#i flirted with the cutest barista with this amazing smile
hiraya-rawr · 1 year
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backtobackbakubabe · 4 years
I’m Gonna Make This Place Your Home (part 2)
Bakugo X Reader
She’s just my roommate. 
Words: 2810
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He sipped on his third coffee as he scrolled through article after article on his laptop. It was almost noon and you were still sound asleep. He'd let you sleep as long as you needed. 
He had woken up with your back firmly pressed against his chest and his arm snug around your waist. He hated pulling away from you but he had to remind himself that he didn't know you and this was probably the last thing you needed. You had been a prisoner almost your whole life. You didn't need someone like him in your life. Someone harsh and angry. You had had enough of that already, he had seen it in your dream. He would be an asshole if he tried anything with you. So he would have to settle for slightly over protective roommate. 
He was looking for any article that might be linked to you. Trying to find out more about you, anything that would confirm your story. Not that he didn't trust you, but he just needed to know. He had been looking for almost an hour and he couldnt find anything. He already knew you weren't going to be on any social media. But he couldn't find any articles about a kidnapping or a missing persons report. To be fair he didn't have much to go on. All he had was your first name. He didnt even know how old you were. 
He was about to give up when something caught his eye. 
It was picture of you. You were very young maybe 5 or 6, but it was definitely you. 
Childs mother accused of selling her daughter and making it look like a kidnapping. Police found a suspicious amount of money that had been transferred to the mothers bank account only two days before her daughter was supposedly kidnapped. The transaction was untraceable, leading the police to believe that it was an illegal transaction of some kind. The daughter is on record for being an early bloomer who’s quirk is dream related. Such a quirk would be very dangerous in the wrong hands. The detective who made the original report on the kidnapping is now under investigation as well for corrupting evidence and tampering with the crime scene to help it fit the mothers story. 
And he thought he had a shitty mom... He couldnt help but stare at the picture. You looked so happy. You had braided pigtails and a goofy smile, showing off your missing teeth. You were so young... You had no idea that you your life was about to turn to shit. You didn't know what your life was going to become. It wasn’t fair... You didn't deserve this. The little girl in this picture deserved a chance to be a kid, to grow up, to be normal. But that was taken away from you. You would never get that time back. 
Thanks to the article he now knew how old you were, only about a year and a half younger than him. He cringed at the thought that while he and Deku were out exploring as children you were being forced to work for villains.  
He slammed his laptop shut when he heard you tip toeing into the kitchen. Still only wearing his oversized hoodie and boxers. Your hair was now in a messy bun and you looked adorable. You were only in the kitchen for a few seconds before you came out with a cup of coffee. 
You sat down on the couch next to him criss cross style. You gave your cup a weird look as you smelled it. 
“What? Did I make it too strong or something?” 
You gave him an embarrassed look, “I’ve actually never had coffee... I’ve always wanted to though. There was this book I read once, when I was probably around.. I don’t know thirteen. This girl met her soul mate at a coffee shop. She had written her number down on a napkin but he accidentally threw it away. Then he ended up going there every day in the hopes that he’d see her again. At the same time she was coming back to find him, but they kept missing each other. He ended up finding her again because she had a really weird coffee order and he heard someone call it out at the coffee shop. ” You shrugged, “I know it’s just a drink and its so stupid but...I don’t know.”
Bakugo stood up and took the cup out of your hands, “Well you’re not going to drink this shit then. Come on put some pants on. We’ll go out and get some real coffee.” 
You tried not to be nervous as you walked a few blocks to the coffee shop. Bakugo was with you. Nothing would happen. You kept looking over your shoulder expecting someone to jump out and say ‘Gotcha’. Bakugo could sense you were a bit stressed so he put an arm around your shoulder and leaned in, “It’s okay to be cautious. You have every right to be. But you cant live your life in fear. As long as you’re with me you’re safe. Got it?”
You nodded taking a moment to enjoy his caramel scent invading your personal space, “Got it.” 
You kept having to stop every so often and pull you pants up because it didn’t matter how tight you tied your borrowed sweatpants, they were just too big. Bakugo noticed this and paused. “Ok so clothes first or coffee first? You look a bit uncomfortable. I can can get you some clothes that actually fit you.”
You hugged yourself, “I wouldn't mind some pants... maybe a few shirts. But I actually really like this hoodie. Do you think we could get me one.”
Bakugo gave you a soft smile, “If you like it that much you can have it. Its just an old UA hoodie. I have tons of them.” 
You gave him a beaming smile and a quick nod, “Thank you! I’m going to wear it everyday!”
He just laughed at you, “Really it’s no problem. It’s probably best if you wash it every once in a while though. So clothes first or coffee?” 
You didn't even hesitate, “Coffee!” 
A few minutes later you both were standing in line in the cutest little cafe. The menu was huge and overwhelming. You nervously tugged at your hoodie sleeve, looking back and forth at the expansive menu. 
Bakugo saw your eyes dart back and forth over the menu, “That side of the menu is all tea. This side over here is all coffee. For your first time I would go with something sweet. Are there any flavors you prefer?”
You blushed, “I’ve recently been craving caramel.” He didn't need to know that that was purely based on the fact that he smelled like caramel last night when he was holding you when he thought you were asleep.
He nodded as you approached the front of the line, “Two hot caramel lattes, biggest ones you’ve got. And if you could add some cinnamon that'd be great thanks.” 
The girl behind the counter gave Bakugo a bright smile that made you uncomfortable. She looked crazy... why is she looking at him like that? “Is there anything else I can get for you? Anything at all?”
 You looked at him as he handed over some money to pay for your drinks. He seemed like he wasn’t paying her any attention. “No that’ll be it, oh wait! Y/n did you want anything to eat? Muffin? Croissant? Bagel?”
You bit your lip, “A muffin sounds amazing.” 
He smiled, “Yeah I agree.” He turned back to the girl behind the counter his smile disappearing, “Please add two blueberry muffins to my order.”
The girls smile faltered as she turned to look at you. Obviously not impressed with what she saw. “Of course, we’ll have that right out to you.” She rolled her eyes as soon as she didn't think Bakugo was looking, but you saw it and you had no idea what you could possibly have done to upset this complete stranger. 
You chose a cozy looking corner that had a couch and a little table. You were basically buzzing with excitement. You jumped up when you heard them call your order. You were almost to the pick up counter when you stepped on the end of the sweatpants you were wearing and tripped. Bakugo was up and at your side in an instant, “Hey walk much? I know you’re excited but I promise its nothing to trip over.” 
You knew by his tone he was just teasing you. So you took his outstretched hand and pulled yourself up, “Thanks. I’ll try to be less embarrassing in the future.” 
The same girl who had taken you order was now leaning over the pick up counter, “Well I’d start with not wearing baggy ass clothing in public.” She pushed your coffee towards you and plastered on the fakest smile you had ever seen, “Have a nice day. Come  back soon.” 
Bakugo’s hands slammed down on the counter but somehow when he started talking he sounded completely calm. Which was almost scarier, “Look here little miss bitch. I dont think you have a problem with her clothes, I think you have a problem with her wearing my clothes. I've been coming here for years and you always fucking flirt with me. It’s not my fault that after all this time you haven't picked up on the fact that I’m not interested. Next time we come in you better have one hell of an apology or I’m calling the owner. We go way back. I saved his life once. Who's side do you think he’ll take?” He looked over to you and handed you your coffee, “Here, take this and dont forget your muffin. We’re leaving.” 
You felt you face heat up as you left the cafe, “Bakugo you didn't have to do that. I dont even know her. She can think what she wants. It doesn't bother me. No matter what she thinks it’s probably still better than the truth. There’s no way for her to know who I am or what I’ve been through.”
He grunted, “Thats the thing. She doesn't know what you’ve been through but it  shouldn't matter! You treat people with respect, especially paying customers in your place of business. She’s lucky I didn't get her ass fired.”
You put your hand on his shoulder, “Thank you for defending me. I appreciate it, I truly do. But just know it isn't necessary.” 
He softened a bit, “I told you. As long as you’re with me you’re safe. And that includes deranged baristas.” He didnt know why he was already so attached to you. He knows he met you last night but thats not really true is it? He's seen you in his dreams for months. In a way it feels like he’s known you much longer. He gestured towards your coffee, “So how do you like it?” 
You brought the to-go cup up to your lips and slowly took your first sip. You closed your eyes and hummed in response to the warm delicious beverage. “This... is... wow. This is my new favorite thing.”
Bakugo pretended to be hurt, “Oh wow I thought you said my cooking was the best.” 
You giggled, “I can like two things Bakugo. Coffee is my favorite drink. Your noodles are my favorite food.” 
“Alright I think I can deal with that. Let’s go get you some clothes.” He stopped you before you could take a step and his hands found your waist. Your heart started to race, “Dont freak out I’m just trying to help you out a little.” His fingers pinched your waistband and rolled it a few times. Making the pants you were wearing a bit shorter as well as tighter. “That should be good enough to get you to the store without any more graceful accidents.”
And it was. You arrived at a clothing store just as you finished your coffee. He held the door open for you and you stepped into what was either heaven or hell. You weren't sure yet. There were clothes everywhere! Hanging on the wall. Folded on tables. There was hardly room to move around the store. “Oh wow.” 
“Yeah I know... It’s a lot. But I figured you’re stating from scratch and this place has everything. Or so I’ve been told.” He pointed to a rack off to the back of the store that had an abundance of jeans, “Lets start there and get you out of those tripping hazards.” 
You stepped out of the fitting room to show Bakugo the pair you picked, “What do you think? I think they fit pretty well.” 
His eyes were immediately glued to your ass. He felt like such a creep for even looking but once he did it was hard for him to look away. “Yeah they look great. Why dont we get a few pairs.” 
You looked at the price tag, “I dont know they're kind of expensive...”
He just waved you off, “Dont even worry about it.”
Bakugo sat patiently while you tried on clothes. Which was saying a lot for him. Sure he’s gotten better since high school but he still wouldn't consider himself a patient person by any stretch of the imagination. Yet here he was. You came out in a Ground Zero onesie and he rolled his eyes, “Real cute. Now put it back,”
You shook your head, “No I like it. And its on sale. Please! It so cozy! The inside is so soft! It’s like its hugging me.”
He grunted. Was he really jealous of an article of clothing? His own merch no less? “Whatever. If you want it that bad lets get it.” He stood up from his spot and cracked his back from sitting down for so long. “You about ready to go?” 
You nodded as you started to pile all of your clothes into a basket by his feet. You had ended up with several pairs of jeans, leggings, and sweatpants. Tons of shirts, a jacket, three pairs of shoes, and a couple dresses. “Yeah I just need to get underwear.” 
He blushed. God damnit Bakugo get your shit together. He had seen plenty of naked girls before. He cleaned his throat, “I think that’s over there. I’ll go ahead and start getting all this stuff rung up at the counter.” 
You skipped away to the direction of the underwater department while he went to the front to start the check out process. The women who started ringing in all your items gave him a sweet smile, “You’re such a good boyfriend. I saw you over there with her while she tried clothes on. My fiancé would have been complaining in the first ten minutes.” 
He flinched, “I’m not her... she's... were not together. She's my roommate.” 
The women quirked an eyebrow, “Oh? And do you make it a habit of buying all of your roommates hundreds of dollars worth of clothes?” 
Bakugo growled, “Just ring this shit up would ya?”
He was messing with all the kick knack stuff by the register, purposively ignoring the growing total. His eye caught a something that he knew he had to get. It was a necklace that had a rose cold coffee cup. The smoke swirled up into a heart and as cheesy as it was he just had to buy it for you. He tossed in onto the pile of clothes, “This too...”
She eyes it carefully, “Are you sure you two aren't-”
“Hey I picked some stuff out. I tried to stay pretty practical. Just got a bundle pack of underwear one nice bra and two sports bras. The lady over there helped me pick them out. She kept trying to get my to buy some really uncomfortable looking pair, insisting you would like it but they looked itchy.” You almost choked when you saw the total. “Oh my gosh Bakugo! We need to put some of it back! That’s way too much!”
He shook his head and put a hand on your shoulder, “Nope. You need it. You cant keep wearing my clothes. As cute as it is, you need your own.” 
You picked up the necklace that was now sitting on top. “Oh I love this... but I dont remember picking it out...”
“That’s because I did. I thought you’d like i-”
You had thrown your arms around his neck, “You are honestly the nicest person in the world. I’m so glad I found you... I dont know what would have happened to me if I hadn’t.”
He made eye contact with the clerk over you shoulder and she was giving him a shit eating grin as if to say roommate huh? “I’m happy you like it.” 
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snippychicke · 4 years
Headcanons for Reeve & his Assistant 
Stolen from @selfloving-shipper Dedicated to @unbiddenrhythm
A: Activity (What is an activity they enjoy doing together)
I think just spending time together while working, even if its on different projects, is something they enjoy. Whether it's work related, or after their together and Reeve is working on a pet project and Rea is occupied with her own hobby (reading?) They just enjoy being close together. 
B: Bashful (What is something one of them finds embarrassing about themselves but the other finds adorable)
Reeve: He is rather self conscious about how much he cares for Cait, seeing him less as a toy or robot, and more like a child. He'll catch himself fussing when the cat wanders off to do heroics, or when he comes back injured. Rea thinks it's absolutely adorable amd also quickly accepts Cait as a person rather than a machine. 
Rea tends to lose herself when reading, and will start reacting aloud (ie squealing happily, or cussing out characters during plot twist). Reeve realizes the more vocal it is, the better the book (and not to bother her if possible). 
He thinks it's the cutest thing he has ever seen a person do. 
C: Calm (How do they calm each other down)
Soft touches and meaningful looks tened to help Reeve regain his self control when he gets upset over something. Just gentle reminders that he isn't alone.
Rea, however, when she is truly upset, needs a little bit more persuasion. She has a very even temperament, but once she is fully and truly riled, Reeve sometimes has to physically hold her back and talk her down before it's safe to let her go. 
D: Danger (How do they react when they find out the other one is in danger) 
When Rea finds out Reeve has somehow placed himself in danger, she is bound and determined to move heaven and hell to assure he is safe. She knows she probably cannot rescue him herself, so she often enlists whomever is best for the job. (Which has meant making some rather unsavory deals, but she doesn't care as long as Reeve is safe.)
When Rea herself is in danger, Reeve doesn't even have to ask before Cait is on his way. There is a lot of anxiety involved, and Reeve is pulling any strings he can to save her. Eventually virtually all of Gaia comes to her rescue. 
Gaia help the idiots who thinks its smart to go after these two. 
E: Encourage (How to the Encourage each other)
They are both talented at encouraging one another. It's actually a main part of their relationship is supporting one another. Encouraging words, reminding each other of how talented and important they are, and all they have done in the past. This power couple knows exactly what words to use to embolden the other.
F: Flirt (How do they flirt?)
These two initially awkwardly flirt, neither really practiced with it. Even after they've established a relationship, most of it is unintentional flirting-- long looks, bantering back and forth-- but as they get more comfortable in a relationship, it becomes more hands on-- Reeve will skim his hand along Rea's back or arms, and Rea will tug at his tie with a playful look.
G: Greeting (What was their first meeting like?)
[Back when Rea waitress and Reeve had just started]
"Are you new?" Reeve asked the red-haired barista as she worked on his order. It was late at night, wll after main hours. But the Directors were pushing for the upgrades for the Mako reactors to be done before the end of the week, meaning long hours for everyone involved. 
She shot a shy smile, "Y-yeah, just started last week. It's my first time running the place by myself." 
"I'm sure you'll be okay, there usually isn't a big rush during the night shift."
She handed the drink to him, "I hope you're right. My name is Rea, by the way."
"Reeve Tuesti."
H: Hungry (does one of them cook?)
Despite what Rea and others think, Reeve can cook. He's just usually too busy to do more than a quick simple meal. After spending the night for the first time, Rea discovers this when she wakes to a full breakfast in bed. Healthy, but with a few hearty Kalm staples. She immediately falls in love with his cooking.
Rea knows some basics of cooking, but usually picks up quick meals from the vending machines on her way to or from work. 
Also: Cait has tried to cook. And has burnt water. He is banned from the kitchen. Avalanche learnt this the hard way. 
I: Imagine( what do they imagine their future together?)
Reeve tries not to get carried away with imaging the future. After all, their life has been insane as it is. He just hopes that no matter what happens in the future, Rea will always be by his side. 
Rea figures there might not be any white picket fence kind of future after everything, but does dream about fussing over a few kids, (Denzel perhaps being one) as well as helping to manage the future of the WRO. 
She also imagines Cait being an amazing, if not slightly ornery, older brother. (She knows Mog will be happy to cuddle any kids.)
J: Jealousy (Do they get jealous easy?)
Maybe at first, but after a while both are confident in the other. Besides, all of Gaia knows the power couple and knows how devoted the two are to each other. 
Reno may still flirt with Rea, but it's mostly out of habit and to see if he can get a rise. Reeve tends to roll his eyes, though Cait will often act on his suppressed impulses and tell the former Turk off (with an accent so thick it's hard to understand). 
Rea might be a bit...cold with Shalua Rui at first when the woman starts working closely with Reeve and the WRO. Reeve is perplexed and Cait has to point out the obvious. 
There was teasing involved, but Reeve showed how devoted he was to her. Multiple times. A few in his office. And in a utility closet. 
K: Kissing (what kind of kisses do they share?)
Many of their kisses are short and sweet pecks through the day. Just quick sweet tokens of affection.
But Rea is rather good at slow, sensual kisses, starting on Reeve's neck when she thinks it's time for a break. Maybe nipping and teasing his ear lobe while trying to drag him away from his desk. Reeve might grumble half heartedly, but he soon concedes and lets her drag him off to bed. 
L: Love (When did they first realize they were in love?)
Rea knew she was crushing on Reeve for quite a time, but seeing him stand against President Shinra made her realize. Not fully because of his bravery, but the fear that gripped her heart. Because she knew exactly how Shinra dealt with traitors and instigators. And that fear and devotion just sealed her feelings.
 Reeve was a bit more subtle. There was no moment of epiphany or realization, just gradual increase in affection and mindlessly thinking 'Gaia, this woman is amazing' after the events of the Sector 1 bombing. 
Of course, it is a long, long, time before they admit their love to one another.
M: Memories (What's their favorite memories of each other?)
Rea favorite memory is the night she first met Denzel and Ruvie. Watching Reeve work on the old train set with the little boy, patient but aome of the child like excitment shining through while she and Ruvie watched fondly. (It was when she was sure Reeve would be a wonderful father some day)
Reeve's favorite memory is the first time he woke to Rea in his bed. Just being able to lay there and appreciate the woman beside him. The firat taste of domestic life that left him wanting more.
N: Nickname (what names do they call each other?)
Reeve calls Rea tender names like sweetheart and darling when they are alone, or in an informal setting. 
Rea doesn't do the pet names very often, but at times will drop a 'honey' or 'dear' when at home and asking for a favor. 
O: Object (What objects remind them of the other.)
Rea, of course, can't see a cat, especially a plush one, without thinking of Reeve. She may have bought a small plush black cat with Cait's markings to leave on his desk as a present once. (It ends up on her own desk next to her pressed flower.) 
Reeve cannot see a red hairdd person without thinking of her. To the point there has been a time he sees red long hair and assumes it's Rea and will start talking without confirming it. (Reno gets a kick out of it)
P: Phone (how often do the communicate)
Oh boy. If these two aren't working in the same building, and for some reason are apart for more than a few hours, you bet they are calling each other or at least messaging each other frequently. And by frequently, I mean at least one text per hour, if not more.
Most is work related updates. Others are questions, sometimes just /i miss you/. 
Q: Quiver (what flusters them)
Rea has Reeve wrapped around her finger, and he goes weak when she bites her lip and gives him a 'come hither' look tacked on with a 'sir'. Or when she tugs his tie to lead him somewhere. 
All Reeve has to do is stand tall and either adjust his cuff links or tie with a serious expressionon on his face and she's already biting her lip. A finger beneath her chin and she's a melted pile of goo. 
R: Routine (Do they have a routine?)
Everything. These two are so in-sync with each other that almost everything runs like clockwork. They are two people pushing for efficiency, so used to working with one another it's when they are apart things start to crumble
S: Selfies (which one takes more selfies?)
Cait, and then Denzel, pushes for selfies with the pair. But out of the two of them, Rea is the one more likely to snap a pic of them together. Usually after a few drinks. 
T: Touchy (PDA? Cuddle?)
PDA is generally off the table except maybe for a light touch or a quick kiss, or at least at work, which is 75% of their life.
But in an informal setting, like around friends or home, they love being near each other. Cuddle time on the couch, Rea holding Reeve while he cooks supper. Long soaks in the tub together? Just cuddles in bed? Yep. 
U: Unaccustomed (How hard is it to get use to each other?)
At first, its having someone just in their life outside of work. Their home is less….silent. The morning routine of getting ready for work and figuring who gets the shower first is a little rocky at first before it becomes second nature to take turns, and whoever doesn't shower is making a quick breakfast (which Reeve often volunteers because Rea's breakfast is cereal and coffee, maybe a microwave breakfast burrito if she feels ambitious.)
V: Vanish (what would they do if the other just vanished)
They would both be moving heaven and hell, over turning the entire planet to find the other, calling in every favor they could. Which is a lot. 
X: Xray (What happens if the other is sick/injured)
Both of them are mother hens when someone they care for is sick or injured, especially each other. Yet on the flip side, they are also very stubborn patients that refuse to admit they are sick or injured. 
They will only call in if they're dead. But the slightest sniffle from the other and they're insisting on bed rest and chocobo noodle soup. It balances itself out, luckily. 
Y: Yes (who would propose to the other?)
Oh boy. So while both of them would love to get married, they also allow it to become a back-burner issue as they work on WRO and everything else. They figured they're married in every way except legally, so it doesn't matter much to them. They would be happy signing a document and being done with it but everyone else is not having it. 
Yuffie gets the crazy idea first, and enlists Denzel, Ruvie, Domino, Cait, and somehow even Vincent. Then all of Avalanche, and then the Turks and Rufus. 
The pair thinks they're being called to Kalm for some official business. Instead, they are faced with a surprise wedding. (That somehow goes off without a hitch.)  
Z: Zzz (How do they fall asleep?)
As stated before, these two are cuddle bugs. More often than not, they are curled around each other, whether it be spooning or one laying on the other's chest, arms wrapped around the other. (Which is perfect for early morning kisses before the second alarm goes off, set for that purpose expressly.) 
More than once, however, their bed is invaded by a certain cat-doll who doesn't need to sleep, but likes relaxing with his two favorite humans. And is happy to just stretch out on both of them like a real cat would.
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bfwa · 5 years
Fluff Under 8,000 Words - Semi Finalists
Sweetheart by @asroarke
“Bell!” he hears Octavia’s voice call out, and he jerks his head in that direction. And there his mother and sister are, tearing up with huge smiles on their faces. When he looks beside them, he notices that Clarke isn’t standing with them. His stomach drops.
The sound of footsteps running toward him are the only warning he has before Clarke jumps into his arms. Before he can even register that it’s her, Clarke is peppering kisses all over his cheeks and chin. “Clarke, I—” The rest of his words are lost as she presses her lips hard against his.
The soldier coming home fic no one asked for where they're eager to make up for lost time.
like you mean it (like it's splitting you in two) by @talistheintrovert
Clarke is tired. Bellamy is tired.
They decide they're tired of being tired alone.
It's time to get some rest.
Insert Titanic Quote Here by @octannibal-blake
Bellamy volunteers to be the nude model for Clarke's figure drawing class. Which is problematic because a) he's her best friend and she'll have to look at him naked for an hour and b) she's actually stupidly in love with him.
Obvious Magic by @eyessharpweaponshot
The Yule Ball is something that Bellamy Blake thought he would never get to experience. Christmas Day at Hogwarts is amazing enough without such a prestigious event. And as if the day needed any more magic, Bellamy realises that he's in love with Clarke Griffin.
Two 'friends' constantly at one another's throats, bickering about everything and anything, suddenly falling in love? Now that really is magic.
Carve Your Name Into My Bed Post by elle_stone
She feels like she's holding a great secret, thumping in her chest along with the beating of her heart: this secret of the way he looks at her, and the heat that rises, a pink blush across her skin. The heat of the room, stuffy and thick. The dim-lit background of the room like blurs and shadows, and the surround-sound of the upbeat melody of the music, so loud it could almost drown out the thrum of the secret, of her heart, of her lungs. The way he meets her eye, messages sent without words.
Fight Fire With, uh, Coffee? By kindclaws
Blake's Brews, 4.7/5 stars, 59 reviews.
04/12 Anonymous: The coffee here is really good!!! My barista spontaneously lit on fire after I paid but the coffee more than made up for it. 4.5 out of 5 would come again.
04/23 Roma F: The owner seems like a grump but he's actually really kind and has an excellent memory for supernatural dietary restrictions. I'm part fae and he always makes my brew with iron-free implements. Plus all the baristas are cute just sayin' ;)
05/17 Anonymous: I don't even like coffee but I come by regularly because I think two of the baristas are falling in love and I shit you not it's the cutest thing ever
06/08 John M: good pastries. my gf dragged me here to look at the flirting baristas. Mr Blake if you're reading this pls make a move, I have money on you realizing you're in love by the end of the month.
Would you like to write a review for Blake's Brews?
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bangtaninink · 6 years
Hi Ary! This is going to be a long text but if you ever get inspired to write about barista!yoongi, do you think you could write one about him working in a hospital cafe, and always seeing med student/intern!OC with her team after ward rounds (because everyone in the hospital gets coffee after ward rounds), and he thinks she's really pretty but she always looks so serious when she's with her team?? but basically if you write this it will end me (no pressure love u) - whitecoat anon
Bit of background to my request - i’m a med student, just started working in the hospital and i always see the same baristas every morning after we finish ward rounds and head down to grab coffee! just thought it’d be really really cute (not that i have a crush on the baristas or anything but it’s just nice b/c they know everyone’s orders even if you’ve been on the team for like 2 days??) ok soz i will leave now, as always your writing is amazing and you are talented as FFF - whitecoat anon
Doctor, doctor (gimme the news)
a/n: this is super late, i’m sorry. but also, i loved this idea??? bc it’s kinda relatable (but not, bc i’m not a med student -- god do i wish though). all the best with your studies though, whitecoat anon!! (that’s the cutest sign off name ever though. bless.) ♡
Yoongi glances up from the magazine in his hands to watch a stream of people walk in, chattering amongst themselves as they all take their seats at the biggest table in the cafe.
“Must be the new interns Seokjin hyung was telling me about,” Namjoon says, smiling politely to the few that look in his direction.
“Interns?” Jeongguk asks.
“They’re like… doctors in training.”
“There’re so many of them,” Yoongi mumbles, looking on with awe. “Didn’t realise we had so many nerds in the country.”
“Careful,” Namjoon chuckles. “These people could save your life one day. Alright. Let’s look alive. Looks like they’ll be ordering in a bit.”
Jeongguk finishes arranging the display cabinet with the fresh batch of cakes and baked goods while Yoongi puts away his magazine, taking over from Namjoon who’s busy trying to rip open a new bag of coffee beans to refill the machine with. Namjoon smiles sheepishly, giving Yoongi a gentle pat on the shoulder before walking to the storeroom to grab a box of new paper cups and lids.
It’s an unspoken arrangement, the way Jeongguk automatically mans the register while Yoongi stays behind the espresso machine, grinding and pouring as needed, Namjoon staying clear away from any kind of service, lest his hands accidentally spill or drop anything ordered. It’s the way Yoongi likes it though, preferring Jeongguk to engage in the small talk with that boyish charm and charismatic smile of his, the younger being the best candidate to pull the staff away from the gruelling reality of hospital life, even for just a minute. Yoongi wholeheartedly believes that Jeongguk is the best kind of distraction that this cafe can offer this hospital, and has caught the younger venturing off to the paediatric ward on his lunch breaks to play with the children on multiple occasions already.
“_____?” Yoongi calls out, sliding the next coffee forward. You look up from the folder in your hand when your name is called, walking up to the counter. “Flat white with… two sugars…”
You tilt your head a little when the barista’s voice seems to trail off, but smile anyway and thank him, grabbing your coffee and walking back to the table to join the rest of your group.
Yoongi doesn’t even realise he’s staring because no one’s there to bring his attention back to coffee. He can hear a distant no, I’m not here for coffee. I just wanted to come and talk to you because you looked cute in your apron somewhere off to the side, but pays no mind to it, and misses the way a slight flush of pink colours Jeongguk’s cheeks at some intern’s persistent flirting.
(He later hears said intern’s name is Kim Taehyung, and Jeongguk is already head over heels for the aspiring paediatrician.)
But it’s the sound of toppling boxes that drags him back to reality and forces his attention to the back where Namjoon emerges from the storeroom, clipboard in hand as he shakes sugar out of his hair.
Four coffees and a hot chocolate later, Yoongi still can’t take his eyes away from you, sitting quietly at the end of the table, writing and sipping while the rest of the interns are deep in discussion. He wipes the steam nozzle with a damp cloth with barely a second thought, peering in between two stacks of coffee cups to watch you turn to the intern beside you, pointing down at the paperwork in front of you.
“Hyung, can I have a coffee?” Jeongguk asks, wiping his hands on his apron. Yoongi doesn’t respond, and just keeps on wiping the steam nozzle distractedly. “Hyung. Hyung.”
“What, Jeongguk?” Yoongi asks, clicking his tongue when the younger shakes his arm.
“I said, can I have a coffee?”
“Oh. Yeah, sure.”
With furrowed eyebrows, Jeongguk watches Yoongi get back into his usual routine of tampering down ground coffee beans and frothing up milk with his usual expressionless face, but working long enough at the cafe has meant Jeongguk is a little better at reading the elder’s behaviour.
“What’s up, hyung?” he asks. “Something wrong?” Yoongi shakes his head, shrugging. “You seem… distracted.”
“Do I?” Yoongi returns, nonchalant as he hands Jeongguk his coffee. “Maybe I need a coffee too.” Jeongguk shrugs.
“Yeah, maybe.” Yoongi’s back to wiping the steam nozzle when the younger leans against the counter, drinking. “So, hey. The new interns seem pretty cool.”
“Yeah. They’re a lot nicer than all the other staff that come in.”
“That’s because they’re still clueless to the horrors of a hospital, Guk-ah,” Yoongi chuckles, putting the cloth down and following suit, resting his hip against the counter, arms crossed over his chest.
“No, I don’t mean like that. I mean they’re just… nicer.”
Yoongi narrows his eyes, suspicious, and looks over his shoulder at the table of interns before turning his attention back to Jeongguk.
“Don’t tell me you like one of them already.” Jeongguk sputters and puts his coffee down, straightening up as Yoongi watches with amusement.
“What’re you— I— I don’t like like him!”
“Yet,” Yoongi adds with another chuckle.
“I was just intrigued because he works in the paediatric ward, okay?” Yoongi nods slowly, looking smug.
“Which one?”
“The one next to the girl at the end. The one with the pinky-red hair.”
The both of them glance over the espresso machine at the interns, eyes drawn to the head of hair almost immediately. Yoongi lets out an unassuming hum, resisting the urge to shift his eyes to the intern beside him — you.
“The kids must love that hair,” Yoongi comments.
“Yeah. He said a couple of the girls braided his hair the other day and it took him and his friend _____ an hour to untangle it all,” Jeongguk replies, chuckling. Yoongi tries not to perk up too obviously at the sound of your name.
“Yeah, the girl next to him. They’re, like, childhood best friends or something. I think Taehyung — that’s the guy with the hair — said they met in the church choir or whatever.”
“What, she sings?”
“No, she’s their pianist. Like, a lowkey prodigy.” (Yoongi tries to keep his face as straight as possible after hearing this.)
“You got all this information in a two-minute conversation?” Yoongi asks, arching an eyebrow; Jeongguk shrugs, picking up his coffee again.
“He’s pretty much an open book.”
“The barista keeps looking at you.”
You’re halfway through your paperwork when Taehyung leans over to whisper in your ear, chuckling lowly when you look at him with confusion.
“The barista,” he repeats, nodding his head towards the front of the cafe. “He’s been sneaking glances through those paper cups for the last ten minutes.”
You lift your head and look forward, past the shoulder of the intern in front of you to where the barista is standing, talking to the cashier and who you’re assuming is the manager. You watch the barista ruffle his hair; it’s just a few shades lighter than Taehyung’s, and definitely not as bright.
“Why would he be looking at me?” you ask.
“Well, I dunno, hot stuff,” Taehyung laughs. “Maybe he was surprised by your weird coffee order.”
“Pfft. What’s weird about a flat white? If anyone has a weird coffee order, it’s you, Mr. Mocha-With-Caramel-Syrup-And-One-Sugar. How can you even drink that and not be a diabetic?”
“Great genetics, I guess,” he replies, shrugging. “But seriously. He keeps looking at you.”
“Maybe he’s looking at you and your hair.”
“No, he’s definitely looking at you. Jeongguk’s the one looking at me.”
“Who’s Jeongguk?”
“The cutie at the register.” You watch as Taehyung sighs wistfully, leaning forward and cradling his chin in his hand. “I’d love to tap that.”
(You consider it small miracle that you hadn’t decided to take a sip then. You would’ve definitely spat it out all over your work.)
“Taehyung, please,” you groan.
“Just telling the truth. I’m under Hippocratic Oath, you know.”
“How the hell are those two things related?” you say, trying desperately not to burst out laughing.
“No idea, but I know that I’m gonna get a piece of that cute-ass cashier. Mark my words.”
Rolling your eyes, you shake your head and turn your attention back to the paperwork in front of you. Taehyung, however, seems to have other plans.
“_____. Let me borrow some money.”
“What now?” you groan.
“Well I need a reason to go back to the counter now, don’t I?”
“Hello again,” Jeongguk says, smiling amusedly. “Did you change your mind about the coffee?”
“Nope. I just missed you,” Taehyung replies, leaning against the counter. Jeongguk chuckles quietly, while Yoongi rolls his eyes from the other end.
“Can I get you something, Taehyung-sshi?”
“I’ll take a slice of the chocolate brownie and your phone number, thank you.” As he passes by, Namjoon whistles and laughs.
“Smooth,” he comments, walking back around the counter to disappear, once again, in the storeroom. Shaking his head and smiling, Jeongguk reaches for a pair of tongs and opens up the display cabinet.
“Hey, Jeongguk. What’s the barista’s name?” Taehyung asks.
“Hmm? Oh. That’s Yoongi hyung.”
Hearing his name, Yoongi looks up and turns to where Taehyung stands, pen still poised over his clipboard.
“Kim Taehyung, aspiring paediatrician,” Taehyung says, holding out his hand with a smile. Yoongi tucks his pen behind his ear and reaches out to shake his hand.
“Uh, Min Yoongi, barista and, uh… aspiring musician?” he replies.
“Ooh. Musician. How ‘bout you, Jeongguk? What’re you aspiring to be?”
“I…” Jeongguk straightens up, holding a brownie slice in between the tongs. “Have absolutely no goddamn clue.”
Yoongi snorts. Taehyung laughs.
“So. Min Yoongi. You taken?” Both Jeongguk and Yoongi freeze at Taehyung’s abruptness. “I’m asking for a friend. Don’t worry.”
“Um… no?” Yoongi replies.
“You don’t sound so sure about that.” Yoongi clears his throat.
“Uh, no,” he repeats, careful not to inflect the end of his sentence. “No, I’m… not taken.”
“Interesting.” He’s not really sure why, but Yoongi feels nervous watching Taehyung’s eyes narrow a little as he nods his head. “Good to know. Anyway. What do I owe you, Jeongguk?”
“On the house,” Jeongguk declares. “Just… don’t tell Namjoon hyung.”
“You sure?” Jeongguk nods. “Well, thanks. _____’ll be glad to know she just saved some money.” Yoongi resists the urge to ask more at the mention of you, and just goes back to conducting inventory. Taehyung turns on his heels to leave.
Frantic, Jeongguk looks around, grabbing a napkin and plucking the pen from Yoongi’s hand without warning.
“Here,” he says, holding the napkin out to Taehyung. Taehyung takes it, looks down at the black ink starting to bleed through, and grins.
As Taehyung walks back to the table, Yoongi pulls the pen out of Jeongguk’s hand, annoyed at the giddy look on the younger’s face.
“That brownie’s coming out of your pay, you brat.”
(“Good news,” Taehyung announces, dropping himself into the chair next to you. “The barista is single.”
It takes you a moment to register his words, but when it sinks it, you drop your pen, mortified.
“Taehyung. You didn’t.”
“His name is Min Yoongi and he’s a barista-slash-aspiring-musician. Brownie?”)
“Hey.” You put your folders down onto the counter, reaching into your pocket in search of money.
“Morning, _____,” Yoongi says, flashing you a little smile. “Uh, on your own today?”
“The rest of the group’re on their way. I think all my time in A&E has made me a little too quick on my feet. Taehyung had, like, three kids clinging to his legs when I passed by Paediatric too.”
Yoongi chuckles softly.
“You’re A&E?”
“So you’ve probably got some crazy shifts, huh,” he says.
“Yeah. Everyone thinks I’m crazy for willingly choosing that department, when you’ve got wards like Maternity and Paediatric, but… I dunno. I guess I just live for a shit ton of work and adrenaline being piled onto me.” You smile when Yoongi snorts and shakes his head.
“You probably don’t get much time off then, huh. Compared to the other interns, I mean,” he says. “A&E’s probably a lot more demanding than, like, Palliative Care and stuff.”
“Yeah, me and the couple of guys wanting to get into surgery probably have it the worst,” you reply. “I mean, don’t get me wrong. We’re all suffering. Hospital internships are no joke. But I think I’m allowed to say I suffer just that little bit more.”
“I guess that’s why you always look so serious all the time.”
“What do you mean?”
“Every time you come in here with the other interns, you’re nose is always, like, buried in paperwork, while… what’s his name… Taehyung? Taehyung seems to be having the time of his life flirting with our cashier, Jeongguk.”
With a hint of a grin on your lips, you lean forward and prop your elbow up on the counter, chin resting on your fist.
“Oh, so Taehyung was right. You have been sneaking glances over at me.” You watch Yoongi’s expression drop, mortified as he struggles to find a reply.
“Wh— n-no, I— that’s not—” he stammers, looking left and right and in every direction that isn’t right at you. Your shoulders begin to shake as you desperately try to hold back your laughter and fail, fist pressed to your lips in an attempt to muffle the sound. Yoongi’s cheeks flush a soft shade of pink. “Wait. T-that’s not what I meant.”
“It’s fine,” you say, reassuring him with a dismissive wave of your hand. “It’s good to know you’re not repelled by Resting Bitch Face.”
Dragging a hand down his face, Yoongi groans quietly.
“So fucking embarrassing. I’ve been hanging around Jeongguk and Namjoon too long.”
The last of your laughter trails off when your pocket starts to beep, and you pull your pager out just as a stream of interns begins to pour into the cafe, Taehyung and his disheveled hair included.
“You’d think, in this day and age, that pagers would be relics by now,” you say, studying the message on the little display before dropping it back into your pocket. “I’d love to stay and chat, but duty calls.”
“Right,” Yoongi says, trying not to sound disappointed.
“I’ll just take my coffee to go, if that’s okay. Flat white, two sugars?”
“No problem.”
You leave your money on the counter as Yoongi walks to the end of the counter to the espresso machine, quick to make your coffee, knowing you need to leave. It’s as if you’ve just managed to pick your folders back up again when he’s back in front of you, holding your cup of coffee out towards you. You thank him and turn to walk out.
“_____, wait!” Yoongi calls out. You turn to look over your shoulder, mid-sip. “Your change.”
“Keep it,” you say, chuckling. “Consider it an incentive.” His eyebrows furrow with confusion.
“Incentive… for what?”
“To continue being unaffected by my RBF. Catch you later.”
“Aha. Busted.”
Yoongi swivels around, almost spitting out a mouthful of coffee as he looks at you, leaning against the front counter with a cheeky smile. He chuckles airily through his nose, putting his mug down as he swallows, wiping his hands on his apron.
“Jesus. I nearly choked just now,” he says, shaking his head as he grabs a paper cup — the largest size — ready to start on your coffee.
“That’s alright. I’m trained, remember?” you reply.
“Lucky me. The usual? Flat white, two sugars, right?”
“You remembered.” The abrasive hum of the grinder fills the air, the scent of freshly ground coffee pleasantly filling your nose. You sigh with contentment. “Maybe I should just hang out here for the rest of my internship. Coffee smells a lot better than disinfectant and hand sanitiser.” Yoongi chuckles, not looking up from the jug of milk in his hand, the whistle and hiss of the steam nozzle almost drowning out any other sound in the cafe.
“So. How were your rounds this morning?” he asks. “Any gruesome stories to tell me today?”
“No, unfortunately,” you reply with an exaggerated sigh. “An earlier shift means that more than half of the guys in my ward were still dead asleep when I got to their beds.”
“Not sure ‘dead’ is the best word to use when describing hospital patients, _____.” Yoongi glances up at you briefly, milk ready and poised to be poured into your cup; you look back at him, mortified.
“Shit.” You drag a hand down your face with a groan as he puts everything down, too busy laughing to concentrate on pouring properly. Behind you, the rest of the interns at your table look in your direction, interest piqued by the sudden raucous and the sight of you leaning over the counter to punch Yoongi in the arm. “Shut up. It was a figure of speech.”
“Yeah,” he says, wiping away the tears starting to form in his eyes with the pad of his thumb before getting back to work. “Probably the worst figure of speech someone in your position could use.”
“Shut up.”
The back storeroom door opens, and Jeongguk steps out, a giant cardboard box in his hands.
“Oh. Hey. I thought I heard you,” he says, smiling as he drops the box onto the back counter.
“Morning, Jeongguk. Feel free to not divulge any details about your date with Taehyung last night. I’m pretty sure I’ve heard it all already. Twice.” Jeongguk laughs.
“Seokjin hyung told me about that emergency tracheotomy you did the other night. Nice work.”
“Oh yeah. That was a real adrenaline rush. I’ve never been more terrified of screwing up in my life. But he got moved from the ICU to general recovery a couple days ago so that’s a plus.”
Yoongi whistles appreciatively as he finishes securing the plastic lid over your coffee cup, saying, “impressive shit there, almost-doc.”
“Thanks,” you chuckle, sliding over your money. “See you guys around.”
It’s just the sound of the register opening and shutting as Yoongi counts your money out (more out of habit than distrust at this point) and slides it into the till for a while, until Jeongguk decides to stop unpacking the new box of coffee cups to lean over and whisper in the elder’s ear.
“Asked her out yet, hyung?” he asks, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. Surprised, Yoongi turns his head towards the younger.
“What are you, nuts? I’m not gonna ask _____ out, you brat,” Yoongi hisses.
“Why not? You obviously like her.”
“I do not.”
“You so do,” Jeongguk argues, throwing his head back with hearty laughter. “It’s written all over your face, hyung. Don’t think I don’t notice the way you always say yes to Namjoon hyung every time he asks if you can do the morning shift these days.”
“Taking the morning shift means I have the rest of the day to do shit.”
Jeongguk hums, unconvinced.
“Not because _____ noona just happens to work the overnight and morning shifts.”
“No. And since when have you gotten close enough to _____ that you can start calling her noona?”
“Taehyung hyung said I could. But, fine. Whatever you say, hyung. Where do you want these to go?”
It’s routine by this point, the way you head straight to the cafe as soon as your rounds are done, not caring if you’re joined by the rest of the interns or not.
“Morni— woah.”
Yoongi raises his eyebrows, watching as you tiredly drop the pile of paperwork in your arms down onto the counter, sighing and running your fingers through your hair.
“Hey,” you mumble.
“You okay?” he asks, slowly reaching for a paper cup, making sure not to take his eyes away from you. You shrug in reply, leaning forward to rest your elbows on the front counter, hanging your head down as he gets to work on making your coffee.
Behind the espresso machine, Yoongi casts you worried glances, not used to seeing you so sullen and quiet. He can hear rattling and chaos behind him in the storeroom, a prompt I’m okay! called out by Jeongguk after the distinct sound of something shattering, but Yoongi barely notices, too distracted by the sight of you so distraught.
“Flat white with two su—”
“I lost a patient.”
He freezes completely, stops pushing the fresh cup of coffee across the counter to you, watching as you gnaw on your bottom lip, looking off to the side.
“I lost a patient,” you repeat, sounding so much more broken than you’d hoped, your voice unsteady and shaky. “I watched his blood pressure drop to almost nothing in a matter of minutes. H-he was only twelve, Yoongi. I watched a twelve year old boy die right in front of me, and I couldn’t do jack shit.” You let out a stuttered exhale, straightening up and scratching your temple. “That’s the first time that’s happened to me. I’m the first intern in the group to lose a patient.”
“I’m… I’m sorry to hear that, _____,” Yoongi says.
“Yeah,” you mumble.
“Hey.” He reaches over to lay his hand over yours where it still rests on the counter. “You’ll be okay. Patients pass all the time, even after you’ve done everything you can.”
“I just… I didn’t think it’d happen three weeks into my internship.” You stare down at Yoongi’s hand on top of yours to distract yourself, trying hard not to become an emotional wreck in the middle of the cafe so early in the morning. “Like, I can’t help but think now if there was something I could’ve done, if I should’ve done something differently to have prevented it.”
“It’s just the way life is,” Yoongi replies, giving your fingers a gentle, sympathetic squeeze. “I’ve seen a lot of the staff come in here after they’ve lost patients too. It doesn’t get any easier. You just learn to accept fate. You know what always helps though?”
Despite yourself, you find yourself letting out an airy chuckle, shaking your head as you rub the inner corner of your eye.
“Right,” you mumble, the smallest hints of a smile on your lips as you reach into your pocket to grab your money. Before you can find anything, Yoongi squeezes your hand and stops you.
“Don’t worry about it. Just take it easy, _____,” he says. You look up at him, eyes flicking down to the soft smile he flashes you.
“You sure?”
You nod in reply with no words left to say, picking up your paperwork and coffee and walking over to your usual table.
It isn’t long before the rest of the interns join you, their raucous chatter quieting down to almost silence when they all spot you, slouched in your seat, paperwork and drink untouched while you stare down at the chipped lacquer on the edges of the table. While everyone walks over to the counter to order their drinks, Taehyung detours and walks over to stand behind your chair and wrap his arms around you, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“How you holding up, squirt?” he says, rocking you gently from side to side. You smile a little, not taking your eyes off of the table as you reach up to pat the back of his hands.
“I’m alright, toots,” you reply. “Just gonna zone out for a little while.”
“You want anything else from the front?” You shake your head, your cheek squished up against the side of Taehyung’s head. He nods, and straightens up, giving your shoulders a squeeze before walking up to the counter.
“Hey, hyung,” Jeongguk says, greeting Taehyung with a small wave.
“Hey-a, Guk.”
“Hey, um… is _____ noona okay? Did something happen?”
“I think she will be,” Taehyung replies, looking over his shoulder. “She lost a patient this morning.”
“Holy shit,” Jeongguk gasps.
“It was bound to happen sooner or later, I guess, what with her working in A&E and all. But she probably wasn’t expecting it to happen to her so early in the game, y’know?”
“What happened?”
“_____’s ward rounds are a bit different to the rest of ours. You know how, in the movies, it’s like a group of students following around the main doctor around to different patients and just observing how they interact with the patient and stuff? That’s how it is for me and the rest of the guys at the table. But with _____ being in A&E, she doesn’t really have that because Emergency doesn’t really have a structure like all the other wards do. And since she’s the only intern in A&E, she kinda just shadows the senior doctor over there. So it’s not really ‘ward rounds’ for her per se, but like, actual on-your-feet experience. Anyway. I think they said it was, like, seven-ish? Seven-thirty? A&E got a call about an incoming patient, a kid who was hit by a car on his way to school. A hit and run somewhere near Incheon. The kid came in and… God, he was just a mess, but she tried, she really tried to keep him here. They all did. But it wasn’t even ten minutes after his admission that he flatlined.”
Yoongi, who’d been standing off to the side, walks closer to where Jeongguk and Taehyung stand to listen, to get the answer to the question he didn’t dare ask you earlier when you’d been standing just a few feet away from him.
“Christ,” he mutters, looking over Taehyung’s shoulder where you sit, sipping at your coffee, which by now must be closer to cold than lukewarm. “That’s intense.” Jeongguk nods silently in agreement.
“Thank fuck she’s got the day off tomorrow,” Taehyung says, sighing quietly. Without instruction, Jeongguk reaches into the fridge beside the display cabinet, pulling out a bottle of orange juice to slide over to Taehyung. Taehyung, in return, slides over his money.
“Should we give her something to eat?” Jeongguk asks, looking first at Yoongi, then at Taehyung. “One of the brownies, or the custard tart, or a cooki—”
“Nah, I asked her already. She said she doesn’t want anything.”
“Oh. Okay.”
A distant beeping catches everyone’s attention, and they all turn and watch you pull your pager out, looking down at the display before picking up your paperwork and coffee and standing. There are looks of surprise and confusion from the interns, Jeongguk and Yoongi alike as they watch you head towards the doors.
Looking over your shoulder, you glance at Taehyung, Jeongguk, and Yoongi, raising an eyebrow.
“What?” you ask.
“Another emergency?” Taehyung asks. You can’t help but laugh.
“It’s the A&E, Tae. It’s always an emergency.”
Jeongguk is busy packing away everything in the cake cabinet while Yoongi is sweeping the floor when you walk back into the cafe, fatigue very clear in your body language.
“Sorry, we’re clo— oh.” Yoongi looks up, the broom still in his hand, watching as you pull out a chair and drop yourself into the seat, fortunately sans paperwork. With a sigh, you hang your head back and stare up at the ceiling.
“I’ll just be a sec,” you say. “I just need to sit down for a little bit.”
“Don’t be stupid. Stay as long as you want,” Jeongguk says, smiling over at you.
Resting the broom against the wall, Yoongi dusts off his hands on his apron, grabbing a bottle of water before Jeongguk can lock the fridge and walking over to you, setting the bottle down on the table in front of you.
“Oh. Thanks, Yoongi,” you say, sitting up properly and reaching for it.
“No problem. Figured this’d be better than a coffee.”
“Yeah. I considered cutting out coffee altogether, but I’m not sure I could survive this without it.”
“Taehyung says you’ve got the day off tomorrow,” Yoongi says, pulling out the chair next to you and taking a seat.
“Mmm. Thank god for that. But…” Taking a deep breath, you pause to take a sip of water, resting the bottle on your knee, leaving a ring of condensation on your pants. “I don’t really sleep that much so I don’t know what I’ll do the whole day.”
“Something as far away from hospital work as possible, please,” Yoongi chuckles; you smile in agreement.
“Hey, hyung. Isn’t it your day off tomorrow as well?” Jeongguk calls out from behind the counter, holding bags of coffee beans in each arm. He flashes a knowing look to Yoongi, discreetly nodding his head in your direction.
“It is, Jeongguk. Thanks for reminding me,” Yoongi replies, trying not to clench his teeth and strain his voice.
“Which hyung is coming in tomorrow to make the coffees then?”
“Well, I dunno, Jeongguk. Maybe you should check the roster in the back.”
“Right, yeah.” Yoongi all but glares in the younger’s direction when Jeongguk sends him a wink and a grin before disappearing into the storeroom.
“You have the day off too?” you ask, oblivious to the silent conversation that’d just taken place between them both, distractedly picking at the label on the water bottle. “Nice. What’re you gonna do with twenty-four hours of freedom?”
“Dunno. Might sleep for about half that time, eat something, and probably spend the rest of the day chillin’ with my bae.”
You arch an eyebrow, the lip of the bottle inches away from your lips.
“Your bae?” you repeat.
“My piano,” Yoongi chuckles. “That’s the closest I’m gonna get to a relationship anytime soon, I think.”
“Oh.” You find yourself chuckling, and somewhat confused by the relief that’s washing over you. “Cute.”
“It’s not, really.” He reaches up and ruffles his hair, locks of faded pink moving in all directions. “I mean, how many grown men do you know call a musical instrument their first love?”
“Well, I dunno about instruments, but Taehyung has this elephant plush toy that he swears convinced him that love at first sight exists back when he was six.” Yoongi snorts and shakes his head.
The both of you watch silently as Jeongguk rounds the counter and makes his way around the floor, wiping down the tables before stacking the chairs on top of them. As he makes his way closer to your table, it dawns on you that you’ll need to stand and, eventually, leave the cafe to let them finish cleaning up.
“Hey.” Yoongi’s voice cuts through the quiet, and you turn away from Jeongguk to look at him. “Um, are you done for today?”
“Yeah,” you answer. “I finished kinda early actually. I’m just killing the next five minutes so I can clock off.” You pick at the label on the bottle again, biting the inside of your cheek, mustering up the courage to ask, “why?”
“I, uh… I was wondering if… you wanted to grab some dinner. Tonight.”
“Yeah, just… I figured, since we both have the day off tomorrow, we could have dinner tonight and not have to worry about going home early because of work the next day or… whatever.” Realising what he’d said, Yoongi turns to you, eyes wide. “Oh God. That came out wrong. I-I don’t mean—”
You throw your head back and laugh, drawing Jeongguk’s attention to the both of you; Jeongguk laughs quietly to himself, watching Yoongi drag his hand down his face and ruffle his hair again.
“No, yeah, I…” You drag your knuckle against the corner of your eye. “I’d like that. Taehyung’s going out on another date with Jeongguk tonight, so… yeah. It beats another night in the apartment on my own eating instant noodles and crying over some lame anime that I never really wanted to watch in the first place.”
“Amazing. Jeongguk is the exact same.”
“Well. If you’re ever in the mood to switch roommates… you know who to call first.”
You and Yoongi laugh quietly, letting it trail off naturally as Jeongguk approaches the table, hands planted on the remaining free chair.
“I hate to interrupt,” he says, grinning. “But we’re closing now, miss. I’m afraid you’ll have to vacate the premises.” Snorting and rolling your eyes, you stand, fingers wrapped around your bottle of water.
“Right. Oh, uh, before I forget, Taehyung said something about meeting up at some dog cafe instead of the apartment for you guys’ date tonight. I think he’s gonna text you the address later.” Jeongguk sighs wistfully.
“A dog cafe. A man after my own heart.”
“Eww,” you and Yoongi say simultaneously.
“Shut up.”
“I’m gonna go clock off,” you say, shaking your head at Jeongguk before looking at Yoongi. “I’ll, uh, meet you outside?”
“Sounds good. Give me, like, twenty minutes to finish up here and I’ll catch up with you,” Yoongi replies, nodding his head.
True to his word, Yoongi steps out of the hospital twenty minutes later — eighteen, to be exact; but who’s counting? — stained black apron replaced with an olive green bomber jacket, one strap of his bag slung over his shoulder. In a similar fashion, you’ve forgone your white coat for a sweater and scarf, tucking your phone into the pocket of your jeans as you wave your hand to catch his attention.
“I forgot to ask earlier,” Yoongi says. “Did you have a ride, or…”
“Oh. Oh. Crap, no I don’t,” you say, expression falling. “Me and Tae usually come together, but he’s taking the car for his date with Jeongguk tonight. Shit. I didn’t think of that.”
“That’s fine. You can catch a ride with me.”
“Yeah, just, uh…” Yoongi’s eyes shift left and right warily as he scratches the top of his head and clears his throat.
“What?” you ask, a little confused.
“Just… here. I’ll show you.”
Following behind him, he leads you to the carpark, weaving through the different lanes to eventually stop at the back of the lot.
“This okay?”
For a moment, you stand there, speechless, looking with wide eyes at the slightly scuffed black leather seat, and worn tires of Yoongi’s…
“Motorbike,” you say, eloquent as ever.
“Yeah. Uh, I just remembered what I came to work in when I was grabbing my stuff out of my locker.” He clears his throat again, reaching into his bag to pull out his helmet. “If you don’t wanna ride, it’s totally chill, _____. I can call Jeongguk, get him to ride this home, and we can catch a taxi or something.”
“No, this… this is fine,” you say with a soft exasperated chuckle to your words.
“Have you ever been on a bike before?” You shake your head. “Oh. Well. Um.”
“There’s a first for everything though, right? I can handle some early morning trauma in A&E. How bad could a bike ride be?”
Yoongi chuckles quietly, and nods in agreement, lifting the seat of his motorbike to pull out a spare helmet to hand to you, shoving his bag in roughly before shutting the seat.
“You’re, uh… gonna have to keep your bag on. The seat’s not big enough for all our stuff, unfortunately.”
“That’s alright.”
“Sorry. I didn’t really think things through before asking you out to dinner tonight,” Yoongi says, biting on his lip nervously.
“Don’t worry about it,” you laugh. “I prefer spontaneity anyways.”
“Yeah? I’ll keep that in mind for next time,” he mutters.
“Next time?”
Yoongi clears his throat yet again, looking away from you to pat down his jacket and jeans in search of his keys and preoccupying himself with anything that isn’t related to looking you right in the face. You grin and busy yourself with undoing the buckle of the spare helmet in your hands.
“W-what do you feel like eating?” Yoongi asks you, sliding his helmet on and hoisting his leg over the bike to straddle it, inserting the key into the ignition without turning the bike on just yet. You shrug in reply, resting the spare helmet on the back of the bike to free up your hands and tie your hair back.
“Whatever you feel like. I’m not a fussy eater like Tae,” you say, words mumbled around your hairtie held between your teeth. Yoongi leans a little towards you, pointing to the side of his helmet to indicate that he can’t hear you properly. You reply with a, “anywhere’s fine,” raising your voice a little more. He nods in acknowledgement and turns the key.
The motorbike roars to life and you flinch a little at the sound. You don’t hear Yoongi’s chuckle, but you see the way his shoulders shake slightly in amusement before you’re sliding the helmet onto your head. Holding his shoulder, you swing your leg over the bike to sit down behind him, his hand coming up to hold onto your wrist when he feels you wobble slightly.
“_____!” he calls out.
“You, uh, you need to hold on.”
“What?” you ask, leaning forward to hear him better, the front of your helmet knocking against the back of his. Instead of raising his voice and repeating himself, however, he reaches behind to find your arms, guiding them until they’re wrapped around his waist. He gives your wrists a gentle squeeze, and you take the cue to hold on — tight. Yoongi throws you a thumbs up over his shoulder; you reply with a nod.
You gasp, barely audible, when Yoongi revs the engine, grasp instantly tightening when he kicks off the ground and starts to move, fingers holding onto his jacket.
Behind his helmet, Yoongi smiles at the warmth of your chest against his back, and the almost-death grip around his waist.
“You okay?” Yoongi asks as he helps you off the motorbike, trying not to grin at the way you let out a sigh of relief when your feet touch the ground. You hum and nod your head in reply, undoing the buckle beneath your chin and pulling the helmet off, yanking out your hairtie to fix your hair.
“That was… new,” you say, pausing when Yoongi reaches up to fix a lock of your hair. “But I could get used to that. Maybe. Hopefully.”
He laughs a little, taking the helmet from your hands to put it back under the seat after pulling his bag out, shoving his own helmet into it.
“I hope you’re not a vegetarian.”
You stop fixing your hair for a moment to turn and look up at the neon lights of the restaurant signage, taking a deep breath in and exhaling with a happy hum as the smell of grilling meat hits you immediately.
“I am most definitely not a vegetarian,” you reply, grinning.
“This is my brother’s restaurant,” he explains, leading you inside, the scent of cooked meats and vegetables increasing tenfold as soon as you’ve stepped through the doors. “As if it isn’t bad enough that I’m on my feet all day, every time he sees me walk in, he gets me to work in exchange for free food. I’m hoping with you here that doesn’t happen.”
“No family benefits?”
“Well, you’d think I’d get some, right?”
“Well, well. Good evening, young master. Come to pay your debts?”
The both of you turn to come face to face with a man wiping his hands on a towel, hair a dull shade of blue, multiple piercings on both ears, and a cheeky grin painted on his lips.
“Nope. I have a ‘get out of jail free’ card tonight, hyung,” Yoongi answers, wiggling his eyebrows. “This is _____.” The man’s eyes shifts to you before shifting back to Yoongi, slightly narrowed.
“You win this time, you brat. But you’ll be on dishes next time. Your usual table’s free.”
Yoongi groans, but you can see him holding back a smile as he leads you over to the back corner of the restaurant after you bow your head politely.
“That… was your brother?” you ask, taking a seat and dropping your bag down beside you.
“Yeah, that was Yoonjae hyung,” Yoongi replies, following suit. “I’m actually surprised he’s only gonna put me on dishes.”
“Is that bad?”
“Nah. Bad is toilet duties. Have you ever cleaned a toilet after midnight after a busy day in a barbecue restaurant? The things I’ve seen in there could probably rival the things you see in A&E.” You snort.
“That’s a stretch.”
“Okay, yeah. True. But you know what I mean.”
Shaking your head, you laugh as you reach for the menu beside you, eyes scanning the various cuts of meat and side dishes on offer. Everything looks amazing and enticing, and you’re salivating before the grill’s even been ignited.
“So. What’ll it be, kids?” Yoonjae asks, approaching the table with a small notepad in his hand, grabbing his pen from where it’s tucked behind his ear.
“I’ll have the usual,” Yoongi answers. “I dunno what _____ wants.”
“What’s ‘the usual’?” you ask.
“A serve of dumplings, some steak, pork belly, kimchi hot pot, and rice.”
“That’s all for one person?”
“It’s supposed to be for two, but I mean, I don’t know when I’m gonna be eating next, so… while I’m here…”
“Interesting. I’ll get the same.”
Yoonjae stops writing to look at you, eyebrows raised in surprise.
“You know what?” he says, tucking his pen back behind his ear. “I like you already.”
“I hope that means I get to avoid doing the dishes with Yoongi,” you laugh.
“We’ll see.”
“Wait. What?”
“Hold up. Wait. Jimin, come back.”
“What’s up, hyung?” the waiter asks, his tray tucked under his arm.
“We didn’t order this,” Yoongi says, pointing to the basket of fried chicken.
“Oh, I know. But Yoonjae hyung said to bring it over to you guys. He said something about wanting to see if you and your new girlfriend can finish everything.” You feel your mouthful of soup start to trickle down the wrong pipe, and you drop your spoon and cover your mouth, trying not to cough too loud, because girlfriend? The waiter, however, seems to be unphased. “I’m Jimin by the way! Family friend of the Mins.”
“I’m…” You pause to clear your throat a few times, hand pressed to your chest. “I’m _____.”
“Nice to meet you!”
“Jimin? Can you leave so we can eat?” Yoongi says, jaw clenched as he glares in the waiter’s direction.
“Right! Yeah, sure. Just yell out if you guys need anything.”
You watch as Jimin walks off to tend to another table with a friendly smile, seemingly completely unaware of how confused you are, and of how mortified Yoongi is.
“Sorry about him,” Yoongi says quietly, quick to shove a spoonful of rice into his mouth.
“He’s very… cheery,” you say, chuckling a little as you turn your attention back to the food. “Like, very cheery.”
“I know. I swear nothing gets that brat down.” He reaches for the tongs, flipping the meat on the grill. “I mean, he’s a cool kid, but damn.”
“Yoongi. Eat that last one.”
“I would if I could, but, _____, I can’t. You have it.”
With a groan, you sit up again, elbows resting on the table as you stare down the last chicken wing in the basket. You pick it up, but hesitate to bring it to your mouth. Across the table, Yoongi lifts his hand and curls his fingers into a loose fist, pumping it in the air weakly in encouragement. Taking a deep breath, you curse quietly before taking a bite.
It takes you a ridiculously long time to finish off the last chicken wing, and when you drop the bones onto your plate, you are well and truly done.
“Well. Consider me impressed,” Yoonjae says, taking a chair from a nearby table to sit with you both. “You have officially avoided dish duty.”
“What about me, hyung?” Yoongi asks.
“I haven’t decided about you yet.” Yoongi sighs and leans back in his seat. “So. _____, right? What do you do?”
“I’m, uh, I’m a med student. I’m interning at the hospital at the moment,” you reply, reaching for your glass of water.
“Holy shit. You’re a doctor?”
“I’m not a doctor yet.”
“Yet,” Yoonjae repeats, laughing. “Which part of the hospital do you work in?”
“Accident and emergency.”
“Damn. That must be full on.”
“You’re tellin’ me.”
“How’d you score an almost-doctor, you brat?” Yoonjae asks, grinning as he reaches over to punch Yoongi’s arm. Yoongi flinches and groans, rubbing his bicep.
“We work at the same hospital, hyung,” he mumbles, frowning.
“Oh, right! Yeah. Barista. How’s that gig going, by the way?”
“Same as always I guess. I have yet to hear any juicy stories from _____ over here.” You snort, reaching for your glass of water to take a sip. “You’d think working in A&E she’d have a million and one stories to tell me while I make her morning coffee. But, nope. Not a damn one, hyung.”
“What a fucking shame,” Yoonjae sighs, shaking his head. “I’m so disappointed in you, _____.”
“Disappointed enough to put her on dishes with me, hyung?”
“Hey!” you cry out, chuckling a little.
“Nah, I can’t put her on dishes, man. She might have to save your ass one day after you fall off that   goddamn bike of yours. Seriously, Yoongi. When’re you gonna get rid of that thing? I swear to God, mom has a heart attack every time you roll up for lunch on Sunday.”
“That’s like asking me to give away my own child. How dare you, hyung?”
Yoonjae rolls his eyes and stands, putting the chair back to its original table before resting his hand on your shoulder consolingly.
“I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into, _____.”
After dinner, Yoongi decides to leave his bike parked at his brother’s restaurant for a little while in favour of walking around the area with you aimlessly, walking down streets and alleyways as conversation bounces from favourite classical composers all the way down to basketball dream teams. Yoongi laughs as you tell him about the time Taehyung broke his arm after falling off his bicycle when he was distracted by your neighbour’s new puppy, and you almost trip over your own foot when you’re busy wiping your eyes after Yoongi tells you about the day he’d almost walked in on his parents have sex, only saved by his brother who’d pulled him away from the door and forced him back into his room.
The both of you eventually end up at a small cafe, wedged in between a karaoke bar and another barbecue restaurant. It’s warm inside, and you’re instantly hit with the smell of freshly ground coffee as soon as you step in, unwrapping the scarf around your neck.
The cashier greets you both as you step up to the counter, giving you both a moment to decide on your orders.
“I’ll have a latte, thank you,” you say, reaching into your bag for your wallet. Yoongi grabs your wrist and stops you, pulling out his money instead, saying, “and I’ll take an Americano.”
“Would you like something to eat? We have a coffee and cake special tonight,” the cashier says. Yoongi lets go of your wrist, and nods his head towards the display cabinet.
“Pick something.”
“Wh— not if you’re paying for me,” you reply, frowning.
“_____, pick something,” he chuckles. You furrow your eyebrows, but you turn eventually, realising there’s no way you’re winning tonight.
“Fine. I’ll have a slice of the strawberry cheesecake then.”
Yoongi nods towards the tables, telling you to take a seat as he finishes ordering everything. You obey, albeit a little reluctantly, taking a seat at a table in the far corner of the cafe, putting your bag down by your feet just as Yoongi joins you.
“You didn’t have to pay for me,” you say, trying not to whine (but probably failing miserably).
“I wanted to though,” he replies, just chuckling. “I was the one that dragged you out tonight.”
“It’s not like you forced me out though. I wanted to come. Better than cup noodles and anime any day.”
“_____. Seriously. It’s fine.” You frown, but lean back in your seat comfortably. “I’ll just pick up an extra shift during the week to make up for what I’ve lost tonight.”
“Yoongi!” you whine; he laughs, clapping his hands once at the expression on your face.
“I’m kidding!” He grins, watching as you huff and cross your arms over your chest. “I’ll only need to pick up half a shift, I think.”
“What made you decide to study medicine?” Yoongi asks, taking a sip of his coffee.
“My grandpa, actually,” you say, eating a bite of cheesecake. “I was pretty much raised by my grandparents because my parents were always working. He always dreamed of becoming a doctor.”
“He didn’t get to be one?” You shake your head.
“I’m from a family of lawyers. I think everyone all the way back to my great-great grandparents has been a lawyer. My grandpa used to be a judge before he retired, but he always talked about how much he wished he’d become a doctor instead. My bedtime stories were medical discoveries and all these tales of doctors doing the impossible. He’s so excited that there’s finally gonna be a doctor in the family that he’s paying for my tuition completely.”
“Wow. A family of rich super nerds. I shouldn’t be surprised.” You snort quietly. “And Taehyung? Is he from a family of rich super nerds too?”
“Nah. But Tae’s always known he’s gonna either work with kids or animals. His little brother had his tonsils out when we were in our sophomore year, and he was so inspired by the whole ordeal that he decided to try out for med school with me. And, uh, I guess, here we are.”
“How about you?” you ask, bringing your cup closer to your lips. “Have you always dreamed of being a barista?”
“Oh, hell yeah. I’m working my dream job, for sure. I couldn’t have asked for more,” Yoongi replies, grinning, voice dripping with sarcasm that you have to put your coffee back down before you spill it everywhere as you laugh. “Nah, this is just a temporary thing — hopefully.”
“What do you want to be, Yoongi?” you ask, leaning forward, propping your elbow up on the table and resting your chin in your hand.
“I wanna be a producer. Or songwriter. Or both. Any of those options is fine by me. I do a few gigs down at Club Cream in Hongdae here and there with a few of my friends.”
“You sing?!”
“Rap. Like hell you’ll ever catch me singing.”
“Wow. I mean, thinking about it, it actually kinda suits you. But I would’ve never guessed that about you,” you reply, leaning back in your seat.
“Why?” Yoongi asks, eyebrow arched in amusement. “What do I look like I’d be into?”
You narrow your eyes, looking at him with exaggerated curiosity.
“I dunno. Carpentry?” Yoongi snorts — loudly. “You look like you’ve got a carpenter’s hands.”
“That’s a first. Never gotten that one before.”
“Why? What do you usually get?”
“I’ve gotten computer nerd, professional gamer, Seven-Eleven dude… fortune cookie writer…”
“Fortune cookie writer?” you repeat, laughing loudly.
“Yeah, that was Jeongguk,” Yoongi says, shaking his head. “Apparently I seem like the kind of guy that would be good at writing fortunes.”
“Oh yeah? Let’s hear some bomb-ass fortunes then, O Wise One.”
“Hold on.” You watch over your cup of coffee as Yoongi presses his fingers to his temples, shutting his eyes tightly in concentration. “Oh, here’s one. Don’t eat the paper. Also, your lucky numbers are: one, five, sixteen, twenty seven, and thirty. Pretty good, huh?”
“So. Where to now?” Yoongi asks, tugging his jacket back on.
“I dunno,” you say, shrugging. “But I’m down for whatever, because I’m not looking to go home to see Taehyung and Jeongguk doing something I could’ve gone my entire life without seeing.”
“To be fair, they could be doing that at my place too.”
“Well. We’re screwed, I guess.”
“Hold on,” he chuckles, pulling his phone out. You watch as Yoongi taps away, pauses, then taps again, until eventually, he concludes, “they’re at yours, and Jeongguk has no idea when they’ll be ‘finished’. God. Does he have to say it like that?”
“I’d rather work a double shift at A&E than go there,” you say, wincing.
“We can go back to mine if you want. Wait, that… that wasn’t me trying to get you to do, um, something, by the way.” You throw your head back and laugh.
“Sounds good, Yoongi. Surely being a med intern means that if I can revive a man, I also know how to kill him.”
“Sounds fair. Let’s go.”
“Ooh. Okay. Now I see why you call this your first love,” you say, fingers skirting along ivory keys and polished wood. “It’s beautiful.”
“Yeah,” Yoongi says, wistful. “It took an arm and a leg to get it in here, but I’m never getting rid of it. They can take all my furniture away and force me to sleep on the floor for all I care.” You chuckle quietly. “Jeongguk… Jeongguk told me that Taehyung said you play.”
“I do,” you answer. “Not as often these days though, now that I’m an intern. Mostly at church now, or if we’re having a family lunch at grandpa’s and I need to entertain the younger cousins, you know?”
“Play something.” You look at Yoongi, hesitant; he smiles back in reply.
“Al… alright.” You put your bag down by the sofa, slipping off your scarf, before walking back to the piano, the leather of the chair groaning quietly as you sit down. “Any requests?” Yoongi shrugs.
“Something you like playing,” he suggests.
Poised fingers rest on the ivory keys of the piano as you think for a moment before you start to play anything, the small apartment eventually filling with quiet music, the smooth crooning of Chopin taking over the sounds of the traffic outside. Behind you, Yoongi sits down on the edge of the sofa, watching you play with awe, marvelling at the way you seem so at ease and carefree as you play the piece flawlessly.
The music ends too soon for his liking.
“Wow,” he whispers, lips parted.
“Just a little something,” you reply, shrugging, trying not to blush. “You play something.”
“Oh, I… I don’t know anything classical,” Yoongi says, rubbing the back of his neck.
“That’s okay. Anything’ll do, Yoongi.”
You shuffle down aside to make room for him on the other side of the seat, patting the space next to you. He takes up the offer, though he walks over with cautious steps, clearing his throat.
Yoongi starts to play, filling the room with something a little heavier than Chopin, and you’re taken aback for a moment, just watching the way his fingers move along the keys like water. You don’t know what compels you to bring your hands back up from your lap to start playing with him, making the tune up along as you go, but it’s amazing, beautiful even, that you both find yourselves smiling.
You withdraw your hands, and let Yoongi finish off the song on his own, letting the apartment fall into a comfortable silence.
“Shit,” he eventually says, sighing before he chuckles. “I wish I recorded that.”
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Boris, Part 1
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Since people seem to like Boris and there have been requests for a story, here it is! A bit holiday-flavored and late, but I hope you like it anyway. It’s just a big pile of awkward adorkable fluff.
Part 2(nsfw)
There's this great coffee shop in my neighborhood. It's trendy and bit hipster-ish, really popular with the college crowd. I don't actually like coffee, but I brave the early morning pre-lecture rush because they make the most amazing London Fog in the city.
I like Thursdays the best because that's when their cutest barista has the morning shift. I extra don't mind getting up early for my morning cuppa on Thursdays. I'm not the only one with that opinion either, because I swear there's a good fifty per-cent more customers on Thursday mornings than the rest of the week.
This Thursday it was pouring buckets outside, and I was grateful to duck into the cafe and warm up a bit. I guess the rain was dissuading some of the regulars because the line was shorter than I'd expected. Boris, the cute barista, smiles as I approach the counter. I always wonder how he knows it's me, he doesn't have eyes(at least not that I can discern). Maybe it's scent? Oh, god, I hope not, sometimes I don't have time to shower before I come in...
“Hey, Boris!”
“Good morning! Pretty bad out there today, huh?”
“Ugh, yeah, it's like monsoon season or something.”
“Your usual?”
“Yep! Thanks.” I swipe my card and take my receipt. Sometimes I try flirty banter with him, but I'm so bad at it and I think he must cringe at my sad attempts. He's always very gracious about it and laughs at my terrible puns.
I thumb idly through my instagram while I wait. He says my name with a smile, and our fingers brush as he hands me my cup. It might sound depressing, but our brief interaction is kinda the highlight of my week. I glance down at my cup and see the little doodle of a smiling raincloud he's drawn there instead of writing my name. It's different each week. I don't keep them, I'm not that far-gone, but I do have a collection of snaps of all the doodles that I like to look through when I'm having a hard time.
I sip my London Fog in my depressing cubicle at my soul-crushing job as a glorified code monkey. The happy little rain cloud on the cup cheers me up enough that I manage to slog through the day. Maybe I'll draw him something, Christmas is coming up, I could make him a card. I'm certainly not doing much with my MFA in this hellhole.
When I get back to my apartment, I pull out my pencils and gouache supplies and start sketching.
It's almost Christmas. I haven't had as much time to work on Boris's card as I'd like. Dad's getting worse and I've been spending a lot of time helping Mom out taking care of him. I can tell we're getting close to the end, and so can she. Most of the time, she's barely keeping it together. I'm trying to be strong, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I cried myself to sleep more often than not.
The coffee shop is packed, people filling the sofas and chairs and booths, the snow outside painting the city white and making for a picture-perfect holiday scene. I get in line and check my email while I wait. When it's my turn, I put my phone away and look up, and immediately have to suppress the giggle threatening to spill out.
Boris is wearing a red santa hat with a little bell on the end, and it makes him look so cute that I nearly implode. The red of the hat brings out the pinker tones of his violet skin. He's got a holiday sweater on, too, completing the look. His shoulder spikes poke through the knit fabric.
“You're looking very festive today!”
“Yeah, 'tis the season, and all. Hey, I'm sorry, but I ran out of earl grey earlier, I sent Sasha out to get more, but...”
My heart half-sank. “Oh, that's okay, um, I can just have...”
“Actually,” he interrupted, “I've been wanting to try something, if you're up for it. You kinda inspired me.”
I'm a bit taken aback by that. I inspired him? I have to tell inner-teenage-me to calm down. “Uh, I'm game!”
“Great.” Boris grinned, showing off his tusks and sharp teeth. “I picked up this orange gingerbread chai at the import market this weekend, and it immediately made me think of you.”
He turned and busied himself with the tea, glancing over and smiling at me every so often. Truth be told, my heart was pounding and I felt like I was in tenth grade again and Jake LeSalle noticed me. Boris picks up his sharpie and scribbles on the side of the cup. He hands me the drink and I don't know if it's my mind playing tricks on me, or if his fingers linger a little longer against mine as I take it from him.
“Uh, wow, it smells great!” I take a sip. “Mmmm, oh, wow, that's really good. This definitely needs to go on the menu board.”
“Yeah?” his grin widens. “Ah, I'm so glad you like it!”
“Yeah, totally, I love yo-this, I love this, that you made, I love that you made this for me.” Oh, for fucking sake...
Boris half-smiles and rubs the back of his neck with his hand. “Ha, yeah, you're welcome, I guess...well, have a good day!”
Oh god, he's embarrassed for me. That was so bad. I can never come back here. “Thanks,” I reply, “you too!”
Turning to hide my shame, I glance down at the coffee cup in my hand. Instead of the usual adorable doodle, it's a phone number. A phone number, and a little heart. Oh...
My face is on fire and I glance back up, but Boris is talking to the next customer and I can't catch his attention. Instead I push back through the morning crowd and toward the door. I need some air, even cold snowy air.
It takes me all week to work up the nerve to call him. And of course he doesn't answer and I get his voicemail instead. I panic and hang up. Then call back.
“Hey, sorry, it was me earlier, the hang-up message. Sorry. I already said that. Sorry I didn't call sooner, god I'm apologizing a lot. Um, I guess you're busy, so...call me back when you can? Okay, uh, bye.”
I hang up, groan, and bury my face in my hands lest the objects in my apartment witness my shame. I jump as my phone suddenly rings. “Hello?”
“Hey, hi, it's Boris.”
“Oh, uh, hi!”
Awkward pause. Why isn't he saying anything? “So...”
“Uh,” I hear him clear his throat. “So, I was wondering if you'd maybe like go ice skating with me Saturday? At the Pavilion?”
“Yeah, yes, I'd love that!” Stop saying 'love' so much!
“Great! Want to meet me at the shop, say 7? We can walk together?”
“That sounds perfect.” I try to keep the elation in my voice in check. “I'll see you then.”
“See you then.” I can hear the smile in his voice, though.
I hang up, and sit for a moment, the blood rushing in my ears. I have a date. I have a date with Boris. I have a totally romantic ice skating date with Boris the hot barista. Not even my shit job can kill my buzz. I realize I still haven't finished his card, and pull out my paints. It's pretty simple, just a study of the coffee shop from the outside, in the snow, though a violet figure can be glimpsed through the window. I just hope he doesn't think it's childish, a homemade card.
Boris is waiting outside the shop for me when I walk up. He has two cups in his clawed hands, steam rising from them. He has a wool peacoat on over his usual sweater and jeans, though this one seems to have been made for him. His shoulder spikes don't poke through. Boris hands me one of the cups.
“I know you don't like coffee, but how about hot chocolate?” He smiles at me over the thick scarf wrapped around his neck.
“I love hot chocolate! Thank you.” I smile back at him as I take the cup. “Shall we?”
We start slowly strolling along the sidewalk, the crunch of snow under our feet. The trees that line the street are decked out in string lights and everything feels magical. I love this time of year.
“I've been wanting to ask you out for a long time, you know.” Boris is looking straight ahead, but he has a little smirk on his face.
“Yeah? What stopped you?” I have to admit, I am curious.
“To be honest, I wasn't sure if you were into me or not. I mean, we flirt and I draw pictures on your cup, but I couldn't tell if we were just friendly flirting or flirting flirting, you know?”
“Wait, don't you draw pictures on everyone's cups? I just thought that was something you did?”
“No,” Boris looks down at me, his expression warm and affectionate. “Just for you.”
He reaches over and takes my hand in his, long claws resting lightly against the back of my hand. I swallow, thickly.
“Oh.” is all I can manage.
We walk in silence for a ways after that, my hand in his. His skin isn't rough, but it is firmer than mine, and surprisingly warm. The Pavilion comes into view ahead of us, lights and festive garlands all over it, the sound of the carousel music wafting out at us.
Inside, there is a modest ice rink next to the antique wooden carousel. I haven't been ice skating since I was a kid, and I tell him so.
“Neither have I, actually. It's okay, we can support each other.”
Boris and I pick up our skates from the counter and lace in. He's already steadier on his feet than I am, but we're both pretty slow and careful as we step onto the ice. We sort of shuffle along slowly, me clinging to his side like a barnacle. It's pretty nice, almost like cuddling.
After about an hour of clinging to each other and falling down, repeatedly, we decide our egos and knees are bruised enough. We grab some food at one of the food trucks outside the Pavilion and settle onto one of the benches near the carousel.
We chat over steaming bowls of rice and bulgogi and I learn he has an older sister and a younger brother, but both his parents have passed. I talk a bit about my dad, but I don't go into details, too heavy for a first date. Boris is a really good listener. We discover we share a love of terrible horror movies.
“Yeah, my great-uncle actually played the monster in that one.”
“You're kidding!” I gasp. “You're related to Chneya Szim?! I looooove 'Horror From The Deep'!”
“Ha, he'd have loved to hear that, he was such a ham. That whole side of my family was big in the industry back in the '50s.” Boris grins, fork in hand. I'm always amazed at how expressive his face is, even without eyebrows or eyes. The folds on the upper half of his face are much more flexible and pliant than they seem at first glance.
“How'd your family get involved in that?”
“Well, my great-great-grandparents were first-generation extradimensionals, back when the tears were uncontrolled, they just kinda fell through. My great-great-grandpa was working construction on a backlot when some character actor quit and they needed someone fast. The director saw him, and let's be honest, we're waaaay scarier than the foam and rubber suits you humans were wearing back then in the movies.” Boris looks a little sad. “He didn't really like playing monsters in movies, I guess back in our dimension he was some kind of professor, but work was hard to find and he had kids by that point, you know?”
“I'm sorry.” I have a sharp stab of guilt about my earlier enthusiasm for basically ex-ploitation flicks.
“Hey, it was the '50s, right? Anyway, it kind of became a family business, and my great-uncle really took to it well. Thus spawning the 'Horrors' franchise.” He grimaces. “The whole disco-phase in the '70s embarrassed the hell out him, though.”
“What disco-phase? Everyone knows 'Return to the Deep' was the last 'Horrors' film.” I reply, gamely.
“Oh, of course! I'm mistaken.” he laughs. “What about you? Other than your latte order and your penchant for horror movies, I don't actually know a whole lot about you.”
“Uh, what do you want to know?”
“Everything.” His face is so open and earnest. I swallow my discomfort.
“Well, I got my MFA at XSU a few years ago, and I do web design for some local corporations, I work mainly at an office share downtown, but I do some stuff from home. It's kind of soul-killing, to be honest. When I graduated, I thought I was gonna take over the world, you know, and instead I'm grinding away at a 9-to-5 in a cubicle, well, more like 7-to-6.”
“You don't do any of your own stuff anymore?” Boris asks.
“I do a little, when I have time, but between work and helping out at home, I mean at my folks' place, there's not a lot of energy left over for my own art. I do miss it though, creating something just for the joy of it.” I dig around in my purse. “Actually, the last thing I made of my own is for you.”
I hand him the card in it's red envelope. He turns it over slowly, examining it in some way I can't understand. “This is for me?”
“Yeah, I hope you like it.” I bite my lip, very nervous.
Boris slices the envelope open with one claw and pulls out the card. On the front is my watercolor of the coffee shop. After a moment, he opens the card and appears to be reading, his brows coming together. I had tried to keep my message simple and not too romantic, in case the date went badly.
“This is...beautiful. Thank you.” he looks back up at me. “You painted this?”
“Yeah, it was nice to flex my watercolor muscles. I'm glad you like it.”
“It's really good. Why don't you show your work in galleries? There's that art walk every first Friday of the month, we always hang up local artists' work in the shop.”
“The gallery scene in this city is ridiculously hard to break into, unless you know someone or you get 'discovered' I guess.”
“You should let me hang some of your work up in the shop, there's a gallery guy who comes in all the time. I'm sure he'd love your stuff.”
“Are you sure?” I ask. “That's really sweet, but I don't want to get you in trouble with your boss...”
“I am the boss.” Boris states, flatly.
I blink. “What?”
“I own the shop. It's mine. I live in the apartment above it.”
“Oh, I didn't, I feel silly for assuming you just worked there, now.” I reply. I guess I never thought about how old he was, extradimensionals don't really visibly age, I assumed he was close to my own age and just working in the coffee shop. “How old are you? Just, I realized I don't actually know, and-”
“And you suddenly worry you're out with a 50-year-old guy?” he jokes.
“Not that that's bad, or anything!” I try to recover, in case he really is 50.
“I'm 32.” he responds. Oh, well then.
“And you own your own business, nice.”
“Don't be too impressed, I inherited it from my folks. Tycha, my sister, wasn't interested in running the shop, and Zloan went into film like Dad's side of the family. Except he's directing instead of acting. So it's me.”
“Do you like running the shop?” I ask.
“I do. I really do. I love the sense of community. I grew up here, you know, and while I've traveled my fair share, I always knew I was going to come back here to stay.”
“Well, I'm glad for that, you make the best London Fog in the city.”
“Ha, so I've been told.”
Our walk back to the shop is easy and slow, our conversation drifting back to horror movies, then to horror novels, books in general, the writing-a-novel-at-the-coffee-shop trope, and some amusing stories about his regulars. He walks me the extra distance to my place, after asking if it's okay. Apparently he had me meet him at the coffee shop in case I didn't want him to know where I lived, in case the date went poorly. Turns out we're both pragmatic realists. Or pessimists. Whichever. I do not mind him knowing where I live.
“I had a really great time tonight, thanks for inviting me out.” I say as we pause at my door.
“I had a really great time, too. I'm really glad you called.” he smiles down at me, hands in his coat pockets, as he leans against the wall. “Eventually.”
He's teasing me. I deserve it.
“Yeah, well, I had to work up the nerve, you're intimidatingly handsome.” I toss back.
He ducks his head down and chuckles. “Well, I'm glad you think so. Can I see you again?”
“Yes, absolutely. If you want, we can stay in and watch terrible horror movies, order some delivery?”
He straightens up and gives me a satisfied half-smile. “It's a date. Can I kiss you goodnight?”
We both lean in to the kiss, his hand brushing my cheek as I stretch up on my tiptoes because he's just so damn tall. After a few moments I feel his tongue brush against my mouth and I part my lips slightly. Boris deepens the kiss, his tusks ghosting over my skin. I sigh into his mouth as we part.
“That was a hell of a first kiss.” he remarks, sounding a little breathless.
“I have high hopes for the second one, too.” I can't hide my smile as I open my door. “Goodnight, Boris. See you Thursday.”
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ramblesandreviews · 7 years
Dating Seulgi would include...
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Smiling all the time because she’s literally an angel
so you guys totally met while you were dancing
seulgi went with some friends to see a dance competition and you were there performing with your crew
she was blown away by how great you were
sure you had a few errors here and there and needed to work on your form but you had so much charisma no one cared
she wanted to go up and talk to you then but she was too nervous
her friends egged her on to go talk to you but she couldn’t
so she left that day thinking about you 
to her surprise she saw you again the next day at a cafe
seulgi had gone with irene and yeri
you were working there as a barista
seulgi almost wanted to leave and go somewhere else
irene asked why and seulgi told her you were the cutie from the dance competition
yeri was now determined to get a coffee and she dragged seulgi inside
yeri made seulgi order when it was their turn
seulgi blushed and tried not to look you in the eye
but then you recognized her
(y/n): “Hey weren’t you at the dance competition yesterday?”
seulgi was shocked you remembered her there were tons of people there
you winked at her, “I always remember a face as pretty as yours.”
Yeri and Irene were dying from how cute you two were
Yeri was totally shipping it 
Seulgi blushed even harder and barely could order the coffees
Once they paid Seulgi immediately walked away from you
Yeri and Irene went after her.
Y: “You have to ask them out they were totally flirting!”
S: “I can’t, I don’t even know them.”
I: “Well that’s how you get to know someone, on a date.”
They managed to convince Seulgi into asking you out, and they weren’t going to let her chicken out
So when you called out their order number and handed her the coffees they waited for her to ask you out
but she couldn’t
she wanted to
and almost did but then she just kinda froze when you handed her her coffee with your name and number on the side
(y/n): “Call me.”
Seulgi smiled and gave you a little nod
When they got back to the dorms everyone was freaking out. 
Seulgi was nervous about texting you 
She started and deleted about a hundred different messages before saying fuck it and settling for a simple, “Hey”
You guys ended up texting the whole night, talking about dancing but also about movies and music
Your first date was super chill and this time Seulgi was less nervous
So you got to see a little more of her charms
and this time the one blushing was you
Seulgi couldn’t stop smiling seeing you blush like that
she thought it was the cutest
you guys definitely hung out at the dance studio together
when she got a little more comfortable seulgi would gently correct your form and point out mistakes 
you appreciated it because she only made you a better dancer
you loved seeing her dance
and then when you heard her sing.......you couldn’t believe how lucky you were to be with her
not a ton of skinship in public, she was shy about that
just hand holding and the occasional nuzzling against your neck
in private she was a lot more affectionate but only when her groupmates weren’t around
she was still shy with you around them
they loved to tease her about how cute you guys looked
the first time you and seulgi got intimate she was a little nervous at first but.....boy when she got into it she took you to a whole new world
you were so tired when you finished and you just stared at her in awe
she blushed, “why are you staring at me like that?”
(y/n): “I didn’t think you could get any more amazing but boy was I wrong. I love you so much.” 
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bfwa · 5 years
Fluff Under 8,000 Words - Round 1 Winners
Flying Home by @bettsfic
While flying home for winter break, Bellamy meets a totally overwhelmed young mother with an infant, and offers to lend a hand.
I Need That Fire by @eyessharpweaponshot
A Bellarke fic where the Elves and the Humans are at opposite ends of an alliance - but love is found at the border, a secret that has blossomed without them even realizing it.
Sweetheart by @asroarke
“Bell!” he hears Octavia’s voice call out, and he jerks his head in that direction. And there his mother and sister are, tearing up with huge smiles on their faces. When he looks beside them, he notices that Clarke isn’t standing with them. His stomach drops.
The sound of footsteps running toward him are the only warning he has before Clarke jumps into his arms. Before he can even register that it’s her, Clarke is peppering kisses all over his cheeks and chin. “Clarke, I—” The rest of his words are lost as she presses her lips hard against his.
The soldier coming home fic no one asked for where they're eager to make up for lost time.
tender (in your arms) by @octannibal-blake
The worst part of separation, the part no one ever talks about, is forgetting.
Or: the one where Clarke comes home and there can never be too many ‘I love you’s’.
Keep My Head Above Water by @arysafics
Bellamy runs Clarke a bath, and she almost drowns in it.
for the prompt “passing out after taking a long bath and having your bff secret crush break down the door to rescue you”
like you mean it (like it's splitting you in two) by @talistheintrovert
Clarke is tired. Bellamy is tired.
They decide they're tired of being tired alone.
It's time to get some rest.
Insert Titanic Quote Here by @octannibal-blake
Bellamy volunteers to be the nude model for Clarke's figure drawing class. Which is problematic because a) he's her best friend and she'll have to look at him naked for an hour and b) she's actually stupidly in love with him.
woven into the fabric of your tapestry by @octannibal-blake
The one where Bellamy and Clarke adjust to the revelation that they're soulmates.
Obvious Magic by @eyessharpweaponshot
The Yule Ball is something that Bellamy Blake thought he would never get to experience. Christmas Day at Hogwarts is amazing enough without such a prestigious event. And as if the day needed any more magic, Bellamy realises that he's in love with Clarke Griffin.
Two 'friends' constantly at one another's throats, bickering about everything and anything, suddenly falling in love? Now that really is magic.
Out Loud by @arysafics
Clarke is really into quidditch, but since she sucks at playing, she's forced to announce the matches at Hogwarts instead. Except she kind of keeps going off on tangents about how hot the Gryffindor captain is.
Carve Your Name Into My Bed Post by elle_stone
She feels like she's holding a great secret, thumping in her chest along with the beating of her heart: this secret of the way he looks at her, and the heat that rises, a pink blush across her skin. The heat of the room, stuffy and thick. The dim-lit background of the room like blurs and shadows, and the surround-sound of the upbeat melody of the music, so loud it could almost drown out the thrum of the secret, of her heart, of her lungs. The way he meets her eye, messages sent without words.
Fight Fire With, uh, Coffee? By kindclaws
Blake's Brews, 4.7/5 stars, 59 reviews.
04/12 Anonymous: The coffee here is really good!!! My barista spontaneously lit on fire after I paid but the coffee more than made up for it. 4.5 out of 5 would come again.
04/23 Roma F: The owner seems like a grump but he's actually really kind and has an excellent memory for supernatural dietary restrictions. I'm part fae and he always makes my brew with iron-free implements. Plus all the baristas are cute just sayin' ;)
05/17 Anonymous: I don't even like coffee but I come by regularly because I think two of the baristas are falling in love and I shit you not it's the cutest thing ever
06/08 John M: good pastries. my gf dragged me here to look at the flirting baristas. Mr Blake if you're reading this pls make a move, I have money on you realizing you're in love by the end of the month.
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