#i am holding peter pan henry so close to my chest
pained-expression · 2 years
my HC for what the characters would dress up as for halloween
as a soothing balm for ep 17 emotional rollercoaster:
Taylor - paints himself in black and white and goes as the lead of his own manga
Normal - lotr style elf
Link - soccer star
Scary - she just wears her normal clothes because her whole life is like Halloween and dark and everyone who's wearing a costume is so fake and a phoney and God you just wouldn't get it. 
Nick - cowboy/rockstar depending on the timeline we’re in
Lark - ghost (just a sheet over his head that sparrow cut eyeholes in for him)
Sparrow - zombie version of the same person lark’s ghost came from
Grant - jeff goldbloom in jurassic park 
Terry jr - sexy vampire (Scary hates it so much, god Terry why do you have to embarrass me so much? do you hate me like this! UGHH)
Glenn - glenn close but in 101 dalmations live action from 1996
Jodie - sheriff and its really lame
Henry - peter pan, but the tights are way too tight (think bowie bulge) and nobody is comfortable bringing it up with him
Darryl - darryl is cautious with messing around in the occult by accident so he just wears his bbq apron and says he’s a grill cook (and prays extra hard that night)
Ron - dresses up the day after instead, but goes hard, like has the alien popping out of his stomach and blood and guts dripping everywhere
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everything-person · 3 years
Last Voyage
Summary: Emma surprises Killian with an old fashioned voyage with his old crew then Killian has a surprise for Emma
*cough cough*
“You alright?”
“Fine love. Just needed to clear my throat.”
Killian and Emma were walking along the beach in the early morning slowly making their way to the docks.
“We’re almost there.”
“What’s with all the secrecy love?”
Emma smiles up at him there was a shine in her eyes, “You’ll see.”
They made their way down the pier where the Jolly Roger was docked.
“Do you wish to have another one of our private adventures aboard the Jolly Roger? If that’s all you could have just said Swan.”
“Not this time.”
They made their way into the deck where they were greeted by some familiar faces.
“Welcome aboard Captain.”
Before them stood Henry, Hope, Smee and some of his old crew.
Killian smiled while also furrowing his brow. Turning to his wife for answers.
“I thought you might wish to have a day at sea. Re-live your glory days.”
“My glory days started the day I met you Swan.” Picking up her hand and placing a kiss on the back of it. “Will you be joining me, love?”
“No,” she whispered, “not this time. I have somethings to take care of.”
He turned to Henry and Hope. He approached them with open arms.
“Then it’s looks like we’ll be having all the fun. Don’t worry love I’ll have them back before Sundown and we will eagerly enrapture you with our tales of our adventurous day.”
Henry looked down before meeting his eyes, “Actually we promised mom we’d help her with her stuff today. Maybe tonight we can play dice. I might just beat you this time.”
“Oh then perhaps I should give Dave a call. Show him what a pirates life was like.”
Henry shifted clearing his throat before saying, “Uh Grandpa is taking care of the sheriff office while we are helping mom today. Sorry but you stuck with your old crew for today.”
Killian nodded at Henry before turning his attention to his daughter. She had the same shine in her eyes as her mother, biting her lip, looking anywhere but at him.
“What’s wrong lass?”
She inhaled a deep breath before speaking, “Nothing Papa. I’ll just miss you.”
He cupped his daughters face, “Don’t worry, my little cygnet. I’ll be home tonight.”
She nodded embracing him. She burrows her face in his chest breathing him in. “I love you Papa.”
Killian squeezes his daughter not sure what has her so distraught, “I love you to my little cygnet. From your first breath far beyond my last.”
Hope let go heading to the gang plank quickly, without another glance to her father.
Henry approached the man that’s been a mentor, a father figure to him. Wrapping him in his arms, “Good bye Killian.”
Letting go he followed his sister down the gang plank waiting for his mother at the bottom.
Killian turned to see the love of his life standing there. She took slow step towards him her eyes never leaving his. Reaching up held his face, her eyes scanned every inch.
“What’s wrong Emma?”
She’s hooked her head offering him a smile, “Nothing. It just. . . sometimes I can’t believe that blacksmith I tied to a tree that said I need him alive would be so right.”
Killian chuckled, “Aye. Sometimes I can’t believe I forgot about that damned bar wench that kissed the hell out of me.”
She smiled, leaning up catch his lips in a soft kiss. Pulling away she rested her forehead against his, “I love you Killian. Thank you for everything.”
“I love you too Emma. Forever and always.”
Her hands slid down his cheeks to his neck over his shoulders down his arm grasping his hook and hand. Her eyes never leaving his, she started backing away holding onto his hand until she was to far away to hold on any more. Letting her hand fall she turned making her way off the ship. Henry reaches out his hand to help her off the last step intertwining her arm with him.
“When did you become such a gentleman?”
“I’m always a gentleman mom. I learned from the best.”
They made their way up the pier. They say and watched as the ship set sail. Her Captain on the quarter deck waving to his family before turning to wheel where he belonged.
As they stood watching Hope couldn’t hold in her emotions anymore. A sob escaped her lips, as tears started pouring out her eyes. “He should be home. We should be with him.”
Emma embraces her daughter, “That’s never how he wanted to go.”
“But he was fine. He was walking and knew who we were.”
“He also thought Grandpa was alive. He didn’t see us. He probably saw you as the little girl who would ask him to close the window so Peter Pan couldn’t get her. He probably saw me as the ten year old boy he helped rescue from Neverland.”
Emma pulled away looking at her children who have grown into adults that stood before her now.
“Yes but he is so proud of the people you have become. He was so happy to be a father and be apart of this family. He loves you both so much.”
Hope let out another sob as Henry wrapped an arm around her, letting one lone tear slide down his cheek.
“Besides it’s for the best he didn’t see me as I am now. A wrinkly old crown with gray straw for hair,” Emma let out a breathy laugh.
Henry shook his head, “He saw you as you actually are. He always has. The beautiful Savior.”
Emma smiled at her son, “Come on let’s go home.”
Later Emma was going through some things in their room. Remembering all the good times they’ve shared in this house. The wonderful life he shared with her.
She opened his night stand finding the copy of Treasure Island she gave him.
“This is ridiculous. This person obviously had no idea what they were bloody talking about,” Killian muttered.
Emma rolled over, “Babe Go to bed.”
“This book is an atrocity love.”
“Then stop reading it.”
“Why would I do that when they just started the mutiny?”
She laughed to herself. She would always try showing him how this realm reviews pirates with movies and books. Every time he would get riled up but any time she suggested to turn it off or throw the book out he would refuse having to see how it ends.
The next thing she pulled out was a familiar black scarf.
“So now you’re a gentleman?”
“Giants can smell blood. And I’m always a gentleman.” Hook said before putting liquid on her hand.
“Ah! Ow! What is that?”
“Rum and a bloody waste of it.”
He gently wrapped her hand with the soft material tying it off with his mouth. Her fingers lightly brushing against his cheek.
Emma sighed remembering the spark she felt. Wondering not for the first time how much more time they would’ve had if she trusted him. If they came back together. How different their adventures would’ve been.
Something shiny caught her eye and she reached in and pulled out the last item in the drawer.
It was one of his hooks.
Killian kicked open their bedroom door while his lips fused to her. Her legs wrapped around his hips her latched around his neck.
Coming up for air Emma whispers, “Never do that again.”
“I’ll never leave your side even if the gods try to rip us a apart,” he promised before capturing her lips again.
Falling onto the bed they began divesting each other of their clothing. Killian reaches to take off his hook. Emma reaches her hand up, only in her bra and underwear, looking at him through her eyelashes.
“Leave it on.”
Killian groans, “You little minx.”
Emma sighed. As the memory fades away. So many nights, and some days, filled with passion. Both of them always willing to show the other how much they love them. Always up to meet a challenge.
Moving to put the items back in their respective places the book falls from her lap and clatters to the floor. Emma places the scarf and hook back before reaching down picking up the book. When she lifts it a note falls from its pages. Placing the book on the bed she once again reaches down and grabs the fallen piece of paper.
Unfolding it she is greeted with Killian hand writing.
‘Dearest Swan,
I’m sorry. I never wished to leave and now I have no choice in the matter. It seems to be a cruel joke. To be sent back to you by the gods themselves only to have my mind unravel while I’m still with you. I know I don’t have much time left. And I plan to cherish every moment with you I can.
When I do go, all I wish is to be at your side. For the last thing I hold is our family in my arms. The last thing I touch be your face. The last thing I taste be you lips. The last thing I see is the love in your eyes for me. If I am to drawn my last breath I wish it is your kiss that steals it.
And when I am gone. I will keep my promise I made all those years ago. I will move on but I promise you no heaven the gods can provide will compare to the life I have lived with you.
You are the love on my life. The mother of my children. My wife. My savior. My true love.
However long we are apart that will never change. My love will stay with you and I hope give you comfort in your time of need. And when it is your time I can only hope that the gods will once again reunite us.
Until then I ask that every day you live. Hug our children and give them an extra squeeze for me.
With all my love. Yours from the end of the realms and time.
Tears fell freely from her eyes. They were never sure if Killian knew what was happening to him. Now she had proof that he did.
A noise pulled her from her thoughts. Still clutching the note to her chest she made her way downstairs. Sharp knocking was coming from her front door.
She opened it to find a pair of blue eye that she engraved into her memory.
He bent down wrapping her in his arms, burying his face in her neck.
“Sorry ma’am I know you weren’t expecting us so soon but he insisted on turning around and coming home,” Smee explained his signature hat in his hands.
“That’s alright. Thank you for bringing him home.”
Smee nodded, closing the door as he left.
“Why did you send me away love?”
“I thought you’d like to be at sea when the time came.”
Killian finally lifted his head, his gaze burning into her, “Don’t you know Swan all I have ever wanted was to be with you.”
Emma gave him a sad smile, “I do now.”
They made their way up to their bed laying down curling up together one last time. They not sure how long they laid there just enjoying their time together.
Killian reaches up brushing a stray strand of hair out of her face. “I think it’s time love.”
Emma nodded scooting closer.
“I don’t want to leave you alone.”
“You aren’t,” she said with a shaky breath her lip quivering, “You will always be with me. And I’ll follow you shortly.”
She leaned up capturing his lips once last time. She pulls away resting her forehead against his.
“I love you Emma Swan,” he whispered.
She watched as the deep blue eyes that looked last all her walls that have always saw her closed for the last time.
A tear fell from her eye landing on his cheek sliding down his face.
“I love you Killian Jones.”
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lennydaisy · 3 years
SWAN SONG || The Walking Dead AU
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‘You have to trust that every friendship has no end, that a communion of saints exists among all those, living and dead, who have truly loved God and one another.
You know from experience how real this is. Those you have loved deeply and who have died live on in you, not just as memories but as real presences.’
                         The Walking Dead.
        Season 1-?
                                         FEM OC! and ?
This is the prologue for a Walking dead AU that I wrote ages ago, and I feel like its too good to waste. So here it is :))
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‘Now to John, who's live at the scene. John, what's happening there?'
'I'm here at Central Atlanta Hospital where there has been a reported disturbance within the wards. Patients allegedly have gone rogue, biting and scratching the doctors and each other.'
'If we pan to our left here, you can see the hallways are overflowing with newly found patients from the attacks.'
Glancing up at the ancient box TV perched in the top corner of the room, eyebrows frowned as I take another bite of my bland chicken sandwich.
The screen displays a lit yellow Hospital hallway with beds and chairs cluttering the space. With no room to breathe, the patients packed together like a tin of sardines.
The camera zooms into one patient in particular, who judging by their attire is a nurse themselves. A sickly colour of unnatural grey washed over their face, a layer of sweat glistening under the cheap lights and her veins protruding from her neck as though she's struggling to keep herself calm.
'Miss, would you be able to explain how your feeling?'
I can't help but scoff at the reporter's request. She is clearly in no condition to answer any of his questions and it's downright ignorant to shove a microphone in the face of a woman who has clearly seen better days.
The women slowly turned to face the reporter, her eyes appearing to lack any colour with bags drooping down to her jaw, and glares with all she can muster. Despite clearly being exhausted from whatever is happening to her body, she has no problem expressing her aggravation towards the man.
'Not responsive I see. Well no mind, as the viewers at home can see, Central Hospital is in desperate need of doctors and nurses. So I'm here to announce that if there is anyone-'
I don't know how to describe what I just saw. Just know that it was revolting enough to put me off chicken sandwiches forever.
In the midst of the reporter's announcement, a pair of hands slowly made their way around his body. Their nails were bitten down to stumps, their fingers a troubled colour of blue as though clogged with blood. The sickly hands, lazily but purposefully, claw at the reports button-up shirt from behind. Tugging on the attachments like grips, the women who the reporter was previously questioning is now sinking her teeth into the man's neck. Trails of blood dripping from her lips as she pulls her jaw roughly away from his neck taking a clump of him with her.
The look of pure horror wash over the man's faces, and mines in probably mimicking his. I've never seen anyone's eyes pop so far from their head. The face of sheer panic and terror covering his visuals as he opens his mouth to let out what I can only assume to be a deafening scream but before a sound is made the camera quickly cuts back to the studio, where the two anchors are now shaking at the sight they just witnessed live.
'We'll be back after this quick intermission,' squeaked out the anchor, eyes still wide, never leaving the screen off camera.
'Were you recently involved in an accident?',  the convenient ad was interrupted by the television being turned off. Snapping my head to my right, only to be met by the sheepish face of Darcy, the department receptionist. Smiling weakly at me from her desk, "I'm sure it's nothing to worry about."
Nothing to worry about. "Were we just watching the same clip," I breathe baffled at the idea of not worrying about what we just witnessed, "That man just had his neck bitten into but some Wednesday Adams looking women," I laughed, struggling myself to understand what just happened.
"I'm sure he's fine," she waves her hand in my direction before quickly standing up as I did seconds before, " What are you doing?" She questions as I grab my hat off my peg.
Rolling my eyes as I make the reach for my keys, "My job," my fingers scraping the keys before they are snatched out of my reach. Looking up at the elderly women with bored eyes, I hold my hands out waiting for her to cave.
"No, half the department is already helping the city, we need you here in Kings County," she argues quickly running back to her desk, sliding into her roller chair. Out of my vision but not hearing, I hear the clashing of keys, the slamming of metal and the sound of a lock.
She locked my keys in her desk.
"Darcy- " I begin only to be interrupted.
"No" she heaves, hands crossed over her chest tightly, "It's bad enough those two are God knows where doing God knows what, I can't allow the only deputy left in the building to leave."
I would be annoyed and honestly, I am, the woman isn't not letting me do my job, but with just a simple look in her eyes I can see why she doesn't want me to leave, "You're scared," I point out pulling my chair over to the front of her desk, sitting my hat on the table.
Refusing to meet my eyes answered my assumption. She was scared and she had every right to be. What we just watched on the news isn't normal but it's not the first we've heard of this 'infection'. It's been going on for weeks, especially in the city. Residents reporting sights of people staggering through the streets, grabbing and biting anything they can get their hands on. Honestly sounds like a typical weekend in the city in my opinion, after a couple of drinks, you'd be surprised what some people turn into. I haven't seen any of these things personally but that news clip just made everything people have been bustling about all too real.
"These things are apparently migrating. It's not just a city virus, they're making their away out into places like this," her hands brushing the nonexistent lint off the top of my hat, her voice so soft, if you didn't listen closely enough you'd miss it.
"I'm not going to fill you with false hope because honestly, I have no idea what is happening but I will say this if I know you at all, something like a little virus isn't going to be the end to the bombshell that is Darcy Peters."
A small smile begins to creep onto her face, "You should have seen me in my youth," flipping her white shoulder-length hair.  Shaking my head with a giggle, I lean over her desk and turn her desktop towards me looking at the set back of work left for her to complete. Moving the mouse to the bottom of the screen I log her off, " Take the rest of the day off."
Knowing fine well she would say no, I left her no room for arguments as I hastily grabbed her coat passing it to her, "Don't tell me no Peters, Deputies orders," I said with authority behind my voice but eventually broke out into a smile at the delightful women before me.
"But what about-" she points at the computer addressing the work she still had to do. Grabbing the women's hands as I begin to drag her out the door, "Don't worry I'll handle it but you need to go home and chill out," snatching her car keys as I begin walking with her hand in hand to her beloved mustard Ford Fiesta.
Opening the driver's door, "M'lady," I bow holding the door. Shaking her head at my act, she wraps her arms around my shoulders, brings me in for a hug, slightly shocked but I hug her back none less, "Thank you, Macy," she laughs in my ear before pulling away, cupping my face like an affectionate grandmother.
Slapping my cheeks lightly she points her finger timidly at my face, "Now no running off play superhero, you're needed here," her eyes never leaving mine as though to challenge me to say otherwise. Well, I like a challenge, "No promises."
A dead look in her eyes causes me to laugh once more, "Okay, I promise I won't run off, I'll stay put. Now beat it, tell Richard I say hi," closing the door behind the women before stepping away from her car.
Just before she was about to drive off, she rolls down her window, "Oh before I forget, here's the key to the desk. Also there's something for Officer Friendly in there you won't miss it," see spoke throwing the flimsy key my way. Nodding my head towards the women, I mockingly salute her off, catching a glimpse of her rolling her eyes smiling.
Tossing the small, rusted key between my hands, I make my way back to Darcy's desk. After a couple of shakes and jiggles, the lock to the drawer eventually clicks. Pulling open the drawer, I grab my car keys stuffing them in my back pocket. That's when my eyes catch a shine reflecting out of the space. Reaching my hand in my finger brush across metal embroidery.
A Sheriff badge.
Unable to help the smile that made its way to my face as I stare down at the achievement of my friend. 'Officer Friendly's going to flip. So will someone else but for a different reason.' Shaking the thought from my head, I quickly run round to the desk of the newly found Sheriff. Going to place the shining badge on the desk, a note stops me;
Gone for a quick lapse of the county. If I'm not back by finish, I'll see you tomorrow, Officer Friendly.
Still sitting the badge on his desk, hoping that he at least makes it back in an hour, his face will be priceless. Snatching the remote from the floor, I flick the television back on, wanting to see if there are any updates on the situation.
'Government officials have requested that everyone stays inside their homes, only leaving unless extremely necessary. Until this is contained, please be cautious. This has been channel 5's news.'
Drowning out the rambling of the adverts, I absorb myself I'm my phone. 7 texts, damn I'm popular.
From Corey. Hey, can you drop me off :) Sent 07:39
From Corey. Oft okay never mind then I know I broke 3 of your car window, but that doesn't forbid access does it?? Fine two can play at that game, I'll walk. Ummmm that's when you're supposed to be the super big sister and say 'no sweet little sister, don't walk and ruin your BRAND NEW BOOTS, I'll happily drop you off' Boo you, you suck :(( Sent at 07:57
From Corey. Hey, can you pick me up ;) Sent at 17:12
This girl, I swear.
To Corey. I'll think about it :)) Sent Now.
Collecting my things, preparing myself for my leave. All too quickly trying to rush out the door, I skid to a halt and turn round to a certain desk in particular. Contemplating my options, I decided to take the newly found badge with me. For one; it is past shift time and I really want to witness his face when he gets promoted.' I'll just give it to him tomorrow when everyone's here', I thought.
Now I'm well aware that my car isn't exactly the best site for sore eyes, I'll be the first to admit that, but it was my dream car and it was the first real big purchase I ever made as an adult. My glorious, yellow Volkswagen Beetle. She's seen better days that for sure, but she means a lot to me and a couple of bumps and scratches isn't going to make me trade her in. Ever.
I grew up in Mormont, Georgia. A small county that no one has heard of and when people ask where I'm from I'm always met with the same look. In Mormont everybody knows everybody. It's a tight-knit community with no secrets. When word got out the resident widow had adopted 3 girls from the now shut down orphanage, the community was sent into a frenzy.
The same woman who was framed for burning down her old farmhouse that her husband happened to be still asleep in, was now going to be a mother of 3 very different daughters.
Without my mom I wouldn't even be here today, I would be how I am today. Mom adopted me when I was 4 years old, and even at a young age, I know that something about me was different from the other kids at kindergarten. Kids would come and leave joyfully holding the hands of their parents whitest they rambled on about what we did that day. I would leave on a bus with a woman who didn't really care enough to remember my name, looking after me in the centre was just a 9 to 5 for her and she got to go home to her family without a care in the world. I will never forget the day I was called down to the main office.
Believing that I had done something wrong, I reluctantly climbed down the creaking bunk beds steps. Looking around the room, I'm met with many stares, some glaring, some shaking their heads. I was in a room surround by judgemental toddlers.
I've never been called down to the office before. I've seen others been called down and they never come back. Tommy told me that Glenda, the houses mistress, feeds them to the two-headed man in the attic. I never believed him, knowing that he only wanted to scare me but now I'm not so sure. 'I don't want to be eaten', I thought.
One step at a time, I slowly make my way down the wooden steps that despite my lightweight still shriek under my shoes. Before I reach the bottom of the stairs, I'm met by the glorious Glenda. Her lopsided, spectacles clawed eyes boring down at me, 'Come,' she said before spinning around and heading to the room she just walked out from, 'There's someone here to see you."
'Someones here to see me? But I don't know anybody' I thought to myself as I follow behind the women with a newfound spring in my step.
"Mason this is Charlotte, she'd like to adopt you."
I guess you could say that's when I knew. When I first land my eyes on hers, I felt something that then in my short 4 years of life had never felt before, safe. Fast forward 22 years and that feeling had never left. Like the light of an eternal flame, that shine behind my mom's eyes never left, never even flickered. It's a constant reminder, I knew it when I was 4 years old and I still know it now at 26, that home isn't found in a physical building but instead found in those you surround yourself with.
No matter how hard I try, I will never be able to fully express my gratitude towards my mother. She gave me a chance and took me into her home with open arms. She says 'Thats what mothers do' and that might be true but she didn't have too. That's just the type of person she is. A heart of gold, a heart that is far too big for this world. She might not be my birth mother but in my opinion no one could do better, I don't know what I did in a past life to deserve the right to call her my mother, all I know is that I'm forever thankful for that.
Cora, or Corey, my sweet baby sister. The best way to describe her would be prissy. A real drama queen but strong-minded. When it comes to Corey no mountain is too high. Basically it's Corey's world and we're all just live in it. I take deep pride in telling her that she was an ugly baby and I'm not telling any lies. One look at her baby pictures sends a shiver down your spine.
She's your basic stressed college student who believes that the world will end if she fails to hand in one essay on time, but has no problem with partying the night before a big exam. Beginning to understand what type of person Corey is?
Then there's Ally. The big sister, my big sister. I remember growing up and always wanting to be like her when I grew up, I thought she was the coolest person in the world. She shaved off her hair when she was 18 and me and my 8-year-old self desired to do the same. Mom was mortified and kids at school did laugh at me for a while but I didn't care, I wanted to be like my sister, buzz cut and all.
As I grew up however I realised something, Ally had a darkness inside her. When I was younger I never noticed, I always saw her acts for rebellion as inspiration for my own mischief but as I got older and matured, she never. She always stayed the same. It some cases that's a good thing if you're a good person that is. I never believed my sister to be a bad person, more troubled than anything. I think why you get to the age of 36 and still rebel against your mother like an edgy teenager somethings not right.
Ally thinks the world is constantly against her, that the whole world is testing her, but that couldn't be further from the truth. I was the first to know she was pregnant, she didn't tell me herself but the positive stick sitting in the bathroom bunker was a big give away. I've seen her anger a handful of times and more often than not it consumes her, her anger is her own worse enemy and that day I meet the worst of it. There was a lot of screaming and hitting, and things being thrown in my direction. Luckily enough no one else was home when all this happened, but it was quite hard to explain why I had a black eye and Ally had burst knuckles. I lied, that's what I did.
'I got jumped,' it was the best I could come up with at the time. I made up a story of me being mugged and Ally saving the day. Mom barked up a storm, ask question after question, and I was slowly running out of ideas for my action sequence. That was until Ally spoke up,
'I'm going away for a while,' she said placing her fork down on her barely touched the plate, 'Work,' she replied to the looks that were sent her way. I refused to meet her eyes but I knew fine well that she was staring at me in particular, that didn't stop me from listening though.
'Oh, well for how long?,' Mom asked swirling around her glass of wine, 'A couple of months.'
'And what work relate thing causes you to be away for a couple of months?' Corey spoke up, her eyes never leaving Ally's as though to challenge her, 'The companies looking for a new manager, I thought I would try and run for it. It is more money,' she spoke trying to convince not only Cora but our reluctant mother too. Reluctant and our mom isn't two words that I would put together, she's a keen believer of 'if you want it, go and get it', but not when it comes to Ally.
'It seems like a good opportunity,' mother said honestly, nodding her head at her oldest daughter, 'seems like bullshit,' I muttered under my breath causing my mom to kick my shin from under the table, only to be faced with the stern stare of my mom.
'Language Mason' sternly spoke our mom making Cora laugh slightly at the use of my full real name.
'I'm just saying, she seems to go on a lot of these trips and comes back empty-handed every time, sorry for having some doubt.'
'That's enough Cora,' Mom said not breaking eye contact with her youngest who is sitting across the dinner table from her, 'yeah whatever, can I be excused?' Before she could get an answer she was already on her feet marching out the room.
Nodding sadly, mom looked around the table at the remaining 2, 'Macy, darling,  you've barely touched your dinner.'
Meeting her eyes, 'I had a big lunch,' the lies pouring out my mouth at this point.
The rest of the dinner that night was filled with awkward silence. The sound of the chair next to me scraping against the old hardwood floor breaks my concentrated gaze on my plate. Ally's hard duty boots marching out of the room and storming up the stairs.
My mom let out a sigh and placed her fork on her now empty plate, looking up at the only remaining daughter at the table. Flashing my mom a small smile, taking a sip of my now lukewarm water, "You make good spaghetti mom"
"Go check on her for me please," she practical begged, her voice suggesting nothing but defeat, "She never talks to me anymore."
'I'm probably the last person she wants to see," is what I wanted to say to my mom, but looking at my mother with her head in her hands at the thought of my troubled older sister broke my heart.
Before taking the dreaded walk up the stairs and to the door at the end of the hall, I placed a hand on my mom's shoulder, squeezing in reassurance.
'Everything will be okay.' I thought to myself.
Knocking on the door, only to receive no reply, 'I know you're in there,' I said continuously knocking on the oak door. Getting bored with being ignored, I did the brave and open the forbidden door, Ally's bedroom door.
Ally's bedroom is something, I don't know what that something is but it screams Ally. It's dishevelled yet bland, perfect for Ally I guess. Nothing but a set of drawers with half the handles missing, piles of dirty washing sitting in the corner of her room that will probably stay there for weeks, and a chipped dark wood bed. And then there's Ally, who is currently packing a bag.
'There is no business trip is there?' I asked even though I fine well knew the answer already. Throwing the last of her clothes in the bag, she stares me dead in the eye from her position at the bottom of her bed, 'I have to get out of here.'
Walking further into her room as she walks back to her drawers closing them loudly, 'Promise me one thing,' I asked looking out the window at the deserted street. Hearing no noise for behind me I continued, 'That we'll get to meet them one day,'
'I can't promise you that,' turning round to stare at her in confusion, 'what you're never coming back?' I asked softly shaking my head at the idea of her leave and never returning. Ally goes away a lot but she always comes back. We might not be as close as we use to be when I was younger but it's a comfort to know that she's here with us.
She just looked at me not speaking yet her glances spoke a thousand words. I didn't know silence could get any quieter but I was proven wrong in that moment. It was as though the whole world stopped spinning, it was like the world ended right and then. Shaking my head at my sister mentality, my heartbreaking even at the thought of what she wanted to do, 'Oh,' was the only response I muster up as I move to sit at the edge of the bed, my legs suddenly feeling like jello.
Rubbing my hands over my eyes and tugging at my hair, trying to get all my thoughts to settle down. The feel of a hand softly holding my shoulder caught my attention. Looking down at me was my sister, my big sister, that I wanted with every fibre of my being to be like when I grew up. But people change, and Ally surely did. That moment made me realise something, Ally never changed. No, she was always the same. It was me who changed, I was just too young to realise.
The day that Ally left, a part of myself left with her, and that necessarily wasn't a bad thing. No, she took the naive part with her. The sense that everything was okay now, that everything was perfect now because I had a family. Sometimes families go through rough patches and for some reason ours was never-ending.
Shaking my head, snapping myself out of my thoughts, focussing once more on my journey home. I love county lanes, there the best to drive on. You can go as fast as you want and when you go over a little hill you get those silly butterflies in the pit of your stomach. My family hates driving with me on these roads. Apparently I'm too careless when it comes to driving, I argue that I'm not careless I'm just used to acting like I'm in the Fast and Furious movies.
Speaking of radical driving, I hit the breaks slowly once I spot what's up ahead. A car parked sporadically in the middle of the lane, but that's not what's got me confused. There are people, a headcount of about ten, all banging their hands lazily on the windows of the car, smearing their faces over the glass.
Cutting the engine, leaning over to the car pocket reaching for my emergency gun, I slowly stalk my way out of the car. Holding the gun with both hands at the ground, the safety still on as I make my way closer but not too close.
"Hey, what are you guys doing, what's the problem-" my voice slowly losing its confidence as the figures around the car turn to face me and begin to walk drunkenly towards me. The noise they make doesn't sound too good, the air now filled with grunts and groans, the sounds of pain. I noticed a couple not paying me any mind, to busy eating something. Oh.
Realising exactly what I'm witnessing. Those are the sick people that has the world on edge. A group of them a coming right towards me. Raising my gun and flipping the safety off, I take aim, "Don't come any closer, I'll shoot," I announce not really wanting to have to shoot them. I might as well not have spoken, they just keep pushing, stumbling over one another as they inch closer.
Lining up, setting my sights on one, in particular, a middle-aged man, a civilian, I shoot one shot into his left leg. Nothing. A slight knockback at most but he's still alive. Trying again, I aim for his chest and the same happened again. Lastly shooting the head, that's what does it. He's down.
That one alone took up to much time, I have another 8 headed my way and I only have a limited amount of bullets. The odds were not in my favour, that much was clear. Making a dash for my car, hastily ripping my keys from my pocket. Silence.
"Come on don't fail me now!" I said through gritted teeth. Shoving the keys into the engine once more and twisting. Sounds of my struggle echo throughout the car as I feel the nonexistent sweat beginning to build as my breath becomes hot with frustration. Now as good a point as any to point out that I have 3 broken windows, no thanks to Cora. Not broken as in they don't go down, oh no, they don't go up. I mean how one single girl breaks 3 windows is beyond me. Honestly, it didn't bother me that much to begin with, it gives my car character. Right now though it's a different story.
If my internal panic with my car not starts wasn't enough, then maybe those things reaching their grimy hands in my car are. Before I knew it my car was surrounded by the creatures, some toppling over the bonnet of my car, others pushing their hands through my half-cracked down windows. I feel the lazy touch of the fingers brushing against my shoulders and hair causing my entire body to shiver.
"Please" I beg over the sounds of the deathly groans and screams. Turning the key again with my sweaty hands, my body shaking in fear of what's to come. As though Jumpstarted, my car roars to life. The sound of my own engine has never sounded so delightful and I should honestly appreciate it more.
Not caring for speed limits, I push the pedal to the metal. The shrieking of my tires scraping on the hard concrete leaving evidence of my wheels spinning. Pushing through the moss pit of things before my car wasn't as hard as it sounds, even though they look like dead weight, they are quite easy to redirect.
Speeding my car a distance away for the scene, next to the car they were previously attacking, before I slow to a stop again, looking in my rearview mirror. They're following me. Looking to my left, I see the beaten car. Curdling blood dripping from the passenger seat window with loose pieces of straggling hair stuck to the wing mirror. Leaning over slightly I see a few fingers laying on the ground. Holding back my gag, I look back up into the car, only to be met with a figure. A hard to distinguish figure. Completely devoured and unrecognisable. Those rabid animals shredded these poor souls face to shreds with any features now ruined.
Shaking my head at the sounds of the things coming closer to my car again, I slowing start moving, only to hit the breaks instantly as a thought came to my head. Looking in my rearview mirror again at the car, tears begin to build in my eyes. A mustard Ford Fiesta. That's the car. That's her car. My cheeks slightly soaked, my hands shaking once again as I roughly grab the roots of my hair. Having enough, I swat away the tears that are trailing down my cheeks, nose scrunched up as I try my hardest not to look back again. I didn't.
Driving down that road, the road that usually fills me with overwhelming joy, felt different this time around. It felt darker. The road that I knew ultimately leads me to home is beginning to feel like a drag. It's a road that I never want to drive down again because the only thought that I can think of now is: it's my fault.
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In Hell I Will: Part 7
Hey you guys so I know I said that I would post this quickly which I shouldn’t have said because The end of the semester hit me like a truck. I’m sorry this took so long but I have the final part right here! Enjoy!
I stand frozen in shock of what he just said, “Peter, don’t play games right now,” I tell him fairly certain he is messing with me.
“Would your heart not be in my chest if it were one?” he asks me sincerely seeming almost defeated.
I sit next to him. “I trust you but still I have to be smart about this too. As much as I think I do believe you I can’t allow myself to break down my walls again just so you can pull some trick,”
“It’s not. I mean it,” he says sounding truthful. “I’ve never felt like this about someone before, I need you y/n. I know it sounds crazy but what if you stayed?” He suggests.
I burst out laughing, “Good try. I’ve really caused you to lose your game because the Peter Pan I know wouldn’t ever consider doing something like THAT. Me? In the underworld? When I’m not dead?” I ridicule his idea.
He looks down and I realize he was serious.
“Oh,” I say surprised with the realization, “Pan you know I couldn’t stay down here when I have people who care about me and want me that also belong up there,” I explain.
We turn to face each other and how he would risk what he wants for me makes everything I feel about him intensify more. I start leaning in and so does he but I know that pursuing this will go against everything I shared.
“Pan,” I look away, “If I did this again that would mean everything I told you was a lie. I don’t want to get anymore invested in something that I know nothing will happen with,”
“But you want me and I want you. Just let me get what I want,” he tells me.
“We both know how this’ll turn out. I’m gonna be stuck putting my heart in me so I can go back and you’ll stay here,” I predict knowing it’s accurate.
“Why are you giving up on us?!” He starts getting mad.
“I’m giving up because it’s easier than loving someone I’ll never be able to truly be with!” I take a breath, “Look Pan, I want to find a way for you to come back but I don’t know how,”
Despite me turning him away he keeps inching forward and I’m about to give in.
“What the hell is going on here?!” I hear Regina exclaim from the other side of the shop and I pull away with the moment ruined.
I hear Emma start explaining everything and I know I have to face them sooner or later.  I slowly walk into the front of the shop where everyone is, “Before you yell at me Regina, I know what I did, I am not proud of it but just fix it!”
“How do you expect me to fix a situation that could not be worst! I mean with everyone stuck, you’re in love with a demon...” she doesn’t continue.
“Hey! Yes I did do this.  I let love blind me.  I let myself fall for one of the most conniving minds down here. I don’t regret it though. Yes he put your sister in harms way but despite everything I still love him and he loves me,” I shout standing my ground.
“You can’t love him he’s!-“ David begins.
“What? A villian? Last I checked Hook was considered a pirate in a evil way. Now your risking so much for him by coming down here! I know we can’t be together but you can at least admit that not all evil stays that way,”
The room goes silent as I hold hands with Peter.
“I know it isn’t possible for him to go back up, but can we at least help him move on?” I ask.
“You won’t receive my help,” Regina says.
“Y/n, he isn’t worth it,” Emma adds.
“The amount of harm he has tried to cause, it’s too much, he doesn’t deserve it,” David adds.
I look at Hook hopefully but he looks away.
“You all should know one of the reasons I came here was to let you know Hades has opened a portal for us all to get out of here,” Regina finally says changing the subject. Of course she changes it I roll my eyes, “It is only open for an hour so how much longer till the squid ink wears off?” She asks.
“Longer than that,” Emma says.
“I might be able to undo it,” I say, “I have magic I also failed to mention,” I tell them.
“Why didn’t you ever tell us?” Emma asks.
“You know. I explained my backstory. I wasn’t going to show off all my skills with you thinking I was some helpless victim!” I tell them all.
“Please you don’t have the power to undo something so powerful!” Regina barks.
“Well I guess there’s only one way to find out. Let’s hope my training with my mentor paid off,”
I stand where I am trying to focus.  I close my eyes and hold my hands out focusing on how I feel.  I love these people, they are family to me. I slowly open my eyes and see I gust of light pink comes from my hands as I face them all not believing I am actually doing it.
After a few minutes I lower my hands and nothing happens.
“There has to be a potion or something to help us,” Hook suggests and be and Regina look around scouring the shop.
“Peter please tell me there is something here to help us!” I plead desperate, “I know that you want to go but we both know that you can’t and I’m sorry for that but it’s my family,”
He lays his hand flat and in a puff of smoke a dainty black bottle appears, “Pour this on their feet. It will free them,” I take it from him and nod.
I walk to each of them and drizzle it on their feet and they lift them up. They all look at Regina asking for details on the portal and she gives them clearly.
“There’s something else Hades told me before I came here. There is something called ambrosias garden. Hook would be able to come back with us if he goes there and eats the fruit,” Regina tells us.
“That’s amazing. Thank you,” Hook says and him and Emma leave.
I walk back to the office area when everyone is doing their thing and stare at my heart knowing I have to do what’s painful.
“It’s going to be painful. But you need it,” Regina says standing behind me.
“But by taking it again that means I’ll feel all my pain and emotions that have been going on without it. I don’t want to face that. Maybe I should just stay down here with Pan so I don’t have to,” I comment.
“Y/n, it will be hard. It definitely was for me when I had it in my chest when I was away from Henry for a year. But it’s the only way you can keep going,” she gently takes it and hands it to me.
I sigh and nod knowing she’s right. I take my heart and push it inside my chest carefully and I get overflowed with so many emotions. It all hurts so much. Feeling the love from Peter Pan I have be star crossed. Having love given to me by a family which I’ve never felt before. I start to cry from everything I’ve been through but not truly been feeling. Never again will I take my heart out.
It’s a race out as everyone leaves but I stay behind for a needed goodbye.
Once everyone goes I look for Peter Pan but he isn’t in his shop. I go out to look for him. He isn’t at granny’s either, or the docks. I finally find him at the well where we had our first secret meeting. He’s leaning in looking down into it. I walk up and stand next to him in his same position.
“I didn’t intend for any of this to happen. Either of our pain, having my heart out in me,” I begin skipping the obvious of how I’m leaving, “I wanted to-“
“Y/n please don’t. You said you would help me and you didn’t. I’ll still be here and you’ll be up with a bunch of people who may leave you,” he explains clearly mad.
Him saying that just adds another thing to weigh on my chest and I choking back the tears, “I’m sorry okay?! I asked for them to help you get back or even just move on! I just got my heart and feel horrible. I don’t want to leave on bad terms,” I tell him.
“Too late for that,” he throws a pebble in the well and walks away, “Goodbye y/n,”
I walk to the portal crying feeling my heart torn out of my chest as I got burned in the end just as I predicted the first time we kissed. How could I let myself be so stupid?!
We arrive back at Storybrooke and nothing turns out good.   Emma gets back in a mess because Hook didn’t make it, Tobin sacrifices himself for Regina and Zelena kills Hades, her love.  Of course there’s me too even though that doesn’t matter to anyone. Having my heart in my chest after all this time makes me feel so much more but realizing how cold I was without it makes me never want to be that way again.
Days later Hook somehow is alive again.  Something about Zeus giving him a second chance for defeating Hades.  Emma is overjoyed and I’m happy because he’s like a father to me but it still doesn’t fill the pit in my stomach I haven’t overcome of the man I love not forgiving me for the choice I made and leaving him behind.
“Y/n, can I speak with you in private?” Hook asks me. I nod, “Y/n, I wanted you to know that I was able to help Pan move on,” he tells me.
“Hook I love you, your family to me and I am glad your back but please don’t mess with my feelings.  I am still hurting very badly from this.  Especially with my heart back.  The emotions I’m feeling are unreal,” I tell him.
“I’m being serious,” he tells me with the face he always gives when being truthful. He was a damn pain but his unfinished business was how he never got the eternal youth he wanted. He shared how it was because of you he was able to let it go,” I knew that something that I had to do was honor all of you and honoring you meant helping him move on.  
I start to tear up, “You mean, he really is in a better place?” I ask hopefully.
“Yes,” He tells me, “He wanted me to tell you that he forgives you and loves you,” I am much more at ease knowing all of this, “You know I will never like Pan but the way he would talk about you really did show his feelings,”
I hug him tightly, “Thank you, you have no idea how much that means to me,” I shed a tear of happiness.
Knowing all this finally gave me the closure I needed to be able to live in the moment and be with my family. Now that they are all together with me and the one I hope to see one day forgave and loves me I can move on and be happy.
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madd-devil · 4 years
That's what I did instead of finishing my homework
You know the deal: smut, swearing
You were sleeping peacefully in your bed, only wearing a large t-shirt (that you actually stole from Felix) and some panties on. Being one of the two children Regina Mills adopted a long time ago, people thought at first you were the perfect little girl, only getting good grades, being polite with everyone but you shared more things on the evil side that on the good heroic side. After the curse broke, you asked Regina to teach you magic and she did, of course, you told her it was for safety measures. It really was not. For once in your life, you could do what you want thanks to magic, including spending a lot of times with the former second in command of Peter Pan. 
Were you jealous when everyone was panicking because Henry was kidnapped? Absolutely. But did you regret following them on Neverland? No. After Peter Pan’s defeat, the adults had decided to take every willing lost one back home and they forced the tall boy aka Felix on the ship, to have “a better life”, something the boy was hardly believing in. After the few days in Storybrooke, you found yourself talking more and more to Felix, who was jailed for whatever reasons. He was very disoriented at first but thanks to you, he learnt quick how this world was functioning. And thanks to your pretty eyes and your pretty face of the good girl who wanted to help the bad guy, Prince Charming accepted to let Felix live, but under your responsibilities.
You had to admit, you were fascinated by Felix. How could you not? Everything about him was magical and exotic. He was quite innocent at first, not understanding anything about modern life, especially when it came to technology (but as a gift you gave him one of your former phone) but he quickly show his dirty side after some days passed with you. You didn’t know why but you felt like something was linking you to him. You wanted nothing more than being pressed against him and feeling his kisses on your skin. 
You turned in your sleep, and felt something warm on your mouth. You immediately woke up and glared at the person who was in fact, Felix. He must have climb all the way to your room thanks to his skills in climbing. You rolled your eyes and glanced at your opened window. 
“You could have at least closed it when you entered my room…” You whispered as you watched the tall and slim boy closing it.
“Oh come on, I know you’re scared. But nobody saw me climbing and no one suspect our activities.” He purred as he fell on the bed, next to you.
“I mean, I am more scared of you being put back in jail than me being forced to stay in my bedroom for months. If someone knows, we’re-”
“We’re dead, I know.” He finished kissing you softly. 
Your hands immediately flew to Felix’s hair, tugging on it, urging him to kiss you more and harder. You then helped him remove his jacket, then his shirt that you threw near your own laundry basket.
“I dare you to steal it.” He growled in your ears, sending shivers down your spine. 
“What? Don’t you like when i wear your clothes?” You asked innocently as Felix pushed you into the bed.
“You’re worried about us being discovered but if someone saw you in my clothes, our relationship will be pretty much over. And I bet you don’t want that, do you?”
You moaned as you felt the boy’s hand creeping under your shirt. You had missed his touch so much over the past days. You were on a bit of bad terms with Regina at the moment, mainly because you kind of stole a powerful magic book and started to learn powerful spells all by yourself. You just wanted to learn more but no one wanted to teach you so you took the matter into your own hands. 
You removed the shirt quickly, feeling the need to press yourself against Felix, who of course helped you in this hard task. His hands started to roam on your chest and you moaned in his touch but you quickly grew for more. You bite into Felix’s shoulder, sinking your teeth deep into his tender skin. The boy didn’t protest but chuckled instead. 
“What are you doing?”
“Leaving marks. In case other people don’t see who you belong with.” You whispered as you looked at the wound. He could hide it easily but knowing him, he won’t. 
“You don’t look like her but you share so much qualities with your mother-”
“Adoptive mother.”
You shut him up with a kiss, trying to take the control for once. Of course it didn’t last long: Felix pushed you against your bed roughly. You only hoped your adoptive brother and mother were sleeping or else you will have big troubles. You shook your head, deciding to not think about it and rather started to focus on your lover who was removing his last clothes. You smiled as he crawled toward you. Dear god, you loved him so fucking much. You felt like a prey, a little deer, who was going to be eaten by a big and bad wolf. That was one of the many reasons why you absolutely loved Felix: everything about him was dangerous and he made you feel like a dangerous woman too. It was so pleasant to have someone like that and not those goody old shoes boys who tried to court you many times at school.
You gasped as you felt his member entering your womanhood in one swift and rough motion. You definitely tried to be quiet, not wanting to awake anyone in the house. Felix was being too loud also so you kissed him, slipping your tongue between his lips and battling with dominance with him. The tall boy quickly overcame you. Your hands were clawing at his back as his pace quickened. 
“Oh please, harder.” You tried to murmure as pleasure started to bloom through your body.
Felix gave you the smirk, the one that meant he was going to destroy you and you will be unable to walk for a few days. He wasn’t holding back and he knew how to please you. He knew the right spots after exploring your body many times. Your moans were getting louder and louder and you felt yourself coming. After whispering the boy’s name in the crook of his neck while riding your orgasm, you left Felix to finish, still thrusting in and out of you. Tho, you were leaving sloppy and small butterfly kisses on his flesh. He came some minutes afterwards, inside of you with a soft moan.
You rolled your eyes at that and started to feel thankful of your skills in potions. Who knew there were so many potions to not be pregnant after a wild night? Felix exited your womanhood and fell next to you, breathing heavily. You took a small glass bottle from under your bed and drank it right away. The taste was not very good but you would take it since it meant you won’t be with child and getting diseases. You glanced at Felix and his adorable and tired face. His hair was glued on his forehead and sweat had pearled on his body. You lied next to the blond haired boy, facing him with a smile.
“So, I guess I will sleep here tonight.” He yawned as he slipped under the covers.
“Yes you are. I will wake up early tomorrow, so I can clean the mess we made up. No one will come.” 
“Good, because I don’t want to deal with a freaking evil queen screaming at me for perverting her darling daughter.”
“I could fight her.” You told him in a serious tone, staring at his cold blue eyes. “If she dare to lay a hand on you or throw you a fireball, I will fight her.” 
Felix laughed softly and took you in his arms. God it felt so good. You felt like you were the luckiest girl in the whole Storybrooke. You could be yourself with Felix. You were so tired of appearing at the side of the good ones. You started to cuddle with him, feeling safe within his arms and fell asleep right away.
You woke up to a gasp. You and Felix opened your eyes at the same time and glanced toward the door of your big bedroom. You groaned at the sight of the person standing up in the doorway. It was none other than Henry Mills, your adoptive and annoying little brother who will surely tell everything to Regina. You needed to stop him right away. You took a shirt and your panties, threw them on yourself and chased the boy who was already outside. You took him by the collar of his pajamas shirt and threw him in his bedroom, using your magic to get in there. You glared at him.
“Tell her and I will make you suffer.”
“You wouldn’t dare do that!”
“Watch me.” You threatened, as you took one of his beloved comic books (not a precious one, you weren’t a monster yet) and destroyed it. “So this will be our secret, alright?”
Your adoptive brother nodded eagerly before both of you left his bedroom. He climbed down the stairs to greet your mother and eat his breakfast while you strolled and entered your bedroom. Felix was up and getting dressed.
“The little snitch won’t tell anything. I made sure of it. I should start learning a forgetting memory spell.” You said as you took a sweatpant and a tank top out of your closet. “Don’t forget your other shirt.”
“Thanks, I will never wash it.” He grinned as he took the shirt you were supposedly sleeping in. 
He stopped by the window, looking if someone you both knew was there before opening it. Of course, he kissed you goodbye and jumped down before running back to where he was living. You blew him a kiss on the way, with a soft smile, to wish him good luck. You just hoped the Charmings didn’t notice him leaving in the middle of the night.
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luna666us · 3 years
Loving her(an OUAT Peter Pan story stil unfinished)
Loving Her 
To my best friend Kevin Sutton for always being there for me. Just know that you will always be my first go to. If you ever need a friend I always be there for you the same way you were there for me.Table of contents 
Table of contents 3
To Die Would Be An Awfully Big Adventure 4
Henry 17
Fight 42
 To Die Would Be An Awfully Big Adventure
I'm walking along the beach when I hear something soaring towards me. I turn and see an arrow flying closer if my reflexes weren't so perfect it would have hit me in the chest, and I would have died. My hand flys out in front of my chest and I catch the arrow moments before it could hit me. I immediately get my Bow and knock the arrow into it pulling the arrow back and searching for my enemy. I spot him in a tree he’s tall and wears a cloak with the hood up so I can’t see his face. I pull the arrow back and release it from the Bow, sending it soaring towards my target, and hits him in the leg, he lets out a roar of pain. Knowing that I injured him I take that opportunity to run. I sprint out of sight into the forest going as fast as my legs can take me racing past the trees dodging dreamshade bushes. I launch myself into a tree and continue my escape from above. Once I know that I’m safe I stop and climb to the very top of the tree poking my head out of the leaves at the top to see where I am. I see a waterfall up ahead, and decide to go there Since I know that where there’s water there’s animals, and I was starving right now. I move at top speed through the trees and drop down about fifteen feet, grab a branch above me, flip myself up onto it, and launch myself towards another tree lower down. I grab ahold of that one and drop down the rest of the way. I’m hiding behind a bush Bow out and arrow ready to be fired. I released the arrow and it soars towards my pray. It hits the large buck right in the eye and it drops down dead. I smile widely. “YES finally some food.” I celebrate my kill. I start a fire using only branches that will burn but not cause smoke, that way I don’t give away my position to my enemies. After cooking and eating my food I stretch, and explore the island some more. Eventually I hear the sound of laughter as music playing. I go to see whats going on and I hide behind a bush. I’m stunned by what I see. There’s a bunch of boys laughing and dancing around a fire. While someone plays on a pan flute. The boy with the cloak from before is there as well, but he doesn’t have the cloak on anymore. I can tell that its the same boy because he has the same staff, and he has bloodied bandages wrapped around his leg where I shot him. However none of this is what surprises me,  the boy with the pan flute is what stuns me. His eyes are a beautiful green and his hair is dirty blonde but his face is what grabs my attention. I can’t seam to look away from him, let alone find it deep within me to want to look away. I decide that I had stayed long enough but thanks to my rotten luck I accidentally stepped on a twig and it snaps under my foot. It’s completely silent now, and I do the first thing that comes to mind. I turn and run the other way. I can here them chasing after me, but I don’t care I just keep going. Pushing myself faster and faster, but when I still hear them coming after me I launch myself into a tree and travel from above quickly and skillfully. I launch myself from tree to tree then I reach a cliff with a drop about fifty feet down but luckily there’s water at the bottom. I start to debate whether it’s better to jump or get caught. The boys break through the trees with the green eyed boy in front. “We have you cornered surrender or die.” He says in a voice like an angels. I smirk “to die would be an awfully big adventure, but sadly for you this one isn’t over for me.” I say happily, then I turn and dive off the cliff speeding towards the water. I plunge into the frigid, black water letting myself adjust to the temperature of it. Without coming up for oxygen I swim as fast as I can towards the shore. I pull myself out of the water and onto a giant boulder, gasping for air. I climb to my feet and run into the forest weaving past trees, hurtling over fallen logs and boulders, bulldozing through thorn bushes, running faster than the fricking flash on the worlds largest sugar high. I finally reach the waterfall, and walk right into a large dark cave where I collapse breathless, tired, and hungry as hell. I sit up and pull off the long sleeved shirt that I have on, and take off my cargo shorts. Underneath I have on a black crop top with the words BITE ME written in big bold green letters on the chest, and I a pair of black jean short-shorts with three buttons, rips in the thighs, and a chain on the left side. I fix my black leather fingerless gloves, and pull the hair tie out of my hair running my fingers through my hair it’s starting grow out again I’ll probably cut my hair again in a few months. About three hours later I’m walking along the beach again, the sun is setting and I’m singing softly to myself. “I'm sorry but your story isn't adding up, Think your religion is a lie to keep my mouth shut, So I won't testify the crimes you're keeping score of, Why don't you throw me to the wolves, I thought you were one, You were standing there like an angry god, Counting out my sins just to cross them off, Saying that my tongue was too loud to trust, And that my blood couldn't keep you, My dear, you're not so innocent, You're fooling Heaven's gates, So you won't have to change, You're no saint, you're no savior, Your revelations don't look nothing like the pictures, You read between the lines and don't stick to the scriptures, You only follow rules if others follow with you, That doesn't sound so holy only playing victim, You were standing there like an angry god, Counting out my sins just to cross them off, Saying that my tongue was too loud to trust, And that my blood couldn't keep you, My dear, you're not so innocent, You're fooling Heaven's gates, So you won't have to change, You're no saint, you're no savior, So keep your judgment for someone else, I've had enough, And keep your judgment for someone else, I've had enough, So keep your judgment for someone else, I've had enough, And keep your judgment for someone else, I've had enough, My dear, you're not so innocent, You're fooling Heaven's gates, So you won't have to change, You're no saint, you're no savior.” I wake to the sound of whispers, but for some reason I can’t open my eyes. It’s like there’s some sort of magical force keeping them shut. So instead I pretend that I’m still asleep. “shhh she should be waking up now, Nibs go get Peter. And tell him she’s awake.” Says a strange voice. “But Felix what about…” the second strange voice was a little higher pitched so I could tell he was younger but he was cut off before he could finish talking. “but nothing just go get Pan.” Said the first voice. “fine” said the second one. Then I heard running. After about three minutes I hear the voice of the boy that was on the cliff with me and those other boys before. “Felix when did she wake up.” He asks. “about four minutes ago, your magic is still holding strong she won’t be able to open her eyes, but from the look on her face I can tell that she can hear us.” Says the one named Felix. After a couple moments Felix decides to break the silence. “what are you thinking about Peter?” He asks. The voice that I assume belongs to peter is a lot closer than before which disturbs me because I didn’t hear him come any closer, but it sounds like he’s right next to me now. “she might be of use to us. After all not just anyone can land a hit on you of all people with an arrow. Plus she seems pretty fearless though I might have to change that but of course only true fear strongest opposed to fear created by magic so I’ll just have to make her fear me like I did with everyone else, and a bonus is that she has agility, and seems to be skilled at both combat and has a knack for escaping.” He says. “Peter your not actually considering making her a lost girl are you?” Felix asks with a bit of disgust at the thought. “actually I think she already is after all only lost children can hear my flute. So really I have no choice either way.” Peter answers. “Slightly, Curly, Nibs… take her back to the camp. There we can keep a close eye on her and explain everything.” He commands. “yes Peter Pan.” Three boys answer. Then I hear three sets of feet coming towards me and I decide to make my escape then. After all I have a skill for escape even blind. Besides nothing was very fun without a challenge. I jackknife to my feet and launch myself into a tree scaling up into the leaves and disappearing into the forest quickly and silently. Then I use my feet to judge how wide the branch is and slowly lower myself into a sitting position. And just sit in the tree hidden in the leaves. Soon I hear people run up to my tree “I think I saw her go that way.” Shouts one of the boys. Then I hear them all run past the tree but I know better instead of coming out of the tree in that moment I wait about three hours, then I drop down out of the tree landing on my feet, I take deep breath before I feel my way to another tree I bend down feeling around. Then I finally find what I’m looking for. I pickup the acorn, and struggle to get the top off of it but once I manage to do it, I make a v with my two thumbs over the bowl part of the top that once contained the acorn, I raise it to my bottom lip and I blow. As I do this a loud whistling sound comes out of it, then I wait, and about three minutes later I hear the sound of large paws against the forest dirt. It walks up to me and rubs itself against my leg. I reach out and climb onto large wolfs back, and then we’re running through the forest quickly. I love the feeling of the wind in my hair, moving so fast through the forest that it feels like we’re flying, the sound of the wild animals scurrying out of the way so we don’t accidentally run them over in the process, the sound of the woodpeckers chipping away at the wood so they could get something to eat. It feels amazing, I feel like I’m one with nature, like I’m free, I feel at peace. Then we come to a sudden stop, the large wolf growling at something or maybe someone, “what is it Tiki whats wrong?” I ask. The wolf barks once and I understand. “there are strange boys ahead and I don’t know if they are friend or foe.” She says. “relax Tiki we can escape them even if they are our enemies after all none of them have the speed of a wolf.” I say smugly. “just keep going but be careful they may have weapons.” I say as I ready my Bow and knock an arrow into it. “If they attack tell me were to aim I can’t see right now ok” Tiki barks once more. “ok got it.” She says still unsure of the situation at hand, but obeys and begins to walk slowly forward. Then we walk out into the open, even with my eyes closed I look alert, Tiki is growling quietly as she walks by. Then she barks. “on your right two o clock!” I aim and release the arrow which flys towards my enemy who lets out a cry of pain as it strikes them. Then I knock another arrow into my Bow hearing one of them running towards me and Tiki. I fire and Hit them. “AARRGGHHH!!! WHY DO YOU KEEP SHOOTING ME IN THE DAMN LEG!!!” Shouts Felix. “lets get out of here Tiki!” I shout. Tiki barks twice. “Way ahead of you!” She barks. Then we’re running at top speed, but before I do I feel he pressure lift off of my eyes and I can see again. Dodging rocks that were sling-shot at us, bulldozing through bushes and thorn patches, jumping over fallen trees and logs that were in the way. “Tiki you get out of here I can handle myself from here!” I shout. Tiki comes to a stop and I jump off her back and we split up. I run so fast my feet barely ever touched the ground. I flew past trees out into an open field. “Crap!” I shout. There was no place to hide and I had never been to this part of the island, and on top of that I could here the boys getting closer. Well it looks like my little adventure just branched off into another direction. The boys break through the trees. One of them has an arrow in his arm and the one that I assume is Felix has an arrow in the same leg I shot hours ago. The boy with green eyes is literally hovering above the ground, but I don’t let my shock show. I load another arrow into my bow, ready for action. “it’s the end of the road for you, love. Either you come with us willingly or you get hurt in the process, but either way you will be coming along.” He says in that wonderful British accent that I love. “well then get ready because I’m not going down without a fight and if I go down I’m taking at least half of you with me.” I say smirking. I pull the arrow back, and prepare myself for a fight. “very well, but don’t say I didn’t warn you, love.” He says smirking as well. “lady’s first” I counter. Then his smirk falls off of his face and he draws a sword. I snort and drop my Bow and quiver. I then draw my own sword and prepare my self. He makes the first move and I easily dodge his attack, then I lunge my sword at him but he’s able to block it. “hmm your good at this.” He says. Then I spin around and I’m pointing my sword at his him, and he’s doing the same, the other boys watching intensely as we circle each other. “for a girl he finishes.” The smile drops off my face. I attack him but he didn’t see it coming I manage to disarm him sending his sword flying towards the boys, and lodging itself into a tree. Then I have my sword at his throat. Glaring at him with a death stare that would set him ablaze if looks could kill. “you’ve got fire… I love it.” He says smirking. I roll my eyes, pull my sword back and sheath it. “leave me alone. If I have to deal with your pathetic attempts at trying to kidnap me again I’ll end you and your little gang of losers.” I say still glaring at him. Then I retrieve Bow and quiver walk over to the boys and rip my arrows out of Felix’s leg and the other boys arm causing them both to whine with the pain. I put my arrows back in my quiver then launch myself into the trees again. Then I stop and turn to them. “Oh and uh… Felix stay out of my way or you’ll end up with more than just another arrow in your leg” I threatened. Then I disappear into the forest. Leaving the boys shocked and in awe.I smile at myself, I knew who he was the moment I laid eyes on him. Peter Pan the leader of the lost boys. I was a bit flattered that he wants me of all people to be the first official lost girl but hay I can’t make it too easy for him otherwise I wouldn’t have any fun. Besides I like to play hard to get. Peter always gets what he wants so easily, and he wanted me I wasn’t gonna make it easy for him. Plus that damn Felix was getting on my nerves anyways. I think I might finally get to have some fun. there was one boy that piqued my interest though. A boy named Jack. He had the aura of a good fighter, plus he seemed pretty cute, that Ruphio boy seemed interesting too, and even that little one named Nibs looked like he could be of some use. this is going to be quite interesting. Its been two days since Its been two days since I had seen Peter but I knew he was never very far, because Felix has been popping up every now and then, but luckily I was able to ditch him in the forest about thirty minutes ago. I decide to go swimming since it’s so hot out today. I get undressed leaving on my green bra and underwear to swim in. I was at the beach so there was more than enough space to swim in. I leave my Bow and quiver by the boulder that I jumped off into the deep cold water. I come up with my hair soaked and a huge smile on my face. I lean back against the rock and sigh softly just feeling the sun on my skin and it feels amazing. I hear a snap from behind me and immediately dive into the water swimming around it slowly coming up for air but only going as far as my nose so I could breathe. “I know you’re here, love.” Says Peter. “Go away” I say hopping with every fiber of my being that he will listen just this one time. “ and why would I do that?” He asks his voice a bit clearer then before and I could tell that he was coming closer. I poke my head out above the boulder and taking my Bow loading an arrow into it. I pull it back and aim at him. “any closer and I’ll shoot you Peter Pan.” I say. Glaring daggers at him. He smirks and takes a single step and I release the arrow he looks shocked and he reaches up just in time to catch the arrow before it hits him in the chest. He snaps the arrow in half then waves his hand in the air causing green mist to appear from his hands, and my Bow and quiver disappear. My jaw drops then I glare at him. “ you little magic demon you’ve been holding out on me haven’t you.”A smile slowly forms on his face. “That’s really the first thing that popped into your head, I do magic and your pissed that I’ve been going easy on you?” He says laughing. “Shut up.” I grumble. then I duck back behind the boulder and quickly get dressed. I climb up onto the boulder and sit on the top of it. “ What do you want Pan?” I ask irritated “I just wanted to pop by and say hello.” He says innocently. “you sit on a throne of lies Peter Pan.” I retorted. “ Guilty as charged.” He says with a smirk. “ I wanted to ask you one more time to come peacefully with me…” I cut him off before he finishes. “Felix I know your there, your horrible at hiding you know.” I say. Felix comes out and walks over to peters side staying behind him so that it’s obvious who’s in charge. Then I look at Peter “ Continue.” I say. “ Like I was saying I wanted to ask you one more time to come peacefully with me before I resort to magic, you know save yourself some dignity.” He says still smirking. I roll my eyes. “Peter it is way to early in the morning for this I haven’t even shot Felix in the leg yet.” I say hold my hand out gesturing to Felix. “hey!” Shouts Felix. “Shut up Felix this an A, B conversation C your way out of it.” “ I WILL END YOU RIGHT HERE WOMAN!” He shouts at me. I look at him with a big smile that stuns them both “ To die would be an awfully big adventure.” I smirk as I quote myself. Peter is trying his hardest not to laugh at Felix now, while he stands there fuming trying to come up with a good come back. I then look at Peter “as for you maybe I’ll come with you if you give me back my Bow.” He thinks about that for a moment. Waves his hand and a cross Bow and my quiver appear in front of me I pick them up and I put my quiver on my back. Grab the bow and jump down. “Fine lets go.” I say he laughs quietly under his breath as I start walking. “your going the wrong way” Felix say. “actually I’m not I’m taking a short cut.” I say and keep walking. Peter and Felix follow, and we get to the camp faster than we would have if we took Felix’s path.“told ya.” I say happily as I continue to piss him off even further. Peter laughs once, and I smile. I’m sleeping in a tree while Peter plays his pan flute, he’s watching me and so is Felix. Peter looks like he’s thinking, and Felix looks like he’s trying figure me out. After a little while I start to wake up but I accidentally turn and fall out of the tree my eyes snap open and I turn in the air and land on my feet instead of my face. “totally meant to do that.” I say and walk off like nothing just happened. Peter and Felix are both laughing now. I turn, flip them off then walk away causing them to start laughing even harder now. Then I go stiff they notice, and my ear twitches. I turn towards the forest. “peter let me see your telescope.” He tosses me the telescope. Then I launch myself into a tree scaling my way to the top. They both look at me as I look through the telescope. I jump out of the tree landing gracefully on my feet, with a huge smile on my face. I toss him his telescope then turn with my Bow already loaded, and sprint through the forest, towards the beach. They both follow. I get to the beach and the Jolly Rodger is coming closer to the island. I turn to Peter. “think you could get me onto that ship Pan?”  I ask. “pfft no problem.” He says grabbing me by the waist, and he flys me to the ship dropping me off. He draws his sword but its too late I had already shot and killed the crew. I walk over to the captains quarters and listen closely. I turn to peter. “hooks all yours.” I say then walk over to his side. He smirks. “you know me so well, love.” He says. He starts to walk towards the door but I reach out and grab him by the wrist. He looks back at me curious on why I stoped him. “no mercy.” I say with a smile.He smiles back and reaches up brushing a lock of my hair back behind me ear. “ Of course not.” He says smirking. Then I let him go and he walks into the captains quarters. After a while of hear hearing Hook cursing loudly and Pan making easy come backs I hear them fighting and soon I hear Hook fall to the ground dead. “good by Hook” I hear Peter say. he comes back out and grabs me by the waist, bends down and lifts me up bridal style and flys us back to shore. I turn towards the Jolly Rodger, take out a lighter and set the tip of one of my arrows on fire. I load it into my new crossbow tighten the strings all the way and pull the trigger its flys towards the ship and hits its sail setting it on fire. I smirk “too bad they got to go on deaths adventure before me…… oh well some day maybe.” I say to myself. I then turn and start walking back to camp, with Felix and Peter staring at me like two lovesick puppies. I get to camp and Nibs sees me. “so you finally came to your senses and decided to…” he doesn’t finish I walked right past him and launched myself into a tree. I snap of a branch and take out my new dagger. Then I start widdling the tip to a sharp point. Peter and Felix finally get back and they are talking to each other quietly. At this moment I drop off of my branch and throw my wooden stake at a tree and I lodges itself into the tree beside Felix’s head. He jumps and turn glaring towards me, but when he sees that it was me who threw it and he backs down. I am standing eight feet away from a tall tree with a target painted onto it and listening to the forest around me with my eyes closed, I could feel everyone staring but I didn’t care. I felt the wonderful breeze on my face, smiled when the warm golden rays of sun light covered me like a warm blanket, felt the cool green grass beneath my feet. I take a deep breath, pull the arrow loaded into my old bow back, open my eyes and just as I let the air out of my mouth I release the arrow from the bow and watch as it flys towards the target, and hits the bullseye. I take out another arrow and knock it into my bow pull it back and release the arrow I watch once more as it flew towards the target, and I smile when the second arrow robinhoods the first spliting it in two and lodging itself into the tree with the first. Then I turn two arrows knocked into my bow already releasing them and hitting two more targets all he way across the camp my arrows marking the bullseye. I spin facing my right this time I have three arrows in my bow, they all hit my targets perfectly. I launch my self into a tree and hit a moving target on my left just before it flys by and hit the bullseye there as well. And finally I flip out of the tree hitting the last target above me that I had Peter use his magic to make into a flying moving target. And I manage to hit it as well. The boys all clap and I bow. “thank you, thank you, I would like to thank all those little people out there that I had to step on to get here. And one very annoying Peter Pan for not pissing me off when asked him to make me a magical flying target.” I say smugly, and we all laugh together. I collect my arrows and go sit on a log. “Felix your up bro. Show us what you can do.” I say smiling at him. My smile seems to stun him into silence and he blushes lightly. Highlighting the scar across his left cheek. He gets up and shows us his talent. He can imitate any sound he’s heard before including the voices of other people and animals perfectly. I star at him amazed by his talent. “ Okay not even gonna lie bro that’s awsome!” I shout. He looks a bit embarrassed and his cheeks flush with color, As I smile widely and clap for him. I glare at the others and they start clapping too. Then I continue to smile widely my eyes lit up with happiness and excitement. I’m sitting with peter and Felix now, just staring into the fire that reflects in my eyes. I can feel their eyes on me but I don’t want to let them know that its making me uncomfortable because then they’re most likely to keep doing it on purpose. I suddenly get up from my seat and launch myself into a tree scaling up to the very top, and look out at forest. I lean forwards leaning against a branch and looking up at the moon, that seams to be glowing brighter than I’ve ever seen before. I feel something hit my back, and I turn David has his slingshot out and has a huge smile on his face. “Oh it is so on!” I shout and launch myself out of the tree towards him. I tackle him and and we have a full out brawl, but in the end I manage to pin him to the ground. “just give up dude you lost.” I say. “NEVER!!” He shouts and launches me off of him. I go flying into a thorn bush I jackknife to my feet, and run at him again this time I have three daggers in each hand as I run at him. Everyone watches and cheers for who they want to win. They range from “ Come on David kick her butt!” To “yeah rip his face off!!”, I threw the daggers at David and pinning him to a tree with them. Three of them pinning his arms on both sides of him, I then take out several more daggers outlining his frame. I walk up to him and push his face against the tree and lean in. “Nighty night Davy.” I say smirking, then I punch him so hard across the face that he passes out. I collect my daggers causing David to fall to the ground and I put my daggers away, and I walk over back to Pan and sit down on his log next to him. We high five and I lean into him staring into the fire again. He smiles and puts his arm over my shoulder. I look at him and shove his arm off my shoulder and instead sit by Felix. Peter chuckles seeing that he had made me a bit uncomfortable. The boys congratulate me on my victory against both Hook’s pirate crew, and David. Then I jump up onto a giant log. “Yes I am an awsome person, and I am aware of my enormous ego but we are here to celebrate Pans victory over Captain, Killian James Hook.” I say, flipping off of the log landing on my feet. Tonight we celebrate Peter Pan!” I shout everyone cheers, and Peter starts playing his flute. The sun is setting and we all dance to peters flute playing. My eyes once more bright and filled with absolute happiness that that could bright up the life of even the dark one himself. I laugh and smile widely as me and the lost boys dance to the music that brings us all so much happiness. I dance over to Felix taking his hand and leading him over to the fire and we dance Nibs dances over to me and I take his hand and we dance even more. Enjoying the warmth of the fire we dance around. Peter and Felix are staring at me weirdly, but I don’t care about that I just continue to dance around the fire with the biggest smile on my face as I laugh and laugh. We dance for so long that by the time we finish we’re all breathless. We all watch as the sun starts to rise. I climb up a tree and watch the sunrise from there. There is a huge smile on my face as the beautiful sunrise of Nederland that never seems to get any less wonderful every time I see it. I love how the sun starts to appear between the hills, then the sky above the sun becomes layered with color the first being a beautiful orange that can only be described as warmth, then the layer above that is a gorgeous royal purple, and finally the last layer is a wonderful periwinkle blue and to tie it all together the suns rays are spread out across the sky in a beautiful golden arc. Once the sun is up I drop down from the tree and grab my bow and quiver and I run off into the forest. Nibs, and Slightly follow, and once I break through the trees of the forest and out into a field and I knock an arrow into my bow and shoot down a large buck. Then I drop and roll my face completely serious now, as I then shoot another buck hitting them both straight through the eye ending their lives painlessly and quickly. Then I jump up collecting my kills and tossing them over my shoulders and wait until Nibs and Slightly catch and kill there next meal. Then we head back to the camp. I drop my kill, skin it, then cook it. Nibs, Slightly, and I divide our food so everyone has something to eat. Then I throw some meat towards Tiki so she can eat too. “Peter?” I ask. Peter looks at me. “yes, love?” “when was the last time Henry was let out of the cage?” I ask. Peter thinks about this. Then my eyes go wide and I’m racing towards the cages. Running as fast as I can make my legs go. Putting every ounce of strength into each individual stride to push myself even faster. I hurdle over everything in my way, weave through trees that I know wont be knocked down if I run right through them, bulldoze through huge thorn bushes. I let out a loud howl, and Tiki comes running out of nowhere. I don’t stop running but I manage to launch  myself onto her back and we race as fast as we can to the cages. “If Ethan didn’t do his job, again... I’m gonna beat him senseless.” I think to my self. I watch as the detailed forest around me becomes a complete blur due to the speed that we run at. The beautiful lush green leaves decorated with the vine like design that runs along each one, the rough brown bark of the huge trees that stand tall and strong no matter how chaotic the weather gets, all of it is a blur.
I race towards the cages at top speed weaving through trees, hurdling over fallen logs, trees, and boulders, bulldozing straight through large thorn bushes, and finally get to the cages. I see a boy lying on the floor of the cage I unsheathe my sword and cut down the cage. I can tell just by looking at him that he’s starving and very dehydrated. I turn on Ethan, and yell at him. “ ETHAN YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO KEEP AN EYE ON HIM AND MAKE SURE HE DIDN’T DIE YOU IDIOT!!!” I yell. “Go get water and food before I shoot you in the face!” I shout, glaring at him with a look that would eliminate him instantly if looks could kill. “WHAT WHY SHOULD I? I DON’T ANSWER TO YOU I ONLY LISTEN TO PAN!” He shouts. I take out my bow and aim it at him knocking two arrows into it pull back the arrows and glare at him. “Ethan I will not hesitate to shoot you just ask Felix.” I say in a deadly tone acid dripping off of every word that comes out of my mouth. He can tell I’m not joking around anymore. He try’s to act brave though. “Well I’m not scared of you. You can’t cause me any amount of pain that will make me listen to you.” He says but his voice breaks at the end. A smile slowly forms on my face. Then I start to laugh quietly at first then louder and louder. “pain…? Ha your hilarious when I’m through with you” my face is dark now and the smile on my face widens into a terrifying grin my perfect ultra white teeth showing seaming to look a lot sharper then they were before. “you’re going to wish for something as sweet as pain.” I say darkly. “now I’m going to give you one last chance before even Peter Pan himself won’t be able to save you.” I continue looking straight into his terrified dark brown eyes. Then he starts to slowly back off, turns and runs off. I pull myself together and take a deep breath. “Felix… keep Ethan away from me today or we’re going to have one less mouth to feed.” I say then I launch myself into a tree and disappear into the forest.I flew through the trees trying not to turn around and kill Ethan for his stupidity. Peter had given him the job of keeping him alive and I was the one who had to make sure he did his job right. I had asked him everyday if he had feed and taken care of Henry like he was told and every damn day he told me that he had done as he was told. Every damn day he lied straight to my damn face. “I swear if I see that bastard again today or tomorrow I’m gonna kill him.” I say to myself. After about three hours of keeping to myself I decided to go back to the campsite. As I walk into view I see Ethan in my Peripheral vision coming my way. Felix stops him and shakes him head no. Ethan gets the gist and walks away. Felix heads towards me and asks me if I’m okay. “Yeah I’m perfectly fine.” I say through my teeth. “Tell that to the apple in your hand.” He says looking a bit amused. I look down and the apple  had is crushed in my fist. I let go of the apple and shake the mess off of my hand. Then I look at him force a smile and force myself to sound friendly “I have no idea what you speak of.” I say to a very worried looking Felix. Then I walk away before he pisses me off too. I head over to peter’s hut and knock on the door. “come in.” He says. I take a moment to try and pull my self back together. That damn voice always screws with my thoughts and needed to get myself together. Honestly I’m surprised that I had given in to my feelings yet, but I was determined to win this little game of ours. I was not going to be the first one to give in. I was going to keep going until I had emerged victorious. I was going… no I will win. I’m going to be the first to win one of peters games. I walk in and Peter and Rufio were looking over some maps. “drop the act Pan I know what you really want from that boy and If it means you have to kill him in the process of staying young forever than I would rethink what your about to do if I were you.” I say. Peter turns to me with that famous smirk of his. “ And why would I do that exactly?” He asks. “because he’s not the truest believer I could tell the moment I saw him. Don’t ask how I know because I don’t really know myself. I just know. That’s all I have to say.” I answer then I turn to walk out of his hut, but then remember that I needed to tell Rufio something. Then stop to say something else as well. “oh and Rufio… please keep try t help Felix keep Ethan away from me. I know he’s one of your scouts but I was  joking earlier I will not hesitate to kill him I could easily replace him without even the tiniest struggle so just keep him out of my way.” I say, then I walk out kicking the door shut on my way out of the enormous hut with both of them staring out after me. I sit on the top of a large boulder directly under the light of the sun. My skin seemed to glisten lightly under the giant golden stars glow. My soft tan skin warm, my muscles finally starting to relax, my breathing calm and slow. Yet at the same time. My entire being was on high alert, for what I’m not sure but something just felt…… off. Like something was going to happen and I had to be prepared for anything. To anyone else I would look fine, calm, peaceful even, but on the inside everything was awake. My highly trained ears Listening for the slightest sound that wasn’t supposed to be there, my eyes thoroughly searching for anything that out of place, my extremely sensitive nose sniffing around every once and awhile for anything to be carful for, my limbs ready to spring at anything that I might take as a threat. Until finally I can’t take it anymore. I leap from my seat and begin to pace back and forth from one side of the camp to the other. Glancing at the forest every other moment but not for more than a second. “Angie what are you doing.” The sudden sound of Felix’s voice triggers me and I whipped around facing him, bow at the ready with an arrow already in place, ready to be fired. He immediately puts his hands up in the air to show that he’s not a threat. I let out a sigh of relief, but my muscles are still tense. I lower my bow, just to see everyone of the lost boys staring at me. “Felix we need to talk with Rufio and Pan. Now, and No it can not wait and I will not take no for an answer.” I say. Felix just nods once then I turn to leave. “get Pan and Rufio then meet me on the beach.” I say then I turn and leave. After about three minutes the boys get there and I explain why I’m so on edge. After hearing what I have to say they exchanged glances at each other, and immediately I know something is up. “ okay what are you three up to whats going on. If something or someone is coming to hurt any of us then I’m prepared to fight no matter who it is.” I say. And what they tell me next is something I was  prepared for. I’m gonna have to start training harder then ever before. I refuse to let any of the lost boys get hurt by whats coming if it comes down to it I will die to protect the ones I care about. Back at the camp I’m training in the field that our camp is built on out in the sun by the waterfall. I’m wearing an olive green sports bra, a pair of camouflage jean training shorts, a pair of black leather fingerless gloves with spikes on the knuckles and around the wrists, and I decide to go barefoot instead of wearing shoes because they bother me and I can run faster and climb things easier as well plus I wont slip on wet surfaces as much. I’m sweating and my hair is dripping with water because its raining, but I don’t really care. I had been trading all afternoon and I wasn’t going to quit now because of some rain. So far I had fallen on my face, butt, arms, legs, and back. I’m so bruised and sore that I don’t think I gonna be able to move tomorrow. I had done one hundred pushups with Curly on my back and let me tell you he is not the lightest person in the world. Then I held a plank for about half an hour which was torture. I had weight lifted a boulder for twenty eight minutes. Ran sprints from the camp to Pixie Hollow which is like twenty miles away and back thirteen times. Held a plank for another half hour. Did one hundred pull-ups. Did one hundred thirty seven sit-ups ran sprints from camp to Mermaid Lagoon which is even farther than Pixie Hollow and all the way back to camp just to have to sprint back because I left one of my daggers back at Mermaid Lagoon then back to camp. Then had to go back into the forest because it was my turn to catch dinner today. Wrestled with an anaconda because it ate the badger that I was hunting killed the anaconda just to realize my efforts were in vain because the damn snake ate the badger already. Got attacked by a bear and took down the bear. Dragged that stupid honey loving berry picking fish eating unnaturally large fully grown black bear back to camp. Skinned it and threw the hide into a pile with all the hides from previous kills so we could make clothing and blankets, and stuff out of the hides, cooked the bear. Then I finally got to eat and it turns out that bear was the only thing I had eaten today. Then I chug down a large bottle of water and, went to bed. I had slept  for only two hours and when I woke up immediately I wished that I hadn’t  because of how sore my body was from training so hard yesterday. I pulled myself out of bed and limped out side after getting dressed in a different training outfit like the one I wore yesterday. When I got outside I stand next to Rufio and he passes me my breakfast. “why don’t you sit down?” He asks. “because if I do I’ll never get up again.” I say tiredly. “I’ll help you up after if you want.” He insisted. “fine.” I finally give in. I hand him my plate then flop down on the ground next to him. Bad idea now my back, legs, arms, and butt hurt even more. He laughs and hands me back my plate. I eat my food and slowly the other boys start to join us. After eating I take out my six daggers and start to sharpen them. Soon there all sharpened t the point that if you even grazed the blade you would get cut. I then put my daggers away, and take out my sword then begin to sharpen that as well. Once my sword and daggers are sharp I move on to my throwing axe I sand the handle because it’s starting to splinter again, then I sharpen the blade. After sharpening all my blades I then take out a rag and polish them till I could literally see my face in the blade. Then Bealfire asks me a question, “ Angie how much do you love me?” I sit up and answer with. “look up and count the stars. That’s how much I love you.” I say with a hint of a smile on my face. “but wait its day time.” He says confused. “exactly.” I say back the smile clear on my face. “daaaaaaamn.” Says Rufio. “Damn Bealfire you just gonna let her gat away with that?” Asks Felix. Everyone is listening now including Peter waiting for Bealfire’s comeback. “Angie if I were you I would give up right now your not going to win this.” He says. I laugh “if I were you I’d be ugly.” I say laughing. He looks upset now. Everyone is looking at Bealfire waiting for him once more to make a comeback. “Hey have you ever seen an ogre” he says meaning me. “yeah every time I look at you.” I say without hesitation. “you know I’ve seen some beautiful things in my life butterflies, flowers, stars. Notice how you weren’t in that list. It wasn’t a mistake.” He says back. Things are getting interesting now. “Hey next time you sing the alphabet stop at T.” I say. Confused he responds how I wanted him to. “why?” He asks. “because nobody wants to see U.” I say. “hey your like the sun. A giant fiery ball of gass.” He says. “hey your like a comet you crash and burn.” I respond without hesitation “well at least I’m handsome.” He says. “yeah well that’s the difference between you and me unlike you I have a rare skin disease called perfection.” I say back. Bealfire immediately responds with, “oh please the only perfect thing about you is your body.” He says. I laugh. “well that’s more than I can say about you bro. I mean I’ve seen snails with better looks than you.” I say. “if you were a vegetable you would be a cabbitch.” He says back. “ if you were a vegetable I’de never eat any again.” I say. “ oh look guys a pig what sorry its just Angie.” I smirk and keep going without even a moments hesitation.“Oh look guys it’s Bealfire… said no one ever” I say. “you’re a cod fish” he says, running out of comebacks.“in order for you to insult me I would first have to value your opinion, but I don’t.” I say. “could you go back to the forest I’m tired of looking at your monkey like face.” He says. I then take out a map of never land and show it to him “ point to exactly where I asked for your opinion.” I say. “oh you didn’t but no one else was going to mention it but somebody had to.” He says. “isn’t that what everyone said last night about your meatloaf.” I say. “what ever fart face.” He says. “ umm I’m pretty sure faces don’t fart. Do you need a Doctor.” I say. The boys heads are whipping from side to side looking at me then at Bealfire then back at me the again at Bealfire. “oh no she’s go the curse” he says. “no dip captain obvious.” “ hey general jackass.” He says. “ what do you want sir shit head.” I say. “ thanks for that deputy dumpster.” “no problem dictator disaster.” I say back. Then boys laughing at this and Bealfire doesn’t have a good comeback, and he’s starting to panic because he doesn’t want to lose the game, he starts stuttering and The boys start counting down until he lost. “10…9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2…1… winner!!” They all shout declaring me the winner. I jump up and shout. “Victory!!” Bealfire laughs and sticks his hand out I shake it. “good game.” He says. I flip my hair. “well duh its only a good game if I win.” I say. Everyone laughs and we all have a comeback smack down. I had won every round and now it’s between me and Pan the comeback king, but not for long. Pan smirks and immediately we get into a heated battle. Then he makes a your mama joke, and Ricky is all like. “OOOOOOOOH!!! HE BROUGHT MAMAS INTO IT!!! HE BROUGHT MAMAS INTO IT!!!!” Then I make a quick comeback about how the only power he has is stored in his eyebrows. After beating peter in the comeback smack down I declare myself the goddess of comebacks. After awhile I start todays training even though my body feels like it got hit by a truck, thrown over a cliff, mauled by a bear, and took a punch to the gut by an explosion. As I jog towards the beach I hear someone whispering behind a bush. I pull out my bow and knock an arrow into it. “who’s there?!” I shout immediately on alert. I see a woman lying on the ground with my arrow in her shoulder. I manage to sling over my shoulder and carry her back to the camp. “Felix!” I shout. Felix turns and walks over to me and sees what I’m carrying. “Angie what the hell are you doing.” He yells at me. “I found her in the forest and something tells me that Pan is gonna want to know.” I say. He just stares into  my eyes for a moment, then he nods once and leaves to go get Peter. When Peter comes I drop the woman to the ground and she lets out a slight cry of pain. “interesting the savior herself has come to take Henry back.” He says. I guess he saw the confused look on my face because then he explains that the savior is known as Emma Swan and that she is supposed to save the world one day. I laugh and bend down I pull the arrow out of her shoulder causing her to cry out in pain once more. “ If you think you can take any of my friends away from me, then your not very smart. If you mess with me or any of the people I care about, then be prepared because then I’m going to make your life a living hell.” I say. Then I get up and walk towards the edge of the forest, and I launch myself into a tree. That’s when I see Henry walking towards Peter, Felix, and Emma so I keep a close eye on him. That night I walk along the edge of the forest just singing to myself. When I see Peter sitting in a tree, chewing on a toothpick and just watching me. I ignore him and start singing a different song that I had made up. I walk towards the bonfire because I had gotten cold. I sit next to Felix and listen to the others tell scary stories. Henry walks over to me and sits next to me. He’s looks about twelve, fourteen tops. He yawns and lays down with his head in my lap. “uh what are you doing.” I say looking a bit uncomfortable. “trying to sleep.” He says. “can’t you do that somewhere else as in not on me.” I say. “nope deal with it.” He says. My eye twitches and I punch him upside the head, get up and sit on the other sided of Felix. Who is trying his hardest to to laugh. “ Hey Angie.” Says Peter. “what?” I ask. “what did one ocean say to the other?” He asks. “damn it pan not this again.” Says Felix. “don’t do it Angie. It’s not worth it.” He says. “shutup Felix.” He says back. I roll my eyes. “your not going to stop until I ask are you?” I ask Peter. “nope.” He says. “fine what did they say?” I ask sounding irritated. “nothing they just WAVED.” He says with a playful smirk on his face. “see what I did there, I’m pretty SHORE you did.” He says still making puns. Then I join in. “ Ok now I SEA why you don’t have any friends.” I say smirking back. “stop being such a BEACH Angie.” He says back still smirking. “only once you learn not to be so SHALLOW” I say. Smiling wider. “ hey were you the one that TIDE my rope around that tree?” He says still going. “ sorry what did you say? My awsome puns DROWNED out your voice.” I say. He laughs. “I give up” he says. “yay I win.” I say back. After a little while I start to fall asleep and end up with my head on Felix’s shoulder sleeping silently. “ I think I’m in love with her.” Henry says. “she’s too old for you.” Peter responds.  “Doesn’t matter age is just a number.” He says back. “Henry age is clearly a word.” Peter says, making everyone laugh including Emma. “MOM YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE ON MY SIDE!” Henry yells at Emma. His yelling wakes me up, and that pisses me off. I stand up and hold a sword to him throat. “shutup and let me sleep or you will never live to see your next birthday.” I say glaring at him, the fire reflects in my eyes making me look even scarier. He gulps and shrinks down into his seat. I turn and walk over to a tree that I scale quickly and pull myself into a large wide branch hiding myself in the shadows, and all you can see are my warm milk chocolate brown eyes that seemed to glow in the dark, but once I close them you can’t see me anymore. I slowly drift into my dreams. Sleeping quietly and peacefully. That next morning I sit up and stretch. I jump out of the tree, and land gracefully on my feet. I plop down next to Peter and let myself fall backwards so that I’m lying on the ground. My body aches all over but on the plus side my calves look amazing, I have a rock hard four pack, I’m a lot stronger, and I can run from camp to mermaid lagoon without any problem now too. That’s when I realize what today is. “oh happy birthday Bealfire.” I say. He smiles and says thanks. Then peter says “birthdays are so motivational. Like if I manage to keep myself alive for one more year, I’ll get cake!” Out of nowhere making me laugh. Then I regret it immediately. “haha… ow.” I say my hand going to my stomach which is in pain from so much intense training. Peter laughs. “whats up with you no one’s even kicked your butt yet and your already in pain.” I look up at him, “ Shutup Peter.” I say he pulls me up and gets me in a chock hold. “come on Angie I’m just having a little fun.” He says while strangling me. I manage to move and I bite him. “ow you jerk what was that for that hurt.” He says. “you can complain when you’ve done a hundred pushups with curly and slightly sitting on your damn back.” I say. He pulls me into his arms keeping me in an inescapable hold so I don’t even try to escape. Then I continue while yawning. “ then got your butt kicked by Felix in hand to hand combat, and then slept for a total of two hours.” I finished then I snuggled my face into the crook of his shoulder and try to sleep some more. “well that sounds like it sucks.” He says. “you have no idea.” I say back. “now shut up and let me sleep. I’m tired.” I say. He laughs softly then picks me up bridal style. That’s when I feel people staring at us. “keep staring at me and I’ll rip your heads from your shoulders.” I say, and immediately I feel everyone look away, except one. “that goes for you too Bealfire just because its your birthday doesn’t mean I wont beat you senseless.” I mumble into Peter’s shoulder. Then no one else is staring anymore. I manage to sleep for like ten more minutes before I decided  that I need to start my day. I stretch and climb out of Peter’s lap and see Felix is sitting with us and he looks a bit… well actually he doesn’t look like anything. His face is just completely emotionless. Honestly it was kinda hot. But I tried not to think about it too much. Until he started staring at me. I blushed a little and turned away so I wasn’t looking at him. Peter noticed this and laughs “looks like Angie has a crush on Felix boys.” He says. I laugh. “please he wishes he could have all this.” I say gesturing to my body. The boys laugh at this. I then get up and look at Bealfire. “now that your fifteen it’s about time that you fight me in hand to hand combat for the first time.” I say looking a bit excited now. “ lucky for you since it’s your birthday I’ll go easy on you but don’t expect to win.” I say my eyes full of energy now. I’m so excited with thought of a fight that I’m bouncing up and down on the balls of my bare feet. The boys look excited too but not as much as me. Peter and Felix are paying attention now, wanting to see what happens. Me and the guys are all in the open field now they gather around and to get a good spot to watch the fight. I stretch and then pull off my long sleeved forest green t-shirt with the words “ I was taught to think before I act so if I slap you senseless rest assured I’ve thought about it and am confident in my decision.” Written in big bold white letters. Underneath I have on a skintight white t-shirt that I had cut into a crop top so I wouldn’t be hot. I then toss my shirt to the side and get into a fighting stance with a big smile on my face. I am literally the image of excited right now. My eyes are bright with anticipation, my smile wide and showing my perfect ultra white teeth, bouncing up and down on the balls of my feet never still, always in action, my posture oozing confidence, my aura leaking with so much excitement that it’s as if you feel it pulsing through the atmosphere. “come on Bealfire make a move, I won’t wait all day.” I say. He immediately gets into position and lunges at me trying to land a hit that I easily dodge. He comes at me again this time making his attacks more precise but again I dodge his attack. “Okay Bealfire you want a fight. Then lets fight.” I say.  This time I make a move and I land a punch to his gut. he dashes back so he can get space between us so I can’t attack him again right away. Then he comes at me and starts throwing punches nonstop. I dodge two of them and block the other four. I grab his fist on the last punch and punch him hard in the gut again, knee him in the gut, then let him go and side kick him hard and goes flying. He’s now on his back. And Felix is counting down. “5…4…3…2…1…. Your out!” He shouts then declares me the winner. I pump my fist into the air and the boys cheer. I walk over to Bealfire and hold my hand out to help him up. He grabs my hand and I haul him to his feet. We’re both laughing. He has his arm around his stomach because he’s still in some pain. We walk over to the others and we all celebrate Bealfire’s  birthday. I walk over to Felix. “hey Felix could you cover for me I want to go make something for Bealfire as a birthday present.” I ask him making my eyes big pleading with my big sparkly bright beautiful eyes. He pretends to think about it for a moment “fine but get something for both you and me because I don’t think I have time to make something myself what with all my missions.” I smile and jump up throwing myself into his arms. “thanks Felix your best.” I say then give him a quick peck on the cheek. Then I turn and run into the forest leaving Felix standing there blushing hard and looking shocked. I sprint at top speed keeping my breath even so I don’t get tired. Then I come to a stop in the middle of the forest. I look around the area. Then I stop when I see a strange blue crystal like boulder, it’s big but not too big. So I pick it up and I carry it back to camp and Felix distracts Bealfire for me while I sneak into his hut where I had been staying since I did have a hut of my own yet and got to work. First I have to figure out the best way to make something out of this. Then I remember that Bealfire has been really wanting a good sword. Immediately I know what I’m going to do plus I can make the present from both Felix and I. I go threw my materials and I decide to use a beautiful silver metal that would go great with the light shade of blue that the crystal like rock that I had decided to call Matrium. Once I had the handle parts done. I began making the blade. After half an hour there’s a knock on the door. “who is it.” I ask. “its Felix.” He answers. “come in.” I say. “leave your shoes by the door.” I finish then I go back to what I was doing. “you know this is my hut right?” He asks. “Yes but you sweep in here like ten times a day so I figured if you leave your shoes by the door you won’t get the floors so dirty.” I answer. “god point.” He responds. After about two more hours I finally finish and I put the blade in the quenching barrel. Then once I know that its finished I pull it out and lay it out on the table. I begin to clean and sharpen the blade. I wipe the sweat off of my forehead and then check the blade. It’s perfect. I then begin attaching the handle, and once I finished the sword and I lay the sword down back on the table. Then I stretch my fingers a few times and I turn back to my shelf of materials, and look threw a box. “ah ha!” I say. I then pull out a coin made of gold. I then begin to decorate the handle with it making the borders for the finger gridding into golden vines after melting the coin and reshaping it into thin wires. Then I finally flop down into my chair. I turn to Felix. “So what do you think?” I ask. He walks over to where I put the blade. And looks at it without touching it. “wow it’s… well it’s beautiful.” He says. Looking stunned and amazed. Just staring at it in awe. I smile. “Do you want to pick out the material for the sheath.” I ask knowing that he really wants to help. He just looks at me and nods once. I smile, get up, and show him the shelf I have full of different fabrics for sheaths, and holdsters. He looks through it and decides on a kind of strong leather and golden threading. I smile and I let him help me make the sheath. Then I get a large red velvet pillow and place the sword in the sheath then put it on the pillow and cover it with a white sheet. Then Peter walks in. “come on you two it’s time to give Bea his gifts.” I smile and Felix  carefully picks up the pillow and I hold the door open so he can walk out. I close the door and we head over to where the bonfire is, and we watch as everyone gives him the presents that they got him. Me and Felix decide to go last. I stand up and begin. “your next present is from both me and Felix.” I say. Just as I finish Felix walks over with the pillow. I turn, Felix takes the cover off of the cushion, and I take the sword and walk over to him with it layed in both of my hands. And I hand it to him. “oh a sword?” He says sounding really disappointed. I flinch at this. I had spent hours making this for him and he doesn’t like it. “sorry guys but Mike already gave me one.” He says. I take a deep breath and try not to snap. “okay then I guess you don’t get a present from either me or Felix.” I say trying not to let my anger leak into my voice. But I fail and then I unsheathe the sword, and everyone’s jaws drop when they see it. Bealfire eyes light up. “actually I guess I’ll take that.” He says reaching out to take it, but I pull it back and then I loose my cool. “sure of course you want it now that you know what it looks like. But before all you said was. Oh a sword. Sorry guys but mike already got me one. You didn’t want it then. You know what no you can’t have this anymore because you wanted to be an ungrateful little brat. Instead I’ll give it to someone who appreciates it.” I say. Then I sheath the sword, turn towards Felix and hand it to him. “its yours now.” I say then I turn towards Felix’s hut and start to walk off. “oh and the next time you expect me to get you something remember this moment because you just killed any chance that you had before of even getting part of my kills for dinner, lunch, and breakfast.” I say then I walk off. Later that night I sit by the fire and poke at it with a long stick. After a little while I get up and walk towards the fire pit and and I pick up a branding iron in the shape of a symbol that means disgrace in pixie the symbol looks like a very detailed skull with and I put the branding iron in the fire and just mess around with it. That’s when Bealfire walks over and takes the branding iron. “I hate you!! no one talks to me the way you did earlier and gets away with it!! no one!!!” He yells at me then he grabs me by the arm and presses the white hot iron the my wrist. I scream out in pain then I reach up with my other arm and punch him across the face with all of my strength, and he drops the iron. The lost boys all rush over to help. I’m holding my wrist and for the first time in four years I start to cry silently tears streaming silently my face as Rufio and Felix try to help me. The others are helping Pan with Bealfire, “Angie let me see I need see what the damage is.” Rufio says. I slowly hold out my arm and when they see the symbol burned into my skin, Felix gets pissed, and he turns and punches Bealfire across the face hard and beats him senseless. I scrambled to my feet and try to pry Felix off of Bealfire. “Felix! Felix!! FELIX PLEASE STOP YOU’LL KILL HIM IF YOU DON’T!!!” I shout at him. “FELIX PLEASE YOUR SCARING ME!!!” I shout. My words finally break through his rage and he lets me pull him away from Bealfire’s uncontious body. He pulls me aside and sits me down on a log then he walks off and comes back with a firstaid kit he sits down and pulls my arm towards him I wince a little bit. “sorry angie. I- I wasn’t myself back there” He says. “it’s ok.” I say he then pulls out bandage wraps and wraps my wrist carefully trying not to hurt me. Then once I’m all set I noticed that he’s staring at me. “what?” I ask. “Why did you stop me?” He asks. I hesitate for a moment then answer. “because even though what he did was horrible sometimes the only way to truly get revenge is to let them live because then they feel guilty. Don’t underestimate the power of guilt, when you feel it for long enough you feel so bad that you hate yourself for what you did, and you can’t change the way you feel about yourself unless that guilt is lifted.” I say.   He looks at me. “you sound like you speak from experience.” He says. I don’t say anything. “oh.. I…I’m sorry.” He says. “stop apologizing  for things you didn’t do, there out of your control.” I say. He nods once, and I get up and head to Felix’s hut, snuggle into my makeshift bed and try to go to sleep. I had tossed and turned all night trying to get comfortable but couldn’t with my wrist burning every two minutes, but eventually I managed to sleep. The next morning I get up and get dressed in a camouflage crop top, a pair of camouflage jean short shorts, and a single black leather fingerless glove on the hand that isn’t bandaged so that I don’t hurt my other arm even more. The skin still burned I could feel the skin distorted and ugly now. It was as if I could feel the iron burning into my skin over and over again. It was horrible. After awhile I decide to finally go outside. When I walk out I see Bealfire staring at me looking sad, but I just look away, and go sit by Felix. He notices this and looks confused. “I’m sitting here because I want to.” I answer his question before he even asked it. He nods once and I lean into the log and stare at the fire. I didn’t even notice how when I looked at the fire my hand immediately went to my wrist, but Felix and the others did. I then look down at my wrist and look up and stare right into Bealfire’s eyes. I laugh once humorlessly “you know the funny thing is your not the first one to call me a disgrace.” I say. Then I take the bandage off and show him the burn that is now permanently embedded into my skin. “this symbol means disgrace in pixie you know.” I say holding my wrist so he can see it. I laugh once more. “I guess the world is right I am a disgrace, but you know what? I don’t care. I have lived alone for years. I have survived sharks, mermaids, pirates, and even Peter Pan. This symbol… it means nothing to me, but the fact that you of all people would burn this into me… just know that I don’t hate you but if you were on fire and I was the only one around with water… I would drink it and watch you burn with a smile on my face.” I say. Then I get up and walk off. “oh and don’t bother with apologies because its way too late for that.” I say. “all I have to say to you is that I hope you suffer in hell just like I always am.” I say then continue off into the woods disappearing in the shadows of the forest. After hours of training I come back to camp breathless, sweating, and with my shirt tied around my waist so I’m in just my sports bra. Felix and the others are staring at me with their Jaws dropped. I walk over to a basket and take out an apple. After eating I then grab my water bottle and gulp down like half of it, then pour the rest over my head. I shake my head quickly from side to side shaking some of the water out of it. Then I refil my bottle with a hose and put it high up in a tree where no one can reach it. Then I go start with some hand to hand combat with Rufio. He’s actually really good, and every time he knocks me on my butt I get back up and yell. “again!!” And proceed get my butt wooped again. But soon I get the hang of it and finally take him down. However I don’t stop there. “again.” I say. He jackknifes to his feet. “angie come on we’ve been at this for two hours. Take a break. You can only work so hard before your body starts to give out, and I’m pretty sure your getting to that point.” He argues. I shake my head and say that I’m going for a run holding my burning wrist and wince a little. By noon I finally come back and I have heaps of fire wood and it’s extremely heavy. I put the fire wood with the rest of it then I grab my bow and quiver and head off back into the forest. I bound barefoot through bushes, over patches of thorns that make my feet start to bleed, over boulders and fallen logs, past all of the small animals. I’m looking for a good kill today, a bear, mabey a boar, or even a mountain lion. I look around and spot one in the trees, even though its hard to see because of how it blends in with the trees. But I managed to shoot it before it spied me, and it falls to the ground. I pick up its limp body and carry its carcass back to camp. I come back with the mountain lion, two squirrels, and a fox. I had shot the other animals on my way back. I’m dirty and I have scratches and claw marks along my torso and arms and a large bite mark on my shoulder from the fox and squirrels. I drop my kills and take care of my wounds. That’s when I feel a breeze but it wasn’t even slightly windy just moments ago which could only mean one thing. There’s a new lost boy. I jump up and we all race to the beach. I laugh happily with the thought of a new friend. I’m leading the pack of wild boys now sprinting past everyone including Pan. When I get to beach I freeze in my tracks. Not daring to get any closer something about this boy just screams danger and I don’t take anything that I find dangerous as a joke. Then the boys catch up. “Angie ”When I get to the beach I frown in disappointment. Then the boys all catch up “what is it Angie?” Peter asks. “Oh its just another hormone flooded teenage boy.” I say letting the disappointment leak into my words. Then I turn to him. Bad idea now he’s staring into my eyes and I can’t look away. I manage to find the strength to tare my eyes from his. “he’s all yours bro.” I say casually. “I’ll see you guys back at camp.” I say then I turn and and disappear into the forest again. When I get to the camp I sit and start a fire when I hear a voice I don’t recognize. “respect.” It says. I look to the right and everyone is there including the new boy who I assume is the one that spoke because I know everyone else already. I look at him with confusion clear on my face. “you started a fire with wet wood.” He says. I shrug and ignore him. “is she always this rude.” He asks Felix. “Yes.” He answers. I turn to Felix and throw a pebble at him and it hits him square right between the eyes. “ow what was that for.” He pretends to be in pain. “that was because I enjoy the suffering of others.” I say. Then something snaps behind me, and I turn with my bow ready and an arrow ready to fly. It’s a bear. I let the arrow fly and it pierces the bears shoulder and it bulldozes towards me. I charge towards it leaving my bow behind. I launch myself into the air and land on its back and I laugh as it try’s to throw me off of its back. I stay on for a little longer but then it manages to toss me off its back. I’m about to hit a tree but I turn in time to cling to it and scale my way up and onto a branch about fifteen feet up. I launch myself off of it and towards the bear again. “RRRAAAAAAHHHH!!!” I let out a roar of fury. And I grab ahold of it around the torso and I manage to lift it partly because of all that training I’ve been doing but mainly do to all the adrenaline that is fludding my system. I squeeze the bear hard and everyone can hear the sound of its ribs snapping. Then I slam it onto its back and I bring my foot down on its neck with all my strength snapping its neck. “WOO HOO WE’RE GONNA EAT GOOD TONIGHT!!!” I shout with excitement as some of the others including the new kid stare with their jaws dropped, others cheer, and some just look too stunned to respond. I laugh with excitement radiating from my very being. That night I laugh and dance to the music of peters flute. Smiling widely and dancing around the now blazing fire watching as the fire moves in a dance of its own. Time seams to be set in slow motion as me and the younger lost boys dance around the fire happily laughing. The fire dying everything its light touches a beautiful tint of orange. The lost boys that don’t dance seem to have their eyes fixed on me. I run up to Henry and pick him up and place him on my shoulders and continue to laugh and dance with the others jumping up and down and twirling and skipping and laughing till it hurts but the smile never leaves my face even for a moment. when the sun starts to rise I race to boys to the clif tops and the others stare at me as I watch the sun rise. I turn and wave the younger boys over. The boys come over and join me sitting on the edge of the cliff with the ocean directly below us. I smile as the sun starts to reach the tops of the mountains far off in the distance making the sky change colors. “no matter how many times I see it, it never gets any less beautiful.” I say happiness coloring my voice. The boys look at me and watch as my smile slowly turns back into the mask that I keep in place every day, and once the sun Is high in the sky I get up and jump off the edge of the cliff. I hear gasps and the boys rush to the edge of the cliff to see what happens.  They watch as I plummet to my doom only to see me turn so I’m facing the cliff pull out a leather glove with claws attached to the ends of the fingers as if I have claws of my own. I plunge the claws into the side of the cliff and it makes deep claw marks in the side of it but I keep dropping but soon come to a stop about fifteen feet from the ground, and I drop down the rest of the way landing skillfully on my feet. Then I go sprinting off towards the hills that I saw in the distance. I pull out the other glove that matches the first and I pull it on ignoring the pain in my wrist. Then I push myself faster and faster putting every ounce of strength into each stride. Soon I reach the trees, and I launch myself into it, digging my claws into the bark and climbing up till I reach the top and I launch myself into a tree about eight feet away and scale my way to the top of that one. Eventually I reach the bottom of the mountains and I latch onto the side of it and begin to climb. Once I’m half way up I lean back and turn so my back is facing the mountain and I’m looking out at the ocean. My chest rising and falling heavily, breathing hard, sweating a lot, and the mask that I always keep in place during the day is back. I turn and continue to climb up and I once reach the top I haul myself up and stand on the edge of the mountain holding on to the side of it so I don fall and look out at the ocean past the island of Neverland. Then I hear the sound of peters flute which means that it’s time to head back to camp. So I turn and dive off the edge of the cliff diving down toward the water. I plunge deep into the black frigid abyss that is the ocean feeling the stin of my burn with a fresh new sensation, the feeling is even worse then before it feels as if its on fire then someone took my wrist and plunged it into a furnace that was lit and chained it there, but i ignore it and come swimming up to the surface gasping for air. I then pull off my soaking wet clothing and underneath I have on a black tank top, and a pair of black training shorts both are also soaked but it’s not as heavy with water. I then carry my soaked clothes and sprint back to camp. I then ring the water out of my cloths as much as I can and hang them up to dry. Later on Nibs and the other little boys asks me to sing for them. I laugh and try to get out of it. “I would even know what to sing about.” I argue. “so sing about oh I don’t know… your mom maybe?” Slightly asks. I stiffen then sigh and agree. Now everyone is staring at me and waiting. Then I begin. “First things first, We start the scene in reverse, All of the lines rehearsed, Disappeared from my mind, When things got loud, One of us running out, I should have turned around, But I had too much pride, No time for goodbyes, Didn't get to apologize, Pieces of a clock that lies broken, If I could take us back, If I could just do that, And write in every empty space, The words I love you in replace, then maybe time would not erase me, If you could only know, I never let you go, And the words I most regret, Are the ones I never meant to leave, Unsaid Emily, Silent days, Mysteries and mistakes, Who'd be the first to break, Guess we're alike that way, He said, she said, Conversations in my head, And that's just where they're gonna stay forever, If I could take us back, If I could just do that, And write in every empty space, The words I love you in replace, Then maybe time would not erase me, If you could only know, I never let you go, And the words I most regret, Are the ones I never meant to leave, Unsaid Emily, If I could take us back, If I could just do that, And write in every empty space, The words I love you in replace, Then maybe time would not erase me, If you could only know, I never let you go, And the words I most regret, Are the ones I never meant to leave, Unsaid Emily.” I finish my song with a tear slowly running down my face. Nibs reaches up then hesitates but then reaches out and wipes my tears. I smile at them and say in a sudden cheerful voice. “Come on lets go do some target practice.” I say picking up Nibs, slightly, and put Mikey on my back then Jacob crawls over and sits holding onto my leg and Freddy does the same. I laugh and walk lifting the boys on my legs up easily and each time I do they go. “weeeeeee!!” Or “higher!” or “woah!!” I laugh and we get to the clearing and I see Bealfire. “ Yo Bea come and be the target holder!” I say. His eyes go wide but when he sees the look on Felix’s face he walks over with a look of fear in his eyes. “I’ll demonstrate.” I say. Then I take an arrow and knock into my bow. I pull the string back and aim, a straight face, my eyes revealing no emotion whatsoever, my lips set in a frown that seams to only be around when he is near. He can see the burn mark on my wrist that forever marks me as a disgrace... a disgrace to him. And he stands perfectly still fear the most dominant feature on his face. “first close your eyes. Let every thought just float away. Feel the breeze on your face. Open your eyes then take a deep breath and let your arrow fly.” I say this as I do it, showing them how. I let my arrow fly and it hits the center of the apple pinning it to the tree. The boys clap and then start to fight over who is gonna go first. I show them how to do Rock Paper Scissors to solve their problem. After awhile of target practice we all dicide to go relax since it’s so nice out today. I get my note book and flip to an empty page, take out my pencil and write down my song from before. Then I titled it “Unsaid Emily” then flip the page and begin on a new song. Are you insane like me, been in pain like me, bought a hundred dollar bottle of champagne like me, just to pour that mothertrucker down the drain like me, would you use your water bill to dry the stain like me, are you high enough without the Mary Jane like me, do you tear you yourself apart to entertain like me, do the people whisper ‘bout you on the train like me, saying you shouldn’t waste your pretty face like me, and all the people say, you can’t wake up, this is not a dream, your part of a machine, your not a human being, with your face all made up, living on a screen, low on self esteem, so you run on gasoline, I think ther’s a flaw in my code, these voices won’t leave me alone, well my heart is gold and my hand are cold, are you deranged like me, are strange like me, lighting matches just swallow up the flame like me, do you call yourself a fricking hurricane like me, pointing fingers ‘cause you’ll never take the blame like me, and all the people say, you can’t wake up, no this is not a dream, you’re part of a machine, you are not a human being, with  your face all made up, living on a screen, low on self esteem, so you run on gasoline, I think there’s a flaw in my code, these voices won’t leave me alone, well my heart is gold and my hands are cold. “ah I see you’ve been thinking about me.” I turn and see peter. “actually this is about me pan sorry but you never really enter my thoughts.” I lied. “mmhm sure.” He says. Later that day the boy from before walks up to me and Peter who is still sitting next to me watching me draw. He walks up to me and starts flirting with me but I ignore him completely. “hey I was wondering… do you have like a boyfriend or something.” He asks. I finally look up at him looking a bit irritated. “no but I’m not alone I have Felix, Thomas, and Ryder.” I say. “so then would you maybe like to join me for a stroll on the beach tonight?” He asks. “no I have better things to do.” I answer. “great I’ll pick you up at…… wait what?” He says. I laugh and reply. “okay let me put this simply. I don’t like you, I never will like you, and even if I did have feelings for you it would be as a brother or friend. Not best friend not boyfriend just friend.” I say. I then get up “besides I think that would make Peter jealous.” Peter laughs. “psh nuh uh.” he say. I laugh and lean down kissing his cheek. “Its okay Peter your still my favorite.” I say. He then blushes a deep shade of scarlet. “Don’t let it go to your head I’ll still kick your butt.” I say. I straighten out and jog over to where Felix is. “hey felix want to go swimming with me and the boys?” I ask. He shrugges his face still emotionless and empty. “sure why not.” He answers. I smile. “Great we’re all meeting at the waterfall in twenty.” I say then I walk off towards our hut. I change into a black bikini and pull on a pair of black jean short shorts with rips in the thighs. Then I pull on one of my leather fingerless gloves leaving the hand that has the burn bare. After awhile I walk out and pull my hair up into a hair tie so that I have a ponytail. I head towards the water fall and sneak up behind Felix. “did you miss me.” I ask. He jumps and turns. I laugh. “where the hell did you come from.” He asks. “well you see Felix when a man and a woman love each other very much…” I begin. “You know what I mean Angie.” He cuts me off. I smile. “I know but you walked right into that one.” I say. Then peter materializes out of nowhere in nothing but a pair of swimming trunks. Then the other boys start to arrive as well. I immediately walk over to Percy. “hey whats up Jackson.” I say. “ha ha very funny.” He says rolling his eyes. I look up at the cliff. “I’m jumping anyone coming?” I ask. No one says anything so I shrug. “oh well.” I say and I dissapear into the forest. I sprint up the mountain to the cliff where I take off my shorts and glove. I run over to the edge of the cliff. “WOO HOO!!!” I shout and dive off the cliff into the water that is crystal clear all the way to the bottom. I dive in and swim downward when I see something shiny. I swim all the way to the bottom. My throat starts to ache for oxygen, but I keep going I swim towards what it is. I see a pretty necklace with a blood red ruby on the center of the silver chain. I then feel my throat burning even more and push off the ground and rocket back towards the surface. I gasp when my head break through the surface of the water I had been under for three whole minutes and I regret it. All just for a necklace. I swim towards the shore and pull myself up and onto a rock to examine the necklace. Felix appears by my side in just swim trunks. “what did you find? He asks. He’s crouching next to me on the rock.” “none of your business its mine now that’s all you need to know.” I say then stick my tongue out at him playfully. He laughs for the first time in weeks. I see Peter glare at him in my peripheral vision. “Put the face away.” I say. He stops glaring, but continues to pout. “and the pout.” I say. He stops pursing his lips in an adorable pout. “stop with the staring.” He sighs and stops. I smile and say. “better.” I see a small smile form on his lips “crap everyone run peter has an idea.” I say. “why i’de never.” He says. I laugh and show them all the necklace I found. “ooooo gime.” Says Fred. “no way I almost drowned to get this go find your own jewelry if you want to look fabulous.” I say flipping my hair. Peter then walks over to me and sits behind me. He grabs my necklace and helps me put it on. The others play in the water while I sit there leaning into peter, he keeps his arms around me. After a awhile I hear Felix and Peter plotting something but I can’t hear what their saying. Unfortunately for me I found out sooner rather then later. Felix picks me up by my feet and Peter by my arms. “Put Me Down!” I shout. “if you say so.” Felix reply’s. “one…two…three!!” They swing me twice then on the third they let go and I go flying into the lake.  I scream and hit the freezing water with a squeal. “vengance will be mine!!” I screech. I come out of the water laughing. I sprint towards the boys and jump on Felix’s back he laughs and runs and jumps into the water in a cannonball slpashing everyone. I laugh as he swims back up, standing up the water only managing to reach his lower abdomen. I laugh as I sit on his shoulders and get into a chicken fight with some of the other boys. I manage to take out both Leo and Brendan who are both about the same height as Felix, but Felix is taller by about six inches. Felix charges towards Luke and I grab Nicks hands intertwining our fingers as I push against his hands as hard as I can. Then Nick and Luke Fall over and I cheer. “CHAMPIONS!!!!” I shout. Felix laughs and tosses me off of his shoulders. I swimm back up, “Oh so that’s how you want to play now! Ok bring it you over grown man-child!” I shout and I tackle him into the water. After a while me and Felix get out of the freezing water to dry off and warm up for a little bit. I lay there sitting up against a tree with Felix’s head in my lap. I sigh softly as I enjoy the warm glow of the summer suns rays on my body. That night I sit by the fire staring into its hypnotic flame. I sway slightly fighting my exhaustion. I then hear the sweet soft melody of Pan’s flute. My eyes start to grow heavier, I close my eyes for a moment and feel myself falling asleep. I then snap my eyes open. I look at Peter who is staring at me with radiant emerald green eyes. I listen as the music becomes softer, more like a lullaby then anything else. I glare and flip him off before getting up to go to bed. I here a soft chuckle but I ignore it and head off to Felix’s hut. When I get there I flop down on my cot and slowly drift to sleep. The night is young as I walk along the sandy shore of Neverland. The cool night breeze blew softly into my face so I could smell the delicious salty ocean air. I look out at the ocean loving the way the big bright beautiful moon reflects on the water. I start to walk towards the calm waters, and I walk into it till the water is up to my calves. “beautiful night isn’t is, love.” Says a strong British accent. I my head and see Peter and Felix leaning casually against a tree. “very.” I answer softly, then look back out at the ocean. I listen into the night. My pointy elf like ears perked up a bit when I hear the song of a siren. The beautiful sound of the sirens Melody try to put me into a trance, but I had long ago become immune to her song. “come my darling into sea, join me out here where I can love thee. Swimm into my arms and rest thy head upon my shoulder. I will keep thee safe and sound all through night, as we swimm homeward bound. Thou have been found. Come my love into the sea. Stay with me for all eternity. Listen to this lullaby that I have made for thee. Ontay con trosta mi. torcomay fís lo teso ta fiji. Val co dajhamasi voltestra whell no des tra lo. Ta beja Aquarius metas hi do.” She sings in an enchanting voice. I can tell that the boys are immune to her melody as well because they stay where they are just watching me. I turn and walk out of the water and continue walking along the sand stained white with the moons beautiful glow. Then I hear two blood curdling screams that make my blood boil. What could someone possibly do that would make them sound so terrified and feel so much pain. I turn and she both of the boys on the ground dead and bleeding. My mother walking slowly towards me with an evil smirk on her face. “this is all your fault you killed them Angie.” She says. Terrified I stuttered over my words. “w-what no I didn’t. I- I- I would never do that to them never.” I say on the verge of tears. “tell that to the hearts in your hands.” She says. I look down, and what I see makes me scream. I’m holding their hearts in my hands. My white flowing dress stained red. My hands red with their crimson blood. I scream louder. “Angie!! Wake up!!” “Angie!!!!!” Shouts a voice. I shoot straight up, drenched in sweat and gasping for air. My cheeks and eyes burn with the tears that stream down my face. Felix is by my bed trying to comfort me. He takes me into his arms and whispers soothingly to me. “shhhh it’s ok. It was just a dream. It wasn’t real, none of it was real. Your ok. Everything is ok.” He whispers to me. Once I’m calm again I tell him about my dream and he comforts me some more, but every few moment the scenes from my nightmare food my brain, leaving my skin cold like ice, my face as pale as a ghost, ,y eyes filled with fear and guilt, and my body will go stiff. Every muscle in my body tense. The tears stream silently as I let Felix hold me. He rubs my back gently and I listen to him hum softly to me. “What song if that?” I ask. My voice is shaky and I’m still trembling in his arms. “It’s a song that my mom used to sing to me when I was a little boy.” He says. “Will you sing it to me?” I ask. He looks at me and thinks for a moment. He smiles slightly and nods once. “ok but I might not remember all of the words.” He says. I smile. Then I sit there in his arms listening to him sing. His voice was actually great, and soon I fell asleep.
Fear. Fear is what I feel. The room around me is dark and shadow like mist covers the floor that I stand on. The temperature... takes me back to those horrible winters that I suffered when I was little. Those terrible winters where I would lay in the snow, tears frozen on my face, body trembling with the cold, my lips blue from being outside for too long. Those terrible winters when my mother had kicked me out of the house forever. Those horrible winters when the only clothing I had was a black floofy skirt and a black tank top. Those dreadful winters where I nearly died. the walls of the dark room are stained with what looks like fresh blood. The aura itself felt...... like death, and standing in front of me is a mahogany desk, with a swivel chair that is facing the other way. Sitting in the chair is a black shadowy figure, and for some reason it seams familiar. But the memory is to far to reach. Like reaching out to touch a cloud. It looks so close but you can never reach it. “so I see that you have been discovered... and by Peter Pan himself.” I hear the figure speak in a sort of multi voice. “W-w-who are you” I stuttered due to how cold it was in the room. “How unfortunate that Pans flute haas gotten to you.” He says ignoring my question. I reach for my bow but Its not there and neither are my arrows. Immediately I tense up. I then begin to slowly drift back into that feral state of mind that I had once lived in before I met Tiki. My teeth bared and ready to sink into something, my sharp claw like nails prepared to rip this creature to bits, my poster immediately changes as well. I had gone from standing straight, and civil to crouching low, muscles tense, and ready to attack, my eyes adjusted to the light in the room, my eyes no longer the warm milky brown that they were before glow a brilliant golden color. In that moment I knew that If I wasn’t calmed down then soon there would be a dismembered body on the ground and it wouldn’t be mine. “Relax your self. You do know me however you do not remember me, the reason for this is Peter’s Pan. You see it’s a magical flute. When he plays it it’s music makes you forget all about the things you suffered from before you came to Neverland and sometimes the things that you didn’t want to happen on Neverland.  He says. This creature was insane. I don’t know him... or her... or they... or ... it. The hell even is its gender anyways? I mean its not like I could tell by its voice. All of a sudden the room began to disappear and the black shadowy figure began to vanish along with it.
I take a deep breath and get up. I walk over to my dresser and pick out an armored camouflage shirt and a pair of leggings that match. I pull on my glove and utility belt. I then grab my bow and quiver then sling them over my shoulder. I walk out side, the sky is just starting to lighten up. I head over to the field and start my day with some archery practice. I imagine that the bullseye is my dream and I release the arrow from the bow, hitting the target right smack in the center killing the evil nightmare. After about three hours the sun is finally out and the boys start to stumble tiredly out of their huts. I immediately put on that familiar mask that I had perfected to help me hide my depression and fear. I feel that familiar fake smile appear on my face. I use my uncanny ability to make my eyes show what ever emotion I want them to show. I feel myself lock away that scared and week little girl that I let out when I’m alone, and bring that brave, fearless, bold, happy girl to the front of my mind, slipping into the masquerade that is the Angie that everyone knows me as. I let her character take me over, posses my body. I let myself become the Angie that the lost boys and Pan know me as. After eating breakfast I go out back into the field and start training. I begin with hand to hand combat with a seventeen year old named Jack. I feel myself getting excited for every move he’s going to make. To say Jack was a horrible fighter would be to sit on throne of lies. He intrigued me in every way. Every time I begin to think I about have him figured out everything he does changes. I can’t help the giggle of excitement that escapes my lips as we continue to go at each other. “having fun are you?” He says in an Australian accent. “absolutely.” I chirp excitedly. Then he ducks dodging the punch I send his way. He turns a round house kick that hits me square in the chest. I go flying and hit a tree with a thud, and slump to the ground. I jackknife to my feet. “Now things are getting interesting” I say happily. My eyes are lit with excitement and curiosity. Giving away just how much I’m enjoying this fight. I go at him again, this time managing to land a good punch to the jaw that immediately starts to bruise. “Amazing!!” He chuckles in awe. “your pretty good at this… for a girl.” He throws at me. Then I go at him again managing to pin him to a tree with his arm behind his back  cop style.  He manages to break out of my iron grip and pinning me to the tree with my hands bound above my head. “but that’s all you’ll ever be. An ordinary girl.” He say with a smirk on his face. Everyone is watching intensely. “you see that’s where your wrong Jack.” I say, then I knee him hard in the nuts. Punch him across the face hard, kick him in the chest, and grab him by the shirt pulling him closer. “I’m no ordinary girl.” I say, then I hit him in several pressure points that make his body go slack long enough for me to drop him and walk away with my hands behind my head smiling widely as Pan declares me the winner when Jack doesn’t get up. I laugh softly leaving every one of the boys staring at me including Jack who can move again. “ahhh the power of temporary peralisis don’t you just love what you can do when you know every pressure point on the human body.” I say loud enough for everyone to hear. I laugh again happily. My veins are still pumped with adrenaline. It feels like I could do anything. I launch myself into a tree and grab its branch and flip myself up onto it. Then I see Felix in the corner of my eye looking confused. I hide myself in the shadows of the tree that I climb in. Then I pick an acorn and throw it at the back of Felix’s head. He turns around and spots me. “Don’t worry about me. I’m fine.” I say in sign language. He nods once and no longer looks confused. 
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themadlostgirl · 5 years
Not Dead Yet (Part 83)
*Fuck it. This is what we’re doing.*
Pairing: Reader x Peter Pan
Warnings: language
I wished I could have stayed asleep forever. In my dreams I was blissfully unaware of all the pain reality had. But even on Neverland you can’t pretend that much. I woke up and ran my hand along the upturned earth next to me.
I couldn’t bring myself to leave the spot for a long time. It wasn’t until Candace flew overhead and landed in front of me that I even stopped staring at the grave. “Hey girl,” I placed her in my lap, “I’m glad you’re still around.”
She gave a small chirp and nestled her head against my chest. I took a deep breath and stood up with Candace still cradled in my arms. The island was cold. Why is it--right--I’m the new tie to the island. I focused on the warmth Candace was emitting and forced it out into the world until everything was balmy again.
I made my way back to camp and saw the boys were quiet and subdued. Upon my arrival they watched as I passed by. I came upon Peter and I’s tent and set Candace down outside it. I looked back at the boys and drew myself up as tall as I could.
I’m the leader now. I need to be strong.
I saw Felix in the shadows glaring. He stood up and made his way over to me. “It’s you now huh?” he said.
“Seems so. Is that a problem?” I asked.
He shook his head. “God knows I don’t want to be in charge of these idiots. Sorry you got stuck with it.”
“I will be needing a second in command if you’re interested.”
He gave me a small smirk. “It could be worse I suppose. At least I’m not taking orders from Verne or Devin.”
“I’m right here, Felix.” Verne grumbled.
“I know.” he kicked him lightly, “What’s your point?”
“Okay then. Boys!” I stood up on a nearby rock so I could see the entire camp, “My brothers. Last night I made a horrible mistake and it ended in our leader, Peter Pan, dying. I cannot bring him back though I wish with every fiber of my being I could.”
“The ones responsible for this unspeakable loss think they are safe back in their little town of Storybrooke. They think that we are dead. But we are not! We are here. We have survived. We will continue to survive for we are more than lost children. We are more than brothers in arms. We are the family we sought. Here we were granted a new life away from those that shunned us or abandoned us. We are feared! We are deadly! And we will not go calmly into the night! We make our own rules and break them again!”
The boys cheered.
“I am going to go back to Storybrooke and I will eradicate the miserable lives of those that wronged us. For this is more than retribution for the death of our leader. It is a personal slight against all that he created. Peter gave us a home here. He gave us a family among one another. I will not let those heroes’ efforts to destroy that go unpunished. Who is with me!”
The boys cheered louder and louder until it turned into a thunderous chant.
“Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!”
“Devin!” I shouted and he was at my side.
“Yes my leader?” he smirked and gave an exaggerated bow.
“Shut up. Felix, you get over here too.” I motioned for him to get closer, “First thing is first, with Peter dead and me as the new leader we need to keep the peace. I know I wound them up with that speech but that doesn’t mean we won’t have defectors. Felix, I want you to take Ben and try and weed out the bad seeds. Nip that shit in the bud. Got it?”
“Good. Devin, you are coming with me to Storybrooke. Before that I want you to get Nick and Cubby. Give them the magic bean to start a new crop. After we have things settled here we’ll head out to Storybrooke. I think my shadow should be able to get us there without any issue.”
“Of course.”
The boys split up and I went about the camp keeping on a brave face and twirling my club in hand. I passed by Peter and I’s tent and sighed. I can’t bring him back but killing an entire town would definitely make me feel better.
When I was satisfied that things on the island were in order I called my shadow. It grabbed Devin and I and lifted us into the sky as it flew us out of Neverland. The fact that I have this power so suddenly is gonna take some getting used to. Maybe after I destroy all of Storybrooke I’ll come back and practice.
“This is where you were?” Devin looked around at the town.
“Yep.” I felt no bittersweet emotions stepping foot back in this place. The familiar streets only served as a reminder of all that had been stolen from me for twenty eight years. “Follow me. There’s someone I need to pay a visit to.”
We walked down the street until we got to an apartment building. I told Devin to wait outside and went in myself. I knocked on the door and waited. When it swung open there was Emma who took a step back when she saw me.
“Marigold!” Emma clasped me in her arms, “You’re here! How? We saw Gold push you over the ship.”
“Yep…he said that he wasn’t going to wait to kill me like he did last time.” I spat, “Next thing I know I’m over the edge of the boat and falling to my death. Peter caught me and brought me back to the island.” I walked around the apartment. Mary Margaret, David, Regina and Henry were looking at me like I had risen from the dead. “Not that any of you turned around to get me or anything.”
“Marigold, I swear we--”
“My name is Y/N.” I snapped and she shut up. “I am the Lost Girl and now that you killed the love of my life I am the new leader of Neverland.”
“You remember?” Henry asked.
“Yes I do. Rumplestiltskin also shoved me over the edge of the town line so I would forget who I am. You brought me to Neverland to betray the one person I care about most in this world. Now because of you people Peter is dead!” I yelled unable to mask my fury, “I am not here as a friend. I am here to massacre this town and all your miserable lives. Thought you’d like to know why. So make peace with yourselves for nothing can stop me now.”
“Wait, Marigold--” Mary Margaret started but even sooner stopped, “Y/N, please, that was not what we wanted.”
“Yes it was. You knew that I was from Neverland. You knew that Peter was important to me. Then you brought me home and turned me against the person I love to save your brat. The only use that little shit had was to die and save Peter and you screwed us out of that!” The lights in the room popped casting the apartment in darkness.
“Y/N,” Regina approached me. “You need to calm down.”
“No.” I forced my anger out, “I need to avenge Peter’s death.”
“And an entire town of innocent lives is worth the life of one?”
“He’s worth so much more. Shouldn’t you know as much, Regina? You are the reason this town exists. All in revenge for the love that you lost. It’s like a poetic irony that it should be destroyed for the same reason.”
“It won’t make you feel better. Trust me.”
“Maybe you’re right. Maybe this won’t make any difference but I’d like to test the theory for myself.” I flew back out the door slamming it shut behind me. I met Devin at the end of the stairs and grabbed him.
There was fire in my veins and power in my step. I felt something like a gut reaction settle in me and the next moment I was standing in Regina’s vault. I only knew it because sometimes I would need to fish Henry out of here while I was babysitting him.
“Oh geez,” Devin hunched over looking like he was about to hurl, “How did you do that?”
“I’m not sure. It was like an instinct.” I shrugged, “Guess I was used to it from how often I teleported around with Peter.”
“And the feeling of wanting to puke my guts out? Is that normal.” he took a deep breath to force down the nausea.
“I think you just have a weak stomach, buddy.” I pat his back, “You gonna be okay?”
“Yep. Yep, I’m good.” he gave me the thumbs up.
“Good. Now let’s stop talking and find something to help us destroy this place. Regina has got to have some massive curse or poison for the water supply lying around here somewhere.”
“Yes ma’am.” he gave a mock salute and started rifling through the drawers of the vault.
As I was looking through things I could feel Devin watching me. “Spit out whatever it is you wanna say, Devin.”
“I was wondering how you were doing.” He said.
“With Pan being gone. I know what he meant to you. How are you holding up?”
Shit. I was hoping I didn’t have to do this. But Devin is my best friend. If I can talk freely to anyone it would be him.
“It hurts. It hurts a lot.” I muttered, “Peter’s dead and I’m the reason he is. I can blame these assholes as much as I want but in the end it was me. If I hadn’t gone to Neverland with them then he wouldn’t have put his guard down. If I could have remembered who I was sooner then I could have helped him instead of betraying him.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I guess you didn’t know.” I sighed, “The adults brought me to Neverland to trick Peter and rescue Henry since my memories had been erased. I didn’t know who I was and they made me believe that I was doing the right thing. I got my memories back too late though and it killed Peter.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I had no idea.”
“You couldn’t have. It’s okay. I don’t want to talk about it anymore. Keep looking.” And with that the subject was closed.
As we were looking I could feel a dark energy coming from inside a box. I opened it to find a little scroll inside. The language was strange but it seemed to translate right before my eyes. This was magic. Not regular magic either, dark magic.
“Find something?” Devin asked.
“The Dark Curse.” I showed him the scroll, “It’s the curse I got trapped in for years.”
“So much trouble from one little scroll.” he tsked, “Can we use it?”
“Yes, I believe this will be perfect for wiping this town off the map.” I tucked the spell away and gathered the ingredients to go with it. “We have everything we need. There’s only one more thing to do.”
I grabbed Devin again and we were transported back into town. We were out at Granny’s Bed and Breakfast. Devin looked at me as if he was going to ask what we were doing here. I shushed him and handed him the ingredients for the curse. “Stay out here. I’ll be right back.”
I walked inside and the attendant smiled across at me when she saw me approach. “Hello, I wasn’t sure you were coming back for your things or not, Marigold. Did you find a place in town to stay?”
“Oh no, I’m looking for a friend right now. Wendy Darling?”
“Yes, she’s in room four. Just walk right up.”
“Thank you.” I sped up the steps and knocked on room four. There was some shuffling and the door opened to reveal some older man.
“Can I help you?” he asked.
“Is Wendy here?”
“Come off it,” I shoved past him. Wendy and another man were sitting at a table and ceased their conversation when they saw me barge in.
“Hey you just can’t come in here.”
“Shut it.” I brandished my dagger at them and shut the door. Wendy stumbled back in fright. “Don’t be scared, bird. It’s only me. I won’t hurt you.”
“Y/N?” She rushed to me and crushed me in her arms, “B-But how are you here? What are you doing?”
“I don’t have a lot of time to explain. I’m giving you a chance.”
“What chance?”
“I needed to know before I leave. Do you want to come with me?”
“What are you talking about? Come back to Neverland? After I’ve finally been reunited with my brothers?”
“They could come too so long as they don’t cause too much trouble. You’re my friend, Wendy, I would like it if you came back with me.”
“No. I’m sorry but I can’t. Even if my brothers were with me I just couldn’t. I’ve been young far too long, I want to grow up. I can’t expect you to understand.”
“I do. The life of a Lost One isn’t for all. It certainly wasn’t for you. I understand.” I gave her a tight hug, “If you won’t go with me then I can only warn you to get out of town as fast as you can. Bad things are going to happen and I don’t want you involved in them.”
“What bad things?”
“That’s not your concern. I’m going to go and I want you all to load up and head out of town as soon as possible. Can you do that for me, bird?”
She nodded solemnly. “Will I ever see you again?”
“Who knows.” I stepped away and opened the door, “See you around, Wendy-Bird.”
“See you.” She whispered softly. I left the room and walked back outside.
I grabbed Devin again and he braced himself as I transported us into the woods to the old well that which spouted the town’s magic. We started unpacking all the ingredients for the curse and laying them out on the mossy stones.
“You know how to cast this?” Devin looked down into the well.
“Kinda. I’ve never done this before but there’s something in me that does. An instinct like with the teleporting. I can’t explain it.” I fumbled with the vials. I wish there was a simpler way to do this.
With a heavy heart I started dropping the ingredients into the well. A small burst of magic exploded from deep in the well with each vial. When I had run out of things to put in I stopped and stared down into the dark depths of the well. I could feel the magic swirling and pulsing, waiting for the final ingredient that would unleash the curse.
“Did it work?” Devin asked peering over my shoulder to look inside.
“Not yet. There’s one last thing to add.” I stepped away.
“The heart of the thing I love the most.” I whispered.
“But Pan is--”
“Yes I’m aware. Which leaves only one other option.” I turned to Devin tears in my eyes. He read my mind and bowed his head. “You’re my best friend. You’ve always been there for me and I love you like a brother...which is why this is going to be the hardest thing I’ve ever done.”
Devin grabbed my hand and placed it on his chest right above his heart. I could feel the faint thumps beating rapidly through his ribs. “I want you to be happy and if that means cursing this pathetic land for what they did to Pan then I’ll gladly oblige.”
“This sucks.” I choked out.
“Yeah it does.” Devin’s voice trembled as he tried to joke.
“You’ll die.”
“I know.”
“Devin, promise me something.” I bunched my hand in the fabric of his shirt.
“If you see him down there tell him...I’m being the best I can.”
“Of course. And promise me you won’t go getting into anymore trouble.”
“There’s my sister.” He took in a deep breath and nodded, “Let’s get this over with.”
I reached into his chest and pulled his beating heart out. We both stared at the dark glowing organ in amazement. I held it over the well and squeezed. The tighter I squeezed the tighter I shut my eyes so I didn’t have to see Devin’s pained expression. If only I could have shut out the strangled sound of pain he let out when I did so. The heart broke and I dropped the dust into the well. Devin’s body had collapsed to the ground. “I’m gonna miss you.”
I waved a hand and my shadow appeared to take Devin’s body and I back to Neverland. I wouldn’t let him be buried here.
Green smoke started to erupt from the bottom of the well and float up over the sides. It’s done. I watched the curse billow around my feet as it started to wind its way through the forest and towards the town.
I looked back at my shadow which cradled Devin’s body in her arms. I nodded to her and grabbed the shadow’s ankle. We ascended into the air and flew back home.
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A Birthday Surprise
@shireness-says HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY FRIEND. Thank you for coercing me into writing KHCAH so I can consistently come to you with issues and somehow turning that into friendship. Thanks for sharing my interest in documentaries, Chris Evans, the art of overusing italics and... Captain Cobra, which is what this fic is about, because when I asked myself what Devon would want a surprise birthday fic about, the answer was an obvious mixture between “Captain Cobra” and “Killian actually being able to be happy for once, god damn it.” Enjoy this ficlet, both titled and prefaced as “A Birthday Surprise,” a birthday present for you on your birthday. 
After living for a few hundred years, Killian isn't sure that he has much left to celebrate about himself. He's lived a full life, a life that, looking back, he knows he wouldn't change a moment of. Even if most of the good in it has happened in the past few years, he's happy. He has a wife he adores, a stepson he can't believe is leaving to go off on his own soon, and now — finally — a daughter of his own.
The day she was born has become the greatest of his life. Holding her in his arms, her small body held gently against the skin of his chest, he knew for sure that he could want nothing more in life, that everything he has worked towards for a handful of centuries has led him here, to that very moment. The only thing that he would ever want to celebrate again in this world is his family: his anniversary, the birthdays of his three loves.
So when he and Emma come home from the station the first day of March to a driveway full of cars, he panics for a moment, thinking he has forgotten something. But Emma's birthday is in October, Henry's in August, and Alice's in December.
“Emma, love, what's going on?” he asks from the passenger seat of the Bug, but all she does is smile at him, leaning across the console to kiss him on the cheek before climbing out of the car.
He has no choice but to follow.
He doesn’t know what to expect when she opens the front door for him, extending her arm to gesture for him to go first — but a living room full of people yelling “Surprise!” at him and a large banner hanging down the banister that reads “Happy birthday, Killian!” is about the last thing on that list.
“Emma, what is this?” he asks, feigning a smile while he leans down to mumble in his wife’s ear.
But Emma’s not the one that answers the question. Instead, the crowd in front of him parts for Henry, walking towards him with a large plate on a platter, followed closely behind by Mary Margaret, holding Alice on her hip.
“Happy birthday, dad,” he says, his smile lit up by the candles on the cake in front of him. “Make a wish!”
“Henry, lad, how could you possibly—” he starts, but Emma stops his words with her hand wrapped tightly around his bicep.
“Just blow out the candles, babe,” she mumbles, pressing her lips against Killian’s cheek.
The last thing he is capable of is arguing with his wife.
So he blows out the candles, but instead of making a wish, he simply allows himself to be thankful. Thankful for his family, for his friends, for the happy life he has found himself in Storybrooke. But, sitting at the kitchen table between Emma and Henry, his curiosity gets the best of him, and he washes his current bite of cake down with the glass of water in front of him.
“Not that I’m not thankful, lad,” he says, turning to Henry as he wraps his arm around the back of his chair, pushed closer to his to allow room for others at the table. “But I was born hundreds of years ago, and in a different realm. How can you know that today is my birthday?”
The wide smile that grows to cover Henry’s face is another of the things he’s thankful for. “Well, I’ve been thinking about it since my last birthday, so I’ve been trying to do some research. I was hoping that somewhere, I could find someone who travels to the Enchanted Forest regularly to try to find a record of your birth, so I asked Regina, but she couldn’t find anything. So then, I had another idea. March 1st is the day James Barrie finished writing the original Peter Pan script, so technically…”
“The day I was born.”
“Isn’t he brilliant?” Emma asks from beside him, turning away from Alice’s high chair for a moment to smile at him and Henry — a moment Alice uses to reach as far as she can take pound her fist into the remainder of the piece of cake on the plate in front of her, giggling as she spreads it across the tray — the sound that he is perhaps most thankful for.
“Oh, Alice!” Emma jumps to her feet, moving out of the way just in time to avoid the crumbs of cake Alice throws out of her hand, missing her but landing in Killian’s hair before falling down the front of his shirt, joining the small collection of crumbs that has already formed there.
“I think that’s enough cake for you, starfish,” Killian says, unable to be mad at her for even a moment, even as Emma fails to hide her glare. “We should go change you out of those chocolate-covered clothes, though, shouldn’t we?” he coos, wiping some of the icing off her cheeks with his finger before popping it into his mouth, smiling at her as she giggles again.
But Mary Margaret stands quickly on the other side of the high chair, shaking her head at Killian as he pulls his daughter from her high chair. “Please, let me take care of it,” she says with a smile, in that tone of voice that is impossible to say no to. “It’s your birthday, your celebration. I’ll go change Alice.”
“Mom, please,” Emma starts, but when Mary Margaret raises her eyebrows at her, all of her words are stopped in her throat, simply nodding at her as she pulls Alice out of her high chair.
“We should have known better than to give chocolate cake to a one-year-old,” Emma sighs, leaning against Killian’s arm and nuzzling closer to him.
“Especially a mischievous lass like ours,” he says, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
“She gets that all from you, you know?” she comments, her words almost completely muffled by his chest, but he hears them nonetheless, choosing to ignore them to turn to Henry.
“I’m assuming this also means you couldn’t figure out how old I am, either?” he jokes, nudging Henry with his elbow, and Henry just smiles at him.
“Maybe next year, dad. Give me some time.”
Thankful. Killian Jones is thankful.
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evangeline-perry · 6 years
OUAT!Peter Pan x reader: Welcome home part 2
part 1
A/N: this story was requested
You’ve been in Neverland for a few days now, and you couldn’t be happier. Peter taught you how to survive in Neverland and gave you magic lessons whenever he could. You both had become much more like a couple, occasionally stealing kisses, sitting together during dinners, ets. 
Yet he usually kept you out of sight whenever Emma & co came to close to camp. He’d have Felix watch over you, whom, after a while, had started to warm up to you when he noticed how alike you and his leader were. The other lost boys welcomed you into camp relatively soon as well, mostly because they didn’t want to face Peters wrath.
Slowly but surely Henry had grown to trust Peter a little more but you still needed him to take that extra step. At the moment, you were in charge of watching over Henry, ‘A familiar face might help him loosen up’, Peter had told you.
‘So you’re with Pan now?’ Henry asked lowly.
‘Henry, if you think I’m turning my back on our family, I’m not. I just… Peter, he makes me happy okay? When I’m here I… feel alive, like I really belong here.’
‘You love him... Pan?’ he asked hesitantly.
‘Yes’, you say quietly, blushing a little. Henry smiled at you slightly.
‘(Y/N)!’ Peter voice suddenly called over the noise of the camp. You excused yourself before getting up and making your way over to your boyfriend. Behind you you could hear Henry mumble something along the lines of, ‘True love’, causing you to smile.
You walked into Peters tent to see him sitting on his bed. He looked up at you, smiles and reaches his hand out to you. You take it, letting him guide you to sit next to him.
‘It’s time, isn’t it?’ he simply nodded. Peter had told you about his plan after you’d joined him, about Henry’s heart, his deception,his son, his games and how he was going to use Wendy Darling to get Henry to give up his heart.
‘When this is done, we’ll be able to live here forever. No one will ever defy us again.’ he now fully turned to you, placing his hand on your cheek, ‘Then you’ll truly be the most powerful queen in all the lands.’
A smile tucked at your lips, as you stroke the knuckles on the hand that was still holding yours: ‘And I’ll have you as my king.’ A smirk appeared as he nodded, ‘That you will.’ he leaned in closer and placed a kiss on your lips, which you returned.
‘Look’, you heard your mother say as you watched them from your hiding spot behind the trees. She, Emma and Snow all stood in front of Pandora’s Box. Snow stepped forward to grab it. ‘Careful’, your mother said calmly, ‘Pan wouldn’t have left it behind just for no reason.’
You grinned at the mention of your boyfriends name, knowing how difficult it is for them to go up against him. He now possessed the heart of the truest believer, which put the three of them on edge.
‘It’s David’s only way home’, Snow objected, ‘Without Gold we’re stuck here.’
She reaches out for it again but is grasped by vines, soon followed by both Emma and Regina, binding them to the tree.
‘Are you still at it?’ Peter stepped into view from behind the tree, ‘Don’t you know’, He says as he picks up Emma’s sword from the ground, ‘Peter Pan never fails. I didn’t expect you to find me, then again I shouldn’t be surprised, you’re mothers. Quite tenacious about your offspring. Well, most of them’, you could hear the venom in his voice as he said the last part to Regina, ‘But believe it or not I understand that. But if you’re looking to see Henry again I have to tell you there’s only one place you’ll be reunited… in death.’ Regina visibly struggled when he said this, ‘Having trouble moving? Not a surprise given where you are. You see what’s hastening your demise is your regret.’
‘What are you talking about?’ Emma questioned quietly.
‘This tree is the site of a very important for me’, Peter explained, ‘I abandoned my boy here.’
‘You have a son?’ Regina asked surprised.
‘I’m older than I look’, Peter simply stated.
‘If you have a child you must regret losing him too’, Emma says.
‘But I don’t’, Peter corrects, ‘quite the opposite actually. See I have him all boxed up, so I don’t lose him again.’
‘Rumplestiltskin is your son?’ Regina asks.
‘That he is’, Peter confirmed.
You rolled your eyes at the scene of the 3 women, desperate to save a boy that is beyond saving. You though were a bit disappointed Peter didn’t let you come with him right away. ‘Wait here until I call you okay?’ he’d said before pecking your lips and going to his own hiding spot.
‘How is that possible?’ Snow questions, ‘You’re-’
‘Younger than him?’ She’s cut of by Peter, ‘Oh really? Just like you and your daughter.’
‘You’re a fraud’, Regina objects calmly, ‘your magic is weakened. You can’t even hurt us. Let alone Rumplestiltskin.’
‘You’re right’, Peter answers confidently, ‘but that’s why I’m here. This tree will protect me until my power is restored and then, well, then we get to have some real fun.’ You chuckled quietly at his nonchalant mention of you and him. ‘And I won’t have to ever worry about my child again’, he continued, ‘Something else we will all soon have in common.’ This angers Emma who tries to struggle her way out of the vines, to no prevail, ‘There has to be another way.’
‘Then you’re not going to get to me. See this tree attacks through regret inside anyone who comes here. And you, you’ve got plenty.’
‘I regret not taking a better shot at you when I had the chance’, Emma snaps in a cold tone.
‘Ow but that’s not all, is it Savior?’ Peter taunts, ‘I have your sons heart inside me. I can feel just how much you let him down, time and time again.’
‘Leave her alone’, Snow chimes in.
‘Perhaps I should’, he says as he steps in front of Snow, ‘after all, what chance did she have of being a good mother. Look at the example you set, abandoning her for 28 years .’
‘Are you finished’, Regina stated, not even giving the boy in front of her a glance.
‘The last words from the Queen’, Peter scoffs, ‘Perhaps a deathbed confession from the one who has the most to regret of all.’
‘Yeah, there’s one problem with that. I did cast a curse that devastated an entire population. And that includes my own daughter, I casted her away and replaced her. I’ve tortured and murdered. I’ve done some terrible things, I should be overflowing with regret but I’m not.’ she pushed at the vines in front of her, letting them fall to the ground, freeing all three of them, ‘I’m not because it got me my son.’ Anger foiled inside you as she spoke, you could feel the power and magic inside you rising as you slowly approached the group. You saw Regina step forward, ready to rip Henry’s heart from Peter chest. Without a second thought you sent a wave of flames towards the group, separating the women and Peter. 
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‘Don’t you dare touch him.’ you threatened as I walked into view, ‘If you try that again, I will kill you.’ Astonishment showed across the 3 woman, yet a proud smile showed on Peters face as he moved to stand next to you, placing a hand on the small of you back. ‘Well done, love’, he whispered in your ear.
‘What did you do to her?’ Snow said in disbelief.
‘He spelled her’, Emma opted, causing Peter and me to chuckle at the irony.
‘No, I didn’t’, he corrected, ‘I gave her a choice to join me and she took it. Don’t blame me for helping her escape a family she didn’t want to be a part of anymore.’
‘(Y/N)’, Snow tried, ‘you have seen what Pan did to us, to Henry. He killed your brother.’
‘He has never been my brother’, you say through gritted teeth.
‘Henry isn’t dead’, Peter revealed, turning the attention back to him, ‘his heart is still in tact. The boy is, you could say, in a coma.’ He grinned. Not even a moment after this was said, David and Hook busted through the bushes ‘He’s still breathing!’ Hook called out. You looked at Peter before rolling your eyes, ‘Why thank you, Captain Obvious’, you said, earning a chuckle from Peter.
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‘Do you have it?’ Regina asks the men.
‘Yes, the Shadow is in here’, Hook states holding up a coconut.
You glances over at Peter, he made no move to reclaim it, he simply looked at the group with his usual confident demeanor.
‘(Y/N)’, Snow turned to me softly, ‘Come on, come home with us.’
‘I am home. Now leave.’ you say coldly as you feel Peters hand tighten around my waist.
‘(Y/N), don’t be ridiculous’, Regina scoffs, ‘Now come on.’
‘I. Said. LEAVE!’ you yell at your mother, in that moment you feel a wave of power go through you. A blast is sent out, the impact causes everyone to fall onto the floor. You walk over to Regina, who was crawling up from the forest floor. ‘You shouldn’t have underestimated me, now leave.’
Emma pulls Regina up as the six of them make there way to the shore. After a while you can see the Joly Rodger ascend into the air, leaving Neverland.
You can feel arms wrap around your waist as Peter rests his chin on your shoulder. ‘Well done, my Queen’, he whispered into your ear as he kissed your cheek, ‘We won. The boy will never wake up.’
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reject-princess97 · 5 years
Spencer Reid-Criminal Minds (Part 7)
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7
*Three Months Later*
"Someday I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where troubles melt like lemon drops
Oh, way above the chimney tops,
that's where you'll find me.
Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue..." I sang softly as I rocked my son gently as he cried for his dad, who was away, working on a case, but would be back pretty soon.
"And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true" He crying Quietened down slowly as I sang.
"If happy little bluebirds fly above the rainbow," I watched as AJ's eyes fluttered closed and my voice became softer as I lay him down his his crib.
"Why, Oh, why can't I? " I finished as I switched off the light and left the room hoping he would finally sleep.
I manged to clean up a little and finally sit down when I felt my phone buzz. I pulled if out to find Spencer was calling. I pulled the phone to my ear and smiled when I heard his voice.
"Y/N, hey, hows everything going? Hows Alex?" He asked immediately.
"We're both doing fine Spence, Alex's medication did his job and he's back to our normal smiley, happy baby boy." I told him. "Except when he 's missing you of course." I chuckle.
"I miss him too, both of you but t's OK, because I'm on my way home and I have the whole weekend off." He told me and I could hear the excitement in hi voice . "I'll be home in half and hour." He told me.
"Well, I'll try and wait up but if I'm asleep when you get home, don't be surprised." I laughed. Spencer chuckled and we said our good byes.
I lay my head on the couch and sighed as I let Doctor Who play on the TV while I snuggled one of Spencer's shirts. Something I did a lot when Spencer was away was wear one of his shirts and a pair of my PJ shorts, His shirts smelt just like him and it always calmed me and it seemed to relax AJ too.
*About 2 am*
I was woken by the sound of AJ crying, but i soon stopped and from the baby monitor, I heard Spencer talking to our son. I sat up and looked around to see I was somehow in my bed, my socks had been taken off and my duvet was wrapped around me.
I jumped when I heard my name from the baby monitor.
"Y/N, I know you're awake, so go back to sleep, I'll deal with Alex tonight." Spencer said, knowing full well I was up. I laughed and pulled my phone out and sent a quick 'I love you xx' text to Spencer before I fell back to my pillow, quickly falling asleep.  
*The Next Morning*
I woke up the next morning, snuggled into my boyfriends arms, My head resting on his chest. I smiled as I looked up to see Spencer passed out, his hair falling over his face a little, His mouth opened slightly and as I moved his arms tightened around me.
I lay there happily until I heard the quiet sounds of AJ's Coos, meaning he was awake. I very carefully, without waking Spencer up, stood from the bed and walked into the next room where I found my son, laying awake, 'talking' to his mobile that hung from above the crib, that was filled with bright coloured fish, a gift from Henry and Michael, JJ's Boys.
Well, good morning my beautiful boy, how are you this morning?" I asked as I lifted his from his crib and held him close. When he heard my voice he smiled and as I lift him up he let out a loud screech of excitement.
"Well, hello to you too." I laugh as I grabbed his favourite teddy, a small blue bare Jack had brought him when he visited with Hotch, I also grabbed his blanket that Spencer's mum had made him. It was grey with is name stitched in, well 'Alexander-James' as his full name was too long.
After grabbing his things I carried AJ  into Mine and Spencer's room where I lay him in between Spencer and I. I grabbed 'Peter Pan', something I was currently reading to Him. As I read AJ cooed and I felt the bed shift. As AJ let out a loud squeal I looked over to see Spencer was awake and was listening to me read to our son while he played.
"Hey!" He protested with a smiled as I stopped reading. "I was enjoying that." he sulked, making me laughed, coursing AJ to let out giggle too.
"Well, good morning to you too, Dr. Reid." I Chuckled as Spencer Carefully sat up in the bed and picked AJ up.
"Good morning babe." He grinned as he lent over and kissed me softly.
Spencer pulled away with a groan as his phone rang. He reached for it but I  dived over his legs and grabbed it. I smiled when I saw the caller ID read 'JJ'.
"This is Dr Y/N Prentiss, you've reached Dr Spencer Reid's phone, How can I help you?" I chattered into the phone. I heard JJ laugh.
"Good morning Dr Prentiss, is Dr Reid there?" She asked.
"He's with a patient at the moment. Is there something I can help you with?" I joked. I could feel her head shaking her head at my silliness as she chuckled.
"Well, I just called to see if him and his girlfriend were free to join me and the boys for coffee?" She asked.
"I'll see if I can reach him, hold please..." I said as I pulled the phone away from my ear. "JJ wants to meet for coffee...are we free?" I asked Spencer who laughed and nodded.
"Miss JJ, he and his wonderful, amazing, bad-ass girlfriend are in fact free to join you in an hour from now, is that OK by you?" I asked her. JJ answered yes and said she'll text Reid the details before we said our goodbyes and hung up the phone.
"You're and Idiot." Spencer chuckled as I climbed off his legs and pulled our son from is arms.
"Aww, I love you too Spencer," I smiled as he stoop up and walked off towards the bathroom.
"Well little man, we're going to see Aunt JJ, so let's get you dressed." I cooed as I picked AJ up and took him into his bedroom. I placed him on his bed. I waved over to his draws and pulled out a vest, a white shirt, a pair of black jeans and a pair of converse, baby size of course.
I changed him into his outfit, adding a bib, white with a picture a black bow tie and a black cardigan.
"There you go, all dressed and looking handsome." I gushed as I picked him up and carried him back to Spence and I's room. Spencer walked out of the bathroom and over to his closet and changed into a black shirt, black trousers and a black tie.
"Wow." I smiled as I pulled Spencer's shirt that I slept in, over my head. "You look like you're going to a funeral." I shook my head.
"Maybe I am." He told me as he pulled on a pair of sun glasses, obviously quoting my favourite movie, Walk The Line.
"Yeah OK Johnny Cash, how about you go make some bottles for your son?" I instructed as he laughed. He chuckled nodding as he walked over and kissed me before he picked up our son and walked out, leaving me to change.
I pulled on a dark green shirt, a pair of black skinny jeans. I added my favourite pair of converse. I let my hair fall into it's usual do before I grabbed  my phone and AJ's changing bag before I walked out to see Spencer strapping AJ into his stroller.
"I thought we'd walk, the cafe is only a few blocks down and JJ is walking too." Spence smiled when he noticed I was stood behind him. "Here," He smiled as he took the changing bag and handed me my coat.
After checking we had everything we left the house and began our walk to the cafe JJ had picked.
"Spence?" I said, breaking our comfortable silence as we crossed over a road.
"Mmm?" he hummed as turn his head to look at me.
"Am I doing the right thing, coming back to work I mean?" I asked.
"How do you mean?" He asked, place his hand over my back.
"Well, I love working for the BAU, you know that, but I'm not sure I'm ready to go back, to leave AJ." I told him, feeling conflicted. This was something I had been fighting with for a while and with it being so close, my first day back at work, I need help.
"Well, I do see were you're coming from, but I can't really help you. I mean  love Alexander, you know that, but the BAU is my job and it's what I'm ment to do." He told me. "But if you're not ready to come back, talk to Hotch, I;m sure he will understand." Spencer reassured me.
"Maybe, I'm just being silly." I sighed.
"Maybe you could talk to JJ about it, she's had two boys so she's done it twice. Maybe she can help ease your mind." Spencer offered. By the time our conversation had ended we were at the cafe and as we entered Spencer was immediately tackled by Henry who ran at him for a hug.
"Uncle Spencer!" He shouted. Spencer laughed and pulled I'm into a hug as I pushed the pram over to the table JJ and Michael were sat at.
"JJ, Hi." I smiled as she stood up and hugged me.
"Y/n, how are you?" She asked as she poked her head into the stroller to see AJ.
"We're both find, we missed Spencer a lot this week and AJ has been a little ill but he's fine. Nothing to worry about." I told her as I pulled AJ out the Stroller and handed him to JJ "You wanna cuddle?" I asked as she took him and smiled.
"You know I do."
Spencer ordered some food for us all, including Will who was on his way and soon we were all enjoying coffee and food, having a right laugh as we did.
"Hey, JJ, how was it going back to work after the were born?" I asked, she looked over and smiled softly.
"Well, I won't lie to you, it was hard, especially the child abduction cases. But it got better, knowing they were safe with Will or the Nanny." She told me, "You worried about coming back to work?" she asked.
"A little, just don't feel right about leaving him so soon." I shrugged.
"Well, to be honest, it will be hard at first, but it will get better and when the next one comes along it won't be any easier." She chuckled.
By now we had finished our coffee and the boys were bugging Will to take them to the park.
JJ asked if we wanted to tag along but I decided wanting to go home and spend some time with both Spencer and our son.
"So..." Spencer spoke up as we entered the house. AJ sound asleep. "Did JJ help any?"
"Yeah, she did. I mean, I love Alex, but the BAU is my family too and they need both the geek squad to keep them from sinking in cases." I told him, making his laugh. I took AJ out of his stroller and put him in his bed.
"Good, because I really miss you at work." he whispered, placing a soft kiss on my forehead.
"Now AJ is asleep, I think we should take advantage of the quite." Spencer whispered seductively. I smirked and pulled him by his tie to our bedroom.
"Most definitely." I winked before closing our bedroom door for some well deserved and needed alone time with my boyfriend.
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frost-queen · 6 years
Pan’s girl (Reader x Peter Pan)
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You were on the docks with your father Killian, Emma, Henry, David and Snow.
Storybrooke was haunted by the shadow of Peter Pan. And you were the rescue team.
Peter Pan’s shadow was hovering over the water. It was dark as the night with bright blue lights as eyes.
Emma was trying to shoot it down but it would just avoid the bullets.
When the shadow came closer to the ground it was after Henry. It almost followed his every movement.
Once your father had drawn attention to himself to keep it away from Henry, it went straight after him.
You saw the shadow rush after your father, ready to pick him up.
“Papa lookout” – you shouted.
Killian immediately turned his head to see the shadow almost grabbing him.
He slashed it away with a stick he found on the ground.
The shadow then returned his attention to his original price: Henry.
You saw it fly towards Henry so you acted without thinking.
You heard your father call out “No Y/n watch out!”, but it was too late.
You pushed Henry away and before you knew it the shadow had you in his arms.
It lifted you up in the air and you called out for your father.
“Papa, help me! Papa”
Killian tried everything to get you free from his grip.
“Y/n!” – he yelled as loud as he could.
The shadow dodged every move and flew away with you in his arms.
“Papa!” – you called out as loud as you could.
“Y/n!” – Killian called back, tears rolling down “come back”.
You awoke in a strange place.
It was dark but not pitch black. As your eyes adjusted to the new scenery, you saw that you were in a cage.
You were trying to get anyone’s attention “Were the hell am I!”.
A few boys gathered around the cage you were in.
“Let me out right now!” – you yelled as soon as you saw them approach.
The boys stepped aside to let someone through.
The way the other boys reacted made you think that this boy could be the leader.
A handsome boy approached the cage and kneeled before it.
You were trying not to stare at his beauty but it was hard.
“Welcome to Neverland” – he said.
It took you a while to realise what he just said.
You blinked a few times and then it hit you, “Neverland?”
“No …, No this is bad, really bad” – you started to panic.
Your father had told you a lot of stories about an Island where no one ever grows old.
He also warned you about the dangers and the one who rules Neverland.
“Let me out!” – you shouted once you got to your senses.
The boy looked over to the other boys and they nodded back.
A few boys pulled on a rope and the cage door went open.
You walked out and tried to scan for a way out.
The handsome boy stepped in front of you “I’m Peter, Peter Pan”.
You didn’t reply.
“And what is your name?” – he said stroking your cheek.
“Y/n” – you answered slapping his hand away.
Peter smiled at your action, “This will be your new home Y/n”.
“I think not” – you said crossing your arms.
“No one leaves this island” – he said angry and coming closer to you.
“No” – you replied, “My father will come for me”.
“Your father?” – Peter asked you laughing the idea away.
“Yes” – you said slightly confused. “He will get me of this bloody island”.
“And who might your father be?”
“Killian Jones” – you said proud.
“Hook?” – He said laughing “the one-handed pirate with a drinking problem”.
“I’m going to ignore that comment” – you said rolling your eyes.
“What’s the matter Y/n can’t handle the truth” – Peter said with a devious smile.
You thought Peter could use a reality check.
“If no one leaves Neverland” – you started with a grin “then how come my father escaped with his brother?”.
You saw Peter getting angrier. You had reached your goal.
“Listen Love” – he said standing in front of you “You are never getting of this island and I will make sure of that”.
You took Peter’s shirt and pulled him even closer to you. “Be careful who you threaten, Love”.
All the other boys were shocked but only Peter smiled at you. “oh, I like you”.
You let go of his shirt and stood there proud of what you just did.
Peter ordered the boys to lead you to your new room but most of them were still shocked of what you did.
Devin a boy with brown hair and freckles stepped forward. “I’ll show her to her room”.
“Good” – Peter said and he left. Leaving you alone with the boys.
Devin took your arm and led you towards a house in the trees.
“Did he kidnap you too?” – you asked nervous.
“No” – he answered right away.
You sighed and decided to drop it.
Once you arrived at the entrance he pushed you inside and before he closed the door he answered, “I choose to be here”.
You were again all alone in a dark room. You lied down on the bed and started to cry soft.
“Papa I wish you were here”.
You awoke by the sunlight falling on your face.
You stretched your arms and opened your eyes. you saw Peter standing beside your bed and you immediately sat up.
“What the hell Peter” – you shouted.
He only laughed at you.
“Am I the first girl you’ve ever seen?” – you asked with a purpose.
“No … I’ve seen plenty of girls” – he said looking anywhere but you.
“Then stop being a creepy stalker” – you said crossing your arms.
He grinned “I know you like my attention Y/n”.
“As if” – you replied throwing away the blankets.
You walked over to him and gave him a cute smile.
“Peter” – you said looking deep into his eyes.
Peter stared back at you with a smile, he wanted to stroke your cheek but you had other plans in mind.
Your smile disappeared and you took his hand “If I ever see you standing at my bed again, I’ll hurt your pretty face”.
He was impressed “Is that a threat? Y/n”.
“you bet your ass it is” – you said still angry.
Peter turned you around so that you were now standing with your back against his chest. Holding your arms down he whispered, “your mine Y/n”.
You could feel his warm body around you and a feeling inside you grew.
Why was he making you feel like that, you wanted to hate him but it was like your heart had other plans.
He then let go of you and left. You fell to the floor blushing like a fool.
A couple of minutes later you were at the fireplace where everyone else was.
You noticed all the boys staring at you as if they had never seen a girl before.
Devin approached you “don’t mind them” – he said smiling “they’re not used to pretty girls”.
You giggled “You think I’m pretty?”.
Devin immediately turned shy “yes … I mean … Uhm …. You know what I mean”.
You couldn’t help but laugh at him stumbling “I was just messing with you Devin”.
He laughed shy back at you.
Peter watched you from afar. Felix sat next to him “you alright Peter?”.
“Never better” – he said as he snapped a stick.
You and Devin kept talking and laughing. Once you saw Peter approaching you, you stopped.
“Peter is something wrong?” – Devin asked once he noticed Peter.
“Yes, there is” – he said angry “stop flirting with Y/n!”.
“what Peter I … I would never” – Devin mumbled again “Y/n is beautiful but …”
“Enough!” – Peter snapped at him “it’s time you knew who she belongs to”.
“Excuse me” – you said angry “I don’t belong to anyone”.
Peter pulled you up and before you knew it he placed his lips onto yours.
Shocking everyone including you and Devin.
Devin looked at the display getting sadder by the minute.
You pushed Peter away and punched him in the shoulder. “what the hell Peter!”.
“Remember who she belongs to, Devin” – Peter said angry.
Devin lowered his head and walked away.
“I don’t belong to you” – you yelled at him but he just laughed and left.
Felix joined Peter “Quit a show you performed their Peter”.
“I hope I made an example, Y/n is off limits” – he replied intimidating Felix.
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Family Ties (Pt. 5)
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Part Five
Pan x Reader
Part Four
Word Count: 1.8 k
I stood next to Pan as he taunted Hook.
"What, you think that kiss actually meant something?" He chuckled. Hooks eyes flash towards me then back towards pan as he said, " I do. I think it means she's finally starting to see me for the man I am." I let out a laugh as I look away from him and towards Pan.
Pan smiles back at me before saying, "What? A one-handed pirate with a drinking problem? I'm no grown up, but I'm pretty sure that's less than appealing."
Hook shoots Pan and I a nasty glare before questioning, "Why are you here? What do you want?"
"So," I say as I take a step closer to Hook, "What would a man like you do with a big, fat secret?"
Hook gives me a confused before saying. "Um... Well, that would depend on what the secret is."
Pan walks up to me and wraps his arm around my shoulders then said, " Baelfire. Neal. Whatever name he goes by nowadays, Your daughter's long-lost brother, the guy Emma loves, the father of her child, the one who got away... "
Slowly hook said, "What of him? He's dead."
"No. I'm afraid not. He's alive." I say as a smirk spread across my face.
"That's not even the best part. He's here. On Neverland. Waiting to be reunited with the love of his life. So they can be a big happy family again." Pan said with a sly smile.
Hooks face turned a ghastly shade of white when he looked at me waiting for a confirmation.
"Oh, yes. Can you believe it?"  I replied.
"I'm sure Emma will be so excited to see him again. To know that Henry's father is still alive, almost like a miracle sent from God himself. But I'd hate for that to get in the way of a budding romance. So I'll leave it up to you, to tell her or not. Let's see what kind of man you really are." Pan looks down towards me and whispered. "Ready to head back to camp, Love?" As his hand shifts from my shoulder to my lower back. I lean in, softly caress his face, and lightly press my lips against his.
After a short moment, I pull away and said, "I'll be there in a minute me and daddy dearest need to have a  little chit-chat about some of the recent events." Pan nods his head and placed a swift kiss on the center of my forehead before turning and walking towards the camp.
Once Pan was out of eyeshot I rushed towards Hook and gave him a swift push. A look of bewilderment covers his face as he tried to catch his balance. I jab a finger into his chest with each sentence as I spoke, "You will tell Emma. You will find Baelfire." I said firmly. "He has been in the echo cave since midnight and he better be out of the cave by six today, understood?!"
Hook tilted his head slightly while looking at me and said, "Watch who you're talking to. We might night be close but I'm still your father. And what happened to it being my choice anyway?"
I quickly lifted my hand and made a fist, cutting off Hooks oxygen supply. "Pan said it was your choice. I didn't! And if you think, us not being close is the worst thing to happen to us in the past twenty years, your gravely mistaken. And if I find out that you even thought about hesitating I will tear you limb from limb as slowly as humanly possible. But not before I remove all of your teeth, both of your eyes, your toes, and what you have left for fingers. Am I understood?!" I say through gritted teeth giving my fist a slight squeeze. As his hand grasped at his throat he rapidly nods his head. I release my hold and start to explain the way the cave worked. "The only way to get him out of the cave is to reveal a secret. In fact, your gonna have to reveal several secrets. I don't have a lot of patients, so you better figure out what your gonna say and fast."
I turn and walk away, and the moment I was out of hooks view I released a huge breathe of air that I hadn't realized that I was holding. I leaned against the nearest tree as the thought of the past few days finally caught up with me. The image of Henry's smiling face, as he laughed at a joke, flashed through my mind. That kid was my family, my nephew.
Next, I couldn't help but recall the first time I laid eyes on him. Pan was playing him and telling him all about the 'faulty' pixie dust. He was so full of hope and belief. Not to mention trust, in this random guy he just met. The more I thought about him, the more I questioned myself. Why did I just do that? Why did I care so much? Why was I willing to risk everything I had with Pan, for some kid I met less than forty-eight hours ago. Yes, he is my family, but technically Pan was my family too. And he certainly has done a lot more for me then anyone else has. But maybe that was the reason I was so desperate for Hook to tell Emma that Bae was here. He was so close to getting Henry off this island earlier, and if Emma got him safely out of the cave then maybe Henry actually had a shot at surviving this whole ordeal.
And that's when it hit me. I wanted the storybrook group to win.
"Shit!" I yelled as my hands slid into my hair giving it a slight tug. God, if Pan found out about this he would end up resenting me for the rest of our lives. After I finally came to terms with my thoughts, I pushed myself off of the tree and began to make my way back towards the camp. The entire way back all I could think was that, Hook better pull through.
After making the long trip back to the camp I stood in the center looking for Pan. After an unsuccessful search, my eyes landed on our shared tent and I began to make my way over. The closer I came to the tent the more nervous I got. My palms began to sweat and my heart started to race and all I could think was what if he could tell? What if he wouldn't forgive me? What if I lost him forever over this? I took in a deep breath before walking inside of the tent. Upon entering I saw Pan sitting on the cot slightly hunched over with his arms rested on his legs and fingers pressed together. The moment his eyes met mine, I knew that he knew.
"You never went back to the camp, did you?" I whispered as I averted my eyes to look towards the ground.
"I would never leave you alone with that man. Not again. Not after what happened last time." Pan replied in a low voice. "Why? Why would you tell Hook where Baelfire is? How to get him out?"
"I can't  keep playing this game anymore." I said slowly.
"What do you mean you can't play anymore, Y/N? We created this game together. It has been years in the making." My eyes dart to his face hearing the emotion in his voice. "Every rule. Every reward. Every twist and turn. And what? You just want to back out? Call it quits?!" Pan yelled.
I can feel my eyes start to fill with tears as I looked away from Pan unable to watch the anger, hurt, and betrayal that I had created cross his face. Pan grabbed my hands and pulled me closer to him.
"Tell me why...Or how we can fix this."
"We can't fix this Peter. Nothing is broken. Bae was my best friend. He was what made Neverland feel like home when he first got here. There were weeks where I wouldn't see you for days cause you were so busy running this place. And I may have spent my life surrounded by men, but that didn't make me feel any more comfortable here. You were all I had and you weren't always there. Bae was the family I always wanted, but never really had. And to find out, years later, that he actually is that family that I had craved. My brother. Means so much more than I ever thought it could. And that also means that Henry is my nephew and seeing him and being around him makes me want to know him more. It makes me want to give him that bond that I never had. And because of that, I can't be apart of the reason that I'll lose him or Bae all over again. Because if I stand next to you when you take the heart of the truest believer, that's exactly where I'll be."
"So that's it?" Pan questioned coldly, his grip on my hands weakening. "You find out that your Daddy screwed his Mommy and everything changes? Your best friend who ABANDONED you, just like everyone else is family, and he knocked up some chick from the system, and the games just over? And your just gonna turn your back on me? ME? The only person who actually stayed? Who loved you unconditionally? Who saved you even when your father left you to suffer?" I chocked back a sob as Pan spoke the harsh truth at me while dropping my hands completely.
"I'm not turning my back on you, Peter! I love you more than anything. I've always been on your side and I'll always be on your side... Even when you're wrong." I said while I reached up to grab his face and force him to look me in the eyes. "But this time. Just this one time. I'm asking you to be on my side.Don't do it. Don't take Henry's heart. We will find another way." I begged.
Pan remained silent as he stared at me as if he was trying to take in every detail on my face. My eyes dashed across his, trying to read his emotions. Pan slowly reached his hands up and pulled my hands away.
"I love you, Y/N. But I'm not gonna wait another hundred years to find a solution when the original is ten feet away." I sucked in a breath and pulled away.
"Where's Henry?" I whispered.
"Well, how do you know it'll work?" David questioned, as he turned to look at Hook.
As Hook went to speak, I spoke up and said,"Because I told him."
The group's eyes flashed towards me.
"What are you doing here?" Regina sneered.
"Look long story short, I told Pan I was backing out of the plan and he wasn't so happy about that. He's taking Henry to skull rock. So we got to put a move on the secrets or Henry's gonna die...tonight."
Tag: @bellasett
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Accidents Happen (Episode 1/?)
Peter Parker X Reader
A/N: Sorry I haven’t been posting! Been super busy with school and life! But I am back, now! Anyways, here is a new series I decided to write! I wouldn’t say that this fic follows the MCU plot lines, but I wouldn’t say that it doesn’t. We’ll see what happens! It’s a slight AU, I guess.
I kept them at 16! I know some people have issues with that! So don’t read this, if you do!
ALSOOO there are smutty situations, so to cover my own ass: NSFW 18+
Warnings: Teen Pregnancy, NSFW (Sexual content), angst, thoughts on options, swears, etc.
Masterlist // Accidents Happen Masterlist
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“Hey, Y/n, it’s Michelle!” Michelle’s cheery voice came through your voicemail, “Just wondering where you are, today! Peter said he hasn’t talked to you, yet, and your phone has been off! Check in with us! Bye!”
Fucking hell.
“Hey, babe, it’s me.” Peter’s concerned voice was next, “Michelle already gave you a voicemail a few hours ago, but I’m starting to worry. Are you okay? Please, call me.”
Biting your thumbnail – a horrible nervous habit – you deleted the messages from your phone with your free hand, and shut it off. You needed to think. You needed to come up with a plan.
You needed to talk to Peter.
Freeing your thumbnail from your teeth, you dug your hand into your backpack, and pulled out the folder that you’d received from the doctor a few hours previous. Your heart was racing, it felt like it was going to explode out of your chest as you opened the folder to go over everything, again.
12 weeks pregnant! Your baby is the size of a plum!
The pamphlet’s bright and cheery words did nothing to make you feel any better about the situation. You were pregnant. 16 years old, and fucking pregnant.
How were you going to tell Peter? He was already so stressed about being Spider-Man. He was stressed about school. He was stressed about training with The Avengers. He didn’t need to be stressed about a baby, or a pregnant girlfriend – on top of everything else. You hadn’t even been dating that long. One month. A fucking month ago. Granted, you’d been best friends for a few years, but this part of your relationship was still so new.
This… pregnancy… has been happening longer than you calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend.
You hadn’t even had sex since that night. The night that started this pickle.
It happened when you’d just gotten back from a weekend-long band camp, a little before Halloween. Your mom was high, as she usually was, so you decided to go over to Peter’s to get away. Aunt May had made a key for you - since you basically lived there - and you let yourself in. Nobody was home, so you’d decided to change into your pajamas, and binge watch something on Netflix while lying in Peter’s bed. After a while, you had fallen asleep.
“Y/n.” Peter hissed, shaking your shoulder, “Y/n, wake up. I need your help, again.”
Rolling over, eyes bleary, you took in Peter’s physical appearance. “Jesus, Peter, what the fuck did you do?!” You sat up, throwing the covers off of you and ushering him to the bathroom. His head was bleeding, there were bruises forming on his face, and he was holding his side. Blood was running over his fingers, and you felt a wave of worry wash through you. “Is that a fucking stab wound?”
He nodded, wincing as he sat on the counter next to the sink, “I thought the guy only had one knife. I was mistaken.”
You shook your head, helping him shrug out of the top of his suit, exposing his bleeding abdomen, “It’s deep. I can heal it, but it’s going to hurt and you’re going to have a scar.”
His face was scrunched up in pain as you laid your hands gently over the wound, “Just do it.”
You closed your eyes, focusing all of your energy to your hands, feeling the familiar tingle and burn. Your head swam a little as your energy seeped into his wound, closing it and repairing the damage done. You ignored his grunts of pain as you finished up, making sure to get the entire wound.
“Thank god you can do this, or I would be giving Aunt May a heart attack.” He chuckled as you opened your eyes to glare at him, “Do you mind doing my face, too.”
You rolled your eyes, moving your hands to his cheeks, “If you promise me that you are going to be more aware of your surroundings, next time.” You used up less energy as you fixed the cuts and bruises on his face, “’There is no greater danger than underestimating your opponent’. Lao Tzu.”
“’My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me’. Henry Ford.” He quoted back, a smirk on his face as you used a wet rag to wipe the blood from his face and side.
“Sucking up is not going to make me any less mad at you for getting yourself stabbed, dumbass.” You glared, slapping him in the chest with the bloody towel. “You get to make dinner, now.”
“But Y/n-”
“Don’t you ‘but y/n’ me, right now!” You growled, crossing your arms over your chest, “You could have gotten killed! Don’t you understand that?” You turned to the side, placing your hands on the edge of the sink, taking a steadying breath, “I don’t want to lose you.”
Furrowing his eyebrows, he hopped down from the sink. “Hey,” He laid his hand on your shoulder, turning you to face him, “I’m sorry. I’ll be more careful.” He pulled you into his – still bare – chest, wrapping his arms around you, “You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
Your mouth turned up into a small smile, and you wrapped your arms around his waist, forehead resting against the hollow of this throat, “Who else would make me amazing grilled cheese sandwiches?”
“You just like me for my mediocre cooking skills.”
“You guessed it.” You giggled, pulling him to you, tighter. “Seriously, though. Be careful. Please.”
He pulled back a little, staring down at you with a small smile and serious eyes, “I promise.”
The longer you two stood there – wrapped in each other’s arms – the more the energy in the air changed. It was charged with something that you were unfamiliar with – what you both were unfamiliar with…
Sexual tension?
You had never experienced that feeling before, and your heart rate increased – as well as your breathing. This was your best friend. Why would the air be charged with that heat, if this was your best friend you were hugging?
Not that he wasn’t an attractive guy. That wasn’t it, at all. He was one of the most attractive guys you had ever laid eyes on, but you two had never seen each other any more than just best friends.
“Y/n?” He whispered, teeth pressing down on his lower lip, reddening it.
He leaned in slowly, giving you the option to back away, but your body had other plans. You met him half way, lips barely touching, at first. Your heart leapt to your throat, hands moving from around his bare middle, to around his neck. His hands moved down to your hips pulling you closer. You could feel the heat coming from his bare chest, making your flush worse. You felt like you were going to melt from the heat.
His lips grew more urgent the more you responded to him – lips parting to deepen the kiss. You could taste his chapstick on his lips, and you were beginning to crave more. Feeling bold, you gently took his lip between your teeth, pulling back slowly.
His response was immediate, as you suddenly found yourself pinned against the bathroom wall. The wall was cold against your back, sending a shiver throughout your whole body. His hands went to your thighs, and pulled you up – pressing his hips into yours. You gasped as you felt his arousal pressing into your clothed core, and wrapped your legs around him.
He pulled back a little, burying his face into your neck and pressing hot kisses from under your ear to your shoulder. Your head tilted as you let out a small moan, giving him more access to your skin. Holding you up with one arm, his other came up and moved the strap of your tank top down – pressing sloppy kisses along your shoulder.
“T-take it off.” You stammered out, burying your hands into his hair.
He paused, causing a stab of anxiety in your chest.
Did you go too far?
“Are you s-sure?” He whispered against your collarbone, fingers gently gliding up and down your arm.
Were you? Were you ready for this? You had never done anything like this before. You had only ever kissed a boy - one time - during a game of spin the bottle. You never thought any guy would even want to do anything like this with you. You never thought about what to do in this situation. You wanted to, you really wanted to, but was that just your hormones? How was this going to pan out? This was Peter. Your best friend.
You tried not to get into your head too much as you leaned back, grabbing the bottom of your tank top and pulling it over your head – exposing yourself more than Peter had ever seen you.
His eyes went down to your chest, and you bit your lip – hoping you didn’t cross a line. His darkened eyes lifted back to yours, and he visibly gulped, “I-I’ve never-”
“Neither have I.” You ran your hand through his disheveled hair, “’The soul should always stand ajar, ready to welcome the ecstatic experience.’ Emily Dickinson.”
He snorted, “You’re throwing quotes at me when your naked chest is literally in my face?”
You shrugged, grinning, “It’s not in your face, yet.”
He raised an eyebrow, “You’re sure you want to?”
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”
You two had done the deed, that night.
Without remembering any form of birth control.
“Stupid, stupid, stupid.” You muttered, running your hands through your hair in frustration.
You had to tell Peter, eventually. He was going to know that something was up. He wasn’t stupid. He could tell when you were going through something, especially now that you two were dating and spending more time together.
You turned your phone back on, getting up from the bench and walking towards your mom’s apartment.
6 missed calls.
Four were from Peter and two were from Michelle.
Your phone started buzzing again as you walked through the door to your apartment.
“Hey, Peter.” You answered with fake enthusiasm, swallowing down the anxiety building in your throat, “What’s up?”
“What’s going on with you?” He asked, hearing through the fake chipper voice you had tried to use, “Why weren’t you at school? Are you okay?”
“I’m okay.” You sighed, setting your bag down in your bare room and sitting on the bed, “I just had a doctor’s appointment, no big deal.”
“Oh… You sound weird. Are you sick?” He sounded like he was on the subway, “I’m headed over to the tower, but I could bring you something to eat when I’m done.”
“Actually,” You stood up, transferring your things to your purse, “I’m going to swing by the tower. I have to talk to you about something.”
“Okay.” He sounded confused, “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I’m fine, I’ll see you in a little bit.” You hung up before he could reply.
The journey to the Avengers tower was long. You were so anxious, you were shaking – the folder containing the ultrasound photos and the pamphlets were sitting in your purse, not making you feel any better.
How was Peter going to react? Should you really tell him while he was surrounded by the Avengers? How were they going to react? You’re sixteen for fucks sake. Could you two really take care of a baby? What if he dumps you? What if you’re stuck trying to figure this out by yourself? What if he wants to keep the baby? What if he wants you to get an abortion? What about adoption? Is the baby going to be affected by his abilities?
Too many thoughts were going through your head as you walked through the front doors of the shiny tower.
“Miss Y/L/N, you can head on through. Peter told me you were coming to see him.” The security guard smiled, scanning your pass, “FRIDAY will direct you to the floor.”
“Thanks, Ed!” You smiled, trying to act cheerier than you felt.
Luckily, you were alone in the elevator. You were about to have an anxiety attack, if you didn’t calm down.
“Miss Y/L/N,” The AI’s voice rang through the elevator, “Your heart rate seems to be escalating at an alarming rate, which is not good in your current state of health. Should I inform Med Bay?”
“No, FRIDAY, I’m just really nervous.” You replied, “I’m okay.”
FIRDAY didn’t reply, but the elevator doors opened to the communal kitchen and lounge that the avengers shared. You could hear Peter talking to someone, so you followed his voice into the lounge, to see him showing Steve Rogers how to use his laptop.
“Hey, Y/n.” Steve grinned from behind the laptop, “How are you, today?”
“Fine, fine.” You walked over with a fake smile, feeling like you were going to vomit from the anxiety. Or maybe the hormones? “What are you guys doing?”
“Peter is showing me how to use something called a tweeter.” He scratched his head, “Wait, no. It is called Twitter, right?”
“Correct.” You chuckled, laying your hand on Peter’s shoulder in greeting while he helped Cap with his profile picture, “Nice superhero shot. People are going to go nuts.”
Peter looked up from the computer, grabbing your hand from his shoulder and kissing your knuckles, “Hey, babe. Are you feeling any better?”
“Yeah. Kind of.” You felt better now that he was holding your hand, at least. “Can we go discuss something, quick?”
“Yeah, I am just about finished.” He turned to the computer and clicked a few more things, before passing the laptop back to Steve, “Do you remember how to tweet?”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. You’re dismissed from your duties.” Steve waved his hand, jokingly. When Peter got up, Steve shot you a funny look. It was a mixture of confusion and suspicion.
Don’t say a fucking word, Cap.
Peter wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you back over to the elevators to go to the room Stark provided for him as a ‘just in case’. “You’re really tense, what’s going on?”
You shook your head, not trusting your voice. Am I going to be able to say this to him? How does one tell their superhero, stressed-out, teenage boyfriend that they are pregnant? Was there a manual on this? You leaned into him, trying to calm down. It seemed to help a little. “N-not here. Al-lone.”
His arms tightened around you, pulling you along to the bedroom, faster. He typed in the code to his bedroom, and the door opened to the large suite. He shut the door behind you with his foot, crossing the room to sit on the bench along the end of the bed. He pulled you down next to him, taking your hands in one of his, and using the other to lift your face, “Y/n, what’s wrong? You’re scaring me.”
Tears pricked your eyes, again. “I… we… Something bad happened.” Your heart was in your throat, hands shaking in his. “We fucked up.”
His eyebrows furrowed, “What are you talking about?” He looked down to your hands, “Do you not want to date? I know it was a b-big step, but you said you wanted to just as much as I d-do, and-”
“Peter.” You cut him off, removing one of your hands to wipe your face, “That isn’t it. You know how I feel about you.” You took a deep breath, trying to control the burn of anxiety in your chest. “Th-this is something else.”
“Just tell me what’s going on, Y/n.”
You barely even breathed it out. You barely said the words.
“I’m pregnant.”
Episode 2
TAGS: (If you want to join the party, all you have to do is ask! Xoxo!)
@luckynumber1213 @castellandiangelo @sassyandclassyx @mrsnegan25  @impossiblepizzapeace@glitterquadricorn
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swanqueeneverafter · 6 years
28. Shadows of the Past, Pt.4
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Neverland. Present. Neal's Hideout. (Everyone is still looking for clues.) Hook: “Anything important?” Emma: “I can't tell yet. I didn't know he liked drawing.” Hook: “He got it from his mother.” Emma: “I'm hoping Neal left something useful in the details of one of these. Maybe a map? Some kind of clue. Hand me that candle. (David lights a candle which sits inside half of an old coconut shell and hands it to Emma:) What about you? Any luck?” Hook: “No potted bean plant or swirling vortex under the rug, if that's what you mean. There may be no rug at all. There are other drawings on the far wall, but as far as I can tell, that's all they are. Probably just a way to pass the time and keep occupied.” Emma: “You knew him pretty well, didn't you?” Hook: “We spent some time together." Emma: (Sighs:) “Looks like you're right. They're just a bunch of pictures. (Moves over to Mary Margaret:) What's all this?” Mary Margaret: “Uh, just some cups and bowls he fashioned from things he found here.” David: “Don't know how great a cup this coconut could make. It's filled with holes.” Mary Margaret: “Uh, maybe it's a tiny colander.” Regina: “Yes, because preteen Baelfire probably made lots of pasta.” (Mary Margaret gives Regina an exasperated look.) Emma: “Hold on. (Takes the half of the coconut with holes in and places it on top of the other half:) Hook, snuff out that torch.” Regina: “Am I supposed to be impressed that he made a night-light?” Emma: “Look up.” Mary Margaret: “Stars.” Hook: “It's a map.” David: “To where?” Emma: “Home.”
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Neverland. Pan's Camp. (The lost boys are still dancing by the fire when a gust of wind blows through the camp, sending everyone, save Pan, fast asleep.) Pan: “We have a guest! No doubt someone who knows how much I like guessing games. Who could it be? I guess... (Pan re-ignites the fire with a wave of his hand to reveal Rumplestiltskin:) The Dark One. Come to save Henry, have you, laddie? (Whispers:) How exciting. The Dark One ready to sacrifice his life for his family. Speaking of family... (Pan lights a torch behind Rumplestiltskin:) You can come out now, Baelfire.” Neal: (Steps out from behind a tree, crossbow drawn:) “Name's Neal now.” Pan: “New name, but the same old tricks. It's heartwarming to see father and son working together, especially after you abandoned him, Rumple. This is a real family reunion.” Mr. Gold: “What are you waiting for?” Neal: “I got this.” (Neal shoots the arrow but Pan catches it.) Pan: “Clever. But we've been through this before, Baelfire. Have you remembered nothing?” Neal: “I remember plenty.” (Pan throws the arrow down.) Neal: “That's why I didn't coat the tip.” (Pan is now immobilised by the squid ink.) Mr. Gold: “Grab Henry.” Pan: “Well, how about that? I'm impressed. But are you sure you're really saving him, Bae?” Neal: (Picking up an unconscious Henry and placing him over his shoulder:) “What could be worse than leaving him here with you?” Pan: “Why don't you ask your father? Sometimes the people we should fear the most are the ones closest to us.” Neal: “W... what's he talking about?” Mr. Gold: “Don't listen to him.” Pan: “You mean you haven't told him?” Neal: “Told me what?” Pan: “Why, about the prophecy, of course.” Neal: “What prophecy? What's he mean?” Pan: “The prophecy that says you've been tricked. Your father isn't here to rescue your son. He's here to murder him.” 
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Neverland. Rumplestiltskin’s Camp. (Rumplestiltskin and Neal have escaped with Henry to their camp.) Neal: (Laying Henry down on the ground:) “What the hell was he talking about?” Mr. Gold: “Oh, don't mind him.” Neal: “He said you were gonna murder Henry!” Mr. Gold: “He plays games. Mind games. The important thing is we got the boy and we got away.” Neal: “Where are we?” Mr. Gold: “The other side of the island. We're safe here for the time being.” Neal: (Tries to wake Henry:) “Hey. Hey, Henry. It's me. Hey, it's your dad.” Mr. Gold: “No, he... he can't hear you.” Neal: “Then wake him up.” Mr. Gold: “Pulling him out of the spell could be dangerous. He'll wake naturally in a few hours. He'll be fine.” Neal: “All right. (Walking toward his father:) Then you can explain to me what the hell Pan meant. This prophecy that he's talking about, why would he say that you'd kill Henry?” Mr. Gold: “Oh, I don't know, to create a wedge between us.” Neal: “That's not a denial. No, this has to do with what happened when I found you. You thought I was a hallucination. You said that you had to do the right thing and save Henry! What did that really mean?” Mr. Gold: “Baelfire...” Neal: “It's Neal! Now stop dodging and tell me what's going on!” Mr. Gold: “There was a seer, and she told me of a prophecy... that a boy would help reunite me with you. And that boy... Would be my undoing.” Neal: “Henry.” Mr. Gold: “I didn't know it was gonna be my own grandson, till I found you in New York and discovered you were his father.” Neal: “You were planning on getting rid of him, whoever he was, weren't you? To try and cheat fate? To get around the prophecy? You cold-blooded son of a bitch. You were gonna kill him.” Mr. Gold: “Yes.” Neal: “Get back. You stay away from him!” Mr. Gold: “That was then. Things have changed. I... I didn't come here to Neverland to hurt Henry. I came here to save him.” Neal: “After what you just told me, I'm supposed to believe you?!” Mr. Gold: “I won't lie to you, Bae. Self-preservation has been a nasty habit I've had my whole life, but I came here to break it, to do the right thing and to save your son. Even if that meant sacrificing my own life. (Whispers:) You have to trust me.” Neal: “How can I?” The Enchanted Forest. Past. (With drums playing, boys whooping and dancing, The Dark One stands by the fire still trying to find his son.) Pan: “You don't even recognize him, do you, Rumple?” Rumplestiltskin: “Well, how could I when he's wearing a mask?” Pan: “Well, he might be wearing a mask, but that's not the reason. Look at him... Playing with other boys, out in the world. He's happy, Rumple. That's why you don't recognize him.” Rumplestiltskin: (Grabs Baelfire:) “Bae. Baelfire. Are you all right?” Baelfire: “I'm fine. Why are you here?” Rumplestiltskin: “I know you think I don't care about you, son, but I do. And I'm here to prove it.” Baelfire: “How?” Pan: “Go ahead, Rumple.” Baelfire: “Papa! What are you doing?!” Rumplestiltskin: “I'm protecting you.” (Rumplestiltskin transports he and Baelfire home.) Pan: “You're gonna regret not taking my deal, Rumple!” Rumplestiltskin’s Hovel. Baelfire: “Don't touch me! Get away!” Rumplestiltskin: “It's all right now, Bae. You're safe.” Baelfire: “Safe? I was never in danger. The Piper was my friend!” Rumplestiltskin: “He may have wanted you to think that. But you have to believe me. He would've hurt you.” Baelfire: “Why? Who is he? Another person that you abused with your power?” Rumplestiltskin: “His name is Peter Pan. I've known him since I was a boy. Growing up, we were incredibly close.” Baelfire: “So you're saying he's immortal, too.” Rumplestiltskin: “He wasn't always. He went to a place called Neverland. He betrayed me, Bae. He can't be trusted.” Baelfire: “What happened?” Rumplestiltskin: “All that matters is that he fooled me for a long time before I'd finally seen his true nature, and it is darker and more repulsive than you should ever be exposed to!” Baelfire: “He can't be any worse than you.” Rumplestiltskin: “I had to protect you, Bae. I didn't have a choice.” Baelfire: “Stop lying because I know that you did! I know about the deal Pan offered you. He said all you had to do was ask me if I wanted to come home.” Rumplestiltskin: (Whispers:) “He told you?” Baelfire: “He said that way I'd know if you really trusted me, if you really cared.” Rumplestiltskin: “Oh, please, Bae.” Baelfire: “You didn't need to. I would've chosen to come home. I would've chosen you! If only you asked. Maybe we could've found a way to be a family again.” Rumplestiltskin: “We can be. Bae. (Baelfire leaves the house:) Bae!”
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Neverland. Present. Rumplestiltskin’s Camp. Mr. Gold: “Tell me what I have to do to gain your trust, and I will.” Neal: “Give me The Dark One dagger. I know you. I know you wouldn't come all the way to Neverland without it. It's the only thing that can control you. It's the only thing that could stop you. You wouldn't take any chances with it.” Mr. Gold: “I don't have it.” Neal: “Why are you lying?” Mr. Gold: “I'm not lying to you, Bae. I hid it so Pan couldn't get it, so he couldn't stop me.” Neal: “So un-hide it!” Mr. Gold: “My shadow took it.” Neal: (Laughs:) “Your shadow? Man, you got an answer for everything, don't you?” Mr. Gold: “I'm telling you the truth, I swear.” Neal: “You know, maybe you did hide it. Maybe you do want to do the right thing. But that's today. What about tomorrow?” Mr. Gold: “I've changed.” Neal: “Have you?” Mr. Gold: “Yes.” Neal: “The prophecy still stands. You save him, he's still your undoing.” Mr. Gold: “I'm still willing to die for him.” Neal: “What happens if we get back, and you're reunited with Belle, and you realize that the only thing standing between you and your happy ending is my son? And suddenly, ‘undoing’ doesn't sound so great.” Mr. Gold: “You're my happy ending. This is, because it's my redemption. I can be strong, son, if you have faith in me.” Neal: (Takes his father’s hand and clasps it to his chest:) “You know, when I was living here and sleeping in a cave, I used to dream of you coming to rescue me. But then I'd wake up and remember how you left me behind. You left your own son behind for the power of that dagger. How can I think that things would ever be any different?” (Neal steps back, releasing Gold’s hand to reveal the squid ink he placed there.) Mr. Gold: (Imobilised:) “Neal. What are you doing?” Neal: (Picking up Henry:) “I'm gonna find Emma and the others and get the hell off this island. Then I'm gonna get my family back home.” Mr. Gold: “You can't go into the jungle alone. Without my power to protect you, Pan will capture you both!” Neal: “I'm sorry, I got no choice. We're safer without you. Goodbye, papa.” Neverland. Present. Neal’s Hideout. Mary Margaret: “How can you be so sure it's a map?” Hook: “There was a short time in Neverland when Baelfire was aboard my ship. I taught him to navigate using the stars. What you're looking at is the fruit of my labors.” Regina: “Then you can read it.”
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Hook: “Sadly, no.” David: “I thought you just said you taught him how.” Hook: “Yes, but I also taught Neal something else. The key to being a pirate... secrecy. The best captains conceal their maps in a code. He was an apt pupil.” Mary Margaret: “So you're saying the only person who can read this map is Neal?” Emma: “Which means the only person who can read it is dead.” (Emma leaves the hideout as Mary Margaret & David follow.) Outside The Hideout. David: “Emma, wait!” Emma: “Now is not the time.” Mary Margaret: (Blocking her path:) “I can't even imagine the sadness you must be feeling.” Emma: “I'm not sad. I'm pissed. Yes, Neal just died, but I lost him years ago. (Voice breaking:) He left me years ago. Pregnant and alone and in jail. He abandoned me despite everything I... Despite knowing how I grew up. Now, when I actually need something from him, to find a way off this damned island and save Henry, he’s dead.” (Emma walks away.) David: “She'll be okay.” Mary Margaret: “Really?” David: “We have done everything we can.” Mary Margaret: “But that's the problem. I have no idea how to help or comfort my own daughter. It is the first thing a mother learns, and I don't know how.” David: “I know. I feel the same way.” Mary Margaret: “How can we even blame her? The way she’s had to grow up, alone? She’s tougher than I am. I mean, if you died, I would not be able to move on.” David: “You must. (Stammers:) I'm just saying. Every day we're here, something bad could happen. And if it did to me, I'd want you to move on, to continue, to be happy.” Mary Margaret: “That's really sweet, but nothing is going to happen to you, not while I'm here.” (They hug.)
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Neverland. Present. (Neal is walking through the forest with Henry over his shoulder when he hears rustling in the trees.) Neal: “Emma.” (Pan and the lost boys appear, surrounding Neal.) Pan: “You were so close to finding her. You disappoint me. I thought I taught you better. Never break in somewhere unless you know the way out.” Neal: “I'll remember that for next time.” Pan: “Well, there isn't going to be a next time. (Felix takes Henry from Neal’s shoulder:) But don't blame yourself. Your father could have protected you out here, sure. But then who would've protected Henry from him? Talk about a rock and a hard place.” Neal: “I will get my son back, no matter what it takes.” Pan: “You're not getting it. That's not the problem. You got him. I got him back. It's the game. No, my boy, the real problem for you is that there is no escaping Neverland. No one gets off this island without my permission.” Neal: “I've done it before.” Pan: “Did you? Look where you are now. It's like you never left.” Neal: “You saying you let me go?” Pan: “I'm saying everyone's where I want them. (Henry groans:) Something to chew on. (To the lost boys:) You know where to take him.” Neal: “No! Henry!” Pan: “Oh, don't worry. It won't be for very long.” Neal: “I'm alive!” Pan: “Just until I reset the board. See, the game is about to change.” Neal: “Don't give up hope, Henry! I will come for you! I promise!” Neverland. Rumplestiltskin’s Camp. (The squid ink wears off and Mr. Gold is released. He turns around to find Belle waiting for him, sitting on a fallen tree.) Belle: (Sighs deeply:) “I'm so sorry, Rumple. Neal should have trusted you.” Mr. Gold: “How could he? After everything I've done?” Belle: (As Gold sits and joins her:) “Well... He may not know what was in your heart, but I do. You would've protected Henry. You would've even given your own life to show Neal that you've changed.” Mr. Gold: “Are you asking me, or do you truly believe that?” Belle: “I know it with all my heart. What I don't know is why you look so upset now. I mean, Rumple, he's alive. Baelfire. You have something to live for.” Mr. Gold: “But the prophecy remains. (Stands:) Henry's still my undoing.” Belle: “That's why you're upset. You were so determined to die for the boy, but now? Having something to live for has brought back that nasty habit of self-preservation, hasn't it? Rumple... Habits can be broken, can't they?” Mr. Gold: “Go away, Belle. I don't want to talk right now.” Neverland. Pan's Camp. (Drums continue playing, Lost boys whooping.) Henry: (Groans, waking up:) “What happened?” Pan: “Oh, you fell asleep.” Henry: “I did?” Pan: “No, don't worry. It was just a little catnap. The night's still young.” Henry: “Wait. I... I remember something. My dad... When I was asleep, I... I could've sworn I heard him calling for me.” Pan: “Really?” Henry: “It must've been a dream.” Pan: “Well, how can you be sure?” Henry: “Because... 'Cause my dad's dead.” Pan: “I'm sorry, Henry. It makes sense for us to dream about the things we've lost and the things we hoped for, like your father being alive or your mother coming to find you. But eventually, you'll find new things to dream about. And when you do, they'll start to come true.” Henry: “How do you know?” Pan: “Because that's what I did. And now you're here. Neverland used to be a place where new dreams were born. You can bring that magic back, Henry. And we can be your family. (To the group at large:) I'd like to play a song, a song for our guest of honor... Henry. (Playing melody, after a moment or two, Henry begins dancing and joins in with the other boys. Voice echoes:) You can hear the music now, can't you, Henry?” Henry: (Voice echoes:) “Yeah!”
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Neverland. Neal’s Hideout. (The group are still searching for clues as to how Neal escaped the island. Emma notices some markings on the wall and looks closer.) Mary Margaret: “What is it?” Hook: (Looking at the markings:) “It appears Neal marked his days trapped on this island.” Mary Margaret: (As Emma jumps up to touch the wall:) “What's wrong?” Emma: “Look here. Neal stopped counting.” Mary Margaret: “Because he got off the island.” Emma: “No, he was here longer.” David: “Then why would he...” Emma: “Because he lost hope.” Regina: “You got that from scribbles?” Emma: (Jumps down to face them:) “I got that because it's what I did every time I went to a new foster home. I counted days until counting seemed pointless.” David: “You think the same thing's happening to Henry?” Emma: “Pan said that it would.” David: “Hey. We're gonna rescue him.” Emma: “Yeah, I know that and you know that, but Henry doesn't know that. Pan wants him to lose faith.” Regina: “So what, you want to send him a message? Because I haven't seen a Neverland post office. What are you suggesting?” Emma: “We take a page from Pan and we start being clever. We need to send a simple sign, a sign that we're coming.” Regina: “What, with lost boys running around, trying to kill us all?” Mary Margaret: “Yeah, maybe it's time we used that to our advantage.” Regina: “How?” Mary Margaret: “Follow me. I'll show you.” (David and Regina follow Mary Margaret out of the cave. Emma is about to follow when Hook stops her.) Hook: “Swan.” Emma: “What? We're wasting time.” Hook: “I, uh... I just wanted to let you know that I do know what it feels like, to lose hope.” Emma: “I know what this is. This... you... you know, trying to... bond with me. Save your breath. I'm not in the mood.” (Emma walks away. Hook turns to follow but is stopped by David.) David: “Let me give you a bit of advice, Hook. Stop trying to get close to my daughter. She's never gonna like you.” Hook: “Is that so?” David: “Well, how could she? (Whispers:) You're nothing but a pirate.” Hook: “This, coming from a shepherd? (Smirks:) I’m not the one you need to worry about, mate.” David: “And what does that mean?” Hook: “Well, the last person I saw your daughter ‘get close’ to, was the Queen.” (Hook turns and walks out of the cave.)
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sleepy-writerx · 7 years
You Need Me - Chapter 5
Chapter 4: https://sleepy-writerx.tumblr.com/post/161183411924/you-need-me-chapter-4 Chapter 3: https://sleepy-writerx.tumblr.com/post/161038388214/you-need-me-chapter-3 Chapter 2: https://sleepy-writerx.tumblr.com/post/160316574284/you-need-me Chapter 1: https://sleepy-writerx.tumblr.com/post/160246001774/you-need-me-okay-short-disclaimer-to-start-with (Your P.O.V) “Y/N! Y/N, guess what?!” Henry exclaims, running like a new-born animal down the woodland trail. The rest of the boys and Pan are not too far behind him. “What is it, Henry?” I ask through a chuckle, catching him by the arms. “Pan showed me how to fly properly! He says I’m a natural! How cool is that?!” Henry shouts happily like an excited child on their birthday. “That’s amazing Henry! I knew you would be great at it,” I smile, giving him a small hug. I have to say, over the couple of days; Henry has begun to grow on me. This is presenting quite the dilemma, what with the plan we have in store for him. I make eye contact with Pan and it’s almost as if he knows my thoughts, he gestures his head towards the sheltered hut and I follow him. “What do you think you’re doing?” Pan asks almost as soon as we are far enough away from the rest of camp. “What do you mean?” I ask back, looking at the ground and crossing my arms. “Don’t play that game. Y/N, I fear you are becoming too attached to Henry and you won’t be able to do what needs to be done when the time comes,” He paces to the back of the hut and stands staring at me, his shoulders rising and falling with his breaths. “I am not becoming too attached,” I retort, “although whilst we’re on the subject, I do believe that was the first time you used his name.” “What are you insinuating?” Pan walks forward quickly, his voice heavy and low. “Oh…nothing,” I reply, feigning innocence, “Just hoping your judgement isn’t as clouded as you fear mine to be.” He cocks an eyebrow and with his jaw slightly open, I notice his tongue grazing the bottom of his teeth as he further closes the gap between us. “Are you really questioning me now? The island’s power may be dwindling but I can still-” I cut off Pan by forcefully pressing my hand against his chest. I can feel his every breathe heave under my fingertips and my breath catches as I inhale. “I’m going to leave before you say something you will regret,” I warn him, turning to leave, “Don’t forget Pan, he’s likely to trust us if we are more united than those sad excuses for rescuers coming for him. Think on that rather than doubting me.” All of a sudden Pan seems to be questioning my loyalty to him when in reality, I have been the only one to be loyal from the very beginning. None of the lost boys have been here as long as I have. None of them have seen or endured what we have together. – “Charlie said they aren’t too far off,” I inform Pan curtly as I skim past him, sliding an extra knife into my hip band. “I’ll get the boys into position for the ambush,” he responds dryly, not even making eye contact. I try to ignore it as I gather a jacket and scarf of Henry’s. Pan stands up and as I walk back towards the trail I throw the items into his chest, winding him slightly. I hear him huff and I smirk, stalking away from him. The boys have gathered all their weapons and ammunition in a large pile in the middle of camp and I inspect the arrows and daggers. Picking up an arrow and twirling it between my thumb and forefinger, I notice these new weapons haven’t been coated in dreamshade. I hover above the group and begin to fly up and above the tree tops. My eyes scan the jungle below until they land on a small group of bushes. I slowly come down to land on the group next to the plants. I pull my long dagger out from my hip band and slash several stems adorned with thorns from the bush, quickly enchanting them so they hover beside me as I fly back to camp. After landing, I slide my dagger back into place and turn the stems in mid-air so the most thorns face downwards. “Boys, come and adjust your weapons!” I tell them, steadying the plants as the poison drips from the thorns. They all gather round and hold their weapons underneath the dripping thorns, coating the arrowheads and daggers. “They’re coming!” Charlie whispers loudly, running almost silently through camp to his ambush spot. The other scatter and I wave my hand over the branches causing them to disappear as I too run for my spot. “Henry? Henry!” I hear Emma shout forcefully as she and her hapless band of rescuers rush into our camp. Pan is in position at the top of the hill and turns around slowly, uttering some witty comment. Such a dramatic arse. Suddenly, he calls on the boys and the ambush begins. The boys whoop and call as arrows and daggers launch from all directions. I throw a small dagger in the direction of Emma but it is blocked by Charming’s sword. I growl in frustration, instead launching one at Snow White. The dutiful husband pushes her out of the path of danger but I notice he is nicked by one of the boys’ arrows as he does so. Grinning, I run to another spot to get a better angle. I grab the handle of another dagger and send it spinning towards the Evil Queen but Hook intercepts it. “Looks like you’ve lost your touch Y/N!” The irritating pirate smirks. “Better watch your step, Pirate!” I retort, gesturing my hands toward his feet and roots protrude from the ground snake around his boots. One of the boys hits him in the chest and he topples backwards. I turn my attention to another, laughing at Hook. Next thing I know, I hear a crackling sound and Pan has pushed me out of the way of a fireball. It hits a tree trunk, exploding on impact and I see Pan’s almost serious expression illuminated by the flames as he looks down at me. My anger flares and I send a charcoal grey fireball back at Regina. She stops it with her hand and a smug grin but that swiftly changes as my fireball bursts into a smoking shroud which surrounds her group. “Go to Henry!” Pan shouts to me. I nod and he whistles for the boys to stop and retreat to him. I teleport to our other camp to find Henry sitting despondently with two other boys. “Why the long face?” I ask, trailing towards the three boys sitting around the campfire. “What did you to my family?” Henry spits, narrowing his eyes at me. “We just gave them a warning. They cheated and now they know what happens when you break the rules,” I reply seriously. I dismiss the boys guarding Henry. “I’m sorry you hate it here Henry,” I say, softening my tone and sitting next to him on a log. “But there isn’t much I can do.” “I just miss my family,” he replies kindly, taking my cupped hands in his, “and I don’t like being lied to.” “I don’t lie!” I say perhaps a little too quickly. “Or at least I try not to. It’s just hard to be trustworthy when you’re someone that everyone perceives to be a villain.” “I don’t think you’re a villain,” Henry persists sincerely, smiling optimistically. I return his smile and in the back of my mind I think it is somewhat genuine. The quite moment is promptly ruined by the boys all returning in a raucous rabble. “Did you see Hook’s face?!” “Some Evil Queen! She could barely keep up!” “I think I hit the Prince!” Only a few snatches of the laughing and jeering I hear amongst the shouting. “Y/N! I want to chat,” Pan comes up beside me and grabs my arm, leading me away from the middle of camp and into a clearing. “What did you think you were doing? Vigilant at all times! Do you even care if you get hurt?!” He begins a tirade of shouting. “Do you even care?” I cross my arms, narrowing my eyes and shaking my head slightly. “Wouldn’t you just smirk, look me up and down patronisingly and move on?” “Does it even cross you mind that I might care what happens to you? Hence the saving.” Pan scowls and paces towards me slowly. “Why? Just tell me that,” my voice lowering to barely a whisper as we have the same fight for the hundredth time. “Because I need you.” Well, that’s a new one. Pan continues slowly, “Because I don’t know what I would do without you. Because without you, nothing really makes sense. Without you, I see no reason in living an immortal life.” I stare at Pan, mouth slightly open, arms now limp at my sides. Never, in the hundreds of years on this island, has he said anything like that to me. It was always a short response with nothing to go on but this is completely new territory. Before I can form a response, Pan’s hand comes up to cup my face and his penetrating eyes bore into mine as he further closes the gap between us. Please let me stay in this moment for as long as possible. “Peter,” I whisper, barely any air actually passing my lips. My hands find his elbows as we hug ourselves into each other. “Pan! Where are you?!” Damn it Felix! Both of our heads whip round and we spring apart just as Felix, the bumbling boy-wonder, comes crashing through the trees. “What is it Felix?” Peter asks monotonously with a steely gaze, folding his arms and leaning slightly onto one foot. Felix looks from Pan to me but obviously can’t put two and bloody two together and proceeds to unload a new ambush attack plan on Pan, completely ignoring me, of course. I roll my eyes and stalk back to camp. I’m not even completely sure what that was but Felix sure as hell ruined it and it’s highly unlikely it’ll happen again any time soon. I find Henry lurking in a corner on the ground, disturbing the dirt with a stick and I sit across from him, leaning onto a tree. “Question. What makes you believe so…truly?” I ask, makes quotations with my fingers when I say the word ‘truly’. “What do you mean? In magic?” He quizzes back. “Magic, fate, love, any of it,” I list off, glancing around the camp at the boys making their little celebrations after the ambush. “It’s what makes the world better. Why wouldn’t I want to believe in any of that?” “So, it was fate that your birth mother would abandon you? That made your world better?” I pressed on. Henry’s expression falters for a second and I instantly regret it but these things must be said if everything is to go to plan. Henry must be angry for being abandoned by Emma and she must remain bitter about her own abandonment. “I-it was meant to happen…for my own good,” Henry stutters out half-heartedly like a semi-truth he’s comforted himself with many times before. “Maybe, but think of all those experiences with Emma that you missed out on because she didn’t want to be a mother. That must sting a little. Just because she wasn’t ready, you had to pay the consequences. Call me naïve; I thought fate would be a little fairer than that.” “Fate is kind of like magic. There’s a price sometimes and although someone may pay that now, everything should balance out later,” Henry replies, although I think he is trying to convince himself more than me at this point. “You’re probably right Henry. Try and get some sleep later on,” I stand up and brush myself off, “If it’s too loud come and find me and I’ll charm the air around you to block out noise. At least one of us should get some sleep.” I walk away, leaving Henry to contemplate everything. I see Pan materialise from the jungle and we make eye contact for a moment and nod to each other. He takes care of Emma and I take care of Henry. The lost boys continue their celebrating well into the early hours of the next morning, their chanting and whooping filling the air. ~Taglist~
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Anything You Can Do - Part 1
Idea provided by @avengersrulez1536: Hey again I have had another idea so the reader is Hook's daughter and she's ends up on neverland with Baelfire and they have a brother/sister bond. She fights against pan and pan enjoys the challenge and he always win but she had caught him off guard when Baelfire escapes... then years later when Henry is there she takes Henry right from pan under his nose and pan takes Henry back. She meets her father and the charmings, Emma, Rumplestilskin, older baelfire (neal)and Regina and tries to help them to save Henry but Pan has other plans for her..
Note: This was quite a detailed idea and as you can see from how long this started to get I am going to have to do it in two parts. The second part will be up at the weekend :) Hope this is looking good so far!
Peter Pan x Hook’sDaughter!Reader
Words: 2,248
Warnings: Intimidating behaviour, threats, mild sexual advances (used as a distraction so nothing too detailed)
Disclaimer: None of the GIF’s used are mine so all credit goes to their creators <3
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“Bae hide!”
In a hushed demand you placed a hand onto the young boy’s chest before pushing him behind some of the foliage that surrounded this part of the island. He may not have spoken out to make his presence known yet but you had been here long enough to know exactly when Pan was about to make an appearance….he never did leave you alone for that long. If you didn’t know any better you could have sworn he had some crush on you the way he followed you around like a lost little puppy.
“You stay there until I say otherwise okay?”
Your whole time on Neverland had consisted of some cat and dog chase with ‘The King’ as he liked to call it. He got one over on you once and apparently that meant it was now a daily requirement to continue doing so.
He was getting closer, you could feel it, it was like his smugness was at such a level that it radiated around the entire island. For the love of pixie dust if you could just outwit him….just once, you would be the happiest person on this island. You had dreamt of seeing that look on his face as he realised that you had bested him.
“Well, well, what do we have here?”
He came up behind you and you didn’t even need to be looking at him to know that there was a smirk on his face. With a frustrated roll of your eyes you force a smile onto your face before turning to face him. A bitterness to your words as you spoke. 
“Pan. A delight as always to be honoured with your presence.”
“Oh I already know that, you don’t need to remind me, we both know your days wouldn’t be half as exciting if I didn’t turn up every now and then.”
“Wow! You’re feeling particularly big-headed today. Some of that pixie dust go to your brain?”
You needed his attention to stay away from the bush where Baelfire was currently hidden. Ever since he had come to this island the two of you had clicked; the relationship you had with him was like no other you had ever had. He was more like family to you than your father Killian had ever been. Unlike him the young boy you had grown so close to actually cared for you, gave you the time of day, and for making you feel so loved you would do anything to help make him happy…..even if it was having to let him go.
“Funny [y/n] and however much I just love your little snipes at me I haven’t come here to have my ego massaged.” The cocky smirk that had been on his face had now transformed into a more malicious one as he slowly stepped closer to you. “Where is he?”
An annoyed laugh left him as he backed you into a nearby tree, both of his hands resting either side of your head, you were already getting to him…….good.
“Don’t mess around with me [y/n] you know exactly who I am talking about. Baelfire has disappeared, again, and I know how close you two are. Wherever you are found he tends to be pretty close by.”
“Getting a little jealous are we Pan?” You moved your face so that it was close to his, the tips of your noses brushing against one another’s, you needed him to be distracted. It was the only way Bae would be able to get away. “You should have just said. I would have spent as much time with you as I could.”
Never before had you seen a look of sheer confusion on Pan’s face – he was normally so sure of everything because he was always in control of it and yet this reaction from you had been the last thing he would ever have expected. He raised a single eyebrow, his quizzical expression only amusing you even more, as his hands crept down to both your wrists.
“Oh really now…and just what would you have done with the extra time with me?”
This had to have been the most torturous thing you had put yourself through before. His eyes had literally turned predatory as the tip of his tongue ran itself along his bottom lip. Out of the corner of your eye you could see the small figure of Bae creeping through the vegetation as quietly as he could. His eyes must have been fixed on everything you and Pan were doing because you could feel his intense gaze burning away as he slowly made his way to the open space he needed.
A few days previously you had managed to extract a single magic bean from the harvest Pan had on the island, something he was yet to notice, and once Bae had planted it into the ground a portal would open up and he would be away from here….and away from Pan’s evil.
“I was thinking that maybe we could finally release some of that pent up frustration we have towards each other…..if you get my drift….”
You ran your leg up between his until your knee rested itself against the bulge in his trousers. It wasn’t a vicious move but a gentle one…..one that was to tease him more than anything else, make him think you are about to take this meeting somewhere else entirely. Your action caused his breath to catch inside his throat and his eyes to close. He had never been this close to you before and by his reaction you were beginning to think he rather enjoyed it.
The sound that echoed out around you was like music to your ears as you realised that Bae had achieved what he needed to. That was when you used your knee to push him away from you and as his hands fell from your wrists you couldn’t stop the smirk from appearing on your lips….a smirk that was usually well known for only being on his face.
“[y/n] 1 Pan 0.” He felt everything that happened on this island so he would know immediately that Bae had left. When his eyes turned dark an amused giggle rolled from your lips. “Looks like Peter Pan really does fail…and when he does it’s rather epic don’t you think?”
With that said you threw him a playful wink before disappearing into the dense jungle on the island.
                                           * * * * * * * * * *
It wasn’t the same on Neverland without Bae and although you missed the brother/sister bond you had with him you knew that Pan would have continued to make his life a misery had he stayed here – him now being happy in another world was the one thing that kept you from mulling over the fact that he was no longer here.
Since you had bested Pan all that time ago you’d had to avoid arrows dipped in dreamshade, wild animals invading your tent, and you’d been thrown into Mermaid Lagoon (of which you barely even got out alive) so by the time there were new visitors to the island and Pan’s attentions were elsewhere you were infuriated with him. Now it was time to really get back at him.
A new boy had recently come to the island, one that Pan seemed to be very interested in keeping safe, and you knew that this would be your perfect opportunity to get your revenge on him. He never did like to share and he certainly didn’t like things being stolen from him.
You waited until night fell and the boys were busy doing their usual dance around the campfire – they really should stop being so predictable because it made moments like this so very easy to go through with. From where you were in the trees you could see Pan sat next to this new boy, doing his usual thing of showing off his pipes (the ones you could still hear even after all this time). The boy couldn’t hear the music at all and although this made your curiosity make an appearance it amused you more than anything else….Pan wouldn’t like it at all.
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When he stormed off in one of his little tempers you wasted no time in jumping down from the branch you had been perched on, your feet lading on the softest part of the ground so as to dull the thud you made when they impacted with it.
“Psst! Boy…..fancy seeing something other than Pan’s ugly mug?”
He turned to look in your direction and after having spent all this time with nothing but boys he seemed to be more than a little delighted at the prospect of hanging around with a girl.
“Sure. You don’t think Pan will mind?”
“Who cares? There’s no rules on this island remember so you wouldn’t be breaking any.”
Holding out your hand you grabbed hold of his and pulled him away from the camp before any of the other boys noticed anything.
Pan wasn’t stupid though. He was always known for being one step ahead all the time so he knew before you had even uttered a single word to Henry that you were going to lead him away. But he would let you have your fun, for now, let you think that you have won….because it would be all that much sweeter when he showed you how wrong you were.
A few hours passed the two of you by after leaving the camp and you were more than ready to just dive in and find out every little thing about him, about the people he knew back home, but the persistent pest in your life decided to make yet another appearance. Sometimes you really did wish you could just snap his neck where he stood.
“I think I will be taking my new Lost Boy back now.” He placed his hand onto Henry’s shoulder, relishing in the anger that was radiating from you, but before he disappeared with the boy he couldn’t resist rubbing some salt into an already stinging wound. “Oh I believe I’m winning now. But……good try there Lost Girl.”
                                  ��       * * * * * * * * * *
An annoyed scream escaped your lips, loud enough to frighten off any small animals that were nestling in the nearby bushes, and your foot quickly collided with a nearby tree as you tried desperately to vent out some of your frustration.
The voice that spoke out to you as you grit your teeth at the pan radiating through your foot wasn’t one you had expected to hear again anytime soon….if ever again for that matter. After he had left Neverland the first time, given what had happened, you’d have thought that he would never want to come back again. Yet here he was, no doubt, to ruin your day.
“Well if it isn’t my estranged father…..Captain Hook. I highly doubt you have come back here for me so just why are you here exactly?”
Sheathing the sword he’d had in his hand a serious expression etched itself onto his face. There was a sadness deep inside of his eyes but you didn’t for one second think that it would be aimed towards you so you ignored it as you stayed sat where you were and made no move towards him.
“Pan has the saviour’s boy. Said something about him being the ‘truest believer’ or some nonsense like that. You know this island better than me and any of the people I came with and we could do with your help finding him before it’s too late.”
“Wow. Of all the things a father could say to the daughter he abandoned that…..that has to be the least appropriate thing. You came here to save a boy from Pan. Shame you didn’t have the same heartfelt notion when I ended up here. You were more than happy to leave me.”
The sad look that had been deep in his eyes now came into full view as a frown hit his lips and he bowed his head down low with a soft sigh.
“I promise that when this is all over we will talk about that but for now I really could use your help.”
“First of all I never trust the word of a pirate. You can blame that on the fact that I don’t have the best impression of them….” Your eyes stared right at him when you threw the dig at him as you pulled out your dagger from its sheath. “…however I have been wanting something to get one over on Pan so I will help, but only if I can be the one to swipe the boy right from underneath his nose.”
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It may end up being the second time you will have swiped the boy from Pan’s grip but this time you were determined to make sure that he got off this island and away from Pan for good…that would show the King of Neverland that you weren’t to be underestimated.
“Deal. Thank you [y/n].”
You ignored his appreciation and instead you simply signalled for him to take you to the others that he had brought to the island with him. They must have been pretty damn brave to have come to Pan’s island uninvited like this. None of them were going to get off this island in one piece…..he would make sure of it.
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