#humour and hijinks festival
maxispremades · 7 months
Полагая, что активные женщины Эвергрин-Харбор должны держаться вместе, Тина Тинкер предложила Бесс пообщаться в неформальной обстановке стендап-фестиваля в Сан-Мишуно. Дальновидная Бесс решила укрепить полезное знакомство и приняла спонтанное предложение Тины.
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Девушки неплохо провели время на фестивале «Шутки и Забавы», от души хохоча над комедийными номерами Пенни Пиззаз.
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Бесс впервые в жизни попробовала острое вьетнамское блюдо «Фо».
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А вот и долгожданные фейерверки!
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thatoneplumbob · 2 years
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And just like that, the wedding was over.
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aurorangen · 6 months
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Lots of things happened at the Humour and Hijinks Festival! Everyone had a good laugh telling jokes, Vincent met Veronica for the first time and they had so much to talk about with cooking! And the jokesters won...meaning they can pay the rent this week without any trouble 🤣
Before the festival...
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Bodyguard: Miss Veronica, please reconsider going to this festival. It's too risky with all these people. Veronica: It's fine, I'll have it under control. Bodyguard: As you wish [sighs] I'll step in if anything happens.
Win at the Jokesters vs Pranksters festival ✅
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tulipsimss · 11 months
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Gus Apple
“Growing up surrounded by hand crafted or recycled furniture made you crave a brand new scenery. So when you aged up you moved to the big city of San Myshuno to get away from your old home. You love visiting the festivals, galleries, meeting new people, and posting about it on social media.”
Live in an apartment or penthouse all your adult life
When you are a young adult go to every Romance Festival, Humour and Hijinks Festival, Spice Festival, Flea Market and Geekcon
Upload a video using the More Views Video Station at least once a week
Have 5 good friends
Master charisma, photography and media production skills
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simmer-rhi · 4 months
Some stuff that happened...
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Christie sunbathed in the nude in her completely open back garden, it didn't give her the thrill she expected.
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At the gym, Mortimer had his first interaction with a fan. Zoe Patel just loved his book Sleeping with a Criminal. Bella has also been sniffing around, drawn in by his new celebrity status.
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Christie visited the Humour and Hijinks festival and took home a prize. We tried to do voodoo on Father Winter, but I don't think the game allows it?
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Mortimer invited his other children over, but I made sure he was multi-tasking and writing a book while he spoke to them, because we have a lot to do before this aspiration is complete.
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changingplumbob · 2 months
Romero Household: Chapter 1, Part 5
After a brief visit to the humour and hijinks festival Keira tries to teach Marta how to play chess.
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Marta’s first language is Spanish so she is teaching Keira (and me) some common Spanish words/phrases Ay dios mio: omg equivalent Buenas noches: Good evening / Good night Gracias: Thank you Hasta luego: See you later Qué?: What? Si: Yes
The couple sit down for dinner and Keira entertains Marta with stories about her day at work. The sea otters and harbour seals are some of her favourites but there is a particular cheeky walrus you have to look out for. She mostly stayed prepping food at her current level but she enjoyed feeding, even if it was slightly chaotic.
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The two make a quick stop at the humour and hijinks festival.
Keira: Sweetheart I think your hair is doing weird things to your hat
Marta: It’s worth it, I’m attached to these ponytails. Get it, attached because they’re my hair
Keira: *giggles* Someone has had to much jokesters tea already
The two go to the tables when they are joined by someone unexpected, Keira’s ex.
Morgan: So I heard you were getting married
Keira: Yes, this is Marta
Marta: Buenas noches
Morgan seems grumpy and not to keen on leaving their table so the two decide it’s best they clear out. They’re interested in their future, not their past.
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Keira: Do you know how to play chess
Marta: Si. I get my pieces to the other side of the board
Keira: Not all of them, just the pawns, and that's not the main goal
Marta: *whispers* que? Why are we talking about porn in public
Keira: Oh I’m not it- they sound similar si but they are completely different words. A pawn is one of these smaller pieces
Marta: Ah. And they move forward, si?
Keira: You got it. Let me show you the rest
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Keira: The rooks can only go in straight lines, forwards or backwards until they run into a piece
Marta: They are the hetero pieces
Keira: *chuckles* exactly. The bishops here, these pointy ones, they move diagonally. Again just until they run into a piece. If you run into a piece of yours you stop on the square before it. If you run into a piece of mine you take it and put your piece where mine was
Marta: Si. What about the pony
Keira: The pony? It’s called a knight but I kind of like pony better
Marta blushes.
Keira: Ponies… move to their own beat. They move like they’re making capital L’s
Marta: Que?
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After giving her best explanations, the two start to play but honestly Marta is more interested in flirting.
Marta: *blows kiss* two more sleeps
Keira: Aww. Are you counting down
Marta: *grins* Si! I’m looking forward to being wives
Keira: You’re so cute sweetheart
Marta: Gracias. I would make cute infants, no *raises eyebrows and pouts*
Keira: *giggles* That has never been in doubt
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The game carries on and Keira eventually wins, she does have a higher logic skill after all. But she blows Marta a kiss so who’s the real winner? Back home for bed when-
Marta: Ay dios mio! A cat
Keira: I can see that
Marta: Can we keep him carino
Keira: Since he belongs to the neighbours I’m going to go with no
Marta: *sighs* Hasta luego friend
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The next day after work Marta is bring in the washing when Tiana says hello.
Tiana: Was it you that put my washing in the dryer
Marta: No, it would have been my fiancé Keira. She was in the laundry yesterday
Tiana: Ah. I wish my husband helped out that much
Lawrence: Afternoon ladies
Tiana: Lawrence dear, how are you? How is your lovely family
Lawrence: *sighs* A handful at the moment. Roger keeps getting in spats with some other kid at school so I need to supervise pick ups
Tiana: Here is where I’m glad I don’t have kids
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Marta: Did you really never want kids
Tiana: No, never. I’m so glad I found a man who didn’t expect me to pop them out
Marta: How do you handle our neighbours infant shrieks?
Tiana: They shriek? Blessings of losing hearing in my old age, I've yet to hear them. I’ve never minded kids, I just have no desire to raise any
Lawrence: To each their own. Oh, I better go, school ends soon. Hey Marta, best of luck for your wedding tomorrow
Marta: Gracias. Hasta luego Lawrence
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Keira has been working hard and burnout is threatening, luckily she has the wedding and honeymoon to slow her down. Sitting down for dinner she notices something strange on the floor… a cursed book? Weird. Must be a landlord problem.
Keira: Panya? Yes it’s Keira Foster from 2 Dockyard Way. Could you come and check some things? Thanks
Marta: What was that about
Keira: Just calling the property owner to come check out that book
Marta: What bo- ay dios mio! Que? Where did it come from
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Keira: I don’t know, maybe I should just toss it before the property owner shows up so he doesn’t think we’re hysterical
Marta: Que? No! You cannot get rid of it. It could hurt you
Keira: What? It’s a book
Marta: But the glow, it’s cursed. Leave it for Panya por favor.
Keira relents and when Panya shows up she invites him in to check the thing out. He assures her he will deal with it and takes it out of the unit.
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Keira: Oh come on! That score can’t be right. You’re using a mod or something
Joey: Can’t do mods on console, you just need to up your skills
Keira: Whatever. Don’t be late tomorrow *disconnects*
Marta: I gather you didn’t win
Keira: Not this time. I suppose we had better go pack
Marta: *smiles* for the honeymoon
Keira: I’d offer to do it in the morning but I know you’ll want to pack your own suitcase
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Marta: Si. Just think, this time tomorrow… we’ll be married
Keira: You still won’t let me see your dress?
Marta: No. I want you to have surprises carino
Keira laughs and pulls Marta into a dip, raising her hand for a kiss.
Keira: Te amo sweetheart
Marta: Te amo carino
And so the two spend a few hours ensuring everything is packed for the honeymoon then lie down and try to sleep while bubbling with excitement.
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ice-creamforbreakfast · 4 months
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With their homework and scouting duties out of the way, Elio, Allan and Naomi were allowed to visit the Humour and Hijinks festival, accompanied by Uncle Emilio. Aside from a faulty firework, they had a lovely time.
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alxandergoth · 2 years
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⭐️ humour and hijinks festival!
jokesters were victorious 👑
light 3 fireworks at the humour and hijinks festival: ✓
hattie has a big fat crush on dina but you didn’t hear it from me
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bastardtrait · 8 months
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no. dare i. dare i hit em with the QUADRUPLE CROSSOVER? yes. shout out to the sandwich save which did us all a favour and corrupted itself. pumpkin spice is by the icon @simsandgiggles I’m sorry I didn’t really get to use him much but mayhaps it is for the best.
Humour and Hijinks Festival - Arts District
IAIN, aside: That…man is…green. Really green.
IAIN: … BLT: …
PUMPKIN SPICE: Hey! Earth to Benjie. The festival stuff is starting! BLT: (chuckles) Yeah, sorry Pumpkin, I was just distracted.
IAIN: Hey Crow! There sure are a lot of gay people in San My huh. CROW: Oh baby did you just notice? Oh my darling.
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pixelatedollhouse · 22 days
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Eventually she stumbles upon the Humour and Hijinks festival taking place in the art quarter, so Persephone seizes the opportunity to create a little mischief.
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The Dom(ino) Effect: Week Three
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Simoleons: 6.055k (Dom acquired a she-shed, so more money was made than suggested.)
LEVEL 8: Mischief (finally! 🎉) LEVEL 5: Charisma, Gardening LEVEL 4: Handiness, Logic LEVEL 3: Comedy, Cooking, Fabrication, Fitness, Singing, Photography LEVEL 2: Dancing
Aspiration: Live Fast (HSY) - Risky Business (Level 2)
❌Ask a Sim out on a Date 5 Times (4/5) ✔️Start a Fight ❌Summon an Urban Myth Twice
Pro Tip if you're working on MISCHIEF and HANDINESS skills at the same time? Prank toilets, break them, then repair them. Wash (literally too, you'll get stinky) rinse repeat. Same deal once you reach Level 5 and can clog sinks.
Also the Humour & Hijinks festival happened so with the help of some highly suspish purple tea and then late Sunday evening TROLLING TEH FORUMS (Dom fished up and repaired a dumpster laptop), we finally got there.
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Date No. 2, Electric Boogaloo was again with Morgan. In spite of otherwise getting along, she didn't enjoy any of Dom's jokes or mischief interactions (interesting choice to be a Renegade then, especially considering that she's also GOOD) . Since humour is a major way in which Dom bonds with people, they agreed to cool off things.
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See? They're already so much happier.
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Dom even got the opportunity to poach someone else's order of a scone - probably rightfully belonging to the dude currently looking over her shoulder. Oddly this doesn't seem to count as theft in-game, which is a shame as Sims (justifiably) reacting irately would be hilarious.
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This was also the week where I put more stringent money-making rules in place. The dash voted Master Maker, so it is was off to the Greenburg's to put Dom's shiny new ALWAYS WELCOME reward store trait to use and mooch their free food and fabricator.
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Results were not unexpected.
I say that Dom was mooching off the Greenburgs but to give her credit, she does have some concept of fairness and paying it forward. So the produce you see in the garden behind her is what she planted as a kind of 'thank you.'
Two other dates happened this week with Molly Prescott and Zhafira Cahyaputri (who is super pretty and I don't know why the Simternet isn't raving about her more) but in spite of Zhafira's DASTARDLY trait, there wasn't a strong connection with either.
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babypeachx · 3 months
To celebrate the beginning of their new careers, Anahi and Brennen went to check out the Humour and Hijinks festival!
Brennen joined the Jokers, while Anahi joined the Pranksters!
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Anahi had a lot of fun practicing Voodoo, while Brennen gave stand-up comedy a go...keep trying Brennen!
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The Pranksters won!
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thatoneplumbob · 3 months
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The Whimsy’s love attending the Humour & Hijinks festival but this one was quite short since Alex’s butt hurt!
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bobapplesimblr · 5 months
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Mother Danna called to invite us to the Humour and Hijinks festival. Lys agreed, allbeit reluctantly.
They don't have the best relationship, but hey, it was another excuse to go out and see the city!
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hellgirl-ix · 8 months
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Festival Humor e Travessuras 🧨✨️
Humour and Hijinks Festival 🧨✨️
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simmer-rhi · 4 months
Starr and Orion, our social siblings, invited some school friends along to the Humour and Hijinks festival, a chance for ticking off some aspiration milestones.
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Unfortunately, Starr wasn't at the top of her game, these teenage mood swings are intense!
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Orion saw Sidney, and fell head over heels in crush. Orion is that guy that makes fun of you to show he likes you - and luckily Sidney likes mischief, so it's a match made in heaven!
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