#how so many people including people in our own community are committed to making us feel bad about wanting/needing t
transmascissues · 1 year
let trans men&mascs romanticize testosterone.
keep your “you’re not going to look like an anime boy or whatever, you’re just going to look like your dad” to yourself.
keep your “but what about the balding and the acne and the anger problems and the gross hair everywhere and the horrible painful bottom growth and and and” to yourself.
keep your “once you look like a man you will scare people and you can never stop thinking about that” to yourself.
keep your “testosterone is poison and don’t you dare even suggest that saying that might hurt you” to yourself.
we are not obligated to take on your fears and traumas around testosterone as our own, nor are we obligated to let them influence our relationship with it.
we are not obligated to sit here in a world that heavily restricts and constantly threatens our access to it and listen silently as you contribute to stigma around it.
we’re already tired of watching cis society as a whole try to rip it away from us; we don’t need fellow trans people and supposed allies giving credence to their cause.
for many of us testosterone is life-saving medicine, it’s liquid gold, it’s the nectar and ambrosia of the fucking gods.
is it so hard to just let us have that? to let us believe that and say it and celebrate it without being given a million reasons to question it? is that really too much to ask?
if you can find it in your heart to let other trans people romanticize their transitions, i promise you can let us do it to.
testosterone is a beautiful thing. it makes people hotter and even more importantly it makes them happier and anyone who wants it should be able to have it because it’s so life-changing and magical and wonderful and incredibly important to so many people who deserve the happiness it offers.
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jakei95 · 7 months
Regarding some false accusations and targeted harassment by HopelessPeaches TW: Harassment, mentions of gr**ming, d**th threats, s*icide idealization
For the past months, HopelessPeaches (also known as ThatRebelRosie on twitter) have kept harassing me and my husband Nyx with fake and exaggerated arguments. Every day she makes a post spreading rumors about how we are p*dophiles or that I hide groomers on my discord server/community which are completely false.
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Even since I cutoff contact with the people from the GTC and their skype group, I tried to focus on growing up as a person and thanks to that we were able to keep our Discord server and community a safe space for people of all ages, claiming otherwise is just invalidating all the hard work people like Crystal or Pingu have done to keep our community safe.
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We always tried to help our mod team and offered our support, we never forced them or exposed them to situations they didn't want to handle.  None of us were prepared for the sick people we have had to confront over the years, but together we were able to take actions against them.
HopelessPeaches is obsessed with us, claiming that every action we take is to hide something or that we are trying to silence her abuse (When it's the other way around, she completely ignores the abuse I had to endure). She has gone to the extent of saying I announced Underverse 0.7 Part 2 to hide something, when I had planned to announce the animation on my birthday months ago.
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She has constantly made fun of my abuse and mental health, and has stayed completely silent about all the hate messages (Including death threats) that she and her community has sent my way over her false accusations.
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As I already cleared with the people on my server, I am not ignoring what I might have done in the past, and I will always live with the remorse of not being a better person from the start, I will always live with that, but I have spent years trying to become a better person and fix my mistakes to never repeat them again, both with my close circles and my followers, but having someone that I don't know, exposing my mental health problems, making fun them, accuse me of suicide baiting (Everyone that knows me knows I have struggled with this since I was a teenager), and also accusing me of a crime that I have never committed, is affecting me physically and mentally.
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She is doing the same thing to me that she suffered from years ago. This has to stop. I am not asking for the world to not hate me, I am asking for people to stop harassing us for things that we have already acknowledged and owned fully in the past. People can change for the better, we are not criminals.
We have no intentions to send hate to these people, but this has gone so public and we have gotten so many threats that I had to address it personally. HopelessPeaches , I don't know what exactly you want from me, or what do you expect is going to happen, but this is the last time I will ask you to stop harassing us. I don't care if you hate me or Nyx, if you want the Undertale community dies or whatever that's going on through your head. I am just asking you to leave us alone.
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When it comes to being a trans gay man, there's something I need you all to understand. If you're a cis gay man, this post is especially for you.
TEHMs are just the tip of the iceberg.
A few random people you encounter who want you dead are awful, and their harm cannot be downplayed at all, but transphobia goes far deeper than the few bad people in this community.
In the gay community, transandrophobia is a constant force, and trans gay men always feel it. If you're a cis gay man, you might objectively acknowledge that it exists, but I have yet to meet a cis gay man who is committed to fighting against it.
I don't feel safe around cis gay men. I fight for your rights because your rights are my rights too, I love some of you, and I am like you in many ways, but I still don't feel safe around you. Many cis gay men having this conversation with me have said, "well, you can't generalize all of us like that. I'm one of the good ones."
What I need everyone to understand that there are no "good ones." I don't just feel uneasy around cis gay men because some of you happen to be TEHMs. I feel unsafe around you because you oppress us and refuse to acknowledge it.
I notice it when you talk about trans men like we're not in the same community, even in the same room as you.
I notice it when, when asked, you say that you support trans people, but you distance yourself from us in your day-to-day life.
I notice it when you look at an intracommunity issue and say "I don't understand why people are fighting about this" before giving your uninformed opinion, telling trans people how to think about our own oppression.
I notice it when you repeat TEHM rhetoric word for word but still consider yourself an ally to trans men because you see us as men in theory, but not in practice.
I notice it when you dislike everything that is in any way associated with trans men.
I notice it when you never show appreciation for the trans men in your life, while constantly lifting up your cis friends.
I notice the constant force of transandrophobia in the gay community when we are erased, silenced, and talked over, not included, treated like we're outsiders, treated like you're being especially generous to allow us into the community that's rightfully ours.
And when I ask y'all to listen to me?
"That's not a big deal."
"I think you're just making problems out of nothing."
"You're overreacting."
"I just don't understand why you're being so aggressive."
Do better.
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many-sparrows · 6 months
Unsure if you're the right person to ask this to, but I trust your blog and it has brought me comfort many times before.
I'm converting to christianity have no desire to go to church, at least, not traditional ones, but I feel like not going to church and not making myself "officially" Christian seems... wrong. At the same time, I have so many beliefs, spiritual and otherwise, that don't align with the church, and in general it's just not a place I'm happy in.
Is it okay to be Christian and not go to church? To not be tied to one?
God bless you and thank you in advance
Ok, been thinking about this ask since I got it. I wanted to take the time to answer it sensitively and thoroughly, but there have been some intense distractions to my ability to think sensitively at the moment (*gestures at the world*)
First of all, I am touched that my blog is a place you find comfort. That surprises me a little bit, because I am simply hanging out. As for whether or not I am the right person to ask, I like to ask all sorts of people these questions; who knows what insights they might give. Then you can sort through what is and isn't of value.
This topic is difficult. It's one that a lot of "non-traditional" Christians deal with. Let's dig in.
You know, I think it is possible to be a Christian and not be tied to a church. Churches can be very difficult places, especially traditional ones. You bring up a very good point about the power dynamics- churches, despite all of the important things in the gospel and the things God has called us to, have been a part of systems that have caused a lot of harm and destruction, and you can't ignore that when making a choice like this. I firmly believe that Christ doesn't want us to do things that endanger our walk with God, and I really do believe that includes avoiding churches that are harmful and hateful and so on. I think God calls us all to our own paths, and our own relationships with Them, and you can never be separated from Him, even if you aren't in a church on Sunday. I spent years of my life not going to church, and had some of the most clarifying, important religious experiences during that time.
However, let me say a word in favor of churches. The whole point of churches, of gathering, of the Sabbath are that we are called together into community. We are called to do this thing together. I really do think that the lack of strong community networks is part of what our society is really struggling with right now. Of course, there are other types of community- friends and school, work, neighborhood groups, mutual aide organizations- and those things are absolutely somewhere you find God. This might be a hot take, but I don't think you should only surround yourself with people of your own religion or that you should only get community from there; Christ didn't do that, for starters, and in this day and age, when churches have become so inaccessible to non Christians, and White Christianity has become so warped and strange, that it's important to not lock yourself inside the church walls. However, it can be very lonely, even when you're a part of groups that share your values, to be the only one coming at it from your faith. We arent just meant to live in community, we are meant to practice our faith in community.
Every one of us struggles sometimes, with doubts and callings and questions, and having people with you makes that doable. I also know that the holy Spirit comes to us in community. When you're with people who share your faith, you know that you are with people that share this walk with you. At the very least you know that they are committed to something bigger than themselves. That is such a very, very precious and grounding thing to hold on to.
Also, none of us is ever going to be 100% correct in the ways that we interpret Scripture on our own. Good clergy have been trained in how to understand and approach scripture and how to meet people where they are, and having access to them is incredibly helpful. Having people to talk about these things with opens your eyes and can help you understand God's instructions better.
This is going to sound cheesy, but what really makes or breaks a church are the people. If you can find a group of people that works for you, everything else is workable.
As for beliefs that don't necessarily align, you'd be surprised how open some churches are. Quakers, for example, aren't even Christian, though plenty of Quakers are themselves Christian. I know many Christians who believe in universal salvation. I know Lutherans and Episcopalians to toe the line with Catholic practices. I know gay Catholics, Catholics that are pro-choice and don't believe in Hell. All this is to say, in some churches, you can make a broader set of beliefs and practices work. In many places, they are welcomed.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the United Church of Christ, and the Episcopalians are groups that have been actively working to untangle a lot of the problems in traditional church culture-- especially when it comes to racial and queer issues. If you ever feel like you want to access the benefits of churches, these are groups that might be a good place to start exploring, instead of just trying churches until you stumble on one. You also totally can attend churches loosely, when you need or want to, without becoming a member of entrenching yourself. You can rotate between churches. It really is all about you and your walk, babe.
I'm not telling you that you have to go to church. Unfortunately, I cannot give you an answer of what to do, because it has to work for you and whatever you have going on with God. I just want you to know that churches- though they can be scary and difficult and complicated- can also do some very important things for your faith journey. I also don't think that church should ever be the center of someone's spiritual life; Sunday mornings are a chance to ground yourself, a place to land when you need it, something to steady yourself, but not the only time or place God comes to you or that you're supposed to live out the values of the faith.
Regardless, this, and most things in the Christian faith, is not about finding one answer. It is about living in a way that works right now. Churches change, you move, what worked once won't always work forever, and that's ok. The whole point of this thing is to commit to the walk and the process. Of loving your neighbor right here and now. So I hope this helped somewhat. I hope this becomes easier for you-- the most important thing is that Christ is with you and that sets you free from all fear and shame if you let it, no matter how much people try to push those things onto you. I hope you find peace on this and that you find a solution that works for you.
Congratulations on your conversion! We are happy to have you in the family :)
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caw4brandon · 1 year
How AI Kills Creatives
Human beings love to express themselves in many unique ways. From dance, to singing, to creative writing and of course, by art. Artists wrestle everyday to stay relevant to the masses while doing their favorite hobbies to earn a living.
This however may become null and void as the art community is facing another difficult challenge that could put them into jeopardy. The answer as to what can pose a danger to our beloved creative types is the hot topic for this Wednesday's piece. Let's discuss the complex situation of AI Art.
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- Being a Creative Online -
For as long as I can remember, Creative work is either something industrial for advertisements or for entertainment, like comic books or animated shows. Often times, it involves expressive and also very dead people of influence like [Van Gogh], [Picasso] and [Da Vinci]
This however changed when the world was introduced to the internet. Allowing creative work to be presented to the masses, pass the borders and beyond. A timeless time capsule of creativity that can reach places traditional methods failed to do at rapid speeds.
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Places like [Artstation], [DeviantArt], [Behance] and [Pixvi] are some of the most popular websites where aspiring artists can produce and express their craft to be shared and may potentially, give them the confidence to do commissions. These sites laid out a platform that can attract beginners and professionals alike for a chance to find an audience and develop themselves. This however, doesn’t mean an easy climb.
Creators need to combat against the algorithm and the occasional critics of these respective sites to be recognized. Creators need to claw their way out of the crowds to be graced by algorithm which means, they probably need to churn out backlogs of content to be seen and favored.
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- Rise of The AIs -
A few years ago, I stumbled across a program called [Artbreeder]
Its a free to use program that allows you to create close to realistic portraits or stylized artworks by using a base picture and some photo manipulation for the desired effect. 
I myself have also used Artbreeder to create a version of my character; Sadie mac Lir based on the game version of her in HPHM.
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Around that time, there was also the discovery of the mix and match dress up site by the name of [Picrew] which I too have used on more than one occasion. As time went on, better and smarter programs start appearing. Thus, allowing the masses to create scuffed or impressive images of whatever they so wish. From OCs to potential future babies to fiction turned real characters. 
At frightening speeds, AI programs created by intelligent software and application builders have grown to observe and steal from artists in various parts of the world to produce excellent works of art within seconds. Thus, threatening the very livelihoods of those who produce art as a job.
Enter the most controversial AI Art program [Lensa AI by Prisma Labs] Who is accused by multiple professional artists for committing art theft. Using the styles, compositions and signatures of said artists to reproduce works under the program's watermark.
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- This is Art Theft! -
First, let's make a few things clear. I am not an expert to the subject of AI Art Theft but I highly recommend reading these few posts by better experts who can explain things better than me.
You can read [Megrae's Post] and [Jonlamart's Post] to gain a better understanding of the situation. From here on out however, I will be using my own words to breakdown how this can potentially kill the Creative community at large in the long run. Including us little guys.
To loosely summarize, the application takes a massive data collection of posts created by professional artists to be learned and recreated. Infamously, the application uses works of art by the late [Kim Jung Gi US] and others without the respective artist's permission to gain traffic and profit.
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The disturbing factor in question, is that the developers of Lensa AI created this application with data that is NOT CONSENTED for such use. The program blatantly steals the artistic skills and styles of the Creative, allowing instant results via prompts which puts Creatives into obscurity. And, this is just the beginning.
Heaven knows, if the big guys in this industry are not safe from this AI. The time will come, where even small time artists will suffer such a fate.
Worst still, it places the general world view that the art community is an irrelevant industry. It takes away the trouble and cost of doing commissions and requests be a lot more to the AI's favor.
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Looking into it further, a video essay by [Ana Isabel] (Which I highly recommend you watch as well) showed several other AI programs that has gotten better into writing articles via processing a database of samples and a few keywords. Thus, removing the need for a creative writer. (Like I am right now) 
What we are looking at right now is, for the first time in history. We are at odds of replacing Creatives from job opportunities. With these programs available, the phrase "Any Tom, Dick and Harry can do it" has gotten too close for comfort.
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- Arguments Against AI Art -
Of course, the application can't work without us Creatives feeding the program samples and data. In some way, it still requires some form of human creativity to feed it data and develop and it also requires a little bit of luck to trigger the right prompt.
As stated in Ana Isabel’s video, some artists welcome the AI as an additional tool to help lay some groundwork for the artist to improve and build upon. Which creates a new label; [CyberArtist] or Cyborg Artist. 
Their argument is that the AI can be a helpful tool to conceptualize ideas as a first draft in productions or help with small time gigs such as promotional art or E-flyers. These Cyborg Artists also pointed out that AI Art will set a unique benchmark for what “good art” actually is, focusing more on the concept/ prompt than the process of creation.
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Tempting as it may to say the world cares more about the idea than the craft. This is still detrimental to small timers or freelancers who want to pursue art as a profession with their own new ideas. It can discourage new and rising artists from chasing their ventures as they will be aware of the competition upon them.  
The comment; “it won't happen because, MY art is not that great" is not the point. If I were to guess. The AI will absorb any artwork that emits a large following and activity as food for the AI to feed and replicate which might even include doodles if left unchecked.
Although, not all hope is lost. As with these new improvements arise new problems. For that, new laws and new policies are being made to combat this troubling issue. Though not effective, it does raise the awareness. What is very important is that the general public must be made aware of such an issue. The world still looks down on Creatives, and sees their work as still "just a hobby" which is why this awareness needs to be raised and why we need to prove we are better.
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On a hopeful note, AI is but an imitation of what is considered as great art but the one thing it can't ever do is produce Personal Art. It can't emote the hard hours spent, the process of improvement, the personalized charm, and the very heart that the artist cares about the audience.
That is something the AI CAN’T ever do. Its easy to feel fear knowing that the days as a Creative is numbered now that everyone can have access to such a program and to some, it may even be disheartening. But be aware that the True Value of an artist is the heart they have to share their craft. To show the imperfections and to do so anyway because they believe it inspires people. That is perhaps, what AI Art can’t ever kill.
To give because they enjoy the fun of it.
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Thanks for reading
- Caw4B -
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pro-birth · 6 months
Pro-Birth About Me MasterPost
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It’s a long post so read under the line.
“pro-birth” is a reference to the insult that pro-choicers use against pro-lifers. Birth is not dirty, inherently dangerous, or a tool of the patriarchy, and I am sick of pro-aborts misusing birth and abortion mortality statistics to push their child killing agenda. Expect a lot of that fact checking here. You can learn more through my #research, #abortion research, #abortion safety, #birth, #birth research, #women’s health, and other tags.
I also use “pro-birth” because despite my involvement with other justice movements, I believe that people are allowed to only care about abortion. Child killing, in itself, is a human rights violation worthy of its own cause and does not need to be co-opted by people with “born-privilege.” So long as anti-abortion advocates are self-aware of their limited scope of justice work, it doesn’t bother me at all. We all have our niche and that’s completely OKAY.
I am a fertility doula with ten years of experience with teaching and peer support, and have also studied midwifery (not practicing nor able to, however). My specialty is in perinatal nutrition but I have also researched a lot into the social factors of women and children’s health. I have learned from religious and secular, pro-choice and pro-life sectors, so as to get a well-rounded view of how people approach these topics.
I talk about personal details of my life from time to time as it pertains to my experience as a woman, mother, and sister to an aborted sibling, but I won’t share more than that. This information pertains to and affects other family members/friends and I want to respect that while still sharing my story as I feel is appropriate.
I may respond and block/report, but otherwise I do not initiate dialogue with pro-choicers nor do I owe them an explanation for anything. They are free to follow and read, I just won’t interact much unless someone gets uppity and I block. Don’t get shocked if I get bitchy either, the same people who support abortion are the same people who would have encouraged my mother to abort me. Like I said: I don’t owe them anything. Get used to it.
No, I don’t hate post-abortive women. If you have difficult emotions or trauma relating to your abortion, please look into my tags to learn about resources available to you. I don’t care if you are pro-life, pro-choice, or on the fence: you need and deserve psychological support that doesn’t gaslight you about your trauma. If you’re just here to brag about your abortions (real or otherwise) then you are blocked; self-destructive behaviors are not tolerated here.
I am critical of many ideologies, including: radfems, TRAs, radtrads, hardline conservatism, and progressivism. With that said I have friends and get along with people from various backgrounds. I don’t mind working with others of differing beliefs, I just don’t support/adhere to their underlying philosophy.
Politically speaking I am moderate. I am not a passive middle grounder who tolerates hate, I just find that each political ideology has it’s flaws and causes people to place said ideology over logic and experience. No one is safe from criticism. If you’re gonna spew centrist/moderate hate you get blocked.
I am also critical of the official mainstream pro-life movement due to numerous harmful scandals involving Abby Johnson and other speakers who get away with their toxic bs. I try to highlight the other great organizations and advocates as much as I can. Some resources may still be associated with said toxic people, so take it with a grain of salt to decide if it is right for you to pursue.
With that said, I used to be active in the PLM and did in-person volunteer work in my community. These days I mostly post online, share info where I can, and make donations. Health issues compounding family commitment limits what I can do, though I hope to do more if/when my health improves.
I mostly post about pro-life stuff in general, though I will also discuss other human rights and equity topics as I see fit. These include: right to self defense; racial justice; birth and other forms of reproductive health justice that is not pro-abortion; disability rights; etc. With that said, I am aware of the limitations of these self-described movements and groups, I use the language people know and work with others on common ground issues.
Not a feminist but not an anti either; I work a lot with them on common ground issues despite disagreeing on some points and I have a lot of issues with various branches of feminism/their history. With that said, if I had to use a term, I prefer “women’s welfare activist.”
I’m religious, but I was pro-life before I was ever devout/settled on a belief system. My church growing up never discussed abortion and I had to inform myself through secular organizations before deciding to involve myself in PLM work. Funnily enough, I first joined secular pro-life feminist groups before dropping the label of feminist and branching out from there. I won’t normally discuss religion on this blog because of this, but also because I am sick of pro-aborts claiming religion supports their stance while turning around to screech “NO ROSARIES ON MY OVARIES.” If you need abusive philosophy and hypocrisy to defend a heinous act then I will play by better rules.
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ceterisparibus116 · 6 months
What is it like being a prosecutor writing fanfic about a defense attorney?
I love this ask, because I love doing this!
There are so many things I love about being a prosecutor. I love that I can always do what I believe in. I love that I don't have to pretend or exaggerate the facts. I love that I have the ability to dismiss cases that were mishandled by police. I love that I can work with defense attorneys to try to come up with a resolution that's as fair as possible for everyone involved.
But I also recognize that I'm very, very blessed to work in an office where ethics are paramount. I've gone to my boss with numerous ethical questions, and every. single. time. he has: a) agreed with me, and b) promised to back me up. I know that very few prosecutors can say that. And there are prosecutors out there who would rather not be ethical anyway...because they have too narrow a view of "justice" or because they're more interested in playing politics, or for some other reason.
That's part of what's so great about writing Matt. I can step into that other reality and think about the consequences of corruption in prosecution. It shouldn't depend on defense attorneys to catch corruption...but it sometimes does. And what does that look like?
I don't know if this is true or not, but it feels like since starting to work in this office, I've started writing more and more fics that deal with corruption in a prosecutor's office. And I kinda wonder if that's me just being more keenly aware of the power prosecutors have, and how easy it is to use that power for evil.
(I think I used to think judges have more power. But...they really don't. They have some...they certainly have more than defense attorneys. But they are in no way the most effective way to stop corruption in prosecution.)
I also appreciate writing Matt because it just helps me stay a little more grounded in...well, in real life. Prosecutors can be in our own little bubble and a lot of prosecutors, even relatively ethical ones, get jaded very quickly. I don't think writing fanfiction is the main thing that helps me keep perspective (I'd credit that to my faith, and my church community, since a lot of my closest friends in my church volunteer with people who have committed crimes), but writing fic sure doesn't hurt. Especially because Matt is very much a character who believes people are, first and foremost, people - not criminals.
I also would like to think that being a prosecutor gives my stories an added sense of realism. There are a lot of great legal fics out there, including even fics that aren't written by lawyers. I think that's because there are a lot of great legal stories out there...but most of them are from the defense POV. The prosecutor is generally simply The Enemy, and there's not a lot of light shed on what their motivations are.
I like to think, as a prosecutor myself, I can write more nuanced stories. Even if I'm writing about corruption in the office, I can pick a character (like Jen or Kirsten) who is trying to do the right thing in that office. I like to think that just gives the stories a lot more depth. It certainly makes them more interesting to me!
The only sad thing is, I can write Matt caring deeply about his clients, and I just know that...I can't really do that. Unless a defendant is representing themselves, I can't even talk to them. And that really sucks, because I care about the person more than I care about the case. I can get more involved with victims, and that's incredibly rewarding, but sometimes writing Matt sitting down with a client and talking them through life and demonstrating care for them makes me just a little wistful.
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queerprayers · 1 year
hello :)
i am debating in participating in lent (my 1st time) but how do u do lent actually? thx :)
Welcome, beloved! You've given me a lovely excuse to write about Lent. Whether or not you choose to have a Lenten practice this year, I hope I can help!
I talked about Lent a little yesterday here. I'll write about fasting and ideas for practices today, so you can check out those posts for more specific thoughts. I also know that discussions surrounding fasting are triggering for some people, and want to confine those thoughts to one post that's easier to avoid. Please know that avoiding that topic is perfectly valid and your Lent can be holy and fulfilled without it (and will be more holy/fulfilled by avoiding something harmful to you).
Lent is the season before Easter commemorating Jesus's forty days in the desert, spent preparing for Holy Week and Easter. Western churches begin Lent on Ash Wednesday (tomorrow) and Eastern churches begin on Clean Monday (the 27th). Many Christians choose to set this time apart by changing something about their lives/practice, which often includes giving up something. Some denominations have communal guidelines that people participate in.
Lent is not a time to engage in disordered/self-harming/destructive behavior. We cannot give in to the temptation we might have to spend Lent punishing ourselves. There is a difference between sorrow and misery, healthy guilt and unhealthy guilt, self-discipline and self-punishment. We can mourn without self-destruction, we can address our flaws without spiraling, we can prepare ourselves without wasting away. It might take practice, and Lent may be the time for us to figure out that balance.
(Lent also isn't a new year's resolution, or a self-help book. Bettering ourselves is holy to God all year. And Lent may be the time to start a habit/practice. But are you preparing yourself for the crucifixion? Or just working out.)
So how do we do Lent actually? We might participate in communal practices, like fasting guidelines and worship, but many of our Lenten practices are personal. We choose Lenten practices as commitment, as liberation, as sacrifice, as solidarity, as mindfulness, as witness, as prayer, and most of all, as preparation. The easy answer of "how to do Lent" is to make these forty days different than all the others. Generally there are two ways of doing this: giving up something in your life, and adding something to your life. I especially value when these things go together! Giving up something creates space (time/resources/energy)--what can you now do with that space? (Ex: What will you do with the money that you usually spend on a latte?)
As Jesus experienced in the wilderness, sometimes we have nothing but God. Many people choose to give up things during Lent to bring them closer to that state of simply existing, of having nothing but God. What is something you feel like you can’t live without? What would your life look like without it? What do we have when we have nothing but God? (Everything.)
Dear God, I am so afraid to open my clenched fists! Who will I be when I have nothing left to hold on to? Who will I be when I stand before you with empty hands? Please help me to gradually open my hands and to discover that I am not what I own, but what you want to give me. (Fr. Henri Nouwen)
We fast in Lent to feast in Easter (sometimes literally, sometimes metaphorically). I don't mean throw away our goals, and sometimes we begin practices in Lent that we want to continue throughout the year, because Lent is preparation for life as well as death. But I think some things should be set apart for Lent. And if you have trouble feasting, be cautious fasting. If you always deny yourself joy, how is doing that for Lent any different?
A point that's been very important to me: We know that Jesus spent forty days in the wilderness preparing for death. I know how to plan and prepare for death. I've had a lot of practice. Sometimes I forget that he was also preparing for and planning his life, and this is just as important. Some Lents are spent in the wilderness preparing to live. We are not just preparing for the crucifixion. We are preparing for the resurrection.
You say you're debating participating in Lent, so I wanted to make clear for anyone who doesn't end up with a Lenten practice: You're welcome here, and you're welcome at Easter. John Chrysostom has a lovely Easter sermon about this. However you arrive at the resurrection, it's for you. If you do nothing, if you give in to all your flaws, if you forget that Easter's coming and don't prepare: Easter will come, and it comes for you. Lent is something we can only do willingly, and it is not part of everyone's practice. I think it's immensely important and valuable, but please know that life and joy are available to you regardless. God's feast is for those who feast all year, as well as those who fast. I prefer to come to a feast hungry, but we don't turn away the satisfied.
We don't practice Lent because we have to, we do it because we want to mark time with somber contemplation as well as joy. We do it so when we get to Holy Week and Easter, we have been present and aware of what we're getting into, so we arrive empty and yearning. We don't change our lives to deserve anything, but because we want to be better, because we care. Because the worst person on earth can still experience God, but does that mean we should let ourselves be that person? (The atheists I know understand this more than me: to do good without promise of eternal rest, to love without divine command, to care for the dust that we are without believing we're anything more. May we also do good without expectation of reward and without fear of punishment, and love not just because we're commanded to but because we choose it. May we choose Lent, not just let it happen.)
Whatever Lent looks like for you this year, I wish you fulfillment and the knowledge of God's presence. Remember, this is a season, which means this is not your last chance. Next year has a Lent, too, and all the years after that. Maybe this Lent you'll spend deciding what to do for next year's Lent. Lent being a season also means that you can begin it whenever you wish. If, twenty days into calendar Lent, you begin a prayer practice, you have experienced Lent. Forty days is a remembrance of Jesus's experience, not a magic number. And always, no matter how much we prepare, may we let Easter catch us off guard and surprise us, as it should.
<3 Johanna
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tamelee · 4 months
Hello, I wondered what you think of the proshipping/anti shipping debate, and maybe where you position yourself?
From what I’ve seen, pro-shipping is usually people saying that you can ship everything you want since you have to "separate reality and fiction"… and most of the time it sounds like an excuse to create/consume incest fanfictions or child porn without guilt
On the other hand, in the anti-shipping side you have people who are treating some media as "irredeemable" for literally nothing… Like, "oh, this story is saying directly into your face that what thing one character has done is bad? So that means the story is not spreading awareness of this harmful behavior"
I think there are wrongs on both sides, but in general I disagree more with the proshipping community, because most proshippers I’ve interacted with are just people who don’t want to accept that there can be consequences to their actions, what they create, and what they consume. I’ve seen a lot of them saying that fiction has no impact on reality, which isn’t true at all. Most of the times proshippers handle sensitive and "problematic" subjects carelessly, sometimes even while spreading misplaced ideas, but don’t want people calling them out on the matter… (by calling out I don’t mean harassment of course, harassment isn’t and never will be a good solution to those problems)
The subject can be pretty complex, I’m curious to hear your thoughts about it! If you want of course, I would understand you not wanting to talk about it… And I’m sorry if expressed myself badly, since I don’t speak english very well
Take care, you’re doing amazing art pieces💙
Hi ^^ it is expressed very well, dw!  And thankyou so much 🧡!!
Well, you specifically talk about shipping, which I think is completely fine. But the debate itself claims so often to be more than just that, using ‘shipping’ for something much too broad to define through these two terms which meaning is questionable. 
The debate is only interesting to me because of the whole fiction=/=reality aspect (at least I personally think that is an enjoyable debate, especially reading the arguments.) The most famous and skilled literary theorists and scholars can’t agree on this matter even today because there are too many variables and barriers like culture for example. A lot of opposites are both deemed true and false at the same time and it often lands on a slightly disappointing “it depends”. You say it yourself also. As well as you “leaning more toward one side” because it’s impossible to put a term on it unless someone would write down a bunch of guidelines to which they then commit to. But then you’re more defined by that than by your own thinking or even preferences. 
It isn’t so black and white that you can just.. idk, simply throw it all into two terms to define a preference that includes your entire life-experience and gain a Universal agreement by what it even means in the first place with everyone else on the internet, as if that’s how it works with this topic y’know? As if suddenly a shipping-filter will shame our literary masters out of any logic “because a fan/shipper wants ‘x’ to molest ‘y’ through non-con sex in fanwork’ and to say whether that’s okay or not in general depends on which of the two terms you used to define yourself in your bio and literally nothing else. And I don’t see how that logic connects when it is used like that and so often in this case. 
I know, this is an exaggeration, but I hope you know what I mean regarding the debate. This isn’t about your ask directly. The “it depends” is kinda frustrating for me too, because I’m always searching for an answer that makes sense for anything >< But what doesn’t here is as I said before, that people don’t even agree with each other either about the meaning of ‘pro/anti’-shipping’. Even the general definition is (or used to?) different and has literally nothing to do with reality/fiction just.. shipping. Whenever another popular post shows up people share that as ‘the next truth’ or even I receive it for clarification for an older post, but then another says something along the lines of “maybe that’s true for them, but to me it means....” 
So, where would I position myself? Well, “it depends” on who asks and what it means to them. Nah, I don’t think a single term about shipping can define how I think about the relationship between fiction and reality, what is right/wrong/acceptable/etc which you’re right- is very complex. At least, I refuse to do that if I can help it. I’ve seen enough misunderstandings and the harassment that you’re talking about to think that this isn’t going about it the most efficient way despite some parts being interesting and definitely topics worth talking about whether it is about shipping or something much broader.
“On the other hand, in the anti-shipping side you have people who are treating some media as "irredeemable" for literally nothing… Like, "oh, this story is saying directly into your face that what thing one character has done is bad? So that means the story is not spreading awareness of this harmful behavior"
And you’re completely right about people using ‘whatever/however/whomever’ as an excuse to justify anything, but that itself is kind of common human behavior and I genuinely don’t know what to say about it. Though you bring up something that (and similar extreme views) is why I would definitely lean more towards a separation of fiction and reality. Not to justify anything, but if anything else... I’ve always rooted for the freedom of expression/creativity whether I agree with it or not because censorship has always been tricky and sometimes outright dangerous. Who's going to decide what exactly? The fact that no one will agree with each other remains regardless. (And yes, I think there are definitely things I don’t want to see either of course, but discussing all that is a whole different topic.) 
“I’ve seen a lot of them saying that fiction has no impact on reality, which isn’t true at all.”
You’re right again, but to quickly note; fiction=/=reality or fiction having impact on reality isn’t the same thing. Storytelling has always shaped beliefs and perspectives all over the world. In fiction especially, morals and ethics are often explored. Almost always a story is a problem in some form or another that needs to be solved because that’s satisfying, but how are you going to do that? And how will you write it in a way that people root for your character? And how else can you do that than involving the encouragement of a readers’ own reflection of their values and beliefs while simultaneously sharing and possibly influence them with your own? 
No one can deny this though? And if they do I wonder about the argument tbh. 
If a story can inspire it can also do the opposite. It’s not one or the other. 
Storytelling is such a powerful tool and imo it should be used wisely which means something else in every case because... aaahhh “it depends” >< 
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kevinstenhousetumblur · 4 months
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I’m grateful to have participated in the TORSO series. Knowing Kevin for over twenty years, and admiring his work for many, allowed me to connect his beautiful art, my recent efforts to challenge my own comfort zones, and the evolving relationship I have with my body.
In the past, I saw my body mostly as a machine used for completing physical tasks – playing, running, daily functions such as picking up a glass of water, or walking to school or work. As I age, I recognize my body as a beautiful and unique vessel, holding and expressing my collective experiences, and my ever- changing sexuality and self-expression. My body represents my evolving vulnerabilities and confidences – it is the giver of life, and love. My body is also the receiver the love – a gift that often unveils a matrix of beauty, fear and vulnerabilities. I am proud of my beautiful body, and sometimes, afraid and ashamed.
There have been several events that have changed the relationship I have with my body. Negative speak about sexuality from family members during my childhood, losing my virginity to rape, an unhealthy sexual relationship throughout my lengthy marriage, birthing three beautiful children, and recently, the first healthy, fully welcomed sexual experiences I’ve had – at age 45.
The daily interactions I have with other people and how I believe they respond to my physical self- expression continually impacts the relationship I have with my body. The experiences I have with my
sister, my children and friends, my new partner – it’s all gathered, processed and impactful. My self-view is influenced by the strangers I pass on the streets each and every day, and of course, by media. In the best moments, my self-perception is driven by internal factors, not external. Those moments are rare, though.
I’m glad to see boundaries around nudity and the human body being challenged and pushed. Publishers of social media and the continuous efforts of artists like Kevin and his peers are making a positive difference. I hope our culture will eventually accept nudity and sex-positive behaviour as a healthy and necessary part of our individual and community well-being. There is nothing but opportunity ahead and progress to be made.
My sexuality and how I express it is ever-changing, and as I mature, it is just as important as my physical and mental health. I am committed to continuously and consciously developing a healthy self-image and relationship with my sexuality.
I’m so glad I challenged myself and participated in this photographic series.
As with many moments in life, the experience was easier and much more fun than what my mind constructed in advance. The outcome – photographically and personally – is beautiful. It was a wonderful experience. Thank you, Kevin, for including me.
Torso Series. Kevin Stenhouse Photographer
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
Thanks to @gardening-tea-lesbian for posting about this and bringing it to my attention!
The Biden-Harris Administration wants to make substance abuse treatment more accessible for all prisoners in the U.S. Addiction is common among people in prison, and treatment helps fight recidivism and reduce overdose rates.
From Federal Prisons To State Prisons
By this summer, all federal prisons will offer addiction treatment, Dr. Rahul Gupta, director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, said last week.
Federal officials want states to follow suit. Starting this spring, Medicaid funds will be set aside for states to use in their own jails and prisons to provide mental health services, including SUD treatment.
Approximately 25% of all Americans received Medicaid benefits in 2022. For people with low incomes, Medicaid is the largest provider of funds for healthcare services.
The Biden-Harris Administration has shown a commitment to helping underserved communities receive addiction prevention, treatment, and recovery services.
This includes services for rural populations and Tribal populations along with people who are incarcerated.
Addiction In Our Prisons
It’s hard to know precisely how many incarcerated people have an SUD, but the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) estimates that about 65% of all inmates do.
NIDA estimates that another 20%, who didn’t meet the official criteria for an SUD, were under the influence of drugs or alcohol when they committed a crime.
Overall in America, about 40 million people ages 13 and over are living with addiction, or about 12% of the population, according to the 2020 National Survey on Drug Use and Health.
How Treatment Helps Prison Populations
Drug abuse treatment is effective. For people in prison, receiving treatment can mean the difference between staying out of jail once released or returning behind bars.
It can also provide them with the mental clarity and tools to meet the challenges of life, improve their mental health, and succeed in their relationships and work.
Aids Long-Term Recovery
The Biden-Harris Administration is focusing on evidence-based treatment methods to help people who are incarcerated get and stay on the path to addiction recovery.
This includes medication-assisted treatment (MAT), which combines the use of medications like buprenorphine with behavioral therapy to treat opioid abuse.
Buprenorphine, the first medication that could be prescribed by physicians to treat opioid use disorders, helps people overcome addiction in a few ways.
Using buprenorphine helps with recovery by:
reducing cravings
diminishing opioid withdrawal symptoms, which include flu-like symptoms and severe anxiety
improving safety, if overdose occurs
lessening the chance of misuse
One study in support of buprenorphine’s effectiveness showed that participants receiving the medication were almost twice as likely to remain in treatment and not relapse.
Prevents Overdose Deaths
According to U.S. News and World Report, the leading cause of death among people newly released from prison is drug overdose.
This is partly due to the fact that their tolerance levels decrease while incarcerated, so they aren’t able to tolerate the same amount of the drug as before they were in prison.
The buprenorphine study mentioned above also revealed that people not receiving the treatment had a 20% mortality rate."
-via Addiction Resources.net, 3/9/23
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kotokoharrow · 2 years
So, we need to talk about Mikoto.
I’m sure you’re all intelligent people who know better than to take your understanding of a complex, highly stigmatised mental health condition from a YouTube series, but as a person with DID, I still feel compelled to make a post talking about the realities of the condition.
Whenever DID is represented in media, it’s shown as something flashy and eccentric, as well as often being associated with murderers, or at least violence. This makes it difficult for those of us with DID to reach out for support; I know multiple people with DID who, upon telling their support network about their condition, were met with jokes (and sometimes serious comments) about whether they’re violent.
So, take this as DID 101. At the end of this post I will include my masterpost of DID resources, which I strongly recommend checking out if you have any interest in this condition (especially if you’re a fan of Mikoto and plan to make analyses of him). Deco*27 may have no interest in understanding the reality of DID, but you can do better.
Please note that I am overlooking a lot of nuance in this post because I want people to understand the pure basics of DID. The resources linked at the end go into far more detail, and given that many of them come from medical sources or professional advocates, are far more reliable than just some guy on tumblr.
So, what is DID?
DID stands for Dissociative Identity Disorder. It’s a condition that forms in response to repeated early childhood trauma, most often abuse from a caregiver, but other forms of interpersonal trauma can also cause it.
As children, our brains are hardwired to attach to our caregivers no matter what, because that’s how we stay alive. Our caregivers give us food and shelter, they give us protection from strangers, they give us affection and attention, all things that are necessary for healthy development. Because of this, even if a caregiver is abusive, a child is still wired to attach.
One way that a child can ‘cope’ with having an abusive caregiver is by denying the abuse. The brain dissociates (disconnects/denies/fails to integrate) from the abuse, seeing it as happening to ‘some other child’. This process is called splitting. 
The part of the child that copes with daily life becomes amnesic of the abuse, or at the very least emotionally disconnects from and downplays it, while the part of the child that copes with the abuse develops their own sense of identity based around the experiences that they cope with.
Now that the brain has learnt splitting as a coping mechanism, it can continue to split for any experience that overwhelms the person’s ability to cope, creating more dissociative parts that may or may not develop their own senses of identity.
DID is a disorder that often forms in the face of violence, but this does not mean that the dissociative parts are violent, themselves. It is common for dissociative parts to hold repressed anger, or to be based on external abusers, but this does not make them violent or abusive themselves. It is common for those with DID to experience intense internal conflict and self-directed violence, but not to express other-directed violence, outside of situations where fight/flight is triggered.
What if someone with DID did commit a crime?
DID has been used as a defence in criminal cases before. However, within the DID community, there is an acknowledgement of the fact that every part is responsible for the behaviour of one part.
Despite the way that media may like to act, DID is not ‘multiple people living in one body’. It is one person with multiple, often radically different ways of perceiving themselves. One person with a fragmented sense of self. One person who experiences amnesia.
Due to this, if a part committed a crime, the entire person with DID would be responsible for it.
Something else to keep in mind about DID is this- because a person with DID is still one person, morals don’t radically differ between parts, unless there is a trauma-based reason for it. So, if one part is willing to commit murder, outside of any external pressures, that means every part is okay with it on some level.
What’s the harm of Milgram’s portrayal of DID?
Outside of what I mentioned in the introduction to this post, many people with DID are deeply afraid of their parts when they first discover that they have this condition. It’s a disorder based around denial of intolerable experiences. Fear and avoidance are central to how the disorder forms and maintains itself.
Many people with DID feel out of control when their parts ‘front’ (take control of the body), even moreso if they experience more intense amnesia and can’t remember what their parts do, or if their parts experience overwhelming anger/pain/fear that they struggle to understand.
Many people with DID struggle to understand their parts ways of thinking, belief systems and needs. This causes internal conflict that maintains dissociation. It is one of the major hurdles to recovery.
Media portraying people with DID as violent and murderous doesn’t help. Many people with DID do not realise that their parts will have the same morals/ethics that they have. Many people with DID are afraid of what their parts may do. The normalisation of DID as a disorder that causes violence makes this worse.
Many people with DID also experience shame of their condition. Shame is a very common emotion in survivors, and it causes many people to keep their trauma a secret, even from those who could support them. Many people will keep their condition to themselves due to not wanting to be seen as violent, and not wanting to have to educate people about the realities of their experiences.
Milgram has a huge issue of using mental illness as a shock-factor, both with Mikoto and Haruka. While this isn’t intended as a callout or to tell people to stop watching Milgram (I have every intention to continue watching, after all), I do want to encourage people to be critical and understand that the way mental health conditions, symptoms and behaviours are being associated with violence and ‘creepy’ imagery is not okay.
If you would like to learn more about DID, I have a document of resources here. The document is periodically updated, and includes resources about childhood trauma, attachment trauma, other disorders and coping skills, along with resources about DID specifically.
Thank you for reading.
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mchiti · 1 year
I just want to ramble a little to anyone who wants to listen/read... I didn't realize how desperate I was to positive Muslim/arab/north African representation until I watched the world cup and saw the Moroccan nt and how people all across MENA were connected and supportive and loving especially how the players treated their mothers and wives it felt like a safe space looking at our men being successful and happy in the western world was such a positive thing yet....when this happened....it brought me back to reality and how our men treat women and unfortunately I know the western media are gonna use this against us as usual be xenophobic,islamaphobic, racist and give off the stereotype that our men are violent and can't be trusted.
Also I've seen a lot of people say "he can't do that he's Muslim" or "he would never do such a thing" and even which god I wish it was true... But bad people exist in every religion and every community just bc he's Muslim doesn't mean he won't commit haram if that was true we would be live our best lives. And also "the french are trying to sabotage the Arabs and north Africans especially after what happened to Saad Al mejard" which I need people to shut up about this bc Saad was proven to actually r*** these girls and it's soooo hard to prove it and convict criminals so can you imagine how bad it is that he got convicted?
It just makes me mad af I rather support a potential liar rather than a potential r**** I feel frustrated, as a girl I always believe the victim even if victim girls come out and say they were lying I think how much they were payed to say that? Bc after all this is a nobody who's standing against a millionaire man who can get away with anything .
Looking at the world I realized people espresso men are always afraid of being falsely accused of SA and I just want to say .. I never saw a famous man who's an abuser or who committed assault career gets ruined at all , they disappear for a year or two and come back like nothing happened.
I just wish the girl is safe , his mom"oh ya Allah I can't imagine how she feels " and kids safe away from the media
It's just frustrating..... I hope all the girls safety and to never get close to encounter such a horrific experience.
I'm sorry I talked so much I don't have anyone to talk with about this..
tw rape/SA
hayati, anon, hi. I have to be honest it took me a while to manage to get through this bc I have such low energy but I also would never ignore you or not answer you because I hear you, it's so upsetting and I'm very sorry you feel like you have no one to talk to, I don't want this for anyone. I'll just put everything under the cut, I try to be as respectful as I can to other people who don't want to go through this stuff rn
darling I genuinely feel every single word. My thoughts and duas are with the victim first and foremost. If it's true, she deserves justice, but right now she deserves support nonetheless because you're right, at the end of the day if this turns out to be false you've just given support to someone who lied, but if this is true and you stand by him, you're supporting a potential r*pist, so. I hope she's safe, I'm keeping her in my duas, I'm very sad for her.
Secondly I also feel sorry for people in our community who looked up to him. When you are part of a minority and a diaspora kid, or even if you grow up in the country but it's a country that faces strong economic issues and had such a difficult history, you tend to find yourself within your people. I'm talking about Moroccans but also about Africans, Arabs, Muslims, diaspora kids anywhere who looked up to him. We're desperate for representation within our own kind and I feel very much for everyone - me included because I'm genuinely am struggling a lot today, and you anon - who are left down. I was very attached to him bc of everything he had to overcome and what he represented for me and for us so yeah, this is very, very disappointing beyond level. I know many people say "why are you surprised, they are rich men" sure, but we're still here aren't we. And I still can wish that someone I adored wouldn't have done such a terrible thing.
The Islamophobia is real right now, the amount of ridiculous stuff I'm reading. I'm trying to stay in a safe space today, but I'm just sad this kind of gets to me too you know? Like I feel weird about posting about morocco nt now because I don't want to upset people, but I also feel like I'm internalising certain agendas because people are still posting about other psg players, so. You know? I lost two mutuals too and I haven't even posted anything.
But also I'm so disappointed and heartbroken at some of the Muslim community right now. A lot of Moroccans (and not just them) complaining about how France is putting up a propaganda against Maghrebis, it's just unreal really. It's frustrating because it's going to invalidate our struggles and our battles against actual racism too you know. The fact that they are still defending Saad Lamjarred is beyond me with such the history he has and it took years for a bit of justice.
Anon, I also want to wish you to take care of yourself and be in a safe space and I send you an hug extra tight today.
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best-voodoo-priest · 1 year
Voodoo Practices and History
Voodoo is a popular cultural stereotype based on voudon, an Afro-Caribbean religion with its roots in Haiti but with adherents in neighboring countries and the Americas. Voudon is a term that encompasses a wide range of beliefs and practices, from those of the individual to those of the community at large, including a complex system of traditional medicine. Voudon is more than just a set of beliefs. It is a code of conduct passed down through generations through sayings, stories, songs, and folklore.
Voudonists share the Christian belief that the soul can leave the body during sleep or spirit possession. Christian theology views spiritual possession as an attempt by Satan or a demon to possess a human being against their consent. An invaluable first-hand spiritual experience and link to the spirit world, this possession is best used in a ceremony led by a voodoo priest or priestess.
History of Voodoo
Enslaved people created Voudon by fusing their West African religion with the Roman Catholicism they were forced to adopt by their owners, a process known as syncretism. Enslavers were mandated to convert their new African employees to Christianity within eight days of their arrival under a regulation passed in 1685 that also outlawed the practice of traditional African faiths. The Catholic Church approved of slavery because it helped convert Africans to Christianity. Enslaved people coerced into adopting Catholic practices gave them new significance, and many African Vodoo gods eventually came to be identified with Christian saints.
Voodoo Curses, Witchcraft, and its Evil effects
The evil effects of Voodoo encompass Witchcraft as well as Voodoo curse. Modern scientists and doctors are discussing the possibility of something called "Voodoo curse" in peer-reviewed medical journals, demonstrating the negative influence that belief in Voodoo can have on its adherents. The theology and philosophy of voodoo can be all-encompassing and dramatic. This culture has captivated and alarmed outsiders alike.
Witchcraft, an evil effect of Voodoo, involves getting haunted by spirits. Innocent and malicious spirits (kings, heroes, the reach, the righteous poor, obedient servants, etc.) roam freely after dark when the underground gates swing wide open, inspecting the souls of all citizens and keeping tabs on their actions, thoughts, and whether or not they are careful to instill cultural norms in their offspring. Spirits not only protect communities from harm but also oversee daily activities. It is in their hands to prevent droughts, floods, and the spread of deadly diseases.
Spirits would send wicked ones to torment a disobedient individual because while they can cause pain, they can only humiliate a person if he has disobeyed the wishes of his forefathers. As a form of punishment, they might make you sick to your mind, prevent you from taking a shower or medication, restrict you from sleeping in a bed or staying in your own house, and cause you to hear voices belonging to people he knows are dead. Some spirits have the power to direct their target to commit suicide.
Voodoo Priest and Priestess
A Voodoo Priest, or Houngan in the Vodou sect of the religion, is a respected religious and spiritual leader, educator, and role model for other Voodooists. The role of the Voodoo Priest is multifaceted, requiring him to uphold social order, treat the sick, and instruct his disciples in the ways of the religion. In addition, voodoo Priests perform numerous elaborate rituals essential to the faith. Similarly to how a Voodoo Priest is a male healer and leader in Voodoo, a Voodoo Priestess is the term used to describe a female healer and leader in Voodoo.
Voodoo Healing and about our services
It is essential to look for a good voodoo curse removal service. As well-respected voodoo specialists, we would use various methods to restore your health and happiness, including meditation, hypnosis, and rituals, so that you may lead a fulfilled and joyful life. In addition, we have access to some of the most skilled Voodoo practitioners and witch doctors, who will make quick work of any Voodoo spells performed upon you. The best part is that we have been doing Voodoo healing for years.
Voodoo is a significant part of the lives of millions of Haitians, and many people benefit from it. However, the practice also has far-reaching and effective negative consequences for the Haitian people. Most voodoo rituals are theatrical, epic events that fascinate and sometimes terrify onlookers.
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cmcsmen · 2 years
The Labor and Legacy of a Catholic Man
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Photo: When Men put God first, all else falls into their proper place. Black and White Photography by Frank J Casella All Rights Reserved.
The labor and legacy of a Catholic man is celebrated in both his family and his community, and can even impact the world at large. He touches countless lives with his love and guidance, and his teachings remain a source of strength and hope to many.
Labor Day is celebrated as a holiday in the United States and Canada in honor of workers. Personally, it seems, I’ve heard from more wives recenlty than their husbands, most of them grateful for the encouragement and support we have shown the men in their lives during these economic times. Because our economic times have seen many men either underemployed or unemployed, more so than their wives.  
CCC 2460 The primordial value of labor stems from man himself, its author and beneficiary. By means of his labor man participates in the work of creation. Work united to Christ can be redemptive.
We are now in a time where people are creative with their finances in order to get their bills paid and not create new debt. Some examples are people canceling or downgrading cable or internet, downsizing to one less car, cooking at home more than going out to eat, canceling vacations, some college students have taken a year off so the family can pay down the mortgage on their home, and people coming up with all kinds of new jobs and services to get their bills paid.
On the opposite end of the economic spectrum are some businesses or people who have prospered greatly or have not felt much of the effects of the economy personally as the rest of us. Some of these businesses or people are immune to recessions due to their unique marketplace conditions or their own business strategies.
It reminds me of something Ronald Regan used to say, “if your neighbor is out of work it’s a recession, and if YOU are out of work it’s a depression”.
We know that God is working in all things for our good and our ultimate reward. It is said that adversity allows us to change our thinking. Our current circumstances often provide us a chance to reflect on our relationship with Him and to make necessary changes.
We should not depend on our own human understanding but fully depend on Him for our needs and security. This is what God truly wants from us. Many testify (myself included) that God does answer prayer when we wait on Him. It is not easy, but this is where trust comes in.
“Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil."  Matt.” 6:34
This is also a time to reflect on our Catholic Faith and the many ways it impacts our lives. CMCS will never give up. We're here to serve you, as a Catholic man striving to live out your faith. Keep your eyes peeled to this blog for the fundamentals of Catholic manhood and hold tight to Bishop Perry's A Prayer for Employment (PDF).  It's touching to see each day how people are working to help each other make it through life and these historic times … in the true Christian spirit.
Ultimately, as you leave this earth, it's important to be known for who you are, not for what you do. Your legacy should be what's etched onto your heart - your identity in Jesus Christ.
That’s what Christ is looking for in his followers. Being a Christian doesn’t mean you have to give up your career or your profession. What it does mean is that you should put your faith in Christ and serve Him first, through serving others. That’s what will give you the most fulfillment in life, and it will be the legacy that you leave behind.
“If we build into ourselves a deep understanding and conviction that serving the needs of other human beings is the reason we profit, that the reason we earn money is because we are focused on serving the needs of other people, other people will see this. We must commit ourselves to these convictions. Then and only then will the money follow. The money comes automatically.”
― Daniel Lapin, Business Secrets from the Bible: Spiritual Success Strategies for Financial Abundance
How are you living out your legacy today?
What legacy will you leave behind for future generations?
How will your family and loved ones be affected by your actions?
What you sow in your life today, you will reap in the life to come. So, be diligent in your walk with the Lord. Be sure to forgive and love your neighbor, even if they have done you wrong. And most importantly, know that you are loved and you are worth living for.
For example, my legacy is to be a good husband, father and friend - a real person - to those around me. I would like to leave this life knowing that I have been forgiven my short commings, and loved, by my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. That I would be His disciple and, thus, have discipled others.
What if your (future) wife said, "If Jesus is anything like you, I want to know Him. But if He's not like you, I want to leave Him." Can you imagine how this would change your relationship? Pray and ask God daily how to put your mission into action, through your labors. Then watch Him show you through your actions what His will and legacy is for your life.
God's will is that we depend on Him.
"He who labors as he prays lifts his heart to God with his hands."
— St. Benedict of Nursia
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mejomonster · 2 years
Why do Republicans say freedom of X when they personally push tons of tons of policies to remove rights. Violate rights, destroy rights, control people?
I mean I know the answer. Because they don't actually believe in rights for people, they want to control and oppress others and actively harm others, they want a theocracy, a lot of them have authoritarian mindsets and follow Authoritarian leaders who use their tendency to commit to total devotion to a leader and their movement even if there's tons of contradictions in logic just cause it's scarier for an authoritarian follower to Not be supporting a leader they already invested belief in and their community in group is connected to (see the book The Authoritarians). And so it ends up a situation where i have to assume at least half if not the majority of republican people support things against their own interest (Republicans are against measures to control gas prices so hurts all people who buy gas including all Republicans, republican politicians are against healthcare improvements so they actively make yealthcare worse for all republican citizens, they're against making baby formula accessible right now so against all republican citizens with babies, they are trying to make police abuse easier and imprisoning easier which hurts all poor Republican citizens likely to face the consequences of that and have people dying due to brutality because of that, republican politicians are against minimum wage improvements which hurts all Americans including all Republicans, etc ad infinitum... the average republican household in America is harmed by republican political agendas constantly and yet they continue to support it even when to be selfish and help oneself would be to reject it, because they don't want to believe they picked a leader who's harming them and refuse to do anything but keep supporting their In Group no matter what harm thar groups agenda does to them).
I desperately intensely want all talk of religion out of American politics. It should already be out of it because we are supposed to have separation of church and state but well clearly politicians don't care. These many laws to make certain groups of people and discussion of topics illegal is such a nightmare scenario and so much of it they justify by saying Christian values. 1 those aren't Christian values and 2 those values shouldn't matter in our government. Then there's the fucking horrific push of the republican agenda right now seeming to aim specifically at 1800s or older style quality of life in America. Just absolute harm to everyone. We need to stop thinking there's some line they wouldnt cross. Taking voting rights from women away is ON their agenda, taking rights of the body from people away is ON the agenda and happening through the states, taking voting rights away from minorities has been happening a LOT and will continue to happen, making imprisoning and enslaving people easier is On their agenda and happening constantly as is the as usual ability of police to kill Americans as desired, child labor again is ON the agenda, lack of food and drug regulations to the point we have poison unsafe food is ON the agenda and has taken hits in recent years during Trump, lack of employment standards like 40 hour work weeks are ON the agenda they Want people and children working 60 hours or more, want no healthcare for anyone, want no state schooling or education so the workforce can be younger and easier to manipulate, want us to die in droves, want minorities being killed more often and enslaved more often and unable to take any measures to defend themselves, want unsafe food and water and to sell it at high prices. Want to censor what we can read and watch and talk about, want to arrest us for existing and do whatever they want to our bodies, these are all things on the fucking agenda. And all i can say is please vote cause a shit ton of how extreme your area is will depend on the city and state politicians you elect. Want clean water to drink and shower in? Pick a GOOD mayor asap, want any accountability at all for cop behavior then campaign for those reforms in your specific city, want no censorship laws on having the right to mention ur own existence or history then make sure to take care when voting for local and state politicians who make those laws. Want the right over ur own body? Desperately vote for ur state congress and governor and those state positions cause that's what will determine if someone's actively trying to let you die and many people die or make your identity a crime or the people who can try and put laws on the books to prevent future attempts of such damaging laws. I'm not kidding the mayor in my city is the only reason we have clean drinking and bathing water when other state cities have water that is unthinkable and causing rashes at Best. I'm not kidding, my governor is the only reason there's even a chance bodily rights may be passed this November instead of us going full on pre 1930s. Last cycle when our governor was republican, an entire city got screwed immensely, statewide our water and land got polluted bad, and this is in a state where usually "republican governors try to be moderate."
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