#how do chemical pesticides affect plants
therealieblog · 7 months
A big part of Intuitive Eating involves the de-stigmatizing of food. How do we de-stigmatize food? By not assigning it moral qualities, and by not using derogatory, negative language when we talk about food.
Examples of moralizing, derogatory and negative language we, under diet culture, still use regularly when talking about food:
"Bad for you"
"Good" "
Junk/Junk food"
Words to use instead of: Instead of "Sinful", or "Fattening", use "Decadent", "Rich" or "Delicious". Avocados and dark chocolate and many organic, "healthy" foods will make you fatter if you eat them often enough. Is this really about health? Or is it about fatphobia?
Instead of "Unhealthy", you can just say what it is about the food that impairs your health. "It hurts my stomach," "It makes my skin greasy/makes me break out", "I'm allergic to it" "I feel nauseous when I eat that." That at least is honest. Saying any food that isn't on some diet culture list of approved foods is "unhealthy" is just not scientifically accurate or backed by anything other than fear mongering.
Yes, eating foods high in fat and salt and sugar in large enough quantities, for long enough periods of time can negatively affect your health, but the vast majority of studies done on exactly how it affects your health, do not control for participants' smoking, drinking, drug use, genetic predispositions (genetics makes up a significant portion of health by the way), sedentary lifestyle, exposure to chemicals in the environment, mental health status, or literally anything outside of what they eat, so... yeah... f@ck that.
Ditto with "Bad for you." It's just so formless and un-researched and based in fatphobia. What does that even mean? In what amount is it "bad for you?" would it be equally bad for anyone to eat "unhealthy" foods at any time? Is there a magic threshold past which one's donut consumption goes from infrequent to "bad for you" levels? Or, are human beings a wildly diverse group of people, who all have very different bodies, metabolisms, genetics, tolerances, tastes and needs.
"Clean" is just as bad as "Bad For You", only worse, because it's so moralistic. If food is made out of animals, plants and grains, and is considered edible by human beings, it's fucking clean. Now if you're talking about gross things falling into the food by accident during the process of making it, or if you're talking about pesticides being used on your fruit and vegetables, then I get wanting to make sure the food is "clean". But if you're putting food on some sort of angelic pedestal for being free from sugar, or saturated fats, or carbohydrates, then you are still stuck in diet culture.
Instead of "Junk food", which implies that the food itself is garbage, which is honestly just a horrifying way to think about and talk about food, you could say "play food", "fun food", "snack food". These foods: chips, chocolate, cookies etc. aren't meant to fulfill your nutritional needs. We eat them for enjoyment, or to pick us up when we're blue, to calm us when we're stressed, or just because it tastes good and we like eating it. I think gentle nutrition is important, and paying attention to how food makes you feel is obviously important, but the way we perceive food and talk about food, reinforces what we think of ourselves when we eat it. If we are eating "bad" and "unhealthy" foods, then we are bad and unhealthy people, and that is a mind-fuck, believe me.
I've performed a 25 year longitudinal dieting study on myself. I know what it feels like to absolutely hate myself for what my body tells me it wants to eat. Not fun. So please have a care with the way you speak about food, and the way you look at yourself in relation to food. Food is sustenance and life. It is meant to be enjoyed, not feared. Lets not talk about food as if the thing meant to connect us to life also makes us inherently morally deviant.
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gottalottarocks · 2 months
You guys have probably heard that the EPA just set new Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) for the first time in decades for PFAS, which is BIG news in the industry, but not a surprise. I've been in meetings for months hearing about how new PFAS regulations were in the works, and the consensus in the environmental sector is that it's long overdue. But for the rest of you who've never heard of PFAS before I can break down what the big issues are and why they've taken so long to address.
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^stolen from pubchem
So PFAS stands for per- and poly- flouroalkyl substances, and it's not one chemical compound, but an entire class of thousands of chemicals that have these chains of Carbon and Flourine atoms. For anybody who doesn't have a chem background fluorine is a nasty atom, it has seven electrons in its valence shell and it will do anything to fill it up to eight, creating incredibly strong bonds.
So you have really strong C-F bonds and these chains of C and F atoms are hydrophobic, which means these compounds are durable and water resistant, which makes them great for all sorts of industrial uses. And we've used them in everything: clothing, fast food wrappers, paints, solar panels, and non-stick pans just to start.
Unfortunately, these wonder chemicals are PBTM- Persistent, Bioaccumulative, Toxic, and Mobile. They don't break down, they build up in the food chain, they have adverse health effects, and even though C-F chains are hydrophobic, additional compounds connected to them can make them soluble in water (so they're in our drinking water). We're starting to realize PFAS can raise cholesterol, inhibit immune response, interfere with your thyroid (part of your hormonal system), cause liver toxicity, is linked to cancer, and more!
At this point you're probably starting to think wtf, how did we allow the continued widespread use of these chemicals? Well, we have phased out quite a few high profile PFAS compounds including PFOA and PFOS, but we still want to regulate and test for them in our drinking water. While PFAS is in many different products, the biggest sources of contamination are industrial runoff, areas where fire fighting foams were tested and used, landfills that leach out PFAS into the surrounding area, and wastewater treatment plants. So don't feel too stressed about eating microwave popcorn or using nail polish.
The reason these regulations took so long to implement was because of how difficult it was to connect such small amounts of PFAS with health hazards. The level of concern for PFAS is extremely low- in the ppt (parts per trillion) range. When I sample for contaminants I'm generally testing in the ppm range and higher, for PFAS we're looking an entire scale lower. We literally did not have the technology before the last few decades to detect PFAS in the ppt range in water, let alone study their effects (you can't just impose massive regulations without any proof to back it up).
States that currently have PFAS limits in drinking water have mostly capped it in the 10-70 ppt range. The new MCLs are 4-10 ppt for the six PFAS compounds the EPA addressed, which are six of the most common and most studied PFAS compounds. Most of the bitching I've seen is about how much this will cost and that the new limits are too low. The conservative take on this is that there isn't enough evidence to support such low MCLs, although most people in the environmental industry feel that more and more research keeps coming out and will keep coming out (remember studying such small amounts of anything is difficult) to support these levels. On the other side of the spectrum, there's the consensus that this is just the beginning and that more and more regulations on PFAS will be needed.
And they're in the works! I saw a proposed rule by the EPA that would ban 12 (already defunct) PFAS substances from pesticides. It wouldn't really affect the current manufacturing of pesticides, but it would be a safeguard from letting them back into the manufacturing process in case of a conservative presidency.
If you're still here I'd like to end on the note that as our science improves, our understanding of how we have impacted the environment and our health will improve. We are constantly going to find out about the adverse effects of new chemicals or things that we may not even produce anymore, and that's a good thing. Over time we are going to make the world a healthier and safer place.
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rjzimmerman · 28 days
Excerpt from this story from the New York Times:
The lawn is dead. Long live the lawn. Lately this entrenched symbol of American domestic life — verdant, weed-free and crisply mowed — has come under wider scrutiny as a profligate relic, out of sync with an ecologically conscious era.
For many years, environmentalists have deplored conventional turf grass lawns as biodiversity dead zones that require billions of gallons of water every week in the United States, with outdoor irrigation accounting for a third of household water consumption on average nationwide, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. To say nothing of the polluting fertilizers and toxic pesticides and all the mowers belching greenhouse gases to keep those lawns lush and manicured.
“Lawns seem to draw as much irrational hate as they do love these days,” said Paul Robbins, dean of the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the author of “Lawn People: How Grasses, Weeds, and Chemicals Make Us Who We Are.”
He added, “Green lawns, as much as brown ones, are now seen as a moral failing.”
But there is room for compromise. Even the most ardent proponents of sustainable, ecologically mindful landscaping argue that a simplistic “lawns are evil” narrative is unhelpful.
Edwina von Gal, a landscape designer in East Hampton, N.Y., who founded the Perfect Earth Project a decade ago to promote toxin-free, biodiverse gardens, emphasizes that lawns are not inherently negative.
“There’s nothing else like lawn for playing with your kids or your dog or a Frisbee,” she said. “But I always ask people to think about how much lawn they need. How far can you throw a Frisbee?”
Her philosophy: “Think of a lawn as more of a function than a fashion, because the fashion is changing.”
A growing number of Americans are scaling back their grass lawns or doing away with them entirely, especially in drought-affected parts of the West, where some states and municipalities have implemented restrictions on new lawns and on irrigation as well as offering financial incentives to replace existing lawns with low-water landscapes.
“Really you have to look at lawns as reservoirs, given the amount of water it takes to care for them,” said Charlie Ray, founder of the Green Room, a landscape architecture firm in Phoenix. “We are trying to reframe the conversation of what is beauty and what is lush-feeling. When you see these huge, incredibly water-intensive lawns, is that really what high-end looks like?”
Even in the desert, it is possible to create seasonal landscapes that feel lush, using native, “water wise” plant material, he said. And a bit of functional lawn can absolutely be a part of that.
Just how much lawn depends on factors that include local climate and ecology. A general rule of thumb suggested by Ms. von Gal is two-thirds for the birds. “The science shows that if you have roughly 70 percent natives, you’re going to be able to support a healthy bird population, and they’re the key indicator species for environmental health,” she said.
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rabbitcruiser · 16 days
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Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day
Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day is celebrated on May 21. This is the perfect time for the availability of all our favorite fresh fruits and vegetables. We believe including fresh fruits and veggies in the diet is necessary for a healthy life. Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day is dedicated to a cause. The increase in obesity and lifestyle diseases among American people is a major concern nowadays. This is a day to remind us of the importance of fresh food, which helps us lead a healthy life.
History of Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day
Ever wondered who started the cultivation and farming of vegetables and fruits? We only have a vague idea about the start of cultivation. We know we used to forage for nuts and fruits as far back as 1,00,000 years ago. During that time, our ancestors observed that the seeds they threw away created new plants.
The understanding that we could manipulate plant growth was perhaps one of the greatest discoveries of the ancient world. Most scientists agree that proper cultivation started only around 30,000 years ago. Initially, farming was a concept associated with grains and cereals. However, the practice soon expanded to include fruits and vegetables as well. Fruits and vegetables are good sources of necessary vitamins and minerals.
There are records of Romans using greenhouses to cultivate vegetables and fruits. The vegetables and fruits available nowadays are different from their ancient counterparts. Selective breeding for nutrition and edible quantity changed the shape, color, and even the taste for the better. But today, the trend has changed as we all opt for fast food.
This decision contributes to the obesity crisis and the formation of deadly lifestyle diseases. The growing number of people affected by unhealthy eating caused the Dole Food Company to take action. They created this holiday to educate the world about healthy eating and spread awareness about conditions such as obesity.
Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day timeline
8000 B.C. — 9000 B.C. The First Evidence of Cultivation
People from the Fertile Crescent region in the Middle East start cultivating the land.
5000 B.C. Bartering for Better
The bartering trade system in China is improved with the addition of fruit and vegetables to the trade list.
30 A.D. Romans Introduce Greenhouses
The Roman Emperor, Tiberius, farms fruits and vegetables using greenhouses.
2015 Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day
The Dole Food Company kicks off Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day.
Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day FAQs
What happens when you eat more fruits and vegetables?
A diet rich in fruits and vegetables can supplement essential vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibers. It can help reduce health conditions like diabetes, obesity, heart attack, and stroke. It can also help reduce blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and digestive issues and even prevent some forms of cancer.
How much fruit and veg a day is too much?
It depends on each person, their health conditions, and body weight. But generally speaking, around 14 ounces per day is good.
Is a fruit and vegetable diet costly?
Fresh fruits and vegetables are costlier compared to regular crops. High prices are due to the necessity of manual labor and the need for customized equipment for cultivation. But the reduction in healthcare justifies the higher prices.
Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day Activities
Source your fresh fruits and veggies
Explore the flavors of vegetable recipes
Invite people for a salad party
This is the easy part. Just pack a bag and start shopping for fresh veggies and fruits. Make sure to buy your veggies from the freshest source. It is best to buy from an organic source. This can help ensure the food is free of harmful chemicals or pesticides.
People often do not realize the choices available for fruit and vegetable recipes. There are countless vegetable dishes and smoothes available to try. Celebrate by exploring the tasty cousins available rather than going for fast food.
Get your friends who share the same enthusiasm for fresh food. You know what to do then! We have already purchased fruits and vegetables, and we know the recipes too. So sheath those knives and start cutting some veggies for the party.
5 Facts About Fruits And Vegetables That Will Interest You
Fruits and vegetables can increase your lifespan
The bounty of vitamins and minerals
The top consumer and producer
Fruits are delicious
Consuming fruits and vegetables in place of meat can increase one’s life expectancy by a few years.
A fruit and vegetable diet is a rich source of essential vitamins and minerals.
China leads the world in fruit and vegetable production and consumption.
Fruits and vegetables can be consumed in any form: fresh, canned, dried, frozen, and juice.
Fruits are sweet with fructose, and they do not pause the risk of extra sugar into our bloodstream.
Why We Love Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day
It can reduce the risk of various diseases
Vegetable and fruit diets are cruelty-free
It can reduce our carbon footprint
This is not a secret, but a non-vegetarian diet can cause numerous health issues. Diabetes, heart attack, stroke, obesity, e.t.c. are all companions of meat consumption. Adding more vegetables and fruits can help reduce these health conditions before they manifest.
There is a long battle raging between vegetarians and non — vegetarians. A vegetarian diet is relatively less cruel as no killing or maiming is involved. A major argument is that plants are also alive, but plants are not sentient like animals and do not feel the same kind of pain. So it is a relatively cruelty–free diet.
Meat production negatively affects our environment. It is a demanding process and needs a lot of water and food. The byproducts can add to the greenhouse gas emission and thus to global warming. The same amount of investment in cultivation can yield better output and reduce carbon emission.
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Summer Spittlebugs
This time of year it’s not unusual to be walking through a garden or meadow and suddenly come across what looks like a wad of spit or foam stuck to the stem of a plant. This wasn’t left by some uncouth person, nor is it the remnants of some pesticide or other chemical. Instead, it’s the active shelter of a spittlebug!
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As the name suggests, these insects create these foamy conglomerations. They then use them as shelter while they feed on the sap of the host plant. There are literally thousands of species within the superfamily Cercopoidea, consisting of the three families Aphrophoridae, Cercopidae, and Clastopteridae. They’re also colloquially known as froghoppers, though the nymph stage that is found within the spit doesn’t yet hop.
The spit protects the nymphs in a few ways. It’s a visual cover to keep predators from seeing them. If a predator should try to eat the spit, nymph and all, it will find that the foam has a rather awful taste. And it can offer some protection from heat and sunlight on hot summer days. It’s made of waste material from digested sap; one nymph can cycle three hundred times its body weight in sap through its system in one hour.
While sap isn’t exactly a calorie-dense food, spittlebug nymphs have secret allies that were only recently discovered. It turns out that they have not one but two species of bacteria living in their digestive systems. In a symbiotic relationship, the bacteria take shelter there while helping the spittlebug acquire extra nutrition. How? By turning glucose from the sap into crucial amino acids that the nymph needs. Other insects that survive on sap also have these sorts of bacteria, but only one species each rather than two.
Adult spittlebugs are also pretty remarkable. They’re even better jumpers than fleas considering their larger size. Some still retain aposematic coloration that warns away predators. And while they may only live a few weeks after molting into their adult form, the females of some species can lay several dozen eggs before she dies.
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Here’s the thing: the vast majority of spittlebugs aren’t going to seriously harm your plants. They don’t take enough sap, and aren’t going to hide in their foamy homes long enough to be a concern. If you have a LOT of them on one plant, they may cause a bit of distortion of the plant’s tissues, temporarily weaken its immune system or open it to diseases through the wounds, but this is a rare situation. And the spittlebug species that don’t produce bad-tasting secretions are potential food for other animals, so they do have an ecological role to play.
Occasionally species like the meadow spittlebug (Philaenus spumarius) may carry the bacteria Xylella fastidiosa which can cause widespread diseases in agricultural crops like Pierce’s disease or olive quick decline syndrome. But the plants in your garden are not likely to suffer the same fate, especially if you’re growing a nice variety of species rather than an entire plantation of one thing.
Finally, I want to advocate for biodiversity rather than the kneejerk reaction “It’s a bug on my plant–kill it!”. You want bugs in your garden (especially native species), because that means it’s an active ecosystem that supports local life. If you determine that you have a non-native species like the aforementioned meadow spittlebug, then all you need to do to get rid of it is hose down the affected plants as needed; pesticides won’t penetrate through the spit anyway, and a hose is faster, cheaper, and safer. Otherwise, native species of spittlebug are not going to cause you any issues, will be gone in a few weeks, and have a place in their ecosystem, too. So enjoy the fact that you’ve created a good home for wildlife, and marvel at these insects with a rather unique strategy for survival!
Did you enjoy this post? Consider taking one of my online foraging and natural history classes, checking out my other articles, or picking up a paperback or ebook I’ve written! You can even buy me a coffee here!
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quaranmine · 10 months
Small thing but thanks for like. Vaguely mentioning your field in passing cuz it gave me the spesific branch of biology that I wanna pursue, ecology! Aka I now have a more spesific target other than "idk, bio."
I think. At least. If I'm wrong then thanks for mentioning ecology's existence in passing at least lol
oh this is such a wild ask to receive since I'm somehow part of this revelation. I'm glad you could figure that out! I hope you have a good time studying it if you decide to pursue that field. I'm actually not an ecologist, but I have taken ecology in college. My bachelor's is in Environmental Science, which is a pretty broad field involving many forms of physical and life sciences. My job has labeled me both "Physical Scientist" and "Life Scientist" at different times, but I'm not doing in lab work, field work, or experiements so some people might argue against the scientist label.
In general, my education and career lean much more heavily into less alluring and less glamorous subjects like pollution, toxic chemicals, energy, landfills, remediation of hazardous waste sites, etc. I do a lot of outreach in my job, typically things like: creating outreach strategies, creating outreach materials, ordering materials, speaking with city and state government employees, speaking with community nonprofits, actively making professional relationships for my organization, organizing symposiums and classes, attending events with educaiton materials, presenting educational material, answering questions from the public. The subject of my job is mostly things about lead poisoning, children's health, public health, environmental regulations, and recycling but I have also spoken about pesticides, brownfields, groundwater pollution, etc.
Much of what I learned in school wasn't, like, pretty nature or wildlife or plants--although that's what everybody thinks I studied. It was about toxic chemicals exposure. Pollution sampling and monitoring. Wastewater treatment and drinking water quality. Remediation techniques like pumping sites, filters, bioremediation, etc. Groundwater hydrology and how pollution moves in aquifers. Environmental law, legal exposure theshholds, how to write risk assessments and quantify risk, etc.
However, there is a very strong overlapping link between ecology as a field and my field--there's a reason I also studied ecology as part of my degree, as well as biology! An ecologist might "classically" study things like how ecosystems work, food chains, wildlife populations, habitats, etc. The intersection with my field comes in with questions like: How does this chemcial spill affect the fish population? What is the impact that this proposed construction project might have on the local ecosystem and is that reason to block the project? How does pesticide runoff from agriculture affect non-target plants and animals?
Anyway, I love ecology. It's one of my favorite branches of science. I would have studied it or gone into it fully but the allure of preventing toxic chemical exposures/cleaning them up was too great xD
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slytherinqueen71 · 1 year
Should We Give Up Meat?
The topic that I chose and found most interesting was about how we should stop eating meat. According to the article “No One Wants to Say ‘Put Down That Burger,’ but We Really Should” talks about how we should do something about agriculture and the consumption of meat. It says that a basic problem is that we have converted Earth’s land into agricultural land to grow food, but we are destroying the species', habitats that live there. Environmentalists hope that we will stop destroying land and preserve 30 percent of the earth by 2030. The article also talks about how humanity needs to shrink our agricultural footprint to create more natural footprints, but that would involve changing thousands of years of work. People believe that this will be a challenge, but they do say we will have to produce 7.4 quadrillion additional calories every year to keep feeding the population. This is going to be very tough if we keep going at the rate we are with the prices of food(especially eggs). Many people believe that there are different things we could do to slow down meat production. There are some examples from the article that could help our economy. One of the many examples they used was  to stop eating as much meat  and to stop wasting food, a third of our food is just being wasted. It will be hard to shrink our agricultural footprint by shifting our diets from eating meat to eating plant-based substitutions. especially plant- based substitutes that are filled with toxic chemicals. 
This article made some good points on why we should stop eating meat but not everyone is fully convinced. People should be able to make their own decisions and on what they eat and shouldn't have to cut meat out of their diets entirely. There are many things that we should consider when it comes to plant-based meat. How beneficial/nutritious is it really for people. What are these plant-based foods made out of? Is this the heather option, and how does it affect us after eating fake meat?
According to an article called “Is Plant-Based Meat Always the Heather Option?” says that plant-based meat could lower your risk of having heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, cancer, and other chronic diseases. Yes, it may be more environmentally friendly but these plant-based meats still have animal byproducts in them and it’s not always the healthier option. There are many types of different things in plant-based meat that you might not know about. According to the “The Center for Consumer Freedom '', there are 5 chemicals lurking in your plant-based meat. Tertiary butylhydroquinone prevents discoloration in processed foods but it also has been linked to cancer. Magnesium Carbonate is used to keep color in food but it's also used in floorings. Frythosine (Red #3) a high dose of this substance was linked to cancer. Propylene Glycol is a colorless and odorless order but it is used in e-cigarettes. Ferric Orthophosphate is used in pesticides, which can be used to kill slugs. 
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sneezygiant · 2 years
This is a very long story, 8,018 words. I've been working on it for about a month and I'm very happy with it!
 "What'cha doin'?" Billy asked in curiosity as he leaned against the back of Hector's chair, resting his chin on the slightly shorter man's shoulder.
   "I'm trying to get these plants to grow about twenty times their original size with a concoction of different growth hormones. If I can get the experimental plants to grow properly, I'm thinking we can add it to your crops."
  "Oh, tryin' ta solve world hunger or sumthin'? Classic scientist move." Billy teased as he looked at the array of items he couldn't hope to understand.
 "No one could solve world hunger by just supersizing food, love. No, no, I'm hoping to be successful by next year's county fair. I'm sick and tired of seeing you losing when your crops are the best quality I've seen, but always losing because  they're regular sized. Next year you'll win for sure!" 
  Billy frowned and stood up again. "I dun' lose. I git a ribbon each an' every time. Sure, it's usually for second or third place, but I never lose." He murmured with a pout, before adding on with a very slight scolding tone. "and tha' scheme of yours is cheatin'. I dun' cheat."
  "Hey! I'm trying to help you, and it's not cheating, it's like using pesticides or fertilizer to boost the plants abilities." Hector protested, looking up into his partner's frowning face.
 With a heavy sigh, Hector buckled. "Fine, I won't use it to help you win at the fair. I'm still going to tinker on it anyway. I already started, and it could be cool if I could. So far it's not working, and is more like a perfume than anything." Hector grumbled out the last part, leaning back in his chair.
 "Why dun' you just market it as a perfume then?" Billy asked, picking up the tube, and giving it a sniff. It had an overpowering smell, making Billy wrinkle up his nose.
 "William! You can't just go around sniffing random chemicals. It could be dangerous! You're feeling alright? Right?  Do we have to go to the hospital? Well? Answer me!" Hector yelped as he got up from his seat and tugged the taller man down to get a good look.
 Billy wanted to answer that he was fine, but an itch deep in his sinuses prevented him from doing so.. "I'm f-huuuuuuhhhh…fuiii….hiiihhh…" he hitched, pushing away from Hector so he could bring a fist to his nose. "Just…a….snnnf! Itch…" he mumbled as he wiggled his nose around.
  "Are you sure you're fine? No hospitals? I wanna take you to the doctor." Hector still fretted as he watched Billy's head tip back, and his eyes flutter.
  "Nu…huuuuhhh... Do'doct...hiiihh hhiiih! Hih'Cheiw! No doctors." Billy mumbled after sneezing, pawing at his nose some more. It was still itching like mad. With a blurry blink he looked down at Hector, who was gawking up at him.
  "What…?" Billy asked in an unsure manor, looking around.
 "You just grew with that sneeze! You just shot up like two feet! This is why we don't sniff random chemicals Billy!" Hector yipped.
 "Thaaa's not that….b-bahiiihhd.." Billy sniffed, blinking unevenly. He scrunched up his face as he clumsily brought a hand to cover his next sneeze.
  "Of course this is bad! I didn't know it could have this type of size affects, who knows what this is doing to your DNA on a molecular level? What if this never wears off! You could be stuck at this eight or nine foot tall! I'll have to see how much you've actually grown!" Hector rambled as Billy's breath hitched.
"hiiiiihhh….ehiiiiihhh....eeeehhh…HIH'Dchiew! Eh'shhu! Huuuhhh…huuuhhhh? Hitchhhiiiew! Snnnfff… hiiihhh…h-hhhihh…EH'SHOOU!"
 Billy didn't realize until he hit his head on the ceiling, and fell down, that he was continuing to grow with each sneeze. The small lab was a complete mess, and the space was running out. Poor Hector had to climb onto his partner's torso as not to be crushed by the expanding mass. Billy was in a worse off situation though, not having any wiggle room. He was forced to lay in a very awkward position. One arm was pinned against his side and the wall while the other was up on his chest, both legs were bent inward so his feet could be uncomfortably planted against another wall, and his head was being forced to look slightly down as it lay where the wall met the ceiling. Luckily for Billy, from the sheer mercy of god, his clothes seemed to expand with him. Unluckily for him, his nose was still itching like mad, and he couldn't even give it a rub.
  "Stop sneezing!" Hector cried out in a panic as he tried to get proper footing on the moving surface that was his boyfriend's chest. 
 "I uh, snnnf! C-can't m…hiiih… nuh…huuuuuh! Nose is hiiiihhhh… fi'fuh! HE'WSHHI! fire!" Billy whimpered though hitches and yet another sneeze. He once again grew, with the added action of throwing his boyfriend off balance. The room was bursting at the seams at that point, evitint of the hairline cracks appearing at the wall.
  "Try to stifle or something!" Hector tried to protest, but deep down he knew Billy was incapable of that. Pushing himself to stand yet again, he watched the farmer's flickering expression. He had never seen Billy sneeze this much before. If this wasn't a situation of panic, and unnatural growth… Hector may have found this hot.
 Taking slow and uneasy steps along his partner's hitching chest, Hector made his way over to Billy's face. Once there he leaned against the up and coming giant's chin, so he could press forearm to Billy's flushed, twitching nose. They held that position for a few moments before Billy's chest swelled and he gave off two more sneezes.
''Hiiiiiihhh….. HURSHOOO! HURRRSHOO!"
 Those sneezes threw Hector against his knees, and made him more cramped in the room. The room was starting to fall apart, raining ceiling dust onto the two.
  Hector gave a soft groan, both due to pain and because he saw the cracks on the wall grow and grow. The small little lab had no chance, and Billy's nose was still irritated.
  "I'm so glad we weren't in the propper house… do you feel anywhere close to stopping? " the smaller asked, to which he got a dazed shake of the head as a response. 
 "Stuuuhhhh….still… feel snuuuhh… snee…huuuh! Huuuh! HUUUUH!" Billy tried to say, but the hitches took over, and when he got to the last hitch… nothing. Just a new irritated buzz along the length of his nose. He gave a desperate whimper and wriggled his nose around, but no. The irritant was playing games at this point.
  Hector watched for a few brief moments before sighing. "Is it stuck? I'll help…". One he got the very soft nod of confirmation, he crawled along Billy's torso, and up into his chin.
 He got a good look into the farmer's irritated, quivering nose, and couldn't help but blush. He swallowed heavily before reaching over and delicately tracing his fingertips around Billy's nostril, earning a snuffle as response.
  "Thhhhhaaaa'! Tuh' huuuuh! Tickles!" Billy hitched with a heavy blink, snuffling against Hector's ticking fingers with need.
 "I know." Hector whispered, watching Billy's nasal membrane twitch and ripple. He allowed gentle fingers to dance past the rims, and got a sneezy gasp as a response. Those teasing fingers triggered a fit.
That first sneeze of the fit, finally had the building come crumbling down around them as Billy grew yet again, consequently making him unfurl and fall on his back. It had also knocked Hector off of his face, which Hector took the chance to scramble away from the giant, so he could hide out of the way. Billy quickly sat up, chin tilting skyward as he gave another gasp.
 "Huuh! EH'ESH! Huuuhhh…huiuuh! Heh'Zzhue! Snnf! Hiiiiihhhh… HIih! Hih'Dshhiew! Eh'Zhhiew! Heeeh..heeeh! Haaahhh HAH'TDSHHEW! " 
 Each sneeze Billy grew more and more, about six feet per burst, and he was powerless to stop it. He tried to sniffle back the itch that was still persisting in his nose, but it was of no use. 
 "Heeeehhhh….HEH'SHEW! Hhhiiihhh… hih'tshhh! Eh'shzzu!" Billy was starting to pant between breaths, and his nose was starting to run from the constant sneezing. 
  "Huuhhhh…Hih'DSSHIEW!....huh….uh! HIH'DZZZU! Hiiiiihhhh… HUD'ZZZHIEW!
  Billy snuffled, bringing up a fist to smush his nose against. His nose wasn't on fire anymore, but there was still a slight tingle. He scrunched up his face to wiggle his flushed nose around.
 Hector popped out of his hiding spot from behind a tree, examining his now gigantic boyfriend. After hesitating for a brief moment, he wandered back up to Billy, giving the giant's leg a soft pat.
  "Are we done with the sneezing? I can't examine you while you're sneezing at a hundred miles an hour." Hector chuckled as he climbed clumsily onto Billy's lap, huffing and puffing by the time he got there. His plans of climbing to Billy's shoulder were dashed.
  "Well my nose ain't on fire anymore, but there still is a tingle. It's like a anoyin' lil' ant. Very ti-huuuuuhhhh…tickly." Billy mumbled with a hard sniff, a bit dazed from all the sneezing he'd done in the last hour. He snuffled again as the little tickle became a buzz, prompting one last sneeze.
  "Heeeehhhh…hiiiiihhh! Huuuh! "HU'DSHZZEIW!" Once again there was another small burst in height. Billy gave a small snort, nasal cavity finally clear from any irritation. He brought up a sleeve to scrub at the underside of his nose, giving off a sigh of relief. 
  "Well bless you! You're done right? You must've sneezed at least a dozen times. Now, we need to do tests right away. I need to know if this is reversible. We can't have you being a giant. I'm clearly not cut out for farm work, I had a hard time climbing to your lap! Oh I hope this will wear off." Hector rambled, starting to grow worried again. 
  Billy was only half listening to Hector. He was busy looking around at his farm. His farm house, the barn, the chicken coop, the small dog house, all of it. Realization and panic suddenly hit him, and it manifested into tears. At this size, he wouldn't be able to go inside, or even tend to his animals properly.
  Hector was caught off guard, mid-ramble, as Billy gave a shuddering breath. The smaller looked up at the tallest face, expecting a sneezy expression, not expecting to see tears bubbling in Billy's eyes.
  "B-Billy? Are you ok? What's wrong? You didn't get hurt by the building right? I don't know if we would be able to get a doctor to see you at this point… well maybe Abby will, but she's busy." Hector fretted more.
 It took a few long moments before the farmer found his voice to answer. 
  "I'm a MONSTER!"  He wailed, tears flooding down his cheeks. He started to sob, an ugly cry.
  Hector hated to see his partner in distress, but there was little he could do in this situation. He frowned to himself and leaned against Billy's torso, as a sort of hug.
  "You're not a monster, you've just had a mishap. Everything will be okay… i-in one form or other. It's alright to cry, but you're not a monster."
  "Of course I'm a monster! I jus' sneezed myself out of a buildin'! It! It crumbled out from under meh! Normal people dun' do tha', monsters destroy buildin's!" He blubbered as he wiped at his eyes with the heels of his hands before he continued.
  "An'! An! What about the farm? I can't… t! Tend to the farm like this! I'm ta big to milk the cows, or collect eggs from the chickens! I can't take care of the plants either! The farm will go under! I… I can't have that Hector! It's been in my family for generations! I'm meant to pass it onto our future children!I can't be the generation that fails!" He hiccuped and sobbed though his rant, face growing red with the lack of air he was getting from his cries.
  "Billy… William! Look at me please." Hector yelled, only so he could be heard. He continued only when he had Billy's attention, even if that attention was through flooded eyes and stuttering breaths.
  "Look, Baby, You're no monster. Like I said, this is just a mishap. It may wear off, I may have to do some research to fix it. Everything will be fine. If worse comes to worse, I'll hire farm hands to keep it going? Ok?"
  Wiping at his eyes and giving a sniffle, Billy ,in a weak voice, asked "what about yer lab? Everthin' was smashed…"
 "I still have rudamary tools left in the basement. I'll just go fetch it from the house. We need to see how tall you are anyway. Need to know, for your food and medication. If you end up needing medicine in this state." Hector hummed in a soft coo, glad Billy had calmed down.
 Billy nodded, but soon his brown eyes went out of focus. His crying had stirred up a tickle in his nose. He wiggled his nose around before giving a large sneeze.
 "HUUUHhhhh hhuh! Huh'Zzzhiew! Snnnf! 'Scuse me." Billy mumbled and gave his nose a rub with his wrist. It seemed like all the chemicals were out of his system, as that sneeze didn't have a growth spurt attached to it.
  "Good sneeze, now stay here and I'll be right back." Hector teased before sliding off of Billy's lap. He then headed to the farmhouse to get some supplies. 
  "Jus'… dun' let Lily and Rosie out of the house. They may not react kindly ta me right now. They're guard dogs afta all." Billy told his partner as he shifted uncomfortably on the ground.
  "Yeah, yeah. I won't let the dogs out!" Hector called back as he dipped into the house. He was greeted by a black and red collie. They happily barked and jumped around his feet as he made his way to the basement.
  "Down girls!" The scientist scolded, slightly annoyed by the energy they were displaying, but he also knew it wasn't their fault. It was their breed.
 Leaving the dogs on the first floor of the house, Hector descended the stairs into the basement. He gathered a few different things while down there. A calculator, a tape measure, a notepad, and a few large blankets that had been stored down there forever.
 Armed with his supplies Hector headed back upstairs, and outside. Once outside a small smile came to his face. Billy was now laying on his stomach.
"What are you doing Billy?" He asked with a slight snicker, walking over and dropping the things he was carrying on the ground. 
  "This is the only comfortable way ta be right now." Billy said with a pout, as he looked at the supplies his boyfriend had brought. Pout turning into confusion, he then asked. "What all tha' for? I was expectin' sumthin' more… I dunno, sciencey?"
  "I don't need too much science to find out how tall you have gotten. Give me your hand." Hector hummed as he picked up the tape measure. Billy frowned, but complied. He clumsily held his hand in front of Hector, almost knocking the smaller over.
  "Hey! Careful." Hector scolded as he started to measure the length of Billy's index finger, his thumb, his wrist, and finally the full length of Billy's forearm. He wrote down the measurements in the notepad, before plugging them into the calculator.
  "Oh!" Hector suddenly yelped with a bright smile on his face, making his giant partner jump in shock, before growing nervous again.
 "What? What is it? Is it sumthin' bad?" Billy asked in a whimper, starting to fidget.
  "It's nothing bad. It's just that my original measurements were correct. I was trying to get your crops to twenty times their original size, and well, you are now twenty times your original size. One hundred and twenty foot tall." He explained as he put supplies back down.
  "I'm sure this will wear off on its own. If not I'll make sure you get back to human height somehow. Alright lovebug, but for now we need to wait, because if we feed you an antidote now, if I had one, it could shrink you farther than intended. Well wait a day or two."
  "Alright…" Billy agreed reluctantly. It's not like he had a choice in the matter. There was no current antidote for his situation. All he could do was wait. He hoped it would wear off within a day.
The growth did not wear off within a day, it didn't even wear off within three days. Something did wear off, and that was the farm boy's allergy medication. Billy was allergic to damn near everything on his beloved farm. The dogs, the plants, the chickens, and the barn cats that had no true owner. It left the giant a sniffling, sneezing mess as he tried his hardest to do his daily chores while his predicament stayed.
  Hector mostly spent those days in the basement, trying to recreate the opposite of a project he had been working on for months prior. The last project had the leisure of being for fun, this project had to be done quickly and efficiently. Hector knew that Billy was getting antsy and frustrated being twenty times his normal size. The big guy's allergies were not helping either. At first Hector had thought it was hot, but the sneezes had quickly become a hazard. Spooking the horses and cows, and causing large gales of wind if not caught in an arm or a blanket.
 Billy carefully walked up to the house, on the third day of being upsized, and knocked on the roof. 
 "Hector, you promised that you'd help meh milk the cows today." Billy called out before giving a lazy sniffle. Hector came to the front porch so he could talk to his partner.
 "Just give me about another hour. I feel like I'm getting close to cracking the code."
 "The cows can't wait another hour, they've already gone a day without bein' milked. Meh hands are ta big and my nose dun' like being in the barn. You promised." Billy retorted, scrunching up his nose slightly with a snort, seemingly to punctuate his point, but in reality his nose was already itching.
  "Just give me a few more minutes then. I think I'm making proper headway!" Hector then rebutted.
 "Ya can spare thirty minutes an' help me with my cattle!" The giant puffed. "No more ifs, an's, or buts." He continued as he picked his small partner up with both hands, holding him to his chest before walking over to the barn.
 "Hey!" Hector yelped in protest but soon quieted down. Billy could be stubborn when he wanted to be. 
 The smaller sighed and looked up to the taller's face as they walked. From the angle he was at he could see directly into Billy's irritated nose. The inner wall was twitching and pulsing. Soon the giant's steps slowed as he tilted his chin up to sniff suddenly with need, expression dropping.
  "Huuuuuh!" He hitched with need, Making Hector blush. From his position he could feel Billy's expand and shutter as the impending sneeze built.
  "HUUUHH….UH! Huuuhhh…? Snnnf! HUH'ZZZHHU!!" Billy sneezed once, sipping his head to the side so he wouldn't sneeze on Hector. He gave a lazy sniffle before rubbing his nose into his shoulder.
  " 'scuse me." Billy mumbled he continued to walk to the barn.
  "Oh you're blessed." Hector snickered, causing Billy to shift his eyes down to look at his partner, seeing the blushing face he playfully rolled his eyes without another  word.
  Once at the barn Billy crouched down and put Hector on the ground. He then gave Hector a small nudge towards the barn. 
 "Go on, go milk the cows like I've shown ya. I'd come in to supervise but I think tha' would be dangerous. Can't be spookin' the cows with a sneeze now." 
  "Ya ya, I'll milk them properly, but I still think this is precious time wasted. If I continue to keep working on the antidote I could have you back to normal by the day after tomorrow!" Hector protested as he walked into the barn, gathering a bucket and the milking stool.
  "Quit yer complain'. You live on a farm and ya can help out." Billy puffed as he sat down, back resting against the side of the barn.
 Hector sighed heavily but did as he was told. He milked each of the four cows before putting the milk he collected into jugs. It took about forty minutes, but once he was done he walked out and stood in front of Billy.
 "I'm done, can I go back to my lab now? I just need a little more time, like I keep saying. My experiments are going pretty well so far." Hector asked, then told his partner.
  Billy took a few long moments to respond, giving soft hums as he did so. Pretending to think about it so he could mess with Hector a bit, He watched the smaller man grow slightly impatient.
  "I guess." He eventually said with a playful grin on his face.
  "Good." Hector puffed and crossed his arms, starting to walk away. 
   "You're still coming back out tonight so we can cuddle while we sleep, right?" Billy asked with a slight tilt of his head, absentmindedly sniffling.
 "Perhaps if I get significant work done. I much rather be cuddling in our bed after all." Hector hummed, steps slowing as he heard his partner sniffle. "Your nose is still itching?" He questioned in slight interest.
  "My nose has been itching' for nearly three days straight." Billy complained with a slight pout, bringing up a hand to rub his nose against his knuckles, feeling a tickle flare deep in his sinuses. His eyes gave an uneven blink before squinting, his lips parted, and his chin tilted up as his breath started to hitch once again.
 "Huuuuuuuhhhh…uuuh! Hiiihhh…HIH'TZZHEIW! snnnnf! EH'ZZZIEW!" two large sneezes caught against his wrist. He gave an annoyed huff, squishing his nose against his wrist, before flopping down on his side.
 Hector gave a small yelp as the ground trembled and he was sent o to his back side. This was one of the reasons Billy couldn't remain a giant. He was a bit on the clumsy side.
  "Bless you, Billy… I could see how much dosage your allergy medicine would have to be to work while you're at this size, but it may take up all your medication." He suggested as he got back to his feet, walking over to his giant's face. 
  "That would be nice… I could always order more meds online." Billy mumbled, going crossed eyed to look at Hector. Hector gave a soft nod, hesitating slightly before reaching out to give Billy's nose a soothing rub. Billy responded positively, giving a soft sigh and leaning into affection.
  "I'll work on that as well. It will be relatively easy, well easier than shrinking you back to human sized." Hector hummed and kissed the tip of Billy's nose.
  "Now I truly have to get back to work, but Abby will be by tomorrow to help you with the farm. I've already told her about our current situation. " he said, to which Billy gave a small nod. 
  Hector gave the giant's nose one last comforting rub before heading back to the house to continue his current project, and start a new one.
 Billy got back to his feet as Hector went inside, wandering around his farm to find things he could do. He did this until it grew dark. Once it was dark he herded his farm animals into the barn for the night. 
  He was tempted to go back to the house to see if Hector wanted to come to bed with him, but decided against it as Hector would be busy. With a small grumble to himself he headed towards the sheep's meadow to nestle down for the night, soon he was snoring loudly and drooling slightly.
 Billy would be awoken the next morning with an amused giggling voice.
 "Well aren't you two absolutely adorable! Just two snug bugs in a rug. All cozied together." The voice blabbered on, and when Billy groggily opened his eyes, he found it was Abigail. He also found Hector was nestled into the crook of his arm, slowly becoming conscious as well.
  "Good mornin' Abbs…" Billy murrmered through a yawn before clumsily sitting up, nearly dropping poor half awake Hector in the process.
 Hector was definitely awake after nearly being dropped, clinging to Billy's shirt.
  "What are you doing here so early in the morning? The sun isn't even up!" He nearly spat.
  "You said Mr. Billy needed help with his farm, and I can see why! Speaking of that, whatcha need help with Bills?" Abby giddily said, nearly bouncing on her heels. She just radiated excitement.
  "Well, uh. All the animals need fed an' watered, the chickens need their eggs gathered; they dun' like Hector very much, then the cows need milked, an' ummmn what else?  The smaller garden needs weeded an' watered… an' I don't think there is much else ya can do. The crops an' trees should be fine for another few days. Wait, the animals should be let out of the barn an' coop once feed. Chickens are free ranged, cows an' horses share a pasture, an' sheep got their own." Billy rambled.
 "That sounds like a lot of work for one day… can I ride a horse afterwards?" Abby babbled happily, hope shining in her blue eyes as she watched Billy put Hector on the ground.
 " Do ya know how ta saddle a horse?" Was Billy's only response to Abby's question.
  "No…? " She responded with a pout.
  "Then not taday. I'll let ya ride a horse as soon as I'm back ta normal, alright? Hector says it shouldn't be more than two days." Billy hummed as he got to his feet. 
  "Com'n, I'll show ya where I keep meh feed. Best he do as much as ya can in the morning." He hummed as he shuffled forward before starting to walk properly. Abby grinned and hopped along behind him.
 While the two went about the morning chores, Hector headed back to the house to sleep a few more hours, then went to work on his current projects. 
 Hector resurfaced about one o'clock in the afternoon, as one of his project came to a bust, due to lack of supplies.
 "Billy!" He hollered as he made his way over to the duo. Once close enough to see that Abby was brushing a horse he continued to speak to Billy. "I couldn't get the dosage for your allergy medicine. You didn't have enough in your bottle to be effective. I've ordered more just in case, but that won't arrive for another two days. You should be back to normal before then, so you'll just have extra meds" He explained to his partner.
 Billy pouted and didn't say anything for a long moment.
  '' so I'm stuck bein' allergic an' sneezy ta nearly everthin' on my farm?" He whined, kneeling down to be on more of an even speaking level.
  "Yeah, sorry about that, but that's something you'd blame genetics for." Hector chuckled and gave his neck a nervous rub.
 "I do have good news though! I'm ninety-nine point ninety-nine percent sure I found a cure for your situation. I currently have it sitting in the basement. It needs to stabilize for a bit, but it should be ready and functioning by morning."
"Tha's great! Maybe I could even do meh mornin' chores by myself!" Billy said with a grin, perking up at the mention of being human sized again. 
  "Does that mean I can ride a horse tomarrow too? This one seems very nice." Abby piped up, still holding onto the hope.
  "Yea, ya can ride Suzy if I get back ta normal, but I will be able to do meh chores, right, Hector?" Billy confirmed, then repeated.
  "Yes, yes, you should be able to do your chores. At least half of them. The cure will be either ready in the early morning, or the late morning. I'll be spending the night in the basement to monitor it." Hector hummed out.
 Billy gave a soft pout, but nodded. He did desperately want to be human size again. He didn't like how his sneezes spooked his animals. 
 Speaking of sneezes, a tingle was creeping his way into his nose. It was because he was closer to the ground and flowers.His grin was replaced with a frown as he brought up a hand to smush at his nose, giving a heavy sniffle.
  "Meh… nose it..huuh! Itches." He warned, feeling his eyes flutter, and his nose scrunch. Abby's eyes widened in a panic as she scrambled away, not having seen the giant sneeze before. Hector stood his ground, not having as much fear. He instead just took a few steps off to the side to watch. He watched as Billy's chest spasmed with each hitch, the flaring nostrils, the squinting brown eyes, and lips parting as the giant took desperate breaths.
 "Nuuuuhhhh… huuuh! Huuuuh! EH'ZZZZHU! hiih! Heiiih! HIH'TDSHHI!...ESSSHUO! Guh, 'scuse me" Billy mumbled after sneezing, giving his nose a small wiggle, getting back to his feet.
  His first sneeze had sent all the animals in the area scattering to safety. The following two sneezes didn't really have any consequences.
  "Bless you Billy." Hector hummed as he saw Abby sheepishly creep out of her hiding place, coming back to join them.
  "That was very loud! Many blessings Billy boy." Abby giggled nervously and played with her hair, looking up at the giant with a slight grin, and looking slightly ashamed that she ran.
  "Thank ya…" Billy mumbled and shuffled his feet awkwardly. There was nothing much he could do besides accept the blessings from his partner and friend. He didn't expect Abby to run in the first place, and it got him a little down.
 "So all the chores are done, correct?" Hector asked, feeling the awkward tension in the air.
 "Oh! Uh, ya, Billy was just letting me brush the horses." Abby responded.
  "Then maybe you can come back tomorrow, when we can properly hang out. Not much we can do today right?" He prompted. 
 "Oh… ya I can come back tomorrow. See you tomorrow Billy!" Abby yipped before running over to hug the giant's ankle as much as she could.
 "See ya tamorrow Abbs." Billy hummed a slight smile to his face. Once she broke off the one sided hug, she made her way back to her home, bounce in her step.
Once she was out of earshot Billy pouted down at his boyfriend.
  "I can't believe she ran when I sneezed. I understan' why the animal run, but I never expected Abby to run. I thought she had no fears. Are my sneezes really too loud?" Billy complained to Hector, a small whine in his voice.
  "Well, your sneezes have always been a touch loud, but there's nothing bad about that. It's just part of who you are, and I quite like your sneezes." Hector said, a small smirk coming to his face on his last sentence, making Billy laugh.
  "I know ya like my sneezes, glad ta see that didn't change with meh size." He chuckled as he briefly crouched down to ruffle Hector's hair lovingly.
  "So… What should we do until the evenin'? Not much I can do at this size." Billy asked as he looked around, shuffling his feet again.
  "We could watch a movie. I saw an old projector down in the basement, and we could put a sheet on the side of the house." Hector suggested, already heading towards the house. 
  Billy just nodded, he much rather be doing something active, but that was near impossible in his current state. He waited for Hector to come back out of the house so he could help him set up the sheet.
  "Alright what movie do you wanna watch big guy? We have zootopia, the littlest mouse, the borrowers, the silent scream, and a movie called robo dog." Hector mumbled as he read off each movie title.
  "How 'bout zootopia? It at least has those cute lil' animals in it." Billy suggested skeptically as he settled down into a lying position.
  "Alright, The animated movie it is." Hector chuckled as he set it up to the projector. Once the pre-ads were rolling Hector then wandered over to Billy and climbed up onto the giant's arm, snuggling in to watch the movie.
  The movie started, and 15 minutes into it Billy found himself start to doze, and a few minutes after that was fully asleep. His nose was nestled into his boyfriend's stomach, as he snored.
  "Why do you always fall asleep during movies Billy? Wake up." Hector snickered as he nudged the side of the giant's nose. Billy just gave a sniffle and nuzzled in more, a sleepy grin on his face, but far from waking up.
 With a playful roll of his eyes, Hector gave in. He wasn't going to move his deep sleepier of a boyfriend. He wiggled his way into a more comfortable position, before settling down to finish the movie.
 Once the movie was over, to no one's surprise, Hector still found himself trapped by Billy's snugglings.
  "The movie is over, you can wake up now. Hey! Come on, you can't just trap me here. Billy!" Hector protested and started to wiggle, he had things to do after all! Unfortunately his wiggles of protest caused a problem for the slumbering giant, a tickle.
 Billy snuffled and scrunched up his nose, shifting his head slightly to the side. Hector now had a bit of a view of Billy's nostrils, which gave him an idea. 
 Hesitating for a brief moment, the scientist reached out a hand to place on the rim of Billy's nostril. It flexed under his palm as its owner gave a sleepy sniff. Taking that as a good sign, Hector continued. He allowed his fingers to dance and tickle at the inner wall of Billy's nose, and boy did it get a reaction.
  It started with snuffling, but quickly grew to large hitches. Billy sleepily sat up so he could rub at his troublesome nose, the action depositing Hector onto the ground with a thud. He shook off the experience and looked up to watch his boyfriends building sneeze.
  "HuuuUUUH! uuuhhh…? Hiiihhh…hih! Snnnnf! Heehhhhh….HHeehhhhh....HIH'ZZZZSHU! 'DSHZZZEIW! " two large sneezes, leading into a sniffly half awake giant. Billy brought a wrist to the underside of his nose to rib at it.
 " 'scuse me." He babbled though a yawn, eyes shifting down to look at Hector, who was blushing as red as a tomato.
 "Oh! Um, bless ya hun." Hector chuckled as he got to his feet, giving Billy's knee a small pat.
 "I'm gonna go check up on the cure, I'm sure you wanna do your evening chores before it gets too late. We'll meet back here in a few hours for snuggles… proper snuggles." Hector chuckled and patted Billy's knee again.
 "Yea, you're right. I need ta get the animals inta the barn before it gets too dark." Billy agreed as he ran a finger across the underside of his nose with a lazy sniffle. With that he ruffled Hector's hair and stood up to feed his animals, and to corral them back into their respective homes. 
 Soon done with his chores, he had nothing left to do for that day. With a heavy sigh Billy wandered around his property while he waited for Hector to come back outside. He couldn't wait to go back to normal size, then he could go to where Hector was, and wouldn't need for Hector to come to him. 
  While he was wandering around his land, he noticed one of his Apple trees seemed sickly. Taking advantage of his size he decided to look it over, glad he found something to do. He gently used his thumbs to part some of the leaves. It seemed to be primarily in the leaves, so Billy tried to prune it with his fingers. He was trying to be as gentle as he could, but he would sometimes snag a healthy branch or two, making the farmer swear under his breath. 
  Billy was so distracted trying to fix his tree, that he didn't even notice that hours had flown by, or the fact that the nearby trees were making him sniffle and his nose itch. He was looking for any remaining diseased branches when something touched his leg, making him jump with a startled yelp.
 "Woah there big guy! Careful, why don't you?" Hector said loudly as he took a few panicked steps back, it wasn't a great idea to startle someone twenty times your size.
  "You can't just sneak up on someone like that!" Billy protested as he absent mindedly scratched at his nose.
  "I didn't sneak up on you, I tripped several rocks and snapped a few twigs. You were just off in your own little world. Why are you messing with the trees? You know what they say, something about a bull and its horns?" Hector asked, looking at all the branches on the ground.
  "Was pruning a shiiihhck tree… and do you mean 'mess with a b-huh!ull, get the horns? What are y-you trying t-ta say?" He asked, slowly getting distracted by his itchy nose.
 "I'm sure you know what I mean, love. Your allergies, purposely sticking your nose into a blooming tree? It's a wonder you haven't sneezed yet!" Hector pointed out as he leaned against a nearby try, watching Billy knuckle at his nose.
  "I ghiiiht! Tha' now." Billy mumbled with a slight scowl, squinting his eyes as the tickle made itself well known in his sinuses. His jaw slacked as he took in a needy breath, bringing up a clumsy hand to try to cover the impending sneezes.
 "Huuuhhh… uuuh! Huuu….huh'ZZZHIEW! Hiiihhh…? 'ZZZHUIW! snnnff! Huuuh…hhhh! 'DSHHHIEW!!." Three large sneezes, muffled into the palm of his hand. Billy lifted his head up as he gave an uneven blink, a small buzz still teasing his nostrils. Giving a soft frown, he then gave a small sniffle, trying to coax out the last sneeze. It worked.
  "Huuih! UUUUH! HUH'ZZZZHIEW!... 'Scuse me." He mumbled after one final sneeze into his cupped hands. He then gave a relieved sigh and rubbed his nose along his shirt sleeve.
 "Blessings, feel Better? No more messing with trees without allergy meds right?" Hector asked with a small grin when he got a small nod from the giant.
  "No more trees, let's head ta bed. Like we planned, right? An' I should be small again in the mornin', right?" Billy asked as he took a few large steps away from the trees. 
 "That does sound about right." Hector hummed and nodded, starting to lead the way back to the house. Billy gladly followed behind. 
  "I can't wait ta get back ta normal. The first thing I'm gonna do is bury my face inta Lily's fluffy fur." Billy hummed, a small grin appearing on his face. 
 "What, I don't get a hug or a kiss before the dog?" Hector said with a mock scoff of offense, placing a hand over his chest.
  "Well I could give ya a kiss now, but the dogs keep barkin' at me like a threat. So wha' if I wanna snuggle my puppies?" Billy asked as he laid down by the house, nudging Hector closer with his fingertips, giving his face a small kiss when he was close enough.
 He got a small squeak and a blush from the smaller man, then after a brief moment, a kiss back.
  "Fine, fine. I guess you can snuggle your puppies, but I would advise you to at least take your medications beforehand." Hector mumbled as he curled up under Billy's chin, snuggling in. Billy gave a small snort of amusement and cupped his hand around his partner. 
 "Glad we've come ta a agreement." The giant babbled through a soft yawn, gently rubbing his thumb on hector's side. 
 Hector just playfully rolled his eyes as he snuggled into the crook of Billy's neck, allowing himself to doze off so he could wake up with Billy, since the farmer usually woke up at an ungodly hour.
 The farmer himself, had no issue falling asleep, and soon fell into his rumbling snores. Hector was used to these snores, but it was still an adjustment to sleep with them amplified. The smaller partner still managed to sleep for the night anyway, thankfully. 
 The next morning Hector begrudgingly woke up when Billy woke up, as Billy had to move the smaller to sit up. Billy stretched his arms over his head with a large yawn before sagging a bit as he rubbed at an eye, chuckling as he watched Hector try to go back to sleep.
 "Rise an' shine, ya can go back ta bed once we see if your cure works. It should be ready, right?" Billy blabbered as he poked Hector's side, to which Hector tried to swat away before giving in.
  "I'm up, I'm up." He sighed as he pulled himself into a sitting position, hugging his knees while he collected himself.
  "I'll go check if it's ready, just give me a moment to wake up a bit more. " he gave a soft mumble, pausing for a minute before standing up and heading into the house.
 Billy waited excitedly, trying his best not to bounce. He couldn't wait to do his chores properly with his dogs, like normal. He didn't know what he would do if this didn't work.
 A big grin came to his face as Hector came back outside, a large vial in his hand. He couldn't help a small bounce before getting into his knees.
 "Is tha' it? Is it gonna work? Do I gotta drink it or somethin' else?" Billy asked, grin getting bigger as Hector offered it out to him. He gladly took it, waiting for instructions.
  "Drink it in one shot, if my calculations were correct, you should be back to your six foot frame in about ten minutes or so. You have to drink it in one shot though, or it won't work as intended. You need to take it all at once. Now, it won't be an instantaneous event. You grew in spurts, thus you'll shrink in spurts. Minus the sneezing." Hector explained as he boosted himself up to sit on the edge of the porch.
  Billy nodded and popped the cap off, Downing the cure without hesitation, though he scrunched up his face as he found it tasted bitter. He then looked down expectantly, hoping the first spurt would happen right away. He was disappointed when it didn't work that way.
 The first downward spurt of size happened after about thirty seconds, and he lost about fifteen feet. Along with the shrinking, Billy found himself growing dizzy. A mere side effect. Over the next ten minutes, Billy's size kept decreasing, while his dizziness kept increasing. At minute eleven, he was back to his six foot frame, but curled up on the ground as he willed the world to stop spinning.
 Hector gave a soft frown as he slipped off the porch and made his way over to his partner, getting down on his knees to caress Billy's cheek.
 "You ok? Shall we head to the hospital?" He asked in worry, pulling Billy into his lap.
  " 'm fine… jus' dizzy… gimmie a moment. An' no doctors, ya know how I feel 'bout goin' to the doctor." Billy mumbled as he hugged Hector's waist for comfort and closing his eyes, waiting for the world to stop its constant and seasickining movement. The two of them sat that way for a solid five minutes before Billy sat up again.
  "I can't believe it worked, thank ya so much, being bigger was surly interestin'' , bu' I would never do it again. I couldn't be paid all the money in the world ta do that again. It's dangerous for everyone, an' unsettling. I didn't like how the dogs were 'friad of me, or how anythin' was 'fraid of me. I can't ya how good it feels ta be normal again!" Billy burbled in a long ramble to Hector, a joyful grin appearing on his face once again. He leaned in to kiss Hector before popping up to his feet.
 "I'm gonna go snuggle my pups now, since ya got your kiss." He teased as he headed into the house, Hector following closely, just to make sure Billy remained alright. 
 As they entered the house, they were both greeted by two happy collies. The first collie to jump up onto Billy, got a bear hug. The farmer snugged his face into her neck floof with a happy sound, before lifting his head up so his breath could start hitching. Maybe he should have listened to his boyfriend?
 "Huuuhhh…eeehhh… ssssnnf! Huuuh! Huh'Zzzhhiew! Eh'sheiww! …huh! Uuuh! Uh'Zhiiiew!" Billy sneezed three times, gently dropping the dog back onto all fours on the first one.
 Sadly for Billy, he seemed to regrow with each sneeze! Six foot each time, leaving him at a cramped twenty four foot and panicked. Hector had to once again climb up onto his torso as they both watched the dogs scramble to the kitchen in terror.
 "What happened! I was supposed to be cured! Why'd I grow with the sneezes again?" Billy cried out, feeling tears start to bubble into his eyes.
 "Ummm, don't panic. It's fine… it may be the fact that the growth has ingrained into your DNA… but by that logic the cure would have too…" Hector said and tried to give Billy a reassuring smile, going silent in thought.
  "Alright, this might sound cliche and trope-ish, but try thinking small thoughts, or try to will yourself to be human sized again? It's a long shot, but it may work." Hector suggested as he slid off of Billy's torso, standing in the kitchen doorway. 
 Billy gave a nod, moving carefully to wipe at his tear filled eyes, taking a calming breath, and closing his eyes to concentrate he started to will himself to be small again… to be normal. Shockingly, it worked! Billy found himself sitting on the floor, at a normal six foot.
 "I can't believe that worked." Hector mumbled under his breath in disbelief as he headed over to his partner, helping him to his feet.
 "Is there any way we could get rid of the fact I now apparently grow?" Billy asked in a soft voice.
 "I… don't think that's possible. From just merely looking at it, it seems like your DNA has been permanently altered by both substances. It looks like you may be able to control it, it's just a matter of learning how… and diligently taking your allergy pills." Hector tried to explain, trying to joke to lighten the mood at the end.
"We can do further tests soon, but not today. Your system needs some time to heal, but for now this is our new normal." He then explained.
 Billy nodded as he listened, not sure he liked the thought, but he would have to live with it, he had no other choice.
  "Our new normal…" he whispered to himself, hugging Hector to himself for a long moment while he thought about it. Once he somewhat accepted his fate begrudgingly, he gave Hector's cheek a small kiss. 
 "Thank you again for helpin' me, even if this has ta be the new normal. Now I gotta take my meds and 'round up the dogs. I got chores to do." He mumbled before going to do just that.
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theburrowsgarden · 27 days
Pest Control
If you Google “field mice”, some of the top results you will get are related to pest control. Roaches, crickets, prairie dogs–most people see these things in their home or garden and beeline straight to the pest control section of Home Depot. There are multitudes of options out there for getting rid of these common household pests, many of which are chemical. These products may be advertised as safe around children and pets, but are they safe around the ecosystem? If burrowing owls are your thing–or owls in general!–you may want to double-think grabbing the nearest can of bug spray.
Pesticides can have a more profound effect on predatory bird populations than on the prey that they eat. It makes sense, if you think about it: one mouse may have a small amount of contaminant in its system, but raptors don’t just eat one mouse, much like you can’t just eat a single Pringle®. By eating more and more of these contaminated mice, their predators suffer from rising levels of poisons being metabolized in their system. This can be especially bad for burrowing owls, since they are known to occasionally scavenge for food¹; a rodent that had died from a lethal dose of agricultural pesticides could look like an easy take-out meal for burrowing owls.
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Once you pop, you can’t stop (please don't sue me Pringles). Credit to Jeff Strong of Bear River Blogger.
The fact that burrowing owls are pretty tolerant of urban environments also brings them closer to common pesticides used in our attempts to get rid of rats. A huge number of owls in urban environments have traces of anticoagulant rodenticides in their systems, and, concerningly, we don’t really know how much they can tolerate before it becomes too toxic for them to handle, or how these rodenticides will affect their populations.² These chemicals are also persistent, staying in the environment for long periods of time. Although not the primary cause of death, a concerning amount of rodenticide was found in Flaco the Eurasian eagle owl’s blood after he passed away after having been released from Bronx Zoo from vandals and free-roaming for just one year.³
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Flaco the Eurasian eagle owl. We miss you, buddy! Credit to Seth Wenig of the Associated Press.
So, it’s obvious that using traditional pesticides can be very harmful to burrowing owls and other predatory raptors. That being said, you might still have an issue with pests in your yard and your home. What are some alternative options? Well, I will preface by saying this: there is no “one size fits all” solution, and many forms of pest management that do not involve chemical pesticides take time to develop. If they don’t work out for you, or if you feel like chemical pesticides can tide you over while you develop less toxic pest control measures, be sure to visit the Environmental Protection Agency’s Do’s and Don’ts of Pest Control for tips on how to minimize potential risk to yourself and your environment. However, if you do decide to go the alternative route, remember that, in the end, you will be creating your own personal habitat, resilient against not only pests, but resilient against disease and climate change as well.
One method you may want to consider, especially for insects, is companion planting. Though research on how companion planting works is still in its infancy and generally focused on large agriculture, the concepts can still be applied.⁴ By incorporating plants that attract the natural predators for pests into your garden, you will be able to naturally deter and diminish the pest population.
When it comes to the bigger stuff, like field mice, rats, moles, or gophers, there are a lot of simple, nonlethal ways to prevent them from finding a tasty snack in your garden without outright eliminating them from your local ecosystem. After all, their presence is beneficial to the environment, by stirring up the soil and improving its quality as well as creating homes for native wildlife, such as burrowing owls.⁵ One of the easiest, “set it and forget it” type options available may be using a wire mesh basket, often called “gopher baskets”, to put the roots of your plants in as you plant them. These can protect the main body of your plant while allowing for growth and, most importantly, still allowing burrowing critters to do their thing!
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An example of a large gopher basket to protect a tree sapling. It’s like a cute little prison for trees! Credit to Deanne Talerico of Homestead and Chill, here is a link to her instructions on how to make these yourself!
This is a particularly short list of actions you can take to make your garden a little more critter-friendly. For more specific information that may be more relevant to the ecosystem you live within, look out for workshops and classes on gardening in your local area! Often run by community centers, these types of gatherings are a great way to connect with other gardeners and share tips on how to make a more sustainable, eco-friendly habitat.
¹Klute, D., Ayers, L., Green, M., Howe, W., Jones, S., Shaffer, J., Sheffield, S., & Zimmerman, T. (2003). Status assessment and conservation plan for the western burrowing owl in the United States. United States Fish and Wildlife: Staff Publications. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/usfwspubs/483
²Gomez, E. A., Hindmarch, S., & Smith, J. A. (2021). Conservation letter: Raptors and anticoagulant rodenticides. Journal of Raptor Research, 56(1). https://doi.org/10.3356/jrr-20-122
³Hutchinson, B. (2024, March 25). Zoo releases final necropsy results on Flaco the owl’s death. ABC News; ABC News. https://abcnews.go.com/US/zoo-releases-final-necropsy-results-flaco-owls-death/story?id=108479170
⁴Saldanha, A. V., Gontijo, L. M., Carvalho, R. M. R., Vasconcelos, C. J., Corrêa, A. S., & Gandra, R. L. R. (2019). Companion planting enhances pest suppression despite reducing parasitoid emergence. Basic and Applied Ecology, 41, 45–55. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.baae.2019.10.002
⁵Davidson, A. D., Detling, J. K., & Brown, J. H. (2012). Ecological roles and conservation challenges of social, burrowing, herbivorous mammals in the world’s grasslands. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 10(9), 477–486. https://doi.org/10.1890/110054
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healthnewsinformation · 2 months
"Experience the Bliss: Makers CBD Gummies - Your Daily Dose of Bliss"
➠ Product Name – Makers CBD Gummies
➢ Results - 1-2 Months
➢ Main Benefits – Health Improvement
➢ Side Effects - NA
➢ Availability - Online
➢ Rating - ★★★★★
What are Makers CBD Gummies?
Makers CBD Gummies are a great way to integrate CBD into your daily routine. It is specially designed for enjoyment and convenience. The gummies are infused with premium CBD extract, and you can expect a burst of mixed berries. Natural Gummies are not only delicious, but they also contain the correct CBD dosage. It is easy to manage and ensures that CBD benefits are experienced consistently.
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The formulation is designed to provide you with a pleasant and approachable means of accessing the reported Wellness properties of CBD. The company assures that each gummy is infused with CBD in a precise amount. The precise dosage facilitates you in exploring and establishing your ideal CBD intake. It empowers you to customize your wellness journey according to your needs.
Gummies are a symbol of commitment to quality. The product uses only premium ingredients, and it excludes all harmful additives or artificial components. This product enhances the sensory experience, and is in line with the company's commitment to providing a pure CBD-based product. CBD Gummies can be a convenient way to experience the Wellness benefits of CBD. The product is a great way to harness the power of CBD, whether you're looking for relaxation, stress reduction, or better sleep.
The importance of selecting the right CBD products
Select organic CBD products such as cornbread hemp full spectrum CBD gummies. These products are made from hemp plants that have been organically grown. It doesn't include synthetic pesticides or fertilizers throughout the growth. You can choose organic CBD gummies to ensure that the product is free of harmful chemicals and pure.
Additionally, embracing organic CBD items contributes to fostering sustainable farming methodologies. By choosing organic, you can prioritize your well-being and also support the practices that nurture the planet. By choosing organic CBD, you are making a conscious decision for your own health. It creates a positive impact on your individual Wellness and the broader ecosystem.
Benefits of Makers CBD Gummies
Makers CBD Gummies offers plenty of benefits that can appeal to you if you are a CBD enthusiast. It makes it a favorite choice within the community.
Pre-dosed and easily portable, the gummies can be taken anywhere. It allows easy incorporation of CBD into your routine. The discrete nature allows for seamless consumption while you are at home or work. It ensures that CBD use remains hassle-free and convenient no matter where you go.
Every gummy contains A consistent CBD dosage, which facilitates accurate tracking of intake. It allows you to maintain control of your wellness routine.
The natural fruity flavor taste effectively masks any potential bitter undertones commonly found in CBD extracts. It improves the overall consumption experience.
Non-psychoactive properties mean that the product won't have any intoxicating effect or alter your stress level. You can reap potential benefits without concerns about feeling high.
It ensures that the product is consistent in terms of purity, potency and safety. It helps in instilling confidence in consumers regarding the reliability and trustworthiness of the CBD product.
This product is a perfect blend of convenience and reliability. It also offers an enjoyable experience.
How do Natural Gummies work?
It is a delicate system of receptors and transmitters that are distributed in different body systems. It regulates functions such as pain sensitivity and immunity. It can potentially contribute towards the promotion of bodily equilibrium and homeostasis.
CBD has an effect on the body when it interacts with ECS receptors. This interaction has the potential to support a state internal balance. They can affect the endocannabinoid systems and are a way to promote harmony in your body's functions. It emphasizes its potential significance in contributing to your overall well-being and health.
How to consume Makers CBD Gummies?
The company is proud of the flawless craftsmanship that goes into its Bioheal CBD CBD mixed gummies. It ensures a product of consistent quality. The process of creating the product is a testament to its commitment to excellence. Every step is perfectly executed to maintain purity and efficiency. You will get a consistent CBD experience.
The journey of Makers CBD Gummies starts with the careful sourcing of CBD extract from organically cultivated hemp plants. The extraction method employed by Natural Gummies is specially designed to preserve the natural integrity of cannabinoids. The preservation ensures that the complete CBD extract retains its full spectrum of beneficial compounds.
Once the extract is obtained, it undergoes a perfect infusion process into the gummy mixture. It is combined with delightful mixed Berry flavors, and the CBD extract is perfectly integrated with the gummies, creating an enjoyable experience for you. The product is carefully infused to ensure a consistent and precise dosage. It allows you to manage your CBD intake easily.
Tips on Buying Makers CBD Gummi
The product is designed to seamlessly integrate into your daily routines, while maximising the benefits of CBD.
You must start by carefully reviewing the product label and aligning it with the recommended dosage instructions. The amount of CBD in each gummy is clearly stated. It helps in perfect consumption.
. You can gradually increase the dosage to determine your body's reaction and the ideal amount for you.
Slowly chew a gummy. This will allow time for the CBD to be absorbed into your system before considering additional gummies.
To make the most of the potential benefits, you can incorporate natural gummies in your daily routine consistently. This regularity will allow the CBD to accumulate in your system. This could potentially enhance its effectiveness.
Ingredients in Makers CBD Gummies
The gummies have been carefully crafted with a variety of high-quality ingredients.
Bioheal Gummies are primarily made of CBD extract. The CBD premium extract is made from hemp plants that are organically grown. The high-quality CBD extract forms the core of the product. It potentially offers plenty of benefits linked with CBD.
The gummies are infused with natural mixed Berry flavors. The gummies are infused with natural mixed Berry flavors. This includes the delicious essence of strawberries and blueberries. Natural fruit flavors give the product a delightful taste. The infusion of mixed berries improves the palatability of the gummies, making it a pleasant treat for you.
Natural sweetness is generally achieved through the use of organic sweets like cane sugar. The organic sweeteners contribute towards the touch of sweetness to the product without compromising its overall quality.
Pectin is also used as a gelling ingredient. It's a plant-based substance derived from fruit. The product gives the gummies a chewy and soft texture, making them easy to eat. The plant-derived ingredient contributes towards the texture of the product and also aligns with a more natural and plant-based approach to crafting the CBD-infused product.
What are the potential side effects?
You might experience temporary dryness in the mouth after consuming the product. Cottonmouth is the common name for this condition. It would help if you stay hydrated by drinking a lot of water, as this can help you get rid of the symptoms.
CBD can cause mild digestive problems like diarrhea and upset stomach in rare cases. This is especially true when CBD is consumed at high doses. Adjusting the dosage or discontinuing the use if symptoms occur can help you manage all the effects.
Is it safe to consume Makers CBD Gummies or not?
You should also align it with the recommended dosage. Individual reactions may vary. You should consult your doctor before consuming this product. Aligning with the guidelines and precautions allows you to benefit from CBD gummies with minimally associated risks.
Where Can I buy Makers CBD Gummies?
The product's quality and effectiveness are well-known. Platform is one of the best sources to buy CBD-infused products. The best part about choosing to purchase the product via the official website is that you get the assurance of acquiring an authentic and high-quality product. The manufacturer backs its guarantee.
It will give you peace of mind that the product is genuine. It will provide you with Peace of Mind regarding the product's quality. Shopping directly on the website can often offer you amazing deals or discounts that you cannot find anywhere else. This translates to even potential cost savings and the opportunity to avail yourself of some special offers.
In short, Makers CBD Gummies offer a convenient and pleasurable pathway to explore the amazing benefits of CBD for the precise dosing, delightful flavors, and use of the best ingredients present a perfect choice for integrating CBD into your life. You should start with a conservative dosage, maintain consistency in usage and take note of any possible side effects or safety precautions. It would help if you didn't hesitate to try them today and discover the best benefits that they might offer for your well-being.
Makers CBD Gummies
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gardenholic · 5 months
“Greening Your Space: The Best Plants for Your Home Garden in 2024”
In an increasingly urbanized world, the charm and benefits of a home garden cannot be overstated. A home garden serves as a personal oasis, offering a tranquil space to unwind, while also contributing positively to the environment. It enhances biodiversity, aids in carbon sequestration, and even provides a habitat for various species. Moreover, the health benefits of gardening are numerous. It…
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letmebieber · 2 months
Six Pointers For Making Natural Tea
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Organic tea is actually certainly not only a comforting refreshment; it's also a delightful way to delight in the health perks of a variety of plants and also herbs. Whether you're an experienced darjeeling black tea enthusiast or just beginning to explore this globe of tastes and also wellness, these 6 ideas are going to aid you make the most out of your herbal tea expertise.
6 Suggestions For Creating Natural Tea
Choose High-Quality Contents
The vital to brewing a tasty mug of organic tea begins with choosing top quality components. Try to find all natural cannabis and botanicals whenever possible, as they are devoid of pesticides as well as various other hazardous chemicals. Clean natural herbs from your backyard or even neighborhood market are ideal, yet dried natural herbs are actually likewise hassle-free and widely readily available. When acquiring dried out weeds, choose those that are actually fragrant and have vivid different colors, as this suggests quality.
Properly Establishment Your Natural Herbs
Suitable storage is actually vital for protecting the flavor and also efficacy of your moringa powder elements. Establishment dried cannabis in impermeable compartments off of direct sunshine, heat energy, and also wetness. Glass jars along with tight-fitting covers are exceptional for saving cannabis, as they aid preserve freshness and also prevent direct exposure to illumination as well as sky. If you're using new weeds, keep all of them in the fridge wrapped in a moist newspaper towel or even positioned in a container with water, comparable to just how you will keep fresh florals.
Use Filtered Water
The premium of water you use can dramatically affect the taste of your herbal tea. Choose for filteringed system or cleansed water to make certain a clean and neutral bottom for brewing your tea. Faucet water frequently consists of bleach as well as various other chemicals that can easily affect the taste of your tea. Furthermore, using cold water as opposed to very hot water from the faucet may assist preserve the fragile flavors of the herbs.
Explore Blends
Some of the happiness of oolong tea is actually the endless opportunities for mixturing various weeds as well as flavors. Do not hesitate to practice along with a variety of mixes to produce one-of-a-kind and also mouth watering blends. You can easily start by blending complementary herbs like lavender and jasmine for a calming going to bed tea or incorporating mint as well as lemon balm for a stimulating and also uplifting mixture. Acquire imaginative as well as adapt your blends to fit your taste inclinations and also wellness targets.
Steep along with Treatment
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Correct steeping is essential for removing the total flavor as well as perks of your organic tea. Various natural herbs require various steeping times, so make certain to comply with the recommended standards for every substance. As an overall rule, considerate cannabis like lavender as well as mint ought to be immersed for 5-7 mins in water that is actually just listed below boiling temperature (around 190 ° F or even 87 ° C). Stronger weeds like ginger root or even lemongrass may need longer saturating opportunities of 10-15 mins. Avoid oversteeping your tea, as this may lead in an unsweetened taste and lessen the herbal properties.
Make sweet Normally
While herbal teas are often delighted in without incorporated sweeteners, you may prefer a touch of sweet taste to boost the taste. As an alternative of refined sweets, look at sweetening your tea along with all-natural substitutes like honey, syrup, or even stevia. These options certainly not just include sweetness but also add additional flavor and also dietary benefits. Practice with various sweeteners to find the ideal balance for your taste, always remembering that a little bit of goes a very long way.
To conclude, creating natural tea is a simple however, fulfilling procedure that allows you to savour an assortment of flavors while profiting of all-natural elements. By selecting premium natural herbs, holding all of them properly, utilizing filtered water, try out blends, saturating with treatment, as well as sugaring naturally, you can easily steep the excellent mug of herbal tea every single time. Whether you are actually finding relaxation, rejuvenation, or merely a mouth watering beverage to enjoy, natural tea offers one thing for everyone to savor and cherish.
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gardenersemporium · 3 months
Winning the Battle Against Fungus Gnats: A Comprehensive Guide
Understanding Fungus GnatsLifecycle and IdentificationPreventive MeasuresEffective Solutions for InfestationsMonitoring and MaintenanceFrequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Fungus GnatsQ: Can fungus gnats harm humans or pets?Q: How can I tell if my plant has fungus gnats or another pest?Q: Do fungus gnats only affect indoor plants?Q: Are chemical pesticides necessary to get rid of fungus…
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Harmony in the Garden: Harnessing the Power of Organic Bio Pesticides
In the realm of sustainable agriculture, the use of organic bio pesticides is gaining prominence as a natural and eco-friendly alternative to conventional chemical solutions. This blog explores the transformative impact of organic bio pesticides, shedding light on their benefits and role in cultivating harmony within our gardens.
Understanding Organic Bio Pesticides
What Are Organic Bio Pesticides?
Organic bio pesticides are derived from natural sources such as plants, bacteria, and fungi. Unlike synthetic chemical pesticides, these biological alternatives offer effective pest management without compromising environmental health.
How Do They Work?
The mechanisms behind organic bio pesticides involve disrupting pests' biological processes or attracting beneficial organisms that act as natural predators, ensuring a balanced and sustainable approach to pest control.
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The Benefits of Organic Bio Pesticides
Environmental Friendliness
Organic bio pesticides leave a smaller ecological footprint compared to traditional chemical alternatives. They break down more quickly, minimizing the risk of harmful residues in soil and water.
Preservation of Beneficial Insects
Unlike chemical pesticides that can harm beneficial insects, organic bio pesticides target specific pests, preserving the natural balance of ecosystems in the garden.
Reduced Health Risks
For farmers, gardeners, and consumers alike, the reduced exposure to harmful chemicals translates into fewer health risks. Organic bio pesticides provide a safer working environment and healthier produce.
Successful Integration into Sustainable Agriculture
Compatibility with Organic Farming Practices
Organic bio pesticides align seamlessly with the principles of organic farming, promoting a holistic approach to agriculture that prioritizes soil health, biodiversity, and sustainability.
Resilience in Pest Management
Organic bio pesticides offer a more sustainable and resilient pest management strategy. By fostering natural predator-prey relationships, they contribute to long-term pest control solutions.
Tips for Implementing Organic Bio Pesticides
Identify Target Pests
Understanding the specific pests affecting your garden is crucial for selecting the right organic bio pesticide. This targeted approach ensures optimal effectiveness.
Follow Application Guidelines
Proper application is key to maximizing the benefits of organic bio pesticides. Follow manufacturer guidelines and recommendations for dosage and frequency to achieve the best results.
Monitor and Evaluate
Regularly monitor your garden for changes in pest populations and plant health. Evaluate the effectiveness of your chosen organic bio pesticide to make informed adjustments to your pest management strategy.
Embracing the power of organic bio pesticides in your garden is a step towards sustainable and harmonious agriculture. By prioritizing environmental health, preserving beneficial organisms, and fostering a resilient pest management approach, these natural alternatives contribute to a healthier and more balanced gardening experience. Make the shift to organic bio pesticides and cultivate a garden that thrives in harmony with nature.
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unimother · 7 months
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Why We CAN'T Afford To Lose Organic Material By Burning Or Landfill Disposal
Dear reader, are you aware of the impact that burning or landfill disposal has on our environment? With the increasing concerns about climate change and pollution, it is more important than ever to address this issue and find sustainable solutions. In this article, we will explore why losing organic material through burning or landfill disposal is a major concern and what we can do to prevent it. You do not want to miss this crucial information.
The Value of Organic Material
Organic Material: A Necessity
Organic material is the fundament of every ecosystem. It provides vital nutrients and minerals for plants and living space for millions of organisms. It boosts soil fertility, encourages biodiversity, and feeds plants, bugs, fungi, and bacteria to help them work together, resulting in better plant growth. Different plants need different nutrients and nutrient ratios, and adding organic material makes sure water and nutrients get absorbed better by plants. If we don't dispose of organic waste correctly, it can be lost or polluted, creating unnecessary transport. At the same time, we lose valuable soil because we don’t refill the removed nutrients plants used up. Therefore, the soil layers keep decreasing every year. Burning and landfill disposal are the worst ways to manage organic waste and can damage the environment by polluting groundwater and air.
Time to Act Now
We need to act now to preserve organic material. Sustainable practices, such as composting and recycling, can cut down waste, save money, and improve soil fertility. By recognizing the worth of organic material instead of simply disposing of it, we can make sure our environment is healthy for future generations. Let's not miss this chance to protect this invaluable resource before it's too late!
Depletion of Resources
Organic material is precious - it contains vital nutrients like hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. These are essential for plant growth and making food we eat. But when it's burned or buried in landfills, these nutrients are lost forever or require high amounts of energy to get them back into plant-usable form again.
Agricultural practices, especially synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, often lead to decreased soil fertility over time, even with higher amounts of synthetic fertilizers. This causes a lot of increased water usage over time while also wasting the biological potential of the soil. The Haber-Bosch process is used to synthetically produce ammoniac fertilizers out of nitrogen and hydrogen gas and utilize high amounts of energy. Logically, those synthetic fertilizers can’t have the microminerals and trace elements of natural soil. Resulting in food of lesser quality.
Self-growing methods are the solution. They use organic waste, sunlight, and rainwater instead of disposal. Nutrient loss can be reduced, and valuable resources like food scraps, leftovers, and vegetable washing water won't be thrown away.
Everyone can help! Even growing a single salad at home stops plastic packaging waste and reduces deforestation and pesticide production. Let's get growing!
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Landfill organic material and plastic rotting leaching chemicals into groundwater
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
The table below shows how different Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) compare in terms of Global Warming Potential (GWP).
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Methane stands out with a GWP 25 times higher than carbon dioxide. It is hence important to cut emissions of methane and adopt sustainable waste management practices.
Methane also affects the water cycle, making climate change faster with less water in the atmosphere. Composting organic material is one way to support the water cycle and slow the effects of climate change.
Environmental impact of self-sufficiency
We must all do our part to tackle this issue. Growing plants on balconies and windowsills is good for the environment and helps absorb carbon dioxide. Plus, recycling organic material instead of burning or sending it to landfill reduces GHGs and promotes a circular economy.
Let us come together to make a difference and fight climate change. We can keep our planet healthy and ensure a better future for coming generations. Why not compost and make the Earth happy instead of filling it with a heap of garbage?
Landfill Space Constraints
Landfill Capacity Restrictions:
The issue of limited landfill space and its environmental impact is real. Highlighting the constraints associated with accommodating waste in landfills is important. Improper waste management practices cause capacity restrictions due to increasing amounts of organic material. As a result, chemicals and other pollutants leak into groundwater. This renders the area unusable, now and for future generations. Implementing alternative decentralized and automated solutions that reduce landfill space and minimize harm is imperative.
A table outlining Municipal Solid Waste Materials in Landfills and their data is shown below:
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Municipal Solid Waste Materials
Landfills are not only responsible for methane emissions, but are also major contributors to groundwater contamination. When landfills hit maximum capacity, rehabilitating the area is necessary. The negative consequences of improper waste disposal can last for a long time, affecting both human health and ecosystem sustainability.
We can take several steps to address these concerns. One way is to manage waste disposal at homes, reducing the amount of organic material sent to landfills. Incentivizing recycling programs and promoting composting can also divert organic matter from ending up in landfills. Additionally, sustainable farming practices like vertical farming, aquaponics, or hydroponics can help reduce deforestation caused by urban expansion.
These steps support a shift towards a sustainable waste management system that reduces reliance on landfills and preserves natural resources because everyone starts separating the waste as waste volumes go down without organic waste. This way, we can ensure a healthier environment for current and future generations.
Harmful Air and Water Pollution
Harmful Fumes into the Air and Water!
Burning organic material releases harmful pollutants, including particulate matter, dioxins, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), leading to poor air quality and potential health risks. Additionally, landfilling waste can result in leachate that contaminates groundwater and nearby water bodies.
Both short- and long-term exposure to air pollution can lead to a wide range of diseases, including stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, trachea, bronchus and lung cancers, aggravated asthma, and lower respiratory infections.
Also, exposure to air pollution can cause type 2 diabetes, obesity, systemic inflammation, Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia. This does not even consider the damage done to young developing brains in need of lots of oxygen.
In 2021 over 97% of the urban population was exposed to air pollution. If we instead would have 97 % of the urban population growing plants, all fine particulates, and many air pollutants would be absorbed by the plants and turned into food. What a wonderful world we live in.
Finishing the Cycle: Organic matter deserves a rebirth, not just an end in fire or underground.
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Worm Composter Recycling Organic Waste
Closing The Loop
Why settle for synthetic fertilizers? Instead, opt for nature's organic material! It's like deciding to bring plastic food to Christmas dinner instead of a wild turkey.
Worm composting can even be done indoors, while black soldier fly larvae offer a wide spectrum of waste variety, fast converting rates, and healthy protein and fats for feeding livestock, pets, and humans.
Recycling organic material through composting or other sustainable methods closes the nutrient loop, returning valuable nutrients to the soil. This reduces the demand for synthetic fertilizers and helps preserve valuable resources.
Sustainable Agriculture and Soil Health
Taking care of the soil is key to sustainable agriculture. Vermicomposting and a healthy soil structure will improve water-holding, increase crop resilience, and support insects and wildlife. Burning or landfill disposal of organic material should be avoided.
It's important to preserve organic material, as it plays an essential role in soil health and productivity. Let's commit to sustainable practices that support soil health and a flourishing ecosystem for future generations.
When your compost pile has better recycling skills than you, it's time to accept the circular economy!
Encouraging Circular Economy
Encouraging the Resource Reutilization Cycle
The resource reutilization cycle is essential for sustainability and waste reduction. With this circular economy approach, resources can be used efficiently and environmental impact can be minimized.
Six key points that show the importance of the resource reutilization cycle:
Automation: Automation technology makes processes smoother, resulting in higher efficiency and productivity. This gives more freedom in utilizing resources at home.
Composting: Composting is a sustainable way to manage organic waste. Not only time is saved, but also unpleasant odors from traditional landfill disposal.
Osmosis filters: Osmosis filters purify water from local sources, eliminating the need for plastic bottled water and reducing plastic waste.
Closed-loop systems: Closed-loop systems recycle and reprocess materials, reducing reliance on virgin resources and waste generation.
Product durability: Designing products with long-lasting durability promotes sustainability by extending their lifespan and reducing replacements.
Collaboration: Collaboration among industries and sectors fosters innovation and knowledge sharing, leading to advances in resource utilization.
In addition to these points, the resource reutilization cycle helps create a more sustainable future. Natural resources can be conserved, pollution can be minimized, and climate change can be mitigated.
Composting is especially important in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme) found that composting can reduce CO2 emissions by up to 135 kilograms per tonne of waste processed annually.
The evidence shows that promoting a circular economy through resource reutilization can have wide-ranging environmental benefits while driving economic growth and innovation. A world without organic material would be as dull as an empty disco, with even the bacteria doing nothing.
Supporting Biodiversity and Ecosystems
Promoting Bio-Diversity and Ecosystems:
Organic material ingested by organisms is key to fostering diverse fauna and flora. They help to harmonize natural habitats and secure ecological balance. These organisms also enrich soil nutrients, boosting plant growth. Plus, they facilitate nutrient cycling and decompose organic matter, providing habitat and food for various species.
To support biodiversity and ecosystems, a holistic sustainability approach to waste management is essential. This includes minimizing land conversion and preserving vital ecological functions of existing ecosystems for future generations.
Fact: UNEP states that waste management practices have a huge impact on biodiversity loss.
Empowering local communities: Grow your own organic produce and save the planet from landfill disasters! Who needs imported vegetables when you can do this?
Empowering Local Communities
Sustainable waste solutions empower communities to take control of their organic material. This reduces landfill reliance and creates a cleaner living environment. Benefits include:
Stronger, tighter-knit local communities.
Better Nourished and independent communities
Environmental stewardship.
Social meeting points, fostering community connections.
Encouraging sharing and improving on overabundance of food.
Developing a sense of ownership and responsibility for their environment.
Innovative initiatives like roof gardens build social meeting points, fostering a sense of belonging and community pride. Plus, they remind us that organic material has more potential than a Tinder profile! A small change can make a bigger impact when we give local communities the power to make sustainable waste solutions happen.
A Small Change, Big Impact
Small Change, Big ROI
One small shift can have huge effects on our environment. Here are 6 ways that small steps can make a big impact:
Self-watering and automation systems reduce the labor needed to grow food.
Worm composters take little maintenance but help with organic waste management.
The black soldier fly is an effective tool for waste reduction.
Fish feeders automate feeding while reducing human involvement.
Together, sharing these changes can help mitigate climate change and save money.
Carbon sequestration is improved, and greenhouse gas emissions are lowered due to sustainable practices.
Unlocking Hidden Benefits
By utilizing these practices, we not only stop organic material from going to waste but also gain additional advantages. Self-watering and automation systems make growing food less labor-intensive. Worm composters manage waste and enrich soil with nutrients. The black soldier fly aids in waste management and food production. And fish feeders automate fish feeding. There are endless possibilities to make positive changes.
Sarah's Story of Transformation
Sarah, a small-scale farmer, put these practices into use. With self-watering and automation systems, she could focus on other aspects of farming. She installed worm composters to manage waste and enrich soil. She used black soldier flies for waste reduction. And she put in fish feeders for automated fish feeding. Sarah saw how insignificant changes can cause major environmental improvements. She also contributed to climate change mitigation and saved money.
Why is it important to not lose organic material by burning or landfill disposal?
Burning or landfill disposal of organic material can result in the loss of valuable resources and contribute to environmental harm, making it crucial to find alternative methods of disposal.
What are the negative effects of burning organic material?
Burning organic material releases harmful greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, which contribute to climate change and pollution. It also wastes limited valuable nutrients that can be used to support plant growth and soil health.
How does landfill disposal of organic material impact the environment?
When organic material is sent to landfills, it breaks down and produces methane gas, a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming. Landfills can also release harmful toxins into the environment, contaminating soil and water sources.
What are the alternatives to burning or landfill disposal of organic material?
Composting and anaerobic digestion are two environmentally friendly alternatives to burning or landfill disposal. These methods convert organic material into nutrient-rich soil amendments and biogas, respectively, reducing waste and emissions.
Why is preserving organic material important for soil health?
Organic material contains essential nutrients and microorganisms that nourish and support healthy soil. Losing organic material through burning or landfill disposal can deplete soil health and fertility, making it harder for plants to grow and thrive.
What can individuals do to help prevent the loss of organic material?
Individuals can reduce their waste and support composting and anaerobic digestion by properly disposing of organic material, such as food scraps and yard waste, in designated bins or facilities. They can also use compost in their gardens and support local initiatives for waste reduction and sustainable practices.
You can also check our full lazy sustainability guide:
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levythygesen44 · 7 months
10 Tell-Tale Signs You Need To Find A New Organic CBD Oil
How to Find Organic CBD Oil If you want to try CBD oil, look for products that are organic and full spectrum that are produced without pesticides. You can find these in holistic health shops and pharmacies, or on the internet. Look for a USDA Organic label on the package to confirm that the product is in compliance with strict standards. These regulations prohibit the use of synthetic chemical pesticides, fertilizers as well as sewage sludge and radiation. It's made from hemp that is grown without pesticides CBD is one of the most popular cannabinoids on the market in the present, and is believed to have many health benefits. CBD is extracted from hemp and is used to treat a range of ailments. To get the most effective outcomes, it's recommended to use organic CBD. This is because it has a more natural taste and contains fewer additives. Chemical pesticides can strip soil of its natural nutrients. Additionally, these chemicals can also adversely affect the wildlife and environment. Organic CBD oil is sourced from hemp that has been grown without these harmful chemicals, and the product has been processed in an environmentally-friendly way. It is also essential to select a firm that provides third-party testing as well as Certificates of Analysis for their products. When buying organic CBD oil, it is best to look for the USDA Organic seal. This signifies that the hemp was certified organic by a recognized agency and is free from chemical fertilizers, pesticides, growth hormones, and any other substances prohibited by the USDA National Organic Program. It also has to be free from wastewater sludge and genetically modified seeds and Ionizing radiation. If you're looking for a high-quality full-spectrum CBD oil, you should consider purchasing it from Lazarus Naturals. They're a USDA-certified organic business which uses hemp grown on their own farm in Central Oregon. CBD they offer comes from the hemp flower, which contains more cannabinoids in it than leaves or stems. The company's oils are available in four sizes and each serving contains 75mg CBD. The company also offers CBD Hemp Flowers, which are potent and versatile cannabinoid. These flowers are a fantastic choice for those who want to reap the full range of benefits that cannabinoids offer. They are not just a great source of cannabinoids, but they are also rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The company grows their own organic hemp on their family farms and then processes it in their FDA-registered facility. All of their products have been evaluated by a third-party and verified as pure and in line with current Good Manufacturing Practices. You can verify the lab reports by entering the serial number on their website. It's made with all-natural ingredients. CBD has gained in popularity over the past few years due to anecdotal as well as preliminary scientific evidence showing that it has several positive effects on the body and mind. It is a naturally occurring substance extracted from hemp and cannabis plants that acts as an anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, and antioxidant compound that has been proven to ease anxiety, pain and insomnia. The most effective CBD products are those made using only natural ingredients and do not contain chemical additives. Additives can trigger unwanted adverse effects and decrease the quality of CBD. It is essential to select organic CBD products made from hemp that has been grown organically and sustainably. Organic hemp is free from pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. It does not contain genetically modified organisms. Pure Hemp's organic CBD hemp oil is a fantastic choice if you're searching for an CBD oil that is made from non-GMO hemp that is non-polluting and non-toxic. This product is formulated to be highly efficient and has been proven in a variety of studies. This product is available in various sizes and strengths. This company offers a variety of CBD-infused edibles and treats for pets. FAB CBD also offers a CBD tincture, made from hemp grown in Colorado. The tinctures they offer contain other natural extracts that enhance absorption. They also have a range of other CBD products, including soft gels and gummies. The website of the company contains a list of all the ingredients used to create their products. Another alternative is organic CBD oil from One Farm, which combines the highest-quality CBD isolate with natural flavors. Their hemp is grown using organic practices and is processed at a local plant located in Boulder, CO. They use the Supercritical C02 process to maintain the beneficial cannabinoids. Their oil comes in four flavors and different levels of potency. Organic CBD oils are a great option for those looking to reduce their risk of developing cancer. They also reduce inflammation, aid in healthy ageing, and protect against oxidative stresses. CBD has been found to decrease seizures in children suffering from Dravet Syndrome or Lennox Gastaut Syndrome. Additionally, CBD may aid in reducing the negative side effects of cancer chemotherapy.
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It's also affordable. The term "organic" is a popular buzzword in the CBD market today. It refers to a product created of hemp that is not contaminated by fertilizers, pesticides or pesticides. It is also free of sewage sludge, and other artificial chemicals. The USDA regulates the organic label, so it is only applicable to products that meet certain requirements. This means that purchasing organic CBD more expensive than other products. You can discover organic CBD products at a reasonable price when you know where to look. The best place to purchase CBD that is organic is on the internet, since you can read about the products of a company and third-party lab tests prior to making a purchase. These tests can reveal the amount of cannabinoids and terpenes as well as contaminants in the product. A high-quality organic CBD product comes with a Certificate of Analysis that shows the cannabinoid concentration of the product. Choose brands with many flavors and strengths when shopping for organic CBD products. These brands are more likely to provide an item that will meet your requirements. You can compare prices by comparing costs per milligram, which is more accurate. Organic CBD is an excellent method of reducing anxiety, stress and chronic pain. It can be used to improve sleep and increase energy levels. In addition, it can help treat disorders like anxiety, depression, and chronic insomnia. However, you should always consult with a doctor prior to taking any new medication. You should consider the company's cultivation methods and extraction techniques in addition to its price. Hemp is an organic accumulator, meaning it absorbs toxins from the soil where it grows. This is why it's crucial to select a firm that grows hemp on its own and adheres to strict organic farming practices. One of the most affordable choices for CBD that is organic comes from Five CBD, which offers mint chocolate and citrus flavors with strengths of 50 or 100 mg/ml. The high-potency oils have a ratio of 5:1 of CBD to minor cannabinoids as well as Terpenes. The company offers a subscription that saves you 20 percent off. You can place an order on the internet. If you're looking to purchase organic CBD oil, it's important that you research the company and read their product's Certificate of Analysis. This will allow you to determine the best quality and price for your needs. Online stores offer a wide variety of CBD products, making it easier than ever before to find CBD products that are organic. If similar web-site spot the USDA organic label on the product this means that it was produced without genetically engineered organisms pesticides, synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. Organic products must be processed without synthetic chemical additives. Look for the Leaping Bunny Logo, which signifies that the product is made from ingredients that are chemical-free and evaluated by an independent third party. Many companies make use of high-quality hemp, which is grown using sustainable methods. These practices improve the quality of soil, reduce water pollution and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Hemp plants can remove more CO2 than trees and are a natural source for carbon. They are also easy to grow and don't require pesticides or weed killers. There are many organic CBD alternatives, ranging from capsules to tinctures to tinctures. Some brands offer other hemp-based items, such as edibles and skin care. Organic hemp has higher levels of phytocannabinoids. They are naturally occurring substances that have a positive effect on the body. This makes it a better choice for overall health and wellness than non-organic items. A great option for CBD enthusiasts is a tincture from Lazarus Naturals, which contains 100% organically grown, pure CBD. This tincture has a delicious orange flavor and comes in four strengths. The company claims this tincture does not contain THC and third-party lab tests are available online. Another option is a tincture from MedTerra, which uses only two ingredients: CBD isolate organic and MCT oil. The tincture is available in a variety of strengths and comes in orange, berry or natural flavors. The COA for this product is available online. Another great alternative to organic CBD is a brand called Dazey CBD that was founded by friends that met at the PNW music festival. Dazey CBD is a vegan company that offers full spectrum CBD products as well as CBD isolates. They test each batch, and do not test their products on animals. Their packaging is inspired by all the hues of the Pacific Northwest, and their oils are USDA organic and gluten-free. They are also vegan, gluten-free, Leaping Bunny certified, and GMP certified.
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