#i did give Bobby the cologne my own dad wears
try-set-me-on-fire · 9 months
Tagged by @rewritetheending @devirnis and @daffi-990 for tidbit tuesday! I know I’ve said this like the last 4 tag games but i swear buck sees death part 2 is ALMOST done. Here’s some Bobby and Buck, father and son
Buck swallows back tears along with the urge to say I’m proud of you, because that’s not the direction this usually goes. He thinks it might be different when it’s him, more son than friend, but Bobby will still have the rest of this family they’ve built to hold him together, to keep him here. He swallows again, less effectively this time, and darts forward to wrap him in a hug. Bobby only hesitates a moment before returning the gesture.
“Oh- hey, kid, it’s-“
“I love you, Bobby.” Buck presses his face into his shoulder, smelling the faint hints of the CK One Bobby always puts on before his shift but never reapplies. “I know we don’t really- we don’t say it, but I do.”
Bobby just breathes for a moment, a little shaky, one strong and familiar hand soothing a pattern up and down Buck’s back. “I… I love you, too, Buck.” He squeezes tight. “Maybe I should say that more.”
Buck shrugs as they disentangle, smiling even as he wipes his eyes. “I know it, either way.”
The look on Bobby’s face is hard to pin down. Wonder, some love, a bit of worry, pride. Every emotion that’s on Buck’s, probably, an unintentional mirror. They’re never going to look entirely like each other, Buckley and Nash genetics having their separate ways with them, but in this moment Buck imagines that they do.
@forthewolves @wildlife4life @shitouttabuck @eddiebabygirldiaz @lover-of-mine @ anyone else who has anything to share!
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the 9-1-1 men seeing you in the LAFD sweatshirt and cuddled up to them 😍🥺
Author’s Note: I added Hen too because I couldn't help myself :) also it’s currently the morning of February 8th. Here’s a lil fluff for y’all before we go batshit crazy over the buckley family secret tonight 😌
Word Count: 1.8k
Laundry day. 
Oh how you despised laundry day. 
You never did the laundry but Hen wasn’t home today and you figured it would be nice for her to come home and not have to worry. So as a good partner would, you tumbled through the house and collected all the dirty clothes, which included the flour covered shirt you were currently wearing and tossed it into the machine. 
Now, if it were up to you, you’d just continue your day without a shirt but it seemed odd to do that, especially since you didn't know if Hen would be bringing any company home with her. Digging through the drawers, there were no clean shirts. 
Are you kidding me right now ? 
Finally spotting a shirt under a stack of pants, you tugged it out of the drawer. The front had the little fire station logo on it and the back read Los Angeles Fire Department. Not giving it a second thought, you pulled it on and went about your day. 
Hen should be on her way home soon and you were sitting on the bed surrounded by clothes, folded and unfolded. You never realized how much work it took to fold laundry, you laid back against the pillows. The last thing you remember was the smell of freshly washed clothes. 
“Babe? I’m home! Where are you ?” Hen calls out as she walks into the house. It was quiet but your car was in the driveway. 
“Y/n ?!” she calls again, walking further into the house. Turning into the bedroom, she smiled at you. You were surrounded by the laundry and fast asleep. She moved some of the clothes over to the drawers and sat beside you on the bed. The bed shifted as Hen pulled the blanket over you. 
“Hey” you give her a sleepy smile, “hey you, how was your day ?” she asks as you shift closer to her. 
“Good, I did the laundry” you mumbled, your eyes shutting again. 
“I like your shirt” she chuckles
You mumbled an answer, “yeah it looks better on you” 
“I think I like this one better on you” her arm wraps around you as you fall back to sleep. 
“What colour should we do ? We got blue and red and uhhh-” you reached into the cupboard for the little bottle of food colouring “yellow” you turned to Christoper who was beside you. The two of you were baking cupcakes for the team. 
“Green!” he shouted and you nod. “Sounds like a plan, now my little scientist, what do we mix to make green ?” “blue and yellow” he said, you take the lid off the little blue bottle and hand it to him, you do the same with the yellow. The two of you pour a ridiculous amount of food colouring in the frosting. Plugging in the mixer, you began mixing the frosting. After a few minutes, the two of you looking into the bowl. 
“Well, that doesn't look right” The frosting a mucky green, almost brown colour rather than just the normal, light green colour you were going for. 
“We should buy frosting instead” Chris says, sticking a finger into the bowl and tasting the frosting. “Does it taste good at least?” he gives you a smile, you take that as a yes. You were looking up grocery stores that were still opened and Chris was washing the frosting off his hands. You moved so that he could be the paper towel and accidentally hit the on button on the mixer.
Frosting ended up everywhere. 
“Well that’s not good” You and Chris laugh. You wipe the frosting off his face and send him off to change his shirt as you clean up the kitchen. Looking down at your own shirt, you too, were covered in frosting. You walked to Eddie’s room and found one of his LAFD shirts laying on his bed. Pulling off your own, you pulled on his instead. 
“Maybe we should just buy cupcakes instead ? We can just eat these later ?” 
The two of you headed out to find a store that sold cupcakes and was still open. it was currently 10:30 at night and technically, Eddie told you to have Chris in bed by 9:30 but you could never say no to Chris, especially when he asked to bake with you. Arriving at the station, you headed in together. Bobby was the first one to see the two of you. He walked you two up to the kitchen where the team was. 
“Dad!” Chris shouted, getting his father's attention. He looked surprised to see you two there. “Hey buddy!” he gave Chris a hug, “What are you guys doing here?” 
“We have cupcakes” he told his dad, Eddie smiled and let him go. Chris went off to see Buck and Chim. “Hey you” you smiled at Eddie, walking over and setting the box of cupcakes on the counter. “Is that my shirt?” he asks, you settle yourself between his legs, leaning onto his thigh as he sat on the stool by the counter. “Yeah. We attempted to make cupcakes but the frosting part was a bit of a disaster so I just borrowed this” 
His arms wrapped around your waist, “that’s okay, it looks better on you anyways” 
These back to back shifts were kicking your ass. You hadn't had a proper night’s sleep in over a week and you were running purely on the fact that coffee exists. You finally had a night off and thought it would be nice to spend a night with your boyfriend. You arrived at his place a few hours before his shift ended. 
His fridge was stocked for once and you decide you’d make dinner. You weren’t the best cook in the world but you knew enough to make a decent meal and not burn the place down. It didn't take long to make dinner and you still had half an hour before he got home so to the shower you went. 
The shower felt like heaven on earth considering that you had been living off coffee and mini naps in the break room at work. You managed to find a pair of pants you left there after spending a night, as for your shirt, you couldn't find any of your shirts. 
What kind of person leaves pants but no shirt ? 
You pick up the one you had on before only to find a stain on it. Tossing it in the laundry basket, you turn to the closet to find something. There had to be something in here that you could wear. Not that he’d mind coming home to dinner and a shirtless you but you rather eat with your shirt on. You pulled out a t-shirt from his closet, it was his LAFD shirt but it didn't seem to make a difference to you, you’d leave it before you went back to your place. 
“Honey I'm home!” Chim laughed as he shut the front door. You practically skipped out of the bedroom, it had been way too long since you last saw him. “Hi, I missed you” you pull him into a hug, “I missed you too” he smiled. 
He looked over at the kitchen, “you cooked too?” 
“Yeah, I had some time” 
“Can I take a shower or is dinner gonna get cold ?” 
“That’s fine, it’s probably already cold,” you laughed, “I'll heat it up, go take your shower” you push him off to the bathroom before going to the kitchen. You tidy up a bit as he’s in the shower. 
“Babe?” he calls as he walks into the kitchen, “have you seen my- there it is” he points to the shirt, you look down. 
“Sorry” you give him a smile, making him chuckle. “It’s okay, I'll wear the other one.” 
“Wait, you have more than one?” 
“Yeah, obviously,” he laughs, “why would I only have one?”
“Well then, I'm keeping this one” 
Opposite shifts sucks. 
Although the two of you live together, you kept missing each other. Whenever he was coming in, you were leaving and when you were leaving, he was coming in. For the last 2 months, your relationship consisted of “good morning, have a good day at work” and “good night, sleep well” as you pass by each other on the way out. 
You finally just gave in one day and called in sick. Were you sick ? No, but you were exhausted. You were working morning shifts and Buck was working nights, so you’d be home when he got home today but he didn't know that. Seeing that you were already up, you made you way over to the closet to get a hoodie because for some reason, it was freezing in the apartment although it was probably warm outside. You spotted Buck’s black LAFD sweater in the closet, it was your favourite of his but it looked better on you, or so you thought. 
Walking down to the stairs and to the kitchen, you find the stale coffee that Buck left in the machine on the counter. Dumping it in the sink and putting on a fresh pot. The fridge was empty, for the most part, there was milk, eggs, cheese and what looked like leftover takeout. You managed to find pancake mix in the cupboard and dumped all the ingredients in a bowl. The door unlocked and Buck’s shoes thudded against the wall by the door. 
“How many times do I have to tell you not to kick your shoes off like that ? You’re going to scuff the wall” your back was facing him but you glance over your shoulder to see your boyfriend. He seemed shocked that you were home. 
“I thought you had work ?” he makes his way over to you, hugging you from behind. “Called in sick, thought we could spend the day together ?” 
“Yeah, I like that idea” he kisses your neck, as his arms wrap around your waist. “Maybe we should just go back to bed” he says as he lifts you off the ground. The whisk falls from your hand and falls into the bowl, “Buck! come on, I'm making breakfast for you” you pry at his hands, he just squeezes you tighter. 
“I just wanna cuddle, I miss you” he somehow turns you around, his hands now gripping at your thighs. He mustered up his best puppy dog eyes and gave you a lil pout. “You’re an overgrown baby Evan Buckley, do you know that?” you roll your eyes, he smiles at you. 
“Yeah, I know” he makes his way up the stairs and back into bed. He dropped you on the bed, you shifted back up against the pillow. He joins you in bed after he changes, his arm wraps around your waist, pulling you into his side. 
“Why do you smell like my cologne ?” he looked down at you, “is that my sweater ?” 
“You mean our sweater ? Yes it is” 
Buck laughed and shook his head, “yeah, our sweater looks cute on you” 
taglist: @ssa-volturi @advicefromnixxxx @dralexreid @keenmarvellover @venusrosepetal @mikaelson-emma 
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the-fangirl-way · 5 years
The Lasagna Pan
A/N: Hey guys so I wrote another Dean Winchester One Shot because I was feeling very inspired the other day while watching Supernatural and making a lasagna. I hope you guys like it! 
WARNINGS: Smut, Fluff, Angst, sad stuff 
Summary: The reader x Dean (I wrote it in first person) are hanging out while the reader makes a lasagna and things besides the lasagna, start heating up in the kitchen. 
I leaned back on the hood of the impala, tipping the beer bottle back taking another swig, Led Zeppelin’s When the Levee Breaks playing out of the speakers in the background.
I didn’t even look up when I heard the door of the garage open and boots come shuffling across the floor towards me.
“What are you doing out here?” Sam’s voice echoed through the space.
“Thinking about Beth, and my parents.” I said turning to look at him.
“Beer?” I asked handing him a beer from the cooler beside me on the table.
“Sure.” He said taking it from me and twisting off the cap, climbing on the hood beside me.
“It’s been six months Sam.” I said taking another drink and he nodded.
“I know. But there’s still hope, she could still be out there.” He said taking a sip of his own beer.
“I just keep getting my hopes up and the leads all go cold. I keep thinking what if we never find her.” I said honestly and he shook his head.
“Don’t say that, she’s coming back, we’re gonna find her.”
“Yeah, maybe.”
“I promise you, we will find her, we’ve got Cas talking to angels to see what we can dig up, Bobby is digging, something will eventually come up.” He said reassuringly.
“I love your encouragement Sam, really.” I said and he smiled.
I had been with the Winchester brothers for six months now, ever since my sister Bethany had gone missing during a demon hunt in Colorado. They had stumbled upon the same case and were more than willing to help me find her, and in the meantime we continued to work any case that came our way. They had offered for me to stay in the bunker with them for the time being, Beth and I had never really had a permanent home anyway, and it was lonely staying in cheap motel rooms alone so I obliged. They had made it seem like home, or what I imagined home was anyway. I cooked them meals, we watched movies, it was almost as if I had a family again, all but Beth. Beth and I had been alone for the last eight years, ever since our Dad died on a demon hunt gone bad, our Mother died years before that to an evil even worse than demons, an evil by the name of cancer. Beth and I had known about demons and all the other evil things out there lurking in the dark by the time we were seven years old, our Daddy was a hunter, and Mama had been too until the sickness engulfed her. My grandpa had been a hunter, and his father before him, it went back centuries.
Beth and I were trained to be good with a gun and fast with a knife, we were taught how to read books and more importantly how to read people. Beth wasn’t stupid, or naive, so the day that she disappeared I knew had to be because something took her, and I had spent every day since then trying to find her and spending countless hours exorcising demons for information but no demon wanted to tell the truth, Castiel had spent days trying to find out information from the angels but no one wanted to talk. Bobby Singer, or rather Uncle Bobby as Beth and I frequently called him because he was more of an uncle to the two of us than a family friend, had spent all his time researching and reading to try and find her. We had all ran out and were getting tired, the trail was getting cold, and the boys could tell I was wearing thin.
“Hey, listen we will do whatever we have to for as long as we have to until we get some answers, okay?” Sam said and I nodded.
“Thank you for being so good to me.” I said leaning into him resting my head on his shoulder.
“You smell like cologne.” I observed, getting a whiff of his scent.
“Are you going somewhere?” I asked turning to look at him, taking notice then to his clean shaven face and combed hair.
“I uh, I was going to go out.” He said averting his eyes.
“Out?” I asked cocking an eyebrow.
“Yeah, to get a drink.” He said and I shoved his shoulder.
“Sam Winchester do you have a date?” I asked incredulously and red pooled into his cheeks.
“You do have a date! Who is she?” I asked shaking his shoulder playfully.
He cleared his throat and ran a hand through his hair.
“It’s Eileen.”
“Eileen!!” I shouted and his finger came up to his lips.
“Shh, Dean will hear you and you know he’ll never stop giving me crap for it.” He said and just then the garage door opened and Dean’s head popped out.
“Everything okay out here? I thought I heard shouting.”
“Yeah, everything’s totally cool.” I said and he eyed us, laying on the hood of his car drinking a beer.
“Why are you laying on the hood of my car? Is that my beer?” He asked and Sam slid off the hood polishing his beer off.
“Yeah so, I’m going out for a drink, I’ll be back later.” He said shooting me a look that said ‘please don’t say anything’.
“Okay, I’ll come with you.” Dean said stepping out the door pulling it closed behind him.
“You know actually Dean, I was going to make a lasagna, and thought maybe you’d want to lend a hand?” I asked and he eyed me.
“And pie.” I said and he nodded.
“Yeah, I’m staying, Sammy have fun.” He said fishing the impala’s keys out of his pocket and tossing them at Sam who caught them, smirking at me.
He got in and started it up, before putting it in to drive, I punched the garage door button and watched as he pulled out, closing it behind him and turning to Dean.
“Now, how about that pie.” Dean said and I laughed following him into the kitchen.
Sam and Dean Winchester had been some of the best things to ever happen to my life. Not long after I settled in with them, Sam, easily became my best friend. We enjoyed all the same movies, all the same books, we agreed on most, if not all things, and he was the easiest person in the world to talk to. I had spent more nights than I could count hanging out with Sam talking about our lives, about college because we had both attended, old friends, all the hard stuff that I could never tell anyone else. I knew Sam like the back of my hand and he knew me like the back of his, there was nothing we wouldn’t do for each other, and to find a friend like that was very special doing the kind of work we did. But Sam just understood me, and he listened to me, and he always knew exactly what to say.
Dean, on the other hand, Dean was my rock. Dean and I shared the same interests in music, beer, old cars, guns, and bad humor. There had been more nights than I could count that Dean and I would spend drinking whiskey and telling drunken secrets. We were alike in so many ways it was almost scary if not laughable, he was the older brother, I was the older sister, we both had obligations that we were made to uphold, and neither of us liked to be wrong, and because of that we argued almost daily; about everything. Dean challenged me in ways that Sam didn’t, Sam challenged me in ways that were intellectual and punctual, Dean challenged me in physical ways. We butted heads constantly about the way things should be handled. Dean was a shoot first, ask questions later kind of person. There were so many times Dean was the only voice of reason in a situation beyond my control, he would give it to me straight and have me deal with the issue at hand. He kept me level headed, he could and had talked me down from the jumping off point many times. Truth be told, I think even above Sam, Dean could see and understand things about me that Sam couldn’t, because he faced the same things himself. I loved Sam, but Sam and I shared a very different connection than Dean and I. We battled the same demons and because of that we had this undeniable connection that scared us both to the point of pushing each other away constantly.
Dean was dangerous, but as dangerous as he was the man was damn charming, and sinfully handsome. He was charismatic and funny, and he had a pair of green eyes that could make any woman squirm in her seat. Dean Winchester was a tall glass of water on a hot day, and my God had I wanted to take a drink so many times, but just like the apple in the garden of Eden he was forbidden fruit and I had not dared.
It would be easy to fall into that hole, to fall into bed with him and wake up feeling fulfilled but the moment would pass and just like the calm before the storm I knew it would end up ugly. So I kept my feelings to myself, pushed them away even and convinced myself that the feelings were purely sexual and nothing else and so far it had worked.
I entered the kitchen behind Dean who took a seat at the table.
“So, about this pie.” He said smirking at me and I laughed.
“Cherry, or apple?” I asked pulling the filling out of the cabinet.
“Apple. Definitely apple.” He said and I nodded, getting out all the ingredients for the pie.
I walked over to the refrigerator, I could feel Dean’s eyes on my back as I opened the freezer and pulled out a lasagna.
“Stouffers? Really?” Dean asked cocking an eyebrow as I opened the package and pulled out the frozen lasagna cutting slits into the film and preheating the oven.
“Yeah, what did you think I was going to make it too? Give me a break Winchester.” I said winking, tossing the box into the garbage.
He laughed and shrugged his shoulders, standing up to grab two whiskey glasses out of the cabinet.
“Want a drink?” He asked and I shrugged, he grabbed the bottle of Scotch off the counter and poured us both a glass, handing me mine and leaning against the counter to take a swig of his.
I took a drink, the liquor sliding down my throat reminded me of all the nights I spent up in Dean’s bedroom confessing all my demons to him. The air was still and quiet between us, as it was often, but it was a comfortable silence, I think we both enjoyed each other’s company without any obligations to have a conversation.
“So, where did Sammy really take off to?” Dean asked, cutting through the silence.
“He uh, went to see Eileen.” I said giggling, starting on the pie, mixing the ingredients for the crust.
“Huh, well, about time he got some.” Dean said swirling the liquor around in his glass.
The timer on the stove beeped and I placed the lasagna in the oven, setting a timer.
“I know it’s stupid.” I started, kneading the pie crust into the pan.
“What?” Dean asked looking over at me.
“The lasagna, truth be told I could have made it from scratch but,” I started, pouring the pie filling into the crust and covering it with the top layer of crust.
“My Mother used to make lasagna all the time when we were little girls, Beth and I. My Daddy used to rave every single time we had it about how she made the ‘best lasagna this side of the Mississippi’ I said quoting him,
“and he would eat half the pan by himself. It always made her feel good and smile real big, and I always loved to see them like that.” I said taking a drink of the scotch.
“I always begged her to give me the recipe and she would always tell me ‘one day when you’re older,’ I said smiling,
“and then one day I caught her taking the lasagna out of the package and transferring it to her own pan, it was Stouffer’s.” I laughed, remembering the memory of my Mama holding a finger up to her lips saying “shh, don’t tell your Daddy.”
I popped the pie in the oven and leaned against the counter with Dean.
“A couple of weeks before she passed, it was her birthday, and so I told everyone I was going to make lasagna just like Mama made, and I snuck into her room that evening and showed her the Stouffer’s box, and for the first time in months, a small smile came across her face.” I said finishing off my scotch, pouring another glass.
“That night at dinner, my Daddy raved about the lasagna, and told me I had done almost as good as a job on it as Mama had, and I’ll never forget the look me and Mama shared across the table, her half eaten tiny piece of lasagna, and she actually laughed, for the first time in months, maybe a year even. And I’ve never seen my Daddy’s eyes light up the way they did, they way they used to before she got sick and would make the lasagna herself.” I said and I felt a tear involuntarily slip down my face, I quickly wiped it away.
“I learned how to make lasagna years later by scratch, but I swear it never tasted as good as Stouffer’s.” I said laughing at my own expense and I looked up at Dean who was looking right back at me, eyes blazing.
“I think about her everyday, little things remind me of her, and how she was before.” I said remembering her, she was so beautiful, raven colored hair, big blue eyes, she always wore candy apple red lipstick and heels to match. She was funny, she had a laugh that was contagious and a smile that could light up an entire room.
“She would be proud of you, you know.” Dean said and I shook my head.
“She would be disappointed in me for letting Beth go missing.”
“What happened to Beth was not your fault, you need to quit blaming yourself. She’s out there, we’re going to find her.” Dean said defensively and I nodded.
“But I know, I know how it feels to feel like you’re responsible for someone else.” He said looking down at his empty glass, he did know how it felt. He was responsible for Sam the same way I was responsible for Beth. It seemed like Dean was the only person who understood that.
“I know Dean, you’re the only one who understands, and sometimes-” I said cutting myself off, I was not about to let myself go there, not with Dean.
“Sometimes what?” He asked and I took another gulp of my scotch, looking at him, his eyes full of concern, full pink pouty lips turned down into a frown of confusion, he was so damn delectable and he was within my reach, but I knew going there was a very, very bad idea.
“You can talk to me, you know that right? I mean, I know I’m not always the easiest person to get along with at times, and I don’t always say the right things but I know what you’re going through. I’ve been there.” He said and I felt the tears coming before I could stop them, I was usually pretty good at keeping myself together, but between the liquor and the memories of my parents it was all too much. Dean pulled me into him, wrapping his arms around me.
“Dean it’s just, everything is all so messed up, Beth is gone, my parents are dead, Beth might be dead too.” I rambled between broken sobs and he ran a hand against my back to soothe me.
“I know, it’s going to be okay, we’re going to figure all this out. I promise you.” He said and I sighed, lifting my head to look at him, his face inches from mine. I was too close for comfort but I couldn’t force myself to step away. His eyes burned into mine, his breath fanned across my face it smelled of whiskey and mint, it was dangerous territory.
“Dean I-”
He cut me off mid sentence by crashing his lips to mine, kissing Dean was nothing like I had ever imagined it would be, his lips were soft and molded into mine in a feverish way as he nipped carnevously at my mouth.
I pulled away and looked up into his eyes.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have-” He started but I silenced him by kissing him again.
I felt his hands go to my waist where he lifted me up, wrapping my legs around his waist his hands went to my ass where he carried me out of the kitchen, down the hallway, to his room where he kicked open the door with this foot, all the while I peppered kisses along his jaw and neck, the stubble scratching my face.
He laid me on the bed and his body came down on top of me where he reconnected our lips, slipping his tongue into my mouth my hands found his hair, tugging at the roots gaining a throaty moan from Dean.
He pulled back, slipping his button up off his shoulders and yanking his shirt over his head.
I had seen Dean’s body many times, hell, I had stitched him up quite a few times myself after he got hurt during a hunt. But this was different, I studied his body like it was the first time I had seen it, covered in scars and etched like fine marble. Castiel’s handprint scathed across his shoulder, begging to be touched. I allowed him to pulled my shirt over my head to expose my chest to him, his hands jerked the cups of my bra down, spilling my breasts out to him where his hot mouth came down on one of my nipples where he sucked, a pang of pleasure shot between my legs.
I grabbed a fist full of his hair and yanked his head up to look at me, sucking on his neck his hand traveled down the front of my stomach to undo the button on my jeans, slipping down into my panties.
“Shit sweetheart, you’re soaking.” He panted, his voice gruff and sexual.
He began teasing my clit with his fingers, my head falling back, his lips connecting to my neck.
He pumped two fingers inside of me slow and torturous.
“Dean.” I cried out and he pulled his hand out of my panties, dragging my pants down my legs taking my panties with them.
He wasted no time undoing his pants, pulling them, with this boxers down his legs freeing himself from confinement. His cock stood proud and thick, and my core ached to have him inside of me.
He came back down on top of me and positioned himself at my entrance.
“If you don’t want to do this, tell me now.” He said his eyes pouring into mine.
I reached up and hooked my arm around his neck, pulling his lips to mine, giving him a long searing kiss.
He slowly pushed inside of me, filling me to the brim and I winced at the contact, it was raw, surreal, and I was lost in the passion.
He withdrew and filled me again, this time feeling better than the last, and it surprised me how slow and gentle he was being despite the kind of man I took him for in the bedroom.
He picked up the pace a little, my legs wrapped around his torso, bringing him closer to me.
He hooked his arms around my back and lifted me up, pulling out of me he pushed me to get on all fours, placing his hands on my hips before he pushed back into me, filling me once again, regaining the same pace as before; I could hear our skin smacking together.
Dean’s throaty moans combined with the feeling of him brushing up against my g-spot, made my legs begin to shake and a warm feeling build up in the pit of my stomach.
“Dean I’m, I’m-” I tried to say as a burst of white hot ripped through my body, searing every nerve ending.
My walls clenching around him made him get closer to his peak and I felt his thrusts getting sloppier before he let out a deep sexual moan and I felt him reach his climax inside of me, before he pulled out, gaining composure before getting up from the bed and heading to the bathroom, I heard the door close behind him.
I sat up, pulling the now messily strewed blanket to me, curling up in it and laying back on the pillow, my mind whirling with what had just happened.
I closed my eyes, seeing Dean’s body on top of mine once more, when I heard the bathroom door open and I felt the bed give as Dean climbed in behind me, pulling my body into his.
I held my breath, expecting to have to talk about what had just happened, but a few minutes passed and Dean’s breathing shifted and I knew he was asleep.
I slowly untangled myself from him, the room was dark now, and I was barely able to find my underwear and a shirt off the floor before heading to the door.
Once I was in the hallway I slipped on my underwear and looked down to see the shirt I had grabbed was Dean’s button up.
I laughed at the irony and slipped it around my body, buttoning it up as I headed towards the kitchen, I could smell the combining scents of lasagna and pie as it wafted through the air.
I pulled them both out of the oven, the cheese was bubbling and hot and the pie crust was golden brown. My stomach growled involuntarily at the smell of the food.
“Smells good.” Dean’s voice startled me from the doorway, he had taken the liberty of pulling on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt his hair was messy from our previous rendezvous.
“Nice shirt.” He commented and I looked down at his oversized button up hanging off of me hitting at the middle of my thighs.
“Sorry, it was the first thing I grabbed and-”
“It looks better on you than it does me anyway.” He said and I felt warmth in my cheeks.
I got out two plates and cut a piece of lasagna from the pan and offered it to Dean who took it.
“So are we gonna talk about it or..” Dean said leaning against the counter again.
“Talk about what, Dean.” I said cutting another slice for myself.
“I don’t know, the weather. What do you think?” He asked sitting the plate of lasagna on the table.
“I was upset Dean, I’d rather not talk about it-”
“Listen save the ‘I wasn’t thinking clearly’ crap okay, I’m not up to hearing it.” He said and I sighed.
“Well what do you want me to say Dean? That I wanted it to happen? That I’ve wanted it to happen since the day I met you? That I have to spend everyday I’m here feeling guilty about the fact that I should be focusing every thought I have on finding Beth and instead I’m spending it trying not to act on the feelings I have towards you?”
He opened his mouth to say something but I wasn’t finished.
“You and I connect so much Dean, more than Sam and I ever have, and it scares the shit out of me okay? Because I can’t get tangled up in you. I can’t be part of a little fling that after a few romps in the sheets becomes nonexistent. I refuse to be one of those women you take home and never call again.” I said and he shook his head.
“Do you honestly think that’s what that was? That you’re just some cheap fuck that I’m just going to toss you to the side when I’m done?” He asked incredulously.
“It’s what you do Dean, you use women to get what you want and then you dump them like they didn’t mean anything to you.”
“Because they don’t.” He answered simply, and although I knew it was the truth, it still hurt to hear.
“But do you think that you’re just one of those women? You, you’re so much more than that. And yeah, maybe I went about it the wrong way but I’m scared as hell here. I’ve never been in love before.” He said and those words all but knocked the wind out of me.
“Love?” I asked and he ran a hand over his face, something he had a habit of doing when he was deep in thought or nervous, or in this case; both.
“We have this thing here, I don’t fully understand it and it does, it scares the hell out of me, because every time I get close to anyone something bad always happens. You are the only woman I’ve met who hasn’t immediately wanted more, and so I thought if maybe I got you just once then it would be over and the feelings would go away. But they didn’t, and they won’t.” He said crossing the room to me.
“I keep telling myself that if I knew you didn’t feel the same way it would be easier to walk away from.” He said, his eyes burning into mine, holding me in place.
“I love you.” He breathed his hand cupping my face.
“I love you, Dean.” I said, letting out a breath I didn’t know I was holding.
He lifted me up and placed me on the countertop, planting a long kiss on my lips before pulling away, his forehead resting against mine.
“I can’t promise it’s going to be great, I don’t know what I’m doing or where this is going to go.” He said honestly and I wrapped my legs around him bringing him closer to me.
“I think you’ll do just fine, Winchester.” I said kissing him again, this time deepening the kiss, his hands wrapping around my waist bringing me into him.
A throat cleared across the room and there stood Sam, eyes wide, lips slightly parted.
“I can explain.” I said quickly, Dean’s face holding a smirk.
“Honestly,” Sam started, “I don’t want to know.” He said smiling a cheeky grin.
“Hey Sammy, how’s Eileen?” Dean asked and Sam’s eyes widened at me like he couldn’t believe I told him.
“He figured it out.” I said and he laughed shaking his head.
“We prepare food there.” He said gesturing to the countertop where I realized I was still sitting, in only Dean’s shirt. Embarrassment pooled in my cheeks as I hopped down tugging the shirt down my legs.
“I’m going to uh, change.” I said heading down the hallway to my bedroom door.
I heard Dean’s voice before I closed the door.
“Hey Sammy, try some lasagna, it’s the best this side of the Mississippi.”
I smiled to myself, I wasn’t any closer in finding Beth but I had new hope, for finding my sister and for what the future held.
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lavendercanister · 7 years
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Adam x Reader
Word Count: 1380 words
Warnings: Mentions of Death, Sadness and Feels
Summary: The life of Adam’s Girlfriend before and after the Winchesters
 It was a wintery day Windom, Minnesota. I was spending the day with my lovely boyfriend Adam, before I left to study at UCLA, in California. I was willing to stay behind with Adam so we could study at the local college together, but once Adam saw my acceptance letter, he insisted I go and he’d visit on the weekends. I decided not to dwell on that though and spend as much time with him as I can until I leave.
“(Y/N) look! It’s snowing!” I looked outside too see white flakes pouring fast. I raced to slip on my black, fur-lined jacket and snow boots before racing outside with Adam not too far behind. I giggled and tried catching snowflakes on my tongue. Turning to Adam I see him pull off his favorite red scarf. I tried to protest as he wrapped it around my neck; I felt instant warmth and could smell his cologne on it.
“Adam, your dad gave this too you. I couldn’t- ““Don’t worry about it, besides, I like you wearing my stuff,” He interrupted me, wrapping his arms around my waist and I hugged him tightly.
“I’m going to miss you,” I mumbled into his coat and I felt him hold me tighter.
“I love you,” He whispered into my hair and I felt myself return the statement without hesitation.
 It’s been a while since that day, a couple months later, after Adam suddenly stopped visiting, I went to Minnesota, only to find two strangers and a few missing people, Adam’s mom being one of them. When I was told, I went straight to Adam’s house only to see him with two strange men, both who easily towered over me.
“Adam! I heard what happened!” I exclaimed, rushing to hug him only for the shorter of the two strangers to stand in front of me, blocking my path. I suddenly felt very small and shrunk back a bit.
“Who are you?” He spoke harshly and Adam walked over putting a hand on his shoulder smiling.
“This is my girlfriend (Y/N), she’s been studying in California. (Y/N) These are my brothers- ““Half-brothers.” The same man interrupted glaring.
“Pleasure.” The tallest brother walked over smiling, “What brings you here from California?”
“Adam. He usually visits every week and I haven’t seen him in a month. I was worried, then when I came to town an old friend from school told me Kate went missing so I rushed over.” I explained and stepped around the two to hug Adam tightly, I felt him return the gesture and smiled.
“I’m so glad you’re okay,” I whispered.
He pulled back pecking my lips and I felt a pit form in my stomach, something was wrong with him, but I couldn’t tell what. I just wished I had noticed it sooner, because the next few times I saw him I felt that same feeling along with other ones I had never associated with Adam, and eventually, when I went to visit his house later one night, I had found out the truth. That the Adam I loved was dead, eaten alive, along with his mother, by ghouls. After that day, I ended up being taken to a man named Bobby, by Adam’s half-brothers, and he taught me how to hunt, and about all the different things that go bump in the night. A lot had changed about me that day, I no longer worried about my looks or studying to be a nurse, instead I worried about how many stakes I had on me, or whether I was running low on Holy Water. So, when I had decided to make a stop at Bobby’s for a visit after a rough hunt for a Werewolf and saw Adam laying on the window seat, asleep, you could imagine my reaction. I was ready to scream bloody murder when Sam jumped at me, covering my mouth. I struggled against him in vain as he held me still.
“Shh, calm down, calm down. It’s okay, he’s real. He’s real,” Sam kept repeating those two words and as it sunk in I felt myself slouch in his hold, his grip on my stomach, all that was keeping me up as tears filled my eyes. I felt like that college girl playing in the snow all over again. Nothing could have prepared me for this. I tapped Sam’s arm and he let me go instantly, I wobbled a bit catching myself, but I quickly walked over to his side before falling to my knees and grabbing his hand cautiously. Feeling his calloused fingertips once more touch my own I couldn’t hold back the tears and brought his hand to my lips as I breathed him in, his body smelling of Bobby’s cheap shampoo and shaving cream, letting me know he had showered while he was here. I chuckled in disbelief, but tried to not wake him as it was the middle of the night.
“I’ll give you guys some time.” Sam spoke leaving the room, but I didn’t look away from Adam’s face, peaceful, as if he didn’t ever go through what he did.
 I felt him stir, not even realizing I fell asleep on the ground next to him, though I had never let him go. I opened my eyes, squinting at the bright sunlight before he sat up, his upper body blocking the sunlight from my view and making him seem as if he was glowing. I quickly sat up once I realized he was awake and our eyes met. I saw the shock in his eyes and felt myself tear up all over again as I gave him a sleepy smile.
“(Y/N)?” He spoke in a whisper and I felt my heart swell with how much love he put into my name. I leapt into his arms, holding him as tight as possible, sobbing into his shoulder. He didn’t return the hug, but I didn’t feel hurt, I could feel nothing, but pure love fill me as I pulled back to look into those chocolate coated eyes of his.
“I missed you so much. I thought you were dead,” I felt my voice crack as I spoke to him, never not holding him in some way, scared he’d disappear again. He breathed in sharply before pulling me close and slamming his lips on mine in a heart wrenching kiss that left me breathless and craving more. When he pulled away he leaned his forehead against mine, our breaths mingling.
“It’s really you,” He whispered and I nodded pecking his lips before his cheeks and all over his face as I hugged him tightly which he returned fully this time returning the gesture.
“Well isn’t that nice.” Bobby spoke teasingly and I felt Adam tense and pull away from me, putting me behind him as he stood up. Bobby smirked raising his hands up and I felt myself blush.
“Morning Bobby,” I mumbled and I felt Adam’s stare as Bobby returned it. I grabbed Adam’s hand, pulling him to sit next to me as Bobby headed into the kitchen.
“You know them?” He seemed shocked, concerned, and a little hurt. I nodded looking towards the kitchen before facing him.
“They all helped me, after…” I trailed off and he seemed to know what I meant as he intertwined our fingers and held on tightly. “Were you hurt?” I shrugged.
“Only a little. After they killed the ghoul though, they were worried more monsters would come for me because of my connection to you so they brought me here. Bobby helped me while I mourned, and afterwards, I decided to become a hunter. It made me feel like I was bringing you justice. Even if it didn’t bring you back.” I explained, too ashamed to look at him, but I felt him place a hand on my cheek and forced me to consider his eyes once more.
“I love you. No matter what happened after that night. I will always love you.” He spoke and I nodded wiping the tears off my cheeks.
“I love you too Adam. Always and forever.” I spoke and brought our lips together once more. It doesn’t matter what will happen next, if I’m with Adam I couldn’t be happier.
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