#i had never been this jealous
hellfire--cult · 1 month
If he looked at me like that, I would fold to the point of splitting in two. What the hell.
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jackdaniel69nice · 14 days
We know tokoyami loves perching on top of things so here’s a silly one shot
Tokoyami has a “bad habit” of climbing on top of furniture he’s not supposed to
There are normal thing like sitting on top of a railing, his desk, or the back of the couch…but climbing the fridge and trying to wedge himself on the top shelf of cabinet is a bit much
So there came to point of enough people being jump scared by a perched tokoyami sitting in the dark that they decided enough was enough and put a large book shelf in the common room.
They stuffed enough black pillows and fluffy blankets on top to attract even the most picky of avians and waited
(The rest of the shelf spaces were filled with books and board games so it wouldn’t seem suspicious, in fact everyone seemed to enjoy adding their additional stuff to the shelves to show off and grab quickly)
The trap was a simple one and tokoyami fell right into it, it only took 3 days before he asked why there were blankets up there when no one could reach them
they answered it was storage, he knew they were lying
Instead of hovering at the edge of the room broodingly now he will walk straight over to the book shelf and perch on top of it
He can look surprisingly cool and edgy from up there (he can make anything look cool and edgy tbh)
One time kamanari tried to go up there because it makes sense if it’s the common room then anyone should be able to go up right?
Well tokoyami walked in to see kaminari in his nest Fortress of Darkness and immediately turned around and walked back out
He wouldn’t climb back up for nearly a month until finally they coxed him into it
All he kept saying was that the space had been “spoiled” or “wrought with corruption” or they had “defiled his inner sanctum”
They had to take everything down, wash it, and move the shelf before letting tokoyami set it back up how he liked
They knew better than to touch his stuff again after that
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reclusivesapphire · 1 year
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nine year old me would have KILLED for this
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weaverofink · 9 months
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Danny Temple you will always be famous to me. also your unnamed twin brother that showed up in exactly 3 panels
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em-star-crossed · 2 months
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“marriage of convenience” au
their dynamic in the show had so much potential. their friendship could’ve been so good. the great things they could’ve done as the king and queen of gotham. more thoughts in tags :)
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Johnny: wow kerry thought he was living in my shadow? shit. I had no idea. wow. this is news to me.
Also Johnny:
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marsixm · 24 days
i also think the fact that i had such a stunted and isolated upbringing and now that im an adult all my friends are on atypical life paths (and honestly even my friends as a kid were like this too) means i find things that are usually very common life stages really interesting. like knowing someone who has a house and a wife and 2 kids (with that wife) and a job with a salary feels like meeting fucking paul bunyun to me. or hearing the kids i work with talk about graduating high school and going to college and being on a real path with that stuff is neat? or even sometimes knowing cis/het people who are like going thru that coming of age stuff that i never really experienced the way you see it in the movies bc of transness/queerness/neurodivergence. its like woah they said the name of the thing in the thing. do u know what i mean???
#this actually reminds me of one of the girls at work whose been here for 2 yrs so i feel like im watching her grow up#shes graduating hs this year and shes really smart and she always asks questions like this#like picking ur brain about your life like 'what did you feel like growing up how was your family' etc#its kinda cool#she already got a degree bc of dual credit courses and an internship lined up and im so proud of her#and theres another girl her same age who came to me last night telling me her situationship just broke her heart#and they were both talking all about their prom dresses and all that stuff and were so excited last month#like idk i guess i just find it endearing#i think part of it is also that while these specific paths are thought of as common/default#there really is so much variance in life and really truly so many people not on those paths for so many reasons#which actually does loop around to making it seem strange#like truly how many people do you really know anymore who stayed at 1 job until they rose the ranks#who got married and had kids with that person and now they live in a house in the suburbs with some dogs and cats#like who does that anymore#meanwhile i think its just cool seeing kids actually experiencing growing up but in retrospect and not as a peer feeling confused & jealous#like woah youre a girl buying a dress and getting her hair done and texting a boy thats so wild ive never done that#or woah youre taking courses to prepare for college and know what degree youre going for#i no longer feel resentment that i felt left behind during all that shit when i was a teenager#im just happy for them and proud of them
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marklikely · 15 days
i know a lot of trans women talk about mourning not growing up a girl and i always thought i didnt experience any equivalent to that (probably for many reasons) but the last couple weeks i realised i think i do and its specifically about not growing up a gay man.
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tamagotchikgs · 2 months
been trying to figure out just how i am going to explain how wildly my brain has been altered since the last time i saw my therapist && it make me realize all of this has happened in 1 month,,,,,,,,,,, it feels like . eons. eternity . in the best way possible
#normally everything feels so short#my anxiety just speeds me through it before i can even take a second to enjoy or even experience anything. everything is a dusty blur#but ive been ok#i've actually had good times ive mayb even started 2 feel close to a person for the first time in my life#feel safe w them#anxiety cant get me when im in their shield bubble#listening 2 em talk n even just Exist like woag ur the best thing in this whole world#just bbzbzbzbzbbzz#of course there r also the Horrors that do come w it just due 2 my avpd but . it still feels so different#and i like to ignore those because they make me feel like a monster i am not jealous noo i am so normal i am very normal#i am beating my jealousy side with a stick and i Will win#i have never and Will never act on it#if i ignore it they cant b real#also i do know it's illogical whihc helps#honestly though im used 2 it because ill get jealous if like . a stranger is nice to me and then is nice to some1 else. like oh. oh it was#all a rouse u want me dead u hate me#and it's like. homie. pal. that is normal. they're not abandoning u theyre not trying to set u up for humiliation#theyre just living their life#it's kinda weird tho because i will get feelings like that simultaneously with knowing i am Nothing i am a Horrid beast no one deserves to#even have to see#and knwoing i am not allowed to care about people and there is no shot in hell they will be even nice to me#so it;s just . a lot of things swirling constant;ly#painful emotions all around there is no joy#(except for rn. with them. i can b free from my brain)
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fellhellion · 9 months
kind of obsessed w the way goro got served with a "you don't actually hate akira do you, i saw you smile when you realised he was alive" by the catsona of hope and just had a mental breakdown about it
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bunnihearted · 3 months
#sorry gnna sound like a shit person now but im not feeling well i just need to rant#nothing good ever happens to me. every aspect of my life is a mess. im constantly miserable w nothing to pull me out of it#it's been getting worse nd worse for years nd if it keeps getting worse im not gnna be able to take it much longer#ofc there are sooo many others who have it way way way worse than i do. so i feel weak nd pathetic for being so affected by it when i know#it could be literally sm worse than it is now. like i get that. i know im not nearly as bad off as many ppl are#but idk still it's rlly tough to have *nothing* that makes me keep going. the literal only thing is that i dont kms bc i dont wanna hurt mom#bc im poor so i cant do ANYTHING. i cant go anywhere. not the cinema not concerts not to the mall not to the bookstore not an amusent park#i cant even go to cafées bc i dont have any money at all to spend on that#i have no friends to hang out w. even if i couldnt afford going anywhere i cant even just take a walk or sit nd talk to them bc there r none#my sisters havent talked for me in over a year#and like yada yada i dont have anything to pull me out of my misery bubble. no friends to comfort me no family to hang out w#nothing to do or nowhere to go. hell i havent even been able to eat for 8 months so i cant even like eat smth yummy nd watch a movie lmao#i cant even read bc of the constant noise! i cant go out into the forest bc there r always subway construction work or choppers or gun shots#i know im 'focusing on the negative' but what am i supposed to do when theres nothing positive to focus on lol?????#im always physically uncomfortable bc of pain nd health issues nd im always anxious nd stressed too so like... yay#and. this is where i sound mean but like after years nd years of nothing good happening to me... idc for others anymore like#when they talk abt their loving relationships and their kind friends nd them going to concerts im like.. wow !! u get to be happy!! i dont!!#im just envious nd jealous nd bitter bc why cant i have ANYTHING good???? not just ONE fkn thing?#other ppl get to have multiple things but i get nothing?????#and its not exactly like i hate them or wish illwill on them im just like wow kinda dont feel sympathy for u bc u have sm things#i've never had :))) nd u can never understand how awful it feels to be deprived of it so idc :))))
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mishkakagehishka · 1 year
Idc anymore i think i'm a good enough writer that i can say that when i noticed the pattern in what exactly makes a book "good" on booktok (and, bc of that, what makes it popular and top bestseller lists), it feels almost demeaning and denigrating to the entire craft. Idk if i should blame the way tiktok-esque social media has utterly rotted everyone's ability to concentrate and read more than three sentences, but literally none of those books are objectively good.
(Yes, yes, art is subjective. HOWEVER. Art is subjective when you look at style, at themes, at motifs, at plots and characters. Art is still a craft, it still requires skill. I've seen beyond the tiktok quotes of these books. Not even their editors are good given the amount of typos/spelling mistakes. That is not something that you should find in a traditionally published book.)
You look at these books, and you know the only reason for their existence is to make money. I cannot and will not accept that as art.
(I'm on Tumblr, of course I have to explain every point. Artists who make money off their art =/= people who only create art meant to be profitable. There is a difference between an artist who hopes to monetise doing what they love, who creates what they wish to see more of and who happens to then create something that other people wish to see more of, and a person who looks at what's trending and decides that making an unholy frankenstein's monster of a book that mashes all those trending tropes and motifs together would get them rich quick. The fact that a lot of these booktok books become popular because of nepotism is just the cherry on top. It's soulless.)
And to finally say what I wanted to say, it's because none of these books have any deeper message or even artistic value to them. You will find a few out of context quotes or paragraphs, ones written specifically so they'd look deep and beautiful when taken out of context, so that people would post them, so that people would buy the books. Entire books written just so those few lines could become viral and make cash. It cannot even be compared to a hook line writers would post to get people interested in their works, because in booktok's case, those are the only lines of quality and in the context itself, they are often out of place and forced.
I just hate booktok, i hate what modern social media has done to art. It's all created to be quickly consumed, for the few ☆aesthetic☆ glances, and then discarded. Just to make more money for those who are already nepo babies. As if artists needed more obstacles to jump over.
#of course historically it's always been the same#people with free time to create (rich powerful) created#very rarely did you see someone from a humble bg make it as an artist#which is why killing maiming everyone saying Shakespeare was actually a rich guy btw#but like it makes me angry personally#before you call me just jealous - i don't have any wish to monetise my art#my career ambitions lie in a different field (tho adjacent i suppose since i'm a linguist)#i'm saying it makes me angry for other writers who want to make money doing what they love most#it's always been hard. you've always had to have connections or fight tooth and nail for a chance at being published#why? because of how SUBJECTIVE it is#but at least if your skills distinct you and if you bring a truly unique concept you'd have better chances#then modern social media rolled around and no longer can we just publish and disappear no no#WE have to market our works. on twitter on instagram on podcasts on the radio and tv it's up to the authors#i already found that demeaning enough as an introvert#but now it's not even that. publishers no longer look for unique and distinct#they found out booktok is the real cash cow. they look for colleen hoovers who publish fifty books a year#all of poor quality but with enough aesthetic lines that they can easily be marketed thru#the youth who uses AO3 tags and ''omg it's so girlboss!'' and ''it has representation! (not really it's always piss poor rep)'' to market#it to others. who take the same line over and over and go ''omg... this is so deep'' but the lines never look good in context
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slimeciclecock · 7 months
I don't want to be normal anymore I want to chill at 3am talking about slimariana
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chicky-dip · 8 months
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"Do you guys know eachother?"
"Yeah - we were next-door neighbours"
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rotisseries · 8 months
i keep seeing clips from hozier concerts on tiktok i hope the sun explodes and everyone dies amen🙏
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kiwidotcom · 1 month
*screaming crying throwing up*
I'm not a failure, I'm disabled and being disabled makes things hard for me. im allowed to give myself grace for being disabled
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