#i also think it could be very sweet if Revali saw Link helping to carry on his legacy
grooviestsadpapaya · 16 days
I've always wondered how Revali must feel knowing that Tulin the rito that surpassed him, was trained by none other than Link, the Hylian that he wasted no time putting down whenever he had the chance too, and deemed himself superior than.
(AKSJSJJSJDJ personally I’m a Revalink shipper which honestly makes this a bit funny but it’s okokok)
He’d be proud! I think his faith in the Rito would surpass his saltiness, and seeing that the youngest Sage - one of his own - is equal in power to the others, would make him happy.
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He should’ve been in totk. HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN IN TOTK 😭😭😭😭
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raviotherabbit · 3 years
royal pain in the ass - chapter 3
Chapter 3: Era of the Skies Zelda meets some new faces.
[first] - [previous] - [next] read it on ao3!
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Link—her Link, Sky—had told Zelda that his fellow heroes seemed to have… issues, with voicing their problems. Which, truth be told, didn’t make much sense to her. Skyloft has always been a very open environment. Everyone knew each other, and so knew when their fellow citizen was struggling.
Would there really be a time where not all of Hyrule was like this?
Zelda didn’t think much of it, not for quite some time. Not until her visit to the formerly Sealed Grounds, where she found the Hero of Legend staring up at the Statue of the Goddess. In retrospect, the whole thing seemed incredibly tacky. Who needs a hundred foot statue in honor of their worship?
Still, she found herself drawn to it. Of course she did. Things had been confusing ever since everything ended and construction of the kingdom had begun. Zelda still wasn’t quite sure what to make of herself.
She startled when she noticed Legend, having expected to be alone. It was a fresh and early morning, but there he was, arms crossed tightly with head tilted up at the statue.
“Hello, there!” Zelda called out, and the hero turned to face her. This one is a bit older than her Link, thank goodness. She’d grown a bit concerned by Wind and Fours’ appearances, even Wild and Hyrule looked a bit too young for her nerves. They all made her worry.
“Princess Zelda.” Legend nodded at her as she stepped up beside him. His gaze returns to the statue, eyes emotionless.
“There aren’t any princesses in this time, Legend,” she said. “At least, not yet.”
“Hm. Apologies.”
“It’s still early. I don’t even think your wolf is up, yet.”
“Let them be,” Legend told her. “I just- I couldn’t get back to sleep.”
“Well, what’s wrong?” she asked. At Legend’s scowl, Zelda continued, “I won’t tell anyone, I promise.”
Legend’s eyes shifted to Zelda, scrutinizing her. He sighed, looking up at the statue once again.
“I’m just thinking,” he said. “I mean, there are patterns to all of this, right? Evil rises, and so a hero and a princess work together to save the day.”
“It’s a nice thought, isn’t it?” Zelda smiled at him. “No matter how bad it gets, there will always be an end to it.”
“That’s not what I’m saying,” Legend countered her. “What I’m saying is, the evil always comes back. The seals break, or something new comes around. So Hylia calls upon someone new to fight, again and again.”
Zelda reached out, placing a hand on Legend’s shoulder, but he shrugged her away.
“No matter what we do, it gets worse. What’s the point?”
For a moment, Zelda paused, gripping at the cloth of her skirt. With a sigh, she sat facing away from the statue, motioning for Legend to sit with her.
“Has my Link ever told you about me?” she asked as Legend sat by her side.
“Just that you’re the best ever.” Legend rolled his eyes. “And that he loves you so much, and he can’t wait to see you again.”
Despite herself, Zelda giggled. “He’s sweet.”
But, truthfully, she was relieved. Sky has enough sense, at least, to keep her secret from those who have a bit of disdain towards their Goddess.
Without thinking, she placed an arm around the Hero of Legend’s shoulders. He tensed at first, glancing at her hand warily, and Zelda was almost afraid that she’d done something wrong. But then he relaxed, and even leaned his head against her.
“I can’t speak to the future of Hyrule,” Zelda told him, tracing patterns on his arm. “But I do know that the Goddess is not infallible.” She swallowed, her throat suddenly dry. “Do you know the story of the first hero?”
“Isn’t that Sky?” Legend asked.
“No,” Zelda said, looking up and back at Hylia’s statue. “Sky is only the second hero. There was one who bore the Hero’s Spirit before him.”
Legend looked up at Zelda, so with a smile, she began the story of Hylia’s Chosen Hero.
  △ ▲△
Flora and Artemis stumble out of the portal into a dense forest. The nausea sets in almost immediately as both queens double over, Artemis bracing herself with a hand on Flora’s shoulder. After a deep breath, Flora straightens herself out.
“You know, I think I’m getting used to it,” she remarks, offering a hand for her ancestor.
With a groan, Artemis accepts Flora’s hand. “I’m more used to standing on the other end of these things,” she admits.
“Don’t worry,” Flora assures her, gently guiding Artemis to sit below the closest tree. “How about…” She glances past the towering branches to the darkened sky above. “You rest here for a moment, and I’ll get started on our camp.”
Artemis lifts her weary head for a moment. “It’s later here than it was in my time.”
Certain that Artemis is fine on her own, Flora turns her attention to her preparations. The clearing they’re in can more accurately be described as a small gap between the trees, but since it’s just the two of them camping, that shouldn’t be much of a problem. She takes some wood out of her Sheikah Slate, the bundle materializing in her hand.
“What was that?” Artemis suddenly asks, bud eyed and staring at the wood. “Where did that come from?”
For a moment, Flora tilts her head in confusion, before the reality hits her. With a laugh she doesn’t mean to be mocking一though by Artemis’s face, she may have missed the mark on that一she holds out her Sheikah Slate once again.
“Storage,” Flora explains. To demonstrate, she pulls out a few pieces of flint as well, and Artemis gasps in shock. “Rather useful, isn’t it?”
“I know I’ve said it before, but that’s one strange relic.” Artemis notes.
“Oh believe me, I’m aware,” Flora jokes. She lays the wood out on the ground and strikes the flint together, igniting the fire. “Link insisted I stock up on supplies once we started travelling together again, so we’re lucky I haven’t been camping in a while.”
Artemis sighs wistfully, scooching closer to the fire. “The good old days. My Link and I must have run all over Hyrule back during the war.”
“I was a researcher, back in the day.” Flora brings her fingers to her chest as she speaks. “Link- Wild, he used to accompany me to all sorts of archeological sites.” Her hand shifts into a fist. “Of course, we’ve both been much too busy for that recently. But once reconstruction is done and he’s back home…”
A silence hangs over the two queens, both staring into the bright and searing fire. There’s a deep pit in both of their stomachs, twisting and cold. Flora draws her knees to her chest, resting her head on top of them. Artemis, however, places a hand on her descendant’s shoulder.
“They’re fine,” she insists, her eyes as hard as steel when Flora looks up at her. “Warriors, Wild, and all of the rest of them… They’ve come through so much worse than this. We will bring them back safe.”
Flora smiles. “Well, then I suppose we have a lot to do tomorrow. How about some dinner?”
  △ ▲△
Zelda’s always been an early-riser. Every morning, she rises as the first rays of dawn break. And then, once she’s ready to start her day, that’s when the business begins. After all, if Link’s to be believed, she’s got a kingdom to establish.
Usually, she’s one of only a few to be awake this early, which she’s fine with. But, on this particular morning, she’s shocked by the presence of someone standing right outside of her tent.
With a scream, Zelda falls back into her tent, but she doesn’t have a chance to reach for a weapon to defend herself with before she hears the person speaking.
“Ah! Zelda!” the figure shouts in panic.
“Pipit!” Zelda pushes her head out of the flaps. “What are you doing outside my tent?!”
“I just- I,” Pipit stumbles over his words, folding under Zelda’s harsh glare. “I saw something when I was patrolling last night! But I didn’t want to wake you! But it’s also important, so I thought I should wait here?”
Zelda sighs heavily. “Pipit… you know you can wake me if something important happens, right?”
“Ah, well-” Pipit’s face grows red, and he awkwardly scratches the back of his head. “You’re in charge here, so…”
With a groan, Zelda stands and brushes herself off. “We can deal with that later. Now, what’s so important that it could either wait or not wait?”
“Well,” Pipit clears his throat. “There appears to be some… Hylians, camping out in the woods.”
Zelda tilts her head. “Alright?”
“I mean, they aren’t from Skyloft,” Pipit quickly adds. “I’ve never seen them before in my life.”
Zelda frowns. “It’s not Link and his friends?”
Pipit shakes his head. “There were only two of them, and I haven’t seen either with Link before.”
That’s… disappointing, sure, but also extremely concerning. Sure, Ghirahim was the only demon they’d ever seen, but Demise could still have followers out there. If these travelers pose a threat, then Zelda owes it to her people that she sees to it. The Surface must be kept safe, at all costs.
“Take me to them,” she commands.
  △ ▲△
A breeze rustles past her, carrying the scent of blooming wildflowers. She takes it all in with a deep breath, sighing with relief. It’s a beautiful, crystal clear day. She and Link walk together, hand in hand, though Hyrule Field.
“This is it,” she says. “It’s finally over.”
A giddiness spreads throughout her whole chest, and she can’t help but laugh. Finally, finally! She’s free! Link is here, and he’s okay! They’ve done it!
“There’s so much for us to do!” she happily continues. “We have to visit Mipha, Daruk, Revali, and Urbosa! I’m sure Impa’s expecting us in Kakariko, not to mention the Ancient Tech Labs. Oh, and I’d love to see your home in Hateno, Link!”
Silently, Link’s hand slips from her own.
She turns around, expecting to find Link just a few steps behind her. But instead, the field behind her is barren. Her knight is gone.
“Link?!” she calls out. Desperately, she looks in every direction, trying to find the slightest clue of her friend. “Link, where did you go?!”
From somewhere beyond the castle, a darkness spreads over Hyrule Field like a blanket. She can’t see more than a few inches beyond her face, but still, she frantically yells out for Link.
Something cold grabs onto her wrist from behind, and she shivers.
Right at her back, she sees it. The monstrous, dark form of Link from the battle. He has a harsh grip on her hand, refusing to let go as she pulls away.
“Link is gone,” the shadow says. “Along with the rest of your precious Champions.
“No!” she shouts, trying with all her strength to escape the shadow. “No, not again!”
“You abandoned everyone you cared for!” he wheezes as he laughs. “It’s all your fault!”
The shadow leans right into her face, refusing to let her run away.
“You killed them all!”
Flora gasps awake, eyes snapping open. She barely has time to calm her thoughts before there’s something pointed at her face, and, with perhaps too much of a delay, she realizes it’s a gleaming silver sword.
“Don’t say a word!” the sword’s apparent wielder whispers loudly. Flora’s just barely able to see him out of the corner of her eye.
“Pipit!” another voice chastises him.
“Hey!” that voice is clearly Artemis, and in a second, she’s standing over Flora. She has her own rapier pointed at the threatening intruder. “Leave her alone!”
“State your business!”
Artemis abruptly drags Flora from her bedroll by her arm, keeping her rapier trained on the two strangers. Finally, she’s able to get a better understanding of who exactly disturbed their campsite. The one with the sword is dressed all in yellow, though the design of his uniform is vaguely familiar. He also has one of those long hats the heroes seem to favor.
The girl, though, is wearing a pink dress with a blue cloth attached to her side, and she seems to be trying her best to dissuade her companion.
“Pipit, stop!” She points at him as she yells, as if scolding a child.
“They’re clearly dangerous!” the man, Pipit apparently, argues. “That one has a sword!”
“You’re the one who threatened us!” Artemis shouts, her grip on Flora’s arm tightening slightly.
The girl suddenly shouts, “I said stop!” and reaches for his sword. When she does, two things happen.
One, her hand begins to glow a familiar, warm and holy light.
Two, a symbol appears on the back of Flora and Artemis’s hands.
It’s been a long time since anything has caused Flora’s power to stir. She hasn’t seen this symbol since she sealed Calamity Ganon away, all that time ago. And now, though she can still feel its weakness, it’s here.
With a gasp, the girl draws her arm back, clutching it with her other hand. With it, the Triforces fade away from the other two’s hands.
“You…” Flora turns her hand, looking for any trace of the golden light. “The power…”
Artemis starts, “Then you must be-”
“Oh, I see!” she claps her hands together, a slight nervous energy about her. “Pipit, would you please run ahead and let everyone know we have guests again?”
Pipit, blinking away his confusion, looks over at her with concern. “Zelda, are you sure?”
Ah, that explains it.
“Of course I’m sure,” Zelda explains, and she turns to the queens with an excited grin. “You two are also Zelda, correct?”
Flora and Artemis share a glance. “Well, yes-” Artemis says as Flora offers a nod.
Zelda’s smile grows even brighter. “That’s wonderful!” With a deep breath, she steps forward, hands crossed behind her back. “It’s an honor to meet my descendants.”
  △ ▲△
There’s a part of Sun that’s delighted to meet Flora and Artemis. In fact, it’s a very large part. She’s already heard so many great things about them from their heroes, even if Wild had been a bit withdrawn during their last visit. Oh, but the stories she’s heard about them both. From Flora’s incissent drive to Artemis’s reliability, she can hardly believe she’s been afforded the opportunity to meet them.
But, then again, there’s another part of Sun. It’s small, much smaller than the first. When she looks at her descendants, she thinks ‘Why are they here?’
The moment they step onto the construction site, Flora gasps in awe before sprinting ahead of her two predecessors. She looks upon the meager foundations of houses, with walls barely a foot high, as though she were a child being offered her favorite dessert.
“Is this truly the founding of Hyrule?” her fists shake up and down as she speaks.
“Well, it’s supposed to be, yes!” Sun calls ahead. “I know it’s not much now, but-”
“Not much?!” Flora’s taken aback, one hand clutching at her chest. “Sun, this is everything! These stones will mark this location for thousands of generations! You, right now, are building a land that will stand strong for hundreds of years!”
Wow! Great! No pressure or anything!
Feeling a bit hot around the collar, Sun decides to direct her next comment to Artemis, who’s remained by her side. “She’s really passionate, isn’t she?”
“I suppose so,” Artemis admits. Flora remains a few feet ahead, holding a strange tablet that makes a clicking noise. “She didn’t really get to go sightseeing when we were in my time, so she may be making up for that.”
As if proving her point, Flora scampers off out of sight with a joyful laugh.
“When did you two arrive?” Sun asks. “I hope you weren’t out there too long.”
Artemis waves a hand dismissively. “It was only a night. I think I learned a lot about ‘roughing it’. Not too bad.”
Sun can’t help but giggle at that. “Well, we can get you set up somewhere much nicer tonight.”
Just like that, she’s able to get a slight chuckle out of Artemis. “I’d appreciate that.”
There’s a brief pause before Artemis speaks up again. “You made our Triforce pieces glow.”
Sun clears her throat. “I did, didn’t I?”
“Well, it makes sense.”
Goddesses, Sun doesn’t like where this is going. None of the Skyloftians know about her, not really, not except for a few. And if Artemis were to figure it out, blab to someone that Hylia isn’t exactly immortal right now, then-
“If you’re founding Hyrule,” Artemis reasons, “then you must be a much closer descendant of Hylia than us. That is to say, you’re a bit more holy.”
Mentally, Sun breathes a sigh of relief. For now, at least, she’s still just Zelda.
“I never thought of that,” she professes.
“I’m only theorizing, of course,” Artemis elaborates. “But with the way things are going, it seems Flora and I may be seeing more of our relatives.”
Before Sun can ask about that, they come upon the Skyloftian’s campsite, just outside of the Sealed Temple. The first of the Hylians to migrate back down to the Surface situated themselves between the temple and the Goddess Statue not too long ago. It’s a good temporary first home, if a little outdoorsy. But it’s perfect, at least until the first buildings go up.
And there’s her father, a wide grin on his face as he notices her. Flora is right by his side, and she’s almost shocked to see them.
“I thought you two were right behind me,” she mutters to herself.
“Hello, father,” Sun greets him.
Gaepora finally catches sight of Artemis. “Oh, and there’s another one, too!” Without much discretion, he leans towards his daughter, though he cups his mouth with his hand as he wonders, “Is it true that they’re our descendants?”
Sun nods. “Yes, they’re the future queens of Hyrule.”
“Queens! How exciting!” Gaepora announces, suddenly pulling both girls into a hug, much to their surprise. “It’s wonderful to meet my granddaughters!”
“Ah, y-yes,” Flora stutters. “It’s an honor to meet you, as well.”
Artemis chimes in with a similar energy. “Likewise.”
“Father, please!” Sun laughs. “Give them some space. I need to talk to them now.”
“Oh, if you insist.” Gaepora releases his hold on the queens, who sigh in relief. “Though I want to hear more from you two, later.” He pats Sun’s shoulder, and when she meets his eyes, she finds that they’re full of pride. “For now, though, I’ll leave you to yourselves.”
Sun lets out a breath as her father leaves.
“Well,” she says sharply. “Come into the temple with me.”
  △ ▲△
Despite all the work happening outside, the Sealed Temple remains as untouched as it did for years. Link’s Life Fruit tree still grows nearby, swaying gently in the sunlight. For the most part, though, it’s quiet, and it’s the perfect place for this conversation.
Sun keeps a watchful eyes on the back of the temple, on the ancient doors she once slept behind. “So,” she says, back to her descendants. “Tell me, why have you both travelled to this time?”
Flora and Artemis are both silent, almost startled, for a moment. Sun can practically feel their hesitation.
“It’s the heroes,” Flora finally speaks up. “They’re in danger.”
“Link?” Sun whips around to face them. “What’s wrong with Link?”
Flora taps her fingers together nervously. “Well, you see-”
“It’s an entity by the name of Dark Link.”
In shock, both turn to look at Artemis. She continues with a stern demeanor. “We’ve encountered something like him in my own time, but he was more of a conjuration than whatever this form is.” She raises an eyebrow at her two counterparts. “I take it you have no equivalents?”
“None that I’ve heard of,” Flora taps at her chin. “But it does sound familiar…”
“I haven’t seen such a thing, either,” Sun admits. “Last time he was here, Link told me they were pursuing a shapeshifter.”
“Flora and I witnessed that firsthand yesterday,” Artemis explains. “He took the form of several of the heroes as he fought.”
“Sun,” Flora draws her attention. “Perhaps you could say, when was the last time you saw the Links?”
Sun frowns. “A little more than two months. You haven’t seen them, either?”
“I’m afraid not,” Artemis sighs.
Well, that isn’t good. Sun glances between her descendants, Flora anxiously playing with her fingers, while Artemis does her best to avoid catching anyone’s eyes. And then, there’s the anger. The anger so fiery, so righteous, that it drowns out both the excited and fearful parts of herself, because these are her girls, those are her heroes, and how dare anyone hurt them?
“Then it’s decided.” Sun straightens herself, standing tall and proud, all the goddess she might still be. “I’m coming with you.”
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Free Bird, Chapter 6
The next time Revali saw her was at the informal ordination of Link as her sworn protector and chosen knight. The ceremony had supposedly been crafted to be uplifting, and a symbolic beginning for the dangerous journey upon which they were all about to embark. However, if this ritual was meant to set the tone for the entire mission, Revali could only dread the outcome of the plan.
The commentary while Zelda stood above her chosen knight suggested Revali was not the only one with this sense of foreboding.
“Gee, this is uplifting.” Daruk sounded disarmingly sarcastic. “She’s making it sound like we already lost.”
Revali piped up, “Wasn’t this your idea? You’re the one who wanted to designate the appointed knight with all the ceremonial pomp, grandeur, and nonsense we could muster. And if you ask me, the whole thing does seem to be overkill. I think I’m on the same page as the princess regarding… this boy.”
“Oh, give it a rest,” Urbosa sighed. “That boy is a living reminder of her own failures. Well, at least that’s how the princess sees him.”
Her own failures? Revali didn’t understand what Urbosa could have meant. From what he knew of her, Zelda was an accomplished scholar and the pride of the Hyrule legacy. She had modesty, charity, and chastity. She was elegant, well-spoken, truly kind, and carried the weight of royalty like it were gossamer. There was something weighing her down to be sure, but Revali couldn’t imagine it had anything to do with her royal lineage.
Especially around the boy, she seemed more distraught than ever. What was it about this chap that got so under her skin? All the boy had was a stupid destiny. Unlike some people, the champions actually had to work for their skill, for their place in this league of future legends. It was apparent that Zelda had more than earned her reputation as one of the foremost scientific minds Hyrule castle had to offer, as well as a devoted acolyte. Sure, the murmurings made her sound more fanatical and eccentric than anything, but Revali chalked that up to shallow minds with shallow thoughts. It was the squabble of the little people, and what did they know or matter? It was their ignorant hides that needed saving.
After the ceremony had concluded, the champions were allowed time to explore the grounds of the castle. Link had gone to the stables with Mipha, Daruk was off near the armory, Urbosa was in the dining hall carousing with some of the younger soldiers, and Zelda had supposedly returned to her quarters. Revali observed that the princess had slipped out of sight rather swiftly, and none seemed eager to attend her despite what was clearly a downtrodden appearance.
He wondered...
Zelda hunched over the desk in her lab, scowling down at her journal. Why did she ever listen to Daruk? He was such a blockhead sometimes. She appreciated his sentiment; for a man of stone, he certainly had a warm heart, but the ceremony had been an absolute disaster. All the muttering amongst the champions while she spoke the ceremonial script… She caught bits here and there.
“Already lost…”
Her face burned with shame. She wanted the ceremony to be meaningful, positive, and give hope to everyone. She should have known that endeavor would fail. Zelda had no hope herself. Since childhood, the inkling of the goddesses, the innate sense of their presence, just did not exist for her. Her prayers were answered with silence. Her fasts were met with ravenous spiritual hunger. She even offered up plants as sacrifices, then cried with guilt for wastefully plucking them without result. For whatever reason, the goddesses found her… unworthy.
She scribbled hastily, trying to put down the words as fast as they entered her brain. On the verge of tears, she noted, “It is as if there is a great chasm between the goddesses and I. I shout and shout for them to hear me, but only my voice bounces back from that deep, unending void.”
She heard a noise and snapped her journal shut. Someone was clearing their throat. She whipped back to the doorway, but no one was there upon opening the door, nor waiting at the end of the bridge that led from her scientific tower to her bedchamber.
She began checking the windows and at last, she saw a fierce green eye surrounded by blue feathers floating within the frame of one of the slit-sized windows.
“Champion Revali, I believe it was you who reiterated that it was rude to eavesdrop when we first met.”
He hoisted himself up to where he was fully visible in the window frame, flapped his wings, and gave a bow. “My sincerest apologies.”
“Also, do you not think it inappropriate to come see a member of the royal family in their private chambers?”
“But I’m not in them, now am I?”
Zelda laughed. “Are you in need of something, master Revali?”
He offered a gallant smile. “Perhaps your majesty would care to join me for a walk on the grounds. I can see everything up here, but I’ll admit… Hylian structures are baffling to me. I wondered if perhaps you would be willing to educate me.”
The warmth of the smile that grew on her face told Revali he had succeeded in breaking her out of whatever dismal reverie she’d been in when he peered in at her, scowling at her journal.
Zelda met Revali at the base of the stairs. They began to explore the walkways leading down the primary battlement of the castle with a leisurely gait.
“Here we have the entrance to our library.”
Zelda blinked in surprise, then ushered Revali inside.
“What in Hyrule…” His eyes widened as he glanced around the massive room filled wall-to-wall with books.
“Surely you know what a library is, Revali.” Zelda giggled.
Revali rolled his eyes and ruffled his feathers, then said, “Of course I know what a library is… I’ve just never seen one this massive. There is no actual library in the Rito village.”
The princess’s head cocked to the side. “Why not?”
The Rito raised his wing up to the princess’ field of vision and wiggled the most controllable, dexterous portions of his wing, which still looked wildly unwieldy.
“Oh… penmanship and flipping pages must be difficult!”
“Only disciplined Rito, dedicated to the art, actively pursue reading and writing beyond a primary education. We are creatures of oral tradition and have little use for books, though some of the oldest legends are inscribed on tablets of stone.”
“Is it mostly birdsong?”
“Yes. Why would we speak about the legends of the Rito when we could sing the ballads of heroes, the laments of our tribe, the lullabies our fathers learned from their fathers?”
Zelda pondered this for a moment. Then asked: “Do you sing, Master Revali?”
“I can, but I generally do not.”
Zelda had led Revali up a cascading set of stairs and was clearly determined to show him a specific volume. She was scowling and tracing her fingers along titles as she walked along the upper level of the library.
“I could have sworn it was in this section… Found it!” She pulled out a broad but thin volume, clearly weighted, almost square enough to be used as a breastplate for armor fitted to the girl. A harp was crested into the volume’s cover, gilt in gold.
“This is a musical volume of songs from Hyrule’s history. Do the Rito use notations like this?”
She showed him a page with a simple melody. The notations were similar but…
“We use lines like this but typically our musical staves are much larger…” He squinted at the page and then pulled back. “Our notes are not all round. We use shapes and lines to indicate different note lengths…”
“Fascinating! Could you read a melody like this?”
“I am not well-versed in musical notation. We received basic training in childhood, but after those initial years, my studies were dedicated elsewhere. However, this melody is similar to one we learned as nestlings. The Ballad of the Goddess, I believe?”
Zelda laughed with excitement. Revali could not help but notice her laugh was high and sweet, almost birdlike with a chirpy nature.
“Would you sing it for me, Revali?”
“I would rather not.”
The disappointment that fell across her face was immeasurable. It nearly ruined Revali’s day to see her so put out; he felt he had to explain, even if the reason was made up on the spot.
“I do not like the way I sound when I sing from prescribed notes; the planned nature feels stifling. I would rather you not insist.”
“Oh. I would never dream to impose upon you. I’m sorry!”
Revali turned very stern, and gazed at her directly. “Do not apologize. It is not for someone of your position.”
Zelda was a bit taken aback by this admonishment. Most did not speak to her in this blunt fashion. No one but her father had spoken in unfiltered directives. She understood the Rito were a singularly bold people; perhaps tact was not really part of their vocabulary. Her facial expression betrayed her utter bafflement. She nodded sharply.
“You’re right, Revali.”
At that moment, a member of the royal guard emerged at the top of the stairs and was clearly headed in their direction. Revali moved from the princess’ side just as the guard focused his attention on her and said, “Your presence is requested by his majesty King Rhoam.”
Zelda turned to speak with Revali, but he was already taking a bow.
“Till we meet again, your highness.”
The guard extended his arm, and Zelda passed him by, where he took up her rear as he escorted her from the library, following her quite closely.
Revali watched as she disappeared down the staircase, the royal guard following behind her. Why send a guard? Why did he follow her with so little space between them? What an incredible sign of disrespect. It’s as if they expected her to give chase if they even dared to blink. He hoped nothing was amiss. But he couldn’t help to wonder, yet again…
Link to Chapter 5 HERE
Link to Chapter 4, Part 2 HERE
Link to Chapter 4, Part 1 HERE
Link to Chapter 3 HERE
Link to Chapter 2 HERE
Link to Chapter 1 HERE
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lezzybugo3o · 6 years
That’s Amore
A Linksona fic made for a challenge on a Linksona Discord server.
Summary: On one rainy day, Swift Wind reminisces about her past love life and muses on her current one.
                                                  That’s Amore
The rain poured down as the young hero and her wolf ran towards the Dueling Peaks stable. Once they made it to the establishment, Wolf Link shook the rainwater off his fur with a groan. “The sky looked sunny when we left the shrine. How did this rain come in so suddenly?”
Swift wrung out her tunic’s hem. “Nature’s funny that way. It looks fun out there though. Sure would love to stomp in some of those puddles.”
“I am NOT dealing with a sick teenager, so stay inside the stable,” growled the wolf.
Rolling her eyes, she took off her wet tunic and quickly put on an old shirt. “Fine then. Party pooper,” Swift huffed.
As Wolf Link settled in next to one of the stable beds, the Hylian gazed out, watching the rain. She soon caught sight of a couple running into the stable to avoid getting any wetter. She then noticed the male Hylian putting a cloak around his girlfriend, keeping her warm. The woman smiled at him and the two rested their foreheads together. Swift couldn’t help but feel warm inside at the sight of this. Love had always been such an interesting thing to her and she was no stranger to it as well. Swift closed her eyes as she began to let her mind reach back into the recesses of her memories of those she cared for in the past.
Swift could barely contain her excitement as the small ceremony carried on. She had been chosen to be Zelda’s personal knight along with being one of the Champions to seal away Calamity Ganon. Swift had always heard of Zelda’s name, but never had the chance to meet her properly until now. Needless to say, she was awestruck by the princess’ beauty. The way the wind blew past her golden locks and dress, one could have sworn they were in the presence of a goddess. Of course, once Zelda opened her eyes, Swift could sense a feeling of sorrow and possibly bitterness in her. She wasn’t sure where it was coming from, but the least Swift could offer was a genuine smile, hoping it would help. To her joy, the princess returned the gesture with a grin of her own, albeit a sad one. The Hylian Champion made a mental note to find ways to have Zelda smile more often, for her own sake and to experience the wonderful sight again and again.
Of course, Princess Zelda wasn’t the only lovely lady who caught Swift’s eye. During the ceremony, she could have sworn the other Champions were talking about her. She could tell one of them didn’t think that much of her, but she chose to ignore the negative comments made by him. The voice that caught her attention was one that she later found out belonged to the Gerudo chief herself, Lady Urbosa. Just the mere sight of her was enough to get Swift’s heart thumping like mad. She was gorgeous and fierce like the Lynels the Hylian had seen once or twice. Usually Swift had no problem trying to woo others with her words, but when she tried to turn on the charm with Urbosa, the Gerudo woman responded with a gentle caress on the younger woman’s cheek and sweet words of her own, causing Swift’s face to redden immediately. The action also elicited a hearty laugh from the Gerudo, a most melodious sound to the Hylian’s ears.
As if that wasn’t enough, Swift somehow found herself falling for the same Champion that thought she wasn’t all that special, Revali, Rito warrior. While most couldn’t stand the bird’s arrogant way of speaking and how much of a showoff he could be, Swifty thought it was a bit charming. Irritating but charming. Revali at first thought of her flirty behavior as unbecoming of a Champion, but at the same time he relished in the fact that someone was interested in him. They would spend long moments just exchanging snarky comments about the other person. Swift giggled to herself as she remembered one of the conversations they had at Rito Village. She had made herself a delicious fruit pie and she was savoring every bite like it was a treasure. The Rito Champion saw her and remarked, “I'm surprised you haven't broken any of the bridges with your chubby butt.”
Swift in turn shot back, “I’m surprised you're able to fly so high with how huge your ego is.”
Revali gave a smirk and smacked her back with his wing. “Little imp.”
Swift Wind then took a spoonful of her pie and smeared it on the Rito’s beak with a giggle. “Feather brain.”
Revali licked the sweet food off his mouth and bit back a surprised squawk when the Hylian girl cuddled up to him.
Swift certainly wasn't a picky girl when it came to finding a partner. The most important aspect to her was their personality and whether or not she could have a good time with them. She had had a few flings with people here and there… but there was one person who Swifty felt more than just mere infatuation… the one and only Princess Mipha. As a child, Swift already thought she was a pretty Zora, but meeting with her again after all those years, the young hero saw her old friend in a new light. Swift found herself visiting Zora’s Domain more often just to spend more time with Mipha, even with her new duty as Zelda's knight. The Zora princess would often fret that her friend would get in trouble with her frequent visits, but a peck on her cheek was enough to melt her worry away. Every time she came by, Swift would tell Mipha about something new the princess had never seen outside of the domain and even treat her to a new recipe she learned. In turn, the young Zora would teach Swift how to swim faster and improve her sparring. The Hylian sighed heavily as she recalled one of the last conversations she had with the princess.
“Perhaps we could spend some time together.”
Swift smirked. “You mean more time than we already do?”
Mipha’s face flushed as she tried to find her voice. “Ah um, m-my apologies! I did not mean to intrude on anything important you had to-”
“Heh heh heh, I’m only teasing, Mipha!” The Hylian reassured her with a gentle kiss on her forehead. “I love spending time with you… and your little scamp of a brother.”
“Again, I apologize for his rude behavior towards you,” she said sweetly.
“Ahh, think nothing of it. I've got three little brothers of my own. I know how it is with younger siblings,” Swift mused. She then took a breath before putting her arm around Mipha, chuckling when the Zora female squeaked.
“Swift Wind… if… if it is not too personal for you to answer, may I ask you something?”
The younger champion looked to her comrade and responded with a grin, “Sure thing. Ask me.”
Mipha took a deep breath as she gathered her courage. “Have… have you… (Oh goddess, Mipha, just spit it out! You are a proud Zora princess! And surely Father would love to have her as a second daughter!) Have you ever thought about marriage?”
Swift blinked in surprise which made Mipha's stomach drop, thinking she messed this up. Suddenly the princess felt her fellow champion hold both of her hands. “A few times… with you on my mind,” the hero playfully said with a wink.
The Zora gasped at this response. “I… I'm not dreaming, am I?”
Swift Wind leaned in and pressed her lips tenderly on the princess’, smiling when Mipha kissed back.
The Hylian champion fell back on to the stable bed with a sigh that was mixed with sorrow and reminiscence.
“What’s got you such a good mood?”
Swift sat back up to see Wolf Link watching her on the side of the bed. “Hm? Oh, just thinking is all… about Mipha… Revali… everyone I knew before. Heh, I found out she wanted to marry me before Ganon decided to rear his ugly head.”
Wolf Link raised an eyebrow. “You certainly have a way of attracting others, don't you? Like that prince you met at the domain?”
The champion snickered to herself as she remembered her first meeting with said prince. Last time she saw him, he barely reached her knee and by goddess, his grin was much too big for his tiny sweet face. But now, that same child towered over Swift, keeping that charming smile with a twinkle. His enthusiasm was as infectious as his positive mood and his muscular frame was enough to make the Hylian’s legs turn to jelly… so why couldn't she bring herself to flirt openly with him as she did with his sister long ago? Could it be guilt? The fact that she devoted her heart to Mipha and could never love another like her again? Maybe it was the fear of seeing him as a consolation prize compared to his sister. Whatever the reason, she wouldn't try to woo him as constantly as other people in her life… or so she thought. “Ahh, Prince Sidon could get any other woman. He is quite a sweetheart… not to mention those rippling muscles of his~”
“You're turning red again,” groaned Wolf Link.
She cleared her throat, trying to rid her brain of any lewd thoughts of Sidon… no matter how tempting it was. “Not as red as that adorable Goron we met back at Death Mountain turned when I held his hand. By Hylia, Yunobo was a yummy little cinnamon roll. What I wouldn't give to kiss that soft goofy face again.”
“Do that and he might accidentally knock you into lava, idiot,” the wolf growled. “Like when you almost walked off that cliff staring at that Rito bard.”
Swift burst into laughter at the memory. “Can you blame me? Kass is a very pretty bird. His looks are as mesmerizing as his music.”
The dark-colored canine shook his head in frustration. It seemed like everywhere they went, his companion had at least three new infatuations towards the residents of Hyrule. “Seriously, is there any place in Hyrule you HAVEN'T fallen for someone?!”
“I wonder if that cute Hylian girl with the purple hair is still in Gerudo Town,” Swift gushed, oblivious to the wolf’s question.
Wolf Link put his paw over his face and sighed in defeat, “You're hopeless.”
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zeldahijinks · 7 years
If this is ok to ask, may I please request a scenario in which the Reader dies and Sidon, their s/o, has to deal with the news, like the Revali one-shot you did but in reverse? I'm sorry, I just really, *really* love angst.
[A/N: It is more than okay to ask! And no worries, my friend, I love angst as well. Hell, I legit started tearing up writing this! But I fault that to the another lovely anon introducing me to Tom Waits. *cough* This song got me all choked up. Also I’m sorry these are so lengthy! It’s a habit too hard to break!] Sidon/ReaderWord count:1010
Zora’s Domain glimmered brightly while the water treaded slowly, and the air flowing brisk but warm. Citizens carried on with their day, not a one of them having a single care in the world. To the outsiders, Zora’s Domain was a magical place, but Prince Sidon, as he stared from a high balcony over his land, just could not match his precious subjects’ contentment. He felt uneasy, just completely restless. There was protruding pressure in his chest that no amount of completing his duties, swimming, or going hunting could override. He tried deep breathing treatments, had swamped himself with paperwork that was supposed to be for his father, and even offered to help in the kitchen. The last one didn’t go over well while some Elders overheard and shooed him away claiming a Prince of such a renowned status shouldn’t bother with such labors. 
It didn’t stop him from trying to play with the children, reading books, and working on his weapons. One thing after another, another chore down, and another empty accomplishment, now Prince Sidon sat in a chair on his private balcony. He had finally given up attempting to avoid this strange ache, this horrible notion something was wrong… something missing. Throwing an arm over his face and sinking into the chair further, he just could not feel at rest. Honestly, how could he? His mind drifted back to kissing you a farewell a few weeks back, and how you promised him you’d returned as soon as Link didn’t require your help anymore. How could he say no? His brave, wonderful, golden light of his life was willing to help the greater good!
He should be proud! He was! Honored even! But…yet, he missed you so much.
He missed waking up to caress your form next to his, peppering your shoulders in kisses until you begged him laughing and breathless, and oh…. Those quiet nights when it was just the two of you enjoying each others’ silence in this very chair. He missed you so much. He held his face in his hands, sharp teeth gritting because all he wanted to see you again! He felt himself unravel, but he quickly composed himself as he spent his whole life training to do. Even if he gained a calm facade, his body hung low on the chair, arms ungracefully hanging off the side. There were few times Sidon would mope, and whenever his beloved was gone he found himself easing into this position.
He chuckled under his breath, thinking back to when you would come home from an extended trip and you had found him moping in his huge chair, blowing the whistle attached to his ascot. When he had noticed you, you didn’t let it down for months after how he flopped toward you like a puppy. He hummed happily at the memory, because he had took you into his arms and listened to that beautiful laughter fill his heart with so much love. If life didn’t have its way, he would go to the ends of the world to be able to keep moments like that alive and well for eternity.
But when Prince Sidon opened his eyes and looked around to an empty balcony, it was in those rare moments Sidon was not a fan of reality.
“MY LIEGE!” A Zora guard came rushing in Sidon’s room and toward the balcony. The Zora soldier, out of breath, pointed over the railing, sputtering nonsense as they tried to relay their message. However, Sidon not willing to wait for them, stood up immediately and made his way over.
His eyes fell upon the figure resembling Link and his trusted horse, Epona, and he desperately searched for you. A blistering cold wafted over his body as he followed the trail behind his friend and saw a long slate covered in your handmade embroidered cloak. It was in that moment Sidon wished to remain in his dreamland of kisses and caresses. He wanted to move, but it felt like the connections between his brain and hand were lost while the newcomers approached. Zoras lined the entrance ways, their gasps and sobs resounded while Prince Sidon gritted his teeth and leapt from his perch.  He slid his way down on a sloped roof, landing not to fair from his sister’s statue. He rushed over while his eyes darted back and forth between the covered slate and Link.
Link came up and handed a jeweled chest protector Sidon made for you. Half of it was broken, semiprecious jewels busted or missing from their placement. Sidon’s throat clenched gazing on the plate’s half stained in scarlet.
Stained in blood.
Shakily, he peered over to Link whose eyes filled with immense sorrow, red and worn from possibly crying. Link attempted to speak, but seeing Sidon in a state of shock because of his mistakes, no words could undo what was done. And so, Link sunk to his knee, head hanging low, a sign of utmost respect and grievance from Hyrule’s knight.  The jeweled chest plate fell from Sidon’s hands as he drifted to the slate.
Gently as he could, he pulled back your favorite cloak, and inch by inch, revealed your face. He choked back a sob because even if your face was devoid of life, lips colorless, and face riddled with scratches, you looked peaceful and still so fetching. He fell to his knees feeling unsure what to do with his hands as they wavered over your body as if beckoning you to get up. Other Zoras and Link all looked away, or moved into their homes to let the Prince and his love be. 
 Finally with shaking hands, he pulled you into his embrace cradling you like a newborn, and whispered sweet nothings in your ear. A part of him wishing… wanting so badly that if he muttered things that had made you fawn over him when you were alive, somehow you’d magically revive and place a hand on his face so he’d be whole once more.
But you did not.
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