#i cant do anything but lay in bed or it gets infinitely more painful so its been a very boring 3 days of not doing anything
isa-ah · 1 year
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dentist soon..! thank u guys again bc I literally wouldn't have been able to go without help and idk what I would have done cause. this shits wrecking me lol 🙏
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sherlollydramoine · 4 years
Can you do a drabble where Rami comes down with a stomachache? And reader isnt too worried because he often gets them when hes stressed. But then the belly aches are getting so bad that he cant keep anything down and frequently faints from the pain, becomes feverish and is really exhausted and strengthless. Reader is really worried and works hard to convince him to go to the hospital and it turns out he has a bad case of appendicitis. I'd be delighted! I'm in a hurt/comfort mood right now ;)
I wrote a little drabble. Hope you enjoy. Appendicitis is very serious y’all, and also incredibly painful. I’ve got a hell of a scar! Also, this is another that is GENDER NEUTRAL!
Warnings: I think some language, appendicitis, vomit, hospital visit, emergency surgery. Mostly just some sick Rami X GenderNeutral caring reader.
Word Count: 685
“Seriously babe what’s wrong?”you ask your boyfriend.
“Just my stomach. It really hurts, but my side does too.” he groaned. He was looking quite flushed and his body was covered in a light sheen of sweat. 
“Are you sure this isn’t just stress love? You know your stomach starts hurting sometimes when you are stressed out.”
“No. I don’t think so YN.” he says just before he faints. 
Yes, your boyfriend fainted. You crouch down beside him to check to see if he’s okay. His skin was flushed and very hot to the touch. 
“Don’t worry about me, I’ll be okay.” he grumbled from his spot on the floor.
“No Rami, you aren’t okay. I want to take you to the hospital. I’m really worried about you.”
“It’s probably just the flu babe. I’ll be okay.”
“Since when does the flu cause fainting spells?”
“I don’t know love, but I’m going to go lay down.”
He barely made it to the bedroom when he collapsed, ending up on his knees as began violently throwing up. You just let out a loud sigh, and wait for him to finish before helping him up and getting him in bed. You move your bedroom trash can next to the bed in case he needed to be sick again. Cleaning up the mess he’d made, you couldn’t help but to check on him. His eyes were screwed tightly shut and he was groaning in his sleep. Clutching his side and tossing and turning. 
When he opens his eyes after a short nap he leans over the side of the bed and begins to vomit again. You’d had enough.
“Rami, I am taking you to the hospital. I don’t think that whatever you have is just the flu.”
“No, YN. I swear I’m fine.” he says weakly, as he attempts to stand. Just as his feet hit the floor, he falls over having apparently fainted again. 
“Rami Said Malek! I am not going to take ‘no’ for an answer this time. Either get your ass in the car, or I’m calling 911. Your choice!” you scold him. He looks up at you eyes bleary and tired,  his face not masking the pain at all.
“Fine.”he says weakly. You didn’t want to risk him fainting again, so you grab your office chair from the den, and make him sit in it. You push him through the house and into the garage, thankful that there was no carpet in the house otherwise this could have been infinitely more difficult. 
It was on the way to the hospital that he started throwing up again, and you were eternally grateful that you hadn’t put your reusable cold goods grocery bag back into the trunk of your car yet. 
Rami was now openly crying because of the pain while you tried to hold his hand and drive.
“Baby are you doing okay over there?” you ask. 
He just tries to smile weakly before uttering out, “No. YN, I hurt so bad. I’ve never hurt this bad ever!”
Breaking every speed limit and possibly running a few stop signs you finally got to the hospital. Parking in front of the Emergency sign you instruct him to stay put. You ran inside and grabbed a wheelchair and sprint with it back to the car, where you slowly eased him into it and took him inside.
As it turns out, Rami didn’t have a case of nerves, stress, or the flu but rather a really nasty case of appendicitis. His fainting spells and intense pain were a result of his appendix actually bursting and it required surgery.
You called his family to let them know what was going on. His mother was worried and she was the first to arrive to keep you company while you were waiting for him to get out of surgery. Several other family members trickled in over time.
You knew he’d hate it, but his post-op drugged haze was some of the most comedic shit you’ve ever seen in your life, and you made sure to get plenty of video evidence.
@txmel @free-rami @xmxisxforxmaybe @mrhoemazzello @ramimedley @itsme690 @mezzomercury @r-ahh-mi @happy-rami @hissom1933 @spacedustmazzello @safinsscar @itslula1991 @ladyr0b0t @sassystrawberryk @the-real-ramimalekpeen @youthtea @ramimalekpan @sasha--1996 @breadnbutternips @warmommy @doing-all-write @imnottiredofgettingoveryou @alottanothing @will-grammer
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sigetstopsurgery · 4 years
eight days since top surgery
whoof i really havent had the energy to post anything or even type at all until now so this is gonna be a long one. ill kinda try and do a little review of every day up until now in little groups, hopefully its all still fresh enough in my memory
jan 3rd: so i think the funniest part about me waking up post surgery was the fact that i went in to the operating room with one IV and woke up with three because apparently i have an anesthesia resistance that no one really knew about because i haven’t had surgery before except for wisdom teeth. i was kept at the hospital way longer than expected for a couple reasons: 1.) i was dosed up with so much anesthetic that i wouldn’t stay the fuck awake 2.) i did end up keeping my nipples meaning that i had to stay for a couple extra hours to make sure that the tissue took hold and didnt die (it didnt! im all good!) 3.) i puked multiple times, once again because of the absolutely massive amount of anesthesia they had to use on me. when i got home i was pretty much just wiped out and kinda miserable because of the puking and etc. my partner was there to take care of me and definitely made me feel a lot better. i dont really think i did much that night except lay in bed and watch buffy the vampire slayer. i did end up trying to eat and then also ended up puking again so that was not great at all. overall though? of all the things that couldve gone wrong at this point this was not bad at all.
jan 4th-6th: spent entire days in bed or on the couchpretty much just switching between sleeping and watching tv. man for the first few days i was just really wiped out. i couldnt brush my teeth, change clothes, or pee by myself so everything i was doing was really rough and took so so much extra effort. i ended up only taking the opioid pain meds on the day after i got home from surgery. otherwise i’ve been sticking strictly to tylenol. during this time i was getting a lot of little electric shocks of pain as well as a lot of pain in my drain areas and just general achiness. some people came and visited me so that helped in terms of distractions. at one point in this i had a really bad issue with constipation because of the painkillers that i took on the second day which was quite painful and upsetting. other than that though i was mostly just kinda waiting out the days and sleeping a lot.
jan 7th-10th: i started feeling better during this time, i was progressively able to do more and more things for myself, and i had energy for longer and longer periods. one of these days (i think it was the 8th) i went to the grocery store with my mom and my partner because i wanted sushi and i was going a little stir crazy. when i got home and checked a couple hours later, my drain was filled up with blood which is very much not supposed to happen. the doctors think i just jostled the drain from walking too much and accidentally hit a new pocket of fluid. i didnt end up having to go in because it wasnt a lot of blood and i didnt have any increased pain. sure was gross and anxiety provoking though. my darling partner also helped me rinse out my hair one of these days, which made me feel infinitely more human. ive been trying to change my clothes every day and etc, but its a rough process when you cant do it entirely by yourself. im really looking forward to monday when my drains come out and i can see my chest and also shower finally.
jan 11th: today is the first day that ive felt almost normal. like yeah im covered in bandages and theres tubes in my sides but ive felt mostly okay all day and havent had to take any tylenol or anything. the unfortunate part about this is that since i now feel okay physically pretty much im feeling even more trapped and uncomfortable and sad and stir crazy overall. luckily, its a nice day outside so im sitting and typing this with the door open so theres a breeze which always makes me feel a lot better. ive only got one more full day with my drains in and i could not be more excited to get them out and see whats goin on under these bandages!
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mysafehaven786-blog · 7 years
I have not been proud of they way I have been acting lately. I have gone back to many of my bad habits and I am tremendously disappointed in myself. This has caused for my anxiety and tears, fears and sadness to come back. I am my own worst enemy and my happiness and miserliness lies in my own hands. I have learned over the past few months that I can make myself completely, blissfully and tremendously happy or I can make myself be very depressed and miserable. No one else is the cause for my happiness and unhappiness but me. 
I have made myself so unhappy the past few weeks. I am so disappointed in myself for my bad actions and for slipping back into my bad habits of lying and deceiving. I  was happier and more at peace when I wasn’t committing these acts. 
I have caused so much harm to this poor guy and I don’t want to do that any longer. I want to ask for his forgiveness and then never repeat these mistakes or hurt/harm him again. I have no excuse for my actions and it scares me how evil I can be at times. It really does
But I have also seen that I can come past these habits and overcome them and leave them in the past. I just need to be strong, more in my faith, wiser and I can do this. I just need to be on top of my prayers, stay away from sins, keep my heart close to allah swt. thats all i need to do and i wont slip back onto the wrong path again. 
I have just disappointed myself but I know I can bounce back from this and become a better person. With the help of Allah I can do anything and I know if I ask for sincere forgiveness and change then he will forgive him. I just hope i can let go of these habits once and for all. I woke up today with the words “ i hate myself” and i did this because im about to be 25, i have no job and I’m not married. I feel behind in life but I don’t want to hate myself. I want to be patient and find myself back to being happy and proud of myself. I hope that every time I want to sin and go back to my old habits I remember how unhappy and sad I was when i did it and I hope I am able to let this guy go once and for all. 
“With his infinite power anything could be done. ask allah for his pardon” 
Ya Allah pardon me, forgive me. I have wronged myself in so many ways. please forgive me of these sins and bring me back to you. give me strength through the pain, temptations and anxiety. I ask you to give me peace, heal my soul from the sins and wrongdoing I have done and purify me from the inside and out. 
Oh allah give me the strength and motivation to get good grades, study for my tests, get into graduate school, get a sub teaching job and give me peace give me strength and help me reach my fitness goals. keep me happy and keep me motivated. 
Practical Islam: How to Repent Properly
Say, “O my servants who have transgressed against themselves (by sinning), do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins, Indeed it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful.” 
Surah 39, Ayah 53
1. “I’m bad, I cant ever worry about sin anymore, ive done too wrong” Allah says dont lose hope in the love, mercy and care of allah. he never wants to punish us. why would he want to? Allah will forgive all sins
2. I will wipe your slate so clean nothing will be left. he is the only one who will forgive everything. he is ready for you to start new. 
3. he says im ready to forgive you, but you have to come back to me, turn your hearts to me. submit yourself, obey. before punishment comes to you forgive to allah swt. 
4. angel of death will take your soul. 
5. Allah said he will forgive anything. he can wipe your slate clean. 
6. “I rependted, i’m okay, let me move on.” no you should always worry about your sins until you are in jannah. Do as much good as you can to out do the bad you did. 
7. We are human, we make mistakes, we falter, turn back to allah though. he wil forgive you but dont plan to comitt the sin again. 
8. 1. admit your sin. 2. regret your sin. 3 forgiveness. 4. promise not to do it again. 
Amy Young: You’re Not a Terrible Bad Bad Person
1. I have learned over time, countless years of trial and error that I feel better and life feels better when I give myself the benefit of the doubt. I feel so good inside 
2. ex. I am frustrated by someone elses behavior, you’re best friend told you she would call you but she didn’t make the plan for friday. then you find out she made plans w someone else. in that moment maybe jealously, rejection, hurt feelings. then you can give her the benefit of the doubt. she didnt mean to screw me over maybe she just forgot. 
3. You are never intentionally trying to hurt yourself and cause harm to your self. even when you royally screw up. would you purposely hurt yourself? cause yourself more pain? No not intentionally. even people who make destructive decisions are not trying to ef up their lives. were lost, confused, struggling scared and thats okay. 
4. example, its night time, i lay at bed and waste hours when I know I have to be up early. so they next day when im tired I have two options. 1. be pissed at myself. or 2. give myself benefit of the doubt, i wanted to relax and unwind in bed. 
5. take it easy, be gentle go easy on yourself. when you can do that, it takes so much of the pain away that doesn’t need to be there. don’t judge yourself, condemn yourself. be gentle and kind to yourself. 
6. You know you try very hard to better yourself. you made a mistake its okay. do yourself a favor and make this a practice. im doing the best I can. I will try harder next time. 
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