#i know roman seems more like the romantic goth and logan seems more like the victorian goth but like
werewroammin · 1 year
all the sides are goth because i want them to be
Janus: trad goth
Virgil: vampire goth
Patton: pastel goth
Roman: victorian goth
Remus: gothic lolita
Logan: romantic goth
gothic sides truthers rise up
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pencilpat · 2 months
what are you’re headcanons for Virgil? 💜
Of course anon!
Virgil loves DIY! He made his own hoodie, he is a typical alt kid mending and patching things from the thrift store. I think that, while emo is his favourite fashion and music type, he also really loves goth music and style.
The dark side fallout happened right before Accepting Anxiety rather than after. Janus had plans about showing Thomas all the repressed aspects of himself even back then, and Virgil was the easiest to grapple with, so he was sent out on the front lines. He wasn't supposed to bond with everyone. He wasn't supposed to become friends, family, with someone else, with the others. And after tension built and built and Janus's abandonment fears consumed him, it just collapsed into a fight. Virgil decided that, really, no one wants him at all, and all he does is hurt and inconvenience every other side. So he ducked out. You know the story from there.
Virgil and Roman are only recently getting along better but they're trying. Virgil's love language is sharing his interests, and he tries to find crossovers between things they enjoy. Roman struggles with that because in his view there isn't much overlap at all. Most of their hangouts involve rewatching Nightmare Before Christmas over and over. But also! Makeup!! They do each other's makeup for fun alllll of the time. Also making clothing for each other!
THIS SIDE IS AROACEAPL!! Virgil is so aroaceapl coded to me, or at least demiromantic/demisexual and friendship neutral aplatonic. He never seems to enjoy the words 'I love you' or any implication of love being given to him. He doesn't seem to enjoy relationships in general, though he has let exceptions happen. Virgil seems very romance repulsed for himself but the second it's for Thomas's romantic life he is out to battle as Bravery for the sake of that anxious man's heart.
Speaking of, Logan is also VERY aroaceapl coded and in my mind they are in a queer romantic relationship, they love each other in a way that doesn't make sense as any currently known type of 'love'. They need each other and they make each other feel nice - Logan is someone that Virgil genuinely likes to be around, which is rare for him. They get each other's struggles and I think they could talk each other down from anything. And neither of them could ask for anything better than someone who understands.
Patton is also someone Virgil has felt love for. At first both of them mainly thought it was a familial bond, but given both of theirs' issues with comprehending romantic feelings, it was soon found to be more. Attraction gets very complicated when you're aro, ace, and aplatonic. It can be so confusing when you do like someone, and you'll often try to categorize them as something different like family or community. Virgil being demiromantic and Patton being aro confused and muddled things. But they really just care about each other either way, and they just let themselves... be. To just care for each other in whatever way they can in the moment and leave their feelings undisclosed.
Vee-man's favourite bands are MCR, All-Time Low, and A Day To Remember, but he's not as pure of an emo as you'd expect. That modern day tiktok emo music? He is a sucker for that stuff. And I want to kick his ass for it.
When they were a kid, Virgil was only known as Fear and he was a little shadow person. Like a tiny boogeyman! Really, the personification of what a kid finds scary rather than his current being made of all those adult worries. He age regresses for stress reasons and reverts to that form when doing so.
That's what I can think of right now, like with the Roman post I'll edit if I think of any more later.
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Summary: It had been a few months since Roman had fallen for Virgil. He’d come home to Patton that first day, waxing poetic, and come home much the same way every day since.
Pairing: Queerplatonic royality and romantic prinxiety!
A/N: I did create an entire AU around this with qpr sleepxiety and long-suffering-coworker-and-best-friend Logan Sanders but who knows if I’ll ever actually write anything else for it, hahah. Also this is a contribution to my aroace Patton agenda cause it’s a Good hc that we need more of, I think.
"Oh, gosh, they were gorgeous again today, Pat!" Roman yelled upon flinging open the door to their apartment.
His qpp poked her head out of the kitchen, giving Roman a bright grin. They were donned in a bright blue apron, paw prints marked on the front with some fabric pens the two had bought a while back. "Oh?"
In an instant Roman was running up to her, pulling them into his arms and excitedly spinning her around the lounge to the sound of her giggles. Eventually, she was returned to solid ground, moving to pat down her apron with a sweet smile.
"What was it this time, then?" Patton asked, heading back into the kitchen with Roman trailing after them.
It had been a few months since Roman had fallen for Virgil, caught up in their snark and smirks and secret sweetness (and also a little bit in their iced-coffee-making skills). He'd come home that first day singing the praises of the cutest barista he'd ever seen and since then Roman had become a regular, always returning to their apartment after his classes with a lovesick smile and a pastry for Patton.
Roman sighed, the sound like the epitome of a daydream. "They had this lovely blouse on today, all black and sheer and delicate, like a spiderweb but infinitely more goth."
"More goth than a spiderweb, hmm?" Pat hummed, not really questioning Roman's words so much as prompting him to go on.
"Oh, and their eyes! How they lit up when their coworker made them laugh, I swear I have never beheld that level of beauty!" He paused for a moment, considering. "Except for you, of course, my dear."
In response, Patton just laughed, smacking Roman on the arm before turning back to the shopping list they'd been writing out.
"And the way they blush! Every time their cheeks darken I am overtaken."
Patton rolled her eyes fondly. "Overtaken, huh?"
Roman grinned at them, bright like jewels and other things nowhere near as precious. "Entirely, my love."
Things were quiet for a moment—but quiet in that way you can only be when you know each other so wholly and love each other just as much. Patton swung her way around the kitchen, pulling items from the cupboard as she checked what needed to be restocked while Roman watched with a look of utter adoration. Occasionally, Roman would grab their hand, pulling them into a spin before letting them carry on their way and each time Patton would laugh like it was the happiest day of their life.
Eventually, the list was completed and the two had wound down, taking up entwined positions on the couch. The TV was on in the background but neither were paying it much attention, focused instead on the way they fit together and the slow set of their breathing.
"Have you ever thought about asking them out?"
Roman spluttered for a moment, seemingly trying to come up with a reason for why he hadn't already that didn't simply boil down to "I'm excruciatingly afraid of rejection".
"You're not supposed to flirt with service workers while they're on the clock, Patton!" Roman declared loudly, "I wouldn't dream of putting them in the position of being unable to turn me down."
Patton rolled her eyes. "Love, that's a weak excuse and you know it. Logan has been trying to give you their number since the second you started going by the shop. Something about being sick of the pining, I think."
Roman mumbled something that sounded suspiciously like, "Oh, as if he can talk," but Pat decided to ignore it.
"I know you're worried about being turned down but you know you're not gonna be alone. I'm never gonna stop loving you. Not as long as there are stars in the sky, darling." Roman flushed at the words, ducking his head, and Patton grinned teasingly. "Every day the sun rises is another day I get a chance to love you with all that I am and I could never be more grateful for that."
Roman made a sort of high pitched squealing noise before ducking his head to hide in Patton's lap. "You're being mean."
Pat giggled. "Maybe I am but that doesn't mean I'm not also right."
Roman lifted his head, gazing up at his partner with a look that spoke of years of trust and emotional vulnerability—another gift Patton would spend the rest of her life cherishing.
"I know that I don't technically have anything to lose except access to some really good iced coffee but I just... I don't know. I keep thinking of all the ways it could go wrong."
Pat hummed, brushing a hand through Roman's hair. The action seemed to soften Roman, the corners of his lips quirking up into a soft smile.
"Okay, let's think about it this way. You like Virgil, yeah?"
Roman gave a decisive nod, his cheeks tinged a faint pink.
"So, you think they're a good person?"
He nodded again.
"Therefore, if they're a good person, they won't react negatively to you asking them out, even if they don't feel the same, right?"
There was another nod, this one marginally more hesitant than the last.
"And," Patton continued, "if they do react negatively, then they probably aren't actually a good person and their opinion doesn't matter anyway."
Roman screwed up his face a bit, seemingly thinking about that. Finally, he smiled—the expression more of a mask of confidence than a real expression of it.
"Ten out of ten logicing there. Logan would be proud."
Patton huffed a laugh. "Look, I'm not gonna pressure you but I think you should go for it. You deserve to be happy."
"I am happy," Roman protested instantly, "You make me-"
"I know, I know," they replied fondly. She cupped his face in her palm, smiling so sweet she could almost taste caramel in her mouth. "Even happier then—happier than any human being thought they could be. That's what you deserve."
"You too," Roman whispered back. His eyes had fallen shut with the sound and Patton's smile turned to an outright grin as their chest warmed. 
"Oh, don't worry, honey. I'm already there."
taglist: @mutechild @super-magical-wizard @shadowsfromthesun @teadays @sandersships @camcam774 @autism-goblin @deadlyhuggles6 @romanthestarstruckqueer @whispers-stuff-in-your-ear @in-it-for-debussy @welpweregonnadie @hold-my-hat @koifishandcherryblossoms @stop-it-anxiety @figurative-falsehood @jadedfantasies231 @idosanderssidespromptssometimes @poisonedapples @sanders-screams @another-sandersidesblog @do-not-just-see-observe @harleyquinnamiright @localtransgrape @fandomsofrandom @gattonero17 @airiervessel @ollyollyoxinfree @tired-and-probably-crying .
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deadanddeactivated · 4 years
Jocks and Goths
Fandom: Sanders Sides, Highschool au Pairing: Intruality Characters: Thomas, Logan, Remus, Deceit, Roman, Virgil, Patton Notes: Day 17 for @tsshipmonth2020 - intruality.  No this was not written before Dukceit day, I’ve literally written this since posting that.  Sometimes fics take three weeks and sometimes they take two hours.  This took two hours. Summary:   One's a Goth, one's a Jock. They never really meant to become friends.
Even since moving to Sides High, Patton has successfully managed to avoid Remus Duke.  It wasn’t that he didn’t like the guy, although he did find a lot of what Remus said to be… unnerving.  And the other did have really large, very toned, mildly terrifying muscles.  Plus everything he did was loud enough Patton sometimes flinched.
But!  It wasn’t that Patton thought he was bad or anything!!  It’s not bad that Remus is healthy, and it’s not Remus’ fault that Patton overhears things, and maybe Remus’ doesn’t mean to be so loud.  Patton has nothing against the man himself.
Virgil, however, does. 
Patton’s not sure what happened between Virgil and Remus, because it happened before Patton transferred to the school.  He’s pretty sure it had something to do with a romantic relationship?  Whatever it was, it left the two with a horrible, terrible relationship.  They don’t get on, at all.  And since Patton is Virgil’s friend (since Virgil is Patton’s first and only friend) doesn’t that mean Patton has to share that grudge?  Virgil’s never said Patton can’t be friends with Remus, they’ve never even talked about Remus, but Patton’s pretty sure that’s like… a Friend Rule, or something.  
The point is, Patton has managed never to say a word to Remus one way or the other.  A carefully held record that’s ruined when they’re paired up for a history assignment.
Okay, Patton tells himself, this’ll be fine.  It’s just an assignment, surely Virgil won’t mind.  Right?
“Patton Heart, right?”  Remus says his name and it takes everything in Patton not to flinch.
“That’s um, that’s me.”  He mumbles, letting his pastel blue hair fall in his eyes as he avoids looking at Remus.
“Great.”  Remus grins, dragging a seat to Patton’s desk and sitting in it the wrong way round.  “You got your heart set on anything for this because I think we should do Bloody Mary, or maybe Genghis Khan, oh!  Or Vlad the Impaler!” 
“That sounds a bit… graphic.”  Patton says.  For their project they have to represent a historical figure and the impact they had on the world from a ‘unique’ angle (Virgil would probably complain about how vague the word ‘unique’ was, or maybe he’d complain that Patton has to work with Remus for the project.  Should Patton even tell him?)
“Yeah!”  Remus grins, like that’s a positive thing. 
“Can we do someone that didn’t cause so much bloodshed?”  Patton asks. 
“I mean, I guess.  If you can think of anyone more interesting.”  Remus says, sighing like it’s some big request.  
“I, um, I can’t think of anyone off the top of my head.”  Patton admits, wincing.  Remus lets out an exaggerated hum.
“Okay, meet me in the library after school.  We can try and find someone.”  He suggests.
“Okay.”  Patton agrees meekly.  Satisfied, Remus gets up from the chair and moves to a different group.  A group that has popular people with tone muscles and busy lives.
God, Patton thinks with a sigh, this is going to be a long project.  Any project with a jock was doomed to be long.
“You want to get ice-cream or something?”  Virgil asks Patton after school that day.  Rare is the day Virgil doesn’t have some show rehearsal to get to - lights to set up, props to organize, actors to chase down.  The life of a theatre geek is never boring, he often tells Patton, especially a theatre techie.
Which just makes Patton feel all the worse for having to say no.
“I’m sorry.”  He says.  “I have to work on a group project for history.”
“Who’d you get stuck with?”  Virgil asks.  Patton hesitates but he can’t exactly lie to Virgil, can he?  Just hope that Virgil doesn’t get annoyed.
“...Remus.”  He admits.
“Ouch.”  Virgil says with a wince.  “Good luck keeping him on track for long enough to finish a project.”
“We have to pick a historical figure and everyone he’s suggesting is really gory and brutal.”  Patton says, feeling physical relief that Virgil doesn't seem to care.
“Sounds like Remus.”  Virgil huffs, rolling with his eyes.  “Maybe pick a doctor, that should have enough blood and gore to keep him interested.”
“Oh!”  Patton lights up as an idea comes to him.  “Mary Seacole!  Virgil, you’re the best.”
“I try.”  Virgil grins.
Remus likes the idea of doing the unrated nurse from the crimean war and so they quickly get to work.
And they quickly get distracted from work, too, because it seems impossible for Remus to keep his mind on any one thing.  At first it’s… well, Patton doesn’t like it.  He just wants to get this project done and over with.
But then Remus wears him down.
“I’m just saying, names influence who we are in like.  I mean, just look at Ms Maricolt!  She looks like a horse!”  Remus says at some point near the end of the second day and Patton really, really doesn’t mean to laugh because it’s Remus and the joke is a little mean.  But it’s also a pun, and Patton has a soft spot for puns.
“That’s mean.”  He says once he’s collected himself, if only out of principle.
“But it got you to laugh!”  Remus grins.  “And to look at me.”  He adds.  
Oh, Patton realizes as he quickly looks away again.  He hadn’t noticed he hadn’t looked at Remus.
“Aw, no, don’t look away again I like your eyes!  They’re really eye-inspiring.”  The pun is bad, really bad, but Patton still chuckles.
“That was terrible.”  He complains.
“Are you remus-manding.”  Remus continues, grinning.
“Oh my gosh.”  Patton laughs.  “They’re getting worse!”
“Aw, don’t be like that.  I think I’m Patt-on the right direction.”  Remus says.
“I Seacole what you’re doing here, it’s bad.”  Patton returns, laughing at Remus’ gasp.
“Oh it is on goth-boy.”  He decides.  They don’t do any more studying that day, distracted by their pun-off.
“So are we meeting up again tomorrow?”  Patton asks the next day as they back up.
“Can’t do tomorrow, I’ve got training.”  Remus shakes his head.  
“Oh, right.”  Patton says.  
“You could come if you want.”  Remus suggests. 
“I don’t think that’s really my crowd.”  Patton mumbles.  He can just picture it now, Patton sitting in his black attire, the only colour his blue hair, while the popular kids are right there.  Definitely within name calling distance.  
Nevermind what Virgil would think.  God, Patton doesn’t even want to imagine how bad his best friend would be.
“You’ll fit in just fine!”  Remus claims.  “Or, maybe not.  But I’ll make sure everyone leaves you alone.”  
“I think Virgil and I were heading out anyway.”  Patton says and then immediately regrets it as a frown takes over Remus’ face.  Like he’s tasted a lemon or something else unpleasant.  Oh no, now Remus was going to hate him.  Maybe he’ll tell Virgil he and Patton were almost-friends and then Virgil will hate him too and Patton will go back to being the friendless loser all over again. 
“Sorry.”  Remus’ voice cuts through his panic, making Patton look up.
“Huh?”  Patton frowns, confused.
“You looked like you were freaking out a bit.”  Remus says.  “I didn’t mean to stress you out.  Virgil and I just don’t get on.  Bad breakup and all that, but that’s on us not you.”
“Oh.”  Patton says, though he can’t say anything Remus just said commuted just now.
“Hey!  Pass me your phone, I’ll put my number in so we can study on the weekend.”  Remus decides, changing the subject before Patton can catch up.  Patton does what he’s told and soon he has a new number in his phone labeled ‘Hot Jock’.  “Alright, I’ll see you then.”
“Okay.”  Patton says.  “Um, bye.”
The project lasts two weeks and in those two weeks Patton and Remus chat.  A lot.  They talk during their study sessions, they text each other all the time, Remus even gives him a wave when they pass each other in the hall.
It’s official, they aren’t ‘almost friends’ they’re friends.  In fact Patton… Patton will admit that he might want to be more than that.
Which means Virgil’s definitely going to hate him.
The thought bubbles in his stomach the day after they hand in the assignment.  When Patton has no more excuse for messaging Remus, and yet he doesn’t stop.  How is he meant to explain that to Virgil?
Worse yet are the messages he gets that night, when they should both be asleep.
Want to go out this weekend?
On a date
A romantic date
Patton’s half way through answering ‘yes’ when he stops.
He can’t say yes.  Isn’t there some kind of code against dating exes?  Patton can’t say yes.
Except he super wants to.  Very, very wants to.
Maybe, he thinks, maybe he should ask Virgil first.  Then there’ll be no bad blood, right?  
Patton hopes so.
As for the message to Remus, he doesn’t answer.
Virgil and Patton always walk to school together.  They’ve just hit their school’s street when Virgil sighs and stops.
“Okay.”  He says.  “What’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong?”  Patton squeaks.  “Nothings wrong!”
“Patton, I know you better than that.”  Virgil rolls his eyes, crossing his arms.  “Just tell me what’s up.”
“Well…” Patton starts slowly then, with a deep breath, he tries to say it all at once.  “You know how Remus and I were doing that project?  Well we sort of maybe got along and we’re kind of maybe friends, and he asked me out last night.  Like out, out.  And I want to say yes but I know you don’t like him and I don’t want to lose you as a friend, so can I say yes?”
For a moment Virgil just blinks at him, brain trying to commute the word vomit Patton just unleashed.
“Okay,” he finally starts, “let me get this right.  You and Remus are friends, and he asked you out on a date, and you want to say yes but only if I’m okay with it because you don’t want me to be mad you’re dating him?”  He rephrases.  Patton nods.  “Patton, of course you can say yes.”
“You don’t mind?”  Patton checks.
“Not at all.  If you like him, go for it.  We’ll still be friends, I promise.”  Virgil says and Patton feels his shoulders slump a little.
“But didn’t you two date?  Won’t it be weird?”  He asks.
“What?!”  Virgil frowns.  “Remus and I never dated!”
“What?”  Patton frowns right back.  Hadn’t Remus said something about a ‘bad breakup’ the other day?
“We used to be friends, us and Dante.  I dated Dante, and when we broke up the friend joke kind of fell apart.”  Virgil explains.
“Dante?”  Patton repeats.  “The school captain?  I didn’t think he was your type.”  
“He’s not.”  Virgil confirms.  “I just found that out the hard way.”
“Oh, so you haven’t dated Remus and you really don’t mind if I do?”  Patton repeats, just to clarify.
“Patton, even if you dated Dante I’d still be your friend.”  Virgil assures.  “The important thing is that you're happy.”  Patton doesn’t mean to start crying but well, it’s just so nice to hear that.  Especially after the stress of the past couple weeks.  “There, there.  You’ll wreck your make-up.”  Virgil says, even as he pulls Patton in for a hug.
As soon as Patton’s reapplied, he tells Remus he’d love to go on a date.
They go ice-skating.  Patton’s a little nervous, because he’s never gone before, but Remus goes all the time so he’s happy to teach.
“Patton, I’m wearing knife shoes.  This is literally my favourite thing.  Except you.”  Remus says, grinning when Patton’s face goes bright red.  They exhaust themselves over the next few hours, skating together and just… enjoying their time.  It’s the most fun Patton’s had in a while.
And when it’s over, and Remus has walked him home, he gets a soft kiss (that quickly turns heavy) to remember it by.
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ladyartemisia28 · 4 years
Say Amen(Chapter 5)
Chapter 5/?
Pairings: Prinxiety, side Logicality, Platonic Moxiety, Platonic/Family Logince, Platonic Royality.
Warnings: Cursing, mention of emotional abuse, unsympathetic Janus,
Summary: Sanders Sides Human College AU ~
Patton was sitting on his bed reading his history textbook when he heard a loud thud outside the door.
He opened the door to see Virgil bags on all of his body. It appeared that he had been knocking on the door with a boot clad foot.
Patton held the door open for his friend.
“Whoa, how'd you get all these bags onto the bus?!”
Patton took the bag of bagels from Virgil's mouth so he would have the ability to respond.
“I didn't take the bus” Virgil shuffled in and carefully placed all the bags onto the floor.
“Then... how?”
“Roman took me to the store.” the right side of his mouth lifting in a grimace. Virgil knew his best friend well enough that he to know that he would make a big deal about it.
“AWWWW! That's so cute!” Patton grinned widely as he helped Virgil put away their food. “And domestic! That's so great!!!”
“no it's not really not” he said with the sour look still on his face
“What's wrong Shadowling?” he asked his smile dropped from his face.
“I don't know if I'm going to be able to be able to survive being partners with him.”
“Did he say something? Did he do something?! I will physically fight him!” Patton offered as grabbed single bagel from the bag. He then placed the bag of bagels in a basket on top of the fridge
“Patton No! He didn't do anything like that!” Virgil said frantically as he motioned with his hands to stop. The last thing that he needed was Roman to lose teeth or have his pretty nose broken. “Please don't fight him!”
Patton place the lone bagel on his bed next to his book before returning to help Virgil with the remaining bags.
“Well that's good.” he said as he took the tub of margarine and put it into the fridge.
“He didn't even bring up what happened last night.” he said with a small touch of sadness in his voice.
“But you wanted him to?”
“No?” he said more of a question then a statement
“You shouldn't lie”
“Maybe,” he bit at his thumbnail as he spoke. “Like I want to know what he wants?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, he did me a favor, well favors at this point. The... ... thing at the party, the cleaning of my old hoodie, and then the grocery store trip. He's racking up a ton of things in his I.O.U. List.”
“Well he might be doing things for you because of his feelings for you.”
Virgil went to argue and was interrupted before he could start.
“You said yourself, he asked you to go to the party as date. You say no, but you end up together anyway!”
Virgil rolled his eyes with a small grin. He could practically see the anime stars in Patton's eyes.
“Like the universe was pulling you two together! He probably likes you even more.”
As Virgil finished his placement of grocery items in the small kitchen nook he turned to look at his bubbly roommate.
“No that can't be it. It has to be some sort of game.” Virgil replied to his friend's joyful rant.
“I think he just likes you.”
“Ha! I TRIED to flirt with him and... well he didn't take me up on it. He must of found someone else that he was interested in. You saw him at that party, with all those guys. ....” Virgil muttered his words lowering in volume and tone as he continued.
”Oh speaking of flirts, guess who I saw at the library today?” Virgil said in a louder happy to move onto a more positive topic.
“Don't try to change the subject!” he said as he climb upon his bed.
After a moment Patton's curiosity won out.
“Who did you see?”
“OH! ” Patton said with an excited clap of hands. “I LOVE that little Lambkins! How is he doing?”
“He continues to be the sassiest of asses, but he seems to be doing good. He was happy to hear that I'm not longer attached to YOU KNOW WHO....
“Yeah well.”
Virgil placed his bag on his bed and then he climbed on top of it.
“He kept sending pics of Roman that he found on Instagram. Like 'I don't need you to show me what he looks like! I'm right next to him in the meat section!'”
“Is that a euphemism?” Patton asked with a puppy-like head tilt.
“NO!” Virgil exclaimed in horror as he settled himself into a sitting position.
“Sorry, you know I don't know slang lingo stuff.”
He went to grab his headphones from his bag and paused as a he recalled a memory.
“Hey Pat.”
“Your crush from History Class that you always say is so smart and handsome. The one that you told me and I quote has the most amazing eyes that have ever existed,” he rolled his eyes as he finger quoted.
Virgil may have been outwardly mocking Patton's description of this guy's eyes. But he could almost be accused of the same sort of sappiness.
He remembered one moment at the library when he caught himself looking at Roman when he was distractedly staring off into space.
Virgil was going to ask him to come back to earth but he was caught off guard by the way that the light had made his eyes look. Roman's eyes looked like a tiger's eye gemstone. A shifting series of browns.
' I never thought I'd be this big of a lameass. If anyone heard what I thought they would laugh at me.'
He shook his head at the memory and continued his conversation with his roommate
“This guy his name is Logan right?”
Patton's naturally rosy freckled face flushed with even more color and he just nodded in response.
“Does his last name happen to be Sanderson?” Virgil asked as he pleaded internally that his assumption was wrong.
“Yeah! It is! Patton answered. “Just the sisters from Hocus Pocus.”
Patton continued his words uninterrupted as Virgil fell backwards onto his bed.
“When I mentioned that to him he said the cutest thing! ” Patton said excitedly before he quoted Logan taking his glasses and adjusting them like an anime character as he did so. “'Ah yes, the Halloween cult classic yes, my younger brother is a fan of that, uh film.'"
“Cute, sure.” he muttered in mildly sarcastic tone. To Virgil's ear he would call the voice that Patton used to imitate him robot in tone. “I didn't...”
“Take that for your type. He sounds a bit of a more serious no nonsense type. Like he wouldn't be that fun?”
Virgil threw an arm across his face to obscure his eyes.
“Yeah, he may be a bit serious. But just get him to talk about his interests and his whole being lights up like a christmas lights!” Patton said with an earnest feeling behind it. “And he was just so cool in class the other day! You should have seen him passionately defend Pluto's status as a planet! ”
“So do you think I'll be meeting Mr. Christmas Lights?” Virgil chuckled as he thought to himself.
'Out of everyone that could have been Patton's crush it's stupidly ironic that he happens to be the brother of my cru- NOPE! No don't you dare think that word anywhere near him. NO ROMANTIC ROMAN ALLOWED THOUGHTS!'
“Oh you just missed meeting him at the party! He helped me look for you.”
A cold feeling of realization hit Virgil hard as he sat up quickly to look over at Patton.
“What?!” he nearly shouted as the panic flooded his body.
Patton didn't reply as his eyes widened in surprise. From his face Virgil guessed that he had not realized that the information that he had shared would cause this particular type of reaction.
Patton was usually more emotionally astute but his heart was so full of infatuation for Logan that he was distracted enough to make a mistake.
Otherwise he probably would have prefaced his words with a little more warning.
“Are you telling me that guy in the tie, that you showed up with saw me make out with his BROTHER?!”
“Yeah...” Patton said with a sheepish tiny smile. “I guess in all the excitement I forgot to mention that to you”
Virgil groaned.
“I wish I had never heard of the fake-out make out.”
He grabbed his headphones from his bag, slide them onto his ears, and pulled up a play list. Virgil looked over the list and he spotted MCR and was reminded of the moment in the car.
He smiled in spite of himself.
'I can totally see why he is so comfortable on stage. He was.... radiant?...mesmerizing?... magnetic?
...Gods I don't even have the right words in my thoughts! It's like my world was just me and Roman and the song. I haven't met anyone that captivating since... ... ... Jae'
He needed to distract himself quickly and searched it for his sketchpad.
“Hey Pat didn't you pack my sketchpad in my bag this morning?”
“I sure did, why?”
“So do you happen to have Logan's number?”
 Roman sat in one of the audience chairs while starting at monologue. His mind was not on the script at all though as he turned each page.
His thought were focused on the memory of Virgil's singing. His low rich baritone echoed faintly in his head. Roman would pay good money to have a recording of him.
He replayed his interactions with him afterwards when Virgil teased him about wanting to go back to his room.
'Oh NO! THAT WAS HIM FLIRTING!!! I should have flirted back! I love flirting! But the first day he got so angry when I flirted with him and now he's angry that I didn't!? What the Hell! Maybe since we kissed he wants more?! I gotta try really hard now!'
Roman decided focus all his of his attention on wooing Virgil.
He flipped over the paper and listed all of the things that he knew Virgil liked.
Honey Cluster Granola
Grape Gatorade
Count Chocola Cereal
The Black Cauldron
Nightmare Before Christmas
My Chemical Romance
While adding more to the list he was approached by the costume designer.
“Hey want to see a couple of my new sketches?” the small blue and pink haired enby asked as they offered Roman the notebook.
“Always, Talyn always.”
It was several pages of people in a different costumes. Talyn's style naturally leaned tended towards Punk, Goth, and other Alternative type styles.
Roman looked through the black and maroon velvet cloaks, Victorian satiny waistcoats, leather pants, and other accessories.
'Am I just that Twitterpated with Virgil to see him everywhere?! I mean let's not kid around he would look sexy in this clothing. '
“Great work TallyKat.” Roman croaked out.
Talyn squinted suspiciously until they saw Joan approach.
“What we looking at?” Joan asked as they sat next to Roman and leaned over to look at the drawings. Roman handed off the sketchbook to them.
“So how did that party go last night?” Joan asked as they thumbed through the pages.
“Remember Virgil?” Roman directed the question toward Joan nodded before they turned to Talyn to clarify.
“He's Prince's partner in Med. Lit.”
“Virgil...Virgil Alexander? ” Talyn asked as they retrieved their sketch pad, their face brightening up with recognition,“You know Anx?”
“Another person called him that in the library today, he wouldn't tell me what it was from.” Roman
“OH it's an old joke from high school.” Talyn continued. “Well sometimes one of us wanted to do stupid things. Like drive donuts in an empty parking lot or eat a mouthful of warhead candies,Virgil would be the one to tell us why it was dangerous. We said he was all of our collective anxiety in human form.”
Roman filled that information away for later.
“So as you were saying...” Joan asked gesturing to Roman.
“We kissed last night...” he whispered excitedly.
“Well that escalated quickly” Joan deadpanned.
“I mean... it was MEANT to throw off his ex...Kinda like in that movie 'To All the Boys I Loved Before'.”
He waited for them to nod before continuing his frantic rant. When they did not he just went ahead and proceeded.
“SPOILER ALERT! For the movie if you've never seen it. I mean you totally should it is such a good flick. I mean everyone who has ever seen a Romcom knows how it would end up anyways. Well in that movie it wasn't her Ex. It was someone that she was trying to trick. Ah! That gives me an idea! Maybe if I offer to make a contract to make his Ex Jealous! Then he could fall in love with me like Lara Jean fell for Peter!
“Don't do that.” Joan commanded in a flat tone with a shake of their head.
“Are you sure? Fake Date is such a classic!” Roman visibly pouted at the rejection of his idea.
“No” both of them said at the same time.
Roman took the list in hand and moved it about while he spoke.
“Ok well I .. I've made this list of things that I know he likes and I can just put them all into a basket! And bring it to him...”
Joan yanked the piece of paper from Roman's waving hands
“How are you going to put 'Probably the entirety of Hot Topic' into a basket exactly?” Joan sardonically asked.
“I don't know, I'll figure something out...like maybe a gift card...a dozen gift cards...what is the highest amount of money you can put on those anyway...?” he took the paper back from Joan and began to write 'Check out gift cards'
“As much as I'm sure he would love to buy out the entire stock of Hot Topic. Princey I've known Anx for years, these big old honking PDAS are going to freak him the fuck out!” Talyn said with an exhausted type of aggravation.
“You guys don't get romance!”
His two non-binary pals shared a look.
Roman ignored them and attempted to continue his frantic writing, but he was stopped in his tracks at the sound of his phone.
-It seems that Virgil had a sketchbook fall out of his bag in your car-Logan
“See this is a sign! Virgil's sketchbook was left behind in my car! This is the second time that he has left something behind for me to gallantly return to him like Prince Charming!” he motioned at his phone with his hand.
Joan took a hold of Roman by the shoulders and looked him in his eyes.
“This is NOT a SIGN. Just give the boy back his stuff without any of your Romany weirdness.”
“But...but if I don't shower him with gifts to let him know that I like him..how...how” Roman excitement deflated like a balloon. He finished the thought in his head
'How am I going to get him to to like me back'
Another chime from his phone pulled at his attention.
-He says he needs it for one of his classes. He wants to know if it is acceptable for him to send his roommate to your location or to meet somewhere in the middle?-Logan
“Well it looks like Logan says he is going to send his roommate out to grab it for him” Roman said as he visibly wilts as he replies that they can meet in the quad.
“I'm sure he knows that you like him. You've always been...wait a sec, you said LOGAN texted you?”
“Yeah why?”
“Shit, are you telling us that you never gave this guy...the guy you're so clearly into...your PHONE NUMBER?!?” Joan asked disbelief increasing with every word.
After a noticeable moment of silence, Roman found his voice.
“oh, i guess I didn't.”
“You are a hopeless idiot here, dude” Talyn added with a head shake.
 Roman got done with his drama club and hurried to his car. To his horror he saw the sketchbook had fallen open and varies pages were strewn about.
“NO, No, no, no!”
He was torn between the impulse to grab them quickly without looking to be quick and also to preserve privacy.
But the other part of him that knew that these pages deserved respect and care won the internal argument.
Plus admittedly he really wanted to snoop through the artwork.
So he looked over the art as took page by page and gathered them tenderly.
A few charcoal sketches of local abandoned buildings with gorgeous use of shadows.
Roman's jealousy perked at an unnerving page filled with disembodied hands reaching for the viewer.
He rolled his eyes as he found a page with a picture of Mothman, Slenderman, and an assortment of other cryptids.
'Of course he's into this weird stuff...
His eyes lit up as he saw accurate recreations of the Avatar: The Last Airbender and Steven Universe Cartoon characters, with a sticky note near them saying 'For Emile'.
“Who's Emile?” Roman muttered with a pout.
After he placed the last of the loose pages to a sort of order in the book he closed it. He looked over the cover that had a few more drawings on it as well as stickers for bands.
Roman hugged to his chest and then he ran as quick as his legs could carry him to the quid. He arrived only a slight bit out of breath.
'Man i need to get back to my morning running sessions. If I don't get my endurance up my dancing will suffer.'
He looked around at the area to search out for his target.
A boy sat at a bench, he wore a patterned pastel blue overalls over a pastel purple shirt. As Roman neared him he saw the the shapes were ice cream, hearts, and rainbows.
“Hey?” he approached the boy he hoped was the roommate. “Pat... ton?”
His face was semi-familiar. His big blue eyes were a softer grayish hue than Virgil's deep piercing blue. His smiling face was covered in freckles. Roman wondered how he would describe the color of his puffy hair, it was either a pale brown or a dark blond.
"Yep! So you are my Virgil's new 'friend' huh?!" his cheerful voice asked with the word friend is a tease like giggly way.
“Uh, I hope so?” Roman replied nervously.
“Patton Hartley!” he offered his hand.
“Roman Sanderson, pleased to meet you.” he said as he shuffled the notebook to one arm to shake his hand.
“I really like the pastel getup.” he said with the most genuine tone. He wanted to make sure that he made a good impression on a person who was so important to Virgil.
Even the world's most Emotastic basket wouldn't mean a thing if this boy went to his roommate and said Roman was no good. Patton was the biggest deciding factor, besides Virgil himself, in his ultimate fate.
'Please like me please.'
“Thanks so much! I love your hair! I don't think I could pull it off. I tried a teal a few years ago” Patton said as he looked up to his hair. His gentle smile told Roman that he was not insecure, he just was speaking with he thought was the truth.
“Thank as well. I personally think everyone can 'pull off' fashion colors. It's just finding the color that suits you and wearing it with confidence. And not using a box dye. I think pastel pink would look fantastic on you.” Roman offered as advice before he remembered the object in his hands.
He held the sketchbook out with both hands. “OH here you go, this is what you came all the way out here for!”
“Looks like everything is order.” Patton said as he quickly thumbed through the pages before he put it into a florescent green plastic backpack.
It looked like a giant frog.
'How did I not notice that!'
“So was Virgil busy?” Roman asked casual,before he quickly amended “Not that I'm not happy to meet you of course!”
“AH, I packed his bag this morning so I feel like I'm a bit responsible for this happening.”
“How could you know this would happen?” Roman shrugged.
“Well I didn't. But in a roundabout way it could have been prevented if I hadn't have packed it today. Besides I really really wanted to meet you.
“You did?”
“Wanna take a seat?” Patton offered politely as he placed the froggie at his feet to clear the seat next to him.
“Yeah thanks.” Roman said as he sat down.
“Hey can I ask you a question? I hope you don't feel like this is an insult towards Virgil. But what is his deal?” he asked in part aggravation and part confusion.
“Ah, you talking about how he's not the friendliest kitten in the clowder? ” Patton offered as a comparison. “At least when you began court him?
'He said court! I really like this guy.'
“Yeah, That! We were getting along fine, maybe a BIT of playful banter, but at worse it that was just light teasing. But it changed like a switch was flipped or something when I asked if he wanted to go to that party with me.” Roman asked face pinched as he remembered Virgil's change in demeanour. “All of a sudden it was as if I had asked if he wanted to be set on fire!”
“Well, he really thinks you're flirting with him as some sort of game” Patton said with a shrug of his shoulders.
“Why would he think that! ”
“I'm not really sure what would make him think of that in class, I wasn't there. But you seemed to be flirting with quite a few guys at the party.” Patton stated with a sigh “Aaaannnd he did see that...”
A blush grew over Roman's tan skin as he remembered his brief playful trifling.
'Virgil was watching that? Yikes, no wonder he thinks so lowly of me. I would never have done all of that if he had accepted my date offer. I am a One Man Man.'
“And... the other thing is, it may have reminded him of his Ex...um you see Jae, he was always flirting with everyone around him. Mostly to charm people to get them on his side, but it hurt Virgil you see. He would ask him to stop, but Jae either ignore him to tell him he was being too emotionally fragile.”
Patton took breath and then continued.
“But then when it seemed like Virgil was close to ending it he would stop his flirtations with others and focus all of his attention on Virgil. They almost broke up dozens of times over the course of their time together. The whole back and forth really made it hard on Virgil.”
“SO this Ex of his toyed with his affections! How dare he tell Virgil he cared too much! I can't believe it!”
“That is some manipulative bull! I swear people who string others along instead of just letting them go are the worst. I've had a few exs like that.”
Patton nodded..
“That Ex! Sounds like a real piece of work, ” Roman chuckled a tiny bit as he failed to notice the uncomfortable look beginning to show on Patton's face, “If Virgil's was so frightened that the sight of him made him flee. Like he MUST be some stupid dirty, rotten, filthy silly billy, no good for nothing...”
“Uh,” Patton attempted to break into the rant.
“Rat scoundrel b-”
“He's my brother!” Patton hastily shouted.
'Oh Shit'
Roman cringed as Patton admitted the full truth of the situation.
“Wait what? I'm so sorry!”
“It's ok. You didn't mean to be mean.” Patton said
“Wait so how does that work? You're friends with your brothers ex? ”
“Nothing will stop me from being friends with Virgil. Nothing.” Patton stated as serious as Roman had seen him so far.
“Wow, um must make Thanksgiving Dinner's more awkward than normal, huh?” Roman chuckled nervously.
“Jae doesn't believe in Thanksgiving. He says that 'Thanksgiving is colonizer propaganda that is just a waste of food.' He doesn't really do holidays... besides birthdays. Well actually he does HIS birthday, and sometimes mine. If only a little bit. His plans for Virgil's birthday always ended up getting cancelled.”
“'So sorry my Nightbird, I swear I thought the museum would be open today'” he did a mock of what Roman presumed was his brother. While doing so his voice gained a sort of smoother quality of speaking. A bit more emphasis of the S sounds.
'Sounds like a snake'
“Sounds like a...like he's very unique person” Roman offered as a neutral statement. “And a very complicated relationship.���
“It sure is....SO are you really truly interested in my pal?” Patton asked.
“Yes. I absolutely am.” Roman said with an excitement that he apparently had made a good impression.
“Just call me Cupid!” Patton said as he did a big hand gesture pointing toward his chest with his thumb “I'll put in a good word for you.”
“I can tell you're really a sweet guy, but still why do this for someone you just met?” Roman questioned face full of confusion.
“I think you'd be a good HONEST boyfriend for my gloomy goober.” Patton smiled at him, “I'm a great judge of character, I've had to learn believe you me. Plus don't let him know it was me that told you this, but the way he looks when he talks about you... well it's just like nothing I've ever seen. I really think he's got a thing for you!”
“Really?” Roman felt uncharacteristically at a loss for words.
“Yeppers, I know my best friend” Patton giggled like they had made a secret pact.
“Although if my instincts are wrong, I will physically fight you.” Patton suddenly said in a serious tone.
“Yep! If I could fight my own brother, I can fight you” Patton said switching back to cheerful. “Understand?”
The way that he said it so matter of fact and cheerfully made Roman uneasy, almost like those haunted dolls in scary movies. The opposition between his soft disposition and the protective strength in his voice was just scary enough that Roman just nodded
“GOOD!” he clapped his hands and then leap up off of the seat. “I know your Instagram and I'll DM you there to trade info.”
“How do you...?” Roman got momentarily frightened at the thought that Patton had cyber stalked him for his social media info.
“You shouted it out at the party?” Patton smiled as he slung the straps of over his shoulders.
“Oh right...ha” Roman gave a nervous chuckle.
“Well, I've got to go now! Tell your brother that Patton says hi, k? ” he said with a wink he walked away until the bouncing frog disappeared from Roman's line of sight.
 Upon Roman's arrived at home he restlessly waited for his brother's arrival.
When he heard a turn of keys at the front door he was there as fast as a bolt of lightning.
“You know Virgil's roommate!” Roman shouted as he ambushed Logan as he walked through the door.
“Oh Shit!” Logan cursed as he fell over.
Chapter 4
~ TAGLIST!!! @tatehoseok @love-is-the-fear-of-loss @misslilidelaney @ishoulddyemyhairthatcolour @dwbh888 @violetshovel @sadgayisme
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Ok so guys i finally got part of it done(like three or four days later buuuut
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I drew two sets of the families for my anxceit au!
Please meet virgil's family the Ravenwoods!
And as curtesy some info about them
Daneil Ravenwood
Hes been raising Virgil and Andy on his own since virge was about 8 and a half and andy was 6 months old
Hes a english and literature professor at the local college(that logan's parents also work at)
Hes in his late 50s early 60s current time( where virgil is 21 and andy is 13)
Hes also a published and well established fiction writer, but he writes under an alias
Hes a super supportive dad and teacher, even if he doesnt understand it he'll 100% support the decisions his kids make (ex: "oh your wiccan now? Cool virgy! Im glad you found a religion that makes you happy, though...can you explain it to me again?" "Oh andy you want to be switched to the art program? No problem! I'll call your counsellors tomorrow ok?" "Oh boyfriend huh? Thats great buddy, when do i get to meet him??")
Hes got a deep hearty laugh that makes you smile
Dad jokes to virgils mortification
Hes a skeptic but loves listening to and talking to virgil about his beliefs
had the philosophy of "the punishment should fit the crime, but you should be allowed to stumble and learn with it" raising the boys and wasnt too strict with them. Also never threatened punishments, only threatened playful embarrassment
The boys got their sass from somewhere, but he does remind them to mind their manners and watch their timing
Gentle giant as he is 6'3
Black hair peppered with grey and white and usually forgets tonshave his stubble
Passionate about his jobs, can get lost in his work
Andy Ravenwood
Virgil's baby brother, and he fucking adores his brother( even sometimes babbles about him to his friends at school and proudly talks about his "youtuber big brother"
This does not stop him from poking fun at virgil of course
Art boi!! Hes the top of his art classes!!
He is the one art kid that always has like three sketchbooks on him at all times
Loves the color purple
Look ok he knows he KNOWS his hair looks like his brothers it wasnt supposed to ok the original plan baCKFIRED AND HE COULDNT TURN BACK
Unlike virgil he doesnt cover his freckles
He has the same color eyes as their dad(grey-blue)
Andy loves animals! Especially raccoons!! Those are his favorite.( he happily took on the responsiblility of taking care of virgils cat when he moved out)
Hes a pretty cheerful kid if hes comfortable around you, but shy if he doesnt know you
Hes got an anxiety disorder but hes still living his best life
Virgil Ravenwood
Our main Cryptid goth( he dialed it down for the family photo)
Hes twenty one and lives on his own in an apartment complex close to downtown, which is a good 15 to 20 minutes from his childhood home so he visits regularly( like three times every other week)
Boi loves his family to bits, and has so SOOOO many good stories he’ll happily talk about 
Has both his own paranormal youtube channel and a joint youtube channel with his boyfriend Ethen where they explore and investigate haunted places(both well known and stumbled across)
He has the same eye color as their mother, blue violet, which stands out a little more than his dad’s or brother’s
He covers his freckles with foundation because hes insecure about them
Did a year of junior college before deciding school wasnt exactly for him anymore, but still goes to events for his best friend Logan
Works at a cafe downtown that stays open pretty late( they do dinner its almost a diner but not) part time, and the other half does youtube for a living
Has a cat that had to stay in his childhood home named Sally that Andy takes care of for him
Has been considering getting another cat for his apartment
Big firm believer in the unknown and the paranormal/supernatural
Hes wiccan and has an alter in his bedroom thats apart of his facecam background
He has a tarot deck but doesnt really do readings other than little ones for himself, as divination isnt his strong suit
Has a big crystal collection hes been adding to since high school
He can sing but doesnt have alot of confidence in his voice so he just doesnt
And also introducing~
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The picani-sanders family! Aka ethen's big ol family
From left to right
Patton Picani
Ethen's older brother(by two years)
Him and ethen are emile's foster kids, but he adopted him when they were like nine and seven.
Patton is 23 and happily works at the library downtown as a librarian and a reader to the kids
He loves music and musicals and all things disney (partially thanks to his boyfriend roman)
He and Ethen come off as complete opposites and they have a very playful relationship, always teasing each other 
He loves his family alot and loves babysitting his little brother Thomas whenever his schedule allows it, especially during times of year Emile and Remy get swamped with work
He loves to knit and sew and make things!!! He makes sweaters and jackets and dresses and customizes clothes!! He could make a living on it if he really wanted!! (but he just does it for friends and loved ones instead- Andy has a hoodie that Patton sew wool on the inside to keep him warm and Andy adores it)
Hes really outgoing and friendly and seems to make friends wherever he goes! 
He’s known Roman since they were kids and was crushing on him all through school until they got together senior year 
He loves to bake and cook and help his dad make dinner whenever hes at home
Hes a sappy romantic and loves cliches
He has a huge collection of stuffed animals that hes been slowly transferring to his and roman’s apartment since he moved out(theres ALOT)
Emile Picani
The dad!! Hes in his mid 50s 
He works as a singular and couples therapist  and can have a bit of a wacky schedule
Hes been raising Patton and Ethen since they were little and loves his kids so damn much
So goddamn supportive of what they do, sometimes to the point its embarrassing(for Ethen)
Hes engaged to Remy Sanders and once their married their just going to combine their last names
He loves cartoons and gardening! And has his own collection of stuffed animals and toys(which hes been sharing with Thomas) 
He loves making dad jokes and him and Patton make them all the time at Ethen
Hes a damn great cook and has been teaching his boys to cook for years now, and loves making big meals 
Not really a strict parent, more of a sit down and talk it out kinda parent
Is part of the PTA of Thomas’s school
Actually used to be a punk in school
Thomas Sanders-Picani
The youngest! Hes 8 years old!
Our boy loves to read and write! He writes tons and tons of stories!
Hes got a huge imagination and likes to daydream
Hes bubbly even though he isnt the most social he still has a good group of friends!
Our lil boi is an actor of course! He loves getting parts in the school plays and in class assignments.
Hes in his schools choir  and gets vocal lessons from Roman’s mama
 His room is filled with toys and books and notebooks and pencils, and even though he tries his best to keep it clean it gets messy every week.(cleaning it is his weekly chore)
He has two best friends named Joan and Talyn that hes been friends with now since kindergarden and theyve been nearly inseperable ever since, its not uncommon for one of both of them to be at each others house on any given weekend
Hes Remy’s kid but has started calling himself by Emile’s last name too since they moved in with the Picani’s
Doesnt have too many memories of his mother but the ones he does have are all happy and pleasant(thankfully)
Calls Emile baba and Remy dada to distinguish them better
Loves his older brothers especially when they play with him, He also loves watching the old videos of Ethen’s theater performances and sometimes pesters him to reenact scenes from them( his favorite is the middle school production of ‘Alice in Wonderland’)
Ethen Picani
Our other main boy, hes also twenty one
He lives with his best and childhood friend Remus Prince in two bedroom apartment across town near the college
Does youtube full time for a living
the “black sheep” of the family as he and Remus call him 
He majored in theater in his two years of college
Loves reptiles but doesnt have any because their apartment complex doesnt allow pets and he doesnt want to get him and remus kicked out since their apartment is close to Remus’s work
Has a car he loving refers to as his “hand me down junk heap” Because he got Patton’s first car when patton got a new one
He loves the old thing though 
Has a good relationship with his parents. He loves his dad Emile and he likes Remy well enough
Him and remy have a very casual, relaxed relationship.( Ex: “ Dad you need to stop letting sleepless bums into the house” “ He’ll stop doing that when he stops letting punk wannabes into his kitchen, now get over here kid.” ) 
Loves his boyfriend Virgil to death and likes to spoil him when he can(even though virgil tells him to save his money for rent)
Hes more of a open skeptic but he’ll happily debate things with Virgil, and enjoys making videos for their joint youtube channel and being proven otherwise
He also has his own solo youtube channel where he does abandon urban exploration( sometimes with Remus tagging along for the thrill)
Remus has been calling him by the nickname “Dee” since middle school when they played Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. Remus called him Dee so often he made it stick as a nickname years and years later. He refuses to let it die and Ethen has just accepted his fate
Remy Sanders
Hes around Emile’s age( mid 50′s) and looks the tallest in the family at 6′3
He came into the family later, when the boys were about 20 and 18( when thomas was about 5 or so)
Hes pretty laid back but surprising good at being strict, so he balances out Emile’s parenting style
Hes a divorcee and got guardianship of Thomas, though hes on a friendly and civil relationship with thomas’s mother and takes him to visit her three times a month( theyre currently working out more visitations and possibly thomas staying with his mother a couple weeks every months but thats still in the works)
Hes an insomiac and (usually) works night shifts as a security guard for a security renting business so his working hours can be a little unpredicitble, but he almost always works at least two night shifts and graveyard shifts a week. Hes paid both a salary plus an additional commissions by employers so its well worth it
He spends as much time with his kid and the boys as he can regardless of his wonky sleep schedule
Hes a bit of a tough love kinda person, and hes snarky and mouthy and doesnt hesitate to speak his mind
Loves Emile soooo goddamn much he talks about him alot at work to his fellow security guards. Theyre the ones who helped him pick a ring when he proposed actually
Oh yeah the two are engaged did I mention that?
He fuels Emile’s plushie collecting, even if he knows he probably shouldnt( But oh well, it makes him smile and thats all he wants to see)
Looks punk now but he was the biggest straight laced prep in highschool that comparing him now to him in highschool gives you whiplash
Would fucking die for his family. No one messes with his fiance or his kids, he doesnt care if two of them are fully capable adults 
And its done!! Two of the four main families is finished!
And watch out because im also coloring these digitally(its just taking awhile :/) but those will be getting posted soon...I hope...Im trying
But here you go Virgil’s and Ethen’s families in two cute family photos!
Let me just add im so fucking proud of The Picani-Sanders photo because it was a struggle to fit them all in the picture and get the heights right and the entire side of my arm was grey with pencil lead by the time I was done but it turned out great!
Up next is Roman and Remus’s family the Princes and Logan’s family the Daniels!! 
Art references are credited to @the-pastel-peach​ @aimasup​ and @underdog-arts​ , especially @aimasup​ and @underdog-arts​ for getting 8 year old thomas to look like a kid because im not normally good at drawing little kids but after practicing with some of their art as my reference and inspiration he turned out really well!! 
I hope you guys enjoy!!
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esmeblaise · 5 years
A quick summary of sanders characters you can reference for rping and fanfic writing
Thomas: Goofy,  theater nerd, and a regular nerd,  cartoons, pizza, has lots of problems, talks to himself a lot, jumps to conclusions, nervous, does not like horror, loves his friends dearly, tries his best to be a good person,  jokes, really really nice, likes to sing, gay, so gay, supportive, a total dork, likes to laugh, tries not to cuss
Logan (Logic): logical, serious, i know what needs to be done, two moods: i have no emotion and EXTREME EMOTION, usually anger, feels guilty when he lets himself have emotions, wants to learn, exasperated, please listen to me, likes to teach others
Patton (Morality): happy pappy patton, i love literally everyone, has to be good or things will be bad, needs to see the best in others or it will break his heart, doesn't let himself be negative, naive, supportive, somehow the dad and the child?, loves his family more than anything, actually scared, confused most of the time
Roman “Princey” (Creativity): extra, romantic, dreamy, theater nerd, self confidence issues, protective, loud, trying his best, a little rude but its usual unintentional, argues with logan constantly, wants to be better, ironically bad at giving romantic advise, a dork,
Virgil (Anxiety): an angsty teen, so fucking emo, wants to be good, is trying his best, paranovigilant, scared scared terrified, protective, he loves his family, wants everyone to be safe, hates who he is, really hates who was
Deceit: self preservation, really just wants the best for his family but knows no one will listen to him,  so he tries to trick them into figuring it out themselves,  really really smart, exhausted by the dumbasses around him, sarcastic, totally extra, theater nerd, a total fucking dork
Remus (Dark Creativity): dude what even, a run on sentence, down the internet rabbit hole, ok but WHAT IF, extra, so fucking extra, extremely morbid sense of humor, says whatever goes through his head, no filter at all, just wants to have fun, hates boredom, does not care about anyones opinion, giggles, i fucking love him
Dr. Emile Picani: autistic, non binary, a super nerd, he seems random but he actually knows what the hell hes talking about and is suuuuper smart, hes on the same subject the topic is just different, references references references, cartoons, exited dumpling, fanpals,will not stop talking, uncomfortable with touch and displays of affection, he can be serious, tells you what you need to hear, hes a licensed therapist so whatever he does works 
Remy (Sleep): lazy, clingy, arrives late with starbucks, gets lost easily, calls everyone  girl or an insult, especially if he loves them, a total drama queen, acts like a stereotypical popular teenage girl really, depressed, somehow convinced everyone hes cool so now he just kind of has to roll with it??? Help!??
Joan: logical and smart with a dark slightly twisted sense of humor, cusses constantly, anxiety, asexual, vegan, always wears beanie, sarcastic, in ask the experts is "rude" to thomas and pretends he isnt actually his friend which makes thomas sad, really cute with big puppy eyes
Talyn: awesome goth fashion, also lots of cussing, vomit, vetal miking, cats, halloween aethstetic, sardonic, small and cute but will cut you down, dark sense of humor but in a different way than joan
Valerie: kind, disney songs, basically a disney princess, romantic (really im just thinking of the valentines episode now) speaks spanish 
Elliot: sad, abused, needs help, nonbinary, deserves better, anxiety, doesnt think highly of themselves, family and relationship problems, tries their best, doesnt get emiles references but tries to anyways, really sweet, i love them
Kai: sardonic, sassy, wants more, so fucking done, kind of an angsty teen, wants to be left alone, really damn cool, doesnt let things stop them, actually self conscious, hides their feelings, pretends not to like picani
Dot: school teacher, romantic, a little exasperated with her husband, still totally loves him, wants them to work out even when they have problems, honestly they're just an old married couple, theater nerd, thinks picani is hilarious 
Larry: a lot like his wife but more exasperated and done with things, more of a theater nerd, doesn't understand his wife sometimes but still loves her and goes along with it, thinks picani is wackadoodle and does not understand him at all
Percy/Magenta (Printer): likes to fuck with everyone, will not work for others, a lil bitch really, "your magenta is low~", color lover
Missy (Misleading Compliments): seems mean at first but is actually the sweetest lil dumpling, totally clickbait, surprising, nice, you didn't expect that did you?, loves surprises 
Nate (Procrastination): lazy, laaaaazy, will not do what he's supposed to, like ever, haha no, easily distracted, protective, probably has adhd, hey look the internet, one more video last one I promise, late to everything
Pranks: mischievous, likes to laugh , its never mean, prank master, friends with missy, loves fandoms, a total nerd actually, im kinda imagining mikey from tmnt??
Feel free to add more
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ravens-rambling · 6 years
No caffeine for Virgil
A/N: This may or may not be another stupid self-insert nnaahhhhhh..... Honestly, though I know a lot of people picture Virgil drinking coffee but like come on won’t all that caffeine make him even more jittery and anxious??? Or idk at least that's what I picture. 
This is my first time writing Remy so hopefully, he’s somewhat in character?? And hey some October love!! There isn’t enough Toby content yet that I’ve seen so here ya go!
Inspired yet again by @sanderssidesspook prompt challenge!! 
summary: When Remy wants Virgil to try out a seasonal drink he wasn’t expecting the consequences. Luckily his boyfriends are there to take care of him while his caffeine high goes down. 
WC: 1,919
ships: Romantic LAMP, Platonic Sleepxiety, Romantic October X Remy (Idk what the ship name is called rip)
warnings:  sensory overload, self-deprecating thoughts, anxiety
Tag List: @punsterterry @frostedlover
"Remy are you sure about this? I've never tried Starbucks before and the last time I had caffeine-"
"It's fine babe don't worry about it. There isn't much caffeine in those lattes anyways. You'll be fine! And these are to die for I get them every fall." He winked at him through his sunglasses, "You'll love it trust me."
Virgil still wasn't sure about this but he didn't speak his thoughts up again. After all, he didn't want to upset Remy or anything they've only been hanging out the past few weeks. What if he accidentally messes this new friendship up? Nah, and who knows maybe he will really like this beverage and he finds out he was acting stupid all along.
But of course, he has to be him, he was nervous, to say the least. What if he reacts to caffeine the same way as he did last time? It took him quite a while to recover from that caffeine high of course though that was years ago maybe he's over that by now?
He's told his boyfriends about it once when they were first starting their relationship. Patton had thought that he liked coffee since he always needed something every morning to wake him up. Course he took one sip from the black coffee and spit it back up he had to explain with flushed embarrassed cheeks about why he can't have that much caffeine.
He thought they would laugh at him or tell him that's stupid but to his surprise, Patton apologized repetitively while Logan explained that it's not that weird that he can't have it. Rather it's quite normal for his condition. He hasn't had a lick of coffee since that time and before that for years.
To distract his nervous thoughts he glanced over to the barista who was taking down their orders and looked at his nametag. He did a double take.
Wait, was this guy's name actually... October???
He must be more nervous than he originally thought. But as he looked over to Remy he rolled his eyes as he could clearly see him flirting with this dude. Of course... He can't take him anywhere without him flirting with somebody.
Once he got his orders taken and they were waiting for their beverage he could hear Remy giggling from beside him, "Did you see his name was October? Who would name their kid that, ya think?"
Virgil smirked playfully, "Should you say anything though? What sort of name is Remy anyways? And why were you flirting with him! He's not that cute."
"Aawww! Is my cutie pie Virge jealous? Ain't that the sweetest thing ever!" He playfully giggled.
Virgil rolled his eyes, "Oh whatever you know that's not it. Why do you have to flirt with almost everyone you meet?"
"Because girl everyone's super cute and they need to know it. Including you. But you're already taken so-"
They heard their names being called and Remy pushed himself forward pass the cluster of teens waiting for their coffee and grabbed their drinks not before Virgil saw October winked at him causing him to groan out loud. And as Remy came over he had a plastered smirk on his lips as he held up his drink showing a number and a 'call me soon-Toby' written on the cup.
"And now I have a date for that Halloween party. Easy as pie."
Virgil raised up an eyebrow as he took his latte, "Didn't you have like a billion numbers already?"
"Well yes but he was super cute and he had a goth undertone to him. Did you see those piercings? He could even match your goth look, pumpkin."
Virgil rolled his eyes, "You just like him cause he has a weird name. Which by the way that's properly not his real name who knows he might be some murderer trying to hide his fake identity or some shit."
They exited the large store it taking extra long to get out having to dodge and weave through the cluster of teens and Virgil took a deep breath of the crisp cold air before looking down at his drink. Well...he can't say no now. He took a sip of the warm liquid and shivered before his eyes lit up. It was..delicious!
He turned towards Remy with a bright grin, something that doesn't appear on his face quite so often, "This is amazing Remy! You were right I love it!"
"Told you, girl! Now let's go to that store before we head out I need a new scarf."
It didn't take long before Remy was bursting through the door of the four boyfriends apartment trying to be as quiet as possible thanks to Virgil's pounding headache. Thankfully he didn't have to call out to the others as they were all in the living room but when they saw the state Virgil was in they came rushing forwards.
Virgil had jumped as the door was swung open and hit the wall though with not that much force and he was shaking and sweating even though it was cold outside. He flinched at every movement either he had made or from around him. He kept on complaining about a raging headache and couldn't seem to sit still at all.
He was about to open his mouth when the others rushed forward and immediately bombarded him with questions.
"Virge, why are you shaking what's wrong?"
"My Emo Nightmare are you cold?"
His anxiety was spiking up as the seconds ticked by before they even had arrived home. He felt bad that Remy had to drive him here and that they had to leave early at all. Then seeing their worried expressions and their loud questions making his headache worst he could only shake his head his hands going to his ears to try and block everything out.
Their voices immediately stopped at seeing that and Logan took a step forward and gently placed a hand on his shoulder. "Virgil? Can you look at me?"
Very hesitantly and slowly he raised his head looking to Logan's face. His breathing was becoming harder as his chest kept hurting him. God, why does everything hurt.
Without looking away from Virgil Logan asked, "Remy? What happened?"
Remy was silent this entire time, Virgil had thought he left honestly, he seemed nervous almost unsure if he should intervene or not when he blinked at Logan and shrugged, "I don't know... He was fine until we hit the last few stores then he just started shaking?"
Logan squinted his eyes his fingers curling around Virgil's sweaty face and him leaning into the cold touch before he mumbled back, "Did he eat or drink anything weird?"
At that Virgil shuffled his feet knowing that Remy would tell him about the latte. Would Logan get mad at him for drinking that? Would he yell at him for being stupid and illogical?
He shut his eyes as he heard Remy voice up, "We didn't eat anything though we stopped at Starbucks why?"
"Did he get anything?"
"I had him try a latte. Though why would that cause him to freak out like.." Virgil could hear his sweater ruffle, he must be motioning to him.
He heard multiple intakes of breath as Patton mumbled, "He can't have caffeine, kiddo. It heightens his anxiety. He told us even a small amount of it can make him jumpy.."
A swear, "He had the entire thing... I'm sorry I didn't know he tried to warn me but I thought he was just joking or something. I'm truly sorry."
Virgil was stiff as a board as he listened to their conversation he was waiting for everything to explode, he was waiting for yells to be thrown his way. He knows he's a fuck up and he's not sure if he could take it from them. Or from Remy to call him a freak.
He heard Logan's voice speak up again still holding his face, "Somebody get a water it'll help it flush out the caffeine."
A rustle of movement which sounded more like a rather loud and instant movement causing him to jump a bit. Logan shushed him as he gently pulled him into a hug and placed a hand into his hair rubbing gentle circles into his skull.
"You don't need to apologize, Remy, you didn't know. Is he going to be okay Logan?" Roman's voice this time.
"Yes, he will be. That was properly too much for his system to handle but nothing a few hours can't fix."
"Remy, would you like to stay for a bit? We could all watch movies together? It was going to be a movie day anyways."
He heard Patton say as Logan moved him to the couch settling him on his lap so he could curl up into his chest.
"Oh no, I don't want to intrude on this love fest. I've already done enough damage as it is. Hey Virge?"
Virgil glanced up fear spiking through him for a second.
"I did have a good time girl. I truly am sorry. Maybe same time next week but this time no caffeine how does that sound?"
Even though it hurt to even move his head he gave a nod and a smile. "S-Sounds great..."
Remy gave his own smile and finger guns before waving to the others and making his leave. Virgil made a mental note to apologize to him later, he did feel bad that they had to cut their time short cause of him.
Though it was a painful few hours as he kept jumping at any loud noises and his entire body kept hurting despite any position he tried to move to, he couldn't say it was the worst ever. He at least had his boyfriends surrounding him, taking care of him and just being there made him feel slightly better. Plus Logan didn't move at all which was nice as his chest was a rather good pillow and breathing in his scent was comforting, to say the least.
While he recovered they followed up on their plans and watched some movies, thankfully Disney moves that he's seen a billion times so he didn't have to pay too much attention to it, and the sound was turned down almost all the way with the subtitles on. That helped his headache at least.
Logan knew exactly what to do to relive his pain as best he could even if that was rubbing his neck or head or mumbling sweet nothings to him. Roman kept holding his hand and rubbing it in circles while Patton laid his head on his shoulder an arm lazily wrapped around him. They all wanted to hold on to him despite his shaking and restlessness. Anytime he had to get up to relieve his hyperness often all of them came with him to keep him busy, or really so he doesn't hurt himself he was for sure. But even so, it warmed his heart knowing that they cared for him.
Even though he properly wasn't a blast to deal with and he kept expecting something bad to happen but it never did, they were always there as they will ever be.
After what felt like decades he drifted off to sleep being held in the comfort of his boyfriends as his caffeine high slowly deteriorate down. He knew he was safe in the arms of his boyfriends as his dreams were full of softness and warmth and finally, happiness.
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sandersstudies · 6 years
Okay, so I said for 1,500 followers I would rant about my ship opinions. Want to make clear from the start that if you disagree with me, you are still totally cool and valid. Got it? Okay, let’s go.
This is a pretty long post so I’ll put some of it under a cut. 
Analogical Okay, so obviously “My Negative Thinking” sparked the interest in this one, and Moving On only strengthened it. I can see this one being romantic or platonic, and I like both, but prefer platonic mostly because I see logan as a bit paternal. This is a relationship that could be a two-way street. We’ve seen Logan be a bit protective of Virgil (”Virgil, are you okay?” in Moving On GETS me), and I think Virgil would also be very protective of Logan. The biggest calming thing for anxiety is always logic, but sometimes logic needs to learn to trust gut feelings. Whether romantic or platonic (or even paternal), I see Virgil going to Logan when he needs a clearer perspective, and I think Logan has a great amount of respect for Virgil - Patton and Roman are impulsive and  removed from reality, while Virgil seems like he could understand Logan’s point of view. Overall, a loPlatonic 9/10, Romantic 7.5/10.vely pair. 
Platonic 9/10; they understand each other; somehow both are the protective Mom friend at the same time.
Romantic 7.5/10; both would have trouble expressing their “feelings” but if they both learned to communicate it would be beautiful.
Logicality  I’ve liked these two together since the beginning. Unfortunately, I think that lately we’ve seen that these two have some problems they need to work through first, especially on Logan’s end. I think that logic and morality/emotion are much more essential to the human mind than anxiety and creativity, and I think that Logan and Patton reflect that. A lot of people write pining/flirtatious Logicality, but I prefer that “old married couple” domestic aesthetic. I think Logan and Patton are incredibly protective of each other, but that leads to some barriers they need to break down. Logan is scared to be silly in front of Patton because Patton needs reigning in by somebody who is 100% logical, but sometimes Logan takes his authority and logic so seriously that he isn’t considerate of Patton. Meanwhile. Patton is lovingly pressuring Logan to admit that sometimes being silly is fun and important, because he wants Logan to be honest and unabashed about enjoying things. Unfortunately, they’re pushing each other in opposite directions. 
Platonic 8/10; this is probably the most romantic-leaning ship I have, so I’m biased.
Romantic 9/10; damn I love them so much but they have some communication issues to work out to be healthy. 
Logince Never seen these guys as a romantic ship. That said, I think the potential for a partnership is incredible. They’re a classic brains/brawn pair and I see them in an amazing fraternal/platonic relationship. Rather than enemies to lovers, these two are rivals to partners. If I was going to call any two sides each others’ “bros,” it would be these two. Logan is very lawful while Roman is very chaotic, but I think we see in “Fitting In” and “Why Do We Get Out of Bed in the Morning?” that these two have a lot in common: both are short-tempered, determined, resourceful, ambitious, strong leaders (maybe even a little self-righteous, arrogant, and stubborn). These two are both very dominant compared to Patton and Virgil - they both want to be in charge, and I think that would be detrimental in a romantic relationship. However, I think that as friends this would be friendly competition, pushing each other to be better. It’s another classic dynamic to see two characters who see each other as “the one to beat” but then realize that they could beat EVERYONE if they would just work together. 
Platonic 8/10; still some stuff they need to work out, but once they do they’ll be unstoppable.
Romantic 3/10; I just don’t see it, and I think their personalities wouldn’t be good for a romantic relationship because the communication isn’t there.
Moxiety Like Logince, this has never been a romantic ship for me. Patton is just obviously coded as “Dad” or “Best Friend” in every interaction BUT the thing that really gets me is that Virgil is just as protective of Patton as Patton is of him, which makes sense. Our Anxiety is in place not just to protect our physical body, but also our feelings, and Patton is Thomas’ heart. I feel like Patton and Virgil have each others’ full trust, and “Can Lying be Good?” really made this evident. When “Patton” acted strange, Virgil didn’t think “my friend is doing a bad thing,” he thought “this isn’t my friend.” He knows Patton that well. With Patton learning to accept his feelings, I think he and Virgil are huge supports for each other. I honestly think that while Roman and Logan were having drama for the last two videos, Patton and Virgil have just been having Best Friend time. Heck, is anything softer than these two? Villain-coding a character and then revealing their vulnerability by having them befriend the softest of puffballs is adorable. 
Platonic 10/10; they’re BEST FRIENDS you guys, look at them. Wouldja just LOOK at it?
Romantic 4/10; they have the communication and trust, but I think they’re so much better for each other as best friends. 
Prinxiety Ah, classic enemies to friends to lovers. I’ve never been a huge stan for this ship, but heck if it isn’t cute. It’s Tumblr goth bf and Instagram prep bf. I think their love languages would be very different, but if they could learn to communicate and respect their differences, the potential is there. I think that lately we’ve seen effort on both sides for these guys to include each other. Roman’s been kinder about his nicknames, which is a good start. Also, let’s face it: Virgil’s face when Roman changes in to his 2.0 outfit screams “I am gay.” I think no matter what, these two will bicker a bit, but it could range from something that’s an actual problem all the way to something more endearing; imagine an hour on the couch going back and forth about which Pixar movie is the best because neither will relent. Also, there’s something to be said for anxiety both encouraging and stifling creativity, and creativity both causing and relieving anxiety. There’s delicate balances there to be explored, especially when creativity, in Roman’s case, is loud and presentational. Romantic elements aside, I also like seeing these two as annoying brothers who deeply love each other but simultaneously piss each other off.  
Platonic 6/10; not my favorite, but bickering brothers or friends is still a very nice possibility. 
Romantic 7/10; come on, guys, it’s a fandom classic, and the enemies to lovers dynamic is just so fun.
Royality Excuse me but this is the most under-appreciated ship in this whole fandom. Two honest good boys who are filled to the brim with love? Two dudes who would 100% have compatible love languages? Two guys who would spoil each other with affection and tiny gifts? Hell yes hell yes hell yes. Romance and emotion go together, guys. These two would have more PDA than any other pairing because embarrassment? How dare anyone be embarrassed by TRUE LOVE? The only possible concern I can think of is that Patton is very giving while Roman is very egoistic, but I think we’ve seen that both of them would be very giving to a romantic partner. These two would be all about dramatic displays of affection, but they also would have their peaceful moments when they need them. Mostly I just see them creating things for each other and never letting anybody forget how much they love each other.
Platonic 8/10; good stuff, but this ship is very romantic-leaning in my eyes. However, a brotherly relationship is also an incredible idea. 
Romantic 9/10; as long as Patton takes care of himself and Roman learns to care about others, these two would be adorable.
LAMP (I’m assuming a LAMP where all four are in a relationship with the other three, but I know that there are other versions as well) I’ll be up front and admit that I prefer pairings to poly relationships in my ships, but let’s face it: LAMP is adorable. It has all the benefits of the other ships, but with third and fourth parties to balance out some of the cons. These guys are famILY and they are, in canon, the only “people” in each others’ lives. I don’t have much to say because this ship is essentially everything I’ve said before about the other ships. 
Platonic 10/10; famILY
Romantic 6/10; good stuff, but I have a personal preference for pairings; still great because they all complete each other.
Deceit Ships I’m not putting down people who like these ships; that’s your business. However, I’ve seen too many people get hurt, REALLY hurt, by dishonesty in their relationships to support these. Even if Deceit isn’t 100% a villain, which I can see, it still isn’t healthy to put a character who is all about lying into a relationship. The most important things in any relationship are honest communication and trust, and those are both things that aren’t compatible with Deceit. That said, I’ve seen some morally grey fics and headcanons about Deceit where he has some interactions with the other sides I quite like. Let’s face it, one way or another the other sides are stuck with Deceit, and I think he at least has the potential to be something other than an evil being. Whether canon will support these depictions of Deceit is TBD (totally believable, dude? No, to be determined). 
Platonic 2/10; I’ve seen some good stuff, but we have little canon material for Deceit; the other sides should be cautious while interacting with him.
Romantic 0/10; I have a personal relationship with dishonesty and manipulation that means I just can’t get behind these ships.
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parkersanders · 7 years
Not Just You (Submission)
This story sways more platonic princiety due to my wanting to write based off of a text post I saw a while back. With Roman. And Virgil. I really hope you don’t mind me submitting this!! But edit/tag it as you will, andimsorry. I just. Don’t??? know where else to post this. Or the tags to use.
I would put a read more in this. It’s a little over 2k words.
Despite the common belief, Roman Sanders, the Prince and Hero to Thomas, did indeed have doubts. Doubts and anxieties which crept up in little ways through his actions and his words. Not that many of the sides seemed to notice –the Prince wasn’t called upon very often, after all—often leaving Roman seeming out of place in their colourful group.
 Or, so Roman noticed. The opening of his mouth to be met with a side-glance, from the others, a glare, lips pulling downward in a frown getting Roman’s teeth to click shut and lips to press firm together. The scattered looks left and right, waiting to say just the right thing until he couldn’t hold it in and blustered through anyway.
This often led to discrepancies, Patton’s tense smiles or awkward shifting, Logan’s narrowed eyes or bewildered stares, even Thomas’ lifting of hands, attempting to mediate between all of their extremes to ease up into his one personality.
However, this was leaving out one crucial part of Thomas’ personality.
One the befuddled Prince had only recently realized how similar the two of them were in reality.
Anxiety, otherwise now known as Virgil, (a name he had never anticipated. It was such a cultured sounding name, a tad dorkier than he had anticipated for Hot TopicTM) who discredited Roman so often, who pointed out the flaws in every little thing he did. Anxiety, the nagging voice who would hang by his shoulder and sneer at Roman’s attempted contributions to Thomas’ day …
Anxiety, the one who could push Thomas to work a great deal faster than he could.
Anxiety, the one who got Thomas to go into the shower and wash himself as a form of procrastination, ending up helping Thomas take care of himself.
Anxiety, the one who encouraged sleeping, helped with the emotional stress through the day, understood when enough was enough and kicked in to get Thomas out of a conversation quicker, who –
Anxiety … the one who was more accepted as an asset to Thomas’ creativity, morality, and … self-care than Roman himself was.
Could one blame him for being excited once Virgil had seemed to disappear? One of the first instances Thomas had even spoken to Roman in the longest times had been trying to help him get rid of his anxiety. It was a foe to face, a fear to quell, a person to save! And, while unbeknownst to Thomas at the time, an adversary (one threatening his place) to overcome.
Roman would never call it jealousy! No, jealousy was too foul a word for such vicious feelings, too abhorrent. No, it was a mild dislike, distrust, and unsettling irritation that rested in the pit of his stomach whenever he was around Anxiety.
That was all. Nothing else. Nada. Zilch. Zip. Nothing.
His own looks to the other halves of Thomas’ personalities, silently begging for their encouragement. Their agreement with him … and yet, when it came to Anxiety, Roman was slowly torn further and further down.
Not until their escapades into Anxiety’s mind space did Roman realize his importance. The frustrating helplessness. A knot twisting in his chest, the quickening breath, flem in his throat he simply could not swallow past. Roman tried, as hard as he could to ignore it. Using colorful words, quick dismissing what he obviously felt. A feeling he did not wish to admit, but one he knew a bit more well than the others.
Once Anxiety helped Thomas, again, Prince felt proud.
But, with pride came the fall. The silent wondering. The shut downs that not only Logic, but Patton and Thomas had also gone through with. Silencing Roman and getting him to back off.
So, with shuffling feet, and in a time Roman was certain there would be no spotlight on them, did he go back into the dank cave.
“I’m not giving you my dank posters.”
Virgil’s voice rang clear as he was sitting on the elongated leather couch, headphones resting around his neck, My Chemical Romance blaring just loud enough to hear through the poor, abused speaker system. An iPad rested in his lap, a book, the dark, night-font used for the environment around him (as well as aesthetic purposes) pulled up that he was reading.
Prince took a moment’s pause. He needed … to not be antagonistic here. “That is not why I’m here.” A glance upwards, dark eyeliner framing a deathly pale skin complexion seemed disbelieving, “Really! Though I do find it lovely decorum and would be more than charmed to take it from you at some point, I am currently on a more … amiable mission.”
Looking back down to his iPad, Virgil flicked a finger across the screen. Dark brown eyes scanning text haphazardly. “Oh really? Well I wouldn’t stay in here then if you want to stay amiable.”
“Then perhaps you would like to accompany me to my lodgings instead!”
Prince took a deep breath.
“My mind space. Since coming here heightens my … er … feelings, then I figure coming to my mind space might make you more wanting to hear out my ideas!” Roman’s voice was chipper. He could feel the anxiety seeping in his skin already, however. A tight knot building in his chest and in his throat.
Why did he have phrase it like that?
It was all wrong, wasn’t it?
Virgil was staring at Roman with a puzzled, quizzical look. Uncertain if he really ought to believe what he heard. Flicking up on the iPad, turning the volume down as his headphones quieted. “You,” Anxiety spoke slowly, enunciating clearly so the Prince could hear this absurd idea, “Want me to go into your mind space. As-in, the most private place you have that you have only let logic into to help collaborate on videos.”
Saying it like that made Roman’s heart stop. Stupid, it was stupid, so stupid. He should have known better than to assume, of course he should have just ignored this. Not tried to sympathize or pushed past these thoughts of –
Pulling his headphones out of the iPad, Anxiety gave a small groan, but stood anyway. “Fine, okay, whatever. I don’t have anything better to do today.”
It took almost everything Roman had to not let out a sigh of blissful relief. Acceptance …
Funny … It felt like forever since he had full heartedly earned it
No. No. Do not go down that rabbit hole. He knew where it was going, and they were still in Anxieties room. If he kept thinking this way, he might end up sinking Thomas into a pit of self-loathing depression by accident himself. “Ah! Yes … er-hm.” He didn’t need to be more ‘helpful’, did he?
Holding out a hand to Virgil, the goth took it. Cold and clammy –like that of a dead hag—Prince’s mind wandered a tad aimlessly, before they reached it.
The place looked like Thomas’ bedroom, but there were several pieces of Disney memorabilia and a much warmer décor. Rich reds, warm golds, and soft browns lit the room. Anxiety didn’t seem much impressed. “I thought you’d make it that forest outside of the house.” Was the idle comment, dull and nearly monotone.
Roman could not help the huff that followed such a statement. “And I expected your room to the be the attic filled with cobwebs, spiders, and nothing but a cot and some water, befitting someone of your … well. You.”
“Thanks so much. Really making me not regret coming here.”
“Ugh. It’s just. Creativity requires a clean space, a warm environment, and –occasionally yes—some adventure. The bed is comfortable, relaxing, and the easiest to concentrate …”  The prince had turned to rambling at that point. Virgil deciding to crawl onto the bed and make himself comfortable.
Freeing sheets from their tucked in stature, he wrapped himself up tightly into a cocoon before going back to listening to the romantics continued speech. “… And further more you also need a clean work space to feel healthy! Combined with the fact that the outdoors are only a step away I really do not feel as if I am too far off from what my room ought to be!”
“Sure, Princey, sure. Now, why am I here again?”
Swallowing thickly, Roman swayed on his feet for a moment, before walking over. “I have been thinking on what you said about a week back.”
“Oh god no.”
“About … retiring your position.”
“Listen, I’m already back and one of you guys so you don’t have to—“
“I just wanted to say I understand.”
The silence that followed Roman’s words was deafening. Sitting down besides Virgil, Roman didn’t dare look up to meet his eyes. Hands settled uncomfortably at his arms, a finger trailing the insides of his arm uncertainly before settling more on his wrist. Rubbing at his pulse.
After a while of silence, Anxiety finally spoke up.
“You’re joking right?”
It took a lot for Roman to not snap at Virgil. Why would he joke about this? Honey eyes stare down at his hands quietly.
“You’ve got to be joking.” Virgil insisted, “Princey. The shining light of creativity and egotism that Thomas has understands me. Understands not belonging in that little three-man-show of yours that keeps away from all the other sides generally.”
Each biting statement made the creative’s shoulders want to tense, his hackles raise in defense, but he couldn’t get himself to snap. Instead he let out a breathy sigh.
It was likely the lingering effects of Anxieties room.
“No.” Prince answered, “I am not joking.”
A barked, bitter laugh fell from Virgil’s lips. A grin from ear to ear as he leaned back. “Oooh, this is rich! His ego gets bunt one degree and he’s telling me he understands.”
“He thinks he gets it. Being demonized and told he’s wrong every chance he gets. That he’s the bad guy. Argued to the point of supposed non-existence, attempting to help and ignored,”
“… Anxiety …”
“And then, when it’s only convienent for the rest of the group, do they come crawling back, wishing for good ol’ Anxiet—“
“Virgil!” Virgil’s teeth automatically click shut in silence.
Roman’s fingers are gripping the cloth of his pants so tightly they’re turning white. He’s shaking now and it hurts. Dammit it has to be from going into Anxieties mind space. He should have known that was a stupid idea! He’s back where he belongs, but it feels alien to him now. Everything doesn’t seem right, nothing was correct, everything was feeling farther and farther away.
And he was just so … stupid.
“Since we first met. I did not like you. It is unsurprising, you are, in essence, a being made to cause fears and insecurities, you also help contribute towards his procrastination which puts a stickler to anything I want to do. No creative energies, draining emotions, negativity, snide commentary that results in hurting other people’s feelings—“
“—I feel so loved, now—“
“—but it’s not just that. You did things better than me. Thomas always had you. Always. I’m fleeting, even when I attempt to be there, he often dismisses me for Patton or Logan or … well, you. You drive him towards goals, and ideals from, well, sure fear of the unknown and failure, but it motivates him! And I …”
He had to wonder.
If Thomas’ creativity vanished … would it really make that much of a difference?
The other sides could most certainly step in, and then, of course, was Anxiety pushing Thomas to keep performing and working, and Logan and Morality along with him.
From what Roman could understand and see. His disappearance … wouldn’t make a difference.
“… I do not seem to make half the dent you all do. Thomas has spoken to me a handful of times, but the majority have been about you. Working beyond you. I could not think of a single entirely unique idea, and then, on top of that, when I speak my opinions, the others just discredit me.” As if they knew exactly what he should or should not believe. Roman didn’t even know what he should or should not believe.
“…Princey, I …”
“I still don’t like you! Because I do not get you, or Logan, or Patton, or any of the others! There is a reason we three made this little ‘circle’ in the first place, after all. Then you come in and push your way forward and it just. I am not … useful anymore.”
Another silence, more tense than the last settled around them both. Virgil staring at Roman. What could he say? Part of him feared speaking at all. Roman had just admitted a lot of things on the table right there, and Virgil wasn’t … too good with this whole, admitting thing.
He much preferred getting seen as ‘the villain’ of the story and being picked on by Roman to this.
Even while Virgil would admit the soft encouragement now and again would be nice. This was a whole new ball game with its own set of rules. One Virgil wasn’t used to playing quite yet.
So he’d default after an uncomfortably long silence.
“Guess you could say, the Prince has got Anxiety, huh?”
A bristling followed.
Roman was trying to be earnest. To be taken seriously.
Virgil blanks from his little pile under the blanket. “Wait, what?”
“Get out of my room.” Roman is now standing and pointing at the floor. He looks deadly serious.
“I was just trying to make a joke …”
“And I am not. Be gone from me, now.”
Virgil doesn’t take much time more to sink down, disappearing from Roman’s room and land on a soft, cloth couch and groan loudly. Back in Thomas’ world, away from his comfy staircase, Anxiety rubs a hand over his forehead and through his bangs with a grimace. Uncertain where he went wrong, and not understanding why Roman had reacted so badly.
“It was just a joke …” Virgil grumbled.
“What was a joke, kiddo?” Patton piped brightly, a surprising tray of cookies being pulled from the oven. “Oh, did I miss something big? You’ve got to tell me, there’s nothing I want to miss from this big ol’ kooky family!”
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