#i forget and then i'm back on my pronoun anarchy
pupucino · 7 months
sometimes i realize that if your first language has gendered pronouns they actually have a fundamental meaning to you, like it's a part of how you see the world, but then i forget again and continue being totally clueless
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angel-ixily · 2 years
Once Forgotten, Always Forgotten
pairing(s): c!Karl Jacobs x Reader x c!Sapnap
Mentions: c!Quackity, c!Dream, c!Ghostbur, c!Wilbur/Revivebur, c!Technoblade
Readers pronouns: They/Them
Warnings: None! But it is a bit angsty my loves, so beware <3
Summary: After Karl time travels again, he forgets you completely even though he promised he never would.
POV: Third Person
Sapnap led Karl to the entrance of Kinoko.
When Sapnap came to Karl's bedroom to tell him that he had a visitor, Karl couldn't think of anybody he knew that would want to even see him. Maybe Quackity, but Karl didn't want to see him. He killed Karl! He didn't want to see a traitor. But other than that, Karl had no clue who'd be waiting for him.
Sapnap stayed relatively silent throughout their walk, only mumbling a few things and fiddling with his fingers. Whoever this visitor was, it was making his fiancé very anxious. Karl just shrugged it off, though. The visitor couldn't have been that bad.
Boy, was he wrong...
When he had gotten in view of the visitor, he truly had no clue who they were. They seemed oddly familiar, but he had no idea where they could have been familiar from.
Maybe a family friend? That couldn't have been possible because Karl had no family other than George and Sapnap. Someone he had met in his travels. Again, couldn't have been possible because he had never met another time traveler. There were very few who even existed. To be honest, Karl wasn't even sure if there were any other time traveler then him...
The visitor just stared at him. It was as if they were ignoring Sapnap altogether and it were just them. They took a step closer. Then another. And another until they were right in front of Karl. It was like that for a moment until they wrapped their arms around him. he stumbed back a little bit, confused as to why this stranger was hugging him. Karl looked over to Sapnap who just nodded.
Karl didn't hug back. He just...stood there.
The person stopped hugging him and stood back. "I missed you so much. You have no clue how much I missed you!" They exclaimed. All Karl could do was stand there speechless. How could they miss him if he had never even met them? They continued. "I'm sorry I haven't visited in so long! I had to take care of some Technoblade anarchy, and then Ghostbur leached onto me like a lost puppy. Then Dream used the revival book in him, causing Wilbur to come back..." They kept rambling on about things that Karl had no idea about. They spoke about this...Dream who escaped and this Technoblade who helped him, but Karl had no idea what this was. Hell, he had no idea who THEY were!
Karl cut them off, now aggravated. "I'm sorry, but who are you?" The person stopped talking, the excitement on their face slowly decreasing into a light frown.
"I...I'm sorry?" They asked. They looked back to Sapnap who gave them a saddened look. A look saying, "I'm sorry." they turned their head to Karl. "Karl I... It's me? Y/N? Your fiancé?" Karl squinted his eyes at this.
Fiancé!? Karl had only had 2 fiancé's. Quackity, who betrayed him. And Sapnap. He hadn't known of a 3rd one. There was no 3rd one to his knowledge. Karl stood there with an obviously confused face.
"No... you aren't." He shook his head, trying not to make eye contact with them at this point. Instead, he looked directly at Sapnap, who thankfully decided to step in.
"Hey Y/N? A moment, please? I need to talk to you." And with that, he took their arm lightly and led them away, leaving Karl to his thoughts.
Sapnap stopped near the pond. He now stood in front of them, but a light grip was left on their arm. They turned to where Karl stood alone, but quickly turned back to Sapnap, a concerned, yet sad, look on their face.
"Sapnap...don't tell me he travelled again. You promised me you wouldn't let him!" They scolded silently. Sapnap glanced away for a moment, remembering the promise that he had made them right before they left to L'manburg to stop Technoblade.
"It's not like he tells me when he's about to do that, Y/N!" He breathed out. Y/n tore his arm off of them and gave an annoyed sigh. They turned in a circle. running their hands through their hair before quickly turning back to Sap, pointing a finger at him.
"I told you to do one thing! ONE! And now what can I do? Just sit here patiently and happy while one of the 3 loves of my life forgets about me!? The more he travels, the more he forgets." At this point, Y/N had tears welling up in their eyes, their voice breaking. "Before I had left, I had finally gotten to a point again where he knew exactly who I was and now I have to start over? What if this time, it's permanent!" Y/N now had tears falling down their eyes. Sapnap put his arms on both of their shoulders.
"It's okay. We'll talk to him, see if we can fix this. It will be fine. I'm sure not all his memory is go-" This is when Y/N snapped.
"You don't get it, do you Sapnap? Karl has never forgotten you, at least not fully! He might stumble on your name or forget how you look, but he'll never lose memory of you! He'll always remember and love you." They stopped. Sapnap's heart hurt. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Y/N shook their head.
"I mean, you heard what he said to Quackity. He remembered Quackity, but for all the wrong reasons? Quackity killed him? KILLED him? They had no history? Karl time travels for a living and they have no history? Karl doesn't even realize how much Quackity sacrificed for him. For us! Quackity loved him, and he forgot him just like that? he forgot me just like that? Like he....like he..." Y/N couldn't even get their sentence out. They were so angry, so sad, in so much pain, that they couldn't even formulate their sentence. So instead, they just sat on the edge of the pond, placing their head into their hands.
Sapnap just stood there. They were right, Karl hadn't forgotten him. They were always together so Karl never really got the chance to. He looked down silently, not even forcing himself to look at his lover.
"Did he even love me..." Sapnap still didn't look. Y/N waited for an answer, but it would never come. They just scoffed and got up.
"Quackity was right...I never should have come here." Sapnap heard a small plop in the water and then Y/N got up, dusting their backside off.
"Goodbye, Sapnap. I'll see you on the battlefield when Dream starts another war. Good luck." They pushed themselves past him and walked towards the entrance where Karl still stood. He looked up at them as they walked past him. Karl wondered what they and Sapnap talked about.
All of a sudden, the stranger stopped. They didn't turn around to face him, but he could feel their sadness. "I loved you, Karl Jacobs. I just needed to let you know that. Stay safe wherever your journeys lead you." They began to walk away again and Karl just watched them as they disappeared into the distance.
Karl felt like a piece of him had left. And with that, he felt a little more empty. His gaze still laid the way that the person had walked off into, hoping for some reason that they'd come back.
Sapnap still stood by the pond. He wanted to cry, but couldn't find the strength to. He should have said something. He should have grabbed their arm and just held them, comforted them. But he didn't.
Sapnap was sure that they'd return. They had to, right?
After what seemed like ages, Sapnap lifted his gaze into the pond. The lanterns were gently lighting up the water, taunting him. He was about to turn around and go talk to Karl when he saw something shiny in the water. His curiosity got to the best of him and he walked over to the edge to check what it was.
A circular, silver, band was sitting in the bottom of the water. He and Karl usually kept the water clean for the fish, so this confused him. He leaned in to pick it up, dipping his hands into the cool liquid and lifting it out.
It was an engagement ring.
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