#i have a headcanon about the bard being seen less as a leader as the rebellion and more as a representative of the common person
vv-ispy · 1 month
Im 👀 at your Mondstadt having an underground area and I just want to bring up this idea in a fanfic I read (Windwheel Aster: Adored by the wind) where Mondstadt has secret underground passageway between them and Liyue for emergency use. Now im combining those ideas in my head of underground passageways beneath Old Mondstadt. Like some sort of dark souls crypt for those who perished (since its Really Hard to do a burial in the snow). You know how the wind brings Mondstadter's souldls home? Yeah what if thats not just a Venti thing but also existed during the time of Decarabian. (I can tie this into Istaroth but thats a whole nother paragraph)
DON't MIND ME HAVING SpeNT most of hte day reading that fic ahem
Crypts under Mondstadt...oh I love that idea it fits in mood-wise with the Actual Dead Guy under the statue, giving Mondstadt and ameno all the more ties to death and souls and imprisonment + yeah how do you deal with bodies when the ground is frozen hard and the city is micromanaged by the god. Why, if the bodies are getting in the way, why not remove them, help the souls pass on, and place the bodies neat and orderly filed away. Away from the people so they can focus on life instead of death, but each passed person can still be easily found in case they're needed. Besides, crypts are often under a church and Mondstadt is the nation most known for having a church....maybe not under Mondstadt's currentday church, but the people did use to 'bow' around the tall tower which houses a god....
But also........those Istaroth ties? 👀👀👀
#decarabiandivorce#@ hoyo pls insert a crypt under decarabian's tower now actually i want this plsplsplsplsplspls#ya know we get a lot about liyue's funeral practices. but I wanna know modnstadt's funeral practices#i dunno most of the other nations strike me as relatively constant? They've carried the same vibes before their archon became their archon#but mondstadt's past vs present seems so different#i see their funeral practices changing a ton between decarabian's rule and venti's era#decarabian strikes me as someone who wouldn't Get the human side of grief and moving on#and someone to do what needs to be done. methodolgically. organizes the information and remains. moves on#and expects the humans to move on too. death is a part of life and that's it#meanwhile venti's rule was born from the god taking on the form of a dead friend. very emotional response to death#and that's how the era started#a lot of people are dead and the new god is also grieving and they are now allowed to process the death#the ground is now soft enough to bury the bodies#i have a headcanon about the bard being seen less as a leader as the rebellion and more as a representative of the common person#and the idea of this common person who fell with the tower — reflected by all the other people who fell — being honored by the new god#i wonder how many people knew that venti took the form of his friend. seems like it would be decently common knowledge at the time#maybe he started a tradition of carrying a small reminant of someone close who passes as a method of honor and morning#genshin talk
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lovesickeros · 1 month
can we get some tsaritsa headcanons of yours? specifically appearance wise because i gen don't know how to picture her in my head.
YES because i've thought about it extensively and revised it like 20 times. um. don't expect a full descriptor though i run on Vibes tm
the core of tsaritsa to me is a careful dichotomy of archon of cryo + goddess of love. creating the ideal symbol of love and also frigid and emotionless. of a warrior as much as a leader. Childe speaks of this especially (describing her as a true warrior, arrogant and cold in Childe's delusion story, again with Childe but in his "about Tsaritsa" voice line describing her as gentle, "too gentle"). this is the base of her design, to me.
originally i leaned towards "very tall but very lean" at first but i've kind of leaned in the opposite direction lately. still view her as very tall (inhumanely, even), but i've taken a lot of inspiration from marble statues (and sometimes paintings) as a reference (notably and obviously, aphordite) in terms of body structure with the only exception being i view her with broader shoulders then typically painted/sculpted. facial structure is a different matter, but the general view i have is "angular and sharp" (prominent cheekbones, defined jawline, etc).
to be more specific as well, i tend to make the tsaritsa very colorless. the most color she gets is the occasional shades of blue, but most colors i associate with her are very monochrome in nature. i also use this to create a less "human" appearance for her as a personal hc of mine that the archons are all vaguely Off and not quite human in some manner. i portray this specifically in a few ways (extremely pale skin (to the point it makes her veins a lot more visible), white iris, etc) and a few other things i haven't quite settled on. i've considered the idea of her fingers having a black gradient (similar to arlecchino, in a manner) in reference to severe frostbite.
not quite as necessary to the design but i also just give all the Archons big teef on principle. nothing more intimidating then someone you thought was a funeral consultant flashing a set of teeth that can rip out your jugular with no effort!! +1 to unnerving factor. don't piss off the local mondstadt bard, either. it's a bit unnerving to see them when he's laughing like a madman.
speaking of unnerving, i usually write and view the tsaritsa as very stone faced. like, it could put arlecchino to shame. not a single emotion to be seen. you won't even see her face twitch if she's angry. if she smiles you've royally fucked up and you have roughly 0.2 seconds to live. g-dspeed.
another feature i usually add is claw jewelry because it just Fits. in silver, obviously. and she keeps those things sharp. don't get mistaken by the name she can maim a man with those.
i keep clothing very vague because im not familiar with traditional clothing (ill create a mock-up of a design some day. probably) but one of the core parts of it is the veil. don't think wedding veil, though. even if it's white i imagine it's design more as a mourning veil because it fits more with her character (while weddings are associated with "love", the mourning veil suits her better i think in this regard. delusional made up lore things babey!!!!).
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ditheringluminary · 4 years
Hopefully a 12 player session isn’t too much for you? It’s a human session, so that’s why there’s no signs/blood color stuff. Prospit: Knight of Doom, Page of Mind, Thief of Heart, Bard of Breath, Sylph of Life, Mage of Light Derse: Witch of Time (leader), Heir of Space, Prince of Blood, Seer of Rage, Rogue of Hope, Maid of Void (Also, I’m sorry if this bothers you, and you may ignore this part if you want, but I follow the Active Knight/Passive Page headcannon.)
Hey hey no problem! Imo classpect stuff in HS is so loosely defined that there isnt really one “right” headcanon for the most part and i can really switch out most of the active/passive stuff with fairly good reasoning either way. Heck I headcanon some classes as having completely different counterparts! :B
But onto the analysis: First off you have a Space and a Time player! And they aren’t destroyer classes! Save for a few pitfalls you may encounter you’re set there!
Knight of Doom: Your session doesn’t have enough Doom! What an interesting representation! Naturally Doom is an aspect looked down upon, but in this context I could see it as something similar to trickster mode. Remember when that was all smiles and happiness (save for Dirk) with no satisfying growth for the characters? It’s like that. Your session has a serious lack of rules that make it satisfying to complete! In this sense the Knight of Doom may appear like one of the destroyer classes: A necessary evil. Some kind of force that, while at the beginning rejects their classpect to not seem like such a fuddy duddy (ghosting Life) has to become a more stern figure in some way so people aren’t just doing as they please with ease.
Page of Mind: Your session’s end reward will be Mind. At the end of the session you will be more able to think as a group and work towards a common goal much better. If the Page recognizes their true potential, they’ll be an amazing strategizer that, as a Prospitan, can see the big picture of their plans.
Thief of Heart: Your session will have Heart taken from it. Kind of fits with the Knight of Doom, as if there is less Heart, there is less likely of a chance that people will act on a whim and their feelings. Also fits with the Page of Mind in that while you lose some Heart, in the end you gain a greater surplus of Mind.
Bard of Breath: Your session’s greatest challenge will be Breath. Again fitting with the Knight of Doom! Too MUCH freedom and detachment, allowing you all to do what you want when you want when that’s not what sburb is about (in the end goal at least). The Bard will try to be a Blood player and keep people more focused and connected, but if their shift to Breath isn’t exactly positive, they may be a sort of explosive force of Breath, making people feel like they must exert their freedom and will/impact onto other things.
Sylph of Life: Your session will be aided by an outside force of Life. Given the Knight of Doom classpect, this is... a little odd. If there isn’t enough Doom (ie an inverse of Life) then... an outside force of Life HELPING you seems a little counterintuitive. It’s possible that the people in your session simply aren’t experiencing the aspect of Life the RIGHT way. You’re only taking the “fantastical element” part of it, and not the “healing and betterment” parts of it. This outside force is meant to set you straight.
Mage of Light: Your session’s lifeblood will be Light. Knowledge, fortune, and luck will permeate and define your session. I see this more in the fortune and luck department, though the knowledge part comes in later as your Page of Mind represents. Your Mage of Light will know plenty about how this game is... a little more lucky and out there than the usual session, but somehow manages to never benefit from this out there-ness. 
Witch of Time: Your players hope to get Time. Time is destruction, linearity and getting work done. If your session lacks Doom (ie rules and structure) its understandable to see why your players would prefer to have a more linear session. Doing as you please is fun and all, but after a while you either realize the session is doomed or you have no linear flow. 
Heir of Space:Your session is ultimately about Space. Given that Space is creation and innovation, its easy to see how your session revolves around this. Your session is blessed with fortune through the Mage of Light, Your Sylph of Life means you’ll have even more opportunities to do the impossible, and your Knight of Doom means you lack destruction itself. Your session is about gods truly being gods, doing and creating as they please for an odd amount of time.
Prince of Blood: Your session has.... too much Blood? Given your Bard of Breath this is another stumper. I suppose that Blood can also be the aspect of stubbornness. Your group is too stubborn to stop all this willy nilly “do as we please” nonsense? At least at first, but then the Witch of Time aspect comes in later in the session, when you’ve had all your fun and want to finish playing. Blood is very loosely defined, on the same par as Doom or Rage so it’s harder to say, despite it being opposite to Breath. I apologize if this answer isnt satisfactory <:B
Seer of Rage: Your players will try to win with Rage. Given the Rogue of Hope below, clearly this is not the right way to do things. However, when faced with an impossibility your players will try and brute force their way through it, because that’s what they’ve been doing the whole game! They’ll get stressed and frustrated that this thing is causing such a huge difficulty spike.
Rogue of Hope: Your session’s greatest asset is Hope! And why wouldnt it be? With this session everything sounds incredibly freeform and successful. While in the troll session this hubris caused them pain, your pride will likely be the thing to pick you back up when you’re at your lowest!
Maid of Void: Your session will negatively be affected by... nothing! Again fitting the Knight of Doom, as you lack a real clear danger at, at least at the start. Naturally the Maid of Void represents that... there are no outside forces that are likely to harm you (in the long term at least). However, this means infighting is going to be inevitable.
Warnings: As I just said, infighting. With the Prince of Blood destroying bonds and ties, this can lead to some serious issues with friends turning to enemies. This can actually be saved with the Bard of Breath’s transformation into a true Breath player, but it can also be worsened greatly. The Witch of Time must have an eye kept on them. As seen with Damara, if a Witch feels like they can/want to do something, they’re going to. Don’t let the Witch of Time mess up the entire time stream because they felt like disrupting the status quo. Leader or not, they’ve got to control their power like any other Witch. Given Doom’s propensity for failure, if the Knight of Doom tries to assist the Space player, the genesis frog is likely to come out wrong or not at all.
Goodies: A Rogue of Hope is a wonderful classpect that would spread hope to all of those around them! They’ll help you when you face that tough difficulty spike! A Seer of Rage might be able to see through all the bs of this session and how fake freeing it is, so listen to them even if they sound crazy. Same goes for the Bard of Breath: if your session just has no rules or boundaries set in it, someone who destroys that lack of control should have some attention paid to them. Bards and Princes are often a necessary evil (no offense to destroyer classes again <:B).
All in all this session sounds REALLY solid. Like. I can already envision you guys on the victory platform. You’ll have some trouble within you but other than that once you get over those bumps you’ll be super set to either tackle that frog or initiate a scratch (which a Witch should have no problem doing). Best of luck to ya!
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twilightpoison · 6 years
Haikyuu God Au Headcanons Part 1(Before I get to this. I like to thank @therealburningbodies for editing all of this at 4 am when we were making this Au.)
Daichi - God of the Winds. One of the older gods. He has smaller temples around the world and a larger one in the town he was chosen to succeed in. Daichi is worried about who is going to take his spot.
Sugawara - God of Nature or Family. Became a god a few years after Asahi. Suga was an Elf, not a human. He helps out other gods even if it's not much. Suga loves to go down into the mortal world and be with nature itself and the animals. If travelers see him they would see a bunch of animals of different sizes following him.
Asahi - God of Dreams. He is able to create Dream and Nightmares. Most passive god in this world and one of the most dangerous. Could ruin a person's mental state with nightmares but he is too soft to do it. The only one who can calm down Noya.
Kiyoko - God of Beauty. She protects the beauty in everything, humans, animals, nature, etc. She surprisingly gets along with Oikawa. They both like to play matchmaker with the other Gods and Mortals. At first, Kiyoko visited Yachi in the Mortal world because she made pretty clothing. Kiyoko started to teach Yachi about enchantments on armor and herbology.
Nishinoya - Young Storm God. The old Storm-god had a falling out with Dateko which killed him. Noya was chosen to take his place. He wanted revenge but Asahi wouldn’t let him.
Tanaka - God of War. He doesn’t start wars. His aspect is more or less the will to fight and win the war. Tanaka would sometimes go down and fight on the side that favors peace. He mostly stays out of the battlefield and grants a better chance of winning to a certain side.
Ennoshita - God in training. He is Daichi’s back up if something were to happen to him. Ennoshita accepts this reluctantly.
Hinata - Young Sun God. He is the youngest of the gods so far. Hinata was chosen mysteriously. The previous Sun god stepped down from his position. Hinata wants to find him to know why, but first, he wants to help his kingdom.
Kagayama - King who came to the throne at a young age, which gave him a rough childhood. Rules the kingdom where Hinata use to live in. Is currently being harassed by said sun god. He is becoming nicer because of him.
Tsukishima - Moon God. He was chosen to succeed his brother, who was the previous Moon God. Tsuki becomes close to Yams quickly because he grew up around the gods. Yams was the only one he liked to be around. Yams helped him pick up where his brother left off. Tsuki wants to find Yams each time he has to reincarnate because he wants to return the favor for helping him.
Yamaguchi - Star God and human. He gets reincarnated as a human every time he dies. Yams ends up in different places each time. He doesn’t remember his times as a god at first most of the time, so Tsuki gives him a book to write in so he can read it when he forgets.
Yachi - Lives in the kingdom where Hinata protects and Kageyama rules. While Hinata was befriending the King he ran into her. Yachi helped Hinata and they became close friends. She likes to play around with enchantments and potions. People end up going to her to enchant clothing and armor and get medicine.
Oikawa - God of Romance. He is most known for being the god of romance but he actually controls most relationships. He uses his powers to ‘help’ others with their relationships, or create new ones. He likes humans and grew very close to Iwaizumi. He never told Iwa that he was a god because he is scared of Iwa's reaction.  He never influenced Iwa’s relationships because he wants him to bond with people naturally.
Iwaizumi - War General who is young forever because Oikawa took a liking to him. Iwa saved Oikawa when he was a teenager and a knight in training. Oikawa just kinda stuck around, Iwa didn't like it at first because Oikawa would distract him from his training but he started to open up to Oikawa and they became good friends.
Kyotani - A Solider under Iwaizumi. He knows that Oikawa is a god. No one knows how but he knows. He gets very defensive around Oikawa because of this.
Ushijima - God of Law. He is also one of the oldest gods, he has seen many strong gods fall because of their love for humanity. Being the God of law means he is also in charge of keeping the natural balance together. He doesn’t understand the point of interacting with humans at all. He begins to get out of that point of view when he starts interacting with Tendou and the people that work at his Temple.
Tendou - Visits Ushijima’s Temple but doesn’t believe in him. Ushijima comes down and talks to Tendou during his visits. He still doesn’t know who Ushijima is.
Semi - High priest of Ushijima’s Temple and is done with Tendou. Knows that Tendou is talking to his god, and doesn’t understand how Tendou doesn’t know who he is talking to.
Kuroo - Ruler of Underworld and God of Bad Luck. He wasn’t originally going to take the throne, but Bokuto told him that if they didn’t want chaos to happen in the world of the living then he had to. Kuroo ‘saves’ souls that were killed unfairly and turns them into Human-like spirits.
Yaku - Brings dead souls to the underworld, and does the first judgment. Yaku was a cat that was sacrificed to Kuroo but he didn't approve so he brought Yaku to life as a human-like spirit.
Kenma - Kuroo’s best friend, was dragged to hell to help him rule. Kenma met Kuroo when he was very young, but he still knew that Kuroo was a god. The village Kenma lived in was the one where Yaku was sacrificed. The village didn’t think Kenma would live long because he had a weak body.
Bokuto - God of Time. No one but Kuroo knows that it's him, everyone thinks God of Time disappeared. He is very protective of Akaashi. He was the one to suggest Kuroo to be the next Ruler of the Underworld because of a vision he had if someone else got the throne.
Akaashi - Protected by Bokuto, has no idea and is a descendant of the God of Beauty. It was mentioned if something happened to Kiyoko he would become the next god. People sometimes get him confused for being the God of time. Bokuto doesn't like that because it means Akaashi can become a target since he is still human.
Yuuji - Young God of Music and Party. Leader of a group of musicians and entertainers that worship a “fake god”. Doesn’t know he is that god and believes that the god isn't real.
Misaki - High prissiest at the Temple for the God of Music. Has to tell Terushima that he is the God of this Temple and that the god that they were worshiping was him.
Date Tech Kingdom - God like people that can kill real gods. Not many people know what the kingdom looks like.
Nekoma - People who died unfairly that were brought back to life as human-like spirits. They can leave the underworld but have to come back at night.
Johzenji - A traveling group of bards that pretend to worship a god that they think doesn’t exist.
Part 2
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sotnosen93 · 7 years
Since everyone seems to be making South Park AUs lately (a practice I wholeheartedly approve of), I decided to expand on my headcanons for the fantasy AU I talked about in these two posts. It’s mostly based on the Phone Destroyer Fantasy set, with some elements from Stick of Truth and even Fractured but Whole basically wherever it happened to suit me.
Contrary to human popular belief, elves aren’t actually any more naturally long-lived than humans. They do, however, have access to a magical potion that can greatly slow down aging, along with other powerful magical remedies. However, since this potion requires some very rare ingredients, it’s only affordable to the royal family and their closest circle. Thus, most elves actually live lives very similar to those of the humans. Since the elves are rather reclusive and stick to their own business, the royals are the only ones the general public would even hear about, so they assume what applies to them applies to all elves.
Cartman is the Wizard King, who invaded and razed the Elven Kingdom prior to the start of the story, after he was made king. Unfortunately, I don’t have any real ideas regarding him, what life is like under his rule, or why exactly he attacked the elves. Only that there was peace between the elves and the humans before, and that he was the one who broke that peace for reasons I’m not sure of myself. Possibly to get to the magic remedies mentioned above?
Kenny is the “princess” of a matriarchal kingdom allied with the Wizard King. He’s actually a prince, but as the people wouldn’t accept being ruled by a king and his mother was too fragile health-wise to survive another pregnancy, it was decided that he would be raised as a girl instead. He lives in the Wizard King’s castle along with his handmaiden Lady Karen, who is one of the few people who know his secret. They grew so close that they decided to unofficially adopt each other as siblings.
Prince Kyle is the oldest son of Queen Sheila and King Gerald of the elves. When the Wizard King attacked his kingdom, he barely managed to escape capture along with his younger brother Prince Ike, his lifeguard and childhood friend Stan, and the Royal Bard Jimmy. He now lives in the forest with a small group of rebels, constantly moving to avoid capture and trying to collect allies wherever he can in the hope of one day ending the Wizard King’s tyranny and rebuilding his kingdom.
Stan is a human who was found abandoned in the woods by Randy and Sharon Marshwalker, an elf couple close to the royal family, as an infant. They took him in as their own and he was raised to be the crown prince’s playmate and lifeguard. He has as his battle companion a wolf-dog named Thunderbolt, whom he nicknamed Sparky.
Paladin Butters is the Wizard King’s right-hand-man, captain of the guards, and enforcer. The King manipulates him into doing his dirty work by taking advantage of his idealism and chivalry to paint his enemies as “villains” who need “smiting”. He’s also starting to grow quite a bit of affection for the beautiful foreign “princess” staying in the castle, whom he was tasked to protect whenever he is not out on missions.
Craig is the biological son of a soldier and a young, naïve priestess said soldier had an affair with on an excursion to a distant land. Said priestess was part of a bloodline said to possess a certain monster-repelling magic... When the soldier returned home, he took the baby with him so he could have a “civilized” upbringing. As you may have surmised by now, dear reader, this soldier was a bit of an asshole, and soon after he came home he found himself targeted by assassins after disgruntling the wrong people. He barely survived the first assassination attempt and gave the assassins after him the baby in return for his own life. Though they originally intended to raise him just as an apprentice, they soon came to see him as their son. Many years later, the elven prince, feeling he needed all the help he could get, used some of his last remaining resources to hire young Craig to steal and fight for him for a year. After the year was over, Craig chose to stay with the group on his own accord, as he was starting to develop a strong bond with a certain archer...
Thomas and Laura are members of a group of assassins for hire who are also trained in the arts of theft and straightforward battle. Thomas is a poisoner while his wife works with blades. As he grew older Craig decided he felt more comfortable with his mother’s way, though that’s not to say he doesn’t know a thing or two about poisons should he need to use them. They grew so fond of their new role as parents that they a few years later decided to have a biological child together. Tricia (or to call her by her code name, Ruby) prefers her father’s methods.
Tweek is the son of a pair of nobles who once got separated from the guards who were supposed to be watching him during a trip to the city when he was a child. He found himself in the poor districts and was shocked to discover how some people were suffering while he was living in luxury. Even after he was found, he never managed to put those images out of his head. Whenever he mentioned his concern to his parents, they just told him he should spend his time thinking about more important things, like the family business. As his teens began and he got more involved in the family trade, he started feeling even more ashamed when he found out his family had an indirect hand in what the people were going through. This eventually became too much for him to handle, and he started secretly making some survival equipment and an outfit modelled after the hero in one of his books. He pretended to take a walk in the garden one day and, as soon as he was out of sight, climbed over the wall and ran away before anyone knew what was happening. After a few very tough months of learning to fend for himself in the wilderness, he started stealing from the rich and giving to the poor as a way of making up for things, staying in the shadows and trees or otherwise hiding his face to avoid being recognized whenever he robbed someone who might have seen him on social gatherings. He eventually came into contact with Prince Kyle’s rebel group and decided to give his services, figuring that it would be a good way to help people on a larger scale. In battle, he still keeps to the trees and provides his friends with support via arrows.
The Tweaks are nobles loyal to the Wizard King, and aid him by distributing a mild mind control serum that makes the people more loyal to him and less likely to rebel. They’re currently working on a new, stronger version, trying to figure out how to make it work without people losing all sense of self and capacity of advanced thought, which is rather inconvenient if there’s no-one to tell them what to do or if they’re needed for learned skills, knowledge, or art.
Jimmy was the Royal Bard at the Elven court, and one of the founding members of the rebellion. He generally prefers staying at camp keeping people’s moral up, though when he does go into battle he can use his lute to cast magical spells to aid his allies and weaken his enemies.
Token is a prince from a distant land (not to be confused with the distant land Craig’s biological mother is from. This is a different one.) trained in both stealth and medicine, working as the Wizard King’s chief assassin after the last one deserted him. However, he actually holds no loyalty towards the King whatsoever. The only reason he works for him is because his wife Princess Nichole is held hostage in the dungeons.
Clyde is the Prince of Dwarves and, as part of his royal training, follows his father to all political and diplomatic meetings to watch and learn. He finds this extremely dull. However, one day he came with to greet a diplomatic delegation there to discuss a possible alliance between the dwarves and the Wizard King. It was there he first laid eyes on Bebe of the Blood Elves, and was instantly captivated by her beauty, grace, and boobies.
Bebe is the leader of the Blood Elves, a splinter group who betrayed the Elven Kingdom and joined forces with the Wizard King, enticed by the promise of wealth of status. However, as she finds herself growing closer to the Prince of Dwarves, she starts to have second thoughts about what she really wants in life...
Wendy is the leader of the Shieldmaidens, an all-female mercenary group in the employ of the Wizard King as his elite battle forces. She once captured Stan Marshwalker, or Stan the Great as he’s more commonly known, and delivered him to the Wizard King. As she guarded him in the dungeons, the two started small-talking to pass the time, and hit it off right away. When the day he was scheduled to be executed came, they had gotten so close that Wendy got cold feet and freed him at the last minute, lying that he must have outsmarted her somehow and escaped.
Dougie is a dwarven engineer who spends much of his free time working on new inventions. During the alliance talks, he struck up a friendship with Paladin Butters and agreed to make inventions for his use exclusively, in exchange for Butters taking care of the potentially dangerous field testing.
Dovahkiin (Dovah to her friends) is the Wizard King’s former chief assassin, who deserted him after Prince Kyle managed to show her all the harm the King really does. She joined the Elven Prince instead and is now part of his “Illicit Acquisition Force” (his thieves) together with Craig and Tweek. She actually possesses an unexplored magical power, unknown even to the King, allowing her to win people’s loyalty through barely any effort of her own. Her parents smuggled her away and raised her as a boy in an attempt to fool a politically neutral group of wizards out to exploit her power for their own means. Whenever she’s part of a big job, she likes to snatch a piece of jewelry or other trinket to take with her as a trophy. She’s childhood friends with Paladin Butters and to this day he’s still the most important person in the world to her (though they have no romantic feelings for each other). She’s very reluctant to do anything that might have negative consequences for him, and wishes he could be convinced to join Prince Kyle like she was. Would probably have a lot to talk about with “Princess” Kenny, if talking was a thing she actually did. She secretly envies Tweek and Craig’s relationship and wishes she could have something like that.
Heidi is the Witch Queen, wife of the Wizard King. Before she was arranged to marry Prince Eric, as he was known then, she had a burgeoning romance with Prince Kyle, back when there was still peace between the elves and humans. He still secretly holds a candle for her. She does genuinely have feelings for the King at this point, but this is mainly because he hides the more morally black things he does, while explaining away the morally gray ones as “unfortunate necessities”.
Ike is Prince Kyle’s younger brother. He’s considered a prodigy in matters such as tactics, mathematics, and art, but couldn’t inherit the throne, being the younger heir (plus some rumors that he may not be biologically related to the royal family). Now, he’s the rebel group’s chief tactician and planner. He managed to save his favorite horse from the attack on his kingdom, and fights from its back with a lance whenever he has to get involved in battle.
Scott is the Wizard King’s Royal Keeper of the Stables, which is a fancy term for “he takes care of the animals”.
Timmy is an old friend of Jimmy, who invents new tools, weapons, and other improvements for the rebel group. He even made himself an old-timey version of a wheelchair that also functions as a miniature catapult, with which he throws spiked balls, potion bottles, and other small projectiles. He also takes care of the more basic upkeep, such as sharpening and cleaning, of the reserve weapons.
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spaztique · 7 years
The sliding scale of fan types: Primaries, Secondaries, and Tertiaries?
And now, some food for thought.
As a Touhou fan and somebody who browses 4chan on occasion, I’m no stranger to the “primaries vs. secondaries” argument, i.e. fans of a work vs fans of its derivatives, especially since my name is occasionally brought up as a “secondary,” despite my love of the Touhou games themselves. Regardless of whether or not this should be considered shitposting or if they’re being dead serious, I think it’s a bit more complex than two mere categories.
Here is my personal sliding scale of fan types. Mind you, this is a scale, not definitive categories. Think of each example as guideposts:
The Elitist Purist: At the far end of the scale are those who shun not just all derivatives, but those who shun any form of transformation in their work at all. It’s the guy who demands he watch his anime or play his games in unsubbed Japanese, who calls all fanfiction cancer, who is always quick to say “the fandom ruined this series!” Needless to say, they aren’t very-well liked, even by those who consider themselves “primaries” which are further down the scale…
The Pro-Canon Zealot: These people are fine with fandoms, but are always preaching about how the author is god and has the final say. They’re always criticizing fan works and say only “true” fans follow the original series. If a fandom gains too much work, they will accuse them of “ruining the work.” These people are also not very liked.
The Vanilla Purist: These people like the original series and avoid fan works, but not to the extent of the above categories. These are the people who say, “Enjoy the series, avoid the fans.” They spend their time with other likeminded anti-meme anti-fanon fans (but they will have a few memes of their own). This is the classic “primary”.
The Lorist, Bard of Canon: These people are okay with fan works, but prefer the original work. These people know everything about everything about the original work, from story lore to production trivia. They are often neutral on fan works and serve as consultants, even though they don’t make anything themselves. These people are often respected for their respect of the original work and helping content creators remain faithful to the original creator’s intent.
The Pro-Canon Content Creator: Exactly what it means, a person who makes derivative works similar to the original series or closely follows series lore. They enjoy the original series and do their best to represent it well through their works, drawing in more fans.
The Neutral Fan: This person enjoys all of the fandom: the canon and fanon. They enjoy the original series and the derivative content. They hate overused memes and love innovation. They like creators who give them good content and fans who expand the original work. This is where most fans sit.
The Pro-Fanon Conservative Content Creator: This person has knowledge of canon, but wishes to stretch things to make innovative content (but not too much). If they are lucky, they might even spawn memes or get fans to see the series in a new light, expanding the fandom’s view of the series.
The Pro-Fanon Fan: This person prefers the fanon side of things. Maybe they got into the series for the memes or the derivative works, but these folks tend to confuse fanon for canon. But these aren’t the worst of fans: with maturity, they’ll become neutral fans. However, a lack of maturity will cause them to devolve into less mature and less accepted forms of fandom…
The Pro-Fanon Liberal Content Creator: Unlike the conservative content creator, this fan tends to make things that stretch the series past where most fans comfortably sit. Expect plenty of fanon, memes galore, and original interpretations. This can be done well or poorly, but there are sadly more misses than hits.
The Memester: Only in it for the memes or derivatives: the classic “secondary.” They don’t give a damn about the original series: they only care about the fan stories, the art, the music remixes, and so on. Hopefully, this is a gateway for them to become neutral fans, but many will stick to the fanon side before devolving even lower.
Yes. Lower. Because I’ve found there’s a third kind of category of fan, the tertiary, and it has multiple places on this scale…
The Headcanon Zealot: This fan prefers their own headcanon to both canon AND fanon. They only like derivative works that follow their headcanon and shun everything else. They can be seen regularly putting down the original series and its fans, and are often shunned by their communities for their negative demeanor. This is what I will define as a “tertiary”: a fan who only likes a series for their own headcanon.
The Hack: A content creator with no interest in the original work. They create works that use the characters out-of-character and often fill in their own blanks. Look at any hentai doujin made by somebody who only knows the series from its art, or any fanfic writer who clearly hasn’t read the fan wiki, and you got an idea.
The Mad Visionary: A content creator who makes works pushing their own headcanon and views, in hopes of changing the fandom to their own views and opinions. Unlike the pro-canon content creators who complain that derivative works aren’t close to the original series or pro-fanon content creators who complain of a lack of innovation, the Mad Visionary hates it all: they hate the original series and say all fan works are the same as well. If they do have any fans, they are grossly isolated from the rest of the series fandom, often in communes that shun everyone else. Otherwise, these people tend to be isolated and alone, stewing in their anger and hatred for the fans/series.
The Pied Piper: Finally, at the end of the scale is the most sinister and rare “fan” of them all, the content creator or community leader who claims to like a work, only to turn people against it. It’s the artist who attracts fans of a work, only to privately tell them to avoid the series at all costs. To them, content is a means to an end: the only reason they participate in the fandom is to get people to leave it and hate it as much as they do. They are great at hiding their motives, and when caught, they just move from place to place, changing identities. They are always quick to passive-aggressively point out everything wrong with the series, fans, your peers, and even you. They are sly, subtle, manipulative, and given their goals, morally bankrupt. People say secondaries are the problem, but secondaries can at least evolve into neutral fans: this person, however, can even turn primaries of their series.
As annoying as the classic "secondary" is, at least they're not actively trying to destroy our fandom...
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Would Claudine ever meet her mother? I always wonder what she would be like and what she had to go through giving up her daughter to Frollo to escape his madness; (I could never give up my child if I had one, so I'm thinking poverty as being a real life factor). I'm concerned about female characters having a voice in stories in general, and women escaping violence (perpetrated by men or women) is especially important to me.
Claudinemeets her as a result of Parents’ Day, and Ben trying to make thisone different by finding the Forgotten Fathers and Missing Mothers ofthe VKs.
Likemy OC Kalila, my headcanon of who Jay’s mother is, NotEsmeralda--or, if you want to use what she claims to be her real nameand was her stage name BGU, Salome--was not a woman who lived a veryvirtuous life, to say the least.
From a young age, she was forced into all manner of degrading andawful work, denied much of the tools and means to be able to riseabove her station because of sexism and poverty, and when pubertyplayed her a good hand, like Esmeralda and Kalila she quickly turnedit into their advantage, using it as a means to manipulate, earn herdaily bread, and a little extra to enjoy the finer things in life, oralternatively, make it easier to land in the graces of richer, moregenerous patrons.
“Drunks can only give so much gold if they haven’t pissed itall away or lost it to a pickpocket, and the cost of a good bottle ofperfume, a silken veil, and braiding your hair with a fineeye-catching ornament is more than made up for with the affection ofone rich noble.
“Hah! You should have seen the sheer amounts of coins andvaluables they would shower me with after just a wink; ‘make itrain’ indeed as there was so much beautiful clinking it was as ifthe very clouds had opened up and rained prosperity down on me!
“… But ah, like the rain that quenches the thirsty ground, itnever lasts, and there was no rainbow at the end of it, no cropsspringing from the deluge.”
In her case, it was generally when her lavish spending, travelcosts, unsavoury incidents, and inability to invest for the long-termeventually ate up all of her money. Then, when the Great Unitinghappened, she was implicated in a number of corruption scandals, andhaving patronized and abused the favour of no small number ofwarlords, mob bosses, abusive politicans, and other unsavouryfigures, she was deemed too “evil” to stay in Auradon and wasthrown on the Isle.
“It was Hell—it was truly Hell.
“There I was, doing my damnedest to seduce and charm those thatbarely had any than myself, men—the most brutish and piggish andfoulest of men—that had holes in their pockets and sacks that werenot as large as the others, blessed with scraps from the table ofAuradon, and the means to fight off those that would prey on them inless pleasant ways.
“And then the Great War started.”
In the aftermath of the various “Alpha” personalities finallyclashing, all-out war raged in the streets, and the even moredesperate and awful things the Islanders had to engage in to survivethe day, let alone the hour, philosophies and beliefs in life werechallenged.
“It was the end of a massacre. All was eerily silent,nothing but the smell of dead bodies and dying, the sound of wheezinggasps and the last breaths so many would take. And what was about torise from the ashes sure as Hell did not promise to be any better…
“I was desperate. We were all desperate. Even more so thanusual, what you remember from your own struggle.
“We looked for comfort, for help, for security wherever we couldfind it, and unfortunately, I found that in your father’s arms.”
Salome shakes her head.
“Even the most tone-deaf and talentless bard can gain applauseif he plays the right tune at the right time to the audience, andsuch a lecherous, desperate, and bigoted man like Frollo could lookpalatable, attractive even, in the face of death itself,leering over you as you slowly die of starvation, cold, and sickness.
“He offered me a home. He offered me a new life. He offered mesalvation and hope, in a time where all there was around me wasdesperation and hopelessness.”
She smiles sadly.
“And with those that stand to lose everything… they will clingto whatever and whoever promises to help them.”
Sherelates that the initial relationship with Frollo was actually quitegood, as Frollo made good on his promise to be a better person, andhis congregation was actually very supportive in that respect—ithelped that it was just after the war, they didn’t have any placeelse to go, and the world outside Temple Way was incrediblydangerous.
Then,the honeymoon ended, the mainland and the Badlands recovered, peoplestarted defecting now that they had a choice and those that remainedstrengthened their conviction to fanatic levels, and Frollo startedbecoming far too keen in his mission to absolve himself, dosome good in the world with the limited time he has left, and savethis generation with an entirely new one, starting with Claudine,then many more afterward.
“Theman seemed to sincerely believe he could fuck his way intosalvation, and when I realized that was probably where I should haveleft.”
Still,she stayed, because she was pregnant, Frollo could make a veryconvincing argument about personal debts and having to return thekindness shown to you, and it was easy enough to manipulate andconvince the congregation to tend to her needs and to avoid having todo her “spousal duties” to Frollo through a variety of clever andoftentimes amusing means of sabotage.
Unfortunately,all the fantasies she had of getting this imperfect but acceptablelife to work ended when Claudine was born, the congregation treatedher like their own personal Jesus Christ, and if Frollo was verystrict about her behaviour before, he became absolutely intolerablenow that she was “from who our child will learn the ways ofbeing a Good Christian Woman,” and that he didn’t want her doingANYTHING to taint the purity of Claudine, or worse yet, being abad example.
Itdidn’t help that for all his renewed panic and devotion tocontrolling how she spoke, how she dressed, and what she did, hestill had time to remind her and all but beg her to resume their“most sacred duty of matrimony,” and his congregation quicklyrallied behind him, pressuring their beloved leader’s wife to actthe part.
“Iwas drowning, shackled, and silenced, like a man tied to an anchorwith a cloth wrapped tight around his mouth, growing heavy andunwieldy as the sea rushed into his lungs. It was the aftermath ofthe war once more, only this time, the Hell I had found myself in wasall my own doing. And once more, it was only by my own action that Iwas going to get out of it.
“Iwill not lie to you, Claudine: I did not regret leaving you, andstill do not.
“Evenlong after it had stopped being a question of my survival againstyours, I could not bare the thought of what fresh Hell Frollo and hisilk would turn my life into if I tried to save you and keep you awayfrom him, struggle to feed you and clothe you when I was alreadystarving and naked myself, to look at your face every single dayfor the rest of my life and see my eyes staring back at me, withthe nose of the man who had did not kill me, but took my life all thesame.
“Ihad thought of returning, yes, of trying to raise you and hoping Icould undo the damage he had wrought.
“Butwhen I realized that would open the possibility of being the means tospawn more products of one of the unholiest unions the realm had everseen, more children carrying a part of me and also him, opening theirmouths and calling me ‘Mother’…
“… Iget sicker than when you were within my womb, and I think otherwise.”
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