#i like too much things in this episode so... it's 10 gifs instead of 8 and i had to stop :')
angelic37 · 1 year
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10 years since... RIPPER STREET "The Good of This City" Written by Julie Rutterford and Richard Warlow. Directed by Andy Wilson. Original air date: 20 January 2013 (insp.)
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greetings-humans · 30 days
suo hayato - martial arts rant
(minor plot spoilers for up until episode 4/chapter 8)
(all the stuff here also otherwise spoil suo's fighting style which you first see at ep 5/ch11-12)
now do you see this? (from ep 5)
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and this (chapter 12)
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so I have some experience in martial arts, like im a black belt in zendo ryuu karate do (a decently niche style of karate and like I also did a bit of jiu-jitsu, tho no competitions for any of these) but anyways this feels wrong.
now I don't claim to know all there is about martial arts but um. given the power behind even the weakest of punches (and kanumo (the opponent) survived shishitouren during its extremist phase so he can't be that weak), putting your hand in front of an incoming fist is a recipe for disaster and so much pain. the same can be said for attempting to... grab (??) the fist from above with your palm and your extended fingers, like you can see in the panel.
my poor, abused, tendinitis-ridden arms feel the pain for you, suo, please stop it.
we know from the manga, that suo isn't one of the people with "monster strength" (and those people also shouldn't be doing moves like this but I'll assume that monster strength also comes with insane muscle support on their arms/forearms/hands and they're also not trained in martial arts so whatever. let them make their mistakes since it doesn't hurt them that much) because suo is never described as having "monster strength" so him doing this is just off.
but, dee, you might say, this is a fucking manga/anime about teenage gangsters were you expecting realism??
as of episode 5 / chapter 12 (?), suo has confirmed that he's dabbled in mixed martial arts. you cant have him making these sort of mistakes for the shits and giggles.
and these feel like a decently basic mistakes, too. i asked my brother his opinion on this as a blue-belt in karate and he agrees with me that suo is off here. i asked my bsf (who has like a yellow belt in taekwondo but hasn't practiced martial arts in like nearly a decade) on an opinion on people using their palm to block an incoming punch and he thought that's weird. I asked google and even fucking wikihow disagrees with the palm thing.
like. use your opponent's momentum against themselves yes. but also.
nowhere is there a mention of stopping the momentum with your palm. your fucking palm??? hello??? or stopping the momentum by grabbing the fist like that?? who grabs a fist from above😭😭 suo look at your goddamn wrist. joints are scared of you.
out of the top of my head, suo is in danger of breaking his fingers or spraining/breaking his wrist or fucking up his elbow, or some funky combination thereof. and he's also definitely getting in some sort of trouble with his tendon. but c'est la vie, ig.
and btw. he has pulled this off correctly a few times in the manga.
chapter 11
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in the bottom right corner you see him deflecting properly and safely. and then rushing ahead to get out of Kanuma's range (wouldn't want a falling Kanuma to grab him on his way down lol). no clue what his left hand is doing tho. even if he was attempting to assume a ready stance. what the hell is his elbow doing that high? and why is his palm open and looking away from him? fuck if I know, this doesn't look like karate but there are like thousands of schools of karate with different variations so who knows. it's vaguely giving king fu or jiu jitsu but take this with a grain of salt.
or this from chapter 68. also correct technique. don't come at me for spoilers btw, I've literally given you zero context.
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tho to be fair, I'm a little confused as to the angle that he's hand is at? like it seems like his torso is in front of the punch (which vaguely makes sense because the other guy can presumably aim towards center mass aka torso), but like suo should already be moving his torso away so his arm shouldn't be reaching out from that angle. whatever. I'll forgive this. it's super minor.
10/10 for just grabbing the damn wrist instead of what he was doing before.
tho once again to be fair, I'm also a little confused about what his free hand is doing but whatever. and how did the other guy lose his balance? idk suo tagged at his punching arm hard ig. and giving the "whap" sfx then he might have somehow hit the other dude's leg? certainly not with his free hand cause given his stance, he's still not low enough to hit the foot or shin of the other guy (which is what the panel insinuates). unless he ducked? like crouched down while holding the dude's wrist and used his free hand to 'whap'? or maybe suo used his front leg? idk. whatever. still better than before.
nii satoru (the mangaka) so far seems great, because windbreaker has a nice plot and a fun, diverse cast of rather realistic teenagers (given the plot). he does seem to have a weakness when it comes to official martial arts styles, though, and that transferred towards the animation, as well.
hey wbk fandom give me your thoughts. idk if there are more ppl into wbk that also dabble(d) in martial arts but I'd love to hear your thoughts, especially!
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trash-king18 · 1 year
m pt. 6
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this one and pt. 7 are gonna be shorter and again sfw and mostly just for the story but what can i say, im a plot girly. but i promise pt. 8+9 are almost finished just need a little editing and things will start to get heated again soon
master list
you wake up in your bed..alone. not surprised but slightly disappointed as much as you wish you weren’t. still mostly relieved at not having to talk about what happened last night. thinking about him seeing that made you want to crawl into your own skin. maybe you’d get lucky and you could never talk about it again. 
but when you walk into the kitchen on your small island you find a note nestled under a mug next to a hot pot of water. 
       wasn’t sure when you’d wake up, had to head into work. take the day if you need it, but if you feel up to it please stop by my office so we can talk. I’ll be there until 10. 
Made peppermint tea just in case. 
So many things about this note made your head spin all over again. the pet name. which he’s used jokingly for years but recently much more frequently and much less jokingly. The tea, peppermint was perfect for anxiety and you always drank it when you felt on edge… and he made it without being asked or told. the fact he even left a note. But one word stuck out more than the others. 
instead of butterflies it filled your stomach with pit vipers trying to force their way out through the walls.
you knew you’d be late but you’d never let yourself  stay home after an episode before you weren’t doing so today. 
when you got to work you were glad you opted for the tea. every sip soothed your stomach. until.. you saw him. suddenly it was doing somersaults again. He was talking to a random spider person you didn’t recognize, looking very serious as always. As soon as you saw him, you turned on your heel and made a beeline for the nearest hallway. 
Too late. 
you hear him call after you but you pretend not to hear and duck into the bathrooms. Now you’re just feeling straight up nauseas. You hear him walk by but he doesn’t call for you again. you wait a couple minutes until you’re sure he’s gone and until you don’t feel like puking your guts out before sneaking   back to your lab. 
you’re in the back room, which on the outside is labeled as the door to the supply closet, so no one knocks when you’re back there, they wouldn’t think to. Except him. 
So when you hear a knock on the door you panic a little. 
You try to play it cool. 
“I’m busy O’hara come back later.”
you hear him sigh. 
“Cariño.. i just need a moment”
you brace yourself before opening the door. you peek past him making sure the main door of your lab are closed 
“don’t call me that. not here”
he seems slightly taken aback but not entirely surprised. 
he leans against the doorway. 
“I don’t want to take up too much time, I just haven’t been able to get a word with you today.”
“yeah sorry uhm really super busy, 
(not a complete lie) 
im getting close to a new formula for your injections so”
“ah i see”
he pauses for a beat 
“did you see the note?”
“uhhh yes i.. did”
“No pressure just when you have a minute.. i was hoping to check on you”
“right no yeah uhm actually you can’t”
“no no uh i can’t i… have to go home early”
“I could always meet you tomorrow”
“No not my apartment, uhm home home… tomorrow is my nephews birthday. I promised him i’d be there in the morning when he wakes up. so i’m leaving tonight as soon as i leave here”
“i see, when will you be back?”
“monday night” 
“hm. and… you’re feeling?”
“fine. i’m fine thanks”
your face is burning. you felt so small thinking about all the things he must be thinking about you right now 
“well uh have fun, tell el chico spider-man says feliz cumpleaños.”
a frown passes over your face you can tell he’s trying to figure out what he said wrong 
“uh yeah i will do that”
he goes to leave but turns back. 
“when you’re back.. we’ll talk?”
you just try to push down the feelings in your chest. 
you nod. 
you can tell he doesn’t really believe you but he nods and walks out. after he closes the door your shoulders drop.  
it felt so weird. you’d never seen him like this. gentleness with no mocking or taunting behind it, concerned, his words seemed tender and restrained. it was kind of scaring you. you hated that he saw what happened last night.. but the way he handled it, was like he knew exactly what you needed. even so you dreaded this conversation and you were more than glad to get away for the weekend. plus you got to see your best friend in any universe and your two favorite boys. 
@urmotherswhor3 @marcswife21 @l3laze
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My weekly roundup CW 23
I try to write down my thoughts after watching stuff to create a little weekly ranking in relation to the previous week on my, most of the times, quiet sundays (and because I love lists!). These are just my personal opinions and preferences based on the feeling I got watching the episodes.
And yes, this will contain spoilers!
↑ 1. Be My Favorite (Ep 3/10)
The one with the most adorable heart eyes this week:
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All right, so now Kawi is trying to keep Pisaeng at a distance so that he doesn't fall in love with him and yet to get closer to Paer so that he will be the man at her side later. We can already see that Pisaeng likes Kawi. I mean, he has such heart eyes that it's really hard to miss! And I love how Pisaeng keeps reassuring Kawi that being himself is enough that others will like him. Even if Kawi eats like a pig and is just socially awkward at times. And I can understand him trying to keep Pisaeng at a distance to pursue his own selfish goal and trying to cement bridges between two former friends because he knows how it feels to lose friends and be lonely. And I'm even more looking forward to when Kawi finally realizes that the best thing he can do is not to stay away from Pisaeng, but to let him into his life and allow everything that happens next.
☼ 2. Love Tractor (2/8)
The most adorable puppy falling in love:
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This is so cute! I read the manhwa and it's so cute! And the adaptation is so good to begin with! I have no idea how the story will fit into eight episodes, but I like to be surprised. The characters are well met. Yechan is one of the cutest puppies we've had on screen so far and he needs to be protected at all costs!
↑ 3. Our Dining Table (10/10 Final)
And there it is again over with getting hungry all the time. It ended the way it began, on a soft episode of feel-good. Yutaka is now officially part of the family, I love Minoru's father, everyone is happy, even though everything is transient, but that's just part of life and it would be much worse if you didn't allow beautiful things to happen just because they might be over again someday. All in all, a very nice, very quiet series.
↑ 4. My Story (9/10)
The most adorable couple in love this week:
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Zeke and Fifth are back and cuter than ever. Fifth finally agrees and poses naked for Zeke and the latter can't stop looking at him as if the most delicious food was being served there. The fact that he didn't have water dripping out of his mouth is everything, too. The two are just incredibly cute lovers. And Sky and Win are also on cloud nine and then Sky's dad dies. And I'll be honest, it was somewhat foreseeable, but for a change in the land of drama.
↓ 5. La Pluie (7/12)
That is me watching flirty Patts and Saengtai:
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Can I first say how pissed off I am with this ending? It just overshadows everything! That Lomfon finally discovers that Saengtian isn't so one-dimensional after all. The cute animals! And that Saengtai and Patts have taken the next step. Even though Sengtai isn't ready to be sexually satisfied by Patts, that doesn't mean he can't satisfy Patts. And I'm absolutely on board with that! It's nice to see that there's consent there. That it's being shown that you don't have to have sex at the first opportunity. That it's okay to say stop. That it's okay to give instead of take, especially if you're sexually inexperienced. Because receiving can be embarrising at first. It needs time to open up and to have the trust in the other person. Well, and then comes the end. And that pisses me off. Why the hell is Patts just standing there and letting himself be kissed? Afterwards it's going to be back to, she kissed me, I didn't mean to, and I'm going to sit there wondering why he didn't just turn his head away, kept her at a distance, said no, and why he closed his eyes…It's such a crappy source of drama. So not just the kiss with the ex, but the misunderstanding as such. I hope they resolve it wisely. I'll try to muster up that much trust after all.
The most unnecessary drama of the week:
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↓ 6. Step by Step (7/12)
It went on and I don't like Put. I don't like how he tries to manipulate Pat into continuing this relationship with him. I don't like how he takes Pat for granted. I don't like how little effort he puts in. I don't like how he uses the stuffed animal as a distraction from the real problem. And basically, nothing has changed. They broke up because Put prioritized his career, which is a legitimate reason, totally non-judgmental here! But then he has the audacity to come back and put Pat back in the closet, to continue to put his career above everything. I think it could have possibly even worked between the two of them if he could have made Pat feel like he came first, if he could openly stand by him, openly care about him. But also only maybe. Because actually Pat has had feelings for Jeng for a while. And I think that's absolutely fine. Jeng is an adult and knows what he wants. He doesn't play games and doesn't have to defend his territory unnecessarily because he's so insecure that someone else wants to play with his toys. And he looks at Pat with that look that I think everyone likes to be looked at with, so that gives plus points. I'll give Jaab and Jane some more time to pick me up. I find their relationship…difficult. So everything, every interaction is difficult for me.
↑ 7. Our Skyy 2 (15+16/16 Final)
The most romantic shit I have seen in a while:
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Yeah, still not a fan of the mix of Bad Buddy and A Tale Of Thousand Stars. I don't know, somehow I don't like Pat and Pran as much after watching this. I'll have to watch Bad Buddy again soon to get rid of the pale aftertaste. Otherwise Phupha and Tian…It was so nice to see them, just the two of them living their lives together like that and cuddling. Would be enough for me, but we were able to witness how our Chief gives his Tian the 1000th star. My heart wanted to stop for a moment. What a fucking romantic ending for the two of them and for the series. It really was a perfect ending. Not to mention all the kissing between the two…I mean hello? Seven or eight? In one episode? That's when my heart almost stopped for the second time…
↓ 8. The Luminous Solution (3/6)
So, next week my predictions come true…cheating…Basically I don't even mind the subject, especially if I don't like the couple and would rather see them in the arms of the other party. And right now, I don't think our doctor and Thana make a good couple. And Ryou and Mai are cute together. That's all I can say right now. The best friend is a pain in the ass, but I'm sure that will resolve itself. And hey, maybe the café will have a reason to be in the story soon!
↓ 9. Naked Dining (9/12)
I really don't know what to make of this at the moment. It's all kind of crap. Mahiro is so impatient that it's kind of upsetting me. I mean, he's been aware of his feelings for years and has accepted them, but for Souta, this is all new and he's confused because he feels something for Mahiro. What that is, he doesn't know. Basically that's okay, what pisses me off is the fact that they don't play on with it now. The two could have gotten closer now. They could have done something other than just cooking. They could have given Souta the space and time to get to know himself better and his feelings. Instead, you randomly throw drama into the mix. This week our dear colleague, who of course knows that there is something in the air between the two, but still wants to fight for Souta, even though there is no indication that Souta likes her that way. And then next week comes an ex who causes Souta to get jealous…This is unnecessary drama that doesn't feel natural and thus somewhat spoils my enjoyment of the series.
As a goodbye, here you have the cutes puppy of this week. Have a great week!
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talas-first-lady · 2 months
Post the ranking of the male legends. Let the world burn. Let chaos reign. It's on brand for the show (please read this in a funny tone)
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The official, correct ranking of male Legends from best to worst along with foolproof evidence which you can trust because I am a lesbian and I am not swayed by men of dubious attractiveness.
1: Gwyn Davies
Pros: Invented time travel so he could save the poet he spent his entire adult life pining for. Has some of the absolute best throwaway lines of S7 (with flawless delivery). Has literally never done anything wrong ever.
Cons: Not around for long enough, which was in no way his fault.
2: Ray Palmer
Pros: Delightful. Hilarious. Has great chemistry with every other character. Loves showtunes and Star Wars.
Cons: Spending billions of dollars to create a suit so you can be a superhero in a city that frankly has too many superheroes already is not a good look. Also he's way too intense in relationships.
3: Nate Heywood
Pros: He somehow manages to be the perfect combination of himbo and really smart. It shouldn't be possible. Also, I too am an overeducated nerd who is really into Tala and Maisie, so I relate to him.
Cons: He really sucks whenever he's in a relationship.
4: Jefferson Jackson
Pros: He's such a good guy through and through. He has been put through some deeply unfair things but still manages to always be a positive force. Deserves all the hugs.
Cons: His accent is ridiculous and I can't take him seriously because of that.
5: Mick Rory
Pros: Has any character on the show evolved as much as him? Probably not. He's a sweetheart. He writes romance novels. His relationships with other characters are always amazing.
Cons: We all had to watch him birth alien eggs through his nose and that can never been unseen. Way too attached to his shitty ex boyfriend.
6: Wally West
Wally is right in the middle because he is true neutral. Does he make the show better? Not really. Does he make the show worse? Not really.
Pros: Good karaoke choices.
Cons: It's really dumb that Death Totem Sara appeared to him as his ex (who he really wasn't with that long and who was very much still alive) instead of his mom (who was his only family for his entire childhood and fairly recently died).
7: Gary Green
Pros: Sweet, funny, endlessly relatable. He adds so much character to every scene he's in.
Cons: Does not understand boundaries at all. He's also very inconsistently written because obviously they didn't plan for him to be an alien from the beginning.
8: Behrad Tarazi
Pros: I enjoy the way his relationship with Zari has developed. And he's a great singer.
Cons: Weed is not a personality. They didn't bother to give him an actual personality until season 7, at which point I was already over him. I also don't like his fixation with Astra which was entirely about finding her pretty on Highcastle Abbey and has nothing to do with who she actually is.
9: Carter Hall
Pros: Had the good sense to die quickly before he could really annoy me.
Cons: Manipulative towards Kendra. Actively detracted from the 100th episode.
10: Martin Stein
Pros: Victor Garber. A+ singing.
Cons: Drugged and kidnapped Jax in the pilot. Racist, sexist, deeply selfish. He started to improve slightly but it wasn't enough.
11: Rip Hunter
Pros: Saw the potential in Sara Lance.
Cons: Told Gideon he loved her and then TURNED HER INTO A TRAINING SIMULATOR FOR THREE YEARS. He also flew her into the sun and into an atomic bomb. Lied to all the original Legends. Lied to Ava.
12: Leonard Snart
Pros: Had the good sense to die quickly. Also, I do enjoy him on The Flash.
Cons: Cruel and abusive to Mick almost constantly. Talk about kicking someone while they're down. He's an asshole to everyone, but the way he speaks to Mick is unforgivable.
13: John Constantine
Pros: He's a useful foil for some of the more optimistic Legends. Decent bisexual representation. Never met a weird unidentified substance he didn't want to put in his mouth.
Cons: He forced Charlie to face thousands of years worth of trauma, got Behrad and Charlie's friends killed in the process, and put the entire world at risk. Why? To save Astra, who he immediately forgot about and left to struggle on her own (again). He sent Desmond to hell. He abandoned Nora when she was a kid. He altered Spooner's memories despite knowing that having her mind messed with is a major source of trauma for her. Put the entire world at risk again by teaming up with Bishop. Lied to and manipulated Zari and had the gall to call it love. Also, if both Ava and Mick don't like you, you are clearly highly suspicious.
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utaicon · 8 months
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100 Followers Event!
Hi everyone! This is a little bit late- I thought I might notice that I hit 100 followers, but I guess I didn't!
Since I happen to be making this in October, I thought I'd make it a Halloween themed editing contest! If the creepy themes of Halloween aren't your thing, though, you're welcome to go with general autumn themes. I want everyone to be able to participate in this if they so desire :3
More details under cut!
The prompts are more or less made with idol-rhythm games in mind, but if you want to use something else, that's 100% allowed! I believe in your creative abilities!
To make up for my lateness, this event will extend for exactly a month, so the submission period is October 5th - November 5th! You are welcome to complete as many or as few prompts as you want, in any order you want, and be as technical and creative about them as you want! The most important part is to have fun with it!
There will be 5 winners, selected semi-randomly with a wheel. Your name will be entered once per edit you make, and if you edit something on my whitelist, I will enter your name twice! In a similar vein, if you enter anything on my blacklist, you will be disqualified.
5th place: 1 edit of choice
4th place: 2 edits of choice
3rd place: 3 edits of choice
2nd place: 4 edits of choice
1st place: 5 edits of choice + I'll reblog a boatload of your other edits :3
rules: same as my regular rules, respect dni, do not submit anything from the blacklist, as stated above you are welcome to complete however many prompts you want in whatever order you want but please do not repeat prompts, have fun!
please tag me in your edits for this event so I can see them! You are welcome to use the tag #utaicon 100 followers contest, but I am more likely to see if when you tag me!
Prompt List:
note: some of these are vague on purpose! take as much creative liberty as you want!
#1 - edit a character with orange!
#2 - edit 2 characters that you think would swap Halloween candy!
#3 - edit 2 characters you think are angel/devil coded!
#4 - make an edit based on your favorite Halloween/autumn song! It can be a song specifically about Halloween or autumn or it can just be a song that gives you vibes!
#5 - edit a character with a skeleton theme!
#6 - edit a character with purple!
#7 - edit a character with a werewolf theme!
#8 - edit a card/scene from a Halloween event/episode!
#9 - edit two characters from the same Halloween card set!
#10 - edit a character with a ghost theme!
#11 - edit enough characters to create a Halloween themed unit!
#12 - edit a character with green!
#13 - edit a character with red eyes! You can pick a character that already has red eyes or give them red eyes with editing magic instead!
#14 - edit 2 characters that you think would have fun trick-or-treating or playing in leaves together!
#15 - incorporate pride into a Halloween/autumn themed edit!
#16 - edit a character with a bat theme!
#17 - edit a character with a night theme! (stars, moon, etc)
#18 - edit a character with blue!
#19 - edit a character that you think would find a horror movie entirely too scary!
#20 - edit a character you feel is vampire coded!
#21 - edit a card/scene from a non-halloween event/episode!
#22 - edit a character with fire/candles!
#23 - edit a character with leaves!
#24 - edit a character in monochrome/grayscale/B&W!
#25 - edit a character with a candy theme!
#26 - edit two characters from different Halloween card sets!
#27 - edit a character with a pumpkin theme!
#28 - edit a character that you think would find a horror movie entirely too humorous!
#29 - edit a character in red!
#30 - edit a character with a theme of a monster of your choosing!
#31 - free prompt! Do whatever you like!
Happy editing!
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piracytheorist · 11 months
Ranking SxF episodes least favourite to most favourite
No, I have nothing better to do. Temperature reached 42 degrees today (Celsius. That's 107 if you're American) and it was like that most of the day so going out was out of the question. We were also let off work today so I had a little too much free time so what was left was being inspired by a random video for another show and going at it for SxF!
This is all my personal judgment heavily based on stuff I liked. You most certainly will disagree with me and that's fine! Just don't argue with me because that's just personal opinions, I'm not trying to change anyone's minds or prove anything!
I didn't want to say "worst" in the ranking because even the episode I consider the weakest, you'll find out soon which one I'm talking about, is still a great episode that I've enjoyed watching in my rewatches. Just not as much as the other episodes.
There's a high chance I will change my mind after a while on this. I made the rankings quite quickly and more on instinct than anything else. But hey this is my blog I post what I want.
I chose to rank each episode by five criteria, the things I love the most about the show: 1) Humor (intentional or not), 2) Character (defining or cool moments and such) 3) Cute (mostly Anya and Bond adding to that XD) 4) Plot (how much development there is and how well the action is delivered) 5) Feels (of any kind).
So under the cut the rankings go!
#25, Least Best: 10. The Great Dodgeball Plan
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Humor: 7/10 Character: 5/10 Cute: 5/10 Plot: 4/10 Feels: 4/10
Yeah, I don't have much to say about this one. As far as fillers go, it's pretty good stuff, and the anime team did a good job adding new scenes to expand it so that they could fill an entire episode about it, instead of shoehorning this chapter into another episode that wouldn't be relevant. Again, it's a good episode, but one I had no problem skipping in my, like, fifth rewatch of the entire show XD
#24: 22. The Underground Tennis Tournament: The Campbelldon
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Humor: 6/10 Character: 6/10 Cute: 4/10 Plot: 6/10 Feels: 5/10
I'm not into sport-y action in fictional media, and this episode has a little too much Nightfall and almost completely no Forger family moments so it was doomed for me to be at the bottom. Don't misunderstand me, the action was good and Nightfall's ridiculousness was enjoyable. But not something I'd rewatch a ton of times. I also like that we got a little bit of political mention in this one, so plot points were added.
#23: 17. Carry Out the Griffin Plan/ Fullmetal Lady / Omelet Rice
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Humor: 7/10 Character: 7/10 Cute: 5/10 Plot: 6/10 Feels: 3/10
I think I've made my stance on the moments of Damian bullying Anya clear, and no episode of the show has made me as uncomfortable as this one has. It's still got nice moments between Anya and Becky and I love the small glimpse into Sylvia's life and the ending with Yor and smol Yuri, but my biases don't allow this episode to go any higher.
#22: 20. Investigate the General Hospital / Decipher the Perplexing Code
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Humor: 7/10 Character: 5/10 Cute: 8/10 Plot: 5/10 Feels: 7/10
I'll be honest, I feel kinda sad this is so low because Anya is so adorable and such a GremlinTM in this one, but there's only so much her little back can carry. Extra feels though for Twilight worrying over Anya's stress. Again, a very well-standing episode as far as fillers go, but not one to keep me at the edge of my seat.
#21: 19. A Revenge Plot Against Desmond / Mama Becomes the Wind
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Humor: 7/10 Character: 6/10 Cute: 7/10 Plot: 6/10 Feels: 6/10
I have to be honest. I don't really like George. He annoyed me more than anything else. Most of my enjoyment of this episode comes from the second part. Yor's part was funny and cute and even sweet, especially at the end, but as far as this ranking goes, the George plot dragged it down. Interesting addition, however, that xenophobia has run so deep in this country that George fears he'll be sold off as a slave in Westalis, so plot point up.
#20: 7. The Target's Second Son
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Humor: 7/10 Character: 7/10 Cute: 6/10 Plot: 6/10 Feels: 8/10
The two different part of this episode, once again, make the ranking a little skewed. I actually love the second part, especially the discussion between Loid and Yor. Loid picking up Anya and whispering in the sweetest voice ever about recording Spy Wars for her makes me fucking melt. Unfortunately, it's tied to an episode with bullying and no retribution, so it's dragged down a little.
#19: 18. Uncle the Private Tutor / Daybreak
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Humor: 9/10 Character: 6/10 Cute: 7/10 Plot: 7/10 Feels: 6/10
Yuri was fun. Daybreak was ridiculous (affectionate). Anya was cute. Twilight in action was interesting. I want to remind you that I absolutely adore this show, so this episode being number 19 on the list doesn't mean it's bad. It means it's very good but not epic like the ones on the top of the list.
#18: 23. The Unwavering Path
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Humor: 8/10 Character: 7/10 Cute: 6/10 Plot: 7/10 Feels: 7/10
I laughed so hard at Yor decimating the tennis ball with the racket, that alone earns a high humor point. I loved the moment of Twilight supporting Carroll Campbell after he beat him at tennis, so character points added for that. Plot was interesting, at first I was annoyed that the tennis match was for nothing but then I found it interesting that it kind of paralleled Nightfall's obsession with Twilight. Feels points added for the end where Twilight goes and buys his girls' favourite snacks :D
#17: 25. First Contact
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Humor: 5/10 Character: 9/10 Cute: 5/10 Plot: 8/10 Feels: 8/10
This one is only so low due to the limited points in humor and cute section. This was, after all, a serious episode, but you'll see down the line that there are other serious episodes that got more points in humor and cuteness. It still got 9/10 for character thanks to a great introduction on Donovan and 8/10 for plot and don't get me wrong, it's still a great episode that I like rewatching. It gets extra feels points because of Becky being best friend material and because of the "Is that why you're using force to bring other nations to their knees" moment. Hey, I never said the "feels" part didn't include angst :)
#16: 6. The Friendship Scheme
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Humor: 7/10 Character: 9/10 Cute: 8/10 Plot: 6/10 Feels: 6/10
Unsurprisingly, the first part is more favourable to me. Yor saving Anya and Anya supporting her and loving her is adorable. We get a bit of spy stuff, we're introduced to the Handler and we love it, and Anya's punch was absolutely delicious.
#15: 8. The Counter-Secret Police Cover Operation
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Humor: 9/10 Character: 9/10 Cute: 6/10 Plot: 7/10 Feels: 6/10
I'll mourn the day where I'll watch the ending of this episode and not laugh hysterically. It's so dramatic, especially with the music added to it, I've laughed every single time like the first time I watched it. Again, Yuri is both satisfyingly funny and with good character motivations, with a great setting of his extremism and not a condemnation of him for it. A bit of cute points added for the Yor and Yuri flashbacks.
#14: 4. The Prestigious School's Interview
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Humor: 8/10 Character: 8/10 Cute: 7/10 Plot: 6/10 Feels: 9/10
I'll always love the ridiculousness of the Forgers bringing three sets of clothing for the interview. Character points very up especially for Loid defending Yor and almost going ballistic on Swan. Feels especially for the ending family scene, and this whumper also appreciates how the anime added the bandage around Loid's hand :)
#13: 13. Project Apple
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Humor: 7/10 Character: 7/10 Cute: 9/10 Plot: 8/10 Feels: 7/10
Again, I feel it's unfair that such a good episode ranks almost in the middle but that's just because the competition is very high lol. A good balance of Anya being an Ulcer-Inducing GremlinTM, Bond being the bestest boi, Anya and Bond being the cutest duo as well as all the other pets at the adoption fair, great introduction to the Doggy Crisis Arc, and Bond and Anya bonding!
#12: 3. Prepare for the Interview
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Humor: 8/10 Character: 8/10 Cute: 8/10 Plot: 6/10 Feels: 9/10
After the first two episodes were packed with plot, the third episode comes with great balance of character and dynamic moments. Especially having read the original manga chapter, I feel the director and animators did a great job adding more stuff to expand this episode. The flow was so natural I felt shocked to know almost half of the episode was anime original. With all three Forgers coming together at the end to catch the thief, and with Twilight having a realization at the end of how Yor inspired him, I love what this episode makes me feel.
#11: 15. A New Family Member
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Humor: 8/10 Character: 7/10 Cute: 10/10 Plot: 6/10 Feels: 9/10
An excellent conclusion to the Doggy Crisis arc and welcoming of Bond in the family. That moment in the above screenshot alone is enough to make the cuteness skyrocket. Plot doesn't need to be high as it's the conclusion of the arc, but feels and humor more than make up for it. The only thing I would say about it is that it's hard for me to watch it on its own, it kinda needs to follow the impact of the previous two episodes. Which says a lot about how good the build-up and conclusion of that story was, by the way!
#10: 9. Show Off How In Love You Are
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Humor: 9/10 Character: 8/10 Cute: 6/10 Plot: 8/10 Feels: 9/10
A lot of humor for Yuri's overdramatic reaction at the first part! Also for Anya's reactions the next morning XD This episode is very defining for Twilight's perception of Yor. He opens up to her about feeling jealous of her relationship with her brother, and the next day, from the first moment he feels hesitant and guilty over doubting her. Yor unintentionally but honestly proves how much she already cares for him and respects him and it's the beginning of her realizing how much she values being a part of the Forgers. Overall, satisfying and fulfilling despite the secrets those two keep from each other.
#9: 5. Will They Pass Or Fail?
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Humor: 10/10 Character: 7/10 Cute: 9/10 Plot: 6/10 Feels: 8/10
This episode sold me with how unapologetically it gave no single fuck. It was ridiculous and they loved making it so and it shows. Such kind of humor is art. A relaxing episode (for us, certainly not for Loid) after the heavy packed introductory episodes and the stressful interview one, we get to sit back and enjoy Twilight becoming the butt of the joke and get his butt kicked, while Anya, Yor, and even Franky have the time of their lives. Princess Anya is adorable, especially with her badly-acted "Oh, no, save meee" and the ending scene of Loid and Anya warms my heart!
#8: 12. Penguin Park
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Humor: 8/10 Character: 7/10 Cute: 10/10 Plot: 7/10 Feels: 9/10
PENGUINS! Enough said! I had so much love for penguins as a kid that if I was gifted a huge penguin plush I would be hysterical. Among the best fillers, it still has a solid plot and good character moments, and I absolutely adore how Anya tries to help Loid in his mission in such a way that the only reason he doesn't get suspicious is because she's too little for him to imagine ever being involved in something like this. Which adds both to the humor and the feels. Extra feels because again, this whumper appreciates an exhausted Loid :D
#7: 11. Stella
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Humor: 7/10 Character: 10/10 Cute: 8/10 Plot: 7/10 Feels: 9/10
Anya showcasing massive amounts of bravery and kindness, and finally being recognized for it. Twilight feeling genuine pride for her. A legit intense moment of a kid almost drowning. A grand rescue! It's SO GOOD YOU GUYS!
#6 21. Nightfall / First Fit of Jealousy
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Humor: 8/10 Character: 9/10 Cute: 8/10 Plot: 6/10 Feels: 10/10
My biases all out in the open. A subtle hint that Twilight is genuinely happy as a part of the Forgers and I become a puddle of feels. At the same time, while it's clear we should root for Yor and distrust Fiona and her methods, it's great character building for her and spot-on dynamics between the rest of the characters. Anya rubbing her face all over Yor and Bond to basically tell Fiona "begone you foul witch we are happy as we are" is perfect. Loid supporting Yor (with a heavy hint that it actually means a lot to him that Anya is happy with Yor as her mother) and then showing a hint of genuine emotion that's so strong he doesn't even realize is seeping through his smile and I AM DONE. It's the beginning of my end.
#5: 14. Disarm the Time Bomb
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Humor: 6/10 Character: 10/10 Cute: 6/10 Plot: 9/10 Feels: 10/10
I cannot express how much I love the "You know nothing about war" scene. It's so raw and so human and so disturbing (in a great storytelling way) that this moment alone makes me trust fully in the way Endo will handle the story in regards to war and politics later on. It's more of a character moment, mostly for Sylvia but in a subtler way about Twilight too, so it deserves a solid 10 in that regard. Plot is still heavy and action-packed, some humor and cuteness manages to sneak in, and then there's the moment of Bond having the vision of Loid dying which I kid you not, when I first watched the episode I felt like someone punched me in the gut. That alone skyrockets feels up to 10, but then there's also Anya apologizing to Yor for running off on her own and Yor hugging her tight while being realistic about the situation. Deserved spot in the top five.
#4: 16. Yor's Kitchen / The Informant's Great Romance Plan
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Humor: 7/10 Character: 10/10 Cute: 9/10 Plot: 6/10 Feels: 10/10
Look. I tried to be as honest as possible in my rankings, and I ranked each episode separately before seeing where they ended up on the list. The fact that with absolute honesty, this episode ranks so high says a lot about how, though combining two wholly different plots, it does so many things I love about this show so good. Yor feeling accepted and genuinely happy over seeing Loid and Anya enjoy the food she made for them means so fucking much for me. That's her revelation of love for this family, and she's still got way to go before she even falls for Loid romantically. It's still a filler but it's so good for character and long overdue focus on Yor. Franky's part has sufficient humor and character on its own, and with Twilight deciding to console him at the end it's all tied up with a neat little bow.
#3: 24 The Role of a Mother and Wife / Shopping with Friends
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Humor: 9/10 Character: 9/10 Cute: 9/10 Plot: 6/10 Feels: 10/10
I unapologetically barely acknowledge the second part of this episode because the first part hits SO HARD that the second feels like a commercial break in comparison (apologies to any who loved it. I actually find it a great part on its own, but when put next to the first part, it pales in comparison for me).
This episode ended me. I don't know if I'm biased on my rating because I recorded my reaction to watching it, and I saw myself laughing so hard and so often, as well as saw my own near-crying face in both scenes where baby Twilight was shown, that I can't help giving such high numbers on the humor and feels part. Though okay this episode wants you to feel stuff, so maybe it's just the humor part that may be a little biased. I wouldn't actually consider it the funniest episode of the season. Anyway, I don't think there's actually a lot to say regarding why I rated with the numbers I rated. It's a great episode that has a lot to say about Twilight, Yor, and their relationship and connection, and it's made with so much love by everyone, from Endo himself, to the cast and crew. I love it and I will continue to love it.
#2: 2. Secure a Wife
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Humor: 10/10 Character: 10/10 Cute: 7/10 Plot: 8/10 Feels: 9/10
Yor's introduction is, for real, one of the best and most satisfying character introductions I've ever had the pleasure to lay eyes upon. She is flawlessly presented in her full glory, with her (natural) weaknesses revealed. From her first episode you learn everything you need to know about her, and she is seamlessly inserted into the plot and the lives of the established characters so past that, you get to enjoy her being an irreplaceable part of the story. Her motivations are clear, her character agency is well established, and it's all done succinctly and efficiently within 20 minutes of screentime. It's fabulous. At the same time, the episode delivers great humor, a bit of expansion of plot and world building, as well as feels for how Twilight and Yor start connecting without even realizing it, and the hands-down best proposal scene I've seen in fictional media in my entire life.
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It's for a fake marriage and still nothing compares to it. Your otp could never.
#1: 1. Operation Strix
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Humor: 9/10 Character: 10/10 Cute: 8/10 Plot: 8/10 Feels: 10/10
A quite honestly perfect introductory episode. In a little more than twenty minutes of screentime, it establishes all of the following:
Twilight and Anya's characters and motivations, as well as their strengths and weaknesses.
The basis of the relationship between Twilight and Anya.
The plot of pretty much the entire story.
A succinct presentation of the political situation without long exposition scenes.
The mood and setting; a careful balance of found family humor and realistic anti-war stance.
At the same time, it manages a tight and self-sufficient episode plot that fits the characters' backgrounds and MOs, it delivers meaningful flashbacks, and all that while being honest about what it's trying to be, without fanfare and badassery trying to cover up leaks like flex tape. Every scene, every shot, every second has a reason and meaning. Paired with episode 2, it's genuinely a near flawless introduction to everything Spy x Family is about. It gives you all you need and prepares you for the awesomeness that follows!
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johanna-swann · 9 months
Another thing I hope RTD does is stop bringing the Daleks and Cybermen up every other episode. It kinda takes away from their scariness when the Doctor runs into them three or four times per season and yet they always escape unscathed.
Edit: I briefly scanned an episode list and I think it was only the last 2 seasons (series 12 and 13) that made it seem like they appeared so much. Mostly because the 13th series was one big storyline which was also connected to the Master's appearances in series 12 which was all connected to the Timelord-Cybermen hybrids. Plus there were a lot of specials about the Daleks.
More detailed overview under the cut, conclusion at the bottom.
RTD kept it (kinda) contained the first time around. In series 1 he used one episode to introduce the Daleks to new fans and later made them the series finale's villain.
In series 2 he brought in the Cybermen, explained their deal and then brought them back for the series finale which is when we also see the Daleks for the first and only time in series 2. Using both Cybermen and Daleks at once was a lot, but it worked here and was also pretty funny.
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Series 2 spends a lot of time on this particular plot, but since it also deals with parallel universes, Mickey's story, Rose's family and her departure from the show, I don't think four episodes is too much. Especially since they're not back to back.
In series 3 they dial back a bit and the Daleks only appear in the two-part episode "Daleks in Manhattan"/"Evolution of the Daleks", the Cybermen don't appear in series 3 at all.
In series 4 the Cybermen don't appear at all again and the Daleks are only there for the series finale.
In the four last specials with RTD and David Tennant neither appear.
Interestingly enough Moffat dials it back even further. The Daleks appear only twice in series 5, once in a stand alone episode at the beginning of the series and then as (very, very) minor characters in the finale.
In series 6 there is only one episode featuring the Cybermen and it's also more of a filler episode.
Series 7 has one story centered around Daleks and Cybermen each, the Daleks appear again in the special "the Time of the Doctor".
Series 8 again has one episode about Daleks and a two-part series finale starring the Cybermen.
Series 9 begins with a two-parter about Davros, the Daleks don't appear afterwards in this season.
In the 10th series the Daleks only appear briefly, but the Cybermen are once again a big part of the two episode long series finale. The Daleks are featured in the Christmas special.
Chibnall's first series (series 11) has plenty of original ideas, the Daleks only appear in the New Year's special.
But then comes series 12. This series is shorter than what we're used to (10 episodes) and the last three are about the Cybermen. That storyline is a continuation of the first two episodes of this series though, so this plot seems even longer. The New Year's special afterwards is about Daleks.
The newest series, 13, is even shorter and all 6 episodes are about "the Flux". While neither Cybermen nor Daleks are the main villain here, they are shown in several episodes.
One of the three 2022 specials is about the Daleks, another one about the Cybermen.
All in all I'd say that RTD did include both Cybermen and Daleks frequently, but knew when to stop or take a break. He was also the first showrunner of the reboot and a lot of fans didn't know either species yet, so it wasn't too repetitive.
Moffat brought back a lot of familiar elements (like the Weeping Angels and the Master), but didn't use the Daleks or Cybermen much at first. Only in his later seasons did the Cybermen become a recurring foe and the Daleks too were there for two or three episodes.
Chibnall started slow, but due to the shortened seasons and interconnected major plotlines it seems like the Cybermen were everywhere in series 12 and 13 and instead of taking a breather in between series Chibnall used the Daleks in the specials more times than not.
Worth mentioning: Both Moffat in the second half of his era and Chibnall concentrated on the Cybermen for longer storylines and kept the Dalek episodes rather contained. Even more specifically, both showrunners have had the Cybermen and the Master work together in a series finale.
It also doesn't help that it's been 18 years since the reboot took off and we've seen Daleks and Cybermen again and again and again in almost every series since then.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
✨️ 10 characthers, 10 fandoms, 10 tags ✨️
I was tagged by @nikosaurushex, thank you soo much, this was very fun : )
1. Alphonse Elric - Fullmetal Alchemist
Look at this baby!! He is such a good boi, he is the most inocent, sweet, giant baby boy to ever exist!! He deserves everything in this word and more. I love him soo much.
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2. Akira Ono - Hi Score Girl
Another baby who deserves every good thing in the word. She chooses her game characthers based in wich one is less played with! She cares soo much about everyone. I really love her. Also I love how even though she doesn't speak she is still understood and very expressive and no one thinks less of her for it. Ono is the best.
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3. Blitzen - Magnus Chase and The Gods Of Asgard || Riordanverse
To choose only one Riordanverse characther was really painfull. But if I didn't, I would had dedicated half of this thread to different riordanverse sagas. So instead I choose the one of my favorite characthers that does not recieve as much love as he should. Fashion Dwarf Dad is amazing!! We need to talk more about him. His sass, his criativity, how he never gave up, how loyal he is... I could compliment him forever. Even his mommy issues are great. I love him. Fashion Dwarf Dad is the best!
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4. Clare Devlin - Derry Girls
I identify soo much with this anxiety ball, she cares about everything and everyone to the point of being a problem and I really want to hug this wee useless lesbian soo bad. She is my ficcional little sister and my favorite characther in a show where all characthers are amazing.
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5. Sunny Baudelaire- A Series of Unfortunate Events (both bookerverse and seriesverse)
While it was hard to choose only one Snicketverse characther to put here my choice was made by too words: badass baby. Sunny is amazing, she is a force of nature and if she can already do soo much as literal infant I'm sure adult Sunny will just conquer the wolrd. This girl can do annything!! And I'll support anything she does.
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6. Edward Nygma (Riddler) - Adam West Batman.
I promissed myself I would not put a Riddler in this list. It lasted like twenty seconds most. Ed is my problem child and I love him.
I choose Adam West Batman's Riddler because I'm also a Gorshin fan and I will hype this man acting anytime I get the chance. He is soo good.
(Since I promissed I would use only one Riddler, because otherwise this list would only be Riddlers, I will give Batman Unburied Riddler a small footnote here, because aaaaaaa reasons)
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7. Frida - Hilda
Okay maybe is because I'm indecisive, but that was such a hard choice. I wanted to add a Hilda characther but they are all soo good. So I chose my girl Frida, cause she is great. I love all the episodes that focus on her and her jorney to became a Witch is very good.
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8. Eda Clawthorne - The Owl House
I'm a very huuge Eda stan. I once got a chance to choose any fictional characther to do a college presentation (an psychological analysis) on and I choose Eda. She is great. I love her soo much. Chaotic Mon is the best.
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9. Sakura Kinomoto - Cardcaptors Sakura
The ninith characther in this list was a complicated choice. TBH, this was my tenth choice, but I putted the ninith one at ten because they have no image.
So I had a lot of characthers and only one space. I swear I changed the characther like five times but in the end Sakura won. This anime was very important to me when I was little, all brazilian dubbed episodes of the first season in good quality were on YouTube at the time (and you could illigaly dowload the rest). This girl made me feel wonder in a way I can't describe, she still does. She makes my hearth warm.
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10. Tamika Flyn - Welcome to Nightvale
I love everyone in Nightvale, all citzens of that weird little city and specially Cecil and the faceless old woman. But I choose Tamika because she was a child revolutionary, a monster slayer and a bookworm and she grow to be a concilwoman and to be there trying and suceeding in making a difference. Tamika is amazing and to listen to her grow was great and people should really talk more about Tamika!
No need to do the challenge, but here is my friendly fun tag: @sillymanwithocs, @lesbian-in-leather, @pharoahkittylover, @the-goodfellow-bard, @dreamerinasmallworld, @fatgumsupremacy, @selenophilenova, @decadentturkeycashroad, @sevenseasofthigh, @i-hate-liking-batman
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juneviews · 2 years
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axelle judges bl shows > 180 Degrees Longitude Passes Through Us
summary: Wang, a young man who’s always felt like he didn’t belong, accidentally drives to meet his parents’ old friend, In, who will change everything.
where to watch: dramacool
grade: 8/10
- the acting is truly the highlight of the show for me; what a pleasure to see pond ponlawit finally in a good role! as for mam & nike, they also did amazing, and there was not one bad moment!
- the cinematography is GORGEOUS! just a feast for the eyes throughout the whole show with a limited color palette & an amazing location.
- the whole execution of the show is great, you can tell so much thought went into every single detail, and the theatricality of it really, really worked imo.
- the dialogues definitely started feeling too long & convoluted pretty quickly. I made a text post about the fact that this series is the only one where I practically understand nothing without subs, and that’s because the language & expressions are just next level. which is not a bad thing in itself, but definitely contributed to making the show kinda inaccessible to understand completely & therefore kinda redundant at times. I wish they would’ve cut down some of the philosophical talk for more actual information on the characters & their way of thinking.
- sadly, I think the writing is pretty flawed. the pace is a bit slow & imo the show would’ve greatly profited off of being only 6 episodes. there are also some scenes that feel like repetitions of each other, notably in telling wang about his father in many different sittings when it should’ve been just one. from a viewer standpoint it started feeling repetitive & significantly lessened the emotions we’re supposed to feel during these scenes. I just feel like a slightly tighter & more succinct writing could’ve made this show a lot better than it ended up being.
- I felt like the age gap didn’t really get the emphasis it deserved to instead focus on the fact that they’re two men, and while I get the message of the show, I just found it unrealistic & felt like it was kinda out of place imo.
would I rewatch it: no bc it’s too depressing lol
Overall this show definitely lost some points as it went on, but it’s still a very well executed show with lots of soul. I would recommend it if you’re in the mood for something sad!
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yukihime242 · 7 months
I did a vampire-themed review earlier in October in lieu of Halloween, but I was thinking, "why not another one?"
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(GIF Source: GIFSEC thru' Google Image Search)
But this time, it is gonna be a generic Halloween-related theme, meaning that instead of purely vampires, I am including, ghosts, horror and the like... you get the gist.
As usual, 🚨SPOILERS🚨
1️⃣ Vampire Knight
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(Picture Source: Crunchyroll thru' Google Image Search)
This was one of the most popular anime back in those days. Every girl who watches this were fawning over Zero and Kaname... It was practically a Team Edward and Team Jacob situation again...
Anyway, this anime talks about Yuki, the main female protagonist, who is living in this school that on the surface, is an ordinary school for students to enroll. The secret that this school keeps, is that there are night classes held specifically for a special group of students. And those students are vampires.
Yuki, along with Zero, are the only students in the day-time student population privy to that information. Together with the teachers of the school, they help to keep this secret, and also prevent any harm from falling onto the day-time students.
This anime was really well written and my sister enjoyed it a lot that she even got the light novel of it. Mind you, my sister doesn't watch a lot of anime like I do, and though she does read, she doesn't read as much as I do too... Her anime knowledge comparing to mine is not even a quarter. So, for her to like this anime and get the light novel is saying something.
The ending can be disappointing, especially for Team Zero fans, but thinking about it now, it only made sense... Yep, anyway, have a go at this anime, it's really good and highly recommended :3
Rating: 9⭐/10
2️⃣ Ajin: Demi-Human
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(Picture Source: Netflix Wiki Fandom thru' Google Image Search)
For the life of me, I have really no idea what is going on... it looks like horror, but not really horror, and it's just manifesting some weird-ass black looking thing... yeah... I really have no idea what is going on...
You could say... to some extent, that it is like Tokyo Ghoul. A city full of ghouls secretly living among the humans. And the government secretly created a team of ghouls to help manage the ghoul population. For Ajin, it is kinda in the similar vein.
The animation of it is quite unique, like watching a game being developed in play. If that is not your thing but you still want to watch this, then I would recommend the manga instead. But even the manga is confusing for me... 🥲
The show received positive ratings across multiple platforms. So I guess it's worth the watch? I personally don't really like it that much which is why I don't have much to talk about this. But, hey, don't let me stop you from trying this 😉
Rating: 6⭐/10
TLDR: Confusing, not sure what is going on... Probably it's me...
3️⃣ Death Parade
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(Picture Source: Crunchyroll thru' Google Image Search)
This show practically talks about this afterlife world where departed souls come to get judged. However, the departed souls has no memories of their lives. In this afterlife world, the... I have no idea what they are called... Reaper? Bartender?
Reaper Bartender Judge?
Whatever... those guys will judge your souls by observing a game played between the souls. If you are the only soul there, then they will join the game to make up the numbers. So, the game will help the souls relive their memories of their lives and this allows those judging bartender reapers to see and make the decision whether the souls are good or bad. If they are good, they get to reincarnate; if they are bad, then they go to the void and cease to exist again.
It is quite an interesting concept and the anime does not fail. I have to say though, that it can get violent, but it is a natural human reaction. Some of the games can be very violent, but there are very relaxing ones too. It is a 12-episode series but it is very interesting.
Rating: 8⭐/10
4️⃣ Mieruko-chan
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(Picture Source: Mieruko-chan Wiki Fandom thru' Google Image Search)
🚨WARNING🚨: DO NOT watch this anime while eating. SERIOUS. I MEAN IT.
The reason being... you can try Googling yourself and you will know what I mean. Some of you may be okay with it, but others may not be. I wasn't prepared and I almost puked my food out.
Anyway, this anime talks about the main protagonist, Miko, who suddenly one day can see the spirits. And the spirits are not like your Hanako from Jibaku Shounen. These spirits are gory and, as mentioned earlier, could make you puke your food out. It seriously makes Junji Ito's horror manga look more like rainbow and sunshines...
I digress. So, Miko, who could suddenly see these gory spirits, had to work extremely hard to ignore them on a daily basis. It's not easy because she sometimes have to put up with the spirits wrapping themselves around her, or even walk through them so as to not draw attention to herself and place herself in danger.
To be extremely honest, the arc which the anime covers isn't really interesting... but important for what comes next. I am following the manga closely and two things comes to mind with the current addition of a new character, what is going to happen and will Miko finally stop seeing spirits?
Anyway, have a go at it but remember, DON'T EAT YOUR FOOD WHILE WATCHING THIS.
Rating: 7⭐/10
TLDR: Gory level - no food allowed when watching this. Can be a bit boring but important for the story later... if it ever comes out a season 2...
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jennawynn · 8 months
Chronotrek- Strange New Worlds Season 1 to finale
In case you missed it at the end of the last message, I'm changing up the way I do these. The stream of consciousness thing wasn't very readable and I'm not feeling like I can watch while I work because I want to pay attention. So instead, I'll just compile my thoughts a couple times each season instead of an episode by episode list.
Starting with 1x7, it seems like you should never trust a new character who just happens to have a lot in common with you, but what a needlessly overly complicated ruse. There had to have been a simpler way to kidnap Spock.
The Elysian Kingdom: I know the 'raid the studio for costumes' episodes are fan favorites, and I understand the appeal. The over-dramatics, particularly from La'an's actress are hilarious.
Although his name was Caster in the subtitles (and thus a little on the nose for a wizard), I should have seen the Pollux name drop. I remember using Castor and Pollux in a mythology assignment in high school, about Face/Off, and whenever they pop up in media, it's like
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All Those Who Wander- This one I really liked. A distress call, a scene of carnage, the separation from the 'reinforcements', a warning not to come that was too late to heed, and then the horror vibe. Considering part of why I want to watch these is for inspiration in my D&D games, this was a goldmine, even if it was a fairly straightforward take on classic tropes. I also lol'd that Pike's command code is 2-4-6-8-10.
I wasn't expecting the Gorn to be so... bestial. I was expecting humanoids. I wonder if I just missed that before because I wasn't actually watching.
A Quality of Mercy- First thing I thought when they said 'a different captain might have done differently' was 'is this something we'll see happen on screen in TOS?'
Side note: I hate Spock's pronunciation of sensOrs.
So Burnham fucks up by trying to show strength to the Klingons and starts a war. But Pike fucks up by trying to make peace with the Romulans and... starts a war.
I feel like this bit about the Romulans is very much geared toward fans of older serieseseses. Like showing that they look like Vulcans is an in joke with none of the payoff to new viewers. I've learned through cultural osmosis that there was a lot of to-do about them being different and then turning out to be a subrace of Vulcans, and changing through the different eras, but I don't know the details and having the characters be like 'we've never seen one!' and then seeing Vulcans felt... underbaked. Like it wasn't for me. Lip service to something expected by others so that they could then do a face-to-face for maximum emotional impact.
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akkrosu · 11 months
Thai BL Favorites List
Thank you for tagging me, @ellaspore! It has taken me a while to finish this, but if you’re making me choose this harshly between my favorite shows and characters, my choices have to be well thought-through. Which doesn’t mean I’m capable of narrowing down pretty much anything to just one per category, so expect me to cheat a lot here.
Favorite Thai BL: I have too many Thai BLs I love, and I don’t really have one favorite that tops them all, so let me use this chance instead to rectify the fact that I forgot about one important show when I was asked about my nine favorite shows last time: KinnPorsche. My beloved.
Current Obsession: I’ll go with Be My Favorite here. But I have to say, Laws of Attraction is climbing the ranks fast and, after only two episodes, I have just about reached the same level of obsession I have for Be My Favorite. I’m still on the fence about Hidden Agenda, but this could easily become a favorite too.
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Favorite Pairing: Oh no. Don’t make me choose. This might honestly be the hardest question on this list. One of the first couples I thought of was Akk and Ayan from The Eclipse, but my heart is also screaming at me to say Kluen and Daonuea from Star in my Mind, or Tinn and Gun from My School President. I can’t possibly narrow this down even more, three is already too few. Can I skip this question? 👀
Most Underrated Actor: I don’t know if he’s underrated in general or I just personally underestimated him for the longest time, but Gawin is doing really, really well in Be My Favorite (I also substantially underestimated his singing abilities). Other than that, I’m really impressed by how phenomenally Film is portraying Charn in Laws of Attraction.
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Favorite Character: No. I refuse to answer this. You can’t make me. Everything in me is hurting at the idea of choosing one. Let me just dodge this question by listing like the first dozen people that come to mind (my brain works in mysterious and non-comprehensible ways, just don’t question it): Gun (My School President), Akk (The Eclipse), Kluen (Star in my Mind), Jeng (Step by Step), Yai (Big Dragon), Mark (Love Mechanics), literally everyone from Moonlight Chicken, but especially Alan (he is the most understandable and human and complex antagonist I’ve ever seen, and it makes me insane). I said what I said.
Favorite Side Character: Honestly, right now I’ll give this to Tien from La Pluie. There are so many other incredible side characters that deserve to be here, but I’m particularly in love with him right now.
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Favorite Scene in a BL: I have a particular obsession with this one scene in ep 10 of Never Let Me Go where Palm returns to Nueng and they reunite in that abandoned building and promise each other eternal love and support. It’s the look on Nueng’s face when he sees Palm that gets me—all that longing and hope and unadulterated happiness and relief of getting to see him again. Then there’s also this one scene in ep 8 of The Eclipse where Ayan is the most patient and loving person ever in trying to coax out Akk’s feelings, which leads to one of the softest kisses in BL history (in my personal opinion). Oh, and I also frequently rewatch the one in Not Me where White runs away from Sean after Sean finds out about the twin thing, and Sean says all hurt and in love and confused, “I don’t even know what your name is”, and White tells him, and Sean immediately repeats it and hugs him like he finally has the right to his real identity, to the real him, and he’s in awe. And the soundtrack, ugh, it’s so good.
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Favorite Line in a BL: Cake saying “Nobody’s hurt just because we love each other” to See-Eiw in My Only 12%. That line struck me so hard. Oh, and Akk and Ayan telling each other they are allowed to be weak with each other in The Eclipse. The way they promised each other weakness wasn’t something to be ashamed of, ugh. And then there’s the end credits of 180° Longitude Passes Through Us saying (amongst other emotionally devastating things), “To you who call yourself a parent: you can only give birth to them, but you don’t own them.” The way I wept when I read that. This show tried to destroy me, and it succeeded.
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Most Anticipated BL (& Why): Only Friends, which will come as no surprise to anyone who has talked to me about it. I trust P’Jojo with all my heart and I trust these actors to create the queerest, messiest story in GMMTV history or even Thai BL history.
Healthiest relationship in a BL: Oh, I’m also really tempted to say Tinn and Gun from My School President. And for a bit of an underrated relationship—Fuse and Ana from Future.
Most Toxic Relationship in a BL: Korn and Knock in Together With Me. Mostly because of how Knock treated Korn like he was disposable and only for him to play with.
Guilty Pleasure Series: I will not answer with Star in my Mind like you did, @ellaspore, simply because I do not feel even remotely guilty for the love I have for this series. I’ll go with Big Dragon, instead.
So that was a wild ride full of conflicting feelings. Thanks for inviting me to try this! Not really sure who to tag here, but I’ll just go ahead and invite @recentadultburnout or anyone else who feels like it! And just for funsies, let me also ask @respectthepetty since I want to know if my theory on what they would pick for some of these, like favorite side character, are correct.
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saskiahaggens · 2 years
After the storm part 6
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9,  Ploy Ending,
Pairing: Jake x fem!Reader x Richy x Phil (?)
contains episode 10 spoilers
mentioning of a car crash
mentioning of death
Word count: 2170
Please remember that English is not my first language, so please don't kill me.
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You were shocked. It wasn't just anybody staring at you. It was Jake. It had to be an accident. He would never hurt you... right? But, months ago, you thought something like that about Richy too. Maybe he didn't see another way... for whatever he was doing.
But instead of helping, Jake just looked at you emotionless before he walked away. The pain in your body was so bad that you just couldn't call after him. You thought you saw a flash from the direction in which he had disappeared, but you felt dizzy, so it was probably your imagination.
While you were laying in the damp grass, unable to move, you at least had time for a little thinking. While you were 100% sure it was Jake who caused the crash, you couldn't think of a reason. Even if he never had feelings for you, it doesn't mean he had to kill you, right? Maybe you just had too much information about him, but otherwise he gave you that information voluntarily.
Thinking made your headache even worse... but you weren't surprised. There had to be something you could do. You just can't lay around and wait for your death, right? You weren't sure how long you had already lain there, staring into the night sky, not moving, just sobbing. You didn't cry because of the pain. No, you couldn't feel that. Feeling so deceived about Jake was a lot worse.
"Y/n!" yelled someone in the distance.
You thought you were imagining things at first, but after a second and third yell, you knew there had to be someone there.You tried calling out too, but no voice would leave your mouth. Your throat burned from sobbing. You just felt pathetic now.
"Here she is!", a different voice called.
"Y/n can you hear me? Please answer.", you saw Richy looking at you.
He carefully took you in his arms and examined you for injuries. You automatically relaxed into his warmth, because even though it's summer, the nights in Duskwood are still freezing cold. But breathing in his scent and feeling his warmth made a few questions arise in your mind. How did he know you were here? Was Jake the other voice? Was he urging Richy here to kill him too?
However, Phil entered your point of few against your expectations.
"This is all your fault.", he snapped at Richy.
"As much as I would like to argue about it right now, Y/n needs our help. So if you just want to be mad at me, then leave!"
Phil didn't answer and just looked at you.
"Can you hear us?", Richy asked, and Phil stroked a strand of hair behind your ear.
You couldn't move or talk, so you blinked a few times.
"Phil, you need to call an abundance.", Richy demanded and carefully took off his jacket (carefully to move or hurt you as little as possible).
"Why don't you call an ambulance and I stay with Y/n.", Phil proposed and tried to take you from Richys hold.
"I just want to make sure that no one recognizes me. If you remember, I was declared dead and a friend of my father's works at the rescue coordination center.", Richy explained and covered you in his jacket.
Phil didn't argue further. He stood up and walked a few steps away, before he called 911.
"Stay with me, okay Y/n," Richy said as he stroked your cheek.
"Jake.", you finally mumbled.
Richy looked sad after your words, and you realized that he got you wrong. You weren't asking for Jake, you wanted to warn him about Jake. You slightly shake your head.
"No? What no? Y/n what do you want to say?", Richy asked, confused.
"Jake. It was Jake."
Richy thought he didn't hear you right. Jake should have done this to you? Jake, who has a huge crush on you? The Jake who saved his life, after all he did, should try to end yours?
"You hit your head pretty hard. Maybe you saw it wrong. Listen, I will find a way to contact you when you are at the hospital. Don't tell anybody about your Jake theory until then. Alright? You will be okay. I promise.", he whispered and kissed your forehead.
"You should go now. They are coming.", Phil finally spoke from behind.
He was obviously mad about Richy's actions, you knew that, but he was also right. It hurts your feelings that you weren't able to say goodbye, but Richy hopefully knew that you wanted to. The said man gave your hand a quick squeeze, before he ran away.
Phil talked to you until the ambulance came. Most of his words were apologies or questions, but it's not like you could answer them anyway. Unfortunately, he wasn't allowed to come with you. While you were sad at first, the rescue workers gave you medication, so you didn't notice anything from the trip anyway.
The next thing you really remembered was waking up in the hospital the next morning. You were alone, but you were happy about it. You needed to think about so many things.
While you were starring at the ceiling thinking about everything that happened last night, Phil had to talk to Alan about what happened. Unknown to you, he waited the whole night in an uncomfortable chair in the hallway. He wasn't allowed to visit you, but he didn't want to leave you either. Alan understood his decision, so he was kind enough to ask him about the accident in the hospital.
"We asked his parents, Mr Hawkins. The jacket she was wearing was definitely one of Richy Rogger's. "
"I gave it to her. He once forgot it in my bar and I couldn't give it back to him before he died. Richy meant much to her. I gave it to Y/n as a memory or something. It's not like he would need it anymore anyway."
"Mr Hawkins. As much as I want to believe you, there is a problem.", Alan answered, "Her wounds didn't add up with the accident you described to us." She has a dislocated shoulder, a head laceration, bruised ribs, and a sprained wrist. That is almost nothing for an accident of this magnitude."
"I told you everything I know. I don't know what happened; she was alone. She borrowed my car. When I found her, she was laying on the ground as if somebody had driven her over. But I didn't do it. I was at the Aurora the whole time. But we have proof that somebody did this to her on purpose.", he hastened.
"I don't think so, because if the accident really happened like you described. Your friend would be dead." Phil felt even worse after the diagnosis. "How could she get out of the car, but wasn't able to move or speak afterwards? You said you had proof. Can I see it then?", Alan asked.
"I don't have my phone with me right now. Whoever it was took a picture and sent it to me, otherwise I wouldn't have found her.", he lied. He couldn't just say that the picture was sent to Richy, right?
"Bring the picture to the police station as soon as possible.", he demanded, and started to walk away, but stopped himself and turned around to say one last thing. "Do yourself a favor, Mr Hawkins, and don't leave Duskwood.", Alan said, and left the hospital.
He was annoyed that he - again - was the prime suspect. Didn't they look at the car? It wouldn't be in that condition after you hit a human. It would take a grizzly to do that much damage.
Alan visited you the next day and wanted you to answer some questions too. He promised you, you were allowed to see your friends after that, so you didn't complain.
"So Mrs Y/l, what happened that night?", he asked.
Of course he would start with an open question, you thought, but still tryed to remember everything.
"I was driving. It was dark and the driver of the other car had no lights on, otherwise I would have seen him.", you started and watched his movements closely. "When I finally saw him, it was to late to react and I crashed into him. I think I was unconscious for a few seconds, because the next thing I knew was, that he was standing next to me."
Alan nodded a bit while you were talking and wrote himself some notes.
"So you were still in the car?"
"Yes, he probably cut my seat belt because he was standing next to me for a few seconds. Then he dragged me out of the car. He searched for something. At least he was doing something with the car. He checked my pockets too. When he was finished, he looked at me for a couple of seconds and then left."
"You said 'he'. Could you see his face or did he say something to you?", Alan asked.
"No, it was to dark to see a face and he didn't say anything. I just guessed it. He was pretty strong, but he wasn't built like anybody I know."
"Mr Hawkins said someone sent him a picture."
"After he walked away, I saw a flash. So he probably took it then. I know what this looks like. It was Phil's car, and he was the one who found me. But I drove myself. I just borrowed it, because I arrived by bus here. He didn't drove me over."
"I believe you. You don't have to worry, Mrs Y/l. Almost everything stands against this theory. But I still have one last question. Mr Hawkins said something questionable. He said, that 'We have proof'. Do you know who he meant when he said 'we'?"
"I don't know, maybe he meant me or he showed the picture to my friends. I really don't know."
Alan left after that, and you were finally allowed to see your friends. They were all very worried. Especially Phil. He looked like he hadn't slept in days. Jessy later told you that he didn't. He was in the hospital the entire time, but wasn't allowed to see you.
"Seems like this group is magically attracted to car accidents.", you mumbled after everyone left, excluding Phil.
"Y/n, why is Richy alive?" he asked directly.
"Jake saved him. They asked me to not tell the others. I guess Jessy told you the truth, about Hannah's disappearance."
"She told everyone, except Hannah.", he answered.
"Richy isn't a bad guy. He wanted to do the right thing, he just did it the wrong way."
"The guy who crashed your car sent him a picture. He wrote something like, 'this is what you get'. I don't think he is a nice guy. Sorry.", Phil grumbled.
"But when he sent the picture to Richy, how did you know about it?", you asked, confused.
"He called me. Of course, I had many questions and didn't want to help him, but he said you were in danger. He sent me the picture and wanted to know where that place was. Luckily, I recognized the area, but I didn't want him to go alone. After all, it was his fault."
"No it wasn't. I can't tell you more about what happened because I simply don't know more, but I can guarantee you it wasn't about him."
"Y/n be careful with what you do. I don't trust him and I don't want you to be hurt more than you already are.", Phil mumbled and stroke your cheek, like Richy did two nights before.
"I'm, Phil, but please don't tell the others about him. He has to do it himself, someday or another."
"I hope you are right, my flower, because I can't bear to lose you.", he whispered and kissed your cheek. "I have to go now, the Aurora opens in half an hour. Be careful.", he stood up and walked to the door.
"Always. Oh, and could you do me a favor? It is so hot in here. Could you open a window, please?"
"I know that I'm good looking, but I didn't know you saw it the same way.", he laughed, but did what you asked for. "I will visit you tomorrow, so don't run away."
"Very funny, Mr Hawkins. Don't run over pretty girls."
"I only hit the most beautiful," he winked before shutting the door.
What just happened? You were a little happy that you weren't the only person who knew about Richy. On the other hand, Phil wasn't probably the best person to know. You decided to get some rest because the day was quite eventful, but after dozing for a few minutes, you wished Phil had never opened the window in the first place.
The floor cracked. Loud. It got you out of your slumber and, in a panic, you turned to the window. Your shoulder screamed at you in pain, but you were too shocked to notice it.
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zalrb · 2 years
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3. At least she was less exhausting for a few episodes.
4. “Game to 11? I’ll give you 10 and the ball?” Sometimes Lucas is funny.
5. Are Delena shippers just Dan Scott in disguise?
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6. I like how Karen is just walking on glass.
7. Lmao, Nicki lied under oath so that means that Jake gets Jenny until a new hearing but Jake literally kidnapped his child and hid from the police, they would not put Jenny in his custody. I still love how neither of these people have involved parents.
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Because you’re not funny, Whitey.
9. I like how anyone can just get into see Haley by saying they know her. She’s supposed to be a rising star.
10. Look, I’m all for living your life and having fun with whoever you want but the husband you apparently love crashed a race car then gave you annulment papers, Haley.
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11. “We’re just kidding around like ...” “We used to do?” I’ve never seen you two do anything remotely like this.
12. “I miss you so much” there are phones, you know. And webcams. You guys could’ve been talking if you wanted to.
13. “For every sentence you write of your essay, I’ll give you a kiss.” Ugh, either makeout fully or leave me alone to do my final, please.
14. “Hey, Nathan, I’m sorry I’m happy.” OH MY GOD, PEYTON WILL YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP? Either DON’T tell him Jake’s getting out of jail and call Brooke to tell her the news instead or just own the fact that you’re happy. YOU ARE INSUFFERABLE.
15. I like how there are NO guards in this scene. At the very least the guards should be restraining Jake while he tries to explain to them that Nicki is kidnapping his child who he kidnapped first.
16. “You know he told me not to come home, right?” Girl. GO ANYWAY.
17. “You stuck by me when I left the river court” right but no one else was getting emotionally slaughtered in the process of you doing that. But whatever.
18. No one is asking Haley for an autograph.
19. “But you can come into the devil’s lair. Have sex with Chris Keller. Whatever!” Not gonna lie, I always laughed at that line.
20. “Here’s the deal, Brooke Davis thinks that Chris Keller can self-serve Chris Keller in other words you can---” “Hey Brooke!” “I can’t breathe ... there’s no room in Chris’ ego. CAN WE GO?” she has the best lines on the show.
21. Lucas is so nonthreatening.
22. I like how easily the glass in Dan’s office can shatter.
23. “I don’t understand why it has to be music or Nathan” well exactly. 
24. Awww Jeyton break up. Now, I know the point is that Jake is saying she deserves better than being with someone who goes to jail or has to go on the run and who doesn’t have a stable life and that’s why he breaks up with her but it’s summer now, she legit could’ve just gone looking for Jenny with him for two months and then gone back to school but it’s fine.
25. “You’re too amazing to be carrying this around, you’re too full of greatness.” I mean, I guess.
26. Tbh though, the acting could use work, Hilarie’s like squeal cries aren’t working for me and Bryan’s pained face doesn’t have the necessary nuance but when they hug? THAT’S when I really feel how torn up they are
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27. "May angels lead you in...” oh my God, I remember on one of our high school trips to the States, the boys came into our hotel room to hang out and they played this song on their guitars. They also played “Chasing Cars” “Hey there Delilah” and of course “Wonderwall.” Fucking high school. 
28. I think I did a Stefan and Lexi video to this song. I did. Oh God, it’s so bad.
29. Always loved this moment.
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30. BEST SCENE. “It’s OK that you’re into Peyton” because he looks at her like that is the DUMBEST thing I’ve heard in my LIFE, Brooke. MY. LIFE.
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31. Keith and Karen are just not believable as THAT ship. Like when Karen whispers Andy’s name, the way she closes her eyes?
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 I was glad  they eventually ended up together.
32. But Andy rolling up in a limo is so fucking extra.
33. “Did you know that you’re bleeding?” “Yeah, it’s kinda weird. It should probably hurt but I don’t feel anything.” SYMBOLISM.
34. I like how The Wreckers are the bigger names in this whole thing but Chris and Haley take up most of the space on the poster.
35. “Shaw was right, as we strain to grasp the things we desire” SHUT UP, LUCAS. Even Peyton’s voiceover is less insufferable than yours.
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leekimdramas · 1 year
Doctor Cha Review (Spoiler Free)
This drama is really keen on not giving what viewers want...
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Cha Jung Sook has been a housewife for 20 years but after surviving life or death situation she decides to restart her residency.
However, residency is not the only hard thing in her life as she has to live with more abuse from her mother-in-law and her cheating husband.
When I started it, I couldn’t even finish the first episode as it was just too annoying to see Jung Sook being pushed around everywhere.
But as I had nothing much to watch I decided to try again, I watched it without any thoughts as it was a bit makjang style and I quite liked the humour.
Somewhere after 8 or 10 episodes, it got a little bit boring because it seemed like we were going in circles and I think it continued to the very last episode.
Yes, there were some new findings and the plot moved a little bit but rather than having revenge or just continuing with her life we were just stuck in ‘who’s next to find out that her husband is cheating’ and after a while it just got boring.
Some of the character ‘growth’ was also hard to understand, as you start the drama you get the idea that In Ho (the husband) is a despicable man. 
But as the drama continues the writer gets softer on him and somehow we end up with him still having some love for Jung Sook.
I don’t think viewers, at least me, changed their opinion on In Ho that’s why the whole redemption arc barely worked.
I also watched a bit of the show when my mom was watching (she’s at the start of the drama) and I was so surprised by how quickly we went to In Ho being so in love with Jung Sook when he seemed so disgusted by her.
Some actions and words of the characters, were a bit annoying and out of place (everyone hating woman doctor aka Jung Sook son’s girlfriend), but other than that I’m alright where some of the characters ended up.
Spoilers about the ending: I’m not so happy with In Ho and Seung Hee’s ending. I thought they deserved something much worse and we also saw them kind of getting back together??? Or at least it looked so... I was also very mad that Roy Kim didn’t end up with Jung Sook. That’s all I wanted!!
Overall, this is quite an easy drama to watch at least the first part of it and later it gets heavier, but it was an enjoyable watch if you just turn off the brain and take it as a makjang drama.
I wish they started the divorce plot a bit sooner and move on to something else quicker instead of doing the same thing just with different characters. 
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