#i hated that place when i visited it was full of bugs and the stone path was the most slippery thing i have ever walked on
kebriones · 11 months
Do you remember that quest in AC Odyssey where you find Alkibiades up on the Akrokorinth and he gives you the package delivery quest? Where your character is like "admiring the view?"
This is the view from that exact place, pics by yours truly:
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i-write-boop-spoops · 3 years
A (not so) quiet day in the countryside - Leon x reader
A requested one-shot where Leon decides to bug the reader with, well, a bug. Chaos ensues.
It’s very rare that Leon returns to Postwick.
So you’re unbelievably flattered that he invited you to come along.
It marks an important milestone in your relationship, meeting the rest of his family beyond Hop, visiting the town he grew up in, staying in his childhood home. It makes you feel like you’re more than just someone he’s dating, like you’re an important, irreplaceable part of his life.
Your trip is nearly over, just a few days left before you return to Wyndon. You both intend to spend the most of it relishing in the quaint, quiet countryside, far away from all that hustle and bustle you’re so familiar with.
Postwick is so different from the city, it’s so peaceful, so calm, it moves at a dawdling pace, like a merry but lazy stream. Some would argue it’s boring, but you wholeheartedly disagree. You have space to breathe here, to relax, and every inhale is full of effervescence and life that the urban streets just can’t offer.
It gives you a glimpse into a more substantial life, it would be the perfect place to raise a family with him.
The warm sunlight dances upon your eyelids as you rest on the lush, verdant grass, its blades tickle the exposed areas of skin that your t-shirt and shorts don’t cover. The taste of sour-sweet lemonade sticks to your lips, the breeze is cooling and bright as it strolls through the air. Wooloo bleat cheerfully in the distance, you can hear some local children giggling as they play a few fields over. It’s mid-afternoon, not long after lunch, you spent the morning helping out in the garden, and now you’re content to loaf there with him until dinnertime.
 “Love,” you hear him say, you crack one eye open and languidly glance at him. His smile is inviting and full of his boyish charm, but there’s mischief in those gorgeous golden eyes. His hands are held in such a way that implies he has something hidden between them, you wonder if t’s a flower or stone. “I have something to show you”
You nod and hum a “Yeah?” as you bring yourself to sit up, torso twisting towards him. He comes to kneel beside you, and he gently opens his hands as if he were opening a ring box. A small ball of shuddering yellow fluff is revealed to you, you lean closer to examine it further.
Four cerulean blue eyes look at you inquisitively.
That’s two too many eyes.
“Lee!” You shriek, your body jerking away from him. “You know I hate bug types!”
 He laughs and shakes his head, leaning in closer with the little Joltik, his finger tenderly stroking its back. “How can you hate this little chap? He’s so adorable!”
“Nope, nope, nope” you repeat as you squirm and shimmy away. He comes nearer, the pokemon still presented to you, an impish grin spread across his face.
“Ah, c’mon love,” he teases with a chuckle. “Don’t you wanna pet his fuzzy little head?”
He shoves the bug into your face, you make brief eye contact with it before shrieking like a Misdreavus. You spring to your feet so fast it feels like you were struck by lightning. He’s laughing madly as he lunges at you, you break into a sprint, shooting across the garden. He begins to chase you, Joltik held securely in one hand, while the other is reached out to grab at you.
His fingers brush against your t-shirt hem, you leap away and spin to run in another direction, he narrowly misses you.  Your footsteps press shapes into the grass as you skip across it, your heart is racing, your skin lacquered in sweat.
“C’mere you minx!” he yells, pouncing at you again, you hop back, and find yourself caged between him, the house, and a fence. Your chest rises and falls rapidly and you close your eyes, ready to accept your fate.
“Leon!!!” His mum calls from the kitchen window. “Play nice!”
Leon pauses and turns to her, huffing like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. “Mum!” he exclaims, almost like a whine, slightly flustered by the scolding.
“Seriously? Haven’t you grown out of showing bugs to people you fancy?! You’ve been doing that since you were six!”
Now that he’s distracted, your eyes dart around looking for an escape. You probably can’t slip past him, he is far too quick for that. You curse under your breath, wondering if he’ll still make you touch that horrifying bug once he’s done talking with his mum.
Something bright purple catches your gaze, a rubber hose coiled up on the ground like a sleeping ekans. You used it earlier to water some of the plants. A brilliant idea comes to mind, you glance at Leon, who is still grumbling at his mother. It’s actually kind of adorable, witnessing the unbeatable champion taken down a peg by the only person who can, his mum.
You slowly, silently sink into a crouch, praying to Arceus you wouldn’t draw his attention. You take hold of the hose’s nozzle and stand back up. Leon finally notices that you’re doing something as he turns to face you.
“Stay back! I’m armed!” you exclaim amidst heavy breaths, brandishing the hose’s nozzle like a pistol, pointing right at his chest, with your other hand primed to turn the tap on. “Ah, love, there’s no need for that…” he says softly as he steps forward, Joltik still in hand. You’re unsure whether to trust him, he still might try spook you again. “I’m serious!” you insist frantically, aim a little shaky.
“Okay, okay. I’ll put him down” he concedes, somewhat gently, slinking down to one knee. He opens his palm and the yellow fluff-ball jumps from his hands. The little thing scuttles away through the grass and leaps over the fence into the neighbouring wheat field.
Leon looks at you with a charming smile as he gets up, perhaps hoping to use your love for him to his advantage.
You deny him that, he deserves no mercy for the hell he put you through.
With a quick twist, you turn the tap, the hose starts to pulse as it fills with water. He recognizes what you’re up to but it’s too late. He raises his hands to protest, a futile action, he soon comes to realise.
Now it’s your turn to laugh like maniac.
His arms flail as they try shield his face from the high-pressure spray, his red shirt darkens in shade as it is soaked. He yelps from the cold, the volume of his hair lessening under the onslaught of water. A rainbow shimmers in the droplets as they rain down on him, you continue even after he’s drenched.
It appears you were too bold with your strategy, he seems to have become accustomed to the spray. He moves, swifter than you can account for, and snatches the nozzle from your grasp with his superior strength. You instinctively close your eyes and cover your face, bracing yourself for the rush of ice-cold water.
The tap squeaks as it is turned off, the hose falls unceremoniously to the ground. You open your eyes, befuddled, and lower your guard. You meet his giddy golden gaze, and he starts to splutter with laughter.
“Well that went a bit overboard” he says with a chuckle, bringing you close to him. He’s so warm, despite being absolutely soaked, your arms wrap around his waist as he embraces you. You giggle and agree, smiling up at him as your hand gingerly brushes some of the hair away from his face. He kisses you sweetly, it’s in your second nature to reciprocate.
As you pull away, he smiles and laughs. “I guess I deserved that for being such a rascal”
“That you do” you muse, pecking his lips. He kisses your forehead, you subsequently lay your head against his chest as you hug. You’re both quiet for a bit, it is only when you part from his hold that he opens his mouth to speak.
“Hey, it’s that Joltik again!”
You shriek and jump into his arms, he catches you easily as you cling to his neck. You can hear a laugh rumble in his chest, you look back and find nothing even resembling the small yellow thing. “Gotcha!” he exclaims proudly with a grin.
“Lee!” you squeal as you scold him, bumping your fist against his left pectoral. “That’s not funny!”
“Ah, sorry love, your reactions are just so cute. I couldn’t help myself”
Your heart abruptly melts, how can you be mad at him when he’s so sweet and genuine?
“Oh come here you son of a bitch!” you say as you lean in to kiss him. He grins at you, his lips feel so soft as they meet yours.
You’re immediately interrupted by his mum as she pops her head out the kitchen window, her face etched in a scowl.
“Did you just call me a bitch?!”
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anjuschiffer · 4 years
Amira Wayne [Unclassified]
So I’m creating a series dedicated to unused chapters/scenes from Amira Wayne... Since these aren’t part of the actual fic, I will not be using the same tags from the fic themselves. If you wanna be tagged, just comment on the pieces themselves or send an ask :D
This was originally going to be the official Day 6 fic, but then I ended up changing the plot too much to be able to use it...
If I had followed my OG plot, then by this chapter, Bruce, Dick and Amira would still be in good terms, healthily healing from Jason's death.
Also, Tim would've be adopted by Bruce when Amira finds out that Tim has been severely neglected by his parents.
Tag: @theatreandcomicfreak @damianette-is-life @toodaloo-kangaroo @elijahcrevan
Day 6 - Deleted Chapter
It was another boring day at the WatchTower, some of the heroes lounging around while those with proteges kept an eye on them. 
Wally was immersed into the new game Tim had brought in the other day, only for his ears to catch the sound of the zeta tube opening.
While his first thoughts were to ignore it, the voice of the person to whom had just come changed his mind.
“Hello everyone! Sorry for our delay! Batman has a few things to work out before coming here, so I hope these pastries make up for it.” 
“And you are?” Wonder Woman asked, wondering who this child was. 
“Diana. Barry. Arthur. Meet Ladybug, Batman’s war-“ Superman started, only to get cut off. 
“Bug!” Wally squealed with a grin on his face, running up to hug his favorite person in the world as soon as she finished handing the box over to Superman.
Sure, the two have only met a few times, but can you blame Wally? She made the best cookies in the world! And not only that, she was able to get on Batman’s good side! Batman even let her drive the Batmobile!
Ladybug erupted into a fiery pink blush, earning chuckles and giggles from some of the adults in the room. 
She quickly averted her eyes when she saw Bart and Uncle Kent smile at her, Diana giving her a knowing face. Arthur simply looked at her with confusion, Ladybug hoping he wouldn’t figure out why she seemed so familiar with him. 
“S-See too nice to you! I mean! Nice to-to see you too!” Ladybug stammered, hoping he wasn’t able to hear her heart. 
Who was she kidding? Of course he was probably able to hear her hearty happily thumping away. 
Wally finally let go of Ladybug, grinning at her. 
“You won’t believe who’s here!” Wally said with a smile, catching Amira’s attention. 
While this wasn’t Ladybug’s first time at the WatchTower, it certainly was her first time on her own and having to meet other League members. As far as Wally knew, Ladybug had only met Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Flash. And maybe Martian Manhunter...once. 
“Hal! You know? Green Lantern!” 
At those words, Ladybug gaped, a smile quickly overcoming it. 
“No way! This is probably the first time I’ll be able to properly meet him! Oh no!” Ladybug quickly brought her yo-yo to her face, checking for any flour left behind. “I want to make a good impression. Wally, do I look alright?” She asked as she put her yo-yo away. 
“Splendid as ever.” He replied with a grin, causing her to blush once more. 
“Careful there. Wouldn’t want Batman to hear those words towards his new ward.” Bart reminded Wally, taking a cookie from the box Ladybug had brought in for them. 
“Relax.” Wally assured, grabbing hold of Ladybug’s hand. “Now, let’s go and find Hal! He’ll be so excited to finally meet you!”
“I hope I make a good first impression.”
“He’s going to love you!” Wally said, giving her a toothy grin. “You’ll see.”
Wally and Ladybug ran through the doors, Flash and Wonder Woman following them, not wanting to miss the events that have yet to happen.
Arthur, meanwhile, fought with his thoughts, attempting to connect the dots in his mind. 
Bruce let out a sigh as he finally got to the WatchTower an hour and a half later, surprised to see Clark sitting near the Zeta Tube waiting area.
“Kent. What are you-”
“Waiting for you.” He quickly replied, handing Bruce a napkin, a bat shaped cookie on it. “Aside from Amira being a kind girl, she’s also quite the baker. Alfred must be happy to have a set of hands to help him around the kitchen.”
Clark had accidentally found out about Amira being Ladybug one foggy night while visiting Bruce. Clark was waiting for the man in his study when he caught her entering it via the window in full Ladybug costume. 
“Not only can she bake, but she also knows how to get the boys to listen to her with a single command.” Bruce said with a sigh, regretting letting Amira go ahead without him. Making sure that Dick wouldn’t go off solving cases without backup and for Tim to not wander into the BatCave by himself is what held him back. “So where is Amira?”
“Last I heard, she was busy arguing with Hal-”
“Jordan’s here?” Bruce asked, only then realising that two were heading towards the sparing room, hearing muffled shouts coming from the room.
“Knowing that Amira wanted to meet him, Wally offered to introduce her to him.” 
“And you let them?” Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose, fully knowing the headache that was awaiting. “Let’s just hope-”
Bruce wasn’t expecting to see what he saw when he entered the room.
There, in front of them, Ladybug finished slamming a robot against the floor as a timer went off, the crowd cheering for their victor.
“That was amazing!” Bruce heard Wally shout, looking over to Ladybug, a prominent blush on her face as she held her hand in the air. Bruce wanted to throw a glare the boy’s way, but chose not too.
She let her hand drop to her side, feeling as her entire body almost fell down with it. She let herself take in big breaths of air, fully knowing she badly needed it.
“That’s the fifth time in row that I’ve beaten you.” Ladybug said after catching her breath. Sparring with robots was nothing compared to fighting her brothers...brother. She straightened herself up, doing a few bends to the side to calm down her aching body. “If you still want to go another round to try and prove-”
“Ladybug.” Bruce’s voice boomed, making everyone quiet down and causing Ladybug to harshly flinch.
“B-Batman.” She said, slowly turning to face. “I know you said that I should wait for you to arrive so that you can properly introduce me as your ward, but-”
“She’s your ward?” Hal asked, glancing between Batman and Ladybug. “Should’ve known.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Bruce asked, narrowing his eyes. 
“Using underhanded methods to destroy-” 
“I didn’t use any underhanded methods!” Ladybug defended, holding back a blush when she heard ‘She fought fair and square!’ from Wally. “Batman taught me how to make the most of my surroundings and of my abilities! He’s the one who taught me to access my situations instead of charging in...unlike you.”
“Excuse me? Are you-”
“Instigating that you solely rely too much on your ring’s power? Yes.” Ladybug said, stepping out of the ring. “Makes you think you’re invincible.”
“Not like you’re any different.” Hal retorted, pointing at Ladybug’s earrings. “Your earrings are also magical. As for how I know, I scanned it earlier. I know what they are.” Hal said with a smirk when he saw Ladybug scowl. 
“My earrings-”
“-are just like my ring.” Hal completed, walking up to Ladybug. “You too rely too much on your magical earrings.”
“No, I don’t.” Ladybug sternly said, straightening up. “And to prove it. Let’s have a simple sparring match. One round, no time limit. And to make things fair, no magical item for me since you believe I rely too much on it.”
Everyone watched as Ladybug went over to Bruce, who simply looked at his ward with pride. 
Everyone watched as Ladybug called off her transformation, watching as she held her earrings in her hand before giving them to Batman.
Wally’s jaw dropped at finding out that it was Amira behind the mask. 
“Dad, hold my earrings.”
“Dad?!” Hal yelled, wondering if this meant death. “Batman is-”
“My father? Yup. Name’s Marinette by the way,” Amira said, bowing her head as she said it. 
Wally looked at her in confusion. Wasn’t that Amira?
Technically, Amira wasn’t lying. “And before I forget, let me just tell you,” Marinette stepped into the ring, stretching her arms for the upcoming fight. “Just because I’m a girl doesn’t mean you should underestimate me.”
“-and that hold you did at the end! That was...amazing!” Wally blabbered away, causing Amira to turn a shade redder than what she already was.
As soon as the match started, Hal wished he hadn’t challenged the young girl.
No matter how many times he would hold her down or throw her across the ring, she would never. Back. Down. Ever.
She fell on her back? Did a flip to get back up or twist her body to attack him from below, oftentimes kicking him in the jaw.
She rolled towards the edge of the ring? No problem. She simply stopped herself and went back to dodging Hal’s chains and weapons. He hated it when she would grab a chain and use it against him, or even better. She used it as a step stone to land a hit on him.
He hated her axe drops the most. That thing hurt like the devil.
He grabbed her? She would pull him towards her and knee him in the stomach or chest and then punch him square in the face. But wait! When she didn’t feel like doing that, she’d simply throw him towards her side and push him down, letting some distance go between them before she would flip towards him and do a dropkick on him.
Their fight continued until Amira landed the final blow. 
Hal was too late to notice the girl behind him, grinning at him like a madwoman.
Using his projectile as a foothold, Amira launched herself towards him, the heel of her foot connecting with his shoulder, causing him to fall onto the floor, Amira using that opportunity to grab Hal.
But Hal wasn’t going to go down that easily. 
Grabbing her arm, he attempted to tuck it behind her and hold her down, but she proved to be quicker than him.
She pulls him towards herself, placing his arm under his body, wrapping her legs around his body.
Hal felt his arm ache in pain from the unnatural stretching, the pressure on his back not helping his lack of breath. 
It also didn’t help that he also had pressure going against his chest due to Amira’s leg pushing his arm into his chest and her hands pulling his head into his compressed body.
His head was starting to become light, his vision starting to spin.
He wanted to breathe, but he just couldn’t. 
Feeling the last of his energy beginning to leave him, he tapped out, gasping for air when Amira released him.
“It wasn’t anything, really.” Amira finally replied to Wally, internally smiling as she recalled how smoothly her plan went.
With his focus on breathing, Hal’s concentration slipped from his ring, allowing Amira to guarantee her win. She slipped his ring off his finger temporarily, making sure that he wouldn’t attempt to use it as she waited for him to tap out.
When he did, she quickly slipped it back on, grinning as she claimed her victory.
But that was a low move, even for you.
Yes, it was, but something had to be done to knock Hal off his pedestal.
“You think you could teach me how to-” 
“Sure!” Amira chirped, internally screaming at herself for saying that. “I'd be happy to teach-“
“Nightwing could teach you.” Batman cut off, causing Wally to shudder and Amira to giggle.
While her first meeting with Hal didn’t go as planned, she sure hopes they can spar with him again in the near future. It’s not everyday she was able to spar without having to hold out after all!
“Can’t wait until our next visit Father!” Amira said, quickly slipping into her Ladybug costume. “And I can’t wait to see you again.” Amira told Wally, waving to him as she stepped into the Zeta Tube.
While she enjoyed visiting the Tower, she couldn’t help but wonder how Jason would’ve reacted had he had the opportunity to see it himself.
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amelialincoln · 3 years
So Sorry
Her head was pounding, aching maybe? Nope, more like throbbing. She shook her head in frustration as her sutures broke for the fourth time. She ignored a couple of the confused glances from around the OR. Her sutured were always perfect but today her hands wouldn't stop shaking. It was probably due to dehydration and couldn't remember the last time she'd eaten. It had been back to back traumas all day, every specialty was swamped but neuro had gotten it worst. Owen wasn’t working today which made matters worse. She’d heard the nurses gossiping about him getting a call about a possible lead on his sister. Her heart had swelled a bit at that. She wished she could be there for him but was reminded that being Owen’s therapist wasn’t her job anymore. It was Teddy’s now. Something she might feel jealous about if she wasn’t so happy with Link. They’d planned to get married a year ago but realized some fancy ceremony seemed dumb. They loved each other and that seemed to matter more than anything else.
"Everything okay, Doctor Shepherd?" Deluca asked from beside her. She missed Stephanie, Deluca’s polietness was starting to piss her off.
“Everything's perfect, why?" She squinted into the brain cavity, her eyesight was starting to blur ans she realized how badly she needed a nap.
"No reason." Deluca shook his head. "I can close if you want."
On a normal day Amelia might snap at her him for pointing out her incompetence of a simple skill she'd preformed hundreds of times, instead she just sighed. "Sure, page me when your finished, I'd like to follow up." She handed her instruments to the resident. "Watch the lep–"
"Leptin receptor, I know," He assured her. "Get out of here." Amelia nodded, thanking the scrub nurses beside her, she quickly fled the room. Dizzy didn't even begin to cover how she was feeling as she began to scrub out. Everything was spinning. She waited for a moment of relief, gripping to the edge of the sink.
"Amelia?" She didn't have to look up to recognize her boyfriend's voice.
She took a deep breath, splashing her face with cold water and turned to meet his gaze. "Hey. You all finished for the day?”
"You don't look well," he observed, ignoring her question.
Amelia shook her head as another wave of nausea rolled over her. Her hand flew to her mouth to prevent her from throwing up onto his scrub top. "I don't want to get you sick.” Link held out an arm for her to steady herself and watched the dizziness pass before pulling her into his chest. Normally his cologne would calm her but today she couldn’t help but wince at the strength of it.
"I'll take you home," he assured her, removing her scrub cap and running his hands through her hair to remove the tight braid.
"No," she paused, shutting her eyes tight, "you're busy, I'll be fine."
He took a minute to survey her before placing a hand on her sweaty brow. “You're hot, do you feel feverish?"
"Not particularly, just nauseous."
"You've been spending too much time with Zola at daycare. That place is covered in germs. You probably caught a flu bug." She nodded before suddenly pulling away from him. Her entire body heaved as she threw up in the scrub sink. “The nurses are gonna love that.”
“I just wanna go home,” she mumbled weakly.
"Okay," he promised, "let’s go get your things and I'll take you home."
"It's rush hour, we could be here for awhile," Link muttered, slowing the car down to a stop behind the car in front of them. Amelia peered over the dashboard, a large line of cars blocked her view.
“Ugh,” a groan escaped her mouth as she noticed the traffic blocking her view.
"We're almost home. Another twenty minutes with the traffic." Link tried to sound optimistic as he glanced over at his girlfriend, curled up in her seat with her head leaning on the car door. "Please don't throw up in the car."
"Thanks I'll keep it in mind," she snapped.
"I told you that daycare is full of germs. You're in there almost twice everyday,” he tried to dismiss her anger, knowing she’d been up all night.
"I like how you're making visiting my nieces and nephew seem like a bad thing."
"There's a flu bug going around, you can always visit them at home," Link argued.
"If I have a break I'd rather make use of it then talk to stupid interns for half an hour!" She yelled, pressing her index fingers to her temples.
"Why are you so stubborn?!" He finally huffed, slamming his hands on the wheel of the car.
"Why do you always have to act so freakin righteous? She cried. Link pressed his lips together, gritting his teeth. Traffic has always agitated him as it does Amelia. They weren’t the most patient people.
"All I'm saying is–"
"Can we just not fight right now?" She interrupted. "I'm just really tired."
"Alright,” he tried to soften his voice.
"Good," she answered, cupping her forehead in one hand and squeezing her eyes shut. He felt slightly guilty for adding to her headache. They’d been at a stall for ten minutes when Amelia began to squirm again. Her index fingers roughly massaged her temples and she jumped as Link placed a soft palm on her forehead.
"Hey, hey," he muttered as she relaxed. "Your forehead is still hot, are you sure you're ok?"
"I told you, I'm fine," she mumbled, staring out the window.
"Amelia..." hot red tears rolled down her face and she wiped them away with frustration.
"I said I was fine," she tried to sound irritated but it came out a lot weaker. What she looked like was frail and unhealthy. Something Link had been noticing more frequently about her appearance, always tired, always shaky. She'd lost weight for sure but she keeps telling him that she’s just been swamped with work. He went to caress her side but quickly pulled away in horror as she yelped in pain.
“Okay, what the fuck is going on,” he was surprised by the anger in his own voice. Their relationship was built on trust which was something Link was grateful for every day. Lately he couldn’t shake the fact that she was lying to him.
"Stop yelling at me!" She cried, tears streaming down her face.
"Tell me what's going–"
"I thought I was pregnant!" She blurted out finally. Link’s voice went silent.
"We've been t-trying for months and n-nothing was happening," she stumbled over her words as he stares at her in shock. "I was getting nauseas, I-I had this terrible back pain and I was tired all the time." She looked to Link for any flicker of emotion but his face had gone stone cold. "I didn't have time to go get a test at the store and I was so excited," her voice was starting to break, "I went to see Carina and I asked her to run some tests."
Link drew in a shaky breath, trying to hold back any flicker of excitement that might be showing up on his easily readable face. "Okay..."
"But they all came back negative. Carina was as confused as I was. We didn't know what to do except run some more tests. I had an ultrasound done, still nothing. And then I started bleeding and everything started to make sense."
"Bleeding?" Did you have a miscarriage?” He reached for her hand as he forced his own feelings down. Why hadn’t she told him? That was something they should’ve gone through together.
"I went to the bathroom and there was blood," she replied, she took in shaky breaths.
"Okay," Link waited for her to tell him, his heart thumping in his chest. He was almost a father.
"Carina was worried about the same thing as me, considering my family history, so we got a couple scans. They were positive.”
"For..." Link urged her to finish.
"For ovarian cancer. I didn’t want to tell you because initially we thought it was okay. With your history and everything I didn’t want to scare you but it's spreading really quickly. Carina said it could be in my bladder by next week and then possibly my liver. The tumor is located right beside a major bloodstream so it's just shipping cancer cells all over the place." She smiled through her tears, the classic Shepherd appreciation for tumors was written all over her face. "it’s pretty perfect, it’s margins are–"
“Stop,” he suddenly felt like it was him who was going to throw up. The car jolted a little too hard as he pressed in the brakes and stared into her eyes in disbelief. “Are you kidding.” She shook her head, not able to read any of the million scenerios that were running through his mind.
"I had my first round of chemo today.”
"Why the hell are you working?"
"It’s a distraction, I just–”
"And you didn't think that my opinion, being practically your husband, would matter?" He had never been much of a crier but he found himself biting back a sob. “You don’t think that the one who is directly impacted by your wellbeing would want to have a say in any of this?”
“I didn’t want to worry you. I’m trying to figure things out. I didn’t want to drop a major bomb on you without being sure of my prognosis.”
"So your telling me that if I was your position you would've preferred me not to tell you if I was dying?" He glared at her through blurry eyes.
"I didn't say that!" She protested, curling her hands into fists.
“I trusted you to tell me everything. You’ve made me promise you to keep you updated on my cancer shit but you can bother to do the same yourself? This is a joke.” He knew he was projected his issues on her and he hated himself for it.
“I thought I was doing what was best for us,” she tried to explain, running her hands through her hair in frustration. Link stopped, staring into her palms. His hands began to shake on the wheel and his knuckles went white in an attempt to squeeze his hands hard enough to stop the shaking. Amelia glanced down at the hair caught between her fingers and let out a tiny whimper as the couple pulled into the driveway. He wanted to wrap her up in his arms, tell her it was all going to be okay. The idea of watching her go through what he had made him want to run in the other direction. The idea of her hurting was too much for him to bare. He looked at her pale expression, knowing exactly how she was feeling and recounting on all the times he’d prayed to god that her nor their children wouldn’t have too. Children were most likely out of the question at this point though he didn't care as long as she made it. Was this really their reality now? If she made it? He leant over to kiss her, hoping it would suppress his thoughts and prayed that he’d be able to kiss her for the rest of his life. 
an anon requested that Link and Amelia be together rather than Owen and Amelia during her cancer situation. sorry its sad but what were u expecting lol. 
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roodllle · 3 years
Year in Review - Animal Crossing New Horizons
I started writing this review/criticism in May of 2020 but decided to update it as the year went along and post it on the anniversary of NH’s release. I would like to preface that this is mostly going to be full of questions of criticisms, I love this game. I have not been able to put it down since I got it on March 20th. My first AC game was NL and then I played HHD. I was ecstatic when they announced NH at E3 2019 and kept trying to find other games to fit in my AC shaped hole in my heart but I wasn’t able to fill it till this game came out. I feel like the pace of the game is great with how you build up to unlocking terraforming and 5 stars, and I feel like the updates are well timed especially with how crazy 2020 was for everybody. That being said there were some things that irked me. 
Some of the points I will bring up came from other people/commenters I have seen on here, Discord, Reddit, and Twitter that I also agree with. Some other points are from Youtubers such as ShayMay and ChuyPlays. And others are from me. 
With that out of the way, let’s get on with the review. Warning, I guess, don’t expect this to be an essay, this is just a patchwork quilt made up of thoughts.
I wish cliffs/tiers had a smaller level? Like how we’re able to make stepping stones for our rivers if we don’t want to put a bridge down/use our vaulting pole. I just wish there was a cliff alternative. 
Another cliff alternative would be if we could put bridges between cliffs. I think we’ve all been there where we see this picture 
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          thought ‘we can do that!!” then realized it was photoshopped
When we go into terraforming, I wish a grid showed up on our island. It would make it much easier to avoid hitting the wrong square when I’m trying to change a river. 
Having us be able to “close” a waterfall from a lower level but not create a new on at the same spot. 
Also the fact we can add a 4th tier but can’t put anything on it is just strange to me. I know we have to have a limit to how high we can go, but at least let me put nature stuff, such as trees/flowers/bushes, on top of it instead of just a flat piece of land. 
Why no ceiling items? Find it odd they added a bunch of stuff in HHD and didn’t add that to the new mainline game
There’s no reason I can think of to why we can’t access our storage when we’re crafting inside our house. 
Dodo Airlines
The Dodo Islands right now are very boring and barely use them. I have enough money and materials to not go farming and save up all my NMTs for when I go villager hunting, which has also become a rarity. I think it would be a good idea to make some islands seasoned themed. Have them be all rare, but have an island where it’s fall and has maple leaves falling, a cherry blossom one, one with snowflakes. I wouldn’t recommend they make Holiday themed ones, but having seasonal ones would be nice.
When I mess up a dodo code or accidentally hit ‘make a bridge’ instead of incline, etc. why do I have to restart the ENTIRE conversation instead of the characters just being “oh? did you mean “x” or “would you like to retype it?” like is it that hard??  
Resident Services
As much as I love Isabelle this game has made me very indifferent towards her. I think they gave her a role that didn’t need to exist. They could have either let us roam around without any warnings to who was roaming around our island, in the campsite, or any weather updates. Just have us rely on our villagers, the TV, and our eyeballs. OR they could have given us a social media like app and/or a weather app. Instead, they gave us Isabelle that only announces something once a month.
Nook’s Cranny
This might just be me but can they add a little DIY area in the store? Maybe just make to where you can only customize things?? This is more out of convenience than an actual problem  
Speaking of customization, since you can make medicine but also buy can we do the same for the custom kits and bait. Like make it where we can buy bait and also make our own custom kits? I just think it’s weird that they give us either/or for medicine but not for the other 2 that I honestly use way more than medicine.
Why do the Able Sisters get to have all of the colors of an item in their shop but Nook’s Cranny can’t? And why can’t we just be able to customize all items that have multiple looks/colors? Example, why can’t I just be able to change the wood type for the antique set instead of having to buy each one? I get that the furniture catalog is already small, but that’s not my fault. They’ve decided to not add past furniture sets into NH. 
Able Sisters
Let us multi select clothes instead of it just being how much we can wear. idc if it’ll just put those clothes in our personal storage and then we’ll have to run home and put it in that storage, I just hate having to walk back in and out every time I want a dress in multi colors. ALSO tell us if we already bought it, like a little storage icon or something
Why can’t we hang any article of clothing on the back wall, why do we have to either make it or have the OG qr designer come to our island? 
Why can’t we have the transparent option when designing clothes? I think it would make many designer’s lives easier instead of having to make 8 versions of the same outfit.
I have played this game almost every day since it came out, minus 2 days. I have also been able to make friends on discord that help with trading/cataloging/etc. I have all of Saharah’s, Kicks’, Label’s, and Redd’s items. I have all of the fish/bug models I want and have no desire to “catch them all”. I haven’t talked to Wisp in months because I have most of the items and his idea of “expensive” is 10k bells. The only NPC I actively look forward to is Celeste because even though I now have all of her DIYs, she still gives out star fragments, regular large or horoscope, when I talk to her. 
What I’m wondering is if they’re planning on doing anything else with these characters. Before I speak further I’m going to weed out characters that I am actually fine with. CJ and Flick will always be there if I want a bug/fish model, I understand that Saharah/Kicks/Redd have a ton of stuff to get and w/o the help of my discord friends, I probably wouldn’t have gotten everything till late 2021. 
So that leaves Label and Wisp. I understand Wisp is there for beginners, but now that I’m at a point where I am a bell millionaire and have most of the Nook’s items cataloged, there is no reason for me to talk to him. I wish Nintendo had put in a system where depending on the person who Wisp is talking to, it determines how much money you have in your bank account/looks at your catalog, Wisp’s item’s worth goes up.
As for Label...I never saw her as viable. I also thought the tickets were dumb and you don’t even have to talk to her to have her items show up in the shop the next day. I think it would be great if when you bought all of her items, she decided to join the Able’s sisters in their shop like in NL and then have Gracie show up in her place for the weekly NPC. 
Where is Blanca? Or Brewster? Or Shrunk, Katrina, Gracie, or Kapp’n and his family? I understand we will probably never see characters like Harriet or Pete because they have been replaced by a new system, but what is the excuse for these other characters? I’m hoping they show up in year 2 of NH but...we’ll see.
I think having your first villagers living in basic homes is a good idea but one that quickly gets annoying. I found Sherb while villager hunting for the 1st time and have had him ever since, but his house is stuck at basic lazy setup. Instead of me going back and forth on whether or not i should trust somebody enough to hold Sherb, get somebody else out, then get him to move back to my island, You can have it to where you let them leave, then just wait till he comes to the campsite to visit and reinvite him. You get his actual house and he still remembers you. This could also go for you accidentally letting somebody go or letting somebody go then regretting it. Also it’d be fun to see some old villagers again.
I was curious and looked back on past games to see how many new villagers were released each game and NH has been the least amount. NL released 112 new villagers in total while NH has released 8. I’m hoping they might release more down the line but, hella disappointing imo. Along with the Sanrio update and adding those characters to the game, I am more hopeful that they’ll be adding new characters!
Having an “event” of sorts where you visit a villager’s house and they’re looking inside their closet. They look at you in surprise when you walk in and sheepishly explain that they were going through their clothes/items. They then decide to ask you for help since they can’t decide what to get rid of/what to keep and think you have a good eye for that sort of thing. Basically, a way to get rid of any clothes/items your villager somehow received bc I guess Isabelle scolding them isn’t enough.
A big problem I feel like everybody has is the villager dialogue. Yes they added sub personality types for each personality but they are not perfectly cut in half, ex. are the Sisterly types where there are 4 B types and 20 A types, like?? How I have “fixed” this problem is by having one of each personality type on my island so I always have different conversations with my villagers, but I understand not a lot of people do that. Some people just want normal/peppy types on their island bc they’re cute as hell, I get it. I know it would be...difficult to come up with unique dialogue for all 399 villagers, including Sanrio, but....you could at least for the “gimmicky” villagers. Some examples of these villagers are Ribbot and Sprocket, Lucky and Ankha, the super hero squad, and Kabuki. 
Quality Life stuff
Why cant we sit AND wish on stars? And I don’t mean the sit emote; why can’t I sit on a bench and wish on stars?
It sucks when I’m about to hit my rocks or just do a lot of dig work and then my shovel breaks in the middle of it. To show the tool is about to break, cracks should start to form on the handle and get deeper/longer as you keep using it, starting when you have 5 uses left. You can also add an auditory element by making the tool sound like its struggling when you are using it. Net/Shovel/Axe/Fishing Pole can have cracks show up on the handle, Slingshot can have crack show up at the bottom of the 2 spokes while having 1 at the top of the handle. And the watering can have cracks at the base of the can.
If our inventory is full when I dig up a flower, why can’t I replace it with another flower to bury? And if I can dig up an item at an diagonal item, I should be able to bury it again at the same angle.
Having more...liveliness?? on the island, idk how else to say it. Example is whenever you travel by plane there's a chemtrail in the sky afterwards, maybe just seeing other planes go by throughout the day. Maybe you can get a hint Redd or Gulliver will be visiting you tomorrow if you see their boats beyond the horizon, Redd’s just crusin’ and the Gulls’ boats looking messed up. On a week where you don't have a new camper, maybe have an old villager visit. That leads me too
I wish villager’s doors could count as “exterior decorating” and we can just put any ornamental on there instead having to hope that your villager will put the wreath on their own door. 
If you read this whole thing holy shit, thanks!! Go treat yourself on my part lol If you disagreed with me or whatever feel free to chat with me about it! 
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druddigoon · 3 years
Bederia Scraps
[au where darkest day never happens and bede becomes champion]
“Next up, two-time challenger Gloria Bauer has climbed through the finals to arrive at the top! For veteran’s of--”
The trainer at the other side of the stadium is a tiny silhouette amid a field of artificial green, rendered small and insignificant against the swell of the crowd. 
“--last year’s gym circuit, she had been a prime candidate for the championship, before being ousted by our current holder in the finals. Will--”
There’s something in her eyes. Looks familiar, somehow, but her face doesn’t spark a memory. A year’s worth of handshakes and the faces all blur together. The trainer might’ve been something, once. 
“--she have what it takes to avenge her loss? Or will--”
It doesn’t matter anymore. 
“--history repeat itself? Here he comes! Give--”
Chin up, back ramrod straight. Deep breaths, clothes tucked tight, makeup to cover the late night fatigue, not a thread or hair out of place. Appearance is everything here; the cameras are watching, the sponsors are watching, Rose is watching. 
“--it up for our current defending champion, Bede Cadieu!” 
Can’t fall now. 
[a fic detailing bede’s soul-search after his disqualification, where he hitchhikes for several weeks alone]
Good things never last. 
He’s known this long enough, frequently enough; should’ve learned by now too, but he was drawn towards promise like a moth to a flame, invincible with the sky in his wings until they were burning, burning, limestone shattered like graveyards at his feet. Too late, and he never learned. 
The first to leave was Rose. Oleana was the one that approached to take his possessions: league card, badge case, pockets full of wishing stones he’d been meaning to turn over to her, challenger’s outfit too if he hadn’t been wearing them under his coat. She stripped him of association, patting him down like she was searching for contraband. Would've taken his pokemon too, had he not bared his teeth in a desperate defiance when she reached for them, don’t she dare take his pokemon he will fight, they are all that I have left and I don’t care if there are witnesses they will not stop me, they are my everything I will fight. (Oleana’s hand retracts like whiplash, and she hurries after Rose’s departing figure.)
The second to leave was the scientist. She’d been poring over the monument, talking to anyone who cared to listen about the breakthrough in some sort of Galarian history. Important enough to send ripples through the scientific community, maybe, a paper published by a woman who’d been at the right place at the right time with no mention of the scapegoat. Collected her samples and left, eager to stake her claim.
The third to leave was Gloria. 
He didn't mean to remember her name, but it's stuck sometime between Hulbury and Galar Mine No 2, stuck hard and fast and never let go. Fitting, when she has been nothing but a burr to his side. Goliath, downed by a pebble of a no-name bug-catcher; he had everything to lose and she took this from him, took everything and still had the audacity to stand and look at him, something close to an apology in her eyes. Something almost like--
Sympathy. He hates the reprieve it makes him feel.
When she reaches out a tentative hand, he shoved roughly past her, into the throng of a curious crowd.
He was done watching his own funeral. 
(Later that day, his league-issue card was declined by the hotel services. Inane folly, he thinks, to hope that bureaucratic sluggishness would allow him to cash a couple more nights in--Rose never responded to anything of his this quickly before.)
[next two are an attempt at slice of life where bede meets people/pokemon in gloria’s life]
There's a saying among pokemon professions that in order to properly court a pokemon trainer, a suitor would have to appeal to two families: their parents, and their pokemon team. 
For Bede, Gloria's mum was easy. She had snuck into her daughter's loft for a "surprise visit" at six in the morning, only to stumble upon Bede passed out on her couch. Technically, they had come back from official league duties, too late for the corvitaxis to still be operating. Technically, said official league duties involved dealing with dangerous dynamax dens that are still cropping up in the Wild Area, all done under wraps to avoid inciting public panic. 
However, technicalities faltered against her skeptical look when the phrase "midnight excursions" slipped out of Bede's mouth. Whatever embarrassment he felt was eclipsed when Gloria left her room, still in pyjamas, only to choke on her yawn when she saw her visitor.
He prepared for the mythical shovel-talk he'd heard were a staple of pursuing a romantic relationship. He prepared for a shouting match, intruder, stranger, you don't belong anywhere near my daughter. Instead, he felt a gentle pat on his head (strange--Gloria liked to touch his hair too) as she told her barely coherent daughter that it's rude to make guests sleep on the couch.
She has a sense of humour, he'll give her that. He wouldn't mind calling her Mum too. 
"No, go away," Bede says to the monster hovering near his heels. "Bad, nasty bug. Go away."
Durant gives no indication that it hears him except for the little tilt of its head. It gingerly noses his pant leg, then, with mandibles that can snap his entire calf, nibbles at his ankles. Bede blanches. 
"Gloria, get your metal death machine away from me."
"Hmm?" Gloria's head peeks out from behind a steaming curry pot. "Awww, he likes you! Durant always wants to be everybody's friend. He wouldn't harm anyone outside of battles."
"I've seen him--" Bede bites back a wince as Durant digs its claws into its leg, trying to haul itself up. "--bring back huge sticks, only to snap them clean in half, accidentally, and sit down to whine over them. He's a hazard."
"Face it, you're only bitter because he one-shots your entire team. Relax, I've been training him to better control his strength, so you shouldn't have any unfortunate accidents." She leaves her curry to simmer as she makes her way towards him, disentangling the ant pokemon from his pants to carry like a doll. Durant nibbles at her chin, and Bede has a split-second panic attack at how his partner's face is held between its shearing jaws.
"Gloria, I love you, but..."
"Here." She grasps his hand and guides it to Durant, holding it still as antennae feel around. With a trill, Durant lifts its head to expose its neck. "Scratch him here, on the junction between the head and thorax. It's his favorite spot."
He does.
 The "chin area" is sleek and strangely warm. Durant's abdomen shakes almost like a wagging tail as it leans into his palm. 
Hard to believe something that can so mercilessly tear down battles with iron head and rock slide would be coming back for scritches. Gloria's watching the two of them with a small smile on her face, and suddenly he understands. Like pokemon, like trainer.
[misc. drabble]
“We’re both challengers, and I’ve just given you my card.” Bede holds out his hand in open expectation. “It’s polite to extend the same courtesy.” 
“Hmm? Oh!” The challenger in the green beret--he couldn’t remember her name for the life of him--looked up from his card and delicately stowed it away in the side pockets of her bag. “I don’t even think I have any copies of mine. Didn’t think I’d be trading them. Here.” 
She drops a chunk of cardstock in his hands. It looks like it's been tossed into a Roar of Time: edges fraying, ink chipped off, and a suspicious dark blot on the lower left corner. No signature, no name. Bede carefully maneuvers his fingers so he isn't touching the stain. 
"Do you have anything...newer than this."
"No. Um. That's my first card, actually. You keep it--I've heard originals sell for loads, enough to cover your losses for this battle." 
Of all things...cheeky bastard. She seems to know this too; a couple seconds into his shocked silence she bursts out laughing, walking off.
He flips the card in his hands. Challenger 227. Haphazardly dressed. Looks like she walked out of bed and into the photo booth. 
He still doesn't know her name.
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primrose-fr · 4 years
Wildlife of the Scarred Wastes
Hey I put together a list of all wildlife found in Plague, for writing purposes. Because it's pretty unique from the rest of Sornieth. Thus can be a bit difficult to write for.  It's also interesting to note that most of the creatures can be found in other locations too, I picture the varieties found in plague to be more...plague-y. I hope this is at least a good jumping off point for you writers/worldbuilders!
Includes little personal notes here and there about possible uses, ecology and real-life equivalents, and interesting notes from the items bio too.
Everything under the cut. Long post ahead
Panther Anole (Small, fool hardy, easy prey for hatchlings) Plague Bat (Bat that carries plagues?? Probably a small snack for adults and a meal for hatchlings) Satin Mouse (Magically charged mice, might have been introduced from Arcane) Java Sparrow (Small songbird, Nutritious) Shrew (Small and mole like, cannot be tamed) Marsh Rabbit (Oily water repellent fur, probably like a softer beaver pelt. Decent meal. Probably farmed for fur) Dappled Clucker (Chickens whose females brutally fight over males. Probably farmed for meat) Steppes Box Turtle (known for it's shell pattern) Musk Scrapper (Like a brown skunk, stinks but apparently the meat is incredible.) Flecked Bushrunner (Type of quail. males race each other to impress females. Proabably a common type of wild game) Wood Duck (Probably a common type of wild game) Silver-Laced Rooster (There was a play about a rooster trying to woo a dragon. Ended poorly.) Arroyo Toad (Most dragons are immune to it's toxin but Mirrors are allergic to it.) Plantain Poacher (Type of squirrel monkey. Common pest that raids produce stores.) Bush Rat Wallaby (Probably a decent sized meal) False Podid (Decent meal, cousin to common podid, tastes best when roasted in the shell) White-Eared Hummingbird Coral Snake (VENOMOUS. Rear-fanged. But edible to dragons if eaten carefully. Snakes store their venom in the head area. Body meat is generally fine.) White Squirrel (Cannot jump, probably easy prey. Most likely is native to Ice) Tokay Gecko (DEADLY. Covered in a potent poison from head to toe. (Note: real tokay geckos are not poisonous, just massive bitey assholes)) Bleeding Heart Crow (Only Males have the "Bleeding Heart" coloration) Ferret (a treat for most dragons, might also be kept as pets and for hunting small game) Sugarglider (Common pest in sugarmelon crops. might also be kept as pets.) Bar-Headed Goose (Might be farmed for meat/feathers) Hellbender (Massive salamander (one of the largest species on earth!)) Emerald Striker (VENOMOUS. Emeralds contain the toxin) Silver Raccoon (Known to steal and hoard silver.) Green Iguana (apparently very friendly and probably common pets (Important Note: Real green iguanas are NOT friendly and want nothing more than to whip you to shreds. Make terrible pets!)) Bog Canary (Song is apparently horrible, but plumage is pretty, might be kept as pets (Note: the art depicts a budgerigar not a canary)) Golden Reefprince (Regal and golden, best served to someone you're trying to impress. Probably farmed and marketed in the same vein as Valentine Roses) Black Swan (Probably farmed for Meat/Feathers) Green-throated Skink (More confident then it's cousin, probably more common to see skittering around in daylight) Dustrat (Seen as vermin, a sign to clean your lair) Banded Dart Frog (POISONOUS. However NOT deadly. Instead it's hallucinagenic. Probably farmed as an legal and/or illegal narcotic. Probably a big market for them.) Collared Lemming (Probably has a local superstition about it staring into your soul and knowing all your secrets) Webwing Alpha ( might be farmed for meat or plumage. Or kept as familiars) Yellow-Throated Sparrowmouse (kept as Familiars. Plumage might be used in crafts) Basilisk (Direct eye contact can turn dragons to stone. Probably Hunted as Big/trophy game. Also Kept as familiars) Clown Charger (Skin is poisonous. Might be hunted as Trophy Game but not eaten. Also Kept as familiars) Parasitic Fungus (Has mind controlling fungus, however fungus rarely takes. Also Kept as familiars) Fungalhoof Qiriq (Leaves a trail of fungus where ever it goes, easy to track dangerous to hunt. Might be hunted as big/Trophy game or as possible rites of passage . Also Kept as familiars) Roving Lionsnake (Large dangerous ambush predators that stalk long grasses. Might be hunter for trophy game or possible rights of passage. Also kept as familiars) Murkbottom Gull (Common seabirds, most likely a common sight at waterways. Also kept as familiars) Giant White Toridae (Large! Has Myths and urban legends surrounding it. Probably hunted as Trophy game or even rites of passage. Also Kept as familiars.) Ultramel Amphithere (Amphithere displaying the "Ultramel" color morph. Probably popular pets. Also kept as familiars) Auburn Woolly Walrus (Hostile due to chronic pain. Probably Farmed for meat and fur while also being hunted as big/trophy game. Also kept as familiars.) Hooded Dodo (Completely blind despite three sets of eyes. Probably farmed for meat and feather. Also kept as familiars) Infestation Hound (Wild ones are ambush predators, baiting and eating scavengers. Probably Domesticated by plague clans and bred then raised as hunting partners and companions. Kept as familiars) Heartred Croaker (Meat is uniquely brown and green in coloration. Kept as familiars) Mossy Cerdae (Healing magic-less Unicorns. Population is rising exponentially. Probably hunted for meat/fur/horns. Kept as familiars) Hippojay (Might be farmed for meat or hunted as big/trophy game. Or kept as familiars) Bluetail Skira (Blue algea clings to their tail fur causing the blue coloration. Might be farmed for meat or hunted like big game. Or kept as familiars) Paddyfowl (Common predator to smaller amphibians, might be farmed for meat or plumage. Or kept as familiars) Moordwelling Trunker (Displays are a lot like jousting. Probably farmed for meat. Or kept as familiars) Glowing Pocket Mouse ( A light snack. Or kept as familiars) Grey River Flight ( Probably farmed for meat and water resistant hide. Or kept as familiars) Brown River Flight ( Probably farmed for meat and water resistant hide. Or kept as familiars) Bearded Pupowl (Actually a vertebrate! Amphibian and probably distantly related to salamanders. Kept as familiars)
Aquatic Life:
Crawdads Wetland Vampire (Leech) Glass Minnows (maybe kept in dragon aquaria?) Mussels Clown Shrimp Warmouth (A mid sized bass/perch-like fish, probably decent eating) Wave Skippers (Flying fish?) Sea Hare (Sea slugs) Sunset Sea Dragon Dumpling Squid (bio implies they’re eaten and dipped in sauce.) True Rainbow Trout Green Corydoras Catfish (tiny bottom dwelling catfish, maybe kept in dragon aquaria?) Golden Cushionfish (Pufferfish) Seabed Pincher (Hermit crab) Blackwater Jester (Appears to be a cardinal fish of some sort) SeaHeart (Some kinda urchin) Aether Hermit Black Maiden (type of Black Guppy, possibly poisonous? maybe kept in dragon aquaria?) Ruby Tetras (possibly a red version of the blackskirt tetra, maybe kept in dragon aquaria?) Blue Ring Octopus (DEADLY. Venom can straight up kill smaller dragons. Considered an accomplishment to catch and eat properly. Probably equivalent to Fugu.) Striped biter (Similar to a cat shark in appearance. Apparently very common.) Devilsnap (Apparently an oyster that bites back) Blue Dragon Seaslug Cobra Snakehead (mid-sized carnivorous fish) Nebula Floaters (Jellyfish of some sort, very sweet may cause tooth decay) Pond Slip (Come from dirty water, VERY important to clean) Cinnamon Loach (Popular gift among the seafood eating dragons, may also be kept in dragon aquaria?) Deviant Darter (Covered in pustules, looks plague-y) Giant Isopod Billy Bass (Breaks into song when taken out of the water, mid-sized fish probably decent eating) Discus (Popular, beautiful, and challenging to care for in irl aquaria. Possibly kept as decorative fish for the upper class in dragon aquaria) Four-Eyed Butterflyfish Pincushion Urchin Gaseous Megashrimp (Big, kept as familiars. this is speculation but depending on the size it may also be used as a seafood alternative to whole roasts like pig) Skittering Megashrimp (See above) Longjaw Lurefish (Based on the jawfish, probably much bigger. preys on birds) Glow Star (glowing starfish. Glow fades when it leaves the water. Might make good underwater decoration) Wave Sweeper (Patrols shallow waterway. Probably hunted for meat or ignored, Kept as familiars) Plantation Pincher (Considered a rampant pest on farmland.)
Insect Life:
Fungus Cutter (Large fungivore ants) Glade Swarmer (Builds large hives and defend it fiercely, disturbing it will end in either a feast or a healers visit) Crop Cutter (Pests that can devour entire fields. Plant eater hate them while others feast on them.) Maggot (common on the many festering corpses of the scarred wastes) Harlequin Ladybug (perform intricate aerial acrobatics, can be challenging for hatchlings to catch) Salt-Marsh Mosquito (Carry many diseases, numbers swell in summer) Tachinid Fly (Their carapace can be ground into tincture and tonics with restorative capabilities. Valuable. Probably farmed for medicinal purposes) Redwing Hopper (Spend most of their time gliding. low-flying dragons end up with face fulls of them.) Greenworm (Blends in well and challenging to find) Land Snail Rainbow Grasshopper (Taste terrible. seems to be a common prank to tell younger dragons that they taste like rainbows.) Tinder Bug (Tastes good if properly cooked, also effective tinder) Earwig Craftsman Brightback (Crafts intricate nests around spherical fruit, to which the fruit inside is eaten leaving behind the dried structure.) Redknee Tarantula Dusty Cicada (Collecting their shells and placing them in unexpected places around your den is considered a fun pastime) Millipede Wasteland Pauper (In an event known as the Blue Harvest vast numbers of this butterfly go migrating.) Stinglash (DEADLY. Aposematic. Skull pattern on it's head is a threat display. When stinger is removed however it's considered a delicacy) Shale Skitter (Pillbug relative. Completely flatten themselves when threatened) Parasitic Grub Red and Black Froghopper Fever Fly (Ingesting this fly is fine. being bitten by this fly leads to fevers and muscle spasms (dancing!)) Two-Tone June Beetle (Best served lightly toasted) Blackshield Cockroach (Fae use rocks to crack it's shell for eating.) Yellow Jumper (Deadly? Very tasty apparently) False Veneer Moth (Pattern on it's wings shines to distract predators) Yellowtail Caterpillar (Commonly eaten in piles with pepper sauce, cucumber, rice, and wrapped in seaweed) Orchid Beetle (Native to the Starwood Strand. gets its coloration from the plants it eats) Water Bug Catocala Moth (Cryptic patterning on wings) Giant Prickly Stick Insect (Has a hard time find mates due to effective camouflage) Autumn Pennant (Dragonfly. Scarce, only appears towards the end of autumn) Sugarbee (Feeds on sugarcane. Popular as sweet treats. might be treated like candy to insectivores) Firefly (Probably native to Fire. Has a crisp, crunchy texture with an extremely spicy flavor.) Dead Leaf Mantis (Feeds entirely on brain matter. (braaains)) Hydra Scorpion (It's said that cutting off it's tail grows two more in it's place. Probably large and treated like big/trophy game. Kept as familiars) Triple-Sight Firebug (Dragons closely bonded to this bug can use it's sight for short periods of time. Possibly used for rough reconnaissance. Kept as familiars) Tufted Leaf Beetle (Pests. A swarm of these beetles can devour a field overnight. Kept as familiars.) Tender Larail (Consumes all parts of a plant except seeds, which it carefully buries. Might be a Keystone species. Kept as familiars.) Spoiling Scorpio (Probably large and treated like big/trophy game. Kept as familiars)
Plant Life:
Highland Dryleaf (Hardy. Tastes awful. Plentiful) Marsh Choker (Named for it's choking pollen. probably grows in wetland areas.) Desert Scrub (Plentiful. Tastes like dirt) Diseased Fungus (Has a following that believe it tastes zestier than normal fungus. Probably cultivated or foraged for.) Carnaval Tulip (Pretty, often in bouquets. considered by plant eaters to be "edible arrangements" Probably cultivated for food and appearance) Crisp-leaf Amaranth (Seeds are edible and commonly eaten, while the leaves are eaten less commonly.) Wild Catsup (grows along cliff-sides in thin patches with bright red flowers. might also go well with wild mustard greens) Always-Autumn (Thistle. Blooms year-round with sun-dappled colors.) Canyon Ruffage (Staple for herbivorous animals and dragons alike, common in dry areas) Blood Acorn (Filled with nutrient rich nectar) Cinnamon (Probably cultivated for exportation in the spice trade) Chickweed (Used in herbal remedies to sooth itchy scales. Probably cultivated for medicinal purposes) Herbal Plantain (Leaves of this plant can be used as an effective anti-toxin. Probably cultivated for medicinal purposes) Peace Lily (Pretty and edible, it's petals are a favorite snack of peace doves. Probably cultivate for decoration and consumption.) Gryphon's Blood Sempervivum (Appears to be a type of succulent that grows in sandy red (clay rich?) earth near gryphon territory. does not actually use blood in cultivation.) Treasure Plant (Considered to bring good luck if kept in the lair. Possibly cultivated for decoration or as gifts.) Boxwood (Has a subtle flavor?) Winter's Delight (Sweet red berries that taste the best at the coldest point in winter, Most likely native to Ice) Bonebark Mold (Plentiful. grows on dead trees.) Ashfall Prickler (Nectar on the inside has a spicy flavor that oddly goes well with anything.) Honeycrisp Apple (Probably cultivated for food. Most likely food source to Craftsman Brightbacks) Turnip (Does not keep long and must be eaten immediately. Probably cultivated for food.) Wasteland Pear (Common. but finding an edible one is not.) Cindermint (crunchy texture with a  fiery kick. Often dried and crumbled up to help accent desserts or teas. Probably cultivated for this reason.) Butcher's Fig (Fruit has a crimson coloration, juice stains the mouth for days.) Leechroot Mushroom (Parasitic fungus native to the Scarred Wastes. Pests. Targets healthy plants.) Green Plantain (Has a tart flavor and can be stored in cool places for long periods of time. Probably cultivated and exported to other flights.) Daffodil (Can be boiled, mashed, and used in stews. Blooms are also pretty. Probably cultivated for these reasons.) Grassland Grain (Easy to spot and filling meals. Great for foraging on the road.) Water Lilies Crimson Jadevine (Extremely rare. ground up to make war-paint. Might be cultivated for this purpose and might also be treated as sacred.) Sour Strawberry (It's a strawberry, but sour) Wilting Rose (Its a rose, but wilting) Pompom Mums (Vibrant, cheerful petals. Very attention getting to pollinators. might be used to attract pollinators to fields. Also useful for decorative purposes) Sand Creeper (Type of ivy that spreads prolifically over sand. Might be a good crop for those in barren wastelands.) All Seeing Shroom (Disgusting looking, covered in veins and tumors. Unknown if edible but can be traded as currency in select venues.) Ancient Mushroom (Rumored to aid with a dragons growth) Over-ripe Cherries (Cherries that ripen then go bad at a break-neck pace. Probably not cultivated.) Melon Marzal (Behaves like a normal plant until it matures in which it will become more animalistic. Weird. Kept as familiars)
River Muck (Goopy. probably common in or near waterways. Probably a pest/hazard) Poultrygeist (Ghost?? Probably some kind of urban legend. Kept as familiars) Undying Featherback (Undead and requires magic to kill permanently. Probably a serious threat to plague clans. Can be kept as familiar) White Rot Deer (An older wood ear deer, not hunted nor eaten. Cultivated by dryads for protection. Also Kept as familiars) Sanguine Multimist (Sentient mist?? Probably has urban legends surrounding it. Kept as familiars.) Creeping Tendril (Animal like?? Shy, only moves when no one is looking. Kept as Familiars) Blue Vein Pansy (??? Uproots and moves itself to more optimal locations when required.) Ancient Fungus (Has a cracked, stone hard outer shell. Kept as familiars)
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thebibliomancer · 3 years
Song of the Dark Crystal liveblog pt 17
Song of the Dark Crystal by J.M. Lee because no time to stop and wonder who stabbed Tavra, we have a flute to find!
Last times on book: Kylan, Naia, and Tavra have traveled to the Cave of Obscurity to find a magic firca that will help them warn all Gelfing about the Skeksis. Maudra Argot agrees to lend them the thing and also lends them her delightful son Amri to lead them to it. Also, someone stabbed Tavra and she’s peeved.
Chapter 17
The group travels to the Tomb of Relics, Amri explains the Vapran/Grottan animosity
Amri was busy while he was off-screen in the back half of the previous chapter.
He told Maudra Argot what happened and the maudra is speaking to everyone one at a time trying to find the one responsible for attacking Tavra.
Kylan says that he doesn’t think Tavra will bring the Wrath of the All-Maudra down on the Grottan if Amri helps them find the firca. Which he was already going to do so dunno why you’re doing the hard sell, Kylan.
Amri runs off to let Argot know that they’ll be leaving for the Tomb of Relics right away.
Leaving Kylan alone in a group of Grottan which murmur to themselves and avoid returning his greeting.
If they had garnered any trust within the Grottan clan, it was dashed after Tavra’s disruption. Maudra Argot had been welcoming, but only to a point. The fact was, they were outsiders in the Caves of Grot, and the Grottan loyalty would always be to their own clan, as Maudra Fara’s had been to the Stonewood.
Uniting the clans is going to be a hard sell, it sounds like.
Amri returns and he and Kylan meet back up with Naia and Tavra. Amri bows respectfully to Tavra and tells her that the Tomb of Relics is about a half day’s journey through the tunnels.
Tavra says ok lets go now, i want to leave this cave.
Even though this would be the last time Amri would be home for a long time and even though he doesn’t have any traveling gear or even shoes, Amri gamely agrees to leave right away.
Good sport, Amri.
He does ask for a second to say goodbye, which he does by tapping on the wall.
He placed his hand against the cave wall and tapped with a finger. There was no sound to the open air, but after they waited a moment, Amri pressed his ear against the rock and listened. Kylan did, too, and heard a faint rhythmic tapping, carrying strongly through the dense rock. He had heard it before but not known what it was. So that was how the Grottan could communicate through the tunnels so silently.
That’s neat!
Just a fun concept for a cave-dwelling clan of not-elves.
I wonder who he was saying goodbye to.
By conservation of detail, probably Maudra Argot, but hey, Amri probably has a clique he hang with. Plotting cave mischief and hanging at the cave mall.
Then, Amri leads the group off down a tunnel to the north. As they get further from the central cavern, it gets darker and darker.
Amri does okay with with his enormous eyes. Kylan has to keep one hand on Naia’s back and one on the wall so that he doesn’t lose her or the path.
Tavra seems to lag behind or lose the group a couple times. Kylan loses track of her footsteps a couple times but instead of holding onto the person in front like Kylan is, she does not do that.
Kylan wishes that they could use a torch but as Amri explains without being asked, light attracts bugs. Just so many bugs. Like oh my god so many.
The journey was more than uncomfortable. Kylan kept pushing down impulses of fear and panic of the dark and the closed-in areas. The others were not happy, but they didn’t seem to feel trapped as he did. To make matters worse, Tavra’s words rang in his mind, summoning a recurring sourness of guilt every time he recalled them. He had tried to reach out to her, but it had been at the worst time possible. The words had been jumbled and wrong, an embarrassment coming from a song teller. So, in the dark, Kylan composed a letter in his mind. One that he would write the next change he got, something he could put care into and give to the soldier when the time was right.
You’re an enormous dork, Kylan! But in a positive way, you enormous dork.
Just stewing in social anxiety in the dark and deciding to write a letter.
After I guess a half a day of travel, Amri stops and searches around in the dark until a lock clicks and a door swings open. Amri lights a crystal lantern and introduces the group to the TOME OF RELICS.
The room was circular, with three halls and the door through which they’d entered. The walls were lined with shelves, each stacked full of scrolls and books, boxes and crates, urns and pots, jars and flasks. From where they stood, he could see that the halls that radiated from the room were made of shelvs, full of more items. In the center of the room was a heavy wood tabl.e For examining the artifacts - the relics - Kylan imagined.
Hey, its like this place was made for Kylan! Look at all the reading you could do here!
Amri says he thinks there’s twelve chambers but he’s never actually been here before. Argot was the one who used to visit but she’s too old for that now.
I wonder if she dreamfasted the layout of the room to him. That would have been helpful.
But apparently she just told him where the firca was? In a wood box with a picture of a bell-bird.
Tavra suggests that they split up to cover more ground and then immediately takes off without waiting for agreement.
Amri has to admit she has a point.
Kylan’s imagination was coming out of hiding after the confrontation with Tavra and the suffocating journey here. He had always wanted to visit Stone-in-the-Wood to read all the tablets and songs kept there, but he had never even heard of the Tombs of Relics. Now that he was here, the wealth of knowledge and lore in the place was almost overwhelming.
Best boy Kylan asks Amri what the Tomb of Relics is and why it exists and why is it here
Geez, he wasn’t kidding about his imagination poking its head out. And the curiosity too seems like.
Amri tells Kylan that its “where mysterious and powerful objects are kept, so they aren’t lost to time and the elements” and that the Grottan have been charged to protect it and something called the Sanctuary.
Kylan assumes that Aughra charged the Grottan to protect the relics but Amri says nah, Thra. The planet Thra tasked them. Or at least according to legend.
Since Amri is in a sharing mood, Kylan asks why the Vapran and Grottan have such beef with each other. The Spriton and the Stonewood have a rivalry but nothing like this.
Amri says that it figures that Tavra wouldn’t have told them. Vaprans and their secrets, y’know.
He asks if Kylan ever heard of the story of the Six Sisters? The stories all differ but there’s a common consensus that the clans were founded by six sisters who all went their own way.
So, if there were six sisters, how are there seven clans?
Kylan had given it some thought before and decided that probably one of the sisters founded two clans but how and why never seemed important.
But with the context of the Grottan and Vapran hating each other and the similar skin tones, he realizes that they were the sister clans.
And the songs differ on explanations and every clan has their preferred version. But Amri shares the one Madura Argot prefers.
“She says that, in the beginning, Thra had seven duties to entrust to the Gelfling race. To the Dousan, the heavens: the study of the suns, moons, and stars. To the Sifan, the skies: the telling of signs and omens. To the Stonewood, the fire of the hearth: the keeping of songs and essence of our culture. To the Spriton, the foundation of the earth: the cultivation of the land and its creatures. To the Drenchen, the water of life: the care of medicine and healing. And to the Silver Sea clan, Thra entrusted the light and the shadow: the keeping of the Gelfling history, law, and records. This task was too great to be shouldered by one clan alone, and so the clan split in two. One took on the keepign of the past: our history and dark things that should be left in shadow. The other became the keeper of our future: our laws and philosophies that lead us toward the light.”
“I see where this is going,” Naia remarked.
“Both are important tasks. We all know there can be no light without darkness. Still, no one wants to be bonded to shadow forever! The sisters discussed it for a long time. In the end, it came to be this way: the Vapra and the Grottan. Some say we were banished. Maudra Argot says we chose to come to these dank caves, while the Vapra flit along the crystal coasts. It’s hard not to feel as if we are imprisoned sometimes. But... I know, truly it’s not the Vapra who charged us with this. It’s Thra itself.”
Me and Kylan both are super intrigued by all this new worldbuilding.
Maudra Mera passed down a lot of stuff to Kylan but never mentioned anything about the Spriton being charged to do them. He wonders if Mera knew or whether only the Grottan know.
I wonder if the Caves of Grot were still the Arathim’s original home, as in the show. The Arathim haven’t even been mentioned, although a lot of other spiders have been.
But if the Skeksis told some Gelfling to settle in this cave, it does add a wrinkle.
Amri then sighs and wiggles. I would like to see this in puppet.
He says that the Grottan may not like the Vapra “who look like us but are nothing like us” but that doesn’t excuse someone trying to shank Tavra. He promises to make it up to the group and suggests that they split up to find that important firca.
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helenarlett-rex · 3 years
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I want to tell you all the story of House 2. Well... not really. Because House 2 isn’t really House 2. House 2 doesn’t have much of anything to do with House. It maybe has more to do with House than House 3 did, but hardly enough for it to really be considered House 2 despite being called House 2. House 4 was the first movie in the House series to actually be a direct sequel to House, making it the true House 2.
Sadly, House 4 was a travesty of a movie that plays out like it was made using three different scripts tossed in a blender with about twenty grams cocaine. If you’ve never seen House, a horror comedy made in 1986, you should go watch it. It’s great 80s movie. One of my favorites. I’m not talking about that one though...
House 4 is the constitution of the original House. After getting his son back from the ghost world and getting back together with his wife, author Roger Cobb, his wife, Kelly, (who I’m pretty sure was named Sandy in the first movie) and his son, Jimmy, who is now apparently his daughter, Laurel, still own the haunted house from the first movie, despite the fact that it has apparently changed from a mansion in a Beverly Hills style neighborhood to a rundown dump and been transported to the middle of butt-fuck nowhere.
I’m serious... This is what the house looked like in the first movie.
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And this is what it looks like in the sequel.
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They were able to get the same actor to come back and play Roger but apparently they couldn’t get the same house to come back and play the house...
Roger's step brother wants him to sell the house to him but Roger refuses because his father left him that house and they grew up there, even though in the first movie his Aunt left him the house and he had never seen it before until the start of that movie... But Roger doesn't have to worry about any of this for long because 10 minutes into the movie he dies in a car crash which also leaves his daughter in a wheelchair for the rest of her life. His wife, who always hated the house, decides to move in to it with her daughter, because apparently they didn't actually live there and only visited it as a vacation home despite Roger clearly living in it full time in the first movie... But I mean, why not? Why wouldn’t a woman who hated that house and only went there because her husband insisted on visiting it want to live in it full time after her husband died driving home from it?
After moving in a mysterious house keeper shows up saying that her work orders are already signed and she's already been paid. But she acts really weird, watching them with shifty eyes and searching the house when they aren't looking. Who is she and what is she up to? We don't know and it doesn't matter because after only three scenes in the very early part of the movie, the movie completely forgets she even exists.
Rodger's wife, Kelly, then finds a weird circular stone with carvings on it under the floorboards in the basement, but her flashlight explodes before she can get a good look at it. After that weird things start happening. The urn holding Roger's ashes falls off of the shelf and when she goes to scoop the ashes back up, a hand shoots out of them at her... Only for her to realize the urn never fell over and there are no ashes on the floor. They order a pizza but the pizza has a face on it and spits tomato sauce at her and tries to pull her into the garbage disposal. Feather hands shoot out of her daughter's bed and pull the daughter into the mattress like Johnny Depp in Nightmare On Elm Street, just as a knife magically appears next to Kelly for her to cut the mattress open  to get her daughter back... just for her to realize at the last moment that nothing actually happened, her daughter is still in the bed, and she's standing there about to drive a knife down into her... She takes a shower to have the water turn into blood and the words "Get out or you will die" written on the mirror. And that’s about it for the ghostly activity.
In this hour and a half long movie, we only get four ghostly encounters in the first hour, all of which are over remarkably fast and aren’t very impressive. No huge monsters like the ones Roger had to fight in the first movie...
Not knowing what to do Kelly goes to the local... uhh... Native America Catholic Priest...? I really don’t know what to call this guy... He’s not really a Catholic Priest but he does hang out in an old  Catholic church and seems to be Kelly’s spiritual advisor... He tells her that the house isn't attacking her. The land the house was built on was given to Roger's father as a wedding gift by the Native American people and the house sits on top of a magic healing spring. And because of that... Rodger's spirit is trapped in the house and can't pass on because he died at the hands of another... Because that makes perfect sense...
So once Kelly knows it's just the ghost of her husband being a total dick, and not some other ghost, everything is perfectly fine now and now Roger's ghost is protecting them. Still makes perfect sense...He still tried to trick her into stabbing her sleeping daughter to death, but she knows now that it’s just Roger so everything’s fine now. Maybe that was just a thing Roger used to do?
And then we find out that the reason Rodger's step brother wants the house is because he is in business with a Captain Planet villain who is in the illegal toxic waste disposal business. And I’m serious. Just look at this guy...
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How much more cartoonish can you get? He even has to periodically stick a tube into his throat to drain unexplained yellow slime out of his body to prevent himself from choking to death on it. And his method for hiding his illegal toxic waste to to paint the word “Non-” on the canisters in front of the word “Toxic.”
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This guy is straight up a Captain Planet villain who just invades the movie out of nowhere well past the half way mark with a new plot line the moment the haunting plot line is... uhh... resolved? And the reason he needs the land Kelly’s house is built on is so they can "pump all the water out of the magic Native American spring and fill it with toxic waste." Why? No reason given... Just because...
So Roger's step brother, who lives in an apartment where the walls are covered in pictures of naked women and has 5 inflatable sex dolls for roommates... that’s a pointless detail the movie thought it was important we know about... sends his goons dressed in a snake mask and a bug mask to terrorize Kelly and Laurel so they'll give up the house.
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But because Roger's ghost is protecting them now, instead of trying to trick Kelly into stabbing Laurel to death... he turn's the daughter's bedroom lamp into a rottweiler with a lampshade sticking out of the top of it's head to chase the goons off. I’m serious. Here’s a picture of it...
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There was a whole bit at the beginning of the movie where there was this old lamp with a plaster rottweiler on it in the house and Laurel wanted to take it home with her because Kelly won’t let her have a real dog, but Kelly wouldn’t let her because the lamp was ugly... And then... BAM! Chekhov's dog lamp...
The house then gives Kelly a vision where she learns that it was the same two goons who shot out their car tire causing the accident that killed Roger, under the order of Roger's step brother, so he could get the house when Roger wouldn't sell.
But Roger's step brother sends the goons back to burn the house down, and the house keeper, who the movie has suddenly remembered exists again, comes home with Laurel and she tries to shoot them but is knocked out and hid in the bushes outside. The goons go down into the basement and start dumping gas everywhere, but the house, or Roger's ghost, or whatever... makes them see each other as a real snake man and bug man and they shoot each other to death. The house catches on fire anyways because the gas comes in contact with one of their bullet shells... I'm sure it works that way... And Laurel is trapped in the burning house while Roger's brother calls 911 to report the fire way too soon for someone who actually wants the house to burn down.
He also doesn't seem to care about the fact that they are going to find him on the scene as the house is burning down when he has no reason to even be there and has already been harassing and even threatening Kelly to sell it to him so he can have the place demolished... That's bad for him because Roger's ghost makes him believe he has just gotten into a car with his Captain Planet villain boss and he tells him the whole story, bragging about how the cops have no way to pin it on him... when in fact they have every way to pin it on him... but it's fine, they don't even need to investigate now... because like I said, it was just the ghost tricking him and he's actually telling all of that to the house keeper... Who is actually an FBI agent... No idea why an FBI agent was posing as Kelly's house keeper, but oh well... It’s as good a reason as any as to why she was acting so weird the few times we saw her in the beginning of the movie.
Then the magic spring under the house erupts like Old Faithful, putting out the fire and healing Laurel’s legs... Roger's ghost shows up dressed as a cop to arrest his step brother, then Roger bursts into light and shoots up into the stars. I guess his soul is no longer trapped in the house because he caught the man to gave the orders to kill him...? Or maybe it’s because the magic spring was finally opened? I don’t know... It doesn’t matter because they all live happily ever after... except Roger because he's still dead... and his brother because he's going to prison.
And that’s the story of House 4 which was actually House 2 but shouldn’t have been House anything because it was a confusing, disjointed, inconsistant trash fire that never should have been made.
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spideypoolbigbang · 4 years
SPBB 2019 - Masterlist
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Thank you everyone for another great year of Spideypool Big Bang 2019! For ease of reading, we’ve compiled a Masterlist of all our works below the cut. See you again for SPBB 2020! /End SPBB 2019
Title: The Bias of Judge, Jury, and Executioner
Author: IAmAllYetNotAtAll
Artist: Luce-xoxo
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 13K
Summary: Shield has tasked the Avengers with capturing and sending Deadpool to the Ice Box after a visiting diplomat is murdered. Peter has to disprove the allegations despite the substantial evidence against him, save his best friend, and also figure out why the thought of losing Wade terrifies him.
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: A Full Guide On How To Adopt A Pet Spider
Author(s): noshallowend
Artist: thatbanananana
Rating: Mature
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 8802
Summary: One, keep your Spider well-fed and hydrated. Eye-eating you in a questionable coffee shop will do. Two, your little pet needs a room, or is it you? Well, anyway, you have been warned, so don’t complain if you wake up pinned to your bed by a 5’ 10" love bug.
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: Choose Your Words Wisely
Author: TimidTurnip
Artist: Sofreakinmanyfandoms
Rating: E
Warnings:  Dubcon, sexpollen, mpreg
Word Count: 10k
Summary: Peter should know by now that you can’t just say the first thing that comes to mind. That words carry weight, especially when directed at someone like Loki. Peter doesn’t really understand how getting him to fuck Wade is a punishment, not until his stomach starts to swell.
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: Peter Parker and the Very Bad No Good Mercenary Fleet
Author: ChibisUnleashed
Artist: ask-spideypool-42069
Rating: M
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Temp Character Death
Word Count: 24,232
Summary: So what if Peter’s an enhanced human being? His everyday, average, utterly normal human being powers of very good lab work and drive to innovate have been far more useful to the universe. Peter Parker, owner and founder of Parker Tech, has been leading the cosmos in medical technology for years. Ever since he founded it, in fact.
Peter can’t leave a person in need without aid. It’s just not in him. So when he finds out a mercenary blockade has prevented the transport of vital medical supplies to a planet just outside of the United Front’s jurisdiction, he decides to go there and fix the situation by force (Because it’s mercenaries. Force will be necessary.)
Wade doesn’t really care either way, but if a hottie in a tight suit offered you a ridiculous amount of money to lend them a hand, would you say no?
Fic Masterpost  | Art Masterpost
Title: Parallel Horizons
Author(s): mokuyoubi
Artist: Meeps
Rating: E
Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence, Temporary Major Character Death, Deadpool being Deadpool
Word Count: 40,700
Summary:When Peter B Parker enters the collider again to return to his own dimension, he’s dumped out a week into the future, but still in Miles’ universe. Repeated attempts to return home only speed up the damage done to his body by the glitches, and leave him stranded 2 years in the future. Enter Deadpool, who’s seen a lot of versions of Spider-Man, but never one so in need of a friend. He vows to save Peter’s life, whether he likes it or not. Along with Miles and Gwen, they work to repair the damage, and find out what’s keeping Peter from being able to return home. And maybe Peter finds he has more in common with the strange Merc than he could have anticipated.
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: Shooting For Your Heart
Author: theultimatespidey-petey
Artist: Jay
Rating: Teen and Up Audience
Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence
Word Count: 43K+ words
“In my defense, I didn’t expect you to get hurt.”
“And I didn’t expect to be run out of town, yet here we are.”
He went suddenly stiff, “Wait…you were run out of town?”
“As if you didn’t know,” Peter grumbled, but when he looked up he did a double-take at Wade’s confused expression. “Almighty, you really don’t know, do you?” he snapped the drawer shut, “Well, after that little fiasco by Two-Stone Canyon, a little rumor spread that me and you were in cahoots. The rumor got some ground and it turned the whole town against me. I was run out before I could defend my case. Why'dya think I was out there the other night to begin with?”
When Peter Parker, a deputy known as Webslinger, gets accused of working with the West’s deadliest outlaw he finds himself on the run from the people he once trusted. But in an effort to prove his innocence, he finds himself captured by the very outlaw tarnishing his name.
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: Rooftops
Author: Jo
Artist: AiralySwirls
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Wade-typical temporary death
Word Count: 11,800
Summary: Spider-man is a mercenary. He’s not proud of it, but a job is a job and he’s good at it. Things get more complicated when he does a job one night with a loud-mouthed and sharp-shooting Deadpool, and even more complicated when the two grow close. When Wade introduces some demons from his past into Peter’s life, things fall apart.
Fic Masterpost  | Art Masterpost
Title: The Order of the Silver Spider
Author(s): @mscaptainwinchester
Artist: @blondeulence
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Word Count: 34000
Summary: When Wade Wilson signed his loyalty to Queen Shiklah of Monstropolis, he did it for the money. That he’d thought he was in love with her was secondary. But as the years pass, and Wade begins to understand that Shiklah doesn’t return that love, his eyes begin to wander elsewhere. Prince Peter of Spider was supposed to be a distraction, a momentary dalliance to fill the time. But it’s difficult for someone to be a momentary distraction if you can’t get them out of your head. What was meant to last a night turns into something much deeper. Soon, Wade must question what’s more important to him: loyalty to his word or loyalty to his heart. Prince Peter of Spider is barely holding things together. With his wife murdered by a would-be usurper, his kingdom’s future was put into question for the first time in centuries. As the pressure mounts to find a new spouse and produce the heir that will assure his kingdom’s future and treaty negotiations between his tiny principality and King Anthony of Longueile heat up, Peter welcomes the distraction of Colonel Wilson of Monstropolis. But Peter finds himself still distracted even months later, and quickly must face the fact that he is in love. Can he find a way to secure happiness with another ruler’s consort, or will he be forced to marry out of duty and never truly know love again?
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Title: Your Heart’s in the Right Place (And So are the Furnishings)
Author: Doctoring
Artist: Moemai
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Word Count: ~25,800
Summary: I mean, friends to lovers is one thing, but roommate to lovers has that whole efficiency appeal to it.
Peter is thinking about moving when his lease is up. Wade makes it his mission to convince Peter to move in with him. However, there’s a lot of home makeover (and flirting) he needs to do first before his crush will even consider it.
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Title: You Can’t Spell Awesome Without Me
Author: Pineau_noir/ @pineau-noir
Artist: Dropthebeet/ @albeenocookie
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No major warnings apply
Word Count: 25k
Summary: On Peter’s 30th birthday, he finds a red and black mark over his heart. Then, on his way to his teaching job at Empire State University, a heavily scarred man dies in Peter’s arms. The two things don’t seem connected until Peter’s Spidey Sense goes haywire and his AI, Janet, tells Peter about soul marks.
But soulmates are just an urban legend, like Reagan killing all the birds in 1986 and replacing them with spies, right?
Meanwhile, Wade is stuck in the hospital, after losing his favorite kidney and briefly being dead. He flirts with his cute nurse (Anthony), gives a false name (Thom Cruz), and learns to live without his precious righty (his kidney).
Peter and the Avengers are on the hunt for the slightly shady man who may or may not be Peter’s one-and-only until something unexpected brings them together.
Spoiler— it’s really dumb and ordinary but Wade lives for the drama of it all: car chases! Illegal drug rings! Exotic animal smuggling! Or as Peter tells it, patrolling and seeing cars go by, accidentally stealing a bottle of ibuprofen from Tony Stark, and finding a stray kitten.
Either way it’s going to be all the fluff and domestic Spideypool the author can manage.
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Title: Rock You Like a Hurricanrana Author: Jennicide Artist: Aredesification | @aredesification Rating: E Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Word Count: 111K Summary: Peter thinks he’s finally made it now that his masked persona, Spider-Man, has been offered a full-time contract with one of the largest wrestling companies in the United States. He’s spent years training for this moment but nothing could have ever prepared him for getting into the ring with Pileta de Muerto, the hottest heel in professional wrestling entertainment, on the night of his debut. And to make matters worse, their first meeting was a complete disaster. One of his biggest idols probably (definitely) hates him, but he’ll manage somehow because they’ve got a show to do and everything in wrestling is scripted anyway… until it isn’t.
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Title: Parker’s Monster
Author(s): Rainbow820
Artist: Alfie  
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Graphic Descriptions of Violence
Word Count: 30k+
Summary: In the early twentieth century, world tension is at an all time high. A young university student in New York, Peter Parker, meets Wade Wilson, a military officer from Canada on a chance encounter as Wade looks to find his professor Doctor Connors.
America needs Doctor Connor’s work and Wade needs him, and Peter Parker wants to protect his professor. Wade finds something captivating in the student who feels the need to save everyone around him.
War rips through Europe and Wade has to leave with Doctor Connors, but Peter is not one to be left behind. Falling in love at the worst of times Peter will do anything to keep Wade with him, anything.
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: Bettas are just P®etty Assholes
Author(s): DefendersofMCUniverse (GeekMom13)
Artist: SpiderKatana
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Major Archive Warnings. Minor Character Death, Mermaid anatomy,
Word Count: 8,644
Summary: Wade really loved his job- going around taking care of pointless mers and eating all the best food in the ocean. But he really, really hated Bettas. They were grumpy, conceited, and liked to get in his way far too much, even when they failed miserably. (They always failed, Wade just hated the superficial scars they left. Because, honestly, he already looked like Neptune’s left nutsack, did they need to make it worse?) Really, how hard was it to just… let him kill the worthless mers of the pod? It’s not like he took on contracts for the productive members of pod-ciety. It just figures that one assignment he meets a Betta-mer who changes everything. Why the fuck did he have to be so pretty?
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: Cradle Author: macaronigrille Artist: nonexistenz Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Word Count: 8971
Summary: Peter’s encounters with Deadpool are initially only fleeting. He doesn’t know much about him, simply that he’s a trained mercenary for hire who’s nearly impossible to kill.
Impossible to kill, maybe. But as Peter spends more time with Wade, he realizes that Wade is not unbreakable. From broken fingers to head injuries, Peter teaches Wade how to be cared for, and Wade returns the favor when Peter needs him most.
(Or: 5 times that Peter helped Wade with his healing factor, and one time that Wade returned the favor.)
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title:  Odds Aren’t in Our Favor Author(s): NexusPhenomena/Nhrive Artist: Chez Rating: Explicit Warnings: Minor Character Death, Graphic Depiction of Violence Word Count: 75k Summary: What happens when the world is forced to sacrifice children in the name of order and justice? The Games are the result. Wade had never been lucky in life and as he made his way into District 12, fate showed him just how much they didn’t like him. Now scarred from his experiences, he must deal with helping the new tributes make their way through the games. Can he help keep one of them alive? Peter has suffered so much in life as it is and when it’s finally his turn for the games, will he be able to make it out alive? What will he lose along the way or is there possibly anything to gain? Fic Masterpost  | Art Masterpost
Title: Neighborly
Author: DramamineOnTopOfMe
Artist: DrunkRat
Rating: Mature
Warnings: None that apply
Word Count: 9k
Summary: Peter’s finally moving out! And Wade Wilson helps him move in? Peter knows that Spiderman and Deadpool are now neighbors, but he can’t let anybody else find out. Especially not Wade! But for just how long can Peter keep his secret when there’s crime in his city and a mercenary next door?
Fic Masterpost || Art Masterpost
Title: on a genderbender
Author(s): Devral
Artist: Art Wolf
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: none
Word Count: 40k
Summary: While checking out one of Doc Ock’s warehouses to try to figure out what Doc is up to, Wade and Peter accidentally activate a machine that changes someone’s gender. Peter is the unlucky recipient of the change. Wade does his best to take care of Peter by stuffing as much food into him as possible and sneaking in some leg ogling while Peter works to get himself back to normal!
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: a world away
Author(s): silvyri
Artist: Limeonik
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Mild Self-Harm (it’s Wade), Temporary Character Death (it’s Wade again), some violence
Word Count: 35k
Summary: Peter is saved by a mysterious scarred stranger when a extraterrestrial stowaway causes the Avenjet to break apart mid-flight over the Pacific Ocean. Stranded on a deserted tropical island with the man who can’t seem to get the hang of verbal communication, Peter struggles with not knowing how his friends and family are faring in an alien infested New York, his growing feelings for the man he names Wade, and how Wade came to be on their little island in the first place.
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: My Heart’s A Little F*cked On You
Author(s): Spiderkatana and Dr.FumblesMcStupid
Artist: Chez
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Explicit Language, Very Brief Major Character Death
Word Count: 26,000+
Summary: When Peter was forced to leave his childhood best friend (and first crush) behind, he didn’t think he’d ever see him again. He definitely wasn’t expecting Deadpool, the first person he'd really felt safe with since then– to be the same boy who gave him an over-sized Captain America hoodie, threw rocks at Flash Thompson, and used to calm Peter down by softly singing La Vie En Rose.
AKA The One With The Silver Unicorn Charm Necklace.
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: Behind Closed Doors
Author(s): crookedswingset
Artist: babyshawk
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Temporary Character Death (Wade), Police Corruption, Angst, Bad Decision Making, Happy Ending
Word Count: 140K
Summary: When the Benefactor arranges a successful hit against a cop in a Spider-Man suit, Peter Parker has one shot to go undercover, infiltrate the criminal’s operations, and shut them down for good. But, to do that, he needs to let everyone in his life think he’s really dead. Even Wade.
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: there’s a fire in your eyes
Author: bisexualbarry
Artist: luminspidey
Rating: mature
Warnings: graphic depictions of violence
Word Count: 36k
Summary: When Peter moved to a boring town in Maine, he thought his life would be normal. Instead, he’s now being stalked by a creepy man with a wicked plan. Even after escaping him once already, Peter can’t go anywhere without feeling eyes on him.
Cue Wade, a man who’s a mystery from the start who has weird injuries that seem to heal right before Peter’s eyes. Along with him comes a ragtag family that don’t quite seem to match. The biggest reality check, though? Vampires are real and they live amongst humans.
Now Peter has to try his best not to get kidnapped (again) by an evil vampire who’s trying to assemble his own group of elemental controlling vampires. And Peter happens to have a very fiery presence.
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: In Which Peter is Not Okay
Author: ladyamante
Artist: Gensyz
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: PTSD, Past rape/non-con, Violence, Suicidal ideation
Word Count: 55k
Summary:  Peter has hit rock bottom. He is anxious all the time, he can’t get out of bed for days on end. He’s isolated himself from his friends and Aunt May. What happened with Skip was ages ago, and he’s Spider-Man now, so he should be fine, right?
One night, Peter finds himself at the top of a building, ready to jump, when an unlikely person steps in.
Fic Masterpost |   Art Masterpost
Title: Five Years Grown
Author: 343EnderSpark & thelonebamf
Artist: thelazydrawer
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Character Death, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Bullying, Implied Childhood Sexual Abuse, Homophobic Language, cliffhanger ending
Word Count: 137,096
Summary: Growing up in a New York City that has seen the likes of superheroes and extraterrestrials was never going to be easy, but finding a friend was sure to make the journey more fun. A young Peter and Wade meet and bond over their shared hobby of dumpster diving and a fast friendship forms between them. While Wade’s home life is complicated and downright abusive, he slowly finds a place among the Parkers, learning to trust Ben and May as he grows closer to Peter. Yet no relationship stays the same forever, and Wade’s sprouting feelings for Peter are at odds with the expectations people have for the two of them. Things only grow more complicated when Peter develops his spider powers, and is unsure whether or not he should confide in his friend. Of course nothing could keep the two apart for long… or could it?
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: (life)lines
Author(s): Anhumblegoose
Artist: Cheermione
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence, Happy Ending
Word Count: 49k
Summary: When Wade takes home a callboy, he isn’t expecting to find his second chance at love. Now that it’s in front of him, he doesn’t want to let it go. He knows he can make his sweetie happy; that they can pull each other up. That is, if his baby boy’s insistence on keeping secrets doesn’t end up tearing them both down.
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: Big Enough Umbrella
Author(s): fancastical, aka @fasterthanmybullets
Artist: @the-italian-pasta, aka romeyruu
Rating: T
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Child Abuse, Happy Ending
Word Count: 58k
Summary: Peter is high key miserable at the beginning of senior year. It takes everything he’s got to get out of bed sometimes, let alone go to school. It’s a problem, then, that the first person to make him laugh since Uncle Ben’s funeral is also the new school bully, a guy from Canada named Wade who steals money from freshmen and has no sense of propriety or, if the bruises he’s always showing up with mean anything, self preservation. Wade doesn’t expect to stay in New York City long. His dad never lets them stick around after people start asking questions. So it really shouldn’t matter what the nerdy guy in his Spanish class thinks of him, and yet he’s bending over backward for even half a smile from Peter, and making all kinds of promises he’s not sure he can keep. Wade knows it’s not gonna end well. But when has that ever stopped him before?
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: Rebound
Author: @evansenpai13
Artist: @Ninja46464
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Self-Doubt, Alcohol, Sexual Intercourse, Mature Themes
Word Count: 9K
Summary: Peter needs to see Wade. At 3 am. And the ever Spider loving Merc has no reason to deny the man he loves. Of course, it’s not as expected, why would it? Peter B. Parker recently divorced his sweetheart Mary Jane and just as any distraught human being, needed someone to rely on. It just so happened that Wade was the one he confided on.
Matters become difficult when Peter believes Wade to behave oddly due to the loss of Vanessa. Though the present events are long after the incident, this belief clouds Peter’s judgment on what’s really happening.
Wade just couldn’t catch a break nor drop the feelings he had for the other. But Wade being Wade, did his best to get Peter out of the slump he was in. All while pushing aside the love Wade had for Pete. He would never be selfish enough to admit those feelings at such a sore time in Peter’s life. Or would he?
Give it time and a bit of alcohol, and what will happen once both men open up to one another? What’s Peter’s thoughts about the divorce? How will Wade help? Will Wade finally be honest? How will Pete react?
What will become of their relationship?
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: Careful What You Wish For
Author: @xbloodrunsredx
Artist: @sillytheotter
Rating: Not rated
Warnings: Referenced Past Non/Con, Slavery Undertones, Depression
Word Count: 15k
Summary: Wade Wilson is a mercenary that has had a rough life, but meeting a strange, powerful genie certainly puts things in perspective; through trials and memories, they struggle to find common ground… and there are too many questions that need answering before they can even try. But they can work it out—Wade knows it more than he’s ever known anything, even if the genie refuses to give up his name, or the past that hangs over him like a dark cloud. After all: he can just wish for it, can’t he?
Fic Masterpost | Art Masterpost
Title: Two Lies and a Truth
Author: @salios
Artist: @sofreakinmanyfandoms
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Mild stalking
Word Count: ~6K
Summary: Having a thing for your teacher seemed like a reasonable fetish back in highschool. Personally, Peter hadn’t ever found a teacher worth pining after, but then again he’d had the saltiest, most sour, dried out educator-jerky the world had ever produced. There had definitely been fresher fish to cast after.
So again, while he understood it was a respectable and somewhat common kink, it wasn’t for Peter. He also realised, within three months as a TA, that it was super uncomfortable to be on the receiving end. Especially when you were being actively chased not by one, but two over eager students with no concept of personal space.
Fic Masterpost  |  Art Masterpost
Title: Falling Backwards
Author(s): KiwiBerry
Artist: princessellie3
Rating: T
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence
Word Count: 7.4k
Summary: Peter loves being an Avenger. Or at least he thinks he does? It’s kind of hard to tell since he’s missing about four years of information after a run in with a mind-altering mutant. Luckily, he has two over protective, father-like figures to help him figure it all out. Oh, and a man in a red jumpsuit who keeps calling him “Spidey” with a fondness that almost rivals Aunt May. So, yeah, Peter loves being an Avenger (or at least he hopes he does. Mr. Stark would be so pissed if he didn’t.)
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koteosa · 4 years
👀 Muriel/Asra/Apprentice learning to coexist with one another 👀
This turned into something of a character study, because I apparently have a lot of feelings about this ship. It’s really meandering and kind of just ship-based ramblings, I hope that’s fine???? I have other things to add but I was trying not to go on for millions of years about this
ao3 link
Living arrangements were complicated, to say the least. While there was always the option of living separately, Muriel in his hut while the magicians stayed in their shop as they always had—a certain ruby-eyed magician hadn’t been thrilled, not loving the idea of reverting to the status quo. It wasn’t healthy. Everything they’d done to boost the reclusive man up would be lost if he just went back to isolation like he always did.
The shop, where Kamui had lived his whole known life with Asra at his side, was pitted up against the hut, where Muriel was the most comfortable, and where Asra spent most of his teenage years. The magician was always in the middle, easy to please with either option.
But Asra and Muriel remembered both of Kamui’s first exposures to the hut, and that opinion hadn’t really changed. To put it lightly, he hated the place. There was nowhere comfortable enough to sit, it was too dark, too small, too cold or too hot. Not decorated enough. Nowhere to store food, or all of his clothes. Hardly enough room for three people to sleep, much less go about their daily life.
And that wasn’t even bringing up the bugs. Oh, there were so many bugs getting in through the cracks, and Kamui couldn’t stand them crawling on him at night, getting everything dirty, biting him, chewing holes into his clothes. If they weren’t making a mess of things, Kamui wouldn’t mind them much at all. But this was bordering on an infestation, or so Kamui liked to claim in the midst of a neurotic episode of obsessive cleaning.
Muriel wasn’t bothered by any of it, having lived his whole life finding workarounds to problems rather than solutions, or just getting used to his lot in life. The only thing that bothered him was how much it bothered Kamui. But nothing he knew how to do would solve any of the man’s problems with his hut, so all he could do was apologize, and then Kamui would tell him it wasn’t his fault, and then Muriel would apologize for apologizing and it would all just cycle around forever.
The shop was considerably bigger. Not really appropriately sized for three, especially not when one of them was much larger than the others. It wasn’t overly dramatic, but Muriel still looked odd perched on one of their low-rise dining chairs. Their bed, while always large enough to fit a third, saw itself threatening to reach capacity once Muriel squeezed in alongside them. It didn’t help that he looked at odds with everything, in general, in his ripped clothes and scarred body, surrounded by crystals and smooth silks and all of Asra’s paintings or Kamui’s flower arrangements. He felt dirty, a living speck of filth in an art museum, afraid to touch anything.
And while the two magicians were used to lazing around the house, reading or practicing magic or just basking in each other’s presence; Muriel felt cooped up, awkward, and tense. He couldn’t relax the way they could, even with all the wards around the shop. He didn’t just… lay down on the floor like that. What was he meant to do on the floor? They seemed to know, but he couldn’t quite wrap his head around it. He had to be occupied, doing something with his hands, or up on his feet. They didn’t. He tried to join them, and sometimes it felt nice, but it always went on for too long, and he started to feel off, in ways they never did.
Maybe he was just doing it wrong. Kamui had promised to hunt down a bunch of books that Muriel would like, so he could read with them, or just have something quiet to do while the two magicians were busy napping on him. Which they did very frequently, for some reason. There were far better places to lay, but they didn’t care. Something about heartbeats or warmth, but they could get both of those in other ways, ways that were better, ways that weren't… him.
The shop spoke of comfort and serenity and he didn’t belong. The two magicians fit together perfectly, like two pieces of a puzzle; or two halves of the same heart, more accurately. They thrived on luxury, with their plush bed, six hundred pillows spread all throughout the house, incense and tea time and sweet food and silk clothes. They could spend days laying around in bed cuddling, exchanging sweet nothings and spoiling each other in various ways.
Their borderline hedonistic lifestyle didn’t suit Muriel. He didn't… he didn’t deserve it. It wasn’t for people like him, and he could never relax, doing what they did. He couldn’t let them do those things to him. He acted like he hated it, when in reality it was just the overwhelming guilt, a feeling that seemed to never go away. Lives had been destroyed because of him, why should he get to lie around in bed in fancy clothes, getting massages all the time, eating grapes out of someone’s hand? He wasn’t a prince, he was the speck of dirt on the prince’s boot.
Even despite all that, the shop still had some obvious incompatibilities with Muriel’s lifestyle. For starters, it couldn’t permanently house a bunch of chickens, and even after so much exposure to her, Kamui still got nervous when Inanna was around. His irrational fear of her was sympathetic, even if Muriel didn’t really get it. It wasn’t like Kamui was rude to her; he tried his best to get used to her, to pet her, to talk to her and get to know her.
But Muriel could tell that wasn’t the full reason Kamui didn’t quite want her in the shop. The man was convinced a wolf would make a mess of things. And considering how he reacted to the natural filth of living in a stone hut under the roots of a tree, Muriel wasn’t so sure Kamui would survive if Inanna so much as scuffed the floorboards.
It was ridiculous, in Muriel’s opinion. Inanna was perfectly well behaved, and anything she did, the three of them were capable of handling. Kamui fixed bloodstains and tears in his clothes all the time, he could do the same for anything Inanna accidentally damaged. But then Kamui would remind him she’d broken his window and pinned him to the ground, covered in blood, while growling, an event he still had nightmares about, and that didn’t leave Muriel with much of a leg to stand on.
Her, and the chickens, were allowed visits, but not permanent stays, not yet. There wasn’t space for them. Although Asra had made little beds for all of them anyway, which he put away whenever they weren’t around.
Kamui was slowly getting used to it, warming to the chickens much faster. He seemed appalled when Muriel had told him he never named any of them, and came up with his own names, over time. Mostly literary, although he’d named the chicken who seemed most attached to Asra Belladonna, because of course he did. Despite having never interacted with a hen in his life, he could tell them apart flawlessly each time he saw them, and easily picked up on their personalities.
  Living in the shop often overwhelmed Muriel. Kamui did his best to be understanding. Kamui and Asra both tried their best to keep him as comfortable as possible while he was there. It was something Kamui had learned to do over time, yet was much better at picking up quickly than he was�� before.
It was bizarre, the difference in temperment, yet sometimes the two versions of Kamui were indistinguishable. Asra would claim that was always the case, and while Muriel didn’t believe him in the slightest, Asra knew Kamui better than anyone.
Still. He liked this newer version better. The old one talked too much, was far prissier and had no concept of boundaries. This one picked up quickly on all his anxieties, pushed when needed and accomodated him when needed. The first time Muriel’d offered the man a plate of eggs, he expected to hear him complain about a lack of seasoning or fancy silverware or some other ridiculous problem. Yet he did nothing of the sort. He was grateful, even apologetic, thinking he might be inconveniencing Muriel. Him. Inconveniencing him!
Asra was blind. This man was a completely different person.
Although even this version of Kamui had his limits. He still had his vanity, his decadence, his… uh… libido. He didn’t like the hut, could only fall asleep there if someone held him. He practically trembled with stress upon waking up with any sort of dirt that wasn’t there before, worried that it was in his hair, or on his clothes. Muriel constantly turned to find him rubbing his hands on something, usually his pants, to get dirt off of them. The tables, though perfectly clean, he wouldn’t touch, and wouldn’t explain why. As if Muriel would get angry with him if he did.
It’s the ash, Asra had explained. Anything dirty and dry and cloying, like ash, put him in a bad place. It was probably all the dust from his woodwork that Kamui was feeling, even though Muriel thought it had been cleaned well enough. Apparently not. He’d have to try harder.
Though Kamui hardly wanted to touch anything, not after he’d learned what it felt like, and never seemed to get used to it.
But when Muriel grew too overwhelmed by life at the shop, he needed to run back to his hut for awhile, and Asra sometimes followed. At night, they would lay together. Asra would comb through his hair and help him prepare meals. They would check on the charms, play with Inanna, gather wild ingredients or take a dip in a nearby lake together. But Kamui wouldn’t, and when Kamui wouldn’t follow, that was a problem, because then Asra was less likely to follow. While Asra and Muriel functioned fairly well on their own, Kamui, apparently, started to break down after too much isolation, and Asra just couldn’t leave him alone to suffer through his damaging thoughts.
And without either of them, the hut was just… too empty. It had never been a problem before now—no, that was a lie. It was a problem when Asra left the first time, to move in with the old version of Kamui. Back then, he barely got to see the magician at all with how frequently he travelled, or camped out in the city with his fortune telling tent. Losing even more of Asra’s time and attention had felt… bad. He wasn’t sure how to phrase it any better than that, it was so much to think about, the way it felt like he was being left behind, or betrayed. How much he grew to resent Kamui’s entire existence for it.
But he’d gotten used to it. The hut was his safe haven, where nobody whose named started with an L could get to him, and he didn’t like letting people into it. Even now, after all the apparent “exposure therapy” the magicians had put him through, he still hated it. And for two people who supposedly disliked crowds and preferred to be alone, Asra and Kamui were sure big on having lots of friends, and bringing those friends around a lot.
Although, granted, “lots of friends” amounted to exactly three people, a bird, and a cat, but it was still a lot, and that wasn’t even taking into account Asra’s parents, who were… far too nice to him. Three people was a lot, and doubled to six… no way. No way. Especially not the tall one. His voice was far too loud and he got this look in his eye when he gazed at Asra that Muriel did not like.
Asra had laughed and called him jealous. …Maybe he was.
(He’d certainly felt that way about the old Kamui. And the new one, too, at first.)
They didn’t fit in the hut with him, and he had no idea how to fit in the shop with them. He couldn’t run it, no way was he going to have to deal with customers on a daily basis. Just his visage would drive away their business, much less his lack of customer service habits. He wasn’t pretty or charming like they were. Even still, Kamui had suggested he try doing readings with his runes for the customers, but there was just… no way. He’d sooner teach Kamui to do it than have to look a complete stranger in the eye, and then find his voice long enough to speak to them.
…But it was… a nice thought. Kamui really tried, and succeeded more than Asra ever did; he was too gentle, but Kamui lacked all of that. He’d tell you exactly what he thought without a care. While Asra made suggestions, Kamui made demands. When Muriel said or did something concerning, Asra gave him that sad look of his, but didn’t push; Kamui looked him dead in the eye and told him to “fuck off with that”, unafraid to call him out, to improve his behavior, to push him out of his comfort zone. Never too far, though, not after the sparring incident.
He was weirdly good about it. Must be all the books on psychology he kept in his—in… their shop. Asra and Kamui’s shop. Yeah. Not Muriel’s, never Muriel’s. He was a guest in their home, the addition, the third. The man who stood awkwardly off to the side while they cooked, who fidgeted endlessly wondering what he was even meant to do in a place filled with magic, and makeup, and books. God, there were so many books.
At first, he considered whittling in the kitchen, but after finding out about Kamui’s problem, that was a no-go. He wasn’t sure he wanted to risk triggering the man in his own home, so he had to find something else. Sometimes, it was nice to sit somewhere with one or both of the magicians in his lap, reading or daydreaming. That was the easiest choice, but it often felt like the only choice.
Every now and then, Kamui would take him into the city, to go shopping or just to talk a walk together. He’d hold Muriel’s hand, and tell him about how Asra used to hold his hand and lead him around the city when he wasn’t able to talk, and got overwhelmed in crowds. Told Muriel about how he’d panic, and start to cry, and Asra would promptly lead him into an secluded area to soothe him, with soft words, a gentle touch and a spell. A spell Asra taught him at his request, just in case Muriel ever wanted to try it. Just in case he ever needed it.
But Muriel could speak, and the crowds didn’t intimidate him that badly. He wouldn’t break down and cry. He meant no offense to Kamui, his situation was unique, but Muriel wasn’t a child.
Or so he thought, but when the crowds in the market grew dense and it seemed like they were all closing in on him, he felt like he was suffocating, and everyone saw right through him, and he couldn’t breathe and it was too hot and they were touching him and the spell didn’t work anymore and they all knew who he was and he couldn’t handle the hate in their eyes even though he deserved it and he deserved their hate and he deserved to feel hurt just like everyone he’d hurt and—
The spell glides over him like a light blanket, soft like silk and smooth. It’s colorful, not like Asra’s magic at all. It blackens out his surroundings and makes it appear as if they’re floating in the night sky, surrounded by fireworks. They pop and fizzle in the shapes of hearts, twinkling like stars, fluttering past him like lightning bugs. It’s easy to get lost in it.
Below him, arms wrapped around his waist, is Kamui, gazing up at him fondly as the lights glitter in his eyes, a warm smile offered only to him that has his heart fluttering. He’s warm, and not because of the anxiety, not anymore. That felt like a distant memory now. Everything was okay and it felt as if it had always been okay.
Muriel looks into Kamui’s glittering eyes and his heart begins to pound. That’s when he thinks, Oh. This is why Asra fell in love with you.
  It was wrong to waste time on someone like him, but they did it anyway. Kamui hung scarves from his shoulders, held fancy, clip-on earrings up to him and told him he’d look beautiful in emeralds, or polished malachite, or a deep onyx and oh, but wouldn’t he let Kamui paint his face, or his nails, and plan a nice, comfortable outfit for him, with rich earthy tones, with deep greens and blacks, with smooth turquoise and soft whites.
Asra only encouraged it. Smoothed his baby soft hands over Muriel’s scarred body, called him precious, treasured, cherished. Joined him in the bath, massaged scented shampoos into his hair, kissed the shell of his ear and lathered fancy soap over his body like he meant something, like he was worth putting time and effort into. All the time spent brushing his hair, the money that went into tailoring the perfect robes for him to wear after his bath, in all the right colors and patterns and fabrics. They were both paying attention, and he didn’t know what to feel.
Sometimes it made him want to cry. He didn’t understand that either.
Maybe he should ask Kamui. The man cried for any reason. He could count on one hand the amount of times he’d seen Asra break down, and those were… usually tears of grief. But Kamui looked at a cat that was a little too adorable and got choked up. The first time Muriel had given him a gift for his birthday, a little carving of a cat made out of birchwood, Kamui had cried tears of delight, of love. Sometimes he got teary eyed over hypotheticals, things that hadn’t happened yet but could, and were so distressing he couldn’t handle it. For someone so arrogant, so headstrong, so aggressive, he was… surprisingly softhearted, too.
And a little dark, but Muriel was extremely hesitant to delve into that. Not Asra, though, but Asra would do anything for Kamui, and had taken the time and effort to study him. It was helpful, considering, to Muriel’s initial surprise, Kamui wasn’t as put together as he seemed, and needed someone who understood him to help him feel okay again after he started slipping.
There was an image of Kamui that had been burned into Muriel’s mind. When they had gone to the Scourgelands together, he had watched, out of the corner of his eye, as Asra held Kamui’s face, gazed into his eyes lovingly, and told him Kamui meant the world to him. That he couldn’t bare to lose him, (not again,) and right when the bitter tendrils of jealousy and resentment had started twisting around inside Muriel’s guts, he saw the look in Kamui’s eyes.
Complete and utter disbelief. Resigned, like no one could possibly love him, least of all someone so beautiful, so charming, so kind, so perfect, and everything Asra said to reassure him of the opposite just rolled right off of him. A wall had been built between them over years of abandonment and blocks in communication.
And it all looked so familiar, driving the bitter feelings away to be replaced with sympathy and guilt. It was… humanizing. Kamui was a person, and he had it in him to feel unloved, and unworthy, just like…
No, it wasn’t the same, it could never be the same. Kamui had never killed anyone, and despite what his mind told him was the truth, he had Asra’s undying love, and Muriel… didn’t. And he never expected to.
But Kamui was also very perceptive, and very nosy, and very determined. It barely took five seconds of seeing the two friends interact before Kamui had seen right through him, and started trying to get the two of them to date. It was like the concept of unrequited love was such an overwhelming tragedy to him that he wouldn’t stop until it was requited. Frustratingly, and amazingly, his meddling had worked out.
And now, here they were. There were times when Kamui would hold his hand and read his palm for him, or paint his nails, or braid his hair and teach him how to dance, not even getting mad when Muriel stepped on his toes. There were times Asra pinned flowers into his hair, and baked fresh bread for them to enjoy together, and cuddled up to him like a giant teddy bear and explained to him the romantic compatibility between geminis and virgos (or virgos and scorpios, for that matter).
Even though Kamui had the disturbing habit of forgetting to look after himself, he wouldn’t let Muriel do the same, and with the support of both men, Asra wouldn’t let either of them slack on self care. They liked to cook every meal together, turning it into a day-to-day activity whenever the magicians were at home, and not away on one of their many travels. Muriel didn’t often follow them on those; there were too many people they’d end up encountering, and too many noises, and bright lights, and just… too much.
But when the magicians were home, they took care of each other. Kamui and Muriel’s fears and insecurities were met with Asra’s unyielding love and the warmth of his embrace. The lack of care Muriel put into his own body was met with Asra dragging him into the bath, or Kamui putting in the effort to lather his entire body with lotion, or the both of them combing tangles out of his hair while the other worked on a princess braid to keep his hair out of his eyes.
Their bathroom was filling up with products in scents Muriel liked, alongside the spicy scents Asra liked, and the sweet, floral scents Kamui liked. There were homemade balms Kamui would spend hours making to soothe the throb of Muriel’s worst scars. Animal furs joined the silk sheets and thick quilts of their bedroom. Mugs were appearing in colors Muriel liked, with wolves drawn onto them in Asra’s paint, made out of the magic glass Kamui was getting used to working with.
And now there was a chest dedicated to his clothing in the bedroom. Before he was living with the same outfit everyday, washed and dried at the same time as his body and hair. A collection of scarves, robes, and the finery he wore to the masquerade have expanded into full outfits, jewelry, new pairs of boots and so much else. Kamui loved to decorate him, and Kamui was surprisingly easy to say yes to. Every time he bent to Kamui’s will, Asra would strike, pointing out that oh, Kamui, he doesn’t have any winter jackets either, maybe you could look for one? And his boots are looking a little worse for wear, how about a new pair? He needs more variety, don’t you think? How about a new belt?
In addition to that, Kamui had learned to bake bread just because he thought it would make Muriel happy, and nearly burst into tears of joy when Muriel had shown the slightest hint of a smile. And then Asra made them tea, as Kamui teased him over the story his parents had told him about Asra’s attempts at magically brewing tea. Asra would get flustered and try to defend himself, begging Muriel to back him up. Then Muriel would side with Kamui just to see what would happen, and feel something light and wholesome bloom in his chest when the man would be delighted with his support, while Asra pouted and then the magicians would tease each other and laugh.
It was moments like that that made him wonder if maybe he did belong here, with the two of them.
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adamdriverwrites · 5 years
Carpe Noctem || Part 1
Plot summary: Mob boss’s daughter & bodyguard au ft. Kylo Ren. Based off this plot bunny (x)
Warnings: extreme violence, swearing, sexual themes, mentions of non consensual sexual violence, drug use and other explicit themes in this story.
Word count: 3734
Pairing: Kylo Ren/Reader
A/N: here is chapter one, im super excited to delve into this, enjoy! tell me what you think!
Taglist: let me know if you want to be added!
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After all these years being away from your home, you didn’t think that the reason for your return would be under such unfortunate circumstances. One of your brothers going to jail, perhaps, but not the funeral of your beloved sister. You weren’t close with your family, you talked to your Father every couple of months when you needed him to send money to help with university fees and such, but it had been a very long time since you had seen any of them in person.
Mallory was the only one that bothered to visit you - lugging herself halfway across the world to spend Christmas or your birthday together.
You thought you felt hopeless and alone before…
You hadn’t talked to your Dad since that night, save for a lone email telling him you would fly in on Thursday and be staying for an unknown amount of time. You didn’t know what to say, and didn’t want to talk to anyone. You reveled in your silence, grabbing an uber home instead of asking him or one of your brothers for a ride. You landed at 1 pm in New York and figured they would be busy. The driver tried to make small talk, but you kept it to a minimum. Directing him where to go, he drove out of the city, entering suburbia and continuing on until the distance between properties grew far greater. Leading him to a particular neighborhood of large mansions separated by sprawling fields and lush forests until you arrived at your driveway. Driving down the long, winding gravel road, large willow trees lining either side, the two of you maneuvered around the circular driveway. pulling up to a stop at the front door. You peered out the window, looking at the dark stone and large glass, the cold Snoke family manor standing tall in front of you. It looked exactly the same as you remembered. Whispering a thanks, you made exit with your one measly suitcase full of belongings.
You had made a silent promise to yourself you wouldn’t come back for as long as you could get away with it. No one could hold a grudge like you, and when your father sent you away to boarding school at the tender age of 13 you never really forgot how much it hurt.
You had come home for one Christmas holidays when you were 16. It had been such a disaster that you hadn’t been back since.
8 years…. The spell broken all because of Mallory. She had been begging you to come home for a long time. And it would seem she finally got her way. You just hated that she wasn’t here to see it.
Walking up to the front door, you grabbed the handle and pushed, only to be met with a force. You almost headbutted the hard, black painted wood, before realizing it was locked. With a sigh and a curse, you knocked on it with your knuckles. Fancy being locked out of your own house…
There was no answer, and you knocked again, this time your fist pounding harder against the door.
A muffled voice came from inside, muttering they were ‘coming and to ’chill the fuck out’. You held your breath, nerves rising to the precipice, you crossed your fingers and toes it wasn’t your brother Lyon. The door swung open, a gust of wind blowing your hair around your face and you were met with someone familiar.
Dark skin, black hair, and a dashingly perfect smile that reminded you of being a kid.
Finn breathed out your name, his smile growing wider as he pulled you in for a hug, lifting you off the ground in the process. You smiled back, dropping your duffel bag to wrap both arms around him in return.
“Welcome home!” He laughed, separating to look at you again. You went to reach for your luggage but he was quick to pick it up. His eyes met yours again and he maintained his smile, looking you over before he shook his head. “Look at you. All grown up.”
You gave him a wry smile. “That’s the funny thing about time…” you looked past him at the wide expanse of the foyer, proceeding to walk through the doorway. Glistening black, white and cream marble, elaborate moldings and every inch sparkling clean. It all looked exactly the same. “Although, I could say the same about you.“
You had a bit of a crush on Finn growing up. He was closest to your age, but still a little older that you revered his actions and jokes like he was the funniest guy on the planet. He was always around because his Dad worked for your Father, and even though he was friends with your older brother’s, he was always so nice to you. Even if you were an annoying little kid. Giving you  a sideways smirk, he used his free arm to curl up and show off his arms, flexing and tensing his muscles. "Well, I uh, have been hitting the gym pretty hard lately.”
“I can tell.” You smiled, if not speaking the truth then only to bolster his confidence he was clearly searching for. You walked deeper into the foyer, eyes casting upward at the tall ceilings. After all these years, you had forgotten how expansive and extravagant it really was. All of it was a nostalgic fueled kick in the face.
“Hey, listen, I’m sorry about Mallory-”
“Me too.” You cut him off. If anything to shut down the conversation so you wouldn’t have to talk about it. “Is Dad home?”
“Yeah. He’s in his office. C'mon,” He shut the large double doors behind him and the two of you walked forward. You glanced at the sprawling hallway in front of you, walking underneath the double curving stairways on either side. As you ventured further, soft voices could be heard. The voices increased in volume, none of them readily recognizable, all sounds merging to create a deep baritone completely unfamiliar to your ears.
“He’s been holed up in his office for the past few days.” Finn explained quietly to you, pushing towards the rumpus room. “You might just be able to pull him out of his funk.”
You sniggered bitterly. “I’m about to make it worse.”
Finn looked back at you. “Don’t say that. He loves you, you know.”
The snigger turned into a small laugh. Agreeing again only to move past the conversation and be done with it. “Yeah.”
You two stopped outside the double doors of the recreation room. Glancing inside the smokey dwelling, you saw no familiar faces. You could rest easy for another minute knowing that you weren’t about to run into any of your brothers. There was about 5 men scattered about, talking, laughing, drinking and smoking. The room was long, filled with a large pool table placed in the center, floor to ceiling bookshelves covered the walls, separated only by windows that peered into the front and the back of the property. Black leather chesterfield sofas pushed to the sides of the room with a few coffee tables littered nearby. It continued on, ending with two more large double doors that led to your Father’s office. You always hated that daunting walk when you were a kid. You gathered it was a deterrent your Dad set in place so he didn’t have to talk to his children that often. They were less likely to walk through a room of gangsters and criminals just to bug their Father when he was working.
“Go on through. I’ll take your stuff up to your room for you.”
“Thanks, Finn.”
You stepped forward, ignoring the looks from people you didn’t recognize, keeping your eyes trained on the doors at the end of the room.
“Holy. Shit.” Your head turned to the voice, and leaning against the bookcase in the dark corner of the room and smoking a cigarette was Phasma. She walked into the light, towering over your short figure, looking almost exactly the same as you remembered. Gorgeous blonde hair in perfectly in place and immaculately tailored suit adorning her as always.
You let a genuine smile curve your lips, and you met her halfway. Phasma was one of the very few people who you could have said you had actually missed. “The prodigal daughter returns…” her smirk copied your own, and her blue eyes cast over your form. “Looking good, Snoke.”
“You too.” You smiled and eyed her cigarette. Maybe it would help your nerves. “Can I please have one of those?”
She pulled an extra from the pack in her pocket and handed it over. “Don’t tell him you got it from me.”
“I’m not a kid anymore, Gwen.”
“I guess not.” She eyed your figure, and you resisted the urge to roll your eyes.
“Alright,” you sighed heavily, coming to the realization this might be harder than you thought it was going to be. “Time to bite the bullet. Wish me luck.”
She stepped aside with a soft smile. Gripping the cigarette in your hand, you walked forward, ignoring the other eyes in the room staring at you. All faceless lackeys, ready to die for your Father’s cause. Coming to a stop in front of the large double, oak doors, lacquered completely in a dark stain, you took a deep breath and prepared yourself. You hadn’t seen your Father in years, and although you had talked, him seeing your face was a different story. The reason he sent you away in the first place was only more prominent now. Raising your fist, you knocked on the door and waited patiently for an answer. Nostalgia kicking in once more, like all the times you were a kid, standing outside this very door and waiting for your Father to beckon you inside.
God, that was shit you would have preferred to forget.
A muffled reply beckoned you to ’come in’. Your hand that was vacant of your unlit cigarette gripped the black iron door knob, lion’s head in a roaring position. Some more gaudy detailing. Twisting it with much more force than necessary, you pushed the heavy door and entered.
The room was smoky, the smell of tobacco assaulting your senses first. The room was slightly darker than the recreation room, and when you shut the door behind you, you realized it was deathly quiet. Noise from the outside barely distinguishable in the fortress that was your Father’s office. A stark contrast to the loud men outside drinking and smoking and playing pool and having fun. This was suddenly the sordid den reserved for strategical talks you weren’t privy to as a kid.
His desk stood center at the far end, two back leather chairs in front, facing it. You noticed an unfamiliar man first, facing away from you. Only the back of his head and broad shoulders visible. Then your eyes fluttered to your Father, leaned back in his chair, head resting softly in his hand, eyes focused on the unknown man before they ventured up towards you. He sat up quickly, his position changing the second he realized who had just entered.
“Hi.” He looked the same as you remembered, if only with a few more wrinkles and more grey hair, though the dark bags under his eyes suggested he was feeling more human than usual.
When your Father stood up and made his way around his desk, the unknown man turned to glance in your direction, and his eyes met your own. Eyebrow perking slightly as he looked at you fully.
“Wow, kiddo.” the proximity of your Father’s voice caught your attention again, and you turned to see he was close. Bright blue eyes glancing all over your face, and a smile covering his lips, before his arms surrounded you and pulled you in for a hug. He was taller than you, and your face pressed against his chest. You frowned at the feeling of contact; not because it was unpleasant, just unfamiliar. You didn’t know which one of those was more sad. Before you could even think about raising your arms from your side to wrap them around him in return, he pulled away. Hands grasping your shoulders as held you in front of him. “Look at you. You’re all grown up, and…” His voice trailed off as his eyes shined with something darker, more solemn.  "You look just like her.“
And there it was. The words you didn’t want to hear out of your Father’s mouth. Like you didn’t live in your Mother’s shadow enough already. You were almost all out of fake smiles at the sound of that comment. You gifted a half-assed one to him out of respect for Mallory’s memory.
"It’s so good to have you back home.” you bit back a snarky comment about why the fuck he would send you away in the first place then, also out of respect for your sister. You guess you still harbored some resentment. You pegged it down to your overwhelmed senses and assaulted nostalgia. Being back home was making you feel a lot of things in a very short amount of time, it was hard to cope. “It’s been a while, sweetheart.”
“Yeah.” Your eyes shifted in the direction of the man behind your father. He was now standing, dark eyes staring at you and your interaction with your Dad. A penetrating gaze that seemed like he was assessing you and your words intently. You didn’t recognize him, and you definitely would have remembered a man looking like that working for your father. Strong roman nose, black eyes that looked like he could kill, a scar running down the right side of his face, broad shoulders and large muscles wound tightly under the fabric of his black suit. An intimidating presence indeed.
“That’s Kylo.” Your Father spoke, walking around his desk. You instinctively followed him, walking towards the man he just introduced, and as you approached the seat, his eyes raked over your form. “Kylo, this is my daughter.”
“Hello.” A quiet voice erupted from your lips, one that you were unfamiliar with. You weren’t even entirely sure it was your own. You blamed this new man, and his piercing gaze. He didn’t speak, or smile a hello in return, only looked you up and down as you moved to sit in a chair, then walked away to the side of the room without a word.
Jesus fucking Christ. Who was this guy?
“He will be…” your Father’s words paused and you looked back at him to see him hesitant, “Looking after you while you’re here.”
“Since Mallory’s passing, I have assigned some of my men to your brother’s. Kylo is my best man, and I’ve assigned him to you.”
Your eyebrows furrowed deeply. Was he serious? “You want me to have a bodyguard?”
“What happened to Mallory– I don’t think was an accident, and before she…” your Father hesitated once more. Words catching in his throat. You leaned forward in your seat, eager to hear the words spill from his lips. Before Mallory what? You had so many questions, and after the long flight with no sleep the amount of questions had doubled, tripled. You had fought sleep with the processing of information and trying to deal with it in your own way; paranoia fueled reasoning. You wanted to question him intently, but not in front of company, and not while being home all of 5 minutes. But the fact he didn’t think it was an accident? That perhaps Mallory’s death could have been intentional? Now, that was the sort of shit you wanted to hear desperately.
“Some things happened with work,” he continued, “And I don’t want to bury any more of my children. So Kylo will be looking after you while we get to the bottom of this.”
Your gaze flipped over to the man in the corner of the room, back towards you, pouring a drink from the crystal decanter full of scotch. He turned, and you noticed a lit cigarette now dangling between his large fingers. He eyed you with the same look; devoid of any emotion and impossibly hard to read. Though one thing you could infer by the way he stared at you, he didn’t look like it was his first choice of preferred activity; looking after the boss’s daughter. You let your mind wander to the possibilities of his position working under your Father. He didn’t seem like the usual lackey that hung around the Snoke manor, so what the hell did he do exactly?
“No?” He questioned you, surprised at the notion. You gathered it had been a long time since anyone had the balls to tell him ‘no’.
“I don’t need a bodyguard. I haven’t been home since I was 16. No one knows who I am, and if they do, then they don’t know what I look like.” A lie, though you stood by the conviction in your voice. “I’ll be fine. I can look after myself.” Another lie.
“Sorry, kiddo, but that’s not going to happen,” Something behind his eyes changed and his voice softened an infinitesimal amount, staring deep at your face. Another first. Fuck, something must have been wrong. “you’re all I got left.”
You so desperately wanted to tell him that ’you weren’t her’, and that you weren’t destined to fall to the same fate as your Mother. However, the look on his face and the intent behind his eyes, you knew he wouldn’t budge. Stubborn old fool set in his ways. But that didn’t mean you had to do exactly what he said, so you begrudgingly accepted with a nod of your head. Easily ignoring the sentiment behind his comment, especially when you had a whole childhood of neglect at your disposal.
“What time is the funeral tomorrow?"You changed the topic, already eager to talk about something else.
"2 p.m, Greenwood Cemetery…” His eyes cast over his desk. “She’s being buried next to your mother.”
“Okay.” you nodded your head and placed the cigarette you had been holding between your lips. Your father had never seen you smoke, and you figured it wasn’t a secret worth keeping if you were going to be here an undisclosed amount of time. “Well, I’m going to go unpack, sleep off this jet lag.”
You stood up before any more words could be spoken. Already well over this conversation. You glanced in your Father’s direction before turning around and walking towards the exit. Your eyes locked with Kylo’s once more, finding that he was still very intently observing you. You didn’t like that one bit.
Leaving through the doors, you were immediately hit with the loud noise of laughter and pool cues hitting balls - a stark contrast compared to the deathly silence in your Father’s office, and you were grateful that interaction was over.
You were quick to make it out of the room, through the long hallways, up the winding stairs and to the east wing of the Snoke manor. Your bedroom was far away from the madness of the central part of the house. You hoped that most of this trip could be spent in relative solitude, if you kept away then maybe it could even be remembered as bearable.
You ventured to end of the eastern hallway, quiet compared to a lot of the house. Your bedroom doors were left open, you assumed by Finn, who had also placed your suitcase on top of your bed. You walked further in, closing the dark wood doors behind you, and glanced around. It was much like the rest of the house, tall ceilings with elaborate moldings and designs. Floor to ceiling windows contrasted with large red velvet curtains, perfect for keeping out the penetrating sunlight. Your room was almost the whole size of your apartment back home, and you forgot exactly how expansive this place was. Well, there was 16 bedrooms, a green house and a hedge maze, so how could you truly be surprised? Your family loved extravagance and wide open spaces, and if your father was still running the same way he used to, he needed somewhere to keep all his lackeys that resided on the property, and he liked that far away from his own quarters.  
There was hardly any furniture save for a large bed, and a slightly outdated tv and stereo system, and your vanity table. Though all surfaces in your room were lacking a layer of dust suggesting this room wasn’t as absent as it had been for all these years. You gathered your father had his cleaners in here before you arrived and made this room relatively hospitable.
Mallory’s soft voice ran through your head, ’He never lets anyone in there, you know. Just like your car in the dark, dingy part of the garage, no one’s allowed to touch your stuff’. You had sighed and told her to shut up, she always rambled when she was drunk. ’It’s like he’s waiting for you to come back.’
You went over to the vanity, hoping that everything was still in the drawers like you had left it. You remembered specifically one item that you desperately sought. Shoving a disgustingly old chapstick aside, along with a hair scrunchie or two, you found the little book of matches you reserved for when you liked to light candles. Taking it with you and sitting on the edge of the bed, you dejectedly lit your cigarette.
Inhaling the nicotine deeply, you collapsed backwards onto the feather down comforter. Letting the interaction with your Father sink in. Shock now moderately subsided, you focused on his words, on what he had said about Mallory. He didn’t think it was an accident either, and he had vaguely suggested that something bad had happened with work too. Obviously whatever had transpired was clearly bad enough to warrant a bodyguard for your protection. He told you that he was working on it, but that didn’t stifle any pain from the loss of your sister. You were hungry for justice and revenge, and you weren’t about to sit around and not contribute.
So, after Mallory was buried, and you were assured you could have a moment alone with your Dad, you were going to convince him to let you help. He owed you that much.
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being-worthy · 4 years
The Last of Us Part II – Adding my two cents to the game
Just so we’re clear, let’s establish a few things first:
I also spoiled myself ahead because I needed to know what would happen to Joel and Ellie… and the ending as well.
I’ve played the first one. I liked how it ended and totally support the ending!
I haven’t played the 2nd part but I’m watching the playthrough on YouTube in small doses. My heart can’t take much of it at once lol (and being poor and paying of debt for a loved one is no fun because I don’t have much money to spend on myself).
Right now, I’m at the part where Joel goes with Ellie to the museum for her birthday – it’s so cute and fatherly and my heart can’t take how bittersweet this is …
The 2nd part was rushed and has some bugs that could’ve been avoided, whether you like it or not. That’s a fact and we’re here for the facts not the truth (if you want the truth join a philosophy course).
The parts with Abby are too long, more than what they should’ve been and her vengeance is 💩.
English is not being my first language but I do my best (that’s all I can do).
I’m listening to Bryan Adams and Richard Max while writing this because I’m still not over Joel…
You may voice your opinion but remember this is my space! Be respectful at all times and absolute no hate here!
The first part ended with Joel bringing an unconscious Ellie to the hospital where the last Fireflies are, she almost drowned and he had to perform CPR on her. He’s rendered unconscious too and wakes up on a hospital bed with Marlene and Ethan (the guy who hit Joel in the head with the butt of his rifle) in the room.
That’s when he starts asking where Ellie is and Marlene informs him that she’s not his problem anymore and being prepped for surgery. Here, we need to note the following things: Marlene had sworn to Ellie’s mother to protect and to keep her from harm’s way but TAKES the decision to practically sentence her to death and yeah, she gives a speech that it’s not easy for her either yada yada yada but it’s all bs. The reason why is because:
a)     making a decision refers more to the process and is something that takes time, while taking a decision is the act of deciding something that happens in an instant. Ultimately, Marlene decides for HER!! What about ‘my body, my decision’? Or in this case ‘her body, her decision’? It doesn’t matter if it’s related to an abortion or having your skull opened, the same principle should be applied!
She even says to Joel ‘because this isn’t about me. Or even her. There is no other choice here’. – Firstly, there’s always another choice! Secondly, Joel replies to her saying ‘yeah, you keep telling yourself that bullshit’ and he’s right, it’s total and utter bullshit. Even later on, when he’s carrying Ellie into the parking lot (I believe it was a parking lot), he tells her ‘that ain’t for you to decide’. Again, he’s right. It isn’t Marlene’s decision nor his but Ellie is still unconscious, so what do you want to do? Let them butcher her open? He crossed with her through half the country and ended up caring profoundly for her – she became like a daughter to him. He doesn’t have an on and off switch to turn off his feelings towards Ellie. Moreover, do tell me, if you’d like a doctor or someone else TAKE such a decision for you, instead of waiting for you to wake up and then tell you about the procedure and what this will entail. I get freaking furious whenever someone takes a decision for me or without asking me first.
b)     Neither she nor the doctor wait for Ellie to regain consciousness and since she’s unconscious, they see it as the perfect importunity to just go ahead and rummage in her brain to see if there’s something that could help them developing a vaccine or a cure.
c)     That’s another thing. They had zero guarantees, not even a 0.1 percentage of probability that they’d find something – nothing, nada, zilch. Just a hunch and maybe in an apocalyptic world for some people this might be enough but then why not wait until she wakes up and tell her ‘we don’t know for sure if your immunity will help us finding a cure or a vaccine. So that’s why we need to open your skull and see what makes you immune which ultimately, will kill you’ (in some nicer words though lol). Because they know she might not fully agree with it and they give a sh*t about what she thinks/wants and have that narrow military/cult mindset of ‘a sacrifice for the greater good’ and/or wouldn’t care either way because she’s a kid. I’m no fan of sacrificing one or a dozen people to save billions. If we can’t save them all or at least try our damn hardest, then we’re doing something terribly wrong! Also, she’s a freaking kid!! She hasn’t seen much and has her whole life ahead, doesn’t matter if it’s in the apocalypse. The thought that they’re willing to sacrifice her, a kid, without batting an eye shows me that all Fireflies are terrorists.
d)     Now to the doctor (the one with the scalpel) – according to the internet this guy was Abby’s father and his murder was why she tortured and slaughtered Joel. First things first, every doctor has to take on a Hippocratic oath. There are many different variations but they all come from an old one that states the following:
… I will apply dietetic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment; I will keep them from harm and injustice.
I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody if asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect. Similarly, I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy. In purity and holiness, I will guard my life and my art.
I will not use the knife, not even on sufferers from stone, but will withdraw in favour of such men as are engaged in this work.
Whatever houses I may visit, I will come for the benefit of the sick, remaining free of all intentional injustice, of all mischief and in particular of sexual relations with both female and male persons, be they free or slaves.
… If I fulfil this oath and do not violate it, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and art, being honoured with fame among all men for all time to come; if I transgress it and swear falsely, may the opposite of all this be my lot.
The doctor doesn’t keep her from harm or injustice, he isn’t even there for her well-being, only to see how her brain ticks. So, that immense violation of his oath doesn’t make him a doctor anymore but a BUTCHER and don’t come to me with ‘but it’s the apocalypse or it’s for the greater good blah blah blah’, then how better are we compared to rapists and people who murder out of fun? If we throw our principles out of the window just because it’s the apocalypse and/or it’s for the greater good, then with all due respect we all should just go ahead and jump from a building and burn in hell.
e)     I got to the part where Joel and Ellie went to the museum for her birthday and at the end there’s a graffiti that says ‘liars’ with the fireflies’ symbol above. Even at the end, their own members saw that they Fireflies were only a bunch full of hot air and nothing else. They ended up being terrorists and forgot what they once stood and fought for.
So, taking all this into consideration - who wouldn’t have saved her? And yes, Joel saves her out of selfishness, so what? True, that he didn’t tell her the truth either, but can you resent him for this? He’d have to tell her that Marlene betrayed her, betrayed her trust and her mother’s trust in her and was willing to let her die and let her body being violated (rape is not the only way to violate someone’s body – FYI). This would have impacted Ellie’s state of mind too. She’d have ended up resenting Marlene and the Fireflies or worse. She had gone through so much already and didn’t need more on her plate. So, he spared her that betrayal and resentment.
Now let’s talk a bit more about Joel. Joel is no saint or hero but no villain either. He’s just a man who was willing to doom the whole already-damned world to protect the girl he adopted. He does what he needs in order to survive but within some reason and hasn’t lost his humanity (it’s just deeply hidden in him), he’s a person trying to survive. He tortures people - yes, but only to get information and makes sure to end them quickly afterwards. I agree that one of the main things you’ve to do during such times, is to adapt or you’ll die or worse. In the 1st part he’s rough, tough, strong, stubborn, resilient, experienced in the world he lives in and wary of strangers (just remember that scene on the highway with the stranger pretending to be hurt and Joel knew from the moment he saw him that it was a trap), someone you don’t want to mess with, etc. On the other hand, there’s this other side of him where he teaches Ellie to swim, tries to joke with her, to play the guitar, takes her to beautiful places, he takes her to a museum with dinosaurs and stuff from space, that proves he’s capable for carrying deeply for someone, in this case Ellie, and don’t get me started on the gift he gives her when they’re in the space capsule (!!), and so on. Ellie and Joel have this great dynamic. Then in the 2nd part, they made him to be so trustworthy toward a young unknown girl, tells her even their REAL names, like he literally says ‘my name’s Joel and that’s my brother Tommy. We live further down’. Dude, why don’t you just go walking around with a banner around your neck stating who you are to the whole freaking world. At some point he even said the name of their home (Jackson)!’ - WHAT THE HOLY F*CK?! He even offered her to go with them and take her to their home and give her supplies. Then, even BLINDLY and WITHOUT ANY WARINESS follows her to a place with an unknown sized group, where he and Tommy don’t know anyone - HOLY FREAKING HELL?! It’s not like it could be a trap, I mean it’s completely normal that there are many survivors camping up in the mountains in the middle of a snow blizzard, it’s the perfect season for doing that ¬¬. We’re living in times were everyone is kind to each other… I just don’t get it. This behaviour change is too radical and old habits die hard, especially ones acquired and used for decades!! That’s a big flaw from Naughty Dog regarding Joel. They portrayed him as someone stupid (sorry Joel but it’s true), sloppy, too soft, etc. He’s older and fatherlier with Ellie all fine and good, but he’d still be very cautious toward outsiders, particularly when they outnumber him!! It’s true that at some point we’ll have to be more trustworthy toward others in order to try and reestablish society or something close to it but you’d still be wary and wouldn’t take them right to your home first thing!! I had also into consideration that they were being chased by a horde of runners and clickers and their options where limited but still!
In some games the death of an important and primary character is sometimes essential. TLOU II is one of them because this was necessary for Ellie to grown and learn more about herself, the world she lives in, among others but Joel deserved way better than what he got! I feel for Tommy too, he didn’t deserve to split up with Maria or lose an eye but I believe the reason as to why he became obsessed with avenging Joel was because he already thinks he failed him in the past already, either when Sarah died, or when he joined the Fireflies and Joel wasn’t happy about it, or when they blindly trusted Abby and her friends.
Before I start with Abby, we need to establish something else first: revenge is about retaliation; justice is about restoring balance. The motive of revenge has mostly to do with expressing rage, hatred, or spite. It’s a protest or payback, and its foremost intent is to harm. And because it’s so impassioned, it’s typically disproportionate to the original injury—meaning that it usually can’t be viewed as just. The punishment may fit the crime, but it’s often an exaggerated response to another’s perceived offense. Nevertheless, I do believe that justice comes from vengeance but that type of justice only breeds more vengeance, and this is what Abby essentially does, avenge her father (even though I believe he lost his way and became unscrupulous) and ends up being capable to live with herself with little to no trouble after what she did to Joel, after repeatedly hitting him over and over and over again with a golf club, and forcing Ellie to watch the last bit. Abby and a bunch of others, who were also aware of her secretive plans, travel thousands of miles just to find Joel and brutalise him and massacre him. That scene was really brutal. But at some point both Abby and Ellie have to realise that vengeance is not the answer and if everyone keeps coming back seeking vengeance, then they’ll move around in a vicious circle until someone decides to forgive because killing like this not only hurts themselves, but also those they love and love them.
I don’t see the WLF as a whole as someone who deserves sympathy. They’re quite similar to the Fireflies who maybe at some point had noble goals (or almost) but ended up strayed from their path. They loot and kill everyone they see, no questions asked (much like the police these days in our world), even if they’re just passing by and aren’t affiliated to any group and just want to survive.
The ending of TLOU II couldn’t have been better. Ellie was happy with Dina and the baby but deep down she knew she didn’t close the chapter with Joel’s murder. Abby, and knew that at some point, she’d have to revisit that part to close it entirely. Her leaving with Tommy was the right decision, even if Dina wouldn’t/couldn’t fully understand why and I feel sad for Maria too but I strongly believe that she’ll return - whether or not Dina will wait for her is another story.
This is all I’ve to add. I’ve been sitting her for about 5+ hours writing this because I wanted to put my perspective of this masterpiece out there and show people that the game is still great.
Let me know your thoughts!!
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daisyxbuckley · 5 years
Put Me Back Together
A/N: okay so this came to me in a dream. Literally. So thank you to @cxddlyash for letting me spew my ramblings at her. Shes also in this. If yall want me to make it a series then tell me!
Description: Callie is Tyler Posey's personal assistant. When she starts falling for his best friend, will she be able to open up enough to let him love her back.
@dylan-obrien-fanblog @n0rdicstar @stiles-o-dylan24
Beep, beep, beep 
I groaned as I turned to the side of my bed and shut my alarm off. 630 am. You think I would be used to it by now, but nope. It's been eight months since I was hired on as Tyler Posey's personal assistant and there wasn't a day that went by that he didn't refer to me as his personal assistant from God. 
"Fuck." I mumbled as I looked at the schedule for the day. Throwing on a pair of black skinny capris, teal converse and a teal and white tank I quickly brushed my hair and threw it up in a baseball cap to tame the mess from the night before. Tyler thought it would he a good idea to get stoned and head to a showing of Rocky Horror Picture Show that was pretty badass. However, I felt like a giant pile of garbage and was not looking forward to the day that needed to get done. Heading to Starbucks, I stopped and grabbed two coffees and muffins and headed to Tyler's apartment. 
"Open up Posey!" I yelled kicking his door. I had my own key but considering my hands were full I wasn't able to reach it. "Tyler you have to the count of 5 to open the door or I'm sending that picture of you in a compromising position to all your friends" I said laughing as the door opened quickly. 
"You wouldn't dare." Was all Tyler said as he let me in. 
"Oh I would and I will." I squeezed by him and set the coffee and my bag down on his counter and handed him a cup. "You look like shit dude." 
"Look Cal. Its not my fault you can roll a joint that knocks me on my ass." He said with a laugh as he took a sip of his coffee.  "Jesus this is good. Have I mentioned that you-" 
"I'm your personal assistant from God? Yes, plenty of times. And I love hearing it every time" I said pulling my iPad out of my bag. Tyler just watched me, his eyes still cloudy from sleep, no shirt and just pj pants. Most girls would be drooling but I had thought of Tyler as a brother and he thought of me like family as well so it didn't bug me  
My bff on the other hand. She was another story. 
Opening up the schedule app on the iPad, I took a sip of my coffee. "Okay so you have an audition in two hours, an interview and photoshoot with GQ at 3pm and I guess a date tonight at 8." 
"Cancel the date. It was a blind one that i was set up on by Crystal and I am so not interested." He said laughing. You joined in and shook your head walking to his room. 
"Whatever you say hotshot. Let's get you dressed for that audition." 
The audition took a bit longer than needed so I was thankful that I drove my own car so we could get tyler to the shoot. Handing him a bag that had burger and fries in it, I never took my eyes off the road as he wolfed it down. "How did it go?" I asked as we stopped at a red light. 
"Eh. It was good. But hey Dylan wanted to know if I was free to go out tonight." He said grinning over at me. "I told him I would have to check my shit with my warden." 
"Shut the hell up Posey." I said laughing as we turned into the parking garage for the GQ building. "But yeah. You are free and clear. Plus tomorrow is Saturday so you don't have anything going on." I got out of the car and handed my keys to the valet as we walked inside. 
The second we stepped into the office Tyler was swarmed. I hung out with the director and helped him choose some outfits that looked the best on Tyler without trying too hard. "Do the red bow tie with the all black. But leave it untied." I walked over and messed his hair up a bit and smiled "There." I said stepping back. The director laughed and everyone got into place "You have a knack for this Callie. Sure I can't steal you from Tyler as my own assistant?"
"Not a chance!" Tyler yelled across the room as we laughed. 
"I guess that answers that question." I said shaking my head with a smile. 
The rest of the shoot went great and it looked like Tyler had a good time. When they were done we got back into my car so I could drive him home. "Callie, come out with us tonight. You'll be able to see Dylan again" Tyler said looking at me. 
I had met most of the Teen Wolf cast already, but everytime dylan had hung out with tyler I was either gone visiting family or only saw him on quick glances as I left for the night or the rare times that I hung out with them, it was at some party or premier so we didn't get to talk much. "Tyler you know the club scene isn't my scene." I said laughing. "Besides I'm sure that Dylan wants to hang out with just you." Tyler continued to plead and beg though and I eventually decided to give in. 
And that's how I found myself in one of the biggest nightclubs in LA, dressed in a red crop top and a black skater skirt, with a drink in my hand, laughing hysterically at the way Tyler just got shot down. "Dude her boyfriend almost killed you!" I yelled over the music as he just shook his head. 
"Shut up Cal. Let's just not talk about that." 
"Talk about what?" I heard the voice in my ear and turned around to find Dylan standing behind me with a grin on his face. His black t shirt, blue over shirt  and jeans suited him, as did the backwards Mets cap that sat on his head. 
"Oh you know. Tyler almost got his ass handed to him for hitting on the wrong girl. The usual." I said shrugging. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and pulled it out. 
Britt-Brat: hey what are you doing tonight? I'm bored and lonely. 
Calico: get here NOW PLEASE. Tyler drug me out here and Dylan is here and I'm hyperventilating.
Britt-Brat: girl you need to chill lol. I'll be there in ten. 
I sighed as I slipped my phone into my pocket and looked at the two guys staring at me. "What?" I asked as I took a sip of my drink. 
"Well you looked like you were about to have an anxiety attack and now you're good." Tyler said with a smile. 
"Yeah well clubs aren't my scene so my friend Britt is coming down so I'm not alone. Trust me, you'll like her." I said nudging his ribs. Tyler laughed and rolled his eyes as I felt Dylan’s arm go around my shoulder. 
“But you’re not alone. You’re with us.” He said close to my ear so he didn’t have to yell. I was thankful the blush on my cheeks was hidden by the dark and the flashing lights as I took another sip of my drink. 
“Yeah, however I know Tyler, and if I know anything I know that he will be going home with someone tonight.” I said shrugging. “And so will you since you guys are so much alike.” Dylan scoffed and held a hand to his heart in mock pain. 
“Callie, I am hurt.” He said with a puppy dog pout. “I would NEVER ditch you for another girl.” Laughing I shook my head as I heard my name through the crowd. 
“Britt thank god.” I said running over. “Britt this is Dylan and Tyler.” I said pointing to Tyler who just walked back over with a drink for her. “Why don’t we get a table.” I said as I walked over to one of the tables. Britt and I slid into the middle with Tyler and Dylan on each side as we faced the band that was about to start playing. 
Feeling a hand on my thigh, I looked down and noticed Dylan hand against my skin. His skin was rough and calloused but felt smooth and warm. He wasn't paying attention and it seemed like he did it without realizing it. 
Dylan and I have always had a flirtatious friendship. Though we were never close, whenever he hung out with Tyler in the last few months I always tagged along and it became a thing. Nothing either of us acted on  as he was with Britt Roberston and I wasn't interested in dating an actor. 
Feeling my phone buzz under my hand, I noticed that Britt had set her phone down and put her attention back on Tyler. 
Britt-Brat: Callie, I swear to god if you dont make a move I will do something for you.
Calico: Dont you fucking dare. 
I shot the text and put my phone down enjoying the band when I felt something wet go down my side and soak my outfit. 
"Oh my God. I am SO sorry." Britt said feigning innocence as I glared at her. "Dylan, you know this club. Can you take her to the back to get cleaned up." 
"I hate you." I hissed to her as Dylan stood up and grabbed my hand in his. I hated to admit how nice it felt. I followed Dylan as he led me to the bathrooms and expected him to head back to the table. I was surprised when I walked into the empty girls room and he followed me. 
"What are you doing?" I asked as he leaned against the door. 
"There were some creeps staring when we came down the hall so I wasn't going to leave you by yourself." He said shrugging as he shot a grin at me. Laughing I rolled my eyes as I turned towards the sink and got a paper towel wet. 
"My hero." I said as I stripped the top off my body. When Britt spilled her drink she had soaked the entire top and I knew I wouldn't be able to get it clean. Taking the rag, I started cleaning my skin of the sticky alcohol and readjusted my bra knowing I was going to have to deal with it being damn till I got home. 
What I forgot about was Dylan standing there against the door. 
POV Change 
I wasn't expecting Callie to be okay with me following her in. Then again I also expected she would smack my hand away when I put it on her thigh earlier but she didn't. 
After calling me her hero, I was about to quip something back when she decided to strip her top off. I've seen Callie in a bathing suit, but this was different. The red lace bra that she wore pushed her breasts up and my mouth dried when she started cleaning herself off. My eyes trailed down the pale skin that was exposed on her top half, down to her legs that seemed they went on for days. I always thought she was attractive, but it was never the right time. 
Clearing my throat, I adjusted my pants to hide the growing erection and watched her turn around. "You look like you just got done running a mile." She said as a laugh escaped her lips. 
Her laugh was melodic and I swear that I could listen to it all day. "Nah. Just hot in here. Any luck with your shirt?" I asked trying to change the subject. 
"Nope. So I either have to deal with the see through mess or walk out there like this." 
Hesitating a second, I quickly took off the unbuttoned overshirt I was wearing and handed it to her. Callie stared at it questionably as I shot her a smile. "Hey its better than nothing." I said as she accepted it and shrugged it on. 
"How do I look?" She asked as she twirled around and let out another musical laugh. 
"Perfect."  I said quietly. Clearing my throat again, I plastered a grin back on my face. "You look great. Now let's go find our friends."  I didnt miss the blush that crept onto her cheeks as she looked down at her buzzing phone. 
"Well that might be an issue considering they left together." She grumbled. "Would you mind giving me a ride back to my apartment? Tyler and I ubered here." 
Nodding, I stepped back from the door and held my hand out. "Of course. Just tell me where to go." Her hand laced into mine again and I loved the feeling that coursed through my body when our skin connected. 
Leading her through the pulsing bodies that surrounded the dancefloor, I tightened my grip till we reached the door. Finally getting outside into the cold air I breathed a sigh of relief. I refused to let go of her hand till my car was brought around and we both got in. 
Instantly her hand went to the radio and she paired her phone to the bluetooth and put a song on.  An unfamiliar song came through my speakers, but she sang along without a care in the world. Her voice was beautiful and I just sat there and grinned while listening to her. 
"You take me high when I'm dropping low
And you show me places I never know
Even when we just running 'round town getting stoned
Boy, you put me back together again"
I listened to her laugh again when she turned the music down. "Sorry, I just really love that song."  She said shrugging. "Oh, turn right here." She said pointing towards the brownstone down the road. They were nice, not too flashy but also something that were cheap to live in. 
"What? Tyler pays well." She said laughing as I parked. Getting out I ran over to the other side of the can and opened the door for her. She grabbed onto my hand again as I walked her up to the front door. 
"Hey Callie, do you wanna grab some coffee tomorrow? Kind of get to know each other a bit more?" I asked. She had every right to shoot me down and honestly I expected her too. What I didnt expect was what came out of her mouth.  
"Sure." She said with a grin as she opened up her door and stepped inside. "Night Dylan." 
As soon as that door shut I pumped my fist with a big smile on my face. Heading back to my own house, I looked the song that she had been playing in my car and put it on my phone as I put my headphones in.  Lying on my bed, I closed my eyes and fell asleep to the song playing in my ears. 
"You put your hands on my body
And I know that you got me
And you give me that room
When I'm falling into you."
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bugaboosandbees · 5 years
Reine Ruse Part 2
Hello all!
I'm sorry that this second chapter took so long to write. I'm a bit of a recovering perfectionist, so it's still strange to share my writing with others and I ended up putting it off quite a bit...
As a result, it's not been closely proofread so as to avoid giving me time to second guess myself.
(This chapter is quite a bit saltier than I'd planned it to be... oops! I discovered how difficult it is to make it reasonable for Mari to want to spend her time with Chloe if everyone else isn’t being kind of pretty awful.)
Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions on how I can improve. Seeing what you all think really makes my day. :)
Also, feel free to let me know if you’d like me to add you to the tag list! (Or remind me if I’ve forgotten... computers are hard sometimes.)
Tikki was worried about her bug. Of course, she loved all of her chosen deeply, but Marinette was so young. She was also the first in such a long time to have such unbridled joy in creation. Tikki could feel her powers sing in harmony with Marinette’s soul as the girl drew and sewed, knitted and baked, and tended the steadily growing garden on her rooftop balcony. And then there were the days when her young chosen would do something so reckless or chaotic and it would strike Tikki like a bolt to the chest how much Marinette could remind her of Plagg.
She knew that it was stupid and illogical, but sometimes when she slept at night, she selfishly dreamt that the girl was really theirs. Beyond loving Marinette as a partner and a friend and a mentor, Tikki loved her as a mother. And it was tearing her apart inside to see her chosen, hers, so distraught. She tried to be there for Marinette as best as she could, pressing into her side from inside her purse and offering encouraging words. She had never wanted quite so badly to be human, to have arms to hug the child of her spirit with. She knew she was being selfish, she would never dream of taking Marinette away from her human mother who had those arms, ready for hugging, if only she could persuade her chosen to make use of them!
She cursed everything that she’d said to Marinette in the beginning. Lessons to make her into a better Ladybug be damned, she’d somehow managed to convince her chosen that the weight of the entire world rested on her small shoulders and that she didn’t deserve to ask for help in carrying her burdens and nothing she said now could convince the girl otherwise. Plagg’s wayward chosen certainly wasn’t helping either! The next time she saw her other half, she was going to have words with him about disciplining his kit.
She had to admit that she was actually grateful for Chloe Bourgeois. That wasn’t something she thought she’d ever say. She’d disliked the girl from the moment that she’d first heard her belittling her chosen from her hiding place in Marinette’s bag. That being said, for some reason, she was the only rock that Marinette seemed willing to cling to in the storm she was fighting through. It had been a week since she’d first seen her bug fall into the Bourgeois girl’s arms through Marinette’s transformed eyes. She’d found herself accompanying her chosen to Chloe’s balcony every night since seeing a new side of the blonde as she treated her chosen as the treasure she was.
She was relieved that Marinette was allowing someone to pick up her broken pieces. She wished she could do more to help, but she would be there, right by her chosen’s side until the very end, and that would have to be enough.
Walking into class the morning after she had fallen apart in the comforting arms of the girl who’d bullied her for years was easier than Marinette expected. She looked up as she crossed the threshold of the room. It wasn’t unusual to see the entire class gathered around Lila and Adrien’s desk, or, unfortunately, the death glares the group sent toward her as soon as she’d come through the door.
“Good morning.” She hated how her greeting was quieter than it had been since the previous year, since before she’d met her first real friends. Now she was back to wondering what awful things would happen if she spoke too loudly or took up too much space in this room. She couldn’t afford to be further targeted by Lila, she couldn’t afford to be akumatized. If that meant returning herself to the sidelines, that was what she was going to have to do.
“Marinette!” It was Alya, voice strong with the righteous anger that used to fill Marinette with awe and pride in her friend. “How could you?!”
Marinette wasn’t quite sure what exactly she was supposed to have done, but she shrank back from Alya’s anger nonetheless. She must have looked confused because the class bristled.
“I’m sure there’s some explanation,” Lila simpered tearfully from the middle of the group.
“Explanation?!” It was a wonder Alya’s screech didn’t deafen her. “She convinced Gabriel Agreste that you stole your designs for the contest from her because she was jealous you won the internship! There is no explanation or excuse to defend what a bitch she’s being!”
E tu, Alya? Marinette’s jaw dropped. Lila had been discovered? But, she never talked to Mr. Agreste. She’d cried and given it up as a lost cause. Even if she could somehow get in contact with Mr. Agreste, she’d die before letting her idol know the trouble she was facing or how weak she was. But if she hadn’t told Mr. Agreste that Lila had stolen her designs, who had?
It had been a week since Chloe returned from vacation with her mother to find that everything had somehow gone wrong at school in her absence, the entire class fawning over the shady Italian exchange student who was obviously lying through her teeth and glaring daggers at the little-miss-too-perfect-for-words Marinette Dupain-Cheng as they’d rarely even dared glare at her in the past. When Cesaire of all people had led the charge in tearing down Marin--- Dupain-Cheng for claiming that Liar-la’s contest-winning designs were actually hers, Chole found herself breaking into the conversation (not to be nice or anything) out of sheer shock. She left the class alone for two weeks to spend some (admittedly disappointing) time with her mother, and they apparently no longer had two brain cells gathered between them.
After the disastrous Monday of her return, Chloe had initially planned not to do anything about the strange situation at school. She had no interest in Lila’s plans, whatever they were, and it was frankly amusing to see her holier-than-thou classmates fawning over the liar. Then, after Ladybug had left that first night, Chloe had found herself, quite against her will, thinking of Marinette Dupain-Cheng, running out of the classroom, tears streaming down her face. Something about Ladybug’s story had reminded her of the sudden changes in the class’ attitude toward the blue-haired designer and, even if she’d never been and would likely never be friends with the baker’s daughter, she could certainly appreciate the appeal of working out her frustrations with Ladybug’s traitor friends on the class full of turncoats she did have sway over. Besides, it had become significantly more fun to irritate Dupain-Cheng since she’d begin to grow a backbone and it irked her to see her rival losing the confidence she’d somehow obtained over something so stupid.
It had been easy to get her father to request a word with Gabriel Agreste who, though a recluse,  wasn’t stupid enough to ignore a request to talk to the mayor of the city his fashion empire was based in. It was almost physically painful for Chloe to tell her father to inform Mr. Agreste that Lila had stolen her designs from Marinette, but she admitted that it would look like a repeat of the derby hat competition if she didn’t have proof that Lila was lying, and she’d learned the hard way about the lengths her classmate went to to prevent the theft of her designs. She told her father to suggest that Mr. Agreste should turn the designs upside down and inspect the stitching that Marinette was sure to have hidden somewhere in her images.
She’d expected to go to class the next day and wade through a sea of satisfying guilt and self-deprecation as her classmates groveled at Marinette’s feet, but it appeared that she’d underestimated either how good a liar Lila was how utterly ridiculous her classmates could be. Lila had somehow managed to convince them that Marinette had tricked Gabriel-fucking-Agreste into believing that Lila was a liar because she was jealous. Chloe was well aware (and somewhat disappointed) that there did not appear to be a vindictive bone in Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s body. She’d seen Marinette’s perfect parents and home long ago and had terrorized her for years, hoping that at some point she’d snap and show that she wasn’t so perfect after all, but no matter what she did Marinette never rose to the bait. She’d even thrown Chloe a fucking party when she’d become Queen Bee. It was thus completely un-fucking-believable to her that the entire class was buying this shit. She was half certain at this point that if Jagged Stone himself came to class and said that he’d never had a kitten, Lila would be able to pass it off as a weirdly specific case of amnesia. Chloe would clearly need to rethink her approach to taking on the interloper, but for now, she had more important things to focus on.
It had been a week since the first day that Ladybug had appeared on her balcony at the beginning of a rainstorm crying and six days since Chloe had discreetly slipped a note to Jean Baptiste, requesting a collection of books -- five since she had returned from school to find them stacked on her desk. She started reading immediately. Ladybug seemed determined to come to her of all people, and she was going to do her level best not to let her hero down. For the rest of the week, Chloe filled the hours between school and Ladybug’s visits with books on imposter syndrome, on dealing with trauma, and on learning how to move on from broken relationships. (If some of those had hit rather too close to home, well, she’d never admit it.) She’d practiced what advice to give and how to respond in front of her bathroom mirror and strategically placed even more pillows than usual on the couch that Ladybug favored. After all, she was a Bourgeois, and when a Bourgeois wanted something done, it was done right. (If she was a bit obsessive about preparing, that could simply be chalked up to never actually having been the one to do any of the aforementioned somethings previously.)
What she lacked in experience of these matters, she made up for in enthusiasm, as evidenced by the cup of hot milk and plate of cookies ready in the room at precisely 8:55 on Thursday night, exactly 5 minutes ahead of Ladybug’s arrival. The heroine had taken to arriving at 9:00 and staying until around midnight, clearly wishing to spend as much time as she could in an environment where she didn’t feel the weight of others’ judgments and expectations. (And didn’t that just make Chloe cringe with regret at the memories of her first several interactions with the spotted hero.)
It did appear that miracle of miracles, the visits were actually helping Ladybug. She hadn’t yet been as distraught as she’d been the first night, and for that Chloe was grateful. They’d mostly chatted about lighter topics or watched movies. Once, Ladybug had actually painted Chloe’s nails, as if that hadn’t given her a minor heart attack. Sometime during the evening, if she’d been on patrol or dealing with akumas, or if it had just been a bad day and she’d stayed out too long, Ladybug would take the plate of cookies and head for Chloe’s bathroom, emerging several minutes after she’d gone in. Neither girl verbalized how much trust was in that action, but Chloe knew it down to her bones and she sure as hell wasn’t going to make Ladybug regret it.
She looked down at her watch. 8:59. Any moment now… Her head shot up at the loud noise from her balcony. What the? Ladybug burst into the room like a dervish, panting and shaking. She ran for the hallway and as she passed Chloe, her panicked eyes locked with the blonde’s.
“I’m not here. If he asks, I’m not here. Please, Chloe.”
Shocked, Chloe nodded and Ladybug darted inside Chloe’s bedroom and shut the door.
Warily, Chloe walked over to the open balcony doors and looked outside. What was going on?
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rallis-fatalis · 4 years
The Making of a Monster
The Battle of Dragons changed many things for Rallis. She was seen as a betrayer. She was hunted by bounty hunters and slayers alike. People across the world wanted her dead for one reason or another. She began to hate the world and everyone in it. But her real enemies weren't the people after her life or her newfound power. It was something much more wicked and inescapable, something that began to turn her into the monster the world wanted her to be.
Rallis held a hand out. "Watch your step."
Peg was glad to take it, stumbling down the rocky entrance to Taverley Dungeon. She tripped into Rallis as she hopped over piles of stones. Adam stumbled a bit more gracefully behind her.
As the three steadied themselves, Rallis smiled and held her arms out. "Welcome to my old home!"
Peg had been assigned to look into an issue regarding the hellhounds of Taverley Dungeon and Adam and Rallis tagged along at her request. Apparently the dogs were leaving their normal territory and growing far more aggressive. Someone needed to look into it and report back with findings and the girl was a bit too nervous to investigate the beasts on her own.
Peg rubbed her eyes and looked around. "It's pretty dark in here."
"Don't worry, it gets brighter deeper in. Humans hang up torches and other lights and there's lots of lava that keeps the caves warm and bright," Rallis informed.
Her eyes quickly began to adjust, raccoon-cursed eyesight kicking in. Sometimes her curse was a blessing in disguise, she supposed. Adam meanwhile was blind as a bat. He flicked out his lighter to light the way until they got farther in. Rallis eagerly pulled the girl deeper into the dungeon as Adam followed behind.
"So you've never been in here, right?" Rallis asked Peg. She didn't wait for her answer. "This place is great! There's so many friendly dragons and warm spots to sleep in and lots of small spaces to crawl through and explore! It's great! My momma and brothers live here too. I'm gonna visit them when we're done. Hey, do you guys wanna visit them too?! Momma Blue is the best, you'll love her!"
Rallis continued to gush and narrate as they went, neither of her companions ever able to get a word in. She had stories about everything they walked by, even for the smallest cracks in the stone walls.
"Don't get too distracted," Adam reminded her when she finally paused. "We're here to investigate the hellhounds, not explore your old home."
"I know, I know!" Rallis said with a pout. "But if we get this done fast then we can explore! We're almost in their territory anyway."
She motioned for them to listen and sure enough they could hear savage growling echoing off the cavern walls. The beasts were just up ahead. Peg bristled, Adam readied his shield just in case.
"Try not to start a fight with them," Rallis said. "They're one of the few animals I don't get along with. I won't be able to tell them to go away or that we're not bad."
Adam nodded and motioned to a large pile of rocks up ahead. "We should be able to safely hide behind those and watch the hounds. Keep low and quiet."
The three quietly snuck behind cover and looked into the pit that now stood before them. Their rocky barrier stood on the edge of a rather large ledge that descended into a wide pit full of hellhounds. Large holes dotted the cavern walls, presumably dens for the dogs. Laying around the pit were hellhounds of varying size, and they all looked dangerously underweight. One was so thin all its ribs poked through its short red fur and its skin sagged around its face. Others weren't nearly as bad but it was apparent the entire pack was weak and starved with hardly the energy to stand.
"They're not eating," Rallis whispered. "I've never seen them this weak before. They're normally strong enough to drive dragons out of their dens in a big enough pack!"
"Are they sick?" Adam wondered.
Peg hushed them quickly. "Something's coming! Be quiet!"
On the far side of the pit, three hellhounds growled as they dragged a corpse behind them. The rest of the pack perked up at the noise. The three dogs tossed their kill to the middle of the pit and the rest of the pack staggered over, drooling.
Rallis blinked in surprise. "They killed a human to eat? That's not normal. They should have plenty of food that's far less dangerous to kill."
The three watched as the hounds debated over who could eat. "Red robes," Adam pointed out. "A Zamorakian mage? That's ironic."
"Not a mage, a druid!" Rallis corrected. "The bad druids live all the way on the other end of the cave system. That's not a short trip by any means. Why would they hunt all the way over there?"
"You move to the food when there isn't any nearby," Peg said. "They look desperate enough to risk a fight." She knew she was growing up on the streets. The dogs were no different.
Three small hellhounds, hardly the size of a full grown cat, ran over to the dead man and began to eat. A tired adult dog trailed after them, weakly dragging its feet along the ground. The pack watched as the four of them ate their portion before jumping in to latch onto any scraps left.
"A mom and puppies!" Rallis exclaimed.
"They're adorable!" Peg couldn't help but blurt.
"And they're extra mouths to feed," Adam said. "But three puppies surely can't be enough to make an entire pack of hellhounds thin as sticks. What do they normally hunt, Rallis?"
"Overgrown spiders and the other big bugs and mammals that wander around, usually. They used to eat the lava fish too but the dragons have taken all those spots over since the humans drove the dragons back. Sometimes they'll hunt humans that wander by unprepared and on super rare occasions they'll try to hunt a dragon. I've only ever really seen them actively hunt in the bug and mammal dens though."
"It might be a good idea to investigate there then," Adam said. "Show us the way?"
"You got it! Let's go!"
Rallis continued to lead her companions through the winding tunnels of the dungeon. To Adam and Peg, this new section of tunnels hardly looked any different from the last, but to Rallis it was an entirely new neighborhood. "This is where most of the mammals gather," she said as she motioned to the wide cavern filled with den holes. "Lots of big rats and other huge rodents and the like." She sniffed the air and frowned. "Something isn't right though. Nothing is here and hasn't been for a while. The scents are stale."
"The dogs could have hunted enough to cause the animals to move, perhaps?" Adam suggested. "Or they ate them to extinction down here."
"Nature doesn't do that," Rallis said. "Animals know better and there's a balance that's maintained between all creatures. Which means this isn't caused by something in the natural food chain. It must be a hu--"
An ear splitting screech rattled the walls. The trio flinched and covered their ears as they waited for the sound to pass. Silence followed for a short moment only to be succeeded by ferocious roars.
"There's no doubt that's a dragon," Adam informed.
"And she's in trouble!" Rallis exclaimed. She ran off as fast as she could down the tunnels, leaving her companions trailing after her dust.
The dragon's roars grew louder with every twist and turn, until every growl and snap was punctuated by the sound of metal. 'A human!' Rallis thought with a snarl. She unfurled her whip and ran faster.
One final corner turn led her to a black dragon's nest. A mother was standing guard protecting her three children as a human geared in dragon hunting attire stood her down. One of the three babies had been stabbed by the hunter's lance but luckily it wasn't lethal. The poor thing was collapsed in the nest as its two siblings licked the wound in its leg. The mother had taken a beating as well, sporting stab wounds in her front legs and paws and a deep swipe across her face. Rallis screeched and dove at the attacker, wrapping her icy whip around his neck before he had a chance to react. He choked as he tried to pry it away, and the mother dragon took advantage of the situation. She let loose hellfire onto the hunter, but even under attack by a new enemy he didn't forget his basics. He threw up his shield and the flames bounced harmlessly to the side, nearly burning the two new arrivals on the scene. Adam turned away and covered Peg, protecting her from any stray flames and taking a nasty burn to the back. He winced and pulled her away from the fight, hiding her behind the rock piles of the nearby opening back into the tunnels. Neither of them were equipped to be near a wild dragon fight.
Rallis snarled and yanked on her whip harder. It came undone and lashed back to her side, but not before ripping a hole in the hunter's armor. His neck was exposed now and a prime target for Rallis' fangs. She lunged for the opening but it seemed the hunter was no pushover. He blocked her mid lunge and shoved her away with a bash of his shield. The dragon landed on all fours, snarling and practically foaming at the mouth.
Suddenly, Rallis' vision began to cloud with rage. A wicked voice in her head egged her on. The cries of the baby dragons, the pain caused by this foul hunter, the knowledge that it was people like this that were ruining the ecosystem here and causing the beasts to starve, it was fuel for the fire that voice was starting. She couldn't control herself, her mind went blank save for one simple thought: kill. Rallis shrieked and dashed at the hunter, mouth open wide. He caught her with the pole of his lance, her teeth scraping the metal and chomping down in hopes of breaking it. The hunter kicked her and sent her flying down the tunnel, passed Adam and Peg, out of the dragon's den, and into a clearing farther back. Rallis scrambled up with a snarl and her claws and eyes began to glow the faintest bit blue.
Adam realized what was about to happen and knew it needed to be stopped before it started. "You stay here!" he demanded from Peg and ran ahead with his shield at the ready.
The hunter strode closer to Rallis, cocky and far too confident. He knew she would lunge again, and sure enough she did. Just like before, he blocked her futile attempts to harm him, but this time one of her scratches burned. Her fresh claw marks across his shield had caught fire, blue flames eating away at the protectiveness of the shield. He shouted beneath his helm and dropped the shield before it erupted in a blaze of glory. Rallis struck again, and this time he blocked with his lance. Her teeth caught hold once more, but now the sound of bending metal pierced the hunter's ears. With a mighty crunch, Rallis snapped the lance in two. The hunter cried out and staggered back, staring aghast at the half a spear in his possession. The other half melted away in her mouth, molten goo trickling down her chin.
She smiled and chuckled savagely. "Stupid little human. Your life ends here for your crimes. Maybe I'll make those dogs happy and feed your corpse to them!"
The hunter cried out and threw his arms up in defence as Rallis lunged once more, only this time she didn't make contact. Adam had caught her on his shield and swiftly grabbed and pinned her before she could strike back. He turned to the terrified hunter and shouted. "Get out of here! Now!"
He didn't need to be told twice, running for his life and disappearing into the darkness of the cavernous dungeon. Rallis snarled and thrashed beneath her captor, snapping her fangs every which way in hopes of grabbing something to crush in her rage. He managed to grab her by the snout and hold it shut. "Rallis, you get ahold of yourself right now!" he commanded. He was furious, her rage-filled rampage endangering both him and Peg in what was supposed to be a simple scouting mission. The girl in question was still hiding, watching the scene unfold from a safe distance.
The blue glow left Rallis's eyes, but the fury stayed. "YOU LET HIM GET AWAY!" she snarled.
"Of course! I wasn't about to let you kill him!" he defended.
"Oh but it's fine that he tried to kill my friends?!" Rallis snapped. "And that it's his kind that's ruining the lives of everything here?!"
"No it's not but that doesn't give you the right to murder the man either!" Adam barked back.
"AND WHY NOT?!" Rallis roared, fury burning wilder in her eyes, and shoved her friend off her. "He is a slayer, a monster! He was made to murder and kill and destroy! He deserves nothing less than death!"
That was it. That sent Adam over the edge. He was shaking with a rage he couldn't hold back, a slew of scathing remarks just waiting to burst out. Endangering their lives, nearly murdering someone once more, and now this?! He had had enough of her growing mindless ferality as of late and couldn't stop what wanted to come out of his mouth. "Oh 'made,' huh? I'm sure you know all about that, don't you?" he started, borderline venom dripping from his voice. He was beyond incensed at her outburst. "Tell me Rallis, what were you made for?! And how is that going?! When will you realize you do not have the right to murder someone because of what they are?! PEOPLE CAN CHANGE!" His shouting echoed throughout the cavern, bouncing off the walls to taunt her again and again.
All grew quiet. Adam calmed himself with a huff, Peg stared at the scene in silence, and Rallis stepped back, ears starting to droop and eyes wide. What emotion was that splashed across her face? Anger? Shock? Heartbreak? For a moment, she looked broken, the weight of her friend's words forcing countless emotions to storm inside her. But she caught herself enough to fight back. "You think... I don't know that?" she replied, much quieter than either of their previous yelling. Her fury was gone, replaced by a scared and quiet sadness. "I'm friends with you, aren't I, 'Bull'?" She emphasized the last word with a hiss. Adam's breath hitched in his throat at the title. She turned away from him, couldn't bear to look at him any longer. "Some people can change, I know. But most never will... Not even..."
What sounded like 'me' caught in her throat, trapped by the sound of a cracking voice and the beginning of tears. Without another word, Rallis ran off, leaving Adam and Peg far behind.
Adam was about to finish his third beer that night at the Rising Sun Inn. He intended to drink until the rising sun, just like the name said. He even let Peg get a drink of her own, a definitive sign something was wrong and it was time to worry. He slammed the dregs of his drink back and lifted his empty mug to the barmaid. "Wontchu be a dear and hand me another one, Emily?"
The woman thought about saying no, but at the end of the day she needed money and was running low. She slid him another as he dropped more gold onto the counter. He immediately started to drink.
Peg sighed. On a normal day she would be ecstatic to break the "no alcohol" rule. But as she watched Adam drown himself in the golden ale, she just felt sad.
Adam noticed her sad stares after another long swig. "What's got you down? We finished the job! Those mutts had their food supply scared off by hunters and now they're dying. Now we report back and life is peachy. Easy job!"
The girl grumbled. It was most certainly not the stupid job that was weighing her down. "I can't believe I'm about to be the responsible one and tell you to stop drinking and go find Rallis. It's been hours."
Adam sighed through his nose. "She'll know where we are. I'm sure the last thing she wants to be around right now are humans." He said the word in an almost mocking tone but he didn't really mean it. Even he was a bit upset human intervention had begun to ruin an entire ecosystem, even if it was for monsters.
"You should still go find her. You really messed her up."
Adam looked ashamedly into the mug and took another small sip. "I suppose I did."
"What did you say even mean?" the girl asked. "What were you made for, or something? Really freaked her out."
He hummed thoughtfully. "I suppose I never did tell you. I found out a good while after we joined the Myths' Guild, after she came back, so it wouldn't have come up during our trek back to the Guild." He took another sip of beer. "You understand she's an experiment, right? Made by some dragonkin from fuck knows how long ago."
Peg nodded. It wasn't something she actively thought about, but she knew. To her Rallis was just Rallis, her friendly dragon partner. But she supposed when you got down to the facts, it was true; Rallis wasn't a natural being.
"Well, what you wouldn't know is what she was made for," Adam continued. He paused, thinking over whether he should say it or not. He hushed his voice so only Peg could hear. "She's a bioweapon, and a dangerous one."
Peg sputtered. "What?! That's not--! That can't be--! There's no way that's true!"
"Lower your voice," he scolded. "There's a lot of evidence that points to it, a lot of which I've seen firsthand. It's safe to assume that Rallis was created with the purpose of destruction." He stopped Peg from interrupting him. "But that doesn't mean she has to be that way. That's what I believe anyway. Don't you agree?"
"Hell yeah I agree!" she exclaimed. "She's no weapon! She's just... Rallis! She's our friend!" She thought back to what Adam had said during their argument in the caves and realization dawned. "Oh so that's why what you said freaked her out. Don't you think that was kinda low?"
"It did come off that way didn't it?" he asked with a grimace. "I was just so frustrated. She needs to realize that people can change, no matter who or what they are, and that killing them because you don't agree with them isn't acceptable. And she needs to realize that she can change too. No one is 'made' for anything. They choose what they are, and they can always change."
"You should tell her that," Peg encouraged. "I don't think I've ever seen her run off like that before. You really hurt her, you dumbass, and you should apologize."
Adam smiled and finished off his last beer. "How funny to hear you being the responsible one for once! I like it! But you're right. I need to find her. I'll be back in a bit."
Adam had been looking for Rallis for what felt like hours, scouring every inch of Taverley and the open area west of Falador. He was regretting drinking so much before going back on a trek in the black of night. He was tripping over everything and his head had begun to ache. He really hoped she wasn't somewhere in the dungeon. If that were true he'd never find her. Luckily a druid by the river managed to point him in the right direction, toward the end of the river as it poured out into the ocean. Sure enough, there she was, sitting in the sandy dirt beside the water as she solemnly watched the waves come and go. She hugged her legs to her chest and rest her head atop them, making her seem even smaller than usual. Adam quietly stepped closer.
"Rallis..." he whispered, sound nearly vanishing on the slow crash of the waves. Rallis jolted to attention, not expecting Adam of all people to visit, but also not willing to turn around and face him.
She sniffled and wiped her face with her arm. "Go away, Adam," she cried, voice hoarse and raw. "Leave me alone."
He deflated. Hearing her of all people choke out through tears that she wanted him gone, it cut deep. He tried to think of what to say, how to even begin repairing the damage done. "... I'm sorry," he started honestly. "I really am. What I said, it wasn't right of me."
Rallis sniffled again, lowering her head back onto her knees. She didn't know if she accepted that apology just yet. She thought for a moment in the silence. "...Tell me," she asked the crashing waves. "What were you made for?"
Adam furrowed his brow in confusion. "Huh?"
"What were you made for?" she asked again. "Your purpose in life, what is it?"
"I... Well, I've never really found an answer to that that I've been satisfied with. Redemption, perhaps. I suppose I don't truly know yet."
Rallis scrunched even farther in on herself. "You don't know because you weren't made. You were born, as all humans are. You're all born, given the ability to do whatever you want in life with no force telling you what to do. You make your own decisions, your own goals, your own path. You live free, without something commanding you behind the scenes, without being a puppet. You have choices, you can change, you have no force pulling you back onto some predestined path, and you can find your own purpose. All because you were born instead of made." Her voice lowered, the sound of the waves swallowing it up. "I'm not like that..."
Adam stepped closer until he was only a few paces away. "How do you figure you're not like that too?"
Rallis growled, more at herself than anyone, and spun to face her friend. Her eyes were red and her face stained with tears. "Because there's a voice in my head that constantly reminds me I was made to kill. It tells me to kill and I have to listen to it. It makes my heart burn with the desire for murder and destruction, like I was meant to feel that way. I feel like I have no choice of my own anymore! I was created to kill and I can't go against what I was made for!" Her voice raised to a shout as she spoke, until she was all but screaming at her friend. "You couldn't possibly know what that feels like! Not someone like you with the privilege of being born!"
Her face looking up at him, lost and confused and scared. It truly hurt. He had never seen her so helpless before and it broke his heart. He sat down next to her. "Oh Rallis... I probably know better than anyone." Her face begged for an answer at that. "Maybe I wasn't some science experiment made in a lab," he continued, "but I still know how you feel. There are times when it feels like I've got a voice in my head too. Sometimes it shows up and tells me I need to kill again, that I need to go back to my old ways and run wild with murderous rage. To let fury and chaos run wild and remind the world who I used to be. But I don't let it control me. I fight back. And I know you can fight back too."
Rallis turned to face the crashing waves once more. "It feels like I can't... It feels like I don't have a choice anymore." Her lips began to tremble and tears began to well up once again. "I feel like I'm going to turn into a monster one day and hurt everyone I love and there's nothing I can do to stop it." The end of her sentence broke down into sobs. She bawled into her hands and howled.
Never in their years as partners had he seen her so distraught over something. This issue ran deeper than he thought and her tormented sobs were heartbreaking. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer, less awkwardly than usual. He was finally beginning to get used to this whole comforting thing.
"You'll never turn into a monster like that. You're far too good to be something so cruel. And even if you do slip up for a moment, you've got friends to smack some sense into you just like before. Like I said, people can change, and that includes you." He sat with her and let her cry until her tears ran dry. Her howls turned to sobs and those turned to whimpers then eventually sniffles. Her head fell onto his shoulder and her eyes began to fall shut. The excitement from the day topped with all her crying left her exhausted. Adam nudged her to ensure she didn't fall asleep. "Come on. It's cold out here. Let's go back to Falador and get some rest. Peg is worried about you too."
Rallis chirped in agreement and let Adam help her up. They quietly strolled back to the Rising Sun, dragon holding her friend's arm tight the whole way. She had more she wanted to say, how she was sorry for earlier, how she hoped he would stay with her even though she felt she was slowly going mad, how she wanted to ask for his help to keep her from becoming the destroyer she was meant to be. But no words came. Instead she thanked him with a purr and looked forward to putting an end to this horrid day with a restful sleep with her invaluable friends.
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