#husband cryptid
aziraphales-library · 7 months
i remember a fic where crowley accidentally became the author of a book called 'heaven might be a bookshop' or something similar but i cant remember what its called
This is...
A Guide to Fame for the Enterprising Demon by asideofourown (T)
tildeathdoustogether ok friends so i know we all joke about, like john mulaney and keanu reeves and hozier being immortals, but… i really think we gotta add anthony j. crowley to that list thelongest27yearsofmylife reblogged and said: Christ, Beth, Anthony Crowley is an increasingly popular, openly queer creator with explicitly queer rep in his work that’s really important to some people, can you not make this into a meme for ONCE in your life? tildeathdoustogether reblogged and said: you think i’m joking but.  i’m not.  l i s t e n  i did not get a history degree for nothing, i have RECEIPTS. buckle in kiddos this is a wild ride [Crowley accidentally gets a bit famous, and the internet figures out he may be a bit immortal]
- Mod D
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squidinu · 1 year
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bestfurryhusband · 4 months
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(also thanks @squidinu for the new august pic)
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llamagoddessofficial · 4 months
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Remember these asks? Well I got inspiration and….
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It’s a work in progress :)
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svsss is funny for a lot of reasons ofc but one of them to me is that if somehow there was a third transmigrator who knew that the other transmigrators were the author and a hate-fan, and their options as to who's-who were
-guy who plays a pivotal role in both versions of the story, managed to go from one of the main character's greatest enemies to his husband, single-handedly saved the realms, has all encompassing knowledge of literally everything to do with pidw
-cannon fodder villain who is somehow still alive and only does paperwork
not in a million years would they pick who's-who correctly
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grimethefrog · 1 year
All I want this Christmas is to be snuggled up in the arms of a large furry beast, safe and warm in the soft fur of my cryptid lover...
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cherrio-krispz · 5 months
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Summary: Before anyone reports this post, I got this AMA authorised by posting proof to a mod, so there. Hi, Reddit! I’m no-one special, but about 6 months ago, I moved into a flat above a cafe next door to a bookshop, and my life has never been the same since, because the man who runs the bookshop is some sort of ageless (mostly) benevolent eldritch being. By all accounts, he hasn’t aged a day since at least 1944, sometimes he seems to have just too many eyes, and I once saw him turn water into wine (a nice rosé). His coworker / best friend / boyfriend / shadow entity is also definitely some kind of cryptid, but despite trying harder to be a bastard, he’s somehow less successful at it. So, if you have any questions about what it’s like to live next door to an eternal bastard man, AMA! Or, a cryptid bastard man haunts Reddit, trying to find out how to ask out his crush of the past 6,000 years and getting downvoted to literal oblivion. Just normal stuff on the world wide web.
Author: kyaticlikestea
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sweetest-honeybee · 1 year
so, if Frank's a conspiracy guy, is he aware that he lives in a neighborhood full of cryptids or does he like, keep comedically missing them doing cyptid things like the mom in phineas and ferb. do they know he's a cryptid researcher guy and are keeping it a secret from him, or do they just assume that he knows. do they think HE'S some kind of cryptid? what's the vibe?
Okay so I think he would keep comedically missing them just because the thought of him being obsessed with it and being (not so secretly) suspicious of his neighbors and all of them just being like 🤷🏻‍♀️ at it is so funny. Like him telling Eddie everything he’s seen or heard and Eddie, who is a creature/cryptid of some kind, just being supportive like “Okay you do that :D”
Maybe it would be normal for neighbors to be outside at night in this au and Frank happened to see something a little off while checking up on something outside. Maybe doing a last minute check on his tomatoes because he heard something in the garden, and seeing this black shadowy creature with big red eyes. And a familiar long and tube-shaped head
But Howdy will just deny it when Frank goes to him and accuses him of hiding something, say he was fast asleep that night and Frank might’ve just been seeing things! I mean, what kind of creatures like that would be in such a lovely neighborhood?
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loonarmuunar · 6 months
I feel like any theories about what happened to Lucy Gray kinda ruins the intentional mystery of her. But tbh. The idea of her just being some weird old lady in 12 is hilarious to me. Nobody believes her about anything she says.
“Y’know I was the 10th winner of the games” “okay miss Lucy”
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aziraphales-library · 8 months
can u rec me any fics with aziraphale and/or crowley messing with humans? it could be pranks or stuff like that, but i like fics that write about when the people around them can feel there is something not quite human about them
You'll want to check out our #cryptid aziraphale, #cryptid crowley, and #outsider pov tags for loads more fics with this kind of theme. Here are some that may or may not have been recommended before...
The Resident Nudist of A.Z. Fell and Co. by WritesEveryBlueMoon (T)
PiperIsaNerd Ok I know we've all been distracted by Mr Fell's new nudist paramour but can we talk about the fact that Sunglasses literally got struck by lightning? brokenbibliophile I'm sorry, Mr Fell's what? - As the nude man who wandered through Soho becomes a viral sensation, rare book enthusiasts are fascinated by something far stranger: A.Z. Fell and Co.'s new assistant bookseller who is eager to actually sell books.
Big Spooky Fan by WorseOmens (NR)
A scout troop tells spooky stories around a campfire, and one ex-Londoner has an interesting tale to tell about Soho's most bizarre urban legend: AZ Fell and his antique bookshop. (Or: Aziraphale gets mistaken for a ghost)
Gift Horses by littlesystems (G)
"Mum?" "Yes dear?" "How long has Mr. Fell been coming to the bakery?"
The Sanctuary in Soho by herebewyverns (G)
Look, live in London for long enough, and nothing will faze you. It’s not that you don’t notice, of course you notice, if you went around blatantly ignoring things like this, you’d be dead and thus no longer living in London. You just… you just learn to absorb things like this and move on.
On That Note by theinkwell33 (G)
In which Basil, who has sold theater tickets in London for many years, notes with increasing distress that a certain Mr. Fell has never stayed to the end of a performance of The Sound of Music. And his friend (or perhaps enemy?) Mr. Crowley, seems to be of no help whatsoever in this matter. Or rather, Aziraphale has a long history with evading The Sound of Music, and someone decides it's about time he saw the whole thing.
Soho's Very Own Patron Saint *Cough* Cryptid *Cough* by Watermelonsmellinfellon (M)
Honey and her wife Lemon had become a part of the queer culture of Soho, and in doing so, had become part of the best - or worst, it really depends on who's asking - hidden secret ever. Soho had its very own queer cryptid! A Mr. Ezra Fell who had a spouse just as mysterious as he was, and who had been around for a very long time, inspiring the queer youth just by being himself. Honey has made the choice to digitally record this discovery for future queer people to find comfort in, because it is a story that should be shared, but only with those who will respect it.
- Mod D
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squidarts · 10 months
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'The Marriage of Bigfoot and Mothman' from The Forgetmenauts, painted with acryl colors
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bestfurryhusband · 4 months
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squidinu · 1 year
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it’s expired
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terra-tortoise · 7 months
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fully going ham with these beasts meet harte and lin theyre not registered yet and idk if they yellow is acceptable but theyre wormed into my brain (art linework from the subspecies thread, linked in both their bios)
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petite-sami · 1 year
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I just want happy feels with these two. Briar and Grayson sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g.
Briar is my OC and Grayson ('Mothman') belongs to @madericious .
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