#house of mogh
phederation · 1 year
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lifecouldbeameme · 2 years
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rosalie-starfall · 11 months
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"I am Worf, Son of Mogh, House of Martok, Son of Sergey, House of Rozhenko, Bane to the Duras family, Slayer of Gowron. I have made some Chamomile Tea. Do you take sugar?"
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driften-sea-snake · 6 months
*george rr martin explaining to hotd writers*
look, it’s not just about fucking his niece. it’s probably also about fucking his brother,
*george rr martin explaining to elden ring writers*
look, it’s not just about fucking his younger brother. it’s probably also about fucking his mother,
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bedlemboy · 10 months
Worf the Spy
Shortly after realizing the position of ambassador and envoy to the Klingon Empire was going to require a tad more subtlety than even he was anticipating; Worf, son of Mogh, Bane of the House of Duras and Slayer of Gowron sent a back channels message to his ex-wife, who passed it along to her husband, who passed it along to his boyfriend, and in short order found himself on Cardassia across a cafe table from Elim Garak.
Garak's anti-surveillance devices are excellent, and Worf refuses to talk about it, so no one knows exactly what was said that caused both to end up in the medical clinic twenty minutes later with six broken bones, three phaser burns and two kinds of poison ingested between them. Garak says they were "practicing."
From their clinic beds, they agree to meet next month, settling on chamomile tea as a reasonable compromise and agreeing to leave their phasers behind.
The next month, its is eleven broken bones, three poisons, two phaser burns and a knife wound. From their clinic beds, Garak gives Worf pointers on concealing weapons from hand-held sensors for next time. Worf grumbles the Garak stabs 'like a Hom Ha'DIbaH.'
Thirty years later, they still meet every month; discussing opera, theater and their mutual loathing of the Third Taylor Swift Renaissance more than spy-craft these days. They have long since moved on from concealed phasers to subspace micro-explosives, sometimes planted up to a month in advance (Garak was very impressed). They've finished their chamomile tea exactly twice.
Worf is basically immune to poisons, and can lie like a Tal Shiar. Garak has several genial contacts in the Klingon Empire (which he has leveraged into a prosperous post-occupation Cardassia), and is a member of House Martok whether he likes it or not.
They are best friends.
Julian still has the scars from the time he pointed that out.
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r0larens · 1 year
Live footage of DS9 fans after s3 ep3 of Picard 
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TNG dudebros googling “the great link” 
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dukeofriven · 1 year
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bisexualbailorgana · 1 year
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isagrimorie · 9 months
Awww I love Worf’s parents.
They’re so sweet and gave him so much space to grow and discover his heritage, and provided him with all the love and care they could give him.
(“We love you, you our are son.”)
I’m glad Worf included House of Rozhenko in the names he used to introduce himself to Raffi.
(Yes, I am rewatching Family, I only have so many vague recollections of early TNG and only weirdly remember the parts of Picard in his family home, maybe like before I’m wondering why they all sound British).
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I don’t remember but I hope Worf was able to introduce Jadzia to his parents.
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defendglobe · 1 year
worf is really assembling an impressive collection of father figures.
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spockvarietyhour · 5 months
The evolution of Worf's Sash
Worf's Baldric has changed a few times over the course of the series he's been on. Here's a quick overview
Season 1
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Just straight off of TOS, Soft,cozy, pageanty. Don't know what the symbol might be but Kang and Kor wore the same symbol.
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(seems sparklier) It doesn't denote their house, so who knows.
Worf's sash remains unchanged for the entirety of the first season.
Season 2 brings Worf's iconic baldric:
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It's made out of bike chains.
sometimes it goes off center and you can see how it's attached:
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the next major change comes in Generations
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The Symbols on it have changed, I'm guessing so it pops more on screen. The bottom one is the Crest of the House of Mogh. He'll carry it over to DS9:
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although I am noticing it is now upside down. but that is how it stays.
It looks like a bug. As it is set this way by the time First Contact rolls around it is also facing the same way
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The whole saga of the second and final of the House of Mogh and Worf joining the House of Martok means the crest is replaced with one ripped from his sleeve.
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And while Insurrection and Nemesis barely acknowledge and actively fight Worf's time on DS9 he still has his Martok family crest.
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Now this would be the end, normally, but Star Trek Picard gave us this
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New baldric, probably less heavy. The Crests have changed, somewhat. The Martok family crest's arrow is now much bigger than the claw, so something might have changed in the family? and the top symbol is also differently stylized.
Worf's primary sash is unique throughout Star Trek, we've never seen any other Klingon wear the bicycle chain.
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this seems to be the common sash in the KDF.
Finally, a couple of ceremonial sashes:
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What's this one on his Ceremonial/Dress sash? maybe a fancy version of the family crest? or both symbols together?
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And then sad Worf sash from All Good Things....
Thank you for reading thru Sash Talk.
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girlmartok · 1 year
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"I am WORF, son of Mogh, House of Martok, son of Sergey, House of Rozhenko, bane to the Duras family, slayer of Gowron."
WORF in Star Trek Picard 3.03
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Worf, son of Mogh of the House of Martok from Star Trek is Forklift Certified!
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djrenard · 16 days
20 Favorite Star Trek Characters:
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Reginald Barclay
Dorian Collins
Elim Garak
Gul Dukat
Seven of Nine, Annika Hansen
Worf, son of Mogh; Worf Rozhenko; Worf of the House of Martok
Kira Nerys
Christopher Pike
Thy'lek Shran
Keyla Detmer
Jett Reno
Montgomery Scott
Hugh, Third of Five
Lon Suder
Peanut Hamper
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justlemmesignin · 1 year
My mom’s first impression of the DS9 characters
DISCLAIMER: My mom knows almost nothing about Star Trek and does not enjoy the sci-fi genre at all. She was also negatively biased towards the aliens, cause they creep her out.
Benjamin Lafayette Sisko
he likes arguing
he is in charge
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Kira Nerys
she seems inexperienced/too young
she’s trying to overcompensate for something/ try-hard
she’s some kind of researcher
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Jadzia Dax
she seems upset but also happy?
she’s the diva of the group
she’s a nurse/ in the medical field
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Julian Subatoi Bashir
when asked to clarify what his job is she replied: I said he’s a clown and I stick by it!!
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Miles O’Brien
ohhh, he’s irish, I like Irish people, they’re nice
talkative/ a people person
knows everything about everyone
bartender who drinks a lot of beer on the job
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what does he inspire? hmmm fear
he looks like he’s dying
he’s the leader of an alien race
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gold digger
do people actually like him? her face was indescribable when I explained people are sexually attracted to him
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Worf, son of Mogh, House of Martok
oh boy....(she kept staring at the screen for a full minute speechless - aliens really terrify her...newsflash mom your son’s an alien fucker)
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Elim Garak
he scares me, he looks like a lizard (reptiles scare her, too)
but I think he’s a good lizard, he doesn’t seem as evil as the other aliens (she’s really not into aliens at all)
he’s the king of the lizard aliens
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Female Changeling
no name no feelings no nothing (she said this in broken English when I told her she does not have an actual name)
she has a stone heart/ she’s cold and bitter
she’s the mother of the two guys in the back
Odo seems like a nice guy in comparison
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Jake Sisko
aah, much better (meaning no more aliens), he looks nice
he’s a ladies’ man
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Gul Dukat
he’s the father, brother, cousin, uncle to the other lizard guy
he’s arrogant/full of himself
he wishes he was in charge, but he’s not
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Kai Adami Winn
she does not look like a lizard, but she’s not that far off either (meaning she might not look evil, but she actually is)
she’s kinda in charge of something
she’s evil
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dukeofriven · 1 year
Shittiest Father: Star Trek Edition
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