#i at least hoped it was the cables but even different ones won't work
onestepbackwards · 3 months
My new monitor broke :')
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queenofbaws · 1 month
There's been a drought of non-poly Chrashley-focused content for quite a while now (apart from the occasional story on Ao3), and I'm starved for ANYTHING featuring the nerds and their schmaltzy escapades. I've considered remedying this situation by making my own food (read: trying to write my own fanfiction), but I fear I wouldn't do the characters justice. You've proven to be a talented author from what I've read of your works, so would you be willing to write a soft, sweet snippet in my stead?
catch me catching up on some not-quite-six sentence sat(or)sunday!
"So...is it that you think glaring it down is somehow going to magically make it safer, or...?" He couldn't mark it down as a full victory, not with the way her mouth was twisted up like that, but there was juuust enough laughter in her eyes for Chris to pat himself on the back. Not that he ever needed much of an excuse to do that.
After another moment of heavy, heavy consideration, Ashley sighed, then groaned, then forced herself to take a single lurching step over the threshold and into the cable car. She mumbled something as she shrugged her bag off and plunked it down on the same bench where he'd ditched his, and while he couldn't make most of it out, he for sure caught "death trap" and "tin can" thrown around in there.
"That'd be a 'yes' on the glaring question, then?" he teased, pretending not to follow her with his eyes as she sat beside him. She folded her arms and sighed again, and he nudged her shoulder with his own. "Think about it this way," he tried instead, "maybe it's Peter Pan rules - if you believe we're going to drop about a million feet and plunge to our icy deaths, then we will, and if you don't, we won't!"
"Chris! Oh my God." Ashley dropped her head into her hands, laughing tensely. Very, very tensely. "Do you seriously think that's helping?"
"Nah. I just didn't want to go full bad movie cliche and say, y'know...c'mon, Ash, what's the worst that could happen?"
The cable car's door clicked shut, the mechanism began to hum, and Ashley's laughter took on a desperate note. "Oooh but you said it anywayyy!"
She scooted another few inches away from the window, and just like that they were flush against each other, her arm pressing into his...from between, like, twelve layers of jacket, anyway. They hadn't even chugged a single inch up the mountain yet and whoop, yeah, uh huh, now Chris was all aboard the Anxiety Express too, his ticket paid for, processed, and punched in not by heights or the decidedly out-of-date maintenance sticker on the back window but Ashley herself. As was so often the case.
What was his move here? Did he have a move here? And, maybe more importantly, since when did he think about his life in terms of moves?
Okay, that last one was actually easy enough to answer: Since he'd hung up with Josh all of three minutes ago. It had been a thirty second call, if that, just enough to let him know they were heading up and he should expect them at the summit's station in the next ten minutes or so...but in true Josh fashion, he'd managed to pack that thirty seconds with as much psychic damage as humanly possible.
"Hope you two have a nice ride up," he'd said cheerfully enough, which had tripped at least five different warning alarms in Chris's brain. "See the sights, revel in the atmosphere, engage in a much-needed heart-to-heart...you know, just...really enjoy each other's company."
Good ol' Josh. Always knowing the exact thing to say to leave a guy completely unarmed.
Armed! Was that the answer? He could, in theory, sort of stretch his arm around her shoulders. People did that, didn't they? If someone they were with was freaked out? It...it didn't have to be seen as a romantic gesture, not if all he was doing was comforting her, but...but would she see it like that?
The cable car crept a foot off the ground, two, three, four, five...and right as they crested the roof of the station, it...well, it stopped. Completely.
"What's going on?" All it took was the cable car rocking once as it came to a halt and Ashley was on him, her face buried in the fur lining of his parka and her arms wrapped so tightly around his middle he could feel her fingers knotting at his side, Princess and the Pea style. "I can't look! How high up are we? I - wait, no, I don't want to know! Don't tell me!"
"I...we're like seven feet up, Ash. Like, maybe eight. Nine?"
"Make up your miiiiiiiind!" she groaned into his coat, her shoulders shaking as he did, in fact, scrounge up courage enough to wrap his arm around them. "I knew this was a bad idea...God, I hate these stupid things!"
"They've never stalled like this before. It's probably just, uh, a glitch or something. The system needs to warm up a little bit." He tried to sound confident as he said it, even as he glanced out the window and started running the numbers in his head. Could they jump out if they needed to? Maybe. It'd probably hurt, though, and he was prone to getting hurt on leisurely walks around the block, to say nothing of sick, snowy stunts. Plus, it'd taken a hell of a lot of convincing to get Ashley into the cable car in the first place; convincing her out of it...
"Yeah," she agreed, poking her head out from his coat only long enough to shoot a worried glance out the window on her side, "they've never stalled like this before, that's the problem, Chris! Maybe this is it! This is the time they break down for good! We're going to be stuck up here and - "
Before she could get another word out, the lights in the car flickered. And dimmed.
They turned to each other, eyes wide as panic began to really set in, and...and then...wait.
Now wait one fucking second.
The car suddenly filled with music. Music of the low and slow variety, that was, music the likes of which you only ever heard during the swelling denouement of a cheesy Hallmark romance movie, and Jesus Christ, he was going to kill Josh when they got to the summit. If they got to the summit.
Chris's head fell back against the glass panel behind him with a dull thunk. He squeezed his eyes shut as tight as they went. "Well," he said, feeling his adrenaline begin to flag, "looks like someone installed speakers in this bad boy since our last visit."
"Oh my God. Oh my...God." Beside him, Ashley slumped. Up until that moment, she'd been a spring wound tight against his side; now she felt more like a ragdoll folded up under his arm, her heartbeat still frantic enough that he could feel it through their layers upon layers of winterwear.
A moment later the cable car chugged back to life, rising up, up, up into the sky and towards the lodge, its lights low and its jams smooth. Chris waited for the moment Ashley straightened again, prepared himself for their inevitable separation...and even as the lights of the summit slowly came into view, it did not come.
"You just had to say it, didn't you?" Ashley asked after awhile, her arms still tight around him, her head still nestled in his parka's lining. "Just had to go and jinx us, huh?"
It took him a second, but when it clicked, it was all he could do not to laugh outright. Instead, he pressed his luck a liiittle more, tightening the arm around her shoulders to pull her closer before setting his chin atop her head. "Ash, uh, if this right here is the worst that could happen, I gotta be honest, I would love to know what your idea of the best-case scenario would've been."
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Crosshair – My Beloved Enemy 12 – Broken Wings
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Crosshair x Female!Reader (FF)
Warning: ANGST! Angst/ Space Accident / Injury/ Broken Bones/ Phobic
Author's Comment:
Don't worry, it's not that much of a Cliffhanger this time and this chapter won't leave you as much with a stomach ache as the last did. On Repeat while writing: Icarus Almost forgot how hot Adam Jensen is, the guy in the thumbnail if you didn't know. ------
What Happened Before:
Part 1 - Crash Landing
Part 2 - Hot And Cold
Part 3 - Hello Kitten
Part 4 - Look Who’s Back
Part 5 - Rebel Darling
Part 6 - Burning Anger
Part 7 - Love And Pain
Part 8 - A Difficult Reunion
Part 9 - The Bitter Taste Of Blood And Failure
Part 10 - Where The Dead Ships Dwell
Part 11 - A Lonely Firefly In Space
Part 12 - Broken Wings
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You couldn't believe how calm Tech was when he said, "Hmm, that's problematic. Let me think for a moment"
"Okay, Crosshair, the guys are still alive, but they are currently unable to maneuver and cannot use the Marauder's cockpit," you clarified to the Sniper.
He sighed, "Okay, that's good news and bad news. But I'm assuming Tech will come up with something."
You hoped so too. So far he had always come up with something, for every problem there was a solution, at least if you had Tech with you.
Tech suddenly said. "Theoretically, I could pilot the ship from the engine room and at least steer us out of the junk field and to the nearest planet, hoping that maybe a larger ship can pick us up there. I can't land the Marauder in its current condition, we wouldn't even survive entering the atmosphere of any planet or moon."
"Can you do that on emergency power?" you asked uncertainly but already much more hopeful.
"If I had access to thrusters, yes. However, I don't have that access. But I think I know what the problem might be, and that's where you come in."
You nodded, more as a gesture to yourself for encouragement.
"Okay, what can I do?"
Tech explained, "There are several cable connections on the underside of the Marauder that connect the thrusters to the engine room and power them, I suspect at least one of them must be clipped. Do you think you can get underneath the Marauder to reconnect them?"
"Of course I can," you said determinedly, glad to finally have a task that moved you forward, "Cross, I need to get under the Marauder, keep the Firefly on rotation with the Marauder as best you can."
"Roger that, be careful Kitten"
You shimmied along the ship to the underside, always careful not to get tangled in your rope. You saw the problem before you reached it. The cover of the cables had been torn open and some cables had been cut.
"You were right!" you exclaimed laughing, because this was something you could fix "The cables have been damaged."
"Okay, that's good news, more or less".
"I'll start reconnecting the cables now, I'll let you know when I'm done"
"Be careful, they are all energized, I can't disconnect them right now or we will lose emergency power as well" Tech warned you.
You sighed, "Okay, got it, would be too easy otherwise".
You sought secure footing on the ship with your feet and left arm and took the multitool from your belt with your right and set to work.
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Crosshair tried to keep an eye on the junk floating around you, every single one of them could possibly be dangerous for you. Again and again he looked at the radar of the Firefly and gritted his teeth, the old technology was really overwhelmed with the mass of different metal parts in the near environment and blinked uselessly. He couldn't really make out anything on it.
"Hurry up Kitten, I can't keep track of all this junk circling us," he grumbled.
"Be done in a minute or two," you said focused.
"Roger that," Crosshair returned with a sigh.
He didn't like it that you were out there, he thought he should be out there, but unfortunately circumstances didn't allow it. But he was also glad and grateful that you were willing to risk so much to save his brothers, even if he didn't really express that at the moment.
Crosshair silently wondered how this strange accident had happened in the first place, but at the moment you had more pressing concerns. Still, the question of what exactly had happened haunted the back of his mind.
He glanced at the radar again and for a moment thought he saw some unusual movement.
"Y/N, how much longer? There's something moving among the junk that could be an intact ship, we may be in trouble"
"Almost there!"
Nervously Crosshair chewed on one of his toothpicks, kept looking at the radar, he felt something coming, somehow he had this strange feeling in his bones and he wanted you to get back to the ship as soon as possible.
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Just one last bit of cable, then you would have made it, and the chances of getting the Marauder out of here would be much better.
Finally, you felt vibration in the ship.
"I think that's it!" you exclaimed and put the tool back on your belt.
A strange euphoria flooded through you, you had created a way out of a hopeless situation.
"Good job Y/N," you heard Tech say "We got-"
"Y/N watch out!" overlapped Crosshair's voice over Tech's.
You didn't have time to brace yourself because in the very next moment something yanked violently on the winch line, yanking you away from the Marauder. You let out a startled scream and a heartbeat later heard Tech's voice as well as Crosshair's shouting in a jumble, unable to understand what they were saying. You whirled around with no control over your movement. You collided with several small parts floating through space around you and bruised yourself several times. But your momentum was hardly slowed down.
You tried to curl up to brace yourself against an impact with more pieces, pulling your legs to your body and wrapping your arms around them as you had learned in training. Your pulse raced, your breathing was fast and heavy, on the verge of hyperventilation.
Then you hit a bigger obstacle, full force, which drove all the air out of your lungs. You let go of your legs and gave a strangled groan, the impact had hit you hard in the ribs, you couldn't move from the pain, probably at least one rib was broken. You could barely breathe. You tried to grab the rope to pull yourself back to the Firefly, you screamed out as the movement burned through your chest like liquid fire.
"Kitten? Talk to me, Y/N, what happened?" you heard Crosshair in your helmet.
For a brief moment you were under the illusion you were back on the ship and unconsciously you wanted to reach for his hand, but the pain that drove through your ribs made you suck in air sharply.
"Impact..." you pressed out in pain "Can hardly breathe, I think the ribs are broken".
You tried to pull yourself along the rope with your other arm on the uninjured side, it was less painful but still an incredible challenge. You had to keep pausing to collect yourself.
"Y/N your vitals are going haywire, please come back to the ship!"
"Crosshair is right, there's nothing more you can do out there anyway," Tech confirmed "We're ready to go."
You growled breathlessly "Well you guys are funny, what do you think I'm trying to do here?!"
A beeping sound in your helmet distracted you. You looked at the oxygen gauge on your wrist.
"What happened?" asked Crosshair and you could hear the concern in his voice even if he tried to hide it with his typical gruff manner.
"My suit got damaged, I'm losing oxygen".
"It doesn't matter you're already on your way back" Tech spoke calmly to you.
You felt dizzy and your vision became blurry. Your hand involuntarily let go of the rope and you slowly trundled away from the Firefly and the Marauder.
"Guys..." you said in a wavering, slurping sounding voice "I don't think I can do this.... I'm losing.... i can't see... "
Tech and Crosshair took turns talking at you, but you only heard their voices fuzzy and blurry as if your head was underwater.
"Marauder, come in, is that you guys?"
Was that Rex? His voice sounded so strangely clear, at least for a moment. You heard the men talking briefly, but you only understood half of what was being said.
You saw movement to your right and tried to make it out, but your vision kept blurring, but you were pretty sure it was another spaceship. But you were anything but sure. At the moment you had the feeling that it could be imagination. You hoped it wasn't, you hoped you had really heard Rex's voice.
When the Marauder was forced into emergency power mode, it had probably started sending out a distress signal, one that was stronger than your Firefly's outdated technology. But what an incredible stroke of luck it was that Rex, of all people, had stumbled upon it.
But was he really here? The pain caused your vision to focus again and again, but right after that it blurred once more.
"It hurts so much," you said softly, almost in a whisper.
Despite the pain, you felt your own pulse, as strong as if it wanted to slay you from within, throbbing in your ribs, in your temples.
"Y/N?", the voice was low, sounding soft, soothing.
"Rex?" you asked softly.
"I can see you. Can you see my ship? I'm very close to you. Looks like you are trying to fly with broken wings dear"
You blinked against tears that finally floated in your helmet. Your chest seemed to be on fire.
"I think so.... Rex, I'm scared"
"It's okay" the former clone captain spoke softly "I'm coming for you, ad'ika"
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@ladykatakuri @inthemoshpitt
@rexandechosandwich @anndraco0523
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Memories and a movie
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Pairing: Castiel x Dean
Written for: @spnchristmasbingo
Square filled: Miracle on 34th Street
Warnings: none
Summary:   Dean Winchester has never been one for holidays, but he's fond of his few good childhood memories. When Castiel unwillingly upsets him, he will have to find a way to make up for it.
Words: 2391
Beta: @raspberrymama
my work can be found on AO3, here! If you’re interested in the whole series, you just have to click here!
Dean is in the kitchen again, making popcorns and humming a cheesy Christmas song that he heard while grocery shopping, and just won't get out of his head. He's not too bothered about it, all in all.
You won't be joining them at the bunker at least for another day, due to the closed roads, but the rest of them can start to get in the Christmas spirit. They decided to watch a Christmas-themed movie, so to give Cas and Jack the full holidays-are-coming experience. While he throws some more butter in the popcorn, he looks for the salt, trying not to spill stuff around.
A moment later, Sam walks in the kitchen, holding his pc and looking at him.
“Hey. Need a hand with that?”
“Yeah, pass me that bowl. Do we have it?”
“Yep. Miracle on 34th Street, as usual. Are you sure you don't want to watch the new version, too? I think maybe Jack...”
Dean stops him before he can go on. “Sammy, we've been over this. You and I are going to show the kid our Christmas movie, and that's it. If he doesn't like it, he'll show us his favourite one, and we will never forgive him for that.”
Sam scoffs softly and clicks a key on his pc. “Alright, then, I'll throw in the subtitles and we're good to go. We'll wait for you in the...”
“Dean cave!”
Sam sighs, exasperated. “... yes, Dean, we'll wait for you in the Dean cave.”
“Don't say it like that. It's a temple of happiness and comfort. It's the Dean cave!”
Sam opens his mouth to say something, then decides against it. He sighs and walks away from the kitchen, smiling. Dean is insufferable, of course, but it's a different kind of a pain in the ass. A light-hearted, happy Dean who teases and mocks people around him because it's fun, and not to keep a distance to avoid painful separations. All in all, he's glad of being nagged like that.
He walks in the infamous Dean cave and he finds everyone already settling down. He connects the HDMI cable to his pc and goes to sit on the couch, next to Eileen. She makes a small hint at him, and Sam nods. He clears his throat and looks at Castiel, curled up on an armchair next to the couch.
“Uh, Cas... why don't you give us the armchair? We can definitely be more comfortable there. Here, take the couch.”
Shrugging, Castiel moves on the couch. A moment later, Dean walks through the door with a ridiculously huge bowl of popcorn, and goes to sit next to Castiel. Jack stands up, going to turn off the lights, and Sam hits play on the pc before going back to the armchair and letting Eileen sit on his legs.
“So... did you love it, or did you adore it?” Dean beams at Castiel and Jack as soon as he turns the light back on.
“I like it! It put me in a good mood”, Jack nods, smiling. Dean chuckles, satisfied, then turns at Castiel, who still hasn't spoken, and looks pretty confused.
"What troubles you, Cas?" Dean asks, curious to see if he will have to explain something.
“I don't really understand the point of this movie.”
“The-the point? Cas, it's the best Christmas movie ever made, until Trading Places, what do you think is the point?”
Castiel shakes his head, an incredulous expression on his face. “Dean, it's a terrible story about how the American system cages a man for believing to be a fictional character. The judge emits his sentence on a case that doesn't belong in a courtroom, based on what's written on currency. It all stems from the troubles of an alcoholic man. How can you love this movie?”
Dean looks at Castiel, horrified. Sam knows that face. It's the same expression he had when he was forced to destroy Baby to survive a ghost attack. Whatever it's going to happen, the happy atmosphere of movie night is about to go up in flames. Surprisingly, Dean just sets his jaw and nods.
“Alright, I get it. Not everyone can appreciate it.”
“I'm just saying that there's not a lot that...”
“Shut up!” Dean barks, a second before walking away without giving anyone the time to stop him. Confused, Castiel turns to Sam.
“What did I say?”
“Cas, uh... Dean loves this movie. Very, very much. We... we used to watch it with dad, so... I-I think he was hoping you'd like it, too.”
For a long moment, Castiel stays quiet, then nods. “I understand. I suppose I'll go apologize to him.”
“It's not... let him cool off a bit, maybe.”
“Don't worry, Sam. I know exactly what to do.” Castiel ignores Sam's suggestion before going after Dean, leaving Sam, Eileen and Jack in the room. Jack stands up and stretches, still in a good mood.
“Don't worry Sam. If there's anyone able to calm Dean down, that's Cas.”
Sam chuckles, taking Eileen's hand. “You know what? You're right. Let's clean this place and go to bed, we'll deal with the lovebirds tomorrow.”
They all laugh, and start tidying up the place.
Castiel walks in Dean's room, awkwardly standing just a few steps from the door. Dean is sitting at his desk, going through some stuff, and Castiel can take a look at him. He studies how his dark blond hair is slightly ruffled on the back of his neck, after being pressed against the back of the couch for the last couple of hours, how the shirt's fabric stretches on his broad shoulders. It's looking at the movement of his shoulders that Cas realizes that Dean is moving. He turns to him, and gives him an indecipherable look.
“Hey, Cas.”
“Dean... I wanted to...”
“Ah, look... it's fine, man. It's just a movie. No big deal.”
“Sam explained to me it was a sort of tradition. I should have known there was a story behind it. There's always a story with you.”
Dean's lips curl again in one of the half smiles that Cas has learned to map and interpret down to a fine art... in a few seconds. There's always a moment or two of pure amazement at seeing how his whole traits seem to turn him from a weathered hunter into a smiling man, showing the Dean he's always cherished so deeply.
“You know... you're right. Guess I was mad because it's one of the good stories, this one.”
“... would you like to share it with me?”
For a fleeting moment, Castiel sees the surprise in Dean's eyes, as clear as fleeting. It almost hurts to think that he could be surprised to be asked to share something obviously so dear to him, but Castiel stays quiet and watches Dean nodding in agreement.
“It's just... you know we didn't have exactly an easy childhood. I had to take care of Sammy from day one, cause dad... you know. You heard more than enough. But Christmas... soometimes it was not about... this.” Dean says, gesturing at the room around him. “Sure, it was always in a different motel, always after some monster. But... the police rarely work on Christmas' night. Families stick together, making it harder for the monsters to hunt. Motels would offer something to their guests, especially to us. They saw a single dad working his ass off with two children... it tends to make people feel sympathy, especially at Christmas.”
Castiel nods, entranced by Dean's voice. He keeps smiling, and it's clear that, despite everything that man put him and Sam through, he still misses his father. His dad.
“And no matter where we were... that movie is a classic. If it wasn't on a channel, it was on another. When he managed to stay with us, Dad would make some popcorn, usually with so much butter that you could see through the bag once you were done, and we would all hunker down and watch that movie together.”
“... it sounds like a wonderful memory, indeed.”
“Yeah, it... it is. One year... one year Sammy was so upset that we had to decide: telling him that Santa wasn't real, or inventing an excuse to justify the fact that, once again, we didn't get a new house.”
“How did you deal with that?”
“We told him that Santa couldn't get a new house for us because we had to move constantly, to stay safe. We had to stick with that for a couple of years, before he grew out of that. I... I did my best to let him be a kid, Cas. Standing up to dad wasn't easy, and I... I just did my best.”
Castiel must fight the anger he feels understanding why Dean sees himself the way he does, and walks as close as possible to Dean. He places a hand on Dean's shoulder, trying to find the right words to say.
“Dean... you did a wonderful job with Sam. You shouldn't have been forced to look out for him. Your father was supposed to do it... and I'm sure that Sam is grateful for it. I'm sorry I didn't appreciate the movie.”
“Ah, Cas, it's fine. I overreacted.”
“No. It's not fine. Allow me to apologize.”
“... there's no need to...”
“Dean, I understood that around Christmas is customary to make kind gestures to each other. Please, let me.”
Dean chuckles, raising his hands.
“Alright. Let's see what you got for me.”
“Fine. Get dressed.”
“... what?”
“Get dressed.”
Dean smiles, curious to see what Cas has in mind and stands up to grab his coat. He puts it on, takes a scarf and a hat, puts on his gloves, and finally turns to face him.
“Is this enough?”
“It is. Are you ready to take a flight?”
“Not a fan of it, but... whatever makes you happy.”
Castiel gives him a small hint before placing a hand on his shoulder, and Dean experiences the familiar and dreaded feeling of his stomach being mashed from the inside during teleportation. A second later, when he opens his eyes, he manages to steady himself against a brick wall and take a deep breath before bending down and trying to catch his breath.
The air is cold, heavy, and Dean knows the smell lingering in the air, even if he can't pinpoint where or when. It feels familiar, but somehow distant, and it brings mixed feelings with it. When he finally feels his stomach settling down, he straightens his back and looks at the angel who just brought him there.
“Cas... where are we?”
“Why don't we go find out?” Cas answers, with a small smile that lets out his anticipation. Dean, affected by Cas' visible excitement, starts walking towards the exit of the alley where they appeared.
Before they walk out of it, Dean has a clear idea of where they are. There's only one city in the world that has that particular kind of bright night, those sounds mixed in a cacophony so terrible to result irresistible, topped with the smell of a thousand different foods, people and exhaust pipes. When they walk out from the alley, his hypotheses are confirmed, and Dean laughs, incredulous, turning to Cas.
“You brought me to New York?”
“So it seems.”
“What the...”
Cas points at something behind Dean, who feels his heart stopping for a second, then starting to beat furiously in an attempt to catch up. Sure enough, turning around Dean sees the building of Macy's, dressed in blinding lights and Christmas decorations.
For a moment, Castiel is deeply worried. He never saw Dean reacting like that. His mouth fell open, while his whole face transformed into a blank expression of utter disbelief. He just keeps staring at Macy's, his eyes running up and down the building the only movement that Cas can see, as if trying to find a way to get in, or something like that. After a few very long moments, he decides to risk a question.
“Dean... are you alright?”
Dean turns to Cas so quickly that he almost takes a step back. He raises his arm, pointing at the building.
“You... you brought me to New York. On Christmas' week. To friggin' Macy's? Because you didn't like my favourite Christmas movie... you thought it was a good idea to bring me into it?”
At six and seven for Dean's reaction, Castiel nods. He thought he'd appreciate the intention behind the gesture. Perhaps he's been too intrusive. Perhaps he interpreted the sharing of his story in the wrong way, or perhaps Dean didn't mean that...
“Cas... that's the... that is the most stupid, senseless, sweet thing that anyone is ever done for me!” Dean practically shouts in Castiel's face.
“Why are you yelling now?”
“Because you are not supposed to... Cas, how... why did you do this?”
When he finally realizes why Dean is so upset, Castiel smiles. A big, wide smile that makes his eyes crinkle and the most human side of him flash clearly like one of the Christmas lights around them. Dean Winchester, the legendary hunter, the man who came back from Hell, the one who died and came back to tell the tale more than once... is embarrassed. The most brazen, skilled conqueror of waitress of the United States has no idea about how to react to a genuine gesture of care and affection.
The smile of Castiel erupts into a light-hearted laughter, and Dean is bedazzled in finding out that, in fact, he loves that. He thought he'd hate Castiel laughing at him in a moment like that, but... he was wrong. He adores his laughter. It tells him that Cas just read all the right things in his reaction, understood where they came from, and why they are there.
Dean blushes, sticks his hands in his pockets and mutters, in a falsely angry tone “Shut up” at Castiel. He doesn't stop Castiel when he nudges him with a shoulder and stays close to him.
“What do you say about we go and take a closer look at that place?”
Trying to keep his coolness, and failing miserably, Dean nods. “Well, since we're here...”
Cas shakes lightly his head, impatient and slightly exasperated. “Yeah, we're here. Thanks for seconding me. Come on, let's go.”
Thank you for reading! 
I truly hope you enjoyed this little story. Every kind of feedback is very much appreciated, just as much as likes and reblogs!
Please, do not repost my works or part/s of it on different places, not even if you give credits.
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josephmoulton-blog · 6 years
i wanna start a switch online arguement
Before i go ahead i just want to mention that i do not hate the service, and i believe nintendo will eventually fix their mistakes. And here, have some old eshop music while you read because its calm and relaxing.
People have been complaining about the Nintendo Switch Online, and mostly using the price for an arguement... yes, it is cheaper than the other two but it's not even really about the price that pisses people off, its how the service was executed. Since March 3rd of 2017, the services have been free (thats like 18 months) and the service worked fine, not fantastic unless you had a lan cable probably, but it worked fine, and there wasn't a whole lot of complaints that I've heard about it. Now for the people who didn't see the very first stream showcasing the Switch, upcoming games, etc, you may not have known that Nintendo was planning to put out an online service (originally last year around this time too) and for a little while it was supposed to be free, nobody really expected that it was going to be postponed at first, but in a way, it was a gift for the people who knew that this was happening. Now... do you see the problem? Or do I just suck at writing? Anyway, what im getting at is that after Nintendo postponed the Switch Online service, I doubt everybody knew about it in the first place, and then when the service launched, or was properly announced via youtube days before the service launched, people were suprised in a negative way. But this is just what i think, and people may have a different opinion on why they don't like the online service, so now im going to tackle other reasons. Next reason, features. I'm going to be honest, Switch Online has 5 "major features" that even I was complaining about.
First, online service, there isn't much to say about this one, except that its no different from when it was free (my experience at the very least).
Next, cloud saves, one of the strongest reasons to get Nintendo Switch Online.... unless you own only Dead Cells... Splatoon 2.... Pokemon lets go... Dark Souls.... and probably more games to come because they just straight up don't support cloud saves. And Nintendo's reasoning for that is because people could use those cloud saves like how people use the Create Save Point feature in the virtual console when playing a retro game on Wii U or 3ds. To me, that sort of makes sense? I guess? But consider the fact the people who hack, cheat, use PK Hex, etc. exist, and people are always showing those types videos of that on youtube anyway.
Next, NES library. I was definetly skeptical, but at the same time excited for this feature... skeptical because "just nes games? Really?" to "oh hey they're going to be putting out more as times goes on! Im down!" And in the end I actually like it very much, there's tons of games that i havent played on the nes, and frankly, I can't wait to play them all! And who's to say nintendo won't put out SNES or N64 games in the future? I guess only time will tell. Also this feature supports online play. Modders on PC with emulators have dipped their toes into this before, but I don't ever remember this being fully realized, especially from Nintendo even, and it's pretty cool except for when the games lag sometimes, more notably when playing online with friends... I hope Nintendo fixes these issues soon! Also with this feature you can only play offline for up to 7 days which isn't really a problem to me because why would you get Switch Online if you're not around internet often?
Next, deals. There really isnt much to say about this, its just discounts on games and again, not much to actually complain about.
Last one, the smartphone app. Definetly the worst part of the nintendo switch online package. I'm going to just focus on the 3 flaws I can come up with so here they are:
1. You need to have a smartphone (I know lots of people have a smartphone these days, but that doesn't mean everybody can afford one. Also its kinda makes either the Switch or your Phone another device you have to remember to charge, but now that I think about it that's not even really a valid arguement... probably.).
2. It is your "only" way to do voice chat with the Nintendo Switch. Unless you want to talk to strangers via Nintendo Switch app, chances are you're most likely to use something like Skype or Discord instead.
3. Crappy voice quality. I've used the Switch Online to voice chat with a buddy once, and it wasn't that bad, but i've heard complaints on the web that other people had bad voice quality, so it's on the list.
This is all i could come up with about the Nintendo Online service so far, and I'd love to hear any feedback to see more views on this subject.
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itspronouncedtessa · 2 years
Meet Beaudille: my ADD compatible, overly convoluted, fully unnecessary take on the 10-stitch and sampler blankets.
The first itteration of this blanket was a straight forward 10-stitch garter stitch blanket. Though I had to go with 30 stitches, because this is very light weight yarn. I decided I wanted a rectangular blanket, so I had calculated that I just needed to knit down to about 60 cm long before turning the first two corners and I'd eventually have a cute color changing 150x200 cm blanket.
What I forgot to take into account is that I get bored easily. My particular form of ADD won't let me do the same thing over and over again for very long. This is why I'll never be able to knit a sweater and I am very impressed with those who can. Anyway, I knit the 60 cm and even turned two corners and got about 15 cm of te return done, all of which took about six months, but then I was fully burned out on it and it landed at the bottom of the TBF pile.
It kept bugging me, though. I really wanted that blanket and I had to figure out a way to trick my brain to keep it exciting. So I decided to make a blanket of 10x10cm patches, but knit them as my 30-stitch rectangular blanket. That's 300 patches, 27 of which are corners. I quickly realised I would not be able to just make up 273 different stitch patterns, so I bought this book full of patterns. I had just finished an intricate cabling project, so I omitted all cable patterns and I would be working with color changing yarn, so I also left out all color work patterns. I went through this book with a fine toothed comb and found 4 separate instances of duplicated patterns, so do with that information what you will. I chose 273 different patterns and charted them all out on Stitch Fiddle. I printed the charts double sided, randomized the order in excel and ended up with a pattern book that is about 2.7 cm or a little over an inch thick.
And now I'm knitting it all up. After 23 patches I decided to document this blanket on TikTok, posting a 30 second video of a finished patch every week (you can follow my progress here, patch 38 just went up last Monday), to have a record of doing this mammoth task. I started on June 25th, 2021 and am knitting patch 44 now (I don't number or film the corners). If I do only a patch a week, it'll take me 6 years, but I usually knit at least 2 patches a week and build up a buffer of videos in my drafts. Still, this is going to take a loooong time, but I've just added my second cake of yarn, so I'm doing a lot better than I was in garter stitch. And yes, there are quite a few seed stitch patterns in here and I HATE seed stitch with a passion, but the good news is that any pattern that I don't like only lasts 40 rows and then I never have to knit it again.
I wanted to share, because I cannot be the only one to have this boredom issue. I wanted to show that you can definitely make any pattern as convoluted as you need, if that what'll make it enjoyable for you.
Yarn details on Ravelry (discontinued)
Pattern details:
- stitch patterns from this book
- each patch is 30 stitches and 40 rows
- each patch starts and ends with a garter stitch row
- each patch has a 3 stitch garter stitch edge (on the outer edge of the blanket, I'll up that to 6 stitches)
- I use Bjorn from Skeino’s edge stitch to make picking up between the rows (to connect the "snake") easier (it leaves a little bump on the edge and I pick up between bumps)
- corners are knit in a k1-p2 rib, using wrap-and-turns to make the corner. I wrap by 1s and 2s, to make the stitches and rows match up.
There will at some point be 2 longer videos, one on the edges and one on the corners, because I cannot explain this in words, apparently
I hope you can take some inspiration from this and I hope you'll come say hi on TT to encourage me to continue this behemoth. I am planning on putting the pattern on Ravelry, but not until I'm finished, because I sometimes run into little issues where I adapt the pattern. I'm very much my own test knitter on this. But if you want to make one yourself, I think you can figure it out from everything I've written here :)
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