#i could talk abt it but i dont want to sound ungrateful you know?
theloveinc · 2 years
honestly.............. sigh. 
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jiilys · 4 years
good crimes
also on ao3
Lily Evans to Sirius Black: do u think i should get a fringe
Sirius Black: depends if u want james to fuck you again
Lily Evans: harsh
Lily Evans: a fringe wont effect my GREAT boobs
Lily Evans: ive rung mar im doing it anyway get fucked
Sirius Black: have fun becoming a born again virgin just to spite me
“Do you think Jane Austen could’ve written more convincingly about love if she’d been married?”
Sirius, lying on his bed scrolling through Twitter and ignoring Remus’ emails, didn’t look up.
“Jane Assrim?”
“Jane Austen,” Lily flopped onto the bed and made Sirius drop his phone down the side of it. “I’ve just read the most infuriating article”
Sirius, phoneless, not quite ready to let the joke go: “Jane Offramp, did you say?”
“- think you have to married to write about love? Is it a fucking prerequisite? And what does ‘write convincingly about love’ even mean? Like Sense and Sensibility isn’t fucking incredible-”
“That was a good movie.”
Lily turned to him, “I know you read the book.” He had, but only because it was cheaper than getting Lily a birthday present last year.
“He said Sense and Sensibility would’ve been more convincing if Jane was married?”
“Yes. I mean, I’m paraphrasing, but yes.”
“She wasn’t?”
“No. Do you listen when I talk?”
“Not if I can help it.”
“Pity. Maybe then you’d be better at pub quizzes.”
“One time!” Sirius shoved his hand down the side of the bed, grasping for the phone, “One fucking quiz! I’d had eleven gins!”
“It was seven gins”
“Thirteen gins!”
“Seven, at best.” Lily sat up, “I don’t know what to do about this, I’m thinking about scrapping my entire thesis to exclusively write about why this guy sucks one.”
Sirius finally grasped the phone, “That sounds unwise.”
“We won’t know till I’ve tried it.”
“I think we know now.”
“Buzzkill. Go have another gin.”
Sirius Black to Lily Evans: you home for dinner tonight
Lily Evans: ill be in
Sirius Black: im going to combine spaghetti and baked beans in a pot and make spaghetti beans  
Lily Evans: im out
Sirius Black: ive bought wine
Lily Evans: back in
“You’re not naked in there are you!”
“Why would I be naked?”
Sirius poked his head around the door holding a cup of tea. Lily was sat on the bed, laptop open, fully clothed. He ventured inside. “’Heard Potter and didn’t want to interrupt kinky shit.”
“We’re trying to decide how to email my landlord about mowing the lawn,” James’ voice, crackly, through the laptop, “But if that does it for you Black I’m not judging.” He’s wearing a top that is definitely Remus’ and hasn’t bothered to button it.
“Have you brought me a tea?” Lily asked, sweetly.
“No. I came to ask if you knew where the sieve was and Potter’s out here with his shirt undone like this is a porno.”
“Sorry for turning you on this early.” James said, gleeful.
Lily leant back against her pillows. “Give me the tea and I’ll tell you where the sieve is”
James, the traitor, laughed. Sirius squinted. “Are you kidding.”
Lily held out a hand and after taking a second to weigh his options (leave, sieveless, back at square one or hand over the tea, make a new one, gain sieve). Sirius gave her the mug.
Lily blew on it. “We don’t have a sieve” She said, solemnly, and James howled. Sirius lunged for the tea.
“Kidding!” Lily swooped it out of his reach as James continued to make inhuman noises that were surely annoying at least half of the California population, “Top drawer above the oven!”
Unknown to Lily Evans: lill
Unknown: its siriius
Unknown: am out lost phone pls call uber
Lily Evans: where are you
Unknown: nandos on main
Lily Evans: the one where i broke my heel or the one you and james are banned from
Unknown: banned
Lily Evans: number plate is JKY879 u have three minutes  
Unknown: thank u lpve u
James Potter to Sirius Black: call me
Sirius Black: you call me
Sirius Black: im not paying three pounds a minute for you to tell me to check my email
James Potter: its not abt emails
James Potter: we’ll bill it to the company
Sirius Black: we are the company
Sirius let the phone ring four times before he picked up. “’Bill it to the company’ are you mad?”
“I’ve literally left a meeting to ring you and you can’t even pick up quickly. What was the name of that guy from that 2014, that investor, hated us-”
“All of them.”
“But he liked Remus-”
“Again, all of them.”
“-had that terrible tie, remember? It had birds on it and his last name was, like, ‘brain’ or something and he got really shitty when we wouldn’t stop going on-“
“Harvey Brain. Pronounced Bry-an” Sirius said, instantly, “We nicked those mints they had in reception.”
“Brilliant. ‘Ring you when I’m out of this.”  
“You look terrible” Sirius said to Lily, who did.
“The fringe does not react well to heat.” She opened the fridge and stuck her head inside it.  
Sirius, in a show of great maturity, did not say ‘I told you so’. Lily, who knew he was thinking it, said “Shut up” anyway, so what was the point.
Lily Evans to Sirius Black: so help me god. if the dishwasher isnt empty when i get home. i will murder you. actual and full death will come your way
Lily Evans: this is not a joke i will actually kill you sirius
Sirius Black: mark zuckerdick if ur reading these she rlly is threating me
Sirius Black: call mi6
Lily Evans: ill happily go to jail if people empty the dishwasher there  
“I need you to come get me-“
Lily sat up, “Who is this?”
“Fuck off” Sirius’ voice, annoyed, vaguely drunk but mostly not, “I know you know”
“I was asleep.”
“You don’t sleep.”
She avoided that. “What happened?”
“Bar. Fight. He started it.”
“Oh really.”
“Believe me, would you?”
“I try but it’s hard seeing as I know you.”
“Don’t tell the boys. I’m in Croydon.”
“Don’t start. I’ll pay your cab fare.”
“You won’t”
“I will. Be quick.”
Lily, already with shoes on, “I’m not even out of bed”
“Do I need bail money?”
“I’m at the hospital”
“What?” Lily’s heart, suddenly in her knees.
“Bruised ribs. It’s nothing. They won’t let me walk out alone.”
“Some snitches. Black eye. It’s nothing. You should-“
“Don’t say ‘see the other guy’-“
“I was going to say ‘see me’ by which I mean hurry up-“
“Ungrateful!” Lily pulled on a fresh shirt, hands reaching for her house keys, “Watch yourself or I won’t come.”
“You bloody will.”
“Yeah.” Reaching for the door handle, “hey-“
“No murders?” their dumb code meaning, you good? Meaning: do I have to kill for you? Meaning: I would, just say.
“No murders.”
“See you in forty, don’t say-“
“Asshole. I hope I get every light.”
Lily Evans to we’re not calling the company massivesoft: remus tell potter anytime he wants to talk to me and not my boss i am available
Remus Lupin: isn’t he talking to you??
Lily Evans: he always rings me on the work phone hes been talking to narelle for fifteen minutes  
James Potter: dont be jealous that narelle and i have a special relationship
Lily Evans: didnt think my greatest threat would be my 57 year old boss and yet
Remus Lupin: yeah i had bets on sirius
Sirius Black: honestly me too fuck up narelle
“Would it fucking kill you to remember anything-“
“Moony, hold on-“
“I’m serious-“
“Actually I’m-“
“Fucking don’t I swear to Christ-“
Sirius grinned, rubbing sleep out of his eyes, “I forgot, shit- I forgot about the call, I’m sorry.”
Remus sighed, bone-deep and familiar, “I need you on those things. Otherwise I just get-“
“- Walked over.”
“Out-negotiated-“ He sighed again.
Sirius bit his lip, “Did it go well?”
“I rescheduled. I can’t do that shit without you.”
He smiled. “World’s worst lawyer.”
“This is business. It requires a blind confidence and ability to bullshit which-“
“- I contain in multitudes.”
“Look at you, quoting me.”
“If you were any good at business you’d bill me for that.”
Remus snorted. Sirius could picture it, Remus, exhausted, rubbing his face over his computer, almost laughing. “I am sorry about missing the call.”
“I know.” Remus, leaning back against his office chair, head to the ceiling, phone to his ear. Sirius could feel it like a toothache. “It’s bullshit that you’re not here. If you were here I could force you onto the phone.”
“Oh Moony, it’s almost like you miss me.”
“It’s this heat, it’s making me fucking crazy. How are you, anyway? Lil said she’s growing out the fringe due to your bullying.”
Sirius Black to Lily Evans: what the fuck is in the fridge
Lily Evans: is this about the bird
Lily Evans: the neighbours cat was eating it!! i had to bring it inside
Lily Evans: the bin was full and we’re out of bags i didn’t know where else to put it
Lily Evans: i thought if i left it out it would start to smell
Lily Evans: I wrapped it up!! i couldn’t just leave it!!
Lily Evans: can’t believe im getting roasted for caring about nature
Sirius Black: was actually talking about the skim milk but glad we got the bird thing out of the way
“Mar’s coming round,” Lily said, “She’s bringing wine.”
“I thought you had that test thing.” Sirius was eating sour cream with a spoon right out of the pot.  
“That was today, it went fine. But Nathan sent Mar a follow request on Instagram, then messaged her on Facebook to ask if she’d gotten it.”
“Hence the wine.”
“Yeah, he’s not blessed with your moves.” Two years ago, drunk on New Year’s Eve, Marlene and Sirius had fucked in Remus’ bed. This was a source of constant amusement for everyone, except briefly for Remus while it was occurring.
“What I have can’t be taught.”
“But it can be caught,” Lily took the sour cream out of his hands, “You’re foul. We’re making popcorn.”
Lily Evans to Sirius Black: remus just told me what him and james call us
Sirius Black: is it not our names
Lily Evans: the lady and the tramp
Sirius Black: HA
Sirius Black: found my next tattoo
“Your party sucks.” Lily said, shutting the sliding door. Inside, she hears a glass break.
“Most of them are your friends.” Sirius, chain-smoking over the balcony, didn’t look over. Lily walked over to stand next to him.
“It’s the music that’s the problem.” Mary’s voice, mixed in with thumping drum and base, seeped under the door, apologising about the glass. The balcony was littered with cigarette butts. “Twenty-three, Black. You’re proper old now.”
“Tell me about it.”
“We need some Springsteen.” She said, which actually meant we need James. “Whose playlist is this? Where’s Born to Run?” Sirius doesn’t say anything.
The horrible thing was, when James had first told her about the Visa issue she’d thought it was funny. It was funny, to everyone, at the time. Sirius, on some USA Visa watchlist because of some prank he’d pulled on this mother at fourteen that grounded two planes and killed four seagulls. Now, in the dark, in this year, it seemed entirely less funny. James and Remus in Silicon Valley, setting up the company for real and Sirius, left behind. Eleven again, still.
He flicked his cigarette to the floor and crushed it with his foot, still hunched over the railing. Lily put her head on his shoulder and hummed the chorus of ‘Hungry Heart’ quietly, and Sirius is pulled back to this year, twenty-three, with broken glass inside the flat, grounded again.
James Potter to exclusively business: god this accountant smells like cheese
Sirius Black to exclusively business: that’s not very businessesy
James Potter: ur right
James Potter created the group cheesy accountant
James Potter added Sirius Black, Remus Lupin
Sirius Black: are you seeing the accountant for the business though??
James Potter: god right again
James Potter created the group exclusively cheesy accountant business
James Potter added Sirius Black, Remus Lupin
Remus Lupin: is this why ur in the goddamn bathroom james get back here
Sirius Black: does he smell like cheese moons
Remus Lupin: it is pungent yes
“The service here is terrible.” Sirius said, slumping on the counter and looking awful.
“He means can we please have some fries.” Marlene said, looking marginally better, wearing Sirius’ jacket.
“Funny,” Lily skated over, “Didn’t sound like it.”  
Marlene grinned, “Rollerblades day?” Sirius’ head jerked up.
“Jay’s here so Narelle is making us.” Lily said, flatly, and pretended to charge them, “Swipe your card, or something.”
“Every day should be rollerblades day.” Sirius was recovering quickly, “No one rocks The Blades like you do-“
Lily ignored him. “At least pretend to swipe a debt card Mar, what is that?”
Marlene held it up, “My library card.”
“I’m going to start calling you ‘Blades’, recognise your talent-“  
“Go away.” Marlene and Lily said, nearly in unison. Sirius held his hands up and slunk off.
“He was basically in a coma this morning,” Marlene swiped her library card, pretended to type a pin, “I had to drag him here, this is giving me an error notice by the way.”
“Stop pressing buttons, was it a good night?”
“It was alright. I lost him” she jerked her thumb to Sirius, collapsed against a table, “But ended up seeing him later. Wish you were there- I think I’ve broken this machine. It won’t give me my card back-“
“Christ, how have you done this-“
“Me? It’s your machine-“
“When are you even at the library-“
“Are you saying I can’t read-“
“What? When did I say that-“
“I’ll pull this side, you pull the other-“
“That is a terrible idea-“
Sirius, appearing from nowhere, yanked the card out in one swift motion and presented it to Marlene. “McKinnon, I didn’t know you couldn’t read.”
Lily Evans to James Potter: you awake
James Potter: its two over there go to bed
Lily Evans: yeah yeah
Lily Evans: wanna hear my voice
James Potter: god yeah
James Potter: give me two minutes im about to go through a tunnel ill ring you
Lily Evans: see you on the other side
Lily Evans: ‘god yeah’
Lily Evans: you wont get this till ur out of the tunnel but shit im mad for you
Lily hit Sirius in the face with her bag strap, “Wake up.”
He didn’t flinch or open his eyes, “What?”
“Jesus, you’re not even asleep.”
“Yes I am.”
“Liar. Get up, you said you’d come with me to this thing.”
“The Masters mixer?”
Lily rolled her eyes, “It’s a mixer-“
“- a Masters mixer-“
“- for Masters students. There is no need to give it a name.”
“But ’Master’s mixer’ rolls right off the tongue.”
“Get up-“ Lily hit him with her bag this time, “You said you’d come-“
“Ow-“ eyes open now, “Those things suck, everyone always thinks we’re dating.”
“I’ll tell them you’re my brother.”
“That’ll never work, I’m way better looking than you.”
Lily turned away, “Right, you’re uninvited-“
“Hey!” Sirius’ arm shot out, grabbed her wrist.
“I’m Masters Mixing without you-“
“You said I could go!”
“Invitation rescinded.”
“Come on! I’ll wear a tie!”
Lily looked smug, “You are so predictable.”
“Please,” Sirius sat up, “You’d be so bored without me there.”
Lily, who would be, said: “I’ll say you’re my step-brother”
“You can still date your step-brother.”
“Not with a clear conscience, you can’t. Get up, I’ve rung a cab.”
Sirius Black to Lily Evans: sleep nutty professor
Lily Evans: just had major breakthrough with The Thesis i cant
Lily Evans: also tell the girl/guy/person ur with to not drink all the milk tmrw theres barely any  
Sirius, stationed outside the Lily’s room, banged on the door again. “C’mon Evans!”
James, distantly, from the phone hung by Sirius’s leg. “Maybe she’s not in”
Sirius put the phone back to his ear, “I know she’s in,” He continued to bang but returned to James, “Does this mean you guys are going to be meeting Bill Gates?”
“Dunno. I guess it’s his money so, like, maybe? Oh God-“
“If you met Bill Gates without me I’m going to be so fucking pissed-“
“How could we met him with you you’re in London-“
“EVANS! OPEN UP! WE HAVE MONEY NEWS!” Sirius returned to the phone, “You’ll probably get a picture with the ghost of Steve Jobs or something, God, I’m already annoyed about it.”
“If we met Steve Jobs’ ghost I promise to put him in a jar and send him home.”
“You had better-“ Sirius, who had paused in his banging to finish the Steve-Jobs-ghost threat, could hear something coming from the other side of the door. Music, played just low enough for someone who didn’t want people outside to be able to hear. “She’s playing the Sense and Sensibility Soundtrack.”
“What?” James’ whole tone changed, “Is she alright?”
Sirius banged again, “Evans!” Nothing. She turned the volume down.
“Are you sure its Sense and Sensibility?” James, insistent.
“Of-course it is.” Sirius banged on the door again, “Evans, What’s wrong?” No answer.
“Do you think there’s any chance it’s because I look a little bit like Hugh Grant and she hasn’t seen me in eight months?” He sounded a little desperate.
Sirius snorted. “You do not look like Hugh Grant.”
“Honest to God, do you actually think you look like Hugh Grant?”
“Would you-“
“Total opposites, honestly, never looked less like a person-”
“Sirius,” James cut him off, “Something might be really wrong, you have to let me talk to her.”
“Oi, Lil!” Sirius called, “Do you think James looks like Hugh Grant?”
A voice, thick, from behind the door: “Fuck no.”
Sirius knocked again, politely, letting the phone drop to his side (James, distantly: “I said a little, put Lil on, Christ-“). Lily opened the door, face red, puffy eyes, hand gripping the door edge.
Sirius stared, James forgotten. “What happened.”
“Petunia is engaged.” Lily’s voice, raw and wrong, “To Vernon. Eliza Hunt told me at the supermarket.”
Sudden flashes of Petunia, the only time he’d ever met her, sat in the back of Lily’s twenty-first, pinched and whispering. “Whose Eliza Hunt?” This seems as good a thing to say as any.
“Our old neighbour. She got an invite to their engagement party last week.” She sniffed, rubbed a hand over her face. Sirius couldn’t think of anything to say, except that he wanted to throw Petunia into a very deep ocean.
“What’s the news?” Lily asked. She looked so tired. He cannot remember the last time she’d slept.
“Bill Gates’ foundation is giving us a ton of money and James is going to post me Steve Jobs’ ghost.”
Faintly, Lily smiled. “Is the money to buy the ghost?”
“Nah he’s going to steal that, moneys for the business.” She smiled again, stronger. Jackpot. Sirius handed the phone to her, James’ voice barely audible. She reached for it, and he gripped it tightly, only for a minute. “Hey.” She looked at him, red eyes, hand out-stretched. He can read her backwards.
“I’m good.” she said. He kept looking.
“No murders?”
“Yeah,” half-smile, “No murders.”
Remus Lupin to Lily Evans: tell him to check his fucking emails im going fucking feral
Lily Evans: will do
Lily Evans: he says so be it  
“Keira Knightley’s in it.”
“Is it Pirates of the Caribbean?”
“Why isn’t it? Let’s watch Pirates of the Caribbean” Sirius, lying across the couch, kept throwing remote in the air.
“Just because you think you look like Orlando Bloom-“
“I do look like him-“
“Only if you shut your eyes and drop acid-“
“We are not watching Pirates of the Caribbean again. You’ll like Atonement, I promise, it’s like an epic war love story-“
“So like Pirates of the Caribbean but without-“
“- He’s not your twin-“
“My twin-“
Lily rolled her eyes, considered pushing his legs off her lap, didn’t: “You can’t only watch films because you look a little like one of the actors.”
“So you do think I look like him!”
“No I said think you look like-“
“You said ‘look a little like’! Ha!”
Lily pushed his legs off her lap. “If you look like Orlando Bloom then I look like Molly Ringwald.”
“Nah, you know who you look like,” Sirius tilted his head, “The kid from Finding Nemo with the braces. The one who holds the fish in a bag.”
“Oh my God-“
“Only a little-“
“You suck. You fully suck.” Lily was laughing.
“Let’s watch Finding Nemo! See your twin for a change-“
“You’re pushing it now.”
“Fine, maybe twin is a little strong. Cousin.”
“Second cousin. And you and Orlando could be, like, half-brothers if I have two beers and squint.”
“I’ll take it.”
Sirius Black to Lily Evans: what the fuck
Sirius Black: evans its three
Lily Evans: sorry i dropped a tray promise ill b quieter
Lily Evans: dont worry im not making brownies again
Sirius Black: thank god those were shit
Lily Evans: fuck you
Sirius Black: you were the one that put them in the bin
Lily Evans: go to bed judas
“We’re trying to stay positive.”
“I’m not trying that hard.” Sirius confessed, and Lily punched him on the arm before going back to the phone.
“We’re just waiting for the locksmith. If we still had a spare this wouldn’t be happening, but-“
“If you took your keys!-“
Lily punched him again, and Sirius groaned and fell back against the grass.
Over the phone, Marlene finally composed herself. “You two are tragic. Come ‘round and sleep here.”
“Can’t, we said we’d wait around. You could come here though.”
“And lie on the lawn in the middle of the night with you and Mr Positive? I’ll pass.”
“Hey, Sirius,” Lily held the phone away from her ear, “I think that’s an ant’s nest.”
Sirius leapt up so quickly he almost hovered in the air. He stared at the empty ground, wide eyed, before turning back to Lily, who was laughing so hard she’d dropped the phone.
“Oh, very funny, you’re hilarious. McKinnon,” he picked up the phone, “You’ve got to get over here, I’m going to kill Evans and I need you to call the cab to move the body.”
Sirius Black to Lily Evans: ive bought eggs and cheese
Lily Evans: ur cooking tonight so looking forward to the meal of cheesy eggs
Lily Evans: sirius im kidding please dont make that
Lily Evans: sirius
Lily took the phone and didn’t even say hello, “You’ve got to stop ringing,” she said, meaning none of it, “Narelle really thinks you’re on the verge of investing. It’s not on.”
“Hey, I always say I’m ‘thinking about’ investing,” James pointed out, “I could be thinking about anything. I’m thinking about finishing my engineering degree, I’m thinking about ringing my mother, I’m thinking about investing in your diner-”
“it’s not my diner-“
“it will be when I invest in it. One of my stipulations.”
“Wouldn’t that be buying the diner?”
“Don’t get all technical on me, Evans.”
“Apologises. You were saying you were going to give me the diner.”
“Yes, what a great boyfriend I am.”
“You’d be even better if you just gave me the money.” Lily spun the phone cord around her finger, grinning as James laughed.
“C’mon, I’d let you rename it and everything. ‘Lily’s’ has a ring to it.”
“What would you call it?”
“I dunno. ‘Star Wars’ or something. Get some publicity off the lawsuit.”
“Moony would defend you.”
“Ah yes, with his degree in financial law.”
“I didn’t say he’d be any good at it.”
Lily smiled. “How’s California?”
“Boring without you guys.”
“Don’t let Remus hear you say that.”
“Eh, he’d say the same.” James paused, “Sirius alright?”
Flashes of Sirius, flushed, spread on the carpet, What if everyone was right? Head lolling, party over, I don’t know where I’m going. I thought I’d know.
“Yeah. Last night he tried to make you guys a Wikipedia page.”
James snorted, “He’s been trying to do that since high school.”
“Don’t say ‘he’ like you weren’t also trying.”
James, again, grinning. She can tell from an ocean away. “You sleeping?”
“With other people? No.”
“Thank god for that, but really. My sources say you’re even more awake than usual.”
“Sirius doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”
“My sources are actually highly knowledgeable.”
“But still can’t make a Wikipedia page.” He doesn’t say anything, and Sirius is such a traitor. He has him worried. “I’m fine, really. Just a bit of a weird one. I’m going to sort it out.” She meant it.
“Okay. Don’t be pissed off at my sources, Marlene also ratted you out.”
“Terrible mates.” Lily lied.
“Yeah, worse luck, having people give a shit about you. Just wait till you own the diner, then they’ll only want you for your money.”
“Tell me about it, why do you think I’m with you?” And again, miles away, he laughed.
Lily Evans to crab on the cob: sirius just started doing karaoke
Remus Lupin: I didn’t know byo’s did karaoke
Lily Evans: neither did the owner
Lily Evans: the whole byo is now singing take on me
Lily Evans: we’re doing mamma mia next
Lily tapped on the window and Sirius, smoking outside, swung around. She pointed to other side of the bar, past the people, where Marlene and Nathan were grossly making out against the pinball machine. Sirius made a face, stamped out his cigarette, and went inside.
“Christ, you can see the tongue from here.” He took the beer out of Lily’s hand and drank some, “No respect for the festivities.”
“At least someone is getting some.”
“Aw, Lil,” he nudged her arm, “I’ll hook up with you if you want.”
“I’d rather eat glass, but thanks though.”
She took her beer back from him. Mary, a few feet in front of them, was drinking a ghastly pink thing that James used to call flamingo piss, and talking to Diner Natalie (as Sirius called her) about Love Island. Narelle, who had gotten wind of the party, was standing by the counter arguing with the bartender about the peanuts on offer.
“Twenty-three Evans,” Sirius said, echoing her, “You’re proper old now.”
“Still younger than you though.”
“Funny how that works.” He took her beer again. She couldn’t remember when they had started drinking the same brand. It had been such a long year, but next month the boys would be home for three weeks and this morning James had sent flowers and Remus a vase, and Sirius said he’d pay the water bill so technically it was a three-way gift. You could practically hear Remus’ eyeroll through the phone. They were too good to be believed.
“’Glad I live with you.” Sirius said, suddenly, holding her now finished beer. “You’re- I’m just glad. I’m glad it’s you.”
Lily looked at him, “Me too.” She said, and squeezed his wrist. He knocked a hand against her thigh. This was the real gift.
“Offer to hook up still stands.”
Lily laughed, “You know, if you think about it you’re one hook up removed from Nathan.”
“You fucked Mar, Mar is now getting felt up by Nathan. That’s, like, one degree of separation. I’m not getting with anyone whose gotten with Nathan-“
“Okay, wow, I have not gotten with- wow, this is low, I’m being nice and you’re out here saying I’ve fucked Nathan-“
“Hey, no judgement and no murders and all that, but I have ground rules-“
Sirius, laughing, “I hate you. That’s my ground rule.”
Lily, singing: “And happy birthday to meee-“
“God, get away from me. I can’t believe I’ve accidentally hooked up with Nathan.”
“Maybe getting me another beer would make you feel better.”
“Wow, you’re always looking out for me huh?”
“You know it. Make sure it’s chilled, would you?”  
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tartagliaxx · 3 years
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i've also been out of it with regards to time but ever since school started, i tried to at least be a tiny bit conscious? i dont want to make a bad impression especially since i did a complete reformat of my 'school character' if you understand what that means afbkajgbajkbajk— bye to old, introvert, soft lei and welcome to baddie, almost-extrovert lei who probs need to stfu 😭😭 i don't want to nag at you or anything but please take care of yourself. make sure you're getting some sleep even if it's at the most unconventional times and make sure you stay hydrated.
my imaginary characters don't even have faces. actually, i don't even imagine anything physical. they're just a voice that i could hear and— the more i talk about this the more i feel like this is not normal 😫but well, it helps you and i stay grounded so im not about to make ungrateful comments abt that. now that i think abt it, i think this all started bc i had no one to talk to when i was a child so... i need to communicate my wack ass feelings somehow.
i had a phase like this too! istg i spent so many hours losing sleep over ethical and moral dilemmas. there's just,, so many interesting ones and they really challenge my brain and outlook beautifully. idk if you're interested but here are some of the ones that i liked to think about before. maybe yall can debate abt it next time?
i understand dw lolol. i feel like it really does give an insight into how a person lives and thinks? i once went around asking these kinds of questions to my friends and they answered it w/o knowing that, as bad as it sounds, i was judging them. i realized that the quiet kid in class actually has a very strong sense of justice and would deffo stand up if needed and that girl i used to hate w a passion always puts her family first. idk psychology's cool and it's probs why i considered making it my career b4.
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frywen-babbles · 5 years
Sounds of Silence pt1
A/N: Modern AU with Mitsunari! This is loosely tied to Everything comes with a price, set over a year after it. Unlike before, there won’t be a set release schedule bc this fic isn’t completely finished yet. (I just need some validation and motivation oTL). A big thank you to @dear-mrs-otome for telling me this idea doesn’t completely suck <3
Also spoilers for Mitsunari’s route!
When he opened the door all he could do was stare.
Behind it stood a young woman. And not just any young woman but the one he had seen at the library countless times reading books to kids in sign language. The woman he secretly always hoped he’d see when he went to the library, whose smile he couldn’t stop thinking about.
At first, Mitsunari was annoyed by the voices coming somewhere out of sight. Libraries were supposed to be where you could study in peace, he had no idea what could cause such a ruckus.
The sound of laughter guided him to the children’s section of the library, but what he saw wasn’t what he expected.
A young woman was standing in front of a group of kids, a book open in front of her, animatedly reading the book in sign language. The kids were excited, laughing and giggling at the what he assumed were the exciting parts of the story.
Mitsunari felt enamoured, his annoyance long forgotten. He didn’t even realise he had stared until the story was over and all the kids were circling her, trying to talk to her all at once. Her smile brightened her face and she looked so natural and happy amongst the kids Mitsunari felt almost jealous.
Just then, she caught him staring. He felt his face heat up and he turned around sharply, stomping back to the table he had reserved for himself. He planted his face firmly on the book open in front of him.
Gods, that was embarrassing. Who goes around staring random women, when they were supposed to study. Ughh…
He saw her walk towards the children's section from the corner of his eye and somehow his head turned to look after her. She stopped to wait for a boy in his teens to bounce all excited to her a book in his hands. They shared a greeting but Mitsunari couldn't follow the signs they spoke with. It didn't stop him from staring after them when they continued on their way towards the room where he had seen her read to the kids.  
"Hey, are you even listening to me?"
Mitsunari turned to look at Sakon who looked at him a wide smile on his face.
"Or are you too busy staring after women to tutor me?"
"If you have time to lazy around and comment on everything I do, you must be ready for a quiz about all the important battles post-Honno-ji?"
"Ack! No! Don't you have any mercy, we just went through them 30 minutes ago?"
"Then what are you doing fooling around, you incorrigible dimwit. Get back to studying."
"I'm sure no one would have made me work this hard in the Sengoku period..." Sakon mumbled with a sigh.
"What was that?"
"I'm studying!"
When he was finally free of Sakon, he made his way to the children's section. But it was quiet, the children long gone. He was just about to turn around when he noticed a schedule on the wall. She would be back in an hour.
He could wait for that long.
Wait, maybe he shouldn't? Would that be weird? But he really did want to see her read again.  
He didn't see her until he got up to get some coffee from a vending machine. She was sitting on the sofas next to it with the same boy as before, lost in an animated discussion he could only guess the topic off.
A part of him wanted to loiter so he could watch them talk, but the reasonable part of his brain forced him to return to his table.
As soon as he saw her followed by the silver-haired boy he stuffed his things to his bag and stood up to follow her. A group of excited kids were already waiting for her but he stayed behind until everyone had sat down. Then he stepped behind the parents by the door, his eyes following the movements of her hands taking in every sign.
Unlike before, this time when she was finished she kept glancing at the clock and hurried away as soon as possible, almost colliding with him. The silver-haired boy tried to stop her but after some hurried signs let her go. The look on the boys face looked a bit like a lost puppy and for some reason seeing her hurry away like that made Mitsunari feel a bit same.
He was brushing his teeth in the evening when he felt the buzz of his phone in his pocket.
[23:12:45] <<bookshy>> do u evr feel like ur stuck in ur life? [23:12:52] <<bookshy>> like u shld hve accomplishd so much mor in ur life tn u hve?
He stared at the screen for a while before he typed a reply. He didn't know who bookshy was, not really. They had been talking with each other for years, but always with nicknames, always through messages in the internet. It felt more comfortable that way somehow. Knowing there was always a person willing to listen to you without judging.
[23:13:05] <<ManjuDreamer>> Are you feeling like that right now? [23:13:07] <<bookshy>> ya [23:13:11] <<bookshy>> i dunno wht ill do w/ my life [23:13:19] <<bookshy>> i thght id do so mch more u know? [23:13:22] <<bookshy>> and now i jst feel liek im stuck nd see no way out [23:13:23] <<bookshy>> is ths my life now? [23:14:50] <<bookshy>> evry1 says i shld b happy w/ wht i hve [23:14:59] <<bookshy>> i hve so much im feeling ungrateful whn i feel like ths [24:15:46] <<ManjuDreamer>> You still have plenty of time to accomplish your dreams. It's not for others to decide when you can be happy. [23:16:02] <<bookshy>> guess ur rite
He heard a knock on the bathroom door and quickly finished brushing his teeth. When he opened the door Hideyoshi was standing behind it already in his pyjamas.
"I thought you'd never come out," he commented with a yawn and pushed past him to the bathroom.
"Good night," Mitsunari wished to the closed door before he retreated back to his room.
[23:18:30] <<bookshy>> how was ur day [23:18:49] <<bookshy>> i saw the prettiest person today like hot damn [23:19:13] <<ManjuDreamer>> I saw an interesting person today too, I wish I get to see them again. Other than that, it was mostly my student being an idiot, so nothing new. [23:19:53] <<ManjuDreamer>> I tried to do some research on a paper I'm writing, but it didn't progress much. I was just about to go to bed so I have energy to study more tomorrow. [23:19:56] <<bookshy>> srry to keep u up [23:19:57] <<bookshy>> night! [23:20:10] <<ManjuDreamer>> Night.
Mitsunari tossed the wig from his head frustrated, running his hand over his face. He glanced at the mirror of the bathroom, at the perfectly drawn eyeliner, the perfect shade of blush, the perfectly applied foundation. The perfect set of lies, painted on his face.
[13:33:14] <<ManjuDreamer>> I went to see my mother.
He hesitated a bit before he sent the message. It didn't take long for his phone to bling with a reply.
[13:34:29] <<bookshy>> how did it go? [13:34:48] <<ManjuDreamer>> As well as you would expect. [13:34:51] <<bookshy>> u wanna t alk about it?
His fingers ghosted over the screen of his phone before he put it down and looked at the mirror again. He reached for the makeup removal wipes from his bag and scrubbed furiously at his skin until the last remains of the makeup were gone.
[13:36:18] <<ManjuDreamer>> She's there but I feel like I'm losing her. [13:37:01] <<ManjuDreamer>> Every time I visit she seems further and further away. [13:37:15]<<ManjuDreamer>> Sometimes I wonder if the mother I used to know is there at all.
He started to type his next message, but stopped, gripping his phone tight in his hand.
[13:38:34] <<ManjuDreamer>> She's my mother, but it's so hard. [13:38:42] <<ManjuDreamer>> I don't know what to do.
He glanced at the mirror to make sure his eyes weren't red before he pulled his shirt over his head and replaced it with one from his bag.
[13:38:47] <<bookshy>> ur doing plenty already [13:38:49] <<bookshy>> u dont have to push urself so hard [13:38:50] <<bookshy>> im sure shed understand [13:38:59] <<ManjuDreamer>> But I'm all she has. [13:39:02] <<bookshy>> i know [13:39:06] <<bookshy>> but u hhave 2 thnk abt urself frst [13:39:15] <<bookshy>> if u feel its too much u can keep a brek. ur not prfect. u dnt have 2 b [13:39:50] <<bookshy>> im alws hr 2 tlk if u need me [13:40:20] <<ManjuDreamer>> Thank you. It means a lot.
He put his phone on the side of the sink and wiggled out of his skirt. He really should buy a new one next time he got paid for tutoring. The zipper didn't work properly anymore and the hem was starting to fray. He kicked the flats from his feet and looked at the kneehigh socks on his feet. They wouldn't be visible under his pants anyway so he let them be and took his pants and shoes from his bag before showing the skirt and shirt in their place. He considered showing the wig in after them but realised making the wig presentable after that would be too much of a hassle. So he gently combed the wig with his fingers to sort out biggest tangles and folded it neatly in a mesh bag. Flats into a plastic bag, then into the bag.
Like countless times before.
He got dressed and made one final glance at the mirror before he put the bag on his shoulder and stepped out of the bathroom.
"Oh, Mitsunari! Here to see your mother?" a nurse greeted him when he tried to slip past the nurses' office without being noticed. What a nosy bunch of quidnuncs insistent of mothering him.
“Yes. I was just leaving.” He replied with a stiff bow.
“Come and have some tea with us! How did the test go you told me last time?” Another nurse poked her head from the office. Mitsunari resisted the urge to roll his eyes and offered another bow.
“I believe it went well. I still haven’t received the results.”
Half an hour later he was still stuck at the nurses' office surrounded by what felt like a flock of mother hens, all determined to squeeze every bit of information out of him they could. He was just getting up from his chair when a voice behind him froze him on the spot.
"Did my darling Saki leave already? She was just here... Such a dutiful daughter, coming to see her mother so often..."
His knuckles turned white as he squeezed the edge of the table, his head down. He wanted to turn around. He wanted to see his mother as himself. He wanted... needed to see if she'd recognise him this time.
"We saw her leave a while ago, Mrs Ishida. She's such a nice girl."
He heard a nurse walk his mother away and the sighs of relief from the remaining nurses.
"Are you alright, Mitsunari? You know we'll listen to you if you need to talk. Or we can help you find someone-"
"I need to go now. Goodbye," Mitsunari interrupted the nurse who had put her hand on his shoulder to calm him. He got up in such haste his chair fell to the floor with a rattle, but he just offered a quick bow before he fled the office.
He didn't stop until he arrived at the bus stop. There he sank on the bench, burying his face on his hands.
He took the bus to the library, staring idly out of the window.
[14:36:09] <<bookshy>> did u make it home [14:36:35] <<ManjuDreamer>> No. I'm heading to the library. The nurses got me again. [14:36:37] <<bookshy>> lol how did u mnage 2 escpe [18:36:56] <<ManjuDreamer>> Mother came to the office. [14:37:09] <<bookshy>> oh no [14:37:10] <<bookshy>> im so sorry [14:37:21] <<bookshy>> how r u feeling rn? [14:38:29] <<ManjuDreamer>> I don't know. I'll try to find some reading to distract myself with.
At the library, he searched for materials for his upcoming paper but when he sat down and tried to read, the words didn't make any sense.
When he had read the same page several times over and still remembered absolutely nothing he was interrupted from his reading by a book shoved on top of the one he was just reading.
"Can't you see I'm-!" the sharp words died on his lips when he saw the same woman who had read to the kids in front of him. She tapped on the note on top of the book and he looked down to read it.
'This is the book I was reading. You seemed interested'
She handed him a second book, a note on top of it too.
'I'll read this next'
When she shifted her weight from one foot to another clearly uncomfortable, he realised he was staring. He offered her a curt nod as a thank you and she bowed at him a small relieved smile on her lips. She seemed to hesitate before she signed something but he had to shake his head.
There was a slight shift on her smile, on her posture, and she took a step back.
'I'm sorry' she mouthed and offered him a bow before she all but fled, leaving him to sit alone, feeling like an idiot.
[16:19:20] <<ManjuDreamer>> I think I just made a complete fool out of myself. [16:29:59] <<bookshy>> lol rly? [16:30:00] <<bookshy>> wht did u do? [16:30:02] <<bookshy>> i thght fool wasnt in ur dicktionary [16:31:18] <<ManjuDreamer>> And for that terrible joke, I tell you nothing. [16:31:47] <<bookshy>> noooo hw wll i evr know how embarassng u can be if u don tell me? [16:32:32] <<ManjuDreamer>> You'll survive.
"She's not here today."
Mitsunari was startled from his thoughts by a familiar voice behind him. He turned around, vaguely aware of the frown his irritation had brought on his face.
"Who?" he asked as if he didn't know exactly who was the 'she' in question.
"I got this for you, I'm sure it holds some useful information." Mr Otani handed him a flyer for the children's activities in the local libraries. Mitsunari stared at the flyer blankly before he looked at Mr Otani, letting his irritation show.
"And what am I supposed to do with this?"
Mr Otani just smiled and pushed a book towards him as well.
"I'm sure you'll find this useful as well. Come find me if you need anything else."
Before he had time to protest Mr Otani left him with a wave, a wide smile on his face. He considered running or yelling after him, but changed his mind when he looked at the book in his hand.
'Sign language for beginners'
He tucked the children's program leaflet securely at the back of his calendar and checked the book out.
Something about the sign language intrigued him. She looked so graceful when signing. And so comfortable and she seemed genuinely love reading to the children.
At first, he thought he’d look up a few signs. Just in case some of the children needed help in the library. Just so he could talk to her. No, he meant the kids. So he could talk to the kids. But few turned into a few hundred. A few thousand. He was so lost.
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adoringjensen · 7 years
lately whenever i think about supernatural or other stuff i like i dont normally get idk excited like i normally would. like im even thinking about the day i met misha and for some reason i dont get happy. its not bc im ungrateful bc really im glad i got the chance to meet him but idk. and like whenever i think about one of my fave fictional characters (fred weasley for example) i dont get happy and the urge to enthuse abt him like i normally would. why is this happening to me?
Hey there, anon :)
I’m sorry to hear that you’re going through this right now. It’s a very frustrating thing, and I can completely empathize with you on this. This is actually a very common symptom of depression. Losing interest in hobbies, things that used to make you happy don’t seem to mean anything to you anymore, and a general lack of interest or caring in,,, well, anything. It’s confusing to try and understand it at first, but that’s kinda just how depression is. The symptoms are just there and it’s practically impossible to put the feelings into words. It’s like you’re just kind of existing and nothing around you offers the same comfort or stimulation it used to. Sometimes those happier feelings come back. And honestly? Sometimes they don’t. And it’s okay to mourn something that was a big part of your life that isn’t anymore, because it feels different now. 
I will share something with you, anon. Because this is a difficult and confusing thing to go through, and I want you to know that you’re not alone in this. I used to be really, really, really into music. I was a clarinetist so serious about my love of music that I was an aspiring performance major. I wanted to turn my passion into my career. Music was practically my sole hobby, all I would do, all I would really have time for, was practice, go to rehearsals, go to lessons, go to auditions, perform, and practice some more. It made me happy to perform on stage, to study under world-class musicians, and to learn difficult pieces of music. It was incredibly stressful, but at my core, it was what I loved and I knew it made me happy. So when it came time to go to college, I was excited to finally be able to focus only on this. Only on what I loved. No more bullshit high school classes I didn’t care about. I would be able to play with other musicians that shared the same love and passion for playing as I did. I was super excited about college, bc I was convinced this was where I’d really thrive.
Unfortunately, that didn’t turn out to be true. I ended my senior year of high school in a very bad place, and while I thought moving to college would be a step forward for me, it actually made everything a million times worse. I won’t get into all the details, but long story short: I don’t practice music like I used to. It no longer gives me the same feelings it did before. I feel a lot of pressure and expectation put on me and it’s just,,, really not the same. And I don’t think it ever will be. Ever since moving back home, I’ve barely picked up an instrument. And it’s been an entire grieving process to accept that I’m not going to be what I always thought I would be. It still makes me really sad to think about sometimes. But I still hold out the hope that someday, I’ll get back into it in a less intense way. I’ll play only for fun here and there when I want to. But right now? I’m actually focused in the direction of graphic design. I’ve managed to find something else that now gives me some sense of purpose. And I really didn’t think I would be able to find that again.
My point is, anon, that while we may lose things that were especially meaningful to us, or drift away from things that used to make us happy or excited, that doesn’t mean we don’t have the ability to find something else like that again. I never ever, in a million years would’ve thought this is the direction I would be going in. I was set firm in the music path. But here I am. And it’s actually very common to go through a lot of changes at this stage in life. Sometimes that’s comforting to hear, sometimes not so much. But know it’s okay. You’re not alone. This experience may be terrifying as all hell, but you know what? This gives you an advantage over everybody else. Maybe you go through a bunch of different hobbies trying to find the one for you that gives you that feeling. And because of that, you’ll have done so much more than anyone else around you. You’ll have more experience to learn what you like and what you don’t. And the most important thing: you’ll learn a lot more about yourself. You’ll get to know yourself a lot better, stay in tune with your emotions and learn what helps you cope, what makes you anxious, what makes you hurt, what makes you smile. 
The best thing you can do right now is to take care of you. And do whatever it is that you need. Always have somebody to talk to. Even if you don’t like opening up, please just have someone around that you know will listen. Somebody you’re comfortable with. Whether that be a therapist, a friend, a parent, whoever. Having someone like that is really fucking important. It helps so much more than you think right now. And if you need to, see a doctor. See a psychiatrist. The right balance of medication can really help to stabilize you and put you in the right direction. Be willing to try different things, because you never know what could be helpful to you at this time in your life. Something that may not have been helpful in the past could actually be helpful now. And if you find out that something isn’t for you? That’s okay. Take a breath and move on to the next thing when you’re ready. Because there are things out there that are helpful. There are things out there that will make you happy again. It’s okay to change. You just have to find out what’s right for you. It can be a long, difficult process to figure out what works for you and what doesn’t. But I’m telling you it’s possible. 
And there’s always ups and downs. I feel what you’re saying anon, I feel it so fucking deep in my chest. When I think of the times I’ve met Jared, Jensen, and Misha,,, it actually tends to give me a lot of anxiety and I have to stop thinking about it before I get myself too worked up. I won’t get those happy feelings or get all excited about it like I’ve heard so many other people do. And that right there just depresses me further. So anon, I’m with ya. 100%. I feel what you’re saying. And it really does feel like “why is this happening to me” bc you literally did nothing? It’s not your fault you’re feeling like this. None of this is your fault. You’re feeling the way you are, and that’s okay. It’s okay not to get happy about things you think you “should” be. I think accepting and knowing that this is a part of something you can’t control will make things smoother for you. Getting frustrated at yourself only ever causes things to spiral.
So anon, I hope I didn’t make you feel any worse or anything lmao. I just want you to know that this is a very real thing and that it is manageable. The more you know about it, the more you know about yourself, the more people you have in your support system, the better things are going to go for you. Again, I need to say how fucking important it is to have someone to talk to. Someone you’re comfortable with and know will listen and make you feel safe. It’s something that has done a hell of a lot for me when I didn’t think it would. So take care of yourself. Celebrate the little things. Turn little tasks into achievements. You took a shower today? Hell yeah, that’s what I’m talking about. Look at you go, you did that!! You’re doing amazing! Maybe it sounds silly right now, but we need these little things to keep us going. Just focus on one day at a time. 
It’s a huge thing to recognize this, anon. You’re already a step ahead. If you ever need to talk about anything, to just write it down and get it out there? I’m right here. If you have questions or anything, I’m right here. I’ll be that person for you if you need me to be. Things are going to be okay. Get yourself some ice cream or something, alright? Treat yourself, because you deserve that shit. I’ll be thinking about you :) Lots of love xx
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strawberry-siren · 7 years
just a vent dont talk 2 me abt this
anyways i feel terrible like idk why im alive everything is always bad??? like when people talk to me i just want to be like LEAVE ME ALONE I’M TOXIC TO BE AROUND. im so so so bad. im so tired of catapulting between feeling like the best person in the world and literally the scum of the earth. 
also like every time i have seminary im just like i dont even know how to feel. because i always think of  my sister and she’s like the only way to be happy is to accept god blah blah blah and it’s like Weird. Idk everytime I fight with my family they’re like it’s easier to just believe in god! didnt you believe in it once? and im like No
and i guess im kind of lying because I did believe! I believed in this toxic church with my ENTIRE being. and i wasnt happy! I probably felt worse than I do now! it’s like when I believed I felt so much pressure like I HAVE to be perfect. which like. duh. that’s how all religions are but I was bad and my parents would always just tell me how horrible I was and honestly when my parents were getting divorced I kind of realized the sham. Not even the Weird, competitive culture within the church and the weird Fixation on marriage and procreating (tfw you hear more about sex at church than high school!), but like even the authority figures! My mom literally could get into their temple being a literal WHORE! Like our entire family was like “Hey Bishop this woman is literally a manipulative LIAR.” and like. idk just all the authority figures I met were so Selfish. like and ive heard like the whole it’s the problem of MAN not GOD, but honestly? i dont think I believe in God either. Really what I believed in was the DREAM. I wanted to escape my parents! I wanted to get married to a guy who would provide for me and I’d just raise his children and I’d never have to talk to my family again. Like every time I think about God like I dont feel a peaceful feeling like everyone talks about. I feel anxious and depressed and fearful! and i dont think that’s what it should be! I’ve never really felt the “spirit” like. I want to know that feeling? and i dont think i’ve ever felt “love”like that “love of god”? and maybe its because i never got that from my parents. like a parental love. and maybe i’m just broken and selfish but. I cant accept it. like i guess i’ve fallen too far. 
I denied my sexuality a really long time for that dream. Almost an entire 2 years of literally being repulsed by men touching me and trying to kiss me, ect. I forced myself to try to love men in that way. I really only love with a pure heart though. I can only love as a friend?
I used to want to believe. I wanted to believe with my ENTIRE soul. I just wanted to feel what everyone else was. But, I dont want that anymore. I’ve committed some of the sins that I once thought would be the worst things in the world. And it didnt feel wrong. I didnt feel the guilt that I do when I do something that is actually bad and that I know is bad. When I kissed a girl, I didn’t feel guilty. I felt SO happy. It felt right. I mean, honestly after the weird mess i’ve made with relationships I kind of realize I’ll probably never be in one? because i cant. i have too many issues and like. i realize I cant TELL people them or it ruins everything? like friendships and like. idk everything. but. 
lately i’ve just been asking myself: WHY AM I ALIVE?
and yeah. it is easier to believe in god. but the fact that i dont? like theres no real answer.
i have no idea why i’m alive besides the fact that i’m living for other people. I dont want to be alive. I really dont. I dont want to know anyone. i dont want anyone to care about me. I dont want to be sentient. i dont want to exist! and if god is real? i wish there was a way for me to die a spirtual death, not where i get cast into some sort of outer darkness, but where I am Truly Nothing. I feel nothing, i see nothing, I am nothing. 
like i realize this all sounds so stupid and emo, but truly. I guess i’m ungrateful and all that, but really. i  do not want to be alive. i’m sorry but I’m really only here for the fact that my suicide attempt at 16 failed and way too many people are CLOSE to me. 
thats kind of why i cant wait for college because i just want everyone to drift away so i dont have to be here anymore. 
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foxstens · 4 years
i guess the reason i barely do anything these days is bc im afraid of doing it wrong???
i mean of course its not just that, there’s a whole thought process going on behind everything i happen to do or not do
but if i do smth as simple as sweeping it starts the negative thoughts that i’m not doing it right and why am i doing it at all i’m just making a bigger mess i shouldn’t touch anything ever but if i don’t do it i’m a lazy piece of shit who can’t do even the simplest things and i’m just a burden and i can’t even help her with this much and i should just die
but if i were to die that’d be an even bigger inconvenience and it’d just be selfish 
and it’s just incredibly messed up. like gdi my thoughts get so fucking negative when i’m not focusing on anything in particular like before i go to sleep usually
and i should’ve probably gone to therapy a long time ago but therapy means money but as it stands we kind of don’t have the money for such things and so i should make some money before i go to therapy
however my mom said that as i am now i would not be able to work. which is kind of. i mean she’s not wrong technically? like i don’t want to work in a typical work environment mostly bc that would mean a lot less time spent with her and a lot more time of being an inconvenience to other people
and it would also mean that there would be no one to bring her food is she needs some during the day. and there would be no one to run errands during the day. bc honestly the fact that i’ve had a lot of free time recently has kinda been helpful in some ways.
and also it’s very weird to be here at 22 trying to look for a job when since abt 8th grade ive been told by my grandma that she can’t imagine me in a work environment. and also by my mom that she can’t imagine me in a traditional work environment. which she justified by saying that ‘i could do so much more than that’ except that somewhere along the way it started sounding less like that and more like ‘you’re weird and closed off and different and so how would you ever fit among other people’ 
bc yea. that’s kind of how she’s always thought of me. well no she didn’t think i was weird per se. but she always thought i was ‘different’ or ‘special’. she has asked me quite a few times through my life why i’m ‘like this’ (still dont know what she meant by that) and for years and years she has unsuccessfully been trying to get me to change
idk in what way she wants me to change bc at this point i have no idea who i even am. so much of my personality/entire being feels influenced by my grandparents and family in general and her issues and all the people ive known through her and all the people that have hurt me and all the things ive been through
that i honestly don’t know what part of all that can be called ‘me’
and it kinda really fucking stings when i try to tell her that even though she’s always had my best interests in mind, that doesn’t mean she was always a perfect parent and that a lot of the things she’s done through the years have hurt me
she asks for examples and when i give them she just goes ‘i never did that’ or ‘i didn’t mean it that way’ as if i could never ever misunderstand anything she says considering tHAT SHE MISUNDERSTANDS WHAT I SAY ALL THE FREAKING TIME
and it’s kinda messed up that ive felt more alone since she moved here than i’ve felt the two years i spent living with strangers
and i feel like i can’t fucking talk to her? like as soon as i tell her a new idea i had or i tell her about a new thing i started and she starts commenting on them that i somehow lose whatever confidence i might’ve had in any of it and i lose any interest in it or if i don’t then i try to do it the way she would because?? obviously that’s the best way
and it’s so fucking weird bc she often says that she loves me the way i am and that i’m fine the way i am and that i’m not a bad roommate and stuff like that
and then the next day she says i should change and that she can’t bear this anymore and that she doesn’t know where it’ll lead if i continue this way
and if i get mad or sad she gets mad bc she’s ‘only saying the truth’
and then she says that she wishes she could see me ‘try’
idfk what that means to her. bc to me the fact that i get out of bed every morning without wishing i was dead is already trying. the fact that i can get through a day doing everything i’ve been tasked with and everything i put my mind to and also have time for leisure without wishing i was dead is already trying
the fact that i can go a day without being an inconvenience to a stranger i might come across is already trying. the fact that i’ve started dancing and exercising without hating myself for it is already trying. the fact that at one point i even considered waking up every single morning to go on a walk to start the day well is already trying
the fact that i haven’t unintentionally hurt anyone i care about in the last few weeks is a lot of fucking trying. the fact that i’ve applied to seven fucking online projects that i actually want to spend time on if i get accepted to them is already fucking trying
and a lot more that to me seem like monumental things bc a year ago i might not have done any of them
but apparently none of that matters bc im not ‘trying’ in the way she wants me to. and because it takes a lot of consideration for me to even think about making a phone call about something. bc ‘its just a fucking phone call how hard can it possibly be’ and apparently if i can’t do that then i can’t fucking do anything at all ever
and i don’t mean to be ungrateful and i hate hate hate being negative but god theres so much and its been building up and up and up and i can’t fucking talk about it to anyone and i dont know what to dooooooo
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deadcatelog · 7 years
chaha,, this is why i ended up crying on the sidewalk at 12am outside of a public event i’d brought a ticket for because i wanted.......  i thought we both wanted to go........ she told me she was in the city then suddenly she says she realized she was actually in longisland and about 2hrs away from the city........ even when.
i thought were going to do something fun together again for once, since it’d been so long...... i sai d i wanted to go see it and she said she wanted to come and i told her where i was.. she has a car and i took the train which is a lot slower and; she never responded? we used to talk for hours.. then about an hour, or a little more than an hour away? maybe 2? from when the event was soupposed to start she told me she was hanging out in a lounge with some of her other friends. drinking and partying? i was nt mad she was enjoying herself but i was peevedshe didn’t even tell me she was back in the city.... even if that was the case that she ever wasn t omg... it wasso close to when the even was soupposed to start. there’s no cell service in the subway and my phone was abt to die. i texted her asking, i don’t remember? omething about the event.i think i told her i was an hr away from it and since we were both in different places and w diff. transportation situations... she took so long to respond... my phone was about to die.. im so fucking easy to fool lmao, i was curled up in the corner of a room after i finally walked in the event charging my phone for 2 hrs (the event was 3 hrs) waiting for anything... she always lets her phone die when shes out late at night. my phone was on 1% so i thought maybe hers was too so i stopped thinking about it and just sat at the bar and listened to the music. i think my last text to her was “are you coming?” i woke up in the middle of the day the next day and there was just still no response.. i should have expected this. she’s been so cold lately. she probably just realized what a fucking mess and a burden i was and that she didn’t have to do that once she saw how normal people acted towards each other. she probably didn’t want to deal with the stress......she was being nice about it and i was being an idiot. last time we hung out i pointed out that there was this function in manhattan while we were in queens after getting something to eat, we spent all day in queens until she led me into a dunking donut and sat down and we sat there for hours. she said she had to charge her phone. she had a portable charger. right before this she kept telling me how tired she was and how she wanted to go home and i protested but then i was like... ok thats fine ur tired lets go to ur car and i’ll see u off but she told me she’d parked really really far away.i didn’t mind, she was the last person whose company i enjoyed. i was so scared of the idea  that she wanted nothing to do with me. we stayed in that fucking donut shop for hours. i was tired too so i got a double expresso so we could hang out like we’d sai we’d do.... like i’d traveled 2hrs for to do.... she didn’t even talk to me almost the entire time, she was jst staring at her phone. maybe complaining about how i wouldn’t take a hint. i don’t even know who those ppl r she never told me anything about them besides the fact that some of them were older than her and they went out drinking together often. she sounded like she really liked them. i didnt care that she had other friends whose company she enjoyed so much... it made me happy to see how well she was doing after hs. god im such a fool. i’m so fucking stupid im literally fucking retarded. she;d been acting weird and distant for months. i thought that was just what is was like watching your hs friends grow up when u two were in completel different situations but there were so many times where i’d toss all my plans to prepare to travel/hang out w her just to show up and suddenly she didn’t have the time bc she had something she had to do that ...just so happened to be starting like 10 minutes after i’d traveled all the way across manhattan to see her... im a fucking idiot. she probably decided she didn’t like me anymore a long time ago after nothaving to deal w me every day and was probably trying tolet me go easy by letting me chose not to make the same dumb decisions over and over but i was so desprate to hold onto her bc no one else talks to me. an y sane person wouldn’t have stood up for that... and some times i did say to her that what it wasn’t cool to call me over and say we should hang out only to tell me she’d have to bail for an interview or something she was scheduled for like a week b4 we met up or something. she never responded to those texts. i was so scared she would decide she was mad at me and done dealing with me so i never mentioned them again even though it fucking hurt. i felt like a toy being tugged around when she got bored but immediately threw away when something else, something more important than leisure of course, came up. i dont know how to make friends. looking back on it, were we even really best friends like i thought? we were only friends for a year, maybe that wasn’t enough? i enjoyed her comapny... and S’s comapny, and sometimes A’s company so much... especilly when we were all thogether even if it was just in class. maybe im just being inconsiderate and i cant see why so im jumping to conclusions bcfrom my point of view i’m?? everything hurts again. im always the fucking dummy, the crazy psycho weirdo that even the nicest ppl could see needed to be put down before it hurt anyone or them. even someone as blind as me can see it in their fucking eyes. they get wide, they back up a bit or hunch their shoulders and stop talking and my fucking dumbass just walks forward and keeps running my dumb mouth bc all i think of it is ‘oh! what happened? they wont be able to hear me from that far away i’ll walk closer and keep taling’ ad now im just  afucking angry loser screaming like a fucking toddler on the floor about how unfair the world is when the truth is nobody deserves to fucking have to deal with me. mr g was right to fucking hate my entitled guts. ms garia was right to fucking hate my guts too while putting on a huge fake grinthat i just saw as proof that what i thought she was probably thinking of me was just my outlandish brain trying to make me feel like the entire world was fucking against me when in reality that wasn;t the case when in reality that was the case because they have a fucking reason to be. even though i wasbeginning to ate my uncle for basically cornering me all the time and listing off all the ways he thought i was stupid and disgusting and a pain to have around wasn’t he fucking right? it i it cant just i cant just run around being offended by everyone in the world and giving them the silent treatment-- even if i thought i was giving them space,how could they fucking know?? 
there probably isnt a person on this planet that would feel sympathy for my fucks. ed up situation because they suddenly have to deal with treating this entitled stupid bitch super delicately  least she hurt them. i don’t even know what i do to hurt them, but i do it anyways. im 100% sure that its just by being me. my mother always fucking screamed at me since i was little how much of a curse i was on her. i can’t imagine my brother came out of nowhere with what he was thinking when he stomped upstairs and choke slammed me against my fucking bed and screamed in my face while he shook me and stepped on my laptop after i took my food back. he called me ungrateful. he yelled it to me straight in my ear as if to force it into my head. i don’t even remember being ungrateful?? he talked about brining home food he let me eatallthe time like white astle but i thought i’d always expressed my gratitute but maybe i didn’t?? i don’t remember. i always felt like id din. 
there’s a fucking REASON why EVERYONE i meet thinks im a fucking liar and more than worthy of their distain and being put in my place whether it meant i’d get my feelings or my fucking face hurt. everyone wants me to apologize to my brother. and my mother. everyone thinks im being an unreasonable cunt. EVERYONE in my family has shown distain or disapointment in me. it doesnteven fucking matter that i was ableto get into one of the best schools in the country. now i just get even more people outright avoiding me or confronting me bout how much of a fucking disgrace they think i am. my fucking exsistance is always a major fucking burden on everyone around me. it just keeps happening again and againandn again and i keep trying to change but the cycle never stops. it doesnt matter how good of a persn i run into, after having to deal w me for a few weeks they’ll start pushing me out of the way if im walking too slow or step on my toes or avoid me and talk about me behind my back. i can imagine it.... i’ve always told myself i was wrong and oerthinking myself but it always turns out to be true and its always worse than i imagned they’re always way more pissed off at me for my bullshit and that hurts more than any ~over anxious thinking~ i could tell myself. they dont deserve to have to deal with a fucking demon like me but im fucking human too and it hurts so fuking bad. i an see how much they hate me or are pissed to have to put up with me. my uncle told me a few weeks ago that he wish i knew how much he wanted to fucking hurt me when he came back to his apartment and saw the mess i made... i swear to god i was letting the fucking meat defrost... it was 1am bu i was up the entire time; i was making burgers. there were two and the first one was fucking raw and frozen on the inside despite deforsting it in the microwave. he asked me over and over again when school was starting again. i wanted to cry at how obvious it was he wanted me fucking out. i thought i just had bad luck witht my mom but that made me realize it wasn’t fucking bad luck it was all my own fault. probably from the very beginning. i couldn’t help that i didn’t want towash the dishes then and did eveything i ould to get out of it with her. i couldn’t help that even though i did wash the dishes and cleaned up after myself that i let everything aroun d me get so bad before i did something about it. back then i just didnt want to do it and i thought it was unfair that i was always the one to clean the dishes all the time while tony only had to tae out th e trash once a week or so. every time she told me to get off my ass and wash the dishes it was so fucking full it made me mad that i was cleaning up after everyone else. and every time i pointed that out of course both of them were aginst me. she and he told me in their own ways they bot h thought it was only fair. 
that fucking bitch. she wasn’t even anywhere close to fucking proud when i got into columbia. her voice was flat the entire time, i tried to get her excited so hard. i knew she cared about money, i told her how much money a school like this could help me make and it was basically fucking radio scilence. and i wasn’t even anywhere comfortable, i was at this place in brooklyn (fucking brooklyn, fuck brooklyn) for this other girl i’d just become friends with (that’s a lie, i dont become friends w ppl idk how she just picked me up like a dog off the dtreet. she told me she liked to do that with people once)and this new teacher that got so pissed at me when i wandered off like i wasn’t fucking 30 days off from being 18 years instead of 8 years old... my heart was singing. i’d finally gotten into my dream school and she didn’t care, and then she didn’t care either. they were both probably so fucking annoyed it hurt ind ifferent ways i didnt want to talk about it anymore. i wanted to hug everyone around me, for the first time in so long i felt like my world lit up in a billion colors and i could finally be happy iforever but it was like... no one felt the same way. i get a bigger reaction from strangers who can briefly relate to me off of some superficial shit all the time than i did. i’d lost that feeling after that. it went from winning the lottery to just another academic achievement that nobody but me and a few other poor souls that probably had to feel obligated to say something nice even gave a shit about. those types, i cant even imagine im an entire person to them. i’m just some symbol of like... society as a whole not being... fucking i dont know,? even this sounds fucking arragont and hell coming out my my mouth nowthat i type it out... lmao mr. g just gave me this fucking look after the announcement took place for the rest of the year. i wanted him to acknowledge that he was wrong about me so bad, haha, that he was wrong to hate me but of course why would being the first student in the history of our shitty fucking school to even get in shitting distance of an ivy league mean anything to him? he probably figured i got in bc i was black, and poor and using that + lies to trick the adoffiers to let me in. ms garcia too. she would hardly speak to me after that. her eyes seemed to burn whenever i met them. i... never thought that they were wrong, i couldn’t shake the enthusiasim i’d lost inside of me after the other day. i( can’t imagine they thought i was anything less than absolutely coddled and spoiled athome while my entire family stroked my ego and did my every bidding since it would probably explain why i acted the way i did in class and schooli guess. fuck i cant even remember more than half the shit i did in hs.)but wasn’t going to just so happen to speak about how great if feels to know that i was probably going to be set for life, for a great fanatastic life, when they were alwyas just barely keeping their mouths shut from calling me a a fucking retarded entitled cunt every time i opened my mouth and it pissed them off.
god no wonder they hated me. im losing my train of thought. i hate myself. i hate myself so much. i don’t even know wit when im hurting other ppl andyeti was always this self righteous bastard who claimed i only cared about others bc i did community service (that no one ever saw since i didn’t do it in school.... so it would be easy to just think that im just a lyingbitch trying to get attention and shit i dont deserve.... like w this admission offer lol)
everyone whose nice to me eventually learns it was a fucking mistake.i seethe way people look at me so clearly now, but still its neveruntil its too late i still dont fucking know what i do to piss everyone around me off all the time. everyone i figured was pretty smart around me always tended to avoid me or get angry at me for no reaosn i could explain. lmao. andr saw it too, she couldn’t stand being around me after a certainpoint. i dont have friends. ive never had friends like everyone else had friends. just fucking sympathizers (”why do you even speak to her?” just someone looking out for someone they loved when i did some dumb shit to them) i wish i had a knife so i could slit my throat right here. maybe then someone will read it and understand that i dont mean it but onestly would they?? am i getting anything less than i fucking deserve?? it doesnt matter if i don’t like it, i’m always brining fucking painful unnecessary bullshit into people’s lifes and make even the kindest people want to fucking rip my guts out for it. there’s a noose tied up to my closet right now but i please just please don’t want to suffer anymore.i dont want toknow what its like to be homeless, but idid this to myself. i’ve always fucking did this to myself. all my shit is password protected. i want to see myself as a martyr so bad but a martyr wouldn’t try and force someone to read this shit and try and make them feel bad for shit they barely had anything to do with that im just trying to drag them into bc i want to feel good about myself, and they only was i an accomplish that is by making other people feel bad?? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
a few weeks ag  i told myself i wouldn’t do it in my dorm because i didn’t want to make other people comfortable. i dont want anyone to come and see my body next to the fucking pigsty i always seem to create wherever i go. i dont want them to have to see my half naked body, but i didnt have any clean clothes. clothes... i jsut spent over 100 on some fucking jeans and a denim jaket bc i wanted it even though i can’t really afford it. me bac k on my bullshit again, of course.oh my god oh mygod. fucking hell god dammit. but isnt this nothing less than i desevre anyway? for making so many poor innocent people have to endure my fucking insane ly uncomfortable awkwardness and the natural hellfire that surrounds me and i was born with and burns everyone around me except for me. is it really so objectively terrible when they burn me back?? they don’t know that i dont have any idea what im doing. they dont know what goes on in my head. i learned to destroy my own feelingsand shut down my human reactions while i was livnngin that hell hole........the second hellhole i came from,theone here on earthnot the one ispwaned in lol.
i really dont even want to hink about the anger the peoplewhove trulygotten to know me will go through if i did die like this. everyone around them will be superifcially mourning and they wouldnt be able to say anything bad, haha~ about me because of the social pressure or w.e, they’dprobably feel terrible themselves because i know even thoughthey hate me and hurt me or want to hurt me or lie to me to hurt me or laugh ifthey make me flinch they’d probablyfeel bad about how glad they feel and should feel for having thishorriblehellcritter whipe herselfoff the face of the earth. and everyone elsewill think im pathetic, of course. so many people already know howpathetici am. theyll ust roll their eyes in annoyance and grumble how i did everything to deserve the shit i went through, and that it was pathetic how i canttake half the shiti dish out.then they;ll go on with their lives nd i’ll be dead and forgotten and the world can cheer silently that im finally gone.
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