#i have to make them as teenagers in the sims and then build at least part of the set and make the poses.......... oh this is gonna kill me
mattodore · 1 year
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holy shit it’s matthias's birthday
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uslessnoahtall · 6 months
Book Genre Legacy Challenge
Hello! I've been playing the Sims for what feels like forever at this point, and the only way I ever manage to keep myself invested in the game is by playing legacy challenges. I kinda wanted to try my hand at making my own legacy challenge, so here it is!
The Sims 4 Book Genre Legacy Challenge!
Basic Rules: - Reach the end of each aspiration. - Reach level ten of career unless specified otherwise. - Cheats are allowed but try not to use them (only because they make gameplay less fun). - Reach level 10 of each set of skills given for each generation - Heir can be any gender unless specified.
I did my best to make this as Base Game compatible as possible, if you’re missing some packs and I didn’t offer an alternative just pick your own or skip it.
Gen 1: Classics
Colours: Blue and Brown Traits: Family Oriented, Dog Lover (BG: Neat), Art Lover Aspiration: Lord or Lady of the Knits (BG: Successful Lineage) Career: Start as Business but quit once you have kids Skills: Knitting and Parenting
You’ve been called an old soul all your life. Everyone always laughed at you for your simplistic dreams. You’ve always wanted a simple life. White picket fence, perfect partner, two kids, and a dog, maybe even a rocking chair to knit on. Who cares if you don’t have big career plans, at least you’ve got a family.
Rules: - Must have at least two kids - Quit your job once you have your kids. - Have a good relationship with all children. - Adopt a dog once your kids are toddlers. - Only have one romantic relationship and marry them before you’re an adult.
Gen 2: Western
Colours: Brown and White Traits: Bro, Rancher (BG: Hates Children), Loner Aspiration: Championship Rider (BG: Bodybuilder) Career: Athlete or no Job (Horse Ranch) Skills: Fitness, Horse Riding, and Guitar
You grew up in a picture perfect home. You were adored by your parents and lived the perfect life. But not everything was as great as it seemed. You learnt very quickly how mean children could be, as you were the youngest of the family and constantly picked on by your sibling(s). You moved out as soon as your were able to and bought the biggest piece of land you could find. Anything to get away from other people. 
Rules: - Have a bad relationship with your sibling(s) - Move out as soon as you’re a young adult onto a plot of land - Buy a horse (if you have HR) as soon as you can - Have an unexpected child (one only)  - Don’t move in with your partner until you know you’re having a child  - Have a high relationship with partner and parents, no one else
Gen 3: Science Fiction 
Colours: White and Green Traits: Geek, Socially Awkward (BG: Clumsy), Genius Aspiration: Computer Whiz Career: Astronaut Skills: Programming, Rocket Science, and Robotics
As an only child, you were taught to entertain yourself. Your parents had never enjoyed company, and hadn’t payed much attention to you growing up. You kept yourself busy, ignoring their silly western ideals and searching for a more captivating life in the stars. You found a passion in technology, and found numbers far easier to understand than people. Maybe there’s life out there better than the people you���ve met on earth. 
Rules: - Build a rocket ship  - Travel to Sixam and bring an alien back to earth with you (if you have GTW) - Marry the alien and have a kid  - Never make friends  - Don’t talk to your parents after you move out 
Gen 4: Comedy
Colours: Green and Yellow Traits: Goofball, Self Absorbed (BG: Noncommittal), Outgoing Aspiration: Joke Star Career: Entertainer (Comedian Branch) Skills: Comedy and  Charisma
Your parents always had their head in the stars, and being half alien you felt like an outcast as a child. You hated how hard it was to make friends and only wanted to be like everyone else. Once you reached a teenager however, you realized that if you tried hard enough and got everyone to like you, no one would even realize you were a little odd. 
Rules: - Make a bunch of friends as a teenager, but never stay close with any of them - Host house parties once a week - Have at least three kids and have a good relationship with them all - Sever all connection to your alien parent after you move out
Gen 5: Contemporary
Colours: Yellow and Pink Traits: Ambitious, Snob, Materialistic  Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy Career: Doctor (BG: Business) Skills: Logic and Painting 
You grew up in a very loud family. Everyone was always laughing and there were parties almost every week. As a child you loved it, but as you got older you realized there were more important things in life than laughter. You decided to take a different route than the rest of your family. To you, there was nothing more important than success, other than money of course. 
Rules: - Marry someone in the same career field as you. - Have a large house and hire a maid/butler as soon as you can afford it. - While your children are young, hire a nanny for them instead of sending them to daycare. - Have an over-the-top wedding. - Decorate your house with your own art (no one else makes art that is good enough for you)
Gen 6: Romance
Colours: Pink and Red Traits: Romantic, Good, Music Lover Aspiration: Soulmate Career: Entertainer (Actor Branch) or Acting (GF) Skills: Charisma, Acting, Piano or Violin
As a kid, you always felt like the outcast of the family. Your sibling(s) were super smart and seemed likely to follow in your parents successful footsteps, while you were always a little behind, more interested in making friends than success. You feel in love with romantic stories and tv shows at a young age, as everything always seemed to work out for the main characters. Your parents were a little cold and  you barely saw them be affectionate with each other. As you got older you decided that the world needed a little more love.
Rules: - Must be a woman  - Date as many sims as you want but don’t woohoo until married - Have at least two close friends and one best friend - Adopt a dog - Have a music room in your house
Gen 7: Horror
Colours: Red and Black Occult option: Vampire Traits: Gloomy, Perfectionist. Unflirty (BG: Hot-Headed)  Aspiration: Villainous Valentine Career: Secret Agent (Villain Branch) Skills: Vampire Lore, Pipe organ or Piano, Mischief 
Your mom drove you crazy growing up. Her insanely positive outlook on life made you laugh. You believed she’d just gotten lucky in her love life, there’s no way anyone else could achieve that sort of perfect romance. All that being said, you do love her with all your heart. But as the only official black sheep of the family, you made it your goal to make your family the complete opposite of the one you grew up in, staring with the worst career you could think of. 
Rules: - Have a good relationship with your parents and invite them over for weekly dinners  - Adopt a black cat -Partner should match your values - Don’t settle down until aspiration is complete 
Gen 8: Fantasy
Colours: Black and Purple Traits: Loves Outdoors, Jealous, Creative Aspiration: Freelance Botanist  Career: Gardener (BG: No Job) Skills: Gardening, Flower Arranging, Baking
You loved the whimsicalness of your grandmother when you were a child. If you had the choice you would’ve had her raise you instead of your own parents. Growing up in such a dark environment made you want to fill your own house colours. The one thing you and your parent do have in common however, is your twisted outlook on love, as you are constantly convinced that your partner is cheating on you.
Rules:  - Have a good relationship with your grandmother  - Have at least three partners before you find the one, and be the one to break up with them all - Have a greenhouse  - Don’t have any kids until your grandmother dies - Have a rocky relationship with your spouse
Gen 9: Mystery
Colours: Purple and Grey Traits: Paranoid (BG: Loner), Loyal, Slob Aspiration: Master Mixologist  Career: Detective (BG: Secret Agent, Diamond Agent Branch) Skills: Mixology, Photography, Charisma
You had a pretty normal childhood, aside from the occasional screaming match between your parents. Unfortunately you inherited one of your parents tendency for paranoia, and constantly think somethings out to get you. Instead of taking it out on your partner however, you take it out on the criminals in town, and the occasional drink. And hey you never know, maybe some criminals can be trusted. 
Rules: - Have at least one drink a night after work (either at a bar or at home) - Marry someone in the criminal career branch (can be cheated) - Move houses at least three times (best to never stay in one place too long) - Never hire a repair service, fix everything yourself 
Gen 10: Memoir
Colours: Grey and Blue Traits: Perfectionist, Ambitious, High Maintenance (BG: Creative) Aspiration: Best-selling Author Career: Writer (Author Branch) Skills: Writing
Growing up you loved your parents, but something about how much they drank always rubbed you the wrong way. You always liked things to be set up in specific ways and you hated the fact that your parents always left a mess. You spent a lot of time reading as your parents were too preoccupied to take much care of you. One day you find a bunch of dusty old books that appear to be about the older generations of your family, but it’s hard to make out. Annoyed by the lack of information about your family lineage, you decide you should be the one to write it all down. 
Rules: - Have a complicated relationship with your parents  - Publish 10 books, each named after a different generation. - Read 9 books prior to starting your writing (as research). - Have a library in your home 
I think that's everything! I hope you guys enjoy this challenge! Please tag me in any posts about this challenge or post it with the hashtag #bookgenrelegacy
Happy Simming!
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what video games do the ro's/would the ro's play . would teddy fw dark souls. would mal fw league.
Hmm, let me think! Fun question.
Mal: Periodically gets into random gacha games, amasses a hoard of jpgs, never touches them again. Swears up and down they don't spend money on microtransactions, despite their absurd amount of resources. If they played league of legends they'd probably get banned swiftly for inting, as they'd realise it's a surefire way to troll annoying teammates.
Teddie: Can't really play input heavy games because of pain issues. would vibe with slow-paced turn-based strategy I think. Stuff that isn't time sensitive and he can do methodically. Watches Kay play things.
Kay: RPGs RPGs RPGs. Give her the final fantasy. Give her the mass effect. Give her the baldur's gate. Plays co-op with Teddie.
CG: Played party games a lot when she was younger. The kind of ones you mostly only play when you have at least four people. Hasn't touched a console in a long time and wouldn't be seen dead mobile gaming.
Wil: Kind of embarassingly out of touch with video games. They played mario once when they were eight. Stares blankly at you when you ask them which mario. You receive the sinking feeling that they are genuinely not aware that there is more than one.
(it was paper mario)
Alistair: Bashfully admits that he does like to game now and then. It transpires that he is ridiculously good at various management/colony building style games like Dwarf Fortress and Rimworld. Dabbles in old RTS games. Hasn't played Nethack in a while but would pick it up like he never left if he played it again.
Spends actual hours making cool houses in the Sims. As a teenager he once did the thing where you take away the pool ladder to drown a sim, felt unbelievably guilty, never did that again.
Almost never plays multiplayer anything cause he gets anxious.
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snailsagere · 8 months
Please read my dni in my bio before interacting
I made another sims 4 legacy challenge, this is different from my usual content so feel free to ignore if this isn't your kind of thing! :3
Anyway welcome to the Halloween legacy challenge! In this challenge you will play through different typical halloween 'monsters' and complete the requirements for each generation!
-Making your sims the different occults is optional, if you'd like you can loosely make a sim based off the occult but not actually make them that specific occult type!
-you can choose which requirements you'll do since I did include some alternatives if you're missing any packs however
-try to complete at least 6 requirements per generation (unless I didn't include enough alternatives and you don't own a pack)
The packs commonly used in the challenge are-
Vampires, island living, werewolves, cottage living, cats and dogs, realm of magic, paranormal and get to work
I used other packs too but these are the ones I'd recommend if you want to get the best experience of this challenge!
You don't remember much about your past but now you're a ghost with a love for haunting music... wait can I smell burning?
Music lover
Gloomy or paranoid (strangerville)
Musical genius
Entertainer musician branch
👻become a ghost
👻reach level 10 of any music skill
👻live in a haunted house (paranormal stuff)
👻if you don't have paranormal, live with three ghosts which you cannot control
👻finish the crystals collection
👻your partner must die
👻don't have a good relationship with your kids, you're not around much anymore
👻get the needs no one reward trait
Loner or socially awkward (high school years)
Master chef
Culinary chef branch
🧟never do well in school and drop out as soon a possible
🧟reach level 10 cooking and gourmet cooking skill
🧟complete experimental food photos collection (dine out)
🧟if you don't have dine out, cook one of each meal throughout your life
🧟only introduce yourselves to others with the rude introduction
🧟go running atleast once a week
🧟never increase your logic and handiness skills past 1
You followed the same path as your parents you dropped out of school and discovered that you have a passion for making others laugh! No stop crying! I'm funny!
Joke star
Entertainer comedian branch
🎈drop out of school as soon as possible
🎈reach level 10 comedy skill
🎈have a job as a teen
🎈move to a different world once per in game week
🎈befriend the tragic clown
🎈always live in small houses never bigger than one bedroom or always live in tiny houses
You ran away from home to start a new life for yourself, you took whatever money you could and decided to live off the land in moonwood mill
Childish or dog lover (cats and dogs)
Loves outdoors
Freelance botanist or Friend of the animals (cats and dogs) or Werewolf initiate (werewolves)
None, you must make money by selling plants from your garden
🐺become a werewolf
🐺'run away' from home as a teenager
🐺have triplets (you can cheat for this)
🐺own atleast one pet dog (cats and dogs)
🐺home school you kids (make your sims kids take 2 days off school per week)
🐺reach level 10 gardening
🐺use the simple living lot trait (cottage living)
🐺if you don't have cottage living use the off-the-grid lot trait
You're new to this planet and you want to learn all about it and perhaps explore the rest of space too
Loner or paranoid (strangerville)
Nerd brain
Astronaut or Scientist (get to work)
👽become an alien
👽build a space ship
👽go to sixam (get to work)
👽if you don't have get to work, once you build the spaceship go to space once per week
👽go to university and join a club (discover university)
👽if you don't have discover university join a club (get together)
👽complete the aliens collection
👽go on holiday at least twice
👽reach level 10 in the handiness and rocket science skills
You've gained lots of knowledge over the years from your parents and now wish to fully use it with you trusty feline companion
Perfectionist or cat lover (cats and dogs)
The curator or Purveyor of potions (realm of magic)
🧹become a spellcaster
🧹learn and craft all potion recipes (realm of magic)
🧹if you don't have realm of magic, buy all reward trait potions that cost under 500 points
🧹complete frog collection
🧹own atleast one cat (cats and dogs)
🧹reach level 10 charisma
🧹own and use a voodoo doll atleast five times
🧹own a herb garden
You love nature and feel connected to plants and animals and wish to live within nature
Loves outdoors
Freelance botanist or Spellcraft and sorcerery (realm of magic)
🧚become a spellcaster
🧚own a large garden
🧚use the simple living lot trait (cottage living)
🧚use the off the grid lot trait
🧚reach level 10 gardening and herbalism
🧚enter the finchwick fair once a week (cottage living)
🧚own atleast one animal
You love nature, the ocean and mischief, you wish to allure other sims to danger while living a peaceful life in the water
Music lover
Loves outdoors or Child of the ocean (island living)
Chief of mischief or Beach life (island living)
Gardener or Teacher (discover university) or Conservationist (island living)
🌊be a mermaid
🌊move somewhere close to water or sulani
🌊only take baths
🌊reach level 10 singing and mischief skill
🌊complete the seashell collection (island living)
🌊befriend a dolphin (island living)
🌊if you don't have island living own five pet fish instead
🌊kill atleast one sim (your choice how)
You're a bit bonely but you want to meet more sims just like you and try to learn new things
Gloomy or Squeamish (outdoor retreat)
Loner or Socially awkward (high school years)
Big happy family or Lord/lady of the knits (nifty knitting) or Jungle explorer (jungle adventure)
Freelance any or Critic (city living)
🦴go on atleast two holidays to selvadorada (jungle adventure)
🦴befriend a skeleton (jungle adventure or paranormal)
🦴own a cow plant, if it dies you must keep the skeleton and get a new one
🦴own a skeleton fish
🦴complete sugar skull collection
🦴unlock the forever full reward trait
You are immortal and you want to be the most successful out the whole rest of your family, afterall you do have forever to do so
Snob or Proper (snowy escape)
Materialistic or self absorbed (get famous)
Mansion baron or Master vampire (vampires)
Secret agent or Law (discover university)
🦇become a vampire
🦇own a plasma fruit orchard (vampires)
🦇if you don't own vampires own and fruit orchard worth around 10,000 simolions (decorations in the orchard do contribute to the 10,000 simolions)
🦇live in a mansion
🦇reach level 10 in piano or pipe organ skill
🦇have at least 100,000 simolions
🦇have at least one enemy
🦇master the vampire lore skill and complete the vampire skill tree (vampires)
🦇if you don't own vampires unlock the never weary and forever full reward traits
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simteacuddy · 1 year
Greek Gods Challange
NOTE: List is the same with CheetahAlyssa's greek gods challange except for the birth order. I changed the order a bit to make it more similar to the birth order of greek gods and I completed the generation number to 12.
Note from CheetahAlyssa
If you don't have a pack needed for one of the generations, just do it to the best of your ability!
You don't have to stick too closely to the rules, if you want to change some to make the experience better then go ahead.
I KNOW that there are a lot of siblings and children/parents on here, but if I were to stick that closely to actual Greek mythology it would be a mess. I want it to just focus on one god at a time. Plus, do you see how many children each god has? Hell no.
Rules (Not Obligatory)
Start by creating your founder in Create-A-Sim (CAS). There you must start out creating the very embodiment of Artemis. Your founder can be a young adult or adult. You can name him/her whatever you want. Since you are playing as an embodiment of each god, you do not have to name them the God’s name. You can make them look like whatever you want, though it is more fun to try and make them resemble the god that they are portraying. There are a ton of pictures of the Greek Gods on the internet if you want to draw from that.
Once you have created your sim, move them into an empty lot. To make the challenge more difficult, start on a 50x50 lot or larger. Depending on how difficult you want to make it, you must cheat your money down to §1800 or §0. You may start in any season and in any world you like. Build them a house as you get the funds to do so. No money cheats are allowed. You may use custom content to achieve a greek feel. You may use mods as long as it doesn’t give you an unfair playing advantage. For fun, you can try and make their home based on what their colors & symbols are. Make sure that your gameplay is set to normal.
I will put a disclaimer here that this is a work of fiction. Please do not take this challenge as fact! This challenge is meant to be fun and interesting.  Feel free to change this challenge to suit your needs or gameplay!
Generation one: Demeter
You are Demeter, goddess of the harvest, who presides over grains and the fertility of the earth.
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Vegetarian, Perfectionist
Aspiration: Freelance Botanist
Career: Gardening
As a child, be in the Scouts.
Master the Gardening skill and career.
Complete your Aspiration.
Take care of at least three Bee Boxes.
Complete the gardening collection.
Generation two: Hera
You're Hera, born mother and raised many children. Loved all the children in the world, yours or not you never discriminated. You helped women build their house and have loving families but had a husband never faithful.
Traits: jealous, family oriented, self-assured
Aspiration: Successful Lineage
Career: Stay-at-home Parent
Complete aspiration
Have at least 2 children
Marry a non-committal Sim
Have a negative relationship with spouse's other offspring
Adopt at least one child.
Generation three: Poseidon
You are Poseidon, god of the sea, earthquakes, storms, and horses.
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Hot-Headed, Child of the Ocean.
Aspiration: Beach Life
Career: Diver (Part Time Career)
Must move to Sulani when Poseidon becomes a teenager, or when he's younger if you want.
You must become a mermaid (buy Mermadic Kelp from rewards menu.)
Try your best (as an individual) to keep the island clean, and help improve life in Sulani.
Complete your aspiration.
Date at least 3 other people before settling down, and have at least one child.
Generation four: Zeus
You are Zeus, king of the Greek gods who lived on Mount Olympus. You are the god of the sky and thunder.
Traits: Hot-Headed, Jealous, Romantic
Aspiration: Leader of the Pack
Career: Astronaut
Complete your Aspiration by successfully making and leading a club.
Complete your career.
Get married to someone, and be mean to any sim who shows any interest in her. Have at least one child with her.
Secretly have affairs with other women.
Get the Weather Machine, and often tamper with it.
Generation five: Aphrodite
You are Aphrodite, a goddess associated with love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation
Traits: Romantic, Family Oriented, Outgoing
Aspiration: Serial Romantic
Career: Babysitter
Complete your Aspiration.
Get to level 10 of the Flower Arranging skill.
Can't settle down until after you've finished the Aspiration, and you must have at least five children.
Hook up at least 3 couples (*Click Sim* -> Friendly -> Other Sims -> Hook Up with...)
Be at Leats tier 3 Famous.
Generation six: Athena
You are Athena, the goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, strategic warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill.
Traits: Genius, Self-Assured, Ambitious
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Career: Painter, Politics, Law Enforcement or Military
Get to lvl. 3 in the Painter career, quit and then get to lvl. 3 in the Politics career, quit and then get to lvl. 10 in the Law Enforcement or military career.
Complete Aspiration.
Reach level 10 Painting, Logic and Knitting or Handiness skill.
Never give birth, but you can adopt a child and keep going if you wish.
Get into fights with at least 5 sims.
Generation seven: Ares
You are the very embodiment of violence, for you are the god of war! While you are the most unpopular god in all of Olympus, you are very smart and strategic.
traits: hot-headed, mean, evil
aspiration: public enemy
career: Military, Criminal
Complete Aspiration.
Never marry, but either adopt or have 1 child.
First get to level 4 of military career, quit and join criminal career and reach level 10.
Reach level 10 of mischief and fitness skill.
Get in fights/brawls often, make at least 6 enemies.
Generation eight: Apollo
You are Apollo, the god of many things, including: music, poetry, art, oracles, archery, plague, medicine, sun, light and knowledge.
Traits: Creative, Music Lover, Ambitious
Aspiration: Friend of the World
Career: Medicine
Reach level 10 in the Medicine career.
Finish your aspiration.
Reach level 10 in either the Guitar or Piano skill.
Have at least one child.
Finish a masterpiece poetry book.
Generation nine: Artemis
You are Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, also known as the goddess of wild animals, wilderness, childbirth and virginity.
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Dog Lover, Self-Assured
Aspiration: Angling Ace
Career: None
You must not have a job, you have to make money by fishing and collecting items.
Have a dog with the Hunter trait, and make your dog go out to hunt.
Finish your aspiration.
Can never Woohoo or Try for Baby. She must adopt at least one child.
Can never get married
Generation ten: Dionysus
You're Dionysus, god of wine, vegetation, fertility, festivity, madness, and theatre.
Traits: goofball, party animal, erratic
Aspiration: Master Mixologist
Career: Mixology
Complete aspiration
Earn gold on all event types
Have a grape garden
Reach level 10 in mixology and juice fizzing skill
Have at least 5 children from different partners.
Generation eleven: Hermes
You are Hermes, the god of trade, heraldry, merchants, commerce, roads, thieves, trickery, sports, travelers, and athletes
Traits: Kleptomaniac, Active, Creative
Aspiration: Chief of Mischief
Career: Athletic
Complete Aspiration and Career.
Reach level 10 in fitness and mischief skill.
Every time the Flea Market is in town, attend and both buy and sell items.
Have at least one child, either adopted or with another sim.
Never marry, but either adopt or have 1 child.
Generation twelve: Hephaestus
You are Hephaestus, god of fire, metalworking, stone masonry, forges and the art of sculpture
Traits: Perfectionist, Genius, Loner
Aspiration: Nerd Brain
Career: Retail Store (Selling Works from Woodworking Table)
Complete Aspiration and get to level 10 Handiness skill.
Successfully run your own Retail Store by selling your work from the woodworking table.
Have an unhappy marriage with a non-commital sim.
Have at least one child.
Sculpt a masterpiece of every emotional sculptures.
This list of 12 generations is inspired from 12 greek gods of mount Olympus. As you can see some gods aren't included e.g. Hades or Hestia, but you can add them after the generations complete or you can add them as spouses or you can add extra generations as you go with the game. Hestia for example is the godess of hearth, home, architecture, domesticity, family & state and she's the firstborn so you can start your save with Hestia or add her as a sibling or spouse for any generation, it's up to you to decide.
Rules (Not Obligatory)
Start by creating your founder in Create-A-Sim (CAS). There you must start out creating the very embodiment of Artemis. Your founder can be a young adult or adult. You can name him/her whatever you want. Since you are playing as an embodiment of each god, you do not have to name them the God’s name. You can make them look like whatever you want, though it is more fun to try and make them resemble the god that they are portraying. There are a ton of pictures of the Greek Gods on the internet if you want to draw from that. But, it is believed that each  god had a certain look to them. For instance, Zeus is usually portrayed as being an older strong male with white hair and a beard. For added fun you can give each generation a specific color and symbols.
Once you have created your sim, move them into an empty lot. To make the challenge more difficult, start on a 50x50 lot or larger. Depending on how difficult you want to make it, you must cheat your money down to §1800 or §0. You may start in any season and in any world you like. Build them a house as you get the funds to do so. No money cheats are allowed. You may use custom content to achieve a greek feel. You may use mods as long as it doesn’t give you an unfair playing advantage. For fun, you can try and make their home based on what their colors & symbols are. Make sure that your gameplay is set to normal.
I will put a disclaimer here that this is a work of fiction. Please do not take this challenge as fact! This challenge is meant to be fun and interesting.  Feel free to change this challenge to suit your needs or gameplay!
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florwal · 1 year
I’m playing your save file and I appreciate how realistic it is! Out of curiosity I have few questions. What made you want to create the save other that the fact that it’s based off where you live? Also Love it but a lot of your sims aren’t the best of people and do bad things. Why is that? English is not my first language sorry for mistakes ♥️
here’s a very long answer! there’s a lot of good saves out there, but there weren’t any i could find that were realistic, centered around crime, regular lower income families, builds that were old and dingy etc. basically i just wanted a hood ass save file that felt familiar to my actual life/friends/hometown. it was just gonna be a personal save but i joined simblr to share my builds and people started asking me if i’d ever make a save file, since i already was i decided to share it w everyone. if i never joined simblr i don’t think i’d finish the 3 portsim worlds as fast as i did/keep expanding to other worlds but seeing people enjoy something i’ve created and adding their own spin to it makes me so :’) it makes things a lot more fulfilling/enjoyable <3
when it comes to my sims and their stories, real people aren’t 1 dimensional. to me, doing (certain) bad things or making wrong decisions ≠ being a “bad” person, it’s more complex/circumstantial than that. i guess i just want my sims to feel like real people or at least as real as sims can feel while having shitty ts4 ai. most of them aren’t meant to be seen as good/bad honestly, it’s subjective to each person that plays the save. obviously some things are dramatized to keep it interesting but overall i want things to be grounded in reality.
- charles boyce is my most extreme/one of my only inherently bad characters, i wanted him to have generic serial killer vibes. he got brain washed and manipulated into a cult which resulted in him becoming a paranoid evil person that killed his wife, jerrod banks’ mom, other pregnant women, and eventually even his own daughter for the mother plant (which canonically doesn’t exist) that the cult worships because 1. he was already misogynistic and had shitty morals and 2. he’s been brainwashed into believing that’s what he has to do to have eternal life.
- jerrod banks. he doesn’t know his mom was murdered, he and his dad (the police chief) just think she left without any explanation when jerrod was a teenager. that caused him to have trust issues and be emotionally closed off to avoid being hurt by people. his dad tried to be there for him, but he was also dealing with his wife leaving him to be a single dad, a demanding job, and a son that acted out. that’s a lot for one person. jerrod also grew up in portsim. being young and impressionable living in a place full of poverty, surrounded by the glorification of drugs, guns/violence etc causes it’s own issues. fast forward a few years later, jerrod and his childhood best friend deven have big plans. they both love creating music and want more out of life so they form a rap duo hoping to be successful and get out of portsim. but when a local record label takes interest in/only wants to sign deven… shit gets real. deven takes the deal, and jerrod is upset. the person he loved and trusted the most betrayed him, that’s his biggest fear. jerrod ends up shooting deven, which is obviously a terrible thing to do. but it wasn’t for no reason. i wouldn’t want to personally be around someone like jerrod, but i also wouldn’t view him the same way i would see someone like charles boyce.
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I've got a few sapphic NV suggestions, though most of them also have male LI options.
First though I wanna reemphasize that Studio Élan and both of the Arcade Spirits games are really good.
a new life.: modern angsty af, 1 female LI, for when you need a good cathartic cry sesh.
Arcadia Fallen: high fantasy, 2 male, 2 female, and 1 enby LIs, if you're familiar with The Owl House, Luz's VA voices the enby LI.
The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood: sci fi/urban fantasy vibes, there's like... one dude in the game and he's friend shaped.
Flowers Trilogy (Le volume sur printemps, Le volume sur ete, Le volume sur hiver, in that order): occult/psychological horror/boarding school setting, you play as different characters and have different LIs in each game but you're at an all girls school so... game was originally in Japanese and has English subs.
Heaven Will Be Mine: sci fi, 3 female LIs (only two for each playthrough, however, as you play one of them), to quote the creator "select one of three terribly behaved girls to fight and/or make out with each other in their struggle for the fate of space."
I Was A Teenage Exocolonist: sci fi, 5 male, 4 female, and 1 enby LIs w/ some poly options, game's 80% VN, 10% deck building, and 10% world exploration. My highest recommended game period.
Love Notes: urban fantasy/horror, 2 male and 3 female LIs, extra point for this game because you can choose to play as a guy or girl and while you can romance all five LIs as either, the actual romances play out differently, which is kind of a staple with this studio.
Royal Order: high fantasy, 2 male and 1 female LIs, if you're familiar with Fire Emblem: Three Houses you can tell this game was inspired by it at least a little bit.
A Summer's End - Hong Kong 1986: modern (or well, real world in 1986), 1 female LI, just a nice journey of self discovery and love.
When The Night Comes: supernatural, 4 male, 1 female, 1 enby LIs w/ some poly options, was aimed more towards the BL side but is worth if either the female or enby LI appeals to you.
And some up and coming VNs to look out for:
Arcadia Fallen II: the sequel to the aforementioned Arcadia Fallen. LI information unconfirmed on the store page so far so numbers.
Call Me Under: urban fantasy/horror (but in an underwater city?), 2 male, 2 female, 1 enby and 1 genderfluid (he/they) LIs, same studio as When The Night Comes and has Robbie Daymond (The Curious Cat, Dorian Storm) voicing one of the LI characters.
Drops of Death: modern/murder mystery, 2 male and 2 female LIs, one of them is the killer... but it changes every game so you might end up romancing them and then it's up to you if you can forgive or not.
Our Life: Now & Forever: modern, 1 female LI, the sequel to the (typically) BL game Our Life: Beginnings & Always, childhood friends to lovers and navigating the journey to adulthood.
Nova Hearts: modern/superhero, LI info isn't available yet but it's a LGBTQ+ tagged dating sim and the premise is fun, all the local "hot singles" got turned into superheroes/villains and now you can date them.
Wow, thank you so much anon!
Definitely quite a few on this list I hadn't heard of.
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summerisfishmen · 1 year
Sims 4: zombie apocalypse challenge
A nuclear explosion has resulted in strange zombie like traits infecting billions of people. Help your sims survive in the wasteland. This is just a fun challenge i made up while playing the sims I hope you enjoy :)
Also I might share my builds or sims for this challenge a bit later, I'm very proud of them.
Getting started:
Create a family of 2 or more sims. both big and small families have different advantages and disadvantages in this challenge. Make sure that at least 2 of the sims will be able to reproduce, as you cant meet other sims in the first generation. if the family has children, make sure the heir is a toddler. This family are your survivors. The goal of the challenge is to survive 10 generations, the 10th generation having the cure for the infection. All sims must have two day outfits: a regular one for inside the bunker, and a fully concealed outfit that is used for venturing into the outside world. toddlers and children dont have any appropriate facecoverings, so they cannot be outside for longer then an hour. (unless you have cc) Pets are allowed, but it may make the game more challenging in the first few generations.
In Build mode:
Give yourself unlimited money (unless you want an extra challenge) and build a home. it doesnt have to be furnished, but make sure you have a ladder or stairway downstairs to a bunker. This is where your sims will survive.
Decorate the bunker however you want but keep in mind these restrictions for the first generation:
1. you must make the stairway or ladder in a seperate enclosed room. The air outside is toxic, you cant let it into the rest of the bunker.
2. you may only have 4 rooms starting out, excluding the ladder/staircase room.
3. you must put all the beds in one room.
4. the lot must be off the grid.
5. no electronics, including the off the grid tablet.
6. no carpet or wooden floor. the floor must be dirt, but you can use cardboard or newspaper to cover it.
After you have completed building, exit build mode and set your money to zero. put all sims in the basement and then lock the door to the ladder or stairs room. this can only be unlocked for one sim at a time, whilst they are wearing their outside clothes.
The zombies:
There is two options for zombies:
1. Easy to difficult. Start with 1 household of any number of zombies. each generation of survivors adds an extra zombie household.
2. difficult to easy. start with 10 households of zombies, each generation of survivors deletes one household.
Zombies can look any way, but make sure you can differentiate them from normal sims. if your sim interacts with a zombie, is too near a zombie (you can decide the distance for your own difficulty level) or gains any relationship with one while away from the lot, they will become a zombie, therefore being removed from your household. if all your household members are zombies, you fail the challenge.
Zombies must have one of the following traits:
Hates children
Now that you have a survivor family and zombie/s family, you may start gameplay. Remember that sims must survive by gathering vegetables and fruit in the wild. you may also have a garden on your lot. You may only prepare a meal if you have money for it, otherwise gathered food only.
Generation 1: Surviving
This generation believes they are the only survivors. They forage and grow food in their garden outside, but otherwise stay tucked away in their bunker. No sim may have a job or go to school. Money may be earned through selling collected items, or crafting something on a woodworking table. A woodworking table can also be used to create furniture for your sims.The main goal of this generation is to expand the bunker so each sim can live comfortably, ideally having a room to themselves. Wooden floor may be earned by maxing out the handiness skill.This generation is completed once the heir becomes a teenager.
Generation 2: contact
Create another survivor family. place them somewhere in the world.You cannot travel to this families home, but once your family runs into the other family, you can befriend them. This makes your sims realise they are not alone, and you can now bring other sims into your family to marry, as well as having the ability to make friends.This generation ends after the heir becomes a teenager.
Generation three: thriving
Survivors all across the sims world have a tight knit community. bunkers can now have carpet and wood floors with no requirements. sims may visit other sims bunkers if they are low on needs that cannot be fufilled in your bunker for any reason. eg borrowing a meal from your neighbours if low on money and supplies. You may also pickpocket to earn money.This generation ends once the heir is a teenager.
Generation 4: the air is clearing
It is less toxic to be outdoors, the radiation is beginning to clear. Sims may now go outdoors without protective clothing for up to 5 hours. Beware of the zombies. Sims may now have a career as a gardener or labourer. if your sim befriends a zombie at work, they become a zombie. Bring your sim home from work after 5 hours each day.
Generation 5: outside
The radiation is at a liveable level. Sims may venture outside the bunker and live in their house. Make sure all the doors are locked, sims still are only allowed out when you decide. Still no school, but sims may now work as a criminal, and can work for a full day. Your house must still be off the grid.This generation ends when the heir is a child.
Generation 6: back to normal?
Life has returned to a semi normal state. No power or running water, but simkind is making do. Sims can now work as buisness people, lawyers, babysitters, waiters, entertainers, and teachers. Sims may now go to school, befriending a zombie at school means they are a zombie. this generation ends when the heir is a toddler.
Generation 7: a new threat
The government has fallen to anarchy. things were looking up for the world, but something has destroyed it again. your heir must now live in the remains. School costs 50 dollars per day. Sims may only work as spies or criminals. All sims born in this generation must age up with either the unflirty, loner, or non commital. create a household of law enforcement. if a sim runs into law enforcement while any need is below green, they are in the criminal or spy career, or they have anything in their inventory, they will be arrested and removed from the household.This generation ends when the heir is a teenager.
Generation 8: a new hope
Your sim has had enough. They are sick of how messed up the government has gotten. They decide they are going to fix everything. Heir must join the politics career and reach level 10 in the politician branch, becoming the national leader. if you dont have city living, reach level 10 in the spy career. after becoming the leader, things improve. school is free, all jobs are available, law enforcement household may be deleted. You can also move your household to a fancier lot, fit for the president. Unfourtunately, zombies are still a threat to your population, and although you kill them when you can, there is always more hiding where you cant see. Generation ends when the heir is a teenager.
Generation 9: curing the apocalypse
Your sim is living a peaceful life. electricity has returned, they have plenty of friends, plenty of food. but zombies. theyve lost a couple friends or family members to zombies, they desperately want a cure. but no one is working on it. So your sim makes it their life goal to be the one who figures it out. Join the secret agent career. reach level 10, diamond agent branch. (if you have get to work you could also join the scientest career instead) Once this has been completed, visit a zombie household with protective gear and some sort of food item. gift the food item, and "cure" the zombies in CAS.generation ends once sim has completed the career and had an heir.
Generation 10: peace
The last zombies are dwindling out. This generation has no restrictions other then staying away from zombies. if they do become a zombie, they only need to get to the "cure" item without interacting with family. Each week, (if doing easy to difficult) delete or "cure" one of the zombie households untill none are left. if doing difficult to easy, cure the last zombie household. live in peace.
The end! Hope this wasn't too confusing lol
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The Unpacking Experience - a Sims 4 challenge
This challenge was inspired by the game Unpacking. It is a challenge that is played with a single generation, much like the Unpacking game. This is a great challenge for those who want to try moving to different neighbourhoods or building different houses, or if you're just bored and want to try something new!
This challenge was written with multiple packs in mind, but I have tried to think of Base Game only alternatives. Your sims can have any traits, any skills, any appearance etc., as this challenge is more about living through your sim's life and moving to different homes. You can find the challenge under the cut!
A few more things:
This challenge is supposed to be fun! If there is anything you don't like, just skip it.
If you share any stories/images regarding this challenge, I'd love to see them! Please use the tag #ts4UnpackingExperience
Please don’t copy my challenge and post it somewhere else; feel free to link back to this post though! Any similarity this challenge has to others is pure coincidence!
If you wish to convert this challenge for one of the other sims games, please let me know! 
Childhood home
Make a sims family and move into a home. You are free to set up your family's skills, jobs and funds as you like. You can make edits to your house but not move. 
Your unpacking sim is a child.
Make sure neighbourhood stories will not kill or move your parents out of their home!
Pick two items to take with you to every home. (one as a child and one as a teen)
You get 3000 simoleons of pocket money. + 1000 if you had a part-time job as a teenager
Discover University: go to university and live in dorms for at least one semester (after this, move on to the next stage or stay for another semester). Your parents may pay for the first week of university if they can afford it.
Base Game: live in a studio or trailer for at least 1 week
Pick one extra item to take with you to every home (3 items total)
Move in with your best friend(s) into their home (you may build them a new one). 
Pick one extra item to take with you to every home (4 items total)
First romance
City Living/Eco lifestyle: Move into your partner’s apartment with them (you may furnish an apartment for them before moving in)
Basegame: Your partner has standard starting funds to build/buy a house with, then set their funds to 0. Move into this house and pay the bills as rent.
Pick one extra item to take with you to every home (5 items total)
Break up with your partner and move back into your parental home. 
Cheat your parents’ funds back to 0; you may use their income to pay the bills.
Pick one extra item to take with you to every home (6 items total)
On your own
City Living/Eco Lifestyle: Move into your own apartment
Base game: move into one of the smallest lots (e.g. 15x20 lots in Newcrest)
Tiny Living (if no CL/EL): move into a tiny home
Pick one extra item to take with you to every home (7 items total)
One plus one makes two
Ask your partner to move into the apartment/house with you
Pick one of your partner’s items to take with you (8 items total)
Final Home
Move into your dream home with your partner.
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pyreofsunflowers · 2 years
A probably not so great writing tip I utilize a lot in character creation is to make my characters in the sims. Now your probably thinking, but pyreofsunflowers, EVERYONE does that!!! No no no. I mean really *make* your characters in the sims as a building exercise. Think about what they actually would wear to bed, what they wear exercising, how their wardrobe changes during cold weather. Do they wear the same shoes for every outfit? Is there jewelry always changing? Would they NEVER wear long sleeves? Maybe even go through the ages and figure out what they were like as a child and teenager! Try condensing there character into 5 traits, try picking out a goal for them that's secondary to the plot.
Get nrass and get real nit picky into their backstory - how many credits did they get in college, what kind of high school did they go to, what are their skill points, what social group would they have influence in, etc. Etc.
Build a recreation of their house or living space and really think about the color pallets, how big it is, how messy it is, is it full of trinkets or minimalist and functional? What style of house do they live? Does it clash with their decoration style? How does their room differ from their housemates?
And, last but not least, my slice of life trump card. Make a household of your cast and play as them for an hour. See what kind of interactions and situations they get themselves into, this is an amazing writers block tool especially for Alice of life or b plots.
the sims is an untapped treasure trove of writing tools.
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simhaven · 2 years
Cute and colorful finds
Hey everybody, today I'm sharing some cute finds that I hope you'll like! 😊 I hope you are having a lovely day!
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The first is this absolutely adorable bedroom. It's simply amazing and is a full pack of multiple items for you to enjoy.
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I love these colorful posters. They are perfect for any little girl or teenager.
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I love rugs and want these in real life. You can check them out here.
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I love these rugs. They have multiple versions of this apparently. You can check out the second set I posted right here.
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This is perfect for deco clutter. I love the vintage style of this camera.
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What...is cuter than this build? What. Oh my gosh! I love it so much!
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Clutter is important to make your home feel more cozy. You can check these out here!
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This is a default replacement to the restorable car. It comes in many more colors and is freaking fantastic!
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You always need a good apron when your in the kitchen. Why not get a fabulous one?
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You also need food in the kitchen too. It's a bit important, lol.
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Yes it's amazing! I know. I know. Check it out here.
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What about sims who like to take a nap in underneath the open sky? They should have something nice to sleep on. You can check it out here.
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Here are some other cc for those who love the great outdoors. Find them here.
Last, but not least, is this pretty door that I found. It's so adorable that I can't stand it!
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That's it for now!
Until next time!
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lostbaycity · 2 years
The Mahogany-Scotts Legacy Challenge!
Welcome to the Mahogany-Scotts Legacy Challenge! It’s loosely based on lilsimsie and alwaysimming’s Not So Berry Challenge! This is a ten-generation legacy challenge focused more on story-telling and trying new things!
Use Cheats if absolutely necessary! Normal Life Span is Recommended, but if you want to take your time, use Long.
If need be, you can create some sims and put them in the world ( Like if you can’t find any alien sims naturally, then just put one in the world )
In Gen One, Set your money to 0! Struggle :)
Unfortunately, I use a lot of mods and I have every single buyable expansion for this game, so I apologize to those who can’t do certain parts. I’m going to work towards making this challenge accessible for all!
There might be a modded and base game version of this legacy challenge posted soon after this post. ( no promises, I'm flakey )
Generation one: Far from Home
Your entire childhood, you’ve lived on a spaceship near your home world. You’ve basically been raised by the crew, and have never had any sort of familial bonds. When you turn into a teenager, you decide to run away in a space shuttle. Unfortunately (?) You crash land in Oasis Springs. You’re now determined to build a better life for yourself on this foreign planet. All while evading the spaceship and the authorities.
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Foodie, Cheerful
Aspiration: Super Parent
Career: Only Have Part-Time and Odd Jobs
- Be an alien
- Live on an empty lot in Oasis Springs, then stay there all your life
- Complete the Super Parent Aspiration
- Marry another alien sim ( If you don’t have GTW, marry whoever )
- Complete the frog Collection
- Xtra: Have a well maintained garden, to become self-sufficient
Generation two: Making Mum Proud
Growing up as an alien on Earth, you always felt a little different. Your parents loved you, but they were always busy trying to get enough money. You want to fix that. After studying hard throughout school and college, you become a successful doctor. Some people may say you are boring, but you quite like the stability.
Traits: Perfectionist, Book Worm, Neat
Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy
Career: Doctor ( reach max )
Make an A and A+ in school and college
Live with your parents until you are an adult
Have the workaholic lifestyle
marry a co-worker
only have one child
Xtra: Never Retire, and never skip work for anything, even holidays
Generation three: Big, Bright Lights
Your parents worked hard to support your grandparents, leaving you alone most of your childhood. You didn’t mind, being more obsessed with the PC in the living room, playing Sims Scuffle and Party Frenzy. As a teen, you decide to stream yourself playing. You blow up, becoming an extremely popular streamer. Your parents tell you to get a real job.
Traits: Geek, Loner, Lactose Intolerant 
Aspiration: Computer Whiz
Career: eSport Gamer Branch ( reach max)
Have at least two online friends
Live in an apartment as a young adult, then buy a celebrity home
Complete the postcard collection
Marry another celebrity
before you reach level 5, have one child
Xtra: Be close with your alien grandparents
Generation four: I Tried So Hard
Growing up in the spotlight, you’ve always been aware that your parent's legacies would fall on you. So, you worked extra hard to become the child prodigy everyone expected you to be, perfect and proper. You didn’t have much of a childhood, and even throughout your young adult life, you felt incomplete. Thankfully, you divorce your partner as an elder and move away, to finally have some peace.
Traits: Gloomy, Snob, Proper
Aspiration: Lord/Lady of the Knits
Career: Acting ( reach max level )
Have one child, for looks, but you love them dearly
Complete your aspiration as a way to stay sane
Be unhappily married, then divorce as elders
Live in Del Sol Valley, then after divorce move to Henford on Bagely
Have a poor relationship with your spouse and parents, but a good one with your only child
Xtra: Make your child outfits via knitting
Generation five: New Money
Despite your parents being unhappy together, they spoiled you rotten. You’ve never had to lift a finger, and everything has been given to you. You’ve been training to become this world-class musician, to rise in the social ranks, but your parents have other plans. Once your parents divorce, they oh so rudely take you away from the city to the country. You’re not very happy about this.
Traits: Hot-Headed, High Maintenance, Self-Absorbed
Aspiration: Musical Genius
Career: Entertainer ( Musician branch ) (( reach max ))
Be a child prodigy in violin
As a young adult, move to San Myshuno
Reach max level in violin
Have a poor relationship with your child(ren)
Have at least one child, because your partner wants one
Marry a music lover or a celebrity
Xtra: Marry someone from Henford on Bagely or San Myshuno
 Generation 6: Sweet Escape
Being in a household with two self-obsessed parents can really do a number on a child. As a way to get attention, you lash out, making trouble and causing chaos. Your parents get fed up with your constant misbehaving, and they ship you off to Strangerville to get rid of you once and for all. Now roaming the streets, you quickly get swept into crime. By the time you realize it, your one of the most feared criminals in Strangerville.
Traits: Hates Children, Kleptomaniac, Active
Aspiration: Public Enemy
Career: Criminal ( reach max level )
Have one child through a one night stand
Live in a trailer in Strangerville for all of your older teen/ young adult life
You can have relationships, but never marry
Have one best friend also in the criminal career
Never bond with your child
Complete the MySim Trophy collection
Xtra: Kill your partners as another means of income ( for funzies )
Generation 7: space is better than people
Your parent was completely involved with their career, and while they did care, deep down, they certainly didn't show it. You grew up in a trailer, your parent barely making ends meet, and with their new lover every week, what room was there for you? You were fine with this, and became deeply entranced with space, and how it tied into your family history. Your other bio parent gifts you a telescope, and your desire grows from there. 
Traits: Adventurous, Bookworm, Unflirty
Aspiration: Nerd Brain
Career: Astronaut ( reach max )
Never get close with your parent until your a young adult
Marry an alien
Complete the space rock collection
Have twins, and be good friends with them
Live in Copperdale when the twins are born
Xtra: Own a cat
  Generation 8: Heart on my cheek
When the twins are side by side, you look more like an alien than your twin. Everyone at school made fun of you for your pointed ears and weird eyes, making you a very quiet kid. As a teen, it reached an all time high. At graduation, you leave your oppressive hometown for Brindleton Bay, and open a flowershop, just hoping for some peace.
Traits: Loner, Art Lover, Loves Outdoors
Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire
Career: Self-Employed Flower Shop Owner ( GTW, if you don’t have that, use Little MIss Sam’s Live in Business. If neither work, then work as a Painter. )
Have a negative relationship with most of your classmates
As a teen, have 2 best friends
Live in Brindleton Bay as a young adult
Have a flourishing garden
Xtra: Marry a Plant Sim
Generation 9: greener thumbs than the green giant
Your childhood was very relaxed, and you grew to appreciate the environment. You decide to dedicate your life to making the world a better, healthier place! Traveling all across the sims world, you find joy in your craft, from cleaning the Sulani beaches to going eco-friendly.
Traits: Clumsy, Recycle Disciple, Vegetarian
Aspiration: Eco-Innovator
Career: Conservationist ( reach max level )
Clean up the Sulani Beach and Evergreen Harbor
Never stay in one world for too long, keep moving around until you become an elder
Marry a sim who loves the outdoors
Live in Evergreen Harbor for the rest of your elder life
Adopt at least one child
Xtra: Marry a Sulani or Evergreen Harbor Resident
Generation 10: On the grind
You never had a stable home, but you knew you were loved. Immediately after graduation, you join the Detective career, determined to make an impact just like your parent did. During a stressful case, you run to the new coffee shop and meet the very attractive shop owner. Though it’s difficult staying still, you do it for your partner and your family.
Traits: Non-Commital, Self-Assured, Glutton
Aspiration: Perfectly Pristine
Career: Detective ( reach max level )
Own a big dog as a young adult
Have a good relationship with all family members
Marry a barista worker
Xtra: Have spouse own a cafe with Little Miss Sams Live In Business, IF not, then just have them work at a cafe
Live in Windenburg when married
That’s the end of the Mahogony Scotts Legacy Challange!
Thank you so much for trying this challenge out! I tried to make it a little different from the usual, and I hope I covered all the grounds! Hope you had fun!
~renae :-]
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thessalian · 2 years
Thess vs Demos
So Steam had a Next Fest the other week, which was basically just them hurling demos at us like confetti. So I grabbed a few and have been whittling down the list the last few days. Some big ones, some little ones, some I didn’t finish, but enough to get an idea of a few of them. So here we go, the story so far:
Tales of Arise: It was already on my wishlist at least as something that sort of piqued my interest, but this is the first chance I had to actually play it. It’s ... well, it’s exceedingly Japanese. Combat’s better than some of the later FF games, at least. It moved a ways up the wishlist on that basis but it’s still not a priority.
Disciples: Liberation: Weeeeell ... it’s quirky, combat-wise. Turn-based but trying to maintain that action feel. A bit problematic in that you can’t necessarily tell what enemies and how many you’re going to get into at any given point, at least not with how they’ve set up the demo, so you don’t necessarily know how far over your head you’re in until you do the combat. And if you have “Survive Three Rounds” combat scenarios twice in the space of a fucking demo? That says things and I’m not sure I like them. It’s still on the wishlist because I did somewhat enjoy it, but it’s going to take some getting used to.
I Was A Teenage Exocolonist: I would like it to be out right now, please. Its story is interesting in its reveal, its card-system handling of challenges didn’t put me off the way most card-related things do, and anything that manages a system by which your character can be nonbinary if you want is okay by me.
Big Ambitions: It’s a business-running sim, basically, but I didn’t get much further than “Buy a fridge for your cheap-ass apartment and then go get a job”. I figure the full game would be better than the demo but if there’s not a way to skip that first day of doing nothing between getting job and doing job, or at least more things to do in said day, that’s a stumbling block right out the gate that nobody needs.
A Building Full Of Cats: Does what it says on the tin. It’s kind of a hidden object, point and click, messing-with-the-set-dressing Zen thing that’s all about finding all the cats. I can cope with that.
Terra Nil: Meeeeeeeeeh ... I prefer Dorfromantik. It’s like Sim City with plantlife and no people.
There was another one but I basically just dismissed that as “Stardew Valley meets Jean M Auel” and moved on so I don’t remember what it was called. Something about a sacred tree but mostly about playing flutes for animals. Also a hidden object / puzzle game that I didn’t get past the a particular scenario because it was fucking annoying.
Yeah, I deleted the demos I’ve played - except for I Was A Teenage Exocolonist, which weirdly has replay value in and of itself and probably isn’t too resource-intensive on my hard drive. Those I really liked went on the wishlist; those I was okay with and were already on the wishlist stayed on the wishlist. A few didn’t really make the cut, but that’s probably just as well. My wishlist is stupid enough as it is and the priority order of it changes often.
Yaaaaaaay video games.
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Wii Sports Sims- Beginners Part 1
I originally started this back in April. Do I remember what compelled me to do this the first time? No. Do I remember what compelled me to do this this time? Also no. Think of this as a proof of concept of sorts. I can't guarantee that I'll do everyone, but I'm aiming recreate the 100 Miis introduced in Wii Sports and Wii Sports in The Sims 4.
I'm mainly going off of the wiki. I'm using it to determine what order I do everyone in, so the only semblance of cohesion in terms of that, at least as far as I can tell, is that I'm sorting them into households based on their Wii Party difficulty. That and scrounging up bits of information such as nationalities and anything that could be used to give these Sims a hint of a personality. If the trivia on the wiki was still filled with a bunch of headcanons it would have made things so much easier.
I also play with quite a lot of cc and mods. That's going to become apparent very quickly.
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Haru Okamoto
Age: Teen
Aspiration: Passionseeker
Traits: Geek, Bookworm, Cheerful, Goofball
How did I come up with her personality? Vibes, mostly. This time, mostly Sim vibes. Kind of a dork, but friendly. Wants to master something. What is that something? I don't know and I don't think she does either.
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Saburo Moto
Age: Adult
Aspiration: Mega CEO
Traits: Ambitious, Hot-Headed, Self-Assured, Perfectionist, Bookworm
An example of going of Mii vibes. Overly serious and tries to give the impression that he is calm and professional, but his anger often betrays him. Does not like Miyu. He thinks she's annoying.
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Miyu Fukuzawa
Age: Teen
Aspiration: In Crowd
Traits: Creative, Cheerful, Outgoing, Clumsy
I don't think anyone would look at Miyu (the Mii) and think of "edgy teenage girl", but here we are. I considered making her and Haru children instead of teens but I don't think most people would be okay with beating a child with a sword. Then again, in Wii Sports Club, you can face Miis such as Xiaojian and, continuing to use Xiaojian as an example, in the Miitopia data files he's listed as a child, so if you can beat a child with boxing gloves then beating a child with a sword is probably fair game. And that also brings up the question of if teenagers count as children in Miitopia's eyes and the ethics of beating a teenager with a sword. I'm probably thinking about this way too hard. These Sims are going to be teens at the youngest.
Is more outgoing and perky than people probably expect judging by her fashion sense. Does not like Saburo. Thinks he's uptight.
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Jessie Jaegar
Age: Young Adult
Aspiration: Freelance Botanist
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Active, Good, Self-Assured, Bro
An active participant in her community, probably aspires to own a farm. May or may not have something going on with James. Not sure yet. Does not get along with Luca. Not sure why yet. Luca's one of the Standard Miis so he won't come up for a bit.
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Nelly Arthur
Age: Elder
Aspiration: Globe Trotter
Traits: Cheerful, Active, Good, Outgoing, Bookworm
Did you know that Nelly has the highest average skill of all the CPU Miis? I didn't, at least until I made her. So she's a sweet old lady. Who can kick your ass. In sports, at least. Not so much party games. An embodiment of "Call an ambulance! But not for me!" Has a love of learning.
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Andy Morris
Age: Adult
Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy
Traits: Goofball, Cheerful, Self-Assured, Materialistic, Mean
Andy (the Mii) looks like he's up to something. Building off of this severe failure of the vibe check, I decided he's the sleazy businessman type. Constantly up to something and doing it all with a smile on his face. Tried to beat Matt for his boxing champion title. Did not succeed. He still feels bitter about it.
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James Bennett
Age: Young Adult
Aspiration: Neighbourhood Confidante
Traits: Active, Good, Self-Assured, Loner, Perfectionist
Building off of the fact that he's the cycling referee, I decided that he's someone who is just and fair. He tries his best to be a good person, though prefers to stay out of the spotlight. Apparently, he was originally going to be Japanese rather than British. Perhaps, to translate that into The Sims 4, he spent his childhood in Mt. Komorebi?
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Patrick Bonfils
Age: Adult
Aspiration: Bodybuilder
Traits: Active, Family-Oriented, Foodie, Bro, Self-Assured
Patrick is the one I think I had the most trouble with, to the point I was like "Haha. I ran out of ideas at Sim number 8." Also, the facial details? I have no idea how the hell to interpret it, never mind how to translate that onto a Sim.
I decided to make him a family man. Gave him traits that gave me the most "dad" energy (from the perspective of someone raised by her mother for most of her life) and also the active trait. I gave the body of a weightlifter which is rather unusual for me to do when making Sims.
And that's all for now. If you have any ideas, please share them. For some I currently only have their nationality to work with and I only really use that to determine their surname.
Next: Abby, Tatsuaki, Julie, Chika, Tommy, Mia, Sarah and Alex
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10, 20, 28 for the ask game! Sending lots of love, too
xo, Noe
Hi, Noe! 🫶🏼
10. How would you describe the way you play The Sims?
I feel like I have two modes: building mode and storytelling mode. Building mode is pretty straight forward and a little more laid back. I usually work from house plans or just general inspiration pics. Sometimes I use these houses for gameplay but usually I just upload them and take pics of them. For my stories, I often download a house and then heavily edit it rather than build it from scratch. I’m not sure why I do this since I do like building so much 🤷🏻‍♀️
The second I’m calling storytelling mode vs gameplay mode because I play the game around my own stories vs letting the gameplay dictate the narrative. I guess part of this is due to the gameplay of TS4 but I also just think it’s personal style, as I love writing this story so much. But in between story shoots I do actually like to play the everyday lives of the families and kind of let them do their own thing.
20. What is your least favorite sim age?
Oof. This one is tough, especially because TS4 really has some weak ones. I use a lot of mods to flesh out the age groups, like the preteen mod has vastly improved my opinion of teenagers and detailed school mods make children a bit more fun.
It’s going to have to be toddlers, just because of the way I play. I age up my babies as soon as they’re born and size them down so my sims are toddlers for a long time. So usually at the middle of the age span their skills are maxed out and they have nothing left to do. Really, it’s because there’s nothing for them to do as babies. If part of the toddler experience was more akin to a very, very young child then this would change completely. So I guess the answer is really babies but well… they aren’t even really a sim age.
28. How do you choose your sim’s traits, aspirations, and/or career?
Whew. This is a long one lol
It totally depends on what/how I’m playing. Like I mentioned in another answer I was playing NSB2 before the Darlingtons so that dictated all of that. But even still, I have never been good with randomization in this game, try as I might, so I usually either pick things out or follow some sort of challenge rules.
For the Darlingtons, all of these answers are really driven by the story that I’ve written for the sims. As a rule I’ve set for myself, each Darlington child must inherit one trait for a parent (or in Rosella’s case, from a grandparent). This creates some sort of continuity between generations but also makes me kind of rework that trait and imagine what it would be like in a different sim. So for instance (mild spoilers here maybe?) Virginia inherited the good trait from Florence, but will have vastly different other traits. Zelda inherited the music lover trait from Oliver but she too will have a very different character from her father.
Careers and aspirations are chosen after the traits, as I feel like traits have the biggest influence in how I write the story. As I go forward in writing, I’ll incorporate what is available in game career wise into their lives to flesh out the narrative. I also try to switch up my sims careers in their lives as it feels more realistic and it changes with their story. Plus, I use a career overhaul mod to make it a bit more difficult for them, because overall TS4 can be a bit too easy.
Aspirations are kinda meh. I’ll pick one that most aligns with what I think the sim would want but I don’t feel like TS4 aspirations are really lifetime goals? So usually I don’t put too much import on them. I also use lumpinou’s talents and weaknesses mod, which I do let randomize to give the sims a bit more depth.
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boatswainscall · 2 months
I think what's so genuinely infuriating about playing with autonomy on in the Sims 4 is not just that Sims are constantly doing stupid shit and failing to prioritize caring for themselves, but rather you can't leave them alone with a task to focus on another Sim without that first Sim wandering away from their assigned task to do something else instead.
Like I'm playing the Sims 3 again and my Sims are constantly doing dumb shit. For example I sent the mom of my current legacy family to go get groceries and knew she'd get back home on her own eventually but while focusing on her boyfriend she went and dumpster dove autonomously and ended up nauseous and smelly. Which while I didn't expressly WANT her to do that, it managed to stay just a funny story thing my Sim did on her own, because at the very least when I'm having her boyfriend cook dinner or I send her out to care for her garden or I have her teenage daughter do her homework I know they'll all stay 'stuck' to that task until it's completed. High Free Will in the Sims 3 is fun because your Sims will go about their lives and care for themselves while you're focused on another member of the household and autonomously do stuff based on their traits and whatever objects are near them while also not constantly defying your input unless there's something like a routing issue directly blocking them or their motives drop low enough that it breaks them out automatically.
Meanwhile in the Sims 4 I constantly play with autonomy off and puppet each family member in my legacy households around manually because if I play with it on I'll queue up a Sim to make dinner and tab off to another family member to have them care for one of the infants only to hear the fire alarm go off not two minutes later because the first Sim abandoned the stove to go dance to the music that their teenage kid turned on in the other room. Or I instruct them to work on a skill important to their job or whatever simoleon making scheme I'm pursuing and I'll come back after focusing on someone else to find them autonomously doing something completely unrelated.
And you also can't reliably leave them on their own to care for themselves because they'll always do actually stupid shit like prioritize napping over sleeping even when its 10pm and their energy need is in the red, and child Sims ignore the concept of leftovers and end up eating a bowl of peas for every meal for a week straight while you're busy caring for their infant sibling then have the gall to complain about unbalanced meals.
It's so fucking annoying, and it's what keeps driving me back to tS3 despite the admitted qol and build/buy mode improvements in tS4 because that level of micromanaging while in line to how I've always played the Sims gets so incredibly exhausting with how much I have to do it in tS4 to have a bare minimum functional household.
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