#i also had a dream about austin butler so i was also thinking about him a lot too
spicyspiders · 3 months
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burst and flooding
König x male reader smut
1.3k words
Was thinking about König a lot last week so I wrote this. It was going to be a sex pollen fic, but instead I wrote something where König gets so overwhelmed because he likes the reader so much.
You fell face down into your bed. You were absolutely exhausted, but luckily, you had a mission-free weekend ahead of you. You could barely muster up the energy to dry yourself off and pull on clothes after getting out of the shower, but you were glad you did when you heard the sound of a knock at your door.
You pulled yourself up onto your feet with a sigh and walked to the door slowly. “König?” You asked after opening the door to the distressed looking man.
It wasn’t unusual that he didn’t have his sniper hood on, but what wasn’t normal was for the blue in his eyes to be swallowed by black, and his cheeks to be flushed red with blood. He stood in your doorway, one hand over the white soft cotton shirt he wore, and the other hand between his legs. His chest rose and fell quickly as he sucked in breath after breath, trying to calm himself down from whatever was plaguing him.
“What’s wrong?” You asked as you pulled König into your room. Once you shut the door and turned around to face him, you were met with his broad back. “König?” You asked softly, placing a hand on his back.
“I need your help,” he gasped out.
The energy you felt had drained earlier rushed through your veins as you sprung into action. It wasn’t the first time you had helped him through a panic attack, already knowing what to do. You tried to guide the man onto your bed and get him comfortable, but he didn’t budge from his spot in the middle of your room.
He stood hunched over himself, like he was trying to make himself look small. It didn’t look right for a man of his stature, like he was trying to hide himself, or like he was trying to hide something.
“I have never felt this way before,” König says softly, you try to step to face him and meet his eyes, but they stay on the floor. “I think about you and I feel crazy,” he steps closer to you, “my body feels hot and my heart feels like it’s going to burst from my chest.”
When König straightens his body out, standing tall over you as he comes even closer, you can look him fully over. Your eyes zero in on the noticeable bulge in the sweatpants he wears, and when you pull your eyes away to finally meet his, you’re met with his pleading eyes.
“Help me, please?” He asks quietly.
“Let’s get more comfortable,” you respond just as softly.
He goes easily to the bed, right to the spot where you just were. You thought when you got out of the shower that you were going to return to your room and go to sleep, now less than an hour later, you had a welcome guest in the spot you just were.
“Can I take these off?” You question as you stand at the corner of the bed, between König’s legs.
König’s muscular body comes on full display after he pulls his clothes off. You feel yourself begin to grow hard in your pants when you trace your fingers along the scars on his upper body. His lower half is littered with fewer marks, but your eyes don’t linger on those, but instead look at the hard cock König is trying to hide behind his hands.
“You’re beautiful,” you murmur as you pull your eyes away and continue to run your fingers across his skin.
“You are,” König responds.
His words bring a smile to your face, “I haven’t even taken my clothes off. You haven’t even seen me,” you say with a laugh.
König’s hands settle firmly around your hips before he speaks, “I have seen you. You are beautiful in the field, how you handle yourself, and how your fingers move on your gun. You are beautiful covered in b-”
You cut him off by pressing your lips to his and end the kiss with a laugh, “I get it,” you say, watching the way König’s face goes red from the words he just said to you. “Thank you, König. I never knew you were so observant,” you say before pressing your lips to his again.
Once pulled away from the kiss, you make your way onto the bed to join König. Your hands go slowly down his body, taking notice of the way he shivers when your fingers brush his nipples. König’s hips twitch forward when your fingers run through the dark trail of hair that leads down to his cock.
König’s mouth falls open with a gasp when your fingers wrap around his thick cock. His hands sit at his sides, his fingers already clenched around the blanket under his fingers. His body visibly goes tense after a few moments of slowly stroking his cock, making you pause in worry.
“You okay?” You pull your hand from his cock, when he looks up from your hand with his large, dark eyes, “should I stop?” You ask, pulling your hand away, your fingers wet with his precum.
“No! No! Please,” König whines, his hips moving forward again like he’s trying to guide his cock back to your hand.
“I am trying not to-” König’s voice breaks into a breathy moan, “I do not want this to end,” he whines after gasping for a breath.
“We’ll do this again,” you respond, “I can’t have you get like this again, can I?” You ask against his mouth before your mouth is on his again. During your lip-lock with your eyes closed, you miss seeing König cum, but you sure can hear and feel it as he moans into your mouth and you feel the warm spurts of his cum on your fingers as it shoots over your fingers.
You open your eyes when you pull away from the kiss. The puffs of König warm breath hits your face as he comes down from his orgasm. You stroke his softening cock through the aftershock, watching as his cock goes flaccid in your fingers.
You take your hand away when König lets out a whimper of overstimulation, but from the way his hips move forward, you can’t tell if he actually wants more.
You bring your hand to your mouth to taste what landed on your fingers. It’s salty and bitter on your tongue, but the taste only leaves you wanting more. You lean down to swipe up with your tongue the rest of it that landed on his abs, but this time, you’re unable to distinguish if the salty taste is from his spend or his sweat.
König’s hand goes to the back of your neck to pull you up into a kiss, and he groans at the taste on your tongue when they tangle. His other hand goes between your legs to grip at your hard cock, but you knock his fingers away.
“Wha-” König begins to question, but you cut him off with another kiss.
“Go shower,” you say against his mouth, “let’s just go to sleep.” König looks as if he wants to protest, but you kiss him one last time before he can, “we have all weekend,” you whisper against his mouth.
König pulls away with a smile and a nod before he gets off the bed and begins pulling his clothes back onto his sweaty body. Once he’s adjusted his clothes and smoothed out the wrinkles, he presses his mouth to yours in a soft kiss.
It feels like forever for your erection to go down, and you nearly think it’s going to come right back when König comes back to your room. You get under your covers, trying not to grind your hips into the mattress, but luckily, König throws a heavy arm around your body, keeping you still.
You fall quickly into a deep sleep, but not before you feel König’s lips on your skin, giving you one last kiss for the night.
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austinbutlerslovers · 4 months
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Avec Moi
Label Mature 18+
You are hidden away in Austin’s luxury Parisian hotel while he does his press tour in France. He tries to keep you separate and all to himself, the only normal piece of this life anchoring him down.
He sends you on a sight seeing tour preoccupying you for the day while he attends a photo call and his movie premiere. When he finally returns to you it’s almost midnight
Entering the suite he is so happy to finally appreciate you and spoil you, it’s your anniversary after all. Even though every day he loves you beyond compare, he makes it special. He takes your breath away with a beautiful view and an even more satisfying orgasm.
Established relationship girlfriend
Smut•romantic•gifts •traveling •morning/shower sex•nipple play•oral sex female rec• lingerie• blindfold•sex against a window•multiple •orgasms •cream pie•anniversary sex
Inspo: Austin in Paris France? 🇫🇷 Oui Avec Moi= With You
Avec Moi
Austin keeps his public and private life very separate. He values you as a treasure all to himself. Whatever career or life you had is now completely absorbed into his. He needs you with him at all times, bringing you every where he goes. You begin to lose track of the dates and times when he takes you on a whirlwind international press tour for his latest film.
You wake up early morning now in France, it is from a sharp knock at the door followed by a ring. Austin rolls over to hold you, the hot skin of his chest warms your back. He gives you a quick kiss on your temple before he climbs out of bed leaving you to rest.
You are in one of the most expensive hotels in Paris over looking the city. You arrived so late at night from your international flight you didn’t even have time to explore the room. The suite has 3 wings; the master suite, the living room, and the foyer, there is also a roof top patio.
Everything is white with gold overlays. Ornate trimmings wrap every edge and panel up to the hand painted high vaulted ceilings. It is a Baroque, Rococo dream. Words you learned reading your guide book about France on your multiple connecting flights from Mexico the previous day.
Austin ties on a robe and leaves the master suite. He closes the double doors quietly behind him to give you privacy and let you sleep. You can still hear everything through the thin decorative doors.
“Mr. Butler the hair and makeup team is here to set up may we offer you anything to eat or drink while you wait?” A woman asks.
“Yea I’m really craving some dark chocolate croissants, do you think you could get a few of those with a light breakfast, no dairy though” As soon as he asks his request is carried out.
Within a few moments a bellman rolls a trolley in with an entire assortment of fruits, sweets, juices, breads, eggs,and of course his dark chocolate croissants. Austin quickly eats before his big day.
He opens the doors to the master suite and closes them quickly behind him. He brings his event outfit with him from the stylist, hanging it the walk in closet as you sleep. His hair and makeup team need more time to prepare in the living room. He climbs back in bed resting on top of you staring at your sleeping face. He wants you to wake up.
He plants soft kisses on your lips as you sleep arousing himself more with each one. When you finally wake up he smiles down at you eyes twinkling his new favorite dainty chain swings on his neck catching your eye. He knows you’re exhausted from all the traveling but he wants you.
“You gonna be here when I get back later?” He asks teasing for making you travel so much. You sleepily nod yes. He pets your hair back lovingly and stares into your eyes. “Do you need money to go out today?” He asks gently. You nod again a smile forming on your lips. You know he wants you to explore Paris having fun while he works.
Slowly climbing off of you he retrieves his wallet and stands looking down at you laying in bed. He unfolds his wallet and pulls out a crisp bill. “How much?” He asks throwing one note and you collect it. He throws another just as you reach the first. You catch it as it flutters down.
You finally wake enough to chime in “Austin how much are these?” He smiles as he keeps raining them down on you one by one. “Hundreds I think” he says not paying attention to the amount, more excited watching you climb out of bed and bend down to collect them.
He makes a trail of them to the lavatory. “Austin this is like a two thousand then” you say in shock holding the stack of euros. He pulls you to him with one hand the money pressed between your bodies.
He takes the stack out of your hand placing it with his wallet on the bathroom counter and kisses you. He quickly kneels down stripping off your silk panties from your nightie set. “Austin we don’t even have time, you have a photo call and a premiere today” you say in a hushed tone knowing there are people working in the next room.
He’s already absentmindedly kissing up your thighs. “Austin.” You say firmly and he stands taller than you peering down at you softly. “But it’s our anniversary ” he confesses smiling. You didn’t even realize what date it was.
You smile back up at him appreciatively and give him a sweet kiss on his lips. “Go to work and when you are back we’ll celebrate.” you say gently. You reach around him turning on the shower to move him along.
He mock pouts starting to get in. Before he does he pulls you in too, soaking your nightie top and holding you against him under the shower head. He drenches you completely. ”Austin!” you shriek in surprise. He laughs as you smile at him he’s so so annoying when he sets his mind on something and nothing can change it.
He already has your soaked top over your head discarding it. He turns you to press your hands against the glass “Just real quick” he rasps and lines up his stiff cock with your entrance. You relax and he pushes his cock fully inside of you until his hips meet the back of your thighs. You let out a soft moan and your clit pulses from the stretch of his size.
He waits for you to adjust, and reaches his had around stroking your clit as he begins to gently thrust into you. He wants all his cum out of him and inside of you so he can work clear headed while you fantasize about him all day.
He squeezes your supple tit in his hand as he bends you over. The time is ticking. You help him by placing your hands higher above you on the glass spreading your legs wider and arching your back down. He wishes he had a picture your waist and back are a work of art at this angle.
He gives you several good thrusts holding your waist, then pulls you back by your hip bones pounding his cock deep making your core tighten as you gently moan for him. He thrusts faster bouncing you against his cock to make you quickly climax.
“Aus! I’m….” he pulls you back flush against his chest knowing you’re going to cum and strums your clit hard. You clench on him panting loudly and stifling your moans as you have your first intense orgasm of the day.
When you finish at your peak he presses your chest against the glass and grips his strong hands around your waist. He places his thighs beneath yours and plows into you repeatedly until his cock is swollen tight ready to release.
His abs constrict as he groans in pleasure throbbing his warm cum inside of you. He pants heavily as his hips falter slowing down.
He holds you still for a brief moment as you both catch your breaths. Once you settle he holds your waist and slips his heavy cock all the way out making you both moan.
He has to quickly finish rinsing off and leaves you in the shower. He rushes drying off and brushes his teeth before grabbing his wallet. He swiftly puts his outfit on in the bedroom to meet his team in the living room.
You finish in the shower a moment later. As you brush your teeth you stare at the stack of euros on the counter. ‘It’s our anniversary ’ his words repeat in your head making you smile. The wheels are already turning in your mind of what you want to get for him. You blow dry your hair and put on a simple form fitting dress. You can’t wait to see what Austin is wearing he must almost be ready by now.
You slowly open the double doors of the master suite a sliver to peek. He’s sitting in one of the ornate chairs in the living room having his hair touched up by the stylist. He is waiting patiently twisting the ring on his pointer finger around with his thumb.
He is dressed in all black as usual. It’s a double breasted suit paired with what looks almost like a construction workers boot and you giggle at the contrasting styles. He looks over to the master bedroom hearing the familiar sound of your happiness and locks eyes with you smiling.
His face is so stunning drawing you to enter the living room to get a better look. Several of his team members are bustling about. You sit on the sofa watching him as the stylist finishes.
He stands to look at himself in the full length mirror inspecting every little detail of his face and hair. He finds everything suitable and nods to his assistant who brings him a heavy trench coat to complete the ensemble. He flips the collar up as he lifts it over his shoulders and the stylist fixes it back. She goes over his coat with a lint roller.
Your eyes wander up his tall frame, he looks so handsome and powerful. You smile to yourself thinking he looks like a Parisian prince when in reality he’s a talented American actor from Anaheim.
Everyone begins last minute checks and explanations going over each detail of the schedule with him. He interjects a few questions and then they are set. Security informs the team down stairs that he is on the move.
Every one walks with him to the door almost rushing him out with excitement for the day “Wait” he stops looking for you “ Baby ”he calls out and you hurry to him.
Several people have to make space. He holds you close smiling down at you.“I love you and I’ll see you later “he says never breaking his gaze” I love you too” you say staring up at him feeling so enamored.
He plants a soft kiss on your lips and holds his hands cupping your jaw lovingly before he lets you go. You reach and squeeze his hand one last time before he slips away. He looks over his shoulder and smiles at you giving you a wink.
Everyone exits the door and it slams shut to silence.
You look around at the palace like room wondering what you should go do. You spot your Paris guide book on the living room ottoman and grab a chocolate croissant from the cart on your way to read it. You plop down on the sofa and begin to flip through the pages as you eat.
Suddenly the hotel room phones ring all at once around the suite making you jump. You pick up the closest one.
“Hello?” You answer
“Bonjour Mrs. Butler I am calling to confirm the arrangement time for your pick up.” She says in a heavy French accent. You smile at her mistake calling you his wife but you don’t correct her
“My pick up?” You ask to clarify if it’s for you
“Yes madame there is a driver to take you sightseeing today arranged by your husband” you cover your mouth shocked in delight that he planned this.
You don’t correct her the second time she calls you his wife either. You look to the gold vintage clock on the mantle it’s 8:15 am.
“I can be read in 30” you say confidently
“Excellent Madame the driver will pick you up at the main courtyard in front of the lobby. Please take a moment to write down this information.
Pierre black Mercedes license plate AA229AA”
You exchange goodbyes.
“Okay thank you goodbye ”
“Je vous en prie”
You are beaming with a smile. After you eat breakfast you put on your makeup and don a long back trench coat over your dress paired with slip on tennis shoes.
You collect your phone and purse heading down the private elevator to the lobby.
You find the car with the matching plate parked where the receptionist said it would be and climb in closing the door. “Piere?” You ask just to be certain “Bonjour Mrs. Butler, yes I am Piere I will be your driver for the day. This is from your husband“ he says handing you a red envelope. He begins driving you away from the hotel as you open it.
You slide out an elaborate crimson red card written in Austin’s handwriting.
It reads:
To my love,
I wanted to take you to each of these places with me but we don’t have time during the press tour. I’ll be thinking of you all day wishing I was there. I couldn’t ask for someone who loves and supports me more than you do.
I love you,
Your pout your lip cutely he’s so thoughtful. You read his list on the opposite side of the card.
Arc de Triomphe
Fontaine du Jardin du Trocadéro
Eiffel Tower
Marché Saxe-Breteuil Market
The Lourve
Dinner Le Garde Robe
You are taken a back It is a full day of activities when you were only expecting to be gone a few hours. Austin must really want you to enjoy Paris so you eagerly tackle the list.
You sight see, shop, and eat the entire day away. Ending the itinerary at Le Garde Robe winery sipping a glass of expensive Chateau Margaux. It’s such a spectacular and highly sought after wine. You spend the remainder of your cash to buy an entire bottle for Austin’s anniversary gift. You have it placed in a wooden gift box with 2 Reidel glasses and a wine opener.
You return to the hotel at 10:23 pm happy, exhausted, and lightly drunk carrying tons of bags. You walk through the enormous beautifully decorated lobby down a corridor to the private elevators swiping your card and entering.
As the doors close you swipe your key card again to gain access to your floor. You rest back against the elevator wall with all of your new purchases in tow letting out a breath. Paris is definitely an amazing city.
You exit on your floor and head to the end of the hall for the VIP Master suites. You swipe your card and the handle whirs as it unlocks. You enter into complete blackness.
You quickly set your bags down and reach for the light panel. You click on the lights and look down realizing you are standing on fresh red rose petals, you gasp. You follow the trail of flowers into the bedroom.
The bed is freshly made with a black Versace box placed on top with a bow. A note rests against it reading “Open Me” in cursive. Your eyes grow wide from the surprise.
You sit on the bed and pull the silk ribbon to open the box. Your fingers pull up the daintiest black lace bra of a lingerie set as you read the second note inside “Wear Me”. You smile so impressed by Austin’s romantic gestures all day.
You want to wear it immediately and walk toward the lavatory. Until your eye catches the closet doors and you stop.
The closet is tied shut with a big black ribbon wrapped around the handles. It has a note hanging in beautiful cursive which reads “NO Peeking!” Your eyes light up with excitement, you will definitely wait.
You wash off your body using a new Parisian fine milled soap you purchased that smells heavenly. You towel off and blow dry your hair. Sitting at the vanity in the lavatory you do your makeup and spray your favorite fragrance and rub lotion all over your body.
Finally you open your gift box from Austin and put on your lingerie. It practically glides onto you the lace is so fine. You look up in the mirror and instantly feel seductive.
You see your pussy and nipples through the silk so sheer against your skin. You trail your hands on your curves. You look incredibly sexy and you smile to yourself, Austin’s going to defile you immediately.
You hear the front door lock beep and whiz open filling you with excitement. You are unsure how to greet Austin quickly grabbing a robe and tying it tight to make the lingerie a surprise reveal later.
You emerge from the bathroom hearing his voice coming from the living room “ Baby did you get everything? Look at all these bags !” You hear him laugh. You peek shyly from the bedroom biting your pointer finger in your mouth cutely like buying all the items was a mistake.
He beams at you and you rush into his embrace. He smells crazy, like a mix of city air, his cologne, and light sweat. He looks exhausted. You hang your arms around his neck and stare at him in gratuity “Thank you baby , for all of this. I love it” he grins so big he can’t make it stop. “Let me shower I want to spoil you some more” he says staring in your eyes with a hint of naughtiness. You let him go and begin to move your bags under the entry way table to put away later. You completely dropped them where you stood when you saw the rose petals.
Once Austin is out of the shower fresh and comfortable in black boxers he calls to you. When you come to the bedroom he’s waiting at the closet grinning , it completely slipped your mind he had another surprise to give you.
“Did you peek?” He asks as his fingers release the ribbin. He grabs ahold of the handles making you wait in suspense until he hears your answer. “No of course not “ you out right admit.
He pulls open the doors. The entire floor of the walk in closet is covered in rose petals. You cover your mouth in disbelief. ”Austin this is too much” you say without thinking. He grabs your hand pulling you in. At the center sitting on top of the jewelry station is a large bouquet of crimson red roses as he pulls you closer to stand in front of them you see a red Cartier box resting on top. Your heart flutters wildly.
For a split second you think he’s going to propose but the box is bigger. He smirks watching you try to figure out what’s inside. He takes the box in his hands and presses the clasps to release the lid and unfold the panels.
It’s a pendant similar to his dainty chain with a diamond in the middle. Its so radiant the clarity sparkles flashing brilliantly in its case completely mesmerizing you. He sets the case down on the jewelry station and pulls the pendant out.
You turn to face one of several full length mirrors and finally reveal your surprise from him. You untie the robe and let it fall to the floor. Austin stares at you in the lingerie dumbstruck “Fuck baby…” he says low and husky staring at you as his mind wanders to fucking you until you’re screaming in satisfaction.
You pull your hair over one shoulder smiling at him to remind him of his task. He regains his focus and stands behind you unclasping the pendant and bringing it around to rest on in your chest before clasping it back shut.
He watches as you study yourself. You smell so good, you look incredible, and your body is covered in his gifts. His boxers are tenting with the massive erection he has for you.
Your breaths increase and your lips part admiring the reflection of how absolutely beautiful and stunning you look in the expensive lace lingerie and Cartier pendant. “Do you like it?” He asks as you lock eyes in the reflection.
You turn to embrace him kissing his lips, the real thing you want. He smiles against your lips knowing you like the gifts, until you kiss him so heavily he becomes aroused. He picks you up wrapping your legs around him and brings you to stand at the foot of the bed.
As expensive as the lingerie is he wants it off he wants to touch and see all of your skin. He slips his hands under you bra straps pulling them down reaching around you to unclasp it letting it fall to the floor.
He leans in and cups both breasts with his hands letting out a groan, they are so soft. He massages one and gently sucks onto the other flicking his tongue around the nipple inside of his mouth. He pulls his face back and laps at one nipple and then the other until a moan escapes your lips as you feel the wetness pool in your panties. He continues to lick and suck the buds one at a time until he drives you over the edge.
He looks up into your blown out pupils. You are panting in desperation to be filled with his cock, but not before he gets his present first. He lays you down and settles between your legs placing his hand across your stomach. He trails kisses down your navel to your panties.
He runs his hand up to your knee and back down your thigh between your legs. He hooks his thumbs into the delicate lace and slides your panties to your knees. “Look at this beautiful gift I get to unwrap“ he says mesmerized staring between your legs.
He pulls your panties all the way off and gazes in lust at your slick wet folds warm and ready for him. Once he settles back between your legs he places a kiss your inner thigh “Mine” he says peering up at you with a devious grin, you giggle at his possessiveness.
The sudden touch of his soft tongue between your folds ignites you. He eats you softly and delicately taking his time on you. It makes your heart beat so wildly you feel like it will burst. You look at his soft blonde locks and his angelic face. His are eyes closed as he devours you like his dessert.
You place your hand in his hair giving a gentle tug as you moan. You want him to know how much you enjoy the feel of his soft lips and tongue giving you so much satisfaction. He moans into you and your thighs tense from the pleasurable sensation. He does a few final licks and tilts his face up smiling at you. Your body is completely relaxed and ready for him.
He lifts you from the bed to standing and plants a kiss on your lips. As you stand in place he slips a black blind fold tucked in his waistband up to your face and ties it tightly to your eyes.
He waves his hand in front of your face checking if you can see. When you don’t react he grins.
He turns off all of the lights in the room before pulling open the black out curtains flooding the room with glowing moonlight. He strips out of his boxers.
He takes your hands leading you across the room then he stops pressing you forward against a glass window. It’s so cold you gasp as your nipples react becoming harder. He stands directly behind you holding tight to your waist line. His soft lips never leave your neck trailing kisses down.
His hands massage along your waist down to your hips. He slips one hand between your thighs grabbing a handful of your sex. You let out a breath as he squeezes a handful of your pussy and kisses the shell of your ear. The way he’s breathing and pressing his naked erection against you makes your clit swell lusting for him so badly.
He can’t hold back either feeling his cock pulse against you. He widens his stance and rubs his hard cock on your wet pussy. A jolt of pleasure shoots up your spine as you let out a soft moan. He places one hand gently around the front of your throat the other he has on the base of his cock holding it steady.
He gently pulls you back by your throat lining his cock to your entrance to make you empale yourself on him. Chills expand across your body as you feel his tip pierce through your entrance. He pushes his hard cock through your soft walls making you clench on him and gasp as he pulls you flush to his body.
Another pleasurable moan escapes your lips once he’s fully inside. He caresses your throat as he kisses your temple on the silk blind fold. He pulls his hips back sliding his cock all the way out to the tip.
His hands grip your neck tighter as he shoves himself fully inside rocking your body against the window. You begin to moan uncontrollably as he gyrates into you.
He thrusts you harder into the window your tits pressing against it each time. It makes you so aroused that he is manhandling you. He increases his speed grunting each time he pounds between your legs.
Your core is pulled tight as a spark of pleasure ignites inside. You cry out his name in a desperate moan. “Are you gonna cum?” He breaths against your ear” “Yes Austin I’m so close“ you admit as chills cover your entire body.
Once you clench around his cock his hand releases the blind fold from your eyes and you see the the Eiffel Tower glittering radiantly against the black night sky.
“Uuuhhh Austin !” is all you can cry out as you orgasm. Waves of euphoria crash into your body at your peak of pleasure and he holds you firmer as you come down in bliss.
He gently gathers a hand full of your hair and sensually tilts your head back exposing more of your neck. He kisses your most vulnerable spot as he charges to release inside of you. He presses his thighs against the backs of yours and works his his strongest thrusts into you. He’s so powerful you begin going listless ready to cum again.
He wraps his strong arm around your chest to hold you in place against him as you orgasm a second time. He’s grunting heavily in your ear driving you insane. You love that sound so much when he’s about to release in you.
His grunts turn into deep moans. You feel his cock thump wildly inside of you as he orgasms spilling his thick cum into you. It fills you with so much warmth you both moan in unison.
His thrusts slow to a stop and he just breaths in your ear as you both come down. He places his hands on your lower back and carefully pulls all the way out. He rests his head against yours and wraps you in his arms.
“Austin it’s so pretty” you say staring at the twinkling lights of the Eiffel Tower. “I was looking at you the entire time” he says with a loving smile. He tucks your hair behind your ear placing his face next to yours to share the view “Happy Anniversary baby, I love you” he says gently in your ear where he plants a kiss. “Happy Anniversary I love you too Austin” you say endearingly. A smile forms on your lips remembering the wine.“I haven’t even given you your gift yet” you say coyly. He looks down at his cock “I could go again” he says absentmindedly.
You giggle turning in his arms staring up at him “Austin I have a vintage bottle of Chateau Margaux for you” he smiles at you face blushing in embarrassment, sex with you is always on his mind. ”Thank you, I can’t wait to try it“ he says bashfully.
You play into his wishes. “I definitely want to give you another gift after we drink it though” You admit staring at him seductively. He smiles pulling you into a kiss. “Lets get drunk and do it all over again” he says excitedly. You smile and bite your lip you are absolutely drunk in love with him and would happily do it all over again with him indefinitely.
~*End *~
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powerofelvis · 1 year
Love Without Shame
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Pairing: Austin Butler x f!reader
Word Count: 3.5K
Summary: Your life was always lived with humiliation until someone crosses paths with you and shows you your worth.
Warning(s): ANGST, mental abuse, familial trauma, night terrors, SMUT, oral (f. receiving), unprotected sex, fluff (Austin literally worships the reader’s existence)
A/N: I wasn’t planning on posting this but I took part of @foreverdolly’s Secret Santa exchange over on her wonderful discord! You should join, it’s really warming. The person that this is written for is @randomwriter888 ( @austinsmutler )! Surprise, Sera! I hope you like this and I hope that I captured your dream fic! Mwah, sweetheart! 💗
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You had issues, you knew that. You had baggage that even a higher power couldn’t fix but you were okay with it, or so you thought. You used to dream of being a princess at your wedding, your father giving you away to the man of your dreams while your mother watched proudly. But that’s all that it was, dreams. Your parents had long abandoned you, leaving you fend for yourself, taking odd jobs that you weren’t happy to have, all while they traveled the world at their own pace. You were only their daughter who wandered off to do her own thing, while your older sister was the apple of their eye.
It was no secret that she had always been the favorite, getting everything that she wanted while you were given less. The irony of it all was that you didn’t ask for anything from them, only for them to tell you that you were ungrateful for not taking advantage of their wealth that they threw around like the selfish people they were. Then the emotional abuse began. They would tell you that you were never going to amount to anything, while also telling you in the same breath that they loved you but wanted you to be better. It was so unfair. Not long after leaving their household, you met Austin, who was a breath of fresh air.
Austin was so sweet, always waiting on your every need, while also encouraging you to strive for better for your life. Your parents didn’t like Austin, often forgetting to invite him to gatherings that they had as they believed that he wasn’t good enough for you. He didn’t care though, he loved you just the same. Sometimes, you felt so alone that you would have bouts of depression that would leave you crippled for weeks, but Austin was there every step of the way. Your issues were becoming out of hand that you would find yourself sucked into a hole of despair that even your boyfriend couldn’t get you out.
Austin decided that enough was enough, so he convinced you to move away from your family, moving across the world to New York City. New York was a different ball field, the amount of people who moved about was somewhat overwhelming for you. “It will be good for you, baby. Just try it out, for me.” Austin would tell you on multiple occasions, leaving you to try to be a better person for him. The night terrors that came with the move was also overwhelming you, leaving Austin to console you until dusk came, the amount of tears that you shed not even being enough to show you that things were getting any better.
“How could you move away from your family, you ungrateful bitch!” You woke up in your childhood room, seeing your mother holding you down against the mattress. “You think that your Austin could keep you away from us? You think that you’re so independent that you can make it without us? You’re stupider than I thought. I should have aborted you.” She slapped your cheek, tears falling down your face as you begged for her to stop. Suddenly, your mother disappeared from in front of you. You were sitting in the middle of a forest, the peace being unsettling as you realized that you had escaped. Your eyes couldn’t make out the silhouettes that were far out in the forest, but you noticed the hair anywhere.
It was Austin. He looked so happy, so content where he was standing. He was holding a woman by the hand, whispering things that you couldn’t make out before turning back to face you. Although you could hardly see his features, you knew he was there. “I can’t do this anymore, Y/N. Your family is too much. YOU are too much, the abuse, the night terrors, the continuous reassurance that I won’t leave you alone. You have to grow up. Go back to your family, fix your issues. I can’t do this anymore.” You teared up with pain building in your heart as you stood on your feet. You began running to him, but as you ran towards him, he moved further away.
Behind you, you could hear the evil laughter of your parents and your older sister as they were pulling at your clothes. Their faces became distorted, almost grotesque as their face lit up with acrimony as they sucked you back into their world, almost suffocating you with their deprecation as you tried to reach out to Austin. Their chants of ‘you can’t leave’ became the only thing that you could hear as you kept your eyes forward, sinking into the ground. Suddenly, you were in quicksand, fighting against the pressure as it sucked you down. Your family watched with glee as you screamed at the top of your lungs, watching as Austin disappeared from your sight.
The water that you found yourself in as you sunk deeper became too much for you. You had to get out, you had to get out, you had to get-
Austin. His hand pulled you out of the endless darkness, pulling you into his arms as he whispered in your ear things that you couldn’t make out. “You have to wake up, baby. You have to wake up and get away from your family. I’m waiting for you. I’m waiting for you.” Your eyes shot open as you sat up in bed, covered in a cold sweat. You had never had a dream like this before, suddenly as if it was a premonition that you had to get away from your family for good. Austin was sitting in the bed next to you, a script for a new film that he was shooting in his hand as he looked over at you.
“What’s wrong, baby? Did you have another dream?” He laid the script down on the bedside table before wrapping his arms around you. “I have to get away from my family. I’m going home to confront them and cut my ties with them for good.” Austin could only nod as he rubbed your arms, your eyes looking out of the window of your shared condo with him. You decided that since it was almost Christmas, you could make the trip back home. It was time for them to let you go.
The trip back home was uneventful, Austin deciding that he would allow you to travel alone as much as he didn’t want you to. Here you stood in front of your childhood home, a look of fear covering your face as you slowly walked up to the door. You can do this, Y/N. Austin knows you can. You need to rip the bandaid off. The door opened before you could knock, the face of your mother showing in front of you. She looked oddly happy, her smile lit up to her eyes. You thought that maybe you were dreaming, she never looked so happy to see you and yet she was. “My darling! Merry Christmas! I’m so glad that you’re here. Come in.”
As you stepped over the threshold, you could smell her cookies that were freshly out of the oven. As a kid, you would look forward to waking up on Christmas Eve because she would always have cookies in the oven, something that you always held with you as you grew older. The memories of Christmas always made life worth living, your family forced to get along for the sake of the holiday season. It didn’t change that you weren’t here for the jolly front that your family put on. “Where’s Austin? Is he busy?” Your father entered the room, followed by your sister who looked less than pleased to see your face.
“He went home with his family, but he sent his holiday greetings.” You politely smiled, nodding your head at your sister, who rolled her eyes at you. You gulped in displeasure, putting your bag down by the door as you followed your mother who had gone back into the kitchen. She turned around to face you, the tray of cookies looking very appetizing but you didn’t feel like eating. It didn’t make it much better that you were here on a different agenda, keeping your script that you had rehearsed the entire trip in the back of your mind. “So, I heard Austin got the role of Elvis Presley. I wonder how he will pull that off.” Your sister rudely retorted as she stood behind you.
“He will do great, he’s been preparing for about a year now. He already sounds like him.” You kept your response short and sweet, ignoring the rest of the things she would say as the day went on. It was dinner time, you had decided that you were going to lay it all out for them then, speaking with Austin before as he gave you the pep talk that you didn’t know that you needed. “When you get home, I’ll show you just how better you’ll feel once you get rid of them. They are still your family, but they are ruining your life. You can do this, honey.” You were indeed lucky to have him in your life.
As everyone sat at the table, no words were being spoken as you took a sip of your wine, making a face at the choice. “So, Y/N,” your mother started as she was on her second glass for the evening, her icy eyes watching you with a look of caution before she continued. “You told me earlier that you had something to tell us. What was it?” You could hear your sister snort, before she was hushed by your father. “She must have something important to tell us. She did move off all of a sudden with that Austin boy.” Your eyes moved up to where your father sat, a sly smirk crossed his lips as he cut into his steak.
You slammed down your fork, catching your family by surprise as you cleared your throat. “I did not move all of a sudden. You all ran me away. Ever since I could remember, you’ve hated me for no fucking reason other than to appease your snooty country club friends. You don’t think I know how you all feel about me? About Austin?” You took a deep breath, the fire that you held back burning within you as you turned to face your sister. “Let’s start with you, Jessica. You think you’re so high and mighty, better than me, when you got pregnant by that college frat guy but you didn’t want me to tell mom or dad because they would disown you. How did that work out for you?”
Your mother gasped as her eyes moved from you to your sister, a look of anger crossing her features as she put her fork down. “Mom, she’s lying! I was never-,” your sister tried to explain, only to be interrupted by your father. “We will talk about this later, Jessica. Y/N, you can’t talk to your sister that way.” Your father spoke with such sternness that would usually make you shut down, but you were already balls deep in your words that you placed your hand up to silent him. “And you, you have a lot of nerve to tell me that I need to lose weight and that I need to stop being such a cow. But didn’t the secretary that you used to sneak into the house when mom was at work tell you that she couldn’t lay with a man who had bigger breasts than her?”
Your sister laughed out as your mother spit out the wine that she was sipping, the look of embarrassment and shame crippled her from saying anything. “And you, mother. I’m not gonna even dish out all of your issues but you see how dysfunctional this family is. All because we all truly hate each other but you all take it out on me. I’m fucking done. After this holiday, you all will never see me again. And, Austin has more success in his pinky finger than all three of you combined. Wealth doesn’t mean shit if you’re a fucking cunt of a family.” You put down your napkin as you stood up from the table, ignoring your family as they screamed for you to come back.
“You aren’t done with us, Y/N. You hear me? Austin will leave you and you will have no one, but we won’t be here! We are disowning you!” Your mother screamed as she walked up to you, grabbing at your arm. You shoved her off of you, leaning over to pick up the bag that was sitting at the door, still untouched. You took off away from your family, walking until you stood in front of Austin’s parents home. They didn’t stay too far from your parents, yet it took you about an hour of sobbing and shaking that you were there.
Austin opened the front door to his dad’s home, noticing how you were sobbing and shaking with grief. “Baby, what happened? Did they do something?” You shook your head, giving him a smile as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. Austin sighed with relief as he nuzzled his head into your neck. “I knew you could do it. It’s over, my family is now your family. Let’s get inside.” He led you inside where his father and sister, Ashley stood waiting for you with smiles on their faces. Ashley wrapped her arms around you, kissing your cheek as she whispered that she was always one call away.
His father followed suit as he hugged you tightly. “You’re more than welcomed here. I don’t know what’s going on with your family, but we are welcoming you with open arms.” You smiled, nodding your head. “Thank you.” Austin led you away from his family, tugging you up to his room. He took your bag, placing it on the ground by the door as he turned around to face you. “I let it all out, Austin. I was so scared. But once I started, I couldn’t stop.” You whimpered as he wrapped his arms around you once again.
“It’s alright, darling. It’s over. From now on, we can move forward with our lives. You can move on with your life without the night terrors, the depression, and the arguments.” He placed his lips against yours, holding you against his body. You melted into his embrace, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as your lips moved passionately against his. He pulled away, his eyes glinting with desire as he rubbed your arms. “You’re the most incredible woman I have ever met. You’re nothing I’ve ever seen before. Let me show you.” You nodded as he led you to the bed, sitting you down.
You sat on the bed, shivering with excitement as you watched Austin push you down on the bed. Your eyes locked with his, watching intently as he pulled his shirt over his head. He was chiseled, muscles in every part of his body which sent a shiver through your body. Your heart was beating so fast that you felt that it would jump from your chest. He kissed along your jawline, whispering how much he would kiss the ground that you walked and how much he wanted you. “Aus, please.” You whimpered as you reached down to pull your shirt over your head.
“You’re so beautiful. In every way. Your family don’t realize how much they lost out.” You shook your head, eyes begging him to not speak but to take you. He crawled back over to you, pressing his lips back to yours as his hands caressed your body. He pulled away from you once more, his lips glistening from your mouth before he pulls your pants off of your lower body, revealing your half naked body to him. He knew how beautiful you were naked, this wasn’t the first time that you both had sex. However, you had a new glow about you.
You were finally free from your personal hell, the brightness that shined over your body was so attractive to him and yet he didn’t know what to say, so instead of speaking, his mouth would continue kissing over your body. Your moans were uncontrollable, your hands hurriedly pulling his pants off of him. “I need you, please.” You were a mess, rubbing your thighs together for some feeling of friction as you snapped open your bra, freeing your breasts. Austin immediately took them in his hands, kneading and kissing at them as he whispered filthy words.
Both of your underwear followed suit, Austin laid you back on the bed as he kissed down your body again. He spread your thighs, kissing the supple skin around your glistening cunt before he kicked a stripe up to your clit. You gasped, your breath becoming labored and shaken as he ate your pussy like he was a starved man. The thoughts of your family vanished from your mind, you were in a bubble of pleasure, waiting for it to pop and fill you. “You taste so good, baby. You are made just for me.” His finger said into you, curving up as he continued eating you.
The slurping noises that were being made turned you on more than the feeling of his tongue, toes curling into the sheets as you chanted his name repeatedly. “Austin, please. I need you inside of me. Now.” He looked up at you from his position in front of your vagina, nodding his head as he removed his finger from you and stood up on his feet. He was standing at attention, the moaning that he heard from you being unlike something he had ever heard. He crawled over you, taking his cock in his hands as he slid in between your folds.
Your back arched off of the bed, pulling him closer to you as he slid into you fully, bottoming out completely as he groaned into your ear. “God, you’re so perfect. So perfect for me.” He moved his hips slowly as he laced his fingers with yours. Your legs wrapped around his waist, both of your bodies rubbing against one another. The breathing between you was so close together, it seemed that you were sharing the same breath. His eyes locked to yours, softening with love as he pumped into you slowly. “Austin, baby. Please.” You begged for more, moving your hips against him faster which gave him the opportunity to speed up his movements.
Your eyes closed as tears fell from your eyes, the dam finally breaking after years and years of torment and sadness. You didn’t care that you were never going to see your family again, you only wanted to be with Austin. Austin was your light and he brought you out of the darkness. His thrusts continued as he leaned down to press a kiss to your cheeks, removing the tears that had fallen as he whispered sweet words that made you cry more. Your stomach began twisting, the coil within you burning as you clenched around him.
“Fuck, baby. You’re so beautiful.” He moaned as he laid his head on your chest, nuzzling between your breasts. Your orgasm crashed over you moments later as you shivered in pleasure as Austin continued fucking into you, his moans pulling you further and further into ecstasy. Austin followed moments later, grunting deeply as he covered your walls with his cum, repeatedly saying that he loved you. “I love you too, Aus.” You whimpered, sniffling as you held on to him as he finished inside of you. You were happy, truly happy to have him in your life. As he sat up in the bed and over you, his eyes shined with love and you were sure yours did the same.
He pulled out of you slowly, kissing your lips once again. “You’re home now, baby. You never have to worry about being alone again. I’ll make sure of it.” He spoke as he laid next to you, pulling you into his arms. You snuggled up to him, closing your eyes and for the first time in years, you fell asleep in his arms with no nightmare plaguing your life and no words of hate being spoken your way. This has turned into one of the memorable Christmases that you have ever had and you were happy that it had come to be this way.
Taglist: @lindszeppelin @aconflagrationofmyown @elvisabutler @ab4eva @infatuatedharleys @burninlovebutler @oh-my-front-door @oh-kurva @lovininapinkcadillac @loving-elvis @flwrs4aust @foreverdolly @austinsmutler @austinbutler-91 @cryingabtab @plasticfantasticl0ver @rosaminny @woundmetender @austin-butler-library @thatbanditqueen @troubleinapinksuit @wonka-gifs @ccab
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blainesebastian · 10 months
new normal (ccg universe)
words: 3,339 ship: austin butler x reader summary: (based on two anon requests) this is basically a 3+1 fic! three times ccg was uncomfortable while pregnant and one time she was perfectly content notes: most of my ccg family series is in 'order' so if you want to read ‘expectant’ before this, you can! this fic also references 'you fit right here' but again, not 100% necessary to read these first :) i just like knowing my universe works well together lmao warnings: none tag list: @killerqueenfan, @austinbutlermischief , @elizabethrosecresswell, @gigisworldsstuff, @stylespresleyhearted
When you first found out you were pregnant you were excited and terrified all at the same time. You weren’t exactly sure how it was all going to work even though you were sure it would, everything had to change in ways you weren’t expecting. Not all at once, of course, a slow trickle…but even then it was noticeable. One day, nine months later, the direction of your lives would change forever.
Something to plan for, of course, but the day to day? You often times had no idea how to begin to approach it.
Here’s the thing that seems completely ironic—you finally felt like you had settled. That’s how it always appears to be, isn’t it? Once you tackle one obstacle, something else pops up like a twisted game of whack-a-mole. Not to…completely describe your relationship with Austin like that, but you’d be lying if you said it didn’t feel like working over hurdles. You think it’s healthy to acknowledge that your relationship with Austin isn’t normal, far from something ‘regular’ in so many different ways.  
You tackled what it was like to date him under the very public eye of everything that had to do with Elvis. Then getting married and realizing that no matter what you did, there would always be ‘opinions’ of you and where you’ve come from, your lack of ‘worth’ automatically being connected to you like cinderblocks attached to your ankles. Didn’t matter how you had dreams of being in the industry before Austin, all that some people saw were rungs in the ladder, you somehow ‘using’ your husband to take those steps into film.
Some days bothered you more than others, but you got through it, because at the end of the day—Austin always saw you for who you truly were. And that’s all that mattered.
Becoming pregnant, as suspected, is a completely new set of hurdles.
--  one
There is really no use in keeping it quiet, the fact that you’re expecting, you’re at a party over Jillian’s when you spill the beans to Austin and things only progress from there. Your family and other close friends learn rather quickly but you don’t post anything on social media. There’s this strange sense of wanting to keep this private that envelops you like a tidal wave. For some reason, it’s one thing for people to have opinions about your relationship with Austin, your career, but it’s another for them to say things about your body like this, about the life growing inside of you.
You feel utterly vulnerable and exposed and don’t want to be in front of cameras or talk to anyone that’s not someone you both know (meaning paps or fans). You don’t stop Austin from doing so, would never demand that of him, but he also respects that you’re uncomfortable and has always been protective of you. That doesn’t change.
The first trimester is the easiest because the baby isn’t bigger than a peach, you’re not really showing, but it all spirals from there. Thirteen weeks turns into fifteen, which turns into twenty-five. And there’s really no hiding a head of cauliflower.
You kinda accept that because this isn’t going away any time soon, you’re only going to get bigger. It’s not like you’re really worried about what you look like? Moreso that your hormones are raging in a bunch of various ways and you don’t like the feeling of being looked at. Like you’re under some sort of microscope, a specimen to be studied.
Paps are nothing new, Austin is pretty good at getting them to keep a healthy distance, but no—you’re really talking about fans.
You’re out to dinner at this Italian place you love with Austin’s sister and Jillian, tucked into a booth towards the back that’s supposed to promote privacy but…throughout eating you’ve noticed that a small table of girls have spotted Austin from their seats. Again, this isn’t new and usually wouldn’t bother you.
But instead of coming over? They’re taking pictures from their seats and because the booth is close enough, you can hear them chattering on about you. It’s not a full conversation but the tailends of sentences and—since you’re on the end of the booth seat they can see the swell of your belly and they’re wondering if that’s a food baby or a pregnancy. You can’t help but bristle, the words feel louder than they actually are, you know this because your table continues on with discussions that are light and funny and easy.
Your fingers dig into the napkin on your lap, trying to lean back into the seat and just enjoy catching up, especially with Austin’s sister. But you feel like your world keeps tilting off its axis, ruining your equilibrium.
It’s really bothering you that they’re taking all these pictures, trying to be nonchalant but coming across like Gossip Girl instead.
You nearly jump out of your skin when you feel Austin’s palm rest on your knee and you blink, turning your head to look at him. His eyebrows draw together a little, “You alright?”
You nod softly, giving him a small smile but your husband doesn’t look overly convinced. You shouldn’t be surprised, you suppose, he knows you.
He’s patient, squeezing your knee as he takes a sip of his water. Jillian and Ashley are knee-deep in a conversation about an actor the make-up artist is kind-of-sort-of seeing. You’re grateful that the attention isn’t on you, which is probably one of the only reasons you turn to Austin and say,
“That table of girls over there keeps taking pictures. I think they’re trying to be subtle about it but…” You trail off, shaking your head, words getting stuck in your throat. Your hand settles on your belly and Austin glances down before looking over at the table.
You don’t have to explain, “Want me to say somethin’ to them?”
“No,” You reply quickly, not wanting to cause a scene or upset anyone. You…you get it, you were and are a fan. There are boundaries, of course? But you’ve seen and experienced way worse. This probably wouldn’t even bother you if you weren’t feeling extra sensitive and vulnerable right now.
Austin hums lightly from the spot next to you, putting his napkin on the table and motions for you to get up. You hesitate for a moment but…he’s not going to go over there when you’ve told him not to. You shimmy out of the booth and let out a soft sigh, waiting for him to stand—and then he motions you to slide into his spot.
A soft smile tugs the corners of your mouth as he runs a hand down your back. You eagerly get into the booth, Austin following, his body shielding yours from any onlookers. If Jillian or Ashley realize the switch for a reason, neither of them saying anything, instead Austin’s sister asks you about your upcoming writing project.
Austin slips an arm around your shoulders and you lean into his chest, already feeling a lot better as you begin talking. At some point during the conversation, you kiss his cheek just because and Austin smiles as his other hand gently brushes over your stomach.
--  two
The end of your second trimester somehow feels the slowest and busiest time all happening at once. You suppose it’s because you really feel yourself become the most introspective about the upcoming weeks and everything else after that, and yet, Austin’s life speeds up because he takes on another project. One of your favorite versions of your husband is when he’s working, that brightness in his eyes as he studies to become another character and figuring out what he needs to do to best bring those words on a page to life.
Sitting on a park bench near your apartment, you run your hand over your stomach and take a deep breath. The weather is just starting to turn a little chilly but it’s your favorite season—you’ve just never been a spring or summer girl. You settle back against the bench and check the time; Austin should be along any minute now. He had a lunch with his agent, and of course invited you, but you wanted a lazy day at home in bed. And that’s where you were as of an hour ago.
Stretching your legs out, you open up a small container of fruit from your purse, popping a bit of strawberry into your mouth.
“What’s the fruit today?”
You smile a little, turning your head to see Austin walking towards you. Kind of unfair how unbearably handsome he looks in his black-on-black look, jeans, leather jacket, boots…and here you are feeling like a swollen beach ball.
“Strawberry,” You tease, eating another one. You know what he’s asking.
He rolls his eyes and leans down to steal a kiss, humming at the taste of your lips.
“You ask like, every day,” Laughing lightly, you put the lid back on your fruit container and slip it into your bag, “It’s a rutabaga—we’ve moved into some vegetables.”
Austin crinkles his nose, “Never had a rutabaga.”
He reaches his hand out to help you off the bench and you hum softly, gaining your footing, “Would it help if I said she’s the size of the hamburger phone from Juno?”
Pursing his lips, he nods, “Slightly.”
Walking back towards your place, Austin wraps a loose arm around your shoulders. “How did lunch go?”
He nods, “Good, mostly just event planning, that sort of thing.” He glances down at you as you both pause to cross the street, the light blinking red, “I got somethin’ next week, lowkey schmooze event. Want to be my date?”
You let out a slow sigh and move forward to walk with him, quiet for a few moments as you contemplate. It’s not that…there’s just so many thoughts buzzing in your head about attending an event with Austin. The first one you went to as a couple you nearly had a panic attack in the car, and now you’re…like this? You hate that you’re feeling so cliché about what you look like when you’re pregnant but—
“Feels like I should be glowing but I actually just feel a hot air balloon.”
Austin smirks lightly, shaking his head, “You’re beautiful.”
You roll your eyes even though your cheeks kiss pink—compliments from him never fail in making you feel good. “You’re bias.”
“Absolutely,” He grins and a small laugh rumbles out of your chest as you get closer to the apartment. “You don’t have to go if you’re not feeling up to it.”
You chew on your lower lip—you know that he wants you to go, otherwise he wouldn’t have mentioned it. There’s no pressure there, obviously, other than a selfish need to want to spend time together. You can relate to that.
“I’ll go,” You give him a small smile, “Hope there’s good snacks.”
Austin smirks, drawing you close to press a kiss to your temple. “We can leave early if there isn’t.”
And that seems like a good enough plan. You’re about to mention maybe grabbing some sort of snack now, you’re craving chicken tenders of all things, but then someone steps right into your path and nearly has you stumbling off balance. You’re about to apologize, but then you see the camera and—seriously? A minute away from walking back into your apartment?
You know you sort of signed up for this by deciding to date Austin, to marry him, to create a family together but sometimes the lack of privacy drives you utterly crazy. Is it really too much to ask for a little peace? Especially when you’re not feeling your best.
“Not today,” Is all you manage to get out before Austin is stepping in, shifting positions so that you’re in front of him. It’s easier to direct you towards the front door and unfortunately if there’s one pap, there’s usually more.
“Got a name for the baby yet?”
Austin puts his arm up, walking a bit quicker as his other hand squeezes your hip, “What have I said about puttin’ the camera in her face guys?” His voice is calm but firm, not willing to entertain any of these questions.
“When’s the due date?”
You bite your tongue on hissing out none of your business and walk up the steps to the front door. The doorman, Mike, quickly opens up to usher you both inside. Shaking your head, you run a hand over your stomach, back and forth as you make your way to the elevator with Austin.
“Sorry,” Austin says after a moment and he always does this, like he has to apologize for the paps and take responsibility for them.
You shake your head, gently waving off his apology as you lean against one of the walls, “I should start whipping cameras down,” And you’re joking…mostly, “That’d be something to write about.”
Austin smiles a little and you can see the firm line along his shoulders begin to relax. He reaches for you, drawing you close to his chest and presses a kiss to your forehead, the bridge of your nose, and finally your lips.
--  three
You only regret telling Austin that you’ll go to this event with him just once and it’s when you’re getting ready and the zipper of your dress won’t work. For starters, it’s on your side and you…while you know that means it should be easier to tug up, it’s not. You try it twice before beginning to feel the creeping in of frustration and annoyance and god, you are not about to cry over a zipper, you’re not.
“I’m not going.” You snap out, because apparently dramatics make more sense.
Austin turns away from the mirror after he does his tie, a small, handsome smile on his face that you nearly want to lose your mind over.
“C’mere.” He holds out his hand and you so want to cross your arms over your chest and pout instead, but you don’t, huffing as you move closer to clasp onto him.
Austin guides you in front of the mirror which is the last place you want to be, your eyes casting down a moment before just focusing on him instead. He presses a kiss to your shoulder and tries the zipper. When it won’t budge, you just about tear the thing off.
“Take a breath,” He says soothingly, reaching in the bedside drawer for something. Pulling out a small container of Vaseline, your eyebrows draw together as he rubs a very small amount on the zipper track. “Somethin’ my mom taught me.” He smiles a little.
He pulls the zipper down to start over and in one smooth motion, he zips the dress shut. Your mouth opens and closes almost like a goldfish. The dress wasn’t too small for you or anything like that…the zipper was just stuck.
You shake your head, tilting it back a little to rest on Austin’s shoulder. “I’m a mess.”
“You’re beautiful.” He whispers, wrapping his arms loosely around your waist. His hand crosses back and forth across your belly, pressing a kiss to your neck. “You tell me you want to go and we’ll go, alright?”
A small smile tugs the corners of your mouth and you nod, allowing yourself to linger in his embrace for as long as you can.
Turns out the event is just fine—the photos are painless and quick, Austin is as attentive as he’s always been, you’re able to catch up with people you haven’t seen in the industry in a long time and there’s plenty of good snacks.
Doesn’t stop you and Austin from leaving after two hours to grab burgers and milkshakes on the way home, however.
-- plus one
You weren’t really expecting it but Austin pushes things around in his schedule so that you both can go on a ‘babymoon’. You’re incredibly excited because it’s one of things that you found yourself looking forward to when you became pregnant, and it’s right at the cusp of thirty-five weeks (a honeydew!). After this, it’s advised that you don’t travel, even somewhere within the U.S.
Nothing really beats the feeling of your feet digging into sand, the ocean breeze kissing your face, a private-ish beach where no one is going to bother you. Not to mention—
You smile lightly from inside this beach tent you brought, an open-mouthed structure that has a canopy to keep you shaded and plenty of room for beach chairs or just towels. Austin walks out of the ocean so gracefully—you feel like you were never capable of that, even when you weren’t pregnant, tripping on the ground disappearing underneath you and waves hitting the backs of your thighs. He’s got a slight tan going on, freckles kissing his cheekbones and the skin of his shoulders, both his hands pushing his blonde hair back.
Utterly handsome; your stomach doing the same flip-flop it’s always done since the first day you saw him.
He makes his way into the beach tent, sitting down on the towels. Grabbing one, he runs it through his hair and you can’t help but chuckle at the wet dog look, running your fingers through his strands.
“You don’t want to get in?”
“I’ll probably fall,” You reply, “And then float like a buoy or something.”
Austin huffs out a soft laugh, “I’ll help you; you won’t fall.”
Humming at the idea, though very tempting, you look down at the sand right outside the tent and, “You know what I really want?” He raises his eyebrows, “I want to be able to lie down on my stomach, like, I miss that.”
Austin smiles, running his hand over your belly. Then he pauses, his eyes glancing outside the tent and… “I have an idea.”
“That sounds ominous.”
He chuckles and motions for you to get up, “C’mon,” Austin gets out of the tent and helps you stand and you watch him tug the tent aside for a moment and kneel in the sand. He starts digging with his hands and…you have no idea where this is going.
“Buried treasure?” You tease, crossing your arms along your chest. You opted for this really cute orange two-piece, not even worrying about wearing high-waisted bottoms because nothing feels good on your stomach right now.
“Yeah, X marks the spot.” He throws out, laughing a little.
It takes you a moment but…then you realize what he’s doing. He’s digging a deep hole, roughly the size of your stomach and, “Are you—”
Austin hums, standing. He tugs the tent back over the hole and crawls inside, the bottom of the tent easily giving into the space he’s created. Which…that’s perfect because you don’t have to worry about putting your belly right in the sand.
He reaches a hand out to help you back inside the tent and you kinda laugh as you hold onto his shoulder and inch back down, turning to lie on your stomach for the first time in months. It takes a bit of maneuvering and Austin folding some towels so that you can position your head but…once you finally lay down, comfortably?
“I could kiss you.”
Austin smirks, “Still can.”
You grin, “Come down here then.”
He puts down another towel and does so, running his hand along your back and brushing your hair back over your shoulder. He smiles, his nose bumping into yours as he settles close.
You lean up just slightly and kiss him, your hand cupping his cheek, and maybe it sounds dramatic? But you’ve never been happier.
“I love you.” You whisper against his lips, dragging your thumb against his cheekbone.
Austin says it back against your temple, both of you settling into the sand and allowing your eyes to close as the sounds of the waves crash in.
Despite not knowing what the future will bring? You can’t help but find yourself utterly overjoyed for it.
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loveaj · 2 years
pairing: austin butler x fem!reader
word count: 4.3k
warnings: hardcore banter, mentions of body image/insecurities, smut (minors dni), oral (f! & m! receiving), unprotected sex, praise 
summary: as the reader’s first boyfriend austin takes you on an as close to perfect date for the first valentine’s day you are actually able to spend together as a couple. 
a/n: i wrote this in less than a day and am pretty happy with how it turned out for the most part. i did not however thoroughly proofread it, so i apologize for any mistakes. feel free to send in any requests for austin/elvis and i’d be happy to write them!! with that being said, i hope you enjoy 💗💗
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You’d be lying if you said it didn’t scare you how much love you felt for the man you had the privilege of calling your boyfriend. It was your first time being in love and despite your young age, Austin could have guessed. You felt embarrassed being 20 and never even kissed when you had met him two years ago. But now you were 23 and not only kissed daily, but loved unconditionally. 
There was something so special about him to you, it didn’t matter your lack of romantic experiences before him. You had fallen so easily regardless of you slight fear of men as well as vulnerability. He just made you feel so warm inside, the way he wasn’t scared to show how he felt with a careful gesture of running his fingers through your hair and calling you beautiful. Every time he’d pay you a compliment or do you a favor, just his pure gentleness and kindness always made your cheeks heat up and your heart swell. 
First it was casual dates to restaurants around town and movies nights on either of your couches, which quickly turned into hour long phone calls nightly spilling every detail about each others days when you were apart, Austin reading every book you’d gush to him about without you even asking him to. He’d began to shower you with gifts as you began to clear your schedule of anything in the way of spending time with him. Now, you were living in your shared apartment saving every last dime you’d made for a beautiful house along the California coast big enough to hold the family you dreamed to have with him. 
Sure, sometimes you stopped to think about the pace your relationship was progressing, but you were too blinded by the sparkle of Austin’s blue eyes to let it scare you. You also had nothing to compare it to so it didn’t make a difference. Your friends warned you of how young you were or how you would regret pouring all of yourself into the love you felt once you got older, but you thought they were wrong. They wanted you to find out who you were before finding your lasting love, they didn’t know that who you wanted to be was Austin’s.
It was your first time having Austin with you in person as your valentine on Valentine’s Day and you were ecstatic. The previous that have passed he had been occupied with his work, but that didn’t stop him from making it special for you always sending you flowers and gifts. Austin was taking you out for dinner at your favorite restaurant and if you were honest you were a bit more excited for what was to come after. You finished putting on your golden earrings Austin had bought you a few months back and stepped away from the mirror in front of you to get a better look at yourself as a whole. 
The pink dress you were wearing stopped above your knees, its tight fitting fabric rippling at every curve of your body. By no means where you the skinniest girl to walk the earth, but you didn’t let that make you feel bad. Austin shut down your previous insecurities he said it just meant there was more of you to love, that he liked grabbing you squeezing and sucking your flesh. 
“If you were a bag of bones I’d be too terrified that you’d snap in half in bed to have a fraction of the fun we do,” he giggled out pulling you into his lap. “Look, none of us are perfect,” he’d said pinching the bit of fat on his stomach to showcase his “imperfections” perfectly normal and beautiful feature to you. 
“Very cute baby,” you smiled kissing his cheek. “But why do you always have to make it about sex?” you questioned giving him a fake intimidating look.
“There are plenty of other reasons why you are perfect the way you are,” he stated confidently.
“Such as…” you trailed off playing with his hair.
“Such as knowing my angel is healthy and your kind heart and your beautiful smile and the way you do your hair and your sense of humor and your little laugh you do when you know something’s not supposed to be funny but it is,” he listed pulling you in for a kiss.
“good boy,” you said patting him on the shoulder before continuing your kiss in between giggles.
You pulled down the bit of fabric around your chest to showcase more of your cleavage. It wasn’t the most noble thing to so, but you had to admit it was a bit of fun to tease Austin. 
Skipping down the stairs in your silver heals you jumped onto the back of your unsuspecting boyfriend who was too busy drooling over himself in the mirror by your front door. 
“Classic Austin,” you said shaking your head as you gripped his shoulders feeling his arms snake around your legs holding you up. 
“Hey! You can’t just sneak up on me like that,” he said trying his best to hide his embarrassment, and for someone who acted for a living he was doing a pretty horrible job.
“It’s okay baby, anyone who looked as pretty as you would do the same.” You jumped off his back grabbing the car keys from the table in front of him. “You ready?” You asked.
“Yeah let me grab my wallet,” he said. When he left the room you let a smile ripple through your entire body causing your limbs to shake. You quickly took a breath and relaxed your face as Austin returned hands in his pockets.
“Let’s rock and roll,” you stated turning to the door trying to keep a straight face so your choice of words hits harder.
“You’re ridiculous,” Austin said letting out a laugh. “For thinking I’m going to let you drive,” he then added onto his sentence when he saw you were swinging the car keys around your pointer finger.
“What the heck!” you said stomping you foot, “I’ll do good this time I promise,” you told him giving you best puppy dog eyes. 
“Y/N get real, last time you drove we almost crashed because you decided hitting all of the notes of the Elvis song that was on was more important that keeping your eyes on the road,” Austin said plainly snatching the keys from your grasp.
“Um, last time I checked you shouldn’t be allowed to sing ‘Trouble’ if you’re gonna butcher it, I had to do what I had to do. And we didn’t almost crash Aus, we just slightly swerved too far right when I shut my eyes for a sec,” you defended yourself in the sassiest tone you could muster. 
“Well I hate to be the one to tell you this, but if that’s the criteria for singing the song then it might be the last time for you sweetheart,” He said looking you in the eyes before walking away to unlock the car. You rushed over to the passengers side and sat down before he got a chance to walk over and open the door for you. Austin scoffed dropping down into the drivers seat, starting the car. He watched as you crossed your arms over your chest letting out a huff.
“I’d like to see you try and do any better,” you replied to his previous comment with bitterness.
“I actually did, you can listen to it on Spotify,” Austin said matter-of-factly. Pulling away from your apartment complex he turned radio inserting a CD into the stereo skipping to a specific track. “Here baby, redeem yourself,” he nodded. You recognized the song right away by the intro of horns and drums.
“Oh, don’t get it twisted baby, it’s too late for you,” You told him turning off the stereo. You would only be accepting an apology in the form of his tongue on your clit. Of course he knew of your appreciation for him going down on you, and it had already been on his agenda for tonight but he decided to mentally note the importance of it. 
“Well, you know what they say, salty girlfriends don’t get ice cream after dinner,” He responded. You couldn’t help but let laughter erupt from the bottom of your throat. 
“Literally no one has ever said that in the history of the universe,” you said between laughs. You shook your head at his attempts to make a joke, it had made you laugh but more at him than with him. It was painful at times like these. You always squeezed your eyes as tight as they could close when his millennial was showing. 
“Actually, I just did so not no one.”
“Actually you suck.”
“Actually how does it feel to be able to dish it out but not take it,” he asked when you were stopped at a red light. His blue eyes bored into yours as if hypnotizing you into answering what you’d otherwise think was a rhetorical question. You didn’t let his evil tactics work on you, flashing a celebratory smirk as he looked away once the traffic light turned green. “Come on Y/N, it was a friendly roast,”Austin reasoned.
“A ‘friendly roast’ would be me making fun of your two year old shoes or telling you that you suck at playing Clue with me,” you began before he cut you off.
“Y/N, Clue was not meant to be a 2 player game,” he tried to continue before you cut him off right back.
“Well you’re the only one that plays with me, I don’t think my friends would like very much if I showed up to our next get together with Clue instead a 12 pack of 6 ounces,” you pouted. Austin reached over to cup your cheek.
“Well just know that I will always love you are your weird little interests,” he smiled.
“Good to know that you figured out we’re a package deal.” You were hands down one of the most interesting people Austin had ever met, but that was more the reason for him to love you like he did. Sure, every six months or so you’d find something obscure to strike your fancy, but it didn’t bother him. And then of course there were things that seemed more permanent like your love for the board game Clue or Taylor Swift. He was under the impression you’d just enjoyed her music until you dragged him to her Reputation tour and was compelled to buy you half of the merch stand. He realized he was extremely wrong as he witnessed you screaming every song (most of which he’d never heard before that night but would be hearing a lot more of in the next two years) at the top of your lungs. “That’s why you are my best friend,” you finished.
“Was I just friendzoned?” he asked moving his hand from your face to clutch his chest.
“You most certainly were,” you replied nodding sympathetically.
“That’s just cold Y/N, and after I was honest with you for a moment?”
“Sorry Aus, truth hurts,” you shrugged. The car pulled into the parking lot of In-N-Out Burger; your favorite restaurant. Were you dressed up in a pink dress and six inch high heels to eat fast food? Yes, but you were too focused on watch Austin get out of your car standing up tall next to you in a white button up shirt and black slacks. It made you groan at the fact that Austin was still taller than you even when you had an extra six inches of height. Austin knew it placing his elbow on your head as if it were an arm rest.
“So, you ready to go in?” He asked nonchalantly. You stormed off halfway to the restaurant before he caught up grabbing your waist. “Slow your role baby.”
“Yeah whatever,” you said grabbing his hand pulling him to the entrance. After spending 15 whole minutes in line to order your food Austin ordering for you as well as paying (of course) because no matter how many digs you took at each other you were always his princess. You got your food and proceeded over to a booth next to a window. Despite the two sides of the booth Austin opted to sit next to you instead of across. He loved watching you messily eat your food inevitably having some kind of sauce smeared all over your face by the end of the meal.
Austin made sure you were done eating before wiping your face off with the napkin he’d gotten for himself that he didn’t even need to use opposed to his several trips back up to the stand the extra napkins were kept for you. 
“Ice cream now?” you asked. Austin couldn’t help but smirk at the sparkle in your eyes at the thought of ice cream.
“Yes, ice cream now,” he answered getting up from the booth collecting all of the trash to throw out while also helping you up.
“Can I drive?” you asked in your sweetest voice. “Only to get ice cream then you can drive home,” you reasoned hanging off Austin’s shoulder. “Please please please.”
“Let me think,” he stopped for a second wiping his mouth pretending to be deep in thought. “How about no,” he said flatly not expecting you to sprint over to the car blocking the drivers side door before he could get there.
“How about yes or I’ll stay here all night and you won’t get this ridiculously sweet pussy later,” you fired back with determination. The determination soon turned into disappointment as Austin picked you up throwing you over his shoulder bringing you over to the other side and buckling you in. “That’s not fair!” you scoffed
“Checkmate,” he said smugly as he started the car. If he weren’t about to buy you ice cream he would have gotten an ear full. 
Your chocolate ice cream would have been more satisfying if you were the one that drove to get it, but it was still chocolate ice cream. And of course on top of devouring your dessert you had to have several licks of Austin’s. He chose strawberry (your second favorite) instead of mint chocolate chip (his actual favorite which also happened to be your least favorite) so that he could share.
“Thank you baby,” you said licking the drips of chocolate from the brim of your cone. You leaned over planting a chaste kiss on the height of his cheekbone. 
“Does this mean I’m going to score tonight?” He asked in a worrying manner.
“Sometimes I wonder if you’re joking or not,” you said shuddering.
The ride home was accompanied by you belting out the words to Unchained Melody titling it your romantic gesture for Austin on Valentine’s. Austin loved it as mush as he would anything material, maybe even more due to it being fully and completely you. He knew that everything you gave him had always come from your heart and he was happy to take whatever you had to offer reciprocating the love he was granted. 
Arriving home, you finally let Austin open your car door for you, taking your hand as you exited the vehicle like a true gentlemen. Hand in hand you walked up to your apartment, a comfortable silence encompassing you both. Walking through the door you did not expect to be thrown over Austin’s shoulder and rushed to your shared bedroom to be slammed down onto the bed, Austin immediately crawling on top of you. 
Before you could get a word in Austin’s plush lips were on yours enclosing them in a needy kiss. You deepened the kiss, running your fingers through his sandy locks. Without coming up for air you felt Austin begin to lick your lips with his tongue before you grant him access. You shifted back father up the bed, lying down with open legs allowing Austin to crawl between them. As your tongues spent time tasting every crevice of each others mouths you began to grind your hips into his, the feeling of his chest pressed against yours causing wetness to collect in your panties. Austin groaned at your action, holding down your hips to prevent you from doing it again. 
He liked to keep you waiting, it was far less of a good time when you got what you truly wanted right away. You huffed in frustration as Austin moved his lips down to start peppering kisses along your jaw and neck spending extra time sucking the spot below your earlobe. You tried your best to buck your hips up free of his grasp but the efforts were only met with more pressure from his palm applied to your lower stomach. 
“Come on baby, need to feel you,” you pleaded running your hands down along his neck and shoulders. Your fingers began to play with the buttons of his shirt slowly releasing the button second from the top because of course he wore the shirt out with the top one unbuttoned just to drive you crazy. 
“Be a good girl and let me take my time with you,” Austin responded in a low whisper against your ear. “Want to make sure I love every inch of you,” he said reaching down to the bottom of your dress beginning to lift it up your body. You had removed his shirt as he removed your dress. Now almost completely bare in front of him. 
You took off your lacy bra quickly after craving to feel your bare chest against his. Austin let you press up against him for a moment, enjoying the feeling of your erect nipples brushing against his firm chest, before lowering you back onto the bed. In seconds his mouth was enclosed over one of your nipples sucking mercilessly, the other being pinch and twisted with his hand. 
“Such pretty tits, so lucky to have them all to myself,” Austin said. You let out a low moan as he removed his mouth blowing cool air onto your nipple now coated in his saliva. He then started kiss lower along you stomach until he reached the waistband of you white cotton panties decorated with pink trim and a bow. 
“Love these on you so much princess,” he breathed out before pulling them off. You shuddered at the fact of now being completely bare. “They make you seem so innocent, which we both now isn’t the case, right baby?” He asked taunting you. 
“Yes,” you responded lowly as Austin spread your legs apart.
“So beautiful, every part of you,” he stated beginning to kiss along the insides of your thighs. You clenched around nothing as he mouth grew closer to your center. His mouth ghosted over your heat, spreading the moment of anticipation too thin for you. You instinctively bucked your hips into his face eager for his mouth on you. “Now, good girls are patient and wait for what they will be given,” he said looking up at you. 
Whether or not what Austin had just said plagued more arousal to seep from your core (you’d be lying if you said it didn’t) you wanted him more than waiting was worth and he always made it worth it. “Enough talking and just lick my clit, please,” you let out causing a laugh to be let out of Austin’s lips.
“Well since you said please,” he reasoned finally closing his mouth over slick folds. His tongue danced between your folds sucking in every drop of wetness into his mouth, lapping and sucking over your clit just like you had requested. He tried the best he could to stimulate your bundle of nerves while reaching down and pushing a finger into your entrance. 
“Fuck baby,” you moaned out as he added another curling his fingers against your special spot. Austin continued sucking on your mound while massaging your g-spot occasionally scissoring his fingers apart, reveling in every moan and squeal he provoked from you. The bubble in your stomach only grew bigger with every passing second, finally exploding through your body. Your legs shook as your orgasm ran through you, Austin not once stopping or slowing his actions. 
Once you came down from your high you took a second to breath, placing your hands that where just gripping Austin’s scalp for dear life to grab his broad shoulders, pulling him to be eye level with you. Quickly you hooked your leg over his hips using your entire body weight to flip your position perching on top of his waist. You shuddered at the contact of his abs against your clit.
Austin’s eyes lit up as you moved further down his body. “My turn?” he asked enthusiastically.
“I guess so,” you said rolling your eyes, unbuttoning his pants pulling them down slowly along with his boxers. His erection sprung free against his stomach, the tip pulsating red. You began with little kitten licks collecting the glowing beads of precum along the slit. Austin grunted as you took the entire tip into your mouth. You could tell by the way his hands were firmly gripping your ass cheeks that he was fighting every urge in his body not to completely shove his entire dick down your throat. You took this to your advantage hollowing out your cheeks lowering your head slowly using your tongue to lick a stripe along the vein protruding from back of his cock. Soon the tip of your nose met his pelvis, trying your best to keep your breath steady so you wouldn’t start choking. Relaxing your throat your gaze directed up to Austin’s face and the way his eyes squeezed shut. You started bobbing your head, his tip hitting the back of your throat with each nod of your head. 
“Hurry up, want to fuck you,” he grunted. At this you let him start to thrusting his hips up into your mouth to speed up the process. “Feel so nice baby, doing so good for me.” As your tongue circled his tip he let out one last moan before hot spurts of cum filled your mouth warming your throat as you swallowed every last drop. “Top or bottom?” Austin asked you, you loved that he always made your comfort his biggest priority even if he was the one that wound up doing the majority of the work. 
“Wanna feel you on top of me,” you breathed out giving Austin the go ahead to lift you off of him sliding you further up the bed. You pulled him into a passionate kiss humming at the feeling of him running his tip through your wet cunt. He stopped at your entrance pushing in at a tantalizing pace, using his hand that wasn’t cupping one of your breasts to spread your legs wider. Bottoming out in you, you both let out synchronized moans full of want. You pulled his shoulders down to meet yours wrapping your arms around his neck as he began moving, deep and thorough with each thrust. Every time his chest brushed against yours stimulating your nipples your hiccuped low groans, your spine tingling. 
“Jesus Christ you are an actual angel because this is heavenly,” Austin exhaled into the shell of your ear. 
You giggled between heavy breaths. “Now is not the time for cheesy pick up lines Austin. There is absolutely no need you are literally fucking me right now,” You told him brushing his hair from his eyes to meet his gaze. You shared smiles as Austin reached down to hike your leg over his shoulder. Your back arched at this new angle, the knot in your stomach tightening. You slipped your hand between you bodies to rub your mound, kissing and sucking Austin’s neck in all the right spots as an effort to distract him from your other actions. 
“I don’t think so princess,” he said picking up on your actions immediately removing your hand from in between your legs resting it onto his back. “That’s my job,” he then added mimicking your previous movements.
“Thank you baby,” you said running your fingers along his spine. Your entire body began to shake as your high approached, feeling electricity run through your veins. “Gotta cum Aus,” you groaned pulling him closer.
“Me too princess,” Austin said keeping up with his steady thrust. You started meeting his hips half way greedy for your release. Soon enough something inside of you snapped sending shockwaves of pleasure throughout your body. You felt as though your body was being lifted from the bed, your back arching through your orgasm. Austin’s movements staying fluid despite being seconds away from his finish. Still coming down from your high, you tried your best to keep at the same pace coaxing him toward his release. Letting out a deep breath you felt hot streaks of cum fill you up as you twirled Austin’s hair between your fingers adoringly. 
“You are unbelievable,” you told him turning onto your side pulling him close. You gripped his cheeks bringing his face toward yours peppering light kisses all over. 
“You’re making me blush, quit it,” he joked giggling. Your gaze fell onto his blue eyes and an idea sparked within your mind.
“I have one last surprise for my valentine,” you said getting up off of the bed walking over to the corner to grab the guitar resting on the stand in a slight limp. You cringed at the dripping feeling of his cum mixed with yours squishing and sticky between your thighs.
“What are you going to serenade me?” he asked, each wobble of your legs bringing him immense joy. 
“Something like that,” you chuckled evilly. Sitting back on the bed you placed the guitar over your knee. “This is a song called ‘Whatever My Love’, and I’d like to dedicate this to my boyfriend,” you said with a smile etched on your face. “Keep on loving me so sweetly like you do babe,” you added pointing at his figure folded over, his head in his hands. 
“I hate you so much,” Austin said between laughs, pulling the guitar from you hands and dragging you up to lay on top of him.
“And I love you too.”
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dreamingofep · 1 year
Smile, baby
Pairing: Austin Butler × Reader
Word Count: 6.7K
Summary: You're the photographer for the Vman photoshoot with Austin and you can't seem to ignore all his charm.
Warning(s): SMUT, the usual p in v action, dom! austin, slow burn, teasing, fingering, oral.
A/n: Hi everyone! Hope you enjoy this little Austin fic! Please feel free to comment and message me your thoughts I'd love the feedback! Sorry for any spelling mistakes or goofs.
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You finish packing your camera bag and double check you have everything you need for this next shoot. You had been in the photography business professionally for the last four years and have enjoyed it. It was your lifelong dream to be a full-time photographer and it finally came true.
This next shoot was for the magazine Vman featuring actor Austin Butler. You had seen some of his stuff and really liked him in The Carrie Diaries. He had that boyish cute look in that show and at the time, but you hadn’t paid much attention recently to him. There was so much you had to focus on like editing a million pictures after each shoot you do or planning trips for the next big gig. You didn’t necessarily have time to inspect every single aspect of whatever actor’s life you were meeting on set. Quite frankly you didn’t care because these people were just human and were really nice to work with and that’s all that mattered.
You slip on some black leggings and a tank top and put on some lip gloss as you head out the door.
You get to the studio before anyone else and start to set up your equipment and check out the space. It was a rather simple warehouse with some couches, a bed, and some tables that could be used for the shoot if need be. You hear the door from across the way get opened and in comes a rolling cart full of clothes and the wardrobe designer behind it.
“Hey, I’m y/n, I’ll be the photographer for the shoot. Thanks for coming early,” you say as she goes in for a hug to greet you.
“No problem! It’s nice to meet you I’m Angie. What do you think of the looks? Is it something that fits the vision?”
You had already talked to the magazine about what they were looking to get out of this shoot. They wanted the title of the issue “Hollywood's New Burning Love,” since the new Elvis movie would be coming out very soon and it was already getting rave reviews. The concept was to be bold, edgy, and free. Really capture that side of Austin but make sure the audience can also feel the human connection through these pictures. When they say pictures are worth a thousand words, they’re right. That’s why you loved your job so much. It was the best way to tell a story in just one single frame.
You sift through the rack and feel the smoothness of the black leather pieces hanging on the hangers and the jaggedness of the studs that were on another jacket. The mesh floral shirt caught your eye right away and thought it was really interesting but would see how it would look on Austin to see if you would use it for a shot. You were going to be mainly taking most of the pictures outside so you were hoping the weather would stay nice.
After a few minutes of looking through the wardrobe options, the doors open once again and you see Austin along with his team behind him.
You’re taken aback because your previous memory of how he looked and not at all what he looked like now. He was stunning in person, so gorgeous you can swear you felt your heart skip a beat.
Oh, fuck what’s happening.
He makes eye contact with you first and the way those blue eyes bore into yours, it’s electrifying and sends a shiver throughout your body. He then makes that boyish cute smile he’s always had at you and you can’t help but blush. You look up again and see he’s still looking at you only a few feet away.
“Hey, I’m Austin. I assume you’ll be the one taking pictures of me today?” He asks as he gestures to your camera strap around your chest. His eyes linger there at your chest for a brief moment before meeting your eyes again. You bite the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from giggling like an idiot.
You nod, “yep that’s me, as long as you don’t mind me being all close to your face,” you wince at the words that just freely came out of your mouth. Jesus Christ, what had gotten into you? Just seconds into this interaction you’re a babbling mess.
He chuckles and puts out his hand to shake it, “yea I think I can handle that dear. Let me go change. What did you want to see on me first?” He asks so innocently. But your brain is moving a million miles an hour and you continue to turn another shade of red.
I want to be on you…
“Uh…umm… how about that mesh floral shirt…I umm think that might be a nice start.” You start to pinch your hand trying to regain any control you have left of the situation. He nods his head and grabs the outfit off the rack and heads to the makeshift dressing room.
You quickly double check your camera is working properly and your battery is fully charged. What the hell has gotten into you? No one gets you this flustered, especially at work!
Austin comes out from the changing area and has the mesh top on and black dress pants. You try not to stare too much but he looks good and you feel your face flush.
“Where would you like me, darling,” he asked as Angie handed him a cowboy hat.
You giggle a little as he puts it on goofily and starts walking out with you. “Let’s go outside and see how the lighting looks and go from there okay cowboy?”
“Mmm, yes ma’am, he says in a Southern accent and tips the end of his hat down and you both laugh.
He’s so unbelievably charming to you I can’t believe the way your heart races around him.
He’s a natural in front of the camera. Charm is just pouring out of him and you find yourself smiling at every little thing he’s doing.
You have him lean against the building in the sheer shirt and lean back. The way he looks up is so attractive it makes you needy.
You both lock eyes and they burn into you causing your cheeks to feel like fire. He doesn’t look away and if you’re not mistaken, you think he likes the way you’re getting all flustered for him. You take a slow breath and watch as his eyes linger all over your body. He lets out a soft, “mmm,” from his lips and you do everything to try to regain focus.
“Okay umm… how about an outfit change. Maybe just changing the top in the tank top and leather jacket look.” You say as direct as possible to try to shift the mood of your photoshoot and have his eyes quit fucking yours.
You change your camera battery inside as he’s changing into the next look. He comes out from behind the dressing room and comes out shirtless with the leather jacket flung over his shoulder, being held on by just two of his fingers. His shirtless body looked divine, some Roman sculptures would be jealous of how good he looked without a shirt. The silver-adorned belt around his waist caught your eye and stared once again at how good he looked in those pants. The pronounced bulge in his pants made your mouth water and you bite your lip to try to stop yourself from staring when he was walking toward you.
He clears his throat to catch your attention, you shoot your eyes back up at him as he has a sly grin across his face as he sees where your eyes are drawn to.
“I was thinking no shirt, just felt right,” he pauses and you nod. He walks closer to you, slowly, like a leopard stalking his prey, and whispers, “hmm, I thought you might like that honey. Anything to keep your eyes on me longer…” he trails off and brushes your hair behind your ear.
You feel the wetness begin to pool in your panties. The tension between you two is electric and you have to do everything in your power to stay professional and maintain to stay calm.
You look up at him and those icy blue eyes bore into you with lust. Your heart races as you don’t know what to say next. Nerves fill your body as you start to enjoy the closeness of his body to yours.
“Oh, umm, let’s go outside again. The lighting should be perfect,” you stumble out. You and the rest of the team go back outside and you really don’t have a clue what the next shot will be but then it hits you.
You have all the power in this situation. He needs to listen to your direction.
If he wants to play this game and make you all flustered, you can do it too.
“Austin, why don’t you stand by that blue wall, it’ll bring out your eyes,” You tease and give him a wink. He lets out this airy laugh and shakes his head. He starts to put on the leather jacket and you stop him. You rush to him, away from the rest of the team so they can’t hear you.
“Ah, wait Austin, I was thinking nothing on for this part… since you like to have so many people’s eyes on you, this would be a for sure way to do that,” You tease and brush his hair back on the sides as he did to you.
“Nothing on hm?” He emphasizes, “I think that’s a special shoot we’d need to have just you and I. And as far as having other eyes on me, I’d much more prefer it to be yours only,” Your breathing hitches and you bite your lip.
“What are you trying to do here? Do you flirt this hard with every photographer you encounter hmm?” You say firmly.
“No baby, just with you. Somethin’ aboutcha is driving me crazy, and I know you can feel it too.” He teases, his voice raspy and deep, as his face inches dangerously closer to yours. He has this slight southern inflection in his voice. Something he must have still from shooting the Elvis movie but dear god it’s so fucking sexy. Between the raspiness and the southern inflection he has on some words, you’re falling apart at the seams.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you whisper sheepishly.
“Yes, you do. You’ve turned eight different shades of red since I walked in here. Do you normally get so flustered over every client you photograph?” He rebuts back at you.
You press your lips together as he’s got you pressed in the corner.
“Only the ones who eye fuck me throughout the entire photoshoot,” you say.
“Hmm, well I’ll try to make it more, bearable for you dear,” he chuckles and places his hand on his lower lip. You step back and realize you have a perfect shot.
He keeps his hand to his mouth and the other hand on his hip as he watched you closely back up and raises the camera to your eye. You squat down in front of him and the biggest smile forms across his face. Another burst of embarrassment embarks upon you as you realize he can see your cleavage perfectly at this view. You stand up quickly and snap a few more shots knowing that the first one you took was the perfect shot.
“Alright, I think we can move along. How about you put the leather pants and vest on for this shot and sit on that bench over there?” You point across the way and you start to walk over.
He leaves without saying a word and comes back a few minutes later down and sits down on the bench, giving you this devilish look. He crosses his legs as the makeup person fixes his hair a bit. An assistant hands you a different lens for the shot and you accidentally drop the lens cap. The cap rolls directly at his feet and he looks down at it, then back up to you. The insolent man doesn’t make any attempt to pick it up for you and you see what he wants you to do.
Bend down in front of him again like a submissive whore.
You purse your lips together and take a deep breath and walk over to him.
“I got the cap Austin don’t worry,” you scoff and pick it up and blow the dust off of it.
“I knew you’d get it. I just like you kneeling in front of me,” he says as he brushes his hair through his fingers and leans back.
Your blood boils. No client has ever talked to you this way. But no client has turned you on this way either. You’re at a crossroads. You can either tell him to get his head out of his ass or make it worse for him and have him continue to be at your mercy.
Option two sounds like a plan.
You scoot back a little, still bending down, and place the camera up to your eye.
“Open your legs Austin, you need to look more relaxed…” you say quietly but just loud enough for him to hear. His eye grows wide and he wipes his palms on his thighs. He shifts his body a bit uncomfortably, exactly how you wanted him to get. After adjusting so, he stretches out his long legs out, making it so you’re right in between them.
“Like this?” He asks innocently as he looks down at you.
“Mhmm, just like that.” You say as he looks off into the distance. You feel how soaked your panties have gotten in this position and they only are getting worse by kneeling in front of him.
“Smile, baby. Look right at me,” you coo softly and the expression on his face is a shock. It felt great to be so in control of him and have him do every last thing you wanted. He does as he’s told and looks directly down the lens. He bites his lip slightly and another sly grin forms across that beautiful face.
You get up and take shots from a higher angle and know you’ve gotten some amazing pictures.
The sun was setting and know the shades and lighting would start screwing up the pictures so you thought that would be a wrap.
“Thanks, everyone! I think that wraps it up. You all were wonderful!” You clap and start to hug everyone as you make your way inside.
You start tidying up your things and the crew starts to say goodbye as the sun begins to set lower.
You finally begin to calm down as the tension throughout the day was a massive cloud over you and your thoughts.
He was right, do you get flustered over every client you photograph? The answer was obviously no but today, Austin really got the best of you and this indescribable need to be close to him took over all sense and logic you had left in your body. The last few crew members leave the studio and you waved goodbye.
You watch as Austin emerges from his dressing room and he brushes his hair back and his eyes meet yours again.
“Thanks for a great day y/n. You sure made it fun,” he chuckles as he bites his lower lip. He looks you up and down yet again but this time, it looks like he wants to ruin you.
“Oh, it was my pleasure. Do you have a few minutes? I’d love to show you some of the shots I got today,”
“Yeah, I can stay for you,” he quips.
You walk over to your laptop on the desk and take a seat on the stool. Austin follows closely behind you and scooches the seat next to yours even closer. Your shoulders touch and when they do, it’s like fire seeping through your clothes. Sitting there almost not breathing, you start nervously tapping your fingers on the keyboard of your computer. You search around your files and open all the pictures from today.
You click on the first picture and once again have to press your lips together so he won’t see the grin wanting to take over your face. God, he just looked so good. The way his back arched in some of these. The way he sat with his legs spread wide open, just beckoning you to come and sit right there in his lap. You were flipping through the photos rather quickly but when you saw that picture of him in the leather jacket, sitting there with sexual charisma dripping off of him, you can’t help but pause and look further. The way he looked perfect to you in this shot had you start to become wet again.
He notices your prolonged stare and a cunning little smirk emerges on his face.
“Is there something wrong with this one? You’re looking at this one awfully long.”
His voice snaps you back to reality and your look at him with those pleading blue eyes.
“Mmm, you probably don’t want to hear what I have to say about this one,” you say teasingly as you go to click on the next picture.
The next one is only worse. Instead of his looking away from the camera, this one is him looking directly into the lens and making you quiver.
His eyes look over you again and this time , his hand is placed on your thigh causing you to put your full attention on him. you don’t break eye contact.
“Oh no trust me, honey, I wanna know what you think of this one.”
“I don’t that’s necessary,” you stutter hoping he might just drop it.
“Do you like how I look here? Do you like it when I look at you, and only you, like that.”
You nod your head, “mhmm, I love it actually.”
“Why do you love it so much?” His hand tightens around your thigh and fixes your hair sending a wave of pleasure from his just making contact with your skin.
“Austin, please, you’ve been killing me all day, I can’t do this,”
“What was I doing baby, I was just listening to you’ll day. I think it would only be fair if you listened to me now and answer my question. Why do you like this picture so much hmm?”
“B-b-because, umm, because you look so sexy sitting like that. Looking at me like you’re just begging to be fucked,” you moan out.
A big smile on his face emerges and he turns your stool to face him. He spreads your legs apart and places both hands on your upper thighs.
“Well, that’s funny you say that because,” he pauses as he looks at your legs spread for him, his hands trail up your legs dangerously slow, the friction it's causing is driving you mad. “That’s exactly what I wanted. I wanted you to get on me and slow fuck me until you came apart,” he groans out and squeezes your thighs tighter. His thumbs were getting closer to your core by the second and you felt the throbbing begin to worsen and your wetness begins to pool.
“Austin… I can’t do this…. I don’t screw around with my clients, I have a reputation I have to keep,” you say breathlessly and you continue to feel the wetness seep through your panties.
He nods his head slowly, “I understand, I don’t want to do anything you don’t want to do. I just thought you were thinking the same thing I was thinking. And maybe, just maybe, I could be the one to make you feel good instead of you going home by yourself and touching yourself all night wishing it was me…” he says sheepishly and his thumb grazed your core. His eyebrow raises as he feels the amount of heat coming off of you and the subtle wetness seeping through your leggings. This brings a smile to his face and looks up at you to see you in agony. You’re desperate for more of him and can’t help it that you push your hips onto the spot where his thumb is.
“Mmm, so needy I see. Let me help you with that honey. I just want you to feel good. You’ve been killing me all day with how beautiful you look,” he coos as his hand grazes your face and you lean in to kiss him.
Your lips crash together like the ocean meets the sand and it feels perfect. The kisses are so intense and passionate that there’s hardly any time to breathe. You place one hand on his face and the other on his thigh. You so desperately want to be taken out of here and have him ruin you all night long. Your kisses deepen and his tongue explores yours, licking your bottom lip at first then pushing it in further and moaning when he does this. You start to move your hand up his thigh and smile when you find his large bulge hardening and making his pants even tighter.
You can’t help but break the kiss and look down and what your hand is tracing over. You feel your core throb, wanting him to take care of this undeniable need you have for him to please you in any way he can come up with. You place more pressure on the outline of his hardened dick and hear his breathing hitch and he places his hand on top of yours, slowly rubbing it with you.
“See, you’re killing me. Let’s get out of here,” he pleads and you solemnly nod your head.
Your heart races as this are one of the most scandalous things you would ever do! You always kept it professional but something about Austin had you dying for his attention. Fear strikes you when you realize it might raise some eyebrows if you show up at his hotel. You swallow that fear and get into his car and drive off to the hotel which is only a short drive away from the studio. He parks out front and gives the keys to the valet and you realize you both are staying at the same hotel.
Well, at least no one will be asking questions about why we’re showing up here together…
You both round the corner of the lobby to the hallway where the elevators are. You keep a comfortable distance from each other, keeping it professional in the public eye. The up arrow flashes and Austin has you step in the elevator first and he follows behind. He presses the fifteen button and waits for the doors to close. As soon as they shut, he pushes you against the wall and kisses your lips with fire. He pushes his hips into you causing a groan to slip out of you and his hands roam your body freely. You want so much more contact with him, your body is aching for it and you claw at his back, causing him to let out a low guttural growl.
One hand grabs your ass and he squeezes it in his large hand. He starts to trail his kisses down along your cheek and down to your neck where he pauses there and sucks on the sensitive flesh. His free hand travels across your breasts, down your torso where he finally stops when his fingers find your throbbing core. You’ve only gotten wetter since you both left the studio so the wetness has soaked through your panties and your leggings, causing a big wet spot to form in between your legs. He places two of his finger on your clit and rubs in slow, agonizing circles. You gasp at the sensation as you have been so on edge since first meeting him.
“Seems like you’ve soaked through your leggings, you need it that bad hmm?” His voice was low and in control. You look at those endless blue oceanic eyes and nod your head yes as a small whine escapes your lips.
“I can take care of that honey,” he coos into your ear and pulls his body away from yours as you feel the elevator cart come to an abrupt stop.
He leads you out of the elevator and down the hall to where his room is. He taps the key card on the lock and the little light on the door turns green and he opens the door for you. He finds the light switch and you cautiously make your way through the room. It isn’t large by any means but the king-sized bed that is in the middle of the room seems massive. You feel him come from behind you and start to kiss your neck again. His hands grope your breasts and you feel his cock getting hard again pushing into your ass.
You moan at the feelings he is giving you and how desperate you are to take off his clothes. It’s almost as if he reads your mind as he picks you up and places you on the edge of the bed and lifts your shirt off your body. He unhooks your bra and places wet, sloppy kisses all over your breasts sucking hard on your nipples. You’re breathless and your head continues to spin. He gets on his knees in front of you and places kiss up and down your torso before hooking his fingers around the waistband of your leggings. In one quick motion, he drags them off your legs, also taking your panties off with them. You see the wetness that has smeared on your inner thighs and your cheeks get red at the sight. This only creates a smirk on Austin’s face and he runs his fingers on it. He spreads your legs wider so he can see how wet you truly are. He bites his lower lips at the sight before him.
“God, you look so perfect. So wet for me,” he teases as he runs his index finger through your folds causing you to hiss. You can’t help that your hips roll onto his finger wanting more than just a light touch. You start to unbutton his shirt and yank it off of his beautiful frame. His tan skin glowed in this light. You want to lick every square inch of this man.
He slowly puts his finger in your dripping pussy and you moan his name. He slowly pumps it in and out of you, feeling every inch of your walls and how taught you are around his long finger. He looks at your every reaction and slips in his middle finger inside you, causing you to arch your back and roll your hips onto him. He picks up the pace watching intently how so much wetness is spilling out of you and how good you look getting fucked by his fingers.
“Austin, fuck, I-I-I… I want you inside me,” you pant as you grab his forearm. A stark grin forms on his face, “I already am inside of you, what more could you possibly want,” he teases and curls his fingers inside you. Your eyes roll back in your head and you feel the coil in your belly tighten. His fingers are reaching places you never knew existed and you want nothing more than for him to make you cum.
He pulls his finger out of you and licks the wetness off of them before starting to unbutton his jeans. Your breathing quickens and you’re so on edge you almost feel the room spinning.
“Are you ready for me?” He stands up as he is unzipping his jeans and his cock is at eye level to you. He glides them down his leg and kicks them to the side. He’s left in his boxer briefs and they make his hard cock look delicious laying down on his leg. He slowly slides them down springing his cock free and your eyes grow wide.
“Oh fuck,” you moan and bite your lip as you continue to gaze at his impressive length. Everything about him looked good while he was naked. His toned body down to his hard cock. He was longer than you expected and your mouth watered at the sight before you. The veins protruding on his shaft made him look so good and the red tip of his head was leaking with precum. His balls were hanging tight closer to his body but nevertheless were ample in size. He takes his right hand as you are staring at him and starts to jerk himself off. The way his hand enveloped his shaft and a small sigh slipped from his lips as his thumb smeared the sticky wetness from his tip along some of his shaft. You couldn’t stop looking at how big he really was and how hot it was watching him jerk himself off in front of you.
“You sure you’re ready for me baby girl? Do you think you could take all of this cock inside you?” He teases and you feel your core throb at his words.
“Please, Austin, fuck me,” you beg and he pushes your body down with your arms above your head. Austin examines your body laid out before him and starts to run the head of his cock through your sopping wet folds. You moan, unable to take anymore teasing from this man. After he gets some of your wetness on his shaft, he lines himself up to your entrance and carefully starts to put inch by inch inside of you.
You’ve never experienced sex with anyone so big so the feelings you were having were unlike anything you’ve ever felt. He was slow and gentle, making sure you were adjusting to his length and not causing it to become painful. The way he was stretching you with each slow thrust was driving you wild. The sound of his soft grunts every time he put more of his cock inside of you was the hottest thing you’ve ever heard. He had one hand around your wrists that were above your head and the other rubbing your swollen sensitive bud.
You arch into his hand, letting out a whine needing so much more than what he’s giving you. You claw at the sheets beneath you and your breathing quickens and whining moans escape you. You look up at those blue eyes full of lust that could consume you if you let them. Without saying a word, you plead for him to give you more. He kisses you deeply and pushes in the rest of his cock inside you, bottoming out and he groans loudly.
Your mouth opens when you feel how much he’s filling you and are so overwhelmed by the way he’s stretching you out. He starts to move his hips faster causing you to scream. Every thrust was hitting your cervix and the mix of pain and pleasure was driving you crazy. You shut your eyes closed as you let Austin take you any way he wants. His fingers pick up the pace on your clit causing you to feel the coil in your belly tighten.
“Fuck, you’re taking this cock so well baby. Feeling so good,” he moans into your ear.
The way he moves his hips should be a crime. I guess he kept some of Elvis’ moves…
His hips continue to swivel and pound into you effortlessly. His pace is slow and controlled but you know you can’t last very long like this. He’s hitting all the right places and your walls are hugging his length tightly.
“I’m gonna cum,” you cry out. He sucks on your neck, marking you as his, and slowly starts to pull himself out of you.
You whine at the feeling of being so empty and watch him as he gets off of you and proceeds to sit on the bed with the pillows behind his back. He stretches his long legs out and sits there with his hard cock glistening full of your juices.
“It’s your turn baby. I want you to do just as I said before. Slow fuck me until you cum apart on this cock,” he commands as he looks at your body hungrily.
You crawl over to him and straddle his narrow hips. Grabbing a fist full of his hair, you pull his head back, nibbling and sucking on his gorgeous neck, leaving little red marks going down it. He moans out in frustration and you feel his cock twitch against your tummy. His hands find your nipples and start to roll them in between his fingers, sending shocks of pleasure straight to your leaking cunt.
You let go of his hair and line him up to your entrance. You slowly sink down on his head and your eyes roll back as you feel him stretch your weeping pussy. You look back at him and his mouth is open, watching as your pussy consumes his cock inch by inch.
You take more of him and moan the more he fills you. You’re moving so slow, just like he said, but he gets restless and bucks his hips up into you and makes you take all of his length deep inside you.
You squeeze and claw at his biceps and moan out his name. He holds your hips still as you adjust to him. Rocking your hips back and forth, you feel how insanely good he’s filling you never wanting this to end.
He starts to move in and out of you, helping you ride him.
“Such a good girl, keep riding me baby,” he says breathlessly and you squeeze his length at the sound of his words. You try to keep the same rhythm he's setting but you want nothing more than buck wildly on him.
You lean back and reach out your hands to place them on his calves. You rock your hips at this new angle and you see how his eyes become drunk on watching you take his cock like this. He starts moaning louder and muttering expletives under his breath. He throws his head back and squeezed his eyes shut after a while, knowing he’s close to coming apart.
This angle is hitting the most sensitive spot inside you and you feel the coil inside you about to snap. Your walls start to flutter around his girth and he watches as your mouth opens in ecstasy. Both of your moans and grunts fill the otherwise silent room and you start to move faster on him. He pulls you up so you two are chest to chest. He sucks and bites on your neck as he fucks you harder, needing every last ounce of you.
“Cum baby girl, I feel you’re so close,” he groans in your ear. He grabs your hair and pulls it back a little, never leaving eye contact with you. You wrap your arms around his shoulders and fuck him harder as you start to clench around his cock. Your vision starts to see spots and you squeeze your eyes shut as you ride out your orgasm.
“Ohh, fuck baby,” you moan out loudly and leave scratch marks down his chest. No one has ever made you orgasm this much and your body feels euphoric. As your orgasm slows, you start to open your eyes again. His face looks so fucked out, with his eyebrows furrowed together.
“It’s your turn, baby. I know you want to cum,” you pant and you pull his hair as he lets out a groan. He bucks his hips into a few more times into you before lifting you up off of him and leaving you sitting on your knees. He gets off the bed and entices you to come to him with just the motion of his index finger. His eyes look like they’re on fire as he watches you crawl to him on the edge of the bed to him. You stare as he jerks his cock off in front of you. His head was red and your juices covered his entire length.
“Open that dirty mouth baby. Need to fill it with everything I can give you.” He groans as he moves his hand faster.
You open your mouth for him and feel hot spurts of his cum coat your tongue and the back of your mouth. You can’t help but moan at this obscene act and how much you’re getting off to it. You feel your wetness drip down the side of your thigh as he fills your mouth with his hot cum. You watch his face as he cums and it’s the hottest thing you’ve ever encountered. The way his lip curls and how the veins in his neck pop out as he’s finishing.
He carefully puts the tip of his cock on your tongue and gasps at the feeling. You look up slyly and suck on his head. The last way you can tease him and get away with all that you’ve done. He hisses at the sensation as he is overstimulated at this point. You gently suck his tip one last time and release it with a pop of your mouth. He grabs your face with his large hand and looks down at you.
“You better swallow that like a good girl,” he commands breathlessly.
You swallow his warm, thick seed, and a grin forms across his face. He wipes your bottom lip and goes in to kiss you. His tongue swirls in your mouth and he places a hand on your cheek as you both relish in the kiss.
He breaks the kiss to look at you and he pulls you into his arms.
“Was that okay for you?” He asks innocently, his boyish features shining out as he genuinely feels the need to know you were taken care of.
In your mind, you want to scream that was the best sex you’ve ever had. But you remain composed and try to hide your face in his chest.
“Mhmm, it was beyond okay… I don’t know what else to say .” You giggle slightly.
“Well, it was amazing for me too. Let me get a towel for you. You just can’t help but make a mess everywhere you go huh?” He laughs as he squeezes your wet, sticky thigh.
You roll your eyes and laugh at him. You hug your knees to your chest and relive the events of today in your head.
If today proved anything, you really loved your job and will never forget a second of it.
Austin comes from the bathroom with a towel in his hand and one around his waist.
How could he look any more attractive…
He gently wipes your thighs and pats the wetness from your swollen folds. You tense up a bit and he rubs your back soothingly.
“I got you, honey, just relax,” he says and places a kiss on your cheek.
There’s a comfortable silence between you both and you’re not sure what to say next.
He’s rubbing circles on your back and starts humming a tune as he lays back and pulls you in his arms.
“So, um, I have a question for you honey,” he says shyly.
“Mhmm, what is it…” you say sleepily.
“Well, I could escort you back to your room so you can enjoy the rest of your night alone, or…” he trails off and your body freezes in anticipation. The sound of his low, raspy voice can make you fall apart again right here. He grabs your hip and squeezes the soft flesh there.
“I can make you stay here all night and fuck you until the sun comes up.”
Your heart flutters and starts ringing in your ears. Your hand trails down his body til it finds his semi-hard cock.
“Mmm… you’re gonna have to make me stay,” you say squeezing your hand over him.
“It’s gonna be a long night for you,” he teases.
@powerofelvis @burninlovebutler @plasticfantasticl0ver @cryingabtab @ab4eva @marriedtopresley @mooodyblue @returntoelvis @areacodefan @notstefaniepresley @succsessions @lindszeppelin @peaceloveelvis @kendralavon7 @katelswan @star-shard @heartbrake-hotel @loving-elvis @missmaywemeetagain @eliseinmemphis @generoustreemystic
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elvisabutler · 1 year
i think there's still a few hours left for your gala, right?? 👁 if so, id like to request 💻 the angst prompt "no, im actually not ok," w austin.. maybe some h/c after the oscars? 🥺🙏
i don't know what i'm feeling
fandom: austin butler | elvis ( 2022 ) rating: g, t if you really squint. pairing: austin butler x gender neutral reader word count: 802 warnings: austin being sad post oscars. talk about the oscars. talk about the whale. author’s note: thank you anon and you were right i did have a few more hours when you sent this to me and was hoping someone would allow me the chance to do a hurt and comfort with this. full disclosure to everyone, i said it once before, if austin was going to lose to anyone, i did want it to be brendan because i was iffy on colin. however, i despise of the whale as a movie- and truly wish brendan had won for literally anything else. so do not take anything i have austin say as my own opinion on the movie itself. i hate it. this is for my 1k gala with the angst prompt of “no, i’m actually not ok.” and saints preserve me i'll live in my universe where i made this boy drunkenly say to his girl some nasty sexy things post oscar. also i'm not the biggest fan of this but i can't tell if that's purely because i'm in my own head about it or not. still hope you enjoy. also i didn't mess up my word count for the third time in all my gala pieces, what are you talking about.
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It's an honor to be nominated. It's an honor to be put in the same league as actors who've been in the business for decades. It's an honor to be nominated along someone who's going to grow with him in their crafts. If he was going to lose to anyone everyone had said it was going to be him or Brendan and damn if he didn't think the man deserved it. The Whale was tough to watch but it was good- it was the sort of thing that earned an actor their Oscar. He shouldn't be- He shouldn't be feeling the way he does. Bill didn't get a single award all season and Colin went from a frontrunner with him to the afterthought along with Paul.
He can't even talk about this with Barry because it was always Ke's one to lose and he wasn't going to. Maybe Angela- but hadn't hers been wrapped in the grief from losing Chadwick. He still can't believe he heard Samuel L Jackson make a noise for him of all people behind him. He should be happy, this is the start of him finally making a difference. Making his fans proud and happy for him like Elvis. Making his mom proud that all her work wasn't for nothing. Making Lisa and Priscilla proud wasn't for nothing but why does he feel as if it was in this moment. Why is his brain just telling him this is how it starts? He'll have this whirlwind of three years and then three projects back to back to back only to have nothing afterward. Angela feels him tense a little- she must have because she looks at him and squeezes his hand once again before nodding over to you.
You- you can help ease his mind, once you're in the car he'll talk to you, whisper in your ear how this was not how he thought this night would go. His eyes meet yours and you smile gently before shrugging a little. He watches your lips mouth "love you" before he focuses on the last of the awards. It's a bit of organized chaos leaving the theater and it almost seems as if there's just an Elvis line of people walking around hand in hand like a bunch of kindergarteners before Austin and you finally get into a car and you squeeze his hand. "You okay?"
If it was anyone else, if it was Baz or Liv or Catherine or Kelvin or Luke- if it was anyone he'd lie. But you deserve the truth in a way that very few people do in this circumstance. "No, I'm actually not. I- I don't even know what I'm feeling. I'm mad but I shouldn't. I was nominated for an Oscar. I used to dream about this. I almost won an Oscar!"
"You have a Golden Globe! And a BAFTA!" You remind him, your voice matching his in volume before your hand moves to cup his cheek. There's a wet bit that you brush away with your thumb. "You're allowed to feel something, Austin. It doesn't make you a bad person or take away from Brendan's win because I know you, I know we're going to go the party and you're gonna see him and he's gonna give you a big dad hug and you're gonna gush. And you're gonna bounce up and down with Ke and make sure Baz doesn't drink too much because Catherine asked you too."
The laugh that bubbles up from him is wet sounding, covered in unshed tears as he sniffles. "Forgot how I'm gonna tell Luke about Polly making me do some moves for party tricks. And how Kelvin is going to remind me to-"
"Chill out?" You finish like that's actually what Austin was going to say before he shakes his head, allowing himself to just rest his head in your hand.
"Something like that. I just thought- I let my hopes get up." Austin whispers and you frown.
"No one blames you for that, you know. I don't. Tell you what. When we get to the party, how about we just sit in the car for a little bit until you calm down. And then when we get there, we just relax. Just for a little bit until you stop hurting so much. I'll shoo away the cameras with my charm." Austin raises an eyebrow knowing that isn't always how things go with you and him.
"Yeah? No fighting that'll get us both in trouble?"
"Pinky swear." You hold out your pinky as you move to kiss Austin. "Now, how about we focus on our plans for after tonight. I believe someone promised me a vacation?"
Austin's answer is a hum before he gives you another kiss. "How do you feel about the mountains?"
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Stalker's little family.
Pairing: Austin Butler x reader.
Part 1.
Warning:Blood kink, Cum shots, Sex Toy, Choking, Dirty talk, Pregnancy sex, Hair pulling, Oral (Fem & male receiving) Shower sex, Breeding kink, Degrading kink, Praise kink, Dark humor, Murder, Gore, Dark reader, Yandere Austin, Clean toothbrush.
Summary: It's time for Austin to return to California, Anaheim so with a heavy heart you leave with your new boyfriend, to his shared house with Kaia, you keep asking what happened with her but he'd either switch the topic or not answer at all regardless of this you're absolutely ecstatic for your new horizon but it seems it wouldn't come so easy to obtain when Austin's neighbor finds out about his secrets.
A/n: I want to thank everyone who had waited patiently for me post this, if I'm being honest I had lost motivation to finish but I did! I hope that y'all like it, I want to also say I appreciate every person who likes my stories and my followers without y'all I'd never find out how much I love to write. Anyways onto the story and like always stay tuned (Sorry if it sucked!)
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"Thank you so much for everything." you said as you pulled away from ki's embrace "I am sad to see you go, (N/N) you have been a great friend and colleague. Take care of my baby ok?" Ki winked at you which you playful huffed "Now get going or you're guard dog is going to put me six feet under," He chuckled nervously looking over your shoulder, and you followed his gaze to see Austin's icky blues glaring murderously at Ki, holding Hudson, who was in fact too busy gumming on his little fist to notice his daddy's deadly aura.
You hid your smirk, feelings of arousal and euphoria rushed up your veins like a drug "I guess so, Bye Ki. I'll call you sometime." you winked at him before heading to your car not bothering to hide your smirk anymore "Cool down tiger." You teased walking past Austin to your vehicle, you open the car door and sat down in the passenger seat. Austin following in suit after he buckled Hudson into his car seat before getting to the driver's seat and began driving, his eyes ahead of him, his jaw clenched "My love you don't need to be jealous, I love you." you said softly "I know, I just can't help it. You're mine after all." he takes your hand and kissed your knuckles, a small smile on his lips, God he loved you so damn much, even when you tease him like that, he just didn't trust Ki he was known for being a playboy, anyone can see he liked, Maybe even loved you and that thought made he want to go crazy, you're his, if he has to get you pregnant, breed you over and over again for people to know that then he will, happily.
Ki had some of his people move your stuff into Austin's house in the dead of night, and his jet set to take you back privately, knowing you wanted to keep your little family secret, especially since Kaia went missing, it would be bad publicity for Austin and you can't, won't ruin his dreams. "He asleep?" you asked sitting up in the queen-sized bed you now shared with Austin "with difficulty but asleep." he sighed, slipping under the covers, his head on his hand as he looked at you "it's hard huh?" you said laying down "Oh yeah," he chuckled softly pulling you into his embrace "But I wouldn't change a thing." his other hand rubbing your 3-month pregnant belly "Not a thing." you smiled as you both laid in the comfortable silence, his arms around you and his heartbeat in your ear made everything so surreal, you dreamed of something like this, THE Austin Bulter to be in love with you, have a family with him, to have that honor of bearing his children and here you are, in his bed, in his arms, his love all around you, yes you and Hudson had to be kept secret but you actually liked that you don't want paparazzi in your business.
Your thinking stopped when Austin's soft snores filled your ears "Goodnight my love." you whispered and kissed his cheek before snuggling into his chest as sleep overcomes you. Austin slowly open his eyes only to shut them from the slither of light from the curtains, he grunted and turned to cuddle you but he felt nothing "Baby?!" he called, a bit of panic in his deeper voice, sitting up in the bed "I'm in the kitchen!" you called back, Austin quickly got out of bed and rushed to the kitchen, his pajama pants hang on his hips, and his panic immediately vanished as he sees you fed Hudson some baby food with your new work cloths; a white pencil skirt with a white dress jacket buttoned and a black blouse low-cut.
Austin looked at your get-up, top to bottom l, he licked and bit his bottom lip, his blues darkened "Say," he trailed off "When was the last time I fucked you?" "Austin!" you gasped "What?! I'm just asking," he smirked "Not in front of Hudson! Horn dog." you giggled as Austin placed kisses around your face and neck, "I have to go, I can't be late, I'm the CEO now." you smiled at him as he pouted "Sarsh is gonna come and pick Hudson so he can have a play date with Jackson" Austin nod "Bye baby," Austin whispered against your lips before giving you one last kiss. You waved goodbye to Austin and Hudson, who rested against his father's waist, Austin waved back with a smile.
Ryan's eyes watched the houses going over if this is ready to try to find out the truth he knew something was up when movers had moved something into his neighbor's house in the dead of night and his Kaia went missing after she accuses of Austin cheating, that was enough for him to think maybe Austin had something to do with that, gripping his lock picks and a blacklight, left his house and jumped the fence to the backyard of his neighbor's home, and started to unlock the back door, He sighed asentersnter the house "Ok where to begin?" he questions no one, he had 3 hours before you and Austin come back from work. Closing the door he began to look around.
He looked in the bedrooms first upstairs and then the master bedroom bathroom, he turned the blacklight on the sink, and streaks of bright green fell down the drain, taking his phone he snapped a photo before heading to the kitchen, Ryan's heart stopped dead, the loud clinking of heels hit the wooden floors that lead to the very room he was it. He looked around vertically 'There!' he looked at the walk-in pantry and immediately hid in that spot, peeking through the mostly closed double doors, he watch you as you dropped your keys on the marble Island. "I know you're there, come out," you called out with an ice-cold tone, staring directly at the pantry, Rayn walked out, a glare in his eyes "You cause her death huh?" he spat "You took my only happiness away! Now it's your turn, I'll—" Ryan's villain's speech was cut short by his own scream as a knife stuck out of his shoulder, another painful scream ripe out of him as the knife was jerked out, his body slumped to the floor, gripping his shoulder to try and stop the bleeding but that was useless as he'll come to find out. Austin pinned the defenseless man and his knife cut into Ryan's chest over and over again, blood spattering onto Austin's face, and hands, and a large pool of crimson leaked out of the already dead man "Austin." you called firmly, he didn't stop, you frowned as you walked to him and kneel beside him"Austin." you called again softly taking his face in your hands, your frowned deepened as a tear hits the dumb corpse.
"I-I can't lose you or Hudson." Austin stuttered tears keep falling " Oh baby you'll never lose us," you looked down at Ryan's lifeless body "We made sure of that." Austin's breathing calmed, "let's hide the evidence," you said taking the shovel you left by the front door and handing it to him. "we'll be fine my love," you kissed him and nudge him gently to the backyard, you watched him leave before began to grab things that you needed like the tarp, mop and bucket, a large zip ties, a jar of hydrogen peroxide and flowers. You filled the bucket with water and hydrogen peroxide, dragged the body onto the huge black trap, wrapped him in it, and close the tarp with the zip ties. You were mopping the floor when Austin came in, and you could help but stop to watch as Austin picked up the body almost effortlessly, the blood made him even more beautiful and sexy, and you could already feel yourself become soaked for your boyfriend, you quickly finish mopping up all the blood, grabbed the flowers and walked into the backyard, Austin had already buried the body next to the flower garden, Austin wipe the dirt off his forehead but it becoming even dirtier, you let out a small giggle at that which got you an adorable confused look from Austin before you both began to plant the flowers above Ryan's resting place. "Now let's get cleaned up" you clapped your hands clean, well the best you could do with blood and dirt caked on them, Austin being the gentleman he was, helped you up.
Flashes of Austin filled your mind, him being so protective and possessive, killing the threat of your happiness, for your family, his eyes, damn near black as a starless night, and the beautiful crimson splattering onto his cheeks hands, and chest, some even in his blonde hair, the strong feeling of hormonal lust came as your want for him grows. You barely had enough time to step into the bathroom when Austin's mouth smashed against yours, tongue exploring your mouth like it would all suddenly vanish, you lewdly moaned at feeling the hotness of his tongue, he backed you more into the bathroom, one hand blindly opening the bathroom mirror cabinet, and Austin broke the heated kiss as he begins to open up the unused electric toothbrush "Clothes off and lay on the floor" his deep voice growled, and you smirked playfully, undressed with Austin smacked your ass and laid down against the cold white tile, waiting and anticipating for his next move, he's slowly almost teasingly took his clothes off and got on his knees, the toothbrush between his teeth and he took it out of his mouth "let's have a try huh?" he smirked, turned on it, the vibration sounded out in the otherwise room silent, the rough bristles hit your sensitive bud with a spinning vibration.
A loud whimper and moan at a harsh but pleasant sensation "that's my beautiful slut." he said, his cock slammed and pounded away into you without mercy.
"Fuck," he groans tossing the toothbrush away, his hand now occupied with choking and squeezing your throat, leaving a bloody handprint, your eyes rolled back as he rolled his hips, throwing one leg on his shoulder, and leaned to kiss you reaching a new deeper angle "Eyes on me," he growled pulling your head back, fist wrapped in your hair a while he drilled down into you like a crazed man, his pelvis bone slapping against your clit.
"So beautiful, carrying my baby let every motherfucker you're mine, fuck. Want. To. Keep. You. Pregnant." squeezing your neck tighter as he thrusted after every period, you loved that idea, you would gladly carry this man's babies no matter how much he wanted, to have him breed you over and over, would be a dream come true. You were close so close, your pussy clenched and unclenched around Austin making him curse under his breath as he fucked you faster, "Fuck!" you cried grabbing into his bicep, and a hand on your belly you came, your back arched, pushing your breasts against his firm chest. Austin continues to thrust until you came down your high, he pulled and wrapped his hand that was on your neck around his angry and sensitive cock, jerking and squeezing, his pearly cum suddenly shoots onto your chest and stomach, heavy almost breathless pants left him.
You both sat there for a second before Austin stood up and picked you up setting you down the toilet, a kiss on your head, and then turning on the shower head to the right temperature. You hummed as the hot water relax your muscles, and the beautiful Crimson rush down to the drain "We're not done yet." Austin whispered into your ear, turning you around and getting on his knees, His eyes meet yours, licking his lips and before his pillowy lips wrapped on your clitoris.
You closed your eyes with a smile as your boyfriend eats you out, this truly was a dream come true, you'd fight for this, and Austin had proven this tonight, by killing that pesky, nosy neighbor, too high off drugs that drove everyone away and the day he killed Kaia, yes you knew, when It came your family you knew when something was up, you even know he brought an engagement ring but you wouldn't tell him that.
This was your happily ever after and nobody. Nobody would take it from you.
Taglist; @kendralavon7, @purejasmine, @plasticfantasticl0ver, @galaxygirl453, @cynic-spirit, @18lkpeters, @chasingwildflowers,
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Notes: It’s been a long time, baby. Life has been kicking my ass but I still think of this universe constantly. Adore you @blainesebastian <3
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liked by ashleybee and 15935 others
enews Elvis star Austin Butler had his leading lady on his arm at Cannes Film Festival. The couple looked stunning and more in love than ever with Butler encouraging her to pose for some solo shots. More pics of the two of them in the link in our bio
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austinnb have you guys seen the video that dropped 😭 he couldn’t take his eyes off her as she posed !!!
y/naustin she was so shy and he still had her take some on her own jsgsh
sheilableu Everything I see about this couple I enjoy. Very in love and genuine I see them lasting.
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liked by jillian.mua and 62953 others
tmz The best girlfriend award goes to? Austin Butler’s lady has been sure to show her support for Butler through the release of the Elvis film. She as well as his sister accompanied the Elvis star to his debut interview with Jimmy Fallon. Fans were chanting her name as she entered. Pics and videos at the link in our bio
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paparazzi1 when the fans of heart throbs like you, you’re in it for the long run. was lucky enough to meet them and they were so kind and graceful
ccgfan her style is TO DIE FOR
butlerrr She looks like the star and Austin is the supportive boyfriend lmao
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liked by rileykeuogh and 936910 others
hollywoodreporter A cute moment on the Golden Globes red carpet shared between Elvis star Austin Butler and his longtime girlfriend 💕 Butler spent a few seconds frantically looking around for his beautiful date but when he spotted her posing on the carpet he couldn’t help but erupt in joy and rush to plant a sweet kiss on her. Video on our TikTok and at the link in our bio 
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louisemarie they called me single and said im gonna die alone i can’t handle their cuteness
butlerbot siri play ‘can’t keep my eyes off you’
presleyfan her little giggle 🥰 austin is so baby
rileykeuogh This is so real. One of the first things I noticed meeting them is how in love he is. 💗
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liked by ashleybee and 1539761 others
coffeegirl I’m so proud of you, babe. I witnessed you pour your heart and soul into this role and there’s no one more deserving. Love you so.
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ashleytisdale THAT’S MY BEST FRIEND!!!
catherinemartindesigns All that coffee must have helped, darling 😉
bazluhrmann No words to express the pride I feel in this guy and the work he did. Unreal.
oliviadejonge 🌹🙌🏼
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liked by jillian.mua and 72641 others
ccgupdates Reaction during Austin’s BAFTA winning speech. “… to my girlfriend, the best partner, my best friend, I thank my lucky stars every day I have you by my side. If it wasn’t for your constant love and support, for all the coffee, most of which I only ordered to see you on long set days*laughs* for the oreos and ginger ale — you’re the best part of my dreams coming true. I love you, baby.”
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presleyfam They both got teary eyed and he choked up I can’t -
mccall OTP. CRYING.
austinelvis Ok did anyone else also spot Brendan crying during Austin’s speech too? Austin had everyone teary eyed, he’s so genuine
ashleybee ❤️
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liked by ashleytisdale and 96210 others
austinbnews Austin and his girlfriend leaving the Oscars before heading to the Variety after party.
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butlerbot It’s so good to see him smiling 😭 I know it’s because he has her with him thats why I love her she makes him so happy
austinfan the Oscars were rigged but I’m happy he has her!!!
sharonbleu True love ❤️
ccgupdates They are each other’s favorite win, as long as they have each other they will always be happy and smiling and in love.
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tbyfandoms · 2 years
Gorgeous | Austin Butler x Reader
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Pairing: austin butler x f!singer!reader
Word Count: 4.8k
Summary: after meeting austin at a party, y/n is left with a desirable impression and immediately writes a song about it. set to perform at the cannes elvis premiere after party, y/n takes the opportunity to let her true feelings be known. based off the song gorgeous by taylor swift
Warnings: depictions of intoxication, thoughts of infidelity, mild swearing
Masterlist | Ask/Tell/Request
A/N: i had this song stuck in my head and the more i thought about the lyrics, the more i realized it fits austin perfectly. i came up with this idea quite literally right after that, i love it and thought it turned out pretty cute. also i know kacey musgraves covered can't help falling in love, but for the sake of the fic she covered another one or just wasn't on the soundtrack in general lmao. lastly, reader is dating calvin harris in this (iykyk) but if that makes you uncomfy you can imagine someone else! anyways, i hope you enjoy and lmk what you think! :)
To say you were having a good time tonight would be an understatement. You've probably only been here for a few hours, but with the amount of drinks you've already had, it was enough for a whole night, maybe more.
You weren't really trying to get drunk, but who were you to turn down drinks from fellow friends who are also very much enjoying themselves at this party?
The point of tonight is all about acquainting yourself with fellow musicians performing on the new Elvis movie soundtrack. Practically everyone who is on the soundtrack is here, and then of course the actors and actresses from the actual movie.
When you were reached out to about being on the soundtrack, it felt like a dream come true. It really hit you when they asked if you'd like to cover Can't Help Falling in Love. It's truly such an honor to get to record a song that means so much to so many people. It was nerve-wracking, but you adore how it turned out and hope the fans will feel the same when they hear it in the film and on the soundtrack.
Taking a look around, you admire all of the other musicians you've gotten to know. Baz did such a great job in creating a modernized and diverse group that can translate Elvis' music to today's generation. It's so insane to you how you were given this opportunity and you'll forever be grateful for it.
Shaking your head a little in disbelief at it all, you turn your attention back to the people at your table. You've been moving around all night, whether it be from table to table or on the small dance floor. You've spoken to everyone here. Well, almost everyone.
There's quite literally only one person here that you haven't spoken a word to yet, and that's none other than Austin Butler, Elvis Presley himself.
It isn't that you don't want to talk to him, it's just you're not sure you'd be able to have a conversation with him. You've never met Austin in person but from all the pictures and clips you've seen of him, you just know that man will make you so nervous. He seems so flirty and you can tell he knows what he's doing when he gives people that look. It's infuriating but also captivating and you kick yourself every time you find yourself flustered over him. Get it together, you'd think, you've never even met the guy in person.
When you found out this party would be happening, you promised yourself you'd work up the courage to talk to him. You'd introduce yourself, have a quick conversation, realize he's just like any other guy, and then he'd be out of your system.
The liquid courage you've downed since the moment you got here was supposed to help, but so far you still haven't sought Austin out, and you're not sure you will. You're drunk, but it still doesn't change the fact even just the thought of him makes you giddy. Curse his good looks and seemingly charming personality.
"Hey, Y/N, some of us are gonna go hit the dance floor again. You wanna come with?" Olivia DeJonge, actress for Priscilla Presley, asks as she begins to get up from the table.
"Maybe in a bit, I'm gonna go to the bar and get some water, I've definitely had one too many tonight," you giggle and Olivia nods her head, knowing exactly what you mean.
"Okay, come find us when you want, we'll probably be out there for a while, gonna burn off our alcohol with our moves." The two of you laugh and you shake your head before getting up from the table as well, making your way to the bar while Olivia follows everyone else to the dance floor.
Leaning against the bar, you ask the bar tender for some water and wait while he gets it for you. A new song starts playing and you hum along to it while the bar tender hands you the glass. Taking a sip, it feels refreshing and you can tell how much you needed it. You can feel the hangover you're gonna have in the morning, but at least you feel good and are enjoying yourself right now, that's really all that matters.
"Uh 'scuse me, can I get a whiskey on ice please?" The sound of the voice coming from your right side nearly makes you spit out your water. It's so southern and sounds so wrong coming from someone who's in a bar in the middle of Los Angeles. You can't help the fit of giggles that escapes your lips.
Turning to look at whoever it is next to you, your laughing abruptly stops when you realize exactly who it is. It makes complete sense and yet you wince at the fact you didn't connect the dots instantly over who at this party would be talking like that. It's Austin, of course.
He's looking at you with an amused expression on his face and damn did those pictures not do him justice one bit. Words cannot describe how ethereal he looks in person. "You makin' fun of the way I talk, darlin'?"
You swear to God you'll never drink again because even though nothing is funny at this moment, your current state of overactive giddiness causes you to simultaneously laugh again on the outside and melt on the inside over his use of the word 'darlin''.
Clearing your throat to try and cover it up, you shake your head and begin to reply. "Definitely not, I think your accent is just what a town like this needs. Screw the valley girl standard, southern is in."
Austin lets out a low laugh and hangs his head before looking back up at you. His eyes are so incredibly blue, you're surprised you can even tell considering how dark it is in here, but you guess they're just that bright. The flustered feeling doesn't seem to be going away like you hoped. Oh boy.
"I don't think we've met yet." The bar tender places Austin's drink down in front of him and he takes it, immediately sipping from the glass. You can't help but stare as he runs his tongue across his bottom lip as he sets the drink back down. "I'm Austin."
You fight the urge to say 'I know' because how could you not? He was everywhere lately, including your mind when you know he shouldn't be, especially with having a boyfriend and all that. You're sure he's at yet another club doing who knows what, but the fact you have a boyfriend still stands, even though you have a feeling it's not gonna last much longer.
"I'm Y/N, it's nice to finally meet you." You give Austin a smile and you pray it doesn't look stupid. You're feeling a little lightheaded and you're not sure if it's the alcohol or the proximity of the blonde in front of you, probably both if you're being honest.
"Likewise," he replies, his eyes flicking up and down your body in a swift movement. Your grip on the bar counter immediately intensifies.
A moment passes, Austin's eyes locked on yours, it's silent between you both but it isn't uncomfortable. You're not sure what it is about him, but there's this force making you want to be closer to him. It's practically magnetic the way your body wants to inch towards him.
Austin's the first to break the silence. "So, you gonna be at Cannes next week? I heard they wanted you to perform at the after party." You blink a few times, trying to snap out of the trance you've found yourself in and get your thoughts together.
"Yep, I'll be there. I couldn't possibly miss the premiere of your movie now could I?" Austin takes his bottom lip in between his teeth and the sight alone makes you weak in the knees.
"No, you can't," he drawls. There's literally no explaining exactly what's happening right now. This is the very first time you've ever spoken to Austin Butler, and yet here the two of you are flirting as if it's the norm for you.
Taking a breath, you grab your glass of water and take a long gulp. You're not sure what else to say to the blonde in front of you. His stare, that stare, is so intense and makes you feel things you should not be feeling.
Letting your eyes flick over Austin's face, you take in all the small details. The shape of his jaw, the small smirk on his lips, the crinkles by his eyes that seem to somehow sparkle when the light hits them just right.
Jesus you need to get away from this man right now.
Thankfully, Olivia appears at your side and she's gripping your arm, pulling your attention away from Austin's intoxicating aura.
"There you are! I changed my mind, I definitely need some of that water you were talking about earlier!" Olivia laughs and you do so as well, grateful for the out. Your nerves and alcohol are beginning to catch up with you and being left alone with Austin for any longer may just end up with you making fun of him again, or worse. "I see you met Mr. Butler here. Austin you better be treating my girl right."
Running his fingers along his jaw and holding his chin, Austin replies, "Oh I think we're gettin' on quite well."
That's it, time to go.
Looking anywhere but at Austin, you quickly rush out, "Well I better get out there while the night is still young! Nice to meet you, Austin. Olivia I'll be waiting for you!" You flash a quick smile, more so looking at Olivia, and then race away from the bar and Austin's infuriating effect on you.
The night went on smoothly after your encounter with Austin. Olivia did in fact end up joining you on the dance floor and you allowed the music to help ease away your tension and flustered state. For a while you were mentally cursing yourself for letting Austin root deeper in your mind and make you feel all out of sorts. This man was ruining your life and he didn't even realize it.
You're back at a table now, actually feeling like it's getting time for you to go home. You have a studio session tomorrow afternoon and you'd rather not be completely hungover when you get there.
Packing up what little stuff you brought with you tonight, you begin to say your goodbyes to the people around you. Majority give you hugs and promises of meeting up soon, others shake your hand and tell you they were happy to meet you.
It's the home stretch now. You got through the rest of the evening without having to talk to Austin again. You caught his eye a few more times, but always made a point to engage in conversation with someone else before he came over. You're not sure how considering this place isn't very big and he could've interjected at any moment, but who cares you did it! The exit is literally right in front of you, just a few more-
"Leavin' so soon, sweetheart?" You stop dead in your tracks. No need to question who that voice belongs to this time. Dammit.
"Uh, yeah. I have some work to do tomorrow, so I gotta get home and get ahead of this hangover!" You laugh lightly, and slightly wince because what?, and then spin around to face Austin. You may not be able to handle talking to him well, but the least you can do is face him when he's speaking to you.
Maybe moving so fast to look at him was a bad idea because next thing you know you're stumbling a little and suddenly Austin has his hand on yours to steady you.
The room is still incredibly dark so thankfully Austin can't see the way your face heats up at the contact of his skin on yours. Doesn't he realize his actions have consequences? There's no way you're getting over him any time soon now, and you barely know the guy.
"Well I guess I'll see you in Cannes then. Have a good night, Y/N." Austin nods his head and gives you a smile and it's in this precise moment you realize you're utterly done for.
"Wait so what happened again? You're telling me the first interaction you had with him was making fun of the way he talks?" Stephanie, one of your best friends and fellow songwriters, says before laughing and shaking her head at how ridiculous the situation sounds.
You groan and cover your face with your hands. "Don't laugh! It's not funny, it's actually kind of embarrassing. I shouldn't have let myself get drunk like that, let alone talk to Austin Butler while drunk."
"Girl, don't even worry. If anything he should take it as a compliment! Don't people say if someone teases you that means they have a crush on you?" Tilting your head you contemplate that idea, you have heard that before. "But then again I'm pretty sure that's just for elementary school situations."
"Steph!" Pouting, you fall back onto the couch in the studio. You're supposed to be writing new songs for your upcoming album, but it's turned into more of a therapy session with your best friend than a music one. "I don't even know how to describe it. It's like I can't say anything to his face. We flirted for a second but it was nothing compared to the way I would essentially freeze up trying to think of something to say to him. I literally tried to avoid him the whole night. He's just so...so-ugh, gorgeous!"
"Y/N, you are so down bad for this man," Stephanie says while getting up to come sit next to you on the couch. You sigh and sit up, meeting her gaze.
"I know! I just wish there was a way I could explain it to him. I know it's just a dumb little crush and nothing could happen considering I'm with Calvin right now but still."
"Why don't you explain it to him then? If you can't talk to him, why don't you sing it! You can write a song about last night and perform it during your set at the Cannes after party!"
"What? Are you being serious right now?" You shake your head at the idea. No way, that would be crazy, right?
"I am! C'mon, Y/N, singing and songwriting is your calling, it's what you do best. It's the best way for you to get your feelings across without actually having to talk to the guy. And don't even worry about Calvin, half the time he can't even be bothered to check in on you, you deserve way better! Besides, it's just a song, it's not like you're asking Austin out."
You take a moment to mull over the idea. Stephanie has a point, there's really no harm in it and it'll allow you to put your feelings into words. You're sure you can get your manager to convince the after party hosts to let you switch out one of your radio hits for a new song instead. It's not the worst idea...
"Okay, let's do it!" Stephanie claps her hands and reaches towards the table in front of you, grabbing both your notebooks and handing you yours.
"Alright, let's start from the beginning. Tell me everything that happened, even the small details, and we can work off that." You nod your head and open to a blank page in your writing journal.
"Obviously first thing's first, I was drunk and I made fun of the way he talked because of his Elvis accent." You cringe at the memory but then shake it off. He had laughed at the joke you made afterwards so clearly it's fine. "Ooo also I remember he ordered a whiskey on ice, that's how I heard him talk in the first place. When we were standing there I just kept looking at his face too, I noticed how blue his eyes were. I swear it was like looking at the ocean, felt like I could sink and drown and die in them." Stephanie smiles at you and you feel a faint blush on your face.
"Keep going, this is cute, I love it."
"Okay, um, we were on Sunset and Vine at this secret bar you have to walk through a restaurant to get to. I don't know if the street matters but it's something. Another thing, when we were talking I just remember feeling this, like, magnetic pull towards him. He has this aura about him that's so addicting. It's infuriating how attracted to him I am, it's like he makes me happy but also sad because I can't have him, you know?"
Stephanie nods her head, she knows first hand what that feels like and she'd never judge you for it. She knows how hard it can be to admit your true feelings, and she's always been here for you every time you needed someone to talk about them with, just like you are for her.
"When we were talking earlier you said you saw him again on your way out, did anything happen then?"
"Oh God, yeah I forgot to tell you! Steph he grabbed my hand and when I tell you I nearly died at the contact! To be fair he only did it because I almost fell but still." Stephanie laughs and you join in with her before suddenly something dawns on you. "Wait! Oh my God, do you think he has a girlfriend? Why didn't I think of that! I was sat there flirting with him and giving him goo goo eyes and all the while he could have a girl at home waiting for him."
"Hey, that's on him if he does because from what I can tell he was flirting back! Besides I don't think he does. I know he was rumored to be with Kaia Gerber but I haven't seen anything about them in months. As far as I know he's single."
"Ugh, well if he does have one, I'm jealous of her. But if he's single that's honestly worse because the only thing between us is Calvin then."
"Please, he barely counts. You should break up with him, you know you're not happy with him. No matter what, Austin or not, you deserve someone who will treat you better and actually be there for you." You smile at Stephanie and reach over to squeeze her hand. How'd you get so lucky to have a friend like her?
"You're right, I should break up with him soon. It's almost like we've split anyways, we barely talk anymore. Maybe I'll do it and get drunk again after and then just stumble on home to my cats, alone."
"Y/N, you don't even own any cats, what in the hell are you talking about?" The both of you bust out laughing and you nearly fall off the couch because of it.
"Okay, yeah, but I could. Unless Austin wants to come along home with me instead." A fit of giggles erupts from your lips again and Steph wheezes and then shakes her head while she writes notes down.
"Babe, I can't with you right now. C'mon, we've got work to do."
Tonight was the night you’d been waiting for for over a week. It’s Cannes night which means you’d be seeing Elvis for the very first time with a theater full of people, and then performing your cover of Can’t Help Falling in Love at the after party, including the new song you wrote about Austin.
For an instant you’re more scared to perform your new song than you are about the cover. You can’t tell if that’s good or bad.
The movie is already well over, now you’re backstage getting ready for your turn to perform. To say you were blown away by Austin’s performance would be an understatement. There were so many moments where you were watching and for a split second swore it was Elvis Presley himself up on that screen. You can tell the time and dedication Austin put into the role and you can only imagine how proud Elvis’ family is.
On a less serious note, the film did nothing but add fuel to the already blazing fire that is your crush on Austin Butler. The way he looked, the way he sang, the way he moved! Indescribable. You definitely had to take several moments to collect yourself while sitting in that theater.
Right now Mäneskin is performing and once they’re done you’ll be up next. You’ll be performing three songs; Can’t Help Falling in Love, one of your recent hits, and then your new song. You were so grateful to your manager for convincing the hosts to let you perform a new, unreleased track. To be honest you’re surprised you even had the song ready to go. Usually it takes a few weeks to get down the lyrics and then the instrumental parts, but with this song it just seemed to come so naturally.
You and Stephanie had stayed well into the night that day at the studio, finishing the lyrics within a couple hours and then going straight into the actual music part of it. You’re so proud of the song and think it came out great. It’s catchy and funny but also says everything you wanted to and you hope the message will be clear.
“Y/N, you’re up in sixty seconds!” A stage manager says, breaking you away from your thoughts. You nod your head and thank him before turning to the girl helping you set up your in-ears and audio pack.
“All good to go! Good luck out there,” she says, giving you a warm smile.
“Thank you, I appreciate that.” You smile back at her and then make your way to the side of the stage. The band is thanking the crowd and then they’re passing by you right after. You exchange greetings and you compliment them before you turn to step out on stage.
Breathing in deep, you physically shake out your usual pre-show jitters. No matter what happens you’re gonna go out there and have a good time. You’re in Cannes, at a premiere for a movie on one of music’s most iconic artists. It doesn’t get much better than that.
Stepping out on stage, you smile and get ready to take it all in.
Here we go.
“This last song I have for you guys is actually a new one I just wrote with one of my best friends.” The crowd lets out some enthusiastic hollers and you grin at the sound. “We wrote it after I met a certain someone a little over a week ago. I won’t say too much more than that, but hopefully you’ll get the gist when I’m done. This is ‘Gorgeous’.”
Your band begins the opening notes and you feel the rush of adrenaline that courses through your veins. Performing is one of your most favorite things to do, it never gets old.
“You should take it as a compliment that I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk.” The opening line already gets the crowd excited, a bunch of your fellow singers cheering you on. Your eyes scan the crowd, it takes only a second or two to find those blue eyes you can’t stop thinking about. Based off the smirk on his face you can tell he already knows this song is about him. Good.
“You should think about the consequence of your magnetic field being a little too strong. And I got a boyfriend he’s older than us. He’s in the club doing I don’t know what. You’re so cool, it makes me hate you so much.”
This song is even better to perform live than you thought, you can feel the beat rumbling the floor beneath you and you’re feeding off the insane energy the crowd is giving you. You couldn’t ask for a better response.
“Whiskey on ice, Sunset and Vine. You’ve ruined my life by not being mine.” You grab the microphone off the stand, really getting into the song. “You’re so gorgeous. I can’t say anything to your face. ‘Cause look at your face. And I’m so furious at you for making me feel this way. But, what can I say? You’re gorgeous.”
With every lyric you’re moving a part of your body, whether it be swaying to the beat or using your hands to exaggerate what you’re saying. It’s a blast and it’s even better seeing the way Austin’s reacting to it.
You continue to make your way through the song, feeling lighter the closer you get to the end. Stephanie was right, writing about and then singing your feelings was the best thing you could’ve done.
“You make me so happy, it turns back to sad, yeah there’s nothing I hate more than what I can’t have. You are so gorgeous it makes me so mad. You’re gorgeous.” You finish the song and can’t help the huge smile on your face as you take in all the cheers and clapping that surrounds you.
“Thank you so much, it’s been an honor to perform here tonight! I love you, thank you!” Taking a bow with your band, you blow kisses at all your friends and fellow attendees before making your way off stage.
Immediately, you’re met with crew to help you out of your audio pack and in-ears. People around you give you compliments and you thank them all, feeling so appreciative, before heading back out to the party.
When you reach the dance floor, you see a bunch of your friends waiting for you. They shower you with love and rave over your new song. You assure them it’ll be out at midnight tonight and they all lose it over that. You’re so grateful to have such supportive people around you, it’s such a wonderful feeling to know people believe in you and your work.
After a few minutes of chatter about other performances, and of course the Elvis movie, you excuse yourself to go get a drink. You don’t make it very far before you’re met with a familiar blonde blocking your path.
"That was some song you performed up there," Austin says, standing with his hands in his pockets. You give him a once over, per usual he looks incredible tonight. Black suit with a bowtie to match, black leather shoes, the prettiest blue flower pinned to his suit pocket, and his hair styled to perfection. Once again, gorgeous.
"Yeah? Did you like it?" Tilting your head to the side, you feign innocence.
"Like it? I loved it." Austin steps closer to you, allowing you to get wrapped up in that magnetic aura again. "It actually reminded me of somethin' that happened to me just last week."
"Oh really? That's so interesting, I can't believe we shared a similar experience within the same timeframe." You widen your eyes in 'disbelief' and then bite down on your bottom lip to try and prevent the smile that wants to peak through.
Austin lets out a laugh and shifts a little before looking down at you and into your eyes. "Well, I'd love to share another one with you sometime. Maybe you'll actually be able to say somethin' to my face."
Your flush a little at the actor's comment. Oh, he's good.
It's takes everything in you to not break the eye contact, to not lose the confidence you gained from performing. Shaking your head you say, "Hey, mister, who said the song was about you in the first place? I could've been singing about the bar tender for all you know."
"Somethin' tells me that's not the case, but whatever you say, darlin." Austin leans in a little closer to you and you fight the urge to take his lips between yours. You definitely needed to meet up with Calvin and end things asap. "I'll see you back in LA then?"
Humming, you take a step back from Austin and make your way around him. He turns to face you and as you start to make your way towards the bar again you say, "We'll see about that...,gorgeous."
The last thing you see as you look over your shoulder is Austin smirking and running his fingers over his lips, his ocean eyes raking up and down your body as you walk away.
You can't wait to get back to Los Angeles.
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blurredcolour · 1 year
If You'll Be My Bodyguard | Part One
If You'll Be My Bodyguard, I Can Be Your Long Lost Pal Masterlist
Summary: Your assignment as Austin Butler’s bodyguard, masquerading as his personal assistant, begins after your boss’s successful pitch in Palm Springs.
Pairing: Austin Butler x Female Bodyguard Reader
Warnings: Threatening letters, Discussion of death threats, Firearms, Language, Vaping, Alcohol consumption, Body image issues, Rating – T.  
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Author’s note: As stated on the series page, Austin Butler has an unnamed model girlfriend in this series. She is not based on anyone in particular, please do not interpret my descriptions of her and her actions as commentary on any real individuals in Austin Butler’s life.
Word Count: 4428
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“…You think you were so very clever, you filthy satanist. That you got away with it. You should have let the dead stay at peace! God knows! God has seen you for what you truly are! A witch! A warlock! A necramanzer raiser of the dead. There is a special spot in hell reserved just for you, Austin Butler, and it is my god given, heavenly ordained duty to see you there right quick...”
You set the photocopied sheets down on your lap, knowing the letter continued on in the same vein for several aggressively written pages. The author had pressed the pen so hard into the paper that the letters made shadow-filled hollows and curled the pages. Hatred had been scribed into the very fibres of the looseleaf before being crammed into an envelope and sent to an actor you, like most of the world, had only a nascent awareness of.
The car took a tight corner, pressing you up against the muscled form of your colleague Marwan, and you quickly straightened with an apology.
“Don’t worry about it, but why are you bothering with those letters again?” He gestured to the black and white photocopies in your lap.
You shook your head with a sigh.
“I... some notion that they might help me to know them if I ever see them out in a crowd somewhere?” Your shoulders rose and fell beneath your simple navy blazer, a knee-length dress with an A-line skirt in a matching shade beneath.
“But we don’t even have the job yet…” Argued Trey from your other side and you huffed out a self-deprecating laugh because it was true, you were absolutely over preparing for a proposal.
“Don’t you dare go jinxing this for me, Treyvon.” The owner and operator of Lane Protective Services, Scott Lane, quickly rejoined from the front seat.
You smirked and elbowed Trey in the ribs for getting him started again. It had been a very long drive from Los Angeles to Palm Springs. While only two hours in time, it had stretched into weeks in experience the longer Scott expounded on the business theories he ascribed to. He had finally trailed off about fifteen minutes ago but was once again feeling the need to mount his soap box.
“Terrible as it is that this is happening, award season is the perfect time for us to work for one of the hottest actors for the year. The public at large will have no idea, but those who know, will know. Free advertising. More work than we can handle, that is what I can only dream of…”
You did your best to tune him out, feigning interest in the threatening letters before you once more. It wasn’t that Scott was a bad person, he was just a little blunt and monetarily focused. The rest of you, Ari the driver included, were in the business to help people. You had each acquired a unique set of skills through your life experiences that lent themselves well to standing between notable people and the threats against them.
You had grown up in a rural area, raised by a hunting family, giving you a familiarity and confidence with firearms. In the same vein, you had also been a highly energetic child and an early encounter with the sport of judo had proven to be a useful outlet for you. You were also born with an innate talent for it and had progressed quickly to the competitive level. There were serious discussions about pursuing Olympic level training, but you had seen what that had cost the professional athletes.
And so, when Scott had appeared at one of your college tournaments with a business card and an interesting proposition you had made the decision to get into personal protection. Lane Protective Services had guided you through the training and licensing processes, and this would, if Mr. Butler’s team accepted the proposal, be your fourth assignment with the company.
To everyone’s relief, Ari pulled into the parking lot of the hotel where the potential protectee was staying for a weekend of events, and where time necessitated Scott would be delivering the proposal. Trey slid out and held the door for you to follow him, and you stepped out into the sun with a grateful stretch. Sharing a backseat with two well-built men for two hours had been snug. You grabbed your bag from the trunk and followed the group up to the room Scott had optimistically rented for two nights.
It was his hope that you and Ari would be staying to immediately begin accompanying and driving Mr. Butler while Marwan and Trey returned to his home to begin setting up the protection detail headquarters and sleeping space in the guesthouse. After one final inspection of the group’s business casual attire, Scott led you back to the elevator and up a few floors to where the suites were located. His knock on the door was answered by a redheaded woman you recognized from the briefing file as Mr. Butler’s Manager and Publicist Kate Rosen.
The group was ushered in, and Scott set up his slide deck on his laptop, giving you the proposal booklets to hand out. You swallowed back your sigh at the fact that he was delegating that to you, the only woman in the group, and you passed one to Kate. You glanced to see if Mr. Butler had joined you just as he stepped over the threshold from the bedroom into the sitting room. You had worked with celebrities before. Breathed the same air as many of them before. But the tall, long-limbed, tanned man in a suit and white button up, with maybe half of the buttons fastened, who appeared before you still selfishly stole all the oxygen from your lungs.
Silently, you waited until he had assumed the empty chair beside Kate before offering the booklet to him and going to stand beside Ari. Ari who had shot you a look with both eyebrows raised that you deliberately ignored. Turning your attention to Scott as he began to speak allowed you to breathe again. You listened patiently to the well rehearsed presentation which centered on you acting as Mr. Butler’s personal assistant for as long as it took the various law enforcement organizations involved in the investigation of the threatening letters to resolve the issue.
“She has a 7th-dan black belt in judo, is fully trained in close quarter fighting as well as tactical firearms, and has a multi-state, non-resident concealed carry permit.” Your eyes drifted to your shoes as Scott reached your list of selling points, finding it all-together awkward to be summed up by your achievements.
“Wait…are you armed right now?” A soft, resonant voice that tasted like honied whiskey interrupted Scott’s litany of your achievements and you raised your head to look at the man who had posed the question.
“Yes Mr. Butler.” You nodded politely.
You watched as he tilted his head, looking over your outfit. “But where?”
“A better question, Austin, would be why are we putting the smallest person in the room beside you the most? I recognize your argument about the optics and definitely want to keep this whole sordid thing out of the gossip columns but, what if the person threatening Austin is huge like one of these men? Are we not looking for overwhelming force?”
“An excellent question Ms. Rosen.” Scott looked to you and nodded. “Full force takedown of Trey please.” There was hint of glee in his voice, and you knew you were a device to provide payback for his earlier doubt of the success of this pitch.
Nodding once, you undid the button on your blazer, walking up to Trey before feinting at him. His response was to lunge forward, and you used his momentum against him, throwing him to the carpet in a perfected judo toss. You pulled your pocket pistol from its holster on your inner thigh, pressing it against the back of his head.
“Oh.” Came a quiet sound of realization from Austin as you answered his earlier question.
“Well then…” Kate cleared her throat and nodded.
You quickly holstered your firearm, having never released the safety, and helped the larger man back to his feet. Straightening your dress, you went to stand beside Ari quietly, once again looking at your shoes.
“Shall I proceed?” Scott asked cheerfully and continued his pitch after a few stunned nods.
He laid out the rest of the plan to have Ari take over as Austin’s driver and for Trey and Marwan to ensure security of the house and be on protective duty overnight. As Scott wrapped up, hands were shaken and your group headed back down to the room to wait, passing what looked like a football team in the hallway. Surely the next pitch. Scott’s idea was unique, you just weren’t sure if it was what they were looking for.
The wait was not long. Forty-five minutes later Scott got the call, confirming the contract. The group headed back up to finalize the paperwork, and you noticed that Austin seemed a lot more relaxed in the presence of Baz Luhrmann and his partner Catherine. It could also have been the glass of whiskey on the rocks gripped loosely in one hand, or the vape pen dangling from the fingers of his other. All they did for you was provide a distraction by pulling your focus to his plush pink lips as they took in the glowing amber liquid or exhaled plumes of sweet smelling vapour.
Hands were shaken again before Kate gave the keys to Austin’s house to Trey and he left along with Scott and Marwan in a rental car to make preparations. Ari went to have the town car the five of you had driven out in cleaned for the award ceremony that night and that left you to build a relationship with protectee. It would be crucial to keep him safe over the next while.
“If you’ll be my bodyguard, I can be your long-lost pal…” Baz sang in your direction, making you smile softly – after all, as far as most people would know you were a personal assistant, and stoicism would not suit that appearance at all.
“I can call you Betty, and Betty when you call me, you can call me Al!” Austin joined in, making you swallow thickly at the smooth, caramel quality of his voice.
“Baz, pleasure to meet you.” The world-famous directly shook your hand warmly as you introduced yourself in turn.
“No, no” Austin punctuated his statement with playful jabs of his vape pen and you finally became aware of the fact that he had button his shirt up the rest of the way and put on a tie. What a shame.
“I think that’s perfect. Betty. My personal assistant Betty.” He finished with a grin.
“Certainly, Mr. Butler, Betty is an acceptable cover name. Thank you.” You nodded.
“But you gotta call me Al, then.” He playfully pouted a little and you pressed your lips together to prevent too wide of a grin.
“I’m sorry Mr. Butler, I am not able to do that.”
“She can throw me across the room, but she can’t call me Al.” He teased, earning a chorus of laughter from Baz and Catherine.
Kate pulled you aside and took you through his schedule for the next few days – awards ceremony to start in two hours, after party, followed by brunch the next morning and then back to LA for a cocktail event.
“We’ll get you set up with the full thing later but for now, carry mine. Here’s the bag I use. He cannot walk the red carpet with his personal effects, they have a terrible habit of getting lost in all the hugging and interviews. I’ll have you carry them too, unless that interferes?” She looked to you with a tilt of her head, and you shook yours in response.
“Not at all, Ms. Rosen, I just might have to drop the bag during an incident.”
“Right ok…well I’ll pick it up then. That’ll be my thing during an incident.” She cleared her throat. “Scott said you would have a wardrobe? This looks good, blazers, dresses…if we go to the Oscars, they’ll want you in a gown but the rest this or a pant suit will do.” She nodded.
“I will call our wardrobe specialist when we get back in town day after tomorrow.” You nodded and she smiled in relief.
“Good…and you’ll keep him safe?” She looked into your eyes seriously.
“Yes ma’am, that is why I am here.” You replied earnestly.
“Good.” She beamed and bustled off to try and round up the trio who needed to get going.
As they finally made their way towards the door, you strode quickly forward.
“I will have to go first, is that all right?” You asked, quickly wedging yourself between Austin and the door as he reached for the handle.
“Oh uh, yeah, of course…” He nodded, pulling his outstretched hand back to rub the nape of his neck.
You offered a small smile and lowered your voice so that only he could hear.
“We’ll get better at this, Mr. Butler.” You nodded softly, smile widening as his stunning blue eyes met yours and crinkled at the corners.
“Yes, we will, Betty. Yes, we will.” He nodded warmly and gestured for you to proceed.
You nodded warmly and opened the door, doing a quick scan of the hall before stepping out, letting Kate hold the door and bring up the rear. Two town cars waited at the curb, and you led Austin over to where Ari stood holding the door open.
“I’ll sit up front.” You nodded to Kate and Austin, making sure they got into the back before sliding in beside Ari.
It felt somewhat silly to drive just two blocks over to the Palm Springs Convention Centre, but it was the ‘done thing’ and safer regardless. On the ride over, Kate gave you a crash course in how to be an assistant on a red carpet. Climbing out first, you surveyed the area as you moved to open Austin’s door before holding the bag open for him to hand over his personal effects. He smiled and squeezed your shoulder, and you could not help but notice the slight tremor in his hand.
“You’re going to do great, Betty.” He murmured and you nodded softly.
“You, too, Mr. Butler.” You tucked the bag on your arm before leading him up to the entrance to the red carpet and there your paths diverged.
You kept pace with him behind the row of reporters, noting the quickest path to him every few feet you moved towards the door of the building. You were reassured that Kate was permitted to be right up there with him and nodded to her every time her eyes sought yours. You barely knew the pair of them, but you could already tell they had a deep bond.
Inside the lobby, Austin retrieved his wallet, vape pen, and phone from your bag before heading inside to be seated. Kate spoke to one of the organizers who found you a space along the back of the room to stand, with a fairly good view of Austin. It was not ideal, and you would have a conversation with her about future ceremonies, but it would have to do for now.
A few hours in, however, you were starting to regret the heels. You would have a conversation with Shyla, the wardrobe specialist, about flats. Once Austin received his award, Kate came to lead you on a rather circuitous route to the press room where he and Baz were being hailed with camera flashes and questions from the assembled reporters. The two men were so very charismatic that it was tempting to allow them to distract you, but you found the professional fortitude to focus on the room, assess the threat, find the person who could not spell ‘necromancer.’
Once you were satisfied that individual was mostly likely not in that room, you were able to relax into a watchful patience. There was an afterparty before the very tipsy pair of men were herded back to the hotel. You made sure that Austin was safely in his room before retiring to the room you shared with Ari.
You used the steamer from the closet to smooth the wrinkles from your light gray dress and blazer from your bag to be ready for the brunch tomorrow. Locking your gun in the safe, you were nearly asleep by the time Ari returned from securing the car for the night.
Arriving at Austin’s suite at nine am, you sat down with Kate to go over the schedule.
“So, the hardest part for me was the separation during the ceremony. I am aware that it’s impossible for me to get tickets but is the back of the room really the best we have?” You asked carefully.
“Would it reassure you to know how difficult it is to get inside these things? Especially the rest of the ceremonies moving forward…Nonetheless I will see what I can do. Maybe you can have my spot for the ceremonies as long as I can remain nearby for the press moments. Stay tuned, ok?” She offered and you nodded.
“Thank you, I appreciate that.”
“Oh no, call the authorities, what are you two conspiring about…” Austin rasped from the doorway behind you, making both of you turn to look at him.
You swallowed roughly as your eyes landed on his loosely tied robe, barely concealing his tanned skin with only his boxers underneath. The morning light glinted off the chain around his neck, highlighting the soft, golden dusting of hair across his chest.
“Good morning, Mr. Butler.” You said quickly and looked back to the schedule. “Thank you very much Ms. Rosen.”
“Austin, get dressed before you kill Betty. Brunch starts at eleven and I’m assuming you want some coffee?” Kate stood as Austin nodded. “Betty what’s your order, I’m going to Starbucks for the good stuff. We’ll send you in the future, I suppose, but you should get to know that boy…maybe you can teach him how to button his shirt.” She smirked and you bit your lip to hide your delight at her jibes.
Once she was armed with a full Starbucks order, Kate headed out, the door clicking softly in the silence in her wake. You turned back to the schedule in front of you, drafting an email in your phone for items you would need from both Shyla and IT. You looked up as the door to the bedroom opened again to reveal a fully dressed Austin.
“Better?” He drawled with a smirk, and you let out a short huff of laughter despite yourself.
“Yes, Mr. Butler.” You grinned and watched as he settled into a wide-legged seat on the couch.
“Can I ask you a question?” He asked, his long fingers stroking along his jaw, momentarily distracting you from his words before you managed a nod.
“Of course.” You replied as you moved to sit on the plush chair to his left, tucking the skirt of your dress underneath your butt before sinking into the cushion.
“Why does this person wanna kill me?” The voice asking that question seemed to come from someone much smaller and much younger than the man sitting beside you and you felt your throat clench.
“Well, I…I won’t claim to have any expertise in behavioural science, but it very much seems like an unstable person who has decided to fixate on your achievement.” You replied carefully, smoothing and pulling at the hem of your dress.
He exhaled slowly in response.
“They think I…summoned him from the dead or something?” He shook his head. “Makes me sad…”
“As far as I understand the police are making headway in the investigation. Hopefully, this won’t go on much longer and everyone can move on with their lives. And they can get the help they need.”
He nodded thoughtfully, those elegant digits of his moving to trace the contours of his lips.
“So where are you from, Betty? I want to get to know you…”
You smiled softly and happily indulged him, answering questions about yourself and posing them back to him in return. You were so ensconced in the conversation, that Kate’s return startled you a little. You accepted your beverage gratefully and retreated to the table as she moved in to go over his schedule with him for the day, which ended with the W Magazine & Louis Vuitton awards season dinner.
“So, we need to be in the car driving back to you house by three, ideally, to give you time to get changed and get you and your girlfriend loaded into the car and onto the next event.”
“Understood.” He acquiesced with an innocent smile, and you had a sneaking suspicion that time was an ongoing issue.
Over the course of the brunch, it became quite apparent why as, though gentle and soft spoken, Austin was also kind and affectionate and seemed to thoroughly enjoy connecting with people. He was also very much in demand at the event, with so much buzz around him that people were lingering in informal queues to get a chance to just shake his hand and congratulate him on the movie. You could only surmise it made the threats even more bitter as they tainted such remarkable success.
The four of you, with Ari behind the wheel, were not driving back to Los Angeles until four-thirty and Austin was frantically texting his girlfriend with apologies while Kate was on the phone making sure everything was set for an upcoming appearance on Jimmy Kimmel. You took the opportunity to have a small nap in the front seat, confident that Ari had the situation under control and equally confident that it would be a long night.
As Austin dashed inside to get ready, Kate grabbed her car and headed home, and you went to deposit your bags in the guest house you’d be sharing in rotation with Marwan, Trey, and Ari. There was a living room with pullout couch, small kitchen, bedroom, and a simple bathroom. You found a place to hang your clothes and stash the rest of your things, freshening up and eating something quickly before you and Ari headed out to wait for the couple.
And what a couple they made. Both equally tall and thin, strikingly beautiful, youthful…you swallowed the bitter taste of envy that flooded your mouth and smiled warmly to Austin’s girlfriend as he brought her over to make introductions.
“Very nice to meet you, miss.” You nodded professionally as you shook her delicate hand and tried not to take it personally as she barely looked at you before hugging Austin’s arm.
The lithe, long lines of her arm only served to make you acutely aware of every bulge and ripple of muscle beneath your clothes. With mere proximity she reignited every insecurity you had ever felt about the body that diligent judo practice had built. You were Hulk Hogan in a dress.
“We gotta get going, babe.” She reminded him and Ari moved forward quickly to open the car door for them to climb in, blessedly yanking you out of your descent into middle school angst.
During the drive to the dinner party, you respectfully kept your eyes forward and your ears closed to the hushed, intimate tones of conversation in the backseat, punctuated by husky laughter or feminine giggles. Accidental, unintentional glances in the rear-view mirror told you they were huddled together, heads bowed close, hands clasped. A stunning pair of human specimens that, for the first time in your career, left you feeling utterly out of place.
You were grateful for the quiet intimacy of the dinner, the bench at the back of the dinning room for you to wait, the low security risk. You found excuses to go over and check on Austin, but otherwise scanned the room and kept an eye on things from a distance.
Not only were they a beautiful couple but they were a favourite as well, with many of the other guests stopping by or rotating through the chairs near them once the formality of the courses broke and mingling resumed. A glance at your watch told you it was well past midnight, and you praised the foresight that had led to your nap in the car. Nevertheless, relief flooded you as Austin sauntered over to let you know you’d be heading home as soon as his girlfriend returned from the washroom.
“You must be starving!” He exclaimed softly, suddenly casting his eyes around for something to satiate hunger he thought he perceived in you.
“It’s all right Mr. Butler, I had something to eat while you were getting ready.” You reassured him and found yourself briefly blinded by the brilliant intensity of his smile loosened by alcohol.
“Oh good, can’t have you dying on the first day, Betty.” He smirked and elbowed you in the arm playfully, causing a chuckle to tumble from your lips.
“Second, technically…” You smirked but trailed off as you watched his statuesque girlfriend, with her rich hair and striking eyes reclaim control of his arm.
You saw a veil fall over his eyes…creating an invisible barrier between you as she drew his focus like a high-powered magnet. As though you simply ceased to exist in that moment. In her presence. Turning sharply on your heel, you began to weave your way out of the dining room, only glancing back to be sure they were keeping pace.
The consummate professional, you saw them safely to the car and into the house before going to take a shower and sitting on the small patio outside the guest house to eat some pizza the night shift had bought. The rustle of the Santa Ana winds through the palm fronds above worked its magic, capturing the tension in your body and carrying it away towards the Pacific Ocean. At last, you felt ready to retire for the night.
Standing to make your way inside for some proper sleep, a very distinct and enthusiastic female cry reached your ears from the main house. It only served to hasten your steps and you sent an earnest prayer out into the universe that the unstable letter writer was found sooner rather than later. Because this was going to be a very trying assignment.
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Read Part Two
If You'll Be My Bodyguard, I Can Be Your Long Lost Pal Masterlist
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dre6ming · 2 years
Stage  fright
The fright series ~part I
Part II - ‘bed fright’ here
Pairing: Austin Butler!Elvis x fem reader
Warnings: cursing, smut, oral(f receiving) fingering, semi public sex, ( that’s all I hope)
Plot: Elvis met you working on his ‘68 comeback show, he feel for you instantly, at a celebratory party for the special he makes a move and you 2 become a thing. Later he shows you the Vegas stage and gives you and unforgettable orgasm to help ease his nerves
Word count:3392 I couldn’t stop 😭😭
Author’s note: this is the second time I write this, the first time around the app crashed and it didn’t save so I had to write it again. Also English is not my first language so I apologize for mistakes, please be kind. Request are open. Enjoy!!
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It was a strange thing to think about, the big Elvis Presley having stage fright? But he was in fact afraid of the stage, every time he got up there he felt his heart in his stomach and his thoughts traveled faster than he could keep up. His fast skyrocketing career didn't ease that fright. He loved to sing, but if he could just plant his voice on stage while he sat back and watched he would’ve been so happy. His fans didn’t know all this though, and they ate him up every time he got up there. They screamed, cried, danced, shook, all to the sound of his voice, his music, his art.
He often doubted himself and he believed it was all a dream, one from which he would wake up soon to find he was still that scrawny poor boy, form Tupelo Mississippi. He blamed all his success on luck, that thing he was sure of. He was lucky, but now it seamed to him like his luck had run out. In his mind at least.
Since ‘56 when all this crazy dream of his started, till now he had everything, everything but one thing, love. Seeing as the only woman he ever loved was his mom, who tragically died, she left him so heartbroken, he never wanted to feel that way again, so he didn’t. He indulged himself lovers to keep for a night or maybe a few nights, but it was always just raw pleasure, never love.
That was until a few months ago, when he met her, while working for the '68 comeback special, she was Steve Binder's assistant. He liked her instantly, there was just something about her, that made her stand out, even in a room full of glammed up dancers. She always carried a small notebook with her, she either had it in the pocket of her pants or in the waist line of her skirt. The gold pen she wore behind her ear, the one she used to write down in her notebook was the only piece of jewelry she wore. Her stature was that of a 5.6 feet girl who despite her height always wore flats, never heels, that intrigued him.
There were in fact many things about her, that intrigued him, her hair was another one of them. Her (h/c) hair was always neatly styled, she either wore it braided, in a ponytail or in a ballerina bun, he dreamed of seeing her hair cascade over her back. It also looked like it would be very soft, since she never seamed to put products in it. He also liked how shy she was, while also proving to be the smartest person in the room when so opens her mouth to speak, which was rare, in his presence at least.
Her voice sounded like warm honey, he remembers the first time he heard it. “It’s a pleasure to meet you mr Presley” she said as she lifted a shaky arm for him to shake, something not necessarily lady like, since men were supposed to kiss a woman’s hand, not shake it. He shook it nonetheless and he discovered her hand was warm, soft and sweaty with emotions probably. “Pleasure’s all mine darlin’”. That was the only interaction the two of them had for 2 weeks while he worked on the special, in those two weeks his time was split between singing on stage and dancing and when that was over he’d dream about her.
He often wondered if he would get a chance to talk to her, but the timing never seamed right. She was always running out and about, getting everything done for Steve and never in his presence. So he just kept hoping until the last day, but even as they filmed the last shot and shared drinks, she wasn't there. He wondered where she was, but didn't ask.
The next time he got to see her, was at the celebratory party on the 4th of December. Steve rented a bar for the whole staff, everyone was there, even people he'd never seen before, but his eyes searched the room for her. And then he found her. Sat in a dark corner, a true wallflower, she wore a beautiful green dress with a square neckline that showed enough cleavage to drive him crazy. That dress should've been illegal, it hugged all the right places, she was beautiful, well made, with enough meat on her bones to make him wish he could squeeze her every bit in his hands.
Her hair was the next thing that caught his eye, she had braided half of it and the rest hung loose in her back, he blinked and imagined what treading his long fingers through it felt like. She also didn't have her gold pen set behind her ear, instead she had beautiful gold, stud earrings, a pair to the gold bead that hung around her neck.
His feet carried him to her before he even realized he was walking. He sat next to her and gave her one of his most sincere side smiles. She looked at him and blushed looking down, he could see the blush creep up on her face, because she never wore makeup or if she did it was always in small quantities and to enhance the beauty she already had. "Evening ma'am, would you like a drink?" He asked as he motioned the bartender to come get their order. "Evening, sir, just a water, please." He ordered himself a gin tonic. While they waited he looked her up and down, god she was everything. "No need to call me sir, ma'am, just Elvis is fine by me" she blushed again and then started to play with a tissue in her hand. "Well in that case you should call me (y/n), ma'am makes me feel old." He smiled at what she said and had to bite down on his tongue not to ask her how old she was, cause she looked young.
Elvis wanted to talk more but didn't really know what to say, so they just sat there in silence. Until after drinking some of her water she surprised him. "What's your favorite season of the year?" She asked looking at him with big, curious eyes. He took a sip of his drink that had unfortunately gone warm in his hand and was no longer appetizing. He asked the bartender for a Coca-Cola, his favorite and the proceeded to answer. "Well I think summer, days are so much longer so me and the boys get to spend as much time are we want outside and because the night is also a lot more lively we get to carry some of the fun even after sunset" she listened to him very closely, he liked that, when people listened to him, really listened. "What about you darlin'?"
The way the pet name rolled on his tongue made her shiver like a cold gush of wind just passed her, but there was no wind, just him. She looked up at the ceiling like she was searching for the answer and then looked right back at him as she spoke "Winter, I like the cold, being curled up with a book by the fireplace, hot coffee in my hand. The snow, especially the snow, I miss it, we don't get it here in LA" she said it like she used to live somewhere else,he picked up on that so it was only natural that he ask. "You ain't from LA? Where're from, darlin'?" She drank some water and started playing with her necklace. "I'm from Chicago, I moved here for school." School? He was right she was smart. "What do you study at school?" She looked down at her feet. "Economics" he was once again impressed by her, she studied a field in which he thought mostly men get tangled. "And how did Steve manage to get someone so smart work for him?" He asked giggling. "It was a summer job and it paid well, I guess I did good so he told me to stick around."
She kept looking at her feet and silence fell between them once again. He couldn't help himself when his hand moved and with a long finger set under her chin he forced her to look et him. Her (e/c) eyes were so deep he could stare at them for the rest of his life. As they dragged unconsciously closer to each other, she pulled back, almost fell to the floor. Got up and left, he stayed frozen in place and the got up to go after her.
Elvis found (y/c) out in the dark alone, she was playing around with a pebble, pushing it around with the tip of her flats, again she chose not to wear heels. “Did I do something wrong?” He asked and startled her. (Y/c) looked up at him, even in the dark he could catch the glimmer in her eye. “I’m not what you’re looking for, sir.” She answered simply and kept looking down.
He took a few steps but kept the distance between them, he didn’t want her to feel more uncomfortable. He wanted to ask what she thought he was looking for, but he knew the answer, she thought he probably wanted a quick fuck, or an affair to last a few days. He did want to fuck her, but he wanted to fuck only her from now on, he couldn’t really explain it, but he felt it strongly.
He got closer, at the sound him moving she had lifted her head up and was now looking at him. “You’re beautiful!” He said before he was able to catch himself. (Y/c) laughed dry and looked away. “There’s a bar full a girls far more beautiful than I am” he shook his head, but she could see. “That ain’t right, they are beautiful in their way, but are beautiful in a way that I like, I only saw you in there.”
She quickly whipped her head around “Why me?” He didn’t have an answer for that, and while he was lost in his mind he absentmindedly tucked away a pice of hair, almost moaning out loud at the feeling of her hair in his fingers. She moved her hand to grab his wrist, he thought she wanted him to move the hand away, but before he could do it, she kept it in place and sank her face. She had such a small face compared to his hands.
He got his other hand up and now he was holding her head in his hands. She opened her eyes and looked at him, the silence that sat between them was calming. The both closed their eyes and began getting closer. When she felt his breath on her lips she spoke again. "I've never been kissed before" he understood what she was saying, she was giving him a first and it was clear she wanted loyalty. She wanted to kiss him badly, she wanted to give him, her first kiss as well as her every other one. "It's only you, you and me."
The truthfulnesses of his words made her stand on her tip toes and their lips touched. Butterflies filled he stomach and she felt like they took her flying in the sky, she felt light. He moved his hands to her waist and she hugged his neck. The kiss was slow, Elvis had never been kissed like this and he for sure never kissed anyone like this before. When the broke apart to breathe their foreheads stayed together and they both broke into laughter.
Second person pov
Now months later here you are, together in Vegas, where you followed him, after the colonel convinced him the best way to get the money for the world tour, was to sing in the new international hotel for 6 weeks. You learned to hate the colonel and advised Elvis against visiting him in the hospital a few weeks ago. He however cared too much about the old man and trusted him, but he was just a showman that bleed Elvis of every penny.
You now helped around with the books for money, seeing as his father really didn't do a good job, seeing how much money this family leaked made you sick. You convinced Elvis to drop the colonel and for a month it was all so calm, then the old vampire had to have a fucking heart attack so that Elvis would feel guilty and go see him. The leech convinced him to stay in business for a few more weeks and then part ways full of money.
You tried to tell him that there were other ways to get the money, but he said this was the fastest, which was true, but it smells rotten.
Nonetheless here you both are, in the show room at the international hotel. Elvis wanted to show you the stage and the big room where he was going to sing. You sat down at the edge o the stage, your head on his shoulder as he looked over the dimly lit room. “What if I can’t do it?” He asks you. You lift your eyes to look at him, but he avoids your eyes. “You’re so talented baby, of course you can do it, you’ll have them eating out the palm of you hand.”
You caress his face and he smiles a little at you. You press your lips to his and kiss. His hands suddenly grab your waist and put you on his lap, his left hand rest on you knee and his right one goes to the zipper of your dress. Slowly the dress falls and reveals your breasts, as his mouth travels to you neck. “Elvis, what if someone seas us?” He moves his hand up you thigh, his thumb brushing the soft skin, making you shiver in his arms. “I wouldn’t let anyone see my girl like this, baby, just me!”
He looks down at your breasts and tries to paint the image in his head, this is the first time he’s seen them. Sure it’s been 4 months and you two shared a room, but you took time to get to know each other and you never went further than kissing. He was fine with that, since the sleep he’s been getting ever since he met was better than anything, he even gave up his pills, cause if an insomnia episode were to strike you’d read to him till he fell asleep and if he had a nightmare you’d let him cry to you about it, until he felt peace.
“I trust you Elvis” and you did, but you were too high in love to realize he didn’t really have much power over who walked in there right now, but he prayed to god that his last bit of luck be consumed now. “God satnin I’m so lucky to have you” his hand was now all the way up your thigh and it played with the wet panties. You felt hot, so hot, and in between your legs you felt something new, you felt need.
When his thumb presses against your core you can’t help but moan. “Elvis…” he was busy kissing your nipple and as he finished with the right one he bit down on it a bit. “My god!” You said, hands in his hair keeping his face close to your chest, he copied the move to the left nipple and then he kissed you. A hungry hurried kiss. “I want to kiss you here!” He says as he cups you cunt over your damp panties. “There?” You ask
“Please satnin, you will feel so good, I promise!” You nod you head and he puts you from his lap back on the stage floor, pushing you back so you lay down. He kisses his way as he lifts the skirt of your dress up. Warm wet kisses paint your inner thighs and you moan and squirm, but he still hasn’t kissed where he promised. Hooking his fingers in the hem of you white panties he drags them down you feet. He puts them in the pocket of his pants and before you can squeeze your things together, he spreads your legs apart. “So beautiful, my baby, how did I get so lucky?”
He looks at you. “You’ll need to be quiet mama, I’ll make you feel real good, promise.” You nod biting your lip and fisting your dress as he lays down to be at eye level with your sex. He lick his lips, and then you feel it. His soft velvet lips around your clit. You arch your back and moan. “Elvis!” He gives you a lick and hums, you wait for the next one, but it doesn’t come. “Baby you gotta be quiet, I can’t kiss you if you call everyone to come watch” blushing you look away. “Sorry” you say and then you feel his lips again
This time as the need to moan comes you swallow it down. As his mouth is busy with your clit, licking and sucking, one of his fingers plays at your hole. As he enters you the new sensation has you legs trembling. “Mhm lil’ mama such a tight fit, my good girl” he says and you grab a fist full of his hair. He moans against you and the vibrations go straight through you. He starts moving his finger in and out of you, curling it up at that one spot. Tears form in your eyes as you involuntary grind you pussy on his face.
He used his free hand to play with your nipples, committed to giving you as much pleasure as possible. He wanted you first orgasm to be unforgettable, so he used every tick in the book. He was also grinding his hips into the floor, desperate for some friction as his erection was almost painful. When he was finished with you here, he will take you up to you share suite and you if you wanted to keep going he would do it, but if you didn’t he would simply get in the shower and take care of himself. “Elvis baby, I f-feel…” you feel a knot in your tummy and you needed release.
“I know satnin, relax for me!” As he moves his finger faster, sucking and licking on you clit, pinching you nipples, he feels it. Your first orgasm. “Oh god…” as pleasure washes over you he doesn’t slow down, prolonging the feeling. “So good for me!” He says and gets up removing his finger, which he then licks clean. “You taste like honey mama” he says.
As you pull your skirt down, he’s suddenly up on his feet and lifts up with him, quick fixing your dress putting your breasts back in their hiding. You notice, Steve Binder, over Elvis shoulder and you feel such embarrassment that you wish the earth would just swallow you whole.
“EP, what are you doing man?” Steve asks as he approaches the two of you. “Oh you know just showing (y/n) the stage, trying to shake away some of the stage fright” Elvis answers quickly, just then, Steve’s pager goes off. “Gotta go, can’t wait to see you tonight EP. Save me a spot next to you (y/n)” you don’t get to answer as he’s already out the door.
Elvis turns to you and hugs you waist as you slap his chest playfully. “One minute earlier and he would’ve seen us, Elvis!” You try to be serious, but you can’t really be, you’re still on cloud 9 from you orgasm. He chuckles lightly as he brings his lips close to your ear. “Did it feel good, baby?” He’s smirking, he knows it felt good. “Yes” you say turning read from head to toe. “That’s only a little glimpse at how good I can make you feel mama.” He speaks as his breath travels along your spine leaving goosebumps. “So show me all of it mr Presley” it’s his turn for his skin to get covered in goosebumps as your words sink in. He shivers and kisses you tenderly. “Let’s go up satnin, I’ll show you!”
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dreamersparacosm · 2 years
austin butler - insecure
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warnings ; cursing, angst, a lil kiss kiss but pretty tame if u ask me
request ; anonymous’ ask linked here
prompt  ; in which running into your first love causes austin to reveal his insecurities.
a/n ; this was supposed to be published last night but i ended up making plans so i apologize bout that! thanks to the efc gc for choosing henry cavill to play reader’s ex boyfriend (he is one fine man) if that doesn’t suit your fancy, you can imagine anyone else in the role! enjoy :)
austin butler hadn’t liked new york before you.
he had been shattered for quite a long time, more than he liked to admit. he had been heartbroken over a brutal breakup with his last girlfriend, and he swore in that moment that he would never try to find love in hollywood again. he never thought he would meet someone even close to what she was. but, then, he met you. you were soft, caring, but also outspoken. he loved that you fought for what you believed in, and that you had big dreams that always ended up manifesting. he was intrigued by your acting style, and the way you commanded the cameras. austin fell irrevocably in love with you, but it took you a little while longer with him. you had met just before he left for australia to film elvis during a red carpet event, where he had walked up to you drunkenly and asked for your number. most of the beginning of your courtship was spent over facetime dates and promises to go see each other, until finally, he booked you a plane ticket before you could say no.
there was nothing stopping the landslide of emotions that onset the way you felt about him. you let yourself succumb to your feelings, and he made sure to protect your heart. you had your own trauma from previous relationships, and you appreciated all austin did to recognize that and respect you.
even now, in new york city, austin was willing to bend over backwards for you. he always followed the unspoken sidewalk rule, and tried to fend off paparazzi as much as possible. you two were staying in a luxurious hotel for two months, hoping to savor some alone time before he had to pack up and leave to film dune 2. you appreciated the vacation, since elvis' promotion drove you two crazy. you also knew that once he left, you would fall into a depressive state. long distance was never an issue for you two, which was refreshing to see in hollywood nowadays. however, it didn't mean that saying your goodbyes in the airport hurt any less.
you two walked alongside the piers adjacent to the hudson river, enjoying the sun as it beamed on your faces. it was a gorgeous summer day, and although you hated stepping out in public sometimes, austin made it worth your while. his hand was intertwined with yours, sometimes bringing it up to his lips to press a light kiss to them. even after a year and a half of dating, he still managed to make you feel like a princess.
“you know, i think new york is starting to grow on me,” he spoke, looking over at you and the way the sun illuminated your eyes. he, however, did not appreciate the glow on his face and pushed his sunglasses higher up on his nose.
“aw, i’m glad, baby,” you smiled at him. “i wouldn’t mind moving back here after my career dies down.”
“you think?” he paused in between his words, as if he were pondering an important question. his thumb ran over your fingers, caressing them softly, “i mean, i wouldn’t be opposed to a nice penthouse. maybe a dog or somethin’.”
“i’d like a dog,” you mused, grinning at the thought. comfortable silence crept in between you two, the sound of birds chirping filling the air. your aimless thinking led you to fall into a daydream, and austin could tell. “would you wanna actually live here one day? with me, possibly?”
he was surprised by your question, taken aback for only a few seconds before mulling over your inquiry. the truth is, he would follow you anywhere you went. he hadn’t felt this way about somebody in years, and it terrified him that he felt a gravitation towards you like no other. he had never thought about marriage or kids before, but with you, he wanted the whole damn thing. “i would, baby. i would follow you wherever you wanted to be.”
you couldn’t help the beaming smile that crept up on your face. he loved seeing you radiant like that, the star in his sky of what was once before his never-ending darkness. you had many relationships in hollywood, some of them good and some of them bad, but never like this. it was comforting to be loved by someone who made every moment feel like a fairytale. you continued to walk alongside the pier, making conversations over what-ifs and pondering over what you two should eat for dinner. it was the mundane things that you two enjoyed the most; the moments meant for only you and him.
a familiar voice rang out behind you. a voice you hadn’t heard in years. a voice that had daunted you for years, seeping into your nightmares and taunting you. a voice you had tried to push out of your memory. you felt your blood turn cold, palms becoming sweaty and eardrums ringing. you whipped around to confirm your worst suspicions.
your ex-boyfriend and first love, henry cavill.
people often talk about what it’s like to see the person you fell in love with ages ago. it’s supposed to be heartbreaking, it’s supposed to hurt. it’s supposed to take you back to the days where you used to run freely with them, openly claiming them as yours. but, what do you do when the man you’re currently in love with is right beside you, holding your hand? your heartbeat rapidly thumped in your chest, and without realizing, you had let go of austin’s hand.
austin looked down at your separated hands, his mind reeling in confusion. he knew of your exes, fairly well he would say. he had failed to remember what henry looked like. he knew that he was a successful actor as well, but standing in front of him, he felt tiny. austin thought of himself as much lesser; a downgrade. he wasn’t used to the feeling, and it made his heart ache at the thought that maybe you felt the same way.
“henry?” you finally spoke, a forced smile creeping up on your face. “how are you? it’s been so long!”
“yeah, yeah, it has. i’m good, just in new york for a photoshoot,” his eyes pierced into yours the way they had many moons ago. “you look great, by the way,” austin watched, feeling as though he had faded into the background.
“yeah, so do you,” you gulped nervously, twiddling your fingers. he did look great. it was painful to say and hurtful to think. you didn’t regret leaving him at all, that was not the issue. it was the fact that he was standing right in front of you after you prayed to god for the past five years you would never see him again. austin stepped towards you, hoping for some form of an introduction. awkward silence filled the air as you were consumed with your own thoughts and emotions.
austin had never seen you act this way towards anybody. you usually always had something to say. he shifted uncomfortably again beside you, and you finally slipped out of your trance. “oh, this is my boyfriend, austin, by the way.”
“nice to meet you, man. henry,” he reached his hand out as a form of a peace treaty, and austin shook it reluctantly. austin felt as if he couldn’t break the eye contact that was being held between you two, even though he wanted to so desperately.
“we should catch up sometime, [y/n]. get coffee or something,” henry’s eyes hadn’t left yours for a second. you felt paralyzed in your spot. “i’m here until next tuesday, if you’d want to do something before then.”
words were being formulated in your brain, but the lag of your voice followed. “yeah, i’d have to see when i’m free, i have a few photoshoots to do next week but i can let you know.”
all you knew was that you could not meet up with him. but, being the cool, calm, and collected ex-girlfriend had been your brand for years, so you went along with the act. “that’s cool,” henry nodded, beginning to plan his exit. he could feel austin’s eyes penetrating holes into his skull. “well, i’ll let you get back to it. super good to see you, though.”
“of course, you too, henry,” you smiled slightly, shifting your weight onto your other foot. although it was a small interaction, it was enough to shake you up. you almost looked behind you as henry walked away, but you forbid yourself from doing that. austin, on the other hand, had never felt more small in his life. he was used to being a background character in your successful career, but he didn’t mind it. when he came face to face with it, he realized that maybe he wasn’t as stone cold as he once perceived.
you two began to stroll again, this time, in complete and utter silence. he didn't reach out to hold your hand, and so you stuffed them into the front of your shorts pockets.
austin was seeing red. his insecurities had now manifested into sheer anger. he hadn’t seen you look at anyone like that before… except for him. he began to wonder how long you were planning on dating him before you told him you were still in love with your ex. you knew the energy between you two had shifted, but you couldn’t even begin to process his emotions before starting with your own.
the twenty minute walk back to the hotel was treacherous. you exchanged small talk on how neither of you were hungry anymore, and that maybe it was better to just order room service later. austin thought he would never eat again. you hoped that maybe austin would ask if you were okay, and let you explain why you felt the way you did, that it wasn’t that easy to see him still. he was your first love, after all. the person who had shown you the ropes of hollywood, the way to properly love someone, and to accept the things you cannot change.
instead, austin spent the rest of the night ignoring your emotions and focusing on his own. neither of you had eaten.
you had showered, laid your clothes out for the next day, all while exchanging a total of four words with austin. he was already tucked into bed, laying there with his eyes closed. he knew he wasn’t sleeping that night. however, he wanted to give off the illusion that he was fine, that he would be able to have a good night’s sleep after watching you become beside yourself in front of your ex-boyfriend. you crawled under the covers beside him, sitting upright. thoughts couldn’t stop entering your brain. it was on overdrive; austin, henry, austin, henry. it was a vicious cycle, one that almost made you feel sick to your stomach.
you knew he wasn’t sleeping. so, you decided to be the bigger person, because you would be damned if you lost austin over a man that had broken your heart ages ago.
“so… are we gonna talk about this, or are we just gonna pretend everything’s fine?” you spoke just above a whisper. you didn’t have to speak too loud, with the knowledge that he was nowhere near having a peaceful rest.
he wiggled around in the bed, still facing away from you, “i don’t know, [y/n].”
his answer did not satisfy you. you sighed, inhaling a deep breath. it was clearly going to be difficult to get any sort of real answer out of him. “listen, i know today couldn’t have been easy. and, i’m sorry-“
“we don’t have to do this right now,” austin cut you off.
“so, when would you prefer we do this?” you crossed your arms over your chest. luckily, he couldn’t see your eyes that had nearly rolled into the back of your head.
“like i said, i don’t know, [y/n],” he mumbled almost incoherently.
you let out a snort, shaking your head in disbelief. “are you really going to be immature right now? is this how you want to play it?”
that set him off, like a ticking time bomb waiting for its fuse to be lit. he rolled over in the bed to face you, his eyes black with rage. “i’m immature? are you fucking serious?”
“yes, because i’m trying to talk to you. you’re clearly upset over-“
he sat up hastily, his face at eyes length with yours. “no, no. i’m not upset. i’m fucking pissed. do you not see why i’m maybe angry?” he couldn’t even help himself. he saw the look in your eyes and knew better, he should’ve stopped himself but he couldn’t. he had to twist the knife into your back the way he felt you had done to him. “how would you feel if we saw vanessa on the street and i just started eye-fucking her and making plans for next week?”
your mouth gaped open slightly in shock at his words. “i was not eye-fucking him! i didn’t even say yes to his plans, i told him i would have to check my schedule. i wasn’t even thinking about going, i just said that!”
“you fucking let go of my hand, [y/n]. in front of him. do you know how that made me feel?” he shook his head in disgust. he still felt as small as he did standing on that pier earlier. “you didn’t even want to introduce me, i had to stand there like a dumbass waiting for you to say, ‘oh yeah, this is my boyfriend by the way.’”
“okay, i’ll admit that i forgot to introduce you,” you tried to compromise, knowing that if you didn’t, the two of you would start screaming at each other. “but it wasn’t even like that, austin. i haven’t seen him in years. last time i saw him, i wasn’t even the same person i am now. he was my first love, what do you expect?!”
“i’d expect you to do fucking better,” he seethed. he got up from the bed, trying to distance himself from you as much as possible. facing you, his tone became accusatory, “i wouldn’t expect you to stand there like a bitch in heat and forget that i was standing right there.”
if he was trying to start a fight, he was right on the target. his words had stabbed you right in the back, twisting the knife in further and further until it was so far gone it couldn’t be pulled out. “just admit that you’re fucking insecure, austin. just say it, because that’s what this is about. you can’t handle that maybe i have an ex that might still be interested!”
“no, it’s because you acted like you didn’t give a fuck if i was there or not!” his voice raised several octaves, nearing a yell.
you pushed yourself to your knees on the bed so that you could reach his height, wanting to feel taller in the situation that was now making you feel tiny. “how are you gonna tell me how i feel? am i not allowed to have emotions after seeing a person i shared my first everything with? i lost my virginity to him, and you think that just goes away? it doesn’t!”
he scoffed, rolling his eyes. “oh, please. don’t give me that. i wouldn’t do that to you in front of vanessa. ever. i have always claimed you so openly, and i would never have let go of your fucking hand in front of her!”
“so, that’s what this is about? the hand? god, austin, you sound so insecure right now,” you were just spitting out insult after insult, not caring which ones struck him.
“well, at least i’m not the one still in love with my ex!” he yelled out, his voice bouncing off the walls.
“i’m not in love with him, austin! what the fuck is wrong with you that you can’t see that?” you argued, your arms flailing around in expression.
his face softened, shaking his head to himself. you two weren’t like this. you never argued before, not like this. you had prided yourselves on keeping a healthy relationship. he had promised he would never be like anyone you were with before, but he realized he had turned into that same monster he dreaded. “i saw the way you looked at him. that’s the way you look at me,” he mumbled.
“that’s not true,” you moved towards him. “i swear to god, i was just shocked at seeing him. i-i wasn’t expecting to turn around and see him. i mean, i’ve spent years dodging him.”
austin was silent. he was mulling over his options in this argument. the fear of losing you over his own insecurities was a risk he was not willing to take. he knew this was silly, but he just had to make sure he was making the right choice. and, so he asked, “do you still love him?”
“no,” you breathed out, so fast it almost flew off your tongue. you had never been more sure of something. it was mind boggling that you had seen him, but seeing henry earlier didn’t make you feel the way you felt when you saw austin coming down the street, or the way it felt when austin pressed his lips against yours. “no, not at all. i’m so in love with you. i’m not even kidding, the way i feel about you has never compared to anybody.”
he knew you were being real. austin didn’t want to let it come between you two; in fact, he refused. “fuck, [y/n]. am i being an idiot?”
“no, no,” you rushed off the bed, going over to where he stood. you cupped his cheeks in your hand, forcing him to finally meet your apologetic gaze. “i feel so dumb, austin. i shouldn’t have reacted like that, letting go of your hand. i was just really shocked, and scared. i never thought i was going to see him again, especially not with someone like you.”
he felt at home looking into your eyes. his hand reached up to meet yours on his cheek, rubbing his finger over it lovingly. “i just got so insecure, [y/n]. i’m so sorry, i should’ve asked how you were feeling. i know that wasn’t easy.”
“it’s okay,” you smiled lightly. “next time, i’ll be honest with you if you’re honest with me. i don’t want to lose you, baby.”
the last part made him feel warm and fuzzy inside. it was relieving to know the feelings were reciprocated. “me either. and i know you love me, i just felt so small in that moment. but, i’ll do better, i swear,” he ran a finger over your cheek, staring into your bright eyes. he had missed the sparkle, even if it were a few hours that he had gone without it.
“i do love you,” you inched towards him, wanting to feel a little closer to the man you loved the most. “too much for my own good sometimes.”
he finally let a smile appear on his face, his lips curling up. he couldn’t help but glance down at your plump pink lips, moist with the vaseline you had put on them before attempting to go to bed earlier. he felt closer to you than ever, and he wanted nothing more than to indulge himself and kiss you. you wanted that as well; scratch that, you craved it. you pulled him towards you by the nape of his neck, his right hand reaching to cradle your cheek. his lips moved against yours passionately, a warm fire bursting through your chest. your hands traveled down his broad shoulders, feeling him to bring you even closer towards you. it felt as if it was your first kiss with him all over again; slow and burning with desire. he pulled away, breathless, resting his forehead against yours, “i want this to be forever. i’m serious, [y/n]. i’ve never met anyone like you.”
you pressed a chaste kiss to his lips before a toothy grin appeared on your face, “me too, baby. forever and always.”
now, he loved new york city more than he could have ever imagined.
masterlist + request
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austinstyles · 7 months
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Austin Butler x fem!reader.
I had @purejasmine suggested to me that I write a fanfic we’re the reader is older then Austin. So I decided to do just that. This fanfic has a 7 year age gap. And the reader has a daughter form a previous relationship.
y/d/n : your daughter name .
Warnings: kissing and spelling mistakes, divorce. Let me know if forgot anything.
Y/n pov
I love being a mom. I always thought I would have a family and a career. I did for full some of my dreams. I have my beautiful daughter, my love for her is so much. Me and her dad had great years together. But it came to a end when y/d/n turned 5 years old.
Me and my ex husband decided to separate. It was a peace full separation with no fights. We separated cause we wanted different things. We actually have shared custody.
I am know in a new relationship with my boyfriend Austin. We get along so well. I am happy i met him. Also he is a great guy and he treats y/d/n so nice.
He actually didn’t freak out when I told him I am a single mom sharing custody of my daughter with my ex.
And y/d/n loves to hang out with Austin. She is excited every time she gets to see him. I just love that my daughter and my boyfriend get along.
I just love how my life is going at the moment. I am so lucky to have Austin, and my daughter. The age gap between me and Austin isn’t that big to us. And people around us that know our relationship doesn’t think so either.
I am 39 and Austin is 32. And I actually didn’t think much of it when we started this relationship 5 months ago. When we start dating 5 months ago I was still 38 and Austin was still 31. Both our birthdays are in August.
I love everything about Austin. His kindness,  work ethic, eyes and his beautiful smile. Also I love the kindness that Austin has in his heart.
If you haven’t already guessed it I love my boyfriend and I love who he is as a person. And every time I am around him my heart just wants to burst out of my chest form happiness.
We both can have busy schedules but we always what to try and find time for each other. Every time we kiss it feels like sparks are flying everywhere. I never thought I would fell this love again in my life for another man. But I do, Austin makes me feel like I am the the most luckiest woman ever.
My daughter that is 10 years old, just loves Austin like he is her dad. (She still has a relationship with her birth father.) I love to see the great relationship that the two important people in my life has.
I love every moment I get with my daughter and Austin. And i can’t believe it has already been 5 months of dating Austin. It feels like we have been together longer.
We meet when I was in my process of divorce and we became friends. And then we start to date after some weeks of my divorce being finalized. And at the time my daughter was not aware of me dating Austin. But when o knew officially where are relationship was standing I told my daughter.
I am so happy that my daughter excepted me and Austin relationship. It might sound strange that I moved on quickly after my divorce. But I did and it worked out for me.
The love and passion we have for each other is amazing. And it is so powerful. You would think me and Austin were in a honeymoon period. It can sound like that, but this doesn’t feel like a honeymoon period for me.
In our relationship age is just a number. And some people have been shocked wen they hear I am older then my boyfriend. I don’t really think much of it to be honest, I love Austin no matter if he is younger or older then me.
I honestly hope this relationship doesn’t end any time soon. The love is like a burning flame that can’t be stopped between us. And I don’t want this flame to stop.
I just love how my life is going. I love the great mother day relationship I have with my little girl. And I love that y/d/n gets along with Austin. This moment in my life is going the way I want. And how knowns maybe in farther into the future me and Austin tie the not. I don’t know, but it could happen. But for now I am enjoying how this relationship is going.
All of that that I am feeling about my life, I just can’t ever explain enough how amazing I feel. This is my life and I love my life.
Austin makes me feel like my 20 year old self. And I love felling that way. I love Austin so much. I love the time I have with Austin and y/d/n.
I can’t ever thank Austin enough for how amazing he makes me feel. The passion that we have is so real. And the passion in the kissing is so extraordinary.
And I feel like the luckiest person in the world to have Austin Butler love me for me.
Thank you Austin for everything you ever brought into my life. And thanks for loving my little beautiful girl. This is the life I get to have and I am so thankful.
I can’t believe I could ever have 2 different soulmate in my life. That is what my life feels like. I was lucky to have 2 different soulmate in my life.
It feels like all my passion is never going away for Austin.
Thanks for reading. Sorry this is short . I am going to try writing longe once at times. But I feel good about this fanfic. Thanks again @purejasmine for your idea of writing this. Hope you enjoyed reading this. Also I have more fanfics to come that I am working on. Also my request are open. And hope everyone has a great day. Take care.
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blainesebastian · 1 year
a dream is a wish your heart makes
words: 1,287 ship: austin butler x reader summary: (anon request) “sequel to Disney proposal fic”  notes: this is a small part 2 to ‘full of magic’, you should read that first :)  warnings: none tag list: @killerqueenfan, @karamelcoveredolicity, @elizabethrosecresswell, @gigisworldsstuff, @stylespresleyhearted, @rairaielv
You'd never consider yourself that much of a worrier, there's never seemed like much of a point. In your opinion, worrying is just gonna mean that you'll suffer twice, so, why bother? Clearly in all the times you've told yourself this, you were never planning a wedding—so what do you know?
You know that wedding planners exist and that maid of honors and family members usually help with this sort of thing, getting all your ducks in a row...because at this point all you feel like you're doing is putting out small fires for something else to pop up in your peripherals but. One of the mistakes you think you make is that you kind of insist on doing everything on your own. And so much of it feels doable? You make lists all the time and get shit done and only accept help when you absolutely need it—but then a year turns into five months and now you're at three and then one and...you're worried about a day that's supposed to be one of the most perfect in your life.
And maybe that's the issue. Too much pressure for a 'perfect' day and not allowing anyone to take things off your plate (or well, checklist). You can figure out most of this on your own, right?
Right...that's why you're drowning in a sea of paperwork on your dining room table and you've lost at least two mugs underneath somewhere. Swallowed up. You frown—you're beginning to forget what this table actually looks like beneath.
The thing is, everything major is booked—this is just the little things, which are somehow worse and more stressful. These are the placecards, the flowers, the reception favors, the small cards and giftcards for the caterers and other people who are gonna work to make this wedding perfect.
"What was I thinking?" You mumble, shifting papers around. Getting proposed to at Disney was one thing...but now getting married? Whole other can of worms.
Of course, it seemed like such a good idea at the time--why wouldn't it? You were also completely swept up in the romanticism of having a Disney wedding. Austin was willing to spend any expense, even though you insisted that you didn't need to. You had joked about having your wedding at Disney once and that was kind of the end of it, those comments became checklists, and those checklists became plans. To be fair, it's not that you're not excited...even though you're incredibly stressed, it's just...it almost feels like part of a dream. Though how could it not when you're going to get married in the most magical place on earth?
Admittedly, you love Disney—you've always been a huge fan even though it's taken you a bit to get there. You're definitely able to associate perfect memories with Magic Kingdom, given that's where Austin proposed to you. Being with him within itself feels magical, so—and you know how corny that can sound on the outside, but...you're not gonna deny that's how it feels. So how can you pass up that opportunity to continue it there?
There's this gazebo before the Boardwalk near the Beach Club resort and it overlooks the bay, the Swan and Dolphin and Yacht Club resort. It's simple, beautiful but there's so many hoops to jump through, I's to dot, T's to cross. You run a hand over your face, pinching the bridge of your nose as you close your eyes.
You feel rather than see Austin come into the room, his hand slipping along the back of your shoulders and running down your back. He leans down and presses a kiss to your head, a small shiver coursing down your spine as you catch a hint of his cologne.
"I keep having nightmares I'm gonna get buried under paper."
Austin chuckles lightly, squeezing your shoulder before slipping into a chair next to you. "You're gonna give yourself a migraine—you know we got other people to help you with this, right? Including me?"
You sigh a bit dramatically and tip your head back before rolling your gaze to your fiancé. "I know," You reply quietly, a soft smile tugging the corners of your mouth, "I just keep thinking about everything that needs done and I get tunnel vision."
He hums before nodding, reaching for a few pieces of paper aside. He knows you, doesn’t need to elaborate on that—he gets exactly how you’re feeling. But he’s also right. You can’t take utter control over all of this. For starters, there’s way too much to do that you can easily delegate to some other people to help and secondly, the last thing you want to do is associate your wedding with negative feelings of stress and general ickiness.
Alright, fine. You’ll get some help, stop trying to control everything, because it’s not possible anyways.
“I guess I just wanted everything to be perfect.” You let out a soft laugh, shaking your head as you push the chair back from the table. You turn your body, facing Austin, knowing how cliché that sounds.
You should know better, at this point, than to be a perfectionist—there’s no good reason to be. And yet it’s difficult to stop when those nagging thoughts come rolling in. Austin’s pretty good at shushing them, though, sometimes with a simple touch. He shifts slightly in his chair to take a look at you, brushing your hair over your shoulder in a fond gesture. He gives you this look which you know says—you worry too much.
“It will be.”
You crinkle your nose because…you know that Austin is an optimist but, “How can you know that?”
He holds your gaze for a long moment and before he speaks, you can tell how serious he is about the words that are going to leave his mouth, an emotion you can’t quite name in the depths of his blue eyes, “Because I’ll be with you.”
And despite the fact that there’s a slight glimmer of added mischief a moment later in his gaze, you know he wasn’t kidding. You laugh softly and roll your eyes, making Austin grin.
He takes your hand and squeezes, pressing a kiss to your knuckles, “What, you didn’t like that? I was gonna make it part of my vows.”
You playfully push his cheek with your other hand but he’s quick, grabbing it and using it as leverage to tug you closer, kissing you.
Needless to say, you definitely have a necessary distraction for the afternoon.
And it is pretty perfect, as if you had any reason to doubt or think otherwise.
You think one of the most surprising aspects is just how fast everything goes—all that planning and worrying for it to be over and done in the blink of an eye, in the flash of a camera bulb, a heartbeat.
You go back to where Austin’s proposed before you both leave Florida for your honeymoon, standing in front of Cinderella’s castle, looking down at the ring on your finger. A small smile tugs at the corners of your mouth, running your thumb over the underside of the band. The sky is orange this time, candied pink, as the sun dips down behind the soft blue and silver structure.
To face the future with another, who means more than any other, is to be loved.
You can’t help but smile as you feel Austin come up behind you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. He presses a kiss to your shoulder, your jawline and your cheek before you turn your head and your lips brush. Your thumb runs over his wedding band.
That’s definitely the magic of love.
The line in italics come from the Disney movie The Rescuers.
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bcofl0ve · 1 year
Invisible String (Part 8)
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part 8/9
ship: austin butler x fem!reader
chapter summary: an important on set visitor is followed by a very important question
word count: 3,300
author’s note: reminder that covid does not exist in this story so the filming schedule is one of my own making!!! also- this was started months ago, the priscilla bit with the tiny lisa mention written in like- november. all my love to the presley family ❤️
summary: a summer fling when you were working on the set of the shannara chronicles turned your life upside down with a positive pregnancy test after austin returned to the united states. a pregnancy test, and a daughter that you never told him about. until the elvis biopic found him back in your orbit and forced you to face the music.
i live for comments and love talking about my writing, feel free to pop me an anon anytime!
August 25th, 2020
“You know it’s gonna be fine, right?” You said, looking to where Austin was bouncing his leg as he drove. He forced a tight lipped smile, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. 
“Do I?”
He’d been in this state since Baz informed him Priscilla had flown in to visit set for the day…in a text the night before at 10pm.
To an extent you understand why he didn’t want to psych him out too far in advance. It’s not like Austin had never spoken to the woman before, they’d talked on the phone a few times since he was cast. But there was that, and there was her watching him emulate the man live and in person.
And he had slept just about as well as Cora did most nights- that to say horribly. You weren’t on the call list for the light crew that day, something Austin linked to fate when he asked if you’d bring Cora to set for the first take he was set to do for If I Can Dream.
“I uh, I think ‘Cilla being there would psych me out less if you guys were around too,” He’d said and you’d agreed, the four year old over the moon about the spontaneous visit.
You went separate ways when you arrived at the lot, Austin heading to the hair and makeup while you steered Cora in the direction of the set you’d be hanging around for the take. She saw Baz walking in your direction before you did, tugging on your hand to pull you along.
“Hi Baz!” She exclaimed and his face lit up when he saw her, Cora looking at you for permission before she let go of your hand to run and meet him halfway.
“Hello Miss Cora!” He replied to her as he crouched down onto her level, giving the Stitch plushie she’d insisted on bringing along from home a little prodding. “And who’s your friend here?”
“Stitch!” She said excitedly, bouncing on her heels “And and he sings Elvis jus’ like daddy,”
The Stitch obsession had been kickstarted the week before by you and Austin showing her the movie for the first time, the look on her little face when she made the Elvis connection something you hoped you never forgot.
After a conversation with Baz that was definitely keeping him from where he needed to be- not that he minded in the slightest, the two of you carried on your way- Cora running ahead of you again the second Austin’s studio chair with Elvis stitched onto the back came into sight. You got her situated in it, and occupied with a video on your phone while you made small talk with your co-workers from the crew as you waited for Austin.
Austin, who you sucked in a breath when you eventually saw coming, white suit (and facial prosthetics) straight out of 1968. 
“Now who is that in my chair?” He asked playfully as he approached from behind, Cora giggling when he ticked the side of her neck from where he stood. Though her face shifted when she pivoted and got a better look at him. She furrowed her eyebrows, looking at him seriously.
“You look funny.”
“I know baby, the makeup people had to put special stuff on my face to make sure I look just like Elvis,” Austin said with a laugh, looking past her towards you nervously. “Have you seen Cilla around yet?”
You saw her coming over out of the corner of your eye as if on cue, Austin standing up a little straighter when he followed your gaze.
“Austin, wow,”  She said as she got closer, giving him a one over with an intrigued smile on her face. “This is uncanny.” 
A little sigh of relief escaped him at that approval, his shoulders untensing with it. 
“Yeah, I was half expecting this one to not recognize me with the prosthetics,” 
Austin reached over to ruffle Cora’s hair as she shifted to stand on her knees in the studio chair, watching Priscilla quietly. She clammed up even more when the woman gave her a wave, sucking in her bottom lip and reaching out for her daddy.
“Pretendin’ to be shy,” He cooed in her direction as he picked her up, brushing a finger over her cheek in an attempt to keep her from hiding his face in his neck. “Can you tell Miss. Priscilla your name baby?” He said gently, the four year old mumbling a quiet “Cora,” fingers grasping at the fabric of Austin’s sleeve. 
Austin reached out for you next, looping his free arm around your waist with a little squeeze. “And this here is her beautiful mom Y/N.” 
“I’m sorry- I’m a little starstruck,” You said and Priscilla only smiled. “That’s alright honey,” She replied, eyes soft. “You three make a beautiful family- I must say.”
You were mid thanking her when Austin got beckoned over by Baz to get into place, Cora pouting as he passed her back to you with a kiss on the head. 
“Remember we have to sit still and be really quiet, just like we’re at a movie theater.” You whispered as you sat back down in Austin’s chair, holding Cora in your lap. She gave you a little nod, looking down at her Stitch plush and shushing him as well. 
You’d watched Austin film before, both while working and while sitting cross legged in his chair. But this was something…otherworldly. The thrum of the music reverberated through every bone in your body, and you could see it having the same effect on Austin as he sang. 
When Baz yelled cut you waited for him to give you a little nod before you let Cora down, the four year old making a beeline for Austin as fast her little legs could carry her.
“Good singing daddy!” She squealed, earning a few ‘awhs’ from the crew as he crouched down to take her into his arms as soon as she was close enough- squeezing her tight. 
You saw Prisiclla coming back over out of the corner of your eye, her gaze in the same direction as yours watching as Austin sat on the ground with Cora in his lap, looking quite engaged in conversation with her stuffed animal Stitch.
“They’re precious together,” She said softly and you couldn’t help but smile as you replied, “Oh they’re inseparable- he’d have her here every day if Baz allowed it.” 
“Elvis was the same exact way with Lisa, wrapped around her finger from the day she was born.” 
You didn’t mean to inhale so sharply, but it happened, and you immediately felt guilty when you could practically feel her realize why a second later.
“God, I’m so sorry hon- I wasn’t thinking,” She started and you shook your head, sitting up a little straighter. 
“It’s okay,” You started, letting out a breath. “Actually pretty comforting that they’re as close as they are when he uh, only met her a few months ago. Makes me feel real guilty sometimes, and he’s told me I need to forgive myself a million times but,” You continued, looking at your lap. “Easier said than done I guess.”
“If it means anything, seeing the way he looks at you, at your little girl. I’d take his advice to heart Y/N.” 
You didn’t even see Austin coming over, Cora trailing behind him until you heard his voice- Elvis drawl in full effect.
“My ears were burning,”  He quipped and leaned in to kiss you, your hands coming up to the side of his face, eyes narrowed playfully.
“Mm, maybe an allergic reaction to the side burns?”
He laughed as he leaned in to kiss you again, and you admittedly found the current hair and makeup situation ridiculously attractive. But you were in the presence of your four year old and Prisiclla Presley. So you pulled back, Cora clamoring up into your lap.
“Do we gotta go home now?” She said with her head cocked to the side, bottom lip wobbling when you explained that the answer to that question was yes, given that there were reshoots to be done, alongside entire other scenes to film, and Austin probably wouldn’t be done until way past her bedtime.
Cora looked back to Austin, and it was endearing in a way that just seeing her mildly upset appeared to be breaking his heart a little.
“Oh Cor, no need for tears,” Austin said as he picked her up off your lap, brushing her hair back behind her ears.
He lowered his voice then and you didn’t quite catch what he was saying to her- something about plans for his day off tomorrow, but whatever his whispers entailed seemed to calm her down at least.
“Be good for your mama sweetie” He supplied as he set her back on her feet, pressing a kiss to the side of her hair. ”I love love love you Cora Jean,”
That put a smile on your face, your heart thumping in your chest as she echoed that sentiment right back at him. 
“Love love love you too daddy!”
August 26th, 2020
“Momma,” Cora said from the open doorway of her room as you approached it, rubbing her eyes- and you assumed she’d only been up for a few minutes. “Yeah baby?”
 “Auntie Leah’s comin’ over, but I wan’ ‘pposed to tell you.” She said tiredly, and you paused.
Both you and Austin had the day off- and not that you had anything against your best friend, but you’d been intending on spending it with him. 
Replaying the last part of her sentence in your head, the wheels started to turn as you crouched down to her level. “You weren’t? Did daddy tell you that?” You asked softly, Cora giving a little nod. 
“Mhm, cuz o’ the surprise.”
Why Austin trusted the four year old would be able to keep any sort of secret to save her life you had no idea. But how endearing it was was certainly a distraction from the knots forming in your stomach as you put the pieces together. It wasn’t that you didn’t know it was coming- or that you didn’t want it. 
It being real, and happening today though, that was different. 
Sending Cora back to bed to sleep for a little while longer, you padded out into the kitchen, finding Austin leaned over the coffee machine.
You walked over as quietly as you could and wrapped your arms around his waist from behind, nuzzling your face into the back of his neck. Austin let a breath out, bringing his hands down to rest over yours.
“Mornin’,” He whispered, tilting his head back to kiss the side of your jaw. 
His voice was low in the way it always was in the morning, southern drawl mixed with husk making your stomach flutter. You pulled your arms from around him to side step and lean against the counter next to the coffee pot, arms crossed loosely over your front.
“Little birdie told me Leah’s coming over today, for some reason.” You started, Austin’s eyebrows quirking up as the coffee machine beeped. He set his mug under the dispenser, looking back up at with a bemused expression.
“Was this little birdie named a blonde haired blue eyed four year old named Cora?” He said, just a hint of nervousness in his voice.
“She didn’t tell me anything else if that’s what you’re worried about.” You replied, reaching out a hand for his arm and squeezing lightly.
Austin nodded, glancing past you at the clock on the oven. “You uh- might wanna go get ready, she’s actually picking you up in about an hour.”
Well that was a different plan than what you’d gathered from Cora’s rehashing.
“Picking me up? You pay her to take me hostage?” You quipped and Austin let out a low laugh, bobbing his head from side to side. “Mm, kinda.”
Knowing you weren’t going to get much more out of him, you left him and his coffee to his own devices, walking back to your room to get ready for…whatever he’d been scheming with her.
Leah pulled up outside an hour to the letter later, fingers drumming against her steering wheel as you got into the car. She looked like she was about to burst, not that you blamed her given the circumstances.
Though you couldn’t help laughing at how wound up she looked as you clicked your seatbelt in.
“You know I know he’s proposing, right?”
Her eyes widened, though she schooled her expressions as quickly as it had changed. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She replied to your remark flatly, looking behind her as she put the car into reverse and avoiding your gaze as much as was physically possible.
“Leah.” You emphasized. “Elvis wraps soon- we have to get visa shit sorted- we’ve talked about it- it’s not exactly a surprise.”
“The literal engagement isn’t a surprise no,” She started, voice taking a more serious tone. “But he wanted to make this special- so just go along with it, will you?”
She looked back at you with a raised eyebrow, lips tugged into a half smile as she waited for a response. And in spite of the fact that it all still felt a little ridiculous you didn’t doubt for a second that she was telling the truth. Maybe it was just the nerves making you a bit of a bitch.
“It’s not even 10am, what exactly are we doing all day?” You said and her smile widened, lips pressed together with trepidation. 
“That’s for me to know- and for you to find out,” She said with dramatase, and you resigned yourself to just being along for the ride.
By the time she was pulling back up to your flat it was almost six pm. You’d spent most the day being shuttled around the Queensland beauty scene, your nails painted, hair blown out and skin rejuvenated by a lengthy spa treatment you were fairly certain was only thrown into the itinerary to kill time.
After that jaunt she took you back to her own apartment, pulling a dress out of her closet with an addendum that Austin had brought it over two weeks ago. 
“When I asked him why it had to be kept at my place he said looking at it in his closet was making him so nervous he felt nauseous. And I told him being even a little bit nervous you’d say no was ridiculous, but it was pretty cute to see him all flustered about you.” 
And after a few more hours of stalling consisting of a Mama Mia double feature you were back in your own driveway- stomach flipping over on itself as the car came to a stop.
Leah reached a hand over the console to squeeze yours, pulling you out of your own head just a little.
“You deserve this Y/N,” She said softly. “More than anybody I’ve ever met in my life.”
You exhaled and squeezes her hand back before you stepped out of the car, smoothing over your dress as you walked to the front door.
Cora was standing in the window to the side, grinning when you gave her a little wave.
“Hi momma!” She greeted you as she stood on her tiptoes to open the door, dropping back onto her feels as you stepped inside. She was wearing a dress similar in design to your own, hair pulled into two twin braids you assumed Austin had put there. Crouching down, you brushed a hand over the back of her head, already feeling choked up. 
“Hi baby girl, you look so pretty,” You said softly, and she glanced down the hallway behind her. 
Turning back to you, she lowered her voice, swiping a tongue over her bottom lip just like Austin did when he was nervous.“Daddy hasta’ ask you something,” She said, pointing in the direction of the living room. “In there.”
Who you weren’t expecting to see as you made your way down the hallway there was Leah, standing behind your kitchen counter holding onto her camera. She motioned with her head to the patio door, and you couldn’t help but laugh a little at the picture of her dropping you off and promptly making a mad dash into the house through your backyard. 
But there was another picture that took precedence and stole your breath. Austin standing in the midst of flower petals strewn all over the ground, lifting his head as he heard your footsteps getting closer. He inhaled with a timid smile, reaching out a hand for you to take when you were near enough.
“Hi,” You said softly, and he gave you a one over, blinking rapidly before he opened his mouth.
“You look so beautiful,” He replied, voice as watery as you could see his eyes getting. 
“C’mon, can’t cry before you’ve even asked me.”
“Trust me, I’m trying,” Austin whispered a little laugh as he swiped at his eyes, grabbing both of your hands in his as he dropped to one knee.
“I love you so much.” He said on an exhale. “I thought about you constantly from the time you dropped me at the airport in 2015 and a little part of me always hoped against hope that we’d find our way back. But the past few months have been better than I ever coulda’ dreamed of.”
You could see tears pooling behind his eyes again- your own starting to sting as he kept talking, rubbing over your knuckles with his thumb.
“Getting to be a dad- and getting to watch you be a mom- I fall more in love with you everyday. And I want nothin’ more than to take you and Cor back to the states and build a life together- a life that we’re gonna share for the rest of time.” He continued, gingerly letting go of your hands so he could open the ring box he pulled out of his pocket.
“Please marry me,” left his mouth at the same second “Yes, yes-” left yours, the overlapping of declarations getting a watery laugh out of you as he slid the ring onto your finger. You grabbed his face as he started to stand up, pulling him in for a kiss as you felt a familiar weight crashing into your legs.
Austin laughed as he pulled back, looking down at where Cora was wedging herself between the two of you, bouncing on her heels. 
“You said yes!” She exclaimed and you picked her up onto your hip, kissing the side of her face as Austin’s arm fell around your waist- holding the both of you. “I sure did baby, isn’t the ring daddy picked pretty?”  
“It’s his mommy’s,” Cora supplied and you paused, trying to process what she’d just said. It was gorgeous- and looked modern enough that that thought hadn’t even crossed your mind. Feeling choked up all over again, you swallowed thickly.
“Oh, Aus,”
Austin gave a little smile, swiping his tongue over his bottom lip. “Ash gave it to me when I was back in the states- even when I was tellin’ her I wasn’t sure how’d forgiving you’d be over the whole uh- debacle there.” He said quietly, sounding like he was about to cry again himself. 
Shifting Cora on your hip, you brought a hand up to the side of his face to kiss him again, the metal of your ring cool against his cheek as he reciprocated- laughing against your mouth at the squeaky ‘yuck!’ Cora let slip when she decided he’d been kissing you for too long. 
“I’m sorry if I seemed cagey shipping you off with Leah like that,” Austin said when you turned in for the night, an arm around you as you rested against him, his index finger tracing over your collarbone as you leaned into his side.
Shaking your head, you brought a hand up to caress his jawline with your thumb.
“Don’t be, it was sweet.” You said and he nodded in your hand, the love in his eyes as he looked at you damn near overwhelming.
Glancing down, you sucked in a little breath before you kept talking. “Y’ know how long I told myself I didn’t deserve a happy ending with you after everything I did?”
You hadn’t exactly meant to say it so harshly, and Austin’s eyes flashed with concern- but you cut him off before he could jump in.
“I love you Aus. And I don’t think that anymore.”
tag list: @chernayawidow @theinvisiblecapricorn @aalishifts @mavericksicybabe @cryingabtab @kittenlittle24 @invisiblee-smoke @mrs-munson-quinn @cevans-winchester @kikilovesdankmemes @oh-austin @chrissie-soula @starcatchxr @butlervol6 @thedeviltohisangel @redhoods-gf @gabrielajimenez @stlover288 @alqvarde @loudwombatmugkid @austinbrainrot @ab4eva @m0ndayagain @marlowmode @kingbouji3 @gardenavenue @yeonimii @eliseinmemphis @blurredcolour @tiddieshakeshownu @fallininlovewithurlove @briannaisanxious @amiets2 @amnmichh @mrsniallhoran505 @strokesofstokes @starry-night-20
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