#i can assure u that i have 1 brain cell
lordacne · 1 year
gay, wheat bread, fashionable olive 🤍
pls put me in ur pocket!!!!! i would love to live inside ur pocket!!
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renaxwrites · 4 years
Hiii can I ask for a hc of what it is like to be in a full-blown fight or heated argument with Tsukki, Akaashi, and Hajime? It can be angst or fluff hehe sorry if it’s a bit random hehe Thank u in advance! 💜😁
Fights -  (Tsukishima, Akaashi, Iwaizumi)
a/n: my heart is too (soft) for angst I can never handle it lmao
     warnings: slight angst, some cussing
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Okay it’s normal to playfully banter and bicker with each other, but when it’s a full-blown argument, it’s a whole other level
It’s clear that he needs his privacy, which includes his personal things
You were doing your normal cleaning routine, and noticed something out of its normal place. His most prized possession: his headphones. So imagine the feeling when you trip over something, sending his headphones flying, and bouncing off a hard surface, breaking them.
Nothing made you feel worse, but you already placed an order online for a newer version of the ones he had. Gosh you had never bought something so fast in your life
But of course the ONE time it happened, it was when he wanted them the most. OFC!!
He had looked in the only two places it could be, and since they weren’t there, he confronted you. So you confessed, cause obviously it would be worse to lie.
You were gonna replace them, but before you got to tell him that…man did he blow UP…he was PISSED to say the least
“The hell did you touch them for? Better yet, why were you in there in the first place? You really don’t know when to mind your own business, do you? It’s like you always do the opposite of what I say!”
You’re trying not to raise your voice either, but of course you needed to get your side of the story in
Was trying his best not to scream at you, but his voice would definitely be raised
However, he would never call you any degrading names. He absolutely drinks his “respecting women juice”. He just didn’t have his coffee before this, however.
Honestly, once he says his piece, he goes to a different room, so he can think and cool off. One thing about Tsukki is that he sometimes needs time alone, which you always respect.
Once you two are ready to talk to each other again, you approach him and explain what happened in a calm manner. You apologize for damaging his headphones. He is more of an actions over words kind of guy. He in turn cups your face in his hands and is sorry for raising his voice instead of hearing you out first
He then wraps his arms around you and puts his face in the crook of your neck. 
Before y’all go into cuddle mode, you raise his face and show him the new headphones you ordered for him
Powers all his love into a big ass kiss on your forehead
THEN y’all cuddle
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Honestly, Akaashi is a reasonable, respectful king™ that always applies common sense before doing anything irrational, so it would take a lot as his s/o to get him to that level of anger
Like, wayy worse than Bokuto
The only things that could reach him to that level is if someone is harassing or putting down his s/o or anyone he is close to (teammates, family, etc). OR, if you are purposely putting down your self-worth in front of him
Since Akaashi plays, you often would go to his matches to support them, and you would see girl volleyball players for their tournaments as well.
Most of them were tall, lean, and have an overall fit figure from years of hardcore training, and just the sight of them would make you feel insecure about yourself. You wouldn’t tell your bf, so that he wouldn’t be worried
But after seeing the vb girls again, you were then self-motivated to look that way too, but you were going the wrong way about it
At first, Akaashi didn’t notice. But then, he started noticing you eating less and working out more. You even softly refused to go to your favorite fast-food spot for a spontaneous food run. If anything, when he mentioned it, you were suddenly off the couch and ready to work out again
You accidentally left your phone open while you went to change into your workout clothes. He felt guilty for even having to look through it, but he needed to get to the bottom of this. Immediately he saw your search history, full of “how to get thinner”s, “extreme dieting”s, “ideal body shape workout”s.
Alright, he’s had enough
He is ready to burst through your door, but the gentleman he is, knocks first
When you say “come in”…
“Why am I seeing all this bullshit on your internet history?”
You don’t see the problem with wanting to get healthier, or thinner in your mind. Like those volleyball girls
“Babe. Don’t you ever. EVER. Compare yourself to anyone else!! Those girls have been training for years. It takes years to get that way. But skipping meals, eating less, and working out more? Constantly measuring and weighing yourself? Dammit, I must be failing as a boyfriend if you’re feeling this way.
“Being skinny is NOT the same thing as being healthy! Babe, you don’t need to be thin to be beautiful. You are perfect the way you are. Now, if you want to follow a healthier lifestyle, I’ll help you. I can show you how to properly do it. Okay? Please, for me?”
He envelops you in his arms and rests his chin on your head, rubbing your back as you let a few tears leak out. He picks up your chin and gives you a kiss.
“Wanna go get some ice cream?”
“Yes, please”
Best ice cream you’ve ever had
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Iwa is a MAN that just honestly wants to provide you the best, what he feels you deserve
Sometimes he feels insecure, feeling at times he could do better, causing an inner frustration with himself, which causes him to unintentionally snap one day
The two of you had your 1 year anniversary in a week, and he had never been so sure of anything than wanting to spend the rest of his days with you
So he wanted to finally tell you ‘I love you’ with a promise ring
Now, rings aren’t the cheapest thing in the world, and definitely not the one he had in mind. But you deserved it.
He had 90 percent of the money for the ring, but where was he going to get the other 10 percent? In a week? And the poor boy didn’t want any help, he wanted to be assured that he could do something for you knowing HE did it. So, naturally, he was getting stressed out.
You noticed how stressed he was getting as the days of your one-year started getting closer. He was intently texting every second of any break he had, and it started to worry you.
3 days left: He says, “I’m fine.” 2 days: “Don’t worry about it, love.”
The night before: when it all caved in.
You decided to confront him about it. “Iwa, what are you so worried about? You’ve been more concerned about your phone then telling me… is something wrong? Did I upset you?”
He is still texting
He finally looks up at you. “I’m trying to do something, y/n. Can you just LET me?”
You put your hands on your hips.
Oh boy, was he in for it.
“What is so important that you’ve been more interested in your stupid ass messages than you are with me? You’re over me already, aren’t you? And right before our damn anniversary? You could have at least let me know when you first got over me!”
Iwa tries to get his brain cells together, but just goes off.
He gets up. “If you MUST know, I’ve been trying for MONTHS. MONTHS! To save up for this goddamn ring tomorrow that probably isn’t even good enough for you! I’m so pathetic! You deserve someone who can get you anything you wanted right then and there! You deserve someone better than me, who can give you what I can’t! I’m trying my fucking best to be what you deserve, but how? I can’t even buy you a simple, fucking ring so I can finally tell you that I love you!”
You’re both in tears.
“You love me?”
“More than anything else in this world.”
You let out a sob and rush over to him and you embrace one another. You simultaneously look up and brush off the other’s tears.
“Iwa, I don’t need any fancy things to be happy. I just need you, all of you. There is nothing or nobody that can change the way I feel for you. I love you.”
You kiss and continue to embrace, moving it to the couch to wallow in each other’s presence, all through the early morning
Midnight hits.
“Happy anniversary, y/n.” “Happy anniversary, Iwa.”
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radramblog · 3 years
Rating the letters of the alphabet
I feel like part of my style of comedy is just rambling about shit and making loose connections between things as part of an overall bit. I think. I’m no expert on myself, unfortunately.
The inspiration for the following absolute load of shite is trying to search Tiermaker for nothing. Like, no characters in the search bar. Didn’t come up with anything. Did a search for just a space. No dice. What about just a? Surely that’ll bring up everything with an A in the title. But it didn’t, and I was somewhat disappointed.
Then my head started writing bits about letters and that’s how we got here. This is probably really stupid, but maybe it’ll at least be fun. Wordplay is cool, though maybe not my strong suit? Anyway.
A: A is one of the two letters that’s also just a word, as you’ve just seen, giving it a necessary promotion in rank. Not a lot of things get to double up like that, though with the “an” ligature maybe it’s actually a double or nothing. But because of the confusing common connection crossing contexts for the character, it gets somewhat awkward to talk about the letter in conversation. An A, in my opinion, A does not get. 4/5.
B: B is also just a word letter but unlike A when you write it out you have to stick a few extra letters on to make it work, making it not as good. But B’s association with bees isn’t enough, because in the year of our lord, like, 2019 or something, it would become inextrixably linked with shite memes as the B emoji became king. And I just don’t respect that. It’s otherwise a fine letter, dragged down by its company. 2/5.
C: Oh come on now, the word doesn’t even have a C in it anymore! You can sea the see without any of our tertiary letter’s involvement whatsoever. Not to mention how its two main sounds are just copies from other letters wholesale. C must be confusing to non-english speakers, I’d imagine. C as a grade gets what C as a grade typically entails for many a schoolchild. 3/5.
D: It would be remiss of me not to give a sterling grade to the D. Why, none of us would be here without it. While many a youth may find the D to be quite a humourous subject, I assure you I’m taking it with the gravest of sincerity when I say the D has got to be one of the best letters of all.
And by D I mean deity, of course. Wait, what did you think I meant? 5/5.
E: The absolute absurdity that is the E meme elevates E efficiently enough to excel beyond many another vowel. However, it is also the single most common letter in the English language, going so far as to open the damn name. It’s to the point where someone made a point of writing an entire book without using it, and I think Gadsby is cool but mayhaps avoiding fifth uncial was a bit showy. I can’t help but mark it down for the sake of hipster cred. 3/5.
F: F is for Fuck. I like the word Fuck. F is for paying respects. I think the military-industrial complex has poisoned our cultural landscape to the point that a reference to one of its most prized productions’ awkward moments has become one of the most colloquially used meme letters in existence, And That’s Terrible. 3/5, I’m conflicted.
G: Man literally who the fuck cares about G. What is it even good for. Just an absolute waste of a letter, total shithouse. It’s NATO equivalent is Golf, the Worst Sport, too. Who asked for any of this? Just use a J instead, it’s cooler. 1/5.
H: I’ve seen “Hhh” used enough times in written forms of pornography to not consider it a Horny Letter. That and it, being short for Hentai, is often used to denote adult material in Japan. Basically what im saying is, I think this gets worse the less sex-positive you are. 6/9.
I: I think I’ve said enough about letter words already, but I is another high-tier one because like A I is just it’s own thing. It can also, however, be a bit confusing, looking just like an l a lot of the time, and having to constantly capitalise it is a pain in the ass. I also don’t have a particularly high opinion of myself, so a high opinion of I seems disingenuous. 3/5.
J: Clearly the best letter, hands down. I’m definitely not biased. There are so few letters as underappreciated by J- a fact many a person who’s had to do that “assign yourself an alliterative adjective” icebreaker game has had to reckon with. Because it appears to be a lot more popular with names than with words, and that just kind of sucks. 6/5.
K: K has in some circles managed to bump off its partner to become yet another letter word, though in a very informal abbreviated sense. However, when you’re looking into scientific fields, eventually said partner returns, having lost some weight on the trip down to absolute zero. This all makes complete sense in my head, and I’m sure is a lot less funny to anyone who doesn’t live there. 4/5.
L: I’d argue that L doesn’t cop its namesake. It’s a really useful letter, loads of words use it, especially in pairs, and my ADHD-brain thought it was fun to just say LLLLLLLLLLL for a bit while I was thinking about this so I guess that’s staying in now. Put me down as an L Lobbyist. 4/5.
M: Mmmmmm. M&Ms. But also it’s kind of a pain to write. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. 3/5.
N: I’d like to fight whoever decided we should have two letters that sound so similar right bloody next to each other in the alphabet. Actually, who the fuck even decided the alphabet’s order to begin with? Maybe it should go M to N, that’ll bloody show you. 2/5.
O: Our fourth vowel, and perhaps one of the underappreciated ones. O is similarly a letter word, but a much more common one considering its use as an interjection. It’s also one half of a very powerful letter combo, as we’ll see. 4/5.
P: There’s the other half. Many a joke involves OP as a phrase, whether it mean overpowered or original poster, and the letters’ adjacency is a lovely bit of serendipity. Whenever I say P out loud, on its own, I have to resist the urge to do some incredibly shitty beatboxing, which may or may not be a good sign. 4/5.
Q: I was going to write some very harsh words about Q, and its dependency on U, but then I realised that that is probably hate speech against the disabled. It still sucks, though. 0/5.
R: R is the one I am most struggling to think of things to say about. R is another letter that’s just kinda there. I’m sure the Roberts and Rachels of the world would disagree with me, though. It’s also the name of a program that I know has traumatised a lot of young biologist wannabes, slapping us with a whole pile of maths and statistics when we just wanted to look at cool plants and shit. Or in my case, cool cells and shit. 2/5.
S: The most overrated consonant, but also the thing that makes plurals not a pain in the ass. However I’m going to lean towards giving S a positive rating, if only because it’s associated with snakesssss (and serpentine characters who can talk) and I like those. 3/5.
T: I don’t think T gets enough credit as one of the pillars of the English language. A lot of very common words feature it, and yet it feels like it never gets the same level of credit as big shots like S or half of the vowels. T is like the character actor of the alphabet, is basically what I’m saying. 4/5.
U: Ah, the letter Americans hate for some reason. I think this is actually commentary on the history of American politics. Because throughout history, America has been extremely selfish and self-centered, while attempting to present a positive image that people are finally seeing past. They only entered WWI and WWII when it was convenient for them, they started wars and initiated coups in even their allies for petty ideological reasons, and they’ve gone to war with several countries and funded wars with several others seeming just for shits and giggles. Because apparently if you’re not an American, then you’re not one of them, and that means they hate U. 4/5.
V: I actually think V is underrated. It’s a fun sound. That’s it, no joke here. It’s neat, I like it. 4/5.
W: This may come as a shock to you, but double-u over here is actually two Vs! unless you’re writing in cursive, but fuck cursive. The French actually have it right on this one, naming it double-v (pronounced doobleh-vay). Add in the fact that it’s literally just M upside down, and you’ve got a pretty shite letter. 1/5.
X: There’s a reason literally every “A is for Apple” thing you see made for kids uses Xylophone for X, and that’s because there are no commonly used words that start with it. Seriously, it’s all just scientific terms- I’d argue X-Ray is more common than Xylophone in common parlance, but also, who wants to explain imaging to a kid. It doesn’t even get a second page of words on Dictionary.com. X also has implications as a letter word, that I’d rather avoid at the moment. 2/5.
Y: Ah, Ygreck, everyone’s favourite “what the fuck, France?” moment. Between that and being sorta kinda not really a vowel, Y prompts its own question more often than I’d care to admit. 2/5.
Z: As a (technical) member of the generation associated with this letter- on the one hand, I’m sorry, on the other, y’all have it coming. The final letter of the alphabet, one of the other ones worth 10 in scrabble (and yet X isn’t???), and one we probably got pretty sick of in the early 00s when it was everywhere- ironically, when most of the generation was getting born. 2/5.
And that’s the lot of them. I hope this didn’t alienate any non-English speakers too hard. It’s probably fine.
Join me for more bullshit next time I have another stupid idea. I mean, tomorrow.
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adrrianraines · 5 years
choose me.
—chapter i. | chapter ii. | chapter iii.
genre: romance
fandom: playchoices: the royal romance
pairing: LiamxMC (Riley Brooks)
characters used are owned rightfully by pixelberry. all rights reserved. this is a trr UA (universe alteration) original idea storyline. unlike an AU or Alternate Universe, Universe Alterations or UAs are set in the canon universe, but with "alterations" to accommodate the plot.
grammatical errors, misspellings & typographical errors that i might have overlooked are to be expected. – thank u for doing the proofreading with me, @bi-cookie 😘 really appreciate it. as always, special thanks love. ♡
– of course, hmu if u wanna be tagged for an update! lovely people who wanna be tagged in this mess, thank you! ✨
@miss-raleigh-carrera @sunandlemons @wolfychoices @juminssi @onomatorina @ao719 @vaticanwaltz @texaskitten30 @princess-geek @janezillow @cordoniaqueensworld
Does the walker choose the path, or the path the walker? — Garth Nix, Sabriel (Abhorsen, #1)
Breathe. Calm down. Concentrate.
A King would never falter in the face of adversaries. This is a minor setback. You can fix this.
Braving a face, Liam squared his shoulders, eyes fixated upon his reflection in the mirror. He stood still for a few minutes, trying to make sense of what was happening. Not less than 24 hours ago, he was at home, with a lovely pregnant wife, in Valtoria. And now, by some weird phenomena that he couldn’t fathom, he’s back at exactly where he was before he married his wife.
Riley. Somewhere in New York City.
Sighing, his hands made a quick work of his collar and then his jacket before he proceeded to present himself. Apparently, from what he’d gathered so far, he’s at the exact hotel where he and his friends stayed for vacation in America. Upon reaching the bedroom, he was welcomed by the sight of Drake sitting on one of the sofas, hands carelessly maneuvering the remote control in his hand. Maxwell was on the phone making a call just beside the large curtained windows.
Drake turned towards Liam, his scrutinizing gaze carefully studying the other. Liam assured his friend by giving a small and calm smile before clearing his throat to get Maxwell’s attention. Maxwell turned and raised his hand for a thumbs up while ending the call.
“Great! Tariq’s waiting for us downstairs. We’ll hit the restaurant first then tour New York after!” The Beaumont Lord grinned and strode towards the two men. He clapped his hand on Liam’s shoulders and smiled warmly. “I’ll make sure you’ll have the best night of your life, Liam! You’re in for a treat with the great Maxwell Beaumont’s Bachelor Paartttyy Express!”
Liam nodded, still unable to properly process the sudden turn of events. If he wants this figured out, he should gather all clues that would present themselves at his mercy then make use of it to his advantage.
Drake rolled his eyes at the other’s antics before propping himself up. “Guess this is the part where we enthusiastically shout ‘yay’ and hope to have a great time.”
Maxwell feigned an offended gasp. “You’re talking to the greatest entertainment master! Of course you’ll be in for a treat!”
Drake shrugged and moved towards the door. Liam followed silently while trying to recall how his first Bachelor Party went.
He met Riley at a small bar. She was working for that sudden stop they had at his last night in America.
Last Night... Therefore... He has a chance of meeting her tonight!
With a determined resolve, Liam figured a way of how to make sure he meets Riley and recreate the exact same moment of their first encounter. From what he gathered so far, if he was indeed jostled back, he needed to make sure everything played out exactly as what had transpired back then.
He halted, which made the two men stop and turn to look at him in question.
Somehow, they need to really make a stop at her bar. At all costs.
“Maxwell.” Liam’s deep baritone immediately made the other attentive. “I know you’ve got the entire night planned out and I entirely appreciate you for it. But perhaps, we can make a little detour towards a place I want to visit? If the itinerary so graciously allow...”
Drake crossed his arms, interested on how this could be handled. Clearly, he knew that Liam was not the one who would continually insist if the plan didn’t involve a certain matter at hand — considering how Maxwell behaves with regards to events he already have planned out.
Maxwell’s face fell, suddenly feeling sorry. “Aw, man. I know you wanna go to the Statue of Liberty but our time is really limited.”
Liam’s eyes perked up as he smiled. “Oh, no. That’s... not particularly what I have in mind.”
Because he already knew how the night would play out if he laid his cards right.
“This... is your last stop?” Maxwell looked incredulously over Liam, as if he had just knocked his head on the concrete and somehow survived but lost a few brain cells or two after.
“I believe it is a quaint little find.” He commented, his heart hammering loudly in quiet excitement. Riley was only a few meters and a few seconds away from him.
Maxwell grinned brightly. “Quaint? This is fantastic! How were you able to find it? Wait...” Then he eyed Liam suspiciously. “Are you after my own title as the world’s greatest party planner?”
Drake scoffed so hard he ended up coughing. Tariq only rolled his eyes. “I believe Prince Liam would never want such title.”
“Still, I’m impressed.” Drake smiled and nodded towards the entrance of the bar. “A greasy joint with local alcohol. Great find.”
Liam nodded, pleased with how he was able to control the events so far. He religiously followed Maxwell’s itinerary for the night, though he made a few arrangements of what was supposed to happen, such as suggesting the bar ahead of time. Still, he was glad they were able to find themselves outside Riley’s workplace. Just in time like before.
The guys went on ahead with excited chatters, still under the merriment from their previous clamoring adventures before they stumbled upon the bar. Liam remained outside for a bit just to gather his thoughts.
The very idea of the possibility of time travel tugged the back of his mind. After all, surely, he didn’t just dream a fantasy of his own wife and marriage. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be promising for the King of Cordonia to be suffering from such hallucinations. If there were any.
It was real. Even if nobody around him can vouch for it, he was certain. Everything was real.
However, when he finally entered the place, anticipating to see Riley waiting their group just like how it was supposed to be, he paused on his tracks.
The scenario played out differently than before.
“Daniel?” He whispered loud enough that the lad, who if he recalls correctly was Riley’s coworker, could hear. Daniel turned and raised a brow towards Liam, surprised at how he was able to know his name. Which, in due circumstances, sounded suspicious and alarming. Liam clammed his mouth shut but his mind was already in hyper drive. Millions of questions flooded like raging wildfire – and it wasn’t the most ideal set.
“Uh, how can I help you, er, sir...?” Daniel asked just as Maxwell moved to make space for Liam.
It took him quite a bit to process his thoughts but thankfully, he was able to gather himself. “My apologies. I’m with them.” Liam pointed towards their table as Daniel nodded slowly.
“Hey, lots of whiskey, alright?” Drake called in, drawing back Daniel’s attention. The waiter nodded then scrambled to immediately cater the order.
“I suppose a deluxe burger wouldn’t hurt...” Tariq’s disappointed voice said as he laid back against the withered leather couch they were sitting at. Liam gingerly walked over to the empty pace beside Maxwell and sat. Despite the lively chatters of his companions, his mind reeled back to the course of events.
Why was it not Riley who was waiting their table? He was certain that it should’ve been her. After all, how would they meet each other if she was not the one who took care of them? It was the key moment that should happen! Liam clenched his fists in frustration, unable to find answers for his questions.
“Liven up! It’s about damn time you all know how to live like a local.” Drake smirked just as the first round of whiskey were delivered.
Fried food and the faint smoke of something being grilled wafted in the air. Only men stood behind the bar counter.
She was nowhere to be found.
Disappointment and confusion infused in his system due to his inability to correctly follow through the course of events. The men were getting rowdy and they were getting more demanding. When alcohol finally hit his companions’ system and they were starting to loosen up, he stood and excused himself, in the guise of asking about their orders.
He needed to breathe. Without much of a second glance, he went straight towards the door. Liam stepped out to the crisp, chilly night breeze, taking in the glitz and glamour of the city lights before him. But somehow, with no clue to lead him, he felt more alone than when he first came to New York.
It was excruciating, to be feeling both complete helplessness and loneliness in a lively city. Without Riley by his side, with suddenly being thrown into such predicaments, with only so much that he can understand.
Just then, he heard movements from behind, followed by heavy footsteps and a grumbling voice. Alarmed because of his lack of security and in a completely foreign country, he turned to take a look, ready to take action. But to his surprise, it was... completely something else. Or someone.
Liam’s eyes widened in shock that almost knocked his winds out.
The stranger halted, trash dangling midair, mouth in a thin line. 
Liam’s heart pounded rabidly against his chest. It was as if everything zoned out around them.
There was nothing else but the faint sounds of footsteps from the street, a few car horns in the distance and the smooth breeze in the air.
“Riley...” Her named rolled off his tongue, the familiarity almost crushing his rib cage. It was a mix of being excited and being afraid. Riley stared back at him with no hint of recognition. At all. As if he was a stranger she never met in her entire life.
Riley seemed to be taken aback but was quick to recover. She settled the garbage down and cautiously inched away from Liam with her brows furrowed in suspicion.
“Who are you?” Her voice drawled. Liam almost choked. He did his very best to maintain a friendly, neutral expression but his resolve slipped almost immediately.
“I...” He began, only to nimbly locate the correct words he needed to use. He paused as he tried to gather himself. But before he could even speak—
“If you try something funny, I won’t hesitate—” She fired with vitality in her voice it almost made his heart do a somersault.
Liam wanted to laugh at his hasty and unplanned actions. Approach the woman who owns you completely as a stranger she never met in her life, just beside a local dumpster. Brilliant.
“My apologies. I...” Thinking of a quick excuse, he blurted out the very first thing that came to mind. “I was wondering if you needed any help?” He immediately regretted it.
Riley snorted in amusement and Liam wanted to mentally smack himself. Riley still has that effect on him. She was always able to surprise him in more ways than possible, which rendered him speechless half of the time. He’s still undeniably in awe.
“Yeah... right. How gentlemanly of you to offer that to a stranger you met at a dumpster.” Riley laughed and proceeded to throw the garbage bags in the bins. When she finished, she turned to meet Liam’s gaze squarely and crossed her arms over her chest. She raised a brow, as if asking him something.
He swallowed and smiled sheepishly. “Charmed to meet you, then?”
“I’m not sure how you know my name but we can talk out in the front if you’d like.” She gave him a half-smile that made her eyes twinkle.
Liam couldn’t suppress a smile of his own while he gently nodded in agreement. He felt giddy all over, as if his spirits were lifted up in the air.
“That sounds like a good plan.” He chimed.
She grinned. He returned the gesture like a lovesick boy.
“Meet me inside.”
“As you wish.”
And as he followed her inside, he momentarily looked at his reflection on the mirrored windows of the bar. He paused in his tracks, almost too tired of the many surprises he’s had.
For there was the very same rectangular-shaped bar just a few inches on top of his head, but somehow, unlike Maxwell’s and Drake’s, his was filled with a quarter of color red.
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calliefm · 4 years
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( sydney sweeney, cisfemale ) hey ! have you seen CALLIOPE ‘ CALLIE ’ MACDERMOT around ? SHE works at the HOT COCOA STAND at big bear resort, but they must be off their shift by now. well, if you do see them can you let me know ? they’re 22 years old & they’ve been working here for ONE YEAR. they tend to be +CREATIVE & +SELFESS, but can also be -LAZY & -IRRESPONSIBLE. the other employees have labeled them THE MALINGERER. thanks a lot ! ( oversize hoodies, first sip of coffee , cold side of the pillow , high ponytail , winterfresh gum, & smell of paint )
hey folks ! i’m very excited to get this group going, i’m a big sucker for simple plots and it’s my favorite season ! i apologize in advance for callie though ! i’m 𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑟𝑎𝑛 by the way ! i’m 𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦𝑜𝑛𝑒 years old and i go by the 𝑠ℎ𝑒/ℎ𝑒𝑟 pronouns ! i can’t wait to meet everyone and get this lil group going !
i formally introduce to you — 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘤𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘰𝘵, big bear’s 𝚕𝚘𝚌𝚊𝚕 𝚒𝚍𝚒𝚘𝚝 !
callie macdermot was born in boulder, co to jennifer baker and james o’connell. here’s the catch... jennifer was a freshmen in university when she became pregnant with callie. jennifer took the year off when she found out, not telling her mother and working many side jobs to keep her small flat with her boyfriend ( james ). they thought they were going to keep the baby and live this happy life, but jennifer began to wonder if they were able to even take care of the child. this was what caused problems in their relationship and it honestly became pretty toxic. by her third trimester, jennifer and james were on and off a lot. it was off when callie was born. by that time, james wasn’t there to convince jennifer to keep the child so the papers were signed and callie was put up for adoption !
it was only a month until callie was adopted by a loving family in big bear. her parents were officially emma and benjamin macdermot. emma and benjamin had been struggling to conceive, and officially made the decision to adopt a baby around the time callie was born ( kinda perfect right ? ). her parents were pretty well known around town. they were also high school sweethearts, went to college together, and graduated together. her mother works as a primary teacher and her dad is a head chef at a restaurant on the outskirts of town.
it was a pretty picture perfect life for callie. she loved her parents and they loved her, even through her being a complete terror growing up. callie was a ball of energy when she was young. she was constantly bouncing off the walls, asking questions, getting into slight trouble, and all that ! as annoying as she got... she was adorable and she had an ebullient smile that was irresistible.  
she wasn’t used to change. everyone was always just there for her. she lived in the same house her whole life. she walked the same streets everyday. she saw the same faces on the street. she hung out with the same group of friends since kindergarten. but stuff started to change when the beginning of year 9 when her friend sat her down and decided to let her know that they don’t want to hang out with callie anymore. there was no explanation for it, it was just petty teenage drama, but it oddly broke callie for the time being.
her friend group had been with her for such a long time, it sort of shaped her personality. but, by the end of year 9, she realized who she was with them wasn’t her. she didn’t want to wear skirts to school, she didn’t like to gossip or constantly talk about boys, she didn’t want to wear an insane amount of bronzer on her face. so ! after the break, callie 2.0 made her very first appearance — with a big sweater, comfortable jeans, glasses snugged on her nose, and a bright face ready to just do her.
with her new persona, you’ll easily learn she’s pretty lazy. she will fall asleep on the stairs if she’s too tired to climb up the stairs to go to bed. she’s fallen asleep on the easel while she began to take up a new hobby ( art ! ) but callie is also insanely bright ! she has pulled straight a’s throughout high school career and had taken an interest in the brain. she’s literally taken all the brain cells yall... blame callie
when it came to choosing an university, she knew she didn’t want to go too far from big bear because she definitely would have separation anxiety from her parents. the decision came down to picking the best financial route and big bear community college was it ! she decided to go with a biology major her first year, but after taking a psychology course, she quickly switched over to a psychology major after her first year.
𝙍 𝙄 𝙂 𝙃 𝙏   𝙉 𝙊 𝙒
she’s currently a junior and still a psych major ! she lives in an apartment near the resort and also the community college ! her parents don’t live too far, and since she adores them you know she’ll be making constant visits ! she definitely cooks for every hang out because she picked up a few things from papa chef ! and atm she’s thinking about picking up an art major since she’s been really into it lately !
she works at the hot cocoa stand in the snow bowl ! she’s constantly making new flavors and such so feel free to stop by the stand to try her concoction !
let me start off by saying that she’s probably the sleepiest person you’ll ever meet ! if you don’t know where she is, you’ll figure that she’s in her room catching some zs. callie is also very lazy and will ask you to give her the remote even though it’s two feet away. when she’s down for it, callie definitely knows how to have a good time, you just gotta drag her out of her room to get that slakfjds
and even though she’s insanely book smart, i can assure you she’s one of the biggest idiots you’ll ever meet. she’s do the dumbest shit like almost burn down the kitchen bc she forgot to put water in her mac n cheese n left the stove on
is weed allowed to be a personality trait too ? because that’s a thing with callie ! she is almost constantly high it’s kinda bad, but she’s not annoying about it ! some people probably doesn’t even know she smokes weed because even without it she’s just ... like that
𝙍 𝘼 𝙉 𝘿 𝙊 𝙈   𝙁 𝘼 𝘾 𝙏 𝙎
callie works at the big bear resort at the hot cocoa stand ! she does a lot of dumb shit there so enjoy her stories and often leaves the stand unattended when it’s not too busy ! if your chara works on the slopes, i can assure you she’ll throw at least one snowball at them a day
she tends to make those really tiny paintings and gives them to her friends and random people on the street
someone tell her to buy a new pair of converse because she’s had the same pair since year 10
she’s addicted to getting small pointless, but cute tattoos
she has never opened a wine bottle normally. she has a little game with herself where each time she opens a bottle, she has to try opening it with a new object ( a key, knife, spoon, lighter, shoe, etc )
she’s REALLY good at procrastinating. her best works comes out with 5 cups of coffee and at 5 am the morning it’s due
callie has never lost a game of rock paper scissors and she literally bought herself a trophy for it
she makes an insanely good alcoholic hot chocolate and will only make it for someone if it’s their birthday or they practically beg her
she had no idea how to put on makeup, she always has a friend do it for her when they’re going out oR she’ll have a ugly eyeliner and unblended foundation
stays up allllll night listening to true crime podcasts or watching paranormal youtube videos! and she really believes in aliens
she’s broken her glasses at least 5 times in the past year but she doesnt like contacts because she’s too scared to try to touch her eye, so when u see her without her glasses you’ll know she definitely cant see
she visits her parents every other week or so because (1) she misses them and (2) she needs to do laundry and her mom or dad will 10/10 do it for her because she’s baby ! but she really does miss them often and will randomly go to her home to just sit with them
i think that’s all i can say for now folks ! if you made it to the end, i love you so much ! here’s coupons for michael’s craft store in return !
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coolcombined-blog · 4 years
tundo tundo with plane
Wasechopo podi, dark inside and its 4 long hours bro
Pod onyas oketo aketa timbaland magik kaa mbele? Asking Eunice. To pod jeremy baya baya, sophy wacho ni nonene bangkok airport kose en-ngamatransfigure kaka kevi not kebi wacho.
To minaj podo keto sunga mbele, ambela, asking moreen. Minaj u mean u still ride in harlem or seen in Jamaica walking, u mean u have not settled niki?
After people move out of carli coz rightnow it aint Gold rush anymore, we have known how Gold is artificially made even with brown mafi or fece. Go to the less populated counties coz even mexicans want already built things dat texas and carli was mexico coz its built not knowing it was built with artificially made chemical and foods as oil etc which they can take away and the state got nothing. Anyway its a bad character to people who want free things or already made things from people to the point of putting up a fight. Mexican this a lesson and u r of bad character even sponsoring people to kill people who wanna go to the USA. Shame on u guys!!! Lazarus and Nebuchadnezzar parable. Click the link below 4 more
The people who now terrorize others in secrecy are people with “masikio popo”, keep in mind u r few and many can annihilate ya. Side effect they want people by force, their women, failure they ambush ya not knowing their male kids r of bad character and they want to champion dat as well as turkana blooded tribe like kikuyu and tz, they are know with straight face bone. Tall slander people r of many tribes like togo people or kalenjin or some sa tribes, moreover togo tribes have swollen eyelids and thats the distinction. You wanna eat my food and u got yours, then if i refuse u organise an ambush bro, failure to eat u die, u want the same the masai or trukana blooded tribes like the luo or Gikuyu, big shame bro. Most Ethipians got as well trukana blooded and in kenya they are sponsoring such explained vices above bro out of investigation.
When 1 walk like a toddler with mafi smeared on the booty like squatted it gives u the flashback as bad sides of ya life ya life guilt bro. Click the link below to see the photo which got that picture.
Now they got electric generator EG, where a motor which uses a wet cell rotates the stater and when their is power you charge the battery to be used when the power goes off bro to eliminate the gasoline 1.
The wanting to eat ya food type is so sickening to the point u see yaself in a casket as the beautiful thing, in dat u dont wanna wake up early in the morning thinking now they will spare u but not Or not go to work or any institution, kinda, u wanna stick alone and i bet it equips ya and its a blessing in disguise dude. Click the link below 4 more, the 2 smoking and casket behind bro
Walking in dat position and its used as well to make gadget as another method and cia tell people to employ dat to remember things as flashback
come up with another website which aint known by many to post such photos to bring class where people dont share or known not and its typical for sex and beauty.
Women with slightly not flat forehead or protruding 4head are kisii blooded, dont go 4 pussy as it can be bought but dont change identity as face, the pussy is so sweet such, they as well got malawi blood.
Check on my following followers bro
Youtube check how to find people who are following another tumblr a/c and remember to google url/link to find what it is dude, stop disturbance
This should be introduced to cut fare by upto 80% in all major cities, got solar panel as well on top. Click the link below 4 more
Have gotten ya mini gas mask, Eunice asking kebi, I brought u 1, enyalo mwagas samolo amolo assures his neighbor delanu. Click the link below 4 more
Even many Latinos are trukana blooded, women perfectly understand but men wired in character, they are good in their own bro. Just fuck and leave, stop love dat give rise to bad kids lest u r killed.
Click the link below 4 more durable speakers, they had it from long but hid it from us as china unleash theirs, so their is no meaning of hording them
Check on my following followers bro
Youtube check how to find people who are following another tumblr a/c and remember to google url/link to find what it is dude, stop disturbance
This should be introduced to cut fare by upto 80% in all major cities, got solar panel as well on top. Click the link below 4 more
Have gotten ya mini gas mask, Eunice asking kebi, I brought u 1, enyalo mwagas samolo amolo assures his neighbor delanu. Click the link below 4 more
Even many Latinos are trukana blooded, women perfectly understand but men wired in character, they are good in their own bro. Just fuck and leave, stop love dat give rise to bad kids lest u r killed.
Click the link below 4 more durable speakers, they had it from long but hid it from us as china unleash theirs, so their is no meaning of hording them
Small electric gadgets are made walking with stuck fece on the booty like discman, stereos, small hospital machines, watches etc
With ya rudeness just continue to play ya harp to dat cow or cattle kinda, it means they dont listen or understand but want their own, kinda they wanna direct ya like they know a lot yet none. The time of reckoning is right now bro, eat ya rudeness, or earn points on ya tough headeness bro, speak dude
Google E-bikes, motor bikes and vehicles dude 4 more, stop many words bro
make money link below                                                      
The song in the above link, she gave me dat thing and i did not hesitate, i hit/pump it to my capacity all night and the better part of the morning b4 she reported to her work bro. Wasee nikupiga kupiga, u can even buy all body parts, even to transform ya from white to black and vice versa, no kidding bro. Kebi did exactly dat
Click the dream house above imported from mexico
Scorpio my month, piyo, first, cold man, scores, scorsica isle
Even big buttock TV are made with dough and the best, so they have that in mind with Negros. Instead of claiming Kansas they wanna come to Kenya to make gadgets wid tea, which are shinny as easy to identify so not bought by grown ups as dough ones are dull liked by grown ups period. They want to pick tea illegally and they know we know dat but still going ahead bro.
The speakers with good mood in the link below are made using Egg shell as well as tiles that dont change your brain or carpet, cassava or potato peel as well as banana or any other peel as waste product bro, fallen wood/tree not cut or Autum leaves in Temperate lands bro and the best for woody products. Click the link below 4 more
Kebi en whoyi madung ma mande otimo yier, says kevin, simdogo tena. Eh x3 utters Magdalin, “mande opongo lwete, basi adwale, nyise“
Rain come past clouds they say and make rain to disturb people with yet them they hide/safe in their business premises yet controlled drone via a computer takes the drone above the cloud like 2-18 km but still the wireless camera on dat drone captures the rain. Question is dat where is the rain coming from past the cloud. Friends lets be real and lenient. They are 3rd world and they cant tell us nothing but now fitina of this and that bro. Stop ya nuisance Mr Hindu.
Click the link below 4 more, it takes less time if the tap below the moon is open to fall on earth as rain but plane run upto 10 km above the earth crust but still inside it when its rainy u see no cloud.
The baganda people can be more of Guards than Masai or trukana, they think is them alone can stand on 2 feet 4 along time or walk distances
Click the dream house above imported from mexico
Scorpio my month, piyo, first, cold man, scores, scorsica isle
Even big buttock TV are made with dough and the best, so they have that in mind with Negros. Instead of claiming Kansas they wanna come to Kenya to make gadgets wid tea, which are shinny as easy to identify so not bought by grown ups as dough ones are dull liked by grown ups period. They want to pick tea illegally and they know we know dat but still going ahead bro.
The speakers with good mood in the link below are made using Egg shell as well as tiles that dont change your brain or carpet, cassava or potato peel as well as banana or any other peel as waste product bro, fallen wood/tree not cut or Autum leaves in Temperate lands bro and the best for woody products. Click the link below 4 more
Kebi en whoyi madung ma mande otimo yier, says kevin, simdogo tena. Eh x3 utters Magdalin, “mande opongo lwete, basi adwale, nyise“
Rain come past clouds they say and make rain to disturb people with yet them they hide/safe in their business premises yet controlled drone via a computer takes the drone above the cloud like 2-18 km but still the wireless camera on dat drone captures the rain. Question is dat where is the rain coming from past the cloud. Friends lets be real and lenient. They are 3rd world and they cant tell us nothing but now fitina of this and that bro. Stop ya nuisance Mr Hindu.
Click the link below 4 more, it takes less time if the tap below the moon is open to fall on earth as rain but plane run upto 10 km above the earth crust but still inside it when its rainy u see no cloud.
The baganda people can be more of Guards than Masai or trukana, they think is them alone can stand on 2 feet 4 along time or walk distances
Once u know how to make every gadget there is no developing or developed nation as both can make de same, the only import is original 1 and food that u dont produce. So nations that produce foods which other lacks but its artificial 1 is disatrous as to the teeth or cancerous have the day if the artificial 1 has less side effect is still worse, like artificial wheat denatures the teeth quickly while tea, u must drink when warn same as to when hot destroy the enamel period. Stop ya games dat Africa got the most developing economies. If u were relying on oil as pride like sudan, arabs, Trukana, Nigeria got to think twice we got E-bikes bro
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arkangel246-blog · 5 years
i’m not sure how to go about this, so i’m just gonna start & see where it takes me.  i’m going thru some serious depression right now.  if i told you everything i’ve been thru you’d more than likely accuse me of lying; no one person could possibly have dealt with so much.  that almost sounds like bragging, but believe me,  it’s not.  i definitely wonder why i’m still here, if not for some ‘purpose,’ but it all feels pretty pointless much of the time.  
i’m a 59 yr old mother of 2 sons, 2 almost-grown grandsons, and a lot of what’s eating at me right now is the fact that Mom’s Day (AND my b-day last month) came & went without more than a ‘happy birthday’ post from my daughter-in-law.   my youngest son hasn’t had anything to do with me for so long i didn’t expect anything from him, but usually my oldest will at least text me.  he did, after all, move me from the okc metro a few years ago 2 hours northeast to be closer to ‘family.’   at this point i’m not quite sure who’s pulling away from whom.  i just know i feel like an orphan without children, without family of any kind, and i don’t know how to really change anything.   people have said, ‘i’d go camp out on MY child’s front yard until we worked thru things!’ but i guess i’m afraid it might push them away even farther, and i guess i also feel responsible.  but part of me is also screaming that i haven’t seen a bar, dated any more creeps, or been 5150′ed in a decade so you’d think that’d count for something,  right?  
where to begin?  i guess we can work backwards, & start with telling you about my last marriage.  and i DO mean, LAST.  
i met kyle in october, ‘01, and like so many, i really thought i’d found my knight in shining armor.  a co-worker introduced us,  telling me, ‘he owns an OIL company, just built a new house, and is SOOO nice!  you really HAVE to meet him!’  a week later we were inseparable, picking out a ring that shocked even his mother who said, ‘he must REALLY love you, because he’s TIGHT!” (meaning he was cheap. i had no clue... truly).   i knew he drank every day, and truthfully, i liked to drink too, so it sorta seemed to be a match made in heaven (or hell).  but i soon came to realize he generally started drinking before noon (running a company provided him that option), and nothing i could say could convince him to wait til later in the day.  i could never drink every day, & seeing him passed out every night before the sun went down got old fast.  when i met his folks i quickly realized it was a learned habit.  his mom & dad, who’d handed the company over to kyle & his brother so they could retire, did the same, to the point of being insulted if you didn’t choose to drink with them at family get-togethers, no matter how early in the day.  so who was i to go against family tradition?  
we hadn’t been married more than a few months the first time he threw what would become his grown-ass-man, 2 yr old tantrum.  he jumped up & down, spat and frothed at the mouth through bared teeth, and called me the name i came to be known by almost daily:  worthless, piece of sh!t, C-U-Next-Tuesday.  my transgression?  an ANA autoimmune tests for lupus/sjogrens/scleroderma, (one, or the other or any combination) had come back positive causing my insurance premium to more than triple, which in turn affected the small business’s employees’ premiums.  
now any ‘normal’ person would’ve run like hell at that point.  keyword being ‘normal,’  of course.  it’s funny how you can think a previous husband has been ‘abusive,’  until you actually marry someone who makes the one before seem like Winnie the Pooh.   i don’t know the exact moment i started believing i could ‘fix’ him  --- that i could do this, that or the other thing well enough that he wouldn’t beat the hell outta me, but in less than a year i’d begun begging ambulance drivers to take me to different ER’s because so many of the doctors were all-too-familiar with me.  i know this was after one repeat ER doctor refused to treat me again, storming out of the area voicing loudly, ‘the women who go back to these men DESERVE what they get.’   that time i called a cab, tucked my tail between my legs, & yes, went back home to him feeling like surely i HAD done something to deserve it or that doctor really wouldn’t have said so.  
after EMG tests were positive for nerve damage in my arms & legs, & i was put in arm splints and prescribed a ton of neurontin, i moved into the 2nd bedroom.  we had gone through a brief separation, both filing for divorce, but a combination of not really having anywhere to go & being so sick (both physically AND emotionally) i found myself back with him (1st of many times).  now here’s a word of warning for anybody who might be in similar circumstances at some point.  if you reunite with a spouse and drop divorce proceedings, LISTEN when your attorney tells you to make certain he ALSO drops the divorce WITH PREJUDICE; i did not.  never in my wildest dreams did i consider that someone who ‘loved’ me so much could possibly put the screws to me, until, a couple months later he called me from the master bedroom to say, ‘SURPRISE! i DIVORCED YOUR ASS on tuesday!  how’s it feel?’  
during a time when i was almost bedfast he’d gone back to court, had his friends testify against me claiming that i chose not to show up, and yes, the divorce was final.  since i had been served months before when we both had filed for divorce and his attorney had dismissed the proceedings WITH PREJUDICE, he was able to completely finalize it without my knowledge whatsover.   and it didn’t hurt that his company had an attorney on the payroll.  
there were times when i believed he wanted me around as long as he wasn’t responsible for my bills & i didn’t cost him very much.  i cooked, cleaned, & took excellent care of endless cats he & a friend continued to bring in.  i’ll never understand why he did this.  i learned at one point that he had kicked his 1st wife’s small dog to death years before when she went out with girlfriends he hadn’t approved of, so why he was so good with all these cats i’ll never know.  at one point we were up to 11 of them, 100% indoors, with white carpet, and in able to do all that needed done i was being prescribed almost every controlled substance there was.  i bathed several each month, while he’d toss an old towel on top of any hacked hairballs indicating that i had a mess to clean up.    
after our divorce was done without my knowledge i did get an attorney who was going to re-file & make the judge aware of what he’d done, but he agreed at that time to pay for everything until my disability went through, which he did. we hadn’t been legally married long enough that he might’ve been required to do even that much, so i accepted that.  he paid for a halfway decent apartment on the southwest side, but even then, he continued to come over when he felt the need to ‘vent.’   i had barely had the utilities turned on when it all went sideways & to this day i don’t know how he didn’t kill me.   i knew from past experience he was going to get my phone when he headed towards the bedroom so i tried to get past him before he could.   my next thought was, ‘he’s really killed me this time,’  when i found myself sliding upside down on the wall, coming down hard on my head.  it’s the only time in my life when i really had that slow motion experience so many speak of.  surprisingly i was able to shake my head and found myself alive, slowly able to get up with him screaming, ‘get the F up!  i never F-ing touched you!’  his perfect handprint was left in purple on my upper arm by the next day, along with a purple ridge along my back ribs from a ridge between the kitchen and pantry where i’d been thrown.  i was able to get him out of the apartment that night, thanking all the powers that be that i was ‘ok,’  only to go down like a ton of bricks the next day in the parking lot.  i heard and felt a loud POP in my neck....  like a rubber band popping...   and after some maneuvering showed i wasn’t gonna be able to even get on my hands & knees to crawl neighbors carried me back inside and called 9-1-1.  
tests showed a bone fragment in the sub-arachnoid space at the base of my skull, & i was in & out of a wheelchair for quite a while.  doctors knew my situation, and just sorta avoided the expected questions probably figuring i’d lie anyway.  the truth was my disability had yet to come through at that time, and if i’d put him in jail for that i’d have been homeless.  HOMELESS, with very limited use of my arms & legs even after all the cervical epidurals allowable and tons of physical therapy.   my mother had visited once long enough to assure me that i’d have to go into a nursing home if i stayed in the wheelchair because she wasn’t able (or willing) to take care of me.  so i taped a cell to myself at times to keep it within arm’s reach, and crawled to clean the litter box & feed myself for a while, but somehow, i regained the use of everything in time.  
except my brain.  if i hadn’t proven to be a total idiot already i’d claim landing on my head caused brain damage.  
not too long after my disability was approved while in the same apartment i found myself in a different kind of fight.  i took trash out to the dumpster around the corner - and i thought i locked the door behind me.  i generally did, but honestly, i still don’t know for sure.  i came back into the apartment & down the hallway into my bedroom where somebody grabbed the back of my head ramming me headfirst into a full-length mirror shattering it.   the next thing i remembered was waking up in the hallway in a mess of goo and yuck, disoriented, trying to figure out what had happened.  every movement hurt like hell, and once in the bathroom i saw my face was cut & bruised, & could feel other injuries starting to sting.   i cleaned up blood & the broken mirror pieces, took a bath & when i started to realize what had happened, called my son.  “It was KYLE, Mom.  KYLE did this!’  he said when i told him i thought i’d been raped.  i promised him i’d call 911, which i did, and a complete rape kit was done along with over 200 pictures taken.   afterwards i called Kyle & told him i’d been raped, and he simply hung up the phone.  did he HEAR me? it wasn’t unusual for him to be so drunk by that time of night i couldn’t even understand him, and sometimes he had just hung up on me or passed out on the phone.   one thing i DID know is that he was impotent.  i had been torn vaginally AND rectally, and he had pretty much zero interest in sex, so i couldn’t fathom how he might’ve been responsible for this.   so without another phone call to him, i made arrangements to move out of state nearer my kids into a secure apartment bldg.  as we were leaving town my son called him to say we’d left cats in the apartment and i was gone.  
you’d think that would’ve been the end of Kyle & me, wouldn’t you? but no.  if i’d been smart, you bet, but nobody ever accused me of having good sense.  
long before he & i were really over a warrant was issued for his arrest for sexual assault, i had to plead his case & his innocence fearing for my life.  i’d shoot up his house and be 5150′ed when i couldn’t quite bring myself to blow my brains out with a 9mm.  i’d called my sons that horrific night begging them to tell me they loved me at which time 1 said, ‘you’ve got a wrong number’,  and the other said, ‘go for it, Mom.’   it was several more years before i finally did leave with bruising severe enough to require a CT scan of my face.   PTSD has been added to my list of maladies & i wake up screaming on a fairly regular basis, the nightmares i can remember too gruesome for words.   kyle drank himself to death a couple years ago, and oddly enough, even though i hadn’t had any contact with him in 5 yrs i knew when he died.  i woke up middle of the night with something telling me to google his full name, & when i did i found a classified with his sister handling his estate, the company attorney listed as well.   when i emailed his longtime drinking buddy i was told kyle had ‘gone off the deep end,’  and that house he’d demanded i keep the white carpet pristine in had been 3 feet deep in beer cans when he was found 5-6 days after his apparent demise.  i’m guessing the cats feasted on his meaty parts.  
my doctor asked me recently how i felt when i learned of his death, & i told him that i’d cried.  the man had never owned a ‘used’ car,  or lived in anything except new homes.  he’d been handed an oil & gas company right out of college that was barely getting by, most likely because both he & his brother were drunk daily before noon.   it was just a total waste of a life that could’ve been used to do so much good.  a complete & total waste.  
the day i had someone helping me get my things to leave kyle had come into the house from the back alley with his buddy way earlier than usual, and taken off in his buddy’s truck like lightning seeing me packing.  i’d already gotten an emergency protective order but with the garage on the alley he’d had no way of knowing i hadn’t just eaten a few extra oxy’s and passed back out (typical) after i kneed him in the groin to get him off me, his hands from around my throat.    it wasn’t unusual for kyle & his buddy to drink in the garage daily, after about 3 or so, but it was noon when they’d come in.  i remembered sending kyle & his buddy pics of my swelling face the night before, telling them,  ‘never again.  he’s never gonna touch me or anybody else again.’  my knees went a little weak recalling the usual threats.  he’d told me over & over again how easy it’d be for my body to disappear, that it would make something called ‘condensate’ and nobody would ever find me when i was disposed of at a well site.  i couldn’t help but wonder if this was that time.  
there are probably still people surprised that i finally left and stayed gone, but that was 7 1/2 years ago & somehow the thought of what might have been kept me away.   he’d sent me a friend request the summer before his death, which i promptly deleted.  DELETE, DELETE, DELETE.  no, thank, you.  
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jarienn972 · 5 years
Curse of Undoings - part 2
I had this chapter already completed so I decided to go ahead and post it before the weekend. Things are going to escalate quickly here so again, fair warning is being provided as things are not going to be pleasant for Killian. I rated this M for a reason as this installment gets a bit more violent and I’m going to add trigger warnings for torture.  Also on AO3 and FF.net  (Part 1)
Tagging @killian-whump and @hookaroo for part 2.  If anyone else would like to be tagged for updates, please let me know!
The interrogation room, in reality just another dingy prison cell with more shackles and chains, was two doors down from the cell Killian had been sequestered in. They appeared to be part of a subterranean complex of shadowy corridors, but Killian had no idea how far they might extend, nor would he be allowed to speculate as he was forcefully pushed inside the second room. Another man whose face Killian recognized, but whose name escaped him, was already present inside the narrow chamber but Emma hadn't yet joined them.
As Gideon still held the taser against a patch of skin beneath the ragged hem of the tee-shirt Killian wore, the other man reached out to take hold of the padlock fastening the shackle around Killian's wrist and yanked the prisoner into the center of the room where a series of rusting iron chains hung suspended from the ceiling. The anonymous man then took a step up onto a wooden stool positioned beside his feet and waited for Gideon to once again release the steel padlock. Once open, Killian's wrist was dragged above his head and the u-shaped portion of the lock was passed through one of the links of a chain before being snapped securely closed. His prisoner now restrained to the chain, Gideon tucked away the stun gun and went to work getting Killian fully prepared for his interrogation. His assistant held another chain in place next to the prisoner as Gideon took hold of the open shackle that hung at the end of the second chain. The Deputy then wrapped his fingers around Killian's bicep, forcing the pirate's truncated arm into the air as he clasped the shackle around the widest part of Killian's upper arm, making sure it was tight enough that the prisoner couldn't pull free before snapping a padlock on this restraint.
Killian now found himself uncomfortably, and quite vulnerably, suspended from the ceiling, feeling a tug on the ankle shackle. He couldn't quite see what his captors were doing but seconds later, as another shackle was snapped onto his left ankle, Killian gained a fair idea of what to prepare for, hearing more chains being dragged across the concrete. Soon, he found both legs restrained with cumbersome cuffs and tethers that left little room for movement, clearly meant to prevent him from kicking his interrogators and it became abundantly clear that the so-called interrogation would be little more than a torture session. But who would be the one administering the torture? Gideon? The Black Fairy herself? Emma?
His question was immediately answered as Emma entered the room carrying a black leather satchel that assuredly would contain the implements of his torture. Her long, blonde locks had been pulled back into a ponytail and her demeanor seemed calm, despite what she was planning to do. She placed the satchel atop a rickety bench next to the wall opposite her prisoner and began to roll up the sleeves of her pale blue blouse. Her back to him, Killian swallowed hard as the realization sunk in that his own bride would be the one interrogating him and his brain scrambled to come up with a way to get through to her. Was there a way to get through these awful false memories the curse had implanted in her?
She gestured to the nameless assistant to leave the room as her deputy retreated back to the wall, remaining as a spectator as he was well aware that his Sheriff preferred the personal touch in her interrogations. She retrieved a pair of black leather gloves from her satchel and pulled them on as she went about her first task – making certain that her prisoner was fully restrained by giving each chain a kick or a tug.
"Emma, you don't have to do this…" Killian virtually begged as she tested the tightness of the shackle affixed to his bicep. "This is all a curse…This isn't you…"
"You're awfully sedate for a cold-blooded killer," she hissed into his ear. "We'll see how long that lasts…"
"This isn't you!" Killian repeated, more forcefully this time. "But I won't fight you, Love."
"I'm not your Love, you bastard!" she shouted as she delivered a hard right to his jaw. "You'll address me as Sheriff or ma'am or I'll give you reason to remember how to speak to me!"
"Emma…" The mere mention of her name from his lips earned him a heavy blow to the stomach that had him straining against the chains and struggling not to vomit.
"Don't you dare call me by my first name again!" she spat into his face. Clearly, whatever this curse had done to her memories, she only saw him as a murderer. This was going to be a far more difficult task than he'd hoped. "Now, you should understand by this point that I can make this extremely painful for you. You either answer my questions or I make you hurt. Oh, and it doesn't matter how much or how loud you scream. There's no one around who can hear you except Gideon and he'll do whatever I tell him to do, understand?"
He didn't really. "I don't know what you want from me, Sheriff…" Killian sighed, knowing only that her false memories had something to do with a belief that her parents were dead – and apparently, by his hand.
"Tell me what you did to my parents," she demanded.
"I've no idea. Last I saw them, they were very much alive and well," Killian answered truthfully as another punch to the solar plexus shook him.
"My parents were viciously murdered ten years ago yesterday, but you already know that since you were the one responsible!"
"Is that what you've been led to believe? I assure you, I've done nothing…" Killian braced himself for another blow, but instead, Emma took a step back.
"Cut open his shirt," she ordered her deputy who nodded as he withdrew a short dagger he'd had tucked into his boot. Gideon grasped a fistful of Killian's shirt to pull it taut as he drew the blade through the fabric in a jagged line from collar to hem until the front hung open and laid his chest bare. He then stepped behind Killian and repeated the process with the back of the shirt, the sheared fabric now hanging from the prisoner's shoulders. His job complete for the moment, Gideon stepped wordlessly away as Emma turned back to face the husband she didn't remember, tapping an eighteen-inch long, narrow bamboo baton against her gloved hand. Killian now realized he was facing a caning and was well aware of the horrors that would entail.
She drew the tip of the baton through the dark hair covering his chest almost seductively, but it was pure hatred, not lust, that Killian saw in her eyes before she moved to his back, slapping the baton against his shoulder blade to test its snap.
"The recognition I just saw in your eyes told me that you know what this is and what I intend to do with it if you don't answer sufficiently," Emma said as Killian threw his eyes skyward as though pleading to some unseen force to rescue him because he knew there was no way he could give the answers she sought. She'd beat him to a bloody pulp before conceding he couldn't provide her answers, but now she continued. "Ten years ago, you sailed into this town, a wanted thief, and you encountered my father, the previous Sheriff. He asked you, a would-be pirate who even called himself Hook, to get the hell out of Storybrooke, but instead of leaving, you defied him. What the hell brought you here? What did you expect to find out except more trouble?"
"I've no idea," Killian repeated with a sigh as the first crack of the baton slashed across the unprotected skin of his back. He hissed and bit back a yelp at the sting, pulling hard on his restraints, but not crying out.
"Don't lie to me, Hook. You wanted something or you wouldn't have come to such a small town. What was it?" She repeated her demand but once again, he could only reply that he didn't know which garnered another blow and another angry welt. "Why did you kill them? What did they do to you?" And again, his refusal to give her the answers she wanted brought another strike from the baton, this one breaking through the skin as it made her even angrier. "You really don't want to make his easy for yourself, do you?" she asked rhetorically as she prepared to try a different tactic. "Fine – you don't want to talk, you don't have to…" she applied three more swats in rapid succession to his already bleeding back as her prisoner writhed and screamed in agony at the assault. Killian had tried to hold back as long as he could, but finally broke as the flesh of his back was repeatedly split open by the lash of her baton.
He couldn't give her anything she sought so all he could do was take the onslaught she inflicted. After six harsh, painful blows to his bare skin, he was already slumping against the chains, but he knew her tenacity. She wouldn't give up so easily. "I swear to you," Killian choked out his words. "I've done nothing you believe I've done. It's all a lie…"
"The only one lying is you!" she growled as her seventh and eighth blows tore open more flesh. The searing pain burned through his skin as stars blurred his vision. Were he not suspended by the chains, he would have collapsed into a heap at her feet, barely able to maintain consciousness. She finally stepped back around to face her battered, but still belligerent prisoner, grasping his chin roughly in her gloved hand, forcing him to look her in the eye. "You're tougher than I thought, but we're far from done here."
"You just don't know what you're doing…" Killian squeaked out as a stream of bloody saliva spilled over the lip he'd bitten more than once.
"Oh, I know exactly what I'm doing," she hissed. " and since you're not wanting to talk – Gideon, gag him and put him back in his cell."
"Swan – please!" Killian pleaded yet again as Deputy Gideon approached him and a device fashioned from leather straps and steel rings was yanked harshly over his head. A rubber bit was forced between his teeth and the leather straps were tugged into position across his cheeks, under his jaw and over the crown of his head before being secured with a series of buckles and locks at the back of his skull and at the nape of his neck. He tried to push against the invasive gag with his tongue, but it wouldn't budge, adding a new level of humiliation and torture to his captivity.
Killian watched with tear-swollen eyes as Emma peeled off her blood-splattered gloves, depositing them and the baton back into her satchel. The assistant, whose name still evaded Killian, hurried to unlock the ankle shackles while Gideon stood atop the stool this time unfastening the chains above. Their prisoner dropped to the concrete floor, offering no resistance as they dragged him down the corridor to his own cell. His ankle and wrist shackles were immediately re-attached to their chains, tethering him back to the ring but even in his semi-conscious state, Killian noticed there was a third chain. He expected it would soon weigh down his other ankle, but his eyes widened as the assistant hefted a large collar fashioned from two-inch wide, hinged crescents of shiny steel which he positioned around Killian's neck while Gideon dragged the chain toward it and secured the collar's latch to the tether with another padlock. Gideon then shoved his prisoner face down onto the cot, ensuring that the weight of the chain would fall directly onto the raw, torn and bleeding skin of Killian's back.
Killian yelped and hissed against the gag as gravity drew the iron chain atop him, quickly realizing that the chain his captors had fastened to the thick collar was shorter than the others when the steel suddenly pulled tight against his throat, nearly cutting off his air. His teeth gnashed the bit as he struggled to push himself upright before he choked, his captors chuckling behind him before they slammed the cell door closed, leaving Killian alone, in severe pain and forced to drool over an obnoxious rubber gag that he couldn't force out of his mouth.
What had that damned fairy done to his Emma that would cause her to hate him so thoroughly? What horrid lies filled his beloved's head? And what fresh hell would await him later if Emma didn't regain her own memories?
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mrsmonde-blog · 4 years
Click the dream house above imported from mexico
Scorpio my month, piyo, first, cold man, scores, scorsica isle
Even big buttock TV are made with dough and the best, so they have that in mind with Negros. Instead of claiming Kansas they wanna come to Kenya to make gadgets wid tea, which are shinny as easy to identify so not bought by grown ups as dough ones are dull liked by grown ups period. They want to pick tea illegally and they know we know dat but still going ahead bro.
The speakers with good mood in the link below are made using Egg shell as well as tiles that dont change your brain or carpet, cassava or potato peel as well as banana or any other peel as waste product bro, fallen wood/tree not cut or Autum leaves in Temperate lands bro and the best for woody products. Click the link below 4 more
Kebi en whoyi madung ma mande otimo yier, says kevin, simdogo tena. Eh x3 utters Magdalin, “mande opongo lwete, basi adwale, nyise“
Rain come past clouds they say and make rain to disturb people with yet them they hide/safe in their business premises yet controlled drone via a computer takes the drone above the cloud like 2-18 km but still the wireless camera on dat drone captures the rain. Question is dat where is the rain coming from past the cloud. Friends lets be real and lenient. They are 3rd world and they cant tell us nothing but now fitina of this and that bro. Stop ya nuisance Mr Hindu.
Click the link below 4 more, it takes less time if the tap below the moon is open to fall on earth as rain but plane run upto 10 km above the earth crust but still inside it when its rainy u see no cloud.
The baganda people can be more of Guards than Masai or trukana, they think is them alone can stand on 2 feet 4 along time or walk distances
1 note
Dec 10th, 2019
come up with another website which aint known by many to post such photos to bring class where people dont share or known not and its typical for sex and beauty.
Women with slightly not flat forehead or protruding 4head are kisii blooded, dont go 4 pussy as it can be bought but dont change identity as face, the pussy is so sweet such, they as well got malawi blood.
70 notes
      The outcome
Pod onyas oketo aketa timbaland magik kaa mbele? Asking Eunice. To pod jeremy baya baya, sophy wacho ni nonene bangkok airport kose en-ngamatransfigure kaka kevi not kebi wacho.
To minaj podo keto sunga mbele, ambela, asking moreen. Minaj u mean u still ride in harlem or seen in Jamaica walking, u mean u have not settled niki?
After people move out of carli coz rightnow it aint Gold rush anymore, we have known how Gold is artificially made even with brown mafi or fece. Go to the less populated counties coz even mexicans want already built things dat texas and carli was mexico coz its built not knowing it was built with artificially made chemical and foods as oil etc which they can take away and the state got nothing. Anyway its a bad character to people who want free things or already made things from people to the point of putting up a fight. Mexican this a lesson and u r of bad character even sponsoring people to kill people who wanna go to the USA. Shame on u guys!!! Lazarus and Nebuchadnezzar parable. Click the link below 4 more
The people who now terrorize others in secrecy are people with “masikio popo”, keep in mind u r few and many can annihilate ya. Side effect they want people by force, their women, failure they ambush ya not knowing their male kids r of bad character and they want to champion dat as well as turkana blooded tribe like kikuyu and tz, they are know with straight face bone. Tall slander people r of many tribes like togo people or kalenjin or some sa tribes, moreover togo tribes have swollen eyelids and thats the distinction. You wanna eat my food and u got yours, then if i refuse u organise an ambush bro, failure to eat u die, u want the same the masai or trukana blooded tribes like the luo or Gikuyu, big shame bro. Most Ethipians got as well trukana blooded and in kenya they are sponsoring such explained vices above bro out of investigation.
When 1 walk like a toddler with mafi smeared on the booty like squatted it gives u the flashback as bad sides of ya life ya life guilt bro. Click the link below to see the photo which got that picture.
Now they got electric generator EG, where a motor which uses a wet cell rotates the stater and when their is power you charge the battery to be used when the power goes off bro to eliminate the gasoline 1.
The wanting to eat ya food type is so sickening to the point u see yaself in a casket as the beautiful thing, in dat u dont wanna wake up early in the morning thinking now they will spare u but not Or not go to work or any institution, kinda, u wanna stick alone and i bet it equips ya and its a blessing in disguise dude. Click the link below 4 more, the 2 smoking and casket behind bro
1 note
                                                                                                                                                                                        sasa beste wa mine
Google E-bikes, motor bikes and vehicles dude 4 more, stop many words bro
make money link below                                                      
The song in the above link, she gave me dat thing and i did not hesitate, i hit/pump it to my capacity all night and the better part of the morning b4 she reported to her work bro. Wasee nikupiga kupiga, u can even buy all body parts, even to transform ya from white to black and vice versa, no kidding bro. Kebi did exactly dat
E-bike photos
With ya rudeness just continue to play ya harp to dat cow or cattle kinda, it means they dont listen or understand but want their own, kinda they wanna direct ya like they know a lot yet none. The time of reckoning is right now bro, eat ya rudeness, or earn points on ya tough headeness bro, speak dude
1 note
                                                                                                                                      Google E-bikes, motor bikes and vehicles dude 4 more, stop many words bro
make money link below                                                      
The song in the above link, she gave me dat thing and i did not hesitate, i hit/pump it to my capacity all night and the better part of the morning b4 she reported to her work bro. Wasee nikupiga kupiga, u can even buy all body parts, even to transform ya from white to black and vice versa, no kidding bro. Kebi did exactly dat
1 note
Check on my following followers bro
Youtube check how to find people who are following another tumblr a/c and remember to google url/link to find what it is dude, stop disturbance
This should be introduced to cut fare by upto 80% in all major cities, got solar panel as well on top. Click the link below 4 more
Have gotten ya mini gas mask, Eunice asking kebi, I brought u 1, enyalo mwagas samolo amolo assures his neighbor delanu. Click the link below 4 more
Even many Latinos are trukana blooded, women perfectly understand but men wired in character, they are good in their own bro. Just fuck and leave, stop love dat give rise to bad kids lest u r killed.
Click the link below 4 more durable speakers, they had it from long but hid it from us as china unleash theirs, so their is no meaning of hording them
Small electric gadgets are made walking with stuck fece on the booty like discman, stereos, small hospital machines, watches etc
Dec 9th, 2019
Check on my following followers bro
Youtube check how to find people who are following another tumblr a/c and remember to google url/link to find what it is dude, stop disturbance
This should be introduced to cut fare by upto 80% in all major cities, got solar panel as well on top. Click the link below 4 more
Have gotten ya mini gas mask, Eunice asking kebi, I brought u 1, enyalo mwagas samolo amolo assures his neighbor delanu. Click the link below 4 more
Even many Latinos are trukana blooded, women perfectly understand but men wired in character, they are good in their own bro. Just fuck and leave, stop love dat give rise to bad kids lest u r killed.
Click the link below 4 more durable speakers, they had it from long but hid it from us as china unleash theirs, so their is no meaning of hording them
Banks kwisha, the stylish people kwisha, says Adriano with onlinecash
0 notes
jolienjoyswriting · 5 years
The Maze of the Manor, Ch. I
Chapter 1 of "The Maze of the Manor," an Essence of Ragnarok story.
Oh… hi, Mark.  I didn't see you, there. So, I actually wanted to write a completely unrelated story… but, I'm kind of scared that, after all the pre-production work I've done (character models, research, lore, etc.), it wont turn out like I want it to.  So, I've been writing other things, instead. This, in particular, is a story I've been mulling over in my head.  It's one of those "seems like a fun idea, but I've got other things to do" sort of ideas.  But, like I said… I've got cold feet about the story I actually want to write, so I made this, instead.  x:
Word count: 17,853 – Character count: 2,939 Originally written: May 29th, 2019
A pushy bat and a reluctant fox go out to see a spook-house!  Zoinks!
[ ↶ Prev. Story | ← Prev. Chapter | Next Chapter → | "IF" Chapter ↘ | Next Story ↷ ]
    “This ain’ what I expected t’ find, at all…!  Of all th’ things ta– un… believable!”
    Joseph softly panted, his ears flicking as he looked up from his… rather compromising position.  Seeing his best friend standing at the door gave him relief… until he realized why she covering her face and shaking her head.  Slowly, he turned his attention back to the person that had led him to being in such a predicament… only to see sweet, red eyes and an innocent, white-furred face… albeit, with some red stains around the mouth… staring back.  It was like they were looking to him for answers, as well.  Unfortunately, all the fox could tell either of them was…     “I– I can explain…  Uhn… I think…?”     The black-furred bat rolled her eyes.  “Oh, this ought’a be good…”     But, what, exactly, happened?  And, how did get to that point…? –––––
    “C’mon, Josey!  It’s Masquerade Week!  What better way t’ join th’ festivities than by goin’ to a real, live, spooky house…?  It’ll be fun!”
    That was the story Jessica sold her companion, the one-eyed, golden-furred fox by the name of Joseph, as she dragged him out of his house.  Truthfully, he really didn’t feel like going out… or, really, doing much of anything.  Two years prior, he’d lost his girlfriend in what could only be described as “a series of injustices.”  It really messed him up in a number of ways, such as leading him to stay indoors more often and lose motivation with his freelance music compositions.  Still, his friends wanted him to get out and have some fun, once-in-a-while – it was “good for him,” they said – and, for-better-or-worse, Jessica was the most adamant about it, often dragging him to one place or another… sometimes, completely against his will…
    “But, I don’t want to have fun!” Joseph protested as he found himself dragged by the arm of his black turtleneck sweater.     “Sure, ya do!” she immediately countered.  “Everyone likes fun!”     “You’re lying!”     “Nuh-uh!” the girl in the turquoise sweater and hip-hugging denim jeans further countered.  “What’s life without a li’l fun?”     “Safe…” was Joseph’s guess.     “Boooring!” was his companion’s correction.  “Now, siddown, strap in, ‘n let’s gooooo!”     “Doesn’t seem like you’re giving me much choice…”     That observation was a little self-evident, all things considered.  She had already pushed him into his car’s passenger seat, pulled the seat belt over, and fastened him in.  Once she slid over the hood of Joseph’s green compact car, she hopped into the driver’s side.     “This’ll be a hoot!” she told him while pulling the key from the fabric rolls of her cowl-neck sweater.  “I promise!”     “If you say so, Jess…”     “Hey… would I lie t’ you?”     Joseph grunted as she started the vehicle.  “Only if it was for a good cause…”     “Exactly!  Now, let’s get’a goin’!”     With that, she pulled out of his driveway and onto the road some meters away.  Not long after, they were on their way to her so-called “spooky house.”
    “Say, Jessie…”     The red-head with the pink fringe hummed to her companion.  Her red-and-green eyes were focused on the road, but her ears pivoted toward him, showing that he had her attention.     “Where did you say this place was?  We’ve been driving for a while…”     “It’s way-way-waaay out ‘n th’ boonies!” was her cheerful reply.  “Ever hear of a place called ‘Talwar Village?’”     “You’re… you’re talking me to Talwar Village?”  Joseph scowled.  “Jessie, that’s… like… almost a day’s drive over!”     “It’s a good thing we’re leavin’ now, huh?”     Joseph looked at the clock on the dashboard.  It read “11:20 AM.”     “No– Jessie, stop the car,” he said as he whipped his head back toward the driver.  “I did not agree to a road trip!  Stop, turn around, go back.”     “Oh, don’t be such a whiner, Josey!  It’s not like ya had someplace t’ be!”     “Jessica, I’m serious.”  He glared at the perky bat.  “Stop.  The car.  Now.”     Jessica didn’t respond to his stern order and just kept on driving while quietly humming a song he recognized as one of his own.     “Stop.  The.  Car.”     Again, she didn’t respond.  Joseph was starting to get angry…     “Jessica U. Ingmann, if you don’t stop this fucking car right now, I will–”     “You’ll what?” she finally snapped.  “Bail?  Yank th’ wheel outta my hands?  Go ‘head!  See what ‘appens, bitch!”     The fox’s ears folding into a somewhat-hostile position and he growled, baring his teeth at Jessica.  Clearly, he didn’t appreciate being encouraged to cause a car accident.
    “Jessica…” he eventually called in a much calmer voice.  “Please.  I don’t want to go on a road trip.  I’m asking nicely… turn the car around and take me home.  Okay?”     At that point, the bat-girl finally glanced his way.     “Gods damn it, Joe…” she said with a sigh.  “Yer such a big baby sometimes…”     “You all-but-kidnaped me to go on some mystery road trip with you, Jess!  You won’t even tell me where, specifically, we’re going!”  He sighed, as well, before calming back down.  “I didn’t want to come and I don’t want to go…  I just want to go back home… where I can’t upset or hurt anyone.”     “Dunno if ya noticed, kiddo… but, if ya ain’t drove me off, by now… nothin’ ya say ‘r do’s gonna bug me, none.”     Joseph blinked, his ears perking.  Jessica was grinning at him.
    “Yer gonna have t’ trus’ me on this trip, Joe.  Ya know I’d never do anythin’ that’d make ya miserable!  ‘cept eat all yer food, that one time.  Buuut, heeey!  I promise, this trip’ll be worth it.  Jus’… ya know… be patient?”     She paused, retrieving a small device from her collar, which she handed over.     “Play some cell phone games ‘f yer bored?  Ya dun have t’ talk ta me ‘n it’s okay ‘f yer mad at me.  Jus’… ya know…  I want’cha t’ see this place.  I been.  It’s worth it.”     “I…  Of course, I trust you, Jess.  It’s just…”  He gave another sigh before looking down at the floor of the car.  “You’re just so impulsive, sometimes…  I barely even had time to get dressed, I didn’t brush my teeth or comb my fur…  I’m surprised you even grabbed my phone.”     “‘course, I did!”  She grinned a little more.  “We migh’ get lost, where we’re goin’!”     “Really.”  When she gave a nod, he lightly chuckled.  “We’ll see, I guess…”     “Tha’s th’ spirit!  Ooh, speakin’ of… hope we see some’a them!”     “I’ll keep an eye out.  And, Jessie?”     Her ears gave a flick.  “Mm?”     There was a brief pause… then, Joseph told her, “Thanks.”     “Oh, dun thank me, love!”  The bat-girl wiggled in her seat.  “I’ve been dyin’ t’ get’cha inta this place!  Watchin’ ya react t’ all th’ obvious spookums is gonna be so much fuuun…!”     “Heh.  If you say so…”  The fox flipped open his phone and booted up a game before telling her, “Just don’t be surprised if my reaction to jump-scares is pretty dull…”     “Weee shaaall seeeee, mwa ha ha ha haaah!”     Her “spooky voice” finally got Joseph to crack a smile… which made her smile even brighter!  She always enjoyed trying to cheer him up, but it really made her day when it worked!
    Time moved on as the numbers on the travel meter added up.  Two pit-stops and dinner at a truck stop delayed their journey ever-so-slightly, but as the sun swung from one side of the sky to the other, they knew they were drawing closer to their destination.  That, and there was a road sign signaling “Talwar Village” being ten kilometers away.
    “Man, when I said this place was ‘almost a day’s drive,’” Joseph commented as he noticed the sky, “I wasn’t thinking it really would be!  But, yeah.  It’s getting dark.  I can see the stars– well, I could see the stars, I mean.  All these trees kind of make it hard.”     “It’s okay, Josey!” the driving bat told him.  “Soon, it’ll be completely dark ‘n ya can look out th’ window at th’ beaaautiful night’s sky right above us!”     “I also kind of forgot that Talwar really was out in the sticks.  Uh, no pun intended.”     Jessica snorted with laughter.  “Suuure, it wasn’t!”     “My brain’s just wired for puns, sometimes – you know that.”     “Mm-hmm, jus’ like my brain’s wired fer tacos.”     The fox tilted his head.  “Uh… I don’t think that’s how–”     “Here’s our turn!”     Joseph hadn’t been full paying attention, but…     “Huh?  Wait.  What did that big sign say?  It looked important.”     “Dun worry ‘bout that, Goldie!  Jus’ settle in fer a long, bumpy ride!”     “What do you mean, ‘a–’ guh-uh-uhh!”
    Before he could finish repeating her thought, he got his answer.  The road had suddenly turned rough and bumpy – and, for good reason!  In the glow of the headlights, Joseph saw that…     “This road isn’t paved.”     “Yep!  Rather, nope!” Jessica corrected herself.     “Jessica…”  Joseph looked at his companion with concern.  “Why isn’t this road paved?”     “‘cuz, it’s a primitive road!” was her overly-simple answer.     “Is this a road…?”  He gave a heavy grunt as the vehicle hit something that made it jump.  “You sure someone didn’t just cut a swath through the woods and call it a day…?”     “This is a recognized road, hun.  It’s even on maps!” she assured him.  “But, it just ain’ maintained by Talwar.”     That made Joseph curious…  “Why not?”     “Well… it’s partly ‘cuz th’ owner’a this land won’t give th’ township permission…  ‘e kinda jus’ wants t’ be left to ’is lonesome.”     “Oh.  I see.”  Joseph paused… then, he hummed.  “Wait.  he wants to be left alone… but, he has a haunted house?”     “‘Spooky house,’ Joe!” she corrected with a grin.     “Okay, ‘spooky house.’  Still, it seems a little suspicious that–”     “This road ain’t really s’posed t’ be driven on by modern vehicles,” Jessica suddenly interjected.  “It’s s’posed t’ be driven by carriage!  Adds to th’ atmosphere!”     “Oh.  That… actually makes a lot of sense.”  Once again, he had to pause for thought.  “Wait, if this isn’t supposed to be driven… why are we driving it?”     There was another pause, though it was Jessica’s, instead of his.     “I know th’ guy what runs th’ house,” she eventually told him.  “‘e invited me over t’ see what’s what, ‘n… stuff!”     “Wait, but you said…’”  The fox narrowed right eye…before remembering that it was hidden under an eyepatch.  He narrowed his left eye, then, before saying, “This sounds a little–”     “We’re here!!”     Joseph gave a blink, staring out the windshield.  Situated ahead of their vehicle was a rather large, rather imposing manor that took up quite a lot of real estate within a grassy clearing within the deep woods.
    Just from what he could see, the large building was roughly the width of four-or-five normal houses and it appeared to have at least three floors to it, including the ground floor…  It was also painted in shades of brown, ranging from dark chocolate to cocoa with some of the trim being sand-colored.  There were many windows in front and one-or-two balconies on the second floor, as well as a large porch in front with six steps leading up to a massive double-door.
    “What… hang on…”  Joseph squinted.  “Is that… are those…  Jessie?”     “Yeesss?” the girl asked, grinning as she turned off the engine.     “This place… doesn’t look spooky, at all.”
    A closer look around revealed to Joseph that the porch was decorated with some colorful paper lanterns and, curiously, there was a swinging bench on the porch with some floral-print cushions.  Some of the windows of the manor also had small plants on their shelves and several of them had elegant curtains on the inside.  However, there was a distinct lack of bats… ravens… dark clouds or lightning… anything even remotely “spooky!”  In fact, it just looked like a fancy mansion that didn’t even look that old, much less imposing.
    “Oh, dun let th’ cheery exterior fool ya!” Jessica told him as she exited the vehicle.  “It’s th’ real deal, ‘nside!”     “No, seriously, Jess…”  The fox frowned as he left his car and followed the excited bat up onto the porch.  “This place just looks like a hidden millionaire’s house… or, something.  I mean, did you see the potted plants?  Look at this cute little swing!  Jessie, this place is not spooky…”     The bat-girl tilted her head, giving her companion a curious, almost innocent look.     “In fact,” he continued, “if I didn’t know better, I’d say you just hauled me to some random location, far away from town!  Are you even sure this is the right place?”     “‘f this wasn’ th’ right place…” Jessica started with a smirk, “would I ‘ave th’ key?”     Joseph gave a blink as the girl withdrew something from her pocket.  It did, indeed, look like a metal key… one that was perfectly ordinary and seemed to match the modern lock on the right-hand door.     “I dunno…?” he said as she unlocked the door.  “Knowing you, you might’ve got a key from some dude you were dating, then decided to go raid his house while he was away on vacation…”     “Joseph.  Really.”  Jessica gave a look of disbelief.  “Would I do that?”     “I dunno.”  The fox smirked.  “You tell me.”     For a few moments, Jessica didn’t respond.  After that, she gave a wink and a grin, wrapped one hand around the old-style door handle, put a thumb on the lever, and gave it a push.  Not long after, the door opened inward, revealing the interior of the manor to them both.
    Joseph had expected the inside of the mansion to look a little different from the outside… but, he hadn’t been expecting the radical difference between the styles!  The outside looked like it had been maintained and updated with the times, but the inside almost looked like something from the era of magic and superstition!     The foyer led straight ahead and onto another set of double-doors at the end of a colossal hallway that, to Joseph’s view, might have been even bigger than the entryway of the Tower of Masamune!  The hall, itself, looked wide enough to house several vehicles side-by-side, and the number of doors on the ground floor, alone, was astounding!  There must have been a good thirty doors on that floor, alone… which made him wonder how many more doors were up on the first floor, which lay at the end of a tall flight of stairs on either side of them.     Aside from the doors, there were also all the hallmarks of a stereotypical “spooky mansion,” such as suits of armor beside some doors and statues of various figures he didn’t recognize resting on pedestals beside others.  There were a couple of velvet-cushioned chairs, here-or-there, and many paintings of people – mostly fancy women – on the walls.  Finally, hanging above them was a massive, elegant chandelier made of crystal and gold.  He wasn’t sure if it was powered or had candles… but, it lit the entire room without trouble, either way.
    “Gah!!”     Suddenly, a resounding thoom from behind caught Joseph’s attention!  When he spun around to see what it was, he noticed… Jessica was grinning from-ear-to-ear, clearly trying not to laugh.  It was pretty obvious that she’d been the one to slam the door, trying to scare him.
    “What the Void, Jessica?!” he half-screeched as he put a hand over his chest.  “Are you trying to give me a heart attack…?”     “Told’ja this place was spoooooky, kiddo!” she laughed.     “That wasn’t ‘spooky!’” he protested.  “That was just… just… startling!”     “Jus’ gettin’ ya ready fer th’ spooks t’ come!”     The fox huffed and grumbled.  “You’re an ass, Jess…”     “‘n, yer adorable when yer frightened!” she retorted with a grin.  “Looket yer fur all stickin’ up ’n stuff!  I jus’ wanna pet’cha ’n tell ya everything’s aaall okay, aww…!”
    “What… ever.”  Joseph sighed, shaking his head.  “Anyway… what do we do, now?”     “First, I wanna show ya somethin’ cool…”     “Okay.  Lead o– h-hey, what are you–?”     “Take my hand, Joe,” she warned in an oddly serious tone.  “Dun want’cha gettin’ lost.”     “How could I get lost?” he asked as she led him toward the left staircase.  “This place doesn’t seem like it’d be hard to navigate…”     “Oh, trus’ me!  I been lost ‘n ‘ere, plenty!  Had’a wait fer Ro t’ come ‘n find me.  Was kind’a embarrassin’.”     “You had to wait for who to come find you?” Joseph asked.     “Ro,” she repeated as they sped past the first couple of doors on the first floor.  “Ya know!  Th’ overly-dramatic batty-bat what–”     Jessica came to a sudden stop – both in vocalizations and in motion.  Joseph had yanked on her arm.
    “I’m sorry…  Did you say… ‘Ro?’  As in, ‘Count Arturo Moretti?’”     Jessica’s ears fell, but she didn’t turn his way.  “Uuuh…”     “Count Moretti, Lord of the Moretti Clan of Vampires?”     “Uuuuuhh…”     “The same Vampire Lord who wants to flay me alive just because we’re friends?”     “Uuuuuuuuuuhhh…”     “And… this is his manor?  His home?”     Jessica didn’t repeat herself a third time.  Instead, she just gave an audible swallow.     “You brought me to the home of a guy who wants me dead?  You brought me into his domain?  You willingly put me into what could possibly be the most danger I have ever been in?  All because you were… what?  Bored?”     “I… th-thought you’d think it was neat…?” the bat skittishly responded.  Once she gave a nervous laugh, though, she had to turn around.  Joseph had wrenched his hand free from hers.     “Welp,” he said as he spun around, “this was a waste of time.  I’ll be outside.  In the car.”     “No, wait, don’t–!” Jessica called.  When the turned, though…  “Shhiiieeeet…”     It was too late.  Joseph… had vanished.
0 notes
modifysimplelife · 5 years
Being active is the BEST way to stay in shape, mentally and physically, through all seasons of life!! And, this is that time of year when gyms offer holiday membership specials. Statistics show (Attendance, Adherence, Drop out and Retention), however, that within 6 months of membership 71% fall into the category of low usage or dropouts while only 29% retain regular attendance 8 or more times per month. If you are looking to add fitness goals in 2019 or perhaps give the gift of fitness to someone you care about, review all options that might encourage greater follow through for workout consistency. “Buy-in” is critical to understanding the benefits of working out; short and long-term advantages for the mind and body to thrive. If not 100% convinced of workout ROI (time and money) whether it’s gym, at-home, or attending fitness boutique classes, you/family/friends will eventually join the masses of low usage/dropouts. The following shares the “BUY IN” to working out, possible options, and when it’s wise to skip a workout.
The BUY IN! Benefits to daily exercise!
Most of the research on exercise and immunity has been done with colds and there’s a considerable amount of research showing that regular, moderate exercise enhances the immune system. Several studies reported that recreational exercisers and athletes had a lower incidence of colds when they were engaged in a running program. How Exercise Effects Immunity, by Jim Brown, EXOS Knowledge, March 2013
Regular exercise is one of the pillars of healthy living. It improves cardiovascular health, lowers blood pressure, helps control body weight, and protects against a variety of diseases. But does it help to boost your immune system naturally and keep it healthy? Just like a healthy diet, exercise can contribute to general good health and therefore to a healthy immune system. It may contribute even more directly by promoting good circulation, which allows the cells and substances of the immune system to move through the body freely and do their job efficiently. How To Boost Your Immune System, Updated July 2018, Harvard Health Publishing
Improves memory and clarity in thinking!
In a study done at the University of British Columbia, researchers found that regular aerobic exercise, the kind that gets your heart and your sweat glands pumping, appears to boost the size of the hippocampus, the brain area involved in verbal memory and learning. Regular Exercise Changes the Brain To Improve Memory and Thinking Skills, Heidi Godman, Executive Editor, Harvard Health Letter, Updated April 2018,
It is good for bone health, especially as we get older. Stronger bones mean less risk of fractures!
It also keeps your bones healthy and strong. Exercise and Immunity, US National Library of Medicine, Medicine Plus, Jan 2016
Improves posture by strengthening your core to decrease the effects of slouching when working over computers and smart phones along with gravity that affects us as we age!
If you’re controlling your body and activating your core and all those small stabilizer muscles, that’s going to help with posture, he says. Easy Ways To Improve Your Posture, By MARKHAM HEID April 4, 2018
It is a great means of stress release that builds up daily. If you don’t have a channel to release this stress imagine the negative impact to your body and mind over time?? Less stress also can mean deeper sleep, and regular sound sleep reduces dementia risk!
Indirectly, exercise improves mood and sleep, and reduces stress and anxiety. Problems in these areas frequently cause or contribute to cognitive impairment. Regular Exercise Changes the Brain To Improve Memory and Thinking Skills, Heidi Godman, Executive Editor, Harvard Health Letter, Updated April 2018
Increases energy and therefore, productivity!
Exercise can also give you more energy. Having more energy means you will feel more awake at work. Being on top of your game will assure that you perform your work correctly and to the best of your ability. How does exercise improve work productivity? Livestrong.com, BY JULIE BOEHLKE 11, 2017
Extends life expectancy by reducing risk for heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and cancer.
Physical activity reduces many major mortality risk factors including arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus type 2, dyslipidemia, coronary heart disease, stroke, and cancer. All-cause mortality is decreased by about 30% to 35% in physically active as compared to inactive subjects. The purpose of this paper was to synthesize the literature on life expectancy in relation to physical activity. Does physical activity increase life expectancy?, J Aging Res. 2012; 2012: 243958.Published online 2012 Jul 1. doi:  [1155/2012/243958]
Increases endorphins, which aid in mental health…you are happier and more confident!!
It is now clear that exercise reduces the likelihood of depression and also maintains mental health as we age. On the treatment side, exercise appears to be as good as existing pharmacological interventions across a range of conditions, such as mild to moderate depression, dementia, and anxiety, and even reduces cognitive issues in schizophrenia. Why Exercise Is So Essential for Mental Health, Marcy 2018
Protects the immune system.
Physical activity may help flush bacteria out of the lungs and airways. This may reduce your chance of getting a cold, flu, or other illness. Exercise causes changes in antibodies and white blood cells (WBC). WBCs are the body’s immune system cells that fight disease. Exercise and Immunity, by MedlinePlus
Workout Options – Duration, Time of Day, & Location
Enjoying the benefits of a good workout doesn’t necessarily mean you must exercise at a fancy or large gym, especially if you are watching your budget and have a schedule that doesn’t ideally offer the time to do so. At-home workouts, residential HOA gyms (if you are fortunate to have one), as well as enjoying the outdoors works just as well to keep you in shape! Whatever option you pursue, it’s important to understand that short and long term benefits only come with commitment and consistency. Identifying a reasonable workout duration, time of day, and location that of which you can realistically commit, is an important first step towards success. MODIFY, FOCUS With A VIEW published this past September shares an acronym, which definitely applies to fitness…Follow through, Objectives, Confidence, Undaunted, Success will help you stay consistent in your goals towards good health!
Duration– For years my belief of an effective workout was 1 to 1 ½ hours. I would cram time into my tight schedule, 4 days per week. Physically, I was in great shape but mentally…not so much. OPTION 1 – consider a reasonable duration for your workout. Through the years I have found my happy place exercising 30 minutes per day/6 days per week. Cardio is 3 days a week and the other 3 days cover weight resistance. I truly give my ALL within this 30-minute block of time, FOCUSED with best effort, and I have been consistent – reaping the benefits both physically and mentally!
The key to consistency is finding a range of time that works. Break-up your workout time to meet personal schedule needs. This could be 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes at night. As I have found, it’s better to do 30 minutes per day rather than scheduling 1 hour+ full body workout a few times per week with the risk of not following through because of fatigue, work demands, and/or family obligations. For a workout to have benefits, at least 20 minute duration is recommended for both cardio and weight resistance.
Time of Day– Choose a time that offers the least chance of distractions/interruptions. I have tried different workout times all over the clock!! The greatest risk of skipping a workout, for me, is afternoon/early evening; too tired, too many distractions, too easy to procrastinate until it is simply too late! A calendar review can reveal which part of the day has the most “quiet” time to schedule your workout. I have found the early AM between 7:30 & 8 AM works best. This time slot rarely gets interrupted by phone calls or urgent needs. Once my workout is done, I have one less action item to think about on the TO DO list. And, I feel energized – physically and mentally to start my day!! OPTION 2– find a time of day that will help you be consistent!
Location– If you have to drive far to get to the gym, or traffic to contend with, imagine how easy it might be to blow off your workout. If you prefer workout classes or are inspired by the ambiance of a gym, find a location very close to you. It is better to pay more $$$ per month to ensure consistent attendance than to sign off on an amazing deal where you might easily fall into the low attendance/dropout group. Consider other options such as at-home workouts, HOA gyms, or local community center pools. This year I quit my gym membership for an at-home experience, making AM workouts far more likely to happen. The investment for home equipment is minimal. All I use is a treadmill for cardio high intensity interval training (HIIT), stretch bands, set of 5 lb and 10 lb weights, and a bench. Ideally I would love to add a spin bike. Just these few items provide an intense workout when combined with FOCUS and effort. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) offers a big bang for the least amount of time! The results are amazing! And, when I want to change-up my exercise routine, the residential HOA has a well-equipped gym one mile up the road. OPTION 3 – consider an at-home gym or find a location most convenient to you and join the active 29% group!
Important Note: Guidance & Resources
If you are new to fitness and are working out independently (HOA gym, at-home, local community center, or gym facility), make an appointment with your physician for a consultation. Discuss precautions, if any, based on your physical wellbeing and medical history. Ask for a referral to a physical therapist if you have any issues with knees, back, nerves, joints, etc. Research a qualified and certified fitness trainer that can guide you on a workout that meets your fitness and scheduling needs for the results you want. It’s best not to be influenced by a routine that is working well for someone else, which could be totally wrong for you. Today many resources are available such as phone apps with daily workout videos, fitness magazines, internet workout videos, and TV shows that inspire. The wrong workout, however, can put you in the dropout group as you heal or simply out of frustration when you are not getting the results you want.
When to avoid working out?
If you are sick, especially with a fever, REST. This means, you should avoid working out to allow your body the time it needs to heal. Chronic aches, sudden pain or swelling could be sign(s) to stop exercising and to see your doctor. Take extreme caution isolating and working muscles to the point of discomfort, past tolerable. Persistent focus on small muscles groups, especially if you are new to a fitness class, could lead to Compartment Syndrome. I speak from experience. Thankfully, I was already scheduled to see my physical therapist (PT) immediately following class. My right leg went numb, knee to ankle. The PT session turned into an hour of intense massage to bring circulation back to my leg. It took three weeks to return to 100% feeling again. Grateful I did not require surgery! Know your limit and don’t let anyone convince you to work past it.
Chronic exertional compartment syndrome is an exercise-induced muscle and nerve condition that causes pain, swelling and sometimes disability in the affected muscles of your legs or arms. Anyone can develop the condition, but it’s more common in athletes who participate in activities that involve repetitive impact, such as running. Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome, MayoClinic  
If you are thinking about a gym membership for yourself or as a fitness gift for those you care about this holiday season, know/share all the health advantages to commit, persist and persevere! Consider options that best fit time and fitness goals. This will guide you to select the best option to ensure commitment and consistency, such as choosing an at-home gym over a local gym. Target and WalMart carry bands, weights, benches, and mats to get started. Invest in a good quality treadmill and/or spin bike. Refurbished equipment at bargain prices are often sold by gyms updating their inventory. Consider other options such as using an HOA gym or your local community center gym and indoor pool for a full body workout. If drawn to a specific type of exercise look into boutique gyms that focus on Pilates, yoga, spin or cross-fit. Whichever you decide for yourself or as a gift to others, seek/encourage physician and expert advice to avoid injury and burn-out. Another awesome holiday gift for you or family and friends is The Fascia Self-Myofascial Roller, rolling and stretching for whole body care, especially important when working out regularly!!  Click here to read Fascianation Discovery! Redirecting the trajectory of your health & well being!, MODIFY, published August 2018. Everyone deserves to TAKE 30 to kick-off the New Year fitness focused! Let 2019 be the year for realistic exercise goals to get your mind and body in shape!!
Attendance, Adherence, Drop out and Retention, by PT Direct
How Exercise Effects Immunity, by Jim Brown, EXOS Knowledge, March 2013
How To Boost Your Immune System, Updated July 2018, Harvard Health Publishing
Regular Exercise Changes the Brain To Improve Memory and Thinking Skills, Heidi Godman, Executive Editor, Harvard Health Letter, Updated April 2018
Exercise and Immunity, US National Library of Medicine, Medicine Plus, Jan 2016
Easy Ways To Improve Your Posture, By MARKHAM HEID April 4, 2018
Regular Exercise Changes the Brain To Improve Memory and Thinking Skills, Heidi Godman, Executive Editor, Harvard Health Letter, Updated April 2018
How does exercise improve work productivity? Livestrong.com, BY JULIE BOEHLKE 11, 2017
Does physical activity increase life expectancy?, J Aging Res. 2012; 2012: 243958.Published online 2012 Jul 1. doi:  [1155/2012/243958]
Why Exercise Is So Essential for Mental Health, Marcy 2018
Exercise and Immunity, by MedlinePlus
Focus With A View, Modify, September 2018 https://modifysimplelife.wordpress.com/2018/09/11/
Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome, MayoClinic  
The Fascia Self-Myofascial Roller
Fascianation Discovery! Redirecting the trajectory of your health & well being!, MODIFY, August 2018
Take 30…mind and body!
Being active is the BEST way to stay in shape, mentally and physically, through all seasons of life!!
Take 30…mind and body! Being active is the BEST way to stay in shape, mentally and physically, through all seasons of life!!
0 notes
thegloober · 6 years
I Just Had My First Chemical Peel, Here’s What Happened
I’ve spent the better part of a decade trying to mask the fact that my skin is as sensitive as my emotional state is in the days preceding my period. (Very). My first weapon of choice in the fight against rouge epidermis was L’Oreal foundation, which I applied liberally and religiously for much of my teen years. As I ~matured~ the focus moved away from camouflaging, and more towards hydration, diet and a more targeted skincare routine to fix the cause. My pores rejoiced!
While I’ve become pretty, pretty skilled at minimising redness, other skin concerns have decided to take up residence on my face—in no particular order: dullness, dryness, fine lines, *gulp* wrinkles—thanks to a little thing that I like to call entering my late twenties. While I’ve often danced around the idea of experimenting with chemical peels, the word ‘chemical’ has always sent a chill down my sensitive skin’s spine, bringing to mind both images of Freddie Kruger and that one time I got so sunburnt at age 15 that my skin detached itself from my face/body with the ease of a banana being peeled.
Never one to turn down a trip to the Dermalogica HQ, my stance on chemical peels swiftly changed last week when I was invited in to try out their new Pro Power Peel treatment. I left my chemical peel-related neuroses behind in the waiting room, after bombarding the skin therapist with a million and one questions (Yes, the peel is customisable and therefore perfectly fine for sensitive skin; No, you won’t have to go all Boo Radley on the world in the aftermath). 
  If you’re thinking of joining the chemical peel club yourself (Welcome!, Glad your soon-to-be glowing skin could make it!), below is everything you need to know (according to both my experience, and the wise words of a skin expert)… 
Who is the ideal candidate?
According to Emma Hobson, Education Manager for the International Dermal Institute and Dermalogica (and my skin’s BFF), just about everyone is the right fit for a chemical peel, “depending on the peel’s strength and its benefits.” Lucky for me and my burgeoning fine lines/wrinkles, chemical peels are one of the most effective ways to address anti-aging, as well as “uneven skin texture, breakouts and acne, mottled skin and hyperpigmentation.” They also help to “decongest the skin, create even tone and texture, speed up cell renewal and turnover, and create glowing, healthy skin.” Not to toot my own horn, but there is some pretty persuasive pictorial evidence of that ‘healthy glow’ at the bottom of this article…
What about if my skin is sensitive?
“Not all professional peels are created equal,” Emma tells me. “Some do need to be avoided on sensitive skin, others are designed to work on sensitive skin and even rosacea such as the Pro Power Peel.” I can attest to that, having just successfully had a chemical peel with sensitive skin. My therapist was super communicative throughout the treatment, and tailored my peel to accommodate for my sensitive skin. I had three layers applied with a total duration time of around 15 minutes and was asked to rate my pain levels on a scale of 1-10. I experienced mild discomfort and stinging throughout, but was assured this was perfectly normal, and so spent the majority of the 15 minutes internally debating how accurate the pain scale system is. What if mine is abnormally low?
How should I best prep my skin? 
The best prep for your skin its ensuring it’s well-hydrated with a good barrier, as this “kick-starts the skin’s cell renewal process.” Moisturise, moisturise, moisturise, people! Avoid strenuous exercise on the day of the treatment, and prolonged exposure to heat sources like dry saunas or steam rooms, as these activities “increase blood circulation to the face, which can lead to discomfort, redness, swelling or other side effects.” 
So, what’s actually involved in the peel?
Expect the whole thang to take under 30 minutes. The skin is prepped, first by way of a cleanse and then the addition of a prep solution (to de-grease and “prepare the skin for optimal penetration of the peel itself”). The peel is highly customisable, and can be done by “choosing one peel solution to be used all over the skin, or up-to three various peel solutions to be ‘patchworked’ over certain areas of the skin”, or by applying layers of the peel to intensify the effect by using one peel solution layered, or two to three solutions in various layers. Again, my therapist was great at talking me through each step–so if you feel like the peel is too strong on your skin, just let them know! 
Ingredients list: The PowerClear peel solution contains a Salicylic Acid and Mandelic Acid blended with Bitter Orange Peel. The UltraBright Peel contains Lactic and Phytic Acid blended with Tangerine Peel and Grape Fruit. The AdvanceRenewal Peel contains Glycolic and Phytic Acid blended with Opuntia Flower Extract and Vitamin E.
Afterwards, a neutralising product is applied to the skin, as “every peel needs to be neutralised to ‘turn it off’”, and is then cleansed away. Hydrating dermal layering products are applied, and should always be concluded with a sunscreen SPF50+. 
What changes should I make to my skincare routine after the peel? 
Emma says that it’s essential to wear a sunscreen with an SPF30-50+ after any chemical peel (the Super Sensitive Shield or SkinPerfect Primer, both SPF30, are great, as is the Mecca To Save Face Superscreen 50+), and to avoid direct sun exposure for 2-3 weeks to prevent hyper pigmentation. This is non-negotiable. No ifs, certainly no buts. On the night of the treatment, she recommends rinsing the face with cool water and cleansing with UltraCalming Cleanser, then moisturising with Barrier Defense Booster and Calm Water Gel (all included in the Pro Power Peel Post-Procedure Kit). 
My UltraCalming Mist and I were inseparable in the days following the peel, and it was not a uncommon to see me moisturising in the office at certain points throughout the week to stave off flaking/satiate my thurrrrsty skin.
Hydration is key, right? 
Abso-tootly (my words, not Emma’s). “The better the hydration the better the results,” she confirms.” Use plentiful hydrating products such as spritz toners (Anti-Oxidant Hydra Mist), Hydrating Masks, Hydrating Serums/Boosters and hydrating moisturisers (like the Dermalogica Skin Smoothing Cream). 
Should anyone avoid chemical peels?
Before a professional peel you will need to check what is required of you to avoid such as:
Having a resurfacing skin procedure such as IPL (laser),  microdermabrasion or a chemical peel within the past two weeks
Having received Botox or other injectables within the past week
Having used Retin-A  or Retinol within the past 48 hours
Having waxed within the past 72 hours
Have received sunburn within the last 72 hours
You can’t have a peel if you are contra indicated due to the following:
    Have a contagious skin disease or infection such as an active cold sore
    Pregnant or breastfeeding
    Have used Isotretinoin (Accutane) in the past six months  
The verdict: 
Guys, you are looking at the latest convert. As it transpires, you CAN get a chemical peel with sensitive skin. Hoorah! My skin feels/looks/IS juicy, plump, healthy and quite possibly the glow-iest it’s ever been. Most importantly, the lines collecting around my eyes have faded into obscurity. Bye, Felicia! Have I received compliments on my skin in the aftermath? You betchya. Did the chemical peel inflate my ego? I’d like to think not, but considering I uncharacteristically took about 7,000 selfies (and even uploaded one to Instagram), I’d say, yeah probably. As you might have ascertained by now, my skin is not NOT sensitive, and so it was a touch red immediately after the peel—but no more than it is after a glass of vino, and flakey for around 3-4 days afterwards—but not to the extent of being unable to leave the house without a paper bag. I was tempted to reintroduce an exfoliant to help expedite the flaking process, but Emma stressed the importance of not doing this. “Your therapist will advise you when you can pick up your exfoliation again post your last treatment, which is normally between one to two weeks,” she cautioned. It’s not good-bye, dear exfoliator, it’s just c u l8r. 
As they say, a picture says a thousand words so instead of racking my brain for more synonyms for ‘glowing’, I’ll just leave you with this piccy I took a week after my first (and definitely not last) chemical peel…
(How’s that ego?)
Words, Madeleine Woon | With thanks to Dermalogica (you can book your own treatment here)
The post I Just Had My First Chemical Peel, Here’s What Happened appeared first on CHRONICLES OF HER.
Source: https://bloghyped.com/i-just-had-my-first-chemical-peel-heres-what-happened/
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kennthmclblg · 6 years
Essay On The states: Truth. Freedom. Visions
The states is considered the most beneficial nations around the world.purchase coursework online A lot of people say that it must be the biggest on this planet. Indeed,its affect can be so great. Right away virtually every political and cost-effective challenge around the world is mentioned and agreed not without the need of management of The us.A number of people on this planet particularly long for coursework writing services staying in The united states. A properly-acknowledged lotto Environment friendly Credit card is among the most famous in these modern times. It grants the chance to folks who want dwell in the USA.
If knowledge with this old fashioned paper would not plenty of for you, make requests and thebest formulating servicewill put together a write-up which will certainly answer your conditions.
A lot of people state that United states do my coursework is definitely the location of prospect. It allows long run for people, a good foreseeable future. For everybody who is an intelligent person, it can provide a position with high earnings, which enables you to reside correctly and coursework writing help pay attention to your family members. In this particular document we are going to examine exciting details about The states. Also, we are going to focus on flexibility in this particular nation and dreams of those who becoming reality in the united states.
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View Of The states Essay. Helpful Truth
1. There ismore than a single established language in the country. The reason is that it really is multiethnic region. The folk speaks within British, Spanish, French, and Hawaiian.
2.This country was formed by immigrants. It influenced considerably the policy, customs, and economy of United states. For example, plenty of Italians and Irishmen are living in Ny.
When reliable article review service you need a post about how The us was established, you canpay us to jot down document in an ahead of time time.
3.Consumers different reply on scenario-laws.It was started in the united states particularly long back. For example, in 1938 it actually was followed the law according to which not one person coursework help service ought to put all of uneatable factors to ingredients. This is why,there is not any Kinder Surprise in America (a delicious chocolate egg cell which includes a stuffed toy within the).
4. The whole amount of cash that one has to payfor exploring in higher education in each a yearis for about27 1000 $.
5.Most university students use credits to buy understanding. So what is most surprising with regards to it would be that 14Percent of these pupils settle hard earned cash until pension. You will find a very good education in the USA. It is the assure of versions really good long term.
6. People in Americawhen give or purchase blossoms choose a much figure. In other custom coursework writing service nations there are actually numerous tradition as reported by it. If you need anybody totype an essay similar to a seasoned professional, you can depend on us.
7.Till 1970 a quarter of all workforce handled factories. Now the degree of these kinds of staff members has diminished to 9Per cent.
8.There is an phrase in the united states – Uncle Sam. It will come coursework help out of US. U for Uncle and S for Sam. In 1812 this mark was place on casks with animal meat for American army. This is exactly thepart of Uncle Sam history.
9.In the us you can conveniently go back any purchased decent. Anybody can show you everything like, I actually do unlike these things.
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14.Only in infrequent conditions young people live life coupled with their families. Truly the coursework service uk only reason is the lack of money. Often learners or unhappy people today hire condominiums together with unfamiliar folks.
15.People in the usa never just take offence when anyone reveals terrible words and phrases concerning their location.They may without difficulty discuss concerns in their modern society, market, and governmental process by using these someone.
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In keep going century that they had a number of civil techniques. African-Us residents wanted equality. They arrived at it. Many individuals died nonetheless it converted into relief for anybody. Having said that,many people point out that flexibility in the united states is simply myth. Many of us maintain thatthe catastrophe which took place 9/11destroyed the freedom of United states of america and People in america.It can be a legend that Muslims infected and murdered individuals. It was best coursework writing service uk actually made by American state. It scratched constitutional protection under the law in the folk.
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from Charles Forbis Linex of Pelham https://charlesforbislinexofpelham.wordpress.com/2018/02/26/essay-on-the-states-truth-freedom-visions/
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linexpelham · 6 years
Essay On The states: Truth. Freedom. Visions
Essay On The states: Truth. Freedom. Visions
The states is considered the most beneficial nations around the world.purchase coursework online A lot of people say that it must be the biggest on this planet. Indeed,its affect can be so great. Right away virtually every political and cost-effective challenge around the world is mentioned and agreed not without the need of management of The us.A number of people on this planet particularly long for coursework writing services staying in The united states. A properly-acknowledged lotto Environment friendly Credit card is among the most famous in these modern times. It grants the chance to folks who want dwell in the USA.
If knowledge with this old fashioned paper would not plenty of for you, make requests and thebest formulating servicewill put together a write-up which will certainly answer your conditions.
A lot of people state that United states do my coursework is definitely the location of prospect. It allows long run for people, a good foreseeable future. For everybody who is an intelligent person, it can provide a position with high earnings, which enables you to reside correctly and coursework writing help pay attention to your family members. In this particular document we are going to examine exciting details about The states. Also, we are going to focus on flexibility in this particular nation and dreams of those who becoming reality in the united states.
Check out this papers and also make instructions. Then you certainly absolutely will say this, That is thebest company to jot down essay for my situation.
View Of The states Essay. Helpful Truth
1. There ismore than a single established language in the country. The reason is that it really is multiethnic region. The folk speaks within British, Spanish, French, and Hawaiian.
2.This country was formed by immigrants. It influenced considerably the policy, customs, and economy of United states. For example, plenty of Italians and Irishmen are living in Ny.
When reliable article review service you need a post about how The us was established, you canpay us to jot down document in an ahead of time time.
3.Consumers different reply on scenario-laws.It was started in the united states particularly long back. For example, in 1938 it actually was followed the law according to which not one person coursework help service ought to put all of uneatable factors to ingredients. This is why,there is not any Kinder Surprise in America (a delicious chocolate egg cell which includes a stuffed toy within the).
4. The whole amount of cash that one has to payfor exploring in higher education in each a yearis for about27 1000 $.
5.Most university students use credits to buy understanding. So what is most surprising with regards to it would be that 14Percent of these pupils settle hard earned cash until pension. You will find a very good education in the USA. It is the assure of versions really good long term.
6. People in Americawhen give or purchase blossoms choose a much figure. In other custom coursework writing service nations there are actually numerous tradition as reported by it. If you need anybody totype an essay similar to a seasoned professional, you can depend on us.
7.Till 1970 a quarter of all workforce handled factories. Now the degree of these kinds of staff members has diminished to 9Per cent.
8.There is an phrase in the united states – Uncle Sam. It will come coursework help out of US. U for Uncle and S for Sam. In 1812 this mark was place on casks with animal meat for American army. This is exactly thepart of Uncle Sam history.
9.In the us you can conveniently go back any purchased decent. Anybody can show you everything like, I actually do unlike these things.
10. On 100 US money loan company be aware one coursework expert may begin to see the imagine ofBenjamin Franklin. Not everybody recognizes but this personnever would have been a Director with the States.
11. If another person studies our world from exterior area,Vegas is definitely the most brilliant identify.
12.From 1788 to 1790 the capital in the United states was New York City. It happened simply coursework writing services uk because in Philadelphia were definitely to be found all administrative places. You can read ourEssay About Ny City.
13.Most Us citizens are remarkable challenging employees. One might notice how place of work individuals seat at working hard set at 6 in the morning and go dwelling at 12 after dark.
14.Only in infrequent conditions young people live life coupled with their families. Truly the coursework service uk only reason is the lack of money. Often learners or unhappy people today hire condominiums together with unfamiliar folks.
15.People in the usa never just take offence when anyone reveals terrible words and phrases concerning their location.They may without difficulty discuss concerns in their modern society, market, and governmental process by using these someone.
That has been just a smaller part of helpful a description of the united states. Now we will focus on its flexibility.
We continually indicate all our people companies that grow to be valuable in formulating, croping and editing, or proofreading pay for coursework writing. Make instructions on this website and you will then not feel disappointed about. Other than, we can easily take your courses. So, for those who post us, Do my on the internet school in my opinion, we are going to do this.
Relief In The USA
There is an opinion thatthe U . s . is certainly an cost-free place. A lot of essays on The us contain these sort of facts. Individuals here are now living in mobility. This countryside has reached its freedom and afterwards managed to rise above slavery and outdo discrimination of other backrounds.Now everybody are match. Nicely, this that means has two edges do my coursework online. Without a doubt, People in america are free of charge consumers. They have already a variety of laws and regulations which service their overall flexibility and even brilliance higher than many people on earth.Any United states may perhaps get hold of a admission and travel just about anywhere he/she would like with virtually no difficulty or consent.
Furthermore, checkWhat coursework writing Is Overall flexibility Essay. It is going to explain some strong issues.
In keep going century that they had a number of civil techniques. African-Us residents wanted equality. They arrived at it. Many individuals died nonetheless it converted into relief for anybody. Having said that,many people point out that flexibility in the united states is simply myth. Many of us maintain thatthe catastrophe which took place 9/11destroyed the freedom of United states of america and People in america.It can be a legend that Muslims infected and murdered individuals. It was best coursework writing service uk actually made by American state. It scratched constitutional protection under the law in the folk.
On the other hand, through the other side people even now relocate to the united states. They would like attain superior learning in order to find wonderful career throughout this nation. Precisely the same folks who say that United states of america coursework service is an unsettled area mail their children for the United states of america. The usa differs from any zone on the earth but is made up of the identical men and women who we come in contact with everyday.
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Our freelance writers can certainly produce a report to reveal other edges of living in the united states. If you need it quickly, you can actually say, Do my assignment in my situation in just one day.
We do thanks for that you may have put in time on looking at this essay. Hopefully it is not necessarily only interesting but handy. Often as a result of this type of tiny records we discover out essential stuff. The next time we can easily put together convenience in the united states essay, if you want.Our activity is to try to support clients 24/7.
from Charles Forbis Linex of Pelham http://linexpelham.com/essay-on-the-states-truth-freedom-visions/
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