#i am now sexy and unstoppable
mccncutter · 2 years
new icons.
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isdalinarhot · 3 months
YES my stomach sticks out past my boobs YES this is great for my dysphoria because it allows me to pretend my full blown tits are just extra juicy moobs yes god loves me by making me big and huge and large and fat <3 I love you My Body once I go on T I will love you even more <3 <3 <3
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umhhh I may (??) have bpd 😍✨
tune in for the latest in op's growing collection of mental illnesses next month, on an all-new episode of
disorder hoarder
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vaguely-concerned · 2 years
I have seen people question whether dios apate minor really needed to happen the way it did. it's the 'this could have been an email' of htn. 'augustine this did not have to be a threesome', I hear people saying. and boy do I have an obnoxious amount of things to say to protest this perfectly sensible assertion so here we go haha
1) yes it absolutely had to be like that. It says so on this piece of paper *hands you a piece of paper that says "because I said so and also it's narratively and thematically Sexy"* in my half-legible handwriting. seeing tamsyn muir describe harrow the ninth as a book about being a kid and realizing your parents probably had sex has given me such validation, I am unstoppable now. (to be serious for a moment, harrow the ninth is essentially a bildungsroman, and the threesome scene does a whole lot of thematic heavy lifting around harrow glimpsing elements of adulthood, relationships, and sexuality she clearly finds at the same time repulsive, bewildering and fascinating, and around opening her and especially our eyes to how much john is just a man with human longings still, under the god stuff. dios apate is crucial plot- and character-wise too -- it's a loadbearing threesome in terms of delivering the clues you need to piece together the mystery plot of the book, which is simply delightful -- but even more so thematically. and then the scene at the end where they confront john gives gideon some of that same opportunity to peek into adulthood and go '...well shit I guess', as a sort of mirror, just without the french kissing that time and more murder. the things magnus and abigail model for the girls about love and adulthood? mercy and augustine are providing the opposite-day batshit insane version of that fhdskjfa, you know, for contrast and spice)
2) listen... it gets lonely out there in deep space with your 'legendary unamorous' brother, two infant pathetic baby kitten sisters who you'll probably have to kill one day when you take another stab at god if they don't manage to get themselves killed along the way on their own, and the two people you've spent the last ten thousand years having separate yet connected married & divorced arcs with and also btw one of them is god... honestly a threesome over the dinner table is probably The most well-adjusted reaction one might hope for under those circumstances
3) on a characterization level I think Augustine is actually doing something incredibly deliberate with it: he's presenting John with yet another chance to admit what he did. which is notable especially since the deal he and mercy agree on as a condition for the threesome to happen at all seems to be that they're going to give the ol' godslaying another game try sooner rather than later. (I get the sense that it's not so much that he disagrees with her ultimate goal so much as that he thinks she's being dangerously indiscreet and hasty going about it, before. “though I think it will be the death of us,” huh.)
notice how he's structuring the whole thing: he's invoking the intimacy and love in their strange little threeway relationship and how long it's been by truly playing along with john's 'we're a happy family really when we're at home! :)' delusion (helped along by lowered inhibitions via enormous amounts of alcohol and what I've previously described as a joint mercy/augustine leyendecker themed thirst trap. ah, a classic). he brings up alecto and what happened to her -- or rather, he is clever enough to make john bring up alecto and how she is totally dead, right?? by seeming to make a careless statement that leads there and then acting contrite about it after. he (helped along by mercy, who I think realizes exactly what he's doing -- this is very much a two-man con) brings up how much they all loved their cavaliers, and wow funny how that's been haunting us for ten thousand years now huh :) wow, a lot of our other lyctor friends slash family sure are super dead in the name of some unknowable greater reason neither of us quite grasp and that you won't fucking tell us, aren't they. these are all the main grievances he and mercy confront john about at the end of the book, but put forth much more subtly and not phrased as an accusation -- he's baring his and mercy's vulnerabilities as bait, essentially. if john had, say, a conscience where his conscience should be instead of a black hole, it probably should have stirred something in him.
(also let me just say... the way augustine just takes a pneumatic drill to the TWO tender spots g1deon seems to have and then has the audacity to be like 'oh dear. did that upset him. ooof my bad *loooong dead-eyed slurp of his wine*' is just sooo... he's such a bitch!!! he's the only person who could ever have held their own in a ten-thousand-year bitch-off with mercy and I love him so much. well even if it wasn't all to get g1deon into murder range for harrow I think he wouldn't enjoy sticking around for the 'getting our tongues on god' part of the evening so maybe it's a kindness, really, and totally not pent-up aggression from the last twenty years or so breaking through)
he is all but shaking john by the lapels begging him to just... come clean about it already, to stop thinking he's still kidding everyone else along with himself. it's clear throughout the book that augustine knows exactly what john is at this point -- and all of the most cynical things he does say about it turn out to be distressingly right. john is always less sentimental than you'd think. john wouldn't forgive mercy, he will abandon in a heartbeat anything that isn’t necessary to him anymore, whether emotionally or in some other way. and still he seems to hold out some desperate absurd hope that the man he wants, the man he thought was there, is in there, somewhere deep deep down, if he just gives him the chance to show himself.
(mercy definitely has her own side of this whole thing, I'm just focusing more on augustine because this evening was like. his idea in the first place and I feel like we can Read Some Things into that fact lol. now that we have both ntn and htn to go from I sort of have this sense that the things augustine wants from john are more... personal? more interpersonal? they both love him equally, but mercy's love seems tinged slightly more towards the religious (augustine accuses her of knowing 'only worship without adoration', which like... also the eight house's entire Vibe lol) -- mercy at the end of that book is totally a person breaking up with GOD, not just with john -- while augustine's vibe is more like a man in the last not-with-a-bang-but-a-whimper days of a marriage that sort of felt like it could have been something real and good once but all your illusions about it have since been taken from you and trampled underfoot into the mud and you've had the divorce papers signed and ready in a drawer for over a year now, hell, as it turns out, is other people etc. lmao)
having a threesome over the dinner table with god is one thing, having a threesome over the dinner table centered on the one man and god who has yet again let you down in a way so fundamental it can barely fit into words and who you both still love in a way anyway, miserably, and also just reaffirmed your joint resolution to murder (all under the pretense that it gives your baby sisters the chance to murder your brother of ten thousand years yeah that's why this is happening no other underlying aching emotional motivations here haha)... listen mercy and augustine are simply on a different level, theologically. they've added horny shrimp colours to the religious spectrum. who else does it like them
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scientia-rex · 2 years
It’s a very weird feeling to finally, after literal decades of working towards becoming an unstoppable juggernaut, finally find myself at a point where other people are also realizing that I’m becoming an unstoppable juggernaut. But they never see the potential still remaining! They look at me where I am at now, a rural doc who can change clinic policies that affect thousands of patients by virtue of being one of a handful of docs willing to work out here, and they say, wow, it’s so great that you’re using your influence like this! And I’m sitting here going you think this is IT? You think I’m going to stop here? You really think, after all that very literal blood and sweat and tears, I’m going to say, well, that’s enough. I got one clinic to do a training. I wrote a couple of articles. I got a few doctors to reconsider their approaches. Hell no! I’m still climbing. I’m still pushing. I’m consolidating my solid ground. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and the short-sightedness of so much ambition—do you have any idea how much you hamstring yourself by it? Give yourself time! Give yourself ten years, twenty years, thirty years. Build something massive. Build a fortress that a few weak slings and arrows can’t take down. I put in the work every day since I started med school right and a half years ago, I’ve made myself virtually unfireable, and I’m still at the beginning of my career. It isn’t sexy to show up every day and do the petty and menial tasks as well as the grand ones, to eat shit from smug old white straight cis men who think having a cardiologist AND an orthopedist on a committee counts as “diversity,” to have to plan when you can cry and when you can poop to avoid making your team angry—but now I’m the fucking attending. Now I get to say, “I want it like this,” and people listen. I get to start righting some of these massive systemic wrongs—just little ones, tiny ones. But if I start working on the pipelines for rural docs, for people of color who want to be doctors, on opinion pieces that a small handful of people read, on textbook chapters used to train a new generation how to think, on residency policies, I can start chipping away at this huge edifice of Modern Medicine that once seemed impenetrably white and male and straight and cis. I trained with a trans woman who’s a doctor now. I trained with a non-binary doctor in residency. My residency class had more doctors of color than white doctors. Things ARE changing and they are changing because we MAKE them change. Because we show up every day with a ball peen hammer, like Andy Dufresne at Shawshank, and we are chiseling our way to toppling this edifice. The more I work, the longer I build up this social capital, the more people in the community I make nice with, the more I network, the bigger the changes I can make.
Years ago in residency I wrote a poem and I said “I am throwing my whole life against the glass to see it shake”—we worked on the ninth floor, with huge windows, in an oddly squalid wing—and I am still doing that. It’s wild and joyful. See what change I can make. Fling myself at it. Throw myself at the ground and miss.
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sanzuballs · 2 years
round 2? - ft. roronoa zoro
syp: after a especially lonely night, you find a random guy to hookup with.
cw: random hookup, drunk sex, he cums inside, kissing, prob grammar mistakes, sexy sex
so this is my first writing ever lolz. ill keep these short and sweet!! so enjoy <3 also this is modern au i think lolz
“y/n, thats you?” a green hair man opens the door. now that you were here, this was more nerve racking than you ever could imagine. today was a horrible day but this? hooking up with a friend’s friend’s coworker? this was bad, your friends were sure pushy about you loosing your v-card and you were sick of their bickering.
“uh, yeah, zoro? right?” you spoke. the moon was out and the breeze was just right for goosebumps.
“mhm, come in, its cold and take the shoes off.” he talked as if this was casual. it hit you that he might just hookup with random bimbos he knows from who knows what? atleast his house was clean. it was dimly lit and was decorated with some flowers but most was black and white and gray. it was warm and smelt of fresh air with a hint of metallic smelling sweat. you sat down on a grey couch with a white pillow.
“a friend said i should have more girls over, don’t think your special now.” he pointed out as he threw you a bottle of water. it fumbled in your hands before you caught it.
“who said i did!! i don’t do this either it’s just been a rough night and i wanted to get out!” you stated with a little grump in your sweet voice.
he chuckles at your cuteness and you look at him. and in this moment, you realized how attractive he really was. his defined jawline, serious but sweet eyes and he had a musclar build.
he walks over and hands you some beer.
“you drink?” he asks.
“hell yeah. and if anything happens that’s spicy, i here consent to that. ” he gives you a confused look but then laughs.
after too many drinks, you find yourself crying on his chest.
“-and today was horrible! i worked overtime and my friend was being-” he cuts your babbling as some tears rolled down your cheek.
“don’t worry y/n, let me take that stress off you.” he let out a breathe and he wrapped a arm around your waist.
you start pecking at his neck as he rubs your back inching closer to your ass. your breaths gorw heavy as he starts groping your ass. then suddenly he flips you on your back and sucks your neck. he looks up, his face red.
“i’m sorry, this is okay right?” he asks quietly, his voice raspy.
“yea, you’re- don’t apologize.” your face was flushed and you were stumbling over your words. then he looks down and sees your wet spot. his chest fills with pride and he lets out a low chuckle.
“well, what am i gonna do with you.” he traces your inner thigh, deep in thought.
“zoro please, i need you now. y-you’re teasing me.” you bury your red face with your hands.
“be patient.” he demands. he grabs your hand that’s covering your face and hold it between his palms. he sucks gently on your neck as you squirm beneath him. his other hand was starting to take off your panties. he looks up at you with a soft look after seeing how embarrassed you are.
“s’ okay, first time?” he asks proding at your soaked pussy.
“maybe…,” he looks at you with a smirk. “yeah.” you confess.
“don’t worry i got you.” he whispers and quickly finds your clit. you start whimpering but you know he wants to hear you, loud and clear. he shoots you a look and suddenly your moans are unstoppable.
two fingers then three. they were moving in and out your wet pussy with speed. as you were nearing your high, he stopped.
“zoro, please i need it so bad. i’m-” your pleads were interupted when you suddenly feel his girth inside you.
“oh fuck yeah, shit, does that feel okay?” he was halfway inside.
“yes! please more i need you so bad.” you plead. now he was all the way inside. the sight of his pre-cum and your wetness mixed on your pussy and his dick drove zoro crazy. you felt so full as he shoved his cock in and out of your wet pussy.
“we gotta cum at the same time, baby” he rocks in and out of you as you moan, tits bouncing up and down with the rythm of his dick.
“i can’t!! i’m gonna-” then you were stopped when you feel the lost of his cock in your pussy. “no zoro, no i can wait! please!” every sexond left like a hour while you felt your orgasm slip away. zoro was towering over you with his cocky smirk on his face.
“there ya go!” he says as he shoves his thick dick inside you again. your pussy grips onto his cock as drool begins to collect on the side of your mouth.
“shit don’t do that now.” he grumbles as he feels your tight walls suck him in.
with this, you two quickly approach your orgasms. he quickly rammed into you as you tightened around him.
“gonna cum inside, kay?”
“yes! i want it so bad!” you were babbling incoherent words at this point, his dick drove you crazy.
he came, and you did too. he came deep inside with a loud grunt as you creamed around his large cock. he pulls out after bring inside you for a while to admire his masterpiece, he thought it was romantic.
“round 2?” he says, chuckling as he admired the beautiful mess.
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wetcatspellcaster · 7 months
So, I just wanted to say, that I’m a huge fucking fan of pieces. It’s just,,, fantastic— literally everything I want from an ascendant Astarion fic (violence, pining, conflict!!).
I’ve been struggling to articulate what exactly I enjoy the most about it, but I’ve settled on the dynamics— the dialogue you’ve written reads like him tonally and structurally. Almost every line Astarion has in some way alludes to this fear of loss of control and insecurity that remains with this dumb, sexy bastard!!
Rosalie’s own voice (yearning, knowing, insecure in her own way about change and age, determined, fucking hilarious and she knows it) compliments his in a way that breaks my heart!! She’s his antithesis and his compliment!! Ugh!! No wonder Astarion is so obsessed!!
The dialogue between the two, makes me happy to have them together— but also incredibly sad and worried for them. I need them to see a high fantasy marriage counselor so that they can get along and Rosalie can do what she wants. Though I cannot wait to see if a higher power tries to interfere with Rosalie’s wish making. I imagine Mephistopheles wouldn’t be happy to see a refund of 7,000 souls.
Thank you for sharing, and (I cannot stress this enough) thank you for your hard work! Please know that I am now a ride or die for your writing— as I ran through Party Favors and your DA fics.
Hey lovely, thank you so much for taking the time to send such a kind message! :)
I've said this a few times in a few different places, but I'm just lowkey obsessed with a certain villain/heroine dynamic that is essentially "unstoppable corrupted force meets incorruptible and immoveable object' - I've shamelessly written it for Darklina, and now I get to do it again while also adding D&D wizards into the mix for my own mental health! I'm glad that you enjoy the dynamic as well - always nice when a meal I'm making for myself suddenly evolves into a banquet for others :D
I can't answer all your message without spoilers, I promise that *I* think it's a Happy Ending!!! And while it is true that the Wish spell tends to invite the DM to come up with the negative consequences the bigger the thing you ask for, soon Rose will know it operates by those rules as well ;) So I'm sure she can prepare for it.
I really appreciate such a lovely message, I'm glad you enjoy my work (I'm also glad you find Rose funny) and I am grateful to hear that it's not just a fluke fic and you've liked some of my other stuff as well - that's always nice to hear!!! ♥♥
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Sexy Signature Moves: Viking
Did I ever really stand a chance against this guy? That's what all the guys are thinking when they're passed out after the Viking's sexy signature move - Savage Chokelift Slam
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Viking's Savage Chokelift Slam
The man is unstoppable really.  I suspect that similar to Andre the giant in his heyday, Viking only goes down if he wants to go down.  Now he's not quite a heel, no that would be too simple, the guy is rather a force of nature to overcome.  When that colossus of a man gets his huge paws on you, you can grovel and beg all you want but there's only one way this ends. That you never stood a chance.  
Appearances [Not all shown]
Viking (thundersarena.com) 
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Viking v Finn McCool (thundersarena.com)
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Viking v Zman (thundersarena.com)
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Viking v Kid Romeo (thundersarena.com)
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Viking v Scrappy (thundersarena.com)
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Viking v Blayne (thundersarena.com)
For the original post, check out:
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Going through my Jerry photos and I've been stuck on this one trying to figure out how he is still so unbelievably sexy with a football helmet on. Actually does the helmet somehow increase his sexiness? Am I now having fantasies about Jer - the goofy but charming captain of the football team...going to every game hoping he'll notice you...waiting around his locker in between classes hoping to catch his eye...staring at him in class and completely missing everything the teacher is saying until they call on you and you're so startled you almost fall out of your seat...and then it's prom time and you agonize over the fact that he's single and maybe you have a chance at being his date if you play your cards right...it doesn't work out and he takes another girl but then at the dance they have a huge fight because she's actually awful and then he finally notices you while you're dancing with your friends, your eyes lock, he comes over and asks you to dance as the song changes to a slow jam, you spend the rest of the night lost in each other's gaze and realize it was always meant to be...and then everyone is like "whaaaaat" when you two are publicly dating and everyone wants to know how you landed Jer, the hunky adorable football captain and he's like "the real question is how I landed her" because he's a total romantic gentleman...then high school sweethearts turns into a lifelong romance for the ages and it all started with you noticing how sexy he looked in his football helmet?
Yes. That is exactly what I'm thinking about.
This is what happens when a hyper-creative brain, an unstoppable perchance for story-telling, and a raging crush on Jerry Lewis combine.
Also I'm super bored and needed to get my sillies out.
Man he's so sexy in that helmet. And we've come full circle......
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timmayss321 · 6 months
I see you come out of the room in this sexy black tight dress. You spin for me and I about fall over. I get up cause you have this look in ur eye like after you put on this new dress for the weekend out like you were on fire unstoppable you could do anythjgg. I walk up to you as you turn around and I take a full hand full of that nice ass. And say damn baby. And kiss your neck. Your ass just looks better day by day. As I’m venturing your body with my hands. Feeling you all over. Rubbing your fresh shaved legs. And I noticed you had no panties on. And your pussy is freshly shaved. I rub my hand up ur spine onto ur neck. Going up ur neck till I grab ur messy bun. And when I did this you Made a little peep. And I walked you over to the back side of the couch and bent you over. And lifted up that tight dresss and start to kiss ur inner thighs. Making you get goosebumps. I pick up ur leg and I put in on the top of the couch. I kiss ur neck and go down ur back kissing you as I go down your dress had slits in the back part so I can still kiss bare skin I get down and start to kiss your ass and ur leg into ur thigh and then I start to kiss around ur pussy lips ever so slightly. Making you get goosebumps agin. Then I start to move into ur pussy and slightly kissing your clit making you breath heavy. And then I start to lick ur clit and now ur grabbing onto the bsck of the couch so tight breathing so heavy! Softly moaning as I’m licking it clit in a circular motion. Sucking on it. I reach my hand around and insert one finger in your wet pussy making you gasp. You’re so tight my gawd. I then stand up and grab you by your messy bun and bring you to ur knees. Shoving my cock right down ur throat. Making you gag tears are falling down ur face. I then stand yiu back up and bend you over the couch and start to rub ur pussy with my hand Making you breath heavy. I take thr head of my dick and I start to rub it on your clit teasing you. When ur not expecting it. I push the head of my cock in ur tight little pussy. Making you gasp for air. And I pull your head back and kiss you as I put the rest of my fat cock in ur tight little pussy and you let out a moan. And say omg yes. I am pounding you hard. And you’re just uncontrollably moaning and moaning. I pull your head back and pull out. I grab you by ur throat and kiss ur lips as I’m walking you through the living room into the bed room. I shove you into the bed and start to eat your pussy while your laying on ur back. Your legs are shaking you just came for the 4th time. I get up and rub my cock on ur wet clit and push it in. And in fucking you in rubbing ur clit making moan. I then grab you by the neck and you instantly cum again. By this time i my self is abiut ti finsh. I start to fuck you harder as ur tight pussy pulses around my shaft ur cumming agin. And so am I ask you where do you want it. You say anywhere daddy and I pull out and I make you drink my hole load. You did with no problem. You lay back after sexily licking your lips looking me in thr eye as ur swallowing my load.
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indigayghost · 1 year
More werewolf Guillermo thoughts
I am rewriting wwdits's werewolf lore for this one because I personally don't like wwdits's werewolf's but anywaaaays
Guillermo have his human form, big wolf form and monster form
He can transform whenever he wants, changing from human form to wolf form is not too hard and sometimes he even goes wolf unintentionally because he gets too comfy
Turning to his monster form however demands a really big emotional and physical effort, it is a last resort option and he only really tranformed into it like once when Nandor was in danger (Nandor does try to make him turn again because he was very hot and sexy and he wants monster Guillermo to fuck him senseless)
The full moon does interfere on his behavior. He gets angrier and slips easier to wolf form, but he can still control it
Have lived with vampires and known the supernatural world for years, it wasn't hard for Guillermo to understand how his new nature worked, it took some time for him to really accept it but when he did he didn't have much difficulty to control it
He has chronic pain due to his injuries and he can't move the left side of his face too well, he sometimes still get sad about it and thinks he's ugly but it's getting better and the vamps help him making sure he feels pretty and powerful whenever they can (meaning Nadja decided she needed a girl day every week and obviously Guillermo needs to help her and now they have this little party weekly where they put makeup and fix each other's hair)
Every time Colin Robinson gets in Guillermo's nerve he goes to Colin's bed and like rubs himself there until it's super hairy
The vamps always argue to see who gets to comb Guillermo's coat (Nandor always wins but Nadja always get to put little ribbons on him)
The Baron tried to ride on him once (he almost lost his other arm)
Nobody talks about the mysterious bite marks on the coffins and the sofa
Laszlo brought flees to the house one time and it turned into hell it was the worst month of their lives and now nobody is allowed to enter random bushes (yes even if it's a very good bush yes even if it's a vagina topiary yes even if you lost your ball there)
Guillermo learned to make puppy eyes and now he's unstoppable
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justicerikai · 1 year
Charisma House - The Seven Charisma‘s “Otsukarisma! Year-end party“ lyrics translation (english)
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The charismatic year-end party is beginning!
English lyrics translation for “Otsukarisma! Year-end party“. Japanese lyrics can be found on uta-net.
TL notes:
Otsukarisma is a pun on otsukare (nice work, good job, etc.) and charisma.
Terra’s “bea-bea-bea-bea-beam” is written with the kanji for beauty 美, like  “美・美・美 美ーーーム!”. It’s a pun on how beam is written in Japanese.
The following are references in the video noted by シカベロス in the Youtube comments. Thought it was pretty cool to take note of.
Sarukawa -> “Denpa shounen” (reality TV show)
Iori -> “Doraemon” (kids cartoon) 
Amahiko -> “Tamori Club“ and “Soramimi hour” (variety shows)
Fumiya -> The others are surely recognizable but there’s also Japanese social network sites 2ch/2chan and mixi in there, which people might be unfamiliar with.
Disclaimer that these lyrics merely serve as a translation and do not follow up on rhythm, rhyme and the like.
Rikai: Otsukarisma for another year! The Charismatic year-end party is beginning!
Rikai: Now then everyone let us properly reminisce on the past year!
A year spent maintaining discipline in a proper manner
Do not corrupt the sharehouse’s morals but correct them
The ones that disobey shall be punished at once~♪
Rikai: Terra-san, please go on ahead.
Another year where life is beautifully me
The universe shines with me
The world’s tears equals rain The world’s sighs equals wind
Terra-kun’s beauty will SAVE THE EARTH!
The self-love is unstoppable!
Aah geez… bea-bea-bea-bea-beam!!
Sarukawa: That don’t make any sense! I’ll take care of it!
I ain’t lookin’ back  No is NO!
Right’s left! Left’s right!
“Nicely done, you must be tired” you say? I ain’t tired at all!
My wishes for next year? Ain’t telling you!
Terra: (Well then you don’t have to tell me)
Don’t fuck with me I’ll tell ya   Ya see my wishes always
fall on deaf ears-….… I blurted it out!
Shit  I can’t keep going on like this!!
Another year for a steady charisma charge (hey!)
Your charisma break’s also around the corner
Fine charisma  Gathered at a temporary residence
Everyone otsukarisma for another year! (Cheers!)
Rikai: The order is getting quite disrupted here
Rikai: Iori-san, please go on ahead with a proper second turn!
Iori: Yes gladly!
Everyone’s dog all year round  That’s me Iori Woo-woof (shake shake sit!)
Cooking  laundry  leaning  human sacrifice
Come on hurry up! Can you stamp it here?
Sign the contract as soon as possibleee-
And please do renew our contract next year!
Amahiko: Amahiko is c*ming up next!
Spring is bloomingly sexy
Summer is sweatingly sexy
Fall is gloomily sexy
Winter is yearning bodily warmth
This year was sexy too
Dance amigo Sing amore
It’ll be another year of m*rriage!
Amahiko: Now Ohse-kun  You’re up next
I’m sorry for still staying alive this year
I’m the picture perfect of shitty garbage   A sore loser
An age where you can choose out of different ways to die
Hanging  Jumping off  Pick and choose
Haah, haah, haah, haah
Which is why a worthless human being like me
will surely die next year…
Terra, Amahiko, Rikai, Iori: You caaaan’t!
Rikai: Alright! Pull yourself together and let’s sing!
Another year for a steady charisma charge (hey!)
Your charisma break’s also around the corner
Fine charisma  Gathered at a temporary residence
Everyone otsukarisma for another year! (Cheers!)
Amahiko: The year-end party’s also sexy, isn’t it
Sarukawa: I am still who I am next year
Terra: Terra-kun’s truly beautiful
Ohse: I want to die already…
Iori: Next year’s also self-sacrifice! Contribution! Free service!
Rikai: (Pipipiiiii) Good grief! The year-end party has turned into a mess!
Rikai: Fumiya-san, I beg of you to say something!
Fumiya: Hm? Aah…
365 days in a year   It’s just a convenience to end it there
Within one’s consciousness irrelevant mere tales continue to drift
Memories that won’t fade even if you try to forget
Whether you live or die it’s an everlasting record that continues
Hold onto what’s good?  Erase what’s bad?
It’s dangerous monism   Now get ready
All of it is part of us
And we’re part of the world
Don’t want to deal with too much trouble
A journey seeking where one fits in Good job everyone
Rikai: I somewhat don’t get it but he wrapped it up!
Another year for a steady charisma charge (hey!)
Your charisma break’s also around the corner
Fine charisma  Gathered at a temporary residence
Everyone otsukarisma for another year!
We wish you a charismatic new year! (Cheers!)
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cathygeha · 21 days
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End Game by Tracey Devlyn
Steele Ridge – Blackwells #5
Three authors who work together seamlessly have created a world in which the reader can become immersed and return to when a new book appears. This, the final book in this offshoot of the series is a winner. Having followed this from book one and only missing a few books along the way, I will say that each and ever book I’ve read has been a great read.
What I liked:
* Asher “Ash” Cameron Blackwell: FBI special agent that left his legacy to pursue his own interests, hot for Kayla Krowne but trying to avoid it, dedicated, misses family connection, conflicted, dedicated, savvy, and capable, a good guy but sometimes clueless.
* Kayla Crowne: bright, dedicated, wealthy by birth and through work, good friend, savvy, quirky but grounded, sometimes a bit abrupt, wise, balanced, and a bit of a gameplayer
* Getting to see others from the past books in the series and how the matriarchs are doing
* The shock of the person first murdered and the impact it had
* The twists and turns along with the red herrings that lead to an eventual conclusive ending for the series
* That the friction between the brothers and their choices was resolved
* Wondering what is next
* AND…I am hoping that sexy sounding Mason Ward will get a book of his own.
What I didn’t like
* Who and what I was meant not to like
* The idea that what we trust and value, the people we love and value…might not be as willing to protect us as we are to protect them.
Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more by this author/in this series? Yes
Thank you to the author and her friends for the ARC – This is my honest review.
5 Stars
***Addendum: Not three authors…two Tracey Devlyn and Adrienne Giordanano
An FBI agent assigned to investigate a meddlesome lobbyist for her role in a possible pay-to-play scheme discovers a secret political organization willing to destroy everything to attain ultimate power—including the woman he loves. In this highly anticipated, fifth and final installment of the Steele Ridge: The Blackwells series, USA Today bestselling author Tracey Devlyn thrusts readers into the murky world of high-stakes politics and complex family relationships, wrapped in a sizzling enemies-to-lovers story. As a savvy and successful lobbyist, Kayla Krowne knows all about deception. Each day, she swims in a vast tank of opportunistic sharks. But nothing prepares her for the downward spiral her life takes after witnessing the assassination of a high-profile public official. When the police suggest she may have been the true target, her only hope of rooting out the murderer lies with the one Blackwell brother she's never been able to win over. The one she's held a secret longing for since their first meeting two years earlier.   Special Agent Asher Cameron Blackwell's day started off bad and ended worse. Not only is he drowning in a swamp of paperwork, he now has two investigations involving none other than Kayla-effing-Krowne. One is a presumed assassination case and the other one he's compelled to keep from her because of a promise he made to his semi-estranged brother, Zeke. Forced into close proximity, Ash and Kayla finally give in to the passion they can no longer hide, forging an unstoppable union as they navigate an intricate maze of lies and betrayals, and uncovering a heartbreaking conspiracy that leads them to Kayla's doorstep. It's a life-and-death battle that they dare not lose. Great News! For the first-time ever, we're offering our fabulous readers a special edition. You'll get the same breathtaking feels and twisty turns you've come to expect from our novels, but this time with bonus material! SPECIAL EDITION includes:
A note from The Blackwells authors
A map of the Blackwell estate (Friary, Annex, Chapel, etc.)
If you would like to read the entire Steele Ridge series, here's a complete list. The Steeles:
The Beginning
Going Hard
Living Fast
Loving Deep
Breaking Free
Roaming Wild
Stripping Bare
Enduring Love
The Kingstons:
Craving Heat
Tasting Fire
Searing Need
Vowing Love
Striking Edge
Burning Ache
The Blackwells:
Flash Point
Smoke Screen
Cross Roads
Crash Course
End Game
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blissfullybloomed · 10 months
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Solitude is Simple.
Solitude is Sanity.
Solitude is Self Awareness.
Solitude is Solvable.
Solitude is Sanctuary.
Solitude is Sexy.
Solitude is Sassy.
Solitude is Satisfying.
Solitude is Simple.
I guess you figured out today’s subject. 
When you are walking down the street, or see someone in the grocery store who is alone, what goes through your mind? Anything? 
Society and your economic environment probably have brainwashed you to think that being alone is bad. Call the counselors…Call the squad….and so on. 
Being alone and living in solitude is an art form in itself. There are some people out there that think because we are humans…that we are social creatures and NEED to be around others or we will slip into some sort of manifested depression. I agree with that generic concept…but, being alone is needed as well. Keep in mind, I am only speaking for myself, and my experiences….there is probably some scientific research out there to say otherwise…, not in this blog right now though. As I was saying, yes…humans are social creatures, but we are also a single unit as well. We are allowed to feel safe after an overstimulating event, either at home or work. We are allowed to feel safe after an argument with a spouse or loved one. We are allowed to put our needs first in this instance. It's ok. Be easy on yourself. Enjoy the solitude while you have it- learn about yourself. Who are you really? What do you stand for? 
Both those questions are only involving YOU, no one else to answer them. 
Be proud of your solitude.
Now, here's another query. 
Who celebrates single people? There are engagement parties, baby showers, family reunions…but who celebrates the fact that this person has chosen to be single in some fashion and chosen a solitude lifestyle, for a while, or even permanently? Consider how or why they chose that life. Then maybe celebrate that with them. 
Unions are celebrated. 
Let's celebrate solitude for once. 
We should celebrate solitude,  the same way we would celebrate a union ….I just want the cake actually…HAHA! What I'm saying is, take notice of it, understand it…appreciate it, don't shame the person for being single and choosing themselves. It's not cool anymore…it never has been. Quit it. 
If that person chooses to come out of solitude…get ready! You're not ready…for how they evolved…or my favorite word…bloomed, how they bloomed out of solitude. They rose like a damn phoenix , from absolutely nothing. They chose themselves, and fell in love with who they were again. Yeah, I see you people out there….I see you. We are unstoppable. 
Oh, you will fall in love with this person too. You will notice, accept, take in, and finally understand ….because you won't have any other choice. You will get to see their authentic self. They will also get to see yours. You will learn from one another again. You'll grow. All because you both chose solitude, and did the work. 
Get ready, you're about to find the love of your life…You! 
You never know who might come along and fall in love with you too. 
Oh man, dating when you know who you are is a whole other level. 
You have to make it through the trash first…but that comes with knowing your boundaries and sticking to them. Stick to your solitude lessons you learned. Keep repeating doing that, and it will become a habit. Don't settle! You've worked way too hard and came way too far. 
It's simple, easy, natural, honest, communicative, normal, not rushed, safe, and controlled people that will embrace your solitude with you. 
You sir, yeah you…, Im very happy. Like, lost in the clouds, happy. Thank you. 
He did the work too. He lived in solitude for a long time. He is still doing the work, as am I, daily. 
Proud of you baby, keep it moving. 
Celebrate Solitude, because you never know when it will become a union. 
Peace pimps!
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snowboyclarkov · 11 months
Beyblade Trope Pantheon - Metal Saga
TVTropes has a fun activity called the Pantheon, which relates to different characters being the god or pinnacle of a certain trope and creating a beyond absurdly big cross-over out of it, in which the largest threat by far is Galeem whose power and light/order-based genocide across multiverses and time itself annihilated the entire thing save for one miraculous survivor. Saying Galeem caused the entire Pantheon to freak out would be the understatement of the eon. Even more so when Dharkon turned up and tried it's own darkness/chaos-based existence-wide bout of 'everybody is dead'.
I decided to do the same for both Metal Fight Beyblade and Beyblade Burst. Not Bakuten Shoot Beyblade as I don't have enough like for the original series.
Listed below is a list of each person, their assigned trope and a description of said trope. This is the Metal Fight Beyblade version.
Metal Fight Beyblade:
Gingka Hagane - Good Is Not Dumb -> Someone who is good gets underestimated because of it.
Tsubasa Otori - Long-Haired Pretty Boy -> A pretty boy with long hair.
Yu Tendo - The Nicknamer -> Someone who nicknames other people.
Madoka Amano - Wrench Wench -> Female, self-confident, and talented mechanic.
Masamune Kadoya - Almighty Janitor -> Low in rank, but high in power.
Zeo Abyss - From Nobody To Nightmare -> Someone evolves from humble beginnings to terrifying infamy.
Toby - Only Sane Man -> The one rational, well-adjusted person in a group of people who are, in a certain situation or just generally, weird.
King - I Am Not Left-Handed -> I was holding back. Now I won't.
Kyoya Tategami - Informed Loner -> Someone is said to be asocial, yet hangs out with others all the time.
Nile - Super Mode -> A state where a person's abilities and skills are temporarily boosted. Often done by technique or with special items.
Demure - The Smart Guy -> The main brain of the team.
Benkei Hanawa - Hero-Worshipper -> A side person who idolizes the hero for their adventures.
Dashan Wang - Reasonable Authority Figure -> An authority figure who tries to listen to what their underlings have to say and help the heroes in their quest.
Chi-Yun Li - Third-Person Person -> Somebody refers to themself in the third person.
Chao Xin - Brilliant, But Lazy -> A genius/talented slacker.
Mei-Mei - Malaproper -> The ward sounds wrought, but isn't.
Argo Garcia - Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse -> Being acknowledged that, although you have a dark & troubled past/Freudian excuse, you're responsible for your actions now.
Ian Garcia - Hoist By His Own Petard -> Someone's own tactics backfire on them.
Selen Garcia - Know When To Fold 'Em -> Sometimes, giving up or quitting is the best option.
Enzo Garcia - ???
Damian Hart - Satanic Archetype -> An evil-doer modelled after Satan.
Jack - Camp Gay -> Homosexual men with stereotypically girly traits.
Faust - Gone Horribly Right -> A plan succeeds but with unfavourable consequences.
Ziggurat - Villains Never Lie -> A villain manipulates the hero by telling the truth.
Julian Konzern - The Perfectionist -> A person who wants everything to be correct and flawless.
Wales - Jerkass -> A foul-mouthed, hostile or otherwise unpleasant person.
Sophie - Nice Girl -> A genuinely & overall friendly, kind-hearted, psychologically well-balanced, and non-villainous girl.
Klaus - The Juggernaut -> Someone who's damn near unstoppable.
Aleksei - Nerds Are Sexy -> Someone is a nerd and is sexy to other people because of it.
Lera - Action Girl -> A tough, female, badass fighter.
Nowaguma - Shrinking Violet -> An insecure and very shy person.
Anton - Cheaters Never Prosper -> Those who cheat are always victim to laser-guided karma.
Yuki Mizusawa - Brainy Brunette -> An intelligent person who happens to have brown hair.
Dynamis - You Can't Fight Fate -> Being unable to prevent what's been foretold.
Chris - Nigh-Invulnerable -> Near-impossible to hurt.
Aguma - The Big Guy -> A team member who specializes in physical jobs/fighting.
Tithi - I Just Want To Have Friends -> A friendless person wants to have companions.
Nemesis - Eldritch Abomination -> A huge, bizarre, and/or horrific entity that defies the laws of reality within a verse and is incomprehensible to the people.
Rago - Master Of All -> Someone that excels in all categories, to the extent that specialists are redundant.
Pluto - Evil Genius -> An extremely smart villain whose intelligence is their most important skill.
Johannes - Cat Boy -> Human boy that's a little bit feline.
Cycnus - Black Eyes Of Evil -> Someone's villainy is signified by the blackness of their eyes.
Herschel - Bald Of Evil -> Nothing screams 'villain' like a shaven top.
Keyser - Scarf Of Asskicking -> A scarf worn by a badass specifically to call attention to the fact that they are a badass.
Doji - Determinator -> Someone that never gives up and never surrenders on their goal, no matter the circumstance.
Reiji Mizuchi - Hated By All -> Someone hated by everyone.
Tetsuya Watarigani - The Beastmaster -> Someone that can intimately communicate with & control fauna.
Tobio Oike - Cold Sniper -> A marksman who is both physically & psychologically distant.
Ryutaro Fukami - Foreshadowing -> An allusion or clue hinting at an upcoming revelation or event.
Dan/Reiki Sodo - Those Two Guys -> A pair of minor people serving as a mundane Greek Chorus.
Kumasuke/Kumaji/Kumata Kumade - Bears Are Bad News -> Bears: do not mess with them. They will kill you.
Ryuga - World's Strongest Man -> One who's stronger than any other person.
Kenta Yumiya - The Unchosen One -> Self-made hero.
Hikaru Hasama - Heroic B.S.o.D. -> A heroic person shuts down mentally as a result of something traumatic.
Hokuto - Butt-Monkey -> Things very rarely go right for this person.
Hyoma - Childhood Friend -> Childhood friends are more special than normal ones.
Ryo Hagane - Sink-Or-Swim Mentor -> This mentor won't go easy on you just because you're a novice.
Teru Saotome - Career-Ending Injury -> Someone unexpectedly suffers an illness/injury or one they already knew about abruptly worsens, making them unable to pursue their goals or career.
Sora Akatsuki - Unskilled, But Strong -> What they lack in skill & experience, they make up for in raw power.
Busujima - Combat Pragmatist -> Does whatever possible to win a fight - rules and honour be damned.
Jigsaw - Break The Haughty -> An arrogant (and often unsympathetic) person is humbled (usually) by a terrible experience.
Helios - The Power Of The Sun -> A person or device has the ability to either harness or replicate the sun's power and properties.
Bakim - Omnicidal Maniac -> The villain maliciously wants to destroy their setting's world and kill all who live in it.
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somuchmorethanamum · 1 year
what do you write at the start of one of these things? Am I in the right place?
How to sun me up?! I used to be unstoppable. I broke every rule, ….travelled solo across the globe, jumped out of planes, skied off mountains, bottle fed orphan dolphins for weeks every 2hrs, lived with criminals.,,,foraged for food to survive. I’ve enjoyed evenings with Presidents and celebrities as much as I have with homeless or struggling people I’ve invited to my home.
Every day used to be exciting.
I was free. I was adventurous, sexy, strong, flamboyant, fearless and charismatic.
Who the hell am I now?!
I am a mother of two wonderful boys who I love beyond words- but my entire world is now just being a mom. I was never a “baby person”before I had mine. The first baby I ever held was my own!
As this is anonymous I can admit that I am up on my own drinking a bottle wine at 1am and having the best time I’ve had in days because no one else is around to ask me to do something for them!
Of course I’m gonna wanna throw myself off a bridge in 3 hrs when the baby wakes up… and then the toddler…but for these short minutes I have some solitude…
I haven’t had sex with my husband in almost a year! It’s not that we don’t fancy each other anymore, but we only see each other at the moment as parents, and at the end of the day we’re both shattered and babies are going to be up early…
It’s time for a shake up! Dress up? Should I bring out the handcuffs?! Ha ha
Any suggestions?
I’m going to feel like shit in the morning (3hrs before baby wakes) so any kind words very much welcomed.
Thank you
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