thesdcowgirl · 1 year
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Had a great day handling pretty horses! How was your Saturday? #shotoniphone #prettyhorses #horsetraining #horsetrainer #barrelhorses #horsemanship (at The DX Ranch) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpqiL1YO5bi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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waynelvslcy · 1 year
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As if Lucille didn't already have enough on her plate in 1963. Here, in the middle of the second season of The Lucy Show, she does a guest spot in a dramatic role on the Desilu Production 'The Greatest Show On Earth' in the episode titled "Lady In Limbo". Lucy plays a circus horse trainer named Kate Reynolds, who becomes a temporary mother to another animal trainer's orphaned son, played by Billy Mumy. Lucille's appearance in this episode was to help boost the ratings for an already failing series. Jack Palance and Roger C. Carmel ('The Mother's-In-Law') costar. You can find this episode on YouTube. #lucilleball #jackpalance #desiluproductions #desilu #thegreatestshowonearth #tvseries #ratings #horsetrainer #circus #circuslife #orphaned #billymumy #lostinspace #limbo #thelucyshow #alotonherplate #busywoman #madamepresident #drama #youtube #behindthescenes #ontheset #classichollywood #ilovelucy #waynelvslcy https://www.instagram.com/p/CqVrgycu4Ai/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tarzaposts · 2 years
Kipu ja ontumatutkimus hevosella
Hevosen ontuma ja kiputunnistajana näen turhan paljon kipuilua.
Hevosella on 24 kipu ilmettä, tunnistatko kivun?
Teen kiputunnistuksia, ontumatutkimuksia ja biomekaniikan katselmuksia
1.       ”Hevosen etujalat kantavat noin 60 prosenttia hevosen painosta ja ne ovat jatkuvasti alttiina ontumiselle, noin 95 prosenttia ontumisesta tapahtuu polvesta alaspäin, jolloin jalka / jalat ovat useimpien ongelmien paikka.”
2.       ”Takajalkojen vaikutus ontumisiin on noin 20 prosentissa tapauksista, joissa kintereet ja polvinivelet ovat suurimmat ongelma-alueet.”  
Yksipuolinen harjoitus
Sama sääntö koskee lajia kun lajia. Hevosella on 4 jalkaa, Hevonen on etupainoinen kunnes elastisuus, ja takaosan käyttö on koulutettu ja aktivoituu.
Hevonen kantaa luonnostaan omaa kehoa etupainoisesti, tekee kylläkin mielellään Piaff  ja passage harjoittelua vapaasti ulkona tarha alueilla jos silmä joskus sopivasti sinne suuntaan harhailee. Piaff on erinomainen voimistelu liike hevoselle, mutta maastakäsin jolloin ratsastajan paino ja tasapaino ei häiritse hevosta.
Hevonen on luotu liikkumaan
Hevonen jolla tehdään yksipuolista harjoitusta on herkempi saamaan rasitusvammoja. Samaten psyyke kärsii monotonisesta harjoituksesta, kun kaikki virike ja mieluinen tekeminen on tylsää ja puuduttavaa hevoselle.
Hevonen tykkää miellyttää ihmistä, ja usein kipu hevonen EI näytä kipua ennenkun trauma/vamma tausta on jo pitkälle edennyt. Pako eläin ei näytä kipua ennenkun se on jo sanut vahinkoa aikaisekseen.
Siksi on hyvä tuntea oma hevonen, ja tunnistaa jos jokin on pielessä jolloin pääset reagoimaan siihen mahdollisimman nopeasti. 
Suosittelen joka päivä tunnustelemaan hevosen kehon läpi, että huomaat jos jokin ei täsmää. Pääset auttamaan karvakamuasi mahdollisimman nopeasti.
Kuntosali harjoittelu
Kuntosali harjoittelu tuottaa tulosta VAIN kun treenit ovat sykleissä ja muutosta tapahtuu salitreeniin.
Eli muutosta salitreeni ohjelmaan on  tapahduttava 4-6 (8) viikon jaksoissa.  Kehitystä EI  tapahdu ellei lihasta ärsytetä eri kulmista ja muuttuvilla liikkeillä. 
 Aina kun aloitat jotain uutta on lihakset kipeinä varsinkin 2-3 pvnä. Jolloin tapahtuu kasvua, maitohapon eritys on korkealla ja lihas mikrobisia repeämiä täynnä. Se on normaalia lihas kasvulle, / treenin jälkeen. 
Fysiologisesti lihaksessa tapahtuu lyhykäisyydessä seuraavaa : ensin rikotaan lihas treenillä, sitten syödään riittävästä rakennus aineita eli aminohappoja joista 8 (9 on histamiini) josta on myös näyttöä/hyötyä aikuisille.
Eli se 1 kuntosaliohjelma ei ole tarkoitettu loppuelämäksi. Vaan kuntosali ohjelma on syytä muuttaa sykleittän. 
Entisenä kehonrakentajan, ja P.T puolella 32 vuotta hikoillu. Niin kokemus ja asiantuntemusta on siltäkin saralta mitä olen voinut hyödyntää hevosten kuntoutuksissa ja koulutuksissa.
Hevonen tarvitsee ihan samanlaisia syklejä treeneihin. Jatkuva sama rasite kostautuu ennemmin tai myöhemmin,  rasitusvammana. 
Hevosella on 4 jalkaa, jolloin elastisuus ja takapäässä oleva moottori pitää ottaa 100% käyttöön. Hevosen keveys liikkuessa.
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Lateraali treenejä ei voi tehdä liikaa
Hevosen kuuluu taipua joka suuntaan, jota kautta saadaan myös hevonen rennoksi. 360 astetta vasen - oikea, avo, sulku, väistöt ja peruutus ovat erinomaisia treenejä hevoselle, kun ne suoritetaan hevosen ollessa rento ja yhteistyöhaluinen.Kaikki tehdään maastakäsin, jotta ratsastaja ei häiritse omalla kehollaan ja tai epäsopiva satula aiheuta lisää päänvaivaa.
Päästä kaulalihaksiin on huomioitava
cervical ventral serrated
Kehon keskiosa
latissimus dorsi
thoracic ventral serrated
dorsal serrated
Lyhykäisyydessä, koko kehon lihaksistä huomioidaan mutta tässä ne mitkä erityisesti keskilijaa ja elastisuutta ajatellen.
.....descending pectoral, deltoid. jne.
Superficial gluteal on usealla hevosella jäänyt alikehittyneeksi etupainoisuuden ja selkälihasten käytön ollessa liian vähäinen. 
Huonosti istuva satula aiheuttaa jo niin monta eri ongelmaa käytöksestä saakka, joten lista on pitkä.
Kiputunnistuksessa silmän on oltava tarkkana ja nähdä kaikki ns. Epänormaali käytö ja liiike hevosessa jotta voit auttaa. 
hevosen pään kallistuma “turpa ulospäin”/sivuttaisliike
pään ylös nouseminen, 
kieli työntyy suusta
sclera näkyvissä
hännän pyöritys ja Tai sivuttaisliikkeet ovat nopeat
haluton liikkumaan eteenpäin
varvas askellus.....
Lista on pitkä, mutta tässä yleisimmät mitä näen liian usein...näissä tarvitaan valokuva muisti ja TARKKAA SILMÄ. Videointi on aina hyv kun tehdään eri testit hevoselle, niin lausuntojen tekokin on tarkempaa.
Hevonen puhuu jatkuvasti mutta kuunteletko?
Kiitos ihanille asiakkailleni jotka kuuntelevat 
Rakkaudesta Hevosiin
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wikifoxnews · 2 years
Who is Christine Rawle ( Horse trainer, 69, appears in court charged with murder of husband ) Wiki, Bio, Age, Crime, Arrest, Incident Details, Investigations and More Facts
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Christine Rawle Biography               Christine Rawle Wiki
A horse trainer appeared in court today accused of killing her husband, who was found at home stabbed in the back.
Christine Rawle, 69, is believed to have stabbed her 35-year-old husband Ian Rawle, 72, at their secluded bungalow in Knowle, North Devon. Horse trainer, 69, appears in court charged with murder of husband, 72, who was knifed in back at isolated home https://t.co/4KsZxAwRYU — The Guru (@TheOGGuru) September 28, 2022 The hypnotist, who uses his skills on horses, appeared at Exeter Crown Court today. He did not file an application because of the current strike by the lawyers. Rawle was remanded in custody ahead of a preliminary trial in February next year. Police were driven home on August 21 following reports of a stabbing. Ian was found at around 2.35pm with a single stab wound to the back. Unfortunately, he could not be saved and was pronounced dead about 45 minutes later. Neighbors told how Ian, who ran the village shop, and his wife, the 'horse whisperer', were 'quite reserved' but 'nice people'. One said: "They both did their thing. Chris has been involved in a lot of things – he has definitely offered his services as a hypnotist.” On her social media, Rawle described herself as a "hypnotist, trauma recovery guide, Amazon." Read the full article
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tamarahinspires · 2 years
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JOIN ME THIS FRIDAY at 12PM EST for my LIVE INTERVIEW with Horse Trainer Trent Benton! I am very excited to have Trent on the show with me. Most of you know my passion for horses has been since I was a little girl! Through my many years of horse showing, I have worked with different horse trainers, learned a lot and see there is an art in training horses, and it is a gift. Trent will be joining me live from Jonesville, NC at Star's Peak Valley Ranch, Horse Training SAVE THE DATE this FRIDAY at 12PM EST! Details to come! BIO: With over 40 years of experience working & training horses, Trent Benton has the knowledge and skills to share with you and your horse to help you both achieve success – together. His experiences range from Civil War re-enactments, Roping & Competitive Team Penning to successfully competing in the Mustang Makeover and becoming certified through the WDAA Train the Trainer program in Western Dressage. Pat Benton brings her experience to add to the dynamic of the Star’s Peak Valley Training Programs. She’s earned her Certificate in Equine Science and is an active Horse Show Judge in NC, SC and VA. Pat also serves on the Boards of Directors for the North Carolina Quarter Horse Association and the North Carolina Horse Council. www.starspeakvalleyranch.us www.youtube.com/c/tamarahscloset #horseriding #horsetraining #horsetrainer #equine #equinesports #tamarahscloset #tamarahsclosetphotography #tamarahsclosetmagazine #horses #passionforhorses #starspeakvalleyranch #western #english #dressage #trail #hunter #foals #country #arts https://www.instagram.com/p/CgtJbuSuVOk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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domvontorda · 2 years
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Sorry for the late post, but today is trailer loading day! Been very busy and there’s so many things to learn and do but here a quick update from here! • • • • • #StartingNotBreaking #AwarenessThroughHorses #Horsemanship #Horse #Love #HorsesOfInstagram #cowboy #CowboyLife #JoinUp #MontyRoberts #Equus #DuallyHalter #HorseLife #Equestrian #Life #EquineLife #EquineLove #HorseTrainer #HorsesDontLie #NoForceNoPain #Horses #Trust #IncrementalLearning #WillingPartners #violenceisnevertheanswer (at Flag Is Up Farms Inc) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeOxhbGLR-s/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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A Sad Goodbye, but a Happy See You Later
And she's off! Rosemary and Ladybug headed out this morning to the airport, then to Germany! We wish you both the best of luck in your future endeavors, and hope you enjoy your time. Come back home soon!
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cathyleetong · 1 year
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今天和大牛PS一起上課(小名:羅時豐🤣🤣🤣)配合,感覺不錯 I had class with PS today, feels quite good today.☺️ #horselovers , #horseman , #horsens , #horsetraining , #horseworld , #horseaddict , #horsephoto , #horsephotography , #horses_of_instagram , #horselife , #horse , #horselover , #horserider , #horses🐴 , #horselove , #horse🐴 , #horsetagram , #horseriding , #lovehorses , #lovehorse , #horse , #horses , #equestrianclass #magicalequestrian , #118 , #118th , #118thclass , #friday , #ps , #Equestrian , #Equestrianlife , @ 格林馬術中心 Magical Equestrian(在 格林馬術中心 Magical Equestrian) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp4PPtBSSzr5V4fM_qt_WeqLJP4ic8tJSw5JDs0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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How to Catch your horse CORRECTLY!
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onlinebookclub-org · 26 days
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Book of the Day, April 5th — C/T/M/H
Temporarily discounted! Get your copy below:
Photofinish by Cheryl Kerr
This book has a perfect 5 star rating on Amazon!
Rory Kind, a well known horse-trainer, is killed at night alone at his racetrack stable. Rory, his granddaughter, named for him, begins to search, and uncovers something of both her past and her future as she and proves his death was no accident.
"Cheryl Kerr’s second novel, Photofinish, blends mystery and suspense while drawing readers into the intricate world of horse training." ~ Amazon review
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The Best Way to Handle a Horse’s Behavior
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thesdcowgirl · 5 months
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📸 Look at this post
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sandra-hippologic · 3 months
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(via Importance of creating a Win List)
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easynotes4u · 7 months
Gangapur Gaon ki Anokhi Sawari, Ghoda Train Horse Train in Pakistan, गंग...
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zippyequestraincentre · 8 months
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Equestrian Events and Competitions
Stay informed and engaged with the latest equestrian events, competitions, and news from around the world. We provide up-to-date information on upcoming events, including dressage, show jumping, and rodeo competitions. Whether you're a rider, spectator, or enthusiast, our event updates will keep you in the equestrian loop
Best Horse Riding Classes in Bangalore:Zippy offers horse riding classes to children & adults.Learn horse riding training in bangalore in Zippy.
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healthyhorseguide · 11 months
Balance Pads for horses
How to Improve Equine Performance and Health with Balance Pads for horses
Equine training is a multifaceted process that involves conditioning horses to perform specific tasks, as well as ensuring their overall health and well-being. One tool that has gained popularity in recent years is the use of balance pads, which are designed to help horses develop better balance, coordination, and proprioception. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of using Balance Pads for horses in equine training, how they work, and some tips for incorporating them into your horse's training regimen.
Why Use the Pads in Training?
Balance Pads for horses are a great way to improve your horse's overall balance and coordination. They work by challenging the horse's proprioception, which is the ability to sense and control their body's movements. This is particularly important for horses that perform tasks that require a high degree of balance, such as jumping and dressage.
In addition to improving balance, the pads can also help strengthen your horse's core muscles and improve their overall posture. This can help prevent injuries and improve their overall performance.
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How Do Balance Pads for horses Work?
Balance pads are designed to be unstable, which means that they challenge the horse to engage their core muscles and maintain their balance. The pads are typically made of foam or rubber, and can be placed on the ground.
To use balance pads, the horse stands on top of the pad and tries to maintain their stability as the pad shifts beneath their feet. This challenges the horse to engage their core muscles and adjust their body position to maintain their balance. Over time, this can help improve the horse's overall balance and coordination.
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Tips for Using the Pads
If you're considering using Balance Pads for horses in your horse's training regimen, there are a few things to keep in mind:
Start Slowly: Introduce the pads gradually to allow your horse to adjust to the new sensation. Start with a stable surface and work up to a more unstable surface as your horse becomes more comfortable. In the beginning, a few seconds on the pads are enough.
Increase difficulty: Start by placing the pads under the front legs only. Once your horse is comfortable with this, move the pads back so that they are under the hind legs. Finally, when your horse is comfortable with both front and hind legs on the pads, you can try using them diagonally or even under all legs at the same time.
Use in Combination with Other Training Methods: Balance pads are just one tool in your training toolbox. They should be used in combination with other training methods, as for example pole training, to ensure a well-rounded training regimen.
Use Properly Sized Pads: Make sure the pads you use are the appropriate size for your horse. Some horses prefer a bigger pad to stand on with two legs, others prefer smaller pads for one leg each. Try it out and choose the pads your horse likes most.
Balance pads for horses are a great tool for improving your horse's balance, coordination, and overall performance. By challenging the horse's proprioception, the pads can help strengthen their core muscles and improve their overall posture. If you're considering using balance pads in your horse's training regimen, be sure to start slowly, increase the difficulty slowly, and incorporate them into a well-rounded training regimen. With proper use, the pads can be a valuable addition to your horse's training toolbox.
Here you can find different types of Balance Pads for horses.
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