#i havent had a cigarette in two days
ghxstyfae · 3 months
Jake Webber coquette girl? 😻‼️
Hi cutie🫶🏻 just did some headcanons for ya<3
Pearly Kisses ♡ J.Webber
Synopsis: headcanons of Jake Webber and his coquette gf
Warnings: 18 + under labelled section, cigarettes, let me know if i missed anything
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These two are like night and day, aesthetically speaking.
This causes them get looks (mostly from old ppl) wherever they go
Jake 'steals' her makeup
Sometimes when shes getting ready in the morning, sitting at her vanity with a fluffy headband and dozens of skincare and makeup products, he'll just sit on the floor beside her and watch
Makeup all over his bedsheets, especially mascara and lipsticks
"Jakey my dress doesnt have any pockets!! Can you keep my lipstick, wallet and phone in yours? Pretty please"
And of course he will, but tells her to leave her wallet at home because ?? Obviously hes gonna pay for anything she would need, and he's driving anywhere she needs to go.
Takes her to get her nails done on routine, he makes a whole day of it.
First, the appointment, if its a longer one he might leave for a bit and bring back some food for her and her tech. Next, they'll either go to get food if they havent already eaten, or some kinda drink (dunkin, tims, maccas, etc). Then they go shopping or thrifting, and finish the evening with dinner
Feels so out of place in her bedroom at first. Pastel pink, white, and cream shades were they only colours in her room + its full of clean, fluffy blankets and stuffies
"Jake theres literally a huge wine stain on my rug and empty snack wrappers everywhere idc if you make a mess"
But within a month half his tiktoks have a girly background because he records them while hes waiting for her to be done her makeup.
Jake now actively listens to Lana del rey on a daily basis, and his spotify wrapped will have atleast one of her songs on it
Sometimes, if gf happens to smoke, they share a cigarette and she leaves a lipstick stain on it
Speaking of, lipstick stains on his cheeks, neck, forehead, etc 24/7
Jake plans on getting her kiss mark tattooed on his neck after they get married
Likes to have her ride his cock in her tiny little miniskirts, will play with the bows in her hair and praise her for being such a good girl for him
Corruption kink goes brrr
Loves seeing tou all dolled up for him just so he can destroy it🤭
Valentines day special: bought her some cute lingerie and covered the room in pink flower petals, lit some candles and they had a beautiful dinner. He proceeds to absolutely WRECK her.
Would actually go FERAL if gf happened to have some kinda womb tattoo/trapstamp . just saying.
Hey, their isnt too many and they arent very good, so Im so sorry my love. I really hope you still enjoy though<3 if you'd like, id love to make a part two
My masterlist
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nonclassyparty · 3 months
tins without labels - prologue (j.wy)
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summary: Jung Wooyoung's life was always somehow intertwined with your own. from living in the same neighbourhood as kids to attending the same college; fights, bickering, bruises, teasing comments and tears. Wooyoung and you were never complete strangers but never friends either. Always somewhere in between, growing up with each other but never actually knowing one another. The relationship takes a confusing turn in your third year of college after an injury that places your football career on hold. Lonely, lost and confused, you find yourself at your first college party in the presence of none other than Jung Wooyoung asking him to show you what exactly have you been missing out on. playlist // my main masterlist // moodboard (tba) // click to donate to Palestine
pairing: jung wooyoung x reader warnings: none for this chapter i think! word count: 9.3k taglist: just reply or inbox me if u'd like to be added c: a/n: pls don't say damn when u see that i started another story. listen LISTEEEEEN. i know what u all will say..."bree should u rly be starting another series when u havent finished or started the 4757 bajillion ones that u already posted?" the answer is YES. let me explain myself briefly, this summer has been rly hard for me bc i lost someone who was incredibly important to me and i just can't write...i just can't! everything looks like shit!!! im halfway done with soot and something just isn't letting me continue. i can't write pretty on the outside or literally anything else i've started bc its all simply too sad. writing is draining to begin with despite how much i love and enjoy it but writing angst is k wording my mental health lol! so....i present to you this series, mostly dedicated to myself literally no one asked for this, i just feel like its something i need to write and always wanted to so here i go! it will be a little heartwarming series with lots of humor and coming of age shenanigans and huge chunks of it written from personal experience and i hope u guys read it and like it. i had a lot of fun writing this prologue. (p.s. i literally know jackshit about football/soccer so if by some chance someone that reads this knows their football shit....just let it go pls lmfaoo)
(prologue; when we were kids)
and I couldn't find the words, i couldn't think of what to say and all that I can do is stop and think about the days when all we used to dream about was meeting after school
6 and 8 years old;
Your mom helped you build the snowman.
An entire morning of running around your front yard, laughing and playing in the freshly fallen snow, seeing the air you breathe out in front of you that you pretended was cigarette smoke to make your mom laugh as the cold nipped at your cheeks.
The snowman was almost twice your size (which wasn't a lot, you were a fairly small child) with pebbles stuck in as his eyes and teeth pulled up in a big grin. Your mom found a small bucket in the old shed behind the house which she placed on his head as a makeshift hat and because you didn't have any carrots, there was a small twig stuck at the center of the snowman's face to serve as a long crooked nose.
(The snowman didn't have any arms, a detail that went over your head at the time.)
After admiring the big statue in the farther corner of your front yard for awhile, you finally retreated into the house with your socks wet along with the majority of your hot pink snowsuit. As you kicked off the damp clothes and exchanged them for warm, dry ones and fuzzy socks and then settled in front of the TV in the toasty living room with a mug of cocoa - you couldn't help but feel that it was a happy day.
Which is why when, in the late afternoon, once you looked out of your window to see what once used to be your snowman is now nothing but a big pile of disheveled snow with his plastic hat rolling around the sidewalk and two boys running away down the street with shrill laughter echoing after them, you simply couldn't help but burst into tears.
"Mommy!" You screamed out, running outside your front door in fuzzy socks and your sweater, as dramatic as you were. But you were six and your life still ended and began with coloring books and favorite toys, so a snowman that you made with your mom getting destroyed, surely felt like the end of the world.
Once your mom stepped out after you, about to scold you for walking outside into the cold air with no jacket on, you burst into crocodile tears as you pointed to the spot where your snowman once stood.
"Oh, no." She breathed out with a sigh before grabbing her jacket and slipping into whatever shoes were available by the door (they were your dad's old tennis shoes) and walking across the front yard to collect the small bucket from the sidewalk.
All you could do was stand and watch as you wailed so loudly after your snowman that the entire neighbourhood could hear.
"Honey, it's okay." Your mom tried to soothe you as she walked up the steps to your house, carrying what used to be the snowman's hat. "It's just a snowman, we'll make another one tomorrow!"
But you were inconsolable, bursting out in another wave of loud cries as you stomped your tiny foot and pointed to the house across the street.
"They ruined it! W-Wooyoung ruined it!" You sob, waving towards the boy's house with all the anger a six year old could possibly muster. You knew it was him, recognizing the ugly red jacket he wore this entire winter and his even uglier looking friend, Chanwook.
You weren't friends with Wooyoung. He was older than you and all of his friends were mean. You once tried to play with them when you first moved to the neighbourhood but they didn't want to play with a girl. You cried about that too.
They often teased you. Wooyoung said your crooked teeth made you look ugly!
She sighs again, "And that was very mean of him. But, Y/N, we'll just make another snowman tomorrow."
"But-" You start again, tears still sliding down your face. 
"We'll build him in the backyard where we have a fence, so no-one will be able to touch him." She offers with a smile, hoping you'll finally be consoled enough to walk inside and be safe from the harsh cold.
"But I won't be able to look at him from the window." You tell her quietly, voice going hoarse from the crying and bottom lip already wobbling as another wave of tears began to sunk in. She gives you a sympathetic smile.
"We'll get him a prettier hat and we'll use two long branches to give him arms!" Your mom offers again, trying to butter you up so the tears would stop. "We'll get a carrot for his nose and big pretty rocks for his eyes!" Once she realized it was working, she continued; "And we'll take a picture of you with him so you'll always get to look at him, even when he melts away!"
You peer up at her with a hiccup, finally bribed enough; "A picture?"
She nods, holding the door wider for you to finally walk inside as you inch towards the door, fuzzy socks now soaked, "A picture. We'll send your dad to the mall to develop them."
So, you finally walk inside the warm house again, changing your socks and immediately going to your father's home office to pester him about the camera and just how long will it take for a picture to be developed.
"-Y/N, we'll just make another snowman tomorrow!" 
Wooyoung heard your mom tell you as he peers at the exchange from across the street, through his bedroom window, freshly changed into dry clothes after a long hard day of playing outside with Chanwook and now, warming his frozen hands on the radiator.
When Wooyoung saw the snowman parked in the corner of your front yard, just a step away from the sidewalk, he and Chanwook thought it would be funny to ruin it. 
The thing was ugly and had an even uglier bucket at the top of it's head, perfect to kick around the street!
He didn't think too much about it, if he was honest. Just saw a big lump of snow he wanted to kick at until it collapsed, so that's what Wooyoung did. It was just a silly snowman.
Besides, you were already six years old. Far too old to be making a stupid snowman. You should've been going sledding with the rest of the neighborhood kids on the small hill just a couple of minutes away from your street. Wooyoung was mature now, so his mom allowed him to go without a chaperone this year. You were always so childish, no wonder your mom didn't let you go with them. You cried over everything.
But he didn't expect you to cry over the stupid snowman!
It was just a snowman. It would've melted anyway when the weather got warmer! Or gotten ruined by someone else! 
The brief fear of your mom telling Wooyoung's mom about what he'd done struck him. He'd positively get grounded for ruining your dumb snowman if she found out and then the rest of his winter break would be spent inside of the house.
You could always make another snowman. A better one. And since you're such a crybaby, Wooyoung would make sure to tell Chanwook that they won't be touching that one. Leave that ugly snowman alone.
Just so you wouldn't cry anymore.
10 and 12 years old;
"It's a shame your mother is dead, maybe if she was still around she would teach you how to act like a girl!" 
Your face flushed in anger as you stared the other boy, Beomseok, his chubby fingers still wrapped around your pencil case which was how the argument started in the first place.
He was in the same class as you and a typical bully. Bigger than the rest of his peers and always using it to his advantage to intimidate and tease them. Today, he took your pencil case and when you asked for him to give it back, he only gave you a gnarly smile and started running around the classroom and eventually out on the halls, screaming taunts at you. It would be a lie to say that you didn't scream some pretty mean stuff back but in your defense, he deserved it.
Now, you both stood as if you're ready to duel as the rest of your classmates and even some upperclassmen gathered to see what the commotion is all about, your fury rising so high that tears spring in your eyes at the mention of your mom as you observe his smug smirk. Obviously, from a very young age, you were bad at managing your anger.
"I hate you!" You scream out, voice high pitched. Then you jump on Beomseok with your full weight, successfully pulling him to the hard hallway floors as your hands curled into tiny fists that started colliding with his face.
And Beomseok, for all his intimidating build, talked an awfully big game just to end up bursting into tears as your fist collided with his nose. He was bad at fighting, you notice, if he could be beat up by a lanky girl almost two times smaller than him.
"I just-" Punch. "-wanted-" Punch. "-my pencil case-" A slap. "-back!"
"Somebody help!" He screams from under you, whining under each attack but his classmates were too busy cheering you on to come to his defense.
Once you start harshly pulling on his hair, two arms wrap themselves under your armpits and pull you off of your classmate. You're standing again and are turned by your shoulders to come face to face with your teacher, screaming at you.
"Is this a proper behavior in school?!" and lots of "Your father will hear about this!"'s and "You're going to the principle's office!" as she started pulling you by your arm down the corridor that was still filled with students.
"Everyone to your classrooms! Now!" Your teacher screams from the top of her lungs as she tugs on you and you follow after her with a frown on your face.
Stupid Beomseok.
Wooyoung's stomach hurts from laughing, clapping Chanwook's shoulder who was almost sitting on the floor due to his own fit of pure glee, as he watches Kim Beomseok roll around the floor in pain, clutching his nose. 
There's scratches and bruises already forming on his cheeks, little bit of blood mixed with a lot of big, fat tears. It's hard to feel even slightly bad for Beomseok, when Wooyoung heard how he torments his classmates along with the younger kids during recess. Did it count as bullying if the bully is the one getting bullied?
Maybe he finally got what was coming for him, nobody usually stood up to him and Wooyoung least expected you to be the one to put him in his place.
He deserved it, Wooyoung thinks, after what he said about your mom.
Wooyoung remembers her funeral three years ago, he remembers how much you cried and how you didn't leave your house for a month that summer. He even rung the doorbell to ask if you wanted to come out and play one time which he never did because you were a child and he was much more mature than you, you two had nothing in common. But he felt sad for you.
Your mom was nice, she always brought Wooyoung a chocolate when she'd come for a visit.
 Sadly, they discovered she had cancer when you were only seven and Wooyoung was nine. By the time they discovered it, it was already too far along and your mom passed away on a summer evening while you were outside playing hide and seek. 
Wooyoung remembers feeling so bad how they always made you the seeker that day because you were the youngest kid in the neighbourhood and far too easy to convince that it was simply always your turn to look for the other kids.
Your dad opened the door, smiling sadly at Wooyoung and saying that you weren't feeling well enough to come out and play. Wooyoung didn't try again after that.
The teacher is pulling you by your elbow through the crowd, yelling at the top of her lungs for everyone to head to their classrooms since class should start in a couple of minutes. You silently follow her, face twisted into an angry grimace.
Your hair has fallen out of your ponytail, long strands sticking to your face and Wooyoung is pretty sure that your shirt got ripped during the brawl. 
Wooyoung might've been laughing a bit too loudly because with angry eyes and cheeks flushed, your head whips towards him just as you pass by him.
Wooyoung opens his mouth with a smile, to say something like "Good job, Y/L!" maybe. He doesn't get the chance to.
"What are you laughing at, Jung?" You ask loudly and Wooyoung's laughter immediately dies down.
And it's then, that your foot meets Wooyoung's shin in a harsh kick that makes him yowl in pain and makes Chanwook burst into another wave of laughter as his hands grab at Wooyoung who doubles over in pain.
"Y/N!" The teacher screams out again, pulling you back by your shirt and going on another rant, filled with threats of calling your dad to school and something else he can't process at the moment.
Wooyoung is too busy feeling the pain and anger that fills him up as he rubs at the place your sneaker covered foot meet his leg.
"Y/N, you psycho!" He yells after you who is still getting dragged away. You don't even bother to look back at him.
(He still collects your pencil case from the floor and throws it on a desk that a classmate of yours says belongs to you before exiting the classroom and going to his own. Wooyoung tells himself it's for no other reason but just so your dad won't have to buy you a new one. He has enough on his plate already.)
14 and 16 years old;
Wooyoung has a girlfriend.
You don't know why that's something that bothers you so much.
Maybe because you don't understand what a girl could possibly see in Jung Wooyoung to willingly let him hold her hand or...God forbid, kiss her. Ew.
That's a lie, maybe even a bad attempt at coping on your part because there's a general consensus in your high school that Jung Wooyoung is good-looking. 
You didn't even think he was ugly when you were younger, when he was pulling on your pigtails and teasing you for playing with dolls. He was cute for an annoying kid back then too with his chubby cheeks and bowl haircut.
He was especially cute now, a recent discovery of yours which you have no one else to thank except puberty. It did wonders on your hormones and it did wonders on Jung Wooyoung too. 
His jawline got sharper the more baby fat he lost and lips grew fuller. His boyish smile was very attractive, even his smile lines were captivating. Wooyoung grew taller as well, not by much compared to the other boys in his grade but he was tall just enough so you'd have to look up to him when you argue but not enough to be intimidated by him.
So, yes, you supposed you'd understand the appeal if it weren't for his stupid mouth and mean words more often than not, directed at you. You threw shots back as well, sometimes even started an argument first if you were feeling particularly annoying but maybe that sums up why you're so bothered.
He started dating Chaeyoung at the beginning of this summer and since you have the fortune (read: misfortune) of living in the house right across the street from Wooyoung's, you were an unlucky witness to most of their dates.
And he was so sweet to her. He'd buy her cheap flowers and ice cream, they'd walk around the neighbourhood holding hands, they'd take Wooyoung's younger brother Kyungmin to the playground in the evenings. Wooyoung would smile a lot at her and Chaeyoung would always smile back.
You even saw them kiss. Just once.
When you were folding laundry in your bedroom, you looked through the window just in time to see their lips connect on Wooyoung's front porch. You quickly looked away, feeling shy and embarrassed, not understanding why you were blushing or feeling so sad all of a sudden.
Why was he so nice to other girls but never to you? You shouldn't think too much about it, the problem isn't you. Chaeyoung wasn't just some other girl but his girlfriend. Of course, he'd treat her special.
Whatever. You scoff as you watch Chaeyoung run to Wooyoung across the quad as you adjust your sports bag over your shoulder. 
She jumps into his arms and you can hear his loud, annoying laughter even to here as his arms wrap around her and he picks her up from the ground.
"What are you doing?" You almost jump out of your skin at the sound of Ryujin's voice as she nosily tries to follow where you were staring at.
Ryujin was the first friend you met since you started high school two weeks ago. She might be the only friend you have for awhile since you haven't really been trying to even get to know your classmates as you were too busy trying out for the girls football team.
You don't remember when you started actively playing football exactly. You always played it for fun with the boys from the neighbourhood (Wooyoung included)  but maybe it was around seventh grade when your dad pestered you into trying out a sport because he didn't know what else to do with you so he packed you up and sent you to a sports camp for two weeks one summer, that you started actually playing.
You went there only caring about your iPad and came back saying you'll be a professional football player.
Your dad doesn't want to say it but you know he thinks it's a fickle dream that will fizzle out with age.
Thankfully, Ryujin shared the same love for the sport as you so for now, you were relieved and content to spend time with her. She was nice.
You didn't need anyone else but maybe it would've been nice if someone who was older, who you were familiar with even if you always fought, would give you a couple of words of useful advice. Regarding the new teachers and subjects and all.
High school was scary.
"Nothing." You answer quickly, turning your back to Wooyoung and his girlfriend and fully facing your new friend.
"Nothing?" Ryujin gives you a suspicious smile, eyes darting over your shoulder once more before she ruffles your hair. You yelp. "Do you have a crush already, Y/N?"
You gently shove her away with a huff, fixing your bangs, "Don't be stupid. These boys are all ugly."
A crush. As if!
She laughs at that, throwing her arm around your shoulder as she directs you both to the field where practice was held, already yapping about her own crush.
"Hey, isn't that your neighbour?" Chaeyoung nudges Wooyoung with her elbow, nodding somewhere behind Wooyoung. He cranes his neck to follow the direction before his eyes land on you.
He snorts, "Yeah."
You were standing in the middle of the football field, sweaty and red in the face from all the running, with your hands on your hips as you paid attention to what your coach was yelling towards your teammates across the field.
The school's jersey seemed far too big on your lanky form and your hair was a mess, always slipping out of your ponytail. You were much smaller in build than the rest of the team and it looked funny to Wooyoung.
He didn't expect you to be into sports, let alone a sport like football. In fact, Wooyoung is surprised that you don't burst into tears when you start arguing with the makeshift referee played by another student. It's what usually happens if you spend longer than a minute arguing with Wooyoung.
And then he ends up being the bad guy for making you cry but no one ever mentions that you sometimes provoke him first as well but can't take it when it's dished right back.
Since you're such a crybaby.
He watches with an amused grin as you bare your teeth at the referee, who is really just a senior that thought it would be a fun time but now he has to stand arguing with you. And to Wooyoung's further amusement, the older boy who is almost two heads taller than you, looks like he's about to shit his pants in front of you.
Hm. Maybe not such a crybaby when it's anyone else but Wooyoung.
"I think she has a crush on you."
He turns to look at his girlfriend with a confused look, growing further confused when she smiles teasingly at him.
"Who?" He asks and she gives him a knowing look before nodding in your direction again. Wooyoung splutters out a surprised laugh, "Y/N?"
"Yeah." She nods excitedly, giggling, "She's cute."
Wooyoung scoffs with an eyeroll, "She's a kid."
A kid who might have a small crush on Wooyoung but still, a kid nonetheless.
He'd be stupid to say he didn't notice that you sometimes stare at him a little too much but what the hell is he supposed to do about that. You just started high school, you probably weren't even aware of what you were doing. It was a childish crush because at the end of the day that's what you are - childish.
Chaeyoung giggles again, the sound is soft and sweet, leaning her head against his shoulder. 
"It's kind of sweet." She sighs dreamily and Wooyoung snorts because nothing about you was sweet, "You're her handsome neighbour, the only guy who's always been close to her since she was a kid, she probably starts those childish arguments with you so you'd give her attention and then writes about you in her diary and-"
"Y/N is the last person to have a diary, first of all." Wooyoung interrupts with a snicker before looking down on his girlfriend who is teasing him, "Second of all, you sound ridiculous."
Chaeyoung lifts her head up from where it rested against him and looks at him seriously, her lips pressed together. Then she starts imitating Wooyoung's last sentence in a deeper voice that sounds nothing like him, "You sound ridiculous-ah!"
She squeals when Wooyoung pinches her at the waist lovingly and it turns to tickling her as he presses kisses to her cheeks.
As they continue to exchange kisses between hushed giggles, the conversation about you is forgotten.
18 and 20 years old;
From the moment you opened the door to greet your date, you knew that the whole night would be a complete and utter disaster.
Maybe you watched too many teen movies that romanticized prom night so much that even you ended up believing and looking forward to the glorified fantasy of it but boy, were you in for a rude awakening.
Your prom date was a boy from your Calculus class named Eunwoo. 
To be completely honest, you were convinced for the entirety of your senior year that you wouldn't have a date for prom at all because not much has changed since freshman year.
You still had one good friend (two, if you count Ryujin's friend that says she likes hanging out with you) and your focus was always on football. Add schoolwork and keeping up your good grades and you truly didn't have much time left for socializing.
So when Eunwoo pulled you aside after your football practice and asked you if you wanted to go to prom together with a handsome boyish smile on his face, your excitement for that night skyrocketed.
Eunwoo wasn't exactly a friend but he was nice to you during class, maybe you were wrong but his niceness sometimes even bordered flirting. Already, you were daydreaming about a possible boyfriend to spend your last summer with before you start college.
With a date or without one, you spend the bigger portion of your senior year saving up money for prom night or should you say prom preparations.
Makeup was never your strongest suit, in fact, it wasn't a suit of yours at all. You never wore it. You never did your hair either. 
Even on the rare occasion that you went to a high school party, you never wore anything else aside from jeans and T-Shirts. You were an athlete and you committed to the bit entirely, always being ready to sweat and opting for comfort of loose clothes above anything else.
But you wanted to look nice for prom, pretty. Not because of Eunwoo but for yourself. Prom is only once and you wanted to make sure you do it with confidence. 
All your saved up allowance went on the hair and makeup appointment along with your dress that Ryujin helped you pick out. The dress was quite simple in your opinion, a dark red one with a square neckline held up by two thin straps that clung to your curves and flared out at the bottom.
With your hair pinned up in an up-do with two curled strands framing your face and glitter on your eyelids, you thought you looked very pretty, beautiful even. Hell, it was probably the best you looked in your entire eighteen years of life. You could even put up with the painful heels for the sake of it.
Your dad made you pose over the whole house while you waited for your date to pick you up. First a photoshoot on the stairs, then one on the front porch, then a little in front of the living room fireplace. 
He seemed so excited with his camera hanging around his neck as he followed you around the house.
It was one of the moments you wished your mom was here for but nonetheless, it was much fun with your dad only as well. You were happy.
It all went to shit though once you opened the door for Eunwoo and he started laughing in your face.
"Oh my God!" He laughs, almost doubling over at the apparent hilarity of your appearance, "What are you wearing?!"
You laugh nervously, ignoring your father's glance at you from the sheer embarrassment, "What? Is it that bad?"
"No, no." Eunwoo shakes his head, wiping a stray tear that escaped while he was laughing, "It's just not like you, at all."
"Oh." You give him a sour smile, your fragilely built ego shattering completely. "I was just...trying something new I guess..."
He snickers with a headshake before offering you his hand, "Come on, let's go take a photo?"
After a small moment of hesitation, feeling your cheeks burn from the humiliation, you let him grab your hand and step out on the front porch. Eunwoo places a hand around your waist to pull you closer as you both smile at your dad's camera.
A couple of photos later, you both head towards Eunwoo's car as your dad waves you goodbye. You give him a small, almost sad wave back as Eunwoo opens the door for you. You ask him;
"Do I really look funny?"
"No, you look pretty no matter what." He answers, helping you with your dress. "It's just doesn't suit you I guess, it's not like you."
"Ah..." You say staring at the dashboard as you watch him round the car to get into the driver's seat. You glance back at your dad just to see him get back into your house and for a split second, you want to call the whole thing off and go back inside with him.
Of course this doesn't suit you. You were the girl guys dapped up in the hallways, the girl that was always covered in hoodies and sweatpants and never wore makeup. You must look stupid, all dolled up like this. What were you thinking.
Prom celebration is usually held at a hotel not far from your high school. The ballroom is enormous, with vast marble floors and high ceilings illuminated by golden, shimmery lights. It looks straight out a fairytale with colorful dresses worn by pretty princess and handsome princes in their extravagant suits. Only, you don't feel like a princess at all.
Eunwoo and you find your table and you briefly say hi to Ryujin and her date. Ryujin tells you how amazing you look and you give her the first (and possibly, only) genuine smile of the night.
"So," Eunwoo starts the conversation a few minutes after you settle down at your table with drinks, "Did you decide where you're going for college? Any scouts?"
"I'm leaning towards SNU. Their Women's Football Club is really strong and I feel like they actually get proper investments and budget." You tell him and he grins interrupting your next sentence.
"See, this is why I like you. It's hard to find a girl who knows about sports and is so chill about everything."
Your mouth stays parted, the rest of your sentence (which was really just saying that the fact the male football team was hot contributed to your decision as joke) went unsaid as his words registered. Every "compliment" Eunwoo gives you is starting to come off so backhandedly that you're beginning to realize that while he thinks he has you all figured out - he doesn't actually know you at all.
You give him a fake laugh and pray to God it doesn't sound fake enough for him to notice as you take a sip of your drink.
An hour later, your heels are killing you so much that you've completely given up on dancing. You observe Ryujin on the dance floor with her date, still going at it and sigh with the silent question of when it would be your turn. Instead, you're stuck to the sidelines with shoes that feel awful on your feet and a date that can't stop talking about how it's attractive that you're a "girl that actually eats". Eunwoo's compliments are becoming weirder by the second.
"Should I just take you home?" Eunwoo asks with an amused smile as he observes you taking off your heels for the tenth time since you sat back down.
"Ah, would you mind?" You give him an apologetic smile, feeling like a burden and a not-so-much-fun date, "I'm sorry, Eunwoo, this is unfair to you-"
"Nah, I had a fun time." He shakes his head, downing the rest of his drink, "Next time, just be yourself though, yeah?"
The weirdly phrased statement makes you pause. "What do you mean?"
"You know, you don't have to dress like this!" He laughs, playfully playing with the thin strap of your dress. You subtly move away from his touch. "It's not like you at all. I don't know if your friends talked you into it just to fit in but you shouldn't let them push you around like this."
He's so wrong that you can't speak for a moment but even if you could, you feel like trying to explain yourself to him would be far too exhausting and would lead to nowhere. Nor do you want it to lead anywhere anymore, if you were honest.
"Girls like that are so exhausting." He gives a tired sigh. "Outfits and makeup aren't the only thing in the world."
"Girls....like that?"
"You know! Like, the touchy-feely shit. Everything is about color-coordination and nail polishes with them. God forbid their hair is out of place. What a headache!" Eunwoo runs a hand through his hear before giving you an award winning smile. "That's why I'm glad I got to hang out with you! You're real."
"I'm....real?" You ask with a cocked head as your eyes start to narrow. He's too busy thinking that you like what he's saying so he continues.
"Yeah. You know, you keep it real. You're not caught up in that frivolous, girly bullshit. You're so chill, Y/N." He keeps smiling at you like he just gave you the highest form of compliment he possibly could.
But you can't bring yourself to crack a smile even if someone held a barrel of a gun to your temple at the moment. In fact, you feel like throwing up. You should've know from the start, from the moment he was so unreasonably impressed with your lack of makeup at the beginning of the year.
Eunwoo was one of those guys.
"Um," You slide your heels back on and grab your clutch, "You know what, you stay. I'll go."
"Wait, what." His brows raise in half confusion and half surprise as he watches you stand up from your seat.
"Yeah, I'll walk home."
"Wait, Y/N. Why would you walk home? I already said I'd drop you off-"
"No thanks. I don't want to get in a car with a sexist."
"What?!" Eunwoo reels back, "What the fuck are you talking about?! I'm not a sexist! I respect women!"
You huff, turning to him with a glare. "You respect women who are "cool" and "chill" and basically act like men. You should've just taken one of your dudes to prom if these are your opinions. I'm out."
So, that's how you find yourself in your pretty dress sitting in one of the plastic chairs of a convenience store with a popsicle in your mouth as you watch the cars drive by. You were too embarrassed to arrive home so early, you hyped up prom night so much to your dad - you'd rather lie and tell him you had a good time.
If the night couldn't possibly get any shittier, while you eat away at your cherry popsicle feeling undeniably sorry for yourself, you hear a familiar laugh followed by sounds of shoes scuffing against the pavement towards the convenience store.
Of course. Of fucking course, Jung Wooyoung would show up now, when you needed him least.
You try to make yourself seem as small as possible in the plastic chair, hoping he or his two friends wouldn't notice you (which in retrospect was a dumb hope, you were sitting right by the entrance in a fucking prom dress).
Ever since Wooyoung graduated high school two years ago, you only saw him in passing. He'd come home for Christmas holidays or a week or two during the summers and you'd only catch him skunk out of his house and into his dad's car if you were lucky. Unlucky, that is of course.
Maybe you were hoping he wouldn't even recognize you and although it would kind of hurt (as embarrassing as that is to admit), you feel like it would be a better option.
But since you were on a roll tonight, obviously this is just another thing that doesn't go your way.
"Nice dress, Y/L/N." You hear Wooyoung's voice speak, followed by snickers from his idiotic friends and his own attempt at stifling his laughter as they walk past you and into the convenience store, the small bell above the door signaling their entrance.
That ends up being your last straw. 
You don't cause another fight or yell something back after him, no, you don't have the energy to do that tonight. Instead, you feel like you will cry.
Tears are already burning at your eyes and your bottom lip wobbles, you're not even aware that your eyes follow Wooyoung through the display of the store, watching him as he picks up a pack of beer and heads for the cashier.
He got even more painfully handsome than he was when you'd see him every day before he graduated. His hair was double toned, the top of it black and the bottom strands bleached, brushing the nape of his neck.
You think you could even see a tattoo peaking under his shirt as he moves.
Jung Wooyoung was so not your type. Not that you really knew what your type was but all the guys that you found cute in your high school years were athletes, jocks who were organized and dedicated to their routine which in your opinion showcased their maturity, got good grades and were respected by their peers. Wooyoung was really the complete opposite of that so it was hard to explain why you so weirdly hung up over his approval.
He's still laughing about something with his friends, it would hurt so badly if it was about you, as his eyes dart through the display and connect with your own.
Wooyoung does a double take before his big smile slowly slips and dare you say, eyes soften as he looks at you and his lips part as if he wants to say something. 
It could all be in your head though and you're feeling even worse now that he caught you staring at him like a total creep, so you throw your popsicle in the trash and get up with a sigh, slipping back into your heels and deciding to just go home.
"Hey, Y/L/N! Wait up, I'll give you a ride home!" Wooyoung calls out after you, the plastic bag swinging back and forth in his hand. 
He can hear Chanwook's hushed objection which Wooyoung chooses to ignore, instead focused on walking closer to you. You couldn't make it far since you were basically limping in your heels.
"No thanks." Wooyoung hears your response and rolls his eyes. He hasn't spoken to you in the last two years at all but he can see that nothing has changed much - you were still too stubborn for your own good.
You didn't even bother to turn back and look at him, instead you hitch your dress further up and continue up the street and away from the convenience store.
"Y/N, come on. Quit being a brat and just wait for me to bring the car around."
"I said no!" You yell over your shoulder and let out a small yelp when you stutter a bit on your feet. To Wooyoung, you resembled Bambi right now.
"I'm trying to help you!" He yells back, still following you, "Just let me drive you back-"
"Wooyoung, seriously, fuck off!" You turn to face him with red cheeks and teary eyes (maybe that's why he's insisting so badly to drive you home, you simply look pathetic), "I don't need your fucking help!"
Wooyoung reels back at your tone and harsh words and then a wave of embarrassment washes over him when he hears Chanwook and Eunhyuk laugh behind him, at the fact that he just got told off by his little neighbour.
The embarrassment is followed up by anger that prickles at his skin like needles, he scoffs and if there's one thing Wooyoung will be - it's petty; "Fine! Limp home in your stupid heels then, see if I give a shit!"
You don't give him a response and Wooyoung doesn't bother to look for it either, instead turns around on his feet and heads towards his car (his dad's car). But not before telling a laughing Chanwook to shut the fuck up.
But once he's in the car with the keys in the ignition, he stares at the steering wheel in obvious contemplation before letting out a small groan, "Fuck."
Wooyoung turns to Chanwook, "Sit in the back, please."
His friend looks at him in surprise and confusion. "What?"
"Just sit in the back, will you? Please." Wooyoung repeats, avoiding Chanwook's eyes but feeling his stumped stare.
"Wooyoung, you cannot be serious." His friend laughs in disbelief as if reading his mind, looking around before giving Wooyoung another incredulous look, "She just told you to fuck off!"
Eunhyuk is quiet in the back which is a huge relief for Wooyoung, he really didn't need to defend himself to his other friend too.
"I can't let her go by foot in the dark, you've seen her! She can barely walk!" Wooyoung says defensively to both of his friends as Chanwook moves to the back with a huff.
"And that's your problem...how?" Chanwook, like the annoying pest he is, asks.
"It's not...." Wooyoung trails off, trying to look for an excuse as to why he was going out of his way to give you a ride home. "But...but her dad would kill me if he knew I saw her and didn't drive her back. It's only right."
Chanwook smacks his lips obnoxiously loud, "Sure."
Wooyoung doesn't even need to turn around to know that his friend is giving him a very bold side eye right now.
Eunhyuk snorts but doesn't say anything else. Wooyoung is thankful for that at least.
"She probably won't even want to get in the car." Chanwook comments quietly as they reach you on the sidewalk. He ends up being ignored.
Wooyoung rolls the window of the old car down so he can talk to you, he has to say you're walking at an impressively slow pace. "Y/N, get in the car."
He hears you groan dramatically from the outside, "Jung, you're not my dad. Stop telling me what to do."
Wooyoung ignores Chanwook and Eunhyuk's snickers in the back once again, he grows even more irritated, "I'll call your fucking dad right now and tell him you're walking home alone this late. How about that?"
You turn to him with your glossy lips twisted into a scowl, "You wouldn't."
Always ready to prove a point or in this case, lie straight out of his ass, Wooyoung makes a show of stopping his car next to the sidewalk and fishing his phone from the pocket of his jacket before opening up his contacts and beginning to scroll. He doesn't even have your dad's number.
But Wooyoung is a professional bullshitter so he keeps pressing random buttons with a straight face and presses the phone to his ear before turning to you with his brows raised-
"Okay, fine!" You exclaim with an angry huff and start rounding his car as your cheeks flush a pretty pink color. Wait, pretty-? You open the door and angrily plop into the passenger's seat with a glare directed towards him, "Fucking snitch."
Wooyoung ignores you, locking his phone without another word and beginning to drive away.
There's an awkward silence in the car, only sounds being made are those of the plastic bags filled with beer that keep rustling in Eunhyuk's lap.
"This isn't the way to our street." You say and Wooyoung might be crazy but you almost sound a little nervous at that. He glances at you before it dawns onto him. Of course, you'd be feeling nervous.
It's nighttime and you're in a car with three dudes older than you who you don't know that well. Wooyoung didn't even bother telling you about his plan before he started driving. A curse runs through his head before he clears his throat,
"I'll just drop these two off at a party nearby and then drive you home." He murmurs, chest constricting a little when he sees you cross your hands over your chest, a gesture which makes you seem smaller.
"Wait, wha-" Chanwook, gosh he was really pissing Wooyoung off tonight, starts from the backseat. "Woo, I thought you were going too-"
"I will." Wooyoung interrupts him with a clenched jaw as he pulls up to the house where the party is held, "I'll drop Y/N off and then come back, it won't take more than fifteen minutes. Now get out- Wait, give me that bag right there."
Eunhyuk hands him one of the plastic bags and Wooyoung fishes through it and pulls out two blueberry ice creams out of it before giving the bag back to Eunhyuk. Which he bought for himself, of course. Not because he saw your popsicle melting on the pavement or anything.
Chanwook watches with a dropped jaw before huffing, Wooyoung hears him murmur, "Doing it for her dad, my ass-" 
"I'll be right back!" Wooyoung announces loudly, far too loudly, and Eunhyuk slams the car door shut so Wooyoung can drive away.
When he pulls away, the silence in the car is almost stifling so Wooyoung offers you the ice cream, "Here."
You look at him like a second head just popped out of his shoulder before looking back through the window and ignoring him completely. Wooyoung lets out a small groan. So stubborn.
"Oh my God, just take it." He says, placing the ice cream on your lap as he continues to drive. He bites back a smile when he sees you stare at the ice cream on your lap for a long second before grasping it and opening the wrapper so you can eat it.
Wooyoung really doesn't know what he's doing right now.
He doesn't know why he bought ice creams for you, he doesn't know why he insisted on getting rid of his friends first before dropping you off home, he has no idea why he keeps glancing at you every couple of seconds from the corner of his eye and he especially doesn't have a clue why he takes the longer route home.
When tomorrow comes and he wakes up hangover from the party and probably in someone else's bed, he'll give himself the same excuse he gave the boys. He wanted to make sure you got home safely because it's the right thing to do. There was nothing else to it.
But in this moment, right now, in the stifling silence and the breeze that flows through the opened window's because the air conditioning isn't working - Wooyoung notices things that he feels embarrassed to notice, or maybe he noticed them before but never allowed himself to appreciate them until tonight.
Like, how nice your bare neck and collarbones look now that your hair is pinned up in soft curls. A thin silver necklace graces your neck. Or how the two curled strands at the front frame your face prettily. Your eyelids are painted with something shimmery which Wooyoung doesn't know the name of and your cheekbones are a soft peach color intentionally placed there beforehand. 
Your glossy lips wrap around the ice cream cone and you bite off a huge chunk. 
"Why are you staring at me?" Wooyoung can decipher the question even through the mouthful of ice cream as you give him a slight glare.
Because you're pretty. Is what he wants to say, honest and bare, but he obviously can't because you're you and he's Wooyoung. "Because you have ice cream on your nose."
His hands tighten against the steering wheel when he sees you quickly look to the side and wipe at your nose self-consciously. You blush a scarlet red from the embarrassment. Great, now he feels like an asshole.
Wooyoung clears his throat, "Why did you look so sad? Back there, in front of the store."
He has no idea why he's trying to make conversation with you. You two never do that, never did. The closest thing to a conversation between Wooyoung and you would be the arguments you'd have in the middle of the school hallway when he'd tease you for your braces.
Those came off as well, by the way, he can see the pearly white teeth perfectly aligned now as you speak. No longer crooked. Maybe he'd like to see them pulled up in a smile but that's borderline wishful thinking now. You smiling at Wooyoung? Yeah, right.
"No reason." You tell him quietly, slumping in your seat as you continue to eat your ice cream. You sigh with an eyeroll, "Just...prom sucked."
Likely thing to happen.
The key is to go to prom with your expectations so low that you can only go up from there but Wooyoung had an inkling feeling that having low expectations wasn't in your nature.
Besides, you were a jock. He remembers even when you were a freshman, you were already running with the popular crowd without even being aware of it, with the athletes and the cheerleaders. Prom night is sort of a pinnacle of the high school experience for people like you.
Guess it's a bummer that you look like you had a shit time.
He hums, "At the end of the day, it's just another Friday night. Nothing special. So even if it sucked, you'll get over it."
Maybe he wasn't the best at giving advice or comforting people.
You side eye him and he pretends not to see it before you quietly add, "I don't usually spend a year worth of allowance on just another Friday night."
Wooyoung cracks a smile, teasing you being a second nature even if you barely spoke since he graduated, "What? Did you expect a prince charming to sweep you off your feet so you two can dance the night away or something? I didn't know you were into that corny shit, Y/L/N."
He hears you scoff, cheeks still red as you roll your eyes, seriously annoyed, "Whatever. Forget I said anything."
Wooyoung's gives a forced snicker just to annoy you before his smile drops again and his eyes flutter shut for a moment out of pure frustration at his own stupidity, internally cursing himself. If shooting yourself in the foot was a person - it would have Jung Wooyoung's photo and name posted under it.
Why can't you just be nice to her?
The air in the car turns even more awkward and Wooyoung shifts uncomfortably in his seat while you continue to eat your ice cream in silence as you stare through the window.
He slows down in front of your house just when you're finishing your ice cream.
You crumple the wrapper in your hand, place the second ice cream on the dashboard and grab the small bag laying on your lap before grabbing the door handle.
"I hope," Wooyoung starts and when you turn to look at him, he's overcome with a sudden coughing fit which is really just awkwardness and the need to fix whatever the fuck he broke a little even more tonight, "Uh, hope you took some good pictures tonight at least because..."
He trails off, feeling like it was his first time flirting with a girl. Wait, what the fuck. He was not flirting with you. Not even a little bit. Wooyoung was simply trying to pay you a compliment. Simple as that. It doesn't have to be anything more. You don't even need to be friends to pay someone a compliment, in fact, Wooyoung is positive that regular archnemeses complimented each other at least once.
Unfortunately, compliments aren't the norm between the two of you, so whatever nice thing he says feels wrong.
Your brows raise.
"You know," He trails off, scratching the back of his neck in an attempt to seem cool and collected. He nonchalantly adds but his side glances might give him away, fortunately you're too much of a ditz to notice, "You look good."
You stare at him for a long moment, seriously it's so long that he almost changes his mind and adds an insult just so you two would be back in those familiar waters of bickering and teasing each other but then your eyebrows fall back down and a scowl overtakes your features.
"Yeah, right." You mumble and Wooyoung almost feels insulted for some reason but then you continue, "Thanks for the ride."
And then you're out of the car and already moving across your front lawn before Wooyoung can snap out of it and remember to turn the car back on.
19 and 21 years old;
"10 more minutes! Y/L/N stop arguing with that asshole and get back into your position before you're out of the game completely!" 
Your coach is red in the face from all the shouting and you know what's good for you, so you keep your mouth shut as you run to your spot, thoroughly ignoring the glare your team's captain shoots at you from your right.
The 'asshole' that your coach is referring to is the referee who didn't count a player from the rival team almost breaking your leg by bulldozing into you - as a foul.
"-stole Eunha's position from her and can't even play properly." You hear a snicker behind you and don't even have to turn to know who it's directed at.
Despite it being only your first semester, you haven't made the greatest impression on your teammates (nor did you try all that much to change that impression). 
So for the time being, when there was no rival team, you were the collective enemy in the changing rooms and on the practice field. A freshman who kicked their friend from the spot she had since she started college. A freshman who thought she was better than the rest of her team. A freshman who didn't know how to behave at times. A freshman that made them run extra laps because she was bad at remembering all the new rules at times.
And now, a freshman that was playing badly and fucking up things for the rest of them.
"Y/N!" A hiss from your right is heard and your eyes zero in on your captain, Jihyo, who is staring at you. "Focus."
You swallow harshly and give her a quick now before focusing your gaze to the front.
In high school, you weren't used to losing. You were a winner, it's what you prided yourself in. Failure wasn't an option when it came to football.
But turns out in college, when all the other players are as good as you, winning isn't as easy.
In fact it’s a lot harder than you thought it would be. Nearing the end of the first half the score sheet is still empty and it annoys all of the players and the fans as well. The weirdest thing is how ball is not even on your team's side of the field most of the time; your defenders did not have a very entertaining start of the game in comparison to defenders from Busan, who already look out of breath from all of the attacks to their side. Not to mention that they keep teaming up on you specifically.
You can’t pinpoint what exactly is wrong and why there was no goal to this point; half of you thinks it’s because you didn’t blend well with the team. 
"Run, run, run!" Yeonjin shouts, when Sinb loses the ball and Busan’s midfielders rush to their side.
The spike of adrenaline energizes you and your eyes zero on the ball, running after it. Mina’s figure passes from your left and both of you corner the midfielder, successfully getting the ball to your side. You have it and quickly pass it to Yeonjin, seeing her signal for the ball. You watch her run off when a body collides with your own and the impact is so strong, you lose your balance, falling down.
‘What?’ You ask yourself in disbelief not understanding how you're sprawled across the grass again, slowly standing up. At first you're shell-shocked but now anger fills you to the brim when you see that it's the same girl who intentionally collided with you the first time, watching you with a smug smirk and then you're just  ready to fight.
 You push back at her and get even angrier when the bitch doesn't fall. 
"Are you going to go tattle to mommy?" She asks with a mocking concern and you can’t hear anything; you even forget that you are in the middle of the game because your anger turns your vision red. 
With a loud groan, you launch towards her and grab her by the shirt, screaming to her face that 'she's a cunt'. There are hands around you, pulling you away, trapping you and not letting you go even when you try to break free.
Jihyo's face is in front of you and you can't register what she's saying but you can see her turn red from how pissed off she is. Maybe it's better if you're not listening to her, if you can't hear anyone actually...but then-
"Hey, number nine! You better not fucking cry!"
At first, you think the loud yell came from somewhere on the field. You thought another player from the Busan team was talking shit. And then,
"Number nine! Crybaby!"
There's some laughter in the audience and it's then that you realize the voice is shouting from the fucking bleachers.
A teammate is already pulling you in the opposite direction but your eyes are glued to crowd sitting on the sidelines, the annoying voice insistently yelling. Crybaby. Crybaby. Crybaby.
The worst part is that the voice sounds so painfully familiar, you just can't put your finger on it. Who.
You're about to let it go. You're about to be the bigger person and not act like a total brute on the field, just let it go Y/N. But then-
"Hey, hey crybaby!" You stop in your tracks, head whipping to the direction the voice was coming from and eyes coasting over the bleachers. "What kind of hill did you roll down from that you don't even know how to push someone back properly?!"
Finally, you spot it. Him. In a red hoodie, making sure to stand out in the sea of blue. It's no wonder the voice sounded so eerily familiar, you've heard it screaming at you for the majority of your childhood and a good chunk of your teen years. 
Because he rolled down the same hill as you with only a street separating you.
When he realizes that you've caught onto him, he gives you that smile. That grin that never led to anything good, pearly white teeth gleaming under the lights of the bleachers as he taunts you.
You blood pressure jumps so, you take a deep breath and....scream;
"Jung Wooyoung!"
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dawnisdreamlanding · 5 months
Ghost x Reader x Konig
Neighbor!au and Roommate!au
About me | Masterlist |
Author's note: Hey hey hey! It's been a while hahahs I actually have chapter 4 and chapter 5 planned out but i havent got the energy to write them :') All i can say is that everything in this story has been going too well right now... >:)
(Also if you have any fanfic ideas/ asks feel free to send an ask or dm me :D)
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You’re waiting once again for Simon to pick you up from work. It’s now become an almost daily thing for a month now, the two of you. You’d finish work, Simon would show up in his pickup truck and occasionally the two of you would eat dinner together.
Okay, you do partially feel as if you’re cheating on Konig in some way by having dinner with your neighbor (Konig said he had a work emergency and he was going to be gone for a month or two), but your roommate wasn’t here to keep you company anymore and you weren’t willing to eat dinner alone after being so accustomed to the company you had.
Today, the atmosphere in the car seems a little different than the rest. Just a little, though. You decide not to comment on it and buckle your seatbelt before he starts driving. “How was work?” Simon would ask the usual question. “Fine,” you would reply tiredly with a sigh. The two of you would fall into a domestic routine in such a short time, yet neither of you ever really questioned it.
The patter of rain provided a relaxing white noise as the two of you sit in comfortable silence, waiting for the traffic light to turn green. The streetlamps glisten and you turn to see Simon in his balaclava that he wears only when going on missions.
“I’m going to be deployed. Tonight.” He finally breaks it to you. “Oh.” You reply, but you can’t be sure if it sounded sad or understanding. Maybe both. “Do you know when you’re coming back?” He shrugs, eyes still fixated on the road. “I’m thinkin’ 2 months at least.”
There’s another silence that follows, but this time around it’s filled with a lot of unsaid words waiting to be spoken into existence. Simon turns to look at you. God, he wishes he didn’t because the red from the traffic light paints your features in the best way, and he doesn’t think he could forget this moment anytime soon. “You’ll be fine without me yeah?” Simon finally asks. You feel like there’s a secret message lying hidden somewhere in the question by the way he looks at you, but you can’t quite put your finger on it. “Yeah, I’ll be fine.”
You spend your days without Simon and Konig counting. Counting how many days it’s been since they’ve been gone, and the times you accidentally cook food for two. Today marks the 2 month mark, and to be honest, you still haven’t gotten used to your apartment engulfed in darkness when you get back from work. You sigh.
Simon spends his days counting unconsciously. He takes another long drag from his cigarette and watches the smoke slowly disappear into the night sky outside of a bar the team decided to celebrate their victory at. It’s a little chilly. Winter is approaching, and he hopes you’re warm and tucked into your apartment right about now. Soap stands beside him, accompanying him. “You goin’ home for Christmas, L.T?” he says. Soap expects Ghost to say no, or to say something along the lines of spending the holiday alone.
Ghost gazes at the stars which is something he doesn’t really do since he was a kid and god, he swears he still sees your face as the stars twinkle. He hums. “Got a Christmas gift for someone. Gotta give it to ‘em somehow.” Soap’s taken aback at his answer but chooses not to pry too much into his private life. Not this time at least. Suddenly the bar cheers with happiness and the clinking of beer bottles. “Happy for ya, L.T.” Soap says as a small knowing smile spreads on his lips.
Ghost spends the time taken for the trip back to his civilian life decompressing and when he reaches home, he wants nothing more than the dinners the two of you had before he left for the mission. But he decides the moment his duffel bag hits the floor, that he really, really needs to sleep first. That doesn’t stop him from thinking about you though, cause he dreams of the moment when he picked you up from work in his pickup truck.
You’re ecstatic when Simon tells you he’s back. You prepare dinner, finally making food for two (or three, with how much this guy eats). And you’re basically skipping when Simon knocks on your door.
Dinner with Simon is calm yet filled with excitement and happiness. You both catch up on each other’s lives, and you tell him about everything he’s missed out on since he left. You tell him about the stray orange cat that found its way into your apartment once (you still have no clue how) and has now become a visitor occasionally — you leave out the part where you subconsciously named it after him.
You’re washing the dishes and Simon’s keeping the leftovers for your lunch tomorrow when the topic of long distance relationships get brought up. “I mean, it must be hard to maintain relationships, right? Especially since you don’t get to see each other for ages.” Ghost hums in agreement, a sign that you’ve learnt to understand that he’s listening to you intently. “I can’t imagine working in the military is any easier. Hell, I felt a little sad when you left too, I can’t imagine what your girlfriend would be feeling.”
“Don’t have one.” He says. And you smile a little. “Yeah, but imagine if you did. It’ll be like one of those old war movies.” You giggle at the thought and Simon joins you in washing the dishes. “Oh, my darling,” you say in an exaggerated voice of a lover. “I don’t think I could love you anymore. The pain is too much to bear!”
Your theatrics tugs the corner of Simon’s lips upwards and he looks at you softly, arching his brow. “Y’ love me?” his voice rumbles, and it sounds something akin to the taste of vanilla ice cream with caramel drizzled on top which is weird, because you’ve never really liked the taste of caramel. Well, not until now.
There’s a certain softness in this moment, you tell yourself. There’s this feeling that you don’t think you could forget this look on his face. You blink and he’s taken the soapy cutlery from your hand and starts to wash the soap off them. “I forget how much I miss my soft bed when I come back. And being able to sleep in a little longer.” He sighs and it’s your turn to hum along. “And I missed your cooking.” He says a little softer this time, eyes focusing on the bubbles as they get washed away from the water. I missed this, you think.
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Taglist: @gojo-mochi
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444rockstargf · 1 month
Soooo i have a request for charlie🤭🤭
I was thinking maybe the reader has had a crush on charlie since, like, the beginning of the school year or something, but she’s seen him flirting with Kirby on and off. Charlie ends up seeing the reader pissed after he flirts with Kirby and teases the reader about it…which ends up with them in an argument/memoir session maybe? maybe soft dom charlie? idk idk🤭 anywho have an amazing day!! xoxo
omg this request made me realize that I havent written for charlie in ages!
"when you gonna ditch that stupid (*)" | charlie walker
meet me in the pale moonlight. - lana del rey
✮⋆˙ [tags] @faesucksass @lustkillers @mayathepsychic1999 @josibunn @si1nful-symph0ny @mayathepsychic1999 @@romanroyapoligist @livingdead-materialgirl @auggiethecreator @oliviah-25 @vanlisbon @lankysimp @livingdead-reilly @yungbloodsuxca @kashmirclam @imoonkiss @nom-nommmm1 @xxbl00d-cl0txx @wildathevrt @mommymilkers0526 @greenxgloss
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female!reader x charlie
word count: 913
contents: smoking, jealousy, charlie being a loser
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you didn’t care much for school. classes were redundant and monotonous, there was always some sort of drama that you got yourself roped into, and unfortunately for you, you’d always be the second choice for charlie walker. truly embarrassing.
if the flannels and button-up shirts didn’t classify him as a nerd, then the fact that he was a complete film geek and could quote every line in the scream franchise verbatim definitely did. so it was completely lost on you how he’d managed to score a girl like kirby reed.
as you hastily put in your combination into your rusted lock, down the hallway you heard charlie crack a stupid joke to kirby, earning a forced laugh out of her. you glanced at them through your peripherals as they passed by, seeing the way he looked at her with such infatuation and that stupid grin on his face.
you bit your lip, looking into your locker as a sting of envy coiled in your gut. it wasn’t like you were undesirable or anything. you frequently got your fair share of being asked on dates and cute little notes in your locker, but your heart knew exactly what it wanted.
kirby and charlie parted ways, their interaction ending with kirby giving him a playful slap on the chest before walking away. he stood in the center of the hallway, looking like he had just won the lottery with the way he was beaming. you rolled your eyes, slamming your locker shut and trudging out of the building. you had a class right now, but any intention you had of showing up had vanished instantly.
the sun blinded you momentarily, the warmth of the outside wrapping you in a gleaming blanket. you made your way to the fountain, sitting down on the edge and setting down your bookbag. you dug into your pocket, fishing out a nearly empty pack of cigarettes and a hot-pink lighter with a worn-out ghostface sticker on it. a stupid little gift charlie had given you in freshman year.
you tucked the cigarette in between your teeth, lighting it and taking a long drag. you fiddled with you lighter, your mind starting to wander to how you got in this position in the first place. you could’ve sworn that he liked you back. just a month ago, you two had gotten drunk at a party and he’d asked if you wanted to see his movie collection. a strange request, yes, but it was his own way of showing his affection. but now it seemed like he was just playing you like a cheap yoyo.
“smoking on school grounds? how scandalous.” his geeky voice snapped you back to reality. you looked up to see him standing above you, his auburn hair looking like pure gold in the sunshine. you rolled your eyes, exhaling a thin ribbon of smoke. “sue me.” you muttered as he sat down beside you.
you were angry at him but god, why did he have to look so ethereal? his ice-cold irises were swallowed by his pupils as he looked at you, his thigh brushing against you. “i… i haven’t seen you in a while. h-how’ve you been?” he plastered a smile onto his face, obviously uncomfortable by this interaction.
you scoffed. “save me the small talk, charlie. what do you want?” he pouted a little, looking more pathetic than ever. “you mad at me or something?” you turned away slightly, not wanting to see his face or else your cold demeanor may break. he snaked an arm around your waist. “you’re too pretty to be mad, y’know?”
you twirled the cigarette between your fingers. ”i bet you say that to all the girls…” he froze for a moment before smirking a little. “oh, that’s what this is about. you’re jealous, huh?” he pulled you in closer, almost pulling you onto his lap before you began to squirm. “quit it, will you? you can’t just pretend to like me then go ahead and eyefuck kirby everytime you talk to her.” 
he raised an eyebrow. “so it’s fine for you to get asked out by every guy in school but when i talk to another girl you get all mad at me?” he scoffed. you shook your head, putting a hand on his shoulder to turn him back to you. “i reject every single one of them in hopes that one day you’ll gather up the balls to ask me out.” you froze up. you hadn’t meant to reveal that much to me.
but a hint of a smile lit up his face. he glanced down, looking at the lighter in your hand and taking in the sight of the conspicuous sticker on it. he took your hand into his, opening yours to get a better look. “w-woah… you still have this..?” you rolled your eyes a little. “don’t get any ideas. i’ve tried to get it off but it wouldn’t budge.”
he laughed a little, holding you close to him. you felt his faint heartbeat against your back, letting a moment of silence drape over you two. then he spoke again. “h-hey, i never finished showing you my movie collection. are you down tonight to take a look at the rest of them?” it was your turn to roll your eyes. “i swear, you’re the biggest loser in the world.”
he beamed with joy, giving you a tight squeeze around your waist. “i’ll take that as a yes.”
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author's note: i'm so sorry that this took so long to get out, I've been so unorganized lately :((
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dckweed · 2 years
hello my loves, it's been a while since my last part for this series, and i just want to remind yall that these are going total AU, against the plot of stranger things and are totally going off of my own plots/imagination.
I know originally I was planning on only doing four but i think i might possibly turn it into five, y'all don't know this about me yet, but you'll soon find out that i can't leave good enough alone lmao, my brain goes wild i swear. im sorry these are taking so long, and im sorry that i havent gotten any new requests out yet, i honestly just haven't had the motivation!
anyway, i give you part three of the billy installment:
part one , part two
warnings: MINORS SAFE TO READ! mentions of trauma, mentions of abuse of children, billy being completely head over heels for reader, reader being a total love drunk brat for billy, papa hop goes mad bear..billy being a decent big brother
"..DADDY, PLEASE!.." billy hargrove x female!hopper!reader
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Billy had stuck around that day, and for several days after, your father had made it very clear that he was welcome in the house, that he accepted the two of you being together, it made him feel comfortable, like he didn't have to hide anything.
He loves that the two of you could do something as simple as sit on the couch together now. While your father worked at night, the two of you had stayed up on the couch watching old movies, it was probably one of his favorite moments, and it made him smile to think of it. you had sprawled out on the couch, your head in his lap and he had just sat there, leaned against the cushions with his hand playing in your hair for hours as he listened to you laugh at the corny lines coming from the television set.
He looked down at you occasionally, the light from the television coloring your face as it played. He couldn't help but smile lovingly at you and imagine himself in a few years down the road with you, maybe married and in your own home..he wanted to take you to california to see where he was at his happiest, hell he even had thoughts of you with a couple of little ones running around, you round and pregnant, another on the way.
fuck, he thought, i really am in love with her..he couldn't help but smile at the thought though. The night had ended with you falling asleep in his lap, carefully he scoops you up and stands, carrying you gently to your new bedroom.
He had kissed your head gently when he laid you down, covering you up with your comforter. He had gone home when he knew his father wasn't there and had grabbed a few pieces of clothes, you wore his tshirt and he couldn't help but admire it. He sighed, grabbing his keys off of your dresser. He couldn't help but feel a sense of dread wash over him, he didn't want to leave, he felt safe here with you and your father, hell he even liked your sister, she was weird but he thought she was cool. he knew he needed to go back though, Max could only over for him for so long.
Reluctantly he gives you a longing stare from your doorway, flipping the light off before closing your door, he even poked his head in on Eleven, who was sound asleep, before making his way to the front door and out to his car.
It was a long and quiet drive home, during which he smoked more cigarettes than he probably should have. He sat in his drive way for a few minutes, his nerves getting the best of him before he opened the door and made his way up to the porch, sliding his key into the lock.
"Well," He heard from the dark, his heart immediately starting to race in fear. He closed the door, knowing there was no turning back now, he had already walked into the lions den. "look who finally decided to come home from the whore's house."
You were sound asleep, the early hours of the morning still dark and quiet, peaceful even, though that didn't stop you from waking up with a start, wondering if the noise you'd heard was in your sleep or if it had actually happened. You glanced over at the clock, it was just past midnight and Billy wasn't beside you, you knew he must have finally gone home.
You were just about to lay back down when you heard the sound again, a heavy pounding on the front door of your small house. Startled, you jump before you realize the urgency in it and hear a muffled call from outside. Quickly you rise to your feet, swinging your legs over the side of your bed and onto your rug covered floor, not bothering to stop and get your slippers or but on bottoms besides the panties you're wearing, it's not like Billy's shirt didn't cover everything anyway.
Eleven is poking her head out of her doorway as you rush by, looking at you confused. "Stay there." You say, the pounding coming again, it sounded like two fists and you still couldn't make out the voice. Quickly you rush through the living room, skirting around the small coffee table and turn the locks on the door, throwing it open just as the person raises their hand to knock.
"Billy?!" You ask, squinting into the dark. The porch light wasn't on but you could make out his face from the shadowy light of the moon. You see a dark mark on his face, and a panicked looked about his features, you scan the rest of his body with urgency, your eyes widening in surprise. "Max?!"
The girl had blood dribbling from her nose and lip, a small cut on her cheek as well and one of her eyes looked red and swollen. Quickly, horrified, you pull both of them in, the girl looks like she can barely stand on her own, Billy the one supporting her. You lead her to the couch and set her down, Billy just stands behind you, fidgeting nervously with his hands, running them through his hair several times.
"He hit her, he hit her and i didn't know what else to do or where else to go but I couldn't just leave her there she doesn't deserve that.." You hear him say, his voice thick with emotions. You knew that he and Max weren't the friendliest with each other, but you also knew that deep down Billy would never let anything happen to her, and you knew that he must be eating himself alive on the inside for this. "And it's all my fault.." The moment ran through his mind as he paced nervously, trying not to look at his stepsister laying on the couch, half conscious.
"She's not a whore dad," He had said, his voice cool though his blood boiled with rage. How dare he call you a whore, you, sweet and loving Y/N, how dare he even suggest that.
He hears him scoff, hears the lamp in the living room click back on. "She's a whore if I say she's a whore." He says, standing from the chair, his body shadowed by the dim light of the lamp glowing behind him as he stalked closer. "She's probably such a fucking whore that you got her knocked up huh? That's why youve been staying with her, is that it? Hm, Billy?"
Billy clenched his jaw, he couldn't let him talk about you like this. "Shut your fucking mouth." He had growled, his father stopped just before him, stunned by his son's words. He was angered though, he could tell by the way his body tensed and he braces himself for it, the impact of the first closed fisted blow, feel his cheek cut open as his father's ring scraped across the skin. He felt the blood drip down his face and slowly he turns his head to look at his father lips pursed.
"That knock some fucking sense into you?" His father asks, hands raised as if to go again. Billy snaps, he's fucking had enough. Why would he even come back here when he so obviously had a home with you and your family. Fuck, he was stupid for leaving. With a yell he lunges forward, fists flying. He catches the man in the face, connecting with his jaw, and then his eye, trying to knock him down. He trips over the rug in the living room after rushing the man backwards and his father takes it to his advantage, savagely beating his son as he kicks and stomps every inch of him that he can get his foot on.
Billy is curled in, trying to protect himself, he feels something snap in his side and he knows that something is broken. He yells in pain, trying to wrap is brain around how to get out of it, fuck, he didn't want to die this way, and with the way his father was going? He was surely trying to end his life.
He hears a door open, and footsteps come down the hallway. "Stop it!" He hears a voice yell, his father tells them to shut up and doesn't falter in the least on his barrage of kicks, landing a few good stomps to the back of his head. Billy can barely see from the pain at this point and groans. "Leave him alone! You're killing him!"
Suddenly, between his arms covering his face, he catches a glimpse of the long red hair flying, her legs wrapping around his father's waist as she tries to knock him backwards. It works, though only momentarily. The man stumbles, thrashing about as he tries to knock his stepdaughter off. Billy doesn't miss his chance, he clambers to his feet, his body groaning and burning with pain he hadn't felt before, but he stands anyway, tall and proud, arms raised to fight.
After merely a moment, his father knocks the girl off, turning around. Billy hears the sickening sound of his hand connecting with the girls face, smacking her hard enough to send her flying into the coffee table. He could see the blood already, he knew she would have a black eye.
"I told you to stay the fuck out of it, girl." His father sneers, looking down at her menacingly. "Now look at what you've done, guess I need to teach you some respect too, huh?"
Max groans, and Billy knows she's at least conscious. He looks over to her, watching his father turn back to him. "Leave her the fuck alone dad, this is between you and me." He grinds out, looking back at her as she starts to stand. "Maxine, get your ass up and go get in my car..you're not staying here."
He sees the girl stagger slowly to her feet, stumbling to the wall and leaning against it for support. Her upper head was bleeding, she must've hit it on the table. She nears the door, and his father with his chest heaving opens his mouth to yell at her, starting to move towards her. He manages to get his hand in her hair, yanking her backwards before slamming her head into the wall. "Don't you fucki-" He's cut short by Billy connecting with his middle, tackling him to the ground. They crash through the coffee table that Max had landed on, it breaks at the force of their weight, but it gives Billy the upper hand as he connects his fist to his father's face, repeatedly punching the man, one of his hands clutched tightly to his shirt to keep him from moving, he's bought Max enough time to get out.
After a few moments the man is clearly stunned, and Billy stops, letting his head drop as he lets go of his shirt. The man groans as Billy stands to his feet, staggering as he backs away, making his way to the door. "That knock some fucking sense into you, dad?" He sneers, mocking the man as he leaves the living room, slamming the front door closed behind him.
His vision is blurred, and he's unsteady on his feet when he gets into the car, but he looks over at the girl, his little sister as much as he hated it, and he knew he had to go. He reached over, letting his hand rub her hair, she was leaning against the glass, groaning. "You're gonna be okay, I promise I won't ever let him do that to you again..I'm so sorry, Max..so so sorry.." He says, taking his hand away from her head to start the car, punching on the gas to get them as far away as quickly as he could.
"Jesus Christ, Billy.." You breathe, listening to him talk. He looked worse than Max, and your only instinct was to take care of him but you could see how worked up he was over the girl, flinching every time he looked at her. You had El go get you some supplies from the bathroom and kitchen, a damp rag to clean up her face some ice for the bruised eye that was beginning to puff up.
It took only a few minutes to get her taken care of, and shes asleep before you even finish, though you know it's from her injury rather than actual tiredness. You order Eleven to sit with her, to keep an eye on her, tell her what to do incase she throws up before you make your way to Billy, who is still pacing, muttering about how it was his fault.
You step in front of him, and gently you grab his hands, squeezing them in yours and he stops, meeting your eyes. You see the emotion in them, and you can do nothing as you watch them well with tears. God, Billy Hargrove deserved so much fucking better than that piece of shit father of his. "Come, Billy, let's go to my room okay?"
Slowly you make your way to your room. You sit him on the bed, helping him adjust himself so he's leaned again the head board as you climb onto his lap, legs on either side of his thighs as you take his face in your hands, giving him a long, gentle kiss.
His hands go to your waist and you feel his body that was shaking from adrenaline, or maybe fear start to calm. He sighs when you pull away, his eyes closed. You sit up, taking in the damage to his face. You can just barely make out bruising in his hair line, and you hope that his whole head isn't bruised if it was true that his father had kicked him that brutally. His cheek is cut, not horribly deep. It's something you can easily take care of and you take some of your supplies and get to work, Billy's hands still on your waist, gripping you ever so tightly every once in a while.
Once you're finished you straiten up, he opens his eyes and looks at you, almost startled by the movement. He had slowly been falling asleep, your presence and your soothing, gentle hands working on him having lulled him in to a relaxed state. "I'm sorry baby," You say, giving him a small smile. "I need to take your shirt off.." Slowly, gently you raise the hem of his white undershirt, the only thing he had on, and you lift it up over his head and arms that he had helpfully raised for you, despite the pain.
You hiss out a breath, flinching at the sight of his torso. Every inch of his skin was one giant bruise, his entire torso covered in angry reddish-purple marks, more starting to blossom. You ran your hands over his chest and stomach, feeling him tense and grunt at the sensation. "Oh my god, Billy.." You moan, your eyes welling up with tears. How could someone do this to their own child, someone they were supposed to love and protect, to give life not try and take it? You didn't think you'd ever get the answer.
Billy watches you, his heart welling farther with the love that he so deeply felt for you as he watched you fuss and get emotional over his injuries. He knew then that he was really going to marry you, you were the only good thing to come out of Hawkins, you were his future, his reason to live. He couldn't wait to put a ring on your finger, just the thought of it had him going crazy on the inside. "That wasn't exactly the way I planned to have you moaning that tonight.." He smirks half heartedly, trying to ease the tension settling in the room. He didn't like seeing you this upset, especially over him, but he loves that you cared for him that much.
You chuckle, trying to hide a sniffle behind it as you wipe your eyes, bringing your hands back down to his body, this time going gently over his sides. He yells loudly in pain when you just barely brush over one of his ribs. His hands squeeze your hips tightly and he groans as he breathed through the blinding pain brining through his torso. You lean down, getting a closer look. You can just barely make out the break through his skin, nothing that one or two of his ribs were caved in just the slightest bit.
"Holy shit, Billy..he broke them." You say, your eyes welling with tears again. You didn't know what to do, but you knew he wouldnt want to go to the hospital, and you didn't want to take him without your father in case the abusive man showed up. You cleaned him up as best as he could, rubbing some muscle cream over his torso in hopes that he wouldnt be so sore, and after a while, once youve wrapped some large gauze around his middle as tightly as he could without hurting him, to help splint his rib cage, you get up.
"Come on, you ought to lay down, love.." You whisper, taking his hand as you help him slide down into the bed, gently taking off his boots and his pants for him before you cover him up with your comforter. "Let me go get you some aspirin, okay? Helps with swelling.."
You turn to leave but his hand stops you, you glance at him as he pulls you to him, pulling you downwards. He brings his hand up, grunting as he moves his ribs and brings it to the back of your head, pushing you down so that your lips meet his in a slow, passionate embrace. "I love you,Y/N.." He whispers when he pulls away, releasing you as well.
"I love you too.." You whisper back, kissing his forehead every so gently before rushing off to the kitchen in search of aspirin. By the time you make it back, he's already snoring loudly, head turned to the side on your pillows. You watch him for a moment, giving him a small affectionate smile as you set the medicine and water down in the coffee table.
You go back out to the living room. Glancing at the clock. "Dad will be home soon, I'm going to wait outside for him, okay?" You ask, going to start a pot of coffee in the kitchen, pulling your hair back.
"Y/N," You hear your sisters small voice, she was say next to her friend, tears brimming in her eyes as she looked up at you. You smile at her. "What's going to happen to them?"
"I don't know, for right now..they'll stay here, Dad won't let them go back, and I won't let him let them go back..he could have killed Billy.." You say, scooping the amount of coffee grounds you liked into the coffee maker. "He could have killed her, look at what he did with just a smack." You should have had his father taken care of a long time ago, you didn't want to interfere but now you didn't have a choice.
The water starts boiling and you hear it spurt out, watching as it turns the coffee grounds in to the hot, dark liquid you so desperately craved in this moment; you breathed in the aroma.
"Is she going to be okay?" She asks, coming to stand in the doorway of the kitchen as you lean against the counter. She had on a baggy sleep shirt and some sweat pants, she looked tired with her hair a mess. "Will Billy be okay?"
You give her a stiff nod, though you weren't too sure about Billy, he really needed to go to the hospital, you worried some of the bruising might have been from internal bleeding. "They'll be okay, Max will probably just have a bad bruise, maybe a mild concussion.." You say, pouring yourself a mug of the coffee as it stops brewing, blowing on it gently. "Billy..is a lot worse, his entire stomach is nothing but one big bruise..and his ribs are broken, and i think his scalp is bruised."
You could tell your sister wanted to cry, but you walked over to her and held her against your body. "They'll be okay, El, dad isn't going to let them leave." You say, reassuring her.
After a bit you make your way outside, you had put on some sweatpants to help combat the chilly air but the mug of coffee in your hands helped more than enough. You knew it was nearing four thirty, you had called in asked him to come home early and he had asked you to give him an hour. You did tell him why, all you'd said was that it was important.
True to his word, you heard the tires of his truck hit the gravel of the drive and saw his headlights flicker through the bushes. You stood from your position on the steps, raising the mug to your face as he parks the car, looking at him gravely as he gets out of the car.
"What's wrong?" He asks, noticing your face as he grabs his shot gun, he didn't like leaving it in the car. "Who died?..did someone actually die?" You sigh, turning to go up the steps, letting him follow you.
"Someone could have died.." You say under your breath, opening the front door quietly so as not to wake up Billy or Max. Jim sees her instantly, his mouth dropping open as he gives you a pointed look. Eleven sits next to her still, on high alert.
"Jesus, what happened?" He asks, looking down at her sadly. He didn't want to ask, but he had a feeling who had done it. "Is Billy here?"
You nod. "Yeah, and she's in a lot better shape than him." You say quietly, leading him down the hallway. The two of you stop in your open doorway, your bedside lamp the only thing illuminating the small room. Your dad's boots cause the floor to creak and Billy shifts in his sleep, groaning at the sound and the movement.
Jim steps in, inching closer to the bed as quietly as he could. He could see the bruises peeking out of the gauze wrapped around his torso, the cut on his cheek, he could even make out the bruising in his hairline. He turns to look at his daughter, "Jesus Christ, Y/N.." He whispers, looking back down at the boy.
"He broke his ribs, dad..I think he was trying to kill him, both of them..Max tried to stop it." You go into the details that Billy had told you, explaining to him how savagely his own father had beaten, how he had stomped on his head and the rest of his body with as much force as he could. How he had managed to get back up to save his sister, whom he had promised to never let it happen again. You told him the guilt he felt that the girl had been involved in the first place, you told him how he had been shaking in what you thought was fear until you finally got him in your arms, able to calm him down.
He was quiet for a moment, as he looks at Billy and back out towards the hallway. You can tell by the look in his that he's made his mind up about something, and fearing the worst you start babbling immediately.
"You can't send them back, daddy please, he's going to kill them and you know it." You say, pleading with your father to listen to you, tears in your eyes at the thought of having to send Max back, Billy was eighteen, he could do whatever he wanted, same as you, but Max? You were afraid that this opened a whole new world of hurt for her if you allowed her to walk back through the front door of that house.
You father puts one of his large hands on your shoulders, trying to calm you down. "Honey, I'm not letting them go back. It goes against my entire oath of I do." He says and you relax. "Here's what's going to happen, you did a good job, but they both need to go to the hospital so they can document the injuries as evidence against his father, ill call in to the station, get a couple ambulances out here, you're going to go with them, okay?"
You nod vigorously, happy that he saw your logic. Your father may seem like a rough asshole at times, but you knew he had the biggest soft spot in the world when it came to people who needed him, and those two? They needed him more than anything. "What about you?"
He cocks his shot gun with one hand, let a barrel into the chamber, he held a dangerous gleam in his eyes that you weren't totally sure you were fond of. "I'm going to pay Mr. Hargrove a visit."
The ambulances came within half an hour, your father had already been gone upon their arrival having called it into the station before heading straight out the door, making sure his pistol and the shotgun were loaded in case Billy's father tried to get violent with him, not that he couldn't swat the man away with a flick of his wrist, but he'd rather have the fire power.
You let them into the house, telling Eleven to go back to her room. They took Max first, she was semi conscious, coherent enough to tell them her name and how old she was when they asked, and where it hurt the most. You watched them move her onto the stretcher and wheel her out, helping the next set of paramedics to your room with the stretcher as they came.
Billy was still passed out when they arrived, and quickly they had determined him unconscious upon trying to rouse him from sleep. One of the men turned to you as you tried to stay calm, what if you had waited too long?
"Honey, can you tell us his name?" He asks gently, stepping closer to you in the doorway as you watched his partner look him up and down, using his hands to check his bones. "Do you know what happened?"
You sniffle, watching tearfully. "His name is Billy, and the same thing that happened to his stepsister, only worse." You said, trying not to cry as you thought about it. "He um..he kicked the shit out of him..his entire stomach is nothing but one big bruise..maybe some of it from bleeding i don't know..his ribs are broken..and his entire scalp is bruising too..he said his father stomped on it." You said, the man nods once, his body tensing at your words. "He's eighteen if you need to know.."
He goes back to the bed to help his partner and they pull down the blankets, his partner points at the gauze around him and looks at you. "You do this?" You nod, hugging your arms to your body. He smiles at you. "Good work, smart girl..you clean up his face too?"
They checked him for a few more minutes before slipping an orange spinal board under him, just Incase his father kicked him hard enough to hurt his spine or neck, before they moved him to the stretcher, fastening him to it.
You see Eleven peek out of her door as they pass and you tell her to stay in her room, that you're going to go with them and to make sure to lock the door behind you as you shove your feet into your sandals and run after them.
The whole time in the ambulance, watching him lay there as they hooked him to different machines and asked you more questions, the only thing that you could think about was how much it pained you to know that he had lived like this, how much you loved him and wanted him to be safe with you and how much you wanted to hold him in your arms forever, you'd never thought about it before but you could definitely see yourself marrying him. You wouldn't tell him that, terrified that it would scare him off.
Everything happened so fast by the time you guys got to the hospital, you sat in the waiting room for a couple of hours, your father eventually joining you just as the sun started to peak high into the sky.
"Any news on them?" He asks quietly, he had changed from his work uniform so you knew he had to have stopped by the house. "Billy going to be okay?"
You shrug, emotional after having been left alone with your thoughts for so long. "He fractured his skull, dad..he's in surgery right now, they said he had a small internal bleed, they're trying to stop it and make sure nothing else is wrong." You choke out a sob, and your father engulfs you in his arms. You stay for a few moments, trying to calm yourself down, you could tell he was angered by the words and you couldn't blame him. "Max has a mild concussion, and he bruised her eye pretty good. She's awake and fine, but they're going to keep her a day or so they said."
"Good, that's good.." Jim breathed, relieved that the younger girl was okay, Eleven had asked repeatedly about her when he had come home to change. "I took care of their father for the time being, i made him pack up all of their clothes and things and then i arrested him, he's down at the station right now, and i dropped off their things at the house." You nod, giving his hand a squeeze as you reached for it, a silent thank you. "Eleven is unpacking Max's stuff, but I thought I'd let you and Billy handle his stuff."
You're about to answer when you're interrupted by a doctor stopping in front of the two of you, hands in his white coat. "Miss Hopper?" You look up at him, eyes hopeful. He gives you a small smile. "Your young man is going to be just fine, surgery went well and we stopped the bleed. He'll need to stay a few days or so to make sure nothing more happens, especially with his head injury."
You smile, happy years running down your face as you let out a choked noise. Your father squeezes your hand. The doctor smiles again. "He's awake, and he's quite insistently asking after you, you may go see him if you'd like, he's in the first room on the left, just around the corner, his sister as well." You don't say a word as you stand and rush to the door, running down the hallway. "To be young and feel a love like theirs.."
You find the room and rush in, moving the small privacy curtain out of your way. He lays in the bed closest to the window, Max in the one by the door. He looks up as you run in and you see his face change immediately as he holds his arms up to you. "Oh my god, Billy I thought you were going to die when they said you were bleeding inside.." You say, blubbering everywhere, your face a mess of tears and admittedly, some snot. "You were in surgery for so long I thought something bad had happened and i started panicking because how can the world take you from me right now?" You didn't know what you were saying, too focused on his hands cupping your face.
Billy made his mind up right then and there. He was going to marry you, maybe not soon, maybe a couple years down the road, but he was ready to ask you. He brushes your tears away with his thumbs, rubbing them under your eyes as you sniffle and try to calm down. He gives you a smile, despite the pain blooming through his body. "Hey, babygirl, im not going anywhere, not yet..you're stuck with me for a long, long time." He says quietly, not even caring that Max was seeing him like this. You nod at him, smiling. "I love you..now, kiss me you goof." You do as told, giving him a long, sweet kiss, though you pull away, trying not to lean on him too much. He sighs. "Now I'm happy.."
You chuckle, wiping your nose before looking over to the left, Max was slowly sliding off the bed, hospital gown tied around her. She shuffled over to the two of you. "Hey, how are you feeling?" You ask, but she goes right past you.
You watch her lean over Billy and engulf him in an awkward hug, her head on his chest as she tried not to press on him too much. Billy looks uncomfortable, unsure of what to do for a few moments but eventually he relaxes and brings a hand up to rub the back of her head. "I'm okay, kid..and it's honestly probably because of you so..thank you, Max.."
You thought the moment was sweet, and you were glad that the two seemed to be bonding, though it bothered you that it took the two of them being beaten to do it. You open your arms for her next, and she squeezed you tight. "Hey, you guys don't have to go back there okay? My dad arrested him, and he packed up all of your things..you'll be staying with us for now.." She squeezed you tighter a minute before letting go and going back to her bed.
You share a look with Billy. "You look tired." He says, a small tug at his lips. "Give me another kiss and then go home, okay? You need to rest.." You don't argue, you're just glad that he's okay. You do as he says, you give him another kiss, a longer one this time and you even give Max a peck on the head too. "Y/N.." You look at him over your shoulder, eyebrows furrowed. "..can you send your dad in? I need to talk to him."
Your dad seems surprised, but goes as told. You wait for him in the waiting room, pacing.
Jim makes his way to the room, poking his head in. "You look like shit." He says, stepping in. Billy chuckles, but winces. "Bet that hurts, I'm sorry." He stands in front of the bed, giving a small smile to Max, who is busy trying to figure out the television.
"Sir, I know you probably think it's too soon, and maybe it is, but.." He takes in a deep breath, and Jim puts his hands on his hips, he had a nervous feeling about this. "..I want to marry your daughter.."
@dakotazzzzz @annoyingexboyfriend @ttsbaby01 @rainwritesworld-deactivated2022 @angelbbygrl @peakascum @choclate32 @meltedcandiedacid @variety-fangirl @floreoo @miaivy @gloryekaterina @queenjayrogue @fluffyhairobsessed
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kindnessisweakness2 · 9 months
Emily signed the paperwork and much to the disappointment of Jax that was the last time he had seen or heard from her in a week. He didn't know what it was but his head was full of her. She was a fucking pocket rocket for sure. She handled Noah, put that crow eater in line without using her fists and shot David Hale down quicker than Clay ever had the opportunity to. He couldn't stop thinking about her and Gemma could see it. Fuck, everyone could. But Noah? God Noah felt it full force. Jax had him busting his arse more than any other prospect, and everyone could guess at why. "When are you gonna stop messing with that kid and just go see her?" Clay questioned as he made his way into the empty clubhouse. Jax shrugged from his place at the bar. He was sipping a cold beer as he sat and watched Noah clean his bike on the security cameras. Yes it was the 4th time in two days he made him do it, but in Jax's eyes it was fair. "I dont know what you mean." Clay rolled his eyes as he poured himself a whiskey. "You got the hots for this girl. Gem told me. Just go see her and let the prospect sleep for god sakes. We have a shipment coming tomorrow, i need him in good shape." It was Jax's turn to roll his eyes at his step father. Never would have guessed Clay to take a prospects side. Standing from his seat at the bar, Jax nodded at Clay and made his way out to his bike. "Pack it up prospect, I've got somewhere I gotta go." Noah stood to his feet and awkwardly twisted the oil covered rag in his hands. "Can I talk to you quickly before you go?" Jax's eyebrow raised in question. Noah seemed to be wrestling with his thoughts, trying to work out how to phrase what he wanted to say without pissing his Vice President off. "Look, I don't want you anywhere near Emily. I know your track record with women Jax And I don't want her hurt." Noah clearly threw caution to the wind and tried to be as firm as possible with Prince of Charming. Noah couldn't deny that part of him hated that Jax could have whoever and whatever he wanted. Women looked at him like he was sex on legs. Perfection, with a physique that the Gods themselves carved. But Noah didn't see the appeal. In his eyes Jax was a dick, and it wasn't like he was the only blonde haired, blue eyed boy in charming. Jax's eyes widened in Suprise at the boldness of the prospect and laughter tumbled from his mouth. Noah felt his chest burn with both embarrassment and anger at the sound. "The last person I'm gonna listen to is you, grunt. Yeah she's hurt and your the one to blame. Hey, who knows? Maybe I'll pay her a visit, make her feel better. From what I hear it's not gonna be hard to fill your shoes." Winking at the prospect, Jax put on his helmet and sped out of the lot, leaving a disgruntled Noah scowling at the reaper that addorned his back.
30 minutes riding aimlessly around Charming did nothing to clear Jax's head and sure enough he ended up in the one place he was adamant he wouldn't go. Leaning against his bike across the road from Emily's home, Jax lit a cigarette and mentally wrestled with himself. He was never this nervous about a girl before. He was the prince, Girls fell at his feet all the time. But this girl? No this girl was different. Fuck. What was he doing? He knew minimal things about this girl, so why was she all up in his brain. Not even crow eaters could distract him from the purple haired pocket rocket. "Jax?" His head snapped up, the sound of her voice halting his pacing immediately. There she stood in joggers and a cropped vest, looking worried. Her hair was down, the long purple strands dangling over her shoulder and Jax's first thought was imagining running his fingers through it. Wondering if it was as soft as it looked. "Jax is something wrong?" Emily spoke again, the concern in her voice clear. Jax found himself frowning at her. "Yeah, there is actually. I havent seen you at the clubhouse." Emily scoffed at the nerve of the man infront of her. She had seen him from her kitchen window and the sight of him pacing, chainsmoking cigarettes made her worried. Now she felt stupid for caring. "Im not a fucking Crow eater Jax. I've heard how the club treats women, thats not me." Emily turned to walk away, but his gentle hand on her arm stopped her. "Thats not what i meant Darlin'. I meant...Fuck i like having you around okay?" Emily shook her head, completely dumbfounded. "Jax you met me twice. You dont know me. Look, if this is a way to piss Noah off, fucking his ex, im not here for it. Whatever he's done, leave me out of it." Jax rubbed his face frustrated. "This isnt about Noah Em. Infact I cant stand him. This is different. Is it so hard to believe that i may actually want to get to know you? That i enjoyed the time I spent talking to you at the clubhouse the other day?" Emily smiled softly at him. "I'm not different. Jax im boring. Your wasting your time here with me. You have multiple women who would give anything to spend a night with you. Dont be stupid. Go." Jax grinned at her as she gave him a gentle shove towards his bike. Throwing his arm over her shoulder instead, Jax guided her back towards her house.
"Well arent you lucky? Tonights your night Em, Im Yours. Let me be the judge of whether your boring." Emily couldnt help but laugh at the confidence on him. It was gonna be a long night.
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beebotea · 9 months
☁️ ˖⁺ lonely together — geto suguru
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pairing: geto x gn!reader genre: fluff, a smidge of angst word count: 1.8k cw: post hidden inventory arc, reader is referred to as “darling”, morally gray reader, slightly suggestive joke at the end (idk geto insinuates u shower tgt), geto calls non-sorcerers monkeys i.e.: “i can fix him.” nah. he's perfect as he is
“so if youre lonely, no need to show me. if youre lonely, come be lonely with me.”
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you called out from the bottom of the hill, staring up at the entrance to the temple you had seen pictures of in yaga’s office. a board filled with pins and red rope connecting to other pictures related to geto suguru’s disappearance.
the man dressed in monk’s clothing with cascading raven hair done into a half-do stopped and turned towards you.
you noticed how his eyes widened upon seeing you. he looked healthier since you last saw him.
“suguru! did you sleep well last night?”
“it was enough. shouldnt you be preparing for your mission?”
“suguru! i got us some snacks from the bakery on the way home! do you want to try them with me and gojo?”
“no, it’s alright. im going to take a shower and rest in my room. you two go ahead without me.”
“suguru! i havent seen you in days, come out of your room, please? i miss you. everything’s been so boring lately…”
“im a bit tired. i have a mission tomorrow morning. goodnight.”
“suguru. tell me whats wrong… you havent hugged or kissed or even looked at me in weeks.”
“i dont really want to talk about it right now. i need to go soon, y/n.”
“be safe.”
“suguru? so it’s true?”
“it is.”
“youre leaving us?”
“i have to. dont you think we, those who are gifted, deserve more than the reality we live in?”
“i want to thank you for worrying about me all this time and trying to make me feel better. i’ll miss you, goodbye, y/n.”
you remember returning to your dorm that day in a daze, tears long dried during your walk home, pondering his last words to you. apparently he’d been a lot more harsh on satoru than with you or shoko in his parting words.
you wanted to hate him for leaving you and everyone behind as if none of it ever mattered. as if everything he’d said to you in the past few years was a lie.
it had always been the four of you. but now, more than ever, you felt alone. you, satoru, and shoko all had a void that no amount of cigarettes or alcohol could fill. nothing could make you forget how warm the world used to be. how beautifully the moon used to glow. how bright the stars used to shine. now, all you could see was the vast darkness in between.
although your time was spent with two others as often as you could make possible, you felt inexplicably lonely.
we deserve more?
for the first few months, you were convinced he’d gone crazy, lost his mind, didn’t know what he was thinking.
but the more missions you took and the more casualties you witnessed, you started to understand what he meant. jujutsu sorcerers walk on a thin sheet of ice separating them from life and death. all the work they do and all the sacrifices they make for nothing more than monetary compensation.
we must protect those who cant protect themselves, satoru had said. but who was there to protect us? you thought in rebuttal.
haibara yu was only 17 when he passed. amanai riko was 14 when she was assassinated. gojo and geto were 18 when they were hunted and barely survived.
was it really all that worth it?
you remembered walking through the next few months of your last year in high school barely responding—as if it all went by in a blur.
nanami dropping out of jujutsu high, gojo mastering his domain expansion, shoko getting into medical school, you receiving your sorcerer’s license. did any of that mean anything if you all just died soon after?
the only thing you could recall clearly from your last year was bejng called to yaga’s office and offered a job as a teacher at the school.
you remember getting a glimpse of his board, filled with intel and pictures noting geto suguru’s activities. you recognized the temple and the trees surrounding it in a picture.
it was near your childhood home in the mountains where an old religious took base.
“i’ll have to decline, principal yaga.”
“dont get me wrong, you’ll still be sent on missions, you wont be cooped up here all the time. you’re a first-grade sorcerer after all—“
“really, principal yaga. i dont want to be a teacher here.”
“y/n?” suguru didnt take his eyes off of you as you bolted up the staircase, wrapping your arms around his shocked body.
“i missed you.” you smiled at him, feeling him instinctively wrap his arms around your waist as you pulled away.
“how did you find me?”
“i have my ways.”
he let out a gentle chuckle, one that youve been wanting to hear so badly for the last 14 months. “of course you do.” he tucked a strand if hair behind your ear, reminding you of the sweet and gentle young man you fell for in the beginning of high school. he took a moment to take in your appearance. he hadn’t seen you in so long and would be lying if he said he didnt miss you as well.
“i missed you too, y/n. why are you here?”
“if youre here to convince me to come back. its not going to work.”
“wasnt really planning to.” you shrugged.
“oh?” he raised his brow, taken aback by your response. it was almost as if a weight was taken off his shoulders. it was hard enough to push you away once, a second time would probably break him entirely.
suguru couldnt help but let out a relived sigh, showing you the smile youve been dreaming of since he left. “so if youre not here for that, then i take it youre still sooo in love with me then arent you.”
“hey! im still mad at you, dont act all normal with me just yet.” you rolled your eyes, playfully swatting him on the shoulder. in all honesty you should be a lot more upset, livid perhaps, by the way he left it all behind. leaving your life without so much as saying ‘i love you’ or even sharing a kiss in the 3 weeks before his sudden rampage driven departure. but the thing was, your mind couldnt seem to care anymore. your tears and anger had long run out the first three months. your grieving had come to an end almost a year ago and now, you couldnt help but just be happy to see him again.
“right. im sorry.” he never took his eyes off of you as he spoke. “i didnt want to leave so abruptly like that. its just— i dont think i could stay in that world and continue to be happy.”
“i don’t completely understand what happened, suguru, but i know how you feel…” he nodded at your reply and began to guide you into the building.
“i wouldnt change anything even if i went back. except, maybe wait for you to come to the same realization. but believe me when i say this, ive always loved you. it just didnt feel right to say anything when i couldnt even love myself.” he said, holding your hand as the two of you walked through the traditional temple halls.
“was it lonely?”
“a little at first. but not so much anymore. ive found a new family and now with you by my side, i think i can finally call it complete.” he smiled at you, stopping by two large doors at the end of the hallway. “i want you to meet them.”
“theyre in there?” he nodded.
two months had passed since you arrived on the doorstep of his temple. two months for you to feel at home and with purpose beside your new family. two months was all it took for you to be completely by his side at all times, not that it was difficult. sure he was a bit more cruel and less kind to non-sorcerers than he had been in the past. but really, who was to blame him?
in any case, you knew that you fell in love with how he treated you and how he made you feel. him being relentlessly kind to others back then had only been a bonus, really. you couldnt care less about how he treated those ungrateful animals anymore anyways.
“y/n-san! geto-san said he’s too busy to take us to the shopping district right now! we really wanted to buy new shoes this weekend.” mimiko pouted at you, bursting into your room without knocking, barreling straight into your arms and sending the brush out of your grasp.
“cant you two wait a little bit longer? then all four of us can go to town together.” you opened your arm to welcome nanako as she dejectedly followed behind her sister.
“y/n’s right you two,” you looked up to see suguru standing at the doorway, fondly smiling at the spectacle before him. “i have maybe three more clients, a shower, and then i can take us all there, alright?”
the girls perked up at his voice, cheering and running over to him.
he took a step back from the running children and held his hands up to stop their advances. “no, no, dont get too close. i still have the monkey smell on me. i cant get you two dirty, now can i?” he looked back up to where you were sitting at the vanity. “y/n, dear.”
“yes, suguru?”
“would you like to help me with my last few clients? its awfully boring without you, you know.”
“do i have to?”
“well, if youre there then i mught be able to finish even earlier than expected and we’ll get to leave sooner too. right girls?” he winked at mimiko and nanako.
they excitedly nodded and begged for you to go with him. “yeah! please, y/n-san! we’ll be good while you’re helping out!”
“alright, alright, fine. i’ll go. but no playing on my phone alright? i bought you two plenty of nice books the last time we went out.”
“we promise!” they pushed you out of your own room and towards geto before slamming the door behind you.
suguru let out a soft chuckle as you walked towards his extended arm and linked your arm with his.
“hmph. using the girls against me. you play so dirty, suguru.”
“well how else would i get what i want darling? and besides, that just means you’ll have to rid of the monkey smell by taking a shower with me.”
the world you lived in had started to feel lonely. those worthy of suguru’s new world were few and far between compared to the vast population of animals surrounding you. but right now, your heart feels full. even if the world outside your paradise is bleak and lonely, the least it could do was to let you stay with your perfect family and be lonely together.
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a/n: yeah best reality is when geto is happy and gojo is happy and everyone is happy because no one turned evil… but if evil why pretty? our boy can do no wrong!!
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tomystars · 1 year
dissecting episode 1
(under the microscope. im mostly dissecting jaewon hes so interesting to study as a queer person myself, smiles)
ignoring the very first clip which shows waves and someone grabbing someone else... a bit confusing i dont have many thoughts about this.
ANYWAY ! we first see jaewon sitting on a couch in a office perhaps? with an aquarium (we see this again on the intro of episode 2 and if you see the trailer theres a close up of his face on the same place as well) and a women sits down in front of him and asks him what his worries are. now i cant make much sense of her behaviour cause she suddenly starts laughing? but id think shes some sort of counselor. now this could be for 2 reasons: one. he just left the military after finishing his mandatory time and it might be a thing they do? or two some other reason we dont know most likely. TRAUMA shocking i know.
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then we have the restaurant scene. we see jaewon talking with his friends but his face changes when his friends keeps talking about how jaewon has a great life and connections and money and everything he wants and i dont want to state the obvious but... thats clearly not the case which is why we can see jaewon upset with the conversation even though he doesnt say anything about it and even forgives his friend... his relationship with his parents is most likely not the best and we can see that by the messages his mom sends and the way we can just see him in front of his gate but not getting inside.
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then. their first real scene. jaewon asks jihyun for a cigarette he goes and grabs TWO which surprises jaewon a little bit and makes him happier probably because thats different not a lot of people would do that. they talk but its very casual like and somehow jaewon mentions a "동생" and gets real quiet, as if something had happened with that person. now, its translated as "younger brother/sister" because thats the only english word that it can translate to EVEN THOUGH (and im saying this as someone with very limited korean language knowledge) its not the most correct one because its just a word that people use to call someone whos younger than them (yes siblings count lol). so is he talking about a younger sibling or someone else? who knows.
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when his friends grab him to go home he leaves but he isnt expecting for jihyun to just grab his hand and give him a lighter (it was such an intimate scene as well, very queer coded) and THATS what caught jaewons attention. because at first he was just making conversation, but that small moment changed how the path of their futures (hope im not getting too philosophical), and he even stopped and looked as jihyun left.
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fast foward next day, jihyun sees jaewon and goes afterhim but loses him and finds the poster for free bird instead (soulmatism i say). and its at this point i realize i havent spoken much abour jihyun so ill start now. we know hes a small town boy, isnt used to such a big city like seoul and is even confused with all this new stuff hes seeing. thats how jaewon and him are different. to me, jihyuns fear is based on unfamiliarity and the unknown, hes still getting to know all these new things that hes never known before and thats why he later mentions that thats the reason he signed up for the surf club. he doesnt really know how to swim but he wants to try and face this new challenge onwards. jaewons fear is more rooted on past experiences and trauma is my guess. he knows who he is but hes scared or hes scared of the result if he tries something. i think its going to start to get better the more he gets to know jihyun and the more he gets comfortable with him.
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the cafeteria. jihyuns eating alone and jaewon is suddenly there and thanking him for the other day (he means it. that second cigarette probably was everything to him at that time) and starts to get a bit bold with him, and asking him why he didnt call and at this point there are so many jihyun reactions where you can just tell how this type of relationship is new to him but also how he wants to explore it and find out where it takes him.
we can see that when he meets jaewon again outside the restaurant and says "if we're going to be friends we need to know each others names" and jaewons truly gets a bit paralysed? confused? about it, he wasnt expecting jihyung to say something like that. tells him his name and leaves.
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going a bit back, jaewon is at the same restaurant again. why? because he remembered that it was the restaurant jihyuns worked at and he convinced his friends to go inside with some excuse only to look for jihyun but... he wasnt there. things start to go downhill when his friends mention his ex who he wants to have nothing to do with and just wants to forget and one of them even invites her over! some friend he is... jaewon gets reasonably upset (ill talk about what i think happened with the break up on the ep2 essay bare with me), leaves and jihyun goes after him. in this scene i dont think jaewon is upset with him but it was a mixture of a lot of things, disappointment from not seeing jihyun when he was the reason he went to the restaurant in the first place, anger at his supposed friend inviting his ex who he doesnt like and thats why he says "i didnt see you earlier" with this really empty sort of expression.
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and lastly, the very last scene. he sits with jihyun for two reasons: be away from his ex but also because he genuinely wants to continue whatever this relationship with jihyun is. it makes him happy and its different and GOOD something that he doesnt have a lot going around his life...
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yea... thats it. my thoughts are all scattered but yea lets talk about it if u want i have so much to say still and i want to hear what everyone else is thinking and i also want to mention how much i love this already it was hook line sinker the first episode it. it just feels so raw and perfect and so queer coded to which is why i want to kind of gatekeep it from people who are just watching bc its u know... a bl (will i be persecuted like the witches used to by saying this... hm)
the playlist is so good as well been on repeat for hours
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imaginationlover101 · 2 years
Born too late:
Darry Curtis x reader
A/n: Inspired by the song "Born too late", & jealous reader.
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I could see the way his blue eyes wondered. The way his forehead scrunched up when he was mad, the way he'd laugh before he'd smile, and the way he had this look in his eye when looking out for others. Darry always knew the right things to say and he always knew the right time to leave things alone (sometimes).
I had to admit I was jealous, but I couldn't help it. The whole "beach day" suggestion was my idea. Although I originally suggested it because of the heat and boredom everyone felt, the other half might of been the idea of a way to spend more time with Darry. But now, sitting here in my beach chair while all the boys frolic in the water (having fun for once), while a group of gorgeous women stand aside point and giggle deciding which boy they'd chose was not my idea of fun. They were fighting over the boys like they were a piece of meat, and all I did was glare and sulk in my chair. That made me mad.
Although at some moments I couldn't stand them and wanted nothing more to be alone. I loved the boys to pieces, and wished that they'd look at me like I was beautiful. Out of all the years I've known them, I havent ever recalled hearing any of the boys call me beautiful, or compliment me. I never wanted to sound desperate, but out of all the years knowing them I felt used. Deep down I knew that the boys loved me they just didnt show it they way I wanted them to, the way they show it to other girls. But who was I kidding, I'm just a puney teenage girl wishing for a moment that a boy would look at me with the eyes Soda would give Sandy (before she cheated of course).
I could see the girls getting closer. With each move of the waves they seemed to emerge out of the water and shift towards the boys more. Johnny was the first one to notice of course, seeing as he was the most observitive. He watched how the girls smiled and laughed trying to show off their figures in the sun. But Johhny just blushed brighter then the sun hoping no one would see, trying to distract himself with the water.
Pony was next, noticed the way Johnny was acting. Johnny just stopped looking at him when everyone was talking, holding his head to the water. Pony looked around wondering if anyone was watching them, but turned to my chair instead. He smiled and waved seeing as he only turned halfway and turned the other half being faced with the little entourage. Oh Sweet little Pony, first he thought the girls were making fun of the group, but it was one look at Johnny blushing that made him rethink.
Dally, Two Bit, and Soda were shortly next. After the continuous oogling of one of the girls behind from Pony, Dally soon caught on. To be honest I dont think ever think I've seen Dally without a cigarette in his hand. Even in the ocean at this moment he still had on in his hand nudging Soda and Two. Even with sitting feet away I could still see Two Bit making a lousy joke that only has Dally laughing and the rest of the boys rolling their eyes.
Soon after when Dally decided to stop talking, Soda looks at Steve then points. Soda had to be the most oblivious out of the whole group. If you had said to him dont look, he'd look. So when Soda noticed the girls looking the first thing he did was tell Steve and point, but who seemed to mind. Sodapop had the most gorgeous face I'd had ever seen, he had this movie style smile and these big blue eyes that made you want to jump right in them. He was gorgeous, no one would ever mind getting looked at by Soda.
Of course Darry was the last obivious one to find out "not caring about some teenage girls". Darry wasn't truly intrested until a women about his age, more gorgeous them Olivia Newton John herself, practically emerging herself from the sand. The wind blew in her hair so perfectly you would of thought she was being filmed for a movie. Darry practically stopped paying any mind to the boys and almost tripped over his two feet the minute he saw her.
At this point I closed my eyes, I couldn't take the heartbreak anymore. The reality knowing that Darry could never love me, never see me as anything other then a child. I simply closed my eyes trying to enjoy the sound of the waves, and the sun on my feet, but I couldn't.
I couldn't get Two Bits obnoxious voice out of my head, Dallys flirting antics, and most of all Darrys laugh. I havent heard Darry laugh in years, it practically broke me out of my chair. But there he was, my Darry laughing with another girl, go figure. A girl who was 10 times taller, prettier and older. They laughed with one another and with each move of the waves they came closer.
I came to realize that I was simply just a kid that he just looked at, nothing more then a sister. A short teenager who had no direction in life. Simply just someone born years after him, a little little kid, but still I fell in love. It was his blue eyes, the way his smile almost never showed up, the love he shared for his brothers, his hair, dedication for anything, and they way he would give the shirt of his back to anyone.
I watched as Darry and the mystery girl came closer and laughed almost as piercing as a scream. I saw the way Darry had looked at me for one second in the distance seeing if I was still in my chair, and it broke me. I was just the little girl in the chair while the older girls seemed to flirt and play.
Just as the salty water crashed closer and closer to where I sat, I couldnt help but cry. Why was I born too late?
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sonny-whorezik · 4 months
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haiii ... like a week short of a month since i left everything.... i just wanted to use as Journal and catch up before i do Fully return to social media, gettin rid of the app after this post yet again:
has . been . rough. grief has been consistent the last month from my best friend and now ex leaving me, losing that new job due to being physically sick from grief and being unemployed an additional month, my best best friend my dog, sage, passed away last friday and although i left to drive to kansas i just didn't make it in time. She has wind chimes over her grave and passed listening to the sound of the wind chime my great grandma left for me. two days after her passing marked the First Full Year since my grandpa passed away, i had a dream the night before where we drove around looking at christmas lights with people no longer in my life and he just looked so so sad. i am consistently physically alone; i facetime a couple friends but i go outside alone, sleep/wake up alone, eat alone, this has been going on since i left arizona in november Most of my time is spent completely alone.
ive tried new habits. i meditate and stretch in the morning and night. i read a page a day of a stoicism book my dad got me last year with a propeller hat. i see a therapist weekly, wake up earlier, even floss now. The complete back to back to back grief has left me no choice but to just Do Something. while i would Love to share something with someone its best i reserve it to myself, yet here i am vacantly sharing my last month to who knows who...
my friend invited me to see stop making sense last night in a farther town, showed the original film not the remastered and general admission was all standing and everyone acted as if it was a real concert dancing and singing. this was my 6th time seeing it in a theater. did not cry once yet celebrated the experience i have had and although i will never have anything quite like i did with someone quite like them, at least i had it for a good portion of my life. had to devote this must be the place to myself, foreign. to be completely transparent, i do miss them every day. i do not cry like i used to, i dont let myself get consumed by thought and feeling, ive grown more desensitized as time has passed, but i still miss them of course. i consistently see things that remind me of them even when theyre not on my mind and when sage died i wanted to reach out so terribly; reminisce of the fort we built where she slept with us and i had no one to talk to but my mom who was with her til the end. i didnt. i havent reached out. it is not my place given they were the one to leave i just will not keep reaching out and chasing someone who sounded so blatantly apathetic on our last phone call. i tell myself it was just a form of self preservation to them but yknow. like. that's it, i have no choice but to experience grief with self compassion and continue on, wherever that goes.
i may be starting TMS treatment , having magnets zap my brain 5 days a week, 6 weeks. i see a cardiologist on the 30th since my chest frequently hurts and both ekgs have concerns in the pause between beats. my pulse at resting is consistently around 120 yet my blood pressure is fine; who knows. well i guess ill know actually in 10 days. im finishing a vape, got a full pack of cigarettes ive yet to touch yet plan to quit smoking here soon in hopes it helps. maybe after my pack to eliminate temptation yet not waste my money... i bought it an hour before sage passed. i barely drink coffee and dont use energy drinks anymore i do what i can for my heart now.
atticus still sleeps with me, most nights. sometimes he wanders the living room when i cant sleep. im almost halfway through galapagos. i washed my sheets for the first time since buying them in august. im very much alone and this is all fine i tell myself. the stoicism has encouraged me to alter my perspective on things more rationally as opposed to the wired self deprecating and depression-based "take everything personally" thought processes ive had for 18 years. im on my phone significantly less and i even wrote a piece on piano i may share after this post. ive been transposing it to cello, my grandma requested.
i have no interest in perusing anyone anytime soon still, whether its still too early or what i think i do just Need to do these things alone for a while. ive never found sole stability in others, i learned this at 6 with my dad, yet while outside aid would help, it is not a requirement to live however. forgive me for how long this is and for leaving once again there are a few of you i used to talk to daily and now ive just got a few contacts in my phone.
despite chronic mental illness, mourning, loneliness, you name it, ive never taken this approach before. i will typically have a suicide attempt yet here i am doing a pancake stretch and ommm-ing every morning. i keep as busy as i can, today i went through every single thing i own to sort donations and the day before i deep cleaned. there is a box wrapped in a blanket of some of the things that remind me of them. i went through it today and brought out some things like the books theyve given me, it doesnt hurt as much anymore to remember. im donating the mugs i never gave them and the one theyd use at my house when theyd come over. all their letters havent been reread yet sit in between the photo of us in the cave. it was nice to see. i am so honored they let me, of all people, share these experiences with them. i am more thankful it happened then miserable itll never happen again; at least i had it for a while. i say this yet if a year passes and i hear from them, i would love to reconnect: hear how their life has been, what they've been doing, how their family is and if they are doing better. if this has helped. while for 6 years i believed they were really it for me, whether we ever dated or not ive always considered them the only one who Really Knew who i was, how i worked, you name it. although im "moving on" by taking care of myself more, it is upsetting to admit if i ever have a chance again, id take it in a heartbeat. i say this yet still believe Even if i do never get a chance, that's okay too. While i would, i dont anticipate it, rely on it, sit in denial "theyll surely come back," its alright if they never do. i live each day as if they never will yet to my core do know that i would try again
a knee ways .. i hope you, whoever reads, is doing okay, that you feel alright and what not. you dont have to feel good every day, but at the least alright i hope ... not sure if/when ill come back maybe just once a month im unsure yet .was just in a solid enough state to do this for a moment . wish you all well ,
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goodmorningnona · 17 days
sobriety update: living off caffiene and preworkout and cigarettes. Kinda my dream so i fuck w it but i have smoked an entire pack in less than a week which is NOT my goal, i used to smoke a pack every two weeks which is more my ideal (so like, two or three a day). Letting myself be fine with this for now. Haven't had any other drugs/alcohol etc and havent had any coke cravings in two days. Hanging out w a friend tonight who is mostly sober now but i have memories of us getting absolutely blitzed so craving a weed high a bit. Hoping i wont cave if there is the chance, and hoping i wont overdo it if I do cave, but i dont think any drogas will be available anyway so Whew
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write-and-buried · 1 year
I'm thrilled that you're enjoying all of us spiraling down the tlou rabbit hole but also-- may we hear your thots ? 👀👀
So, spoiler free. After i finished the episode i went grocery shopping and accidentally bought fifty bucks worth of comfort cheese.
OK, In no particular order;
The way they introduced the concept of a fungal pandemic was amazing, the absolute dread that opener inspired was absolutely amazing, and I really commend them for adding that little bit of world building.
Speaking of dread - the way we just follow Sarah about her day, the little hints of the world rapidly going to hell around them with her being an innocent child who is none the wiser, was amazing. The old lady twitching out of focus in the background was hella effective.
Oh god. Joel & Sarah. Their relationship is perfect. The way they caught this sliver of one day of their lives and you already know so much about them, that Sarah has definitely been raised in a loving environment, feels comfortable and safe with her dad, and that they are extremely close. It's magnificent.
Im gonna jump around a little here, but the bookend deaths in this episode were EXTREMELY effective. Joel killing his neighbour with a wrench out of necessity, the way Sarah reacts (reasonably and terrified) and almost looks at her dad differently. Ellie, who watches Joel brutally murder someone with his bare hands, which it could be argued he didnt have to do (this guy could have been bribed) and she looks like she trusts him more.
TESS!! Oh god. TBH I never really paid her much attention on my playthroughs, but MAN they did us a favour by fleshing her out - the softness and intimacy she displays with Joel, the sarcasm.
THAT scene; I knew it was coming. I knew I would cry. I didnt know id cry so hard id have to pause the show, get up and have a cigarette to calm down.
Bella Ramsey is perfect in this role. They have such a command of the character, the sarcasm, you already get the feeling that she knows she is alone in the world, and is trying to hide it as best she can. But Ellie is just a kid.
The scene of her immediately getting yeeted into a wall was absurdly funny and shouldnt have made me laugh.
She places her trust in strength, and that's going to come back in Winter.
Oh god Joel.
Lets talk about two BIG changes they have made, right off the bat. He is more sympathetic, and more unhinged.
The drugs, was a surprising choice, but one that makes complete sense. He is truly a wounded animal, medicating and lashing out at any given opportunity.
I love that they have him as Tess's attack dog - because thats exactly what he is. A German Shepherd with PTSD.
His blunt, dont give a fuck attitude is absolutely spot on, and the way he carries himself, single minded and focused is so spot on.
In short, I loved it. I thought it was a wonderful first episode, with enough nods to the game for people who have played it, without leaving those who havent completely in the dark.
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pacifymebby · 6 months
you're not the only one // chapter four
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Time passed but the dread I felt didn't. Every shift i worked with Sam was stifled and awkward and even though he was still driving me home when Johnny asked him to, I felt more and more awkward every day. 
The worst thing was, he seemed awkward too. 
Sometimes at work I'd be sure I could feel his eyes on me, I would be certain he'd opened his mouth about to say something, only to change his mind a moment later. 
So many times I'd gone out for a cigarette to see him drop half a cig on the floor, stamp it out and go inside as if he'd finished. 
I was beginning to dread the shifts I knew we would be sharing, the little bar feeling more and more claustrophobic by the day. I'd phoned in sick two days in a row, and though I'd considered phoning in again that night, I knew there was no way I'd get away with abandoning everyone on a Friday night. We were always busy on Fridays and I'd only feel guilty if I called in sick. I'd feel stupid too, calling in sick because I was too anxious about a boy to go to work. 
So i went into work and felt that skin crawling stifling anxiety all evening, dreading the end of my shift when I knew he'd be driving me home. We would sit in silence and I would find my thoughts racing, all of them caught in my throat like a stone. And he'd be lucky that he could focus on the road, pretend to be concentrating. 
I stood behind the taps all evening, pouring pints quietly, smiling shyly when one of the regulars came in and asked after mum and dad or Johnny. Everyone knew me as Bondy's little sister, not as Dylan or Wyn, but that was alright, I quite liked only ever having to answer questions about my brother. 
"Areet you," Sam's hand on my shoulder made me jump, my flinch leaving me blushing, feeling stupid as I turned around to him, holding the tip I'd just been given in the palm of my hand, nearly dropping it. 
"Hi," I said, my voice barely leaving my lips as he chuckled at how jumpy I was. 
"Don't panic lass," he grinned, "a was just comin take over like, yas havent had a break all night," 
"Oh," I said, trying to smile, "thanks," but the smile didn't reach my eyes and his didn't reach his either and we were once again locked in this strange, stifled awkward moment. Neither of us sure how to escape, both of us desperate to. 
I ducked beneath his arm as he went to serve the next customer, scurried out back for a cigarette, pulling my blue fleece around me, the cool evening air getting to me immediately. 
I closed my eyes, shaking fingers rolling my cigarette. I tried to just enjoy the peace and quiet but it was difficult because all I could think about was my embarrassment. How humiliating it was having to work in such proximity to a lad I'd gone from quietly crushing on, to being genuinely frightened of. And he wasn't oblivious to that fact either. That made it so much worse. The fact that I'd kept my crush hidden for so long but couldn't keep this hidden. he could tell I was being awkward, he could tell I was jumpy and scared. 
When I went back inside he was laughing with some of his mates who'd just come in. He was pouring their cider and blacks and making some joke about the other night. I only knew he was talking about the night I'd been out with them because when I walked back up to the bar one of them grinned, their voice startling me when they said my name. 
"There she is wee Dylan! When ya gan let our sammy take you out again ey lass?" they grinned, their eyes lit up, friendly, only messing around. Their friends laughing, all of them turning their attention to embarrassing Sam, enough so that I thought I might be able to sneak away, start serving someone else and pretend I'd not been talking to them at all. 
But I couldn't and they kept on talking and like it or not I was dragged back into their conversation more than once, only ever squeaking out some pitifully shy response to a question. Mostly just nodding or awkwardly laughing along at the jokes they made. 
By the end of my shift though I was exhausted from it, his friends had stayed all evening, trying to convince us both to stay on after our shift, and though I wished I could have been the kind of girl who would say yes, though I wished I could be laidback as they were, I wasn't that kind of girl and I just couldn't imagine a positive end to that evening. 
And Sam used me as an excuse, saying he had to drop me back and he'd never get back before last call. It was a lie, clearly he just didn't feel like going out that night, his own pallor kind of pale and nervous looking, though I assumed that was down to my presence. 
"Areet Wyn," he yawned, "lets get gan before a drop dead," he said, offering me a smile over his shoulder as he waited by the back door for me to get my shit together. He took my jacket down off the hook and our hands clashed as he went to help me with it. Another awkward fumble making me wish the ground would swallow me whole. 
I followed him quietly across the car park, neither of us saying a word until we closed the car doors and he let out a long sigh. 
"Fckin knackered so a am," he groaned his grin still lingering, his relentlessly laidback smile making another appearance. It showed my tired smile up and when he looked over at me he looked away again too quickly. As if he couldn't stand the sight of me. 
So I turned to the window and just nodded. 
"Yeah," I replied a little to late to sound as though I was responding to him. 
He turned the engine on, put the car in gear and we pulled away, the silence which followed the tyres rolling over the grit shrouding and suffocating us both. I tried to pretend I hadn't noticed it but I couldn't, leaning forward to turn the CD player on, not seeing Sam's expression change until he was apologising and awkwardly laughing. 
It was one of his demos, I could tell because it was only a guitar and a drum machine, nothing else, and none of it quite sounded right. 
"Fuckn 'ell that makes me seem like a reet knobhead, a promise am not just drivin around listenin to meself singin," he grinned awkwardly, running a hand through his hair as a blush stained his cheeks. "Honest a promise am not a total wanker like its just someone told me its good to play tracks in the car to get an idea of the mix cause thats where most people listen to music like..." 
I couldn't really say anything, I could think of sarcastic, teasing quips but I couldn't say them. Didn't have the voice to make a joke that wouldn't come out awkward and shakey and probably fall flat. 
"A don't think youre a wanker," I said quietly, listening to the CD because I didn't want to start awkwardly messing with his radio. All I could do was keep listening, and it was a nice song, catchy, his voice was the same rich smooth tone I recognised from when Johnny had played me snippets of demos. 
The drive wasn't long and when we pulled up outside my house I could see lights on. I fumbled with the seatbelt, relieved the awkwardness would soon shift and fade as I said goodbye and raced up the driveway out of the cold night air. 
"Thanks for the lift," 
"Aye, nae bother lass, say hi to your brother for me aye?" he said, his eyes lingering on mine, his friendly little smile making me wish once again that I could relax, that I could be normal for five seconds. 
"Aye," I said, hesitating before I closed the door, wanting to make him feel better about his CD wanting him to not feel awkward about it. "You shouldn't be embarrassed about your singin like..." I said, noticing how his eyes flickered away from me then, only glancing occasionally back at me, his own awkwardness returning. "Its nice," 
He looked a little knocked for a moment, frozen like he'd forgotten how to speak or at least what we'd been talking about. 
"Thanks Wyn," he said, my name struggling on his tongue like it was a chore. 
And then I was turning away, letting the car door close and running up the slope of the pavement to get to the front door. 
Johnny was just coming down stairs with an empty cup of tea in his hands and if he hadn't been I probably wouldn't have passed Sam's hello on, but as he was and because he asked me how work was, I did.
"Aye it was jus lowlights want it," I shrugged, "Sam says hi by the way..."
"He doin alreet?" he asked, that friendly, northern brand of nosiness everyone round our way seemed to possess. 
"Aye a think so, dunna talk to him much,"
"Sounds like you," he chuckled, his smirk lingering then, a spark in his eyes when he turned back to me, hand hovering over the door handle in his pause, "ey someone said they saw you an him gettin cosy the other night ya nar..."
"What?" I asked, my eyes wide, all the tell tale signs of guilt I didn't even know I possessed until he started laughing, highly entertained. 
"Aye, reckon they saw you snoggin," 
"Oh my god Johnny piss off don't talk to me about this!" I couldn't contain my panic then, my voice quiet but riddled with humiliation, I was mortified, hands coming to cover my gaping jaw. "Fuckin hell..." 
He was laughing, his eyes bright. 
"Ey don't worry I don't mind what you're gettin up to, Sam's a nice lad..." he sniggered still teasing me probably thinking the whole thing was just a ridiculous rumour. Johnny knew me better than anyone and the thought of me snogging anyone, never mind someone I'd been harbouring a secret crush on for years, was absurd. It just wouldn't happen. 
But it had happened. 
Now that he had mentioned it I could remember that it had happened. 
"Jesus fuckin..." I started, changing my mind, shutting up, desperately embarrassed as I pushed past him and disapeared upstairs. 
"Oi Dyl dya want a brew?" he called back, knowing to make me one despite the lack of reply he got from me.  Just then I was far too embarrassed to speak, my head swirling with all kinds of thoughts. 
He was right, whoever had told him that had been right. We definitely had kissed that night, and the more I thought about it the more I could remember. How I'd spent all evening sitting in his lap, getting cosy with him, and how when we'd kissed we'd kissed more than once only to go inside and not mention it. 
And Sam hadn't said anything about it later that evening, nor had he said anything about it the morning after. 
Why hadn't Sam mentioned it? Was this why he'd been being so awkward, was this why he wouldn't look at me? The more I thought about it he more sick I felt. 
It must have been a mistake, he mustn't  have meant what he'd said to me, whatever it was he'd said, I couldn't quite remember his words, could hardly remember anything, all my thoughts clouded with embarrassment and shame. Shame because he was too ashamed, too embarrassed to bring it up. Didn't even want to remind me of it long enough to tell me that it was a mistake. 
When Johnny brought my brew up for me he was still smirking, but I was mortified, sitting quietly on my bed just starring at the wall, lost in my humiliation. 
"So has he said owt to you then?" he asked, knocking my knee with his as he sat down, still smiling away still finding it hilarious.
"Fuck off John!" was all I could manage only leaving him laughing harder as he got up and made his escape all surrendering hands above his head, giggling as he closed my bedroom door behind him, not without one more joke. 
"That what you were doing at work tonight?" 
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midchelle · 1 year
thank you @raylangivins for tagging. putting this on here because when it comes to beatles rpf, i follow the policy of containment
ao3 first lines tagline
Rules: Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway (spoiler alert: rules are made to be broken…)
i haven't written ten fanfics but instead of just sharing the three I've uploaded i am going to take this opportunity to be self-indulgent and pad this list out with other little fragments I've had lying around for a while
“Oi!” John shouts. “What’s going on here?” 
“You are not supposed to be here,” the man says. His English sounds like that of all Europeans of his ilk: almost RP but far more enthusiastic about his consonants than any limey. “Jacky and the Strangers were booked to play tonight,” says Lord Kraut, “not the Beatles.”  
John squints. “What Beatles?” 
“You Beatle, John Lennon.” 
people (@aquarianshift) have been saying that this is the greatest opening in English literature. you decide.
2. What did they say in a tale of two cities? The best of times, the worst of times, the age of wisdom, the age of foolishness. Et cetera, et cetera. Heaven and hell. England and America. How could a few lines in black ink read business as usual on side of that narrow ocean and read bonfires and death threats on the other? The best of times. The worst of times. At the moment, the latter seemed more apt.
3. "This album," George said dryly as the slide guitar trickled away, "has the distinct honour of being the first effort by an ex-Beatle to be rejected by a record company."
"They're good songs --" said Paul. 
"'We don't hear a single.' That's what Warner Brothers said, " George lit a cigarette. "Do you know what a single is these days? The radio stations have been going around doing polls and they've decided a hit single is a song about love gained or lost aimed at fourteen to twenty year olds. What chance does that give me?" Paul picked at the remains of his toast and waited for that's your target audience, not mine --  something else along those lines -- but what happened was George ashed his cigarette, stood, and said, "Alright, break's over. Let me try that guitar bit again."
4. Morning dawned in a flushed glow. Sunlight picked out red and gold veins hidden within the sandstone of the temples. The carved blocks, tapering into pointed domes, were darkened by a rain that had tempered a balmy evening the night before.
this is from the george harrison being sad in india fic i havent finished because i have a beginning and ending and haven't figured out how to knit them together yet
5. No matter how swinging London got, it could never beat Paris. There was just something in the air, the attitude, the cant of light. The food, the romantic old cobblestone streets, even the grime on the townhouses had a dignified, artful quality.
from paul and john in paris 1966 fic i probably won't finish because the paul voice in this is sooo pretentious jesus
6. The letter reads:
Dear Mr & Mrs Starkey
John Winston Lennon has had Paul McCartney erased from his memory. Please never mention their relationship to him again. 
Thank you. 
At first, when he finds out, he’s relieved.
from mclennon eternal sunshine of the spotless mind au that i will. probably finish. sometime in the summer
fini! i'm supposed to tag ten people but i don't feel like it so i tag: @thetomboyeffect @scurator and idk anyone else who wants to do it
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kikuneesama · 2 years
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Happy birthday @enevera!! Here is a little something something, I hope you might like. I'm sorry I couldn't come up with anything cooler fsdklfsdaklf. I havent written in a while and idk with my brain yet. Anyway, wish you a great day and all good things. Sending hugs &lt;3
Uh, yeah, this is I guess Satoru x Suguru x Shouko .... maybe
2064 words
unedited because im lazy.
There is this certain type of cigarette smell that transforms Shouko back in time whenever she smells it. It does not matter where exactly she is, Tokyo’s main station, the narrow ways between the high rise buildings of Ropponing, the long way up the road to the school, if she just catches a whiff of that smell it is like she timewarped back to being a teenager.
Maybe that is why she stopped smoking those brands of cigarettes completely.
Once you enter adulthood, many people in the country start looking back at their childhood summers with this nostalgia for a time that seemed almost too perfect to be real. Anime, movies, music and tv often discuss these summers, the longing an adult feels for them and how a time like this would never happen ever again.
Shouko hated this. Summers were hot, summers were sweaty and overtly sunny and full of bugs and cicada noise. As a kid she would hide in the basement, and now, as an adult, she was doing much the same. 
Her childhood summer, the one she longs for, happened when started when she was 15. It lasted for much more than four years and it smelled of chewing gum, wooden rooms and menthol cigarettes.
Being a person who can see cursed spirits didn’t make you a popular student with the other kids in schools. So for her first 8 or so years in school, Shouko tried to stay out of everybody’s way. That didn’t mean they didn’t whisper about her behind her back, thinking her interest in medicine and especially forensic sciences were odd. Still, she didn’t have it as bad as other kids like her, she was not bullied, she was mostly just left alone.
It was good to be alone. She knew how to cope alone.
It was an unusually warm April day, the cherry blossoms just falling down the trees when Shouko entered Jujutsu High for the first time. She was almost sweating in the black new uniform with the long sleeves. She was greeted by the headmaster, introduced to her teacher and told that she’d share the year with two boys. She wasn’t very interested in them.
Shouko heard Gojo Satoru before she saw him. The corridor with the student rooms was full of the noise of his laughter. When he introduced himself to her, with that sly smile of his, and told her who he was, what significance he had, how he was going to be unbeatable, Shouko guessed and guessed right instantly, that he was overplaying.
That he was lonely was obvious, even if you couldn’t see his eyes.
Geto Suguru was a different kind of boy. He was quiet, an outsider and he knew it. He was friendly, always overly courteous. He inquired about her medical books and anatomy posters and overall did some friendly small talk. Shouko guessed that he too had been mostly alone and instead of becoming louder, like Satoru, had just quieted down more. 
All three of them were similar in that regard.
At first she thought she'd never like either of them very much. 
And so classes began.
Getting to know both of them was a slow but rewarding process. Shouko had been right about Satoru, he had been isolated from other people most of his life so far and craved human connections. He would come by her room even when she was studying, hanging on her bed throwing balls at the ceiling and down until she told him to leave.
Suguru turned out to be a real nerd. Super interesting and classic and modern Anime and Manga, though he hid his addiction well. In his room he kept most of his Manga volumes under his bed and in the corner, all neatly packed and dust free, as if they were porn magazines. But if he was asked about it, he would never stop talking. Shouko sometimes spent evenings with him just sitting side by side reading in comfortable silence.
She knew the boys were doing things together without her too. That they spent time with just the two of them. One time she opened the door to Satoru’s room for this and that and they were laying shoulder to shoulder on his bed. 
At the time she had no way to explain the stinging she felt at being excluded from the intimate moment.
They were a trio. Most first years came into the school in Trio’s or groups of four, but none were as close as the three of them. It was impossible to mention Suguru without mentioning Satoru and Shouko too. Triple S, the first years called them once they graduated to year two, and they meant it in annoyance and admiration.
That second spring, Shouko brought the menthol cigarettes for the first time. She ignored the “That’s bad for your health” and “those stink” comments from Satoru whenever she put on one, and his dramatically waving hands if it was around him. Smoking was nice and a stress relief and made her feel good.
Smoking wasn’t allowed in the dorms or through the open windows as the smell could seep into the furniture and curtains, so Shouko often had to go outside to have some. Either of the boys, sometimes both of them, often accompanied her then, even if Satoru often pulled a face.
The smell of the cigarettes seeped into all of them anyway, their hair, their clothes, their minds that summer, with so many things happening. Shouko was watching the boys grow from the sidelines. Her career path was different and so they were often separated. But before and after missions they’d still all sit together, outside, on porches or in gardens and on benches, talking, laughing and the smell of Shouko’s cigarettes were always there too.
Shouko loved both of them. Each in their own way, but at best together. In those times she used to think that if she’d be able to live with them side by side forever, she would never need to marry. They would be family enough.
Suguru could endlessly talk about manga he had bought, new shonen jump issues and anime adaptations, but it was Satoru who brought in the story that finally helped her figure her mind out. It was a Shoujo manga, something Suguru would never touch if he could help it. Satoru was raving about it, the story of a protagonist who couldn’t choose between two suitors. “She loves them both,” Satoru exclaimed. “So she can’t choose! It's incredibly exciting to read.”  
“You can’t love two people,” Shouko said in reflex, but took the books anyway. To humour him.
Amongst all the relatively standard romance and reverse-harem tropes Shouko actually did find the narrative pretty interesting. The lead character did love both boys very clearly and struggled to decide who to pursue. Didn’t help that both guys had different personality traits that fit neatly into hers, but none of them was perfect.
When she gave the books back to Satoru she told him she liked it, but not without gritting her teeth a little. Still, he smirked, because of course he did.
Not long after that, at the height of sweaty summer, Shouko felt like hanging out with Suguru, so she made her way over to his dorm room, her arms full of books to study with. It was not locked, the door just leaning, so she pushed it lightly with her foot to have it swing open. Suguru was there with Satoru. 
They were kissing.
This time the sting felt much more real. She turned and ran away.
The moon was already up and Shouko had not found sleep yet. It was good that the boys were a couple, they were good, they worked together, they liked each other, right? That was good. She was just upset that this meant they’d do more things without her. That she’d be excluded more, because couples want to be alone. Right? 
“You can’t love two people.” So it was.
She tried to stay away from them a little more afterwards. They deserved to explore this thing on their own, without her around. Plus, in middle school she had always been alone, so she must be used to it.
But losing both her best friends at the same time was a hard pill to swallow. 
Not that they were actively excluding her. No Satoru still came around to annoy her when he felt like she needed cheering up, Suguru still invited her over if he had a new manga issue bought somewhere, or a novel to share, but Shouko blocked them off most times. They should spend time together, not waste it on her.
Shouko smoked more cigarettes than any other time before. The pain ate at her insides. Never had she thought that losing a friendship could hurt like that.
She thought of that manga again, that main character that loved both of the male leads equally as much. The tear it brought her to have to choose possibly, the fact that she couldn't. The fact that Shouko’s own reaction had been to immediately dismiss it.
Maybe that was it, she thought, a midnight in winter. Maybe she loved them both to equal measures. Maybe that was why this felt more like heartbreak.
The next week Shouko started observing herself around both of the others. How she felt when she was with each of them alone, how she felt when they were all three together. At the end of it, there was no doubt about it really. You could in fact love two people.
She didn’t know how to confess what she felt, too scared that she would ruin what little they had left. Satoru and Suguru loved each other clearly and they liked her well enough, but was that a good basis for an actual, real, relationship as three?
At least she stopped blocking their advances and started hanging out with them more again. More cigarette smoke and book talk and laughter. She was relieved to be by their side again.
One night, way later than Shouko was allowed to stay in the male dorm rooms, they were laying together on Satoru’s bed. Satoru was telling a story about the clan house his family owned, about one of the old guy’s that always came around to stare at him as if he was a rare jewelry item. Satoru was good at telling stories, always making them very imaginative and easy to follow.
Suguru smiled and laughed along too, even though in recent times he had grown so quiet and often looked tired. In hindsight, Shouko felt like she should have known something was not quite right with him.
Still, that night, she felt so at peace with both of them by her side. She slung her hand around Satoru’s - at least the one he wasn’t waving around– and then the other around Suguru’s. They let her, entwined her fingers with hers. And so they fell asleep eventually, just holding on to each other.
Shouko wondered the next morning if confessing was necessary. If they’d just continue being together like this, it was enough for her. 
The day Suguru left she found a note on her notepad in her dorm room. He had hastily scribbled it down right there, just three words, no other goodbye. 
He did not go to Satoru. He did not say goodbye to anyone else. Instead he scribbled something for Shouko, maybe in hopes she would understand.
It was something she recognised from Bleach, a popular manga at the time. A character, ready to leave her old life behind for ever, as a goodbye to friends, had left a note behind.
Goodbye, Halcyon days.
And though at first she did not understand what that meant, she instinctively knew the feeling those words wanted to convey.
To him, the carefree days of youth, the long summer of their childhood that they’d long for as adults, was over. 
Suguru was not saying goodbye to her specifically, he was saying goodbye to the version of him that had been in the last two or so years.
That day she went to smoke outside her dorm even if it was against the rules. She could not explain why, but the taste suddenly made her feel sick.
In the end, she never got to tell them.
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swampgallows · 2 years
our friend nick justice was spinning at a free event tonight at 4am, usually a dead timeslot, so daygo and i thought we could roll up and enjoy his set by ourselves. i was hoping it was pretty empty so that we could stay and actually dance, and maybe i could have a taste of the rave life i have so deeply missed. however, when we got there, they had merged the two rooms, so it was completely packed, hot and stinking of cigarette smoke, and we had to leave. 
nick came out to say hi. multiple people commented on how happy they were to see “a real candy kid”. one girl was complimenting me up and down, and daygo did the honor of responding to her for me. i managed to tell her i wear kandi every day and havent stopped for 18 years now. 
i broke down in the car. i want to be packed in with those sweaty, stinking, ecstatic people, dancing and laughing and blowing black snot from my nose. but it could kill me and my family if i do it. 
i hate that this life has been taken from me. i dont know when i will be able to safely return to it. it will be years, probably. if there are outdoor events—maybe, as i thought with this one. but not without ventilation. not without masks. and, most of all, not without the ability to trust people, which i have completely lost. 
nobody is masking anymore. it is a losing battle. i cant resent these people for partying. theyre just doing what i would be doing if i lived in their world. but i don’t. i have been relegated to a second-class citizen who must reside in an underground beneath the underground. i have to remain isolated and invisible if i want to survive. 
i am reaching a point where i feel i have lost nearly everything to stay alive for. and i have already lost so much living in this cage, this cage that has become invisible and ignored by so much of the world around me, that most of what i have lost does not even realize or care that i am gone. 
i do not think i can ever win back my life. i do not know how i will ever create a new one. tonight, i felt the bars, and they were like an electric fence.
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