#i agree that light doesnt seem to know how to not act suspicious with his covers haha
animeyanderelover · 2 years
Could you write headcanons of yandere Light Yagami with a darling who doesnt support Kira and isnt easily manipulated?
I love your writing btw and im so happy your requests are open again!
I'm on the last season of Fruits Basket!
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, stalking, manipulation, gaslighting, sabotage, isolation, use of the death note, death
No supporter nor easily manipulated
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✍️Light is careful to mask the shock and irritation he feels when he finds out that his darling is no supporter of Kira, no supporter of him. He has a god complex and wants to be worshipped, especially from his darling. He's already envisioned it, you know? How the whole world will kneel down before him and how you will be directly by his side. Too twisted to ever see his actions as wrong, he's honestly a bit flabbergasted and even mad that you don't seem to realize the bigger picture. Kira intends to create a safe world where good people can live a perfect life.
✍️​You most likely never see how he really feels when he meets you in school since you're still unaware that Light and Kira are the same person. So even if you are as of now no supporter of Kira, Light uses your unawareness to his advantage to at least get closer to you. He wants to know what exactly makes you go against Kira's vision without being too obvious so you don't get suspicious. He most likely brings it up casually in chats you two have or when yet another criminal has died via a heart attack since Kira is instantly talked about. It's hard to go through the day without hearing about Kira at least once, be that in school, radio or TV. Light pretends to have a neutral opinion for now so you don't end up avoiding him, occasionally agreeing with you about your opinions about Kira so he gains your trust at least a bit.
✍️​He can't risk to ask you too much though so he resorts to stalking you to find out more. Mixes himself under your friend circle every once in a while where he casually throws in questions about what you told them about Kira before changing the topic. Light gets closer to you over the course of months, often engages you in conversations he knows you feel compassionate about and starts hanging out more around you by befriending a few of your friends. Any struggles you have in certain subjects end often with him inviting you over to give you a small private lesson which he insists is free since you two are friends. He keeps you around him as often as he can without appearing too clingy for now.
✍️​You find yourself gradually surrounded by media and people who worships Kira or point out facts that make him appear in a more positive light. Victims who thank him for finally killing culprits and how the crime rate sinks drastically for example. Surely you must see that Kira only acts in the interest of the innocent citizens worldwide yet it doesn't do anything to brighten up your opinion. You hold onto your opinion that someone like Kira, someone with the power to kill, shouldn't exist and that you stand by that opinion. Light's mood worsens together with your insistence to not support someone who kills and is celebrated as the hero by many people. There is a dark glint in his eyes when he's alone at home and sits in front of his Death Note whilst Ryuk has the time of his life laughing over his demise.
✍️​Light's methods turn more ruthless as he starts kicking out people from your closer surroundings who share your opinion as they are labeled as a bad influence. If you don't have anyone to talk about with your opinion, you'll surely end up feeling at one point alone. Other friends of yours are gradually manipulated into sharing Kira's ideals if some of them aren't already in secret. The male will end up causing a rift between even his supporters and you, an argument involving Kira as your opinion and those of your friends heavily crash if the knowledge that they support a murderer isn't enough for you. In the end only Light will stay then and be there to comfort you after everything that happened to you.
✍️​He continues to play the role as the one who supports your opinion about Kira, ends up lacing his words with poison that end as doubt in your mind and heart around others. Who knows what they really think about Kira? After the most recent events you become more unwilling to interact with others as you stay rather close to Light since you and your friends still hold a grudge against each other and others simply don't seem to have as much time anymore. Your loneliness is shamelessly explored in order to get even closer to you.
✍️​If everything else fails, Light will without a doubt resort to using the Death Note to change your mind as he uses a petty criminal to attack you or someone you hold close to your heart. Only for the culprit to die moments before they can harm your loved one, the cause of death being a heart attack. When he sees you the next time, shaken up over what recently happened, he plays instantly the role of the worried friend as he seemingly fusses over you. Surely you can't think of Kira as plainly a common killer anymore, not if you know deep down that it was most likely him who saved your loved one from dying. He probably enjoys your exasperation and despair as you can't help but wonder what could have happened if Kira wouldn't have been there. You would have lost someone you cherish and that frightens you.
✍️​Light is sure to not let you forget that event after, though he does it in a way subtle enough for you to not get angry at him. Just enough to torment you a bit that you have to be grateful to Kira for saving someone you love so much. When he visits your family, he's eager to observe their reactions as well and he will definitely end up manipulating them into viewing Kira in a better life after this accident. If your own family is thankful for what Kira has done, you'll surely have even more pressure on your shoulders if even your own parents and siblings you might have see Kira as not as horrible anymore. Light might even be as cruel and put you personally into the victim situation, chased down by someone and terrified for your life only for the person to collapse, only injuring you mildly but leaving you traumatized nevertheless.
✍️​If you start cracking Light will be ruthless as your inner conflict grows. On the one hand you are against Kira but with the knowledge that he saved you personally, there is a sense of gratitude you can't erase. He stays by your side and offers you support during your hard times whilst only feeding you more with his sweet and venomous lies manipulation. If your resolve starts to waver, he'll jump at the chance to break your wallk completely before you have the time to emotionally recover. If you manage to stay true to your opinion, despite being shaken by every storm caused by him, Light grows more and more irritated as well as angered.
✍️​As long as he stays close to you as Light Yagami, everything seems on the surface normal though. The very minimum he can do for now is at least guaranteeing that you gain feelings for him since he has already succeeded in isolating you more from your friends. He'll solve the problem sooner or later though since he expects you to follow along with his principles and his belief. The latest you will be forced to support and obey him is when he reveals himself as Kira to you and threatens you to kill everyone you ever loved if you plan to run away from him, even threatening your own life.
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13eyond13 · 5 years
No let youtube commenter JacobR from DN yet comments speak. He’s right. J... looking @ a porn magazine for 15 mins b4 putting it back where it came from is not normal behaviour - L just doesn’t realise cos he’s... well. and Lights dad isn’t gonna comment. I stand by light should’ve done either 1. Jack off or make it look like he was and/or 2. Had a bit more of a “”weird”” magazine. Going to all that trouble 2 hide a standard porn mag IS a bit weird - should’ve made it gay or fetishy or smthn
IS it weird though?? I had pretty strict traditional parents growing up and I did THE EXACT SAME THING Light did (a while before I ever watched Death Note) to hide something much tamer, a couple of Vampire Chronicles books I wasn’t allowed to read... I tore the covers off my Little House on the Prairie books and hid the vampire books inside those covers on my shelf.... so I don’t know if it’s that weird for him to hide his titty mags! I agree it almost seemed more suspicious for him to not jerk off, but also I’m like super glad he didn’t, lmao... can you imagine... I’m sure they would’ve let him do something like that in Ohba and Obata’s other mature-rated manga Platinum End, because anything goes there, and not coincidentally it’s quite an annoying series to read... let’s be glad DN was as winky-winky and mostly restrained as it was
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wyverian-lady525 · 3 years
What if
Picnic date with Alwin where you introduce him to more sweets cause if he didn't know what a donut was there's gotta be a bunch he doesnt know about either-
I hope you'll have a great day/night ^^
This is too adorable, and I’m so happy someone sent me something for Alwin! (I was going to write one soon, so I’m so grateful) I hope you enjoy this! And thanks for the request!
m/n = monstie’s name
m/s = monster species
Sweet Indulgence
You take Alwin on a picnic date in the midst of the Lofty Trees one evening. However, it’s not your typical picnic.
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You’ve been begging Alwin for some time alone for days now. When he finally tells you that you guys can spend the evening together, you begin the most meticulous baking session ever.
You told your wyverian lover that you would plan something special for the both of you, so he he didn’t have to worry about it. Alwin gave you a suspicious look at your excited tone, but eventually gave into letting you handle your “date night”.
“It has to be perfect, m/n!” You told your m/s monstie as it’s head poked through the window, watching you with keen eyes. You’ve been able to stay in Rutoh Village thanks to Alwin, who vouched for you. You even got your own place to stay (Alwin offered you to stay with him, but you didn’t want to intrude too much. Plus, you didn’t know how everyone would react to a human/wyverian relationship).
Which is perfect, because now you can make all these desserts without him knowing.
When you heard that he didn’t know what a donut was, you were appalled and brought it upon yourself to drag him through this sugary gauntlet (you knew he would oppose it, so you had to surprise him). Your place was a mess, but eventually you got everything sorted into one basket.
You were tired, but you smiled with glee. M/n praised you with a small sound of praise, light glistening in its eyes. You walked over and gave them a small pet on the head.
“Let’s just hope all works out well, yeah?” You said to them as they purred at your touch. Glancing out your window, the sun began to slowly set which only increased your excitement.
You began to seek out Alwin as the sun cast a golden glow over the beautiful village. However, you didn’t have to look very hard as you soon found him at the stables tending to Shaulk. He was adjusting the saddle while the legiana stood there ever so patiently.
You grinned as you snuck up behind him and quietly set the basket down. When you were in reach, you quickly covered his eyes with your hands. He froze.
“Guess who?” You said in a sing-song voice.
“Y/N?” He said without waiting a second.
“Your no fun.” You pouted as you removed your hands. He apologized, but you brushed it off with a wide grin as you hid both hands behind your back. He narrowed his eyes in suspicion.
“What do you have?” He asked. 
“Our date!” You said excitedly as you revealed the basket, nearly shoving it in his face in the process. He breathed a sigh of relief.
“A picnic? Thank goodness, I was picturing something a lot more...different.” He said.
“Oh? Like what?” You arched a brow with a smile. His face turned red and he quickly turned back towards his monstie.
“Nothing.” He said quickly. You laughed and offered to just take Shaulk since it would be easier. After a flustered moment, he agreed. He hopped on the legiana’s back first, then gave you a hand up behind him. 
With you sitting snuggly behind him, hands firmly around his waist, Shaulk took off towards the Lofty Trees.
All in all, just flying together like this would’ve made you happy. It was cold, so it gave you a good excuse to cuddle into his back which made him a lovely shade of pink. 
“That looks good!” You shouted over the wind while pointing towards a rather large, barren branch on this huge tree. He guided Shaulk down there and the legiana landed with grace on the woody surface. Alwin dismounted then, like a true gentleman, grabbed you by your waist and helped you down. You rewarded him with a kiss on the cheek which caused the poor wyverian to blush.
Placing a simple blanket on the think branch, you placed the basket down and sat beside it with your legs swinging down. Alwin sat beside you (after giving Shaulk permission to go on a solo fly). There was enough room to set things down while also allowing your legs to hang off the edge.
“So, what exactly do we have?” He said while reaching for the basket. Before he could open it, you snatched his hands in your own. You gave him a closed-eye smile while he looked semi-afraid.
“Before we do that, know that I made it all for you. Also, keep an open mind.” You were practically bubbling with excitement. So much so, that Alwin couldn’t help but smile as well. You were just being so cute.
“Alright.” He said sweetly while retracting his hands. In a flurry of excitement at  his agreement, you began to quickly take all your treats out of the basket. Alwin’s eyes followed each tray you set down in utter confusion.
He had no clue what any of this was.
“...um...” The wyverian was at a loss for words, only tilting his head like a curious child many years younger than him. You laughed at his reaction before exclaiming, “Ta-da!”
“What is all this?” He finally managed to say while eyeing all the food.
“They’re a bunch of sweets I learned to make on my travels! Since you seemed to not know much of our delectable indulgences, I decided to share my experiences!” You were so giddy to have him try them. However, Alwin crossed his arms,, closed his eyes, and said, “Dessert for dinner doesn’t sound very healthy.”
“This is exactly why I couldn’t tell you what I was doing!” You pouted: “C’mon Alwin, have some fun!”
He hesitated. You were very good at getting him to do things you wanted. He really couldn’t say no to you.
“I made it all for you...” You pouted sadly, bottom lip sticking out slightly with a puppy dog look in your eyes.
Yep, that broke him.
“Alright.” He sighed while uncrossing his arms. Then he smiled and said, “Show me your hard work.”
You snapped out of your act and beamed proudly while identifying your different treats. He tried to follow your finger as you pointed out things like cheesecake, cupcakes, brownies, chocolate-covered strawberries, etc. Without waiting for him, you grabbed your favorite treat and began to eat it. He just continued to stare at the array.
“It’s not that hard.” You laughed at his perplexed expression. Then you set down your food, grabbed a fork, a plate of cheesecake, stabbed it, and then held the fork inches from his face. His blush covered his cheeks and went to the tips of his ears when he realized what you were trying to do.
“I-I can feed myself just fine...” He stuttered shyly. You laughed, pushed the fork closer, and said slyly, “You seemed to be struggling, so I thought I could help you.”
Much to his embarrassment (and pride), he allowed you to feed him. However, the color of his face only deepened at your proud stare. He swallowed the small piece you gave him and then slowly turned his eyes back to you only to realize your waiting for his opinion.
“It’s good...” He said quietly, still a bit embarrassed. You smiled with pride and handed him the plate so you wouldn’t kill him any further. He accepted the gesture with a smile, and soon recovered from that moment.
 As the night went on, he became more interested in what you baked and even offered to help you when he had time. What really made you laugh is when he would try one of the new things, say it was “okay”, and then proceed to eat more when you weren’t looking.
It’s okay Alwin, you won’t rat him out on that.
One time a bit of frosting was on the corner of his lip, and a wicked idea formed in your head. You cupped his cheeks in your hands (which shut him up), and kissed him on the lips. Then proceeded to lick the frosting off. You could feel the heat radiating off his face.
“So cute.” You chuckled, and then kissed his nose. Then leaned back and acted like nothing happened.
Considering how it wouldn’t be the best idea to eat EVERYTHING you made, you packed the respective treats into their boxes. Then you moved the basket aside so you both could sit beside each other. The stars were glowing above, and you leaned back to stare at them. Alwin noticed the warmth missing from his side and turned to see you on your back. You locked eyes and you sat back up, grabbed his arm, and dragged him back with you. Resting your head on his chest, and arm across his stomach, you mumbled, “I was cold...”
“Here.” He then said and wrapped an arm around your frail shoulders. You both lay like that for a while as the stars twinkled. A shooting star would sometimes flash across the bluish sky. 
The increasing monster sounds soon pushed you both to head back to the village. Alwin called back Shaulk (who looked rather smug at his flustered rider). Again he helped you back up, and you clung tightly to him. The feeling of flying, along with his warmth, made you very sleepy. You rested your head on his shoulder, and then kissed his jawline, right below his ear and whispered, “I love you...”
A moment of silence passed before your hand was grabbed. He placed a gentle kiss on your knuckles and returned the sentiment.
“I love you too.”
When you arrived back at the village, Alwin walked you back to your place like the gentleman he was, also carrying the basket for you. 
“We need to do this more often.” You said to him once you got to your door.
He nodded in agreement. You both then stood there in silence until another crazy idea popped in your head.
“Stay here tonight.” You asked. He looked shocked.
“It’s late and you must be tired.” You tried to convince him. After a moment’s hesitation, he nodded with a shy smile.
You then wrapped him in a hug and invited him into your home. M/n perked up at the sound of the door and eyed you both as you walked in through the window. You gave them a scratch under the chin as they poked their head through. 
“Where will I sleep?” He asked politely.
“With me of course.” You responded while distracting yourself with m/n.
“Right...” He nodded with a dry mouth. After helping you put everything away, you both went to sleep. You never realized how much of a sleep cuddler he was and you added it to the list of his cute quirks.
When morning came, you woke up by yourself. However, you noticed a note on your pillow.
“You never cease to amaze me. I wouldn’t mind trying more new things so long as it’s with you. -Alwin”
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Dimmed Lights (Pt.2)
It had been about a month since Remus' wedding, Roman was starting school soon.
Roman despised school.
Soulmates kissing in the halls, marks so bright it was almost blinding. Students asking him why he hadnt found his soulmates yet, asking why his markings were oh so dull.
But his least favorite thing about the school, was the school's favorite power couple.
Roman had known for a while that goth kids were going to end up taking over one day, but this just proved it.
Janus Belgrave was a year above Roman, he was tall and he had heterochromia and canines that were so sharp they might as well have been knives. He always seemed to know everything about a person by looking at them. He was always wearing a hat or a cape, regardless of dress code formality. He had a soul mark shaped like purple and black flowers down one side of his face.
Virgil Liddell was in the same grade as Roman. He was short and shy but he could probably drop kick someone if they made him feel even the slightest bit threatened. He had bright lilac eyes and darker purple hair. His soul mark was in the form of a two-headed snake that wrapped around his neck and collarbone.
The two of them always wore much more clothing than Roman would have deemed necessary, and would get very defensive when asked about it. But, goth kids were weird, so he wasnt going to judge.
Roman sat on his bed, staring at the rows and rows of clothing in his closet. He supposed it was a good thing he didnt have to try fitting himself in there to. After a long while Roman finally decided on a red hoodie with two white stripes in the middle as well as stripes down the sleeves, a pair of shorts, and black boots.
"Roman! Breakfast!" Roman's mother called from downstairs. Roman let out a sigh that wouldve been worthy of an oscar had the timing been convenient. He rushed down the stairs and stuffed his face quickly.
The bus ride wasnt much different than usual, Roman head his head pressed against the window, that way it was much harder to see any of his classmates soul marks.
It was stupid that they were able to find soul mates so young in his opinion, why didnt the marks just develop over time instead? Why couldnt they just be kids without having to worry about who their soulmates would be? But of course, Roman had decided that his lack of understanding for soul mate ages must have just been his jealousy talking. After all, how was a boy with no soul mate supposed to know anything about finding one.
He also supposed that having no friends didnt help that. After all, people with soul marks tended to avoid the Soulless like the plague, it was incredibly rare for someone to be born with no mark at all, and they didnt want to risk that spreading.
So Roman sat alone, every day, during class, lunch, breaks. And he pretended not to care, pretended he didnt notice the suspicious glances the others gave his tattoos, or the rumors or the laughing or anything else that the school tried to throw at him.
"Is this seat taken?" Roman looked away from the window. In front of him was a person with short pastel blue and purple hair, a white dress with a mint green belt and sleeve-straps, and white boots, as well as round glasses with clear frames.
"No, of course not," Roman said simply. The person sat down, fixing their hair slightly.
"I'm Hestia, she/her," Hestia smiled.
"Roman, he/him," Roman said, and then he noticed what seemed to be white lines etched across Hestia's skin.
Hestia seemed to have noticed the staring, because she pulled a jacket over the markings soon after.
"They arent soulmarks if that's what you're thinking, I dont have any, these are from something else," she said, looking away slightly.
"Oh- I didnt mean-" Roman rubbed the back of his neck slightly. Finally, he pulled down the side of his jacket and shirt to show off the tattoos. Hestia's eyes widened and she smiled slightly.
"Are they nicer here? The middle school was never very nice about it," Hestia said, Roman bit his lip slightly.
"Well, they arent rude necessarily, but of course you must know how it is for us," he said sadly.
"Yeah. . . It's so stupid, we can still have relationships, even if we dont have soulmarks, after all they're just for relationships that or more than ordinary friendship, it's not like having no markings means I cant make someone a cake or something," Hestia said bitterly, scratching at the lines on her arms.
"Yeah, and does it make sense to you that we have them from birth? Like why do children have to worry about suddenly glowing in the middle of the playground. It seems a bit contrived if you ask me," Roman said.
"Yeah! I know a person who found their soulmate when they were in sixth grade!" Hestia said. People on the bus were giving the two of them scandalized looks, but at this point Roman didnt really care. He finally had someone to talk to who was like him, who agreed with him and didnt think it was a brutal tragedy that he had no marks.
As the bus ride neared its end Roman and Hestia exchanged numbers, she was a freshman and he was a junior so they knew they were unlikely to have any classes together, but both had agreed that they would meet up after school when they could manage.
But now that he was off the bus, it was back to acting like a terrified gazelle in a jungle of stripes and spots.
Of course, Roman was used to that feeling.
What he wasnt used to was being shoved against a locker by a man a little less than a foot shorter than him, kissed, and then left standing confused in the middle of what seemed to be a very intense argument.
"See! I told you I can catch people off guard! I'm not that loud!" From the looks of it, Goth² was having a very intense debate, and Roman seemed to have found himself right in the center.
"I didnt say you couldnt at all, I just said you're not very good with subtlety," Janus replied, smirking. Virgil's face seemed to be going redder by the minute.
"Oh like you're so good at sneaking around with your- height!" Janus let out a laugh.
"Aaawww, is the chihuahua mad because the Great Dane's better at pranks?" Janus said, ruffling Virgil's hair.
Roman coughed slightly, he hadnt meant to do it, but it seemed to get the two boys attention very easily.
"Ah- yes, Virgil, mind explaining so the damsel you've distressed doesnt think hes ruined a relationship?" Janus said, Roman's face went scarlet.
"Sorry- yeah I couldve probably gone with something else but I'm not exactly a quick thinker ok!" Virgil said, pouting.
"O-oh its alright-" Roman said, trying to cover the rapid blush spreading across his face.
"How about this, to make it up to you, why dont you sit at lunch with us? You're always sitting alone and I highly doubt that its healthy for you," Janus said, smiling.
Roman froze like a deer in headlights, all he could think to do was nod and accept the slips of paper handed to him by the two boys.
"What. The fwuh. Just happened." Was all he could say when they left.
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fart-gate · 4 years
Season 2 episode 3
Notes by me
- everytime Jack calls them Kids I discover 3 new emotions
- "we have no idea what this planet could offer!"
"........trees and moss"
- "I have no idea" 💕💞💕
- ok strange distraught man
- beamed!
- I hate it when Jack tries to explain things to people and they just TURN OFF THEIR EARS
- daniels hat hanging off his neck makes it look like a choker 👀 where's his cat ears
- creepy whistling!!! Dont like that!
- I'm laughing they were literally sent to prison
- feet. Omg what. Worst version of Cinderella
- *a prisoner gets obliterated by the vortex and cut off at the feet*
The other prisoners:
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- ok violence! Of course Sam is a possession . can I get one fictional show without "realistic sexism" pls. Can I PLEASE get one show PLEASE
- "kids" 💕
- "tealc, look scary and take point"
- this dude who wants to be tealcs friend is so goddamn creepy *nervous laugh*
- leader lady seems really nice. The fuck did she do to get in prison
- Jack taking daniels glasses off and saying that showing weakness is not a good idea in prison 💜 reblog if u agree
- HUGE big brother vibes. Also Jack is acting like hes been in prison before 🤔
- no glasses!Daniel
- "the great circle"
- "the great wave" is actually a really cool name for the vortex thing
- she can give them the power they need but needs something in return?
- WHAT theyre gonna use....a plant?
- woa woa woa someone attacked Daniel and tealc protected him and we didnt get to see it??? Writers, turn on your location I just want to talk
- bodyguard!tealc
- "what are WE in here for?"
"Jay walking"
- Jack just admitted he was in prison once!!! What when where!!!
- ah yes goopy mud! Yummy!
- I wonder what it actually is? It looks a little like light brown brownie batter lol
- alright the leader of sg3 is kinda hot👀
- SG3 is headed to P2A509 and is no longer on the rescue team for sg1 :(
- P3X775 is where the people who sent them to prison are. The Taldor or whatever
- I'm assuming sg1 is not on the same planet as the people who sent them to prison since they went thru a stargate to get there
- hammond is going personally!!
- apparently she tried to help the taldor with a plague and accidently made it worse so they sent her to prison. Tough crowd
- is this hammonds first time going thru the stargate????
- IT IS!!!
- "the things I do for these people" AJDNRIDNDJSBFKDNFN
- daniel when hes sitting on the ground in the dirt. Its the slutty pose for me
- Jack dragging him up by the arm
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- they commited suicide and thats so fucked up. And Daniel tried to stop them :(
- every single prisoner in this prison craves violence
- what was that? That hand device she used looked goauldish?
- saved by tealc!!! Bodyguard!tealc
- um when daniels lying unconcious and Sam is stroking his hair 😭😭❤
- meanwhile! I'm having fun with sassy Defense attorney!Hammond
- this Big Voice sounds suspiciously like a machine
- wait why are they saying he won the fight? Didnt they see Linea with the hand held thing? She wasnt exactly hiding
- P2A509 ! daniel always with the plan
- "....and this just came to you?"
"No, it came to me while I was suffocating"
- yes! Go meet up with sg3! I want to see the hot Major again 😌
- time for Dirt Soup !
- hahaha Daniel made it to the top of the food chain bc he "won the fight". Its very obvious he didnt but I'm not gonna argue with a bunch of prisoners with an IQ of 3
- using his status so that sg1 can eat first lmfao my boy knows how to play the role💅💅💅💅💅
- tealc giving the dirt soup one look and becoming the human equivalent of the word Nah
- the power of plants!!
- this prisoner is gonna try some shit im calling it now
- it worked !
- LMFAO Daniel could not get out of there fast enough.,,boy was a blur
- did one prisoner get thru?
- daniels glasses resting on his head, holding his hair back ✨
- "this place is so alien"
"I thought so when I first came here. However, over time it has become home"
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- its so funny to me when people from other planets call sg1 aliens. Like.....arent your ancestors from earth....that makes you an "alien" too
- exchanging science! Sharing knowledge!! This is what the program is about!!
- "he actually won"
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- Jack has bruises on his neck from the fight earlier . I'm looking
- OKAY linea is evil?? Like mega evil? She kills people with plagues??? Its always the sweet old ladies you have to watch out for isnt it
- shit is she downloading all the stargate info? All the addresses they have?
- how in the goddamn fuck does she know how to work computers btw??? She literally locked them out of their own system and she doesnt even know what atoms are??? I'm so confused
- "we let her out"
"The destroyer of worlds"
- I really hope we see her again. This seems like an interesting storyline
Whump under the cut
Team sg1 whump: thrown through the gate, prisoners
Jack Oniell whump : grabbed , choked, fought, bruises on neck from rope
Daniel jackson whump: thrown from gate, heavy breathing, threatened, grabbed from behind, squeezed, choked, passed out, unconscious , weak, disoriented
No glasses!Daniel for more than half the episode🤓
🎶listening to Locked Up by Akon🎶
🎶listening to Cell Block Tango from the musical Chicago 🎶
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gboxventspace · 4 years
so. had an interesting night. was getting gabe into bed when i heard a commotion at the front door, went out when done with gabe to investigate. mom's sitting in the living room, dad standing in the hallway, both listening to this girl on our couch. it was hard to tell how old she was, but i'd guess a couple years older than me, wearing great makeup with a designer(?) bag on her hip, talking a mile a minute about what apparently brought her to our door. at almost 1 am.
i only caught the tail end of her story, but it was disjointed and not much really added up. gist was that her ex boyfriend had been chasing her, and she sprinted until she found somewhere to hide, and hoped our lights being on meant someone was awake. she was texting her cousin to come pick her up as she told us this, in our house maybe 15 minutes total.
then she said she heard her cousin's car, and went out to see him. 2 cars were parked fairly far up the street, far enough we couldnt see people or plates. we heard her say "leave me alone!", then cars were maneuvering to leave.
now. that sounds fucking awful, and i wanted to call the cops just in case, but my parents said no, and here are a few reasons why.
one, the girl wasnt acting right through any of it. she never calmed, talking fast and fidgeting constantly, saying it was the adrenaline. never met any of our eyes more than briefly. and while that behavior alone certainly isnt bad (even if its apparently not typical for the situation she descrived, according to my psych nurse mother who'd been trying gently to help her calm down and de-escalate the entire time), it doesnt look good with the rest.
two, her story made absolutely no sense. while i only caught the end, mom recounted to me the basics, and it jumps all over the place. mom had been asking clarifying questions throughout, and her narrative jumped around and made no chronological sense. talked about giving her ex a ride to his hotel, but then he was harrassing her, so she called the cops and they didnt arrest him, but then she was at a gas station and ditched both him and her car to get away from him. and yet, somehow at the same time, she was at her cousin's house, who she also apparently ran away from. neither into the house or gas station, mind you, but instead down the road and into neighborhoods. she also was completely unable to tell us where this gas station was, because fun fact, there arent any within any kind of sprinting distance from our house. there was also an empty parking lot mentioned in there somewhere, of which there are very few around here, definitely not in sprinting distance either.
three, she used too many details where it didnt matter. now, this one was what made me switch into being suspicious of her; while it isnt a big deal, she was telling odd bits of info with her background that were completely unnecessary, and tripped my "she's lying" alarms, like her child's exact birthday, the job she had and lost with covid, that she lives with her grandmother. its not *abnormal*, but it didnt fit, i dont know how else to really explain except that it wasnt right.
four, she wouldnt tell us her cousin's name. casually asked, and her exact wording was "oh, he doesn't like giving his real name out to people". we asked so that we could vet if it was him before letting her out to him, for her safety.
five, she was adamant that she didnt want to call the cops, bc of how they didnt arrest him before so they wouldnt help now. which, completely on its own would be understandable, but with everything else? nah.
six, when we heard a car go past the house, she ran straight outside and up the street to it. this was despite us suggesting multiple times that she look through the window first to verify, that she wait for the car to come back down the street, or for us to go first and see if it was her cousin. no, she ignored allllll of that, going right out of any range where we could help her without a second thought, and then yelling before presumably being pulled into a car we couldnt see well. if this wasnt some kind of setup, then damn, she's really got no sense of self preservation.
all in all, it just felt wrong. her behavior, her story, the lack of details where it mattered but abundance where it didn't, the blatantly ignored advice on things that would keep her safe, the pointed distance of the cars from our house, everything. and in the end, there wasnt anything we could really report if we'd wanted to; that a girl came in, told us a story, then shouted and got in a car? it was too far (and too smokey, fucking wildfires) to even see how she entered the vehicle, whether she was pulled in or what. and there were 2; was it the ex boyfriend and also her cousin? how could boyfriend have found her here if she only sent the location to the cousin?
so. working theories are that maybe the core of her story was true, but the inconsistencies come from purposely avoided details; maybe drugs are involved? if so, it'd help explain her behavior, why she wouldnt give out her cousin's "real name", and why the story was so disjointed. unreliable narrator, or she was skipping incriminating details.
theory two (by my mom, which i personally dont agree with) is that she and her ex are in some dramatic sort of game thing, where she wants to be chased for the drama of it all. doesnt explain her weird story though.
theory three, this was all some kind of setup, with her "exboyfriend" and "cousin" being accomplices. only problem with that is, accomplices to *what?* she didnt steal anything, didnt gain anything from her time with us. sure, she saw inside the house a bit, couldve been keeping an eye out for valuables, but why us? we just happened to be awake at one in the morning for this? she wouldnt have been able to see anything worth stealing, anyway, aside from my mom's broken laptop maybe. all she would've learned is that there's 4 of us living here with a barking dog.
whatever it was, the worst case scenario is that she got grabbed by her ex, but the 2 cars and timing suggest highly that her cousin was literally right there too, meaning someone she seems to trust was witness and able to help her more than we could. just in case it was scoping for a robbery, we locked up the house tight and i have a crowbar.
more than anything it was just unnerving. in all likelyhood that'll be the end of it, but there's a chance that some other shoe will drop, and that's leaving all of us uneasy.
9/13/20 4:58 am
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grinwolfe · 5 years
Ok ok ok
I've had this fanfic in my head for a while and I'm not sure if I'll ever write it because I've never been much of a writer but I want to share my idea anyways.
It's a Lucifer/Supernatural crossover.
Let's say it starts in the supernatural universe when the boys are on a hunt, probably something like a werewolf or vampire, a cliche monster. I think it could be in any season since this would be an identical setup to the French mistake, unless we use Jack who is notoriously bad at controlling his powers.
I originally went with the idea that only Sam and Dean get sucked into Lucifer's universe, but I think Castiel getting dragged along too makes a better juxtaposition to the angels in the foreign universe. Trouble is, the monster gets sucked through too, and they land in a wide alley.
In the confusion, the monster succeeds in overpowering the boys and tearing off. They give chase, guns/machete/angel blade out until they reach the street, which is packed full of people and a few beat cops hanging around too, so they act natural and hide their weapons.
They figure out they're in Los Angeles, Sam tries to call Jack to let him know what's happened but the number is disconnected. Castiel tries to sense Jack but he can't, which naturally makes them all concerned. The brothers have contacts all over, LA is no different so one of them starts calling to find backup, since they don't have the impala with all the hunter gear and FBI disguises. Every single call is a wrong number. Up a creek without a paddle they decide to find a place where they can use a computer- internet cafe, library, wherever.
About 6 hours later, Detective Decker is called to a crime scene, Ella examining a recently savaged body and Lucifer consulting. Ella remarks on the uber weirdness, how it seems almost animalistic, the strength that would be needed to rip the poor soul apart. Lucifer cracks jokes, like he does, but not much else can be made of it until the coroner can examine further.
About 20 min previous, the boys were sitting in a cheap hotel room. While very similar to their own universe there have been enough differences for them to cotton on that they're not in Kansas anymore which they all find very distressing. Castiel is mollified to find he is still an angel and still has all his abilities. Dean bought a radio and some other supplies and has built a police scanner. As per previous supernatural episodes, they know that they will need the grace of an archangel to get back to their own universe, but they absolutely must kill the monster before they go. Sam has searched and found no mention of Hunters, Men of Letters, or monsters at all, besides the normal mythos that always exists. They pick up the call for the recently mentioned deceased, and decide to go see what's up.
They find themselves standing in the crowd of looky loos, and standing out as well since they're the tallest and wearing plaid in LA. Dean wants to pretend to be agent with the fake badge in his wallet but Sam stops him, reminding him it's a different universe and their badges might look very different from what they look like here. While they're arguing in undertones, Castiel slips under the police tape to get a closer look. He makes it about halfway there before Ella or Decker stops him, tells him off for interfering in a crime scene and to get back past the line. Cass got close enough to see that it was a monster victim and returns to the brothers, which Decker notices and makes a mental note to remember them because they were suspicious. Then the regular canvassing of the victim's friends family and coworkers starts. Ella notices a street cam aimed at the crime scene. Lucifer does... Lucifer stuff. Drama, impetuous attitudes, good ol' Luci.
The boys are feeling particularly fucked back at the hotel. No weapons, no car, no disguises, and how do you track a wandering monster in LA besides following the bodies? Castiel tries to contact Heaven on angel radio, if there is one in this universe, but he gets mixed results. There was definitely a divine influence in the world, most likely a heaven but Castiel can't be heard and what he does hear is unintelligible, possibly a difference frequency and/or code.
I'm not entirely sure on this part, but I expect Dean is drinking at a bar, alone or with any of the others. Either someone overhears that they're in trouble or they look upset enough to prompt a conversation. When they explain vaguely that what they need is nearly impossible to get and that they haven't got any friends to back them up, they are told about a nightclub owner who grants favors, occasionally the impossible one. The boys aren't sure about mingling in a foreign universe but if this man called Mr. Morningstar can get the other ingredients needed for the spell, then it can't hurt to try, can it?
Ella and Decker and Dan are reviewing the CTV footage and even though it's barely been caught in the upper left corner, its obvious this perp is acting inhuman, which they believe is a mental illness or a weird drug interaction. Once they go back to their desks Lucifer returns and Ella describes the attack as if the person was a movie monster, to which Lucifer replied that it might look that way but not to worry, his father destroyed all the monsters centuries ago.
The boys go to Lux, which is mostly empty since it's so early. A few girls are dancing, sam and cass are doubtful about getting legit help here but Dean enjoys the atmosphere. They ask the bartender for Mr. Morningstar. The bartender tells them he's not seeing anyone right now. Sam says that they need a favour. The man says they'll have better luck getting his boss's attention later tonight when all the guests come. Cass says it's urgent, a matter of life and death. The bartender reluctantly picks up the phone and calls upstairs to Lucifer's suite, who agrees to come down to deal with them.
The first thing Lucifer does when he sees them is comment on the plaid, asking if they just came from a hunting trip and asking Castiel if he is an accountant. He was going to turn them away but once seeing them in person, they were the perfect combination of weird and sexy to keep his interest. They say they hear he's the man to come to for favors and that they need supplies. Lucifer prompts them to get to the point. Sam tries to prepare him, that it sounds ridiculous but it's really important that it's all authentic. They list off the ingredients needed to send them back, sans archangel grace. Lucifer asks 'what on earth do you need all that for?' And points out that everything they've asked for is priceless if not impossible to find. He asks again what they want it for, and for that matter who are they, and the boys give up, getting up to leave because explaining that they're from another universe will just get them laughed out anyways.
Before they take a step Decker comes in and calls out 'Lucifer!' The boys freeze and Decker comes down, apologising for interrupting and Lucifer waves her apology aside. As she comes up to him to talk the boys all turn back to him, and cass pulls out his angel blade. Lucifer wonders what they are really up to, they seems to have extensive divine knowledge. They ask him if he's lucifer to which he confirms. They continue checking and confirming that he is indeed the fallen angel. Decker realizes these men were at the crime scene and sees the angel blade sticking out of the end of castiel's sleeve. Before she can say anything Dean draws his gun on Lucifer. It's all a kerfuffle, decker is trying to talk the boys down and then Maze walks in, and Castiel can see her true face so he let's everyone know, which surprises Lucifer and he asks how does cass know? Cass replies that he's an angel. Lucifer asks which one? Cass gives his name and Lucifer disagrees since knows his brother castiel and this man was not it. Maze says that cass doesnt look like an angel but he also doesn't look right as a human. Angel possession is talked about, which is in the SpN universe but not Luci's. Probably play around with the idea that Angel's in this universe can have their own bodies because they are a product of two very different beings, light and dark, while castiel is just made from light and frequency. Maze says he looks like something huge and alive got shoved up inside a human shaped jar. Sam reminds Dean that they will need Lucifer's grace to get home and they lower their weapons reluctantly.
Lucifer at some point shows off by showing his wings which astounds the boys. Castiel is urged to try it and for the first time the brothers see cass's black wings. The brothers admit that they're both working the same case, that its a monster they brought over from another universe and what its specs are- decker is getting fatigued by two revelations in one day.
Regular shenanigans continue. The boys are determined to hate Lucifer but the more time they spend with him the more they bond: dean with good food, alcohol and women, sam with insider history lore and bad jokes, castiel with Lucifer's clear affection for decker and his desire to protect humans. There will be karaoke at some point. The boys help with the case, meet Ella and hit it off. They meet Dan and really don't. There are clashes in methodology, decker sees the fake badge and the brothers explain that they dont get paid to save the world.
And I dont really know after that point. Obviously they kill the monster and get home, and that they wish they could have this Lucifer instead of theirs. Anyone is welcome to this story, if you want to do something with it. I'm great at starting but I lose interest once there's work to be done.
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writingstuff1789 · 5 years
Harvey didn’t get it. They were all here. Everyone that Roman decided to invite to this little party anyways, or at least to his knowledge, but Roman has just left everyone in his living room with drinks, either he was being petty for this meeting taking so long and wanted to pay them all back or stalling for time so that he could kill them all. He quickly started to lose patience and began fidgeting with the coin, shifting it between his fingers and passing it from hand to hand silently. He took another sip from his drink and made another glance towards his fellow guests. 
Carmine Falcone and Salvatore Maroni, once the biggest crime bosses in Gotham, sat just a few inches away from him, their silhouettes illuminated by the fire. Harvey remembered locking up a few of their lieutenants back when... when he was somebody. Not a nice thought. Harv quickly shook his head and downed the rest of his drink, pouring another glass just as the old guy dressed entirely in a purple suit spoke up. “What happened to your face son?” Louie asked calmly, staring over at Dent as he spoke. No malice or sarcasm in his tone. This was definitely not a taunt and yet that didn’t stop Harv from getting pissed at the old man’s rudeness, he flipped the coin. Heads. Harvey sighed and simply swallowed the rising anger, taking another sip from his drink. Carmine sighed slightly and mouthed a small apology towards Harvey that went unnoticed, filling up Louie’s mug with more coffee. Harvey was starting to hope that this whole meeting was just a ploy for Roman to kill them all now as he drank just as the doors opened and Roman entered the room. “Rupert Thorne happened, Louie.” he spoke with a chuckle before taking his seat at the head of the table. Everyone’s attention was focused on the Black Mask.
“You better have a good reason for making us wait so long” Sal said, giving Roman a suspicious glare and Roman simply shrugged “Some unexpected business popped up, apologies” he replied, pouring himself a drink. Harvey took notice of the small bits of red on Roman’s usually pure white suit. It was business then. “Now gentlemen” Roman paused to take a small sip from his drink “Before we get to the matter at hand, I have a small question for you all. What are your plans after this whole election thing is over?”. “Continuing to run my business as usual” Carmine said, relaxing back in his seat “And finding a caretaker for Louie here” he muttered quietly as he turned his attention to Louie who seemed to be having a quiet conversation with one of Roman’s bodyguards. “Same thing as always, Sionis, this election won’t effect me that much” Harv spoke up with a shrug “Why are you asking?”. “Continuing to compete against you and Falcone like always, Sionis, and like Harvey said, why do you want to know? Is this whole meeting just your poor attempt to learn about ” Maroni sneered though his expression quickly grew concerned at the mention of the elections “Oz’s is planning to come after the mobs now, ain’t he?”
“As always Sal, your intellect is always one step ahead of me. Or maybe paranoia is a better word?” Maroni scowled while Roman chuckled “But yes, truth be told I am growing very concerned as to where Cobblepot’s loyalties lie. I think the guy might be growing senile and soft in his old age. Almost starting numerous gang wars with myself over nobodies but that’s not important right now.” Roman paused to sigh for a moment, taking a sip from his drink. “His policies as mayor are just as concerning, planning to fund the GCPD, Arkham and Blackgate.” As Roman spoke Carmine calmly reached for a cigar and taken out his lighter, placing it in his mouth before he lit it up and pulled it out, breathing out smoke as he spoke “Cobblepot’s a problem then, he knows a lot of our most vital bases of operations.” he took in another puff and continued “Knowing the little Napoleon bastard he probably plans to hold this above us all.” “That or he plans to legally take us all out without any competition” Harv growled, shaking his head as he took another sip from his drink. “Great. Just what I fucking needed to hear today.” Maroni rubbed the bridge of his nose and sighed “I’m not going back to Blackgate again, I can’t.”
Roman raised a hand to cut off Maroni “Relax, Sal. None of you will be going to Blackgate, we just need to brainstorm a solution to our little predicament in the event that Cobblepot wins the election.” he chuckled “I don’t think I need to tell you gentlemen the easy solution to our problem.” “You want to hire someone to kill him?” Maroni bit his lip slightly “I dunno about that, Cobblepot has some serious protection. It’d have to be one hell of a hitman.” “We could all pitch in to hire Slade, or maybe Lawton.” Carmine put out his cigar as he spoke. “Those are some very expensive hitmen though Carmine, I was thinking that we all throw everything we got at him at once. He could easily take one of us at a time but if we all come at once he won’t stand a chance” Roman took another sip from his glass. “I, uh, wait a second! I’d rather not kill Oswald!” Harvey exclaimed, looking panicked. “Couldn’t we just bribe him, or something?” “He’s set in his ways, Dent, you know that.” Roman shrugged “No point in trying to persuade that stubborn dog.” he added with another cold chuckle while Dent continued to fidget with the coin. “You want to keep your gang and your business? You won’t last the year with Cobblepot in office” Carmine pointed at Harvey as spoke.
“Why don’t you two consult that penny there, no doubt it’ll make a better choice than either of you two would.” Maroni said with a small chuckle. Dent flipped off Maroni as he flipped his coin into the air. Tails. “Alright then. The Penguin dies.” Harv nodded slightly. “Excellent, so then we’re all in agreement that in the event that Cobblepot wins the election we all team up and kill him?” Roman rubbed his hands together slightly as he ordered his bodyguard to refill everyone’s drinks. He raised his glass before speaking “A toast” he announced “To good business and to Cobblepot’s shortening life expectancy” he chuckled coldly again and joined the other bosses in downing their drinks. Harvey didn’t join them in the toast but he did drink. He’ll probably need more after this.
“So what’s the plan then?” Harv asked, setting his drink aside for a moment. “Like I said before, we can throw everything we have against him” Roman shrugged “Or, if we want to be dramatic, we can invite him over to a party to celebrate his new position as mayor and then, when he’s all happy and drunk, we all stab the little birdie.” “Ah, Caesar style” Carmine smirked “I like it.” “Thought you would, I’ll see if I can persuade Al and Scarface about joining us, but we can discuss this further at a later date. I think it’s about time we all get down to the real reason we’re here” Roman gestured towards the nearby double doors which swung open into another room that contained a large table with a poker set all neatly arranged for the mobsters, along with very expensive looking drinks and cigars. “Up for a game or two, gentlemen?”
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randomfandomimagine · 7 years
Doppelganger (Barry x Reader)
Character: Barry Allen
Fandom: The Flash
Categories: Reader Insert, Female!Reader, Metahuman!Reader
Title: Doppelganger
  Requested by @friceaurelia07:
Can you do a barry imagine where i have a twin(barry doesnt know)where only hair+eye colors are different,im blond,blue eyes,she's the opposite,i'm a hero with ice powers, she's a criminal and one day she pretends to be me...?somethin like that?thx!
The twin has black hair and black eyes, and she just comes to central city maybe when barry is at CCPD or maybe at STAR LABS, and she just pretends she is me, she tries to act like me, she kisses barry, and all that, but harry and iris starts to get suspicious, and they try to see if it's really me, then cisco gets a vibe that it isn't me when he touches the twins shoulder and i then suddenly appear there, and we fight and all that? Me and barry are dating
  A/N: In this imagine, it will switch from Y/N’s POV to Barry’s ;)
I grinned when I was filled with that feeling that always overcame me. The feeling of doing some good around the world, the feeling of being a superhero and saving Central City. It was worth all the trouble for sure.
Flash bumped his shoulder against mine and I smiled even wider. Then I glanced back at him and chuckled.
“You still get excited about it, huh?” Barry teased me a little, wriggling his eyebrows.
“Shut up, Bar” I kissed my boyfriend on the lips lightly, leaning my hands on his shoulders.
I took advantage of where my hands were and pushed him a little.
“I’m just saying, you always get so giddy about it” 
“Saving the world? Yeah, excuse me if I do” I rolled my eyes, but then he kissed me in the cheek and made me smile again.
“It’s just that you’re so adorable when you get excited” Barry chuckled cheerfully as he put his arms over my shoulders and pushed me into him.
“Flattery will get you anywhere, Allen”
“I sure hope so”
Barry winked an eye at me, making me giggle at his silliness, right before he swept me up in his arms.
I always ended up with a queasy stomach and temporary dizziness, but the Flash Express sure beat walking all the way back.
After coming back from our heroic deed out there, Barry and I took a moment to recover from the instant travelling before actually walking into Star Labs. I only felt stable enough to do so when Barry, as always, gave me that kiss in the forehead he usually gave me.
“Hey, Y/N” Cisco immediately greeted me, rushing to stand up and get by my side. “Just in time”
“For what?” I curiously stared at him, but when he pulled out a plastic cup I rolled my eyes, knowing the answer already.
“My slushie melted” My friend pouted cutely to talk me into it.
“I’m not an ice machine, Ramon” I stared at him with my special icy –pun intended- look that I perfected over the years. It worked, because he reluctantly looked away and made me smile.
“I know” He mumbled lowly, slowly letting his eyes fall over me again with a charming and shy smile. “But you know what you are? A lovely person”
Barry was just passing by when he said that, so he laughed out loud at it.
“You’re a dork” I gave in, snatching the cup from his hands.
I hovered my hand over the cup and the melted green colored liquid turned into ice again easily. Then I smirked proudly and gave it back to him.
“You love it” Cisco replied jokingly, gladly taking his slushie back and sucking on the straw in delight.
“Dude, are you flirting with my girlfriend?” When I turned around to glance at Barry, he was casually leaning his arm on the desk and grinning widely. “I’m right here!”
“No shame” Caitlin mumbled, briefly joining the fun, as she walked by with a folder that probably contained important information.
“She’s not my type” Our friend wrinkled his nose in mock disgust.
“Am I too cold for you?” Over time I had learned to put up with the puns and ended up embracing them.
“Does that mean I’m too hot for you then?” Cisco raised an eyebrow, obviously beaming because of his fast and witty reflexes.
To top his smugness he placed a hand on my shoulder, with a fake concerned look as though asking me if I could recover from his comeback.
“Sorry, Cis” I teased him, placing my hand on his shoulder as well. “Then I would be dating you and not Barry”
Even Caitlin laughed at that, and Cisco himself had to smile.
“I’d say use your powers on him, Y/N” Barry kissed me in the cheek playfully. “Because that was a huge burn!”
The euphoria filled me as I kept chatting with my friends. It sure added to the previous exaltation from being a hero in the city and using my powers to help people.
I hadn’t seen Y/N in a few days, ever since we last went together as our alter egos. I missed her, but I was sure that she would eventually show up like she always did. She probably needed time for herself and I wanted to respect that.
I finally reached Joe in the CCPD and lifted my arm so he would notice my arrival. His eyes indeed directed towards me and he motioned for me to get closer.
“Wanted to see me, Joe?” I knew he had something important to tell me, so I shoved my hands in my pockets and listened intently.
“Yeah, Bar” He placed a hand on my back and I followed him to a more private part of the room so we could talk freely. “There’s interesting news”
“What is it?”
“A new criminal has made appearance on Central City” He began to say, shortly looking around us to make sure no one heard. “I think the Flash should keep an eye on her”
“So it’s a girl” I observed quietly. “What do we know about her?”
“Not much” He sighed tiredly, scratching the back of his head. “Just that she’s really smart and always manages to leave before any of our men can make it to the crime scene”
“We haven’t got one, no one was fast enough to see her”
“How do they know it’s a girl?” 
“She’s smug about her crimes and always leaves a note with lipstick on it” 
“Is she a metahuman?”
“Most likely... I-“
I looked up at him, trying to find out why he interrupted himself. He was too busy staring at something, surprised, so I followed his glance.
“Is that Y/N?” I had told him I was restless that she had disappeared.
“Yes?” It definitely looked like her, but there was something different.
Y/N had beautiful blue eyes and blond hair, but that girl… she had black hair and dark eyes. Even though everything else seemed completely identical.
“Hey, Y/N!” I called her on an instinct despite the fact that my unease didn’t completely wither.
She looked over at me and stared at us in an enigmatic way, immediately then approaching us. As she did, I quickly glanced at Joe, who watched puzzled.
“Hi there” Even though a hint of cheerfulness filled her voice, it didn’t sound like her. The sound of her voice was the usual, but her mood seemed… changed.
“Why the change?” I grabbed a tuft of her hair and was amazed by how well she got it dyed. Even though it was odd looking into her eyes and see such a different color. Looking into them made me feel different from usual as well.
“Wanted to try it, I guess” A sly grin made its way to the corner of her lips, which I found to be really enticing. “How do I look?”
“It’s an interesting change” Joe opined honestly.
“I like it” I gently smiled at her, holding her hand. “It just might take some time to get used to”
“You’re so sweet” Y/N took a step closer to me while her fingers curled up against mine.
She felt warmer than usual, because of her powers she got very cold from time to time. Even though it was the perfect excuse to hug her and/or cuddle.
“Why were you M.I.A for the last few days?” I asked, concerned, feeling Joe’s eyes over us.
“It’s a long story” She shrugged nonchalantly. “Don’t worry about it”
“Hey, Barry!” Iris approached us, lighting up her entrance with a bright smile. “Hey, dad”
“Hi, baby” Joe kissed her daughter on the cheek and I mumbled a greeting that I accompanied with a smile of my own.
I noticed how Iris had immediately noticed Y/N’s change of look and opened her mouth to comment on it, probably to complement it. But then my girlfriend piped up.
“I have to go, Barry” Without thinking twice, her arms flew to my neck and she pushed my nape until we ended up in a lip lock.
The kiss that followed was very passionate and ardent. Very dominant from her part, which usually wasn’t as much. She could be dominant at times for flirting sake and for her own fun, but… There was something going on with her for sure.
Besides, I knew when I kissed her. Something was different about her, almost like she wasn’t herself.
I softly broke away seeing as she didn’t mind that we were in public and probably becoming the center of attention. But I did.
She just shrugged it off and left without a word.
“Is it just me or is Y/N behaving strange?” Joe had his eyes wide open.
“What’s gotten into her?”
“She didn’t call me ‘Bar’” I mumbled in suspicion. “And Y/N never calls me Barry”
The next day, when Y/N walked into Star Labs, the three of us turned silent. I had mentioned my doubts to Cisco and Caitlin, they had agreed that something strange was going on with my girlfriend, just like Iris did.
“Hello” She mumbled, her eyes falling over us and analyzing our behavior just like we were hers.
“Hi” Cisco piped up, seeing as neither Caitlin nor I spoke up. “Barry wasn’t joking when he said you were trying an extreme makeover”
Y/N, who still was blond and with black eyes as Cisco observed, smirked.
Our friend took a step closer to her, flinching a little bit, and placed a hand on her shoulder.
“I personally like it” As he finished the sentence, Cisco got pale and shut his eyes tight.
“Cisco, are you okay?” I quickly went to his side and held his arm seeing as he seemed a little unstable.
I know that look on his face, we all did. He had just vibed something, more likely about Y/N.
“Yeah…” He whispered, taking a deep breath and staring at Y/N in an enigmatic way.
“You look dizzy” Y/N mumbled, that hint of smugness that was on her lately remaining on her features as she glanced at him. “Did you have something to eat today?”
That was the definite proof that the person standing next to us wasn’t Y/N. First of all, she knew better than to ask Cisco that, knowing his sweet tooth. But second of all, she should have known that he wasn’t dizzy. He had vibed something.
The three of us noticed that but none said anything about it.
“No…” Cisco hesitated, eyeing her up and down. “Would you mind getting me something to eat, Y/N?”
Y/N just shrugged and left the room. Not that she looked too worried about his wellbeing anyway.
“I vibed her” Cisco confirmed our suspicion. “That is definitely not our Y/N”
“Then who is she?” Caitlin whispered, keeping an eye on the entrance to make sure the fake Y/N didn’t come back.
“I don’t know”
“Well, we need to find the real Y/N” I was starting to get scared for her.
“And how are we gonna do that? She’s not picking her phone, is she?”
I sighed restlessly. 
I would search the entirety of Central City looking for her, tell Joe that she went missing, do anything in my power to look for her. I’d do anything to find her. Just as long as I got her back safe and sound.
As soon as Y/N left on her own, the three of us began discussing what could have happened to her. Who was that impostor and where was the real Y/N.
We had to wait a long time, because we didn’t want her –whoever she was –to think that we suspected her even though we definitely did. In the end she got bored of our working routine and walked away from Star Labs.  
Then we exposed our hypothesis about what could be happening. That could be some sort of evil twin –Cisco’s suspicion- or her Earth 2 doppelganger, or just Y/N herself, but that meant that something had changed her. 
I preferred to believe that my Y/N was somewhere in Central City, that she was alive and okay. That I would get to see my sweet, playful and lovely Y/N again and hold her one more time.
So, with the help of my friends, I went on a mission to find her. I told Joe to keep an eye on any news the CCPD might have about it, I warned Oliver and his team just in case she made an appearance in Star City or anywhere around, and I travelled everywhere at super speed looking for her.
Yet no one managed to locate her whereabouts and we had no clue of her for a few days. 
Until she randomly appeared in Star Labs.
Caitlin, Cisco and I had been doing our research, focused in our work, when she walked in. Just as cheerful and beautiful as always.
Even if I wouldn’t believe it was actually her until I wasn’t completely sure.
I could never explain what had happened to me during those few days. It was definitely something mysterious and crazy that Bar and the rest would relate to. Some time travelling, multiverse kind of wacky event. Almost like it happened inside my head, in a dream perhaps. But something told me that it was very real.
Hoping my friends would have answers and would help me piece together the hazy memories from my strange trip to multiverse town and explain how the hell it had happened, I went back to Star Labs.
I smiled to myself when I saw the three of them, working hard and with their eyes focused on Cisco’s screen.
“Hi!” I greeted them cheerfully, making them turn their heads to me sharply.
I immediately noticed their reluctance, their… fear, almost. They looked at me like I was someone else, like they didn’t recognize me.
“What’s going on here?” I cautiously took a few steps forward, analyzing their reaction. “I’m not a ghost or anything”
Barry was the one who dared to approach me first. Even if it was obvious by his behavior that he didn’t trust me, for whatever reason. I suspected it had something to do with whatever strange events had happened to me recently.
“Is it really you, Y/N?”
“Of course it’s me, Bar!” As I spoke, throwing my arms in the air in exasperation, I noticed his lip quivering in a hint of a smile. “Who would I be, the Queen of England?”
“Sounds like Y/N” Cisco observed restlessly from his spot.
“She called me Bar” My boyfriend observed, slightly relieved.
“Sorry” Caitlin intervened, approaching me as well. Yet cautiously too. “But we have to make sure it’s you”
“Tell us something only the real Y/N would know”
“Bar’s the Flash” I spit out quickly, thinking that they would notice if I took too long to answer. “And he has time travelled and…”
“Okay…” Cisco cut me abruptly. “But that doesn’t prove anything”
“I can’t think of anything that would prove she’s Y/N” Caitlin frowned in concern.
“I do” I noticed how Barry gulped as he got closer to me. As in kiss distance from me.
He let out a barely audible sigh and held my hand tenderly. Like always, I flinched a little because my hands were always freezing. He did too when he noticed the icy touch.
I decided not to react too much as he kept getting closer because he was definitely testing something. So I let him, yet startled and hesitant.
Then he very slowly leaned in until our lips met. I gave into the soothing and warm touch of his mouth, the sweetness and softness as well as the passion.
We melted in the kiss, gently embracing each other as we deepened the contact. Barry and I only broke away when our friend cleared his throat awkwardly.
“It’s Y/N” Barry confirmed with a delighted grin on his face.
I smiled back at him, happy and relieved.
Then he engulfed me into the tightest hug we had ever shared, which was saying something. And he laughed happily.
I could almost feel how an immense weight disappeared from his shoulders as he sighed and relaxed them.
“Then who was the other girl we saw?” Cisco wondered, glancing at me. “She looked just like you, but with fair hair and dark eyes”
“I honestly have no idea” I sighed in annoyance. “This bizarre thing happened to me, I’ll tell you guys about it later”
“Can she be your doppelganger?” Caitlin asked me gravely.
“I don’t know… What is that, exactly?”
“Like, an Earth 2 you” Cisco clarified, even though I was still a bit confused.
“Like a twin” Barry explained more plainly. “Someone who looks like you but is very different”
“The multiverses, remember?” Caitlin asked me, staring at me in a way that made me frown in confusion.
“Oh, yeah” I replied, eyeing her back. “I just didn’t realize we were speaking about it”
“We need a way to find your doppelganger, Y/N” Bar told me, holding my hand. “And send her back to where she belongs”
I nodded determined and glanced directly into his eyes. The situation concerned me and made me uneasy, but watching his kind green eyes made everything better.
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