#human subrace
i made a dnd character. perceive my boy
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so basically his deal is that he’s a blind ex-pirate captain, he’s cursed as fuck because he lacks impulse control, and he’s a 128 year old human (don’t even worry about it).
he’s attempting to infiltrate and stop a cult with the help of a tiefling “time witch” sorcerer noble, a lizardfolk druid who journeyed across a desert and an ocean to escape her past, a half orc barbarian (who is now a werebear. again don’t worry about it) trying to rescue her kidnapped daughter, and a human fighter ex naval officer who kills pirates on sight.
more info about him under the cut
personal info
height: 175cm
weight: 170lbs
skin colour: light, ashy grey-brown (like the skin of someone who isn’t entirely alive)
eye colour: milky white
hair colour: black with grey streaks
personality traits
Extremely loyal to people he deems as his crew, especially when he perceives himself in a leadership role to them.
You are very direct and usually speak your mind without worrying about the feelings of other people. 
Ambition. Everyone wants things, I am just better than most at getting them.
Being hunted by dead crew
Connected to the cursed ship
You are very impulsive and often act before thinking through the consequences.
one of the older children born to a large family. grew up near the docks on the edge of the city. had poor eyesight from a young age. his parents were merchants who had many dealings with the thieves guild due to their success with smuggling. isaac often worked with the smuggling side of the family business, giving him good connections to the thieves guild and skills with handling a ship and managing a crew. as an older teen he left his family and joined a new ship, The Umbra. he took over from the captain after killing the creature that had killed the captain and possessed their body. the umbra spent the next 9 years attacking military ships, earning isaac a large price on his head, and hunting for legends. after 9 years the umbra found their greatest legend, the ghost ship known as the pandora, and it killed the whole crew except isaac, trapping everyone’s souls aboard. isaac lost what remained of his sight to the darkness, and was cursed to sail the ghost ship and his undead crew through the night, searching for the escaped spirit of hope, and to kill the undead crew of the pandora every morning. after 100 years, isaac came close enough to capturing hope that it gave some of himself to him, giving him the resolve to be free he lost when the pandora took him. he escaped and found his way back to the city he was raised in, finding it completely unrecognisable 100 years later.
ghost ship lore
a ghost ship that sails the waters of the Archon Knout sea, both on the surface and in the underdark. any who tries to take the helm will replace the cursed captain, and their companions will be added to the pandora’s undead crew. the pandora sails forever lead by their lantern wielding captain, on an endless mission to recapture hope. during the night it sails the seas, its image shimmering under the moonlight. during the day it sails through the underdark as the undead crew attempts to kill their trapped captain. each night the felled crew rises again, desperate to complete their mission.
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del-uxie · 8 months
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against my better judgement ive started playing the first baldurs gate. this is my helf [drow] shapechander druid isodore . he likes being a werewolf and cock
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pennyblossom-meta · 5 months
A short study on the origins of Gale Dekarios
Going through some game information and Forgotten Realms lore, I found some interesting tidbits about the possible origins of Gale and the Dekarios clan. So, what do we know?
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After finding Tara in Act 3, there's a dialogue tree (as of yet still bugged 08/12/2023) where Gale tells us that his surname comes from his mother, Morena Dekarios.
Gale: (...) Courtesy of my mother, the inimitable, dare I say it, sometimes unavoidable, Morena Dekarios.
There isn't much to go on from this. Other than a brief mention that Gale's parents denied him a kitten, we don't know where his father is or what happened to him. Indeed, the surname Dekarios could be inherited from Gale's mother or even his father's side — and for the latter we can assume Morena took on the surname sometime after marrying Gale's father, thus becoming her son's main reference for the rest of the clan upon her husband's absence/death.
That being said, I can't find anything about the Dekarios surname within DnD lore. What we do know, is that Gale's clan is scattered far and wide, perhaps even beyond the Sword Coast.
We also know that Gale is of full human heritage, at least from his closest ancestry.
Now, let's dig in a little deeper.
There are several human ethnicities throughout Faerûn.
As of DnD 3.5, there are seven major ethnic groups widely recognised: the Calishites, Chondathans, Damarans, Iluskans, Mulan, Rashemis, and Tethyrians.
However, as of DnD 5E, the Player's Handbook adds that there are actually nine major ethnic groups in Faerûn, including the Shou from Kara-Tur and the Turami who are native to the southern shore of the Inner Sea. In 3.5E, these groups just receive a brief mention, while in 5E there's more of an attempt on expanding their lore.
Note: If you're interested in knowing more about the different ethnic groups in Faerûn, I would suggest reading the Forgotten Realms: Races of Faerûn (2003), the 3.5 Player's Guide to Faerûn, the 5E Player's Handbook and the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide.
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Here's a useful map of Faerûn from 3.5E.
It's actually the 3.5 Player's Guide to Faerûn and Forgotten Realms: Races of Faerûn that gives us more in depth information about which communities have a major presence in different areas of the Sword Coast.
For example, while Gale and his mother live in Waterdeep, we don't know whether they moved to the city when Gale was a child or, perhaps, his parents always lived there. Perhaps generations of Dekarios lived in Waterdeep — including Gale's aunt Agnes.
Without further information, it's possible that the Dekarios clan even has their ancestral roots beyond the Sword Coast. Who knows?
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According to 3.5E, the recommended human subraces in The Sword Coast are the Illuskan and Tethyrian.
In Waterdeep, it's the Chondathan, the Illuskan and Tethyrian.
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Given what we know of Gale, lorewise, what would be the most accurate ethnicity for the Dekarios clan? Let's see what the handbooks say about the three major groups in Waterdeep.
The Chondathan
Races of Faerûn (2003): (...) Although Chondathans make skilled mercenaries and cunning rogues, Chondathan culture, has not encouraged study of the Art or great religious fervor. Notable exceptions exist, particularly in the study of the Art among the Netherese influenced Chondathan cultures that lie north and west of the Inner Sea.
(...) Those Chondathans who dwell north and west of the Sea of Fallen Stars (except in Sembia) are more likely to have blue eyes and have fairer complexions and darker hair than those born in the South, evidence of a Netherese heritage. In Chondath itself, particularly in the lands bordering Sespech, a significant Shaaran influx in recent centuries has given many natives of Chondath more of an olive skinned hue.
(...) Chondathan Society (...) As Chondathans place a high value on book learning, many receive some amount of schooling while growing up.
(...) Animals and Pets (...) Chondathans favor small felines as pets and hunting companions (...). Tressyms are highly favored by those who can afford them, as are lynxes.
3.5E: Descended from the natives of the Vilhon Reach, these hardy folk have spread to settle most of the western and central Inner Sea region and much of the Western Heartlands. Chondathans form the primary racial stock of Altumbel, Córmyr, the southern Dalelands, the Dragon Coast, the Great Dale, Hlondeth and both shores of the Vilhon Reach, the Pirate Isles of the Inner Sea, Sembia, and Sespech. They are slender, tawny-skinned folk with brown hair that ranges from almost blond to almost black. Most are tall and have green or brown eyes, but these traits are hardly universal.
The Chondathan domination of central Faerún came about largely by virtue of extensive trade and settlement rather than by force of arms. Many Chondathans are merchants of one sort or another, and they are not afraid to take risks, travel, or settle new lands.
5E: Chondathans are slender, tawny-skinned folk with brown hair that ranges from almost blond to almost black. Most are tall and have green or brown eyes, but these traits are hardly universal. Humans of Chondathan descent dominate the central lands of Faerun. around the Inner Sea.
Chondathan Names: (Male) Darvin, Dorn, Evendur, Gorstag, Grim, Helm, Malark, Morn, Randal, Stedd; (female) Arveene, Esvele, Jhessail, Kerri, Lureene, Miri, Rowan, Shandri, Tessele; (surnames) Amblecrown, Buckman, Dundragon, Evenwood, Greycastle, Tallstag
The Illuskans
Races of Faerûn (2003): (...) Wizards are rare in Illuskan society. They are widely feared and assumed to be in some way affiliated with the Arcane Brotherhood. Of those who do study wizardry, perhaps the most common specialization is the school of Evocation. Sorcerers and bards are more common among Illuskans, as many Illuskans have a trace of draconic ancestry in their heritage.
(...) Illuskans are not inclined to keep animals as pets, companions, or familiars, as relatively few species are native to Ruathym or nearby islands. Goats, sheep, and geese do better in the cold Illuskan lands than do cattle, swine, or chickens.
3.5E: : The seagoing, warlike people of the Sword Coast, North, the Trackless Sea, and the Desarin river valley, Illuskans are tall, fair-skinned folk with blue or steely gray eyes. Among the islands of the Trackless Sea and Icewind Dale, their hair color tends toward blond, red, or light brown. On the mainland south of the Spine of the World, however, raven-black hair is most common. Iluskans are proud, particularly of their ability to survive in the harsh environment of their northern homelands, and they regard most southerners as weak and decadent. Illuskans make their livings as farmers, fishers, miners, sailors, raiders, skalds, and runecasters.
5E: Illuskans are tall, fair-skinned folk with blue or steely gray eyes. Most have raven-black hair, but those who inhabit the extreme northwest have blond, red, or light brown hair.
Illuskan Names: (Male) Ander, Blath, Bran, Frath, Geth, Lander, Luth, Malcer, Stor, Taman, Urth; (female) Amafrey, Betha, Cefrey, Kethra, Mara, Olga, Silifrey, Westra; (surnames) Brightwood, Helder, Hornraven, Lackman, Stormwind, Windrivver
The Tethyrian
Races of Faerûn (2003): (...) In recent centuries, these disparate groups have gradually coalesced into a relatively new ethnic group known as Tethyrians, occupying a vast territory stretching from Calimshan to Silverymoon and from the Sea of Swords to the Sea of Fallen Stars. After centuries of enslavement and oppression by one group or another, Tethyrians are fiercely independent, protective of their freedoms and suspicious of threats posed by powerful kingdoms and empires. Given their disparate ancestry, Tethyrians have never developed a unique language of their own, instead adopting the language of the latest wave of conquerors or refugees. Today most Tethyrians speak Chondathan.
(...) Outside Calimshan, many Tethyrians are craftsmen or caravanners, while others find employment as mercenaries in the employ of other realms. Tethyrians make skilled fighters and rogues, reflecting the struggle to survive successive waves of conquest and generations of warfare. Tethyrian culture has a long tradition of bardcraft, reflecting the absence of a Tethyrian empire at any point ni history and the corresponding reliance on itinerant bards to preserve and spread Tethyrian oral history.
(...) Tethyrians view life as a struggle to be survived through ties to Family, clan, and tribe. To a Tethyrian, freedom is the most precious gift, and the enslavement of another is the greatest sin.
(...) The paths of the loremaster and archmage are both attractive to Tethyrian wizards.
(...) Aside from bards, Tethyrians have not traditionally had access to book learning, although those who do are much esteemed by their peers.
(...) Familial, clan and tribal bonds require that adults look out for one another, so the elderly and those who cannot earn their keep turn to relatives and friends for support.
(...) Tethyrians have strong arcane and divine spellcasting traditions: Bardcraft is revered, and many master bards are of Tethyrian stock. The varied mature of Tethyrian heritage has produced many sorcerers as well. Likewise, the strong influence of Calishite and Netherese cultural traditions has echoes in the large numbers of Tethyrian wizards, although most learn their craft through a traditional master-apprentice relationship, not by attending a formal school.
(...) Animals and Pets (...) Tethyrians are partial to canines, particularly those bred for herding, hunting, or working. Falcons (treat as hawks) and swamp ferrets (treat as weasels) are commonly employed in hunting and often serve as familiars. Ravens are also favored as pets or familiars, particularly in the vicinity of the High Moor.
3.5E: The Tethyrian culture is a melting pot of Calishite, Chondathan, Illuskan, and Low Netherese elements. This unique background makes Tethyrians among the most tolerant, though fiercely independent, ethnic groups in Faerûn. They inhabit a vast territory stretching from Calimshan to Silverymoon, and from the Sea of Swords to the Sea of Fallen Stars. Tethyrians are of medium build and height, with dusky skin that grows fairer the farther north they dwell. Their hair and eye color varies widely, but brown hair and blue eves are the most common. Tethyrians are proud of their diverse heritage and protective of their freedom, so they tend to distrust powerful kingdoms and empires.
5E: Widespread along the entire Sword Coast at the western edge of Faerun, Tethyrians are of medium build and height, with dusky skin that tends to grow fairer the farther north they dwell. Their hair and eye color varies widely, but brown hair and blue eyes are the most common. Tethyrians primarily use Chondathan names.
After analysing these descriptions, I would say that it makes sense that Gale Dekarios can be of either a Chondathan or Tethyrian heritage — though I'd venture a guess that there's a fair mix of both.
Given that the Dekarios clan is "scattered far and wide", it could imply that they're of a mercantile affinity (Chondathan) and thus have settled in various cities along the the Sword Coast and beyond for trade purposes. Further migration patterns veering west, towards the Sword Coast, and an affinity for magic that can be related to Netherese ancestry (Chondathan and Tethyrian) are valid backgrounds for what we know of Gale.
Some things to consider:
The Tethyrians have more of a natural arcane leaning than the Chondathans (Gale was casting accidental fireballs at the age of 8, among other funny accidents).
The Tethyrians form strong familial and clan bonds (Gale has strong ties to his mother, is very family oriented).
Gale has more of an olive skinned hue, brown eyes and hair, as the combo is more common with the Chondathans ethnicity in contemporary Faerûn. It speaks of a Mediterranean background, if we were to compare it with Earth.
The Chondathans also have an affinity with felines, while the Tethyrian veer towards employing animals for hunting and favor birds of prey as familiars.
The Chondathans place a high value on book learning.
Both ethnicities have ties to the Netherese, which creates a compelling narrative device — especially after Gale's fallout with Mystra due to the Netherese orb incident. However, opportune irony aside, I think that what we see of Gale points to a mix of both heritages and that they reflect different sides of him that go beyond ethnicity, as they also affect his background from a socio-economical standpoint.
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here-there-be-drag0ns · 2 months
Okay I have had this theory for months but I never actually laid it out before now. However it's well past time I actually do that considering episode 115 all but confirmed its truth (theres still wiggle room for me to be wrong, but honestly not much)
The thing that originally made me go Hey Wait A Damn Minute was the visions of the original prophecy and its history that gillion got from that tree: "Another flash, and you see these red-haired olympian looking humans and elves and all kinds of different races that are flying with their own wings". And I heard that and thought about how much that sounds like aasimar, and then the weird dreams jay had and then captain widow insisting she has powerful blood and then star saying she sensed divinity on jay and then the whole ferin family's affinity for fire magic and everything just clicked into place.
Then in episode 114 we got the recording of Faye Ferin saying "hail the solar mother" and i was like no fucking way- BUT i set it aside because it felt like I could be reaching with that evidence. It could just be a religious phrasing, not necessarily something literal.
Then episode 115 happened and I got confirmation of my theory.
Grizzly doesn’t outright say "yes the ferin are aasimars”, but he gives us all the last few pieces of the puzzle.
Here's a link to the episode that should start where the confirmation is - the two tablets: https://youtu.be/M9ig9XCUrvU?si=oYdisYFxTqx6ogbb&t=868
Transcript of the tablets: Tablet One: Shards of the divine, these words are for you and you alone. We are descendants of the sun. Thus, we are the light - the beacon that will eradicate the dark. We are the flame to which all will yield. We are the shining justice that will always prevail. Our steps illuminate the way forward and our hands spark the tales of history. Tablet Two: Shards of the divine, these words are for you and you alone. Know your kin, recognized by the manes of flickering flame, wings that rival dragons, the golden suns in our eyes. Unity is the key to prosperity. Our elders will raise generations that burn with vigorous radiance.
The thing that confirmed it outright for me is literally the line "We are descendants of the sun", because there are no ifs ands or buts about it - aasimar are descended from celestials. The aasimar entry for Monsters of the Multiverse states "Whether descended from a celestial being or infused with heavenly power, aasimar are mortals who carry a spark of the Upper Planes within their souls." the tablet Jay stole from her grandmother is written in celestial, and says they are descended from the sun(aster), ergo, descended from a celestial.
Next up is the whole "Thus we are the light - the beacon that will eradicate the dark. We are the flame to which all will yield. We are the shining justice that will always prevail." bit. The entry for Protector Aasimar (the subrace i believe Jay fits best) in Volos Guide to Monsters reads "Protector aasimar are charged by the powers of good to guard the weak, to strike at evil wherever it arises, and to stand vigilant against the darkness."
Then there's "Our steps illuminate the way forward and our hands spark the tales of history." Which then in the MotM entry it says "aasimar are mortals who carry a spark of the Upper Planes within their souls. They can fan that spark to bring light, ease wounds, and unleash the fury of the heavens."
THEN THERES THE REAL FUCKING GIVEAWAY!!! THIS LINE: "Know your kin, recognized by the manes of flickering flame, wings that rival dragons, the golden suns in our eyes."
MotM says "They resemble their parents, but … often have features that hint at their celestial heritage." and VGtM says "They are a people of otherworldly visages, with luminous features that reveal their celestial heritage."
The tablets are, of course, not my only evidence.
the ferins arent born with The Ferin Eye as revealed by Jay having to earn hers and Drey talking about when he got his. "now icarus," i hear you say "wouldnt that mean they dont actually fit the celestial features requirement?" and to that i answer "NO! IT IN FACT FITS IT BETTER!"
In discussing aasimar celestial features, MotM says "These [features] often begin subtle and become more obvious when the aasimar gains the ability to reveal their full celestial nature." Jay didn’t have the Ferin eye until she earned it and its subsequent abilities. And we all remember how she earned it, right?
A weird ass fucking dream.
Now let’s look at that. According to VGtM “An aasimar, except for one who has turned to evil, has a link to an angelic being. That being … provides guidance to the aasimar, though this connection functions only in dreams. As such, the guidance is not a direct command or a simple spoken word. Instead, the aasimar receives visions, prophecies, and feelings.”
In Jay's first sun dream (Juice Roll With It // Episode #88), Grizzly describes the sun and says "You feel like its presence is trying to reach you. And as you notice, you feel almost like you want it to.”
And then the core of the dream itself:
Grizzly: “Do you think Jay can withstand this impossible heat of the sun as you get just barely one step closer?” Condi: “I’m gonna say no… but she would try anyways, if that is, like, what the feeling is kinda giving her, you know?” Grizzly: “This powerful presence, as hot as it is - you can’t help but think of your sister. You can’t help but think of your friends. But then, you think of your mother, and then you think of your father, and then you think of your grandmother” (makes condi roll con save with disadvantage, condi got an 11) “with an 11, you take that step forward, but this overwhelming pressure, anxiousness, fear, handcuffs your spirit, closes your mind, and you just feel the heat of the sun overcome you. And you are jolted awake back in the reality. … but you know that in this dream you lost. You lost to the heat.”
Then the second dream (Happy Wife Happy Life // Episode 102), where the sun is hotter and larger than before and excruciatingly painful:
Grizzly: “You just can’t help but stare at it with both eyes wide open. And behind you you feel another heat.” (Condi asks if Jay can see this heat or if Jay is too focused on the sun) “You know that this heat signifies that backing away and falling is not an option this time. But as you look at the sun, you once again think about your family: your mother, who said she was sick; your father, who called you naive; your grandmother, who threatens the safety of your friends. You think of your friends. So I ask again, this time: do you think Jay can withstand that heat? That pressure and that fire?” Condi: “I think as Jay is staring up at this sort of immense fireball that represents… obviously her pressure, and she feels that heat at her back… I don’t think she would look at the heat as, like, something preventing her from stepping back and falling anymore. But in this metaphorical sense - since a lot of this is a metaphor - she’d probably look at it as what she basically can’t turn her back on, what she can’t leave behind. Basically like her new hope. You know, what she wants to protect. So she’s in between this and this giant fireball. Um. And I think with that in mind she would take a step forward and, um. While maybe not fully confident in herself, she would jump into the fireball with all her might, doing her best. ... I think she can handle it. She thinks she can handle it.” Grizzly: “Fair enough. That’s all I asked. You jump in- go ahead and roll a con save with advantage.” (Condi got a 19) “You leap with almost like a raging fire of conviction even if you doubt yourself, jay. And the sun almost seems to open up to welcome you in. And at first, the searing pain of the fireball’s heat feels like it’s melting your skin. You scream until it feels like it’s melting away that doubt. And then, all of the pain subsides. There’s a calming sense that kind of overtakes, jay, in your subconscious. And it’s all white at this point - your whole vision.”
So the sun reached out to jay through a dream, as aasimar’s celestial links tend to do, and gave her a test of strength that she had to figure out for herself (“as such, the guidance is not a direct command or simple spoken word. Instead, the aasimar receives visions, prophecies, and feelings.” - VGtM). She only passed it by remembering she had people she needed to protect (“Protector aasimar are charged by the powers of good to guard the weak, to strike at evil wherever it arises, and to stand vigilant against the darkness.” - VGtM). And when she passed this test given to her in a dream: “speaking of your vision, you begin to feel a warmth behind one of your eyelids. And the next day comes as you’re the first to wake at the very crack of dawn. The sun rises, and you rise with it. And you blink a few times - you feel something different. … This time, you look into a mirror and, just like your dad, just like Drey, you see this bright orange glowing eye on one of the sides. And you feel whatever that was: you passed it.”
This, therefore, perfectly fits Jay into the aasimar’s celestial features description that “these [features] often begin subtle and become more obvious when the aasimar gains the ability to reveal their full celestial nature.” Jay had to prove herself to the goddess to earn another celestial trait.
And once more, “Icarus!” I hear you cry. “You keep saying Jay fits the Protector Aasimar subrace, but don’t Protector Aasimar have incorporeal wings that come from their celestial heritage? Jay’s wings are from a tattoo! That doesn’t work!” To which I say, “Are you sure?”
The Protector Aasimar’s subrace ability is called Radiant Soul and allows the aasimar to “unleash the divine energy within yourself, causing your eyes to glimmer and two luminous, incorporeal wings to sprout from your back.”
Jay’s wings come from enchanted tattoos with which she can cast Fly. These were a deliberate choice Jay made and are not celestial in origin. However, in the first sun dream, when Jay reaches out for the sun Grizzly says “You begin to feel the tattoo on your upper back sting.” When condi asks to clarify if it’s the Niklaus tattoo, Grizzly only says “Just the upper back.”
This, of course, leads me to believe that those dreams will or already have affected her wings in some way - perhaps leaving space for her to unlock more of her celestial heritage and power as she earns it. It’s something we’ll just have to watch and see for.
Either way the Ferins are aasimar, Jay's gonna be the first one in generations to earn their true celestial power from Aster, and i will Die On This Hill
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offurandfeathers · 3 months
Don't take this the wrong way, but you're quite large for an elf.
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"Who is to say ? Perhaps there's a half-orc buried somewhere in my ancestry ?" - Halsin Silverbough
I think there is definitely something buried deep in his ancestry. But not half-orc, as Halsin seems to think.
Specifically a human of the Uthgardt, a folk of barbarians of the North, probably of the Tree Ghost tribe.
And here is why I think that might be the case.
(tldr; at the end)
Source: Storm King's Thunder adventure module for DnD 5e, page 65:
"The Uthgardt barbarians are a black-haired and blue-eyed people - large, hale, bloodthirsty folk [...]."
It is safe to assume that the word "large" here indicates that the Uthgardt are larger than most humans, since it is one of the barbarian distinctive traits.
Uthdardt barbarian genes could explain Halsin's exceptional height and broadness, since both characteristics are uncommon for wood elves.
Source: D&D 4e Player Handbook, page 41
"Elves have little body hair [...]. "
Source: D&D 5e Player Handbook, page 21
"Elves have no facial and little body hair."
Halsin has body hair. Without being extremely hairy, he definitely has more than your typical elf. (Astarion has virtually none, in comparison; same goes for elven Tav/Durge.)
Human genes in Halsin's ancestry could explain his characteristic hirsutism.
Eye color:
Source: D&D 5e Player Handbook, page 24 , Wood elf subrace
"Their eyes are green, brown, or hazel."
Halsin has hazel eyes. But his eyes are blue hazel, rather than the green or brown hazel that is typical with wood elves. as can be noticed from this screenshot taken from the game:
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Then again, Uthgardt barbarians were known for their blue eyes!
Source: Storm King's Thunder adventure module for DnD 5e, page 65:
"The Uthgardt barbarians are a black-haired and blue-eyed people - large, hale, bloodthirsty folk [...]."
It is not so farfetched, then, that Uthgardt blue eyes turned blue hazel somewhere down the line, especially if there has been mixing with wood elves.
Family's resting place:
According to Halsin's in-game dialogue, his family as been laid to rest near the Grandfather Tree, in the High Forest.
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Uthgardt barbarians inhabited the High Forest. The Tree Ghost tribe, specifically, appointed themselves as the Grandfather Tree guardians; the Grandfather Tree became their ancestral mound, and is where some of them, if not all, are buried after passing.
Source: Storm King's Thunder adventure module for DnD 5e, page 86, Grandfather Tree:
"Buried beneath the outermost ring are the moldy bones of long-dead Uthgardt barbarians, most of them from the Tree Ghost tribe."
Perhaps Halsin's close relatives have been buried there by tradition, as were his Uthgardt barbarian ancestors.
Halsin might descend from Uthgardt barbarians, as is supported by:
his height and size
his body hair
his eye color
his family's resting place
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vhvrs · 3 months
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needed a more accurate ref sheet for these two so u r looking at that!!!! simplified some details to be less overly complex n tightened up the palettes in the process
additionally comments including previous info i dont wanna link to and way too much world info:
as b4, rick is a normal human. morticia is a half-witch - jerry is the witch bloodline in question (agony to rick bc he was hoping this was a verse beth DIDNT marry jerry when he found out). witches live in a kindve attached dimension to earth. magic shit. he likes collecting witch literature bc theyre so fucking weird n usually infused w weird magic.
rick is v nice by rick standards n also a major creep lol. the medical shit does weird most ricks out n also they think hes a pussy for caring so much abt kerping morticia safe n sane (except for x-143 on both 😘)
ricks science tends to focus on biology n hes REALLY excited by medical procedures n discovering how different soecies function. he does regular rick shit on occasion but hes kindve too lazy n comfortable to do shit morticia isnt up for too. hashtag most normal rick. used to be more dickish but he got humbled fast by the world lol. they do bicker like regular rick n mortys though. still very much has the capacity to be a normal rick if provoked.
these two are in an oc verse i have too much lore for so i could really go on all day abt the specifics but to be vague witches are a subrace of things called shadows. considered humans while humans are considered mortals. lifespans are expanded. harder to kill. witches even half witches typically have grey skin too but i needed morticia to be visibly herself. witches are the only shadows who can do magic from birth, while other shadows (its pretty much just witches, fae folk, and deathwalkers/normie supernaturals) have to learn it n usually HAVE to use channeling devices like wands while witches use their hands. magic users typically have an element they naturally are good at n can learn others - these other elements are usually what wands are for.
public displays of magical scars is considered like. uncouth. even the hand ones, thus gloves are a societal default and otherwise ur supposed to cover up or charm evidence away. rick obviously does not give a shit n it makes him stand out a LOT more than he should. bc of this, morticia is a lot more comfy around him n more confident as a result. ricks also the only person whos seen her hands ungloved bc of needing to patch her up after backfired adventures. highly personal thing in witch culture etc.
as the last scarring is also considered improper to show off bc 'only non-witches fuck up magic enough to get scarred' witches are v high-society pretentious types, usually high in the government etc. other shadows dont give a shit lol.
scars in question are all from morticias electricity magic kindve exploding on them during a really high stress situation. yewouch!
uh oh morticia goes to a mage academy. public educations kinda meh among shadows but witches have fancy magic schools. full-time magic users are called mages (pc term bc witches used to just claim it b4 other ppl started doing magic too) bc everythings complicated w shadows.
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whereserpentswalk · 7 days
You sell items to adventurers for a living. It's relatively easy to get business in a frontier city like the one you live in. You were planning on becoming an adventurer yourself but an injured leg when you were young prevented that. But because you already know how to find items, and how they should be fairly priced, so it's a good living.
Not everyone who thinks of themselves as adventurers actually are adventurers. You sometimes have to sell weapons to naive groups of kids, who have no idea what they're doing. Useally you humor them, they tend to go off into useless places with no gold to be found, an old mineshaft that's been explored a thousand times over has become famous for such things. If they seem like they'll go somewhere way more dangerous than they should, you point them to the mineshaft.
Of course, most of your business is from actual adventurers. They tend to be wanderers, foreigners, a lot of ex merchants or ex millitary, or children of nobility who cant inherent, the type of people who never had the chance to make a safe living. Most of them are nice to you, and if they're not you know how to get them to leave.
You also know how to become a protecter for the adventuring parties who need it. Your shop is basically the center of their community in this part of the city. If a spellcaster is part of an illegal religion, or performing banned practices, you know what symbols to sell them to help them hide themselves. If someone is clearly a runaway slave or serf, or from a race that's considered a monster in this part of the world, you know how the forge the right documents. There was a hobgoblin who frequented your shop for a long time, who you sold weapons to, who you had to testify in front of the city sherif was not a hobgoblin but was infact a member of a rare subrace of elf that you made up to protect him. You may have also recently made an entire fictional category of magic legally real for the sake of protecting some necromancers you know.
There are some people you never sell to. It's not considered good principle to sell to people who would gladly kill your other clients. There was a group of warriors weilding holy magic who talked a lot about punishing sinners, they came back with the heads of goblins and hobgoblins a lot, and vampires, and humans of religions other then theirs. After they started bringing in more of their freinds you cut them off.
There are people who you wished you hadn't sold to for other reasons. There was this human noble girl who you sold a suit of armor to, she had run away from an arranged marriage and joined an adventuring party so she could be as far from her parents as possible. She seemed so excited to be in a big city, to be out in the world, she chatted with you for hours about an epic poem from ages long gone that she liked. When she came back to your shop after her first quest she had turned undead, something happened in her first dungeon that changed her, her skin was pale, and her teeth had turned sharp, you just remember her shivering and trying to cry, and muttering about how cold she was. Her other party members said they were happy she was more durable like this, they didn't seem to care about her outside of that.
And of course, there's the fact that every adventurer you know, useally doesn't come back eventually. When a full party goes you can assume they left town, but when just one or two from a party is missing there tends to be one explanation. Most adventurers don't have long careers, and mortality especially high for rookies. But you don't tend to ask if anyone is dead, it's better to just assume they went home, as implausible as it may be.
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ladiemars · 28 days
I love Nor and her giant sad puppy eyes, I would love to know more about her
thank you!! have a hastily drawn nor ft. her giant sad sopping wet puppy eyes:
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+ a giant nor lore dump below the cut જ⁀➴
➸ her whole character was inspired by that one textpost that’s like, “characters with both the abject terror and desperation of an animal that knows it is cornered and destined to be eaten. you just can't get that kind of angst out a successful hunter” and this quote by james harriet: “if having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans.”
➸ she’s is the product of a union between a drow woman and a deep imaskari man. for those who don’t know, the deep imaskari are a human subrace (from 3e) that have stone-like skin and hair that’s white or black. because that’s nor’s human half, most people assume she’s completely drow upon meeting her, since did not inherit any features from her father that would make her look less like her drow mother.
➸ the deep imaskari live longer than other humans—up to 550 years—so nor ages at a rate more akin to drow and elves than half-elves or humans. nor believes she’s currently around seventy years old, though she could be off by a decade or two. she’s not sure when she was born and has long periods without human contact. she really isn’t sure how much time has passed.
➸ she has no given name, but eventually ended up going by the name ratcatcher, which is what the locals in baldur’s gate called her. halsin is the one who names her nor shortly after they meet, which is the elven word for “passion” and also “run.”
➸ this excerpt from one of my fics sums up her urchin/orphan to urban ranger/beastmaster pipeline pretty well:
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➸ around the age of twenty, nor grew to resent humanity so much that she decided to leave baldur’s gate and live in the forest with only animals for company for half a century. (this is when she lost track of time completely.) in the forest, she became an expert in survival, attuning her ears to the slightest twitch in the air, to every noise and smell. she lived in a cave and slept curled up beside velvet on a bed of willow leaves. the events of baldur’s gate 3 is the first time in decades that she’s had social interaction.. and it shows.
➸ she has a little wolfdog companion named velvet. (i’ve drawn him and her and halsin and scratch here). he was another half-breed who didn’t quite being anywhere, so they bonded very deeply. (fun fact: velvet killed the elder brain in my first playthrough as nor. he’s a legend in faerun now.)
➸ laezel is her bestie. they are ride or die. neither of them understand a damn thing about faerun or its inhabitants. but that also means they don’t judge each other for anything, cause they both just kind of assume what the other is doing is normal
➸ a big part of her character is her dynamic with the emperor. she gets manipulated by him so bad because he tells her everything a forgotten, unloved creature wants to hear: i need you, i’ll protect you, you’re not like other people, we’re a team, you can trust me, i want you to join me, you aren’t alone. it’s not until he begins to pressure and compel her to become illithid against her will she starts to fear him and his power over her, and after certain revelations she realizes he was using her and turns on him altogether.
➸ obviously she romances halsin. i love the dynamic of beastmaster/druid. they’re extremely well suited because they’re both such inherently good people and they bond a lot over their love for nature. they are also the only two people who can really understand each other’s animalistic quirks.
i’ve written some fics with her that you can read here if you’re interested. >:3c
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hitrone · 3 months
shrancher vampire au. .. ...
Listen... at first I was like, uh, I don't know? then I thought WELL, OKAY, Shran is a vampire (because he can eat Archer) yeah, cool, great, fun
he is some kind of Andorian subrace that mostly feeds on blood or something?? (I'm not very smart, I don't know how it should work)
he's like a mite you know
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but THEN I thought of a funnier option (i think)
Archer is a vampire (and vampires are a +-normal part of society as a race or a special kind of disease??idk)
and he's the first human that Shran gets to know normally, maybe he sees Archer drinking blood and thinks wtf? well okay humans are weird
And he just starts telling everyone about bloodsucking humans….and things get awkward.
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tiredmoonslut · 10 months
I didn't include human because I ran out of room but also because...😐. Seriously. Like seriously why
Vote and reblog with your subraces and classes!
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knaveofdoodles · 2 months
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Working up on finishing up the last of the races/species designs for my setting, between the fishfolk, plantfolk, and the animated constructs (plus have some various tweaks for some other races like basilisks, gnolls, and selkin)
Also: I've still yet to post anything on the draconic human subrace and the goblins (as I'm still trying to think of good race name for them)
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feraelancunin · 6 months
sorry i cant include the subraces :( besides half-drow.
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ohtobealizard · 22 days
Add on to this post
A pretty complete race sheet for the Avian race, two subraces, Songbird and Elytrian.
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Then, I did a quick minimal character sheet for what Grian would look like in this homebrew.
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There's still a lot to work on, info for the classes, and pages for the other races (Human, Enderian, Blazeborn, Feline, Canine, and Merling) but it's been fun so far!
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mmothmanners · 3 months
So I'm new to baldur's gate/DND lore, do you think that you can explain the deal with a drows red eyes in association with lolth? Cuz I also have an idea for a drow who left the underdark and no longer reveres lolth, so what do I do for his design & subrace? What did you do for ris?
Howdy Anon! So from what I remember / what I dug up of drow lore (which is all over the place in terms of concrete answers lmao) - the red is typical for them. If they've got blue/purple tinges, there's more to their ancestry? Like humans, other elves, etc. It's all very vague.
I did for Ris'daer what I do for all my characters - I just do what I think looks cute and make up the rules as I go. I usually try to stick to canon lore as a basic foundation, but like aesthetically? Gloves are off and I go nuts. Ris'daer's eyes were based off 3D glasses with Red and Blue. I just made the blue lighter and have him joke that 'the printing press ran out of colour' when creating him at that exact moment.
At the end of the day, just have fun with your stuff. It's your character, have fun!
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monasims-gallery · 1 year
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In my DnD game next session my players are *infiltrating* a fancy party, and I decided to give all the NPCs who are also OCs portraits to do some visual storytelling with them.
Characters are arranged so no one's name gets cut off as there's two different image sizes. You can tell who belongs with who with the background colors.
CC Links and Credits under the cut, for my simblr peeps
Some other fun lore and world stuff under the cut as well
Gregor Le'Chelle: Skintone, Skin Overlay(Pallor), Skin Marking, Eyes*, Hair, Hair Overlay, Ears, Eyeliner, Lip color, Blush, Earrings, Top, Undershirt, Pants, Boots
Tiffany Le'Chelle: Skintone, Ear Preset, Eyeshadow, Blush, Lipstick, Hair, Hair Overlay, Hair Pin, Earrings, Necklace**, Dress, Undershirt*** Ring
Kristoff Tele: Skintone, Antlers, Ears, Face Markings***, Eyeshadow(64), Eyeliner***, Blush***, Lip color, Lip tattoo***, Hair***, Outfit***, Sword Belt
Damian Le'Chelle: Skintone, Skin Overlay(Pallor), Skin Markings, Ears, Eyeliner, Eyeshadow***, Blush, Lip color, Hair***, Outfit,
Lucille Belle: Skintone, Ears, Blush***, Eyeliner, Eyeshadow***, Lip color, Hair, Nails, Circlet, Earrings, Top, Pants, Boots
Lucia Iuliana: Eyes, Eyeshadow***, Eyeliner, Blush***, Lip color, Necklace, Top, Pants, Boots
Trisha Le'Chelle: Skintone, Ear Preset, Body Markings, Face Markings, Eyeliner, Blush, Lipstick, Hair, Earrings, Necklace, Top, Gloves, Glove Acc, Skirt(Mesh), Shoes
Her skintone is probably either Lore or Moonlit but tray importer wouldn't tell me so I have no idea
Derayth Whitehawk: Skintone, Ears, Blush, Body Blush, Eyeliner, Eyeshadow, Lipstick, Wings, Hair, Circlet, Earrings, Shoulder Armor(desertwindchimes), Dress**, Rings, Nails***
*Used for all the elves
Many thanks to: @strangestorytellersims, @wistfulpoltergeist, @shandir, @myfawnwysimblr, @ravenpuffsims, @okruee, @btsims, @tzuhu, @lamatisse, @pralinesims, @thepeachyfaerie, @oydis, @yakfarm, @praleska, @zeussim, @crypticsim, @eggbeatersims, @northernsiberiawinds, @evilquinzel, @sforzcc, @taty86, @berryqueercc, @oranos, @mercisims, @remussirion, @regina-raven, @sentate, @boonstoww, @jewishsimming, @gilded-ghosts, @arltos, @twisted-cat, @simbience, @woodlandpalette, @ravensim, @serenity-cc, @pictureamoebae, @its-adrienpastel, @sychik, @obscurus-sims, @kaguya-fox, @shushilda, @mmsims, @saruin, @rona-sims
-The Le'Chelle's, Lucille, and Synthia are Sun E.lves
-Kristoff is a Winter E.ladrin
-Lucia and Marah are human
-Derayth is a full A.variel and Aymeric is half A.varial and half Sun E.lf
-Mayeve is a D.row
-Remiel is an A.asimar, and of a subrace specific to my setting
-Gregor & Tiffany are married, Damian & Trisha are Married, Marah & Aymeric are engaged, Mayeve & Synthia are Married, and Derayth & Lucille are married.
-Though the setting is steampunk, it's uncommon for anyone not of the Clergy to wear clockwork parts, marking Remiel as part of the church.
-A few characters are in cultural garb rather than what's fashionable in the city: Marah, Derayth, and Mayeve are all wearing more traditional clothes for their cultures.
-Marah and Aymeric swapped Holy Symbols, can you spot them?
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roguescorner · 6 months
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More Odette because I’ve been having SUCH a lovely time drawing her!!
Her personal info is below the cut <3
Name: Odette Rosencrantz (Act I & Act II) Anna Falaren (Act III)
Origin / Background: Entertainer
Race: Half-elf (Subrace: High Elf)
Class: Bard
Default Subclass: Collage of Lore
Friends in the party: Gale (romancing), Wyll, Karlach and late game Astarion.
Personal History:
Odette is an only child, born in Baldurs Gate to middle-class parents. Her mother is human, whereas her father is elven. For most of her life, her parents owned and operated a tavern and inn. Her mother headed the kitchen and the books, whereas her father handled the inn’s front desk and performed each evening. They were beloved within the small community, though the inn fell on hard times and was eventually sold to an investor. Her parents remained workers in the establishment but never made the same amount of coin as they once did.
When she was 17, she met a wealthy man named Vizan Rillyns who saw her preform. The Rillyns family, for most of their history, had a reputation for being keen investors and rather dull and uninteresting individuals. While they maintained their honor among the nobility, they were known to employ agents of the Guild to collect from their debt. He saw Odette (still Anna then) as an investment, as she had no patron of the arts, and was then brought into their house as a protégé at 17. She worked under the family until she was twenty-two, traveling with them to Neverwinter, Waterdeep and other cities within Faerun.
Because of her proximity to the family, Odette often learned too much about the behind-the-door dealings, financial debt, and secrets the family held - including a deal with a devil to secure the family's ranking and position. Given their patronage, she looked the other way. By the time in her patronage that she turned 21, Vizan had been around ten years older and presented her with anything and everything, pulling her in with riches and sweet words. He felt owed the more successful she became; without the family's patronage, she had nothing.
Odette threatened to reveal all she knew regarding the family, and he threatened to “take care of her” if she did. She left, faked her death, took a new name and changed her appearance. Vizan taught her people only ever wanted her for what she provided. If that was a song, someone to lay with - anything. People never wanted her. Thus, she became Odette, a bard extraordinaire who was always willing to provide. She laid low for several years before she began writing and performing again across Faerun. The first time she had been back in Baldurs Gate was when the Nautilus Ship had attacked, 10 years after she left.
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