#i dont have the energy to tag this ya'll
hopeluna · 4 months
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artificialqueens · 10 months
Hiyaa ! I would like to request some Rajila, if thats not weird, could you perhaps make it magic-y ? If there's some things that prevent ya'll from writing the iconic duo, I dont mind actually. Also, new fic writer and a beginner here. Any tips for beginners ? Thanks in advanceee !!
Hello darling!! Welcome!! Sorry it’s taken me so long to respond—there’s been some Drama in my personal life, but I’m trying to get back to a normal routine. 💞
ANYWAY enough of my bullshit. This is a 100% totally perfect thing to request! And since it’s so possible to write multiple stories based on it, I recommend that you try doing something yourself too! 
Do I have tips? SO MANY TIPS! 
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For general encouragement and camaraderie with other writers, consider joining our Discord server(s). More info here but also, feel free to just DM me if you want to get an invite link to the writing server: https://artificialqueens.tumblr.com/discord (DM me at @veronicasanders because this account DMs go to some random British girl who hasn’t been on Tumblr since 2016.)
Check out the “writer tips” tag: https://artificialqueens.tumblr.com/tagged/writer%20tips
Check out this great post created by a former admin (HEY VIXEN! ARE YOU STILL AROUND? LOVE YOU!!!) but updated recently: https://artificialqueens.tumblr.com/post/148256298264/writing-resources
Most importantly: feel free to always, always ask any question you have! We're here to help!! XOXO
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vinetae · 3 years
Okay, so not long ago I've been having weird dreams and visions come true. Mainly about our seven boys. (But I also saw TXT's gfs OR they could've been a new group HYBE is gunna release), So I thought long and hard on if I should share this with everyone and I decided to, but I will leave out some details for 'personal' reasons and safety measures (just incase these do come true.) I also record my dreams and visions cause I have bad memory lol. Anything marked with an * is my own opinion and prediction. This is NOT a tarot reading, just sharing of dream interpretations.
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In one of my dreams about a year ago, I saw all of the BTS members' spouses and children. So, let's go down the line, she'll we?
They had been going to jin's room/ apartment to surprise him with a birthday cake and all of the spouses and children tagged along too.
The year seemed to be between 2028-2030.
Children: pretty sure i saw a little girl. Blondish brown hair? Very small. Looked to be about 3-4 years of age.
Spouse: blonde, straight hair, blueish green eyes, *I've always gotten "lilly" vibes from him*, she looked like how you would think his spouse would be. Around 5'6? A little taller? I didn't get a good glimpse. She looked to be around 25-30?
Seokjin: sadly, I saw no children/spouse. (Except-)
Yoongi: I saw him with one boy and one girl. 4 and 6 maybe? The boy had black hair, and the daughter had blondish brown hair.
Spouse: blonde. Very vivid. A little past the shoulders? Pale skin and greenish eyes? I never really get a good look because its blurry, and all I see is colors. 23-25.
Hoseok: nope. No kids either.
Spouse: I saw a blonde (dont ask what's up with all the blondes idk lmao), she for sure had green eyes and looked around 5'5? She looked very intense, but sweet at the same time. pretty sure she had on a navy blue top with black leather pants? She liked to wear white a lot lol. DON'T @ ME she looked to be 19-21.
Jimin: in an earlier dream, I had seen him with his father going on a camping trip together, and jimin had brought his son (pretty sure he had a son out of wedlock), and jimin's dad had just said "oh wow jimin look at you with him. I guess you got all that practice with helping take care of your brother". His father actually said the child's name, but I had woken up. All I got was 'ji-' *I'm getting a feeling of ji-woo*.
(And in a different dream, he had told me his ex cheated on him back in 2018 in the LY era, and I saw how she looked. She was a model of some sort, but I will not reveal facial features because if she IS real, I don't need ya'll tormenting her with something that might not have even happened, k?)
Taehyung: I'm pretty sure he adopted two little twin girls, they're adorable lmao.
Spouse: i- don't actually remember. Maybe she just wasn't in any of them.
Jungkook: I didn't see any kids.
Spouse: jet black hair, ear length? I'll try to put pics up to show what they most looked like. Cherry red plumpish lips (but thin ya know?). I think I saw her driving a motorcycle. Lmao ok- sshe looked to be around 23-25.
* Current Relationship/Energies? *
CR: MAYBE I never really saw anyone but I'm thinking so-
energy: Vibin.
energy: Just chilling. wanting to make ARMYs proud so they're working really hard.
CR: Maybe? I saw a short red-brownish hair girl-
Energy: Vibin along side with namjoon. two bros bro-in' it out😎
CR: no. I didn't see anything but there's always a possiblity.
energy: OKAY Y'ALL HOBI AIN'T AS HAPPY ALL THE TIME AS WE THINK. he's pretty chill, and is just focusing on his work rn.
CR: no? this one is hard-
energy: this man- he needs help istg. everytime I try to get a sense of what he's feeling it's like it just blocks me off. I did sit quietly for a while tho, and asked what he was going through. I saw a bed with red lights (apparently laying down facing the celing) a bottle of some sort (either soju or wine) and a skull. yeah. uhhh ANYWAYS-
CR: nope. (recently broken up maybe? that's the vibe i get)
energy: Tae is doing..okay? hes defiantly reverted back to being an introvert (he posted that his MBTI changed from ENFP-T to INFP)
CR: lol no I didn't see anything.
jungkook is going through his rebellious stage (we all kinda figured cause of his tattoos and pericings) but other than that he seems happy ig?
CR: a lot of them are focusing on themselves but no to this lil bunnie.
Ight have fun with this information, kids.Dm if you want a pt.2
Peace 😎✌
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kiribaku-queen · 3 years
The Blood King and his Queen [7]
Pairing: Bakugou x reader
Romance, Angst, Drama
Word count: 2.4K
Summary:  From being a mere servant girl to marrying the scariest prince in existence, your world changed right before your eyes. Exchanging places with the princess, you knew, wasn’t going to be easy. But could you have found love on the way? Or was it never meant to be?
A/N: I hope you guys really enjoy this chapter because I think its my favorite chapter so far! FYI, if I don't update this series in a while, it'll be because I am working on an 18+ oneshot for a collab for Bakugou's birthday. So if that does happen, the regular uploads will happen after Bakugou's birthday. And let me tell you, its going to be S P I C Y~
But I can't express how surprised I am by all the love I'm receiving! I really wish I could respond to all your comments, but again, this is my side blog so I can't comment! If ya'll want to follow me on my main... please dont. LOL not to be mean or anything but I don't use my main at all and I don't post ever so there's no point in following me there :)
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Your heart physically dropped when he said that. You felt sick. Your palms were sweating and shaking. The air around you grew dense and you felt like you couldn’t breath. You couldn’t move for that matter.
What would he do to you if he found out that you weren’t really a princess? That you were a fake lying to him this whole time. It made you sick, just imaging every cruel thing he could do once he found out. But then you remembered, he wasn’t like all the rumors you heard. He was different. He was kind and understanding. He wouldn’t really ruin you if he found out, would he? You shook away the thought. The more you think about it, the more you were likely to get caught.
You were completely exhausted from all that labor you produced in a week’s time. Town after town, you were able to help his people even if it was just a little bit. But it sure depleted a lot of energy out of you. You don’t know if you’ve ever been this drained before in your entire life. It’s not like you had to do hard physical labor back at the palace. This experience was hard on you but also gave you insight on the prince and his kingdom.
Completely drained of your energy, you sat down on one of the tree trunks his soldiers brought for you at the camp not far away from the village you were at. The impoverished village didn’t have enough shelter as is, so you were left with no option but to set up your own shelter. It wasn’t a big deal to you anyway since that’s how you’ve been spending your nights so far.
All the soldiers had gathered around to take a breather for the night and drink away the stress. You weren’t a drinker, but enjoyed the atmosphere the soldiers created: fun and rowdy, like they didn’t give a care in the world. They were dancing on tables, clinking their drinks together, singing songs while hooking their arms around each other’s shoulders.
You laughed at the sight and stretched out your arms. How you wanted to continue the night away but your muscles were soar and aching. A physical exhaustion that you weren’t used to and didn’t want to get used to.
Bakugou was watching his crew from the door, arms crossed and enjoying his crew have fun. He was never the one to be center of attention, so he had his own fun from the back. He saw the way you extended your arms, faced wincing from how sore you were. Cute. It was your last night of volunteer work, why not end the night with something special?
You felt the Blood Prince’s breath sneak up behind your neck, sending chills down your spine.
“Tired?” he asks.
“Maybe just a little,” you admit. You look up at him and he’s giving you those soft yet piercing eyes. He goes to sit next to you and everything is just… peaceful. In that moment you felt content. You felt free. If this was how life was out of the palace, if this was more to life than just serving a spoiled princess, then you didn’t want to leave.
“I am impressed, princess,” Bakugou spoke. “This whole trip, you never, not once sat out. You helped the whole time. Are you sure you’re a princess?” he side eyed you.
“If I am not a princess, then what am I?” you asked back. (y/n), what are you doing? You could expose yourself and everything would be ruined! But for some reason, you wanted to be selfish. You wanted to know his reaction and how he would respond. Maybe you would give up your whole mission for him.
“An innocent and hardworking beauty that is not a princess. She is my future queen who will help me restore this kingdom.” He came closer to you, meaning every single word. Your eyes softened and you got emotional, almost to the point of tears. He’s smiling at you, but suddenly gets up. But gestures for you to take his hand. Of course you did.
“I want to show you something,” he says and leads you away from the crowd of people and into the woods.
You two were walking for a while, your hand in his the whole way. He hadn’t told you where he was leading you to but it had to be something special if he was dragging you to what seemed like all across the country to get to your destination.
“Your highness, are we almost there yet?” you asked, fatigue hitting you once again.
“Almost,” he responds, continuing to look ahead. You huffed and held on tight to his hand so you didn’t get lost or left behind. After a few more minutes of walking, you felt the air get hotter and thinner. Bakugou smiles in front of you, looking excited.
“We’re here,” he announces. He pulls back these huge leaves, revealing a natural hot spring. The water was clear enough that you could see right through it, steam rising from the water, and rocks surrounding it, creating this gorgeous, peaceful atmosphere. Your eyes lit up and a loud gasp escaped your lips.
“How did you find this place?” you asked, getting closer to the hot spring.
“You like it? None of my men know about this place,” he says.
“It’s beautiful!” you continue to gasp, feeling the water with your hands. The heat of the water made you giddy and you couldn’t wait to hop in.
“You deserve it,” Bakugou comes up to, whispering in your ear. His statement made you blush, but this time, you didn’t hide it. He smirks behind you and you heard something falling to the floor. You dare turn around to see Bakugou shirtless, discarding his clothes one by one. As if your face wasn’t hot enough, steam was coming out of your ears with embarrassment.
“What are you doing?” you freaked out, turning around immediately.
“Getting in,” he said in the most obvious tone of voice.
“You’ll be on one side and I’ll be on the other,” he points out a huge rock, separating the hot spring into two pools. That seems a little better, but the idea of soaking in a hot spring together with the prince was nerve wracking.
“Princess, you can enter first, if that makes you feel better,” he suggested. When you turn to look at him, he already had his back turn out of respect for you.
So you undress and enter the heated water, noticing that all your muscles relaxed and the aches started going away as soon as you hit the water. You lean the back of your head on the rock and allow yourself to fully relax and destress. You could hear water splashing from the other side of the rock, indicating that Bakugou had also entered the water. Humming in satisfaction. You grew deeper and deeper in the hot spring until your nose was sitting on top of the water.
“Princess, I realize that I don’t know your name,” Bakugou spoke. Your name? You stayed silent. Was it wise to use your own name or should you continue to play as the princess?
“(y/n).” you decided.
“(y/n),” Bakugou repeated, elongating your name as if he stopped saying it, it’d disappear from him forever. The way your name left his lips felt like butter to him. He couldn’t help himself from repeated your name over and over again in his mind. You giggled and looked over the rock, arms crossed and head resting over them.
“Your highness, allow me to scrub your back,” you offered. Bakugou waved his hand while shaking his head.
“Nonsense. You shall not attend to me. We’re here to relax,” he had to remind you. But you insisted.
“But I want to, Prince Bakugou,” you pouted, jutting out your bottom lip.
“The high and mighty princess wants to wash the blood Prince’s back?” he questions playfully. He glances back to see you resting on top of the rock, giving him your big doe eyes.
“If you insist,” he gave up. He turns his back again, making sure to give you the privacy you needed to be able to come over to his side. You make your way over to him, covering your breasts in case. When you got settled behind him, you started washing his back.
You expected Bakugou to have scars from his many battles he’s had, but you didn’t expect his back to be covered in decolored and deformed wounds. Unknowingly, your hands went up to caress each scar.
“Does that frighten you?” he asks.
“Not at all,” you tell him honestly. “I think it makes you very brave.”
A comfortable silence fell upon you. Only the sound of water running and insects in the background could be heard. That was until you felt poke your butt. The hairs on your body hiked and you screamed as loud as you could, rising from the water in panic.
“Princess!” Bakugou instinctively put protection mode on, shooting up from his place to see what the danger was. You immediately clung to him, Bakugou wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close. What Bakugou saw wasn’t an enemy but rather, a wild Japanese macaque monkey poking his head out of the water.
“Shoo!” Bakugou scared the monkey out of the water and back into the forest. Bakugou grunted and relaxed his shoulders. “Damn monkeys. I thought they only came out during the winter season. Are you okay, prin…cess,” he looked down at you only for you to look up at him with your exposed chest fully pressed against his chest. Now this could easily be the most embarrassing moment of your entire life. Your face heated up with embarrassment and you let out another scream, using all your force to slap him across the face. Bakugou wasn’t expecting such a reaction and it caught him off guard. You put for much force into the slap that Bakugou flew back and fell into the water. You ran out of the spring, covering up as fast as you could.
Bakugou had never been so flustered in his life. He was a blushing mess and now the image of your naked breasts on him could not escape his mind. He needed time to calm himself down and a certain friend from getting too excited.
When you both had returned back to the rest of the crew, everybody had been knocked out cold from the alcohol. Thank goodness, because they couldn’t see how awkward you two were at the moment. That night, you slept in the tent again while Bakugou camped outside.
But you couldn’t sleep. How could that situation happen to you, out of all people? You weren’t sure how much he saw of your naked body. Maybe he didn’t see anything at all. But you saw the expression on his face, he definitely saw something. You covered your chest and closed your eyes. To think that a man saw your body and it wasn’t even your wedding night.
You felt the wind enter your tent, the chill making you shiver. If it was cold inside the tent, it must be extra cold outside. Bakugou was sleeping outside. You bit your lip in confliction. You wanted him to be warm but that means you had to confront him. Ah, fuck it. You opened your tent and saw Bakugou resting on the grass with his cape wrapped around him. And it wasn’t doing a very good job because you could see him shivering. He couldn’t hide it no matter how hard he tried.
“Would you like to come inside?” you invite him in.
“It’s for you, princess,” he reminded you.
“I understand. But it’s too cold to be sleeping out here. Please. I insist,” you urged. He opens one eye and sighs.
“As you wish, princess,” Bakugou gave in. You scooted over to make room for the large man to sleep next to you. Bakugou made himself comfy but he was a tad too tall for the tent that he had to have his legs hanging out. The opening of the tent revealed the big, bright moon overhead.
“I’m sorry for hitting you,” you apologized. Bakugou just lets out a breath.
“It’s whatever. I didn’t see anything, by the way,” he reassures you. Embarrassed again, you unconsciously covered your chest.
“You sure?”
“Erased from my mind,” he says as he closes his eyes and moves his hands around his head, as if he was erasing his memory. You laugh at his antics, more comfortable with the mood that was created. Bakugou laughs with you and turns to you, meeting eyes. This is the nth time that his heart leapt when you stare at him with those innocent, childlike eyes. He clears his throat and all of a sudden, his ears got red.
“The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?” Bakugou professed. You blinked in confusion. You weren’t sure why he said that. Glancing up at the moon, you guess you could say that it was beautiful. It was a full moon, and shone brightly above your heads. You weren’t versed in the poetics so you couldn’t comprehend the message the Blood Prince was trying to get at you.
“The moon is especially beautiful tonight. But isn’t the moon beautiful every night?” you responded.
Bakugou looks are you in mortification. Fuck, did he just get rejected? His ears got hot and he covered his mouth with his hands.
“Yeah… yeah it is,” he agreed, embarrassed. He took a deep breath in and back out again to calm his beating heart. You look over at him to see him a little distressed. You softly smiled, another side you got to see of him. It was cute. You could feel your heartbeat starting to pick its pace up and that’s when you realized. Gathering up all the courage you could muster, you leaned over to kiss him on the cheek you slapped.
“Good night,” you quickly say, then turned over to face away from him. Bakugou stops everything in his tracks and is frozen. He couldn’t help but smile and fall asleep next to you.
The moment you made the decision to kiss him was when you knew that you wanted to be selfish. You wanted to become his queen and rule his kingdom together. You were going to forget your past life. You were going to forget this mission you were on. You were the princess now. That was his truth and you weren’t going to change it.
A/N: For those who don't know, the phrase "the moon is beautiful, isn't it" or 月が綺麗ですね is a more poetic way of saying "I love you" in olden Japanese. And then the response to that would be "I can die happy" or 死んでもいいわ. Just for reference.
As I said before, I absolutely love this chapter and I really really REALLY want to know your reactions and thoughts!
Spoiler: drama starts in the next chapter :)
If you'd like to be tagged, please let me know in the comments or DM me! and if you'd like to be tagged when my 18+ oneshot comes out, let me know too! I love you all!
Tagged: @superblyspeedydragon @melasnchz-things @animexholic @bkgwrites @sam-i-am-1025 @apexqueenie @katsukibabe @germfart3 @tspice283 @angie-1306 @bakugous-trauma @bakugousmrs @random-fandom-girl-24 @monetfatalia @triviajeongin @readingslumpfanfic @softredrobin @briefhoundpartynickel @bnhahegao
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