#i cannot overstate this enough
there's just... there is no reason to make yet another cop show in this day and age. copaganda is not only bullshit, it is a failure of imagination.
you want to watch brooding characters with dark pasts investigate crimes in an official capacity? just use private detectives (cops have a miserable solve rate anyway). want eccentric geniuses & their sidekicks solving mysteries? i present you with armchair detectives & neighborhood busybodies. oh, you're craving a workplace comedy-drama starring overworked protagonists doing their heartfelt best to resolve community conflicts? social worker office sitcom! bitch this is ACHIEVABLE
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birdsong-warriors · 1 month
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Spoilery request here, but good gracious, I hope I made the foreshadowing in these pages clear enough, given I've been building up to it for ages now.
First | Previous | Next (May 3rd)
Part 1: Friend and Family
See up to thirty pages ahead, with timelapses, on Patreon!
Backgrounds, brushes, timelapses, and other assets for sale on my Ko-Fi!
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comradekatara · 1 year
listen to me carefully. a key part of toph’s arc is going from dismissing sokka outright bc he’s not a bender to thinking that he is the coolest person ever. you do not understand toph if you don’t get this.
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missmungoe · 10 months
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“You’re such a pretty man,” Makino sighed, touching her fingertips to his cheek, before rubbing his beard with her thumb. “Your wife is very lucky. Oh—hey.” Her whole expression brightened, her smile entirely cheeky. “That’s me.”
Shanks grinned, delighted. “You are absolutely hammered, aren’t you?”
“Hmm, I think I’m about to be.” She frowned. “Wait—was that not a euphemism?”
My masked Zorro, the unbelievably generous and tantalisingly mysterious Cover Anon, sweeps in once more with another gorgeous cover from Shanties, this time for Penelope (aka, the wedding fic, my beloved), by the incredible @sacred_pirate on twitter.
I...don't know how it's possible to capture the way a fic exists in my mind so perfectly it's like the artist reached into my soul, and yet that's what this feels like. This is one of the most beautiful artworks I've ever seen, and I can't believe it's from my fic, and this fic.
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awheckery · 1 year
I need some help
so. this is hard. here goes:
for the last six-ish weeks, I've had an exceptionally challenging time of things re: my haunted devil body being exceptionally haunted and full of devils, and I have missed a lot of work. a lot of work. might be losing my job soon, in fact, but I'm trying not to think about that.
I'm trying to crawl my way out of the hole, but I have nothing in the bank right now and no money coming in, literally this is a screenshot of my account from today, and it's not showing the insurance payment that put me $50 in the negative this morning.
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I have no other savings, my credit card's maxed out, I don't know how I'm going to pay my upcoming rent and my cupboard's down to baking ingredients and canned vegetables, so the sitch is looking pretty gd grim for me right now.
if anyone wants to donate and can afford to be kind, I'm linking my paypal and cashapp below, but I'd prefer to be able to offer something in exchange.
I think most y'all are following me because it is known that I make quilts, but that's mostly a side effect of my true hobby: collecting fabric. (this is a joke. mostly.)
I don't know that I have the energy to commit to making quilts or other complicated goods right now, but I do have a truly massive stash and excellent color sense. I've pulled these curated fat quarter collections as examples of what I have on offer:
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this is a very small sample of what I have in my stash; I've been collecting fabrics since 2014, so I have a massive collection of rare & out-of-print fabrics from Moda, Free Spirit, Windham, RKaufman and other brands, a portion of which I've catalogued and uploaded to gdrive here.
that's nowhere near my full collection, it's just a jumping off point of what I've got to work with. I'd put fq bundles on etsy or something similar to make it easier, but the total lack of funds has temporarily kiboshed that idea.
in the meantime, I'm selling individual fat quarters for $2.50 each and curated stash-builder sets of five like the ones above for $15. I'd also be happy to make coordinating pot holders not unlike this one at $35 for a pair.
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(pls don't ask me for oven mitts, I don't want to talk about one of my greatest failures)
NOTE: all fabric comes from a smoke, pet and fragrance-free environment, and will not be prewashed. I know that makes a difference to a lot of folks, not just me.
I'm also open to assembling pre-cut quilt & other craft kits, PM me to discuss what you're looking to make and I'll figure out if I can make it happen for you.
I appreciate any and all help more than I have words to communicate, and I know I'm pretty damn wordy! I'm pretty far down in the weeds at the moment, and I need to raise around $1800 in the next ten days in order to pay rent, catch up on my bills and pay for food and medication.
please help out a chronically ill artist and shop my stash!
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covenofthearticulate · 5 months
Got a very special Vampire Wall Update for y'all!! I'm so excited to have @killer-laurent's brilliant art, based on my fic Out, Damned Spot
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My heart is so full of love for all my fandom friends that made this happen— my fellow Louis stan @wicked-felina, who commissioned Laurent, and my love @monstersinthecosmos who gifted me this super shiny metal print that literally pops off the wall.
I feel so honored to have 3 different fan arts from 3 incredible artists on my wall, but this one especially makes me happy dance every time I look at it because I've never had anything made based on my writing so it just feels like such an act of love from all of my favorite people.
ahjsdgbksdahcf okay that's enough sap for now but anyway happy new year and thank you so so so so much to Kacy for this glorious addition to my Vampire Wall :)
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a-sketchy · 5 months
p4d posting, it’s like actually insane the degree to which yu likes yosuke. ‘liking their friends’ is pretty typical protagonist behaviour, and it’s super clear here that yu really likes his friends, but even still damn when it comes to yosuke it’s a different level. the framing of “yosuke and the others”, the way he genuinely sympathizes with yosuke’s self-inflicted plight, and of course the reciprocation of “partner”…yu’s thoughts just kinda drip with sincerity towards him. it’s cute
mini compilation vv
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skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
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tinystepsforward · 3 months
To your knowledge if the Midjourney deal (hypothetically) goes through, wouldn't it be training on massive amounts of copyright not only from smaller artists, but from large film and tv studios as well? It seems like a disaster waiting to happen beyond that even if the training is selective. If you don't know anything or unsure that's okay.
i don't think midjourney has ever cared that that's happening.
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tyrantwombat · 1 year
No, but seriously, can you imagine how utterly surreal it is to be Song Taewon and have two of the most unhinged people on the planet both decide to become intensely invested in your life and health after knowing you for like five seconds? One of them uses aggressive mob tactics to try and get you to let them chauffeur you around, the other is a little guy you could crush with your pinky on accident who hunts you down in the middle of a pit of monsters with a packed lunch convinced you will starve if he doesn’t personally feed you. You have to play an intense game of de-escalation at literally all times to keep this same random guy from calling and yelling at your boss about your sleep schedule, and this is still an improvement on that time you barely convinced him it wasn’t necessary to utterly annihilate your place of work to get you more vacation time. The other one has probably historically attempted to set your closet and/or you yourself on fire so he can buy you clothes.
You just want to live your corporate slave life and resist the dark yearnings of your soul in PEACE but instead you’re having to dodge two very powerful men who both desperately want to take care of you.
#song taewon#reading sctir#obviously this is only like microscoping in on one thin layer of their relationship but it's a really funny one#let's also talk about how this would be hilarious if stw really WERE the Just Some Guy he desperately wants to be#but he's turning up at yoojin's home with bloody sleeves and yoojin's housekey he violently extracted from a potential home invader who is#also his coworker#like he's just returning tupperware but also as a subtle threat to express his mild annoyance#infamously choking him out a little at their very first meeting out of concern#shj wants to give stw nice things and also pry his ribs open with his bare hands and stw is like#'ew'#but only about one of those things#hint: it's NOT the violent intense and personal death option#like it would be funny enough if stw really were just some guy yes but instead he's like THIS and that makes it even better#and all three of them would have a lovely time on the lake learning to fish under shj's watch#and aLL OF THOSE THINGS EXIST SIMULTANEOUSLY#or at least that's the impression I get I'm only like a quarter through the novel so far#it's great though I love it#like look I've mentioned before how book!yoojin is totally obsessed with taking care of song taewon but I canNOT overstate enough how#OBSESSED he is with taking care of song taewon#it weirds stw out a little bit and it's amazing#he gets pretty intense about it at one point and I love that whole scene but I. I shouldn't continue. I won't stop.#and shj flat out admits at one point that he made a similar offer to stw that he makes to yoojin - the whole credit card deal thing#and when stw turned him down shj responded by going 'oh so I need to try harder?'#song taewon existing and having morals has the same effect on hyj and shj as birds at a bird feeder on the other side of the window from#a couple cats#enrichment in the enclosure or something lol#okay I'm accepting I will never actually stop rambling about this you don't even KNOW how many tags I deleted here#okay I'm done#not really
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hoofpeet · 2 years
i don't know how often i need to clarify this but since it's been a bit, I still hate 'proships/anti-anti's' or whatever misc other things creepy little weirdos might call themselves; please either do not follow me or look at me in any way or don't be surprised when I block you for being weird
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ruthlesslistener · 6 months
8, 33 and 35 for palewatcher
8. What do they love most about the other? Why?
-Not to be cheesy but for both there's a strong element of 'you are the only person who sees me as myself and the only person who makes me feel grounded in this reality'. For my version of Lurien, at least, this is because he grew up very much a ghost living on the fringes of society- he's an immigrant's son who was hatched in Hallownest, never truely knowing his home culture and never fully fitting into the society built by the beetle tribe in what was to become the City of Tears. He was an awkward and lonely quiet child who grew up on tales of huge families and kinship in an empty house, in a society that did not offer any of those comforts to him, and shied away from those who offered it as a result- which was rare, because he was odd, he didn't fit in, and his lack of knowledge about his heritage quickly made him quite boring. He essentially spent his whole life up to meeting the Pale King either in the shadows or in the minds of estranged scholars as he ravenously devoured the scrolls and tablets his mentors mentioned in passing in the lecture halls he attended to, and then he met PK, and it was like a total transformation. NOTHING about what made him 'other' was a distinguishing feature to the Pale King. Only himself. Only his mind, his skill, his art, all the best parts of himself- and becoming Watcher moved him to a position where he was then capable of discussing things with collegues who were often just as odd as he was, such as Monomon and Isma. PK's monochromatic view of 'all mortal bugs are the same to me unless they make themselves stand out through the sharpness of their mind' put Lurien on equal grounds for the first time in his life, and that gave him the confidence to take the initiative to grow closer to PK, where actual love for the individual developed.
For PK, however, that grounding is much more literal. PK is a god who put himself into the mortal realm so that he could study them better, because he was fascinated by a life that he was inherently an outsider to. He is an individual (and even that is debated, since he gave his soul to the White Lady), but at the same time, he can never be a person like Lurien is, and juggling that duality is extremely difficult. Lurien, however, not only sees both aspects of his nature, he also understands them (and he also understands that he will never fully understand), and works with him accordingly. He's his tether point to the world of mortals, the lens through which he sees it- his 'humanity', essentially, if such an allegory can be applied here. He's the...bug version of his humanity?? Idk
33. How do they flirt? Who’s the worse flirt?
-Both of them are terrible flirts because both of them are extremely fucking subtle about their flirting and neither of them bother to think of themselves over politics lmfaooo. Lurien staunchly refrained from flirting specifically bc he didn't want his emotions to jeopardize the fate of the City or a relationship he was (mostly) comfortable keeping platonic whereas PK was too busy worrying about the future and trying to Be The Perfect King Who Never Feels to. Well. Realize what Lurien meant to him. And then when he did, his chosen method of flirting was to basically just up the sugar daddy game he was already doing for Lurien to begin with, so Lurien didnt know what to think of it other than 'my king you really should not be doing this, what, this is far above your station and you know it' sjcjdhs
Which is a long way to say that both of them flirt via blood-oaths to their mutual passions and by offering servitude to each other and they're both happy to keep it that way. They're both incredibly reserved individuals, flirting is stuff like Lurien going to a work meeting in PK's stead when PK is too deep in a project to understand linear time, or PK offering to groom Lurien's wings after a stressful day despite wyrms not really doing the allopreening thing much. Stuff like that
35. Is their relationship a secret? If so, why?
-YEAH their relationship would be a secret for a while. Not really bc PK cared- he really, genuinely does not- but bc Lurien himself is an extremely private individual who holds a lot of anxiety around people's expectations and breaking social rules, even if he's technically above all of them as the literal most high ranking bug in the kingdom under both the actual gods of the place. This works for PK, because the beetle tribe is socially very monogamous so other bugs learning about their relationship would result in lots of gossip and questions he'd consider a headache to deal with, but Lurien would rather nobody but those in the 'inner circle' (Lucien, the Dreamers, Dryya bc she's the White Lady's favored mortal/mortal mate so she Gets It) to know about his love life, so that's how it is. Plus, even if he'd never act on his compulsions unless a god other than WL tried to touch Lurien, PK is territorial, so. It works out for them both djcjfjsj
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cream-and-tea · 2 months
pallas in book one is definitely at it-cannot-possibly-get-worse-than-this ABSOLUTE rock bottom but god. there is such a specific flavour to their despair in book two that only happens because of the realization they have at the end of lay me down. like. how do you move on after admitting that everything you believed in was a lie. how do you live with what you’ve done (with what has been done to you). is it possible to pull yourself up out of the pit you’ve dug. what do you do if it isn’t. what do you do if it IS. and once you look at the damage how do you stop looking. past the first layer of hurt there’s just more and more hurt and you were used by the one person who was supposed to keep you safe to cause even MORE pain and no matter how deep you go none of it means anything! it never meant anything at all!! motherfucker your worst sin is that you have destroyed and betrayed yourself for NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#pallas’s whole arc in the first book is getting to the point where they go ‘maybe i? feel bad about all this?? actually???’#i cannot overstate enough that it takes an entire book to get them to that point lmao#and then it’s like. newsflash buddy now you’ve gotta DEAL with that#it really is the mental equivalent of getting into a hot bath of after being out in the cold for a whole day#and the interesting thing about pallas in the first book and their status as a villian and like. their eventual ‘oh SHIT’ moment#is that pallas doesn’t need to realize that they’re a bad person doing bad things#pallas is VERY aware that they are a bad person doing bad things#it’s actually more about realizing the harm that’s been done to them? like as a human being??#bc they very much have the attitude of ‘well of course i’m doing bad things i was born as an inherently evil person there’s nothing else#i’m capable of doing the most i can hope for is that someone points me in the right direction and i’ll be able to do the hard things#that other people cannot (and SHOULD NOT) do’#so THATS the mindset that needs to be unlearned before they can start moving forward? if that makes sense?#less ‘shit are we the baddies?’ and more ‘shit have i been horrifically abused?’#but then after that realization all the blood they’ve spilled is still there. and they should never have had to do that. no one should ever#have to do that. but they did and now they’re starting to see the full extent of what that means#and they have to find a way to live with it.#and it��s absolutely DEVASTATING.#wip: ghost story#pallas#i’ve been working on the book two outline. if you couldn’t tell. head in absolute hands rn.
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creepyscritches · 23 days
If I suddenly wasn't chronically ill I would honestly miss the nice ladies at the infusion center. The funniest fucking stories while someone is prepping an IV for you. Today the NP was telling me abt how her husband boogie boarded thru the storm culvert behind their house last time we had rain like yesterday's. Later when she came in w the meds she also had found a video of it and just shook her head while showing it to me in the way only a medical provider who married a hurricane of impulse decisions can. They're perfect for each other.
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currentlyonstandbi · 2 months
hate to admit it but alas, my world has been wonk'd
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chaos-and-recover · 3 days
Sleep Token - Euclid - live in Toronto, May 28, 2024. Last night, and last on-stage moments, of the Teeth of God tour.
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