#i like that it went ‘ok. well ehat happens after you find out
the-meme-monarch · 7 months
watching a critical analysis video on hello neighbor and having to remind myself that The Game Is, In Fact, Pretty Bad Actually and that just bc I actually know the story (thanks to Being Here since the beginning of its development and reading its supplemental material(books)) doesn’t mean the game actually makes sense as a stand alone piece
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nutslovesdolts · 5 years
(I can't add a title anymore...)
Jaune: annnd there! *he said admiring his handy work, Yang's arm was spotless, the scraps and gouges were filled and sanded, the paint was restored and the whole thing seemed to shine in the dim light* hehe this may be my best work *he said practically beaming* Mabye Yang will... will... *he put his head on his arms in front of him*... mabye it was good enough... mabye she'll stay...
Ruby: *she had come down as Yang was soaking in the tub and had not moved, Ruby was confident that she wasn't going anywhere, Ruby had come down to check on Jaune, but after hearing him say that line her heart broke a little bit, he blamed himself...*
Ruby: *quietly crept upstairs to find Yang examining her body in a mirror next to the tub, frowning as she traced her cuts and scars, until she saw Ruby walk in*
Yang: R...ruby...
Ruby: *plopping down next to the tub and grabbing Yang's hand* hey sis...
Yang: I... I'm so... I couldn't...
Ruby: shhhhh... although I want to know... it's not me you need to explain yourself to...
Yang: ... I know...
Ruby: what happened... when he found you?
Yang: ... I had given up, I was freaking out and couldn't move, I thought he was a grimm... and...
Ruby: and?
Yang: *looking into Ruby's eyes* he sang... like he always did... like nothing ever happened... ... how could he just... DO that Ruby...? How could he not Yell and scream and call me my mother...call me Raven...
Ruby: Because...
Yang: hmm?
Ruby: Yang, he thinks you left because of him... because he wasn't good enough...
Yang: *her eyes widened in horror* N...NO.... but he... how do you know...
Ruby: I just overheard him talking in the workshop Yang... he hid it well... but...
Yang: *trying to bury her face in her hand* I... no... it was never... how could he...
Ruby: *grabbing her hand* I don't want to know why you left... well I do but not now... I want to know what you're going to do now...
Yang: I... I have to... he can't... I need to see Jaune! *she stood up mostly clean by this point minus some patches here and there*
Ruby: at least dry off! And... put some clothes on?
Yang: he's my husband, I don't care if... oh god... he wouldn't want to see me would he Ruby...
Ruby: I don't know Yang, not yet... just here *she handed Yang a towel and a change of clothes and started drying the long hair*
Yang: ... Ruby... how can I... ... no... I have to see him... It was never him...
Ruby: Yang he lost Pyrrah and blamed himself, and every one of our fallen friends he blamed himself... so when you left too...
Yang: oh god... Jaune, you big... you... oh god...
Ruby: I don't know if you can ever really fix this... but you HAVE to try... if not for yourself then for Jaune and Amber... she needs a mother not an Aunt, and he needs his wife Yang...
Yang: I'm actually kinda surprised YOU didn't ask him out during all this hehe... sorry I know it's no time to joke...
Ruby: oh about that... Weiss may have proposed to me hehe, 3 months ago
Yang: RUBY THATS WONDERFUL! ... I'm sorry I wasn't there...
Ruby: where DID you go... actually no, I'll wait till you tell Jaune first
Yang: *now dry and fully clothed* ...
Ruby: are you ready?
Yang: I have to be... ... what about Amber?
Ruby: she had a long day, she is fast asleep... let's go to Jaune first... I know you want to see her but she is impossible to put to bed hehe
Yang: o...ok...
Ruby: come on
Jaune: *he had been sitting on the couch staring at the fire for nearly an hour, Yang's arm resting on the table before him... she was back... it was really her... she... no... she didn't come back... he brought her back... she may not have wanted to... he forced her... all these thoughts were plaguing his mind until he heard footsteps from the stairs*
Yang: *she stopped at the bottom of the stairs in the doorway, Jaune had stood up, the fire casting a shadow over his face* Jaune... I-
Jaune: I'm so sorry Yang...
Yang: *seeing his face contorted with sadness nearly broke her further* No Jaune I-
Jaune: It's ok... I understand Yang... but please... don't leave Amber... she... she needs her mother... even if you don't want me, just please don't... *he broke down completely falling to his knees*
Yang: *her heart shattered as she rushed to hug him, but he pushed her away* JAUNE PLE-
Jaune: NO... Yang no... ... I'm not even sure this is real... and if it is I'm sorry... I brought you back... you didn't come back, I CARRIED you back... if you weren't ready or didn't... want to I'm sorry... I just...
Yang: *the room was silent aside from the crackling fire* ... I never left...
Jaune: ... what?...
Yang: at first I ran as far as I could... I needed to get away... from ehat exactly I'm not really sure... ... I didn't want to leave... *she picked Jaune up and sat him down on the couch and sat on the opposite side facing him*
Jaune: then... where?
Yang: I went all the way to Mistral... I was there for a month before... I couldn't stay away... but I couldn't be close... I came back... but I stayed in the woods, going to towns in the outskirts of vale to do jobs under a fake name to have money for food... I always came back and checked up on you and Amber... from a distance... ... ...
Jaune: why didn't you just... come back?
Yang: I couldn't face what I'd done... to you... to Amber... to everyone... I just... couldn't...
Jaune: and when I found you?
Yang: I was at my breaking point... I heard you sing to Amber...
Jaune: it's the only thing that calms her down you know... she's just like you in so many ways...
Yang: ... I'm so sorry Jaune... I... I...
Jaune: yeah... me too...
Yang: it was never you
Jaune: you don't have to lie Yang
Yang: *feeling her heart shatter further* Jaune... I could never lie to you... especially not now... in fact I never thought I was good enough for YOU...
Jaune: what?...
Yang: you took care of me no matter how I broke down, you always understood and always accommodated me... you never saw any weakness... *she smiled* and you always loved me... no matter what... ... you never complained, or gave up... just understood...oh god... I'm so sorry Jaune...
Jaune: ...
*silence filled the room again for several minutes*
Yang: J...Jaun-
Jaune: do you really think...
Yang: *began to shake at Jaune's tone*
Jaune: it's that simple...
Yang: Jau-
Jaune: NO, no Yang... I... *he stood up* I need to go to the store... here *he tossed her arm onto the spot where he had been sitting* I... *he let out a long sigh* if everything you said was just so you could grab that and leave again then take it and don't be here when I get back... *he fought back tears* but if you really care... not about me, that doesn't matter anymore
Yang: *tears streaming down her face* jau-
Jaune: IF YOU REALLY CARE... about our daughter... about your sister... about anything... then I hope you'll still be here when I get back... *he walked to the door without looking back, pausing to look at his sword and shield before leaving them and shutting the door behind him*
Yang: *absolutely beside herself crying* I... ja... please...
Ruby: *who was watching from the stairs the whole time, walked in and sat down next to Yang, placing the arm in Yang's lap* I love you sis... and I hope this choice isn't a hard one *she said as she stood up leaving to the kitchen to make more tea*
Yang: *she just stared longingly after her sister...* Ruby... pl...please... I... *she looked at her arm... it was as if it was brand new, Jaune had perfectly mended it... she slipped it on, testing the fingers and inspecting it, perfect...*
Ruby: *she looked outside as saw it had started to lightly rain* uhhhhh... *she sighed... had she done the right thing? Leaving Yang in there? She loved her sister but even SHE was having doubts... if Yang left... there was no coming back for any of them... and Jaune... he hadn't acted like she expected him to at ALL, she thought he would have welcomed her with open arms... but... Jaune was... a bit broken it seemed... ... how were any of them gonna come back from this, and why hadn't Jaune taken his weapons...*
Jaune: he let the rain wash the tears from his face, the light if the house long behind him... why did he leave... what was he THINKING... but then again he gave Yang an option... it just horrified him as to what she might choose... especially after his outburst... he paused hearing a growl and a twig snap behind him*
Hehe... *he let out a melancholy laugh as he turned to face the glowing red eyes in the woods next to him* well? *he said with a half smile* what are you waiting for?
Thats part II so yeah, I don't even know if people like this so... it's... refreshing to write though, have a nice day/night wherever you are!... and yeah
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