I promised my Soybean I’d play them a song, as a thanks for lending me this.” Ae tapped the side of the piano. “But it’s more than a thanks. It’s a way of telling them all the things I’m too afraid to say with words.” Biana’s eyes met Sophie’s, and aer expression was exactly as Fitz had described. Then ae looked away again and readied aerself with the music.
Sophie didn’t recognise the song, but Amy did. She gasped, and elbowed Sophie.
“Do you know it?” she hissed. Sophie shook their head, and then they heard it.
Treasure by Bruno Mars. On piano.
Amy murmured the lyrics along with Biana’s playing, and it was then that Sophie realised what Biana was trying to say. It was the same thing that Sophie had been worried about for the past week.
Biana Vacker was in love with Sophie Foster.
Biana didn’t speak to Sophie until they cornered aer in the bathroom after the piano was put away.
“Didn’t know you listened to Bruno Mars,” they said.
Biana shrugged. “I had a phase. Are you familiar with the song?”
“Amy also had a phase.”
Biana laughed. “So you got the message, then? I spent a while thinking about a song that I could do, but none seemed right, but then you mentioned the E-flat major scale, and it just clicked in my mind—”
Sophie could practically hear Fitz’s cackling. “I get it, you’re gay for me.”
And then they kissed aer.
It was… alright. Sophie had only kissed one person before, and it was Dex, and that one was terrible. Biana was a good kisser, though, so that made up for it. Sophie’s knees gave out, though, and they were forced to break apart.
“Ah shit,” Sophie said from the floor. “Sorry. I’m a gay mess.”
Biana laughed and helped Sophie up.
“And I’m also a bad kisser,” Sophie said, wiping Biana’s lipstick off their cheek.
“You’re not that bad,” Biana said, although Sophie could tell ae was lying. “Besides, we can always get practice in.”
And they kissed aer again, and it was a little better this time, and the mood was only dampened by the fact that Amy walked in and shouted “GO BE GAY SOMEWHERE ELSE, I NEED TO SHOWER”.
Music had always been a part of Biana’s life. From when ae was a baby and aer brothers sang aer to sleep, to aer choir in elementary school, to humming as ae tiptoed through the halls, wanting to be quiet but unable to stay completely silent without imagining monstrous things filling the empty space that ae’s music filled.
Ae’s performances were somewhat of a ritual to aer; a bridge between aer family and aerself, a way to keep the two separated but still intertwined.
Sophie Foster had been going to the performances for as long as ae had been doing them, and ae had always looked up after the scale to see them sitting there with their coffee, brown eyes wide with wonder, waiting patiently but eagerly for the music to pick up again. Biana told aerself that ae went to the park every Friday to play music, and that was true, but ae also went to the park to see Sophie sitting there, knowing ae had made someone that happy with aer music that they’d visit aer every single time ae played.
It came as no surprise to everyone that Biana fell in love with the coffee-addicted, brown-eyed nerd at the park.
16 notes · View notes
mell0bee · 2 years
3, 4, 18, or 27 for the ask meme?
too bad val i am answering all of them (also spicier ones are under the cut) (also ty for the ask!)
4. Minor character you are (correctly) obsessed with.
i am picking one for each campaign bc. hehehe (do i have a thing for unhinged women. yes)
c1: ok i know she is not so minor but ridley. i think she is my fav c1 villain. i love how she interacts with the party, she is literally the perfect foil to percy (like oh my god, you wanna talk about narrative foils, who is doing it like percy and ridley???), and she gets by far the most iconic and memorable death of any c1 villain imo. "percy's killing you, not us" has been burned into my brain since i heard it. i also think it is partially the tlovm effect, but she is highly underrated compared to the briarwoods like idk man i feel like nobody talks about her nowadays even though she was in tlovm!!! plus every single fanart of her SLAPS and so does marisha's halloween costume. in conclusion: i love her
c2: i would say astrid but she is too major imo so VESS DEROGNA. im literally obsessed with her what was UP with her connection to the nine eyes like what was her relationship with the tomb takers and WHAT was she even trying to ACCOMPLISH like GIRL and also the beacons and yeza like what was she trying to have him do??? was it just her or was the whole assembly in on it?? and then she just turns into a STORY HOOK and DIES and granted that is also a certified iconic cr moment but like girl!!! girl what!!!! NOT TO MENTION she holds the EXACT SAME POSITION delilah briarwood HERSELF held and we know NOTHING ABOUT THAT. i think she is for sure far more connected than people give her credit for and is perhaps behind some of the c3 happenings. she is the literal definition of haunting the narrative like bestie she caused the entire aeor arc and Nobody talks about her!!! girl what!!! anyways as u can see i think about her on a very regular basis tbh. im obsessed.
c3: marwa. i dont have a lot to say about her other than shes just like me fr and i hope that she is the shopkeeper they decide to befriend this campaign bc i love her
18. Share one unpopular opinion but it must specifically only pertain to Sam's ads.
I Did Not Like The D&D Beyond Presidential Race Bits (besides the one where ashley roasts sam). im sorry sam and liam.
27. Pick one character, ship, or party; and one song you associate most with them, and explain why. This song cannot be on an existing playlist from the main cast. It also cannot be We Have it All by the Pim Stones nor Dust Bowl Dance by Mumford & Sons; I love those AMVs but please think for yourself.
i mean like i have a whole post about bells hells as the oh hellos songs. i also do in fact have several working dedicated character playlists bc im Like That (including a laerynn playlist that is only mitski songs, aabria i hope you are proud of me). HOWEVER chasing twisters by delta rae is an imodna song bc 1) i saw an animatic of it (i am in fact not a free thinker) 2) yeehaw, storm, and undead vibes and 3) there are literally 2 female singers and the first verse is imogen (born with lightning in her heels, lost hope when she was still young, breakin' horses in the sky, chasing twisters in the canyon) and the second verse is laudna (notably has little soul left, idk if imogen is the only soul laudna has saved but she has in fact saved her) and 4) kiki hasnt watched c3 in like a year but she said this song reminds her of imodna when i sent it to her and kiki is always right. its so perfect sue me (also this is one of like maybe 3 ship songs i can think of lmao)
not nearly as spicy as the other one but this is gonna go under the cut anyway
3. Minor character people in the fandom are obsessed with that makes you go "them? why?
oh my god ngl i had to go on the wiki for this one. couldnt think of anyone off the top of my head. i dont think he counts as a minor character but yussa. hes just like. some guy to me. who keeps doing Wizard Stuff when he really shouldn't. and hes also a trans king ofc. like idk i like him, but idk why some ppl are obsessed with him.
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killyourrdarlingss · 2 years
Tagged by @spaceboxkitty , thank you !! And sorry this is late ♥️
Relationship status: single !
Favorite color: lime green/ neon pink
Favorite food: I'm always a sucker for yam/sweet potato fries 😌♥️
Song stuck in my head: Fever Pitch by Hotel Mira/That's What I Want - Lil Nas X
Time: 2:43am ,😅
Dream trip: I know it sounds dumb but Vegas !! I want to go to Vegas so fuckin badly !!!
Last book I read: the whisper man by ..... (Insert author here) it's okay so far, just a horror book about this young boy who moves into a house and starts talking about a whisper man who lives in the floor and his father is super fucking concerned about him ... I have a bit left of it ! It's just ok !
Last book I enjoyed reading: Freezing , I can't remember the author at the moment but it's about a morgue photographer who falls in love with quite honestly a dead woman and gets obsessive over her . Literally a fucked up book but listen it was so jarring and suspenseful? Very good book . I need to go find the author's name but I love her works
Last book I hated reading: uhh I can't remember tbh, I think it was some bad poetry ?? Maybe some snippets from novels people kept trying to make me read. Idk. I'm kind of picky with actual published stuff
Favorite thing to cook/bake: I really like cooking everything for taco bowls ... Literally one of my go to cook options, and baking? Any type of cake :)!
Favorite craft to do in free time: I like mixing drinks and reorganizing the posters on my wall in kinda like, scrapbook style if that counts ?
Most niche dislike: I have so many... Here's a general one, probably people who don't like animals, like any animal, I don't trust y'all and the people I meet who don't like pets are always insane as fuck so yeah that I guess .. I just don't get it.
Also I hate Weezer if that's more niche
Opinion on circuses: I'm literally on Tumblr dot com
Do I have a sense of direction: oh maybe but as far as my sister and mom are concerned, absolutely not. I'm always kind of wrong in some way LMAO...
Thanks for this !! I had fun and for people I'm tagging,,,,
Tag 10 people you want to get to know better !
@swearingcactus , @its-deputy-caleb , @dontcallmecanada , @brightmouth , and whoever else see's this ✌️
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desertwaterwitch · 10 months
Hi there. I'm here for the water scrying reading if you're still doing it or else feel free to ignore me lol. My name is mini. I don't have any questions in my mind so any message or advice would be lovely.
Thank you for the reading. Btw can you tell me how do you do water scrying. I'm interested in doing this divination. Have a great day 🤍
Hi Mini! I’m so sorry for the long wait! I was off Tumblr for a few weeks.
For your reading I intuitively chose a geode I have! Geodes are great for many things, including aiding in spirit communication and psychic powers. Also meditation. This sounds good especially since you are interested in this divination.
When I look into your bowl of water here, I see a mostly clear bowl, although there’s some dirt on top. I see this as maybe you have a few things going on in your life that is really hindering you and you wish it would just go away. What you should know is that no matter what, even if those things go away, there’s always going to be something going on and you can’t stop that. But you CAN try your best to get through it.
I definitely feel that you’ve got some ancestors looking out for you daily, a couple assigned just to you. That’s not in the bowl, I just have that gift as a medium and clairaudient lol.
I see some dots in a certain formation. There’s 1, 2, and 4. I don’t know what that could mean, I think that’s something you either know or will see in the near future.
I also see a gloved hand, a fingerless glove.
Take these things and think about how they might apply to you and also look around and see what happens!
As for the question of water scrying, it’s basically using your inner sight and eye to see images, visions, and thoughts. Each person is different, but for me I fill up a bowl of water, think of the name of whoever I’m reading for, and let my mind clear and unfocus as much as possible. You want to try to let your mind wander in a way. And you don’t want to question what you see. I’ve seen things like beach chairs, and I don’t always know what it could mean, so I take a guess and use my intuition to see what it could apply to. Maybe the beach chair could mean that the person will get to go to the pool (so literally). Maybe it could mean they get to relax.
I saw myself sitting in the car with my mom a while ago, when I hadn’t left the house in like a month because of my depression. A couple days later I ended up going out with my mom.
It takes practice, but some things come easier than others for people! I communicate with spirits (mainly my grandparents, but random ones will visit me), and I can sense that you do in fact have some ancestors with you that are assigned to you. I see a man and a woman, both maybe in their 70s.
I hope this helped and let me know if you have any more questions or anything! 😄
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tmlfan1977 · 11 months
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For those who don't know, I've been a singer for most of my life. I'd first discovered my love of singing when I was 11 years old when a friend of my sister's had invited us over to visit one day. It was there when I was introduced to karaoke. The girl's father owned a machine and a plethora of tapes. Up until that point, I'd spent much of my childhood singing along to songs on the radio. But karaoke was a game changer. The ability to sing my favorite songs using instrumental backing tracks was a concept I'd not known about prior to then..... and I was hooked!
It wasn't until I was 14 years young when I decided to take a chance by calling every bar and restaurant in town which ran karaoke. I was brutally honest with each of them by stating my age and that all I wanted to do was sing. Surprisingly, 95% of the places were cool with it! Even better, my mom was ok with me going to these places to do it!
I still remember the first bar I'd ever sang at. It was a place called "My Uncle's Pub". As coincidence would have it, the man who ran the karaoke there was none other than the father of my sister's friend who had introduced me to it only 3 years prior. Small world!
Needless to say, I took every chance I could to go out and sing, and even became a "regular" at a number of places. Friday nights (and some Thursdays), I'd sing at a bar called Brewsky's.... and Sunday nights you would always find me at the Desert Inn in a lounge called Stingers. A few years later, I'd spend my Friday nights singing at RJ's Bar & Grill, which was located inside Woodlawn Bowl (a bowling alley).
When I turned 19 (the legal drinking age in Canada), I switched up RJ's for Knights of Columbus on Friday nights, which became my watering hole for close to 20 years. I have so many great memories of that place, and had made a lot of friends!
It was around 2009 or so when I was asked by a longtime friend if I'd be interested in joining his band. He was a drummer, and his friend was a keyboard player. So the 3 of us played together for a few years. We didn't really "go" anywhere, save for a couple of private parties. Unfortunately, the drinking and the drugs between the two of them were a little much for me to deal with, so I chose to leave.
From that point on, I'd sang very little. I would go to karaoke at the Red Chevron Club maybe 2 or 3 times a year at best. I really didn't have the passion for it anymore.
This past October, I'd received a call from the aforementioned friend from my previous band of which I'd left, asking me if I'd be willing to sit in with him and another fellow who played guitar. Knowing why I'd left previously, I was promised that drinking and drugs would be non-existent. So I agreed.
We called ourselves The Basement Dwellers, a name I concocted as we played in the basement of 90 Carden Street in downtown Guelph. Google that address if you'd like to learn of its significance.... or lack thereof.
We didn't go far as a 3-piece, aside from a Facebook live stream we put together in mid-December. But, we were asked by the Pastor of the Royal City Mission to perform as part of their "Beat the Winter Blues" fundraising concert in March of this year.
That night will forever be ingrained in my mind as one of the greatest nights of my life. We performed a 7 song set along with a guest bass player. Prior to the show, I was incredibly nervous about being a "front man". After all, I'd done nothing but karaoke my entire life. They call your name. You get up. You sing your song. You sit down. You wait your turn to do it again.
For weeks prior to the event, I'd rehearsed in my head what I was going to say before and after each song. I'd literally never had to do anything like it before. So when I went up there that night, I'd put all insecurities aside, and I was a FRONT MAN! I had people clapping and cheering. I was cracking jokes. I sang "Happy Birthday" to one of the attendees. After our set, we even received a standing ovation. Watching the footage back, I'd absolutely shocked myself. I didn't realize I had it in me to do what I did that night. It goes without saying that I didn't come down from that natural high for days!
Anyway, we had decided before that point that this would be the Basement Dwellers' first, last and only gig. There were a number of issues surrounding a particular member of the band, which at that point had reached a level of absurdity.
But as they say.... When one door closes, another one opens.
I had started attending these Thursday open jams at a downtown establishment, where shortly after I was asked to join a newly formed band by the guy who was running the open jams. The rhythm guitarist from my previous band was also asked to join. Soon thereafter, a drummer had joined us, as well as a bass player, who concurrently played with the drummer in another band. We were known as the Downtown All-Stars.
From February until June, we'd play at the same place every Thursday hosting these open jams. It was fun for the most part, but quickly became cumbersome as many times our only audience were the same few regulars week after week. We had a handful of weeks where a plethora of talent would come and grace the stage. Those were the nights I enjoyed most. Unfortunately, in the four months we'd hosted this event, we received no payment of any kind. It seemed unfair because, especially on the busy nights, the establishment was thriving. I'd advertised the open jams to the hilt on as many platforms as I could find, and I gave 110% every single week on that stage to the point where my throat would be hoarse for most of the following week.
In late May, a gentleman saw us perform and had asked us to perform a set for Royal Distributing's inaugural "Bike Night" of the summer, an annual 2-month long event where bikers would come and show off their hardware, etc. I was absolutely ecstatic about being asked because I'd considered it our first big break!
During our soundcheck, I literally could not hear myself through the monitor to save my life. As any singer will tell you, you HAVE to be able to hear yourself. Otherwise, you're more or less tone deaf. I was quickly in panic mode because I literally didn't know how I sounded to the audience because I didn't even know how I sounded to myself. The problem was, the guitarists always had a tendency to be VERY loud. Even during open jams, you would constantly find the rhythm guitarist turning up his volume. The lead guitarist, who concurrently played in a punk band was equally as loud.
A few days following the show, I'd addressed the issue via group chat. The drummer and bass player were in agreement, whereas the rhythm guitarist's reply was standoff-ish, as though he'd done nothing wrong. It took 4 DAYS to get any kind of reply from the founding member and lead guitarist of the band..... Only for him to create a short video telling me that he didn't think anything needed to be changed. After all, he'd been in the business for yadda yadda years, and that there are a lot of places where singers can't hear themselves.
All this told me was that he didn't give a shit, and wasn't going to accommodate my concerns one iota. So I chose to leave. They'd held an open jam that following Thursday. I fully intended on going for one last go-round, but I'd decided against it at the last minute. If I was going to be disrespected THAT much, well..... What's good for the goose.
A couple of weeks after leaving, I'd posted an ad on the Guelph Musician's Hook-Up group, basically in search of another band looking for a vocalist. I'd specified that I was looking for like-minded musicians who were free from drama, ego and substance abuse issues.
Well wouldn't you know? This past Friday, I receive a private message from my former lead guitarist literally THREATENING me to take the ad down. He claimed that I was taking cheap shots at him, his band and his production company by stating "substance abuse" in my ad. The truth is, it had absolutely nothing to do with him. This was a personal preference..... a preference I'd even made when I created an ad 10 years ago when I was looking for a band. I told him. "Show me EXACTLY where I mention you, the band or your production company...... I'll wait......". He said if I didn't take it down, he would publicly defame MY character. For the sake of avoiding any kind of bullshit, I reluctantly took it down. After all, you can't reason with the unreasonable.
After talking to a few people however, I decided to re-instate the ad. I chose NOT to allow myself to get bullied, and I certainly don't take too lightly to threats. There were times over the past month where I had regrets, questioning whether leaving was the right thing to do..... but after he had threatened me, there was absolutely no question about it! I HAD done the RIGHT thing!
Anyway, as it stands. I don't know what the future holds in terms of singing. I'd like to think that the right band is out there somewhere. It's like someone said. You need to go where you are WANTED..... not needed. Truer words have never been spoken!
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