#hphl character profile
unfortunate-arrow · 1 year
𝐄𝐝𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐨𝐭 𝐅𝐞𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐚 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐝𝐲 | hphl character profile
warnings: mentions of death/murder
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Full Name: Edmund Dermot Ferdia Kennedy
Nicknames: Ned, Neddy, Ed, Eddie
Name Meanings: Edmund → English, “fortunate protector” ; Dermot → Irish, “free from envy” ; Ferdia → Irish, “man of smoke ; man of god” ; Kennedy → Irish, “helmeted chief/leader.” 
Date of Birth: April 10, 1881 (at 1:02 pm)
Gender: Male ; he/him
Sexuality: Bisexual but he’s totally oblivious and doesn’t have any idea about this 
Blood Status: Pureblood 
Nationality: Irish, English
Residence: Whitethorn Hall, County Kerry, Ireland (birth to ??)
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Faceclaim: Jonathan Bailey
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Height: 5’11”
Build: Average yet lean physique
Hair: Brown hair that is usually short and put together
Eye Color: Brown
Childhood & Hogwarts: Edmund has one scar, which is a line that runs down his forehead, right between his eyebrows… courtesy of his brother, Walter.
Adulthood: None
Modifications: (glasses, piercings, tattoos, etc.) None
Other Distinguishing Marks: None
Clothing Style: Aristocratic ; neat ; jackets ; waistcoats ; linen shirts ; breeches ; trousers ; ties ; sweaters ; loafers
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Accessories: A signet ring
What’s in His Pockets: His late father’s pocket watch, his wand
What’s in His School Bag: Textbooks ; parchment with quills and ink ; his prefect or headboy badge ; ledgers ; important correspondence
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Voiceclaim: Jonathan Bailey
Accent: Irish
Dialect: Kerry English
Languages Spoken: English, French, some rudimentary Irish Gaelic
Languages Understood: English, French, Latin, some rudimentary Irish Gaelic
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MBTI Type: ESTJ — the executive 
→ ESTJs are hardworking traditionalists, eager to take charge in organizing projects and people. Orderly, rule-abiding, and conscientious, ESTJs like to get things done, and tend to go about projects in a systematic, methodical way. ESTJs are the consummate organizers, and want to bring structure to their surroundings. They value predictability and prefer things to proceed in a logical order. When they see a lack of organization, the ESTJ often takes the initiative to establish processes and guidelines, so that everyone knows what's expected.
Enneagram Type: 1 — the perfectionist
→ Enneagram Type Ones like to do things correctly and to high standards, are sticklers for rules, and pay close attention to detail. They also avoid making mistakes. To others, they appear perfectionistic, responsible and exacting. Ones are typically sticklers for rules and details, and get frustrated when things don’t live up to their very high standards – at work, in relationships or in their day-to-day lives.
Positive Traits: Dedicated, courageous, strong-willed, loyal, reliable, trustworthy, hardworking, strong leader, kind-hearted, tries his best to be kind, responsible
Neutral Traits: Direct, honest, organized, stubborn, tense, uptight, realistic, reserved, generally traditional, logical, serious, quiet, practical
Negative Traits: Inflexible, impatient, tends to fixate on things that frustrate or stress him, can be judgmental, sometimes insensitive, not good at showing emotions, 
Common Stressors: Finances ; exams ; feeling like he’s letting down his father ; his siblings
Comforting Things: His father’s pocket watch ; focusing intently on something ; his siblings ; reading ; chocolate frogs 
Interests & Hobbies: Taking stock of the family ledgers ; reading ; swimming ; running 
Description: Edmund has a reputation for being uptight and stuffy, which isn’t wrong. He can be uptight and stuffy. However, he is a hard worker and won’t back down from a fight, especially one that he deems honorable as he has a strong sense of honor. In addition to a strong sense of honor, Edmund also has a strong sense of duty and family, doing whatever he can to make sure that his family is taken care of. He’s got a serious demeanor that emphasizes his uptightness and masks the heart of gold that he has. Edmund is a kind person, with more courage than he thinks and who is guided by a sense of honor, duty, and family.
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Wand: Edmund’s wand is made of poplar wood with a phoenix tail feather core and is 10 inches with a slightly springy flexibility.
→ Poplar wands were a wood to rely upon, of consistency, strength and uniform power. The Ollivander family believed from experience that poplar wands chose witches and wizards of great integrity, and they were always the happiest when working with a witch or wizard of clear moral vision. There was a tired old joke among lesser wandmakers that no poplar wand had ever chosen a politician, but here they showed their lamentable ignorance: two of the Ministry's most accomplished Ministers for Magic were the possessors of fine, Ollivander-made poplar wands.
Other Magical Abilities: None
Patronus: Lion
Patronus Memory: His father, teaching him how to fly on a broom
Boggart: His father, commenting on how much of a failure he is as a son and a man
Riddikulus: His father’s voice fades and then starts telling cheesy jokes
Edmund smells like cedar wood, lemon, cardamom, and soap.
Edmund smells bergamot, ink, lily of the valleys, and cucumbers.
Mirror of Erised: Edmund sees himself, with his father looking on proudly. Other people come and go, but his father is always there.
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House: Gryffindor 
OWL Classes:
Astronomy — Exceeds Expectations
Charms — Outstanding
Defense Against the Dark Arts — Outstanding
Flying — Acceptable
Herbology — Acceptable
History of Magic — Outstanding
Potions — Exceeds Expectations
Transfiguration — Acceptable
OWL Electives:
Arithmancy — Outstanding
Study of Ancient Runes — Exceeds Expectations 
NEWT Classes:
Arithmancy — Exceeds Expectations
Charms — Outstanding
Defense Against the Dark Arts — Outstanding
History of Magic — Acceptable
Potions — Exceeds Expectations 
Extracurriculars: Prefect in his fifth and sixth years, headboy in his seventh year
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Affiliations: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry ; The Ministry of Magic
Age 18 to 50 - Treasury department official in the ministry of magic
Age 50 to 60 - Treasury advisor to the minister of magic
Age 60 to 80 - Head of the treasury department
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Father: Ferdia Dermot Seamus Kennedy [deceased, 1858-1892]
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Born in 1858, Ferdia was the eldest child of Seamus and Aileen Kennedy’s four children. He had two younger brothers, born in 1862 and 1865, and a younger sister, Muriel, born in 1863. Ferdia had a good childhood, growing up in Whitethorn Hall alongside his younger siblings. He started Hogwarts in 1869 and was quickly sorted into Gryffindor. He was a popular student, gaining the positions of prefect and headboy as well as playing for his house’s quidditch team as the keeper. He also achieved high marks in all of his classes, earning the reputation as a golden boy.
After graduating from Hogwarts, Ferdia followed the footsteps of his father and grandfather into politics, getting elected to the legislative branch of the ministry of magic. In addition, at the age of 22, Ferdia married Alice Fortsecue, a Hufflepuff who he had begun courting after they first met during one of the first functions that Ferdia attended as a fledgling legislator. He had fallen quickly for Alice, knowing almost instantly that Alice was the one that he wanted to marry. Shortly after their spring nuptials, Ferdia and Alice learned that they would be expecting their first child, both completely unaware that their first child was actually their first AND second child. They learned that fact on April 10, 1881, when Edmund Dermot Ferdia Kennedy was born and three minutes later he was followed by Minerva Aileen Kennedy. Ferdia adored his children and each subsequent child as Walter Irvine Seamus, Elizabeth Alice “Eliza,” Anne Muriel “Nan,” Cordelia Fortescue, Penelope Martha, and Wilhelmina Agnes “Billie” joined the family in the years between 1883 and 1892. Unfortunately, Ferdia never had the opportunity to meet his youngest daughter and child, Billie.
It was April 1892, a few days after Edmund and Minerva’s eleventh birthday. A cloaked man approached Ferdia and murdered him. The man had a novel weapon that blended dark magic with a knife and Ferdia was left to bleed out. And as fate would have it, Ferdia’s eldest two children were sort of witnesses. Minerva ran off to get help from the house, but Ferdia knew that it would be too late. Edmund, though, stayed and Ferdia did his best to comfort his son. He made Edmund promise that he would keep an eye on his younger siblings, that he would be the man of the family. Ferdia knew that it was a lot to put on his son, but he didn’t know what else to do. Ferdia could never imagine the conspiracy that underpinned his murder, one that wouldn’t be unmasked until over a hundred years later when his great-great-grandson discovered the truth behind the mysterious murders that had plagued the wizarding world through the generations.
Edmund had a really close relationship with his father. He idolized Ferdia and his father was the greatest man in the world. To Edmund’s mind, Ferdia was the type of man that he strived to become and always felt like he was falling short. Edmund misses his father every day and just admires the man so much. Ferdia’s death just cemented in Edmund's 11-year-old mind that his father was the most ideal man.
Faceclaim: Rupert Evans
Mother: Alice Anne Kennedy née Fortescue 
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Born in 1860, Alice was the only child of Elizabeth and Irvine Fortescue. She grew up in the English countryside in Suffolk, England, traipsing through the land that her family owned. Upon starting Hogwarts in 1871, Alice was sorted into Hufflepuff. She didn’t play quidditch as she wasn’t interested in the sport, but she did become a prefect and turned down the position of head girl in her seventh year. 
After graduating from Hogwarts, Alice began working as a healer in St. Mungo’s. She worked for St. Mungo’s until she was six months pregnant with the twins. In between, though, she fell in love with and married Ferdia Kennedy when she was twenty. On April 10, 1881, Alice’s first two children, Edmund Dermot Ferdia and Minerva Aileen, were born. Between the years of 1883 and 1892, Alice had six more children, Walter Irvine Seamus, Elizabeth Alice “Eliza,” Anne Muriel “Nan,” Cordelia Fortescue, Penelope Martha “Nellie,” and Wilhelmina Agnes “Billie,” with her husband. Her youngest child, Billie, was born after her husband’s death.
Alice’s life was turned upside down in April of 1892 after her husband was murdered. She was devastated… and six months pregnant. It was also, in some ways, a double whammy because her eldest son became a lot more serious and quiet. Despite this, Alice held strong for her children, only letting herself break down at night, once all of her children were asleep. After seeing all her children graduate from Hogwarts, Alice decided to go back into the field of healing. She eventually became the matron at Hogwarts… just in time to coincide with some of her grandchildren’s time there.
Edmund has a good relationship with his mother, mostly. There was definitely tension between them after his father’s death and they had moments where everything faltered, but they always managed to repair everything. Edmund loves his mother dearly, but their relationship has never been as close as Edmund’s relationship with his father.
Faceclaim: Ruth Gemmel
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Twin Sister: Minerva Aileen Kennedy
Born on April 10, 1881, Minerva is the second child of Ferdia and Alice Kennedy, three minutes younger than Edmund and a Ravenclaw. Edmund has a fairly close relationship with his twin sister, despite the fact that they are very different and yet very similar. They don’t bicker too much, although they can be quite competitive, and they also don’t spend too much time together. Edmund loves his sister, though, and he would do anything for her. He can’t imagine life without having Minerva as his twin sister.
Faceclaim: Claudia Jessie
Brother: Walter Irvine Seamus Kennedy
Born in November 1883, Walter is the third child of Ferdia and Alice Kennedy, two years younger than Edmund, and a Slytherin. Walter is a carefree soul with an athletic passion. He joins the Slytherin quidditch team as soon as he possibly can, earning the position of beater. Walter has a kind heart and big ambitions, focused on both athletics and politics, creating an interesting debate in his head that is resolved when he determines to become a politician after he retires from playing professionally for the Appleby Arrows. He’s also a bit of a prankster, with his older brother being his most common target.
Edmund has a complicated relationship with his younger brother. Walter is pretty much the complete opposite of Edmund, which can cause a bit of friction… especially when Edmund is on the receiving end of one of Walter’s pranks. Despite this, Edmund loves his brother a lot and will always have Watler’s back. Now, if only he could get Walter to back off. 
Faceclaim: Anthony Boyle
Sister: Elizabeth Alice “Eliza” Kennedy
Born in October of 1884, Eliza is the fourth child of Ferdia and Alice Kennedy, three years younger than Edmund, and a Hufflepuff. Eliza takes after her mother a lot. She’s got a really big heart and she’s always trying to look on the bright side of everything. However, she’s a bit of a people pleaser, never really knowing when to say no. Luckily, she’s got seven siblings who will say “no” for her. It takes her a while to learn that skill for herself, but eventually she finds a balance. This is helped by her decision to follow her mother’s footsteps and become a healer.
Aside from Minerva, Edmund probably has the closest relationship with Eliza. He definitely feels protective over her, but then again, he feels protective over all of his younger siblings. He’s very proud of his younger sister, though. In addition, Eliza is the one who would call him out in the gentlest manner… most of the time. 
Faceclaim: Phoebe Dyenvor 
Sister: Anne Muriel “Nan” Kennedy
Born in May of 1887, Nan is the fifth child of Ferdia and Alice Kennedy, six years younger than Edmund, and a Hufflepuff. Nan is a tough yet gentle soul. She’s got a big heart, but won’t hesitate to call out her siblings and other close companions. She finds herself named prefect in her fifth year and joined the Hufflepuff quidditch team in her fifth year as well, playing the position of chaser. She found a calling as a mediwitch, following similar footsteps to her mother and older sister, Eliza, but making it her own.
Edmund has a good relationship with his younger sister, but they aren’t close. Nan is definitely a bit of a menace to him, especially when he’s falling in love. Despite this and how much he wants to hit her sometimes, he loves his little sister very much and would never actually raise a hand (or wand) to her. 
Faceclaim: Rosie Graham
Sister: Cordelia Fortescue Kennedy
Born in September of 1888, Cordelia is the sixth child of Ferdia and Alice Kennedy, seven years younger than Edmund, and a Ravenclaw. Cordelia had always been a quiet girl, preferring to spend her time on her own and often comes across as aloof. She has a heart of gold, though, but like her oldest brother, it’s often hidden amongst other more dominant expressions. She becomes a prefect while at Hogwarts and also accidentally ends up on Ravenclaw’s quidditch team, playing chaser. 
Edmund has a good relationship with his younger sister. He loves her dearly and feels quite protective over her (and all of his younger siblings). He doesn’t have a lot in common with his younger sister, though. Cordelia has more in common with Minerva, but Edmund still tries to keep a good relationship with his younger sister. 
Faceclaim: McKenzie Foy
Sister: Penelope Martha “Nellie” Kennedy
Born in January of 1890, Nellie is the seventh child of Ferdia and Alice Kennedy, nine years younger than Edmund, and a Slytherin. Nellie was, in many ways, her mother’s daughter. She was quite similar in personality to Alice, but she’d always had ambitions that extended beyond motherhood and what was traditionally available to her. Alice always said that this drive was all Ferdia, and, in many ways, it was. However, Nellie always had a softer side. She was always quite stubborn and found her own way to pursue her numerous ambitions.
Edmund has a good relationship with Nellie. She’s his baby sister and he loves her dearly. They don’t have too much in common, and there’s a nine year age gap, so they’re not that close. However, Edmund will always have Nellie’s back and he is always keeping an eye on her, even though they’re not at Hogwarts at the same time. 
Faceclaim: Connie Jenkins-Greig
Sister: Wilhelmina Agnes “Billie” Kennedy
Born in July of 1892, Billie is the eighth child of Ferdia and Alice Kennedy, eleven years younger than Edmund, and a Gryffindor. Billie was born three months after her father was murdered and thus never knew him. Instead, her oldest brother, Edmund became a bit of a replacement, despite still being a child himself. Billie always admired her big brother, though, and wanted to be exactly like him. While she grew out of much of this, she still found similarities in their lives. However, Billie’s interests at Hogwarts aligned more with her brother, Walter’s and she joined Gryffindor’s quidditch team in her fourth year. 
Edmund has a close relationship with his baby sister. Given how much Billie admired him while he was at Hogwarts, it was hard not to have a somewhat close relationship. She followed his every move whenever he was home. Despite finding this a bit annoying, Edmund loves his baby sister very much.
Faceclaim: Florence Mitchell
Childhood: An owl named Ari 
Adulthood: TBD 
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Love Interest: Charlotte Eleanor “Lottie” Gallagher (@slytherindisaster)
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→ Story Details: TBD
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Daughter: Aurelia Mary Kennedy
Slytherin | b. December 31, 1914
Edmund has a good relationship with his older daughter. He loves his daughter very much and does his very best to assure Aurelia that she can do anything that she sets her mind to, regardless of what the world says. He is very proud of his daughter and everything that she does.
Faceclaim: Francesca Capladi 
Daughter: Cecilia Alice Kennedy
Gryffindor | Prefect | Bisexual | b. February 19, 1917
Edmund has a good relationship with his younger daughter. Cecilia is a good combination of her parents’ personalities, taking after Edmund a bit more than Lottie. He loves his daughter very much and does his very best to make sure that Cecilia knows that she can do anything that she sets her mind to. He is very proud of her and everything that she does. 
Faceclaim: Dixie Egerickx
Son: Alfred Dermot Edmund “Alfie” Kennedy
Slytherin | Keeper | Heterosexual | b. April 9, 1920
Edmund has a good relationship with his son, whom everyone says is exactly like him… which is true and does occasionally cause some conflict between Edmund and Alfie. Edmund loves his son very much, even when they do have their disagreements. He’s very supportive of his son and does everything that he can to show Alfie how much he supports him. He is very proud of Alfie, regardless of what the boy achieves. 
Faceclaim: Jacob Tremblay
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Best Friends: TBD
Close Friends: TBD
Ivy Anders ; Oliver Gerard (@kc-and-co)
Adonis Demiurgos ; Jesse Seymour (@endlessly-cursed)
Seraphina Hopper ; Adelia Selwyn (@thatravenpuffwitch)
Gabriel Sapieha (@slytherindisaster)
Acquaintances: TBD
It’s Complicated: TBD
Hogwarts Dormmates:
Bernie Brennan (@amerrymystery)
Adonis Demiurgos (@endlessly-cursed)
Oliver Gerard (@kc-and-co)
Cyrus Northrup (@ellie-e-marcovitz)
Rivals: TBD
Enemies: TBD
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Place of Birth: Whitethorn Hall, County Kerry, Ireland
Hometown: Whitethorn Hall, County Kerry, Ireland
Born on April 10, 1881 at 1:02 pm, Edmund Dermot Ferdia Kennedy is the eldest child of Ferdia and Alice Kennedy, three minutes older than his twin sister, Minerva. From the age of two to eleven, Edmund gained six younger siblings. His only brother, Walter, was born in November of 1883, with five sisters (Eliza, Nan, Cordelia, Penelope, and Billie) being born between October of 1884 and July of 1892. 
Edmund had a good childhood, prior to the age of eleven. He and his siblings were well-loved and he generally had a good relationship with all of them. Edmund had a very close relationship with his father, who he really looked up to and came to idolize. Everything changed one April day in 1892, a few days after Edmund’s eleventh birthday and the arrival of his Hogwarts letter, when his father was murdered. Ed also happened to be with his father when he passed, leaving the boy with the ability to see thestrals. 
Ferdia’s death left a lasting impression on Edmund, especially with his promise to look after his seven siblings and his mother. He grew serious and quiet, leaving his mother to grieve the boy that he had been before. It hadn’t been on purpose, but losing his father had irrevocably changed him. 
Hogwarts Years:
Upon starting Hogwarts, Edmund was sorted into Gryffindor, just like his father had been. He took the house in stride, even as he struggled to relate to many of his fellow housemates, most of whom were less serious than he was. Ed had taken on a lot of responsibility at home, in the aftermath of his father’s death, which he carried over to Hogwarts. In his fifth year, he was selected as Gryffindor’s prefect and in his seventh year, he was named head boy. 
After graduating from Hogwarts, Edmund got a job working for the treasury department at the ministry of magic. He moved up the ranks fairly quickly, but never quite reached the rank of head due to the position being a political appointment. However, at the age of fifty, Edmund was asked to become the treasury advisor to the minister of magic. He accepted the position and after his tenure was up, he was appointed the head of the ministry’s treasury department. Underneath all of this, though, Edmund kept his ears and eyes out for any notion of the man who murdered his father. He kept meticulous notes about the murders that popped up and appeared to be similar to Ferdia’s murder. Edmund had no idea that his notes would later be used by his great-grandson to reveal a conspiracy stretching back to the regency era. 
Edmund’s adulthood was generally calm… except for his foray into love. At the age of twenty-five, Alice began to provide suggestions for Edmund to marry. He went passively into this… never expecting to become friends with Minerva’s best friend, Lottie Gallagher, who was engaged at the time. Edmund never expected to fall in love with Lottie and after some complicated things, he married Lottie on November 9, 1912. Edmund and Lottie had three children together. Their daughter, Aurelia Mary, was born on December 31, 1914. Their daughter, Cecilia Alice, was born on February 19, 1917. Their only son, Alfred Dermot Edmund “Alfie” was born on April 9, 1920.
Old Age:
Edmund retired at the age of 80, after a twenty-year stretch as the head of the ministry’s treasury department. He spent most of his retirement enjoying his time, spending it with his family. He spent time spoiling and indulging his grandchildren, to a reasonable extent. He prepared Whitethorn Hall to pass down to Alfie, who could do what he pleased with the manor.
Edmund passed away from natural causes in his sleep at the age of 103, in 1984. He lived a long and fulfilled life, leaving behind three children, five grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren, never meeting his youngest great-grandson, who was born in 2000.
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Favorite Color: Navy
Favorite Food: Baked potato (with butter, herbs, and cheese)
Favorite Drink: Butterbeer, port
Favorite Weather: The first warmth of spring and the first cold of autumn 
Favorite Season: Autumn
Favorite Book: The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood
Dislikes: Bullies ; mess in his space ; wet socks and clothing ; anyone else touching the ledgers ; cabbage ; fish
Edmund had been handling the family ledgers and finances since the age of eleven, picking them up shortly after his father’s death. It started as a coping mechanism, but he found a groove in it and started to really enjoy working on them.
Edmund might have a reputation for being uptight and stickler for the rules, but it’s for a reason. He is uptight and a bit of a stickler for the rules. However, this really only began emerging after his father’s death, when he adopted the role of the man of the house that usually came to the firstborn son.
Edmund is usually dressed quite impeccably, without a hair out of place. This extends to his casual looks, which aren’t really casual by anyone else’s standards.
Edmund might not play quidditch, but he does enjoy playing the four-on-four family games, once Billie and Nellie are old enough for it to include all eight siblings. 
Edmund often fiddles with the signet ring he wears. It���s one of his nervous tics.
Edmund’s descendants include Luke Battersea.
Important Links:
Edmund’s tag
The “Grant Kennedy” tag
More information about Edmund’s children, Aurelia, Cecilia, and Alfie
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eliasmendoza · 1 year
HPHL Character Sheet - Elias Mendoza
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Oh hey hello! I would like to introduce my boy, Elias, to the world. I must point out that everything is still a work in progress, especially the plot but here we go.
Information under the cut!
Name: Rafael Elias Anastacio Mendoza y Mangubat Nickname: Elias Gender: Male Birth Date: 31 May Myer Briggs Personality Type: ISTJ Species: Human Blood Status: Half-blood Sexuality: Gay Alignment: Neutral Good Ethnicity: Asian Nationality: Filipino Residence: Laguna, Philippines / Brighton, England
Wand: Elder, Phoenix Feather, 14 1/2 inches, Hard
 The truth is that only a highly unusual person will find their perfect match in elder, and on the rare occasion when such a pairing occurs, [Ollivanders] take it as certain that the witch or wizard in question is marked out for a special destiny.
Phoenix feathers are capable of the greatest range of magic, though they may take longer than either unicorn hair or dragon heartstring cores to reveal this. They show the most initiative, sometimes acting of their own accord, a quality that many witches and wizards dislike. Phoenix feather wands are always the pickiest when it comes to potential owners, for the creature from which they are taken is one of the most independent and detached in the world. These wands are the hardest to tame and to personalise, and their allegiance is usually hard won.
A wand of [hard] flexibility is very difficult to work with and its loyalty is not won easily. Hard wands are great for complex and advanced levels of magic, so beginning wizards and witches may find extra difficulty with this wand when it doesn’t perform well for simple magic. As such, this type of wand is best suited for wizards and witches who are gifted, stubborn, and never give up. Owners of this wand also have a tendency to view things in absolutes; black or white. Some people may find them intimidating or difficult to approach.
Animagus/Patronus: Philippine Eagle
Patronus Memory: Christmas in the village with his mother
Bogart: The deaths of his friends and family in the hands of the Spanish friars and militia
Ridikulus: Lavish and hearty parties with his friends and family
Miscellaneous Magical Abilities:
Legilimency and Occlumency Legilimency and occlumency have long been hereditary powers passed down each generation of the Mendoza family. Elias was able to harness his abilities to its full potential by the time he turned 12 years old.
Animagus (Philippine eagle) It becomes tradition in the family and the village that every successor to the title of Supremo becomes well-versed in every type of magic detailed by the predecessors of the title. One part of this tradition is to become an Animagus by the age of 10.|
Wandless magic Elias, like the rest of his family, learned to harness their magic without wands at an early age. However, at Hogwarts, he was required to use a wand, which he had initial difficulty with but managed to use.
Celestial divination Every Supremo aspirant has to be a master of the art of divination. Elias’ best application of the craft is in the field of celestial divination. Living in a mountain village grants him wider access to the nightsky compared to living in the city.
Amortentia (What Elias smells like vs. what Elias smells):
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Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: Atom Araullo
Singing Voiceclaim: Josh Groban Singing Vocal Type: Tenor Height: 6'0 Weight: 175 lbs. Physique: Mesomorphic Eye Colour: Brown Hair Colour: Black Skin Tone: Tan Body Modifications: None Scarring: Scar on his right eye area from his escape with his mother from their village during the Revolution
Intelligent - Elias is intellectually gifted with a natural need to satisfy his thirst for knowledge, which comes especially handy when it comes to wanting to explore various aspects of magic.
Charismatic - Elias's gentlemanly charm and aura somehow draws people to him (even the people he doesn't care for very much *ehem Leander Prewett ehem*) but
Gentle - Around people he’s closest with, Elias comfortably shows the kind and gentle person he is. He does the same thing with his patients whenever he volunteers at the Hospital Wing alongside his mother. The head matron of the Hospital Wing once told Ma. Aurora that Elias’ bedside manner was admirable for someone his age and that could be a great Healer one day if he chose to become one because of it.
Self-Reliant - In order to help his mother worry less about him at Hogwarts, Elias self-enforces a self-reliant attitude to make sure she worries less about him. He does, on rare occasions, show light frustration about his seeming inability to indulge. On the other hand, during troubling times, he tends to close off his problems from others so that he doesn't bother others with his problems. Elias tends to repress his emotions in order to put something else that he believes is more important first like his duties to learn and to help his mother when he can. It comes to a point that he forgets that being able to be in touch with how he feels is part of taking care of himself. At worst, his emotions bottle up until they blow up and he lashes out at others.
Hardworking - In relation to his self-reliance, Elias works hard whenever he has a goal he wants to achieve. He maintains his dilligence constantly and does all that he can to make sure his goals are met ethically.
Grateful - Because he was given refuge at Hogwarts with his mother, he makes it a point to excel in his education at school as a sort of debt of gratitude for the Board of Governors allowing him and his mother to reside at the school. This “debt of gratitude” ideology and can at times push Elias beyond his limits to a point that he forgets to take care of himself.
V. ALLEGIANCES Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw Affiliations/Organizations: Ang Konseho ng Mahika ng Nayon ni Maria (Tagalog, lit. “The Council of Magic of Maria’s Village”), previously
Volunteer at the Hospital Wing (during Hogwarts years)
Curse-breaker for Gringotts
Class Proficiency: Astronomy: ★★★★★★★★★★ Charms: ★★★★★★★★★★ DADA: ★★★★★★★★★★ Divination: ★★★★★★★★★★ Flying: ★★★★★★★★☆☆ Herbology: ★★★★★★★★★★ History of Magic: ★★★★★★★★★☆ Magical Theory: ★★★★★★★★★★ Potions: ★★★★★★★★★★ Transfiguration: ★★★★★★★★★★
Electives: Alchemy: ★★★★★★★★★★ Ancient Studies: ★★★★★★★★★★ Arithmancy: ★★★★★★★★☆☆ Care of Magical Creatures: ★★★★★★★★★★ Music: ★★★★★★★★★★
Best Subject: Defence Against the Dark Arts His adeptness at martial magic can be credited to his skill and learning from back home. He uses his knowledge from then to build on what he learns now to come out with more powerful offences and defences.
Favourite Subjects: DADA, Charms, Transfiguration, and Magical Theory
Favourite Teacher: Professor Eleazar Fig. Fig has been with Elias since the start of Elias' journey in Hogwarts. In a way, Fig became a sort of paternal figure to Elias, which the latter deeply appreciated.
Worst Subjects: Flying Elias isn't bad at flying on a broomstick, but it's not his best class either. He's just meh.
Least Favourite Subject: History of Magic As much as Elias understands the importance of history in any field, the way this class is taught throws this course right to the very bottom of his list.
Least Favourite Teacher: Professor Cuthbert Binns. Enough said.
Mother: Ma. Aurora Leonor Mendoza y Mangubat Ma. Aurora is the current Supremo and shaman (also known as babaylan in Tagalog) of the village coven who taught Elias everything he knew about magic. Ma. Aurora is extremely proficient in charms, transfiguration, divination, herbology, potions, alchemy, martial magic, and most especially, healing. Medical magic has been her greatest strength as a wielder of magic.
Ma. Aurora is a single mother. Her husband Victor Saturnino Mendoza y del Rosario, died in action when he succumbed to his wounds mere minutes after being severely injured by Spanish guards in a battle to free one of the nearby non-magical towns when Elias was only a toddler. (NOTE: ”Ma.” is short for “Maria”)
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Love Interest: Sebastian Sallow
Best/Closest Canon Friends:
Sebastian Sallow
Anne Sallow
Ominis Gaunt
Amit Thakkar
Natsai Onai
Poppy Sweeting
Garreth Weasley
Imelda Reyes
Samantha Dale
Best/Closest OC Friend: Cassius Shade (made by my closest friend uwu)
OC Friends:
Daniel Gibson (@catohphm)
Maya Catapang (@sallowslytherin)
William Sherrot (@thisconfusedginger)
If you guys want to be friends with Elias, hit me up! I'd love that. Elias is a sweetheart who deserves friends. 🥹
Other Acquaintances:
Leander Prewett NOTE: Elias doesn't particularly care for Leander, to put it lightly; Leander has an unrequited crush on Elias.
Andrew Larson
Everett Clopton
Victor Rookwood
Theophilus Harlow
Cassius Shade
Amit Thakkar
Everett Clopton
Andrew Larson
Pets: Cesar, a stray kneazle he found on rainy day at Hogsmeade in Year 3.
Elias developed a liking for hot chocolate in Britain as it reminded him of tsokolate tablea from back home in the Philippines. (More on it in the miscellaneous section).
Elias is a talented musician. He's especially gifted on the piano, guitar, and the bandurria (as in Marcin Patrzalek levels of gifted). Elias also has an incredible tenor singing voice. He trained in music as a child but still plays music once in a while to release stress. He'd never admit to it, but he uses these talents to make potential lovers swoon. *ehem Sebastian ehem*
Speaking of Sebastian and music, Elias once played music for Sebastian on his guitar. He played Frederick Chopin's Nocturne Op. 9, No. 2 on the guitar because Elias thinks this song describes the joy and love he feels for Sebastian. 🥹
WARNING: Canon revisionism and mentions of the Spanish colonial period in the Philippines are in effect. If you feel strongly against it, well, kindly submit a complaint to 1-800-I-DONT-CARE.
Elias Mendoza was born and raised in the village of Ang Nayon ni Maria (Tagalog, lit. “Maria’s Village”) located in Mount Makiling in Laguna, Philippines. His mother, Ma. Aurora Leonor Mendoza y Mangubat, the current Supremo (Tagalog, lit. “Supreme”) of the coven of the village, was among the last magical users of their village and the keeper and teacher of the knowledge of the ancient magical arts of their ancestors. Ma. Aurora, his mother, acted as his teacher in the various disciplines of magic.
At an early age, Elias was capable of using magic and was able to develop his powers. Manifesting those powers and being the only child of the family meant he would one day take over for his mother and bear the responsibility in his village and his bloodline of being the next Supremo. At this time, he was taught various fields of magic that would be essential to his ascension to Supremo, such as transfiguration, potions and alchemy, divination, healing magic, caring for magical beasts, charms, and even the dark arts and how to defend against it.
Pre-Philippine Revolution
When Elias was 10 years old, the foundations of the Philippine Revolution were being put into place. This was putting everybody in danger, even the village his coven was part of. Because any sort of “witchcraft" and "magic” was persecuted by the Catholic clergy, Elias and Ma. Aurora became targets. (The erasure of these parts of the country's precolonial culture and beliefs were kindling to the motivations for the eventual Revolution in 1896.)
The village council heard that soldiers from opposing and oppressive Spanish forces against the Filipinos were planning to kill Elias and Ma. Aurora,. they decided it was best to have mother and son flee the country and seek refuge with allies abroad.
Before they left, Elias and Ma. Aurora packed some of their most valuable items and memorabilia from their house, including multiple volumes of manuscripts on Philippine magic, family trinkets and tokens, and many more. Elias also chose to save his father's glasses and use them as his own.
While they were escaping, Elias sustained an injury on the area of his right eye after he was shot at by a Spanish soldier. The soldier missed and shot a window by accident, but the glass from the window scratched Elias' face and left him with a permanent scar. His eye did not sustain any injuries.
Life in England
Elias and Ma. Aurora were taken in by their coven ally Marcelo Roman de la Iglesias y Alonzo. Marcelo is a newspaper illustrator, and Herbology author specializing in the magical properties of Philippine flora. Marcelo was also an Ilustrado, a member of the Filipino educated class during the Spanish colonial era, who was living in Brighton, England.
It took 3 years for Elias and his mom to adjust to life in England but they learned the British ways of life enough to get by from being able to use British currency to speaking basic English. To pass the time in refuge, he spent his time in Marcelo’s library, reading all the books he could find on herbology, ancient history, and everything about magic. He also helped out his mother with taking care of Marcelo’s greenhouse while Marcelo took good care of them.
Another Filipino and coven ally residing in Madrid, Fernando Realonda de Guzman, visited Elias, Ma. Aurora, and Marcelo to deliver the grave news that the village has been destroyed by the Spanish militia and that there were no survivors.
When Marcelo realized that he can no longer keep Elias and Ma. Aurora safe in his residence because rumors were afloat of the Mendozas’ survival and whereabouts in Brighton, he reached out to friends in the British Ministry of Magic and in the Hogwarts Board of Governors to help secure refuge for the mother-and-son duo at Hogwarts, believing that they will be safe at the castle while Marcelo began to pack up and move to Madrid with Fernando for the time being.
Hogwarts Years:
Year 3
When Elias turned 13, the Hogwarts Board of Governors granted refuge to Elias and Ma. Aurora, thanks to Marcelo’s connections to the school. In exchange for refuge, Elias must enroll at Hogwarts and complete his education all the way to Year 7 without failing his classes, while Ma. Aurora must use her abilities in healing as an assistant matron in the Hospital Wing.
Hogwarts sent Magical Theory Professor Eleazar Fig to help Elias adjust to western magic and even with the use of a wand. Elias only had a few weeks to learn before he, his mother, and Professor Fig departed for Hogwarts.
Elias was the last to be sorted in the Sorting Ceremony as he was the oldest and was sorted into Ravenclaw.
In the first few months of Hogwarts, he had a hard time adjusting to life at Hogwarts. Sure, he managed to even defeat a classmate (*ehem Sebastian Sallow ehem*) on his first day of class at Defense Against the Dark Arts but it was still difficult to manage using a wand. He also had a difficult time making friends as well since he entered his Hogwarts education very late. He even felt like none of the three years he spent adjusting to British life prepared him for what life at Hogwarts would be like. On the plus side of things, he was on amicable terms at first with his dormmates, which grew into a brotherhood he needed to keep going at Hogwarts.
Anne Sallow was actually one of Elias' first friends. She made the first move and pretty much integrated Elias into all of her friend activities with her twin brother Sebastian (whose ass Elias whipped in a duel quite earlier) and her other best friend, Ominis Gaunt. Initially, Ominis was rather guarded around Elias but warmed up to him when Elias was playing some rather beautiful Ave Maria in the music room one day. Elias and Ominis bonded over classical music and eventually became friends.
Year 4
The news of Anne Sallow's cursing broke Elias' heart. Anne was such a dear friend and a kind soul that he couldn't understand what sort of monster would want to harm Anne. Anne's absence from school left a hole in Elias' friend group that was noticed by everyone.
Elias realized that he was falling in love with the charming, intelligent, and charismatic Slytherin by the name of Sebastian Sallow. Sebastian was his best friend ever since Elias bested him within 10 seconds during their first duel at DADA on Elias' first day. Sebastian was one of the few people kind enough to reach out to Elias and be friends with him right off the bat. It was also Sebastian who made the most effort to get to know Elias and spend time with him as much as he could.
One fall afternoon from a trip to Hogsmeade, as they sat near the waterside and enjoyed some sweets, Sebastian and Elias had a conversation that led to an accidental revelation of love (from Sebastian). Elias was scared, knowing that he felt the same for Sebastian but didn't know if reciprocating was the best idea. For once, Elias chose to act with his heart and kissed Sebastian. Sebastian kissed the boy back as they held on to each other, not wanting to let each other go. After a while, they decided to give the idea of them a shot and become boyfriends.
Because Anne was still ill from her curse, Elias felt a bit of guilt for, as he would put it, indulging in a relationship with his friend's brother who was worrying over Anne on another level. Anne, however, had a feeling Elias and Sebastian would somehow end up together. Her being right was perhaps what made her crack a smile the day that her brother and her best friend visited her in Feldcroft.
Ma. Aurora knew of Elias’ relationship with Sebastian through her mother's intuition and the fact that Sebastian suspiciously started volunteering at the Hospital Wing after the two boys got together. He expected his mother to berate him for such a taboo, but was surprised that his mother did not care that Elias fell in love with a man. She knew that her relationship with her son mattered more over what society had to say about Elias and Sebastian, especially during a time when she knew she could lose her son at any time. She chose to be there for her son no matter what.
Year 5
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At age 15, the world around him began to change as he started developing (quite rapidly) a different form of magic that had been rather latent: the use of an ancient magic that has never been seen for centuries. He learned that he had this ability on his journey back to Hogwarts after visiting London with Professor Fig to help secure his school supplies for his fifth year.
When Anne Sallow, Sebastian's twin sister, was teetering into a critical medical condition and was losing her life slowly but surely, Sebastian was at a tipping point and was close to using an ancient dark relic that may or may not have the ability to save Anne at the expense of Sebastian's humanity.
Ma. Aurora, Ominis, Amit Thakkar, and Natsai Onai, through the ancient manuscripts that the matron was able to save, found an ancient Filipino ritual that would allow a curse to be transferred back to its caster as long as the caster is living. Elias chose to participate in the ritual with his mother in order to save Anne Sallow, while Sebastian and Ominis waited outside the Hospital Wing anxiously. The ritual produced a specter of an dark and mangy street dog, ridden with ticks that carried the curse that haunted Anne. Ma. Aurora commanded the dog to find Victor Rookwood and infect him. The curse was successful, given how Victor Rookwood was constantly in pain upon his final confrontation with Elias outside Olivanders.
Solomon Sallow was obliviated, removing any memory he had of the battle at the catacombs, to protect Elias' and Sebastian's enrollment status at the school. Matilda Weasley was made aware of the situation but chose to shelf the incident, happy that Anne Sallow was saved but concerned over Elias and Sebastian's journey to achieve it. Professor Weasley granted mercy to the boys but warned them that she will not take future dalliances with dark magic as leniently next time.
Elias' final battle with Ranrok was watched by Sebastian (who was anxious the entire time and frustrated over not being able to do anything to help), Amit, Ominis (who relied on Amit's narration of events), the wheelchair-bound Natty, Poppy, and Garreth in the Map Chamber with the other professors. When the professors moved in to help battle the goblin armies, Herbology professor Mirabel Garlick and Deek the house-elf were tasked to watch over Elias' friends as they all watched the battle unfold on the floors of the Map Chamber. It seemed all hope was nearly lost when Elias sustained a critical hit from Ranrok's dragon, but Elias was able to strike back and win the battle for good.
To this day, nobody knows if Elias took the power of the repository for himself or if he let it lie where it lay.
Elias' victory over Ranrok in the final battle of the repository cost him his mentor, Professor Fig, who died peacefully in Elias' arms. The professors found them and were shocked and heartbroken to see their colleague and friend dead. Elias grieved, feeling as if his only father figure has been ripped away from him.
Eventually, Elias and Sebastian found time to process all the events that happened to them together and talk about their future. After everything they went through, they decided to stick together and keep going.
Elias eventually graduated at the top of his class and found a job as a Curse-breaker for Gringotts. He and Sebastian eventually decide to move (with Ominis) to London to be closer to work. The trio, along with Ministry poacher hunters Natty and Poppy, astronomer Amit, chaser Imelda, and the rest of the gang, would get together once in a while to catch up and have fun like they were kids again.
Given how he and his mother no longer had the Village to return to, they decided it was best to have new lives in England. Ma. Aurora stayed at Hogwarts and continued her work as an assistant matron and eventually became the head matron of the Hospital Wing. She couldn't place a finger on it, but working as a healer seemed to give her more peace than when she was the head of the coven; and so, she chose the more peaceful path in her life. She eventually tutors Anne Sallow, who chooses to become a healer herself at Hogwarts after much work experience at St. Mungo's. Elias still kept in touch with his mother.
Elias eventually married Sebastian and they had three children: two boys (Eleazar Alfonso and Santiago Vittorio) and a girl (Leonora Anne), with the latter two being named after Eleazar Fig; Elias' father, Victor; Elias’s mother, Ma. Aurora Leonor; and, Anne Sallow, respectively. Eleazar and Leonora were sorted into Ravenclaw while the middle child Santiago was put in Slytherin.
After exciting careers that took them around the world, the two settled in Brighton. They settled in the home that was previously owned by Elias' old family friend, Marcelo de la Iglesias, after the latter chose to settle in Paris, France permanently.
When life calmed down for Elias and Sebastian as the kids grew up, It was during this time that Elias decided to turn all of what he learned of the ancient magic he learned from his former coven and from his time as a Keeper of ancient magic at Hogwarts into a book, supported by Sebastian and his intensive habit cross-referencing. The notes have been completed and a manuscript was finished, shelved away with hopes to turn them into a book.
Elias’ village, Ang Nayon ni Maria (Maria’s Village), is hidden remotely away in Mount Makiling in the province of Laguna. The village acted as a place of refuge for many magical families. The name Maria is a reference to Maria Makiling, the mountain guardian and deity who protects the aforementioned mountain and its bounty.
Elias developed a liking for hot chocolate in Britain as it reminded him of tsokolate tablea from back home in the Philippines. Tablea are (literally) tablets of roasted, ground, and molded fermented pure (100%) cacao beans. Preparation for tsokolate tablea is different from European hot chocolate, in which the end result of tsokolate tablea is a thicker and richer beverage compared to the European version.
Elias’ “debt of gratitude” is a reference to a common Filipino trait called “utang na loob”, which literally translates to “a debt of one’s inner self”. In Filipino psychology, “utang na loob” is an “accomodative surface value” wherein one accommodates what the world wants. “Utang na loob” is rooted in the essence of obligation to repay a debt that is beyond an ordinary debt or the Western notion of owing a favor. In Elias’ case, he’s attempting to repay debt that is impossible to quantify (ie. his being granted refuge at Hogwarts).
The ancient Filipino ritual Ma. Aurora uses to heal Anne is inspired by the 2022 Filipino-Irish psychological thriller film, Nocebo, directed by Lorcan Finnegan and starring Eva Green and Chai Fonacier. The film revolves around a children's fashion designer being plagued with an unknown illness and turns to a Filipino nanny who uses traditional folk healing methods "to reveal a horrifying truth" to her illness.
Hi all! So, thank you for making it this far. I’m sure to edit a bunch of stuff along the way so yeah. Plus, I’m literally fucking with the timeline here because I… honestly could not care enough about it lol.
I also couldn't bear the thought of Anne Sallow dying without a cure. I don't have the heart to just let her die like that so I did research on possible ways to cure Anne in Philippine mythology.
Again, if anyone wants their HPHL be friends with Elias, just hit me up or reblog this post and let me know!
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luxisms · 1 year
Hogwarts Legacy Character Sheet — Beatrix Luxiem
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“We are chained to the earth by a chain of gold, but we dare not sever it; for fear of what lies beyond the drop.”
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☾ General ☽
Name: Beatrix Miriana Luxiem
Name Meanings:
Beatrix - "blessed voyager"
Miriana - "wonderful"
Luxiem - "regal light"
"Bea, Trix" - Common Nicknames
"Queen Bea"
"Honey Bea"
"The New Fifth-Year"
"The Hero of Hogwarts" (1/4)
"The Keeper of the Repository"
"The Heiress of Ravenclaw"
Gender: Female
Birthdate: August 27th, 1875
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Personality Type (MBTI): INFJ - The Advocate
Species: Human
Blood Status: Pureblood
Alignment: True Neutral
Nationality: British
Ethnic Background: British, Scottish, Romanian, and Chinese.
Languages: English, Romanian, Latin
Sexuality: Pansexual
Hometown: London, England
☾ Physical Appearance ☽
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Hair: Messy raven black hair that flows down her back
Eyes: Pinkish Red
Height: 167cm (5'6")
Weight: 62kg (137lbs)
Body Type: Skinny, Curvy
Skin Tone: Pale white skin with a rosy undertone.
Ravenclaw Robes
Dark Academia (Outside Campus)
Blue and white painted fingernails.
Markings: A beauty mark on her right cheekbone.
Scars around various parts of her body from the battle of the final respiratory.
Self harm scars on her inner thighs.
CV: Amelia Gething (Female MC)
Faceclaim/Actress: Auli'i Cravalho
Initially, Beatrix is polite and cordial, she’s more than open to the thought of making friends but is not naive to think that everyone she encounters is good. She’s a good person to have in your corner, as she cares deeply about her friends and is always willing to lend a hand (or to help them with their homework). A chess prodigy, she tends to compare some aspects of life to a game of chess, she is quite perceptive and is easily able to tell whether or not someone is lying while also being a master of persuasion herself.
At times, she can come across as morbid and detached but really she's just socially awkward. Not much fazes her and what most people would find disturbing or fearful fascinates her and she would want to learn everything about it. She's rather adventurous for a Ravenclaw but that's mainly due to her insatiable curiosity and the fact that her mind tends to be moving a mile per minute so she needs to do something to distract herself so that she doesn't do something even more dangerous.
Beatrix is very intelligent and ambitious, despite being put in Ravenclaw, she shows and exhibits many traits of a Slytherin but her most noticeable trait is her wit, she loves a good mystery and enjoys solving puzzles and riddles which goes hand and hand with her habit of dungeon exploring and tomb raiding, something her parents had instilled in her from a young age. Like her father, Beatrix has a bit of a mischievous streak but it's more playful than anything malicious, she likes to tease her friends and playfully call them out. That's not to say that she doesn't have a dark side, she most certainly does given everything that she's been through, it just takes a lot to bring it out but when it does, one should be absolutely cautious around her if they don't want to get hurt.
Always the calm, cool, and collected leader as well as a genius strategist, it's rare to see Beatrix upset or angry and when she does, it's jarring (and honestly quite frightening) to see. Beatrix has a bad habit of suppressing her emotions and tends to do most things on her own even if the situation calls for more than one person. It's less that she doesn't want help and more like she's scared to ask for help and with trying to catch up with the rest of the 5th years, competing the Keeper's Trials, and the constant threat of Loyalists, Poachers, and Ashwinders does not help at all, fortunately, this is something she acknowledges and is trying to work on.
☾ Family ☽
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Vincent Luxiem; Father, Deceased - A pureblood wizard of a wealthy family, former Slytherin and a researcher of ancient magic, Vincent was an enigma to the people around him and even his peers, he was a quiet man but by all means not shy, in fact, he had quite the wicked mischievous streak. He was intelligent and charismatic and definitely had no shortage of admirers during his time as a student. He was endlessly fascinated with history and archaic forms of magic, often sneaking out of the castle to go exploring ruins and tombs, he found himself mentors in Eleazar and Miriam Fig who he would soon grow to see them as family. Despite having multiple admirers, he found true love in Sorina Albescu who was just as obsessively in love with him as he was with her, the two of them quickly getting married shortly after graduation. He and Sorina had made names for themselves as famous treasure hunters and tomb raiders, discovering many lost artifacts and revealing lost information and history.
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Fiora Dalca/Sorina Luxiem (née Albescu); Mother, Deceased - A pureblood witch from Romania, a complete enigma of a woman, little to no information on her before coming to Hogwarts in her 5th year as a Ravenclaw can be found. A bright woman who at times could get a tad bit manic but was optimistically curious about the world around her (both muggle and wizarding worlds) and was often found in places she wasn't supposed to be in or situations that weren't ideal however, that never stopped her, in fact, one would say that it caused her to be all the more intrigued with the world around her. Sorina also had a few admirers but none of them had captured her attention and stolen her heart like Vincent Luxiem, immediately falling head over heels for him, fortunately, the feeling was mutual. She and Vincent had made names for themselves as famous treasure hunters and tomb raiders, discovering many lost artifacts and revealing lost information and history.
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Eleazar Fig; Mentor (Adoptive Grandfather), Deceased - After her parents' deaths, Beatrix was taken in by Eleazar per Vincent's final wish, stating that should anything happen to him and Sorina, he would want Fig to take care of Beatrix, knowing that she would be in good hands under his care. Despite their rocky start, Beatrix slowly grew attached to Fig and Fig, having saw Vincent as a son, gradually began to see Beatrix as a granddaughter. Their bond only grew stronger when he began to mentor Beatrix and in private, she calls him 'grandfather' which always warms Fig's heart.
Paternal Grandparents: Miriana Luxiem & Xi Baizhu
Maternal Grandparents: Caturix Floarea & Boian Dalca
Uncles: Omor Dracul (Anastasia's Husband), Dorin Gheata (Cipriana's Husband), Anatolie Lupu (Elisabeta's Husband)
Aunts: Anastasia Dalca, Cipriana Dalca, Elisabeta Dalca (Sorina's Sisters)
Cousins: Stefan Dracul, Darius Dracul (Anastasia and Omor's Sons)
Agrapina Gheata, Lenuta Gheata, Boian Gheata (Cipriana and Dorin's Children)
Odeta Lupu (Elisabeta and Anatolie's Daughter)
Caelum Luxiem (Great-Grandfather)
Gentiana Luxiem (née Waverly) (Great-Grandmother)
Aurelius Luxiem ("Grand-Uncle")
Elena Luxiem (née Felmier) (Aurelius' Wife)
Regis Luxiem ("Uncle")
Florence Sinclair (Regis' Ex-Wife)
Aurora Luxiem (Second Cousin)
Lucian Luxiem (Second Cousin)
Belladonna Fleuret (née Luxiem) ("Aunt")
Gerard Fleuret (Belladonna's Husband)
Roman Fleuret (Second Cousin)
Raphael Fleuret (Second Cousin)
Violetta Fleuret (Second Cousin)
Corvus Ravenclaw (Ancestor)
Rowena Ravenclaw (Ancestor)
☾ Hogwarts/Magic ☽
Wand: Crooked Spiral - Dark Grey
Wood: Cherry
Core: Dragon Heartstring
Length: 9 3/4 in.
Flexibility: Slightly Yielding
Handle: Celestial - Blue
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House: Ravenclaw (Ten minute Hatstill between Ravenclaw and Slytherin)
Best Class: Potions
Worst Class: Herbology
Favorite Professor: Eleazar Fig
Least Favorite Professor: Satyavati Shah
Favorite Subject(s): DADA, Astronomy, Transfiguration, Magical Theory
Least Favorite Subject(s): Herbology
Boggart: The mutilated corpses of her parents
Riddikulus: A pair of meowing Kneazles
Patronus: Crow
Patronus Memory: Playing chess with her father, Dragon riding with her mother, Fencing with her grandmother.
Mirror of Erised: Her parents alive and happy with her.
Animagus: In her 7th year, Beatrix does become an Animagus, her animal form is a Snow Leopard.
Amortentia (what she smells like): Vanilla, mint, lavender, chamomile, freshly printed books
Amortentia (what she smells): Smoked wood, parchment paper, fire smoke, cinnamon spice, earthy scent
Quidditch: No
Prefect: No
Head Boy/Girl: Yes (6th Year)
Investigation Team (Founder)
Crossed Wands
O.W.L. Classes:
Transfiguration - Acceptable
Charms - Outstanding
Herbology - Acceptable
Astronomy - Outstanding
Potions - Exceeds Expectations
History of Magic - Outstanding
Defense Against the Dark Arts - Exceeds Expectations
Flying - Acceptable
Ancient Runes - Outstanding
Magic Theory - Outstanding
O.W.L. Electives:
Arithmancy - Outstanding
Divination - Exceeds Expectations
Care of Magical Creatures - Exceeds Expectations
Ancient Runes - Outstanding
Magic Theory - Outstanding
Alchemy - Exceeds Expectations
N.E.W.T. Classes:
Divination - Acceptable
Astronomy - Outstanding
Charms - Outstanding
Arithmancy - Exceeds Expectations
History of Magic - Exceeds Expectations
Herbology - Acceptable
Ancient Runes - Outstanding
Magic Theory - Outstanding
Alchemy - Exceeds Expectations
Ancient Magic
Unforgivable Curses
☾ Background ☽
Beatrix Miriana Luxiem was born on August 27th, 1875 to Vincent and Sorina Luxiem in London, England, a wealthy family and a prominent bloodline in the wizarding world due to being direct descendents of Rowena Ravenclaw, something that Beatrix wouldn't truly understand until she grew older and started her 5th year in Hogwarts. Her birth was unexpected as it was confirmed by many doctors that Sorina was infertile, something that crushed both her and Vincent as they wanted nothing more than to have a child to love, spoil, and share their knowledge and passions with. So when it was revealed that Sorina was miraculously pregnant, they saw it as an absolute miracle. Despite growing up as an only child, Beatrix had never once felt lonely, her parents loved her immensely and she loved them just as much, plus, she found more comfort with her pets, a kneazle Calcifer and a hebridean black dragon Vasile, even when she didn't show signs of having magic at a young age, something that did make her parents worry but never blamed her for, understanding that it something that was out of her control but the more Beatrix grew, the more concerned her parents became, especially since she kept having intense nosebleeds and awful headaches that would leave her in physical pain and bedridden for hours.
Concerned and frightened for her wellbeing, Vincent and Sorina would take her to every medical professional in the wizarding world that would help her, including Gerard Fleuret, a good friend of theirs and family member and also a reputable healer. Beatrix would become good friends with his children (and her cousins), Roman, Raphael, and Violetta. Unfortunately, there was no cure for her mysterious affliction, most couldn’t even describe what was wrong with her, the best they could hope for was that she would grow out of it when she gets older. Fortunately, her nosebleeds and headaches did slow down as she grew up but at age 12, Beatrix still didn't show any signs of having magical abilities, deeming her as a squib, neither Vincent or Sorina cared about that as Beatrix was their pride and joy, magical powers or no. However, that would soon be the last of Beatrix's worries as her world would come crashing down on one fateful day. What was supposed to be a normal house visit from Gerard immediately took a turn for the worst when three armed assailants broke into the Luxiem mansion with the intentions of killing Vincent and selling Sorina and Beatrix to the black market. Despite putting up a fight, Vincent and Sorina were sadly killed in front of Beatrix who was too terrified to even think of running away.
It was Roman who saved her, as Beatrix was tied up and gagged on the floor while the men were thinking their next move, they didn't notice Gerard and Roman showing up and seeing the murder scene. Gerard, horrified, explicitly told Roman to hide somewhere safe while he went to go get the authorities. Roman, who knew that it would be too late by the time anyone from the Ministry would arrive, took matters into his own hands, however, he didn't stop the men with magic...
By the time Gerard and a group of officers from the Ministry came back, they were shocked and horrified at the sight of Roman and Beatrix covered in blood huddled together. It was then revealed that Roman had physically killed two of the assailants while Beatrix had killed the last one. It was a terrifying and confusing situation but the Ministry decided to let Roman and Beatrix go free given how young they were and labeled the incident as self defense, but now a new problem had arisen.
Now an orphan, Beatrix had nowhere to go nor did she had anyone to turn to, along with the fact that she was considered to be a squib, the odds were looking to be less in her favor. Her saving grace came in the form of Eleazar Fig who became her caretaker and legal guardian after it was revealed to be Vincent's last wish in his will. At first, it was quite awkward, as Fig had never raised a child and Beatrix was still grieving over the loss of her parents. It wasn't until her 13th year that things began to change, this time for the better, Beatrix had finally unlocked her magical abilities...by setting the kitchen on fire whilst making a meal. Despite his ruined kitchen, Fig was happy and Beatrix was ecstatic and so very relieved, with the approval of Headmaster Black and Professor Weasley, it was decided that Beatrix would start Hogwarts in her 5th year but in the meantime, Fig would mentor and train her to hone her magical abilities.
On September 1st, 1890, now 15 years old, Beatrix Luxiem begins her 5th (technically 1st) year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, unaware of the perilous journey she would go on as she discovers her connections to an ancient magic and the legacy her parents left behind for her all while trying to stop a war-threatening rebellion.
☾ Career ☽
15 – 17: Hogwarts Student
18 – 60: Tomb Raider/Ancient Magic Researcher
60 – 70: Informant
70 – 83: Arithmancy Professor at Hogwarts
83 – Death: Retired
Her studies
Learning more about ancient magic and her parents
Keeping her friends from getting themselves killed
Earning her independence
Exploring the world
Prone to burnout
Playing Chess
Dungeon Exploring
☾ Relationships ☽
Best Friend(s):
Veronica Delacroix | 5th Year | Slytherin (OC)
Noelle Ottinger | 5th Year | Hufflepuff (OC)
Ines Rivera | 5th Year | Gryffindor (OC)
Sebastian Sallow
Ominis Gaunt
(I'm open to any and all OC friends, feel free to DM me if you want to be added!)
Natsai Onai
Poppy Sweeting 
Imelda Reyes
Garreth Weasley
Amit Thakkar
Samantha Dale
Everett Clopton
Leander Prewett
Andrew Larson
Duncan Hobhouse
Samantha Dale
Constance Dagworth
Mahendra Pehlwaan
Victor Rookwood
Theophilus Harlow
Violet McDowell
Love Interest: Sebastian Sallow
Vergil & Vincent Sallow (Twin Sons)
Anne Sallow (Daughter)
Nero & Kyrie Sallow (Twins)
Calcifer (Female Kneazle)
Vasile (Male Hebridean Black Dragon)
Sorin (Male Phoenix)
☾ Misc & Trivia ☽
Beatrix's conception was partially a result of ancient magic, on one of their particularly riskier adventures, Sorina had accidentally interacted with an ancient magical artifact which had allowed her-for a certain period of time-to become fertile. So in a way, Beatrix is quite literally born from ancient magic.
Due to the ancient magic flowing within her as well as her natural magical abilities as a pureblood witch, it was simply too much power for Beatrix to handle as a child, it created a sort of blockage which as a result was the reason why Beatrix was such a "late-bloomer".
Despite now having magical prowess, Beatrix still suffers from nosebleeds and headaches once in a while. They become more frequent the more she pushes herself and becomes more stressed or if she tries to repress herself. On the other hand, should she get too angry or if her emotions are at an all time high, she is able to do catastrophic damage but will unable to get her magic under control which resulting Beatrix having to monitor her emotions at nearly all times.
Her eyes glow red sometimes as a result of the ancient magic in her body.
Beatrix struggles heavily with depression and suicidal thoughts, this primarily stemmed from the deaths of her parents. Of course, she never has told anyone of this and tries to distract herself from her intrusive thoughts, half of the time it works.
Beatrix's favorite poet is William Blake due to Vincent reading her various poems to help her fall asleep. Sorina, however, instilled a love for mystery and adventure into her by telling her stories of her and Vincent's adventures..Sometimes Beatrix herself will quote William Blake just for fun.
Beatrix is a beautiful singer however, since the death of her parents, she rarely sings anymore.
Beatrix's most prized possession is a black Queen chess piece from her favorite chess set her father gave to her on her 10th birthday.
Beatrix hates having her hair styled in an updo other than a ponytail, it's unknown why she does but she much prefers having her hair down or in a ponytail if she has to have it up.
Aside from chess, Beatrix is a fencing prodigy and skilled at playing the violin.
Beatrix has a love for dragons and felines and at one point when she was young, had snuck 16 stray cats into the Luxiem Estate.
Beatrix is the one who designed the Investigation Team's logo.
Beatrix is the ancestor of Katrina Lyon (HPHM MC) and Levi Vanrouge (HPMA OC)
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Noctis Lucis Caelum — Final Fantasy XV
Wednesday Addams — Wednesday (2022)
L Lawliet — Death Note
Caitlyn Kiramman — Arcane (2021)
Mikasa Ackerman — Attack on Titan
V — Devil May Cry 5
The Hogwarts Investigation Team
💙 Beatrix Luxiem (Here) | 💚 Veronica Delacroix | 💛 Noelle Ottinger (Coming Soon) | ❤️ Ines Rivera (Coming Soon)
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endlessly-cursed · 5 months
ᴇʟᴇᴀɴᴏʀ ᴛʜᴏʀɴᴇ
"𝙄𝙩 𝙞𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙩𝙞𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙩𝙝 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙢𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙡𝙖𝙙𝙮. 𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙞𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙥𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙗𝙚𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙧𝙞𝙘𝙝 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙮 𝙞𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙗𝙧𝙖𝙞𝙣 𝙞𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙣𝙤 𝙪𝙨𝙚?"
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Name: Eleanor Marie Thorne
Birthday: 2nd of March, 1881
Zodiac sign: Taurus
Weight: 58kg
Height: 1.63m
Religion: Non-religious
Eye colour: Brown
Hair colour: Light brown
Faceclaim: Dominique Devenport
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Mother: Dasha Thorne, neé Seymour
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Pureblood woman, sister of Albert Seymour, was bred to find a suitable match and was commanded to marry the rake Elijah Thorne. Smart, witty, observant and a Slytherin alumni, it didn't however save her from a miserable marriage, blackmailing him in order to do their duty and be done with it. She ended up raising the twins herself.
Father: Elijah Thorne
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A rake, irresponsible, neglectful and a useless drunk, he was always doing drugs and in brothels rather than alone with his young and beautiful wife. Who ended up blackmailing him in order to conceive at least one child and be done with it. The marriage worked well until an American opportunist used a love potion on it and convinced a whipped Elijah to elope and leave his family for America. He would never return to England or get out of the ship alive.
Other relatives: Marcellus Alexander Thorne, twin brother
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Both raised by different tutors, where Marcellus was reserved and flamboyant, Eleanor was calm and with a calmer head on her shoulders. They both had a great affection for one another, and bonded much during their time at Hogwarts. He'd be her biggest support in England during her adult life, and his daughter Enya would often visit her home in France.
Jesse Isaiah Seymour and his sisters, first cousins
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Both cousins were within the same age ranges and had similar natures and got on well.
Friends: TBD (open!)
Significant Other: Eris Armand Durand ( @cursed-herbalist )
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Eleanor and Eris moved in similar circles, but never interacted properly until she attended his first opera role, and the moment she heard his voice, she fell instantly in love.
They both started courting, and she'd support him and enhance his singing abilities, striving for him to become his better self. Both families approved of the match and soon made a life in Paris. They married and had two children: Knox and Marielle.
Overall personality: Eleanor is sweet, smart, gentle but firm, with a good head on her shoulders and a woman of her time, loyal to the end and devout of her loved ones.
Positive traits: Sweet, smart, gentle, loyal and with a good head on her shoulders
Negative traits: Rich girl privileges, nepo baby, selfless
Guilty pleasure: Limericks
Thorne Abbey is the ancestral home of the Thornes since the Anglo-Saxon era with its founder, Luxia Thorne, established a powerful castle guarded by walls full of thorny vines and pointy towers that are enchanted to repel bad-meaning visitors and intruders. At first it was Thorne castle, but with time, it was changed to 'abbey' to avoid drawing muggle attention. It's famous for its fierce warriors, draped in velvet, white and black walls, fiery members and astute matriarchs, although it all changed after the French Revolution and the beginning of the Regency Era, with Abel Thorne following the Prince Regent into his extravagant and hedonistic habits. The family would change their ideas again well after Eleanor's time.
Eleanor Marie Thorne was born on a snowy night of March in 1881, alongside her twin brother Marcellus, although they grew up differently, they had loyalty to one another and a sense of siblinghood, although they teased one another plenty.
Just like her mother, she was sorted into Slytherin and was made Prefect and Head Girl, achieving a flawless curriculum, being a quiet and friendly girl, but an overachiever. She was always brought along dinners and reunions with investors and tennants as well as her brother, and co-ran Thorne Abbey after their mother retired until her brother married and had a child of his own. Despite her being away in France, she kept advising her twin brother until they both stepped down as well.
As a very wealthy untitled lady, she was required to be equal to her titled counterparts, and thus learned the harp, pianoforte, singing and the violin. She was taught to fence, shoot to almost perfection, archery, horseriding and field games. She developed a great love for Parisian and royal fashion, to embroider, recite poems of the best writers from memory, as well as Latin, Greek, German and French.
She was one of the richest bachelorettes of the wizarding world, with nearly 25,000,000 galleons on her dowry alone.
She soon became a philantropist, and spent her fortune on enhancing her husband's branch of the Durand family with lavish portraits, generous donations to important charities, endear herself to the high society and was pen pals with several figures of the wizarding world, among them many Ministers of Magic, socialites, heroes,... anyone who was somebody had received Mrs. Durand's regards.
She was a fashionista through and through, always wearing the best designers, with her gorgeous, luscious and thick brown curls that could've rivalled Empress Sissi's long hair and was a fashion leader, always dressing for the House of Worth. Her great fashion sense would be passed down to her niece Enya and being a fashion icon would be mandatory within the House Thorne.
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magicallymalted · 2 years
HPHL Character Sheet - Deaglán Herrity
“I wish to look up at the sky from every corner of the world.”
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࿐ General ࿐
Name: Deaglán Odhran Herrity
Name Meanings: “Full of goodness” “Dark-Haired One” “Member of an Assembly“
Nicknames: tbd
Birthdate: March 17th, 1880 (4:36 AM)
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Personality Type (MBTI): ENFP – The Campaigner
Blood Status: Half-blood
Nationality: Irish
Ethnic Background: Irish and Spanish
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Residence: Mulstone Manor at Caravalin (Hogwarts years)
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࿐ Physical Appearance ࿐
Hair: Dark brown (nearly black), with an “irritating bit of curl”
Eyes: Brown
Height: 1.88m (6′2″)
Weight: 75kg (165lbs)
Body Type: Mesomorph - a little chubbier in his younger years, a little leaner in the older 
Skin Tone: Caucasian
Faceclaim(s): Jacob Ursomarzo (younger years), Calam Lynch (young adult years), Stuart Martin (adult years)
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࿐ Background ࿐
Deaglán grew up in Limerick for most of his childhood and spent a great deal of time within the company of his family, less so among their magical neighbors. At the age of eight, Deaglán and his siblings moved into their grandfather’s home in a neat little town they call Belfast — or rather, the countryside along the outskirts of the city, away from all of the riots and turmoil within the muggle community and the politics of the wizarding one. 
࿐ Family ࿐
Mother: Genevieve Purísima Herrity neé Boera
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Born in Girona to a pro Quidditch player and a muggle lawyer, Genevieve spent her early years flip-flopping between a life of magic and a life of muggle-hood. A gifted singer with a mind too strong for those around her, she did not fare well with her peers at Beauxbatons and decided to switch to her mother’s alma mater, Hogwarts, in her second year and her parents resituated in Edinburgh. 
Hogwarts turned out to be close, but not entirely what she wanted either, so in her fifth year she transferred out to the Wizarding Academy of Dramatic Arts to finish her schooling. During that time, she continued sending letters to her friend-turned-sweetheart, Rowan Herrity, who seemed intent on pursuing her in spite of their new disconnect.
After graduation, she married Rowan, and opted to more casually pursue a career in singing while simultaneously trying to convince her husband to pull a little farther away from his familial obligations, not interested in the slightest in being the Lady of Mulstone Manor. Such a perspective drove a bit of a wedge between her and her father-in-law, Lachlan Herrity, but Rowan nevertheless agreed to, at the very least, beginning their life together separate from the life of his father and the estate. Unfortunately, their time was cut short when she was bitten by a venomous tentacula when Deaglán was eight. Rowan did his best to save her from the predicament but ultimately fell victim to the same fate as well. 
Father: Rowan Marcus Herrity
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The only son and heir apparent to a more reclusive pure-blooded family, Rowan first took interest in plants as he watched the raspberry bushes grow around the property of Mulstone Manor and observed some of the more magical plants in the greenhouses. When at Hogwarts, he was sorted into Ravenclaw and swiftly allied himself with fierce and like-minded students, including Genevieve Boera in second year, a newly immigrated Slytherin who he took a liking to. While upset when she chose to leave for the Wizarding Academy of Dramatic Arts for her last two years of schooling, he did not stop in his efforts to remain in contact with her and maintain their relationship. He was quick to propose to her after graduating from Hogwarts in spite of complaints from his father, who thought Genevieve was more encouraging of poor decisions and was steering Rowan away from the family and into a life more fitting for a muggle.
An avid herbologist, Rowan devoted his life to the study of dangerous plants, both magical and otherwise. After leaving home, he built up a life with Genevieve by his side, and five kids (each with a few years between them). No more than a year after the youngest child was born, Rowan died trying to save Genevieve from a venomous tentacula, leaving Deaglán and his siblings to go live with their grandfather. While the inheritance was secured, Rowan had written it in his will that the children would not receive it until one of them married or the youngest came of age — a notion that Deaglán always a thought had to deal less with his siblings and more with the frustration toward his grandfather. 
Grandfather: Lachlan Cathal Herrity
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Born and raised in Belfast and having spent most of his life within the confines of Mulstone Manor, Lachlan lived a comfortable albeit reclusive life that only became more so after the death of his wife, the late Lady Venetia. Caretaker of the estate and guardian to Deaglán and his siblings, Lachlan sought to mend the bridges that he burned with Deaglán’s father after he had left home and hopefully find a new heir for the estate. He was a stern man with a rough voice whose thousand-mile eyes and tone were the only betrayers of his caustic and severe manner, offering a softer look into the depths of his dilapidated spirit from years of solitude. 
He tried to do well by his grandchildren even if he was terrible at showing it, and while in control of their money and future for the time until they came of age or married, he intended to do everything he could to secure the future of not only his family but his home.
Elder Sister: Dubheasa Joanne Herrity
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Uncontrollable, untamable, unruly. In spite of being the oldest, Dubheasa was only responsible when it came to looking after her younger siblings, but otherwise would throw all manners of caution and, well, manners to the wind. Vulgar, candid, and a little too reminiscent of her mother for Lachlan’s tastes, she is the wildcard of the Herritys.
Younger Sister: Margaery “Maggie” Anne Herrity
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While Lachlan favors Maggie for being the most well-behaved of the bunch, Deaglán always enjoyed her company for the fact that she seemed to have an unrelenting imagination capable of dreaming up the most wild ideas. 
Younger Brother: Cillian Tadhg Herrity
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Cillian enjoys the life of leisure the most out of all of the Herrity children, and would likely be the happiest taking over the estate if he wasn’t one of the furthest down the line and terrible at management to boot. While he could never intentionally hurt a soul, making tough decisions was not a line that he could pick up.
Youngest Sister: Patricia “Poppy” Herrity
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The family “baby,” Poppy is prone to mimicking Dubheasa in her behaviors, but in Deaglán’s eyes is all the more charming for it. She’s slightly temperamental, especially when things don’t go by “the rules” (or whatever her definition of those rules may be), but she’s just as quick to placate situations as she is to instigate them.
࿐ Hogwarts/Magic ࿐
Wood: Hornbeam
Core: Unicorn hair
Length: 11 1/2″
Flexibility: Rigid
House: Slytherin
Best Class: Astronomy
Worst Class: Care of Magical Creatures
Boggart: Seeing his siblings bitten by a venomous tentacula
Riddikulus: The venomous tentacula turns into a dancing (swaying) sunflower
Patronus: Panda 
Patronus Memory: Playing music with his father, mother, and Dubheasa
Mirror of Erised: Seeing the world
Amortentia (what he smells like): Raspberries, worn leather, iodine, and ink
Amortentia (what he smells): Lavender, freshly printed books, vanilla, citrus, almond
Quidditch: No
Prefect: No
Clubs: No
OWL Classes:
Transfiguration - Acceptable
Charms - Outstanding
Herbology - Exceeds Expectations
Astronomy - Outstanding
Potions - Acceptable
History of Magic - Exceeds Expectations
Defense Against the Dark Arts - Acceptable
Flying - Acceptable
OWL Electives:
Arithmancy - Exceeds Expectations
Divination - Outstanding
Care of Magical Creatures - Poor
NEWT Classes:
Divination - Outstanding
Astronomy - Exceeds Expectations
Charms - Acceptable
Arithmancy - Acceptable
History of Magic - Exceeds Expectations
Herbology - Exceeds Expectations
࿐ Career ࿐
11 – 18: Hogwarts Student 19 – Retirement: Travel journalist/author
Personality & Attitude: Deaglán moves through life with a relaxed sense of humor, constantly teetering between the practical and the dreamy and somehow striking a harmonious balance for both. Although it may seem to some that he is always looking upward to the neglect of what’s right in front of him, he does not intend to lose his footing by any measure. He has a strong sense of familial obligation and cares deeply for those that show him kindness in return. He is, admittedly, one of the softer Slytherins of his bunch, but he merely does not see his own ambitions in conflict with others and would rather help everyone to raise up their own simultaneously rather than tear them down to get ahead. 
Priorities: His family, his life goal(s)
Strengths: Compassionate, diligent, intuitive, creative, sociable, gracious, easy-going
Weaknesses: Defensive, reticent about his problems unless asked directly, can be passive-aggressive, and occasionally melancholy once goals are realized (”What’s next?”)
Stressed: When things remain stagnant for too long; when things don’t get completed; when being hounded by his grandfather; when making little decisions; when around magical plants
Calm/Comforted: Reading to Poppy; being near the ocean; picking raspberries; journaling (i.e., unburdening his mind)
Favorites: Exploring new places, jam and scones, sitting by a fire during a thunderstorm, craftwork
Colors: Earth / warm tones (sage, brown, clay, etc.)
Weather: Misty and foggy
Hobbies: Playing the tenor banjo, looking at star charts, keeping up with current events (muggle and wizard), traveling
࿐ Relationships ࿐
Antonio Rosier @hufflefluffs -  Deaglán met Antonio while traveling abroad to France, inquiring into the possibility of interviewing him for a piece on wizard singers of the world. After connecting over music, his Spanish heritage, and this and that, the two became friends and stayed in contact. Bradford Pendleton @kc-and-co -  Deaglán spent much time commiserating with Brady over their shared disdain for the Care of Magical Creatures course at Hogwarts. Every now and then, Brady has even offered to slip him some answers to questions on his homework. Vinny Raymond @hogwartsmysteryho - Deaglán met Vinny after accepting to tutor the younger student in History of Magic and the two have been good friends ever since. Aileen Ua Breathnach @captainhowlreportingforduty -  Deaglán initially met Aileen at a dinner party when they were kids and eventually ended up becoming friends after all of the events henceforth that they would run into each other at. 
Violette Durand @cursed-herbalist -
Deaglán met Violette in their shared Herbology class shortly after she transferred from Beauxbatons in her fourth year. They developed a casual friendship from interacting in class which turned into budding feelings after she helped him through a sudden bout of panic when confronting venomous tentaculas again in review for their NEWTs. They grew closer ever since and once they graduated from Hogwarts and went along their respective career paths, they wrote letters to each other and eventually reunited in Paris.
࿐ Kids ࿐
࿐ Misc & Trivia ࿐
Plays the tenor banjo since he was a kid; likewise, many of his siblings are quite musical in one thing or another
Strongly dislikes bell peppers
Speaks Catalan and some Spanish 
Has an affinity for Orchideous, albeit a generally useless one
Is quite fond of Amelia Edward’s work and is basically the biggest fan of Ezra Greenway 
Appreciates the warmth and idealistic vision of Impressionism
Had a panic attack during his first year Herbology lesson dealing with venomous tentaculas, and subsequently feels unnerved when having to interact with the plant
Secondary to his boggart, he fears an early death
In his later years, he compiled all of his writings into a book on his experiences in every continent— chronicling the people he met and their own stories— called Of People Places and Things: A Magical Anthology
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slytherindisaster · 2 years
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Full Name: Laurent Seth Yaxley
Nicknames: Laurie (by his sisters)
Birthday: January 30, 18–
Zodiac: Aquarius
Blood Status: pureblood
Gender Identity: male (he/him)
Sexuality: tbd
Nationality: British
Hometown: Balsdean, East Sussex, England
Myers-Briggs Type: ISFJ (The Defender)
Alignment: True Neutral
Strengths: intelligent, diplomatic, observant, composed
Weaknesses: Sarcastic, reckless when angry, emotionally unavailable
Interests/Hobbies: duelling, learning new Spells, solving mysteries
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Teen/Young Adult: Joe Cole
Adult: Shaun Evans
Voiceclaim: Joe Cole
Height: 5ft 11in / 180cm
Build: thin
Hair: blond
Eyes: blue
Skin: pale
Body Modifications: tbd
Scars/defects: tbd
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Wand: Cedar, Dragon Heartstrings, 12 inches, Unyielding
The cedar wand found its perfect home where there were perspicacity and perception. The witch or wizard who was well-matched with cedar carried the potential to be a frightening adversary, which often came as a shock to those who had thoughtlessly challenged them.
Animagus Form: n/a
Patronus: hyena
Boggart: The doors to his father's study that won't open
Riddikulus: he is unable to cast the spell successfully until he's well into his adulthood
what does he smell like to others?: pine, tobacco, gillywater, leather
what does he smell?: Laurent had never smelled amortentia before
Favorite Spells: Petrificus Totalus, Revelio
Misc. Magical Abilities: Psychometry; Occlumency: Apparition
House: Slytherin
Best Subject: Transfiguration, DADA
Worst Subject: Divination
Third Year Options: Ancient Runes, Care of Magical Creatures, Astronomy, Divination
N.E.W.T.s: Transfiguration, Potions, DADA, Charms, Ancient Runes, Herbology, Astronomy
Extracurriculars: Duelling Club (3rd to 7th year)
Quidditch Position: n/a
18–?: Freelance Investigator
21+: Owner of a Dark Artefacts Shop
65+: Retiree
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Father: Castor Yaxley (deceased)
Mother: Colette Yaxley (née Carmine)
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Younger Sister: Aster Yaxley
Younger Sister: Indigo Yaxley
Younger Sister: Millicent 'Millie' Yaxley
Pets: tbd
Dormmates: tbd
Best Friend: tbd
Friends: Lysander Mercury (kind of); others tbd
Love Interest: tbd
Color: silver
Food: roast duck
Flower: rose
Drink: firewhiskey
Book: Sherlock Holmes stories by Arthur Conan Doyle
Music: tbd
Season: winter
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kleinundscharf · 1 year
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Had to yassify this b with my own two hands because I don’t have mods.
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The face of “their blood is on Ranrok’s hands” nation.
P.S. love that dramatic af dying inferni in background
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unfortunate-arrow · 1 year
𝐎𝐫𝐥𝐚 𝐃𝐞𝐢𝐝𝐫𝐞 𝐎’𝐑𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐤𝐞 | hphl character profile
warnings: mentions of gambling addiction, death, implied child (verbal) abuse & neglect
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Full Name: Orla Deidre O’Rourke 
Nicknames: None 
Name Meanings: Orla → Irish, “golden princess” ; Deidre → Irish, “sorrowful” ; O’Rourke → Irish, “descendant of Ruarc.” 
Date of Birth: September 6, 1873 
Gender: Female 
Sexuality: Heterosexual 
Blood Status: Pureblood 
Nationality: Irish
Residence: O’Rourke Castle, County Cavan, Ireland (birth to 23) ; Lynch Manor, County Donegal, Ireland (23 to death)
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Faceclaim: Megan Follows
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Height: 5’4” 
Build: Average  
Hair: Red or auburn hair that is generally pulled back into a variety of different styles 
Eye Color: Hazel 
Scarring: Orla has no scars. 
Modifications: (glasses, piercings, tattoos, etc.) Orla’s ears are pierced. 
Other Distinguishing Marks: None
Clothing Style: Simple dresses ; skirts ; blouses ; sweaters ; puffed sleeves ; saddle shoes
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Accessories: A necklace ; a family broach ; a claddagh ring 
What’s in Her Pockets: Her wand 
What’s in Her School Bag: Textbooks ; parchment ; quills ; ink ; notes ; reminders ; a small ancient runes translation book ; a photograph of her and her younger siblings
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Voiceclaim: Megan Follows 
Accent: Irish 
Dialect: Ulster English
Languages Spoken: English
Languages Understood: English, some Irish Gaelic
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MBTI Type: INFJ — the advocate
→ Seek meaning and connection in ideas, relationships, and material possessions. Want to understand what motivates people and are insightful about others. Conscientious and committed to their firm values. Develop a clear vision about how best to serve the common good. Organized and decisive in implementing their vision.
Enneagram Type: 5w4 — the iconoclast
→ The 5w4 type is a Five who shares many similarities with the Type Four Individualist. Like Fours, 5w4s tend to be more in touch with their emotions and more self-expressive than other Fives. This type tends to be creative, reflective and sensitive.
Positive Traits: Insightful, principled, understanding, responsible, loyal, friendly, passionate, caring, compassionate, communicative 
Neutral Traits: Pragmatic, stubborn, reserved, idealistic, ambitious, supportive
Negative Traits: Sensitive, cunning, a perfectionist about things, generally conflict averse, not generally assertive, hesitant to open up
Common Stressors: Her mother ; her father ; the family’s financial troubles ; exams ; grades ; figuring out what her role in life is going to be 
Comforting Things: Embroidery ; reading ; ancient runes ; the rain ; the sun ; her owl 
Interests & Hobbies: Reading ; embroidery ; gardening ; ancient runes 
Description: Orla is a bit of a walking contradiction. She’s pragmatic and idealistic and realistic. She’s a dreamer, who strives to see the best in everyone and every situation but usually takes the most realistic approach. She’s someone that is easily approachable, despite being reserved and hesitant to reveal any personal details. She’s intelligent and has quiet ambitions that somewhat define her life, although those ambitions are tempered by the limitations of her time.
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Wand: Orla’s wand is made of vine wood with a dragon heartstring core and is 9 ¾ inches with a supple flexibility. 
→ Vine wands were among the less common types, and their ideal owners were nearly always those witches or wizards who sought a greater purpose, who had a vision beyond the ordinary and who frequently astounded those who thought they knew them best. Vine wands seemed strongly attracted by personalities with hidden depths, and Garrick Ollivander himself had found them more sensitive than any other when it came to instantly detect a prospective match.
Other Magical Abilities: None 
Patronus: Goshawk 
Patronus Memory: A conversation with her paternal grandmother’s portrait where she was told that she was enough and that it was her mother who wasn’t enough 
Boggart: Her mother and father, with slightly obscured features, shouting all of her negative thoughts at her 
Riddikulus: Her mother’s and father’s faces become clearer and they swap clothing 
Orla smells like roses, vanilla, new parchment, and soap. 
Orla smells leather, peppermint, petrichor, and grass.
Mirror of Erised: Orla sees herself, happy. Sometimes she’s alone, other times her siblings are there or Cillian is.
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House: Slytherin 
OWL Classes:
Astronomy — Poor
Charms — Acceptable 
Defense Against the Dark Arts — Exceeds Expectations 
Flying — Poor
Herbology — Acceptable 
History of Magic — Acceptable 
Potions — Exceeds Expectations 
Transfiguration — Outstanding
OWL Electives:
Care of Magical Creatures — Acceptable
Study of Ancient Runes — Exceeds Expectations 
NEWT Classes:
Charms — Acceptable
Defense Against the Dark Arts — Exceeds Expectations
Potions — Acceptable
Study of Ancient Runes — Outstanding
Transfiguration — Exceeds Expectations 
Extracurriculars: Dueling club ; ancient runes club
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Affiliations: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry ; the Ministry of Magic ; the Lynch family
Age 18 to 24 - Secretary in the ministry of magic
Age 24 to 40 - Ancient runes translator 
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Father: Tiernan Senan O’Rourke Senior [1845-1898]
Born in 1845, Tiernan was the only child of Senan and Prudence O’Rourke. He had a complicated childhood, as his father was a known gambler and lost the majority of the family’s fortune. Senan O’Rourke also passed away when Tiernan was fifteen, leaving his family with a significant debt. Luckily, Prudence O’Rourke’s dowry had mostly gone untouched allowing for the majority of the large debts to be settled. She passed away when Tiernan was seventeen. Upon starting Hogwarts, Tiernan was sorted into Slytherin, like the majority of his family. He became a prefect, but was not selected for head boy, much to his disappointment.
After he graduated from Hogwarts, Tiernan began working for the ministry of magic in the central department. He quickly moved up through the ranks, with no true ambition to reach the minister but with an ambition to get the highest salary. Unfortunately, Tiernan also inherited his father’s gambling problem, albeit to a lesser extent. 
At the age of 26, Tiernan married Deidre Brady, two years after they had first met and Tiernan had wooed both Deidre and her father. Their marriage was based on duty, respect, and honor, but there was little love between the two beyond a reluctant friendship. On September 6, 1873, his first child, Orla Deidre, was born and a little over two years later, on March 26, 1876, his second and third children, Tiernan Senan Junior and Brianna Florence were born. 
Tiernan passed away in 1898, at the age of 56, after suffering from a heart attack. 
Orla has a complicated relationship with her father, although it is less complicated than her relationship with her mother. She never really connected with her father, as they had different expectations for life and of the time that Tiernan spent with his children, the majority was spent with his son, Orla’s brother. She still loved him, though. 
Mother: Deidre Florence O’Rourke née Brady [1851-1900]
Born in 1851, Deidre was the only surviving child of Dennis and Florence Brady as her three siblings all passed away before the age of eleven from disease. She had a stable, if cold, childhood, and as the only surviving child, Deidre was expected to be perfect. Upon starting Hogwarts, Deidre was sorted into Slytherin, something that inordinately pleased her mother and father as it preserved their cultivated family image. She had a quiet time at Hogwarts, sticking to the middle of the pack and never excelling where women of the time weren’t expected to.
After graduating from Hogwarts, Deidre spent a little time helping her parents run their shop. She did not care for the work and had absorbed her parents’ perfectionist attitudes, which then influenced her marriage choices. She married Tiernan O’Rourke when she was twenty, in 1871. The marriage was built on respect, duty, and honor, although that foundation cracked when Deidre discovered the gambling in her husband and his family history. Her first child, Orla Deidre was born on September 6, 1873, with her two younger children, Tiernan Senan Junior and Brianna Florence, were born a little over two years later, on March 26, 1876.
Deidre expected perfection from her children, especially her two daughters. This desire for perfection and the perfect image led to Deidre deciding that her children would not know of Tiernan’s gambling problem or the fact that they were always one debt away from having to sell everything. She did not react well when the news of their finances got out. Deidre helped her husband orchestrate marriages for her children.
Deidre passed away at the age of 49 in 1900. 
Orla has a complicated relationship with her mother. She never felt good enough for Deidre and somewhat resented her mother’s standards. They often had arguments that resulted in one or the other storming out. Despite all of this, Orla still loved her mother and struggled to understand that.
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Brother: Tiernan Senan O’Rourke Junior
Born on March 26, 1876, Tiernan was the second child of Tiernan (Sr.) and Deidre O’Rourke, two years younger than Orla, and a Slytherin. A beater on the Slytherin quidditch team, Tiernan was the apple of his parents’ eyes as the only son. He had mixed feelings about that, not really caring fully either way. After graduating from Hogwarts, he followed his father’s footsteps into the ministry of magic and married the daughter of another rich pureblood.
Orla has a good relationship with her younger brother. She knows that he didn’t ask to be the only son and knows that, in some ways, there’s even more pressure on Tiernan to be perfect and reach their mother’s expectations. She loves him a lot and can be quite protective of him. However, she lets Tiernan handle his own battles… most of the time. 
Faceclaim: Ty Simpkins
Sister: Brianna Florence O’Rourke  
Born on March 26, 1876, Brianna was the third child of Tiernan (Sr.) and Deidre O’Rourke, two years younger than Orla, and a Hufflepuff. Orla had a good relationship with her younger sister. They connected quite easily and are rather similar in personality. Orla does tend to be protective of Brianna and has gotten in to more than one argument with their mother in attempts to protect her sister. 
Faceclaim: Amybeth McNulty 
Childhood: A barn owl named Apollo 
Adulthood: An owl
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Love Interest: Cillian Cathal Lynch
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→ Orla first met Cillian Lynch when he started Hogwarts in 1887, although they had been engaged since they were toddlers. She didn’t much care for Cillian at first, but once they began spending more time together in their sixth year, Orla realized that she was in danger of falling in love with him. He was different than she expected, and so much more than the description everyone had for him. She married him on February 20, 1897 and by the end of that year, Orla had fallen in love with him despite attempting to prevent that. In the canon timeline, Cillian never reciprocated her feelings. However, in the Tadhg Lives AU, Cillian does fall in love with Orla. 
Son: Conor Ryan Lynch [1900-1964] 
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Hufflepuff | Prefect | Headboy | Healer | Heterosexual | b. March 29, 1900 
Orla has a complicated and complex relationship with her only child. They never truly managed to connect, although Conor was quite similar in personality to her. Circumstances when Conor was growing up were rather rough, as Orla and Cillian were both struggling with their own emotions and there were expectations on their only child. Orla tried her best not to be her mother, but sometimes went to the extreme of not parenting her son. In the “Tadhg Lives” AU, Orla reconnected with her son on her deathbed, while in the canon timeline, she passed away when he was thirteen. However, Orla is proud of her son, even if she never knew how to show it. She loves him. 
Faceclaim: Colin Ford
Grandson: Doyle Brannigan Lynch [1925-1998]
Slytherin | b. December 13, 1925 | d. 1998
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Granddaughter: Ailis Ciara O’Donnell née Lynch [1936-1974]
Ravenclaw | Healer | Heterosexual | b. March 24, 1936 | d. July 1974 | m. Seán O’Donnell | Faceclaim: Stephanie Zimbalist 
Great-grandchildren: Cian Jacob [1965-2002], Ryan Michael, Cara Rose, Sara Ailis, and Conor Lorcan O’Donnell
Cian, Ryan, Cara, Sara, and Conor are Ailis’s children. Cian was born on January 18, 1965 and died on December 13, 2002. Ryan, Cara, Sara, and Conor were born on August 18, 1973. Upon starting Hogwarts, Cian and Ryan were sorted into Gryffindor while Cara was sorted into Slytherin, Sara into Hufflepuff, and Conor into Ravenclaw. 
Faceclaims: Nick Robinson, Jaeden Martell, Sadie Sink, Malina Weissman, & Jack Moore
Great-great-grandchildren: Michael George and Winifred Ailis Haywood-O’Donnell ; Keira Willow Khanna-O’Donnell ; Theodora Ailis, Declan Ryan, Violet Cara, and Brendan Conor O’Donnell-Lee ; Seth Lorcan, Naomi Ailis, and  Ciaran Judah Lyman-O’Donnell
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Best Friends: TBD
Close Friends: TBD
Gwen Archeron ; Adelia Selwyn @thatravenpuffwitch
Frederick Lavigne @slytherindisaster
Acquaintances: TBD
It’s Complicated: TBD
Hogwarts Dormmates:
Cecilia Balinor @endlessly-cursed
Maura Devitt @mjs-oc-corner
Ema McGiliguddy @kc-and-co
Helen Walsh @camillejeaneshphm
Rivals: TBD
Enemies: TBD
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Place of Birth: O’Rourke Castle, County Cavan, Ireland
Hometown: O’Rourke Castle, County Cavan, Ireland
Born on September 6, 1873, Orla Deidre O’Rourke was the eldest child of Tiernan (Sr.) and Deidre O’Rourke. At a little over two years old, Orla was joined by her younger twin siblings, Tiernan Senan (Jr.) and Brianna Florence, on March 26, 1876. Orla had a good childhood, mostly. Things appeared to be stable and Orla never wanted for much. However, her parents were cold and distant and expected perfection from their children, especially her mother. She never felt like she reached her mother’s expectations, but Orla always knew she was good enough, thanks to an old portrait of her paternal grandmother, Prudence O’Rourke. So, while her childhood wasn’t perfect, Orla was content with it. She may not have had support from her mother and father, but she had it from her siblings and from the portraits around the family’s home.
In addition, Orla’s marriage was arranged when she was three-years-old. It would be another decade before she officially met the man she would marry, but she remained blissfully unaware of the match until her Hogwarts letter came when she was eleven years. That discovery resulted in a huge row, in which she and her parents shouted at one another, with her parents accusing her of being ungrateful and spoiled and a horrible daughter. 
Hogwarts Years:
Upon starting Hogwarts, Orla was sorted into Slytherin. She found a home quickly in the house, settling into her own quietness. Despite all of this, Orla managed to make a few friends from those that she least expected to. She did not join the quidditch team or become a prefect, but that didn’t matter much to Orla. 
However, things changed when she was thirteen and her grandfather’s and father’s gambling were revealed. Orla was stunned, but then suddenly things began to make sense. She and her siblings never had the newest fashions, even though everything was still fine. Thankfully, her arranged marriage stayed in tact, as Bain Lynch was dead by the time the problems were revealed. It was also nice that her friends didn’t seem to care much. 
After graduating from Hogwarts, Orla began temporarily working as a secretary in the ministry of magic. This lasted until she was twenty-four, ending shortly after her wedding to Cillian Lynch on February 20, 1897. After she quit her job at the ministry, she began working as an ancient runes translator. It was mostly hobby-work, with scrolls that Orla found on Lynch Manor or at O’Rourke Castle. She adored this work, spending hours on end translating the runes. Orla had one child with Cillian, a son named Conor Ryan Lynch, born on March 29, 1900.
THE CANON TIMELINE: Orla’s marriage was cold, although it was built on friendship, respect, duty, and honor. She never published any of her translations, keeping them hidden in an attic room in the manor.
THE “TADHG LIVES” AU: Orla’s marriage started off cold but eventually it grew to love, when Cillian suddenly (and awkwardly) professed his love for her and she returned that declaration. She even decided to publish her translations, albeit under a slight pseudonym of O. O’Rourke. She also survived a battle with dragon pox.
Old Age:
THE “TADHG LIVES” AU: Orla spends her final years alongside her husband, sister, brother-in-law, niece, and nephew. She finally reconciled with her son and got to meet her grandchildren, Doyle and Ailis. 
THE CANON TIMELINE: Orla passed away at the age of 40 in 1913 after a prolonged battle with dragon pox. She left behind one child.
THE “TADHG LIVES” AU: Orla passed away in 1944 at the age of 70, after suffering a stroke. She left behind a son, a daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren. Her great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren were not born yet.
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Favorite Color: Violet 
Favorite Food: Roasted chicken 
Favorite Drink: Chocolate 
Favorite Weather: When the sun comes out, just after it has rained
Favorite Season: Spring
Dislikes: Gambling ; baked fish ; wet feet 
Orla’s red hair is passed down to her great-granddaughter, Cara, and her great-great-grandson, Declan, who is the son of her great-granddaughter. 
Orla never intended to fall in love with Cillian Lynch. Somehow, during their years together, it just happened. However, she never says anything until he says something. This only happens during the “Tadhg Lives” AU.
Important Links:
Orla’s tag [#orla o’rourke]
Best Efforts — A Valentine’s Day challenge story
More information about her son, Conor Ryan
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potionboy3 · 2 years
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Character profile
► basics; Full Name: Ezra Jaren Greenaway Birthday: 19th of September 18xx (he is around 37 at the time HPHL takes place) Pronouns: he/him Sexual Orientation: bi (but he may or may not realize it himself) Hogwarts House: Slytherin Blood Status: Pureblood Nationality: English Personality type: INFP Personality: Ezra is determined to do well in life. He wants to see the best in people and both sides of the coin. He was a hatstall in Hogwarts as the hat was wondering between putting him to Hufflepuff or Slytherin but Ezra had so much respect for his father who was a Slytherin that he wanted it more. Some of the Slytherins found his tendency to make friends with less wealthy witches and wizards  considering his own wealth but if someone had a bad thing to say about it, he didn't argue with them. In general he is very patient and likes to take his time with things and look at every aspect. He stresses out easily and it took him time to get used to the attention but at the start it pleased him a lot. He grew passed it though and is now more anxious about it than pleased. He likes to play the victim card and when he was younger he was a bit obsessive with his looks.
► magical info;
Wand: Cypress wood with a phoenix feather core, 12 ¾ and reasonably supple flexibility Garrick Ollivander noted that cypress wands were associated with nobility. The great medieval wandmaker, Geraint Ollivander, wrote that he was always honoured to match a cypress wand, for he knew he was meeting a witch or wizard who would die a heroic death.
Fortunately, in these less blood-thirsty times, the possessors of cypress wands were rarely called upon to lay down their lives, though doubtless many of them would do so if required. Wands of cypress found their soul mates among the brave, the bold and the self-sacrificing: those who were unafraid to confront the shadows in their own and others' natures. Patronus: Nightjar Nightjars are mostly active in the late evening and early morning or at night and feed predominantly on moths and other large flying insects. They are sometimes called "goatsuckers" due to the ancient folk tale that they sucked the milk from goats. Most have small feet, of little use for walking, and long, pointed wings. Their soft plumage is cryptically colored to resemble bark or leaves, which helps them blend in with their surroundings. While the nightjar is a more defensive bird, it will fight off any predators, and their excellent hunting skills help them outfly their opponents. Patronus Memory: For most of his life it's Agata's smile but at some point he anchors his mind to wrap it around his favorite adventures. Boggart: Agata running away from him in a wedding dress Specialized/Favourite Spells:  Patronus spell
► background;
Place of Birth: Staffordshire, England
Home: Wildridge Manor, His mothers friends and family members homes and, Palazzo Della Rovere,  A private smaller manor of his own that bought near the shore in secret location
Pre-Hogwarts: Ezra was born to Thane Greenaway and Clarinda Diggory. The Greenaways were a family with certain type of reputation known to make rash decisions and quick calls with their fortune. They were always wealthy but also very greedy and it caused them great failures from time to time and people didn't find them good allies. Thane Greenaway was an exception to this, being very careful with money and thinking ahead. Greenaways were also known for "tainted blood" with Thane's grandfather having a secret love affair with a muggle woman and making their son (Thane's father) the heir. Ezra liked his mother's family, Diggorys more than the Greenaways and always felt uncomfortable with his father's brother Luca around.  
When he was 9, his parents had another child, his brother Thane Jr.
► physical;
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Face claim: Hugh Dancy Eye Color: Blue, grey, green and partly hazel... Honestly it's hard to wrap up. Hair Color: dark brown Height: 5ft 9 ½ (176.5 cm)
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► Story: Ezra was a shy child. He didn't like to perform and much rather learned things in secret and only represented himself in public after he was sure of himself and his capabilities. He had a small friend group of people who were more mixed blood than some of the other Slytherin students were at the time. They also socialized with other house members. Ezra rarely got in trouble and liked to focus on school, wanting to do great things in his future and dreamed of travelling around the world and hoped to discover new things. When Ezra was 15 his father Thane passed away and his father's brother Luca claimed their family manor, since Ezra wasn't of age yet. Ezra was against this and rebelled him, fighting for his and his mothers rights. In the end Luca got what he wanted and Ezra, his mother and little brother were forced to move to live with her mother's family and often friends.
Two years after graduating, Ezra made a decition to travel across the Europe. He lived in France for a year, trying to write a novel and staying with his mother's family friends and then traveled to Italy where he met Agata della Rovere. He instantly fell in love. He spent time with her family and they were very smitten with Ezra, as they knew the Diggorys and respected them. Agata waited to give an answer, reminding him that he still had things to see and she wished for him to remember his passions and dreams. He left back home to finish the novel he had started but It didn't come out successful. It's been said that the book didn't have the same spark his later works did and that the plot was confusing and jumped around.
After his failed book he had a change of heart about his future plans and longed again for Agata. He wanted to marry her and start a life together despite them having very different goals. She agreed to marry him now but when it came to the point to say I do, she feared for their future and couldn't say yes after all, running away and  breaking his heart.
After the catastrophic wedding Ezra was humiliated and found himself yet again with no plans and no fortune of his own make. He was 23 at the time. He wanted to privately rethink his life somewhere far away from the society, even though everyone seemed to be on his side. He made a big decision to chase after his original dreams after all as that was what Agata would have wanted from him and made plans for a longer journey..
During the next 10 years of his life, Ezra traveled through the world encountering many creatures and miracles he had only heard rumors about. He started to write about these adventures, as well as about his own life story and finally reached an audience.
When ever he would return to England, he would be praised by the wizard society. Everyone was interested to learn about his finds and hear the new tales and people devoured his books. He became to enjoy the attention and graving for it, wanting to do even greater things in hope of it attracting more readers and wealth. He felt braver than ever and was starting to be a very skilled wizard.
After turning 30, he had written 12 sell-out books and  the all time going adventures started to tire him and he felt as if he wanted a take a break and rest. His greatest wish of gaining massive audience for his books was starting to take a different turn and wreck his nerves.
At this point he had also abandoned hopes of having his own family as he felt married to his job. He is offered a position to give lectures at Hogwarts which his old school time dorm mate  Olyvar Yaxley arranged (during the HPHL timeline)  which he accepts. 
► relatives;
Father: Thane Greenaway Thane was a humble and patient man. He was sorted into Slytherin and held high ambitions of changing his families reputation and wanted to guarantee his own a stable future. He met Clarinda Diggory and the two married after he proved his worth to her family. He and Ezra were close and he admired his father a lot, even so much that he wanted to be sorted into  Slytherin like him.
Mother: Clarinda Diggory Clarinda and Ezra were much alike. Both shy and not loving being the center of attention. Yet she was loved by many and had friends in high places and could always trust on her family's good reputation. She didn't like the Greenaway family but fell in love with Thane. She was a Hufflepuff.
Brother: Thane Greenaway Jr.
Thane was only 6 years old when their father died. When Ezra was travelling, their uncle Luca not having kids of his own offered suddenly Thane (age 15) the opportunity to became his heir, if he would not be in contacts with the Diggory family or his brother anymore. To Ezra's great disappointment agreed to it. At that point Ezra knew well enough that Luca was in great debts and this was possibly just another scheme...
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Uncle:Luca Greenaway
Ezra never liked his uncle who was far too sloppy with money and had loud opinions about muggles and The Ministry Of Magic. He was also didn't get along with the Diggorys and it annoyed Ezra. Things got more heated after the death of Thane Sr. and Ezra for the first time in his life was eager for conflict and argued his uncle greatly. It's well possible that he was really behind Thane's death.
► relationships;
Love interests:
Agata della Rovere Agata and Ezra met when he first traveled to Italy. He adored her from the moment they met and she loved that about him. Agata was greedy for that sort of attention and already had lot of admirers. Ezra was the most beautiful one to her and she admired that he had high ambitions and agreed to marry him eventually after pondering on it. It was only later that she started to think about how this marriage could turn out to be like. She feared for him to leave her for too long and having to be a stay at home and be a mother all alone, being also a very powerful witch  and career oriented, it scared her that she would have to be just someone's wife and arm piece. She didn't want to adventure with him either as she was more focused on the hopes and dreams of her own career. The last option would have been for Ezra to give up his dreams and that was also something she suddenly couldn't find herself asking from him so she decided to break his heart in order for him to forget about her and focus on himself. Face claim: Vittoria Puccini
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Charles Hartford
Charles grew up reading Ezra's books and found him very inspirational.The young man he was he asked for a job from him and worked to get him better book deals. He worried a lot about the man who eventually became his best and was rooting for him to take a break from writing.  Face claim: Daniel Sharman
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Olyvar Yaxley @gaygryffindorgal​ Olyvar and Ezra were in the same dorm during their years in Hogwarts but the two were more acquaintances than friends at the time and became friends only after he returned to Hogwarts where Olyvar was teaching astronomy at the time.
Face claim: Diego Luna
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Eli Cairncross @cursebreakerfarrier​ Eli  went to school at the same time as Ezra. He was also in Slytherin and a bit older. After he became the head boy, Ezra admired that as he also wanted to became the head boy one day
Face Claim: Daniel Day-Lewis
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OPEN FOR MORE FRIENDS! Allegiances: Slytherin house, Greenaways (not anymore after his uncle took over), Diggory family, The Della Rovere family for a while.
Enemies: his uncle Luca Greenaway ► misc;
Hobbies & Extracurriculars: Chess club, writing, writing for the school news letter, writing columns For the Daily Prophet, adventuring, duelling, magizoology Favourite Subject: Care Of Magical Creatures, Charms, Defense Against The Dark Arts 
Professions: Author and Adventurer, lecturer, writer for The Daily Prophet (part time)
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luxisms · 1 year
Hogwarts Legacy Character Sheet — Veronica Delacroix
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“The treachery of demons is nothing compared to the betrayal of an angel.”
⛧ General ⛧
Name: Veronica Calliope Delacroix
Name Meanings:
Veronica - "she who brings victory"
Calliope - "beautifully voiced"
Delacroix - "of the cross"
"The Black Dahlia"
"Petite Faucheuse" (“Little Reaper”)
"The French Slytherin"
"The Hero of Hogwarts" (2/4)
Gender: Female
Birthdate: October 31st, 1874
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Personality Type (MBTI): ESTP - The Entrepreneur
Species: Cambion (Half-Human, Half-Demon)
Blood Status: Pureblood
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Nationality: French
Ethnic Background: French, Greek
Languages: French, English, Latin, Spanish, Italian, German, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Romanian
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hometown: Marseille, France
⛧ Physical Appearance ⛧
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Hair: Snow white and tightly braided down her back with a few stands framing her face.
Eyes: Forest Green (Pale Yellow when in her demon form)
Height: 172cm (5'8")
Weight: 64kg (142lbs)
Body Type: Lean, Athletic
Skin Tone: Pale white skin with an ivory undertone
Slytherin Robes
Gothic Steampunk (Outside Campus)
Black and green painted fingernails.
Black fingerless gloves.
Markings: The Sigil of Aamon is etched onto her left hand.
Magical scar on her right cheek.
Various scars on her body from fights and training.
Various scars on her body from the battle of the final repository.
CV: Charlotte McBurney (Amicia de Rune - A Plague Tale: Innocence/Requiem)
Faceclaim/Actress: Sabrina Carpenter
At first glance, Veronica comes across as intimidating, especially given her snow white hair, piercing green eyes, and very noticeable scar on her cheek, and while she can get very intimidating and downright scary at times, those who take the chance and put in the effort on actually getting to know her will find that Veronica is one of the best people to have in your corner. Despite her initial attitude, Veronica is someone that cares about her friends deeply and will always come to their defense with a ferocity befitting that of a Gryffindor rather than a Slytherin. She can be quite blunt and a tad insensitive sometimes but Veronica truly means well, she just lacks a filter which often leads to some interesting situations…or unfortunate encounters.
First and foremost, Veronica is an adrenaline junkie with a devil may care attitude, very little bothers her and she tends not to take most things seriously, preferring to enjoy her life and live it to the fullest, she gets a rise out of either embarassing or irritating her friends by saying the most scandalous or teasing remarks. She's always seeking out the next big adventure or at least something to keep her occupied long enough until something else happens to catch her attention, it's why she loves dueling and fighting in general, being the strongest and more physically skilled in her friend group, it gives her a rush like no other even if it leads to her getting bruised, bloodied, and scolded by her friends.
Most people tend to write her off as just a battle-hungry tomboy that's all brawn but that's not true, Veronica is deceptively intelligent and quite mature for her age and beyond her peers, this is due to her upbringing and home life which forced her to mature and adapt at a young age. She's very knowledgeable on the dark arts and similar areas of that topic, knowing lots of hidden facts and secrets that not even the most knowledgeable dark wizards know, she's also frighteningly familiar with the best and efficient ways on ending one's life and hiding the evidence. When as the "Black Dahlia", her personality does a 180, becoming a silent and emotionless assassin who only has one goal: eliminate her target. She's an efficient killer, always evading Aurors and Unspeakables and becoming one of the deadliest assassins in the Wizarding World that no one wants to mess with.
Having demonic blood in her veins, Veronica does exhibit traits that can be described as "non human" such as growling animalistically, being extremely territorial/possessive, and getting increasingly sadistic and violent. Thankfully, she has good control over her demonic instincts and knows when to distance herself from others for their safety when she feels like she can't hold back, she has an intense disdain of her demonic nature which stemmed from her family, seeing herself as more of a monster than a human.
⛧ Family ⛧
TW: Incest, Monsterfucking
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Raoul Delacroix; Father – A pureblood wizard and current head of House Delacroix, a former Wolverine at Durmstrang Institute and one of the most powerful politicians within the France Branch of the Ministry of Magic. A cold and stoic man with an unquenchable thirst for power and heavily believes in the family traditions of worshiping demons, Raoul has an immense dislike for muggles and half-bloods, firmly believing that purebloods are superior in every way. It is why he is quickly climbing the ranks to become the Minister of Magic in France so he can remove or at least heavily limit the rights of muggleborn and half-blood wizards and witches. Aside from that, he is known to be a powerful and skilled fighter in terms of both dueling and combat, having trained all of his children himself. Veronica and Raoul don't interact with each other much outside of training, her missions as an assassin, and social events which require them to be seen as a family but Veronica harbors an intense disliking for him.
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Yvonne Delacroix; Mother – A pureblood witch and former Ucilena at Durmstrang Institute. Yvonne is the head and is in charge of overseeing the shipments of illegal substances, weapons, and in some cases live human beings across the sea. Her and Raoul are cousins, being the "firstborns" with Raoul only being two years older than her, they were arranged to be wed when she was born, they were married by the time they both graduated and had their first child soon after. Yvonne is a beautiful woman with an air of apathy to her, she's snarky, has a sharp mind, and is undoubtedly dangerous. Veronica and Yvonne don't have much of a "loving" relationship but compared to Veronica and her father, it is much better.
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Ravus Delacroix; Eldest Brother - A former Wolverine at Durmstrang Institute and commander of House Delacroix's military where he oversees the training and progress of the soldiers the family hired as security. A sharp and stoic man with a perchance for arrogance, Ravus was heavily indoctrinated into the family's way of life and beliefs, believing that purebloods are superior and that (some) humans are just short lived entertainment. With Raoul getting older and spending more and more time at the Ministry, it is now Ravus' duty as the firstborn son to become the next head of House Delacroix, a duty that he takes great pride and honor with. Veronica despises Ravus wholeheartedly, always going out of her way to make him miserable if she could help it while Ravus thinks of Veronica as a pest that needs to be put in her place and honestly should never have been born.
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Davina Rosier (née Delacroix); Older Sister – A former Ucilena at Durmstrang Institute and head of the prostitution business where she trains slaves and breaks them down to serve customers at various brothels all over France for House Delacroix. A lustful and well sought after woman despite already married and had children, Davina cares little for anything except sex and partying, due to being part succubus, she has a very high sex drive and is known within the family to even kill her partners during her one night stands by getting too carried away. She got married after graduating per orders of Raoul and she's resented the family ever since, it increased even more with Veronica's birth. Davina resents Veronica, more specifically, she resents the freedom she has and the choices she never got to have at her age, in turn, she's actively antagonistic towards Veronica which unfortunately started many, many fights between them.
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Talon Delacroix; Older Brother – A former Slytherin at Hogwarts and head of the gambling business where he sees any and all activity at the various gambling dens all over France and is the head loan shark of the family, always making sure those in debt always pay what they owe in various different ways if money is tight. A playful and charismatic man with slight sadistic tendencies, Talon is considered one of the most sought after bachelors in the Wizarding World, however, marriage means very little to him and he refuses to start a family much to Raoul's chagrin. He dreams of one day being the ringleader of his own circus troupe and traveling all over the world, he loves Veronica dearly, having practically raised her since her birth and only wishes the best for his baby sister as it was him who put the thought in her head to attend Hogwarts. Veronica and Talon are the only two in the family who have a loving relationship, the two are always seen together and Talon is the reason why Veronica stays and puts up with the rest of their family.
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Mathéo Delacroix; Older Brother, Deceased – A former Slytherin at Hogwarts and was the family's informant and spy before his death which caused the already fractured relationships within the family to fall apart completely. A well-mannered and eloquently spoken man before his untimely death, Mathéo was an angel among men, despite being a part of an evil family, he never once enjoyed or believed in the values and beliefs the rest of the family had and he made sure that Veronica never did as well. Veronica loved Mathéo dearly, she looked up to him and he along with Talon was her favorite person in the world so his death completely and absolutely crushed her.
Paternal Grandparents: Ifrit Delacroix & Lilith
Maternal Grandparents: Shiva Delacroix & Ba'al
Uncles: Edmund Delacroix (Raoul's Brother)
Mauser Delacroix (Yvonne's Brother)
Orville Aguillard (Carolina's Husband)
Aunts: Carolina Delacroix (Yvonne's Sister)
Margaret Delacroix (née Lestallum) (Edmund's Wife)
Helena Delacroix (née Auclair) (Mauser's Wife)
Cousins: Tristan Delacroix
Lana Delacroix
Eugene Delacroix
Maxine Delacroix (Edmund and Margaret’s Children)
Fallon Delacroix
Aries Delacroix
Théo Delacroix (Mauser and Helena’s Sons)
Seraphina Aguillard
Vivian Aguillard
Zoe Aguillard (Orville and Carolina’s Daughters)
Deirdre Delacroix (née Lestrange) (Ravus' Wife/Sister-in-Law)
Somnus Delacroix (Nephew)
Maurice Delacroix (Nephew)
Aera Delacroix (Niece)
Daphné Delacroix (Niece)
Victor Rosier (Davina's Husband/Brother-in-Law)
Simon Rosier (Nephew)
Nathaniel Rosier (Nephew)
Aeterna Rosier (Niece)
Altissia Rosier (Niece)
Kaiser Rosier (Nephew)
Josephine Garnier, Deceased (Mathéo's Fiance)
Unborn Child
Barbatos Delacroix (Ancestor)
Umbra Delacroix (Ancestor)
⛧ Hogwarts/Magic ⛧
Wand: Soft Spiral - Black
Wood: Yew
Core: Dragon Heartstring
Length: 13 in.
Flexibility: Whippy
Handle: Arrow - Black
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House: Slytherin
Best Class: Defense Against the Dark Arts
Worst Class: Care of Magical Creatures
Favorite Professor: Dinah Hecat
Least Favorite Professor: Bai Howin
Favorite Subject(s): DADA, Potions, Flying, Charms
Least Favorite Subject(s): Care of Magical Creatures, History of Magic, Herbology
Boggart: Her Grandfather's Demon Form
Riddikulus: A very large puppy
Patronus: Thestral
Patronus Memory: Going to the circus with Talon and Mathéo
Mirror of Erised: Herself, Talon, Mathéo, Josephine, and their unborn Child all living together happily.
Animagus: It is required for children born into the Delacroix Family to become well-versed in every type of magic possible, one of those requirements is to become an animagus as soon as possible. Veronica became an animagus at age 12, her animal form is a Black Panther.
Amortentia (what she smells like): Hot chocolate, strawberry croissants, rain, cedarwood, brimstone
Amortentia (what she smells): Sour candy, earthy scent, butterbeer, horklump juice, unidentifiable
Quidditch: Yes, Chaser
Prefect: No
Head Boy/Girl: No
Investigation Team (Founder)
Crossed Wands
O.W.L. Classes:
Transfiguration - Exceeds Expectations
Charms - Outstanding
Herbology - Acceptable
Astronomy - Acceptable
Potions - Outstanding
History of Magic - Acceptable
Defense Against the Dark Arts - Outstanding
Flying - Outstanding
Ancient Runes - Outstanding
Magic Theory - Exceeds Expectations
Music - Outstanding
O.W.L. Electives:
Arithmancy - Acceptable
Divination - Acceptable
Care of Magical Creatures - Acceptable
Ancient Runes - Outstanding
Magic Theory - Exceeds Expectations
Music - Outstanding
N.E.W.T. Classes:
Divination - Acceptable
Astronomy - Acceptable
Charms - Outstanding
Arithmancy - Acceptable
Herbology - Acceptable
Ancient Runes - Outstanding
Magic Theory - Exceeds Expectations
Music - Outstanding
Dark Arts
Wandless/Non-Verbal Magic
Demonic Aura
Demonic Transformation (Demon Form)
⛧ Background ⛧
Veronica Calliope Delacroix was born on October 31st, 1874 to Yvonne and Raoul Delacroix in Marseille, France. The Delacroix Family are considered to be powerful and deadly due to being descended from demons, specifically, Lucifer himself, this was something that would get hammered into Veronica from a young age as well as her place in the world and what was expected of her. Ever since she could remember, Veronica was partially raised by her older brothers, Talon and Mathéo and a nanny that held the same namesake as her. The brothers would play and teach Veronica all sorts of things, determined to give her at least a better childhood than the one they had, which included going to the circus every year.
Veronica, despite being a witch, was always filled with wonder at the whimsical and fantastical performance the circus would have, it was and still would be her favorite memory to have. As she grew older, that was when Veronica would begin her training in the ways of magic and combat by her father, it was less training and more of Raoul brutalizing his own daughter in an attempt to make her stronger, it was one of the many instances Veronica would know pain, she would go on to learn more things, except unlike with her brothers, she would not enjoy what she learned.
One day, during the siblings annual trip to the circus, Mathéo met a muggle woman by the name Josephine Garnier, a tightrope walker within the troupe, the two fell in love almost instantly and Mathéo would sneak out to meet her, the two of them eventually would get engaged in secret, Veronica had only met her a handful of times, usually when Mathéo would take her with him and Talon but from those encounters, Josephine had carved a place in Veronica's heart as she would see her as an older sister. Eventually, Josephine fell pregnant with Mathéo's child and the two of them, fearful of what Mathéo's family would do to them, planned to elope and flee to America to raise their child.
Unfortunately, the two of them were intercepted by the family's soldiers that forcibly brought them to the Delacroix estate where it was revealed that Ravus had found out and had told everyone in the family, while Mathéo and Talon were beaten and locked in the dungeon as punishment, Yvonne and Raoul were hysterical over the fact that Mathéo fell in love with a muggle and had even gotten her pregnant, in a desperate attempt to keep the family pure, it was agreed to sacrifice Josephine and her unborn child to appease the family and keep their status. At age 9, Veronica witnessed death via ritual where Josephine had her womb forcibly ripped open and her child taken out and then offered to her grandfather Ba'al who consumed both the child's body and soul before doing the same to Jospehine after making her watch and slit her throat, that was when Veronica experienced true horror and passed out from fear not too long after.
When she woke up, that's when things started to go downhill, beginning with Mathéo's suicide from stabbing himself in the heart with a dagger and Talon's deep descent into madness over losing his twin, Veronica's training became even more difficult, almost always ending with her in some sort of critical condition, one session even leaving a large scar on her face with no magic available to heal it. By the time Veronica turned 11, it was time for her to start her magical education and choose a school to go to, she was originally supposed to attend Durmstrang but Talon managed to convince Raoul and Yvonne to let Veronica attend Hogwarts to advance her training.
The next thing she knew, she was waving goodbye to Talon while on the Hogwarts Express and on the way there she met Noelle Ottinger and Ines Rivera, two girls that would eventually become family to Veronica. Hogwarts was a breath of fresh air to Veronica, the difference between cultures and ways of magic was all fascinating to her, it felt like she was back in the circus, for the first two years, it felt like things were looking up for her until the summer before her 3rd year is where Veronica would fully become indoctrinated into the family business by successfully making a pact with the demon Aamon to save herself from getting forced into an arranged marriage. Sensing her potential, Raoul decided on Veronica taking Mathéo's place within the family business while also transforming her into an efficient assassin, becoming the "Black Dahlia", by the time she turned 15, Veronica had become the most deadliest assassin in Wizarding World in France.
Now in her 5th year, Veronica is increasingly aware of what little time she has left before her parents decided to try again into pushing her into an arranged marriage, while dealing with her own personal life, she becomes swept up in a adventure of a lifetime with the appearance of the new fifth year, Beatrix Luxiem.
⛧ Career ⛧
11 – 17: Hogwarts Student
18 – 21: Auror Training
21 – 38: Auror
38 – 72: Unspeakable
72 – 89: Head of the Auror Office
89 – 96: Retired
96 – 138: Unknown
138 – Death: Unknown
Finding a way for both her and Talon to leave the family alive
Put off the thought of marriage from her parents's minds as much as possible
Going on adventures
Earning her independence
Exploring the world
Rational & Practical
Insensitive & Blunt
Playing the Lute
Playing Poker
⛧ Relationships ⛧
Best Friend(s):
Beatrix Luxiem | 5th Year | Ravenclaw (MC)
Noelle Ottinger | 5th Year | Hufflepuff (OC)
Ines Rivera | 5th Year | Gryffindor (OC)
Ominis Gaunt
(I'm open to any and all OC friends, feel free to DM me if you want to be added!)
Sebastian Sallow
Anne Sallow
Imelda Reyes
Natsai Onai
Poppy Sweeting
Garreth Weasley
Amit Thakkar
Grace Pinch-Smedley
Leander Prewett
Nerida Roberts
Violet McDowell
Anne Sallow
Imelda Reyes
Grace Pinch-Smedley
Victor Rookwood
Theophilus Harlow
Azrael Caelestis
Rivals: Sebastian Sallow (DADA/Crossed Wands)
Love Interest: Garreth Weasley
Damien, Madeleine, & Renée Weasley (Triplets)
Nicholas, Juliet, & Ryland Weasley (Triplets..again)
Mathéo, Josephine, & Âme (A Family of Thestrals)
Pearl (Female Baby Mooncalf)
Caligo (Male Hippogriff)
⛧ Misc & Trivia ⛧
Veronica was named after the nanny that cared for her and her brothers, her mother did not bother to name her after her birth and Mathéo and Talon loved their nanny so much that they agreed to name their sister 'Veronica' after she died.
Veronica is a skilled acrobatic, her love for the circus and Josephine's teachings were the reason she got into it.
Veronica sometimes likes to lounge around in her animal form, there have been rumors of a black panther prowling around the castle, it always scares the 1st years and professors are completely baffled when trying (and failing) to find and apprehend the beast.
Veronica's prized possession is the joker card her brother gave to her when she was 7.
Veronica has to go into hiding during a blood moon, this is because it is the time when demons are at their strongest but also at their most out of control. Veronica always ends up waking in a pool of blood that is not hers and she doesn't want to risk hurting her friends.
Animals and beasts are terrified of Veronica, this is because they sense the demonic aura around her and it's sheer potency is enough to make even Inferi and Spiders hesitant to attack her.
Her favorite desserts are macarons and chocolate.
She has a habit of speaking French and English at the same time.
She is the ancestor of Nikolai Trappola (HPHM OC).
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Dante Sparda — Devil May Cry 5
Jinx — Arcane (2021)
Gladiolus Amicitia — Final Fantasy XV
Amélie Lacroix/Widowmaker — Overwatch
Nikolai Gogol — Bungou Stray Dogs
Childe/Tartaglia — Genshin Impact
The Hogwarts Investigation Team
💙Beatrix Luxiem | 💚 Veronica Delacroix (Here) | 💛 Noelle Ottinger (Coming Soon) | ❤️ Ines Rivera (Coming Soon)
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endlessly-cursed · 4 months
HL- Nesta Ymir
"𝙎𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙮 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙥𝙖𝙨𝙩."
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Name: Nesta Aylen Ymir
Nicknames: Nes, Nessie
Birthdate: 23rd of February, 1883
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Personality Type (MBTI): NA
Blood Status: Half-blood
Nationality: Norwegian
Physical Appearance
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Hair: Auburn
Eyes: Blue
Height: 1.62m
Weight: 63kg
Body Type: Slim
Skin Tone: Fair
Distinguishing Marks (scars, birthmarks, etc.): None
Nesta grew up in the extremely sheltered Ymir family, where her onñy education was at Hogwarts, and grew up in Ymir values, until her fifth year when she started questioning said values
Mother: Holofira Ymir, neé Castamere
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While her beauty was striking, it was her deep loyalty and her wisdom what drew in Nesta's father, who died young after the twins were born defending the cabin from unwanted intruders. In a show of misguided true love, Holofira continued the milenary Ymir tradition of protecting the legacy.
Sister: Melinoe Sigrid Ymir
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Fierce and a Norse through and through, she, unlike her sister, never bought into the Ymir values and always looked for a route to escape their mother and flee with her sister, but it all went downhill when her sister got pregnant.
Daughter: Ephyra Lionette ( @kathrynalicemc )
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Her first and only child, she was given away to the Lionette family after the father mysteriously disappeared and was raised as a Lionette
House: Hufflepuff
Best Class: Herbology
Worst Class: Divination
Boggart: Her father's assassin looming over her
Riddikulus: He instead starts Irish tap dancing
Patronus: NA
Patronus Memory: Playing tag with Meli
Mirror of Erised: Raising a family in her own terms
Amortentia (what she smells like): Snow, rain, hot cocoa and the sea
Amortentia (what she smells): Something related to her love
Nesta never has the chance to build a career for herself
Personality & Attitude
Priorities: Her family, her freedom, her child's safety
Strengths: Caring, hardworking, strong, intelligent and resourceful
Weaknesses: Has little regard for her life, self-sacrificing, stubborn and shy to a default
Stressed: With her mother's rigid rules
Calm/Comforted: Talking and laughing with Meli
Colors: Orange, gold, red and white
Weather: Thunderstorm
Hobbies: Needlework, reading, bird-watching and herbology
Fashion: Nesta dresses the family's colours
Significant Other/Love Interest: Elon Abu
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Five years older than Nesta, they met when she had just turned 21 and he was 26, and clicked instantly, being soulmates, and lived a whirlwind romance, marrying in Gretna Green and soon expecting a child together.
Unfortunately, there was a prophecy that the birth of the next Ymir would bring doom to Nesta's branch and whoever joined it. It became true when their daughter Effy was born.
Nesta had a very difficult pregnancy, with heavy pains and was always bedridden, and her mother's berating was not helping. She went into labour for three and a half days, losing most of her blood. She died of childbed fever and didn't get to meet her daughter. The only thing for Elon was to name his daughter, for he felt something terrible watching over him. He went to face it, and was never seen again.
Melinoe, in an effort to save the baby's life, went to their old friends, the Lionettes, and left a note explaining what had happened and begging them to keep baby Effy away from them until it was time to know the truth.
Friends: None (open!)
Rivals: None (open!)
She wanted to be a healer and be the one to open the gate, but her mother always refused
Despite being offered to abort the baby due to the prophecy, she declined, wanting to make her dream come true
She wanted to write a letter to Effy, but was so weak and in so much pain, it never got out of her throat
She loved to make potions and curating salves for the sick animals
After her death, her mother persisted for seven years until she gave out due to heart failures
Melinoe fled, travelling and studying prophecies until she showed up at an adult Effy's doorstep, wanting to tell her herself her mother's story
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rosachaotic · 11 months
Character profiles List(HPHM, HPHL, HPMA)
Hogwarts mystery
Cereza Gomez
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Michael Gomez
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Hogwarts legacy
Amanda Santos
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Magic awakened
Jasmine Green
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catohphm · 1 year
HPHL Character Sheet - Danny Gibson
Ahh gosh it’s been a long time since I first released a profile for Danny. This update is long overdue, but I thought I’d do it for once since yesterday, the 15th was his birthday. It’s been rebuilt from the ground up. If you’re not familiar with him, he is my main OC for Harry Potter: Hogwarts Legacy.
The moodboard is made by the lovely @thatravenpuffwitch, I would also recommended checking her out. Also I would like to thank @dat-silvers-girl for such a great conversation over last weekend that partially inspired me to make this! Finally it’s all the effort and dedication put into the new HPHL OCs I’ve seen that gave me the last pieces of encouragement to commit to Danny’s new profile. Now it’s ready! I hope you all enjoy this remake of his profile.<3
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Name: Daniel Roy Gibson
Nicknames: Danny, Dan
Birthdate: March 15, 18-- (birthyear isn’t definitive, depends on headcanon)
Zodiac sign: Pisces
MBTI type: INTJ (the Architect)
Blood status: Pure-blood
Nationality: British-American
Physical Appearance
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Hair: Long but neatly combed and parted
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5′9.
Weight: Healthy weight for his age and height.
Body type: thin, but muscular and a bit imposing
Skin tone: Fair
Distinguishing marks (scars, birthmarks, etc.):
from childhood:
Scars from hits by his father as a child
acquired in teenage years/adulthood:
Huntington, West Virginia, United States (ages birth-10)
Exeter, Devon, England United States (10-18)
Somerset, England (25-)
Mother: Prudence “Rue” Gibson
Prudence, or Rue, for short, was born in England. She received a Hogwarts education as a Hufflepuff and pursed a career in potioneering following graduation. For this, she accepted an offer to move to America for an apprenticeship. During her studies, she met the man who would become Danny’s father. She was impressed by his intellect and cultured demeanor. They shared deep passion for each other during their courting.
When Danny was five, his father started showing up less. His mum told him that he found a job where had to work long hours but was promised a lot of money for it. She told him not to worry because he would still be helping them out a lot focusing on earning money for the family. The times they got to see each other after this point started out normal, but Danny’s father acted less like himself when time went on.
His mother saved up a portion of the money from her potioneering job for when the family would move back to England. Rue was determined to send both of her sons to Hogwarts once they were of age. She hoped to get her own place not too faraway from her folks back home in England. Another motive for this choice was American policies prohibiting wizards under 17 from owning or carrying wands outside of school. This made the country dangerous since they would not be able to protect themselves if they were accosted. For this she wanted her sons to have the freedom of self-defense once they got old enough, which was the case in Britain. 
The behavior of Rue’s husband got worse to the point of fiery arguments and mindless rambles. She never stood for a husband who did not perform his duty to the family and respect his wife and children as individuals. Most often she would question her husband over his frequent disappearances, not participating in harvesting the garden or other chores, and yelling at and hitting their sons. 
Rue knew that there was not anything she could do get her husband back to his old self, it having been overwhelmed and crushed in the wake the monster that emerged in him, causing much turmoil and hardship for his family. The only solution she had was to file for divorce. The process would be painstakingly long and complicated. Not just the government’s bureaucracy. The father’s frequent disappearances and returning home while drunk and unresponsive or outright hostile did not help either.
For the time being, she had Danny and his little brother help out with chores while they were not at school. Rue also became more independent and mentally strong. She did not let her status as a woman bar her from building up confidence and determination. Her concerns about her husband, which grew into suspicions, were confirmed. In fact, she had also started saving money in case of emergencies. She knew to keep the money hidden as best she could so her husband would not steal from it to buy alcohol. 
Through perseverance, Rue finalized the divorce from her husband. She and her sons left the house for good while he was out cold. They used the funds Rue had saved to pay for a train to New York, where Danny’s little brother was left in the care of a well-meaning, good family she knew. It was a very difficult decision for Rue. She could only take care of one son and trusted them to look after the other boy because he could not look after himself yet. 
After a very emotional parting ways with the younger Gibson and his new guardians, Rue bought tickets and boarded a steamship with Danny, bound for London. They made contact with Rue’s folks and arrived in her hometown of Exeter. Being a divorced single mum, society considered Rue an outcast. Fortunately, she and Danny were taken in. Her family helped the two get accustomed to their new life in England. A year after moving in, he received his Hogwarts acceptance letter.
Rue went with Danny to shop for school supplies in Diagon Alley using the Floo network. They spent the night at the Leaky Cauldron before going to King’s Cross to catch the Hogwarts Express. Sharing a tearful goodbye and hug, she told her son to get on board when the conductor’s whistle blew. They shared a final wave as the train got underway, departing London for Hogsmeade. Danny’s first year at Hogwarts awaited.
Father: Wallace “Wally” Gibson
Son of Reginald Gibson and a Native American witch, Wallace, nicknamed Wally by his parents, went to Illvermorny as a boy. He was sorted into Horned Serpent. He had an interest in unusual branches of magic and deep mysteries of constant curiosity to scholars. Around his mid-twenties he met Rue and they began dating after Rue finished her apprenticeship. 
The couple had different ideas for where they should raise their children. Wallace sought a secluded place in the country where they could be safe from outsiders. The non-magic citizens of America at the time were well-known to be hostile to wizards, especially a good number of those living in the state. Rue wanted to move back to England so the kids could go to Hogwarts. However she got a lucrative job offer through her former mentor that she accepted. The couple agreed on remaining in America until they built up their finances to the point where they could afford to move to England. 
Moving into a remote home in the forests of West Virginia, Wallace liked it as it was far away from other people. Both he and Rue also admired the natural beauty of the area, for Gibson sort of reminded him of his childhood in Oregon. 
Eventually, Wallace was recruited by MACUSA to be a researcher for their Department of Mysteries. It was a very lucrative position. However, his contract bound him to a strict code of secrecy. The rules strictly forbade him from discussing his work with people outside the Department, even with his family. He just told his wife that his new job had a generous salary and didn’t mind the terms as long as the income was good. 
Rue felt something was off about her husband after he got the job, but couldn’t pinpoint it. She did not reveal this to her husband. The Unspeakable job would prove to be the very agitator for Wallace becoming abusive and estranged from his wife and family in the future. 
The experiments and research Wallace conducted as an Unspeakable had negative consequences for his mental well-being. His great interest in the subjects he studied gave way for the unusual and highly confidential nature of the work to inflict deep stress on him. The very nature of what he studied affected his mind too. He could not disclose his work to Rue or the kids. Otherwise he would get fired, or worse, imprisoned or killed. The burden cluttering up and overflowing in his mind, he turned to drinking to cope with the stress.
Wallace became an alcoholic. Time to time he would return home drunk and in a rage. He most often took it out on the younger son, Isaac, but targeted Danny too. They were beaten for even the smallest mistakes. Many times, the older boy had no choice but rush in front of him and take his father’s blows just to protect Isaac. The father was missing from home for long periods of time, which also led to Danny as the oldest son having to grow up fast and do the chores normally meant for his father to help his mum. 
After many failed attempts, Rue managed to get a divorce from her husband. This led to him becoming very infuriated. The abuse escalated to the point where Danny had to knock out his father with an frying pan when he was about to seriously injure Isaac in reprisal for the divorce. He first thought he killed his father until his little brother assured him their father was still breathing. 
Rue ushered her sons to gather up clothing and some necessities. They made their move while their father was still unconscious. She had prepared in advance to afford passage to England, knowing that their lives would be in danger from their husband if they got a divorce. 
Wallace’s state continued to grow worse with the departure of his spouse and children from his life. It got to the point where he snapped and gruesomely murdered a co-worker in the Department of Mysteries. Wallace was tried, convicted and sentenced to death. He passed out and died in his cell while awaiting execution. 
Isaac Gibson
Alongside his mother, Danny’s little brother Isaac was the only other person who really felt like family to him. They enjoyed a special bond as siblings, them almost always together. Danny was calmer and mature while Isaac was outgoing and mischievous. In spite of their difference, they were two peas in a pod as brothers. This bond was crucial to both of the Gibson boys surviving the torment and atrocious behavior of their father.
The brothers attended non-magic public school during their time in West Virginia. While they enjoyed the company of other students, they could not establish long-term friendships with them because of the enforced separation between wizards and non-magical humans in America by Rappaport’s Law. 
Concealing their identities as wizards could only do so much, and Rue was also aware of the potential danger the muggles or no-majs as Americans called them, posed to wizards. She could not homeschool the boys because of her commitment to work, and had to compromise so they would get a basic education in reading, writing and other important skills before they entered Hogwarts. 
Under the care of his adoptive family, Isaac was enrolled into Illvermorny and started attending when he came of age. He and Danny missed each other dearly while they lived apart. It was not their fault but the separation after many years together took it’s toll on the boys. Hampered by their studies and both brothers on different ends of the pond, they still exchanged letters whenever they could.
House: Ravenclaw
Clubs: Dueling, Music
Best class: DADA
Worst class: N/A
Boggart: His little brother deceased
Riddikulus: His little brother alive and well, rolling on the ground laughing
Patronus: Wolf
Patronus memory: Playing in the forest with his brother
Mirror of Erised: His found family of friends, brother and mum all surrounding him
Amortentia (what he smells like): Wildflowers, mountain air and pine trees
Amortentia (what he smells): Sweet, warm tea, maple syrup and parchment
Ages 11-18: Hogwarts student
Ages 18-21: Auror trainee
Ages 21-35: Auror
Ages 45 - Retirement: Hogwarts DADA Professor
Personality & Attitude
Priorities: Friends, studies, Quidditch,  
Strengths: Resilience, loyalty, wisdom, intelligence, empathy, 
Weaknesses: Aloof, stubborn, cynical
Stressed: When thinking about separation from his brother, sometimes when trying to meet new people
Calm/Comforting: Quidditch, reading in the Ravenclaw common room, in the company of his friends, being in nature with plants and animals
Years of facing his father’s abuse and limited contact with others outside of his family have not helped Danny be sociable. He tends to express himself with a serious, stern tone and stray away from social situations. There are also times where he may try to meet others, but he’ll become frustrated and hurry away when he gets nervous, unable to express his thoughts to others.
This makes some feel intimidated by Danny and steer clear of him. He also had to take responsibility for some adult tasks at an early age to help make ends meet. The social expectations of men in the Victorian era also made Danny feel obligated to hide his feelings so he won’t be perceived as “weak.” He never means any of it though! He takes time to open up to others and asks them to be patient. 
The weakness in Danny’s shell lies in his empathy. He can relate to people who also came from a rough household with distant parents who were not there for them. Anyone who came from a home environment that felt unsafe. If he’s in a positive mood, or even reading a good book, you may be able to strike up a conversation with him too. He enjoys discussing his interests with like-minded students. 
Danny becomes more sociable as he gets older and builds up his friend group. His mum wanted to move to England at some point so that he would have the opportunity to meet a more diverse group of friends his age. Wizards in America lived in isolated pockets, and the Gibsons knew well to steer clear of their magical neighbors. Rue and her sons considered them “weirdos” because they were so obsessed over blood status and saw themselves as superior because of that. 
He considers the friends he makes at Hogwarts found family. Danny learned what friends really meant from them. He never had many before moving to England. The boy deeply valued his relationships with his friends, and was very grateful to have them in his life. He grew protective of them and the way of life they worked together to achieve. In fact, his concern for his friends coming from abusive households, prejudiced parents or minority groups such as werewolves who were the target of bigotry led him to become an auror. This demonstrates his unwavering loyalty to his friends.
Danny has a strong will. He believes the tomorrow will always come, and that alone serves a reason to make it through each day. Not deterred by his social awkwardness, he works hard to open up to his peers at Hogwarts and make new friends. He believes that werewolves, vampires, squibs, muggle-borns, kelpies and other human beings the target of discrimination should be treated equally as pure-blood and half-blood wizards are. He resolves to help those need in and stand up against the bullying and negative stigma in circulation at Hogwarts, while refraining from spreading drama and rumors as much as possible.
While in the company of his friends, Danny is affectionate and lively. He enjoys joking around, with a blend of wits and wholesome humor.
Color: Teal, like the color of a forest lake
Food: Chicken
Drink: Eggnog
Weather: Clear, with blue skies, some clouds even
Hobbies: Reading, Quidditch, baking, music
Fashion: Danny didn’t have much of a fashion sense when he started Hogwarts. He was simple and practical because of the work he did back in America. His friends help him get a style he likes, dapper and sharp with earthly tones reflecting his outdoorsy nature.
I ended up decided to go a bit looser with Danny regarding ships because he isn’t a direct ancestor of my other OCs. For his default OC x Canon ship, I picture him with Poppy Sweeting or Samantha Dale. Danny’s main OC x OC ship is with Isabella Mclyntyre who belongs to @mjs-oc-corner​. None of his ships are meant to replace the other even though Danny x Bella is the longest-running ship I have for him so far. Like his birthdate, I’m also leaving Danny’s ships open because it can also vary depending on the headcanons with fellow creators. There is no one path he can end up on due to his independence from Cato’s direct bloodline.
Canon HPHL Characters
Garreth Weasley, Leander Prewett
Poppy Sweeting
Samantha Dale, Amit Thakkar (also dormmates/roommates with him)
Sebastian Sallow, Anne Sallow, Ominis Gaunt, Imelda Reyes (also friendly rivals in Quidditch, they respect each other’s flying skills.)
OC Friends
(Danny is happy to interact with and even befriend other people’s OCs if you want to, just message me or reply to this post to tell me if you want OC to be friends with him! You can even send an ask if you prefer that. If your OCs were previously friends with him and you still want them to have friendships with Danny you can let me know too!)
Auggie Grant @mjs-oc-corner
Abbi Bennet @mjs-oc-corner
Gabriel Saphiea @slytherindisaster
Tadhg Lynch @unfortunate-arrow
Kanan McGarry @theguythatdraws
Io Gordon @drinkyoursoupbitch
more TBA
Maura Devitt @mjs-oc-corner
Maggie Grant @mjs-oc-corner
Colten Grazier @mjs-oc-corner
Aubrey Lockhart @shiinzhon
Lysander Mercury @slytherindisaster
Josie Edwards @slytherindisaster
Simon Battersea @unfortunate-arrow
Siyana Devonshire @dat-silvers-girl
Shion Ryusaki @akaisenhatake
Audrey Hecate @akikocho
more TBA
Roxie Haley @mjs-oc-corner
Lydia Ellis @mjs-oc-corner
Adam Ellis @mjs-oc-corner
Will Berkeley @mjs-oc-corner
Kaitlyn Burr @hexenaa
William Devlin @unfortunate-arrow
Niamh Kelly @unfortunate-arrow
Ianthe Court @akaisenhatake
Marie McKay @helenadurazzo
Zsuzi Schroder @helenadurazzo​
Reuben Willows @that-scouse-wizard​
Hellendil ​Melinae @theravenchild​
more TBA
Maura Devitt @mjs-oc-corner
Isabella Mclyntyre @mjs-oc-corner
Phineas Hearst @helenadurazzo
Mia Boysenberry @ladyofsappho
Jackson Knightly @carewyncromwell​
Marigold Sterling @that-scouse-wizard​
more TBA
Danny’s paternal grandfather, Reginald, migrated across America by covered wagon on the Oregon trail in the 1840s. He sought frontier life to escape the oppressively wizard-muggle segregation polices of Rappaport’s law that were not formally abolished until 1965. On the trail he fell in love with a pure-blood Native American witch, who he married and shared a happy life with for many years.
He is Cato’s great-granduncle on his mother’s side. Isaac was Cato’s great grandfather  Affectionately nick-named “Uncle Danny,” he was a significant role model for Cato. They enjoyed a close bond until Danny passed away in the 1990s. 
His father being an Unspeakable meant that Danny nor his brother knew what their blood statuses were. They only learned they were pure-bloods after receiving letters informing them of their father’s death.
Danny and Isaac found solace in the nature surrounding their home as an escape from their father’s abuse. He built up an extensive knowledge of American flora and fauna of both the magical and mundane types. This came from reading up on his mother’s potioneering and herbology books, and his own observations that he wrote down in a journal. He befriended Poppy Sweeting and Samantha Dale over their shared in interests in herbology and magical creatures. 
He visited Rue’s family in England multiple times before he moved there with her at 10 years old. Danny was instructed in the musical arts there, learning violin, piano and trumpet. After relocating to Exeter, he continued studying music before he received his Hogwarts letter. He focused on it as the idea of being a foreigner in a new land made him apprehensive about making contact with other kids until coming to Hogwarts. Rue was also protective of her older son because of their nature as outcasts from society. 
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lovelymaryj-recs · 7 months
Hello! This is my fanfiction recommendation blog. The fics in this blog were written by various authors from AO3, Quotev, and Tumblr. If you're looking for fics posted on Wattpad, please go to my Wattpad profile and check out my reading lists.
This blog isn't dedicated to any particular fandom, so don't be fooled by whatever my blog's current theme is. I post what I like. My main criterion to determine whether or not I post a fic here is whether or not I want to reread a fic someday. I'm a simple woman. (This blog is basically my library.)
Most of the fanfictions here are female reader or OC inserts. It's quite rare for me to post character/character fics because it's also rare for me to read character/character fics. Also, most, if not all, ships are straight. If they're supposed to be a gay ship, one of them is probably genderbent. Sorry. If that's not your cup of tea, you're free to click/tap away. Additionally, some fics may include dark content. If you don't know how to define that, maybe you shouldn't be looking at this blog. As always, you're free to leave if you don't like such fics.
Fandoms, characters and ships available (in alphabetical order, mostly):
[Note: To look for fics more efficiently, type the character/ship/fandom name in the search bar. Look for the name you used in the search bar in the tags of the results/posts. Click on the tag.
TLDR: Search by tags instead of just looking up the name using the search bar.]
Assassination Classroom | Anatsu Kyoushitsu (ASSCLASS)
Akabane Karma
Avatar: The Last Airbender (ATLA)
Avatar: The Legend of Korra (LOK)
Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, The (TBOSAS) | The Hunger Games (THG)
Coriolanus Snow
Black Butler | Kuroshitsuji (BB)
Alois Trancy Ciel Phantomhive Sebastian Michaelis
Kim Namjoon Kim Seokjin Min Yoongi Jung Hoseok Park Jimin Kim Taehyung Jeon Jungkook
Bungou Stray Dogs (BSD)
Dazai Osamu
Batfamily & Batsis Bruce Wayne Damian Wayne Damian Wayne / Mar'i Grayson (Demonfire) Jason Todd Kaldur'ahm Kyle Rayner Dick Grayson Roy Harper
Folk of the Air, The (TFOTA)
Jude Duarte / Cardan Greenbriar (Jurdan)
Genshin Impact (GI)
Diluc Ragnvindr
Akaashi Keiji Bokuto Koutarou Hinata Shouyou Hoshiumu Kourai Iwaizumi Hajime Kozume Kenma Kuroo Tetsurou Meian Shuugo Miya Atsumu Miya Osamu Oikawa Tooru Sakusa Kiyoomi Sawamura Daichi Sugawara Koushi Suna Rintarou Tsukishima Kei Ushijima Wakatoshi
Harry Potter (HP) | Marauders
Draco Malfoy Draco Malfoy / Hermione Granger (Dramione) James Potter James Potter / Female Regulus Black (Jegulus) Regulus Black Remus Lupin Sirius Black
Harry Potter: Magic Awakened (HPMA)
Daniel Page
Hogwarts Legacy (HPHL)
Ominis Gaunt Sebastian Sallow
Honkai: Star Rail (HSR)
Dan Heng / Stelle (Danstelle)
How to Train You Dragon (HTTYD)
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III
Jujutsu Kaisen (JJK)
Fushiguro Megumi Fushiguro Toji Getou Suguru Gojou Satoru Kamo Chousou Nanami Kento Ryoumen Sukuna
Little Women
Theodore "Laurie" Laurence
Marvel | Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)
Bucky Barnes Loki Peter Parker
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir (MLB)
Adrien Agreste
My Hero Academia | Boku no Hero Academia (MHA | BNHA)
Amajiki Tamaki Bakugou Katsuki Shinsou Hitoshi Takami Keigo Todoroki Shouto Todoroki Touya | Dabi
Night Manager, The
Jonathan Pine
Percy Jackson and the Olympians (PJO) | Riordanverse | Heroes of Olympus (HOO)
Apollo / Female Percy Jackson (Perpollo) Female Percy Jackson Percy Jackson
Shadowhunter Chronicles, The (TSC)
Jem Carstairs / Tessa Gray (Jessa) Jem Carstairs / Tessa Gray / Will Herondale (Herongraystairs) Tessa Gray / Will Herondale (Wessa)
Loid Forger / Yor Briar Forger (Twiyor)
Tears of Themis (TOT)
Artem Wing Luke Pearce Marius von Hagen Vyn Richter
Sano "Mikey" Manjirou
Choi Yeonjun
Twisted Wonderland (TWST)
Ace Trappola Azul Ashengrotto Cater Diamond Deuce Spade Epel Felmier Floyd Leech Idia Shroud Jack Howl Jade Leech Jamil Viper Kalim Al-Asim Leona Kingscholar Lilia Vanrouge Malleus Draconia Riddle Rosehearts Rook Hunt Ruggie Bucchi Sebek Zigvolt Silver Trey Clover Vil Schoenheit
Umbrella Academy, The (TUA)
Five Hargreeves
Willy Wonka
There are more fics of certain fandoms and there are more fics of certain characters. Nonetheless, as long as they're listed above, there's at least one (1) fanfiction of them in here somewhere.
Happy reading! <3
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magicallymalted · 2 years
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Noelle Brenton
Muggle-born | Tailor | Expat | Mahoutokoro Expellee | Lover of Antique Jewelry
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slytherindisaster · 2 years
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》 mini profile
Full Name: Samuel Oliver Devlin
Birthdate: January 14, 1906
Pronouns: he/him
Sexual Orientation: demisexual
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Parents: William Devlin (@unfortunate-arrow) and Josephine Edwards
Personality: Ambitious, resourceful, clever, reliable, athletic, observant, hard-working, stubborn, courageous, competitive, reckless
About Samuel: The oldest of the five Devlin siblings Samuel also happened to be the most rebellious out of the bunch.
He was very passionate about making sure his siblings appreciated the things they had and never took anything for granted. While the Devlins did manage to work for the life they wanted and made sure their kids had everything they needed, he did vividly remember the times when they barely had anything and wanted to make sure he'll never lose the sight of what's important.
Sorted in Gryffindor young Samuel quickly took an interest in Quidditch which ge eventually ended up pursuing as a profession in his adult life. Besides Flying his favourite subjects were DADA and Charms. As if out of spite he made sure to keep Care of Magical Creatures and anything involving art off of his extracurriculars.
After proving himself on the pitch with Pride of Portree he then gets scouted for Quiberon Quafflepunchers and at the age of twenty-seven he finds himself in Paris, ready to take France by storm.
》 portrayed by skandar keynes & ben barnes
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