#i am OLDDD
hyukassubi · 5 months
First day of school starts tomorrow (for the last time)
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Some of the passengers have taken to sayings such as "Oh, my days!" and they're literally about twelve years old. It's like, oh your days? You've had about three
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avidlylivid · 7 months
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melatonin winning have sketches / warm ups of varying ages
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starheirxero · 4 months
yk. i mean. how much does KC actually need to look like Moon?? Like, from a "your worst flaws personified" perspective, KC looking like a twisted and monstrous version of Moon is extremely fun!! But I feel like during its "just some guy" arc, it doesn't really need to resemble Moon anymore, yk?
I always think a good moment for tsams characters like this is a moment where they realize they're allowed to build their own identity and not feel intrinsically tied to Sun and/or Moon. So, although I don't know what exactly KC would look like once it starts to build more of its own identity, I think it'd be cool if there was more changed to its silhouette n stuff that clearly sets it apart from Moon.
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monkeesrainbowroom · 6 months
pitypang in your opinion should me and auri skip the eleventh doctor or like. watch specific episodes or....
don't skip him entirely he's literally silly.... seriously i do like him sometimes not always sometimes he sucks in very boring ways. but he's sillyyyy... & he does have some rather good specific episodes definitely
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angelfic · 10 months
i start a new job soon and it’s a big girl job which means my tumblr presence will be even rarer just to let u guys know
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ev1lmorty · 2 months
opening the rick reader ao3 tag is like
noncon fic
noncon fic
barely legal bordering noncon fic
my beautiful 15k work of prose abt rick begging you to knock him up after he drinks milkshakes in the park with you
fic with incest tags
noncon fic
noncon fic
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rye-kin · 2 years
YES. Show me the henriel
Here weeee gooo!!!!!!!!! (These aren’t well written cause they are from my notes app! Sashay)
Jekyll has studied law himself, does that mean at some point he went to law school just to spend longer time with Utterson?
Jekyll referred to utterson as “dear” in his final note. I remind you he supposedly ran out of his goods 8 days ago or so, so he saved the last bit to finally fess up to utterson. This is important: he would rather die than let him know how awful he was and even instructed utterson to read lanyon note (and first). Even though this makes sense story wise, it almost feels as though he let lanyon explain his guilt for him so he didn’t have to think about how utterson would react. They have a weird relationship because on one hand, utterson is frustrated that Jekyll still doesn’t understand that he wouldn’t judge him and can be himself with him. When he refused to shit talk lanyon it was out of concern and pushed back what Jekyll was clearly uncomfortable with to discuss his health; meanwhile, Jekyll likely thought utterson perceived his behavior as distasteful (he probably did but knowing Jekyll he obsessed over it) and supposedly didn’t refer to him again for the rest of the conversation. Jekyll just wants to be his best for utterson, because utterson is his favorite and if utterson doesn’t think he’s any good, nothing matters.
Quoting and more rambling undercut <3
“But he had an approved tolerance for others; sometimes wondering, almost with envy, at the high pressure of spirits involved in their misdeeds; and in any extremity inclined to help rather than to reprove.”
“‘I incline to Cain’s heresy,” he used to say. “I let my brother go to the devil in his quaintly own way.” In this character, it was frequently his fortune to be the last reputable acquaintance and the last good influence in the lives of down-going men. And to such as these, so long as they came about his chambers, he never marked a shade of change in his demeanour.”
(Both taken from Ch.1)
Utterson, from the beginning, is quite literally made for Jekyll. He helps those who are morally faulty and doesn’t judge them, rather prefers to help them. While Utterson has a decent moral code in place, he clearly likes to help others who do not seem to have the same; and, while he did not know it at the time, this makes his connection to Jekylls misdeeds unique.
This, to me, is at least a sign that if he ever found out, Utterson would be the only character who would be willing to help Jekyll and spare him from his judgment. Furthermore, this deep seated implication of Uttersons forgiving nature makes for an even more upsetting relationship.
“No doubt the feat was easy to Mr. Utterson; for he was undemonstrative at the best, and even his friendship seemed to be founded in a similar catholicity of good-nature. It is the mark of a modest man to accept his friendly circle ready-made from the hands of opportunity; and that was the lawyer’s way. His friends were those of his own blood or those whom he had known the longest; his affections, like ivy, were the growth of time, they implied no aptness in the object.”
I just like this one because of the particular use of the word “affections” and the idea that he has known Jekyll for a very long time, seeing the (implied) worst of him when they were younger. They clearly have something if they’ve stayed together for so long.
Something I believe is worth taking note is also the fact that Jekyll chose Utterson of, all available people, to be his lawyer. Some might say that is was to prevent Utterson taking any offense to Jekyll choosing someone else as his lawyer, but I remind you that if they were truly just friends and business partners, Uttersons has it in his character to forgive this. But I don’t believe this to be the case, rather, I believe Jekyll trusts Utterson and enjoys his company well enough to select him as a lawyer so they may meet and see each-other during business hours as well.
Utterson has a nickname for Jekyll, a shortened version of his name “Harry” which is mentioned a few times and that only he uses in the course of the novella.
He bought him a cane, and clearly took offense when it was broken after seemingly being handed to someone else as well. (Note it was a gift, it’s horrible to take a gift someone gave to you only to give it to someone else, let alone someone the original gift giver dislikes). But, viewing this situation from Jekyll’s perspective, he liked the cane and supposedly found it special enough to carry into his second form when he clearly had the funds to spare to buy his second form another cane.
I think one of the greatest arguments that non-shippers have of this pairing is that Utterson did not know about Lanyon and Jekylls feud. However, Utterson did not show any surprise when Jekyll mentioned him and proceeded to insult him rather childishly. This would seem to imply that Utterson is used to this and Jekylls general breaks in temperament.
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a-drama-addict · 1 year
every time I see someone like older art pieces I get the urge to redraw said pieces
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karda · 1 year
Are u okay with ppl using your fanart as pfps with credit? :3
yeah go ahead! i dont mind
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girlwithfish · 1 year
i used to like some of the pics my bf used to take of me he doesnt really tke pictures of me much anymore but when he does i always tnink i look ugly as fuckk and hate my face. ive been going thru some fucked up body facial dysmorphic phase for a while if not my whole life but its particularly bad rn <3
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tamblerdraws · 8 days
Sorry Nebby mama needs to reclaim her failed shiny yanmega
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leclsrc · 1 year
hiii! could i request a charles fluff where he and y/n kinda have like some tradition that they do together or something. and its just special to them? like going traveling or even something ordinary like cleaning the house? sorry i'm a total sucker for these lmao
again late, so late, sorry! but i am trying to catch up w these olddd reqs hahshdhs. shoutout again to mack who live messaged me ab a grocery trip and inspired much of this ily. title from this
things lovers do – cl16
“And we’re out of limes, I think.” You say, humming as you review the contents of your fridge.
“Do we even use them that much?” Charles asks from the dinner table. He stares at the list, where he’s written the word limes. He holds a pen to the left of it, prepares to draw it across the word, but your own words of protest stop him. What—of course we use limes, you say.
“I don’t recall us making guacamole, is all.”
You shut the fridge, laughing and walking over to where he sits, wrapping your arms around him from behind. Together, you peruse the crumpled list, of words written and erased in Charles’ messy penmanship. There’s romaine, lemon, pasta, ciabatta. Assorted gum, because Charles likes to chew it while working. Coffee beans, because a day without them renders you half-deceased. 
This is a weekly thing—reviews of the grocery list, on the dinner table with two glasses of wine. Anyone can love, but not everyone can sit and be patient and browse every last item of the fridge and pantry to determine what needs to be added. And through the list you’re provided with a window for the week: Monday night dinner with pasta, Wednesday breakfast with ciabatta, a romaine salad for Thursday brunch.
If you told your six-year-old self that your best memories with your boyfriend would be formulating grocery lists, she would pout in your face. Boyfriend? She’d ask petulantly. Don’t we get to marry a prince, with a horse and a castle? No, you’d say. We get to have a prince, yes, but he has a car and a house in Monaco. Is that good enough? If it isn’t, he makes a mean set of pancakes.
Do we get to dance with him at a ball? It’s still a no, you’d tell her. The dancing happens in the kitchen, lit only by the yellow of the stovetop range while you play Harvest Moon and sway softly to the guitar. It happens by the fridge, when a Bee Gees song comes on and Charles can’t resist holding you by the waist and lifting you up to join his dancing. It happens while you wait for toast in the morning, when both the bread and the weather are in the middle of cool and warm, to Al Green on the radio. 
This love of grocery lists and airplane rides sure doesn’t live up to your six-year-old self’s fairytale standards, or your sixteen-year-old’s hopes of marrying Harry Styles. You think, however, that it far surpasses anything you could ever have wanted. 
His voice draws you out of your reverie. “You okay? You’re a bit quiet.”
“Just thinking,” you reassure, pressing a kiss to his hair and smiling. “Of things.” Of us, of toast and tea, of romance and loving you and making lists and loving you and God, loving you. “Lots of things.”
“…Is this because I added too much junk food?”
“No, God,” you say, fond. “It’s nothing.”
“I love you,” he says back. And if you ever doubted it, there would always be limes, written without erasure on this crumpled list on the dinner table.
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hms-incorrect-quotes · 4 months
Heart: Hey Mind!!
Mind: what.
Heart: You’re OLDDD >:D
Mind: ..How am I old we are literally the same age.
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saltyfinalboss · 6 months
IDK if youd seebthis but gongs moms name is barbatus and his father is ottoton. i am user spiderton i just wanted to say that since the post is olddd
oh, thank you! that's very cool :] i really like your designs for them and thank you for telling me! :D
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cyrilphd · 9 months
I also didn't know jaheira was a half elf until my character commented on it her entire thing seems to be her going OHHHH I AM SOOOO OLDDD and one of my choices as a dwarf was like Get over it I am literally older than you
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