#i have zero friends from the kp fandom
iceywrites · 2 years
did anyone start a kp discord?
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gennianydots · 4 months
Hi, what's your 30 favorite Asian BL characters from dramas or series you've watched? (unless you don't have that many)
Nonnie? Are you okay? Reblog if you’re okay. 30 is a lot! Alright. I’m going to try my best. Just for YOU. And because I love you so much, I have also given you my reasons WHY.
I also created parameters for myself, so this is the MEN. If you want to find out my top 30 WOMEN from Asian BL's/QL's, just ask!
1. Pran from Bad Buddy
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He’s my son, my baby, the absolute love of my life. I would marry this man in a heartbeat, if he were not already betrothed to Pat.
2. Pat from Bad Buddy
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He’s such a green flags guy, my clueless baby with horny-for-Pran-only/would-kill/die-for-him vibes. Don’t forget the man got shot!
3. Tinn from My School President
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Need I say more? No. Tinn is goofy and cheesy and literally the best. He loves Gun so much he is willing to risk his school presidency just to get the chance to date Gun. I love him!
4. Gun from My School President
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Is he smart? No. Is he clueless? Yes. Does he have a heart of gold and strong ambition? YES. He’s my full heart, empty-mind, music-loving, can’t-lose dork and he’s a close contender for #3 behind Tinn, an even bigger dork.
5. Tiw from My School President/Our Skyy 2
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Oh boy. Mark Pakin is him, he is Mark Pakin- I loved him so much. I love his willingness to stay by his friend through high school crushes and that we got to see him dating Por in Our Skyy 2. Big feels. 😍
6. Heart and LiMing from Moonlight Chicken
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You cannot make me choose. These two stole the whole show and gave zero fucks about it.
7. Kurosawa Yuichi from Cherry Magic JP
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This man stole my heart in the first several minutes of the show. Love his attentive nature and softness.
8. Jang Jae Young from Semantic Error
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This chaos gremlin motherfucker is my favorite. He pined HARD for his underclassmen and I adore him for it.
9. Wei Wuxian from Mo Dao Zu Shi/The Untamed
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I haven’t seen the Untamed but have watched the animated series and read the story for Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation. I don’t think I’d be here if I hadn’t first fallen in love with this Bisexual Disaster. A true KING.
10. King from Bed Friend
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Speaking of KINGS, King is the ultimate Green-Flags Doe-Eyes Fabio of my dreams.
11. Tinn’s Dad from My School President
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The most Dad to ever Dad - ever.
12. Pi from Fish Upon the Sky
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An autistic son of mine. Phuwin made me laugh when I needed it the most. This show was a disaster but I loved this character!
13. Yok from Not Me
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First crushed it in this role and he made Yok incredibly sexy the amazing, diverse character we see on screen.
14. Porsche from KinnPorsche
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I joined the BL fandom with the KP group! I love when Porsche throws himself off the boat to get away from Kinn, peeing in the Koi pond, the sacrifices he made to protect Chay and every moment before and after.
15. Kinn from KinnPorsche
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Daddy. I don’t think I need to say anything else. 😈
16. Gao Shi De and Zhou Shu Yi from We Best Love
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Holy hell, these men can act! They both really won me over in season 2, but I rooted for these boyfriends throughout the whole thing.
17. Akk and Ayan from The Eclipse
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I can’t separate these two, either. I really loved First/Khaotung in these roles too. I can't picture anyone else who would have done them justice.
18. Team from Between Us
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I just realized recently how much I enjoyed Between Us, and Team is so cute in this - I can't explain, I just like him a lot.
19. Win from Between Us
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Team's boyfriend was also a highlight of Between Us for me.
20. Tsuge Masato from Cherry Magic JP
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He made me laugh a lot. I loved him as the neurotic friend.
21. Gun from A Boss and a Babe
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I love Force, Actually? He did a good job with playing an older role, even though he is younger than Book IRL.
22. Longtae from Tale of Thousand Stars
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It was so CUTE seeing baby Khaotung in this role, and I cheered every time he was on screen. (I enjoyed Longtae more than Tian or Phupha - though I do think Mix did an excellent job as Tian the teacher).
23. Jedi from The Warp Effect
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Does this count? It’s a very gay show. I say it counts. Again, a Mark Pakin role that he crushed.
24. Bosston from Until We Meet Again/Between Us
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We are sticking with Green Flags only guys here. It was a tiny role but I loved it.
25. Klabkluen from Star and Sky: Star in My Mind
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Have you seen Joong PINE over Dunk? He's the best PINER I've ever seen. This was mostly a fluff watch but I enjoyed Joong's performance.
26. Dew from 609 Bedtime Story
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Well, this show was all over the place. I thoroughly enjoy time shenanigans in my shows so I stuck with it to the end, even if it ultimately made no sense. I have always thought Fluke Natouch was very talented though, and I found his performance here better than in Until We Meet Again, or Between Us. (He just "P'Dean"-ed all over the place and was too much of a blushing maiden for me).
27. Khondiao from Cutie Pie
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I liked him better than the mains. 🤷‍♀️
28. Kim from KinnPorsche
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My sad little meow-meow who ghosts a child. Also it's Jeff.
29. Ki Tae from Our Dating Sim
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This show was so cute. I am a big fan of characters who pine for a long time before their crush finds out.
30. Payu from Love in the Air
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Lots of controversy here as many folks didn't enjoy this show. I say credit where credit is due, Payu is the bisexual hottie I was looking for. The chemistry between Payu and Rain was also off the charts.
Thanks for reading!! Again, if you want my top 30 females you will have to ask me! Thank you to all the gif-makers who made the gifs I stole for this post. You are the true heroes of my heart. Muah Muah!
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thesportssoundoff · 5 years
The Knicks Are Rebooting....Again
First the trade:
Knicks get- Dennis Smith Jr, DeAndre Jordan, Wesley Matthews and two 1st round picks
Mavericks get- Tim Hardaway Jr, Trey Burke, Courtney Lee and Kristaps Porzingis
Alex's thoughts:
"Knicks get: a future first rounder, a point guard they needed in Smith Jr, a serviceable big man in De'Andre Jordan, a guy who is at worst a like for like replacement for Hardaway Jr and you shed millions of dollars tied up in contracts that open you up to make a run at somebody like Durant in the summer. Suddenly? The Knicks will have 74.6 million available to spend. That's two max contracts.
Knicks get rid of: Porzingis who was always hurt and questioning the direction of the team- a guy whom you could say the bloom had fallen off the rose rather quickly lately. Same guy who couldn't be bothered to go to exit interviews at the end of the season and likes to undermine his coaches via instagram posts. You also got rid of Hardaway who as a hindrance to the team and Courtney Lee who is a take him or leave him player.
I'm not mad about this."
My thoughts:
1- This becomes a lot easier to stomach when you accept the obvious: Kristaps Porzingis was not going to stay in New York.
Remember the exit interview from 2017? How the Knicks apparently talked trade with the Suns during the NBA draft? Remember the rumblings about some grumblings that Porzingis was losing faith in the Knicks? Then comes today where he it leaks that he and his management had a chit chat with the Knicks where he implies he'd  like to be traded. The key here to is to just accept that you were going to lose Kristaps Porzingis eventually and in the process you would've had a very angry potential star piece dragging your franchise for the process. If he accepts the QO from the Mavs,  it'll only further paint the picture of a guy who was going to hit the market no matter what the case was (although he could re-sign with Dallas if he desires). Work the timeline out if ya must; there's no way to do a deal where somebody shows up mad, hints at wanting to trade and then a trade suddenly materializes after the meeting within thirty minutes or so. It's faulty logic at best.  The Knicks must've known Porzingis was not going to be here for much longer and as such had to make a move. The fact that they apparently talked to Dallas for days about this tells me that this wasn't some master plan set up. The Knicks had a guy who didn't want to be here and so it was done and dealt with.
Kristaps Porzingis is not wrong to see the Knicks and say "I don't want to be here anymore" so don't think I'm going after him here. The Knicks drafted him into a dysfunctional relationship to start with when you consider Phil Jackson, Steve Mills and the head coaching kerfuffle at the time. The Knicks have rebuilt around him, spent for the illusion of competitiveness and then engaged in a rebuild again. He's clashed with them, saw his friend in Carmelo Anthony get dealt (HE HAUNTS THE KNICKS FROM THE NBA GRAVE!) and just had to deal with a generally all around pretty piss poor run franchise. If he looked around and didn't like what he saw then that's fine and he should seek greener pastures. You don't get to be mad when you make a league like the NFL where the owners yield less power than any other major sport. That's the name of the game. I'm just making the argument that if he's leaving then trading him before he leaves (and not letting the stink linger any) is the right move to make. You can hold onto the hope or accept that ya Knicks'd it up and try again.
2- This CAN be a win-win for both teams.
Right now if we're just talking players for players, the Mavericks win this trade with relative ease.  Mavericks got the best player in KP and they'll have him for at least another season. They got a bit of a renaissance story in Trey Burke, a really underrated 3 and D guy in Courtney Lee and while Tim Hardaway Jr is pretty awful defensively, he CAN do some good things offensively on a team that's lacked some scoring pop. The Knicks got DeAndre Jordan (a good big man on the decline who has no value to a bad team), the corpse of Wes Matthews who never recovered from an awful Achilles injury and Dennis Smith Jr.  Right now the Mavericks are better than they were going INTO today and chances are they're going to be better next year as well!
We've been down this road before. The Knicks once upon a time moved heaven and earth under Donnie Walsh to put themselves in the driver's seat for 2010. Remember that? LeBron James, Dwayne Wade, Chris Bosh, Amare Stoudamire and Joe Johnson to name a few? The Knicks were prepping themselves to be active hardcore buyers. They struck out on the big three, Joe Johnson wound up staying with the Hawks and the Knicks? Well they had money and they needed a dude to trumpet out so Amare Stoudamire, come on down! Stoudamire will forever have a somewhat broken relationship with Knicks lore; it was a pro sports arranged marriage of sorts that ultimately helped the Knicks get Carmelo Anthony. There is no Melo without Amare and while "Did the Knicks give up too much?" will always be a debate, the Knicks with Melo and Amare had some really good seasons before it fell apart. The point isn't to relitigate the legacies of Melo and Amare but to point out that the Knicks are back at it again. They're selling hopium to you at marquee prices, telling you that THIS time we're going to right the wrongs of the failed LeBron/Wade/Bosh push. This time is going to be THE time where the Knicks will be players for Kyrie Irving and Kevin Durant and they will get their guys. If that happens then this is one of those ultra rare trades where everybody wins.
That of course doesn't even touch on the fact of two first round picks the Knicks are getting. I would say easily there's little to no chance that the Knicks actually MAKE those picks but those are assets which leads me tooooo....
3- The Knicks allocated some assets BUT do you trust them?
The first is that the Knicks collected some good assets in this deal. There was a plenty of interest in Dennis Smith Jr when the Mavs were shopping him SO if the Knicks feature Dennis Smith Jr and then move him in June or July (assuming he's not a TOTAL failure) then they can continue to flip him into assets. The two 1st round picks (2021 and 2023 apparently) do not matter now but in a year or two the Knicks COULD be able to throw some picks out there to try and trade for somebody. Asset allocation is great  and having options with so many young players who are on flippable deals with picks to back them up can get you something. The counter here is that you're absolutely right and dare I say fair to have zero trust in the people making these decisions.
The same guys who rotted the KP/Knicks relationship still remain.
The guys who gave Tim Hardaway Jr the fat deal you had to fight from underneath to get out of remains.
The guy who drafted Frank Ntilikina over Dennis Smith Jr (Which WHOOPS!)
The sole difference in the equation is Scott Perry; a long time executive who has some skins on the wall who will be tasked with not making the mistakes of Donnie Walsh or a Phil Jackson. Good luck pal.
4- "The Heaviest Jersey In The NBA"
I would not have a single problem with people not wanting to hear from Allan Hahn right now given who he works for BUT Hahn was on the Michael Kay Show and he said something that struck me. "This is the heaviest jersey in the NBA and it wears you down." His point was that it takes a certain guy to be the guy who carries the Knicks franchise and even so it requires plenty of help. Hahn paints a picture of a really good young player with poor support around him off the court who grew tired of the poor support on the court. He talked about Porzingis being fragile and sensitive to New York criticism with a support group that didn't like seeing Porzingis take the heat for the Knicks' woes. If that's the case then Porzingis simply wasn't going to be "the guy" and now the Knicks are left chasing "the guy" onward into perpetuity.
5- Your view on this deal is directly tied on how addicted to Hopium you are.
Seriously. If you're a guy who can still get buzzed on Hopium then this deal is a winner for you. You traded a guy who didn't want to be here for two 1st round picks (ASSETS!), a good young guard (TALENTED GUY WHO CAN GET BETTER!), expiring deals (CAP SPACE!) and the opportunity to be free agent players (KD! KYRIE! KLAY THOMPSON!). Throw in a potential top 3 pick (THE KICKS HAVE TO WIN THE LOTTERY ONE YEAR RIGHT?!?) and you've got something to be built. If you've gone to sports rehab for Hopium then you see the Knicks trading away a player not even close to his prime for pennies on the dollar and promises of doing something they haven't been able to do in a long, long time. Let your addictions define your fandom.
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belgianeyes · 7 years
Frankly i think harry is hypocrite too and this story just show it. If you like your privacy so much you don't run behind celebrities (aboveall female of course) for companionship and aboveall you don't put this circus on. For hunting what you say it's true but there is a huge difference to hunt for food and to hunt for fun. Harry hunts for fun and also if it is legal it's not a good thing and after i saw the video of his german friend 1/2
With who he spent a shooting weekend last month, i have to say i’m deeply disappointed. The driven hunt is legal but very awful, not different by the fox hunting. It’s ok hunting until it doesn’t became a sadic game.
About the hunting: I have seen the video, and that’s Harry’s friend, not Harry. I do agree there are many different forms of hunting, some of them are fine, others aren’t. But I don’t know how the RF hunts, I don’t think we’ve ever gotten information about that, other than what they’re hunting. Because of that, I choose to trust that Harry will never let animals suffer anymore than they have to.
About the celebrities: Harry is a lot more famous than Meghan is, he’s a lot more famous than a lot of actors. Him having a relationship with a celebrity doesn’t get him more attention, it gets him less.
When people found out they were dating the press, and the fandom were scouring the internet for information about her. And there is information out there about Meghan that they can use to write their articles and get their clicks.
If it were a woman that has zero internetpresence, the press would be unable to get any information without 1) getting it from Harry/her/KP 2) getting it by intruding in their lives. 
People would be stalking them to get a glimpse of her to analyze every word and every movement. With Meghan that’s not necessary cause they can just watch Suits, and her interviews, and read her blog, and look at her Instagram.
I’m pretty sure that the circus would be ten times bigger if Harry’s girlfriend hadn’t already been in the press before.
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