#i have to go to work tomorrow ugghhh
witchothewest · 1 year
I know I need to go to bed and I am tired but you see the sooner I go to bed the sooner it is tomorrow and that is simply unacceptable.
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accountnumber69 · 2 years
second day
attempted to stick to a routine today as well. today was laundry and school work day and i am pleased to say that i completed both. the laundry was completed with the help of my gracious and loving fiance. so glad to have him, honestly. we did run a little behind today. i wanted to go to ocean state job lots to find some gluten free snacks, but i felt apprehension about going alone for some reason. im not sure, but i felt like something bad would happen if i went by myself. so i didnt end up going. my fiance said he would come with me tomorrow, anyhow.
worked on my communications course today and i am almost done with all of the curriculum. once that is complete, i will work on a thesis statement for my presentation. my mentor told me that i could use the same topic as my research paper for composition ii, so thats my plan. my research paper was on the environmental impacts of fast fashion. great idea. so now i have my 12 page research paper that i can morph into a five minute oral presentation, and tweak the thesis statement for the course's desired outline. wonderful. feeling really good about all of that. trying to stay motivated.
they dropped time off for the next week and again, i can take all next week off if i really wanted to. i am holding steadfast to keeping a routine, and sunday to wednesday are my workdays regardless of whether or not i am offered time off. i really need to get on the stick about that. its only four days a week, after all. i CAN do it. UGGHHH it just feels like a lot because of schoolwork as well, but im cranking through it and im looking at schoolwork as a part time job i do for 9-10 hours per week. gotta do. what i gotta do. so they say. im keeping it brief this evening.
bon soir and i love you
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cinnabeat · 3 years
subject change but it is SO hot rn maybe i should bite the bullet and sleep on the floor agaib
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literaldeadbees · 3 years
My housemates might have Covid again???? If they manage to give me Covid twice in less than a year I might just have to kill them
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goldentshirt · 4 years
Day 70
Today’s album: *NSYNC, No Strings Attached (2000)
Another trip down memory lane. I was such a huge *NSYNC fan back in middle school. It has been a lifetime since I have listened to this album, and I had forgotten about so much of this album. Some songs on here are still bops and iconic like Bye, Bye, Bye, It’s Gonna Me, and No Strings Attached. Others honestly made me giggle, because they are so early 2000s and did not necessarily age well, musically speaking. For example, Just Got Paid, Space Cowboy, and Digital Get Down. I still love the ballads on here, even if they are very “boy band-y” ballads. I Thought She Knew stood out as a favorite because it was so pretty, and I had somehow forgotten all about it. Anyways, this was fun listening to again. 
2020 music challenge 
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kinda just wanna bleach my whole head which is an indicator of how my mental health is rn
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messedupessy · 6 years
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MORE WIPS YAY (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
And dang this one was supposed to have been finished like ages ago, but I frikking forgot about it and now I barely remember how I coloured it xD like most of Stretch is done it's just his face left while there is allot left on Sans, who knows when I will finish this, but I srs love the colours on stretch's hoodie like look at it so good especially his right arm!
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byulsgrease · 3 years
duly noted
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you've never been one to obsess about your soulmate, assuming you'll figure it out when the time is right. but seriously, what kind of nonsense has yours been writing about recently?
(eventual moonbyul / wheein x gender neutral reader, soulmate!au, trainee/idol!au, ~1.2k words)
a/n: wheein bias wrecker anon! I might've had too much fun with your req and so this is gonna be my first soulmate au 🤠 while byul and wheein don't actually appear in this part (does that make this a prologue? idk), I promise they'll make their appearance soon enough :)
cw: struggles of being a trainee (weight + food talk)
The claps from your dance instructor ring out in the mirrored studio, calling everyone to attention before they send you off for the day. Everyone stands around listening to whatever niceties they're talking about, asking the rhetorical questions of whether all of you want this, how everyone needs to work harder, etc. How many years has it been now, almost three? Evaluations went pretty well recently and you've certainly demonstrated signs of growth since you started, but debut? Who knows. Does anyone, really?
But right now it's late and you're hungry, hoping that your growling stomach isn't loud enough to pierce through the lecture. You're respectfully tuned out anyway, since it's all old news. Nothing you haven't heard before. They clap again once their spiel ends and everyone disperses. Your eyes catch Hyejin's on your way out of the studio, sharing a funny face and an eyeroll before disappearing into the herd of trainees shuffling to the lockers.
Your locker opens with a routine spin of the dial, taking care to slow down and line up the numbers properly so you're not stuck having to do it over again. The inside's pretty cute for a metallic rectangle— it's really the only space of your own besides your notebook. Pictures of your family, old school friends, and fellow trainee friends line the sides beneath a tiny string of battery-powered fairy lights. It's not much, but always a humbling reminder of why you're here.
Unzipping your bag, you take out a pair of slides and drop them on the floor while stepping out of your sneakers. There's not much else in your bag, just a change of clothes and your notebook, of course. Everyone has one. Anything inside could be drawn, written, scribbled, painted. It’s your personal creative space and no one else's, but with two conditions:
You can't write your name in it, not even your initials. Of course everyone tried to as kids against their parents commands, but letters simply sink into the page, disappearing as if they'd never been written at all.
You can only mark up one side. Pages on the right side are for you, and the left side pages fill themselves. Fill themselves with what? you asked your parents. They gave you a non-answer, saying you'd figure it out someday. Great. Only other thing they bothered to tell you was that your right-hand pages were someone's left-hand ones. So someone can see what I put here? Their confirmation sounded rather casual, which you found weird. Someone out there was watching what you put in? But you got used to it, especially since every person owns one. It's a novelty for children anyway. Mark up a page however you want, knowing that someone out in the would will see, and sit back to watch whatever randomness shows up on the left side.
Your left side pages were actually empty for quite a while, save for the occasional "UGGHHH" followed by a typical childish annoyance scrawled messily across the entirety of the page in marker. Not that notebook use was mandatory, but parents usually encouraged it because it kept their kids occupied. There wasn't much you could do about empty pages, nor did you care most of the time, but it did leave you a little jealous of other kids at school who'd sometimes open theirs and be greeted with cute watercolor paintings, mini murals, or skillfully written poetry.
For you, the notebook's served many uses. As a kid it was random doodles and poorly-drawn fantasy scenarios— escapism, perhaps. In middle school it was angsty poems and random journal entries about the random happenings of your life. For the first half of high school it became your to-do list, keeping track of school assignments. And on the rarest occasion, song lyrics. Visual art was never your medium of choice, music came more easily. But drawing staff lines for music notation in the notebook usually ended up being too tedious, so your original stuff was mostly relegated to voice memos on your phone. And now? Who knows. Trainee life may as well be a blur. Sing, dance, talk, eat if you can afford to, sleep, repeat. It's hard to find the energy to write anything most days. Whenever you feel like checking, the left side has random jottings, nearly illegible most of the time.
It wasn't until you got older that you realized that whoever read your entries on the was the same person generating content on the left. And supposedly the person you're supposed to be with for the rest of time? What kind of system is that? I'm just supposed to trust blindly? having asked your parents in exasperation after figuring it out. Again with more non-answers— it had worked for them, didn't it? There's also the obvious question of why people don't just write directly to each other, but whatever. You're still young, no need to obsess over "the one" unlike some of your classmates. If it's meant to be, it'll happen, you figure. And it obviously is, you've got a notebook with (semi-)filled left side pages. What more could you ask for?
The cacophony of clanging lockers opening and closing starts to die down as people leave. Hyejin's head pops out from behind the locker door, laughing in your face when you flinch.
"Ready to go?"
"Yeah, one sec. Man, I'm starving,” you remark while slipping the bag straps on your back and closing the locker door. You don't even want to know how strapped for cash you are, probably in for another night of boiled eggs and canned kimchi.
“Wanna go out for food?” she immediately asks, eyes alight at the prospect of getting to eat something besides convenience store food.
"I wish. Actually, you wish," you smirk with longing in your eyes. The "no" doesn't even have to be said, weigh-ins are way too soon to risk it. She hangs her head, jokingly dejected as you swing an arm around her shoulder to walk out of the company building together.
After scrounging up whatever food you call dinner, taking a shower, and flopping into bed, you open up your notebook and grab the random pen laying on your dresser, unsure of what you'll write about tonight. There's chicken scratch on the left page already, ballpoint pen. It's actually legible today, though: In my room every day I see your smile.
What the hell does that mean? Whose smile, yours? You haven't even met yet.
Call me everyday every night, hug me everywhere every time
Utter nonsense. Maybe meeting soulmates is just a huge game of catch-up once everything's finally revealed, surely yours will be. There’s just so many questions. Moving to the right side, you jot down a list of cheat meal ideas along with some assorted notes and pointers from practice that you want to work on tomorrow, drawing little characters next to each list item for fun. After accidentally drawing a random squiggle from jolting yourself awake and feeling the heaviness in your eyelids, you cap your pen and shut your notebook, placing it back in your bag. With the lights out, the last thought you have before sleep consumes you is why haven't you ever tried writing directly to each other after all this time?
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bl--ankhaeji · 4 years
Pairing - Jisung x chubby*Reader
Genre - Fluff
Warning - Suggestive content, insecurities 
A/N - Soo this is a Jisung timestamp but this is done differently than how most do their timestamps also the Jisung in this is different than “usual” Jisung just to let y’all know. He’s getting older so I feel as if the content in here is not that bad and if any of you have problems with Jisung being a regular teenage boy with hormones then oh fucking well. If you want to keep seeing him as a child then this is not for you.  
W. Count - I don’t really know I didn’t look this time but ik it’s longer than I intended
As you laid sideways across your bed trying to find the perfect position. You heard your mom in the kitchen cooking what you hope is dinner. Your stomach wailing as soon as the thought crosses your mind. ‘Ah I found it’ you think as the immediate comfort of the perfect laying spot begins to set deep within your body.
 You take a look at your phone and start back reading your story that was shining on the screen. It was starting to escalate as the currently featured side gay couple finally stopped lying to themselves and admittedly jumped each others bones. You feel the little tingle start in the pit of your stomach, it was just getting good when a message came through.
Jisungpwark 💚💚😗🤤🥰🤪:
Come play mario kart with me 
But I just found the perfect laying spot 
And my mom’s cooking dinner 
Tell me why I should get up and come over? what’s in it for me 
Jisungpwark 💚💚😗🤤🥰🤪:
Maybe because you love me and dont wanna see me
 suffer from boredom 
Do I really love you that much though?
That’s the question of the hour
Jisungpwark 💚💚😗🤤🥰🤪:
First off that hurt 
Second of course you love me or else you wouldnt be 
dating me for 7 years now 
You forget about that time we broke up in fifth
Jisungpwark 💚💚😗🤤🥰🤪:
That was for ONE DAY ok 
If you come over I promise to let you win at mario kart
     “What the hell?” you exclaimed slightly outraged at the bullshit he just sent to your phone. Sitting up you feel the competitiveness start to spike. “Did he really just challenge me like that?”
     You get out of bed and start to put your shoes on, “He knows damn well that I can beat his ass without him ‘letting me win.’” 
Stop fucking lying whore you know damn well I can 
beat your ass I mario kart 
See now I have to come over and whoop you at your
own video game
I’ll be over in 10
     Part of you knows Jisung said that on purpose but that didn’t stop you from taking the bait still.
     Walking out of your room you go into the kitchen and see your mother almost done with dinner, the sweet aroma of the food has your mouth watering, stopping for a second you ponder if you should really go play mario kart. 
     “Hey sweets, dinner is almost ready.” your mother turns to you and smiles, taking in your jacket and shoes and she looks at you questiongly.
     Walking around to your mom you give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek as you grab your car keys that sit behind her. “Hey I came to let you know that I was gonna head over to Jisung’s for a little to beat him at mario kart. He threatened me so I have to show him what’s up.”  Hearing your statement, one that she has heard before, your mother laughs and gives you an ok before she recommends just staying the night, knowing that you won’t be back anytime soon. 
     Thinking about it you go and pack a bag. Going towards the front door you’re about to step out when your mom calls you back in the kitchen to which you see her sitting at the table with a plate of food as she slides a container with enough for both you and Jisung. “Thank you mama.” you say smiling so wide that it almost hurt, feeling happy that you get to eat some of f/f(favorite food).
     “You’re welcome sweets. Oh and before I forget, be safe.”
     You left out a huff of air telling your mother that you will be careful driving so she has nothing to worry about.
     In a sing-song voice she goes,“That’s not what I meant.” As you open your mouth to ask what she meant she cuts you off by sliding something across the table. 
     “Mom...what is that. ‘Please don’t let it be what I think it is.’ But as you read the box your fears are confirmed. It is condoms. “Mom what the- EW mom no it’s not, we’re not-” she cuts you off with a raised hand. 
     “Sweetie you’re not in trouble. I know you and Jisung have been together for a very long time, and I trust and love you both. But you’re of the age where you do things like that and you may not feel comfortable telling me, but love safe sex is nothing to be ashame-”
     Never having been this flustered in your life you frantically tried to get her to stop,“MOM. I…” Fidgeting with your hands you start to awkwardly look around the kitchen as if it was the first time you had ever seen it. “...We don’t do those types of things.” 
     “Ok darling, but you never know what might happen.” She states with the smuggest look on her face, winking as she hands you four condoms. “I’m not endorsing it but I know that if you want to do it then there’s nothing I could do to stop you so take these. Also you might want to go ahead and get to his house, your phone has been buzzing for a while now.” She states whilst she started to eat the food that was on her plate. 
     You couldn’t get out of that house quick enough, seeing as how you almost fell walking out of the door. Settling down in the car you release the biggest cringe you’ve ever had in your life. “AHHH ew what the fuck was that!” you exclaim feeling the condoms that burned in your pockets, as if they were trying to set your pants on fire so that they could get put to good use. 
     Finally calming down your phone buzzes with another message from Jisung. You see that he’s left various messages questioning where you are or what's taking so long. Some stating that you must be dead. You shake your head at your silly boyfriend as you reply to his many messages. With a light sigh you put the key in the ignition and back out of your driveway.  
     It was then that you started to look back at you and Jisung’s relationship. You guys started dating in fifth grade when you both got dared to spend seven minutes in heaven at you guys long time friend, Jeongin’s, birthday party. He still holds the fact that the only reason you too got together was because of him, but ever since then you and Jisung have been going strong. 
     Except for that one day in fifth grade when you guys broke up a week after you had gotten together because Mina Jameson had convinced you that Jisung would never want a ‘bludder whale’ like you. Ha jokes on her she’s had five STD’s this year alone and at least two pregnancy scares and she didn’t even know how to say blubber so who’s on top now. 
     Ever since you were a child you’ve always been bigger than most girls and it did make you feel insecure for a very long time, but if it wasn’t for Jisung who reassured you and showered you with as much love as he could every time you slipped you don’t know what life would be like. 
     You loved him with everything you had. 
     You and Jisung had never gone past small makeouts. They barely even involved tongue, there’s no way that things would just escalate tonight out of basically nowhere. Right?
     Yea. Anyways Jisung is too shy for that even though sometimes he could be a cheeky asshole and I don’t know if I’m ready.  
     Seeing that you’ve made it to Jisung’s house you take a look at the time and see that it had been almost two hours as it was 6:45. Damn, well at least I brought food. 
     You greeted your soft looking boyfriend clad in a hoodie that is slightly big on him and Nike joggers, he almost tackled you to the ground when he saw the food in your hands. When he asked what took so long you just told him it was the food. You guys ate the food that your mom gave you and started playing mario kart.
     After about 15 rematches most of which you won Jisung’s mom called him into the living room. She had an emergency at work and she wanted him to know that she wouldn’t be back till tomorrow.
     “So babe, what are we gonna do now? We could watch a movie or...” Jisung whispered, trailing off as he got in bed next to you and started to survey every inch of your face. It felt as if he was looking into your soul. You felt like he could see every single flaw on your face and you did not like it. As soon as he started leaning in moving his hand to your pillowy waist your mind flashed to the conversation you had with your mother. 
     ‘Is this it? Does he want to do it?’ Overwhelming thoughts started to cloud your mind and pretty soon you found yourself jerking back once you felt the tip of his nose touch yours. The sound of the sheets moving filled the room as you stood up off of the bed. 
     “Uhh it’s getting late, A movie sounds nice I think I’m just gonna go shower right quick and we can watch the movie when I get out, ok?” You state as you quickly gather your shorts that you brought and a hoodie out of Jisung’s closet, and rush into his en suite bathroom almost slamming the door behind you.   
     Turning on the shower to make sure he didn’t hear you, you immediately start to whisper shout, “Ah! What the fuck was that, who the fuck was that and what did he do with my boyfriend. Jisung has never been like that before.” Tying your hair up you hop in the shower feeling the water pelt your skin as you decided to forget about it, but you couldn’t deny the twinge you felt in your stomach every time you thought about how he looked when he stared at you like that. 
     The movie was boring so you guys decided to play games again. Only for Jisung to see that he was about to lose against you in Mortal Kombat and in an effort to be a little bitch he tackled you. Now wrestling you yell at him in mock anger for ruining the game before you could kick his head off. As you flipped the both of you over so that you were on top you started to pettily slap his arm. 
     “Ahh Park Jisung you dick! I almost won why’d you do tha-” You had gotten too comfortable and loosed up your legs that were caging him in and he was able to flip you mid sentence. It was then you noticed what a compromising position you both were in, it looked somewhat akin to the basic missionary. 
     Letting out quickened breaths you started to heat up as Jisung stayed in between your legs. You could see the slight perspiration sort of dampen his hair. The game made a sound that surprised you a little causing you to sort of jerk your body. At that Jisung let out a groan that sounded like it was painful. 
     Your body alerts and you start to question him,“Jisung I’m sorry are you ok? What happened?” A ferocious blush starts to race across his cheeks. He avoids your eyes and tells you that it was nothing and that he’s fine.
     “Jisung stop lying and would you let me up now, you’ve been laying on me for a while an-” Cool slightly wet lips touch yours. A little startled at first you tense up but then his lips start to move against yours and the tension in your body slowly unwinds till nothing is left but pure bliss. His lips slowly caress yours and this feels like nothing you’ve ever felt in your life. The passion and the want that he puts into kissing you has you going crazy. 
     Once a steady rhythm is set you move your lower body in an effort to get comfortable and Jisung groans again, and you immediately feel something against your leg and you get flustered because now you know why he groaned and you feel like an idiot for not figuring it out sooner. 
     Jisung wants more, more of you, more of this. The high that this is putting him on is euphoric and for now he doesn’t want to stop. He didn’t say anything but when you came out of his bathroom in his hoodie that fit just like a dress because of the height difference and the illusion that you had nothing on under got him so riled up that he almost couldn’t breathe. It was always like that when it came to you. He loved you so much that it was at most times suffocating. He slips his tongue out of his mouth and just barely grazes it against your bottom lip as if he was testing out the water temp in a pool. 
     You feel something wet against your lips realizing that it was Jisung’s tongue and you quickly almost embarrassingly so open your mouth to let him in. His tongue ventures farther into your mouth and for a little bit there you both are, in the middle of the floor in his room exploring each other, tasting each other, and it is as if there is no one or nothing in the world except for you two. 
     Soon enough without realizing Jisung starts to slowly grind his semi-erection right on to your heated core. The feeling was heavenly and neither of you wanted to stop. 
     He lifts off of your lips so that you both could breath but he soon started to kiss all over your neck, and you throw your head back and release a moan that sounded like heaven to his ears. Grabbing your soft plushy sides he starts to feel anywhere that he can and you tense up out of slight fear at what could be his reaction. He runs one hand down to your thigh, lifting it so that it’s placed on his hip softly squeezing while the other starts to make its way to the hem of your hoodie pulling it up slightly, and that’s when the thoughts came. 
     You quickly pushed Jisung off of you and sat up trying to pull the hoodie as far down your body that it could reach. You looked toward Jisung to see that he had a blush the color of a strawberry and his lips were swollen to look even more soft and inviting than normal. Standing up you rush to his bathroom and close the door leaving a severely confused and turned on Jisung on the floor.  
     Looking toward the mirror, multiple hickies are splattered across your neck and when you lift your hand to rub against them you jolt a little at how tender they were. You could also see where it looked as if you had taken a shot at the kylie jenner lip challenge. But that wasn’t where your mind was at, you were focused on what just happened out there. Thoughts of Jisung possibly seeing your chubby stomach riddled with stretch marks made immediate panic course through your veins. 
     You normally were so good with not thinking about things like that Jisung having helped you be able to get here, but now when he was on the precipice of Jisung seeing your body you couldn’t think about anything but the possible disgust at what you really looked like. 
     It’s not like you didn’t trust him or anything but when insecurity strikes it strikes hard. You consider telling Jisung about these feelings considering you always have in the past, but what if he feels as if you’re doubting his love for you and he gets mad.
     You realize that you’ve probably been in the bathroom for a long time and you didn’t want Jisung to worry so you muster up the courage and with a determined release of air you open the door. Only to see that Jisung is not where you left him. 
     “I wonder where he’s at?” You speak into the air until you wonder what time it is and see that it’s 10:15. ‘WTF we were making out for that long’
     Thirty minutes have passed and Jisung is still not back. As soon as you get up to go look for him he walks into the room. 
     “Where were you? You’ve been gone for a little over half an hour.” 
     Jisung looks at you and when he sees your truly confused face he shyly thwarts his eyes and lifts his hand to rub his neck at the realization that he’ll actually have to explain. But before he can you see his shy gaze and it clicks in your mind what he could’ve been doing regarding what you felt earlier. Biting the inside of your lip you tell him nevermind stating that you already know. He apologizes and says he had to do something because he didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.      
     The last fifteen minutes have been filled with an agonisingly awkward aura in the air. You and Jisung have been sitting up against the headboard of his bed staring at some movie on tv but you knew that neither of you were actually paying attention. Jisung’s warm hand slides toward yours and upon contact you jump up and away. 
     “Babe what’s wrong? You’ve been jumpy ever since what happened a while ago. Is everything ok? Did I do something wrong?” Jisung asks with slight guilt in his voice thinking he was the problem. You told him no but he didn’t believe and you kept trying to deny his accusations saying that you were just tired but he wouldn’t take that for an answer.
     He grabbed your chin and sort of gently forced you to look at him and when you saw his warm eyes filled with nothing but love you had no choice but to break down and tell him. 
     Hot salty tears ran down your face and he took his thumb and used it to wipe your tears as you described what happened when he tried to go under the hoodie. You had to continuously reassure him that it was not his fault, but your own. 
     “I promise Jisung you did nothing wrong. I love you so much we’ve been through everything together. It’s my fault for feeling this way even when you constantly shower me with love. I just sometimes, I feel like you shouldn’t like me and when you tried to reach under my hoodie it’s just like I didn’t want my fears to come true once you see my body.” 
     “...Babe I- I don’t know how to approach this like I want you to know how much I truly love you. I honestly love your body so much but I don’t want you to think that's all though.” Jisung stated nervously mildly irritated at himself for not being able to properly express his feelings for you. Starting to think you honestly couldn’t believe why you didn’t trust him. He was your mouse, your tall boi, your marshmallow, your love, and possibly even your life.
     “C’mere” Jisung stated in his deep soothing voice as he pulled you into his lap in a straddle position. 
     What Jisung didn’t know was that you loved whenever you got to sit in his lap, it made you feel giddy inside. 
     Jisung totally knew that you loved to sit in his lap.
     “It’s ok, we don’t have to rush. If you don’t feel comfortable showing your body too me yet then that’s ok...One request though.” He states with a small smile and a single finger held in the air. “Can we at least keep making out like this because I’ve been holding myself back and after tonight I don’t think I can do that anymore.” He promptly flashes a slightly cocky smirk to which you answer with a smack on the arm earning a laugh from him. 
     Wondering why you even date him you give him a lingering kiss on the lips and snuggle into his chest. 
     “Y/n, I noticed that earlier when you were talking about what happened you called this hoodie yours. I just wanted you to- ACK stop choking me- AKKK.” 
Although he was currently being choked he was happy, because he knew that you were ok.
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browneyedhimbo · 4 years
Work Distractions
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Reader
Summary: You’re trying to push through getting some reports done but a certain pilot, who just happens to be your boyfriend, decides to distract you instead.
Warnings: fluffff, a few innuendos, poe being an attention hog, some language
Word Count: 359
A/N: Just a little something something. Inspired by my doing school work all damn day and really need some sort of distraction. Hope you enjoy! 《MASTERLIST 》
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“Oh just kriffing kill me now. I don’t ever, ever, ever want to ugghhh,” you grunted in frustration, pulling at your hair. It was a never ending pile of mission reports and you were completely done. You huffed and thumped your head against the table.
“Any harder and you’re gonna get a concussion.” Poe smirked, earning your best murderous glare.
“Fuck you.”
“When you’re finished there maybe.”
“You’re insufferable.”
“You’re hot.”
“And annoying” 
“Not annoying enough.”
“Shit Dameron, don’t you have something to do right now?”  You scoffed, rearranging the position of the three datapads in front of you.
“You.” His smirk grew to a full out wicked grin. Bugging you was the best part of his day. “But leave the datapads though, don’t need those going in places they don’t belong in.” His wink caused you to roll your eyes.
“What’s it going to take for you to leave me alone?” You faced him, fighting the small smile that wanted to break.
“Well I’m glad you asked.” He clapped his hands as he leaned his hip against the table, facing you. “You and me, dinner at 8. Then a lay in tomorrow morning after late night activities. Oh and last but not least, breakfast.” He finished with a bright smile.
“That all?” You let out a heartfelt laugh, wanting to keep up whatever game this was. 
“Yep,” he said popping the p. 
“I accept your offer then,” you chuckled extending you hand. “You know what?”
“Hmm?” He asked, shaking your hand. 
“You’re lucky I love you.” You pull him down from his hand and peck his lips, short and sweet.
“Oh yes I am.” He beamed, giving you another kiss. 
“P-Poe, I need to finish.” You giggled, gently pushing him.
“Fiiiine,” he rolled his eyes, carrying out the i. He stood up fully and started towards the door. “See you later sweetheart, don’t miss me too much.” He called out, giving you one last wink before closing the door to your office. You chuckled, staring at the door a little longer. 
Work was boring and annoying, but Poe always knew how to make it a little more enjoyable.
Permanent tags: @becausewhyknotme @disasterbuckley​ @imma-new-soul @justmebeingtheweirdmeiam @officialtonystarkprotectionsquad @theladyoffangorn @itsunclebucky @mushyjellybeans @writingforhoursonend @agentpeggybarnes @fangirl-introvert @ninjabucky @cosmicbucky @yougottakeeponkeepinon @this-kitten-is-smitten
[also tagging] @kittyofalltrades @writefightandflightclub @damerondjarin @damndamer0n @poe-damnnn-eron @spider-starry @kayte-wren [please let me know if you want me to stop tagging you or if it’s becoming annoying]
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makarov-my-beloved · 3 years
Chapter 1: London Has Fallen
“Your Majesty, are you alright?” Lord George Germain asked anxiously. The King, George III, whilst on his chair turned to him. “Yes, I’m alright. I just feel tired now.” His tone and voice gave the Chancellor a tingle of euphoria, yet he remained composed to make sure the King is not in any danger. As Lord Germain is aware, King George’s mental health have been deteriorating at a fast pace and the country is fear of a riot. It was now the mission of Parliament to keep an eye on the citizens as well as keeping peace. Bowing, Lord Germain exited the room. Perfect timing Your Majesty. He proceeded down the hall where he was greeted by two men: Prime Minister Lord Frederick North and Admiral John Montagu (or Lord Sandwich as most call him). Lord North nodded to the Chancellor. “I believe that His Majesty has fallen gravely ill?” “Yes, Prime Minister. He is in no condition to be in charge.”
“Then what should our next plan of action be?” asked Lord Sandwich. The Chancellor smiled. “I have already began recruiting those who are willing to serve their country without question. There are already several eager recruits waiting at the front door. Gentlemen, I would like to introduce you to Albion.” He walked to a large grey door and opened it. From the inside, North and Sandwich could see hundreds of armored vehicles, armed guards and ctOS fighter drones stationed outside the courtyard of Buckingham Palace. Smiling, Germain turned to his acquittances and clasped his hand behind his back. “Be assured,” he purred, “No one could disagree with how we handle our situation here. I have also recruited abled hackers to monitor every electronic equipment across London. That way, any chance of an uproar will be instantly snuffed.”
The two men smiled. “That fantastic news,” praised the Prime Minister, “I’m sure His Majesty would be thrilled to hear your progress.” Lord Germain glowered. “I don’t need the King’s praise or attention. I am in charge here. Albion and Zero Day are under my command.” “But sir, what about DedSec? I’ve heard reports they are in our midst,” inquired Lord Sandwich nervously. “They are at risk of overthrowing everything we’ve worked hard on.” His question was answered by roaring laughter from the Chancellor before Germain looked at the Admiral with a glimmer of malice twinkling in his eyes. “I already have plans for them.” Reaching into his pocket, Germain pulled out his phone and called to his henchman. “We are ready.” He slipped the phone back before motioning his acquittances to follow him. After climbing several flight of stairs, they reached the top floor. Germain opened the metal door in which the men are standing on top of Buckingham Palace.
“Watch gentlemen and understand what we are capable of!” Germain proudly proclaimed as he extended his arm in time as explosions began setting off in different parts of London. Screams of anguished cries, confusion and terror arose around them. The Chancellor inhaled deeply. “There you have it. DedSec would be dismantled, just as they were dismantled in the colonies. No longer would we have to worry about roaches crawling under our feet. This day is ours.” He turned to North and Sandwich. “Tomorrow I want a press release on this attack. Tell them that DedSec is responsible for this act of terrorism on our ground. No one can stand for this. I have all the evidence planted and ready to be watered.” Lord North and Lord Sandwich grinned from ear to ear. “This is brilliant!” complimented Lord Sandwich, “Just as we have dismantled DedSec in North America, we can do it here too!” “Indeed! Your plan is spectacular!” added the Prime Minister.
Lord Germain bowed. “I am very pleased to have you both join my coalition. England will be just as secured as the day it was born. From now on, Frederick, you will be my “Ears and Mouth” and you, John, will be my “Eyes and Nose.” “Love that reference you’re making,” teased the Admiral as he slapped Germain on the shoulder. While the three men complimented themselves on their fine word, a small ctOS drone watched from a far before flying away to safety.
Weeks turned to months as the people of London became very resentful of Germain’s regime over the city. As the Chancellor began making more and more executive orders, Parliament began gaining more and more powerful, leaving the Crown devoid of anything. Some have speculated Germain “killed” the King in his rise to power. Calls of anarchy rose in the streets. Gang wars propped in every parts of London, making the streets more and more dangerous. One gang, Clan Kelley, became the symbol of extreme underground crimes. Its leader, Mary Kelley, formed a team with Germain in promise for a position in his Cabinet which he happily obliged. Now, with the streets raging with Clan Kelley and Albion/Zero Day choking the city, Britannia wept with sorrow as she watched her beloved city crumble to ashes, praying for someone, anyone, to strike down the enemies and bring peace back to her child.
Chapter 2: DedSec AS FUCK!
John André pulled his soccer ball closed to him as he waited for the pedestrian signal to change. His earpiece was playing his favorite Classical music. Beethoven Symphony No. 5. I’ve been longing to hear it again. The pedestrian signal changed, and André crossed the street. Reaching the intersection, he took a left towards Kennington Park only to be stopped by two Albion guards approaching him. “Hold it sir! Where are you going?” one of the guards demanded. “I’m just heading towards to the park to play soccer,” André said quietly. The other guard looked his bag. “What is in that bag?” he said, pointing towards the satchel slung over André’s shoulder. “There is nothing in there,” André whispered. The guard grabbed him by the shoulder, pulled out a scanner and scanned his face. The results popped on the scanner’s screen that revealed all of André’s personal information. Finding nothing suspicious, the guard shoved the young hacker aside and walked away with his partner. Angry, André adjusted his jacket before proceeding to his destination.
It was a clear, sunny day in London and everyone around him continued to live their normal lives as well as they can. Months after the bombings of London, the citizens grew extremely fearful. Everyone believed the news that DedSec was responsible for the bombs, and it made André angry. I’ll prove to you, Zero Day, that DedSec was NOT the mastermind. You’ll see. Reaching the park, the hacker walked towards an empty soccer field where he set his bag down next to the goalpost. Around the park, cars and double-decker buses honked frequently as well as civilians walking about. It wasn’t exactly peaceful, but André was used to it. He changed his shoes into his soccer shoes and began practicing. He had only began picking up soccer as a way of exercising since he spends majority of his time inside his Safehouse with his friend Bagley the AI.
He is only a personal assistant, but he has become my best friend. André met Bagley after returning from North America. DedSec recruited him into the group after noticing his superior hacking skill. It was there he was introduced to Bagley, DedSec’s AI guide. DedSec’s leader, Sabine Brandt, said to him, “Our mission is to destroy these crazed warlords. The sooner we clear our name, London will wake up and see the truth.” Despite not having constant interaction with Sabine, Bagley took over as the main helper to DedSec members and has helped André deal with multiple issues with Albion and Zero Day. Kicking the ball into the goal, André stretched before noticing someone asleep on the park bench. I wonder who could that be. Approaching the sleeping civilian, André took notice of the expensive clothes the person wore: a black suit with white buttoned shirt, dress pants and leather shoes.
The face was covered by a newspaper with the front cover discussing Lord Germain’s next plan into securing London from future terrorist attack. That which a whole paragraph dedicated in attacking DedSec while praising Zero Day for stepping in. Furious, André grabbed the newspaper article, crumbled it, and kicked it across the park. To hell with you Germain. A moan escaped from the person whom André recognized as London’s infamous playwriter. “John? John Burgoyne?” he asked, surprised to see his friend. Grumbling, Burgoyne sat up, rubbing his head. “Aw man….that liquor was too…hard….ugghhh…” He vomited on the ground before falling back on the bench. His whole body reeked of wine and vodka. Chuckling, André held out his hand. “Here need help?” The playwriter grabbed his hand and attempted to pull himself up before collapsing into his arm.
@burgoyned Here you go the start of it ^^ Feel free to leave a ffedback I really find them helpful~
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pbandjesse · 4 years
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Another day I went home early. I wish I could just stay home. I wish they would just put us in lockdown again. I watched the Governer's press conference and it was infuriating. Said all the things that are going bad but didnt put in any more restrictions. Its ridiculous. But besides that today wasnt a bad day at all. 
I slept alright. I woke up a few times because I keep losing all my blankets and then Im cold. But it wasnt bad sleep. Getting up was just a little hard. 
I got up and dressed and while my hair was a little bit weird today, I felt cute. I packed up my craft bag and James packed my breakfast. And off I went. 
It was drizzling a little when I left but it was a pretty day. Just very cold. But thats alright. I should have worn a scarf by I had my cashmere sweater on and that was great. I just hate that it needs to be drycleaned. 
Another day with no kids. They think everything will be back to normal for the most part tomorrow. Well see. I spent the morning cleaning and writing up a plan for activities if the kids dont have access to their work but still come. But well see. A family called today but when we told them we couldnt help with the computer and so they decided to stay home. 
So I spent the morning sewing. I finished 4 frogs. I did some typing. I made my shop posts. And then it was 1030 and I was bored!!! I was alone and I wanted to go home. 
So I talked to Clifford and he said he thought he could handle the crowds of people and that tomorrow hopefully we would be back to normal. Silly man. We actually had a really nice conversation first thing this morning. He's a really nice person and really smart. 
I headed out though. And it was cold but beautiful. And so I decided I would get five guys and take a drive. And thats what I did. 
I got my food and ate in the car. Listened to a silly podcast.  It was a nice time. 
I ended up driving to a goodwill I had never been to and it was pretty good. I got another house shelf. I would start to paint that and the other one to match the one mom got for me later tonight. I also got a book about cute mobile homes and 2 adorable winter dresses. One is grey with long sleeves and the other in like a black plaid with a keyhole chest detail. Both are so cute. 
I wandered around there for a bit though. And when I was done I decided I would go home. And was back around 1230.
Lana called me and we talked about how we had no kids. And how a lot of staff had been leaving early but apparently some sites were complaining because the contract is for us to be there all day. Even if there are no kids. Which is so batshit I wasnt even going to argue. But my site isnt one that complained so Im not to worried. Like honestly who cares. Well have kids again and then I will have purpose again. 
James was still home. And he showed me some games he bought for us. I played animal crossing for a few minutes. Its december and were getting ready for "Toy Day" on the island. I am said our dog, Bones, moved, but tomorrow my new sheep will be there and Im excited for that. 
Soon James had to leave for work though. I got myself into some work. Some cleaning. I was just in a good mood. 
I decided I was going to donate all my profits from black friday to something and found that very serendipitously and then I was on a "I Dontated Money" high. Just all cheery. I love that feeling. I dont know how rich people arent always doing it because it feels great. 
 So I was in a great mood. And I did some painting of the house shelves and was in a good mood until the stupid press conference. I just want us to all get $3000 and be put in lockdown. Its soo stupid. Its so frustrating. And then I went on twitter to see reactions and morons were just upset that the new health director said we need to make masks the new normal and they were like. NEVER!!!! Ugghhh. 
I had the other half of my sushi burrito for dinner. I made sweetP a new collar. Still cant find his ID so Im looking into ordering a new one on ebay but Im waiting for a response about an engraving question I had. I did a little organizing. I put the space heaters on and I went through my closet. I put a lot of stuff away. I tried to be pragmatic and realistic about what I want to be wearing right now. Almost all black. Mostly cropped sweaters. Cozy to the max. I also decided to buy a cheap garment rack so I can more organize things. I miss my walk in closets. But I am going to make something work for me. Having less things in the closet helps make me feel better though. My storage trunk is pretty full but its basically all stuff I still really like and Im really happy about that. Doing pretty good in that vein. 
Now though I am in bed listening to breadtube and thinking about taking a bath. I want to wash my hair and then paint my nails. Just take care of myself all nice. And then James will be home and we will go to bed and tomorrow I hope to actually have students! Well see. 
I hope you all have a nice night. Take care of eachother. Goodnight. 
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Hey! I’m back! Only 5 more days until my birthday! Also, I’m back with more of my story, Fnas: The Descendants.
Scene 12
The next day at school
(in 4th period)
Class:(is working on an assignment)
Teacher:(walking around)
Sly:(is using her phone to cheat once again)
Teacher:(sees what she is doing and walks over to her. He takes her phone) What do you think you are doing?
Sly: I-
Teacher: Sly, you know I can suspend you for this, right?
Sly: Yes.
Bella:(stands up) Hey, please don’t suspend her. You’d be sorry if you did.
Teacher: Is that a threat?
Sly: Bella-
Bella:(to Sly) Please don’t say anything. (to the teacher) Look, all I’m saying is you are lucky to have Sly. Your job is to teach kids, right? Well-
Sly: Bella, you don’t-
Bella:(to Sly) Please let me finish. (to the teacher) If you suspend Sly, that’s one less student you’ll teach. Also, she’ll miss work. Do you want that to happen?
Teacher: No, I guess not. (to Sly) Ok, Sly, I won’t suspend you but I will keep your phone with me until the end of class. (to the whole class) Go to lunch.
Class:(get up and leave the classroom)
(in the hallway)
Sly: Thanks for defending me Bella.
Bella: You’re welcome. That’s what friends are for.
Anubis: I wonder what we’re having for lunch.
Blade: Probably something sh*tty and gross.
Bandit: You said it.
Bella: I might start bringing my own lunch tomorrow.
Blade: Please promise us that you’ll share it.
Bella: If I have enough food I will.
Bandit: Thank God.
(now in the lunchroom)
Blade/Sly/Anubis/Bandit/Bella:(going through the lunch line)
Blade: Yuck! I was right! We are having something sh*tty and gross.
Bandit: There is no way I’m eating that clam chowder.
Anubis: Same, bro, same.
Bella: That’s it. I’m bringing my lunch tomorrow.
Sly:(has a tray full of milk cartons) We’ll always have milk.
Blade/Sly/Anubis/Bandit/Bella:(pay for their food and go sit down at a table)
Bella: Man, I can’t wait until school is out!
Anubis: Neither can I.
Bandit: When is the last day of school?
Bella: It’s usually sometime in May.
Blade: Ugghhh! We have to wait ‘till May?! That’s f*cking bullsh*t.
Bella: I know, right?
Sly:(pours some milk into her bowl and begins to drink it)
Bella: I wish it was Friday.
Anubis: Me too. Speaking of Friday, we have a football game this Friday.
Sly:(puts her bowl down) Great. We’ll be there.
Bandit: Great. I hope we win.
Anubis: If we practice really hard we will.
Bella: Well, I ain’t staying to watch. I got to do my laundry when I get home.
Blade: I gotta wash my motorcycle today.
Sly: I’ll go home with Blade.
Anubis: Ok. If you don’t want to stay to watch us practice, just say so.
Blade: We don’t want to stay.
Anubis: Ouch.
Blade: Sorry. We’re not interested in sports.
Bandit: Fine then.
(their teacher’s name is called)
Blade/Sly/Anubis/Bandit/Bella:(get up, dump their trays, and leave with the class)
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deahscott · 7 years
5, 11, 20, 30, 43, 47, 49, 56, 60, 64, 85, 98, 101, 108, 124
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? what? - to ocean20. Do you like your neighbors? they’re alright. they stay out of our way and we them.30. Do you ever want to get married? no. not in a million years.43. Do you smile at strangers? no.47. Have you ever been high? usually am most nights. so that’s a yes.49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? yes.56. Favourite colour? black.60. Ever won a competition? For what? four wheeler competition. i’ve moved onto motorcycles now.64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? in sixth grade, there was this guy that everyone liked but i didn’t. i don’t go for that shit. but he liked me and ignored everyone else. finally after last bell we were waiting for the bus and he pulled me aside and kissed me out of nowhere and i knee’d him in the balls before kissing him again and hoping onto my bus. it was the last day of school and next year i switched schools and never heard from him again.85. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? 21 jump street.98. Favourite actor? charles michael davis. anthony stewart head.101. How are you feeling? enough. i feel out of control? like i have nowhere to go but down. my mother is flaunting guys in front of my dad again and my dad’s back to chopping wood and he’s been out of town with his ‘old crowd’ and another guy i thought was interested in me just used me to get back at his ex who tried to have me beat up but jokes on her i know how to fight skanky bitches and cherry on top i feel the need to stop whatever me and scotty boy have going on because he’s really the main reason why i started feeling feelings and it needs to stop. like who the hell is he?108. Have you ever been on a horse? plenty of times. i own a horse back on my aunt’s farm.124. Can you keep white shoes clean? if i try my darn hardest. it’s another whole story if i’m drunk.
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star-birthmark · 4 years
Ohhh my goshhh im so in love with your writing like honestly its all a1 you truly outdid yourself!🙊 QWQ anyways can I ask for some Keicho love in the near futute hes a good boi under his rough exterior and him just having a good life gets me EMOTIONAL
Ugghhh another cute one! Y’all are really out here sweetening up this blog lmao. This was a fun one to write, sorry it took a while, had hw and then the holidays. But please enjoy! It was super cute to write my hc of what generally happens to the brothers as they grow into adults!
Without further ado: Hard Work: Keicho Nijimura X Reader (1.5k words)
You love your husband. Your rock. Light of your life. Everything you could have ever wanted and then some more. He was strong, in mind and spirit, smart, everything. Your lips stretch out over your cheeks as you think about him, your cheeks flushing bright red at the thought. 
Your friends wonder what you see in him. They say he’s too rough around the edges, too angry, but you know it’s only because they don’t know the truth. They don’t know how loving he is behind closed doors, when his seemingly permanent, serious scowl, melts into a soft grin accompanied by a deep, comforting chuckle. They don’t know how hard he works. He works so damn hard, pulling in late nights at his desk, working on weekends. When your five-year-old son exclaimed to his classmates on father’s day that he hopes to work as hard as your husband, later that night you watched your love pace back and forth in your bedroom, his fingers raking through his blond hair, his chest heaving, tears fluttering down his cheeks. You sigh. 
“Keicho you know he didn’t mean it like that.” 
“(y/n) I don’t want to just be remembered for how hard I work. I want to be remembered for being a good father. God… I’ve failed.”
You get up from your seat on the bed and wrap your arms around him, pressing your head against his chest. You can hear his heartbeat soon slow down as he calms. You reach up and cradle his face in your hands. You look your husband dead in the eye, almost surprising him with your level of seriousness. 
“Do you know how long I’ve known you?”
“Right. And in all that time, when have I ever been disappointed in you?”
You watch him begin to form a smile, his tears drying. “Not even once dear.”
“Right. You’re doing better than anyone could have ever expected you to do. And I’m proud of you. And so is he.”
You had known the Nijimura brothers for years and were one of their most trusted friends for some years. So trusted that when Keicho and Okuyasu banged on your apartment door in the middle of the night to tell you about a seemingly crazy company idea they had, you could only watch them with shock as they asked you to be a business partner of theirs. You agreed, and things only went up from there. Investors were quick to support, and business was booming. You and Keicho got closer and got closer until he finally worked up the nerve to ask you out. After dating for a long while, the two finally move out to a nice house in the suburbs of Morioh and tie the knot. You had your son and there was another one on the way.  
But it took a long time to get there, with a lot of struggle. There were risks needed. There was debt, there were tears, there was hard work, there were long hours. Such late hours that you would find yourself constantly walking home with Keicho Nijimura in the middle of the dark town. And at the end of those long dark walks, he would give you an awkward smile until you closed the door, then his face would flush bright red and his heart would skip a beat. On the other side of the door, you would be trying vigorously to calm your burning cheeks from embarrassment. Both of you would feel a sense of excited shame. You shouldn’t feel such a way about a partner at work. About a friend. But damn if he wasn’t so handsome. 
Your little crushes would continue for months, too the point that the other staff would begin to notice. You two would give each other extended looks amidst meetings, look for each other in the crowd of workers, nudge past each other and nervous chuckle. It wasn’t until three years into running the company together when Keicho finally had the guts to confess. Well, it had to come after a long pep talk from Okuyasu, telling him that you felt the same way, but that’s beside the point. You think back on the day of his confession now and laugh, but in that moment, it felt like you were in some cheap rom-com.
 It was late at night, and a few workers were staying behind to finish for the day. You sat at your desk, your focus blurring from staring at your screen for so long. You leaned back in your chair to rub your eyes and stretch until you finally decide it was time to head home. Whatever work you had left could wait till tomorrow. Slipping on your winter hat and coat, you walked the long hallway of offices to head to the exit until out of the corner of your eye you saw an oh-too-old site. Peering into the small room, you saw a familiar coworker pacing back and forth in front of his desk, fidgeting with fatigue as he flipped through his notes from the last meeting. You rolled your eyes and knocked gently on the doorframe to his office. Looking up from his messy blond hair, you sigh heavily at the exasperated look on his face. 
“Keicho come on… it’s past 1 am.”
“Nah you go ahea-” He eyed your quick, stern reaction and already knew it was wiser to just listen. “Fine…Fine. I’m coming.”
The two of you walk the usual route to get to your apartment, each person stumbling a little from exhaustion, then waving it off as if nothing was amiss. When you finally arrive at your front door, you look up at your long-time friend and crush with a smile before it hilariously morphed into a yawn. Keicho chuckled a bit before yawning himself. 
“Hey um… (y/n)? Do you think I could maybe stay on your couch for the night? It’s a long way back to my place and I’m too tired to drive or even walk really…”
You blush at the thought before nodding a bit, ushering him in. 
Keicho followed you in, watching you strip off your coat and hat onto your messy kitchen table. He looked around at the clutter around your home, at all of the promotional work for the company that you had saved, at all of the filed you were working on, at the projects you were working on now. Old fliers laid in a pile nearby, as well as designs for the company logo. He then turned you see you setting up your small coach for him to stay the night, your hair messy, your eyes dropping, your movement slow. It was in that moment, that Keicho knew he had to say something to you. Perhaps he was just too tired to think straight, but no one had ever invested so much in his brother and him. You believed in them and their vision and you worked alongside them, and they appreciated you so much. The two brothers loved you, but he loved you as more than just a trusted friend. 
Walking over to you, the tall man encircled you with his arms, causing you to fidget at the sudden touch. Understanding though, you turn around and wrap your arms around him back, stroking the back of his neck in an effort to calm him down. 
“(y/n), would you consider going on a date with me?” 
You smile sweetly, nodding your head in his chest, causing the two of you to childishly giggle. 
And the rest was history. There the two of you stood, in your shared bedroom, holding each other as thought back on how far the two of you had come. 
“Man we’ve really worked so hard haven’t we?” 
You look up at your husband at his question, before soon leaning in to take his lips in yours. He reacts quickly and deepens the embrace. You squeak pleasantly at the sudden affection and kiss him back. He holds you tighter before soon lifting you up and setting you down gently on your bed. You look up at him, a lovesick grin on your face. You open to answer the question. 
“So what if we have? We’re still not done.”
Keicho smiled, just grateful to whatever Higher Power there was that he was able to live a good life after all that’s happened. 
“You’re right. We’re still not done.”
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deancasotp · 4 years
we’re moved into the new place with about 80% of our stuff put out :)
we have a new foster kitty :D his name’s Teddy and he’s two months old and super fucking adorable!! he’ll probably be up on the eldenrescue insta soon if he’s not already
its been three weeks and i still cant find my computer power cord ugghhh we have the one for our macs but the one for my gaming pc is NOWHERE TO BE FOUND
i miss playing video games!!!
i like the new job a lot, it’s not an endgame position but it’s definitely a step in the right direction i think
i miss writing!!!!!
i fly back to mn for xmas tomorrow afternoon and i have not packed nor have i done any laundry lmao lmao lmao
i did however clean the living room some and do dishes and so on
i wanna start streaming again!! so if my work contract doesnt get extended again, im going to do that for sure
hopefully i can work yt into it too sometime in the near future
i think one of the girls at work is threatened by me bc i dont slack off and im super organized, i have great relationships with the talent, and i get shit done and she likes to pretend things take longer than they do, i see her all the time on her phone, or looking up random things online, and her attitude towards me is so superficially nice, i hate it, just say you dont like me and move on, i promise thats not going to affect me one bit lmao and she has one folder she sticks all the paperwork into (shes the admin assistant) and then tries to blame me when she loses ppw LMAO g o d just take five mins to organize your shit and you wont lose it or there wont be duplicates etc etc ugh just get your fucking shit together  //rant
i got a new desk!! i get to build it when I get back :)))
i still love taylor switft
that is all
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