#i am rotating him in my head
lunarreaper-ut · 3 months
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A sneak peek of the emotionless inky boi himself!
(I'm gonna draw him with and without his main outfit cause you can't see his body with his main outfit and I thought his markings were neat.)
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dearestdoe000 · 11 months
So I just finished the owl house and
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sorry4charlieart · 1 year
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i love old men. dr stone has given me brainrot. i love him. (his hair nearly gave me a breakdown it still doesnt look righT dont get me wrong i like the design but @clownsuu why did you do thAT-)
not me making him have a backstory as a heartbreaker in his college days in my fanfic LMAO im losing my shit fr fr. hes so silly babygirllll
time to rant in the tags a little-
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deadsparrows · 9 months
i love joehills. he put iskall's and stress' new videos in his newsletter this week because he was excited to have them back. i have never seen someone so focused on community and friendship and i love him
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prettyboyflorian · 1 year
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florian charmont (1/?): an incomplete summary.
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anguigenus · 2 years
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ble-ed-mo-re · 1 year
i am a proud equius defender i love him he deserved better
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cinnabeat · 1 year
honest to god forgot this mfer almost died in literally the first couple chapters lmao
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altfire-archive · 2 years
mmmmmm im thinkin abt lio again. saddest little man in the dominion
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theoldkyokodied · 11 months
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every warm up miguel drawing i drew in the past few weeks gdhgfhjsadghjagfj
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bizarrelittlemew · 9 months
the saddest line in the trailer
at first I was too distracted by Stede's plunging neckline and gold earring to fully realize why this kept nagging at me but:
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"I've been a failure my whole life."
and the way he says it:
as a matter of fact, because he fully believes it – it's an integrated part of his self-image
to comfort someone else (presumably), meaning that even though it is sort of similar to Ed's "I'm not a good person" from s1e6, this scene doesn't seem to be about Stede getting comforted – he is just throwing that line in there
with the follow-up line of "It's not so bad once you get used to it," because he is used to being called a failure by everyone around him, even when he was a kid, so much that he doesn't question it
and yeah, Stede fucks up a lot and can be a bit air-headed/naive and overestimates his abilities (Stede's super high confidence vs. shit self-esteem is a central part of his character), often to the detriment of himself and everyone around him, but his biggest "crime" growing up was simply that he was different and didn't live up to the norms of masculinity. and this is what caused him to be made to feel like a failure by the world around him.
(putting the rest under the cut because I have a lot to say apparently lmao ⬇️)
idk it is just so sad that after everything that happened at the end of season 1, he still echoes his father's and the Badmintons' words when talking about himself (and his own "I'm not a pirate, I'm an idiot" from s1e1). he still has a lot of growth to do.
and while it's good that he embraces his own shortcomings (and I hope he stays a loser in many ways <3) and the show reinforces that you don't have to be perfect to be worthy of love/that you are worthy of love just as you are, it is just. idk SO SAD to hear him say that about himself so earnestly
but do you know who doesn't let Stede self-deprecate?
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from telling Stede he isn't such a terrible pirate (at least he's alive), to not letting Stede call his own ideas stupid, Ed likes Stede for who he is WHILE not letting him talk bad about himself like that.
now we can't know who Stede is talking to in the scene in the trailer, just that it is someone with long dark hair:
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and it could be someone else (to me it doesn't look quite like Ed's hair, but the quality/lighting makes it difficult to tell), but if it IS Ed, it has the potential for him to (once again) go against Stede's negative self-talk 😌
I am so interested to see how this scene plays out and I REALLY hope we get a scene mirroring the bathtub scene (even if it's not this one) but with the roles switched ✌️
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penisbutterjellytime · 10 months
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Probably isn't what you expected (also sorry for responding so late lol)
But anyways lol there's two ways this could go
I think she'd either have PCOS and keep the beard. Or she'd have transfem butch swag. Beard could be a safety thing (passing as a man) or maybe she doesn't shave it off because she feels it doesn't take away from her identity so she keeps it. Maybe a bit of both.
Anyway, Butch Kieran Duffy be upon ye
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Hey, I just watched Dead Poets Society for the first time ever! Now, if you guys don't mind, I'm gonna go sit in the corner of my room and scream!
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myreia · 12 days
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— vi. stay | follow
It is an inevitability, she feels, that they are always a little out of step, a little out of sync. One ahead, the other behind, a shadow to the other’s light. Pulled together not by fate nor by destiny, but by a small series of choices that are greater than the sum of its parts. They will always find each other—to the very end.
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polichinelle · 3 months
yeah fuck it i'm making this its own post. basically very long winded (but still not as extensively detailed as i'd like) thoughts on adam & ronan (sort of) & whelk & noah
i remember reading the raven boys back in 2014 (ten years of rot in my brain!) and being sooo disappointed that there was basically zero fandom interest in whelk & noah beyond "omg whelk is evil and awful and terrible, poor baby noah!" when that is not the narrative surrounding them, not really. i feel it's a disservice to both of their characters to do that, especially noah's:
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there is nuance there. there are implications. like... it's ALL about the implications!!! we basically see nothing of whelk and noah beyond what's left after the carnage. and it's a theme in trc for characters to have irreparably changed before we ever meet them (gansey, ronan, whelk, noah). we don't know what they were actually like when noah was alive, when they were best friends. when they were tight as ticks.
what we do know is this: whelk was noah's gansey. whelk was cheating on his own girlfriend with noah's, which is a shitty thing to do for sure, but something we also have zero context for. we also don't know how true it is, because whelk has such a self-inflicted warped view of his past. he keeps rewriting his own memories to think lesser of noah, because his absence hurts that much! we know they were best friends, the same way adam & ronan are best friends with gansey. we know they did everything together
okay, changing gears a little.
i'll paste the part where adam is possessed, sorry for the amount of screenshots:
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and this line from a bit further along the chapter:
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then, from noah's possession scene:
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compare this to whelk's recollection of killing noah, and the effects it had on him:
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"red lines streaked in the corners of his vision" "in whelk's head, unearthly voices hissed and whispered, words blurred and stretched together" "dictated by something larger and more powerful than himself" "somehow invited into his body through czerny's death" yes i am going there, yes i am making that point. i think, to some extent, barrington was possessed when he murdered his best friend. neither noah nor adam get their own pov while possessed, so...
i mean, time is a circle. noah needed to die so that gansey would live. noah had already died, gansey had already lived. it needed to happen, and so it would.
where the difference lies, i think, is in barrington's reaction to being possessed, versus adam/noah. for all that i'm arguing possession, i don't think barry's a stand up guy, he's a kid who's never had good role models (need i pull out the quotes about his shit parents) and who was raised by money and objects and reputation, which is why i think the possession worked. the idea to kill noah might've seemed like his own in the moment, an escalation of the situation he was already in, but unlike adam/noah there was no one to hold him back (not to mention barrington isn't as familiar with magic things(?) as they are). in that moment, whelk did truly lost it. he did the unforgivable. but there is no universe in which he doesn't.
for every time we see noah reenacting his death, we also need to imagine barrington whelk, seventeen and shivering. realizing as he's committing the act that he can't go back. perhaps realizing too that he couldn't stop his hands from gripping onto that skateboard, no matter how much he wanted to after that first hit. ("But instead, he remembered the sound Czerny made the first time he hit him.")
there's also adam in this. both him as a parallel to barrington, and as a strange sort of part of noah in a way. adam and noah interact the least out of the main group, arguably, but they too are a two-headed creature; they started out as one singular character and you can sort of tell. something something hands and eyes, something something sacrifice. ronan sort of parallels noah, in that he is not the same lively person we hear about, and he never will be that person again. both are cabeswater personified (although in different ways).
some more things:
"he once had been tight as ticks with his roommate czerny" "only whelk and czerny, treasure hunters and troublemakers" "it was possible that czerny's death wasn't for nothing after all" "[...] his days a ribbon floating aimlessly in water" (in relation to: "he had been a swimmer himself, once") "czerny, you're in a better place than me, i think" "whelk, standing in the wreckage of his life, didn't laugh this time" "the dry, half-eaten burger on the passenger seat / the first fast-food burger he'd had in seven years" "these days, when whelk was trying to comfort himself, he told himself that czerny was a sheep, but sometimes he slipped and remembered him as loyal instead" "[...] took him back to that moment, the skateboard in his hands, the sad question gasped in czerny's dying sounds "we were friends like —"
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also, whelk dying in the same place noah did. these lines:
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both noah and barrington look the same in the end. broken, rumpled, forgotten. noah's family will never know his bones were reburied outside of their family plot. whelk's mother, however distant she is, will never be notified that her son has died. i think in a way barrington died at the exact same time noah did; something something invited into his body through czerny's death.
basically what i'm getting at is, noah and barry could've been ronan and adam i think, had the circumstances been different. they never will be, but i think about it sometimes.
and there's so many more things i'm not even gonna TRY going into, like noah and whelk both being parallels to gansey (the three of them kings in their own right), or the disparity between whelk talking about czerny vs adele talking about noah, or whatever the fuck is going on with whelk's backstory in general (what's the deal with his mother? how the hell did he get the aglionby job? a random headcanon of mine is that his and noah's search for the ley line lead them to fox way, seven years before the events of the book, and that's partly why whelk refuses to give out his name to maura, because barrington is hard to forget, and easy to trace back)
there is so much to talk about here and i'm so peeved no one is doing it properly... why are we still talking about declan bringing his weekly girlfriend over to monmouth for no reason when we could be talking about whatever the fuck kinda soul-fate-destiny bullshit noah and whelk have!
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smimon · 5 months
okay i know you probably have enough drawing ideas for giant k but i just had this idea invade me.
you know how in snow white (not just the disney version) she pushes together the beds and sleeps on like 3 or more of them sideways? anyway giant k sleeping on 3 beds pushed together. and now i'm just picturing giant k as snow white and everyone else as the various dwarves
Ohoho big brain!!! 👀👀👀 Big brain. I love this idea so much and not just because Snow White is my favourite fairy tale hdjsbdbdfh
Thank you!!! Of course I have to draw it and not just once, let's make it into a comic! Let's gooo
Giant K series #16: once upon a time, in a land far, far away...
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To be continued 😉
#thank you so much 🧡 i was rotating it in my head all this time#sorry it took so long 🙇 (it will take even longer because im planning a continuation)#i did some math and looks like this princess needs at least 4 beds#and there is never enough ideas for giant k 🥺 i feel so moved that people care enough to come up with new stuff for this little series 🙏#thank you#ask#hazzybat#i based them specifically on the 7 Zwerge movie series because the dwarves are average sized men there do you get it#this ask made me rewatch the first movie and it is still so good hdjdhbshdh can i explain who is who? of course i can this is my blog#mikke is tschakko because to me there is some tschakko quality to him. even more so than jere for some reason#and he can carry his cameras in those bags#jesse is brummboss because he's the manager#lärvinen as cookie because if Käärijä has a friend who runs a cooking show then i am making a use of this knowledge#jaakko as sunny because he has this cheerful energy. allu as cloudy because he's always so cool. jukka as speedy because he's a polite fella#häärijä is bubi. the mascot the childish man the little menace#and securityman as ralphie because they are built similar i guess#yee#giant k series#käärijä#rpf#art by op#my art#fanart#also when i watched the movie as a child i always felt so sad about ralphie being constantly rejected#and this might have influenced the way i write giants up to this day. now look. this has come full circle#🥹
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