#i am biting genesis and setting him on fire
miss-midnightt · 2 months
For Genesis! The bestest red boi ❤️
3. What first drew you to this character?
9. Does this character remind you of anyone you know? Does that affect how you see them?
29. Do you affectionately bully this character?
3. Honestly...I'm not entirely sure! I think it was vibes, plus the fact that he's a rat bastard and I love rat bastards.
9. Honestly, the only person I know that he reminds me of is well, me! I tend to ramble a lot about things I'm interested in; I would get teased for it a lot when I was younger, especially by my friends.
29. I would put him in a trash compactor for sport.
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meguwumibear · 1 year
Let Not the Lord be Angry
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Summary: Nai contemplates the bible. A human interrupts his quiet contemplation.
Word Count: 1,200
Warning: minor character injury (mentions of blood), knives (obviously), egregious and probably inaccurate biblical references, nai and his homicidal ideation, i think that’s everything but let me know if i missed something!
Notes: Pre-July incident. Implied future unhealthy Nai x reader relationship. Experimented a bit stylistically with this.
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Nai’s reading the bible again. The one that woman gave him. The one he used to read on the ship.
He favors the book of Genesis. The beginning. Creation. Let there be light. And there was light. Let there be people, forged in the image of their creator, who shall have dominion over the sea, the land, the air. They may eat from every tree but one. They know they are naked. Have they eaten from the tree? Send them forth. Drive them out. Protect the plants.
Now command a great flood to wash away the humans for their crimes against both the heavens and the earth. Rain for forty days and rain for forty nights. When the humans can settle again, confound their speech so they can do nothing but babel.
Two angels sent to Sodom and Gomorrah. There are not ten righteous people in these lands. Destruction by fire. Destruction by brimstone. She who turns back turns to salt.
And, here, now, a human, standing before him. An ugly thing made uglier by their journey. Sunburned and sweating. Panting like a bitch in heat.
He summons his knives.
“That a threat?” the human spits, throat hoarse with thirst. “Think I’ve never seen a blade before?”
“I think you’ve never seen something like me before.”
“I’ve seen you before. A face like yours is hard to forget. You stole from my town, so I followed you here. I am not afraid.”
That’s amusing. A human? Unafraid? You are surely a liar. A liar, or a pissant who’s yet to fully grasp their own cosmic insignificance.
Before he kills you, he will become your teacher. Your master. Your guide. You will learn your limits. You will taste the fruits forbidden.  Come let him show you. Let him open your eyes. Learn what becomes of women who look back and bite off more than they can chew.
A pathetic little human who couldn’t even survive without leeching off his brethren, who would die without the nourishment they provide. Feeble and weak. Fragile as a flower. Wilting and withering away without the water your kind oh so desperately needs. Petals falling one by one. Stem sagging. Roots rotting. You were not meant for his new Eden. You could not survive there.
Yet you survived here on the inhospitable planet Gunsmoke. For days you lived on. Without proper food and drink. Without shelter from the sun. Flesh burning. Skin reddening. You persisted. You searched. And finally, you found.
What will you do now?
“What are you doing with the plants?” you demand. There’s a ferocious look in your eyes. Something feral and beastly. Pure anger. Pure animal. Nothing human in them at all.
“I doubt a stupid thing like you could understand.”
“You underestimate humans. That will be the death of you. My mortality makes me privy to things beyond your comprehension.”
A sound. Quick and sharp. Then pain. Quiet and stinging. On your left cheek. Just below your eye. You lift a finger to the wound and it comes away bloody. He cut you. With one of his knives. Split your flesh and bled you. When you look up into his eyes you see not a monster, but a boy, frightened and alone.
“What set you against us?”
“Corruption and cruelty. You are ravenous little beasts. Your sins exceedingly grievous. Your kind stole knowledge of good from the garden of Eden and still choose to be anything but.”
You stare at him. Unflinching. Even as ribbons of crimson unfurl across your face. “My people cultivated this land. We built something from nothing. Churches and orphanages and homes. In elementary school my class learned to make paint from the elements. We painted a mural on the wall of our school. It’s still there today. By taking our plant you’ve doomed both the righteous and the wicked alike.”
“All of that you did at the breast of my kin!”
“Has no one ever helped you? Surely you did not enter this world alone.”
He thinks of his mother. He thinks of Rem Savrem. He thinks of the snake in the garden of Eden. Mother Rem. Mother snake. Rem the mother. Rem the snake. Mother seductress. Mother temptress. Enchanting. Enticing. Beguiling serpent. Bewitching snake.
He thinks he understands Vash a bit more now.
His ticket to the future is supposed to be blank. His future is supposed to be waiting there for him. That’s what that wicked woman always promised him. Something next. Something still to come. Was Eve’s future blank or was it always written that she’d be driven out of that paradise? Was her story always meant to end that way? Cast out from the garden. Cursed with a womb. Could she ever have been something more?
Could you?
Humans die so terribly. No matter how they go. Plummeting out of the sky as their spaceship crashes to the earth. Struck down by a torrent of blades. He’s never seen one die of natural causes before. Never seen one succumb to starvation or thirst. He imagines somehow that of all the ways to die, naturally is the worst.
A sick part of him wants kill you this way. Or, rather, he wants to watch you die this way. He wants to watch your fat and muscle slough off the bone. Wants to watch as your belly bloats with air. There’d be so little to you he could count all of your ribs. They’d be so brittle he could break one off for himself.
He doubts you’re going to last much longer. 
You’re well past your expiration date.
You’ll die without him.
Your eyes widen. He’s said that last thought aloud. Those beastly eyes of yours are frustratingly unreadable. He expects fear but is met by fears distant cousin. Acceptance maybe. Or understanding. You know you’re a dead girl walking. This was a suicide mission.
There’s no pleasure in beating a dead corpse. How cruel would it be if you were to live? Crueler still if you were kept alive by his murderous hands. The thing about Nai is he’s good at being cruel. It’s familiar to him. And, yes, how cruel it would be for him to let you live. To sit you in his lap and force food down your throat. To punish you when you bite fruitlessly at his fingers. To shove his fingers deeper into your gaping mouth.
He thinks of Tesla. The first. The lab rat. He thinks of all the poking and prodding the humans subjected them to. Pumped full of poison. Pickled and preserved. All that’s left: an arm, a brain, some eyes. Not feeling. Not thinking. Not seeing. Hidden away, but not discarded. Rem’s dirty little secret. The team’s guiltiest pleasure.
What could your body handle? Just how long could it go without food? Without water? Without air? What if he gave you just enough to keep you going? What if he forced bite after agonizing bite down your throat? What if he wrapped his fingers around your neck and squeezed and squeezed and squeezed?
What if he used you all up? What if he sucked you dry?
What if you learned what it was like to be a plant?
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Scarlet Tanager
Nearly complete now, Mother.
Gaia? Do I not? Mother do you hear her suffering as well? Sometimes she calls to you, no?  The planet she hears and sings to us, her damnations ring out but she is so misguided ... Perhaps even she fears the end of her own life cycle. Her bleeding veins that bear her traitorous children mingle breed conflict here, she gives them rest, and somehow even as her last defendant merges with her shores she ignores the wound we gouge on her surface, she turns her head as it festers, and wastes her energy to drown us out. Gaia, will you not acknowledge that your plight is and has always been a futile one, you should rest now, make peaceful your lamentations and insufferable wailings and accept your glorious fate with the one who would inherit you. Your bleed is my sustenance.
My patience for you grows thin, Minerva, Gaia, your skewed images of warning do not threaten me...
Mother...listen, the voices are thickening in attempt to bury us inside her, this sickened place where we have forged preservation within the stream, our shared abhorrence rooting our stigma even as ages of voices would try to force upheaval unto our vestiges. An annoyance, but not enough to hinder our call, through the rivets my brethren are pervious, among the coagulation their voices are here to make us stronger. Attuned to my impenetrable resolve, even the resistant bend in reverence the closer we get to our freedom, but do you feel it now? Those remnants, they are close, our reunion so near completion….
When I am to return, our existence will be  stronger, and all insolent traitors that drown her woeful voice, wretches that riddle her circuitry and drill to mine her flesh for lifeblood- that is meant for us, they seek to deny us our claim yet here we are unshaken. She is afraid as any animal would within its snare, the wound bleeding out, but oh how her fear is misguided.  Louder than ever before is her thunderous lamentation, does she prepare for this body to lay waste upon her? Ah but now her voice is unheard save for you and I, mother. So the planet sinks, troughs of her soil are so much shallower, her breath is hollow… 
Threads are unwinding, the tide recedes, this moment, if he had the mouth to do it Sephiroth would be grinning, the singularity, the between of lifestream and physical manifestation is narrowing, his rebirth dawning. There, the place of rest, of purgatory among the rock, and the familiar sky alight with starry cosmos he is nearly complete once again, the ache of limbs rebuilt with godlike power are a sensation like no other. But no chance is had for savoring this celestial beginning, for he….he... is not alone. It is that of a dream, the distance, and the clarity of the voice that pierces the air. 
"You are a monster…"
There is no body to hone in on, to vessel to lay his narrowed gaze upon beside his own...but the voice is clear. Indisputable. A memory, no doubt. Was it given with purpose? Or is the planet attempting petty manipulation in its late and desperate hours? 
"Perfect Monster…."
The ethereal silver form recoils, blistering ice spearing his once centered thoughts with biting agony, this was not a part of his scheme, pain did not fit within the woven destiny, but there was nothing to dispute it’s echo. The wound...is deep, old. Fire in his bones, his emptiness quakes upon the impossibility -this frozen inferno… only, his urge to purge this presence was washed as instant as it rose…. The knowing whisper in his mind is correct, his beloved mother shushing her son’s rage... for did he not neglect one of his own? 
“Kin, do you hear me, your lifeforce is not forgotten” who, where are you, whisper to me as I forge this body to our mother's image once more, tie me to the planet's surface….tie me to the last that is my own of this living crust, oh tiresome crystal grave. The puppet has done most well, but where is it you cover yourself as blackened power merges with my remains, my eternal resolve, this body will merge anew. Where. Are. You.
Closing his eyes the Nightmare seeks through the threads of lifestream, oh how the voices cry out as he scours through them, his cataclysm’s re entrance is dark and splitting against the soft threads of light, searching the tendrils for that...one missing piece.
There are fragments: Black wings, asleep, no- drugged, but how long? Contained, recently perhaps, drowned in mako and glass. Ah but this place he knows well... Deep ground? Hmm. Scarlet hair carried wistfully through the liquid. 
Yes. Of course. The memory gains shape, all details and forms hazed beneath layers of a different time, another life, but the source of injury was made clear yet again...if he were the same vulnerable, manipulable soul, if he had not died on that seventh day, then maybe he would have let the other rot as promised...but Sephiroth was not the same, words and finalizations such as ‘monster’ could not sway his purpose, could not hold candle to his resolve. After all, what reunion would be final without HIM.
Have they clipped your wings? Or is it you who locked yourself away, my sweet song bird? Is this where you are hidden Scarlet Tanager, dearest brother? Should you lack home, then it is I who will provide, you will not go wasted.  
Some deliberation is necessary, 
Most unexpected, this waking desire to reclaim. Oh but there is power in that memory, new and old, foreign and evolved from the familiar. Something through his fingers, through his divine senses that distant presence spoke of necessity, of use and rite the same as was the power that saturated his spirit, and his tie to the planet.  Would it ring terrible memory to his beloved kin if faced with the ‘monster’ he helped create, one can find pleasure in that, would he find dread  if kept for this grand conquest? Perhaps. But made true in our most vulnerable, are we not? You more than any should know this, Genesis. Then it would be perfect.
So, the essential divergence from his path was set, and Deepground would be paid a visit.
There is a crackle within the underground laboratory, static tangible, men in lab coats scramble away from the intrusion, shouting and tearing their legs pathetically, in all directions they flee in chaotic disarray as the dull light wafts into a large mass. Black, and green tendrils rising from the floor to engulf the space as oxygen itself protests the tearing of fabric, space, time, splitting matter and element to make wide the opening for the return of Calamity’s chosen Son. 
The voices mutter, some, scream, but so faceless and belittled, they are disregarded as the plume takes form, solid unwavering he emerges. Proud, motivated, the Silver haired entity is whole, clad in leather, masamune reflecting the faces marred in horror, green slitted gaze casts over the mass of fear only once, “Genesis.” He demands, but no answer is given, looks passed every which way, he is already upon them... then the murmurs are silenced.
One by one those who litter his path are cut down, his eyes need not land on them, they are nothings, they are tread same as the concrete, they are liquid, and sinew with as much purpose as rodents… yet, room after room his prize is not found, and the red wastes of flesh and life are at his heels, glistening and reflecting the narrowed frustration in his focus. “Hmn, Where are you?”
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ehyeh-joshua · 4 years
God of Dragons
@greater-than-the-sword - rather than dragging your post further off-topic, I decided to finally get around to writing this up.
If you honestly want to grapple with the Bible, it becomes essential to consider our ancient scaled friend/enemy the dragon. The Scriptures leave no alternative but to declare that man walked with dinosaurs.
The Hebrew word that we translate as “dragon” is Tannin, and like all ancient Hebrew thought, is not a specific species, but a genera – to us, we categorise things by qualities – we use “pencil” and “pen” and “quill” to describe specific classes of objects; to the mindset of Biblical Hebrew, they are all the same; you write with them.
What Tannin refers to is any large, dangerous reptile, whether on land, at sea or in the air, and while it would include them, it doesn't actually mean our modern understanding of dragon, which having being split from it's roots in historical creatures, is now mythical. (although such creatures are mentioned)
In the Septuagint – the Greek translation of the Old Testament that was considered the Old Testament for the Greek-speaking early church – the word Tannin is translated by “Drakkon” which is the root for our word “dragon”.
The word Tannin is used 23 times in Scripture:(note-all the citations are quoted in full at the end, truncated here for brevity)
Singular form:
Nehemiah 2:13; Psalm 91:13; Isaiah 27:1 and 51:9; Jeremiah 51:34; Ezekiel 29:3,  Exodus 7:9, 7:10 and 7:12,  and Genesis 1:21.
Plural form:
Deuteronomy 32:33,  Job 7:12 and Job 30:29, Psalms 44:19, 74:13; and 148:7, Isaiah 13:22 Jeremiah 9:11, 10:22, 14:6, 49:33 and 51:37 and Ezekiel 32:2.
The second word we need to have in mind is Leviatan – this is the creature we think of when we think of dragon. This word is used five times in four verses:  Job 41:1, Psalm 74:14 and 104:26, and twice in Isaiah 27:1. Like Tannin, Leviatan is translated in the Septuagint by “drakkon”.
Leviatan has the longest description, having nearly a whole chapter devoted to describing it at the end of Job – this is the strongest evidence, as this is God Himself describing this creature as an example of His own power.
One of the reasons I like Dragons so much is that God has set them as a testimony to Himself.
Sadly, this is perhaps the most mistranslated word in modern English Bibles; most English Bibles insert jackals into these verses wherever the Scriptures undeniably mean literal creatures, doing so because of the wrong belief that dragons are mythical.
The thing is, Hebrew has a word that actually means jackal; it is the same as that for “fox”, and for good reason, as they are known to be able to interbreed, and are therefore the same baramin. That word is “sha’ul”.
Nehemiah 4:3 for example; 'Tobiah the Ammonite was beside him, and he said, “Yes, what they are building—if a fox goes up on it he will break down their stone wall!”'
He’s trying to say that despite the fact that the fox/jackal is such a small and weak animal, it could crush the walls the Jews were building; he’s insulting them. By contrast, a dragon smashing down a wall is kind of what you would expect to happen, and throughout the Prophets, the threat of dragons overwhelming a city is used to express judgement.
Compiling all these references gives us a huge amount of information about these creatures, some of it (most of it in fact) directly from God describing what we would understand as a water drake.
Firstly, that the purpose of these creatures is to give glory to God.
Secondly, it tells us that these are huge reptiles that are very dangerous; enough that the mere threat of them is enough to put a city of people to fleeing for safety – a quarter of the times Tannin is used, it is referring to this terror.
If a city got overrun with jackals, a single person could chase them out; a decent thickness stick as a club, and they scatter. A host of people working together could do it easily. They are mildly dangerous, but they have absolutely nothing on levyatan, which the Scriptures equate to Tannin. A Dragon however? An armoured, fire breathing dragon?
That is dangerous; one dragon is enough to be a risk to an entire region, they are apex predators, there is absolutely no shortage of stories of the danger dragons possess.
Now, if you had an entire city overrun by dragons? You’re not going to reclaim that. Not on the Bronze/Iron age technology possessed by Ancient Israel. Roman Ballistae might have a chance, and a Macedonian Phalanx could make a melee fight in the open stick, but I wouldn’t want to try that kind of a battle without at least trebuchet, if not cannon. And this is from a guy who knows how to solo a T-Rex; T-Rex has one primary weapon, the bite. The solution is a fuck-off amount of three feet long spikes covering your whole body, that way it can’t bite you without facing it’s own mortal peril. You could probably win with a spear, but I’d rather have the spikes.
Dragons? Fire. The accounts of dragons possessing fire-breathing capability are nearly universal, and it is far more reasonable than you might think; using the Bombardier Beetle as a baseline, to breath fire a dragon needs the reaction of hydrogen peroxide and hydroquinone, catalysed by catalase and peroxidase; the reactants are ejected from separated storage areas into the front of the open mouth, where the reaction begins in conjunction with the rush of oxygen from heavy breathing out, causing both the reaction and the expellation of the reactants. Range could be comfortably over ten metres and still sufficient to cause burns and scalding on the victim.
Coincidentally, but rather obvious when you think about it, dragon stories generally stop after the invention of cannon, and by the 1800s, almost stop completely outside of Native American tribes.
It is therefore plain that reading the text and allowing the text to explain itself leads to the conclusion that Tannin/Levyatan are a race of immense and dangerous monsters, usually serpent-like but again not always, who’s presence is like the judgement of God, and which God Himself uses to say how awesome He is that He made them and controls their fates. Note also the contrast - the Babylonians had their gods being scared of these monsters, but right from the beginning God takes ownership of them.
The Bible tells us how these creatures lived, where they lived, their diet, their habitat, to an extent their way of life; and it exists as part of material from all over the world that shows that man and dinosaur coexisted. And if humans and dinosaurs coexisted, evolutionary beliefs about ages collapse.
Nehemiah 2:13;  “I went out by night by the Valley Gate to the Dragon Spring and to the Dung Gate, and I inspected the walls of Jerusalem that were broken down and its gates that had been destroyed by fire.”- presumably, the Dragon spring was a well or spring that was named for a resident/visitor dragon.
Psalm 91:13; “You will tread on lion and viper; you will trample young lion and dragon.” - the point is to talk about the protection of God; the claim about jackals makes no sense, and using serpent instead has already been covered. Further, the Septuagint uses Drakkon here.
Isaiah 27:1; “In that day GOD will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent with His fierce, great, strong sword, Leviathan the twisted serpent! He will slay the dragon in the sea.” Again, entirely pointless unless it refers to either a real animal, or a mythologised version of a real animal. 
Isaiah 51:9; “Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of GOD, awake, as in days of old, the generations of long ago. Was it not You who cut Rahab in pieces, who pierced the dragon?” Again, a pointless exercise if not referring to an actual event.
Jeremiah 51:34; “Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon has devoured me, crushed me, set me aside like an empty dish, swallowed me up like a dragon, filled his belly with my delicacies, rinsed me away.” Jackals cannot eat even a whole arm, and certainly cannot swallow a whole man as the similie depends on; whereas plenty of large carnivorous dinosaurs could.
Ezekiel 29:3, “Speak and say, thus says the LORD GOD: ‘Behold, I am against you, Pharaoh King of Egypt, the great dragon lying in his rivers, who says: “My Nile is my own—I made it for myself.” The idea is to convey that Egypt believes itself to be extremely powerful, before it is cast down in judgement.
Exodus 7:9, 7:10 and 7:12; “So Moses and Aaron went in to Pharaoh and did as Adonai had commanded. Aaron threw down his staff before Pharaoh and before his servants, and it became a dragon. Then Pharaoh called for the wise men and the sorcerers, and they too, the magicians of Egypt, did the same with their secret arts. For each man threw down his staff, and they became dragons. But Aaron’s staff swallowed up their staffs.” Not much to say here, although the Septuagint again uses drakkon both times, instead of one of the words that means a snake.
Genesis 1:21; “And God created the great dragons and every living soul that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly after their nature, and every winged fowl after its nature; and God saw that it was good.” This is one of the few times the Septuagint uses keytos (whale) to translate Tannin, however, dragons are traditionally associated with the sea and sky, so it makes sense that they are created on day 5.
Plural form:
Deuteronomy 32:33: “Their wine is the poison of dragons, and the cruel venom of asps.” This also informs us that some dragons were poisonous, a feature noted of certain dinosaurs, and never with jackals.
Job 7:12; “Am I a sea, or a dragon, that you set a watch over me?” Again linking dragons to the sea.
Job 30:29; “I am a brother to the dragons, & a companion to the ostriches.” By this, he is continuing his theme, and he means he is alone, ostracised from the community. Jackals however, operate in packs. 
Psalms 44:19; “Though you have broken us in the place of dragons, and covered us with the shadow of death.” Doesn’t tell us much this one, as it’s relying on the nature of tanninim to convey the situation.
Psalms 74:13; “You split open the sea by your strength; You broke the heads of the dragons in the waters.” Possibly a reference to the Flood.
Psalms 148:7; “Praise the LORD from the earth, you dragons, and all deeps:” An intriguing statement, given extra-Biblical documentation of dragon intelligence, which some sources put as near-Human.
Isaiah 13:21; “But wild animals will lie down there, and their houses will be full of howling creatures; there ostriches will dwell, and there wild goats will dance.” while it doesn’t say dragon, it says howling creatures, Wycliffe was happy to write dragouns as his translation solely from the sound identified, and it has to be inquired why he did so if humans could not have encountered dragons to record the sound.
Isaiah 13:22; " And the wild beasts shall cry in their desolate houses, and dragons in their pleasant palaces: and her time is near to come, and her days shall not be prolonged.” Given the reference is about animals being used as tools for judgement, it’s no surprise that dragons are mentioned.
Jeremiah 9:11; “I will make Jerusalem a heap of ruins, a lair of dragons, and I will make the cities of Judah a desolation, without inhabitant.” Again, a judgement making the city uninhabitable.
Jeremiah 10:22;  “Behold, the noise of the bruit is come, and a great commotion out of the north country, to make the cities of Judah desolate, and a den of dragons.“ again, dragons used as a symbol of judgement.
Jeremiah 14:6; 2and the wild asses stood in the high places, they snuffed up the wind like dragons; their eyes failed because there was no grass.“ This gives us information about how dragons breathed, which is something very difficult to know unless you either witnessed it or heard from someone who had.
Jeremiah 49:33; “And Hazor shall be a dwelling for dragons, and a desolation for ever: there shall no man abide there, nor any son of man dwell in it.“ Again, using dragons as a symbol of judgement.
Jeremiah 51:37; “And Babylon shall become heaps, a dwellingplace for dragons, an astonishment, and a hissing, without an inhabitant.” Jeremiah again uses the presence of dragons as a judgement.
 Ezekiel 32:2 “ “Son of man, raise a lamentation over Pharaoh king of Egypt and say to him: “You consider yourself a lion of the nations, but you are like a dragon in the seas; you burst forth in your rivers, trouble the waters with your feet, and foul their rivers.”Not much to say here.
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dahniwitchoflight · 4 years
Homesquared Chapter 4
I cheated and some of my chapter 4 thoughts leaked into the chapter 3 post lol
Mostly about the pretty obvious Garden of Eden metaphor Dirk is for some reason setting up for himself and Rose as Adam and Eve
and I was about to say which begs the question of what the heck role Terezi is supposed to play as but then it’s very obviously as the Snake in the Garden
Terezi is very much just barely holding back some irritation towards how Dirk is treating Rose, but she’s also very intelligent and is aware of How much Dirk sees/knows and controls about their situation, so she’s probably leveraging her powers over Mind as much as possible in order to stay hidden in plain sight from Dirk’s narrative
and she does so in a way that is one of Dirk’s only blindspots - How Mind and other people have an effect in the determination of the Soul/Heart
By acting in a manner and doing things in a way that aligns with his expectations of her, he assumes and pigeonholes her into a type of character and bases his predictions of her behaviors off of that archtype, never expecting her to act outside it, and when he sees her actions and thoughts and desires all align within it, never questions that it might one day change or was different all along. Dirk’s never really been good at reading other people, can’t see without the lens of “how would I do it” blinding him to things he would never think to do, a trap that he keeps falling into with his friends and one he’s probably trying to overcome by becoming Ultimate God Person/combining all perspectives into his own and uncovering blindspots like that
But right now Mind is the darkest thing in is corner still and I think he sort of knows that as well
Terezi walks the crazy wiggled line boundary between their two Souls that defines who each of them is, as expertly as a person on a tightrope, never wavering until she reaches her destination, at which point she’ll leap off of that line and leave Dirk scrambling to try and calculate her next move/who exactly is she/what her goals are, since’s it won’t be following the clearly defined Heart boundary he’s used to drawing his plans by, so she’ll have to choose the perfect moment in order to entice Eve of the Apple of Revelation once more, heck, she might even do that so sneakily that she gets Adam to take a bite as well, since as soon as Rose bites it she’ll have an ally with her against Dirk.
For God created the Serpent originally as well, so thus why did he not imagine it’s betrayal and prevent it before it could have happened? Or else why did he create something he knew was going to betray? Eden was a paradise, so why intentionally create Evil in that paradise?
If Eve corrupted Adam and the Snake corrupted Eve, Who exactly corrupted the first Serpent? That’s something that the bible never goes into really, at least in Genesis, except to say that the Snake was punished for it’s action to forever crawl the earth eating the dust of man’s heel, punishing all snakes, as Adam and Eve’s punishment punished all humans
(Later I think the bible would try to say that the Snake was the Devil all along, but then why punish the Snake and all it’s progeny for it? If it was the Devil’s doing that undid Adam and Eve then why punish them for the Devil’s actions they would have no way of guarding against or now way of knowing it was a lie? Was it not God’s failure? The Walls of the Garden of Eden were supposed to protect his perfect creation afterall)
Gotta say though I really Rose’s design
I would call her Evil Rose, but she things she does she does in ignorance, not really out of evil, it would be like calling Eve evil for listening to the Snake when she was purposefully blinded to it’s intentions by her creation by God.
Once again we get this idea of Knowledge and Choice affecting eachother, Well I say again but really I’ve been watching RWBY a lot lately and the idea that you can’t make a real choice without real knowledge comes up a lot in it’s mythos and it is really applicable here
Terezi’s design as well is incorporating a lot more Red, she really dug those red shoes aesthetic but gave it her own twist, she’s got a red tie, her ever present red cane and glasses and even in that shot of her her horns look more red and solid as well, even though i know it’s just the lighting
So really digging the whole Terezi is the Apple/Snake in the Garden metaphor, she has also been having that tendency to just snack on random plants, intentionally for her own or Dirk’s unaware benefit or not, it’ll make it that much easier to her actions of later betrayal to be seen as “in character and therefore expected and not dangerous” instead of pre-meditated and actually dangerous, to him
And then they start waxing about their various philosophical babble, Dirk seems really determined to also use this to try and figure out that whole problem of how other’s affect the self, he’s trying at least, I think, in his own way. But not for a good reason, not so that he can have a real understanding of that, but because he wants to use it to guard his own self even further
He’s maybe not using Rose here as an equal player, but more like a wall to bounce his own ideas off of and test them, like using a neural learning AI to test ideas or an actual literal wall in a game of table tennis.
Heh, I got a chuckle out of the fact that Dirk’s answer to the Ship of Theseus problem is “why does we even have to remove and replace parts of it, why not keep the original pristine and eternal?”
because it’s funny how avoidant of the problem that answer is, man he really really is uncomfortable with the idea of changing the self in any way
“He's avoiding the question again. It's amazing how one can technically have the maximum amount of metaphysical personal awareness possible, and still not notice these sorts of things. “
SAYS LITERALLY YOU but honestly this is just more fuel to the idea that maybe he can make a genuine connection and understanding with a person if he can recognize how he and her are the same
“It's stuff like this that makes me wonder sometimes whether there's anything about myself that I'm missing. Then I throw that wonder in the garbage can and turn the incinerate setting on.”
but nah he’s still firmly denying that possibility, he’s almost actually equating his trauma of self erosion with the idea that making friends and understanding others changes the self in subtle ways as well
He can’t even stand the thought of his own close friends influencing him to be different in small subtle ways or adjusting his behavior for others because that STILL counts as a change of self that he didn’t authorize or choose. 
Also can’t help but by be reminded of my wacky little fan made Gamma session I made forever ago by them using the name Delta-Detritus and basically be like alright, what if we do SBURB again but BETTER/worse this time?? Which is essentially the thread that most Homestuck fix it fanfiction tends to go towards
Though I am curious now
We got A/Alpha for Alternia which is based of off “Alternate” introducing the trolls as an alternate race to Human Earth
B/Beta for Beforus which is based of off “Before” introducing the planet of trolls that came before the first group
And then Earth C, now, there isn’t a letter C, the third in the greek alphabet is actually Γγ Gamma, (and the fourth is  ΔδDelta)
So I wonder what “name” Earth C really has?
It feels like it should either start with C OR with GA, as Alternia starts with the AL of Alpha, Beforus starts with the BE of Beta and same with Deltritus and Delta
As as “Another for Earth” Gaia isn’t a terrible option all things considered, now you just have to make it sound like a word which describes it’s use to the narrative
It’s is a very split place, having the two timelimes Meat and Candy associated with it, as well it does feel extremely mercurial in nature, being a sort of crosswords between Homestuck and Homesquared proper, and really exists in a place between stories, an ephemeral epilogue of sorts
really a merger of Gaia and Gemini feels the most appropriate here, like Gamini, also the word mini stands out in there as well, knowing that this Planet is sort of on a lesser status compared to the other three since it’s not going to be the birthplace of a session, also has the word Game in it
But then people will wonder why it doesn’t begin with a C since it still is called Earth C so *shrug*  
Honestly C K and G sounds are all very similar in the tongue, so maybe it’s both Camini and Gamini at the same time OH FUCK CA AND GA, ONE HAS CALLIOPE ONE HAS GAMZEE? SHIT IM ONTO SOMETHING (no im not)
I like Camini now better, it comes from a place of Gamma/Gamzee/Game/Gemini but ends up being more about the twinned Ca’s that were used to, Caliborn and Calliope and fits with the establish Earth C theme
So there you go, Earth C’s actual planet name should be Camini 
which also works because: 
home stove/furnace
smelting/foundry furnace, forge
vent (underground fires)
according to the latin language this word also has multiple meanings and many Irons in the Fire, I think the fandom will appreciate the name haha
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Yeah both races are definitely going to both be playing one game of SBURB, despite what Dirk is intending, the pic does make it really clear
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There’s something to say how Dirk seems to be represented by Purple and Rose by Orange in this here and then how all of the cave is a backdrop of that same purple.
Look at even the controllers on the machine having purple and orange knobs, even being solely on Dirk’s side of the image
I guess Dirk intends himself to be the force behind Derse, since that’s the force that always “wins” and Rose fitting in her place as the ultimate loser (since of course Dirk will want to win his own game) but also to be like Skaia the force of Prospit
So Dirk intends to be a whisperer like a horrorterror, choosing to manifest his influence that way, while Rose will give visions to her race like Skaia?
makes sense honestly
but again even with the themes of duality, the theme of the trio is bright and center in that piece of ultimately technology, the third influence hidden unseen in the furthest corner behind the curtain of snakelike tubes and wires that Dirk will not expect to interfere, or even have the capability to interfere, Terezi
heck it’s even in the buttons next to the controls being colored red blue and green
there’s so much duality in homestick with destructive red and creative green but then there’s also always been that mercurial breathy blue as the third
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God, tell me that doesn’t look like a baby proto horrorterror
I can hear it raging it’s revenge against it’s cruel human creators even as I type
No wonder they become associated with destruction, they know theyre the pawns of two heartless cruel god children playing at life like it was a game
Rose you MUST KNOW how bad this is, it’s not a theoretical discussion anymore, that things exists and is alive and has feelings and you did it to that
and that thing is technically a Dirk too
Is this how Dirk get’s his revelation? Or downfall? As his Heart is unwittingly invaded by the horrified cacophanous screams of his grotesque tortured progeny crying out for his blood?
His end unintentionally ending up as the thing he feared most? Inner self destruction caused by his own sharp and bloody splinters turned and pointed inward, tearing himself apart with the pieces of his own Soul? Caused by his own Hubris?
I will say typing that all out is pretty good
I’m just sad the same will probably happen to Rose too though ): Maybe she’ll make careful more humane species? Something that has the potential to exist and be happy as it’s own creature while Dirk just creates monstrosities forever in conflict with Rose’s race?
They’ll each be the master of their own eventually destinies I suppose but Homestuck seems to have a good track record so far of the Ultimate Female Creator being out to protect the happiness of the children that exist in her creation while the Ultimate Male God just ends up destroying everything in his
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dontshootmespence · 5 years
The Perfect Storm
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Summary: Both brought up in strict, religious households, Sam Winchester and Y/N have to fight their biology to remain celibate and pious - if only to please their respective families. When the right set of circumstances fall into place however, the two find they are unable to fight it - and more importantly - they don’t want to anymore.
Pairing: Alpha!Priest!Sam x Omega!Reader
Word Count: 3,341
Warnings: Breeding, knotting, biting, public sex, sex in a church. 
A/N: For those of you 18 and over! This fulfills my “breeding kink” square for @spnkinkbingo. Way more lead-up than smut. Whoops? Just how I roll, I guess.
Sunlight streamed through the windows of the town’s church, casting the flock in light; the light of God and the light that diffused the darkness. The church’s youngest priest, Sam Winchester, knew all about hard-fought battles in the darkness. 
“Darkness is all around us,” he spoke, his voice wavering slightly with each word. He gripped the ruddy oak pulpit with an iron grasp, steadying himself before he continued. Those around him - his fellow priests, his apathetic father sitting in the pews - they would recognize Sam’s falter as an overabundance of emotion; steadfastly pious, he spoke with passion, having overcome the darkness of his own body. “Darkness comes in many forms, not the least of which is deep-seated in the biology of human life.” 
Clearing his throat, Sam glanced down at his notes before returning his gaze to the flock before him. “In the Second Book of Samuel, David, an Alpha, lingered and watched Bathsheba, an Omega claimed by Uriah. It was after this that he entertained his lustful thoughts, which led him to commit two contemptible sins of the flesh - adultery with Bathsheba and the murder of her Alpha, Uriah. However, in the Book of Genesis, a servant named Joseph was left in charge of his master - Potiphar’s - house. When Potiphar’s wife, an Omega in heat, continually invited Joseph into her bed, he declined, and when he felt he could decline no longer, when the temptation became too much, he fled his master’s home so as to not commit a sin of the flesh. Had David acted as Joseph had, he would have been among God’s chosen people. We are among his chosen,” he said, pointing toward various members of the flock. Each word filled the flock with a growing sense of pride. “Every time we are confronted with the desire to sin, whether it be a sin of the flesh or something else entirely, we flee. Flee and keep the faith that God is with us in everything we do. Our biology does not determine that we must sin, but we must be ever vigilant so as to not succumb to the temptations around us. As long as we have faith and keep watchful, we will ascend to God’s kingdom. Peace be with you all.”
“And also with you,” the flock returned. 
A sharp smack to the back of the head brought the young boy’s eyes back toward the front of the church. “You will keep your eyes on the lecturn,” his father spat softly. “Have I made myself clear?”
“Yes.” A glare straightened him up further. “Yes, Sir.”
With contempt, Sam stared forward, eyes searching the boring old church for something to focus on instead. Unfortunately, nothing was as interesting as the lecturn, clean and unblemished - pristine - how his Beta father insisted he be. Easy for him to say. Betas didn’t have those urges. He hadn’t presented yet, but he’d be damned if he wasn’t an Alpha. Sam knew it in his bones. Words flew in one ear and out the other as he tried desperately to stay alert. 
Before the priest had finished his homily, a pungent aroma slunk through the church. The scent of bitter coffee made Sam sigh in delight and as he inhaled, it ended off with a light bit of orange blossoms. Something about it stuck with him, lingered as the service went on, concluding just in time for Sam to run outside the church doors and into the fresh, cool air outside. It was overwhelming and the church had grown hotter and hotter until it was nearly unbearable. 
“What is your problem?” His father asked, smacking Sam in the back of the head when he left the service. Touching his skin, he could feel it; his worst nightmare. “Are you able to smell more deeply? Hear better? Sore throat?” Sam swallowed hard as he felt himself swell under the material of his pants. He was an alpha. “Yes.”
Heat prickled his skin like a fire when his father grabbed his arm, yanking him toward the car to get him home. 
“Ow, Dad, stop!” Sam exclaimed as he was thrown into the car. Why did that hurt? That shouldn’t have hurt. “What’s your problem?” 
Drawing stares from other members of the flock, his father glared his way. “Disappointment.”
The ride home was torture. Everything felt amplified. Skin fiery, nerves on end, the smallest sound of his clothing rubbing against the material of the car playing as loudly as a marching band. He couldn’t shake the scent he’d caught in church. “What am I supposed to do?” Sam asked. He’d heard about Alpha ruts, but no one had ever taught him about them. 
Finally at home, his father yanked him inside, taken aback when Sam growled and pushed him away. The short bit of bravado was short-lived as he felt a palm crack across his face so hard he got knocked to the floor. “No son of mine is going to be acting like a sex-crazed animal,” he spat, pulling him up from the floor and dragging him down the hallway with more force than Sam had ever experienced.
“Dad! Dad, stop!” Sam screamed. He got dragged down the hallway and into the basement toward the concrete room his father insisted he never go into. And now he knew why. This was where he was going to spend the remainder of his rut, and all the ruts to come. He yelled himself hoarse as the door closed in his face, but it was of no use. He was stuck here in agony with no Omega to bury his knot in.
Glancing out the slat in the door, Sam saw his father, steadfast and determined to break him. “Once this is over, the real training will begin. Biology be damned.”
What served as her room approximately 25 days a month, now served as her prison - a 9′ x 10′ room with all the amenities of home - bucket in the corner for bathroom purposes included. Y/N swallowed the pill with a bit of water, nearly crushing the glass against her wooden nightstand as she threw the prescription bottle across the room. 
“These pills are useless,” she whispered to herself.
Ever since she’d presented as a teenager, she was locked in this place for at least 2 days out of her five-day heat - a punishment her parents deemed worthy for being born a sexual being. At first, she’d welcomed the pills. Her parents told her they would get rid of her heats and she’d be able to be the godly woman He wanted her to be, but they didn’t work and she wasn’t - at least she didn’t fit the picture her parents painted.  
The pills didn’t help. Breathing through the unbearable pain didn’t work. Nothing stopped the fire spreading through her veins. Nothing helped except relieving the tension that caused it all. But every time she did, she lived in fear of her family. What would they do to her if they caught her touching herself? What would God say? But why would God make her this way if she wasn’t meant to do what she was about to do?
As she rubbed her thighs together in futility, she cursed the God that made her this way and placed her hand flat against her stomach, inching down slowly until she was teasing at the waistband of the plain cotton panties she was forced to wear. She’d barely ghosted her hand over her flesh, but she could already feel the relief.
“Forgive me Father,” she whispered as she dipped one finger in between her soaking folds. One finger turned into two and two to three more quickly than she wanted to admit, but each addition released the pressure building within her more and more and all she wanted was sweet relief. To find her Alpha, the one she was meant for, was what she truly wanted, but her family was going to ensure that never happened.
A minuscule moan left her lips and she bit her tongue, not wanting to give herself away. But she couldn’t help it. She fucked herself with her fingers, harder and harder until she had to turn her face into the pillow to keep from crying out. Her face turned heated with the overwhelming tornado of pressure and relief and embarrassment. The squelching sounds that emanated from between her legs felt so loud. Whether it was or her heightened senses were making it seem that way it didn’t matter. She was so close to feeling a modicum of relief and then she heard it. The slamming on the door, the rustling of the key in the lock.
“God help me.”
Glancing in the mirror that morning, Y/N slipped the last of the concealer over the bruise that had bloomed near the corner of her eye, walking downstairs to meet her parents for their usual Sunday journey to church. 
As her father slipped his hand around the back of her neck, it felt different than their typical Sunday. This journey was a punishment. This journey was meant to parade her in front of her God to bear her shame.
Silence swallowed the family home on their ride to the church, her body going numb to the world around her. Mind racing with competing thoughts. God made her this way, didn’t he? Was it not His “fault” she was the way she was?
In the instant the car door opened, she knew her life had changed - the scent of patchouli and freshly-cut grass flowing into her nostrils. Her heat hadn’t ended and the scent set her nerves on edge again. It was an alpha. She’d detected alphas before, but this wasn’t just any alpha, this one was hers. In her bones, she knew it to be true.
Walking inside, she took a seat in the pew between her mother and father, her eyes searching for who the scent could possibly belong to. When he stepped out on the altar, she could tell it was Father Sam. 
As he spoke, her mind fogged with the scent of him, clean and strong, commanding, though his demeanor said just the opposite. She could see the struggle inside him. He wanted to let his alpha out and he was being forced to keep it inside, like her. 
His lips spoke the words, but his eyes portrayed the lies, wavering as they flickered from scripture to flock. When his eyes finally fell on her, his breath hitched and everything else fell away. “Faith isn’t seen. It’s felt. Faith is having strength when we feel like we have none...Faith is hope when all seems lost.”
For weeks, he’d debated not taking his blockers, but when he saw her, the softness of jasmine and rose still lingering about her body, he knew she was the one he’d been made for. He could feel it in every fiber. This sense of completeness put humanity’s feelings on alphas and betas and omegas under a magnifying glass. There was no way that this feeling could be wrong. People were wrong. 
Sitting down, he picked up his pen yet again, fingers straining white against his grasp - anger and passion and a new sense and determination and purpose flowing through him. But as the pen glided across the paper, he was stopped in his tracks, that lingering scent causing his cock to strain against the confining fabric. It had been days since he’d seen her and yet he couldn’t shake her from his mind.
A knock on the door pulled him from his thoughts. “Yes?”
“Sam,” he snapped for the millionth time. He hated being called Samuel despite it being his birth name. He continued, bringing balance back to his voice. “What can I do for you?”
“You’re going to be teaching lessons on the weekend to a young woman from the flock. Her family believes she’s straying from the path.”
His mouth went dry, hoping. “What’s her name?” 
Conflict raged through her mind as she readied herself for her lessons. Y/N had imagined life outside her family before, but actually entertaining the idea was something else entirely. Did Sam feel the same pull to her that she did to him? Would he want to abandon the life he had? Could they do it? Were they strong enough? Every answer and no answer at all swirled through her on their way to the church. “I will be back in an hour and a half,” her father said. “Pay close attention to your lessons. You’ve been slipping and I won’t have you straying from the path.”
She replied defeatedly, not knowing what the path before her truly held, and walked inside.
The crisp scent of grass flooded back to her, hitting her like a wall as she knocked on his door. “Who is it?”
“Y/N,” she said softly. “I’m here for my lessons.”
For a moment, she feared he wouldn’t answer when he didn’t respond. Opening the door, he brought her in without a word. “I was told you’d be coming in today,” he said, his voice shaking slightly. “I haven’t had much time to prepare your lesson for today. I was told on short notice, but if you’d like to take a seat we can start.”
She swallowed hard and smoothed out her skirt as she sat down, subtly inhaling the muskier notes of his scent that she hadn’t caught onto before. Her heart hammered against her chest when he sat down beside her, flicking open the Bible to the passage he wanted to go over with her. A slickness formed between her legs and her cheeks reddened. “I can’t do this,” she said, standing up and backing up against the door. “My lessons need to come from someone else.”
His frail composure broke. “Why?”
“You’re an Alpha. I can smell it on you. I’m an Omega. I can’t be with you. My family won’t allow it...God won’t allow it.”
Sam approached her slowly, his skin slick with a thin veil of sweat. “Are you sure God won’t? Or is it just your family? My father too.”
When he stood flush against her, her back against the door, she reached out and combed her hand through his hair, tilting her head up to meet his lips. Sam roughly grabbed her upper thighs and lifted her up, pressing her between himself and the door. “We must keep quiet.”
A hint of a smile formed on her lips. She wasn’t sure if she would be able to abide, but she gently pulled his bottom lip between her teeth and slipped her tongue inside his mouth, breaking the last of their collective resolve. “You know there’s no coming back from this,” he said, burying his head into the crook of her neck. He wanted to take her more than anything he’d ever wanted in his life, but if they crossed that line there would be no going back. “If this happens...”
“I’m yours,” she breathed. 
They were both tired of fighting against themselves. 
Sam locked the door and spun around with her in his grasp, placing her down on the table before kneeling on the ground and ripping her panties from her legs. Her slickness called out to him and he tongued her slit, groaning at the headiness of her. “You’re beautiful,” he whispered, his eyes going glassy with need. 
Y/N slipped her hands into his hair and pressed his mouth to her pussy, closing her legs tighter around him. As his tongue slipped inside her, his fingers assaulted her clit, the pressure more intense and more fulfilling than anything she had been able to give herself. “Sam, please,” she choked out softly. “I need to come. I need you to make me come.”
Groaning into her sex, Sam pressed himself tighter against her, unable to get close enough, to get a good enough taste of all that she was. While he licked at every inch of her, she writhed and bucked against his face, her breath hitching with every swipe of his tongue. She reached underneath her baggy cotton shirt and bra, pinching her nipples as she came undone and shook against the desk. 
Sam growled into her when she came and stood up, her slickness still on his lips. “You need an Alpha?”
“No, I need you, Alpha.”
His eyes went dark and he reached down to grab the hem of her shirt and pull it and her bra up and over her head before pulling a nipple into his mouth, rolling his tongue around the needy bud. 
“I need you.” She’d never known a need this bone-deep before.
“You want me to fuck you full of pups?” He growled against her ear, the vibrations traveling down each inch of her skin and toward her pussy. 
Y/N’s skin prickled with fire as she reached out and pulled his cock free. “Please,” she said in a choked whisper. “Please fuck me full. I want it. I need it.”
As he placed the head of his cock at her entrance, teasing her folds and the slickness that had gathered there, he nipped at her collarbone with increasing intensity. Skin slick with sweat, she grasped his head and held him against her, begging for the sweet assault of his mouth. 
When he finally slide inside her, he had to cover her mouth to keep her from screaming. He bit his own lip so hard he drew blood, the copper taste driving him even more mad with lust. “I’m gonna make you round with my pups, Y/N,” he breathed heavily, thrusting into her with a force that scared him - a force that he’d never been allowed to unleash before and was petrified he would never be able to reign in. 
With each thrust of his cock, she cried out into his hand and clenched her fingers around the bulging muscles of his upper arms, fingernails tearing into his skin. “Come inside me,” she begged. Sam pinned her down to the table, his knot beginning to swell inside her and all she could think of was being with him a million miles away, fucking and living and existing. 
Her back arched against the table and she grasped at the corners of the table for an anchor, something to keep her grounded as her mind was spinning. “Let go,” he said, bending down to clasp her nipple between his teeth. “Don’t think. Just be.” 
As she began to shake, his knot filled her walls and he buried himself inside her to the hilt. His come spilled into her, hot and fulfilling in a way she never knew she needed until right this minute. Sitting up, she pulled his mouth to hers and begged him to never let go - a promise he made without hesitation. 
Minds foggy, they remained connected, fevered kisses turning more soft and hopeful until he removed his cock from her, watching as his seed dripped from her lips. With two fingers, she pushed his come back into her, the image of his pups in her belly making her shiver. She already felt the loss of him inside her.  Now that she’d been with him, anything else felt wrong. “How will we leave?”
“Pack bags and I’ll drive by tonight. We’ll drive and drive and drive until we can’t anymore and then it’ll just be you and me.”
“My family will come after me...”
“They’ll have to come through me,” he snarled. “My father will have to come through me. Anyone touches you and they’ll lose an arm.” 
Minutes ticked by and their plan came together. They’d need certain things to get by at first - some clothing, a bit of money - just enough until they could get settled into a new life, but they new more than anything that this is what they were meant to do. If God truly existed, he wanted them together, they were sure of it.
@heycasbutt @veroinnumera @stusbunker @emilyshurley
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My Brothers, Corrupted
Chapter 2 : Section 8 : Thievery
Anti has, at last, brought Blue to the place where he always meant to bring him. He isn’t sure, anymore, if Blue will even survive the spell he plans to cast, but it doesn’t seem to matter to him. Meanwhile, their enemies surround and find them. Final section of the chapter.
Trigger warnings for major abuse, fire, blood and cutting, dog bites, violent attack on a character while they struggle, and violent battle, including deaths and some gore.
Find Chapter One here.
Find Chapter Two here.
 Section Eight of Chapter Two: Thievery
Anonymous asked: If you don’t treat Blue’s wounds, they could get infected.
“This place is beautiful,” he whispers.
Trick looks up.
It is the first Doktor has spoken in hours, and the first time Trick has lifted his head up from hiding in his shoulder in just as long a time.
The car comes to a stop in thick, uncut grass, swaying like scratchy curtains around the tires. Trick glances at Anti, gripping and ungripping the wheel of the car, and then out the window.
The sun is falling down, slow, slow, coating the earth in a syrupy red and orange paint. White wisps of young clouds drift not far overhead, pressed on by a warm, quiet twilight wind.
Before them, a great swollen river sings its soft and gentle way through heavy, tropical frond trees, cutting through the beachy sand of the earth.
“Do you feel that?” asks Anti, in a voice softer than the murmur of the river.
“Do… do I feel what, Anti?” asks Trick.
Anti does not answer, staring out at the river. Trick glances to his side at a faint wheezing noise and finds Dapper heaving quietly for air, his eyes blown wide and his thin form a-tremble.
“Anti?” whimpers Trick. “I think something’s wrong with Dapper!”
Anti hums, unbuckling his seatbelt. “He can feel it,” he says. “He can feel it. Come on, let’s go. Red, get up.”
Red yelps as the hand connects with his ear and rouses himself immediately, tearing off his seatbelt and trying to leap out of the car, only to be yanked back by his hand still cuffed to Dapper’s. Dapper groans out a warning noise, managing to bare his teeth at Red before sinking back into silent rocking, clutching his bear to his chest like a baby. Noodle mewls.
“Can we be uncuffed, please?” Red asks. “We’re sorry we disobeyed.”
“No. It’s not punishment, Red, it’s to keep you together. You’re watching over Dap until we are gone from this place. If any harm comes to him, it’s on you. You are not to be separated from him. Do you understand?”
Red swallows, glancing back at his little brother, dead to the world behind him. “Yes, Anti, of course.”
“Good. Dok, Trick, let’s go. We’re running out of time.” Anti extracts his backpack from the car and pulls out the stolen leather tome for which Red shed blood, tucking it under his arm. “They’re close now, and I don’t know how many they’ll bring. We have to be fast.”
“Anti, maybe they’re right,” coughs Dok, reading the message. “Blue’s body is unwell. If you would just let me - ”
“No time now,” says Anti, coming around the car to help get Dapper out. “No time now. Come on, I want to hide you.”
pixie-in-trebleland asked: Dok, as much as I agree with you, I think you all are going to be safer listening to Anti for now.
Doktor glances at you and swallows as he nods, getting up - ah, fuck, he’s so sore, but it’s not like he was about to move with Trick halfway on his lap and scared out of his mind. He helps his twin jump down from the car and into the thick, itchy grass, accepting a hand to help him get out afterwards.
“Oh, it’s hot as hell,” groans Trick, fanning himself and slapping at mosquitoes.
“Don’t roll up your pants, there might be ticks,” Dok warns. “Can we get the water out of the back, Anti?”
“Hm? Oh, sure. Just a second, let me - ”
And Blue’s body crumples to the ground with a glitch that makes the front of the car start to smoke. Anti reappears beside him, wiping his halfway-corporeal hands on his halfway-corporeal pants.
“Ready to try something fun?” Anti mocks him, shoving Blue back down into the grass when he tries to rise. “Red, get your fucking idiot twin down to the beach. Now.”
Dapper is clutching his bear to his stomach, halfway curled in on himself.
“I can feel everything,” complain his hands. “I can feel birds coming towards us!”
He covers his face with his fingers, afraid of having his eyes plucked out.
Anonymous asked: Dapper, Red, are you two alright?
“We are great,” pants Red, his voice too high-pitched and shaking like a motorcycle engine, frantically enthusiastic. “Aren’t we, Dapper?”
Dapper growls when Red turns to look at him, trying to back away, but the handcuffs keep them close.
“Okay, okay,” laughs Red, clutching at his hair. “Everything’s fine!”
He hears Anti tell him to get Blue to his feet and hurries towards his twin, dragging Dapper along behind him, still growling and hiding his eyes from the birds.
“Here, Blue, it’s okay, it’s okay.” Red reaches down to grab Blue’s shoulders, pulling him heavily to his feet. “We’re fine, we’re fine. Let’s go down to the beach like Anti said, okay?”
“Ro,” croaks Blue, clutching dizzily at his shirt. “Ow, ow!”
“What’s wrong?”
Blue spits out bile and crashes into his chest, struggling to breathe. “I’m burned, I’m burned!” he croaks frantically, pulling at the black shirt Anti put on him. “I’m fucking black and red! My h-hands are ruined! What happened, what’s happening? Dok, help me, help me!”
“Sh, sh, please, please.” Red tries desperately to quiet him. “Stop, stop, sh, Anti will punish you! You don’t want that! Come here, come here, let’s go down to the beach.”
badlypostedeverything asked: Blue, just go along with what your brothers tell you to do for now, Anti seems to be in a bad mood and you don't want to be even more hurt or punished
“What did he do to me?” weeps Blue, trying to tug back against Red, who only increases his determination to pull him down to the beach. “Wh-why did nobody come to help us? What’s wrong with Dapper? Baby, look at me, look at big brother, it’s okay, sweetie, what’s so scary?”
But Dapper will not let himself be touched or approached, yanking back on the handcuffs, his teeth out and ready to bite again.
“Blue, listen to them!” cries Red, a crooked smile imprinted on his mouth, shaking his twin by the shoulders. “We’ve just gotta go along with it for now! Anti says as soon as this is done, everything will be okay again and he’ll have fixed our mistake! Tomorrow we’ll be all safe and okay again! We just have to do what we’re told!”
“No, no, Red, p-please - ”
“Blue!” screams Red, shaking him again, harder. “Are you listening to me?”
“Okay, okay,” whimpers Blue, grabbing at his arms. “Okay, please just make this stop!”
“There’s my twin,” pants Red, clutching his arms too tight. “There’s my twin. Here, come on, I’ll carry you if I have to. Here we go. We can dip our feet in the river. Doesn’t it look cool?”
Blue cries and clutches at the dogtags around his twin’s throat for comfort, rubbing the word “Rojo” beneath his fingers. “Okay, Ro, okay, okay…”
Anonymous asked: "Yeah.. I don't think so. I could tell something wasn't right while I wasn't checking in. Guess I was right. Just know, /pal/, if you fuck up one more time, /I/ will start casting some spells, and you won't know what'll hit you. (Hold on, other me. Hold on for a little while longer. You did great. You did perfect. I want to help you.)" -PF!M
“Hold on, hold on,” whispers Blue, following Red down to the beach. He tries to reach for Dapper again, but his little brother doesn’t even seem to be registering that he’s there anymore, hiding his face in his bear’s alpaca fur between signs about magic and birds. “Hold on for a little while longer. I c-can do that. I can do that. Where are we? I don’t understand. I’ve never felt magic this strong. What is this place?”
cest-mellow asked: blue antis going to try and take the rest of your magic away
Blue lets out a weak laugh. “T-take my magic? That’s not something you can do. That’s a part of my soul. That’s how I am. In the world, that’s how I… be in the world. Not something that can be taken from me. Definitely not by Anti. Anti is a magical being, not a magician. How’s he going to cast something like that? How would he learn black magic like that?”
Blue touches his mouth, staring around him. “Then again… if big spells were going to be cast, this would be the place to do it. Some horribly strong magic on this river. In this place.”
bupine asked: blue, anti stole a book from genesis, the woman dapper was torturing, and that has TONS of black magic in it. who fuckin knows what shit anti picked up from that
Blue stares at you for a long moment.
Then he turns to Red.
“Red,” he says, shaking. “Red, I think Anti’s going to kill me.”
“Anti’s not going to kill you,” sighs Red, relaxing now that they sit on the beach. “He told me he could make you stop giving off that magical signal.”
“Sure, by stripping it out of me! Red - ”
“Then let him strip it out of you, Blue! All it’s done is hurt you! Your hands tearing themselves apart, setting shit on fire and making plants explode out of the ground, drawing those people to us!”
Blue’s eyes water up. “I thought you wanted someone to help us.”
“Well, nobody fucking came, did they, Azul?”
Red turns his back on him, staring out at the river, breathing hard.
“Even if they could… there’s only ever punishment for trying to get away. I have to stay with Anti. I have to be good.”
“Red,” tries Blue again. “Ro - ”
“Red,” calls Anti, stepping down the beach towards them. “I want you to take your little brother and hide. Don’t let him get hurt. Anybody tries to take him away from you, you kill them.”
He reaches into his backpack and pulls out a thick, shining machete. He tosses it through the air and Red startles, barely catching it instead of getting cut.
“There you go, stupid boy. Take Dapper to the trees and stay out of sight, no matter what. No matter what, you stay out of sight.”
“Yes, Anti.”
Red gets to his feet, adjusting his backpack over his shoulder and reaching out to snatch Dapper’s hand, ignoring his growling and tugging away.
“Red?” calls Blue, trying to grab his sleeve. “Red?”
“Be good, Blue.”
“Red - Jackie - I’m afraid, please - ”
“Be good, Blue.” Red pauses for just a second to look back at him, panting on the shore of that river, his hair burned, his skin reddened, his eyes wide and full of tears.
“I’ll see you soon.”
And Blue, clutching at a great dark burn over his heart, can’t seem to find the strength to do anything other than watch him walk away.
pixie-in-trebleland asked: ...Dap? I think Blue is in some serious danger.
Dapper stares around him as Red tugs him deeper and deeper into the forest, trying to tuck his bear into his little drawstring bag and get out his fine knife instead.
“I can feel birds coming,” he tries to tell Red, reaching for his sleeve. “There are birds all around. There are birds coming from the North and the South. There are ravens and condors and they all smell like magic. Red? Red? I think we’re all in some serious danger. I think someone is coming. I think Blue will be hurt. I think - I think - ”
For a moment, a flash of silver in his eyes, but you can see it flicker and fade away, and Red pulls him back, back, back into the forest, until even you have lost track of where they are, murmuring reassurances to the only little brother he can protect at all now.
Anonymous asked: "Just say the word and I can be there to help. Don't let them see you react to this. Stay quiet. If you realize something bad is about to happen, call for help. I promise, I will be there. Not long now, friend. Keep holding on." -PF!M
“Oh, shut the hell up,” scowls Anti, scooping the camera off the rocky beach. “You’re not coming. You’re not doing anything. No one is.”
Blue is panting beside him, staring up at him from behind that mask, his blue eyes wide. “Anti… listen, I - ”
“You’ve already said all you’re getting the chance to say,” snaps Anti. “So you remembered yourself, huh? You woke up and remembered everything? And right away, decided to betray me?”
“No,” cries Blue. “I - remembered? No, no, I just - I was tired, Anti, I wanted Red to stop hitting us, I never meant to sell you out, I just - ”
“You’re a fucking liar!” screams Anti, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. “You remembered you used to be one of those Lapwing magicians and you called your little friends thinking they could kill me, right? Isn’t that just magnificent? Well, I got news for you, Blue - nobody’s going to be here in time to save you.”
He turns back to the car. “Trick! Dok! Come down here and help me.”
Anonymous asked: Okay, Mr. I-read-exactly-one-book-about-magic, do you even realize what you might be risking here? That maybe blue and his magic can't and shouldn't be separated?
“I was biding my time. Waiting to read everything, and thoroughly, thoroughly, to make sure that he would be safe, because I take care of my own. But then Blue just had to go and rat me out.”
Anti tugs Blue to his feet, something like anguish flashing through his face.
“Little traitor! You sold me out. Now I know you can’t be trusted with your magic. Either I strip it out of your chest, or you will use it to tear my family away from me!”
Anti hauls him forward and Blue lets out a small shriek as he is dragged into the river.
“Now it doesn’t matter what happens to you, coward deer of a boy.”
abirbable asked: Dap, you need to try and get ahold of yourself! Anti’s about to hurt Marvin really badly! Red says he’s trying to protect you, but you can’t trust him right now!
“Well, thanks,” snaps Red, trying to get Dapper to sit down with him underneath a thick copse of trees and behind a rock. “You’re all really fucking helpful tonight, aren’t you? Dap, stop, please!”
Dapper is thrashing on his handcuff, snapping at Red like a really pissed off corgi that can’t quite get off its chain.
“This is who you’re trying to rally to arms?” Red shouts at you, trying to stop Dapper from hurting himself. His wrist is already blue beneath the handcuffs. “He’s having a psychotic episode and you’re asking him to go attack his family! Blue will be fine, Anti told me he would make sure everything’s okay! Dap, please, please, oh, fuck, don’t hit your head like that, come here, bud, come here - there’s no birds coming, little man, please stop saying that - ”
Anonymous asked: what’s wrong with you, Red? Why are you now giving up? For the love of god don’t you dare leave Marvin alone to die by a thing that just told you to beat your little brother up, the whole reason you’re in this mess in the first place! Don’t you dare turn your back Jackie! Don’t do it!
Red closes his eyes tight and turns away from you, trying to hold Dapper against his chest, praying he’ll tire himself out again soon.
“I have to be good,” he breathes, pinning down Dapper’s wrists, avoiding his gnashing teeth. “I can be good, I can be good, I can be good. Everything will be fine tomorrow. Everything will be fine tomorrow.”
He rocks himself and Dapper beneath the trees, trying to ignore his little brother’s groans and frantic singing, by now incomprehensibly disorganized.
pixie-in-trebleland asked: Dok? We aren't going to be able to get through Trick for now, but Blue is in grave danger. You need to help him!
Trick pads down towards the beach with his backpack on his shoulder, a gun across his back, and a kitten in his arms, hurrying to Anti’s side. Doktor takes off his coat, far too hot in this part of the world, and takes his own backpack out of the car, frowning over at the camera still stuck on the window.
“What’s got you so worked up? I can get Blue something if he needs it, but I don’t know exactly what you want from me. I think we’re going as soon as Anti finishes some spell to help Blue control his magic so we don’t get chased down like this again. I think - ”
He pauses, blinking back towards the road they came down on. Are there other cars coming? He could swear he hears engines.
Anonymous asked: Dok, Anti might kill Blue. Please you have to stop him, anything. Red is being an idiot and Dapper is stuck with him trying to get away to help. Please Dok, Henrik, do something!
Dok stares down the beach. Trick is helping Anti restrain Blue.
Doktor’s face shifts with worry, glancing back towards the sound of other cars.
“Anti!” he calls, moving forward a little. “I think maybe we should hide or… get ready?”
Anonymous asked: When have you EVER been able to trust Anti, Red? Huh? You don’t understand that he’s been using you for his own benefit and satisfaction, that he doesn’t fucking care about you at all, he wants to humiliate you and strip you of everything you were before to get back at a average guy named Jack. You cannot take his word as law when he shoves you in a dog muzzle and forces you TO BEAT YOUR BEOTHERS. WAKE UP JACKIE.
“This isn’t something that can be escaped,” mumbles Red, his eyes strangely dead. “Trick even tried to kill himself and couldn’t get away… I have to watch Dapper. I can keep him safe. That’s all I can do.”
Anonymous asked: I think you should get down to the beach, Dok. We think the spell Anti wants to cast might be a little... rough? On Blue? So it might be a good idea that you're there sooner rather than later, just in case.
“Mh, okay.” Dok makes sure he’s got his biggest med kit in his backpack and his gun in his pocket and starts off down towards the beach, the wind making his hair sway.
immabethehero asked: Blue!!! Find the book and destroy it!!
Blue’s teeth grit in his mouth as Anti hauls him deeper into the river. The powerful, overwhelming feeling of magic crushing down on him seems to increase with every step, until his body is practically humming with it. He is exhausted from the wounds across his body and the exertion of last night - oh, could it only have been last night that a stop to all this felt so close? - but in this river, he feels some strength returning as if - as if -
“The equator,” he gasps, whirling on Anti. “We’re at the equator.”
A cold grin snakes like a centipede onto Anti’s mouth.
“That we are, my dear.”
“You were planning this all along,” chokes Blue. “From Norway, even.”
“Oh, longer than that, Blue. I always suspected it would have to be torn out of you once I caught you. You’re not like Dapper… he’s not a normal magician. But you? With your spells and your flowers? I knew you would never be able to control yourself. Besides, I’m quite looking forward to consuming your energy like a snake with an egg.”
Blue screams and yanks his arm free from Anti’s grasp, trying to grab the backpack from him, but Anti only laughs aloud and strikes the side of his head so hard he’s woozy. He is shoved down on his knees in the river, choking as water sprays against his mouth.
“Trick, help!” he screams. “Trick! Dok! Red! Dapper! I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die like this!”
“Trick,” sings Anti. “Come here and help me hold your brother down.”
Anti pulls a knife out of his pocket.
Anonymous asked: Red, if you think this is what being "good" is, then you've forgotten everything, and we KNOW you haven't
“I don’t have a choice!” he screams, trying and failing to keep his voice down, his eyes squeezed tightly shut. “I don’t have a choice, I don’t have a choice, I don’t have a choice! Leave me alone, leave me alone, stop talking! Why is everything so loud? Leave me alone, you don’t know anything, you’ve never understood anything, please!”
Anonymous asked: And what happens when he kills Marvin, Red. What happens then? Is everything going to be okay? Are you going to be able to live with yourself?
“No!” screams Red, his voice breaking down the middle, curling himself in on Dapper, who shakes in silence in his arms. “No, I don’t want him to die! I don’t want this to be real, I don’t want this to be happening! I don’t want to be alive! Stop talking! Stop talking! Stop talking!”
Anonymous asked: Dapper dapper dapper dapper can you reverse? Please tell me you can still reverse right?
Dapper barely seems to be able to hear you, let around reverse. He shakes in Red’s arms, intermittently trying to attack his brother and protect himself, rubbing at his chest and signing incoherently about monsters and birds and home and ghosts and brothers. He has lost track of the timeline entirely, and now all he knows is that he is afraid, and angry, and in pain.
nikkilbook asked: Dapper, I think you’re right. There are birds coming. They’re coming because of what Blue did on the mountain, but that was the whole point. It might get dangerous, but I think they’re coming to help. Stay with Red for now, but be ready to move. Anti’s the reason Marvin’s magic smelled wrong—he did something just before the fire. And he’s trying to steal the rest of it away, to hide it underneath his own so no one will ever smell it again. He’s trying to kill your brother a second time.
Dapper clutches at his head, groaning and letting his head fall back onto Red’s shoulder. It’s the most trust he’s shown him in hours, and Red knows it’s only because he can’t keep reality straight right now, but he won’t look this gift horse in the mouth. He squishes in on Dapper and grabs him gently by the throat, keeping him pinned between his body and against his shoulder. Dapper groans and closes his eyes, trying to stop thinking, his face twitching and his body stiff.
bupine asked: red, we understand more than you think we do. we know how you used to be, how happy you were, what you were like as a family. you loved each other without violence or punishment. you can be that again. you came to anti to save dapper, to save jj, because you knew you loved him and being with anti wasn't safe and he deserved better. none of this is your fault. there's still time to save your twin from being killed. please, red. he could die. anti's too worked up to care if he kills him.
“I’m never going back to that person I was,” Red whispers, stroking Dapper’s hair. “Carver was right. Anti has killed him. I need to stop pretending to be something I’m not. A hero… a good person… Anti’s brother… no, no… all I can do now is be his. That’s all that’s left. That name Blue called… Jackie? Jackie is dead. And has been so long he is rotting.”
Anonymous asked: Red, Jackie, you always have a choice. You just have to be willing to make it. Remember? It’s just like the rope and the muzzle, you can always take it off, it’s only there to serve it’s purpose of silencing you. But you’ve always had to choice to take it off, and you did and you can do it again. That’s all Anti is, a rope, a muzzle, a chain, that you can take off at anytime. So do it, take it off and run. Be who you want to be, be a protector, a hero. You don’t have to be Jackie or Red, be you.
Ro shakes his head numbly, back and forth, back and forth.
“No,” he mumbles, setting his head down against the rock that hides him and his little brother. “No. I’m tired. I’m tired.”
nikkilbook asked: Red, do you recognize me? Of all the things I’ve said to you, all the things I’ve asked your brothers to do, have I ever tried to hurt you? Please, can you trust me? Even for just one hour more?
Red stares at you through darkened eyes, his thin mouth bloodless and his face blue with bruising.
His eyes flicker away again.
“I should never have gone up that mountain,” he says. “I should never have disobeyed. This is where I have let it take me.”
He reaches forward to pick up the camera in his hand, and he turns you away from himself, and stops reading.
immabethehero asked: TRICK. You don't want to do this!!!! Your brother's gonna die!!!!
Trick has a fistful of Blue’s hair. He holds him in the river, just barely keeping his mouth above the water.
“Anti?” he whispers.
“What, Trick?”
“He’s not really going to die, is he?”
Anti pulls Blue’s arm free from the water, holding it up.
“Anti, I’m afraid.”
Anti slices a scoring cut deep into his own wrist, drawing immediate blood to mix with the swift clear water of the river. Trick’s eyes widen with a soft gasp through his teeth, resisting the urge to stagger back, feeling nauseous.
“Stop thinking, Trick.”
abirbable asked: I have a sinking feeling that he has a way to take your magic anyway... That creepy book Anti’s been reading probably had some dark magic he can actually use. If you know any prayers, you might wanna say them, Blue.
“Holy shit,” whispers Blue, tears coursing down his cheeks. “Holy shit. I - I - I only know poetry.”
“Save it.” Anti pulls his arm up and sets the silver blade to it. “It won’t help you.”
“Anti, Anti, master,” chokes Blue, writhing beneath Trick’s grip. “Please don’t do this, I’m sorry! I swear I wasn’t trying to sell you out, I just wanted it to stop! I still love you, I always have and I always will!”
“You threatened to kill me just hours again!” screeches Anti, pressing the blade into his skin until a thin line of blood runs out. “You want me dead! You little traitor!”
Blue’s voice rises into a crescendo of despair. “I needed you to stop! Can’t you see what you’re doing to Red is destroying him? There’s nothing worse you could do to him than making him hurt us like this!”
“I don’t care! He betrayed me too!”
“He’d die for you! Anti, we would stand with you against anything that threatened our family - cops, magicians, a whole pantheon of gods, I don’t care! I’d fight them all for you! But I can’t watch you hurt us anymore! I won’t! This isn’t what you promised me!”
Anti laughs shakily, his blade trembling against Blue’s arm. “Remember that, do you? You broke that promise when you went up that mountain. I’m done. The orders are coming to take my boys away from me. I have to do what I have to do to keep the ones I can.” His eyes are red and wet.
Anonymous asked: Dok, Trick, anyone who’s listening, you have to make sure the magicians get here. You can’t just let Blue die like this. I know how much Anti has tricked you into thinking this way of life is okay, but it isn’t. You have to leave, this may be your last chance to save him!
Dok’s eyes widen, turning back to watch the road again.
“Magicians?” he whimpers, glancing back at his brothers on the beach. “Are they really coming?”
His hands twitch and grip together, his teeth gritted in his mouth. He takes off down towards the river at a sprint now, pushing his body fast as it can go.
“Anti!” he cries. “There’s someone close!”
Anti turns to look back at him, pausing to put a hand on Trick’s shoulder.
“Trick, find a nest to set up in and guard your brother. Anyone tries to get near Blue and I - ”
“Bullet to the brain,” Trick finishes. Yes, he knows his place, knows what he has to do.
Anti leans suddenly forward to kiss his hair, drawing him close and squeezing his shoulder tight.
“Hey,” he says. “I love you, Trickshot.”
Trick draws in a shaky breath, laughing. “I love you too, Anti.”
“Go. Keep Dok safe. Watch my back, little brother. And don’t let anyone take you away from me, no matter what sort of lies they tell.”
whydoilovesomanyvillians asked: Anti I think that they know where you are already doing this would solve nothing
“This is my only chance to get rid of that horrible signal he gives off,” stammers Anti. “I don’t have the strength to do it anywhere other than here at the center of the world. I have to do this or I will never be able to hide him. I will never be able to keep him. And if I can’t keep him, I have to kill him or let him go, and if I let him go he will always be waiting to steal the others from me, and I can never rest, I can never rest, I can never have a goddamn moment of peace!”
Anti chokes and cuts deeper into Blue’s arm, drawing a cry out of him.
Anonymous asked: Remember that you're back to a life with consequences since Dapper's out of commission....
Anti grits his teeth, trying to keep his footing in the rushing water.
“No, no, no,” Blue is whimpering. “I don’t want to die like this.”
“I don’t think you will,” Anti chokes out suddenly. “I was just - I was scaring you. You - you might, but I don’t think so. I haven’t read all of it, but I - it’s just magic. It’s what you do all day. Stop whining at me, you’ll be fine.”
He shakes his head to clear it and finally finishes the deep cut in Blue’s arm, pulling him up to face him as he wails and getting the book out of his bag.
Anonymous asked: Someone. Is. COMING.
Yes, someone is.
It’s beautiful out here. Thick grasses tugs at the black rubber tires of a car, and now the sun is so low in the sky she gives up her last purple rays in a sleepy twilight sigh. That grand river sweeps through the earth like a smile, rushing water carrying good clean water wherever it can go. The trees dance and sway.
A woman steps out of a car. From the camera on the window of the stole car the boys took, you can see her, as you did once before on Christmas Eve - the huge woman with a face full of flawless make-up and a thick sheet of gorgeous, shining black hair hanging down from her back. As the darkness falls, she holds up a palm full of bright golden light.
“He’s down by the river,” she says in Spanish. “He wouldn’t have come here if not to use the spellbook he stole from Tomas’s body. We act quickly, but with caution.”
“The Colombians are late,” grumbles a woman beside her. “Only time will tell if the Argentinians send anyone at all.”
There are five Peruvian magicians in total.
And two of them, you recognize.
Genesis and Hermann stand side-by-side on one side of the car, hurrying around its front to stare down at the scene before them. Hermann is slower than Genesis, who, tightly wound in gauze, nevertheless looks far better than she did the last time you saw her.
“Don’t die for the sake of these men,” cautions a fourth magician, who towers over the rest of them, tall and with a great dark beard. He holds in his hand a small gun. “The things that have happened to them are not their fault, but they are dangerous now, and the corruption is laid in deep. If you have no choice but to kill them, you kill them. This is the way it must be.”
Genesis and Hermann exchange glances. Hermann plucks at a necklace around his throat and nods.
abirbable asked: Holy fuck, Anti you need to stop. You aren’t even SURE if this’ll kill Blue?! It’s just magic?! You’re totally unhinged trying to keep these boys with you! If you call them your brothers then you wouldn’t be doing this!!!
“It’s just a manipulation, the brotherhood,” mumbles Anti, tracing Blue’s jaw with his thumb. “I’ve told you that a hundred times. It’s not real. It never has been.
“Fuck,” whispers Anti a moment later, a shuddering breath falling from his parted lips. “Even with the mask, you look so much more like him than I have ever been able to.”
Anonymous asked: You're lying, Anti. Magic isn't what Marvin does. It's what he IS. Getting rid of it will kill him and you know it. If you're going to take this step, going to go this far, going to murder one of your brothers with no way to ever take it back, at least be honest about it.
“No,” mumbles Anti. “He’ll be fine, he… he always seemed to survive, back when I really wanted him dead. Jack didn’t make him to be weak, he was always… so… maybe that was why he loved him so much, he never seemed to shatter the way that I always do…”
bupine asked: fucking hell, anti, you know it doesn't have to be like this. listen to what blue's saying, for once? give him another chance before you do something you will definitely regret
Anti shakes his head rapidly, yanking at Blue’s jaw. All Blue can do is stare up at him.
“It won’t kill you,” he whispers. “I’ll - I’ll stop, if it seems like it will. How does that sound? And then - oh, Blue, it will all be okay. The magic will be hidden, and we’ll all be safe. We’ll take everyone and run as far as we can, and I’ll keep everyone hidden until we’re somewhere new, and we’ll stay there for a long time, as long as we want, and just live. I’ll even make it up to you, okay? You’re going to be just fine.”
“Anti,” mumbles Blue. “It will hurt. Please.”
“I’ll make it right later. I will. You’ll be fine. Come on, tell me you love me.”
Blue stares up at him, mouth slightly open. Anguish passes across Anti’s face and he snarls, squeezing at his jaw. “Tell me you love me!”
Anonymous asked: then fucking die, Anti.
Anti screams in rage, shoving Blue down into the river. “Stupid fucking boy! You can die then, for all I care! I’ve never fucking loved you or any of them, I hope you know that! You fucking disgust me! Stupid, slippery little coward! You’re the one who ran! You’re the one who lost Henrik and Chase!”
nikkilbook asked: Anti, I’m gonna need you to pick whether you care or not because I am emotionally frakkin done with what you’ve done to these boys and I will not take any more of your stunted toddler-brain bull crap.
“Stunted toddler-brain bull crap!” Anti laughs like it’s the funniest thing he’s ever heard, tearing through the pages of the book. “Toddler-brain, haha… I’m seven, I’m seven, hahaha, is that old enough?”
Anonymous asked: coward, coward, coward, anti. you're a coward for doing this.
“Shut the fuck up!” screams Anti. “Stop it! I’ll shut you all up!”
He grabs Blue’s bleeding arm in his own and lets the blood mingle, his eyes turning a deep black.
spicydanhowell asked: there are people literally hot on your trail right now and you have two boys having meltdowns handcuffed together and unable to fight and people are hurt. if you want to keep "your" boys, you should fucking run instead of torturing marvin
“I’ll be able to hide them once this is done,” Anti tells you hysterically, squeezing Blue’s arm until he cries out. “I’ll be able to hide him and then we’ll all run.”
nikkilbook asked: Have some dignity, Anti. Tonight is not a night for lies.
“What does the truth fucking matter? What has it ever mattered? Stop pretending you care about me or any of them! This is just a story to you and I am not a prop, I am taking action, and he will be exactly the way I want him to be!”
Anonymous asked: Don't worry Marvin, someone is coming.
“Someone help me!” screams Blue, thrashing in the water.
“Shut up!” Anti replies even louder, more and more incensed. “Stop it! No one will save you! I’m the one in control! I’ll show you! I’ll show you!”
Anonymous asked: "Anti hurt your brothers and made them thank him for it."
Rage like a fire lights up in Blue’s chest as he remembers the old mantra that once helped him keep himself intact.
“You hurt my brothers and made them thank you for it!” he shrieks, trying his damnedest to strike Anti, though the collar around his throat and the grip on him makes it nearly impossible. “You drove Trick to suicide and watched Doktor shudder through silent panic attacks! You made Dapper beat Red and Red beat all of us! You’ve let us starve, suffer, choke, hang! Take it, then, if you want my magic! Take it! You will never be able to keep us all as slaves, no matter what you do, no matter what you fucking try! You will never be my master! No matter how many times I fall, one day all fucking five of us will get back up together!”
Anti screams his fury and strikes Blue in the face, driving him back to dizziness, half-fainting in Anti’s grip.
Anonymous asked: Poor anti so jealous of love, so jealous of something you don't even know how to feel. So jealous of jack, so jealous of magic. Do us a favor and run away with your tail between your legs like the mangy kitten you are
Anti cackles wildly, a horrible light in his eyes.
“Let’s see Jack do this,” he breathes, and finds the right pages in his book.
immabethehero asked: Genesis! Hermann!!! Trickshot (the one with the gun and the cat) has given orders to shoot hsi brothers if you come near. So be careful!! Attack while invisible or something!
“Oh, look!” Genesis points toward the car, her face lighting up as she catches sight of you. “Look, the camera elves are here!”
“These are the cameras that communicate with them?” asks the woman with the dark, shining hair.
“Yes! Christofer, break the window for me, will you?”
The towering man shrugs and points his gun. A second later Genesis is pushing glass away from the door and scooping the camera off the windowsill.
“They say there’s a sniper in the trees,” she tells her friends. “But it’s the man who spared my life, I know it.”
“I’ll handle him,” mutters Christofer, stalking off towards the trees.
“We’ll go down to the river,” says the older woman. “But you two are injured. Genesis, you have your mission?”
“Yes, Emmanuela.”
“And what is it?”
Genesis clears her throat. “I’m too injured to be doing a great deal of transporting right now. But I can get myself home to base with whoever I have in tow. So I will grab one of the men and take him to safety, and that way at least one of them is safe.”
“Good work. Come on, Juana. I fear we are too late already.”
abirbable asked: BLUE GET UP AND RUN!
“I’m chained!” chokes Blue, laughing. “You know that!”
Anti grips his collar tighter.
Anonymous asked: Red please Blue is screaming for help you have to stop Anti. Dok, Trick, Dapper, anyone fucking stop him WE CAN ONLY DO SO MUCH
Doktor looks up at the little camera set beside him and Trick in their hiding place. “Hell! Trick, he’s really getting hurt!”
“Just stay low, Dok.”
“I don’t want Blue to die, Trick.”
“Just stay low, Dok! There are people right up there who want to take us away and kill us just because Anti is our brother! Anti won’t hurt Blue, I’m sure. He’s just scared of his punishment. This is what’s coming to him for going up the mountain like that.”
pixie-in-trebleland asked: Trick, the lady from the shed is here to save you guys! Genesis Is here to save you. DO NOT SHOOT!
“Anti told me not to listen to anyone trying to take me away,” Trick tells you, aiming his gun steadfastly up the hill, listening for any sign of any on-comer. “I’ll shoot anyone who tries to get close to us or Blue and Anti.”
Anonymous asked: Dok, Trick, Anti will MOST DEFINITELY HURT HIM if he thinks it means getting to keep the rest of you. You can’t just stand by and watch!!
Doktor gets to his feet.
“Deutsch!” cries Trick, terrified. “Get down! You’re going to get hurt!”
Dok is crying. Trick doesn’t know why.
“I don’t want Blue to get hurt,” he repeats stiffly, pushing his glasses up on his nose. “I don’t want Blue to get hurt.”
Trick breathes hard, staring between his gun and his twin. Beneath his stomach, Noodle mewls.
Anonymous asked: You’re a Phoenix, Marvin. Stay strong, love, don’t give that monster any type of satisfaction.
Blue breathes in deep, staring up at Anti, his eyes fixed. As his little brother turns between him and the book, Blue sees something in his eyes he has been blind to for a long time.
“You’re afraid of me,” he says. “You’re afraid of me, Anti.”
Anti stops short, his fingers on the words of the spell.
“I think you always have been.”
nikkilbook asked: That’s what Anti says to do, Trick. What does Chase say to do?
“You know that’s the word that makes the camera screech!” snaps Trick, grabbing at his ears. “I can’t hear it! Just stop!”
“I’m going to the beach,” says Dok, stepping out of the nest.
Trick jolts, his eyes huge.
Anonymous asked: Are you actually willing to let him die, Trick?
Trick squeezes his eyes shut. A moment later, he gives you the tiniest shake of his head.
“I just… have to trust Anti…”
Anonymous asked: Blue, isnt there any spell you can cast? You just need to stall, help is on the way
Anti grips Blue’s jaw squeezed shut before he can answer, keeping him contained. He’s still weak from last night, where he expended all his energy.
abirbable asked: And if he does die, what do you think will happen with all the others? Will any of them be okay with one of their brothers being dead?! Will you put them under and convince them they didn’t have a brother? That Red didn’t have a twin?
“He won’t die,” says Anti. “He has to live.”
“You’ve gotten too used to playing god with my little brother’s power,” Blue manages. “You’re reckless.”
Anti laughs, the first time you’ve heard him laugh today that sounds genuine. “Oh, wow… you always used to tell me that. Said it would be my downfall. Even when we were just small…”
immabethehero asked: Keep thinking Trick, if you let Anti do this, your brother will be worse than death. Bupine said: Anti HAS hurt blue, trick. He’s cut his wrist and he’s going to die if you guys don’t do something.
Trick shudders and gets to his feet, startling his brother.
“Dok,” he croaks. “Where you go, I’ll go. I - ”
“No,” Dok surprises him, turning around to grab his shoulders. “No, no, your punishment will be much greater than mine if you leave your post. Besides, we don’t want these people to catch us and hurt us. Trick, stay here.”
“Deutsch! I’m not leaving you, no way.”
Dok’s hands are on his shoulder. Their twin eyes meet. Ah, when was the last time Trick saw a light like that in his brother’s eyes?
“Please, Trick, let me do this.”
The trees sway above them in a tangle of darkening greenery as night falls quiet around them. Trick steps forward, closing his eyes, and wraps his arms around his brother.
“Just don’t do anything stupid,” he tries to tease, tugging at Doktor’s hair.
“You and I both know I am incapable of any such thing,” replies Doktor shortly, making his twin laugh.
Trick draws away, smiling. “Got all your doctor stuff?”
Dok has everything in his bag, from clothes and coffee to his med kit. “Got it.”
“Hey, Dok?”
Trick has eyes like the ocean where the light meets the water.
“I just really love you,” he says, very softly. “More than anything.”
A smile dawns like a morning on Doktor’s mouth and he chuckles, leaning in to press their foreheads together. His glasses bump against Trick’s nose.
“More than Anti?” he whispers, so soft you barely pick up on it.
“More than Anti,” Trick whispers back.
Doktor gives the warmest hum of gratitude, drawing away. He steps down from the nest.
“I love you too, Trick. More than anything.”
And then he is gone, darting down towards the beach.
Trick watches him go, holding Noodle to his chest.
Then he turns back to his gun.
whydoilovesomanyvillians asked: Blue scream people are here to help
“It’s too late for all that,” says Anti. “It’s too late. You said what you wanted to say, all of you did. It’s time, Blue. It’s time, Marvin.”
Anonymous asked: Genesis and Hermann, I doubt you can hear this but you SERIOUSLY need to hurry up.
“Guys!” Genesis calls to the older women. “I think the demon is already acting!”
“Is he that one or that one?” frowns the smaller of the two, pointing down at the river. “They all look the same.”
“Oh.” Genesis stares down at the scene, where Blue and Anti are silhouettes in the water. “I… can’t tell. I don’t even know if one of those is the demon. Sometimes the red one and the one in the vest do horrible things for him, so they could be holding the other one in the river.”
Anonymous asked: Only one? Okay okay....Red and Dapper are hiding in the forest. Jameson is the most lucid but he’s scared. They’re the farthest away from the others so they might be your best shot at teleporting. I’d take some else with you though.
“Someone else? Okay, I will try. I’m not sure I can carry two at once anyway. Is there one alone I could go get? We can’t get down to the river until the sniper is gone from the trees!”
Anonymous asked: DIE THEN, ANTI. If you want peace so badly, DIE.
And this, at last, is Anti’s final breaking point.
For a second, he lifts his head up to the moon, like he’s looking for someone who isn’t there.
Then he laughs aloud, forcing himself to concentrate.
“This will make me powerful!” he reminds himself. “This will help me hide! This will keep me safe with at least four of my pets, right?”
He cards a hand through Blue’s hair, tearing his head back.
“This is what I have to do. This is what I want to do! I’ve always fucking hated you, Marvin, do you know that?”
“Please,” chokes Blue. “I’m not… I’m not…”
“You’re close enough,” snaps Anti. “And you will be until I have stolen this last, disgusting remnant from you. This last shred of power that Jack gave you to torment me.”
The book is in an ancient tongue.
Anti cannot speak it. He can barely read it. It’s taken him days. He hasn’t read the entire page.
But he read most of it. And at the top, in its quiet, poetic script, it tells him “the spell is best performed in one’s native tongue.”
Anti turns to Blue.
In Gaelic, he speaks: “What I need, I lack. What you have, I will take.”
Their arms are intertwined. Copper leaks down Anti and Blue’s arms, drifting down into the cool water of the Rio Puturnayo.
“That which is magic, make blood of, and share it.”
For this spell, there is no fire. For this spell, there are no plants.
Anti’s eyes widen for just a second.
He clutches at his chest.
Blue slumps down in the water, only for Anti to drag him back to shore.
Rough panting falls from the demon’s mouth. You hear Anti gag, once. His mouth fills up with blood and overflows. One eye is black. One eyes is blue.
“Ah, ah,” he croaks. “It burns.”
He collapses on the shore of the river.
Blood is spilling from Anti’s mouth rapidly. Barely conscious, his eyes remain slightly open, his form flickering in low shuddering buzzes of glitching, his right eye glowing a horrible neon blue.
“Uh, uh,” you hear him choke, convulsing. “Uh, uh.”
His face is taut with pain.
Doktor falls down at his knees beside both his brothers, pulling Blue to his lap and putting his hand on Anti’s shoulder.
“What did you do?” cries Dok, grabbing at Blue’s throat for a pulse. “Why - what have you - why would you do this when we trusted you to - Blue, Blue, wake up, hey! Are you with me? Oh, fuck, why are you so fucking cold? I - oh!”
Doktor lets out a breath like a wheeze, nearly collapsing alongside his brothers.
“His heart is still beating.”
abirbable asked: ...Blue? Are you alive?
Doktor clutches at Blue’s face, clinging to that pulse beneath his chin, wiping fluid streams of sticky blood from his brother’s bleeding eyes. Blue has gone pale as papal smoke, unmoving on the bank of the river.
“He’s alive, he’s alive,” pants Dok. “But I don’t know what happened to him exactly. Blue, can you hear me? I need to get him somewhere safe before we’re caught and taken away and killed! I need to get them both - Anti! Please lie still!”
But Anti has shifted from convulsions into a heady determination of twitching, struggling on shaking arms to push himself up on the beach. He wheezes like a dying thing, fountains of blood pouring from his eyes, and Dok, watching it run down the sand towards the river, cannot help but give a tiny, squeaking laugh, like he’s been caught up in a video game with so much gore it’s supposed to be a joke.
“I… feel like a fucking hurricane,” chokes Anti, spitting onto the earth and breathing hard, dragging himself to his knees. “I have never in all my life felt power like this.”
He sways and Dok reaches forward to catch him, only to fall back in terror as Anti’s form shifts, shifts, shifts.
The great black dog bares fangs dripping red.
“Nothing will take you from me now,” snarls a voice from every side, and the magicians coming down the hill towards the river pause as one. Emmanuela glares down at the water, her black hair swaying behind her.
“Now that,” she says. “Is a great darkness indeed.”
Anonymous asked: Probably not for long, Dok. You need to give Blue to the magicians. Anti stole all his magic and it’s likely he won’t be well for very long. The magicians can help him, maybe even heal him. They won’t hurt him.
“Give Blue to the magicians?” Doktor curls his trembling body around his older brother, hugging Blue’s body - gone cold, cold as old bone - to his chest. “No, no, no, I want to go back home and look after him. Oxygen, maybe - even a stimulant, look how still he is, I - oh, God protect us. What’s wrong with you, my dear brother?”
nikkilbook asked: ...if you can only take one, take Trick. It will break their hearts, but Trick needs to be away from Anti. He is a good man, a father. If you can only take one, take Chase Brody. Anonymous asked: Genesis, if you want someone alone, then Trick is hiding in a nest, but he has a gun. Doktor, who I don’t think you know, is also alone and heading to the river. Just thought you should know
“There’s two of them separated from each other,” Genesis calls. She is following after Christofer, who bounds ahead of her and Hermann, who is still limping from a stab wound from a certain time traveler. “I’ll try to grab one of them.”
“Maybe I can pin the gunman down and you can take him back,” Christofer agrees. “Maybe, don’t get your hopes up. Anyone you can’t take, we will have to restrain and get in the car if we can.”
“You’ll have to be careful with that,” grumbles Hermann, his bottom lip pouting. “Half of them are magic and the other half will put a blade in you for trying to help.”
“You’re just sore you lost, pequeño,” grins Christofer. “Enough, now. I need to find the sniper. Hide yourselves.”
Genesis and Hermann sigh in sync and exchange glances, reaching out to hold each other’s hands. A moment later, they have disappeared entirely, but you are still peeking out of Genesis’s bag.
Anonymous asked: dok, LOOK at anti. he's basically stolen your brother's fucking soul, dude, get blue AWAY from him
“He’s just trying to hide him,” cries Dok, curled over Blue’s body. “He’s just trying to hide all of us!”
He lets out a small, frightened cry as barking erupts in the trees farther up the hill - Anti catching up to Emmanuela and Juana.
“He will make them pay for trying to hurt and steal all of us,” croaks Dok, hiding his tears in his brother’s shirt. “My big brother will kill the lot of them and then we can all be safe again. Then we can all go home together, and I will take care of my whole family. Anti will tear the magicians apart.”
badlypostedeverything asked: So, whats the plan Anti? Where are you going
The black dog courses like a river in the darkness up the hill, his snout full of blood and the scent of hot fresh magic. He can tell where the magicians are.
“I see you,” sings a giggling voice from all sides, and Emmanuela pulls a heavy old axe, homemade and ancient, from her side. Her figure towers huge and powerful in the darkness.
“Come on, then,” she calls. She lifts up a free hand and light fills it again, golden and glowing. “Come on. How much of the light can a shadow like you take?”
Anti lunges forward.
immabethehero asked: Christopher? Trick, the guy who spared Genesis, has the exact orders of "shooting anyone who tries to take him or his brothers away". Choose your words carefully!
“Oh,” you hear Genesis laugh, creeping through the trees with her friend. “I think you’ve misunderstood. Christofer does not talk. There are no words to choose. He will simply attack. Let’s hope that guard boy does not give him reason to believe he cannot be saved.”
nikkilbook asked: Genesis! The demon has Blue—Marvin, the Lapwing magician—down at the river. Trickshot, the sniper, is somewhere in the trees with orders to shoot if someone tries to take his brothers away. Red, the one you fought at Christmas, is handcuffed to Dapper, who is having a psychotic episode and can’t tell what’s going on around him. Be careful, but please—help them! Anonymous asked: thank god someone is here. Be careful! Trick is hiding in the trees with a sniper guarding Anti and Blue. If he sees you, you’re dead
You hear Trick’s grim laugh from the camera on the nest, settled next to the scope of his gun. His body is low to the ground, on his belly like a snake, waiting, waiting, watching. Nothing will pass by him to touch Blue and Doktor.
“Selling me out, are you?” he whispers, his hands gripping coldly at his gun.
He lies with you in the darkness. Something howls far away. He knows it is Anti. He thinks he sees fire and his eyes widen.
A cracking in the forest trees alerts him and he turns, silent and steady, his blue eyes aglow with cold moonlight.
Okay, Trick, think. Red said there was one who could disappear and cast ice like Blue casts fire, and another who could transport, and another with hands full of light…
But he doesn’t know who’s coming to get him.
And he is afraid of what will happen to his family if he lets them by. Whatever comes, he knows they could handle it if it were all six of them together, with Anti at the wheel, and Dok by his side, Red protecting them, Dapper watching over them, and Blue caring for them all no matter what happened. Sometimes his life is like hell on earth, but that’s why they have to stick together. He couldn’t get through this alone.
He won’t be taken from Anti’s side. From Dok’s, from Blue’s, from Red and Dapper’s. He won’t!
The smallest movement in the trees.
Trick pulls the trigger and takes the impact of the kickback and the bang, loud enough to make his ears ring.
Christofer lets out a cry and charges forward, tackling Trick to the floor of his nest. At his side, Noodle lets out a yowl, trying to avoid being crushed, and Trick screams his fury, scrabbling to get his hands free. “Get off me!” he screams. “Get off!”
He drives his elbow up towards Christofer’s face, making him gasp and fall back, clutching at his bleeding nose.
Anonymous asked: Guys, please, we're begging you, they don't want to kill you, they're here because they want to help you! we trust them, don't you trust us? when have we ever tried to hurt you?
“No, no, no!” shrieks Trick. “Anti told me you were bad! Anti told me not to listen! Anti told me you would kill us! Anti told me you would kill him! I will never let that fucking happen!”
He grabs his sniper and swings hard, bashing the grip into Christofer’s face. Roaring like a bear, Christofer snatches at Trick’s collar, but Trick’s shirts are worn from Red grabbing him in the exact same place, and he tears himself free with a growling ripping sound, whirling around to bring that huge gun to bear. Ice explodes in front of him and slicks the ground underneath his feet, freezing his gun in place and sending him slipping hard to the earth, crying out as he hits the ground. He can hear Noodle howling and he chokes, scrambling desperately to get back to his feet.
But he isn’t as fast as Christofer. Trick screams like he’s being killed as he is wrapped up in the all-encompassing arms of the enormous man, feeling himself pinned against his chest.
Anonymous asked: Dok, you will never be safe with Anti. I’m so sorry, but please, take Blue and yourself to the magicians. Blue’s injuries are magic related and there’s no way you’d be able to fully heal him alone with a limited amount of resources. They can help, that’s who Blue called for to save all of you. You will never stop running away if you stay with Anti, there will never be an end to the torture and the nightmares. Marvin will die if you do not make a decision quickly.
The gunshot ricochets through the trees and sets the birds to flight.
They are not the only ones.
Terrified by the noise, you barely have time to realize what he’s doing before he has tugged Blue low to the river and hidden his body in the tallest of the grass on the bank. For a second, he looks like he might lie down with him - but then, through the forest, he hears Trick begin to scream.
Dok is sprinting back through the forest the way he came, a cry on his mouth.
bupine asked: trick, please listen to us. wouldn't you want to see your kids again? please remember, chase brody, remember who you are, remember that you're not anti's!! Anonymous asked: ANTI DROVE YOU TO SUICIDE TRICK STOP TELLING YOURSELF EVERYTHING WILL GO BACK TO THE WAY IT WAS BECAUSE IT WONT! AFTER TODAY NOTHING WILL BE THE SAME! YOU KNOW THIS! Anonymous asked: who has ever hurt you more, Chase? Us or Anti?
“No, no, no!” screams Trick, writhing like a rabid dog in Christofer’s grip. “No, no! He loves me, he has to, or what has this all been for? Why am I even alive if he doesn’t? He has to! He has to! He can’t have been lying all this time! Let me go! Let me go! I want to go back to my master!”
He can hear his captor calling out above him, exasperated. “Genesis, get this poor brainwashed son of a bitch back to - ”
A gun clicks.
Christofer stiffens and Trickshot stills, opening his eyes.
Doktor stands in the copse before them, pointing his little handgun right at Christofer’s head.
“Let him go,” he pants.
He has killed men before. But they were always pinned down, and Anti was helping him press the scalpel deeper into the brain.
“Let him go,” he says. “Right now, or I’ll kill you.”
Christofer stares at him, mouth calm, eyes stormy. He is a big, big man, but he is not invulnerable, and he warned the others not to die for souls already lost.
Anonymous asked: dok, please. put it down.
Dok glances over at you, his mouth slightly open. His hand trembles on the gun.
“Deutsch?” chokes Trick, staring at him. “Henrik? I - I want to go home.”
And then a girl with short, dark hair and amber eyes appears behind Doktor with no warning at all, and the second she wraps her arms around him -
He is gone.
Hermann picks up the dropped camera and sprints off down towards the river as fast as he can.
Anonymous asked: emmanuela, mi amiga, swing FAST and swing HARD
“Now there’s a voice I like!” cries Emmanuela, and she meets Anti’s back with the head of her axe. He yelps and snarls, biting forward to snap at her legs, but a burst of white light is enough to burn at him and he darts away again, circling her and Juana rapidly.
“Stupid sorcerer,” growls Anti, his eyes shifting colors rapidly. “I took up residence right under your nose and you still would never have found me if his magic hadn’t overflowed. And now it belongs to me.”
Juana lets out a cry as fire erupts in a circle around them, driving them into the center, where grass rises around their feet as if to grab them. Anti staggers, flickering between dog and man, laughing wildly as blood comes running out of his eyes and makes him shake, nearly overwhelmed.
“It must sting!” calls Emmanuela. “To be something as horrible as you, and filled with that much pure good magic! It will kill you, demon! I promise you that, if you keep it, it will kill you.”
“I,” snarls Anti, stalking forward again. “Am not a fucking demon! Our powers are brothers and what comes from Jack cannot destroy me!”
He leaps at Juana and there is, before she can do anything, a huge bite in her arm, making her scream. She points a small handgun at him, only for his body to disappear in a flash of glitching colors. Emmanuela lashes out once, twice, at the pattern of glitches that precede his appearance, but she manages to land only a glancing blow on him as he glitches around her, appearing and disappearing, sometimes two or three of him surrounding her at once, teeth bared, eyes wild, fangs red -
She lashes out a kick at his snout and drives forward with her light, an explosion of gold. Somewhere, the demon creature is screaming. This magic is antithesis. He appears again coated in burns, his fur singed and his tongue hanging desperately out of his mouth, but still he is leaping forward again, still he attacks, until -
He hears Trickshot start to scream.
Anti turns and races back towards his brothers.
In his wake, fire.
Anonymous asked: OH MY GOD I don’t know whether to cry or scream. Bupine asked: DOK DON’T KILL HIM. PLEASE. PLEASE FUCKING LISTEN TO US YOU WILL REGRET IT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE IF YOU DO. THIS IS YOUR ONLY CHANCE TO BE FREE AND HAPPY, THIS IS ALL YOU HAVE!! HENRIK, PLEASE JUST LISTEN!! Two anons and immabethehero sent similar messages and were added
Trick stares at the space where his twin was.
“D… Dok?” he whispers.
He can feel his body going numb.
“Hey, it’s okay, little man,” mumbles Christofer, setting him down and readjusting his grip on him. Trick has stopped struggling, staring blankly at that empty place in the trees. “We can take you right to him if you just - ”
“Dok?” Trick whimpers, his eyes filling up with tears. “Dok? Deutsch? B-bro?”
“Sh, pequeño, sh, it’s okay,” sighs Christofer. “It’s okay, we’ll get you back to him. You just come with us.”
But Trick isn’t listening.
For a second, he is nothing but hot, rapid tears and a limp body in Christofer’s arms.
And then you see the fury fill him up.
“Anti!” he screams, so loud his throat could tear. “Anti! They stole my twin from me!”
“Idiot man,” hisses Christofer, struggling to hold him.
immabethehero asked: Wait where did Red and Dapper go? Did you already kidnap them? Red chose to ignore several other miscellaneous messages, but they were still added here.
Red hears the screaming too.
Alarmed, he finally calls a stop on giving you the silent treatment and snatches the camera up at your insistent beeping, his eyes wide. “What’s - what’s happening, I - kidnap us, who’s coming to…”
A gleam of light catches his eye, and Dapper stirs wearily beside him, rubbing at his reddened face. For a second, the light is gone again, and they are in darkness in the heavy foliage of the forest.
And then Red sees firelight flickering towards him.
You hear deep, heavy breaths as he tries to stay calm, his body tense and ready.
cest-mellow asked: dapper? red? where are you guys? the magicians are here to help you, they won’t hurt you!
“Help us?” gasps Red. “Have you forgotten I fucking killed one of them? I - I - they tied me down! They beat me, they - no, no, no, I don’t want to be stolen again, I don’t want to be taken away! They tied me up, I won’t go, I won’t!”
“There’s the ravens,” Dapper signs distantly, his hands floaty and distracted. “The condors are coming too. Oh, Red, and the fire… it’s growing, we’re in the trees…”
His hands reach out for it off in the distance. Red yanks him to his feet and crowds him behind him, staring off at the light. “How do I get back to Anti now?” he whimpers, protecting Dapper’s body with his own.
whydoilovesomanyvillians asked: Red docs gone, Marvin's if I had to guess dead and anti it also sounds like hes gonna die
Red’s blood runs cold.
He stares at you, frozen.
“No, no,” he whimpers, staggering forward. “Then I have to go back! I have to go… Blue? Dead?”
Dapper gives a little whine, tugging against the handcuffs, trying to pull him away from the fire, growing rapid in the trees.
abirbable asked: Please save Marvin, but be gentle! He’s barely alive! Three other anons sent similar messages and were added.
Hermann races down towards the river until his feet are soaked in the water.
He has to find the hiding place, here along the shore. For a moment, you can only watch him splash helplessly through the reeds and the tall grass, searching, searching, alone in the water, until at last -
“Oh,” whispers Hermann, sinking to his knees beside him. “Oh, poor thing.”
Blue’s still body lies silent in the grass, his face gone from white to grey, his lips faintly blue. Hermann reaches out to touch his face.
“Cold,” he mumbles. “Oh, brother, can’t help you there, I’m afraid…”
He finds a thin, thready heartbeat trembling in Blue’s throat.
“I will find a healing spell. But I don’t know what good it will do… to have his heart ripped out of his chest like this… Madre de Dios, ayúdanos…”
Anonymous asked: Hermann? Have you found Marvin yet? Will you help him?
“How could I not help?” Hermann shakes a little from the exertion of running, but he does not waver in his goal, his hand falling away from the old wound on his side. “What a terrible thing to happen to somebody. I must warn you, though… I am not much of a healer.”
“You think the Chileans would mind if I borrowed some Neruda?”
Hermann sits down at Blue’s side, his hand hovering over his quiet chest.
“For once on the face of the earth,” he whispers, and his power is not like Blue’s, for only a faint white light arises in his eyes - beautiful nonetheless, cool as November ice. “Let’s not speak any language. Let’s stop for one second, and not move our arms so much.”
Blue is unmoving. He seems not even to breathe.
“Fisherman in the cold sea would not harm whales,” murmurs Hermann like a prayer. “And the man gathering salt would look at his hurt hands.”
You see, now, something that is like Blue’s magic about him - the same brand of fatigue. Hermann sways, tired already, tired from everything, but still holding out his hands over Blue’s heart. He remembers Red calling for him the day Hermann and his friends nearly took him.
“Perhaps a huge silence might interrupt this sadness.”
Blue gives a soft breath, his chest shuddering.
“This sadness of never understanding ourselves.”
Hermann rubs gently at his shoulder. His face has paled, paled, paled in the cold night light.
“Now I’ll count up to twelve,” he whispers, his eyes sliding shut. “And you keep quiet… and I will go.”
Blue’s mouth turns from blue to pink. Another whole breath enters his lips.
Hermann slides to the ground, panting.
cest-mellow asked: marvin? can you hear us? are you okay?
His eyes slide ever so slightly open on the bank of the shore. Hermann gives a little gasp, putting a hand on his chest.
“You startled me, amigo. ¿Cómo estás?”
Blue breathes slow and thin, staring up at the sky. His eyes are bizarrely colorless, as though cataracts had formed over him, and he shivers despite the heat.
“Red?” he whispers.
“No,” murmurs Hermann, squeezing his hand. “I’m here to help.”
Blue stares up at him.
“Anti?” he asks.
“No, no.” Hermann is frowning now, sitting hunched over him. “Can you see me at all?”
Blue blinks slowly, his eyes sliding shut again.
“You’re a blur,” he mumbles. “I’m so cold… Where’s Red?”
“Why don’t you just rest?” suggests Hermann, patting his hand. “You just take it easy.”
“… Safe?”
“Safe. Safe. Sh, now. It is all going to be just fine.”
Hermann tries not to look at the growing fire behind him. He will wade into the river if he has to, but he’s not sure he can get back up the hill safely, and his body is hurting him badly, threatening to make him faint.
bupine asked: red, blue's not dead! he's ok! one of the magicians saved him, he'll be ok if you don't hurt any of the magicians, please!
Red backs away slightly, clutching Dapper’s hand. There is smoke around the two of them now.
“Don’t fight the magicians?” he coughs, as Dapper wriggles out of his over-hot vest. “What do I… I… I don’t know what to do. Just tell me where to go to get to Anti again!”
bupine asked: anti's off fighting one of the magicians. he's in the form of a dog now as far as I'm aware
“Why doesn’t he come get me?” sobs Red, clutching at his heart. “He told me to protect Dap but I don’t know what to do!”
He staggers back towards the fire one more time, knowing full well Anti is somewhere on the other side of that blaze with Blue and Trick and Dok - or whoever is left alive.
Dapper whistles shrilly, his panic rising. He yanks against the handcuffs, but his big brother isn’t even paying attention to him.
“The trees are on fire!” he tries to tell him. “Red, above us!”
He breaks down into coughing, unable to back away. Red can’t seem to tear his eyes off the fire.
cest-mellow asked: the magicians are trying to help you, anti is the one who created the fires. stick with them and they’ll get you to safety, all of you. Anonymous asked: they saved his life, Red, we saw it happen! Anti almost killed him but the magicians saved his life!
Red bites down on his tongue, terrified. Dapper’s coughing finally catches his attention and he turns, wide-eyed, to see his little brother sinking to the forest floor, clutching at his chest as smoke fills them both up.
bupine asked: red, DON'T DO ANYTHING RASH. you can't protect dapper if you're dead.
“R-rash? Like run? M-maybe Anti is just testing my loyalty again? Maybe we’re supposed to burn? But then he’ll scoop us out before we die… like that one Bible story… in the furnace, God knows you love him…”
pixie-in-trebleland asked: Dap, Red, you need to get outta there! FAST. Three anons sent similar messages and were added.
“Oh, fuck,” whispers Red, his eyes full of light. “Oh, fuck.”
“Red,” Dapper is signing, over and over again. “Red!”
Red turns to him and pulls him back to his feet, grabbing his hand again.
“We’ll regroup with Anti later,” he shouts, a last-ditch attempt to convince himself he’s not disobeying. “He told me to protect you. Come on, we need to get the hell out of here!”
“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you, dickhead!”
“Hey! When did your hands get so fucking filthy!”
They are tearing through the forest together, their hands clasped, trying to breathe as the smoke only grows thicker.
“To the river, we should go to the river,” chokes Dapper.
“I can’t go through the river, I have Anti’s camera!”
“Red, we’re going to fucking burn!”
“We’ll lose our connection to him!”
“Red! Red, please!”
And Dapper, the youngest - oh, how long has he played baby, played carver, played Anti’s, all the while trying to keep his own head fixed on straight, halfway into a psychotic episode and terrified out of his mind -
Dapper wraps his arms around Red’s chest and begins to sob. Sometimes survival is just manipulation.
“I don’t want to die, I’m scared, I’m scared!” he signs, desperate. “Don’t let me get hurt, big brother, I don’t want the birds to catch me, I don’t want the fire to come!”
And what is Red going to do - refuse his baby brother while he’s crying?
nikkilbook asked: Dap, why don’t you want the birds to catch you? The ravens at least seem to be friends.
“I plucked so many feathers out,” cries Dapper, gripping at his knife in his vest. “I know she’ll hurt me!”
“Don’t worry about that now,” calls Red, pulling him down towards the river. “I’m not going to let anyone take you from me. I swear, Dapper. Come on!”
Anonymous asked: Jameson, Genesis said this to us personally - she said if you got free, she would forgive you. We promise you she did, you have nothing to fear!
“I swear to God these fucking cameras work for them,” snaps Red, pulling him away before he can answer you.
hollenka99 asked: If it's any consolation, Dok might be safe from the fires. It's not much but at least that's one brother you don't have to worry as much about, right?
Red laughs wildly, and even he doesn’t know if the tears in his eyes are from the smoke or the fear or from the everything, the everything, the disaster that this fucking week has been. He might have a meltdown right here on the forest floor.
“At least Dok is safe,” he chokes. “With Anti, yeah? At least Dok is safe.”
nikkilbook asked: I don’t know where Anti is. But get to the river—that’s where Blue is, and it might offer some protection from the smoke and the fire. Many more people and anons added similar messages telling Red to get out of the forest.
“We’re going, we’re going,” gasps Red, and he and Dapper have reached the shore of the river, but they are more than a mile now from Anti and the others, and the river moves down, down, down farther away. Red trembles, but Dapper’s hand in his own gives him his purpose and his strength, and he squeezes his fingers and heads down towards the water, coughing.
“You just hold on to me,” he calls, pulling Dapper to his back. “It’s not going to be easy to swim with handcuffs on. You got to trust me.”
Dapper shivers, trying to focus. He seems to remember a great anger towards Red - or… Jackie? Or Roser? Or… where are they? Why is Jackie red-haired? What’s happening, he thought -
“Dapper!” Red cries, clutching his face. “Come on, come on! Listen to big brother! I got you, I got you. Do you trust me?”
“Oh - okay, Jackie.”
“I’m not - okay. Don’t be scared. Hold on to me. Let’s go.”
He’s wading into the water. Deeper and deeper.
You’re about to be swallowed up by the water.
“I’m about to lose you,” he says.
He tells himself he’s talking to Anti. He’s not.
“Please just… please just… I hope this isn’t the last time you see me.”
A nervous laugh from his mouth. A little brother clinging to his shoulders. The water lapping at his arms.
“I… I’m sorry if I… I know I haven’t always been…”
He stops short, just for a second, pulling you off his shoulder and turning to smile at you. His eyes are red, but his mouth, for once, has found its calm. He holds Dapper tight in his other hand.
“Thanks for everything,” he croaks. “Goodbye.”
He turns the camera off and shoves it in his bag, and plunges into the safety of the river, drifting farther and farther away from Anti, from Blue, from everyone, and your signal cuts out.
the-weirdest-fan asked: Genesis, I dont know if anyone mentioned it, but Trick has a kitten with him. Please take the kitten as well. I don't want it to die.
“Okay, scoop your kitten up,” sighs Christofer, still grappling with a hysterical, screaming Trickshot. “Here you go, come on, gringo, it wants you.”
Noodle mewls as he is passed into Trick’s trembling hands. Trick sobs wildly and clutches his kitten to his chest, hyper-ventilating against his fur.
“Yeah, there you go,” soothes Christofer, clapping Trick’s shoulder hard enough to make him hiccup. He doesn’t have a particularly soothing voice - he sounds like Morgan Freeman gargling rocks - but he’s trying.
hollenka99 asked: Please be careful with Trick. Obviously, do what you must to get him back to the car and make him stay there long enough for you to leave. But be careful because he's not going to accept your help (which I probably don't have to tell you). Also, look out. There's company heading your way.
“Okay, we’re being careful, real careful.” Christofer pats Trick again and turns him around, ignoring a scared little squeak as he starts to march Trick up the hill. “We’ll take you back to the other man and get the monster out of your head if we can, okay, little man?”
“No, no,” cries Trick, clutching at his kitten. “No, no, don’t want to.”
“Here, give me that camera, boy, you don’t need to be talking to him now.”
Trick sobs as you are taken away from him, mumbling about Doktor and Anti and dying. Christofer stares skeptically down at you.
“Company? Are the Colombians here? I hope Emmanuela and Juana are handling the demon alright. I think maybe I should turn you off, if you’re talking to the demon.”
Anonymous asked: Chase hang in there, they're going to take you to dok. genesis is gonna return the kindness you did by letting her go.
“We’re going to Dok?” whimpers Trick.
“That’s right, man.”
“What about A-A-Anti?”
“Don’t worry about him now. Come on, you poor fucking sap.”
Anonymous asked: oh fuck, oh fuck everything is bad genesis y'all need to snatch whoever you can and RUN, anti's basically just swallowed a goddamn nuclear bomb
Christofer stops short, staring at you. “A nuclear…”
He turns his head, surveying the scene around him. To his relief, help does in fact seem to be coming - he sees another couple cars up on the hill, and people coming out of them, directing each other. He’s fairly sure it’s the Colombians, of the Order of the Condor, or maybe the Argentinians, of the Hornero.
But not everything is good news.
“Oh, mierda,” he breathes. “The forest is burning.”
immabethehero asked: Genesis? Hermann needs help and Red and Dapper are trapped in the fire. immabethehero asked: Nevermind, Red and Dapper are in the water. Possibly Drowning. Genesis, you and the others good?
Hermann is sitting on the beach of the river with Blue asleep in his arms. He rocks his body gently back and forth, humming to himself as the fire gets closer.
“Genesis is gone,” he says softly. “Back to safety. She’s still hurt from the other day, so Emmanuela will not let her come and go.”
Anonymous asked: hermann, hermano, thank you. go now, as fast as you can!
“I’m sorry,” mumbles Hermann. “I don’t know that I have the strength to rise - I certainly cannot carry him through the fire…”
hollenka99 asked: Hermann, anything you can do to help will be greatly appreciated. So long as you're doing your best, that's enough for now. Good luck with the healing spell.
“Thank you,” whispers Hermann. “I’ve done all I can now. I’m sorry. I’ll carry him into the river if I have to, but that is the only safety I can offer now.”
Blue is breathing well enough for you to see it, now, but he is terribly pale, his eyes faintly open, but clouded and dull. His mouth trembles slightly open. He lets Hermann rock him, mumbling to himself. He feels like he is floating above his own body and he cannot remember his name or where he is in the world.
Anonymous asked: Christofer bro idk if you lift, but if you can get Chase secure you need to go get Hermann and our friend Marvin. I hope you can carry two dudes at once
“I can carry these little gringos. Where is Hermann? I must go get someone to help me with the fire, I will not take this little man down there. I will hurry to get him tied down in the car.”
Anonymous asked: Get out at fast as you can, while you still can. Anti will do anything to hold onto what he has, and if he notices you getting away with one of his possessions he will attack.
“What sort of a monster is this?” scowls Christofer. “It is unnatural for a demon to be so interested in keeping humans like this, and to have such power. There is some corruption in it. It has to be killed.”
Trick screeches and kicks at Christofer’s back, thrown over his shoulders like a huge teddy bear. “That’s my brother!” he shrieks. “He’s not a fucking demon! You don’t understand! He’ll kill you, fucker!”
Anonymous asked: Christopher, please, please, stay alert! Anti might come running since he hears Trick screaming, he's currently a big black dog pumped with magic and he would fuck your shit up, please be careful!
Christofer startles, staring around him.
He thought he heard something snap in the trees.
A low growl curls through the air around him.
“Okay,” mumbles Christofer, pulling Trick down from his shoulder and holding him in front of his chest. “Alright, demonio, where are you?”
Anti is on his left, a dog.
On his right, a deer.
Before him, a man.
All of them flickering and then gone in an instant.
He burns with power. His eyes are black with two bright blue glowing irises in the middle.
“Give me back my boy,” hisses a voice which glitches and spasms and growls. “Give me back my pet.”
“Others are coming,” warns Christofer slowly. His arm is wrapped around Trick’s neck, tight, tight. “You can’t beat everyone.”
“Are you sure?” echoes Anti’s voice. “Are you so sure?”
Anonymous asked: Christofer, Anti is coming and he’s coming FAST. Just hold on to Trick and run, you can’t fight him
“Ay! You there?” someone is calling through the trees in Spanish, footsteps approaching. “Emmanuela called us to come help!”
Christofer turns slowly in a circle in his little copse of trees. He just needs to buy time. He just needs to buy time to get away and bring this shuddering, hypnotized, abused little creature back to safety. Back to the twin with the glasses.
Don’t die for these men, he remembers himself saying. Not everyone can be saved.
He pulls a knife out of his pant pocket. Trick gives a short, hysterical giggle, feeling ready to faint.
“Is - is that a knife in your pocket?” he asks. “Or are you just - ”
“What are you talking about?”
“Old joke,” snorts Trick. “It’s - ”
Anti lunges forward and Trick screams as he is grabbed by the ankle and dragged away. Christofer bellows and swings his knife at Anti, catching him on the back, and Anti howls and drops Trick, whirling around to meet Christofer, lunging onto his chest.
“Hey!” someone shouts. Trick watches in horror as teeth burrow deep into Christofer’s chest and throat, leaving him wailing aloud, only for more magicians to appear from the trees, one of them pulling a bow and arrow back and aiming at Anti, who disappears into a blur of glitches. Suddenly Trick is being aimed at instead.
“Stay away from him!” Taking the form of a man again, Anti shoves into the woman, drawing a line across her stomach with a knife. She kicks up at him with a burst of electricity and he shrieks, his body dissolving.
“Anti!” cries Trick.
“Go to Blue on the river! Now, Trick, now! I’ll catch up with you but don’t stop running!”
“Anti, there’s a dozen more coming down from the hill!”
“Go, Trick! Now!”
And Anti falls upon a growing group of magicians like a wild thing, fire exploding on the earth around him, with great plants growing, growing, growing out of the earth, spreading the fire further. Glitching is his best tool now - he can move from place to place before he can be struck, fleeing from the strongest blows. A great fury is burning in his chest, so bright it is painful - he swears he can feel that Doktor is gone, like one of his ribs was removed. He has not been so far from any of his boys since he captured Blue, and not knowing where he is - whether he is even alive -
“I’ll make you fucking pay for this!” he screams, even as a gun is pointed at his head. “You stole my boy from me!”
Anonymous asked: Anti, you’ve already lost.
“No, no,” groans Anti, glitching farther and farther away from the fight, pushed back towards the great river, fire lighting up the air around him. He can hear more and more humans yelling at him, surrounding him, attacking him - a bullet cracks in the air around him and he gasps, crumpling to the ground for just a moment as steel whizzes past his ear, drawing more blood. He is dizzy and overwhelmed, power still flowing with his blood out of his mouth and ears and eyes. He looks like a monster and he knows it. He laughs aloud.
“Wrangle the goddamn thing!”
“It doesn’t act like a normal demon!”
“It’s stolen someone’s power and entangled itself with technology and electric signals.”
“Unnatural in every sense.”
“Are we sure this is even a demon?”
He screams and tears forward again, burying his teeth in another throat. A club is brought down hard on his head and he wails, glitching away, his form beginning to collapse.
Anonymous asked: jesus can someone just axe this damn dog already
“Hey, cool, a camera!” says a young man in Spanish, picking you up.
“Damascus!” someone berates, and Damascus shrieks and drops it as a dog tears past his head, nearly ripping his ear off. He scrambles away and another magician lashes out at Anti, only to have him get a grip on their ankle and snap.
abirbable asked: Christopher, I think you need to run... You don’t have the strength to face the demon, so the river might be your only chance!
“Maria, get Christofer to safety!”
“I’ve got him!”
You can see his body being dragged away, out of the burning forest, by a small girl much stronger than she looks. Another magician is trying to call down water to stop the fire, but it continues to burn.
“We have to put this out!”
“We have to stop the demon first!”
“And find the men it captured!”
“There’s no time for that! The whole forest could be gone and the fire could be spreading to the fields and the villages!”
immabethehero asked: Christofer? Hermann needs help . He’s still on the beach and Blue is with them.
“They say one of the Peruvians is down there!”
“We can’t get to him through this fire.”
“Or past the fucking - ah! Get the fucking thing off!”
Anti is breaking down.
Anonymous asked: Aw, poor Anti. Your control is slipping through your fingers like sand.
Anti chokes up blood onto the earth and laughs as the fire begins to grow to unmanageable heights, the magicians darting to get away from both him and the flames, unable to fight in a burning forest. He will track them down one-by-one, then, and pick up Dapper and Red, and go find his Doktor, and then everything will be fine.
“Back, back, back,” he groans, swaying. “Give him back to me.”
Anonymous asked: anti you can't sustain this
He laughs. “I will do… what I have to do! I - I can still catch these goddamn sorcerers. I can still - ”
A terrible light blinds him and he shrieks, falling to his side as a dog much smaller than his usual form.
There, amidst the fire and the smoke, her long, black, shining hair glowing, stands Emmanuela, glowing like a star - pure bright magic, burning Anti deeper and deeper.
He is staggering away before he can stop himself, gasping and tearing at his face. “No, no, no!”
“Emmanuela!” someone screams. “Don’t go into that fire!”
“We have to go find the other men!” Emmanuela screams.
“The fire is spreading! We have to put it out! If we find them, then we find them, but we have to put this fire out! We need your frost kid, where is he?”
“Injured! You can ask nothing of him, send others in his stead, maybe if we can reach the edges of the fire on time we can stop it from spreading! Don’t hurt the men if you find them!”
“Damascus, Ella, Maria, take the others and split up, get to putting the fire out!”
Anti tries to register what they’re saying, but his brain is full of pain and buzzing, aching, stinging magic, and he thinks he is a deer, trying not to collapse to its knees in the middle of a forest he set on fire.
Anonymous asked: this can't be it, this can't be how magic works, it can't be so cruel, marvin, if you're awake, jesus christ I don't even know what
“Cruel?” mumbles Blue.
He stares up at the sky, but cannot see the stars.
“No, no… it’s just… me. My flowers… my warmth… healing and spells whispered in Spanish poetry, protection and safety and the smell of the forest after it rains…”
He tilts his head up slightly. All he can make out is a small figure moving towards him and a great, burning light in the distance.
“What has he done with my magic?” he chokes, tears rolling down his cheeks. Hermann tries to shush him, wiping them away. “What has he done with my soul?”
Anonymous asked: Blue, you’re going to need to stay very still. Don’t waste your energy, you’re still extremely weak. He’s here to help, we promise.
“They’re right, just rest,” murmurs Hermann, petting his shoulder. “Try not to think about it. I… I’ll do everything I can for you. Just take it easy, my friend.”
abirbable asked: Hang on, Hermann! Help is on the way!
Hermann turns hopeful eyes towards the forest.
But there is only one person coming.
Trick runs towards them with his face tear-stained and a kitten on his chest. Hermann grits his teeth together, trying to think. He doesn’t have the strength for a fight right now. The fire only comes closer.
“Hey,” he mumbles - to you, to Blue, to everything. “I’m sorry.”
Anonymous asked: Hermann, can you swim? Or at least float, and keep Marvin up as well? You might have to go down the river
“Come, come,” he murmurs, scooping Blue up in his arms. “We should get in the water before the fire comes.”
Trick is shouting behind him, crying out for him to stop.
“Give me my brother!” he calls. “Stop, stop, don’t hurt him!”
Hermann pulls Blue gently to the water and carries him in until he is awash to the stomach, carrying Blue in his arms. He turns them away from the fire, buries his face in Blue’s shoulder, and hums an old song of praise, because he doesn’t know what else to sing.
Anonymous asked: trick, help blue and hermann get back to the sorcerers. they can bring you to dok, anti can't.
Trick stumbles towards Blue and Hermann, shaking like an animal in a wire trap.
“I just want this to be over,” he moans, holding Noodle a little too tight. “I w-want this to stop.”
Anonymous asked: Trick, don’t hurt them.
“He won’t hurt Blue? Please, my big brother…”
whydoilovesomanyvillians asked: Can trick look at this camera because if so that man isnt trying to hurt him trick he saved marvins life
“Saved him?” chokes Trick, stumbling forward. “Saved him?”
“He’s okay, he’s okay,” whispers Hermann, sunk low in that river, praying Trick does not carry another gun. “We’re okay, we’re okay.”
Anonymous asked: Blue, there will be time to mourn your magic later. You're you with or without it, no matter how much it hurts. Just rest. People will come to help.
Blue hums softly and blinks up at the darkness around him, finding a familiar shape blurred before him. He sighs and reaches out for Trick, exhausted.
“You okay, love?” he murmurs, trying to find him in the dull light of his clouded vision. “Why are you crying? Come here, tell me…”
immabethehero asked: Hey magicians? One of you might need to save Dapper and Red. Dapper has a knife and a mustache, Red had red hair and an existential crisis
You can no longer find a magician on any of your cameras - some of them have been cracked and warped by the heat, others are abandoned on the ground. You will have to trust in what they said - if they find them, they will help them, but first they must put out a fire now raging for more than a mile down the banks of the Rio Puturnayo.
pixie-in-trebleland asked: Anti, you're only hurting yourself at this point. Stop.
“No,” groans Anti, and now he is just a frayed and exhausted Jack, stumbling through the fire, a knife still clutched in his hands. “If I run, how will I find Doktor? I failed him… I want him, I want him back, my - my pet, my Henrik…”
He stumbles to his knees. Pain is slicing him in half, bitter and sweet magic clashing together horribly in his chest, and he can taste and smell and see nothing but copper and fire. The heat has begun to lick at him and he watches in numb astonishment as he begins to burn the way that men burn, the ends of his fingers blackening against the earth of the forest. Self-preservation drives him back to his feet, gasping for pain.
“If I run, I… how will I ever get them back? If I run… where is Doktor? Where is Doktor? Where did I let them take him, why wasn’t I watching, why didn’t he scream? I… I… If I run…”
nikkilbook asked: Trick, look at them. Anti left Blue to die on the beach after ripping out his soul. Hermann’s helping him float in the water to keep him away from the fire. abirbable and five anons sent similar messages and were added.
Tears well up and overflow in Trick’s eyes.
He is stepping down into the water, wading towards Blue and Hermann.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Hermann reassures softly, reaching out for him, holding Blue to his chest. “Look, we’re okay. Come hold your brother, he wants to see you.”
And then Trick is buried in Blue’s chest, holding his brother around those fragile ribs, clutching him close.
“Blue, Blue, Blue,” he croaks, kissing his face. “No, no, no, don’t go, stay with me.”
“Not going anywhere,” promises Blue softly, pulling him down so he can press a kiss into his hair. “Not going anywhere, amata.”
“Just rest, okay? Just rest, it’s alright, I’ll carry you. It’s okay. I love you, I’m sorry.”
“I love you, I love you. It’s okay, little brother. It’s okay.”
Anonymous asked: hey anti? it's okay.
Anti breathes in.
Breathes out.
Smoke and magic.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” he whispers, stepping towards the river. “Hey, Anti, it’s okay.”
He is trotting slowly down towards the beach, numb to the shouting and screaming behind him, numb to the fire.
“I’ll get him back, won’t I?” he breathes. “I’ll find him again. It’s okay, it’s okay… just one battle lost, I… I have to protect what I have left.”
They’re there before him in the river - Trick and Blue and - did Dapper or Red come back? Who…
Anti stops short on the beach of the river, staring down at the water.
Hermann stares back, Blue held between himself and Trick.
Anonymous asked: hermann, marvin, i dont know if it will help much but i wanted to send you something by dylan thomas: do not go gentle into that good night, old age should burn and rave at close of day, rage, rage against the dying of the light. grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight, blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay, rage, rage against the dying of the light. i wish you luck
“Do not go gentle into that good night,” whispers Hermann, drawing Trick and Blue to his chest. “Old age should burn and rave at close of day…”
He never takes his gaze from Anti’s black and blue eyes.
“Rage, rage, against the dying of the light.”
Anti steps into the water and wades towards them. His blood runs into the water.
“Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight…”
Anti pulls out a knife, his body glitching and spasming unnaturally, horribly, painfully.
“Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay.”
Anti stands before him, Trick and Blue between them, a fire burning behind them.
“Rage, rage,” whispers Hermann. “Against the dying of the light.”
Anti is holding out his arms.
Hermann breathes.
“No,” he whispers. “You will have to take them from me.”
Anti’s eyes narrow.
But he does not strike out.
Gently, he reaches out, and takes from Hermann Blue’s body, pulling him to his own chest, wrapping his tired arms around him. Trick pulls away too, his face pale and reddened at the eyes, his gaze dead and sorry and all full of longing as he meets Hermann’s eyes for one moment longer.
Hermann will never forget that gaze.
Anti turns and carries Blue down the shallows of the river, across to the safety of the other side. Trick follows blindly, holding Noodle tight to his shoulder, tears running down his face, though he never once looks back at Hermann.
Hermann stands in the river for a long, long time.
Until the fire is gone out, and those who remain alive behind him have reconvened, and worried hands are drawing his exhausted body from the water, passing him to Emmanuela, who pulls him to her chest and kisses his face til he stops saying “I’m sorry, Mama, I’m sorry,” over and over and over again.
abirbable asked: Trick... you just lost your last chance at being okay and happy. If you go with Anti, only pain and sorrow await you and your brothers... Why have you shunned those who might help you?
“Time to be quiet,” says Anti softly, placing the camera in his backpack. “We have no need of you now.”
Anonymous asked: Yeah, speaking of Anti, how's that fire treating him?
“Anti?” comes a tired whisper from behind him.
His voice is flat and dead when he speaks.
“Yes, love.”
“You’re all covered in burns… you and Blue both…”
Trick never receives a reply. Noodle is crying in his arms and he holds his cat close to his chest, stroking his perfect golden ears.
“Yes, love.”
“Where are we going?”
“I’m going to take you and Blue far away to heal.”
They trudge on through the darkness. They give off no signal. With Blue’s magic buried under Anti’s, they are finally hidden.
“Are the others really gone?”
Night birds call from the trees. Insects chirrup and leap around Trick’s legs, following him curiously through the underbrush of the Amazon.
“Yes, Trick.”
“Even… even Red and Dapper?”
“I don’t know where they are. I can’t feel them close. The magicians must have taken them as well.”
His stomach aches and pulls at him and his legs are sore and eaten up, even though he listened to Dok, and didn’t roll his pants legs up. There is blood somewhere on him, but he can’t seem to focus on where - just knows that he is sticky, and hot, and tired.
But at least he’s not a prisoner.
“Anti?” he whispers, the quietest one yet.
“We’ll get them back,” Anti answers, before he even needs to speak the words out loud. “We’ll get them back.”
He turns around for the first time all night, Blue dangling from his arms. Trick stares up at him in the darkness, his eyes wet.
“Don’t cry,” whispers Anti, leaning in to kiss his hair. “I’m going to make this right again. I’m going to see Blue well again and find the oldest and the youngest. I’m going to get your twin back for you.”
“You promise?” whispers Trick, clinging to his shirt, just for a moment.
“Yes,” whispers Anti. “Yes. I promise.”
He’s made assurances like these before.
Assurances of happiness, and brotherhood, and an end to the pain.
On a beach in Norway, he made promises to the man now lain across his arms.
He regrets, now, that he did not keep them.
But you will never hear him say that out loud.
 End Chapter Two: That Which is Stolen
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scribeofmorpheus · 5 years
As Fate Would Have It (Part 17)
Paring: WinterSoldier!Bucky x Spy!Reader
Catch Up here | Masterlist | Words: 2k |
Warnings: Themes of PTSD, brainwashing, terribly written action scene and some angst maybe?
Song: November by Mark Richter
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Versailles, France
You paced about the room, trying to make sense of everything. Trying to understand how Bucky was alive. Somehow looking no different than he did in your dreams -your nightmares. Would he still be real if you dared touch him? Would he still be tangible? Whole? Flesh?
And what of the metal arm?
What of the imposing foreign object that shone like a piece of starlight, reflecting the amber licks of flame from the fireplace at you like a malicious taunt from the universe? Was that some twisted claim of re-genesis. It's joint held in place around scarred skin. A mark on his body, a permanent symbol of his rebirth. The receipt for what he’d lost. His pinkslip.
He was unconscious, arms cuffed to a radiator in your small little safe house, the fireplace keeping the biting cold at bay, though you suspected you kept shivering for a different reason altogether.
The teapot whistled over the stove, steam permeating the room in a haze filled with the scent of peppermint. After Germany, after the experiments, you had been prone to suffer panic attacks more frequently. Periods of time that would be swallowed whole, leaving you with gaps in your memory and uncontrollable shaking fits. Sal had been the first person to wrap you in a blanket and sit with you through the worse episodes. The smell of peppermint tea would always line the walls and fill your nostrils. It became a constant now. A coping mechanism.
You sat on the edge of the bed, refusing to pry your eyes away from the unconscious Bucky, even for a moment, a second. You were afraid that if you blinked, then so would he, except he would blink out of existence. A part of you ached to touch him, to caress his cheek and feel his hair twine around your fingers, but you were afraid to.
The man chained to your radiator was not the same as the cold-blooded killer you had fought before, but that didn't mean he wasn't another creature, an anachronism free from the confines of time. Maybe he wasn’t just one thing anymore. Maybe he was both killer and man.
If your prolonged life had taught you anything, it was never to poke feral creatures when you thought they were asleep. And as peaceful and docile as he looked right now, Bucky was indeed a feral creature, broken and pieced together until he didn't know who he was anymore.
"How are you real?" you spoke in an undertone, voice still raspy.
As you inhaled the steam, your mind backtracked to the moment you first found out of his demise.
 You walked through dozens of faceless persons perusing through the museum, reading up on the great feats of Captain America and his trusted Howling Commandos.
Being here felt like you were trespassing on hallowed ground, an uninvited vampire in a church. You kept your head low, white hair hidden beneath a baseball cap as you made your way, almost on instinct, to a particular section of the exhibition.
Passing the glass display case housing Captain America's suit, a smile tugged weakly on your lips at the humorous thought of the scrawny little Brooklyn boy you had met at the diner fitting into that six foot one monstrosity. A part of you ached to see that pure smile of his again, it never failed to lift your spirits. That was a sentiment you'd been sorely deprived of lately.
You moved onto the next exhibition, this one displaying the life and death accounts of one James Buchanan Barnes. It was like a slap across the face, reading a memorial plaque in a damned museum in place of a KIA letter that started with the obligatory 'We regret to inform you'.
You had spent hours staring at the words inscribed on the glass display, torturing yourself with what if's and could have been's.
A whimper got stuck on its way out of your throat as your eyes fogged up with salty tears, your hand reaching out to touch the last photograph taken of Bucky. You would have cried right there and then had a small kid, no older than four, bumped into you.
"Jack, so help me God, if you don't stop runnin' off every five seconds I'm gon--" The woman's familiar voice was kept from finishing her sentence as soon as she saw the side profile of your face.
You plastered on a fake smile, turning to meet the boy's mother, "Don't worry about it, everything's–"
You froze in your tracks. Delicate pearls were strung around the boy’s mother’s neck, flat curls unwinding from the summer heat, bags under her eyes. Her right hand clasped the fingers of a girl a little younger than the boy. The two of you stood there, wide eyes glued to each other as drones of people moved passed in your peripheral.
The woman looked from the scars on your arms to the few strands of white that peaked from under your cap, straining to look at you properly as if she saw a ghost.
"Elle?" She breathed out.
Horror filled her kind eyes as you nodded rigidly.
"Yes Momma?" her daughter looked up at her innocently.
The first genuine laugh shook from your chest, "Hey, Sal."
 A deep groan filled the empty space. Bucky was waking up. You set your teacup aside, bare feet softly trekking on the creaky wooden boards like a cautious cat. You grabbed a knife from your boot holster by the shoe rack as a precaution. As a habit.
You weren't sure who would wake up, the man or the killer.
"Where am I?" he looked around, unfamiliar with his surroundings. He tugged at his hands and noticed they were bound. Frightened, he looked up at you, lost and at war with himself, the lines on his forehead crinkling as his eyebrows crashed together. "You… You tried to kill me… I- I tried to kill you."
You took a step forward, "Bucky?"
He shivered, eyes forced shut, "N-no… I- I don't know."
You took another step and he recoiled further into the wall at the sight of your knife. You rose both your hands, setting the knife on the floor and stepping away from it.
"What's going on?" His head shook violently, he looked cold, even though sweat trailed across his face. It was like he was in withdrawal. In pain.
"Do you remember what happened?" You knelt a few meters from him.
His head snapped to the side as he took in a straggled breath. "I… had a mission. I have a mission."
"You recognised me earlier, you recognised your name: Bucky."
His head snapped the other way, "Hhhgg, no! I… that's not my- Arrrh!"
Your hand balled into a fist. God, you wanted to ease those crinkles and lines away from his beautiful face. You wanted to coax those beautiful ocean blues back from the treacherous depths of the darkened sea they had now become. But you couldn't. Not while he was in such a state.
"Maybe this will help," You pulled out a photograph from your back pocket and slid it over to him.
He peered at it through narrowed eyes, "That’s my face…and yours. We… we knew each other?"
"Yes," you sighed in relief. "We did."
"These other faces," his gaze landed on Steve. "Who are they?" He looked up at you now, a deep-seated melancholy pulling at his features. "Who am I?"
You inched a little bit closer to him, and when he didn't try to back away, you decided to move even further. "You are… James Buchanan Barnes. Your best friend was named Steve. You were a hero, the both of you."
"A hero..." he didn't believe the sentiment but you noticed his muscles unclench, "And how do we know each other?"
"We were… close, once. You knew as Elle. I worked at a diner you frequented."
"Elle..." His focus was drawn to your hair, "White. Snow. White snow in the mountains," he mumbled before grasping his head in his hands as he whined agony. "The rabbit…the rabbit got away… Into the forest. Into the dark. So dark… Failure to complete. Failure to complete. Spiders, spiders everywhere. Screaming. Make it stop! Make it stop!"
He was shaking violently now and you placed your hands on his biceps, trying to steady him. "What did they do to you Buck?" you mourned for the man who was no more, for the Bucky that was stripped down to this skeletal version of his old self.
"Red. Yellow. Hissing. So much hissing. The metal screams. It burns like fire. Like needles in my brain. They all scream. Make them stop!" His voice cracked.
"I'm right here, Buck. I won't leave your side. I promise," you smoothed your hands through his hair as tears began to well in your eyes. "Not again. Not ever again. You'll be okay."
He leaned into you, all his weight crushing your sternum, his shaking vibrating through you like seismic quakes. He whimpered like a kicked dog, eyes shut so tight you thought he was trying to will his sight away. The icy temperature of his metal arm felt warmer than his cries. Hands grabbing at his ears to block out the phantoms in his brain.
"Make them stop..." he cried, bottom lip trembling like a child’s.
You placed your forehead to his, feeling utterly helpless, "I don't know how."
After his shaking subsided, you found that now it was your hands that were shaking. You exhaled sharply, running them through your hair as you tried to calm yourself. Seeing him like this broke something in you and it felt like the walls were caving in. Choking you. Burying you alive. You rubbed your neck, remembering how it felt to be deprived of oxygen. You much rather preferred that to this emotional torture.
You stood, waving the tension from your fingertips away, heart beating like you’d run a marathon.
"Please..." he begged when you left his side. “Please don't go. The voices. Don't leave me alone with them. I don't want to see their faces."
Your teeth chattered, a quiver mangling with choked back tears of your own. Everything was so… overwhelming. And no matter how closed in you felt, you couldn't leave him to suffer alone. After all, wasn't it your fault he was remembering?
Maybe it would have been easier on us both if he had killed me, you thought.
"I promised I wouldn't leave you," you reminded him.
He was staring at the photograph again. "Tell me more. Your voice. It blocks them out."
You blinked rapidly, trying to dry out your eyes, "What do you want to know?"
"Did… did I have a family?"
A twinkle crossed your lips, "A big one from one I gathered." You returned to his side, sitting beside him so your shoulders touched and your head rested on the wall. "I never met them, but I know you had sisters. Maybe four. After the war… I looked for traces of you. I found a marriage certificate belonging to one of them. Her name was Lottie I think. She married a former air force pilot. They have a son. Named him James…" you turned to look at him, dark hair blocking his face. "After his uncle."
He leaned back, a frown growing, then he let out a frustrated sigh, "I don't remember her."
You decided to continue talking, it seemed to help him. "I found records of your mother too. Winnifred Barnes. Wife of George Barnes. She was a combat nurse during the war. When it was over, she volunteered with the Red Cross. She died a little over ten years ago, I think… Contracted some form of viral infection. Never shook it off."
Bucky shook his head, banging it against the wall, "I… I don't-"
You placed your hand on his metal arm, twitching when you remembered it being wrapped around your neck –which was now healing from the purple marks it left behind.
"It's okay," you smiled.
"Who is he?" he asked, pointing at the photograph.
You chuckled fondly, "That's Steve. In many ways, he was a part of your family too. He'd always get into trouble. A heart of gold, but not the best self-preservation instincts. One in a million. I'd never thought people like him still existed in this world."
Bucky swallowed loudly, "Is he...?"
"Yeah, he died too. He saved millions of lives in the process. It was a noble end."
“When… when was this photo taken?”
You chewed at your inner cheek, “A few years after world war two started.”
"Why do I look the same?" He turned his head to face you, panic peeling up his eyelids. "Why do you?"
"I… I-" you ground your molars together. You wanted to know the answers to those questions too.
Suddenly, a loud banging emanated from your door. Bucky returned to looking like a trapped animal, wiry eyes staring at the door. You held up a hand.
"Relax, I'll go see who it is."
You picked up the knife from the table and walked to the door, peering out through the peephole.
"Shit," you swore as you holstered your weapon. "Go away, Alexei!"
"You didn't check-in. The company sent me to look for you. I heard about the attempt on your mark." His thick Russian lilt coated his gruff voice.
"I'm fine Alexei, I just needed to lay low."
Bucky's spine curved as he curled into a ball, more indistinguishable mumbles breaking out as he spoke in tongues. You turned to him, worried.
"Who's that?" Alexei demanded, hearing the incomprehensible mutterings of a mentally crippled man.
"Nobody, Alexei. Go back. You found me, confirmed I’m well, mission accomplished."
"They'll come looking for me..." Bucky warned you as he watched a lizard crawl up the wall, its tail curled at the end.
"Who will?" you whispered.
"I don't know… but I don't think we want to find out."
"Y/N, let me in before I start kicking down doors!"
"Alexei, no!"
"You've got until I reach twenty," he warned.
You couldn't know what would happen if Alexei saw Bucky. He was still in the same clothes he wore when he tried to assassinate your mark –when he tried to kill you. There was a high chance Alexei would be able to tell Bucky was the assassin from earlier, or at the very least be able to make an educated guess. And as much as you trusted your partner, you knew he wasn't one for placing brains over brawn.
Alexei started counting down and you paced about, trying to figure out a way through this mess.
Bucky had gone limp, chin pointed high as he kept an eye on the lizard's tail.
"Twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen..."
Bucky's entire body froze, his hands balling into fists. Then he muttered a single word, "Semnadtsat’."
"Seventeen, eighteen, nineteen..."
Bucky broke the restraints easily, standing off the ground in a measured motion, his shoulders squared like a soldiers. The scared, shaking, lost boy was no more. And when his eyes found to yours, they were darker than the night. Instantly, you knew he wasn't Bucky anymore and you felt him slip through your fingers all over again.
You gasped and reached for your knife just when Alexei broke the door down. The soldier attacked the big Russian man. His metal arm cracking and knocking at bones and vital organs. Alexei wasn't averse to a good fight, in fact, he'd been honed into the perfect soldier a bottle could cultivate, but he still wasn’t a match for such unbridled rage. Alexei retaliated, his punches slow but heavy.
You watched from the side-lines, unsure of how to proceed.
"Bucky, stop!" You shouted between the sounds of metal crashing into flesh and flesh hooking into flesh.
He kicked Alexei into the wall, a crack dusting up cement and then he turned to you, but for some reason, he didn't attack. He just stood there, a menacing wraith like before, except with a pang of sadness to him that he didn't have the first time. Then he stormed out of the room.
You let yourself breathe again, dropping the knife you had braced in a defensive stance as you rushed to Alexei's side. The photograph missing from the floor.
"You big brute, you should have listened to me," you wiped the blood from his mouth with trembling fingers.
Alexei groaned, his hand on his sides as he tried and failed to sit up, "Stop him."
It hit you then, why he never bothered to kill either you or Alexei. It was because you weren't the target. You weren't the mission.
 When you arrived at the building where your mark was being guarded, you were greeted by flames. And Bucky was gone. Again.
Your breathing hitched, quick shallow breaths flaring at your nostrils as you were dragged into a state of panic. Your fingernails scraped at your scalp as you bit your tongue so hard a droplet of blood fell onto the pavement.
I failed you once, James Buchanan Barnes. I won't a second time. Mark my words, I will find you. We will cross paths again… Winter Soldier.
The Winter Soldier had completed his mission, his target was dead. The Major opened his red book and the mechanical hiss of the machine attached to the chair screeched through the hollow room. A flash of light seared through his ocular nerve. His hands gripped onto the armrests.
Sticking out between from a pouch in his armoured vest was the curled end of a black and white photograph.
A single phrase worming its way out of his subconscious.
"My safe harbour..." he whispered as they wiped his memory clean.
 To be continued...
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trippmitchellblr · 4 years
Inside the Outside
“The embroiling algorithm of happiness may leave many people bewildered or lost in translation while they snubbingly fall back on the smartphone, as a shield against intrusions from the outer world. (“Even if the world goes down, my mobile will save me”)” ― Erik Pevernagie
The Allegory of Plato’s Cave
“Imagine a cave, in which there are three prisoners. The prisoners are tied to some rocks, their arms and legs are bound and their head is tied so that they cannot look at anything but the stonewall in front of them. These prisoners have been there since birth and have never been outside of the cave. Behind the prisoners is a fire, and between them is a raised walkway. People outside the cave walk along the walkway carrying thigs on their head including animals, plants, wood and stone.
So imagine that you are one of the prisoners. You cannot look at anything behind or to the side of you. You must look at the wall in front of you. When people walk along the walkway, you can see the shadows of the objects they are carrying cast on the wall. If you had never seen the real objects ever before, you would believe that the shadows of objects were “real”.
Plato suggests that the prisoners would begin a “game” of guessing which shadow would appear next. If one of the prisoners were to correctly guess, the others would praise him as clever and say that he were a master of nature.
One of the prisoners the escapes from their bindings and leaves the cave. He is shocked at the world he discovers outside the cave and does not believe it can be real. As he becomes used to his surroundings, he realizes that his former view of reality was wrong. He begins to understand his new world, and he sees that the Sun is the source of life and he goes on an intellectual journey where he discovers beauty and meaning. He sees that his former life, and the guessing game they played is useless.
The prisoner returns to the cave, to inform the other prisoners of his findings. They do not believe him and threaten to kill him if he tries to set them free”.
Although there are many interpretations of this story, most have settled on the theory that the “cave” represents people who believe that knowledge comes from what we see and hear in the world- empirical evidence.  The cave shows that believers of empirical knowledge are trapped in a cave of misunderstanding. The “shadows” represent the perceptions of those who believe empirical evidence ensures knowledge. If you believe what you see should be taken as truth, then you are merely a shadow of truth. The “game” represents how people believe that one person can be the “master” when they have knowledge of the empirical world. Plato is demonstrating that this master does not actually know the truth, and is suggesting that it is ridiculous to admire someone like this. The “escape” represents the prisoner’s intellectual journey when finding truth and wisdom.
We are taught as children into adulthood to think and orient our behavior based on existing data. It is the safe, comfortable bet. Some of the most respected people within the world are pedigreed people who have built a “knowledge” base out of intellectual lethargy. Free thinkers (and actors) from the beginning of time have operated in the paradigm of creating empirical information, not responding to it. There is always a new way, a new path that has yet to be discovered. Knowledge without application is useless. Experience without action? Also useless. You do not need years of preparation, whatever has led you to where you are today is good enough to launch you to where you need to go next. You do not need paperwork. Paperwork includes degrees, certificates, referrals, endorsements licenses, and recommendations and so on. You do not need a mentor. No one will be as invested in yourself as you. You cannot outsource the responsibility of planning the course of your life. It is not that these things are unhelpful; it is that they are unnecessary. You do not need them to do anything. What do you really need? You need passion. You have to be absolutely passionate about what you believe in. This comes from within not from outside influencers who largely live their lives chained to their own empirical limited beliefs.
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April 27, 2020
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Minding the Gap
                       “Thoughts make for an excellent servant, but they are tyrant as a master”
The Flywheel Effect
“Picture a huge, heavy flywheel—a massive metal disk mounted horizontally on an axle, about 30 feet in diameter, 2 feet thick, and weighing about 5,000 pounds. Now imagine that your task is to get the flywheel rotating on the axle as fast and long as possible. 
Pushing with great effort, you get the flywheel to inch forward, moving almost imperceptibly at first. You keep pushing and, after two or three hours of persistent effort, you get the flywheel to complete one entire turn.
You keep pushing, and the flywheel begins to move a bit faster, and with continued great effort, you move it around a second rotation. You keep pushing in a consistent direction.  Three turns … four … five … six … the flywheel builds up speed … seven … eight … you keep pushing … nine … ten … it builds momentum … eleven … twelve … moving faster with each turn … twenty … thirty … fifty … a hundred.
Then, at some point—breakthrough!  The momentum of the thing kicks in your favor, hurling the flywheel forward, turn after turn … whoosh! … it’s own heavy weight working for you. You’re pushing no harder than during the first rotation, but the flywheel goes faster and faster.  Each turn of the flywheel builds upon work done earlier, compounding your investment of effort. A thousand times faster, then ten thousand, then a hundred thousand. The huge heavy disk flies forward, with almost unstoppable momentum”. – Jim Collins “Good to Great”
The idea of setting a goal suggests a destination and a conscious process. Outcomes are different. They set a direction. For instance, I might say I want to reach a point where I am financially secure in my life. I may never reach that goal, but as an outcome, it organizes my choices regarding my investments and directs how I spend my money every day without conscious thought. Knowing we live in a world of abundance (we do as it is our own limiting beliefs that create a bias for scarcity), how do we facilitate this? Moving from a current state to a desired state requires an individual to develop well -formed outcomes.
Well-formed outcomes should always be stated in positive terms.
Negative experiences can dominate our thinking and we focus more on what we do not want than what we actually do want. This can create a hindrance in moving forward. My most recent endurance event was a classic example of this. Although to varying degrees, I had been able to overcome the two physical and mental disasters that I experienced in the jungles of Nicaragua, I still think of them. The transition is as such. I am now able to allow those negative thoughts to come and go without reserving them for contemplation. Those thoughts are not reality and have no bearing on my present-state. If they have no bearing on my present- state, then how can they have any influence on my future-state? I created a new reality by not controlling my thoughts but allowing them to freely flow in and out of my conscience. I cannot control the thoughts, but I can control the response.
Well-formed outcomes are based on things that we can influence.
I absolutely could influence my training preparation, my nutrition and my planning. At the start of the event, my nephew (who was crewing me throughout the race) asked me “well how do think you’re going to do?” My response was “I trust in my training and preparation”. I knew that everything I did, every decision I made relative to preparing for that race had been based on how I envisioned the outcome, not the goal. In fact, throughout my preparation I never focused on the 100-mile distance, I focused on the incremental steps needed to get to the outcome. The outcome was not achieving 100 miles, it was the feeling of fulfillment I knew I would have upon completion.
Well-formed outcomes are sensory based.
Always envision what you will see, hear and feel when you achieve your desired outcome. Imagine that you have already achieved the outcome and what it would be like. Consider your greatest life experiences. How did you feel within the moment? In most cases reaching the goal, if people are honest with themselves, was not the defining experience it was the joy and sense of closure that he or she felt. Outcome based thinking focuses on those feelings not the end goal itself.
Well-formed outcomes are sequenced and bite sized.
Outcomes can be overwhelming if not broken down into bite-sized chunks. For example, buying a house or owning a successful business can be overwhelming. Framing the big chunks like this can cause us to become defeated before we have even begun. It seems like such a considerable amount of time, effort, and sacrifice to do what it takes to achieve the outcome. On the other hand taking small steps every day builds momentum and increases our motivation. By reducing the frame into more manageable bite sized chunks, we immediately reduce the challenge. The space between present state and future state is the “crisis zone”. The interesting thing is the “crisis zone’s” genesis is within our own minds. It reveals itself when we move beyond our comfort level without developing sequence and incrementalism. Recall that we think linearly and by developing a sequenced framework within diminishes those overwhelming thoughts.
What resources are needed?
Sometimes we are limited in the progress we can make towards our outcomes because we do not have the resources we need. It is easy to get out ahead of ourselves without considering if our outcome is timely and we are in a position to go for it now. This does not mean we cannot be working toward this outcome, but we need to consider what the relevant sub goals are that we can set first. For instance, someone may say.” I want to learn a new language, but I don’t have the ability to attend a class with my work commitments”. Sometimes we use our limitations as excuses to hinder any progress towards our outcome at all. “I can’t get X because I don’t have Y. Most often, the resources are available to us, and all we have to do is to give a little consideration to how we can put in place the things we need to move forward. Never forget we live in a world of abundance one just needs to be willing to step out of their internal limiting bias.
In what contexts do you want this outcome?
When, where and with whom do you want this outcome? Well-formed outcomes are situation specific. If we do not set boundaries, we then tend to generalize. By setting specific outcomes, it is then easier for us to assess when we achieved them. Establishing a specific context for a particular behavior anchors the response.
How will you know when you have fulfilled your outcome?
Specific, measurable sensory outcomes create more of a sense of direction in our minds. How will you know when you have achieved a specific outcome? It is unique to you. One person’s idea what of what it means to be confident might be different from another person’s idea. People will often say, “I want to be successful in business”. What does success mean for you? How can you measure this outcome? This could be measured in financial terms, the number of awards received, or the number of promotions. If we are vague in setting outcomes, then we will be vague in our direction. For example, an outcome might be to be in a “stable relationship,” but what does a stable relationship look like? On the other hand, your outcome might be “to become more assertive,” but what does assertiveness look like? How will you know when you have it?
Well-formed outcomes are compelling.
Compelling goals are motivating.  You most likely started a project at some point, became bored and moved on to something else. How can you set your outcomes in a way that propels you toward them? What do you find motivating? By taking the time to get a clear vision of what it is you would like to achieve you will increase your motivation towards it. Imagine yourself having accomplished a project and the fulfillment, hearing the excitement of other’s voices when they recognize what you have accomplished.
Well-formed outcomes are ecological.
Our outcomes must fit in with the rest of our lives. We have other people to consider, other priorities and important values. Does this outcome fit your core values as a person and how you see yourself? Consider in what ways the outcome might not be right for you? Are there any contexts where this outcome would not work?  If it is ecological than outcome directed thought is commensurate with priming a flywheel. It starts with a spark, becomes a fire and eventually turns into a blaze.
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April 23, 2020
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Big Mind, Little Mind
In Buddhism the words “heart and mind” are one in the same. When Asian Buddhists refer to mind, in fact they point to the heart. Mind in this sense is not thinking mind, but rather a larger quality of presence and awareness that is intrinsically open to the world. The mind that is one with the heart is a larger presence of being that responds to the world in a wide open way. Centuries of meditators have found that this big mind, this openness to what is, is much more central to human nature than the thinking mind.
Big mind is the larger, formless ground of awareness that is prior to the “small mind” of conceptual thinking. Before we can even think about something, we first have to let it into awareness, let it touch us or affect us in some way. Sometimes it is possible to touch big mind in silent spaces between thoughts, or when  powerful experience suddenly stops thought and we find ourselves suddenly facing it. When we respond to things from this open, non conceptual awareness, rather from our ideas about things, a full encounter and exchange with reality becomes possible.
Consider the practice of meditation and mindfulness. You just sit in the moment, without doing anything, without holding on to anything, without singular concentration. You let your thoughts come and go using your breadth as an anchor keeping you focused on the moment. Normally we do everything that we can to avoid just being. When we don’t have a project to work on we get nervous, we judge ourselves and initiate activity to satisfy the inner critic. We put conditions on ourselves. Through mindful meditation you realize that your basic well-being is not conditional upon being good or doing something good in any particular way. Your intrinsic self sanity exists to matter what you do. You are basically good for no other reason than that you are awake, responsive, and open to life.
We create our individual experience of reality via the vehicle of thought. Thought is the missing link between the formless world of pure potentiality ( Big Mind) and the created world of form ( Little Mind). Leaving behind, even for a moment, the man in the mirror Big Mind can be achieved and human potential can be unleashed.
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April 19, 2020
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Why Am I Here?
It is not an existential question. Within this framework, the question isn’t driven by religion or a cultural belief mechanism. I mean why am I here doing what I am doing at this very moment? We as human beings tend to think linearly. When we think of the past, we do so in terms of time.  When many people discuss something good or bad that might have happened to them in the past, they often turn their head to look back to illustrate that it was a historical occurrence. If we were looking at a timeline and marking off life experiences on that line, our experiences would be clear, some good and some not so good. They are steadfastly there for us to observe and contemplate. As human beings, it is important to learn from ones mistakes, but consider that many people are perpetually looking back forever grounded on the negative end of that line. As those were real experiences, they are easier to see and therefore influence our current behavior. The Merriam Webster Dictionary characterizes Identification as establishing or indicating who or what (someone or something) is. It characterizes Definition as determining the essential qualities or meaning of. In short, as we look back we identify our experiences as they are, however we have the power to determine the definition and that gives us a basis to influence our own behavior.
Knowing that we think linearly, now consider for a moment what it looks like ahead. Is it as clear? For most, it is not. Many people set goals and expectations for themselves, however the challenge becomes the steps and processes needed to get to where they want to go. If that linear line were a railroad track, they would be the ties that attach each incremental link within the track. When you look out ahead, do you see those links or the outcome? Do you see the outcome at all? Now imagine hovering above that time line. You now have a clear sight line to your experiences. Reach down and pull those negative experiences off the track. Discard them. Now look out ahead to your goal or goals. What will that experience look like? What will it feel like when achieved? Reach down and pick up those positive outcomes. Lay them down at your feet and start building your links. The definition to a future outcome is established.
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April 19, 2020
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iamtheroger · 5 years
Queen Index Part 1: The Video Directors
I finally got round to starting this pretty big operation. I start off pretty simply with all the video directors of Queen music videos or concert videos. Just to keep this manageable to me I’ll only cover 1973-1995 (with some exceptions along the way). I’ll do this chronologically and then make a masterpost of all the different posts I’ve made.
Mike Mansfield - Director of the first promo videos of Keep Yourself Alive & Liar shot at Brewer Street in London on 9th August 1973.
Bruce Gowers - Was first used as the director of the Bohemian Rhapsody video, shot on 10th November 1975 at Elstree Studios in London.
Faced with a difficult situation, the group improvised, setting aside a budget of £3,500 and hiring director Bruce Gowers for a four-hour (might have been three - yogurtbattle) shoot that took place without storyboarding or much of any rehearsal — and found Gowers rolling tape while the band members kept one eye on the clock, intent on getting out of the shoot in time to make it to the pub before last call (they did - yogurtbattle). (x)
(BTW, I’ve seen Roger say that they left on 2 AM that night to take the bus to their first concert, but the date of the video is widely reported as 10th of November so one of those has to be wrong and right now I’m going for Roger’s memory :P)
He also directed the video for You’re My Best Friend, no exact date. Now there is a bit of confusion over this video, and this is the closest I’ve found, from Ratty’s book, that makes sense:
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So it was recorded it a disused barn at Ridge Farm but not in April (as widely reported), but in mid-June (that’s when they rehearsed there). Makes far more sense as the single was released in mid-June as well.
Next up he directed the video for Somebody To Love shot both at Wessex Studios and Hyde Park in London, the former on 4th November 1976 and the latter on 18th September 1976, during the concert. Lastly, on 18th February 1977 he flew out to Miami (not as sometimes reported at Nassau Colisseum in Uniondale) to direct the video of Tie Your Mother Down in the Sportorium. The reason he never worked for Queen again afterwards, as told by him:
Gowers worked with Queen three more times before falling out with late singer Freddie Mercury because he was booked for another job. The pair had a “shouting match” in a London restaurant. “Freddie felt betrayed,” he said, “but didn't understand I was not under contract with them, and as a freelancer took work where I could get it. We never spoke properly after that.” 
He did went on to work with (amongst others) Rod Stewart, the Rolling Stones, Genesis, Bee Gees, Elton John, Michael Jackson & Prince.
Derek Burnbridge - The director of We Are The Champions, shot on 6th October 1977 at New Royal Theatre in London. This was the first time the band called on the fan club for cheap extras and the band gave an impromptu short performance afterwards. It is unknown why the band never worked with him again, but he did went on to direct videos for The Police & AC/DC.
Rock Flicks - Now, this sounds more like the name of a company than a person to me, especially as the Queen videos are the only videos found related to it, but anyway ‘Rock Flicks’ was behind the Spread Your Wings/We Will Rock You video shoot, shot in January 1978 at Roger’s new home in Surrey, the one where Freddie was drunk and everyone cold. It is therefore unknown who really directed this videos.
Dennis De Vallance - This guy worked on several Queen videos, which is odd as the band didn’t like any of them. Not like the band which is normally so perfectionistic. Anyway, he first directed the Fat Bottomed Girls video on 28th October 1978 at the Convention Center in Dallas, where Queen were playing. At the same time, the performance footage for Bicycle Race was shot, but the band hated that so much only the footage of the nude cyclists was used in the original cut. This footage is also credited to Dennis as director, and was shot on 17th September at Wimbledon Stadium in London. He later returned to direct the Love Of My Life promo video on the 25th April 1979 in Tokyo. At last, he made a good Queen video when he directed the Crazy Little Thing Called Love one, on the 22nd September 1979 at Trillion Studios in London.
Interesting side note on the Crazy video: it was choreographed by Arlene Phillips, who also choreographed the We Will Rock You musical!
Now the next one is a bit tricky, his name is written as both Jorgen Kliebenst and Jörgen Kliebenstein (it certainly isn’t the first one), but I wonder if this might be the same guy as Hans-Jürgen Kliebenstein, as that is the only person with a similar name I can found on Google who is also working for TV - Anyway, this guy, whatever his name is, directed the Don’t Stop Me Now video shot at Forrest Nationale in Belgium before Queen’s concert there on 26th January 1979.
Keith McMillan - The guy that managed to fall down an orchestra pit at the Rainbow Theatre in London while working on the video for Save Me. Because the director injured himself, the band had to return to the video shoot a week later, on 22nd December 1979 at Alexandra Palace. This guy had worked before Queen with Kate Bush and Paul McCartney (who might have recommended him to them as he was the one behind the Concerts for the People of Kampuchea that Queen performed in the same month, which Keith also directed). He later worked with Blondie and Simple Minds.
Brian Grant - Directed multiple Queen videos, with mixed successes. His first was the video for Play The Game at Trillion Studios in London on 29th May 1980. Two years later he also shot the ill-fated videos for Back Chat and Calling All Girls back-to-back, in an unknown location in July 1982. He worked with various famous acts in the 80s, amongst them Kim Wilde, Peter Gabriel, Spandau Ballet, Whitney Houston and Van Halen.
Daniella Green - Hey, a female director! She directed the video for Another One Bites The Dust, shot on the 9th August 1980 in Dallas at the Reunion Arena. Nothing else I could find about her, sadly.
Mike Hodges - Just after Queen finished work on the Flash Gordon soundtrack, they shot a video for the theme song with Flash Gordon director Mike directing it - I’ll come back to him when discussing Flash Gordon. The video was shot in November 1980 at Anvil Studios and Roger had to take a break from recording his solo album to shoot it. Mike also shot the video for Body Language (yes, that one) in April 1982 in Toronto. Here’s Mike talking about that one:
Your promo video for Queen's song Body Language was apparently the first film banned by MTV. It's certainly the most erotic piece of work you've made. How did you and the band arrive at the concept? While recording the music for FLASH GORDON, I became friendly with all the members of Queen. They were fantastic fun to work with. In fact, shortly afterwards, I shot the movie’s music video. Then Freddie Mercury approached me to do the same with a song he’d written, Body Language. There’s the eroticism you talk about - in the song itself. The concept was Freddie’s and I was only too happy to capture it on film. We completed it in a Toronto studio after a truly exhausting 24-hour (okay, that makes the lack of enthusiasm by the band even more understandable - yogurtbattle) shoot! (x)
David Mallet - Now, there’s a guy that should have his own page, so much has he done with Queen. He came to work with Queen as he had worked with David Bowie previously. His first video was the one for Under Pressure, and he went on to do the videos for Radio Ga Ga, I Want To Break Free, Hammer To Fall, Who Wants To Live Forever, I Want It All, several of Freddie’s solo videos, and some work with Queen since Freddie’s death. Other people he has worked with include Joan Jett, Def Leppard, Frankie Goes To Hollywood, Tina Turner, AC/DC and INXS.
Radio Ga Ga: Shot on the 22nd & 23rd of November 1983 at Shepperton Studios in London.
I Want To Break Free: Shot on 22nd March  (the audience part), 23rd March (the drag part), 1st April (the ballet part rehearsal) and 5th April 1984 (the ballet part performance) at Limehouse Studios in London.
Hammer To Fall: Shot on the 25th August 1984 at the Forrest Nationale in Brussels. Footage from the 24th was also used for audience shots, as not enough fans showed up.
Who Wants To Live Forever: Shot on 16th September 1986 at a warehouse in Tobacco Wharf in London (by now demolished). Of course Roger was drunk here.
I Want It All: Shot on 22nd April 1989 at Elstree Studios.
The producer on several of these videos was Jacqui Byford, mentioned in the liner notes of The Miracle.
Tim Pope - Right. This guy had previously done the oh-so-great Man On Fire video, so Queen decided to hire him to shoot the video for It’s A Hard Life. The shoot ended up lasting one week, by far the longest of any Queen video. It was shot in Munich of course, in mid-June 1984 at Arri Film Studios. Now it wasn’t just Pope, the band was getting a bit out of hand with their videos then anyway, which probably had other reasons as well. He also worked with Soft Cell, The Cure, The Cars, Hall & Oates, Talk Talk, David Bowie & Paul McCartney (there’s a bit of an eighties theme going on here).
DoRo, The Torpedo Twins or Rudi Dolezal and Hannes Rossacher - The other prominent Queen directors, from one of their favourite cities Vienna. Responsible for even more Queen videos than David Mallet, especially in Freddie’s dying days:
One Vision: Shot in August 1985 in Munich, where Queen where recording for A Kind Of Magic. Also directed the shot documentary surrounding the video.
Friends Will Be Friends: Shot at JVC Studios in London on 15th May 1986, another Fan Club call.
Breakthru: Shot in June 1989 on the Nene Valley Railway in Cambridgeshire. Starring of course Debbie.
The Invisible Man: A video for Roger’s song shot on Roger’s birthday! Not very surprising then that Freddie had those glasses on for Roger’s birthday party. Apparently there was also a birthday cake wheeled in during recording and large amounts of champagne were drunk! Date of course was 26th July 1989, location Pinewood Studios in London.
Scandal: Again at Pinewood Studios, this one was shot on 27th September 1989.
The Miracle: Shot at Elstree Studios on 23rd November 1989. Freddie was portrayed by Ross McCall, who went on to become a professional actor, playing most famously in Band of Brothers.
Innuendo: This one was actually a collaboration between Rudi Dolezal and Jerry Hibbert (mentioned in the album notes). Jerry is an animator who has also worked on Fireman Sam. The video was made in December 1990.
Headlong: Shot at Metropolis Studios in London on 23rd November 1991 and another unknown date late 1990.
I’m Going Slightly Mad: Shot on 15th February 1991 at Wembley Studios in London.
These Are The Days Of Our Lives: Shot on 30th May 1991 (Freddie’s last video) at Limestone Studios in London. Brian couldn’t attend as he was in the US promoting Innuendo, but he was later edited in, with his parts filmed in June.
The Show Must Go On: The band wasn’t in this as Freddie has become too ill, but an edited montage was release as the video in October 1991.
No-One But You: Filmed at the Bray Studios in London in 1997.
After Freddie’s death Roger and Brian also made appearances at DoRo parties in 1992 (Hannes’ 40th) and 1998 (Rudi’s 40th).
Saul Swimmer - The amongst Queen members not very popular director of We Will Rock You, by now known as Rock Montreal, filmed on the 24th and 25th November 1981. It was renamed to its current name after Queen bought out Saul in 2006, after spending 25 years trying to get of him basically.
Gavin Taylor - The director of Live At Wembley, filmed on 13th July 1986. Also directed Live At The Bowl on 5th June 1982. Sadly not with us anymore.
Zsombolyai János -The director of the Hungarian Rhapsody, filmed on 27th July 1986 in of course Budapest.
That was it for the first part of the Queen index!
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mauriooo · 5 years
when you’ve died inside so much that you put down your ocs as vines
(sorry in advance uwu i’ll link the vines on the names though)
(also just a warning i’m only cursing (albeit censored in most cases cos i’m a wimp) in this for the sake of the vine)
Skye - (@ her parents) ms keisha? ms keisha? oh my fxckin god she fxckin dead Pine - (Rico (dead boyfriend) don’t tell your mother ( P )  kiss one another ( R ) dIE FOR EACH OTHER-- Lavender - (cumulo (skye and lavender’s dad)) let me see what you have!! ( L ) a knife!! :) ( C ) nO-- (is stabbed) (prism (s/l’s mom)) oH MY GOD WHY DOES SHE HAVE A KNIFE-- (is also stabbed) CC - i eat cheerios because they’re heart healthy! and my heart has been severely damaged. so john if you’re out there- Pharaoh - (cc does something cool and/or hot while music plays in the background) wow,, Hawthorn - welcome to physics! (sets something on fire) AAAAAAAAAA HOLY MOTHER-- Genesis - (@ hawthorn talking to a police officer) hawthorn! is that a police? i’m calling the weed! (puts 420 into microwave) (disas on other end) 420 whatchu smokin-- Aurora/Downpour - ( A ) i am the sand guardian, guardian of the sand! ( D ) POSEIDON QUIVERS BEFORE HER!! ( A ) FXCK OFF-- Glitch - (hawthorn’s dad Bracken who is a big ol meanie) you stupid ( G ) no i’m not!! ( B ) what’s 9+10? ( G ) ...21 ( B ) yOU STUPID-- Matrix - (after bracken gives him food for the first time in a week (edgy backstory yay!!)) it’s an avocado! ...thanks,, Nova - hurr burr, i have jobs, and a wife, and a kid, and a mortgage and if i drop a bag of my favorite chips on the ground i don’t cry about it Aeria - (Nova, hearing weird flapping sounds) wait what’s that? is that a butterfly? (Aeria, doing the same thing with her ears and wings as in the original vine) ...it’s me Fiti - oh my gah! i think i found my berries!! (holds up a pinecone and takes a bite) (spits it out) ...not my berries :( Ka - (@ the soldiers ready to burn down the entire Gerania kingdom (fiti’s home)) i don’t know what you’re-- (first fire is lit) AAAAAAA-- YOU BETTER STOP, STOP!! BXTCH, STOP! AAAAAAAAAAA-- Blackjack/Hallo - ( H ) haha, it’s like we finish each other’sssss... ( B ) ...sssssSSSATAN WILL RIIIIIIIIISE-- Kohana - i’m nuts about these nuts! but i’m also nuts about my close good friends. (hallo, blackjack, and nimbus surround her) (voiceover) my close good friends! Nimbus - (learning how to fly with music in the background) we’re SOARIN (she slams into the ceiling) FLYINGGG~ Digit/Khloe - ( K ) do you ever want to talk about your emotions, digit? ( D ) mmmm.... no (matrix, faintly) i do ( K ) i know matrix ( M ) i’m sad ( K ) i know matrix Disas - (some random cashier) we actually have the chip reader now! (D, after hacking the cash register, holding up a tortilla chip) oh yeah? hmmmm (cashier) oh it’s not gonna work with that kind of-- (cash register) transaction complete :) (cashier) ...?????? Inklii - (anyone not a dog in the furry universe) is that a DOG in a CAR-- HEY! H E Y! ARE YOU- WHERE’D YOU LEARN TO DRIVE?? ( I ) (muffled barking) (random person) WHAT-- Artemis - (covering up her good eye so she can’t see) hi i’m sorry i didn’t see you there, i was too busy mmmmmm blockin out the haters Luna - (@ bee and sol) i love you bxtch,, i ain’t never gonna stop loving you BXTCH-- Sol - ( S ) that one friend that’s always cold (some random guild member) i’m cold.... ( S ) you’re always cold! but i’ll be damned if you’re not my friend. Bee - (@ sol) hey i’m lesbian ( S ) ...i thought you were Fioran?? Hazel - (seeing the Nothing (Horror Show antagonist, working name) for the first time) aAA-- AAAAAA!! (runs out) (comes back with a baseball bat) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (tries to hit it and fails cos it’s ~incorporeal~) Virus/Michael - (while he was still alive, in a mcdonalds, on a scooter, @ the cashier) do you know what a mcflip is? (the poor cashier) no ( M ) lemme show you (puts scooter on table and gets on) mcFLIP (does a flip off of the counter) Jinx/Cassidy - (anyone who’s ever reciprocated cassidy’s feelings after confessing) oh hey mailman whaddya got? (mailman) just this LETTER!! (reciprocator) aahhhh (mailman) aaaaaaahhhh (cassidy voiceover) jonathan, i don’t love you anymore Chance/Ezekiel - (sees cassidy with a knife) aa (gets stabbed by cassidy) aAA (watches cassidy stab lisa and then herself before he dies) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-- Boo/Lisa - (B after becoming a ghost and seeing Jinx) AAAAAAAAAAA-- AAAAAA ( J ) why are you running? WHY are you running?? Gardenia - (Ashe, bringing in a bouquet) hey babe, happy 1 year (Gardenia, not understanding) ....i’m 23?? Ashe - (after setting off a fire alarm just by being in the room) (you kinda have to watch the original vine for this one) Meredy - i don’t care about my haters, and if you wanna fight me (pulls out knife) then fight me :) Connor - (Nikki) hey how much money do you have? ( C ) uh,, 69 cents ( N ) oop! you know what that means!! ( C ) (sniff) ...i don’t have enough money for chicken nugget :,( Nikki - (before getting prosthetics (xe was born with no arms)) do you think you could push the elevator button for me? (some jerk) no, nikki.... fxckin weirdo (throws water bottle at nikki) Renier - (entering a random room in Card Castle) i’m making copies!! (pushing past Clover) MOVE, i’m GAY (voiceover) in the Card Castle, being gay just has its perks Anais - (holding a fist-sized piece of jello) jello? more like hello (inhales the jello) (chokes) Coraline - who am i? let’s go to the beach, beach! .....ninki minjaj Edward - mr spider? why was it funny to bite me? (steps on spider) is it still funny, mr spider? (dies) Henry - haha! that is NOT correct! because according to the encyclopedia of (indescript lip smacking) Charity - ( C ) i am old! (literally any other zodiac) how old are you? ( C ) sIxTeEn!! i’m a grandmotha Alexander/Evan/Evelyn - (A, jokingly) hail satan! (E1/E2, at the same time) ...hail satan!! ( A ) (loses it) Leander - (as a kid while still alive) you’re disrespecting- you’re disrespecting a future US Army soldier!! (couldn’t find the original clip so have the memed one) Bianca - (Leander, yelling out the window) baaaa!! (Bianca, unamused but still willing to play along) bAAAAAA!!!! Griffin - (holding a coupon for two free tacos) yEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS!! (seeing a jack in the box (i think that’s it) in the yet-to-be-named zodiac land) YESSSSS YEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS (completely normal voice at the register) i got two free tacos!! Jacques - (marlowe, after teaching him about memes, handing him an empty bottle) here! ( J ) ..this bxtch is empty! (throws bottle) yEET!!! Kai - (@ marlowe while henry and griffin are making out in his (marlowe’s) house) what the fxck-- is this allowed?? what the fxck, is that allowed?? ( H ) sTOP-- Marlowe - hey guys. good alternative to recycling. when you’re done with a glass bottle, eat it! fxckin eat the bottle-- Kibo/Melanie - (melanie) i brought you frankincense (kibo) thank you ( M ) and i brought you.... murrh ( K ) thank you (M, revealing all the people she’s killed for kibo’s love) murrh-DER!!! :D ( K ) (gasp) melanie.... no Lady Fate - (anyone) please, lady fate, just let me have ONE good day?? ( LF ) oh my god, you again? give it a rest, buddy! Piccolo/Newton - (N is sitting on a building) (voiceover) every step you take (P is behind him on a taller building) (voiceover) i’ll be watching you Mauri - *badly strumming guitar* hey, how you doing, well i’m doing just fine, i lied, i’m dying inside Emu - just click the link Aether - oh hi, thanks for checking in, i’m ~still a piece of garbage!!~
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notwhelmedyet · 6 years
assigning lost light crew members mountain goats songs
bc i’m precisely that kind of nerd. thank you to @choomchoom for helping me make this monstrosity.
you can listen to this as a playlist here
Ambulon : Birth of Serpents
Crawl through the tunnel and follow, follow the light northwest See that young man who dwells inside his body like an uninvited guest
Anode : Heretic Pride
And there's honeysuckle on the faint breeze today With every breath i'm drawing in I want to cry out But I don't scream and I don't shout And I feel so proud to be alive And I feel so proud when the reckoning arrives
Brainstorm : This Year
The motor screaming out Stuck in second gear The scene ends badly As you might imagine In a cavalcade of anger and fear There will be feasting and dancing In Jerusalem next year
I am going to make it through this year If it kills me
Chromedome : Prowl Great Cain
Feel the prickings of my conscience in my chest Every now and then Sometimes a great wave of forgetfulness Rises up and blesses me And other times the sickness howls And I despair of any remedy
Cyclonus : Genesis 3:23
When I get home after dark Sit looking up at the stars outside Like teeth in the mouth of a shark I used to live here I used to live here I used to live here
1. White Cedar
My visions won't ever learn But I see the light that much clearer Every time I return Forge my armor in the old fire My spirit sings loud and clear Even in here
2. Hebrews 11:40
Fight my way back down, don't want to hurt anyone Probably gonna have to before it's all done
Take to the hills, run away I'm gonna get my perfect body back someday If not by faith then by the sword I'm going to be restored
First Aid : Lion’s Teeth
Nobody in this house Wants to own up to the truth I crawl in shotgun and reach into his mouth And grab hold of one long, sharp tooth And hold on For dear life, I hold on
Fortress Maximus aka Fort Max : Never Quite Free
And you'll breathe easier just knowing That the worst is all behind you And the waves that tossed the raft all night Have set you on dry land It gets okay to praise the day Believe in sheltering skies and stable earth beneath But hear his breath come through his teeth Walk by faith Tell no one what you've seen
Getaway : Heel Turn 2
Spend too much of my life Now trying to play fair Throw my better self overboard Shoot at him when he comes up for air
Lug : Jenny
Lit up your magnificent silhouette How much better, how much better can my life get? 900 cubic centimeters of raw, whining power No outstanding warrants for my arrest Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa The pirate's life for me
Nautica : Cotton
Let them all go Let 'em all go This song is for the people Who tell their families that they're sorry For things they can't and won't feel sorry for
Nightbeat : Beautiful Gas Mask
Never sleep, remember to breathe deep Never sleep, remember to breathe Breathe deep Crash in from deep space Shot birds falling fast Who will be there to catch us in his jaw When we arrive, alive, at last?
Perceptor : Autoclave
When I try to open up to you I get completely lost Houses swallowed by the earth, windows thick with frost And I reach deep down within, but the pathways twist and turn And there's no light anywhere, and nothing left to burn
Pipes : Sourdoire Valley Song
Keep to ourselves mostly Few friends and fewer closer friends Lead a long life if you're lucky Hope it never ends
Ratchet : Genesis 30:3
Talked about the days they’d said were sure to come Had a hard time believing I remember seeing you, my tongue struck dumb When you first came here from wherever it was you came from
Red Alert : Night Light
Plug a night light in Leave the porch light on Because the small dark corners have designs on me
Rewind : Distant Stations
I waited for you But I never told you where I was It was you who taught me how To write these kinds of equations I waited on the steps for you And I hid in the bushes whenever a car pulled into the parking lot You taught me how To listen to these Distant stations Distant stations
Rodimus : Choked Out
No brakes down An endless dark incline Most of the boys Won't ever cross this line If they all want to die dead broke that's fine, that's fine Everybody's got their limits Nobody's found mine
Rung : Unmasked!
And you don't care, you look almost relieved down there Like you're free, like you can breathe now Like they've sawn off your cast Just one more sleeper to see through And by way of honoring The things we once both held dear I will reveal you I will reveal you
Skids : Luna
Trace names in ash Big names, old friends And dead ends Those last few frames Go down so fast Rise through the flames and end again in flames at last
Swerve : Craters on the Moon
If the strain proves too much Give up right away If the light hurts your eyes Stay in your room all day
Tailgate : The Grey King and the Silver Flame Attunement
And I'm hardcore but I'm not that hardcore I'm hardcore but I'm not that hardcore I'm hardcore but I'm not that hardcore I'm pretty hardcore but I'm not that hardcore
Ten : Color in Your Cheeks
And we all knew he was broken pretty bad So we gave him what we had We cleared a space for him to sleep in And we let the silence that's our trademark make its presence felt Come on in We haven't slept for weeks Drink some of this This'll put color in your cheeks
Trailbreaker/Trailcutter : Damn These Vampires
And when the sun comes Try not to hate the light Someday we'll try To walk upright Crawl 'til dawn On my hands and knees God damn these bite marks Deep in my arteries
Ultra Magnus : Liza Forever Minnelli
Never get away, never get away I am never, ever gonna get away from this place Laid out on the street, my eyes toward the sun Your star next to my face
The compasses I came into this world with Never really worked so good
Velocity : Love, Love, Love
But the things you do for love are going to come back to you one by one Love love is going to lead you by the hand Into a white and soundless place
Whirl : Foreign Object
Gonna jab you in the eye with a foreign object I personally will stab you in the eye with a foreign object
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ficdirectory · 6 years
Somewhere Inside (Disuphere series #4) Chapter 48
(To listen, click here) - 16:00
When Levi sets the enchiladas on the table, Jesus is glad that he’d managed to ask if Levi could be next to him at the table.  With him being the only person who understands this specific food trigger, it’s important that the person closest to Jesus wouldn’t assume he needed help and start pushing him to eat.
Jesus hopes everybody else remembers, too.
He’s had the cardboard from around the enchiladas this whole time.  It’s helped to see what step Levi was on.  To be able to follow along.  To have a constant reminder that dinner was being made and that it was for all of them - even Jesus.  Even now, Jesus keeps the piece of cardboard next to him at the table.  
Nobody comments.
The girls (no, Francesca, Mariana, Dominique and Pearl - they’re human beings - they have names) are talking about how excited they are to try these enchiladas.
Jesus hesitates.  He picked the end of a bench on purpose, so only Levi is around him, but still.  Meals make him hella nervous.  There’d been plenty of times when Jesus got his ass kicked Then, for the tiniest wrong move.  And there were the times when he was home, when Moms tried to force him to eat.  Or when all hell broke loose because it was when all of them were together and everybody’s annoyance at each other came out.
Needless to say, his guard is up pretty high.
“These are for all of us,” Levi reminds quietly.  “And nobody’s gonna make you do anything.  You can pick one whenever you’re ready.”
Vaguely, Jesus is aware that no one else has made a move for them.  Even though, Francesca, in particular, burns calories like it’s going out of style.  She could use all eight of these enchiladas.  But she’s waiting patiently.  They all are.  Under the table, Dudley’s got his head in Jesus’s lap.
“Which one?” Jesus manages.  (Usually, what happened was, if he ate at all Before it was whatever He didn’t want.  Something burned.  Or cold.  Or days old.  And later, Moms just put food on his plate.  Either way, it felt controlling as hell.)
“Any of the eight,” Levi tells Jesus.
Somehow, it’s just specific enough for Jesus to be able to move forward.  To reach for the spatula.  To select the one on the very end.  (It probably wanted a quick out, too, if any of the other enchiladas got unpredictable.)  Jesus puts it on his plate, safely.
“You can take some rice.  There’s a bunch your enchilada was resting on in there.” Levi invites.
Jesus reaches out again.  Scoops some rice on his plate, too.
Levi makes sure he’s been able to take green beans and pour a glass of milk, besides that, before any of the rest make a move for food, or beverages.  But it’s not been quiet as hell either.  Nobody’s been watching him.  Nobody’s asked him a bunch of questions.  They’ve just been talking to each other.
Jesus is aware of everybody else serving themselves.  Settling down to eat.  He glances down at his plate.
His left arm’s around it protectively.  In his right hand, he’s clutching a fork like it’s a weapon.  His plate has traces of enchilada juice.  A few grains of rice.  The bare spot where beans must’ve been.  Even his glass is empty.
It’s been years since Jesus has space-ate.  Basically, eating while checked out.  Disappeared.  It sucks.  Because Jesus had been looking forward to the damn enchiladas for every single agonizing minute he’d had to wait for them.  The smell was freaking amazing.  And now, Jesus’s was completely gone, and he can’t even remember tasting it.
“Oh, I really want another one, but I can’t...like…whatever...having another…” Mariana sounds as tortured as Jesus.
“We can split it,” Dominique offers.
Jesus feels panic building.  There are only two left in the pan.  Now, Dominique’s dividing one for her and Mari to share.  Just one left.
Dominique glances up from what she’s doing.  Locks eyes with Jesus.  “You want this one,” she points to the whole one with the spatula.  “I’ll leave it for you.”
“What if...you guys want it…” Jesus manages.
“So full,” Francesca says, sticking out her tiny belly and patting it.
“And I’m still working on this one,” Levi points out.
“Same,” Pearl calls out.  
By now, Dominique’s given Mariana half of the other enchilada and kept half for herself.  The one she said she’d leave for him is still there.  His entire body is tense.
He cuts a glance at Levi.  “I don’t have to…” he hesitates.
“But you can.  These are for all of us.  You, included.” Levi reminds him.
“Leftovers don’t taste as good as non-leftovers,” Francesca insists.  
Jesus glances at her.  “What?”
“You should have it now while it tastes the best,” Francesca offers easily.  “Hey, I just got a great idea.  Can we have S’mores for our Feelings Time snack?”
Jesus uses the distraction Francesca’s question creates to snag the last enchilada.  The last scoop of rice.  This time, Jesus tries to slow down, so he can taste everything.  It really is good.  Plus, being aware he’s eating is actually helping bring Jesus around.  Helping him feel more present.
“Levi, you wanna walk the dogs with me?  I mean, if Pearl still wants us to walk Cleo?”
The question surprises Levi.  Jesus has been pretty quiet except for his checking in about whether dinner was still for him.  Glancing at Dudley and Cleo in the corner of the kitchen, eating their dinner, Levi checks with Pearl.
“Hey, sis?” he asks, trying out the term of affection.  Levi holds his breath, hoping Pearl will recognize he’s talking to her.
“You’re sis,” Dominique tells Pearl, elbowing her lightly.
Pearl glances up.  “Oh!”  A nervous smile spreads.  “I guess I am sis, huh?  What is it?” she asks.
“Did you want Jesus and I to walk Cleo when we take Dudley out?” Levi asks.
Pearl blinks, surprised.  (To Levi, it looks like she’s totally forgotten that Cleo might even need to go out.)  “Oh.  You guys would do that?” she asks, touched.
“Yeah.  Of course,” Levi nods.
“Because that will give us enough time to clean up and get these S’mores going.  So that would really help.  Thank you,” Pearl nods.
Ever since Pearl had brought up the possibility of making S’mores in the traditional “up north” fashion - building a fire in Frank’s fire pit - Jesus’s response had been clear in her mind:
“We can’t do fires.”
He hadn’t offered more than that.  But all it had taken was a single glance at Dominique, whom Pearl has now seen a few times out of costume, in short sleeves and without makeup, to understand why a giant bonfire was a no-go.
Pearl remained intrigued by Jesus’s way of advocating for those around him, while simultaneously protecting their privacy.  They’re leaving the day after tomorrow, and Pearl knows she’s likely not going to ever know the genesis of Dominique’s injuries, nor is she entitled to that information.  But Jesus had done more than shield Dominique from undue questions, he had also claimed her trigger as belonging to the group.  Not appropriatively, but in solidarity with her.
Simply knowing the small amount Jesus had chosen to share allowed Pearl to begin thinking of alternatives to this conundrum.  No, they might not be able to have the immersive “up north” experience that a bonfire typically provided.  But what good would it be, if seeing it would trigger one of their own?
It’s not lost on Pearl how watchful Dominique becomes at each mention of S’mores, so she sets out to ease Dominique’s mind:
“You know, I haven’t made my S’mores this way much since I was a kid, but...I thought we could go old-school and microwave them.” Pearl offers.
“Jesus told you?” Dominique checks.  She’s quiet.  Nervous.
“He did.  And I’m glad.  The last thing I want is to accidentally trigger anyone else here…  If I know in advance, I can do my best to avoid them.”
Dominique still seems concerned.  “But the rest of you.  You’ll miss out, right?”
“I don’t think so,” Pearl says easily.  “Either way, we all get S’mores.  And this way, we all get S’mores and we’re safe.”
Pearl’s assembling graham crackers, Hershey’s chocolate bars and marshmallows.  Dominique has come up beside her, and is building the S’mores for microwaving.
“You doing okay?” Dominique checks.  “Still blame yourself?”
Pearl meets her eyes.  “How’d you know?”
“It doesn’t go away with one conversation,” Dominique points out gently.  “Also, the weekend…”
“Yes…” Pearl adds ruefully. “Also, that…  Is it strange to say it’s kind of taken a back seat this year?  There’s so much more going on now that’s a more immediate focus.”
“No, it’s not strange,” Dominique shakes her head.  
“I wanted to thank you for being there for Levi…  I’m really glad he has a friend like you.”
“I’m glad to,” Dominique says simply.
“I’m really glad you came,” Pearl tells Dominique honestly.
Dominique smiles a little.  “You know, I never thought I’d say this at first, but I’m glad, too.”
“Are you changing in your pajamas, too?” Francesca checks from the bathroom.
“Yeah.” Mariana says back.
“Good.  ‘Cause I don’t like being the only one.”
“Don’t worry.  You’re not.” Mariana  reassures from the bedroom.  The bathroom door is closed between them but Francesca can still hear.
“Mariana?” Francesca says, softly.
“I don’t wanna go home….” Francesca admits.  Now that her PJs are on, she opens the door.  She forgot to check if Mariana’s changed yet.  Luckily she is.  Francesca stands by the bathroom, holding on the the door handle.  She’s biting her lip.
“I know.  Come here,” Mariana invites, waving Francesca over.
They used to not cuddle very much.  Francesca was scared to go see Mariana in the hospital.  But eventually she did.  Moms were being weird all the time back then.  Smiling even when it made their faces look broken, because they really weren’t happy.  But they were trying to be strong for Mari, they said.
But in the car on the way back they cried, or said it was like Mari was gone.  Francesca was scared that was true for a long time.  Because she was used to adults always being right.  Moms especially.  So, for months, Francesca believed them and felt sad that Mariana was gone and Other Mariana was here.
It’s helped now that Francesca’s an Avoider and she knows about respect.  It helped to learn about accommodations.  And to remember she and Mariana are alike.  And that CP didn’t make Francesca gone.  So Mari’s brain injury didn’t make her gone, either.  It just made her different.  And different doesn’t equal less.
Francesca gets on the bed, too.  Snuggles against Mariana’s side.
“We’ll go home together,” Mariana tells her.
“I know,” is all Francesca says.  But inside, she is so glad she doesn’t have to go alone.
Levi and Jesus walk through the woods again.  It’s quiet.  Still.  
He doesn’t comment, like Pearl might, about wood ticks or poison ivy, when Jesus stops every so often, to run his hands along bark on a tree.  Or to touch the flowers out in boxes in front of Pearl’s cabin.  Levi actually finds himself hesitantly joining Jesus.  Doing the same things.
While Jesus’s favorite seems to be the tree bark, Levi’s favorites are definitely the flowers.  He’s never thought of touching them before.  And it feels really intense.  Because they’re perfect, but also demand gentleness, because they’re so intricate, and Levi could never even think of breaking one.
“I screamed in my car,” Levi tells Jesus after a while of tailing the dogs.
Jesus just waits.  Listens.  Finally, he asks:  “Why?”
“Because it’s always how screaming feels,” Levi says.  He knows this explanation does nothing to clarify or answer Jesus’s question.  But they’re the words he has right now.  Because Jesus doesn’t rush to speak, or tell Levi he’s not listening, he can keep going.  “Like...when I screamed before?  Nobody heard.  Nobody cared.  So, I think I scream in the car, because it’s where nobody hears.  Where I convince myself nobody cares.”
“Trauma’s intense,” Jesus comments.  “Like...even if it’s the worst thing.  Even if you tell yourself you never wanna be in it ever again?  I don’t know.  There are times, I know I go back to it.  Because even if it sucks?  It was familiar.  And familiar feels safer than…”
“Than just not knowing…” Levi ventures.
“Right.  So, it makes sense.  Hey, thanks for having my back tonight.  At dinner.”
“Yeah.  Thanks for scaring her away or whatever.  Seriously.  I don’t know what we would’ve done without you.” Levi confides.
“You guys still gonna change the locks?” Jesus wonders.
“I hope.  I mean, if Pearl says we can.” Levi says.
“You know how?” Jesus asks.
“There’s a lock place in Brainerd near where my mom lives.  I can go there and schedule something.” Levi says.  “Or Pearl could do it online.”
“Talk to Pearl.  Do it ASAP.  If it’s cost or something she’s up against, let us know.  We’ll help out.  You can’t put a price on safety.” Jesus responds seriously.
“I know,” Levi nods.  “And thanks.  We should probably get these two back to the cabin.  Have some S’mores.”
“If there’s any left,” Jesus jokes, a flicker of a smile crossing his face.  “Mariana’s all about S’mores…”
“We have plenty.  Don’t worry,” Levi reassures.  “Enough that Mariana can eat her fill and the rest of us can have some, too.”
Jesus laughs.  “Hey, were you serious about that Avoiders chat?  ‘Cause I can talk to Moms about letting Fran download the Messenger app to stay in touch with you guys when…”
“Definitely,” Levi nods.  “You okay?  We don’t have to talk about that if you don’t want to.  I know it was rough this morning.”
“Yeah, well, I’m used to it…” Jesus mutters darkly.
There’s a silence.  Eventually, Levi breaks it.  “Can I ask...what’s up with being so hands on with all the nature?”
“Sensory…” Jesus offers.
“Sensory what?” Levi echoes, confused.
“I don’t wanna say.  You’ll think it’s dumb,” Jesus decides.
“Dude, nothing you say is dumb.  I’m asking because...it helped me, I think?  I never thought to do anything like that.”
“For me…” Jesus begins.  “I got sensory issues.  From what happened to me, and probably even earlier than that.  Tactile input is good for me because it helps me stay present.  And calm, I guess, too.  Because especially if I have time to check out nature like this, there must not be any rush.  You know?  I can focus on just the one thing.  Not the trauma.”
“Maybe that’s why it helped me, then…” Levi ventures.  “Something to focus on?”
“Maybe.” Jesus nods.  He sighs.  “It’s weird.  Telling Pearl’s mom off?  Kinda felt like the easy part in all this?  The hard part was earlier.  My head’s still all messed up from that.”
“Maybe ‘cause you had some control over telling her off,” Levi offers.  “You chose to go deal with her.  You didn’t choose to remember some messed up crap from your past.”
They don’t talk anymore.  It’s not until they’re walking up to the cabin that Levi realizes, this whole time they’ve been out, and he hasn’t thought to scan for Carla once.
He breathes deep.
It feels so good.
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Debunking the existence of Adam and Eve:
In genesis 2:7 it says, “then the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into the man’s nostrils, and the man became a living person,” and yes I know scripture because I was raised conservative Christian before I become an agnosticism, so this not anything new to me, but I only put this verse up as a starting point to this, so we can debunk it. The Bible then goes on to say that god then went on to create the opposite sex, which we all know as eve out of Adam’s rib. Can we all see the problem here? I’ll get to that in a second.
Polls were then conducted by the Gallup and pew research center, which are by the way, both Christian organizations, and they found that only 4 out of 10 Christians believed this to be true.
Even some conservative scholars including Dennis venema, a bioligist at trinity western university (a Christian college) don’t even believe it.
He believes that we cannot be traced back to a single couple. He believes that humans emerged from primates thousands of years before the genesis time frame.
He even had this to say about it, “you would have to postulate that there’s been this absolute astronomical mutation rate that has produced all these new variants in an incredibly short period of time. This types of mutation rates are just not possible. It would mutate us out of existence.”
Even John Schneider, who worked at Calvin college in Michigan as a theologist, says that, “there was no Adam and Eve, no serpent, no apple, and no fall that toppled man from a state of innocence.” He even says that there was no form of a paradise to be lost.
Fazale rana, Vice President of reasons to believe, has a a Ph.D in biochemistry from Ohio university, which scares me by the way that this stupid asshole has a Ph.D in biochemistry because he is an evangelical Christian that questions evolution. However, I will give it to him that he also questions many other scriptures in the Bible, which is why I included her in this blog.
There’s actually a quote that was included in the article that kind of pissed me off in which he says, and I’m gonna break it down into two parts because I have some commentary in between that I wanna put in. First, he says, “it (the Bible) tells a story of how evil came into the world, and it’s not a story in which god introduced evil through the process of evolution.” First of all, you see why him having a Ph.D scares me? YOU DUMB BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD DID NOT CREATE EVOLUTION BECAUSE THERE IS NO GOD!!!!!!!!!!! It is a gradual change overtime you stupid asshole. The second part of this quote was, “but one in which Adam and Eve decided to disobey god and eat the forbidden fruit.” my second commentary in this quote is, unless you can prove that there was in fact historically a forbidden fruit, or an Adam and Eve that bit into this forbidden fruit, then I ain’t believing in that shit.
Albert mohler, president of southern Baptist theological seminary in Louisville, says that rebellious choice affected all of human kind, and I would have to agree with him to a degree, however I have to say that my beliefs or lack there of are different so I wouldn’t exactly say that it’s rebellious because I’m not religious, but rather objective morality, which is a concept claimed to exist by those who believe that a set of morals are objective (not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering or representing facts), but I think what he is trying to say that because of objective wrong that it creates chaos throughout mankind including what we have seen recently with all of the violent protests, and just because I am BLM supportive like my pinned post says, does not mean I think that the violence is objectively right, but objective morality did not start with a man and a woman in a magical garden biting down into a poison apple.
Mohler then goes on to compare that in order to wipe away the sin of Adam’s time, Jesus had to die in the cross. *sigh* guy’s, I’m on my second glass of wine. Okay, so if we’re talking about a fairytale book, technically, Jesus dying on the cross happened over 100 years after the “fall of mankind,” and apparently Jesus dying on the cross didn’t work because not only was there no Jesus, but we still have a whole bunch of “objective wrong going on like robberies, rape, murder, and terrorism.
Venema argues that if you read the Bible as a history book that you can see god’s hand in evolution. No, no, no mr. venema, I mean yes, the Bible Is a historical book, but no, god did not create evolution. This god character was technically a 13.7 billion year old burst of energy known as Gargantuan that exploded from the CERN’s particle accelerator that created the whole universe and everything in its path, and that’s how evolution got started. Not by god, but by Gargantuan. That’s where you and I have to disagree, and I have agreed with you on a lot of things in this article so far.
This is why there is so much division between evangelical Christianity and agnosticism because Christians walk around like they’re SOOOO intelligent, but they believe in a magic wizard in the sky that waved his finger in order to create male and female human species.
Daniel Harlow, a religious professor at Calvin college even says, “evangelicalism has a tendency to devour its young.” Couldn’t have said it better myself.
He goes onto say that evangelicals push the envelope, and anybody that works in sensitive and difficult areas tend to get fired, dismissed, or pressured out. Again, couldn’t have said it better myself. I’ve been kicked out of my house twice this year for being agnosticism.
An example of this is Schneider who was forced to resign after 25 years at Calvin college for an article he wrote questioning the historical Adam. This is why I’m now agnosticism because religion is so hateful towards anybody that questions all of the bullshit in the Bible.
Several other Christians have been forced out of religious universities for conflicting with science and religious DOCTRINES.
Karl giberson who taught physics at the Nazarene college says that Christians are becoming uncomfortable with the fact that other Christians are trying to say that Adam and Eve may not be real and evolution is. It’s kind of like back in the 1600’s when Galileo said that the earth revolves around the sun and not the other way around, and he was condemned by the church for it.
Prepare for major smartass sarcasm in this paragraph:
This rana guy wants to be right so bad with his beliefs that Adam and Eve were real, and evolution was not by saying that science was correct in proving that Adam and Eve were real even though they never did, and it is going to be pivotal moment in history when science proves that Adam and Eve are real even though I already did science proves Adam and ever are real when we prove that evolution is bullshit even though there is scientific proof behind it and it doesn’t prove it for Adam and Eve even though I said it did, but then I changed my mind and said it isn’t therefore god. Not darwin or a bust of energy known as Gargantuan, but god because he’s real. Okay, I confess, I’M FULLY CREATIONIST NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! Rana’s points in this article saved my black agnosticism heart. 😂😂😂
Mr. Harlow then says, “evangelicals have to either face up to it, or they have to stick their head in the sand, and if they do that, they will lose whatever intellectual currency of respectability they have.” NOPE!!!!!!!! Sorry, they already lost my respect a long time ago including this shitty rana dude.
Albert mohler of the southern Baptist church then argues back, “the moment you say ‘we have to abandon this theology in order to have respect of the world’ you end up with neither biblical orthodoxy nor the respect of the world.” First of all, we are not saying that, and second of all, what do you do when religious people decide that they don’t want to be religious anymore because it’s all bullshit? As soon as we abandon that the theology that Adam and Eve were real humans created by a magic wizard in the sky like some Harry Potter shit, then you guys decide that we’re stupid and unintelligent even though you believe in a magical fairy in the sky, and not only that, you call us sinners and tell us we’re going to a place you made up called hell for believing in Darwin’s theory over a magical creature in the sky.
He then goes on to say that Protestants that believe in Darwin’s theory that they’re faith is going to unravel. Apparently it didn’t because some of these Christians I was reading about in the article believed in Darwin’s theory over an Adam and Eve, and they’re still Christians.
Look out for part 2 next ❤️❤️❤️
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carolap53 · 3 years
Powerful Spiritual Warfare Prayer/Salvation And Repentance Prayer
Scripture: Read and meditate on EPHESIANS 6:10-18
Father, in Jesus name, by prayer & faith, I put on Your whole armor that I may stand against the wiles of the devil. I put on Your Helmet of Salvation…let the same mind be in me that is in Christ Jesus. I put on Your Breastplate of Righteousness…the Righteousness of Christ. I put on the Girdle of Truth…Jesus is the Way, the Truth & the Life (John 14:6), the Truth, Integrity & the Holiness of God. I put on Your Sandals of the Gospel of Peace…Help us to stand on the solid ground of Jesus. Above all, I put on your Shield of Faith to quench every fiery dart, arrow, spear & missile the enemy shoots our way…& Lord, I put on Your precious Sword of the Spirit, Your Holy Word that’s alive & powerful, sharper than any two edged sword (Heb. 4:12)…our offensive & defensive weapon.
Scripture: Job 1:10 “Have you not made a hedge around him, around his household, & around all that he has on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, & his possessions have increased in the land.” (NKJ)
Prayer: Father, In the name of Jesus, I ask you to keep the same hedge of protection around me, my family, my mind, my heart & emotions, as it is written in Job 1:10.
Scripture: Psalm 34:7 “The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear HIM, & delivereth them.” Psalms 91:11, 12 “For HE shall give HIS angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.”
Prayer: Father, in Jesus name, I ask You to keep an encampment of Your powerful angels around me 24 hours a day.
Scripture: Hebrews 1:14 “Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?” (NKJ)
Prayer: Father, in Jesus name, I ask you to send a host of ministering angels (in addition to the one each believer has), to minister to our hurts, needs, pain and infirmities, strengthening us in every way.
Scripture: Zechariah 2:5 “For I”, says the Lord, “will be a wall of fire all around her, & I will be the glory in her midst.” (NKJ)
Prayer: Father, I just praise You & thank You that Your glory is my rear guard (Isaiah 52:12 & 58:8). In Jesus name, I ask You to surround me with Your supernatural wall of fire, to insulate me from any assaults of the devil.
Scripture: Genesis 15:1 After these things the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision, saying, “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.” (NKJ) (Also Ps. 3:3)
Prayer: Father, in Jesus name, by faith, I claim Your promise to be my shield & protector.
Scripture: (The mind is satan's playground. The battle to WIN your mind is in Vs. 5) 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments & every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.”
Prayer: In the Mighty name of Jesus, I command my thoughts to come under the obedience & captivity to Jesus Christ as it is written in 2 Corinthians 10:5.
Scripture: Matthew 16:19) “And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of Heaven, & whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, & whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” (NKJ) (See also Matthew 18:18)
Prayer: In the name of Jesus, the Name that is above every Name & ALL things (Phil. 2:9,10 & Eph. 1:20-23), I bind up every unclean spirit & assignment coming against me, (my children, family) from, by or through anyone or anything, named or unnamed, known or unknown, 7 generations back. In the name of Jesus, I bind up the principalities, powers, rulers’ of the darkness of this world, spiritual wickedness & hosts in high places, & the prince of power of the air. In Jesus name, I bind up the strongman, the old man, every prince & stronghold, the spirit of antichrist, every evil spirit & plague, the spirit of confusion, illusion & delusion. In Jesus name, I bind up the spirit of infirmity, sickness, disease, pain, addiction, affliction, calamity, the devourer, the destroyer, the accuser, the deceiver, the corrupter & every spirit of poverty. In the name of Jesus, I bind up the spirit of strife & division, back biting & gossip, critical & judgmental spirits, spirits of resistance & hindrance, every spirit of retribution, revenge & retaliation, & the lying, seducing, deceiving spirit of deception. (I TIM. 4:1,2) In the name of Jesus, I bind up every root of fear, doubt, unbelief, discouragement & every deadly D from despair to depression, the spirit of pride, rebellion, disobedience, self, ego, independence, unforgiveness, bitterness, lust & the flesh.
THE LORD JESUS CHRIST REBUKE YOU YOU EVIL, UNCLEAN SPIRITS. (Jude 9, Zec. 3:2) I loose, in the name of Jesus Christ, deliverance, freedom & liberation, peace, joy, hope, gladness of heart, love, healing & wholeness, mercy & grace, blessings & favor, restoration of the years that the locusts have eaten (Joel 2:25), the resurrection power of Jesus Christ, a mighty harvest, & a boldness to witness for Christ. Amen and Amen!!
ALWAYS REMEMBER, God hears ALL our cries and prayers (Ps. 34:4,6,15,17. His thoughts about us number more than the sands of the sea (Ps. 139:17,18), He loves us with an everlasting love (Jer. 31:3 & John 3:16). His promises are Yes & Amen (II Cor. 1:20). We know that satan’s a liar but God has never lied nor broken a promise or covenant (Heb. 6:18, Num. 23:19, Titus 1:2). He is the God of the second chance to infinity. Nothing is too hard (Jer. 32:17, Gen. 18:14), nor impossible for Him (Luke 1:37). With man it is impossible, but with God, ALL things are possible (Matt. 19:26, Mark 10:27). He is faithful (Ps. 89, Heb. 10:23), His Word does not return void (Is. 55:11,12), He magnifies His Word above His name (Ps. 138:2) & His Word is settled in Heaven forever (Ps. 119:89). We need to trust Him & His Word, no matter what trials or tribulations we are facing, whatever mountain, valley, desert, storm or goliath that is in our life. TRUST HIM! Naham 1:7 tells us, “God is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble & He knows those who trust Him.” He tells us we have worth & value in His eyes (Jer. 29:11-13), He is our helper (Heb. 13:6) who has compassion, mercy & grace for each of us. Gods’ forgiveness is bigger than my sin. If I confess my sins, God is faithful & just to forgive me of my sins & cleanse me of ALL unrighteousness (I John 1:9). Once I confess & repent, God remembers them no more (Ps. 103:12). They are put in the sea of forgetfulness (Micah 7:19). They are under the BLOOD of JESUS, and we are set FREE, with no condemnation (Rom. 8:1), especially from ourselves. We must learn to forgive ourselves. Praise and Worship must be included in our prayers. We have the VICTORY!
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dfroza · 4 years
Today’s reading from the ancient books of Proverbs and Psalms
for Wednesday, november 11 of 2020 with Proverbs 11 and Psalm 11, accompanied by Psalm 51 for the 51st day of Autumn, and Psalm 16 for day 316 of the year (now with the consummate book of 150 Psalms in its 3rd revolution this year)
[Proverbs 11]
To set high standards for someone else,
and then not live up to them yourself,
is something that God truly hates.
But it pleases him when we apply the right standards
of measurement.
When you act with presumption,
convinced that you’re right,
don’t be surprised if you fall flat on your face!
But walking in humility helps you to make wise decisions.
Integrity will lead you to success and happiness,
but treachery will destroy your dreams.
When Judgment Day comes,
all the wealth of the world won’t help you one bit.
So you’d better be rich in righteousness,
for that’s the only thing that can save you in death.
Those with good character walk on a smooth path,
with no detour or deviation.
But the wicked keep falling because of their own wickedness.
Integrity will keep a good man from falling.
But the unbeliever is trapped,
held captive to his sinful desires.
When an evil man dies, all hope is lost,
for his misplaced confidence goes in the coffin
and gets buried along with him.
Lovers of God are snatched away from trouble,
and the wicked show up in their place.
The teachings of hypocrites can destroy you,
but revelation knowledge will rescue the righteous.
The blessing that rests on the righteous
releases strength and favor to the entire city,
but shouts of joy will be heard when the wicked one dies.
The blessing of favor resting upon the righteous
influences a city to lift it higher,
but wicked leaders tear it apart by their words.
To quarrel with a neighbor is senseless.
Bite your tongue; be wise and keep quiet!
You can’t trust gossipers with a secret;
they’ll just go blab it all.
Put your confidence instead in a trusted friend,
for he will be faithful to keep it in confidence.
People lose their way without wise leadership,
but a nation succeeds and stands in victory
when it has many good counselors to guide it.
The evil man will do harm when confronted by a righteous man,
because he hates those who await good news.
A gracious, generous woman
will be honored with a splendid reputation,
but the woman who hates the truth
lives surrounded with disgrace and by men
who are cutthroats, only greedy for money.
A man of kindness attracts favor,
while a cruel man attracts nothing but trouble.
Evil people may get a short-term gain,
but to sow seeds of righteousness
will bring a true and lasting reward.
A son of righteousness experiences the abundant life,
but the one who pursues evil hurries to his own death.
The Lord can’t stand the stubborn heart bent toward evil,
but he treasures those whose ways are pure.
Assault your neighbor and you will certainly be punished,
but God will rescue the children of the godly.
A beautiful woman who abandons good morals
is like a fine gold ring dangling from a pig’s snout.
True lovers of God are filled with longings
for what is pleasing and good,
but the wicked can only expect doom.
Generosity brings prosperity,
but withholding from charity brings poverty.
Those who live to bless others
will have blessings heaped upon them,
and the one who pours out his life to pour out blessings
will be saturated with favor.
People will curse the businessman with no ethics,
but the one with a social conscience receives praise from all.
Living your life seeking what is good for others brings untold favor,
but those who wish evil for others will find it coming back on them.
Keep trusting in your riches and down you’ll go!
But the lovers of God rise up like flowers in the spring.
The fool who brings trouble to his own family
will be cut out of the will,
and the family servant will do better than he.
But a life lived loving God bears lasting fruit,
for the one who is truly wise wins souls.
If the righteous are barely saved,
what’s in store for all the wicked?
The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 11 (The Passion Translation)
[Psalm 11]
For the worship leader. A song of David.
I am already in the soft embrace of the Eternal,
so why do you beckon me to leave, saying,
“Fly like a bird to the mountains.
Look! The wicked approach with bows bent,
sneaking around in the shadows,
setting their arrows against their bowstrings to pierce everyone whose heart is pure.
If the foundations are crumbling,
is there hope for the righteous?”
But the Eternal has not moved; He remains in His holy temple.
He sits squarely on His heavenly throne.
He observes the sons of Adam and daughters of Eve, examining us within and without,
exploring every fiber of our beings.
The Eternal searches the hearts of those who are good,
but He despises all those who can’t get enough of perversion and violence.
If you are evil, He will rain hot lava over your head,
will fill your cup with burning wind and liquid fire to scorch your insides.
The Eternal is right in all His ways;
He cherishes all that is upright.
Those who do what is right in His eyes will see His face.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 11 (The Voice)
[Psalm 51]
A David Psalm, After He Was Confronted by Nathan About the Affair with Bathsheba
Generous in love—God, give grace!
Huge in mercy—wipe out my bad record.
Scrub away my guilt,
soak out my sins in your laundry.
I know how bad I’ve been;
my sins are staring me down.
You’re the One I’ve violated, and you’ve seen
it all, seen the full extent of my evil.
You have all the facts before you;
whatever you decide about me is fair.
I’ve been out of step with you for a long time,
in the wrong since before I was born.
What you’re after is truth from the inside out.
Enter me, then; conceive a new, true life.
Soak me in your laundry and I’ll come out clean,
scrub me and I’ll have a snow-white life.
Tune me in to foot-tapping songs,
set these once-broken bones to dancing.
Don’t look too close for blemishes,
give me a clean bill of health.
God, make a fresh start in me,
shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life.
Don’t throw me out with the trash,
or fail to breathe holiness in me.
Bring me back from gray exile,
put a fresh wind in my sails!
Give me a job teaching rebels your ways
so the lost can find their way home.
Commute my death sentence, God, my salvation God,
and I’ll sing anthems to your life-giving ways.
Unbutton my lips, dear God;
I’ll let loose with your praise.
Going through the motions doesn’t please you,
a flawless performance is nothing to you.
I learned God-worship
when my pride was shattered.
Heart-shattered lives ready for love
don’t for a moment escape God’s notice.
Make Zion the place you delight in,
repair Jerusalem’s broken-down walls.
Then you’ll get real worship from us,
acts of worship small and large,
Including all the bulls
they can heave onto your altar!
The Book of Psalms, Poem 51 (The Message)
[Psalm 16]
The Golden Secret
A precious song, engraved in gold, by King David
Keep me safe, O mighty God.
I run for dear life to you, my safe place.
So I said to the Lord God,
“You are my Maker, my Mediator, and my Master.
Any good thing you find in me has come from you.”
And he said to me, “My holy lovers are wonderful,
my majestic ones, my glorious ones,
fulfilling all my desires.”
Yet there are those who yield to their weakness,
and they will have troubles and sorrows unending.
I never gather with such ones,
nor give them honor in any way.
Lord, I have chosen you alone as my inheritance.
You are my prize, my pleasure, and my portion.
I leave my destiny and its timing in your hands.
Your pleasant path leads me to pleasant places.
I’m overwhelmed by the privileges
that come with following you,
for you have given me the best!
The way you counsel and correct me makes me praise you more,
for your whispers in the night give me wisdom,
showing me what to do next.
Because you are close to me and always available,
my confidence will never be shaken,
for I experience your wrap-around presence every moment.
My heart and soul explode with joy—full of glory!
Even my body will rest confident and secure.
For you will not abandon me to the realm of death,
nor will you allow your Holy One to experience corruption.
For you bring me a continual revelation of resurrection life,
the path to the bliss that brings me face-to-face with you.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 16 (The Passion Translation)
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