#i hate ebg
intothegenshinworld · 8 months
 💛*₊“𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬”
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a/n: this is my first post of the ebg! these can be read as x reader but will have some selfship lore bits hidden in them! || !! tw for the spiders in his cave ig TuT
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You have to thank the Acting Grand Master for giving you the opportunity to meet Albedo.
Sure, at first you had cursed her for giving you the task of sending a letter to 'a camp' on Dragonspine (what a vague location), but if you had denied her request you would've probably never met the alchemist.
'A camp' had been an accurate description to describe Albedo's home. 
'Home' would've been a compliment too grand for the dump he lived in. 
Your eyes unwillingly observe the area he occupies. A sleeping bag is spread out on the ground, next to it a makeshift fire, and the remaining space of the cave is filled with lab equipment and books. 
You wonder if all alchemists lived like this. 
"I apologise," Albedo's voice echoes through the cave, "I hadn't expected any visitors."
You force your eyes away from a spider that scurries away from the sudden noise. With a bit of luck, your eyes land on his turquoise ones. 
He is pretty.
"It's alright. If anything, I feel like I should be the one to apologise for bothering you." An awkward chuckle escapes your lips.
You remember the alarmed expression he had moments ago. Albedo had been so immersed in his experiment that he hadn't heard you approach. By the time you greeted him, he nearly made the concoction in his hands explode by mistake.
"Don't worry about it." Albedo puts some wood onto the already burning fireplace, giving it a longer lifespan. "Please, warm up. I'll make something to drink in the meantime."
And while you weren't too happy to sit in the company of god-knows how many spiders, the warmth from the fire wasn't something you were going to refuse. Not after spending nearly a full day climbing Dragonspine on your own.
And with the help of both the fire and the hot chocolate he had given you, your body temperature returned to normal. 
"So," Albedo sits down next to you. "I assume you're here for the Knights of Favonious."
You nod. No sane person would visit Dragonspine without good reason. Of course you'd be here for buisness. 
When you remember the letter Jean had given you, you reach in your bag to retrieve it. 
"The Acting Grand Master had requested me to hand this to you. It seemed important, though, I don't know much aside of that."
His hand takes the letter from yours. 
You observe how his eyes move over the words and his expressions change. Albedo seems to think for a moment, and then he stands up. 
"I'll draft a reply. It's getting dark already, so I believe it'd be better for you to stay tonight."
Your expression sours.
Albedo continues after he carefully observes you. "Don't worry, I have a spare sleeping bag."
"One filled with spiders?"
The snarky comment escapes your lips before you realise you had said it out loud, and your hands fly up your lips in surprise.
And as if it couldn't get worse, 
Albedo laughs.
The sound is warm and gentle, and your cheeks flush in embarrassment.
"You're afraid of spiders?"
"Well. You're obviously not, it seems."
His smile remains on his face. "If it comfort you, I'll give the sleeping bag a thorough check and remove any spiders in the area before you'll fall asleep."
"I suppose spiders are the lesser evil compared to the hillicurls on the mountain." You mutter, remembering how the monster would get more active in the dark.
In the end, you agree with him. 
While Albedo, the chief alchemist, writes a reply to the letter he received, you lay in the warmth of the spider-free sleeping bag while the fire keeps you warm.
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© intothegenshinworld. This content above is made for the genshinblr ebg of October 2023, hosted by @i23kazu! Because of this, content like these will contain selfship lore. After the ebg, the blog will return to its usual content!
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rainswept · 6 months
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You have failed to complete the scenario!
Penalty Issued!
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- @lo-cinno
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zhongrin · 1 year
(the dedication I'm CACKLING–)
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"Would you oblige me by serving as my muse again for tomorrow? It won't take much of your time, I simply want to sketch you in an ambient setting... How about Liuli Pavilion?"
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(poor morax's flower is wilting tho–)
i am albedo's most dedicated fan. no #1 simp fr. my life revolves around the chief alchemist. he is my life my blood my reason to live-
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"i'd love to be the model of your sketch!"
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sea-of-dandelions · 2 years
Imagine after that scenario with Emil pinning you to the wall, he leans in a little bit closer. "May I, darling?" He asks quietly, lips centermetres from your own. Between your racing heart and his proximity you could only manage a small nod. So Emil brings his hand up, gloved fingers gently gripping your jaw and maneuvering your face to look up at him. Emil chuckled again, leaning down and closing the distance between the two of you.
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astrxealis · 2 years
wahhh i feel so tired T^T
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honeybeekao · 2 years
goddamn it i cant say that UGH
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kazumist · 11 months
can i req playful teasing with kazuha?
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prompt: playful teasing
note: hi aly i whipped this one before ebg even started tbh just so i could post it for us once it's all over but turns out it doesnt count if we go crazy here HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 😭😭 it's a bit messy but i still hope it did the prompt some sort of justice huhuhu
1k milestone event: open!
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"i hate you."
"really now?"
kazuha chuckles at your behavior right now. he (unfortunately) finished the last pack of your favorite snacks just when you were craving them, and it resulted in you sulking and throwing a small attitude at him. i mean, hey, who would want that to happen to them, right?
he tries to scoot closer to you, but you move away when he is just about to move. yeah, he kind of messed up. and he needs to do something about it fast—he wouldn't want you giving him this kind of treatment for the rest of the day now. but there's just one problem with that:
how does one fix this particular mistake?
well, buying you another set of those snacks would certainly do the trick. but the place where you'd buy it is another twenty minute trip. and it takes at least ten minutes to buy it, then another twenty minutes to get back. that's almost a whole hour, and although it doesn't seem like it, kazuha can get a bit impatient sometimes.
he didn't mean to eat those snacks, though! but you still had every right to be mad; he knew it was your favorite—he didn't even bother to share it with you! (well, in fact, it's supposed to be the other way around, but the point still stands.)
deep into thinking about how he should make it up to you, kazuha didn't seem to realize that you already sat closer to him. not exactly next to him because there was still a gap, but it's something.
just as kazuha was about to test the waters, he was immediately interrupted by you shifting in place again—this time closer to him. and you laid your head on his shoulder as well.
he smiles at the gesture.
"i thought you hated me?" he asks you in a familiar teasing tone.
"i wish i hated you, you grumbled back.
"i'm sorry about the snacks. let's just buy you some new ones, yeah? and maybe even more if you'd like."
a simple yet small nod from you was what made kazuha know that he was already forgiven.
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xcyphoz0a · 4 months
i dont know if this counts as a request or not, but how would the genshin characters that you wrote for react to your angst?
i am not sure actually, so i put my idea here, if that's what you meant!
tw: mentions of death
for venti i'd assume that he would be somewhat affected; more-so eleutheromania and my love all mine all mine, as it may bring him some memories from the past, so he'd likely want to stay away from them, and angst in general. regret and reconciliation are connected and show how you and venti are affected, so he'd most likely rather this than eleutheromania and my love all mine all mine. in my opinion i think he'd make a small song about it too, but i'm not too sure. but overall i think he's going to be fine long term, cant say the same for the short term though, keke
hu tao... so far i think she'd be used to the concept of passing, but she'd likely be a little shocked with the rite of parting, and for to you who passed;, she would feel a little hurt. she may be someone who works closely with the hands of death, but she isn't used to those close to her passing, no? while she may seem very casual and lighthearted about her topic in business, she still cares, so hu tao might not want to dive into angst when she already has a lot on her hands. overall, she'd be somewhat neutral about the angst, though she'd rather keep away from reading them.
ah tighnari. my fav yet i torture him with angst. he probably has the most angst fics right now in my fics. we'll meet again and when the night stole you away both cover topics where the reader passes on due to an unknown or an incurable illness. and as a fennec hybrid, he'd hate to think of partings as they have only one partner for life–and death isn't very reversible too. for wander, unrequited and ballroom extravaganza, they mostly cover breakups, and he'd also dislike the idea, but at least he can still see his ex lover, right? fufu. all in all i think tighnari would hate anything that revolves around breakups, and while he would seem to deal with it well, he'd most likely start crying when his job is done for the day, going to his bedroom to sob into his hands and pillows if it really did happen to him, especially with topics like in we'll meet again and when the night stole you away.
ayato... both were we supposed to be together, i wonder? and right person wrong time are connected, like venti's, shows two sides of the situation, and i think he'd enjoy reading it; i'm not too sure about him in general, so my statement for him would be: enjoys it, but only a little.
LIBEN! i have only written him for the ebg event, but i did write a handful of him, half nearly angst... arguments don't always end well, love doesn't always end in happily ever after both have some sort of argument, and from what i know i don't think he'd really like it much. the last you'd ever see and when the stars took you away are more disappearances than anything, and he'd probably hate the idea too, especially with when the stars took you away, because i think he'd cherish his s/o a lot. don't look away is more like his own perspective, and i'd think he'd like it to some extent, but also dislike it at the same time.
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rainswept · 6 months
So in that case, what are 3 things you like about Forget Me Not, and what are 3 things he likes about you (or, if he himself is willing to answer, I will take that too).
unfortunately i don’t know how to answer either of those questions.. 😭
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navxry · 10 months
Rate your friends
well damn alright fine LMAO
My mutuals from discord and/or Tumblr (utc cause the post is LONG)
Carmine: def a 100/10 if I have to be honest. They dealt with me SO much and my absolute nonsense as well since 2020, no words can describe how much I appreciate them for being there with me in my highest and lowest of my era. I also love terrorizing them with my muses (Lyney simp in denial), and I dont regret at all meeting and befriending them. Love you bestie <3 /p
Ryan: also a 100/10, I genuinely owe him a lot for helping me realize just. how certain things in life isn't 'normal' and fueling my brainrot/s so much. We both had so much to talk abt during the 3 years I've known him (and we're still friends to this day!), and Goddamn do I enjoy playing games w/ him and esp abt our current hyperfixations (Persona and Raincode. I still want to rattle your Yuma bot you little shit /t)
Esther (@mixed-kester) : I just met you like months ago when I first joined astronetwrk, and tbh I genuinely am v happy to have met you and enabled you BAHAHAHAHA I've been friends with her for a while but its so fun just going through the plot + AUs, and also going through pain (and making me go through a crisis with enabling and "NO YOU DID SO MUCH FOR ME" "NO, I DIDNT" LMAOOOO). Yeah, there were times when we both have our disagreements, but I genuinely could never ask for a better friend to yell at Tinuvion/Kunimitsu and the rarepare between Wanderer and Kaeya than her.
Meirin (@meimeimeirin) : I'LL SAY THIS ONCE AND I'LL SAY IT AGAIN: You are so cool and amazing and I'm so amazed with how you deal with my nonsense. I never saw an opportunity to talk to you outside of being on anon back then, and I genuinely thought that it won't be possible, but when EBG happened? I saw it and took it. You were so so so enjoyable to talk to, to rant about the entire event, and even after that, I enjoyed talking to you about even your simping with Zhongli and Alhaitham! I also enjoy bouncing off ideas with our threads (even if I have them on hold, I swear I'll reply to them orz). You're the sweetest person I've known and I am so, so glad to have met you and got to know you as a friend ;v; you also inspired me in writing for Genshin and for my faves, and for also sharing my thoughts on my sona and my selfships. I know you're busy but I hope you can see this because I genuinely appreciate you /pos
Yami (@pastel-rights) : YOU'RE SUCH A GOOD ARTIST WHAT THE HELL— honestly, how the fuck do you deal with me, Sam and Tae? (/lh) like I genuinely am so surprised I'm actually friends w/ you, but in a good way because you are?? So cool?? I swear I sometimes admire your art and when I say I wanna eat it, I would. You're such a good friend and I wish we can talk more fr
Tae (@nice-chiaki) : My first victim (/j), but really, I am in awe that I've met you in the mun's corner. I saw your blog with Itha and I genuinely loved interacting with him— your muse of him helped a lot in bringing me out of my idv writer's block slump because I had no ideas and ooooh, genuinely having you on vc and hearing/seeing you go through your cycles and bs with Sam and Yami (and Fifi as well) is the funniest thing. I also hate you (/exag) for the fandubs, and you making me go through a huge moment with Andrew and Cro. 0/10 wont recommend voicing villains (/j /j)
Sam (@paperbcy) : You are the biggest menace I know, and tbh I wonder if you're like a mirror to my menace self /j, but I'm kidding BAHAHAHAHA. I dont regret enabling you so much for your immorphy AU and our own shared AUs, and I sometimes wonder what would happen if I hadn't met you, Tae and Yami. Also, do not pull Father on my inbox ty
Fifi (@fffiii) : You dealt with my ass for years and I honestly question how you're still sane BAHAHAHAHA, but fr, even till now we're still together from 2016 - 2017(?) and I cannot stop but wonder how long it's been. It was v fun just looking back on our days at Q and even now, and I still appreciate you for everything even if you're a bigger menace than me.
Shiro (@leftdestiny-posts) : We may not talk as much or as often, but you are so kind and ouuuu you make me ;-; honestly. I am v thankful for you in dealing with my brainrot over TCO (which! I plan on revisiting and reviving as a long drawn series haha), and I hope that we talk more often when you have the time (ofc, no pressure!)
Ying (@yinyinggie) : OOOOH YOU'RE SO SWEET AND LUCIEN/YUZU TOO LIKE AUGHHH, I genuinely love you both as mods in astronetwrk AND outside of it. I genuinely appreciate you as a mod and a friend in keeping the server together and hosting games for us, and even when those went awry (read: the mafia game), you and the others made sure we had fun anyway and prioritized our comfort, which is so?? sweet??? I genuinely wish I can hug you and I wish we can speak more orz ily /p
There are more but I can't remember them all so o7 o/ hope this is enough anon
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zhongrin · 8 months
ー and that's a wrap!!!
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note: this is a thank-you post and i’ll be posting an ‘explanation’ post after this, just give me some time to compile all the information <3
so. obviously i just have to do this because man. that was a whole ride hahahah thank you so so so so so SO MUCH to people who participated actively in the ebg???? i am????? not worthy??????? lsjdkfjskldf
special mentions to: (ps. please check them out; these are all wonderful, talented writers. be sure to read their rules first, though!!!)
@kurikurikurisu / @risustravelogue thank you for putting up with my insanity throughout this event…. and for being the first to bring in their hubby to sneak around the teahouse! lol smart move!! i’m guessing you’ll bring your other hubby next time for the fun of it and i am. looking forward to it already hahahah also that morse code → vigenere cipher will haunt my nightmares now thanks- /silly
@crystalflygeo you precious precious gem. i am still wheezing at that meme you sent me. here’s to hoping the next time crys visits the teahouse it doesn’t smell like sea salt and frost anymore heh ;)) also fontaine tea time double date when? <3
@floraldresvi thank you for being the source of romance this ebg lol tartarin is a sinking ship so everyone better hop in to covivi!! all jokes aside, i love writing your interactions with coviello so much (and based on the comments everyone else seems to enjoy it too hahahah) i 🚢!!!!!
@silentmoths MOTH!!! YOUR WINGS 😭 will drinking tea make it grow back??? i offer the finest silk for you to munch on after this hsdlfjskdf anyway, be it the last ebg or this one, i love seeing the little moth flying about in the teahouse hehe <3
@ainescribe / @lychniis i hate (read: love) you. why did you have to bring back the nightmarish cipher into this smh /j anyway…. another event to be recorded in the record keeper’s books, eh? i hope you enjoyed this ebg too <3
@queen-belial you madlad /pos. the way you write ousldjflshdjflksd i feel a little bad i can only respond with small snippets because man. those are. yummy yummy meals you were dishing out there!!! capitano is coming for childe’s ass atp that ginger better watch out lmaoooo
@abyssmal-skies tysm for granting me the opportunities to up the creepy factor lol i’m glad you managed to piece together what happened!! looking forward if you ever decide on joining an ebg next time :3
@the-travelling-witch HOLLYYYYYY. thank you for letting me 'borrow' your husband and allowing me to make him a little... uhh... #deranged lol. honestly you’re one of the reasons why i went “ok so…. only my blog needs to simp for childe. i don’t…. time to make someone else ‘run’ the blog…. >:)” because for lord’s sake i am very much not attracted to him and i just. can’t. do. it. #chilly4ever #chillyno1
@leftdestiny-posts / @intothegenshinworld that letter almost took me out ngl i am. i am still crying and sobbing over it hsldfjskldjflksdf PLEASE. also shiro protection squad &lt;;3 *silently wipes bloodied hand on a tea towel*
@kopidense / @ask-court-genshin heyyyy fellow murder accomplice (for legal reasons, disclaimer: this does not involve any real human bodies whatsoever) 🙌🏻 thanks for dropping by!! also pls tell your two friends i said hi winkwink #truezhonglimainsstickstogether /silly
@navxry actually yk what no. no thanks for you, you gremlin /silly but thanks for the trauma i guess- /j
@i23kazu YING!!! thank you so so so so much for hosting this ebg! it has been super fun and i (and i’m sure everyone else thinks the same) really appreciate your effort in putting things together!!
and of course all of the other people who sent in asks, be in anon or non-anon, be it a silly ask or a sabotage attempt or a rp attempt — please know that i really really really appreciate each and every single one of you!!!
your participation means a lot and it’s the literal driving force behind my passion in constantly drawing and writing stuff whenever i have time these past 7 days. i haven’t written or drawn any content whatsoever in weeks. do you see the power you hold over us writers by sending in fics & silly stuff now?? i hope you do.
also, even if you didn’t participate at all, i appreciate you for still sticking with me despite having to deal with my silliness for past week 😌
sending you all my kithes /p and hugs and a cup of your preferred tea! <3
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alexistaria · 1 month
ebg. last day of life
kaveh stared from afar, a tingling kiss mark from his lover on his cheek. he knew, oh he knew the feelings weren't genuine. she still loved him as much as she did the day before, the day before her love was to be switched to a stranger. but oh it hurt watching her love someone in ways she should be loving him.
why couldn't it be him that her affections are on? the laughter and smiles directed at? the longing in his chest felt so far, yet so near at the same time. a heart burning ache in his chest.
he could never appreciate her like i do, he thought to himself. eyes burning a glare, a teary eyed glare as he watched them walk through the bazaar.
Kaveh knew the "feelings" she had for the ranger weren't entirely genuine, but could it hurt so much to wish that there isn't time wasted on loving her? The sound of her voice when awaking next to him, but instead an empty cold bed he is left with. Is it okay for him to miss the way her touch lingered on his skin, and the taste of her lips against his? so much sweeter then the alcohol he would drink in the night.
He hates not being in her line of sight, he hates being unacknowledged like the thousands of stars the sun bypasses.
Would it be too much too ask if she could even look in his direction again with as much love as she has in her heart? "lay all your love on me" his eyes ask, but his mouth stays glued shut, and feet stay planted.
this was going to be a long week.
perhaps Kaveh can ask to stay with Cyno for the next week... for his home seems far to empty without Alexis' footsteps on the wooden floors.
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crystalflygeo · 5 months
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The moth had chosen not to stay. Atleast, not stay within sight.
It is not until the Doe adeptus finally wakes that it reappears, shrugging off it's little coat to reveal two gems, a glowing amber diamond, and a shimmering blue teardrop.
The little thing offers them out to the deer with a quiet squeak, hoping they were in someway familiar to her.
Crys stares at the little moth and perks up. “Hi! You seem familiar…?”
The moth offers two small things with their little paws, and the doe squints a little, tilting her head and trying to make sense of them. “Oh, for me?” Her eyes drift from one to another quickly. The yellow one is bright and catches her attention, it calls to her, but somehow, she’s also drawn to the blue one… “I recognize these, I think.”
With an insistent squeak the moth pushes both to her, urging her to take them.
“T-thanks! I’ll treasure them.”
“Perhaps it’s a clue, I can make them into a necklace for you if you’d like.” Kazuha offers approaching, taking the gems and examining them too. “Topaz and Lazurite… these are gems associated with geo and hydro, do you have affinity with any of those elements?”
“I’m not sure. My powers are weak, I haven’t even been able to take a human form yet...” She mumbles sadly, her ears droop. “I’m…” she whimpers.
“It’s okay.” He pats her softly.
“I’m sorry.” Crys tells their small companion. “I feel like you’re important to me and yet I…” She sighs. “I’m so sorry, little moth…”
Recognition flashes on her eyes and she shuffles on her hooves, excited. “Moth! That’s you!! I remember you!” She pushes her snout towards them, nuzzling at Moth affectionately. “Oh, I’m so happy and glad to see you…”
Kazuha laughs. “So, another name, another memory… I’m glad then you have reunited with a friend, I knew this little one was special when they found us. I thank you too.” He gives a respectful nod at Moth.
“This definitely means I should go to Liyue, right? If I meet more people, and remember more, then…!!”
“You’ll be able to solve this mystery and return to your rightful place.” Kazuha nods. “Sounds good to me. Tomorrow we’ll set off to Ritou first thing in the morning, at a good pace we should arrive before nightfall.”
Crys pouts a little, she’s not tired, she wants to go now. But the night poses dangers, and Kazuha…
“Were you heading towards Ritou?” She asks, lying down with her limbs tucked in, watching as Kazuha unfurls a thin sleeping mat and blankets. “I’d hate to be interfering with any plans or journey you have. You’re doing so much for me…”
He shakes his head. “Don’t worry. As I said before I follow the wind, and I’m happy to pursue the breeze of adventure with a new friend.”    
“Thank you, Kazuha.” She rubs her head against his shoulder, he caresses the fur softly and then picks a blanket, laying it on top of the resting doe.
“Tonight's wind is gentle, so there should be a plentitude of wonderful dreams. Goodnight Crys.” Kazuha smiles before turning and curling over himself with the other blanket.
The night grows darker… “May you have pleasant dreams as well.”
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Under the starry skies and the Moon’s ethereal glow Amber shimmers, dewdrops sparkle Friends old and new to this gentle doe.
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@i23kazu ebg Jan 19-26
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lo-cinno · 6 months
Yall are gonna hate me for what I did with the signup forms for ebg
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dawndelion-winery · 8 months
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A Kaeya series for @i23kazu 's EBG
WC: 262
Entry #3
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His pretty face does not excuse his secrecy. No wonder he spoke to the bartender with such familiarity…they're brothers. Adoptive, at least, which would explain how I didn't see any similarities between the two.
How do I know this? Well, his dear brother decided to crash our walk. Then again, Kaeya did insert himself into my sample collection trip.
He's a lot cuter when his brother's around. He's nervous, almost skittish, like a lost kitten. Though the way he brandishes his sword when he's bored is a lot more akin to a peacock preening itself. It's like he surprises me more the more I get to know him. Anyway, I'm rather thankful the laws of Mondstadt aren't nearly as strict as most other nations. I'd been anxiously apprehensive of sharing my true intentions, but there was seemingly no issue with it. That was when he offered to accompany me in case any of the ruin machines were active. Pretty thoughtful of him. A part of me wants to believe it's because he's also taken a liking to me enough to worry about my safety, but he's a Knight. For all I know, he just feels responsible for giving me a good impression of the nation he strives to help protect. On this note, I would suppose it is fortunate the scribbles of the Abyss make no sense to me, for it means I've ample time to get to know Kaeya, not as the cavalry captain, but hopefully, as a friend…and maybe more after that, but I'd hate to get my hopes up.
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kazumist · 11 months
i hate ebg i hate ebg i hate ebg
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