#i guess i should have a nate tag
kutputli · 1 year
I planned to rewatch season 2 of Ted Lasso doing my Nate notes before watching season 3, but the torrent dropped and I was weak. So since I seem to have decided to break my lurker mode and get into participatory fandom after mumblemutter years, forewith! Oh also, I propose a #Safe for Nate Fans tag for ease of finding posts of likeminded people. :)
I find myself watching the show with a split conciousness. Which is always how I watched it. In one way, I watch it in ‘normal’ mode, which is to say through a white gaze, which I’ve cultivated through decades of watching white media and being perfectly able to enjoy and appreciate it. When I do that, I’m able to spread my attention wide and indulge my curiousity about all the characters. (I’ve never had much affection for either Ted or Rebecca, so I look around them to see what the rest are doing. Roy, Trent, and Sam the most, and then Keeley and Jamie.)
But reading fannish posts about the show, and reading fic, inevitably gets me into the second mode of watching, which is as a person of colour, watching a show made by white people, which has a few (so few!) characters of colour. And oh boy, the defensive tension that envelopes me as I watch it that way.
All of which is to say, its very hard to code switch between both. Either I can be in one mode and complain about the absence of Trent when teased with James Lance in the series regular credits, and I can writhe in the excruciating agony that is Roy and Keeley’s shattering heartbreak as they go through their super mature super friendly concious decoupling and to wonder where the fuck a constantly crying Keeley came from and when she hung out with Higgins so often... or.
Or I can talk about how I automatically notice every non-white body in every frame, and start counting them in every scene with extras.
And since I guess there will be enough posts doing the former, that I can like and agree with, I might as well do the latter.
I am so angry about Sharon being given a (presumably) white boyfriend. Because the ultimate signaling that a Black woman is successful is for her to have a conventionally hot, thin, tall, WHITE man. Fucking yuck.
Meanwhile Nate... Jesus. Watching him be cruel to people below him is just painful. That moment when he ignores the hello from the Black woman on the escalater... ugh. And there’s always the explanation that he is so caught up in his own head and his paralysis of social interaction, but still. It’s wrong, and it hurts to watch. I can’t bear people who are rude to employees, and I’m so angry with Nate for doing that. And I’m also angry that I have to keep pointing out to myself, in response to the fannish reactions I’m anticipating, that none of what he is doing is worse than the way Rebecca treated her employees. (And probably how Cartrick treated the players?) The dum-dum line is just terrible, but then again, Ted Lasso told Nate to call his players big dumb pussies, so...
Nate’s new colleagues! Disco is entertaining! I enjoy how he does not seem to be judging Nate, and has an eager terrier vibe of his own. It would be nice if they could be friends.
Rupert’s PA Ms. Kakes, that pallid zombie lady, is interesting, because here’s my prediction. She’s kind of Rupert’s new Higgins. So she probably has to help him bring his women in and out. I suspect at some point Rupert will either sexually harass her, or do something else that she feels responsibility for, and Nate is going to side with her over Rupert. And that (to call back to Keeley’s line about how the previous business in her new office got shut down) is going to be how Nate will help take down Rupert. (I did enjoy the casual mention of the Sacklers as Rupert’s friends to signpost that he is Truly Evil and The Worst. Yes Rupert, you are.)
I am also enjoying the hell out of watching the craft both Anthony Stewart Head (Giles!) and Nick Mohammed are bringing to their scenes, because they are both being so very layered. Rupert just keeps flipping on a dime between genuinely charming and flirtatiously encouraging, and coldblooded threats (he totally staged that car tow, like he got Robbie Williams cancelled). And Nathan... can hold his own! He’s getting so much better and being able to keep up with the social interaction, and respond to the situation as needed, and yet maintain a bit of his own voice and opinion (on his face, if nowhere else.) I honestly thought Nate would just let them tow the car away and try to get it back quietly afterwards, out of shame, but he spoke up for his ride. (And of course the parallels - Nate gave Ted a ride in his car on his first day, Rupert gave Nate a car on his first day.)
And now, Nate’s first press conference! (And of course, all the parallels with Ted’s)
“I’m pretty sure I said wonderkind” - this is at the heart of the Problem of Nathan. Because, he didn’t. I’ve gone back and watched it. We’ve all gone back and watched it. We’ve seen Jan Maas point out to him his mistake. But Nathan just doesn’t let it go. He keeps sticking with the lie. Has he convinced himself about it too? I honestly can’t tell. But here’s the thing. This is a character who has for years, for decades, been dealing with lies and gaslighting and omissions - structurally, by being the kind of person he is in the place he is in. He was told he was worthless, and only capable of being a kitman, and of course I can fill in all the lies a brown man in post-Brexit Britain gets met with, just while walking down the street. Colin and Isaac and Jamie all acted like they had never bullied him. Rebecca taking actions that anyone with a knowledge of the game and the club like Nate has would be able to tell were harmful, and then just acting like she was always everyone’s well wisher. People in power lie, and the structure supports their gaslighting and their rewriting of of history. So that’s what Nate is doing, stubbornly pushing his own stupid, ridiculous lie at all the powerful people he aspires to be a part of. This is the part where I’d like to sit Nate down and ask him what his morals really are. Does he want to make of himself a Rishi Sunak or Bobby Jindal? Is he that self-serving and hypocritical?
There are two reasons why I know Nate to be better than the average self-serving conservative desi sell-out: One is the deep vein of feminism and sensitivity that runs through him - his inner critic is as harsh on him about the misogynistic mistakes he makes as about the social cues he fumbles. And the second is that, unlike Ted (who cares about people) and Rebecca (who cares about winning), Nate cares about the game. He has a deep love for football, which is what fuels his knowledge of it. And unlike Rupert, I don’t think Nate hungers for power (though he definitely misuses what power he now has). I think Nate hungers for belonging - for being included, for having the right to be considered an inalienable part (of the game, of the people, of the nation). The only way out is through, but I hope that we will find a distinction between the way Rupert loves the game - wanting ownership and control, and how Nate loves the game - wanting inclusion and celebration of his own talents in improving it.
But back to that press conference. Nate having the soundtrack of an impending panic attack like Ted had is a bit on the nose, and I get that the show wants us to keep comparing how Ted deals/dealt with a situation vs how Nate does. But, I’m sorry, you just cannot keep making 1:1 comparisons between a well off white American and a middle class brown Britisher. As Nate keeps futilely reminding the narrative - he has a right to be here, he belongs!
What I find frustrating and fascinating is the entire absence of any discussion of Nate as a person in Richmond - Higgins and Rebecca are alone, watching his press conference, and there is not one personal remark about him - oh, he’s really gone grey now! Has he lost weight? His contract was generous enough for him to have not needed to leave, right? Something? Anything! Even Beard and Roy and Ted - all we get is a “that little shit” from Roy. It’s all of Nate’s worst fears - they don’t know him, they don’t remember anything about him, they don’t talk about him. Contrast that with how much Rebecca talks about Rupert. Whatever happened to ‘be curious, not judgemental’? I actually think that’s rubbish - I am both curious AND judgemental of things that bother me, but why is no one gossiping about their assistant coach suddenly fucking off?
Besides the journalist who asked the sewer photo question to Nate, there was another older Black woman journalist in the funky flowy top. I hope one of them becomes the Trent Crimm to him. Though its nice to see Marcus Adebayo get his full byline at the Independent. Marcus’s article says, “Harsh words from Shelley for the club and coach who raised from obscurity as the kitman to assistant coach” and yet again - the same misleading narrative of white saviorism and enforced gratitude. Ted needed Nate’s help to do the job he was unqualified to do, and Nate gave his extra labour, skill and help for a full season without any recompense. For all of Ted’s being nice about Nate on a personal level (and I do believe in the genuineness of that niceness) he has not reversed this narrative of what Nate owes to him.
And that is the Problem of Ted Lasso. Ted values personal kindness and generosity over structural change which is both why he fails to be an actual friend to the first person (of colour) who was kind to him when he came to the UK, and also why he is failing as a coach to get his team to the victorious position his boss wants him to take it to.
And then we see Ted Lasso ‘fighting back’, as Rebecca begs him to. (A note that marginalised people are often not perceived as fighting back against the structural injustices that attack them daily; they are mostly portrayed by the dominant framing as just ‘combative’ and ‘angry’.)
This scene is doing a lot of work, and I think of it as emblematic of the show (and the writers) greatest strengths and weaknesses both. The show is good at craft and writing and flipping from emotion to comedy to pathos to truth, and this scene does all that. Ted makes himself vulnerable, though you can see how it batters at him to invite those laughs. It’s a contrast to Nate - a reminder that the masculinity the show values is about bringing down one’s defences and inviting collaborative relationships - get people to laugh with you, don’t attack, be kind.
But the show is also terrible at accounting for the ways that race and racism are a structural force that affects every character it casts with a racialised body, and this scene highlights it. Nobody laughed with Nate when he was self-deprecating and open. In season 1 we see him constantly try to respond to his bullies with laughter and smiles, trying to play it off as banter between equals so as to minimise the hurt it causes as violence with a power imbalance. It doesn’t work. (And anyone who has studied the evolution of the stand up comedy circuit over the past few decades - a background that of these several show writers have - knows the ways that material is racialised, both the race of the comedian, and of the audience, matters deeply in figuring out what material gets people to laugh, and when.)
You cannot expect me to believe that Nathan Shelley, newly minted coach of West Ham, at his first press conference, could have got everyone to laugh with him and twitter to meme approvingly had he made jokes about calling himself a dummy and the washer of other players’ underwear. That Ted’s tactics are universal, and would work for any man, and not specifically a successful white american who got paid the big bucks to do a job he wasn’t qualified for while he fucked off and left his son on his Eat Pray Love foreign travel. (Nathan will never be allowed to forget that he fucked up the pronunciation of wonderkind. Ted can make comments about a reptile having a belly button uncontested.) 
And I bet that’s what Nate is thinking as he watches that press conference - that subtle fear and sadness on his face (God, Nick Mohammed is SO FUCKING GOOD) for both himself and Ted. Nate cares for Ted as he resents him, and watching Ted publicly take a hammer to himself like this is scary and painful. But its also terrifying because Nate has been frantically trying to keep up with the rules of professional interaction in the echelons of power, and now here’s another exception made. Did he just fuck up again, making them laugh at his wit about another team, the way that Rupert clearly indicated he was to do?Ted was the one who taught him it was ok to be snarky and snappy and put-downy! Now he has to account for a different way to play the game?
I’m not going to pick a side on the headcanons about Nate being neurodiverse, but even for neurotypical people codeswitching and transitioning across lines of race and class and culture - it is exhausting to keep up with the constantly edited rulebook in your head. And Nate has not a single person on his side to help him do it.
Cue the text from him mum, which, imma just going to be full South Asian and call her Aunty. Because she sends him photos of the pretty moon, and he responds sweetly, because of course he does. I bet she sends him whatsapp forwards about eating almonds soaked overnight in water. The thing about his dad being upset about him swearing - its a very immigrant experience to have to prove over and over that you know the language as well as the white people, and can use it properly and politely, that you aren’t uncouth and barbaric. I know exactly where the dad is coming from and I also know how it cuts Nate like a knife that never once can his parents just be fucking normal (white) and say love you! (This is why I maintain that Nathan’s dad is not the James Tartt Sr monster that fandom makes him out to be. He’s an immigrant parent who raised a diaspora kid and the can of worms of messy fucked up relationship that involves is a whole other thing.)
I love that Nate read the note saying follow your gut, and immediately went for the honesty of admitting that he didn’t know whether to open the present in front of her or not. (The struggle is real).
Ms Kake’s ‘its a car’ was beautifully delivered. I get the sense that this character is watching a seduction going on as she has had to facilitate for many before, and is observing with the attentive dispassion of a scientist.)
Rupert nodding from the asinine futuristic window like a cartoon supervillian, while Nate gives a nod and immediately after (he can’t help it!) and awkward thumbs up. God I love these two actors. And I really really want to watch Nate collaborate with Ms Kake and take on Rupert. That would be the parallel to season 1 Ted and Higgins vs Rebecca that is worth making the comparison with. (Nate, unlike Colin, can drive a fancy car perfectly well.)
I’m not a fan of the precocious children dispensing wisdom trope, so Henry telling Ted he still needs to try to win, and Phoebe saying Roy is stupid for breaking up is whatever, but if I don’t see Nate’s niece in person this season, I will sulk a lot. (I am assuming Trent Crimm’s daughter will show up as part of whatever romantic arc he’s destined for.)
My final plea for the season is to see Nate in non-branded non-work clothes, and not That Suit, either. Let the man do a scene in jeans and a soft sweater! And thank you lord, for the gratuitous shirtless Sam shot.
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terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
I like to think of Nate as having eras too, solely based off his hair lol. S1-2 is boy band, S3-4 is his Prince Charming era, and S5-6 is his awful short Spectator cut #notmynate
Oh yes he ABSOLUTELY had his own beauty eras. S your breakdown is so correct.
Boy Band Bangs:
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Collegiate Himbo:
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Soulless CEO #notmynate:
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places-people · 9 months
the jjk tags are so frustrating to use to look for gif makers they’re so full of self insert fics I don’t understand how y’all find anything 😵‍💫
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audrey-emeralds · 4 months
instagram au - jacob elordi x influencer!reader
august 26, 2023
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august 27, 2023
@ynyln posted she is in Norway!!! Really interested to see who she is with. We will probably see her with @ynsfriend!
trending #jacobelordigirlfriend
who is sheeeeee, aaaa is jacob off the market!!!!!!!
yall calm down! it was just a story, they didn't do nothin 😒
hey, she could be just a friend 🤷🏼‍♀️
Who are you all trying to fool? Didn't you hear the freaking SONG he put!!!!!!!!
wait a second, just till I start tracking that umbrella's location
september 2, 2023
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ynyln When your bf recommends a book, you have to give it a shot
View all 167 comments
booktokgirlyyy your boyfriend has got TASTE
sophviolets i need to finish reading this
clickbait-content1 bf as in boyfriend?
poetcrafts the snow in the mountains was melting, and bunny had been dead for several weeks before we came to understand the gravity of our situation
blossom.touch3s Omg y/n who is it
september 22, 2023
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october 3, 2023
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celebritiestoday Jacob Elordi was seen yesterday night with what appears to be his girlfriend. Her name is yet unknown, as is their relationship status. What are your thoughts, is this a new relationship for Euphoria actor or nothing serious?
View all 530 comments
julesfromtheparty oh no, that is serious
dailyeuphoriafan and you all said his story was nothin, where you at now???
perez-madeleine I CALLED IT!
jelordi1stanns AH! NEW RELATIONSHIP
wendynotwilliams that's not sydney, right?
locally-chaotic12 that ain't serious
elordijacobs until it's officially confirmed, i am staying quiet
1989.album221 JACOBB
raw-euphoria-react @jacobelordi care to explain this 🧐
trending #jacobelordigirlfriend
slimchanceswitcelebs that has to be THE girlfriend
marscitinzen jacob better say it out loud, otherwise, i ain't believing it
jacobsworkingeuphoria this relationship about to be public
december 18, 2023
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ynyln enjoying switzerland!
@ynsfriend1 @ynsfriend2 @ynsfriend3 @jacobelordi
View all 2,207 comments
poetcrafts oh it must be beautiful in person!
fan.fanning ahhhhhh i'm sorry, what
popelordiculture JACOB IS TAGGED
fanofynyln321 girl, you think we wouldn't notice the tag
jacobcrushinmee omg! she is the girl from the storyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
nate.euphoria1923 pose if you two are dating 📸
rosie.b.smith you were a secret for monthsss
mitchbitch she has got to be the girl from the paparazzi photos
chlooethecriminal girl we have seen you two before, internet NEVER FORGETS
december 19, 2023
trending #jacobelordigirlfriend
stellamonroe not you people finding out who my girl yn is just now 😂
popelordiculture should have stalked his following sooner 😒
hissingteenage.girl JACOBBB you can't be doing me like this when I just saw you in saltburn 😭
oxfordsalt1 bruh too soon, jacob you didn't even give us a chance
jacob.elordifan283 i guess that means i am single 😔
553 notes · View notes
cl6udias · 2 months
✷ drunk in love
cw: nsfw content, fem reader, mentions of piv, i dont speak great English so some words might be used wrong, etc.
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over spring break you watched a few “videos” to get a better idea of what you and luke should be doing in bed because i mean neither of you are very experienced so you wanted to try some new things so when you got back to camp you suggested a new position to luke and he was more than happy to oblige.
it wasn't anything like super crazy though, just that your lower back was raised off the bed by your pretty pink pillows, allowing luke to cock to hit deeper.
his thrust were slow, caluclated, drawing little whimpers from you with each thrust. he was asking you something, however you have turned into a cock-drunk mess. his question struggling to resonate in your mind. all you could focus on was the rhythmic squeak of your bunk, the coil in you stomach threatening to break, his fingers digging into the flesh of your hips already leaving bruises…
and then everything stilled. there was a foreign pressure on your lower abdomen. the sensation sending goosebumps throughout your body, your warm walls instantly clenching as your eyes shot open to be met with him already staring at you.
"that got your attention, huh baby?”
"luke...wha–" you could only let out a whine as he did it again, you clenched around him making him let out a choked moan.
"look," you did as you were told and followed your gaze down until you saw it. there was a small bump protruding from the skin of your tummy. your eyes widened as he thrusted his hips forward to demonstrate, his cock visibly moving inside you. "looks like my dicks about to break ya open” he chuckled.
he began to thrust his hips forward again, using his finger to trace the outline over your stomach, enchanted by the sight of his dick ramming into you. “lu-muph!”
“awh did i fuck my poor baby dumb?” he cooed as he pressed down on your stomach again and this time you saw stars, toes curling as your jaw dropped , you’ve never came so hard before. so i guess it was safe to say your little research helped.
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authors note: again im sorry if the english is bad :) also tell me why i was helping my parents at their restaurant and one of the customers mocked my accent while i was taking their order and the thing is we live in hawaii and like you could tell they were tourists so like who has the audacity to mock someone who actually lives hear when you on our land which we dont even want you on like wtf (i have a spanish accent but still) also i saw something like this with this like idea but i think it was for nate jacobs (is that his name?!?)or something idk credits to them i guess
tag list: @alexandria-millie @pipravi4life
269 notes · View notes
a-aexotic · 2 months
✫𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒏𝒆, i can see you.
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✫ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | fighting, swearing, tristan being an asshole, breaking things (not too graphic promise LOL) ✫ 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 | hey yall, i'm back! i hope everyone enjoys! also i tagged everyone who seemed interested, i'm sorry for the VERY late update. i'm back, mwahhh. also planning a nate archibald series, who'd be interested? lmk! ✫ 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | @colbybrocks @weepingwitchofthewest @shady-writtingtalk @zulpix-blog @wheelerslover @dogmom600 @damnhati @remussbitch @yourmumstoyboy2-blog @1-800-starkindustrie
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The front door opened suddenly and she whipped her head to make eye contact with... Tristan Dugray? Oh, so that's where she's heard that name!
Y/N couldn't control as her mouth flew open. She also couldn't control the words that came out of her mouth as she saw him. "Oh, you've gotta be shitting me."
After Y/N had locked eyes with Tristan she whipped her head to face her father. "You're engaged to Tristan's mother?!"
Her father and Kristan looked surprised — they both exchanged glances before they looked back at her. "Yeah, I guess I am?"
His answer sounded more like a question rather than a straight up reply. He didn't know why she was now seemingly opposed to the idea of him being engaged to Kristan simply because of Tristan.
Y/N looked shocked, her jaw practically on the floor. "You're engaged to Tristan's mother." Instead of a question, it sounds more like a statement.
Before any of them could reply, Tristan spoke. "Oh, hello step-sister." You could practically hear the smirk in his voice. He was enjoying see your shocked expression. Tristan's smug remark only fueled your growing frustration and utter disbelief. You shot him a glare that could freeze lava before turning back to her father and Kristan, your mind racing with a whirlwind of emotions.
"So, this is what you meant by wanting me to spend time with my old 'friends'?" Your tone was laced with sarcasm as she addressed her father. "You conveniently forgot to mention that my 'old friend' is now my soon-to-be stepbrother?"
Her father shifted uncomfortably under her accusing gaze, realizing he had failed to properly prepare Y/N for this bombshell. "I... I thought it would be best to tell you in person."
Your frustration mounted with each passing second. "Well you thought wrong, Dad."
Kristan interjected, her voice gentle yet firm. "I understand this is a lot to take in, Y/N. But we're all going to be a family now, and I hope we can find a way to make this work."
Y/N fought the urge to roll her eyes at Kristan's attempt to diffuse the tension as she gave her a sarcastic smile. "Right, a family. How convenient."
Tristan leaned against the doorway, his arms crossed with a smirk still playing on his lips. "Well, this should be fun. Welcome to the family, stepsis."
Y/N resisted the urge to launch herself at him as she shot daggers with her eyes. "Don't call me that."
Kristan shot a glare at her son as she turned to you once again. "We didn't realize it would be such a shock to you,. We should have handled this better."
You took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of emotions swirling inside me. You knew you couldn't blame her father entirely, but the whole thing still felt like a betrayal. "I just need some time to process all of this," Y/N muttered, her voice tinged with resignation. "Excuse me."
"I thought that went great." Tristan mumbled as his mother shook his head, your father pulling her in closer.
You turned on her heel and stormed out of the room, leaving your father, Kristan, and Tristan as your retreated to her old bedroom, you couldn't shake the feeling that your carefully constructed world was crumbling around you, and you had no idea how to pick up the pieces.
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You stepped out of the car, dramatically slamming the door as you took in the school: Chilton Prep School, where she would be going to school from now. She heard footsteps from behind her, she already knew who it was.
"Welcome home, Cromwell." Tristan's voice rang. You gritted her teeth at the sound of Tristan's voice behind you. You turned slowly, fixing him with a glare that could cut through steel.
"Save it, Dugray," you snapped, your tone dripping with disdain. "This is hardly my idea of home."
Tristan raised an eyebrow, his smirk never faltering. "Well, get used to it. Looks like we're going to be seeing a lot more of each other from now on."
Tristan raised an eyebrow, his smirk never faltering. "Feisty as ever, Cromwell. I'm just offering a friendly welcome to our new classmate, no need to get all... bitchy."
You narrowed your eyes at his remark, resisting the urge to roll them. "I'll take that as a compliment, Dugray. And I don't need your welcome. I know my way around just fine."
Tristan's smirk widened, clearly enjoying getting a rise out of you. "Oh, come on, Cromwell. Where's that famous New York charm? You're going to need it to survive in this stuffy place."
"I'll manage just fine without your help," you shot back, your voice dripping with determination. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have better things to do than stand here and listen to your bullshit."
You turned away from Tristan, walking into Chilton. You already hated it, everyone looked so pretentious and elitist, just like Tristan. But you weren't going to let that intimidate you. You had faced down Manhattan's elite, and you could handle a bunch of snooty prep school kids. You had grown up with these kids, they couldn't be that hard.
As you made your way through the halls, you couldn't shake the feeling of being out of place. The students eyed you with curiosity, whispers following in your wake. But you held your head high, refusing to let them see any hint of insecurity.
Chilton was a far cry from the bustling streets of Manhattan, and you couldn't shake the feeling that you were in for a rough ride. But you were Y/N Cromwell, and you didn't back down from a challenge.
With a flick of your hair and a confident stride, you made your way to your first class, ready to show Chilton Prep that Y/N Cromwell was a force to be reckoned with.
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"Where are you two going?" You popped a grape in your mouth as you watched Kristan grab her purse from the chair as your father tightened his tie.
"I told you earlier, we have a date."
You raised an eyebrow at your father's response, a hint of skepticism in your voice. "A date? You two are acting like lovesick teenagers."
Kristan chuckled, smoothing down her blouse as she shot you a warm smile. "Well, your father does know how to sweep a lady off her feet."
You rolled your eyes as Kristan and your father shared glances. You all knew what that meant, you had to be left alone with Tristan. You had barely managed to tolerate his presence since arriving at your father's house, and the thought of spending an evening alone with him was enough to make you want to crawl out of your skin.
"Well, have fun on your date," you forced out, the words tasting bitter on your tongue.
With a quick goodbye, your father and Kristan headed out the door, leaving you alone, turning around and seeing Tristan in the spacious living room. He caught your gaze and his lips curved up into a smile.
You felt a shiver run down your spine as Tristan's gaze met yours, his smirk sending a wave of irritation coursing through you. You knew exactly what he was thinking – that he had you right where he wanted you, trapped in his company for the evening.
Suppressing a sigh, you turned away from Tristan, refusing to let him see how much he was getting under your skin. Instead, you busied yourself with anything that would distract you from his presence – flipping through a magazine, checking your phone, anything to avoid acknowledging him.
But no matter how hard you tried to ignore him, Tristan was a persistent presence in the room. You could feel his eyes on you, his smug smirk burning into the back of your skull.
Finally unable to take it anymore, you turned to face him with a glare. "What do you want, Tristan?" you snapped, your patience wearing thin.
Tristan's smirk widened, his gaze flickering with amusement. "Just enjoying the view, Cromwell," he replied casually, as if your irritation was nothing more than entertainment to him.
You let out a bitter laugh as you shook your head. "Real classy, Tristan."
Tristan's smirk only widened at your remark, his amusement evident in every line of his face. "Oh, come on, Cromwell," he said, his tone teasing. "You can't tell me you're not used to being the center of attention. You were in New York for five years and you're telling me you didn't have the boys throwing themselves at you?"
You narrowed your eyes at Tristan, refusing to let his words rattle you. "I don't need validation from boys like you," you retorted, your voice dripping with annoyance. "Unlike some people, I have more important things to focus on than relationships."
Tristan's smirk faltered slightly at your cutting remark, but he quickly regained his composure. "Touché, Cromwell," he replied, his tone laced with amusement. "But don't act like you're immune to a little attention. I've seen the way you strut around like you own the place."
"And you don't? Please, I see the way every girl at Chilton looks at you. And I know you well enough to see how much that strokes your already, inflated ego." You paused, your voice laced with sarcasm as you leveled a pointed gaze at Tristan. "But hey, who am I to judge? If you want to bask in the adoration of your fan club, be my guest."
"Oh, I will, Y/N." Tristan let out a laugh as he watched you get all heated. He continued you watch you as you scoffed, turning your head back to the magazine.
You could feel his eyes on you, his amusement practically palpable. But you refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing you squirm. You weren't about to let him see how much he was getting to you. With a determined flick of your wrist, you closed the magazine and stood up from the sofa, shooting Tristan a glare.
"I have better things to do than sit here and listen to you," you declared, your voice laced with determination. With that, you turned on your heel and marched out of the room, leaving Tristan behind with his smug smirk and his insufferable ego.
You refused to let him drag you down to his level – you had bigger things to focus on than his petty games, like actually getting back to Manhattan where you belonged.
As you walked away, Tristan's amusement turned to frustration. He wasn't used to someone challenging him like this, especially not someone like you. With a determined stride, he followed after you, catching up just as you reached the hallway.
As you stormed out of the room, Tristan's smirk faded into a scowl. He watched you go, frustration bubbling up inside him. How dare she walk away from him like that? Without a second thought, Tristan followed after you, his footsteps echoing in the hallway as he caught up to you just as you reached the foyer.
"Hey, where do you think you're going?" Tristan called out, his voice sharp with annoyance.
You stopped in your tracks, turning to face him with a glare. "Away from you," you replied sharply, crossing your arms over your chest. "I can't stand being around you for another second."
Tristan's jaw clenched, his own temper flaring. "Oh, please," he scoffed, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Like you're any better. You're nothing but a spoiled brat who thinks she's better than everyone else."
The words hit you like a slap in the face, igniting a firestorm of rage within you. "At least I'm not a narcissistic asshole who gets off on belittling others," you spat, your voice rising with each word. "You think you're so much better but you're not."
Tristan squared his shoulders, meeting your gaze head-on. "I want to know what your problem is," he replied, his tone angry. "You've been acting like you a complete bitch when I'm all trying to do is be your friend."
You scoffed, shaking your head in disbelief. "Oh, spare me the act, Tristan," you shot back, your voice dripping with sarcasm. "We both know that's not what you're after. You just want to play your little games and stroke your own ego."
Tristan's jaw clenched, his frustration bubbling to the surface. "And what about you, huh?" he retorted, his voice rising in anger. "You act like you're too good for everyone, like you're above it all. Well, let me tell you something, Y/N – you're not as special as you think you are."
"You know what, Tristan. I don't care about you or your stupid games because all I'm trying to do is get back to New York. All this shit is just a rock in the road," you spat as you turned around, walking away.
"Oh really? What about your obvious drinking problem, that's why your mom sent you away, right?"
You stopped in your track as you took in Tristan's words. Fury was etched across your features as you spun around to face him, your fists clenched at your sides. "How dare you," you seethed, your voice trembling with rage. "You stupid asshole!"
You pushed him as hard as you could, causing him to trip and fall into a table. You heard a loud shattering and both of you just stared at each other before looking down to see glass everywhere.
"Shit, that's my mom's vase." Tristan's eyes widened in shock as he glanced at the shattered remains of the vase on the floor.
Your chest heaved with anger as you glared at Tristan, your fists still clenched at your sides. "You deserved it," you spat, your voice thick with venom. "You had no right to say that."
"Y/N, this vase is like two grand. It was my mom's favorite vase," Tristan scoffed as he stared down at the ground. "She's gonna be fucking pissed, idiot."
You stared back at him with anger but you knew that you needed to figure something out. Taking a deep breath to steady yourself, you clenched your jaw and met Tristan's gaze head-on. "I know I messed up," you admitted begrudgingly, your voice tight with frustration. "You shouldn't have been a bitch."
"Well you shouldn't have pushed me, like an psycho." Tristan's voice was sharp, but there was a hint of surrender beneath his irritation. He knew that pointing fingers wouldn't solve anything, but he couldn't help but feel defensive in the face of your accusation.
"Well I'm not apologizing-"
"Y/N, we need to figure out what to do before they come home."
And right on cue, the front door opened, revealing your father and Kristan, who froze in shock at the sight of the shattered vase and the two of you standing next to it.
Your father's expression hardened as he took in the scene, his disappointment evident in his eyes. "What in the world happened here?" he demanded, his voice a mix of frustration and disbelief.
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masterlist !
series masterlist !
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nathandrakeisabottom · 5 months
Headcannons about them with an anxious SO? Love your stuff x
Thank you, friend! Now, in full canonical honesty, I don’t believe that either Nathan or Sam would be particularly good at dealing with their deeper anxiety, let alone someone else’s, let alone someone else’s who they loved dearly and would only be afraid to make it worse (that many crumbling bridges and a guy’s gotta if consider his only superpower is the ability to destroy everything he touches) for most of their young lives. 
However, I do believe that post-UC4 (perhaps a little earlier for Nathan), and a good dose of necessary therapy (paid for in pirate coins, of course)--- they’d be more than willing to finally take on the challenge. 
For themselves, and for the person they love more than anything.
Drakes with an Anxious S/O Headcanons
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In his younger days, the prince of the awkward smile and half-hearted clap on the back. A pulley doll whose only catchphrases were “Man, that’s hard”, “Yeah. Yeesh.”, and “Soooo, I guess this would be a bad time for a joke, huh?”. Scurries to the bathroom as soon as they’re not in tears anymore, and stays there for as long as it takes to stop hearing the residual sobs.
However, his late 30s and 40s bring him a much healthier perspective (and therapy— Jesus, finally) and being the smarty pants he is, he passes on no opportunity to put his new skills and knowledge to use.
That playfulness and desire to find the lightness in even the hardest situations never leaves him at any age, though.
A panic attack? “‘Is something… wrong with you’? You realize you’re talking to the guy who accidentally destroys ancient temples for a living, as an archaeologist? And I still consider myself a not so bad guy. So in my eyes, you’re basically a lesser known Mesopotamian god.”
Got a bad grade? “A D in Psychometrics? I don’t know, sounds like they don’t know anything about math if they’re using a letter to grade you. Maybe they should go get their teaching certificates checked. Hey, how ‘bout I just draw you a PhD myself? You know I have an eye for art.” 
Dealing with shitty parents? Landlord? Roommates? Exes who won’t leave you the fuck alone? “What? That buffoon? Guy who can’t even spell their own name right? That bastard isn’t worth a thought of a thought of a thought in your head. Pretty sure they haven’t had a thought in their own head since 1996.”
As soon as his first wide-toothed smile is won, he’s leaning into his partner with a secretive smirk: “Ya wanna get the fuck out of here?” 
Because distractions always helped him before. 
Will act especially gentlemanly, and theatrically play it up, while taking their partner for a frozen yogurt, antique shop, Target trip, public park, laser tag (yes, really) decompress. Bows when he opens the car door for them. Pays for everything. Calls them ‘your majesty’ for the entirety of the excursion.
All he wants is to get them to smile. And he’s not stopping until he sees it. 
When the night creeps in and his S/O starts to lose steam, Nathan’s own worry grows more obvious, though he tries his best to keep it to himself. 
Watches them with wide eyes. Gives them space, but still asks every few minutes if they need a cup of water. No? Tea? Arnold Palmer? Popsicle? Massage? Hot Pocket? Sexy pillow fight? However many it takes to make his partner laugh again. But he fully means every offer he gives.
Says nothing as he helps them undress and into their PJs. Touches are tender and intimate, gently rubs their shoulders and neck. Never too hard, never too direct. Plays the friendly ghost and lets their partner take the lead, but never, ever just sits around to watch.
Makes them a beverage of some sort, even if they say no. Hot lemonade with honey is his personal homecure. Says yellow is a happy color, so it must be good for you.
And right before they turn the lights out, Nate timidly offers— with a shy, trying chuckle— if they want him to read them a bedtime story. 
Somehow shocked every time they say yes. Mumbles something self-derogatory about himself (“Ya know, not the best actor, but—” “Personally I think I have the voice of a dying goose, but—”) before sitting on the nearest surface and cracking open a book.
If he’s still feeling a little awkward, will uneasily ask if they wanna hear what he’s been reading lately, and will do so if asked— but really wants to read the pirate storybooks his mother read to him and Sam when they were kids.
It always made him feel better when the world felt too big, too scary, too cruel. 
So he wants to share it with the person he loves. 
He wants to share everything with the person he loves.
And without even asking, goes to the medicine cabinet and brings them a tablet of whatever they need when the anxiety gets especially bad, and says “I know, it’s scary. But we’ve been through scary before, right?” with a kiss on the cheek as they swallow it down with a sip of lemonade.
Lingers, eyes down, and vaguely nods to nobody as he stands and walks to the door.
“Want me… uh, want me to keep reading to you?” But he offers before he can even get past the door frame. 
“Do you want me to want you to keep reading to me?” 
And the last thing he wants to see is his love, alone. The idea of them crying beneath the covers because they were too afraid to burden him with it, too afraid to be seen. Everything he felt he had to do when he was 6 and his mother “passed”, age 9, 10, 11, 12 after a black eye, the words that his brain told him wrong: spoken aloud by the playground bullies he feared he’d never be stronger than. 
But he knew they were wrong. The bullies were wrong. The ones in his brain. The ones in theirs.
“Yes.” He replies without missing a beat. 
And he makes sure to hold their hand in his free one until the second they fall asleep… and a few hours after, just to be safe.
The next morning they fucking better expect breakfast in bed— and he maybe, just maybe, might even be willing to spring for McDonald’s, if that’s what they want. As long as they promise to eat actual fruit after. And hell, maybe even a vegetable or two when he makes dinner that night. Did you know that eating right and exercise are actually primary solutions to poor mental health—? That’s what Dr. Dorian said— No, potatoes don’t count as a vegetable— no, especially not if it’s fried— NO, FRENCH FRIES DON’T COUNT, BABY—
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Sam takes a bit longer to warm up to discussing anxiety than Nathan does, mostly due to struggling so deeply with it on his own. It’s not like prisoners (or Shoreline guards) made the most comforting companions. 
The better he could keep secrets, the less he could reveal, the safer he’d be.
So it makes sense that it’s both his greatest strength and weakness when it comes to emotionally turbulent times. 
In his younger, more avoidant years, he’d be the first to leave the room, leave the building, hell, sometimes even leave the city after a particularly heavy cry or confrontation with his then-partner. Only to come back the next morning and act like nothing ever happened. 
But now, he doesn’t run. After prison, after Rafe, after Madagascar, all he wants is to be allowed to stay. To be wanted to stay by someone who loves him. 
Is happiest to just sit with you in the silence. His biggest skill is his ability to weather the storm. And whether you need to scream bloody murder, or need to sit and decompress and just fucking feel, but can’t do it alone, Sam’s there. Listening. 
Once you’re done talking, he takes one last, long drag of his cigarette, stubs it out onto the pavement, and asks simply: “So do you want solutions… or something else, sweet’art?” 
You can see in his eyes— darting less than solid, certain against your own— that he really means it, in every way that he was too afraid to when he was younger.
The wonderful and terrifying thing about having anxiety while Sam is there is that it’s a vulnerable experience for the both of you. He’s learning, discovering, trying right along with you. And he may not be able to lift you up so easily, but he’ll be able to sink into the dark places with you, and not be afraid to see what’s down there. 
And maybe seeing someone he loves so deeply, sees as so beautiful, so smart, so kind, so wonderful, so absolutely perfect to him feel the same ways he does about himself… maybe it makes him think that he’s not as terrible as his brain tells him, either. 
Helps you take action by letting himself (finally) not be the smart one: “When ya… get like this, what do you usually do first, sweet’art? Paint me a pit’chure.” Gives you complete control, and smiles softly when you wipe your tears and the logical, the archaeological mind awakens. Mimics unraveling an ancient map when you begin to explain, and you inadvertently hiccup out a laugh. 
At times, it’ll feel like he’s trying to run again, but when he stands up and walks across the room— he always returns. This time with your favorite of his jackets, the denim one that smells like him even though he just cleaned it, and drapes it protectively over your shoulders. Clasps his palm at the back of your neck and rubs out the knot he always finds there. Smiles toothy and wide when your words are broken up by sighs of relief. Only to be filled once again with silence, gazes meeting sweet and safe. 
“Remember Indonesia?” He offers with a smirk, despite your furrowed brow.
“I guess? What about—?” 
“I read the runes’ instructions and ran us in circles all around Bali, only to reread the transcript and realized I got three letters completely wrong. J—V—A. Java. It was goddamn Java the entire time.” 
“Your point being?” 
He smiles and shrugs. Trying. Maybe he’s wrong, a foreigner in some ancient, uncertain land, but he tries.
“Sometimes our brains are just wrong.” He tries for you. “That’s all.”
You sniffle, and he leans in to press a prickly kiss to your cheek. His jacket is still warm from the dryer, wafting with the residual sting of cigarette, Old Spice Captain, cheap mouthwash, even cheaper aftershave, and something else completely unnameable. 
And maybe some others would think the scent appalling, but it’s the strangeness, the specificity, and yes, the stank— everything that makes Sam him— that makes you love it. Love him. The depth. The difference. 
The pain, and what he chose to do with it. 
Another kiss, this time down your neck. This time, the sigh of relief is his own.
What he chose to change it into. 
“So… any chance sex therapy might be a thing?” He asks grinningly.
“Why don’t we find out, ‘sweet’art’?”
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kqyslyho3 · 4 months
Not Allowed || Chris Sturniolo (p2)
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Warnings : mentions of sex. cursing
Other Blogs : @dracomalfoyhasmyheart
Summary : It's not the same.His touch. His voice. His jokes. Jace isn't Chris, and I need to accept that. Because it will never be the same.
Fifteen minutes.
That's all the time I had to prepare myself to see Y/n again. I've noticed her hanging around with Nick since our so-called 'break up,' but technically we weren't even together, so I just haven't spoken to her.
"Chris!" I hear Nick scream from upstairs. "What?" I yell back. "Nate's picking us up," he yells.
I lower my voice to its normal volume as I see him walking down the stairs. "I can't go with you guys, I'm picking someone up."
"Alright, don't be late. Mr. Morris is going to freak if you're late."
"Aight," I mumble as I head out the door.
I slide into my car and turn it on.
I connect to the aux and start playing music for the ride.
Now you suck
We wanna talk about sex but we're not allowed
I let out a sigh as that song starts playing. I've been listening to it for some time now. I'm not the type of guy who listens to music from Tv Girl or stuff like that, but then, Y/n happened.
So how should I begin this? I guess it started when you were with him And how he never even took you out to dance But did he fuck with any rhythm?
I pull out of the driveway and start driving to her place.
"Hi chris"
"Hey Y/n"
the mood of the car changed awkwardly as she walked in.
"hey, uhm, where's Nick and Matt?"
i have a little confession to make. i sort of didn't tell them that she wanted us to take her to school.
"Nate's driving them"
"oh, okay"
i pull out of her driveway and begin to drive.
"wait, why'd you want me to drive you?"
"my car's getting fixed"
Tags:@sturniolololover @chrissidepiece @@leonismypookiewookie @kenzzzposts @sstvrnioloo @riversandwinds @patscorner @jadeee3com
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serenpedac · 1 month
OC in 15 - Yael Greene
rules: share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
Thank you @aztarion, @topaz-carbuncle and @serially-wayhaven for tagging me, I loved reading the ones for your OCs so much! I'm stealing Lucille's idea for adding a link to the fic (if posted) where the quotes are from ^^
“I understand,” she whispers. She turns around before he can see her break down completely. (x) 
“In case you haven’t guessed, and I know you have, you were distracting me. I was thinking that you look very beautiful when you’re concentrating. Very beautiful and very distracting and I would like to—” She shakes her head. “No, one thought.” (x) 
“You know I’ve always wanted a sister?” “Would be fun, yeah? Good thing you have—” Farah falls silent, realisation spreading over her face. “Me. Oh, that’s what you meant, isn’t it?”
“But don’t you see, we shouldn’t have to find them. No one should have been taken in the first place. All they want is me.” (x) 
“Or you could… demonstrate?” She bites her lip, his gaze flickering to her mouth at the movement. “Right now?” (x) 
“Hmm, yes. Yes, you did. But it’s part of what makes it romantic, don’t you think? Being lost in the throes of passion, forgetting about anything else. No thinking, only feeling, feeling…”  (x) 
“I don’t think I need to make any wishes tonight, you know. Not when you’re already here with me.” (x)
“Are you sure there’s still space for me between all the bubbles?” (x) 
“Just like me. And each mark tells a story, some are good and some are bad and some might be sad or funny, but they are all part of its history, you know? In trying to remove that it felt like, like they were telling me everything was fine. That Murphy never. That I wasn’t changed.” (x) 
Do you, can you maybe understand? Just a little? (x)
After a few deep breaths, Yael places her hand on top of Morgan’s. “Thank you. I appreciate it.” With a wavering smile, she adds, “I appreciate you.” (x)
“My car didn’t die, it’s just… ill. Yes, it’s ill.”
“You should go help them. I’ll,” she swallows, “I’ll be fine.”
He breaks the kiss when she shivers against him. “You’re getting cold, darling.” “Are you going to follow that one up with a proposal to warm me up?” (x) 
“You could have escaped,” Nate says, vehemently. “You should have escaped.” Tears of anger and frustration burn hot in Yael’s eyes. “I couldn’t. How was I supposed to just leave you? You were— I thought—”
(Yes, nr 10 is me cheating, but letters are a kind of dialogue, right?) Tagging anyone who wants to do this really, but also: @evilbunnyking, @nat-seal-well, @agentnatesewell, @wayhavenots, @ellstersmash, @fauville, @nsewell, @sustainably-du-mortain, @lykegenia, @lukas-du-mortain
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fablesrose · 5 months
The Christmas Tree Job
Description: It's after Thanksgiving, so what does that mean? It's time for the crew to get a Christmas tree!
Pairing: none (general crew shenanigans)
Warnings: none
Words: 1040
A/n: This is a Christmas exchange gift for @laser-tripwires / @the-tomorrow-road (Sorry tagging isn't working, I'll send this to you!) Merry Christmas, I hope you like it!
It all started with a sigh, as many adventures seem to do.
“What is it, Parker?” Eliot asked her, watching as she sat upside down on the couch, feet over the back and her hair brushing the floor.
“It’s so boring in here. And bland. It’s supposed to be Christmas!” she huffed.
“Parker, Thanksgiving was like two days ago. It’s still November,” Eliot replied, turning back to what he was reading. 
“So? We should decorate in here,” Parker sat up suddenly and awkwardly, “We need a Christmas tree!”
“You do realize that this is still my apartment, right?” Nate walked to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee, “What if I don’t want a Christmas tree?”
“It’s our office,” Hardison answered, “and need I remind you? Landlord!” Hardison waved his hand up haphazardly from where he was working on his laptop.
“Come on Nate,” Sophie said from the kitchen, “you need to spruce this place up a bit anyway. Might as well do it now for Christmas.”
Nate sighed, “Well, I guess it’ll happen either way.”
Parker cheered. 
After Parker rounded everyone up, the crew headed to the store for decor. 
Hardison was pushing Parker around in the cart as she frequently snatched boxes of decor from off of the shelves on either side of her. She piled them up around her in the cart.
“Careful Parker,” Eliot said as he caught a box that slipped off a shelf.
“I don’t think I’ll have enough room in the apartment for all of this stuff,” Nate commented.
“Don’t worry about it Nate, I’ll make it work,” Hardison insisted as he helped balance another box.
“That’s what I’m worried about…”
Sophie bumped his shoulder, “Isn’t this so much fun? We could get a live tree after this!”
Nate shook his head, “No, I am not cleaning up after a live tree and worrying about watering it.”
Eliot popped up behind him, “It’s not a real Christmas without a real Christmas tree Nate.”
“Why do you keep doing that?” Nate muttered when he tried to suppress a flinch, “And I said no.”
“What is a live Christmas tree like?” Parker asked from up ahead. 
“It’s bringing a bit of nature into your home. It smells like a forest and a breath of fresh air. And when you light it up with some lights and ornaments, it looks real pretty,” Eliot described.
“I want one.”
“A fake one would look just as good,” Nate said.
“It’s not the same,” Eliot huffed at him.
Regardless of what Eliot and Parker wanted, the crew walked down the fake Christmas tree aisle. Sophie was enjoying herself weaving through the ones that were set up, pointing at every other one to say what nice feature it had. 
“Oh, this one is red and it sparkles!”
Eliot huffed a bit to himself that Parker mimicked with a hum. While she wasn’t as excited as before, everyone could tell she was at least partially intrigued. That was until they overheard a family a bit down the aisle having a disagreement. 
“Honey, can we please get a live tree, just for this year?” the woman asked.
“You know how much work it is, I just don’t want to worry about it. Have a relaxed Christmas,” the man replied.
“I know, but the only fake trees I can find are these GoodBrite trees. You heard the neighbors, three houses have caught on fire because of them.”
The man nodded to himself as he was remembering, “Okay, we’ll keep shopping, maybe look at some live ones.”
She smiled appreciatively and lovingly at him and linked her arm with his as they continued to walk the store. 
Hardison looked at the crew members one by one, “And…”
They took a moment to look around the aisle, and sure enough, like the woman said, the only brand available was this GoodBrite.
“Well guys… Looks like we have some work to do,” Nate said as he walked down the aisle ahead of them. 
“Does this mean we can have a real tree?” Parker called from the cart. 
“I’ll think about it!”
Nate sighed in resignation as Eliot walked in with a live Christmas tree and set it up in the corner, but didn’t fight it anymore. 
“Alright Hardison, run it.”
“So, historically, GoodBrite has been a relatively small company that hasn’t really had a specialty. Mostly making odds and ends,” Hardison explained. “That is until the last couple of years, when they got bought and the new CEO has taken over, Jack Frosten.”
“Jack Frosten?” Sophie repeated. 
“Yeah, and he follows The Santa Clause 3 plot and has declared himself the King of Christmas. And to be fair, he’s kinda followed through by building GoodBrite up to be a big name Christmas supplier.”
“And the trees?” Nate asked. 
“Well, the couple at the store was right, there have been records of hundreds of houses burning down with the Christmas tree not the official cause, but suspected. It has also been suggested that Jack knew about a defect that causes the fires but has refused to recall the trees.”
“Classic,” Eliot grunted from under the tree, having Parker direct him to make sure it was straight. 
“And I’m sure he’s keeping it nice and quiet,” Nate added with Hardison nodding in agreement. 
“So if we can get some records that prove he knew about it…” Hardison suggested.
“And make it go public, or force Jack’s hand…” Sophie added.
Nate stood and paced around the room for a moment, thinking and nodding his head. He stopped at the head of the room. 
“Alright everybody, let’s go steal Christmas back.” Nate started to make his signature dramatic exit before Parker spoke up.
“Can we decorate first?”
Nate stopped and looked at her and Eliot who was fluffing up the tree a bit behind her. Parker had a wide eyed look  as she pushed her Santa hat up so it wasn’t covering her eyes. 
Nate sighed, “Yeah, we can decorate first.
“Yay!” She cheered as she dashed off to grab the boxes of baubles and tinsel.
Even saving Christmas could wait a few hours if it meant Parker could finish her Christmas Tree Job. 
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kutputli · 1 year
Extremely unfair that I sit down with pen and paper to take notes and the episode doesn’t feature My Main Man! In true fandom fashion, I will none the less proceed to make my episode reaction post all about him...
I foresee that the giant expanded cast of regulars is going to trip us up often with these either or situations - I deeply resent being made to choose between Nate and Trent. (HI TRENT!!! My favourite little smirky shit with the HAIR. You can vaguely saunter downwards on my screen any time you want, I have missed you!)
Look, Roy and Trent are my two blorbos, and getting extended interaction with them, and backstory, and deep nonverbal communication of various emotions was just delightful. And because we weren’t shown a pin, I am going to headcanon that Roy can burst balloons with his bare hands, like the animal he is. James Lance is clearly having the time of his life leaning into the comic elements of his character, and I love how ridiculous he lets him be.
Speaking of unexpected backstory... Rebecca was a bartender?! Where the fuck did that come from? She clearly and canonically comes from money. I thought she might have been a business manager of some kind, associated with Richmond, which is how she met Rupert, but this makes her qualifications to run (not just own) a football club all the more shaky. Also now she’s established that she was willing to help Rupert cheat on his wife... I have no idea why she would then be so shocked that she was in turn cheated on. And I’m sure Rupert used the same tactics with his bartender affair that he got Leslie to help him with later, so again, just how deluded has Rebecca been?
But since I’m talking about Rebecca anyway, let me drag this back to Nate, and how difficult it is to watch a show that attempts both comedy and pathos. Because it gives me whiplash being told to selectively suspend my disbelief for some situations and not for others. It’s like when you watch slapstick comedy - you know its ok to laugh at the pie in the face because EVERYONE is going to end up with that pie, and there is the shared trust that no one is actually hurt. But if a theatrical play has a haha pie moment with one character, and then flips to another where someone stumbles and then starts crying from the pain, I’m going to feel like shit for having been primed to laugh at what I thought I was told was a pratfall.
Rebecca, more than any other character on the show, has being shown doing things that get excused because of her position as beautiful, white, girlboss. Back in season 1, she walked into the locker room without knocking, surprising two players with their pants down (in contrast to Keeley, who we see asking for consent to enter right in the first episode). And now - she literally committed sexual harassment.
Bit ironic given the current British transphobic scaremongering around bathrooms, but yeah, stalking someone into a bathroom of the opposite gender and getting close to them while they are urinating, then literally negging them and mocking the smell of their urine is - sexual harassment.
And being asked to let it go because Zava seems fine with it is like letting go of Nate kissing Keeley because she said it was ok afterwards. I have been on the fence about whether to think of that as sexual harassment or not because ‘kissing someone without explicit verbal permission’ is one of those highly cultural context dependant gestures that sometimes people are happy about, and sometimes are genuinely ok writing off as an innocent misread of body language. But I certainly haven’t just laughed it off, and the show has shown Nate to have agonised about his offence afterwards. Will Rebecca even spare a second thought to the gravity of all her wrongdoings?
I have more to say, but I need to do a rewatch with subtitles on to catch all the dialogues I missed. (Is it me, or did Jamie’s accent suddenly become, like his hair, even weirder?)
Meanwhile to conclude with our regular spot of shallow aesthetic appreciation - how happy I was to see the Hot Photographer Lady from Keeley’s Vogue shoot back! Her name is Janette and she’s played by the radiant Miranda Shamiso, And I love her.
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monsieuroverlord · 1 month
Comic book thoughts of day:
Wolverine #47
Ugh. Now we're at the part Logan realizes "he can't do it alone," and is getting a new weapon and a suit.
Laura is the best. I wish her fight with the Lady Sabretooth had more pagetime
Weapon X-Men #2
An improvement from the first issue, but I still maintain you should at least be a little tipsy when you read it.
The whole thing is too silly.
On Wolverine:
I know Laura is supposed to be a master assaissin, but I have mixed feelings on her fight with Savage Sabretooth. I don't know. It wasn't as cathartic as I had hoped it would be. This whole arc feels inconsistent in terms of skill levels.
Yeah, maybe you could argue that "Well, Akihiro fought the 616 Creed, who is arguably the toughest et cetera et cerera...."
I don't care.
Laura's slaughtered two Sabreteeth (as she should) Aki should've at least gotten one. He has decades of training on her. He's more cunning than his father. He is SMART, dammit. He's worked in close proximity to Creed and should've ascertained a weakness or two. AT MINIMUM, they should've dragged the fight out longer, in my opinion. (Ya, I am still salty)
If they MUST do angst, I would much rather have seen him get the same treatment as Laura -- captured, roughed up a bit, then a grand tag-team escape via the eldest snikt siblings clawing their way through through hordes of beheaded Sabreteeth-robot-things.
That would've made for some good violent and gory fun, as was advertised with this arc.
Also, I am currently disappointed in the Krakoa seed. The visual was cool, and I guess there is still time to bring it back as plot twist, but also meh. We already know it won't kill him, but maybe it'll drain his healing factor too or something.
Laura is definately THE Wolverine here. Literally the only one kicking ass and taking names. (I mean, Oya and Nekra are doing their part. But Logan is a useless bastard) But her characaterization feels a little off to me. Character growth is good, but she sounds like a mini-baby Logan. Not as badly as the X-Force run, but its still there.
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Sir. PLEASE. sir. sir (God, the shippers are gonna have so much fun with this panel, lmao).
Honestly, I'm still struggling to get through this. I don't like any of the plot decisions. It doesn't really feel like much of a "war" to me. Just another Creed/Logan brawl, except Creed didn't have a love interest to target this time.
We already know Quire is somehow gonna be back.
And we have two more confirmed deaths in Melter and Toad. The more the deaths pile up, the more inclined I am to believe there will be a mass resurrection. or perhaps a series of small resurrections (Like Rachel via Phoenix, Quire via telekinetics, the Dead X-Men via the Five in the White Hot Room, etc.)
On Weapon X-Men
I actually like Logan/Mariko as couple, so seeing them married and raising their kids was cute.
Also, Logan having a good relationship with Amiko?!!!?!? (didn't care for her marrying Nate, but whatever)
Also, I really like Jane Howlett. Just as a concept. She's a refreshing change from the usual broody alternate Wolverines, and I'd love to see more of her backstory as a proper, independent Victorian lady of the Howlett Estate. Apparently we're supposed to get more of her next issue. But I'd also like to see her pop up again in the future. I think she has potential. Also, her getting excited over fighting a t-rex was delightful.
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runningfrom2am · 11 months
achilles heel - III: getting a head start
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Grace is the very opposite of her brother in every way. when she finally moves onto campus at UNC Chapel Hill, she feels like she gets to be her own person, make her own friends, and hopefully start a promising career in the museum industry, and maybe, one day, get married to her high school sweetheart and live the American dream for herself. Rafe Cameron however, upon their very first meeting, throws a wrench in her very perfect plan.
rafe cameron x fem!oc, rafe is giving very much homewrecker, fanon!rafe (kinda), college!au, friends to lovers, slow-burn (maybe?), minimal oc description, drug and alcohol use, mostly unedited, (these tags are not exhaustive, lmk if i should add anything!)
wc: 1.9k
my master list
series masterlist
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January 6th, 2019
Grace pulled herself out of bed three hours before her eight am class the next morning, giving herself ample time to have a shower and get ready to go eat breakfast with her brother before class. Today was a bit of a treat, because Nate had an eight-thirty class in the building next to hers, and had the chance to eat with her and walk her to class.
She knocked on his dorm door when she was all ready, holding onto her coffee mug and stepping back a little bit in anticipation of the door opening. It's only a few moments before it does, her boyfriend smiling down at her. "Good morning, my love." Nate smiles, leaning down to kiss her forehead as he closes the door behind him.
"Morning!" Grace smiles, admiring how his dark eyes compliment his messy brown hair.
"What's on the menu today?" Nate asks as they make their way to the elevator, hand placed low on her back.
"The usual." Grace shrugs, taking a sip of her coffee while they wait for the elevator.
They make their way down to the caf, hand in hand most of the time as Nate goes on and on about his classes, hardly letting Grace get a word in until Ben joins them at their table, internally cursing to himself over having to sit across from this guy that he's never liked.
"Hey, Ben, how are you, buddy?" Nate asks as her brother sits down.
"Fine," Ben replies, clearly already bored as he takes a bite of his cereal.
"What class do you have this morning? You never get up this early." Nate jokes.
"Uh, history 120? I'm in Grace's class. Figured you'd know that." Ben grumbles, looking down at his phone.
"Oh! Right. Yes." Nate nods, looking over at his girlfriend. "How's that one going?"
"It's good! We're talking about some really interesting stuff already, we've got this one book to read and I'm already on-" Grace starts explaining excitedly, reaching into her bag under the table to grab it out to show him.
"Oh, Ben, I heard engineering got invited to your frat's opener this weekend. I think it'll be fun." Nate interrupts her, and Ben freezes as he looks between the two of them. Grace looks disappointed, but like she wasn't going to finish anyways. She's used to this, her boyfriend just gets distracted so easily. Most times she finds it cute, but not so much as of late. She always just figured it was a symptom of his high IQ, which he does love to talk about as well. It drives Ben up the wall, and it always has.
"Dude- she was talking to you." Ben says, pointing his spoon at his sister. "But yeah, fuck it. I guess it'll be fun." He shakes his head as he speaks, hunched over with his elbows on the table as he continues to eat.
"Oh, yeah, sorry, Love. Continue." Nate smiles at her and watches her eyes light up again, holding the book out to him and he takes it, quickly skimming through it.
"So, yeah I'm already about halfway through it. It's incredibly fascinating, being able to look into one person's life on such a deep and analytical level when their world was so far removed from how we live today." Grace grins, and Ben rolls his eyes. Not because he's upset with her, but because he's frustrated that she doesn't see that this guy is a dick to her.
"Oh, yeah. I read this in high school. It's quite interesting." Nate agrees, handing the book back to her. "They're teaching this in university? Seems a little juvenile."
"Well, it is a first-year course." Grace shrugs, putting the book back in her bag. Ben is practically seething at this point. His sister is so smart- it frustrates him to no end that she doesn't, at least noticeably, understand that her boyfriend is talking down to her.
"Let's go, we're gonna be late," Ben grumbles, chugging the rest of his milk out of the bowl and standing up.
Nate looks at his watch, furrowing his brow. "Ben, we have like half an hour before your class starts and it's only a twelve-minute walk away." He says but Ben is already walking off to put his dirty bowl away.
"I'll just grab a refill on my coffee and we'll go." Grace smiles at him, standing up and kissing the side of his head. "I'll be right back."
They make their way to class, with Grace struggling to keep up with the two taller boys who just tend to walk a lot faster. She does notice, though, that Ben is moving quicker than normal.
"This is us," Grace says, stopping in front of the door while Ben just walks straight in, sitting in the back row that is almost empty since they still have fifteen minutes before class starts. He blocks off the two seats next to him with his bag and his coat, waiting for you to come in and for Rafe to show up.
It's a few minutes of Grace and Nate chatting in the hallway before Rafe shows up, brushing past them and saying a quick 'hi' to Grace before joining her brother in the back row.
"Morning." Rafe yawns, handing Ben his coat and sitting in the now empty seat.
"Morning," Ben mumbles back. "How'd you sleep? You sound tired."
"Alright." Rafe shrugs in response. "I was up late doing the readings." He explains, making his friend raise an eyebrow at him.
"You did those?"
"Well, yeah. I figured I'd at least try to keep up with the workload this semester." Rafe replies, digging his laptop and books out of his bag.
"Did you hear we invited the engineering guys to our party?" Ben asks, pushing his tongue against the inside of his cheek.
Rafe adjusts in his seat and shakes his head. "No, uh, I didn't know that." He clears his throat, grabs his water bottle, and quickly takes a sip.
"Yeah. Nate said he's coming. Which fucking sucks." Ben whispers, leaning closer so Grace or her boyfriend can't hear from the hall.
"Why?" Rafe asks. "I mean, I know you don't love that guy but I don't know shit about him so fill me in."
"He's fine." Ben sighs, shaking his head and glancing back towards the hallway. "He's just such a dick. I don't even think Grace can see it because he's like, brainwashed her into thinking he's a gift from God or some shit. It's annoying. He is like, only physically capable of talking and thinking about himself. It's actually impressive."
"Sounds like an asshole." Rafe looks back at the door as well, seeing Nate kiss Grace goodbye as she slips in the door. ‘Maybe he should ask Ben for her number after all, if he hates her boyfriend so much’ Rafe thinks to himself as she walks up, and he can’t help but admire the way her black jeans are hugging her thighs just right and her orange sweater drapes over her almost like a blanket. She looks comfortable.
"Hey!" Grace smiles at the two, way too cheery for eight am. Ben quickly moves his books and she sits down on the other side of him.
"Hey, Grace." Rafe smiles at her. "Was that Nate?" He asks, sharing a brief look with Ben as she pulls everything out of her bag and places her coffee on the desk.
"Yeah, he's got a class in E building at eight-thirty." She explains.
"He seems cool." Rafe says, nudging his friend who just rolls his eyes.
"Yeah, he's sweet." Grace agrees, nodding. "We've been together for... almost four years now. He's just my person, you know?"
He tries not to laugh as Ben rolls his eyes pretty much into the back of his head, deciding not to say anything. "That's crazy, that's a long time."
"Mhm." Grace nods, looking pleased with herself.
"So, he's coming to our party this weekend, hey?" Rafe asks.
"Yeah, he mentioned it." Grace says, turning to lock eyes with her brother. "You be nice to him, by the way! And I'll find out if you're not."
Ben raises his hands defensively. "When am I not nice to him?"
"You're not coming?" Rafe asks before she gets the chance to berate her brother about it anymore.
"No, no. Frat parties aren't really my thing, believe it or not." Grace says, smiling at him, at this point forgetting about lecturing Ben. "Besides, I've got way too much homework and stuff to do. Oh! Speaking of which, Rafe, did you end up doing the readings?" She asks, wanting to move on and not face any weird pause in the conversation.
"Uh, yeah, I did them." Rafe nods, avoiding Ben's eyes as he looks quickly between them, a confused look plastered over his face.
"I assume it went well since you didn't text me?" Grace smiles. "It wasn't anything complicated luckily, they tend to keep it pretty easy for the first couple weeks."
"Well, actually, I would have, but I didn't end up getting your number." He replies, shrugging.
"Oh, well, here, give me your phone." She holds her hand out, gesturing for him to pass it over.
Rafe opens his phone and opens a new contact, then passes the phone over.
Grace quickly types in her information, handing it back to him. "There. You're all set now."
"You gonna tutor his dumb ass or something? Good luck." Ben scoffs, shaking his head.
"At least he plans on doing the readings himself. You're the one who just asks me to relay everything for you."
"Yeah. At least I'm trying." Rafe laughs, shoving his friend's shoulder.
"Yeah, whatever man." Ben rolls his eyes, leaning into his elbows on the counter.
"Seriously, though, Grace, you should come this weekend," Rafe says, leaning back so he can see her over her brother's hunched shoulders.
"I'll think about it." She relents. "I don't know if Nate will like that, though. I'll talk to him."
"Woah, wait- why wouldn't he?" Rafe asks, raising an eyebrow at her. 
"Because he just worries about me, you know?" Grace says and Ben mouths the words along with her, rolling his eyes again. They're getting a workout in this morning, apparently.
Rafe rolls his eyes as well this time. "Respectfully, that's a load of shit."
Grace laughs as her jaw drops. "What? Why? It's sweet!"
"He doesn't think you'll be safe? At a party where him and your brother will be? Please." Rafe says, smiling at her, his eyes scanning over her shocked face. This is the first time he's seen her smile like that- he could sit and watch that all day. Not in a weird way, though. Definitely not. He just takes note of how pretty she looks when he makes her laugh. "Sounds to me like he doesn't want you there." He shrugs.
"No way," Grace shakes her head. "It's not like that- he actually likes it when I drink. It's just an environment he knows I'm not super comfortable in."
"Oh, he likes when you drink. Gotcha. Honestly, you're not making a strong argument. All boys love drunk girls." Rafe says, laughing as Ben punches his arm. "Which is another good reason you should come; because there's going to be sorority girls there and you'll need to keep an eye on him." 
"He's not going to cheat on me, Rafe. He would never do that. Especially with a drunk sorority girl- gross." Grace scrunched up her nose as she speaks, shaking her head fervently.
"Okay, fine. Just like, don't tell him you're coming! They're almost always packed- you probably won't even see him." Rafe suggests.
"You really want her to come, huh?" Ben chuckles, shaking his head at his friend. 
Rafe raises his hands defensively. "Listen- I'm just a fan of women doing what they want, not what their boyfriends say they can."
"Don't make this a feminist thing. You're so full of shit."
"Am not!"
"Well, we'll see if I get ahead on my homework. Then maybe I'll come." Grace interrupts their childish argument, opening her notebook as their prof pulls up the first of the slides. 
Rafe mentally applauds himself as Ben stares at his sister in shock, who is already getting a head start on writing down every last word on the screen.
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taglist: @newbooksmell777, @tahliac11, @slut4drudy, @madelynie, @angelw33dz, @mutual-mendes (as always reply or message me to be added or removed!)
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robo-dino-puppy · 3 months
10 Fandoms, 10 Characters, 10 Tags
thank you for the tag @bluntblade! (i'm embarrassed this took me so long. also i've never been good at ranking things so uh don't consider this list in order of most favorite or anything)
Donna Noble (Doctor Who)
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Character I think about if I'm having a bad day <3 This scene between the windows in Partners in Crime never fails to cheer me up. Also: "You're not mating with me, sunshine!" Theeeeee best platonic relationship with the Doctor IMO.
Varl (Horizon)
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Aloy did not appreciate this good dude nearly enough. I want Varl to be my BFF. T_T But HFW happened and... I won't say too much about that or we'd be here all day. He's alive in my head and that's all that matters.
Cimorene (The Enchanted Forest Chronicles)
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Cimorene! She's no-nonsense and clever. She wasn't a fan of being treated like a princess so she went and "got captured by" a dragon so people would stop bothering her, and helps her cook and organize her library. I mean, goals.
Loki (MCU)
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I wasn't into the MCU when it started getting big, and in fact I didn't see any of the movies until I read someone on Tumblr (c. 2012) going on about (paraphrased) how awful it was that people liked Loki because he was the absolute worst and if you liked him you were a gross immoral person and you should feel bad. So I went and watched this Avengers movie everyone was talking about. And guess what haters? He is terrible and I love him.
Parker (Leverage)
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Although I am not brave enough to throw myself off buildings, sometimes I amuse myself by thinking "what would Parker do?" and since a canonical option involves stabbing someone who's bothering her with a fork and jumping out a window, the thought cheers me up even if I can't do that.
Aziraphale (Good Omens)
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He just wants people (aside from Crowley) to leave him alone in his bookshop. He never fits in with his "side" but tries to do what they want anyway, because that's the good thing to do, and he wants to be good. I can relate so hard, buddy.
Milo Thatch (Atlantis: The Lost Empire)
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Ok so... I totally had a crush on Michael J. Fox and I was already interested in linguistics back when this movie came out, and then here's a main character voiced by him who was a linguist! Milo had to be my favorite :D
Elena Fisher (Uncharted)
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I will fully admit that some of my initial love of Elena came from her AI covering my panic-flailing self early on in the first Uncharted game (I'm THE WORST at games with guns, even on easy, it's actually embarrassing) - but she impressed me right away when she was not overly impressed by Nate. And her snark game is on point.
Zeb (Star Wars Rebels)
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I feel like Zeb needs more love. Comic relief character who actually has an unbelievably tragic backstory! And his story has so much untapped potential! We never really get to explore what happened with Lasan, and then then dump Kallus in there with his defection to the Rebellion and his whole *handwaves* history with the Lasats and eventual apparent (b)romance with Zeb - and the show had so little to say about it! Huge angsty storytelling miss right there. (Dave why.)
Brian Finch (Limitless [2015])
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This dude! Lovable but he would be SO exasperating to deal with IRL. His arts-and-craftiness just resonated with me. He was always making stuff out of toothpicks and yarn and papier mâché and clay and and and- I'm still mad this show only got one season.
zero-pressure tags: @mari-mary, @ayaitch, @hannahmationstudios, @inomakani, @fogsblue, @nerd-artist, @singingkestrel, @prototypelq, @tjerra14, @artekai or just consider yourself tagged if you want to do it!
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sorserah · 1 day
Stand Guard - Deacon/ Female Sole Survivor
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Summary Sole meets one of the Diamond City guards and thinks having one on her side would have some advantages. Also back from 2016, I keep it as is. _________________________________________________ Tags: deacon in disguise, sole has a shitty day, drinking, smoking, only one bed, but no smut _________________________________________________ ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/6493750
„Takahashi? Yes one bowl please“ Sole scarfed the noodles within seconds. She had not eaten in days while she was looking for Valentine and finally bringing him back to Diamond City. Nevertheless eating without chewing was not her smartest idea, but she was starving. One bite too hasty and she fell into a fit of coughing, she could definitely feel a small piece of vegetables inside her trachea. She was standing now, on hand on the counter the other beating on her own chest, desperately trying to get the thing out.
Great, she survived the war and now she was probably going to die, because she thought chewing wasn‘t necessary. She felt someone beating on her back and finally she got rid of it. „Here, drink!“ The man handed her a bottle of Nuka Cola. „Thanks,“ she rattled „you are a real life saver. If the situation wasn‘t awkward enough already, it would have been if I would have choked on my own food.“ She took another sip and wiped the tears off her cheeks. A guard was standing in front of her, cheekily grinning „No one dies on my watch.“ he patted his bat. It hit her like a train, he reminded her of Nate, especially the tone of his voice, his physique was similar as well, only the hair was missing. She swallowed and tried to ignore the similarities „I think I should repay you somehow. I still need to finish my noodles, how about I stand you a serving and we eat together?“ she sipped on her Coke.
Convincing people these days were a lot easier the it has been pre war, they would do almost everything now, for caps, a place to sleep, food or simply clean water and having a Diamond City guard on her side would definitely have some advantages. The guard was shifting from one feet to another, probably fighting with himself for some reason. He took a whole minute before answering „Okay, I accept the offer. But only if you don‘t tell my boss.“ He winked, at least she guessed she saw him winking, it was a little difficult to see because of his sunglasses. „My lips are sealed.“
She took both of their servings and strolled through a few alleys until she saw a bar with some dining tables. Much better. Takahashis booth was too crowded anyway and after her show she didn‘t wanted everyone staring at her while she was eating, only waiting until she dies to loot her corpse probably. It was much nicer here anyway, the sun was setting, the last sunbeams shined on the table were they took a seat, it made the cold December evening a little bit warmer. For the next few minutes they enjoyed their food, chatting a bit about nothing important. The weather, weapon modifications and she even explained pre war Baseball to him.
The sun was completely gone when the guard finished his serving and shove the bowl aside „So“ he cleared his throat awkwardly „thanks for dinner. Erm.. I ... I guess I should..“ he waved with his hands but did not make an attempt to stand up. Sole looked at him questioning. „...Yeah I need to ... do some things, you know. Very important guard things. Mayor McDonough has a very important mission for me, I‘m sorry.“ „No problem, it was nice to have dinner with you. I don‘t want to keep you from doing your work.“ She smiled and he nodded and left. Sole couldn’t help but felt a little rejected, not that she was expecting anything, but the way he left had been odd. She wasn‘t even wearing her Vault suit, most people react strange when she wore it, so she avoided it most of the time.
She stretched and fixed her clothes before she made her way back trough the alleys to bring Takahashi the bowls back. She was deep in thoughts, when the guy next to her kicked his beer and spilled it over her stomach and chest. Great, it was one of those days. „I am sorry Ma‘am.“ She didn‘t even bother to say anything, simply turned, closed her eyes and collected all her strength to guide her hand back from her 10mm.
She burst through the door of the bar and ordered a shot of whiskey. „Hello, you know you have something on your chest, yes?“ the bartender commented with an Russian accent. She gritted her teeth „Yes. I. Know.“ She tossed down the whiskey and fled into the bathroom, locking the door behind her. She was out of her wet clothes and in her Vault suit within seconds. She had put her whole armor on top, but the obtrusive blue was still showing through. With a sigh she slid down the cold with tiles covered wall into a sitting position. Sole simply in- and exhaled for a minute, calming herself. A cigarette, that’s what she needed right now.
She dropped on the couch rubbing her temples. She saw in the corner of her eye that someone was smoking next to her. „Hey. Can I have one?“ „Sure thing pal.“ She frowned and glanced to her left. It was the guard. „Oh it‘s you“ She noted bland. She put the cigarette between her lips and he lightened it. The nicotine went through her system and she leaned back. „You changed your outfit.“ The guard pointed out „Yes. Someone spilled beer over me.“ „Not your day I see.“ „Yea, you could say so.“ Silence for a minute „Would you like to drink something?“ „I would love to thanks.“ she still had her eyes closed, enjoying the numbness from the nicotine.
He came back with two glasses with whiskey and ice. She took hers thankfully. The way it burn her throat was relieving. He emptied his drink in one gulp „So what about this Vault Suit? I hardly ever see someone wear them. Did you steal it or are you some kind of vault dweller?“ He laughed at his last statement as if he wouldn‘t believe himself. She knew she wasn‘t ready for this kind of conversation, not only was it too early, but the vault suit always reminded her of her past, which she desperately tried to escape from, without succeeding of course. Because she was the vault dweller, the famous vault dweller, and sooner or later everyone will find out, if she wanted to or not, the interview with piper and her reputation will make sure of it. She knew she could‘t run forever, but she wanted to decide herself, which person she was going to tell her tragic back story first and even if the guard was likable, probably mostly because he reminded her of Nate, she know it‘s not going to be him. Not right now.
She forced herself to a faked laugh „Yea, fancy right? Found it at a red rocket gas station not long ago.“ he looked like he bought it „It is indeed.“ he lightened up another cigarette and handed her another one as well. They were sitting in silence again, the bar crowded and it became louder, she felt uncomfortable and fiddled with her wedding ring. She saw that he stared at it, but thankfully the awkward and private interrogation time was over. „I‘ll get us a few more drinks.“ she stubbed out the cigarette and went to the bar and ordered two more glasses of whiskey. Two tall men were standing pretty close to her deep in conversation and what they said got her attention „...I tell you, no one has ever seen him here before.“ „Have you asked the other guards?“ „Yes, but either they don‘t remember or don‘t care, they say he vanishes a few hours everyday, I bet he‘s up to something.“ „Mhmm.“ That was interesting, now it was her time to ask personal questions.
„How long have you been here in Diamond City?“ she confronted him while she handed him his drink. „Oh a while.“ That‘s it? She moved closer to him and asked in a hushed tone „and what is this mission all about?“ „I can‘t tell you it‘s a secret“ Sure. „You know,“ she said smiling flirtatiously, leaned even closer, one arm on the backrest, in the other still her drink which she put down on his thigh, he didn‘t move „I overheard something today and asked around a bit, no one actually knows you, you don‘t have a home here, you probably don‘t even work here, you vanish for a few hours everyday“ her voice suddenly cold „so, who are you really asshole?“ and leaned back. The man looked like he was about to run, but stayed and widened his collar as if it was hard to breath for him. He turned to her, she was now his center of attention and answered in a hushed tone as well „Ever heard of Goodneighbour?“ She shook her head „there is this guy, pretty handsome, tall, black hair, always wearing sunglasses and he wants intel and I am the one who gives it to him. I am not a guard here no. I am a spy, honest.“ „Why should I believe you now?“ „You shouldn‘t“ he grinned and she joined and raised her glass. The rest of the evening they spend chatting about everything. She had a lot of fun, she had not have in a long time. She only excused herself later to rent a room.
„Sorry, we are out.“ „What do you mean, you are out?“ „Yes, I am sorry.“ Great, now she had to sleep outside or something. She stamped back and dropped next to him, her arms crossed. „What‘s wrong?“ he raised an eyebrow „All rooms are taken, guess I have to sleep outside tonight. Where do you sleep?“ „Here.“ „Here?“ Sole turned to him, upset „You are a 'guard'. Don‘t you have quarters or something where you can sleep?“ He frowned „Well, yes but I don‘t like sleeping with 10 other people in one room.“ There really was no need for her to react this way, but she didn‘t care „Oh, do you know what I don‘t like? Sleeping outside, at night, in December, in a bedroll, unprotected.“ He sighed and answered pretty annoyed now „Look, you could just ask me if we could share the room. 50 50 each.“ She didn‘t expect that, she felt terribly sorry for her behavior. They had such a nice evening and now here she was making a scene. She opened her mouth, closed it again, opened it inhaled and said „Okay“ quietly and then „Would you be so kind to share your room with me?“ she asked sheepishly. „Sure“ he answered evenly „I wanted to go to bed now anyway.“ He sure was difficult to read.
The room was small, clearly not meant for more than one person. Sure she had slept in worse places, but not so close to someone she hardly new, especially not in a small bed.
He started to remove his armor and she couldn‘t help but stare. His back was completely covered in scars. Burned, gunshots and cuts. Would she look like that after a few more month in the commonwealth? Definitely. He put on a white shirt and her thoughts were interrupted. „I am sorry for my behavior from before.“ She muttered while taking of her own armor, she would leave the Vault suit on though. „No problem. I understand, everyone has a bad day sooner or later. As a guard you get yelled and and attacked on a daily basis, so no big deal.“ He winked and went to bed, his back facing her.
She slipped next to him under the cover. The bed was small, very small. His back was pressed against hers and both of them were already lying on the edge. She wanted to make a funny comment, but for some reason nothing came up to her mind. He doused the oil lamp and it was pitch black. The whole situation was so awkward and she was seriously considering sleeping outside instead when she heard him saying „Good night then Vault dweller.“ she smiled „Good night liar“. She felt a bit more comfortable, but she knew she probably wouldn‘t sleep. Everything she went through had made her paranoid. She would be too vulnerable, she didn‘t allow herself to sleep, at least not deeply. But she would rest better here than outside.
An hour must have passed and they were still awake, she could tell because of the way he was breathing. He sighed loudly „Now this is going to be awkward, but my arm is numb and I would like to turn around. Is that okay?“ „Yea sure.“ She heard the spring of the mattress moving and next his chest pressed against her back and her ass pretty close to his crotch, one movement and she would close the gap. Sole felt nervous. She heard a soft crack that must have come from his sunglasses and laughed „Are you serious? You even sleep in them?“ „Its a habit, can‘t have anyone see my beautiful eyes you know.“ he budged a bit „Sorry can I“ and he put his arm around her.
Her heart was beating faster and she felt tingling sensation in her chest and stomach. What was going on with her? It must be the alcohol, why would she feel save in the presence of a stranger „Its too small. I am not trying to hit on you or something.“ The words came out before she could hold them back „What a shame.“ It was very quite suddenly. He leaned closer to her ear „Do you want me to hit on you?“ There was no going back now, time seemed to stretch. „Absolutely.“ She answered, noticing her voice was deeper. The air was thick. She closed the small gap between her ass and his crotch and heard him inhale sharply. She bit her lip. He seemed to fight with himself again, so she started to move her hips in circles rubbing her ass against his crotch. His grip of his arm around her tightened as his hand found one of her boobs, squeezing it, pressing himself even closer to her. She could feel his erection growing, her breath quickened. She turned over onto her back, with one hand trying to find his face and caressing it, with her thumb stroking over his lips. His hand was at the back of her head, holding onto her hair, he shifted forward his leg pressed against her core. His face was close now, she felt his breath on her lips. She leaned in closer, desperately trying to close the last gap that was between them, but suddenly he was gone, there was only air.
She sat up and heard he was putting on his armor. She didn‘t know what to say. But he did „I am sorry, this was a mistake, I can‘t.“ Sole felt vulnerable, rejected, hurt. „Excuse me?“ she was fighting back her tears. „It‘s complicated“ he sounded hurt „Its...look. We sort this out, but not right now. I have to go.“ Tears were rolling down her cheeks now, she didn‘t even know why, she didn’t know this man, she didn‘t have a reason to be upset, no one promised her anything. She felt his lips on hers „I am in your corner.“ and then heard the door being closed. He was gone and she never saw that 'guard' again.
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sunasrintarhoe · 2 years
For All the Nights I Lost to You p.t. 5
pairing: elliot x reader
warnings: jules, mentions of sex, mentions of infidelity, short.
a/n: i know this is short, but i felt like i needed to get something out. i’ll make the next chapter extra long to make it up to you all ;) i have two questions, do you guys think I should start a tag list? also, do you guys want smut next chapter or no? i hope you enjoy!!
word count: 1623
Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
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It felt like everything went back to normal after that. You hung out more with the trio and you stopped talking to Nate completely. The only thing- well two things were different. You stopped worshiping the ground Jules walked on and you and Elliot got a little closer… Actually, you got a lot closer.
You two were basically attached at the hip. Constantly chatting about different things like your favorite music and bands or why the fuck some bitch would ever think of the concept of inflation. Which brings us to now.
“Just print more money, there’s literally no reason why you can’t.” Elliot was exasperated. The concept of value is a man-made concept and doesn’t exist organically, I don’t get why we have to apply that to money.”
You laughed, “Value does exist organically and is a naturally occurring concept as proven by literally every animal and baby to ever exist. Besides, money is also a man-made concept.”
You two were walking to your next class, which just so happened to be Anatomy. Jules and Rue were nowhere to be found and were most likely just making out in the restroom. Elliot sighed, “ Whatever, have it your way.” You made a face and giggled which made Elliot smile softly. When you realized what class you were walking to, you groaned.
“I hate Anatomy.” You whined. Elliot chuckled at this and leaned in towards your ear. “If you want, we could learn Anatomy another way.” He whispered suggestively and pulled away while making a jerking motion with his hand. You blushed and laughed. “Fucking perv!” You pushed away and he started laughing. Before you knew it, you were standing in front of your classroom door.
“Well since you didn’t take my offer, we’re gonna have to sit through this boring ass forty five minutes class.” You groaned again. “I guess so.”
Jules decided, as always, that the four of you would be hanging out at Elliot’s place. Seeing as Elliot was the only one with a car, he had to drive you as well. “Jules Vaughn, you’re such a slave driver.” He whined as all of you walked to his car.
“That’s racist, Ellie. Rue is literally half black.” Elliot turned to her. “So am I.” You gave him a shocked look. “What?!” You half yelled. He turned around to you. “You didn’t know?” He seemed just as shocked as you were. “No! Your cousin is hispanic, so I thought you were as well.” Elliot seemed a little offended by this. “That’s the other half!” He shouted. Rue exploded in laughter and Jule was trying her best to keep her own laughter in. They didn’t know he was mixed either, but it was funny seeing your and Elliot’s reactions to this.
You were still shocked, “Wow… I know so little about you. Damn.” The car got quiet.
“Well you’re not exactly an open book either.” Rue cut in. Yeah, you two had grown up together, but it had been years since you last talked. It seemed like forever until Elliot pulled into his driveway. “No more heavy topics guys, agreed?” He turned around to tell the three of you after parking the car. You all nodded and got out of the car.
You were leaning against the window of Elliot’s room, eyes red and joint in hand. “Y/N, truth or dare?” Jules turned to look at you from across the bed. She was laying down with her head on Rue’s thigh. The position she was in made you giggle. “Truth.” You sputtered out between slow laughs. You were high as a kite.
“Woah don’t green out on me.” Elliot attempted to stop you, but he was just as high and started laughing too. Eventually Jules and Rue joined in and you four began feeding off of each other’s energy. The laughing fit lasted about three minutes, but it felt like forever.
Jules sobered up a bit and cleared her throat. “How many people have you fucked?” The question wasn’t surprising. Elliot and Rue were curious as well.
Your answer on the other hand, “None, I’m a virgin.”
Jules’ eyes widened and she sat up. “What?!” She practically yelled.
“There’s no way! Even Rue lost her virginity before we met.” You laughed again, more controlled this time. ”Well, I always told myself that if I lost my virginity, it was going to lose it to someone with a lot of experience.” You nodded to yourself. It was true.
Elliot chuckled, “Not even someone you loved?” You looked up at him and blinked. “Sex is sex and love is love. One doesn’t equal the other, you can be in love and have sex to show it, but you can also have sex and not be in love with the other person at all. I wouldn’t use sex to show affection, so I don’t think I would have sex with someone I loved if they had no experience.” You were babbling. You could’ve just said no, but you were always weirdly philosophical when high. Elliot nodded at this. “Well you could have sex with me.” He said this in a very nonchalant tone, like he was telling you about his day or some shit.
You turned your body towards him and smiled. Reaching your hands out to the bottom of his shirt, you tugged it up to reveal the button of his pants. “No take backs.”
“Woah, woah, there are two other people here.” Rue stopped you and you turned to her, pouting. “Are you telling me you wouldn’t have an orgy to support me at a vulnerable moment in my life such as losing my virginity?” Elliot had just been softly smiling at you this whole time and chuckled at your question. “Yeah, Rue Rue, friends support friends.” He pouted at her as well.
Jules pinched her thigh. “That’s a bad friend move, right there, Ruby.” She laughed. The laughing was a facade, the three of you were actually asking Rue if she would be down. Depending on her answer, you actually go through with it. Right here, right now.
“Y’all are crazy.” She laughed. That was the end of the conversation, she wasn’t down.
“But I don’t think I would mind watching Y/N get fucked…” Your eyes widened and you suddenly felt nervous. “Are you… Serious?” Jules asked gently and Rue nodded. “I mean yeah, if it made her feel more comfortable, I would be down.” Jules and Elliot high-fived and Rue raised a brow.
“Wait… Did you guys already talk about this?” Rue eyed Jules and Elliot. “No.” “Yeah.” They spoke at the same time. After processing what the other said, they glared at each other and Rue turned to you. You nodded, “Yeah, but neither of them knew about my virginity status, we just talked about the orgy.”
Rue nodded, she wondered when this conversation happened, but didn’t question it. She couldn’t complain, she was going to see you naked.
She may not be attracted to you romantically, but she did find you hot and tits were tits.
It took the rest of the day to plan out the orgy which was planned for Friday. Today was Monday which gave you a few days to sort out your nerves and prepare. Elliot had asked about your preferences in the ‘carpet area’ as he liked to call it, in which Rue rebutted with a ‘Just call it pubes.’ Elliot pulled a face.
“Don’t be so vulgar, Ruby.” He returned his attention to you and you sighed, “I don’t care as long as you're not completely bald.” Elliot gawked at this. You actually had a preference. “Well, unfortunately, it would be better for you to be completely bald, it makes it easier to clean fluids.” You nodded, this was getting gross.
“Are you on birth control?” Elliot rubbed your thigh and you nodded. You had been on birth control since you started high school. Elliot sighed almost in relief.
“That means I can cum on your pussy! With your consent of course.” He blurted out. Rue shook her head. “ Who’s the vulgar one now?” You laughed.
It was around 11 pm when you got a call from your mom. You were half asleep when you felt your phone vibrate beside your head. “Hello?” You answered, not expecting to hear yelling on the other side. “SHE’S NOT EVEN MY FUCKING DAUGHTER! WHY SHOULD I CARE ABOUT HER?!” Your mom’s voice carried through the speaker.
All four of you had been laying down in Elliot’s bed when you answered the phone. Elliot and Rue had been softly talking while watching you and Jules fall asleep. Elliot heard you answer the phone and stopped talking.
The yelling continued and you sighed. You had always known your mom wasn’t really your mom. Your dad had cheated on her when she was three months pregnant with their first child. They constantly argued about his infidelity and the stress eventually caused her to miscarry. There were complications with her uterus afterwards and caused her to become borderline infertile. Later he found out he got his mistress pregnant.
Your birth mom died in childbirth and your dad brought you to your mom in hopes that she would accept you as a replacement for the baby she lost, but she hated you. You were the reason her baby died.
She resented you, but she wasn’t one to abuse, so she ignored you. She eventually convinced your dad that if he didn’t do the same, she would leave him, so your dad did it too.
Elliot felt himself tear up for you and hung up the phone. He looked at you with concerned eyes and you just shrugged.
“I’ve always known.”
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